#witch tip
creature-wizard · 1 year
Whoa there, pardner! What have you done to make sure that belief or practice actually originates in ancient times and didn't come from the imagination of a repressed Victorian romantic?
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whimsigothwitch · 8 months
Everyday witchy tips
Not everyone has time for daily spells or rituals, here are some witchy acts to incorporate a bit of magic into your day!
Glamour magic while getting ready for the day, while washing your face first thing in the morning imagine washing away all negative thoughts. Draw sigils with sunscreen/daycream/foundation on your face, incorporate color magic (eyeshadow, lipstick, nails). Braid your hair with an intention for the day (being protected against harm, attracting luck etc.)
Color magic while getting dressed; red for confidence and strength, yellow and orange for happiness and energy, green for attracting luck and abundance, blue for focus and communication, pink for (self)love, purple for intuition and wisdom, black for protection, white for purity and protection. Gold jewelry for the sun, succes and prosperity, and silver jewelry for the moon and intuition.
Drinking herbal tea, start the day with a warm cup of tea. This can be made with fresh herbs from the garden, or from tea bags. Stir clockwise with a teaspoon or the teabag it self to put an intention in your tea for the day.
Crystals in pockets, bags, even your bra. Choose an crystal for the day, charge it with it’s intention and carry it with you.
Shielding from negative energies, imagine being surrounded by a white light that protects you. Or have a short mantra that you can say to yourself or in your head when needed, this can be as simple as 'I am protected against negative energies in any shape or from'
Showering, washing any lingering energy, thoughts or negative feelings away from the day. If you have trouble imagining negative energy washing off you in a color, see the soap you are washing off as this energy. Watch it flow away from you into the shower drain.
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will-o-the-witch · 2 years
When to Consult Divination
You're stuck in the decision-making process and want help thinking through it from a different angle.
You need to sort out your thoughts. Divination is good for breaking out of a circular thought process and approaching it in a different way.
You want something to focus and reflect on for the coming day/month/chapter in your life.
You need a second opinion on something spiritual.
You want something to aid your planning process by suggesting steps and strategies
You want advice for how to tackle a situation.
When NOT to Consult Divination
You're fishing for a specific answer and just want something to validate you. Your bias WILL get in the way of the truth.
You want very specific details about a future that hasn't happened yet. (What will my husband be like? When will I meet him? How many kids will I have?)
You want to know what someone is thinking/feeling/hiding. Literally just communicate with them.
Asking if you should break up with someone. It's like Googling "am I gay quiz." If you're at this point you already know the answer.
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tiny-crecher · 1 year
put liquid soap in the moonlight. moon soap. get a bubble wand. blow moon bubbles.
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tears-of-amber · 5 months
Witchy Ways To Navigate This Holiday Season
(Regardless of what you celebrate, it’s highly likely that you’ll be meeting with or engaging in some sort of holiday sometime during the year, so you might find this helpful. Reconnecting with family and friends can be a joy, but can also be draining for people who are easily overwhelmed by other people’s energies). THESE IDEAS ARE CUSTOMIZABLE BUT ARE INFLUENCED BY MY PERSONAL BELIEFS.
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🌲Enchant your perfume or cologne with a specific intention. (Example: Ward off uncomfortable conversation, ward off nerves, energize your social battery).
🌲When choosing what to wear, include a necklace, jewelry item, or accessories (such as a tie) that you consider protective of your energy. For me, I wear a pentacle bracelet, but for you it might be something different. You can even ask spirits or deities you work with to charge it overnight on the night before with protection.
🌲I like to draw the rune Wunjo or the rune Gebo on every present I gift with invisible ink or just trace it with my finger, so it brings joy to the person receiving it! You could draw a symbol that represents joy in a similar fashion!
🌲Knot magic is an easy way to incorporate love into the gift exchanging. Tie your presents you’re giving with decorative ribbons and charge each one with love or chant over it this short chant “With love I tie thee, may all be merry!”
🌲If you’re making a special drink (hot-chocolate, mulled wine, etc) be mindful of the energy you put into it while stirring it. You can invite or banish (you’ve probably heard that stirring clockwise is inviting energy and stirring counterclockwise is banishing). But you can also stir simple sigils of calm and peace into it!
🌲If you’re into using crystals, I recommend these crystals for navigating the holiday season:
-Strawberry quartz (for enjoyment and extra enthusiasm)
-Smoky Quartz (for gentle protection and comfort)
-Howlite (for calming during chaos and being present)
-Opal (both non precious and precious, for inspiring generosity and equal exchange of energy)
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seaside-apothecary · 4 months
Plant wards? Gargoyles? Guardians? Physical wards? Shields? Those are all great, but ya’ll ever rock with a water ward?
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liindwyrm · 1 year
You don’t have to know every single thing in witchcraft.
I remember being overwhelmed when I saw how many different things there were to learn when I first started exploring witchcraft. I’ve seen others getting overwhelmed too.
You don’t have to learn spell jars, spell candles, astrology, sigils, etc. You don’t have to learn every type of divination. If you want to, that’s great; but there’s no need to if you don’t want to.
Learn what you feel drawn to. Learn what interests you. You’ll burn yourself out if you try to learn everything at once.
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grimoiregradient · 5 months
Washing your face? Cleansing.
Exfoliating? Banishment.
Moisturizing? Charging.
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starthereligious · 3 months
protip: duckduckgo is MUCH better for occult research than Google
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the-clumsywitch · 8 months
Witch Tip No. 30
Enchant your pumpkin scented candles to bring you abundance, as one of the correspondences of gourds is abundance. Don't forget to be specific, make sure to state what you want an abundance of.
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Hey folks, as you're exploring your various paths of spirituality and magic, it's important that you're mentally prepared to find out that you're really, really wrong about something somewhere down the the line. You might discover that a practice you take for granted is appropriative and misrepresented from its original form and intent. You might find out that something you thought was real history was actually made up by somebody fairly recently. You might find out you've been subscribing to an idea that has its origins in a hate movement.
It's not a matter of if this kind of thing will happen, but when. Even if you're doing your very best to research reliable sources as exhaustively as you possibly can, you can be certain that somewhere along the way, you'll absorb something like this. No one is immune. This won't make you a bad person. It's not like you misinformed yourself on purpose, much less went out there with the intention of harming someone or misrepresenting their practices. It's not like the people giving you bad information told you "hey, guess what, I'm a hateful shithead and I'm lying to you." You just didn't know, that's all. Nobody can know everything, not even the most well-read scholars. While being wrong isn't good, it's also not a moral failing. What's important is that you acknowledge that you were wrong, and accept this as an opportunity to learn and grow. It's the most anyone can do, and if someone tries to make you feel bad about being wrong in the first place, don't listen to them. (Being right doesn't inherently make someone morally superior!)
Ultimately, what's really going to speak to your moral character is your ability to admit that you've fucked up and your willingness to do better. You will fuck up one day, so have a healthy plan in mind for dealing with that.
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whimsigothwitch · 8 months
Back 2 school tips for witches
School/college has already started for some, others begin next week. I thought sharing some tips on incorporating witchcraft while going back to school would be the perfect timing! (these can also be used for those who go to work!)
Meditate before getting up, we all know those 5 minutes before getting up from bed contemplating whether or not you should get up or just roll over because you are laying so comfortable... Use those 5 minutes to do some meditating, breathe in 4 seconds through your nose, hold 4 seconds and then release through your mouth 4 seconds. Feel how the air fills your lungs, see it as charging up with fresh energy. And what you release is old, negative thoughts and feelings.
Tarot, quick morning draw. Ask advice for this coming day, and reflect on your pull in the evening.
Shielding from negative energies, imagine being surrounded by a white light that protects you. Or have a short mantra that you can say to yourself or in your head when needed, this can be as simple as 'I am protected against negative energies in any shape or from'
Shielding from negative energies, imagine being surrounded by a white light that protects you. Or have a short mantra that you can say to yourself or in your head when needed, this can be as simple as 'I am protected against negative energies in any shape or from'.
Planner, Write all the moon phases with timing and zodiac, retrogrades etc in your planner. Together with all the sabbats, you can plan spellwork this way much easier.
Read a book, choose a witchy book, this can be an informative book, digital book of choice. Sometimes lessons are canceled and you have to wait a period, or if you have lunch you can read to make time pass faster. If you can, go on a walk around your school/work place for some fresh air to connect with nature for a bit. Does wonders.
Sigils drawn on or inside notebooks, your hands, written in (gym) sport shoes, sewn in clothing/bags etc. for luck, protection or strength for the day.
Crystals in pockets, bags, jewelry (necklaces, earrings, rings), keychain, on your desk while studying.
Enchant your makeup for glamour magic, jewelry, pens with intention of choice.
Color magic, while getting dressed; red for confidence and strength, yellow and orange for happiness and energy, green for attracting luck and abundance, blue for focus and communication, pink for (self)love and friendships, purple for intuition and wisdom, black for protection, white for purity and protection. Gold jewelry for the sun, succes and prosperity, and silver jewelry for the moon and intuition.
Sachet, make a sachet you can always carry with you in your bag, add herbs, crystals and intention of choice.
Showering, washing any lingering energy, thoughts or negative feelings away from the day. If you have trouble imagining negative energy washing off you in a color, see the soap you are washing off as this energy. Watch it flow away from you into the shower drain.
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will-o-the-witch · 2 years
Candle Magic Beyond Colors
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A lot of people talk about color correspondences with candles, but a candle's potential in magic runs way deeper than that! Here's a list of things I don't see people mention as much:
Loading a Candle
Carve out a small hole in the bottom of the candle and stuff it with herbs, a name, whatever else you want to "fill" the candle with.
Etch sigils, symbols, names, and other things into the candle before burning! (I like the idea of writing my problems/worries onto the candle then watching as they burn and melt away.)
Dressing a Candle
Much like loading a candle, mix your herbs in an oil or have a pre-made magical oil ready to cover your candle in before lighting.
Chop off the top of the candle, flip it upside down, and carve a new wick out of the bottom (now top.) This is a good way to inverse its symbolism!
Shape of Candle/Container
Not all candles are little cylenders. Candles shaped like pyramids, spheres, hearts, skulls, or animals can all have those correspondences taken into account as well.
Life of the Flame
Some candles are meant to only burn for a short period of time then be blown out. (Like birthday candles.) Others are meant to burn continuously over multiple days (like yahrzeit candles or seven-day candles.) Others can be lit or extinguished as you please. Which one makes the most sense for your goals?
Burning or Beacon?
A candle flame is a light in the darkness, drawing things near. It's also literal fire which can burn away whatever it touches. Which one is your candle trying to do, burn out something undesired or serve as a beacon for what you DO desire? Plan accordingly.
Read the Wax
Always a classic, you can read the shapes made from the wax once the spell is complete to get a gage of how things went/are going. Followup information is always good and can tell you a lot!!
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hearth-and-veil · 1 year
I divide witchcraft into three levels - beginner, intermediate, and advanced, but they often coexist. You are rarely at just one level at a time.
Beginner Witchcraft: the What of magic. This is where you learn the basics, the procedures, the associations, the methods. (When it comes to most divination, I'm here!)
Intermediate Witchcraft: the Why of magic. This is where you question what you have learned to understand it.
Advanced Witchcraft: the How of magic. This is where you take the information you have learned from the previous two categories and learn to use it in your own way.
Beginner Witchcraft: use salt to cleanse.
Intermediate Witchcraft: salt cleanses because it has multiple functional capabilities, including scouring, disinfecting, and absorption.
Advanced Witchcraft: salt is sodium. All forms of sodium have cleansing capabilities. The most absorbant form of sodium is sodium bicarbonate. This box of baking soda has been in my pantry for a few months so, even while closed, it has absorbed some of the protective essence of my home. Therefore I can open the box of baking soda and use it to absorb the negative energies out of my suitcase from this terrible trip. The home energy will capture and negate the away energy. I can then combine the baking soda with vinegar, which is effectively opposite on the pH scale, and which has strong banishing energy, to render both the energies and the chemical composition of the baking soda inert and I can dispose of it safely down my sink.
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