#Polkadot man x reader
esha-isboogara · 2 years
this is home
i’m sure we all know by now i have two types. big bad ass mfs who kill people for fun and pathetic little sweethearts who have mommy issues. today i will be writing for abner krill bc i just fell in love with him in suicide squad 😩and i def don’t have a lil crush on david dasmalchian <33. HERES SOME CONTENT FOR THOSE WHO WANT IT IK YALL ARE PARCHED !!!!
abner krill x afab reader
just some soft abner ;)
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☆mentions of trauma sort of, poor lil meow meow alert
“abner? honey? would you mind letting the cat back in please ? I can’t remember if i did it earlier. she has a habit of leaving the yard if she’s out too long”.
he awoke with a start , his breathing labored. If he was going to die now he wasn’t going down without a fight. it took a moment for him to recognize his surroundings but once he did his muscles relaxed.
“i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to startle you. i thought you were awake , i must have scared you have to death my poor baby”. she continued wrapping her arms around his waist and planting a gentle kiss on nape of his neck. “it’s ok my love it’s just me …no need for panic it’s okay you can just relax now”.
the familiar embrace of his lover filled his body with warmth. he couldn’t help but relax against her body. her arms wrapped around his torso gave him a sense of true safety.
glancing up he met the happy eyes looking down at him. they were y/n’s. he could never forget them.
“i’m ..i’m sorry i still have nightmares sometimes and they’re not easy to control. i’ve been working on it in therapy recently but it’s taking a while I’m really sorry -“
she pressed her index finger to his lips indicating him to stop talking.
“i’ve been dating you for almost a year and a half now abner you don’t need fo explain yourself to me. i know what you went through was not easy in the least bit and i don’t expect you to get over it any time soon. i’m gonna be here anyway”.
her voice sounded so silky and comforting. she was always so accepting of him. gently she ran her hands through his hair resting his head on his chest.
“i uh.. i love you”.
she smiled and giggled. “i know you do and i love you just as much if not more”.
running her hands through his hair she placed a few kisses on his forehead. “do you feel safe ? i’m going to check on sakē real quick. i’ll be right back”.
he shot up. “no.i can do it. you don’t have to get up. it’s okay”. the last thing he wanted to do was make her do any kind of extra work.
taking care of him had to have taken a tole on her. any time he was able to lighten her load he would do so in the blink of an eye.
“you can just rest here. i got it darling boy”.
as he tried to get up she pulled him back. “i’m so proud of you. just so you know i think you’re doing so much better”.
for a moment she just held him close enjoying feeling his warm skin against hers. it was so nice to have him home.
home. this was home.
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Safe and sound
(Abner Krill x Reader)
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|AN|: I theoretically wasn't lying when I said it's gonna take two weeks. It did. I just hated it so much I rewrote it like dozen times. So, since I found out I can't write fluff (this was a struggle oops) I have two versions of this hopefully that'd make up for the long time waiting. I just have to edit the second one.
Request: hey are you still taking requests for abner krill/ polka-dot man? if so could you write something fluffy with the reader having healing powers?
for: @deuxmi-lune
Summary: No matter what happens, Abner knows he can always come home to his spouse. They can always take his pain away.
You shouldn't have been sleeping so soundly, not when he hadn't returned yet, but it was so late, such a peaceful night and he was going to be alright. He always was. It was something that he did – miraculously tunring out alright, alive, as if your prayers to nowhere had been protecting him from any damage. 
It wasn't too long ago, since he had decided to be a hero, but ever since then he got hurt more often than before. More often than not. The band on your finger bound you to his unconditional support and love, yet everytime he limped towards you it felt more like a promise to help him destroy himself. What was a happy man, if he was dead?
It was hard to tell when you fell asleep, but you knew exactly when you woke up – a loud crashing sound came from the front door, jerking you awake. At first, your vision was blurry, the numbers on the alarm clock by your bed blending together into one smudge of red light, and when you rubbed your eyes, gaining some focus back into them, the time had just turned into 3:28am. 
Only the worst came into your mind, you knew he was out unil the sun rose, until he knew nothing he could take care of lurked in the shadows and under the veil of night. Something must had gone wrong, having him back so soon. 
Swiftly, you bolted out of the bed, barefoot running down the creaking wooden stairs towards the entrance, steadying yourself against the walls as you didn't bother to turn on the lights. He was home, and he wasn't alright. You felt it in your bones, whether it was some kind of sixth sense or just something that came with the gift you beared. You had to get to him, what if only seconds mattered?
"Abner," you breathed out, running to his aid when you saw him clutching his side in pain, blood seeping though his clothes and fingers. He was supporting himself against a wall, his skin pale glistening with sweat from all the effort and pain he seemed to be in. "What happened?"
As a response, he laughed nervously, wincing right after as the action sent a sharp pang through his body, and leaned his entire weight on you once you caught him. "Sorry for the rug," he mumbled quietly, gesturing towards the crimson stains of blood slowly drying off beneath his feet. That wouldn't be coming off. "We just bought it."
His legs were weak, one of his ankles presumably sprained or broken as he refused to put almost any weight on it when you lead him into your living room with one of his arms draped over your shoulders, gently helping him lie down on the couch. A sound of protest left his mouth, the blood already spilling all over the fluffy decorative blanket he excitedly bought a few months back when he saw it on sale. "Where have you been? Who did this?"
"I don't really know, it was dark." What would you even do if he gave you an answer? Hunted them down? Threatened them? Hurt them just as they hurt him? What an irony of life would that be, born a healer, made a killer.  
"Just say here," you commanded your husband, and quickly ran to the kitchen, fumbling in one of the drawers as you were searching for some scissors, the stress making your hands shake and fingers almost numb, unable to grasp anything properly. When you came back to him, kneeling by his side on the floor, you quickly cut his shirt revealing a deep bleeding gash on his side.
A sharp gasp escaped your lips.
"They said it's just a scratch," Abner smiled nervously at your horrified face.
"God, you're so stupid sometimes," you muttered, eyes fixated on the wound – deep and wide, nothing like a bullet or any knife you knew could have done. 
"Thats's why you're the smart one."
You placed your hand just a bit above the cut flesh, feeling the heat radiating from his hot blood, reaching out towards his body with your shaken mind. There was only one way of making it better, of saving him. You had to focus, but the more you reminded yourself to stay calm, the harder it was. The more intense the panick rising in your heart got.
Before your eyes was familiar sight. The one of cells slowly coming back together, merging into what they had once been. Sometimes it didn't work out, and the results of that were all over your husband's body. The crooked scars or pulling skin, yet he never seemed to complain or point it out. Other times it was perfect. The traces of anything that could have once been there, just smooth pale skin you knew so well. Nobody could tell. You prayed this was the case as well as it would be a nasty mark to bear. 
"Have I ever told you, how beautiful you are like this?" Abner whispered, breaking your focus. At that, as your palm jerked above the wound, the skin knotted together clumsily as it tried to cover the gash, creating a dark prominent scar, agressive and yet another reminder of your failure.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry," you cursed and ran your fingers down the freshly healed spot. That was exactly what you didn't want. 
"Hey, it's alright," he smiled at you, taking your hand it his. His palms were harsh and callous, yet comforting and warm as they held you. They always were. Hold as gentle as his soul, as genuine as his smile. "I don't mind the scars."
"You scared me tonight, much more than usual," you admitted quietly, gaze still fixated on the spot where not a few seconds ago a terrifying cut mocked you and the power you had carried.
"I'm sorry."
"I don't want you to be a hero." Abner squeezed your hand in reassurance, but it felt more like a plea. To not try and convince him to give up, to hold on just a little longer. "What if once I won't be able to heal you fast enough?"
"I'm not scared of that." His hand came up to your face, trailing just the tip of his index finger down your cheek, so gently it almost felt like nothing at all. "Here I'll always be safe."
"Safe and sound," you tried to return him smile, but it felt forced. There wasn't a mood for smiling just yet.
He shifted a bit on the couch, leaving enough space for you to squeeze right next to him. Abner laid his head on your chest, tightly hugging your middle like it was a safety line. "I promise to stay alive, until you come and get me."
"How about you stay out of the harm's way and not rely on me?" He just hummed in response and lifted his face from your chest, catching the worried look in your eyes.
"We wouldn't be a team then." From up-close, you could finally catch a proper glimpse of his face, the cuts and bruises you couldn't see at first in the weak light of your living room.
With a slow motion, you traced the injuries on his face with your thumb, the cuts disappearing and bruises fading in the wake of your touch. Magical, as Abner would so often describe it. Once you were done, he completely hid his face in your chest, pulling you closer even when it wasn't possible anymore, seeking the comfort you were and had always been the promise of.
"It's alright," you whisper into his hair, planting a quick kiss on the top of his head, one of your hands stroking calming circles into his back. "I've got you."
"And I've got you," he mumbled into the smooth fabric of your pyjamas. The warmth of his body on yours calmed you down, at least a bit, as you knew he was there, far from harm's way – in your arms.
"You still probably have a broken ankle."
"Later, I don't want you to let go." So, you didn't. Just held him tighter as he gradually fell asleep in your arms and you got a one last glance at a clock not too far away.
It was exactly 3.50 in the morning, when you two fell asleep, together at last, holding each other so tightly as if one or the other was to disappear.
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nptnewr · 2 years
DC Masterlist
Adrian Chase (Vigilante)
The Flag of Justice (Flag!Reader)
Asexual S/O
Love and War
Power Overload
Window Repair
Love at First Shot
Sick of It
Suited Savior
Abner Krill
Strange Love
Rick Flag
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altrodent · 1 year
Pairing: Abner Krill x reader
Genre/Warnings: Fluff, slight NSFW, little make-outish, friends with benefits, lots of flirting from other characters (besides Abner), PDA (Public Display of Affection)
Summary: Abner was living a totally “normal” life… until he saw his best friend in a sundress. ❤️‍🔥
(PS: does this photo look small out of editing (like when it’s posted) or is it just me??)
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It was a rare occasion that The Suicide Squad would get to go on a badass mission to save the world. This wasn’t the first time, but the last mission of just tracking a small drug cartel wasn’t as fun as your current mission.
“Operation: Sun n’ Gun” Waller announced, the current mission list consisted of Harley Quinn, Bloodsport, Peacemaker, Ratcatcher 2, King Shark, Rick Flag, Polkadot man, and you! This was your first mission with everyone, except for Polka-dot man. As amazing as it was, you two had actually grown more together in prison, seeing as he was the only one able to get you to come out of hiding.
“Question-“ “No questions until I say so, Christopher. Your mission is to uncover a cult that plans on summoning some sort of Kathulu like demon from the ocean. As ridiculous as that sounds, I’m sure you’ve seen the human-sized weasel, so don’t think about the demon too much. Any questions?” Chris raises his hand, Waller ignores him and calls on Bloodsport, “How the hell are we gonna blend in, in a place like that?” He makes hand gestures towards himself, with the way everyone is dressed, he has a point. “We have that covered, and if we don’t have any more questions, we can get you all suited up and dropped down there.” She turns off the projector as we all make our way to a room, with in which eight people stand, each with a costume bag. They’re a thick white material so you don’t see what’s underneath “Jesus, do we really need to dress up?” Bloodsport groans, Waller taps your shoulder to give you the signal to let her through “It’s necessary if you don’t want me to eradicate you. Now, they will hand you the outfit, then your will get changed and head straight to the drop ship. Are we clear?” She eyes everyone, her eyes landing on your “You will need extra time, seeing as you will be distractor number one, understand?” Your brows furrow “Distra- what do you mean?” She sighs, “talk and walk, I’ll discuss it with you while you change. The rest of you, hurry up, and get dressed out.”
“So what’s this about me being distractor number one?” You step into a small dressing room, closing the curtain behind you. “As shocking as it may seem, the cult leader is obsessed with women, and with various amounts of research into his ‘type’ I felt as if you were the best candidate.” You open the bag “Is this a dress?” She leans against the changing room “I asked most of my men what they think women on the beach look most attractive in, and while I expected them to say ‘Skimpy Bikini’s’ or even nothing at all, the majority said Sundresses. Strange, but they know what would happen if they were to lie to me, so I trust their responses.” You exhale, loud enough for Waller to hear “I’ve done some fucked shit, but this is probably the weirdest thing I’ve ever done... or wore.” You turn it around looking at it from every angle, it isn’t even on you and you’re already concerned. “Look if anything happens, everyone else will be there to help… especially Abner Krill, he seems to have taken a liking to you.” You laugh a little bit “Feelings mutual.” You mumble to yourself, biting the inside of your lip just thinking about him, he’s cute, quiet, and as thrilling as you could ever imagine. He would sneak off and find you during free time, and if he feels like it, maybe gets a little touchy. But after two arms through the sleeves, the sundress is on “holy shit…” you step out, the only person left, looking more than perfect. You could almost see a slight smile forming at the corners of Wallers mouth “You’re ready. Hurry up and get on the drop ship. You have work to do.” You nod and quickly hurry to the ship. It’s fitting in all the right places, short in the most flattering way, and god damn you had to admit you looked hot.
“Woah.” “Holy shit!” “What happened to you?” You hop onto the drop-ship, everyone inside staring, even Colonel Flag of all people. Your face turns red from embarrassment, but there’s just something you can’t seem to not notice. Krill is sitting there, just looking at you. While he normally smiles once you spot him and then look away awkwardly, he is just staring. From shoulders, to thighs, he just can’t seem to get enough. You sit next to Abner, his eyes still scanning over your body. Cleo, Harley, and even King Shark still spewing compliments, “You look very nice in the dress!” “You’re so hot, OMG! We could be like- twins!” “PRETTY FLOWERS”, and you delivering them back. Peacemaker making inappropriate remarks, while Bloodsport just makes quick peaks with undeterminable facial expressions. You still turn back and see Abner, not looking at you. You gently graze your fingers over his hand, “Hey, you doing okay?” His head shoots up, as he was recovering from his daze. “Uh- yeah-“ he gazes finally meets yours and he offers you a soft smile. Peacemaker laughs way too loudly “He totally wants to bang!” Abner looks away, ashamed “Don’t worry Polka-man, I would too, trust me-“ you shoot Chris the most painful daggers, “What? It’s a compliment, ever heard em?” You grimace “Chris, I will shove this umbrella so far up your ass, I swear” Flag stammers into the conversation, “I will say you look very nice.” You smile, “Thank You, Colonel Flag.” He smiles back, Chris pouting in his seat.
The drop-ship lands and quickly lets you all off. “So we just have to stay on the beach all night and wait for the cult to arrive?” Flag asks Waller, “Yes, and remember if you deviate-“ “We lose our heads…” you all say in unison. “Well, we get to have a fun day in the sun before we uncover a cult.” Flag says, grabbing some of the luggage. “Did Waller provide these?” Cleo asks, “Nope, I just don’t want to be bored for however the hell long the cult takes.” Bloodsport and King Shark grab the rest of the stuff before everyone else goes ahead. “After you” Flag winks at you, you blush. You go ahead and catch up with Abner “Hey” he smiles at you, biting the inside of his lip. You lean your head against his shoulder “Hey, you feeling better?” He nods “Yeah, sorry… it’s just rare to see you out of orange. You look…” you can hear his breath hitch as he tries to avoid looking at you. “Stunning.” He says trying to hide an oncoming smile. Getting a random burst of confidence, you shoot back “Well you can look at me as much as you want before the mission really starts” you can hear Cleo “oooh” to her rat, Sebastian. He mumbles, “I’d like to do more than look.” You genuinely didn’t hear what he said, but it couldn’t have been that important… right?
After about 30 minutes of walking through the jungle, you reach the beach and set up. Immediately, you realize the only fault of the disguise… you can’t swim. There wasn’t a bathing suit or anything in there, so unless you want to strip, you can’t get in the beautiful, clear water. You pout, laying on your beach towel. Although you wouldn’t really care just swimming in your undergarments, Chris had to be creepy and say ‘he wouldn’t mind seeing that’, which earned him a slap across the face. After a minute of pouting someone sits next to you, casting a light shadow on you. You look up to see him, “Abner, you don’t have to stay up here. Go, swim and have fun.” He leans back on his hands “They’re doing their own thing. Besides, I don’t want you to be lonely.” You smile, as you sit up be at his eye-level. And with a burst of, what can only be assumed as lust, Abner’s hand quickly reaches to yours, and his hands wander mindlessly. “Abner-“ his face leans in close to yours “yes?” His breath clashing with your own, his hand finding its way to your thigh. “What about the others?” His lips inching towards yours “I don’t give a shit what they do anymore.” His open hand reaches for your face as his lips clash with yours, and you’re down for the count. Your lips melt into his, and his hand that was placed on your thigh makes its way up to your waist. He earns a pleased moan from you that echos between your mouths. You can’t hear the others whispers over the sounds of the waves, but like Abner said, you don’t give a shit what they do anymore. Your back reaches the towel and Abner quickly starts to slightly hover over you. Once he pulls away, he starts leaving kisses around your jaw and neck. He loves the way your legs squirm when he touches the right spots. Your arms slowly work their way up his caging arms. “Abner…” he hums as his lips make their way down your arm and to your thigh. Your arms retract to hide your blush ridden face, his lips slowly growing closer and closer to the inside of your sundress. Hands wandering, heat rising, situation escalating. He pulls away before he goes too far, and holds your head in his hands “If I see any of them looking at you the way only I’m supposed to, I’ll do something rash.” He says calmly. “I won’t let them.” You both slowly sit up, as he gently moves you to his lap. “You’ve been praising me this whole time Krill, and I haven’t gotten a chance to do the same for you.” You pout, he leans his forehead against his “Don’t worry about it, love. I like seeing you in this… and in this way.” His almost liquor laced words keep making you want to come back for more, but you have to resist as much as you don’t want to. “Yes, but I like seeing you like this too. I’ve never seen you in just shorts before… I must admit, it’s much better seeing you this close.” You tease, he smiles shyly. “Maybe after this mission, if Waller lets us go… we could have our own beach date?” You cup his face in your hands, “Abner Krill, are you asking me out on a date?” He averts his gaze, as if he didn’t just ravish you on the beach in front of others. “W-well, I mean if-“ you bring a finger to his lips “I’m just teasing, Abs, I would love to go on a date with you.” His gaze returned to you, seemingly melting with love. “Words can’t describe how much I cherish you, love.”
You lean in before someone touches your shoulder “Sorry, Krill, but the Cult leader arrived, and we need your lover girl to go for him.” He pouts, as Flag helps you up. “I’ll be safe, Abner. I have You after all” You send him a smile before straightening the dress out.
“So, I just go over there, hope he’s seduced by me and get intel?” Flag nods “yep.” You give him a confused look “But why me, and not Harley or Cleo?” He straightens his posture “Well, out of all of us, you’re exactly his type. And if I may say, you do look very nice, so it should work.” You grimace “I don’t even wanna know how you figured out his ‘type’ of woman.” He seethes “You really don’t but, you’re ready just walk past him.” You fix your hair, puff out your sundress, and you saunter your way past him. He isn’t attractive, to say the least. Hell, you probably would’ve gotten with TDK before him. He’s scrawny, but has some muscles. Hair is probably the best feature, but has a hideous open scar on his face. You don’t stare too long, but as soon as you look away, he whistles “Hey there, Pretty Kitty, c’mere!” You walk over to him, and he’s basically foaming at the mouth when you walk up to him. “Well, what brings a pretty thing like you to this here beach?” You fake giggle “I just like the way the sun feels on my skin… why, should I be here for something else?” He leans in closer to you, as if he wasn’t a tiny bit terrifying to begin with he was humongous, at least 6’11. “Why don’t you come sit with me, I want to get to know you better” he holds out a hand for you to take, the pungent smell of old beer on his tongue. You take his hand, scared to see what he might do next “I’d like that.” He smiles “Good girl.” You want to barf, if anyone was going to call you that it’d be Abner… but we’re not gonna talk about that. He guides you to sit on his lap “Don’t be shy, now, baby. I won’t bite… unless you want me to.” His tongue, abnormally reptile shaped, you begin to wonder if he’s even human himself. Still, you keep up the act, giggling and blushing at his creepily “flirty” passes. “Take me out to dinner first” you drape your arms around his shoulders, “I can do a lot of things on a first date, baby.” He winks at you. Barf, gross, Ew, no, thank you. “Oh really… could you show me?” He smiles with an evil grin “I’d show you but we’d have to go somewhere more discreet.” You sigh, luckily your radio is on, so flag understands his signal. “What would you show me?” He leans in close to your ear, his hot breath tingling the peach fuzz on your face, all you can think about right now is Abner, how you want him to save you from this god awful mission “Whatever you want me to show you.” You lean into him, trying not to break character “Oh, my…” he chuckles before standing up with you still in his arms. He makes his way to the forest before he gets shot down by Bloodsport… and Chris too. The screams of other beach visitors echoing in the air, the beach eventually being fully cleared. He looks up at me with some of his final breath, “You fucking- you set me up whore!” You take one of his nearby beer bottles and break it on his head “I did, and you enjoyed it too!” You take the rest of the bottle and stab it through his chest. “Fuck! That guy sucks!” Quickly you’re scooped into a pair of arms, arms extremely familiar. “I’m so glad you’re safe. He didn’t hurt you right?” Abner checks your face for wounds “I’m okay, Abbie, I’m okay.” He holds you for a second before looking behind you in horror “What’s wrong-?” You’re cut off by the distant sound of chanting and eventually a giants roar. “No fucking way-“
“Are you kidding me?!” Everyone groans “I thought they needed their leader??” You drag your face with your hands before Waller comes back on the comms “Apparently, what you just did, is make their leader the sacrifice. I was hoping the sacrifice was just going to be our lovely Agent here, but whatever. Kill the demon and the cult members.” You’re furious “I’m sorry, re-fucking-peat what you just said?” Cleo gasps “She was trying to sacrifice you!” You turn to Flag “Did you know about this?!” He puts his hands up “I swear to god, I didn’t, you know that!” You huff “I don’t give a shit, I’m killing all of them, and when I am done, you better pray to whatever gods you all believe in that I don’t come back and kill the rest of you.” You argue, walking away… before quickly coming back “Okay, maybe not by myself, but- just come on!”
Operation: Sun n’ Gun: Successful!
Flying back to the prison, ready to be released was the best feeling. Well besides laying on Abner, and him being the most comfortable thing in your life. After your releasing, you did go on the beach date. It was quiet, empty, and most importantly; romantic. Now it was just you two against the world, and you both loved every minute of it.
(A/N): I’ve been meaning to write him for a hot minute, and with the sundress season coming up I couldn’t get him and his slutty man face out of my head 🤭 Anywaysssss… I hope you enjoyed! 🩷
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embodyingchaos · 11 months
(ㅅ´ ˘ `) david dastmalchian masterlist
last updated: 22nd july, 2023 newest: latest heart to heart update
rules for requesting: ✮ disclaimer: i do not do smut, i can do dark themes such as stalking, etc. requests are open.
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abner krill/polka-dot man(the suicide squad 2) dating abner genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff, light angst warnings: mentions of abuse, panic attacks, ptsd, a bit suggestive at the end HEHEH abner with a s/o that has a symbiote genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons warnings: mentions of intercourse, very short bc i am pooped out of ideas for this one
yandere abner genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons warnings: yandere behaviour, suggested intercourse, stalking, mentions of murder, abner being a creep, abner being DELUSIONAL heart to heart genre: abner krill x fem!oc, best friends to lovers warnings: mention of experimentation, murder, abuse, manipulation, ABNER'S MOTHER synopsis: after escaping an illegal lab where she was experimented on constantly, number 037 found a new life for her in gotham city, in a quaint little cafe. everything seemed to look up, she even met someone dearly special to her. who knew it would all go bad so fast? kurt goreshter(ant-man) - none yet. johnson(reprisal) dating johnson genre: johnson x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff warnings: drinking, light implications of intercourse lester billings(the boogeyman) - none yet. alonso "lonny" crane(the belko experiment) lift, laugh, love genre: lonny crane x named!fem!reader, fluff, friends to lovers, coworkers to lovers warnings: reader is emotionless-type character, reader’s name is quinn, panic attacks, reader used to smoke, sorta emotional, making out sorta cause i can mUAHAHAHA synopsis: you and lonny get stuck in a lift and a few confessions happen.
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madnessreruns · 1 year
Hi!!! I was wondering maybe if you could write something for Abner Krill with an gender neutral s/o that’s quite literally out of this world?? And maybe to add onto the silliness even more, they’re just so curious about their new surroundings and the thing that come with it, they get into all sorts of hijinks?? I just think it’d be cute please and thank you!!
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Abner Krill x Alien! Reader
Note: hehehehehe abner I love you 💕
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Oh. Okay. Alien that’s cool. That’s rad.
He’s absolutely terrified of you at first, he tries to avoid you at all costs because holy shit get away fucking alien creature no no no no-
He won’t even look you in the eye, if you try to talk to him he’ll nod or shake his head before leaving as quickly as he possibly can. Please don’t take offense to this he just has anxiety :(
He’ll warm up to you after a few days of knowing you, not exactly a asking to you yet but he definitely becomes more comfortable with you. Maybe he’ll start making eye context with you, or he’ll stop refusing to be in the same room as you.
You have to initiate conversations though. Maybe you’ll ask him about something simple, like why humans shake hands or why they close their eyes and then open them again right after.
He’ll stutter out an anxiously half put together answer, while you smile with a tilted head looking at him.
One day you let out a blunt compliment to him, not understanding that humans get flustered, so your like-
“Did you know that you look very pretty today? That outfit looks amazing on you :),”
He stares at you looking horrified as he blinks, unable to muster an answer to your heartfelt compliment. You smile, watching him, waiting for his answer patiently.
“Oh- uhmm… th-,” he pauses, looking around to make sure you weren’t pranking him, “thank you….?”
Smiling, you pull him into an embrace, he goes ridged as you hug him tightly. You pull back as you notice he’s tense
“Are you alright? Was I not supposed to do that? They all told me that was called a ‘hug’, and it shows to people that you like them !” His face goes red as you talk, his pale skin looking almost sunburnt.
He doesn’t speak for a minute, but he just stares at you. Before he sheepishly smiles.
“It does.. no you… you didn’t do anything wrong people.. don’t usually don’t hug me..”
“Maybe I can hug you more then ;)”
Abner: 😳
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
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apomekhanes · 10 months
❤︎ countdown to lsmyfg's return ❤︎
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15 months since the last update, love should make you feel good is coming back! I've always considered this fic my magnum opus, my grand love letter to abner krill, & the thing that got me back into writing fic after a few years off.
I know it's been a long time since an update, so now is the time to tell your friends & fellow abner stans, re-read, or catch up on chapters you missed, because we're heading into the endgame now...!!
new chapter will be posted on the 6th of august 2023 to commemorate the second anniversary of the theatrical release of the suicide squad (2021).
in the coming days I'll release some behind-the-scenes goodies, including these book covers, the fic's spotify playlist, and my top-secret Word of God info on the Female Reader/POV character (including a name reveal 👀).
[catch up on the fic before the update here.]
summary: you're an Atlantean princess in exile. by chance you join up with some ex-Suicide Squad members and take a few weeks off at a secluded beach house. you fall in love, and try not to fuck it up current word count: 92,012 Rated E for explicit sex.
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lennyb0benny · 2 years
Thinking about Abner Krill rn
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Terms Of Endearment // Bradley Bradshaw
Series Masterlist
Summary: They always say when you aren’t looking for love it tends to find you. So when you and your daughter turn up in Fighter Town, Bradley Bradshaw is instantly infatuated. With reluctance to trust and harbouring a bad past, you don’t make it easy for the fighter pilot to love you.
Warnings: Will be allocated to appropriate chapters. Bradley Bradshaw x F!reader. Jake Seresin x Platonic!F!Reader.
~ Terms of Endearment Main Masterlist Link ~
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1. Matchmaker // Jake Seresin decides to take your love life into his own hands when an opportune moment falls into his lap.
2. Sunny Side // Rooster picks up your daughter from daycare.
3. Pillow Cases // After looking after your daughter for the afternoon, Rooster questions you about the pile of unwrapped Christmas presents in the closet. Your response? Something he’ll never forget.
4. Branded Father Figures // Bradley stays the night only to join in on a tradition Jake Seresin had been keeping a secret. Learning a few things about your past.
5. Christmas Crisis // Jake spends Christmas with his family and is told an ugly fact. Bradley spends Christmas Eve and morning with you and Dot—enjoying the calm before the storm.
6. The Calm Before The Storm // After Christmas lunch at Penny and Pete’s house, you and Bradley venture home. But don’t make it without a hitch.
7. The Clash // When Jaidyn Dolan moved to town Bradley Bradshaw gears up for the fight of his life. Having your back without question.
8. In Shades Of Terror // Things between you and Bradley and you and Jake reach a boiling point when Jake returns home, he finds himself spilling the beans about how him and Bradley knew about Jaidyn being in town.
9. To Build a Home // You’re finally approved for your own home through staff accommodation. But when you find out who your neighbour is you’re at a loss for words.
10. Biggest Stans // We see just how long Jake Seresin as been your biggest stand for and Bradley asked an all important question. If you’d consider moving in with him.
11. Trifecta // Jaidyn’s on a revenge driven path that’s only just the beginning.
12. Chase That Feeling // An unhinged Jaidyn causes chaos as Jake meets a woman who’s willing to put her front foot forward and Bob plays the hero card.
13. Dammed if you do, Dammed if you don’t // Jaidyn takes the games he playing to a whole knee level while Jake and Bradley do all that they can to get the higher ups involved.
14. Unlikely Savours // Jake and Bradley butt heads over what they need to do when Jake gets a call. Everyone’s racing against the clock, to find you and get to Dot.
15. Bringing in the reinforcements // Bob makes a call to someone he knows will be able to help and Amilia stalls Jaidyn to give Jake enough time to reach Dot.
16. It’s been a long, long day // Jake and Bradley reunite after having gone their separate ways. You need surgery and it’s not a good prognosis.
17. Not So Malice Intentions // When you wake up from surgery to find out Jake wants to keep Dot from seeing you for a first days, all hell breaks loose.
18. Cowboys & Apologists // When you wake up from being heavily sedated to a stranger but familiar man sitting in the corner of your room—you don’t take well to the carbon copy of Bob Floyd
19. It’s Personal // A week passes you by and you’re still in the hospital. You miss your daughters third birthday, Bradley goes in to bat for you against the Secretary of Defense and Jake has a run in with an intruder.
20. Yellow Polkadots // In the aftermath of Jakes unexpected intruder, decisions are made that bring you and your baby girl back together. Bradley struggles with a hard interior design decision & Jaidyn gets comfortable in his finale plot to end your happily ever after.
21. Heaven // (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) Discharged from hospital after suffering severe injuries from a near fatal run in with your ex has you high strung and on edge. For good reason too, you should always trust your instincts because no one around you is safe from the chaos that transpires in our final two part finale.
~~ Complete ~~
Concepts & Blurbs
-> Marked // Jake sees the infamous cattle prod mark your ex left behind.
-> Bobby Bear // Robert Floyd left this world too soon. But does Odette see his ghost when she’s a little girl?
-> Lessons in Love & War // On one of your first shifts back at work after the events of ToE. Odette is plagued with an illness that sends her to the emergency room with a very panicked Bradley Bradshaw.
-> Bath-time // Bath time isn’t always an easy feat when your little girl is afraid of baths. But they do make for some core memories.
-> Tunder Storm Sleep Overs // With a heavily pregnant wife and a toddler afraid of a raging thunderstorm outside. Bradley kicks into his favourite mode. Dad mode.
-> Easter Time // You don’t have an Easter Bunny—you have an Easter Rooster.
-> The sex positive couple // You and Bradley are busy getting it on when your daughter wakes up from hearing noises in the night. Afraid you’re hurt she calls for you.
-> Baby R // Riley Carole Bradshaw makes her big entrance to the world when Jakes in Texas and Bradley isn’t sure if he’s ready to be a dad twice over.
-> The Eternal Mark // When at the Abbott Ranch for thanksgiving, the sound and sight of a cattle prod has you feeling like you’d been thrown back in time into the arms of the man who swore blind he was going to kill you.
-> From Tooster to Rooster // The first time Odette calls Bradley Rooster and not Tooster.
-> Dots Promise Ring // Odette forever keeps the promise ring Rooster gave to her as a child. But one day she throws it away.
-> The not so real dad dad // Young, dumb and oh so impressionable Odette Bradshaw freaks out after the police show up at a house party she snuck out to. Calling her uncle to come get her didn’t go according to plan.
-> Sticks & Stones // The one where Rooster finds out about the time you absolutely let loose on your daughter during her teenage hellion years while he was on an eight week deployment. And the one you find out you weren’t the only one who kept parenting secrets.
-> Dots Pot // Bradley knows his oldest daughter smokes weed on the roof. I’m an attempt to stay hip with the youth he joins in—only to be left a paralytic on the couch. Outsmarted and out numbed.
-> Fruit of my loins // Odette Bradshaw is full of existential dilemmas about who she is and where she fits in. In an attempt to figure herself out, she goes to see the man who never wanted her in the first place.
-> Brother & Sister love // The dynamic between the Bradshaw siblings.
-> Uncle Jakes second wedding. // Jake has a no kids wedding and Odette isn’t too happy about the situation. Giving him one hell of an attitude about it.
-> Jake & Amilia // A glimpse into the fuck around that is Jake Seresins first marriage to a woman called Ellie who would never be Amilia.
-> Dot & Chase - The Dagger babies // Odette Bradshaw isn’t the easiest girl to get along with, and doesn’t Chase Fitch know that. -> Dot & Chase 2.0
-> What does Odette do for a living? What Nicky & What Riley Do for a living. The Bradshaw’s siblings go leaps and bounds in their respective careers. From soccer players to aviators to lawyers.
-> The Commanders Daughter // Odettes TopGun instructors.
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harleyquinnxcrazyx · 11 months
Rick Flag x reader
Warning: Fear, injured, death, intense love
You were on the island of Corto Maltese. Half your team was dead since Blackguard sold you out, but you were pretty sure Amanda Waller had sent you there to die anyways. While stumbling through the forest you escaped to, your only thought was Colonel Rick Flag. Your boyfriend. You and him had been together since the first Suicide Squad was recruited and when he and June broke up, you made your move. He eventually fell in love with you, and even convinced Waller to let you move out of Belle Reve and in with him. Not that you didn’t still have to do missions. That’s why you were here now. As you tripped over a tree branch, you gasped in pain at how it tugged at the burn on your stomach. You felt people’s presence suddenly and jerked up, only to be met with relief that it was the second half of your team. Peacemaker, Ratcatcher # 2, Bloodsport, King Shark, and Polkadot man. “Y/N?” Peacemaker said, with an utterly confused look on his face. “The hell are you doing here?” You didn’t answer, just stared at them. Eventually you trekked off and the next morning found where Flag was being held according to Waller. You sliced and diced and brutally killed everyone that was in sight. As you guys opened the tent you froze as you saw Rick having a drink with a women. His shirt was off. You stood there awkwardly as everyone else. “Rick.” You said warily staring at him and the women in confusion. Rick stood up.
“Darlin’?” He asked, his eyes puffy red. He walked over to you and gently placed his hands on either side of your face. “Baby, I thought you were dead.” He whispers, his eyes glazed over by unshed tears. You kissed him and then immediately noticed everyone staring at you, so you pulled away and rested on his chest instead. “Don’t you ever do that to me again Y/N.” He stated his arms wrapping around you like a shield.
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mspoisoncoil · 5 months
Brain rotting about another thing, like, regarding my previous post.
I'm gonna go ahead and make it an x reader thing. Like, what if, the reader met buggy earlier. She is an orphan, she meets Buggy, they click, she see's Buggy as an Uncle and he see's Y/n as his niece.
Y/n actually has convinced him to be more of a good pirate, on the original town that Buggy was supposed to destroy in the anime, Y/n convinces Buggy not to do that and just rule over the island.
Buggy says it's not flashy enough until Y/n says that if he rules over the island and govern it properly, she'll dress up similarly to him and perform in his circus shows. And it is something Buggy wants so bad. So he does, and Y/n dresses up in a bodysuit clown outfit, it was colored like Buggy's, blue and white with hints of yellow and red. Y/n wore a corset, the bodysuit's color being blue. The corset being red with one side having white stars and the other white stripes. Having a white frilled turtleneck collar, the the edge that laid on her chest shaped like a semicircle coming up to her shoulders, small pompoms attached to her frilled collar as a replacement for buttons, colors switching between red and yellow. Bishop sleeves having white frills at the ends. Her legs being covered by white lace tights, her foot wear being heeled ankle boots, the colors on her left foot being being red with yellow stars, the right foot being colored blue with white polkadots while her hands were covered by white gloves.
Make up being done by Buggy himself, it was like Buggy's make up. Y/n wore a clown nose, being hit on the head by Buggy for the little stunt yet at the same time being praised for looking like "the flashiest man to ever be flashy". Y/n wore a blue wig, Buggy tying it into the same pigtail hairstyle he has, soon after helping Y/n put in yellow eye contacts.
When Y/n performed, the crowd went wild with every trick their whole circus performed. The final act being Y/n doing acrobatics and pulling stunts on the audience. The island was actually being taken good care of by Buggy and his crew, with Y/n helping once in a while with work.
Now, Buggy will still have yanderes on his a$$(Crocodile, Shanks and Mihawk) but does Y/n have them? Yes, she in fact does. Her yandere's being the rest of the anime cast. Yeah I know this is sort of boring, but the thing is, Buggy and Y/n doesn't really take it all that seriously. They're clowns okay??
But how would Buggy meet his yandere's and how does Y/n meet hers? Well, three years before Luffy set sail and he met Buggy, the clown duo would sometimes take off on the sea with some of their crew, the two clowns have visited Alabasta, adventuring in Alubarna and into the warlords famous casino. Y/n had coaxed Buggy to changing into normal clothes as to not gather too much attention, Buggy giving in when Y/n promised to perform in the next circus event on their little island.
Buggy sat on one of the stools, leaning on the counter of the bar. A rather relaxed expression painting over his facial features as he waited for his favorite and only niece, brows arched as he waited rather impatiently until a certain blue-wig wearing teen came hopping to him, wearing a white blouse with a pastel green strap square top dress, the skirt having a white checkered design. The girl's wig styled into low pigtails with her yellow contacts still in her eyes. Bouncing up on the stool next to Buggy with a smile as someone followed behind her, a chaperone that volunteered to look after Y/n, coming from the island they governed. Y/n stared at Buggy's outfit, proud of her work. The man wore a similar white blouse with a Navy blue vest over it, silver floral patterns intricately weaved onto it. The top paired with black pants, Buggy's hair was tied up into a ponytail, done by Y/n. The man wore a replica of Y/n's necklace.
Buggy scolded Y/n slightly for being slow, turning to her chaperone with a displeased frown, said chaperone averted his eyes while sweat-dropping, feeling a little down at their current rulers disappointment. Y/n quickly stood up from her seat, taking her Uncle's hand before dragging him somewhere around the casino. Her chaperone hastily trying to catch up with the duo.
The three were making a little noise, not enough to get the attention of the entire place, but enough to catch the attention of anyone within a ten feet distance. Y/n laughed as she continued dragging Buggy, the man grumbling but not fighting back while his niece's chaperone slightly yelled at them to slow down.
Y/n ran past a towering man and a tall woman, hand in hand with her uncle as she squealed when she tripped, bringing the big nosed man down with her. Buggy instantly shouting at his niece the moment they sat up, Y/n's chaperone helping them stand up and awkwardly standing beside Buggy with his hands tucked behind his back.
The trio was not ticked or bothered by the stares they gained, Milo, Y/n's chaperone was used to it. A certain warlord planted his eyes on the scene, eyes stilling on the vest wearing man with blue locks. The woman beside him was focused on the teen who only giggled at Buggy's scolding.
(Let's pretend that this is before Buggy earned his debt with Crocodile)
Okay so that's out of the way, how would Buggy meet Mihawk?? Well that's easy.
Another scenario:
It was rare but he did it, Mihawk had left the grand line, choosing to wander around East Blue. He had stopped on an Island, eyes roaming around as he noticed posters were stuck on the walls of a few buildings. Featuring the words "Circus Day!". The ever stoic man listened closely to the conversation of a group near him, taking note that they talked about a "King" and if the "princess" would perform today.
Curiosity piqued and feeling bored, the man decided to pay a visit(very unlikely, I know). Finding himself staring at the blue haired man that announced the start of the event, judging the outfit of the guy and the way he looked like a clown, unconsciously running his eyes all over the clowns facial features, devouring anything his outfit revealed to the world like a starved man. Catching himself humming shortly at the sound of Buggy's voice. He found the performance boring but nonetheless stayed, hoping that the clown from earlier would show up again, only to be disappointed when he didn't.
He was pleasantly surprised when at the final performance of the night, the man he was patiently waiting for came back out, yelling out that the final thing would be done by his one and only niece. Mihawk frowned when Buggy went out of his sight, his hands twitching as he held back the urge to stand up and follow the man. His eyes soon landing an a woman with the same blue hair that Buggy had.
Mihawk went back to the grand line with a newfound memory, the first and most valuable to him being the blue haired clown that announced the event and the second being said clowns niece who looked like the man he wanted to see the most in that event. Mihawk made a mental note to go back on the island after awhile. Now having a yearning to see the silly and unreasonable clown that caught his attention and planted an unidentified feeling in him.
Okay so that's that, and do I even have to explain how Buggy met Shanks??? But like, imagine that in the future, when Buggy and Y/n are getting chased by their perspective Yandere's, they stay on this island. At this time, Y/n had eaten a devil fruit, the DF being called the Fake Fake fruit where Y/n can make illusions that will feel real and actually is real until Y/n reverses or undo's her trick.
So while they're getting chased, Y/n Yandere's doesn't actually know that Y/n is Buggy's niece or that her blue "hair" and yellow "eyes" were real. It had been about a month after they narrowly escaped Buggy's captors. With the help of Y/n ofcourse, so on the island they stayed on, they made a plan.
Y/n never wore her beloved wig while they were loose and still running from their captors. She was a natural actor and played as a patient and quiet woman that couldn't lie. The complete opposite of how the real Y/n was, and being the icon that he was, Buggy was also an expert at acting. Y/n used her devil fruit to change her Uncle's appearance.
Changing his long, beautiful blue locks into short and clean dark brown hair. Changing his eye color to black and changing his nose to a regular one, no matter how weird it felt. Buggy acted like a complete gentleman on their stay on the island they had stopped on, keeping calm and composed whenever trouble brewed. Again, a complete opposite to how really is.
Let's hope that when a certain yonko and two former shichibukai visit, they're cover doesn't get blown up.
Yeah that's all, I'm calling this the "Clown!Y/n" Au just incase Authors wanna write a fic about it👀👀
(PLEASE DO😭😭😭💀💀💀)
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
💚 my requests are always open 🩷
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you can find my writing:
in my tag
on my masterlist
my AO3
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important things first:
🔞🔞🔞 minors DNI 🔞🔞🔞 you can request anonymously 💚 i don't write in order of when things are received, i do it based on inspiration. if i can't think of anything for something after a few months i'll delete it without explanation, sorry i have a prompt tag and if you use it let me know which prompt list you've asked for or let me know more than just the numbers! let me know gender specifics of "reader" if there is one (pronouns, genitals etc.) if you don't specify it'll be gender neutral or female please don't include images or gifs in your requests, they visually overwhelm me and make it difficult to tackle the prompt i mostly identify as cis/white/afab so keep this in mind if you request nb/trans/t4t/different races/male reader presenting etc. i will choke you if you don't reblog and like the thing you requested, be nice and supportive!
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requests i accept:
i write for batman rogues, fallout and a few other characters! for dc rogues headcanons: i will do multiple characters per post for headcanons but only for all general rogues, a specific dork squad (in my do writes!) or all iterations that i write for of a specific character e.g. ✅ can you write first dates with arkham!dork squad? ✅ what would all the riddlers do on a first date? ✅ how would the rogues handle a first date? (if you ask for all iterations of a specific character i'll either write for them all or pick several of them depending on the ask. if you want one specifically to be included just let me know)
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characters i write for:
Riddler (⭐arkham, dano, ⭐zero year, telltale, TWOJAR, gotham, BTAA, young justice, BU, BTAS, general)
Penguin (⭐farrell, BTAA, telltale, OBD, gotham, general)
Scarecrow (⭐arkham, ⭐BTAA, golden age, general)
Two Face (⭐arkham, BTAA, general)
Victor Zsasz (gotham, general)
Mad Hatter (arkham, gotham - NO INCEST, general)
Captain Boomerang (⭐ss:ktjl, general)
Poison Ivy (arkham, general)
Polkadot Man (suicide squad)
Harley Quinn (telltale, arkham, ss:ktjl, ⭐general)
Bane (arkham, telltale, OBD, ⭐general)
Harvester (bu)
Amanda Waller (ss:ktjl)
Mr. Freeze (arkham, gotham, general)
John Doe/Joker (telltale)
Butch Gilzean/Solomon Grundy (gotham)
King Shark (ss:ktjl, general)
Deadshot (ss:ktjl, general)
Killer Croc (arkham!origins, general)
Firefly (arkham, general)
Harvey Bullock (gotham)
Alfred Pennyworth (gotham, general)
Black Mask (arkham, general)
☢️ Fallout Franchise ☢️
Cooper Howard (fallout prime)
Maximus (fallout prime)
Thaddeus (fallout prime)
John Hancock (fallout 4)
Sturges (fallout 4)
Edward Deegan (fallout 4)
Paladin Danse (fallout 4)
Nick Valentine (fallout 4)
Kent Connolly (fallout 4)
💚 Other Characters 💚
Cecil Stedman (invincible)
Walter Skinner (x-files)
Arthur Morgan (red dead redemption 2)
Egon Spengler (ghostbusters)
Nick (left 4 dead 2)
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i will write:
x reader, x fem/male/gn character, ships, headcanons
absolutely yucky disgusting smut of most kinds
most kinks including knife play, blood play, bondage, sub/dom, pain play, mommy/daddy, etc.
darker themes like cnc, dubcon, noncon, somnophilia, hypnotism, manipulation, gaslighting, guilting
angst, fluff, romance, friendships, hurt/comfort
jealousy, yandere, obsessive themes etc.
ships plus ships x reader also!
non-ship pairings of characters in my "will write" criteria
death, gore, extreme violence
blood, cum, spit and some piss
imagines, scenarios, full fics, short fics, headcanons
i won’t write:
underage characters (at all, in any scenario, including platonic)
vomit, shit or breast milk
real people
pregnancy/pregnancy sex/having children/step-children
age play (daddy and mommy kink fine, dd/lg not for me!)
incest (even step-relations)
characters x monster/monster!reader (may do in commissions)
OCs or overly detailed reader specifications (may do in commissions)
AUs or crossovers (may do this in commissions)
extreme anal i.e. fisting/enemas/stretching (may do in commissions)
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also i am anti-cancel culture! i'm not about to out you/report you/fuck with your privacy if you send me anything that i'm not sure about or uninterested in writing
and finally, no pressure at all but if you want to thank me i would greatly appreciate reblogs, comments, and maybe even a tip
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effielumiere · 2 years
All I Want - Kim Namjoon x Reader
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader, OC x Reader
Genre: Romance? Idol AU, Drama, Angst?, Best Friends to (???)
Warning(s): Cursing/Language. Angsty angst? Get your tissues... i think... or not. Two shoes being thrown at Joonie .UNEDITED!
Word count: 12k (I'm so sorry, I got too carried awaaayyy~)
Summary: Kim Namjoon has been in love with his high school best friend ever since he first laid eyes on her. Nearly fifteen years later, he's known all around the globe as BTS's leader RM, but none of that matters to him personally, because all he ever wanted aside to live his dreams was to be with Y/n. However, it seems it's too late. She's about to get married in the following day and he's too afraid to watch her be forever in the arms of someone else that isn't him and for the first time since he's debuted, he wants to try and confess again, even though he knows that this time it's going to be different. He knows you're not going to stay. No amount of pleading and begging will make him yours. So, this time he's going to do that right thing and confess, not to make Y/n changer her mind, but to say goodbye. It's right thing to do anyway... Nothing could possibly go wrong .... right?
Author's Note: I *legit* forgot that this song existed until i read This Chapter of House of the Omegaverse by @sopejinsunflower and remembered it. Without giving much away, the scene goes with Namjoon and the reader looking at each other while the reader was singing it, and I remember how I felt like someone abruptly pulled my heartstrings leaving in a tiny angst mood. And that was moooonths ago btw lol. That story was an inspiration for this and this baby has been sitting on my drafts since House of the Omegaverse ended (please go check out @sopejinsunflower 's work 🥺) I'm a bit behind schedule but I'm pretty sure it's still September 30 in California ... Hopefully lmao. This was originally for Namjoon's birthday, but I got busy so here I am lol. Please leave your feed back in the comments or send me an ask teehee don't be shy😄 And btw, this is completely unedited most parts were written while I was half asleep and tired on the shuttle headed home lol. ENJOOOOYYY!
Armand (OC [Korean Englishmen/JOLLY]) is none other than this young man right here.
< main masterlist >
Namjoon closed his eyes as the cool wind blew past his face, relished the last night he was going to spend with his long time best friend who was getting married when the morning comes. 6 hours. That's all he needed and that was all the time he got. The sun was already starting to set when he opened his eyes to gaze at the sight before him.
Her. She was wearing a pastel blue dress with small white polkadots, light make-up on her face that accentuated her eyes and enhanced her best features. Her eyes he thought Her eyes are the most beautiful set of eyes he's ever seen. She was looking around the floor watching happily as waiters walked past our table with food on the trays they were balancing elegantly with one hand.
"Oh, Joon," she smiles as she brings the wine glass to her lips to take a sip "I'm so excited for tomorrow, everything went as planned and tomorrow, I'm finally going to be a married woman and have my dream wedding"
"I'm happy for you," he gave her a smile "Truly?" she asks. Namjoon cocks his head to the side, a habit he's that shows his disappointment and sometimes, his disapproval of a certain situation.
"What is it?" she asks, her smile slowly fading, concerned for her best friend "Is everything alright?" Instead of answering, he picks up his glass of whiskey and downs it in one go, slightly wincing at the burn as he contemplates on whether or not he should spill his emotions and tell her how he truly feels, or hold back, let her be happy and never see her again as long as he lives.
"Namjoon" she calls him, making him slowly look up at her "I'm excited about tomorrow, but I'm also nervous"
"Don't be," he tells her in a low voice as he controls himself from talking more than he should.
"Joonie, remember when we went to the beach?" Y/n asks "You know, the place where we met up because I needed your help with my math homework" he simply nods at her not trusting his voice. He's drank enough whiskey for tonight to last a lifetime, he thinks. He motions for the bill at their waiter who was patient waiting for them to leave as they were the last customer of the restaurant for the night.
Namjoon planned everything for this particular evening, he planned of making sure that she had a relaxed night where she wasn't going to worry about anything, including the wedding but what he didn't plan was to entertain the nagging thought he had to tell her how he's really felt for the past 15 years of his life, but at the same time he was scared. Scared to lose her, he decided to shut his mouth and let her, watch her meet someone else, fall for someone else... love someone else.
The night of the engagement, Namjoon watched as videos and pictures of Y/n and her now soon to be husband to be all smiles and happiness on the timeline of his social media accounts, the comments filled with happy wishes and he felt... numb... and angry. No. Not angry. Furious. Furious at himself for being a coward and not trying hard enough, and not expressing what he really felt about her all these years.
He waited, until 5 years ago when he thought he'd visit her college campus to pick her up and take her out on a date, hoping she wouldn't say no. But he was too late, so there she was, walking out of the college building, laughing and smiling as she ran into the arms of a man he didn't know, and surprised him the most, they two kissed. And it definitely didn't look friendly. Namjoon unknowingly clenched his jaw and fists at the sight, crushing the poor stems of the bouquet of peonies and sunflowers that he brought for Y/n especially for this occasion.
"Are you okay, Mon-ah?" Jin asks from the driver's seat, looking at the rare view mirror.
"I don't think so, hyung," Yoongi answers for him from the passengers side, nodding his head at the direction Y/n was still smiling and laughing, then they're holding hands as they walked away from the building.
Jin didn't need words to start driving back to their dorm, and when they arrived the maknaes were outside waiting for them with an expectant gaze in their eyes. Parking the car, Namjoon quickly got out, slamming the car door with a bit too much force. Roughly throwing the bouquet on the nearby bin, he walks like a man on a mission to the end of the street.
"Let's go after him," Hobi says and they all nod as the maknaes look at their hyungs in confusion.
"What happened?" Taehyung asks
"Did she turn hyung down?" Jimin questions
"Is Rap Mon-hyung okay?" Jungkook asks in a small voice, his lips curling inward as he bites them nervously.
Jin sighs as he leads the younger boys to walk in the direction where Namjoon was headed. Wrapping an arm around Jungkook's shoulder he looks at them and simply says" Don't say anything alright? It didn't end the way we thought it would," he says in a quiet voice" And I think it would be best not to ask him anything related to Y/n for now. "
"What happened then?" Jimin asks him, still walking. Hobi and Yoongi were already ahead, trying to catch up with Namjoon's fast paced, angry stomps on the pavement. As Jin told the stories to the maknaes and watched the sadness and pity in their eyes grow, Namjoon was already at the park and was being to climb the big tree.
"Uhh... Namjoon-ah, please be careful," Hobi says nervously as he looks at Yoongi who also had no idea how to stop the brokenhearted boy from climbing the tree.
"Namjoon-ah, careful!" Yoongi yells "Please! I have no fucking idea how I'm going to explain to your parents why you're doing what you're doing right now if you get hurt climbing a damn tree because of a broken heart!"
"Oh shit," Jin yells as he heards the last bit of Yoongi's sentence "Namjoon-ah, get back down here!" he yells his neck and ear turning red from the fear and the anger he was feeling for the most clumsy person he's ever known his entire life climbing said tree.
"What is hyung doing?" Jungkook asks
"Don't you dare ever follow his footsteps kid, you could, but don't do reckless shit he does," Yoongi warns the youngest.
"I'm calling Bang PD-nim and Sejin-nim" Jin announces as he pulls out his phone to call their producer, but his actions were stopped when the loudest sound he's heard in his life made him drop his phone on the sand, startled.
"YAAAAAAHH!!! FUCKING BASTARD!!!" Namjoon yelled from the highest point of the tree that he was able to cry. He was breathing heavily, on the verge of crying "YOU JUST HAD TO TAKE YOUR FUCKING SWEET TIME, HUH?!" He yelled at the open air at himself "THERE YOU GOD DAMN GO, YOU IDIOT! YOU FUCKING LOST YOUR CHANCE TO DATE THE GIRL YOU WANTED FOR SO DAMN LONG"
Without giving it much thought, Jungkook started climbing the other side of the tree making sure his brothers didn't see him. Namjoon stared at the maknae once he was leaning on the branch in front of him.
"What are you doing here, Jungkook-ah?" Namjoon asks him softly after he was done yelling about, looking away from him wiping a tear discreetly but Jungkook saw it "I felt bad for you, hyung, so I followed you up here instead even though Yoongi hyung told me not to." he shrugged.
Bang PD-nim and Sejin-nim arrived "Mon-ah, get down from there," Sejin-nim said "You're gonna get hurt!"
"What's the maknae doing there with him?" Bang PD-nim ask Hobi and Yoongi who suddenly look around them only to find the maknae missing.
"You little brat!" Yoongi yelled "I told you not to climb the tree,"
"Don't worry, hyung," Jungkook called back, "I'd do the same for all of you," then turned towards Namjoon "What happened with Y/n, hyung? I thought you'd be happier when you returned."
Namjoon took another deep breath "She uh..." he cleared his throat before continuing, he felt like he was running out of air to breathe because of what he had witnessed earlier "She was with another guy, they're probably dating. She never told me that she was seeing someone else."
Jungkook bit on his lip as he listened to his hyung explain what happened when he was about to leave the car, go up to her and ask her out on a date but was rudely interrupted by a man who seemed to have already taken his place. After a few more minutes talking to Jungkook, thanks to his distraction, Bang PD-nim and Sejin-nim were up to date on what was going on and decided to make him face the music so to speak. Y/n arrived at the park, she was on a date with Armand, the exchange student who she's been seeing for months in secret, when she got a call from the boys' manager and cut the date short when they said that Namjoon was on a tree. It was enough to send her in a panicked frenzy to leave the date abruptly to somewhat save her best friend.
"Namjoon-ah," she called from where the other men were standing. Namjoon's dragon shaped eyes widened and his lips slightly pursed as his gaze shifted from Jungkook slowly to looking below him where Y/n stood, a panic-stricken look on her face and sadness in her eyes.
"Namjoon-ah, please get down here before you hurt yourself," she half begged half demanded
"Don't worry about me, I'm okay," Namjoon tries to reassure her
"Joonie-ya," she calls out to him, so far she's the only one who calls him that and he's allowed it because he has feels for her "I don't know what exactly happened, but you didn't have to climb a tree because you're mad that the girl you like didn't go out with you," behind her, Namjoon saw Yoongi was mouthing that she doesn't know it's her and Jin was giving him a thumbs up that all was well.
"Just get down here and let's talk about it if you wanna," she offers "if not, well... just write a song about it and rip it off like a band aid. You'll move on, Joonie, you'll love someone else, and I promise they'll love you back"
"That's not what I want, Y/n-ssi" he tells her "I don't want anyone else, all I want in this world is y-"
"Ya, Namjoon-ah" Hobi yells out to him, enough to cut his sentence before he said something he wasn't ready to say yet and Hobi's voice was loud enough for Y/n not to hear the end of what Namjoon said "Get down here before we call the firefighters to get you back down here!"
"Joonie-ya," Y/n called out to him one last time "We don't always get what we want, some of us just happen to be lucky. I just left my date alone because they said you're up, stuck on a tree like a stubborn cat."
"Y-you did that? W-why?" Namjoon stuttered "Because you're important to me Namjoon-ah!" she yells back at him, "And right now, I'm pissed because I didn't get to eat! Now get down here so we could go back to your dorm so I can cook Jjajjangmyeon for all of us, or you could just stay there are starve. You look like a dumb dragon perched on a small tree, you punk. I can't believe I'm yelling at an Idol who's stuck on a damn tree like a cat," she stomps her foot on the ground. The men around them watching the interaction found it funny that Hobi was taking a video for future purposes, mainly friendly blackmail. What made Hobi laugh was the way Y/n walked out of the park and headed for the grocery, maknae's (minus Jungkook) following her. When they were out of earshot Bang PD-nim chuckled at the sight before turning to Jin "Guess you only needed her help, get the receipt from the grocery and let me know her bank account to give her a refund. Get your groceries too," he says pulling out a couple of bills and handing it to him "Just in case." then he turned to the man on the tree "Namjoon-ah, get down there and take your girl's advice," he calls out to him grinning and he walks back to his car with Sejin-nim. That evening, Y/n cooked dinner with the help of Jin, Yoongi and Hobi. Despite the cramped space, they were able to walk back and forth in circles and prepare dinner. Namjoon was sitting in front of Y/n, he watched her with sad eyes as he ate. He didn't know whether he was supposed to break everything in his path or just cry, and it wasn't until she left the dorm that Namjoon went back to the nearest convenience store with notebook and ballpen on hand. After two cups on coffee, he wrote about how he felt into two songs, one of them later down the line gave them their first award and a gave them a lot of recognition, the other one... was something that he wanted tell her. But told himself that when they record the song he wanted it to sound almost like haunting accusation.
"I need you and run." he says to himself, cocking his head to the side sighing, he mutters "Please get the message," only to be disappointed that she didn't know it was about her.
"Hey, earth to Namjoon," you called out to him smiling "you still there?"
"Yeah, sorry," Namjoon shook the memory from his head a d chuckled "Sorry, I had a mini flashback that's all,"
"Ooh," she leans forward, elbows on the desk and a hand on her cheek "What's it about?"
"Remember when I went up a tree? After this girl didn't go out with me."
She thought about it for a second before she laughs "Is that the one where I cooked Jjajjangmyeon for us and you looked like you were gonna cry on your food?"
"Wait," his eyes widened slightly "You saw that?"
"It's hard not to see it, Joonie," she smiles sympathetically "Your aura screamed that you were heartbroken that's why I cooked, because if I remember it right, it's your comfort food in some sort of way"
Namjoon nods, he felt the exact same thing when your engagement was announced, and he went up the same tree again. To his surprise, the other members followed him and the maknae did exactly what he did that day, he went up the tree. But he didn't scream out his frustrations and their stay didn't last long because this time he came down without your help, and this time he cried in front of his brothers. Telling them that he's lost his chance with you.
"I still am," he admits "Not being loved in return by someone who you've loved for all those years is heart breaking." She nodded. Namjoon asks for the bill and as they get into Namjoon's car, he asks the driver to drop off Y/n first.
They were in front of the villa she was renting with her family and friends, including him and the other members, when Namjoon decided to end his pain. Ripping off a band aid, like she said.
"There's something I have to say, but there are two promises I need to know you'll keep as I tell you this story. The first promise is that you let me say everything on one go and ask me questions later,"
"Alright..." she trailed off hesitant "Go ahead?"
Taking a deep breath, Namjoon had a moment where he thought about letting it go and never letting her know, but there was also that selfish part of him that was begging to be let out. And he liked listening to that part of him.
"I was gonna ask this girl out years ago," he stared at her "I was ready to go out with her after knowing her for years. I've been... In love with her for the past fifteen years; that's from the moment I met her until today." he stopped gaging her reaction and so far so good, she was intently listening, so he continued.
"I met her in English classes." he bites his lip, knowing she's going to finally know how he's felt after all these years, and he didn't know what else to do other than let his mouth run, so he looked away from her. Watching the light of the room that she's staying in, the room that was joined with his, only to be divided by a large bathroom.
"She was wearing her uniform, with a lavander and gray hoodie on top, which made it easier for me to find her. You see I had a crush on her, she's really smart and well spoken, gentle and kind, full of light and laughter, and most of all she had kindness I could never compare to anybody else. When I finally walked up to her, I pretended not to know what our homework was to have an excuse to have her look at me past the glasses and the awful haircut, and you did, " he smiles at the memory before quickly glancing at her. She was slightly wide eyed with his last statement making him look at his hands, suddenly they were very interested to look at.
"I never asked you back then because... do you even remember how I looked like?! I had a bowl cut, it wasn't really hot or cool. So, I told myself, once we get into college I'll ask you out. But it took a while before college was something that I really had to do. I had to work first, we debuted and had to work even harder, I did everything I could to keep you. But that day, I had a bouquet of your favorites, peonies and sunflowers. I was in Jin-hyung's car with him, Yoongi and Hoseok, we showed up at the university. We came home from tour that day and I was really excited to see you, but instead I met you in a different circumstance. You kissed Armand right before I could even get out of the car, and I felt my heart shatter. Jin-hyung drove back to the dorm and we all walked to the park where you saw all of us. I ate dinner with a broken heart because I took too long to ask you out. I wrote songs about you. I need you and run were written that evening. Serendipity, Trivia: Love, Home, The truth untold, they're all about you and for you.
"I've been in love with you for these past fifteen years and I'm such a coward that I never told you in person and now you're going to get married to somebody else" he bit his lip as tears pooled in his eyes "It's so cliché for someone to fall in love with their best friend but what can I do, I'm just a human being who happens to be in love with you and now I'm losing you,
"I lost you to him," he looks out the window, he refuses to look at her not knowing that she too was crying at the secret that he's kept for so long. She's never seen him harshly wipe his tears away in frustration before except for time when the group was deciding on breaking up which never happened.
"I don't expect you to feel the same way or to back out of the wedding, but I wanted to let you know."
"Why now?" she asks in a small voice, Namjoon barely heard her if it wasn't for the silence ringing out in the car "Because the feeling has been eating me up. It's selfish of me do this because you're getting married in less than 12 hours, I know that. But you know me better than I know myself, baby." he whispers the endearment, not knowing she heard him.
Y/n turned to open the door, before she could get a foot out the door Namjoon speaks behind her "I might not stay for the entire ceremony tomorrow, I can't stand there in the aisle behind your husband to be and watch the two of you seal your marriage and your vows with a kiss, wishing it was me instead. I just can't,
"And I'm staying out of your lives, you'll never hear from me again in person. Consider it a wedding present." he states as Y/n finally gets out of the car, but not without closing the door with a bit more force than the usual. Namjoon flinched as his heart breaks, watching his security guard hold out an umbrella for her as it started raining heavily, quietly he lets his tears fall.
"Sir?" his driver asks hesitantly. Namjoon's driver has been around for 7 years now, so he has seen how madly in love Namjoon was with Y/n. Everyone saw it but never said a word to Y/n about it, the would even talk about how lucky she was to have caught the attention of Namjoon even before debut day. Some of them evwn assumed at one point that they were dating because of how Namjoon would look at her lovingly whenever she wasn't looking, "She'll come around, sir" he tries to lift the mood by giving Namjoon positive thoughts, but the only thing that would make Namjoon happy was to have her, but this was his reality and he knew that.
"Not everyone gets a happy ending," he says sad
"But destiny gives it to those who deserve it," his driver tells him
"I..." Namjoon started "I don't think I believe in destiny anymore... she... seems cruel to those she abandons..." his driver simply nodded as they drove back to the hotel.
Falling onto the bed, Namjoon stared at the ceiling letting everything he had just done marinade into his reality. Pick up his phone he quickly sends a text to his group chat with the other members before turning off his phone as notifications started coming in.
Namjoon: She knows everything. I asked the driver to leave the drive in her room earlier.
Back the house where Y/n in preparation for her wedding, everyone was fast asleep except for her mother who was waiting for her in yer room a paper bag on the table next to her.
"Oh good, you're back," she says smiling "Let's get ready for bed, you need enough rest for tomorrow,"
Nodding at her mom then at the paper bag beside her she asks, "What's that?"
"Oh, right," she lightly exclaimed "Namjoon's driver left it for you, he says it's a wedding gift." Y/n slowly opens the bag that her mom hands out before sitting beside her at the end of the bed.
Pulling out a heavy item that was as the side of a DVD but thicker.
"What is it?" her mom asks alout of curiosity, but she knew well what it was and what it possibly consisted.
With tears pooling in her eyes, she looks at her mother finally letting everything she learned tonight sink in.
"Do you think I'm making the right decision? Marrying Armand?" I ask her
"While you're very much in love with Namjoon?" she asks sighing "No. But if you're asking me for the sake of the feeling of because you just want to be married, then it's also a no.
"I love Armand, he's a great kid. Treats you right and all, but I don't think he's really ready to settle down. I have a feeling that you're just going to be an unhappy trophy wife when you get older. I even see you two probably getting divorced because I think you're only together for the sake of convenience, but I don't see you too completely in love with each other."
Y/n pulls her in for a hug, rubbing her back as she sobbed in her mother's arms, "You're the only one who knows the right answer, no one is forcing you to choose someone. It's your decision to follow your heart by following what you know in your head is right." Slowly her mom leaves her alone to rest once she's calmed down.
Picking up the hard drive she noticed two invisible sticky note on it, sitting on the chair in front of her laptop which was on a coffee table she reads the note that says,
Condition two: Before you plug this in to your laptop, promise me that you will forgive me for everything. For not telling you that I love you sooner.
I wish I did, it's something I'll regret until my dying breath. So please, humor this clumsy, old soul. Forgive me.
x. NJ.
Carefully taking them off of the surface of the drive and placing them on the empty pads of the laptop, she plugs it in only to be greeted by a password screen.
Your color of your favorite ice-cream that I'll never eat / Nature.
Letting out a chuckle and a quiet sob, she quickly types in 'green' then she had access. She was greeted with three folders each named 'Part 1- Start here', 'Part 2 - Dream of me.' and 'Part 3 - Farewell'. Deciding to respect his wishes, she opens the first folder, inside was one video entitled 'Open me' that she ended up playing. As the player loaded up, she was greeted by Namjoon's tired appearance. Chin on the palm of his hand that rested on the arm rest of his chair.
I guess this is gonna be the first video? he mutters to himself as she sighs heavily, sitting up to look straight into the camera
Okay... Hi? I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing. I just finished a whole bottle of whiskey with Yoongi hyung. He didn't exactly stop me so... I kept drinking. Today is... he pauses to look at the screen of his phone
December 28th. Y/n's breath was caught on her throat, it was the night of she announced her engagement to Armand.
Actually it's the 29th, it's past midnight. You probably know what today is - or yesterday, but I'll remind you because I'm good ol' pal of yours. he took a deep breath as he rubbed his temples You got engaged a couple of hours ago he sings sadly to himself Hence, whiskeeeyyyy. My best friend.. aside from the members... and you.
Namjoon pours the amber liquid on to a glass that had one ice, swirled it around a couple of times before drinking it in one go as if it was a shot of Soju.
I'm doing this... thing, he motions a hand to the camera as a farewell. Because you're going to belong to someone else, and that someone ain't me, baby, he takes another swig before continuing I'm gonna send you a copy of all of these, he grabs the camera from where it was placed and pointed it to the screen of his computer monitor that was showing organized folders dated by year.
I'm gonna turn this into a huge ass movie and give you a copy. Just to show you how much... I love you, he mutters the last part to himsepf probably knowing by now that the microphone picked it up. Namjoon puts the camera back to where it originally was then he looks directly at it, I'll always love you. But I wanna show you how I fell in love with you and why. I can do it in two ways: write you a song or pile all these up into a movie... or both.
He lazily grins at the camera before saying I've already done the first part, so now imma do this. Originally, I planned making this for you so that one day when I confessed my love for you and I proposed, I would play this as a proposal video or when ended up getting married, this was gonna be my wedding present. But since, neither of those are gonna happen this is gonna be my wedding and parting present for you.
He eventually stops talking and after a minute or two of spacing out he suddenly says Keep your end of the promise. Please. The second one is important. At least send me a text or tell someone to relay it to me if you don't want to talk to me directly. Just let me know you forgive me for my cowardice and for me never seeing you again.
The video ends and Y/n moves on to the enxt folder where she found a scanned file that she opens and finds a handwritten letter from Namjoon.
"You used to say you like romantic stuff like keeping pictures, handwritten notes, late night dates, random short dates, text messages about your day and sweet boba tea with snacks whenever you were sad. I gave you all that, I hope he does that and if he does hope he'll continue to do that for you even when you're old and gray, you deserve that. You deserve it."
Closing the image file, she moves on to the video and when her video player launched and the video was playing she was greeted by pictures of her with Namjoon from when they met from the first time when she transferred to Seoul. Pictures kept moving back and forth from the screen, even a few video clips played, including ones she's never seen before. The first one that surprised her was a video clip from her college orientation, the boys were already quite known around the country and they were already making a name for themselves abroad, and Namjoon surprised her by traveling back home to South Korea even just for a day to see her, months before he had to be convinced to get down from a tree. In the video, the college seniors made the freshmen perform and she was singing Dream a little dream of me, a song Namjoon knew but a talent he never knew she had. He was with Hobi when they sneaked in the auditorium and while she was performing Hobi took a video of the whole performance backstage with her on one side and Namjoon's side profile on the other. He was staring, jaw dropped at the sight before him. He was in love with her, that was the moment he fell and Hobi pointed it out as everyone applauded when Y/n performance ended.
"Holy shit, Hoba," he gapes
"Is that your girl, Namjoon-ah?" Hobi asked only to catch Namjoon's reaction on camera as he slowly nods and mutters "yeah... that's my girl right there... " Y/n heart dropped when she heard his words. The had to go back a few times when he said it, she wanted to believe it... so bad. Every picture was now a pulling at her heart strings and it was past midnight when she got to the last folder containing a video entitled 'Farewell.', and not having any other choice, she played it. Recognizing the background of the the hotel in Las Vegas when they had their concert for Permission to dance, she knew the video was fairly recent.
Hey, me again. Probably for the last time by the time you watch this. I'm not sure if I wanna watch you exchange vows with him tomorrow. I don't have the heart or the guts to face that, call me a coward all you want. Call me all the names you want to. I'm pretty sure I deserve it. he sighs, leaning back on his chair and stretching his largs arms out. I'm tired, but you came today to surprise us. He doesn't know you're here, and I love you for that, breaking all your rules for me, and it's taking everything in me to stop myself from knocking at your door that's across mine; to kiss you senseless and make you forget he ever existed but I have to stop myself he chuckles, shaking his head slightly so for tonight, before you join me in my museum hopping adventure across the country, I'll stay up wishing, hoping, praying even, that you will come knocking at my door asking if you could sleep over because your room feels weird. You used to do that when you joined us on tour for Love Yourself, you spent your entire summer vacation with us and I loved every minute of your presence. Even as you slept next to me in my hoodie.
He stops talking for a good second as he reminisces and he before he continued, he looked directly at the camera as if looking directly at Y/n and says I want to see you grow old beside me like that. But if I ever get the guts to see you one last time, may it be on the day of your wedding or the night before as long as you know how I feel about you. Whether you accept it or not, return it or, most likely, not. I'll live the rest of my days knowing that I never find anyone else who will make me feel the way you did, and I'll never look at another woman the way I look at you. If I were to be selfish, I want you. You. You are all I'll ever want to live in this world, fuck air... fuck water... fuck food, man. You. Are. All. I. Want. And. Need. You're my everything, from the day I laid eyes on you I knew you were the one, all it took was for you to sing Dream a little dream for me to realize I was in love with you. But I was too late. And here we are. Me, watching you be another man's wife. You, watching me do all of this, just to ask for your forgiveness and to never get mad me for being a coward and not telling you all this sooner. I love you, Y/n. I don't understand why you can't see that... Namjoon' places his head in his hands as he starts crying, Y/n started crying wondering herself if she was making the right decision marrying Armand just to be an unhappy trophy wife in the future. I love you so much, I don't want you to marry him but I love you too much to disrespect your wishes and stop you from marrying him. That should be me, jagiya... you know that I don't exactly like him but I know you know what's best for you. So I'll let you go. Your happiness is all I want to see.
Harshly wiping his tears away, he says his goodbye I'll always be here when you need me, you know where to find me. And I'll still welcome you with open arms, as if all of this never happened. I'll wait. I'll always wait for you to come back home. But for now... farewell, baby. Namjoon blows a kiss at the camera before turning it off.
Y/n did go to his room that night complaining that the bed was uncomfortable whuch was true and that it was too cold, that was a white lie to steal a hoodie and he let her willingly. When she asked why his eyes were glassy, he waived it off saying he was really sleepy and tired, and she bought it. Y/n cried harder, muffling her loud sobs with the throw pillow that she was hugging while she was watching their videos.
She didn't cry because she because she knew deep down tonight was the last time she saw Namjoon, but she cried because for the first time since she met Armand, she knew she didn't fully love him.
Bright light greeted Y/n when her mother and the bridesmaids pulled the curtains open letting the sunlight pour in, she spent the whole night crying as she rewatched all of the videos until she fell asleep at past 4am.And it wasn't even 5 hours since she was lulled to sleep.
"Good morning sunshine!!!" her maid of honor and best friend yelled, but stopped in their tracks when they saw her puffy face and reddish eyes "What in the world happened to you? You're not sick are you?!" she exclamed. Y/n shook her head saying that she just couldn't sleep, but the other ladies in the room knew otherwise. However, they decided not to comment on it.
Getting up to bathe, she tried her best to depuff her face specifically her eyes which felt very warm. While her make up was done and most of the swelling went down, Y/n eyes started tearing up and her lips started to quiver making the make-up artist stop to look at her mother and best friends for help, and help they did. Every one was rushed out of the room, once the door was shut Y/n couldn't help but cry harder than she did in the early morning. No words of comfort helped until her dad arrived, "I thought you had a wedding to prepare for, what's going on?" he asked concerned, as he closed the door and made his way to his daughter to pull her in a hug one her best friend asks "Is this about Namjoon?"
Y/n's head shot up as she looked up at her, "W-why would you ask that?" Y/n asks
"I saw him drop you off last night, I'm guessing the dinner didn't go because of the way I woke up past midnight and heard you crying in your room," she holds Y/n hand "When are you both going to stop being idiots?" Y/n mom asks
"Hey," he chuckles at his wife, arms still wrapped around his daughter in a hug "we're still idiots even at this age, the correct question is 'when are they going to stop being blind to what they really feel'."
Y/n stood up and walked towards her laptop bringing it to where her parents were sitting. Playing the videos her parents and best friend's reaction didn't change. Y/n kept her eyes on the floor, thanking God that they had enough time to spare before they did the first look of the bride and groom an hour before the wedding. Y/n parents looked at each other with a knowing look before looking at their daughter who was now quietly letting her tears stain the bathrobe and camisole she was wearing.
"Do you forgive him like he asked?" her mom asks to which she nods
"Do you love him back?" her dad asks to which she nods her head repeatedly and cries some more this time her sobs were heard throughout the room as her parents pull her in for a hug.
Back at the hotel, the rest of the boys were trying to convince Namjoon to get dressed but he just sat on the couch refusing to move, and none of them made an effort to make him stand up , not even Jungkook.
"Come on, man," Hobi says "You have to be there, call it a last glimpse or a last look at her. You'll never see her again after today,"
"I already said goodbye, Hoba," Namjoon said in a low whisper like voice "I don't need to do it in person,"
"Hyung," Jimin started "You told her she can ask questions right, then let her ask today, you might even get a chance to know if she forgave you,"
"Think about it, Namjoon-ah," Jin says as he fixes his neck tie "You'll get to keep the image of her walking down the aisle towards you forever embedded in your memory," Taehyung was able to tell off the eldest for being to mean but Jimin stops him before he could. Jin had a plan, and it was definitely worked the way Namjoon stayed silent before he slowly got up to head back into his room and they heard the shower running.
When they made it to the church, everyone was chatting about how beautiful the wedding was and how they couldn't wait to see the bride and groom. Namjoon sighs heavily for what felt like the hundredth time and it was just the afternoon. Namjoon sat down with the rest of Y/n friends and family, he didn't want to be there, but Jin somehow convinced him to. For an unknown reason, he wanted that. He wanted the image of Y/n walking down the aisle looking like a blooming bride in his memory until his dying breath.
Back in the villa where the first look was about to take place, Armand stood facing a tree covered with sheer golden ribbons and fairy lights reminding him of Christmas ribbons put on trees for decoration. Y/n was in the hallway having a word with one of production staff filming the wedding and the photographer, though her parents managed to get her in the wedding dress she didn't look quite happy as she wanted to be.
"It doesn't feel right," she comments when her mom was right in front of her fixing her dress
Her mom hummed "That's because you've been in love with your best friend and didn't even know it until last night," she smiles "You know the right thing to do, your dad and I raised you well to know what's right and to choose what makes you happy. You're a smart woman, you'll figure it out,"
And now, staring at her fiance's back she knew what to do.
Namjoon was on his third glass of champagne when they announced that the wedding was about to begin. With the glass being snatched away from him by Jimin, who drank it all in one go before returning it to the waiter that walked by.
"That was mine," he slightly glared at Jimin "Well, it's in my stomach now having a party with the hors d'oeuvres," he smiles at him smugly. Namjoon decided to drop the topic trying his best not to get too pissed or he was going to lose his mind and temper.
As soft music starts playing, everyone turns around to watch the entourage except for Namjoon, he stares straight ahead and when the groom finally takes his place their eyes meet. Armand nods at him and Namjoon returns it. When the maid of honor, your best friend was finally done walking the aisle, everine was patiently waiting for Y/n, but the modernized wedding march didn't play making the six members look at each other confused when Jungkook tells them she's at the door of the ceremony area. He even pointed it out, making them turn around discreetly and he was right, ends of your wedding dress was peeking at the foggy glass near the base of the door. It would appear for a second then it would disappear only to appear a few seconds later, Jungkook felt nervous for the groom but a part of him was happy. He knew you were pacing. Biting his lip to stop himself from disrespectfully smirking at the groom, he looks down to close his eyes from anyone seeing his hopefulness, but the other members except for Namjoon knew what he was thinking as the look each other with smiling eyes. Namjoon's farewell and last appearance did more than just evoke emotions that she's buried years ago. It was, at mere moments before her wedding, making her choose what she knew was right.
Behind the closed door, Y/n paced as she thought about what she was going to say. Her dad was relaxed but concerned with her pacing. It was a good ten minutes before she looked at her dad and finally nodded. He didn't know what was going on inside her head but he trusted her and her decisions. He just prayed she had known earlier so they didn't have to worry too much about spending on a wedding like this. Taking her dad's arm, the wedding planner and production team already knew what was about to happen but they weren't too worried.
As the wedding march played, Namjoon and Armand's eyes meet one last time, and Armand mouths something at him that he didn't quite understand, it made Armand chuckle and instead pointed at him mouthing you followed by a thumbs up. Still not understanding he turns around to look at Y/n who was a few feet away from him. The sight of her made him gasp quietly, Jin was right and he was glad he listened. It was worth it to see her in white walking down the aisle and remember it for the rest of his life. She looked beautiful it was painful to look at her, he wanted to tear his eyes away from her gaze, but didn't have the heart to look at the love of his life be a vision in white and ignore it.
Y/n was surprised when she spotted Namjoon standing with the rest of the members and her family. She kept her eyes on him until he turned to look at her and for the first time since she turned away from what she felt for him, she finally realized why she fell in love with him all those years ago. When Y/n finally reached the end the aisle, she and Armand smiled at each other before facing the pastor and before he could even get a eord out Armand beat him to it, "Give us a second please," he whispered which surprised the pastor but none the less respected it, turning to Y/n who was staring in space he gently calls her name making her turn to him slowly. Giving her a kind, small smile and nod he says "Go ahead, I'll take care of everything. You don't need to worry about it. I was the one who dragged you into this in the first place."
Y/n looked up at him with teary eyes, "But..."
"Remember what I said an hour ago?" he asks to which she nods in response "Do it."
Turning around, he faces their guests lightly touching her elbow as a way of letting her know she can go, and when he chuckles and tells her to go without making a second thought she grabs the however many yards of tulle of her wedding dress and runs for the exit.
"And she finally lives her Julia Roberts moment," he shakes his head in disbelief as he laughs while everyone gasps at Y/n's actions.
"Everyone calm down, it's okay," Armand reasures them. The seven boys including Namjoon who felt a chill down his spine looks back and forth between the groom and the door that Y/n just disappeared off to. While the entire guests were speaking amongst each other in loud volumes, Armand makes his way towards Namjoon grinning like a fool, "Go after her," he says making Namjoon stare it him as if he's lost his mind
"What?!" Namjoon says in disbelief that is sounded as if he squeaked "What the fuck are you going on about?"
"Just go. Go find her, you know where. Tell her hiw you really feel," Armand says
"I have no clue what you're talking about, man," he denies
"Stop lying to me and to everyone including yourself, Namjoon," Armand exclaimed with a chuckle "We all know you love her, and she's in love with you,"
"That-... that is not true," Namjoon denies once more "She's supposed to be marrying you,"
"Out of convenience because I needed to get married for my father to pass the business on to me and she knew that from the beginning!" he interrupts Namjoon "We fell in love but I she stayed because she was heartbroken after seeing you with somebody else!" The other six boys who were listening were finding the story entertaining and they listened intently with wide eyes and jaws dropped.
"Y/n has been in love with you even before I met her, she's told me that but when she saw all of you in a club and you were with another girl, she got jealous and told me she doesn't love you anymore. But, brother, I know the look she gives you and the looks you give her when no body else is looking, now go. You know exactly where to find her, "
" Go! " the other members start yelling at him and start pushing him towards the exit
"Hey bro," Y/n best friend yells out "Bring her back here and get married or I'm marrying Jungkook,"
"Hurry back, please," Jungkook whispers at him before pushing him to the exit, all the members behind him. Namjoon's driver was already waiting for him in the car at the valet and as soon as he sits his driver gives him a loud laugh as he drives to the main road yelling "I told you so!" as they sped away, not knowing the other members were all packed up like sardines in a car following them.
Y/n walked the halls of high school that he and Namjoon attended back when they were teenagers. It was pouring outside and she didn't bring a jacket or change out of her dress when she ran away. The students who saw her asked her if she was okay and why she was crying, explaining that they were tears of joy they waited on the roof of the school's entrance until their parents picked them up. Not being able to enter the school she walked around the building until she reached a nearby gazebo, the exact spot where she and Namjoon first locked eyes and exchanged awkward smiles at each other. The ends of her dress were turning brown with all the rainwater and mud she ran into, she was thankful that even though she was wearing heels they were closed shoes protecting most of her feet from rain.
Sitting on the gazebo bench, she leans down to take off her shoes, massaging her feet as she places both of it on the bench as she sat sideways. She was quite thankful that she was able to grab a taxi that took her halfway to the school with a small amount of money her best friend put in the pockets of her dress. Yes, she had her dress customized to have pockets and she was glad that it came in handy. Gazing out into the football field, she thought about how her body and her mind dragged her there. It was an unconscious thing that she did. Whenever she fought with Namjoon or Armand, or anyone for that matter, they would always find her here sitting on the gazebo. It was what Hobi called a Safe Zone, somewhere no one could get mad or attack her. It was her second safe zone anyway, first being Namjoon, but she stopped running to Namjoon unless she was devastated. He was the only one who was able to comfort her in ways Armand couldn't and he knew that.
That's why when he heard the faint footsteps of Y/n behind her, he had an inkling that the wedding wasn't going to happen from the way he saw her crying as she ran up the stairs and how devastated Namjoon looked as the car drove away. He knew that she finally found out that Namjoon was in love with her and he was okay with that, he accepted it. He even went up to her room hours after she arrived, he was about to knock on the door when he heard a loud sob and her quiet cries. He knew from that moment that the time he feared arrived but he wasn't angry, he was sad not for himself but for the both of them. For a precious friendship possibly broken.
"Armand?" she quietly calls for him making turn around and seeing her in her dress he thought she'd make a beautiful bride but not for him. Shaking her head with tears in her eyes, she starts apologizing to him.To her surprise, Armands steps forward and wraps his arms around her, rubbing her back gently "I know, I know. It's okay," he tries to soothe her "You can cry, it's okay. It's just us." And he let her. For a good few minutes he let her cry, tears staining his suit but he didn't mind.
"What am I supposed to do?" she asked when finally got the chance to breathe
"I'm not really sure what to tell you, Y/n, because as much as I want to marry you 'cause I love you and I can't force you to marry me when we both know that you're really in love with him."
"How come every one knows that?"
"Because we've all seen signs but chose to ignore it or shrug it off, simply because of the fact that we're dating. But every one could see right through the two of you, even I did.
"I'm not mad at you for being in love with him while you were with me, I just wished you realized sooner. It would've been less miserable and less painful for you both." he admitted, taking her hand he kisses her knuckles "I accept if you don't want to go through with the wedding anymore, but please do me a favor and walk down the aisle so they wouldn't think you just bailed on the wedding. You can run away right before everyone sits down. Just look around for a bit, you put a lot of hard work planning what you wanted,
"It just so happens that it's with the wrong guy," he smiles "Go be happy, love." he leans forward to kiss her forehead "You deserve happiness with the man you truly love,"
Namjoon asked to be dropped off at Y/n apartment thinking she would be there but tye receptionist mentioned that she didn't see Y/n enter the building making Namjoon runnto his building that was next door to see if she was waiting by his front door only to be disappointed. Walking back to the car he finally spots the car behind his driver and walks up to it, only to find his brothers squeezed in between the two rows of the Starex.
"What are you guys doing here?" he asks eyebrows pulling together
"Did you really think we were going to let run out to look for her on your own?!" Yoongi shot back at him "How in the world were you going to look for her?"
"You went to the most obvious places she would never go" Jin pointed out "She would never go back to her place or yours, it's not a great idea to wind down in a closed off area,"
"Well where do you think she went if you all think you're damned geniuses?" Namjoon exclaimed out of frustration "She's out in the middle of Seoul all alone in a fucking wedding gown and it's raining!"
"Watch your language, Namjoon-ah," Jin said in a stern voice that he rarely uses on his younger brothers "You don't have to be mad at us when all we're trying to do is help," Namjoon immediately backed down not wanting the eldest to be upset with him.
"I just..." he started "I need to find her, she gets sick easily and I don't want her to get hurt, she's out there all alone-"
"You're not kids anymore, Namjoon-ah," Yoongi tells him "She could handle herself, but I know what you mean about her being alonenand needing to find her asap. So start using that brain of yours to think about where she could go, somewhere only the two of you would know.
"There are so many places we went to over the past fifteen years, how am I supposed to remember all of them?" he says in a panic as a thunder rumbles above them
"Do you think she'd go to hyung's parents?" Jimin asks them
"To Ilsan?" Namjoon asks "It's too far away, and she wouldn't go there knowing my parents aren't..." he stops mid-sentence, looking at the road seeing that there wasn't too much traffic ahead, he was mentally calculating time
"What's wrong, hyung?" Taehyung asks him, looking at where he was looking
"Home," Namjoon finally says in a quiet voice "Home. I know where she is," he says in a firmer voice before running back to his car and tells the driver where to go and his brothers follow right behind him.
"I swear we're gonna get arrested, Namjoon-ah," Y/n says in a panic holding his hand in a death grip, but he didn't mind. They're both usually paired up together with a senior back in high school because of how clumsy and heavy-handed, but Y/n was naturally clumsier than heavy-handed, that talent was something that Namjoon excelled in. But what they're doing was completely reckless.
"It's not breaking and entering, babe," he teases, Y/n blushed at the endearment hiding her face on his shoulder "The gazebo is outside and the place isn't even gated, it's practically part of the park's property if you follow the invisible line"
"I don't care, out school thinks it theirs I'm not disrespecting their decisions considering the fact that I need to graduate and not get expelled or arrested for trespassing,"
"Let them try," he mutters as they walk nearer to the gazebo
"You're an idiot," she sighs "We both are..."
"Welcome home, baby," he jokes as they step into the gazebo, their surroundings were only lit by the moonlight and a street lamp "The baby's all tucked in bed and fast asleep,"
"Keep joking around like that and you just might have to marry me,"
"Don't dare me," he chuckles "It's gonna be your problem, I'm not Jin hyung or Yoongi hyung. I won't be able to cook for you,"
"Or keep the place clean," you laugh
"Ya!" he exclaimed too loudly making him cover his mouth and Y/n silently laughs "You're lucky you don't live with us,"
"What are you going to do?" she dared "Vacuum the place in the early morning? You must have forgotten that I'm a heavy sleeper,"
"You sleep like Jungkook, nothing can wake you up except for food," he smiles as he comfortably places his arm on the bench behind her. Behind them was a fence that separated the school from the park where there was a couple by the swing set.
"You know we could just get married and not tell anyone," he tries to dare her "The city hall isn't that far all we gotta do is wait for the next available date,"
"You're crazy," she chuckled "Focus on your debut and your dream, not to mention you have to finish school and all. When you're done with all of that, let's talk weddings and marriage, and every thing in between,"
"How about we live together till then?" he proposed "We'll have a little house, maybe two bedrooms one for us, the other for an office and maybe in the future it will turn into a nursery,"
"You're too drunk," she laughs off his offer nit knowing how serious he was "We should have stayed with soju instead of shifting gears to whiskey,"
"I'm serious," he protests eyes wide as he gently places another hand on the table, leaning closer to her "We could get married when I've saved up for a wedding you want once the debut becomes a success,"
"Namjoon-ah," she started "Listen to what you're saying. This isn't a joke, we have our own dreams to make come true. Are you absolutely sure you want to start family before you could even stand on your own two feet? Bangtan's debut is next week and you're thinking about getting married,
"If does become a success, you won't have time for a relationship let alone a family of your own until the dust has settled," she watches Namjoon's reaction as he looks away from her, he knew he should have confessed earlier before Bang PD-nim announced their upcoming debut. But deep down, he knew she was right. However, he was persistent he wanted to be with her before someone else could step in. He had a feeling he was going to lose her once his focus fully shifts to being the leader of Bangtan.
"For now, we can enjoy this friendship," she says smiling as she was rubbing his shoulder, but Namjoon thinks that it was his heart that needed to be in your touch to heal from this rejection "and we could call this little gazebo 'home' if you want. Our 'little home', a place only we know and the only place we can truly be ourselves and be comfortable."
"This gazebo is home if you're here," he partially agrees with her "If you're not here, this is just another gazebo. You're my home, Y/n,"
"Ditto, nerd," she sighs resting her head on the shoulder she was rubbing. Placing a small kiss on his shoulder she whispers "Go win their hearts, Namjoon-ah. I know the seven of you guys are gonna make it big. You have something others don't,"
"Hmm... And what would that be?"
"Passion, patience, determination, one dream and the best part, you have each other." Y/n smiles to herself, "But the biggest flex your team has is that they have you as their leader, it takes a great team to succeed, but a great leader will make a great team succeed be even better,
So, believe me when I say you'll make it big. And I'm gonna be right behind you, watching all of you reach your dreams and live it" she said proudly.
Namjoon let the tears flooding his eyes fall as he kisses the top of her head. He knew that he had to succeed to make her proud, he finally compromised with himself that he should make her proud and come back to her when the right time comes.
"Just don't forget about me, Joonie," she teases "I'll forever be your number one fan,"
"Don't be ridiculous, Y/n-ssi. You're going to be right next to me the whole ride, you gonna be with me all the time. I'll make sure of it."
That early morning, Namjoon walked her back to her dorm before going back home to his dorm. Not completely happy about being rejected by Y/n, but feeling more determined. It was like adding wood to a campfire, add more and the fire becomes bigger, that fire was his determination. Little did he know, she was gonna end up moving om with her life without him as he focused more and more on his job.
"YA! I've been looking everywhere for you," a voice says behind Y/n making her turn around quickly as she snaps out of her thoughts. Namjoon always thought that she never remembered that night because of how drunk she was, but that was the evening that Y/n found out that she had a pretty high tolerance with alcohol that over the years whenever the boys got drunk, Yoongi and Y/n would be the last ones standing. A secret that Yoongi kept, knowing that it would be a useful talent of hers in the future, and, man was he right .
"Do you know how fucking worried I was about you?!" he asks her his tone indicating a hint of anger with the concern laced in his voice "You could get sick with how reckless you are. Can't you see it's pouring and you're in a fucking dress?!" Standing in the rain, Namjoon's chopped blonde hair was wet and so was his dress shirt and coat. Y/n couldn't place the look he had in his face, no doubt he looked worried and mad, but there was something else. Longing, she decided, and hope. Both a very dangerous combination.
"Go home, Namjoon-ah," she says through the the noise of the rain splattering on the roof of the gazebo and the pavement "You don't have to worry about me, I'll just grab a bus home."
"Like hell you are," he scoffed "And I'm not done talking"
Y/n wanted to take her shoes and throw it at him, and she was seconds from doing so. Not like it was the first time she threw a shoe at him.
"What the hell happened?" he asks and she rolled her eyes "Why did you run away from the wedding? People are getting more and more worried about you, you should go back and get dried up. Armand sent me to get you."
"He didn't send you, dad did." Y/n says "Dad was the last person to talk to Armand before I walked down the aisle. So, it's most likely dad.
And don't fucking ask me what happened when you were the one who sent a hard drive filled of videos of you getting trashed," she started fuming "Stop pretending like you didn't say the things you said last night to put me where I am right now, you little piece of shit!" she grabbed her shoe and hurled it at his direction aiming for his head only to surprise her when he ducked to the side and dodged it like a pro making the boys in the car who were watching the entire thing happening with Jungkook and Hobi taking videos, howl at how impressive it was.
"Oooh!," Hobi chuckled "Oh he's gonna be in trouble for dodging that one!" all of them laughed as Jimin asked "We're such bad friends for filming this,"
"Hey, now," Jin said from the passenger seat "At least we came to support him, and we're not just his friends, we're family too,"
"You measly little fucker," Y/N gritted as she threw another one this time the show landed on his muscled bicep "You dare," she threw a bracelet she was wearing "fucking" she struggled with taking the viel from her head before bundling it into a ball and throwing it at him "dodge me. You asshole!" From the car, Hobi snort-laughed as they continued filming "Told you," making Jimin lightly hit his arm as they all chuckled.
"Call me whatever you want, Y/n, if it's going to make you sleep better tonight," Namjoon said to her his tone returning to how he started when he arrived "If it makes you fucking happier do it,"
"Why did you show up?" Y/n demanded as she walked up to him not caring about getting rained on, a part of Namjoon wanted to pull her back in the gazebo but he was frozen at the sight before him, just like how frozen he was in his place when she walked the aisle not less than 2 hours ago, "What made you think you could just show up?! Didn't you say you weren't going to be there? Did you finally muster up the courage to stop being god damned coward? You fucking bastard!" she yelled and cried, she was pushing him away from her over and over again, and Namjoon let her slam her fists on his chest repeatedly, but to his surprise she didn't hit him as hard as he thought she would. Gently grabbing her wrists, he wraps her arms around his torso pulling her close in a hug as he placed a hand behind her head and another one around her back. Y/n stiffened under his touch before she relaxed and quietly sobbed with her face on his coat, soaked in the rain and her tears.
Without any hesitation he places a kiss on the top of her head before gently holding her face with both hands and leaning down just so his lips were near hers, but he didn't move. Instead he waited for her, and when she finally understood why he didn't move and longingly stared at her lips, she did the one thing they've both been waiting for since they fell in love with each other in high school and finally, her lips met his. When Namjoon pulled away, resting his forehead on hers, he whispers to her "I'm never letting you go again. You're not going to get rid me that easily this time around," Y/n giggled as she leans up again for another kiss and Namjoon gladly kissed her back, finally tasting the lips he's been craving for so long.
Back in the car, the boys were giggling and smiling like high schoolers. Jungkook was still filming the entire thing and the audio surely caught all of their side comments and the noises they all made when they finally kissed for the first time.
"Now that," Jin pointed out his window, "Is better than any existing and upcoming dramas on TV,"
"Definitely," Yoongi smiled
"We finally don't have to deal with a grumpy Namjoon hyung," Taehyung sighed happily "Our world is finally at peace"
"You can't say that," Jungkook objected chuckling, "Now they're gonna get married and have kids, hyung. We're ginna have little Namjoons running around the office," Hobi laughed out loud, clapping as he did. Jimin stared at him with wide puppy eyes, "W-wait... But they're both clumsy," he pointed out, then he muttered to himself "that means their kids are gonna be... Aiiishh-"
Opening the window next to Hobi and pushing out most of his upper body out, not caring about the rain he yells out to the couple who we're smiling at each other through their tears that were getting mixed with the rain that was falling on them, "YA! YOU BETTER NOT BE MAKING KIDS SOON, YOU IDIOTS!" this time tue other members laughter reached their ears, the car no longer soundproof because of the opened window. Namjoon looked back at his friend and he tightened his arms around Y/n, "I got bad news for you, Jimin-ah," he smiles "You might see them sooner than you think," this time along with the sound of laughter mainly Hobi's due to his reaction to Jimin's wide eyed look at the couple, joined a few sounds of complaints mainly from Yoongi and Jin who knew immediately that they can't say no if the time comes for them to be babysitters for Y/n's kids, but decided to give complaining a try if it means it will buy them time to mentally prepare for mini-me's of the middle child of Bangtan.
Namjoon ignores the other members and turns back around to the gazebo walking towards it with his hand still holding Y/n as they sit.
"You ruined my wedding," she muttered lamely while they were seated inside the gazebo, arms still around each other.
"We'll have a better one," he promised her "that's if you want one. I mean it, what I said; I'm not letting you go again. It was the biggest mistake I made, I'm not going to make that mistake again."
"A wedding with you? And if I don't want to be with you?" she says almost in a daring manner, her chin resting on his chest as she looks up at his face
"Move in with me or start a family with me, either way, be with me; be mine and I'll be yours" He says, and at that moment Y/n recalls the early morning they got drunk and how he called the gazebo their home "I just want to be with you, that's all I want. Stay with me, please" Y/n watched Namjoon's every move and if back then he was recklessly discussing marriage with her with no clue about what the future holds for them both. Now, he knows exactly what he wants and it's to marry her, spend his life with her.
After a beat, she smiles and pulls him in to press a kiss on his cheek.
"Is that a yes?"
"Only one way to find out, Namjoon-ah" she grinned.
(Epilogue anyone?🤣) Thank you for reading, please leave you feedback in the comments or send me an ask and please reblog if you enjoyed it.
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darkestdesired · 3 years
So Uh …I saw the new suicide squad yesterday and I must confess…
I’m in love with this trio of absolute morons.
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They’re just too cute!!
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nptnewr · 2 years
Strange Love ~ Abner Krill x Reader
A/N ~ First full fic for our polka-dot baby, i hope you enjoy! | special tag to @vlkyriesgf​
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Based off the prompt: “Is it that hard to believe that I love you?” 
Warnings: TSS typical violence and plot
Word Count: 900
Rain poured down onto the tents that task force X had set up. The team was currently on a mission and it seemed like it never stopped raining at their location. Although Harley swore she loved the rain, even she was feeling down because of the downpour. The rain also prevented the team from getting very far in their missions. This caused the mission to take far longer than expected.
Getting a bunch of low-life criminals together and sending them god knows where for a mission was hard enough. Now, these criminals have nothing to do because of the rain gracing the earth from the sky above. This leads to some pretty interesting conversations or ‘games’ that the team tries to play. 
At first, the games were simple. A few card games, spin the bottle…then there was truth or dare. A game for children or a few drunk high schoolers to play after a party. However, this ragtag team decided it was the best bet to play since there was nothing else to do on this god-forsaken mission. 
The group formed a circle consisting of Flag, Harley, Robert, Cleo, Chris, Abner, and you. Everyone seemed to be pretty happy to play, although the tent you were playing under was quite cramped. It didn’t seem like anyone was bothered by it, they even laughed when the rain got louder and sipped on god knows what kind of alcohol they had found. 
In the circle, you were sitting in between Cleo and Abner. Cleo had caught onto your liking for the polka-dot man rather early into your missions together. She would often tease you about it or have Sebastian try and get you to trip onto the poor man.
The issue with your small crush was the fact that you were sure that Abner was terrified of you. I mean you were pretty ruthless in battle and in real life. Not to say that he’s bad in battle, but he chooses rather passive approaches. Plus, you have tried to talk to him several times during missions and he would just shuffle away from you as fast as he could. 
Cloe shoves your shoulder dragging you from your thoughts of Abner. You feel embarrassment flush through your body when you realize you had been staring at him. The man probably thinks you're a creep at this point. 
“Y/N! Truth or Dare?” You look at Harley who is hugging her knees. 
“Uhm. I’m going to go with the truth, I don’t trust your dares.” You tease.
“Fine, fine. You are no fun. How about…you tell us who out of all of us would you date!” Harley squeals.
Your face turns pale as you glance over to Cloe for help. However, she just has a sheepish smile. Oh, you are going to kill her. She defiantly told the whole team. 
“Do I…have to?” You look over to Harley.
“Yes! It’s no fun if you just say no one.” Harley rolls her eyes. 
“Fine. I would probably date Abner. He doesn’t snore like the rest of you.” You try to turn the answer into a joke. 
“Excuse me? I do not snore!” Harley yells. 
“Me either! People who snore are losers.” Chris rolls his eyes. 
You were able to get off easier than expected with that question. The rest of the game went smoothly, except for the fact that Abner kept looking at you. You knew exactly why, but to confront him about it would be a whole other can of worms. 
The small ‘hello’ outside of your tent that night surprised you. You were sure everyone had gone to bed. Nevertheless, you went to your tent and unzipped it enough to see ahead black hair in front of you.
“Abner? What are you doing here?” You whisper.
“C-can I come in?” Abner looked around anxiously.
“Yes, of course! Come on.” You guided Abner into your small two-person tent. 
You were supposed to share it with one of your teammates, but they were terminated earlier on in the mission. 
Abner sat on his knees awkwardly in front of the large sleeping bag you had rolled out. 
“Uh, do you need….something?” You ask.
“No sorry, I just needed to talk to you for a second.” Abner rubbed his neck.
“You need to talk to me, about something. In three in the morning?” You laugh softly.
“Yes. No. Well. It’s hard to explain. I was going to talk about the truth or dare game. Were you serious?” Abner stared at you intensely. 
“You mean the who would I date question? Yes, I was serious. If you want to know the truth Abner Krill, I was dead serious.” You stare back at him.
You smile in success as you watch his cheeks flush and he looks away from you.
“You don’t mean that.” Abner sighs.
“Abner. Is it that hard to believe that I love you?” You pick his head up in your hand.
“Love?” Abner whispered out.
“Love.” You respond and your lips meet.
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babblydrabbly · 3 years
Imagine the Squad's Reactions to You Crying || Poly!Squad x Reader
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Pairing(s): Select Suicide Squad Members x Neutral!Reader
Characters: Harley Quinn, Boomerang, Bloodsport, Ratcatcher II, Peacemaker, Rick Flag, Polka Dot Man.
Warnings: Language. Hurt/comfort. Some angst. Mentions of suicide (And by that I mean canon typical Abner).
[ A/N: I'm calling them imagines, but I guess they're drabbles too. Really just some indulgent hurt/comfort for my own soft self. Technically canon-divergent; Let's pretend this group is all on some random mission pre-suicide squad 2021. Criminal!Reader. ]
Imagine that Belle Reve has forced you to toughen up, to numb out and ignore everything that made ever made you who you are. On a mission with the suicide squad, out in the world again, it hits you: These are the only times you really feel free anymore— And how laughable is that? The thought seizes you like a punch to the gut, makes you finally break right there in the middle of the mission. You have to excuse yourself from the team when you think no one's looking— just to let the faucet run for a bit in private.
You think you won't hear the end of it if anyone catches you, but you're wrong.
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Harley Quinn
"Thought I heard you bawlin' over here." You jump when Harley pushes through the forest brush, unsurprised to see you in your messy state. She's got her arms crossed, and you can't blame her. There's a chill out here cutting right through you too, and you hug your knees closer to your chest when Harley has a seat right down at your feet. "Sorry, I was—" You feel ridiculous, holding back a hiccup. You know your hair is messed up from brushing the wetness away from your eyes, your cheeks ruddy. "I was gonna come right back." Harley snorts, leaning her head down until her temple is resting on your knee. She looks up at you, yawning. It's 0500—Dawn hadn't even broken over the mountains yet— and you still had hours to keep trudging. "Why're you sorry?" You pause at that, blinking the last of your tears away. Harley watches as one of them falls down between the two of you, pursing her lips as she waits for you to answer. You shrug. You've this conversation with Harley before— She knows you inside out by now. Knows you're not the hard criminal you pretended to be out on these things. In fact, she knew you were quite the opposite; When you swiftly broke from the group just to disappear a few feet away, Harley had a feeling you needed a minute. You supposed you were sorry because plenty of people had jumped ship when the going got tough with you— You knew it was the same for Harley too. Your silence, her silence, there wasn't anything more that needed to be said. Harley considers words of encouragement, but you're a tough cookie. —Even if you don't think you are. You liked this moment of quiet anyway. Lifting your hand, you thread your fingers through her hair; It comforts you the way Harley sighs and noses at your knees, her eyes falling closed. "Wake me up when they're done figurin' out what to do next." She mumbles against you. And the task is enough to break you from your downward spiral, her soft breathing all you need to calm your addled mind.
"You back there, [Y/n]?" Harkness had turned to you during the conversation, only to see you had disappeared. He had a crude joke he knew would get you laughing— It seemed like you needed it, the way you'd been acting earlier. He pauses. "—Shit. You alright?" When he sees you sitting there, quickly wiping your red eyes with the palms of your hands, he lets go of the branches he's holding back and waits for you to say something. When you don't, he saunters over as casually as he can muster; George has a feeling making fun of you wouldn't land right this time. You expect him to try cheering you up, but instead, he plops down next to you on the stupid little rock digging uncomfortably into your uniform and nods. "Yeah, fuckin' sucks out here, don't it?" You crack a smile despite yourself. Shaking your head, you tried taking a deep breath. "Actually... I was thinking about how much I love it out here, in spite of it all." You say quietly. You know he meant the mission, the life-or-death stuff. How you get to see the great Pacific Northwest for the first time, and it's all because you've been sent out here to blow some of it up. But you can't help but breathe in the cold pine air— To relish the quiet, living forest around the two of you. Even with his thick trench coat, Harkness is shivering, his arms coming up to rub his own shoulders in an attempt to warm up. You chuckle then. Wrapping your arm around him, he breaks out into that toothy grin of his as he returns the gesture. You let your head fall on his shoulder, a warm feeling flooding you when he lets you without protest. A tender warmth floods George too, the cold night air forgotten. "You ready to fuck some shit up, [L/n]?" He says, patting you on the back after awhile. You roll your eyes, but your shared penchant for chaos makes you you smirk. Dragging yourself back up, you help lift him back onto his feet, laughing when he tries to pull you back down with his weight. "I am now."
"The hell's wrong with you?" You snort at DuBois' gruff way of showing concern. He's standing there with his helmet at his hip, face twisted in an awkward grimace. "Well?" He tries again when you say nothing. "Since when d'you get all...snuffly?" He comes over and has a seat without an invitation, keeping his eyes over on the rest of the squad through the trees. He lets you finish feeling sorry for yourself, the tears coming to end but still there, still clearly streaking down your red, puffy face. You swallow thickly as the two of you sit in odd silence. When his hand comes to rest on your thigh, warmth still radiating through his glove, a bit of relief washes over you. You always joke that he runs hot— What with all the spite and bitterness that keeps him fueled up. Even now, he doesn't seemed bothered by the weather. Robert lets you take his hand in yours, and your face crumples when his grasp turns over to entwine with your fingers firmly. "It's gonna be alright, love." He says first. He doesn't know why this one's bothering you so much. He's not even sure if it's his place to ask. He considers the details of the missions— Tries to discern if there's something about it that's different this time. When he can't come up with an answer, he simply squeezes your hand again. A small smile ghosts his lips for just a moment before it's gone. You swallow down another hiccup, nodding your head as best you can. "I just... I thought I was so much more than this, you know?" You hear your voice break in your ears. You have to look away again, embarrassed. But your words slice through Robert like a knife— Hit too close to home for him— And his gaze suddenly hardens. "Hey," He says, his voice stern. He brings your hand to his chest, keeping it there against his heart. You look back at him, startled by the sudden fire in his eye. “You fuckin' are, alright? You’re not just this. Don't you fucking forget it."
Ratcatcher II
"[Y/n]? [Y/n], what's wrong?" You startle at the pair of hands that reach down and cup your face without warning. You had only been on one other mission with Cleo Cazo so far. You were apprehensive about making friends with new members— There wasn't enough time to even get to know half them. It wasn't called the Suicide Squad for nothing. But despite the challenges, despite the hardship that came with being on the task force, it never seemed to stop Cleo from being one of the kindest fucking people you'd ever met. It made you a little jealous, the way she stayed so true to herself, even while inside Belle Reve. Your brows knit together when you meet her look of genuine concern, and you rip your face away from her palms abruptly. You feel shame wash over you— Shame over letting this practical stranger see you weak like this. "Nothing." You say, standing back up. You steel yourself from any more prodding, expecting her to say more. You jump again when Cleo wraps her arms around you in a tight hug instead. The gesture almost pisses you off— Almost. But you're still upset. Still not finished feeling sorry for yourself. You feel the waterworks come back with a vengeance at her tender embrace. When your shoulders shake involuntarily, you curse under your breath, tears falling down your cheeks again. Your lip quivers as Cleo pulls away to aim another concerned look at you. "...How do you do it?" You whisper. "Doesn't it break you? Being trapped like this?" Cleo mulls over your words, her thumb stroking your elbow gently. You shiver, gripping her back. "It is hard." She finally admits, matching your quiet voice. "But I just have to remember I'm not alone." You huff, cracking up when Sebastian the rat suddenly pops up over Cleo's shoulder, waving at you. Cleo delights in seeing you cheer up, but still takes a moment to hold your face again. You let her this time, biting back another sob at her touch. "You're not alone either, [Y/n]. I'm here for you." A small squeak. "We're here for you."
"Jesus fuck!" You nearly shout when you look up and see Smith there in the dark. "How long have you been standing there?" He'd followed you shortly after you broke away from the group. If it had been any other member, he would've been suspicious about how you left without a word. But even though you butted heads, he considered how he knew you pretty well by now— And you weren't stupid enough to desert the task force. At least, he hoped you weren't. When he sees you sitting there, shoulders shaking as you cup your face in your hands, Chris uncharacteristically freezes. He expected plenty— Just not to see you crying quietly. You arch your brow when he clears his throat. "I, uh. You look like you need a minute." He's turning back to step through the brush when you stand, waving him off. "I'm fine." You say. He shoots you a look, stopping; He doesn't buy it. Smith makes his way over to you, planting his feet squarely in your path. "Bullshit." He says simply. "I've seen you take a bullet to the gut. You didn't even cry then." You roll your eyes. "That was probably the shock, Chris." You're one of the few people who call him by his name anymore. It's partly the reason he steps closer, his voice softening as he gets a better look at your face. "What's up, [L/n]? One of these fucker's say something to you?" You shake you head, a chuckle threatening to distract you from your little pity party. "No. It's not them. It's just—" Nope. You can't do it. One more word, and you're going to burst into tears. Again. You bite back a whimper, quickly glancing away. Smith seems to understand then; He wasn't going to pry it out of you if you weren't going to say it. You exhale shakily when a pair of strong arms envelope you in a brief hug. Smith pulls away at arm's length after a moment, nodding at you. "Take your time. I'll let 'em know you need a minute. And— [Y/n]?" You blink up at him. "You can tell me." He tries, his eyes darting away. "Maybe some other time, you can talk to me."
Rick Flag
"[Y/n]?” While the others argued amongst themselves, your team leader notes your absence with just a hair of alarm. He had plenty to worry about during missions— Very rarely did he ever have to worry about you. You glance up to see Rick assessing you silently, and you instantly try to play it off. "I was going to come straight back." You assure him, before anything else. Like he'd actually bring Waller up on the comms and tell her to blow your head off for stepping a few feet away from the group. You almost wish he would just have a squat beside you, but instead he takes one knee, and most of your view with it. You duck your head; You don't know why, but a shame washes over you when Rick looks at you like this. He didn't need another member losing it. He takes your chin in your hand carefully. "What's wrong, [Y/n]?" You brace for the dam to break, your lip a quivering mess. The sight stabs at him. When he sets his rifle down to wrap his arms around you, you can't help the whimper that escapes your throat. "Just tired." You mumble into his shoulder. He lets you cry it out for a few minutes more before you compose yourself. There's nothing he can offer you as a free man— No words that won't sound hypocritical or simply fall short when it came to your situation. "I know that I don't know, [Y/n]. But you don't have to lie to me." You want to fight to keep from falling apart again. So you smile instead, knowing in this quiet moment that he means it. "I'll be okay." You tell him. And the corner of Rick's lips quirk in the sly way of his. "I know you will." He says, finally letting you go. "But I'm here when it's not alright either, understand?" You give him a shitty little salute that makes him crack up. As if to put a point on just how much trust he had in you, he lets you pick up his rifle, nodding when you hand it back to him. "Copy that, Colonel." "Rick." You grin. "Rick."
Polka Dot Man
Abner says nothing when he finds you sitting there, crying to yourself. His steps approach you without making you jump, and you glance away when he has a seat beside you. "...I know. It tends to build, doesn't it." He says for you. Like you've just poured out everything you've been thinking, and you worry briefly that his inter-dimensional powers might include some form of telepathy. Because the look he's giving you when you finally turn your head to him, the utter, shining sympathy on his face makes you wrack with another sob. Your shoulders heaving as you collapsing into a mess again. Normally he’s the nervous wreck. Normally, when the others don’t get why he’s on the brink again, you’re there, soothing him with a gentle bump of your shoulder against his. Your companionable silence was always enough for him— You saw Abner. He tries to return the favor by scooting closer to you. He wasn’t one for touching, so you’re surprised when you feel Abner slip his hand around yours. “Everytime we’re out here, I wonder with baited glee what will finally kill me.” He sighs. You’re glad the others aren’t around, because you can’t imagine what they would say if they saw the way you and Abner exchange wide grins. “A rockslide would be pretty badass.” You throw out casually. You wipe your drying eyes with a sniffle. He chuckles a little at that. “I would have preferred a cold avalanche, but I don’t think there’s enough snow this time of year.” He waits for you to collect yourself without any more, patient as you finally stand. You pull him up with you, holding both his hands there between you for a moment. “You’re right, Ab.” You say. “Let’s make it through this one. There's better ways to die.” Let’s make it through this time, for the hell of it. It’s a silly little promise— one you keep managing to make to each other over and over. This many squad missions later, you wonder what kind of joke someone out there is playing. Abner’s smile lights you up. Sometimes you wonder if he dusts it off just for you. You hoped, anyway.
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