#a question + request for clarification? which i don't like. at all. so. like. were not sunk cost fallacying this bitch!! say no 2 yr medica
intertexts · 6 months
ok... teeth cancelled -_-
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hi could you please write smth about accidentally revealing your relationship with quackity? preferably with cc!reader <3
of course!! thanks for the request 🫶 ; ik I did a preference about accidentally revealing relationships but doing a little different thing and going in depth w it was fun!
QUACKITY ; softlaunch ❌ hardlaunch ✅
summary ; you and Alex accidentally reveal your relationship
warnings ; language, little bit of buzzed ranting, use of pet names (babe)
genre ; fluff
word count ; 1k
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You and Alex have been together for about ten-ish months, keeping it on the low since you'd been traveling around for QSMP meetups, events, and the Streamer Awards for a little bit.
You'd finally gotten home, your shared apartment with Alex, with Cellbit and Roeir tagging along. The three were planning to make a 'trying mexican candies' video in the morning while you were planning to edit and maybe stream til you felt tired enough to quit and sleep. The three guys sit out in the living room, watching some TV show as they sprawl out on the couch, buzzed from the aftermath of award winning.
You were more than proud for your boyfriend, but it being so late now, and your need for comfort after being overstimulated for hours on end, called for a little alone time. You sit in your office, the clock reading 1:30am as you hit the Go Live button on your stream.
You decided to chill out behind the closed door, just chatting with whatever viewers were still awake at this hour, or were just beginning their day, depending on timezones. After five minutes, you greet your chat, snacking on some cookies you'd picked up from the store before returning home earlier, a glass of milk sitting on your desk next to the plastic box.
You sit in your very comfortable chair with a QuackityHQ hoodie, with the signature duck in the corner and design on the back, and some long, patterned pj pants, colored dark blue and black with a floral design. They were thin enough to wear in the warm heat, which was perfect for you. You looked tired but didn't really feel that way, like your eyes were sewn open from adrenaline and happiness.
"Good morning, everyone" You chuckle, "Alex just won an award, feeling good! He, Cellbit and Roier got some drinks and have been watching TV on the couch, so sorry if you can hear them. I closed the door just in case but don't mind any shouting or music"
Your chat explodes with messages, congratulating you, even though you lost in your category, and spamming hearts and heart hands emojis. Someone sends in a small donation, asking for clarification why they were at your house.
"Oh, Alex didn't wanna drive all the way back to his place and he had his car parked here from earlier. He drove the other two and we all left together. They're staying the night" You nod, clarifying with a little bit of lying, not wanting to slip up.
You'd known for a while that Alex was just a secretive person over the smallest things, and he didn't know why. You were totally fine being open about your relationship with friends, but made sure to respect boundaries for him. He reassured you in his own panic that he wasn't embarrassed to be with you and didn't want to hide his love for you often.
He explained it in simplest terms as he was weirdly secretive and he didn't want his weirdo stans attacking you or only watching you for him, he didn't want to ruin your fanbase that you built from the ground up. You'd been friends since forever, a good percentage (if not all, then most) of your fans also watched Quackity's content, which kind of made sense to you, but you didn't question it.
"But yeah, it was fun, just like... there were so many people, and so much was happening all at once and shit. I'm just trying to calm down and get tired." You lightly smile, taking a bite of one of your cookies. "I'm so proud of everyone who won and everyone who was nominated, good night for everyone"
You sit and talk to your chat for a while, occasionally listening to the trio's laughter outside your office. Before you can even snap your head around to inform whoever entered that you were live, they were already speaking, slightly laughing, and stumbling.
"Babe, oh my God, I'm so sorry! I accidentally dropped one of your plates in the kitchen and it fucking shattered everywhere, I'm so sorry. I cleaned it up, I just wanted to tell you than wait for you to notice and make you mad, I'm sorry, Y/n/n"
Your jaw hangs slightly agape, and you stare with a silent expression. You slowly turn back to your stream, the chat absolutely exploding with messages. You saw probably a hundred first time chatters even making an expression about it.
"Lex, I'm live" You speak between your teeth, muting your mic. "Ah- uh, it's, it's fine"
He quickly regains his composure, staring over at you, then looking over to your PC, showing that you were a thousand percent live and five thousand people heard him say that. By the morning, it'd be all over Twitter and YouTube Shorts and TikTok, people were already clipping it.
"Alex, holy shit"
The two of you sit in silence for a minute, trying to rationalize what to do. Cell and Roier bust into the office as well, seeing both of you silent before asking, where you both talk over each other very loudly to try and explain.
They both look over to your monitors, confirming you were live. They both laugh in a light hearted way, looking to Quackity.
"You're cooked, dude"
"Rest in peace"
"You say that like I'm embarrassed to be with them, I mean, it's not like that... I think. Y/n, are you embarrassed to be with me? I'm not embarrassed to be with you, I wanna post pictures of us on adventures and experiencing shit so people can see us for us and what we are-"
"My brother in Christ" You sigh with a chuckle, rubbing your temples. "It's said and done, it's fine. And no, I'm not embarrassed to be with you" You turn back to your stream, unmuting yourself under the red LED lights and lamp on your desk.
You sigh and shrug before speaking, throwing your hands up halfway in defense.
"Y/s/n real"
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
😧h my god, I just had a brain spark
What if.. what if I ask the TCE gang “Can you get naked for me, hun?”
*Meaning the drink named naked NOT actual naked*
[There's no way you just said that with all the innocence in the world, no one does that lmao. 💀]
Morell pauses whatever he's doing to look at you. You didn't say it like you were horny, but he can't think of why else you'd want him naked. You get a "Uh... Sure?" and he starts undoing his smock. He absolutely doesn't buy it when you clarify you meant the drink. Get the fuck out, you just got cold feet last minute.
Gallon admits the first thing that came to mind was the literal sense of the word, to which he just blinks at you as if you're missing a few brain cells. He's always naked, clothes are hellish to him. Eventually, with your clarification, he laughs. "Ah, the naked and famous, yes?".
Santi immediately gestures to himself and grins wide. He's basically naked, you can reach all the important parts, go on! When you don't do anything, he thinks you mean his tail rings and extreme crop top, which is odd, but he'll take them off, sure. Words cannot measure Santi's disappointment when you clarify. Don't tease him like that.
Grimbly chokes a little. He likes to dress up for you, and while at work he doesn't really don much of anything, it's different to be naked specifically for you. He's going to stutter and lift his dress and throw a bitchfit of a tantrum when he realizes you just wanted a stupid drink! Ugh!
Nebul pauses for several seconds, then slowly turns towards you. Do you want to heavily rephrase that? Like Morell, he doesn't necessarily buy that you were just referring to a drink.
Patches' handwriting dissolves into a flatline. He takes a moment to look around him, as if anyone was there, then nods quietly. Words cannot describe the shame that makes his head becomes three shades darker when you clarify. O-Okay. Sure. He'll just- Pull his pants back up.
Vinnel just goes "Nope!" and whacks you over the head. You should know better.
Belo's chest inflates to twice its size and he very incredulously asks if it has to be now. Your response is weird, so he assumes he better start undressing. The moment you tell him what you actually want, he swears he dies inside. He's going to get that stupid drink and scream inwardly the entire way there.
Fank-e just fucking takes his clothes off. Even after you specify it's a drink you want, after he understands what it is, he goes "00ooh-" and gets it. Naked.
Sybastian never ripped his loincloth off so fast. He's ready to pounce on you, no questions asked- Only to roll over when you tell him it's a drink. What kind of drink is called "naked"?? He's actually sulking now.
Krulu actually knows what you want. He shares a headspace with you, after all. That being said, it's not a request worthy of his status, and he'll remind you to not forget who he is.
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zdux · 10 months
Hi! I saw that your requests are open, and I, as expected, came to make a request! Your writings are beautiful 🍀
May I request some IdV HCs for Luchino with a Reader (Survivor, if possible) who uses jumping stilts? I just find it hilarious that a human can jump almost as high as him, hA-
Have a good day/evening/night/morning, and feel free to decline! Bye!
(sorry for my possible mistakes, english isn't my first language)
Sure!! Sorry for the late response, I'm horrible about writing things on time. But your english is great! I think at the time of writing my draft for this, which was quite a while ago, I had planned to write it as Hunter Luchino x Survivor!Reader, so that's what I've got going on here. I don't remember if his survivor form had been released at that time or not but just for clarification, this is Hunter Luchino ^^
Luchino x Survivor!Reader who uses Jumping Stilts
Luchino was used to all sorts of strange new survivors with strange new skills appearing at the manor, but he never expected this.
He had been in a match, hunting as usual, when he saw a rather tall survivor working on a cipher a ways away. He chuckled to himself, thinking about how height must be a disadvantage when trying to survive in a game like this. He launched himself over, just barely missing
You screamed, running off as quickly as you could, and he began to follow. After a while of running, kiting, and lucky misses from Luchino, he finally had you cornered. The only way for you to get out was up, onto a balcony, and to his surprise, up you went.
He had noticed the strange devices on your legs when he tried to hit you the first time, and realized that they were the cause behind your height. But he had assumed they were some kind of leg brace, not a device to help you jump. He was incredibly impressed you managed to get that high.
He quickly followed you, faster than you had anticipated, and grabbed you by the back of your shirt. Dangling you in the air before him, he looked you up and down, studying your stilts for a moment before speaking.
"Those allow you to jump like me?" He asked, though it was more of a statement than a question.
"Y-yes. They're jumping stilts." You nervously replied, heart beating out of your chest.
He made a noise that sounded like a grunt, before using his other hand to lift one of your legs closer to his face so that he could examine it.
"Can I make a deal with you?" He said after a moment. "I'll let you go, end the match, if you allow me to study these back at the manor. I've wasted enough time chasing you, and frankly I don't see why I should down you and risk breaking these contraptions."
You nodded yes, agreeing, and he put you back on the ground. He had you follow him around, asking you to try jumping onto different spots and see which ones you could and couldn't get to. By the time he had finished, your teammates had finished the ciphers and begun opening the doors. They pinged on their radios that you should leave, and that they could help you, but you pinged back to leave without you, so they did.
Luchino walked you to the gates, making small talk, asking more questions about the stilts, simply having a pleasant conversation until you made it to your location. He bid you farewell and sent you on your way, before walking away, presumably to whatever exit the hunters used.
Despite the fact that he was a hunter, tasked with eliminating you and your fellow survivors, you felt strangely comfortable around him. Maybe it was that he shared your inquisitive nature, maybe it was because he was such pleasant company, always offering you tea whenever you met with him to discuss the stilts, or maybe it was the fact that after enough meetings, the stilts were all but forgotten in conversation. What started out as a mutual interest became a regular meeting for the two of you, enjoying tea and one another's conversation.
Eventually, you noticed your own heart raced when around him, but not in the way it used to. You tried not to read into the little things, like how he started stuttering sometimes when you accidently touched his hand reaching for more tea, or how he would clear his throat after making eye contact with you for what felt like just a little too long. But you wanted to read into it, deep down, you wanted to be right.
And you were. He couldn't quite bring himself to say it, or to do anything about it, but you were so incredibly right. He too had started to have feelings for you, someone clever like him, someone who shared a bit of his strangeness, someone he was beginning to trust. It was hard not to fall for you, but here he was. He was hooked on every word you spoke. He wasn't ready to say it yet, but he was truly falling for you.
I hope you enjoyed!! Again, sorry it took so long, but I ended up rewriting everything I had done, and I'm glad I did because this is a much more detailed post than the original was.
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frogsmulder · 3 months
From the ship number ask: M/K 46.
I’m already looking forward to what you’re going to come up with! 😋
46 …out of envy or jealousy.
He Works Alone
during sleepless krycek has a heated argument with mulder; 1.1k words; rated e; tagging @today-in-fic and @leonardbetts
read on ao3
Alex follows Mulder out of the morgue, playing catch up to the quick clip of his oxfords in the tiled floor. He jogs up to him before he can reach the double doors to the main hallway; his own footsteps an indignant outcry for Mulder to slow down which goes ignored. He finally gets him to listen with a hand to grab his shoulder, spinning him around to face him. There is a vexed look upon Mulder's face as if he had been persecuted before Alex could say a word. 
Wary, Alex takes a breath and tries yet fails to keep the bite from his voice. “Hey, so what was that in there?”
“What?” Mulder's eyes search his for clarification; almost the perfect picture of innocence. 
He shakes his head slowly, incredulously. “You and agent…”
“Yeah,” he chuffs half a laugh. “Do you usually get your pathologists by special request?”
Mulder glances at the hand still on his shoulder and Alex retracts it suddenly feeling his palm grow clammy. Mulder levels a stare at him, a strange cocktail of warning and attempted comprehension. As the seconds pass, Alex is caught in the tide of his dark eyes and feels his mouth dry and his cheeks flame under the scrutiny. 
Mulder turns around and continues to walk before he answers, “She's just a friend; we used to work together.”
Alex stands his ground. “Just a friend, huh?”
The speed with which Mulder whips back around to point a finger almost stuns him. “What are you trying to say?”
Alex looks away and licks his lips. “Did you not see the way she looks at you, Mulder?”
“Careful there, you almost sound jealous.”
He laughs and shakes his head. “Look, I don't care how you go about finding leads in this investigation; I know your methods are…”
“What?” Mulder steps closer. “Spooky?” His eyes dart darkly between both of his, searching. “Like I haven't heard that before. You'll have to try harder to insult me Alex.”
“I was gonna say unconventional–and I'm not trying to insult you. All I'm saying is I'd like to be kept in on this investigation.”
“You were there.” His voice scratches low and quiet, earnest. 
Alex squares up to him. “You were keeping such close quarters I didn't hear a thing you said!” he hisses. “Whispering? Like she was the only other person in the room? You had your backs turned to me; I couldn't even read your lips.”
Mulder scoffs, the hot air tickling Alex’s face. “Now this right here–” he jabs a finger into Alex’s sternum– “this is why I work alone.”
Emboldened, Alex leans into the contact, forcing Mulder back. “But you don't! You were working with agent Scully just fine!” A pause hangs between them; the silence only filled by his ragged breathing. Alex makes the mistake of looking down at Mulder's lips. He closes his eyes, restraining, yet the thought lies hot and heavy at the forefront of his prefrontal cortex. The thought dares him to lean forward but instead he backs away; his best attempt to break the tension. “Look, man, all I'm asking for is a chance.”
His shoulders are suddenly grasped firmly and Mulder’s accusatory whisper rings in his ears. “You are jealous, aren't you?”
Finally snapping, Alex shoves him against the wall, his arm to Mulder’s throat exercising every inch of his strength over him. He hesitates only briefly, questioning whether he is really going to do this but the flush to Mulder’s cheeks decides for him. He crushes his lips to Mulders’ coaxing the reaction he wants out of him, the one he knows is there somewhere buried beneath his love for that pathologist.
Surprised, Mulder reciprocates briefly before pushing Alex away to the middle of the corridor, leaving him stranded in the open. 
For the smallest of seconds, he is afraid Mulder will sock his jaw. He watches his taut body for any hint of what will happen next. His hands resting at his sides don't curl into fists but flex outwards as if trying to dispel a feeling harbouring there. 
Mulder then strides forward, taking Alex in one swift motion, pushing him to the other wall pressing his body to the brick. His tongue licks as teeth nip at Alex's lips and it's Alex's turn to gasp in surprise: a fatal mistake as Mulder closes in. Hand spread on Alex's chest, Mulder digs his fingers in. Alex can't stop his eyes rolling back and a groan in his throat as Mulder flexes his hips into his own. 
Grasping his slender hips, Alex turns them and drops to his knees, making quick work of the pants’ fastening. His own gut clenches and his heart pounds at being eye level with Mulder's crotch. He curls his fingers into the elastic of his boxers and yanks them down, freeing Mulder's burgeoning erection. In his hands, Mulder grows and against his lips he twitches. Alex looks up through dark eyelashes as he teases the head of Mulder's cock with his darting tongue.
He wraps his lips around his cock and sucks him deeper into his mouth, watching as Mulder's head tips back against the wall, his chin pointing upwards and his neck stretching gloriously, so that Alex can see his Adam's apple bob when he swallows. He hears every puff of air that passes Mulder's slack lips and imagines his eyes screwed shut in perfect agony. He takes his time, slowly teasing every inch of pleasure from him in a play for power that is intoxicating. He’s impressed with Mulder’s size, with his pretty cock; he’s seen plenty to know the difference and the way Mulder sits heavy on his tongue is a sweet satisfaction. He hums his appreciation as he watches it disappear beyond his lips.
Another hiss from Mulder and his hands are tugging in his hair, encouraging him to be quicker, harder, rougher. Alex brings a hand to the base of his cock, squeezing tightly while he digs the fingers of his other hand into his ass cheek, pulling him forward. Mulder’s grunt spurs him on. 
With a gasp, Mulder jerks his hips forwards as he comes, and Alex doubles down, taking everything he has. After licking his softening cock clean, Alex lets him hang open in the cool air, pulling on a cool mask of indifference over his emotions; as if the taste of his cum wasn’t still toying with his taste buds and his own heart wasn’t pounding in his chest all the way down to his own hardon that desperately begged attention. 
He stands and is face to face with Mulder, smirking at his flushed cheeks. Head still resting against the wall, Mulder looks back at him, panting, “I could have you reported, Krycek.”
“I may be a green agent, Mulder, but this isn't my first rodeo.” He wipes the corner of his mouth with the pad of his thumb and then sucks it into his mouth salaciously, hollowing his cheeks for a punctuated effect. “I'll be back at the car when you need me.”
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alotofpockets · 2 years
Maybe tonight we don't have to pretend | Yelena Belova
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader
Prompt: “Maybe tonight we don't have to pretend?"
Masterlist | requests: closed | words: 1000
You and Yelena lived the picture-perfect life. You were married and were the proud owners of a beautiful home in a fifties style neighborhood located in a small town called Victory. You had moved there just a couple of months ago, but luckily you were quickly welcomed to the tightknit town with open arms.
The tightknit neighborhood part was something neither one of you was used to. Each week the neighbors would get together. Most times in the weekends, there would be dinners, pool parties and backyard get togethers. Sometimes you even had get togethers in the evenings where you’d all get a drink together to celebrate another work day being over.
Though the perfect married couple was all a facade. It was simply an undercover mission the two of you had been sent on. Yelena wasn’t your wife, she was your best friend and had been for many years. So, living with her and spending so much time with her didn’t feel weird at all. You had been sent on this mission to gather information on this peculiar neighborhood. Over the past couple of months many of 911 calls have been made and every time the police arrived, nothing seemed to be wrong. The police had started to grow weary and decided that they wanted to investigate. That’s what they hired the two of you for.
The neighborhood parties were the perfect way to gather information. Each week the party would be at a different neighbor’s house, giving you the opportunity to stake out each house on the street. To the neighbors you were Nancy and Susan Chambers, high school sweethearts that wanted to move to a smaller town. After an evening full of chatter and server snacks, you and Yelena called it a night. You said your goodnights to all of your neighbors and made your way back to your home hand in hand. Back home you dropped the roles of Nancy and Susan and called each other by your real names again.
Back behind closed doors you change into some less fancy clothing. Since you also had to dress the part, there was none of your own clothing to be found in the house. So, most times in the evenings you would opt for your pajama’s since they were the closest thing to your regular clothing that you had here. You sat down on the couch and turned on the tv while Yelena called the person that hired you for this mission, updating them on what had been said at the latest party. Which wasn’t much, but all intel was smart to call through, there might be a connection the two of you had missed that would be clearer in the bigger picture that they had sketched.
Yelena sat down next to you on the couch. You caught her looking at you, returning her look with a smile you asked her “What’s up?”. You can tell she’s nervous by the way she is fidgeting with her wedding ring. You pause the show you put on and wait patiently for her to be ready to tell you what’s going on in her mind. She takes a deep breath before speaking up, “Maybe tonight we don’t have to pretend?”
You are shocked for a moment, not sure if she’s saying what you think she is. So, you decide on asking her for clarification. “Not pretend to what?” At your question Yelena only seems to get more nervous. “The part where we eh.” She stops to take another deep breath. “I do not want to pretend to be with you or to pretend to love you. I want you to know how much I truly love you and be together for real. Y/n, I am in love with you. I was long before this mission but pretending to be in a relationship has really opened my eyes on the fact that I don’t want to live my life hiding the fact that I want to be with you. This time has been so great, and I would just really like to kiss you for real and not for show.”
Hearing the way Yelena feels towards you makes your heart race. A smile creeps onto your face, growing bigger at every sentence Yelena speaks. “I love you too and I really want to kiss you for real as well.”
Yelena wastes no time crashing her lips onto yours. The kisses you had shared to make your story believable had all been quick pecks on the lips or cheek. They had already made you feel warm inside, even though at that time they were just for show. They had been nothing compared to the passionate making out that you were doing now. You felt like your heart was beating outside of your chest.
A knock on your interrupts your moment. With a sigh you get up and investigate, but not before you kiss Yelena on her forehead. Wanting to savor the moment as long as possible. You open the door to one of your neighbors, “Hi Nancy, I just wanted to check on you and Susan since you left the party so soon.” You smile politely at her. “Oh yes we’re doing fine, Mary. Thank you for checking in, I had a long day at the office, which is why I wanted to go to bed early tonight.” You say revealing your pajama’s to her.
After asking Mary about her night you said, “Alright, have a goodnight Mary. And thanks again for checking on us!” You closed the door and quickly moved back to Yelena. She was waiting for you with open arms. You smiled and cuddled up to her, after you sat down. “Do you want to continue the show you were watching?” Yelena asks you, moving her eyes between you and the tv. “Hm, only if I get to keep laying in your arms.” Yelena smiles down at you and pecks your lips, “You’ve got yourself a deal, my darling.”
Turn on notifications for @pocketslibrary to be notified when I post a new fic! 
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luxaryllis · 1 year
This is gonna be a bit odd so don't be afraid to ask for clarification or just skipping this one.
Characters I ask for: Trey, Jade, Jamil, Ace, Rook, Lilia, and Deuce.
Prompt: A friend of theirs wears a mask all the time. One that covers their whole face. Never seen without one. They had never seen them eat before and their friend is always quite chatty. Whether is was an accident or plan, they finally see what was under the mask. To see their friend doesn't even have a face, it's just a blank flat area where one should be.
Under the Mask
Note: Helloo!! So sorry for the late post to your request, but here it is! Also, I'm just gonna be experimenting on a different kind of format for posting this, so do tell me if you prefer this one or my previous format in post.
Warning/s: This post contains unrealistic things like having no face, a mask being connected to the brain, Reader will use 'you' and 'they/them' pronouns, Signs of insecurity, Some comfort, Possibly OOC, etc
Characters included: Trey, Ace, Deuce, Lilia (I didn't put in Rook, Jade, and Jamil in this because I couldn't exactly think of anything good for them? I may or may not put in a part 2 of this with these characters, but not at the moment).
Word count (not including the notes and introduction): 1594
Full post under the cut!
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Ever since you were a child, you've always been quite insecure about your face. Rather, the lack of your face. It was an uncommon and strange phenomenon; to have no face. You had no eyes, no nose, no eyebrows, no mouth, just nothing. However, advanced technology has allowed your brain to process your surroundings through an artificial "face", which is your mask. The mechanics of the mask is hard to explain, but it basically just sends brain waves to your brain to process something.
You've been in the world of Twisted Wonderland for quite a while at this point, and since then, you've gained a lot of close friends, who are all curious of what's underneath the mask.
Eventually, they do get to see your true face (or lack, thereof). Here are their reactions.
Trey Clover:
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The vice dormleader of Heartslabyul has seen many strange things, and you are no exception. While it was certainly strange that you always wore a mask, Trey never questioned it out of respect for you. You never really made it a big deal, so he won't either.
His only concern, however, was your lack of eating. It doesn't seem like you ever eat at all, especially when under the watch of others. Because of this, he'd always check up on you, making sure that you've eaten. However, beyond that, he knows that you feel more comfortable being left alone during meal time, so he doesn't pry.
You've always felt quite comfortable with Trey; he never forced any answers out of you nor did he push you to take off your mask. Because of this, you've learned to trust him a lot and invited him over to Ramshackle to show him something.
"You want to show me what was under your mask?!" Trey asked, shocked. He didn't that you would want to tell him of all people.
You nodded, and proceed to take your mask off. Upon seeing what was under the mask, Trey's eyes widened.
"You..." he trailed off, speechless. He reluctantly asks if this was your actual face, and you nod. When you don't detect any form of response, you take Trey's hand and bring it to your face, showing him that it was, infact, real.
Trey still couldn't say anything, and, filled with insecurity, you put on your mask again to talk to him.
"Uh... that... must have been freaky, I'm so sorry about that, Trey, I-" he cuts you off with a hug.
Trey gently pats your head, calming you. "Shh.. no need to say anything. I'm so glad and grateful that you were able to trust me with this. Regardless of what you look like, you'll always be my friend. I won't tell anyone else about this if you don't want me to."
Ace Trappola:
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At first, Ace thought you were weird. Like, he's never seen you without your mask and that definitely put him off. Multiple times, he's tried to catch you with your mask off. From checking on you when you sleep, to watching if you eat (you don't), but he doesn't see anything!!
Eventually, he just brushes it off and stops pestering you about it. He's still definitely curious about it, though.
When he finds out, it isn't much of an accident, but it was definitely unintentional. It was during an overblot incident and an inky attack shoved you away from everyone else and knocked your mask off. Concerned, Ace ran after you, after conjuring up a wind attack to the monster.
"Hey!! Prefect! You okay?!" You heard Ace's voice shout out from the near distance. A bit panicked you attempted to speak until you realized that you couldn't, as your mask wasn't on you. You blindly patted the ground around you, trying to find your mask.
"Prefect! There you-" The oh-so familiar voice of your favorite heart boy stopped and you froze.
On seeing the flat, blank area where your facial features were supposed to be, Ace grew silent. He knew in the back of his mind that had it been anyone else, he would have made fun of them for having no face. Lines and words he could have used for teasing popped up in his head as if it were second nature.
Before these words escaped his mouth, he stopped himself, knowing that this wasn't the time. He felt a bit awkward looking at you, before realizing you weren't going to talk because, well... you physically can't.
Unable to communicate verbally, you use your hands to motion around what you're pretty sure is your face, making a circular motion around it. Understanding what you were trying to say, he looks around for a quick while, spotting your mask not too far away. Running over to it, he picks it up and takes your hand and places it there after cleaning off some blot and dirt on it.
"Here's your mask. Just uh.. do your thing I guess..?"
Feeling your mask in your hand, you immediately place it on your face, letting the technological device do its thing. A few seconds later, you're able to see properly and speak.
On feeling your gaze on him, Ace looks away.
"So that's what you really look like, huh? Didn't know what I was expecting but it definitely wasn't that..", the boy says scratching the back of his neck, his eyes looking at your masked face and looking somewhere else and back at you.
You take it the wrong way, however, thinking that he was freaked out at you. You say this aloud as well, just wanting to get this whole thing over with, and mentally readying yourself over his rejection to you (though you never really could fully prepare yourself for it).
"Me? Freaked out? At you? Psh, oh please! Maybe a bit weirded out, but it doesn't matter, yknow? Why're ya making it seem like I'm not gonna be your friend anymore?" His words shock you, making you give a barely audible questioning sound.
"We've been friends before I knew what you looked like. How does me knowing what you look like change anything?"
It was now your turn to be speechless. But despite the silence between you and Ace wasn't one that was awkward, but it was a comfortable, understanding atmosphere.
Deuce Spade:
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Deuce was a lot more respectful with his curiosity about you covering up your face. That doesn't mean you won't be seeing him looking at you carefully during lunch break, though. Unlike Ace, he doesn't constantly pester you about your mask, and often scolds his fellow first year for being intrusive.
He eventually does ask you about your mask and why you wear it. At that point, Ace and Trey had already known about it and while they did promise not to tell anyone, you felt that Deuce was starting to get suspicious with how Trey and Ace would cover you up or back you up more often (Trey being a lot more subtle than Ace was).
That was why when he asked about it, you thought the former delinquent might as well know about it too.
When you told Deuce that you could simply show him instead, he asked (quite a lot of times, actually) if you were okay with showing it to him. He seemed quite adamant on getting your verbal consent multiple times to reassure him.
When you finally do take off your mask, he's utterly shocked at what he saw. He doesn't say anything until you do put the mask back on.
After a short while of Deuce calming down and you assuring him that he can ask questions, he eventually does give in to his childlike curiosity.
The boy then proceeds to ask you various questions, some of which, you never really thought of. By the end of it, you ask him if he's still alright with being friends with you, and he smiles and hugs you.
"Of course! Nothing changes in our friendship, I promise! It doesn't matter what you look like! You're a close friend of mine, and something like this isn't going to change a thing."
Lilia Vanrouge:
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Like Trey, Lilia has seen many a strange phenomenon (it's just that the old man's got a lot more experience than Trey). So Lilia is barely fazed at your appearance. He does have some theories that he keeps to himself (unless someone asks him), but never makes much of an effort to force you.
Lilia understands that whatever is under that mask, you want to hide, and he respects that. Because of this, it's never exactly changed or affected anything about your interactions with him. If anything, it makes this a whole lot more interesting in his opinion.
When he does notice your lack of eating, Lilia's paternal instincts get the better of him, and he asks you why you don't eat. Your response that "you eat when you want to" didn't make him feel any better, but he thought that you likely didn't want to eat or take off your mask in front of others.
Again, like Trey, Lilia's finding out about your true appearance was premeditated and planned. You had invited him over and offered to show it to him, however, at first, he refused.
"Why not?", you asked. Why would Lilia say no?
"I simply think that you shouldn't show me. After all, if you were hiding something, would it not be better to keep it hidden?" Lilia replied, smiling at you.
"I trust you", was all that you had to say for Lilia to relent to what you wanted.
Seeing what was underneath the mask didn't exactly surprise Lilia, it does catch him off guard for a while, but he snaps back quite quickly.
The first thing Lilia does is asking if he can touch your face, and upon receiving a nod from you, he does so gently. The fae's hand hovers over the flat surface where your face is supposed to be and finds that it really is just flat and blank. He hums to himself and pats your shoulder and lets you put your mask back on.
Afterwards, Lilia gives you a fatherly smile and thanks you for trusting him with this. He wouldn't tell you this, but after that whole thing, Lilia became much more protective over you in the way that he shuts down any and every rumor about you that he knows of.
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Thanks so much for reading!!
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liketwoswansinbalance · 3 months
Hey, can I get being the Best friend or close Friends With Rafal or Rhian ( Or maybe both? ) maybe the reader is a childhood friend or something. The gender can be whatever or whichever you prefer.
That's if you are comfortable writing that. 😁
My apologies. I wasn't really planning on taking writing requests of this type since I'm not currently interested in writing reader prompts. At times, I sort of view most readers as a blank slate rather than a character themselves, unlike the way an OC or a canon character would have a more definitive personality.
Thus, determining reactions by the reader would be difficult unless I gave the reader a defined personality I chose and made up, which might not align with what you or others want from a self-insert. Sure, I suppose I could fill in the blanks myself, and give the reader traits, essentially making them closer to an OC, but I'm not particularly interested in writing an SGE OC at this time either.
So, overall, I think I'd have a bit of a hard time with the vague nature of this request/anticipating what the reader "should" be like since it doesn't really give me a "plot" to work with, just a blank "character," if you understand what I'm getting at. Sorry if this is at all unclear.
That said, when I originally said you could address characters directly (in this post), perform actions and get them to respond, or give them information or a query to react to, I am open to writing Rhian or Rafal responding to a friend-like gesture or a what-if of some kind, say, what if a reader gave Rhian and Rafal a gift as a friend. This would give me enough specificity to more easily work with.
It's just that I don't plan on representing the asker/reader as anything much further beyond an entity, as if they were the bringer of content/information or the doer of a deed.
In a lot of cases, a typical response might take a form like this:
What would happen if I/you/the reader did/gave/said [this] to the brothers?
And the response would be the aftermath of that action/prompt, usually, written more passively, so as not to involve the reader/asker/doer/whomever:
Q: What would happen if Agatha were given a bouquet?
A: She would sneeze because of her pollen allergies.
Or, alternatively, an answer might look like this:
A: Agatha: [sneezes] Thank you for the flowers, but I'm afraid I'm going to hand them off to Sophie instead. She will appreciate them more than I could.
So, in conclusion, you could "do" something, essentially, perform an action/impart a (potentially dramatic) piece of information, but I won't usually take requests the type of relationship you're requesting. Yet, feel free to send another ask, if you have anything in mind that I might actually write.
For further clarification, what you could probably expect to get from a non-reader request is something with more focus on the character(s) involved and their reaction to an item/action/question posed.  This would mean the focus inherently won't be on the doer of the action (the reader/asker) whether it's on themselves, as a person, or on a relationship with the canon characters.
Overall, I simply don't plan on establishing new relationships with non-canon characters in the case of asks, and I'll only tend to work with new events/novel scenarios/prompts, involving existent characters and relationships.
Most likely, I'll try to keep to some form of canon (or if specified, my fics), as far as characterization or relationships go, depending on what an ask requires. While I think the idea of the brothers having a best friend is sweet, it doesn't really fit with my (very subjective) sense of their characters. Albeit, Rhian might be open to having a friend outside of Rafal.
So, to sum this up: I don't (usually) take formal writing requests or those involving a reader, and I'm sorry if I had ever been misleading about this before. (When I wrote dialogue or scripted scenes for other prompts, it was because I was given a premise/writing prompt that actually contained a "plot"/inciting incident/central concept of some kind, and chose to make the characters respond to events/information/other content within what I interpreted, sort of, to be the bounds of canon or the particular hypotheticals.)
None of my previous asks have been complete stories (they tend to be scenes or snippets) like the nature of this request seems to suggest(?), and I'm tempted to say this is because a relationship is a state of being, not a singular event, and such a thing could require much more development or the invention of a self-insert's "character." Also, honestly, I'm not an expert on reader-inserts as a genre, so I might not be the ideal person to ask.
However, again, if you would like to perform an action or give me dialogue of some kind, addressed to the brothers, I'd (usually) be willing to let Rafal and/or Rhian or anyone else from canon respond to such a gesture or events, if the gesture isn't by you or another hypothetical person with a major role.
So, apologies again, but I don't plan on taking requests that involve readers in the vast majority of cases, yet what I will write are Rhian and Rafal (or other characters) responding to concrete things or scenarios, usually in the context of their already-existent relationships, unless they otherwise happened to meet someone from canon they did not previously know.
Basically, these conditions would exclude a new, blank-slate relationship since I can't be absolutely sure what a reader-insert should be like, to successfully align with an asker's tastes, and simply don't have an interest in writing this type of dynamic at the moment.
Finally, if you or anyone else would like me to clarify anything they didn't understand (sorry if anything was explained too circularly), or if anyone has more questions on what I am generally willing or not willing to write, please don't hesitate to ask!
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petalruesim · 2 months
I'm really unhappy with MTS right now. I understand the need for moderating content on their site and I don't even mind waiting in the queue for my content to be posted. What bothers me is the inconsistency in moderation and the blatant disregard for my inquiries.
The first time I used their 'Bypass Queue' feature, my post was removed for missing comparison pictures. According to their rules, minor issues should prompt a comment from a moderator requesting fixes within three days, while major issues should be returned to the queue marked as 'Changes Required' with a seven-day deadline.
They didn't do any of that. The post was pulled out, marked as 'Rejected' and this all happened a day after it was posted. Although an admin restored the post, they didn't address what happened or respond to my questions and was like 'here I restored it, it's back in the queue so fix it before the moderation'.
I admit it was an oversight on my part not to include comparison pictures for a renovation lot, but why was my first upload—a renovation of Sunset Valley's Library without comparison pictures—approved? That's where the inconsistency of their moderation comes in. This is strike one.
The second time, I received a 'Changes Required' warning for my campground lot because I didn't include a link for custom content in their designated section. However, before I could even read the email, I received another email saying it was already approved.
I asked a clarification on what happened due to their CC Credit section was supposed to be for cc included in the download file. But I never include those items in my downloads and offer a link instead to download it separately which I placed in the description of the lot.
I wanted to make sure that it never happened again so I asked nicely on the correct process for such things but I still never received a reply. Okay, it's fine, it was approved already so I thought they didn't want to respond to something that was already 'resolved' on their end. Strike two.
This time, I received a 'Changes Required' warning for my beach lot. And guess what the reason was? Yes, the same issue as before, no link of the store content and a moderator left a "feedback" to put the link in their Custom Content Credit section of their upload wizard.
I had clearly provided all necessary information in my description even providing a direct link in bold and underlined to make it even clearer for everyone and a disclaimer that it is not required nor included in the download file. Like how blind can you be to not see that?
I informed them of this, pointing out that it was the second time this had happened. An administrator intervened, instead of the moderator who moderated that post, and basically admitted it was a mistake. Strike three.
It's frustrating that despite having clear rules, some moderators don't follow them or take accountability for their oversights. I was initially willing to give them the benefit of the doubt but this ongoing inconsistency and ignoring my valid questions is infuriating.
MTS may have a large audience for TS3 content, and it's nice to see comments and download counts increase, but it's no longer worth it for me. I no longer care about download counts or followers these days and I have no interest in moving to Patreon or monetizing my downloads with ads so I don't need any other exposure.
I just want to share my old builds because it took time to build them and they were wasting away in my folders. I wish there was a better site suited for TS3 creators and I guess I'll focus more on Tumblr from now on.
XOXO, petalrue🌺
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miss-choco-chips · 1 year
There's a boy in the girls' bathroom.
When Diamond's mother requested a meeting, the Principal expected just about anything. This would be the sixth of the year so far, and the last two were about her concerns for the kind of books kids were reading (they hadn't yet started with literature at that point, so he didn't really understand what got her so worried) and how he should name her President of the PTA since her cookies where 'the most organic ones'. He was still puzzling over that one.
So when mother and daughter entered his office, he put on his best smile and got ready for half an hour of incoherency. As he was opening his mouth to greet her-
"There's a boy in the girls' bathroom", she cut him off, not bothering with pleasantries. "He's been using it for weeks now! And no one does a thing!"
Still, he knew from the last time that if he went ahead and addressed her concerns first, she'd get mad that he didn't greet her, and start yipping about politeness, and how he was giving such a bad example to all students, including her precious daughter.
"Mrs Stacy, it's great to see you. I hope you didn't wait too long in the reception this time."
Karen Stacy motioned for her daughter to take a seat in one of the chairs by the desk, taking to other to herself, frown still firmly in place as she glared at him. Diamond sat down, glittery gel nails making a tap tap tap against her phone screen as she typed with abandon. He'd tell her to put it away, but remembered meeting number three, and how Karen had screeched at him that he was violating her precious angel's constitutional right to have her phone on her (?),so he decided to choose his battles and focused on the matter at hand.
"Hello, yes, good morning. What are you going to do about the boy?" She pressed on, undeterred.
Had Karen been born in Greece during ancient times, the invasion of Troy would have ended on half a day. The woman had such a one track mind, it reminded him of hunting hounds.
"What boy?" It'd be so much easier to just get a name out of her, promise to look into it and then punish the other kid with less troublesome parents.
Karen stopped for a second. Then looked at her daughter.
"Matt", Diamond offered, not taking her eyes off her phone. Who was she even texting? She was twelve, and all her friends were (supposedly) in class right now.
"Matt", Karen repeated with finality, as if expecting him to order the execution of the boy on the spot.
"... Which Matt?" He insisted, because the school had like seven Matts among their thousand something alumni, how the hell was he supposed to know?
Karen looked at him like he was dumb for needing that clarification, but Diamond shrugged and answered.
"Matt Kingsley. He's in my year", she further specified, slowly. Her tap tap tap didn't stop.
He thought it over for a moment, slightly confused.
"There's no Matt Kingsley in your class", he wonders, careful to not outright question Diamond with her angry dragon of a mother in the room. Then, like a bucket of ice water, came the revelation. "But there's a Nataly Kingsley. She cut her hair a few weeks ago, right? Is that the issue here, Diamond?"
Diamond sighed, long and deep, like she was so over this. Karen's glare sharpened, like a hunting knife.
"No, the issue is that Matt shouldn't be using the girls' bathroom. And he says he can't use the boys' cause the faculty doesn't let him. One of the teachers said it'd make the boys uncomfortable, but me and the girls asked everyone and literally no one gives a shit-"
"Language", he automatically chided.
"Don't interrupt my baby", Karen immediately jumped in.
Diamond kept going, like neither of them had uttered a word. She just grimaced a bit, as if the message she was in the process of typing was a difficult one.
"-So we asked again and the teachers said nothing could be done cause you didn't want any parent to complain about Matt using the bathroom he SHOULD be using. And I thought, 'they are scared of angry parents? Bet, I'll give you angry parents'. And here we are. We -the girls, boys and basically everyone in my year, really- want Matt to use the proper bathroom."
He was getting a headache, fuck.
"Diamond... Her name is Nataly. And she has to use the girls' room. It's the rules. I understand maybe her new... Fashion choice might make you girls uncomfortable, but I promise it's a phase, you just have to hang in there and wait it out -"
"She said the boy's name is Matt", Karen spit out. She looks sideways to her daughter, a little concerned. "Does he make you feel unsafe, baby? Gives off creepy vibes or something?"
Diamond shakes her head. It somehow doesn't make her dislodge her eyes from the screen.
"Matt's cool. You know him- his mom is the one who brought the oatmeal cookies you liked to the bake sale last year. She's a single mom who works double shifts at the hospital, so that's why Matt doesn't ask her to come complain. He just does his business and leaves. But he's a boy. He doesn't want to use our restroom. We don't want him to use our restroom- what if I have a crush on him someday? How am I gonna tell my besties, if there's the chance that he might walk in while we are on the bathroom and hear? Last week Millie had a pimple, and she wanted to hide it before any boy noticed, but Matt was in the bathroom; she had to swear him to secrecy."
The Principal sighs.
"Nataly -"
"Are you deaf? She's talking about Matt, and honestly, I'm appalled you've allowed a boy into the girls' bathroom when they clearly don't want him there, and then say it's for their own comfort."
Behind her phone, he could have sworn he saw Diamond smile. Good, at least someone found the situation funny.
"There is no Matt, Mrs Stacy. Diamond is talking about a girl on her class, who's been insistent on being referred to as a boy lately. As you can imagine, we can't just allow a girl to use the boys' bathroom just because she decided she was one of them one morning."
"Matt's been using that name for months now", Diamond's voice, while still confident and even, had an undercut of steel, so much like her mother it was grating.
"But she-"
"Listen here, Mr Principal", Karen interjected again. "I don't really care what name he went by before. He's using a boy's name now?"
"Does he LOOK like a boy?"
"I mean... A little."
"Does he call HIMSELF a boy?"
"Then he's a damn boy. And my daughter doesn't want him in her bathroom. End of story."
Karen's phone pinged. She glanced at it.
"It's my hairdresser, dear", she informed Diamond. "A spot cleared on her schedule, so I can go in earlier. I have to go." Then, back to him. "We are done here. If Diamond comes back and tells me you didn't let this boy use the correct bathroom again, I will call your manager."
"The Board, mom."
"That. Whatever. Did I make myself clear? Good. Bye, baby angel! I'll see you at home."
"But- if the other parents complain-?"
But Karen had already left, in as much of a whirlwind as she had dragged in with her when she arrived.
Diamond stood up, too, stretching a little.
"Don't think about other people- who's scarier and more annoying for you, them or my mom? And if anyone complains, not that I think they will, just give them my mom's number. She'll take care of it. Last time someone complained about what I wore to dance class, she made them cry. And if any bully tries to make it Matt's issue, I'LL make them cry."
The Principal blinked. Could it be...?
"You knew what you were doing, bringing your mother here, didn't you? Does she know the 'boy' she's defending is actually just a girl? A girl you like?"
For the first time since she got into his office, Diamond put her phone away and looked him straight into his eyes.
"Matt. Is. A. Boy. Stop fucking up his pronouns. But to answer your question, my mom dislikes everyone equally, and what do you think will be easier for her to swallow? That her daughter likes a girl, or that she's in love with a boy who was just born in the wrong body?"
And with the most scheming, twisted smile he'd seen in his whole career, she excused herself to go back to class.
Utterly defeated and more than a little impressed, he turned on his computer to redact a mass email about Nataly- no, Matt Kingsley being allowed to use to boy's bathroom.
"Teenagers scare the living shit out of me", he muttered under his breath.
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blue-hi · 5 months
I should be using my hooky day to work on homework but there's a Situation in the group chat that is making me feel somehow lucky I had an evening class to attend, and I want to address it here because 1) this place acts like a diary for when I can't say something out loud and 2) I see what I consider to be the root of this particular problem in rhetoric all around this site (and places of similar persuasion, you'll see what I mean) and if possible, I want to help as best I can.
Under a read-more because unfortunately this is long. But if you have any interest in persuading people of your positions, especially political ones and especially this year, please consider what I have to say at least.
Tl;dr— Arguments require evidence, no matter how righteous you consider the cause to be; changing minds takes time and effort but that time and effort will be well-spent; your audience questioning your claim does not necessarily mean they are hostile to it, just that they want clarification.
First, the Situation, as quick as possible, as I understand it: a new individual joined some meetings of one of my friend groups last semester. We have meals which are open to all students, so this person is welcome to join us and we are happy to have them. Last night, after I left for class, they made a request to the group to help them fundraise to help someone they know pay rent. Which is totally understandable, but things have gone off the rails—
This person, so far, is not known for making requests. They're more like. Assumptions and demands. The message in the chat that they sent was definitely a demand, and it was definitely hostile, because of the response to the initial request, which I'll get back to shortly. I haven't been able to speak with them, only my other friends who were there, but I cannot honestly say that I believe the original topic was brought up with. Um. Tact.
The person they are fundraising for lives in another city entirely (another state even) and they have never met in person before. Not necessarily a red flag—I have plenty of friends I only know/have met online, and so overall I'm pro-being-friends-with-people-online (Hello! If you're reading this, you know who you are :) I love you)—but it can be. I don't know anything about my acquaintance's relationship with this person besides "they met online." How long have they known each other? Where did they meet? Do they know this person is who they say they are? A lot of my online friends, we've known each other for over ten years, and over multiple platforms. If they were catfishing me, it would be a hell of an accomplishment.
My acquaintance has been sending a lot of money to this person, reportedly. Like, enough that they came to us for meals because they don't have enough to eat themself.
So a potentially shady scenario (I'm equivocating because I'm trying to hang onto good-faith interpretations of things with all the strength I can muster but. It's definitely shady, let's not kid ourselves) presented with righteous gusto, to people who had not heard of this situation moments before.
Needless to say, this didn't go over well, and my friends weren't immediately on this train. This caused our acquaintance to leave in frustration, and they later put in the group chat a link to the fundraising page and the demand that they "expect each of us to donate and them prove to them that we donated."
This is continuing into this morning. My friends are doing their best to ignore it. Which I think is not how this gets resolved. I don't know how this gets resolved, but I don't think it will be pretty.
So. That's the Situation. What does this mean for the rest of us?
It turns out that I'm studying how to make arguments and effectively deal with people. Right now, in fact! I was doing a reading for one of my classes that dealt with how to structure effective arguments literally yesterday morning, before shit hit the fan. Let's go through how to do that.
How to Structure Arguments: Rhetoric 101
"Rhetoric" is a whole field in itself, but simply (admittedly, perhaps reductively), it is the art of persuasion. You have something you want to say, and you want the person you are speaking with to accept your position.
Quick definition, off the bat: argument is a neutral term here. People use it in English to talk about verbal fights (my other language is German, this would be streiten), but here, it will merely refer to an attempt at persuasion. If I want to refer to people yelling at each other, I'll use Streit or fight.
Your position, or your thesis, is a claim. It is the central idea around which your argument spins, and without it, there is no reason for you to me making an argument. My acquaintance's claim is that we should help them fundraise for their friend.
The reason you make a claim is called, fittingly, the reason. It is the basis for the claim, and the claim flows from it. My acquaintance's reason is that their friend is having financial troubles.
In addition, there is an unspoken warrant. A warrant is a general principle that binds the reason and the claim; it justifies (or warrants) the claim flowing from the reason. My acquaintance's warrant is that good people help others in trouble.
All of this is well an good. The problem is that this is where my acquaintance ended, and then made their ask (I...may be using that word liberally but technically that's the term). The further problem is, that's not a full argument.
What's missing? Evidence.
We still have many questions. I have a few of them above. Who is this person? What is their relationship to you? How did you meet? How long have you known each other? Do you have proof that they are who they say they are? What is their general history? Etc. etc. etc.
This is not to determine whether or not this person is deserving of help (maybe it is for others, but to me, that question is irrelevant). It's to learn more, to make an informed decision. Especially with something like financial resources. A rhetor has to be aware of their audience's hesitances, goals, resources, etc. Asking college students for money is always a hard sell, no matter what cause or what amount you're asking for. Maybe it's not "right," but it just is, and ignoring that will only kill your argument.
My point here is that people asking questions of a premise does not automatically mean they are disagreeing. It means they want to make informed decisions as to whether they agree or not, and they do not want to feel strong-armed into making that decision. In the end, it is your audience's decision as to whether they are convinced of your argument. All you can do is make it as best you can.
And to do that, you have to actually finish the damn thing.
I see this a lot in political discussions here. Person X has strongly held convictions, and they want to convince the more moderate Person Y to agree. Convictions like, "You should sign this petition to switch the city to renewable energy (claim), since our current energy sources pollute the air and water (reason)." This is a sympathetic cause for me, and I imagine you too. But Person Y is in their rights to ask for more clarification, even if they do agree. Maybe Person Y will ask questions like,
What kinds of renewable energy?
How long will implementing your vision take?
Will it create or destroy jobs?
Is the technology feasible?
How polluted are our air and water?
Far too often, I see Person X get frustrated at this point. It's self-evident! Why are you pushing back at me! The environment will only get worse, we don't have time to sit around answering these questions! So they lash out, and Person Y walks away, deciding they hated that interaction and that they aren't going to do what Person X told them to do. Meanwhile the environment is still polluted.
I see this all over. It's an election year in the US. You're gonna see it a lot too. Why don't we make a game of it, see how many posts like this we can come across before November. We'll see if I haven't had a stroke by then.
My main critique of leftists is that we have no patience, not even to make an argument. Yes, many important things are pressing! Yes, people will get hurt unless they get fixed now! Yes, these are true!
But change doesn't happen overnight, not even in the most ideal of revolutions (my god, don't even get me started, that's another discussion entirely). Things take time, especially when trying to influence politics or attitudes of whole societies. It took 40 years for conservatives to overturn Roe. It may take 40 more years to put it back. That doesn't mean that all the time in the middle is misspent. Have you ever seen a stonecutter? It happens all at once, but what made it possible was the 100 whacks you didn't see.
Take the extra time and finish the argument. Don't assume people already agree, or that if they do, they'll follow you without question. Remember that questions and clarifications aren't inherently hostile. It is your audience's right to make their own decisions, so it is your duty to make your argument as effective as possible. Rhetoric is a finesse tool, not a hammer. If you try to bludgeon someone with it, it will break.
I'm worried about my acquaintance. I don't want them to feel unwelcome with us, and I want them to take care of their own well-being. I'm a Franciscan, I get the impulse. Absolutely I do. But remember that it is not a sin to care for yourself as well.
The reading that inspired this impromptu essay is from The Craft of Argument by Joseph M. Williams and Gregory C. Columb, particularly Chapter 2, "Argument as Civil Conversation."
I didn't talk about tone here but I want to do a brief discussion of it. I'm aware this is possibly too-close to "tone-policing" and I do want to avoid that. But another fact of life as it is, is that people don't like being demanded to do things. How you say something is just as important as what you say (the medium is the message). It doesn't affect the quality of my claims—I can still be right even if I'm an absolute asshole, or I can be calm and civil and just plain wrong—but it does affect how those claims will be received. When I saw the demand in the group chat, my immediate reaction was, "Fuck that, why should I?" Even if I would donate, and therefore accept the claim, I still wouldn't follow through on that demand. Because I'm a petty and spiteful bitch and I don't like being talked to like that. But I can understand the difference between the claim and the demand; my other friends may not, and that hostile demand puts the entire argument at risk. Keep this in mind as well.
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bl4cktourmaline · 6 months
Note: we are not looking for drama, we just want to clear up something in case the other person wants to escalate things.
Also no private DM leaks will be shown. I want to respect both parties privacy making this post.
Hiya X here ! I usually don't make these kind of posts so.. Please bare with me, this is kind of important to some of our followers who follow this particular person, as they have a writing blog too.
Just to let you all know, I won't be naming the person in question at all since I don't want any harassment for any sides. However i'm making this post to clarify our side. In case this person wants to twist the story.. I'll try to make this short as possible.
Note: please don't find this person in question. I just want to clear things up with our mutuals who knows them.
If you guys haven't seen, Yue did make an indirect call out post about them. However I don't know if they were ignoring it or didn't see it. However if you didn't see the post, click 'here' to read.
Continuing on, I told Yue to talk to the person in DMs about it since they haven't changed the theme or responded to the call out. Before you say 'how would the other person think we are talking about them ?' They are the only person we talk about on this blog about rushing Yue for their request. I won't say what request it is and it has been deleted by the time I posted this.
So that's how they would know it is about them since we did directly call them out on it. So it is either they didn't see or chose to ignore it. However, Yue decided to talk to them in DMs about it since it did bothered her cause she spent days and seeking me and Mango's confirmation on how to make the blog unique and 'us'.
The private conversation didn't go so well and it got heated real quick. They(person yue was talking to) claim to not heavily referenced our theme, by stating that other blogs uses it too. However, I checked their following and we are the only blog they follow that used flowers in their list. As well as the same colors(Pink, Purple and Blue) they used in their blog. Just to give context, they started out not too long ago so we couldn't have copied/been heavily inspired by them.
Which caused Yue to be enraged since.. She worked a lot to give this blog it's own uniqueness. I can't really show proof of this since by the time I made this clarification post, they had changed their theme. Once again, please do not try to find who we are talking about if you aren't mutuals with the person in question.
Next, Yue thought their writings look a bit similar to mine. I don't want to falsely accuse so I'll let you guys decide. Cause to me, their summary does look a tad' too close to what I would say before I started a fic, just a few word change and is not how they(this person) usually talk to us at all.
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Now although I do know it's a summary and that anyone could've said that. We know this person quite well and this ISN'T how they usually talk. I have never seen them used '<3' before they started a writing blog. It's like they're trying to copy the way I speak. I would show more examples with their fics. However it might expose them which is what I want to avoid doing. Although they denied copying my style by saying they only read 1-2 of my fics(X). But some of our other moots also agreed the way they write feels like mine.
Don't get me wrong, I 100% understand people can have similar writing styles ! However the way they speak in their summary is not how they usually speak at all !! It feels like me speaking.
It feels so close to the point they manage to talk like me as my minori event fic a/n looks really SIMILAR like one of their a/n. :(
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To the person who we are talking about manages to see this, if you did try to copy my style please change it. I took months and many fics on my old blog to find a style that's me..
Next point, Yue wanted to bring up something in their bio. "This blog does not support LGBTQ+" just that sentence. We all have different reactions to that sentence, especially if they didn't clarify if they respect it. Yue and this person were fighting in DMs about it, although I can agree that Yue shouldn't have lost her temper and cussed. The other person did not understand her at all and thought she was targeting them.
Yue was looking out for them since they are a mutual of ours and we wanted the best for them. Though yes, Yue should've just stopped telling them to rephrase the sentence if they didn't want to. They were not treating Yue well too and started to get very defensive about it. Saying if they had been rude to us or disrespected us.
Yue never accused them of being rude or disrespectful towards us. She just wanted to help this person clarify they respected LGBTQ but doesn't support it due to religion.
However with that topic, it was when things quickly escalated too. I know if advice/criticism isn't wanted, we shouldn't say it. However this person brought sensitive/heavy topics in their interactive asks too. Which could cause a problem to their other mutuals like us. Since we didn't want any anons/followers to see us in different light just cause a mutual of ours supported something that's a part of a heavy/sensitive topic.
That's all I have to say. I'm sorry if this is long, however thank you for reading. In conclusion, both sides have faults and couldn't see eye to eye(Yue already block this person). However due to past experience and meeting people who would twist the stories. This is why Yue wanted me to make a clarification post. Thank you for reading this.
Adding on from Yue: The person I talk to, was really narrow-minded since they didn't want to listen to me when I wanted to work things out and cut the conversation short, which was when I blocked them. They also said 'Are people really this sensitive??' When I told them the LGBTQ sentence was misleading which really made me upset.
Mutuals of theirs/both sides can ask what happen in DMs so we can clarify. Just mutuals !!
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dragontamer05 · 10 months
Things I learned while listening to the Pokemon 4Ever / Celebit voice of the forest movie
These guys do in fact watch the subs- if not multiple times and even like the subs.
When it comes to rewriting scripts changes I really get the feeling they do care, and also in some cases it seems like the VAs are kinda just given the prompt of 'do your best and fill in what fits here' like if its coming up with a new joke cause the Japanese one doesn't translate/work well or whatever.
Sometimes rewrites seem to occur just cause of the different way story telling gets handle in Japan compared to to the U.S but like I don't think it's coming from a place of 'hur dur children are dumb' most of the time anyway
Like changing up/adding in a whole scene to make it more clear that Sammy is in fact meant to be Oak since in the Original JP it's apparently far more subtle with really the only clue being that one brief clip during the credits of finding the sketch book in the lab and that's it - which while watching apparently at the time even they were like 'wait what?" and trying to figure out if this was meaning Sammy was Oak or what (Like in some ways it seems obvious but I suppose an alternate take someone might misunderstand it as Oak also having known Sammy at one point and being given then book)
But like apparently the people were pretty chill with it when they went and requested having this whole knew scene / wanting to make the change.
Basically over all it seems like everyone involved is/was very passionate about it also sounds like they occasionally would like get in contact with those in Japan if they ever had questions/need clarification on something.
And a fact that I refuse to believe after looking on the Wiki is that when showing the time jump between Sammy and Ash's time in the Sub/JP text pops up saying 40yrs later,
Sammy/Oak is at oldest in early teen years, like maybe 13 at best when we meet him as a kid. THere ain't no way that man is in his 50s and with a 12 year old Grandson
like even if he was real early 20s when he had kids that would still put him at 40 / early 40s by the time they're 20 and would mean they'd have had to have had Gary like right then at 20/21- which not impossible but kinda pushing it. And that's assuming his older sister doesn't exist in the anime- I don't think we ever see or hear anything so maybe she doesn't
So nah that man is minimum late 50s pushing into his 60s
Same goes for the Girl/Woman who was/is Oaks old friend she looked maybe 16-17 in that time but flash forward and the woman Ash n Co meet looks more like she's in her 70s (with also a like 16 year old Grandaughter)
So gotta go with the dub on this one on just choosing to erase/ not make mention of exactly how many years it is between Sammy's time and present day with Ash.
Main thing is it was cool hearing about their process and just how much everyone involved just seemed to love it and care (sure maybe sometimes edits/changes are questionable but at the very least it seems like generally there were good intentions behind whatever was done and certainly wasn't due to a lack of caring about the original product either)
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Afab, bi-gender person coming out
as Asexual to their partners
Atsumu Miya,Satori Tendou, Yuu Nishinoya
and Kotaro Bokuto
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*this is timeskip! But I just love gifs so let me live my life 😅
Atsumu Miya x Satori Tendou x Yuu Nishinoya x Kotaro Bokuto x Bi-Gender reader (demigirl, trans mascu, super ace/sex repulsed)✨️Polyship✨️
Warnings: fluff
AN: This is a request from Dragon Anon! This is a pretty specific request and I hope I did ok! I'm still learning about the LGBTQIA+ community 🖤
🏳️‍🌈 Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing 🏳️‍🌈
😗 YN you sure yourself a creative bunch there
I mean, like do we pray for you or like congratulate you or what here 😅
Your relationship is never boring I'll give you that
Kotaro and Atsumu are constantly busy with practice
We are going to do timeskip here 🥰
I just think it fits better and just to add to the chaos
Which you clearly don't already have enough of 🥲
Please we know his chocolates are DEVINE 😫
Satori is busy loving his best life in Paris
He manages to live in Paris part time and with you all in Japan
Yuu is busy traveling the world and he most definitely had a travel blog ✋🏻
And you, well our amazing YN keeps the whole team together
Essentially you have a mini volleyball team YN
Love that for you 😍
Your boys have always been aware that you identify as both a demi female and a trans masculine male
Surprisingly, they were all not shocked 😅
I mean it never really came up in as a topic of discussion
If feel like if these guys like someone, the way they identify doesn't really matter to them
All your boys were home and everything was going well
You decided you "officially" wanted to come out of them at one of your prearranged family dinners
Family dinners together are rare because of everyone's schedules
But you manage to keep a good relationship via FaceTime and group chats
Don't even get me started on the group chats 🤚🏻
How do you not mute it daily YN 🤣
"Satori pass the salt please"- Yuu asks
"Arms to short to reach there Yuu"- Atsumu smirks
"Remember you beat you at Nationals? Oh yeah I do"- Yuu 🙃
"Yn can I have more please?"- Kotaro
"You've already had like 3 servings Ko!"- Tendou
"Umm I have something to say"- you say quietly but loudly enough for the boys to hear
You just sit back and watch your sweet bbys argue ☺️
Then you decide its time to add more chaos
"Sure YN, what's up"- Satori says setting down his fork
You won't get that from Atsumu, Kotaro or Yuu 😅
Food is life YN 👏🏻
"So I just wanted you guys to know that I'm officially coming out as a demigirl and a trans masc man"- you, waiting for responses 😬
At first they all stare at you but then their faces change to one of inquisition 🤨
"Well, it means I identify as both a girl and a guy. Like I use she/her and he/him pronouns"- you say, trying your best to answer
"Ok YN, what exactly does that mean?"- Atsumu says
We love clarification 👏🏻
They all just stare at you 😳😳😳😳
Yes give us nothing 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
"Umm is everything ok??"- you say cautiously
"I mean, yeah. It doesn't change how we feel about you YN"- Atsumu says
"Yeah your still our girl"- Tendou says
"You can use any of them!"- you say enthusiastically
"Or boy?"- Yuu questions
"Partner??"- Atsumu adds
"Ok then that's settled! Now dessert"- Kotaro adds
Well 😬 its not ENTIRELY settled yet
You have one more thing to share with them
You'd been nervous to tell them about your asexual, sex repulsed status for a while now
I mean, it can be extremely nerve wreaking
"Well there is one more thing actually"- you say gulping
"Well I'm Asexual also and sex repulsed"- you say, bracing
"Ok YN hit us"- Yuu says
Satori, Yuu, Kotaro and Atsumu 👉🏻👁👄👁 whet-
"Ok so like it's kind of complicated but I don't really experience sexual attraction to people. And I'm not really turned-on by the thought of sex at all"- you, still bracing 😬
They all just sit there and stare at you for a minute
Let it sink into their bby brains YN they need a moment ✋🏻
"Ok so, like how we're you attracted to me YN?"- Atsumu asks
"Well your funny and you have an extremely dedicated personality"- you add
"And me?"- Kotaro asks
Atsumu nods
He's definitely one of those guys who knows he's good looking and literally thinks that's the only thing that attracts people 🙄
"I just adore how sweet you are and how much you hard you work"- you
Yuu looks at you 👀
"I love how much you care for others and how you never give up Yuu"- you
"And Satori, I love your perseverance and how you don't conform to what other people want!"- you say
They all look at you still
"So umm do you guys have anything to say?"- you finally ask
Is it getting hot in here 😅
all eyes on YN 👀
Silence 🔕
You begin to wonder if you said too much
Please you didn't YN they just need time to formulate words
"YN you know we care about you. And our relationship has been working well. I don't think this really changes anything right now"- Satori finally says
"I mean, if it does, I think we all feel like we can talk to you and each other about it"- Yuu adds
"YN we love you for who you are"- Kotaro
"We love how annoying you are, how much a pain in the butt you can be.."- Atsumu adds
"You guys- you guys love me 🥺"- you
Yuu, Satori and Kotaro look at Atsumu 👉🏻😐 really dude
"That's what you got from that"- Atsumu
"I love you guys too!"- you say
Please someone smack him ✋🏻 👦🏼
"Speaking of annoying"- Tendou says rolling his eyes 🙄
The boys all get up, giving you your personal choice of affection
We stan supportive partners 💅🏼
Especially chaotic supportive 🥰
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genshingarbage · 3 years
How would Kazuha, Xiao and Venti react with a s/o who’s very playful (maybe a scenario specifically where their s/o is playfully biting them or nuzzling into them hahah)?
This is adorable, but one of these boys are not like the others~ haha! I hope you enjoy these lil headcannon one shot thingies! Still rusty from my break- apologies. - Mod Diluc
Playful S/O
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He enjoys cuddling and all forms of intimacy; so this won't bother him when you get all close with him.
He doesn't mind kissing and holding hands and even acting like the cliche young-in-love romance birdies.
When he's trying to focus or the timing is different however you may manage to coax a blush from the man when getting all affectionate; especially if you're both round and/or infront of company.
He won't get mad though, just really embarrassed, he's such a cute boy. You have to love him for it. <3
"Aha... Y/N, what are you doing?" Kazuha said with an obvious undertone of embarrassment.
You took it upon yourself to ignore your boyfriends question however and simply nuzzle your nose deeper into the crook of his neck, he felt so warm and soft, and always smelt good.
"Mmh, comfy" You softly mumbled out against his neck, the tickle of your breath causing a small smile to creep onto the lips of the lone samurai.
He'd almost forgotten that you were both in fact halfway through an idle conversation with other crew mates from The Crux fleet; who'd all gone dead silent in their words now and were just watching the show play out before them.
His cheeks dawned a deeper shading of dusted pink across them as his hands came up in silent plea of forgiveness to the other crew mates.
Kazuha sums this up to you getting a little too tipsy, but he won't deny he enjoys the closeness of you both right now, so he opts to just let you continue, which you do, happily.
The crew disperse once they read the look in your boyfriends eyes and he wraps his arms around you gently, pressing his chin softly upon your head.
His eyes closed as he breaths in deeply and takes in your scent, you smell good to him too, you're the only thing keeping him steady in this world now.
"You love to embarrass me don't you Y/N?" He muses softly to you with his chin still nestled in your hair.
With your eyes closed and your face nuzzling as cutely and deeply as it can into the crook of his warm neck you simply giggle.
That's all he needs to hear for his clarification.
"Well, don't ever stop."
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Whatever you do to this God he will do right back at you.
Cuddle him unexpectedly? Prepare for the tightest bear hug in history.
Give him small peppered kisses across the face? Prepare to be kissed all over with tickling added as a bonus.
If he's with you it's because he loves you and everything about you, so if you're playful this is going to just vibe with him perfectly. Match made in celestia.
"Venti?" You called out to him, in hopes your boyfriend would actually hear you this time. He really was making you question if the nickname; tone-deaf bard was just an insult or based off fact now.
However his emerald eyes shot to you and he finally put his lyre down, beaming a big bright smile at you. "What's up Y/N?"
You'd honestly had something serious to ask him, fifteen minutes ago anyway, but after spending all the time trying to get him to listen, you've forgotten what it was you wanted to have heard... Great.
So instead you decided to just give him a piece of your mind, or well, you wanted too. But having those big puppy eyes glaring at you so full of love really is hard to scold.
You grumbled under your breath before just tilting your head down in a childlike manner; arms lifted out. A rather innocent way of requesting a hug, but one Venti has grown very use to from you.
He giggled softly and stepped over to you, almost too eager to close the distance between you both and cuddled you into him lovingly. He often smells of Dandelion wine, but everyone now and then, this being one of those times, you actually pick up the smell of something else, this time it smelt like sweet flower.
It was sooting nonetheless, and you felt an urge rush over you.
"Hey!" The anemo archon yelped out softly, more in shock than in pain as you'd suddenly bit his ear gently and let out a playful growl.
"Oh that does it!" He declared, prying you off him, you already had a big cheesy grin planted across your face.
You went to make a dash for it, but I'm afraid this one's a bit more quicker than you, grabbing your arm softly and pulling your back into his chest he began to let his fingers wriggle and tickle along your skin against all your most sensitive spots.
Laughter bursting from you loud enough to pierce clouds you squirm and wriggle to get free, but he won't let you escape.
"Nooooo! Stop stop! Aha ha! Venti please! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I can't breathe ahhh! Haha!"
"Suffer!!! You shall face the wrath of the mighty bard for having challenged him so! Mwaha!"
Prepare for aching ribs. He is not letting you go so quickly.
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He will blush. Indefinitely.
He will become flustered and tongue tied, he cannot help it.
Human interaction is not his strong point, so a playful S/O who will suddenly lay their touch on him will be a shock at first.
He will become lost for words and his brain will shut down if you pull one of these playful stunts in front of other watchful eyes; spare him the embarrassment the first few times at least?
The cool breeze continued to brush across your face, letting your hair dance ever so slightly in its grip. Your forehead still pressing ever so gently against Xiaos, your boyfriend.
His golden gaze captivating your own, you'd both been silently staring into one another's eyes for longer than your mind would allow.
"Hey?" You softly asked, as if worried you could ever spook him.
"Mmh?" He replied calmly.
A mischievous smile sprawled over your lips, and before he could question the cause of it you pecked a soft kiss against the tip of his nose.
His eyes grew wide instantly and he tensed up in place, rooted to the floor now.
You couldn't help but chuckle, he looked so much like a lost child right now, it tugged your heart something fierce.
"Heh... you okay?" You tried to ask without the laughter laying dormant so obvious.
"I... why'd you do that?" The yaksha groaned with a pout in his lip and a furrow in his brow.
Now he's asking for it! Being so cute!
You simply pecked a small kiss against the tip of his nose again and even bit gently too, before having him huff loudly and pull away.
He was now faced away from you with his arms crossed, he was displaying a child in the middle of a tantrum right now. You couldn't stop giggling.
"Cheer up Xiao, it's just some playful kisses-" You were the one to have your eyes widened now and your cheeks flushed red. For he'd turned so fast and planted a kiss himself on your nose that it knocked the breath out your lungs.
Was that... was that a small smile etched on his lips? You believe so. So the moody guy does know how to play huh? Interesting.
"Next time I'll be sure to make you even more embarrassed." You jokingly mused.
"Please don't." He grunted back.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
This isnt a really a request but like you can do whatever you want with this
What if spamton had a s/o and around the time they were more stable and spamton had better mental health and his s/o met the Addison's at some point. Maybe it wasn't really planned but his s/o has a long talk with them about leaving Spamton in the dust based on what information they were able to gather and maybe they apologize to Spamton and actually really feel bad??? Spamton didn't even put them up to it they just went for it bc that's their boy!!! They're gonna stand up for him!!! He's been through so much!!! 🥺🥺🥺
(it might even hit home for them if they haven't been in the greatest mental space in the past themself and they do what they wished someone did for them in that time period)
-(idk if this name is taken but) moth anon (???)
I love this idea and oops--it turned into a full blown fic, so enjoy!
(For clarification, this takes place while Spamton is living at the mansion, so you can imagine him as a normal Addison or after he mimics Swatch)
"Spamton? No idea who you're talking about."
"Spamton? Haven't heard that name in a long time."
"Spamton? We don't talk about that around here."
Every Addison you've talked to spoke of Spamton rather dismissively when you brought up his name. Either that or they'd dodge the question entirely by rambling about their products. While the smiles never left their faces, they got more annoyed as you tried questioning what exactly happened between him and them.
"It's personal..please buy something or go. Y-You're holding up the line." One claims even though no Darkner is in sight.
Obviously, something was up.
Although you mentioned their unusual words to Spamton at the color café, he just shrugged them off as "ex-business partners" who ditched him only because they were jealous of his success. He didn't seem to care, claiming it's all part of his "sacrifice" to become a big shot. And if that's what it took, so be it.
Yet from the way the glass drink shook in his hand, which you pointed out after helping him calm down, it was clear he cared a lot and was hurt by them leaving.
Sure, money can buy him luxurious material values. But it can never mend the wounds inflicted by those who abandoned him.
Eventually you dropped the subject, not wanting to upset him further. Though now that you've heard his side of the story....it didn't seem right.
Under normal circumstances you wouldn't interfere with other people's drama. But this was the love of your life..and he was hurting inside. It seemed ridiculous the Addisons turned their back on him for such a petty reason. He certainly wasn't the type to brag about how he's better than them.
Hell, he told you he even offered to share his success with them, and they spat it back in his face.
What kind of friends would do that?
It bitterly reminded you of life back in the Light World, shunned by friends all because you achieved at something they couldn't. And they let jealousy consume them.
Yes..you can definitely relate to your boyfriend in that regard. It's why you stuck around, moved into the mansion with him, and eventually decided to live in the Dark World permanently. Because you both understood each other.
And it hurt to see him in your situation. That made you want to do something. Anything.
You decided you'll stand up for him once and for all.
The next day you called all the Addisons to meet you at the cyber grill they frequented with the promise of new products for them to sell. But while that was true, you wanted to confront them first.
Now they couldn't blabber about their stores as a diversion.
They sat down at the usual large table towards the back of the restaurant, away from other patrons, and looked around with confused glances, wondering where these so-called "new products" were.
Soon you arrived, wearing a hood to conceal your identity in case they decided to scatter. Given all the customers they met daily, it was unlikely that they'd remember your face, but you didn't wanna take any chances.
You set down the boxes you brought on another table, before turning to the group. "Thank you for meeting me here, Addisons. Now before I tell you about these, I need to ask you all something. Just a quick survey."
Orange nodded. "Alrighty. Whatcha got for us, mysterious stranger?"
"We'll be happy to answer anything for you!" Blue chimed in.
"First question. Why are you all mad at Spamton?"
One by one, their faces fell as they wondered how you knew about their relation to him. But when you finally uncovered your hood, they were stunned.
"It's you!" Orange growled, slapping their hand on the table. "This was all a scam, right? Just to trick us into talking about our personal issues?! Should've just asked him yourself!"
"Orange, mind your temper," Yellow calmly told them, before glancing back at you. "We've been avoidant on the matter because sharing personal drama is not a good look on our businesses. But you seem persistent on knowing. May I ask why?"
"Well, we're dating." You answered, once more shocking the Addisons.
But this revelation made them livid.
First Spamton got filthy rich, then a place at the mansion, and now he had a partner??? How much more could that sleazy salesman possibly want?!!
"W-Well..good for you, I guess." Pink grumbled. "He probably told you we ditched him 'cause we didn't get our fair share. But I mean that's reasonable, isn't it? He left us behind, worshipping whoever's on that silly phone of his all day."
"Yeah," Blue nodded. "We're just..stuck selling the same things in the heart of the city while he's living the dream. That's why we're mad. So..do we get the products?"
"Not until you apologize to him."
"What?!" They collectively uttered, before they began speaking over each other.
"He should be apologizing to us!"
"If he really felt bad he wouldn't have sent you."
"....maybe we should."
Everyone fell silent and looked to Blue in confusion. You sighed, glad to see one of them had common sense. "I mean, isn't it kinda childish to say "we don't wanna hang out with you anymore"? If he was a jerk I'd understand but..even now he's still the sweetest guy I've met. Did he ever brag about being richer than any of you?"
Yellow shook their head. "Come to think of it he never actually did. I guess we were all just..shocked that the unluckiest of us made his way to the top so quickly and was all hush-hush about his strategy. But...maybe we were wrong to assume he didn't need us."
The others didn't seem as irate as they did before. Instead they felt bad now that they realized they really didn't give Spamton a chance to explain himself.
Were they wrong for that?
It seems you've convinced them. So you sat down, taking your phone out to dial a familiar number. "I'm calling him now. When he gets here you're all gonna apologize. Then you'll get your products."
"Pssh, watch him not pick up the pho-" Orange began to sneer.
"Hey darling. Yeah I'm at the cyber grill. Mind coming over? I'm at the back.....yes I promise I'll buy you that special meal they got for $19.97. Okay! See you then, sweetie."
Looking at Orange, you smirked as you put the phone down. "You were saying?"
"He..didn't put you up to this?"
"Nope. I was able to figure it out on my own."
Your only worry was that you had no clue how Spamton was gonna react to seeing you with all of them..considering how jealous he got when you just took a free sample from Pink's store. But you had to settle this feud for good, because if not you...who will?
No more than ten minutes later, your boyfriend arrived and went to the back of the grill with an eager smile on his face-
Only to halt upon seeing the Addisons at the table.
"What the f...fifty percent off?!!! Is this a joke?!" He scowled, looking at you. "You said this was a dinner date! You said-!!"
"We wanna apologize to you, Spamton."
His eyes widened as he looked to Yellow. "Wh...What? Only now you all do?" He glared accusingly, before glancing around to see every other patron was minding their business.
Then he sighed and took the seat next to yours, still glaring at his ex-friends. Yet as the Addisons took turns explaining themselves and admitting their petty jealousy was stupid, his gaze softened up.
Obviously they were right to be upset when he wouldn't say anything about who helped him be so successful. You could understand, but even so Spamton huffed at their remarks on that.
"I meant it when I said I couldn't tell you my client's name. I..I didn't even know it. So how can you be mad at me for something I don't know?!!"
Feeling a hand on his arm, he looked at you, calming down slightly before he could get too heated. He then exhaled shakily. "I'm sorry, too..for keeping secrets and acting like I didn't need any of you. You all pushed me to be a big shot and..I-I lost sight of who really helped me get to this point. God, I'm sorry. I want a second chance..to prove I'm not this greedy jerk you all made me out to be."
Blue smiled and reached over to hug him. "We'll give you a second chance, bud! We Addisons gotta stick together regardless of our wealth status."
Soon the others joined the hug, all equally feeling guilty for abandoning him for weeks.
Though no one felt as guilty as Spamton, who bit back tears. He was always terrified of confronting them again, and now he had nothing to be afraid of. They forgave him.
Meanwhile you just sipped your drink, being the only one left out of the hug which was..a little awkward. But it didn't bother you at all.
This was their moment, not yours.
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