#The glorious Pumpkin King
kiwiplaetzchen · 7 months
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artofrhues · 2 years
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🎃 All hail the pumpkin king 🎃
Spoopy doodle for the glorious @staticapplesin of everyone's favourite apple lad ;)
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seananmcguire · 7 months
Loved hearing you on Worldbuilding for Masochists recently! I also wanted to give some love for Letters to the Pumpkin King, it's one of my favorite books. This ask was mainly inspired by a several-hour research dive into what qualities of radiotrophic fungus would make for the best mind-altering parasitic infection, given generations in an interstellar ship, which reminded me of the essays. I thought you'd appreciate it, from a long-time reader. <3
Glorious! Thank you so much.
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thewatercolours · 7 days
King's Quest Ficlet: "A Little Change"
Thanks for the prompt, @captmickey!
“How much for the strudel twists?” asked the traveller with the broken nose.
Graham flipped hurriedly through the notebook Jerry had left. “Um, one sec. Just let me check. We’re just watching the cart while he’s at lunch. Aaaand that’s the last page. Hey, Ginger, strudel twists! Do you remember what they cost?”
His sister poked her head up from the Crackers’ vegetable stall two spaces over. “Should be two silver ladybirds, a throne, and a bronze hawk. I think.”
“I’ve got a pouch full of thrones. Can you give me change?”
“Uh, change?” asked Graham, uncertainly.
“I give you three thrones, you keep the cost, and you give me the rest in smaller coins?”
Graham and Ginger made eye contact. “I’m guessing you’re not from nearby?” Graham said.
The traveller sighed, dodging the old healer lady as she passed with a wheelbarrow full of something that made Graham’s eyes water. “No, not from nearby,” he said, coughing and dabbing at his face. “Haven’t you people ever heard of plain, old, shiny gold coins? Just pick a number of them and that’s what the thing’s worth?”
Graham fidgeted his fingers in the money basket, making it jingle. Even though he was the knowledgeable one in this situation, it nevertheless made him feel a bit country bumpkinish - like their way of handling money was behind the times. And there was something about the tall stranger.  Though his clothes were weather beaten, they were of good wear, his speech was proper, and he carried himself in a soldierly sort of way. But no use delaying. Graham smiled and shrugged his best customer service shrug. “Jerry’s also good with sliced thrones, if you haven’t got the exact coins. There’s a guy down at the south end of the market who’ll cut them up for you, if you want.”
The man rolled his eyes in frustration, and looked like he might be about to turn away. But his glance fell on the basket of hot strudels again, and something melted. He leaned over and took a deep whiff. Graham couldn’t help breathing in along with him, taking in cinnamon, pumpkin, and spiced butter. Minding Jerry’s cart was the best.
Unslinging his pack from his back, the man began fiddling with a button on one of the outer pouches. “Hold on. I think I’ve got a few small coins in here. Fell to the bottom. Might be easier - oof!”
He pitched forward as the boys from the mill jostled past - Graham hadn’t quite seen, but he suspected one of them had given the traveller a shove. Graham gasped and grabbed the cart’s handles to pull it back before the traveller could fall face first into the baked goods. But the man caught himself, regaining his balance with a strange little ankle flourish, one that looked strangely rehearsed. The pack, however, did not fare so well. The button popped free. What spilled out were not coins, but about a million over-sized papers. The wind grabbed them, like an over-hyped toddler, and scattered them to the wind. The stranger reached out to snatch them from the air, but it was far too late. They were flying everywhere over the market, landing on market stalls, in puddles, in people’s baskets, and in the branches of oak trees.
One blew into Graham’s face. He grabbed at it, and pulled it back to look at it. His heart skipped a beat. Blazoned in glorious colours was a picture of a castle. A castle he had never seen, but which his heart knew well. He had pored over sketches of that castle in the pages of his beloved travel guidebooks by morning light, firelight, and candlelight. As a younger boy he had made a model of it from paper, and it had figured in many games. He had dreamed of the day when the world would be his to explore, and he’d walk over that drawbridge and see if his imagination had been right at all.
And beneath the castle, in enormous letters, were the words, HELP WANTED.
His eyes flew over it so fast he couldn’t even read the words in order. Only the best. The knighthood theatre. Daventry. 
Graham stared up at the traveller, who was apologizing profusely to the vendor across the way (a poster had fallen into her sample punch bowl.)  “What… are these?” called Graham, only just loud enough to be heard over the crowd.
“What’s it look like?” called the man, stooping to pick up several papers from the ground. “It’s a poster for the annual knighthood tournament next month!”
Graham gulped. “In Daventry?”
The man nodded. “Yeah - we’re trying to get the word out farther afield this year. Look here, lad. If you want to be really helpful, forget the strudel. Help me gather these up, quick as you can. Of course, let anybody keep one who wants. You give me a hand with this, you can have a whole handful of thrones, and you and the baker can work it out later.”
“Can -” Graham gripped the poster tightly. “Can you pay me in gold coins instead?”
The man looked confused. “But you can’t use them around here.”
Graham nodded. “I know.”
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zacharyleigh316 · 8 months
Pumpkin Eater
Suptober Prompt: Days 2 & 3 - Pumpkin Patch, Inspired | Pumpkin Eater | 1.4K | M | Read on Ao3 (or below cut)
It's no news that Sam Winchester hates Halloween, so when a hunt leaves them caked in wet, stringy squash guts, whilst standing in the remains of what used to be a glorious patch of pumpkins, he's reasonably upset. So what if Dean feels a little inspired to egg him on? Maybe he shouldn't make it so easy…
“I really hate Halloween…” Sam groaned, faced scrunched up in disgust as he painstakingly peeled pumpkin guts off of himself. 
He took a whiff of his flannel, soiled and freshly wet, and gagged, before sliding the garment off his shoulders.
“What,” Dean grinned, similarly covered, but not as moody as his little brother, “bathing in the insides of the great pumpkin king not your kind of party?”
Sam snorted and rolled his eyes. “Funny, Dean.”
“I dunno, I think we have enough left of this guy to make a couple of pies. What do you think, Cas?” 
Cas narrowed his eyes, glancing around the pumpkin patch they desecrated for their hunt, which had only concluded moments ago, and was, ultimately, the reason they all decided to .  
The monster they had been fighting, go figure, was ‘haunting’ the victim’s farm, and bringing the resident jack-o-lanterns to life–as if puppets weren’t already terrifying without being hordes of man eating  gourds–which in turn terrorized the locals, making this your run of the mill Halloween Town–yes, Dean made that joke, no, nobody thought it was funny (except him, of course). 
Just as Dean had the pleasure of putting the band Smashing Pumpkins to shame, by doing just that; except these were angry, possessed pumpkins, who, much to Dean’s chagrin, could care less about the music scene.
“Maybe take some of the seeds home, roast ‘em.” He suggested with an easy smile.
“I don’t think it’s wise to use these pumpkins for baking, Dean.” Cas replied, regarding Dean curiously.
Dean opened his mouth to retort, but Sam cut off the reply. 
���If I hear someone say the word pumpkin, or anything related to what just happened here, again, I swear to god I will end you.”
“You just said it though.”
Sam snapped a glare over at his brother, before storming off with a muttered, “I’ll go tell the owners the place is safe now,” leaving Dean and Cas standing in the field littered with the corpses of pumpkins.
“Well isn’t he just awfully cheery today,” Dean said sarcastically with a snort, watching his brother leave.
Once Sam was out of sight, he turned back to the carnage, and shook his head, letting out a disappointed sigh. “Damn, if only we didn’t smash all of them though. Could’ve taken a couple pumpkins home with us. Jack would’ve loved to carve them.”
Cas smiled and walked over to Dean, reaching up to pick some guts and seeds from his hair. “That would be nice, yes. How very thoughtful of you, Dean.”
Dean chuckled, brushing some chunks off the angel’s trench coat. “Naw, just thinking about what Sammy and I used to do, y’know, when it was just the two of us slumming it in motels, waiting for dad to come back.”
“Sam seems to have a very strong hatred for Halloween…”
Dean rolled his eyes, wiping off his machete with the bottom of his shirt. “He didn’t always. He used to love it. We even went trick-or-treating around the motel rooms. Dad woulda killed us, but it was worth the smile on that kid’s face. Guess I was inspired.”
“Well, I think you’re right, Dean. Jack would love to do all that, regardless of Sam’s opinion. And maybe not from this one, but I’m sure we can find another pumpkin patch, perhaps closer to the bunker, and take them there instead.” 
Cas looked around once more at the sad, smattered remains of this pumpkin patch, and let out a sigh himself. “Though hopefully we don’t have to destroy that one too.”
“I might not share the same reservations as Sam, Cas, but if we had to go through this again, I think I’d start hating Halloween too.” 
The two of them started walking back, side by side along the path, Dean grimacing at the squelching of pumpkin beneath their boots.
“It really is a friggin shame that all the pumpkins ended up being collateral damage.”
Castiel hummed, frowning down at the aftermath, at what had become of the poor man’s farm.
“But it’s monster free now, so.” Dean shrugged, and Cas turned his attention toward the hunter, the small smile returning to his face.
“And that he, and the townspeople, are now safe.”
 Dean beamed back at Castiel, green eyes twinkling with mirth. “Yeah, ‘course, Cas. That too.”
When they made their way back to the farmhouse, Sam was waiting for them out front, standing on the porch with his arms crossed, looking ever the soggy sourpuss, the bitchface still prominent on his face.
“Hope you didn’t talk to the guy lookin’ like that Sammy, like someone pissed in your wheaties.”
“Whatever, Dean. I just want to get home and take a shower. It’s going to take forever to get this stuff out, let alone the smell.”
“You mean to tell me you don’t want to smell like a yankee candle? Not a pumpkin spice bitch, Sammy?” Dean smirked, his cocky expression only growing at the umpteenth glare Sam sent him that afternoon, and the—albeit gentle—nudge to his shoulder Cas gave from beside him, which was meant to be chastising.
“I hate you.” His brother muttered, fleeing into the impala.
Dean laughed, turning to Cas with a wink. The angel only rolled his eyes.
“You shouldn’t tease him so much.”
“Aw, come on man, ‘m only having a little fun!”
“Yes, well, now he’s pissed off at you whilst in the car covered in pumpkin, getting it all over the upholstery.” Castiel said pointedly, looking smug now, especially as the color drained from Dean’s face and his laughter stopped. 
“Fuckin’ hell Sammy, I’ll kill you if you do anything to Baby!” Dean snapped, hurrying after his brother. 
Cas chuckled and followed closely after, at his own measly pace. When he got to the impala, the Winchester brothers were arguing, as they do. He slipped into the backseat, quietly amused by their antics, though, technically, this time he was at fault, having instigated it…but that was not of import.
“We’re all covered in it Dean! What do you want me to do, sit on the roof?”
Sam’s nostrils flared at his brother’s contemplative look, “Dean, I’m not doing that!”
“No, Dean-“
“You suggested-“
“I said no, Dean!”
“And I’m just saying-“
“I don’t want to hear it.”
Dean threw his hands up placatingly, and turned the impala on, grinning as she purred to life. 
“Just don’t rub it in. All the gunk.” He said as an afterthought, earning a huff from Sam. 
He wasn’t going to stop being in a pissy mood anytime soon, not that Dean was really helping matters either.
“We should probably shower too, Dean, after Sam does. It does get rather unpleasant after a while.”
Dean met Cas’ eyes in the rearview mirror and smirked. “Sure thing, sweetheart.” 
Cas looked back with a fond smile, only interrupted by Sam’s groan.
“At least wait until I’m gone, please.”
“What, are you homophobic now too, Sammy? Along with being allergic to anything Halloween?” Dean’s tone was teasing, and it got the desired reaction out of Sam. 
Was he purposely poking the bear as much as he could? Absolutely hell yes, he was, and loving every minute of it. Sam was his baby brother after all; he made it easy.
“Ugh, dude, our entire lives are Halloween. It’s Halloween everyday for us. Pardon me if I’m a little sick of it by now.” 
Sam shook his head. “And I can’t decide if the unresolved sexual tension was worse, or the resolved sexual tension is, seeing as I’ve had to witness, and experience, both firsthand!”
“Don’t hate the player, Samantha.” Dean joked, and Sam grimaced.
“We all know what ‘showering’ really means to you, Dean. Walking in on you is literally the worst. Talk about a jump scare.”
Dean laughed. “Just getting in the spirit, right Cas?”
“It appears we’re only aiding in Sam’s distaste of Halloween, though, Sam, I assure you, we don’t only have sex during the spooky season.”
“Yeah, hear that Sam? We ‘don’t only have sex during the spooky season’.” Dean parroted, shoulders shaking with laughter. 
Sam groaned again, and buried his red face in his hands. “I take it all back. I’d rather be back in the pumpkin patch fighting an army of squash than having this conversation.”
Dean grinned. “Happy Halloween.”
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ghostfaceaddams · 8 months
It's the Great Pumpkin, Santana Lopez
Part Two
summary: Santana works to win the school costume contest with Quinn.
warnings: Santana remarks, she attacks JBI, Puck has a fake machete.
word count: 3,234
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“Hey Pink!"
Santana turned and burst into a wide smile as Quinn came bounding up to her, all decked out in her Sandy Olsson getup. They greeted each other with a quick kiss (flipping off the hockey and football players in the process). Santana ran her hands along Quinn's waist to the small of her back, her eyes glued to Quinn's cleavage.
Quinn bit her lip in a lustful smirk. Part of the reason she agreed to the costume idea was so she could distract Santana in the classes they had together (if she was lucky, Santana would take her before Judy got home). She placed her hands on Santana's sides and absentmindedly started brushing her fingers there, sending shivers down Santana's spine.
"I don't think you're too pure to pink after all." Santana mused, her eyes huge.
Quinn laughed and hit Santana in the arm playfully.
"Keep staring like that Rizzo and I'll have to take you in the choir room."
"Really?" Santana's eyes were huge and her voice resembled that of a kids after saying they were going to King's Island.
"Santana! No! Anyone could walk in, especially Mr.Schue."
Santana frowned and tangled her fingers with Quinn's hands.
"You know how many times I've fantasized about us fucking on the piano." Santana pouted quietly.
Quinn shook her head in an attempt to rid her mind of the dirty fantasies Santana projected. Santana smirked, knowing full well the effect she had on her girlfriend.
"Get your stuff and walk me to class." Quinn ordered.
Santana straightened up and saluted Quinn earning a bubbly giggle from Quinn.
Sometimes it scared Quinn how happy Santana made her. It was almost as if her happiness depended on Santana or Santana's happiness. (It didn't, just sometimes Santana made her so groundbreaking-ly happy that it warranted some concern.)
"Aye aye Captain." Santana smiled charmingly.
Quinn admired Santana in her buttoned up black shirt that had the top two buttons undone. Her eyes outlined her girlfriends glorious biceps down to her scandalous legs.
"You're a dork." Quinn snorted as Santana closed her locker.
Santana slung her Pink Ladies jack over the crook of her arm. They joined hands and began their trek down the boisterous halls of McKinley.
"Careful Fabray, you only get away with comments like that because you're my girlfriend."
Quinn leaned in close to Santana, almost bumping them into a couple of lousy teens. Her voice was low and husky and matched her "innocent" smile.
"I get away with a lot because I'm your girlfriend." Her hot breath tickled Santana's ear.
Quinn smirked as Santana tripped over her feet. A few brave souls glanced at them to see what was happening and were awarded with Santana's death glare.
They made it to Quinn's first period class (economics) where Santana walked Quinn to her seat. Santana draped her arms around Quinn's neck, barracking Quinn's gaze. When the school first found out about the couple, they had been scandalized; half of them didn't expect it and the other half were revolted. But once you see a baby come out of your girlfriends sacred girlfriend, it kind of puts things into perspective. So they kinda said screw it and just showed up to school junior year hand in hand with Santana walking Quinn to class and public displays of affection. Turns out they were pretty affectionate. Quinn's economics class was used to this by now.
"If anyone makes any moves on you or ogles you, just text me. I'll go all Lima Heights on their perverted asses."
Quinn scoffed and slid her arms comfortably around Santana's waist. Santana unconsciously melted into her girlfriends warm embrace.
It was their one problem with their costumes: jealousy. Quinn just took it out by aggressive making out (and aggressive sex later). Santana's methods were a little less healthy. (She actually broke a dudes nose over summer break for just saying hi to Quinn a little too warmly.)
"I don't think that'll be necessary San." Quinn mused lightly.
"Promise me Quinn. Just humor me." Santana flitted her eyes up and rolled her head restlessly.
Quinn squeezed Santana's sides to gain her attention and pulled her closer. Santana's vulnerable eyes glanced up to meet Quinn's security blanket ones.
"I promise."
Then Quinn leaned down and softly kissed Santana to prove that it wasn't necessary but she would tell her because she knew Santana had a phobia of abandonment. The kiss soon heated up. Quinn still wasn't a fan of people watching them but with her lips on Santana with her girlfriend holding her, she felt protected from the universe and all its unfair problems.
"Miss Lopez, you're going to be late for your class. Again."
Miss Wilcowski reminded the young couple as Rosie O'Donnell but with short hair and a cat lady.
"See ya later hot stuff." Santana pecked Quinn one last time and then was off.
Quinn turned and sat down in her seat.
"Say, Miss Wilcowski, you're looking absolutely-"
"Save it Lopez."
Quinn laughed from her seat and quickly covered her mouth in a weak attempt to hide it from Santana. Even though she didn't comment on it or look back, she knew Santana heard.
"You're my hero!" Santana shouted then hurried out of the classroom.
Antagonizing Quinn's economics teacher was something Santana enjoyed a little too much.
"Two more years." Miss Wilcowski grumbled.
They were peacefully walking to Glee Club (or as peaceful as you can walk in a loud, overpacked hallway with annoying teenagers) when Puck came running up behind them and pretended to stab them with a fake machete.
Santana was laughing up a storm and was congratulating her best man with a high five. Quinn glared at Puck and punched him in his arm.
"What the hell Puck?"
"What's wrong Blondie, you scared?" Puck slid his Jason mask back on and raised the machete in her face.
Quinn found her way back to Santana's side and grabbed her hand as if it was second nature.
"Don't worry baby, I'll protect you." Santana cooed in a baby voice.
"You're both asses." They laughed at the blonde and entered the choir room. "How'd you even get that in here? You could get expelled for that and then we'll be disqualified from Sectionals."
"Relax Baby Mamma, I won't get caught. As long as no one snitches." He fixed them both with raised eyebrows warningly and pointed at everyone who was present in the choir room.
"Call my girlfriend Baby Mamma one more time Puckerman and I'll cut your dick off so you never impregnate another woman again." Santana threatened.
Puck raised her hands in surrender and sat back in his seat. Santana rolled her eyes, her hand gripping Quinn's a little too firmly (she was starting to loose blood circulation).
When Quinn had gotten pregnant, her and Santana had broken up. It was a stupid fight that they both regretted, but they had foolishly broken up and Quinn was heartbroken. So she went to Puck to try and get back at Santana. The plan was to just make out a little. But then she got drunk and one thing led to another. Santana had been heartbroken after finding out Quinn was pregnant (which of course was expected), but Quinn kept the father a secret. Until Rachel blabbed her mouth and lets just say they were going for a record of breaking up in one year.
(Through it all, Santana was always there for Quinn. Even after she found out her girlfriend got pregnant by her best friend while they were broken up, she still got Quinn whatever she wanted. Quinn specifically remembers one time when Santana buying bacon for Quinn with a scowl on her face. That's when she realized that Santana was the only one for her. Sure she was pregnant at 16 and Santana was really the only person she dated, but it was enough to know that Santana was her person. It was like it was tattooed on her soul.)
Santana had forgiven them both (Quinn first since she was her best friend and love of her life, plus those puppy eyes she kept sending Santana was her kryptonite) but she didn't like to be reminded about it. Quinn could talk about Beth all she wanted and how gutted she still felt to this day, but when Puck was brought up things got sour.
They sat down in their seats in front of Puck and waited for Mr. Schue to arrive. To pass the time (and to slightly rub it in Puck's face) Santana cradles Quinn's legs on her lap and started making out. If there was one room Quinn felt free and safe to be affectionate with her girlfriend with (aside from their bedrooms), it was the choir room.
"You guys are disgusting." Lauren remarked from beside Puck.
"I think they're cute." Tina defended the couple.
"And what are you suppose to be? A poster for Do Not Do It, It Gets Better signs?" Santana shot back, ignoring Tina's comment.
Quinn trailed her fingers down Santana's arm, admiring every inch of her. She was just going to let Santana and Lauren duke it out until Mr. Schue came in.
"Hey Quinn." Brittany smiled animatedly.
Quinn slid her legs off of Santana's lap and angled her body towards her best friend. Santana's hand blindly searched for Quinn's until the blonde's fingers brushed the tips of hers.
Brittany had on a kid version of a Catwoman suit so Quinn assumed the go lucky blonde was shooting for a regular cat and not the sexy superhero. She even had a headband of cat ears on and whiskers drawn on her face.
"Hey Britt. You look amazing."
"Obviously. I look better than everyone here."
Quinn laughed and nodded her head along. She wasn't sure about that but she wasn't about to burst the jolly girl's bubble.
"Hey, hey. Hello. Excuse me. Just because your stalker of a girlfriend went overboard with her costume," Quinn had to laugh because that was rich coming from Santana. "Doesn't mean you get to flake out on this sacred holiday."
Finn looked to the side in that confusing way of his with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
"I didn't."
"Really? Then where's your Frankenstein costume?" Santana was becoming more annoyed by the second.
"I'm a football player." Finn said it like it was obvious.
"A-a football played? Please tell me you're kidding-Berry tell me your neanderthal boyfriend is kidding."
Quinn leaned in closer to Brittany and watched her girlfriend get all worked up. It was honestly quite adorable when Santana tore into people over their costumes. Sure Santana was a little obsessive when it came to Halloween (and by a little Quinn means a lot, a lot a lot a LOT), but it had its cute, wholesome moments.
"He's not." Rachel seemed just as disappointed in her boyfriend as Santana was.
"I'm Aaron Rodgers. See?" Finn pointed to his jersey.
It was green with two yellow stripes on the arms. The number 12 was in bold white letters on the front and back with RODGERS in the same lettering on the back. Finn turned to put his jersey on full display, smiling goofily the whole time.
At first Santana just sat there with her mouth hanging low. Then she clamped it shut and shook her head. She started muttering some things in Spanish under her breath, nothing Quinn could understand. (After growing up with the Lopez's Quinn had taken it upon herself to learn Spanish.) Quinn about fell out of her seat and onto Brittany's lap when Santana jerked Rachel into the empty seat beside her. It was the last seat in the row meaning Finn couldn't sit with Rachel.
"You're going to sit in the corner and think about a better costume idea for tomorrow night." Santana was pointing to the other side of the room in the back room, her eyes purposefully looking away from Finn.
The tall boy opened up and closed his mouth a few times (Quinn just knew Santana was dying to make a fish joke) then stumbled off in that direction. He plopped down next to Mike and looked at him questioningly. The innocent man just shrugged.
Santana molded herself into Quinn's side and shook her head.
"Men. What are they good for?" Santana muttered.
Quinn laughed and kissed Santana on the side of her head. Santana crinkled her nose in disgust but Quinn knew it was just for show. She still had to maintain some badass status in the school.
"Wow guys! You all are looking sharp. I'm impressed." Mr. Schue clapped his hands once and turned his proud father smile on them all.
Santana shot Quinn a proud, excited smirk that rearranged Quinn’s insides. Quinn shook her head but smile nonetheless.
Rachel was dressed as Fanny Brice (of course), Tina was a goth vampire, Mike was dressed as Ren McCormack at the end of Footloose (and boy did he look good), Sam was decked out in Bruce Springsteen attire, Mercedes was killing it as Batgirl, and Artie was mirroring Professor X.
Mr. Schue was dressed as Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing. The three Cheerios had seen Sue dressed as Nicki Minaj in the halls earlier.
Mr. Schue went to speak just for the intercom to come crackling on. Everyone grimaced or covered their ears from the intense crackling. Brittany covered her cat ears.
“Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? Hello, students and faculty of William McKinley High. You have all submitted your Halloween Costumes to Miss Pillsbury, those of you who have attended this competition.”
The glee club erupted in applause. Santana planted a passionate kiss on Quinn’s lips causing Rachel to scoot her seat away. The whole school had participated in the costume competition but Santana was confident in them winning. The Latina had come in top ten her freshmen year and last year won with Puck as Chucky and the Bride of Chucky. This year she was determined to win with Quinn.
“Before I give the results, to the boy in the hockey mask terrorizing the student body, I ask you to stop or you will be caught.” Quinn turned around and glared at Puck. “Now, I would like to go over a few guidelines for those trick or treating Sunday.”
The walls of the school practically shook from the student body groaning. Mr. Figgins started going over the guidelines that they should go in pairs or with an adult, not to go up to houses without the light on, and to, “Be aware of razor blades hidden in candy.”
Mercedes cocked her head to the side and scrunched up her nose.
“I thought that was a myth.” Artie voiced.
“Also, as the leaders of our future, the faculty of William McKinley, and your parents, advise you to not throw any Halloween bangers this weekend.” Santana, Puck, and Sam all sniggered earning hits from Quinn, Lauren, and Mercedes. “Your safety is our number one priority.”
Figgins cleared his throat and was heard pulling a piece of paper out (with some difficulty).
“Now, for the long, awaited, results.” There was a dramatized pause.
“Oh get on with it!” Santana shouted at the intercom.
“Santana.” Mr. Schue said softly but sternly.
Quinn placed a calming hand on Santana’s knee. This was one of Santana’s not so cute moments. The Latina sighed and rolled her eyes dramatically.
“This is bull-“
“In third place we have Rachel Berry as Miss Fanny Brice.”
“What? This was handmade, I even got it dry cleaned!” Rachel exclaimed.
“Can it hobbit.” Santana snapped.
Rachel did her signature pout and crossed her arms defiantly. Santana had migrated to the edge of her seat and was staring lasers into the intercom.
“In second place, we have a couples costumes. With a new take on Rizzo and Sandy from Grease, we have teenage lesbians Santana Lopez and Quinn Fabray.”
‘Figgins needs to learn to stop misidentifying sexualities.’ Quinn thought to herself. Just because they were two females in a relationship and Santana was a lesbian didn’t mean Quinn was. Or anyone else for that matter.
“What?” Santana flew out of her seat like a rocket taking off. Her chair tipped over in her wake.
“Here we go.” Mercedes tossed her hand up, remembering when they had lost the couples duet (which Santana still was mad at Sam for even though he understood he just wasn’t ready to come out yet).
“Our winner is Jacob Ben Israel as Dark Vader.”
“It’s Darth.” Sam muttered.
Santana was pacing the choir room, wanting desperately to run her hand through her hair but knew it would ruin her Rizzo hair.
“The top three winners can report to Miss Pillsbury office to take photographs with their trophies. Have a spooktastic day.”
“I’m going to kill that jewfro! I mean, how can he even fit his afro in to that helmet? It would break!” Santana was screaming.
“Santana-“ Mr. Schue started calmly.
Santana started storming out of the choir room, her eyes blazing ferociously.
“Oh no.” Quinn hopped out of her seat with Puck and Sam in toe. “Santana! Leave the small, perverted boy alone!” It was hard to chase after the Latina in heels.
The rest of the glee club got out of their seats to follow, anticipating Santana going Lima Heights on JBI. Truth be told, everyone in glee club had wanted to see that boy hit at least once.
“Guys!” Mr. Schue threw his hands up exasperated and ran his hand through his hair.
“And people say I’m a sore loser.” Rachel muttered as she hurried after the rest.
Santana was stalking the halls looking for a mini Darth Vader. He was so small and Darth Vader costumes were so cheap, they were basically a onesie, he couldn’t be hard to find. Santana was enraged. How could that perverted dwarf win with such a low grade costume of a cliche character?
She finally spotted him, about to enter Miss Pillsbury office. She would never in a million years admit this, even if she was held at gunpoint by one Sue Sylvester, but she was impressed. JBI’s costume wasn’t a onesie. It looked like it was the actual costume from the 80’s. For a second, just a second, Santana second guessed attacking the boy. He was big and covered in plastic.
But alas, he stole her rightful first place, and she was Santana fucking Lopez. Lucky for her he had his helmet off, so she slipped her heel off and chucked it down the hall. Somehow it hit him square in the head.
“Ow!” He started rubbing his head.
Santana became unhinged. She charged the poor boy, tackling him to the floor.
“Oh shit.” Puck said before him and Sam ran after the deranged woman.
Quinn shook her head and followed. ‘I’m dating a psychopath.’
“Stop the violence.”
Santana didn’t really hurt him since he was protected by all the plastic of the suit, but she did scratch him by his eye (fitting for his character). It took Puck, Sam, and Mr. Schue to pull Santana off of JBI and back towards the choir room.
“Don’t mess with Lime Heights!” Santana kicked her legs wildly.
For everyone’s sake, Quinn hoped they won tomorrow at the party. Santana losing (especially to Halloween) while intoxicated was not something anyone wanted to happen.
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zoeysdamn · 2 years
Forget me not - Bonus part | Morpheus x priestess! reader
A/N: Bonus part of the fic “There shall be night” series after the request of the lovely @dreamstatednightmare​
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[Series masterlist]
Ever since the return of its king, the Dreaming was more peaceful than ever. After the stressful events of the vortex ordeal and the changes that had resulted from it, the realm was back to its former glorious state. To top it all, the Dreaming was now blessed by a long-awaited queen and a new heir. The arrival of the little princess had brought a tremendous amount of joy to both her parents and the realm’s inhabitants, who had celebrated her birth for a week straight. 
To anyone who had known Dream of the Endless before his imprisonment, it was highly unlikely that his neutral composure would ever crack. But those people didn’t know of the priestess that had healed every single one of his wounds, and made him whole again. They didn’t know how much (Y/N)’s presence was the very essence of his life and how lost he would be again without her. Dream even thought that it was impossible to feel more complete than he was when she became his wife. Until their daughter’s birth. The day Morpheus had felt the tiny, almost invisible yet glowing presence of their daughter within his wife’s womb for the first time, his heart had almost stopped. At the sight of her husband’s face stunned in shock, (Y/N) had started to worry. But then the softest smile had stretched his lips and by the way his hands had reached her midsection with a trembling gesture, she knew. 
They had tried to have a baby for a long time. In the Waking World, the priestess’ body had never been able to bear children. Morpheus knew that even if she had always put on a brave smile and brushed away the subject, it had been something that saddened her deeply. He had never given much thought on having other children as well for a long time, considering his and Calliope’s son's tragic passing, and the disastrous relationship he had with Orpheus. But after marrying (Y/N), his thoughts had changed; and the possibility that the rules of the Dreaming could maybe allow them to have a family had made his heart swell. That’s why sensing Lyra’s presence for the first time had been such a joyful relief; he could have almost cried. He didn’t. On the day of her birth though, nothing could have stopped the tears of joy Morpheus had shed when held his daughter in his arms for the first time. 
As for (Y/N)...she had loved her with her whole being for the very first second she knew of her existence. The former priestess had been so happy at the news, that she at last could have a family on her own, and a child with the man she loved. Her motherly instincts that had always been there were only highlighted ever since, and the only sight of either Morpheus or their daughter was enough to warm her heart and made her feel that everything was okay. 
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Happy babbling could be heard from miles away, and brought smiles on every realm’s inhabitants passing by. On one of Fiddler’s Green's most comfortable spots, a field of soft grass scattered with wildflowers, surrounding a gorgeous maple tree tainted with soft orange and copper colors, the young child sat happily and seemed to be involved in a deep passionate discussion about clouds. 
“They’re like flying cotton,” she babbled with her light adorable voice of a 4-years old. “And if they land we could make a giant bed of cotton!”
“A giant bed sounds nice, kid.” cawed Matthew hoping at her feet. Lyra beamed, so proud that someone agreed with her. 
“Nah,” interjected the rougher voice of Mervyn, who was on babysitting duty with Matthew that day, “I don’t think they would make a fine bed. I think they’d be squishy and wet, bleurgh.” 
Lyra giggled at the over-exaggerated puking gesture of the pumpkin. 
“They wouldn’t be wet at all!” she protested, hands excitedly grabbing a cushion that had been laying next to her – courtesy of Lucienne, who knew how much the little princess loved to nap in the fields of Fiddler’s Green. 
“Oh and why wouldn’t they, kiddy?” asked Mervyn, tagging along the toddler’s game. 
“Because they’re so fluffy!” asserted Lyra with a kid’s typical assurance. 
“Damn right they are.” agreed Matthew with a ruffling of his feathers. 
“Uncle Matt! Mama said no bad words.” reminded Lyra with a scrunched nose – but still giggling at the bird’s sentence. 
“Oh yeah,” he said, not sounding embarrassed the slightest, “Sorry kid.” 
Mervyn snickered at the two of them while popping another licorice candy in his mouth. He would rather have his usual cigar, but the Lord of dreams had a very strict no-smoking policy while babysitting Lyra. At first the Dreaming’s janitor had grumbled a bit, but the kid was just so adorable and a delight to watch over. Maybe his cigar could wait a little. 
The three of them spent another hour chatting and laughing, listening to Lyra’s questions and answering the best Matthew and Mervyn could (often ending up with a “You should ask your auntie Lucienne, I’m sure she knows better than this birdbrain” and an outraged caw from Matthew), and nibbling on fresh berries. Then the little princess started to yawn slowly, the rush of excitement of the afternoon spent playing and laughing with her unofficial uncles fading off, leaving place to sleepiness. Her eyelids were starting to feel heavy and she cuddled on the comforting blanket she had been sitting on all afternoon, and laid her head on the fluffy pillow that Lucienne had given her. She nuzzled her head behind her fisted chubby hands and let out a small exhausted coo before drifting to sleep almost immediately. Matthew grabbed the hem of a nearby blanket with his beak to cover the child, which made Mervyn chuckle. 
“You’re good at mothering, birdbrain.”
“Go to hell, pumpkin spice latte,” huffed Matthew while hopping on the top of the pillow, just above Lyra’s dark hair. “At least I’m a concerned babysitter and that’s why I’m the favorite uncle here.”
“Fuck off feather duster.” 
“Shh!” shushed Matthew, “The kid’s asleep, you’re gonna wake her up with your flowery language.”
Mervyn chuckled at the raven’s antics, who usually was always trying to put on a tough behavior and now was nestling in a feathery ball against the little girl’s head. He would never admit to anyone how much he liked to nestle against Lyra while she was asleep – because she was so peaceful and it made him relax. (Y/N) had discovered it one day as she went to check on Lyra during a nap, finding her beloved daughter and Morpheus’ loyal raven cuddled against the other and found it utterly adorable – although she would never told Morpheus this, she knew how protective her husband was of their daughter. 
Mervyn let out another chuckle as he popped some licorice into his mouth. Leaning against the tree, the dreaming janitor pulled out a book – one that Lucienne had insisted on him reading, something about a pumpkin king and a winter fete? – and started flipping through the pages, all while keeping an eye on the sleeping child. At some point, Mervyn started to slowly doze off and ended up falling asleep too, the book long forgotten laying on his lap. 
About an hour later Lyra’s eyes fluttered open slowly, well rested from her nap. She tentatively got up, delicately taking a still sleeping Matthew into her tiny hands to move him to the center of the pillow to prevent him from falling, while being careful of not waking him. She loved uncle Matthew, and she would be very sad if he would injure himself. Getting up on her little chubby legs she saw that Mervyn was asleep too. She frowned and her mouth turned into a pouty expression; she wanted to put a blanket on uncle Merv’s lap, or he would get cold! And she didn’t have a spare blanket! It made her upset and sad, and she didn’t want uncle Mervyn to catch a cold! 
Her small brows furrowed as she started to think hard about it. Maybe she could go and find one. Yes, she knew that she had plenty in her room, her daddy had put so many fluffy blankets here! Matthew and Mervyn were still asleep and she knew how to go to her room, surely she’ll have time to go there and then go back before they’ll even notice she was gone. They would be upset, worried even if she disappeared from their sights. But they were still sleeping, so they wouldn’t notice anything! And uncle Merv wouldn’t get cold! 
With a newfound purpose the raven-haired little girl braced herself and started to walk away from the maple tree. Then she resigned herself, turned back and took off her soft yellow knitted sweater to lay it on Mervyn’s lap. There, it barely covered his knees but at least he wouldn’t get too cold. Feeling proud with her quick thinking, Lyra huffed proudly and resumed her route to her room. 
Happily strolling around the fields, Lyra hummed cheerfully while bouncing on her little feet. She didn’t worry about where she was heading, because she knew she would always find her way. It had already happened to her to lose herself in the Dreaming – not intentionally of course. One time, she had appeared out of nowhere in the Library, startling Lucienne who was organizing the shelves. Another, she was in her room, and then a second later in a street filled with…platypuses in knitted sweaters? But oh, her mama was standing not so far, so she wasn’t really lost! (Y/N) had been more than surprised to see her daughter happily tackling her into a hug while she was overseeing one dreamer’s vision. When she had talked about it to Morpheus, the King of Dreams and Nightmares had smiled proudly at his daughter’s first signs of power. And the dreamer woke up the next morning, confused about a strange dream with platypuses and a beaming child with dark hair.
Morpheus had suspected that Lyra could one day show some indications that she had inherited his powers over the realm, and even if her sudden appearances in random places of the realm were more than often unintentional, it was a start. The former priestess had expressed her worries of the accidental nature of their daughter’s appearances; it often seemed to be guided by Lyra’s inner feelings, but she couldn’t help but worry that one day she’ll end up somewhere less welcoming. Her husband had reassured her, reminding that no Dreaming’s inhabitant would be foolish enough to try to hurt the princess of the realm. Or the universe helps them, because there would be no escaping from the Endless’ fury, and even less from his wife’s. 
But for now, Lyra was blessedly unaware of her parents’ worries about her abilities and carried on her quest of finding a blanket. Passing next to a field full of flowers she got an idea; she could gather some flowers to give to her mama! Oh, and maybe to Aunt Lucienne too, it would be pretty in the library! There were plenty of flowers, she could totally pick some on her way. Leaving the ground path she stepped into the high-grass field, carefully picking the prettiest flowers she could find. As she gathered more of them, Lyra didn’t realize how far she was moving away from the path. She didn’t realize either that she was moving to a much different area, her powers carrying her unknowingly to a much darker area. Only when the grass turned into dark sand and dust under her feet did she look up to see that she definitely wasn’t in Fiddler’s Green anymore. The dark sky above her head was nothing like the blue one she had seen barely a few minutes before, and she didn’t recall ever seeing such black waters near her.
Lyra’s nose crunched in bewilderment. Where was she? This wasn’t where she wanted to go at all! Her eyes started to water and her lips wobbled in growing anxiety. Lyra felt so lost and distressed she started to panic, clutching the flowers she had picked earlier tight in her chubby hands. As she felt the tears starting to overwhelm her, she braced herself and sniffled. No, she wouldn’t cry now, she was a big girl! She was four, and strong like her mama! 
Trying to gather her tears, the little girl started to walk on the black sand shores. The scenery wasn’t reassuring her at all, but she bravely took one step after another to try to find her way to her initial goal. Something didn’t feel right in this place and she was not at ease at all. Chilling noises whispered in her ears and frightened her but she tried to not turn her head toward it. She feared that if she looked around she would see scary monsters or worse, get lost again! 
A crack resonated behind and startled her. Whipping her head around she gasped a little at the sight of the dark looming figure in front of her. The tall creature had scrawny arms that ended up with big, long pointed claws, coated in dark wrinkled skin. The bottom part of his skeletal body was only shreds. But the thing that scared her the most was his face, and the gaping hole from above his mouth to his forehead, leaving his tongue as the only feature visible. Lyra shuddered and twisted the flowers in her hands anxiously. 
“H-Hi,” she said in a small voice. “I’m Lyra, nice to meet you. Who are you?”
She was frightened, but her mama had taught her to be kind with every creature in the Dreaming. Few nightmares had been invited to give their blessing in the palace when she was born, and she had seen a few of them again later. But always with her parents, and none of them had looked so scary then. 
The nightmare cocked its head to the side silently, sending another chill to Lyra’s spine. It slowly dragged its long arms up, trying to grasp the young child’s face. But that didn’t make her more at ease in the slightest and she took an uncomfortable step back. That didn’t stop the creature who came closer and closer, holding out its threatening claws in her direction. 
“S-stop that,” Lyra started to whimper, “You’re scaring me, I don’t want you to touch me.” 
As soon as she pronounced those words, the creature dug its claws in Lyra’s arm, eliciting a scream from her. Ripping her arm off she started to run the fastest she could, dropping the flowers she was holding. She ran without looking back, but she heard the hoarse sounds of the nightmare getting closer and closer. Hot tears rolled on her cheeks, making her vision blurry. Fear was clutching on her heart like a vine and her small legs started to burn from the frantic running. Suddenly she tripped on a half buried root and let out a high-pitched yelp. She squeezed her eyes shut preparing herself for the upcoming impact. But it never came and instead she felt two arms catching her before she even touched the ground. 
“Well well, who do we have here?”
The voice of the one who had gathered her was rich and suave, and compared to the raucous gurgling sounds of the nightmare it really sounded comforting. Sensing that person pulling her to her feet and more importantly, covering her with their own evidently bigger frame, she dared to crack an eye open. At first she only caught a glimpse of a cream-colored vest. Tentatively, she looked up to the person who had just rescued her; a blonde man with dark binoculars and a lopsided grin was kneeling beside her, a hand protectively on her shoulder as he looked straight to the other creature. It had stopped dead in its tracks, intimidated by the other man's presence. As he stood up, Lyra clutched on his pants. The blonde man looked down at her, meeting her terrified eyes. 
“Please don’t leave me,” she whispered in a shivering voice. 
At the sight of her big eyes full of tears, for a split second his heart squeezed, like a flash of deep buried memories suddenly resurfaced. 
“Don’t worry princess,” he said in a softer tone than usual, “I’m not letting anything happen to you.” 
Giving a slight squeeze on her gripping hand, the blonde man straightened up and his expression morphed into a more sinister one. 
“Well Inanis, didn’t take you for the type to scare little girls,” he crooned in a suave yet dark voice. “Especially not the princess of the Dreaming.” 
The faceless nightmare cracked its neck to the side with a sinister growl. Not letting go of her grip on the man’s pants, Lyra hurried behind his long legs, hiding herself. 
“I wonder what Lord Morpheus would do to you if he learned that you had injured his precious daughter,” he continued casually all while not losing his grin. “Or worse, what the queen would do…I’m sure that you’ve heard of what happened to Alex Burgess.”
Lyra frowned slightly. Her mama was kind and gentle, but she knew that she would always protect her. 
The creature let out a painful cry, like he was realizing the weight of the words. It hisses even more when the men slowly pull out a silver blade of his pocket, twirling it between his fingers. 
“But in the meantime, I strongly advise you to not try to harm or even touch the girl ever again. I’m no king of dreams but I know my way around being the worst thing to happen to someone…don’t you agree?”
The creature slumped away slightly, scared of him. 
“You’re lucky she’s here today,” seethed the blonde man in a menacing tone. “The next time I see you I won’t be as merciful, that I promise you.” 
The nightmare screeched loudly and scrambled away in the blink of an eye. The blonde man carefully tucked the knife back in his pocket, and turned to a slightly less nervous Lyra. 
“Hey little one,” he said more softly, kneeling to her height once more, “You okay there?”
She nodded tentatively, but didn’t let go of her grip on his clothes, “I lost myself.” she sniffled. 
“I can tell,” nodded back, “This isn’t a very fun place ‘round here. How did you end up here?”
“I was trying to go to my room,” she said with still wobbly lips, “And I went to pick up flowers for mama and I got lost.” 
He hummed pensively then held out his hand to her, “Well, shall we go to the palace together then? I know the way I can accompany you.”
“You would?” she said with a bright smile. 
“Can’t let you wander here without protection, little one. Come on now, we’ve got quite the walk.”
She gripped on his outstretched hand with her much tinier one, tears starting to stop and hope renewed. That man seemed nice, and he protected her, she had nothing to fear anymore! 
“What’s your name?” she asked as they started to walk hand in hand on the dark shores. 
“My name’s Corinthian.” he answered. 
Her face lit up at his words, “Oh I know you! You’re Cori!” she beamed. 
The nightmare’s eyebrow arched up at the nickname, “Cori?”
“Yup! My mama had told me about you before! She says you’re putting on a tough guy behavior but that it’s just a facade, I’ve never really understood what she meant by that.”
He chuckled, “Well, what do you think of me?”
“I think you’re nice,” she smiled. “You’re kind.”
Corinthian smiled softly at the young child’s words. She was definitely her mother’s daughter. 
“My name’s Lyra by the way.” she said as they started to walk into a less menacing area. 
“I know princess,” said the nightmare softly, “I know.” 
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It took them about an hour and half to reach the outlines of the castle. Their walk through the dark waters shores and about a third of the Dreaming had been way longer than the Corinthian had thought, but then again Lyra’s legs were much shorter than his. But she had been very brave, never once letting go of his hand and chatting happily with him. She didn’t babbled though, or else he would have found her annoying like every other child. Honestly, the nightmare would never have guessed that he would be so fond of a toddler one day, even less the King of Dreams’ one. But this was also (Y/N)’s daughter; and it naturally brought a deep feeling of care in him. 
When they reached the palace’s garden, they were welcomed with a voice calling out for Lyra’s name in both relief and anxiety. Their head turned toward the running figure of (Y/N), who sprinted to their pair. 
“Mama!” shouted Lyra excitedly, while tugging on Corinthian’s hand as she trotted in her mother’s direction. 
“Oh Lyra,” cried the queen of the Dreaming gathering her daughter into a tight hug, “Are you okay? Where were you?”
“I’m okay mama. I wanted to go back to my room to get a blanket for Uncle Mervyn so he wouldn’t get cold, but I got lost. I saw a really scary nightmare, but then Cori found me, and everything’s okay now!”
The former priestess’ head snapped up to the blonde nightmare who was still holding her daughter’s hand. 
“Thank you.” she whispered through tears of relief. 
“She had been lightly injured by a recent nightmare, Inanis,” he informed her carefully. “I tended to the wound on her arm, nothing too bad.” 
(Y/N) immediately checked on Lyra’s arm, only to find a small scratch, the rest of the wound having already healed — perks of the Dreaming rules and the quick tending. She hugged her daughter again, like she was afraid that she would disappear again. 
Behind them, a twirl of sand suddenly revealed the Dream Lord, whose eyes were shining with a mix and fury and worry. When he had heard that his precious daughter had disappeared from Matthew and Mervyn's watch he had gone into a frantic search, until he felt his wife's relief flooding through their shared bond. At the sight of Lyra, beaming and unarmed, his fury vanished immediately. 
"Little star." he breathed out in but above a whisper. 
"Daddy!" squealed the child, parting from her mother's embrace to rush to her father's arms. 
Scooping her up, Morpheus held his daughter tight against his chest, pressing soft kisses on her chubby cheeks. 
"I was worried about you little star," he said with his usual low rumble, "It seemed that you were out of reach even for me." 
"I didn't mean to," she apologized with a small frown and teary eyes, before her face lit up again, "But it's okay now daddy! Cori said to the bad guy to leave me alone, and he helped me to come back here!" 
The Endless looked back to the blonde nightmare whose heart was softening a little more at every use of the cute nickname Lyra used for him. 
"This happened because of my lack of attention," said the Dream King, "I thank you for having come to the rescue of our daughter, Corinthian." 
The nightmare answered with a slight bow. Lyra wriggled in her father's arms, indicating that she wanted to be put down. Once her feet were touching the ground once again, she trotted to the nightmare and motioned him to kneel to her height. It didn't take long before he indulged her demand with a soft smile. Almost timidly, she opened one of her clenched hands, to reveal a slightly wrinkled but still fresh myosotis. The tiny blue petals were soft against her pale skin, even after being clutch in her hand for such a long time. 
"I want to give you this to thank you for saving me," she said in a small voice, like she was telling him a secret. "I wish I could give you more but I dropped all the flowers I have picked up and I only kept this one." 
"That's a pretty flower," agreed Corinthian with a knowing nod, "Don't you want to give it to your mom?" 
She shook her head and placed it on his large palm, "Nu-uh, if I give it to you, then you'll think about me when you see the flowers! And I will think of you too so we will never forget each other!" 
He couldn't help but to smile softly at her. "Sounds like a plan, princess." 
Lyra beamed at him and threw her arms around his neck to hug him. Corinthian gladly returned the embrace, already knowing that there was no way he could ever let anything else happen to this little girl. He was already doomed and he would tear realms apart to protect her, so that he could swear to himself. 
The little girl dropped a soft kiss on his cheek before hopping back and waltzing to her father, waving her chubby hand to the nightmare. 
“Bye-bye Cori! See you soon!” 
“Bye princess.” he answered softly as she walked away, scooped in Morpheus’ arms. 
The Dream Lord looked over his shoulder to catch his wife’s gaze; she silently promised that she would join them soon. But first, she had something to do. With a nod, Morpheus made his way to the palace while listening to his daughter’s happy chatter, relief flooding in his heart. 
(Y/N) turned to the Corinthian, who still had a fond smile on his face. 
“Thank you for what you had done for Lyra,” she said to him. “I don’t know how to thank you enough.”
He shrugged like it was nothing, “Nah, you don’t have to thank me. It’s my duty.”
His words warmed (Y/N)’s heart. Both of them knew that it had never been his duty to protect her daughter; but apparently, he had deemed so. And that made her unbelievably happy. 
“I’m truly happy that the both of you get along. It means a lot to me.” she said softly. 
“Because I was once a son to you?” he asked carefully. 
This surprised her for a second, but then her expression turned into a fond one once again. It had been a long time since the Corinthian had been remade. At first, they didn't know if he would keep his memories from his previous existence. It didn’t seem so for a time, but then he had admitted that he remembered what he had done to the Dream Lord, although he didn’t tell anything about the former priestess. This had made her heart clench, because she missed her son. But he was polite with her, and some signs of his old affection for her were still palpable in their occasional interactions. (Y/N) suspected that the nightmare had no real memory of what their mother-son relationship had been like, but it was alright. At least she could see him from time to time, and nursed the good memories of their past time together. 
But now, hearing that he remembered a lot of it, it made things different. 
“Yes,” she admitted, “Because you were my son. And to me, you’ll always be even if you don’t remember everything.”
He nodded slowly, but couldn’t hide the smile that was still on his face.
“I know that I loved you as a mother, my queen. That’s enough for me.”
She smiled at him, and cradled his cheek softly. Maybe one day, he’ll remember everything. Or he won’t and it would be enough for them. 
“She likes you, you know.” said (Y/N) in a soft voice. 
He chuckled, “She’s an easily lovable kid.”
The queen of the Dreaming smiled, “I’m glad my daughter has you to protect her. And I’m glad you have her.” 
She let go of his cheek slowly. Both of their children had each other, and she couldn’t be more relieved to know it. Morpheus and her will always be here for Lyra, but knowing that the Corinthian was ready to lay his life for her was a true relief. 
A slight veil of sadness passed through the nightmare’s face as he gazed in the direction where Lyra had been. 
“Do you think I could see her ever again?” he asked in a small voice. “I…I don’t want to frighten her but I’d like to spend time with her…if you’ll allow it.” 
The former priestess smiled softly. Gently taking the strand of little blue flowers from his hand, she delicately tucked it in the breast pocket of his cream vest.
“She won’t ever forget you, Corinthian.” she promised. “And she will always need her brother.” 
This made the nightmare’s heart swell. 
Lyra would always have her parents to protect her; neither Morpheus or (Y/N) would ever allow anything to hurt her again. But since that day, every time she saw myosotis in a field, she beamed at the thought of the blonde nightmare with dark binoculars. And the Corinthian had now picked up the habit of always having a strand of the blue flowers on his breast pocket. He had someone to look after, and maybe he could make amends for his past mistakes by protecting the little child with eyes bright like stars.
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A/N: okay my heart melted while writing for little Lyra, not gonna lie 
And yes, the myosotis is the flower that means “forget me not” I’m-- *cry*
Also, fun fact, when I was around three, my dad was late to pick me up from the day care center, and I started to pick up some of the daisies that were growing in the garden behing the center, and when my dad finally came I had my arms full of daisies and beamed in joy; I don’t really remember this, but it’s one of my dad fondest memories and it actually make him shed a tear every time he talks about it ahah. So I obviously inspired this one shot after this memory 
Anyway, Corinthian calling Lyra “princess” is one of my fave headcanon ever jsnrfhofh
I hope you liked the unusual lack of angst lmao 
Each liking, comments and rebloging are making my day, I love y’all so much blblbllblb
Hope you’re all doing okay, take care of you ♥
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 7 months
hurling another enrichment pumpkin at you : any thoughts on how Secrets handles its sociopolitical themes? I haven't had the chance to check the podcast out personally so far but from what I've seen on tumblr it seems to take a much less vague approach to those themes than even Unburied did, and considering how multiple people mentioned that the podcast seems a bit rushed, do you think that affected the handling of this too?
one of the things I did really like was removing any ambiguity as to whether or not we're supposed to interpret this version of the Riddler as a Muslim Indian man, and I think it's fair to assume that by extension that this cements Bruce and Barbara as Black and Latina, respectively. I don't think any of those were really controversial opinions, especially per the fandom I see on our glorious hellsite, but the conformation is cool!
I think exploring the way that Eddie's status as a brown man would contribute to his sense of disenfranchisement and resentment for Society is interesting for sure. it's also used to enable some like... COMPELLING bastard behavior that's very specific to him as a man of color, namely misleading the GCPD to arrest some entirely unrelated Indian man that they can't tell apart from Eddie, and the bit where he's having his little tantrum re: his sister's social climbing and insinuates that she probably has a white husband/boyfriend, which is a thing Asian women are FREQUENTLY attacked for in Asian incel communities. interesting move, I applaud.
I was less impressed by how the series handled its humanization of criminals and incarcerated individuals, which I wrote about a lot on this post about the depiction of Azrael. idk, I like that the rogues look out for each other and we get to see the horrors of realizing that you're so dehumanized by society that your vicious murder becomes a meme, that's a perspective on Gotham's rogues that I feel we don't get a lot! but the series seemed to waffle pretty hard on its own stance on this, Batman seems to be operating a pretty different wavelength than he was at the end of Unburied (he's soooo much more of a cop), and I also genuinely don't know what to do with the reveal that this version of King Tut was running a sex cult, especially since literally the only person who criticized him for that was. you know. also responsible for several brutal murders.
at risk of harping on this too much it feels very strange that a series would be so invested in the humanity of villains and then also have an actual antagonist who's as one note as Azrael is made out to be and gets offed with so little fanfare. the series' other big issue seems to be coming down hard on the side of "we hate violent Christian fundamentalists, they're Bad" and like. yeah, I agree, and that obviously ties in very closely with exploring racism and Islamaphobia that the Riddler has grown up experiencing, but as I said in the other post it's also uuuuuh very weird to make Jean-Paul the narrative scapegoat for far right fundie Christians when, in the comics, that's not his bag at all. he's a dangerous and careless Batman, sure, but he's also very much a victim of the Order of St. Dumas, and it feels like both a sloppy use of the character and a WILDLY missed opportunity to explore the church as a corrupt system akin to Strange's medical abuses in Arkham and everything about the GCPD. idk, it feels like Secrets in the Dark just really jettisoned much more interesting potential stories building on Unburied's themes in favor of a much more black and white narrative.
tl;dr I cannot believe that Secrets in the Dark has forced me to point to David S. Goyer as a comparative paragon of nuance and taste!!! what!!!
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silverhyenaart · 4 months
I just wanted to share a piece of my latest passion project, Into the Shadows. (Formerly Shadows and Pumpkin Spice.) This is the Nightmare Before Christmas fever dream I've been working on since November 2023.
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Of course, the first thing that struck Jack was just how... young this Ambassador was. Barely a teenager if he had to guess. By mortal standards, of course.
Usually by this point, he'd seen full grown men give out a terrified shriek, then turn tail and run. A vast improvement, this one. So far, so good.... for now.
"Thank you, milady. I... I had no idea we'd cause such a stir just by showing up!" stated the young canid, picking up her stride to keep up with the much taller ragdoll.
"You're welcome, Madam Ambassador. We... ummm... don't really get many visitors," the ragdoll explained, her blue skin flushing slightly, "by the way, you can just call me Sally."
Before the ambassador could say anything more, her amber eyes noticeably widened as she found herself standing in front of an incredibly tall, well dressed skeleton man. She tilted her head, ears flicking forward while the owl made a few chiding noises.
"Jack! This is Neo, the Konderi Ambassador from Horva we've been expecting," Sally introduced, giving the skeleton a warm smile, "Neo, I'd like to introduce you to my dearest friend, Jack Skellington, The Pumpkin King."
Politely, Neo curtsied and bowed her head, the owl on her shoulder following the same motions, "By the Spirits of the Healer and the Warrior, I am pleased to meet you, Your Grace."
She nodded her head making a gesture with her hand that could have only been interpreted as friendly, "I'm Neo of the House Redsun, and this is my familiar, Talon," the Konderi gestured to the owl perched on her shoulder, "Your Grace, it's truly exhilarating to finally be here in your glorious realm."
Jack's smile widened as he let out a gentle chuckle.
"Please, please, there's no need for such formalities here, Neo. Everyone in town just calls me Jack," The Pumpkin King insisted, bending down to Neo's level and offering his bony hand.
"Very well, Jack. My friends just call me Neo."
The skeleton was quite surprised that she didn't even hesitate to take his hand in her own and shake.
"And I see you're already well acquainted with Sally, my dearest friend," mentioned Jack.
"Well, I've barely been in town five minutes and she's already rescued me," Neo laughed, followed up with a small, nervous whine.
She was definitely putting on a brave front. However, the continued murmur and clamoring of the entire town just... watching... well, it quickly made such first meetings... a tad awkward. Jack understood the feeling all too well; being crowded, touched, and fawned all over. It got old real fast!
Jack returned to his full height, offering his arm to Sally, who gladly took hold, looking up to her king with a fond smile.
"Perhaps we should pick this up at Skellington Manor, then?" he suggested.
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If you would like to read the WHOLE thing, here it is!
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squeakyfir · 10 months
The Love from a Skeleton [Jack Skellington X Reader]
Plot: Halloween... The time of year you absolutely hate. Not because of the ghouls and monsters, you enjoyed that kind of thing, it's because of trick or treaters. They get free candy and whine and complain to their parents if they didn't get what they expected, which is the whole bowl of candy. Anyways, since you don't celebrate that holiday, you decide to go for a late stroll through the woods on the hiking trail. While walking, your whole life changes. And I mean that literally... Everything started to change drastically until you find trees with holiday symbols on it. One of them being a Jack-o-lantern. Being curious, you enter through the door and discover a world that would represent a children's book written by Stephen King. But the leader of this place was a king. Not just any king... A pumpkin king. His name is Jack Skellington. He's a very tall and slender skeleton with a pinstripe suit, a black cat bow tie and ghost dog named Zero. He discovers you and welcomes you to Halloween town until he can figure out how to send you home. But this place is perfect! No taxes to pay No drama And no more loneliness Jack believes that your hideous. But don't worry, hideous in the Halloween town definition means... Beautiful. Enjoy! *I do not own the Nightmare before Christmas. All rights belong to Tim Burton and Disney™*
Chapter 9
Previous ~ Next
After awhile, you finally made it back to the town to see everyone standing around enjoying the music and talking to each other about how excited they were for Christmas to start. You tried looking for Jack but he was nowhere in sight. Suddenly the coffin on the makeshift sleigh that the monsters made opened up to reveal Jack in his suit ready to take off. You were about to call out his name but then remembered you had something stored in your pocket.
Fog juice.
The fountain was next to you so you got down and carefully poured all of the juice into the fountain. You didn't know how much fog it would produce but if you pour the while thing in it, it might give enough time to stop Jack to warn him of Oogie Boogie. The mayor got up on the podium by the sleigh and pulled out a piece of paper. "Think of us as you soar triumphantly through the sky outshining every star. Your silhouette a dark blot on the moon, you who are our pride, you who are our glory, you who have frightened billions into an early grave".
You looked over and saw that the fog was building and was getting worse. "Who have eh, devastated the souls of the living..."
"Oh no! We can't take off in this! The reindeer can't see an inch in front of their noses". You sighed deeply knowing that now he can't leave. "This fog's as thick as, as-" the vampires said but were cut off by the cyclops, "Jelly brains".
"Thicker" the Vampires exclaimed. Jack sat down on his sleigh with a long sad face and said, "There go all of my hopes, my precious plans, my glorious dreams". One of the other monster children started to cry and said, "There goes Xmas". You were about to talk to Jack but were cut off by Zero barking at Jack to get his attention. "No Zero, down boy". Jack looked up and said, "My, what a brilliant nose you have. The better to light my way! To the head of the team, Zero"!
Oh no!
Zero flew to the front of the reindeer with his bright red nose and before you could stop Jack, he whipped his whip and started to fly away. "We're off"!
"Wait Jack, no" you said trying to stop him but he wasn't listening. Jack then flies out of sight as the monsters cheering and Jack could be heard saying "ho ho ha ha ha". You felt horrible about all of this and as you walked away, you said, "Good bye Jack, my dearest Jack. Oh how I hope my dream is wrong". There was deep feeling in your heart. The thought of Jack was racing through your mind and making you feel a warm feeling and made you feel happy but sad that he was carrying out with his plan.
The monsters of Halloween town have gave off the talent to you of singing about how you feel. You felt sad. You then felt the urge to sing. Without resisting, you let the lyrics out with the band playing along with your lyrics. It was like they knew what was coming next.
I sense there's something in the air
That feels like tragedys at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend
You approached one of the gates and held onto the bars in sorrow. You kept singing with, now, a few tears falling from your eyes. You then started to sing about Jack.
And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be
You looked up as you continued to sing and saw a black cat. You stepped through the gate and walked towards the cat who was now on the slanting pillar with ledges.
What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn't last
You got down on your knees and the cat jumped down for you to pet it. You gave it a few pets before picking it up to have it rest on your knee as it let out a 'meow'. The cat then jumped off and ran away.
And will we ever end up together?
No, I think not, it's never to become
For I am not the one
The music stopped and you felt more tears pour from your cheeks. You felt like this was all your fault. You looked back through the gates and could just barely see everyone still in a cheerful mood. You fell back down and felt useless. But a small idea came to mind. This could work! You grabbed a couple rocks and ran off to find Oogie Boogie again. The only person who could help was Santa!
You kept running with determination and after awhile, you made it to the building. You climbed back down the side and saw Oogie in front of him. You prepared the rocks and got in a position of where they were right below you. "Are you a gamblin' man Sandy? Lets play". You threw a rock away in a far corner and Oogie looked over to what the sound was. "My my? What have we here"? He walked over the source of the noise and you were able to grab a hold of the rope. You gently tugged it and Santa looked up to see you.
"I'll get you out of here" you said quietly. Oogie was looking in the corners crevices but didn't see anything. You threw another rock in a different corner and he was now confused and annoyed. "Come out, come out" he said. You tried pulling the rope up but Santa was too heavy. You were about to throw your last rock but it slipped from your grasp and fell to the ground. Oogie turned around and saw you trying to pull Santa out. "WHAT!? YOU TRY TO MAKE A DUPE OUT OF ME"!?
Oogie then started to inhale air with a loud scream as he was now pulling you and Santa towards him. You tried fighting the pull but it was too powerful. You couldn't fight it anymore and went flying towards him. He caught you and held you by the arm strongly. "Well, well, well, if this is the one that Jack talks about, then he's a liar"!
"Liar" you asked.
"Your hideous! He's an idiot if he likes this"! You knew he wasn't saying that you were beautiful. You knew he was speaking in literal terms. "You"? You looked over at Santa who said that and he then said, "You were the one that one of my elves saw leave their room and your missing from your world. You need to go back home, now"!
"Does she? I don't think so". Oogie got close to your face and said menacingly, "Your... not... going... ANYWHERE"! He then took you and Santa and tied your hands and legs so you couldn't run. He placed you and Santa on a table and laughed in a evil way again. You started to cry again. All you want is to go home and Jack.
You kept thinking of him and just want him to save you. You need him now more than ever but all he's doing is probably ruining Christmas. But that deep feeling in your chest was now confirmed...
As love.
This was being processed in your head. Your in love. Your in love with Jack, the pumpkin king. You didn't know if he felt the same but you knew that yo did indeed love him. But is he going to notice your gone?
'Help me, Jack' you thought to yourself.
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whumpsday · 2 years
Whumpmas in July Day 5: Who is your favorite whumpee?
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i can’t pick just one, so i’m gonna go over a bunch of my faves! in alphabetical order:
Aaron & Henri from Of Vampires and Men by @whumpy-writings​
I LOVE THESE GUYS. two amazingly resilient whumpees, each in their own way. of vampires and men takes place in a world where humans are subjugated by vampires, and is honestly a huge inspiration for me with my own work. i love aaron’s whole romance with micah and waiting the six years for micah to finish his military service and come save him. i love aaron’s love for his daughter. i love how henri sacrificed himself, offering himself up to be owned by a cruel whumper in aaron’s place, because he knows aaron has a chance of making it out. i love henri’s struggle with his panic attacks that aldon helps him through. everything about these guys (and this series in general) is SPECTACULAR.
Bailey from With Bloody Outstretched Hands by @wolfeyedwitch
ahhh villain whumpee showing up on hero’s doorstep for refuge while running away from a bigger bad, my beloved. bailey is awesome. i love how they’re recovering with the heroes, but also knowing that they were the one who tortured icarus and just waiting for someone to eventually find out and the other shoe to drop. guilt is a fave trait of mine in whumpees.
Briac from Smoke, Salt, and Asbestos by @quietly-by-myself
MY SWEETIE... MY BELOVED... briac is so special. i love him so dearly. his backstory is absolutely HEARTWRENCHING. believing himself to be a normal human his whole life, only to get the rug pulled out from under him when it’s revealed he’s a changeling. his mother who he’d been close to all his life suddenly turning against him. his friends, too. being tortured and forcibly having his personhood removed, all for something that happened when he was a baby that he had no control over. watching him recover from this and be LOVED for who he is has been magical. i want to give him a hug.
Brody from Brody by @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
one of the best pet whumpees out there! his progression is absolutely heartbreaking. being taken in by caretakers and learning how to be his own person... only to be recaptured and viciously torn down all over again. this guy just can’t catch a break. but honestly, what makes brody a favorite for me is knowing how his story ends. knowing he DOES eventually regain his freedom during the future where he becomes mr. patricks, helping other escaped pets. he’s such a sweetheart and i adore him.
Danny from Cat and Mouse by @t0rture-me
i love when a whumpee is thrown in a no-win situation, and that’s exactly what danny’s got: being held captive by two vampires who want opposite things from him. if he obeys one the other gets mad. how horribly, terrifyingly stressful. this poor guy. i wanna give him a HUG. he tries so hard. he just doesn’t want to be hurt. but it’s impossible. at least one of his whumpers is kind of nice sometimes.
El (Pumpkin) from Killing, Stalking, Whumping and SPK by @whumpshaped
EL!!!! MY FRIEND EL!!!!! i love them so much. their canon story is absolutely HEARTBREAKING, especially when you have the extra context of spk. all the things they could have accomplished, all the happiness they could have had, snuffed out by a cruel whumper who couldn’t even grant them the glorious type of death they wanted. and then in spk... seeing them recover from all of it, and getting to interweave that with my own story, is amazing. they have a really interesting conundrum where they still have this stockholm syndrome type attachment to their whumper that makes them a cool, unique character.
and the spk version of el has their own blog!! @pumpkin--anon​ 
Haze from Hazeshift by @whumpwillow
haze is the absolute KING of whumper-turned-whumpees. from torturer to tortured, haze was first tortured by a bigger badder villain, and is now imprisoned by the heroes. and though it’s somewhat better here, his former whumpee and his friends are out for revenge and haze does NOT have a good time, though one of the heroes is looking out for him. i find haze really interesting because usually, whumper-turned-whumpee tends to be of the “disproportionate retribution” variety, but haze was FULLY a torturer. brings up some interesting moral questions and makes for great character motivations.
Joy from The Monster of Lindborough by @secretwhumplair
joy is INCREDIBLE. honestly possibly my favorite whumpee of all time? his writing is absolutely immaculate, this story is a masterpiece, i could hype it up all day. joy is just a werewolf who’s trying his best despite absolutely dismal circumstances. he reminds me of this quote from the show russian doll: “You were this tiny seed buried in darkness fighting your way to the light. You wanted to live. It’s the most beautiful thing in the world.” i adore his arc so much, where despite everything he manages to win himself safety and love. he’s everything to me.
Rowe from Tomas and Rowe by @whumpzone
tomas and rowe was the first longform whump story i ever got really into, i might even go as far as to say that it got me into whump, and rowe will always hold a very special place in my heart. the fact that the whumping happens DURING the recovery arc is a super unique aspect to this story, and i love how rowe tries to recover and see tomas as a friend & safe person despite also being secretly tortured at the same time. and MOST OF ALL, i love his ending, which i will not spoil, but is incredibly satisfying. seeing him gain that strength was so cathartic. I LOVE ROWE
Wyatt from One Night’s Mistake by @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump
AAAAAA WYATT MY SWEET PRINCE.... he’s such a sweetheart, i adore him. i love how he defends maisie even when it gets him hurt. i love how he tries so so hard. i love watching him learn to accept touch in a healthy, platonic way. learning to feel safe again. he’s SO sweet!!!
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theohnocorral · 2 years
I think the pumpkin war is over.
It was relatively short-lived but glorious. Yes but no must be presumed dead, as they have not answered my call for their surrender. And thus,
All hail me, the Pumpkin King!
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I will not be a just ruler.
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xstarxgazerx · 2 years
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Movie quote match-up
Question: 1. “It’s Halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good scare.”
CC. Sheriff Stanton 
2. “I’m a mouse, duh.”
K. Daphne 
3. “Oh look, another glorious morning. Makes me sick.”
P. Harlow  
4. “You can’t kill the boogeyman!”
O. Grace 
5. “I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color.”
L. Dodge 
6. “I’m a ghost with the most, babe.”
C. Alice 
7. “When there is no room left in hell, the dead will walk the earth.”
B. Alexis 
8. “It’s a full moon tonight. That’s when all the weirdos are out.”
AA. Ryker 
9. “I am the pumpkin king.”
T. Mayor Edwards 
10. “It’s showtime.”
Y. Raleigh 
11. “Hi, I’m Chucky, wanna play?”
H. Calla  
12. “No, please don’t kill me, Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel.”
F. Bowie  
13. “What an excellent day for an exorcism.”
N. Finn 
14. “Be afraid… Be very afraid.”
E. Aurora  
15. “I see dead people.”
Q. Hunter  
16. "Can I keep you?"
A. Adah  
17. "You are too precious for words, why I could just... eat you alive!"
W. Peyton 
18. “I, myself, am strange and unusual.”
U. Melanie 
19. "This is my costume. I'm a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else."
D. Astrid 
20. “Go to hell!” “I’ve been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely.”
J. Damien 
21. "You can’t kill the boogeyman!"
BB. Scott 
22. “Sometimes dead is better."
S. Maverick 
23. "Every day is Halloween, isn't it? For some of us."
X. Presley 
24. "Whatever you do, don't fall asleep."
V. Novaleigh 
25. "We all go a little mad sometimes."
G. Braxton 
26. "Here's Johnny!"
M. Ezekiel 
27. "Redrum! Redrum! Redrum!"
Z. Rosslyn 
28. “Isn’t the view beautiful? It takes my breath away. Well, it would if I had any.”
EE. Vanessa 
29. "I know what you did last summer."
I. Catherine 
30. “Last night you were unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again.”
FF. Zachary 
31. "I want to play a game."
R. Katharina 
32. “You know that part in scary movies when somebody does something really stupid and everyone hates them for it? This is it.”
DD. Teagan 
Match the Movie Quote
1. "It’s Halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good scare.”
N. Halloween
2. “Oh look, another glorious morning. Makes me sick!”
C. Hocus Pocus
3. “It’s a full moon tonight. That’s when all the weirdos are out.”
P. Hocus Pocus
4. “That cold ain't the weather. That's death approaching."
R. 30 Days of Night
5. "You can’t kill the boogeyman!"
U. Halloween
6. “When there is no room left in hell, the dead will walk the earth.”
X. Dawn of the Dead
7. "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."
G. Silence of the Lambs
8. “No, please don’t kill me, Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel!”
L. Scream
9. “Sometimes dead is better."
M. Pet Sematary
10. “You know that part in scary movies when somebody does something really stupid and everyone hates them for it? This is it.”
E. Jeepers Creepers
11. "What an excellent day for an exorcism."
D. The Exorcist
12. "Be afraid... Be very afraid."
B. The Fly
13. “Today is thanksgiving day for cats. But only if they came back from the dead."
T. Pet Sematary
14. "He's gonna get you. The boogeyman is coming!"
W. Halloween
15. “Well, it says to form a circle a salt to protect from zombies, witches, and old boyfriends."
I. Hocus Pocus
16. "I’m a ghost with the most, babe."
K. Beetlejuice
17. "It’s my party and I’ll die if I want do, die if I want to. You will die too, when it happens to you."
Q. Casper
18. "We’ve got to find Jack! There’s only 365 days left until next Halloween!"
A. The Nightmare Before Christmas
19. "The Great Pumpkin will rise out of the pumpkin patch. He flies through the air and brings toys to all the children of the world."
J. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
20. "Isn’t the view beautiful? It takes my breath away. Well, it would if I had any."
F. Corpse Bride
21. “Hi, I’m Chucky, wanna play?”
O. Chucky [ Child’s Play ]
22. “I see dead people.”
H. The Sixth Sense
23. “I’m a mouse, duh.”
Y. Mean Girls
24. “I am the pumpkin king.”
V. The Nightmare Before Christmas
25. “I, myself, am strange and unusual.”
S. Beetlejuice
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kissmysassxo · 2 years
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Movie quote match-up.
1. “It’s Halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” R. Katharina 2. “I’m a mouse, duh.” X. Presley 3. “Oh look, another glorious morning. Makes me sick.” E. Aurora 4. “You can’t kill the boogeyman!” K. Daphne 5. “I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color.” D. Astrid 6. “I’m a ghost with the most, babe.” S. Maverick 7. “When there is no room left in hell, the dead will walk the earth.” C. Alice 8. “It’s a full moon tonight. That’s when all the weirdos are out.” U. Melanie 9. “I am the pumpkin king.” BB. Scott 10. “It’s showtime.” H. Calla 11. “Hi, I’m Chucky, wanna play?” Y. Raleigh 12. “No, please don’t kill me, Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel.” DD. Teagan 13. “What an excellent day for an exorcism.” G. Braxton 14. “Be afraid… Be very afraid.” EE. Vanessa 15. “I see dead people.” B. Alexis 16. "Can I keep you?" A. Adah 17. "You are too precious for words, why I could just... eat you alive!" Z. Rosslyn 18. “I, myself, am strange and unusual.” AA. Ryker 19. "This is my costume. I'm a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else." W. Peyton 20. “Go to hell!” “I’ve been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely.” F. Bowie 21. "You can’t kill the boogeyman!" N. Finn 22. “Sometimes dead is better." Q. Hunter 23. "Every day is Halloween, isn't it? For some of us." FF. Zachary 24. "Whatever you do, don't fall asleep." J. Damien 25. "We all go a little mad sometimes." P. Harlow 26. "Here's Johnny!" T. Mayor Edwards 27. "Redrum! Redrum! Redrum!" CC. Sheriff Stanton 28. “Isn’t the view beautiful? It takes my breath away. Well, it would if I had any.” V. Novaleigh 29. "I know what you did last summer." I. Catherine 30. “Last night you were unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again.” O. Grace 31. "I want to play a game." L. Dodge 32. “You know that part in scary movies when somebody does something really stupid and everyone hates them for it? This is it.” M. Ezekiel
Movie quote match-up.
1. "It’s Halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” N. Halloween 2. “Oh look, another glorious morning. Makes me sick!” C. Hocus Pocus 3. “It’s a full moon tonight. That’s when all the weirdos are out.” I. Hocus Pocus 4. “That cold ain't the weather. That's death approaching." R. 30 Days of Night 5. "You can’t kill the boogeyman!" W. Halloween 6. “When there is no room left in hell, the dead will walk the earth.” X. Dawn of the Dead 7. "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." G. Silence of the Lambs 8. “No, please don’t kill me, Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel!” L. Scream 9. “Sometimes dead is better." T. Pet Sematary 10. “You know that part in scary movies when somebody does something really stupid and everyone hates them for it? This is it.” E. Jeepers Creepers 11. "What an excellent day for an exorcism." D. The Exorcist 12. "Be afraid... Be very afraid." B. The Fly 13. “Today is thanksgiving day for cats. But only if they came back from the dead." M. Pet Sematary 14. "He's gonna get you. The boogeyman is coming!" U. Halloween 15. “Well, it says to form a circle a salt to protect from zombies, witches, and old boyfriends." P. Hocus Pocus 16. "I’m a ghost with the most, babe." S. Beetlejuice 17. "It’s my party and I’ll die if I want do, die if I want to. You will die too, when it happens to you." Q. Casper 18. "We’ve got to find Jack! There’s only 365 days left until next Halloween!" V. The Nightmare Before Christmas 19. "The Great Pumpkin will rise out of the pumpkin patch. He flies through the air and brings toys to all the children of the world." J. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown 20. "Isn’t the view beautiful? It takes my breath away. Well, it would if I had any." F. Corpse Bride 21. “Hi, I’m Chucky, wanna play?” O. Chucky 22. “I see dead people.” H. The Sixth Sense 23. “I’m a mouse, duh.” Y. Mean Girls 24. “I am the pumpkin king.” A. The Nightmare Before Christmas 25. “I, myself, am strange and unusual.” K. Beetlejuice
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anandabrat · 2 years
Nightmare Warehouse, day 7... as always with the best @starshipblueberry around...
Artie is on his stomach now, if you can call it that. He has his head propped up on his hands — again can he call them that? — and he’s kicking his legs. He just spent days weeks months rolling around. Rolling like babies do to just see what happens. He rolled and rolled and rolled and then he started laughing because what the actual fuck was happening here. He laughed and the laughter became hysterical and that’s when the bugs started talking. 
Not the bugs inside him, the outside bugs. 
“Oogie you big goof! What you even doing man? Rolling around on the floor?” It’s a little green guy with big eyes. He’s really mostly eyes. 
“Yeah man. It’s the day after Halloween, dude,” a bigger red one that is mostly legs hums. “Aren’t you supposed to be like, starting your latest overthrow the Pumpkin King plot?”
“He’s not on the floor, dude,” a huge purple one covered in hair giggles. 
Artie scratches his head. The worms in there are also trying to talk, but it is too muffled to make out. 
“The Pumpkin King’s day will come,” he barks. “We have a more pressing issue.” He peers into the souls of his fellow bugs. 
“Brothers. Have you got a light?”
The room bursts into a dazzling glorious blaze. 
Myka is spinning. Her head is spinning, yes, but also her body — her arms are stretched out to full length and she is spinning and spinning and laughing. 
The snow falls. 
“What is that?” Helena had asked only a few minutes before. After the fire, they had kept walking. They walked and talked about other Warehouse adventures they had each had in their time, trying to ground themselves. Neither had said it to each other yet, but they could both feel themselves slipping, forgetting that this wasn’t their world. So they talked and walked. All night, and into the next day, and then - 
There it was, of course. And naturally they opened the door with the Christmas tree and fell in, holding tight to each other screaming ‘curiouser and curiouser!’ And then they fell soft into the snow. 
And they laughed. Myka has never heard Helena laugh and she wonders how much of that sound is Helena and how much is Jack but also does it matter because oh what a sound. It’s loud and wild and more than a little crazy and Myka is pretty sure Helena doesn’t have lips right now but she wants to kiss them. 
So she starts spinning. 
Helena has never been a Christmas person. There’s nothing particularly wrong with it, mind; it’s just never really grabbed her, aside from when Christina was a child. Even then, the appeal had mostly been in watching her enjoy it.
This is different. Every inch of this place - it isn’t so much that it’s the trappings of the holiday, but the feeling that’s always been described to her, that she’s felt in fleeting moments long, long ago. Not for a hundred years.
Until now. She’s never seen so much snow, and Myka is here - Myka, who is keeping up with her frenetic, giddy pace, step for step.
Myka, who is laughing and spinning around on a carousel like she’s five years old and Helena wants - she wants. Helena doesn’t allow herself to want, it’s dangerous to want things like this, but he can’t help himself, he wants all of it and she is with him, and they trade lines of a song they make out of spun sugar and the long-lost tunes of childhood.
They find themselves in front of an enormous gate, breathless, and Myka spins herself around a striped pole, grinning. He reaches out his hand for her and she takes it, and she’s so warm and soft, and he starts to tug on her arm - gently, always gently for fear of loosening something - and a cry rings out across the expanse of snow.
“Ho ho ho! Myka? Is that you out there?”
“Pete!” And instead, it’s Myka tugging on Helena. “Pete’s here? Maybe he knows what’s going on. Although more likely, this whole thing is his fault…”
Myka tugs on Helena’s arm and it wouldn’t do to appear reluctant, to show her displeasure at the interruption. 
Myka throws her arms around Pete when she gets to the door. “Whoa, Pete! You get to be Santa? No fair. My arms come off!”
“I dunno, Mykes, it seems kinda handy. Get it? Cuz hands… Come on in - you too, HG, what’s up? Want some cookies? There’s like…. Uh. I was gonna say a lifetime supply, but it’s more like…”
“More like a world’s lifetime supply?” Helena hazards.
“Yup. That’s the one. And guys, I have a wife, even! How rad is that?”
“So rad,” Myka replies, rolling her eyes. Pete waddles down the hallway - he’s shaped kind of like a penguin and seems to have the dexterity of one, too. Myka reaches out without looking and grabs Helena’s hand.
“Come on, Jack,” she whispers, and squeezes. 
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linxkly · 2 years
Grians upload!!
my little liveblog for myself I’ve never done this before but it looks fun
- rip the audio quality but it’s not too terrible, I have a feeling I know what happened to the pesky webcam tho,,,
- Maui!! we love cat cameos
-omg the compasses grumbot is spitting out — for the other hermits??
- I am totally normal about this
- you might travel to another universe AND HES WORRIED ABOUT HIS FLOOR???
- that is,,, so many pumpkins my goodness
- look at my buildy boi, whizzing about in his spiffy timelapse
I’ve seen the kings vault challenge alr, so I’ll only really cover over bits concerning grian, also heads up his room is optional
- the silence in response to rens initial announcement is DEAFENING, and the cheering after he says he’s going to step down is amazing
- him missing the slime block and punching pearl off is peak sibling energy
- sorry ik he was dare to but jevin starting red light green light before the game even started is so funny
- grian not even doing the game in the first bit, opting to watch everyone else fail is me
- bdubs just gives up on his elaborate speech
- grian popping off on scars parkour?? we stan a king
- scar looks like a glorious porcupine
- BETRAYAL MOMENT will they choose to do grians room??
-they don’t wanna do it
-grian trying to explain his whole resistance assistance semantics to the group and they’re all like “mhmm sure traitor, but no”
- they’ve resorted to doing his room, which results in a very grian “YAY!”
- grians room!
- jevin doc and etho answering wrong on what is grians name for the example question rip
- vaflaphobia,,, what a word
- we love when false etho and gem are the big brain team they stay winning
- ethos’ “what’s third life” SIR-
- grian straight up making sure his side is stacked woweee
-the sheer chaos of the final fights cannot be described in words to fully exemplify their mayhem, you’d have to watch it to fully take it in
- you and me both g idk who is who they’re all in blue
- THE KING IS DEAD (rip rentheking)
- everyone’s just flicking the levers screw complicated red stone
- uh oh the diamonds are gone, where did they go?
- (im secretly hoping mumbo stole them)
- grian insisting ren will pay all them back
-ren just being so pathetically sad (in a lovable way) that they’re all like “noooo come back”
- ooh it’s nearly 8pm bst
- the hermits are trickling in slowly but surely
- ah yes. my favorite flavor of jam. Nifty.
anyways this was my little live-blogging experience, idk if anyone will read this but I had fun making it :)
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