#That was like one of the first non request things i posted outside of the blog essentials
aesethewitch · 13 hours
Divination Troubleshooting
One of the more difficult aspects of divination, I think, is working out what to do when things don’t work the way they’re supposed to. When you’ve done everything technically right, there’s a chance you still won’t get answers that you can interpret, that make sense, or that are correct. If you have an occasional problem with divination, that’s totally normal — nothing will work 100% of the time. But when it happens consistently, it might be time to do a little troubleshooting.
This post is far from a complete list of possible problems. I’ve spent many years trying (and failing at) different forms of divination, so these are things I’ve personally run into and the things I consider when troubleshooting.
The basic format of this post is the form of problem, a short description of what the problem looks like, possible causes for the problem, and multiple suggested solutions for each cause. These recommendations are fairly general and non-exhaustive. You may find that you need to employ multiple solutions before the problem resolves, and you may find that none of these proposed solutions solve the issue you’re having. Some listed problems are specific to a particular tool, but most are applicable to more than one type.
Sometimes, determining the cause of your issue can be difficult. It can take a good amount of discernment to figure out, so don’t feel discouraged if you can’t fix the problem on the first try!
Unclear Answers
You’ve drawn your cards, cast your charms, selected your runes, and… it makes no sense, or maybe the answers you receive are too vague to be useful.
Cause: Lack of practice or familiarity with the tool Solutions:
Perform practice readings with the tool
Study the guidebook, if you have one, to determine whether there are additional meanings to glean
Look up potential alternate meanings to the individual cards/runes, or consider another perspective (Three of Swords not always meaning heartbreak, for example)
Ask for a second opinion by taking a picture of the reading and sending it to like-minded practitioners who would be willing to help you interpret
Request a reading from a more seasoned diviner to confirm the information you’re able to glean from your own reading (if you do this, I would suggest letting them know that you’re seeking clarity from a divination you did for yourself)
Cause: No thoughts, head empty (brain fog, sudden blanking, fatigue, etc.) Solutions:
Set it aside and come back to it later with fresh eyes
Do grounding or energizing exercises before redoing the divination
Take care of your mundane needs (drink water, eat something, sleep, take medicines, go outside/get fresh air, etc.) and then return to it
Ask for a second opinion
Write down what you can understand and return to it later to check your interpretation and/or reinterpret it
Cause: The question was poorly worded, or you’re asking the wrong question Solutions:
Reword the question
Ask a different question related to the situation
Consider whether the answer given is to another question or another facet of the situation
Ask the tool, spirits, deities, etc. what you should be focusing on, if not the question you’re asking
Ask follow-up questions to clarify specifics
Cause: The tool isn’t suited to the question you’re asking Solutions:
Try a different tool
Reword the question to suit the tool better
Request a reading from someone else (if you only use one type of tool)
Cause: Stagnant energy is lingering on or around the tool Solutions:
Cleanse the tool and any containers you keep the tool in
Reshuffle, shake, etc. thoroughly before attempting to divine again
Allow the tool to “rest” so it can “cool off” and lose some of the stuck-on energy
Cause: Missing context or information Solutions:
Write down what you can understand for now and come back in a few days/weeks to see if it makes more sense
Walk away and come back to it in an hour to see if new details come to mind
Work on phrasing your questions to account for information you don’t actively know
Cause: One single card is standing out, not meshing with the rest of the reading Solutions:
Let the querent know it’s a confusing card, explain what it typically means, and allow them to offer clarification or possible meanings to it
Decide ahead of time what you will do with cards like this and what they could possibly mean, so that when they come up, you can seamlessly deal with them
Disregard the rogue card entirely
Allow the card to stand on its own, almost like a separate reading within the existing reading; redraw for the position if doing a spread
Consider alternative or unorthodox meanings to the card, especially if it’s in an odd position in a spread:
The card may be referring to another question or situation; if so, set it aside and consider doing a separate divination with that card as a focus
The card may indicate a particular person; determine who it may be and what their impact is on the overall situation
The card may be a message from a spirit, related or unrelated to the situation; set it aside and consider doing a separate divination to see the full message
The card may indicate an unexpected element, upheaval, discomfort, or mismatched priorities; the interpretation largely depends on the card and position
Wrong Answers
You thought you had it, but the divination ended up being completely wrong. One time is normal, but consistently very wrong divinations are less so.
Cause: Lack of practice or familiarity with the tool Solutions:
Perform practice readings, either with actual questions, hypothetical scenarios, or no prompt at all to work on weaving meanings together and identifying messages/symbolism
Ask others if you can practice your divination with them to get more practical experience
Study the guidebook (if there is one) or other guides and articles on the tool to determine whether you missed a meaning, theme, or detail that would have made the reading more accurate
Study how you asked the question, performed the divination, and interpreted the output to see what may have gone wrong, if anything
Cause: The tool you’re using isn’t suited to you Solutions:
Try a different type of tool
If using tarot or oracle cards, try a deck with different imagery
If using tarot, try a deck based on a different system (Thoth vs. Rider-Waite-Smith, for example)
Cause: You’ve asked the same question too many times in a short period, and now the readings are so muddied nothing is accurate Solutions:
Take a break from divining on the question or topic
Consider the answers you’ve already gotten and determine which is the likeliest to be true (or untrue)
Ask a different question
Cause: Misleading or incorrect phrasing and information from the querent Solutions:
Clarify the situation with the querent
Before beginning the divination, let the querent know that they need to be honest with you or results may not be correct
Rephrase the question or prompt to be more honest about the situation
Cause: Blockages or disruption between you and the divination target Solutions:
Ask the querent to temporarily allow you through their protections
Cast a spell to break through the barrier/blockage before trying the divination again (note that if the barrier is a purposeful protection against prying eyes, there may be consequences to busting through)
Request spirit assistance with breaking through the blockage
Ground yourself and clear away any blockages or reluctance within yourself to see and understand the truth
Accept that the target person doesn’t want you divining about them
Cause: The question was poorly worded for the tool you’re using Solutions:
Try a different tool better suited to the type of question you’re asking (pendulums for yes/no, magpie oracle for general life readings, tarot for advice, etc.)
Reword the question to suit the tool
Practice asking better divination questions overall (proper wording, understanding the tool’s capabilities, etc.)
Conflicting Answers
When you do separate readings on the same topic and get different answers, it can be confusing! Which one do you believe? Which will actually come true?
Cause: You’ve asked the same question too many times Solutions:
 Take a break from divining on the topic or question
Consider the answers you’ve already gotten and determine which is the likeliest to be true (or untrue)
Ask something else, either relating to the situation or not
Cause: Circumstances have changed radically since you last divined on the situation Solutions:
Divine on what’s changed and how it’s caused the shift
If the change is undesirable, ask how you can get back on track to the future you want
Compare the readings to see if you can determine the links between them
Cause: The future is mutable, and there are separate, very different possibilities branching out around the situation Solutions:
Divine about the causes of each outcome already gathered to see what’s causing the vast difference in readings
If there are many people involved, do smaller, more specific divinations to determine their impact on the future
Accept that you may not get to know the future perfectly
Ask instead how you can attain the future you actually want, rather than what may happen
Always Exhausted Afterwards
After doing divination, you feel absolutely drained of energy. Whether that’s physical, emotional, or spiritual energy, when it happens often, it can be discouraging and make you want to never do divination again!
Cause: Your energy is depleting naturally Solutions:
Do smaller divinations
Only perform one divination in a single sitting, rather than attempting several back to back
Request assistance from spirits to boost your own energy or borrow theirs for the reading
Eat a nourishing meal beforehand and have a snack afterwards
Cause: The querent, tool, spirits, etc., involved are draining your energy Solutions:
Bolster your area’s protections with a focus on keeping your energy to yourself
Wear something like a veil or other protective clothing, jewelry, or accessories during the divination to prevent the drain
Do a grounding exercise beforehand to center your focus and keep your energy to yourself
Pause the divination if you start feeling yourself draining to refresh and protect your energy
If working with spirits which are draining you as part of a deal (whether spoken or unspoken), make a physical offering instead of an energetic one
Practice energy work to learn how to better contain your energy so that it isn’t as free for the taking
Cause: You didn’t have the energy to begin with, but divined anyways Solutions:
Request a reading from a trusted source
Seek ways to boost your energy before beginning
Take care of your mundane needs before performing divination (eat something, drink water, take a nap, get some fresh air)
Spirits Aren’t Coming Through or Assisting
You’ve invited spirits to the table, but it doesn’t seem like they’ve got a hand in the divination results you’re getting.
Cause: You haven’t made an offering equivalent in value to what you’re asking for Solutions:
Set out an offering before starting if you haven’t already
Determine what the spirits might want other that what you’ve already offered
Offer something more personalized to the particular spirit
Make a sacrifice, rather than a simple offering (give up the last cookie, lay a piece of meaningful jewelry on their altar, etc.)
Cause: The spirits think you aren’t ready to know the answers you’re looking for Solutions:
Seek answers from another source
Wait a while and try again later
Ask a different question
Cause: The spirits you’re trying to contact aren’t immediately available/answering Solutions:
Call on the spirits before you start divining and let them know what you’re doing and why
Perform the divination at their sacred space, if possible
If working in an animist sense, “wake up” or “activate” your deck’s spirit in some way before beginning (knocking, speaking to it, etc.)
Cause: Another spirit is interrupting Solutions:
Ask the intruding spirit to back off (for now or forever, that’s up to you)
Perform a banishing if the spirit is unwelcome and will not leave when asked
Find out what the interrupting spirit wants and either decline or fulfill their request
End the divination and come back to it later on
Pendulum Won’t Swing Consistently
The pendulum swings willy-nilly with little to no rhyme or reason, providing no clear answers.
Cause: The cord, chain, string, or other material isn’t long enough Solutions:
Replace it with a longer cord, chain, string, etc.
Use a different pendulum
Create your own pendulum using a length of string (or twine, etc.) and a crystal, stone, pendant, coin, or other relatively heavy item
Cause: The pendulum itself isn’t heavy enough, or it’s an uneven shape Solutions:
Replace the pendulum with a pointed stone, crystal, or piece of glass Thread other, heavier beads, charms, crystals, stones, etc., onto the pendulum’s cord/chain
Cause: Your source for answers isn’t working with you Solutions:
If working based on your own intuition, do a grounding exercise and try again
If working with spirits, make an offering or see whether the spirits are present before trying again
Cause: There’s a breeze making it swing Solutions:
Wait until the wind dies down
Move indoors to try again
Close windows, turn off fans, and turn off air conditioners in the immediate area
Cause: The energy in your area is causing interference Solutions:
Perform a cleansing of the area to clear out excess energy
Banish any rogue spirits hanging around who are messing with the pendulum on purpose
Perform a ritual to calm the energy around you, like soothing a storm or lulling the wind to sleep for the duration of your divination
Keep Dropping Cards
Dropping your whole deck of cards may be an issue with grip strength, clumsiness, or joint bendiness… or, it may be a sign of an underlying issue or message.
Cause: The deck is too large or cumbersome to hold and shuffle easily Solutions:
Try another, smaller deck of tarot cards
Try a deck with standard card shapes (round or very large cards are personally super hard to shuffle neatly)
Ignore jumping or dropped cards, and only take cards you consciously draw
Cause: The shuffle itself is difficult Solutions:
Try another method of shuffling
Practice shuffling with regular playing cards, then with the deck you want to be using (this makes a fun fidget while watching shows)
If all shuffling is difficult, spread out the cards on a flat surface and mix them together before putting them back into a pile and drawing accordingly
Cause: The spirit(s) you’re communicating with don’t want to provide answers right now Solutions:
Provide an offering or payment for services rendered (especially if you haven’t in a while)
Take a break and try again later
Investigate the root cause of their reluctance and plan accordingly
Never Feels “Right” to Stop Shuffling or to Pull a Card
You’re shuffling. And shuffling. And… shuffling. You’re waiting for a sign to stop and pull cards, and it just never comes.
Cause: Your brain and/or intuitive thinking is exhausted Solutions:
Take a break from divination and other magical practices
Do a grounding exercise to reconnect with your intuitive thoughts and try again
Replenish your energy by eating something, drinking water, having a nap, and otherwise taking care of your mundane needs before trying again
Cause: You aren’t meant to know the answer to the question you’ve asked Solutions:
Ask a different, related question to see if you can get answers
Try again in a few days
Try a different divination tool (different tools can provide different answers with varying levels of detail)
Failing troubleshooting, accept that you can’t know everything that’s ahead and simply plan accordingly (magically and mundanely)
Cause: Blockage between you and the target of the question Solutions:
Cast a spell to break through the barrier/blockage before trying the divination again (note that if the barrier is a purposeful protection against prying eyes, there may be consequences to busting through)
Determine whether there are missing details about the situation that may help break through
Request spirit intervention to get around the blockage
Ground yourself and clear away any blockages or reluctance within yourself to see and understand the truth
Accept that the target person doesn’t want you to divine about them
If the reading is about a situation, a spell of “true seeing” or clarity may help
Cause: The querent isn’t being fully honest about their question (misleading phrasing, leaving out information that would impact the reading) Solutions:
Clarify the situation with the querent
If divining for yourself, consider all facets of the situation and question before rewording it more clearly and honestly
Talk or journal about the situation before beginning to get as much information as possible
Cause: The spirits you rely on for divination have declined to provide answers Solutions:
Ask why they aren’t answering
Try again later
Try another divination tool
Use another source for answers, such as the universe on the whole or your own deeper intuitive self
Reword the question to be more specific or general, depending
Cause: Something about the cards or shuffle themselves isn’t right Solutions:
Try another shuffle/pull method (spread out cards and pull at random, create piles and take the top of each, etc.)
Try a different deck of cards
Try another type of divination tool
Give the deck a cleanse
Look for a way to “wake up” or “activate” the cards
Too Many Jumpers
Even if you read tarot like I do with all jumpers, having a ton of cards leap out at once can be daunting — and even annoying, if it keeps happening consistently.
Cause: Your deck is too large for your hands, or it’s an odd shape (circular, non-standard number of cards, above-average card size, thick card stock) Solutions:
Try a deck with fewer cards or a more standard shape and paper weight
Create your own deck of cards that fits more securely in your hands
Try a digital deck of cards
Disregard jumping cards completely and only accept cards you’re pulling on purpose
Cause: More possibilities or details about the situation need to be brought to light than expected Solutions:
Try another spread to accommodate the jumpers
Ditch the spread altogether and read the cards as they fall instead
Treat the jumping cards as amendments or extra information about the card whose position you’re drawing for (for example, if drawing for a “Self” position and you get two jumpers before pulling your card in your usual fashion, the two jumpers modify the Official Card)
Cause: Spirits are interfering with the reading Solutions:
Cleanse the area or banish the offending spirits if they’re not ones you’ve welcomed into the space
Request that they chill the heck out and not throw any (or as many) jumping cards
Make an offering to quell their mischief
Pay attention to why they’re acting this way; if you’re not sure, ask for their reasons
Applicable to Now, Not Later
Your reading describes your situation as it is right now with perfect clarity, but it doesn’t reveal anything new or give insights into the future.
Cause: Your current talent lies in revealing the present Solutions:
Practice with readings explicitly about the immediate future
Practice targeting a specific moment in the future, such as a particular future month’s events
Fine-tune your questions to specifically request information you don’t know
Employ spirits or deities to expand your abilities to encompass the future
Try another tool or supplement your reading with another tool
Cause: The question or prompt is too open or general Solutions:
Ask a more specific, carefully worded question
Ask what you mean, rather than a general question around the situation (“What do I need to know about my relationship with X?” vs. “What do I need to know about my love life?”)
Cause: There will be little to no change in the timeframe you’re asking about Solutions:
Expand the range of time you’re asking about
Choose a time further in the future (next year instead of next month, for example)
Make an active choice to change the future if you’re dissatisfied with things as they appear to be now
Can’t Get into the “Right Headspace” for Divination
You’ve sat down and have your tools ready, but you just can’t get into the zone.
Cause: Your environment is distracting Solutions:
Move to a quieter location where you can focus more
Perform a grounding exercise to shut out distractions and focus on your divination
Wear headphones and play music that will help you focus (I suggest unobtrusive music without lyrics, so that it doesn’t impact your interpretations; personally, I use crackly fireside sounds over lo-fi beats)
Cause: Your environment isn’t inspiring you to get into the right headspace Solutions:
Create a space specifically for performing divination, whether permanent or temporary
Curate an aesthetic for your divination space with candles, crystals, plants, divination cloths, and other things that are meaningful to you
Go for a walk in a place that does inspire you and perform a divination there, if possible (cemeteries, parks, museums, rivers, etc.); if not possible to do divination there, absorb as much of the inspiring energy as you can and carry it back to your divination location
Cause: You don’t have the energy for it right now Solutions:
Focus on replenishing your energy with food, water, sleep, and other self-care tasks before divining
Request assistance from spirits to boost or borrow energy
Request a divination from someone else
Cause: You just aren’t in the mood for it Solutions:
Create a ritual that will help you get into your desired headspace for divination (putting on specific accessories, preparing your space, calling on spirits, etc.)
Request a divination from someone else
Walk away and come back to it when you feel more motivated
Scroll through others’ divination posts, watch a video, or listen to a podcast to get inspired to do your own divination
Again, there are countless possible issues and even further countless possible solutions to those issues. In general, walking away for a while, having a rest, practicing asking questions, and becoming more familiar with your tool over time will be the best tools in your belt. And if you can’t find a solution on your own, there’s no shame in crowdsourcing ideas for fixes! Ask your friends, your favorite witchy blogger, your Discord servermates, make a public post for others to comment on, or otherwise reach out. The best ideas often come from conversation.
Feel free to drop questions in the reblogs, replies, or my ask box if you’d like to ask me in particular about your divination troubles! I’m always happy to help out where I can. And if I’ve got no clue, one of my followers or mutuals might have a thought to share!
If you enjoyed this post or my other work, consider tossing a couple dollars in my tip jar! (And check out my commissions for custom spellwork and tarot readings!) Everything goes toward keeping me and my partner afloat on our bills, so it’s very much appreciated!
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
Do the characters get worried if you skip a day? Sometimes I’m too exhausted to play and I feel sleepy and don’t play until the next day
Well, if we're going off of the offline time dilation theory and 24 hours feels like 60 days or roughly 2 months, they are probably a little concerned when you stay away for so long, but much less so if that's not entirely inconsistent
Like if the range of when they can feel your presence is anywhere between say 8 hours (if you play first thing when you wake up and have a generally normal sleep schedule) to 32 hours (if you don't play for a full day and also have a normal 8 hour sleep schedule), that's between 20-80 days, or almost a month to a little past 2, so as long as you're consistent within that time frame there's probably very little worry
Now if you stopped playing for a week (1 year 2 months) or something, that would be concerning—
Now if we're not doing offline time dilation and basically whenever you exit the game the time syncs up with our time, and, by extension, the time that passes is the same both (more info about that in an old lore building post I made here), that would be even less concerning because you probably play for more than 24 minutes at a time, let's be honest here, so you would actually be more active in their world than you would be unactive
In that case, from their perspective, it would seem like your presence was there for anywhere between a day to potentially 20 days (8 hours) if you just really liked to binge game, and then only absent for a couple hours to a day, which is a pretty massive trade off
Either way as long as your scheduling is relatively consistent it's not going to worry them a whole lot, so remember to put yourself first and take appropriate screen breaks, just keep in mind that if you do happen to disappear for a week they might start sacrificing things, so—
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doobea · 6 months
♡‧₊˚ i got my eyes on you ೄྀ࿐ˊˎ ─ MILESTONE MASTERLIST
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HI EVERYONE!! I hope everyone is excited to this milestone event hehe! It ended up being 10 reqs in total and I just wanna send everyone a HUGE thank you again for sticking with me throughout the months on this crazy site hehe. I tried to keep most of the tropes relevant to the original requests but I added my own ideas/flare to some of them!! any of the ✰'s you see are added hehe
For those who are out of the loop, please refer to this OG post about the event! Anyways, I hope you guys look forward to this!! I've been dying to write some new ideas hehe
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synopsis: you can see the red strings of fate holding people together, but no one is allowed to know that. that fact didn't stop you from using your knowledge to nudge soulmates together. of course, this led to you getting a reputation as the class matchmaker, which isn't an issue until your soulmate, Megumi Fushiguro, asks you to set him up with someone else.
tropes: soulmate AU, college AU
synopsis: upon graduating and landing your first job outside of college, you soon realize that being in your twenties suck. outside of working nine hours everyday, setting time for the gym, and making shitty home cooked meals, you have a new stressor joining your team on monday - your ex.
tropes: second chances, office romance
synopsis: your tycoon family has done you the favor of finding the 'perfect' bachelor, aiming to strengthen their connections and net worth. and who is your future husband? cold, brash, and down right dangerous. he is the definition of devastation poured and disguised in a suit.
tropes: arranged marriage, slow burn, billionaire!sukuna ✰
synopsis: when your friends urge you to take up a new hobby, you decide on figure drawing. you convince yourself that it'll be a good way to make friends, to let your hands and mind run loose for three hours, and maybe you'll find the passion for art again. what you didn't expect is to fall in love with your nude model.
tropes: slow burn, model/artist AU ✰
synopsis: the last thing you'd expect after moving to raccoon city is a zombie outbreak. but good thing you have a hot police officer to look after you, right?
tropes: zombie AU, christmas AU, police officer!gojo ✰, resident evil AU ✰
synopsis: satoru gojo is spoiled and arrogant. he's also the next in line to inherit his family's fortune. his father sends him far away in a small town for a week in hopes that he'll 'change' for the better. instead of the usual five-starred hilton hotels, he stays at a local inn and starts to befriend the owner's daughter.
tropes: small town romance, christmas au, golden retriever x black cat
synopsis: sae is great at a lot of things, his brother... not so much. when sae calls you up to tutor rin for his upcoming exams the first thought should've been 'yeah, sounds like easy money' rather than 'why does it look like he wants to kill me right now'.
tropes: best friend's brother, forced proximity, tutor!reader ✰
synopsis: new york city is always depicted as the place to be, known for its big hopes and even bigger dreams. but when you and rin reunite, after being apart for two years, you're both surrounded by broken promises and empty wishes. maybe coming here was a mistake after all. because exs can't just be friends, right?
tropes: second chance, hurt/comfort, college AU
synopsis: ranked number three on the top streaming platform, twitch, rin hides his secret identity pretty well for a college student. during the day, he's studying non-stop and, when night comes, he's getting headshots left and right while yelling into comms. he absolutely hates losing, which is why you're on his shit list - AKA the second top streamer and the second best sniper in all of asia. so what does rin do when he finds out that you're suddenly his new project partner?
tropes: esport AU, rivals to lovers, college AU, overwatch ✰ (i picked this game bc i know a lot of it lol i hope you don't mind)
synopsis: you don't do spontaneous and you hate it when things don't align with your routine. so when the school's hockey team messes up their rink and has to settle with the figure skating one, you'll do everything in your power to make sure you'll reach the nationals - even if it means distracting the hockey team's star player.
tropes: hockey player!isagi, figure skater!reader ✰, enemies to lovers
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© 2023 DOOBEA. do not copy any of my writing and translate/repost.
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tadc-ragatha · 8 months
Them Receiving a Drawing of Themselves
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TW: breakdowns/shutdowns, gender dysphoria, crying
Type: Headcanons
A/N: "Reader discusses what they and the members used to look like, and decides to draw an artist's interpretation of that description with startling accuracy." As of posting, requests are open. Includes only the main six (who I shall now call the digital six/circus crew). Spoilers. Body-sickness = homesickness for body.
I'm going to make this interesting for myself and go with the theory that when she saw herself in the mirror she got a bunch of gender euphoria because she's trans. So, for this, she probably wouldn't even bring up her old appearance on her own unless heavily prompted to. Even then, she's really awkward about it, and everyone probably gets the memo that she's at least insecure about her old looks.
Not you, though. You decided to take it upon yourself to draw her. You paid attention to every detail she said, and compiled it all together to create a drawing/painting of the real-world Pomni. She was...Less than enthusiastic. At first, she's angry, even. But once she realises you didn't know, she just turns to going down a crisis of reality and homesickness instead.
If we don't go with that theory, then she still has a crisis. She'd finally started to push her thoughts of home to the edge of her mind, and now it's brought up to the front again. It's best to just not make art of her.
You probably found out about Ragatha through a breakdown of hers. She'd been holding up the happy-go-lucky, optimistic, cheery persona for so long that it was bound to snap. And so, one day the dam had a leak that turned into a full-on collapse. She was crying and talking about how she missed home and her real body. She was starting to forget what she looked like, and it was driving her to the edge.
In an effort to not have her abstracted, you took it upon yourself to give her something to hold on to. You took mental notes of each thing she said about herself and once everything was safe, you went to your room. Taking out your art equipment, you got to work on trying your best to recreate what she looked like.
In the end, you made a bunch of different ones. Presenting them to her, she was surprised and sad. It fueled her homesickness even more. But she covered it up and accepted it; she knew it was out of love, after all. And after she calmed down she did get to looking at them properly and it did give her some comfort to recognise herself and know that she wouldn't forget herself just yet.
I feel like Jax cared a lot about his appearance. Really, this is just based on that moment where he checks his non-existent nails, but I digress. Either way, he was probably just complaining like normal when it happened. He didn't really care about what he was saying (on the outside, at least); he was just bored and wanting to talk. But you made it your mission to make him feel better about his "body-sickness".
When he received the gift, he would've tried to play it off real quick. Truth be told, depending on how long you had been in the DC he probably would've made fun of your art. But you could see his initial reaction being one of surprise. Still, he would've tried to twist it and tease you about supposedly having a crush on him or trying to be his friend (a "useless attempt" is what he would say).
He probably tried to just chuck it under his bed when he got to his room. But after a little while the temptation was too much and he grabbed it. Looking it over, it was creepy how on point it was. To be honest, he was half-convinced you had known him outside of the digital world. Either way, he was secretly pretty grateful for it and glad you had had that otherwise useless conversation. But he would never tell you that.
Kinger would've just asked what you looked like and that would've led to talking about him. I feel like he's got a sort of dad vibe in the way that he'd make up grand stories about himself. Like, he was a world-famous Broadway star or something. But he'd drop the act and tell you he was just joking. Either way, he ended up telling you about his looks.
When drawing him, you realised just how old he was. Not in a bad way, but you did still feel bad for him. He had lived half a life already before being trapped in the DC, and then he had been there the longest. Who knew what had happened to him; what he had lived through, who he had cared about before all this happened. It made you sad.
Giving him the present, though, he was very grateful and told you such. It had been so long since he had seen anything that looked like him, and to have something so accurate seemed nothing short of a miracle. He was sure to show it off to everyone and soon the whole circus crew was wanting their own.
Gangle is an artist herself, and you were likely drawing together when the conversation of drawing each other came up. At first, you just made art of each other's current bodies, but soon you were discussing what you looked like before being trapped in the DC. Thankfully for Gangle, her comedy mask hadn't yet been broken by Jax, so she wasn't too depressed when talking about it.
I bet she put a lot of effort into drawing you. Though, her style isn't realistic, so it looked very anime-ified. Still, the hair and eye colour matched. You put a lot of effort into making art of Gangle, too. Though, you were almost photo-realistic (when you had the time and resources) in your art, so yours turned out much more accurate.
When Gangle saw what she looked like, her comedy mask came right off and she started bawling. She hadn't seen herself in forever, and just couldn't handle it. She was so, so grateful, though, to have the opportunity to see herself again. But she didn't dare tell anyone; she wasn't sure that you'd want everyone bugging you for a picture.
Zooble doesn't strike me as someone who'd want to talk about their past. She seems to me like someone who's very in-the-present (well, as in the present as someone who's been thrown into a digital world can be). You'd have to really be friends with her and encourage him to talk about what they looked like.
Still, when he does, she goes into some detail. You listen like a bat to every word they say. And once you leave, you rush straight to your room to start on the project. It's a bit weird imagining Zooble as a living, breathing person in the past instead of an abstract collection of living shapes, but it's also humbling to be reminded you weren't the only person to really lose your body.
Receiving the completed project, Zooble is pretty calm about it. Something along the lines of "oh, wow, you didn't have to do that" is what they'd say. But she takes it from you anyway and is sure to keep it in a safe and secure spot where Jax won't be able to ruin it. And oh boy, if he does, they will be after him.
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yandere-sins · 2 years
Prisoner #001
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a/n: Jay! First request! I feel like Diluc makes a good starter for this, thank you for requesting and enjoy ♥
Fandom: Genshin Impact     Pairings: Yandere!Prisoner!Diluc x GN!Reader Warnings: Yandere, Sexual Content (Catcalling/slutshaming, non-consensual touching/intimacy), Violence (TW Blood, Stabbing someone, Knives, lots of death mention but none on screen), Possessiveness, Long Post, Overprotectiveness, Manipulation, Breaking under the pressure
[Prison Project Introduction & How to request | Pinterest Moodboard]
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"Be quiet."
A straightforward, understandable command, the voice so growly and commanding, you didn't dare to object. Your roommate lounging on the lower bed slowly closed his eyes again, seemingly unbothered by your presence as long as you didn't annoy him, and you most certainly wouldn't. Keeping your mouth shut, you averted your eyes quickly from the moody roommate, fixing them on the sparse amenities you two were given, like a small desk, chair, and behind a meager half-wall, barely shielded from the outside and your roommate, a toilet. You didn't feel like giving anyone a show, so you probably wouldn't use that one even if it would cause you sleepless nights.
A sigh shuddered off your lips as your mind finally came to understand the situation you were in. The place you were in.
Prison. Undeserved.
You didn't know who the judge was doing a favor by sentencing you for embezzling millions from the company you had only ever done deliveries for. But justice had not been served when you were pronounced guilty. That much was sure. Someone out there was celebrating getting away with millions while you had to fear for your life. God, this sucked. You'd have another month or so before you could appeal the case—if you made it that long.
Either way, there was little you could do now. Your eyes fell on the top bunk, then on the ladder in the back of the construct, right where the face of your roomie was. The last thing you'd do was speak up when he so clearly didn't want to talk; however, pushing your feet into the gaps would surely irritate him as well. But there was no alternative. You couldn't climb up any other way.
Holding back another sigh, you stepped towards the back of the cell, dark and stinky. Please don't move, you prayed over and over as you stepped up to the ladder, wearily glancing at the resting man beside you. How would you even avert an attack? You were infuriatingly helpless if anyone ever showed you how careless the guards were when it came to searching the prisoners. How little anyone cared if there were actual weapons inside this prison if they weren't out in the open.
Raising your chin, you looked to the entrance of your bunk, the bed encased with walls. Perhaps to avoid any more stabbings. It would be a tight squeeze inside, but you just hoped it didn't smell like piss in there like the rest of the prison. Pushing your extra clothes into the opening, you settled your foot on the first step, always looking at the man as long as the angle allowed.
You were almost inside when there was movement from below, panic rising as a hand grabbed your ankle with more strength than you could break away from.
Letting out a grunt, the grip tightened, then yanked you down. Next thing you knew, your head hit the ground; however, adrenaline blocked your body from feeling the pain. Hearing fabric rustling, you forced your eyes to snap open, sitting up to crouch backward as your roommate came to sit on the edge of his bed, peering down at you in an undefinable gaze.
"You don't belong here, do you?" he asked, the sound of a lighter clicking open, underlining his words sharply before a flame appeared in his hands. It was an odd question, but it fit the oddity of the man before you. Reaching up, he lit a cigarette, and you forced your eyes away from the light to look at him instead, his eyes drilling into you with the flame dancing in them. The red was like a hot blaze, his gaze burning you as he looked you up and down, smothering you with heat all throughout your body. Just before he closed the zippo in his hand, you gained a look at him too, infuriatingly handsome features mismatched with an indifferent sternness edged into his expression. But there was a passion gleaming in his eyes. One that you made you too afraid to ask him about.
"No," you admitted, gulping as you burned under his gaze. The sound vibrated through your head, making it ache. Pain returning to your senses, you grit your teeth as you reached up, relieved to find the wound dry even though it hurt like hell. You grunted in pain as you pressed into the spot, relieved to not find any hints of a concussion, luckily.
"Then why are you here?"
With a drag of his cigarette, your roommate didn't avert his gaze for even a moment, even when smoke dragged out of his mouth, collecting in the cell and itching in your nose. Well, at least it wasn't a blade pressed to your throat, and so far, he looked pretty decent for the kind of guy the guard tried to make him out to be.
"I got blamed. Someone stole millions, and the judge decided it must have been me. If you ask me, there was something really wrong with that decision." You couldn't help but sound sour, recalling what had happened, the words bubbling out of you now that someone genuinely asked for your version of the story.
"Sucks," he huffed, breathing out more smoke. That was more sympathy than anyone had shown you since you had to deal with this mess.
"How about you?" you asked, feeling emboldened by this conversation going so well. Evidently, you had a poor judge of character as your roommate suddenly stilled, his gaze cooling down regardless of the flames and smoke dancing in the reflection of his eyes.
"Look, stay out of my way, and you will be blessed not knowing what I did, okay? Just be quiet when you're in the cell."
And with that, disregarding that he caused the commotion, he settled back on his bed, sighing as he puffed out the last bit of smoke. Oh well. Peeling yourself off the ground, you were much quicker in ascending to the top bunk, catching your roomies' red eyes peering at you from below just as you disappeared inside. You never even got to ask his name, but at least the top bunk was... okay. Not ideal, but you felt a bit better being up here, hidden and shielded, than out there with him and his mood swings.
It was a real shame you couldn't stay inside forever, having to put yourself out there sooner rather than later.
«──────── 🗡♡ ︎𓍝 ────────»
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner were all served in one cafeteria for all prisoners.
As much as you wanted to avoid it, the guard came back to escort you regardless of your protests so they could show you the way, a hint of hospitality despite the annoyance on their face. Luckily, Mister Grumpy and Handsome had already left when you finally slid out of your bunker, making your way to dinner. You may be able to get your mind off things with a few spoons of... hopefully edible things.
"Well, well, well. Look who survived the Butcher. You must have dazzled the Diluc Ragnvindr with your looks, Newbie, if you survived him," the first prisoner to spot you entering the large facility snarked from his table before taking a bite out of his sandwich. You grimaced at the aggressive stare he gave you as he took bite after bite like a hungry animal, others joining him in mockery.
"Spread your legs already? Damn, you're fast."
"Maybe they killed him?"
Eyes shot over to the neighboring table, half of the prisoners collected in the cafeteria now following the conversation upon noticing your arrival. And as if coordinated by them, they all burst out into laughter.
"Sure!" someone yelled from across the room. "Smothered in thighs!"
More laughter ensued, and the guard sighed, defeated, pushing you forward into the midst of hollering mouths and gawking eyes before leaving you all alone to fend for yourself. Delivering you to the cafeteria seemed to have been the expected amount of work they were willing to do, everything else fell beyond their responsibility and care.
Anxious, you stepped forward, spotting the food trays and the end of the queue, deciding to just quickly get your food and get out. But before you could reach out, so close to your goal once again, someone was quicker, throwing you off-balance as a prisoner, with only half of his teeth and more tattoos than eyebrows, grabbed you, pulling you towards him.
"Ya know, I'd be happy to show you my cell if yer uncomfortable with the Butcher. I can show you an even better time between my legs."
Stumbling, you grabbed the edge of the table while you were relentlessly tugged. "No way!" you exclaimed, horrified at the thought of anything so vile. Unfortunately, you knew you couldn't win in terms of strength. And to add to your suffering, so did the other prisoners.
Soon enough, you were crowded by them, fingers tangling in your hair and pulling back your neck, someone's nail cutting over your throat in a slicing motion while others admired your thighs and dug into them with their hands. You struggled and failed, and when you looked around for help, most of the eyes you met looked away or watched your misfortune with the curiosity of watching a new television show.
Your situation was hopeless.
You knew when the judge pronounced you guilty that this wouldn't end well. But it had been barely a few hours, and yet, you knew exactly how the rest of your sentence would look like. If only there had been someone to help you—anyone!—you might have had a nickel of a chance. But all you could do was close your eyes as more hands touched you, so many more dragging you down to hell.
"Hands. Off."
The voice was as cold and throat-cutting as it was familiar. A deep growl, followed by an anguished groan by the prisoner gripping your hair, suddenly letting go and crumbling to the ground behind you. Something warm splattered against the side of your cheek as a sloshing sound, followed by more groans, was to be heard. The other's eyes shot to the person standing behind you, first in anger for the interruption, then their expression dropped in panic.
Immediately, everyone let go, and in your confusion, you looked around their faces for answers before realizing the answer you were searching for was right behind you. Tensing, you slowly turned around, facing the fire-blazing red stare of, who you now knew as, Diluc Ragnvindr. Coming face to face with him in broad lightning was way more intimidating than before, him being tall and muscular and bloody.
You made the mistake of looking down, blood pooling around the prisoner on the ground. Directing your eyes further up, you saw Diluc's whole hand covered in the same red shade and the knife in his hand. His other hand shooting upwards, you flinched hard as he clamped his fingers around your chin, directing you to face him.
Moving your head side to side to check you, you shivered violently in his grasp, your brain still not registering what had just happened. But Diluc remained perfectly composed, his thumb reaching up to wipe away the liquid that had splattered on your cheek before. "If anyone--" he drawled, thumb wiping over and over against your cheek, his eyes growing grimmer the longer he had to do it. "--touches you again..."
Then, he directed his gaze away from you, back over your shoulder. You heard chairs being pushed aside and bodies moving away. "Stab them," Diluc finished his instruction, holding out the knife to you, handle first. You blinked a few times, unmoving, and he sighed, dropping it. Instinctively and regretfully, you caught it. For the first time, he grunted in approval before directing his voice to everyone.
Only now did you notice it was dead silent in the whole room, everyone watching. "Just to be clear," Diluc said, raising his voice for everyone to hear. "This one's hands off. They're mine." Below you, the stabbed prisoner grunted in pain, and you peeked down, watching as more and more blood collected on the linoleum floor.
"Oh my god," you whispered, obviously directed at the fact someone was bleeding out on your shoes with the weapon in your hand.
"That would be an exaggeration," Diluc answered as if you had been talking to him instead. As if this was a situation to joke about. Glancing up again, the corners of his mouth jerked upwards for just a second, though the smile never reaches his now deadly eyes fixated on you. The fire had finally been smothered by something else, something dark. Brandishing. Possessive.
It gave you goosebumps all over.
"Make sure to eat," he reminded you. "And take off your shoes before entering the cell."
Dumbfounded by his nonchalant words, you only flinched back into reality when guards finally stormed inside, yelling, "RAGNVINDR!" from across the room. His grip on you tightened before he sighed, looking like he was inconvenienced more by the interruption than the fact he just stabbed someone. His thumb stroked over your cheek once more, this time gently, as if its only purpose was to caress and comfort. Diluc only let go when he was grabbed by the shoulders and thrown to the dirty floor next to the bleeding man.
More guards assembled, and together they apprehended and dragged Diluc out of the room, his gaze on you until the end, finding you even through all the guards swarming him. Once he was out the door, they carried away the poor guy on the floor, his wounds hopefully not fatal even though he treated you like shit.
"Drop it," one guard hissed at you. Only now did you remember the knife, letting it fall immediately and jumping away to escape the blade threatening to go through your foot. "Way to go, Newbie," the guard huffed, shaking his head like a disappointed dad.
Once they were gone, the silence was deafening. You could feel the gears in your head turn, the blood rushing through you, but time seemed to stand still until the other prisoners began to return to what they were doing before all of this. It wasn't the same for you. You never were a big fan of gory horror movies; you never really saw that much blood—much less real blood—before. The thought of food was anything but appetizing to you now, not with blood on your feet, hand, and, as you learned later from looking into a bathroom mirror, face. Diluc's words echoed in your mind, but they were fading as you felt your stomach twist and gurgle, unwilling to even consider the prison food served here.
"Psycho," someone muttered next to you, and you didn't know if you liked the look everyone was giving you now. It no longer was mockery or belittling, oh no. They looked at you as if you were the monster who just stabbed someone. Being feared inevitably was better than being a laughingstock, but how did you always end up taking the blame for these situations?
Without another thought, you left, rather going hungry than risking vomiting everything once your brain realized all the gruesome things that just happened. Instead, you hid in a bathroom stall, the shock finally snapping your head back into its place, causing you to dry heave the stress and shivers out of your system before putting your head under cold water, hoping it would rid you of the images in your head and return your clear mind.
Your reflection was pitiful, the horror written all over your face. It took a long time to scrub the stranger's blood off your skin, and you had to see the bloody shoeprints you left in your race to get to the bathroom on the way back to your cell. Just as you were about to step in, you halted, remembering Diluc's words. Reaching down, you untied your shoe, your hands slowing the further you got. By the time you stepped out of your boots, you realized he had already crept his way into your subconscious, causing havoc to your feelings.
You were scared. There was no denying that. You were scared of his reaction if you disobeyed. Scared of what other unpredictable things he could do after you had to witness him stab someone... for your sake?
"This one's hands off. They're mine," he had claimed. Since when? How? Why?
All questions you wanted to know but feared to ask. Just like you feared disobeying him. Instead, you put your shoes under the table, peeling out of the orange overalls before climbing into your bunk. At least here, you felt somewhat safe. Safe enough to finally let go of the tears you had held back, your arms hugging yourself tightly as you wrapped yourself in your blanket.
And even though you knew nothing would change, you squeezed your eyes shut, hoping for this nightmare to end when you opened them again.
«──────── 🗡♡ ︎𓍝 ────────»
It was already incredibly late when your cell door screeched open, heavy footsteps dragging towards the bed. You couldn't find even a minute of sleep despite being exhausted after such a day. Instead, you had dozed in your bed, the sound jerking you wide awake.
"Next time, behave, Diluc," a very smooth but icy voice spoke before the door was slammed shut and locked for the night. You stiffened as you heard Diluc grunt, clothes rustling, and you assumed he was doing the same as you, not wanting to get dirt into bed. You expected to feel the movement of his body settling into the bunk below you any second now, hoping he wouldn't say anything to you that you'd have to answer. He told you to be quiet, and so you were.
But instead of both of you settling for the night, your quietness only added to the silence suddenly spreading through the cell. You couldn't even hear him breathe, only your heartbeat racing in your ears as you felt goosebumps run over your skin as if you were being watched. And then, something truly terrifying made sure you'd not sleep one bit that night.
Even if the sound was subtle, you heard him grip the iron ladder to the top bunk. Had to listen to the slight shiver of breath as he lifted himself up on the steps. Felt the additional weight press down on your mattress.
You didn't say anything, didn't move, didn't breathe. Your back was turned to the entrance, and you didn't even allow your eyes to shift in the darkness, fearing what you would see. Was he going to hurt you? Kill you? Get even for what he must have endured with the guards? Was the same bloody mess the guard had told you about going to happen again?
One arm snaked over your midriff, fingers brushing upwards, the warmth of his palm dancing over your collarbones. Your breathing was ragged, faltering every time you felt him move, not knowing what his next step would be.
Diluc's body, smothering heat surrounded by skin, pressed against you. You were kept in a firm hold, and even if you had been asleep before, you never felt more awake and alert now.
"Breathe," he grunted, and you tensed up even more. How did he know?
"You wouldn't be holding your breath if you were sleeping."
"Ah." That explained it. Of course. Fuck, you were an idiot.
 "As if I'm going to hurt you after getting beaten up for you the last few hours."
Diluc let out a heavy sigh, his head falling forward to rest against you. You shifted under his arm, trying to give him some space. If bruises were forming on his body, it must have agitated him to be squeezed between you and the encasing on the bunk. However, when he noticed you scoot away, he tightened his grip, dragging you back and into him with barely any effort needed. "Does it hurt a lot?" you asked timidly, and he huffed.
"If you mean getting stabbed, then yeah. That was supposed to hurt a lot. I, for my part, will not complain about a few gut punches and knuckles to my face."
His body kept slumping forward until you were the only resistance in his way. It was an odd, uncomfortable situation, but who were you to say anything? You feared him, even though he seemed less fearsome when he was exhausted like this. "Can I ask something?" you piped up, disregarding the 'be quiet' rule from when you first met. He'd probably tell you if he didn't feel like talking anymore, so you took your chance.
Diluc grunted, "Go ahead," as he rubbed his face into your shoulder. Just as you wanted to open your mouth, he hissed, having hit a sore spot, and you stilled, tensing as if you had done something wrong. Communicating with him was still as weird and confusing as it had been when he pulled you from the ladder. You never knew what you were allowed and not allowed to do in his presence, fearing any misstep you could make. And yet, somehow, you had grown closer without you even realizing. Silence raked its claws through the cell until he eventually repeated himself, pinching you as if to wake you up.
"Speak up."
"Why..." you stopped, thinking of how to convey your thoughts into words. Taking a deep breath, you collected as much confidence as you could, bumping your fist into the mattress to encourage yourself. "Why did you help me?"
"Someone bad hurt someone very dear to me," he finally muttered after a tense few seconds of thoughtfulness. "And I hurt a lot of their people in return."
"Oh," you whispered, not expecting that kind of talk. In fact, you had no idea what you expected, but certainly not an explanation that Diluc hadn't wanted to give you before. "But--"
"They want to use you," Diluc interrupted you as you were about to ask what that had to do with you. "Before you, my roommate was swayed by the offer to have their sentence reduced. They used his vulnerability to try and get revenge on me. Death. Painful and bloody, and worse than what you saw today."
Gulping, you remembered the guard telling you how they had to scrub the remains of the last roommate off the walls of this cell. "And you think they'll do it again?" you whispered, shuddering. The last thing you wanted was to be caught up in yet another feud. And yet, you felt like you were already a part of it.
"I know they will."
"So you got to me first."
Feeling his hand wandering upwards until it lodged in the crook of your neck, fingers digging around your throat, you gasped, clawing at him as he cut off your air supply. "I don't think I need to tell you what will happen if they offer you a deal to get you out if you get rid of me. Surely, you don't plan to kill me in my sleep, right?"
Gasping, you shook your hand as much as his hold allowed, Diluc's fingers tightening once before releasing you. Coughing, you felt tears burn in your eyes again, the sudden fear you had felt after your return to the cell burning up again. You had been careless, misjudging him again. Even after hearing it from Diluc himself, you forgot that he had no qualms about getting rid of things in his way.
"Good. Otherwise, those pigs would have eaten you for dinner. Don't forget you owe me. You can't trust anyone that gets close to you here."
"Then... what about you?" It took some clearing of your throat to present the question, but with your hands wrapped around your neck, you felt a little more safe and protected.
"You'll just have to learn to trust me."
His fingers ghosted over yours, noticing how you were shielding yourself and causing Diluc to let out a husky laugh. Instead, he gripped your chin, yanking your head to the side so you'd face him. When he spoke again, you could barely see his mouth move in the dark but felt his breath caress your lips in secretive whispers.
"I'll protect you. I’ll keep you safe as long as you hold up your end of the bargain. If you want to survive, I am your best choice to give your trust to. And I take very good care of what's mine."
"Why do you keep saying that?" you shuddered, feeling the brush of his lips, his fingers digging into your skin painfully, but you didn't dare look away from the red burning through the darkness. His eyes were eager to see, witness every shudder going through you, and roam over your face as if it was a map to your soul even in the dark. Perhaps his vision was much better than yours. Still, even you could see the genuine determination in his eyes that echoed through his words.
"Because it's true. The moment you stepped into this prison, you became mine."
"I never agreed to that," you protested meekly.
"You didn't have to."
"Don't you think that's unfair? Don't I get a choice?" you complained, feeling defeated by the direction of the conversation. Sure, his promise of protection sounded good but claiming you as something you weren't seemed to finally cross your boundaries.
"Darling," Diluc said soothingly. Yet it only raised goosebumps to hear him use such an affectionate nickname for you. The way his voice changed into a low, reverent breath was only drowned out by the confidence dripping off his lips every time he spoke. He was so sure of himself, never stuttering as he relayed his conviction.
"They blamed you for a crime you didn't do just to get to me. They bribed a judge just to get to me. They sent you to this godforsaken pisshole of a prison because of me."
You shuddered as Diluc laid out the facts so obviously, you had to realize he spoke the truth. This was worse than the nightmare you had gone through so far, deeper than what you thought this wrong guilty verdict had been. Someone chose you for a suicide mission because of a vendetta from the same man sharing your bed right now.
"Thinking about it, you were mine long before you came here," Diluc conducted. Then, you felt warm, soft lips press to yours, a struggle ensuing as you tried to defend yourself, but Diluc was stronger. A jolt of pain jerked through you as he bit your lip, relishing in the drops of blood appearing as he licked over it.
"No," you sobbed quietly, tears trickling from your eyes. What you were saying no to, you weren't sure. No to the reality, you didn't want to face. No to having to accept something so absurd it could only be true. No to his treatment, the kiss, the stabbing Diluc did for you.
His other hand reached up with a grunt from him, wiping over the lashes of your eyes squeezed shut. "Don't cry," he whispered, almost pleading with you. "I told you I'll treat you well. I'm sorry for what happened to you, but you're safe with me. I'll protect you and make sure these other guys won't get to you."
Sobbing a bit louder, Diluc hushed you, cupping your face so gently you couldn't believe he had stabbed someone with that hand just hours prior.
"I don't want this," you sniffled. "I never asked for any of this!"
"I know," he sympathized, and you gulped, feeling like those were empty words. You'd be right. Even though it felt as if you two were getting closer, Diluc unveiled something much worse than a knife to end you, his sympathy vanishing into thin air.
Instead, he stabbed you with his words worse than any knife could, ensuring your death would be as painful and awful as humanly possible. You saw the hints of a pitying smile on his lips before he opened them, the disgusting pleasure of a psycho showing in the softness of his gaze on you. A psycho that had found something to protect and keep in a world that had been way too harsh on him. You, on the other hand, felt your world collapse like a house of cards as he blew his words in your face, showing you no compassion whatsoever as he slapped the truth across your cheeks harder than any punch would.
"But you don't really have a choice, do you?"
You never had any choice to begin with in any of this.
And even worse, he was right—you had to rely on him. Because if not Diluc, someone else would come for you. Another prisoner, or these mysterious people he mentioned, once you refused to get their revenge on Diluc for them. How would you even do that?
It was hopeless. Every inch of your being was violently refusing him and his offer. But you had to if you wanted to survive. You had no other choice, no alternatives to rely on. There was no Plan B when you never even had a Plan A. Diluc was your Plan P for protection. You'd have to trust him, a broken stranger, to make sure you wouldn't end up as the blood splattered to the walls the guards would have to clean.
"O-Okay," you whispered, your voice breaking just like your heart did.
"Good choice," he murmured, forehead bumping to yours before Diluc slumped back into the space behind you. Building trust would take a long time, you were sure, as you felt his hand grab your wrists, pinning them down to the space in front of you. It might have been a good choice for the moment.
But would it be the right one?
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vee-crytraps · 2 months
Kiss Me More {Themes/TW's Masterlist}
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Pairings: Dick Grayson/Reader, Jason Todd/Reader, Tim Drake/Reader, Damian Wayne/Reader Trigger Warnings: 18+, light yandere, graphic descriptions of sex, Fan-non personalities, reverse harem, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy pining, teenage hormones, (legal) age differences, fem!reader, violence, drug use, polyandry. General Themes: Sex positivity, sexual curiosity, sexual promiscuity, sexy sex sex sex, struggling with growing up, struggling with Naughty Feelings, trying to become a person, general feeling of being misunderstood, possibility of light angst in future, family death (mentioned).
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Chapters: 1 | GROAN (Jason/Reader 🔞) 2 | BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE 3 | EAU D'BEDROOM DANCING (Dick/Reader 🔞) 4 | ORNAMENT 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 5 | KRIMSON (Tim/Reader 🔞) 6 | TO YOU (Damian/Reader 🔞)
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Ages: Dick 29 | Jason 23 | Tim 20 | Damian 18 | Reader 18 DICK is the ‘no man will compare to your charming big brother’ type. He is your knight in shining armor, always eager to put you first. He believes no one will be able to take care of you the way that he can, but doesn't view other men as competition- preferring to show you that he’s better. He's your childhood friend, your 'boy-(in-the-room-) next-door'. Dick's love language is...kind of all of them? But he loves spending time with you, lounging about your room while you choose outfits and recount high school drama. JASON is one of your more estranged siblings. He gets off knowing that Bruce views you as an innocent, and that your involvement with him in particular is taboo in all sorts of ways. Part of him is getting over the fact that you really aren’t as delicate as you used to be, far from the annoying brat he believed too weak for their nightly family adventures. He wants to protect you but also feels like he’s missed too many formative years to really boss you around like an older brother. Whenever he tries, it always comes out a little awkward. He’s the care-free fun sibling, letting you get away with whatever you want while simultaneously encouraging it. He is a pleasure seeker and an enabler, but will also recite some poetry after he finishes boning you on his couch. TIM is like a best friend. This relationship is more casual than truly lusty or romantic, at least at the start. Even your intimacy is playful and spontaneous. There's no pressure to be anything but yourself, in and out of the bedroom. Tim mostly adores your curiosity, a trait which you both share. You often go down wikipedia rabbit holes together, or people watch at the park outside of WayneTech during his lunch breaks. You've also started a snapchat series of him falling asleep in strange places. DAMIAN is a total dominant personality, if somewhat socially awkward. In some ways, he believes you belong to him. He views you as a pet or a toy sometimes, wishing to take care of you in his own way. His role in your life is essentially a sexual and romantic version of how Bruce sees you. Damian dresses you, enjoys bathing you and would rather watch you get off than be able to get himself off. Like Bruce, it's as much of a control thing as it is a 'I don't know how to interact with people in a genuine way' thing. He doesn’t always know what to do with reciprocation as he’s never had it, but he doesn’t need it with you. Much like the relationship between a pet and it’s human, it’s one sided care. This is important because Damian cherishes pets over humans, so the fact that he cares for you like a dog means that you’re highly valued in his mind.
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Lil Notes: Feel free to suggest/request little scenarios! If they don't inspire anything for Kiss Me More, they might make a nice little one shot! No guarantee that I can get around to them, but I will try my best! I'll be re-posting my work from Ao3 onto Tumblr slowly so I don't flood the tags.
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lovingperfectionsblog · 8 months
For What It's Worth -Chapter 3
Chapter 3: The Desperate Need For A Second, Secret Plan.
Max Verstappen x Reader
Chapter Summary: How you and Max met is discussed and Max goes off ag Daniel for hitting on the girl he loves. 
Warnings: Swearing. 
Word count: 2727
Authors note: Posting twice in 1 day? Look at me go!!!! So, I am not currently doing a taglist, because things are a little hectic at the moment but as soon as things even out, I promise I will be adding everyone who has asked to the taglist, but again, no taglist just yet for this series. Can't wait to hear what you all think of chapter 3 😀
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“Max, I know you aren’t one to focus on rumours,” Max couldn’t help the clench of his jaw in anticipation for what was to come, “but we see that your new assistant is the same girl that there has been quite a lot of talk about you dating.” Max could feel the anger rising in his blood, eyes boring into the interviewer. He had been explicit in his requests that you were to not be involved in interview questions. 
Ever since the two of you had started your friendship the media had been near bloodthirsty in their attempt to find out information about you and your relationship to Max and from the moment he started seeing the posts and articles that could only be described as disgusting about you, he made sure that he would do everything he possibly could to keep your name out o the media. It was one of Max’s non-negotiables. 
But here was this man, bringing you up anyway. Max immediately began turning to look for you. Partly to apologise for this and partly to calm down. He had hired you so he wouldn’t have to be away from you for too long, but one of the added benefits of having you as his assistant was the fact that no one seemed to calm him down the way you did. 
The second his eyes found yours, you were signalling that it was okay. This was your way of telling him that he could talk about you here. Suddenly he felt a new stress. What exactly does he say? How does he explain you? He couldn’t give them too much. The vultures would just end up ruining everything for him, but he couldn't give them too little or else they’d never stop badgering him. He had to be strategic. For his sake and yours. 
“Yeah, she’s actually my best friend.” Good, easy, neutral ground to start with. 
“RedBull let you hire your best friend?” the interviewer began to press for more. Max once again was looking to you, completely ignoring his PR manager next to you. Only worried about what you thought about this line of questioning. 
“She isn’t hired by RedBull. She’s my assistant. She’s hired by me.” Max didn’t miss you warning him to keep calm, his PR manager not even bothering while you were there. It was well known already that the only person Max listened to these days was you. 
“So how exactly did your best friend end up working for you?” A long time ago Max realised that the reason he hated talking about you in interviews, well, at least one of the reasons, was because he liked to keep you secret. Your friendship was something he didn’t want to taint with the outside world and this interview was slowly encroaching on Max getting angry territory. 
“Just tell the truth.” You mouthed to him before he took a deep breath and turned back to the interviewer. 
“So, we met in Monaco. She had recently moved over there and one evening when I had gone out for a jog, I ended up running into her, smashing an ice cream she was holding all down her top. Then after many choice words from her, she agreed to let me buy her a new one and I guess we just ended up becoming best friends from there.” You laughed as Max told the story, while although technically true, he gave a significantly more watered down version of your first meeting. 
It had been your first proper night in Monaco. You had finished unpacking your boxes and were somewhat settled, sitting in your home all alone and suddenly the full weight of having moved to a place like Monaco, all alone, had hit you and you just had to get out. So that’s exactly what you did. You had founded the nearest store you could get an ice cream and then decided to explore. You ambled along the boardwalk along the beach, it was quiet and secluded and  you were about to turn the corner when a body came crashing directly into you, smashing your ice cream between your chest and his, smearing it over the both of you. 
Despite how the stranger had grabbed you to stop you falling over and immediately began apologising, the look you had given him stopped any and all words in their tracks. Without another word between you, you scraped the smashed ice cream off your chest and proceeded to wipe it on the man in front of you, feeling that it was only fair. When he eventually asked you if you were okay, that’s when the previously mentioned choice words left your mouth. 
Max hadn’t really acknowledged it before, but this was the first time he started to fall for you. 
At the end of your monologue of insults, he introduced himself and offered to buy you a new ice cream and he didn’t miss the way you only said yes after he removed his ice cream and sweat stained shirt. So you and him got ice cream and he offered to get you a new shirt, which you declined, but took his hoodie instead and you had both spent the next couple of hours walking around, talking and building the foundations of a friendship Max didn’t realise he would eventually need to survive. He didn't realise a lot of things that evening. Especially the fact that he’d end up falling madly in love with the woman covered in ice cream., or that he’d eventually be sitting here, you in his eyeline, at the Grand Prix, laughing along to the same memory he was trying to downplay to the press. 
“After a while, I kind of realised that I didn’t want to be on the road without my best friend and she kind of hated her job, so I offered her a job as my assistant and now I get to spend all day, every day with my best friend.” PR was already well aware of the potential damage control they were going to have to do after this interview. Especially with how Max was looking at you now. They could already see the articles now and they could already hear Max shouting at, well, everyone, to get that off the media, but they couldn’t help but think that if Max maybe was just honest about your actual relationship to each other, then things might just be that much easier for, well, everyone. 
“No wonder the dating rumours are so rife for you two.” The laugh the interviewer barked out was short-lived as Max abruptly got up and left the shot, not willing to entertain a line of questioning that he was so adamantly against. Both you and his PR manager let out a sign before you were running after him as PR spoke to the interviewer. 
“Don’t start.” Max spat out as you fell in step with him. 
“Damn, I wish I knew what I did to make dating me such a bad rumour.” It was meant to be humour, it was meant to make Max laugh, and normally it would have, but with everything happening in the background, that was literally the last thing that Max wanted to hear, because dating you was his only life goal. It was you that didn’t want him. 
“I have to go talk to Daniel.” It was the last thing he said to you before he veered off towards the Alpha Tauri motorhome in search of the one person who actually knew what was going on, leaving you standing there alone, confused, hurt and suddenly very concerned he was going to tell Daniel all about your plan. And in feeling all of that, you panicked and ran after him, for the second time in less than 5 minutes. 
He stopped as he felt your grip on his arm, “you aren’t going to tell him right?” and suddenly his bad day just got a whole lot worse. He ripped his arm out of your grasp, neither of you willing to divert your gaze. He didn’t want to lie to you, he was already lying about how he felt and who had sent the flowers and if he lied anymore, he wasn;t sure he could keep it all inside, so instead he just decided to not answer you because of course he was going to tell Daniel. 
“I’ll see you before FP2.” and with that he had dipped into the crowds to quickly go and find Daniel, to simultaneously want him about what was going to happen and to potentially lay down the law, even more than he thought he already had, when it came to you. 
The entire walk to the AT garage Max was trying to figure what he was going to say but nothing prepared himself for what he ended up nearly shouting at Daniel the second the driver opened his drivers room door. 
“You were meant to be my friend!” Max shouted as he shoved Daniel back into the room, slamming the door behind him as he moved into the room. 
Daniel stood there wide eyed, hands up and shocked at the attack from Max, “Mate, what’s going on?”
“What’s going on? Try last night when you were feeling up the woman I am in love with  and eye fucking her across the table!” Max was panting, but the stress of everything over the last 24 hours had finally gotten to him and unfortunately Daniel was unjustly bearing the brunt of that. 
“None of that happened? What are you talking about?” He was trying to calm Max down but it was proving difficult when he wasn’t even sure what was going on. 
“She told me! Last night, after we were outside, when we walked back in, you had your hand on her lower back and then the rest of the night you couldn’t take your eyes off her.” The words felt bitter in Max’s mouth, accusing his friend of something like this, but he couldn’t help it, it was a runaway stone that he no longer had control over, “and now she thinks you sent the flowers and she’s going to try and seduce you!” 
“Seduce me? Why would she try to seduce me?” Now Daniel understood Max’s anger. 
“Because she thinks you sent the flowers!” 
“So why didn’t you tell her you sent the flowers!” 
“Don’t be dumb.” 
“I’m not the dumb one here mate. You’re the one who isn’t making the move on the girl you sent flowers to, asked out and are so in love with, you’d rather hire her to work for you than go a day without her by your side!” Daniel was right and Max knew it. 
“So why did you hit on her?” Suddenly it was Max the young boy standing in front of Daniel, unsure of himself, self esteem on the floor, just trying to fix a near unfixable situation in his eyes. 
“I didn’t. Look, the hand on her back was meant to be platonic, I didn’t think it would mean anything to her, especially considering how she feels about you.” Max seemed to be accepting the explanation, the tension in the room dropping significantly, “and the staring at her, I was trying to gauge how she was reacting to you last night, to see if I could tell how she felt about you, considering you’re the one who said that she hadn’t mentioned to anyone how she does feel. You were right and so I thought this would be a good way to do it.” 
“And?��  Max made his way to the couch in the room, head dropping into his head. 
“Mate, she’s as in love with you as you are with her.” Daniel sat down next to him, forcing him to look at his fellow driver. 
“So why is she trying to seduce you?” It was if the frustration in Max’s body couldn’t let him sit still, as he suddenly got up and began pacing 
“Firstly, why are we using the word seduce? It’s not a good word.” The groan that left Max’s mouth at the question forced a laugh out of Daniels. 
“She used it.” For the second time in too short a time Daniel was staring at a panicked and frustrated Max with his face smooshed up against a wall. 
“She used the word seduce?” The groaned yes was the only response Max offered. 
“Fucking awful word. Both of you need to stop it right now. Secondly, why is she trying to seduce me and why does she think I sent the flowers?” Max peeked an eye at Daniel and he was oddly jealous at the calm demeanour he was exuding at this conversation. 
“So, I might have forgotten to sign my name on the note.” Max mumbled through the sentence, embarrassed at the truth of it. 
“You forgot to sign your name on the card that told the woman you love that you love her?” Another groaned yes left Max as he sank to the floor, face now smooshed against the prickly carpet.
“She came to me this morning telling me she had gotten flowers and a note with no name on it and now she’s trying to figure out which driver sent it. She literally has an entire list of all the drivers she's going to try and seduce to see if it was them.” Daniel couldn’t help but laugh at the sheer stupidity of this situation that Max had somehow gotten himself into. 
“I assume I’m the first on the list?’’ Daniel already knew how he was going to play this. 
“I’m not even on the list.” That sad, childlike version of Max was back. 
“Mate, she’s obviously not going to tell you that you’re on the list, especially since you’re her boss.” \
“I’m going to fire her. If I just fire her then all of my issues resolve themselves.” 
“You can’t fire her.” Daniel nudged Max with his foot, an attempt to encourage him to get up off the floor. 
“Why not?” Max had eventually worked himself into a sitting position, now leaning against the door opposite Daniel. 
“Because at the moment you’re how she feeds herself.” 
“Do you honestly have to point out the uneven power dynamic here when I am already feeling like the world's biggest creep of a boss?” Max banged his head against the wall, a form of punishment, “What are you going to do when she comes to seduce you?” 
The vulnerability of Max in this moment was admirable. Daniel hadn’t seen this version of him for a very long time but he isn’t surprised that it was a girl that brought it out of him. 
“I’m going to tell her the truth. That I didn’t send the flowers and I only see her as a  friend.” The look Max gave him was near heartbreaking at how thankful it was. 
“Promise you’ll be kind right?” He was always thinking of you and only you, even in Max’s greatest moment of stress. 
“I promise, but you said there was a list? What exactly are you going to be doing about the rest of the drivers?” Suddenly it dawned on Max how big this issue was about to become, breathe quickening, “hey, hey, don’t stress, listen after FP2 we can meet at my hotel room and we can come up with a plan, but just give me a couple of hours to think of something okay? Mate, I promise, we will get this sorted.” All Max could think about was trying to breath and nodding that he understood and him and Daniel would come up with a plan that absolutely and completely derails yours. 
Suddenly both Max and Daniel's eyes were drawn to the knocking on his drivers room door and as Daniel swung the door open, there you stood, with that same smile that made Max weak at the knees every single time he saw it. 
“You looking for Max?” Daniel tipped his head in the direction of Max, now scrambling to get up off the floor, as Daniel began to take a step back, moving out of the way for Max, Before your hand wrapping around his bicep stopped him
“No, no, actually, I was looking for you.” 
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dwarf-hat-enjoyer · 10 months
I meant to ask yesterday, but how ab some touch starved Harvey head cannons? <3
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🤝Touch-Starved Harvey🤝
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synopsis: Exactly what it says on the tin <3 Our favorite town doctor craves physical intimacy more than he knows. Headcanons+drabble of how he copes with it, how he reacts to physical contact, and a bonus of how he reacts to receiving physical affection! gn!Farmer, romance. SFW.
w.c.: 1.7k words!
content warnings: None!
A.N.: BABY'S FIRST REQUEST! Thank you so much :,) Highkey this was super enjoyable for me to write and I'm REALLY happy that you liked my other post enough to pop in!!! Enjoy &lt;3
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Before the farmer, before befriending Maru and assimilating into his role as the meek and respectful town doctor, he had always been rather avoidant to initiating casual physical contact. Everything he gave, everything he received- it all ranged from polite social expectancies to standard work-related procedures. He didn't think much of it. Having always been a more anxious type, the possibility of making another uncomfortable was always on his mind in these interactions, and what better way to avoid such a thing than to not have it at all? Handshakes and the occasional stiff hug were enough for him. Unfortunately, this proved to be a bit of an oversight on his end, considering the side-effects it would provide.
By the time the farmer arrives, his chronic loneliness has very much caught up with him. Not only has he distanced himself physically from others around him, but mentally as well. Outside of his clinic, the way Harvey's been so avoidant to touch has turned it into a source of anxiety for him. His self-consciousness extends to this field as well- when Granny Evelyn beckons him to lean down for a hug after he's finished his house visit to George, he worries that he's hugged her too tightly or for too long in the very back of his mind. Even the handshake exchanged with the governor at the last year's Luau haunts his memory, with the constant niggling thought that he hadn't been firm enough.
And don't get this man started on his non-existent romantic life. Moving to such a small town those few years ago, he knew that prospects like that would be limited, to say the very least. Many of the eligible singles in town, as lovely as they were, were...well, not exactly his type. And even those that were, how could a guy like him ever manage anything with anyone? The thought of being forward or flirtatious in any way practically gave him hives. But the idea of having someone to be close to, physically and emotionally...He couldn't say that he didn't crave that. But all in all, he wholeheartedly believed that it wasn't in the cards for him and his touch-starved ways.
Enter the farmer. They were just another patient to Harvey in the beginning, another member of the town for him to look after. He didn't pay much attention when they touched him or when he touched them, aside from his ordinary overthinking. He couldn't afford to think too deeply about, really. He was their doctor, for Yoba's sake, and whether it was a friendly punch in the arm or a simple tap on the shoulder to get his attention, it would be highly unprofessional to dwell on. Besides, the mystique of being new in town and charmingly single was sure to draw them quite a few pairs of eyes, anyway. How could he compete?
Well...He definitely began thinking about that. Time marched forward as time does, and an unexpected friendship began to blossom. Harvey being Harvey, it was hard for him to recognize his developing feelings at first. Their gestures became more frequent, and his heart swelled with each one. Whether it be grabbing his wrist to drag him to see their chickens or a grateful hug for patching them up after a night in the mines, it lingered in his mind longer than it should have. When the day came that he idly pondered asking them to the coming year's Flower Dance, it all suddenly became clear to him: He'd fallen. And he'd fallen hard.
Everything suddenly became so much more meaningful. The coffee and pickles they'd frequently brought him, fresh from their farm. When he caught them looking at him and only him among the faces of a festival crowd, was that a sign? Did they think about him as often as he thought about them? Did they think about his touch the way he thought about theirs? With all these thoughts swirling about in his head, he would suddenly become much more reserved around the farmer, quiet and flustered as if a single word could shatter the friendship they'd so carefully cultivated already.
Eventually, something would have to be said about his behavior. This is Harvey, after all- and even if it weren't, who in their right mind would suddenly clam up the way he did for no good reason?
Clamming up...Was that what he was doing? Harvey sighed to himself as he took in the early summer atmosphere. He brushed his knuckle over the surface of the fountain's water, sitting contemplatively at its edge. It was on days like these where he wished he had the confidence and sense to dress down a little rather than sweltering away in his slacks and button-up shirt, but there were other things on his mind. The sweat on his brow was the least of his concern. How could it be anything else? He'd recently realized that it had been two or three weeks since he'd realized his feelings towards the farmer, after all- which marked two or three weeks since his overthinking was pushed into overdrive by every little moment between them. His mind wandered back to the early days of their friendship. When Harvey closed his eyes envisioned his feelings, true to his bookish personality, he saw a graph. With every little moment between them, the line grew bit by bit until it became positively exponential. The way the farmer aided him at George's check-up was the first incident he could recall. When George, being every bit the stubborn old man he was at first glance, chastised Harvey for his advice, their sudden appearance ended up making the appointment much less of a headache than he expected. Their own appointment went a similar route, with them being one of his easier patients. It went as smoothly as it could have. Harvey had nearly forgotten the incident, but their pulse stuck out in the otherwise unremarkable memory. They were a farmer, for Yoba's sake. They had a business to run, physical labor to attend to and an entire town to entertain to keep themself afloat both financially and socially. Any other doctor wouldn't've thought twice about it and simply moved on with their day. Any other doctor wouldn't've fallen this hard for a patient, he reminded himself grimly. "Hey, Harvey!" In an instant, his thoughtful silence shattered like an egg thrown at the mountainside at the sound of the familiar voice. They'd sought him out. Did he really mean that much to them? Damn it all, doctor, don't get your hopes up! The contents of the farmer's backpack rustled and clanged with every step as they trotted up to him. With a proud grin on their face, they held out their hand expectantly, a small something clutched in their fist. "Oh. Erm...Hi. How are you today?" Harvey asked politely. The farmer blinked, then smiled warmly. "I'm doing alright. Just got back from the mines. Don't have a heart attack, I managed to find that purple mushroom you asked for at a level that wouldn't kill me." Harvey chuckled stiffly, reaching for the mushroom presented in their hand. Big, big mistake. It was a simple brush of their fingers. He hesitated to even call it a mere accident. They seemed so calm, despite the fact that he'd definitely lingered for a millisecond longer than he should have. In the moment, he cleared his throat awkwardly, preparing to apologize- "Harvey." "Ah, I'm sor- Yes?" he stammered, smiling in a way he prayed didn't seem nervous. "If you're going to apologize for touching me," the farmer began, gently yet firmly, "I'm gonna take that mushroom right back. You're squeezing that poor fungus to death, anyway." It was only at their words that he noticed his death grip on the mushroom. He opened his mouth to apologize anyway, but the farmer continued, "That's just something I noticed, you know? One, you've been super quiet with me lately, and two, every time we so much as brush up against each other when we do talk, you start tripping over your words and apologizing as if you just slapped me." "I know that you do get bouts of anxiety, but..." The farmer trailed off, "We're still friends, right?" Their question was genuine, concern-wrought and excruciatingly, painfully innocent. Harvey could hear their voice quieting as it left their lips- not accusatory, simply gentle and ready for whatever answer he'd give.
Harvey fumbled over his words before they'd even left his mouth. To explain himself would be to reveal the absolute fool he had been. Avoiding them for as long as he did would've only harmed their relationship, just as the farmer revealed had happened that moment. Of course they were worried. Of course they wondered whether or not he was mad at them. Of course they'd be hurt by the way he'd shied from every touch of theirs, all because he had made great towering mountains out of the littlest molehills. "Harvey…?" "It's complicated," he blurted out. The farmer's eyes widened as the words poured out of him. "I've tried to keep our relationship professional at first. After that, I- I thought it would be strictly platonic. I didn't even consider the fact that I would feel this way about you." "What do you mean 'this way?'" they prompted him gently. This farmer was going to kill him with how sweetly patient they were being. With a deep breath, he spat it out. "I'm interested in you. Romantically." What Harvey expected in that moment was a kind let-down. A small speech about how they value him as a friend, but can't see any sort of future with them. At worst, a sneer and a more curt rejection. They wouldn't be the type to laugh and mock him, this much he knew. What he hadn't expected was the smile pricking at their lips. Nor did he anticipate the way they reached softly for his hand and the electric joy that set every nerve in his body alight at their touch. It was all clear now. And damn, he truly was a fool to believe so deeply that they didn't feel the same. "Is that all, big guy?" … Oh, farmer. You'll be the death of this doctor yet.
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Helloooooo! I recently found your blog, and I rly like your writing style. I was hoping, if it’s not uncomfortable or anything, could you do a NSFW headcanons for yelan, jean, and eula?
NSFW Headcanons - Eula, Yelan & Jean
Genre: Smut
Characters: Eula Lawrence // Yelan // Jean Gunnhildr
A/N: Hello! I'm glad you're enjoying my writing :) Here are your requested hcs, hope you like them as well! I switched the order a little to accomodate for best girl Eula. It took an entire day (not sure if it shows 😅), but I had a lot of fun writing these.
Also, the entire Jean's part, which took a lot of time, was DELETED BY TUMBLR BECAUSE I WANTED TO PASTE SOMETHING WHY THE FU-
Contents: Sub!Eula, body worship, Dom!Yelan, femdom, forced orgasms, edging, post orgasm, Sub!Jean, roleplay, public sex, lots of wholesome stuff
NSFW under the cut.
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Eula Lawrence
For her entire life, she has been kept at a distance. First, her family applied their traditional upbringing tactics, mainly consisting of replacing her natural needs like love and affection with artificial norms and behaviors of her clan. When she broke out of the loop and joined the Knights, they completely pushed her away. Eula couldn't expect comfort from the society either, leaving her to fend for herself. To cope, she assumed her strange way of speaking and the bizarre mannerisms, which only made everything worse. It was a complete surprise to her when Amber became her friend, but an even greater one was actually finding someone who loved her.
Eula is quite touch-starved, and that carries over to love-making.
She wants to have you two as close as physically possible at all times. Eula wants to feel your warmth, your breath and heartbeat on her body.
For her, your face is best when it's in full view for her to enjoy. Eula needs to see that it's you who makes her feel good, you who envelops her bare body, you who loves her.
She is a very intimate woman, and as such the bonding element is more important than the pleasure.
Her body is quite sensitive anyway, so it doesn't take much to get her off. 
She is very clingy, always having her hands on you. Her favorite place to hold on to is your neck. Leg locking happens often, making it difficult to pull out of her. She does that instinctively, and hopes you're fine with it.
The woman is well-aware of her assets, and likes to show them off to you. The way she dresses doesn't exactly make it hard, but she likes to couple it with a very suggestive way of walking.
That said, you can not only look, but touch as well. She loves it when you grope her thighs and ass, but only when no one is looking.
She'll gladly let you use her breasts and thighs to get off.
In fact, one of her favorite things is sitting on your lap while you rub  your length between her legs and right on her womanhood. Suck her nipples or make out at the same time and Eula will cum in no time.
Making out makes her go weak in the knees, especially if you push her up against the wall or pin her hands down.
Give Eula lots and lots of kisses not only outside your bedroom. She lives for your lips on hers, and some tongue action as well.
A hard no for her is bondage. She might bear it if you kiss her non stop, but not being able to touch you is not enjoyable for her. She absolutely needs physical contact.
Eula is not really into giving oral for a similar reason, but she does like receiving it. She usually keeps your face on her clit with a hand in your hair, giving in to the immense pleasure.
But do be careful - the Spindrift Knight gets very squirmy when she's close, so being choked by her thighs is a real possibility. But who would complain?
The best orgasms, however, come from vanilla sex for Eula.
She is not very kinky, but you could say that intimacy is her biggest kink.
Eula is defenseless against the pleasure you bring to her, and having a sensitive body means overstimulation is even worse. Hence, one or two times is her limit.
She is so fragile that she can orgasm without nearly any stimulation to her slit. Having your leg between hers and your tongue in her mouth may just get her off hands-free.
Favorite positions for her are any that include being face to face. Missionary is her go-to.
When the pleasure becomes too much, she may just scratch your exposed back a little. She will get VERY bashful when you point it out later.
Sex will only happen inside your bedroom, where she can drop her guard and be the submissive one without anyone judging her.
"I... I lov-hngh-love you, please g-give me everything!"
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Yelan's work is bothersome. Running around, moving paperwork, and putting up with people's bullshit makes her very frustrated. She just wants someone who could just listen and obey her orders without all of the unnecessary babbling. And who could fill that role better than you?
This one? Very kinky.
It's all about control for Yelan. Whether it be pulling off a well thought-out scheme or ordering her boytoy around, it gives her the sort of satisfaction that nothing could compare to.
It's just so much fun, seeing you bend to her will, ordering you around. Lie down. Get up. Kneel. Crawl to me. Beg. Lick. Her pussy gets so wet at your submissiveness.
You know that Hydro rope she can summon? Yeah, you'll be on a first name basis with it.
Yelan will tie your wrists and ankles so tight they will be sore. She will show some more mercy to your cock and balls, but they still will be uncomfortable.
She'll make sure to wrap the base of your cock tightly, so she can enjoy you longer. The rope will separate and stretch your nuts, not enough to hurt, but enough to be unpleasant. If she feels like it, she will also attach a leash to them. Nothing beats pulling a man by his most precious part in her eyes.
She will call you all sorts of pet names, her favorite being 'boy'.
If you be a good boy for Yelan, she will reward you. But if you disobey, or just don't meet her expectations, she will not hesitate to punish you.
Or maybe she'll do it just because she feels like it.
Yelan has to dish out pain daily because of her job, so she won't carry it over to the bedroom. No pain, just pleasure. Which is not a good thing in this scenario.
See, she had to learn a lot about anatomy to develop good interrogation techniques, and her books described the male body in great detail. Yelan knows all of her pet's sensitive spots, and she will show no mercy.
Seeing you whine and tremble gets her unbelievably hot. She will push you to the edge and stop, only to do it again. And again. And again, until she gets enough of your pleading for orgasm.
You better not cum until she says so, or you'll suffer an even worse fate.
Yelan will turn you into a crying, moaning mess with just two vibes - one on your frenulum, and one against your prostate. It will feel amazing at first, but will become torture after you orgasm. And Yelan will not stop, no matter how much you beg.
She just thinks your tear stained face is so fucking cute!
If you have enough brain cells (or just get lucky), she'll just use your cock and tongue to get herself off.
Because how else would a woman like her unwind than with her toy's face between her legs?
When your shaft becomes nice and hard from all of that cruel edging, she'll ride you to orgasm. Your precum and her juices will be all the lube you'll need.
If you endure her inhuman pace, or cum at the same time, she'll reward you.
The reward will be her mouth, along with possibly the most agile tongue of Teyvat.
After finally removing the ropes biting down into the sensitive skin of your cock and your sack, she will get to work and give you her all. You deserve it for being an obedient plaything, don't you?
While her tongue swirls around your glans, one hand will massage your balls and the other will tease your backside.
Her touch on your jewels will be gentle, but firm. She will roll them around in her fingers, squeezing the sensitive flesh ever so gently.
Milking your p-spot at the same time will lead to possibly the best orgasm you could ever have.
Yelan will gladly take in all of that thick, hot seed you'll give her. Outside of the bedroom, she'll control your diet and make you eat lots of fruits, to give your cum that sweeter note she loves so much*.
Because of her work, she has to protect her image, so you'll play only within the walls of your home. Don't worry, though - your girlfriend will make every session unforgettable.
Her sex drive is quite high, but she'll adjust it to yours. Yelan wants you to enjoy it as much as she does, and she knows her 'ideas' can get quite intense at times.
"Come to me. Good. Now, eat this pussy like the good boy you are~"
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Jean Gunnhildr
In between working herself to the bone and lying unconscious, Jean enjoys reading books. Historical records and romance novels are her favorite genres. Since the library didn't contain much of the second, Lisa decided to hand pick and order new ones for her. And Lisa, being Lisa, started sneaking more steamy novels along the vanilla and cliche love stories. She enjoyed watching Jean's face go bright red when she reached the most juicy bits. The Grandmaster always dreamt of experiencing the things she read first-hand, and with you around, she can finally fulfill her fantasies. 
Having a wide range of references made her imagination quite rich when it comes to fantasies and ideas.
Being a practical woman, she always bookmarked her favorite scenes for... future reference. Reading about romance made her feel quite lonely, and that bothered her. It's one of the reasons she overworks herself so much, as exhaustion takes her mind off of that problem.
But now, she finally has someone. Someone she feels safe around, likes to hang out with.
She is kinky, yes, but there's a problem. Jean is unbelievably shy about it.
Her poor heart couldn't possibly handle asking you directly, so she turns to dropping hints.
For example, Jean will leave one of her favorites on your dining table, in full view, and with a single bookmark. She hopes you open and read it, and get the idea.
If you don't, she'll keep trying. If you're especially oblivious to her signs, Lisa will help guide you in the right direction. She'll have enough of Jean's dejected looks by that point for sure.
You'll quickly find out that Jean is really into risky, public sex. Public as in in her office, the library or other enclosed space with a quiet corner.
She'll get a lock on her office door for sure. Yet people can still hear her moaning while getting her insides rearranged, so the thrill is still there.
Nothing that a hand over her mouth couldn't fix, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
Jean is a submissive at heart, which stems mostly from her fascination with gender differences.
She loves how different your bodies are. She is tall, yes, but you're still taller. Her build is more fragile, with smaller arms and shoulders, and yours is stronger, with broad shoulders and large, muscular forearms.
When you stand over her, overshadowing Jean's entire frame, she gets hot and bothered.
Loves your strength - both in bed (picking her up, pinning her down) and outside of it (lifting heavy things for her).
She values greatly both what makes her feminine, and what makes you masculine.
Worshiping her body is up to you, but she will definitely worship yours.
Likes giving oral more than receiving. She tends to get lost in the moment, the strong scent of your manhood flipping that hidden switch in her brain.
Worships your shaft with everything she's got, and sloppily at that. She likes it when you make her work for that dicking with her mouth and throat. Add a hand in her hair and she will rub her legs together, too horny and desperate to hold back.
Plays with your balls a lot. It's definitely the most masculine part of you, and Jean loves showing it the proper respect with her tongue.
Her favorite ways to screw emphasize that difference. Jean likes when you hover over her, lift her up or force her down - gently of course. The absolute hottest position in her eyes is when you both are standing, you penetrate her from behind, and support your weight on your hands, placed right before her face. She enjoys seeing just how big yours are compared to hers.
Jean really likes a good amount of foreplay before the deed. Making out, oral or mutual masturbation helps get her wet and ready for you.
She also likes long, slow and passionate sessions. The ones that come after a romantic dinner, a walk under the night sky or a picnic under the Windrise tree.
Also enjoys a gentle, morning fuck on free days, as rare as they are.
Vaginal is for sure more enjoyable for Jean than anal, but that doesn't mean her asshole is off limits. She likes when you insert a plug to heighten the sensations and keep things fresh. She'll let you take her in the ass (slowly) during her time of the month to keep both of you close.
Dirty talk can turn Jean into a whiny, needy mess very quick with the right words spoken at the right time. She automatically clenches when she hears the words 'good girl' fall from your lips.
The same naughty things won't come out of her mouth, sadly. She just isn't very confident, and can't say it in the overwhelmingly hot way you can.
Jean will not hesitate to try new things in the bedroom, but sometimes when she isn't that sure, but wants to keep it secret from you, she will turn to Lisa for help. The two are very close, and so Lisa will gladly lend Jean her experience and knowledge. As for the price, who knows, maybe a threesome would be adequate~
Jean's endurance is not that great, and she's completely fine with it. Just how could she resist your strong arms, thick shaft and low voice?
Sexing her out is fairly hard, but it's possible. Usually two extended sessions and three or four quickies in between will keep her a happy girl.
"My love, what are you do- Ah! N-not here, p-please... someone might see us!"
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Footnote: Yeah, that's a real thing. The taste is mostly impacted by diet and similiar habits - eating salty, processed food, drinking alcohol and coffee or smoking give it an awful character, while staying drug-free and eating sweet, acidic foods like certain vegetables and fruit make it more bearable. Go research it, seriously.
Contentloading - providing not only horniness, but also ✨K N O W L E D G E✨ since 2022!
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Thanks for reading!
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quinloki · 1 year
humble requests for buggy, killer, and robin for marking with their lipstick (i know robin isnt drawn with any but just for fun), hella softcore femdom, and praise (not for killer i know u already did him and i.. go back regularly to read it and get all flustered and coo and adhjsfldkf) thank yoU!!!
Awwwww ♥ I'm glad you like it that much. Hm... maybe I'll expand on it for this post. Let's see how it goes.
Buggy and Robin - I think this is firsts for both of them \o/ (Oh wait, I've gotten Buggy once before, first for Robin!)
Also, I apologize, I'm laughing at "hella softcore femdom" - I don't know what to do with that, but I'm going to try my best. I'm assuming the qualifier is there because I tend to go pretty hard core, and you're trying to get me to put the mittens on and tone it down a bit.
We'll do this by character as is becoming the norm, and we'll just go in the order you've listed \o/
Marking w/lipstick - Yes - Buggy likes to give you his "look" in the bedroom - not the big red nose, but the exaggerated lips and the blue lines. There's just something quiet and intimate about it and he refuses to let anyone else see you like that. Generally, in the course of the night, the makeup on the both of you is ruined all to hell. Red and blue smears of paint blotched along skin.
You've even "marked" him more directly before, drawing a couple lazy hearts on his chest with the lipstick one time and he found he really liked it. He told you it was flashy and even left it in place until normal daily life wore it away.
Hella Softcore Femdom - Oh god you don't even know - Buggy can be pushed into being dom, he can even be one on his own, but he's a very stressed clown man. Handing over the proverbial reigns and doing your bidding is a tremendous stress reliever for him. It doesn't even have to be sexual in nature. He'll rub your shoulder, massage your feet, bring you snacks and feed you fruits (and/or let you feed him fruits too.) He even enjoys being made to clean or organize things.
Praise Kink - FUCK Yes - You cannot praise him too much, he cannot praise you too much. Buggy is a affirmative words kind of guy. (He likes having degradation thrown at him, does not like dishing it out). He loves to hear he's doing well, and loves to praise you for taking him so well at the same time. He's very talkative when he's with you - not in the screechy kind of fast-talk he has with other people. It's much calmer than that, maybe a little flashy still.
He'll talk a little less as things progress - once you've both learned what the other likes there'll be less instructions and questions and clarifications, but he'll still be singing your praises, and reveling in you praising him.
Marking w/lipstick - FUCK Yes - Killer loves to mark you, and honestly the more temporary those marks are the better. As a general rule at least. The best part is how accurate he is with it. He's put lipstick on your lips without getting any outside of the lines, and he didn't use the lipstick on your lips directly. It was some of the best kissing you'd experienced with him.
By the time all is said and done it's often hard to tell what marks on you are passionate bruises, and which marks are Killer's lipstick. At least until you get cleaned up.
Hella Softcore Femdom - Yes - I don't think you'd ever actually truly dom Killer. Even softcore style. He's delighted to let you fill that role, but there's no point in any of it where you're fully in control. He just doesn't have enough "sub" in him for that sort of interaction. Much like Kid though, he's into pretty much all kinks, from all sides, and he'll happily play at being you're good darlin' without complaint.
Plus it's not bad for him to just relax and let someone call the shots for a little bit. Killer's usually non-stop on in that category. So it's refreshing for him to let someone else take the lead.
Praise Kink - Oh god your don't even know - Killer will praise you and accept your praises. But mostly praise you - how well you take him, how sweet you sound, how beautiful your laughter is, how delicious, and warm, and tight and perfect you are. Killer loves to lavish you with praise. You are his good little one, and he'll make sure you never doubt it. He'll even praise you while he's punishing you - especially if you're accepting your punishment without complaint.
It's also easy to tell that praise effects him positively as well. You can hear his soft moans shiver when you praise him, feel him twitch inside you, the flex in his fingers as he works to control himself. He doesn't really need or want anyone else to tell him he's doing a good job, but something about the way you say it, hits him at his core.
Nico Robin:
Marking w/lipstick - Sure - I think Robin wouldn't have much of an opinion on it until her partner marked her with lipstick. The quiet action of it, the subtle intimacy, the ease with which it can be removed and reapplied. Something about it will click with her and she'll be positive toward it more than neutral.
As a general rule I don't think she's one for marking any more "hardcore" than lipstick. Marks maybe from passionate kissing, but considering her past I don't think she'd want to have a show of ownership over someone. I almost think freedom is more important to her than it is to Luffy.
Hella Softcore Femdom - Oh god you don't even know - This is like, Robin's natural state. It's almost how she is just as a person existing. Everything I can think of to describe it are canonical moments in the show. She just very casually and skillfully moves the crew to her desires, and praises them when things go how she wants. It's almost motherly with, say, Chopper, but there's certainly a dom vibe with the rest of the crew.
It's subtle though - "hella softcore" is a good way to describe it. That said, it's something I see her doing to someone quite easily, but I don't think it goes in the other direction. Subtle as it may (or may not) come across in her relationship, she is most certainly the dominate partner.
Praise Kink - FUCK Yes - Degradation is not Robin's default setting. She's 100% someone that's going to praise you for a job well-done. The hardest part of being her partner is that she'll praise you for cleaning the room in the same cadence and tone that she'll praise you for taking her strap. Or hand. Or with you pleasing her.
There's nothing wrong with it, but when she thanks you for something in front of everyone else in that same tone she used in the bedroom perhaps just moments earlier. Well. To say it has an astounding effect is a bit of an understatement (and I'm certain she does it on purpose too.)
Get your asks in, I'm not taking more after tomorrow.
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lyramundana · 11 months
The only things I won't write about are:
-Rape/any non-consensual sexual activities where one of the parties is forced and has an horrible time. Either they all enjoy it or nothing happens.
-Explicit use of drugs. If I happen to mention them, it'll be only for recreational uses.
-Obviously, any hint of pedophilia is off the table. I don't want a single suggestion about it in my blog. I'll delete it and block you.
-Age regression/Daddies&Littles play. I don't feel comfortable with it.
-Infidelity (at least not when Skz members are the victims of it)
Outside of that, I'm pretty much open to everything. If the topic in particular makes me uncomfortable, I'll let it know, but mostly it's all in the previous ones.
❗Attention, this post is about to be remodelled and updated into a masterlist, so it'll be changing things progressively. I have no idea how to make a masterlist, but I'm on it❗
My reblogs
My content:
AUs: Masterlist My OC/Violeta's body
Random thoughts: Possesiveness Conflictive emotions Vivi bullying Minho (affectionately) Minho getting princess treatment Territorialism Admiration In the pool/beach Being possessive (again) Oblivious
Imagines: Surrogate mother Minho's gaze Bodyguards Jealousy Pouty Babies Minho's babygirl treatment Jisung being flustered Teasing them Family au Heart vs brain Staring Lucky kiss Matchmaker Jisung with his son vs Minho with his daughter
Hard thought: Lactation kink
Headcanons: Babies's relationship Non-sexual dynamic Sexual dynamic
Drabbles: Heartbeats Scented Jealousy, Jealousy
My asks/requests:
Sweet Kitty(MinSung x Stay! Reader)
Yandere! MinSung x Reader
Alpha! Minho & Reader x Omega! Jisung
Don't Play Dumb (MinSung having a bi awakening with their neighbour)
Crimson Contract au!
Ass and boobs guys
Naughty MinSung Roommates
MinSung using you to relieve stress
Handsome and pretty boys
Boypussy! Jisung
Pushing Minho into subspace
Minho's lessons
Protective MinSung
Stay! Reader scenarios
Alpha! MinSung x Omega! Reader
Yandere! MinSung x 9th fem! member
Punishing Han
One night stand and the aftermath
Sucking off Minho together
Toxic! MinSung x 9th fem! member
Perv! MinSung x Innocent! Reader
MinSung being babygirls
Subby! MinSung being spoiled and more
Slighty toxic! MinSung
Skinship headcanons
Shy pervert! Reader
Chubby fem! Reader
Comforting chubby fem! Reader
9th fem! Reader getting close with the members
Who confesses first?
Punishing Jisung out of jealousy
My works
How he looks at her
Rockstar! Jisung
Sucking his tongue
Being jealous over him
My works:
Hypocresy (tied to the poly minsung verse)
My asks:
Fight so dirty (tied to the poly minsung verse)
Yandere! Chris when his Darling attempts to escape
Yandere! Chris's stalking
Dad! Chris thoughts
Yandere! Stray Kids when their Darling likes someone else
Yandere! Chan & Minho as secret admirers
Yandere Chan & Jisung
DELULU TIME WITH SORSHA:Pt 1 Lady Marmalade inspired Measuring thighs Seeing her twerk Kpop Virus AU Masks Three-way dance
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wangxianficfinder · 8 months
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Fic Finder
1. hi! i"m looking for a fic where wwx wrote letters for all the important people in his life, barricaded himself in the cave to destroy the yin tiger seal. wq & wn arrived early and kept shouting at wwx to stop outside the barrier but he still continued and killed himself. a-yuan was escorted by song lan at jinlintai where a-yuan recognizes lwj and run to him. & then a-yuan saw the robes of jins he starts shouting & crying. then jzx and madam jin took of their robes. jgs & jgy crimes were exposed
FOUND? The deleted fic When I’m Gone by qiankun_pouch
seramarias said: I have a link for #1 via Google Drive if anyone needs it.
2. Fic finder request, please!
A scene where NMJ picks up young LWJ and tosses him into the air like he would NHS as a fun thing that kids like. LXC is horrified and says that that’s a bad punishment or something, but later on LWJ asks to be tossed again—gently and is happy about it.
I just remember it being a cute short fic and now I can’t find it! 😭
FOUND! Of Few Words by nirejseki (G, 5k, LWJ & NMJ, LXC & NMJ, NHS & NMJ, Childhood Friends, First Meetings, grief and recovery, Making Friends, Pre-Canon)
3. Hello, please I'm desperately searching for a fic where wwx finds out his favorite porn content creator is his co-worker lwj during a business trip? At some point he spent so much money tipping lwj that lwj offered a special set for him. I appreciate your work SO MUCH y'all are pillars of this fandom
FOUND! Damask / 锦上添花 by auberjing (E, 9k, WangXian, Modern AU, Lingerie, Sex Worker LWJ, Nude Modeling, Nude Photos, Porn with Feelings, Getting Together, Masturbation, Rimming, Overstimulation, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Premature Ejaculation, LWJ in lingerie, WWX in lingerie, Mutual Pining, Fluff and Smut, Happy Ending, Intercrural Sex)
4. hi, I want to search the fanfic about the junior and maybe wwx and lwj travel back to qionqi path and stop by at banquet at jinlintai right after past wwx ask jin zixun about wen remnant. Also if I not mistaken, lwj cut tie with lqr. I read this at wattpad and not sure if the writer post this stories at other platform.
5. was trying to find an omegaverse fic, where wwx was captured by wen chao, and traumatized to the point that whenever he went into heat, he'd go berserk and start hunting down alphas/wen soldiers to slaughter. lwj had been captured prior to him and was already halfway to feral, but the two of them ended up bonding without marking each other because lwj had been muzzled. anyone have a clue if this has been deleted or not? @ashewindrider
FOUND? The Faithful Demon of Yiling by TriviasFolly (M, 93k, wangxian, rape/non-con, JC POV, WWX is a Murder Baby, ABO, heat, The satisfaction of knowing how JGS's dick gets shot off, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, no cultivation au, Vaugely Historical AU, royal au, War AU, Slow Burn, WWX is a Baddass, Attempted Rape, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Character thinks another is dead for 75 precent of the story, Murder)
6. Hello! I'm trying to find a fic, likely on ao3, where JYL was a reincarnation from Dongying/Japan, like a crossover between a period drama anime? I think she was still Yanli, but her previous spirit wanted so badly to have a family that the desire followed her to her next life, so she had paper white skin & maybe red eyes as a sign of haunting. I remember it was a well known anime but not one I knew, so I haven't been able to find it. She might've unlocked memories & found her reincarnated hubby
7. Ficfinder request please! There's a "magic artifact fleshlight" that connects to an orifice of whoever's bloody gets on it. WWX overhears some Jin disciples plans to violate a woman using the artifact, and steals it and binds it to himself to protect her. LWJ catches him, and in order to protect her honour he lies, and says it's a simple toy, and that using it with one's friends is fun and totally something that LWJ should do. LWJ confiscates it and uses it, not knowing that it's connected to WWX. Shenanigans ensue
FOUND? The Golden Cutsleeve by syrus_jones (E, 77k, WangXian, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, Humor, Aged-Up Character(s), WWX POV, WWX is a gremlin, Internally Screaming LWJ, No Sunshot Campaign, First Times, Accidental Sex, Masturbation, PWP, Porn with Feelings, WWX experimenting with things he shouldn’t like always, Happy Ending, Porn With Plot)
8. Good day! Thank you all for your help/time/effort. Im here for fic finder. Im looking for the the fic where jgy had talisman that he sew to the other cultivators' clothes/robes—lwj, lxc, jwy, etc. Like he gave it as a gift, if im not mistaken. That talisman made them hate wwx so they said some hurtful words towards him. In result to that, wwx left and traveled alone. Then, I cant remember if its nhs who figure it out, but someone knew about the talisman then after that, they changed their wardrobes and started to look for wwx. If i remember it correctly, I found that fic via angst tag but since there's a lot of fic with that tag, I cant find it anymore. Thank you in advance! @httpskaixx
9. Hello! I have been looking for a specifix wangxian tattoo artist fic on AO3 that I can't seem to find.
The details: Wei Ying is a tattoo artist who owns his own shop. Toddler Lan Yuan slips away from a babysitter and ends up at the tattoo shop which is how wangxian meet. Lan Zhan brings Yuan and Jingyi (Xichen's son if i remember right) to the shop repeatedly to see Wei Ying.
I swear the fic title is the name of the tattoo shop but my mind is blank. @abomimablesnwm
FOUND! 🧡 Yiling Salon: Hair, Nails and Piercing by TriviasFolly (T, 22k, WangXian, Modern AU, hairstylist AU, WWX owns a salon, Hairstylist WWX, 5+1 Things, Fluff, Experimental Style) Are you sure it was a tattoo parlor? Because all I can think of is this fic. if it's not this one, I'd think you'd like it, it's similar - Mod C
10. do you know of an nsfw fic where lan zhan is trans and wei wuxian asks to see “down there” and they end up having sex and it ends with lan zhan saying theyre engaged ? If you don’t take nsfw asks feel free to ignore!
FOUND? gratified in each other by Anonymous (E, 4k, wangxian, modern, Trans Male Character, Trans WWX, Brief Pining While Fucking, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, wangxian speedrun friends to fiances within the span of an afternoon like completely normal people, the inherent eroticism of agreeing to knock up the man you've been pining for for years, Porn with Feelings, there is in fact a plot here, Creampie, Daddy Kink, Penis In Vagina Sex, Cunnilingus, Squirting, Marriage Proposal, Smut, Fluff and Smut) Could it be Gratified in Each Other? It is WY who is trans. LZ tells WY, "if you can feel me, shouldn't i be able to feel you?" WY tells LZ, "Boyfriend is nice but… but maybe husband would be even better."
FOUND? A Different Kind of Courtship by pomelos (E, 2k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Teenage Wangxian, Boypussy, Just the Tip, Undernegotiated Kink, mentions of Arranged Marriage, Virginity Kink, Loss of Virginity, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, PWP, Mildly Dubious Consent)
11. For a future fic finder. I'm looking for a fic that was set in the Cloud Recesses study arc, it was a cracky sort of AU where Lan Qiren was being a matchmaker and pairing up all the kids. Sitting the ones he thought would go well together next to each other in class and things like that. I believe Nie Mingjue was also courting Lan Xichen by giving him sweets and Lan Qiren was hoping he'd hurry up and accept before he got chubby? Something along those lines. I swear I had it bookmarked but can't find it so I'm hoping it hasn't been deleted. Nie Huaisang also was involved a little bit but Lan Qiren didn't realize until the end. TIA!
FOUND! sentimental education by everythingispoetry (G, 5k, Everyone Lives au, Humor, Fluff, Matchmaking, LQR is a closet romantic, using teenagers as one's personal chess pieces, Crack)
12. I have been looking for this fic forever and can't find it 😭. It was focused on lan yuan and wei wuxian, where lsz remembered wwx telling him about the narrow path when lan wangji left the burial mounds the first time. Lsz then worries that wwx is disappointed that he grew up lan like wwx warned against. I can't remember if lsz remembered everything about wwx or just that one memory. Plz help lol, it's stuck in my head but I can't find it 😭
FOUND? Would You Come Home? by s6115 (Not rated, 46k, WangXian, Junior Quartet Centric, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Junior Quartet Dynamics) LSZ finds talismans in WWX's old bedroom when he is invited to LP, and that way he can see different scenes of his life at BM, one of them being after the narrow path comment, when WWX tells him he can't have a ribbon, because that would mean be a Lan, who can't run, or laugh, or smile until his face hurts.
13. Hi!! Can you help me find this fic? I've been reading this fic again and again before but unfortunately I didn't bookmarked it since I just kept the tab open but then I change my phone and now I cant find that fic! I'm just gonna tell specific parts I remembered 😅
So I forgot if wwx is alive here but lsz here is their real child in this fic and not adopted or whatever and so lsz is known as lwj's child but the cultivation world doesn't know how he looks like and then the gusu lan host a event where lsz would receive his courtesy name, family forehead ribbon, his own sword and music instrument and everyone in the cultivation world is invited, jyl and jzx is also alive here.
And here the jiang siblings or rather jc thought that lwj betrayed wwx since they kinda like know that they at least like each other? (Sorry this was really blurry in my memory 🥹 ) so they saw lsz and he resemble lwj so much but then they saw lsz and saw wwx in lsz, that is when they realized that the other parent is wwx. So they confronted lwj about this.
This is like the most memorable chap? Part? In the fic that I remembered 😅 I hope you can help me find this fic, it's one of my comfort fic🥹🥹 Thanks 😊 😊
FOUND! Until The End by abCEE (M, 365k, wangxian, canon divergence, communication, established relationship, sunshot campaign, mpreg, canon typical violence, WWX has new golden core, canonical character death, happy ending, fix-it of sorts)
14. I'm looking for a fic that's a modern AU insofar as it's not in magical ancient China; it's set in the 1970s, I think, in China. Wei Ying is comatose, and Lan Zhan's been raising a-Yuan. He's basically been adopted into both the Jiang and Wen families as well. About halfway through the story, they're told that they have to remove Wei Ying from the machines keeping him alive (this is expected to be a death sentence). Lan Zhan collapses, but it turns out Wei Ying wakes up. @songscloset
FOUND! When You Wake, 怎能当梦一场 by MouSanRen (T, 40k, wangxian, modern, WWX is in a coma, Angst with a Happy Ending, Single Dad LWJ, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Parenthood, YZY's A+ Parenting,JFM's A+ parenting)
15. Hello and thank you for all you do to this fandom, mods, you're so great.
I'm looking for two Very Explicit fics that I read AN ETERNITY ago (I think it was 2020?) and I really hope they still exist. I'm very sorry but the horny demon in my brain has been LOUD about them. They're both one shots.
A) genderbent A/B/O, omega wwx is married to someone else and has a son, alpha lwj keeps thirsting over her every time she goes for her run in the neighborhood? One day wwx invites her in and well. Sex ensues.
B) canon setting, hard BDSM, lwj has wwx tied up (suspended?), wwx goes into subspace and lwj makes him cum from eating his ass which apparently is not something he can manage to do usually.
FOUND? #15A seems to have been deleted from ao3 but it's "Young Sexy Dyke Rails Hot MILF From Next Door and Sucks Her Tits Dry!" by crimsonkestrel
16. I'm looking for a story, I believe it was a multi-chapter, where WWX and LWJ keep trying to experiment with bondage, but it keeps going wrong. I know that the last time it went wrong, LWJ fell down a ravine and seriously injured his leg. It was also a modern AU, and they got married (or were in the process of getting married) at the end. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
17. Hi (^▽^) I need help to find some fics!
A) I don't remember all that much but, it is after the SSC and WWX becomes like the jiang sect's elder and I'm pretty sure it's a fix-it.
B) Wangxian is getting married and they are doing a ritual in the bedroom were they eat baozi I think and WWX's is raw and filed with lotus petals.
C) LWJ timetravels and is preparing to support WWX's resentful cultivation but because he changed things WWX never looses his core and don't have to invent resentful cultivation.
thank you in advance!
Hi (^▽^) I was no. 17 in the last fic finder and Like a Water-Worn Stone is right! so is Twelve Moons and a Fortnight! yay! thank you! but Resilience isn't the one, if it helps I'm pretty sure LWJ back like the CR lectures and I don't think JC time traveled.
but again thank you so much!
not FOUND Elder, an Aesthetic by MarbleGlove (G, 8k, JC & WWX, fix-it, post-sunshot) 1st of the series Rest is Revolution
FOUND! Like a Water-Worn Stone by meyari (T, 41k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, very little hurt, lots of comfort, Chronic Illness, Serious Injuries, Self-Medication, Disability, PTSD, Depression, Self-Worth Issues, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, aftermath of war, Aftermath of Violence, Prisoner of War, Identity Issues, enslavement (discussion of), abuse (discussion of), actually very fluffy despite the warnings)
FOUND! Twelve Moons and a Fortnight by stiltonbasket (M, 290k, WangXian, Humor, Slow Burn, Post-Canon Fix-It, Long-Distance Relationship, Epistolary, Love Letters, Family Feels, a-qing lives, teenage romance, Adoption, Romantic Comedy, Happy Ending, Weddings, Case Fic, Parenthood, Politics) I just finished 12 Moons and a Fortnight and it had the baozi with raw lotus petals during the wedding night, so it's probably that
not FOUND💖 Resilience. by Vrishchika (T, 7k, WangXian, Time Travel, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Not JC Friendly, Self-Indulgent)
18. Thanks so much for all you do. I love finding interesting fics to read through this page. That said, this is my first request and I hope I'm doing it right.
I know this fic was part of a series. Everyone seems to be a little darker than cannon. This particular fic was WWX and LZ during the sunshot campaign.
LZ and the Lans he was leading were trapped/ambushed in a forest. NMJ could not spare the men to rescue them. WWX goes to rescue him anyway. Between him and LZ they kill all the Wen in that forest. I remember LZ feeling he was not the right person to lead/be responsible  for others in combat. He knew he was given the role solely on his status. 
I thought I bookmarked this but apparently not. I don't know if this series was complete or not. Thank you so much
As a consequence LZ and WY are darker in this fic.
FOUND? The Children's Crusade by natcat5 (M, 44k, JC & Yunmeng disciples, NHS & NMJ, JC & WWX, wangxian, JYL/JZX, Canon Divergence, Missing Scenes, Character Study, Sunshot Campaign, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Partial Golden Core Reveal, references to ableism, self-direct ableism, Self-Esteem Issues, Let Jiang Yanli be a little angry as a treat) the fic in question is part 3
19. hi, im looking for a modern au where lwj makes lan qiren give wwx a written apology for driving him away? i think lwj had a-yuan and wwx believed he was a bad influence or something? anyway, it was a formal apology and lwj gives oy to a flabbergasted wwx when they reunite.
FOUND! say it's here where our pieces fall in place by Lirelyn (E, 68k, WangXian, Modern AU, Family Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Kid Fic, Adoption, Foster Care, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
20. good day! 🧡🧡 do u guys know the fic where lsz time traveled during the wens went to lotus pier like he saved the bloody wwx then called lwj and introduced himself as their son in the future. i remember that yuan left a letter and they put it in a frame (in their bedroom) at the end of the story. i bookmarked it but i cant find it on my list. thankyouuu!
FOUND? Son's Intervention by abCEE (T, 14k, WangXian, Time Travel, OOC, slightly (?), Dark LSZ, LSZ is LWJ and WWX's Child, Implied Mpreg, Fall of Lotus Pier, Revenge, No Golden Core Transfer, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, demonic array, Canon-Typical Violence, No Sunshot Campaign, No demonic cultivation, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Not Jiang Family Friendly, read beginning notes please, CQL Verse, Married WangXian Have Children, BAMF LSZ)
135 notes · View notes
everybody plays the fool
pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader
request: not requested, just based on personal experience & struggles rn lol
warnings: fluff, angst, loving someone else who is in a relationship, hurt, unrequited love? kinda?
note: recently experienced this with someone very important to me so super slay! some of these quotes are exactly what he said, which is kinda funny to use them in a fic. anyway, enjoy your early christmas present since i havent posted in 9 months!!!
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remus lupin was not a bad person by any means, no, but at the present moment, you wish he was so you had some kind of 'backup' for your hurt.
you and remus had been close for a number of years, your relationship flourishing once you joined the order. he was very protective and observant of you, ready to jump into action if you needed his help - but he was not overwhelming. he respected you, that much was clear, and if you needed him to care for you, he'd be there in a heartbeat.
his standing with romantic relationships was something that you were not always 100% clear on, and you never pushed him to clarify or share that part of his life with you. but members of the order had told you of past partners, and to your knowledge, he was single - and life was good. you felt comfortable being a bit more flirty with him and hanging around him more often than usual. remus never seemed to mind and was glad to have you around, and your heart fluttered like a golden snitch.
well, up until you found out he had a girlfriend.
when word had spread, you backed off immediately. flirting with him, making suggestive comments, and of the sorts was no longer your place, and while it stung, you respected it. ruining a relationship was not on your bucket list. but really, you shouldn't have worried too much about yourself.
remus had been showing you around grimmauld place, as sirius typically had old photos of their younger selves, and when you had discovered a bunch of old polaroids of the marauders, remus was quick to delve into his past at hogwarts. you ran your thumb over the photos, fondly looking at the group of boys.
you glanced up at remus, "i have to say, rem, this photo looks nothing like you," a soft laugh escaping your lips.
remus chuckled, "that was when i was young, y/n, full of hopes and dreams, handsome. you missed my prime."
you laughed along with him, but you sensed part of words held a bit of truth behind them, "i feel robbed of not being around during your prime, with the way you describe it."
remus shrugged, a sigh escaping him, "yes, well, that was when i used to be somewhat attractive and before all of this madness."
the words slipped before you could stop, "in a non-weird, platonic way, you're still attractive so don't let time control your happiness and contentment with your life, remus."
he blushed from your words, smiling lightly, "in a non-weird, platonic way, i kind of like that you said that."
you looked at one another, your lips mindlessly swiping over your lips. remus cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have said that-"
you shook your head, "no, i overstepped - i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable..."
it was now remus's turn to shake his head, a soft smile on his face, "we both apologized, so i think we're even, darling. I'll see you at dinner."
after that first encounter, you decided to put some distance between you and lupin; you had figured it was the best option in avoiding any kind of awkward tension. and, for the most part, it worked. there were a few instances where you had to interact, but it was for the order and while things weren't necessarily awkward, it settled your mind.
soon enough, christmas had rolled around and yourself, along with the rest of the order and the kids, had decided to spend the holidays at grimmauld place. the house was bustling with such positive, happy energy and it was exactly what you needed.
remus and yourself were currently outside on the steps, sitting down as you people-watched. it was quite calming, had you not been a bit anxious considering it was your first time being alone with him in a while.
"so," remus started, "how have you been? i feel like we have not seen each other in a while."
you turned to him, smiling lightly, "good! currently doing a lot of raids for the ministry and sometimes that includes sleeping outside and just waiting. not ideal, but it's...life."
remus raised his eyebrows, "that's hell! you deserve better than that - do you have anywhere to sleep, like a tent?"
you shrugged, "sometimes we can conjure one, other times we decide to wait it out."
playing with his fingers, remus blew out a breath, "i'd say i would join you, but considering we spend enough time together here as it is, I'm not sure that it would be as fun."
you shook your head, "you said it yourself, we haven't seen each other in a while - it would be a blast having you there, if it weren't for the ministry." remus smiled at your reply.
soon enough, remus and you fell into a routine whenever you both were at grimmauld place: talking a stroll outside, sharing stories about your childhoods and memories that held importance, before heading back inside for the night.
you were incredibly thankful for grimmauld place. it had become a home, somewhere to rely on if you just needed some bustling of life, socialization, or love. tonight, an important quidditch playoff was on, and soon enough, the adults were becoming tipsy due to muggle alcohol.
you wouldn't have taken any action if remus's girlfriend was around, but she wasn't, so you took this opportunity to help the lycanthrope upstairs and into bed.
"remus lupin, you party animal," you chuckled, helping him discard of his shoes and vest. his face was a bit flushed as he laughed, "y/n, i-i don't want to-to be, but if i must."
with a snort, you shook off remus's vest, "even when drunk, you're still able to form coherent, intelligent sentences. here," you paused, placing some muggle ibuprofen and water on his bedside table, "take care of yourself for tomorrow morning."
remus gave a slightly-drunken smile, "thanks for taking care of me."
you folded up his vest, placing it on a chair in his bedroom, "of course, anything for the best guy around."
he groaned, "you don't have-have to say that, it's not true."
in your head, you sighed, 'oh merlin, please do not a self-pity drunk, remus.'
you sat down next to him on the bed, "rem, I'm not sure where that thought came from, but you are an amazing guy - you're the best. none of this negative self-talk, okay?"
remus laid back, eyes glossing over, "i'm sorry if i don't live up to that all the time, if i changed your perception of me."
you leaned over, grasping his hand, "remus, life isn't about keeping score or living up to expectations. it's about loving the way that you are living and as long as you are happy, that is the most important thing. be kinder to yourself, rem."
remus sighed, holding onto your hand a bit tighter, "ah, I'm just rambling...but y/n, i appreciate you, genuinely. i love you."
you gave a saddened smile, but hid it well enough that he didn't ask questions, "i love you too, remus."
remus then began giggling to himself, hiding his face between his hands. you laughed as well, unsure as to why, but he had brightened your gloomy feelings immediately. with a squeeze of his hand, you questioned remus, "what's got you so giggly, lupin?"
he laughed softly once more, "just-just thinking about the time i slept at the top of the astronomy tower."
your eyebrows raised high with surprise, "excuse me? when was this, and can we do it at some point?"
remus nodded his head excitedly, "of course, darling. it-it was a few years ago, yes, but quite fun! but, i should warn you - it gets veryyyy chilly up there." his eyes went wide, as though remembering the cold, and shivered. you tightened the blanket around him.
with a smile, you continued, "no worries, we'll bring our fair share of pillows and blankets, don't worry, rem."
remus looked over at you, his drunkenness slowly leaving his body, "can we share, y/n?"
as if you'd say no.
"of course, remus, whatever you'd like."
"hmm, no pillow wall."
you raised an eyebrow, "pillow wall? for what, rem?"
he hummed, "to separate us, but we don't need one...i like it when you call me that, rem."
your face flushed red, but hope he didn't notice as he continued, "i tend to get hot in the middle of the night."
'don't agitate the conversation, don't encourage it.'
"well, rem, unfortunately i'm the exact opposite and i get cold in the middle of the night."
remus softly chuckled, playing with your fingers, "oh, so you may need help to warm up? you know, you could always get warmer...there are certainly some ways."
you sighed, a sad smile on your face as you brushed remus's hair back, "get some sleep before you say something you might regret. goodnight, rem." and with that, you left the room in a hurry.
you cried that night, upset and angry at yourself for playing into his drunken flirting and suggestive tones. he clearly didn't know what he was saying, but you did, and took advantage of that. ugh, you hated how that made you feel. he had a girlfriend who he loved (you assume), and what you said and suggested...oh god, how were you two going to be friends?
remus awoke the next morning, aware of what he had said. if he was being honest, he knew what he said to you as he wasn't really that drunk. and he knew once you were aware of that fact, you'd be even more upset at him. getting out of bed, remus was met with the smell of tea, which wafted through the house until he saw you outside on the steps, knee bouncing nervously.
the lycanthrope met you outside and without looking behind you, you knew who it was. remus sat down beside you, tonks on his mind as he tried to formulate what he was going to say. nymphadora was his priority, his girlfriend, his love. but why did he do this to her, to you?
"how're you feeling this morning? any hangover symptoms?" you questioned, just trying to move past the awkwardness.
remus shrugged, "i feel fine, believe it or not. how are you?"
you bit your lip, "okay. didn't get much sleep, wasn't able to shut my brain off." or your tears.
remus glanced at you; you looked exhausted and with the fresh-looking bags under your eyes, he knew you cried. and with that knowledge, his heart panged.
you took in a shaky breath before whispering, "are we okay after last night? i-i couldn't sleep because of it."
remus sighed, nodding his head, "i couldn't either, darling."
you cringed, and he noticed.
remus continued, "it's not on you, y/n, it's on me, and i'm sorry. it was a shitty thing of me to do."
you looked down, your fingernails becoming the most interesting thing in the world, "I'm sorry, too. i shouldn't have continued the conversation. it's not all on you, rem."
remus looked towards you but your head remained down, "y/n...i-i think we both went with it but it got real at some point but i did that." he paused before continuing, "let me take responsibility."
you furrowed your eyebrows, meeting his eyes once you looked up, "remus, you were drunk, i fed into your drunken conversation-"
he interrupted you, "if we're being honest, i wasn't that drunk. let me be better, y/n, please."
your heart ached as it shattered into pieces, trying to mend itself back together. he wasn't that drunk when he said those things to you last night? you became increasingly confused, upset, angry, heartbroken. this man had worked his way into your heart, becoming not only a true friend, but someone you loved. and when a flirty conversation began taking a turn, he knew exactly what he was doing, saying.
but you couldn't have him, and the way this conversation is headed, you would never.
"i just want us to be okay," you whispered the half-truth, wishing you could say what you truly wanted from him. that you wanted him.
remus grasped your hand before letting go as he felt you tense, "you are not in the wrong at all, y/n. we are more than okay."
with a nod, you bit your lip once more, "just-just let me know if i overstep, okay?"
the lycanthrope looked over your face before turning towards the street, "i wanted you to overstep last night, y/n, so take that worry and throw it away. i truly wasn't that drunk, and what i said - what i did - was unfair and selfish, and i won't do it again."
you wanted to sob. he wanted you to overstep, to break his resolve concerning you and his current relationship. remus lupin may not have been entirely sober but he was aware of what he wanted, and he doesn't deny it. this was his way of moving on, of validating your feelings and hoping it wouldn't affect anything. he'd get past it, he had to. he loved nymphadora.
but you loved him. remus lupin gave you thousands of butterflies in your stomach to the point where it made you nauseous. you showed up to grimmauld place more often than you liked just for the off-chance of seeing remus. your autonomic body functions shut down and your palms became increasingly sweaty at the thought of him. you were enamored with remus lupin, but he was enamored with someone else who he didn't see as often as you.
you were the fool in the game of love. you were there as a convenience.
you wanted to tell him that you loved him, that thinking of him made you nauseous - but in a romantic way. you want to know what it is like to kiss him, to wake up next to him, to say "i love you" in a romantic sense.
before you realized it, tears began running down your cheeks. remus turned you towards him, wiping your tears. you felt as though you were going to be sick.
"i'm sorry i made you cry," he whispered, remorse and guilt heavy in his tone. he knew what you were feeling.
you shook your head, making remus move his hands as you wipied your tears, "ugh, no, emotions are just dumb."
remus sighed with a nod, "that they are, and they get us into trouble."
your mind was racing.
he continued, "but having and expressing them is the most important thing any of us can do. whether we are overstepping or not." more tears began to flow as remus finished, "that's why everyone loves you so much; emotions are your superpower. i love working alongside you, and knowing you, y/n. truly."
with a tear-ridden face, you turned to remus and gave him a sad smile, "thank you, remus." with a pause, wondering if you should say anything else, you continued, "I'll see you inside."
before he could say anything else, you went inside and up to your bedroom, the covers becoming your comfort and safe place for your tears.
you were utterly in love with remus lupin, but he was utterly in love with nymphadora tonks. and while you guessed that remus knew your feelings towards him, he had an obligation to her, history with her, and you'd never compare. you wanted to overstep, but doing so would be wrong. you knew that time would pass, that you'd get over remus lupin eventually, but at the moment, he owned your heart while he loved someone else.
you assumed, that everybody plays the fool at some point in the game of love.
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haecien · 9 months
Thank you to anon for requesting this! Also hey first req!
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Himbos & Flowers
Synopsis: You are a florist at a small not well known shop that you inherited from your family, the only people who come there to buy and support your small business is your close friends. This time they brought over a new friend that has seemed to be interested in you...
Small warning for cursing!
Genre; Fluff, College au(?), Non idol au, florist reader.
G/n reader x Mingyu. 983 words 5,278 characters
I didn't proof read this!
After your Grandparents passing who previously owned the store, now it was your time to run this store!
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" This place looks like an absolute mess. " you said with a hopeless expression on your face as you looked at Minghao who was equally disgusted.
" Thanks for offering to help me Hao! The others seemed like they didn't want to... "
" I know why now. I didn't know it was that bad of a state, I thought they were over exaggerating everything again." You grabbed the broom and looked at minghao
" You're carrying the furniture"
" Fuck you, I just got my nails done. "
You and Minghao were breathing heavily while looking around the room feeling a bit proud of your work, this was just the start of your little business. Soon this whole new renovation project of yours turned from days to weeks to months.
You rarely had the money to bring im furniture but your friends knew a guy and he funded your project. I swear you were so relieved you could have died if you had to spend another penny.
It wasn't easy but, finally it was opening day! You weren't expecting much people since you rarely advertised to others, only your close friends and family knew about this.
You decided to hire the boys since they were such good helpers in the renovating process(stress levels were higher than mouth everest).
Jun, Seungkwan, Seungcheol , Dk were working behind the cashier.
Woozi, Hoshi, Jeonghan, Joshua, Vernon were incharge of taking care of the plants.
Minghao, Dino & Wonwoo were social media team.
" I feel so nervous, I bet no one will show up anyways! Its always like this every year. " you took a peak outside of the windows curtains, you only saw about 1-2 people anyways
"Cheer up y/n! I'm sure you can atleast get well a few more people. Our social media team is very good! " Dk reassured you, patting your back.
"Plus isn't it like 2 hours early? I'm sure time will pass by and more people will come " seungkwan commented, yeah he was right tho. Maybe you should stop worrying and focus on getting things ready for the non existent customers .
Opening time now. " shit, what if they all went away. My stomach hurts... " you placed your arms on your stomach covering it. "Well don't puke all over me.. " minghao rolled his eyes and looked at you with his iconic sassy face
" Its probably pre opening jitters, it will dissappear eventually! " the gentleman Joshua tried to calm you down as you seungkwan signaled that you opened the door. You hesitantly opened the door and flipped the sign to "open". " Welcome to Fallin' Flower shop! "
Suddenly people were SWARMING the store which shocked you, Jesus there was arround maybe 30 people waiting for this place to open.
" All the plants here are so well grown and displayed! " a customer commented, another said " No wonder why mingyu got excited over this place! " Mingyu?.. whos that.
" I know right! Mingyu has good taste in shops, I don't know how I never knew about this place before!! "
"Seems that Mingyu has seen my posts. Huh that idiots always posting, its expected that hes seen it. " wonwoo commented
Seriously who is mingyu... " Who? " you said dumbfounded at everyones comments
" You seriously don't know who that is??! " " No? " seungkwan was so close to shaking your dumbass " He's one of the most famous social media influencers in Korea right no! HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY NOT KNOW HIM. "
" And he's one of my closest friends since high school " Wonwoo added
" His name rings a bell, But why should I care? It's not like I'll ever meet him. "
Seungkwan looked at you like you just offended the president or something
" How stupid do you have to be to not connect the dots?... " seungkwan took one of the boxes that were sent by the mysterious donner and pointed at the writing "K.MG... try to guess what that stands for. "
" Oh. " oh is correct, but how the fuck did THE Kim Mingyu decide that this was the place he is going to donate to.
Suddenly you heard screams from outside, well not screams of terror but more of excitement.
" Here comes the dumbass ... " Minghao sighed as you looked over to see a very attractive man, he was tall and had a good figure.
He was surrounded by people, they almost look like they were crushing him.
Seungkwan quickly ran over to the door and closed the door and yelled " Thank you everyone for coming over were now closed for today goodbye! " and slammed the door
" I knew that people were that crazy over influencers but not thay crazy.... " you watched as the crowed became less and less after a few minutes.
After awhile the crowed completely disappeared, the tall man came inside the shop looking tired, he was basically gasping for air.
" Sorry it took me awhile to get in, *huff* "
The guy looked at you and he instantly felt like he choked on his own saliva, did he just fall for you on the spot?? Yes, he did.
You went up to him holding a glass of water "Here, you must be thirsty. "
God, mingyu couldn't even look you in the eyes, " You look better in person... " he mumbled out
"Hm, What was that? " " Oh, nothing.. thanks for the water. "
" Oh my god the himbos inlove 😟" jeonghan said, the rest of the guys all agreed as they were all just watching you two from the counter.
" So, want to hang out? " Hehe sure, meet me after we close the store at night. "
Look i COULDN'T resist adding some smau panels
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Yes thats scoups from the "what is wrong with you" one shot smau😊
Cien rambles
AAAAA, anon hope you enjoyed!
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respectthepetty · 9 months
Following your last post. Are you able to summarise or explain why you love Taiwan BL so much?
I ask because I too love Taiwanese BLs but……I can’t pin point why. Is it because the first ones I watched was top tier?! (Loooking at you fighting Mr2nd and History4) or is there a different frame work that draws us in?
I don’t know and can’t seem to explain it so I has rushed here after your post and express my need for you to someone explain or put into words, WHY WE LOVE TAIWANESE GAYS?!?
Anon, I've listed a few times why I love Taiwanese BLs (like here and here), but I love them soooooo much, I will gladly do it again!
Strangely enough, I have an ask sitting patiently in my inbox requesting I rank the HIStory franchise, but since I love Taiwanese BLs, it's hard for me to pick between my favorites, which I had to do for Taiwanese BLs in general when I was asked to rank my top five. However, HIStory 4: Close to You rules above ALL BLs regardless of country. I love it! It is the best. I will fight people and their pets for it.
But you know I cannot keep things short, so . . .
10 Reasons I Love Taiwanese BLs
*presented in no particular order*
The shows are visually pleasing.
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The cinematography especially the color editing and the lighting are good quality. As a color demon, I've noticed the emphasis on colors even in Taiwanese non-BL series I've watched. I'm superficial. They're pretty!
The men are visually pleasing.
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Beyond the production aesthetics, the actors themselves are easy on the eyes. Every single main character is unexpectedly hiding a body-ody-ody under his clothes which he reveals in the most natural ways. The camera doesn't linger on the body. The bodies are just bodies. But they are oh-so-very pretty bodies.
The attraction is obvious.
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Taiwanese BLs are high heat. The characters will flirt. They will stare longingly at each other. They will playfully touch each other. They will have sex. The characters want each other, physically, and we see that. And it won't be saved until the final episode. The attraction develops in a way that feels natural, and if there is hesitation regarding sex, once they figure out the mechanics, the characters embody the "practice makes perfect" motto.
The beds are used.
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Domesticity is at the core of a Taiwanese BL. We see characters cooking in kitchens, often. We see them sleeping in beds without sex being involved. An entire scene can be focused around the characters doing household chores such as laundry, washing dishes, or mopping. The characters are building a home together as partners, and we constantly see that.
The families are caring.
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For every shitty family member, there are three others who are determined to win a PFLAG award. We see characters' siblings, parents, and found family members being supportive of their relationship and fighting other family members who step out of line.
The secondary pairs deliver.
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When the story isn't focusing on the main couple, I still care about the second (and sometimes third) pair. Their stories might not always be fully fleshed out, but they don't distract from the main couple nor make me want to skip over their parts. The secondary couples are also involved in the stories outside of their romance. They are connected to the overall story and help to push the narrative forward.
The couples are queer.
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This seems like a given since we are dealing with BLs, but Taiwan has delivered very few high school and university BLs, and even when it does, they aren't presented as a coming-of-age story. Characters already know they are queer, or if they realize it, they don't panic. For example, in About Youth, both characters confessed they hadn't kissed anyone before, but it wasn't depicted as an "ah-I'm-gay" moment. Even in DNA Says Love You, the reveal wasn't cause for a crisis; it was a moment of relief. In my fave, HIStory 4, the main character realized he liked his friend, sat on that revelation, then licked his friend's mouth and told him he loved him. Very pro kissing-the-homies.
The couples are adults.
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Because Taiwan hasn't produced many high school and university BLs, a majority of its shows are focused on adults, with jobs, and families, and baggage. As mentioned above, the main conflict is never a character understanding his queerness. It's usually him trying to balance his relationship with all the other issues life brings him like a work deadline, the mafia, or ghosts. You know, adult issues.
The couples are enemies-to-lovers, lite.
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My favorite kind of couple dynamic is "I'll kill (for) him" and Taiwan knows how to deliver this. Even when couples move past the enemies stage, there are moments when they look at each other as if they could kill each other, and that warms my heart. The couples argue. They fight. They plot each other's murders. Then they eat dinner together and hold each other in bed. Love isn't all rainbows and sunshine in these BLs, and Taiwan shows that it's not just about who will fight with you, but who will fight for you that matters.
The country has marriage equality!
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I'm going to get political - I don't even believe in the institution of marriage, but I'll throw hands for everyone's right to marriage equality. People deserve the right to get married, and Taiwan granted its people that right in 2019; then, this year, it made it legal for same-sex couples to jointly adopt a child. Taiwan has a tension-filled relationship with China due to disputes about Taiwan's independence, and we all know how China censors the homos. Therefore, I love Taiwanese BLs flexing its gay rights muscle all of the time. Other countries are fighting the good fight for their rights, but if it came down to my last little international dollar, I want to support the countries that support us and not those that are profiting off our community without investing in our community members' rights. So at the end of the day . . .
I love whatever Taiwan gives me.
So these are the reasons I know Kiseki: Dear to Me will be one of my favorites.
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The show and the men are visually pleasing. It is giving us queer adult couples stacked on top of other queer adult couples then cameos of even more queer adult couples. We've gotten enemies-to-friendly roommates, where the attraction is obvious, so now we must wait for the lovers part even though they had already cooked, cleaned, and slept in the bed by the second episode. When we meet the families of these crazy little bastards, we are going to love them.
Oh, and there will be a proposal.
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bericas · 3 months
gifset commissions for e-sims for gaza
Hello! I am officially opening up a commission form to raise donations for Palestine. While I may change where these donations will go per round, for this first round, all proceeds will go to buying e-sims for Gaza through @/connectinghumanity_ on Instagram.
As this is an urgent situation, I will only be taking requests for gifsets from Teen Wolf (to be posted on bericas) or Yellowjackets (to be posted on yellowjackets-1996), as these are the shows I know the best and will be able to gif quickest. 
How the commission process will work:
I hope to have multiple rounds; each round will only have 4 slots, with a minimum donation amount of 10 dollars per slot
As this is a fundraiser, I will not be limiting how many can be submitted a person, but each request you submit will have to be submitted separately and paid for separately
The commission form is set to automatically close after it receives 4 submissions; if this includes a submission I choose not to accept, I’ll delete it so the form reopens and I’ll post that a slot has been reopened 
I ran a poll to decide how donating the money would work; the results of this poll is that I will collect the proceeds and then post proof of donation. This process will go something like this:
No money will be sent to me until you receive proof I’ve started giffing your request
This proof will be a screenshot of the first completed gif
After receiving this, you’ll donate a minimum of 10 dollars to my ko-fi
For this first round, for transparency and proof of legitimacy, I’ll be buying an e-sim for every two donations received and posting proof. This is because the app I’m familiar is with Holafly, where the cheapest option is $19. Going forward, I plan to donate it at once, after all 4 gifsets are completed.
Click anywhere in this sentence for a link to the commission form!
Please reblog this post to help spread the word!! Thank you!!
To make this post less overwhelming on the dash, rules for requests are below the cut!
Again, as this is a fundraiser, please keep requests as simple as possible, meaning only using footage from the source material 
(ex–a rarepair with little/no screentime will be accepted if I can make use of the canon footage; a request for an au that can use canon footage may be accepted if I think I can get it done quickly enough; any using outside footage will not be accepted)
For Teen Wolf requests: I won't gif Kate Argent in general, I won't gif St*rek in general, and I won’t gif any “taboo” topics like age gaps or incest. I also won’t gif any anti-Scott content, any anti-Deaton content, or really generally anything I think has racist connotations, which should be obvious
For clarity: I will gif Derek and the teens (excluding just Derek and Stiles) as long as it’s clearly platonic/”familial” in nature! 
For Yellowjackets request: again, I won’t gif “taboo” topics like age gaps or incest, but I will gif things that are clearly platonic or familial in nature
(ex–I won’t gif a romantic request for Ben/Travis, but I will gif one with platonic/familial/generally non-romantic themes)
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