#These games are Light/Void to the core
utopianparadoxist · 11 months
Happy 20th anniversary to probably the single video game with the biggest impact onto who and what I am! Boktai is pretty literally directly responsible for me even being alive. Here's an article I wrote for it for Aeeve Bee's games crit publication ZEAL a couple years back. Hope you enjoy me talking about the existential horror of The Will of the Galaxy Universe, Dark and also how trans girl Lunar Beauty Sabata is real and strong and my friend!
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xiaoseminence · 1 year
𓆩✬𓆪 𝕋𝕖𝕪𝕧𝕒𝕥’𝕤 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕥 𓆩✬𓆪 (𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 𝕊𝔸𝔾𝔸𝕌)
Summary ➵✬ When you wake up atop a golden altar, surrounded by the beloved characters from your favorite game, you will learn how far their fervent devotion truly goes. (Harem, GN pronouns) Warnings ➵✬ Heavy Yandere, Worship / Religious practices, Dark Topics, Slighty Mature / Suggestive scenes
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“May the sacrifices we offer you appease you, our beloved creator. In these times of hardship, please guide us and lend us your strength” 
The words reverberated in the hall, making it seem as though they were coming from all around you. You hadn’t opened your eyes, and yet an almost blinding ray of golden light was visible even through your closed lids. You barely registered the horrified gasps and shouts of astonishment as the strong smell of incense burned your lungs with each breath. 
Was this… Death? The last thing you remembered was a train speeding towards you, headed for an inevitable collision. By the time you even noticed it, it was clear that you wouldn’t manage to escape its trajectory - too engrossed in the game you were playing on your phone to save yourself. 
The people you knew always thought that death would be painless, a void empty of emotions or sound. And yet… Why was it this loud? By now the gasps had been replaced by hectic shuffling, too many muffled voices yelling over each other to the point that you couldn’t make out a single word. As if you had just emerged from a frozen lake, your senses suddenly returned to you all at once - brain now on high alert. Where were you? With a movement so fast that it made your head throb painfully, you ripped open your eyes and sat up. As soon as your lashes parted to take in the sight in front of you, your (e/c) orbs were met with shimmering cores of gold and ruby. 
It took you a second to realize that you were face to face with a person, as their skin as pale as moonlight and eyes as crystalline as jewels made it easy to mistake them for a delicately crafted statue. Yet your shock seemingly couldn’t compare to that of the man, who visibly trembled to the point that his legs gave out under him. 
He fell to his knees, and then… he lowered his head so far that it barely touched the stone floor beneath. As your eyes quickly darted around the room to make any sense of this situation, you were met with many other people following the example of the man in front of you. Some of them fell to their knees in an instant, creating a loud thud that echoed in the large, temple-like building, while others lowered their gaze in more of a demure manner, letting their bodies slowly follow suit as they sank to the ground.
Where were you? And why did the man in front of you seem so familiar? His golden eyes, brown hair tied with a black ribbon, and elegant attire were connected to something in your memories, yet said memory evaded you like a word stuck at the tip of your tongue. 
“Your grace-”, his breath shuddered as he spoke, yet his voice held a sense of desperation. “Thank you for honoring your worshippers with your presence”. You tried to speak, ask what kind of twisted afterlife you’d been sent to, when his next words caused your thoughts to fly into a frenzy. 
“Your first apostle, Rex Lapis, is forever at your service. Command me as you wish, your grace” 
Rex Lapis? This couldn’t be true. And yet… it made too much sense for you to deny it. He looked just like the character you had managed to acquire just last week, after hours and weeks of your time poured into collecting as many primogems as you could. And… you could have sworn that you heard someone mention the word “Teyvat” when you first gained consciousness in this… hall. 
It was as time had frozen still, as no one dared to move a muscle or even so much as breathe. When your eyes fell onto a statue at the far end of the temple, you too froze in place. It was your face. Etched into immaculate white stone. The statue depicted a person sat on a throne, long robes draped around their body and pooling at their feet. Even as a statue, the cloth was depicted perfectly. And even if the mighty posture and perfectly dignified expression did not resemble your current state at all… it was unmistakably your face staring back at you with lifeless eyes made of marble. 
“Ningguang?” As if to test your theory, you had spoken the first name that came to your mind when you looked at the audience. There were many people, hundreds, maybe even thousands - but you had spotted her form kneeling in the very front row. Her attire was different from what she wore in the game, her white and golden dress was replaced by a red hanfu. But her long hair, which was colored like freshly fallen snow, with a red tassel tied to it was just like you had first seen her in the game.
At the mention of her name, she seemed to flinch a little in surprise, before she dutifully raised her head, albeit not fully. She lifted it only to the point of being able to gaze up at you, her ruby eyes peering through long white lashes, glinting expectantly. 
“Yes, your grace?”
You couldn’t believe it. It was real. But… What would you do now? They seemed to revere you as maybe royalty - or even a deity. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself just a moment to force your brain into thinking of a plan - any course of action that would seem reasonable and not put you in danger. For the start, this should be simple - play along while you discover more about this world around you. The only problem was… how would you play along when you didn’t know what they expected of you. 
Reminiscing back to the moment you first woke up in this world is something that nowadays, you didn’t do often. On occasion you wondered whether you would have done anything differently, knowing what was to come. Though, as you now rested in the arms of one of your consorts, half aware of the sugary promises of love and servitude they whispered into your ears, you didn’t regret it as much. Yet the road leading to this state of peace in your mind and acceptance of your situation had been a very long one. ➵✬ to be continued 
Word count ➵✬ 1.05k 
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 months
Top 3 cutest baby monsters and why
This is such a a cute ask, especially for the mood I'm in ���
1. Naga- because they are little wriggly noodles! Little chonky noodles with chubby cheeks 😍 While they are a little further along than human babies when they are born, they have to learn to stand up on their tails, so until they get the core strength and coordination, they scoot around like little caterpillars. They also have to learn how to pick things up with their tails, so they love a playpen filled with balls or soft toys. They are shy babies, instinctually aware that they are helpless. They are comfortable with their close family, but don't particularly like strangers or extended family members who get in their face. It takes some time to develop their venom but they will bite you with their baby fangs if you frighten them.
2. Werebears- because they look like little cubs before their bodies fill out. They like playing in the grass or climbing small boulders from only a few months old. They are outgoing, curious, and surprisingly quick for those little legs. They are more likely to engage a stranger and want to be doing whatever their parents happen to be doing. They love their siblings and are friendly with other little ones, but they don't always know their own strength. Parents have to carefully supervise them so they don't get in over their heads.
3. Mothpeople- because they are little voids with big red eyes peeking out from their baby down. They are more shy as babies and tend to cling to their mothers. They like the dark, so before they can control their emotions, bright lights, even regular home lights, will send them into a crying fit. They also don't like being left with strangers and will fluff up their wings and hide until you earn their trust. You will most likely find them playing quiet games that they make up or sharing their baby babble with imaginary friends. There's no science on it, but imaginary friends are so common among mothbabies that the legend is they can speak with spirits. Most mothpeople don't remember their baby friend, however.
Bonus! I think Gorgons would make cute babies. Especially since most babies aren't entirely aware of what limbs go where and what they do, so a gorgon born with snakes for hair would have to be swaddled up in a very specific way so they don't fuss. While they won't turn their immediate family members to stone, gorgon babies that end up in public are generally blind folded with something soft until they have control over opening and closing their eyes. When they grow up, they can swap that out for sunglasses. Adolescent Gorgons LOVE experimenting with different colors and frames. While being blindfolded sounds a little sad, gorgon babies sharpen their other senses through this period of their life. They like music and the voices of people. If one was on your lap, they would want to press their head against you to listen to your heartbeat. They also like to be cuddled and to explore their world with their chubby little hands, so you need to stock lots of sensory toys and activities.
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ghostskiss2-0 · 2 years
The Interrogation
Summary: Ghost has finally gotten a tail on you. After the Russians took you and your men down during the Black Bag Operation, you disbanded from the Shadow Company completely. You’ve been laying low trying to get a hit on the very man that set you and your men up. Graves. Ghost believes you’re spy and know all of Graves’ plans. Set in Las Almas, roughly after Ghost and team were betrayed by Graves. Soap is MIA.
Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fiction. It is loosely based in the 2022 reboot, with “You” inserted as a solider previously under command of Phillip Graves, Shadow Company. Explained more inside, but please don’t take everything to heart, COD game wise. Spoilers for game below, don’t proceed if you plan on playing the game.
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, interrogation, mask!nk, AFAB reader, no Y/N usage, praise, fear k!nk, penetrative, fingering, creampie, bound hands, rough
Word Count: 3.6k
Days. Days you have been here, in this town. In this home. You had found the base at the edge of town, far enough from most of the cartel, but close enough to get to them if you needed. You’d offered a money – a lot of it – to the family that lived here to leave. It was the perfect cover. No one would think you were lying low in a loving home, pictures of the family hanging on the walls, food in the drawers.
It was perfect.
Until now.
You’d just gotten back from trailing after a couple of Shadow soldiers. None you’d known or worked with; it’d only been a few months and Graves already had more soldiers than you could count. You were only one person, granted you were trained, but there was only so much intel and ground you could cover. It’d been a long day, you tell yourself, with the hair on the back of your neck on stand and shoulders stiff. That’s why I got caught off guard, you think.
You know better. You know what this is, who’s behind you in the dark corner of the kitchen. You can feel it in your bones. The very core of your essence. But that doesn’t ease your fear. No. It makes it worse.
Throat closing in fight with fear, your head barely moves an inch, chin dipping to your shoulder to cast a glance over it. Fingers trembling at the hilt of your knife strapped around your thigh.
“Wouldn’t do that if I were you, love.”
The bass of his voice shakes your bones with anguish. How long had it been since you’d seen him? Years. Way before the incident that had left you scarred. The incident that had brought you here now, on the hunt for Graves.
“Ghost.” Your voice in a whisper. It wasn’t a question. Even before you heard his voice, you knew it was him. The very air changed around him, no matter where he was. His presence was a void. Dark and dangerous.
The man behind you doesn’t confirm, but instead steps out from the shadowed corner, the moon from the window adjacent to you casting a subtle light on him. His eyes gleam. You feel like prey, standing like this, shaking like you aren’t a trained soldier. You know this isn’t a friendly visit. Slowly, he makes his way in front of you, and you concentrate on not allowing your body to take a step back from him. His shoulders are wide, blocking your view of the window, of everything until there’s only him. Ghost’s gloved fingers brush against yours at the hilt of your knife, unsheathing it from your leg. Your gaze trails up from his chest to his eyes behind the mask and you suppress the urge to shiver. You can’t read him at all.
“Why are you here?” Your voice comes out with more conviction than you feel.
Pocketing your knife, he takes a step away from you and suddenly you can breathe. With a clearer head, you take all of him in. He has blood on his clothes, his chest moving with his breaths, like he’d just gotten done from running. You watch as he turns his back to you, a slight insult that you knew he was saying you weren’t a big enough threat to him to stay on guard. It makes you clench your fists in anger. He’d always looked down on you in field, going so far as calling you ‘Princess’ instead of your respected call name.
Ghost turns back to you, revealing a chair he’d pulled from the table. Gesturing to it with a hand he starts, “Have a seat. Nee’ta have a chat.”
A part of you wants to tell him to go fuck himself. It’s the fear of what he’d do that has you wetting your lips and listening to his command. If he was here, then he’d run into Graves. Who knew if he was on the Shadow Company’s side or not. He hadn’t killed or harmed you yet. Settling down, you yelp as he grips your wrists, bending to tie them behind your back. Now, you panic.
“Ghost, wait,” you frantically begin, trying to undo the ties as he quickly stands up from his position. Your teeth grit in frustration, he was too fast at everything to deal with in this field. You hadn’t even seen anything in his hands to tie you up with. “Please, you have to listen to me.”
Standing in front of you, the burly man crosses his arms, looking down with his piercing gaze. His head tilts for you to go on.
Swallowing, your tone firm but had an undeniable shake to it. No person could ever scare you like this, trained as you are. No one. But Ghost was a whole different entity in himself.
“I’m here for Graves.”
Ghost shoulders lifts in a sigh, like he doesn’t have time for this. “If you aren’t going to talk, love, I can find a way to make you.”
You try again, “There was a botched Ops job a few months back. I’m supposed to be dead right now, Ghost. The Company thinks I am dead right now.” You can’t tell what side he was on. Was he here to kill you under the command of Shepherd?
A knife produces from his gloved hand as he kneels in front of you. Tantalizingly slow, he brings it up, the light flashing against the metal, and he trails the tip of his knife against your collarbone. Your breath catches in your throat. If he thought you’d be able to talk now, trembling in fear, with tears pricking in your eyes, good luck.
“I already know that, Princess. Took me a bit to figure it out, but I did. Now tell me why you’re here. In Las Almas. You spying for Graves? Keeping an eye on us? Didn’t think I’d catch you sniffing around the Company’s vehicles?” As he speaks gently in that rough voice of his, like he’s talking about the fucking weather, his free hand whipping out to grip your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
A whimper comes out of you and his grip tightens slightly, knife trailing down the thin tank top you’re wearing. “Ghost, I swear, I didn’t know you were here. I had no idea 141 was involved. I’ve been tailing Graves. I’m not a part of the Company anymore.” Anger flashes through you, thinking about Erickson and Vance. How Dipaolo was just getting out of the burning vehicle, the hope that had blared through you as he was getting out only for it be shot down. How you had to suppress your shout as you laid out in the grass, hidden, unable to do anything as the massacre began.
The anger and hurt is what brings your spirit back. Ripping your chin out of his grip, your lip curled in a snarl, tears threatening to fall. “I watched my men burn and die. I watched it happen and then I watched Graves and Shepherd do nothing about it. Fuck you, Simon.” Venom laced in your tone as a tear falls from your eyes. Because how dare he. How dare he think you were working for the bastard that ruined your life. Your career. Everything.
Ghost makes an amused noise at your tone before he lashes out at you, picking you up from the chair by your shoulders like you don’t way a single ounce to him. Kicking out at him, you shriek, hands still bound behind your back. You were a soldier dammit, it was time to act like one. The initial shock and fear from seeing him subsided, and now you were going to get out of here. Or die trying. No one is going Graves from you. You don’t care what side Ghost is on.
Throwing your body weight against him, you struggle, trying to get his grip off you. Slamming your heel down, you stomp on his foot, a small ounce of joy filling you as he grunts with pain. He’s got you caged against him and the table behind you. A hand comes up behind your head, grabbing a fistful of hair and tugging harshly to bare your neck to him. Panting, you look up at him as his knife presses against your chest, and you still. There was no use in fighting him with your arms tied. He’s strong, way stronger than any man you’ve ever fought.
A smile curls against your lips as a dark thought ran through your mind. “I always wondered what it’d be like to be the one against your blade.”
Something in his eyes flash through them and suddenly you feel how close he’s pressed up against you. Your core tightens despite being held knife point by him. A whole different kind of shudder runs through you now, you gaze staring up into his. You watch as his eyes slowly trail down the front of your body, your nipples tightening against the shirt you wear. His cock twitches against your thighs he’s pressed up against. A shaky breath leaves your mouth and his eyes dart back up to your lips, his fingers in your hair flexing to get a tighter grip, making you cry out in pain.
“I’m going to get the truth out of you, Princess. Going to do it my way.” He growls out, and you start to protest, going to tell him you were telling him truth until he moves you faster than you can even comprehend. He’s so big, you’d never understand how he could be so silent and quick. He turns you around the table, shoving the top half of your body onto the table, hinging at the hips. You can’t hold yourself up with your arms bound behind your back, the side of your face pressing into the wood. A blush hit your cheeks as you realize what kind of position you were in for him.
“Ghost,” you start, almost panicky as heat envelopes your body. What was happening?
“Quiet.” He grinds out, his gloved fingers hooking into the waist band of your pants, tugging them down with force. You squeak, going to move up from your position, embarrassment and arousal running its course through you. He pushes you, forcing back down against the table and you try to hide yourself with your bound hands. “Don’t move, Princess. That’s a direct order.”
Your arousal slicks further and you nod, trying not to squirm under his gaze. “Yes, Lt.”
A groan coming from him behind you makes your pussy clench on air. You want to whimper and squirm further, feeling more vulnerable than you ever have in your life.
Hands run up the length of the backs of your naked thighs, palming your ass and spreading your cheeks. You stifle a gasp, trying not to move from the abrasive texture of his gloves against your skin. Moments pass and your whimpering, trying to get him to do something, anything, but he stays where he is, just looking at your pussy as it leaks down your thighs.
“Please.” You whine, trying to move from under his hands.
“Please what, pretty girl? Use your words.”
“Please touch me, Ghost. Anything. Please. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.” Tears are falling from being in this frustrating position, as he just looks and does nothing. Your arms are burning from being bound. And you’re so turned on to the point it hurts.
A hum comes from him, and you hear him shuffle up from behind you, no longer kneeling to watch as he pleased. He grabs your hands, unbinding you and you sigh out in relief, only for him to move your arms up over your head, binding them again. A pained moan comes from you from the change of blood flow, but you’re not allowed to dwell on it too long before he hauls you up from the table. He turns you towards him, setting you down on your shaky feet. You look up at him, tears staining your cheeks, and you swear you can see him smiling under his mask.
Humiliation settles in. Shielding yourself with your bound hands in front of you, you start to shy away from him. “You’re teasing me, Ghost.” Your tone is hurt and accusatory and you wonder what the hell this all about it. He’s teased you on the field before, calling you Princess and making jabs about how you do your job, but never something as cruel as this.
“Arms above your head, love. Don’t give me that look.” Ghost’s tone is light, like this could all be joke to him. Despite the swirling feelings in your stomach, you do as your told because who knows what he’ll do if you don’t?
Ghost takes his knife out again and you try to step back, arms quickly coming back down to your front. He tsks at you, pining you back down against the table, your legs dangling off the edge of it. His free hand jerks yours above your head and you start to shake again. The fear and arousal a dangerous mix inside of you. “Am I going to have to tie you up like this or are you going to listen?”
You nod frantically, “I’ll listen, I’ll listen.” To prove the point, he lets go and leans up from the table, eyeing you like you’ll move any second. You stay still. “Good girl.”
You press your thighs together, trying to ease the throbbing you can feel through your entire body.
Silently, he trails the knife down the front of your body, the tip catching against the fabric of your shirt. Goosebumps erupt on your body, as you tremble even further. His knife gets to the edge of your shirt, just above your belly button before he stops. His hands grip your thighs, spreading your legs open to stand in between them. He presses against your bare pussy and you let out a small groan.
“Ghost—” You gasp out as his knife suddenly swipe up against your shirt, cutting it down the middle, his hands quickly shoving the material aside as he yanks your bra down, freeing your tits. He discards the knife on the table beside you.
“If you’re good, I’ll make you cum, Princess.” Ghost hisses as he meanly pinches one of your nipples, making you cry out.
Tears falling again, you nod frantically, almost out of your mind, ready to beg him.
He starts.
Ghost’s gloved hands trail down your body, squeezing and touching his fill. You’re so sensitive it feels like torture being touched like this. Your mouth falls open in a silent cry as he spreads your pussy, cruelly swiping his gloved thumb up and down your wet slit. The abrasive texture is too much on your clit, making you squirm, unsure if you want to press against the pressure or run away from it.
“You’re trying to kill Graves,” he says, like he’s unaffected by what he’s doing to you. Like you’re just a toy he’s playing with.
You nod frantically, unable to form any words as he teases you. There’s not enough pressure but the rough texture of his gloves is driving you insane.
“Words, love.”
Panting out you nod again, “Yes. I want to kill him for what he did. What he’s done here.” Your head clears just slightly, looking up at him. His gaze is soaking you up like he can’t get enough of looking at you.
“Hm.” Is all he says as he beings to take his gloves off. Your skin pricks with anticipation, barely moving so he doesn’t change his mind. “Let me see how wet you are for me.” He brings his bare fingers down to your wetness, a groan coming from him as he feels your pussy, his thumb starting small circles around your aching clit.
A whine comes out of you, your hips bucking up, trying to get him to go faster. He chuckles, sinking a finger into you. “That’s it, love. Fuck.” He groans as he looks down at where you’re fucking his hand, adding another finger in you, his thumb starting up again. “Show me how bad you want it.”
Obliging, you rock your hips against him, the edge of your orgasm coming quickly. Your pussy grips his fingers, and you mewl out at how good he feels. Ghost starts thrusting his fingers into you, fucking you as the pressure against your clit gets tighter and you cry out, stars coming into your vision. Clamping down on him, you scream as you come, as it tears through your body violently, your vision blackening with how intense it is.
“That’s it, atta girl. Come for me.” He doesn’t stop his assault even as your pussy spasm around him, throwing you into another debilitating orgasm. Panting as you come down, he takes his fingers out, putting them under his mask to taste you and you moan at the sight. You want to tell him to take it off but you know better than to poke the bear. Your limbs feel like liquid, and even though your arms above your head are killing you, you can’t seem to complain.
Watching him, he takes his fingers out of his mask, producing a groan. His hand palms his cock in his pants and your pussy pulses with need. You need him in you. You start to try to sit up and he quickly pushes you back down, one of his hands on your inner thigh.
“Wrap your legs around me.” His voice is graveled and husky, and you smile up at him as you do. He shudders against you as he takes his cock out and you want to cry. There’s no way he’s going to fit.
“Wait, I don’t think—”
“You’ll take it. Be good, remember?” Ghost growls out, gripping the base of his cock to press the head against your aching hole. “I need to fuck this cunt. It’s going to drive me insane.”
His crass words make you blush and moan as he slowly starts to press inside of you. Your squirm, his other hand coming to your hip to keep you still. Crying out, he pushes inside, his girth tearing you apart as he spears inside of you. You both pant as he starts to bottom out, feeling him too deep, pressed tightly against your cervix. Then he starts pushing more against it.
“I-it’s too much,” you cry, fresh tears in your eyes. You feel full, like he’s going to rip you apart.
“Ah, fuck. So fucking tight, such a good cunt.” He doesn’t wait for you to adjust before he starts fucking you. He leans his weight on you, your bound arms coming up to wrap around his neck.
“Ghost, oh my god.”
He growls out, thrusting up into you, “Say my fucking name, Princess. Tell me who’s making this pussy feel good.”
You cry out again as he pounds into you, his cock hitting all of the right places and then some. “Simon, Simon.”
“That’s it girl. Take this cock. Fuck, you’re so fucking good. Love this cunt.” A hand comes up to curl in your hair, forcing you to look up at him, “Look at me, keep your eyes on me.”
Your gaze locks with his under his mask, and you moan out. He was going to ruin sex for you. Nothing was going to come close to this. Your walls tighten around him, making him curse out, fuck, you were going to come again.
“Simon, please. Please please, I’m going to come again.”
His pace starts to brutalize you, your eyes rolling into the back of your head, cock drunk. Your orgasm takes you by surprise, stealing you so violently you scream out, chanting Ghost’s name.
“Oh fuck, that’s it. Milk my cock, baby. Good fucking girl. Fuck, I’m going to come.” Ghost growls out, pounding into you as he groans. Your pussy clamps around him, and you pull him closer with your legs.
“Come in me, Simon. Please.” You beg, tears streaming down the side of your face. Ghost inhales sharply, like he wasn’t expecting you to say that, before his cock throbs inside of you.
“Fuck fuck fuck,” He growls out, his thrusts slowing as he fucks his come into you. You moan lowly, your cunt spasming against him again, coming with him. His hips still, letting the both of you feel how tight of fit he was, squeezing around him.
Another groan falls from him as he pulls slowly out, dropping to his knees to watch his come leak out of you. You can’t think straight, still trying to gather your surroundings and think of exactly what just happened. It all went down so fast. Taking a shaky breath, you tentatively ask him, “Do you believe me now?”
A dry chuckle comes from him as he spreads your pussy lips, smearing his come on you purposely, making sure you were properly filled. A whine comes from you as he does this. “Did after the first time I asked you, Princess. I wasn’t going to let this pass up.”
You gasp with disbelief, tugging at your tied wrists now, “Simon!”
He hums, holding a finger up to silence you as he stands, his free hand clicking on his radio. “Soap – this is Ghost. How copy?”
A blush deepens on your cheeks as you close your legs, sitting up from your position on the table. Of course, he was on an op. You wait until Soap responds, Ghost telling him to meet at the church. He comms off and looks back down at you, taking in your state before cutting the ties at your wrists.
“C’mon, Princess, get dressed. Let’s go light up Graves.”
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venillopewrites · 1 year
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After nearly a millennium of innovation, research, and money sank into a far-off dream of galaxies beyond the Milky Way, the world watches with bated breath as the oval portal sparkles to life. Safe in their homes they lean forward on their couches, captivated by the next big step in mankind’s conquest towards the great beyond. The portal lights up in a brilliant display of greens and blues, and the world cheers. Their celebration mixes with the screams from beyond their screens, unheard, a mix of raucous joy and unimaginable terror lasting mere seconds before the broadcast ends.
Note: Demo will be written in CScript, but the full game will be written in Twine.
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The Erebus Project is an 18+ sci-fi/cyberpunk game meant for mature audiences, and will include scenes that might upset some readers.
This includes, but is not limited to; death, violence, blood & gore, body horror, loss of control, recreational drug use, unhealthy relationships (optional), harsh language, and sexually explicit themes (optional).
The Earth is the cradle of humanity, but mankind cannot stay in the cradle forever.
 - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.
When humanity first dabbled in the science of portal technology, no one thought much of it. A project of immense proportions, doomed to fail, that's what everyone said.
You were skeptical as well, and that exact skepticism ended up uprooting your entire life. Not that you had much in the shady pits of The Pens, but it was better than the glass cage you've been imprisoned in.
An alien. It came through the portal with a vicious screech and a horrifying visage of a maw large enough to swallow you whole. It did so to the others, tore them limb from limb and left them in pieces, but here you are; safe, quarantined, with that same black ichor briefly appearing like veins on your skin. Poked, prodded, and treated like nothing but a walking test subject, that's what the alien turned you into.
Until it utters the first notes of speech, inside your head like an echo. It learns through you, and for those endless months it was one of the only two voices you heard. It grew angry, restless, loud in your head. It spoke of a threat, and a salvation in words you couldn't comprehend. As it grew stronger, you had to resist it more. Hold down your own fingers, then your hand, then your entire arm. The scientists were exstatic.
Then it broke out. Not from you, as you, and your life would never be the same. From a poor, unassuming resident of The Pens to the most hunted human on the surface of Earth - All the while the alien echoes in your mind, threatening, warning in a low, constant rattle.
It's coming.
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Create and guide your Host; a broke and desperate resident of The Pens that learned that when something is too good to be true, it probably is.
Customize the Host! Names, gender, appearance, sexuality, and romantic preference; even clothing style, skin details, and core personality. It's up to you to create your perfect host!
Romance it not lost in the void of space: there are currently four characters to pursue, with possibly more on the horizon. All characters are gender selectable, and available for romance even if the Host is asexual.
Name your alien! It doesn't need a name, but you can't call it 'parasite' forever. Decide whether or not to give it pronouns as well, unless you're content with calling the thing 'it' throughout your journey.
Choose whether to accept the new tenant residing in your cranium, or fight it every step of the way. On one hand, you're technically a bona fide superhero; on the other hand, you have an interstellar, sentient goo inside your body.
Learn why the alien appeared through the portal, and subsequently gain knowledge of a approaching threat that will end your solar system as you know it.
Balance a semi-social life as a fugitive, all while being hunted by the CSI, and keeping the parasite from going on a rampage. Your willpower will be your greatest asset, use it. If not for anything else but to keep the alien from entirely consuming you.
And most importantly: Save the galaxy! No big deal, right?
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An extraterrestrial entity with no known origin, the creature that stepped through the portal and found its way into your brain. No tests have proven its existence, and only you can hear it, but scientists are certain it resides somewhere within your body. It rarely spoke in the beginning, but the months you’ve spend in captivity with it has altered it to understand your language, at least. Occasionally it shifts across your body, appearing in rivulets of black, green, and blue across your skin but neither human nor camera has been able to catch it in motion.
Parasitic Entity / Ageless / Color code: ⚫
The more time you spend together, the more you come to realize that it’s not just a mindless organism inhabiting your body, but a sentient creature with knowledge beyond your own, and a desire to leave.
The one who took you into protective custody after your body was retrieved from the wreckage in the portal room. No one knows why they believe you’re infused with the monstrosity that appeared from beyond the abyss, but they’ve kept you alive so far. Their underlings trust them completely, but there are whispers that there’s a separate reason they're keeping you alive and cooped up instead of vivisecting you for the alien that resides within. If you only had more time within the project, maybe you could've learned why their eyes are so cold and distant.
Nathan/Naomi Hanover [M or F] / Lead Scientist / 36 / Color code: 🔵
For months, they were your only contact to the outside world. Observing them through your glass cage only painted them as aloof and cold, disinterested in idle chatter and friendly banter; when they spoke with you alone, they were different. Warm, with sadness in their eyes. Is there reason why they changed so, or is it just a way to manipulate you into trusting them?
A bloodhound, an assassin, a bounty hunter; Vale is your worst nightmare once you shoot up to the top of the CSI's most wanted list. They pursue you relentlessly, and have made it their personal mission in life to either bring you in or put you down. They are on the brash side, with a very prominent “act now, ask questions whenever” attitude and it shows when they get close to catching you, and ultimately makes them lose sight of you again. They’re fearsomely effective and you feel as if you can’t go a second without looking over your shoulder in fear that Vale's cold gray eyes settle on you.
Emerson/Emery Vale [M or F] / CSI Special Agent / 29 / Color code: 🔴
Duty is their mission, but it's not all they are; you've heard their name in The Pens before, an old face who somehow made it out. In contrast to what haunts you, people say Vale was kind, and found a way out so they could help make a change once they did. What happened when they finally found their way out, to turn them into the relentless agent that now hounds your every move?
The heart of The Pens, with a finger on the district's erratic pulse, Shiba is hailed as a celebrity among those who call the rusty cauldron of misery home. It's said that they know everything happening within the shady, artificially lit corridors of their kingdom, and you have no proof that it would be wrong. A royal beacon of unity, Shiba is akin to a leader to those unfortunate who find themselves beneath the pristine city above, but to you they are a friend. You've shared an apartment with them for years now, and you're lucky they let you back in after coming back from a job they told you not to accept.
Shiloh "Shiba" Barnes [M, F, NB] / IT Specialist / 27 / Color code: 🟠
Beneath the bright charisma and dazzling presence, Shiloh is only human. Revered as they might be, you've come to learn their personal side; the person who trips on the upturned corner of a carpet, spills marinara on their interascreens, and whispers encouragements to the ancient microwave as it unsteadily hums away. They are the first one to learn about the stowaway in you head, but will they forfeit friendship in exchange for unimaginable riches?
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Staring Into The Abyss
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Freezing cold water swirled and closed around their body, chilling their blood and sending a shock through their system. The taste of salt on their tongue was strong even as they held their breath and their eyes burned as they tried to peer through the darkness surrounding them.
It was empty, so empty. Nothing but inky black darkness stretching in all directions. The only sign of life were the bubbles that floated up around them and whooshed around with their movements, and the muffled sounds of the yells and clashing from far above the surface. They squinted through the burn in their eyes, heart beating like the frantic wings of a caged bird as through the blur they could make out explosions of fiery orange and yellow that licked at the water’s rolling surface far above them.
They needed to get back up there, they need to help the others! Panicked thoughts screeched like the wind in a hurricane in their mind as their lungs and eyes burned, begging for the fresh air of the surface.
They pushed through the tug of the water against their body, determination swelling within their being. Not like this, not today, they were going back up and there and they were gonna-
Their world spun in a flurry of darkness and bubbles whizzing past, their lungs screaming for air as they struggled to hold their breath after the hit to their side. Their movements were slow as the numbing cold surrounding them and hazy confusion gripped their brain. They blinked slowly through the darkness and shook their head, trying to clear away the blurriness from their already lacking vision. They startled and a shiver ran down their spine as something solid pressed against their back. They blinked twice and thrice and narrowed their burning eyes against the endless abyss before them.
The abyss stared back.
Two glowing orbs stared right back into their own eyes and for the first time they noticed that something blacker than the void-like abyss surrounding them was moving, breathing right in front of them and they could feel its scales against their arm as its tail curled around their body like a snake and pushed them closer, closer to those glowing eyes that stared into theirs.
Their heart felt as though it had dropped to the very bottom of the sea itself and they could acutely feel every single beat thump like a drum through their chest. They stared, frozen, right back into the eyes of the abyss even as it felt like fiery claws were being ripped through their air-hungry lungs. Cold fear the likes of which they had never felt before had seized them and they were frozen, staring wide eyed into those glowing eyes like a moth caught in the dazzling light of a dangerous flame.
They had been scared before, scared of the sirens, the very ones that had gotten them tossed off the side of a ship into the sea.
But this…this thing…
It made their blood run to ice and their skin prickle with invisible needles that raised the hairs on the back of their neck and gave them a deep almost instinctive feeling in their stomach that made them feel sick with fear and dread.
Danger, Danger! The alarm bells rang shrilly and for the first time they felt horrible unfiltered terror that disturbed them to their core as they looked into the thing’s eyes, feeling like a canary caught in the claws of a cat, a cat who wasn’t interested in filling its belly and instead in playing a morbid game of catch the mouse.
A cat with scales blacker than the abyssal darkness of the sea and eyes that reminded them of two burning suns being swallowed up by a blackhole.
The eyes of the abyss that stared right into their very soul, and they felt more certain than ever that the reaper’s scythe had finally settled at their throat.
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ckret2 · 10 months
Failed to resist the urge to post a snippet from chapter 16. This is my way of 🤝ing @godsfavoritescientist over the "grieving ex-worshiper who never figured out how to fill the gap left by a false god" Ford characterization.
Ford didn't move. He was still staring at the neon sign of an eyed triangle hanging in the psychic shop's window.
Did the "psychic" who ran this shop actually know what that symbol meant, Ford wondered? Did Bill have a worshiper here? Perhaps just another believer who'd been recruited by one of the micro-cults Bill left in his wake, five degrees removed from a former "student" that Bill had "inspired" and then abandoned half a century ago? Or had Bill met them in their dreams? Had he been summoned up to give them knowledge of the future—did they remember Bill as the central figure in a visionary dream that now made up the core of their spirituality? Maybe he'd visited them more than once, while trying to decide whether they'd be useful to him? Perhaps he'd been grooming the fortune teller into his minion, feeding them lines he wanted to pass on to a local politician or scientist? Did he ever play board games with them?
Did they worship him still?
Did they know their god was dead?
There'd been an ache in Ford's chest for over thirty years—an empty pit that once held awe—a dark void that used to be filled with starlight. Ford knew now that, metaphorically speaking, the divine light Bill put off had never been anything but optical illusions with flashlights and mirrors. But even so—even so, nothing and nobody had inspired such sublime wonder in Ford since.
During his lowest moments out in the multiverse, starving and exhausted and despairing, he'd irrationally wondered if the unimpressable depression left in Bill's wake was evidence that Bill had been truly that great, too great for a human like Ford to understand, and the shadow cast on his life in Bill's absence was the natural consequence of turning away from something godlike.
Ford had gotten over that. He'd recovered, he'd grown. He understood the truth: Bill's parlor tricks had dazzled his eyes so thoroughly that now he couldn't detect the subtler glimmer of the truly wondrous. He wondered if his eyes would ever adjust to the dark again.
Whether he liked it or not, he missed the way mind-blowing awe felt. He missed being dazzled. 
There were days when he wasn't sure what he resented Bill for more: vomiting so much glittery garbage into his soul, or stopping.
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mindfang-srevenge · 2 months
Homestuck Kids and Which TMA Entity They're Associated With: A Second List By Static, with ADDITIONAL NOTATION That None Of This Is An Insult to Anyone
Read the first of these, featuring the OG troll gang: here
John: Desolation, and hear me out. Much like the argument I made for Sollux, everything gets ripped away from John over and over again. He loses his world, then his house, then his LIFE, then his DAD, then his FRIENDS, then his LIFE (again). John is continually losing everything he cares about, and it forms a weirdly core part of his character, especially considering the fact that he keeps repressing that loss and presenting a chipper face over it.
Rose: Eye. Rose is all about finding secrets (how she fell in with Doc Scratch) and breaking the game in the most interesting way possible. She stumbles across the game because she's looking for information about how to bring Jaspers back. She's constantly looking to shed light on secrets and discover answers, which is definitely eye-aligned. She's even willing to make a pact with the Horrorterrors to find out information about the Green Sun and the end of the game, which makes her an avatar in my book.
Dave: This might just be the overarching entity for all Time players, actually, but Dave-- much like Aradia-- is End aligned due to his reoccurring fascination with dead things. The man outright admits it several times-- he's just as fascinated by death as she is, with perhaps even a more morbid tilt than traditional archaeology. He's also a time traveler, which makes him continually privy to information about how the others will die unless he does something (with Davesprite as a noteable example). If he took on a more passive role (Knights are an active class) I think this might present itself a little more heavily, much like Aradia's connection is more prominent. Basically maybe aradia and dave should just hang outsometime they might be friends ahave we considered this yet hang on wait where are you going---
Jade: Vast, but heavily influenced by the Lonely. We can't talk about Jade without discussing the heavy influences that her isolation has had over her life, but her powers align so heavily with the Vast that that isolation takes on an entirely different context. She's separated from everyone but Bec by vast expanses of ocean. She has the ability to make things Vast or not-Vast by virtue of being a Space player. She is, once again, separated from everyone during the Yard by vast expanses of paradox space. She is continually alone, but in that alone-ness she's physically isolated, which overall pushes her from Lonely to a proper Vast categorization.
Jane: Extinction. In the alpha timeline, Jane is the herald of the end, but she's more than that. She's the heiress to CrockerCorp, the establishment that will eventually fucking TERRAFORM the entire earth-- which, if that doesn't classify as an extinction-level event, I don't know what does. Jane's also our introductory character for a dead session, wherein all of the consorts are literally extinct. Really the CrockerCorp stuff is more important, though-- Jane oftentimes remains loyal to the company, even going as far as to restart it on Earth C, despite what CrockerCorp has previously been responsible. She's constantly a herald of change, and death.
Roxy: Dark. It's low-hanging fruit, sure, but she's heavily textually involved with the obscuring of information. I DISTINCTLY REMEMBER, although I cannot find the text sources for it, that when she's drunk, Calliope can't see her, which is VERY Dark-aligned. Roxy's methods are also obscured, since she's a void player, and she's a Derse dreamer, which means her mental state is . . . also pretty dark, if just metaphorically. Due to her position in the retcon, as well, Roxy's past is obscured, lost to another universe entirely.
Dirk: This motherfucker is hard to sort, but in a pinch I think I'd say Stranger over Web. He does have definite ties to the Web-- if it were a thing in TMA, I'd say he serves both simultaneously, but that's a purely fanon construct so we're gonna play it safe. Dirk is constantly hiding his true self behind layers of masks, mirrors, and splinters. Nobody can every talk to the real Dirk Strider-- instead, they end up talking to Hal or DreamGhostDirk or some other similar entity. The puppet stuff draws into this, as well-- the original Lil Cal is Dirk's, before LE takes over the body, and Lil Cal is a horrorshow of Stranger imagery. (He's also just a horrorshow) Dirk is obsessed with building almost-human constructions (see Squarewave and Sawtooth), as well as hiding behind these constructs to conceal himself or his motives. Overall, Stranger, with heavy ties to the Web.
Jake: Lonely. Even when he's around people, Jake has trouble connecting. Whereas Jade is separated physically, Jake is also separated socially. He can't seem to make the relationship with Dirk ever work out (even if a chunk of that is Dirk's fault). He can't talk to Jane about anything, ever, especially that he's not interested in her.
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thelostbaystudio · 11 months
Hey folks,
the pre-launch KS page of OUTER RIM: UPRISING is live! ORU is a bundle for the sci-fi survival horror RPG Mothership. The bundle is packed with 15+ 100% original entries from seasoned indie Mothership designers. All items are 1 Edition (which means the new one!) compatible. Below is some info on the bundle and pics of some entries.
OrU builds a huge setting, at the fringes of the galaxy, where corrupt corps fight rebel factions. Each item of the bundle can be used independently, but the items are also tied together by a common implied setting, sharing NPCs, story lines etc. A Campaign Handbook acts as the connective tissue of the bundle: adding factions, procedures, locations etc.
Half of the bundle items are written in a system neutral way, and can be used with any RPG.
We've just ignited the pre-launch page here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thelostbay/outer-rim-uprising, if you dig the project give it a follow, as indie publishers it means a hell of lot to receive the community support.
About this, if you are a blogger, streamer, podcaster and want to talk about this, see drafts or organize an actual play please reach out we'd be happy to help.
Below are some details on a couple of entries, they are sick!
The Hunger in Achernar, zine by D. Kenny (designer of Nirvana on fire)
Survive the void-haunted halls of a cursed derelict; solve the mystery of a missing ship, an experimental hyperdrive test, and a cultist plot; or save the galaxy from a taint leaking through a crack in the universe. Choose one in “The Hunger in Achernar”, a MOTHERSHIP RPG adventure.
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BLINK, zine by David Blandy (designer of Eco MOFOS!)
In this short guide to faster-than-light travel, we’ll show you how to bring the mind-bending possibilities of instantaneous jumping between two distant points in space to your game.
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Rusted to the Core, zine by Chris Airiau
The androids on Poe-V Station are on strike. Descend through the gas giant’s toxic clouds to uncover how the source of this disruption goes deeper than worker mistreatment. A faction-based adventure.
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Surviving Machine parts, zine by Zach Hazard Vaupen
Out in the fringes of the system, a type of cybernetic implants called Machine Parts are popular with those who are savvy enough to find and afford them. Commonly made with recalled corpo tech and stolen military/alien technology, these implants are highly illegal and especially dangerous. This document covers 12 different Machine Parts and their consequences. Can you survive Machine Parts?
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Sentience Assessment Procedure, player facing accessory, by Nyhur (Alien Armory) and IKO
SAP cutting-edge, neuro-semantic analysis technology allows management, officials, and security personnel to perform human/android triage effectively. SAP toolkit is portable, works in any-G environment, and can also be performed remotely.
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Outer Rim: Uprising Campaign Handbook, zine by all the designers of the bundle
The connective tissue of the bundle
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I'll stop here :) that's roughly one third of the items included in the bundle, I'll share more info in the next few weeks
Give it a follow here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thelostbay/outer-rim-uprising
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mariyekos · 2 months
Saw some great Dante art on Twitter and now my head is spinning with a new HC.
I've HC'd Dante having a scar over his chest from the Yamato+Rebellion stabbings for a while, and I've also tossed around HCs about Dante and Vergil sort of aging out of their humanity. (The tl;dr of that is their human side ages until it "dies" and they're left with their demon forms being the default, so they have to imitate a human form to look human, a la Sparda). In the art I linked above, instead of having a normal scar over his chest, he has this glowing mini-cavity/void instead.
In comes the HC-
So, when Dante is first stabbed in DMC3, the scar over his heart starts as a normal scar. Maybe over the next couple of years it lightens and looked kind of odd, but Dante chalks it up to just being a magical scar and doesn't pay that much attention to it (because he doesn't like thinking about why he has it). Then DMC 1 happens, he's stabbed by Rebellion (and Alastor) again, and the next time he sees himself shirtless in a mirror he realizes wait, the center of his chest is definitely glowing. Faintly, but glowing nonetheless.
From then on the glow would gradually increase, going from looking like skin with a glow to actually seeming like a void of light over his sternum (see the art above, plus DMC4 DT included below). The older he gets the larger the glowing portion grows, and the more intense the glow becomes (from illuminated skin to void of light). At first it freaks him out, but he eventually learns to accept it and stops caring too much.
His shirts in DMC4/5 have a little bit of a lower neckline than would work for this idea, but let's just say he'd keep his shirt zipped/buttoned up about an inch higher, and that the glow started more toward the center of his chest rather than sternum. The DT glows are pretty centered after all. After unlocking his SDT in DMC5 the glowing portion would end up high enough to not be hidden by his DMC5 shirt though. I imagine him ignoring Nero's questions on that when they meet back up for chapter 13, and that Lady and Trish already knew to some extent so they didn't bother asking. Maybe he'd eventually figure out to mask it, but it would be something he'd have to intentionally do, rather than the default.
Putting some pictures of his DT illustrating what I mean below the cut, but that's about it! The tl;dr of this one is "wouldn't it be cool if Dante's chest in his human form ended up glowing as he aged, to match his demon form?"
I'm skipping over his DMC1 triggers because they don't really match his DT in other games and don't fit into my view on this. DMC1 was the game where they were figuring things out.
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I'll be honest, I haven't played DMC2. But looking it up Dante has 2 forms, including this one which has the glowing fissure in the chest. It's a thin cross that goes all the way up/down his chest as opposed to the thinner, deeper triggers in 4 and 5, but it's the start of the fissure designs so I'll run with it!.
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Dante's DT is very fluid in DMC3, but doesn't have the glowing chest. His sternum is pretty prominent though. My explanation for these DTs is that Dante is younger as of DMC3, so the glow hasn't started yet because his demon side is still maturing.
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And here's the real start of fissure/light-void chest Dante. This one also forms a cross, but the bulk of it is I'm the center of the chest, and the sort of "light-void" I imagine appearing on Dante's chest is one that would eventually grow to look like the center of this one.
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Dante's normal DT in DMC5 has just about the same design as the DMC4 one so I'm skipping that, but his Sin Devil Trigger keeps that glowing chest look. In game the SDT is referred to as Dante's "true form," which gives this one extra points. Where his normal DT is like a glow coming out from the chest, this one is a glow within his core that's being guarded by the pieces around/over it.
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ray-nintendo · 1 year
I Know that luigi’s never going to have lightning powers again, it’s superstar saga and mario strikers Only. and I Know why nintendo didn’t want to draw a direct line between the mario & luigi series and the paper mario series.
but I Cannot get Mr L with lightning powers out of my head.
there’s how it works Thematically of course
- that tie between electricity and mechanics - Mr L naming himself “Green Thunder” - the Poses he makes. reaching up to the sky with one hand while he’s making his L with his arms, Pointing for emphasis. you know how fire benders shoot lighting out of their pointer fingers in avatar? It’s Like That. - Listen. Listen. the symbolism of Mr L retaining the power that ties him to his brother. one of a pair. in exactly the same way he filled that void he couldn’t quite name with brobot.
but there’s Also the functionality. not just making Mr L the Character cooler, but how it could’ve been used in game.
because Metal Conducts Electricity.
a pretty consistent complaint about super paper mario is that the boss fights are too easy, and Mr L is no exception. I think a potential remedy to that is having a phase (or core move set depending on how it’s implemented) that’s Super Charged with Mr L’s lightning !
you could just up the damage it does, but you could Also have the attacks be more accurate or have the net they cast be Wider because of the way electricity moves !
and what I Specifically can’t get out of my head is the Animation flourishes you could do with it. there’s obviously the fun you could have with his Poses. but making it Clear where the electricity is coming from in his brobot battles would be Cool (showing the transfer from his hands to the machine). have him get shocked when parts of the brobot break ! give him a little zapping animation when you’ve picked him up (with or without giving him the possibility of breaking out of it with enough wiggling) ! it’s Fun !
some other positives include:
- pushing that symbolism of brobot as a replacement for mario even further by having it fill the role in the bros attack that the lightning originates from ! mario and luigi are at their strongest when they’re working Together and Mr L’s subconscious knows that (in the same way that the paper mario series pushes that feeling of inferiority. luigi Needs someone else to be at his strongest, because he Can’t do it on his own. and yet he’s also Needed).
- it makes the fact that paper luigi never fights on screen before or after this that much funnier.
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trojanteapot · 1 year
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In this post I will be merging my two "hyperfixations" / "special interests" by assigning Homestuck Mythological Roles (a.k.a. Classpects) to some of the Infinity Train characters.
What the fuck is a Classpect?
Classpects are like Zodiac signs or Hogwarts Houses except excruciatingly convoluted, because it’s from Homestuck. I will attempt to simplify them as much as possible. 
Basically every character receives a title in this format:
[Class Role] of [Aspect]
which, in Homestuck canon, gives the character sweet reality warping powers!
Some examples include the Witch of Space being able to shrink entire planets, or the Heir of Breath whipping up tornadoes out of nowhere! One of the coolest examples in canon was the Rogue of Void can steal non-existence from an object and make it real!
But the titles are also assigned based on a character's personality, goals, how they interact with others, and their overall character arc. And because they are Zodiac-adjacent, it also means that classpects can be applied to any sort of character in any media in existence.
Why are you doing classpects for Infinity Train you cringey Hussie simp?
First off, I don’t care for Andrew Hussie beyond the fact that they authored Homestuck, and one can certainly argue it wasn’t entirely on their own. This is an irrelevant tangent.
Secondly, both the video game Sburb in Homestuck, and the Train in Infinity Train are essentially character arc generators. 
This means it’s extremely straightforward to assign classpects onto these Train peeps because their character arcs have been spelled out for us, in the same way that Sburb spells out the character arcs for the Homestuck characters when they play the game.
A Class determines how a character is, or acts, or behaves, they are analogous to D&D classes. This system is based on the one developed by @optimisticduelist2 and @homestuckexamination
Role Active Passive Description*
Create Maid Sylph Create or Mend for self / others
Destroy Prince Bard Destroy or Subdue for self / others
Change Witch Heir Change or Manipulate for self / others
Know Mage Seer Understand or Learn for self / others
Give Page Knight Give or Serve to self / others
Take Thief Rogue Take or Steal for self / others
*Note: Just because a character is in a passive or active class does NOT mean they must ALWAYS use their aspect in a selfish or selfless manner!
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Aspects are analogous to classical elements (Water, Earth, Fire, Air, etc). They come in pairs that counterbalance each other like Yin and Yang. I also try to summarize their core concept in as little words as possible. (Note if you are using the dark theme some of the font colours might not show up properly. Just highlight it if that's the case.)
Space - Creativity Time - Inevitability
Light - Knowledge Void - Mystery
Life - Abundance Doom - Futility
Hope - Faith Rage - Chaos
Mind - Motives/Decisions Heart - Identity/Emotions
Breath - Freedom Blood - Bonds
***Key point: Thinking about the character’s Character Arc is the best way to classpect them!!!***
If their character arc revolves (mainly) around themselves, they are an ACTIVE class.
If their character arc revolves (mainly) around other people, they are a PASSIVE class.
Tulip Olsen – Mage of Light
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“One who knows Light for themselves.” 
Tulip gained the most knowledge of the Train other than Amelia out of the main characters, and her understanding of the Train (the world around her) as well as her own issues allowed her to free herself from the Train. Her knowledge inadvertently led to a better Train system through her teaching her knowledge to One-One (mages are great teachers).
You may be wondering, if her knowledge also benefited others, why is Tulip a mage and not a seer? That’s because Tulip took the initiative to seek the knowledge of her own volition (i.e. actively), and is more open to accepting and assimilating new knowledge. 
Seers on the other hand, receive a ton of knowledge passively, but it takes them time to parse the amount of information, and seers tend to struggle to understand the meaning behind the information they receive (Rose, the Seer of Light in Homestuck suffered the brunt of this early on, and Terezi, the Seer of Mind, had this struggle in the middle to the end of the webcomic. Also see the entry for Simon).
Amelia Hughes – Maid of Doom
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“One who creates Doom for themselves.”
I don’t think I need to explain the ‘creating doom for herself’ part of Amelia’s whole schtick, since doom is tied to futility and suffering. However, looking more deeply into it, you can say that she has created so much suffering on the Train that to make amends (hehe mends), she needs to go and fix the mistakes she made, thus also mending her own Doom and mending through Doom. 
By taking Hazel in, not only is she mending the doom that she had brought onto Hazel by creating her in the first place, but she also averted Hazel’s doom by saving her from Grace and Simon. [non-canonical tangent: in my fanfic, she helps Simon realize what his issues were, thus averting his doom as well].
In addition, Doom is tied to technology and systems, and Amelia is an engineer, and if you buy my idea that the Train itself can be seen as an Agent of Doom, or even the embodiment of Doom, then her creating Train Cars to reenact her past life (also an act of futility) also falls very much in line with Maid of Doom. Also she is basically MADE of doom as the False Conductor.
Lake – Thief of Breath
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“One who takes Breath for themselves.”
Lake wanted freedom from their existence as a reflection, and then they wanted to be free from the Train like a passenger can eventually be. Lake wasn’t afraid to get their hands dirty in order to obtain that freedom as well, something thieves are prone to do. We see them try to trick Tulip in the Chrome Car in order to escape from the mirror dimension, and they also full-out killed a cop they were handcuffed to so they could be free.
Jesse Cosay – Knight of Blood
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“One who serves Blood to others.”
Blood is tied to bonds in terms of the bonds we create between people, i.e. family and friends. Jesse’s key issue was that he was giving too much of himself to his toxic friends and his swim team that he hurt his little brother in the process, and he needed to learn to give in a healthier way. 
He also in a sense has to ‘set boundaries’ with others too, and not get too influenced by peer pressure. Finally, the most important use of his aspect was he was able to free Lake by offering (giving) his friendship (blood) to them.
Grace Monroe – Witch of Heart
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“One who changes Heart for themselves”
Grace is basically the queen of putting on masks in order to get what she wants from others. She acts in a friendly and understanding teacher/guardian manner to the younger Apex kids, but in a cool girl big sis kind of way to Jesse in order to convince him to join the Apex. So not only does she exhibit the changing of identity, but also to change how others feel about her, both to her own benefit. She is really the most “herself” only with Simon.
Grace’s entire character arc is centered around her having a ‘change of heart’ too, re-evaluating and changing her whole identity once she found out she was wrong about numbers and denizens. She will then change the hearts of the Apex kids as well, changing the purpose and identity of the Apex.
Simon Laurent – Seer of Mind
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“One who knows Mind for others.”
You're probably rolling on the ground with laughter right now. Believe me I was too when I thought of this. But let me explain.
Because Simon’s arc ended in his tragic death, then we need to see what he did wrong in order to figure out his classpect. Simon’s troubles started when he rejected new information about the Train, when he refused knowledge. In addition, he was so sure of his own correctness that he couldn’t properly understand Grace’s motivations and couldn’t predict her decisions. He forcibly peered into Grace’s private thoughts for himself, and then came to the entirely wrong conclusions. 
He was, in essence, completely unaware of the minds of others, and thus blinded himself to the truth. Thus, he is the Seer of Mind. 
We can therefore imagine that if his character arc had run its course not to tragedy but towards self-actualization, he would have become somebody to understand other’s minds, and to know his own mind for the benefit of others (cough my fanfics coughcoughcough). This will not be easy for him, because as mentioned before, Seers receive information very naturally but struggle with understanding it and synthesizing it into a coherent whole.
It is also possible he was exercising some of his knowledge of mind in a positive way by being the Apex’s second in command, as he was the strategist to Grace’s commander.
Ryan Akagi – Heir of Space
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“One who changes Space for others.”
Ryan is a creative spirit, with his eyes to the stars. He’s always making plans to spread his art to the whole world. He is driven but in a way where it seems like creativity is driving him, and he is just along for the ride. 
Yes, music is normally associated with time, but Ryan isn’t cynical, dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. He is a guy that’s in the present moment. Plus, his gigs include lots of theatrics and visuals… when he is able/allowed to accomplish that of course. So this aligns his musicality more towards Space than Time.
He inspired Min-Gi to follow his artistic pursuits. He also finds creative solutions to Train cars that his companions didn’t see (especially the Art Gallery Car, where as soon as he found the solution he literally changed space). He definitely fits the ‘driving inspirational force’ that Heirs are for others.
Min-Gi Park – Page of Hope
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“One who serves Hope to themselves.”
Min-Gi didn’t have faith in himself and his musical abilities. He dreams of being a musician but he did not ‘believe in himself’ enough to follow that dream. In the end, he had to have faith in his abilities, to allow himself to hope for the future that he wants. Pages also have very slow progression rates, and Min-Gi certainly fits that; not understanding his true calling until his best friend/crush accidentally dragged him into several repeated life or death situations in another dimension. 
[Non-canonical note: Min-Gi having the Hope aspect could be why I headcanoned him and his family as religious for my fanfics (Hope is very much tied to spirituality and religion, and the hope symbol is a pair of angelic wings for crying out loud). And also apparently that was a lucky thing I did because Korean-Canadian immigrants in the sixties were all just missionary families sponsored by the Presbyterian Church!]
Homestuck Character Classes (Most Official Fanon): https://homestuckexamination.tumblr.com/post/175472060924/homestuck-examination-classpect-analysis https://mspaintadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Class
Homestuck Cosmic Aspects (Canonical): http://hs.hiveswap.com/ezodiac/aboutaspects.php
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boltlightning · 5 months
I swear you are just my interests in a trench coat who is a better version of me.
Please explain Destiny to me as I played it but has to quit due to shitty laptop
pfffft if by "better" you mean "way more gullible and susceptible to marketing" then sure!!
i will attempt to be brief about this as someone with several thousand hours of playtime in destiny:
welcome to DESTINY. you have been dead for CENTURIES and you are resurrected by a floating, hyperintelligent, sentient bundle of joy hosting an ai called a GHOST. he is voiced by nolan north. you are a dead humanoid who was raised by a giant alien orb in the sky called the TRAVELER, which grants you and your ghost powers from THE LIGHT.
at this point in the history of the universe, the earth is post-apocalyptic after an event called THE COLLAPSE. humanity has been driven back to a single location on earth called THE LAST CITY, where risen dead join in an extensive world-saving group known as GUARDIANS.
your ghost can resurrect you an essentially indefinite amount of times. you shoot guns that should not exist. the light grants you space powers of three different flavors: lightning, fire, and void. you look badass as you go around fighting enemies of humanity.
after recent events in the story, we have uncovered who caused the collapse: THE DARKNESS. while not all enemies of humanity have allied with the darkness willingly, they all have their reasons to want to destroy the guardians and, subsequently, humanity. the darkness has gotten its little fingies into all the enemy groups. YOU can even wield darkness powers if you want (and buy the expansions).
why is it called destiny? well THE LIGHT that i mentioned earlier is actually something called PARACAUSALITY — essentially, the idea that your actions cannot be defined by the fabric in the universe. guardians have been brought back to life through paracausal forces, and wield them like weapons. you are literally forging your own destiny.
all this may seem like it's an epic fantasy/sci-fi game. it is! it is also, at its core, a first person looter shooter designed to keep you playing as long as possible. it is a moneysuck, it has been in the news for awful layoffs, it does not respect your time.
but...alongside some of the most tedious grinds for quests, weapons, and armor are some of the most thoughtful pieces of in-game writing i've ever encountered. most of it is in-universe and better written than many novels. it poses genuine questions about war, violence, and the sanctity of the self in a way that i have NEVER seen another game do well. they have successfully pulled off multiple genres of stories, from classic western revenge shoot-em-ups to genuine horror. the gameplay is second to none; shooting in destiny feels so good that it makes every other game with guns feel bad. the music has made me CRY
it is one of the best-looking and best-feeling games to play in the fucking world and you should not, under any circumstances, play it. thank you.
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quartz-eye · 1 month
Desertduo oneshot for Kuiper-BeltAU. Just some fluff. And a small tiny introduction to nothing and something.
Imagine a realm where vast shards of crystalline ice drift in a swirling cosmic ballet. These shards, gleaming with a spectral luminescence, are inhabited by beings of myth and wonder. Ethereal creatures, born of starlight and the primordial essence of creation, call the Kuiper Belt their home. They flit and soar through the void, their forms as transient as the constellations above.
The crystalized nothingness was their only home, nowhere else to go, because their home stretched for millions of miles, it was never ending, as if they owned it all, and nothing at the same time.
A gentle hand reached out to poke at the crystalline shard, the nail barely scratching over the top layer, making it slightly move away with a glass like sound. The disturbance made it shimmer in the light that seemed to come out from every angle of the Universe.
The small crystal was pulled back in, the gravity not letting it go nowhere far, at least for now, for now it was trapped, like all of them.
They weren't trapped tho, they were home, at least that is what Scar thought. He seemed to feel content with staying where he was, unlike the rest.
They seemed urgent to find a way, to discover ways of being a part of society that didn't know of them anyways. Had he not provided enough?
The more he thought about it, the more sour feeling overtook his mind. The silence that hung in the atmosphere only worsened his rage, biting down on his lip, in a swift movement pulling the floating space dust in his orbit, creating a new gas planet in his hands.
That is all that it was, is that where all of them wanted to go to? A rock with life on it? It was that simple, there was nothing to see, it was just dust and air.
A slight sparkle appeared in the small crystal, the new planet was quickly crashed together in his hands, dropping the remains, leaving new asteroids in the system, someone would deal with them.
As he suspected the glistering became stronger, and so did the cold ari started to fade away, a careful, yet calm hand placed itself on his shoulder.
''For everything you worry about, I am impressed by how are you still alive.'' Grian whispered in a slightly foolish tone, stepping next to Scar and sitting down at the glassy edge of the crystalized rock.
A moment of silence lingered in the air, it never got too old to view the passing sparkles of falling meteors, it made them feel like a kid on the Earth again. Watching the raindrops drip down on the car windows and making up the most absurd games in their own head, just to entertain their bored minds.
Grian was snapped back to reality, to present, hearing a low huff of disagreement, ''Nothing I am worried about. Just tell me what is not here, that is anywhere else.''
Both of them made eye contact, Grian always felt like he was staring into nothing when looking at the others eyes, it felt like any sign of life was missing from them. And who was he to know if it wasn't true, and who was he to judge when his own eyes were just as empty on the daily, burned out from the heat.
Grian tilted his head, thin sounds of jingles from every possible jewelry on the man made a heavenly sound, like the wind chimes in a summer's day after a cold war. A weak smile appeared on the Sun's face, feathers slightly shifting, ''Difference. They aren't seeking for anything but difference, Scar. Let them have it, they will be back in no time,'' he grabbed Scars hand, and with the help of his own, made a motion their way with it to get the broken pieces of the newly formed, and broken planet, back, ''it will take only so much time before they realize that a humans body can only handle so much time.''
He melted the planet back together, giving it a solid core with the heat, ''What you create and hold, is what everyone depends on, we need you more than you know, so don't expect us to ever leave.'' Grian gave Scar back the fixed planet.
Suddenly it felt dear to him, it hurt to think of breaking it. A simple dwarf planet with no one to go to, no moon to guide it, no stars to follow, no rings to travel with. It was a loner.
His loner with a core. With a swipe of his hand, in silence he named it CFBDSIR 2149-0403.
Before he could place it anywhere, a small ''Learn to let go. Just for a moment.'' singed in his ear.
Scar looked back at Grian, ''I don't think I can.'' He felt like cracking, had he really gotten attached to something he had no time put in?
''It will come back eventually, let it float away, it will find it's way back to you when it is ready to.'' Grian calmly opened Scars fingers and freed the small ball of it's future ahead of itself.
Both of them looked as it floated away amongst everything else, crystals casting a cold reflection on it, it looked blue, it was a cold rouge.
Somewhere out in the forever lasting nothingness, a soul felt a pull towards the rouge, both lonely things, yearning for a connection. A bright white humanoid figure formed out of a ball of white void.
A glowing dust hand reached out far, far away for something that was so close, yet forever away. The soul cried out to it.
Home is where a core lays, life is formed where it seeks it.
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degloved · 2 months
we're never getting reputation (taylor's version) and here's why:
1. the color-coding
taylor's discography is very obviously and deliberately color-coded, each album strongly associated with a particular color or shade. although there is some overlap (1989's light blue vs midnights' dark blue), the variations are distinct enough to avoid any confusion between them. in that sense, b&w is an extremely inflexible color assignment, on account of not being... well, not a color. b&w is b&w (not to be confused with folklore's grey; monochrome ≠ b&w), there aren't exactly many (or any, as it were) ways to stretch that palette to the extent it'd successfully take on an identity (album) of its own. which i believe blondie is aware of, and on that basis i believe it was a deliberate choice. and why? it's not as though she'd exhausted all of her options. there are colors she has yet to use, as well as different shades, tones, and tints of already used colors that would've been just as viable. why take this extremely particular and inflexible palette and, essentially, risk shifting that association from one album to another? unless she wasn't risking anything.
2. the pre-ttpd announcement period
as is customary for her, in the weeks before the official announcement of ttpd, all of taylor's social medias began taking on a b&w color scheme. the same had happened with purple and speak now (taylor's version), with light blue and 1989 (taylor's version), so on and so forth. a kind of unique mass-hysteria ensued as all signs pointed to reputation (taylor's version.) as it turned out, every last one of us was wrong in that assumption. if reputation (tv) were to drop, she'd have to go the b&w route again—which, for one, would in this case be predictable (we got bamboozled once, no way is it happening again) and that's very much not her style; and for two... there'd be no novelty. doing the same bit twice, really? not her!
3. the themes of reputation
reputation centered two core concepts: joe & falling out of public favor. a "good" thing and a "bad" thing. this would remain true for several years after the fact, yet no longer is—instead having turned into two "bad" things. i would not blame her if she chose not to return to this notably awful period of her life by way of re-recording, especially given the fact that the thing—person—that was once a shining star in all that proverbial darkness simply blends into the void with the way things are now. and while, yes, she had re-recorded songs about her exes, she'd only done so after a long while has passed. not only was this the longest relationship she's ever had and therefore likely uniquely devastating, the breakup itself is also very recent.
4. the contrast and the timing
and continuing the last point, only last year she'd dropped a couple devastating songs about this relationship on midnights, followed by more than a fair share of them on ttpd. doubtless she's still moving on/healing (judging by ttpd); i simply do not see her delving into an album that'd dredge up all those memories of the good times, the better times—not to mention that ttpd and rep are as antithetical to each other as it gets. if she'd recorded lover any earlier and had no ownership of it, for very similar reasons i wouldn't believe she'd re-record that one either.
4. the ttpd logo (NOT!!! my finding!)
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now i never put much stock into this when i first saw it, as whoever had found it had taken it to mean "yay reputation (tv) soon!" and i simply did not agree. i actually thought it was a really freaky coincidence. bc, c'mon. let's be serious. however, i did realize it sort of fits remarkably well into my "ttpd is replacing rep because ttpd is reputation (taylor's version) in fewer words."
5. thanK you aIMee
kim? we're talking about kim now? who was maybe relevant around the year 2017? around the release of rep? oh. okay. i'm sure that means nothing
but that's just a theory... a game theory.
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sonic-gallery · 2 months
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Another World Ogiri July 2023 [What are Orbot, Cubot, and Gemerl doing...? ]
Leave your pest control to us! Insect killer three musketeers!
Two characters appear every month in surprising outfits and situations! Let's enjoy Ogiri together with illustrations that will make your imagination run wild!
This time, Orbot & Cubot and Gemerl are unexpectedly combined! ? Introduced as a giant super robot filled with boy's romance! It looks like he's pulling off some incredible trick...?
What kind of lines or narration would you use?
You can style it based on the atmosphere and world view of the two of you in the game, or you can create a bold arrangement! In the example, it looks like a commercial that seems to blow away not only insects but all sorts of things... It's OK to use such free-spirited jokes!
Please enjoy it and tweet with the tag "#Isekai Ogiri" on Twitter ♪
We will introduce the good ones in a reply from Sonic's official Twitter account.
We are looking forward to your fun Ogiri posts!
Act 7: “Steel Core Combination Gran Botkaiser”
A certain port base on the outskirts of Casino Police...
The silence was torn apart by the images of three gigantic steel planes that flew in with a roar... When they combined at a point in the void with an earth-shaking sound, they were enveloped in a dazzling ball of light.
And the next moment...!
"'Steel Core Combination! Gran Botkaiser!'"
There, an invincible steel giant with a total height of 400 meters stood towering with determination, with the port and city in its back.
"According to the information, we have confirmed an ultra-high energy reaction!...The strength is unprecedented!"
With a nervous look on his face, he reported to the Steel Giant's right body part, ``Red Iron Orbot,'' which is in charge of attacks.
"It's okay. The evacuation of citizens has finished, so let's clean up as usual."
The one who replied to Noweki was the "Yellow Iron Cubot" whose left body part was in charge of defense.
"Understand the situation. G (Gran) Botkaiser, activate battle mode!"
The person who announced the start of the operation above the two of them was ``Gemerl of Black Iron'', who has a head and chest part and has full control authority.
Then, as if the three had completed their preparations, a gigantic body gradually rising from the sea was displayed on Gemerl's console monitor, accompanied by an alert sound.
A strange-looking giant robot equipped with cupronickel-colored steel spikes...is the ``enemy.''
At first glance, it seemed businesslike...but with determination, Gemerl calmly told his friends.
"Weapons fully open. Battle begins."
It was only recently that the ``enemy'' appeared from nowhere and began attacking this port base.
Orbot is a happy-go-lucky guy, Cubot is a laid-back guy, and Gemerl is a cool guy who doesn't talk much. Peace in the area is maintained by their G-Bot Kaiser blocking the ``enemy''.
At that time, an attack by an unprecedentedly powerful "enemy" occurred. G-Bot Kaiser was waiting for the ``enemy'' with maximum equipment without a limiter.
"Hey, Gemerl. I think what we need to fight together is communication." " That's right. Let's hang out for an oil bar after work~" " ..."
As the two chat with each other in front of their ``enemy,'' Gemerl answers silently.
"...Well, as usual, I'll leave the battle to Gemerl."
The "enemy" approaches slowly. The first eye shines eerily on the matte cupronickel colored body. And the steel spiked blade on its back reminded me of a certain animal. When the ``enemy'' got in range, he lowered his hips and heard a dark driving sound.
"It's as big as us... It's spiny, so why call it a mecha hedgehog?"
<< Zugon! >>
A shock attack that cuts Cubot's carefree talk to shreds! The ``enemy'''s rushing attack grazed right in front of me, knocking off part of my shoulder armor.
"It's so bad! What's going on now!?" "Just scratched me!? Is that the blade...!"
A different level of strength than before. Despite the two men's stiffness, the circling ``enemy'' approaches G-Bot Kaiser in terrifying pursuit.
"...Shockproof defense, 'Cue Shield' deployed!" "Okay! Leave me alone!"
<< Zudoooon! >>
At the moment of contact with the raised shield, the ``enemy'' is blown away by an unexpected large explosion, steps on the tatara, and falls to his knees...!
Cubot's ``explosion reaction shield'' was effective, reacting to the impact by exploding the surface of the shield to counterbalance and counterattack the force. Deals counter damage and has a great first move! That's what I want to say...
"What's this explosion!? Gemerl is terrible! His face will turn into popcorn!"
Cubot, whose face is embedded in the shield and gets caught up in the explosion, becomes battered and violently protests. Bringing a prototype with the strongest weapon backfired, but there's nothing we can do about it now...
Despite the protests, Gemerl attempts to pursue the ``enemy,'' who is still unable to get up.
"Piercing EMP weapon 'Oh Drill' fully released!" "Understood! I will avenge Cubot!"
<< Guyy! >>
Along with the ultra-hard drill with built-in Orbot, a spiral lightning bolt that burns out electronic circuits is fired at the enemy.
<< Gari Gari Gari...! >>
Although the drill itself was blocked by the "enemy", sparks ran through the joints of the arms and smoke erupted from various places...! Electromagnetic pulse attacks are certainly effective.
I can keep pushing through!
.....But then the rotation of the drill gradually weakened and finally stopped completely. Then the Orbot face at the base of the drill protested breathlessly.
"The electromagnetic pulse works here too...and I'm dizzy...I'm not from Gemerl!"
At this point, the self-inflicted damage and separation of allies...G-Bot Kaiser lost a valuable attack opportunity.
The "enemy" turns into a counterattack, curls up and spins at high speed...! The bristling blades of its ball-shaped body emit a dull light, and the next moment it attacks with an attack technique that combines offense and defense.
The only remaining armament is the special move "Ultimate Trinity" using Gemerl's chest cannon "G-End", but it doesn't respond when you press the fire button...!
Zimel shook his head as expected.
This is because this weapon has a safety device that says, ``You can't shoot unless the hearts of three people are united.'' And they had never been able to shoot it before.
It is no longer possible to avoid the attacks of the "enemy"...! Gemerl tried to attack Orbot and Cubot, but they were already at their limit due to severe damage.
"...Emergency measure. Take the bullet with your chest armor!"
Gemerl puts his chest, which is the most heavily armored, forward and tries to deflect the blow by adjusting the angle of reflection, but...
<< Gwashaa! >>
The impact was unstoppable, and it caused massive damage that penetrated the armor...! The giant body is blown away and sinks into the ground, and sparks run all over the giant body as it falls face down.
Gemerl's console monitor displayed a red pop-up informing him of the damage area and the image of the ``enemy'' entering the next attack motion.
"...I could have just disposed of us and protected myself." "To protect us..."
The Orbots see oil pouring out of their eyes as they see Zimel being more damaged than they are.
"...We have to work together! Let's all three defeat him together!"
Two people with shining eyes. Perhaps his uprising spirit was conveyed to Gimmel, who was on the verge of going down, but the light returned to his eyes and he tried to wake up G-Bot Kaiser, who had failed.
And that moment...
Gemerl looked around and saw a sign for an ice cream shop that was a tenant in the building.
......cream. For some reason, just that word...
Even though he didn't know what it was, just saying the name made him feel a strange surge of strength. There's something behind me that I need to protect...something important.
Protect the cream. Even if this body ends. Driven by this inexplicable but certain feeling, G-Bot Kaiser stands up bravely.
Meanwhile, the Orbots also had their eyes glued to something written on the wall of the base.
A distinctive mark that shows the face of a smiling bearded man with an egghead.
...I will protect this base. That is an absolute command from the ``boss''... That mark instantly brings back the terrifying mission in their memory.
If we don't protect ourselves, we have no future...!
``For Cream!'' ` `I can't really remember, but it's all for the boss!'' ` `To avoid getting angry at the boss!''
There's something I want to protect.
G-Bot Kaiser is enveloped in a dazzling light as his separated feelings become one. The light gathers at the "G-end" of her chest.
"What's this reaction...? The Aegis circuit didn't say 'un' or 'sn'! "
The letter "G" shines on the console monitor. Gemerl nods silently... The three hearts have become one.
"'Hisatsu...Ultimate Trinity!!'"
<< Cool! >>
The ultimate discharge weapon made possible by the latest technology. This amazing plasma erupts in a roar of light that instantly reduces all matter to ashes.
Then, it pierced the center of the ``enemy'', increasing its power and range even further, splitting the ocean in front of it, gouging out the mountains... and eventually grazing the moon in the sky, changing part of its outline. did.
A few seconds after the roar stopped... The ``enemy'', which had become completely ventilated, exploded on the sea with a huge roar.
<< Doggoooon...! >>
The seawater that was blown up to the stratosphere froze at high altitude and reflected light, scattering in the form of a gigantic rainbow tombstone that illuminated several kilometers square.
......Total victory.
The ``enemy'' disappeared without a trace, leaving only G-Bot Kaiser standing there, smoke emitting from every part of his body, turning into an object of victory.
"Severe damage caused by recoil from using G-End"
The three of them can no longer even move, let alone uncombine. Gemerl calmly tells the Orbots.
"Well, since we defeated him, it's not good♪" "It's not good! You've destroyed a lot of things...What are you going to do now, Gemerl?"
After a long silence, Gemerl spoke in a businesslike manner, but with goodwill.
"Let's go to the oil bar."
...After an atmosphere of excitement...the two, and then the three of them, laugh heartily, forgetting that they can't even move.
Their hearts were united at this very moment, filled with a sense of accomplishment and pride in being able to protect what was important to them.
"After the fight..."
"Amazing! Hey, hey, did you see what you just saw?"
A little while after the "enemy" exploded and scattered...
A little away, on a small hill, Tails was very excited to see the majestic figure of G-Bot Kaiser standing on the battlefield, and Sonic was looking at him with a slightly sheepish smile.
"Tails... your love of mecha is still the same."
Tails, shy after receiving the point, begins to analyze his specialty with a serious expression. During the battle with Eggman's army before the ``incident'', this was indeed Eggman's base, and Gemerl and Orbot were supposed to be hostile to each other there. The fact that it changed into this form...
"I think...Eggman himself may not be able to control this incident."
After a pause, Tails continued.
"I think Eggman's plan was to create a different world that would be more convenient for Eggman. But this is completely different from that now, isn't it?" "Certainly, Eggman's minions, Orbots I don't understand why you're getting along so well with Gemerl.''
Sonic nods at Tails' point.
"Yes, but it's not just that. Shadow's live performance, Emmy and Blaze's fortune-telling and magic, my appearance... There are too many changes happening here and there that Eggman would never have thought of. Moreover, Let's keep the basic relationship intact, okay?" " ...Hey Tails. What do you mean?"
Tails, who was asked this after speaking in one breath, was a little at a loss for words and answered as follows.
"I can't say it well, but...the 'interpretation' of the world...is being overwritten here and there by someone other than Eggman..." " 'Interpretation'!? ...How? To whom?" "I don't know... But otherwise, it wouldn't be possible to explain why there are so many different incidents all over the world, each with its own chaotic concept. ......”
Although Tails tried to say that, he realized that it was such a far-fetched deduction, and his face turned red and he lowered his eyes.
"Sorry, I'm saying something a little strange..."
Tails shrugs, thinking that he hasn't analyzed anything after all. But Sonic grabbed him by the shoulders and said,
"What are you talking about, Tails? You're definitely getting closer to the answer , aren't you? " "...Huh? " If we investigate further to see if something unusual is happening, we'll find out who's behind it, right? We're taking a step forward, aren't we?"
Let's say something. Although she thought that it was just an ``interpretation,'' Tails felt a warm confidence return to her chest.
"Oh, that's right...! Thank you, Sonic!"
Sonic starts running, saying let's go, and Tails follows with a smile on his face. The two of them took one step forward, and then took a strong step toward the future, two or three steps ahead.
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