#Secret Valentine
celestiall0tus · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! But particularity @Misted-Glass as I bring a (hopefully) present surprise as it was I, your @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers secret valentine.
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
3 Times Eddie has a Secret + 1 Time Steve Does
Erica Sinclair wants to throw a Valentine's Day party, and woe betide anyone coming between Erica and an idea. Eddie's happy to show up, spend some time with the kids, Robin, and Steve (though he's with the latter pair all the time), and mostly doesn't think much about it. That is until, two weeks out, Max shows up at his trailer with that look on her face, and he knows he's in for it, though he's not sure why.
He gives her a little bow. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Max?"
"You're going to Erica's party, Munson." Her hands go to her hips and her brow pinches. It's such a Steve Harrington pose it knocks something loose in Eddie's chest. "And you aren't going to say one word about conformists and sheep."
He rolls his eyes, sighs hard. "I'm surprised at you, Mayfield. Didn't have you pegged as a candy hearts type of gal."
"It's for Erica." The tip of her sneaker scuffs at the earth. "And Lucas likes it."
Eddie bites his lip to stifle his smile. They're so fucking cute.
"I suppose I can put in an appearance."
"And be on your best behavior?"
"Scout's Honor."
"You weren't a scout," she grumbles.
"Nope. But still. I'll do it for Little Sinclair."
It shouldn't bother him, the assumption that he'd be a shit about Valentine's Day. He's worked really hard to cultivate an image and it doesn't exactly scream "Be Mine." And yes, yeah, sure, the Munson Doctrine doesn't go in for the holiday, and his cynical heart blah-blah-blah. It's just that. Well, he sort of enjoys the love part.
And later that night, in the safety of his dark bedroom, he acknowledges that he wouldn't mind having a date on Valentine's Day. It would be--well, it would be nice to have someone buy him flowers or chocolates, or even--ugh--a gross, sappy, sentimental card. He wants to have reservations at Enzo's, wants to go see a terrible romcom after, wants to go home and fall into bed with the person he loves. And it isn't metal, or even very cool, but he wants to be showered with affection, celebrated, fucking loved.
He wants so much his entire body aches with it.
Eddie's at Family Video, rifling through the candy that he knows Steve just reorganized.
"What are you looking for, Munson?" Robin asks. She's half-engrossed in the paperwork in front of her.
Eddie's half listening, watching Steve re-shelve New Releases. He's focused on the VHSs in his arms, so Eddie has ample opportunity to admire the bunch and stretch of his shoulder muscles as he reaches to the top of the wall.
"I don't know," he nibbles on his lip. "Something that's not so," he wiggles his hand through the air.
"Romantic?" She guesses.
"No," he shakes his head. "I mean--"
"You mean?" She's focused on him now, must have caught him watching Steve, and he hopes she doesn't make it a big deal.
"Something," he says. "Um. Just something different."
And what he means is a movie for a guy like him where love doesn't have to be a distant dream. Where he can have feelings for someone and it isn't potentially dangerous.
So, he smiles and shrugs. Grabs the tape closest to his hand. "Guess I'll just take this."
"Well, this is definitely different, Eddie," she says. She narrows her eyes at him, like he's a new language she's learning, but he scampers out before she can say anything.
The movie he grabbed without looking is Cocoon and he can't even pretend interest, so he's not exactly disappointed when someone knocks at his door a few hours later. He's expecting Max, maybe Steve, but startles a little at Robin. She pushes past him and into the trailer.
"Good to see you too, Buckley."
She ignores him. "I have something to tell you. You and Steve are the only people who know."
"Okay?" His eyes are so wide it kind of hurts.
She takes a deep breath. "I'm gay."
"What?" He shrieks, doesn't know why. He's always kind of known.
Robin responds by swatting at him, and they bat at one another with the tips of their fingers.
"Nancy?" He asks once they calm down.
"Shut-up," Robin flushes a dark red.
"It's the guns right?"
It's her turn to shriek, and she gets a solid punch in on his shoulder. They wrestle around, until Eddie pulls away, pushing his hair off his sweaty forehead.
"I'm--" he's never said the words to another person. Uncle Wayne just sort of knew and you don't really have to talk at any of the bars he goes to in Indy. "I'm gay too," he tells Robin.
She beams at him. "Cool."
"Cool." He fiddles with his rings. "Harrington knows about you?"
"He was the first person I told."
"You aren't going to tell him about me?"
She leans her head on his shoulder. "Of course not. But he'd be okay, if you wanted to tell him."
He can't help but scoff. "It's different for lesbians, Buckley. Straight guys can be into that."
She scoffs right back. "Steve isn't like that and you know it."
She's right. He does. But the fear runs deep. Especially especially because it's Steve. And Eddie couldn't handle any of things that might happen if Robin is wrong.
"Thanks, Bucks," he says. He leans his head against hers, hugs her close.
Erica's party is happening at Steve's and Eddie shows up at the appointed time, with the appointed cupcakes (baked from a box, frosted from a can).
The kids are shouting in the living room, but his eyes automatically find Steve in the kitchen. He has a a towel draped over his shoulder, hair disheveled, and is mixing Tropical Punch and Sprite into a serving bowl.
"How'd you end up hosting?" Eddie asks.
Steve smiles, a bashful little thing. "Erica called me this morning and yelled until I agreed."
"Pushover," Eddie teases.
"Oh, and you just made those cupcakes for fun, Munson?"
"Shut-up, Harrington." Eddie knocks their shoulders together. "They're ugly as shit. Didn't know there was an art to frosting cupcakes."
"I think I can help. You mind?"
Steve grabs some plastic spatula looking thing, gets to work with a focused determination that has him biting at his lip. Heat kicks in Eddie's blood, makes it so he can't watch. Instead, he slides a finger into the icing.
"Hey! What--? Munson!" Steve yells, as Eddie brushes the pink frosting onto Steve's cheekbone.
"Got ya!" He dances out of reach.
They bob and weave and dodge through the kitchen, laughing and yelling, until Steve has Eddie pressed against the cabinets, no escape. They're close, breathing hard and pink-faced. He can't help glancing down at the plush softness of Steve's mouth, can't help noticing Steve's eyes track the movement. Time pauses, stutters, and the distance between them closes.
"Steve!" Dustin shouts. "What's taking so long?"
The tension breaks and Eddie escapes into the living room, desperate to convince himself it wasn't a moment, that Steve isn't interested. Wishes his heart was a little more cynical, after all.
The party is fun. There are games and snacks and crafts. He gets roped into playing Mystery Date and tries and fails to not notice Steve bent over, playing Twister, left hand on red, right hand on green.
When they start doing crafts, Steve is hard at work on a Valentine.
"What you making, Stevie?" Eddie asks. He cranes his neck to see.
"Back off, Munson."
"Got someone you've been admiring, big boy?"
Steve goes pink and Eddie can't tell if it's the nickname or his question.
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
And since Eddie really, really would, he jumps towards Steve, trying to sneak a peek. Steve laughs, hard and kind of surprised, before hunching over the card.
"None of your business, Eddie." But Steve is flushed and smiling.
Eddie pouts. "You know how much I love knowing things."
Steve looks at him. Like, looks at him, and Eddie goes warm all over.
"Maybe if you're a good boy today, you'll get to know later, yeah?"
Good boy does things. It makes Eddie's heart stop, his breathing slow, re-routes all the blood in his body south. He can only gasp and nod, sure his eyes are weirdly glazed.
Good boy. He's not sure if he hears another word spoken to him for the rest of the day.
The party draws to a close. For once in their lives, the actual parents are driving their kids around and Robin hitches a ride with the Hopper-Byers, leaving Eddie and Steve on clean-up.
"Wanna stick around, Munson? Watch a movie? Think I have a joint leftover from last week."
"Course, Stevie, how could I say no to such a generous offer."
"I think you're making fun of me, but I don't understand why."
Eddie laughs. "Totally genuine, sweetheart. Cross my heart." Steve smiles at that, his eyes turning the color of honey.
Eddie is so, so fucked.
They get situated on the couch and Steve says, "Have you been good today?"
"Huh?" Eddie can't breathe.
"I said you could see what I was making if you were good today. Were you?"
Eddie can't speak, can't think, can't move. His brain is throbbing. This has to be a dream. No way Steve is actually asking that.
But Steve is looking at him and somehow he has the presence of mind to fucking nod, and then Steve is handing him a red construction paper heart and a rose with petals so purple they're almost black.
He's hallucinating. That's what this is. He got some laced weed and now his wildest fantasy is playing out in his head.
The Valentine has a white lace doily thing glued to it and it says, in glitter:
"Roses are red,
Violets are Blue;
Eddie Munson,
I really like you"
His eyes fall on Steve. He perceives him, the way a pink flush sits high on his cheekbones, the shine in his eyes, the tremble in his hands.
Oh shit. Oh shit. Eddie isn't hallucinating. He's not dreaming. He's--
"Steve," he sounds a wreck.
"It's--Eddie, it's okay if you don't like me back. I just--I've liked you for a while and Robin thought I should tell you, and--"
"Steve," he says again, stands this time. "Can I kiss you?" It's a miracle he gets the words out.
"God, yes, please," Steve nearly whines.
Eddie pulls him in close, slotting their mouths together. Steve tastes like Tropical Punch and frosting and he makes a little noise as Eddie nips at his lip.
And that's it, that's all it takes. Eddie is gone, ruined, Valentine's celebrator until the end of time, lost forever to Steve-goddamn-Harrington.
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writeblrcafe · 5 months
Secret Valentine hosted by Writeblr Café
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Let's spread love in our writing community with a lovely game of Secret Valentine! After our successful Secret Santa gift exchange (read all gifts here) we are hosting another written gift exchange. As you all know, our main goal is bringing writers together. We aspire to inspire! So join the fun, write something wonderful for a fellow writer, and receive a written gift from your Secret Valentine.
Who can participate?
This event is open for all writers. Any writer can choose to spread some love and gift a present through their words!
How it works:
Fill in this form to participate (direct link below)
25th January for signing up through filling in the form
27th January for receiving your Secret Valentine target through dms
14th February for posting your writing gift tagged #wcsecretvalentine within the first 5 tags and tag who the gift is for as well as @writeblrcafe
If you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask in the comment section or send us a curious ask! We promise we don’t bite (unless you are in love with vampires, then we will bite you passionately.) We will keep our shadows hidden by keeping each other warm.
Spread this lovely message by reblogging this post! Thank you <3
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valensemblestars · 5 months
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Yes I'm reusing the banner from last year sue me
Welcome back to the Ensemble Stars Valentine's Gift Exchange! After such a great response from our participants last year, we've decided to host a second one! This will be similar to the winter gift exchanges like Secret Santa, but centered around Valentine's. You'll read our rules, submit your application, and you'll have about a month to create a gift! We'll be following the same timeline as last year which is as follows:
Sign Up:  January 1st - January 10th 
Assignments will be sent out by January 14th!
Creation Time: January 14th - February 13th 
Posting Period: February 14th - February 21st 
Creation check in will be February 1st!
Communication for this event will be primarily over email so please make sure you provide one that you check frequently, as well as that our email, [email protected], is whitelisted and doesn't get marked as spam.
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my-deer-friend · 4 months
Happy Secret Valentine, @ovrarches! 💕
Please enjoy President Thomas getting very thoroughly whumped, and then comforted by Alex, the master of being-in-touch-with-and-honest-about-his-feelings.
Maybe the shock is finally wearing off. But Alex isn’t all that sure he’s ready to process the last twenty-four hours, a day that started off so fucking mundane that he’d barely remember it if it hadn't gone tits-up. If only he’d recognised the grim omens for what they were and turned around and gone right back home… But it's not like he was expecting to be right in the middle of a goddamn presidential assassination.
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made for the satosugu secret valentine exchange <3
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binch-i-might-be · 4 months
okay! here we are! for my secret valentine @firebalda :)
The hand that rested on his desk slipped down into his lap, drifting to the inside of his forearm of its own accord. There, hidden underneath his sleeve and faded with the twenty years that had passed since, sat a burn mark. An old injury, one Alexander had inquired about only weeks after they’d first met, back in lawschool–the two of them drawn to each other by their shared ambitions and the fact that both of them had just managed to claw their respective ways out of foster care to full ride scholarships, and were now surrounded by nepo-babies and third generation lawyers in the making. Two lost and lonely kids who found themselves in one another.
Back then, he had told him what he had told everyone else; an accident involving an unsupervised hot pan when he was a small child.
It hadn’t come up again, so Alexander never found out the truth.
some modern au established hamburr featuring hurt Aaron and good bf Alex :))
I hope you like it!
thank you @hamevents2024 for organising!!
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personinthepalace · 3 months
Scientist Dance Party! - Odd Squad
this is my odd squad secret valentine’s gift for @sweet-sage-tea! hope you enjoy it!! 💜
and a huge thank you to @cacti-trash for hosting this event!
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th3geo · 4 months
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My piece for the VGCupid2024 event. This was for @befishproductions ! Such a cute character <3
DM if you want to commission me COMMISSION INFO
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fuel-burn-2-0 · 4 months
Kinda late, but here's the Secret Valentine I was a part of on Discord.
This on was for _sinsine_ (unable to at a Tumblr this time)
Apologies for it not being the greatest work in the world, I did my best!
Hope you enjoy!
Ratchet had rather rough servos.
Those servos had gone through a quite lot, the road of mangled patients and dangerous situations wasn't a pleasant one of any one's hands, so their rough and slightly abused state was rather common.
He did try to take the time he needed to take care of them, give them a good tending to ever once in a while, but a medic's work was never done, so self care was few and far between.
He probably would have skipped this day to if it hadn't been for Optimus.
Optimus carefully tapped the applicator against a small crack on Ratchet's palm, applying a smear of healing solvent to it.
The leader of the Autobots had pulled Ratchet aside at a quiet moment, and the two had had a small conversation, checking in for the most part.
Now Optimus was no medic, but he was good at following instructions, and his gentle touch made this slow, slightly laboring process far easier on the other bot than it would have been with Ratchet doing it himself.
There is little conversation between the two old bots, but that wasn't too unusual. They spent many silent hours in each others company several times before.
Who needed conversation in a good peaceful moment like this? They had talked plenty, even if often about less pleasant things, so sitting in each other's quiet company was enough for them.
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grimaussiewitch · 1 year
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A gift for @bonthebanana for the @mcyt-valentines gift exchange event!
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practicecourts · 4 months
Happy valentine's day!! 💌
Send this to five different people anonymously, and tell them three things you love/appreciate about them to brighten their Valentine's day!
Three things I love about you:
I loooove how amazing your fics are
All the work you do for the Jilychallenge
Your funny, random gifs in your reblogs!
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i felt obliged to go look for a gif now ;-) thank you anon! this was so lovely to receive !! xxx
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writeblrcafe · 4 months
Secret Valentine: it's a wrap!
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Thank you all for writing such wonderful gifts for Secret Valentine! You spread the love in our writing community through your beautiful words. We wrapped up all gifts for you to read here:
@charlies-storybook gifted @lexiklecksi the story Pleased to fish you
@blu3birdprince gifted @sadfragilegirl this K-pop flash fiction
@silveringofrose gifted @blu3birdprince the short story A Twist of Fate
@atmosphericwrites gifted @flowers-for-the-grave the short story Magic Mart
@lexiklecksi gifted @charlies-storybook this love poem
@betweenthetimeandsound gifted @tangledcharms the flash fiction Broken Bracelet
@tangledcharms gifted @tales-from-nocturnaliss this love poem
@flowers-for-the-grave gifted @kittrrrr this short story
@lacunasbalustrade gifted @atmosphericwrites this prose piece
@theglitchywriterboi gifted @betweenthetimeandsound this short story
@mysticstarlightduck gifted @theglitchywriterboi this flash fiction
@aziz-reads gifted @foxys-fantasy-tales this short story
@365runesoftheamalgamations gifted @relmsramblins this poetic prose
@tales-from-nocturnaliss gifted @everytimeyousaygoodbye this love poem
@foxys-fantasy-tales gifted @365runesoftheamalgamations the short story Filling a home, filling a heart
@sadfragilegirl gifted @mysticstarlightduck this prose piece
@darkforestroads gifted @aziz-reads this love poem
@everytimeyousaygoodbye gifted @darkforestroads the poem As the cherry blossoms wither
@relmsramblins gifted @silveringofrose the poetic prose The Compass Quartet
@kittrrrr gifted @lacunasbalustrade this prose piece
Give all pieces a read and don't forget to comment if you liked your gift on the post! If you liked this Secret Valentine writing exchange, let us know in the comment section of this post, so we can host more events like this one in the future!
All our love, the staff of writeblrcafé
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valensemblestars · 1 year
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Welcome to the Ensemble Stars Valentines Gift Exchange! Similar to Secret Santa and holiday gift exchanges you see in November and December, this will be an exchange of fanart and fanfiction focused on Valentine's day!
You can find the mobile directory here and once you've read that, you can fill out an application here! We will be communicating with you via email so please make sure you give us an email that you check often.
Sign Up:  January 1st - January 10th 
Assignments will be sent out by January 14th!
Creation Time: January 14th - February 13th 
Posting Period: February 14th - February 21st 
Creation check in will be February 1st!
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tudatooniac · 4 months
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Make this for Alter's discord valentine event. My secret valentine is LittleyVietnam. I drew their oc, Primary, hugging Haunter who is confuse.
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zzuuha · 1 year
𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮! ❦
hello, @zzuuha! you have received a bouquet full of pink roses from your secret valentine, @stil-yr-sand! pink roses symbolize elegance, sweetness, and being fit for royalty.
along with your beautiful flowers, a short message has been sent to you! it reads:
"hey clary! its 💌 ! i just wanted to say i loved getting to know you and had a lot of fun (also sorry for being MIA these past few days i got super busy). i knew i had to pick smth pink to match your theme and the symbolism of pink roses just screamed (scram??) you :]"
happy valentines day, and enjoy your flowers!
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(this delivery is from @view-bouquets, a virtual flower delivery service for fans of stray kids. for prettier flowers, click on the photo!)
hello @stil-yr-sand 💕💕 thank u so much, the bouquet is as lovely and sweet as you are 💗 your messages truly made my days better, i hope you’re having a wonderful week 💐✨ hope we can get to know each others a little better 💫
p.s.: idk if u have a bias among skz so here’s a hanji heart for u haha
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