#Pirates of the caribbean x oc
gracehateseggnog · 1 month
the alcott ˚˖𓍢ִ໋ will turner x oc
summary: will turner has left minerva's hidden island without as much as a note. the following week, she sees a vision and feels his death on her fingertips. can she find him before it's too late?
pairing: will turner x fem!oc
word count: 6.1k
a/n: minerva is heavily based on morgana le fay's depiction in the mists of avalon book. for some background: she's the ruler of a hidden island off the coast of wales. all of the prayers used are basic pagan prayers with a bit of editing to match her religion, and the welsh is badly translated from google, but has translations of what it was meant to be!
tw: angst, a bit of gore, mentions of infertility and miscarriages.
gif creds: unknown
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Minerva awoke the morning after her court’s gathering to an empty bed, save herself. She wept until the late hours of the afternoon, then cursed herself for thinking so foolishly, and dressed herself to protect her handmaidens’ eyes from her poor state.
“We can work something out!”
Commonly, when Jack Sparrow found himself on the deck of another man’s pirate ship, he was pillaging it and foraging for any gold coins or rum left in the Captain’s Quarters, pulling down flags and replacing it with his own depending on if the boat was as beautiful as his was or not—usually it was not. Now, he stood at starboard, near the plank of the ship, hands bound behind his back and his feet tied together with the same, thick twine. He didn’t dare wriggle and cost blood to be spilt, many Captains, including himself, would roar with anger at the thought of their deck becoming stained with the fruits of their own cruelty, instead, he continued to negotiate, to haggle using his ‘charm’ that nobody truly believed existed and had worked as commonly as he boasted it did in the past, in order to get himself off the ship and back to Wales, where the search for John Callis’ treasure would resume.
Captain Sparrow’s actions were unmistakably unique when standing next to Will Turner, who fought every moment that he could to unwind the rope from around his wrists. His skin was already raw and bruised, bleeding from the friction and staining the twine he was captured with. His struggle had already gained him a deep sword cut against his hairline, blood dripping into his eyes and across his forehead, and a dagger to the stomach, which still hadn’t been released from its embedment in his skin. This treasure had only been trouble since the very beginning, though he supposed the karmatic rules that Minerva believed in had only given him a visit on this day, for all the moments he shared on the island of Cantre'r Gwaelo, according to her philosophies, he was bound to have something bad happen in return, and his capture atop this enemy pirate ship seemed the perfect punishment.
“We’ve got lots to offer!” Jack continued. “Gold, jewelry, a map to a’ old Welsh treasure, some very attractive deckhands—”
“A map, you say?”
Will didn’t miss the twinkle in his Captain’s eye as the pirate opposite him sneered with sudden interest and stepped forward, he was taking the bait Jack had laid out for him. “Yes! Apparently, it’s worth more than both our ships, combined.”
“How much exactly, Sparrow?”
“A couple hundred…”
“A couple hundred what?”
“Hmph.” The pirate scoffed, “We ain’t lookin’ for gold.”
“You're pirates. Of course you're looking for gold!”
“We’re lookin’ for ‘im.”
With a wandering eye, the pirate turned his gaze to Will, one hand placed firmly on the hilt of his longsword and the other flat against his hip. Many enemies were to be made as a pirate, Will knew that as well as the next person, but there was always a shock when the person angry with The Black Pearl had it out for Will rather than Jack. The pirate eyed him up with a squinting gaze, stepping forward and causing Will to scooch backwards out of instinct to get away, forgetting the iron grip weights tied against his ankles, rubbing back and forth against his skin painfully and making him wince. He didn’t know what to do, truly. Usually, Jack had some sort of exciting negotiation or escape plan ready, and all he would have to do was give Will a look for him to know that they would be in the clear, that his mastermind personality had come to shine once again. But Jack’s face stayed stoic, and he did not dare to look to his left at Will.
He wondered if he should pray, Minerva did, she had done so often, but had never told him that he should, only taught him how. His father wasn’t a Christian man, if he was he would’ve been quite a bad one considering his actions as a pirate, but Minerva wasn’t either, she had beliefs incomparable to the rest of the modern world, beliefs that most on her island believed as well. She had told him that praying would never increase his luck or karmatic value, but often for her, it eased her mind and told her that her Gods, whoever they were, were truly listening. Perhaps it wouldn’t stop him from getting pushed off this boat, but maybe it would convince Minerva’s Gods to take it just a little bit easier on him. In all truth, he had no idea how any of it worked, Christian nor Pagan, but he was willing to give it a try if it meant his life or his death.
‘Mam pob peth, gwylia drosof heno, dal fi yn dy freichiau, tan olau boreuol.’ 
Mother of all things, watch over me tonight,
Hold me in your arms, until the morning light.
Even through thought, Will could not speak Welsh as Minerva did, and butchered nearly every word, but hoped that it was enough to prove his life was worth saving.
“‘is father’s Bootstrap Bill, d’ya know tha’?” The pirate asked, swinging his gaze over to Jack, who widened his eyes at the sudden confrontation, then furrowed his brows. “We ‘eard you was travelling with ‘is kid, Sparrow—”
“—but we didn’t think ya’d be stupid enough to let ‘im get captured. Again!” The pirate howled with laughter only caused by his own remark, which Will didn’t really find all that funny in the first place.
“He’s not under my jurisdiction, he’s quite the idiot.” Jack then turned to look at Will, his eyes filled with the anger he had nearly trademarked for himself, and Will shrunk down, since the whole altercation was really mostly his fault. “But I’ve got the map to this ol’ treasure, so we can all go on our merry ways with a nice split. Savvy?”
The pirate’s jaw moved slightly to the left. “No. Vesh!”
Will Turner did not get to see who the deckhand Vesh was before a large club was beaten over the back of his head. Pain seared up through his hair only for a moment before his entire vision blacked out, and his mind slipped into the world of painlessness, yet unconsciousness. Jack looked at him with a sense of empathy, knowing all too well the shock of getting hit over the head, and that of the experience of fainting from the impact. The head pirate of the captor ship didn’t waste a moment before pushing him off the ledge of the ship, leaving the ever sinking body of William Turner to plummet to the sands underneath the North Atlantic Ocean. 
She had stopped counting the days after the first week passed. Will Turner had left the mists without so much as a goodbye, or even the half-decency to leave a note on her bedside table, a gesture she would have greatly appreciated despite his horrendous penmanship. Minerva wanted to believe that her reasoning for ceasing to etch the tally marks of the days passed into anything she could find was simply because he had left and she was so incredibly angry because of it, but she knew the truth was deep inside her, and that truth was that she loved him so deeply the days blended into one another. Her scatteredness of time wasn’t just caused by the mists that separated her from the clocks that ticked away in Europe, but because her eyes were in such a haze she could not think properly for the most part, except for diplomatic reasons, of which hadn’t been addressed in a while. She supposed she looked as miserable as she was.
The dining hall that once seemed so small when it was just Will and her sitting at the end of it, eating their weight in fish had turned into something daunting, somewhere that transformed into a place she felt so small in, not like she owned it as she did. Minerva sat at the head of the table, the foggy light cascading through the stained glass window behind her and creating an ethereal glow around her as she looked at the plate of food in front of her. Even nourishing herself had begun to feel like a chore, and she often felt so grief-stricken for not only herself, but for her people that could not care for themselves without a leader such as herself, and were now stuck dealing with her future predecessor, Conwinna, who was much too young—six and ten, to be exact—but Minerva supposed that she was being offered great experience and allowed the Lady to grieve in peace.
“My Lady.”
Minerva’s head shot up from her stuck gaze on her platter of fish, suddenly feeling a loss of appetite as the figure in front of her was not who called her ‘my Lady’ as an endearing term, just one of her guards that had called her by her correct title. She was surely going mad. “Yes, Sir Gerbaut? What is it you require?”
Sir Gerbaut bowed, then returned to stand tall. “Sovereign Conwinna is requesting your assistance with Elder Apolduc’s family. He has fallen ill and they are requesting the Castle to take him to his final resting place in South Wales.”
“What is there to confuse?” Minerva shook her head, pushing both palms of her hands against the wood of the dining table and standing up, her chair scratching against the stone floors as it moved backwards. “He will need to be escorted by soldiers and our nobleman’s boat. You may escort him, if you so wish. I know he was your mentor for a time.”
“Thank you, my Lady.” Sir Gerbaut nodded.
“Is there anything else?”
“Sovereign Conwinna is doing better than you may assume, my Lady.”
“Is that so?”
“She has kept her composure.”
“That is not what makes a Lady of Cantre'r Gwaelo. Composure is not enough, she must know that empathy is not the only emotion one can have, though I am giving it to Elder Apolduc and his family this time.”
“She is only six and ten.”
“I was three and ten, Sir Gerbaut. I have taken ease upon her, which seems to be a mistake now that she is sitting atop my throne, her training and prayers should have started years ago, not now.”
“She is trying her hardest—”
“That is not good enough!” Minerva caught her voice raised in her throat, and settled it just as soon as it had crawled up. If Conwinna could continue her composure through her hardest times, she had to, as well, despite the ache in her chest. “There is trying until you break, and there is passing that stone brick wall that you must climb thorns and ivy to clear. If she does not find that out now, I fear she never will. You are dismissed.”
Sir Gerbaut nodded and bowed to Lady Minerva once more before turning his metal heel the opposite way, disappearing through the large, wooden doors and into the main court room, leaving his Lady behind in the dining hall alone with the ghost of the man she had once loved, but still loved all at once. She grieved for someone that hadn’t died, but had left such a cavity in her chest that she feared would never fill, no matter how many men she would court in hopes of an heir that was not her orphaned niece. Minerva was not naive enough to believe that the kind of love she felt for Will only passed her lifetime once, but she did not want to believe that any man could rip out her heart as the pirate had done. Perhaps after her reign, she would live the rest of her life in the church of Cantre'r Gwaelo, singing and awaiting the day her promise would return.
A deep, pained groan ripped from her lips as her chest suddenly lit with fire and froze both at the same time, pain striking through her sternum like a bolt of lightning and a roar of thunder. Minerva nearly doubled over, but kept her balance with one hand against the top of the table, her other clutched in between her breasts to mark the pain, in a futile way to ease whatever bubbled inside her. She cried out in agony as the pain only rippled and doubled in torment, clawing at the inside of her ribs as if something was inside of her, trying desperately to escape. Hacking coughs soon followed from her mouth, yet nothing, blood or saliva exited, as if she was drowning from the very air she breathed. Her chest lit with the searing sensation of burning, and her knees and body fell to the floor, her hand slipping off of the table and slicing her palm open with a deep splinter.
Footsteps rushed into the room. “Lady Minerva!” Sir Gerbaut cried out, then turned back to the open door from whence he had come. “The Lady has fallen! Gather her handmaidens!” He shouted, the metal of his armour scraping against its own pieces and creating a dreadful noise as he dropped down to look at Minerva. “My Lady, can you hear me?”
But Lady Minerva did not see Sir Gerbaut as he looked upon her pale, grieving face, nor did she see her handmaidens grasp at her hands to check for the constant beating in her wrists. No, because in that moment, she saw William Turner, eyes shut as if in a peaceful slumber, floating in the sea, without a gasp of breath passing into his lips, his hands bound by rope, and his legs shackled with iron weights. A scream clawed up at her throat, tears pricking in her eyes, this is what she had felt, the drowning was her body against his, her feelings his own. She then noticed the blood surrounding him, the deep gash across his forehead and floating through the water, the darkness that stained his coat and bruises surrounding his ankles and wrists from the binds. Minerva then knew this was what she was meant to see, the Gods she knew had given one last vision of his breath to her so she could be with him.
Minerva shot up from her position on the floor, coughing once, twice, and once more before looking up at Sir Gerbaut, her eyes bloodshot and skin a sickly pale, but both returning to their natural hues as the moments passed. “My horse. Gather my horse.” When Sir Gerbaut hesitated, Minerva cried, “Now!” and he left the room in haste by her command. “Help me up.”
The worried handmaidens each placed a hand beneath her arms, pulling her gently up to her feet. Her—Will’s—pain and weakness had gone just as quick as it had come, and her fire was fueled by the knowledge she needed to get to him, wherever he had disappeared to in the sea. He could not be far from the coast of Wales, if he had followed the directions of the map, but her rationale told her there was not much she could do other than look, but he would surely be filled with water instead of life before she could drain the ocean for her love. She would try, nonetheless, and she would refill it with her own tears if she had to. Her feet stabilized on the ground and as soon as she gained her balance, Minerva swept the bottom of her green dress against the flooring of her castle and left the dining room, rushing down the court room, ignoring the worried pleas from Sovereign Conwinna before pushing the large front doors open, and disappearing down the stairs.
Sir Gerbaut met her at the bottom of the winding stairs that led to her castle, holding the reins of her horse Marchogion ready for Minerva to take. She grasped onto them and pushed her feet into Marchogion’s stirrups, clicking her heels against his fur and turning away from the castle, cantering down the remaining few steps and into the town. Citizens gasped as she rode through the cobbles, the only thing protecting her from the elements being the cloak over her head and shoulders and her casual dress over the rest of her. She hadn’t time to prepare if her visions were true, which they had never been untrue as far as she had lived, and if Will was drowning… She tried not to think about how long he had truly been beneath the water, devoid of air and sunlight, tears streamed down her cheeks, nearly freezing against her skin as she galloped under the archway into the city, now facing the mists.
With a flick of her palm, they veiled behind her, protecting the stone walls from outsiders as she drove her horse as fast as he would run towards the Northern docks, where boats lay across the water, anchored to the ground and only to be used by those willing to forsake Cantre'r Gwaelo for the rest of their mortality. Minerva did not allow her mind to ponder what would wait for her on the outside of the mists that she controlled, or what would happen to her once she crossed the sea border of her island. She had never left in her twenty years, she had never even set foot upon the waters that graced the edges of the Isle, just the water that touched the lakes, small rivers, and streams that made their way through the mossy grounds. A short prayer to the Gods spoken in a murmur to only herself she hoped would do the trick to help her on her journey, to not get accused as a witch as had happened to many of her kinswomen that came before her as soon as she stepped foot on mainland.
“Mam pob peth, gwylia drosof heno, dal fi yn dy freichiau, tan olau boreuol.”
Mother of all things, watch over me tonight, Hold me in your arms, until the morning light.
The mists of her island parted in front of her as if sensing her prayers, and the shore lined with three wooden boats became visible through the sudden clearing. Thanking the Gods, Minerva slid off her horse, giving Marchogion as short of a stroke across the back of the neck as she could before picking up the bottom of her dress and running through the grass and to the shore. She didn’t pay mind as her feet and dress grazed the cold, rushing water beneath her as she stepped onto the rocks, hastily untying the rope of the center boat from one of the man-made posts. The skin that touched the ocean water began to prick with pain from the cold, but she paid no mind, even as the waves licked her shins and drenched the bottom of her dress. All she cared about was getting to the mainland for Will as she pulled at the small sail, pushing harshly against the back of the boat to get it dislodged from the rock it had been docked atop of—nobody had used any of the boats in so many years, there was no point in truly anchoring them if they could harbour them on land without any trouble—and leaping on, bidding a ‘goodbye’ to her island.
Minerva raised her arms above her head, joining her hands in the center and creating a triangle with her fingers. Then, she spoke, “Dduwies Mam helpa fi i fod yn amyneddgar ac yn gryf, i weld beth sy'n wirioneddol bwysig, i weithredu heb hunanoldeb nac ofn. Duw tad elpa fi i ymddiried yn dy ddoethineb, i wrthsefyll ffordd y llwfrgi, i rodio mewn ffydd a thosturi, i fod yn wirioneddol ddynol o ran ysbryd a chalon.”
Goddess Mother help me, to be patient and strong, to see what is truly important, to act without selfishness or fear. God Father help me to trust your wisdom, to resist the coward’s way, to walk in faith and compassion, to be truly human in spirit and heart.
She pulled her hands apart slowly, and the thick mists in front of her veiled like a curtain of a window, allowing her to see the true, blue sky for the first time. The air was much different than in Catre'r Gwaelo, in a way worse yet better, clearer yet muggier. Clouds only dotted the blue every once in a while, though she could see thunderous clouds looming far in the distance, far in the distance towards where she needed to go. If Will was drowning like she had seen, the lightning would only do him worse considering the metal binds keeping his legs from separating and the rest of his body from floating. Everything felt like fire to Minerva, her eyes as she tried not to weep before she had even caught sight of him, her legs as they fought against the rigidness of the water they had been whipped with. At the discovery of a whole new life outside of her own, perhaps she would have cried out in excitement of it all, but instead, she looked painfully out to sea and tugged against the sail rope once more, setting off for the mainland.
When the beaches of Brandy Cove, Gower came into Minerva’s gaze, she nearly collapsed into her boat. The sand was what she had seen in the background of her vision, the large mountains that shielded the newfound civilizations of South Wales from seeing such a dastardly act occur on a ship on the water. But the ship had gone, it was the only thing that had changed, and as she neared closer, she peered as far into the water as she could, begging the Gods for a sign of Will. The water swayed peacefully beneath her as sprinkling rain poured overhead, wetting her hair slightly and making it stick to the back of her neck and the apples of her cheeks. Her sails flapped and floundered against the oncoming wind as the boat began to reach land, the sight of the beautiful sandy beaches of Gower coming into view, and signifying her first steps onto land that was not her own. It was terrifying, but she could barely think about how monumental the moment was for her, not when—
“Ah!” Minerva cried out in a voice that didn’t sound her own when it slipped past her lips, not with the pain and sorrow that painted her chest red.
There, in the darkness of the clouds that covered the once blue sky, she could see the faint silhouette of an ever-sinking body in the ocean, mixing between the tall-growing kelp and the fish that nipped and prodded at its clothing. She didn’t have to recognize him, she knew it was Will from the pain that threatened to crush the inside of her chest as soon as she caught a glimpse of him. His hair and clothes looked the same shape as he had worn when he first arrived at Cantre'r Gwaelo, albeit it was more tousled and unkempt in the water. The final thing Minerva saw from him before taking action was the thick, red colour of blood floating around his floating body, pouring out from his forehead and stomach and dispersing into the water, creating a hazy cloud around him of his own innards, it nearly made her throw up into the boat.
Without missing a moment, Lady Minerva dove from the inside of her boat into the sea, landing with a splash and taking a few seconds before opening her eyes completely and letting them sting in pain just to see Will. She pushed herself forward and swam through the water, blinking back the irritation in her eyes and the horrid feeling of her brown dress becoming utterly soaked by the saltwater. Soon enough, her vision was clouded by his blood, her chest seizing with pain as she looked upon his limp frame in the ocean. He didn’t look as peaceful as the dead, which gave Minerva a slight sense of hope for his life, but his eyebrows were furrowed deep, his lips in a frown as if he was still in pain, even in his unconscious state. Everything about where he was and how he looked filled her with dread, the dread that she was simply too late and he was past recovering crept up into her gut.
She used everything in her power not to let out a gasp in shock as she finally took a look over Will. A huge gash ran across the front of his forehead, nearly lining the wrinkles that would appear whenever he raised his eyebrows in question and wonder. The hilt of a dagger was the next thing Minerva spotted, dug deep into the left side of his stomach, right near the junction of his hip bone. Two iron clasps were fastened together around his ankles to weigh him down, reminding her that he continued to sink towards the bottom of the sea at every moment that passed, and his hands were tied together at his back with thick, twine rope. Whoever had done this to him wanted him hurt badly, and Minerva tried her best not to think about what would happy after she saved him, if these people would try to come after him again or not, as she swam around him.
One of each of Minerva’s hands snaked in between Will’s torso and his bound arms, hooking underneath his armpits and meeting in the middle of his chest, pushing inwards so she could get as best a grip on him as she could in the water. Kicking her legs, she began to swim upwards with the limp man in her arms, slowly but surely to the surface of the water. The iron clamps weighed them down significantly, but it didn’t make the journey impossible, just slower than Minerva anticipated. Her chest began to burn with the need for fresh air but her resolve didn’t falter, she had felt worse pain, physical and mental, in her life beforehand, she could handle this much. Will’s hair was matted and floated around her face, an increasingly painful reminder of how she loved to run her fingers through it when it wasn’t caked in blood and saltwater. She shook her head in remorse for the memory, and took one final push forward before breaking through the water.
Coughs racked her body first, seizing her chest and running her throat dry with each hack and gasp for air. Will still didn’t move in Minerva’s arms, so she barely took a moment before pulling him the short distance to the sandy shore, her biceps beginning to contract in pain with each push forward. He was quite a lot heavier than she was, and the water soaking both of them head-to-toe didn’t help in the slightest, especially when it came to her dress. She could see her small boat, beached atop the sand, the sail having led it to the coast she needed to be on. Her prayers to her Gods had been answered, perhaps, as she knew there were decent enough medical supplies and herbs on board prepared, hopefully enough to repair the cut on his forehead and the deep stab in his abdomen. His chest was the uncertainty for her, if he had breathed in the seawater he was submerged in, she wasn’t sure if she could get it out of him, but she damn sure would try.
With a final heave of Will’s body, Minerva pushed them both onto the sand, coating her wet dress and skin in a fine layer of the granules, her hair caked in a mix of the sand, water, and Will’s blood. She didn’t allow her legs to wobble when she stood up, as much as they protested against her movement after hauling such a heavy weight against the calm ocean, and she stepped towards her boat. Her hands found a  small, wooden box off to the right side of the ship that she grasped onto tightly, heaving upwards and holding against her stomach as she walked back to Will. She could hear the squelching of her feet in her shoes, the hair and sand that stuck to her skin uncomfortably, and the pain in her eyes from opening them underwater, but she pressed forward, dropping to her knees on Will’s right side and placing the medicinal box down in front of her.
“Please…” Minerva begged as she opened the hatch of the wooden box. Inside was an organized platter of different Catre'r Gwaelian medicine herbs, bandages, tools for stitching, small bottles of rum and other liquor, and herbs for pain, which hopefully she wouldn’t need to use up until Will woke up. “Thank the Gods.”
First, she grabbed a piece of cloth and one of the bottles of rum, biting her teeth against the cork and yanking it out, spitting it somewhere into the sea behind her. With one hand on the thick cloth and another on the bottle, she poured a generous amount of the liquor into the cloth, dampening it in its entirety and spilling some of it over her hand, making her hiss in pain when the liquid ran over some of the messy cuts on her palm. Minerva pushed herself forward in the sand and gently placed the cloth over the large cut on Will’s forehead, trying not to let tears fall from her eyes when his body made no reaction to what was surely a painful sensation. She continued to wipe it down to the best of her ability, covering the fabric with a mix of his blood, water, and the dirt that had accumulated from the exhaustion of travelling. She wondered how long they had been away from the island.
Then came the bandage. Since it was only a surface-level cut and not nearly as deep as the one caused by the dagger in his side, Minerva knew it wouldn’t need stitches, or at least, the stitches could wait until they returned to her island, or he ventured deeper into the towns and cities of Wales and England, or went back to The Black Pearl. She carefully placed one end of the bandage at the left side of his hairline, then took it around the back of his head, gently lifting up the back of his neck so she could wrap it around his forehead once, twice, three times, until she reached the other end of the bandage. Her hands grasped around a metal safety pin in the box, and she was vigilant not to cut herself on the sharp end before weaving it in and out of the bandage, securing it in place. Few splotches of blood managed to seep through her handywork, which meant that the blood was stilling, which was a good sign of his survival.
Minerva let out a shaky breath and gazed upon the sharp dagger in his stomach, thinking for a moment about her plan of action before readying her tools. She soaked another two cloths in rum, squeezing them together to create a thicker piece of fabric and placed it on his chest for safe keeping. After that, her shaking hands took hold of the needle and thread most commonly used for stitching, which she would use for the exact same reason, and weaved them through each other, preparing to close the wound as best as she could. She had been trained as a nurse for many years before her coronation, before her father’s death and her succession, and she had the best relative knowledge she could ask for, but she hadn’t needed to use her skills in such a situation before, not in a situation that truly mattered. Those were the prayers that never worked, the prayers she whispered in hope she would never require the skills she had learnt.
Wincing and bracing for Will’s body to start spasming, Minerva quickly unsheathed the dagger from his stomach. “I’m sorry, Will, I’m sorry, I know it hurts.” She spoke to him, his muscles twitching under the pain slightly until the dagger was out.
Blood quickly began pouring out from the wound, dripping onto his skin and staining the fabric of his torn shirt. Minerva grabbed the rum-soaked cloth she had prepared minutes before and applied pressure to the wound with it, desperately trying to cease the bleeding and rid the wound of sand, dirty water, and the muck in general he had most likely accumulated from his lifestyle. She tossed the bloodied dagger onto the sand and began to tear his shirt around the area of his laceration, making it easy to see the skin surrounding it. She didn’t feel particularly sorry for the item of clothing, her mind was in such a haze only comparable to her island’s mists that she couldn’t truly think of anything else other than Will. This was how she solved problems, how she was taught to solve problems; to isolate the situation and not let her mind wander, especially not to foolish questions such as:
“Where in your Hell did Jack go?” Minerva asked Will, but it ended up more a question for only herself when he obviously didn’t reply. She sucked a quick breath in and pushed the first stitch into his skin, beginning the process of closing up the stab wound. His body convulsed under her shaking hands, but fell limp again shortly after. “‘Sorry.”
In and out the thread weaved, slowly but surely closing the injury and stopping the majority of the blood flow out of Will’s body. When it was completely shut, Minerva grabbed a pair of shears from the box and snipped the end of the thread, placing the remainder back where it came from and applying the same pressure of the rum-soaked cloth back on his wound, making sure it was still thoroughly clean before grabbing the bandages. The main challenge was getting underneath his back to wrap it around his torso, but Minerva made quick work of it by pulling him into a half-seated position on the sand, letting his head fall limp onto her left shoulder as she worked the bandage around his back thrice over, and fastened it in place with a safety pin back where she began, leaving no remnant of the bandage leftover to put back in her box.
A sigh flew from her lips as she tossed the dagger off to the side, unable to look at it as her body finally relaxed. “You can’t simply be happy with a life of normalcy, can you?” Minerva slowly maneuvered her aching body onto the sand, laying on her side beside Will. She took a hand to the strands of hair that weren’t covered by the bandage, brushing them despite the blood and dirt. “Please live, Will. You have defied horrid odds before, you can do it again.”
Minerva moved onto her back and let her hand fall from Will’s face and onto his open palm beside her, she grasped onto his wrist, making sure that if she fell asleep, the absence of his life’s pulse would awaken her. She could feel his heart thumping ever so slightly as she prayed in a whisper, her eyes shut despite the bright light of the sun above her, the clouds of rain having cleared. “O Dduwies Fawr, Mam Trugaredd ac Iachawdwriaeth, anfon egni Hygeia i faethu o'i Phowlen Sanctaidd. Anfon egni Brigid i iachau dyfroedd ei Ffynnon Gysegredig. Anfonwch egni Demeter i adfer bywyd i gelloedd gwywo. Anfonwch egni Quan Yin i fendithio yr iachâd â thangnefedd. Anfon dy ddoethineb iachusol i'r corff i adfer ei gydbwysedd cysegredig. Diolch Dduwies Fawr, Mam Pob Oes.”
Oh Great Goddess, Mother of Mercy and Healing, Send the energy of Hygeia, to nourish from Her Sacred Bowl. Send the energy of Brigid, to heal with waters of Her Sacred Well, Send the energy of Demeter, to restore life to withering cells. Send the energy of Quan Yin, to bless the healing with peace. Send Your healing wisdom to the body, to restore its sacred balance. Thank You Great Goddess, Mother of All Life.
She continued to chant her prayer in a whisper, repeating it from back-to-front as she fell into a deep slumber on the sandy coast, her hand still grasped tightly around Will’s.
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𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨'𝕤 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟡
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19
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General POV.
Elizabeth stood on a dry piece of land in the cave looking at a few pieces of gold.
Jack however was throwing all kinds of treasure around looking for good pieces to bring.
Rose walked over to Elizabeth and gave her a tight hug.
'I'm so sorry for everything' Elizabeth said softly
'I'm the one giving you a death scare' Rose said smiling.
'I love you Elizabeth. you're my best friend. I would do it all over just for you' Rose said as she took Elizabeth in another tight hug.
'You know before we went off to the Black Pearl.
And you were already down in the dinghy. Your father came to the captain's quarters.
He sat in front of the door. Telling us how proud he is.
On me for trying to save you.
But he thought it was good of you to say yes to the proposal.'
'Of course he would say that' Elizabeth said softly smiling watching Will.
'But he also said that sometimes the most ideal decision, can be a really bad decision when made with bad reasons' Rose said softly while brushing a hair behind Elizabeth's ear.
'He loves you any how Lizzy..
Not only when you marry Norrington'
Rose wiped the tear of Elizabeth's face.
Rose saw Will coming.
'I'll leave you two alone.' Rose said softly and walked off towards Jack.
'Jack' Rose said as she walked up to him.
'Rose' Jack exclaimed having all kinds of gold around his neck. And walked over to her.
Rose gave him a slap in the face.
'Dying!? Really you gave me the biggest scare of my life!' Rose said tears in her eyes.
Jack snickerd.
'Love. I didn't enjoy seeing you die either' he smirked
Which made Rose smile back at him.
He brushed his fingers over her cheeks.
'I wouldn't mind tho. Being Immortal with you' Jack said a bit softer.
Rose smirked looking up to him. And before she knew it Jack had filled the gap between their lips again. His arm in this small of her back. He did stab her on accident with the gold chandelier he was holding. But that was soon forgotten.
Rose laid her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss with Jack.
'We should return to the Dauntless.' Elizabeth said softly towards Will.
'Your fiancé will be wanting to know you're safe. ' Will replied.
Elizabeth nodded softly and walked away towards the dinghy's
'Really Will!' Rose said behind him.
Her hands up.
'if you were waiting for the opportune moment' Jack said
'That was it' Rose and Jack said at the same time.
'Now, I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me off at my ship!' Jack said smiling at Rose.
Rose knew she couldn't go with Jack. But he told her to write to Tortuga and he would collect her letters.
When they were on the dinghy rowing towards the open sea.
The Black Pearl was nowhere to be found.
'I'm sorry Jack' Rose said softly laying a hand on his shoulder.
'They done what's right by them. Can't expect more than that.' Jack said laying his hand on mine.
When they were hovered above the Dauntless. Jack got cuffed and taken towards the brig.
'Do I really need to tell you that he is a new man now..' Rose said towards Norrington.
'He might be Rosemary.
But this time he already got wat he wanted and the only he now has in his future are the gallows. So he will try to escape.
And now I don't want to hear anything about it anymore okay?' Norrington said as he stormed off.
'Its okay love' Jack mouthed towards Rose. As they took him below deck.
Rosemary's POV
'And now you two' Norrington said towards me and Will
He looked over towards Will.
'I will be letting these charges go if. You will never ever will try to steal a ship from us again. And go off on your own. This is still Royal Navy duty. Not just the duty of an Black smith and a tailor.'
'Do we have an understanding' Norrington said towards us. With a small smile.
'Thankyou Commodore ' Will and I both said.
'Now out of my sight!' Norrington said and we went below deck.
I heard the guards planning the hanging of Jack right were Will and I both sat.
I looked at him with tears in my eyes. And he came closer to me and laid an arm around my shoulders.
'I think I have a plan' Will said softly
'Lets talk about it when we get back. Now go get some sleep and check on Elizabeth' Will said as she pushed me up.
'I'll check on Jack and thank him for everything. ' I nodded and smiled at Will.
I walked up to deck and walked over to the captain's quarters were Elizabeth sat on a dining chair.
'Oh Rose!
I'm so sorry.. I couldn't do anything for Jack.' I smiled at Elizabeth.
'You can't help it Liz.
But thank you ' I said genuine towards Elizabeth. and gave her a kiss on her cheek.
'Now please.. Lets do something about that hair. Cause It's a real mess.' I said giggling towards Elizabeth.
'I thought you'd never ask!' Elizabeth said
When back in Port Royal.
The normal life started again.
Will was busy making lots of new material cause lots had been damaged in the last fights.
And I was busy tailoring all the dresses for the hanging of Jack. It made my heart ache.
But I couldn't help it. I made a promise to Norrington.
For Elizabeth I made a new dress without a tight corset. But with an under burst corset. So That Elizabeth would be able to breath way more.
The dress I made for myself was way more handy.
It was an dark green color. It was a tight dress but the back was long and wavy. There was a ribbon on the back of it.
I made the fabric thinly sown together.
So that if I ripped at the bow hard enough it would rip the heavy skirt of the dress down leaving me with just the corset of the dress.
I made the dress a bit shorter then usual. Because I wouldn't be wearing heels but flat boots.
The hips of the dress were broad so I could actually hide my sword and gun in there around my waist.
I also made an outfit for Will. I made him an amazing hat with feathers. And a nice suit to wear to the hanging.
He thought it would be way to much. But It would be way easier to notice him in the scene of people and I could follow him towards Jack. 
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A ghost of the past☀️🏴‍☠️ Barbossa x oc/reader
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A/n: hello, recently I commissioned a very beautiful artist @depressedraven​ for a picture of Barbossa from pirates of the Caribbean. I decided to write a oneshot featuring my oc (lora) in the picture. Hope you enjoy💖.
Warning: stabbing, death.
Synopsis: During a battle on the pearl, Barbossa fought an enemy that was until someone from his past shows up.
Oc: The top version tells the story of my oc, if you wish to see the X reader version, please scroll down.
The sun over the seas had turned crimson, the seas were roaring with the sound of waves crashing upon the pearl. Men screamed as they clashed their swords against each other to fight, one by one they dropped dead. The crew of the pearl had a higher advantage as they carried pistols, shots could be heard in the distance. It was a brutal battle that many couldn’t bear to witness, blood swirled on the wooden boards on the deck. Lifeless bodies were spotted floating in the sea, the men fought with all their might. The captain of the pearl was trying to steer the ship while keeping his balance, he was an excelling sword fighter.
“C’mon ya scurvy dogs, is that all ya got bahaha” Barbossa cried out with a roar, slashing, and swinging his sword around in a perfect balance to ward off the enemy ship.
The rest of his men were plundering the sailors over the pearl, Barbossa kept his stable balance while steering the wheel. Hector’s hand forcefully turned the steer in hope the pearl would make a heavy turn. The sailors they were all fighting lost their balance thanks to the sheer luck of Barbossa’s quick wit. The captain turned to his attention to the middle of the ship, he hoisted his sword from behind and jumped down to the main deck. He slashed his way through the enemies, his sword plunged their side; swiftly and deadly. The older captain smiled with achievement, his proudest moment will be plundering the ship and taking their captains sword.
“PUT YER’ BACKS INTA’ IT MEN” the captain roared once more, side by side he plunged his sword once more into the enemy's side.
Blood sprayed onto Barbossa’s hands; they would stain into his defeat. The captain’s sword swiftly struck more men, they fell to the side grunting as blood stained their coats. Barbossa’s glance took sight to the horizon upon them, the sun had only begun to rise, Hector had achieved his next defeat. In the distance of the pearl, the enemy ship was slowly beginning to pull out canons. ‘BOOM’ The canon’s started to take fire, chips of wood were blasted off the pearl and massive splashes of the sea exploded upside.
“Captain their openin’ fire” one of the crew pointed out, “Get back ta’ ya station an’ start loadin them canons!” Barbossa gripped the man’s coat. The sailor scampered to his feet and started barking orders to the men below.
Barbossa rushed to take his position onto the wheel, he gritted his teeth in annoyance. The pearl crashed through the waves as canons opened fire against the enemy ship. The sailors rushed to load the canons; wood flew through the air from the canons against the ship. Barbossa grinned with pride as they marked a hole in the opposite ship’s deck. With a turn of the wheel, a figure was seen through the gaps of the wheel. Hector grew confused, he pulled out his telescope to take a closer look at the sailor. The figure slowly grew more in range of view; it was neither a sailor nor a crewmate in fact it was a “woman?”.
Barbossa questioned “What in the seven seas is a woman doing on board the pearl during a battle”.
The woman held a sword slashing from a stance, she seemed to be inexperienced but still managed to stabilize herself. It was unknown who’s side she was taking, but she managed to stab a few sailors. Hector sneered with utter fury, “great just what they needed a stowaway to care for” he thought. Barbossa closed his telescope and hoisted his sword out once more, rushing onto the main deck to identify the so-called lass. It was possible she had been captured by the enemy ship; stowaway’s have been known to be caught in the worst situations. Barbossa had planned to take the stowaway to the next island and leave her there. Barbossa slashed his way through the sailors to find out who in the seven seas this Bilde rat is, who knows perhaps she’s got riches laced on her.
“Oi Missy, whaddya think ya doin’” Barbossa grabbed the soft woman’s arm, her dress was laced in white; torn and shredded. The woman’s golden hair stretched to her back; seemed like quite a nuisance while sword fighting. “Hector” the woman’s voice uttered out his name, “wait, I know yer” Barbossa kept a strong grip on the woman’s arms.
“Lora” he muttered, why her, why now, of course of all people she had to be the one to show up in the middle of a fight. Once before he knew the young girl from a time before, she had befriended Jack; naive and childish she was, extraordinarily kind to anything around her. He could’ve sworn she would’ve been too trusting to someone to the wrong crowd. He could still remember a girl covered in white and gold, her eyes would light up at anything that was shown to her. Sparrow of course took her to Tortuga to share his drunken stories, Barbossa could never listen, Sparrow would ramble, and the girl would smile like she understood a word he said. The girl was bright, to say brighter than any lass should be, she was the definition of the sun to the sea. Aboard the pearl, her sword skills weren’t always the best but with time she got the swing of it. She was closer to sparrow but for once the sea dog didn’t try anything to ruin the girl. The two were close friends so of course, why not drag the lass to the most fearsome pirate of all. When Lora first met Barbossa, he had planned to use her for ransom, a rich girly with no family to go back to, she would’ve been a pawn to use against sparrow.
However, it seemed something had sparked within the old captain, he had grown soft for the lass. kindness is an odd thing; it can change a man. Barbossa wasn’t known to be exactly a soft settling person, no he was cruel and diligent, all that mattered was his pearl. The girl just had happened to tug at his strings, pulling him close into something he was not ready for. He would catch himself staring at the lady, it would’ve made much more sense to just look out on the horizon. It bothered him, she was a distraction to his reputation and nothing more special than a good for nothing average lass, who just happened to shine a brightness in his life.
Sparrow of course caught onto this of all people; he would make sly comments that made Hector truly want to plunder Jack. The girl’s life was important to him, he couldn’t trade her, she burrowed herself under his skin and found something he could treasure.
“Lora, what are ye doin’ on tha’ pearl, I thought ye left fer’ some kinda’ different life” Barbossa asked, he wanted answers. The day Lora left without a trace was the day he grew colder, it was during the day she went off on her own, not even Jack knew where she was.
“Yes, well indeed but I had to come back, I couldn’t leave you, not when I heard you were in danger” Lora reasoned.
Barbossa plunged his sword toward the right side of the girl, Lora swiped toward the left plunging a man. “Behind ye!” Barbossa shouted, Lora ducked as the captain stabbed two enemy crewmates. “Lora, ye best hope ye remember how ta’ use a sword” Barbossa tossed her a sword, a ‘cling’ was heard as Lora slashed her sword to the enemy's throat. Hector grinned, once before this girl couldn’t be pictured killing anyone and now look at her, the sea life changed her. “I remember, every bit of it, every part you taught me, I remember the day you showed me how to fight” Lora yelled out over the sound of screaming men. “The way of the sea life is to feel the spray o’ the sea splash upon your face” she continued, ‘clash’ she plunged her sword once more into the heart of a man. “To ravage yourself in treasure, to feel the freedom and drink the liquid that will burn your gullet in succession”.
Lora spun face forward to clash both swords at the men, ‘cling’ the sound shot as she collided with a bigger enemy. ‘Bang’ a gunshot was heard as the bigger enemy fell to the ground “aye, then I taught ye well missy” Barbossa smiled.
Lora climbed to stand her back to the captain, she readied her swords “the one thing I regretted Hector, was leaving the pearl and not coming back with a welcome gift”. Barbossa spun and faced Lora “well missy, thar’ be one gift ye’ can provide”, He gripped Lora’s waist and hoisted her, smiling he placed his rugged lips onto the girl’s soft mouth. Lora smiled gently, she placed her hands onto the captain’s shoulders and leaned into it. The two shared a moment of becoming reunited, the only thing that was missing was Jack gagging in the background.
However, their short little moment was interrupted when Barbossa pulled out a pistol, ‘bang’ he shot an incoming sailor. “Lora, what do ye’ say in’ makin’ this ol’ captain feel joy by sailin’ with me on tha’ pearl n’, joinin’ me once more” Barbossa grinned, he hoisted his swords to his side. “I would be delighted, Captain Barbossa” Lora smiled, her blue eyes glinted joy.
The battle was over, and in the stake of not only winning, Barbossa had truly earned back something he truly treasured.
The sun to his pearl.
 X reader: If you wish to read the oc version please scroll up.
The sun over the seas had turned crimson, the seas were roaring with the sound of waves crashing upon the pearl. Men screamed as they clashed their swords against each other to fight, one by one they dropped dead. The crew of the pearl had a higher advantage as they carried pistols, shots could be heard in the distance. It was a brutal battle that many couldn’t bear to witness, blood swirled on the wooden boards on the deck. Lifeless bodies were spotted floating in the sea, the men fought with all their might. The captain of the pearl was trying to steer the ship while keeping his balance, he was an excelling sword fighter.
“C’mon ya scurvy dogs, is that all ya got bahaha” Barbossa cried out with a roar, slashing, and swinging his sword around in a perfect balance to ward off the enemy ship.
The rest of his men were plundering the sailors over the pearl, Barbossa kept his stable balance while steering the wheel. Hector’s hand forcefully turned the steer in hope the pearl would make a heavy turn. The sailors they were all fighting lost their balance thanks to the sheer luck of Barbossa’s quick wit. The captain turned to his attention to the middle of the ship, he hoisted his sword from behind and jumped down to the main deck. He slashed his way through the enemies, his sword plunged their side; swiftly and deadly. The older captain smiled with achievement, his proudest moment will be plundering the ship and taking their captains sword.
“PUT YER’ BACKS INTA’ IT MEN” the captain roared once more, side by side he plunged his sword once more into the enemy's side.
Blood sprayed onto Barbossa’s hands; they would stain into his defeat. The captain’s sword swiftly struck more men, they fell to the side grunting as blood stained their coats. Barbossa’s glance took sight to the horizon upon them, the sun had only begun to rise, Hector had achieved his next defeat. In the distance of the pearl, the enemy ship was slowly beginning to pull out canons. ‘BOOM’ The canon’s started to take fire, chips of wood were blasted off the pearl and massive splashes of the sea exploded upside.
“Captain their openin’ fire” one of the crew pointed out, “Get back ta’ ya station an’ start loadin them canons!” Barbossa gripped the man’s coat. The sailor scampered to his feet and started barking orders to the men below.
Barbossa rushed to take his position onto the wheel, he gritted his teeth in annoyance. The pearl crashed through the waves as canons opened fire against the enemy ship. The sailors rushed to load the canons; wood flew through the air from the canons against the ship. Barbossa grinned with pride as they marked a hole in the opposite ship’s deck. With a turn of the wheel, a figure was seen through the gaps of the wheel. Hector grew confused, he pulled out his telescope to take a closer look at the sailor. The figure slowly grew more in range of view; it was neither a sailor nor a crewmate in fact it was a “woman?”.
Barbossa questioned “What in the seven seas is a woman doing on board the pearl during a battle”.
The woman held a sword slashing from a stance, she seemed to be inexperienced but still managed to stabilise herself. It was unknown who’s side she was taking, but she managed to stab a few sailors. Hector sneered with utter fury, “great just what they needed a stowaway to care for” he thought. Barbossa closed his telescope and hoisted his sword out once more, rushing onto the main deck to identify the so-called lass. It was possible she had been captured by the enemy ship; stowaway’s have been known to be caught in the worst situations. Barbossa had planned to take the stowaway to the next island and leave her there. Barbossa slashed his way through the sailors to find out who in the seven seas this Bilde rat is, who knows perhaps she’s got riches laced on her.
“Oi Missy, whaddya think ya doin’” Barbossa grabbed the soft woman’s arm, her dress was laced in white; torn and shredded. The woman’s hair kept getting in the way; seemed like quite a nuisance while sword fighting. “Hector” the woman’s voice uttered out his name, “wait, I know yer” Barbossa kept a strong grip on the woman’s arms.
“y/n” he muttered, why her, why now, of course of all people she had to be the one to show up in the middle of a fight. Once before he knew the young girl from a time before, she had befriended Jack; naive and childish she was, extraordinarily kind to anything around her. He could’ve sworn she would’ve been too trusting to someone to the wrong crowd. He could still remember a girl covered in innocence; her eyes would light up at anything that was shown to her. Sparrow of course took her to Tortuga to share his drunken stories, Barbossa could never listen, Sparrow would ramble, and the girl would smile like she understood a word he said. The girl was bright, to say brighter than any lass should be, she was the definition of the sun to the sea. Aboard the pearl, her sword skills weren’t always the best but with time she got the swing of it. She was closer to sparrow but for once the sea dog didn’t try anything to ruin the girl. The two were close friends so of course, why not drag the lass to the most fearsome pirate of all. When y/n first met Barbossa, he had planned to use her for ransom, a rich girly with no family to go back to, she would’ve been a pawn to use against sparrow.
However, it seemed something had sparked within the old captain, he had grown soft for the lass. kindness is an odd thing; it can change a man. Barbossa wasn’t known to be exactly a soft settling person, no he was cruel and diligent, all that mattered was his pearl. The girl just had happened to tug at his strings, pulling him close into something he was not ready for. He would catch himself staring at the lady, it would’ve made much more sense to just look out on the horizon. It bothered him, she was a distraction to his reputation and nothing more special than a good for nothing average lass, who just happened to shine a brightness in his life.
Sparrow of course caught onto this of all people; he would make sly comments that made Hector truly want to plunder Jack. The girl’s life was important to him, he couldn’t trade her, she burrowed herself under his skin and found something he could treasure.
“y/n, what are ye doin’ on tha’ pearl, I thought ye left fer’ some kinda’ different life” Barbossa asked, he wanted answers. The day y/n left without a trace was the day he grew colder, it was during the day she went off on her own, not even Jack knew where she was.
“Yes, well indeed but I had to come back, I couldn’t leave you, not when I heard you were in danger” y/n reasoned.
Barbossa plunged his sword toward the right side of the girl, y/n swiped toward the left plunging a man. “Behind ye!” Barbossa shouted, y/n ducked as the captain stabbed two enemy crewmates. “y/n, ye best hope ye remember how ta’ use a sword” Barbossa tossed her a sword, a ‘cling’ was heard as y/n slashed her sword to the enemy's throat. Hector grinned, once before this girl couldn’t be pictured killing anyone and now look at her, the sea life changed her. “I remember, every bit of it, every part you taught me, I remember the day you showed me how to fight” y/n yelled out over the sound of screaming men. “The way of the sea life is to feel the spray o’ the sea splash upon your face” she continued, ‘clash’ she plunged her sword once more into the heart of a man. “To ravage yourself in treasure, to feel the freedom and drink the liquid that will burn your gullet in succession”.
y/n spun face forward to clash both swords at the men, ‘cling’ the sound shot as she collided with a bigger enemy. ‘Bang’ a gunshot was heard as the bigger enemy fell to the ground “aye, then I taught ye well missy” Barbossa smiled.
y/n climbed to stand her back to the captain, she readied her swords “the one thing I regretted Hector, was leaving the pearl and not coming back with a welcome gift”. Barbossa spun and faced y/n“well missy, thar’ be one gift ye’ can provide”, He gripped y/n’s waist and hoisted her, smiling he placed his rugged lips onto the girl’s soft mouth. y/n smiled gently, she placed her hands onto the captain’s shoulders and leaned into it. The two shared a moment of becoming reunited, the only thing that was missing was Jack gagging in the background.
However, their short little moment was interrupted when Barbossa pulled out a pistol, ‘bang’ he shot an incoming sailor. “y/n, what do ye’ say in’ makin’ this ol’ captain feel joy by sailin’ with me on tha’ pearl n’, joinin’ me once more” Barbossa grinned, he hoisted his swords to his side. “I would be delighted, Captain Barbossa” y/n smiled, her eyes glinted joy.
The battle was over, and in the stake of not only winning, Barbossa had truly earned back something he truly treasured.
The sun to his pearl.
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imagines--galore · 11 months
Since you're asking for prompts,I was envisioning Will confessing to the reader in the same way George confessed to Charlotte in Queen Charlotte (the "my heart calls your name" confession) and thought it would suit Will really well!! Like maybe reader puts herself in danger by trying to save Will or something idk
Pairing: Will Turner x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. None. A/N: I just ADORE Will Turner so much :3 and I love Charlotte the series as well so this was the PERFECT blend! Sorry for any mistakes folks! Also If you read this please please tell me what you think!!!
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Your head was pounding. And not from drinking too much ale. You were sure of it.
Blinking your eyes, you were met with an unfamiliar ceiling. Normally you would wake in a hammock onboard the Black Pearl, with the gentle sway of the ship welcoming you to another day.
But everything was steady and there was no creaking or moaning of the ship as it sailed.
Your eyes blinked once more, to clear them from any remaining sleep. Slowly your brain began to recall the last thing you remembered.
Davy Jone's crew.
A fight on an island.
Fleeing to the Black Pearl.
The Kraken attacking the ship.
The entire crew fighting valiantly to save themselves and their ship.
Huge tentacles rising from the mysterious depths of the waters you had traveled for so long.
Ready to kill.
To drag someone to a watery grave.
To drag Will to his doom.
You sat up with a loud gasp, eyes frantically darting from one end of the unfamiliar room to the other before finally landing on a familiar figure that had only just stepped into the room.
Will Turner stood at the threshold, holding a bowl of what could only be food. The scent of it wafted through the air and your stomach grumbled in protest at being denied nourishment.
Yet you could not move. Could only stare at the man as he stood before you.
"I see I managed to save you then." You finally said, feeling a little uncomfortable under his gaze. He was looking at you as if you were the very moon that hung in the sky. Which was utterly ridiculous because that was how he saw Elizabeth.
"And that we managed to escape in one piece." You raised a hand to your head, only to be greeted by a bandage wrapped around the entirety of it. A slight twinge of pain against your left temple made you aware of where exactly your injury was. "So, what did I miss? After I passed out?"
Whatever emotional turmoil Will had been battling he pushed it aside in favor of walking forward and handing the bowl to you. As you began to spoon the watery broth to your mouth, he pulled up a chair to sit beside your bed.
"After you passed out, we all piled into the lifeboats. I managed to haul you in as well." He paused almost looking at you expectantly. You raised an eyebrow at him. "And you expect me to thank you for saving me?" You asked in a dry tone, to which he rolled his eyes before continuing.
"Elizabeth was the last of us to get on. But Jack.........Jack stayed. To act as diversion for the kraken."
Your eyes widened and you dropped your spoon into your nearly empty bowl. "He...what?" You whispered, sounding just as in disbelief as you felt. Sorrow passed over Will's feature as he nodded gravely. "Jack's dead, Y/n." He confirmed, to which you took a shuddering breath and closed your eyes, before slowly falling back against the wall behind you.
The both of you sat in silence, with Will reaching out to gently and almost hesitantly placing a hand on top of yours as a sign of comfort. "I'm sorry, y/n. I knew you were close." Tears pricked your eyes but you didn't let them fall. Though you did give a small nod. "As close as a person can be with someone who took them under their protection."
That had been the extent of your relationship with Jack. Your families were old friends, and even related by blood somewhere down the line. And when you had decided to travel the seas as a pirate, Jack had been the one who agreed to let you sail with him. Not many pirates were happy having a female presence onboard, but you had proved yourself enough times that it no longer bothered them.
You had been with Jack through thick and thin. Through fire and water. You had been the only one on his side, along with Gibbs, when Barbossa had mutinied against him.
If it weren't for Jack, you wouldn't have realized your dream of becoming a pirate. And if it hadn't been for Jack, you would never have met Will Turner.
When you had first met Will, him and Jack had just arrived at Tortuga to look for a ship to go after Will's beloved Elizabeth. You had been slightly mistrustful towards him at first, and also a little jealous since Jack seemed to be spending all his time with him. But given how easily Will had befriended the rest of the crew, despite his own mistrust of pirates, you had taken to forming an unlikely acquaintanceship.
You were the best swords woman of your age, and it showed when you would take to the deck and practice every single day.
Then one day, your sword clashed with Will's.
Your eyes met over the joined blades, gauging the silent question in his. A smirk was your response before you stepped to the side and raised your sword in response.
And so a battle of wits and skill began.
Your swords clashed, your feet danced, your gazes never wavered and neither did your determination.
The entire deck was your practice ground, and the rest of the crew had gotten well out of the way when they had seen the both of you begin to duel. The both of you used every prop to gain the upper hand. But never once did either of you try a dirty trick. And while there had been a sense of pride behind each fell of your swords, slowly they began to grow playful. As did your words.
Back and forth, back and forth. With your swords and with your teasing insults and quips. Smiled full of passion and energy playing about your lips as you both danced to a tune only you could here.
It finally stopped when Jack called out to you. Neither of you yielded, or allowed the other to gain the upper hand. So, with sweat lining your brows and barely able to get a word out with how you both panted for breath, you were only able to smile at one another and say.
"To be continued good sir?" You had said in a slightly mocking yet playful tone to which he had grinned and given you a little bow before speaking.
"As the lady wishes."
But you never did pick back up on the match.
Instead the both of you would simply find each other and talk. He spoke of his life growing up as an orphan, with no money and no family. You had spoken of your own struggles, and slowly, without you realizing, in the weeks that it took you to finally catch up to the Black Pearl, you were made aware of your true feelings for Will.
You would watch him as he interacted with the rest of the crew, and on more then one occasion Jack had caught you simply smiling at him. He had tried to discourage you, telling you of who Will really loved and how nothing could be done about it.
Especially not when he was in love with Elizabeth.
You knew of the consequences, but you simply enjoyed his company too much to just stop spending time with him. And while you knew you were setting yourself up for a lot of heartache, it didn't stop you from forming a companionship with Will.
Although that too came to an abrupt and almost cruel end.
To cut a long story short, Elizabeth was rescued and Barbossa was defeated. Jack had his ship and his crew.
And Will returned home to marry Elizabeth.
Whatever friendship had been blossoming between the both of you had fizzled out the moment Elizabeth had been rescued. And though you knew you were setting yourself up for heartbreak, you did not comprehend just how much it would hurt. How his lack of presence would effect you. He hadn't even offered a proper goodbye when he had left. You had thought that perhaps as a friend he would do you the courtesy, but it was not so.
He never looked back at you.
Not once.
And so you decided to put him out of your mind. But never your heart. You couldn't put him out of your heart and it only made you miss him more.
So when he returned, this time for the purpose of saving Elizabeth once more, you were cold towards him. Cold and distant, even when he had approached you to speak with you. Your heart had cursed you for not speaking with him, but you were still too hurt over his dismissal of you the last time that you had no desire to forgive him.
All that vanished though, when Davy Jones appeared and agreed to take Will aboard the Flying Dutchman. You knew it was Jack's doing, that he had a plan in place, but that didn't stop you from stepping forward and volunteering to go along with him.
Out of love? Out of desperation? Out of your compulsion to protect the people you cared about? You did not know.
Jack had tried to protest, but Davy Jones accepted.
And so you found yourself standing beside Will, watching as the Black Pearl sailed away, leaving you onboard a ship of dangerous pirates, and a man who did not know how much you loved him.
At every turn, you tried your best to help him. You had learned long ago when to keep your head down and simply follow orders. Will was not a pirate. He picked up every chance he could to fight back. And when he discovered his father was one of the crew members, you had comforted him. And when he had been punished for his mistake with lashings, you had been the one to tend to him, cleaning his wounds and wiping away the blood. You had held his hand as he twitched from the pain, had stroked his hair when he needed a comforting touch.
Your mind screamed at you, at how you were setting yourself for heartbreak once more. But your heart rejoiced. You knew he was doing whatever he was to help Elizabeth, to save her, but you couldn't help it. All those feelings you had buried came rushing back to the top.
Your escape from the Flying Dutchman as well as the Kraken was pure luck. However, by your second encounter with the Kraken, when it came after Jack, your luck had run out.
You had been trying your best to avoid the lashing tentacles, as they grabbed man after man and threw them into the sea. You had successfully avoided capture, but only barely. Your eyes had frantically searched the deck, looking for a way to avoid yet another tentacle when you had spotted Will.
With a tentacle gliding his way to swipe him off his feet and into the water below.
You had screamed his name, had felt yourself leap into action. You ran, throwing yourself forward to push him out of the way. And you succeeded. Only for the tentacle, meant for Will, to hit your body with a force that had your teeth rattling and for you to go flying.
A flash of pain was all you felt at the side of your head. A voice calling out your name in utter alarm and despair was all you remembered.
And then darkness.
Presently, you blinked away your tears as you set aside the bowl and looked around. It was the first time that you noticed you were in some sort of bed built into the wooden walls. The air smelled heavy and musty. Familiar even.
"Are we at Tia Delma's hideout?" You asked, to which you received a nod in response. "How many of us survived?" Will pursed his lips at her question, and you knew the answer could not be good. "Only a few. Gibbs made it. As did the both of us. And Elizabeth." Of course she did, you thought to yourself.
Wanting to change the subject you raised a hand to your head to press your fingers tenderly against your covered temple. "How long have I been asleep?" The thinning of Will's lips told you just how displeased he was with the answer he gave. "Three days. You were barely alive when we reached Tia Delma. She took one look at you and took you to this room. Working on you for hours before finally letting me in to see you." He admitted, sounding almost angry at the woman.
"Remind me to thank her later." You said with a small smile, as you leaned your head back against the wall and sighed. Your hand came up to fiddle with the skull and cross gold necklace that rested at your throat. "I can't believe he's gone." You whispered, feeling the loss of your friend deeply.
"Elizabeth is in pieces because of it."
You blinked. "Why would she be in pieces over Jack's death?" You asked. You had suspicions that the girl never really liked Jack. There was always some sort tension between the both of them.
"Because she loved him."
Will's words had you blinking in utter surprise.
He frowned at the confusion on your face. "I thought you knew?" You rolled your eyes. "Oh yes Will, Elizabeth and I sit together for tea and gossip about our love lives." The statement did make him crack a little smile before he continued.
"Well now you know. Elizabeth loved Jack."
"But I thought you loved her. Weren't you going to marry her?" You asked, allowing your curiosity to show. With all that had happened, neither of you had been able to properly sit and speak. Not when your lives had been in constant danger by either cannibals, or mad pirates or mythical creatures or the Company.
So many people were out to kill all of you.
"I was. I thought I loved her. But I realized, when we got back home, that it was nothing but infatuation. She was the one who rescued me when I was found adrift. And we grew up together. So, I allowed my boyhood feelings to grow into something that was never meant to be." He paused for a moment. "Those feelings are all gone now. And I was glad she found someone to love. For a little while." He added sadly, glancing in the direction the door where Elizabeth was probably sitting beyond. You did too, almost expecting Jack to come swaggering in with his usual land-legs and a bottle of ale in his hand.
"I never expected Jack of all people to die. He seemed almost immortal." You admitted.
"Well he proved he was a mortal man and met his doom. And you would've followed him too, if Tia Delma hadn't been here." You glanced at him curiously, not understanding the tone of his voice. He was glaring at you, his eyes almost stormy. "How could you be so reckless? What you did was extremely dangerous, even for you Y/n."
"You mean saving your life?" A frown creased your brow. "I did what I did to save you Will. And if that is a crime then take me to the brig." You snapped with a roll of your eyes. "And aren't people usually grateful to those who save them?"
He glared at you. "Not at the expense of their own life. The Company is taking over the seas, we need every good pirate we can get."
Anger coursed through your veins. "Oh so thats why you were worried about me? Because you didn't want to loose a good pirate. Its all about strategy with you isn't it?" All your past hurt and heartache was beginning to simmer under the surface, and if you weren't careful you would probably say something you would regret. But you didn't care.
His nostrils flared. "How could you think its simply because of that? Do you truly believe I am that shallow?" He spoke angrily to which you gave a mocking nod. "Of course I do. I mean why else would you ignore me once you gained my friendship?"
"I never-"
But you cut him off. "I thought we were friends Will. But the moment you rescued Elizabeth you ignored me as if you never knew me. As if we didn't spend weeks in each other's company. And then you came back, and I was there with you on the Dutchman, but as soon as you saw Elizabeth, once more you pushed me aside. I am not something you can use whenever you desire before putting it aside to gather dust. And even when I save your life, when I rescue you, you say such things to me?" Your voice had slowly started to rise in octave with each passing word. It was a good thing no one was within earshot to hear you.
Will looked angry with every word that came out of your mouth. "You put yourself in grave danger, Y/n. You always have no regard for your own life or your own safety and it worries me."
"And why should that bother you? Or even worry you for that matter. What am I to you?"
"I only wish to help you Y/n. To protect you-" He reached out with his hand almost as if he were about to touch you but stopped.
You turned your head away. "I did not ask for your protection Will, I do not need it. Why would you wish to protect me?"
"Because-" But you didn't allow him to finish.
"Is it because you think of me as some damsel in distress?" He shook his head.
"No Y/n-" Once again he was interrupted from saying his piece.
"Or you do not believe me to be capable of doing anything."
His voice was almost pleading, imploring you to listen to him. "Y/n-"
But you barely heard him, allowing your hurt and pain to blind you as you spoke. "Why? Why do you wish to protect me so?"
"Because I love you!"
His deceleration came out in a shout. One that echoed in your ears and had your mouth parting in utter surprise, while you stared at him in utter disbelief.
For his part, Will had stood from his chair, hands buried in his hair as he began to pace the length of the small room, still speaking in an almost frenzied and desperate manner.
"From the mo-" His voice broke as he met your gaze. "From the moment I saw you." Suddenly he was sitting in front of you on the bed, clutching at your hand in an almost desperate manner as he continued. "I have loved you from the very second I saw you." His words washed over you like a warm ocean breeze.
"I love you desperately Y/n." His voice was trembling, every word sounding almost broken as he spoke. "My heart calls your name. And I cannot loose you. I cannot." With each word his hands raised to cup your face, only to bring you forward and press your lips to his in a desperate kiss.
And you returned it.
You felt your heart heal and break at the same time as he brushed a hand against your bandages. Pulling back from the kiss, he rested his forehead against your own. "I cannot do this without you, Y/n." He admitted to which you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and embraced him with all your strength, hoping to pour all of your love for him in that one simple gesture. "I suppose it is a good thing I love you as well then." You whispered against his neck, to which he let out a small slightly tearful laugh. "I am aware of that. Given how you whispered it to me when you were slipping in and out of consciousness."
You pulled back, staring at wide eyed at his grinning face. "What?!"
“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” He gently brushed his knuckles against your cheek, a gesture that made you blush. Your hand lifted to trace along the side of his face, enjoying how he closed his eyes, as if to savour your touch.
“I will never leave you Will. Just as long as you promise to never leave me.” You said, still stroking his face.
He nodded in response. “I promise.” His hand found the back of your head, urging you forward to close the remaining distance between the both of you.
This time the kiss lasted longer then just a few seconds.
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t-annuki · 1 year
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Quick sketch of him. I'm in my Norrington era
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esta-elavaris · 5 days
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It's on AO3 I know I know I know I got bitten by the sickness I can't be held responsible.
( @bumblingbriars however should be held responsible, thank you for this idea but also how very dare you )
Lmk if you wanna be on the tag list for this story/this pairing/this fandom/anything else your heart desires ✨
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quillofspirit · 6 months
2023 fic recs
If there's one thing to know about me, is that I love to read! and I love to share the good fics, so I figured I would put them all on one list💚
pssst! it's my first time doing anything like this, so if you have recommendations for the format, please do leave them in the comments or drop me a message! thanks xx
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Key 🍬 fluff 🧯 spicy 🌡️ smut ⛈️ angst 🌪️ all
For people I have tagged, please let me know if there is anything you’d like me to add or remove — like a link to another account. It’ll be my pleasure☺️
Lord of the Rings (and related)
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⛈️🧯Fuck the Forbidden pt. 1 by @entishramblings
Boromir x mermaidfem!oc Teens and Up but read the warnings carefully 9,500 words
Now I want mermaids in everything. why aren’t there mermaids in everything? The descriptions are so well done, everything is so vividly easy to visualize, oh I just loved it.
I am so hyped for pt 2!!
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🍬⛈️ Healing Touch by @ass-deep-in-demons
Boromir x fem!oc Teens and Up 4,350 words
My film studies degree was very happy about the descriptions of movement in this one - it’s a little specific but hear me out. It’s much easier to see the actors playing the scene when it’s described this well! THAT ENDING, I have to say I joined Legolas, and I don’t have excuses.
I cannot wait to read the rest of the adventures of Joanna!
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🍬 I Might Need to Kiss You by @fizzyxcustard
Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader 400 words
I was squealing, this is so sweet. like the perfect little pick me up when you need a reminder, and Thorin is nothing if not a good king to his subjects 😇
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🍬 Sweet Conversations by @glassgulls
Haldir x fem!reader Teens and Up 5,360 words
did I almost break my mouse when I clicked on this? noooo
Would I do it again? approximately 5 times since ☺️
Who doesn’t love sneaking around and kissing pretty elves, especially when they propose the idea so nicely… Just read it, you’re welcome
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⛈️🧯Transformed by @sotwk
Thranduil’s son OC x fem!reader Teens and Up 2,400 words
There are at least two werewolves! When I tell you I read it three nights in a row, just to truly catch all the little things that made me go absolutely feral this so lovely to read. Yes, there’s gore (only a little bit) and there’s angst, but there’s also dialogue that would be made into gifs were it a movie.
Pirates of the Caribbeans
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🌪️Catch the Wind by eriathiel (@esta-elavaris)
James Norrington x fem!oc Explicit 418,000 words
101 chapters of epic, pirates, and sweetness. The definition of you will suffer and you will like it. I finished this in like two days, because I couldn’t put it down, like a child on Halloween night going through their whole bag of candy.
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⛈️🍬 Fallen Through Time by eriathiel (@esta-elavaris)
Catch the Wind AU Mature Ongoing; 34,000 words
12 Chapters so far, but it’s probably going to make me want to read everything about Theodora again. I am very normal about this character. 😌
Other fandoms
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🌡️One of Those days by @capricornafterdark
Jason Todd x fem!reader Explicit 750 words
Sometimes you need to be taken care of, and sometimes its easier to take care of others.
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🍬Patience by @velvetcloxds
Charlie Swan x fem!reader Just straight cuteness 600 words
A cute yet serious conversation with Charlie
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🌡️That Takes Trust Darlin by @capricornafterdark
Jason Todd x transmasc!reader Explicit 1,950 words
It takes a lot of trust to tell a person about your desires, and even more when you spend your time catching villains.
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🌪️ What Happens After You? by StrengthBeforeWeakness
Ominis Gaunt x fem!oc Mature 219,000 words
A badass Ravenclaw, sweet sweet Garreth, and dark!Sebastian. I am tempted to say it’s almost a Hogwarts Legacy AU because the lore in this fic is so incredible, it feels new again.
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These are my headers and dividers, please do not use them.
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bagelbun-art · 14 days
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Drew these sketches a few weeks ago as a practice to get used to drawing Davy and Calypso ~
(the gal with them is my self-insert, in case you're wondering)
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akamikazae · 8 months
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Pirates of the Caribbean au! for Oc-tober b/c Kami and Kashi give major Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner vibes 🏴‍☠️
-Son of notorious pirate and good man Sakumo ‘the white fang’ Hatake! All Kakashi has left to remember him is a gold medallion that he’s “lost” along with everything and everyone. He is intelligent, loyal, fearless and kind. He redefines the rules to find what’s truly important, and he will stop at nothing to protect the people he loves.
-Daughter of Lord Orochimaru who would rather play pirate than be shackled to her fathers expectations, and those befitting her status. Follows her gut and her heart and gives up her privilege and status to do what she believes is right. She’s sharp, independent, manipulative and just as callous as the men around her. She will do whatever is necessary to keep herself and her loved ones safe.
Oc-tober prompt 11: ‘In a different story world or setting’
Prompts by @icannotreadcursive
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profeyandere · 1 year
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Masterlist || Pirates of the Caribbean Masterlist || Wattpad
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairing: James Norrington x Fem!Reader
Warning: Angst, death mentions and unrequited love
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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The dull sound of metal striking the strong, rickety wood of the Dutchman made Norrington, still gawking at Elizabeth's falling form into the sea as the whisper of the shot slowly dissipated in the air, turned the other way to find himself with the strong back that belonged to you, being able to easily see how most of your muscles were flexing to maintain your defensive posture and thus keep him safe from the sudden attack it couldn't have been stopped by one of David Jones's sailors. The ex-commodore was stunned because, although he did not remember having seen you in Elizabeth's crew, he swore to have distinguished the strong flash of your eyes among the shadows of the ship that now belonged to his former love.
You, thanks to your espionage and concealment skills, had been able to sneak onto Sao Feng's pirate ship, watching and listening from the shadows for anything that was of special interest to you, barely being able to make out anything he was saying to Elizabeth, but discovering how he made her captain of the ship that had been under his command for decades and made her the owner of one of the eight coins necessary for the Brotherhood. As part of that select group, you couldn't help but be confused for a brief moment, but you saw in Swann a pirate like any of you could be.
Returning to the subject of how you had been able to reach the Flying Dutchman, all you had to say was that you appreciated the speed with which you moved and the innate balance that had allowed you to cross the long ropes that linked both ships without making a small threat of fall
"What are you doing here?" James asked with some fear. In his voice, you could feel that state of nervousness that the situation in which you were involved had caused him.
"Save your life," you answered, snorting and taking all the air you could to regain the strength that you were gradually exerting to win the fight in which you had gotten involved with the sailor.
You felt the sweat trickling down your forehead, encrusting your brows to prevent the drops from falling into your eyes, while your calloused hands gripped the handle of your short sword, which, being more than a decade old, had been the only weapon you had. It had truly given you the confidence to take on some of the most feared pirates in the Caribbean and the stormiest seas in the world. The adrenaline had been the icing on your little cake because, although you had started to run like a rag through the thick ropes between the two ships, you had not realized how serious the situation was until you had seen the father of Will Turner, already eaten away by the curse of the octopus man, trying to attack the man who, from an early age, had made your heart beat a thousand per hour; James could be many things, he had even disappointed you greatly when he had given the heart of David Jones to the disgusting aristocrat who had martyred pirate minds so much, but the one who backed down and thought better about his actions to try to amend his mistakes, was what truly he impressed you and made you act on his behalf.
The fact that you had come between him and death had been a mere matter of luck and the work of your badly wounded heart.
The simple fact of remembering the brief kiss that he and Elizabeth had shared made you draw more strength from yourself to be able to separate the sailor from you, being able to free your sword from the prison that had been the enormous wooden stake, causing the pirate took a couple of steps back and there was a small space between you. A sigh left your lips, but you quickly felt the lack of air present when you saw yourself surrounded by several pirates belonging to Jones's crew.
"Back to back, James," you ordered seriously and in a lower tone than usual, feeling a soft weight on your back after a few seconds. "I can't believe I am going to die like this."
"I still don't understand how you got here," the admiral muttered as he exchanged glances with the monsters who were the Dutchman's crew. "At what point did you think it was a good idea to follow Elizabeth or cross that stretch of sea to come here? You have condemned yourself to certain death."
But, what James was not aware of, was that Jones always left a survivor.
"It seemed like a good idea to me the moment I found out she'd been captured," you explained. "She might have been already dead but, knowing that you were in a certain way in charge of the Dutchman, I knew that you would protect her and avoid such a cruel fate."
Norrington couldn't help but frown at your words for, while they were sweet because of the obvious feeling he harboured for Miss Swann, they had come out of your mouth as if you had tasted the most disgusting morsel in the whole world and, it was not to be least, because the love triangle that had formed between the three had been so notorious that even Jack Sparrow had joked with you about it and Elizabeth had not tried anything more than to guide James towards you to see if he could see your sweet and friendly interior. You had tried, and you had not won the battle to win James's heart and, like a good loser, you had accepted defeat at the hands of the blonde.
"And was it worth it?" Norrington questioned. "She made it out alive and now we're stuck against a rock and a hard place."
"It was completely worth it, Commodore," you stated with a certain mockery, smiling slyly and leaning slightly forward to prepare yourself for the attack. "You're still alive, so it's been worth something to get here."
James wanted to correct the title with which you had mentioned him, but it was the sudden presence of the captain of the pirate ship that made both of you completely stunned. There wasn't much surprise on the admiral's part, but you couldn't help but smile at Jones as soon as you saw him appear due to the nerves you felt, well, with the surprise and how intimidated you were to finally meet that legendary pirate, you face was distorted until making a grimace of happiness that was too strange for those present; for a moment they had thought that he could have given you some type of cerebral infarction and for that reason, you had shown yourself that way.
"You're smiling?" Norrington questioned in surprise. "Have you lost your mind?"
"Don't blame me," you answered, still smiling, "it's because of my nerves."
"Your reaction is fascinating to me," the captain commented, moving closer to you until his huge body covered in marine elements was inches from yours. "Can someone explain to me why neither of them is dead?"
"Her," Bill stated, raising his barnacle-strewn hand to point at you, causing you to suddenly shrug to take the blame that he hadn't done his job properly. "She has crossed through the ropes and prevented me from following your orders, our Captain."
David Jones's face resolutely showed a look of confusion, perhaps fused with irritation, and he didn't hesitate long before meeting your gaze with his, trying to search deep within you for the reason why you would commit such a heroic act when one pirate would have let another die; if you had been like him, perhaps you would have helped Elizabeth to have someone on your side, but he did not understand why you had prevented the death of Norrington, one of the main enemies of the pirates.
The half-animal man bent down to be at your height and to be able to make eye contact with your flashing eyes that, illuminated by nerves and anger, did not match the bright smile you showed him, in which your teeth were the main character. Perhaps, he did not fully understand why you acted, but it was not until you unconsciously moved your right hand towards the admiral so that he would remain still in his position that he understood the desires that had led you to act that way.
"Love, huh?" Jones spoke, confusing his entire crew and causing your smile to begin to diminish until your lips were completely united forming a straight line and thus a serious grimace was shown on your face.
James, at that moment, felt upset because, despite having heard the captain's words, he did not understand their meaning. He didn't know what he meant by what he said and it wasn't until he noticed how his body slowly relaxed little by little that the pieces of the huge puzzle that had been forming in his mind didn't fit together.
The two of you had known each other since before he travelled to Port Royal with Governor Swann and his young daughter, you had found him interesting and had too much fun bothering him, so you quickly saw yourself as number one on his list of pirates to capture. Your slippery skills had gotten you off the gallows more times than he cared to remember, and you had always taken something of his with you that, while not of much use, caused him a great deal of irritation. Of course, once he became a commodore and was involved in the adventures of Jack Sparrow, he had much more contact with you when he was forced to work with pirates to rescue his beloved Elizabeth, which greatly increased your teasing and affection for him. to this day.
In a second he managed to understand that your taunts, your little plundering in England and Port Royal, together with your inconsiderate taunts towards him and the British army, were nothing more than a way to get his attention and be with him. That had been one of your ways of making him understand that you loved him. Your kindness when he was part of the crew of the Black Pearl, how you had gone to the trouble to feed him properly and detox from the rum, as well as taking care of his hygiene when no one else had seemed interested in it even if it stank the whole ship, made him see that all that was what you could offer him if at some point you declared yourself. It had been a pity not to have made sure of it beforehand because, as much as it hurt him to tell you now, it was too late for it and not precisely because death was an inch away from both of them.
But because his heart already belonged to another woman.
"Are you so surprised to meet a pirate in love?" you asked defensively, frowning and gripping the sword handle tightly. "I seem to remember that you had the same feeling for a woman that caused you to tear out your heart."
"I'm not going to deny the obvious, my dear," he said mockingly, straightening up so he could look at the admiral. "But he didn't expect it to be a sentiment that could be evoked towards a Royal Navy Admiral, much less if he works for the East India Company."
"It's not a matter of choosing the person," you murmured, sighing. "I wish we could choose who to fall in love with to avoid suffering, don't you think, captain?"
The tone with which you had addressed him, spitting out his title as if it were disgusting, ended up irritating him.
"Are your feelings unrequited?" He questioned, shifting his gaze to the man who was behind you and who seemed so shocked that he seemed to have suffered some kind of shock that had prevented even the movement of his eyes, causing the simple look they directed was enough for Jones. "He doesn't love you, and that's why you've come to my ship, to take his place in my crew."
"I perfectly remember that your crew member's decision was not that," you mentioned. You always leave a survivor, don't you? Asked. "Let him go and I'll take his place."
Suddenly, a strong hand on your shoulder made you take a couple of steps back until you were next to Norrington, who with his eyes seemed to ask for one last moment before the final decision was made. Your eyes met and, although it was obvious that you did not need words to communicate, it was obvious the discussion wanted to start with your sudden courage.
"Are you crazy?" He asked seriously, gently squeezing your shoulder. "You can not do that."
"Why not James?" You questioned back, surprising him by the sudden use of his name for the first time. "I have nothing to hold on to in this life and you still have so much to live for."
"What life am I going to have now?" he questioned. "I will never be forgiven for all the crimes I have committed, and while a pardon will not absolve me of them, at least you could continue your life calmly as if nothing had happened."
"If you die, don't hesitate to think that he would fight against everyone present to avenge you," you indicated, sighing one last time before surreptitiously placing your real eight in the pocket of his vest. "I love you and seeing you die would be my downfall, respect at least my last wish."
Elizabeth's deafening scream made the name turn around, panicking at the thought that something bad was happening to him, and it was then that you decided to push him overboard so that he would have a chance to escape so that he could speak for you in that great meeting in which the pirate lords would be the protagonists and thus ensure that the pirates could live in peace and harmony after joining forces and defeating Lord Beckett.
James, who fell from a considerable height, plunged into the water once he had been pushed into it, emerging from the turbulent waters to find himself in the worst scene he could imagine in his entire life. Before he would have tried by all means to kill you, put a rope around your neck and end the suffering that pirates like you caused in the population, but now he felt a huge wave of nausea when he watched your body being mercilessly impaled with your sword; the only thing that the admiral could hear in the background was the scream of Elizabeth who, terrified by the scene that was happening before her, had not been able to do anything but scream your name with sadness and anger.
Norrington watched as the huge figure of Jones seemed to approach the edge of his great ship and, unceremoniously lifting your body to the outside of the ship, drew your sword, causing you to fall into the sea like a rag doll, just as he had done it a couple of seconds ago. Fortunately, or unfortunately, you had fallen relatively close to him, so he quickly submerged himself in the water in search of your body to be able to rescue it and to be able to heal the wounds that the bloodthirsty pirate had caused you, who was surely laughing at his cowardly feat.
You found yourself semi-conscious and, although you tried to move your arms and legs in search of propelling your body towards the surface to look for air, you found that they did not respond because of the great loss of blood that you were suffering at times. You did not make sure of the huge wound that was in your belly, somehow the seawater managed to mitigate the pain you felt, and it wasn't until you spotted a dark figure trying to approach you that you finally remembered the reason you were sinking into the sea.
Your beloved James Norrington would live, perhaps not a dream life, but one full of love and adventure that would not have any element sad enough to destroy his good person of him.
A slight spasm ran through your body and you stopped thinking about the moment you felt a strong burning in your belly, although that stinging was unbearable, you knew that it would never compare to the pain of your broken heart.
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gracehateseggnog · 1 month
not a lot, just forever ˚˖𓍢ִ໋ will turner x oc
summary: minerva battles with will's leaving and the loss of their baby.
pairing: will turner x fem!oc
word count: 2.8k
a/n: this is a devastating character analysis of my oc, minerva. please read at your own discretion!
tw: graphic depictions of miscarriage. angst, no comfort!
gif creds: unknown
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Three months had come and gone with fleeting visits from The Black Pearl, and more importantly, Will Turner. Once in a while they would return after a voyage or treasure with bullet holes and burn marks on their sails, thanking their stars that the mists opened for them and seemingly only them, but no matter how odd the whole island seemed, the crew was thankful for the relationship harboured between themselves and the island’s keeper. Cantre'r Gwaelo became a sort of safe haven for them on the occasions that they were too far from Tortuga to take refuge, but the people offered them happiness, liberty, and most importantly, food and medicine. It was very clearly much more to that to Will. He got to see Minerva who treated every outing together as if it was their last. She cared for him as much as he cared for her, it was a battle of minds and hearts to see who would outwit the other, but it always ended out in a tie.
Minerva lay in her bed, counting every tick of the grandfather clock at the far end of her grand bedroom, begging for the time to pass slower or faster; she didn’t know what her mind wanted. Intense spasms in her stomach crushed her into a fetal position, wrapped in her nightgown and the sheets that were now stained with deep, crimson blood. Old tears had dried onto her cheeks and pillow, her black hair a mess atop her head as she curled ever further into herself and into her bed. No amount of handmaidens could wipe the pain that rippled through her head with every pain that struck her abdomen, not a single wet cloth could rid her of her own conscience keeping her awake through the night, but also begging to allow her to sleep. Her eyes were glassy, she didn’t want to cry anymore. Everything in her felt ripped apart, but she had already come to terms with what had happened.
She had done this dance over and over throughout her life, she knew what losing the unborn child inside her felt like, how much she bled until the mattress beneath her was red, the intense cramps pulsating through her stomach, and worse of all, the darkened feeling that it was her fault. Minerva knew it wasn’t because of anything she had done, the fertility gemstones hanging around her neck, the herbs she drank until she threw up, the ointments she bathed in, she had done everything she knew. Sovereign Conwinna had been trained from birth in the churches and amongst the castle maidens and knights in anticipation of the very situation Minerva found herself in, her family would no longer exist past her. The founders and rulers of her island would never be of her hair or her face ever again. Cousins were uncommon in her lineage and she was the last to have inheritance to rule. She would never hold a daughter or son of her own in her arms.
In her sixth and tenth year, Minerva lost her maidenhood to another nobleman after three years of being the Lady of Cantre'r Gwaelo. There was no pressure to conceive a child from her people or her family, but she couldn’t help but pray that it would come easily to her, that a child would be born sooner than later so her reign could end when she wished and under her own volition. She wept with excitement and gathered her handmaidens to celebrate when her monthly bleeding didn’t come the following month, and a nursery was built when her stomach became swollen. A Sovereign wouldn’t be needed to train, and the church could stay still and quiet until the time came for her child to begin praying and preparing to become Minerva’s successor. Excitement bubbled in her chest at every thought of the process, and she thought about how big the child would be, if it would be a Lady or a Lord, or how her handmaidens would likely need to take a role much closer to her as the end stages of her pregnancy.
The first time, she believed it was because of the excitement. Her stomach had barely begun to increase in size when she awoke in the night to violent pains in her stomach and blood soaked deep into her nightgown. Her shaking, terrified form cried out to her handmaidens, for the first time uncaring how bare her body was in front of her waiting ladies and begging for help. Her mother dead, her closest handmaiden explained what had happened as she helped bathe her reeling body, pains still racking through where her unborn child had once been. She reassured Minerva that it was anything but her fault, and that she herself had miscarried a few times before baring her two beloved children. Minerva fell asleep in the tub shortly after, exhausted from the toll the loss took on her body, and she let her handmaidens carry her back to bed, her bedsheets clean of blood but her heart and mind unchanged; it was a loss she had felt so incredibly deep.
Ten more times had followed in the years until she turned twenty, before she had met Will. Sex was viewed so incredibly differently on the island than the passing, fleeting rumours she had heard about it on the mainland. It wasn’t viewed as an act of passion, but one of convenience and parenthood. It was meant to bare children, and it wasn’t taboo. Her handmaidens gave her the herbs from every plant that had been believed to boost fertility; chasteberry, black cohosh, red clover, and mac, they had dressed her in necklaces and earrings with gems of moonstone and rose quartz, and she had prayed from the moment she woke to the moment her eyes fluttered shut in the night. Minerva had a bell put in to the side of her bed, attached to the stone wall that she would ring when the pains awoke her to blood in the night, and she could request their help without facing the blood running down her thighs as she walked, pain-stricken down the halls of her own castle.
Minerva longed to hold her own baby in her arms, she felt as if she would be a good mother if she had the chance to try. She looked at the empty nursery often, at the paintings she had hung up of her family members so she could teach her child about the past of her history, at the crib made from the very wood of the trees that grew in the castle’s courtyard, and at the window that looked out onto the plains and mists of the island, she wondered if her baby would appreciate the gaze of the best view the castle had to offer. She once vainly cared about the shape of her body, the way her breasts would change after feeding for months. But even when she had missed that very first bleeding when she was six and ten, she forgot why she even worried about it in the first place, all she wanted to do was forget her duties and stay with her child forever. She didn’t care what the toll would be on her body, her mind, her title, or her reputation amongst her people, she just wanted to be a mother.
Her prayers never stopped when she met Will, but nor were they answered. Fate was a fickle thing that little believed in, but she had tried everything else already, and if there was even the slightest chance that Minerva would succeed in baring a child with Will, she would take it without question. The first night they laid together she bore herself of her regular regiments and casted her fertility jewelry aside. She didn’t gather her hopes high even though she so terribly wanted to, and they laid together many times before he left that very first and fateful time. They had found the fated treasure and he had returned for a few nights before leaving for certain, only to come back in rare passing. Three months passed and led Minerva to this moment, lying in a painful vat of her own blood in her beautiful bed, eyes glued to her shaking hands and trying to muster up the courage to ring the bell at her bedside table for the eleventh time in her rule. Will had given her a baby and she hadn’t known until it was ripped from her. 
“My Lady?” A wandering voice caught Minerva’s ears and echoed through her room.
She tried not to cry through her words, a sob cough in the middle of her throat as she replied, “Yes, Sovereign Conwinna? What must you need at this hour?”
“I—I do not want to overstep.”
“Just speak, child.”
“I heard you crying, but you did not call for your handmaidens.”
“I could not reach my bell.”
“Should I light one of the wall lanterns?”
“No!” Minerva cried harshly, a choked sob barely slipping from her lips. She didn’t need her trainee to see her in such a state. “Please gather my handmaidens.”
“Yes, my Lady.” 
Minerva didn’t look up from her bed, but heard the rushed and hurried footsteps of Conwinna as she disappeared from the Lady’s bedroom, the doors creaking under her rush but not shutting behind her form completely. She didn’t dare let a single tear leave her eye, as she was sure her handmaidens would alight the room with their matches and see the shine of her face, her swollen eyes, and the reddened bedding beneath her and put the clues together pretty quickly that she had lost another child that was meant to be her own, but became the Goddess’ like the many others had. Her hands gripped tightly on her blanket as a brush of cold air consumed her body, spattering her skin with goosebumps and making her body convulse. What had happened to her? Did she truly wish to hold a babe in her arms so badly that she would reduce herself to such a powerless form? Two hours ago she had been practicing archery with the soldiers that worked at the ship port, now she could barely walk.
The doors swung open once again, and more footsteps made themselves clear. Minerva shielded her eyes from the sudden intrusion of light from a handheld lantern, her body alight and the events unfolding. “Thank you, Sovereign Conwinna, you may take your leave.” The voice of Minerva’s most trusted handmaiden, Laudine, called out.
Conwinna protested, surely seeing the violent sight that surrounded Minerva. “But—”
“You may take your leave!” Laudine stated firmly, raising her voice louder than Minerva had ever heard it reach, and it did the job it was intended to do, as scurried footsteps exited the room as fast as they had come the first time. “Oh, my sweet.” Laudine was the only handmaiden who didn’t call Minerva by her title. She was her most trusted confidant, she held herself as if she was the wisest woman who lived on the island, and to Minerva, she was. She was the very handmaiden that gave Minerva the fertility necklace she wore.
“I can’t—”
Laudine shook her head, stepping to the head of Minerva’s bed and laying down her lantern on her table. “It has gotten worse over time, dear. Do you believe you can walk?”
Tentatively, Minerva nodded. “It hurts.”
“I know, dear, I know.”
One of Minerva’s other handmaidens, Igenes, helped Laudine at her command by rolling Minerva over onto her back, sending another jolt of pain through her stomach and making her shake. Laudine shushed her comfortingly, grabbing onto the junction of her arm and her torso firmly and slowly pulling her up from the bed, releasing a cry from Minerva’s lips as her body wept. She tried to pry her eyes from her blood-soaked thighs, now illuminated by the faint light of Laudine’s lantern on the bedside table, and she also begged for her mind to stop thinking about the unborn child, the daughter or son that could have spent its days wandering around the island with hair as silken as hers and eyes as brown as Will’s. Her legs trembled as her feet hit the warmth of her carpet, her body being held up by both Laudine and Igenes, the latter of which held the lamp in one hand and her shoulder in the other. She didn’t care how powerless she felt in such a vulnerable position, she could only think about the child she had lost before she even knew.
“A bath has been drawn by Adendole, and Igenes will send for the cleaning and replacement of your bedding when you are situated.” Laudine explained, leading Minerva out of her bedroom and towards the bathroom. “Do you wish for me to call upon Sovereign Conwinna to assume your role tomorrow?”
“No,” Minerva shook her head, which seemed to be the only movement she could muster her body to make. “I may not be fit to ride a horse tomorrow, but I can still sit on my throne.”
“As you wish.” Laudine nodded, but Minerva could hear the hint of uncertainty in her handmaiden’s voice.
The bathroom was thick with steam from the hot bath that had been drawn, fogging up the windows and leaving a haze only comparable to the mists that surrounded the island across the room. Some form of eucalyptus scent had been placed into the water, filling the room with its scent and calming Minerva, though her heart was still racing against her chest like drums. Slowly, Laudine peeled Minerva’s blood-soaked nightgown from her body, pulling it over her head and from her shoulders before handing it to Igenes. She didn’t look down beneath the curve of her breasts, but she knew that the blood and sweat mixed against her skin was a sorry sight, and she felt pity on Igenes, who had not been in service of the castle long enough to see Minerva in that kind of state, like most of the other handmaidens had. She wondered if the young handmaiden had children of her own, or had dealt with infertility such as Minerva had. Her mind wandered, she wanted it to stay put.
“Can you step in yourself?” Laudine asked, gesturing to the tub in the centre of the room. 
“Yes.” Minerva swallowed, holding tightly onto Laudine as she took one step up, legs still shaking, and laid her right leg into the scalding hot water, sighing at the relief it gave her. 
“Ingenes, you may call for her bed to be stripped.” As Minerva submerged herself save for her head into the hot water, Laudine instructed Ingenes to leave the room, and she did. “Oh, my dear.” Laudine sat on her knees next to the tub, face-to-face with Minerva. “I am so sorry.”
“It isn’t your fault.” Minerva sobbed, her voice as shaky as her legs. “Why can I not bear a child? I have prayed forever, it is the only thing I have ever wanted.” 
“Some women do not have the body to hold a child, my dear.” Slowly, Laudine reached out to Minerva’s head, stroking at a piece of her hair. “Something inside of them is uninhabitable, despite the prayers and the herbs.”
“I have not asked for anything else,” Minerva cried, tears flowing freely down her cheeks and mixing with the hot water and slight blood surrounding her. “I did not beg for power, I did not beg for acceptance, I just wanted to be a mother.”
“I know, darling.”
“It was supposed to be him. He was the only one I could see as a father. What am I if I can't even bear him a child?”
“He loves you for much more than that, just as your people do.”
“I just want to be a mother.”
Laudine nodded empathetically, and Minerva’s head collapsed into her neck, her body wracked with sobs and cries. She felt as if she was six and ten again, crying into Laudine’s arms in the bath for the first time. Her mind was so young back then, yet she had regressed to the same state nearly five years later after the eleventh time. It was such a raw and new feeling, to have fallen in love. Minerva, for the first time, could see herself alongside Will with their child; she wanted to know if he would be a son as handsome as his father or a daughter as wise as her mother. She could see him teaching them how to clash swords and her showing the ways of Cantre'r Gwaelian medicine. Minerva cried deeply again, the sound of Laudine shushing her reassuringly and the hand stroking the back of her head only spurring it on. She didn’t want to feel so strongly anymore, she wished to be able to move on as other women were able to, to find a new lover when theirs left or to simply live alone when their babies passed.
Despite losing so much, Minerva never changed the nursery. It would sit there, unused and gathering dust and cobwebs across the cribs and the toy chests, until the end of time.
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𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨'𝕤 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟟
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17
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Chapter 17: Getting Back
General POV
Only the chubby and the fake eyed pirate were giving another job.
They were to disguise themselves so that Norrington's men would be distracted.
The other pirates on the other hand were starting to climb onto the rope of the anchor. On top of the Dauntless.
Mr. Swann asked the guard in front of the door were Rosemary and Elizabeth were stuck to be alone for a second with them.
'Girls' He knocked on the door. But no sound came out.
' I just want you girls to know.
I'm proud of what you did to save Elizabeth, Rosemary.
And Elizabeth I believe you made a very good decision today. Couldn't be more proud of you to.
But you know, even a good decision, if made for the wrong reasons, can be a wrong decision. '
Rosemary was climbing trough the window when she heard what he said.
'Even Mr. Swann thinks it's a bad decision to marry Norrington' she thought to herself.
'good to know' she said softly before letting herself climb out of the window.
'Girls are you there?' Mr. Swann asked when he did not hear any sound come back.
'Are you even listening to me?' He asked when he opened the door. Seeing the window open and none of the girls left inside.
'Come on Elizabeth lets row towards the pearl!' Rosemary said. As she started rowing towards the black pearl.
'Why!? we better go to the cave! To save Will.'
'No we got to release the crew first' Rosemary answered as she rowed towards the Black Pearl.
The pirates that were a distraction in the dinghy were starting to fight with each other leaving their bodies exposed to the full moon.
Which made Norrington's eyes grow big.
'WE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE DAUNTLESS! ' He yelled as the soldiers started rowing back towards the Dauntless.
Meanwhile. In Isla the muerta.
Jack was inspecting all kinds of gold the crew of the Pearl had picked up on their voyages.
'I must admit Jack, I thought I had you figured,
But it turns out you're a hard man to predict.' Barbossa told him.
'Me I'm dishonest.
And a dishonest man you can trust to be dishonest.
Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for. ' Jack said while walking towards Barbossa.
'Because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid.' Jack said before pushing Twigg down and grabbing his sword.
Jack threw Will the sword. And ran towards Barbossa starting a sword fight with him.
Will had cut his rope lose and started fighting the other three pirates who were after him.
Jack had cut the feather of Barbossa's head.
'Ha- ha' he smirked
Barbossa snarled at him and ran after him.
'You're off the edge of the map, mate.
Here there are monsters' Barbossa smirked as he pushed Jack around.
Rosemary's POV
We have reached the Pearl.
'Come on lets climb up!' I said towards Elizabeth. we climbed up on the railing
We came by a few pirates who were already choosing which piece of pie they were going to eat and taste first when they would have slit Will's throat.
Come on I motioned up towards Elizabeth.
I reached the deck and wanted to climb upwards when that stupid monkey came along again and screeched at me.
'You filthy little ' I grabbed him and threw him down towards the water.
Which made the pirates look out of the window and up the stairs looking around if they could find someone.
Elizabeth and I were thankfully already on the ship hiding.
' Down the stairs' I mouthed towards Elizabeth. and we ran to the brig on the lowest level of the ship.
'SHH' I heard Gibbs say as they looked around. And saw me coming down the stairs with Elizabeth behind me.
'ITS ROSE!' He said.
Elizabeth and I opened the brig and they all came out.
Ana Maria hugged me tight.
'I knew you were a fierce girl' she smirked and we all ran up deck.
The two pirates were still looking over the railing to see what happened to the small monkey. When they got a dinghy against their head and they fell into the water.
'Come-on! We need to save Will and Jack!' I yelled at them and Elizabeth and I started pulling a dinghy towards the water.
But I noticed there were not more people trying to push with us.
'Really? ' I asked them
'I know it's the code but please..' they all shrugged.
'We love you Rose..
But this might be our death sentence and we have the pearl now.. ' Gibbs started
'Yes but Jack is still there?!' I said pointing towards the cave.
Ana Maria looked at me.
'I love you, but please don't make us do this. We got what we want now..'
And a few minutes later it was just me and Elizabeth rowing towards Isla the muerta. And we could see the Pearl sail off.
'Bloody pirates' I cursed under my breath. And we rowed a bit faster.
'I hope we're not to late' Elizabeth said.
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misshiraethsworld · 10 months
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CURSE OF THE RUBY ━ james norrington ⎈
you are cursed lass
THE RAREST TREASURE TALE read here: wattpad
tag family: @arrthurpendragon, @eddysocs, @darth-caillic, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @kmc1989, @ocappreciation, @ocs-supporting-ocs if you want to be added to my family, all you have to do is ask!
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imagines--galore · 4 months
Hey, hope you're well! I was hoping you could write a Will Tuner × fem!reader fic? Maybe where Will is overprotective over the reader?
Summary: Hitting a pirate over the head to make him drop Will turned into an all out brawl. But then again those were the norm in taverns frequented by pirates. Will, however, only saw them as an event where you could get hurt in a hundred different ways. Pairing: Will Turner x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. A little fight scene but nothing too graphic. A/N: I don't know. There is just something about tavern fights that get me laughing. I mean you just turn to the first person you see and throw a punch. Even though you've never even seen them before. Like wth?! Also I TOTALLY used this gif because.........well..... :3
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You were downing only your second drink when you felt someone sidle up to you. Glancing at the pirate who was smiling at you in a way that had you curling your lip in disgust, you turned your attention back to your drink. Or rather your lack thereof.
"Another one for the lady!" The pirate called out in a gruff voice. You rolled your eyes. "No need. I'm done." Dropping a few coins on the counter you moved to jump down from your seat, only to have your elbow rather roughly grabbed by the pirate.
"Awww, whats the rush love? Its not polite to leave when a gentleman offers a drink." The drink had indeed arrived, but you were too busy holding back your laughter to notice. "A gentleman? Really? The only title befitting you is that of a pig." With a harsh yank that would surely leave a bruise, you freed your arm from his grip and stepped back still glaring at him.
Sensing that perhaps he was not in control of the situation, the other pirate rose to his feet, scowling down at you. He was impressively tall, you would give him that, but there was no way you were backing off. Never show weakness to another pirate, especially if they were men.
You were so busy glaring daggers at the pig that you didn't notice when your companion arrived.
"Is there a problem here?"
At the sound of his voice, your eyes shifted to the man standing just behind the filthy pig. Will stood looking between the two of you in what you could only describe as a quizzical way. It looked so adorably out of place in the seedy tavern that the corner of your mouth lifted in a shadow of a smile. The pirate seemed to get even more annoyed at the sight of Will. Barely giving the much shorter man a glance he simply growled.
"Get lost boy. This is between me and the harlot."
You saw red, and you were sure Will did as well. Given that his arm snapped out to grab the man by the shoulder to make him turn around and face him. "She happens to be my fiancee." He declared in a voice so firm and strong that for a second even you believed him. Your surprise must've shown on your face because he glanced at you and with that single look you understood what he meant.
'Play along.'
You rolled your eyes, though not wanting to hear him berate you later simply decided to go along with it. "What he said." You commented in such a flippant and uncaring manner that had Will glaring at you. The pirate, not wanting to wait any longer, turned his attention to Will, seeing him as the bigger target.
Which did make you angry since you were supposed to be protecting Will and not the other way around.
"Well I bet she would prefer to have a man take her rather then a boy." The pirate chuckled, reached out to push Will's hand from his shoulder, almost as if he were flicking at a fly.
Well that would surely be a stroke to his ego, you mused to yourself. And you were right. Will looked ready to tear off the pirate's head, and given how peace loving he was, you were impressed at how he was facing the much larger pirate.
If you hadn't made a promise to not bed the one man who could be the key to saving all of piratekind, you would surely have pulled Will into a dark corner by now.
Shaking your head to get rid of the daydream that was about to take form, you turned your attention back to Will. "And I bet she would prefer to be in the company of someone other then a filthy ape such as yourself." You made a face at his insult. He really needed to work on those.
But then maybe it wasn't so bad. It did seem to work because the pirate didn't take kindly to being compared to a monkey because he suddenly had Will by the throat. He wasn't squeezing hard, but you knew it was only a matter of time.
Panic shot through your body, propelling you to jump on top of the tavern and pick up the tankard of mead the pirate had ordered for you. With a swing you brought it down on top of his head.
And while the hit was hard enough for him to drop Will and clutch his head, it was also hard enough to bounce off his thick skull and go flying into the air where it hit another pirate. Quickly jumping down from the counter, you crouched next to Will, tilting his head back to inspect his neck.
"I had it handled." He spoke, a scowl on his forehead, probably annoyed that you had stepped in. "Having your throat squeezed is not what I call having it handled." You simply muttered to him. Will looked like he was about to say something more, but then his eyes widened and he wrapped his arms around your waist.
A split second later the two of you were rolling out of the way of the now enraged pirate who went careening along the very spot you and Will had occupied moments ago. The pirate underestimated his speed and size at the starting point.
Which was why he ran straight into a nearby table of pirates who were none to pleased at being disturbed. That was probably the match that lit the fuse because not a few moments later the entire tavern was in an uproar.
The sound of guns being fired echoed in the air as pirates called insults, shrieked and yelled as they began to pummel one another. It didn't matter if they were friends or foe. In a tavern fight, all relations went out the window. Already furniture was flying through the air, and cutlasses had been drawn from their resting places as the shouts and screams grew to a crescendo.
And through it all, you and Will took refuge under a table. Luckily it was fixed to the floor, so there was no chance of it flying through the air.
Well, refuge wouldn't be the word for it.
When he had rolled you both away from being crushed, he hadn't stopped until his back had hit the legs of the table. Somehow he had managed to drag you under it and now here you were.
Lying underneath him, with him hovering over you.
Your bodies pressed together in the most sinful of ways.
And your eyes locked in a way that if anyone had looked upon you, they would've looked away out of fear that they were intruding upon an intimate moment between two lovers.
The sound of pirates fighting barely registered in your ears as you stared up at Will. You chest rose and fell with every breath you took, slightly out of breath. Then again he was no better, his warm breath fanning your features, as if he had just outrun a host of cannibals. His hands were resting on either side of your head, supporting some of his weight though still allowing your bodies to touch. Your own arms were looped around his waist and though you would never admit it to yourself, they tightened slightly, as if to keep him in place.
His gaze was warm as his eyes flickered over your features, dipping down to your slightly parted lips, the way your nose curved, how your hair fanned out behind your head in a halo. He also noticed how the front of your shirt had dipped down during your little tumble. Though not as indecent as the women he had seen at Tortuga, the placement of the shirt left him imagining more then he should have.
You were no better. Your eyes roamed over his face in an almost lazy manner. You had taken the time to observe him long ago, but this would be the first time you would observe him properly awake and alert. Not to mention you took your time just admiring his eyes and how expressive they were.
Calypso! You were turning into one of those pathetic damsels who needed to be saved all the time.
Slowly, almost agonizingly so, he began to lean down. And as the distance between you grew smaller, you eyes fluttered shut and for once you allowed your body rather then your mind to take the lead.
However just as quickly as the spell had been cast it was broken by the sound of a gun going off right next to your heads.
Instantly Will's hands wrapped around your head, pulling you into his chest as if he were trying to shield you. Luckily the gun had only nicked the leg of the table.
Still the situation would get even more out of hand soon, so it would be best if the both of you left.
"We need to get out of here." You stated once you had pulled away from his protective embrace, though not before allowing yourself one last moment of selfishness by returning the embrace. Unwinding the bandana that was always around your wrist, you made quick work of pulling your hair back from your face to keep it out of the way.
You were about to step out into the heat of things when you felt Will grip your hand. "We should stay here till things calm down." He stated as he crouched next to you. You shook your head. "This could go on for hours and will only get uglier. Its best we leave before that happens."
Glancing down where his hand held yours, you quickly flipped your hand over, allowing your fingers to intertwine. Ignoring the startled yet pleased look on his face, and wishing desperately that you weren't blushing too much.
All you had to do was keep to the wall and keep low. It wasn't your first tavern fight and certainly not your last. And while you wanted nothing more then to start swinging your pistols and cutlass, you had to make sure Will was safe.
It didn't take long for the both of you to emerge from the tavern unscathed. And since the fighting had taken to the streets, it was a good while before the both of you had a chance to speak properly to one another.
"Well we needed a good fight to cool tempers." You stated casually, glancing around from the corner of the building where you and Will had taken respite. You barely had the chance to assess the situation when you were yanked back by Will who scowled at you. "Do you want to be hit by a stray bullet?!" He asked, sounding incredulous, though his expression was anything but.
You shrugged. "I have quick reflexes." You reasoned, though your response only had Will rolling his eyes at you. Finally dropping your hand, he pushed up the sleeve of your shirt to reveal the bare skin of your forearm.
In the dim light of a nearby street lamp you could see where the pirate had grabbed you. Already there was a large bruise forming, making you wince. "Hope it doesn't last too long." You muttered, inspecting the bruise by gently poking it with a finger.
"He shouldn't have grabbed you in the first place." Glancing up you were surprised to see Will looking almost stricken at the sight of your bruise. Once again you shrugged. "It comes with being a female pirate. I learned to protect myself years ago."
"Well it shouldn't be like that." You blinked at him. His voice was one of fury and distress. And when he lifted his gaze to look at you, his eyes carried the same emotions. "You shouldn't have to protect yourself all the time."
Not at all liking the way Will was looking at you, it made your heart ache seeing him like that, you gave him a playful grin. "What? You offering to be my protector Turner?"
It was said in jest, but the look that passed over his features had you shaking your head and pointing a finger at him. "Oh no, don't you go getting any stupid ideas Will Turner." You warned him. He only grinned at you. "What? Having me as a protector would be that bad for you?" He asked, though there was a slight tease in his tone when he spoke.
You couldn't help but mirror the grin. "Well you've already taken up the role of fiancee so better to leave some options for other employees." At the reminder, Will couldn't help the small yet soft smile that played across his face. "And did I do my part justice?" He asked, reaching up to brush back a loose tendril of hair from my face.
A small laugh echoed in the alleyway as you finally allowed your eyes to meet his, finally allowed yourself to acknowledge just how close he stood. "Almost." You spoke softly, raising a hand to rest on his chest just as he leaned over you, one arm placed above your head to keep his balance. "Oh? And what could I have done to improve on my role?" He asked, raising an eyebrow even as he let his fingers brush against the softness of your cheek.
With a smile that was as mischievous as it was sinful, you grasped the lapels of the jacket he wore. "How about I show you Turner?" With that, you pulled him into the darkest corner of the alley where he eagerly followed.
A/N: I'm a tease aren't I? :3
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lieutenantselnia · 8 months
When it's Asexual Awareness Week but it's also 1700-whatnot and you have no idea what the hell this even means
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Happy Ace Week to my fellow ace-specs (and especially ace-spec self-shippers)!🖤🩶🤍💜
I already finished this drawing a few days ago and finally get to post it👀 I've actually had this idea since last pride month so but didn't have any energy for drawing back then so I'm glad I could finally do it now. Selena and Davy are 100% a demi4demi couple, even though they don't have the words to describe it yet due to the era they live in😅
I generally don't think a ton about my f/os' sexualities, but I can totally see Davy as being demisexual. He just wouldn't feel the desire or need to be intimate with someone unless he has as already formed a strong emotional bond with them. For him personally, sexual intimacy can't exist without love, and it's something he treasures a lot. Aside from that I think I see him as heteroromantic or mayyybe biromantic (idk I think he would lean more towards women, but for characters who don't have a confirmed sexuality I think it's often the easiest to just see them as bi/under the bi umbrella because I think everyone should be able to ship themselves with them :) ). I don't know if he could possibly be demiromantic as well? I can see him as someone who definitely needs time to develop feelings, and when he and Selena get to know each other, they also slowly start to form a platonic connection first before he begins to fall in love with her. Of course a part of that could as well stem from his past relationship trauma, but I also can see him as someone who generally needs his time with relationships, even if all that hadn't happened to him. However, once he forms that connection with someone, it really means something to him. (Unfortunately there's so little known about his relationship with Calypso, so we don't know if it was a "love at first sight" kind of thing or if they fell in love more slowly while getting to know each other.)
Anyways I love him and the thought of how they slowly become more comfortable with each other as their relationship progresses means everything to me💖
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t-annuki · 11 months
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"Please,come with me..." 🌹
Scene of a fic I was reading last night,of course Jimmy I'll follow you. It looks like a visual novel screen
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