#Vikings Prompt List
ryuzakemo128 · 3 months
Vikings Writing Prompts
Trigger Warning:
Mention of Death, fighting, miscarriages, suicide.
If anything mentioned above triggers you. Please remove yourself and continue with your day. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Vice versa, as the mind can affect the body in equal measure.
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Prompts for either imagines, headcanons, one-shots, anything you possibly desire. As long as it is clearly stated as to what character you want it written for. Otherwise I will not be able to satisfy the particular itch you might or might not want itched and scratched.
Characters from the Vikings Show that I am willing to write for as follows:
Male Characters
Rollo Lothbrok
Ívar Ragnarsson
Björn Ragnarsson
Ubbe Ragnarsson
Hálfdanr Hálfdansson
Haraldr Hálfdansson
Female Characters:
Lagertha Lothbrok
Aslaug Sigurdsdottir
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Personal Note: I would also preface that I will not write things that trigger me. Things like Cheating and Affairs. At least not in incredible detail as it will harm and hurt my mental health in the long run. And if you respect my mental health, you will respect my personal boundaries as well.
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If you would like to peruse my previous works in the past feel free to do so. I will not prevent nor shame those who would want to read them.
Here is a link to two masterlists that contain them.
Masterlist 01 / Masterlist 02
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Listed below are prompts to choose from if you want to make a specific request for a specific character. First list being SFW and the second one being NSFW underneath the cut.
SFW - Dialogue Prompts
"Whatever souls are made of, yours and mine are the same. As much you might dispute that fact."
"You could just tell me things instead of insinuating them. Communication is important."
"Let me eat my feelings in peace and quiet. Otherwise we are going to have many, many, many problems."
"I know I can't go I'm the one getting nearly all the time."
"I don't trust anyone who would place value of one child above another. Regardless of what someone else may or may not have said."
"For a mother you play favourites quite a bit."
"Depends on what you consider to be fair."
"Aim better! Stop trying to hit me and hit me!"
"You are not my problem. You are theirs. I plan to keep it that way. So neither begging nor pleading to me will not work."
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Canon Character x OC/ Reader - Dialogue Prompts
"I am well enough to fight. I am well enough to move around do things myself. Do not coddle me as I were a child and I will not do the same to you."
"I was in exile, I did not abandon anybody, least of all my brother."
"I don't ask for your understanding, I don't ask for your trust either and quite frankly I do not want either one from you."
NSFW - Dialogue Prompts
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Vikings Headcanons - Link
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Food for the heart and soul - Halfdan the Black x Female Reader - Link
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Tarnished and Unveiled Intentions - Bjorn Ironside x reader - Link
Life After Death - Bjorn Ironside x female reader - Link
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vikingsevents · 6 months
Winter Solstice
We are happy to announce the prompt list to our last Winter Solstice. It is scheduled for December 17th to December 23rd. As always, you are free to post after the event as well, it's usually a month until we post the round up, which means you don't have to rush.
Our Rules:
Please create something new that hasn't been posted before.
Tag us @vikingsevents and use the hashtag #snowyvikings
Make it visible within your post which prompt you used, so we'll know how to tag your creation. i.e.:"Entry for day 3, Moonlight" above a readmore if you use one, or below an artpiece.
Have fun!
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
💘FLUFFEMBER🐑 Masterlist
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🐼Hiya! 🐼 We are pleased to present you with our Fluffember 2022 Masterlist ♡
Essential information:
♡ the following post will serve as the masterlist for this event and will be updated with the links upon posting
♡ all works are SFW
♡ following the cut, you'll find the full list of the fics written for Fluffember 2022
Picnic [Moon Knight]
Stargazing [Vikings]
Dinner Cooking [The Hobbit]
Bed Sharing [Genshin Impact]
A Helpful Ally [Peaky Blinders]
The Emotional Reunion [Harry Potter]
A Little Nervous [Moon Knight]
Bad Hair Day [Genshin Impact]
A Rainy Night [Don't Worry Darling]
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So it's been like a year since I've opened requests and I swore I was never going to do it again, but here we are. With no planets in retrograde, and even though ya girl is exhausted with work and school, she's opening her requests! Feel free to send one or two and I'll do my best to get to them in a timely manner. Currently I'll write for Daemon Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, and Helaena Targaryen. Also Eddie Munson, Battinson, Ivar Ragnarsson from Vikings, and Osferth from The Last Kingdom.
You know me, it's all intimacy and violence, so be warned lol
[ WOUND ]: upon noticing a recent injury on the receiver’s person, the sender carefully moves closer, running a thumb (or hand) across the wound in a gentle, troubled manner.
[ INHALE ]: while standing in very close quarters to the receiver, the sender shakily inhales with desire/anticipation as they realize how intimately close they are to one another.
[ DANCE ]: when alone together the sender takes the receiver’s hand, and pulls them into a graceful yet intimate dance as a spontaneous act.
[ BARE ]: as they get undressed, the sender gently places a soft, tender kiss against the receiver’s bare shoulder.
[ SCAR ]: noticing a scar on the receiver’s skin, the sender tentatively stops them from covering it up, and rests a gentle, soft kiss over it.
[ BEHIND ]: upon entering the same room as the receiver, the sender steps behind them, and winds their arms around the receiver’s waist, drawing them close against them.
[ WAIT ]: realizing the receiver is about to leave the room, the sender hastily reaches out and catches their wrist, preventing them from continuing their departure.
[ HUSH ]: while standing close to one another and hiding from pursuers, the sender reaches up and places a finger against the receiver’s lips to prevent them from speaking and revealing their location.
[ 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 ] sender kisses receiver to taste the lingering flavour of what they ate or drank on their lips
[ 𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐑 ] sender bites receiver hard enough to draw blood
[ 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃 ] sender blindfolds receiver
[ 𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 ] sender and receiver see each other again after a period of being apart
[ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 ] sender notices something different about receiver ( injury / haircut / tattoo / piercing / etc )
[ 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 ] sender and receive watch as something burns ( candles / a building / a campfire / etc )
[ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐊 ] sender recognises receiver at a masquerade party
I borrowed these prompts from @lunememes and @soulprompts ✨
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popcorn1989 · 1 year
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Tell me if it should be character x reader or between two characters of the series:
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Write me which series, which character and the number of the following prompts and give me time to write. Each prompt can only be used once on a character.
"Does it hurt a lot?"
"May I help you?"
"Don't look at me like that!"
"I will hurt you a second time!"
"You look great"
"Do you really want to do this?"
"The way you look, you should leave it"
"Well, I told you"
"You can't fight everyone"
"Who hurt you?"
"That's the last thing I'll do"
"Haven't seen you for a long time"
"Is that an order?"
"I will not disappoint you"
"I will Always Love You"
"I'll try it"
"Hit me and I'll kill you"
"I think of you every day"
"If I had known, I would not have come"
"We're not really both sick at the same time!"
"Do you really want to go in there?"
"I'm telling you, it won't work"
"You are a donkey"
"Maybe i Hate you"
"if you do that then..."
"Are you naked?"
"I can't stand her"
"Ok, you can do it that way too"
"I didn't think about it"
"Did you eat all that alone?"
"Do you have a better idea?"
"Sometimes you're annoying"
"Just one more word!"
"Draw Your Sword"
"You still have to practice"
"May I kill him?"
"Are you serious?"
"Stop, stop right there"
"Look where you're stepping"
"Sometimes I wonder what you're thinking"
"Do you belive in it?"
"There is only one God"
"I brought you something"
"Give it back to me!"
"Calm down"
Feel free to use the prompts for your stories.
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fandomscompilation · 1 year
300 followers celebration prompts
There's 35 prompts on this list. You can request fics for the characters and fandoms that are in my masterlist. Other fandoms will be taken under consideration.
You can ask for more than one prompt.
If you write your own work and use any of the prompts below please let me know (tag me, send a private message) I'd like to read your approach to those if so.
1. All I ever did was protect you! I sacrificed my own wants and needs just for you to be happy! I gave everything for you! How can you say that I don't care?!
2. I saw you last night. In your room.
What are you talking about?
I saw you cry. You never cry.
3. Is this what you want? Do you really want for all of this to fall apart?
4. We survived, we went through hell and back, just for them to deem us traitors. There'll always be people that will try and bring you down, no matter who you are and what you do.
5. If she/he comes back.. will you forgive her?
No. She/he'd do the same thing if given another chance. I will not forgive that.
6. I wanted for you to see me. All I ever wanted was for you to notice me.
I did. I always did.
No! You never saw me. You had expectations and some weird perfect version of me in your head. Was I not enough?
7. I'm willing to die for you.
I don't want that, please.
I know. But it has to be done, you cannot die. They need you.
And I need you! I can't do this without you!
You must and you will. I know you will.
8. I've seen a lot of things in my life. But I never saw anything as marvelous as you.
Then you must be blind.
9. I love you. I love you in the way a blind man loves his darkness. I love you in the way stone loves wind that shapes it. I love you although it hurts me, even when I know it might be my downfall. And I would not change a thing, I'd love you over and over again, in every life.
10. I can't focus with you around.
Am I that irresistible?
11. I have never cared for someone as much as I do for you. And it makes me scared.
No one said caring was easy.
No, of course not. But I just never believed I would love someone that way.
12. If I could I'd give you the world.
What if I don't want the world? What if all I want is you?
Then you have me, I'm yours. Always.
13. Have you seen her dress?
Unfortunately, I wonder which seamstress did she disrespect.
I don't think its their fault. She's simply not fit for something more luxurious than rags.
14. We don't judge people.
Yesterday you said our waitress looked like someone punched a sphynx cat!
She was old and wrinkly! That was just an observation!
15. He's looking again.
Of course he is, we're the most beautiful people in this room.
Damn right we are!
16. You won't believe what I just saw!
What is it?
I saw (character) laughing! They were laughing with (character)!
No way! Where are they now?
17. (Character) just told me that (character) wrote a love letter to (character).
Why would they tell you that?
They said it was a secret! Can you believe that?
18. Did you see my watch?
No, did you lose it?
No. I just wanted to brag about it, why do you think I asked idiot?
19. Where did (character) go?
I don't know.
I just saw them walk away from you.
Maybe, maybe it was just your imagination.
I'm not delusional!
Are you?
20. Why do you keep coming here?
I feel safe here.
Safe? This might be one of the most dangerous places and you feel safe here?
Why wouldn't I? No one ever bothers me here.
21. Do you think they love me?
Of course, you're wonderful.
You say that because we're friends.
No, I say that because you are. You'd do anything for others and you care so deeply that it makes saints look unholy.
22. I always wanted to tell them the truth.
What stopped you?
Fear. I feared they wouldn't understand. That they'd turned their backs on me.
23. Every leader has blood on their hands. No matter how just and devoted they are. Sooner or later someone will die for them, willingly or not.
24. She/he's gone.
What? How?
Does it matter? Would it change anything?
25. How did you go from someone so caring to an emotionless monster?
I grew up.
Stop lying to me! Growing up doesn't do that to a person. What happened to you?
You want to know? Fine. I lived through pain and death. I survived every battle. I lost everything and everyone. I do not care anymore. I grew up.
26. Everyone told me to give up. To protect myself from the heartbreak.
You should've listened to them.
Why would I?
Because I can't give you the love you want.
27. I used to look up to the stars and wished to be among them. To feel the freedom they have.
That's sounds beautiful.
I thought so too. But each star is long gone. We see them, but in reality they're long dead.
Only you could turn something beautiful into something depressing.
28. Your ability to ruin my mood is astounding.
Thank you, I work on it every day.
29. After meeting you I started to thank my parents for not giving me a younger sibling.
You're welcome for repairing your relationship with your parents.
30. I'm leaving.
Where to?
I don't know, maybe another country, another continent.
Right. Where are you really going?
To the market. I'll bring dinner.
31. I don't know what to do.
Do what you do best. Get up and straighten your back. Lead them the way you always do. With fury in your heart and fire in your eyes. They don't need a leader that's merciful. They need a leader that will make rivers overflow with the blood of their enemies. So get up and win this war, for your people.
32. You might have never said it, but I always knew.
Your eyes. No matter how much you try to hide your feelings I can tell by your eyes.
33. I think you're the only person that stayed by my side through everything.
I promised you I won't leave. And I always keep my promises.
34. Have you ever wondered what our lives would be like if we never met?
No. I don't want to imagine that. I don't think I could survive a day without you.
35. You hurt me. Not once, not twice but over and over again.
Then why are you still here?
Because I hope that you'll finally see your mistakes. That you'll stop pushing me away.
What if that's who I am? What if I will never let you close?
Then I'll die trying.
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dragonsbluee · 2 months
I'm trying to count how many times Hiccup is captured/kidnapped throughout both series, the movies and the short films, so here's my criteria:
Any time he is unwillingly moved from one location to another by a dragon, viking or other character.
This includes any dragons picking him up and flying off somewhere, even if he is okay with it later.
This does not include when Toothless/his friends drag him off to show him something.
Any situation that prompted the dragon riders to rescue him.
Any plans that involved him giving himself up or joining up with a villain/antagonist.
This does not include the time he and Dagur were trapped on that island together.
Any time he is tied up and led somewhere or locked up/held in place with a guard.
Here is the list of situations I have compiled in (hopefully) chronological order:
Congratulations, no captures or kidnappings.
When Meatlug (accidentally) brings Hiccup along to the Rookery.
S1E6 - Hiccup gets taken to Dragon Island.
S1E16 - Hiccup is captured by the Outcasts on their island.
S1E19 - Alvin Captures Hiccup and Toothless at the "Isle of Night".
S1E20 - Hiccup gives himself up to Dagur as part of his plan with Alvin.
S1E1 - the Dragon Riders get captured by Daugr on a hunter ship.
S1E7 -The twins put him in prison (this one's just here because I think it's funny).
S2E6 - The Dragon Hunters capture him.
S2E11 - The Dragon Riders get captured trying to save the Skrill.
S3E1 - Hiccup is captured by Dragon Hunters while trapped on an island with Dagur.
S3E8 - Hiccup and Toothless get caught in a Dragon Hunter Trap and are kidnapped and forced to participate in dragon fights.
S3E12 - Viggo captures all the Dragon Riders at the auction.
S3E13 - The Defenders of the Wing capture the Dragon Riders.
S4E3 - First Hiccup is caught by Amos and Berthel.
S4E3 - Then he's caught by Savage.
S4E3 - Then Krogan gets him after Throk saves him.
S4E3 - Ryker captures him for the tiniest bit right before the riders arrive.
S4E10 - Hiccup is caught with Ruffnut when he tries to rescue her from Viggo's trap. Unlike the other traps, he needs the other dragon riders to rescue them.
S5E2 - The Sandbuster captures Hiccup and Snotlout.
S6E8 - Viggo hands Hiccup over to Krogan as part of their plan.
Valka kidnaps Hiccup and Toothless.
Grimmel captures the dragon riders.
Once again, no captures of kidnappings
Up For Debate:
There are a few situations which technically fit the criteria, but I'm not sure if they fit considering the context of the show:
S5E5 - the riders are stuck on Vanaheim, guarded by the Sentinels. (Rtte)
S1E3 - This is a technicality, but when Hiccup joins up with Dagur to keep him away from the other dragons. (Dob)
EDIT: I forgot that even though my criteria says that the time Dagur and Hiccup are trapped on that island together (S3E1 of RTTE) doesn't count, because he is joining up with an (at the time) antagonist, there is a moment when Hiccup is captured by Dragon Hunters near the end of the episode.
After careful discussion (aka me ranting at my roommate) S4E10 of RTTE is also moving from "up for debate" to the official list. These changes are reflected above.
This brings our official count to 22 captures/kidnappings!
Honestly, the hardest part about this was finding the distinction between being captured or being trapped and what I wanted to count. When Hiccup isn't captured, he spends a lot of time in traps.
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chaos-bites · 2 months
🐎 Subtle Odin Worship 🐺
Educate yourself on Norse runes and their meanings; if you can/want, make your own runes using subtle items, such as bottle caps or playing cards (write the runes on them)
Study for school; do homework
Be curious about the world around you; be willing to learn about it
Research and learn about random topics that interest you
Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Have a stuffed animal wolf, raven, or horse
Have imagery of spears, the world tree, or the Valknut around
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
If you're disabled, be kind to your body and yourself; have patience with yourself
Take care of yourself physically
Educate yourself on Norse/Viking history; learn about world history in general
Think of outside the box solutions to problems
Keep a journal of self-written works, such as poetry or short stories
Try your hand at developing new skills; do things you've never done before
Improve and practice already learned skills
Engage in activities that stimulate your brain
Practice standing up for yourself; assert your personal boundaries
Make a list of your personal strengths and accomplishments; take pride in yourself
Support animal sanctuaries and refuges
Volunteer at a homeless shelter
Try to have a more nuanced perspective of the world and other people
Have an alcoholic drink, especially mead; if you can't do this, drink something you love; raise a glass to him
Eat a good, hardy meal, especially meats; eat three meals a day
Work on communication skills; practice healthy forms of communication
Practice mindfulness
Learn non-obvious forms of divination; cartomancy, pyromancy, shufflomancy, etc.
Read about Norse mythology, especially Odin's many adventures and experiences
Honor your ancestors; learn about your family history
Take time to yourself, even just to decompress; work hard but remember to rest
Write down your dreams; try to interpret them
Feed any local crows or ravens
Support veteran organizations
Be considerate towards veterans; don't light fireworks in neighborhoods, don't set off weapons near neighborhoods, don't ask about war stories unless prompted by the veteran, etc.
May add more later! For the time being, this is my list of ways to discreetly worship Odin. Take care, everyone, and I hope this helps someone! 🩵
Link to my Subtle Worship Master list
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senualothbrok · 6 months
Hello! I'm Senua! 🤗
Welcome to my world! 👋
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I am obsessed with Gale Dekarios and Baldur's Gate 3. I also love animals (especially dogs, cats and horses), the Viking age, tattoos, and existentialism. This post pretty much sums up who I am!
I write BG3 fics, mainly about Gale. I write angst, hurt/comfort, and smut (Gale x Tav/OC/reader).
Below the cut, you can find a list of my work and an assortment of things I love. You can also find me on AO3.
I'd love to get to know you, so please feel free to pop me an ask or message with any comments, questions, thoughts or requests! Just don't be a hater. I'm not into those.
Enough (Non-18+. Astarion x female Tav. Angst. Trauma and recovery.) AO3 link
You agreed to help Astarion with the Rite of Profane Ascension, but you can't watch him go through with it. You interrupt the ritual, and Astarion turns on you. Now, you must deal with the aftermath of your actions.
Love and Beauty (Non-18+. Non-ascended Astarion x female Tav. References to bereavement.) AO3 link
A few days after Astarion has taken you to his grave, you are lying in bed together. You decide it's time to make a confession.
Rest (Non-18+. Gale x female Tav. Hurt/comfort.) AO3 link
You have defeated the Netherbrain and survived. But when Gale asks you to marry him, you find that you cannot accept his offer.
Content (Non-18+. Gale x Tav. Mild hurt/comfort. Fluff.) AO3 link
After the reunion party, Gale wonders whether you regret choosing him over Astarion.
Prayer (Non-18+. God!Gale. Gale x Tav. Heavy angst. Grief/mourning.) AO3 link
The God of Ambition has returned to Elysium, and you did not follow him. You grieve for Gale, and you struggle to move on with your life.
A Show of Love (18+. NSFW. Gale x female reader/Tav. Smut.) AO3 link
Sometimes, Gale doesn't seem sure how much you love him. So you decide to show him.
Words (18+. NSFW. Gale x female reader/Tav. Smut.) AO3 link
At your home in Waterdeep, you and Gale recall the early stages of your relationship.
Progress (Non-18+. Professor Gale x female OC. Angst. Mental illness and recovery.) AO3 link
When you start your studies at Blackstaff Academy, you expect a battle with your demons. But the last thing you expect is to fall in love.
Promise (Non 18+. Professor Gale x female OC. Angst with a happy ending. Mental illness and recovery.) AO3 link
Gale learns what it means to love and be loved. Sequel to Progress.
A Brush With Danger (Non 18+. Gale x female Tav.)
Anon prompt: Gale's thoughts and feelings before his infamous declaration in the Shadow-Cursed Lands.
Unexpected (18+. NSFW. Professor Gale x female reader/Tav. Smut.) AO3 link
You pay Gale an unexpected visit after one of his classes.
Absolution (Non-18+. God!Gale. Gale x Tav. Angst.) AO3 link
The God of Ambition considers the last of his attachments. Sequel to Prayer.
The Difference (Non-18+. AU (reverse isekai). Gale x female Tav/OC. Angst. Hurt/comfort. Mental health issues.) Multichapter. AO3 link
When a portal appears in your living room and Gale Dekarios tumbles out of it, you think you are going insane. But truth is stranger than fiction, and things are rarely what they seem.
Mortal pleasures (18+. NSFW. Smut. Gale x female Tav/reader.) AO3 link
Gale has shown you how gods bond in the astral. Now, you show him how good mortal pleasures can be.
Drabble tennis
Gale-based to and from drabbles with the magnificent writer extraordinaire @theletteraesc
* Hands
* Asking for help
* Introverts
* Undiagnosed sorcerer
* Pillow talk
* Challenge accepted
I occasionally make Gale-related memes because I think I'm funny 💀
* The inside of my brain
* When your soul mate is a pixel man
* Smooching Gale - the struggle
* Gale porn is therapeutic
* Fic vs therapy
* Gale's chest hair
My OCs
I like to make things about my OCs, because who doesn't? 🥰
Mia Zhang (from The Difference)
* Playlist
* Picrew of Gale x Mia
* This or That
* Nine things
* Five songs/outfits
Aurora Dekarios nee Wintertal (from Progress and Promise)
* Picrew of Gale x Aurora
* This or That
* My dear friend @dolceaspidenera made some wonderful gifsets of Gale x Aurora from Progress and Promise. They are so beautiful, I still haven't recovered from them.
* Lovely @mahiiimahiiii made a beautiful piece of art inspired by The Difference, which overwhelms me with so many feels.
* My beloved bestie @practicallydeadinside-blog gifted me a cameo from national treasure Tim Downie explaining why Gale is so shredded and it changed my life.
She has also blessed me with:
- a comic strip of Words which has destroyed my ovaries and impaired my cognitive functions.
- a phenomenal drawing of Mia from The Difference.
* I commissioned one of my favourite artists @demiesop to draw Gale and Mia from The Difference, and Gale and Aurora from Promise, and she truly delivered.
* Tim Downie kindly did a beautiful reading of Gale and Mia's wedding vows from The Difference, which I treasure so much.
* Wonderful @alpydk wrote a heartrending poem dedicated to Elspeth from The Difference. I'm beyond amazed.
* For my birthday, amazing @inglorionamy-ammy did a beautiful tribute not only to Gale and Tara but to my best buddy George who passed away. I cherish it.
* @inglorionamy-ammy and I had an unhinged conversation about trading a liver for Gale to become real and she made this hilarious comic on the back of it. I love her.
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redd956 · 1 year
Whump Prompt List: Medieval Era (Middle Ages)
CW: Historical Violence, PTSD, Blood
Veteran whumpee hearing the sound of metal clang, and promptly having a PTSD attack
Being dropped from the walls of a high castle after being injured or sick for way too long
An arrow flying through a slit in whumpee's armor
Whumper going to an apothecary with a great big grin on their face, smiling at all the possible new concoctions they could choose from
Blood letting
Being exiled into the desert, thick forests at night, or out into the arctic. Whumpee has nothing, no one, and most definitely cannot go back
Whumpee lying half-dead, surrounded by fellow armored bodies, covered in a mixture of blood and mud
Caretaker finding a knight from an unidentified group in their stables, at first they were going to alert the local authorities, but now staring at how slumped over the figure is, they're having second thoughts
Knight whumpee swears that they're fine, but Caretaker sees the blood seeping out of the neck of the helmet
Caretaker returned home long ago to find their hometown ransacked by Vikings, now they've met another destroyed town with an equally devastated whumpee
Being stabbed with a sword
Merchant whumpee running out of food halfway through their travels
Stranded in the ocean, clinging to a piece of driftwood
Unknown whumpee being forced to reveal their identity, taking off their helmet
Caretaker spies a knight in the distance finally losing their strength, and falling off their horse
Being ran over by horses
Caretaker tracing their fingers over whumpee's back, feeling over thick scars caused by whippings
Infection, sickness, or similar with no modern medicine there to help
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
Creative Writing Resources
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Writing Tools:
🐝 ✎ OneLook: Thesaurus
Use: Enter a word, phrase, description, or pattern above to find synonyms, related words, and more.
Good For: Can't think of a word but can describe what you want it to mean, enter that description and it will give you words associated. Enter: "strong wind" -> gale, storm, tempest, tornado, etc
Cost: Free
✎ Word Hippo
Use: Thesaurus.
Good For: When you've over used a word and need to change it up.
Cost: Free
✎ Writing Realistic Injuries
Use: Seems kinda obvious, learning how to write proper and realistic injuries.
Good For: ...writing realistic injuries I guess? It's really helpful: minor injuries like emotional reactions, fainting, shock, broken bones, dislocated joints, burns, hostile environments, includes some normal ranges for things like blood pressure, pulse rate, body temperature. Also has accurate blood loss amounts and what is considered normal, severe and maximum and from what body part.
Cost: Free
✎ Period Based Injuries (WWI, WW2, Regency, etc)
Use: Medical treatment based on timeline/era
Good For: When you want to know what medical treatments were used during WW1 or what kinds of medicines were used in regency times.
Cost: Free
✎ Charlotte Dillon: Information Links for Writers
Use: Information on everything!
Good For: Research for medicine during the Middle ages or learning about what phrases were used in the Old West. Castle terms, rigor mortis information, viking foodstuffs, supernatural lore, regency facts, Irish sayings, and even ancient gynecology facts (why? no idea but it must be useful for someone). This place has everything.
Cost: Free
✎ Color Names and Descriptions
Use: Self explanatory.
Good For: Find some nice names for black or orange without saying black or orange. Get my drift?
Cost: Free
✎ Writers Write: Traits
Use: Find traits for your characters
Good For: Negative, positive, ambivalent traits, you get the picture.
Cost: Free
✎ Writers Write: Body Language
Use: Body language descriptions
Good For: Micro-expressions, hand gestures, and posture.
Cost: Free
🐝 ✎ Describing Words
Use: Find words to describe things.
Good For: Want to describe a tree? Enter tree and the site will generate descriptive phrases of a tree.
Cost: Free
🐝 ✎ Descriptionari
Use: Finding examples for creative inspiration.
Good For: writing prompts, descriptions of scenes, and help with describing a scene such a kiss or fight scene.
Cost: Free
✎ Flower Meanings Dictionary (A to Z) and Color Meanings
Use: The language of flowers! Lists flowers and their meaning.
Good For: Flower symbolism in stories, good for regency & victorian AU when floriography was popular. Take it with a grain of salt, sometimes flowers can have several different meanings depending on where you source the floriography.
Cost: Free
✎ Pre-Modern Combat Weapons
✎ Medieval Weapons
✎ Superpowers
✎ List of Legendary Creatures by Type
✎ Gemstones A-Z
✎ Black Market Information (Legally Attained)
✎ Forensic Pathology, Science, & Death (Use W/ Caution)
✎ Religions of the World
✎ Languages of the World
✎ Methods of Torture (Use W/ Caution)
✎ Methods of Execution (Death Penalty)
✎ Poisonous Plants
✎ Plants, Just Plants
✎ Stab Wounds
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Naming Generators:
🐝 ✎ Fantasy Name Generator
Use: Generating names, generating appearances, generating maps.
Good For: Generating names for people, places, things, planets, diseases, etc. Has a wide selection of name generators for all different ethnicities from African (varied by location) to Asia and Historic. Also includes fantasy and folklore name generators. It's my go to name generator for everything. You can also generate a description of a character or design your own map.
Cost: Free
✎ The Story Shack
Use: Generating names, creating your own generator, writing exercises.
Good For: Generating names, obviously. But also practicing writing through offered exercises.
Cost: Free
✎ RanGen
Use: Generating plots, appearances, archetypes, love interests, cities, worlds, items, and more.
Good For: What I just said previously. Very helpful.
Cost: Free
✎ Generator Land: Titles
Use: Generating Titles!
Good For: Creating... titles....? This site also has many other generators to use.
Cost: Free
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✎ Free Images for Commercial Use
Use: Pictures!
Good For: Whatever you want!
Cost: Free
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Story Development, Plot, Character:
$✎ E.A. Deverell Workshop & Worksheet Index
Use: Learn how to plot your stories and build your world.
Good For: Character building, world building, narration, plot formula, prompts, ideas, genres, development. You name it, Eva has it.
Cost: Paid Courses, Free Worksheets & Tips.
$✎ Story Planner
Use: Planning your story. Obvs.
Good For: People who need a little guidance with outlining and implementing before they jump into their story. Takes yous sentence by sentence building summaries and such.
Cost: Paid & Free Planners
✎ Character Sheet to Build Your Character
Use: Build your character in detail!!
Good For: Um. Building a highly detailed character? Self explanatory really.
Cost: Free worksheet through google docks.
✎ Create Your Character
Use: Build your character visually.
Good For: Designing a visual representation of your character rather than just writing out details on paper. You can save final result as an SVG or PNG
Cost: Free
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Map & World & RPG Building:
✎ Inkarnate: Map Making
Use: Build a map of your world or country.
Good For: Designing a map of your country or world with details such as oceans, mountain ranges, cities, towns, and waterways.
Cost: Free version and paid version
✎ DonJon: RPG Tool
Use: Map making, name generator, good for D & D resources/references.
Good For: Designing RPG.
Cost: Free
✎ Townscaper: Oskarstalberg
Use: Map making 3D.
Good For: Designing maps, obv (it's really interactive a cool. Link if above is broken: https://oskarstalberg.com/Townscaper
Cost: Free & Paid Versions
✎ Medieval City Map Making
Use: City Map Making.
Good For: Making maps of medieval cities. Link if above is broken: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator
Cost: Free
✎ Fantasy Town Generator
Use: City Map Making.
Good For: Making maps of medieval cities. Link if above is broken: https://www.fantasytowngenerator.com/
Cost: Free + Paid Upgraded Accounts
🐝 ✎ Wonderdraft
Use: City & World Map Making.
Good For: Making maps of medieval cities and worlds. This app has labels and icons you can use to mark mountains, rivers, valleys, etc. It is a very good investment if you enjoy map making (particularly for D&D). Versatile, you can change map size (11"x 8.5", 9"x9", etc)
Cost: Paid, One time purchase of 29.99 USD.
🐝 ✎ Kanka
Use: RPG management and world building.
Good For: D & D related things (it's intended purpose)
Cost: Free + Upgraded Accounts (depends on how many "worlds" you create)
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Search Engines:
✎ Search Engines
Use: Search Engines!
Good For: Researching topics for your writing! These website have an amalgamation of of different types of search engines depending on your need (Writing, Research, Reference, etc)
Cost: Free + Upgraded Accounts (depends on engine used but mostly free)
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Writing Software:
✎ Pages (iOS)
Use: Mobile Word Processor
Good For: Tagging folder system for organization, export documents, good for apple pencil, multiple formats & templates. Sync's w/ iCloud.
Cost: Free
$✎ Liquid Story Binder XE by Black Obelisk Software (Windows)
Use: Liquid Story Binder XE is a uniquely designed word processor for professional and aspiring authors, poets, and novelists. Writing software for those who require the editing ability of a commercial text editor as well as a document tracking system. It is for those who want the freedom to create, outline and revise but are tired of losing track of their work.
Good For: Keeping your writing in one place, organization, compiling into one document, no internet connection required.
Perks: Drop Box Compatible
Cost: $45.95 US, free trial, one payment.
🐝$✎ Scrivener (Mac, Windows, iOS)
Use: Scrivener is a word-processing program and outliner designed for authors. Scrivener provides a management system for documents, notes and metadata. This allows the user to organize notes, concepts, research, and whole documents for easy access and reference.
Good For: Keeping your writing in one place, organization, compiling into one document, no internet connection required.
Perks: Drop Box Compatible
Cost: $59.99 US (50.99 students & academics), $23.99 US for iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch, free trial, one payment
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Editing & Grammar:
✎ Text to Speech
Use: Listen to your writing be read to you.
Good For: Editing, catching grammar and other mistakes. Also great for listening to the flow of your writing.
Cost: Free and paid versions
✎ Grammarly
Use: Editing.
Good For: editing your writing, catching spelling mistakes along with grammar mistakes.
Cost: Free and paid versions
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(Google Docs I made for my own references 🙂) IN PROGRESS!!
✎ Latin
✎ Greek
✎ Spanish
✎ Yucatec Maya
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Creative Sources the 🐝 Uses:
Canva (I have pro)
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Last Edit: 3/18/24
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vikingsevents · 1 year
Hello Vikings and Vikings: Valhalla fandom! We want to announce a smutty little event on this blog for the heated times in summer.
We are doing another Summer Solstice from June 18th up until and including June 24th! This time we will have a main topic and three prompts to choose from for each day. You can use one or all three of them.
Two main rules:
Please tag us (@vikingsevents) in your posts and tag your creations with #smuttyvikings
Please mention the main topic for the prompt(s) you used at the beginning of your post, so our rebloggers can tag the post accordingly
Feel free to create anything you like for our fandoms, be it a fic or art or something else entirely. You can find the prompt list below. (As usual combining prompts is allowed!) Please try and post your creation on the day assigned to your prompt, so we can collect everything in a timely fashion. If you’re late to post for a prompt, that is not the end of the world and we will still reblog. (As long as you publish it before we post our round-up at the end of July.)
Keep it smutty, lovelies!
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wexhappyxfew · 20 days
Hi! I love your Silver Bullets girls, and Carrie x Douglass has a special place in my heart (even more since your last writing with them). So, for them I'd like to ask 35. (kissing their bruises and scars) from the Touch prompt list or 5. (the last thing they're thinking about before falling asleep is always the other) from the Subtle love list. 💗
HI FRIEND!!!! thank you so much for sending this and i am so so glad carrie and dougie have meant a lot, alongside the Silver Bullets girls (it seriously means SO MUCH and i always say it but its true!!!) THANK YOU FOR THE OPTIONS TOO!!!! i couldn't help myself and went with the second prompt (5) and decided to focus on some of their earlier meetings with one another and how they've developed into the people today. let's just say, i had a lot of fun! thank you SO MUCH!!!!! :D this was so much fun! <3 (and sorry for the wait for this....the semester was its usual chaos haha!)
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(a/n): safe to say, for my carrie x dougie enjoyers, this was FUN to write. we get a bit into life before the annie bradshaw era of silver bullets! WITH captain birdie faulkner. BUT, because i am a sucker for someone who haunts the narrative and is simply talked about, we don't actually meet birdie here, just hear about her as a leader and all (a running theme!). we also get a bit into the storyline of what dougie means when he said he wanted to ask carrie to 'dance in greenland in THIS PIECE. and also carrie's dislike for greenland lmfao. please enjoy!!! <3
Greenland was anything but green, it seemed.
Maybe that's why the Vikings called it that - to freak the living fuck out of any sort of enemy that was bound to come this way and make them mistake what was actually a stupid ice block for well - 'green land'.
The landing had been less that superb and Captain Faulkner had dismissed them all to the bar to the left of the tarmac for the rest of the evening off.
Birdie Faulkner was everything, including a realist, and she seemed to understand that the rather harrowing conditions of their landing was something that required at least a drink or two before bedding down for the night.
With a half-finished beer, Carrie was sure that she could've fallen asleep in that very chair for the time being, but she had to present herself a best she could. With the newest B-17 group collected, Silver Bullets was formulated and crafted by that oh-so-brilliant mind of Birdie Faulkner, and they all had her to thank. And Carrie had to look a bit more put-together than usual - prove she's not just a wash-out bombardier with lackluster experience. That she deserved the spot in Silver Bullets more than anyone else.
"So?" a voice came from her right, settling into the other plush, leather seat at her side, the smiling face of Bessie Carlisle appearing as she popped open her own beer bottle, "Greenland, huh?" Carrie smirked and rolled her shoulders and glanced around.
"It's cozy, really," Carrie offered, "I'm considering taking a swim in the river, suntanning-"
"Okay, smart ass," Bessie said with a chuckle, her boot nudging her own foot, "can't say I'm complaining. Finally out of those training cycles, working towards the war. Maybe, we'll actually put ourselves to use instead of waiting just to go on a practice run." Carrie watched Bessie and then smiled widely.
"Love it so much that I may tell my future husband that 'Hey, we're moving to Greenland!', pack up the truck, babe, forget Brooklyn, home is where the grass is a solid as a fucking rock," Carrie said, sipping her beer, "not to mention the weather. I love to freeze."
"Someone's happy." a new voice chimed in, as Francis settled into a chair opposite them, sucking down a portion of her beer and grinning, "I've never seen you so enthusiastic about something." Carrie deadpanned.
"I'm really jumping for joy over here, Monty." Carrie told Francis, raising her glass of beer up in mock ceremony, "You know me so well." Francis and Bessie burst out into laughter as Carrie leaned back in her chair with a sigh and looked towards the ceiling.
"When the hell are we going to England?" Carrie asked, counting the flecks of rotting wood in the wooden ceiling, her eyes tracing the pieces that stuck out of the ceiling panels before losing her spot and recounting, "If I could just get another beer started, I'd be ready by tonight to head out. No pit-stops for me, I'm just fine with a beer stop and then jetting off to England and calling it a day."
"I wish I had the same energy towards that, Bergie, I really do," Bessie said, "afraid to say I'd ask for a few hours of sleep thought over that."
"Sleeps overrated half the time!" Carrie admonished still staring up at the ceiling, "How you gonna get a thing done when sleep's-"
"Exactly what you need." Carrie blinked a few times and into focus above her head came James Douglass - fellow bombardier, with whom Bessie had introduced on one of Carrie's first days after her transfer on base.
Carrie remembered first time seeing him coming towards them, with that carpet on his face he called a mustache, a sharp smirk, a rather loud, somewhat obnoxious voice, a quick hand-shaking, before he was wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pointing out to various areas along the base like they'd been friends for years - something that had caught her completely off guard. And ever since then, with their few chance meetings, they'd been nothing but a trifle of teasing jabs and somewhat good-natured fun.
Key word: somewhat.
Because she could never actually read James Douglass unlike Benny DeMarco or Hambone Hamilton who were just about as sweet to her as her grandma's hotcakes. He'd see her and beeline, make a few jokes, flirt shamelessly, and then go dance with the next girl who'd take his hand. He was quite the character and Carrie usually didn't engage in much conversation past when he'd come to seek her out.
Except now, he was hung above her like a hyperactive golden retriever, like the dog, Kering, that had lived down the street from the Achterberg's in Brooklyn all her life. Running out of the Wilkes house anytime the door opened, barking and sniffing and tearing around the neighborhood like a lunatic. Yeah, Kering the golden retriever who looked like he was a lunatic reminded her exactly of James Douglass.
Nice to know home was never far.
"What are you trying to say, huh?" Carrie asked, still slouching in the chair and staring up at him hovering over her. Douglass grinned at her, showing off his pearly whites and that charming look on his face and he let out a chuckle.
"You know, a little sleep never hurt a soul. Only reason we're even alive," Douglass said, reaching forward to rub her shoulder, "makes the brain happy or some shit. Makes people less….cranky."
"You calling me cranky, now?"
"Cranky. Now that's just one of many words-"
"Oh, you little-"
"Alright!" Bessie said standing and shoving Douglass pack from where he currently was occupying Carrie's headspace, "Nice to know some things never change." Carrie glanced at her as she sat up and Bessie raised a brow with a smirk.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Douglass said from behind Carrie, before he moved around her chair and took the other open seat in the grouping of four, and kicking back to relax. Carrie watched Bessie before looking at Francis, who was rather interested in her cup of beer, before glancing at Douglass, who was already looking at her.
"What?" she murmured, before he made a face and she rolled her eyes.
"How was the flight over, Douglass? Invigorating?" Bessie asked Douglass, with a smile - leave it to Bessie to be sweet as cream on any given occasion.
"You woulda thought Greenland would be, well, fucking green-"
"That's what I said!" Carrie butted in, getting looks from the other three, before settling on Douglass who was watching her, with a mixture of interest and annoyance, but she couldn't seem to decipher the two and sank back in her chair, "Greenland's cold as fuck, not some East Coast paradise I'll give ya that." She heard Douglass chuckle at that as Carrie took in more sips of beer.
"With the way we were flying in, I wasn't even sure we were gonna make it at first, I'll tell you that," Douglass said, "you sit in that nose and you swear to God that you'll smash right into the tarmac. Good ole Ev Blakely don't let that sorta stuff happen though."
"Yeah, a real crap shoot." Carrie muttered, "Thought Birdie was gonna bring us in sideways." Douglass raised a brow as he sipped his beer.
"Guess you can say they lied about the fucking weather, too," Douglass offered, "really nice place here. Could barely move my fingers and toes when I actually stood up fully." Bessie let out a chuckle and started sipping her beer again as Carrie narrowed her eyes at her.
"Hey, they're putting on some music to dance, y'all wanna come?" Judy Rybinski's joyfully said as she appeared behind Francis, "C'mon Bessie, I know that look anywhere, you wanna!"
"You know me too well, Jude," Bessie said, getting to her feet and finishing off her beer.
"I'm coming with! No shot I'm missing a chance at good music and good company." Francis said getting to her feet, "The company part may be a stretch-"
"Oh c'mon!" Judy said, taking Francis' hand before looking at Carrie and Douglass unmoved in their chairs, "You two coming?"
"I'm going to continue working on these beers, Jude, but I appreciate it," Carrie said, "Greenland's officially fucked me up." Judy let out a chuckle.
"You enjoy that then, Bergie," Judy said before looking at Douglass, "Dougie?" Carrie glanced sideways at Douglass who sat quietly, before glancing over at Carrie and then Judy again.
"Maybe next time," he said with a nod, "I promise you a dance, got it?"
"Sounds good! Don't have too much fun!" Judy called before she disappeared and some Artie Shaw began playing over the speakers.
"Good to know we have one thing in common, Bergie." Carrie slowly looked over at Douglass, that annoying nickname rolling off his lips like it had before, "We both hate Greenland." And he grinned at her and couldn't help but smirk back.
"First off, don't call me that. Second, you might be right about that," Carrie said, sipping her beer again, "you know that it's called Greenland because of the Vikings?" Douglass let out a chuckle and shook his head.
"Nah, you're fucking with me," he said, "the Vikings? The guys with the horns on their heads?"
"I'm not kidding," Carrie said sitting up and fully meeting his gaze for the first time since he had hung overtop her, "I swear to you, they did it. Tricking their enemies. For the sake of how much can they fuck a person in the head." Douglass watched her for a moment, before letting out a laugh and sipping his beer again, before smirking.
"Maybe they were just being smart," Douglass countered, "before they knew that it was just one sheet of ice for miles on end. Then they realized what a shitty name Greenland was." Carrie stared at him for a moment, before smiling slightly, unable to hold back her grin.
"You really know how to get under my skin, don't ya?"
"Guess you could say I know what makes you tick."
"Oh so now you suddenly know everything about me, huh?" Carrie said, leaning over to give his shoulder a playful shove, "Well, go on, what's my favorite color?" She watched him and noticed him glance at her lips - surprisingly - before moving back to her eyes.
"I don't know….blue probably." Carrie watched him and stilled for a moment.
"Uh….yeah, actually." she said quickly, and forced down the way her cheeks flamed (and for what she didn't know), "Alright, well, where do I come from?"
"Brooklyn." Douglass said, laughing at the look on her face, "Look, sweetheart, that New York accent ain't just a voice with Southern twang. I know if I was walking down the streets, and I heard your voice, it'd be you."
"God, what the hell." murmured Carrie as Douglass chuckled, "You won't get this - school subject." Douglass looked at her and then smirked before leaning forward.
"Something with math, right?" he asked her confidently, "You don't just get interested in this sorta shit without having some interest there." Carrie watched him and tilted her head.
"Are you mind-fucking me or something?" she asked him, "How the hell-"
"Just good at reading people I guess." Douglass said with a smirk, "Contrary to popular belief, Bergie, I usually know what I'm talking about. There's a reason I'm a bombardier and not just some journalist or something." She watched him and licked her lips.
"Is that why you joined?" she asked him, "The Air Force? Flying in B-17s?" Douglass glanced at her and nodded.
"Had to join the fight somehow, couldn't just sit back and let the fucking Nazis think they could walk all over us," Douglass said, finishing his beer, "that sorta stuff just don't fly around here. Well, except us. We fly." The two burst out into laughter, before they both died down and looked to one another. For a moment, they were quiet regarding one another with somewhat hesitant gazes as Carrie finished off her beer.
"Well, I'm gonna head-"
"Did you wanna-"
They both watched each other, before breaking out into laughter and righting themselves.
"You go." Douglass said.
"I was gonna head out. Get some rest. Pretty tired." she said quickly, her heart racing as she smiled at him with a nod, "You?" Douglass stared at her and for the first time, she saw the sudden shyness in his gaze as he glanced away from her and then back.
"Just…was gonna get another drink, but you head out, get some rest," he said, before smirking at her, "you need it."
"Oh, you asshole." grumbled Carrie knocking his shoulder before standing to her feet, Douglass following suit. The stood there for a moment, looking at one another - usually, if this were a Silver Bullets girl, she'd give them a hug, but with Douglass, she felt frozen in place. She stuck out her hand instead, to shake, and he shook her hand, and she felt more awkward than ever before, as she shook back. His handshake was firm though, and confident and suddenly made her feel like some 16-year-old girl in high school and balked.
"Well, I'll see you around." she said, stumbling back a bit, "Night!" And she disappeared quickly - like she always did. She found the barracks, promptly settled into bed, and then stared at the ceiling, counting the dried pieces of wood hanging from the panels again.
And she replayed the look in James Douglass' eyes - over and over.
And for the first time in years, all she could think about was James Douglass' eyes that had watched her like that, as she tried to fall asleep.
To say the least, it was the best sleep in months.
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 months
Björn Ironside x reader : "I don't ask for your understanding, I don't ask for your trust either and quite frankly I do not want either one from you."
Please and thank you💙
I hope you like this and fits with what you might want.
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Tarnished and Unveiled Intentions
Pairing: Bjorn Ironside x reader
Genre: Angst
Requested? Yes
Prompt: "I don't ask for your understanding, I don't ask for your trust either and quite frankly I do not want either one from you."
Content Warning: Possible mention of death, illness, disorders and disease. If any of these topics trigger or make you feel a certain way. I urge you to click off and preserve your mental health. As it's important to care for your mental health as well as your physical health.
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You were unwell, bedridden for months, your fragile body refusing to move. Refused to obey. "[Y/N]" Bjorn said, his voice both harsh and commanding. He was standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. It was as if he expected you to have told him about this before. As if he expected you to reveal everything to him when he wanted you to. Your lips curled into a snarl, a silent rebellion against him as your anger continued to boil beneath the surface, 'How can he assume he knows anything by demanding it when he wants it? You thought.
"I would have told you before, but I couldn't. I don't expect you to understand what I'm going through." You told him. Your voice was hoarse and strained. His entitlement, his entitled behaviour continued to annoy you. Even now.
You wanted to lash out, but your bones. Heavy as lead would not let you. You wanted to shout at him. But you couldn't find the words, they got caught on your tongue and stuck in your throat. The words between you and him remained unspoken.
His assumption that you would be fine this winter, that you would be able to go out there without any possible injury or illness. His presumption almost killed you, his presumptuous behaviour made you sick and injured. Sometimes almost dead.
His words, his tone, his expectations, his assumptions, they were all so disrespectful. He never once considered your feelings, your safety, your well-being. He treated you as if you were nothing more than a tool at his disposal, something to be taken for granted, something to be discarded when it no longer served his purpose. At least that was how you felt, and how you assumed he felt about you.
But that was not who you were. You were not just a servant or a housekeeper. You were a person with feelings, with a life of your own, with dreams and aspirations. And you deserved to be treated with respect and dignity. This relationship was a sinking ship, and you didn't want to stay on it. Not for another second, not for another day, and certainly not for the rest of your life. It was time to jump ship, to swim to safety, to find your way back to the shore where you belonged. You owed it to yourself. To your future.
"I don't ask for your understanding, I don't ask for your trust either and quite frankly I do not want either one from you." You said to him. A bitter taste remaining on the tip of your tongue.
He didn't protest, didn't argue and he just left you there. Alone. Both bedridden and close to death.
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Link: [Divider]
Link: [Header]
Links: [Masterlist 01 / Masterlist 02]
Link: [Vikings Masterlist/ Prompt List]
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howtodrawyourdragon · 2 months
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Hurdles in hand Holding
Summary: Written for the Hurt and Comfort Bingo.
A Modern AU. The thing about having powers is that sometimes even the simplest of things can come with hurdles.
Warnings: /
Ratings: General
Words: 640
Prompts: Accidents
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: Modern AU? Canon Viking setting? I literally weighed a list of pros and cons and even with one extra con for the Modern AU, it still got on pro on top of the Canon Viking Setting. So, here's another Modern AU.
Got inspired by watching the first X-men movie yesterday. :')
Hiccup realized long ago that his ability to generate lightning is so intimately interwoven with his emotions. It’s not unheard of, it’s actually rather natural. It’s how most figure out they have powers at all, while others need to focus and make them happen.
He, in particular, has a great many feelings and he feels them with all of him. Always has. So control is the key and it took him years just to get some semblance of it.
“OW- fucking… Thor!”
But sometimes that control slips and Astrid jumps away from him with a couple of swear words as if she has just been… Well, shocked.
Her body is tingling all over in a rather unpleasant way, her heart is racing and she stares at her hand to make sure it didn’t leave a mark. It still hurts.
“I am so sorry!” Hiccup steps away from her, immediately apologetic. They were just taking a walk in the local park at sunset when Astrid took his hand to hold and it clearly sparked something, he ended up literally shocking her. He felt the charge not even a split second before she cried out.
It’s rather devastating that something so everyday as the joy of holding hands can lead to pain, he doesn’t see Astrid accidentally setting him on fire, does he?
“Hiccup, it’s okay,” she sighs, though her fingers still tingle annoyingly, the sensation radiates all the way up to her wrist. She doesn’t blame him. As anyone with abilities can attest, anyone with dangerous abilities like theirs especially; it’s easy to use your powers, control is the hard part.
She has perfected it, as would be expected from a Hofferson. But she also understands that this aspect of having powers tends to slip Hiccup’s mind. He always has a lot going on up there, so many emotions and she knows how deeply he feels each one. It’s one of the many reasons why she loves him.
As a pyrokinetic, there is no way she can ever let her feelings get the better of her and she pushed every hint of anything other than complete neutrality down until she had almost lost the ability to feel altogether.
But Hiccup… he could try for years and still fail.
“No… No, it’s really not,” he shakes his head. Astrid watches Hiccup pull something from his back pocket and within moments both his hands are clad in dark leather gloves. Contrary to Snotlout’s opinion- who claims her boyfriend has them to be extra- it turns out leather is a poor conductor for electricity. It’s either that or full on rubber gloves and who wants to be wearing those in daily life?
Astrid can’t help the heartache. They are in the minority, there are so many people who wish they had powers like them, but none of them quite realize the troubles they can bring. The two of them can’t even go for a walk together without having some kind of a hurdle to face.
They stand in silence for a moment, a couple of passersby staring at the two of them as they walk past.
Astrid wouldn’t have even noticed them if not for the fact that she doesn’t appreciate that they’re staring at her boyfriend. She couldn’t care less about what people think of her, but when they appear to be staring at him when he’s clearly feeling bad about something and fidgeting with his gloves that are sensory unpleasant…
“Come on,” she takes a resolute step closer to Hiccup and doesn’t allow him the chance to back away before she stretches her hand out to him. They will walk, they will hold hands and they will enjoy each other’s company.
Hiccup dares an appreciative smile and accepts her hand. Because she’s right. They can still enjoy this walk and they should.
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designatedgrape · 1 year
Stranger Things: April AUs
Tumblr media
Don't you just love when your favorite ship meets as literal toys like Woody and Buzz from Toy Story? Or when they're captains of rival softball teams?? Or when their entire book club group turns into one big, wonderful polycule???
Any ship, any format, any length! Drabbles, podfic, fanart, playlists, anything. Post daily, or just once. Follow exactly these prompts, or write your favorite that isn't here. Have fun and go wild!
Post or link to your work on tumblr, and tag it with "#stranger things april aus" so everyone can find your amazing work.
Go forth and play!
List created with @hullosweetpea ❤️
(Image alt text under the cut)
Tradesperson AU
Social Media / Twitch / YouTube AU
Fantasy AU (wingfic, tentacles, merpeople, fairies, etc.)
Summer Camp AU
Flight AU (pilot, airport layover, seat neighbors, etc.)
Sports AU
Arranged marriage
Military AU
Crackfic! Characters are literal: animals, toys, food, cars, etc.
Sugar baby / Sugar daddy
Office AU
Fitness Instructor AU
Sci Fi AU (futuristic, space travel, aliens, time travel, etc.)
Sailing AU (fishermen, pirates, Vikings, etc.)
Actors AU
Childhood friends AU
Political AU
Reality TV Show AU
Superheroes AU
Service Job AU (personal shopper, dog walker, delivery driver, etc.)
Sports AU
Reincarnation AU
Hobbies & Crafts AU (knitting circle, book club, pottery, etc.)
Chef / Restaurant AU
AU based on a movie or TV show
Spies / Assassins / Heist AU
Vacation AU
Sex Worker AU
Fandom AU (fanfic writer, Discord group, tumblr, etc.)
Games AU (bowling league, trivia team, board game cafe, etc.)
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