xstarxgazerx · 2 months
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xstarxgazerx · 2 months
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xstarxgazerx · 2 months
The Devil
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The devil doesn’t bargain, He’ll only break your heart again, It isn’t worth it darlin, He’s never gonna change.
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xstarxgazerx · 3 months
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I did not unlove you overnight, I unloved you in bits and pieces, over time, I grew a new skin that you could never touch, A new heart that you could never break, And a new soul that you could never corrupt. This is how I unloved you. Slowly. Painfully. But with no regrets.
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xstarxgazerx · 3 months
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Dads be like, ‘I hope you’re treating my daughter like a princess.’ Did you know your daughter throws hands like a prison inmate, cusses like a sailor and drinks like a fish?
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xstarxgazerx · 3 months
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The vastness inside a single human is immeasurable, insurmountable, and terrifying. That same seemingly endless potential can feel like an empty void in which you can drown, all the while never once realizing that you were on the surface the entire time. It's the vertigo of it all that paralyzes, that keeps some from ever exploring the expanse while others swim in the depths like they were born to it. And therein lies the rub, because even the most experienced swimmers can be taken by a current strong enough, and when the whirlpool takes you under, who will be there to help you find the surface again? Who would even notice?
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xstarxgazerx · 4 months
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Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! -Dr. Seuss
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xstarxgazerx · 4 months
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White has a variety of symbolic meanings, visually, it can often be used to convey a sense of simplicity or cleanliness, or can be used along with darker colors to create a sense of contrast.
Minimalist vibes
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xstarxgazerx · 4 months
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Speed dating. Astrid organized these more than once. Some nights were to help long-standing clients, while others were more of an auction for one charity or another. Tonight was a little different. The only part that she would be taking in this event would be as a participant. Most people looked like they’d been forced to attend or maybe even uninterested at best, but she thought this would be fun. Did she think that she was going to find her soulmate in a five minute introduction? No, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t excited for the adventure of it all. Settling herself onto the stool, she flattened her hands against her skirt, smoothing away the wrinkles as she waited for her first date.
As other people found their numbers and went to the correlating tables, she took a moment to look around the room. It only took a moment to realize she was looking around with the eye of an event planner, and the moment recognition hit, she shook her head to derail that train of thought. Crossing her legs, she leaned against the tabletop and looked at the decorations laid out, trying and failing not to listen to the things the people around her were talking about. It all seemed like the usual introductory, surface conversations that most people entertained. The couple seated right behind her seemed to be having a heated conversation but before she could really catch any of the details the sound of the chair dragging out against the floor across from her pulled her focus back to her own table. Her smile spread across her features as she looked up to meet her first date.
“Well well well, look at what we have here.” The way he looked at her made her feel like he was surveying a piece of land for purchase. Trying to ignore the way it made her skin crawl, she forced her smile to remain as she reached across the table to shake his hand. “Hi, I'm Astrid.” He looked at her hand as if she had just handed him the keys to the kingdom, and the struggle to not immediately pull it back was just the first of many. Five minutes. She could handle this for five minutes… looking at the timer, she amended the thought; three minutes and fifty-eight seconds. Never did she think she would be so grateful for someone being late.
The way his fingers encased her hand reminded her of a snake coiling around her palm, but the worst part was the way he pulled it closer to him until she was practically leaned over the table. When his lips pressed against the skin against the back of her hand, she forced her smile wider as she tugged on her hand. Her attempt to get the appendage back only made him tighten his grip, and she had to consciously fight back the trauma response it triggered. “I would offer to let you sit on my lap for this date, but I don't want the other women here to think they don't have a chance.” Disgusted with his entire demeanor, she yanked her hand back, tucking it under the table so he wouldn't see her wiping it against her skirt. “Since there are only two minutes left, why don't you have a seat and tell me your name?”
A smile should be a comfort, but the way it spread across his face felt like a net being set to trap her. “Already trying to lock me down? I don't think that's fair to the other women in this room, but if you want me to meet you somewhere after this, I could be talked into it.” Az leaned back in her seat, trying to put as much distance between them as possible. This guy seemed like the biggest overconfident douchebag she had ever laid eyes on, but she knew just how much scarier this situation could be if she wasn't careful. “Name's Jake. Jake Drake.” She was scrambling to think of anything to say that wouldn't come across as interested while still going through the motions but was saved as the microphone came on and it was announced that it was time to switch partners. “Until later, Astrid.” His wink before leaving was met with an eye roll just before looking for the exit. Maybe she could slip out before the next person sat down. They might never even notice she was gone…
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xstarxgazerx · 4 months
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xstarxgazerx · 8 months
Rainy Daze
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Autumn was, hands down, Astrid's favorite time of year. It wasn't just because it was spooky season, though that did garner favor for the season, but it was the weather. She loved the cooler days before it became too cold to wear to do anything without thirty layers of clothes, not to mention the rainy days. Some of her favorite memories were times when the rain caught her off guard, pouring down on her as she was racing from one thing or another. It was like mother nature was reminding her to stop and enjoy the little things in life. The things too many took for granted. While that usually resulted with her dancing in the downpour, there was only one other activity that she usually found herself needing when the sky opened up.
The pattering of water against the window grew heavier as the wind began to pick up, lending to the atmosphere she loved. Carefully carrying a large mug with Oogie Boogie on it, she took her hot cocoa and her throw, making her way to the large bay windows in her home. She had fallen in love with this home as soon as she saw them, already seeing the reading nook in her mind. Settling in, she reached over to the small stack on the shelf and plucked the tome from the top. She opened the book that she'd read at least a thousand times and let the constant sound of rain drops drown out the rest of the world. Today, today was turning out to be perfect.
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xstarxgazerx · 8 months
Halloween Survey Dos
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Have you ever played with a Ouija Board?
Yes, but it was quickly abandoned because my brothers could be scary
Do you prefer gore or thriller movies?
Prefer? I can't love both? It really depends on my mood.
Have you ever played Bloody Mary?
Yes. It was a little before Halloween when I was seven and we were at a neighbors house for a party. When you have a group of kids together while the parents are dabbling in adult drinks, decisions get made. xD
If you were to be trapped in one scary movie, which one would you choose?
I think I would have to go with The Skeleton Key, it would be scary, but I would also be in New Orleans so... xD
Would you venture into a graveyard at night during Halloween?
Yes, best place to be on Halloween night.
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xstarxgazerx · 8 months
The Perfect Pumpkin [ s ]
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Today was the first day of the season that actually felt like fall was here. The cool air blew across her face as she tipped her head back, letting her eyes close momentarily as she smiled. Astrid loved this time of year, and even with the other things going on in her life, she refused to allow the dark consume the light. She was driving just out of the city to the little family owned pumpkin patch to pick out a few of the pumpkins, not just for her home, but to decorate around her office too. Going out to the patch would let her find a few pumpkins that would accommodate what she had in mind instead of just the pretty ones that made the cut to be sent to the city to be sold. Letting those thoughts flutter away with the wind, she turned onto the small dirt lot adjacent to the fields of pumpkins.
There were a few families already milling about the rows of green peppered with orange, triggering a small pang bolt through her chest. She missed her family, and while she didn't go home for fear of her ex, her adopted brother often came up to the city to check on her. She wondered if her Nana had started painting her pumpkins yet, or if her father was helping her Papa hang the fake ghosts along the porch. There was nothing like a holiday in a small town, and her small town always went above and beyond. There were so many people that had so little, but still managed to manifest the spirit of the season. Before her mind could start to wonder if they missed her as much as she missed them, she cleared her throat and headed for the first aisle.
Astrid didn't think this out as she should have. By the time she made it half way down the row she had fount three that she wanted. She mush have looked a little lost because not two whole minutes later, one of the owners of this charming farm was walking up with a wheel barrel and offering her some assistance. She laughed softly, "Thank you so much, I really should have planned this better." It wasn't lost on her that her entire company was based on her ability to plan for ever eventuality, but that was the duality of her. She could keep seven thousand plates spinning for an event, but something as simple as picking up pumpkins brought out the dreamer and stifled the planner. It only took her another forty-five minutes to fill the wheel barrel and start the task of getting her bounty home.
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xstarxgazerx · 8 months
Hi, I'm Astrid [ Halloween Edition ]
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What is your all time favorite Horror or Halloween themed song?
The Hurst Song by Rusty Cage
What is something you wouldn't want to run into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building?
A large, wild animal. Especially if I didn't see him until he was backed into a corner.
Who is your favorite horror monster/villain?
Freddy Krueger. I would be so terrified because everyone knows that you can't go long without sleeping and it's in your sleep that he comes for you. I was so scared as a child that I tried to stay awake and the little kids singing that song make cameos in my nightmares.
If you were dared to spend the night in a 'haunted house', would you do it?
Yes. Most definitely. I would either stay up telling scary stories all night or fall asleep and sleep straight through the night.
What urban legend scares you the most?
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xstarxgazerx · 8 months
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Halloweenie Things
Astrid loves the fall over every other season throughout the year. She loves all the spooky decor and easy access to the classic scary movies but the treats are top tier. From the flavors and the decorations, to the macabre spin on everyday things, nothing beats a good scary vibe. The cooler weather also makes bonfires, movie nights outside, and warm coffee walks through the neighborhoods that much more enjoyable.
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xstarxgazerx · 8 months
Spooky Season Decorating Playlist
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The Other Side - Bruno Mars Ft. Ceelo Green and B.O.B.
This Is Halloween - From NBC
I Put A Spell On You - From Hocus Pocus
Day-O - Henry Belafonte
Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang - Witch Doctor
Voodoo - Godsmack
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xstarxgazerx · 9 months
The Darrow Traits
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Personable -
At a very young age, Astrid learned how to sink into the background and go unnoticed. It was that chameleon aspect that honed her ability to read the people and situations around her. She can walk into a room and know exactly who would need their ego stroked in order to maintain the flow of the event, who would need to be coaxed out of their shell, and who would need to be distracted from the bar. More than just those skills, Astrid can relate to people and uses her genuine connections to put the people around her at ease.
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Sarcastic -
Astrid's mind works quickly, and growing up with brothers made it necessary for her to be able to stand on her own. Neither of them, or later Valerik, were cruel. Her brother's never went out of their way to poke fun at her but teasing was a normal part of life in the Darrow household. Being able to physically overpower anyone was not really an option so she made sure that she was able talk her way through any situation. While she does use sarcasm in humor, when frustration and irritation overwhelm her she can just as easily wield it like a weapon.
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