#Witchy Advice
magickmama777 · 8 months
Witchy tip: Do rituals under the same moon phase that was present the day you were born. You have a special connection with that energy.
I have found this to be very useful. For some reason folks think you can only harness the most energy from the New and Full moons.
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sunflower-herald · 3 months
"Spirits told me to tell you..." did they though?
Lately i start to get annoyed at occult practitioners that do posts/vids like "[some entity] told me to tell you..." and it rubs me the wrong way. Why? There are a couple of reasons.
- Bad actors/scammers use appeal to an authority (spirits are an authority that are perceived to me more knowledgeable/more powerful) to push misinformation or scare people to gain profit from them.
- Unsolicited knowledge/advise is not appreciated in my house. Did I asked spirits and chose you as their spokesperson? No? Then keep it to yourselves.
- Not all spirits have well intentions, they want and will bring your harm if they wish to and you need to be prepared to ward yourselves against it and to distinguish between entities that are hostile, neutral or friendly to you. Using someone else to influence you can be the way they try stay hidden from you and thats ඞ.
- If spirits wanted to send me a message - they can do it directly. If you cannot recieve that message for one reason or another they will contact you though people that know you well and who you know well. You just need to listen what your close ones tell you and catch that message.
- I don't need knowledge/advise that is distributed by equivalent of mass spam email.
It is important to stay critical about information that you get from any source. Do your research, have doubts about stuff you are not sure about, don't believe everything strangers tell you. Witchcraft is a path that firstly affects your "self" and then others so be careful about stuff you bring in your life.
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teawiththegods · 5 months
I think a nice end of year tradition I’m going to implement is taking inventory of all my witchy/devotional supplies so I can go into the New Year knowing what I already have so I don’t buy more.
You can also do this for Arts & Crafts supplies, clothes, jewelry, makeup, books, whatever you tend to accumulate a lot of.
It’s a good time to kick Capitalism in the teeth and use what you already have instead of consuming more more more. 👍🏻
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violet-the-witch · 2 years
Witchy reminder that you don’t have to memorize a million different herb/colour/moon phase corespondents to be a good witch. That’s what writing them down is for!!
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witchboychan · 1 year
Witch Tip 102
Never be afraid to ask for some guidance occasionally!
This advice can be used for anything! Including witchcraft!
Yes, go trade spells with your witchy friends!
Share your favorite uses for different herbs, crystals, and other objects!
Ask for some advice about that spell you re unsure about casting!
And if you don t have any irl witchy friends, go online and ask some credible looking people [if they re cool with that of course!] Go into that ask box! If its a private matter use an anon or if you re bold slide into the dms [respectfully!]
You got this you witchy bitches!
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umbrae-sortilegium · 6 months
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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒜𝓇𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝒰𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓃 𝒜𝒾𝓇 𝒟𝒾𝒻𝒻𝓊𝓈𝑒𝓇 𝒾𝓃 𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽𝒸𝓇𝒶𝒻𝓉 Hᴀʀɴᴇssɪɴɢ Mʏsᴛɪᴄᴀʟ Aʀᴏᴍᴀs. Air diffusers can play a significant role in the practice of witchcraft, where scented air is believed to carry messages, reveal truths, and connect with the realm of spirits. These devices offer versatile means to create the desired atmosphere during rituals, ceremonies, and spellwork. Unlike incense, air diffusers can be more suitable for some practitioners due to various reasons, including health considerations and personal preferences. In this article, we will explore the multifaceted applications of air diffusers in witchcraft, covering their use in various magical purposes, such as banishing, cursing, and shadow magic. We will also delve into the magical significance of vapor as opposed to smoke or incense, shedding light on the unique qualities that make air diffusers a powerful tool in the practice of witchcraft.
Air diffusers are versatile tools in witchcraft, allowing practitioners to infuse spaces with various scents, each carrying its own magical significance. The aroma released by an air diffuser can serve as a medium for communication with the spirit world, as it is believed that spirits can be drawn to or repelled by specific scents. During rituals or ceremonies, practitioners may select scents that resonate with their intentions, whether they seek to invoke protective spirits, honor ancestors, or connect with particular deities.
One of the most common uses of air diffusers in witchcraft is for banishing negative energies and entities. By diffusing cleansing and purifying scents such as sage, frankincense, or rosemary, practitioners can create a barrier against unwanted energies, keeping their sacred space clear and protected. The diffused vapor becomes a potent tool for establishing boundaries and warding off malevolent forces, aligning with the magical intention to banish negativity.
In contrast to incense, air diffusers are favored by some witches for their smokeless and low-heat operation. This makes them suitable for individuals with respiratory issues or sensitivities to smoke. The choice of an air diffuser over incense can be seen as a practical consideration, ensuring that the practitioner can fully immerse themselves in the magical work without discomfort or health concerns. Furthermore, the controlled release of scents allows for a consistent and subtle presence of the chosen aroma, which can be essential for long rituals or meditation practices.
Cursing and hexing rituals also find use for air diffusers in witchcraft. Scents like black pepper, graveyard dirt-infused oils, or chili pepper lend an air of aggression and intensity to their workings. The vapor released by the diffuser can act as a conduit for the practitioner's intent, emphasizing the dark energy they wish to project. The aroma becomes an integral component of the curse, enhancing its potency.
Shadow magic, a branch of witchcraft that delves into the exploration of one's inner darkness and the mysteries of the subconscious mind, can greatly benefit from air diffusers. The subtle, vapor-based delivery of scents can contribute to the creation of an atmosphere that facilitates the practitioner's journey into the shadows of their psyche. Scents like myrrh, patchouli, or cedarwood can deepen the connection to the hidden aspects of the self, aiding in shadow work and inner transformation. Conversely, love spells and attraction magic can benefit from air diffusers as well. Aromatic oils like rose, jasmine, and ylang-ylang can be diffused to create an atmosphere of love, sensuality, and attraction. The gentle diffusion of these fragrances can enhance the effectiveness of spells designed to draw love and affection into one's life.
Air diffusers also have a role in divination and communication with the spirit world. When used in conjunction with specific oils, they can facilitate a clearer connection between the practitioner and the spirit realm. Oils like mugwort, cedarwood, or myrrh are known to enhance spiritual communication when diffused.
Protection spells in witchcraft often rely on the four elements, and air diffusers can represent the element of air in these rituals. By diffusing oils like eucalyptus or juniper, practitioners can strengthen the protective barrier around them or their sacred space, making it more challenging for negative energies or entities to penetrate.
In meditation and trance work, air diffusers serve as a valuable aid in reaching altered states of consciousness. A carefully selected blend of essential oils, such as lavender, frankincense, and sandalwood, can induce a deep state of relaxation, enhancing the ability to journey within or connect with higher realms.
The concept of elemental magic is central to many pagan and witchcraft traditions, with each element having its own unique properties and correspondences. Air diffusers, when used in spellwork, can invoke the power of the element of air/and or ether to lend energy and intent to a particular work. The gentle diffusion of air-element oils can create a sacred and potent space for rituals and spells that require the influence of this element.
The practice of smudging, common in many indigenous and pagan traditions, can be enhanced with air diffusers. By diffusing the smoke of sacred herbs or resins like sage or palo santo, practitioners can cleanse and purify their surroundings without the need for direct combustion. This smoke cleansing can be a powerful tool in removing negativity and unwanted energies.
Air diffusers are also instrumental in creating a harmonious and balanced environment. By diffusing oils associated with equilibrium, such as lavender and chamomile, practitioners can promote a sense of peace and balance within their homes or sacred spaces, fostering a positive atmosphere for their magical work.
Protection against psychic attacks and negative energies is another common use of air diffusers in witchcraft. Oils with strong protective properties, such as black salt-infused oils or rosemary, can be diffused to create a shield of defense around an individual or their space, ensuring safety from harmful intentions or entities.
In the realm of prosperity and abundance spells, air diffusers can be used to amplify intentions of financial well-being. Essential oils like cinnamon, basil, and patchouli, when diffused, can attract wealth and prosperity into one's life.
Air diffusers are also a valuable tool for enhancing one's focus and concentration during magical rituals and spellwork. Oils like peppermint and rosemary can be diffused to stimulate mental clarity and enhance cognitive abilities, allowing practitioners to perform their magical work with precision.
Witches and practitioners of folk magic often turn to air diffusers when working with lunar energy. By selecting oils that correspond with the moon's phases, they can harness the moon's mystical power to enhance their magical intentions.
In the practice of kitchen witchery, air diffusers can be used to infuse the atmosphere with the energies of the herbs and spices used in culinary magic. This adds an extra layer of intention to the meals prepared, imbuing them with magical properties that promote health, abundance, and love.
For practitioners of herbal magic, air diffusers offer an effective means of working with the properties of various herbs. By diffusing essential oils extracted from specific herbs, they can tap into the magical and healing qualities of these plants.
Dreamwork and lucid dreaming are enhanced through the use of air diffusers. Lavender, mugwort, and marjoram oils, when diffused before sleep, can promote vivid dreams and facilitate dream recall, aiding in the exploration of the subconscious.
Air diffusers are also a valuable tool for aura cleansing and energy balancing. By diffusing oils that resonate with the chakras, practitioners can cleanse and balance their energy centers, promoting physical and emotional well-being.
In the art of sigil magic, air diffusers can be employed to charge and activate sigils by diffusing oils aligned with the sigil's intent. This creates a focused and charged environment for the manifestation of desires.
Psychic and intuitive abilities can be heightened through the use of air diffusers. Oils like mugwort and bay laurel, when diffused during meditation or divination, can open the third eye and enhance clairvoyant and clairaudient experiences.
Air diffusers are also valuable tools for harnessing the energies of the seasons and sabbats in witchcraft. By diffusing oils that correspond with the specific sabbat or season, practitioners can attune themselves to the natural cycles and celebrate the turning of the wheel of the year.
In the practice of candle magic, air diffusers can complement the spellwork by diffusing oils that correspond with the intention of the candle. This enhances the effectiveness of the magic by infusing the surroundings with the desired energy.
Psychic protection and boundary-setting are important aspects of spiritual practice, and air diffusers can be used to create a protective energy barrier. Oils like juniper or myrrh, when diffused, can establish a shield against unwanted influences and psychic attacks.
Air diffusers are a valuable addition to the practice of color magic. By choosing oils associated with a specific color, practitioners can infuse their magical work with the energy and symbolism of that color, enhancing the effectiveness of their spells.
Healing magic can benefit from the use of air diffusers by diffusing essential oils that promote physical and emotional well-being. Oils like eucalyptus, lavender, and chamomile can facilitate the healing process and promote recovery.
In the creation of enchanted spaces and altars, air diffusers can be used to infuse the area with the desired energy. By diffusing oils that correspond to the purpose of the space or altar, practitioners can create a sacred and powerful environment for their magical work.
Air diffusers can also be employed in weather magic and working with the energies of the wind. By diffusing oils associated with specific wind directions, practitioners can align their magic with the natural forces of the atmosphere.
In the realm of astral projection and out-of-body experiences, air diffusers can be used to create an atmosphere conducive to these practices. Oils like frankincense, myrrh, and cedarwood, when diffused, can help induce a trance-like state that facilitates astral travel.
Air diffusers are a valuable tool for grounding and centering in magical practice. Oils like patchouli, vetiver, and cedarwood, when diffused, can anchor an individual's energy and provide a sense of stability and balance.
In self-discovery, air diffusers can be used to create a supportive and introspective atmosphere. Oils like rosemary and lavender can promote self-reflection and inner exploration, aiding in the process of personal growth and healing.
Magical significance lies in the form of vapor released by air diffusers compared to traditional incense smoke. Vapor is often seen as a purer, more ethereal substance, connecting with the spirit realm on a subtler level. This can be particularly advantageous for practitioners who prefer a gentler approach to magic or seek to work with spirits in a more refined manner. The fine mist of vapor is believed to be a better medium for messages and revelations from the spirit world, as it represents a more direct and refined conduit for spiritual energies.
Air diffusers are powerful tools in the practice of witchcraft, offering a wide range of applications during rituals, ceremonies, and spell work. Their ability to release scented vapor makes them versatile instruments for invoking or banishing spirits, cleansing spaces, or delving into the realms of shadow magic. The choice of air diffusers over incense can be driven by health considerations and personal preferences, ensuring that practitioners can fully engage with their craft. The magical significance of vapor in witchcraft emphasizes its role as a subtle and potent medium for communication with the spirit world, making it an invaluable addition to the witch's toolkit. © Dʏsʜᴀɴᴋᴀ/Oᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ ₂₀₂₃
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blackplaaague · 7 months
Y'all, I need help.
I want to do some sigils, to help with productivity in my costume-making, but I have no idea how to incorporate a sigil into a costume. Does anyone know what to do here? I can't be the only one!
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Hi! I’m a baby witch and I can never get myself to actually do anything in my practice. Is there anything simple that I could do regularly?
There are actually a lot of things you can do regularly that are super simple! These are my personal favorite:
If cartomancy is part of your practice, try pulling a card a day, there are websites and apps that will help you do this if you don't have a physical deck.
Learn something new. I don't mean to do a deep research dive. Find something you want to learn about and take even just 5 minutes to learn about it.
Practice mindfulness. Hot word today, it seems! While mindfulness isn't inherently witchy, I would personally suggest trying some simple mindfulness exercises to help you get in tune with yourself and the world around you. This may help you connect to the magic around you as well. Speaking of which...
Realize that there is magic everywhere! Walk outside or take a look out your window and see how the world moves. You don't have to literally see it or even feel it per se, just remind yourself that it's there.
Try 7-day spell creation. Think of a spell you want to do and then once a day for 7 days set time aside to answer one of these sections:
ingredients will you need?
vessel or objects are needed for the spell?
is it for?
is needed? (Other people, deities, spirits, etc)
is the spell going to take place?
will the spell take place?
will you dispose of the remains (if needed)?
will you place the vessel (if applicable)?
are you doing the spell?
will you anchor and contain the spell?
power it?
and on the 7th day, you can gather up your resources and do your spell! Or not! You can just use this as practice for spell creation and you can choose to actually do the spell on a later day.
Some other tips:
Set alarms, reminders in your calendar, or even just put post-it notes up. Anything that can remind you to do the witchy activity that you want to do.
Create a short list of things you want to learn about so that you can pick one topic every day that you choose to learn about it.
Focus on one thing at a time. You don't need to learn everything all at once, doing so will only clutter your mind and likely overwhelm you.
Don't stress if you miss a day or two, just promise yourself that you'll get back on the grind when you are able to!
These are based on my opinion and experience but I still hope they can work for you!
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ts-witchy-archive · 5 months
hey! I hope you're doing well!
So for context, two years ago was the first time when I felt the urge to dabble in witchcraft and try to listen to my intuition, I started with small spell works, astrology and tarot. But due to some other reasons, i guess i placed too much importance on achieving stuff through spirituality rather than putting in my part, but i feel like i lost my faith. And even before wanting to practice witchcraft i was an agnostic, so my faith was lost very easily ig.
Now my question is, i wanted to get back into witchcraft because i can't deny that it feels like a part of me, i want to be able to have faith again, but i don't know where to start? And then there's other people who have made me feel like I'm less relevant or stupid for having such beliefs....
You don't need to answer anything but i would love it if you could....
Hope you have a nice week!!
Hi friend! Thanks for the ask, I really appreciate it.
I want to start off by saying this is incredibly relatable. Even though it's not necessarily talked about a lot, I think most people in the witchcraft community can say that they've lost faith in their beliefs and/or witchcraft at one point. You're definitely not alone in the feeling.
Now obviously, I don't know your preferred witchcraft practice and I don't fully know your belief system so please take this advice with a grain of salt. What I think you should start with is just asking for a sign. Ask for some angel numbers or another symbol or animal that feels relevant to you. It's easier to feel gain trust, faith and comfort when you have some concrete experience to build off.
Once you feel comfortable, I think it would be good for you to unpack why you lost faith and why you stopped practicing witchcraft. Dedicate some time to just write down all of your thoughts. they don't have to be coherent. You just need to get them out. And make sure you don't feel guilty about losing faith or pausing your witchcraft practice. As an additional question, why does what other people think of your beliefs effect you?
Next, personally, I would write down all things you used to do in your witchcraft practice that made you feel happy and content. What were your favourite parts of your practice? Start there. Do maybe 1 or 2 small things every few days or every week or so. The goal of this is just get you into the grove of practicing again, to help you feel connected to your craft. It's to help remind you why you practice witchcraft and to show that even the small practices can be fulfilling. This way you don't feel like you need to go straight back to putting a lot of weight on achieving these crazy workings.
Also, I just wanted to quickly touch on something you said specifically, "even before wanting to practice witchcraft i was an agnostic, so my faith was lost very easily ig". Being agnostic does not make your faith any weaker than anyone else's. I'm not sure if that was the intention behind that sentence but I wanted to mention it. You're not more likely to loose faith if you're agnostic. It's the same likelihood as everyone else.
Hopefully this is a nice jumping off point for you! I hope this helped! Have a lovely day :)
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thenorsepaganwitch · 7 months
Little introduction
Hi there ! You can call me Ash, and I use she/her pronouns. I believe this blog needs an introduction, so, let me tells you a bit more about me. I'm a practionner of witchraft, divination (tarot, oracles, runes, intuition), ancestorwork and deitywork (with Lilith, Hela and Loki), and magnetism (pendulum for most of it). I'm not from an english-speaking country, so i'm sorry about all of the mistakes that you are going to read. I'm also a multiple neuroD person (bare with me, this thing is important for the next part okay) ^^.
Here, I'm mostly going to talk about witchcraft, and littles advices for babywitches. I'm also going to talk about my deitywork journey, oriented in norse and demonic pantheon obvi. I will give tips, reviews, funny and instructive experiences of mine, neuroA/low energy-friendly practices ideas...
So, welcome to this blog, and for f**k sake, please, feel absolutely free to ask any questions that is crossing your mind ^^
Take care,
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slayter-kinney · 2 years
hi witchy side of tumblr, ya girl is coming to you in hopes of getting some advice. i’ve been struggling with incorporating my craft into my life. i work a full time 9-5 job, so when i get home i’m pretty much only looking to eat dinner and laze around, without much physical or emotional energy for furthering my craft (making me feel very stagnant and like i haven’t progressed at all lately). anyone else in a similar boat and have any advice on sprinkling magic throughout the day in a manageable way?
(tagging @breelandwalker @heatherwitch, if either of you or your followers may have input)
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I might be coming back to this blog I’ve been super disconnected with my craft and spirituality it’s gonna take some time but I want to get back to where I was
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cottageshadowwitch · 1 year
Lately, I've been thinking about the way I do visualisation, because while it is a somewhat big part of my meditation practice, it doesn't really play any part in my witchcraft.
Honestly? It's exhausting. Especially if I "have to" to it for a spell so I'm kinda shying away from those even though I am very much interested in that part of spellcraft.
Anyway, the more I think about it, the more it feels like I "visualize" through words and not through pictures?
If it's about something I have seen quite a lot in reality, I usually can recall that image in my mind, but it doesn't stay there for long and I have to consciously focus on a detail but if I do that the surroundings are gone.
If I recall the mango I just ate, I can either "see" the green, the red, or the orange of it, but not really the whole picture. And like I said, that's a memory, not a visualisation in the way I want to do it for my witchcraft.
If I were to visualise the mango (to stay with that example) being filled with healing energy I'd... describe that in my mind. I'm not really seeing it glowing or whatever, I am telling myself it's glowing. But to be honest, that doesn't fit into the definition of visualisation I had so far.
Does that make any sense?
Do you have the same or a similar issue? How do you handle that?
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grwmmoneypie · 2 years
Kitchen Witchy Tip
Like strokes on a canvas be mindful of every move you make in the kitchen. Go slow as you clear your mind stirring wet ingredients. Mixing dry ingredients. Cutting veggies and fruits. Give thanks as you bake. Be grateful as you cook over hearth and bask in the comforts of home. Stir a pentacle in your cup of coffee or tea. Offer every first bite and sip to your ancestors, deities and guardian spirits. Be mindful and aware not of time but of action. Be aware of your surroundings, of the smells in your kitchen and of the tastes you sneak on a spoon. Balance mind, body and soul as you create nourishment for yourself and others. Like an artist bring life to your kitchen and be at peace in the abundance of health it brings.
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thesunw1tch · 2 years
Witchy Advice
Hey y'all! I like to give advice when I can but there's actually a topic that I know nearly nothing about: Love Magic.
Now, I'm not one to cast love spells or anything, but any advice regarding Confidence spells, herbs/correspondences, Attraction magic, or even special methods of divination would be appreciated!
Please don't DM me if you have any tips, I'd much rather prefer you reply/reblog this post OR send in an ask with your advice! Anything is appreciated, thanks!
- The Sun Witch
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witchwolfyyy · 22 days
it’s okay to take a break from witchying
me, some rando witch on the internet
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