#a lot of these are illness related bc i do what i fucking want ok!!!!!!!!!!!
noriakicatkyoin · 2 years
if i make this fic be released chapter by chapter itll be the first time i wrote a fic with proper proper chapters in almost 4 years 1. fucking disgusting i was 15 almost 4 years ago. 2. this would in fact make it easier to write but my control freak self would not be able to make major retroactive edits and thus would have to trust myself and stop editing 14 million times. hideous task but a possible one
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rassicas · 2 months
hi guys! im back. i went tokyo for a few days. got back at 7 this morning after taking an overnight 7 hour bus ride.... that i did not sleep on bc i cant sleep in moving vehicles. this will be something closer to a proper blog post i guess. splatoon related convention? experience below
i've kept my mouth shut about my plans to go because its not as well known on the english side of the fanbase and i didnt wanna make people too jealous sorry LOL , but i went to splaket 22! it's an unofficial, splatoon-only doujinshi market/artists alley. this was my first convention-sort-of event ive been to since i was... in high school. i also dont really get to meet many other hardcore splatoon fans irl. i was nervous about it because i don't know a whole lot of people on the JP side nor do i have a lot of confidence in my japanese speaking/listening, but in the end it was SUPER fun. i wish i couldve talked a bit more to the artists i did encounter to comment on what i liked about their works but. Skill Issue very few non-japanese people at this event of course but one of the only english speakers i saw i called out to bc they were wearing a shirt with this exact image printed on it no video and no photos outside of designated areas were allowed so i got like. zero pics of my own. but there was a lot of cosplayers i saw! oh and here's the Loot Haul. a few doujin, a clear file, stickers, microfiber cloth and a keychain. im surprised at how little i got, i think i shouldve gone a bit crazier with it
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the one with Tao Blu and oonie in the top left (by sachikazerick) I came across by chance and bought because it was cute, featured splatband characters, and also because it all in some familiar inkling language (the last point of which i told the artist as i was buying) when i finally got home and saw the back credits...
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SMALL FUCKIN WORLD LOL (i tweeted at the artist afterwards to let him know i came by the table and to thank him for using me and my friend's inkling language fonts!) though truly, i think ardnin deserved the credit more rather than me since he made most of those fonts! ah well, still cool to see more and more fan works using deciphered inkling language. top middle book is a story with some salmonid characters that i havent read yet but im looking forward to it, the art is lovely. top right one was the first thing i bought. the artist is rk_splaworks, whose art i love, and we've been mutuals for a few years and have talked a bit here and there! i was so fucking nervous to meet them in person since my japanese sucks LMAO but they were happy to meet me too and we got a selfie together yippy <3 also havent read their doujin Yet since ill have to rub all my brain cells together and huddle over the dictionary, but i want their oc lore
ok that's all i'll say, next splaket is...june 22. very soon....im already thinking ill. go again. yknow. while im still in japan and all that. i guess ill have to study harder on my jp in the meantime teehee ...i doubt it, but in the off chance anyone following me is going to the next splaket in june lemme know!
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twistedastrology · 21 days
- A Cancer's Appearance -
yes i yap a lot about cancers but what do u expect im literally a cancer rising and i hate that everyone gets us wrong as fuck 😕
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going orange this time bc i want color in my life rn-
ANYWAY ok so i saw a tiktok last night that was the rising signs and their appearance and Ofc they said cancers often have very soft, rounded features "like the full moon" and generally have very prominent chests and my spindly ass is watching that shit like No.
SO what do cancer placements actually look like!!! Bc i actually went thru the comments and saw a lot of cancer risings not relating and im like OK so it's not just me-
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first off, i see ppl saying cancer risings look different compared to cancer suns or other placements and i have never noticed this myself. im not entirely sure why a rising placement would look different from a sun placement but what do i know i could just be an idiot-
in my experience, both personal and observational, cancers tend to be very lanky and spindly people-
they might have Slightly softer facial features but not without definition.
being their sister sign, ive noticed heavy capricorn placements tend to have jawlines of the gods, and so do cancers usually, just in a slightly different way.
capricorn bone structures generally look very <. Like very sharp and strong as if they have like no tissue on top of their bones and it's just skull and skin kinda- Cancer bone structures look very???? Not ) but like if < was a just Slightly more rounded- they have more muscle definition in their faces rather than bone definition if that makes sense.
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^ to help u understand what im yapping abt, im bringing local 99% capricorn man awsten knight (lead singer of the band waterparks) to the table.
this motherfucker is so capricorn it's not even funny- he's got not 1, not 2 but SIX capricorn placements in his fucking chart- sun, mercury, mars, uranus, neptune and north node-
and unfortunately no face reveal yet but u gotta trust me when i say i look just fucking like him and i have 0 capricorn placements and like 0.5 earth placements in general.
i look like awsten if he was like a twinge more rounded like a TWINGE- i got the same sharpness right it's just like?? HAHAHAH it's like sharp corners of wood sanded down that's the difference- like sanded just enough so they're a little more rounded out but they're still pretty sharp edges u know what im saying-
(waterparks is an amazing band btw should totally check them out if u havent already they're in my top 3 all-time fav bands along with bad omens and korn)
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and i have another topic abt cancers brewing in my head rn that ill have to write abt in a separate post but i dont think cancers are actually the crab i think they're the spiders- ill put an arachnophobia warning on that post bc ill probably put multiple spider images But i say that for several reasons-
one such being that most spiders are Very Spindly!!!!! they're 90% limbs!!! and the cancer placements that i know are Usually also 90% limbs, there being some exceptions ofc as always-
me personally ive always been extremely tall and lanky, i am indeed 99% limbs and for a while until i gained more muscle, looked malnourished 💔 (someone accused me of having anorexia at one point, that's a story for another day tho- i do actually have an eating disorder but not anorexia)
this could also be because im extremely mercury dominant but ive seen people say that mercurians are Short which makes absolutely NO sense to me at all- ill do a post on that at some point 💔💔
but i also consider cancers to be neptune ruled instead of moon ruled, and to me, neptunians would be very spindly.
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all this to say that in my experience, cancers are not rounded or large chested, they tend to be very lanky, small-chested actually, potentially tall, and have very defined eyes for some reason or another-
in my case i have the most dark purple bags under my eyes you will ever see in your entire life (i got a sleep disorder that makes me legitimately nocturnal 🙏😔), and you can see like every emotion im experiencing in my eyes very easily IF u know me well enough (which my mom is the only one who can genuinely see everything)
i also have a REAL bad case of resting bitch face AND crazy eyes, which the crazy eyes i think are boosted by my mars conjunct asc and my uranus trine asc 🙏🙏🙏
one thing the tiktok said though that did make sense a little was "cancers are usually the spitting image of their mother, like copy + paste"
i dont think it's just the mother i think it's whichever parent you're closest to, but i Am a direct copy paste of my mom in both appearance and everything else tbh- and she's a cap rising + aries sun/mercury/venus- and we both have mars in cancer, but that's her only cancer placement so 🤔
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once again this is my personal experience so if this checks out, god bless, n if it doesn't my bad i tried 🙏😔
plenty more cancer content to come i fear because there is So much that so many ppl get wrong about them 😕
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griancraft · 3 months
Ok as per my last post. This is Long and very much about my feelings so uh don’t read it if you don’t want to. Also I’m aware I sound genujneky crazy for half of this I’m just really really mentally ill in ways I don’t talk about here at all and now I am sharing them and it’s. A little scary but oh well. The system stuff is the stuff I’m most concerned about right now to be honest bc it effects my day to day and if anyone has any kind words or thoughts on what to do I’ll be happy to listen
Please read my previous post if you’re mad /gen I don’t think I say anything bad here but I have really bad morality ocd so like uhm I am scared to post this!!! Prev post
Also I’m very sorry that the prose is terrible to read and my spelling is shit I have dyspraxia which is a coordination thing and it’s worse rn
The maybe I was boring album came on yesterday while I was cleaning and I had to stop what I was doing and turn it off halfway through because I just couldn’t stop hearing an admission. I wasn’t even sad I was just. So done with it. I still am just kinda like. God I hope Shelby is doing ok with all this being public now. I’m glad she was able to heal like she said and I’m glad she made the video dude.
I almost got his lyrics tattooed if that’s testament to how much I loved his early music. It’s not connecting in my brain that this music that’s been apart of my life for like 4 years and helped me through so much was made by an abuser.
But like, in retrospect you can see it. I can’t bear to delete ycgma off my mp3 player bc I related to his songs so much as an abused lonely teenager but I also can’t bare to listen to it. I learned the fall on my guitar as my final exam and I used to repeat his lyrics to myself to cope with abuse and I wish I could still love these songs. I dressed like his dsmp character bc I thought it made me look cool. Which is lame as fuck to admit now lol
Originally I was planning on pirating them and I like, can’t especially after that manipulative ass statement. How much was an act? I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m a bad person because I still kinda do want to listen to that music again. I still want to feel that safe but I know I won’t feel that way anymore.
with dsmp stuff I think I’m going to be still able to look back fondly on it generally and I don’t think I’ll ever stop. The community was what made it and the community is what I loved, and i still do. I don’t think I’m going to reblog art of him specifically but if he’s in it I might. Idk. My policy on dream fanart is if he’s not alone in the art and it’s dsmp or mcc related I reblog so I guess I’ll continue that here. Im sorry if that sounds callous I just. Am not prepared to talk about this so I’m going back and forth
And like. We also have a wilbur factive/fictive and we have for years now and nobody in our system knows how to feel about that. He formed to fill the role of a big brother (I was being heavily emotionally neglected at that point and needed someone to be there for me) and protector from my parents abuse. Obviously, he is entirely separate from his source now bc alters change a lot for me but how we picture him is still wilbur. he’s literally just some guy now but grappling with that connection is fucked up dude it’s weird. He’ll probably further distance himself but it still fucking sucks and I don’t know how to communicate the cognitive dissonance we had to push through bc our brain struggled at first to make sense of how this person who we liked so much that he became the template for a Protector to shield us from the emotional neglect and abuse, essentially, is a terrible person. I’m sorry I know people who aren’t systems, and some who are ngl, will find this fuckibg nuts and I get that but we’re a very very internal person like I just. Kinda am with us as a system a lot and nobody else. It feels like my safe space that I’ve created in my head has been marred. Also. uhm. Our alters speak in distinct voices so it’s bad bad for me rn and we are trying to fix it. I know I know fictives and factives arenttheir source but that doesn’t change that it makes me feel gross. I’m rambling rn I’m sorry. Support Shelby.
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hikari-ni-naritai · 4 months
3 6 10 11 12 18 21 23 26 27 29 30 31 36 45 50 52 54 55 57 58 59 60 62 69 (nice) 74 76 86 87 90 95 97
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
man . theyre both kinda. painfully sweet. bubblegum i guess? i also like cotton candy tho its just hard to pick
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
i dotn know what like. most of these words mean. how are half of these related even. tomboy.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
man i fucked hard at dodgeball
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
these days shredded wheat
12. name of your favorite playlist?
the fuck is a playlist
18. ideal weather?
yknow, cloudy, warm, smells like its about to rain
21. obsession from childhood?
warriors cats babeyyyy. and bionicles
23. strange habits?
man i KNOW ive got some but i cant think what they are. i do this wrist flick manoeuver to crack it.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
if im actually out in the warm weather? take a nice walk maybe.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
yknow. i havent done it in ages but i really like doing jigsaw puzzles. maybe put some jazz on.
29. best way to bond with you?
i dunno honestly! i dont have an answer to this one. it takes a lot of time and effort i think.
30. places that you find sacred?
the woods. the woods the woods the woods you have no idea. the woods. its the woods.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
i would die if i tried to do either of those things
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
like...... charlie the unicorn i think.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
fantasy obv
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
god there was something that destroyed me but idr what it was. the hardest in recent memory was me trying to tell a REALLY really stupid joke that wont make sense to any of you. i did not manage to say it bc i was laughing too hard.
52. favorite font?
i absolutely do not have an opinion on this
54. what did you learn from your first job?
you know at mcdonalds in order to work the grill you have to be willing to put your arms under a hot piece of metal that drips boiling grease on you? thats what i learned.
55. favorite fairy tale?
what IS my favorite fairy tale....... we'll go with red riding hood bc her modern interpretations are always the cutest
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
damn what. uhh ok, having to rebuild my entire social life after the shit that happened a couple years ago, the several year process of going from hyperconservative christian to a . whatever the hell i am now. some kind of far left girl. and uhhhh. figuring out i was trans i guess? idk
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
four??? im good at ff14 raiding, im good at writing, im good at.... uhh... im pretty funny i think, annnddddd uhhh. i dont know that its a talent, but i like to think im good at making people feel safe talking to me.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
heh... guess i shotcha... uhh 'god im fucking tired'
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
ISEKAI OBVIOUSLY specifically something like slime 300 but ill take almost any of them.
62. seven characters you relate to?
SEVEN............ god.... uhh hanako ikezawa, hikari finalfantasy (im cheating), (god i got to ONE and already had to start cheating...) yumiella dolkness, man im tappin out. look at my list of ocs i put way more of myself into them than there could ever be in any other character
69 nice. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
i feel like i know how i know most of my fun facts bc if i didnt i would not really know if i could believe them or not.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
like 8 or 9 probably. i dont really go below a 5 so. its gotta be like migraine or vertebral artery dissection bad before im like 'i should really get some meds'. unless im doing it preemptively which ive done for like when ive got raid later.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
the amount of qualifiers this question needs.... cupcakes tho probably.
87. your greatest fear?
90. luckiest mistake?
i mean most of my mistakes havent been lucky, the best i can think of is when i accidentally followed my girl @handinvampirichand and now we're mutuals with wildly different taste in things but we're cool.
95. favorite app on your phone?
i like tumblr
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
uhh mine, my moms, my moms house, my brother's, my dads. jg wentworth 877 CASH NOW. so thats 6
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maddykomtrikru · 8 months
Gaylors are like kindergartners like y’alls behavior is pointed out to be invasive and weird and you point at other people like “but they’reeeeee doing it tooooooo.” And? It doesn’t change that you’re all still parasocial creeps
ok so i’ve been very good about not trying to communicate with some of y’all bc i genuinely don’t like fighting. gaylors at least in my time with being here, have always listened to what taylor has said, unlike some of y’all who are getting all weird about her alleged relationship with the football player. yes, i can admit that there are some people in the fandom who take things too far, i am mature enough to admit tht, unlike a lot of you who have been calling us “freaks” and to “kill ourselves” bc we noticed queer themes in her music.
if you’re coming at me bc of the prologue, i would like for you to read the whole thing before speaking bc she clearly states she hated people speculating relationships with men and women. and if you were there during the 1989 era, you would notice that it wasn’t just relationship rumors being speculated, she was called horrible things for being in a group filled with models by everyone, she couldn’t even exist in the same space as another person without being questioned what her intentions were or if she was just trying to get something out of it, you realize that right? the media wanted to hate on her so badly that they did that shit.
i am very aware that you’re probably not gonna read this, but calling someone a para social creep isn’t cute or funny. you call us kindergarteners but im not the one calling names and being so cruel to other fandom members. we have been peaceful, at least from what i noticed. we haven’t done anything wrong, literally all we’ve done is notice the queer themes in her music and have been able to relate to it. if she’s straight, ill love her, if she’s queer, ill love her. that’s all i’m fucking saying here.
however she identifies as, that will not change my opinion on her, im not sure if i can say the same for some of you guys.
just wanna also make it known we aren’t the ones parading around places she goes to get a glimpse of her even tho she’s said multiple times she doesn’t like it. maybe fucking watch miss americana please.
also real cool of you to come at me anonymously, like you just wanna spread hate so badly that you’ll target a peaceful blogger.
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pumpkinsy0 · 6 months
Tim Shepard (Tv series) Head Cannons
🟦 ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷█ ▇ ▆ ▅ 🟦
This is if you seen the Tv show or not its fine :P
🟦 ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷█ ▇ ▆ ▅ 🟦
But take your time!! NO RUSH THANK YOU🙏🏻♥
🟦 ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷█ ▇ ▆ ▅ 🟦
Sorry to ask this! Its just over seen the show and in my opinion i was a great show I loved it! I LOVES IT EVEN MORE CAUSE OF TIM. HE REALLY IS MY FAVE!🙏🏻😭 (IM OBSESSED WITH HIM! NOT IN A WEIRD WAY GOD NO😭) I KIN WITH HIM SO MUCH I RELATE WIT HIM SO MUCH🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Also your my favorite "OUTSIDERS" fanpage! Your my favorite person! (Love'ya :D )
🟦 ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷█ ▇ ▆ ▅ 🟦
i havent seen the show in a while so what i remember is rusty and i dont think tim was rlly there a bunch so i only have like 3 hcs im srry BUT to make up for it i will go into depth about them kinda sorta, and by hcs i mean aspects of his character i liked in the show and just went “yea thats tim im including that in my tim most definitely” but i do have like 2 hcs
•hes a good artist
loved this part of his character in the show, i feel like he was one of those kids who would doodle on like desk n stuff like that, and maybe he was one of those kids who was into graffiti and he just liked designing things but had no real outlet, sometimes at night when he cant sleep or somethin or hes thinking of like idk gang stuff he draws cause it helps clear his mind, he also just thinks its funny to draw a lot of weiners, hes still a teen hes a lil immature, but i also hc that his artistic abilities kinda inspired angela and curly as well and they become artist in their own right
•hes close to pony
OK LOOK I LOVE THIS AS A FOIL RELATIONSHIP TO DARRY AND CURLY ITS GREAT, but HOW did they get close??? most likely after johnny and dallys deaths, pony spends more time w curly which means more time at curlys house which means seeing tim a lot more as well, at first tim would just pop in and go like “do yall want somethin to eat” and ofc pony was afraid at first but l as time went on, they just kinda clicked, maybe over art, bc each other using creativity as an outlet, or something or bc tim was like “o he is a bit fucked up actually” and took him under his wing
•hes somewhat involved w the curtis gang
mostly based off that one rumble episode, BUT i hc that after dallys death, tim became not close but definitely not a stranger to the curtis gang, he doesnt rlly hang out w them or anything like that, but he does see them quite a bit and talks to them, and especially teams up w them when they need it, think of tim as what dally was to the gang, the guy who came n went but was down w them, but in his own “yall cool but i got a gang to lead so ill help darry a bit when it comes to handlin yall” way if that makes any lick of sense
•i hc that angela and curly werent there bc they were off w their grandma, y u ask??? man idk they love their grandma i guess who r we to judge
•perhaps it was around that time that angela and curly was gone that tim started getting closer to pony cause he kinda missed up and wanted someone to look after, he just got that “damn i need to b a guardian to a fucked up kid or else im gonna go insane my damn self” thing goin on and pony was there so
•i said it before but idc ill say it again, tims art is influenced by haitian art, maybe not like the style exactly, but the idea of it being vibrant, black ppl being shown using the actual color black, yknow that thing
•tim mostly draws ppl and landscapes, maybe he goes out of his way and draws like anatomy stuff wether its normal things or like horror
•he would never actually show his drawings to anyone, he rlly only shows pony it cause he knows pony wont judge, ofc angela and curly knows and have seen it but thats bc theyre nosey and poke around his things, he knows about it but they havent said anything so it’s whatever
thats all i could think of mb</33
and thank u im glad my acc beings some sorta joy, luv ya 2 anon🙏🏽🙏🏽
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lexysstorm · 7 months
Live thoughts while reading Thunder:
- why did frostpaw just use the word hours?
- please gay frostwhistle please
- goosegrass? I think thats a new one.
- AAAAAA i just want to read frostpaw pov shes the only one im interested in but ill give the others a shot
- if squif doesnt become leader i will be very unhappy
- ok but why is night going with them i dont see a point
- i really really really hate the decision to pair sun with night it doesnt feel earned. Just let sun be in shadow its so much more interesting there
- ok sunbeam show me whatcha got
- stop being stinky lionblaze
- ok she kinda right tho- does look kinda desperate sun im sorry girl you dont need no man
- ok i like spark and finch WOOO
- really love how berryheart trespassed just to whine at sun for leaving
- i dont remember smoky being this nice but ok
- FINALLY someone brings tree up in all this
- thats a HILARIOUS trial idea actually
- finchsun please
- i think its kinda dumb that riverstar is here ngl- then again i didn't read his super edition
- theres goes my frostwhistle😭😭😭
- another traveling book im
- i am actually very interested to see what tree comes up with for a solution
- what if frostpaw brings a cat back from the forest territories to be riverclans leader wouldnt that be STUPID
- usual nightheart L
- ok i have a pool and a cat that goes outside and the pool cover does NOT bend under her weight💀💀💀theyre made to support a humans weight just in case (i think, dont try that)
- yeah frost is kind of carrying you night step up ur game
- dovewing ur right to be defensive queen- kind of shitty of ivy to be kind of trying to use her like that even if i do like ivy,,,
- omg "im not letting you manipulate me into manipulating him!" PERIOD QUEEN
- berryhearttttttt whatre you planninggggg
- cherry fall is right just give it a lil shove- im sure they could aim the rock to not hit a den
- i bet the black cat that refused to eat with the park cats will be rcs next leader but that's a crack theory
- meditating cats
- ok well. Why cant she just. Learn everything she needs to abt meditation real quick then go back to rc
- oh nevermind okay
- "ive always known" SUREEEE unless im forgetting something from previous books, you didnt suspect a THING frost
- ok so her name is rook, ill remember that
- wait. Waffle. Waffle that won the contest? WAFFLEPAW????
- Worse than you imagined??? what does THAT mean
- cherrfall sus
- Cherryfall?????
- sunbeam u really need to tell someone what youve seen and heard istg
- wow the big reveal nobody saw coming. HEY i DO like the idea though! Frost getting manipulated by her mother and a cat she loved is pretty fun to read, more interesting than nightheart. Even sunbeams pov has been pretty fun. Honestly if night didnt have a pov/wasnt a main character i would love this arc a lot more! And if sun didnt switch clans smh MAKE HER GAY HUNTERS
- ok well. Frostpaw. Dont. Do it. In rc camp??? Do it at a gathering- so EVERYONE knows
- oh my god is she actually gonna do that?? Lets go????
- wait dont the medcats have to be w the impeachment squad or am i misremembering
- ok good someone brought it up, but there should be a rule that if the medcat is closely related to leader they should be excused bc of conflict of interest right?
- uhuh SUREEEEE podlight
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dizzybizz · 9 months
ok i need someone elses (especially- but not exclusively- other afab autistics, cis or trans) thoughts on this shit cause im losing my goddamn mind i just have so many feelings about gender and its fucking me up
ok so.
ive always sorta felt disconnected with my gender and i dont think me being autistic helps with it either. what with trying to pinpoint feelings and all that being hard. and it has i guess planted a lot of doubt surrounding my thoughts and feelings about my own gender in my mind. i question if everything im feeling is just bc im autistic. which is why im making this post!! i just need some outside perspectives and thoughts and i guess i want to know that im probably not alone in my struggles with this.
idk how i wanna structure this post but ill just write down the things that come to mind.
like before i hit puberty i was not into the idea of it at all. and before i had considered the fact that i might be trans, i thought it was just because i didnt like the thought of change. and i think thats normal, being hesitant about puberty.
BUT uhm. now im not religious. but i vividly remember praying to god that i would at least be as late a bloomer as possible. if not, never ever going through afab puberty. and i always felt more inclined towards amab puberty, and i thought it was a MUCH better deal than whatever afab puberty was going to do with me.
and i feel really silly writing this cause that does not sound like something a normal cis girl would do or think... and i feel quite confident in me being not cis. but i guess this is just a post to seek some validation in my suspicion and feelings. but i also want to know if it is an experience others share.
my gender thoughts as i call them have been particularly prevelant since 2019, thats when i think i first started contemplating whether i might just actually be trans. at that time i believe it was more towards the non binary, but nowadays its ftm
and i just idk. im kinda lost and lonely here, i havent talked about with any family members which are the people i spend most of my time with currently. i wanted to get the perspective of people who are also autistic and might relate to the gender feelings and yeah
and ok no sorry, jumping back, cause its always at its worst before and during shark week (like right now :)) and that has also thrown me off quite badly
cause what if its just pms, or just some kinda hormone imbalance or some shit like that. am i crazy cause sometimes i feel like im driving myself mad with this stuff. is it common to have really intense thoughts about gender anytime your period is about to kick in.
also growing up with a younger brother (who also has a whole ass army of guy friends) when you have these thoughts is fucked up ngl who allowed this. youre telling me he gets to just get that puberty for free. fucking hell wtf
sorry i lost it pls just idk tell me your thoughts wherever, replies, i think im turning off reblogs for this but, my inbox or dms anything ok thanks so much, means the world
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bright-and-burning · 5 months
haiiiiiiiiiii 4, 21, 26?
from here
4. when did you start watching formula one?
like the weekend between qatar and cota 2023 LOL i am so new around here. i got a bunch of tweets algorithmically abt the whole nightmare that is qatar and id been spending like actual years admiring the web weavings coming out of f1 without knowing anything. and i was like ok sure ill jump in. the narratives got me… i’ve never watched motorsports before (my dad saw someone uh. die in a crash at his first ever race so that was not something my family ever was into) but i am very much a sports person AND a data person. so this is the perfect sport <3 yes i made an f1 blog like a week after deciding to get into f1 don’t worry abt it
21. what is your favorite f1 related quote?
answered here but it’s not very profound bc i’m drunk and have bad memory. i do actually like the cheesy senna quote abt “If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver.” tho. bc i do live a fuck it we ball kind of life. like if i don’t go for things i want even if there’s risks… what’s the point? am i really living… this IS how you end up unemployed for six months. but it’s also how you get ur dream job (pension included…)
26. which driver would you most like to meet?
hmmmmmmmmm. current driver? logan tbh. he’s got a lot on his shoulders. u kno. and we’re the same age . like would’ve been in the same grade and stuff in school. but he’s lived a COMPLETELY different life to me idk he’s fascinating for how much and how little of myself that i can see in him. and also i think hugging him would fix us both.
retired driver .. jenson button i would— [redacted wine drunk statements]
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thedisablednaturalist · 9 months
so sorry ppl that cant read are sending you messages about those posts but i get it completely. rheumatologists and osteos and NP's want to hear more abt my decade old severe anxiety and depression and adhd and ~more~ diagnoses than chronic debilitating pain and just slap vitamin D pills on it and throw up their hands because "test results are weird idk what to tell u even tho i said it was this two weeks ago". abled friends and coworkers can have conversations about their mental health struggles but its looked at self pityingly if i bring up how my life is irreparably damaged by my physical disability because disabled people have to be strong and resilient to earn a place in their field and if you cant cut it just get on those snazzy disability benefits and let it get worse. i think a lot of abled ND people just cant accept that they do not experience the worst of life's struggles and that solidarity doesnt make us the same
I try to be understanding and answer peoples questions politely when I have the spoons and if they are genuinely confused bc I used to be ignorant as well about a lot of aspects of physical disability but it gets so tiring. Nowadays there are a ton of resources from physically disabled people talking about their experiences its actually quite easy to educate yourself on our struggles. Like sorry I get a little frustrated and rude when I'm constantly bombarded by ableism and rude ass people.
Also yeah that's exactly what I've been trying to say. Doctors can usually relate to people having mental health struggles and even some aspects of neurodivergencey. But they cannot understand someone looking completely fine and not being able to detect anything but complaining of horrible pain and constant tiredness outside of the lense of mental health. And if your mental health is managed or only suffering because you are in constant pain, they say you're faking, or OBVIOUSLY you just need to lose weight, or drink more water, or exercise more than any able bodied person does. People take one look at me and think the solution is obvious and I'm just too stupid or lazy to figure it out.
And me saying this isn't saying that mental illness is super easy to deal with. Its fucking awful as well and many doctors say this shit to neurodivergents as well. And this is especially true for poc and people with psychosis or bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.
I went to my first therapist in my sophomore year of highschool and got medicated that same year. I started investigating my health issues in college freshman year and have JUST gotten actual results from treatment. SIX fucking years later. SIX fucking years of CONSTANT PAIN. And I have great insurance and a great dad who just wants me to feel better (my mom is a different story). My parents are sort of upper middle class and I live in a very privileged area. Of course that means I can't afford to move out even with an ok salary, but at least there are plenty of doctors around to choose from and plenty of appointments available. I can't imagine how long it takes someone without those advantages. And even still I had to fight to be listened to, I had to listen to so much bs from doctors and had to go from doctor to doctor begging for someone to listen.
Like they really don't get how unbelievably hard it is to get care for physical disabilities, visible and invisible. If you're visibly disabled you get treated like a child and a monster and you're isolated from society. If you're invisibly disabled you get laughed at by doctors and ignored. If it's hard for you guys imagine that difficulty increased by 100%.
I try to be really visible when I'm working in a position I know has my back. I really try to educate young people and children on what my disability looks like and I hope disabled kids and kids who eventually become disabled can see me and know that their lives are valuable and they are valuable. And it is possible to find joy in your life and reasons to keep living. And employers shouldn't be able to throw away our resumes and pay us less just cause we may need a little extra help. I know what everyone thinks when they see me in my wheelchair and using my walking sticks and when I tell them I need to take a break as I'm running out of spoons. I know their first thought is what the hell am I doing here if I'm in so much pain? When people see me by myself in my wheelchair they think I must have gotten lost and separated from my abled handler. I love my job, I love what I do, and I want to be able to keep doing it. But I can't work as long as an abled person, I can't do it without accommodations. Hell abled people shouldn't be working as long as they do either. I wish to live a life where I'm free to do the work I love without killing myself and still be able to live a comfortable life. Every disabled person, working or not, deserves to live a comfortable life.
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abysslll · 10 months
please tell me why those blorbos are you coded 👁👁
hehe dont mind if i do >:)))) (original post here)
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here r my guys !!! im tired so this won't be Super in depth but uh yeah :D
yuki - a major part of his character development is learning to be his own person and realizing that his mom doesn't have any power over him. specifically there's a scene where he's talking to her and he says something along the lines of "my end result might not be something you approve of but i want it to be something i'm proud of" and that. inspired me SO FUCKING MUCH. i think about it all the time. he gives me so much courage but i can also really relate to his character before all that development, where he feels detached from his peers because he was isolated from a young age and always wanted friends but was always afraid the people around him hated him
kunikida - the pure rage this man goes through every time something doesn't go exactly according to plan speaks to me. he is perfectionist anger issues personified. also very much relate to his struggle of trying to get dazai to pay fucking attention to their jobs bc trying to wrangle people to stay on task is something that drives me So Fucking Insane. hes just a relatable boy ok.
tome - very obsessed with something that nobody else really cares about, and even the people close to her who Seem to care about it don't really even listen to her infodumping and genuine love for what she does. there's also a scene during the alien arc where they're about to go try to contact the aliens and she says she doesn't want to, because this is her last chance for it to ever happen and if it doesn't work it means she's been lying to herself this whole time and AUGH. that speaks to me. a lot of times i've tried something new to cure my Illness and it doesn't work and i understand so well the feeling of just wanting to give up even though you have a possible solution, because if the solution doesn't work then you just don't have anything left
natsume - this one is mostly just vibes but i think his personality and terrified to make friends attitude are very me coded
tachihara - my family is extremely conservative while most of my friends and extended family are liberal. i often feel like i'm playing spy or infiltrating one group or the other and i never feel like i really fit in either bc i don't want to betray my parents even though our ideals naturally dont coexist and this is something i struggle with and feel conflicted about a lot etc etc
kaido - haha look at chuunibyo boy go
aoyama - haha look at flamboyant to hide a crippling inferiority complex boy go
reki - i dont remember anything about sk8 except for cherry and the fact that this kid has adhd and i think thats self explanatory
iris - after she moves to the city her parents invite her home and then spring on her that they want her to move back home permanently and give up her dreams so she can settle down and have kids and lets just say my mom and i argue about something along these lines Too Much :)
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limpfisted · 9 months
Today's hc is actually:
Its GOOD to do good things and love urself, actually. Maybe wyll NEEDS to be his vampire hunter original oc blade, no relation to marvels blade, but you know what? Wyll HAS done a lot of good things! He's done bad things as well... but...
In the end part of being human is to want to be recognized and seen through the eyes of another as worthy of love. (This theme of eyes and wyll is part of what attracts me to the character.) Does wyll want to recognized as a hero? Yes. Does whll want to be appreciated? Yes. Does he want to be loved? Yes.
But more than that, even? Wyll wants to look at his OWN deeds, like a checklist.
Did I wake up and perform the role of the blade well? Was i heroic? Was i just? Was I lovable and kind? If he was, good. If he wasn't, he'll have to work harder and then earn the trust of the people of the sword coast again
Its okay to want approval and to be loved! A savior complex like wyll has is bad, and wyll HAS done bad things by role-playing the blade
But sometimes you need to be a little mentally ill to be a lot less mentally ill. If naruto helps u brush ur teeth than dattebayo.
Wylls attention seeking behaviors are only bad when they become a detriment to his common sense and dignity, which sometimes they do!
But hes nor wrong for wanting to love or needing a role to perform to feel good about himself. He should have other reasons to feel good about himself and let himself be human and not just the blade or a savior, of course. But like. Hes not wrong for wanting to be the blade, hes not wrong for wanting to be good, hes not wrong for wanting to help people
It has just been warped as a coping mechanism so much that he needs to reevaluate what it means to be the blade so it becomes a tool that helps him grow instead of restricts him in unhealthy mindsets
Like idk if I believe in "good people" bc like. Good isn't a thing you are, it's a thing u wake up and decide to do and ACTUALLY perform instead of inflicting fucked up ideas on the world with good intentions----but like. Wyll is a very decent person, just misguided in a lot of ways. And human and shit!!!!
Ultimately wyll HAD to fight devils and innocents like mizora said or he would risk eternal damnation even worse than he already has. A promise broken, a price paid. How many promises did he break? How often was he punished?
He did so much good DESPITE his contract, not like he thinks,because it granted him that power
Its a very interesting thing, yes he believes he has to do good things to be loved. But also isn't that partially true? A stranger is not obligated to love you. And all the blade knows is strangers now. Yes he may be inherently as worthy of love as the people he saves. That doesn't mean he doesn't have to prove it so he can been seen through anothers eyes and stop feeling so empty and lonely and soulless
And he wants to do good!!!! Genuinely!! It is a performance and a coping mechanism for HIMSELF!!!!
There's an infinite amount of things to say about this tbh, I'll stop here!
Ok i lied one last thing, wylls real fatal flaw is more his black and white thinking and his tendency to dehumanizing people in order to fit his misguided ideas about the world ok rant OVER!!!!
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waitingonthewind · 7 months
Out of all your characters (from games or otherwise), which one do you think is the most like you? In what ways? Was it intentional, or was it an accident you only noticed after the fact?
(Feel free to delete if it feels too personal 🙈)
@undead-potatoes aaaaaa thanks so much for the ask!!! i don't love doing self reflection (i have a hard time in identifying things about myself and often rely on other people to Tell Me Who I Am) but i love talkin about my ocs so this ended up really big
ill pop the majority of this under the cut but here take an unfinished doodle of my first attempt at a fursona in this the year 2023 bc i finally had some insight into What That Might Be for me its a leafy sea dragon bc as a kid i loved dragons and also leafy sea dragons specifically and as an adult i love fish and plants and the colour green ok basics covered here we go
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its a really tough one, especially since all my characters have huge parts of me in them (u point to one of my guys and there's a 99% chance they're queer and a 95% chance they're autistic), and the majority of my characters infect me with Their personalities and traits (speech mannerisms especially... i went about 3 years peppering the word gotcha into every other sentence bc of ollwyn. in terms of it being intentional, usually only one or two bits with each character. i try my best to give characters personality traits and interests that differ from my own, or at the very least mix and match bits and pieces.
sometimes i'll try and make characters that are so so different from me but then it backfires because it means that im far more likely to pick up that character's traits (i didn't swear at All in my whole life until i tried making a character outside my comfort zone who Did swear a lot and now fucking look at me). i also don't like doing my Research so going for interests that i don't know a lot about means i don't. know anything about them lmao.
i think it's impossible to have a character that isn't at least Somewhat like you, we draw from our own experiences and ways of seeing the world, after all. i know i put little pieces of myself into every character and it's hard to say if there's any One character that embodies me most.
almost none of my characters really look like me tho
all that being said i've narrowed down my entire list to three of note. all three are dnd or other ttrpg characters bc they're the ones that i find myself having to think most about in terms of how they Think and Feel in any given situation and over time would notice stuff about myself or about them that i didn't realise were related.
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i think these days ollwyn wins out personality wise goofy, indignant, lonely, desperate for approval, and loud. they're stubborn and enthusiastic, needs to be centre of attention but doesn't want to take the lead. they don't have many friends but latch onto those they do make. i re-realised my rat dreams because of them. i made em a bard bc i was obsessed with music as an aesthetic.
i made em a half-elf because i didn't wanna be Too out there with character creation (back when i was a terrified lil new rp-er who hadn't touched dnd before and felt i hadn't Earned anything more interesting yet). then magic and stuff happened and they got all the over-the-top design elements i was too nervous to implement initially and even that feels representative of my Own growth in being more Out There with my aesthetics and personality (i.e. completely shutting off my social filter, not toning shit down so much anymore)
oh i know i said none of my characters really look like me but i almost never draw ollwyn with their mouth fully closed and i only realised like years later that it may have been just a mild lil projection of a habit. i got big front teeth and breathing issues and i find it uncomfortable to close my lips Most of the time lmao
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my poor unfortunately named aasimar (it was 2018........ i promise...............) takes the cake when it comes to suffering the brunt of my neurodivergence and sensory issues, and represents a significant portion of the judgy parts of myself that i try not to let myself be. strong opinions, blunt, tone issues, big issues with food and touch. comes across as, and often is, very critical. the biggest difference between me and them is that they don't feel bad about those aspects of themself lol
where i spend every moment of my life either desperately concentrating on my wording so as not to come across as rude, or feeling shitty for coming across as blunt/aggressive in tone or phrasing (where 99% of the time i absolutely don't mean it that way im autistic pls im autistic if i wanna be able to get the Right words out the tone doesn't match and vice versa), corona just says what they want or what they think, and if people get offended, that's People's fault for not trying to make more of an effort to understand the way they talk.
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sal is my Top Oc Of All Time and as such takes on a lot of random aspects of myself (skin picking, fidgeting, latent anxiety, All of the visual aesthetics i Wish i could pull off, my love of birds, my tendency to Mr Burns Posture my way through life. she's also very very australian), while also inflicting things on me lmao ive learned more about my gender from the years of playing her in her rp campaign than in the rest of my entire life. a lot of her experiences and dynamics with her friends and family reflect a lot of aspects of my own
i only want good things for her and constantly put her through fucking hell
anyway they're all So Much Weirder as people than I can really put on paper and in (relatively) different ways but i just know it all stems from the Who I Am of it all
bonus shout out to beki:
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she was my homestuck fankid and first proper oc, which also meant that she was only about two steps away from a self insert. because i made her as a teenager, i feel the distance between us more each year, but im still very fond of her, in the same way i am for my teenage self. i wanna pat her head and tell her she's cool and not annoying and that her friends don't hate her and that things will be okay
i think it says a lot about me that all four of these guys fall somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum (almost in order of least to most aggressively aro/ace. ollwyn's a demiromantic greysexual, corona is demi + grey on both romantic & sexual orientations, sal's pretty much only interested in the One Guy Ever, and beki is sex repulsed, 100% aro/ace) lmao
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warriorfujoshi · 7 months
who is this haru and what is his deal
haru is the worlds specialest unmedicated bisexual menace with a gnc swag who skips and smiles thru the horrors while having the best gay sex filled summer vacation of his life ever topping previously-straight men 🥳🥳🥳!!!!
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REAL ANSWER: haru is the protagonist of the 2013 r18 bl game “NO, THANK YOU!!!” by parade and he is one of my favouritest characters ever 🥹…!
this got long so i put the rest under the readmore 🥹🥹🥹
at the beginning of the game he sees a man named inui kouichi about to get hit by a car, jumps to push him out of the way, and gets hit instead. he loses his memories because of this. due to not knowing basic details like his name or age, kouichi decides to offer him a job at his bar, sótano, while he recovers! will haru get his memories back…!? will romance blossom between him and his coworkers…!? i wonder…!!!
he is 22 years old(?) and canonically bisexual! he loves pools, bean daifuku, corn on the cob, and boobs! the quote used on his official profile is “all right, i’ve got it! let’s have sex!” he has a childish curiosity about everything and operates under an indecipherable set of principles. (<- also from his official profile)
hes definitely not for everybody bc hes always saying shit like this ↓…
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and he likes to test peoples boundaries… and he sometimes does morally questionable things… but i think he is not only really cute but also a really relatable representation of…! well…! brain damage. mental illness. being a bisexual guy with a high ponytail who wants to fuck big hairy titted old guys… he’s just a silly imp who goes through a lot but stays optimistic despite it all…!!! i love him so much 🥹 hes literally this ↓ ok. Do you trust me
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if ur interested in playing nty PLEASEEE make sure you check out the content warnings! 🥹🥹🥹 if you want more detail on those or the recommended route order or any other info, feel free to send me another ask…!
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vanillatalc · 10 months
more (covid-related) wedding complaining, gonna tag all the next few weeks' stuff with "cham's wedding" for the haters
ben's last day at work is the 17th + we get married on the 26th so im praying that this gives us enough time to dodge this current covid surge... he's literally not bothered at all and is just like "we'll figure it out :)" and im like oh my god... what is wrong w/ you like ... we have spent so much money we literally need to just not get sick the next few weeks ohhh my god... he's going to his family's at the weekend + that is gonna be the last thing i let him do (i might go, but i have a hsit ton of work to do and i dont think taking off a day is gonna help me get it all done) bc that *should* be enough time to get covid + get over it lol esp that we're all vaxxed as much as possible *and* ben already had it last december and i think reinfections on average are less severe (yes i know there is a lot of stuff arguing the opposite as well but i think people misinterpret reinfection studies as though there's an expotential risk - whereas it's more like, two nasty falls technically doubles your risk of breaking a leg or whatever but those two falls dont (usually) interact with each other at all to make said risk overall worse or greater or what have you. this was a huge tangent) also like whilst i do still fully take covid seriousyl i think it's ok to acknowledge that th eviral landscape looks massively different than it did in 2020 + that it generally isnt as much of a threat as it was back then to a population with varying - but generally high - levels of immunity either from vax or actual infection or both. would prefer to keep this immunity from "vax only" but i am pretty sure id be ok in terms of long covid - partly bc "long covid" is a term that encompasses much more than it should - it includes side-effects from severe illness, lingering symptoms such as a cough that lasts for 4+ weeks, and then the ME-like illness that some people get. this final category is actually vastly smaller than the other two (UK ONS suggests that it's something like 0.1% of the population have been "severely disabled" by LC compared to the group who haven't been - about 5% and this group declines over time - the severely disabled group doesnt.) + i think we need to bear this in mind when considering risk of "long covid" bc like atm "long covid" can mean way too many things to be a useful term. so when people say 1/10 infections result in long covid i think: ehhh
HOWEVER ALL THIS TO SAY that if ben gets covid and we have to cancel and/or postpone the wedding i am going to fucking murder him. so the weddingg wont be happening anyway
also does anyone want to see the nastiest bug bite ive ever had? DM me for pics
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