#Twilight benjamin
zapreportsblog · 8 months
Hello again!
May i request Ben and Garrett meeting their mate when they meet Renesme? She's Bella's elder sister and their first glimpse of her is her asleep with a 6 month old baby girl asleep on her chest. So protective the two of them!! As always please and thank you!
❝threes a crowd❞
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✭ pairing : Garrett x reader x Benjamin
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is the older sister of Bella swan and when she finds out that Bella has had a child she can’t help but to pay them a visit, excited to meet her niece the two of them spend the afternoon playing and then lay down on the couch for some well deserved naps. Garrett and Benjamin are two vampires who feel as though they are missing something from their lives so why not pay their old friend a visit and hope he can help them figure it out, after all he is a doctor and the doctor knows best
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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The morning sun cast a warm, golden glow over the small town of Forks, Washington, as (Y/N) drove her old, reliable truck down the familiar winding roads. It had been years since she had left this place, seeking adventure and opportunities far from the quiet life of her hometown. But today, she was coming back for a reason she never expected.
(Y/N) had always been protective of her younger sister, Bella. They shared a special bond growing up, and even though life had taken them in different directions, that bond had never wavered. Over the past few years, (Y/N) had received sporadic updates about Bella from their father, Charlie. Bella had moved back to Forks after a brief stint in Arizona, citing health reasons, but the details had always been vague.
Today was different. Charlie had called (Y/N) late last night, his voice tinged with a mixture of relief and excitement. "Bella's better now, (Y/N)," he had said, his words filled with a joy she hadn't heard in a long time. "She's overcome her sickness."
Sickness? The word had sent shivers down (Y/N)'s spine. She needed to know what had happened to her sister. And there was another piece of news that had taken her by surprise. Bella had a child, a niece. "Edward's adopted niece," Charlie had explained. "They took her in after her mother died."
The sunlit trees lining the road to Forks swayed gently as (Y/N) pulled into the familiar driveway of her childhood home. Her heart pounded with a mixture of anticipation and worry. She had so many questions, and she couldn't wait to see Bella again.
Charlie was waiting on the porch, his eyes filled with an emotion that mirrored her own. They embraced tightly, father and daughter reunited after too long apart.
"Tell me everything, Dad," (Y/N) said, her voice trembling with emotion.
Charlie led her inside and began to fill in the gaps. Bella had been battling an illness, one that had left her weak and vulnerable. But Charlie spoke of her recovery with such pride and happiness that (Y/N) couldn't help but smile through her tears. She had always known that her sister was a fighter.
"And the child, Dad? Tell me about her," (Y/N) asked, her curiosity piqued.
Charlie's face softened. "Her name is Renesmee or Nessa as we call her. She's a sweet, bright little girl who's been through so much. Bella and Edward took her in when her mother passed away. They're raising her as their own."
(Y/N) nodded, her heart swelling with admiration for her sister's kindness. She couldn't wait to meet Renesmee and be a part of their lives.
"I want to see Bella, Dad," (Y/N) said, determination in her eyes. "And I want to meet my niece."
Charlie smiled, understanding the urgency in his older daughter's voice. "She's at their place now. I'll take you there."
As they left the house and headed towards Bella's home, (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder how much had changed since she had left Forks. Little did she know that her return would mark the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, one filled with love, family, and unexpected blessings.
The Cullen house stood as impressive as ever, its grandeur hidden beneath the towering pines of the forest. (Y/N) and Charlie parked the truck and made their way to the front door. (Y/N) felt a strange mix of excitement and apprehension as they approached. She hadn't seen Bella in years, and she had never met Bella's husband, Edward, or their adopted niece, Renesmee.
Before she could even reach for the doorbell, it swung open to reveal Alice Cullen, her radiant smile lighting up the doorway. "Welcome to our home, (Y/N)!" Alice exclaimed, pulling her into a warm hug. "Everyone's been eagerly awaiting your arrival."
(Y/N) couldn't help but be surprised. "How did you know I was coming?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.
Alice's eyes twinkled with a secret that she couldn't reveal. "Charlie sent Bella a message earlier today, saying you'd be joining us."
Charlie nodded in agreement, but (Y/N) couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it. She pushed the thought aside and stepped inside.
The Cullen home was just as beautiful as she remembered it, filled with a sense of elegance and warmth. In the spacious living room, she spotted Bella standing beside a tall, bronze-haired man who could only be Edward. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw her sister, who had transformed into a graceful, confident woman.
"Bella!" (Y/N) called out, rushing forward to envelop her sister in a tight hug. "I've missed you so much."
Bella's eyes filled with tears as she returned the embrace. "I've missed you too, (Y/N). It's so good to see you."
As they pulled away, Edward stepped forward, a warm smile on his face. "I'm Edward," he said, extending his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you in person."
(Y/N) shook his hand, feeling an immediate sense of trust and warmth. "Likewise, Edward. Bella's told me so much about you."
Just then, from Edward's arms, (Y/N) noticed a small bundle of joy. It was a beautiful, dark-haired baby with wide, curious eyes. (Y/N) couldn't help but gasp in delight.
"This is Renesmee," Bella said, her voice filled with motherly pride. "Our daughter."
(Y/N) leaned in to get a closer look at the three-month-old baby. "She's absolutely precious," she whispered, her heart melting at the sight of the tiny miracle in Bella's arms.
Edward smiled proudly as he carefully handed Renesmee over to (Y/N). The baby blinked up at her with a hint of recognition, her small hand reaching out to touch (Y/N)'s cheek.
"I think she likes you," Bella remarked, her smile widening.
(Y/N) held the baby close, overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. She couldn't believe how much her sister's life had changed, but it was a change filled with love and happiness.
As they all gathered in the living room, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel that this reunion was a long-overdue blessing. She had her sister back, and now she had the chance to be a part of this new, loving family that Bella had found in Forks.
The morning passed in a blur of joy and laughter as (Y/N) and Renesmee played together in the cozy Cullen home. They had explored every corner of the backyard, watched cartoons that left them both giggling, and played with an assortment of baby toys that seemed to multiply with each passing hour. By the time the afternoon sun bathed the living room in a warm glow, exhaustion had caught up with them.
(Y/N) sat on the couch, cradling Renesmee in her arms as the little one's eyelids drooped with sleep. It had been a day filled with new discoveries and boundless affection, and both of them were in need of a nap.
As (Y/N) closed her eyes and felt the rhythmic rise and fall of Renesmee's breath against her chest, she couldn't help but smile. The bond she was forming with her niece was something she cherished deeply.
Unbeknownst to (Y/N), Bella had been quietly snapping pictures of the two of them, capturing the precious moments shared between her sister and her daughter. She had missed these family moments so much, and it warmed her heart to see (Y/N) and Renesmee getting along so well.
Edward gently took Bella by the hand and led her aside, away from the sleeping pair on the couch. His expression was grave as he spoke in hushed tones. "Carlisle called. Garrett and Benjamin are coming to pay us a visit."
Bella's eyes widened with surprise. "Garrett and Benjamin? Why?"
Edward sighed, knowing the situation required a careful explanation. "Carlisle didn’t say much."
Bella glanced back at her sister and the peacefully sleeping Renesmee.
Edward hesitated before responding, "They are aware that we have guest over right now. But bella, (Y/N), doesn’t know of our secret and we can't risk exposing her to our world."
Bella nodded in understanding, her heart heavy with the weight of the decision. She had always strived to protect her sister from the dangers of their supernatural life.
Edward continued, "Carlisle already warned them about (Y/N) being here like I said, they also know she’s human so he’s asked them to wear contacts to conceal their eyes.“
Bella looked back at her sister and daughter with a mixture of gratitude and concern. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe, Edward. They mean everything to me."
Edward placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll get through this together, Bella. For the safety of our family."
As they returned to the living room, Bella couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding, like their visit wasn’t all that innocent.
The Cullen house was filled with a palpable tension as Garrett and Benjamin arrived, their footsteps silent against the lush carpeted floor. They were known among the vampire community as mates, bound together by a connection deeper than mere friendship. But lately, they had felt something missing from their lives, a void they couldn't ignore.
They had heard rumors of a vampire legend, one that suggested vampires could have more than one mate. It was a risky and rare phenomenon, but they believed it might hold the answer to their unease. That's why they had come to Carlisle for what could only be described as a "check-up" of sorts.
As Carlisle greeted them at the door, his golden eyes concealed behind human-like contact lenses, he welcomed them with a warm smile. "Garrett, Benjamin," he said, extending a hand to each of them. "It's good to see you both."
Garrett and Benjamin nodded in response, their gazes scanning the room. There was an air of anticipation that hung in the air, but they couldn't quite pinpoint the reason for it.
Carlisle led them further into the house. "You must be quite Bella's sister is asleep on the couch with my grandchild."
The mention of Bella's sister piqued Garrett and Benjamin's curiosity, but they remained composed as they followed Carlisle.
As they entered the living room, their eyes fell upon the sight that took their breath away. (Y/N) was asleep on the couch, her chest rising and falling with the peaceful rhythm of slumber. In her arms, she cradled Renesmee, the infant's dark curls blending with (Y/N)'s own hair.
The moment their eyes locked onto (Y/N), something extraordinary happened. Garrett and Benjamin felt a sudden surge of intense emotion, a connection so profound that it left them momentarily stunned. It was the mating bond, a rare and powerful force that bound vampires together for eternity.
Bella, who had been watching their reactions closely, recognized the look of astonishment on their faces. She couldn't contain her smile as she approached them. "Garrett, Benjamin, meet my sister, (Y/N)."
Garrett and Benjamin exchanged glances, unable to tear their eyes away from (Y/N). It was as if they had found the missing piece of their lives, the answer to the emptiness they had felt.
(Y/N) stirred on the couch, slowly waking from her nap. Her eyes fluttered open, and she met the intense gazes of Garrett and Benjamin. In that instant, the mating bond solidified, binding the three of them together in a way they couldn't fully comprehend.
Bella's heart dropped in dread as she watched the extraordinary connection unfold before her. It had been the same look Edward gave her, the same one Emmett shared with Rosalie and Alice with jasper, she knew that look all to well and she was afraid that they all knew that their lives were now forever changed.
Carlisle led Garrett and Benjamin into a separate room, away from the watchful eyes of (Y/N) and the rest of the family. The tension in the air was palpable, and they needed to discuss what had just transpired.
Once they were in the privacy of the room, Garrett spoke first, his voice filled with awe and confusion. "Carlisle, we felt it... the mating bond. It was like a tidal wave, overwhelming and undeniable."
Carlisle's brow furrowed in concern. "This is troubling, indeed," he admitted. "A mating bond is a powerful force, but this situation is far from simple."
Benjamin, ever the optimist, couldn't help but see the bright side. "Isn't this a good thing? We've found our missing piece, someone who completes us."
Carlisle nodded slowly. "Yes, that's great for the two of you, but we have to consider that Charlie and (Y/N). They are all Bella has left linking her to her human life. Now that the two of you have found a mate within (Y/N), I fear how Bella might react."
Just as they were grappling with the complexity of the situation, the door swung open, and Bella entered, her eyes blazing with anger but her voice deceptively calm. "Did you do what I think you did?"
Garrett attempted to defuse the situation with a charming smile. "Bella, it's not something we planned. The mating bond, it's beyond our control."
But Bella wasn't placated. She pushed Garrett aside and confronted Benjamin. "You can't control who you mate with," he said.
Edward, who had been listening from the hallway, appeared at that moment. He knew how to handle Bella's emotions better than anyone. "Bella, come with me," he urged gently, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Bella hesitated for a moment, her eyes still locked onto Benjamin. But eventually, she relented and allowed Edward to lead her out of the room and into the forest to hunt.
As they disappeared into the woods, the tension in the room eased slightly, but the weight of the situation remained. Garrett, Benjamin, and Carlisle were left to grapple with the implications of the unexpected mating bond and the potential consequences it might bring to their unconventional family.
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the-faceless-bride · 9 months
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Welcome to Forks [twilight x reader, Seth x Reader]
Chapter 1
Faerie Soirée (in progress)
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Benjamin X Human!Reader Cute Prompt with light angst and a cute ending [Short Prompt]
!TW: Word ‘killed’, mention of heart break!
Benjamin noticed you looking at him strangely, and he would be confused, his eyes meeting your’s. “Stop looking at me like that,” he spoke quietly, a soft smile playing on his lips as his eyes lit up briefly.
“Like what?” You played dumb, nervous and embarrassed at yourself.
“Like I’m going to disappear,” he clarified, stepping closer to you.
You winced, bowing your head. “Well, are you? Because last time-” You remembered when he had just - gone, and didn’t come back until a couple of years had past.
Benjamin frowned, wrapping his arms around your lower back, his eyes meeting your’s. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise you,” he assured, shocked that you would think he would leave you again. “I spent too much time away from you, and it began to hurt me, so I had to return to you before it killed me.” You would rest your head beneath his chin, listening to his steady heartbeat whilst also wishing that the moment wouldn’t end. “I love you, Y/N - I’ll always be by your side. Even if I had to leave for a short time, I’d always come back.”
You would try to believe him, but you never wanted to feel the heart break you’d suffered again. “You promise?” You whispered, your voice weak.
“I promise,” he whispered back, gently kissing the top of your head to try and reassure you that he meant everything that he was saying.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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statisticalcats2 · 1 year
I'll never get over part of Edward's resistance to biting/turning Bella was him being worried over losing control and just draining and killing her, blood is so tempting to vampires, it takes hundreds of years for a vampire to train themselves to have control over their bloodlust.
Then Benjamin was introduced and it was like "yeah he was kept completely isolated from humans for years except for feeding times but then he escaped his imprisonment and went out amongst humans to find his lost love Tia and he had no problem suddenly being around crowds of people and then had no problem personally biting/turning Tia."
(Also, Benjamin's respect for Tia is just so nice to see. When he sees she's gotten married in the years he was gone he has no intention of interfering with that, he just wants Tia to be happy. But he also doesn't leave Tia in ignorance, he reunites with her to let her know that he's alive and tells her what happened, because she's important to him and she deserves to know. And he's content gaining closure and leaving Tia to be happy in her marriage but she's actually not and asks him to take her with him and to turn her. And he does and there's no indication she was ever in any danger. This is basically the sexy, romantic vampire bite of the series but it happened in the past and off-page.)
Post is currently lost in nuked-blogland but I remember I had a post before that was like
Edward: "Who are you?"
Benjamin: "I'm you but better."
Anyway, I love Benjamin and Tia if that's not clear gfyeiwuh
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safin-supremacy · 1 year
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Benjamin X Reader Mostly fluffy prompt (Linked to last prompt)
Benjamin laid comfortably on top of you, and you couldn’t move him, and you didn’t want to shove him as that would be mean. “Y’know - Your bed could be more comfortable than me,” you stated, and he shook his head, still no intention to get off of you.
“Nah, I’m good,” he responded, and you grunted, trying to feel comfortable as you moved a little beneath him.
You grinned when you noticed Jacob approaching you, and Benjamin watched anxiously; he was worried that Jacob would hurt you. “I’ve been gathering my courage to talk to you for so long after you became a bloodsucker,” he claimed, “and now - I did it.” You giggled, playfully and gently slapping his shoulder as you didn’t want to be too forceful.
You would be surprised when Benjamin suddenly pressed you against the wall in the hallway, and you would be scared, until you realised it was him. “What the Hell were you doing with Jacob?” Benjamin questioned, and you grunted, rolling your eyes; you thought that he’d gotten over it already as you’d spoken to him about it before. “It’s obvious that you like him,” Benjamin stated, and you managed to push him off of you.
“I don’t!” You retorted, annoyed that he would even think that you did. “Are friends not allowed to be playful with each other?” You spat, and Benjamin looked away from you, getting an idea.
“Playful?” Benjamin repeated, and you nodded. “What? Like this?” Benjamin would surprise you when he held up your jacket so you could see it; he’d originally tried to find you to return it to you, before he found you and Jacob talking.
“Is that my-?” You tried to take it from him, but he held it higher, smirking. “Gimme that back!” You demanded in a whiny voice, and he chuckled, taking the opportunity to tickle you with his free hand. You whimpered, trying to escape his hold, until he stopped tickling you, offering you your jacket, and you warily accepted it from him, though you thought he’d tease you again.
Benjamin then stepped closer to you, placing his hand on your cheek, before he connected his lips to your’s, kissing you delicately as if you were fragile. You stared into Benjamin’s reddish brown eyes once the kiss was over, and he grinned when he noticed that you were blushing profusely; he always had this effect on you, practically from the very beginning. “So - You don’t have feelings for Jacob?” Benjamin asked, hopeful, though he could already see that you didn’t.
“Of course I don’t! Besides he imprinted, remember?” You reminded him, and Benjamin winced when he remembered, embarrassed for forgetting. “I love you, B,” you added softly, before you connected your forehead to his. “I always will,” you assured, and Benjamin couldn’t help, but smile in response as his eyes locked with your’s.
“You guys are so cheesy it’s disgusting.” You winced when you heard Emmett’s voice, and the two of you looked over at him. Emmett guessed what you both might be thinking, and he shook his head. “I won’t tell, don’t worry,” he reassured, and you both expressed relief, smiling your thanks to him. Emmett smiled kindly back, before he walked away from you both. You then wrapped your arms around Benjamin, and he returned the hug, wishing you both could have more moments like this together.
Enjoy ! ❤️
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artblooger19moon · 1 year
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The Twilight Saga
The Twilight Saga : New Moon
The Twilight Saga : Eclipse
The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn
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Outlet- Benjamin x OC
Benjamin x Ramona
Description: The beach has always been an outlet for Ramona, but after a fight with Amun she finds another, better one.
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: I decided to put out a few fics before I start on yet another full length fic so enjoy!
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If there was one thing Ramona could count on to take her mind off of things, it was the beach. For reasons she couldn’t explain, she just always allowed whatever was bothering her to be swept up by the ever flowing waves of the ocean. She didn’t know if it translated from her old life as she didn’t actually remember much about her life as a human. Either way, it was something she loved to do. It was outlet to her.
Part of her treaty with the wolves of La Push allowed her to surf (something else that she absolutely loved) at night as long as no one was there and she stayed away from the wolves in general. She agreed readily because it meant she had easy access to a beach. She didn’t prefer to wear a wetsuit as she never felt a real temperature difference, so she instead chose to wear a secure bathing suit that wouldn’t come undone when she got wiped out by the roaring waves. That, mixed with the fact that her skin would sparkle in the sun in a way that she couldn’t cover up (even if most of Forks’ residents were rather oblivious), is why she chose to go night surfing. 
And that’s exactly what she was doing tonight. Things had been tense for the Cullens after Alice received a vision of the Volturi and Irina coming to kill the Cullens. Apparently Irina had seen Renesmee and mistook her for an immortal child, something that her old coven member Sasha had been killed for. Alice instructed the others to gather as many witnesses as possible to testify that Renesmee was not an immortal child. Then, the next morning she and Jasper were gone to gather evidence. 
So they went about summoning witnesses. And they actually managed to find quite a few who would witness for them. One of them was an Egyptian coven, Amun, Kebi, Tia, and Benjamin. It was obvious to anyone that Amun did not want to be there - the fact that he had accused Carlisle of trying to “steal” members of his coven several times over the duration of their stay thus far only solidified that. 
But then something happened that no one had expected. Benjamin and Ramona were mates. Amun was even less pleased to learn that as he was worried that Carlisle would use that to his advantage to take Benjamin away from him. Ramona, despite not liking how he was talking to Carlisle, did her best to remain patient. She had been told by Carlisle about how prior to turning Benjamin, he had turned Demetri, who eventually was stolen away by the Volturi. While she didn’t believe that justified the way he talked to Carlisle or the fact that he referred to Benjamin similar to that of an object, she kept her mouth shut. 
Unfortunately, it had all come to a head that very night when Amun finally blew up on the Cullens. His rants were normal by this point, so everyone was sort of taking his words with a grain of salt. But this time he said something that upset Ramona. 
“You are trying to take Benjamin away from me and you are using this scarlet woman to tempt him away from me!” He exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger directly at her. 
Ramona was incensed by the accusation. Not only had he spoken and behaved rudely to her dear friend, but he had finally turned his anger towards her and insulted her beyond belief. She was normally a patient person, but Amun had finally pushed her buttons to the point of self destruction. She shot up from her seat, ready to lay into him with all the pent up rage she’d felt during his stay, but was held back by Emmett. 
“Ramona,” Carlisle called in a warning tone. 
The girl’s glare didn’t waver from Amun, who was merely staring at her with mixed emotions on his face. They had a small glare-filled stare down for a few tense seconds before the girl ultimately decided that he wasn’t worth the wrath she would feel from his coven if she killed him where he stood - despite how much she wanted to. 
Without another word she broke away from Emmett and stormed out of the house, pushing past Amun in the process as she made a beeline for her jeep. The Cullens (save for Bella and Renesmee) had learned long ago not to question her as they always knew where she was going. So, when she left without saying anything none of them questioned her. 
She could hear her tiles squeal in protest as she peeled out of the driveway, heading for La Push. Normally she didn’t drive as it was just quicker to run, but she hadn’t been thinking and it was too late to turn back now. She was surprised she hadn’t gotten pulled over at all with how fast she was going, but she supposed the fates knew that she wasn’t in a good mood. 
Upon pulling up to the beach she quickly hopped out, untying her board from the top of her car. The beach was thankfully deserted, though it made sense considering it was nearing midnight and probably too cold for a human to withstand the water without getting sick. 
All the better for Ramona. She wasted no time in grabbing her base wax and taking a seat in the sand, beginning to run the bar over and over her longboard. 
Even doing that was enough to calm her (even if only a little). Listening to the waves crash against each other and the land had always been a soothing sound for her. Depending on how long it took her to wax her board she may already have calmed down from the serenity of the environment alone. Unfortunately her tranquility was cut short when she became aware of another vampire’s presence behind her. 
At first she assumed it was one of the Cullens, but then the distinct and intoxicating mix of musk, frankincense and cinnamon entered her nose and subsequently washed over her like a warm hug or blanket. She knew who was behind her, but she was more surprised that he was here than anything. Benjamin had sort of frozen in shock when Amun made his accusation against Carlisle and Ramona, not doing much other than staring at his creator with his mouth agape as he couldn’t even think of something to say. 
She hadn’t even realized he followed her here. But, to be fair, she didn’t exactly pay attention to her surroundings on the drive there. Either way she knew he was there, and he knew that she knew he was there. Yet neither of them spoke as Benjamin made his way over to her, taking a seat beside her. For a moment Ramona had a fleeting thought about how it would take forever to get the sand out of his nice black clothes, but she kept her eyes down. She set her board and wax to the side however, silently telling him that he had her attention if he wished to talk. And he did after a few minutes of staring at the water in front of them. 
“Alistair has fled from us,” he informed her softly. “Said he cared too much for Carlisle to switch allegiances for self preservation so he fled instead.” Ramona shouldn’t have been surprised, but she still found herself sighing in disappointment. She thought he was making progress with gaining a glimmer of hope for their cause after seeing Bella training her vampiric powers, but apparently she was wrong. 
“I can’t exactly blame him,” she muttered, almost too quiet to hear if she hadn’t been talking to another vampire. Benjamin hesitated before continuing. 
“He wishes for us to leave too.” Ramona took note that Benjamin avoided saying Amun’s name in case she got upset again, which she appreciated. 
“I wouldn’t blame any of you either,” she responded simply, her eyes refusing to leave her lap. “It’s no small favor that we are asking of you. Maybe Alistair is doing the smart thing, and Amun knows and understands that.” Truth be told, she didn’t want them to leave - she didn’t want him to leave. 
“What the rest of my coven decides to do is up to them, but I am not leaving,” he said after a moment of thoughtful silence. That was enough to get Ramona to finally look at him. He was already looking at her, a small smile on his face. 
“You…You’re not?” She asked confusedly. 
“No,” Benjamin shook his head. “I know that Renesmee is not an immortal child, and I wish to help the people that my mate cares about. Not to mention that I know that you are in the right, and I want to do anything I can to allow that sweet child a nice life.” Ramona just stared at him after he finished speaking then hummed in response. 
“You seem surprised,” he noted, almost amusedly.
“I just did not think you would be so willing to part from Amun or the rest of your coven,” she shrugged. “You are his greatest prize.”
“But that is the thing, I am no prize because it is dehumanizing. Granted, we are not human in the first place, but it's still not a good feeling to know that he keeps me around so I may be useful to him as a weapon. You, however, see me for who and what I am. To you, I am not limited to just my powers in the same way that I do not limit you to yours. I know that Amun cares for me like a son in the same way that I view him as a father, but that does not mean he gets to talk to you in such a disrespectful way, and I do not appreciate him treating you poorly. We are mates, bonded for eternity.”
Ramona couldn’t deny that his words brought a fuzzy feeling to her heart. She became overwhelmed with emotions, and without realizing it at first she leaned over and pulled him into a hug. Though initially surprised by the act, Benjamin was quick to return it wholeheartedly as the girl’s nose pressed against the crook of his neck. 
“Thank you, Benjamin,” she whispered, knowing he could hear her either way. She couldn’t tell exactly what she was thanking him for, perhaps for staying in their hour of need, or perhaps defending her against his creator. Both were selfless acts done out of love for her and her family, so she supposed it didn’t ultimately matter. 
A small smile formed on her lips as her mate began running his fingers through her hair, and she found herself settling into his arms. He leaned back a bit so they were more comfortable, and they just sat there in silence for a while. As she looked out at the ocean in front of her, Ramona found herself relaxing in a way she never had before. Even the beach or surfing couldn’t quite compare to what she felt at that moment. Surprisingly, she didn’t mind it. In fact she was happy that she found a much easier (and convenient) solution. She’d found another outlet. After a while (a.k.a. Almost five hours) they finally decided it was time to head home before the others grew worried - especially Amun. Speaking of which, Ramona wasn’t surprised to see that he, Kebi and Tia were still there. She was surprised when Amun begrudgingly informed her that they would be staying to testify against the Volturi. It seemed that he and Carlisle had also made up so things were okay once again.
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aquanova99 · 2 years
Hi love
Egyptian coven x deaf reader?Headcanons
Bestie he already knows sign language don’t you worry
Doesn’t matter what country you’re from he’s learned it. Every vampire has their things they like to learn but Amun has been around the longest
He enjoys learning and is fluent in several languages, when he realizes you’re deaf he refreshes on the region your from and makes sure there hasn’t been any additions he’s missed
He hopes once you’re turned your hearing might return but he’s not really worried about regardless he can communicate regardless
Makes sure the rest of the coven has studied at least the basics so you don’t feel left out of conversations
Kinda regrets it because he finds that he likes when only you two can understand eachother
But your comfort takes priority everyone is learning today
Hate herself for not wanting to learn something like sign language
Now that she’s met you and sees how much you work to communicate how the rest of the world does her heart hurts a little
She had never thought about things like this before, she’d never had to think about it
Now it’s all she thought about, how you conformed or were expected to conform while most made no effort to communicate with you
She had seen you talk to Amun and only realized how happy it made you being able to talk to someone else
But she wanted that to be her so one night she forced Amun to teach her and show her where he learned it from so she could learn
When she learns it, she enjoys being one of the few people who you can talk to. Does not want to teach the others. She likes it just being the two of you and hates that Amun knows everything right now
So he learned sign language and he will use it to communicate with you if it’s easier
He also has tablets and over things to communicate with others if it’s easier
He also gets very defensive if people ignore you because it’s easier to not speak to you or if they make no effort to communicate in a way that makes you comfortable
Basically if they expect you to just read lips he will make sure they know you can either take your time and sign and he can translate if they don’t know it or they can wait for you to type it out
He uses his gift to get your attention if you are distracted
He loves that you can still sense danger without sound as your other senses are heightened even more so as a vampire but he still gets very nervous
I feel like I always make her similar to Amun but what can I say she’s her father daughter
It’s probably not as extensive but she definitely knows some more popular sign languages like ASL and BSL and probably the variety that she knows in her country
If you are not from any of these areas she will pick up the language quite easily
She finds herself enjoying not having to use words around you, but the two of you have definitely argued in sign and one of you said ‘stop yelling at me’ and both of you lost it
She loves to hear your laughs and if anyone has more of a secret language it’s Tia
Her gestures are tiny and quick so really she’s figured how to talk when other people are turned around and likes to get you all riled up because then the coven will ask you and half the time it’s not things for them to hear
The coven feels really bad for you because you make Tia so happy and when she’s really happy subconsciously she allows herself to sing out loud and they wish you could hear because she will mostly do it when she’s playing with your hair or something
You have caught her singing before but before you could ask Amun asked her to talk to kebi for some reason and explained that she’s shy about it and if you ask she’d probably stop
Would love to point out that even if someone is deaf that it doesn’t mean they can’t talk. Everyone has the same reaction whether you’re with them or not, they just listen to you like they would anyone else. No one would be allowed to make fun of it question how you speak either.
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fuckmeyer · 9 months
if smeyer wasn't a coward vamp!Bella would have immediately eaten her daughter Rensesmem whole-hog like Saturn Devouring His Son
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Hi! alright? could you do a fanfic where the reader (or y/n) is Emmett and Rosalie's adopted daughter and they just LOVE the fact that she's a redhead? they love her freckles all over her cheeks and fiery red hair, not only them, but the entire Cullen family, they love it!! And maybe one imagines where someone at school admires her for her fiery hair and vampires don't like it! Idk ❤️.
Forever now(Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale)
Paring: Daughter!Reader X Emmett Cullen x Rosalie Hale.
Summary: normally when a child in need crosses the path of the Cullens carlisle is always willing to find a spot in his family for them but when a small red-head crosses their path its Rosalie's turn to start the family she's always wanted.
A/n: I love this request so much. I love purness in it and I'm excited to write my first Twilight request.
A/n #2: request are currently closed so I can work on my Emmett Cullen series.
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The little girl with firey hair story starts a little while back. The little girl was no less than two when she we welcomed into the Cullen family. The little girl's mother had died while giving birth to her and her father was unfit to take care of her.
The soul residents of small town in Alaska became concerned for the red-head child which led her in the hands of the chief of police. This was Beyond the cop's knowledge, so of course he called Carlisle Cullen who was head of the hospital he worked at the time. He had brought the small red-head girl to the hospital and Carlisle was in aw as the small girl stared at him with big doe eyes, almost too shy for her own good.
Carlisle knelt down to her hight and offered his hand. He smiled softly as the little girl approached him carefully. She was clueless to the situation but she knew she could trust the blonde doctor with gold eyes.
Alice had a vision of the red-head girl with freckles but the version she saw, Carlisle and Esme adopted her. Alice's visions had never been so wrong...
Not even the 300 year old vampire could explain what happened that day. As the little girl wondered around the bright house she curiously walked up to Emmett. He was setting in the living room playing video games when the small girl poked his knee a mumbled a small word...
It was the first time they heard her talk and they were not disappointed. Emmett chuckled at the smell girl as she hugged on his giant leg. She didn't shy away from him. She did the same with Rosalie.
The family have never seen her this happy. She had gotten home from late from a shopping trip that same night and she was in love as soon as she saw the little girl's fuzzy red hair and beautiful freckles setting on Emmett's lap.
“who's this?” she smiled. The little girl waved at Rosalie and had a big cheesey smile. Rose loved every part of the little girl. In her eyes she's was perfect, from her red hair to her freckles.
The little girl stayed for about a week before the family made the decision of what would the future would be. As that week passed Rosalie grew more and More attached. She would always make sure she ate well and would do her hair everyday. Just like a mother would.
As for Emmett he was slightly afraid to be around the small human. With his bone crushing strength and everything else that came with being a vampire he would never forgive himself if he hurt her.
Of course that didn't stop the little girl. She would giggle and follow him around where ever he went. If he was working on his jeep she would laugh and crawl under it with him. If he was playing video games she would crawl into his lap begging him to read her a story.
All that two year old understood was, this was her home and the people around her was family. She was so young her brain told her Emmett and Rosalie was Mommy and Daddy. Which led Rosalie to life aultering decision after that one single word that fell out of Little red's mouth.
Edward nor Jasper could even put into words how happy she was. When she heard that she was glowing with happiness as she held the little girl.
“mama loves you darling” she mumbled. After that the family knew she had a home there and they also knew Rosalie would fight tooth and nail for that little girl.
That night Rosalie layed on the couch as the little girl slept soundly in her arms. Emmett quietly joined her with a huge grien. “okay” he simply replied.
“okay?” she chuckled not really catching on.
“she's ours Rose” his smile only got bigger as he watched his mate hold the little girl with nothing but pure happiness.
“your mommy and daddy love you so much little y/n” Rosalie said kissing her sleeping head.
And that's how the little girl with red hair and freckles became y/n Hale-Cullen. The little girl brought so much joy into the family and each family member ment so much too her.
Emmett and Rosalie of course were #1 in her eyes but as she made herself comfortable in the family she also made meaningful relationships.
She was a listener and an observer so she quickly caught on that carlisle and Esme were her parents 'parents'. She would often call carlisle, Car or pops. When she was little she couldn't properly say his name which lead to Car and pops. Carlisle became close with the small child as well, he loved her personality and loved it when she'd ask about being a doctor. Then Esme. Y/n grew close with Esme immediately, if she wasn't with rose then she was with Esme.
Her Aunts and Uncles were the same. She'd never say it out loud but Jasper was her favorite uncle. Jasper would say y/n was the only thing pure in his life, but that was true for all of them.
Then there's the who vampire thing. Y/n wasn't stupid and of course she wanted to know why mom and dad never ate gold fish crackers like she did and she wanted to know why when ever she had a bad dreams mom and dad weren't in bed asleep when she ran in for comfort.
She was about six years old when she found out. She knew she had to keep it a secret and she was very good at it. This also led to Rosalie's fear of her becoming a vampire. Of course she wanted her daughter to be around Forever, but her heart broke eveytime she thought about the opportunities that would be tooken away from her. Which is why she's now 16 and looked the same age as her uncle Edward.
Y/n would never say it out loud but she was sick of it. She wanted to be like her family and it was hard for her grow up while everyone else in her family remained the same ages. She wanted her mom's gold eyes and her father's strength... She just wanted to feel normal in what she felt was a normal family but here she was, now 16 going to High school with her parents and her Aunts and Uncles.
Just livin' the dream...
--------( ....... )--------
So far Forks was y/n favorite palce to live. She's been just about everywhere, that came with being a Cullen. But something about this town was special to her. But the down fall was all the curious eyes. She didn't like the attention her family received. She hated how people would watch them... She hated how people watched her and that made her have second thoughts about the thing everyone loved about her.
She's was going through a 'phase' at least Emmett and Rosalie hoped it was. Her phase was she didn't like how her hair looked, no matter how many times Rosalie or Esme would tell her how beautiful she was. But no matter what she did with it everyone still seemed to be in aw about it.
Especially the boys at Forks High...
As I said before she hated how people watched her. Her beautiful hair is the reason why people watched her. She started to resent it no matter how many different ways Rosalie or Alice styled it or how many times Carlisle would say how beautiful it was. She just hated the attention. She hated the attention the high school boys gave her.
“Hey, y/n” Mike Newton said one day as she was leaving her English class.
Y/n wasn't a socializing type, hell she was shy. She would just mumbled a small hello with a smile. Mike continued to walk with her and eye her up and down.
“your hair is pretty today” Mike smiled. It was a nice thing to say, yes but as he said it y/n passed her uncle Jasper.
“Hey I was wondering if-”
Jasper slammed his locker shut in anger as he felt impure feelings the teen felt for his niece. In Mike's defense he truly liked her but he would never be her type. Jasper took on the role of the big brother he played at school and walked up to the two.
“hi y/n” he said glaring at Mike. Y/n rolled her eyes as milk gulped.
Jasper continued to walk down the hallway with the two as he intimidated Mike. Y/n sighed and looked down in embarrassment but at the same time thankfull it wasn't her father. Emmett would have made it ten times worse.
“Hey Mike, weren't you gonna say something?” y/n asked softly as they walked to their next class with Jasper.
He shrugged. “I honestly don't remember” he said staying silent in fear of what Jasper would do. They then walked passed Alice and Rosalie in the hallway he recoiled even further as he felt Rosalie's percing eyes. Rose didn't say anything though, she knew her daughter was safe with Jasper. She also knew Emmett would have a cow if he found out.
Despite the angry eyes of the Cullen family, Mike couldn't stop looking at her beautiful red hair. He loved the way the curls perfectly framed her face and bounced as she moved gracefully. But you just don't look at y/n Cullen like that. No matter if you have good intentions or not.
So Mike failed and so did a handful of others at school. Jasper of course kept it a secret like y/n asked but his mind would wonder and if it wondered to that one faithful day Edward would find out. And Edward refused to lie to Emmett or Rosalie when it came y/n.
This would lead to Emmett putting the fear of God in Mike dispite his daughter's pleas. Yes she found him annoying but the kindness Esme and Carlisle had tougher made her fear for Mike.
Tyler was the only one who was close to even getting a date with her. She actually liked him at one point but then he moved away. But after that y/n stopped showing interest in the boys of her school. She stopped even if they still loved her and her red hair.
Those human boys never mattered to her. There was no possible future due to her life style and family. They especially stopped mattering after she found her mate Benjamin...
The first thing Benjamin noticed about her was her freckled covered cheeks as she smile. He couldn't help but smile with her. He was in love with her firey red hair and couldn't stop staring at how it perfectly layed on her shoulders or how it reminded him of the sunsets at his home.
All the things she grew tired of because of the boys at Forks High, she grew to love because of Benjamin's genuine compliments and love he had for the things that made her stand out.
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panlight · 3 months
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For those who missed it this morning, we solved the mystery of what was on Benjamin's necklaces. We've long known about the ankh (an ancient Egyptian symbol meaning life or eternal life), but we've discovered the other pendant is an Agadez Cross, a type of Saharan Berber jewelry made especially by the Tuareg people of Niger. They vary in design but the above example is nearly a perfect match for Benjamin's.
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
I'd love to see Edward and Ben(separate) with their mate waking up from a coma. After an accident she fell into a coma for 6 months. Please and thank you!
❝waking up❞
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✭ pairing : Edward Cullen x reader x Benjamin
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) fell into a coma for 6 months after a tragic accident here’s her first moments waking up
✭ twilight masterlist
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Edward Cullen :
The soft beep of monitors and the sterile scent of the hospital room formed an unfamiliar backdrop for Edward Cullen as he stood by the bed, his golden eyes focused intently on your still form. Six months had passed since the devastating car crash that had left you in a coma, and his heart had been stuck in a perpetual state of apprehension and longing.
"Edward, I think she's starting to wake up," Alice's voice broke the heavy silence. She stood on the other side of the bed, her eyes fixed on you.
His breath hitched as he watched your eyelids flutter, a sign that your consciousness was beginning to reemerge from the depths of sleep. He reached out and gently took your hand in his, his cool touch a stark contrast to the warmth he hoped you would soon regain.
"(Y/N),” he whispered, his voice a mixture of anticipation and relief. "Can you hear me?"
The seconds seemed to stretch into eternity before your eyelashes quivered again, and this time, your eyes opened slightly, revealing tired but conscious orbs that locked onto his. The corners of his lips twitched with the hint of a smile, his eyes shining with emotion as he met your gaze.
"Edward?" your voice was weak, barely more than a whisper, but to him, it was the most beautiful sound in the world.
"I'm here, love," he murmured, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand in a tender caress. "You're safe now."
A myriad of emotions played across your face as your memory began to piece together the events leading up to this moment. The accident, the darkness, and now, the sensation of his touch grounding you in the present.
"Edward," you repeated, your voice stronger this time. "What… what happened?"
"You were in a car crash," he explained softly, his eyes never leaving yours. "You've been in a coma for six months."
Six months. It was a disorienting concept, and you struggled to process the passage of time that had occurred while you were trapped in that void between consciousness and oblivion.
"I've missed you," you admitted, your voice trembling with emotion.
"I've missed you too, more than you can imagine," he confessed, his gaze intense and full of unspoken words.
The room seemed to fade away as you locked eyes with him, your heart echoing the unbreakable bond that connected you. The weight of the past six months and the uncertainty of the future melted away in the presence of his unwavering love.
"I love you," you whispered, the words carrying the weight of all the emotions you had held onto during your coma.
His smile was radiant, a beacon of hope and happiness that illuminated the room. "I love you too, (Y/N). Always."
As he leaned in, his lips met yours in a gentle kiss, a connection that bridged the gap between the time you had lost and the life that awaited you both. With every heartbeat, you knew that your journey was far from over, but together, you were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, hand in hand.
And so, in the soft glow of the hospital room, two souls found their way back to each other, their love stronger than ever before, and their hearts beating as one.
Benjamin :
The forest echoed with the haunting calls of distant creatures as the twilight sky painted the landscape with hues of orange and purple. Benjamin, with his bronze skin glistening faintly in the fading light, stood amidst the trees, his thoughts consumed by the events of the past months.
Six months ago, a confrontation with a group of Normans—vampires who had renounced the traditional ways of their kind—had left you gravely injured. Benjamin had fought valiantly to protect you, his mate, but even his elemental abilities had struggled against the overwhelming force of the Normans.
His golden eyes never left the path that led back to the Cullens' residence. It was a path he had walked countless times, carrying the weight of hope and fear in equal measure. The Cullen family had rallied around you, never giving up on the belief that you would awaken from the coma that had ensnared you.
Suddenly, the air around him seemed to shift, and he turned to see Carlisle approaching through the undergrowth. The patriarch of the Cullen family wore an expression that was a mixture of caution and optimism.
"Benjamin," Carlisle's voice was gentle, a soothing balm to the turmoil that churned within him. "There have been changes."
His heart raced at the implications of Carlisle's words. Changes could mean any number of things—a decline in your condition, a new development, or perhaps…
"Tell me," he requested, his voice betraying his urgency.
Carlisle's eyes held a mix of sympathy and reassurance. "She's waking up."
Time seemed to stop as Benjamin processed those words. A surge of emotion swelled within him, a blend of elation and trepidation. His heart pounded with a rhythm that matched the thunderous pace of his thoughts. After six long, agonizing months, he could scarcely believe that the moment he had prayed for was finally here.
He followed Carlisle back to the Cullens' home, his anticipation growing with every step. The atmosphere in the house was a curious mixture of tension and excitement, the other family members gathered in the living room, their expressions a reflection of the emotions that swirled within the room.
As he entered the room, his gaze was drawn to you—still and serene on the bed. A tangle of emotions threatened to overwhelm him as he approached, his heart aching with a longing he had scarcely allowed himself to acknowledge.
The steady beeping of monitors filled the room, a reassuring cadence that underscored the delicate balance between life and the void. He took your hand in his, his touch gentle yet firm, as if trying to bridge the gap between your unconsciousness and his unwavering presence.
"(Y/N)”, he whispered, his voice laden with emotion. "It's me, Benjamin."
And then, as if in response to his words, your eyelids fluttered. The tension in the room heightened as those present held their collective breaths. Your eyes slowly opened, and for a fleeting moment, you seemed disoriented, as if trying to make sense of your surroundings.
"Benjamin?" your voice was a fragile whisper, your gaze finding his amidst the sea of faces.
Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he nodded, his grip on your hand tightening with both gratitude and relief. "I'm here, (Y/N).”
A gentle smile curved your lips, a spark of recognition igniting within your eyes. "I remember."
The room seemed to exhale as a wave of emotion swept through those gathered. The past six months had tested their faith, but in this moment, hope and love prevailed.
As your eyes met Benjamin's, the unspoken connection between you radiated with a warmth that defied the cold uncertainty of the supernatural world. The darkness that had threatened to claim you both was slowly giving way to the light of your resurgence—a testament to the power of love, determination, and the bonds that transcended even the most dire circumstances.
Edward Cullen and Benjamin :
The tranquil town of Forks held its breath as a soft rain fell, casting a gentle rhythm on the world below. Amidst the towering trees and the emerald undergrowth, the Cullen residence stood as a haven for the supernatural family that called it home. Inside, a hushed tension filled the air as two powerful vampires—one with bronze hair and the other with golden eyes—stood in a room that had been a sanctuary of hope for the past six months.
Benjamin, his gaze fixed on the still form before him, couldn't help but let his thoughts drift back to that fateful day when the accident had occurred. A shooting incident during a hunting trip, a stray bullet finding its mark, and the life he had built with his two soulmates had been shattered in an instant.
Edward, his presence a calming force beside Benjamin, shared the burden of worry that had weighed them down for half a year. He understood the depth of the bond they shared with you, a connection that defied explanation, and the agony of waiting for the moment when you would awaken.
The sound of approaching footsteps brought their attention to Carlisle, whose presence was a beacon of knowledge and compassion in the face of uncertainty.
"Edward, Benjamin," Carlisle's voice was steady, though it carried the weight of the news he bore. "There have been changes."
Benjamin's heart raced as Carlisle's words hung in the air, the implications clear. Edward's gaze locked onto Carlisle's, a mixture of hope and apprehension reflected in his eyes.
"Tell us," Edward requested, his voice even.
Carlisle's eyes held a depth of understanding that only came from centuries of experience. "She's beginning to wake up."
A surge of emotions swept through both vampires—emotion they had learned to conceal behind their immortal facades. For six months, their lives had been in a state of limbo, the bond they shared with you a constant reminder of the life they were fighting to preserve.
They followed Carlisle back into the house, the tension in the air palpable. The other members of the Cullen family had gathered in the living room, their expressions a mirror of the emotions that echoed within the room.
As they entered the room, all eyes turned to the bed where you lay, still and vulnerable. The steady beeping of the monitors was a reassuring backdrop to the myriad of thoughts and feelings that swirled through the room.
Benjamin approached the bed, his steps careful as he took your hand in his. Edward stood beside him, his gaze never wavering from your face. The bond they shared, rare and powerful, connected them to you on a level that transcended even their own understanding.
"(Y/N),” Benjamin whispered, his voice a mix of emotions that ranged from longing to relief. "It's us. Benjamin and Edward."
The room held its collective breath as your eyelids fluttered. For a moment, there was hesitation in your gaze, a fleeting sense of disorientation as you emerged from the abyss of unconsciousness.
"Benjamin… Edward," your voice was a fragile whisper, your eyes searching their faces for confirmation.
Tears glistened in Benjamin's eyes as he nodded, his grip on your hand tightening with a blend of gratitude and hope. "Yes, love. We're here."
Edward's expression softened, a warmth igniting within his eyes as he met your gaze. "We've been waiting for you."
A soft smile graced your lips, a spark of recognition lighting up your eyes. "I remember."
In that moment, as the rain continued to fall outside and the room seemed to hold its breath, the unbreakable bond between the three of you resonated with a quiet strength. The trials of the past six months had tested your connection, but here you were—awakened, aware, and surrounded by the unwavering love of the two vampires who had been by your side through it all.
The journey ahead was uncertain, but with Benjamin and Edward at your side, the echoes of awakened hearts promised a future filled with unyielding support, fierce determination, and a love that transcended time and circumstance.
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the-faceless-bride · 2 years
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Ok, I have to put everything on hold for right now because as for funny haha's I rewatched the twilight movies and now... I have inspiration for it... So if anyone has some twilight requests take a look at my masters and give it a go!
(Any other requests will be put into drafts and worked on, but it'll be a bit slower don't worry not throwing them out I promise)
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Benjamin X Human!Reader Angsty forbidden love prompt with cute and fluffy moments, and a cute ending
!TW: Implied suffering from depression, implied swearing (‘cursing’), implied mention of suicide/suicidal intentions, mention of pregnancy/someone being pregnant, mention of hunting (not detailed), being suicidal, blood/mention of blood, word ‘bleeding’, implied suicide attempt (not extremely detailed), hospital/mention of hospital, wound/word ‘wound’ (not particularly detailed), stitches/word ‘stitched’, implied nudity (not detailed), nightmare/mention of nightmare, anxiety (not detailed)!
You would be surprised to run into Benjamin before his and Tia’s wedding, and you stammered when you tried to speak to him, worried that you would break down in front of him. “W-What are you doing-”
“Look, I don’t have much time,” Benjamin interrupted gently, a pained expression on his face, “but I wanted to tell you that I love you, and that nothing will ever change that, I promise.” You threw your arms around him as tears invaded your eyes, and he returned the hug, cursing Amun for doing this to you both. Benjamin held you at arm’s length, before he placed his left hand on your left cheek. “Meet me at midnight in the park alone, okay?” Benjamin requested, and you nodded quickly, managing a weak smile up at him.
Benjamin would be surprised to see that you still slept with the little bear teddy that he gave you, and he decided to ask you why. “It made a difference in my life, B,” you answered, smiling down at the little teddy as you picked it up.
“It did?” Benjamin responded, and you nodded. “How?” Benjamin pried, curious.
“It stopped me from taking it,” you stated, “because it made me think of you.” Benjamin smiled weakly, before he wrapped his arms around you, and you returned the smile as you returned the hug.
“It’s all my fault,” you murmured as you sank on the edge of the bed, and Benjamin shook his head as you did. “I should have agreed to marry you, instead,” you mused, “maybe Amun would have let us be together, then-”
“It’s not your fault, Y/n,” Benjamin claimed, and you reluctantly glanced up at him. “You were scared,” he recalled, “you felt as if you weren’t ready to get married, and I told Amun that, but-..” Benjamin sighed heavily, before he sat beside you. “He just - Doesn’t want us to be together,” Benjamin summed up, “and that’s on him, not you, or me. Him.” You nodded slowly, before you threw your arms around him, burying your face into the crook of his neck. Benjamin carefully wrapped his arms around you, wishing he could do more to comfort you as he did.
When you’d first heard from Alice that Benjamin and Tia were having a child, you broke down, and Alice had to comfort you as much as she possibly could; she hated seeing you like this. You grimaced when Benjamin entered the room, and he frowned when he saw that you were crying. “Y/n-”
“Just leave me alone!” You cried, before you buried your face into Alice’s shoulder again, sobbing uncontrollably. Benjamin felt awful, and bowed his head, before he dragged himself out of the room.
Alice then got another vision, one of you, that worried her. “Y/n,” Alice spoke gently, but you wouldn’t dare respond or even look up at her.
“I need to go, Alice-”
“No!” Alice interrupted, holding you at arm’s length; she had seen you going home and attempting to take your life again in the vision. “Just talk to me, please,” she begged, “it will help to talk about your feelings, I promise.”
“What do you want me to say, Alice?” You snapped, and she fell quiet, a pained expression on her face. “Because I don’t feel like lying and saying ‘it could be worse’ right now,” you uttered, and Alice nodded gravely, understanding - it would be only natural for you to believe that things couldn’t improve after everything that had already happened to you.
Benjamin got a bad feeling randomly whilst he was with Tia, and he anxiously fidgeted next to her, until he felt as if he shouldn’t wait and see if the feeling disappeared any longer. “I need to go,” Benjamin stated, standing up before Tia could stop him.
Tia would be disappointed, shuffling closer to him. “Where are you going?” Tia inquired, but Benjamin wouldn’t answer, he just turned and walked out, running in the direction of the Cullens’ and the Hayes’ home; he knew it would be just you home, and that the Cullens’ and Hayes’ must still be out hunting.
Benjamin jumped up to the window of the spare bedroom you were staying in, and he would wince when he noticed that there was a small amount of blood on the floor, and he pried the window open when he caught sight of you curled up in the corner. “B?” You whispered in a weak voice when you noticed him, and began to panic when your vision grew blurry as you couldn’t see if it was him, or a member of the Volturi. “Stay away from me!” You cried, trying to move away, but Benjamin tried to calm you down by wrapping his arms around you, before he eased you closer to him slowly.
“Look at me, Y/n,” Benjamin pleaded, and you looked up at him, whimpering, “just breathe, okay?” You nodded, trying to calm down by breathing. You found that, when you weren’t calming down, you began to panic more and more as you began to cry. Benjamin frowned, lifting his hand to stroke your hair whilst he investigated the source of the bleeding. “It’s okay to cry,” he whispered, trying not to break down himself because of the blood, and because of his suspicions that you’d done this to yourself on purpose. “I’m gonna take you to the hospital, okay? Carlisle probably won’t be back until later,” Benjamin mused, before he carefully picked you up and carried you downstairs. You whined, clinging to his shoulders as you thought he’d drop you. “It’s okay, Y/n,” Benjamin spoke gently, “I’m here for you, okay?” You nodded, pressing your face into the front of his neck.
Benjamin was anxiously waiting for you to wake up after your wound had been stitched up, and when your eyes finally began to open, Benjamin smiled, before he leaned forward to hold your right hand in both of his. “I was worried about you,” he expressed, “I - I thought I’d lost you, at one point.” You shook your head, managing a weak smile up at him. “C-Can I do anything for you? I saw a vending machine in the waiting room,” he mused, “let me buy you a drink, at least.”
You hesitantly agreed, but only because you were thirsty. “Fine,” you gave in, and Benjamin smiled victoriously, before he stood up from his chair and left the room to buy you a bottle of water from the vending machine. When he returned, he looked disappointed, and you wondered what had happened. “Is there a problem with the vending machine?” You inquired, and Benjamin couldn’t hold it back anymore as he started laughing, shaking his head as he did. Benjamin offered you the bottle of water, and you smiled your thanks to him, before you accepted it from him. “You’re too good to me, B,” you remarked, and Benjamin grinned; he clearly agreed with you.
Alice had organised a surprise birthday party for you, and Benjamin was told by Tia’s father that he couldn’t go when he heard about it. You tried to enjoy the party, but the feeling that something was missing made you feel empty; you’d never had a birthday party without Benjamin, before. You snuck outside when everyone appeared distracted, a pained expression on your face; you were trying not to cry. “May I have this dance?” A familiar, warm voice broke the silence, and you looked up, a smile automatically playing on your lips when you noticed Benjamin walking toward you. “Unless there’s someone waiting to dance with you inside-”
“N-No,” you interrupted, holding both of his hands, “I’m free.” Benjamin smiled back, glad. You wrapped your arms around him, and he wrapped his arms around your waist so you could both do what you thought was dancing. “I really thought you weren’t coming, at all,” you admitted, and Benjamin shook his head, a hurt look on his face.
“I couldn’t miss your birthday party for the world, Y/n,” Benjamin stated, “Tia’s father just held me up, and it wasn’t supposed to happen like that; I wasn’t intending to turn up so late.”
“It’s okay, B,” you reassured him, “you’re here now, and that’s all that matters.” You then shyly looked up at him, and he smiled lovingly down at you. “Kiss me,” you requested, and Benjamin nodded, before he leaned down to connect his lips to your’s gently; you loved how he was always so delicate with you.
You smiled softly when you noticed Benjamin laying beside you in the morning, and you shuffled closer to him, before you wrapped your arms around him, admiring his facial features as you did.
Benjamin had gotten out of bed before you, not wanting to disturb you as you had gone back to sleep. When you finally got up, you decided to pull on one of Benjamin’s shirts, too lazy to find your own items of clothing to wear as you dragged yourself down the stairs. “Morning,” you spoke, yawning as you entered the room - Benjamin was making breakfast for you both, and you could smell that he was making pancakes - your favourite.
Benjamin smiled back at you as you sank into the nearest seat, and he couldn’t help, but chuckle when he noticed that you were wearing one of his shirts. “Is there a special reason why you’re wearing my shirt?” Benjamin inquired, and you winced, looking away from him as you were embarrassed. “It looks good on you,” Benjamin complimented, and you expressed relief, smiling shyly up at him. Before Benjamin began to plate the pancakes up, he noticed that you looked tired, and like you hadn’t slept well last night. “Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare again?” Benjamin questioned, and you nodded, staring down at your hands. Benjamin frowned, before he abandoned the plated up pancakes for a brief moment. “Was it about - them, again?” Benjamin pried, hooking an arm around you to comfort you as he lowered himself onto the chair beside your’s. You nodded, beginning to fidget with your hands as you were anxious. “Just remember it was just a dream, Y/n,” he responded, “and even if they really tried to hurt you, I’d fight them, and protect you with my life.”
“No, Y/n,” he interrupted; he knew what you were going to say; you didn’t want him to risk his life for your’s. “Look, let’s just - forget about this conversation, okay?” Benjamin compromised, and you reluctantly nodded, forcing a smile at him, and watching as he stood up to bring the plates over.
“Is there - Something you wanted to tell me - about last night?” You asked, and Benjamin smirked, before he shrugged, playing dumb. You giggled, amused by the look on his face.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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statisticalcats2 · 1 year
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Proship April 2023
Day 1 - Cousins
Benjamin x Tia (Twilight Saga)
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safin-supremacy · 1 year
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Benjamin X Reader Fluffy, first kiss prompt
“Your lips are so soft,” Benjamin mused as he drew his thumb across them, and you smiled softly, lowering your gaze as you began to blush. “Can I really do this?” Benjamin asked, and you nodded. “Are you sure?” Benjamin pried, and you nodded again. Benjamin leaned forward slightly, his face inches from your’s. “I simply can’t believe that I’ve waited this long to kiss you,” he stated, and you agreed, surprised, yourself. “I - I’ve never done this before,” he informed, “I hope that’s not an issue.”
“It’s okay,” you reassured him, “I - I haven’t, either.”
Benjamin still wasn’t sure if he should, a pained expression on his face; he didn’t want to trap you in a life you might not want to live. “You know there’s no going back from this, don’t you?” Benjamin reminded you, and you nodded, smiling widely to try to make him feel better and more confident. Benjamin then shyly brushed his lips against your’s, and you tried not to get too excited, relaxing into the kiss once Benjamin connected his lips to your’s properly. You both pulled away quickly, overwhelmed by the feeling you received during the kiss. Once Benjamin had recovered, he stammered as he broke the awkward silence. “We should really never do this again, unless you want me to be completely head over heels for you,” he remarked, and you stepped closer, rubbing your arm.
“I - I think I’d like that,” you responded, before you initiated another kiss, trying to prolong it more this time. You giggled when you noticed the dazed expression on Benjamin’s face, and his cheeks appeared to be a faint red. “I think this is as close to heaven as I’ll ever get,” you mused, and Benjamin smiled lovingly at you.
“I have to say,” Benjamin began, “you don’t taste anything like what I had imagined.”
You winced, thinking that was possibly a bad thing. “Was it worse than what you imagined?” You asked, your voice quiet as you looked away.
“No!” Benjamin exclaimed, gently guiding your face back to his. “It was so, so much better,” he claimed, before he pressed his lips against your’s once more.
I loved writing this one because it’s adorable 🥺 Hope you all like it! ❤️
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