#Raven and Lark
docgold13 · 3 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Jay, Raven & Lark
The trio of Jay, Raven and Lark were each highly trained assassins who worked in the employ of The Penguin.  Although the three beautiful young women appeared to be merely hostesses at the Iceberg Lounge, after hours they acted as The Penguin’s merciless minions and took care of the various criminal endeavors he needed tended to with plausible deniability.  
The three additionally acted as bodyguards to The Penguin and stepped in whenever their boss appeared to be at risk. When the disgruntled lieutenant of the late King Barlow broke into the Iceberg Louge looking to assassinate The Joker, Jay, Raven and Lark quickly leapt into action to protect The Penguin.      
Later, when the thief Roxy Rocket was attracting too much attention to The Penguin’s schemes, he sent the three assassins to ‘clip her wings.’  Although formidable combatants, the trio proved no match for Roxy and the thrill seeking villainess got away.  
Jay, Raven and Lark are likely not these women's true names; more likely avian nom de guerre(s) assigned to them by The Penguin.
Actress Tara String provided the voices for the three hench-women, with the trio first appearing in the seventh episode of the first season of the New Batman Adventures, ‘Joker’s Millions.’  
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siblingshowdown · 1 year
Sibling Showdown Round 2 Bracket D2
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Image credit: Lynch brothers by @saintdri
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨
These are the women who have a sixth sense, some may be seers, mages, healers and/or bards. They carry messages for people to hear; knowledge, wisdom, memories, and cautions. They’re the women who change the story, by adding or sometimes taking. 
𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑎 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑
𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝐶𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑛
𝐽𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑉𝑎𝑢𝑔𝘩𝑛
𝐸́𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑘𝑎 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝐿𝑎𝑟𝑘
𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑒𝑛𝑎 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛
𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑒𝑛
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑔𝑒
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howlingday · 10 months
Extinct?Faunus Jaune
Idea is courtesy of @unknowdude34
Kasai Rex!Faunus Jaune
Jaune: I'll see you guys later.
Ruby: Huh? Where are you going?
Jaune: I'm gonna go eat in my room.
Nora: We can do that?
Weiss: Sit down and eat, you antisocial buffoon!
Jaune: ...Okay.
Cardin: I'm telling you, I know what I saw! There was something by the pool last night, tearing apart something huge!
Russel: Cardin, I normally believe ya, but it just sounds too weird.
Dove: Yeah, like, a deer carcass in the pool? Pretty sure we'd get an announcement about that.
Lark: Not to mention the crocodile you saw eating it.
Cardin: That wasn't a crocodile! It was... It was something else! Something out of a horror film!
Jaune: (Cutting off the legs on his nuggies, Wishing he could eat in private)
Fun Fact! In 1933, in the African Kasai Valley, a hunter named John Johnson took a photo of an alleged dinosaur while hunting elephants. The elephants he intended to shoot were in fact hunted by a bipedal creature with red scales and black stripes. He shot this creature, but it retreated. On his return to camp, he found the creature again eating a rhinoceros near the water.
Percetus Colossus!Faunus Jaune
Nora: WOW! You are HUGE!
Jaune: Um, h-hi... I'm Jaune.
Nora: Where were you on the bullhead?! How'd you even fit?!
Ren: Nora, please.
Jaune: They, uh... They had to call in another bullhead for me.
Fun Fact! A recently discovered early whale, the basilosaurid Perucetus Colossus has the heaviest animal bone mass to have ever been discovered, even outsizing the giant Blue Whale.
Sperm Whale!Faunus Jaune Arc & Shark!Faunus Yang Xiao Long & Leviathan Melvillei!Faunus Papa Arc & Otodus Megalodon!Faunus Raven Branwen
Jaune: Just you and me, Yang.
Yang: Yeah... Only one of us can be the top fighter in this ring, and it's gonna be me.
Pyrrha: Why are those two always fighting?
Blake: For as long as I've known Yang, she and Jaune have always been fighting. It might even date back to their ancestors.
Papa Arc: Make the first move, Branwen...
Raven: Hmph! Ladies first, Arc...
Fun Fact! Leviathan Melvillei is an ancient ancestor of the sperm whale, equipped with teeth on it's top AND bottom jaw. It is argued whether it hunted Megalodon, were hunted by it, or simply competed would attack the other given the opportunity. The third is the often agreed upon consensus.
Giganotosaurus!Faunus Jaune & Tyrannosaurus!Faunus Saphron
Saphron: I took a test today! I aced it!
Mama Arc: Well done, Saphron! And how did you do, Jaune?
Jaune: Uh... W-Well, I think I'm improving, but-
Mama Arc: Jaune...
Jaune: ...I got a D+.
Fun Fact! Giganotosaurus is thought to be the largest theropod dinosaur discovered. However, despite have a much larger skull, and internal model of the brain casing shows that it may have had a smaller brain than the Tyrannosaurus.
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kaseyskat · 10 months
Once, this palace was lively. 
Well, as lively as it could be, given its history. Still, despite all grievances, Lark had been happy here, running the halls, causing mayhem and mischief, tearing down trees in the forest and exploring and everything else that came with living in a near-abandoned castle in the middle of nowhere. 
Maybe they should’ve expected that the old owners wouldn’t be so happy about a new family coming and redecorating the place. Lark hadn’t– he was a kid! So really, it was their parents to blame, wasn’t it? 
Their parents aren’t here anymore though. It’s just Lark, curled up in the room he had claimed as his own, and the wolf form of his brother sprawled out next to him, asleep. 
It’s so unfair that I don’t get to be a person when I’m awake much, Lark thinks with a grumble as he stands, stretching his arms and staring out the open window at the star-lit sky. Already, the moon has dipped close to the horizon, meaning that his time on two legs is just about over. Whatever. 
He doesn’t look at Sparrow. When the curse settled in, it felt like that’s all they ever did– frantically looking at one another during the rise and fall of the sun, hoping to catch a glimpse of the other in human form before being overtaken by magic. It’s been a few years though, now, and Lark just sighs as he gingerly runs a hand over the windowsill, enjoying the sensation of dirt and dust lining his fingers. 
Fur brushes against his side, and Lark jumps, glancing down at the wolf that has joined him, head nudging at his legs endearingly. 
“Don’t feel too left out, I wasn’t going anywhere,” he huffs, but he still can’t resist placing one of his hands on top of Sparrow’s head, gingerly stroking through the rough tufts of fur. “We do need more food though. Want me to handle that after sunrise?” 
Sparrow makes a little snorting sound in the back of his throat, and he nudges at Lark’s hand. After years of relying solely on this awful method of communication, Lark interprets that as a yes please, brother, you enjoy the hunt far more than I. 
Never mind that Sparrow’s cursed form is literally a wolf. How he got the cool form and Lark got the stupid bird, Lark will never know. 
The sky lightens to grey, and then a dark red. Lark inhales, and he closes his eyes, his hand falling away from Sparrow’s head. 
When he opens them again, he has shifted forms. Readjusting to Bird Vision is difficult, and he twists his head around, watching as Sparrow curls against the mattress. Despite the sleep he had gotten in wolf form, his eyes are dull, his gaze staring off to nowhere. 
It would seem after years of being cursed like this, to live alone and without each other for company, has finally started to take a toll on his brother. Lark glances longingly out the window for a long moment before carefully flying over to where Sparrow’s curled next to the pillows, tapping his cheek as gently as he can. 
“Sorry Lark,” Sparrow mumbles, and he reaches a hand up to gently comb over Lark’s feathers. “I’m just so tired… you can go out today though, don’t let me stop you.” 
Lark caws at him more insistently. I don’t want to go without you! he tries to convey, hopping down a bit so he can pull at Sparrow’s threadbare shirt, careful not to catch skin. Please don’t give up on me, Sparrow. Please. 
But Sparrow doesn’t move, his eyes fluttering as he dozes off, face screwed up in a grimace. Lark tugs at his shirt for a moment longer before giving up, hopping backwards and looking longingly at the window again. 
Those adventurers are probably still around here, he thinks, flying to the windowsill. Maybe they can help return Sparrow’s spirit. I just have to… bring them here. 
He doesn’t trust anyone. Not since the last person to run into them had been so awful. However, there isn’t much that Lark wouldn’t do for his brother! 
So, with one last glance at Sparrow, Lark takes flight, soaring out the open window and towards the last place he had seen the three imbeciles who were wandering the castle grounds. It’s his only option. 
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nat-without-a-g · 4 months
Guys I think I’m going to be hyperfixating on Dungeons and Daddies for like the next month.
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ramenflavoredchaos · 3 months
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willow-lark · 1 month
did anyone else spend years thinking that the raven cycle and six of crows were the same book
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victoria-daydreams · 1 year
*watching the new Witcher show*
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finchmarie · 1 year
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Finally finished my Shep portraits. I love them sm.
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motionoftheocean · 1 year
My only problem with blood origin is that it was too short. The rest of y’all are trippin
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moonfromearth · 2 years
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Happy Nooboo November!!
I miss having sims babiiiiies so here are some of my favorite pictures of my toddlers 😊😊
The Toddlers (in pairs, left to right)
Noa & Anthony Alterio (who you might recognized if you've seen my earliest posts 😅)
Lark & Raven Vatore-Mays (from my as of now unposted vampire legacy challenge)
Emmett & Willow Root (father and daughter as toddlers awwwww 😭)
Last but not least, Holly & Primrose 'Rose' Berry (from my also unposted Not So Berry Challenge)
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oldestenemy · 1 year
every me, every you, every moment passing through - pt. 2
Read part 1 here <3 (also I lied I think this is gonna take me three chapters minimum I'm sorry)
“I’m sure there’s a good reason they didn’t tell us.”
“Shut up! You never knew Malistaire, you don’t know what it was like to—”
Malorn Ashthorn is listening to Penny try to reason, and Duncan shout back over her. Trying to think through the noise is agonizing verging on impossible. Marla had walked off toward the gravestone some time ago, and was attempting to open the Darkmoor portal, but it wasn’t responding.
Likely it would only open for the wizard…
“It doesn’t matter if he’s dead or not! He tried to destroy the spiral, I don’t think that’s an indication that he’s going to be our professor again!”
Penny is shouting now too, gods and starlight.
“I don’t care if he’s our professor again I just want him back—”
“Enough!” Malorn shouts over the both of them, “Neither of you are helping. Malistaire Drake died years ago, if he’s back now, it’s gonna be wrong, it’s gonna be a mess, and it’s not going to be—” He drags Duncan away from where he is leaning into Penny’s space and forces eye contact. “—he’s not going to be the same. Do you get that? We—out of everyone—should get that! If he’s lucid at all, which from their reaction doesn’t seem likely, it’s going to be the parts of him that died trying to burn the spiral to the ground, not any of the Professor Drake we knew.”
Duncan has hated him since he became an acting professor.
Even before that, when he’d started student teaching under Malistaire.
This is likely not helping.
It doesn’t matter.
There are more important things right now.
“Penny.” Malorn lets go of Duncan and looks over to his friend, “Where do we think they’d go?”
“I don’t think they’d pick a castle this time,” Penny replies, crossing her arms “not since we broke in.”
He sighs, running a hand down his face. “Right, yeah probably not.”
“Are you both stupid? Just use the teleport sigil.” Duncan says, rolling his eyes. “Specifically one of you, we’re not—”
He stops before saying friends, but that’s what had been about to come out. It was obvious.
Someday Malorn is going to ask exactly what happened between them.
Not today.
Bigger problems.
“We can’t,” Penny tells him, “they block incoming teleportation—they have ever since Zafaria, they said it was a precaution.”
“Oh right, sorry I forgot they were impossibly powerful and untraceable—” Duncan mutters, “—you don’t have to actually finish the sigil, just start it so that you get a read on where they are.”
Malorn wouldn’t have thought of that.
He draws the sigil, feels the gentle tug of magic that wants to pull him along. It’s accompanied by the smell of old wood rot, smoke and the peal of hammer on anvil. He banishes the sigil, honestly a little surprised that it worked, but then—Duncan had always had a knack for tracking people down. He was the best at scrying in their whole group, so of course he had tricks like that to rely on. “They’re in Grizzleheim.”
“Let’s go then.”
“You two go. I’m gonna try and break through with Stinger.”
“No.” Malorn says, “We’re all going. You’re half the reason they bolted, you can help find them.”
“It’s not my—”
“It is your responsibility. It’s about time you thought about someone who wasn’t yourself.” He doesn’t give Duncan a chance to bite back again, walking over to the grave where Marla is still attempting to call up the portal. “Marla, it’s not gonna open for us.”
Marla huffs, “I know, had to try though—I heard you say we’re all going somewhere, I take it you found them?”
“Yeah, although narrowing it down to a whole world isn’t exactly perfect. But it’s better than nothing.” Grizzleheim is big, but even so, Malorn has a feeling they might be able to ask around once they arrive. Judging by the castles the wizard favored, it was likely they even had a decent place to start.
They’re greeted upon arrival by the familiar face of Baldur Goldpaws, who is loading wares back into his ship. “It isn’t often we get so many wizards visiting in one day. I take it you are looking for your friend.”
“How did you know?” Penny asks.
Baldur smiles at the group, “They came to me in distress, and asked me to bring them across from Olde Town. You should check up in the village with Torald Wayfinder, they go to him often when in need of a distraction.”
They lie below, water and the edge of the world. Opposing the eye of the moon.
Malorn whips his head toward the sound, but finds nobody else nearby.
“Did you guys hear that?”
“No?” Penny and the others are looking at him like he’s a few cards short of a deck.
“It was— it was a woman’s voice. It—”
Time is of the essence, young professor.
“Is there something under Northguard?” Malorn asks, looking to Baldur for confirmation. “A ruin? A dungeon? A cave?”
“The halls of Nidavellir stand below us, yes.” Baldur points to a thin path leading down beyond the docks. Passing behind a waterfall as it snakes along the cliffside.
“Ashthorn—hey!” Duncan shouts after him, but he’s already taken off.
The other three catch up as he is pushing open two great doors at the end of the path.
“Malorn—where are you going?” Marla demands, “You can’t just run off without—”
“—They’re in here, somewhere, ghhk—” the doors finally give under his weight and crunch forward on their hinges. “—just, trust me.” The voice could be a trap, or a trick, or a monster waiting to strike. Could be some stupid latent savior complex he didn’t know he possessed. But it had sounded like trouble, it had sounded like they need help.
“Woah,” Marla pushes past him into the hall, and he nods to Duncan and Penny to follow her before heading up the rear. “Even if they’re not here, this is incredible.”
She’s right, the cavern they walk into is walled and tiled in crystalline brick. A mural of a great tree takes up much of the floor, an icon of the moon on one side, the sun on the other. Three sets of doors immediately before them, though all with darkened inactive dungeon sigils.
“Down there.” Duncan is peering over the edge into the cavern below on the sun side. “There’s a ramp, and an active dungeon.”
The voice had said opposing the eye of the moon. Maybe that did mean the sun?
Would it have killed the voice to be a little clearer?
“There’s another one on this side, but there’s no sigil.” Marla calls out from the moon side. “I guess we have our answer.”
“You’re sure they’re here?” Penny is looking at him wide eyed, not afraid, not concerned, but rather like she’s trying to guage how bad this is going to be by his reaction.
Something about this place feels dangerous. And to add issue to the matter—he and Penny don’t spend a lot of time in combat, at least not with anything difficult. Duncan and Marla—now that she’s gotten over some of the fear she’d had before facing Grubb—were competent, they were both strong. Four of them against whatever was down here.
Surely that would be fine.
“I’m sure.” Malorn replies, glad his voice remains calm despite the bubble of pressure growing in his chest. “Let’s go.”
Read the rest here <3
pspspspspspspsps @givemethesleep and @roseaphile the death kids begin their adventure O_O
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gem-canine · 5 months
ok so apparently 2023-2024 has been “sapph comes out as a trans furry therian” and i think it’s HILARIOUS so uh. this is my therian-centered blog now!
Lark: Wolfdog (POTENTIALLY a werewolf) tag: #lark barks 🐕
Raven: Doberman Pinscher or Beauceron (could be a mix, idk) tag: #raven growls ⛓
Björn: Kangal Shepherd or Caucasian Shepherd (livestock guardian dog) tag: björn boofs 🐾
(decided to name them so i can use them as OCs if i want hehe)
#dogposting: general dog posts
#aiden.txt: original post tag
#vent: what it says on the tin lol
#woof woof: writing stuff; mostly prose or rambling
#leashed: queue tag
main blog: @sapphyre-blogs (i follow from this blog!)
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marsconer · 1 year
i bring to you…bird analogies ( six of crows / shadow and bone ocs )
anastasiya lantsov
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klara morozova
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eliza rollins
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freya van eck
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azukilynn · 1 year
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