#Self Management
honeytonedhottie · 8 months
NOTION TUTORIAL୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
this is to serve as some little notion tips that i use to make my notion the way that it is. cute and efficient. this is very surface level and i'll get more in depth the more the post goes on. im working on dropping a notion template soon <3
first off pick a color scheme, for me, my color scheme is pastel pinks and whites and soft shades of green as an accent.
u can import photos from pinterest by copying the photo (not the link address, the actual photo) and pasting it into ur notion
take advantage of the columns, when u make a new space click "turn into" and use columns, it'll neatly divide the page
experiment with fonts, i use serif. u can also do large or small text, AND full width pages
making toggle lists saves space and keeps ur page looking super neat and organized
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calendars and tables will keep u organized
to add a page ur gonna wanna go to the top left corner and click "new page"
u can import custom icons by going on pinterest and looking up app icons with the color scheme that u want, download that and add it for cute icons, u can also do the same with GIFS
for links and things of the sort embedding the video and adding the link are two different things, embedding the video means that u can access it on ur page (i do this for youtube videos/spotify etc) and when its a link i'll do this for documents and things of the sort
to add titles to ur columns click the "+" button, i use heading 3 bcuz that's the size i prefer but there are other sizes to choose from
a cool feature that notion has is that u can change the background color OR the text color, when u change the background color its more pastel-like if that's what ur going for
to make section dividers click (-) three times to create a divider
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blackcat-brazil · 4 months
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Gerd Arntz, Factory Occupation, 1931.
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neurodiversitysci · 1 year
Sensory Diet for Adults
One common thread running through advice about managing sensory processing sensitivities and disorders: you need a “sensory diet” that gives your body the right amount and type of sensory input.
Unfortunately, I see this advice in the context of advice for parents. So most of the suggestions don’t seem applicable to an adult. (Letting your kid help with chores, for example). And there’s very little guidance on how to figure out your needs and develop a plan tailored to fit them.
Complicating matters still further, a lot of the suggestions seem to involve physical activity, to provide proprioceptive input and manage energy levels. What do you do when physical activity is uncomfortable and quickly tires you out?
So, I have questions for adult neurodivergent people:
Have you tried a sensory diet? How did it go?
What sort of sensory activities fit into your life and help you?
If you are easily fatigued, how do you work around that?
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arabdoll · 11 days
Beauty matters for several reasons. It can evoke emotions, inspire creativity, and bring joy. It also plays a significant role in cultural expression, communication, and even in our perceptions of ourselves and others. Additionally, beauty often reflects harmony, balance, and excellence, which are values deeply ingrained in human experiences.
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eelhound · 2 years
Let’s think about alternatives. If you’re having coffee with someone who’s new to anti-capitalism, and you’re blowing their mind — you’re calling into question various assumptions that they’ve held all their lives and suggesting that things they’ve taken for granted or taken as fixed features of the social world can be changed — where do you start in order to guide our alternative vision? What kind of economy do we need to make in order to have justice?
Well, I appeal to two principles that I call principles of natural justice. That’s because I think they’re rooted in human nature. One is the principle that people should have control over the decisions that affect them. This implies that workers should be able to cooperatively, collectively self-manage the labor process, their own work, and the workplace. Self-management is a general principle for the reconstruction of social institutions. People can make their own decisions and cooperate with others; it’s a human ability. And the other principle is what I call equal access to resources for developing your potential, developing your skills, and maintaining your abilities. That implies free healthcare and education and so forth. Those will be the foundational principles. And then it leads us to our vision of a socialist economy.
These two principles are very, very useful. We can think about society and institutions as they exist now and imagine the changes we would need to make to make those principles a reality."
- Tom Wetzel being interviewed by Nathan J. Robinson, from "How Do We Overcome Capitalism?" Current Affairs, 6 October 2022.
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maulanamibrahim · 8 months
Belajar Pada Ketulusan
Hal yang berat saat kita menjalani sesuatu adalah karena ketidaktulusan kita dalam menjalaninya. Kita memahami bahwa banyak hal yang tulus membuat kita menerima dengan lapang dada. Bahkan tanpa beban sama sekali. Tapi menumbuhkannya juga tidak mudah. Perlu proses yang panjang dan perlu banyak untuk dipelajari. Masalahnya mempelajarinya tidak serta merta dapat dilakukan dengan instan. Perlu waktu yang tidak sedikit untuk melakukannya. Dengan banyak ketulusan kita dapat menemui setiap kenikmatan hal-hal yang kita jalani. Walaupun kadang tidak mungkin tapi dengan ketulusan semua akan menjadi indah.
Aku juga tidak sepenuhnya bisa. Aku juga masih banyak menelaah setiap hal yang ada, menemukan bagian mana aku bisa dengan tenang mengikhlaskan semuanya. Berusaha setulus mungkin dengan apa yang dijalani. Walaupun rasanya tidak mungkin bahkan berat sekali. Nyatanya kita lebih banyak khawatir dan tidak mengerjakan dengan setulus mungkin.
Aku tidak memahami tulus itu secara nyata. Tapi aku bisa merasakannya ketika aku jatuh cinta. Bagaimana dengan tanpa sadar aku tidak merasa terbebani dalam melakukannya. Semua hanya karena dirinya. Aku juga tidak paham dari mana itu datang. Tapi aku bahagia saja menjalaninya. Tanpa beban. Kini aku harus mulai dari banyak hal yang sering dijalani. Menjalani dengan tulus.
Tulus akarnya dari ikhlas. Maka menumbuhkan perlu banyak hal yang diabaikan. Tanpa merasa keberatan, tanpa merasa itu sebuah paksaan, tanpa merasa itu sebuah kewajiban. Walaupun nyatanya itu tidak mudah sama sekali. Aku juga sedang belajar makna tulus sebenarnya. Belajar percaya bahwa doaku apa pun kelak hasilnya diterima. Doa yang dilangit kan punya banyak jawaban. Tidak semua sesuai dengan keinginan kita. Semua adalah jawaban terbaik dari Allah untuk kita. Hanya kadang kita selalu takut bahwa tidak sesuai dengan harapan. Tidak sesuai dengan doa yang kita inginkan. Padahal sahabat saja bahagia bila doanya dijawab dengan berbeda dengan keinginannya. Karena itu jawaban terbaik dari Allah Yang Maha Tahu.
Lalu kenapa kita terus-terusan takut dengan jawaban doa kita. Jika doa adalah ibadah maka jangan takut untuk terus menerus memohon kepadanya dengan tulusa. Ketulusan tidak merugikan apa pun dari dirimu. Itu menenangkan dan membuat ringan setiap beban yang kita rasakan. Jadi mari belajar tulus adalam hal apa pun. Apalagi dalam menjalani tugas kita sebagai manusai menjadi khalifah. beribadah beramal sebagai bekal di Akhirat kelak. Semangat belajar ikhlas, selamat belajar tulus, selamat belajar.
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theramenphase · 11 months
Self: I've made this logical, organized, and optimized schedule that I'm going to follow and be so productive! Also Self: I hate being told what to do... I'll just do whatever I feel like and hope enough things get done. Future Self: Whhhhyyyyyyy???!?!!
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trazoteatro · 1 year
Plétora: Un juego de voces y personajes
(English Version Below)
Un grupo de personajes vivos para hablar y vivir solo un simple momento. ¿Cuántas voces se pueden escuchar dentro y fuera del escenario? ¿Qué quiere ver el público?. Entre la oscuridad de los pasillos, las texturas del vestuario y el maquillaje, la magia de la creatividad y la existencia de otras vidas siempre estará dando vueltas en la mente de los artistas.
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Plethora: A voice and characters game
A group of characters alive to talk and live just a simple moment. How many voices can be heard in and out of the stage ? what is the audience wanting to see ?. Among the darkness of hallways, textures of costumes and makeup the magic of creativity and existence of other lives will always be circling in the mind of the artists .
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honeytonedhottie · 10 months
how to plan and organize ur life(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
i have been planning with notion for a little over a year and i have MAXIMIZED my productivity. im focused on my goals and i feel so in control when i know exactly what im doing.
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planning has a multitude of benefits and perks, in this post i'll break down the basics of planning from my experience.
my main objective when planning out my week is efficiency. i have a page for my calendar, my monthly goals, and my weekdays.
i also focus largely on the aesthetic of my notion because aesthetics have always held priority in my mind and if my agenda is pretty and pink i find that i want to complete it more.
if u have a bigger task in ur agenda i find that breaking it down into steps makes it more approachable. notion has a toggle feature that helps the aesthetics and makes the task look less overwhelming if u break it down.
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i put a quote or two on my agenda that helps me to stay motivated and committed to my goals. i set 2-4 monthly goals because thats as much as i can take. an important aspect of planning is knowing urself well enough to know what is too much or what is too little because its different for everybody.
during the weekdays i always plan in categories; self care, most important, tenfold, and extra.
SELF CARE ꕤ.゚ - self care is just as important as work related tasks. self care can be as simple as taking a nap or scheduling a manicure, or however u spend time with urself. its important not to neglect self care and balance attention and effort into all areas or ur life.
MOST IMPORTANT ꕤ.゚- most important includes the tasks that u need to do in order to achieve ur long and short term goals, it also includes what u have scheduled like appointments etc.
TENFOLD ꕤ.゚- tenfold is tasks that have a high ROI (return on investment) tenfold would include tasks that u do that would improve the quality of ur life.
EXTRA ꕤ.゚- other miscellaneous tasks that u need to do
i create a fresh agenda every weekend so that then i can have the most fulfilling and productive weeks <3
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blackcat-brazil · 5 months
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tears-that-heal · 4 days
Sunday - 04.21.24
I’m Struggling…..
I’m currently at my favorite-est place, which is my home church, but my mind and body are struggling; biologically. This Sunday morning, my son waited last minute to get himself ready for church, so I had to intercede. We arrived at Sunday school not too late, but once I sat down I realized that forgot my morning meds. 😳 Oh Crap! My meds help both with my mental health and my diabetes. On top of that, I had no time to prepare my dark roast ice coffee and eat breakfast. 😣It also doesn’t stop there, Philomena (menstrual cycle) is present for her monthly visit.😖😭 I’m seriously fighting back tears, right now. Also in my skewed reasoning, I ate a doughnut out of hunger. I’m totally not making things better for myself!
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Okie!!!! It’s not the end of the world!
(taking to myself)
Elena, you’ve got through similar situations and it ended just fine. You know you’ll be all Okie. You’re letting Philomena and Agnes (anxiety disorder) get the best of you. Just keep putting your trust in God. You know He’s taking care of you always. Continue to turn to Him, everyday! Amen
Now in main church service, we finished worshiping through song & music. 🎶🎸 That part of the service always uplifts my heart and mind. I simply enjoy to sing, especially to christian worship music. What also helped me became calmer, I took an emergency chill pill that I always carry with me. 💊 Thank the Lord, I had one left on me. *relieved sigh* Now I can better focus on my pastor’s message as he preaches. I’m super bless to have such an alive and maturing church congregation and leaders in my small rural TX town. Truly despite my personal struggles, I’m view myself as great blessed. Thank you Jesus! Taking life one day at a time. ❤️
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(Images found on pinterest)
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jadwiga-abremovic · 28 days
"Perhaps almost for the first time in the world, our schools are developing an experiment in the self-organization of deaf children. The children create a student self-government, composed of sanitary, economic, and cultural commissions, etc., which totally envelop the children’s life. Living skills, social behavior, initiative, leadership qualities, collective responsibility grow and strengthen in this system. Lastly, this social educational system is crowned by a children’s communist movement, through which a child learns to see himself as a participant in life on a world scale. In this way, the deaf-mute child lives and breathes with his whole country. His pulse, his efforts, his thoughts beat in unison with the masses. "
Lev Vygotsky on the positive potential of radicalized deaf children in a global communist movement. 1925.
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arjunsinghveda · 1 month
Learning the Art of Self-Management Is the Key to Self-Control
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Self-control is an important ability that may support us in reaching our objectives and living a more balanced life. In this essay, we'll look at the key to self-control and how to become an expert at self-management. We'll discuss the advantages of including ISKCON and Krishna chanting in your path toward self-control and practical solutions.
Being Aware of Self-Control:
Self-control entails controlling your impulses, emotions, and actions to accomplish long-term objectives. It's about choosing wisely instead of giving in to instant satisfaction. 
Let's Examine Some Essential Self-Control Concepts:
Being mindful begins with being conscious of your thoughts and behaviours. You may find places where you lack self-control by using this awareness.
Setting Goals: 
Clearly define your objectives. Having a clear goal in mind helps keep you disciplined and focused.
Practice deferring immediate gratification to reap larger long-term advantages. The foundation of mind-control is this.
Creating Routines:
 Self-control might be easier if organized routines and habits are established.
Managing or Avoiding Triggers: 
Recognize the circumstances or events that set off impulsive behavior and take steps to prevent or mitigate them.
The Function of Krishna Chants and ISKCON:
Including spiritual activities such as ISKCON and Krishna chanting may improve your path towards self-control in several ways.
Inner Peace: 
Practicing ISKCON and chanting mantras may help promote inner peace, which lessens the emotional upheaval that often triggers rash decisions.
Focus and Clarity: 
By improving your focus and mental clarity, these techniques will help you resist temptation more successfully.
Patience and Resilience: 
Two crucial qualities for exercising self-control are patience and resilience, as taught in ISKCON.
Support from the Community: 
Joining the ISKCON community gives you access to a network of people who can assist you in maintaining your self-control objectives.
Reduction of Stress: 
Engaging in ISKCON activities and chanting the Hare Krishna mantra may be calming and relaxing. Reducing stress is essential for retaining self-control in the fast-paced world of today. You are better able to make deliberate judgments and refrain from rash responses when you are less stressed.
Spiritual Connection: 
A strong spiritual connection with Krishna is highly valued by ISKCON. This relationship may give one a feeling of satisfaction and purpose, lessening the urge for materialistic activities that promise rapid pleasure. Long-term objectives may be prioritized, and your activities guided by the spiritual component.
Developing Gratitude: 
ISKCON teachings often promote contentment and thankfulness for life's gifts. By appreciating what you have now, practicing thankfulness may help you retain self-control and divert your attention from demands for more.
Strong Moral and Ethical Framework: 
ISKCON offers a morally sound framework to help you in your self-control endeavors. Following the ideals and ideas that ISKCON teaches will give you a strong basis for choosing moral decisions in many facets of your life.
Accountability and Community: 
Joining the ISKCON community provides a network of like-minded people who can help you stay responsible for your self-control objectives. You may get support and direction from this encouraging community when you encounter difficulties.
Mind-Body Relationship: 
ISKCON methods acknowledge the mind-body connection. One may improve one's capacity to regulate urges and maintain a healthy lifestyle by providing spiritual activities and lessons to the mind.
Negative Behaviors may Be Positively Replaced:
Chants of ISKCON and Krishna may be used to transform negative behaviors. By partaking in these activities, you may shift your attention from harmful habits to self-control and spiritual development.
In summary:
The ability to exercise self-control may be acquired with commitment and practice. You may become an expert at self-management by being aware, defining clear objectives, practicing delayed gratification, creating routines, and avoiding triggers.
Including ISKCON and Krishna chanting will help you find inner serenity, patience, concentration, spiritual nutrition, and a caring community. These components may be effective aids on your path to improved self-control and a happier existence. So, when you journey to self-control, why not investigate the advantages of ISKCON and Krishna chants?
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