#Sanji Writes Bridgerton
viscountessevie · 2 years
Kiddo FCs for me:
Edmund: Kate goes into labour two weeks early when Anthony is in Parliament and he gets a message from Violet to come quickly. He just up and leaves, knocking a few people out of his way, races home on a horseback. Violet is there with her but Kate's in a lot of pain and screming for Anthony. When Anthony reaches home he just takes off his coat, rushes in, rolls up his sleeves and goes to sit behind Kate. Kate's leaning on him and they hold hands while she struggles to bring their child into this world. And obviously they cry when they hold Neddy. And everyone is waiting for news and rushes over to meet the newest Bridgerton and Violet cries when she hears his name from Anthony. Her baby now has a baby of his own. He's a sweet boy and he wants to be like his papa but is also wise and patient like Kate. He worships his parents and is their number one champion. Also since he's grown up in a home filled with love, he'll only settle for a love match in the future.
Miles/baby named after Kate's appa (season 4): Comes easier than Neddy but Anthony is taking no chances and wants to be there for the birth again. Of course Anthony refuses to leave Kate's side this time and is at home throughout her last few days of confinement. They are both better prepared for this one. Neddy is waiting with granny Violet and aunt Hyacinth. When he goes to meet his new brother, he runs up to his mama and asks if she's okay and if she was in a lot of pain. And he swears to protect his baby brother because he's the first born of two first borns duh. Miles is a funny baby, he sleeps and cries a lot but he always calms down near his mama, papa or Neddy. Sophie and Gregory are his favourites. Also, he's totally mama's boy.
Charlotte/baby named after Kate's amma (season 6): The easiest birth by far for the most demanding baby. This one is a total hellion like Kate and is stubborn af. She wants all the attention and the good thing is she gets it from her dad and her two older brothers who are even more protective that Anthony or Kate ever were. She's going to give Anthony a lot of grey hairs when she grows up to be the most beautiful woman anyone has ever seen but her parents are proud of how strong, smart and loyal she is. She loves her uncle Michael and is best friends with little Violet.
Oops baby girl/don't know if they'll name her after Mary (season 8): The sweetest little girl to ever exist. Her birth was the most difficult and Anthony cried for days because he really thought he was going to lose either Kate or this perfect little angel. She's everyone's baby now, people literally have her in their arms all the time, she's never put in her bassinet or cradle. And her favourite person in the world is her papa. She has Anthony wrapped around her little finger and she knows it too. She's also the kindest of the lot and reminds Kate so much of her appa!
Related to this ask and this was the essay in question ahaha.
Also I got a request to do Kathony Pregnancy HCs a while ago and that can be found here! Just for this ask and your brilliant writing, I'm going to call you Writer ✍️ Anon.
I mostly wrote about cravings and how Anthony and the kiddos interact with Kate while she's pregnant. I love all the extra details you've given here. Honestly I agree with most of them in terms of the pregnancies!
As for who they are as people, I've been reading so much of @hptriviachamp Trivia's Next Gen HCs and The Courtship of Charlotte Bridgerton series that it has become canon to me. So I do have to disagree with most of these HCs but you’re still valid for how you view the kiddos. 
My read is basically on who they are in the birth order as well as agreeing with Triv’s assessments of their love lives. There are some bits that diverge and that’s what I’m going to talk about here [Under the cut cos it got long lmao]: 
As much as Kathony tries to raise him to feel loved and like he doesn’t need to have the weight of the world on his shoulders, he is still a first born and we’re all fucked up. We are after all the test children lmao and Kathony isn’t immune to making mistakes raising their kiddos. He wouldn’t feel as responsibility ridden as his parents did because he wasn’t parentified after losing one of them like they were but he is still very protective and feels responsible for his siblings. He’s also very eager for his title and responsibilities as a future Viscount. So personally, I think he is kind of a stiff always trying to be the ‘perfect’ Viscount 
And I agree with Triv that Anthony would go easy on him so as to not repeat history with having Neddy grow up too fast but Edmund sees it as his dad not trusting him to take over from him so cue Daddy Issues. He just wants to impress his parents and society, it takes a toll on him tbh. As far as love matches go, while he believes in it because of his parents I think kind of like me he initially ends up with a highly romanticised version of what love should be and has a lot of failed romances in his early seasons and as he hits his late 20s, he starts going for the older women and men - yes our boy is bi as fuck. 
This HC is fully credited to Triv but yeah I can definitely see him settling with an older woman, a widow and adopting her child. 
Miles or as I like to call him Madhavan: 
UO: I’ve hated the name Miles for Miles because it sounds so modern and just doesn’t seem to fit him as a name itself. So I’m taking this opportunity to rename him Madhavan after my HC for Kate’s dad’s name in the show is Madhavan (my usual go to name for him is Thaman but I wanted something close to Miles). 
Anyways he goes by Madha and this is where my HCs differ from Triv. I think he’s a PEAK middle child. While Kathony does their best with all the kiddos, I think Miles just tends to be overlooked at times solely because he liked to keep to himself as a kid and is more quiet (kinda like Frannie) so they think he’s independant and leaves him to his own devices. But he ends up feeling isolated in his own family so in his teens to young adulthood, he starts kicking up a fuss to get his parents’ attention. Boy definitely had a scandal or two. Eventually after talking it through with his parents, he mellows out. Meets a girl who actually sees him for who he is and they settled down with your usual picket fence. Most likely the only one of the Kathonys to have a couple of kids - maybe 3.
So I adore her name but I despise the new Show!HC popping up that she might get named after Queen Charlotte rather than Kate’s mom so I AM REJECTING that energy. I’ve flipped flopped a couple of times on what her mom’s name would have been and it was always Chandra/Chandri/Charithra. Chandra sounded too old, Chandri was after my aunt but I didn’t like how it ended with an ‘i’ it looks like an incomplete name when written down lmao. And I think Charithra is a very pretty name and it also starts with Char like Charlotte tho I’d like to think Show!Charithra goes by Chari. 
So while I love Triv’s fic and her interpretation of Charlotte, I think Chari would be pretty different. Yes, she is another middle child and is discreet - I agree with Triv on that front but I think while she does go by the book in some aspect she is still an middle child and always needs to make her presence known. I think like Kate, she would be a very formidable and intimidating deb, she’s more subtle with her digs than her mom was. Definitely pansexual and has shacked it up with almost everyone in her season. Tbh, I don’t think she’d get married, I think she likes having her independence. I think she’d eventually retire to the country with her girlfriend - maybe they have the occasional boy toy here and there. 
She is BABY!! And OF COURSE she’s still getting named Mary, fuck the show canon, Mary is a present and loving step parent and the best of us. Kate is going to honour ALL THREE of her parents with her kiddos. 
Anyways like Triv said, Mary is Kate 2.0 a whole ass menace and while Kate was a little beaten down as the Eldest, Mary never had that responsibility and is PEAK youngest child. She constantly reads all the men for filth and is more direct than Chari is. Also she’s a funky little lesbian. The GC’s talked about this before but omg a lesbian version of Persuasion with Mary would be PEAK romance. But yeah she has this angsty romance with her wife before they get together and her wife is the only one who can get her to chill out a little but again she’s Mary and Kathony’s kid - she has no chill. Like Charlotte, she isn’t that interested in kids and can’t have them anyways being a lesbian and all and neither of them want to fuck a dude just to get a baby so they are the funky lesbian aunts who love treating their nieces and nephews.
As for family connections (lmao can’t believe I missed out that part of your ask til I read back everything): 
I think the Sharma-Bridgerton family are very close knit. While sometimes, they hid away their baggage (see: Edmund thinking his dad doesn’t think he’s worthy of responsibility and bottling up those feelings and Madha feeling isolated and not telling anyone til his shit ends him in hot water of a scandal.), they all do share their stories, days and talk about everything at family dinner. That being said with the siblings, I think Edmund and Mary would be really close (a lot of the eldest-youngest sibs are very close I wish I had that *cries*) while Madha and Chari are two sides of the same Middle Child Coin. 
I don’t necessarily think they default to Mama’s Boys and Daddy’s Girls and love their parents equally but there is a small preference and it’s alternating - so Edmund is PEAK Daddy’s Boy kinda like how Anthony was with Edmund I himself. Madha is close with Kate and goes to her first about feeling left out and looked over and she totally gets it cos we all saw how London treated her. Charlotte is PEAK Daddy’s Girl and his Princess because she was the only girl for the longest time and she had him wrapped around his finger since Day 1. Mary being Kate 2.0, definitely adores and idolises her mom and much like Edmund trying to be like his dad, Mary emulates her mom very often - albeit she’s more unhinged than Kate. 
As for the Cousins & Aunt/Uncles: 
So my personal HC is that Saphne, Kathony and Benophie are all very close because they all got married back to back and Simon, Anthony and Benedict are all buddies while Kate and Sophie are besties - Daph is close to them too but the sisters-in-laws have a closer bond since they are the only ones for the first decade. Then when John and Michael marry in, they are also close to Kathony because of Frannie (my personal HC is that Anthony and Frannie are the closest and she’s his fave sister). 
In that vein all four of these couples’ kids would be close and besties.  Solely based on age, I’d pair the following dynamics:  - Edmund, Belinda (both 1815), Amelia (1814), Caroline (1816) - Madha, David (1817) and Charles (1818) get up to alot of hijinks - Charlotte, William (1822), Alexander (1820), & Violet (1824) - also of course Saphne’s ABC are there to be older sisters to Charlotte and Violet its a vibe - Mary and the other babies, Edward, John and Janet. 
Bonus HC: Edmund unwittingly forms a group of all the first borns and get together weekly to snark about their annoying younger siblings lmao.
That’s my take on the Next Gen! Thanks for this ask Writer ✍️ Anon - can’t wait for your future ones ehehe
Send Me Your Kathony HCs/Thoughts/S3 Theories
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licorice-tea · 3 months
The Object Of All My Desires
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: so much angst, unrequited feelings (or so law thinks!), pining, yearning, (verbal) fighting, cursing, reader refers to law as a “stalker”, which is valid tbh bc he’s being a little weird, but not really, strawhat reader
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: oh my god i spend so long on this and i just kept hitting mental roadblocks! but then, tonight i got the inspiration to write like ~500 words and finished it up. there were only meant to be 2 parts, but similar to the second season of bridgerton (which it’s inspired by) there will be a 3rd! (the 1st part is based on the first meeting of kate/anthony, this part is based on that entire pinning phase+the confesssion, and the last will be shorter and basically be a resolution of everything.) also, im looking for beta readers! pls dm or comment if you’re interested!!! and if you’d like to be tagged in the next lmk! thanks for reading <3
Part 1 • Part 3
The second time you and Law were around one another long enough to have to face the other and, god forbid, speak, would come 2 years after your first meeting. After all your training apart from your crew, you had finally united and started traveling together again. You and your nakama took on all the challenges Fishman Island had thrown at you and soon moved on to the next adventure: Punk Hazard. It was there you met the standoffish Captain of the Heart Pirates again, and he proposed an alliance to Luffy between your two crews. So here you are; in an alliance with a captain you’d managed to piss off 2 years ago, and who clearly still carries that grudge with him.
Law already doesn’t like being part of the alliance with Straw Hat- but you only make it 1000 times worse. It’s unbearable having to be on the same ship as you, let alone sit at the same table over meals or pass each other in hallways. Not to mention, you seem to make everything a competition. And he doesn’t want to be in as childish a feud as the one that the swordsman and the love cook have, but you’re forcing him to act that way. You’re absolutely insufferable, and how he ever found you remotely intriguing or pretty to begin with is beyond his comprehension.
And yet, Law can’t pull himself away from you, nor you from him. He lingers in dark hallways just to pass by you as you go about your errands on the ship. He stares long enough to burn holes through you, then turns away milliseconds before you catch him (or so he thinks.) But every time you approach the reserved man, he exudes an air of annoyance.
It all makes you wonder, “What’s his deal?” Besides your little tiff back in Sabaody 2 years ago, you’ve never done anything to offend him in his time on the Sunny… Maybe you just need to clear the air. Yeah, that’s it; confront Law and ensure there is no bad blood between the two of you. No grudges, just goodwill.
You hope.
The Strawhats and co (Law) are docked at a small island, just for a day or so. Frankly needs supplies, Sanji; ingredients, Chopper; medicine, Zoro; booze, etcetera. And since most of the others have something specific they’re in search of, you have a free day to explore and shop!
You bid Brooke goodbye and thank him for watching the ship, then make your way up the dock and into town. It’s a quaint area, but the market near the entrance of what resembles a town square is overflowing with interesting bits and baubles.
Though you are happy to have this time to yourself, you’re not alone. Law is a mere 20ish feet away. He doesn’t greet you or even make eye contact, instead choosing to lean into shadows and stand behind vendor booths. You can tell that he’s trying to go unnoticed, pretending to be interested in whatever wares the shopkeepers have for sale every time you turn back to check for him.
And it’s fine, for a while. This could be a good opportunity to try and talk to him and ensure that the two of you are on good, if not neutral terms. It’s a little strange that he’s following you now after the two of you have had close to no interactions during his week or so on board the Thousand Sunny, but you don’t mind.
You cannot, however, pass up the opportunity to harmlessly scare him when he gets momentarily distracted by one of the little shops. While Law is reading titles of comic books (how strange…), you double back so that when he looks up, he can’t find you. He scans the marketplace, but to no avail- you must have run off somewhere.
Then you tap his shoulder, and the man nearly jumps out of his skin as he whips his head around to see who it is.
“You really like stalking me, huh?”
“…I’m not stalking you.”
“No? Well, whatever you want to call it, it’s the second time it’s happened.”
“What are you-“
“Sabaody, 2 years ago.”
“I wasn’t stalking you then, either.”
“Fine; following me through at least 3 groves while trying to be quiet and stay out of sight.”
Law scoffs. “Whatever.”
“Hm…” You lean to the side to see what’s behind him; display shelves with various comic books. “What were you looking at?”
“Nothing, I wasn’t even looking here.”
“Ah, so it’s ok for you to lie to my face, but not me to you. Got it.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
You nearly laugh. 2 years ago, after proceeding to follow you through several groves of the Archipelago, Law had insisted on knowing if you were a pirate or not, and the conversation had somehow escalated into an argument. It was a stupid little thing. But, you find it funny now, which is why you’re attempting to make jokes about the encounter and ensure him there are no hard feelings reserved over it. “Again, Sabaody.”
“Well… maybe you should stop carrying a grudge over that.”
“I’m not.”
“You are.”
“I only bring it up because I think it’s funny.”
“I think it’s childish.” Law doesn’t know why he says this, to be honest. He wants to come off as smart and witty, though he might not have executed it very well.
With a scoff, you cross your arms. “Law you’ve refused to even look at me in your time with my crew. When I try to talk to you, you act like you don’t hear me or straight up ignore me. Then you go and stare at me from across as if I can’t see you. And I’m childish?”
“Yeah, you are, and I don’t like you. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“Better than you being an awkward asshole with no explanations as to why.”
“I’m not fucking awkward, shut up.”
“Oh no, you just follow people around for the better part of an hour without talking to them. Very charming.”
Law huffs, unamused, and storms off without another word.
You sigh and continue browsing the stalls. “Ok, so, maybe there is some bad blood between us….”
Things are awkward between you and Law for the remainder of the evening. Not only is he avoiding you, but you’re also avoiding him. And though you still try your best to be at least a little friendly, he straight up ignores all of your attempts. Whereas before your little confrontation in the marketplace, the stoic man would have at least responded with an eye roll.
When it’s dinnertime, you take your seat next to Robin as usual. Casual conversation and laughter flow around the table easily and seemingly endlessly… until Law walks in. He sits in the only empty chair, next to Chopper’s, and nods at Sanji in thanks for the food. And you, foolishly, try to incorporate him into the conversation. Maybe you do it to try and heal the small rift between the two of you, or maybe you simply want to provoke him further (though you'd never admit it.)
“So, Law, how was your day?”
Everyone pauses their conversations to not-so-discreetly listen in. They had also recognized the growing tension between you and the ally captain, for seemingly no reason at all.
“Mind your own business.”
“Hard to do when you’re always in mine.”
He nearly spits out his drink.“What?”
“You heard me.”
“I’m starting to get sick of your behavior, y/n.”
“So sick that you just can’t seem to leave me alone?”
“Watch the way you speak to me-“
“My apologies Law, I’m so used to being watched by you rather than having conversations, I must have forgotten my manners-“
“Shut up!”
“Fuck you!”
Now that both of your voices are raised, the crew sees it fit to intervene.
“Watch how you speak to them, Trafalgar-“ Sanji warns.
Similarly, Robin tries to talk you down. “Y/n, he’s our ally-“
The attempts to calm what had nearly turned into a screaming match prove futile, as Law storms out. You scoff and cross your arms. He’s so infuriating, it makes you sick to your stomach.
Silence passes as your crewmates look between each other, none wanting to be the first to… console you? Admonish? Give advice.
“You two should talk, y/n.” Says Robin, ever so mature.
“If he wants to talk, he can come to me instead of constantly staring at me from across the deck without saying anything.”
“Well, he’s clearly not very good at showing it, but you realize that he likes you, don’t you?”
You blink and turn to look at her. This must be another one of her dark jokes. “Very funny, Robin.”
“Oh, y/n, come on!“ Usopp groans; he’s had enough of the yearning and tension. “You seriously didn’t know?”
“No! Because he doesn’t like me. He’s been holding a stupid grudge against me since the first time we met back in Sabaody-“
Nami backs up Usopp’s point; “A crush, y/n. He’s had a crush on you and he’s too shy to talk to you normally-“
“So, what, it’s ok for him to just watch from afar but then act like a jerk when I try and talk to him?”
Surprisingly, Chopper speaks up next. “…Maybe your intentions came off different than intended?”
This makes you bite your lip in thought. Perhaps they had.
Nami pats your shoulder, “Now, go work this out so the rest of us don’t have to deal with all your unresolved tension.”
You unintentionally pout; the last thing you want is to talk to Law right now. But, your crew urges you on, and all but pushes you out the door.
You find him pacing back and forth on the starboard deck of the Sunny.
He whips around and you swear you see his scowl become even more pronounced than usual. The crease between his brows deepens, as the corners of his lips turn into a borderline pout. “Not done tormenting me?
“Tormenting? I just… I came to talk to you.“
“I find that hard to believe. From the moment we met, you have been nothing but rude and a nuisance to me.”
You scoff, all plans of reconciliation forgotten. “Believe me, Law, the feeling is mutual.”
“Fuck off.”
“This is my ship, so why don’t you fuck off? Jump overboard for all I care.”
“Maybe I will if it gets me away from you.” Law turns on his heel and storms off the open deck and into a hallway.
“Good luck swimming, asshole!”
Your rebuttal brings him right back to his former position, face to face with you so that your screaming match can continue “I hope you know that every moment I have to spend on this ship is torture, y/n, all because of you.”
“I haven’t done shit to you, Law.”
“Then whose fault is it that I feel this way? Go on, name someone else so I can take it out on them instead.”
“It’s your fault if you feel any type of way about me besides amicably. I’ve been nothing but kind, and-“
“Bullshit. Whether you know it or not you’ve done… something to me, I can feel it.”
“Oh yeah? And since when do you know anything about how you feel, all you do is brood.”
“I don’t brood. And I know that you are the bane of my existence.” He spits back, making sure to emphasize the word bane.
You hold your breath, refusing to play into this childish argument any longer. Or maybe it’s because, even if it’s just a little, his words genuinely hurt. You realize then, that you don’t want to be the so called ‘bane of his existence.’ He takes your silence as an opportunity to continue, though at a much lower volume than before.
“… And the object of all my desires.”
After a moment of disbelief, your scowl turns to a raised brow. “Excuse me?”
“Every one of my waking hours is plagued by thoughts of you. It doesn’t help that I can’t go anywhere on this goddamned ship-“
“Don’t you talk about the Sunny that way-“
“- without seeing you!”
“Well you must enjoy being around me if you’ve decided I’m,” you create air quotations with your hands, “the object of all your desires.”
You feel so out of your depth now. All you know to do is to bite back with witty remarks, even when he opens up to you. And he seems to do the exact same.
“It’s a nuisance.”
Your lip trembles, but you refuse to cry in front of Law while he plays this sick mind game with you. “I didn’t know liking me was such an awful fate.”
He lets out a shaky breath. “There are so many other things I should be focused on, but all I think of is you. It’s not awful, but it’s making me weak.”
“You’re such a prick, Law.”
He’s bewildered, mouth gaping as he tries to understand what could’ve been wrong with what he’s just confessed to you. “I’m saying I like you, y/n, I- Do you hate me that much?”
“No, I don’t hate you, idiot! But you- when you started traveling with us, you made me feel like I had done something to offend you, and then when I confronted you about it in the market you started to really hold a grudge, then you - I just- that’s not how you treat people!”
“Are you messing with me right now, Law? Is this another play to try and gain the upper hand in this… ongoing thing we have?”
“No, I wouldn’t…” He trails off and shakes his head. He probably would, if he weren’t so enamored with you and on the condition he possessed the social skills to pull off such an elaborate scheme. “It’s not.”
You’re silent again, but both you and Law are refusing to break eye contact. He must notice your still watery eyes and trembling bottom lip because he steps forward. His hand travels to your arm, then your chin. Forced to look at him, you are pained to see a similar unhappy look in his eyes. Minus the tears. You could almost take him for sorry if it weren’t Trafalgar Law, of all people. So instead of falling into his arms like you suddenly feel a desperate need to; you step backward.
You fold your arms over your chest as you look off somewhere- anywhere besides his eyes. “Law, nothing good can come of this.”
“This? What is this, y/n?”
“These.. feelings.”
“You feel the same?”
“I didn’t ask to feel this way!” You bite back, “But… yes, I do.”
“So what should we do?”
“We aren’t going to do anything, Law. You just stay in your lane, and I’ll stay in mine.”
“I thought you didn’t like that I was avoiding you?”
“Well now that I know why, what else can be done? Nothing can happen between us, Law. And we can’t allow feelings to complicate this alliance. I can’t allow that, at least; it’s too important to Luffy.”
He searches for reasoning that will trump yours but comes up with none. And so, with a heavy heart, he concedes. “Okay.”
“Nothing happened.” Law confirms.
“And nothing will.”
You nod and start walking away. “Goodnight, Law.”
“Goodnight, y/n.”
And once you’re back safely in your room, the tears start to spill. You hate this- you hate him. You hate the way he makes you feel. You hate that you’re in love with him, and it took you this long to realize.
The tears don’t stop until you’re knocked out, and by the time you wake up, they’ve stained your cheeks.
Taglist: @augustanna @lavanderdreamve @pinksaiyans @khaleesihavilliard @jennapancake
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kaivenom · 3 months
Kai Venom's Masterlist
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This masterlist will have all of the fandoms and then you can enter the specific one you like.
Having in mind that this blog is relatively new, there will be a lot of blank spaces on the masterlist for now, but i hope that we can fill it up, in some time.
Under the fandom, there will be the characters i write for, but you can always try to request something new (i am full on with surprises).
New fandoms and characters will be added will be added.
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Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
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Cobra Kai
Miguel Díaz
Robby Keene
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
Johnny Lawrence
Daniel Larruso
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Dc Comics
Bruce Wayne "Batman"
Dick Grayson "Nightwing"
Jason Todd "Red Hood"
Damian Wayne "Robin"
Tim Drake "Red Robin"
Conner Kent
Jonathan Kent
Clark Kent "Superman"
Barry Allen "Flash"
Wally West "Kid Flash"
Nate Heywood "Steel"
Rick Flag
Christopher Smith "Peacemaker"
Adrian Chase "Vigilante"
George Harkness "Captain Boomerang"
Billy Batson "Shazam"
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Ben Florian
Harry Hook
Carlos D Vil
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Harry Potter World
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ominis Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Garreth Weasley
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Heartbreak High
Spencer "Spider" White
Anthony "Ant" Vaughn
Douglas "Cash" Piggott
Malakai Mitchell
Dusty Reid
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Itadori Yuuji
Sukuna Ryomen
Nanami Kento
Megumi Fushiguro
Toji Fushiguro
Gojo Satoru
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Julie and the phantoms
Luke Patterson
Reggie Peters
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Spiderman (the 3 versions)
Miguel O'hara
Steve Rogers "Captain America"
Tony Stark "Ironman"
Quicksilver (the 2 versions)
Peter Quill "Starlord"
Bucky "Winter Soldier"
Stephen Strange "Dr. Strange"
Venom/Eddie Brock
Moon Knight
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One Piece
Monkey D. Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Vinsmoke Sanji
Trafalgar Law
Eustass Kidd
Dracule Mihawk
Sir Crocodile
Donquixote Doflamingo
Portgas D. Ace
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Outer Banks
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
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Bowers Gang
Sinclair brothers (from House of Wax)
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Stranger things
Garreth Emerson
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
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Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Gabriel "The Trickster"
Jack Kline
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The Bear
Carmy Berzatto
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The umbrella academy
Five Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
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Ivar the boneless
Ubbe Ragnarson
Hvitserk Ragnarson
Bjorn Ironside
Sigurd Ragnarson
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artemish · 7 months
Hello there
I thought I’d make this post because I’m much more active on tumblr these days (this is my fangirl renaissance ok)
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About me
background: I’m Anglo-Indian but I call Australia my home. I’ve studied creative writing and my goal is to publish my fantasy novel one day. I like doing creative things and petting dogs from time to time.
sign: Gemini ♊️ (don’t come for me I’m nice I swear (´◔‸◔`) )
fandoms: Star Wars (my first love), Marvel (I’m an og girlie), One Piece, The Witcher, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Bridgerton, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Wheel of Time, anything Jane Austen has touched, (and others I can’t remember but you’ll see turn up here)
other things I’m a fan of/like: All things cinema and TV, fashion, art, literature, nature, dogs, sweet things, lilac, certain YouTube commentary channels I binge, crocheting
My writing
Sous chef - opla!Sanji x reader
Part 1
Part 2
Writing ideas:
Continue with Sous chef series
Kanthony fic?? (Cos I’m obsessed with them)
More Sanji fluff (there’s never enough)
(Also a spicy Sanji dream I need to write down 👀)
1700s One Piece au?? Golden age of pirating au??
A very specific book Yennifer fic
Might dabble in Loki stuff again idk
💡 I’m open to suggestions, prompts and ideas, but I obvs will not write everything - only things I have clear ideas for and time for 💡
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
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Wanted Characters to write with!
This list is long, but it’s not extensive, there is likely ones I’ve missed!
This list is for all kinds of ships - familiar, platonic and romantic
If you want to know which of my muses I have in mind for each let me know and I will let you know who I’d like to write against the below muses!
***Edited to add - this is just canons, but I’m always down for writing with/shipping with OC’s!
Wanted Canon Male muses 
Daemon Targaryen / HotD
Aemond Targaryen / HotD
Nick Goode / Fear Street
Tommy Slater / Fear Street
Adil of Tarim / Fort Salem
Walter Bishop / Fringe
Morpheus/Dream / The Sandman
Ed Mercer / The Orville
Isaac / The Orville
Kalabar Junior / Halloweentown
From Blood and Ash
Casteel Da’Neer 
Kieran Contou
Folk of Air
Cardan Greenbriar
Fourth Wing
Xaden Riorson
Liam Mairi
Tairn (the Dragon)
Dain Aetos
Teen Wolf
Peter Hale
Derek Hale
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall 
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Garreth Weasley
Amit Thakkar
Aesop Sharp
Eleazar Fig
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Cedric Diggory
Godric Gryffindor
Salazar Slytherin
Scorpius Malfoy
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Jacob Black
Carlisle Cullen
Alexei Shostakov
Pietro Maximoff
Foggy Nelson
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker (any iteration)
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Clint Barton
Doctor Strange
Lost Girl
Hale Santiago
Dyson Thornwood
Jace Wayland
Simon Lewis
Alec Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Luke Garroway
Nick Scratch
Ambrose Spellman
Harvey Kinkle
Fate: The Winx Saga
Saul Silva
Agents of SHIELD
Grant Ward
Leo Fitz
Phil Coulson
Lance Hunter
Alphonso Mackenzie
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Tyler Lockwood
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Kai Parker
Killian Jones
Neal Cassidy
David Nolan
Henry Mills  (platonic/familial only due to character age)
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia 
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Lucifer Morningstar
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Eddie Munson
Dustin Henderson (platonic/familial only due to character age)
Jim Hopper
The Quarry
Max Brinly
Dylan Lenivy
Nick Furcillo
Charmed (1997)
Chris Halliwell
Wyatt Halliwell
Leo Wyatt
Julie and the Phantoms
Reggie Peters
Alex Mercer
Luke Patterson
Mass Effect
Garrus Vakarian
Thane Krios
Commander Shepard (Male)
Oliver Queen
William Clayton
Barry Allan
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Raymond Holt
Terry Jeffords
Charles Boyle
Major Lilywhite
Blaine DeBeers
Xavier Thorpe
Tyler Galpin
Sheriff Galpin
Gomez Addams
Shadow and Bone
Kaz Brekker
Jesper Fahey
Aleksander Morozova
Mal Oretsev
Tolkien World
Thorin Oakenshield
Bilbo Baggins
The Covenant
Caleb Danvers
Reid Garwin
Tyler Simms
Pogue Parry
Chase Collins
Night World
James Rasmussen
Ash Redfern
John Quinn
One Piece
Monkey D Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Wanted Canon Female muses
Vonetta Contou / From Blood and Ash
Taryn Duarte / The Cruel Prince
Tris Prior / Divergent
Olivia Dunham / Fringe
Kelly Grayson / The Orville
Claire Finn / The Orville
Alara Kitan / The Orville
Vanessa Afron / FNAF Movie
Marnie Piper / Halloweentown
Nesta Archeron
Catrin Berdara
Lady of Autumn
Marlene McKinnon
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Pansy Parkinson
Rowena Ravenclaw
Lily Evans/Potter
Marlene McKinnon
Female MC of Hogwarts Legacy
Poppy Sweeting
Natsai Onai
Imelda Reyes
Mirabel Garlick
Matilda Weasley
Dinah Hecat
Sirona Ryan
Victoire Weasley
Fourth Wing
Violet Sorrengail
Rhiannon Matthias
Mira Sorrengail
Sloane Mairi
Sgyael (the Dragon)
Evie Grimhilde
Mal Bertha
Audrey Rose
Fear Street
Deena Johnson
Ziggy Berman
Bella Swan
Esme Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Melina Vostokoff
Wanda Maximoff
Jane Foster
Darcy Lewis
Monica Rambeau
Karen Page
Jennifer Walters
Sylvie Laufeydottir
The Hunger Games
Annie Cresta
Katniss Everdeen
Johanna Mason
Clary Fray
Isabelle Lightwood
Teen Wolf
Malia Tate
Lydia Martin
Kira Yukimura
Allison Argent
Melissa McCall
Laura Hale
Kate Argent
Lost Girl
Bo Dennis
Kenzi Malikov
Lauren Lewis
Sabrina Spellman
Rosalind Walker
Prudence Blackwood
Agatha Night
Dorcas Night
Hilda Spellman
Zelda Spellman
Fate: The Winx Saga
Bloom Peters
Terra Harvey
Agents of SHIELD
Skye / Daisy Johnson
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Bobbi Morse
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hope Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Katherine Petrova
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Emma Swan
Snow White
Alice Jones
Regina Mills
The Witcher
Francesca Findabair
Kate Sharma
Edwina Sharma
Daphne Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Violet Bridgerton
Queen Charlotte
Chloe Decker
Mazikeen Smith
Linda Martin
Ella Lopez
Stranger Things
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Eleven / Jane Hopper (no ship as kid muse)
Max Mayfield (no ship as kid muse)
Joyce Byers
Elsa of Arendelle
Anna of Arendelle
Fort Salem
Abigail Bellweather
Raelle Collar
The Quarry
Abigail Blyg
Emma Mountebank
Laura Kearney
Kaitlyn Ka
Charmed (1997)
Piper Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell
Paige Halliwell
Mass Effect
Tali’Zorah Nar Rayya
Commander Shepard (female)
Jack / Subject Zero
The Sandman
Johanna Constantine
Rose Walker
Lyta Hall
Felicity Smoak
Kara Danvers
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Gina Linetti
Liv Moore
Peyton Charles
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Morticia Addams
Larissa Weems
Marilyn THornhill
Shadow and Bone
Alina Starkov
Inej Ghafa
NIna Zenik
Zoya Nazyalensky
Genya Safin
Tolkien World
Night World
Poppy North
Mary-Lynnette Carter
Rowan Redfern
Kestrel Redfern
Jade Redfern
One Piece
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Request Info
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*Fics can take some time before they get written because I write when I have the time before and/ or after work. It takes times for me to write and edit fics before they can be posted, so please be patient. 
This does not mean that they are forgotten. 
Also, I may not be able to write all requests right away, but I will try my best to write them in a timely manner. 
*I’d be happy to try and write for a character I don’t currently write for
I have the right to accept or deny any request
Types of fics I would be happy to write
AU’s which can be boxer, baseball, movie (ex: Cinderella for Wolfman from Top Gun), etc.
Genre (angst, fluff, comfort, etc.)
Can do specific reader (ex: plus size reader, insecure reader, fem reader, etc.) [would be up to trying to write male reader, never done it before but I would give it my all :)]
Things I will not write 
Alcoholism (excessive amounts of alcohol) 
Drug use (hard drugs: coke, heroin, etc) 
Dubcon/ noncon/ rape 
Anonymous NSFW/ Underage character NSFW
Self-harm (in any way)
Prompt List
Who I write for 
Shawn Spencer
Carlton Lassitor
Teen Wolf
Theo Raeken
Scott McCall
Mieczyslaw "Stiles" Stilinski
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Alaric Saltzman
Enzo St. John
Katherine Pierce
Kai Parker
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hope Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
Marcel Gerard
Dean Winchester
Gabriel the Archangel
Big Time Rush
James Diamond
Anthony Bridgerton 
Benedict Bridgerton
King George
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Xavier Thorpe
Ted Lasso
Jamie Tartt
New Girl
Nick Miller
Winston Schmidt
Winston Bishop
One Tree Hill
Chris Keller 
Brooke Davis
Hawaii Five-0
Danny “Danno” Williams
One Piece
Vinsmoke “Blackleg” Sanji 
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Triple Frontier
Benny Miller
William “Ironhead” Miller
Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Santiago “Pope” Garcia
Davey Jacobs
Jack Kelly
Spot Conlon
Star Trek (Alternate Originals)
Montgoery “Scotty” Scott 
Leonard “Bones” McCoy
James T. Kirk
Top Gun + Top Gun: Maverick
Tom “Iceman” Kazinsky
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe (Henry “Wolfman” Ruth)
Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Robert “Bob” Floyd
Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia
Willard Hewitt
Ren McCormick (yet to be written)
Marvel and DC
Wade “Deadpool” Wilson 
James “Bucky” Barnes
The Chronicles of Narnia
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie (yet to be written)
Paul Lahote 
Felix Volturi 
If anyone has an idea for a fandom or character, they don’t see listed is welcome to send in some ideas and or suggestions.
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bowieandqueen11 · 9 minutes
Last Day Today!
My lovelies because I am SO excited for the last season of TUA, but I also have so many other characters rotating in my mind at the moment.
Because I'm pretty busy this month, and so I want to properly plan out my drafts and get some writing done, I will be closing my inbox for new requests later today!
But because I want to give people a chance to send in their ideas (I love reading them!!) and for fandoms/ characters I may not have written for before or in a while, I will write a list of my favourite fandoms in bold down below and the characters next to it.
Please do send in - its your inspiration that gives me the motivation to keep writing!!
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Fallout: Cooper, Norm, Maximus, Lucy, Butch, Charon
One Piece: Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Nami, Buggy, Koby
IWTV: Armand, Daniel, Louis, Lestat
TUA: Five (platonic), Klaus, Diego
Assassin's Creed: Ezio, Leonardo
Bridgerton: Anthony, Colin, Benedict, Eloise, Theo
Resident Evil: Leon, Karl, Alcina, Chris
Dark: Jonas, Noah
Breaking Bad: Jesse
Cobra Kai: Daniel, Eli, Miguel
Marvel: Bucky, Scott, Peter, Steven
Baldur's Gate 3: Astarion
The Last of Us: Eliie, Joel, Abby
Labyrinth: Jareth
DOAWK: Rodrick Heffley
As always, if you have someone else in mind, feel free to drop a request in my inbox today!
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allkinds-oftrash · 3 years
Not me downloading To Sir Phillip, With Love for reference after getting fired up to write a wlw version of Eloise's love story
God I really have to read through Philly's shitty takes on depression to get a sense of Eloise's character style 🤡🤡🤡
EDIT: I just posted the first part/prologue and To Lady Paige, With Love can be read here
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Related to this post
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Anon consider this prompt added to my WIPs! Will publish that ask with a link to the fic/drabble (haven’t decided how long it will be!) 
Send Me Your Kathony HCs/Thoughts/S3 Theories
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Main Masterlist
((Last Updated: March 24th, 2024))
(Fandoms List)
Discontinued Fandoms Masterlist *All the links for fandoms I no longer write for (NCIS, Spn, Teen Wolf +More)
- - - - -
Masterlist Order: 
• Separate Masterlist Links for Shows and Movies
• General Masterlist; individual links for movies and shows (That don’t have their own/separate masterlists)
• Holiday/Event Masterlists
• Other (Scenario Games, UQuizzes, Soulmate AU Series, etc)
• Guest Writers (Submitted Works)
- - - - -
**If you notice any missing or incorrect links, please let me know!!
((About Me - Tag with questions, tags, and info about me)
- - - - - - - - - 
- - - - Separate Masterlists - - - -
**Shows ‘#-Z’**   
9-1-1 (Fox)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Magnificent Seven (1998-2000)
The Mandalorian
Merlin (BBC)  
The Originals
Prodigal Son
Sherlock (BBC)
Star Trek *Ent, DS9, & Voy
Star Trek 2 *Strange New Worlds and Discovery
Stargate (SG1 and SGA)
The Vampire Diaries
- - - MCU Masterlists - - -
Main/Original Avengers *Steve, Tony, Clint, Natasha and Bruce
Other Avengers/Marvel Characters *Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Peter Parker, Zemo, +more.
Thor Franchise *Thor, Loki, Heimdall, +more
X-men *Original and Alternate Timeline Characters
Shang-Chi *Shang-Chi & Xialing
Venom and Deadpool
*Other movies might be added later
- - - Other Movies/Franchises - - -
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings - - - Star Trek (AOS) - - - Star Wars Universe *All Movies + The Mandalorian - - - Top Gun *1986 & 2022 - - - Jane Austen Adaptations *Pride and Prejudice; Emma; Persuasion +more - - -  Kingsman - - - Magnificent Seven (2016) - - - Pirates of the Caribbean - - -  The Outsiders (1983)
- - - - - - - -
General Masterlist: (Individual Links for other shows & movies)
- - - - -
Bloodhounds (KDrama)
Confession + Relationship Headcanons (fluff/cute/romance) Geon-woo x Gn!Reader; Woo-jin x Gn!Reader + Geon-woo x Reader x Woojin
Jealousy Headcanons (cute/jealousy) Geon-Woo x Gn!Reader & Woojin x Gn!Reader
- - - - - 
Elementary (CBS)
Sherlock Holmes x GN!Reader: 
‘The Gift of Feeling’ (Christmas; cute/gen)
‘Feelings to Embrace’ (angst/fluff)
- - 
Enola Holmes (1&2)
Sherlock Holmes x Gn!Reader: 
‘Hold My Hand’; (tension/fluff)
Part One: ‘A Christmas Rose’ (cute/mild Christmas) Part Two: ‘A New Years Kiss’ (romantic/fluff)
‘Cheers To Us’; (fluff/romance/valentines fic)
- - 
Jayne Cobb  Gif Imagine: ‘Being Jaynes sibling and the complete opposite’  Oneshot: “I’m offended you didn’t ask me to be your fake date”
Malcolm Reynolds Gif Imagine: ‘Being Mal’s sister and part of the crew’  Gif Imagine: ‘Saving the crew/Mal asks you to join’ 
- -
The Gentlemen
Raymond Smith: 
‘Bounty’s and First Meetings’; (gen/cute)
‘Exactly My Type’ (fluff/romance/Valentines Day)
Headcanons: Aesthetics (Raymond Smith)
- - 
Lark Rise to Candleford
Fic: Alfie Arless x Reader; ‘Oblivious’; (angst/fluff)
- - 
One Piece (Live Action)
Headcanons: Spending Valentines Day Together (fluff/cute) **Zoro; Sanji; Luffy; Nami; Usopp; Mihawk; Buggy & Shanks x Gn!Reader (all separate) 
Fic: ‘Something Better’; Zoro x Gn!Reader (fluff; slow-burn)
- -
Person of Interest
Fic: John Reese x GN!Reader; ‘Second Chances’; (action/angst/suggested romance ending)
- - -
Shadow and Bone
Ship Drabble: Inej Ghafa x Reader ‘Jealousy’
‘Camera Roll while hiking with Tolya’
Nikolai Lanstov x Reader Soulmate AU Mood Board
- - -
Triple Frontier
Ben Miller; Headcanons + Drabble - Flirting > Falling in Love > Confession + First Kiss (fluff)
- - - - - - - - - - -
**Holiday/Event Masterlists**
2017-2021 Halloween Masterlist
13 Days of Halloween 2022
2017-2022 Winter/Christmas Masterlist Post
Valentines Day:
2018-2023 Valentines Day Masterlist
- - - - - - - - -
Ship Event Drabbles Masterlist (5k followers event) - - Scenario Games Masterlist *Birthday matchup games for various fandoms - -  Soulmate AU Series Masterlist *Multiple fandoms - -  30 Day Writing Challenge Masterlist *Sept 2021 Writing Challenge (30 fics; multiple characters/fandoms) - - MCM & WCW Posts - - My UQuizzes *aesthetic, fandom and misc themes - -  My Gifs - -  My Writing Prompts Masterlist *for requests
- - - - - - - -
Guest Writers Submitted Works:
Guest Writer Jay
Guest Writer @thebookbakery (writing blog @trashywritestrash)
- - - - - - - -
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ladyillea · 3 years
Rate the likelihood that the girls are virgins pretty please ma’am
((A/N: Hi everyone! Whoever sent this ask, thank you so much cos Si and I had A BLAST coming up with these answers so we hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoying writing them! Also please go show Si some love; her comments on these are hilarious!!  - Sanji
If you feel like any of the comments about your character(s) (or others) are inappropriate or uncalled for, let us know!! - Si
A couple of disclaimers:
There's nothing wrong with being a virgin and there's nothing wrong with not being a virgin, just wanna put that out there 😙 - Si
There are quite a few dirty jokes so just a heads up but I would like to say some of those were my best work hahah - Sanji))
Dear Anons, your obsessions with virginities is rather unnerving, but I digress I have a job to do so consider it done: 
Ivy: 5/10 She seems sweet and innocent, but those people can be the wildest in the bedroom. I don't know if I'm convinced, so I'll keep her score in the middle. 
Meredith: 7/10 Most of her hobbies & interests point to her being most comfortable with her own company. Much like her beloved crabs, she might be a hermit too.
Soleil: 10/10 Her name literally means 'sun', which only leaves me to assume that you might get burned if you come too close.
Rosemarie: 0/10 We all know how wild Germans can be. Look at their Oktoberfests.
Diana aka The Viscountess as she loves being called: 0/10 if she consummated her marriage properly.
Dahlia: 10/10 Very wholesome energy and a family girl. She is also one of the youngest Selected so I wouldn't put it past her to wait for 'The One'.
Alassie: 4.5/10 She is intimidatingly beautiful! But perhaps a bit too intimidating? The brave might dare approach her but will they make it to the bedroom?
Ramona: 3/10 Those trail guides provide many trees to be Bridgerton-ed up against.
Rhea: -69/10 Miss Rhea James in her Playboy bunny outfit. That's it. That's the post. Need I say more?
Cornelia: -10/10 You know what they say about pool boys? I bet Pool Girls are no different! I wonder how many marriages Lady Cornelia has broken.
Marissa: 7/10 Chocolates and watching movies seem to be her vibe. Perhaps Netflix and Chilling Alone is a regular occurrence for her?
Kaden: 2/10 Who knows what Indie Pop stars get up to in their studios? Whatever it is, Lady Kaden probably fulfilled her Glorious Purpose. I would have given her a perfect 0 but I'm sure (could-have-been) Second Lieutenant Price doesn't kiss and tell.
Andreia: After our last post about her virgin status, we have confirmed she is indeed one. 10/10 only confirmed virgin Selected thus far.
Arely: 2.5/10 "Do what you will" she says and if that is her motto in the bedroom, then this one sounds to be down for anything.
Valentina: 7.5/10 She seems to take most pleasure out of pulling teeth, that's not the mouth action people are looking for in the bedroom.
Suzy: -15/10 We all know how Waverly Women are, especially those from Queens. A Queen in the streets, a freak in the sheets.
Carmen: 1/10 She might have peaked playing the role of Tree Number Three but she seems like the type to blow off steam, especially when things get stressful during Tech Week. Something tells me that her Stagehand is being put to good use.
[ @ivy-min @thyremainder @theotherladydi @dahliasteele @alassie-marniq @ramona-lisa @rheajames @nellie-fisher @kadenan @rey-oliveira @ladyarely @ysuzy-choi ]
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coveredinbees · 3 years
Helloo about the fic recommendations: I was going to come and recommend Molly aka @newtonsheffield but I see two people have already done so! I'm fairly new to the fandom space and still exploring fics on my own :)
And I wanna open my ask box to you to drop any prompts!
I mostly like writing for Kanthony but I don't mind trying my hand at Benophie, Polin and I'm not really a fan of Phillip but I do like writing Eloise with a fem character/genderbent Phillip (Paige) - Sanji
Oh, you are going to regret asking that, *evil laugh*.
I have sent you a couple of Kathony prompts via your asks, which you are welcome to try your hand at, (or ignore completely if you think they are garbage).
If anybody else wants some fic prompts, here are some stray plot bunnies that are looking for a good home:
1. Polin. One summer, Penelope comes to stay with the Bridgertons at Aubrey Hall. It becomes a kind of routine between Colin and Penelope over dinner, that he teaches her how to say, "Good Morning, my name is Penelope" in every language of every country he has visited. One evening at dinner, Penelope finds she is sitting next to a guest of the Bridgertons - a danish diplomat, who was a friend of Anthony's from Eton. Eager to show off her new skills, Penelope proudly tells him, "Jeg tror ​​jeg bliver forelsket i dig Penelope!"
But as it turns out, the things that Colin have been teaching her to say do not necessary mean what she thinks they mean.
2. Benophie. Sophie is desperate for money and working as an artist's model at one of Granville's parties. Benedict finds himself divinely inspired by her after months of being artistically blocked.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
@ Franchels - I Need Help!
[SO Sorry to the anon I just got and anyone else who saw the first glitched out mess of a post with word links instead of the linked IG posts showing up as pictures in the last post but here is a repost with screenshots instead!]
Hello hello everyone! I’m currently working on a T4T Franchela piece for @franchaelweek where I’m doing a list of HC plot points of WHWW with post-WHWW scenes about John II & Janet, but in this version Fran is genderfluid and Michaela is now a transwoman!
I have the perfect Fran picked out, you’re going to love them!! However, I can’t decide on Michaela so here’s where yall can come in and help. These three goregous ladies below are in the running for Michaela! I usually default to the darker skinned actresses cos I’m darker and we need more rep. However, I am not married to Alexandra and honestly next to her, Quei would make a GREAT Johanna but John is staying John in this AU for plot purposes. Arisce does have the vibe but I am worried she looks too much like a Barbie??
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[Also looking back at all three together, I might go with Quei she looks ETHEREAL IN THAT PIC - still tho let me know yall!]
Anyways, let me know in the comment/tags/reblogs, who yall think fits Michaela best! Of course you can imagine whoever you want when you read my HCs when I post it, I just personally like having a visual reference! Thanks yall!!
Also hellooo anon I see you! Your vote for Alexandra has been counted! 
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[Do let me know if any of you’d like to be tagged in the final HC post]
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viscountessevie · 2 years
@ Johncescas/Franchels I Need Help Again
Lmao this is what happens when life happens and you produce WHWW content for Franchel Week a week late hsdkjah but hey better late than never!
Okay so I found this song ficlet about Johncesca based on Niall Horan’s This Town and Imma finish it to post while I’m still working on the Trans!AU and edits for the Band AU (Dang so many WHWW AU wips huh) cos they are taking quite a bit of time. 
Anyways please rec me ALL the songs about grief that can be applied to Johncesca, especially how Frannie (and Michael) feel post John’s death! Songs that vibe with what I’m writing helps me write better hehe. Also this song ficlet is set in the modern era so any type of songs work - just make sure its angsty af and alludes to grief! Thanks yall :D
Also currently on my short playlist: This Town, Still by Niall Horan, Majorie by TS, and the wonderful Franzi @anthonykatebridgerton mentioned They’ll Say About Us by Finneas in our GC. Other than these few songs, drop me all the songs in the reblogs/comments/asks!
EDIT: Will be updating my comments with other recs I get from friends/asks!
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Okay so my T4T Franchela HCs (vote for your fave Michaela FC in the link!) are taking a bit longer than expected and I’m kinda stuck oops so I’m working on a newspaper edit for my Band AU rn, would yall be interested in seeing that? Imma post it either way lol, just trying to gauge if yall would rather see the T4T story first or the Band AU? 
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viscountessevie · 2 years
in response to your last anon: Sanji can you fight
The post about the anon in question, follow the Jake Tag to see what's up.
Okay so you know how in the last response I said that he ended up being funny after complimenting me - well here we go:
I showed him these asks back to back once he was up and he seemed very pleased to be "going down as a treat in the Bridgerton community” and I was also sharing the asks with a couple of my friends cos I just found this whole thing SO funny. One of them being Mimi @gisellecygnets and this was our hilarious convo (posted with permission!): 
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Anyways the lines "jake about to become this corner of the fandom’s white boy of the month" and "you can't escape fate" had me cackling and told the boy about it.
Mans went from telling me I had pretty hair to immediately going: "Cannot wait to be white boy of the month. All I ever wanted."
There you have it, folks Jake has accepted his role as this fandom corner's white boy of the month. Oh but there's more. I made a meme about the asks coming in about him.
You make one (1) post about how your friend is funny and suddenly my followers and anons are like:
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OUR (not) boyfriend 😂😂
At the meme, boy had the audacity to go: "I wouldn’t mind having like 10-15 girlfriends. All I ever wanted."
Me being like Bro??? Right in front of my salad but boy doesn't need to know about that (instead I'm telling my sizeable ground of followers) and without missing a beat I shoot back: I mean I'm not your gf anyways lmao. You can have them ahahaha
[Lmao sorry I fell asleep as I was writing this - anyways it's been a couple hours since my clapback. I think the boy is still out with the lads but yeah mans threw an absolute grenade of a line and then YEETED]
So yes, dearest Jakey is taking applications for his 10 to 15 girlfriends and I'm counting every single anon about him as application now. Current applicants are Mimi "Jake is an icon" Gisellecygnets, Miss "His voice is so smooth!" Eefke @eefke along with the Nice Voice anon and now you Fighting Anon!! Girlfriend #4 congrats 😂. There are two more asks so I'll congratulate them on their own posts itself lmao.
Finally, to answer your original qn anon: I honestly never thought I'd be on this end of the meme and I'M CACKLING SHSKJSJS but um does a white belt in taekwondo from 16 years ago count?? 😂😂 Listen I'm always down for a fight but this is not my fight lol!
[I really hope it came across to yall but we're just taking the piss out of each other this is literally our banter! Also not that it's anyone's business but Jake and I are just friends who like each other lmao but yeah it's not like we're married. And he's having soooo much fun with this 🤡 clown shit so everything being shared is all good and fine]
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