#Thoughts on stuff
theotherwesley · 6 months
I've been thinking about Spring Horror.
Autumn Horror is a given, and Summer Horror is its own genre. Winter Horror acknowledges the expected dangers of the cold and dark.
Spring Horror is a bit of a rare breed, spring being dominated by the association of new life and rebirth, but before the rebirth, there is the hungry gap, the starving time. It comes after all the provisions stocked for winter have run out, and the new growth has yet to begin. Animals are pregnant but have yet to give birth, birds are still returning, fish are half under ice. Early spring is when you find the bottom of the barrel. Winter of course will kill you in its serene way, but where the dead stay frozen in the snowy months, they must eventually be revealed by the thaw. The dead leaves from autumn are a carpet of slime yet to be reclaimed by soil; carrion that has been desiccating under the snow emerges again as husks and bones, sleeping where they last rested still wearing their skin like a loose costume; rivers unlock the sodden corpses of the unlucky, anything that had stumbled and was claimed by frozen currents under the ice. The spring ice will claim even more victims as it thaws, when the solid sheets across lakes are no longer trustworthy, and the rivers burst with snow melt. In the spring, water is at its most treacherous; things that were missing return changed. Whatever was hidden, floats up.
Snow becomes rain, icy ground becomes mud, old vegetation becomes mold, cold becomes wet; clothes that kept you warm in winter may be less suited to keeping you dry, and the firewood is damp. As the sun gradually returns, staying in the sky longer but with no more heat than in December, the first things to grow are mildew and fungus; the first flourishing crop of the year is spores, the second is illness. Whatever solidarity or peaceful isolation came from the necessity of sheltering through the winter is less pleasant when fasting becomes a regularity. The outdoors remains hostile, but the home is where madness and melancholy have been fermenting through the longest nights. By spring, habits may have become obsessions, and any small repeated annoyances will have long since grown intolerable. What has grown tight must snap.
Spring will always bear an association with birth and rebirth; it goes without saying that birth can be a source of horror, and before there can be rebirth there must first be a confrontation with rot. Spring Horror is about gnawing the bones that winter left, scouring the empty cellar to find the last shriveled apple; it's finding the corpses you buried staring you in the face, your bloated crimes rising to the top of the old well; it's about watching the world digest the dead; its about planting sins and picking the flowers that come up wrong.
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What's up with characters named Kal/Kel being the coolest yet saddest little trauma beans?
Kaladin Stormblessed. Kelsier. Kell Maresh. Cal Kestis.
All of them could kill me. All of them could also use a hug.
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fascinatedhelix · 2 years
Recently got into Bugsnax. Some random thoughts:
I am 100% behind the “Chandlo is trans” headcanon, but I don’t quite get why folks are putting top surgery scars on Grumps when we never see any Grumps with boobs anywhere in the canon material (and in most of the fan material, to be honest).
Personally, I like the idea that part of why same sex relationships and transgender identities are so casually included in their culture is because, due to their relatively low degree of sexual dimorphism, their gender norms are a lot looser than ours by default. Triffany mentions finding the matriarchal society of the primitive Snaktooth Grumps interesting, but that could be simply that modern Grumps don’t find gender as much of a deciding factor in leadership as they did.
Lucky for any trans grumps out there, their transition would probably be relatively simple compared to real life transitioning; it’d probably be focused more on vocal training than anything else, because beyond the bite situation (which I imagine would be close to impossible to “correct”) the most outstanding difference between male and female Grumps is vocal pitch.
Beyond that, I imagine Grumps have a particular culture regarding clothing, given that they don’t necessarily need it with all that fur. Washing machines probably aren’t common household appliances.
Canonically, I think the only time we see a fully clothed Grumpus is in the end credits when Snorpy’s at the gym. I personally chalk that up to him having thin fur, given he also apparently needs to wear sun screen outdoors, so I can imagine him being uncomfortable exerting himself publicly without some clothes on.
Beyond those lacking in thick fur, I imagine being fully clothed is one of those things saved for very special occasions, like your own wedding or coming of age ceremonies. Because these guys can feel the heat, I imagine those ceremonies are more popularly done in the wintertime.
As you can probably imagine, I’m not a big fan of overly anthropomorphizing Grumpuses, mainly because I like the idea of a very different species just so happening to come to a lot of the same conclusions as we did, but with their own spin on it. Seeing Grumps with five-fingered hands instead of paws just kinda weirds me out.
I love Floofty, they’re a total lunatic and I would be their friend if they’d let me.
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blue-chimera · 4 months
I'm sure this is going to be an insanely unpopular opinion, but I don't see a good reason — outside the context of laissez-faire capitalism — to object to AI-produced art. [And honestly, unrestrained capitalism perverts pretty much all technological advancement in automation into something bad. But that's a problem with capitalism, not with the technology or its use.]
There doesn't need to be intelligence at work to create beauty. I don't believe that trees, sunsets, & oceans were intelligently designed, but they still increase the beauty in the world. And they still inspire millions to create their own art. (Similarly, all art & literature draws from preexisting inspiration. "There are no new stories," as they say.)
To be clear: I don't think it's unreasonable to be wary of the impact of AI art. We don't really know where any of these paths lead yet, and even "good" advancements can lead to bad places. But I just can't see this as something intrinsically bad.
Especially when it comes to people who aren't selling their AI art but are just releasing it into the world.
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vilea777 · 2 months
sorry i cant hang out i forgot how to mimic human like behaviour
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just-spacetrash · 4 months
the 'what if you played it a little risky' post literally Changed my life but i cant fujkign find it in my blog because its. a tiktok screenshot
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worthless-mess · 7 months
"Are you ok?" I'm actually tired bro. From the bottom of my heart I'm tired
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 5 months
god i love my friends. shout out to people who love their friends. this is a post for friend lovers
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actuallymagsdump · 8 months
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supposedlyahuman · 6 months
tw: Examples of reblog bait/people trying to guilt others into reblogging stuff. I am not actually saying the things below, they're just examples that I have seen.
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I fucking hate when people say stuff like this. Especially when it's on a generally good post with valuable information. On the one hand I want to share that information because it could genuinely help someone; on the other, I don't want to spread this type of guilt-tripping and shaming and potentially trigger someone else like me. It's a lose-lose situation. No matter what I do, I am going to feel guilty. No matter what I do, I will feel like a terrible person. It sucks and I just wish people would stop doing this. I know it's shocking, but it is actually possible to make an important and useful post without guilting everyone that sees it into sharing.
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officialspec · 4 months
can i say something. for years i thought the joke of the song short skirt/long jacket by cake was that he wanted a woman who was hung like a horse. like i thought when he says jacket it was a last-second fakeout because he very obviously meant to say cock. and the rest of the things in the song were just her personality and interests. which were secondary to her awesome penis
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cafeblossomss · 6 months
the most helpful thing i have ever seen from neurodivergent internet spaces is “THERE ARE OTHER TIMES OF DAY TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH”. this has genuinely saved me from executive dysfunction spirals so many times.
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ninarexic · 23 days
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It’s so toxic
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goldensunset · 8 months
did you know? if you do your laundry you can get your clothes back
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inbarfink · 24 days
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vilea777 · 2 months
sorry i overreacted i had no idea everything would be fine
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