#Senshi would be so sad if he heard about this
headphonemouse · 8 months
I've ordered!! Some nightgowns!!!!
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fumifooms · 3 months
Marchil crumbs part 6
Part 1 - Part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 7
Wake up broskis Adventurer’s Bible 2 is dropping soon
Love getting the confirmation that she specifically was the one to invite him and his fam to the dinner in the "Thank you for reading!" page… Love that it kinda confirms that her and Senshi greeting them first is them being like "Uh thanks for the invite" "Thanks for coming!!". Love that canon is the best marchil factory
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Laios haterism is a deep bond not easily forgotten… I love that even post-canon they tend to stick to each other in groups and go in a corner together like old women ready to gossip and whisper meanly.
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Also oh hey Marcille got her bangs cut even… Sad, that’s invalidating my post-canon appearance take for her but y’know what cute, she doesn’t style them at all anymore too… WAIT. She doesn’t style her hair anymore… She leaves it undone and flowing… As per his succubi she’s closer to his ideal omggggg no way… At the beginning of the comic she even just wears a headband. She seems to just wear way simpler hairstyles in general in the other comics too.
Oh and by the way her braids in post-canon are messy… Which, y’all know I hc who does her hair for her always changes and isn’t always the same, but the braid looks like the one Chilchuck made for her, so <;3 Here are some more pics about it/why it’s plausible
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He’s such a hater, Falin came late too why’s he singling her out
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Speaking of Falin, Marcille so casually touching Chil to chide him about a snide remark he made about Falin (aka the person she would go to war for, and he only gets a gentle chiding? Aw)
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Already during the dragon arc there’s some progress from this
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I love how the two pics below during the Thistle’s house arc show how they breached the gap in their different, their respective prejudice against the other. So funny that the time Marcille goes "yeah elves kinda suck" is at the worst possible timing lmao, meanwhile Chil is ready to vehemently defend magic use against someone (bc he doesn’t want to go to prison rip). With the page before that panel where he imagines the western elves all evil and all too, it’s really nice to note how big the gap between them was at first with the historical horrors the elves have committed, and what a strong bond they’ve made through it all anyways.
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Ok time to address what I hinted at last part and in another post but I think the anime frames this scene a lil different which I think is funny. In the manga Chilchuck walks to her bedside to call out to her to wake her up close, but in the anime he sort of just speaks in her direction. So Marcille heard "Hey, clumsy-head.” and knew it was targeted at her, she went like oh someone is calling me I need to wake up lmfaoo? Listen that’s good for the ship, she woke up because it was his voice and insults like "clumsy" and "dummy" are practically his pet names for her, and it’s also neat how she was the one he chose to call out to in the first place- Why? If it’s bed placement, Laios was on his other side, is it because some need rest more than others? Or perhaps, because he finds interacting with her to be the easiest and he knows she won’t make a big deal out of it?
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Speaking of making a big deal out of things. Ok so first of all, during the cockatrice chapter, he’s funny. Staring at his petrified party member like 😬 And look at his little relieved sigh when she gets revived! Standing in the corner and doesn’t care for celebrating, but he cares nonetheless.
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And then look… He worked hard to get Marcille un-petrified again too, gathering medicinal herbs even with the risks! And in the end, he wants to take credit for what revived her hehe.
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For once she’s the one who gets to tease him lol.
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I want to know how the group whispering strategizing went. Chil for sure was part of the "If we tell her she’ll look cute she’ll take the bait" convo. Funny that in the end he doesn’t even praise her, I think he’s the one talking about her frog-like silhouette… Edit: EPSODE 10 IS OUT GUESS WHAAT Laios is the one saying the frog silhouette is fun (should have seen it coming) Chilchuck is the one saying "that looks great on you"/"very cute" depending on the translation, the line delivery in the eng dub at least sounds shaky, sounds like hesitance.
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You know I never put this in a marchil comp/post even tho it’s a page with a lot to say, and I only realized recently why it made me so uneasy/conflicted. Because by all means "Our magician successfully stood against the mad magician" is flattering, but Chilchuck’s point in this page is that he’s worried about how her life is gonna go, which ties into his worry for others about the law, their jobs, the way Puckpatti is carefree, etc. In this chapter he suppresses his worry and care with anger, but the point still remains that he’s worried for her and her professional future and thus like, her general life direction and all. Sigh anyways more analysis coming on this topic at some point
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Looking out for her:
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Keeping each other in check. Always gets to me how much she listens to him when the topic’s serious
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Love how this is how the party naturally divides. Sigh Chil, Marcille & Izu are so family shaped…
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Ep 7 is out and was fun! Not many marchil moments though. This one was notable though lol, never caught it while reading. Truly they are comrades in fear, hide behind each other when something unpleasant is happening. They would risk their life for each other but also they would throw each other under a bus and use as a meat shield if necessary /hj
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Anime director doodle! Them against the world…
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Get yourself a man who looks at you like this after you did dark magic and caught him shit-talking.
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See you soon! With the anime and the new adventurer’s bible I have no doubt that I’ll find more to share with them shipping goggled eyes o’ mine in no time, And if you follow these as they come up, go back to look at the end of the last part in case you missed the crumbs I edited in up until it was completed!
30 pics have been reached in this part… See u later gators
Part 7 here
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gddmgttsu · 2 months
(I have a nasty habit of wanting to write only about bad things so let's talk about something else)
I've somehow read all of Dungeon Meshi within the last two days or so. Time well spent I'd say...
The first time I've even heard of Dungeon Meshi was seeing all the Twitter clips from the first episode of the anime. I thought the premise was cute so I decided to take a peek at the anime with a friend.
The first two episodes were alright but at the time it didn't quite grip me as much as I thought it would. While I loved all the characters doing their thing, it was missing something that would really hook me in you know what I mean?
If you haven't seen any of it yet, please go and check it out it's pretty good. I wouldn't want to ruin anything about it for the blind.
After the second episode I just put it off for a bit but a month to so later, I saw a twitter clip or maybe it was a teaser that was about Falin's resurrection. I was astonished to see not a digested corpse coming out of the dragon but a goddamn skeleton of what's left. That was what I was missing in order to get hooked so my interest was fully piqued.
So now I've gotten around to reading the whole thing and MAN was I surprised. The world is so interesting, the characters are all loveable and it gets surprisingly dark every now and then. It touches on alot of themes that I like involving death and the stains of time.
My favorite manga of all time is Berserk so the moment the manga started getting into that stuff I was fully invested.
One of scenes that really stood out to me were Marcille's nightmare and how it sets up that bit near the end. I don't really know much about elf lore and I just beat Baldur's Gate 3 so it was interesting to learn more about how an increased lifespan is just sadness for the elf in question.
Seeing Laois get touched by her nightmare and immediately starts aging and freaking Marcille out just made me go "OH NO IS THAT WHY SHE'S AFRAID" and it makes me sad to think about life without your loved ones.
Another one is Senshi's backstory with the Griffin and how he had to live a long time with that gnawing thought at the back of his head. It thoroughly explains why he's so adamant about eating a balanced meal and how living as healthy as can be is so important to him. I honestly teared up pretty bad seeing those final panels of him eating the hippogriff stew.
I suppose my only nitpicks is that we never really got to hang out with Falin enough. I would have loved to see more of the gang interact with her since from the flashbacks and what little time we do get with her, she's a sweetheart too.
There's also Itsuzumi and how I personally don't think her arc was fully done but at least she had her moment with the succubis.
These are very minor and there are even more minor ones and honestly I don't mind them very much because the story is already like a 10/10.
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The volumes kept ending at cliffhangers so I couldn't stop wanting to read more and more so I ended up binging the whole thing.
I'm glad I did though because the manga went into detail a couple of things I've been thinking about recently too. It just nice to see and read thoughts about the little things that bother me right now. Even if it is through a silly manga about eating monsters.
Honestly, the manga influenced me maybe like 10-30% as to doing a bit better with how I treat myself and my health.
To close it off, I gotta say I really loved it and I'm excited to go through it again with the anime. Hopefully my friend won't mind if I drag them with me since I left them at ep2 hehehe.
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20 Fic Writer Quesions
First, thank you @singeart and @mytardisisparked for tagging me!. I did a set of these last year and it was fun to see how my answers have changed since then!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
1.6 million and counting!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Trek Voyager
Star Trek Prodigy
Sailor Moon
Harry Potter
Madam Secretary
Ive debated writing SwanQueen for a long time but by the time I had the energy and time to write, I'd lost interest in the show. I might rewatch and come back to it one day...
I have thought about writing Wynonna Earp or Tamora Pierce universe fanfiction but have yet to get an idea that grabs me. I like to find things i want to fix and it's hard when the source material is perfection.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Parent Trap (305)
Sailor Moon H Order of the Phoenix (289)
Sailor Moon H Half Blood Prince (222)
Eden's Deception (167)
Out of Reach (150)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! although if I'm busy or feeling down it can take me a while. Sometimes I forget.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I still think What Even is 3 Minutes takes the cake. Or I'll be Your First if You'll be my Last
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I Heard the Comm on Christmas Morn and Parent Trap
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Unfortunately I've gotten hate on fics since I started writing them... and it's become just something I expect to happen. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it confuses me. Sometimes it makes me sad. It really depends...
The memorable haters:
There was the delightful Fanfiction.net reviewer who got pissed i was "making everybody gay" (that was funny actually). I forget if they were the same person who flamed me when Mcgonagall and Hooch kissed under some mistletoe. I digress. They thought queering up the canon was like sinful or whatever. I was delighted to disagree and make the story even queerer.
Another person cussed me out for magically restraining Sailor Plutos time travel powers so my plot would work and for making her have feelings about it. aparently mad the senshi were not all powerful deus exmachinas who never feel feelings... That one stung. That was the reason I left FFN.
Hate because in Sailor Moon H, Harry Potter was not the main character.
Hate that I made a magic bio baby for the magical lesbians. (I can't have a biobaby with my wife irl, can't I at least let the fantasy girlies have one!)
Hate for including C/7 in a story
...I wouldn't call it hate for the fic but I have had an uncomfortable amount of commenters who hate on Chakotay any time I have him involved with Seven / don't have him grovel to Kathryn / really any time I let him advocate for how he's been hurt... at first comments like this stressed me out because i worried i had not written the character sufficiently sympathetic. But then Parent Trap breached containment and I got enough comments to be able to see I had definitely written the character fine... it was just that some people were always just rooting for a "Chakotay falls over himself to apologize to Janeway for not immediately dating her" storyline that... I'm not sorry 😅 I'm never going to write that. The older I get the more I feel like both of J/C just need therapy! They've been through so much trauma. Their feelings are valid (yes, even for other people).
Parent Trap breaching containment also meant that when I hit an irl rut and couldnt get in the writing headspace for a bit, a bunch of - sincerely, well meaning - fans got into their heads to start a commenting campaign to get me to update. I heard about it and panicked (i had bad experiences that year of getting people who only commented "update soon" and those conversely stressed me out and made me not want to write - I love fic writing for the conversations and community... so it made me feel like readers thought i was just a content vending machine). so just the thought of potentially getting an avalanche of guests, well meaning or not, begging me to update made me lock commenting until the fic was done. I wound up deciding after that that since "update soon" requests were becoming a lot more frequent that I'd consider before posting whether getting them would hurt my ability to finish. So most of the time now if I know a fic is going to reach a bigger potential community, I don't start posting it until it's almost done. That has had some upsides! (Im less dependent on positive feedback for motivation now!) and some downsides (no one comments on my fics with their theories anymore) but on a whole, a good decision.
Immediately after finishing Parent Trap I wrote Fever and got this amazing guest comment from someone who said (paraphrasing cuz i'm too busy to go find it) "Youre better than this. how dare you write this filth. J/C are better than this" that one had me laughing for days. But the comment did prompt me to create a second account later when I wrote a tentacle fic. At the time I worried i'd get a ton of similar flame comments from people who were subscribed to my main for other types of fic... but I am even feeling like that's unnecessary now. I write what I write! Yes, some of it is really dirty, weird smut. I'm not sorry.
Currently any time I post a Threshold AU fic an anon drops into my comments section in order to call me "Sick" and "Deranged"... they make me so sad I don't even make a quippy reply. I just delete them. I write that universe for my own wish fulfillment... Someday (soon, hopefully) I'm gonna have kids. And I am going to have to have conversations with them about who their biological dad is. Why they look like one mom and not the other, whether their non bio family love them even if theyre not blood related. I might have a kid who feels different from everyone else because they're queer or they're neurodivergent or they're some new alienating feeling I am totally unprepared for. and I'll need to help them navigate that.. Writing about hybrid salamander kids getting raised in a blended family is FUN. But more importantly... it helps me practice those situations. It comforts me to know that if the characters can figure this out in the AU then I can figure this out in real life! What the hell is sick and deranged about that!?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write all sorts of smut. I post the stuff that doesn't totally mortify me once i've gotten out of whatever mood had me writing the smut in the first place.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have exactly two crossovers to my name: Sailor Delta and Sailor Moon H. I think on the basis of word count alone Sailor Moon H (>500,000) is definitely the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I consider the unlicensed use of the AO3 archive for ChatGPT and similar LLMs theft. (and there are several court cases pending that are also seeking to address whether it is legally theft as it pertains to published fiction and newspapers). The canon creators of the fandoms I write for aren't allowed to make money by using uncredited ideas pulled from my fanfiction (just like I am not allowed to make money from writing fic with their copyrighted settings and characters) and i continue to be apalled that ChatGPT and other LLMs think they can get away with using others copyrighted ideas without permission. Especially that they can take advantage of people who cant profit off their own work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
No but i would be open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Once with @magdalenejaneway, once with @jellybeansarecool and once with @trekflower and all three were fantastic!
Most of what I write for Threshold AU is also increasingly collaborated on a great deal by the AU creators and a few other folks. It's been going for over 2 years now and doing that more and more has enabled us all to drop more references to previous fics and to create a more cohesive body of fic for the AU. in general its just been so fun and fulfilling to make these stories with other people who are as invested in the characters as me and it just fills me with joy. I'm really grateful for you guys.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
On the one hand J/C have inspired over 50 fics, But on the other I have also been loving Sailor Moon and those ships since before I knew what fandom or shipping were. And really the only reason J/C inspire more fic is that all the sailor moon characters got a happy ending.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I never want to give up on a WIP...
but I am in knots about what all to do with Out of Reach.
Out of Reach is a St:Prodigy S1 AU where Chakotay has amnesia and doesn't remember anything from his time on Voyager, all the while he and Kathryn are in a situationship with a baby.
There's two questions I never figured out how to answer: 1. Does he get his memories back. If so, how much and what enables it. and 2: Do he and Kathryn stay together?
On the memories front. saying he never recovers seems unfair to the character. But saying he magically does thanks to 24th century science feels cheap and disrespectful - to the reality of real memory loss and to the plot that built up so much tension around this. Saying he gets back some or more over time is more realistic, but left me uncertain of where exactly to end the story. Tying his retrieval of memories to Kathryn also tied me up in knots. On the one hand they're in love and thats romantic. on the other hand the optics of his recovery totally dependent on one person is icky.
I also found the baby really annoying to have there by the end - I still think he's cuteeee i really do!!! - it's just... he makes the "we should stay together and try to figure this out" answer a bit too convenient 😅. and he complicates Kathryns reluctance to restart their relationship. The more she resists, the more callous she seems (deliberately not trying to patch things up with her kid's father) when i really just want to focus on her fears that Chakotay would be happier without her and that even if they restart their romance, she might lose him again on a future mission. It's ironic because i originally created the baby to ensure she wouldnt just run away from her fears. And now hes contributing to my difficulty ending the fic...
Actually the more I think on it, my real problem is I could write my way out of this, but I cant do it in only one or two chapters and that makes me feel tired. i was sorta hoping to wrap that fic up. 😅🙈
16. What are your writing strengths?
Imagery has always been a strength for me. But i think I'm also getting really good at action scenes too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Only if it was information i wanted the reader to understand but not the POV character.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
W.I.T.C.H way back when I was 15.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Universe to Mend - I even have a few sequel or companion novel ideas to come after it.
This has gone on a while... 😅 - thank you for tagging me and letting me ramble! i'll tag anyone else who wants to answer! have at it.
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R x J Week 2024 Day 1: Pride
Five days. Five whole days. One work week.
That was how long they’d been fighting.
Or at least, Usagi thought that Rei and Jad had been fighting. Really, she didn’t even know what the start of it was.
She’d heard second hand from Minako that the two had been shouting at one another early last week and that was all Usagi needed to know.
Which, unfortunately, meant she would have to ask one of them to get to the root of the problem. And from the way Jad had been kneading that dough for the past five minutes…
Usagi reached over and tapped him on the shoulder.
The scowl that met her called to mind the time when he had been under the control of the Dark Kingdom, but it quickly melted away when he realized just who it was.
“Usagi,” he said, surprise coloring his features, “I was expecting—what are you doing here?”
“Oh, I just wanted to say hi,” Usagi said, “You know, I was in the area.”
Jad frowned, returning to his previous task.
“In Rei’s kitchen?”
“I was… hungry…”
A pregnant pause stretched across the room, to the point where Usagi wanted to tug her own pigtails to relieve the tension.
“Well, lunch probably won’t be ready for about another hour,” Jad said, “so you’re in for a wait.”
“I’m fine with that.”
Anyone who knew Usagi would know she wouldn’t be fine with that. If she had truly been hungry, that is. She had, in fact, just come from an early lunch with Mamoru, which they had only had to fortify themselves for what they were currently doing.
Another pause, more tension. Probably best to rip the band aid off.
“So,” Usagi began, hands clasped behind her back, “how’s it going?”
“You’re sure? No stomach problems, nothing too stressy going on?”
“Can’t think of anything.”
He didn’t even look up! Usagi fought down a pout.
“If anything was wrong, you’d tell one of us, right?”
“You mean like a certain someone refusing to apologize?”
Usagi wasn’t sure if this was progress, but hopefully it was.
Jad put plastic wrap over the dough he’d been working over and moved to another counter where a knife and vegetables waited for him.
“When Rei’s ready to apologize, she knows where to find me,” he said, dicing a red onion.
“But what if you apologized first?” Usagi asked, moving so she was just at Jad’s immediate left, “Then everything would be fine and none of our meetings would have any really weird tension…”
“I’m not apologizing when she’s the one at fault here.”
Usagi’s face fell. Plan A was a bust, it seemed.
“Can you at least talk to her? I know you care so much about each other and I hate seeing my friends fight.”
For a moment, Jad paused and Usagi thought she had a breakthrough. Instead, Jad returned to his task.
“Please!” Usagi said, “for me?”
Jad said nothing, focusing instead on his veggie slicing.
“Oh, come on! I know you heard me!”
Still, nothing.
“Vegetables aren’t that interesting!”
As if in answer, Jad moved to the fridge and removed a package of hamburger from it.
Usagi sighed and left the kitchen. Hopefully, Mamoru was having better luck with Rei.
“When Jad’s ready to apologize, he knows where to find me.”
Mamoru ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Rei had been holed up beside the sacred fire for every day since her apparent argument with Jad (At least according to the other senshi).
Mamoru could understand the desire for solitude after feeling hurt, but this felt ridiculous.
“Can you at least tell me what he did to make you so upset?”
“Why don’t you ask him?”
“What if he doesn’t know?”
Rei didn’t say anything after that, seemingly staring at the sacred fire.
Most people would have thought she was just haughtily ignoring him at that point.
Most people couldn’t feel human emotions like raindrops on their skin.
Anger, confusion, sadness, they all flickered from Rei like ashes. And for some reason, maybe it was psychic powers, maybe it was a gut feeling, but Mamoru knew Rei wouldn’t elaborate any further.
The two of them collapsed on the couch in Mamoru’s apartment. How a conversation with friends could be so draining was beyond either of them.
“So,” Usagi began, “how’s Rei?”
Mamoru sighed.
“Angry. Too proud to admit anything.”
Usagi’s frown deepened.
“And Jad’s the same way.”
Mamoru sighed. He should have expected. Those two really were made for each other.
“I hope he wasn’t too rude to you,” he said, putting his arm around Usagi's shoulder. She snuggled all the closer.
"He was a perfect gentleman... just like he is with Rei."
"I'm glad you're still optimistic about them."
"They'll work it out," Usagi said, "you'll see."
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001 dungeon meshi or 002 susahao :3
i sense a long post so this goes under a cut
| dunmeshi |
Favorite character: I can't choose for my mental health. sorry. I love them all too much
Least Favorite character: ughgh Toshiro. next question
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): ooh...5? Okay so Farcille, Labru (it's not a must-have for me but I like it romantically or platonically), Laios x monsters, Chilchuck's messy relationship with his (ex)-wife, and lastly. Cithis x me
Character I find most attractive: goddd there are so many hot people in this manga and I'm aroace. it depends on the day but top contenders in no particular order are Kabru, Marcille, Laios, Cithis (see above), and Falin. and we can't not love Kui sensei for giving us the Senshi fanservice the world needed.
Character I would marry: I would marry no one but...objectively speaking? OF COURSE Senshi
Character I would be best friends with: Chilchuck !!
A random thought: The moment where Mithrun cries because "even vegetable scraps have their uses" made me feel like I'd been revived from the dead. dunmeshi is so good.
An unpopular opinion: hmm I don't really know?
My canon OTP: canonically no one like. "ends up together" in the super official sense and I'm happy with that! however farcille can count...i think anyways. it's not even coding it's plain as day
Non-canon OTP: like i said, any ship qualifies !
Most badass character: Senshi, because truly what is more badass than caring for the dungeon ecosystem and your friends' health and wellbeing by cooking them a balanced diet out of monsters. all with a single cooking pot too
Pairing I am not a fan of: Izutsumi x anyone. that girl doesn't want a romantic interest nor does she need one <3
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): ...no one? I'm gonna finish my reread soon but I highly doubt I'll find one that I'll think was screwed up
Favourite friendship: The whole party warmed my heart. that hug healed me. ALSO honorary mention to Mithrun and Kabru because again the feeling of being restored and learning to feel again is so real. honorary honorary mention to Izutsumi and the rest of the party because that is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life
when or if I started shipping it: "when I fall under your intense gaze..." I very nearly pointed at the screen and went "YOU'RE BISEXUAL!!"
my thoughts: they invented sapphism actually
What makes me happy about them: I love how Haori does not fucking hesitate to keep flirting with Ryutaro upon finding out that he is in fact Susato. what a queen
What makes me sad about them: the fact that their reunion in-game occurs when Susato is coming back, rushed, on what she assumes to be a family tragedy; and what she finds instead is Haori having been through a horrifically traumatizing event in her absence. both of these girls trying their best to study and have careers in Meiji Japan. the world makes it so fucking difficult for them.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: it's not so much a specific thing done in fanfic as like, an overarching trend that people tend to fluffify them a ton. i get it they're cute and lighthearted but they're also sixteen-year-olds in a world that is unfair to them. that being said, i also don't like the idea of making them 'tragic' for the drama of it all. let them be happy, but also give them depth basically!
Things I look for in fanfic: i don't read a ton of dgs fic these days but i look for good Haori background and characterization
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Gina, Maria...and that applies to either of them lol
My happily ever after for them: marriage marriage fraud (I can't take credit for this idea, since I first heard it from Seven ofc! but it's so real to me)
[ask game]
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crazykacey · 2 years
Okay so I wrote some sort of summary of the plot of Sera Myu Chronicle. I might have already forgotten some things and such and my grammar sucks cause it's super late so yeah AND SPOILERS!!! DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS
So the musical actually has its own plot and isn't just the previous musical made into a concert. It is kind of a pseudo sequel to the previous musical ir something. At the beginning Luna mentions something about an old evil returning, referring to Snow Kaguya, after that the 4 inners are talking about going to eat shaved ice(kakigori) at this new place and wondering where Usagi is, as she wanted to go the most. Chibiusa and Mamoru appear and they reveal that Usagi flunked another test and is forced to study by her mom (& Artemis). Then a totally not suspicious person called Ms. Frozen appears telling them that she's the inventor of the new famous shaved ice and is planning to hold an audition to cast people to be in a commercial advertising the shaved ice. And she heard the girls sing so she wants them to take part in the audition. Some songs are sang and Luna feels left out as she would like to sing as well but cannot do that since she isn't a human. "Ms. Frozen" appears and reveals her true identity to Luna and brainwashes her and turns her into her human form calling her Snow Luna. She is then ordered to capture the Silver Crystal or smth along those lines. Some songs are sang and later Snow Kaguya/Ms. Frozen and Mamoru have some sort of ab lid corner where they talk about Riona's (Mamoru's actor) past roles in Sera Myu and kinda fool around but at the same time when he answers each question, the Snow Dancers freeze a part of his body. (They had these badges that had ice"氷" written on and then just stuck them on) One of them actually hit Riona in the face accidentally with the badge which created a funny ad lib. After that Snow Kaguya attacks and tries to brainwash Mamoru which SURPRSINGLY doesn't work. After the Senshi realize what is truly happening, they go on the offensive only to realize that Snow Kaguya has brainwashed Luna. They start going back and forth with the Senshi trying to get Luna back to her senses and Snow Kaguya trying to keep Luna brainwashed. They eventually manage to save Luna and return her to her cat form and they reassure her that there are things that only she can do and all that nice stuff. They then realize that they left Artemis all alone when Usagi escaped her home and get all panicked and they sing a new song as they curtain closes.
After that the special guests arrived which in this case were, Akiko Kosaka, ANZA, Hisano Akamine, Misako Iwana, Emi Kuriyama and Akiko Miyazawa. Surpringly there wasn't any talk show or anything, like in Ai no Sanctuary, which was kinda sad since they just performed their medley and... left. Well they did talk like a minute or so, ANZA mentioned that most of the people in the audience probably weren't even alive when they started Sera Myu and says that everyone was probably able to watch the old musicals later from video tapes and Youtube and that was when Kosaka-sensei stopped her and told her she can't say that. So I guess they are pretty much aware about the copyright mess with Banmyu lol )and iirc ANZA has mentioned the musicals being on Youtube on one of her and Kosaka-sensei's livestreams). And THEN they left. But while there was no talk show, in the pamphlet, there is a Q&A with all of the guests so I guess it was just a time management issue. After that the service numbers started and we were allowed to stand while cheering and I was at first literally the ONLY ONE who was standing XD after a while some girls behind me stood up, probably cause they couldn't see anything from behind me. The staff where just holding these signs saying that's okay to stand but everyone just ignored them. Kinda rude lol It was only when Moonlight Densetsu started when more people started standing and there were 6 songs in the service numbers so yeah. Also there was no curtain call rip
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writing-fanics · 3 years
Mamoru X Fem!Reader
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•[ Legend of the Forgotten Moon Princess ]•
[Part I]
[ y/n was reincarnated before Usagi, so she’s around Mamoru’s age.. they are still twins but it’s confusing cause I’m making things confusing ]
[ Y/n ] sighed, as she looked out the window. Looking up at the moon, every night she’d do this. It always seemed to give her comfort, and the moon felt more like home than it did on Earth.
“I wonder, if the moon princess. Looked at the Earth from the moon, wondering if her lover was doing the same.” She says, looking up at the moon with wonder in her eyes.
The moon seemed to look back at her, as if it was listening to her thoughts what she was saying.
She touched the necklace, the was wrapped around her neck. She stared at the moon, reaching her hand out as if to touch it.
‘Find Me...’
She heard a voice say. She looked around, for any sign of someone.
“Who’s there?” She says, looking around and finds no one. She sighs, sitting down on her balcony and looks back up at the moon.
“What I want most in the world is the love, that Prince Endymion and Princess Y/n had for each-other.” She says, looking up at the moon.
“As if that would ever happen though.” She says, laughing at herself. She looks down, smiling softly.
She stands up, and dusts herself off. And walks inside her apartment, closing the balcony door behind her; and goes to her room to sleep.
‘Find me, please don’t forget about me.’ A voice said, as [Y/n] looked around for the source of the voice.
‘Who’s there! Where are you?’ She shouted, looking around trying to find the voice. It sounded so familiar.
‘Find me, remember who I am.’ The voice says, appearing as an apparition but fading before she could look at it.
‘W-who are you?’ She shouts, nervously looking around. She begins to walk, and the ground beneath her turns into water, and she falls in.
She screams, in the water thrashing trying to swim up but it sees to be getting further and further away.
‘Find me, my Star.’ The voice said, appearing before her but she passes out before she got a good look at them.
[ Y/n ] wakes up, gasping for air. Sweat ran down her forehead, she clenched her blanket as she looks down.
“Who was that?” She says, out of breath. After a few moments she finally calms down, and looks out her window.
It’s morning. The sun was out, and she missed the moon already.
She sighed, and looked at her alarm clock. Her eyes widened, at the time.
“I’m late!” She shouted, frantically getting out of bed. And running to her closet, grabbing her clothes and then into the bathroom.
Showering, getting dressed, and getting ready for the day. “Oh man, I’m so late.” She shouted, as she left her apartment.
She ran down the hallway, “Oh man, my boss is gonna kill me.” She cried, as she was about to reach the elevator.
Someone was coming out of their apartment, and she accidentally ran into them. They both groan, “Excuse me, I’m so sorry.” She said, but she didn’t have time to stay.
She didn’t know, that her necklace fell to the ground. And she continued making her way to the elevator.
The person she bumped into, was stunned didn’t even have a chance to say it was okay. He shrugged it off, and was about to walk towards the elevator.
But noticed the necklace, on the ground. “She must’ve dropped it, when she ran into me.” He says, picking it up.
As he looked at it, a wave of familiarity hit him. It was as if he’s seen this necklace before. The necklace was in the shape of a star, with a crescent moon around it.
[ Y/n ] arrived at her job, and bowed at her boss constantly. Apologizing for being late. She was a assistant teacher, at Juban Middle School.
And she went to a university, in the afternoon. It was a lot of work, but she always had the time. She was always busy, and didn’t really have time for relationships.
As she made her way, up the stairs a girl came running passed her. Causing the girl to, trip and fall.
“Ow~.” The girl groaned in pain, she rubbed the back of her head.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” [ Y/n ] says, to her helping her up. She smiles at her.
“My name is L/n Y/n, I’m looking for Sakurada Haruna’s class. I’m her assistant teacher for today.” [ Y/n ] asks, and the girl’s face seems to get all flustered.
“O-oh um actually I’m in her class. That’s why I was running, I’m a scatter brain and I’m running late.” The girl says, and [ Y/n ] smiles at her.
“I’m late too, we can both be late together.” [ Y/n ] says, smiling at her.
“M-My name is Tsukino Usagi.” Usagi says, and [ Y/n ], nods at the girl who leads her to her class.
“W-well this is th-.” She says, opening the classroom door. To only have her teacher, Haruna. Look at her in anger.
“Ms.Tsukino! Late again.” Haruna shouted, at her and Usagi looked down embarrassed.
“I-I’m sorry,” she said, making a pouty face.
“I-I’m sorry, Haruna-sensei. Ms.Tsukino helped me find the class. If she hadn’t stopped to help me she would’ve been here much earlier.” [ Y/n ] said, bowing at her.
“Ugh, fine go to your seat Ms.Tsukino.” Haruna says, and Usagi nods and goes or her seat.
“Everyone, this is L/n Y/n she’ll be my assistant teacher. For the next couple of weeks, treat her nicely.” She says, and everyone bows as [ Y/n ] walks into the class room.
“Hi, Ms. Y/n.” Everyone says, and [ Y/n ] bows and smiles.
“Thank you, for having me everyone. I’m going to enjoy helping your teacher to teach all of you.” [ Y/n ] says, smiling.
‘Find me..’
She heard the voice, say again. And it’s been happening more and more often. She sighed, bringing her hands up to touch her necklace.
But gasped, “A-ah, oh no.” She said, frantically looking around for it. She begins to panic, looking for the necklace.
That necklace meant everything to her, her mother made it before she passed away. It was the necklace that Endymion, gave Y/n. The day before the Dark Kingdom destroyed the Moon Kingdom.
“Maybe I dropped it on the way here, or when I bumped into that guy this morning.” She says, pouting she looks down.
‘I can’t believe I lost it.’ She thinks, to herself.
It was lunch time, and [Y/n] sat outside eating her lunch while reading the book her mother made of the Forgotten Moon Princess.
Usagi noticed, and walked over to her. “What are you ready?” She asked, and [Y/n] looked up at her and smiled.
“Oh, it’s a book my mother made. It’s about the forgotten moon princess Y/n.” [Y/n] says, looking up at Usagi.
“Ooh, Whats the story like?” She asked, and [Y/n] gives her space to sit and smiles.
“It’s about the forgotten princess, all the stories go towards Serenity. But everyone forgets about her twin sister Y/n. Who my mother named me after, the story is tragic and filled with romance. Between the moon princess Y/n and Endymion.” [Y/n] says, looking down at the book.
“How sad.” Usagi says, tearing up hearing what happens in the story.
“It is, this story means everything to me. And I may sound like a child, but I believe in it. I think what happened in this story is real. I feel a strong connection to the moon, maybe it’s just me but..”[Y/n] says, looking down at the book.
[ Flashback ]
“Mommy tell me the story again.” She asked, holding her plush that her mother made of the Prince Endymion.
“Again?” Her mother asked, and the girl nodded. Her mother sighed, and pulled out a chair. And placed it, at the girls bedside.
“Okay, one more time then bed.” Her mother said, the little girl nodded.
• The Legend of the Forgotten Moon Princess •
“Long ago, on the moon was a castle a big and beautiful one. And in this castle lived, the queen and her two daughter.”
“And the two princess were sisters, twins. Serenity and Y/n”
‘That’s my name!’ A young [y/n] giggled, smiling.
“The two princesses were protected, by the Sailor Guardians. Who had powers of their home planets.”
“But as you know; no one knew of the princess Y/n. And only of Serenity. Leaving, Y/n. Forgotten.”
‘That’s not fair’ a young [Y/n] pouted
“But... She wasn’t forgotten, for one day when visiting Earth for which she was fascinated with. Ran into him. Eventually leading to two them falling in love.”
‘Yeah!’ [ y/n ] shouted..
“The two would secretly meet, each-other when they could. It was a true story of Romeo and Juliet between royals.”
“Eventually, her sister found out about the secret meetings. And told the Senshi. Who was angry at the princess.”
“Who was doing something, so dangerous like going to Earth. But of course, the Princess didn’t care she wanted to be with the one she loved.”
‘Good for her!’ [Y/n] said smiling..
“But, not all good things last. The Dark Kingdom attacked, the Senshi where killed, and many of its people too.”
‘No!’ [Y/n] said, looking down tears in her eyes.
“And, sadly the Prince Endymion died protecting Y/n. Causing her to be grief stricken, taking her own life to be with the one she loves.”
[Y/n], whimpered hugging the plush close to her.
“The Moon Kingdom, was over the Dark Kingdom destroying it. Leaving no one alive, expect the Queen. She gave her life, to send everyone to Earth. And to be reincarnated, into Present Day.”
[Y/n] wiped away, her tears she looked up at her mother.
“So who knows, maybe you’re the reincarnation of the princess..” her mother said, and [Y/n] gave her the biggest smile.
“So maybe, I might find Endymion and fall in love!?” [Y/n] asked, and her mother shrugged tucking her daughter into bed.
.“Maybe, my love.. maybe.” Her mother said, and she kissed her daughters forehead.
“I hope so...” [Y/n] said, hugging her plush close to her.
“Goodnight mommy.” She says, watching as her mother left the room.
“Goodnight, my moon princess.” Her mother said, closing the door and turning on the night light.After a few moments, she watched as the hallway light turned off.
And [Y/n] quickly sat up, and looked out the window. And she looked at the moon, she looked at it longingly.
“I promise, I’m going to find Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity.” She says, smiling reaching out towards the stars.
She’s about to lay down in bed, when she sees a boy who seems to be around her age. Looking out the window as well, and he looks familiar. Like she’s seen him before, he notices her and smiles at her.
And she smiles back at him...
[ ended ]
[Y/n] sighed, as she made her way back to the apartment. As she made her way home, she would look around for her necklace.
The last place to check, was the hallway were she bumped into that guy. She looked around, and found nothing. She sniffled,
“Oh no, it’s gone.” She cried, looking down. As she made her way to her door, she noticed something on it. A note, she read it.
You dropped this, looked important.
The person you bumped into.
Was all it said, and she smiled seeing her necklace. She took it, and kissed. “Oh thank, goodness.” She says, happily.
“I’m gonna have to thank him tomorrow, since it’s late.” She says, walking into her apartment. Closing the door behind her, she makes her way towards her balcony.
And heads outside, and looks up at the moon once more. She holds the necklace close to her, and smiles.
‘My Star, there you are.’
A voice says, she shakes her head. And looks at the constellations, she teachers out to touch them. Reaching higher and higher, she wanted to touch them.
She wanted to be amongst the stars, the moon. Her hand was on her railing, when her hand slipped causing her to off her balcony.
It happened so fast, her entire life flashed before her eyes. As everything flew past her upwards, she looked up at the moon that gave her comfort.
She screamed, as she was falling getting closer and closer to the ground. And closed her eyes, thinking she would meet the ground but didn’t.
She opened her eyes, and looked up she was in the arms of someone wearing a tuxedo suit. She gasped,
[ idk what better to have him say]
“Balconies aren’t to be played..” He says, and she just nods. Looking up at him, he seemed so familiar and this warmth she was feeling from him felt familiar too.
He placed her on the ground, “Thank you.” She says, to him smiling. And he smiles, at her and leaves. She stood there for a few good minutes, and decided to eat out.
After an hour, she made her way back home. While walking towards her apartment, she noticed the guy from this morning entering his.
“Oh, wait!” She shouted, he turned to look back at her. She made, her way towards him.
“I-I wanted to thank you, for finding my necklace. Making sure it makes it’s way back to me.” She says, looking up at him.
And boy she didn’t, mind cause was he attractive. “It’s no problem, the names Chiba Mamoru.” He says, and she smiles at him.
“The names, L/n, Y/n.” She says, looking at him. The two stood there, this interaction them being there felt so familiar.
“I’m sorry for bumping into you this morning, that’s my fault I was late for my job.” She says, looking down embarrassed.
“I’ve been bumped into quite a lot lately.” He says, jokingly and she giggled rubbing the back of her neck.
“I’m not usually, clumsy. To be honest I’m lucky to even be alive, just an hour ago. I was saved by someone in a Tuxedo suit. Cause I fell off my balcony.” She says, looking down nervously.
“Are you okay?” He asked, worriedly. And she nodded, smiling at him.
“Yep. I’m fine just a little shaken.” She says, she looks up at him and nervously plays with her necklace.
“W-Well it is getting late, sorry we couldn’t talk a bit longer. Hope to run into you more often Mamoru.” She says, bowing at him and walking towards her apartment.
Mamoru watched her, that laugh, that smile. Was too familiar, he’s seen it before. But where.
[Y/n], sighed as she walked into her apartment. She closed, the balcony door. And sat on her couch looking at the moon from inside.
Fiddling with her necklace, something flashed in her head.
‘It’s beautiful!’
‘Not as much as you.’
‘My love.’
‘My star’
She gasped, and groaned in pain. She fell to her knees, and looked down at the ground. Then her necklace began to glow, she gasped looking at it.
The light develops her and she begins to transform into, Sailor Luna.
[ Star ]: Nickname given to Princess Y/n, by Endymion
[ Sailor Luna ]: only in live action version of Sailor Moon.
[ Part II ] sneak peek
[Y/n] trips and, Mamoru catches her in his arms. The two look each-other in the eyes, the familiar warmth and feeling returning.
They quickly avert their gaze, and blush.
‘Lunar Cosmic Power Make Up!’ She shouts, as she begins to transform into sailor Luna.
Helping alongside Sailor Moon to fight..
‘Lunar beam!’ [Y/n] shouts, at the villain.
[Y/n] collapses to the ground, tired and exhausted. Tuxedo Mask, picks her up and carries her back to her apartment and places her on the couch.
‘Find me..’
He hears a voice, say. Even though he just met [Y/n], it feels like he’s known her for years. He places a blanket over her, and leaves a kiss on her forehead.
Could she be the princess he’s been looking for?
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sailormoonrewrite · 3 years
Episode 3: The Mysterious Sleeping Sickness: Protect the Girls in Love
Another day of failing to find the princess or any other senshi worn Luna down to the bone as she used the last amounts of her energy to jump into Usagi’s open window, ready to pass out from exhaustion. Luna sighed as she landed on Usagi’s bed, where she was shocked to see said girl wide awake at 11:58 staring expectedly at her radio, clinging to her pillow.
“Usagi? Why are you still awake?” Luna asked the girl who should be fast asleep by now since it was a school night.
On her part, Usagi was shocked by the new voice but gave a big smile to her cat before yawning. “Oh hi, Luna,” she said as she returned her gaze to her radio by her bed. “I’m waiting for Midnight Zero to come on,” Usagi answered.
“Midnight Zero?” Luna asked. “What’s that?”
“It’s this new radio station that all the girls at my school are talking about,” Usagi answered. “They said that at midnight they hold a contest where they read a love letter that one of their listeners sent in and win a special brooch that will attract the heart of the one you want, and isn’t that just the most romantic thing you’ve heard Luna!” 
“It sounds a bit strange to me Usagi,” Luna said as she sat up on the bed and looked up at the teenager. “I mean why would they have this show in the middle of the night?”
“To add to the romance of course!” Usagi cried as a jingle began to play from the pink radio with the bunny sticker on its side. “Sh! It’s starting!” Usagi cried as she grabbed Luna’s mouth who just looked up at her in shock and disbelief. They were never going to find the princess were they? At this rate, Luna assumed not.
“Welcome back to Midnight Zero live from FM 10 Radio Station,” the radio personality announced. “Tonight’s lucky winner of the sakura brooch is a Haruna-chan with her letter, A Hidden Heart.” The radio personality paused to take a breath before reading, “Whenever we pass by each other and you don’t see me, I feel as small as an ant and as soundless as worm but these words I’ll never say, so inside my hidden heart these feelings remain.”
Usagi looked up before hiding her face into her pillow. “What a sad poem,” she said out loud before realizing the name of the winner. “Haruna? Could it be-?” Usagi said before laughing off the thought. There’s no way that’s possible! Haruna-sensei wouldn’t listen to something like this much less submit an entry to it. Yeah ridiculous.
Sakurada Haruna was in a state of complete and utter bliss as she bounced around her bedroom. She honestly still could not believe that it had been her letter that had been chosen but that doesn’t mean she was any less thrilled by the turn of events. Haruna flopped onto her bed, a smile wide on her face that turned into smaller more genuine smile as she thought of the one she truly wanted to send the letter to. His name was Sato Toshiro, the science teacher who’s class sat right across from hers. Everyday, they passed each other in the halls to go to their classes but so far he’s never made more than a second glance at her and a polite greeting once in a while and it broke Haruna’s heart how she never seems to have the strength to ask him if he would like to join her for some tea or coffee. Well, maybe Sato-san will hear the letter and quite possibly come to the realization it’s him. Maybe in her wildest dreams but in real life, he wouldn’t ever notice her and in fact probably find her strange for listening to a radio station intended for teenagers. 
Haruna yawned before sighing. She really should get some sleep since it would be unbecoming of a teacher to fall asleep in the middle of her class and so with this thought in mind, Haruna cozied up to her warm blankets and pillow with her eyes already heavy with sleep and dreams of her with Sato-san, she began to drift off and just as she was about to finally close her eyes...she heard a loud knock at the door. 
Haruna groaned in anger. Who possibly could be awake at this hour? And most importantly, why were they knocking on her door as she was about to go to sleep?! Begrudgingly, the young teacher pulled herself from the comfort of her bed to the chill of her studio apartment as she made her way to the front door with every intention to give whoever was on the other side a piece of her mind. Grabbing the cold metal handle, Haruna threw open the door, seconds from yelling only to find there was no one there. Was this a prank? Haruna took a deep breath so she doesn’t end up overreacting and decided it was best to just head back to bed when out of the corner of her eye, she caught something sitting on her doorstep. It was a small, white, jewelry box sitting alone causing confusion to rise in Haruna as she picked it up and opened it before grinning with glee at its contents
“I’m gonna be late! I’m gonna be late!” Usagi cried rushing around her bedroom trying to gathering her textbooks and trying to wrestle herself into her uniform at the same time. 
“Well, maybe you should’ve taken my advice and been sleeping instead of listening to the radio all night,” Luna said without a hint of sympathy as she stretched out her body before jumping down from the bed.
“Hey, I wasn’t awake all-” Usagi paused to take a deep, loud yawn, “night.”
“I guess in that you’re right,” Luna said as Usagi ran for the vanity and began to redo her messy hair. “You technically went to sleep around 4 o’clock,” Luna finished in a teasing voice.
“Luna!” Usagi whined as she finished her buns to which Luna just rolled her eyes.
“Usagi!” her mother called again from downstairs for the fourth, maybe fifth time already.
Usagi looked up and grabbed her bag, as she shoved on her black Mary Janes at the top of the stairs and then predictably tumbled down the stairs thanks to losing her balance. “Ow!” Usagi moaned as she began to pick herself off the floor. 
“Good morning Usagi,” Ikuko said from the dining room. “Would you like to come and get some breakfast before you go?”
This got Usagi to jump up at the scent of her mother’s delicious home cooked breakfast. “Okay, Mom!” with that Usagi took off for the dining room so fast it nearly made Ikuko drop the plate she was trying to clean and take a 360 degree twirl, barely managing to catch the plate that was about to turn into a collection of shattered glass.
Usagi dived to the kitchen table where her brother and father had already finished breakfast and began to shove as much food as possible onto a plate, especially the cinnamon rolls that were heavy in sugar and spices. 
“Usagi-baka,” Shingo said as Usagi began shoveling food into her mouth. “Do you always have to eat like a pig all the time?”
Usagi looked at her brother, her cheeks filled with food that she proceeded to swallow just to yell, “SHINGO!”
“Stop fighting you too,” their father Kenji said as Usagi was about to grab Shingo for being such annoying little brat all the time. 
“Fine,” Usagi whined before looking over at her brother who stuck his tongue at her. “Why you! I’ll get you sooner or later!” Usagi cried but before she could grab him the little runt was already dashing out  “Shingo! You coward! Come back and face me!”
“Usagi!” Ikuko said as she began to gather the rest of the empty dishes. “You don’t need to disrupt the entire neighborhood.”
“But mom!” Usagi whined again to which Ikuko just grabbed the bridge of her nose praying for someone to help her as she walked back into the kitchen to finish up her dishes. Usagi was now on the verge of crying? Why was her mother always taking Shingo’s side? Sure he got better grades but that’s all besides he’s 12, so of course his homework would be easier. Looking over to her father for help she finally saw the tagline written in rich, bold letters that read “New Sleeping Disease Spreads Throughout Tokyo!” which for some reason or another caught her eye.
“Hey, Papa, what’s that sleeping sickness thing about?” Usagi asked, pointing at the front page. This caught Kenji’s attention who turned to his daughter and then to the front page. “Oh that. It’s the strangest thing,” Kenji said, as he lay the paper flat. “A few days ago numerous people across the city have been randomly falling asleep, unable to wake up and no one can figure out the reason.”
“A disease that makes people fall asleep and unable to wake up?” Usagi asked tapping her finger against her chin before her eyes lit up. “I wish I had that then I wouldn’t have to go to school or study, I can just lie around in bed all day,” Usagi said with a bit too much joy in her voice.
Kenji gave a small chuckle as he walked over and messed with his daughter’s blonde hair saying, “Well, if you want more ice cream, hope I don’t get the sleeping sickness,” as Ikuko walked out with his lunch and a kiss.
“Have a wonderful day,” Ikuko said as Kenji kissed her on the cheek.
“Thanks, honey,” he said as took the meal from his wife’s hands before rubbing his daughter’s head on his way out, “Have a great day, sweetie.”
“Thanks, papa!” Usagi said as she began to take another bite with a big smile.
“And don’t you have somewhere to be off to as well?” Ikuko asked.
Usagi paused midbite. Didn’t she have somewhere to be? Usagi peeked down at her uniform and then behind her to see the clock was now ticking closer to the time she has to make it to school before she had another detention which made the fourteen-year-old’s eyes go wide. “...AHH!” Usagi cried out as she began shoveling down as much food as she could before racing out of the house with her bag in tow, screaming all the way with her arms flapping like a bird. 
Ikuko, who was a witnessed to all of this just sighed, before walking back into the kitchen. Sometimes she wondered what she was going to do with her.
“I’MSORRY!I’MSORRY!I’MSORRY!” Usagi cried out upon breaking into her classroom, out of breath from running the entire way from her house. She began to take deep, heavy breaths leaning on the doorframe for support as she waited for the lecture from her teacher about how ‘tardiness is not permissible’ and ‘we’ve barely started the school year and already you have been tardy every single time’ even though she was only seven minutes late (give or take). 
However, it never came. This confused Usagi since usually, Haruna-sensei wouldn’t take a second thought on demanding where she was and then sentencing to detention or staying after class. Usagi peeked up to see a very bored, impatient classroom tapping their pencils, writing in their journals, or having begun to talk to their friends and fellow classmates, which only aroused her confusion even more since Sakurada-sensei would never let the students fool around like this, especially after the bell had rung. She turned her head over to where the teacher’s desk where she should’ve been sitting but wasn’t. Okay now, this was getting weird. Sakurada-sensei had never been late to class in all the time she’d been working at the school and now she was just missing...Wait. Did this mean no lecture today?...Woohoo! Usagi was home free today. Maybe the universe was giving her a pass for once!
As Usagi felt like jumping for joy at the newest development she heard her friend Naru call “Usagi-chan! Come over here!” 
Usagi did so where she found Naru sitting at her desk with the only topic that was on their minds was last night’s radio show and the beginnings of a letter on her desk. “Hi Naru-chan!” Usagi said as she wrapped her arms around her best friend before taking a seat in the desk next to her to talk to her more. “Did you listen to Midnight Zero last night?”
“I did,” Naru said with a dreamy expression on her face. “That letter was sweet, sad, but so romantic,” she paused for a moment before looking down at the letter she was writing. “It actually inspired me to write my own love letter.”
This made Usagi’s eyes go wide as she grabbed her best friend’s shoulders and held her so their faces, specifically their noses, were practically touching from being mere inches apart. “Who’s it for!?”
Naru pushed Usagi away and shrugged, “No one. I just wanted to write one to get the flower brooches they give out to the winner.” She paused for a moment before looking down at the unfinished love letter. “I suppose it would be nice if someone heard the letter and would fall in love with it.”
Usagi looked at her expression and smiled before a thought came to her, “Maybe I should do that too!” she cried out. Naru had the right idea! Even if she doesn’t have a crush right now, he might hear it and fall madly in love with her and her writing and if not she still gets one of those cute brooches out of it! She’ll start right away then she can deliver it to the station before the show tonight. Good plan, Usagi! With this thought in mind, she was about to pull out her pen when Haruna-sensei came in. Well, came is a strong word as she more dragged herself in and in Usagi’s opinion looked terrible. 
Her eyes were drooping, her clothes were messy, her skin was much paler than usual, on her breast was a sakura brooch like the ones that were given out by Midnight Zero (how did she get one?), and she looked as though she was minutes from falling over and passing out on the school’s floor. Usagi watched as Sakurada-sensei managed to put herself into her chair before laying her head in her arms before looking over at the other students who seemed to have similar thoughts as her as they stared without knowing why their usual prim and proper teacher was now acting like a college student after one two many parties but were forced to show up to their lecture.
With their teacher on the verge of falling asleep and having no idea what their lesson was the class, including Usagi just sat there staring at her before Naru finally gained the courage to ask, “Um...excuse me, Sakurada-sensei?” 
Sakurada-sensei raised her head a bit to glare at Naru for interrupting her attempt to fall asleep at her desk before groaning out, “What?”
“Um...well...what’s today’s lesson?” Naru asked rubbing the back of her head.
“Oh...um...it’s a free period today,” Sakurada-sensei said waving off the teenager. “Just quietly study.”
Usagi cheered (internally of course). No classwork or homework and a free period to do whatever she wanted as long as she was quiet! Sign her up and she can totally be quiet. Sure she’s never done it for long periods of time but she can definitely do it.
With this in mind, she brings out her special bubblegum pink pen and piece of paper from her journal and holds it over the empty page...and totally is getting something. Yeah. This is easy. Just think of something romantic and it will come to her. She is the guardian of love and justice so this should be easy...GAH! WHY WAS THIS SO HARD!? 
Her head fell on top of the paper as she tried to think of something. Love on your wings? My heart is yours? Love will come soon? Ugh. Why was writing so hard? Especially romance! Was it because she didn’t know who to write for? Usagi sighed as she put her head in her hands.
As Usagi dealt with being unable to write her letter she heard a small “Usagi-chan?” from Naru so she turned in the direction of the redhead who stared with worry at their teacher. “Don’t you think Sakurada-sensei looks a little strange?”
Usagi looked back at her as she now appeared to be sleeping. “I guess but she could just be tired,” Usagi shrugged before going back to her letter.
“I suppose but...” Naru looked at the sleeping teacher before getting out of her seat and walked over to their teacher to observe her only to notice that her breathing was harsh and shallow. “Sakurada-sensei,” Naru asked as she tried to arouse her from her sleep. “Sakurada-sensei!” she called again, this time louder and shook the teacher more harshly but she didn’t wake up. “She’s not waking up!” Naru cried out which caught everyone’s attention who were now staring up at Naru and their teacher who was looking sicker every passing moment. “I’m going to go get help!” Naru said as Usagi watched her go and more people went up to try their hand at waking up Sakurada-sensei until Naru came back with the hot science teacher, Sato-sensei who observed the situation with worry in his eyes. 
After making an assessment, he turned to the class and said, “Students, please remain seated while I contact an ambulance,” with that he phoned the ambulance who came twenty minutes later and loaded Sakurada-sensei onto a gurney before taking her away to the hospital. Sato-sensei waited around awhile, worry clearly written on his face that Usagi just chocked up to being him scared for his fellow teacher, but why was he this worried? Did he...No, that’s not possible.
However as the ambulance took off Usagi thought is was a bit excessive, especially since she was just sleeping. However...Sleeping...A thought came to Usagi. Could Sakurada-sensei have got that weird disease? Sato-sensei seemed to think it was serious enough for a hospital and he was a science teacher so he probably knew what he was talking about but...where did she get it from? 
“Sir?” The young secretary said as she entered the head of the FM 10 radio station’s. “We have more of those letters directed to Midnight Zero,” she said holding out to him a large stack of love letters tied together by a string.
“Are you sure?” he said as he took the letters from her outstretched hand and saw that yes they were all addressed to FM 10, specifically Midnight Zero, two words that he was sick of hearing about. He leaned back into his chair and rubbed the bridge of his nose, “I thought our message that this Midnight Zero is not associated with us in any capacity and that these letters need to stop being sent to us?” he said as he threw the letters into the waste bin next to him. 
“I thought so as well, sir,” she said as she looked at the waste bin then back to him. “I’ll tell them to send out another message later tonight.”
“Thank you,” he said as he got out of his seat. “And I’ll come with you to make sure that people actually hear it this time.” With that the two left the office, unbeknownst to them however, something, well specifically someone was still looming in the office. Someone who appeared in a cloud of dark smoke next to the bin where he took the letters out and began to read them with a wicked smirk.
“I can’t believe you managed to finish that entire letter in one day,” Usagi whined as they began their walk to their homes from school.
“Well, it wasn’t easy given the...events of today,” Naru said with a bit of a frown as she remembered what happened. “I really do hope Sakurada-sensei will be okay though,” Naru said changing the subject back to their ailing teacher.
“Yeah, but I’m sure she’ll be fine though,” Usagi said with a sympathetic smile. “But I don’t wanna talk Sakurada-sensei’s sickness, let’s talk about the letter because I need advice. I haven’t made any progress on it and I wanna send it in tonight!” 
Naru smiled at her friend’s want before tapping her finger against her chin. “Have you tried imagining the guy you want to send it to?”
“Imagine the guy?” Usagi asked, tilting her head to the side a question mark seeming to come from her. 
“Well, yeah. That’s what I’ve been doing to write my letter. I just imagine my dream guy and then I put all my feelings and thoughts onto the paper,” Naru said with a shrug.
“My dream guy?” Usagi says as she begins to imagine her perfect man. “Well, I want him to be protective, intelligent, kind, loving, loyal, romantic, and looks good in a tuxedo,” Usagi said with hearts in her eyes as she backed up her perfect man already coming to her mind. Tuxedo and all (and yes the looking good in a tuxedo is absolutely vital). 
However, as she thought about him she didn’t watch where she was going and she fell into someone, knocking her to her butt with a little yelp. “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t paying attention” Usagi cried, cheeks red from embarrassment as she pulled herself up to bow out of politeness, seeing the person she hit had also hit a nearby telephone pole and was strangely wearing a tuxedo during the middle of the day, though she had to admit he looked rather nice in it. The dark fabric framing the back of his broad shoulders, the coat seemingly fitted to his muscular body, and how the dark color made him look sophisticated and matched his short jet-black locks, it made her cheeks turn a different shade of red...that is until he turned around and with a bright red mark on his forehead was him. The sunglasses-wearing jerk who likes to make fun of her.
“Oh it’s you. Between this, the shoe, and the paper are you trying to give me bumps on my head too, bump-head?” he asked as looked over at her, annoyance in his voice. 
“They are not bumps!” Usagi yelled, attracting attention from around her but she was too focused on this jerk to care. “They are buns, odangos!”
“So you admit it then, Odango Atama?” he replied, putting extra emphasis on the ‘odango atama’ with a smirk on his face as she realized what she said, her face now red as a cherry from fury. Who does this guy think he is?  
“You...you...” Usagi said pointing at him. “Don’t call me that! Also, what are you doing wearing that in the middle of the day!” she said gesturing to the tuxedo he totally didn’t look good in at all.
“Why? I like it and I don’t remember it being any of your business what I wear,” he said with a shrug. “Though, I guess I should thank you for at least apologizing for your klutzy behavior smacking my face into the pole.”
“I wasn’t apologizing to you!” Usagi said, not wanting to admit that she did feel bad for hurting him. 
“Then who were you apologizing to then?” he said, crossing his arms. 
“I apologized to...the pole!” Usagi said pointing at the telephone pole, he had been knocked into moments before, which caused both Naru and the jerk to look at her confused. Now with this in mind, she sauntered off to the pole and in the most confident voice she could muster said, “I’m so sorry, Mr. Telephone Pole that my clumsiness caused the worst guy on Earth to be knocked into you.” 
“Well, that’s good. Apologizing to the telephone pole,” he said with a laughing. “But it might be a problem since the warm weather might be affecting your head,” he continued which made Usagi glare at him which barely seemed to affect him as he walked off.
“Who was that?” Naru asked watching him leave as Usagi was trying to fight off the ability to scream. What was with that guy?! “He was gorgeous!”
Usagi looked over at her pain and betrayal evident in her eyes as she looked into the eyes of her friends before yelling, “He is not! He’s rude, a jerk, and every time we meet he ticks me off!”
“You know him?” Naru asked.
Usagi paused her ranting about the sunglasses-wearing jerk before looking over at Naru. “Well...er...not really. We’ve just met a couple of times...but every time he’s a rude baka who gets on my very last nerve!”
“I see,” Naru said, before pulling out her letter. “Anyways, I’m going to head over to FM 10 to drop off my love letter for the show tonight.”
At the mention of FM 10 and Midnight Zero (and to get her mind off that stupid tuxedo-wearing baka), an idea struck her like lightning (figurative lightning, not literal lightning) and this idea was going to help her write her own love letter and get one of those cool flower brooches for herself because if she just so happened to come across the radio personality handing him a letter from a friend, he will see how kind and generous she is and surely will remember her and then the letter, she’ll write will be read for sure! It was full-proof! Nothing could go wrong! Nothing! “How about I take it to FM 10 for you?”
“Really, Usagi-chani?” Naru asked. 
“Yeah! It won’t be any trouble at all and I might even be able to meet the DJ who runs it!” Usagi said with stars in her eyes.
“Well, if you’re sure-” Naru began as Usagi snatched the letter.
“I insist! Thanks Naru!” Usagi said bolting off in the direction of FM 10 as her friend awkwardly waved at her good-bye still unsure of what just happened.
After a series of falls, trips, and spills Usagi somehow managed to make it to the FM 10 radio station with the letter still in her hand and upon seeing the building Usagi took a sigh of relief as her journey was now at an end, and now she can finally meet the famous radio host who spread so much love and joy to girls everywhere! And deliver Naru’s letter of course. As she thought of this however with a dreamy smile on her face...she faceplants into the ground right in front of the building. 
“May I help you?” someone asked and Usagi turned from staring at the asphalt to a man dressed in a security guard’s uniform staring down at her.
“Oh uh...” Usagi said as she quickly picked herself up and held out the lover letter. “I’m Tsukino Usagi and bringing a letter from my friend to Midnight Zero, so if I could just get by-” Usagi said as she tried to move past the stern-faced guard who put his arm out blocking the blonde teenager and took the letter from her, examining the address before shaking his head.
“I assume you didn’t hear the broadcast this morning so I’ll let you off with a warning, but you must know that Midnight Zero has no relation to FM 10 Radio Station and if that’s all the business you have with us, then I must ask you to leave at once,” the security guard ordered Usagi to go into a state of shock.
“B-but, that’s not possible,” Usagi managed to sputter out in her confusion. “The host said the show’s live from this radio station!”
“Well, I don’t know why he would say that, but the station is not associated with him in any capacity,” the security guard shrugged before walking beginning to walk back over to his post but felt his sleeve being grabbed by the blonde.
“But I listened to him last night! Could you check again?” Usagi pleaded. It was simply impossible. Her mind couldn’t have just made it up since she heard Naru talking about it and it was on last night when she was listening to it with Luna so what gives!?
“Young lady, I’m sure. Now I’m going to have to ask you to leave or I will have to throw you off the property for trespassing,” the security guard said squeezing the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he ripped his arm away from her.
“But I know what I heard!” Usagi argued again, her face turning red from anger. 
“Please leave,” the security guard said quickly losing his patience with the middle schooler. He doesn’t get paid enough to deal with all this especially since she was ninth, maybe tenth, girl he’d already sent away because of that show.
“Not until I get answers and that letter back!” Usagi said and tried to run past the security guard and break into the radio station to find out what happened to Midnight Zero and why this stupid security guard thinks they don’t exist? She will not be stopped in her quest!
She was stopped...The security guard grabbed her as she ran before turning her around sending her back the way she came and she continued running until she realized where she was going before yelling back at the station where the security guard was now a small dot with a loud and indignant “Hey!” which seemed to go unnoticed. “HEY!” she yelled and still nothing. “YOU ARE A MASSIVE JERK!” Usagi cried out even louder, which only managed to attract stares from nearby passersby. “Gr!” Usagi vocally growled before turning on her heel and stomped away muttering curses of anger at the situation. Not only did she lose out on her chance to meet the host, that jerky security guard stole Naru’s letter! Now, she won’t ever get the chance to hear it! She won’t even get it back thanks to that security guard! Usagi growled as she continued stomping home.
“And that’s when that baka took Naru’s letters and told me Midnight Zero didn’t exist!” Usagi ranted to Luna as she threw away another would be love letter after love letter into waste bin. She didn’t care what that stupid security guard said, she knew what she heard, and she was going to get her prize! Though why was writing this stupid thing so hard! 
“Well if he said, they aren’t associated with Midnight Zero, he’s probably right,” Luna said, sitting up since sleeping seemed to be impossible at this moment. 
Usagi looked over at Luna, a face of shock sketched on her features. “How could you take his side over mine, Luna!? Especially with the way he treated me!”
“Because he’s an employee who works for the station,” Luna said in a monotone. “Besides, I don’t see the point of having a show like that anyway. A love letter is something that’s supposed to be private, to be given to the person you love with care, not shouted out to the world for a prize because then it becomes empty and meaningless.” Luna jumped off the bed. “I’m going to go check something out Usagi...Just think about what I said,” she continued  before heading out into the darkened hallway, leaving the blonde all alone in her bunny-themed bedroom. 
Usagi paused before she allowed her pen to touch the paper. Was Luna right? She and Naru were only sending in their love letters on the possibility that someone might hear them but mainly to get the brooches they give to the winner. Was that why she couldn’t write her letter without it being hard? As she thought about this, she heard the telltale jingle begin to play from her radio that she had tuned into FM 10 earlier.
“Welcome back to Midnight Zero live right now from FM 10,” the announcer said. So that security guard did to lie to her! “Today, the winner of the rose brooch is an Osaka Naru-san,” the host said which caused Usagi’s eyes to widen. Osaka Naru? Naru! A smile now on her face, the anger she felt towards the lying security guard evaporated. Well, at least, the letter got to the host now she won’t have to deal with Naru being angry with her and everything went perfectly! Well, except not meeting him but whatever. There’s always next time! “My heart flies on Cupid’s wings when you’re with me, when you hold me close, and pull me near. Even when I awaken from my slumber and turn my eyes to the morning sun, you are still with me and one day I hope to see you here with me.”
“Usagi!” Luna called back breaking her out of her listening, joyful trance and then over at Luna who had the newspaper from earlier today her dad was reading with the article about the sleeping sickness. 
“Come on Luna, that was Naru-chan’s letter he was re-” Usagi began, shoving her pen into the pocket of her uniform skirt.
“There is no Midnight Zero,” Luna said, coldly.
“I’m listening to it right n-” Usagi said pointing to the radio on her nightstand.
Luna wasn’t convinced and began to flip the pages of the newspaper to the one with FM 10 radio schedule before turning it so Usagi can see that under the midnight schedule wasn’t Midnight Zero. 
It felt like the world came crashing down on Usagi in that moment. B-but how!? It was on right now! “Do you think they might have changed the schedule?” Usagi asked still in shock as she grabbed the newspaper, trying to make sense of it. Surely, this was a joke right. Maybe they had someone else and they cancelled at the last second? That had to be it. Right? Right! But the words the guard said kept rattling around Usagi’s head
“I don’t know, but-” Luna never got the chance to finish as there was a loud knock at the door. The front door. Usagi and Luna looked between each other with the same expression of wonder and confusion. It was the middle of the night so who in the world could be at that door? Was it a robber who came to break in the house? A night stalker who wanted to harm her family? One of those creepy monsters intent on destroying them? All these thoughts rattled around in her head. What can she do? Call the police? Call the army? What? What!? Wait. Oh yeah! Usagi was Sailor Moon. Whoever was at the door would face her wrath! With that she struck her Sailor Moon pose until another knock threw her confidence right out of the window.
“EEEK!” Usagi said backing away into her vanity nearly knocking it over and actually knocking her jewelry box to the ground, spilling its contents on the ground. Grabbing the empty box, Usagi and Luna cautiously made their way down the stairs with her holding the jewelry box over her head. “W-who goes there!?” Usagi shouted as she came near the door. “I got a,” Usagi looked at the small box in her hand and then said, “heavy object and I’m not afraid to use it!”
“U-usagi-chan?” a small quiet voice said from behind the door that sounded a lot like Naru.
Usagi quickly put down the jewelry box and raced to the front door. Naru? What was she doing here? Was she okay? Usagi knew she lived close but why had she come in the middle of the night!
Throwing open the door, Usagi saw Naru standing their in her nightgown wearing one of the brooches that Midnight Zero sent out on the bow with a smile on her face. However, her smile wasn’t normal. It was creepy. Her emerald green eyes were dulled and darkened looking through Usagi than at her, her skin was pale, and looked to be on the verge of fainting. She looked and acted more like a zombie than her friend Naru, just like Sakurada-sensei. “I...won,” were he last words before she fell forward.
“Naru-chan!” Usagi cried as she raced over to catch her friend before she could fall onto the hardwood surface. “Naru-chan! Naru-chan!” Usagi yelled, trying to shake her friend awake but it was no use, she was out cold. “Luna, what’s wrong with her?!” Usagi begged the cat who stared at the display in shock before turning to the blonde.
“Do you think she might’ve contracted that Sleeping Sickness that the newspaper mentioned?” Luna asked.
“That’s not possible though!” Usagi said, feeling bile rise in her throat at the thought of her friend ending up in the hospital like their teacher. “She was perfectly fine this morning!” Usagi cried with a panic.
Luna looked up in sympathy at the blonde before sighing. “I’m going to go check the newspaper again. Just keep an eye on her in the meantime,” Luna instructed before jumping up the stairs leaving Usagi alone with her unconscious best friend, tears threatening to flow from her eyes. Naru couldn’t be sick! This couldn’t be happening! She was one of the sweetest, kindest people Usagi knew! She didn’t deserve to be in this state!
“Please, Naru-chan!” Usagi called again, trying fruitlessly to wake her from her unnatural slumber. “Naru-chan!” Usagi said, as tears were now free flowing down her eyes as she rested her head on her sleeping friend’s chest, specifically on the brooch she was wearing.
A strange feeling began to overcome the secret heroine. She felt cold...dizzy...tired. Her eyelids were growing heavy from tears and sleep...It was getting harder and harder to keep them open until she couldn’t anymore.
“And we will return soon, after these messages,” the host said as he tore up the pathetic letter that ‘Naru’ sent earlier when he heard buzzing come from the top of the desk. Grabbing the communication orb, he snapped his fingers and on the glass came a dark image of Queen Beryl sitting upon her throne, starring at him with no emotion.
“Jadeite,” the queen said in a neutral tone as Jadeite stood up and bowed for her. “Have things been progressing according to plan?”
“Yes, my queen,” Jadeite answered bowing his head. “And there has been no sign of that miserable Sailor Moon.”
Queen Beryl leaned back into her throne and said, “Well, Jadeite for once, your plan managed to impress me.”
Jadeite nodded before saying, “You flatter me my queen, but it was truly a simple task. The humans, especially young females, are weak beings who see love as strength than the simple-minded, primal emotion it truly is so all I have to do is exploit this vulnerability using the dark brooches I created and the energy was ours for the taking.”
“I see,” Queen Beryl said. “Continue your work and soon our ambitions will be reality.”
“I understand, My Lady,” Jadeite said as the image of the queen faded away. With a smirk, he stood up and took his seat. Soon, the same girls who torture him with their pathetic, sappy love letters will have their energy fed to their Great Queen and with her in power, the Dark Kingdom will rule this planet and a thousand more. 
He relaxed in his chair, thinking on his brilliant plan with a wicked chuckle at the thought of the lack of effort it took breaking down these humans’ defenses. Just a miasmic version of the sleeping spell throughout the station and they fell into an endless dream all night with no memory of ever seeing him. Unfortunately, that version had been a prototype and could only be used in small areas and for a limited number of hours without draining much energy certainly nothing that would make any difference to the queen. Luckily though he learned his lesson and transferred the miasma into a solid shape, hence the brooches he was giving out like candy feeding the Dark Kingdom all of the girls’ energy. He really was a genius. 
After grabbing the paper in her mouth, Luna made her way downstairs, hoping that Usagi had managed to get the situation somewhat under control but even with the little time she knew her, Luna sort of doubted that. Sighing, the cat continued to make her way to the Tsukinos foyer when she dropped the paper at the sight waiting for her.
On top of Naru’s sleeping body was Usagi out cold. “Usagi?” Luna asked. That girl was too lazy for own good in the cat’s opinion. Falling asleep at a time like this? Really? Rushing over to the girl, Luna cried out “Usagi!” as she climbed on to the girl’s head trying to wake her with her paws. “USAGI!” Luna tried once more. Nothing. Okay time for drastic measures. “I’m sorry Usagi,” Luna muttered before extending her claws and scratching Usagi’s cheek and to Luna’s horror and shock, Usagi was still fast asleep. Now, Luna was scared. Scratching her had always worked whenever Usagi couldn’t be bothered to get up for school and yet now...! “USAGI!” Luna called again, this time out of desperation and still nothing. Oh, no. Luna jumped off Usagi onto Naru before pushing the blonde off her friend in order to get a better look at the situation when she got a better look at the brooch Usagi had been lying on. 
Luna leaned down to get a better look at and was shocked back by the jewel, falling off Naru hitting her head! Shakily standing up, Luna looked back at the brooch and knowing something wasn’t right with it, jumped to grab it again. 
Snatching the jewel in her teeth, she began to try and pull off the brooch as it sent out wave after wave of electric shocks through her body, trying to force her to let go. However, she knew she couldn’t despite the discomfort that flew through her and held fast, trying to rip the brooch off of Usagi’s friend. It was pure pain and her fur was spiking up around her until she could barely see what was before her but she still held on, and eventually she felt the brooch give a little. Using this newfound opening, Luna continued to pull and pull until it gave enough to allow Luna to fling it at the door causing it to shatter and from its pieces rose a cloud of dark energy that soon dissipated from sight.
This made Luna sigh in relief as she shook herself free of the shocked fur, before horror struck her. Brooches don’t usually give off dark energy once they shatter and they don’t give off electric shocks to prevent someone from taking them off. Come to think of it, Usagi said Naru was fine this morning until she got that brooch. Wait a minute weren’t those brooches rewards from Midnight Zero? What if...
“Ugh...” Luna heard from where Usagi lay and she turned to see said girl grabbing her head, as she sat upright. Luna rushed over to the girl who now stood up confused. “...My head,” Usagi said rubbing her head and then her cheek. “...My cheek.”
“There’s no time for that Usagi! We have to get to FM 10 Radio Stationnow!” Luna cried which gained a confused look from the already confused girl. “Midnight Zero might be part of the enemy!”
“What!?” Usagi asked jumping up in surprise. “There’s no way!”
“Think about it Usagi! Naru only got sick because of the brooch and no one outside the listeners ever heard of Midnight Zero and if it was a real show wouldn’t it have been on the listings? You passed out when he laid on it,” Luna told Usagi.
Usagi thought for a moment. Luna did have a point but... “Well, there could be another explanation,” Usagi tried.
“What?” Luna asked questioning the girl.
“Well, um, maybe Naru just was really tired and when I cried on her I got really tired too, so...” Usagi tried but if she was being honest, even she didn’t believe what she was saying and neither was Luna. “Or maybe it’s perfectly innocent but was highjacked by the enemy!”
“Right, then we should still investigate it,” Luna said turning to the door.
“But it’s late,” Usagi whined. 
“Didn’t seemed to bother you while you were mulling over your love letter,” Luna replied. 
“Well...” Usagi looked down at Naru and fell next to her. “I have to help Naru!” Usagi said pulling her up and walking her over to the Tsukinos sofa. 
“We’ll be helping her, and many more innocent girls, by defeating the enemy,” Luna pointed out.
Usagi didn’t have a response and just pouted before turning to Luna begrudgingly nodded at the cat and with that the two left.
Eventually, the two made it to FM 10 Radio Station that glowed from the lights inside implying that many of the employees were still there, creating a problem for the two. “How are we going to get in Luna?” Usagi asked as they paused next to the wall
“For you, I’m not sure,” Luna asked pondering their situation. 
“Maybe I can transform and then waltz in!” Usagi said.
“They will accept Sailor Moon just popping in?” Luna asked. 
“Well...um...they might?” Usagi said. “Or maybe I can rush in before they catch me?” 
“No offense, Usagi but you’re not exactly the best runner so you’ll probably be caught in a few minutes,” Luna said. “Maybe, you can distract the guards using something and hide.”
“No I’m too clumsy for that,” Usagi said before looking down. “They’ll catch me in two minutes.” She then looked down at her her clothes and realized that if she had a costume, she could just waltz right in there and see what nefarious plot Midnight Zero was forced to engage in. “I wish I had something disguise myself in,” she said without really thinking and her brooch began to glow. Usagi looked down and saw the white light now left her brooch and traveled to her pocket where light began to shine. She followed it and pulled out the object, her pink pen she had all but forgotten about, began to transform before her eyes and when the light finally settled, Usagi saw what became of her perfectly average pen which was now lined with a gold ring around the middle and on the top was more gold in the shape of a crown embedded with red gems and a larger gem standing in the middle.
“What just happened?” Usagi asked, holding her pen close to her face trying to figure out how her brooch transformed her pen into a fancy pen.
“I’m not sure but you wished for the ability to disguise yourself and your brooch must’ve granted you that wish,” Luna reasoned.
“I guess that makes sense,” Usagi said, and unsure of what else clicked the top of the pen and said unsure if it would do anything, “Moon Power, turn me into a gorgeous newscaster!” At that request, Usagi saw a pink light leave the pen that surrounded her, transforming her.
When the light finally settled Usagi looked much older and more mature with a bob instead of her normal buns with a pink cardigan tunic over a dark pink skirt and white pumps with a matching accessories of sunglasses, a necklace, and earrings.
“Wow, I look amazing!” Usagi cried out in joy, giggling out loud.
“Keep your voice down! We don’t want them to know you’re not really a newscaster,” Luna said. 
Usagi flicked her now short blonde hair and corrected with a smirk, “A gorgeous newscaster,” which just made Luna roll her eyes at her arrogance. “Don’t worry Luna, now that I look like this, there’s not way I can’t get in!” Usagi finished, putting on her sunglasses and then not even three seconds later, faceplanted into the concrete sidewalk. She quickly picked herself up and made her way into the building with a astonishingly little security to block her way and falling into the ground only twice (not counting her first fall)!
The first thing the two noticed was that the building was extremely quiet and bare. There was no one at the front desk doing last minute paperwork. No security to ask Usagi who she was. There was no janitor doing some late night cleaning duty. Lucky break since it looked like she wouldn’t need the costume anyway (which she will not be taking off since she looks great in it), but still, shouldn’t there have been someone here?
The two continued down the silent halls of the radio station where the lights above quite a few doors were lit up in red for recording, however, when Usagi tried to listen to hear anyone from the studios, even just murmur there was none. Strange the sign says they’re recording and yet she couldn’t hear a sound. She knew it was late so not many people would be here, she knew it would be but shouldn’t there be someone here?
They continued down the halls and still no one. Not an intern, a guard, anyone!
She could feel nerves crawl down her spine as they walked through station. Shivering, she grabbed her cardigan and pulled it closer to her. Where was this chill coming from? Why now? She tried to listen again, this time for anything. The shuffling of feet, the movement of paper, the squeaking of shoes to just confirm that she and Luna aren’t alone here. There was nothing. She felt goosebumps rise on her skin as they traveled on. Seriously, where was everyone!?
“Don’t you think this is a bit strange?” Usagi whispered to the cat as they continued to try and find the studio where Midnight Zero was recording.
“It is, so keep on your guard,” Luna stoically said to which Usagi nodded and grabbed her sunglasses to be used like a weapon if it was needed.
A noise, no a voice, came to their ears and it nearly shocked them out of their skins from the fright and nerves. Usagi, for her part, gave out a small yelp before Luna glared at her to be quiet which she immediately did. 
Clumsily, Usagi snuck her way to the door and cautiously peeked inside and saw sitting at a desk talking into a microphone, a really good looking guy! His bright golden hair and cold silver eyes, the smooth voice he talked in, it was all very nice and Usagi could feel her cheeks blush slightly. “Wow, he’s so hot!” Usagi quietly cried.
“Usagi!” Luna angrily whispered at her. 
“Oh right,” Usagi whispered back as she stood up straight and push the door fully opened which she saw shocked the man to look at her with a glare. 
“Who are you?” he asks in annoyance.
“Oh, um...is this Midnight Zero?” Usagi asked trying to sound confident.
“Yes, but that still doesn’t answer my question,” he asks anger now adding to his irritation.
“I’m...your new co-host!” she says before quickly taking a seat next to him and grabbing the microphone away from him. “Hello there, I’m new to Midnight Zero!”
“I don’t have a co-host,” the man said with his arms crossed. “Get out, now.”
“That’s weird because the manager just hired me tonight,” Usagi bluffed, trying hide her worry behind a smile.
“That’s not possible,” he said frustration growing in his voice. 
“Really? Because I just saw him earlier and that’s when he hired me to work with you!” Usagi said, rubbing the back of her head as Luna jumped onto her lap who glowered at the DJ.
“Get out! There’s no way the manager could’ve hired you!” he said, now yelling at Usagi who was shocked by his outburst. When she listened to his voice it was always so husky and low but seeing him now, was that all lie? 
Usagi felt tears coming to her eyes but managed to shake her head. She couldn’t lose her cover now. “Well, I just met him outside earlier and he did so I’m sorry if he didn’t tell you but here I am and I’m here to stay,” Usagi said again, a forced smile coming back to her face.
“There’s no way the manager could’ve hired someone like you because I took care of him myself!” he yelled before realizing what he did, paused out of shock
“Took care of him?” Usagi repeated. “What do you mean took care of him?”
The man broke out of his trance before grabbing something from under his desk, it was a brooch, and in his hands it was a radiating with a wicked red light. “The same way I’ll deal be dealing with you!” he then proceeded to fling the evil brooch at Usagi who was still in her chair due to how fast the turn of events happened. Luckily, Luna has the best reflexes between them smacked the evil piece of jewelry away, causing it to break like Naru’s brooch emitting that same dark energy. 
“You were right, Luna!” Usagi said, looking up at the man before her as he reached for another brooch. “Midnight Zero is the enemy!” she cried as she grabbed the sunglasses that came with her disguise and flung them at the fake DJ piercing him in the middle of of the forehead knocking him back for a moment, giving Usagi just enough time to grab the microphone and say, “LISTEN TO ME! The brooches aren’t a prize! They’re a curse! Besides, someone really wise,” Usagi looked over at Luna, “told me that letters that are not supposed to be used to win prizes! They’re supposed to be used to confess your deepest most personal feelings towards someone so if you want to give your love letter to someone, give it to your crush!”
“That’s enough!” The man said, as he ripped the microphone from Usagi’s hands. “Clearly, putting you to sleep won’t be enough to take care of you, I’ll just have to get rid of you permanently!” he said as he summoned in icicle to fling at Usagi who managed to duck out of the way and used all her remaining energy to sprint towards the open door into the halls.
Running down the halls, she heard the man following her so in a quick action, Usagi ducked into a recording room with Luna on her heels. The moment she was inside she blocked the door with a nearby chair which allowed her to fall to the floor and take a deep breath. 
“Usagi! Look at this!” Luna cried standing by a pair of people who were lying face down on the equipment. 
“Are they okay?” Usagi asked as she tried to shake them awake to see they were in a similar state as Naru and Sakurada-sensei were. “Do you think they have the sleeping sickness?”
“Probably. What I do know is that right now we need Sailor Moon,” Luna said.
Usagi nodded and cried, “Moon Prism Power Make Up!” With that, the disguise melted away in a flash of pure light and with twirl and swirl, her clothes transformed into her fuku and accessories. 
Sailor Moon burst out the door where the man was still trying to find her. 
“How dare you take advantage of girls’ innocent love letters for their crushes and use them for your evil schemes!? I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and for justice, I am Sailor Moon and in the name of the Moon, I will punish you!”
“So you finally showed up. I was beginning to wonder when you’d finally catch onto my scheme,” he said. “Well, Sailor Moon, since you’ll be destroyed in a few moments allow me to introduce myself as well,” he continued. “I am Jadeite, a proud general of the Dark Kingdom and when I finish you off their will be nothing in our way to stop our inevitable conquest!” He summoned another icicle and threw at Sailor Moon who managed to just barely dodge it as it headed straight into wall. 
“Sailor V Kick!” Sailor Moon cried as she kicked a nearby janitor’s cart into Jadeite sending him backwards into a door. 
“Quick! He might be knocked out, Sailor Moon! Let’s take this chance!” Luna cried.
“Oh, yeah! Let’s go,” Sailor Moon agreed and the two ran in to see the door led to an emergency staircase where the janitor’s cart was sitting alone without any sign of their enemy Jadeite to be seen. “Where did he go?!” Sailor Moon said looking between the staircases that he might’ve escaped too.
“Look Sailor Moon!” Luna said, looking at a small, ornate vial on one of the steps that led to the rooftop. “This must be his.”
“Perfume?” Sailor Moon asked picking up the vial and sniffed it only to start growing a little dizzy. 
Luna seeing this knocked the cursed bottle from her hands until it fell with a clatter. “You don’t sniff things that come from bad guys Sailor Moon,” Luna scolded.
“Sorry,” Sailor Moon said with a pout as her sense came back to her. “Do you think he might’ve used that to enchant the brooches into making people really tired?”
“It’s possible, or it could’ve just been the prototype but either way, we need to quickly follow him upstairs,” Luna shouted as she began to run with Sailor Moon following close behind. 
The first thing Sailor Moon encountered when she finally came to the rooftop was that she was starting to slip and slide around like when she was 5 years old and her parents first took her to ice rink. 
“Having trouble there?” came that voice, from Jadeite’s, as he watched with glee as Sailor Moon flailed around on his makeshift rooftop ice rink, as he held his stomach.
“I-I’ll get you!” Sailor Moon cried trying to regain her footing before her face ate the ice. Oh too late. Wicked laughter began to fill the chilly night sky as Sailor Moon looked up at Jadeite who had summoned another icicle to throw at Sailor Moon while she was helpless who just barely managed to crawl out of the line of fire (well, ice) and somehow knock into Jadeite who went crashing to his own ice floor and a bit dazed.
“Use the tiara!” Luna yelled. “This might be your only chance!” 
Finally, managing to regain her footing Sailor Moon grabbed her tiara and shouted, “Moon Tiara Boomerang!” and flung it as hard as she could towards the dark general in a flash of swirling gold with the speed growing until it glowed white. It went closer and closer and just as it was about to hit him...he grabbed it!
It stopped the moon tiara and was sitting lifelessly in his grasp. Sailor Moon and Luna stood there and gasped as the main began to sit up with a cruel smirk on his face. “Is that all you can do?” Jadeite said as he dropped the golden tiara that clattered on impact with the ice. “I’m not impressed.”
“Well, you’re not impressive yourself!” Sailor Moon said, trying to be confident when on the inside she was terrified. The moon tiara had to work! It was the only real move she had what was she going to do now!
“I’ll show you impressive!” Jadeite cried, summoning a blade of ice that was coming straight for Sailor Moon who couldn’t run due to the ice! 
“Sailor Moon!” Luna cried trying to rush to her defense as she tried to protect her ward from the incoming blade but before she could...
A red rose rose knocked collided with Jadeite’s hand knocking the ice sword from his grasp. 
“Wh-” Jadeite began but he didn’t even get the chance to finish his sentence before his head collided with a the back of a gentleman’s cane which sent him crashing to the ground before he could even begin to register his attacker’s black cape. 
Sailor Moon looked to up to see her savior was none other than, “Tuxedo Mask?” Usagi asked seeing the tall, dark clothed figure before her holding his cane protectively in front of them, his eyes focused on the enemy before them. “Tuxedo Mask!”
“You use women’s dreams of romance for you own nefarious purposes and schemes and that is something that I, Tuxedo Mask, can never forgive,” he gallantly said in a commanding tone that made Sailor Moon weak around the knees with her cheeks red as one of the roses he threw. 
“Where did you come from!?” Jadeite demanded of the male who merely glowered.
“It doesn’t matter where I come from because you tried to harm Sailor Moon!” Tuxedo Mask continued. “So, leave now or I promise you, should you stay, I will not be so kind,” Tuxedo Mask said with anger and protectiveness in his voice. 
Jadeite paused for a moment then another glaring dagger at Tuxedo Mask who gave just as much back without flinching. Sailor Moon was frightened for her part unsure if Jadeite would heed Tuxedo Mask’s demands or would it lead to the three of them getting into another, much larger fight. 
After what felt like a hour Jadeite finally relented and summoned a purple and black portal behind him before crying, “This won’t be the last you see of me!” before disappearing with the portal.
Sailor Moon took a deep breath of pure unbridled relief as the ice began to melt and the ground once more felt sturdy under her feet.
“Are you alright, Sailor Moon? He didn’t hurt you too badly, did he?” Tuxedo Mask asked examining her for injuries. This made her look up towards him and felt her heart race as her words from this morning came back to her. Protective, intelligent, kind, loving, loyal, romantic, and looks good in a tuxedo? Why hadn’t she realized it before! Tuxedo Mask wasn’t just gorgeous (which he was)! Tuxedo Mask was her perfect man! Sailor Moon smiled, a goofy, love-filled smile at him as her cheeks continued to burn red from how close he stood to her as he staring directly into her cornflower blue eyes. “Um, Sailor Moon? Are you feeling okay?” he asked again.
“Huh!” Sailor Moon cried being shocked out of her daze. The sailor guardian quickly began scratching the back of her head quickly so Tuxedo Mask didn’t know what she was thinking about him. “Oh, um...Fine!” Sailor Moon said, quickly before giving another loving smile at him, “Really fine.”
“That’s good,” Tuxedo Mask said said. 
“How did you get here?” Luna demanded with suspicion evident in her tone of voice.
“Your cat talks?” Tuxedo Mask asked Sailor Moon.
“Who?” Sailor Moon asked, almost lost in her daydream before reality snapped her back to the present. “Oh right, my cat. She talks.”
“Well, I was nearby and heard Sailor Moon’s cries,” Tuxedo Mask said to Luna, “and I rushed over as soon as I could but now I must bid you adieu,” he said as he pulled a small egg-shaped object from her pocket and threw it at the ground, creating a cloud smoke that caused Luna and Sailor Moon to violently cough.
When the smoke finally cleared, Sailor Moon saw Tuxedo Mask disappeared from the rooftop and running over to see where he went she saw his figure was now jumping from a lamppost to the ground before disappearing into the night. “Thank you, Tuxedo Mask,” Sailor Moon said as she watched his figure leave, her eyes filled with deep longing. A longing that didn’t go unnoticed by Luna.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay, Naru-chan?” Usagi asked as they headed for Sakurada-sensei’s hospital room. 
“A little dizzy but I’m fine,” Naru said as she adjusted the flowers to perfection. “I still can’t believe Midnight Zero’s brooches were behind the Sleeping Sickness.”
“Yeah, who could’ve thought right?” Usagi said, shrugging. “Well, at least they’ve been destroyed and can’t hurt anyone else.”
“That’s true, I just wonder who it was,” Naru said. 
“Um, well, does it really matter?” Usagi nervously said. “I mean they’re gone and the city’s safe again.”
“If I didn’t know better, I would think you were the one who destroyed those brooches,” Naru said with a teasing smile.
Usagi’s face turn red, before acting fast saw the room number of the front desk nurse said their teacher was in and cried, “Look there’s her room! Let’s go!” and finished by grabbing Naru’s arm and darted straight towards the room to throw the door open where they saw, Sakurada-sensei lying in a hospital bed looking much better and livelier without the brooch on.
“Sakurada-sensei!” Usagi said, as she and Naru bowed in respect to their teacher.
“Tsukino-san, Osaka-san?” Sakurada-sensei said to them, in a small voice from slight weakness. “What are you doing here?”
“We brought you these flowers, Sakurada-sensei,” Naru said handing her the bouquet when Sakurada-sensei held to her nose and then turned to girls.
“Thank you,” Sakurada-sensei.
“You’re welcome,” the girls said simultaneously until Usagi looked at her teacher’s face a little longer to see it held a look of sadness in her eyes.
“Is everything alright, Sakurada-sensei?” Usagi asked which caused Naru to look over and see the sad expression.
“Oh, um...Yes..I was just hoping someone else would come soon,” Sakurada-sensei said with a little smile.
“Wh-?” Usagi began when the jiggle of the metal handle was heard, followed by entering of someone none of them expected to see.
“Sato-sensei!” Naru and Usagi cried out in unision.
“SATO-SAN!” cried Sakurada-sensei who was mere moments from falling off her bed from the surprise of seeing her colleague holding a teddy bear with “Get Well Soon” written on his stomach in her hospital room before quickly recollecting herself and standing up straighter in bed. 
“Sakurada-san,” Sato-sensei said. “I came because I wanted to see how you’ve been feeling today.”
“Oh, um...much better, Sato-san. Thank you,” Sakurada-sensei said. “Is that for me?” she continued pointing at the teddy bear in his hands. 
“Oh, yes. I thought you could use a friend while you were in here,” Sato-sensei replied, handing her the toy. 
“Thank you,” Sakurada-sensei said as she held the bear close to her chest looking into Sato-sensei’s eyes who gazed back with his own. Sakurada-sensei then looked down into her lap before taking a deep breath and said in a small voice, “Would you maybe like to visit a tea shop I know near my house?”
“You know I would love too,” Sato-sensei said as he pulled up a chair next to Sakurada-sensei’s bed, his eyes never leaving hers.
Usagi blinked her blue eyes, once then twice, before a large, joyful grin curved onto her before grabbing Naru’s arm to drag her outside to give the two teachers some privacy. 
“What was that for?” Naru asked once they were back in the hallway.
“Just being helpful,” Usagi said with a wink. “Besides, if Sakurada-sensei can get a date...maybe,” Usagi paused for a moment as she brought out the pink-tinted envelope decorated with a white domino mask that held the love letter she wrote for Tuxedo Mask out of her book bag, “the person I wrote this for will accept it.” 
“Wait, you wrote a love letter!” Naru cried out as she tried to grab it from her friend. “Who is it for? Show me!”
“No way!” Usagi cried, holding the love letter out her friend’s reach. “You’ll just make fun of me!” 
“Come on!” Naru continued to cry as Usagi took off running with the  love letter in tow. “Just one peek!”
“Not gonna happen, Naru-chan!” Usagi said, laughing as she ran through the halls of the hospital.
Up Next:  The Wicked Treats of the New Bakery: The Jerk’s New Job
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keyofjetwolf · 3 years
Bonus Question Answers! (non-anime animated noms)
This was SO. FUCKING. HARD. This question went so much better than I expected, and I’m only sad I lack the artistic skills to make it all a reality.
Below, my PAINSTAKINGLY selected top answers, If yours is listed below, you’ve earned an entry in a random draw to win a GIFTENING liveblog OF YOUR CHOICE
Q: The Senshi suddenly find themselves in a very different animated world. Which cartoon power (think Looney Tunes) do they each now possess?
*  Usagi can make literal rainbows happen when she smiles.  Rei can set anything on fire with her mind (she feels a bit cheated because she can do that at home too).  Ami can write down anything in her special notebook and it literally changes reality around her (she does not share this with her fellow Senshi, because she knows the full weight of this power.  She did, however, write Michiru having a bad hair day for just one day.  Just one.)  Makoto has the ability to pull out any ingredient she wants from any pantry/door/closet.  She usually uses this for cooking purposes, so she won't have to purchase groceries.  Minako has the ability to mimic any voice in the world, whether she has heard it or not.  Hijinks ensue.  The Outer Senshi sensibly escaped from the new animated world right after Michiru recovered from her bad hair day.  They don't speak of the experience. -- @amberlilly  [The whole thing was so solid, but what absolutely sent it over the top for me was Ami using her powers to fuck with Michiru in the most petty benign way, which is EVERYTHING.]
*  Usagi is definitely rocking the exaggerated tear gushers.  Ami can pull charts/diagrams out of nowhere at any time.  Rei combusts when she gets sufficiently mad.  Makoto has birds fly around when she sings while cooking or cleaning.  Minako breaks the fourth wall to make jokes and asides to the audience.  Chibi-Usa is somehow able to walk through ludicrous danger without getting touched, because the censors won't allow kids to be hurt in this show. Haruka can make girls melt into puddles of goo with her flirting.  Michiru can summon a servant at any time to take care of an unpleasant or potentially dirty task for her (including to take the slapstick comedy for her).  Setsuna has access to the script.  Hotaru just sort of appears sometimes, just standing there, silently and menacingly, but never does anything on-screen (though you may hear the occasional off-screen screaming).  Oh, and while I'd like to say Mamoru gains the power of inexplicable entrances... he kinda already has that one.  --Darkcloud k'California  [Again, I loved all these, but particularly Chibs saved by the censors, Michiru’s poor hapless slapstick avatar, and everything about Hotaru, thank you.]
*  Usagi: The power to be found charming by every character she encounters and somehow escape all consequences and damage by simply remaining oblivious, a la Tweety Bird.
Rei: The power to explode, reducing her surroundings to charred wasteland, but remain relatively unscathed (perhaps a bit singed)
Ami: The power to grow multiple arms, hands, and hundreds of fingers in order to do tech stuff
Makoto: The power to punch someone through a brick wall, possibly several, and into someone's family dinner. It's always some surprised-looking family's private event. Often the same family.
Minako: the power to, Bugs Bunny style, apply lipstick and seduce ANYTHING. Which, according to her, is a power she already has.
Haruka: The power to run off a cliff and keep going until she looks down. She never learns to not look down.
Michiru: The power to stick a pin into any other character and cause them to deflate like a balloon
Hotaru: She just gets to actually be used. It is thrilling.
Pluto: She will observe this strange planet from afar with her huge telescope and breathe the Martian air and look great in a kilt and Roman-style helmet. --  @incorrecttact  [Your set-up and punchline delivery style on all of these was perfection, and I legit lol’d at Mako and the poor family she continually interrupts.]
* to make dynamite go BOOM (Rei obviously); to have their opponent chase them to the point where they're floating in midair and then their opponent falls 5000 feet but they calmly walk back to land (like Wil E Coyote & the Roadrunner) (Usagi); the power to blow kisses to their opponent (which are clearly poisonous and end up killing the chap) (Minako); the power to have their opponent's entire arm shattered if they try to even punch them lightly on the arm (Makoto - this is canon anyways, but moreso exaggerated here hehe); to open a book and start reading it out loud and words start showing up on screen, confusing tf out of their opponent (Ami - also canon already)  --@midnightdrops  [Each of these were great, but Usagi and Mako as you described them totally sold me.]
* usagi: can now float on yummy aromas, so long as they lead her somewhere tasty! the others play a quick tournament of jun-ken-pon each time it happens to determine who will be responsible for steering her from blissfully drifting into traffic. again.
ami: is now possessed of x-ray vision! only she can neither turn it off, nor control its intensity. she is working on developing a set of goggles to dampen the effect, and secretly hopes they will make her look like geordi laforge.
rei: rei-chan is now blessed with the power of song! her heartfelt melodies soften the malice of even the most one-dimensional baddie, and influence public policy on a global scale. international success life, yo! i guess she's really a hard worker!
makoto: has become something of a cartoon cupid! in a poorly-ventilated room, her mere presence has bystanders declaring their love for one another within minutes*; and her decadent wedding cakes are the hit of second marriages across the country. *all of them so like her old senpai, and none of them falling for her, alas!
minako: employs her considerable powers of confidence and charm to convince the others she now has access to Plot Manipulation, mainly by engineering and taking ownership of a series of happy accidents. her real power is to literally jump out of her skin when she's startled*, and she has no intention of EVER letting the others know about it.  *minako discovered this new ability while she was changing a roll of toilet paper, and a spider dropped onto her hand. the leader of the inner senshi had never been so horrified. her bones were so slick and cold, her skin a hideous unwiped pile, and then THE SPIDER CRAWLED INTO THE PILE and she STILL doesn't know if it ever got out and sometimes her skin itches REALLY bad and you know what let's stop talking about this right now okay???
setsuna: can now manifest a giant pencil and erase the enemy! but doing so would be breaking The Greatest Taboo, and leave her impaled upon the pencil.
haruka: her new empathetic ability is remarkably similar to Ma-Ti's "heart" ring (Captain Planet and the Planeteers, 1990 - 1996). basically, she's just like really soft at you, and it inspires you to take more positive actions toward yourself and the world at large? she protests about wishing she'd received something tough and intimidating, but secretly is very moved by being made an instrument of kindness.
michiru: her intuition has mutated into fourth wall awareness, and the subtlety with which she makes this known to you is SO GODDAMN UNCOMFORTABLE OH MY GOD
hotaru: can now not only communicate with inanimate objects, but also render them permanently animate! you should have been there during the princess tutu crossover episode when she met lamp-chan - they're STILL inseparable, and chibiusa is SUPER jealous. speaking of which,
chibiusa: can now use hammerspace to store her endless series of magical geegaws and weird animal boyfriends.  -- @rasiqra-revulva  [Dude, you have got to stop making me snort laugh, it’s RUDE. Pure solid gold, every word, with a special nod to Haruka, MICHIRU, and Minako’s extended tragic cartoon backstory.]
* Usagi - like her name suggests, she is now Bunny. By which I mean she is now a very pink and blonde bunny (somewhere between Bugs and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit), but with super-elastic limbs to accompany her new form. Ami - Magical Science Powers up to and including ‘mix one brightly colored liquid in flask with another brightly colored liquid in flask, explosion, get hammer.’ Rei - An infinite supply of dynamite she can pull out of nowhere. This shouldn’t be as useful as it is. Mako - Literally suplexed a giant metallic youma not just untransformed, but before she has Senshi powers at all. I fully believe she could lift an anvil in canon. Minako - While Usagi looks like a rabbit, Mina now has the supernatural trickster abilities of Bugs Bunny. Implausibly effective bad disguises, persuasion, showing up out of nowhere. Chibs - Now that gun from her first appearance is a real gun, but it shoots anything from normal bullets to pies in the face to live birds. Pluto - The fourth wall is a real and tangible thing. Pluto can not just break it, but control it. If she wants to remove a layer of cel or suddenly turn things into sketch, she can do it. If she wants to teleport, she can skip in the animation. If she wants to suddenly appear as a Roger Rabbit-style cartoon in a live action field, or vice versa? Yeah, she can do that too. She basically uses this power to warp the layers of her cartoonish reality for pastry acquisition. Haruka - You’d think it would be Roadrunner speed. Haruka thinks it will be Roadrunner speed. But no, it isn’t. Space Jam is Looney Tunes, and Haruka’s power is Basketball. Michiru - Another power that’s just canonical: Wealth. Ridiculous, tremendous wealth. Hotaru - The funniest thing for Hotaru to be in a zany cartoon world is Even More Spooky. Nothing changes except the artstyle and a ridiculous supervillain cape.  -- Regalli  [Pluto, man. Fantastic and brilliant and I legit WANT THIS. Also though, Hotaru with a cape.]
*  Usagi gains the ability to eat anything and everything like the Tazmanian Devil, though she shares none of his aggressive personality; Minako enjoys fucking with people by bending reality (you know, diving into painted tunnels and stuff like that); Ami is able to utilize and test unreal technology without harm, like jet boots, massive bombs, tornado seeds, etc.; Mako uses body manipulations to change her size and shape--especially for blocking attacks to protect people or grabbing people (coupled with her immense strength); and Rei is the only one aware of the audience beyond the Fourth Wall... She tries not to talk to them but sometimes she just can't help it, especially when Usagi is getting on her nerves.  -- @thehubby  [I said pander to me, and you absolutely did. I can’t stop thinking about Rei trying not to make fourth wall eye contact, then just whirling around all “CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THIS SHIT??!?” and as it turns out, that IS precisely what I wanted.]
I’ll be drawing for the bonus liveblog around the start of THE GIFTENING 2020 (currently looking to be Monday, 11 January 2021). Each bonus question is another chance to earn an entry, so keep those answers coming! I CAN ABSOLUTELY AND SHAMELESSLY BE BOUGHT.
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emilyschoi · 3 years
From First to Last Series Included:  Eunha (Emily), Jupiter (Lucas), Serenity (Jane), Venus (Minah) Daehyung (Daniel)  Mentioned : Endymion (M), Sungjae 
⁺˚*・༓☾ kitchen ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Jupiter stood by Princess Serenity as the Elysian’s elite gathered around her, gawking like she was some sort of exhibition. Prince Endymion had held a ball in their, well Princess Serenity’s honour. The night had been tense, to say the least, half of the earthlings thought they had the right to ask whatever they wanted not showing any of them an ounce of respect while the other half were more forthcoming about the disdain for them. The other Senshi were spread out across the room, Mars was leaning against a scowl permanently scarring around most people away from him as he eyed the exit. Mercury was a bit more civil but Jupiter could tell she was forcing a smile while dealing with them. Venus was nearby but surrounded by Elysian men who were making passes at her, he half expected her to pull her sword out and slice them up. The prince’s royal guard were also around each of them watching over their Prince and Princess Serenity.
“Are you okay?” Jupiter asked as the latest hoard left Serenity to no doubt go gossip with their friends about the princess from The Moon Kingdom. Serenity turned to him a small smile on her face as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I am fine,” she assured him but Jupiter knew better, there was sadness in her eyes. “I am just-” she said eyeing Prince Endymion who was stuck talking to bureaucrats and court officials. “I know the Prince means well, I can see it in his eyes. He truly believes that we can have peace but -’ she frowned as more people walked past her hushed whispers escaping their lips. “I have to wonder if it is worth it for him?” she said.
“Of Course it is, these people are probably stuck in the old ways and don’t want to change it because they might lose their power,” Jupiter said. “Plus they are jealous that I have managed to nab the prettiest girl in the room,” he said nudging her lightly. Princess Serenity smiled a real smile at him.
Venus finally made her way over to the pair muttering about how she needs a drink. Princess Serenity giggled turning to Jupiter with her eyes wide. “Lu-Jupiter, sorry i keep forgetting i meant to use your codenames, but could you get Venus and I something to drink, oh and maybe one of those delicious cakes we had at lunch?” she asked. Jupiter looked to Venus waiting for her permission, Serenity was their Princess of course but Venus was their leader. Venus nodded, her hand casually grazing over her waist where her whip was wound around unnoticeable to the untrained eye.
Jupiter walked away not trusting any of the already filled glass of champagne, Venus was still wary of the royal staff and until she was sure they would take no liberties. He made his way out of the ballroom heading in what he had hoped was the right way to the kitchens. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed he had a shadow following him.
Once he was far enough away from the party, in a dimly lit empty corridor he turned catching his new shadow and pinning it against the wall. His eyes widened as he recognized one of the royal guard, Eunha, the only female Knight. “What are you doing?” he asked softening his grip but not letting her escape.
“Getting my arm broken by you apparently,” she said through gritted teeth. “What are you doing sneaking around in the hallways?” she asked, pushing him off. Jupiter blinked, surprised that someone so small could push him away. “Well?” she asked her hand moving to reach for her sword.
“Stop,” Jupiter said holding his hands up. “Look i am trying to get the princess a bottle of champagne or actually she prefers wine, i don’t suppose you have any Plutonian red?” he asked.
“No sorry the ship hasn’t come in yet,” Eunha responded sarcastically. “And why do you need to get her a bottle there is more than enough in the ballroom,” she pointed out.
“Don’t take this the wrong way but your people have been a little hostile,” Jupiter said. He knew he shouldn’t explain anymore, Venus was still not sure about the royal guard, she believed that Sungjae was loyal to the Prince so, for now, they could trust him but the other three not so much.
“Oh so you want to make sure it’s safe,” Eunha said nodding, “Makes sense,” she said. Jupiter let out a relieved sigh at least she understood. “But can you explain why you are headed towards the Astronomy tower?” she asked raising an eyebrow
“I may be a little lost,” he admitted scratching the back of his neck. Eunha giggled and it might have been the sweetest thing he had ever heard. “Can you show me to the kitchen, the princess also wants cake,” he said.
“Well i can but first we are going to make a pit stop to the wine cellars, I know it’s not Plutonian red but we have a lovely Sauvignon from Komo,” she said. “I think Princess Serenity will like it,” she said with a grin. “Come on,” she said turning around and walking in the opposite direction that he had been headed. “Are you coming or should i let you just wander around on your own?” she asked tilting her head to the side as she looked back at him.
“Huh, no I,” he started to say before Eunha raced back grabbing his hands and pulling him along.
“Just come on,” Eunha said pulling him along. Jupiter smiled to himself that he would follow this girl anywhere, at least for the rest of the night.
“Are you sure you can reach it?” Jupiter asked as Eunha climbed the least sturdy ladder he’d ever seen.
“Give me some credit,” Eunha laughed, “I got it,” she said, she turned to show him the bottle proudly. Jupiter gave her thumbs up, wishing she would just get down. As she moved to climb the room shook, the wine bottle fell to the ground with a crash as Eunha clutched onto the ladder for dear life. A second wave hit the room and the ladder lunged backwards, Eunha falling off with it. Without a moment hesitation Jupiter raced forward catching her in his arms.
“Uhm,” Eunha said, her cheeks heating up. “Guess Princess Serenity is going have to drink something else,” she muttered, tapping Jupiter’s arm to be put down. “What the hell was that?” she said as he placed her firmly on the ground. “We should have known if there was an earthquake,” she mumbled a frown on her face.
“I am glad you are okay, we are lucky we didn’t get hurt,” He said, a wine cellar full of glass bottles, they could have been covered in glass shards. Eunha turned to him a small smile on her face.
“Thank you for before,” she said. “That would have been a real pain in the -” she trailed off with the laugh. “Anyway should we just grab something and get out of here, i think they might need our help up there,” she said going to the door trying to open it but nothing happened. “Ah i hate to say it but do you think you could -” she said gesturing the door.
Jupiter nodded trying to open it himself but frowning it seemed the Earthquake seemed to have lodged into place. He tried to put his whole body into it but it still didn’t budge.
“Okay change of plans then,” Eunha frowned, walking over to a nearby barrel. “Come sit,” she said tapping the leftover space.
“Shouldn’t we send for help?” Jupiter said siting down. “I can try and get one of the guys to come down,” he said, pulling his communicator out, frowning as he looked over the screen, it was glitching, he couldn’t even get it to turn on.
‘I take it, it didn’t work,' Eunha said looking over his shoulder. “I guess there are worse places we could be stuck, at least we won’t dehydrate,” she joked. Jupiter continued to frown as hit the side of his communicator. “Hey, I’m sorry you are stuck down here, I should have just shown you to the kitchen like you asked,” she said softly.
“No you were just trying to help,” He said. “I am sure the will come to find us eventually, they are probably just helping everyone else get to safety,” he said. “So…. you look nice,” he said. “I mean you look good in a uniform, no that's still not right,” he said, shaking his head ignoring the giggles that were coming from beside him.
“Thank you, your suit looks very nice as well,” Eunha said, “It must be nice to be able to wear whatever you like,” she pouted. “But i guess since you are royalty you can -” she said, frowning. “Though the four heavenly kings title, though it would have to be changed to a queen - sorry i should stop talking,” she said closing her eyes.
“While i am sure you would have looked beautiful in a dress you look great in what you are wearing now,” He said. “Plus it’s pretty cool that you are the only female knight, your family must be proud,” he said, eyes widening as Eunha frowned. Did he say something wrong? “I’m sorry-” he started to apologize.
“No you did nothing wrong,” Eunha said softly. “It's just my family should be proud but apart from my cousin who is also part of the royal guard but they aren’t,” she frowned. “Infact, I am pretty much disowned until I give up on this foolish escapade and accept Lord Gideon’s proposal, be a proper lady of society, live the aristocratic life,” she said fiddling around with her bracelet.
“Well they are stupid,” Jupiter said, grabbing her hand and threading his fingers through hers. “On my planet, you’d be praised for your bravery and hard work,” he said. “And what are you talking about, you are a queen aren’t you,” he said causing Eunha to laugh. “A queen should not be slumming it with a lord,” he pointed out.
“Do you happen to know any single princes?” she joked.
“Just one, I think you’d like him, he wouldn’t care that you are a royal guard he’d think it’s pretty cool,” he said. “Plus he is very handsome,” he said.
“Oh really, well you will have to introduce me to him one day,” Eunha giggled.
“Hi I’m Lucas, Prince of Jupiter, “ He said squeezing her hand lightly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said letting go of her hand to stand up and bow.
“Oh,” Eunha said purposely avoiding eye contact, her falling to frame her face trying to her pink cheeks. “Is Lucas really your name?” she asked not looking at him. “It doesn’t sound very Jupitery.’ she said as Jupiter snorted. Jupitery.
“It’s the Elysian version,” he shrugged. “You wouldn’t be able to pronounce my name,” he said.
“Well that somehow sounds you like are insulting me,” Eunha said as Jupiter spluttered ready to apologise to tell that he didn’t mean it like that. “But I’ll allow it since your very handsome”“ she laughed.
‘I have been told i look good in a suit,” Jupiter laughed.
They both stopped as the door opened, one of the royal staff, Eunmi, a friend of Eunha’s stood there a look of confusion gracing her features as she took in the scene in front of her. They weren’t in a compromising position by any standard but still, the look on Eunmi's face was one of disapproval.
“Eunmi,” Eunha called, “You are okay? Is everyone else okay? How bad was the Earthquake?” Eunha rushed over as her friend’s brows furrowed.
“What are you talking about? There was no Earthquake?” she said looking from Eunha to Jupiter barely hidden her very obvious distrust.
Eunha frowned, “Yes there was, I almost fell off a ladder, if it wasn’t Jupiter i would have broken my neck,” she said. Eunmi shrugged pushing past them and grabbing two bottles of champagne
“I think you should go back to guarding Prince Endymion,” she said as she walked past them. “Maybe he’ll know about this earthquake,” she said with an eye-roll. Eunha scowled at her friend, wondering what her problem was.
“Sorry about her,” Eunha apologized to Jupiter. “She just really hates most people actually,” she said frowning. “It’s not as good as the Komo but that Antares is pretty good, very sweet though,” Eunha said nodding to a bottle a lot closer to a reachable level.” Jupiter nodded, grabbing it. “Do you still want to go to the kitchen?” she asked.
“Hmm I am feeling a little peckish how about you?” he asked.
“I could eat,” Eunha said with a grin.
“Ladies first,” Jupiter said holding the door open for her.
“Age before beauty,” Eunha said with a giggle as Jupiter rolled his eyes walking out of the wine cellar. Eunha followed, looking down the hall to see Beryl, one of the workers sneaking out of a room. She frowned.
“Are you coming?” Jupiter called out with an eye roll Eunha followed after him thinking nothing more of Beryl or the weird not quiet Earthquake.
“Daehyung you can’t let them to this me,” Eunha cried as she was thrown into to the cell, soldiers ordered by her so-called leader, locked her way with a harsh glare. “Dae please,” she whispered looking at her cousin desperately hoping some remnant of her cousin was left.
“Oh Eunha,” Daehyung spoke, his normally vibrant brown eyes were cold and maniac. “This is only temporary just till we defeat those bastards and get you free from his control,” he said, stepping forward and trying to reach out to her, she stepped back a cold glare of her own thrown his way.
“Right,” Eunha said. “I am the brainwashed one,” she said rolling her eyes. “You are so stupid Daehyung,” she said mockingly.
“I am going to forgive you for saying that because i know it’s not you,” Daehyung said eyes narrowing. “But i would suggest thinking very hard about what you say next, actions have consequences,” he warned.
“Threatening me now Dae?” Eunha laughed darkly. “So when exactly did my cousin die? Was when you decided to betray our prince or -” she trailed off. “Just go, i never thought i would have something in common with your father but just seeing your face right now is making me sick,” she spat. For the briefest second her Daehyung came through, her harsh words managed to get through if the hurt look on his face was anything to go by.
‘And your mum is right you should never become a member of the royal guard, you are too emotive, too easy, one guy gives you a little attention and you’re ready to betray your entire planet,” he spat and like the Beryl controlled Daehyung was back. “I’ll make sure to bring back lover boys corpse, maybe that will snap you out of this,” he said.
Eunha said nothing, turning away from him instead of looking at the wall. Was it to make a statement? Sure, but it was mostly to hide her tears. She waited until she heard his footsteps disappear to turn around. She couldn’t stay here, she had to get out of here and warn Endymion and Serenity.
She was about to enact her escape plan when she heard footsteps coming down to her. She frowned, who was left. Daehyung had surely gone.
  “You should have just agreed to marry me,” Gideon said, stepping out of the shadows. Eunha bit back an annoyed groan, seriously. She looked over at him dressed in the new Elysian uniform. “If you did you wouldn’t be in this situation.”
“Gideon?” she said softly, “My head hurts,” she lied as he stepped forward. She felt bad for playing on his emotions, sure he was arrogant normally but deep down he was a good guy, well normally, now he had been corrupted Beryl who knows. “What is happening?” she groaned grabbing at her stomach. “Make it stop,” she whined. Gideon stepped forward putting his hands throw the bars only for Eunha to grab the back of his head and slam it against the bar, knocking him out.
The idiots, in a rush to get out of the way, didn’t check for weapons, well they thought they did but they didn’t look at her jewellery, an anklet from the Mercurian Royal Family, one Lucas had given to her on their last visit, just incase something happened to her. Well, this definitely counted as something happening to her. She stood as far away as from the bars as she could before breaking the chain off her anklet and throwing it at the bars blowing them straight out of the way. The blast wasn’t as large as she expected but it did the job and thankfully left Gideon and his uniform completely unscared.
“I am sorry Gideon,” she whispered as she stripped him of his uniform, smiling as she found his credentials. She threw his uniform in a rush racing out the garden where ships we being filled with Elysian soldiers. She couldn’t go with them she would be found out in instant but the transporter pods, those would be useful. She saw Parker one of Sungjae’s right-hand men about to take forward, she ran forward pushing him out of the way stepping on the pod and instantly being transported to the moon.
She looked around seeing wave after wave Elysian soldiers storming through the moon kingdom. To her left, she saw a Lunarian family quivering in fear staring at her wide-eyed and shaking. She shook her head removing the dagger Gideon had on his uniform and passing it to the mother who looked at her unsure. “Use it protect your family,” she said. The woman said nothing grabbing the dagger and looking at once more before nodding.
Eunha nodded racing forward pushing past Elysian soldiers as she got into the castle. It seemed the Elysian army had already managed to make it’s way into the castle because all she saw was ruins and bodies. She shook her head looking around for anyone she knew, ideally finding Prince Endymion would be the best option but she would take anyone right now. She saw sparks coming from further inside, Jupiter, she ran forward spotting him.
“Jupiter,” she called out running forward. “Look it’s not them, they are being controlled by Beryl,” she said as she got to him. She didn’t notice the look Jupiter and Mercury shared, “We have to find Endymion and Serenity, Beryl wants them -” she said, Jupiter grabbed her holding her still. “What are you doing? They are coming? They are going to-” she spoke as realization hit her like a punch to the gut. He didn’t believe her or he thought she was part of it.
“Lucas, you have to believe me, I am still me,” she said. Jupiter whispered that he was so sorry. She looked up at him, a frown on her face as she felt the dagger pierce her skin, her eyes widened as her hand went to her chest, she felt the warmth of her blood being spilled.. Stumbling forward Jupiter’s arm wrapped around her, she choked trying to speak but her mouth was full of blood. She tried to push away from him, desperately trying to breathe but her body had stopped working.
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docholligay · 5 years
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@amberlilly asked me for “The Senshi react to Bioshock Infinite!” A lot of times these “X reacts to Y” prompts can be really difficult, because they can so often descend into really TV-style “Oh that was cool” type stuff and that’s not really what makes me feel proud and happy, so this took me a while, but I think the end result is really interesting stuff! Please let me know if you enjoy! This, as always, includes MY TAKE on the SIlMil, so if “Angel Noble Moon Kingdom” is your thing this may not be for you. 
Mina didn’t take anything seriously. Everyone knew that, because that was what she wanted everyone to know. Mina laughed and she made jokes and she was flippant and she never thought about anything too overly much, and that was the way she liked it. That was the way she liked it to be known. 
Games were just a fiction, everyone knew that, and that wasn’t any less true, she supposed, as she watched the band of crows fly out of a man’s hands, and she elbowed Rei in the ribs, telling her she only wishes she had that sort of power. The water tentacles were Haruka’s wet dream, weren’t they, she laughed. Haruka scowled, and Mina didn’t take anything seriously. 
What could she possibly feel, about a man who knew there were horrors in his past, that he had done things that made him a monster, even if that Booker no longer existed in this timeline? 
Booker ran through the rebellions he put down of men the same as him that he was told were lesser, and he served and he put his bootheel through babies’ skulls, and remembers, oh how he remembers. 
She looked over to Mako, who almost certainly did not remember when the planet of Mercury gave their underpowered rebellion, when Jupiter and Venus and Mars crushed those bookish weaklings with little thought to the matter. When Mars set their libraries on fire and laughed at the flame. When Jupiter grinned as she tossed a flaming book crashing through the stained glass of a university building. 
When Venus put the survivors of the protest to the sword. 
When she made Sailor Mercury kill her sister for her participation.
But this was all a fiction, a fiction of a man from a faraway time in a place that never existed, and the other Senshi hooted and hollered as they passed the controller around, and drank potions that made this man into the things they used to be. The elements, abridged, and Mina could always sniff out a liar. 
Oh to have been Mars with her fire, or Neptune with the crash of her own sea. The rest of them had powers that were destructive in all those easy ways that were like a game in themselves, ways they could wish for even still. But not Venus. No, Venus, as Mina, needed no element but her own ferocity on the battlefield, and so she had been gifted the gifts of the human mind, of memory. Venus could see them, and plant them, and with a touch, call up the most painful moment of your life. 
Mina could not do that, but she could see and do enough. She was not a Seer, but she was not completely removed, either, and she existed as her own island. 
But she didn’t take it seriously. 
What could she possibly take seriously, about a game where a man knew the past was there, just at the edge of his memory, and that something had been lost, something he had to find, something he had to make better? 
Booker found Elizabeth and determined to be what she needed him to be. We aren’t trapped in what we were, are we? What something in another ripple of time might have been? He saved her from the Prophet, because prophecy is all about ruin, and sometimes you need to fight to free someone. Sometimes you have to kill, to protect. 
You could reject prophecy. The proof of that was in Haruka, shoving a sandwich into her mouth and yelling at the screen, and in Michiru, sipping her wine, the matching scars on their chests the only symbol of a death that was meant to be. 
And so that she could hear Queen Serenity, with her dying breaths mirrored in Venus’ own, seaking of the Moon Kingdom to come, and that Venus would lead her daughter to a new order that would cover the Sol System, that would bring this System to order once more. This was prophecy, and for this she ripped the shards of power from their bodies and sent them, like eggs, to wait on earth. 
Why she’d been so fond of what would become Tokyo, Mina wasn’t really sure. You’d think she’d diversify her portfolio a little. 
And there was Mina, joking again. The game was a joke, yelling at Elizabeth, a source of immense power, to get her shit together before she got killed, there was nothing but jokes to be seen in that. Being the instrument of something you can’t understand, something you were dropped into, who could understand that? 
The room was filled with laughter and chatter, and Mina laughed too. 
What could she feel about being haunted by a feral ghost?
Lady Comstock became a memory and a lie and a legend, and those things can still strike, her shrieking fight against the will to change the future, the desire to bring forth the truth in all its ugliness and inconvenience. Preserved under glass, the story being told against and again about those terrible Vox Populi, and how they killed her, and how terrible is it? 
The Vox Populi didn’t kill her, but maybe they should have. Maybe the people should rise and defeat those that would keep them down. Maybe Venus and the others weren’t heroes but with footsoldiers in the oppression that the Moon Kingdom meted out, in the name of peace. 
“There was never a bad peace.” Mina could still hear her, with Venus’ ears, as these words echoed off the cold crystal walls. She smiled. The Queen always smiled when she said these things. 
Even in death, Serenity had written the story, and when the kingdom of the moon was brought to Mina, Pluto told her of a beautiful kingdom, with a princess, and there was peace, and the people of Earth disrupted it, because Beryl was evil, because love between the Earth and the moon was forbidden. 
Poor, sweet Pluto. She had been lied to more than any of them, kept so far from the kingdom, watching its destruction through a sad mirror at the gate, clinging to those instructions from her beloved queen. Raise these girls, and make them fighters. Raise this kingdom, again, for Princess Serenity. For me. 
She looked to Pluto, who whose eyes were on the screen with that face that knew so much, and so little. Did she think often, on her deception? As both deceiver and deceived? Mina could think of little else, as the silver Lady burst through doors and windows, screaming out the hatred of this interloper, bringing violence and death. 
That same scream had filled her mind, as she Remembered. Not those memories suggested to her, by Pluto, by the shard itself, by that sweet whispering voice that said how she loved her wayward daughter. No, Serenity had made a mistake with that shard, in that those powers were bound to memory, and she could not erase that, not all of it. Not for all of them. 
Haruka did not remember that Uranus was a coward, and so she was brave. Mako did not remember that Jupiter was a destroyer, and so she grew beauty. 
But Mina remembered Venus was a commander, and that she was hard and cruel and regimented, and those memories dug into her brain stem. Sometimes Venus’ voice slid out of her mouth, and she gagged on it like a poison slug. Neptune was an assassin, and she slithered that knife into the King’s back from the shadows. Did Michiru know she was born from the seed of a traitor? Did she feel that same pricking heat in her chest as Mina did, knowing the thing might escape? 
Their eyes met over the bouncing heads of the others, but Michiru’s eyes were as inscrutable as always, one of the few hidden corners Mina knew in all the Senshi. 
Mina joked as they wound around lighthouse after lighthouse, each one leading them to a false home, a new place where things were changed and yet always, always the same. All they could do was try another lighthouse. Go through another tear, and be born again. 
She let her eyes wander around the room as she fed that perfect knowledge that Mina took nothing seriously, that she was light and flippant and for all the world a perfect goof. Serenity wasn’t the only one who could create a story, and cast herself as she wanted it to be. 
Venus had made her girls into soldiers. She had beaten them and praised them and brought them to heel and made them into the most terrifying force in the Sol System. She had done this with efficiency and power and a certain violent grace. 
But Mina loved hers. She wanted Haruka to stop trying to give her life. She wanted Rei to forgive herself her mistakes. She wanted Michiru to feel she was part of a team. She wanted Ami to feel heard. 
Mina wanted all these things, against what was foretold. Against what Venus whispered. She wanted to love them as Venus had ruled them. But that wasn’t supposed to be part of the game. 
What could she feel about this man, whose only way to save what he loved was to die?
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memory-bees · 5 years
Your Only Crime Is That You Got Caught
Chapters: I II
Pairing: None
Warning: Angst, but I make up for it towards the end!!!
Authors Note: Yet again, if you have any ideas for a better title, lemme know!! Also please reblog they're my life blood.
Word Count: 1757
    Darry had managed to convince Ponyboy that yes, he was fine, even though he knew deep down in the darkest corners of his soul that he was the farthest possible thing from fine. He was hurt, and he felt betrayed. He knew Two-Bit didn't mean to, that it was a mistake, but good lord he couldn't let it go. Who gets so drunk you forget that you're with someone and sleep with some chick? Pony was just leaving his room when they heard the door slam, and they both rushed to see what was happening. Darry sighed when he saw it was just Tim. He glanced between where Two-Bit's shoes were and the blue-eyed man.
Pony practically ran down the steps and the sounds of hit feet padding against the carpet made Tim look back. Darry crossed his arms over his still bare chest when they made eye contact, and immediately the leather-clad man rushed up the stairs to him. They didn't say anything at first, and he felt the eyes of the rest of the boys on the two of them. Tim's eyes made his way to wear the skin was scratched raw over the love bites left by Two-Bit just a few days before, his eyebrows furrowed. He grabbed Darry's arm and led him down the stairs and into the kitchen, mumbling something about getting him cleaned up. Darry sat at the kitchen table as Tim grabbed a washcloth from the drawer and ran it under warm water. He then handed it to the older man who pressed it against the worst patch of bruises and started to massage them a bit.
Eventually, the rest of the gang started to chat in the living room and even turned on the T.V., but Tim and Darry still sat quietly in the kitchen. After a few minutes Sodapop walked into the kitchen with a clean shirt for Darry. The brunet smiled a thank you at him then pulled it over his head. Once he was finally fully dressed his brother spoke, a hushed whisper compared to the rowdiness of the boys in the other room.
"You okay, Dar?"
It was such a simple question, but still, he hesitated over his answer. On one hand, he didn't want to make Sodapop worry over him, on the other he didn't want to pretend like everything was sugarplums and rainbows. An eternity seemed to pass as he toiled over his answer.
Eventually, he decided on a middle ground and replied with, "I will be." He then glanced at the clock, his heart dropping when he saw how late it was and he yelled out into the living room, "Pony, you've got school tomorrow! Go to bed!" To which he got a disappointed groan, but his brother still trudged to his and Soda's room.
Darry then glanced up at Soda, who sighed and said goodnight to the rest of the boys and made his way to bed as well. As if those two had been the only ones keeping them there, the others slowly made their way out of the house, the only one who stayed was Dally who laid out on the couch, his arms crossing underneath his head. Darry went to stand up, but Tim's hand grabbed his elbow stopped him. The older man glared back at him but sat down once again when he saw the look on his face. They still hadn't talked about the elephant in the room.
"Did you break up with him?" Tim asked, his arms crossing over his chest.
Darry paused once again as he thought over his answer, and both Tim and Dally, who was still on the couch, let out an annoyed sigh.
"Dar, c'mon! He fuckin' cheated on you!" Tim hissed, clearly trying to keep his voice down as to not disturb the hopefully sleeping boys upstairs.
Darry went quiet, and so did the other two men. Dally was glaring at Tim, they both knew that he had overstepped his boundaries. But, he had to wonder, when did the dark-haired man ever care about boundaries? He didn't care about much, save Curly and Angela. Why should he care about hurting Darry, or someone else hurting him? He studied Tim's face and realized that the Curtis' meant a whole lot more to him than he wanted to admit, but Dally figured the Curtis' meant a lot to everybody. The family deserved so much more than what they had. After a few seconds, the two of them noticed Darry's shoulders shaking, and they both immediately went to his side.
They both sucked at emotions, sometimes they felt like they didn't feel them at all, but by God, if they weren't going to try and make him feel better. Darry leaned into Tim who wrapped his arm around his side while Dally grabbed him a glass of water.
In the middle of them trying to comfort him, he spoke, a small and sad, whisper.
"Am I seriously that forgettable?"
The air in the room stagnated as if the Universe was trying to find the answer for him. As if all the stars in the ever-expanding cosmos wanted to find an answer for him that would make him feel okay. Tim and Dally wanted to search for the answer too, well, they mostly wanted to beat Two-Bit to a bruised and bloody pulp for hurting Darry. But instead, they went soft and tried to comfort the older man.
Dally managed to get Darry to drink the water, once the cup was empty Darry made his way up to the room, the suffocating sadness of the room leaving with him. Dally and Tim looked at each other and a silent conversation passed between them. Tim walked over to the phone and dialed one of his boys' phones. He sounded sleepy, and rather angry about being woken up at a quarter to twelve.
"What is it?"
"I need someone to get Two-Bit Mathews."
"What?" He asked, sounding rather taken aback, "Ain't that one of Curtis' boys- wait, aren't him 'nd Darrel datin'?"
"Two-Bit cheated on Darry." Tim explained, his words level and his tone of voice cool. A far cry from the explosive rage that was going on in his brain.
The phone went silent for a minute or so as if the man on the other line was trying to process such a wild thing.
"Alright, I can probably get 'im tomorrow." He said, his voice darker and more awake than it had been before.
Tim chuckled, no other words needing to be said as he hung up. He turned to Dally, who was shaking his head disapprovingly. They still didn't speak to one another as Tim opened the front door and strode out, a cocky air around him as he made his way back to his house.
  Darry woke up to a crash coming from the kitchen. He looked at his clock and saw it was nine o'clock in the morning. An annoyed groan left him as he rolled out of bed and trudged downstairs, a scowl on his face as he got ready to scold whoever had woken him up. Once he had finally reached the kitchen he opened his mouth to yell, but his voice got caught in his throat when he saw Two-Bit standing in his kitchen with the first aid kit in his hand and various cuts and bruises visible on his face and arms.
They stared at each other for a moment, the silence thick enough to cut through with a knife. Finally, Darry made crossed the tile floor to Two-Bit, gently taking the first aid from his hand and motioning for him to sit down. While he sat Darry grabbed a washcloth from the drawer next to the sink and wet it with some warm water. Once that was done he walked back over to Two-Bit and bent over a bit to start cleaning the cuts on his face. They still stayed quiet, for the most part at least. Darry whispered the occasional apology if Two-Bit let out a hiss of pain.
Once he was done cleaning up his face he placed a band-aid on the ones that were still bleeding. Two-Bit ending up having a bandage over his right cheek and one on his jaw. Darry then worked on cleaning off his arms, repeating the process from before. Once he was done they just sat and looked at each other, a million unspoken words passing between the tense air between them.
Darry was the one who ultimately broke the silence, his voice faint as he asked, "Was it Tim?"
Two-Bit shook his head, the simple action lifting some of Darry's nervousness off of his shoulders. The older man then pulled out a chair and sat next to him, words that needed to be said falling dead on both of their tongues. During the near suffocating silence, Darry grabbed Two-Bit's hand, making the redhead's chest hurt. Why couldn't he just be mad at him? Why couldn't he just scream at him? He deserved it and more.
"I'm so, so sorry," Two-Bit whispered, shifting nervously in his seat, "an' I know that's not gonna make everything okay, but I just want you to know that I'm gonna try and never get that drunk again." He squeezed Darry's hand, trying to convey how terrible he felt.
The older man swallowed and brought his free hand up to Two-Bit's face, gently rubbing his thumb over his cheek, as if to say he understood. Two-Bit near melted against the touch and turned his head to press a kiss to his palm, mostly out of habit.
"I know I can't fix this, not yet at least, but do you think you could let me try?" The younger man asked, glancing up into those pretty pale blue-green eyes.
Darry thought for a moment, before nodding slowly, "Yeah, you can, but for now, let's just say we're taking a break, okay?"
Two-Bit grinned and nodded; That was all he could have asked for. Darry smiled back and pressed a kiss to his head before standing up and walking over to the stove to start on breakfast. When Pony and Soda finally woke up, they nearly started in on Two-Bit for coming back already but stopped when they saw Darry look back at him. Something had changed between the two men, and while they weren't entirely sure of what had changed just yet, they decided to keep their mouths shut. For now, at the very least.
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boreum-dal · 6 years
recognition, pt. i
fandom: miraculous ladybug
summary: the heroes save the world for one last time, but they pay the ultimate price with their lives—or so they think. the day after she dies saving paris in the final battle with hawkmoth, marinette dupain-cheng wakes up in a world where no one, herself included, remembers ladybug, and adrien agreste has never set foot in collège françoise dupont. so why does she feel like she knows the new boy in her class? and when strange events start occurring around paris and she’s handed a mysterious pair of earrings, why does it feel so easy to put them on and dive right into the chaos? 
genre: romance (and a little angst, obviously)
Marinette had never considered herself an especially mature person for her age. She thought herself more mature than, say, Chloé Bourgeois (although that was a low bar) but not more so than, say, Adrien Agreste (although that was a high bar). So, in her view, it was pretty impressive that as a seventeen-year-old, she was accepting death so willingly.
Granted, the fate of the entire world was the trade-off for her life, and she figured most would, like her, have chosen the world. But it was still a scary decision, and because of that, she was grateful she didn’t have too much time to think about it.
It was really too bad, though, how quickly her brain seemed to fire off memories and thoughts of her loved ones by the dozen each second, now that it knew it had so little time left to do so. As she felt herself fall to her knees beneath the overpowering force of her Miraculous spell, she kept thinking about how much she would miss everyone when she was gone. Unexpectedly, tears fell from her eyes as she thought about how sad her parents would be once they realized their daughter had not returned from the wreckage after the final battle with Hawkmoth.
And most of all, she kept thinking about how she’d only just been able to soak in, for a few blissful seconds, just a minute prior: The love and admiration in Chat Noir’s eyes—Adrien Agreste’s eyes—as they’d revealed their identities to each other, having realized they were on the brink of saving the world and that they were going to die for it. The tender, hushed tone of his voice when he’d said, “Marinette,” even though she still had the mask on. How gently he’d taken her face between his hands, and how the act had made her stomach flip, even though Chat had done it to her hundreds of times before, but it was different now because it was Adrien and Marinette beneath the masks, and they both knew it. How she’d pulled his lips to hers then, in an act of both desperation and conviction, right before the spell had ripped them apart and he’d been swallowed in glowing pink light.
For a few milliseconds, even in the midst of all that chaos, the warmth of his lips on hers had been the only thing she could focus on. Had she gotten to tell him she loved him? She couldn’t remember now, but surely, he knew.
Marinette had fallen onto her stomach now, cheek pressed against the hard concrete beneath the Eiffel Tower—newly rebuilt through the Miraculous—as the pink light continued to engulf the city. Blearily, gratefully, she recognized that the town was rapidly resurrecting in the background. She wanted to lift her head and find Chat, her friends, but she was exhausted. She heard the voices of those who had come back to life in the background now, someone shouting to get help for her, but she knew this was it. Her eyes closed.
Dying like this didn’t hurt, at the very least. Marinette was thankful for that. There were worse ways to go than to feel the energy leaving her body in a massive rush and to lose consciousness almost instantly. And she really didn’t have many regrets. For a seventeen-year-old, she felt like she’d gotten to do and see a lot. That was good.
Even so, if she could do it over again, she thought that maybe she’d do it a little differently. If it were possible—if this kind of evil hadn’t existed in the world, and there didn’t need to be a Ladybug, a Chat Noir, a Rena Rouge, a Carapace, a Queen Bee—it would have been nice for everyone to have lived normal lives. Just school, reveling in the sunlight on lunch breaks, late nights stolen away on her parents’ rooftop, study dates, crushes, weekends at the movie theatre, each other. Minus the powers, minus the nightly battles. Minus the physical and emotional traumas that had haunted them for the past three years as they’d warred with a ruthless, near-unstoppable villain who’d tossed all sense of humanity aside in his conquest.
In a different world, they could have just been normal, happy teenagers.
note: the bit in sailor moon where usagi wishes herself and the senshi back to normal lives after they die inspired this, but i’m not 100% sure where i’m going with it yet. just something i wrote for fun while trying to find inspiration for *ahem* other writing to which i’ve dedicated myself and been putting off. hope you enjoy! next bit is written and will be up shortly.
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dojae-huh · 5 years
[PART 1]I find it fascinating (in addition to the mic being peach in colour as you've mentioned before) that Doyoung sang Radio Romance. Well, both of them are currently working for a radio station. So yeah. Hmmm. I'd like to think that the radio station is their safe space i.e the place where they are most comfortable to show affection towards each other.
[PART 2]Radio Romance lyricsSome people fall in love, falling in love/Some people are locked in sadness, don’t worry about it/Sometimes, it can comfort people/The small joys of lifeI know I can be somebody/Different stories in the same time/You can’t see them but you can feel them/So you can feel it today/Open your heart for me today/And come to me, oh baby/Radio RomanceHave you heard of this song/A song for youJust gonna leave this here since I don’t know where to rant to. Thanks!
My reply will be a little bit windy.
At first I thought the nickname was only used by fans (Peach is Jae’s favourite fruit), it’s competition being Pig emoji (and for Jaedo fanart Cat is usually used), but then in a programme (was it Idol Room?) every member got stickers with their names. Mark - watermelon, Doyoung - rabbit, Haechan - tomato (Limitless era, I presume), Yuta - takoyaki, etc. “Wah, the editor really did their research on Naver/Twitter”, - said I to myself. Then I saw the same happening on other programmes, like during the last Motion studio (Woo, Tae and Jae), Jae was called “Peach fairy”.
It seems, the members were officially attributed their fruits/animals, adopted from fans (in most or all cases), and the list is now given by SM staff to the editors. 
But that’s not the end of the story. When Johnny and Taeil played the game, where you have to guess a word watching your partner silent explanation with hands and body, Johnny pointed his finger at Jae, when he tried to explain the word “Peach”. Taeil didn’t get it though, asked Johnny afterwards and reacted with “he is peach? peach is this!” (turns and shows butt).
By the looks of it, if absolutely every member thinks of Do as Bunny, association of Jae with Peach among NCT is a relatevily new thing. Or rather, only some think of him as Peach. Mostly Jae himself, as he chose this fruit during the Liev (Doyoung was blueberry, JN - banana, Tae - ananas, etc) and he likes to wear this colour. 
Peach mic
I vouch for Doyoung to keep it. It’s pretty. He looked like a Sailor Senshi, when he lifted it, haha (he watched Sailor Moon and used “Crystal poweeer!” as a joke during one of Vlives, Victory ep. 3 or 4).
They filmed in the waiting room of a music show, so the mic have to be stage property of the channel. Pink is a usual colour for products like these. If there was only once mic, Doyoung had no choice (Vroom Vroom Mic, the mic he used during the Pilot TMI - it’s his theme), but if there were several… now, coincidences like these belong to “accumulative” evidence. 
Presently it is impossible to tell if Do chose the peach mic deliberetly, because it’s Jae’s colour, or it was accidental. However, if such things will continue to occur, then this incident, in retrospect, would become part of a puzzle. The puzzle being - do Jaedo really play the game of hidden signs and symbolism? For each others amuzement/support and/or for the public (normalisation of their relationship, boyfriends doing couply things in spite of society). 
Jae wore “Lonely” hoodie btw.
Same applies to the choice of songs. One can argue that “Radio Romance” was sang by Doyoung and Taeil and Doyoung did cover “Good” by Daybreak in the past, so that’s why they were chosen. On the other hand, these songs are relatevily old? One year and five (?) years respectively.  And the members sang the second song with Doyoung, so he probably sings it in dorms for them to learn the lyrics? 
Particular people, ideas, songs don’t occupy our brains for no reason. If something is not recent (”this tune I’ve heard the other day is now stuck in my head”) or not important, it dissappears. 
So yeah. Doyoung singing both songs to Jaehyun/remembering them due to being in love is a solid possibility. We can’t have prove, but the notion is not absurd either. 
The lyrics under the cut.
Radio Romance
Do you have a timeTime for you
Have you ever listened?To the stories in the radio, oh yeah
Some people fall in love, falling in loveSome people are locked in sadness, don’t worry about itSometimes, it can comfort peopleThe small joys of life
I know I can be somebodyDifferent stories in the same timeYou can’t see them but you can feel themSo you can feel it todayOpen your heart for me todayAnd come to me, oh babyRadio Romance
Have you heard of this songA song for you
Have you ever listened?To the songs in the radio, oh yeah
Even if you don’t wanna hear any songsYou just need to turn the radio onThen a song that makes you feel goodWill come on
I know I can be somebodyDifferent stories in the same timeYou can’t see them but you can feel themSo you can feel it todayOpen your heart for me todayAnd come to me, oh babyRadio Romance
In this tired worldIt’ll give you strengthIt’ll touch your heartAnd whisper warm love
I know I can be somebodyDifferent stories in the same timeYou can’t see them but you can feel themSo you can feel it todayOpen your heart for me todayAnd come to me, oh babyRadio Romance
There are too many love songs
Which one should I choose to confess to you
At first sight,
Fall in love with you
I feel like I am losing my mind
I love you so much
Feels good that you are here
Feels good to love you
No other word can describe this feeling
It feels so good
The moment I share it with you
The feeling that will be treasured forever
The more I use fancy words
It will only shade my heart
The more I take it out
This one word that will outshine all
It feels good
Feels good to love you
No other word can describe this feeling
It feels so good
The moment I share it with you
The feeling that will be treasured forever
With these two clumsy looking letters
I send you my heart
Feels good that you are here
Feels good to love you
No other words can describe this feeling
It feels so good
The moment I share it with you
The feeling that will be treasured forever
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lightdancer1 · 3 years
From the upcoming update to Ill Met by Moonlight:
Saturn's voice before had been soft and sad, human-like. Moreso than Venus's own voice of bombastic pride and fury. Now, however, it took on a much harder and colder tone, that suited to she who was Death and was Destruction intertwined.
"Yes, I know you. I know why you fear. You think Pluto has come here, that your time to wear the body of Aino Minako like a corpse and to do with it what you will has come to an end. The Outers did not draw their talismans together, not yet. That did not awaken me. The old Queen, the dead Queen, the one who trusted you with all of us did. The one who took me from the arms of Princess Uranus, the closest figure I have ever had to a father, weeping and wailing.
Not the Princess of Saturn, me. Guardian Saturn, Guardian of Death and Destruction. I wailed, I begged not to sleep for a thousand years but so I did, and then I saw my father one last time, bleeding and despairing. And now, here, there is no Uranus. There is only Serenity, bearing both burdens.
You have wasted my time with this posturing as if you are some great force worthy of admiration. You have heard the first lesson, and now for the second."
Venus raised her blade.
"It is in the name of Queen Serenity that I do this."
Saturn laughed, coldly and with an aura of menace that even Venus felt.
'"Always the same pious excuse. 'I was only following orders' when you disciplined the other Senshi by the blade and by the fist. 'I was only following orders' when you ensured a girl of fourteen was locked in Senshi-shape and left to slumber all those years.' "
She did not telegraph her move or what the move would be. The first sign of it was when Venus was flying through the air and her stomach *hurt* and it hurt *awfully*, like when she'd fought Ace and thought he couldn't possibly mean what he did.
She landed hard, clutching her stomach, the first of Saturn clenched tight.
"That is the other lesson. I am awake now. Only the Princesses and Pluto are more powerful than I and they are above fighting and strife. You command us, but you cannot bully us like some overpromoted sergeant masquerading as a general. Raise your blade to me again, little Venus, and I will gladly show you what the Giaive of Silence can do. In all of this, did you bother to remember about the Prince of Terra or Sailor Moon?"
Venus's eyes flashed open then but before she could protest Saturn flew off with a contemptuous ease, following the same dark presence she'd felt.
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