#They're brothers and I lov
creativesplat · 4 months
ok... so Lambert x Eve...
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Eve and the two Blaiddyds
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Lambert and the two Fierenes
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The step-siblings
@blaiddydbrokeit and I were talking, and they have now sent me down the wonderful rabbit hole that is Eve and Lambert getting married and looking after their children.
#Dimi desperately needs a good mother figure (y'know rather than his idealised image of Patricia who never really loved him and didn't pay#attention to him no matter what he says to himself (you know only having that one memory of her where she was looking out the window and ig#ring him) and then tried to murder him adn his whole family) anyway#Eve would be good for Dimi#and Lambert and Alfred and Celine would get up to all sorts of shenanigans#but also Lambert might be able to help Celine understand and overcome her fear of other's deaths#Dimitri in particular would be able to understand that fear and sympathise with her#and alfred is just having a great time with a new brother and dad because everything is awesome all the time and his old dad would have lov#d his new dad and he tells alear all about it and she's like ooh!#anyway an adorable meet the step-dad step-brother situation for the couple (you know my alflear loving heart can never resist an opportunit#anyway#other tags were originally messaged to a pal when we discussed the idea but I thought they would work under the picutres too:#crack ship or not Lambert and eve are adorable in my brain#lambert egitte blaiddyd#queen Eve#fire emblem engage#fire emblem three houses#anyway maybe in a heroes universe or something; or dimi revives Lambert using some sort of magic and then Lambert and eve meet up in a Fodl#an and Elyos meet and greet sort of ball and they become friends and then they discuss being widowed and through a long series of meet ups#realise a political marriage between them both would be good for Fodlan and Fahrgus and good for Fierene and Elyos and they're also in love#anyway they both visit each other's spouses graves on the anniversary of death#like they would both really respect their partner's deceased spouses and not be jealous at all when the other gets upset and is like#I really miss them. Because they both get it
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i think it would be so funny if sam and cas started saying i love you before dean and cas did.
sam is on the phone with cas in the bunker and they're on speakerphone because dean is also there and they are talking about a case. when they hang up sam says alright thanks cas, love you. and cas says i love you too, sam, and they hang up and sam goes to get up and go do something else, but he catches dean staring at him and is like what. dean is like "so um." clears his throat. "so that's a thing you guys say now?" and sam is like "what thing." because he's been saying i love you to cas for months or years so he barely registers it anymore. and dean is looking at him like he just announced he was retiring to become a stand up comedian and says, "you just said i love you. to cas. you guys. you guys said. do you-- i mean. you said i love you to cas. i didn't imagine that, did i?" and sam is like "oh yeah well. i love him. he's my friend. i love you is a thing friends say to each other." and dean stares harder and says, "i've never heard you say i love you to anyone. you've barely said it to me." and sam is like "yeah well we're not exactly like that, are we. you've never said it to me, either. but cas-- well, cas is my best friend, you know? and i do love him. so why shouldn't i say it?" when dean still looks unconvinced, he adds, "hey, you said i love you to charlie, right? well, cas is my charlie". that seems to get dean's brain working. "okay. okay, so, you guys are like. best friends. but i thought i was his best friend." "well dean, i don't know what to tell you. if you wanna tell cas you lo-" but dean cuts him off to ask, suddenly, "wait, is cas gay?" and sam is like what. and dean is like "you said he was like charlie." and sam says, exasperated, "dean, that's not what i meant. charlie was more than that, and so is cas. i just meant that i love him like you loved charlie." dean doesn't seem to be listening though, and he deadpans again, "so, is cas gay?" sam is so confused by the direction the conversation has taken and he's like "i don't know, dean, maybe. i-- i don't know, it's none of my business." that seems to set something off in dean though, and he gets up abruptly with a see ya sam and strides off to his room.
once there he sits on his bed, closes his eyes and says, cas, get in here. i need to talk to you, it's urgent. he's not surprised when cas appears out of thin air to his left. he doesn't even flinch. instead he stands up to face cas.
"you said i love you to sam," dean says. no hello, no thanks for dropping by. "earlier, on the phone. you guys said i love you."
"i... yes? i do love your brother." cas seems appropriately confused, but dean doesn't care.
"ok. ok. is sam your best friend?"
"dean, you said this was urgent."
"it is urgent. is sam your best friend?"
"i-- i don't know. he is a good friend."
"because i thought i was your best friend."
"i don't know, dean," cas says, exasperated. "i like you both. you are both my best friends."
"but you love sam. you just said. oh and by the way, i just had a talk with sam, and he loves you as a friend."
"i know that, dean."
"so if we're both your best friends--which is bullshit by the way. sam isn't the one who watches movies with you and stays up talking with you and has that... bond, or whatever, with you. but, if we're both your best friends. then do you love me?"
cas opens and closes his mouth, furrows his eyes, then finally says, "yes, dean."
"okay, well that didn't sound very convincing. do you love me? cause i love you."
cas' eyes widen a bit at that, then he smiles a tiny smile in the corner of his mouth and says, "i love you too, dean."
"okay. good. glad we cleared that up."
there's a pause in which dean keeps picking at his fingernails and worrying at his lip, cas awkwardly waiting for a sign that the conversation is over. dean decides that it's not over.
"i love you more than sam does," he blurts out, searching cas' eyes for... something. "he said he loves you like i loved charlie. i don't love you like charlie."
"oh," is all cas says.
"i love you like. like. like ren and stimpy. like mulder and scully. like butter and bread.
"oh," is all cas says again.
they stare at each other for about half a minute, then dean says, "ok. good talk."
and cas says, "i have to go. i was doing research in a private library in marrakesh."
"right. you should get back to that."
there's a flutter of wings and cas is gone.
they haven't cleared anything up, not really, but when they hang up the phone now, dean says i love you, and cas says, like butter and bread.
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commander-revan · 2 months
So with Kurogiri's Warp quirk being back in play, I'd love to see him bring in more people, not just for Izuku, but for Shigaraki too. I really want him to bring in Spinner, Touya, and Toga (Compress too if he can get to him). However, with how we left all of them (especially Touya) I feel like they'd all be too injured for that. None of them are in a state they can fight in, and we really don't even have confirmation that they're still alive yet.
But, I'd love to see the LoV get there to reach out to Tomura, because at this point they were the one thing he ever got to choose on his own. They're his family, and he's their hero. While the other heroes fight to subdue AFO, they can scream out to him from the sidelines to awaken the echo of him still in there, and bring him back to life.
While I'm at it, if they do manage to bring Shigaraki back like that, AFO might get sent to the vestige world again, where the One for All users will be waiting, and they can finally get some payback for all the hell he put them through. And by the end of it, Yoichi and AFO will meet again, for the last time. AFO will have gotten what he wanted all this time, to be with his brother, right before they all fade away. The legacy of All for One and One for All finally coming to a close.
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ahlovelightaflame · 2 months
Never Knew I Needed ~ *Choi Seungcheol*
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Summary: During an interview, Seungcheol is asked to divulge details about your relationship. He's more than happy to tell the interviewer how much he loves you.
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Oneshot
Word Count: 1245
Warning: N/A
Taglist: @samepoisonsamevine @kpop-will-kill-me
"Choi Seungcheol, if I may ask a personal question?" The interviewer asked.
Seventeen's leader froze for a brief second before giving an easy smile and nod. "You may."
"Tell me, what is the most important thing in your life?"
Jeonghan snickered under his breath. "Man, we're going to be here forever!"
Seungcheol rolled his eyes before answering the question, "For starters, my family, though my brother sometimes gets on my nerves. And then I'd have to say Seventeen. I couldn't imagine my life without either of them. They're my family, whether by blood or not."
"You're so cheesy!" Junhui groaned and shook his head.
"He loves us! We're his favorite!" Hoshi proudly grinned.
Seungcheol rolled his eyes. "You guys are obnoxious! I'll take it all back!"
"Too late! You love us!" Hoshi shot back.
Joshua nudged his shoulder with a teasing smile. "You're still forgetting someone."
"Forgetting someone?" The interviewer leaned in a little with an encouraging smile.
Seungcheol looks down at his lap, a shy smile on his lips and his fingers anxiously twisting in his fingers in his lap. "They're talking about my girlfriend."
"She's more than your girlfriend!" Vernon piped up.
"They're practically soulmates." Joshua explained.
"He never stops talking about her!" Jeonghan added.
The interviewer gives Seungcheol an encouraging nod to continue. "Tell us more about her."
Though he knows he shouldn't, he does anyway, "She's special in her own unique way. I like to say she has this uncanny ability to be at the right place at the right time. Like when I first met her."
"Is that so?"
He nods. "I met her a couple years ago. She was working backstage of a music show and she had pulled me aside to fix my jacket and hair. I swear, I could've melted into a puddle right then and there. She was so kind and her touch was so gentle and her eyes practically were sparkling. I don't usually believe in love at first sight, but that day I knew I did."
"See? I told you they were soulmates." Joshua joked, earning a laugh from the other members of Seventeen.
"It wasn't until after she wished me good luck that I asked if she would be watching us perform. She said she watches everyone perform and that she'll be watching us as well. I'll admit, I put extra effort into my performance that night. After we won and we were getting ready to leave, I found her cleaning a green room and gave her my number before running off. She texted me on the way home."
"She probably felt bad for the dork who was trying and failing to flirt with her." Minghao snickered under his breath.
"He was so bad at flirting when they first started talking!" Seungkwan explained. "It was painful to watch!"
Seungcheol rolled his eyes. "As you can imagine from their reactions, they teased me for my relationship with her and how much I talked about her. But eventually, they started begging me to meet her. I was nervous at first, since it's a big step, but eventually I brought her to meet the group. And they loved her immediately!"
"She's nicer than you!" Dino piped up with a cheeky grin.
"She's so sweet!" Mingyu nodded. "We love having her around."
Jeonghan dramatically sighed before saying, "She's practically taken my spot as mom of Seventeen. I've been replaced!"
"You have not!" Seungcheol shot back. "Remember? As soon as you brought that up, she told you that she could never replace you and told you how important you are to Seventeen. She totally inflated your ego beyond belief that day."
"And I thank her everyday for it." Jeonghan replied with a smile.
Turning back to the interviewer, Seungcheol continued his story. "That was the day I realized how much I love her and I told her that very night. It's also when we had our first kiss."
"So romantic!" Hoshi wistfully sighed before bursting into giggles.
The interviewer nodded at their response. "Sounds like you love her very much. But to be honest, there have been some rough times, haven't there? I'm sure dating a celebrity such as yourself is no easy feat."
Seungcheol gives a small wince. "Well, yes, we've had our moments where things don't go according to plan. But we always work through our conflicts to the best of our abilities."
"Like the World Tour Incident." Jihoon interjected.
The rest of Seventeen shudders at the thought, making the interviewer intrigued. "Please, tell us what this incident was about!"
Seungcheol winces once more before beginning the story. "This world tour was about two or three months, and I had never been away from my girlfriend for that long. I was sure we were going to be fine, but I misjudged how long the time was and how far apart we'd be. By the time we wrapped up the third week of performances, I thought she had forgotten all about me-"
"She didn't call him like twice in that time." Junhui explained.
"Regardless!" Seungcheol snapped. "I thought this was her way of saying we were over, so I went with it. We were over, that's it. And I was in such a dark place that I threw myself into my work. I don't really remember what happened during that time, but from what the rest of Seventeen has told me, it wasn't a pretty sight."
"It's best that you don't know." Seungkwan shook his head.
"After two weeks of that, she visited me at our hotel. I was so angry with her and myself, that I was the one who blew her off. I demanded she leave and never see me again." Seungcheol hung his head in shame. "I never should've done that. I don't know what came over me but it was awful. For the rest of the tour I was so depressed, thinking I had gotten rid of one of the only good things in my life."
"And that's when Wonwoo had an amazing idea!" Mingyu piped up and grabbed Wonwoo's arm.
Jihoon nodded. "He invited her to our last concert of the tour and we had her in the front row."
"He almost cried like a baby when he saw her!" Jeonghan teased their leader. "But he put his all into that performance, just so he could impress her like the first day they met."
"And when the concert was over, we made sure she was backstage to be there for him." Vernon nodded.
Seungcheol gave a small smile. "I was so overcome with emotion I just broke down in her arms. I cried for what felt like hours and apologized like my life depended on it. When I got all of that out of my system, she told me how much she loved me and how happy she was that I was coming home. From then on, I knew I would never let our relationship get that bad again. And it never has."
"Their reunion was so sweet, it still brings a tear to the eye." Hoshi pretended to fake cry.
The interviewer nodded. "It sounds like you really love this girl."
"That's an understatement." Chan snorts.
Seungcheol just nodded. "I do. I love her more than anything in the world, plain and simple."
"Any plans for the future of your relationship with her?"
The rest of Seventeen snickered as Seungcheol's smile turned mischievous.
"Oh? Didn't you know? We're getting married tomorrow."
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randomprose · 10 months
“Can you make this?”
Mo Guan Shan frowns at He Tian’s phone when he angles it in his direction. It’s a video of someone making cute rectangular layered cakes. 
He tilts his head a little, lower jaw jutting out in consideration, and He Tian knows Mo Guan Shan will make it anyway regardless of whatever he’s gonna say next.
"You into this shit?"
He Tian just shrugs. It's cute. He's into cute shit and he's not afraid to admit it. "It looks tasty."
"Hm," Mo Guan Shan hums with a non-committal shrug. "I'll try I guess."
'Try' he said as if that isn't as good as a yes. He Tian knows Mo Guan Shan won't just try. The second the question left He Tian’s lips Mo Guan Shan already took it as a challenge. He'll fucking do it and blow He Tian's mind in the process at how way better and prettier his version will be than the one in the video. Just like all the other times He Tian has shown him foods he thinks are interesting. It's as good as done at this point.  
See, it’s like this. Outside of work, the foods Mo Guan Shan cooks are just a rotation of his and He Tian’s favorite or any dish He Tian has mentioned even in passing that he likes. Mo Guan Shan has picked up on He Tian's picky eating habits and developed an instinct to mentally cataloguing He Tian’s niche food preferences and all the subtle ways he’s let them known. In his published cookbooks, at least half of the foods featured are a variation of what suits He Tian’s tastes and all of them have ‘For 贺天’ printed on the first page.
God. He Tian loves him so much. What the hell did he do in his past life to deserve such devotion?
The weekend rolls around and Mo Guan Shan presents He Tian with his own version of the cakes. 
He Tian, as he expected, is floored by how pretty they are that he doesn’t even say anything. He just stares at the little rectangular cakes in pastels decorated with intricate shapes made of fondant and meticulously piped icing.
"What's wrong?" There's worry in Mo Guang Shan’s voice seeping into defensive. "What? You don't like it?"
"No, its..." He Tian looks up at him, brows furrowed and a look of genuine conflict on his face. "They're too pretty. I kinda don't wanna eat them."
“Idiot,” Mo Guan Shan just scoffs and rolls of his eyes but the slight quirk at the corner of his lips lets He Tian know he’s pleased. "Just eat it. Food is meant to be consumed. I can always make more."
"These are definitely way, waaaay cuter than the ones in the video I showed you."
"They're okay. You're just exaggerating."
"No, I'm not," He Tian insists. "When have I ever lied to you?"
Mo Guan Shan stares at him. He looks to be considering He Tian's words for a moment before nodding curtly.
He Tian takes what seems like a thousand pictures and sends them to their group chat with Jian Yi and Zhang Zheng Xi, to his brother, and then to Brother Qiu with a very proud caption of 'Momo made these for me~. They’re pretty AND they taste great~.’'
He revels in Jian Yi exploding in the group chat and demanding Mo Guan Shan make some for him and Zhan Zheng Xi too.
‘Heh,’ He Tian types with a smug smile, ‘Eat your heart out, bitch.’
(He Cheng thumbs-upped his message while Brother Qiu’s reply was to tell Mo Guan Shang to bring some over the next time they come to the mansion. To which He Tian replies a very empathic ‘No <3’).
When he’s done gloating, He Tian turns back to Mo Guan Shan and knows by the look on his face that he’s already thinking about including the cakes in his next cookbook. He thinks that if Mo Guan Shan ever gets his own restaurant, he’ll make it so at least half of the menu will be to He Tian’s liking. 
"I love you," He Tian says and means it. Because he really does and because he doesn’t know any other way of saying it. 
"Wha—" Mo Guan Shan blinks, a flower fondant halfway to his mouth, and looks at He Tian weirdly. "Just because of this? You're too easy."
For Mo Guan Shan? He really is. Always has been and always will be.
"You take care of me so well." Mo Guan Shan's loudest love language has always been food and He Tian still can't believe how lucky he is that he gets to have this. “I’ve gotten spoiled.”
“You’ve always been spoiled,” Mo Guan Shan retorts as he bumps a forkful of chiffon against He Tian’s lips. "Shut up and eat your damn cake." 
I love you too.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Here I am, ready to break down Lesson 39! The end draws nigh...
As always, spoilers for the lesson, including the locked and hard lessons, below the read more!
Um. So. Okay? I have mixed feelings about this lesson, to be honest.
The last couple of lessons were completely insane. So much lore, so much random emotional stuff, I know we were all in our feels about Lesson 38 trotting out Father's love and all that.
But then this lesson was just like... okay, time for fluff!
And I appreciate the break, but it feels like we just had a ton of drama and now suddenly everybody is just back to their usual shenanigans.
But I have to consider that this is Lesson 39. We only have one more. And before a season ends, they always do the thing where MC gets to have a moment with each brother where they can kiss them if they so choose.
And that was this lesson (well every brother except Lucifer but we'll get to him).
MC and Solomon are currently living at the House of Lamentation since Cocytus Hall was destroyed. Simeon is tasked with being the one to tell Solomon that he doesn't have to worry about being on cooking duty. (I wish they had shown us that conversation because it would have been both cute and painful lol.)
Lucifer and Satan have an argument about Satan wanting a cat. Lucifer is of course refusing to allow it. Then Lucifer decides to challenge Satan. He says if Satan can summon a white dragon that he'll let Satan get a cat.
It's quickly revealed that summoning such a beast is going to require a lot of power. Solomon himself suggests that MC channel the power of all seven brothers to do it.
And then MC goes around to each brother to ask them for help. When they do, that brother talks about how much they're going to miss MC and MC can kiss or hug them.
There were certainly a lot of cute moments. But it feels like such a weird transition after everything that happened in the last lesson. Lucifer is back to his usual self. No mention of Father or the Celestial Realm or being trapped in ice. It's like they all just forgot that even happened.
Don't get me wrong, this was a cute lesson and I enjoyed most of it, but the timing feels off.
I took a lot less screenshots because there just wasn't a whole lot happening.
There were a couple things that I thought were interesting, but for the most part this was just saying goodbye to all the bros before having to leave in the next lesson.
I don't wanna say this is them giving us a respite from drama because the next lesson is gonna be where we finally go back to our own timeline. Or the timelines merge. Or whatever they're gonna do. I'm trying not to hope for too much lol.
Anyway, Lucifer was over the top this lesson. Acting all strict as usual, being kind of a jerk, and then being exposed at the end for being a big softie for MC. Like why didn't he just summon that dragon himself? Because he didn't want to be so blatant about wanting to "bless" MC and so on.
Because in the end, MC uses all seven brothers' power to help Satan summon the white dragon. At which point, Lucifer launches into a whole explanation about how white dragons are seen as blessings before a journey.
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Lucifer starts to deny it and gets cut off by MC either throwing themself at him to hug him in thanks or saying they love everybody lol. It's actually really cute, but why does he have to be so annoying about it? I have such a weird relationship with him... like he's annoying but I also love him?
But two things of note: we didn't kiss Lucifer, and Solomon very clearly said this was a good way for MC to practice using all the bros' power before doing it to go home. So I think those two things are gonna happen in the next lesson. And I think we are at the very least going to attempt to return to our timeline. Because while the bros and everybody else believe MC will be using that power to go to the human world, we know that it's actually to go back to their own timeline.
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You're making everyone sad, Solomon. It's okay, I still love you. I was glad to see you at all this lesson, brief though it was.
However, I will say there were some interesting character points in each of the brothers' talks with MC.
First we have Satan, who says this after you spot a picture of him with his brothers in his room:
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Uh huh. Sure you did. He also talks about how MC made it possible for him to find a way forward and so on, but I really thought this was the important part. In the beginning he was always talking about how irritating his brothers were. Now he's keeping pictures of them in his room.
And okay I loved Asmo's part?!?! He takes us out shopping for matching things because we lost all our stuff when Cocytus Hall collapsed. He's all let's get matching toothbrushes! Okay, you cutie. And then we stop at a bookstore to look for a book for Satan's summoning challenge and a stack of books falls on us?? And Asmo swoops in to save us from being crushed!!! Then after we kiss him, a book falls on his head and it's the exact one we were looking for!! It was so cute I was squealing the whole time.
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Being completely honest with his feelings, as usual.
And then we have Beel being unsure of himself because of what his Lil D said to him:
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I was glad I was able to tell him that I like him just the way he is. Because I do. :(
And oh Levi...
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Here he is being all strong, even smiling, look at him! And then the second you hug him, it's all
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It's more like I think it's adorable you dork.
And then we go for a lil ride with Mammon in his car and while I was hoping for an actual car scene of course that didn't happen. I have thoughts about car conversations and I also have thoughts about how I think that'd go with Mammon. But anyway...
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He's so funny. Trying to protect himself by pretending he doesn't care, but doing a really bad job of it.
Then after we kiss him:
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He gives up his act and tells us how he really feels. Classic Mammon.
And then we go up to the attic with Belphie. I have to say here that I don't understand why they had Asmo tell us in a hard lesson that the HoL didn't have an attic. Was it just so when Belphie went yandere on us it'd be more dramatic? 'Cause... I don't think it would've mattered either way. Who knows anymore.
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Belphie being surprisingly chill about everything. Like more than anyone else, I think.
Of course they've saved Lucifer for the next lesson. We'll see how that goes!
Just a couple extra things:
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I'm kinda with Mammon on this one lol.
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OG reference!!! Does it mean anything?! Probably not lol.
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He's talking about the guest room, not the attic. And I have to say I found this odd because weren't they always keeping the room open? Nobody was actually using it, they were all just hanging around in there. Like they always do, even when MC is using it. Like thanks I guess?!
Locked Lesson: Satan then attempts to summon a cat, but because he can't make up his mind about which kind of cat, he ends up summoning a multitude of cats. I fear this likely results in him having to get rid of all the cats, but they didn't show us that part. I suspect this is also the origin of the infamous cat ban. Lucifer said yes once, but it resulted in the house getting overrun. Can't they just let that guy have a cat?! I swear on my life, I want Satan to finally get a pet cat so bad.
Hard Lesson: Truly the highlight other than Asmo's cute part. Mephisto and Thirteen come hang out in MC's room. They're there for only a short time where we learn Mephisto doesn't like bugs before all the brothers show up and they have a Devil Kart competition.
But I found this part very interesting. Thirteen says the room seems really nice or comfortable or something like that and...
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... Is this the first time anyone has mentioned the tree? Because I can't for the life of me remember anyone else ever pointing out the tree. And here's our boy Mephisto like okay but there's a tree.
After this we find out he doesn't like bugs. That's why he's concerned about the tree. BUT STILL.
I loved this whole part. I'm actually really enjoying the Mephisto and Thirteen dynamic. Like they give me potential BFF vibes.
They also say goodbye to MC, with a promise that they'll all play Devil Kart again. It was actually pretty cute.
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I love them both so much. Is it just me or do these two have better characterization than some of the brothers? I love it and I hate it lol.
Anyway, we'll see what happens next. I'm hoping for some conclusion to all the nonsense that took place last lesson. For instance, we never found out what happened when Diavolo went to the House of Lords all pissed off. Did they ever figure out which demons agreed to imprison Lucifer? Is anybody even bothering to look into which humans agreed? Does anybody even care that Michael won't tell anyone which angels did it??
And what about Father? Does Lucifer really just accept his love again so easily?
Is it really just back to business as usual???
This game really needs to stop creating more questions and start giving us some answers before I do something insane.
You know what? They should fire all their writers and hire me instead. LET ME FIX YOUR MESS.
*cough* Okay, no, that would be a bad idea. And like what makes me think I'd do a better job, really? But they should do something 'cause I'm getting tired lol.
Lastly, I would like to leave you with this horrifying thought I had:
At the end of the season in OG, we would return to the human world, separated from our demons until the next season began at which point we would return to the Devildom. If we return to our timeline in the next lesson, do you think they'd send us back in time at the start of the next season? Instead of moving between worlds, we're moving between timelines? I think I'd rage quit if that happened.
Don't mind me, just speculating about worst case scenarios.
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sadbigemini · 2 days
So, to start off, Happy Pride! And I'm here with more MHA shit. We have ourselves a long one today. I have nothing else to say, let's get into it!
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First, Just Some Tidbits You Can Add To Fics
Midnight's persona is so ingrained in her that she forgot and didn't think of how that would affect her students or how they would feel about it
The class is super close and trauma bonded. They find comfort in each other after nightmares, they help each other with panic attacks, with flashbacks, etc. Aizawa lets them break the not staying in each other's dorms rule bc of it
Dadzawa offers his capture weapon to comfort his kids/students like a weighted blanket
Where Aizawa was a vigilante before he got into the hero course
Dadzawa sees the Three Dumbingos in Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki or Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima or a combination of the two lol
Quirk accidents are a common occurrence, especially In stressful or highly emotional situations. Regardless of age, though probably more common in children
Roki has a slight phobia of fire
Midoriya Hisashi as a good dad bc their isn't enough fics with it that way
A Whole Lotta Smallish Fic Prompts
Villain/Vigilante EraserMic(Cloud?) ‘adopting’ a bunch of kiddos that need homes. And creating an army against the HPSC. They'll be like the mob lol
MHA group home AU ran by you guessed it EraserMic or by Nezu and they're just caretakers
Todoroki Shouto gets OFA and is mentored by Good!All Might. It's mostly to piss off his sperm-donor but also because he is a secret AM fanboy
Sentient quirks, whether that's expanding on Tokoyami and Dark Shadow or giving someone else a sentient quirk too
Jirou knows about OFA. She overheard the knowledge of All Might's no might form and OFA, his quirk, with her own quirk. Not purposely ofc
Mido with a pyrokinesis quirk! Which has been done before but not enough! Mido's kinda a pyromaniac... Was he born with it? Did it manifest when he was four? Did it manifest much later and he was thought to be quirkless?
Sero with a cartoon physics quirk. Vigilante. Named Toons? He also listens to some tunes on patrol lol I think he'd love puns ngl. Pranks, an ungodly amount of pranks. So bad endeawhore will be sobbing in the aftermath. SeroRoki besties.
Chisaki Izuku. Mido as Chisaki Kai’s younger brother. Has an Activation and Deactivation quirk (Superpower wiki for more info). Anything he touches that can turn on and off he can turn them on and off, quirks to bodily functions (kinda the same thing I think lol) to technology. He defies Overhaul at every turn bc of Eri. He escapes with Eri and is found by Aizawa. Dadzawa, PapaMic
Shirakumo Oboro is reincarnated into one Toogata Mirio. Shirakumo Oboro died on July 15th (I think he died around this time but the timeline isn't that clear) and on the same day Toogata Mirio was born. Okay, but if I remember correctly Shirakumo was made to give Aizawa a friend like Mirio is to Amajiki. So, like it's literally perfect lol– ah! But the ages, he died 13/14 years ago and Mirio is like 18. Sooo???
Someone give Sero, our resident tape dispenser, OFA, so he can have Danger Spidey Sense. Ig there's Black Whip too, which would help with mobility. A bit like Spider-Man’s Iron Spider Armor/Suit. Sero would be living his little Spider-Man fanboy dream!
Hatsume Mei being Nezu's only personal student. The chaos– the shenanigans, the hijinks they would get into! This could just be pure crack but I think some of you could put a serious spin on this.
MHA/Soul Eater crossover. Think more MHA and heroes than Soul Eater or finding a way to mesh the lore well enough
Aizawa infiltrates the LOV and redeems them
More class B and Shiketsu fics
Shiketsu AU. Quirkless Midoriya accepted? Monoma will be there and his class B is better shtick, now Shiketsu is better shtick. Shinsou there too?? Camie helps them find their class on the first day
Jirou as MC with medical training and a quirk called Body Manipulation (look on Superpower wiki for more info). Vigilante armed with a Monster High metal bat (I think Jirou, Mina, and Toga would love Monster High). Operator is her vigilante name. Fellow vigilante and partner in crime Toga Himiko. Toga has a blood portal quirk. Vigilante name Transfusion. The two act as paramedics for an underground hospital. Future Proteges of Recovery Girl. And it's pride month so maybe you can do a rare pair with those two, Jirou/Toga
Aizawa is practically adopted by the Midoriyas! All the Midoriyas either see him at the park, cat cafe, or they share the same train sometimes. Quirkless Midoriya Izuku or he helps him with OFA. Aizawa teaches Bakugou how to control his anger and that quirkless doesn't mean useless. So, no bullying! Pining EraserMic! Aizawa kinda becomes like the Midoriya adults’ younger brother while he's like an uncle to the youngest
Twice-Centric fic. Twice is Mic's CI (and friend) who infiltrates the LOV for him
Technomancer. Mido has a technopathy and mental continuation quirk (again Superpower wiki). Mido commits sewerslide and gets this quirk (they are mixed into one). He is a tech/electro ghost, he's kinda like an AI. Now he helps different heroes especially his favorites like Eraserhead and Present Mic. But also his favorite vigilante Kaminari?? Tokoyami?? Tokage?? Roki??? His hero and vigilante name is Technomancer. Takes over the HPSC?? Nezu is intrigued by him immediately ofc. Our beloved Power Loader loves him. Absolutely loves him they work on support gear projects together. Hatsume and Power Loader can make him a robot body to possess basically!!!
Oh, How The Tables Have Turned (and how you have turned on each other): This AU(?) is lots of world building fun. A fic about how the quirked were first oppressed heavily by the quirkless and how the roles swapped. How there still is quirk discrimination but now it's more the quirked against each other than another oppressor. How quirks are everything in society now.
A Couple Quirk Ideas
Add Insult To Injury. Insult Empowerment. The quirk allows the user to get stronger when insulted. Talk shit, get hit
True Self Recognition Quirk (again Superpower wiki for both)
One Big One For The Road (Midoriya Tears™ is a quirk)
Midoriya can manipulate them from the volume to the strength to where they go. He needs to drink lots of water and will get dehydrated with quirk overuse
Mido thought he was quirkless because his mom has a secondary passive quirk that's very similar to him. That many other family members have possessed. Hence the Midoriya Tears term. And maybe he is a false negative for quirklessness
–because everyone heard quirkless and that's all they paid attention to. Also the Midoriya Tears are very much a reoccurring trait with various power levels. The person who originally had the quirk was from ages ago– maybe at the dawn of quirks? And it steadily appeared or didn't and was still passed on to the next regardless.
Obviously our Mido’s quirk is the strongest version yet bc MC privilege lmao. And no one knew bc he obviously never trained it. Why would he when he thinks he's quirkless? And it's just a ‘Midoriya thing’. ALSO plot armor lol
Maybe Bakugou guesses but everyone is like, 'your delusional.' and then he's like, ‘Deku is still delusional even if he has a quirk!’?
Or good Bakugou from the start who is driven crazy trying to convince his best friend he has a quirk while scaring his bullies away as he tries to get him to stand up for himself too??
In this fic please give Sero, our beloved tape dispenser, OFA, so he can live his truth and have his little Spider-Man fanboy dream!
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sassypantsjaxon · 9 months
So back to Mirio Hitoshi and Eri being siblings. Imagine, if you will, an au where they've found each other before erasermic finds them. (Maybe they're with the shie hassaikai, maybe the lov, maybe just a shitty foster home. I don't know, the point is, they're together in a place that's not so great) And Eri's still got this big scary quirk, but she also has a big brother who can sit with her and keep her from being alone without worrying about being rewound because he can just permeate through her touch and she's got another big brother who can just take over and talk her out of her quirk if she can't control it. And yeah, rewind is still terrifying, and there's probably somebody who wants to control it and use her, but at least she's not alone and she knows there are people who love her regardless of what her quirk is capable of.
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aventxsha · 2 months
Victor's dating headcanon analisis
How is it like to be the one and only of the imperial 'monster', exactly?
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CHARACTER. Victor Perseus Aeneas
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Being with Victor takes a quite amount of patience, especially at the very start when it comes to deal with the indifferent, 'cold like' being that he appears to be.
It takes him a while to adjust to matters related to close relationships with other people who are not family, especially in the romantic part. He'll struggle when expressing himself a lot. And with his own abandonment issues kicking in the way more than once, often he will question if he's even doing well as a lover. But no matter what, he'll do his hardest to demonstrate that he cares, more than he will ever be able to show.
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─── Despite him being a well feared but still respected figure in the empire, one would find it surprising that he isn't a talkative or social type like his brother. Even more awkward is that it's not often anyone could find him in company of more than one individual who is not either of his siblings or Alexander, his cousin. There will be many occasions on the daily that he's going to show himself off as uninterested or distant, with how he unwillingly speaks in a cold tone, his expressions as stoic and indifferent as possible.
And with the countless rumours of him being a cold monster roaming around, he'll always fear that one day you'll see him in the exact way he does. That's the main reason for his hesitation when it came to even approaching you in the first place. Often, Victor will wonder if he's even doing a good job as a lover. The fear of you leaving haunts him in every direction, whether they may be nightmares or anxiety attacks when you're not around. He has been looked down by his father for so long, It takes a lot from him to not break down in front of you when things are tough, he doesn't wish to worry you in any way.
─── Victor will be very protective of you. He is who has lost lots of loved ones in his life, both personal and in the battlefield. From his mother to even his friends and comrades.
But he won't go as far as forbidding you to go around just to stay by his side, or locking you up in his room. It is not fair, and he knows it very well. He hates the idea of being like his father, or taking ideas from someone he loathes with all his might. The least he can do is just stay silent and be as vigilant as possible. Intervining when the situation is about to take the wrong path.
At that point, he doesn't care if others will see him as the monster they believe he is. Your safety is what matters the most to him, and he won't let it slip away just because of his reputation.
─── At the same time though, Victor's a good listener and somewhat advisor.
He's not the type to judge so meaninglessly, especially if the ones that are talking are those close to him. If you have to let out some frustration or need to vent about anything, he's there for you, attentive and ready to listen to every word without a response of mockery. He's ready to be even your shoulder to cry on. And if an advice is needed, he'll say it, whether it might be a big or small one. He doesn't mind at all, helping you is his sole wish.
Don't be surprised at seeing him dedicate poems, violin compositions for you during the free time he has. You may find those things unnecessary, but they're just some of his ways to show his love to you and he finds himself able to express his true feelings through them. And don't be alarmed to see him ready to give you anything you want, even. Especially during those times of sickness. To him, any wish from you is an order to execute. And he will never bring himself to complain.
Flowers? Done. Books? Done. Chocolate? Desserts? His company? Anything else? All done without any complaints.
He has experience with taking care of his ill loved ones, and he knows what to do during those times. Those said experiences do not come from only the battlefields. But also from all the time he spent raising and looking after his younger sisters, along with Verena, throughout childhood and teenage years despite the heavy schedule. And no, he won't let you repay him in any way, economically and wealth wise. All he wishes is to see you being happy and healthy around him. And, perhaps some cuddles can work too as repayment. . .
Despite being quite busy, Victor is the type to reach out to you as soon as his duties are finished. He always tries to make up for the time lost by helping you around. It doesn't matter how exhausted he is, being by your side is enough to soothe said tiredness within him. Especially at night, when you two cuddle together to sleep, he always makes sure to keep you close to him and never let go of your warmth.
And while he's away for missions in other nations or war, Victor will have Verena, or Andronica on a few occasions, checking up on you. Even if you assure that you will be fine, Victor doesn't wish you to be alone. Paranoia, negative thoughts and worst case scenarios that appear often in his mind.
What if you get kidnapped? What if his father sends assassins at you under his nose?
The fear of not being able to protect once more makes him desperately not wanting to leave your side, that's why you'll find him right before your door when it's all over. During those separated times, he will send you letters to assure you that he's alright. And at his return, he will try to bring you materials of the other nations, too. Whether they may be artifacts, scripts or art. Or simply pastries of the said nation's culture. He wants to share his discoveries with you alone.
Victor will let you help him tend his wounds while he talks about the events that happened, a silent gulp hearable every time you nag him about him not taking care of himself properly. But all will always end with the two of you relaxing in each other's arms, sleeping or reading a book together.
If there's something certain about him, is that Victor will call you by your name most of the time.
He is awkwardly dry when it comes to call others with nicknames. After having the habit of using normal names or official titles for so long, thinking or even calling you with a petname will take him quite a while, especially at the start as he adapts to the situation. But if there are titles he would call you with, they are most likely to be:
𝐌𝐈𝐀 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 — my moon
𝐋𝐔𝐗 𝐌𝐄𝐀 — my light
The date organizations will often be up to you
Poor man has no clue about ideal dates and really doesn't know what to do. After all, he has never been on an actual one, seeking advice from Verena is what he does the most if he's truly lost.
Whether they are trips, walks or even a shopping spree, he won't mind at all. His money is all yours to use. But even staying at home together is enough for him. It will be either you cuddling, cooking or him composing for you with his violin, or anything you want to do.
But on special occasions like an imperial or once in a century event, Victor is the one who wishes to make it all special. He knows the best spots for those activities and will always prepare it in advance, while also considering the possible downturns that could happen.
But they matter in a little amount. He just wants to make you feel loved in the best ways possible. Even if it might end up with you sleeping in his arms in the middle of a star gazing session, his happiness still remains intact, as he prays for those moments to forever remain.
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@thalliian @yoghurtsan @thenomadicphoenix @roseadleyn @sweetlyvibe @writerig @achy-boo @acherins @naenaex0xx
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attackontreason · 3 months
Okay so a fic idea that I have
That I personally am not skilled enough to write but I think would be excellent and if someone wrote it I would die:
An AU where everything is the same except the LoV members instead of becoming villains all ran away and joined the circus instead.
Even better, it's a quirkless circus. The performers either don't have quirks, have their quirks suppressed because of incompatibility, or they just don't help their performances at all.
Touya, still burned and is presumed dead is the fire performer going by Dabi. He doesn't use his own flames, just kerosene and matches to light his fire toys. People see the scars and just assume he set himself on fire by mistake, hazard of the job and all.
Anyway, the circus gets a booking to do a performance at UA for an event. They're hosting a party for the students and their pro mentors.
Dabi is absolutely bricking it because he knows that both his dad and his little brother are going to be there and is trying to come up with a way to not go but the ringmaster won't let him.
Fast forward, and it's his performance time, he goes on the stage and does his routine and is absolutely disgusted with himself that despite everything he's still hoping his father is watching his performance, that he finds it impressive, and he feels the bile rise in his throat when he gets a warm feeling of validation from seeing Endeavours polite clapping at the end. He knows he wasn't really paying attention.
There was a pro that was watching though. Hawks saw this incredibly shiny man get up on the stage, and absolutely own it. He couldn't take his eyes off of him and proceeds to be incredibly distracted through the rest of the evening, trying to catch a glimpse of him again. He doesn't.
Meanwhile, Dabi is backstage being held down by Shigaraki and Spinner whilst Compress explains why "You can't go out and punch Pro-Hero Endeavour in the balls in front of his son. No. Not even once."
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sapphic-agent · 8 months
There's one thing I wanna ask Hori about the narrative that I'm surprised isn't talked about more.
Why weren't any of the characters allowed to question their society and heroes function as a whole?
Because when kids start off with hating heroes (Kota and those brats from the second movie), they're treated to be in the wrong and has to see how great heroes can be.
Which given the context that this is a society that turns a blind eye to it's corruption and how the minority suffers, it just comes across as putting rose tinted glasses on them to keep them away from the truly bad stuff.
Like, I get it with Kota, because his hatred of heroes stems from watching his parents die and believing they chose work over him, and that this hatred could grow into a problem later to where he might end up as a villain.
But at the same time, how come this didn't let Izuku to think about the society that shunned and berated him for being born different from everyone? How come no one else stop and think that this society is on the path to collapsing on itself if nothing is done?
In a story like this, characters should be allowed to question things around them and wonder if there's anything they can do make it more bearable for others, to seek out the change they wanna see so others wouldn't have to suffer like they did.
Kota is a great example, but I raise you Stain and the LOV.
Stain made sense. He went about it in entirely the wrong way, but he was right about false heroes and how much of a problem they were. But he's a murderous psychopath so we're supposed to take his words as out of touch rambling because he attacked Ingenium who was one of the good heroes.
(We're also given no proof. He says heroes are corrupt but we aren't shown why he thinks that and we don't see it beyond Endeavor. Even more reason not to take what he's saying seriously)
Hori could have really sold this by making Tensei perhaps not so virtuous. Maybe he had or started with good intentions but ended up contributing to toxic hero society in some way and Iida was blind to it because he was the big brother he admired. That would have made Tenya's character development hit harder in my opinion. Having Tensei confess this to Tenya would have made the Stain arc even better.
Which brings us to the LOV.
I feel like Hori forgot that Dabi and Toga also joined the LOV because of Stain, not just Spinner. They, on some level, absorbed his words and wanted what he did even if they were also fueled by other motives.
That's why a lot of Dabi's later character doesn't make a whole lot of sense. For those who knew he was Touya, it was implied that he was abused similarly to Shoto and was angry at Endeavor's treatment of his children. And then was inspired by Stain to call out his father as a false hero and take down the system that (indirectly) destroyed his family.
But no, he wants to kill Shoto, doesn't give a shit about Rei or Fuyumi, and almost got Natsu (the brother he was close to and presumably cared about) killed. And all to get back at Endeavor and make him suffer. Dabi's motives were a major let down and it reduces him to a one-dimensional villain, one who only wants to hurt people for the sake of hurting them. There's no hint of the influence Stain apparently had on him.
Toga is the same. She, presumably, admired Stain because of the similarities in their quirks. It's implied she joined the LOV to be with people like her (which is why she- as Camie- asks Izuku what kind of hero he wants to be, she's trying to see if he's one of those people). Who were outcasts and wanted to be able to do what they wanted with no persecution from others. She wanted to be free, even if she had a warped perception about what that meant. But over time, Horikoshi made her a creepy, predatory yandere type (seriously, what the fuck was the point of having her grope Uraraka??) with no depth to her actions.
Both Dabi and Toga never mention Stain or his ideals again. They're just psychopaths who need to be stopped. It dehumanizes them and uses mental illness for further antagonize them.
Spinner is the only one who still attempts to embody Stain's ideals. But of course, he never gets any focus. He's a "coward" who never stands up the the LOV (except when he stopped Magne from killing Izuku) even though he feels guilty about what they do. So most of the time, he isn't portrayed in a way that makes us stop and think. It's all too easy for the audience to dismiss or forget about him.
Anyone who (rightfully) questions or criticizes or openly despises the corrupt society in this universe is portrayed in a negative light. Even if what they're saying is technically right, we throw it away because they're doing something bad.
Really, there's only one character who's the exception. I'm, of course, talking about Lady Nagant.
Listen, me and Hori got beef all day everyday. BUT Nagant is one of the most exceptional characters I've ever seen in anime.
What I love about her is that she's someone who genuinely started out with good intentions and wanted to do the right thing but was torn down by society. It destroyed her from the inside out. The actions she took aren't even that extreme, they make sense considering everything she went through. Her problems with society aren't inane or hypocritical ramblings, she's 100% correct in her assessments because she was an unwilling participant in the corruption.
The problem with Nagant, however, is that she's with us for such a short amount of time that we don't get to take a deep dive here. We don't get to dissect why, exactly, society is so corrupt or find a solution to it.
It sucks because Hori was SO CLOSE to hitting the mark with Nagant. I think introducing her- or someone similar to her (missed opportunity with Hawks)- a lot sooner would have really improved the story
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haleigh-sloth · 2 months
I know I asked this a while ago and I’m sorry to bring it up again but I’m still having trouble understanding AFO’s backstory literarily. I don’t know why Hori would give us a backstory that shows he is just as traumatized as the League if not more and then not do anything with it. Plus the way the fans interpreted it was that AFO was just born evil. I’m not sure why Hori felt the need to write this if he wasn’t going to treat AFO like a human being the same as the rest of the characters, and make it so he had zero knowledge of right and wrong same as Tenko, if he didn’t want there to be some sort of humanity there. Any guesses? I’m genuinely at a loss here.
This is a tough one, and it's understandable to feel conflicted over it.
I think the most important thing to remember is that the manga isn't over yet, AFO isn't really gone yet, and the vestiges aren't super mega confirmed gone for good yet, AND assuming they're not gone yet, they're all in the same place as AFO at this very moment.
I think Yoichi's words describe the complexity behind AFO perfectly:
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He kept Yoichi alive, however, he viewed Yoichi as his property, something he was entitled to. There is definitely nuanced feeling behind that, I mean they're brothers and the ONLY constant they had their whole lives was each other. That goes for AFO too, Yoichi was the only certain thing he had. So yeah, there is some form of twisted love there, but AFO's upbringing led to that somewhat understandable/normal feeling turning into something way beyond what we would consider acceptable lmao. And I think the thing with AFO that separates him from the other villains is the lack of compassion for others that Yoichi points out. Even though I wouldn’t call the LOV’s actions compassionate toward….anyone, even if the intent is buried deep in there, they still feel for other people and are incredibly sensitive to others. It influenced their behaviors. AFO is not phased by others.
My personal guess is that AFO will disappear by the end of the manga in the vestige, but in a more refined/dignified way than the way he did in the real world. His pathetic and dramatic death after facing Bakugo kinda made it obvious he will have another exit that will look much differently. There is no point in repeating what we already saw, so I wouldn't expect it to be anything like him having a break down. Also Bakugo won't be involved since he's not in the vestige realm, so it'll be different.
I'm thinking like....closer to Nana/Kotaro except not really any love/forgiveness/sorrow involved, more just like....idk how to describe it, but some sort of peace where he and Yoichi say good bye for good together.
I can't help but think that Bakugo kind of carried out what the 2nd user couldn't (hence the visual similarity and him reminding AFO of Kudou) and then Yoichi will carry out what he needs to by finishing him off for good and disappearing with him.
This also all hinges on my assumption that OFA is going bye-bye, which I'm in hope of so I'm biased lol.
I don't think AFO is there to thwart the themes of the story. I think he's a humanized villain whose actions and influence have far surpassed his lifespan and it's just time for him to get some form of clarity and then go.
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starsurface · 4 months
Gaaaahh! Those regressor Nightwolf headcanons were SO GOOD!! Thank you!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ Could I bug you for one more? Little Nightwolf with CG Fujin? (Also totally get him as a playable character in Aftermath!! He’s so fun!! It’s his Tower of Time ending that has the angst! No spoilers but Emo Nightwolf is canon!!😭)
Ugh Windwolf!!! I know you didn't ask for romantic but I think I accidently implied that they're together.
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Fujin w/ Regressor Nightwolf Hcs
☁️ Y'all I actually love them both and I know they'd be so supportive of each others regression 🥺
🐺 Nightwolf calls Fujin mostly Dada or Fuu Fuu
☁️ Fujin calls Nightwolf so many nicknames but Cloudy, Sweetheart, Cub, Little Wolf, and Baby Boy are the most common
🐺 Fujin finds Nightwolf's middlespace so entertaining, ngl
☁️ Like, the makeup, the outfit, the attitude-
🐺 He's not trying to be mean, it's just different!! And it's been time time since he's been with mortal like these
☁️ The one time Fujin teased Nightwolf about his look, Nightwolf generally started sobbing and Fujin felt really, really bad
🐺 Afterwards he let Nightwolf dect him out in emo/metal (which Nightwolf completely abused) and Raiden almost had a heart attack when he saw his brother
☁️ It's actually really funny seeing them because you have this sulky emo middle schooler and this guys radiating of sunshine always following and bothering him
🐺 Fujin will let Nightwolf blare his music but not too loudly, he can't have his hearing get bad now can we?
☁️ He knows EVERYTHING, and Fujin knows NOTHING, that's how the world works >:D
🐺 Que to Fujin shrugging and just going with the flow
☁️ Fujin adores toddler Nightwolf!!!
🐺 The two will go outside and run around until Nightwolf gets sleepy
☁️ Playing tag, playing hopscotch, sitting in the grass on a blanket, rolling in said grass, whatever Nightwolf wants to do!!
🐺 The only time Fujin gets weary is when they near this small lake that Nightwolf likes collecting rocks from
☁️ Like, he knows it's too shallow for anything to happen to Nightwolf, but he also isn't taking his chances
🐺 Any and all weapons get put away onto high shelfs (Nightwolf gets extremely pouty about it)
☁️ Naps in the Storm Gardens because they fell asleep playing
🐺 Or Nightwolf fell asleep on Fujin's lap and now he's stuck there
☁️ Fujin will happily answer any questions Nightwolf has (and if he doesn't know the answers, he'll make one up and Nightwolf is usually content)
🐺 Fujin handles Nightwolf's hissy fits really well, standing there patiently for him to calm down
☁️ Both really like talking about why Nightwolf was upset and it's usually an easy time
🐺 Both Fujin and Nightwolf adore cuddles and really like to snuggle on calmer days
☁️ Fujin will use his powers to make Nightwolf giggle
🐺 Together they pull little pranks on the others monks, or Raiden
☁️ (Making a paper keep flying just out of reach for a few seconds, blowing Raiden's hat off, very harmless things)
🐺 Or making keeping one of Nightwolfs toys in the air, making him gasp and awe
☁️ Fujin really likes to do arts and crafts with Nightwolf but my goodness, the mess it makes
🐺 Depending on what they made, glitters all over the floor, there's glue everywhere, scattered pieces of paper
☁️ Luckily Nightwolf likes helping cleaning up before bathtime
🐺 If Nightwolf made Fujin anything, Fujin will tear up and get a concerned headpats
☁️ (^ And Nightwolf gets a bunch of cuddles and whatever food he wants <3)
🐺 If Nightwold let's gim, Fujin will do his hair (it's so silky and soft!!!)
☁️ Nightwolf will over to do Fujin's hair but he might fall asleep laying on it because it's all nice and long and comfy
🐺 Fujin doesn't entirely mind, he'll make Raiden get him a book and lay with Nightwolf so hos hair isn't getting pulled
☁️ I can see Nightwolf being a wolf regressor and Fujin adores it (okay, he just adores him, let's be honest)
🐺 Head scratchies all day, Nightwolf loves them
☁️ Fujin will intimidate Nightwolf's howl and Nightwolf will get all huffy and puffy because he thinks he's being mean >:(
🐺 (He's not, and a quick kiss on the nose will make him better)
☁️ Nightwolf will curl up by the fireplace and Fujin will let him lay his head on his lap
🐺 If Nightwold ever regresses for any kind of negative reason, Fujin makes it his mission to fix whatever wrong
☁️ Too stressed? A bubble bath might help
🐺 Bad memories? He'll be okay, Fuu Fuu’s here now, sweetheart
☁️ Fujin is constantly fussing over Nightwolf, bad day or not
🐺 That's his baby, he's gotta make sure he feels completely loved and safe 🥺
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I want Aftermath so badly but Steams gonna have their Spring sale soon and I gotta wait a month!! :(
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trashlie · 6 months
I saw a theory about Mr. Kim being Kousuke's real father. Makes me want to throw up. And then I saw another comment on that thread how the real thing that would break Kou is realizing that Nol is no longer his brother.
And omg ew? Sang Chul would be??
And I'm never getting over Nol's plastered smile. The sneer. The humans suck line.
The "Convince Me" line.
Girl I'm going thru it.
You totally called it on the theories.
The WORST kind of "OH GOD I KNEW IT" weeks have been happening for me when it comes to ILY lmaoooo and I NEED QUIMCHEE TO GIVE ME A BREAK AND LET ME CATCH MY BREATH!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna drop my thoughts below the read more! Spoilers spoilers spoilers!!!!!!!!!!
When Elle and I talked about the "Rand isn't Kousuke's father" theory on the fourth episode of our podcast I even talked about how as much as I don't want the theory to be true for Kousuke's sake, narratively it's SO compelling and it just makes SO MUCH SENSE. I remember the first time I read the theory, too, how initially I was like "no way, this feels really out there" but it just stuck with me. I couldn't let it go, I kept going back to that panel, the "you're the sole heir" speech bubble over Nol's face and I think I've just always felt that it meant something, you know? That quimchee would NOT have done that if it didn't mean something, if we weren't supposed to read into it, if it wasn't meant to be the earliest of foreshadowing of this theory.
And to have it actually confirmed!!!!! Just has me SCREAMING but absolutely anticipating what it means for everyone!!!! Because not only does it mean everything Kousuke has ever worked for - the only thing he's ever had to his name, the only career option he's ever had - is taken away from him and thrust to someone who may not even want it, someone who wants to be as far away from this family and this coldblooded, bloodthirsty rivalry as he can get.
Neither of them get any reprieve.
Kousuke never had any other option, and is left with nothing.
Nol will likely be thrust into the heart of everything he wants to excuse himself from, everything he's come to resent and loathe and GOD it's insane to see how it's all unfolding, after all this time!!!!!!!!
I think, too, in thinking about the fact that Nol isn't even Kousuke's brother is that it means re-examining the rawness of 212 and what it means for Kousuke, who believes that he got none of the good traits of Rand that he sees in Nol, the good parts that he's never been privileged enough to see in Rand himself, and that he was left with only the worst parts of him - the cold man with his back turned to him. But it's worse, because none of that was his.
(Please know that I am saying this SO VERY LOOSELY, in the sense of how I imagine Kousuke is thinking this. I'm not a fan of the "Rand suspected Kousuke wasn't his son and that's why he was so cold with him" theories. Frankly, I think they're disgusting and it shows an interesting bias in people in how they perceive biological family to be more worthy over, say, adopted family. I think it's very evident that Rand loves both of his sons and has done the best within his means, but has been dealing with an incredibly controlling tyrant of a wife who has ensured that he had little chance to provide the nurturing he wanted to, who ensured that there was a gap between him and Kousuke so that Kousuke would be forever chasing after him, because she needed him to stay focused on her goal. I refuse to humor conversation that implies Rand loves or favors Nol more because that's his biological son and because Kousuke is, currently suspected to be, the son of a Kim, he has less love for him. That's a disgusting mindset. Biological love does not make someone inherently love their child more. Yui herself proves this. And in that same vein, not being Kousuke's biological father does not excuse Rand's part in Kousuke's neglect and that it was the commodification of his love that has factored into how Kousuke has come to view love in this transactional manner and why he struggles to see his father's true love for what it is. Regardless of whose genetic material fathered him, Rand is the man who raised Kousuke as his son, the man Kousuke saw as his father, and therefore he is Kousuke's father.)
Kousuke has modeled himself after his father in every way, tried so hard to emulate him, to be someone who will make his father proud, who can earn his affection and feels like he hasn't succeeded at that yet - and to find out that the man he has spent his entire life emulating is not, in fact, his father? Is going to CRUSH him. Not because it changes the fact that it was Rand who raised him and Rand to whom Kousuke looked up, but because it's yet another lie in a series of Yui's lies, yet another lie that she has used to manipulate him, to mold him into her pawn, to create him into a likeness of something of her own desire, rather than ever allow him to be his own person.
She lied to him about his father. She whispered paranoia to him about his brother his brother's mother. She made him believe that everyone is out to get them, to tear them down, that because they are better than everyone else he can trust no one. She used these tactics to isolate him and played upon the paranoia and fear that she created and instilled upon him so that when he did rebel and stray from her, when he did try to be his own person and have friends and a life of his own, she could pull him back to where she felt he belonged, at her side. She smothered and suffocated him and manipulated and lied to him and nothing she has done to or for him has ever been honest and even his father is a lie. Even his goals and motivation is a lie.
I know a lot of people still hate Kousuke but it fucks me up. It has me choked up, to think of what it must be like to be him, and to have this bombshell thrust upon you, that everything you believed has been a lie, that your mother has been manipulating you for your whole life, she's been drugging you, you have finally grasped the gravity of the harm you have caused using the justification she has equipped you with. To come to the realization that everything you ever justified was never truly justifiable, that you caused harm that cannot be undone.
How do you come back from that?
How do you deal with that?
And then, to find out that the man you've believed was your father isn't. That the only person who ever offered you unconditional love, whose relationship you've destroyed isn't even your brother, and has no reason to ever turn to look your way ever again.
Kousuke was right. He has no brother.
And it devastates me lmao ;____________;
And I do really think that it means his father is Gun Kim. All of the comparisons to Sangchul and Kousuke have haunted me as much as this theory.
Actually no you know what was the FUNNIEST thing to me about Nol and his humans suck line? THE FACT THAT MY GIRL SHINAE IS OUT HERE BLUSHING.
She is DOWN BAD. SO FUCKING BAD. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i can't stand her I love her she's a whole hot mess express I really need to gather myself and drop some thought dump posts over here finally because generally my reaction to all of these episodes lately has been [SCREAMING CAT]
i'm two for two on "dark theories i didn't want to be true but knew in my gut are" and listen. I DON'T KNOW IF I LIKE IT ;_______; HOWLING
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leegemma · 11 months
heeloo! i lov ur fics so much! could your write pls anout lee!chan und ler!felix 9, 36 aaand 49?? thank you so much for ur hardworking, love u!
You people are seriously so sweet, thank you so much for your request and incredibly warm compliment. 😭🥺💗
9 -  “you have such a cute laugh!”
36 -  “i didn’t tell you to stop…”
49 -  “be quiet! other people might be able to hear you, you know!”
Disclaimer: By this fic I am ABSOLUTELY not trying to say I think Chan is mean or a bully or anything like that. This is just a fic. I love our five year old kangaroo more than anything.
The role of a leader in any situation was never an easy one, but especially when you're leading a bunch of silly kids. And as much as Chan loved the boys, he sometimes really wanted them to focus a bit more during practice and joke a bit less.
So when they were practicing some new choreography and Chan saw everyone messing around instead of doing actual practice, he was a bit annoyed. As he was trying to gather everyone back and getting them back on track, he could sense everyone around him getting a bit frustrated with his attitude.
"Hyung, we were just having some fun." Han tried to explain himself when Chan caught him messing around with Hyunjin.
"Yeah, well this is not the time to have fun." Chan pointed at him to get back into his position.
The group kept practicing,  until a screech was heard from I.N's direction.
Everyone turned to look at the youngest, all laughing at the noise he made. All exept for Chan.
"What happened?" Lee know kept laughing as he threw the question in I.N's direction.
"He keeps poking me!" Jeongin pointed accusingly to Seungmin.
Chan huffed tiredly, he was about to explode. "Hey! I already said this is not the time, you two are being ungrateful and inconsiderate.  Do you want all of us to suck when we go on stage?!"
Everyone stopped laughing, Jeongin slowly lowering his head in shame as Seungmin just stared at their leader in shock. This really wasn't like him.
"Hyung, they were just enjoying themselves, there's nothing wrong with that. Don't take your stress and frustration out on them." Changbin tried to step in as a peacemaker.
"I'm only frustrated because none of you are listening to me!" Chan shook his head in anger.
"We're all listening, but you're just not saying much." Lee know said in a serious but still comforting tone.
"Whatever!" Chan knew they were all right, and he didn't mean to scare the younger boys. But he was extremely stressed and had so much to get done, and it was getting too much for him to burry alone. As he felt all the emotions suddenly at once, he felt the need to cry.
As he didn't want to make the others more concerned, he just stormed out of the room, holding back his tears until he reached an empty studio. He closed the door after him and went in deeper, sitting down on the floor and burrying his face in his knees, letting himself go.
Chan was so deep inside his own head, he didn't even notice Felix slipping in the room until he felt an arm wrapping around him from the back. He didn't even bother lifting his head, only stopping his sobs.
Felix' heart broke at seeing his -practically- older brother finally break down. He hasn't seen him this vounrable in a long time.
Felix just sat there, hugging Chan. Until the older finally lifted his head. Just staring ahead. "Hyung?"
Chan sighed and threw his head back at the sound of the voice of his dear friend. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to shout at the kids like that."
Felix gave him a small smile and shook his head. "They're fine, we all are. We are just worried about you."
Chan groaned. "See... that what I didn't want... you guys should jot be worrying about me, i'm fine. I'll be fine."
Felix rolled his eyes playfully. "We tried to tell you so many times before... you're allowed to feel bad once in a while, you don't always have to be the hero, hyung."
"I just... I'm really sorry. I've just been really stressed." Chan finally admitted.
Felix rubbed his back comfortly. "I know... we all have been. But come and talk to me when you feel that way. Just like I come to you. You can't carry all of this by yourself."
Chan nodded. "I'm really sorry."
Felix  rolled his eyes again. "Stop apologizing!"
"Okay I'm sorrY- Hehehy! Soohohory! Whhait nohoho!" Chan stopped mid apology when felix started wiggling his fingers into his sides.
"I said stop apologizing! But you didn't listen, so now I have to punish you." He explained quickly, running his fingers up and down Chan's abs.
"FEHEHELIX!!! HAHAHA!!" Chan squirmed around.
“You have such a cute laugh!” felix cooed, happy to finally hear the older having fun.
'SHUHHUT HUHUHHP!!" Chan blushed.
Felix giggled along with him and stopped his attack, petting Chan's tummy.
Chan looked up at him in confusion which then turned to emberasment as he looked away and mumbled: “i didn’t tell you to stop…”
Felix blinked twice, confused. And then started beaming, immediately wiggling his fingers again, bringing them to Chan's hips and Armpits.
Chan burst out laughing again. This felt good, and freeing.
"You like this? That's so cute!" Felix cooed.
"SOHOHO DOHOHO YOUHUHU!!" The truth hurts. Or tickles. Whatever.
Now it was Felix's turn to blush. "We're not talking about me right now!"
Felix hissed playfully. "You just don't know when to quit, do you?"
Felix laughed and stopped. Letting Chan have a breather before singing: "Channie hyung loves tickles! ~"
Chan slapped his hand onto Felix's mouth softly. “Be quiet! other people might be able to hear you, you know!”
Felix looked behind Chan, a grin forming onto his lips. "Uhm, hyung?"
"Too late!"
Chan turned around to the voice of Seungmin, who was standing with all the other guys right behind him.
He then turned right back around to Frlix with gritted teeth.
"I am going to kill you."
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almightygremlinblob · 14 days
Rant about JJK 261 leaks and mild spoilers. Just ignore unless you're passionate about stories like I am or wanna hear what I say or both. This is very, VERY long.
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Bro, listen.
I'm not mad at Gege, writing is HARD. Like, legitimately! It's SO difficult to bring a vision - an entire unique world with complex characters - to fruition and CONTINUE that story to its end.
And there's still so much to love about JJK, despite everything.
Some of the choices he's making, writing wise, are just...such missed opportunities for his characters and it's making the story itself suffer.
Part 1 - Sukuna Ryomen
Oh, Sukuna... The strongest sorcerer in history, who wiped out a lot of the families in an era where sorcerers and curses were at their strongest. He was the top dog of top dogs. Blah, blah, blah - WELL ESTABLISHED. Actually, ever since he defeated Gojo that's been established to the audience. And it's been win, after win for him. Which is good, in times of peril - the villain should be competent at what they do and keep the stakes high. That's good. The problem is, the formula - the way that the storyteller goes about showing this - keeps repeating over and over. Now, the fights themselves - as fights - are great. JJK has always had amazing fights and was never lacking in that department. However, the emotional investment the audience has in the fights is waning because it follows pretty much a predictable formula already. Sukuna kills character, another character is hyped up and joins the battle, Sukuna struggles just a bit but is actually just "holding back". Bam. Character dead. Next. There must be casualties, of course, BUT - from a writing standpoint - casualties can be built without diminishing the sacrifices and arcs of other characters. Tragedy can be shown without the expense of the character arcs, because to throw so much into a character without any meaningful conclusion hurts the story itself - and that doesn't necessarily mean they need to accomplish what they set out to do. For example; Choso didn't die to further showcase the cruelty of JJK's world, and how sorcerers are disposable. He didn't die to showcase Sukuna's hatred of Yuuji, and to further fuel Yuuji's hatred of his soul uncle (????). He died just because it's sad that the "doting and responsible big brother" dies and for more casualties. The THEMES surrounding Sukuna, and the entire series in general - of isolation vs. companionship, of old vs new, of strength and what it means to be strong, of love and the burden of it, his fuckin' WORLDVIEW and how it's so true for the world of JJK (that, contrary to most Shounen stories, the world is tragic and unfair and the power of friendship doesn't always work - "love is trash") could be better conveyed than what's essentially a tournament with him as the final boss. It's so frustrating, too, because the way the story goes about it - not only does it take away from the other character's complexities and developments, BUT ALSO HIS. Like, all of his story beats and the character deaths could have been hit in a way that ADDS to Sukuna's threat level while not diminishing the gravity and development of the sacrifices of the other characters. Hell, maybe even adding to them than just - oh, he/she/they're dead now. Sukuna is such a complex character, even in his simplicity, but the WAAY the story shows this makes not just HIS CHARACTER suffer...but EVERYONE ELSE'S TOO!
Can you tell how much I love Sukuna lmao.
Part 2 - Gojo, Geto and Shoko
Oh my GOD, guys. The dynamic between Gojo and Geto - absolute gold. Could they have used Geto to showcase the unfairness of the world MORE? Yes - he was the PRIME candidate for that, even in Kenjaku taking over his body. Gojo though? Killed his role in the story - showcased the themes of love and its burden, of strength = isolation, and the unfairness of the Jujutsu society WHILE easing the audience into the world of JJK? Applause. Absolutely love that for you, honey. HOWEVER; what we got with them was still really, really good. Shoko, though. She was sidelined SO HARD. Not only was using Gojo's body as a puppet a chance to showcase even more the unfairness of the cogwheels the sorcerers are placed in - we could have seen the very personal and deep ways that this world, and the lifestyle sorcerers are forced into, affects those within the cogwheel individually. I mean, all her friends from her high school years which she's so "nostalgic for" are DEAD, because of the world she's in, aside from Utahime and Gojo. You'd think she would've protested to using his body in such a way but she was...apparently FINE with it?? WHAT???
Even if she thought he could win, or was actually just nonchalant about it cuz of the many deaths she's already experienced - at least one scene where she's alone with her thoughts, would've been nice as a chance to develop her character and showcase the point above MORE. "I was there, too..." MY ASS, MAN. See? Because of that one little thing, now this line is just completely empty and Shoko's character suffers. The trio's entire dynamic suffers and so does the "precious/best high school years" bit. Did all of it actually mean anything to the characters or are they beating that point just for drama? It just becomes Geto x Gojo drama (which, to be fair, I do love BUT-) Shoko, you poor girl. You were completely wasted potential and I just...feel so bad for her, oh my GOD. Not to mention pretty much ALL of the women cast of JJK - although, strangely enough, Yorozu (and even Kashimo) accomplished what she was there to do; which was to propose the "love" part and how it relates to Sukuna's character. So good on you, you beautiful, beautiful simp(s).
Part 3 - Yuuji Itadori
Oh my sweet boy... ...who keeps getting sidelined as the protagonist. Don't get me wrong, he's been having more of a spotlight lately and I am SO HAPPY for that - because not only has he earned it, he has the biggest reasons to defeat Sukuna and gain his current wins. And even when he's embraced being part of the cogwheel, his beef with Sukuna is PERSONAL. He doesn't even want to see him suffer or anything. No, Yuuji just wants him DEAD - then he moves on to the next curse. Then when he's supposedly "surpassed Gojo in potential" he just... Keeps getting sidelined???
Part 4 - Kenjaku
Do I REALLY need to say anything?
Again, I am not mad at the state of JJK right now. Only confused. If I wanted to be mad, I'd look at RWBY's back and forth writing. As I've said, writing is DIFFICULT. It is SO insanely difficult to bring a world to life and continue its story to the end. And I can only imagine the pressure of having it blow up like it has these past years. BUT BRO...
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