lazylittledragon · 8 months
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got some cool things and met some very cool people today
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segfaultfault · 5 months
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fic rec! I had otter thoughts. And have you read That otterly amazing fic by ultranos, "the two-body problem" (AO3 registered users only link).
“Not unless you get a tac vest, Alex.” Okay, wow, J’onn sounds way too reasonable about letting an otter do… whatever Alex is pondering that is clearly dangerous, but oh gosh she’d look adorable in an itty-bitty tac vest
-excerpt "the two-body problem", ultranos (AO3 author page)
You're so right. She does.
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sunnitheapollokid · 2 months
more leo x daughter of poseidon pls!!!
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leo valdez x daughter of poseidon headcanons & bonus blurb for y’all <3
📬 sunni’s notes : you got it artist!!! i’m having so much fun writing these two NSBAHAB like cmon. but can we talk about HOW MUCH I LOVE AND MISS THE BEACH i haven’t seen the beach in like two years it makes me wanna curl up and cry </3 and this fireboy and watergirl thing RAAAHHH also which do you guys prefer as a leo face claim?? because i use benoftheweek alot (also bc hes one of my comfort ytbers) im totally not biased. THIS IS A LITTLE SHORT SO MAYBE ANOTHER PART??? guys i actually need to shut up why is this so long okay have fun with this teehee!! lub u!!
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⊹ since most poseidon kids are from the beach, leo’s from texas, you would kind of see it as a teasing opportunity.
⊹ “how’s my lil cowboy?”
⊹ “i’m going to tape your mouth.”
⊹ even though this, leo wants to show you texas so bad.
⊹ he tells you all the good bbq places, the best rodeos in town, fucking buc-ee’s.
⊹ out of topic but yall i literally have the buc-ee’s easter shirt the hype is real i love that shirt <3
⊹ leo gets you that exact shirt. for your birthday.
⊹ since it’s the color of seafoam and it matched your eyes, he flew across manhattan and the absolute sea to get that for you for your birthday.
⊹ you chuckled at the beaver at the front of the shirt but you loved the effort regardless.
⊹ if you could, you would wear that shirt to sleep every night.
⊹ it’s canon that leo cooks right?
⊹ good. because he loves cooking for you, not just any food, BLUE FOOD.
⊹ i’m slamming my credit card on the table.
⊹ blue pancakes, blue soup, blue tacos.
⊹ he does it just to see the smile on your face.
⊹ also, whenever he goes on quests, he manages to sneak in goldfish or whale crackers for you when he gets back because they don’t have it back at camp and they remind him of you.
⊹ leo’s on a quest with piper and jason right? they’re fighting monsters yada-yada, and they have to flee. they left their stuff behind but leo goes to grab his backpack and piper just goes,
⊹ “for zues’ sake leo, LEAVE THE BACKPACK!!”
⊹ this goes for seashells too. if the quest happens to come across like a beach, he’ll collect shells for your hair or just to have you decorate in your room.
⊹ this man is so stupid in love with you.
⊹ i like to think that leo makes cute lil sea animals for you out of scrap metal.
⊹ you have a metal whale, an otter, and a jellyfish sitting by your lamp.
⊹ leo calls them your guys’ children.
⊹ you’ll accidentally slip out and cuss, and he’ll have his ears over the animals.
⊹ “don’t say that infront of bubbles baby!”
⊹ the giggle you’d let out.
⊹ gods, he’d be melting.
⊹ anyway, leo would ask percy to teach him surfing.
⊹ he can skate?
⊹ watch him surf too.
bonus blurb — longer showers? ✧˖*°࿐
leo knocked on the girls’ locker room, “she done yet?!” he yelled. piper opened the door, with a scream in leo’s face, “no buttface! go away!” leo groaned, burying his face in his hands as piper slammed the door.
when you’re a daughter of poseidon, who happened to be leo’s girlfriend, you usually take longer showers. like, long showers. showers that can maybe even last the whole day.
and poor leo was suffering by the other side of the door, his girlfriend already spending an hour and a half in the shower.
“i am going to die out here.” leo mumbled to himself. and after waiting another half an hour by the steps and getting weird stares from other campers, (name) stepped out with her hair dry, perfect, and covered in pretty white shells. “oh hey baby.”
leo lifted his head up and, “FINAAALLYY.”
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kitmoas · 2 years
Darkest Little Paradise
Summary: Wanda will always reward you for good behavior
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre: Fluffy Smut
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Mommy Kink, Lactation Kink, Cum-Filled Strap-On Use (Wanda receiving), Slight Breeding Kink, Somnophilia, Magic Use, Dark Fic (alludes to kidnapping, dark power use, etc) *Let me know if I missed anything*
***MINORS DNI*** ***18+***
A/N: hiiiiiiiiiii SO this first chapter is for @maximotts birthday ☺️ for alll the feral smutty Wanda thoughts we share, heres a nice little thought. **also, ignore any mistakes this was edited way too late at night and too early this morning**
This is a dark fic, and the first chapter of a new Dark Mommy!Scarlet Witch AU.
Wretched Dreamscapes AU
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The sounds of laughter and pans banging wake you, the soft sun rays peeking through the curtains warm your face as you stretch. The pout that forms on your face is subconscious, knowing you missed out on sleepy morning cuddles. Rubbing at your eyes you try your hardest to wake up as quickly as possible.
Rolling slowly out of bed takes a lot of effort but when you hear the tell-tale sign of little footsteps sprinting up the stairs, and puppy nails tapping against the wood, you can’t help but smile as you wait for them to run into your room. 
The heavy wooden door is pushed open and a whirlwind of chaos enters your room, excited screaming and speed running messes up the everything within seconds. Sighing, you roll your eyes teasingly as you teleport out of the room, your tail the last thing seen by the energetic kids as it waves goodbye to them. You land on the counter next to Wanda, who just glares at you for once again landing too close to the stove top. 
Shrugging you just settle to watch her magic take over finishing breakfast as she comes to stand between your legs. “Good morning, my love” The witch cups your face gently, smoky tipped fingers wiggling slowly near your temple as faint ruby mist seeps into your mind. She’s leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose when she sees no trace of doubt in the family, gleeful that you are finally coming to terms with your new home even if it’s still being aided by her magic. 
You lean in to Wanda, letting your face find its home in her neck. Wiggling as close as possible to her, knowing what comes next makes you pout some. “Morning Mommy.” The sound of the twins running back downstairs is approaching you quickly. “Can you do the thing before they get here?” You feel the crimson mist consume your precious tail, swallowing it whole until it no longer seemingly exists. You know without even looking in a mirror that your skin is no longer tinted blue. Pulling away from the witch the frown that forms on your face is pathetic as you can feel the ghost tail, flicking in agitation. 
The dripping ink color disappears from her fingers as the boys come running in, stopping directly in front of you. Holding their ipads and listening to you rattle off the rules once more as Wanda watches with a fond smile. No power usage unless permitted by you, hold hands with each other at all times, buddy system, and no trying to get near any of the animals. 
With the boys excitedly dragging you off of the counter, their mom barely has time to wave their breakfast into their bags. After she checks the car for the backpack you packed last night, filled with snacks and emergency items, the four of you are off to the zoo. The puppy finally settles in his bed in the house, sleeping in the rare silence that fills the house.
Wanda looks worried as she grips your hand tightly, eyes stuck on the boys as they run towards the otter enclosure. She had put them in bright clothing, and told them again they had to hold hands the entire day if they wanted a treat from the gift store. The two of you were trailing behind, carrying all the snacks and drinks in the backpack securely settled on your shoulders. “They are okay Wiggly Woo, I promise. We’ve been practicing all week for this, the boys know how to act.” 
You watch as she exhales slowly, trying to cut her anxiety as she watches the twins lean against the glass to stare at the otters swimming. The moment she’s in arms reach of them you can see her relax, settling her hand in Tommy’s hair. Combing through the longer strands she leans down to look through the glass, giggling some as she listens to the excitable boy make up a story about the family. 
Billy is tugging at your arm, pointing out one of the baby otters that just slipped out of the water. “Did you know that the fur on those buddies is completely waterproof?” You let the boy drag you around and you answer all the questions he has, giving him any fun facts you can about each and every animal. Looking over to where Tommy and Wanda were standing just a few feet over, you watch with fond eyes as he uses his hands to explain whatever story he has made up about the life of each animal. 
It’s almost two in the afternoon when the twins start asking for lunch so you start the trek towards the food court. Tommy is running circles around you, hyping everyone up about all the random things you can eat when there’s just so many options. You had handed the backpack to Wanda when Billy dramatically stated that he was so hungry that he couldn’t walk anymore, so he was happily on your back pointing out things now that he was taller. 
The mini telepath yelps loudly but it’s just a little too late as he watches his twin run directly into an older man. You watch as Wanda’s eyes flash red, subtle black steam falling from her fingers as she loses control momentarily. She’s tugging Tommy into her side, an arm outstretched in front of him. Making sure Billy is secure on your back, you step in front of the other two looking the angry man directly in the eyes. Every time he tries to look around you, you move into his eyesight. “Sir, he’s just a kid. It’s the zoo, you should be aware of tiny humans running around.” Something in you yells at you to be ready, a gut feeling. Sliding the boy off your back you stand directly in front of the three Maximoffs, hands stiff and at your side as you glare at the man.”Don’t do anything stupid.” 
Before you can even finish the sentence the guy is thrusting an orange glowing dagger at you, but you just smile letting him try to stab you as you absorb the psionic energy. The orange glow travels through your body causing your eyes to flash a bright purple momentarily before you quirk an eyebrow at him. “Now, you can try that again and I’ll have to embarrass you in front of everyone at this lovely zoo. That sounds fun to me but I also don’t want to have to ruin some kids’ days so how about you turn around and get over the fact that a little kid ran into you. Learn to control your powers and your anger, you’re an adult.” Your tone is mocking as you reprimand this stranger for being so immature, and it’s as simple as that as he suddenly turns and stomps away. 
Wanda and the boys are attaching themselves to you immediately, making sure you’re okay and thanking you but you just smile and urge them to continue the walk to the food court. After getting trays of food the boys are immersed in some television show as they eat giving their mother a moment to lean closer to you. “You did amazing and you really showed the boys control.” Your smile is radiating as you wiggle some in your seat, the praise warming your body. 
The rest of the day Wanda doesn’t let the boys out of arms length, holding both of their hands as you walk just a step behind them. You know they had an amazing time, spoiling them by buying them whatever they want from the gift store. The ginger offers to drive home and the boys plead for you to sit in the back with them. It’s only twenty minutes into the drive home when the witch looks back, even with the television blaring the three of you are passed out. 
She chuckles but her mind drifts back to the man that attacked you. Her perfect world and someone has already tried to hurt them, and with powers nonetheless. Gnawing at her lip she allows her astral form to manifest in the passenger seat, the Scarlet Witch searching the Darkhold as she finishes the drive home. Wanda would find a way to get rid of all threats, even those that didn’t know who her family was. 
Half asleep laying out on the bed is where Wanda finds you after putting the boys to sleep, a gentle smile spreads across her face as she crawls over to you. You’re wearing nothing but an oversized tank top. She settles herself on top of you, rubbing your stomach slowly, as she watches you struggle to open your eyes. “Come on my pet, it’s time to wake up for your reward.” 
Blinking against the bright light coming from the few lamps scattered around the room, the weight of the ginger on top of you drags your attention towards her. She’s wearing a thin light gray button up shirt, her breasts are prominently on display with only one button done. She chuckles as your mouth already starts moving, subsciously as your eyes glaze over. Your hands are moving without you realizing, gripping her hips as you try to sit up underneath her. 
Her eyes glowing a subtle red as she just smiles mockingly down at you, eyebrows creasing as she shakes her head. “Oh, my dumb little baby thought she would be in charge tonight? Just cause I said reward? That’s so cute, your stupid brain wouldn’t even know where to begin without Mommy showing you the way. You don’t have to act all big and bad around me, little one.” Your hands are forced down onto the bed, entirely too gentle magic trapping them there. 
The room flashes bright red, as a hex travels quickly throughout the house, her black tipped fingers and your tail finally being freed after a long day of being suppressed. Your blue hued skin reappearing slowly causing a loving smile to form on her face. The entire house is covered in an ominous scarlet haze but it just makes you feel safe, and she’s mumbling that she doesn’t want any interruptions. 
Forcing two of her raven tinted digits into your mouth, past your teeth and slightly down your throat, Wanda sneers down at you. A low chuckle falls from her lips when you immediately start sucking, jaw working to take as much of her fingers as possible. Her free hand cups your face, tapping slowly against your temple as small wisps of magic leaks into your mind. “That’s my good girl, no need to fight anymore. I got you, Mommy’s got you.” She watches with a delighted smile as your eyes start to glaze over. 
She lets her favorite strap magically appear around your hips, biting her lip in anticipation. You don’t even flinch, too hyper focused on the task at hand. “My brainless little princess , do you want to make Mommy happy? Make her feel super good?” 
You’re nodding quickly, almost too aggressively that you make her fingers slip out of your mouth. Whining you try to follow her hand as Wanda wipes the trail of drool on your chest, your tail whips out trying to grab onto her wrist but with a lazy wave of her fingers it’s pushed into the comforter. “Nuh uh, that pretty little tail will be used later.” 
Watching you lean up on your elbows as the Scarlet witch starts sinking down on the strap. The magic holding you down makes you whine, knowing that if you try to move without permission it’ll end your reward before it can truly start. The breathy moan that tumbles from her lips makes your hips jerk, causing the ginger to sink the rest of the way down the strap. She’s tugging you up the rest of the way, gasping as you move around so you’re stable beneath her. You let your hands wrap around her waist, pulling her closer. 
The way her body moved on top of you was mesmerizing, her breasts threatening to fall out of her flimsy shirt at any moment. You tried your best to keep up with her, snapping your hips up as much as possible and trying to guide her hips. Try as you might your efforts were futile and only made the witch laugh at you, one hand tangling in your hair while the other grips your shoulder tightly. “Is my dumb little fucktoy too stupid to fuck her Mommy properly? Can’t think about anything when her cock is inside me?” The more she moves the louder the sounds of her wet pussy gets, filling the room and your senses. A whine tears through your teeth as your brain struggles to keep up.
Wanda unbuttons the solo button keeping her shirt together, and smiles as your jaw goes slack. Slowing her hips so that she’s just grinding down on you, she guides your head to her breast. Your mouth is already moving, licking lightly at the already hardened nipple. The witch flinches slightly when your sharp teeth scratch at the sensitive skin there. Threading her fingers in your messy hair the ginger grips lightly as she feels you start sucking, biting her lip when she feels the beginning of the warm tingly sensation that she’s come to love. When she first started the quest to find a universe where she could have her boys she wanted as much time as possible with them, so she thought she would need to be able to nurse them ergo the spell she now uses to calm you even on your most petulant days. 
Your whole body is moving now, trying to stay attached as Wanda starts moving on top of you again. Getting to please your Mommy was amazing and it set a low blaze of arousal through your system but it’s the feeling of her sweet milk filling your stomach that makes you drip onto the sheets. The more she moves the more milk flows into your mouth and it sadly starts dripping down your chin, a pathetic whimper muffles against her breast. 
She lets go of your hair, letting her fingers fall to her own clit as she rubs tight circles on the hardened bud. Slowing back down as she rolls her eyes at you, “Such a messy little slut, wasting all of my milk like an ungrateful brat.” Your tail slides up your body, wrapping around her thigh before pushing her own hand away from herself. The triangular tip practically vibrating on her clit makes her moan appreciatively as she urges you to the other breast. 
The coil in Wanda’s stomach is tightening but she can tell you’re starting to get sleepy, your mouth struggling to keep up with the flow from her breast. She cups your jaw, and your sleepy unfocused eyes look up at her through your lashes and it’s the fog that fills your usually clear bright gaze that just almost pushes her over the edge. Hips bucking wildly on top of you makes you lose connection to her breast and a desperate whine as you desperately try to get it back, but she slams you back onto your back. The witch selfishly rides your cock as she chases her orgasm. “Lay still and let Mommy use you.” Her usual belittling is less scary, even as her eyes flash crimson, when her voice trails off in broken moans and grunts. 
In her haste to reach her own high Wanda forgets about your tail. It struggles out from under you before it wraps around the witch, using it to force her to bounce harder on your strap. 
“Do you want to cum in Mommy? Fill her cunt like you own it?” Her voice is strained as she holds off her orgasm as long as possible.The moment your hips are bucking under hers, sloppy and uncontrollable, she stumbles over the edge. The chants of please falling from your lips like a prayer as your strap shoots cum into Wanda, your arousal peaking realizing that your witch used your cum-no matter how fake- to get off. As she rides out her high the magic holding you down lightens until you can shakily sit back up. 
You can tell your close, even though she hasn’t touched you once, the damp spot beneath you is a clear giveaway. Her hands are shaky as she reaches out to your face, thumb smoothing over the frustrated pout she finds there. Leading you back to her breasts, now littered with dribbles of white, she lets you lap them up before urging you to take her leaking bud back into your mouth. Letting the gentle tugging pull a relaxed sigh from her lips, Wanda lets herself bask in the gradual pleasure build as crimson tendrils leak down your body. 
Her magic fills you easily, stretching you immediately and dragging a whine from your throat. She knows you’re close, the feeling of your thighs shaking below her is encouraging. The red fog filling you can feel how tight you are, vibrating against your neglected clit as it spills out of you. 
Wanda starts moving slowly on top of you again, the sleepy suckling causing the heat in her stomach to be too much. She can feel you start slipping from your breast so she wraps her arm around your shoulders, pressing you back to the bud. “Come on little one, Mommy knows you want to be a good girl and drink all her milk.” A sleepy mumble leaves your lips, vibrating around her sensitive nipple, as you blink heavily up at her. “I know detka, but you have to cum for me at least once. You were so good today, keeping us all safe and protected. You can give Mommy just one to me before you fall asleep.” Her sweet tone sends a shiver down your spine and makes you clench around the growing magic instead of you, pushing you to dangle over the edge. 
Your tail is flicking erratically, whistling as it cuts through the air. Muffled moans send tremors of arousal through the ginger’s body as you struggle to keep your eyes open as you're being dragged over the edge. “That’s right Malyshka, Mommy’s got you.” The taut coil in your stomach cracks, shattering and breaking almost gently as Wanda’s magic spreads through your body. Her eyes are glowing a soft ruby, watching as her magic streams from your pores and your sleepy body struggles to manipulate it. A smirk spreads across her face as she watches your tail spasms, the only true indication of you riding out your high in your sleepy state. 
She lets you slowly lay back down, aided by her magic, as she grinds down with more purpose. The surge of power she holds over you pushes her towards her second orgasm. Your mumbling out thank yous, and your adoration of Wanda, as you let the darkness of sleep take you. The spark of pride and arrogance only makes the witch gush around the strap still attached to your hips. 
Watching your chest rise and fall slowly as the remainder of her magic flowing out of you, unused, strokes Wanda’s ego just right. Her movements above you are getting more aggressive as she loses herself in her selfish race towards her orgasm, the leftover magic in you keeping you asleep as her moans get louder. Your eyebrows crease, eyes fluttering about as you dream, and the complete trust you put in her even as her chaos poisons you makes the witch fall over the edge. 
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catboybiologist · 5 months
how did you end up choosing your name? :)
It took a bit!
I had previously tried out many names, most frequently Rosa, Evelyn, or a femme nickname version of my masc name. Even though they all had reasons and meaning behind them (Rosa = Rosalind Franklin and the sea otter, Evelyn after the bloodborne gun, femme nickname bc lots of people already called me that growing up and lightly teased me for it being femme) but none of them felt "right".
So I made a post on tumblr asking for name suggestions, and helping me decide between them. And y'know what? None of them fit either.
It's commonly said that a good way to make decisions is to flip a coin- but never reveal the outcome to yourself. Instead, think about what you felt when the coin was in the air, because usually, you'll have a gut reaction that causes you to hope for one option or the other. When faced with being forced to make a decisions, a lot of your desires become a lot more tangible.
Faced with that decision and the suggestions from the tumblr post, my mind wandered to a place that was really meaningful to me: the Sierra Nevada mountains. Of course, Sierra just means mountains in general, but the Sierra Nevada are very commonly shorthanded to "the Sierras". At the time, I was also making plans to hike and backpack more over the course of the next year, and much of that has and will take place in the Sierras. And well, Sierra is already a somewhat common name, and it actually peaked in popularity as a baby name in my birth year, so... it just kinda clicked.
It's still not fully set in stone, to be honest, but it does feel like Sierra is a winner. I'm not using it irl, of course, and I do like my masculine name more than most transfemmes so I'm always keeping it as a middle name. But for the testing I've done online, it does feel right.
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Hey!! :)! Love your work bro! Keep up the good work!
Anyway! Here’s my request I hope it’s not to much!
Can I request redson,Mk,Mei, and Swk with a S/O that gets lost easily like when ever they look away for one second their already half way across town lost and no idea how they got there? I swear this happens to me all the time
Anyway keep up the good work!!!
Ah tysm!! And oh bro I relate. Can’t be left anywhere and can’t lead the way bc where am I going??!!
Redson, MK, Mei, and SWK x GN!Where Am I??Reader Romantic Headcanons!
Redson - ASDFJHDGAS WHERE ARE YOU GOING COME BACK??? They’re the most likely out of the group to get you a backpack leash. He also probably just yells your name out of habit to try and get your attention so you don’t wander off. Considers putting some kind of magic rune on you that will automatically guide you back to him if you walk away
Mei - oh my gosh she’s just as bad. Will definitely have trackers in your phone and hers so at the very least you can find each other digitally. She’s the type to be like “omg let’s hold hands so we don't get lost it’s like what otters do” and then 3 seconds later she lets go and forgets to keep you in her line of sight. It’s really funny
MK - for him, it’s just a really large and constant game of marco-polo. He has fun trying to find you if you wander off! He only really gets worried if he feels that something is really wrong. He would also probably have a balloon tied to you or something so he could see you in a larger crowd. If worst comes to worst, he goes up to the customer service desk and makes an announcement to call you over.
SWK - He gives you some kind of magic thing that he can use his gold vision to see you with just in case something happens. Other than that, he’s actually the best out of these 4 when it comes to sticking with you. He’s had to keep track of MK for a while now, so it makes sense that he’s developed his skills of person-wrangling. He doesn’t get mad or anything either, unless you wandered off and got into a dangerous situation.
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typingwithmyhandstied · 2 months
all of the asks. (ask game)
(you don’t actually have to i partially just thought it would be funny to say this i can pick specific ones if you want but also please do if you want to)
This is hilarious. I will do all of them because why not.
favorite chore: organizing things mostly but sometimes even that sucks, sweeping, or not really a chore--- peeling potatoes
least favorite chore: cleaning anything that's sticky/slimy/etc
aquarium, planetarium, museum, or zoo: it really depends on the kind. The aquarium in my town has a really big otter enclosure, so I love that. I really really like planetariums and museums but don't go enough.
favorite kind of museum: The ones that are pretty much people's houses turned into museums especially big old fancy houses with old artifacts. I do love a good art museum of course too.
cooking or baking (and your favorite thing to cook or bake): baking and apple crisp. It has peeling, cutting, etc.
favorite thing in your room: My bookshelf or all of the quotes stuck up on my wall.
favorite class you’ve ever taken: I haven't gotten much variety yet. I really like choir, Spanish, and English though.
what kinds of clothes do you typically wear?: tshirts, jeans, overalls, sweaters, really anything but if you see it it makes sense.
favorite way to be creative (can be anything: playlists, outfits, drawing, writing, decorating cookies, anything.): WRITING but I actually kind of have done a lot. I paint some. I make cool outfits. I actually painted a bunch of jean jackets last summer while listening to the FLF audiobook. I might do that again.
are you superstitious?: Yes and no. I am in the ways that I think are funny like sayings and jokes and having a "lucky necklace." I used to be more so.
favorite article of clothing you own: It's either this gray sweater I found thrifting, my Evermore sweatshirt, or my best jean jacket.
favorite way to carry things (pockets, purse, backpack, etc): I apologize in advance for the rant this will cause. I want to say pockets, but I can not because WOMEN'S PANTS POCKETS FIT NOTHING. I also have to carry an Epipen which can't even fit in men's pants pockets so a purse. I like satchel like purses that can fit a book.
what things do you usually have on you when you leave the house?: As stated before my Epipen, my phone which has my wallet stuff in it, a purse, a book, headphones, chapstick, some cash, etc.
favorite errand: grocery shopping or essential other things
dream job: a librarian who writes books in her spare time (with a dog and a cat <3)
favorite thing get when going out to eat: a burger or spaghetti usually
when did you lose your first tooth?: first tooth lost was pulled by the dentist, and I didn't know what was going on. It was HORRIBLE. I have gotten many pulled actually. First "naturally" lost was because my friend's friend hit my chin with her knee while we lifted her in the air at recess. I lost it in Spanish class a few days later.
any childhood memory you want to share:
do you like camping?: Yes, but mostly because I was taken a lot as a kid.
have you ever gone to summer camp and did you enjoy it?: I went to girl scout summer camp but family camp, so my mom was there. It was fine.
favorite place to write things: At a table anywhere without too much distractions
lucky number(s): 4, 7, 13, 14, 16
favorite place you’ve traveled to: Canada probably or just somewhere camping
place you want to travel to: Broadway or London or the Netherlands (to meet an old online friend)
favorite snack: gold fish
favorite smell: lemon verbena
something you’re proud of: all the progress I have made
do you have any pets?: I had a bunny as a little girl. I loved her. I had a dog, but she died two months (ish) ago. I miss her.
do you want any pets that you don’t have?: I want to have a dog again someday. I also will probably have a cat someday. (If I could get an orange cat, I would name it Kell.)
favorite place to go in your neighborhood: THE LIBRARY DUH
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yeetlegay · 2 years
I'm surprised there hasn't been any Daemon!AU's in the Kinnporsche fandom yet! if you were going to write one, what animals would you assign as Daemons for the main characters?? I tried to think of them, but ended up giving Khun, Kinn and Kim all tigers, but different breeds of tigers (Kinn got a white bengal, Khun a Sumatran, and Kim a siberian. I kinda thought that maybe their mom's Daemon was also a tiger)
Ohh ok honestly I’m pretty bad at stuff like this lol but I LOVE the idea of the Theerapanyakul siblings as different kinds of tigers. I always associated Kinn was a lion which isn’t too far off from your idea—basically he’s just a big cat lol
@kurtstiel‘s fic gone was any trace of you lowkey ruined me for Porsche as a black panther, so I’d love that for him in this kind of AU.
As for Vegas, that’s kind of obvious, isn’t it? A hedgehog! And for Pete, I’m thinking something cute but dangerous, like a red panda or a kangaroo. All the better to protecc Vegas 🥺 Or alternatively, a wild boar, just to fuck with @clandestinegardenias <3
Chay feels like he could either have a relatively “normal” daemon, like an otter or something, that fits his personality, OR he could have the most batshit animal of them all. Just imagine this cute, doe-eyed little kid showing up to school with a fuckin rhinoceros carrying his backpack on her horn. Maybe Kim would’ve thought twice about his bs if he had a 2000lb bestie to deal with, I’m just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
I’ve always dreamed of me and you, now here we are
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Explicit | Warnings/Tag: Secret Dating AU, Social Worker!Carlos Reyes, Professor TK Strand, ex's to lovers, warnings to be added, smut in later chapters
Summary: It's a tale as old as time, meeting the right person but during the wrong time of life. TK Strand and Carlos Reyes dated in college but parted ways when they graduated, not knowing they would ever see each other again. Six years later, Carlos is working as a social worker in Travis County and TK has just accepted a position as a professor at The University of Texas at Austin. They run into each other when a mutual friend invited TK out for the evening.
Authors Note:
Chapter One |
Six Years Later
TK Strand never thought that life would lead him to Austin, Texas - mainly because of how incredibly racist and homophobic the state could be - but here he was, stepping off of the plane and into the terminal of the busy airport. His life had gone in several directions since he left college - some not as pleasant as others - but it’s always been an adventure.
This, though, might be the scariest adventure he’s embarked on in his career as an Environmental Engineer - teaching a college class. When he first received the call six months ago, he thought it was a joke. Who would want him to teach an environmental college class?
Apparently, a lot of people, seeing as he had been recommended to The University of Texas at Austin by no less than 30 people he had worked with over the years. The teaching gig is a temporary one - the usual professor was going on maternity leave - and the dean thought it would be a good idea to get TK, one of the top environmental engineers in the country, to cover the class.
TK, who at the time was in the process of finishing up a large project, figured why not, and accepted the job. It would probably be nice to stay in one place for a little while and he would also be able to spend some time with his dad who runs one of the fire stations in Austin.
Speaking of his dad, TK looks around the crowded airport and searches for him. Owen told him that he would be waiting at the gate to pick him up but so far TK just sees a sea of people that mean nothing to him. Sighing because he knows his dad probably got held up - when doesn’t he? - he slips his backpack over his shoulders and heads to pick up his luggage.
By the time he’s gathered his luggage and dragged it out to the curb - which he regrets pretty instantly with how hot it is - his dad is jogging up and looking sorry.
Read on AO3
tags: @strangefurychaos @ronensass @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @angelrikki @noxsoulmate @beautifulhigh @welcometololaland @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @cowlos-reyes @otter-love-asl
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spacefinch · 4 months
Okay, how would a trip to the zoo would go for the MSB gang?
We kind of saw it in "In the City," but not that much. But here's what I would think would happen:
Phoebe loves all the animals there. And she spends the most time in the aviary.
Keesha, Carlos and Wanda check out the reptile/amphibian house. Wanda's favorites are the poison dart frogs, Carlos likes the geckos, and Keesha likes the snakes.
However, nobody is able to convince Carlos to go into the Bug House, since there is a tarantula there. And giant hissing cockroaches. And scorpions. And giant beetles. Carlos is not a big fan of any arthropod.
On the other hand, Ralphie and Phoebe love the Bug House. (ESPECIALLY the tarantula).
Also: Ralphie takes lots and lots of pictures.
D.A. reads all the information signs very thoroughly and tells fun zoology facts to anyone who will listen.
At one point, the rest of the gang lost track of D.A.. They later found her chatting with one of the zookeepers, right where they had left her.
Arnold likes watching the fish in the aquarium exhibits. They're very relaxing to look at.
Tim brings his sketchbook along and spends a good part of the trip drawing animals.
Mikey is also there. Unlike his brother, he IS brave enough to go into the Bug House.
He also likes watching the otters and any exhibit with cats or dogs (i.e., wolves, fennec foxes, lynxes, bobcats, snow leopards, etc...)
Carlos and D.A. visit the peregrine falcon aviary again.
The entire class goes to one of those live-animal shows at the zoo's amphitheater.
The show is mostly birds and reptiles.
There's a ball python in the show, and the zookeeper lets the kids take turns gently holding it. Keesha (the class's number one snake lover) goes first.
Ralphie spends almost all his souvenir money on junk food. He tries to bring some cotton candy home, but it melts in his backpack.
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cartoonscientist · 7 months
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selfie at the California Academy of Sciences! @whatthesquids really wanted to go to an aquarium while visiting California and I wanted to show her the exhibits there, so we finally got to go yesterday and it was AMAZING. we saw the oldest fish in captivity in the world!! I took tons of cool digital camera photos that I plan on posting once I upload them.
I also got to infodump all my Claude the Albino Alligator (with whom I maintain a close parasocial relationship, kind of like a Disney adult but for a real animal who has never interacted with me, and I will stan him to the ends of the earth) information to a woman who didn’t know what his name was or how old he was. his egg hatched in September of 1995 and he’s 28 years old! since he’s too friendly to be with other gators because they bully him, he lives with snapping turtle friends! I also got to nerd out about seahorses with a cool person who seemed around my age. museums are like hair salons or sports games for neurodivergent people I guess.
one thing that disappointed me is that I brought money to buy a cool animal shirt at the gift shop, but they don’t have those anymore! all the shirts are just text and tasteful line illustrations. I miss when museums used to commission their own shirt brand that had photorealistic graphics of their animals and stuff on them. I’m going to look online too and see what I can find. I think there’s probably just a wholesale website that sells generic museum shirts, right?
the otter is a backpack and he’s my emotional support animal
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therealpontius · 1 year
Hugging pontius headcanon
My first try on headcanons! You could also count this as a dating pontius head canon but i can do a separate one for that if your wanting
Warnings: arguing/crying/tickling(?)
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Chris has always been huge on cuddling, ALWAYS. And he cuddles with everyone.
“Babe i need to get up, ive got plans” you whined, trapped in his death-grip cuddle “but babbbeee”
No matter where you are hes always huddled over you like a otter holding its baby close
“Pontius! Concentrate and get your ass over here!” Steve-o would shout since he was holding up the production. As soon as the bits filmed hes attached to you like a backpack again
Trying to get up to piss in the nights THE WORST. He will not let go of you for anything. You tried the pillow trick afew times, shimmy away and replace your body with a pillow but he always pushed the pillow away and spooned you with an even tigher grip then before
“Baby im home!” You would shout when you arrived from work. It was always scary, you knew he was going to sprint towards you like a puppy but you didnt know where from “dont scare me chris!” Suddenly you heard loud footsteps as he sprinted towards you from your side, bringing you into a tight hug “jesus christ!” “Welcome home sweetheart”
When you where touring with the wildboyz he would sneak you into the van just so you two could spoon and nap whilst steve-o and johnny could film their bits. This usually ended up with a black mamba and a 20second long pissed off chris untill he realised he was cuddling you so he just continued like nothing happened
Arguing with chris broke your heart
Chris was standing at the door frame, his eyes watery and his face expression angry “look i said im sorry” he muttered under his breath. The argument was stupid but he never seemed to truly be sorry “i cant forgive you when your being stroppy chris” you heard him sniff and he started to wipe his eyes, chris never cried so this came as a shock “im sorry baby works been really tough right now and i just-“ “baby come here” he walked towards the bed, tears still rolling down his cheeks. Instead of verbally comforting him, you hugged him the way he always hugged you. Soon enough the sniffing stopped and he kissed your hands softly from over his sholders
Often chris hugs you to trap you into a tickle fight KNOWING you hate being tickled. “Sweetie cmere, lets cuddle” you sleepily walked over to your shared bed and nestled inbetween his arms ready for sleeping “HAHA YOU FEEL FOR IT, NOW YOU SHALL PAY” chris spoke loudly in his best ‘olden times viking’ voice, tickling you “BABY NO PLEASE” you giggled uncontrollably and kicked your legs backwards and forwards. Soon enough “OUCH FUCK” you kicked his nuts “that was deserved” you both giggled and got cosy again. The quick burst of energy leaving him sleepy
Thinking of making a fighting with pontius fic, what we thinking?
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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For some reason the backs of my legs hurt so bad today it was hard to sit or stand up. Laying down and sitting criss cross seem alright. But it did put a little damper on the day. Thankfully it was still a good day.
I slept alright. I felt really stressed when I got up because I had to go back to the dentist. James tried to make me feel better. They made a beautiful blackberry tart. And so I packed one of those in my little backpack. I also had to charge my phone so while I wanted to not bring my backpack I had a lot to hold.
I felt cute today though. I was in a good mood overall even if I was stressed. My legs were really bothering me. Like I couldn't touch my toes my hamstrings were so tight. But we headed out and I would mostly be okay. Except getting in and out of the car. That was tough.
Honestly the dentist went fine. The hygienist I had was lovely and really nice to me.
And the cleaning went okay. Honestly it hurt in places. She was very concerned about my oldest crowns because I like fully tried to get away from her when she tapped in it. Which is crazy because it doesn't hurt? Like I feel fine. But it wasn't horrible. I just wasn't having fun.
She was nice though. We talked about the wedding. I told her our venue has beautiful gothic architecture and she said if she could do it again she would wear a black wedding dress and I was like. Yes!!! My mom vetoed that. But I am walking down the aisle to MCR and she was like. You know I was listening to MCR this morning and they still slap. And I was like you are correct.
She also told me I was hardcore when I told her about the time I had to pull out my broken tooth bits with pliers. Got to keep them on their toes. Dentists.
But at least she didn't make me feel like crap. I did make more appointments to possibly get my one crown replaced but I don't expect I'll actually be able to afford that. Even with insurance I will be surprised.
It was a beautiful day though. And me and James were heading to the zoo!!
We got out there and there was a huge group out front but they were a homeschool group and so we were able to go around them and got in with no issue. Love a reciprocal ticket.
I almost got emotional looking at the prairie dogs again. There were babies!! They were squeezing! And jumping!! It was excellent.
And then we took the historical walk to the rest of the zoo. I really had fun. I dont know if I was showing it much. I was hungry. We would sit and I had my pastry. Enjoyed the nice weather and the lack of crowds. There were babies and nannies and parents and that was fine.
We didn't get to pet the goats but I did pet a donkey. Very soft ears. And we saw a lot of sleeping animals. I wish we saw the otters and bear more. But I got to see so many bats and tree frogs. We also just saw a free roaming deer. It was really just a lot of fun.
We were there for about an hour and a half. I was getting tired though. My legs hurt and I wanted to eat something. Their cafes weren't open today so after we saw the grizzly bear we headed out.
A nice security guard referred to us as king and queen and it made me smile. It was a beautiful day for real.
While we were walking back to the car we got the great news that the kilts are ready for pick up!!! Finally!! So I texted my mom and checked in with her. The plan now is I'm going to to visit my parents and pick up the kilts and do a sewing day with Jess and it just made me feel so much lighter. It had really stressed me out not knowing what was happening with the guys outfits. But things are good now. Hopefully the pick up goes smoothly.
Me and James headed to Hamden to go to Golden West for lunch. We got sandwiches. They have a lot vegan options so I was able to get a BLT and I enjoyed the half I ate. The whole thing was to big honestly. It was a good lunch.
We went to get gas for the car after that. And I just got so tired. My body hurt so much and I just desperately wanted to lay down.
We got back and I got changed and laid down. James rubbed the backs of my legs and it helped but sleeping helped more.
James went for a long bike ride while I slept. And when I woke up they were all smiley and it was just good to see their face.
We ordered pizza for dinner and just had a chill evening. Mostly just watching videos. I packed a little backpack and put out my totebag where I'm keeping my wedding dress. Jess says that is very me. But I'm all ready to go in the morning.
I took a bath with salt and bubbles to try to help my poor body. Helped a little. I also washed my hair and attempted to use my round hot brush to practice how I'm going to do my hair for the wedding and it's not perfect but it worked so well!! Made me feel so pretty and my hair felt so soft. I think with a little more practice this will be perfect. I also need to get some hair spray but that's not a huge deal.
Now me and James are in bed watching scary videos. I have a little juice. I am in a good mood.
I hope my trip to my parents is nice. I am looking forward to seeing them. I haven't seen my dad since his surgery. But he's home now and I am looking forward to spending some time with him and my mom.
I hope you all sleep well tonight. Goodnight everyone!!!
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eyefocusing · 2 years
21 bc i KNOW you have some dope stuff left from ur childhood
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
sammi im sorry but i dont actually have much from before i was like, 12 due to moving a bunch and other various reason OTL
i was GONNA post my pre-otter plushie backpack, mr doggy, but im pretty sure hes in a box at the very bottom of my closet and im a little scared to try and pull it out. so u get this pic from my 4th grade field trip to st augustine instead
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also ive had this dried up lambs ear leaf saved in this little container w a pompom since i was 10???? i plucked it from a nursery bc it felt cool and saved it and i still have it 15 years later for some reason. i dont think the actual containers been opened for at least a decade.
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nationalparkshops · 2 days
Discover Olympic National Park Guide 2024
Olympic National Park, located on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State, is renowned for its remarkable diversity in ecosystems, ranging from temperate rainforests to alpine regions and rugged coastlines. This variety makes it a fascinating destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers. Here’s an overview of what you can discover in Olympic National Park:
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Ecosystems and Landscapes
Temperate Rainforests:
Hoh Rainforest: One of the most famous temperate rainforests in the world, the Hoh Rainforest is characterized by lush, green vegetation, towering trees covered in moss, and abundant rainfall.
Quinault Rainforest: Another temperate rainforest within the park, known for its old-growth trees, including Douglas fir and western red cedar.
Alpine Regions:
Hurricane Ridge: Offers stunning panoramic views of the Olympic Mountains and opportunities for hiking, skiing, and snowboarding.
Mount Olympus: The highest peak in the park, offering challenging climbs and spectacular glacial scenery.
Coastal Areas:
Rialto Beach and Ruby Beach: Famous for their sea stacks, tide pools, and dramatic coastal landscapes.
Ozette Loop: A popular trail that takes hikers through coastal forests and along scenic beaches.
Forests and Meadows:
Elwha Valley: Known for its restoration efforts, particularly the removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams, which has allowed the river to return to its natural state.
Sol Duc Valley: Features hot springs, waterfalls, and dense forest trails.
Roosevelt Elk: The park is home to one of the largest herds of Roosevelt elk in the Pacific Northwest.
Black Bears: Frequently seen in the park, especially in the forested and meadow areas.
Mountain Goats: Often spotted in the alpine regions, particularly around Hurricane Ridge.
Northern Spotted Owl: An endangered species that finds habitat in the park’s old-growth forests.
Bald Eagles: Commonly seen along the coast and near lakes and rivers.
Marbled Murrelets: A seabird that nests in the park’s ancient trees.
Marine Life:
Sea Otters: Often observed along the coast, especially in the kelp beds.
Gray Whales: Migrate along the park’s coastline, particularly visible during migration seasons.
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Hiking: Olympic National Park offers a vast network of trails catering to all levels, from short walks to multi-day backpacking trips.
Hoh River Trail: A popular route that takes hikers deep into the rainforest.
Seven Lakes Basin: A challenging but rewarding hike offering alpine views and pristine lakes.
Camping: Numerous campgrounds are available, ranging from drive-in sites to backcountry camping.
Kalaloch Campground: Located on the coast with stunning ocean views.
Deer Park Campground: Offers high elevation and panoramic mountain views.
Water Activities: The park's rivers, lakes, and coastline provide ample opportunities for kayaking, fishing, and swimming.
Lake Crescent: A beautiful, clear glacial lake ideal for kayaking and swimming.
Sol Duc Hot Springs: Offers a relaxing soak in natural hot springs.
Wildlife Watching: Best done during early mornings or late evenings when animals are most active.
Tide Pooling: The park’s coastal areas are perfect for exploring tide pools teeming with marine life.
Conservation Efforts
Olympic National Park is committed to preserving its diverse ecosystems and wildlife. Efforts include habitat restoration, invasive species control, and monitoring of endangered species. The park also focuses on educating visitors about Leave No Trace principles to minimize human impact on the environment.
Best Times to Visit
Summer (June to September): Offers the most accessible weather for hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities.
Spring and Fall: These seasons provide fewer crowds and unique opportunities for wildlife viewing and experiencing the park’s changing landscapes.
Winter: While some areas may be less accessible, Hurricane Ridge offers winter sports and spectacular snowy vistas.
Visiting Olympic National Park provides a unique opportunity to experience one of the most diverse and pristine natural areas in the United States. Whether you are interested in hiking through ancient forests, exploring rugged coastlines, or observing a wide variety of wildlife, the park offers something for everyone.
READ MORE AT: https://nationalparkshops.com/olympic-national-park-2/
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reysim · 6 months
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Monday December 4 / 2023
We caught the aqua bus early in the morning to avoid the crowds and chaos. Our boat was a newer boat, and I didn’t get wet as much as before. However, we had to go upstream against the river flow, so it took longer than an hour.
We saw a dead cow along the river with many black vultures sitting on it . We also saw a river otter! I didn’t know how it could have survived in that muddy water full of crocodiles.
We were driving back to San Jose. Simon offered a young backpacker a ride. To break up the drive, we took another tram ride, butterfly garden, and hummingbird garden. I passed my tram ride to our guest and he enjoyed it. The butterfly and hummingbird gardens weren’t impressive at all.
Then we visited a church. It was beautiful, but under construction! We just took some pictures and drove to our city hotel.
Simon was glad to give up the rental car, no driving anymore!
In the capital city of San Jose we will get around by walking and Uber for a few days. We ate dinner and relaxed for the rest of the night.
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