#Jack Sparrow x y/n
socksracoon10 · 4 months
Hi love here I come with my first spontaneous idea 🩷
Reader is the Commodore's sister but sick of the ways of society. When Jack saves Elisabeth, reader is the one who persuaded James not to kill Jack and also the one he happens to threat in order to escape. She’s somehow drawn to the Captain and later gives Will the keys to the cell to set him free. Jacks thoughts circle around her, too and they reunite when she swings last minute from the Dauntless over to the Interceptor to join the pirates making way❣️
Curious of The Seas
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A/N: Literally fell in love with your ask oh my god, couldn't stop thinking about it before I began writing!! Thank you so much for this request! Pairings: Jack Sparrow x F!Reader, Will Turner x F!Reader (Platonic), James Norrington x F!Reader (siblings)
"Don't slouch, stand straight," Commodore Norrington hissed at you. You glared at your brother, curving your lips downward. You hated how strict and loyal he was to the British Crown and how he enforced his rules onto you, despite being his "precious baby sister." 
Your brother didn't hate you, but he sure did a good job of making you hate him. He was pacing his quarters back and forth, rehearsing what he would say to Miss Elizabeth Swann upon meeting her. You rolled your eyes at the pathetic scene, realizing that if your brother were to marry Miss Swann you were next on the list for the most eligible bachelorette in Port Royal. Your body cringed at the thought and you wriggled your back to shake off the eerie feeling crawling down your spine and focused on trying to ease your brother at the moment.
"James, there is no point in stressing over something as simple as this. Tell her you are in love with-" You began but frowned when he interjected,
"Love? Don't be ridiculous!"
"So, you're not in love with her?" You inquired, raising an eyebrow.
"No, no, I very much am in love with her. But it is not proper for a man such as myself to say trivial things to the daughter of the Governor!" Your brother reasoned and you sighed in an exasperated tone, shifting your gaze out the window.
Elizabeth had stared at you with a quizzical look on her face when your brother and you had first approached her. You both shared the same expression of disdain for the situation. It was very clear to see that she was indifferent to your brother and surely was the very last man that she had any interest for. You, on the other hand, dearly loved your brother and wanted to save him from any heartache that she would cause him. You chewed your lip nervously, watching them exchange a few words of greetings before walking away. The commodore glanced over his shoulder, mouthing a few warnings to reign your behavior in for the biggest moment of his life before stalking away.
Huffing in annoyance, you picked the ends of your dress up and marched past the Governor who was just about to start a conversation with you. He awkwardly shut his mouth and watched you walk away to stand on the other corner of the pillar where your brother and Elizabeth stood. He leaned backward to get a good look at you, sending you another glare before returning his full attention to the woman in front of him with a nervous smile. You sighed, gazing out to the sea. Your brother had taken you once beyond Port Royal when you were a little girl and he swore it was something he very much regretted; all you could ever do since then was talk about sailing the seas. You desired to travel across the world, collect artifacts, and live a free life. Your brother scoffed at your desires, stating that he would rather die than see his little sister galloping around like a pirate of all creatures.
As you gazed out into the horizons with a look of yearning, you heard the loudest splash from below. Peering over the edges of the wall, you frowned at the ripples that seemed to bloom near the rocks and you instantly pulled back from your position and walked around to notice your brother screaming Elizabeth's name.
"What did you do?" You exclaimed, resting a hand on his shoulder. He pulled away from your grasp, beginning to take his coat off but you grabbed hold of him,
"The rocks, James! She's lucky that she didn't hit them on her way down! Come, we can reach her at the docks!" You urged him, yanking his arm. He seemed instilled with distraught, at a loss for words, "She must've jumped by your mere presence!"
Your brother sent you a nasty scowl and the playful smirk on your lips faded away instantaneously. You knew this was no joking matter; the poor woman could've died on her way down and she was to be betrothed to him anyway. As your brother scampered off with the rest of the guards, you found your feet rooted to the ground as you stared up at the sky. Something was amiss. The clouds darkened and circled about gravely, and the sea no longer held its silky blue blanket to comfort you. Before you could try and comprehend what must've occurred, you felt an urgent tug around your arms and you sharply turned to find yourself facing the Governor.
"Come now, my dear, you mustn't dawdle around when my daughter's life is in danger!" He exclaimed and you frowned at his words, resisting the urge to roll your eyes at him. Even if you wanted to help Elizabeth, there was surely no way you could swim into the waters with this puffy dress around you. You followed him down to the docks, pushing past the British officers to find yourself facing Elizabeth coughing up heaps of water from her lungs and then... a pirate.
With all the rifles surrounding him, you nearly thought they were aimed at your brother who stood in the way. You could only make out half his face, oblivious to the ensuing conversation that your brother was currently engaged in. You peeked around the Commodore's shoulder, carefully eyeing the strange man in your presence when his eyes flickered over to you for a sharp second before returning to your brother. Your breath hitched at the moment, taking in his disheveled and wet appearance as your brother remained as the shield between the man and you.
"He's a pirate," Your brother growled, his jaw clenching as he barked orders for his arrest. He ignored your gaping stare as he continued, "Sparrow, I assume?"
"Jack Sparrow?" You interjected, your mouth practically on the floor as you stared at him. The corner of the pirate's lips curved into a small smirk,
"It's Captain Jack Sparrow, love," He smiled with a wink. You smiled back before your brother forcefully shoved you behind him once again. He made a mental note to have a discussion with you about your behavior as soon as you returned home. He took the pirate's belongings and derided him for his lack of proper weapons, but it bothered him so deeply that you were so enchanted by the man. It irked him to think that his sister would fall foolish to a PIRATE of all people. He forcefully grabbed onto Jack's arm and began dragging him off before you cut him off,
"James! James!" You cried out, and your brother halted in his tracks and sent you a menacing scowl.
"Not another word from you, (Y/N)." He hissed, and you scoffed before pulling your skirt up ever so slightly to march up to your brother,
"This man, pirate or not, has just saved your betrothed's life! I suggest you at least show some mercy upon him!"
"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man's life of wickedness," Your brother corrected you as Jack was being handcuffed by a Redcoat.
"Though it seems enough to condemn him," Jack added, and you offered him a sympathetic look before turning to your brother with pleading eyes.
"Brother, please. I beg of you, consider an alternative for this man." You prodded him, as your eyes fell onto Elizabeth who smiled softly at your words.
"Please do so," Jack muttered, before dragging his bound hands around your neck. You gasped in response, tugging at the chains as your brother panicked.
"No one shoots!" The Commodore bellowed, holding his hands in the air, "Let go of my sister."
"Only if you return my belongings," Jack taunted with a haughty grin. He leaned closer to lowly utter into your ears, "You must be regretting your kindness, do you not?"
"I don't, but it seems that you'll regret it," You whispered, as you watched the guards hand in his belongings in a bundle. Jack nudged your back with his knee ever so lightly to grab hold of his things and you begrudgingly did so, before sharply turning around to face him.
"Now if you'll do me the pleasure... my, I don't think I know your name..." He said with a sly smirk. You frowned at him,
"It's Miss Norrington to you," You spat, placing his hat on. As you placed his sword, belt, and other personnel around him, you could feel his intense stare burning deep into you. If it was of lust or attraction, you did not know and at the moment did not necessarily care. Your mind was fixated on other things, and your brother was seething in rage as he watched Jack give him a look regarding your body against his that made him want to hurl. To think his sister was so close to a gruesome pirate! It was preposterous!
As you tied the last remaining string of his belt around him, you looked up at him with disgust. Not only was he a pirate, but this would be the talk of the town, and your brother's and your reputation would be spoiled. Your brother could easily regain his good fortune, but you were never as lucky. You hated the way the women would gossip and to think it was all spoiled over one man you decided to be too merciful with because your curiosity could not be controlled made you ready to commit arson.
"Is this how you repay me?" You hissed and the pirate smirked at your words,
"I saved your friend's life, and now you save me. Besides, you did after all wish for me to live. Now, suffer those consequences. When shall a beautiful lady such as yourself realize to never mess with a pirate?" He chuckled, before harshly turning you around with his gun aimed at your head. Your brother flinched at the sudden movement, making sure you were alright. 
"Ladies and gentlemen, you will always remember this as the day you almost caught Jack Sparrow," The pirate's voice boomed from behind you and the very next second you found yourself thrust upon your brother and Elizabeth. As Jack Sparrow hurriedly began his escape, he did not fail to include a personal message from his heart, "Thank you very much, Miss Norrington. I shall not ever forget such kindness!"
And you weren't ready to forget him, either. It would be for another reason. As the night raged on with a surge of pirates infiltrating Port Royal, you felt a growing desire to do something about it. Your brother had joined the Governor for his safety and left you at home to be tended to by the maids. Upon realizing that the front door would burst open regardless of the circumstances, you quietly slipped out the window in your nightly attire and made your way to the blacksmith's quarters where you knew for a fact that your good friend Will Smith would be. Will and you had grown as siblings; he was there for you more than your brother had been. He had anticipated your arrival anyway but found himself in jeopardy when his ears gathered the news that Elizabeth Swann had been abducted by the pirates. He was pacing around when you arrived and he quickly latched onto your shoulders,
"They've taken Elizabeth! I tried my best but-" Will began but you silenced him, bringing a hand to his mouth.
"I know what you must be going through. But there is not enough time. I heard you helped imprison Jack Sparrow." You whispered and he nodded his head, eyes wide as he tried to make the best of the situation, "Come, I have the key with me, we can both interrogate him and seek his help." Your hand fell to his own and led him towards the streets.
"Wait a minute," Will stopped you, and with a glance over your shoulder you already knew what he was about to say. He was going to prevent you from going. "(Y/N), I know you've always wished to escape Port Royal, but I cannot bring harm to you once you step foot onto the waters."
"Will," You chastised him, "I am no longer a little girl. I am very capable of handling my own matters."
"You are inexperienced, that's all I can say." Will rebuked your claim and you gasped at his words, before furrowing your brows,
"So are you!"
"Ah, but I shall be bringing Sparrow with me to help find Elizabeth."
"Oh, don't be so dull! I can help Sparrow and you as well. Do not prevent me from doing so! If it is out of fear that a pirate may do something towards a woman of my status, I assure you that no such thing will occur! If he dares to even look at me, I shall see to it that his eyes are gouged out by his blade!" You reasoned and Will took a step backwards, his lips parting in shock at your words. You had the spirit of a pirate in you that was for sure, and that was exactly what he feared.
"I cannot let you join. Your brother is... already facing loss," He replied in an awkward tone, considering how much he cared about Elizabeth, "He would be devasted to find you gone as well. Just stay put for now. I'm sure there shall be something more exciting for you in Port Royal."
You muttered a few unladylike curses under your breath and reluctantly offered him the key to the jail cell, "At least tell Sparrow that I was... delighted by his presence."
Will raised a suspicious eyebrow at your remark, unsure of how to respond. He nodded his head and then left you alone, as you brought your hands over your arms as your mind wandered towards the sea once again.
To say that Jack Sparrow was surprised by Will's statement regarding you would be an understatement. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you so willingly offered him the key to his escape, considering how he had humiliated your brother and especially you in front of everyone at the docks earlier in the day. He chewed his lip, his eyes dilating at the thought of you. The way you stared at him in defiance, your temples rising and falling with the way you clenched your jaw. Of course, who could forget the sensation of your fingers pressed up against him as you fastened his belt? As much of the ladies' man that Jack was, there was something different about you. You weren't like Giselle or Scarlet, complaining about superficial things or just merely trying to get into his pants. He could tell there was this curious spirit fighting to break free when he first laid eyes on you. The way you cautiously peered over your brother's shoulder had made him... well, he certainly wouldn't say his heart skipped a beat. He wasn't a silly little boy. He was a man! A grown man, a pirate! CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow, mind you. And yet here he was, trying to justify to himself that what he felt for you was nothing more than just infatuation that would surely pass on.
But it didn't. It never did. While of course, his thoughts about stealing The Interceptor were his priority, he just couldn't stand still without his mind fleeting over to the very image of you, dressed in that regal bright blue gown and your hair all curled and pinned to form the most exquisite portrait of a woman he'd ever seen in his life. He smirked to himself at the thought of you, wondering what you must be doing at Port Royal at the moment. What if your brother had you married off to someone else? What if you were to live the rest of your life as a boring wife to an equally boring officer? He shook his head, wriggling himself free from those imaginative concoctions. He was a pirate, damn it. He had better things to think about than just a woman he had seen days ago.
"You've got to be kidding me," Your brother grumbled as he pushed past you. You had boarded The Interceptor with him, not because you had wanted to - even though you took every chance out on the sea with gratefulness - but because your brother was so worried about the possibility of your abduction that he wished you were beside him at all times. Including those incredibly still moments of him gazing out into the sea. To him, he seemed to have an air of control, all the world's burdens upon his shoulder. This was his duty. When you gazed out into the sea, however, it was a plethora of possibilities. The unmarked territories you could claim, the desire for you to seek out treasure from all corners. You could be free. And no one would stop you. Save your brother, but that was something he'd always do anyway. Your attention focused on The Dauntless a couple hundred meters away as you noticed flocks of the British crew on small boats were paddling towards the ship you were in. Your brother gazed through his telescope and snarled at the sight, hesitantly passing the device for you to see as well. From afar, you saw Will Turner and... Jack Sparrow? The pirate? Both of them were flapping their arms around trying to make use of the mast. You guffawed at the sight, laughing at them. You turned to face your brother who quickly reminded you with his gaze about your behavior and you swallowed the amusement away as fast as you could.
The two ships - The Dauntless and The Interceptor - were locked horns now and your brother ordered you to come with him to board The Dauntless and put an end to Sparrow's madness. You reluctantly agreed, your eyes scanning around to see any sight of the familiar pirate you had so longed to see. 
"Search every cabin, every hull," Your brother barked, before turning back to you, "And you stay close to me. Do not go wandering about like a fool like you always do." 
You glowered at him, electing not to anger him any further as you stood on the deck. You watched him disappear among the surge of officers onto The Dauntless. You sighed, pacing back and forth when you noticed two men swing over to The Interceptor. It was Will and Jack.
Eyes widening in surprise, you tried to call attention to the situation but your cries fell on deaf ears. You stomped your foot and watched Jack cut off the rope ties, one by one. His gaze was fixed downwards until he looked up momentarily, and there you stood. He stood there for a few more seconds, completely surprised by your presence. Deep down, as much as he hated to admit it, he feared that he would never see you again.
"What are you doing? Cut the rope!" Will cried out in confusion before he followed Jack's eyes to you. Jack looked upwards at the rope still connecting the two boats before turning back to you,
"Jump, Miss Norrington!" He instructed, and you stepped forward, holding onto a long piece of rope. Upon hearing your name, your brother rushed out of the Captain's Quarters, pushing past his men.
"(Y/N)!" He yelled, his eyes daring you to make another move. Realizing that this was the only opportunity to acquire what you had spent so long yearning for; the deep blue seas, the adventure, and the whimsical treasures, you sent him one final glance before running off the deck of The Dauntless and swinging onto The Interceptor. With the final rope now gone, and the ship sailing forward at full speed your brother looked at you as if you were dead to him.
When The Dauntless was far behind and there seemed to be no danger at the present moment, you walked towards your friend Will and the pirate beside him. Will seemed elated that you were there, and he hugged you so warmly that you nearly forgot that he was not related to you by blood. Releasing you from his arms, he sheepishly stepped aside as Jack Sparrow stepped forward.
"Miss Norrington, it is a pleasure to have you on board with us. I almost feared you might not have the guts to swing over," He teased, his hand graciously wrapping around your own as he kissed your fingers with such gentleness that it surprised you. You cracked half a smile at him, narrowing your eyes, before responding,
"You may call me (Y/N), and please, I never turn down an opportunity for adventure."
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captain-camille · 3 months
_𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞_
‣ Jack Sparrow x f!reader
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‣ As a young woman of noble blood, society is a golden cage. There is no mention of you unless the subject is marriage or manners while your trip to Port Royal has become a rescue maneuver. One faithful night aboard the Dauntless you finally snap. And meet the captive Captain Jack Sparrow...
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 18+ language, old society rules, emotional chaos, very light angst ‣ 3,4k words
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Your dress weighed heavy on your shoulders, the corset strangled your lungs to a delicate point where you began to feel dizzy.
Silver cutlery laid untouched next to your empty plate. The hunger had long passed. 
Either way was it impossible to properly eat with this torture device crushing your ribs. You would fetch a banana later.
“Miss Sheffield“ Lord Somerset hardly drew your attention while he adjusted his white wig “I find myself greatly invested in the many stories of your brother. They're indeed impressive, are they not?“.
It took nerves to hinder your eyes from rolling.
Instead, you gave him an appreciative but short nod. There was bitter sarcasm within the subtlety of your gesture.
Another man's head, adorned with a teal hat with feathers, turned towards you. Father.
“They are, clearly“. You verbally lend weight to your faux-assent as your father's stern gaze fixed on your face.
You suspected him pleased now.
However, his interest in you promptly vanished and a song of praise of someone else continued to fall from his pale lips.
Sweet, boisterous praise for your great brother, of course. 
You were sick of it but with time had begun to see it as an opportunity to reign over your own life as freely as possible.
For as long as possible.
Every eye and word was on your brother while you, the sister of the new Governor of Nassau and member of the Privy Council, were neigh invisible.
And still you could never leave the shiny prison that was the English noble society. Like living in a nightmare that had occasional sunlight in it but was full of madness anyway.
As the men's triumphant laughter echoed across the room, you pictured how Davy Jones' Locker would be a better place to bide your time.
Or maybe you should run away and live a seamstress' life. Alternatively, a barmaid.
In the corner of your vision you saw Norrington slightly leaning over to you. The new Commodore stationed in Port Royal, as he was.
“You look fabulous tonight, Miss“ he cooed, voice low.
His blue gaze rested on the glittering necklace you wore. A collective of silver, sapphires and pearls Lord Somerset had gifted you upon boarding the Dauntless.
Or perhaps Norrington's gaze laid on your cleavage but if so, he concealed it well.
He had to. Hell would come upon him.
You flashed him a polite smile and a demure “Thank you, Commodore“ before your eyes wandered off to the sea that was painted in the colors of a tropical sunset.
The windows were small but still incapable to diminish the glimmer. It went straight to your heart...
“Since you are a young woman, too-“ the man continued, hoisting a chalice to his lips. Beneath the table, your hand balled in a fist.
It did little to soothe your nerves, though.
“-I wondered whether you would think Elizabeth liked such jewelry as, um, a wedding gift?“ his smooth voice asked but the hesitant tone betrayed him.
You had long seen it in his eyes that Norrington's desires to marry Swann's daughter weren't as honest as he tried to make it seem.
Just as Elizabeth struggled to let go of the young blacksmith Will Turner she was currently trying to rescue.
Just fellow souls lost in this noble dilemma, you almost chuckled to yourself.
Luckily, you were quick enough to bridle any inner jests and looked back in Norrington's eyes.
“I’m most certain she would be delighted. However, it occurred to me that Miss Swann prefers silver to gold.“ you advised him before he got dragged back into a naval discussion with the men. 
Not even thanks were left for your input.
Once again your brother's name was thrown around like a cricket ball. 
The urge to just leave this charade of a dinner grew stronger while darkness began to fall upon the majestic Dauntless.
Candle light reflected in the men’s white and grey wigs like it would in the feathers of doltish pigeons.
Nearly scoffing, the focus of your eyes blurred.
Thoughts wandered off to the small bits of information you had grasped throughout the last two days; a business trip to Port Royal had turned into quite an amusing rescue maneuver as Norrington spotted the smoke signal Elizabeth was sending from a lonely island. 
She was brought onto the ship along with a mysterious pirate who turned out to be none other than the notorious Captain Jack Sparrow.
Lord, he seemed so different to the men you were used to. So interesting…
“Yn, the Lord's question was, would you be his companion on a visit to your brother?“ The raspy voice of your father suddenly cut through your thoughts like a sharp knife. 
You cleared your throat, hiding a muttered “god, no“ along the cough.
No, you simply couldn’t do this any longer tonight.
Tomorrow morning the misery would begin anew and the nights were too short anyway.
Dinner was over for you, you decided and shot up, heading towards the door. 
“Young Miss, where do you think you are going?“ your father called across the room, causing you to spin and face him along with everyone else seated on the grand table.
An unreadable expression settled on your face, lips moving on behalf of your temper. 
“Father, I do believe you won’t miss me much while conversing solely about my brother“. 
Norrington let out a shaky breath, his head turning to expect your father’s answer. Obviously, he was used to Elizabeth's docile manners.
The grey wig beneath Lord Sheffield's hat shifted slightly as he cocked his head.
He looked ridiculous. 
“Then go, yn. I do not have the time nor the patience for your behavior right now“ he sighed, waving his hand in an enervated gesture of dismissal “Check on Miss Swann when you pass by“.
The stingy sensation of the corset fighting your big breaths vexed you, along with your father's aloof attitude.
Nevertheless, he granted you exactly what you wanted; to leave and mind your own business.
A business that had preferably sparsely to do with these men.
“Thank you, sir. I will“ you curled your lips, forcing a hasty smile before your knees bent in a curtsy. “Lord Somerset, thank you again for the generous gift. Commodore“.
The Lord stood up with his chest puffed, trying to address you. “The pleasure is all mine, Miss Sheffield. I wish you a good-“  
But the rest of his irrelevant set-phrase was cut off by the door closing behind your back. It snapped shut with a soft rock of the Dauntless.
As if she felt sorry for you.
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Taking a big breath of the fresh sea breeze your tongue finally spoke some truth. “Damn you, Somerset“.
It felt good, even if it did little to improve your situation.
You knew you had to get away from the cabins or else your words of pent-up frustration would eventually find them.
Maybe you would find solace on the quarterdeck instead?
As you marched up the stairs with a grimace on your face from how impractical the heavy dress was, a young maid brushed past you with filled wineglasses on a silver tray. 
She smiled with respect, but could barely hide her excited look at the luxurious necklace.
Her soft lips parted when she spoke up in awe “If I may, Baron Somerset really is doting upon you, Miss“.
At her comment, the matching earrings with the similarly cut sapphires began to itch.
“So it seems“ you answered flatly, still trying your best not to let it all out on the innocent girl. 
“I happen to have overheard him talking about how beautiful your children would be“ she added with enthusiasm, unaware of your aversion to said nobleman.
You felt your gut twist and tighten at the vision alone. 
Children with this man? No.
On the brink of screaming or crying, your hand flew up to grab one of the glasses.
“Did he now?“ You hoisted it and bathed your upper lip in the sweet taste of Portuguese wine “Golden me“. 
Hearing her colleague call for her, the maid quickly curtsied and made her way down to the main cabin.
You sighed heavily, taking another sip.
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Up on the spacious quarterdeck you wasted no time, set the glass down on a random barrel and began to take off your earrings. 
They were burning on your skin now.
Anger, chagrin and despair rioted in your veins like a hurricane.
So untamed, you didn’t even notice the man at the helm observing your actions through curious eyes.
“To hell-“ you shouted, kicking your right foot so that your shoe flew overboard in a wide arc “with you, father“ the other shoe followed suit.
“And Somerset“ you tossed one earring into the black sea, holding the other one while you unhooked the expensive necklace.
You didn’t hesitate a second to proceed with this macabre yet somehow weirdly freeing act of rebellion.
With your right arm outstretched, jewelry in your hands, you stood at the ship’s railing, wind in your face.
“And to the depths with this society of hypocrites and it's stupid rules“ your now hoarse voice exclaimed bitterly before your tossing arm got stopped mid way. 
Twisting on your stocking feet, you ended up only inches away from Jack Sparrow’s face who was grinning at you with a pleased sparkle in his dark eyes.
You didn't dare to breathe, mouth agape.
He was still holding onto your arm even though you had lowered it in a mixture of shock and awe.
“Not good. Ye wouldn't wanna be doin' that, lassie“ the pirate purred, gold teeth adding to the captivating shine of his eyes.
Since the Navy took him prisoner, you had never spoken to him. Only eves-dropped when he had persuaded Norrington as if it was easy.
And now you could feel his breath fan across your face, the scent of the sea and rum intoxicating your brain.
Slowly, he unwrapped and lifted his fingers off your arm. One by one like a fan.
“Why not? You cannot stop me“ you eventually found your courage again and yanked your arm away. 
The man scrunched his brows, lips closing. The many trinkets in his dreadlocks clinked as Sparrow cocked his head.
Your eyes were slaves to his eccentric mimic for a little while before you finally got to step back.
His presence somehow calmed you down, brought your nerves to a halt. All the way to the point where you remembered your manners.
“My apologies, Mister Sparrow. I didn’t mean to-“ you began to apologize for the snappy behavior but he interjected with a finger pointing at you.
“Never be sorry for disobeying rules that aren't worth following, luv“.
Irritated by the unexpectedly wise words, you found yourself at a loss for an answer.
This man was a real pirate after all. The closest thing to an anarchical life there was. 
Your heart pumped awe through your veins that began to pacify the storm within. 
Features dropping from trained, polite distance to honest distress, your gaze darted down to the jewelry in your hand. It was worth at least as much as your entire collection of summer gowns. 
The blue stones seemed somewhat black tonight.
As grim as your future. With Somerset. Or any other noble, dim-witted aristocrat. 
The pirate just stood and watched the tragic poem being written all over your beautiful face. His silence allowed the gears in your mind to shift.
Then, you seemed put.
“What even are you doing at the helm, Sparrow?“ You asked to avoid any potential questions when you mindlessly chucked the bundle of jewelry to him.
He grinned again as an audible clink and clatter signaled you that he had caught it.
You were sure that Sparrow had a better use for it than you did. Whatever it may be.
Admittedly, you would have just thrown it overboard or locked it away in a random jewel casket for eternity.
A husky gravel met your ears when he cleared his throat after sinking the necklace deep into the inside pocket of his brown jacket.
It was as if he knew you didn't have any expectation of thanks or desire for inquiring about your deed.
“Isla de la Muerta can only be found by those who already know where it is-“.
Slow steps of heavy boots on wooden tiles neared you from your left.
“And rumors have it me, meself and I have a heading Norrington doesn’t, savvy?“ Sparrow slurred, snapping open a compass as he leaned his back against the railing next to you.
With your eyes raking over the dusk ocean, you couldn’t help but risk a peak over to his hands.
You grimaced. The compass obviously didn’t point north.
Was he tricking the Commodore?
Suddenly, Jack chuckled, clearly having seen your expression.
“Nah... tale for another night“ he simply stated closing the small, brown box again.
His intense gaze crawled all over your side profile and pinned updo. “Tell me somethin’ about ye, Missy. Plagued by those wig-suckers, eh?“ 
You gave a snort of laughter, enjoying his unfiltered way of addressing the men you were used to calling 'Lord', 'Governor' or 'Commodore'.
“You know exactly who I am. Do not call me Missy“ you snapped, biting down a playful smile no one had ever elicited as easily as the foreign pirate did.
Perhaps it should worry you but it didn’t in the slightest. 
Jack arched his figure to lean back more and study your edged expression from the front. You tried to shoot him an unfazed look but the pirate saw right through it and smiled widely. 
How he could read you so emphatically was far beyond what you were used to from men. It confused you. 
Just as it puzzled Jack that your behaviour was so devoid of any of the hospitality and judgement he had come to expect from your class.
It only drew the both of you deeper into whatever this conversation would become.
“Apologies, me bad. Miss Sheffield“ his deep voice cooed, finally cracking your surface and putting a soft blush on your cheeks.
“It never occurred to me that Pirates can be this charming“ you snickered with a hint of irony, eyes resting on Sparrow’s unique features for a moment.
His tanned skin was reflecting the flickering light of oil lamps. Sparrow was a handsome man, you realized.
Effortlessly and in tune with the ship's rocking, the man pushed off the railing to trail behind you.
“I always expected Pirates to be more- rogue, I suppose“ you mused, more to yourself.
Sparrow tsk'ed but he didn't seem hurt.
Your head cocked when you felt his hot breath close to the nape of your neck.
“A Shilling that I can alter your outlook on Pirates all by me onesies, eh?“ His comment was nonchalant and smug but in a swinging way.
This man had nerves. 
“Didn't I just give you a collier worth far more than one Shilling?“ you asked rhetorically, amplifying the perky tone.
The pirate hummed, as if contemplating. “Alright, then. Consider your debt paid“.
It was utterly refreshing to converse so freely without any rules or boundaries. You grew fond of it with every passing second. 
When Sparrow didn’t re-appear on your other side, you turned around to spot him chugging down the wine you had abandoned in your rage.
“Sorry, it’s no rum but-“
“-good. That’s good“ he complimented the red liquid, analyzing the ornate chalice through narrowed eyes before he sat it back down.
Carefully, with his pinky stretched out with decorum.
You caught yourself giggling but promptly covered your mouth with a palm. Habits. 
“So, Miss Sheffield...“ the pirate urged you, swaggering closer until he stood by your side again. His elbows were quickly propped on the reddish railing.
“Pray tell“.
You sighed. However, the will to empty your heart was unbreakable. 
It was easier when your gaze found shelter in the darkness of the Caribbean night but Sparrow’s stare lingered on you nonetheless. 
“I- I feel like- No, I am trapped. Trapped in a golden cage with only dull bumbles who want to possess women of standing as if they were accessories for their prevalence-striven plans“ you began to complain, your words gaining speed and intensity throughout the sentence. 
Honest pity flashed behind the pirate's charcoal outlined eyes.
The man had never thought he was capable of pitying those who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths.
And still, there he stood, stricken by the pain in your melodic voice.
You gasped for air, your mind wanting to go on but your throat began to burn on the verge of crying.
“I must behave according to the rules of society, no matter what it is I truly desire. All the poisoned praise goes to my brother while I am only of importance when the subject of my marriage is discussed“.
“Ye brother be the new Governor of Nassau?“ Sparrow eventually asked, his gaze sliding down to where your nails were nervously scratching lines into the wooden railing.
You couldn’t help but scoff in annoyance of his title. “Yes, that be him“. 
The man next to you shrugged his shoulders, the trinkets and charms once again clinking. You would love to find out where he got each of them from.
“I could, in fact, sack Nassau port for ye as soon as I rip me Pearl from Barbossa’s slimy, old hands“ a tad of disgust infused his bold words at the foreign name.
“Jus' a humble offer. What ye say, lassie?“. 
Sparrow was trying to cheer you up.
A small smile began to reign over your lips again, toes curling. “That would only get you killed, fierce pirate“ you noted, trying to sound as judicious and rational as possible.
Instead, he grinned even broader and spread his arms in an eccentric, self-presenting pose. “I’m Captain Jack Sparrow, luv“ he declared as if it was self-explanatory.
For the first time in a while the sea breeze caught and carried your sincere laughter.
Sparrow’s braided goatee twitched as he found himself biting his lip at the pretty sound and look.
You were a stunning woman in noble clothes with noble blood in your veins but with a spirit as wild and ravenous as his own.
You enthralled him.
“Bring this to my daughter. She shall eat, at least. The Commodore risks too much by rescuing young Turner, he cannot afford to see his fiancé unwell“ Governor Swann’s order suddenly boomed across the main deck, followed by hasty steps of a maid.
Instinctively, Sparrow snaked his hand around your shoulder, across your chest and pulled you back with him.
Out of sight.
His rough hand on your mouth muffled a shrill cry just enough. 
“They thinkin’ yer asleep, eh, Miss Sheffield?“ His voice was lowered, almost just a husk and yet it was filled with this mischievous, flirtatious tone.
God, this man sent shivers down your spine like no other. 
But he was still a lawless pirate.
A prisoner, even.
Suddenly, whyever, the gravity of your situation and the futility of tonight's zeal made you feel how cold and wet the floor was without shoes.
Brown dreadlocks pressed against the back of your head irrevocably disheveled your updo. 
“Asleep, as I should be...“ you muttered, infused with a hint of re-surfacing anger and despair.
You wriggled yourself out of his protective grasp. The pirate's brow was raised, eyes narrowed on your face.
There was a haze of danger and waywardness about Jack Sparrow that made you question your own courage and spirit. 
“Why did I even tell you all that in the first place?“ you exclaimed, hands thrown up. Slowly stepping away from him, you felt all the emotions crushing your mind.
“You most likely do not care, neither do I profit by wailing. It doesn’t bear contemplating...“.
Sparrow wrapped his right hand back around the handle of the helm, looking rather unfazed by the confusion that was spreading in your system like the Portuguese wine in his own. 
Heavy silence and the occasional laughter from the men in the Captain’s cabin mingled with the soft splash of sea water. 
Your feelings were now as erratic as the rhythm of the crashing waves.
“Look 'ere, luv“.
Your gaze was just about to turn from pleading to the usual bored emptiness as you saw his free hand wander down to his leather belt.
A smirk adorned his bearded face when skilled fingers rapidly detached the compass and threw it over to you.
Stumbling slightly as the ship rocked, you caught the brown box before it could hit the ground.
You heard Sparrow mutter a muted “Thank god“ that made you want to snap at him but the gesture was too interesting not to query.
Why would he think you needed a compass?
Fluster painted your features when you met his weirdly satisfied expression.
“Aren’t you Captain Jack Sparrow? Don’t you need a compass for... that?“ You asked with less challenge in your tone than initially planned.
He chuckled beautifully, shaking his head with eyes closed.
“What?“ You probed when his dark gaze began to rise up from the floor, along your figure.
“I may be without me compass but not without heading and a plan“ the pirate finally explained, taking another step closer to the helm “You, contrastingly and tragically, lack both“. 
Your arms came up and crossed defensively in front of your chest.
But his words and the tight corset made you drop them again rather quickly. 
He was right. You had been lamenting about your situation barely three minutes ago.
“So? What exactly is your compass going to change about that, Sparrow?“.
You peered down at the inconspicuous looking box.
“Everythin'.“ Sparrow stated with a touch of mystery. “Listen what ye heart wants and the compass is gonna give ye a heading, savvy?“.
A big part of you wanted to believe what this infuriatingly interesting man promised while another voice was whispering to you how it was literal magic he was implying.
With a hesitant gesture of offering it back to him, you hoped to find out which voice to listen to.
“But you would want it back, right? It is yours after all“ you commented your action with genuine concern and a small smile.
Plus, the fear that Norrington would kill Jack if he couldn’t find the Isla without his compass. 
Captured by the pirate for one last time, you watched his gold teeth flash in a wide grin, his tattooed hand spreading on his chest as a sign of integrity.
He was being honest, you felt it.
“I will be gettin’ it back, luv. Don't ye worry“. 
Before you creeped down the stairs and eventually headed for your cabin to ponder on your heart's desires, the last you saw of Captain Jack Sparrow was a charming wink. 
The last for now, at least.
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♡ thank you so much for reading my very first POTC fic ever ♡
𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐮𝐩 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐲𝐨 𝐡𝐨
@mochie85 @holdmytesseract @socksracoon10 @goldencherriess @chronicallybubbly @kcd15 @always-on-hiatus
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ warnings: pillaging, drinking, guns, overall piratey things
↳ song: september (instrumental)—sparky deathcap
• So much running
• Running along ships, running to catch ships, running for your life—
• Mostly that last one if you were being honest
• The both of you had been running side by side for as long as either of you could remember
• You had met Jack many moons ago when you had been nothing but a dishwasher at a bar in Tortuga—mopping floors and blood up with no purpose in life. No direction whatsoever
• He changed that
• Ever since that night, the two of you chatting it up at a bar over one too many bottles of rum, nothing had been able to separate you
• Not even Davy Jones's locker
• In his absence, as you called it (you refused to believe Jack could be gone forever), you had been the one working tirelessly to retrieve the chart to the other side. The one to take charge of what was left of The Pearl's crew. And most certainly the one who missed him the most, although you preferred not to let anyone in on that last bit
• When you finally laid eyes upon him against the sandy shores of every pirates worst life after death, you couldn't stop yourself from throwing yourself at him with joy
• He was just as happy to see you
• "And you're sure they're not courting each other Gibbs?" William Turner had asked at the time, his brows furrowing as he watched Jack embrace you.
• "Aye." The first mate had nodded in Williams' direction as the two of them watched the pirates, both talking too fast for anyone to keep up with. Not like anyone was ever able to understand them anyway. "Well, not yet at least."
• The upside to coming along the journey to Davy Jones locker was that you got to see Jack again
• The downside was that you almost killed Elizabeth when he revealed she had been the reason for his death
• It took both Tia Dalma and Ragetti to calm you down after that
• "Pull anything like that again blondie—" Your sword was centimeters away from slicing into her neck as you glared at her, gaze filled with fire, "—and I will see to it myself that you stay here and take his place instead."
• "Oooh, I've definitely missed you, love." Jack grinned, twirling a peice of his hair around his finger as he watched you threaten her on his behalf
• "Be quiet, Jack. I'm trying to put the fear of Calypso in her."
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lesbianjackies · 1 year
🍾jack sparrow masterlist🍾
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key: ❤︎︎ - fluff, ☁︎︎ - angst, ★ - smut
coming soon!
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I made another Tumblr page if you wanna follow. It's @captainjacksparrowfanpage. I will be writing some Jack x y/n incorrect quotes. I will be posting later on.
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imagines--galore · 11 months
Since you're asking for prompts,I was envisioning Will confessing to the reader in the same way George confessed to Charlotte in Queen Charlotte (the "my heart calls your name" confession) and thought it would suit Will really well!! Like maybe reader puts herself in danger by trying to save Will or something idk
Pairing: Will Turner x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. None. A/N: I just ADORE Will Turner so much :3 and I love Charlotte the series as well so this was the PERFECT blend! Sorry for any mistakes folks! Also If you read this please please tell me what you think!!!
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Your head was pounding. And not from drinking too much ale. You were sure of it.
Blinking your eyes, you were met with an unfamiliar ceiling. Normally you would wake in a hammock onboard the Black Pearl, with the gentle sway of the ship welcoming you to another day.
But everything was steady and there was no creaking or moaning of the ship as it sailed.
Your eyes blinked once more, to clear them from any remaining sleep. Slowly your brain began to recall the last thing you remembered.
Davy Jone's crew.
A fight on an island.
Fleeing to the Black Pearl.
The Kraken attacking the ship.
The entire crew fighting valiantly to save themselves and their ship.
Huge tentacles rising from the mysterious depths of the waters you had traveled for so long.
Ready to kill.
To drag someone to a watery grave.
To drag Will to his doom.
You sat up with a loud gasp, eyes frantically darting from one end of the unfamiliar room to the other before finally landing on a familiar figure that had only just stepped into the room.
Will Turner stood at the threshold, holding a bowl of what could only be food. The scent of it wafted through the air and your stomach grumbled in protest at being denied nourishment.
Yet you could not move. Could only stare at the man as he stood before you.
"I see I managed to save you then." You finally said, feeling a little uncomfortable under his gaze. He was looking at you as if you were the very moon that hung in the sky. Which was utterly ridiculous because that was how he saw Elizabeth.
"And that we managed to escape in one piece." You raised a hand to your head, only to be greeted by a bandage wrapped around the entirety of it. A slight twinge of pain against your left temple made you aware of where exactly your injury was. "So, what did I miss? After I passed out?"
Whatever emotional turmoil Will had been battling he pushed it aside in favor of walking forward and handing the bowl to you. As you began to spoon the watery broth to your mouth, he pulled up a chair to sit beside your bed.
"After you passed out, we all piled into the lifeboats. I managed to haul you in as well." He paused almost looking at you expectantly. You raised an eyebrow at him. "And you expect me to thank you for saving me?" You asked in a dry tone, to which he rolled his eyes before continuing.
"Elizabeth was the last of us to get on. But Jack.........Jack stayed. To act as diversion for the kraken."
Your eyes widened and you dropped your spoon into your nearly empty bowl. "He...what?" You whispered, sounding just as in disbelief as you felt. Sorrow passed over Will's feature as he nodded gravely. "Jack's dead, Y/n." He confirmed, to which you took a shuddering breath and closed your eyes, before slowly falling back against the wall behind you.
The both of you sat in silence, with Will reaching out to gently and almost hesitantly placing a hand on top of yours as a sign of comfort. "I'm sorry, y/n. I knew you were close." Tears pricked your eyes but you didn't let them fall. Though you did give a small nod. "As close as a person can be with someone who took them under their protection."
That had been the extent of your relationship with Jack. Your families were old friends, and even related by blood somewhere down the line. And when you had decided to travel the seas as a pirate, Jack had been the one who agreed to let you sail with him. Not many pirates were happy having a female presence onboard, but you had proved yourself enough times that it no longer bothered them.
You had been with Jack through thick and thin. Through fire and water. You had been the only one on his side, along with Gibbs, when Barbossa had mutinied against him.
If it weren't for Jack, you wouldn't have realized your dream of becoming a pirate. And if it hadn't been for Jack, you would never have met Will Turner.
When you had first met Will, him and Jack had just arrived at Tortuga to look for a ship to go after Will's beloved Elizabeth. You had been slightly mistrustful towards him at first, and also a little jealous since Jack seemed to be spending all his time with him. But given how easily Will had befriended the rest of the crew, despite his own mistrust of pirates, you had taken to forming an unlikely acquaintanceship.
You were the best swords woman of your age, and it showed when you would take to the deck and practice every single day.
Then one day, your sword clashed with Will's.
Your eyes met over the joined blades, gauging the silent question in his. A smirk was your response before you stepped to the side and raised your sword in response.
And so a battle of wits and skill began.
Your swords clashed, your feet danced, your gazes never wavered and neither did your determination.
The entire deck was your practice ground, and the rest of the crew had gotten well out of the way when they had seen the both of you begin to duel. The both of you used every prop to gain the upper hand. But never once did either of you try a dirty trick. And while there had been a sense of pride behind each fell of your swords, slowly they began to grow playful. As did your words.
Back and forth, back and forth. With your swords and with your teasing insults and quips. Smiled full of passion and energy playing about your lips as you both danced to a tune only you could here.
It finally stopped when Jack called out to you. Neither of you yielded, or allowed the other to gain the upper hand. So, with sweat lining your brows and barely able to get a word out with how you both panted for breath, you were only able to smile at one another and say.
"To be continued good sir?" You had said in a slightly mocking yet playful tone to which he had grinned and given you a little bow before speaking.
"As the lady wishes."
But you never did pick back up on the match.
Instead the both of you would simply find each other and talk. He spoke of his life growing up as an orphan, with no money and no family. You had spoken of your own struggles, and slowly, without you realizing, in the weeks that it took you to finally catch up to the Black Pearl, you were made aware of your true feelings for Will.
You would watch him as he interacted with the rest of the crew, and on more then one occasion Jack had caught you simply smiling at him. He had tried to discourage you, telling you of who Will really loved and how nothing could be done about it.
Especially not when he was in love with Elizabeth.
You knew of the consequences, but you simply enjoyed his company too much to just stop spending time with him. And while you knew you were setting yourself up for a lot of heartache, it didn't stop you from forming a companionship with Will.
Although that too came to an abrupt and almost cruel end.
To cut a long story short, Elizabeth was rescued and Barbossa was defeated. Jack had his ship and his crew.
And Will returned home to marry Elizabeth.
Whatever friendship had been blossoming between the both of you had fizzled out the moment Elizabeth had been rescued. And though you knew you were setting yourself up for heartbreak, you did not comprehend just how much it would hurt. How his lack of presence would effect you. He hadn't even offered a proper goodbye when he had left. You had thought that perhaps as a friend he would do you the courtesy, but it was not so.
He never looked back at you.
Not once.
And so you decided to put him out of your mind. But never your heart. You couldn't put him out of your heart and it only made you miss him more.
So when he returned, this time for the purpose of saving Elizabeth once more, you were cold towards him. Cold and distant, even when he had approached you to speak with you. Your heart had cursed you for not speaking with him, but you were still too hurt over his dismissal of you the last time that you had no desire to forgive him.
All that vanished though, when Davy Jones appeared and agreed to take Will aboard the Flying Dutchman. You knew it was Jack's doing, that he had a plan in place, but that didn't stop you from stepping forward and volunteering to go along with him.
Out of love? Out of desperation? Out of your compulsion to protect the people you cared about? You did not know.
Jack had tried to protest, but Davy Jones accepted.
And so you found yourself standing beside Will, watching as the Black Pearl sailed away, leaving you onboard a ship of dangerous pirates, and a man who did not know how much you loved him.
At every turn, you tried your best to help him. You had learned long ago when to keep your head down and simply follow orders. Will was not a pirate. He picked up every chance he could to fight back. And when he discovered his father was one of the crew members, you had comforted him. And when he had been punished for his mistake with lashings, you had been the one to tend to him, cleaning his wounds and wiping away the blood. You had held his hand as he twitched from the pain, had stroked his hair when he needed a comforting touch.
Your mind screamed at you, at how you were setting yourself for heartbreak once more. But your heart rejoiced. You knew he was doing whatever he was to help Elizabeth, to save her, but you couldn't help it. All those feelings you had buried came rushing back to the top.
Your escape from the Flying Dutchman as well as the Kraken was pure luck. However, by your second encounter with the Kraken, when it came after Jack, your luck had run out.
You had been trying your best to avoid the lashing tentacles, as they grabbed man after man and threw them into the sea. You had successfully avoided capture, but only barely. Your eyes had frantically searched the deck, looking for a way to avoid yet another tentacle when you had spotted Will.
With a tentacle gliding his way to swipe him off his feet and into the water below.
You had screamed his name, had felt yourself leap into action. You ran, throwing yourself forward to push him out of the way. And you succeeded. Only for the tentacle, meant for Will, to hit your body with a force that had your teeth rattling and for you to go flying.
A flash of pain was all you felt at the side of your head. A voice calling out your name in utter alarm and despair was all you remembered.
And then darkness.
Presently, you blinked away your tears as you set aside the bowl and looked around. It was the first time that you noticed you were in some sort of bed built into the wooden walls. The air smelled heavy and musty. Familiar even.
"Are we at Tia Delma's hideout?" You asked, to which you received a nod in response. "How many of us survived?" Will pursed his lips at her question, and you knew the answer could not be good. "Only a few. Gibbs made it. As did the both of us. And Elizabeth." Of course she did, you thought to yourself.
Wanting to change the subject you raised a hand to your head to press your fingers tenderly against your covered temple. "How long have I been asleep?" The thinning of Will's lips told you just how displeased he was with the answer he gave. "Three days. You were barely alive when we reached Tia Delma. She took one look at you and took you to this room. Working on you for hours before finally letting me in to see you." He admitted, sounding almost angry at the woman.
"Remind me to thank her later." You said with a small smile, as you leaned your head back against the wall and sighed. Your hand came up to fiddle with the skull and cross gold necklace that rested at your throat. "I can't believe he's gone." You whispered, feeling the loss of your friend deeply.
"Elizabeth is in pieces because of it."
You blinked. "Why would she be in pieces over Jack's death?" You asked. You had suspicions that the girl never really liked Jack. There was always some sort tension between the both of them.
"Because she loved him."
Will's words had you blinking in utter surprise.
He frowned at the confusion on your face. "I thought you knew?" You rolled your eyes. "Oh yes Will, Elizabeth and I sit together for tea and gossip about our love lives." The statement did make him crack a little smile before he continued.
"Well now you know. Elizabeth loved Jack."
"But I thought you loved her. Weren't you going to marry her?" You asked, allowing your curiosity to show. With all that had happened, neither of you had been able to properly sit and speak. Not when your lives had been in constant danger by either cannibals, or mad pirates or mythical creatures or the Company.
So many people were out to kill all of you.
"I was. I thought I loved her. But I realized, when we got back home, that it was nothing but infatuation. She was the one who rescued me when I was found adrift. And we grew up together. So, I allowed my boyhood feelings to grow into something that was never meant to be." He paused for a moment. "Those feelings are all gone now. And I was glad she found someone to love. For a little while." He added sadly, glancing in the direction the door where Elizabeth was probably sitting beyond. You did too, almost expecting Jack to come swaggering in with his usual land-legs and a bottle of ale in his hand.
"I never expected Jack of all people to die. He seemed almost immortal." You admitted.
"Well he proved he was a mortal man and met his doom. And you would've followed him too, if Tia Delma hadn't been here." You glanced at him curiously, not understanding the tone of his voice. He was glaring at you, his eyes almost stormy. "How could you be so reckless? What you did was extremely dangerous, even for you Y/n."
"You mean saving your life?" A frown creased your brow. "I did what I did to save you Will. And if that is a crime then take me to the brig." You snapped with a roll of your eyes. "And aren't people usually grateful to those who save them?"
He glared at you. "Not at the expense of their own life. The Company is taking over the seas, we need every good pirate we can get."
Anger coursed through your veins. "Oh so thats why you were worried about me? Because you didn't want to loose a good pirate. Its all about strategy with you isn't it?" All your past hurt and heartache was beginning to simmer under the surface, and if you weren't careful you would probably say something you would regret. But you didn't care.
His nostrils flared. "How could you think its simply because of that? Do you truly believe I am that shallow?" He spoke angrily to which you gave a mocking nod. "Of course I do. I mean why else would you ignore me once you gained my friendship?"
"I never-"
But you cut him off. "I thought we were friends Will. But the moment you rescued Elizabeth you ignored me as if you never knew me. As if we didn't spend weeks in each other's company. And then you came back, and I was there with you on the Dutchman, but as soon as you saw Elizabeth, once more you pushed me aside. I am not something you can use whenever you desire before putting it aside to gather dust. And even when I save your life, when I rescue you, you say such things to me?" Your voice had slowly started to rise in octave with each passing word. It was a good thing no one was within earshot to hear you.
Will looked angry with every word that came out of your mouth. "You put yourself in grave danger, Y/n. You always have no regard for your own life or your own safety and it worries me."
"And why should that bother you? Or even worry you for that matter. What am I to you?"
"I only wish to help you Y/n. To protect you-" He reached out with his hand almost as if he were about to touch you but stopped.
You turned your head away. "I did not ask for your protection Will, I do not need it. Why would you wish to protect me?"
"Because-" But you didn't allow him to finish.
"Is it because you think of me as some damsel in distress?" He shook his head.
"No Y/n-" Once again he was interrupted from saying his piece.
"Or you do not believe me to be capable of doing anything."
His voice was almost pleading, imploring you to listen to him. "Y/n-"
But you barely heard him, allowing your hurt and pain to blind you as you spoke. "Why? Why do you wish to protect me so?"
"Because I love you!"
His deceleration came out in a shout. One that echoed in your ears and had your mouth parting in utter surprise, while you stared at him in utter disbelief.
For his part, Will had stood from his chair, hands buried in his hair as he began to pace the length of the small room, still speaking in an almost frenzied and desperate manner.
"From the mo-" His voice broke as he met your gaze. "From the moment I saw you." Suddenly he was sitting in front of you on the bed, clutching at your hand in an almost desperate manner as he continued. "I have loved you from the very second I saw you." His words washed over you like a warm ocean breeze.
"I love you desperately Y/n." His voice was trembling, every word sounding almost broken as he spoke. "My heart calls your name. And I cannot loose you. I cannot." With each word his hands raised to cup your face, only to bring you forward and press your lips to his in a desperate kiss.
And you returned it.
You felt your heart heal and break at the same time as he brushed a hand against your bandages. Pulling back from the kiss, he rested his forehead against your own. "I cannot do this without you, Y/n." He admitted to which you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and embraced him with all your strength, hoping to pour all of your love for him in that one simple gesture. "I suppose it is a good thing I love you as well then." You whispered against his neck, to which he let out a small slightly tearful laugh. "I am aware of that. Given how you whispered it to me when you were slipping in and out of consciousness."
You pulled back, staring at wide eyed at his grinning face. "What?!"
“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” He gently brushed his knuckles against your cheek, a gesture that made you blush. Your hand lifted to trace along the side of his face, enjoying how he closed his eyes, as if to savour your touch.
“I will never leave you Will. Just as long as you promise to never leave me.” You said, still stroking his face.
He nodded in response. “I promise.” His hand found the back of your head, urging you forward to close the remaining distance between the both of you.
This time the kiss lasted longer then just a few seconds.
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funnyexel · 3 months
Short Stories
A little cuddle session (Gender/Sexuality Friendly)
Potential Yandere x Abused Fem!Reader
Quiet Tsundere x Reader
Yandere Villian x Identified Female Reader 
I’ve Missed You Beloved (Jack Sparrow x Gender Neutral Reader)
Newt Scamander x Black Female Reader (Oneshot)
Afraid of My Words (Request : Billy Loomis x Black Female Reader)
Give Yourself To Me (August Walker x Black Female Reader)
Second Chance (Gally x Black Female Reader)
Lets Play a Game (Albert Shaw x Black Female Reader)
A Routine (Brahms x Black Female Reader)
Yandere Blurbs
he's obsessed (yandere blurb)
loves you. hates them. (yandere blurb)
a thrill ride of obsession (yandere blurb)
its the stalker (yandere blurb)
missing items (yandere blurb)
what if your stalker loses the remaining piece of human decency he has left (yandere blurb)
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myanmy · 2 months
Unrequired feelings
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Summary: You fell for Jack and you thought he liked you too, only to be proven the contary.
Word count: 1720
Warnings: cheating? But not cheating because they weren't together. (as you can see I'm very good with warnings)
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Your relationship with Jack had always been weird. In the beginning it was because you were a woman and he wasn’t used to having that just yet on his ship, but he felt obligated to help you, since he was partially the reason the house you worked so hard on building burned to the ground. You were rightfully mad and against all your survival instincts, went to have a talk with the famous Captain Jack Sparrow himself and let him hear a piece of your mind. When you somehow manage to find his ship the men on his crew refused to tell you where the goddamned pirate was, but you had previously heard a lot of stories about him and the most famous one was that he was a drunk who spent the majority of his money and time on rum and women. Luckily the rumors had been right and you found him in the second pub you search, mentally you ask yourself how the hell the hundreds of people searching for him didn’t already have him locked up, the man was as obvious as a rock. You ordered him to repay the damages for your house and he obviously didn’t have that amount of money on him, so instead he offered you a deal and now you are sure you weren’t in your right state of mind, because you had accepted. 
Eventually your relationship had gotten better, the nasty looks you gave him stopped and you had even grown to like the dumb and yet so lucky bastard. Your relationship with the crew had also grown immensely, at first they seemed skeptical and even disappointed in their captain for bringing a woman on deck, but with time some just learned to accept you while the majority had become your friends and at some point you had began to see them as a family, a family that supported each other, saved each other asses while also annoying the shit out of you.
Your interactions with Jack had become strange to say the least, you would spend the whole night on the deck while drinking rum, him managing to drown a whole lot more than you, but still. You would talk for hours and hours and when there was nothing else to talk about, you would stare at the sky, laying on the wood floor of the ship while lost in your own separate thoughts, the silence always comforting and never awkward. That was until the next morning, where Jack would avoid you at all costs, when you asked a question he would answer with short answers and didn’t even bother looking at you, when he felt hungry and was planning to get something to eat, he wouldn't call you to eat with him as usual. The urge to punch his beautiful face was always huge, but you also wanted to understand what was going on with him. How can someone be talking all night about their life stories and the next day just act like you are a complete burden? 
Then Elizabeth Swann came, you didn’t hate the girl, god knows she’s in a worst situation that you are, however you didn’t like the fact that now Jack had all the time in the world for this girl he just met. It was one of those nights, where the sea was quiet and for some reason sleep just didn’t seem to be your friend today, so you grab a robe beside the bed and wrap it around yourself. Jack had stolen the robe from a rich old woman’s house and gifted it to you, saying he thought of you as soon as he saw it. The rich fabric felt like clouds in your skin, making you warmer against the cold that was surely out on the deck. You make your steps as light as possible, aware that the wood creaked with the smallest of movements. You open the door to the main deck, only to hear voices on the quarter deck above you, two voices to be precise. One you had learned to like quite a lot, the other you were just growing accustomed to. You hear Jack telling Elizabeth one of his unbelievable stories he had told you, followed by her laughing and adding a few questions, only for him to answer them quite excitedly, just like he had done with you.
You feel a weird thing in your heart, the feeling traveling up to your throat and you felt like you were back to when you were a little child, holding the tears in while telling yourself how stupid you are and how you’re over exaggerating it. You stay there for a few more minutes, your body and mind telling you to stop and listen, maybe he would leave some details out while telling that story to her, maybe he wouldn't tell her the most sensitive topics he had told you, because he had said that he hadn’t told that story to anyone else and had only told you because he trusted you, right? Right?
You stayed long enough to figure he wasn’t leaving any part out and slowly closed the door, hoping they wouldn’t notice the sound of it closing. Luckily because you were a girl, the crew had agreed that it was better if you had a little place for yourself and didn’t sleep in the hammocks between the men, you thought they were being mean and just didn’t want to be close to you, however now you were totally glad they did it. You weren’t sure if they had done it because they just didn’t like you back then or simply wanted you to be comfortable and in the process make themselves comfortable, that didn’t matter now, but you sure were glad and thankful that you had your own small tiny room for yourself. You laid on the bed and let the tears fall slowly, telling yourself that it was okay to over exaggerate while you were alone. In the morning when you wake up you can go back to the non feeling and definitely not a sad person that had lost one of the most precious friends they had.
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The next weeks kept going on like this, some nights you would awake late at night and open the door to the main deck slightly, hoping there would be no voices and while sometimes there weren’t, most did and you would go back to your room, each night crying a little less.
“What’s goin’ on lass?” Gibbs asks while you try to tie some knots to keep everything in place.
“Nothing.” You answer, swiping the sleeve of your shirt on your forehead.
“There’s definitely somethin’. You aren’t even looking at him with the angry stare.” He adds.
You sigh, talking about your feelings were not something you were good at, especially when you yourself wasn’t sure what exactly you were feeling. “It’s nothing Gibbs.” You feel his eyes on you for a few more seconds, making it obvious he didn’t believe you, but eventually gave up and walked away.
That night you couldn’t even close your eyes properly and decide to try the deck, praying to whatever god was listening that they weren’t there. When you open the door the slightest bit and don’t listen to their voices, you almost let out a long breath, only when you open the door a bit more and look up, you see them…kissing. One of his hands is around her waist while the other is on the back of her head and her arms are around his neck, their lips meeting in a hungry kiss. You normally would manage the tears until you were back in your room, this time however they flowed as you watched, watched as she had everything you wanted. When you come back to your senses, you simply turn around, not caring about the open door, a clear sign that someone had been there, though you were sure they wouldn’t figure it was you.
You always knew Jack had his affairs, I mean, he was Jack Sparrow. His life involved around rum, the sea and women, but for some reason this one felt different and it hurt, it hurt so much. You didn’t want to admit it, but you had fallen for the pirate, even with you knowing it wasn't a good idea falling for a pirate, especially one with so much of a reputation. 
That night you spend crying and writing letters to your closest friends, Gibbs and some men in the crew you had befriended. You tried writing a letter for Jack, only to write his name and not a word surging in your mind after, so after hundreds of tries you give up and throw all the wasted paper on the trash. Tomorrow the ship would stop in Tortuga and you would wait until everyone got off before you put all the letters in the specific hammocks and then…you would leave. Leave this life behind, leave all the running and stealing, but mainly, you would leave him.
A short time after the sun had risen, the ship stopped in the port. Your hands were sweaty, your breath was short, and your pulse was pounding in your ears. You were nervous, and there was no way around it. This was a big moment, something you had been dreading for hours and now that it was here, all you could do was try to keep your head on straight. Your nerves were frayed, but you were going to do this, one way or another. 
After all you could hear were voices from outside the ship, the soft wind and the calm waves is when you start doing everything you had planned. You place the letters, each one gaining a tear dropping from your eyes, then you grab the essential things you had already placed in a bag. You take one last look around, flashes of good memories appearing everywhere you look, but unfortunately memories aren't enough to keep you here. You step out of the ship, knowing this was the last time you would ever be seeing it and as childish as it sounds, you mentally say goodbye, goodbye to everyone and to everything involving pirates, but more specifically Captain Jack Sparrow.
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I'm writting new characters yay. Don't worry, I'll still write for Rick, trust me when I say that my crushes always stay the same, so at some point I'll write for him again. I've noticed that there isn't a lot of Jack Sparrow fanfics out here and it's so sad, I mean, it's Johnny Depp, have writers really not seen him as Jack? Anyways, so I thought I'd give it a try. Hope you guys enjoy it. 💟
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savvythepirate · 1 year
The girl of my dreams
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Pairing: Jack Sparrow x reader
Warnings: None
Requested by: @ro-annah-blog
The Request:
Hi!! I was wondering if I could request something, where Jack proposes to reader (fem/GN) after they tease him for years about how he'd never do it, lol.
You trusted Jack Sparrow with your life, for as long you’ve known him, you had no reason not trust that he wouldn’t let anything happen, that my bring forth harm unto you.
Throughout the years of friendship, you had found had found yourself falling for him, and Jack Sparrow had fallen for you as well, but you didn’t know know or understand how someone like that man, or any man for that matter, would even be interested in you. The only siblings you grew up with were three sisters and the only thing you seem to have your doubts in finding Mr. right.
The doubt grew as you had to watch one by one of your three sisters getting sent off for marriage while you remained single. All of them getting married is what made it difficult to keep your hope alive that one day in fact, find the one you’re meant to be with. You just don’t know when, how long the wait, but you were doing your best to keep your belief alive that one day, it will happen while others were telling you otherwise, refusing to believe those who doubt you more than you doubt yourself. Brushing it off and moving ahead wasn’t easy, but than again, life was never meant to be easy, as much as you’d like. Once you started to spend any free time with Jack Sparrow, suspicious minds arose that there might be something there between you that’s much more than friendship.
Rumors spread around the Black Pearl, but you both avoided those rumors. The rumors started when Gibbs caught on sight of you and Jack Sparrow holding hands while walking up to the top deck as you wanted to watch the sun over the horizon of the ocean. The sight never failed to be truly breathtaking, truly a magnificent award as if you’ve won first place noble prize. Not only was the sunset breathtaking, but it was a magnificent view, meaning it’s now an image you will not be able to erase from your mind. While you sunk into the beautiful sight, you suddenly felt Jack inch closer to you before realizing he was slowly wrapping an arm around you carefully yet, gently and pulled you in closer to him. Jack does his best to make it impossible for you to even try to escape his hold, but who says you would?
The only escape route you could take now was is if he let go. In the meantime, you begin to realize that your fate rested with this man and you couldn’t think of anyone who’d you want to spend the rest of your life with.
Unbeknownst to you, Jack felt the same and when he would deny the thought, you started teasing him about never being man enough to propose marriage to the girl of his dreams. Yo were the girl of his dreams, and seemingly got a hold of an engagement ring while you were not around, he kept it very secretive and told no one, not even Gibbs. As difficult as it was for him to keep a secret about it, it was all worth it in the end when he actually did proper to you unexpectedly. It was just the two of you alone as he did this, and the both of you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. A short while back, you were continuing to tease him about how he’d never be able to do it and this went on for a few years.
It wasn’t just the fact Jack Sparrow was in love with you as to why he proposed, it was the fact that he didn’t want to see you ending up with someone else when you should be with him instead. Jack had carried the ring in his coat pocket for about six weeks now, trying to muster up the courage to just do it. As he kept the ring hidden from view, Jack intended on keeping it a surprise just so the message could get through your head just of how serious he was about spending his lifetime with you. Jack decided that that the next time you go on to tease him about it again, he would pull the ring out and propose. When the day had come at last, your first reaction was hot tears rolling down your cheeks with your mouth open agape as you stared at the ring he was holding out for you.
After staring at it for longer then you meant to, Jack was beginning to feel rejected, that this was a rejection of his proposal. But that idea was immediately gone when you reached your hand out towards him, allowing him to slip the ring on your finger. Once that ring was on you, you both sealed it with a kiss, with just the two of you still alone. You don’t recall on feeling such joy in your life as the joy you were experiencing in this moment in time. All you could say to describe it, the moment as nothing but a magical moment. This moment was the moment you’ve been dreaming for your lifetime, since you were a small child and now it was finally coming true, finally happening.
Here you are, you now made a commitment to spend the rest of your life with the man you’ve grown to love and care for deeply. You were about to marry the man you love more than anyone else in the world.
You were now not only a married woman, you were now a wife.
The wife of Jack Sparrow.
Requests: OPEN
Tags: @princessofthornsandroses @justafairytailofinnocence @marsswann @friendlynova @always-on-hiatus @royisrandom @imalittleoutthere
• Jack Sparrow
• Davy Jones
• Hector Barbossa
• Will Turner
NOTE: If you’d like to be part of my tags list, feel free to let me know and I’ll tag you! (:
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raidenbuddha · 1 year
James norrington x reader
sex with the commodore
It has been around two weeks after mine and Mr James norrington wedding, making me a Norrington! . The wedding ceremony was small with a blue theme to match my dress and his custom tailored commodore suit.
The guest list included some town folk as painters and caterers, his mother, and of course my best friends William and Elizabeth turner for I had been pirating with them for years now. Luckily but unsurprisingly my older brother Captain jack sparrow and my father Blackbeard walked me down the aisle, and after our vows jack left on his ship with the crew I’d known for so long because they were being chased by the French. “Goodbye love, and treat my sister well commodore, or else I will hunt you down like you've done me. This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.”
and with that he swung off on a rope much like my father who after congratulating me and giving a “talk” to James, vanished into thin air.. it’s really his thing. Everything was going great but I felt some tension between us. Sexual tension.
After the commodore comes home-James you’re home! How was your day?” “Better now that I’ve Seen you Mrs y/n norrington. I’ll never get over that. How did I bag someone like you? and to think a pirate!” “The feeling is mutual james. I truly love you Mr commodore, and ‘to think you chased me as much as I chased you.
A high class man head over heels .” He chuckled and replied “Love you to y/n,” and engulfed me in a kiss. I decided to make my move later in the night and ask if he wanted tea and bread with butter with me. He obviously obliged my homemade bread. I had rum secretly and he noticed as when I set down my tea cup he inspected it.
“What is this dear?” “Nothing… fine. Well old habits die hard ok? He granted me a smile and said “that’s quite all right. I know just the feeling.” In the bed- “James honey?” “Yes y/n?” “I’ve been noticing some tension between us… I hope to fix it..” “ I know exactly what you’re talking about.” I suddenly blurted out “I’m a virgin!” James got extremely close to my ear, so close I could feel his breath which sent a tingle in my body and said “Looks like I get to be the first dear.. To make you mine and only mine.”
He got on top of me and cupped my cheek softly with his hand and looked seemed to look at me with lust in his eyes. As he engulfed us in a fiery passionate kiss I couldn’t help melted under his touch. “God y/n you taste like rum and flowers. What an odd yet compelling mix.”
James whispered. I placed my hands on the back of his neck just as he began to trail soft and wet kisses on my jaw all the way up to my ear. Then he made his way down to my neck and nibbled along it sucking and biting definition leaving hickeys. “Y/n, this needs to go..” he motioned to my night gown and as he tried to unbutton it he looked semi frustrated and I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well I guess I have too do this now..”
“what is it James?” James rips off the gown and throws it across the room and he takes off his undershirt and bottoms. “That was hot.” I mutter. “Good.” I couldn’t help but blush as he said that with conviction. He was the perfect mix of sweet and rough in bed. THIRD POV- The commodore trailed wet kisses back down your neck and onto your collar bone leaving love bites when he suddenly takes your nipple into his mouth. “Ah” you moan. As he toyed with your sensitive buds whilst getting more moans out of you, you feel yourself growing wetter and wetter. Clenching your legs due to the pleasure James opens them and says “I love it when you moan for me and when you wet.”
He leans to your ear and says “so wet.”when he made his way back to your cunt and begun to lick it all around.
“Ahh. “ “hmm.” You moaned. “Mmm” he growled into your cunt. The vibrations only increased your pleasure which then increased more as he stuck a finger inside you. “James!” You gasp. “Do you like that y/n?” “Y-y-yes.” you reply. As he sticks another finger in he starts thrusting them and scissoring inside you while licking your clit.
You moaned as he played with your cunt as he licked and thrusted and talked dirty to you. That was when you started feeling something in your stomach. The feeling only grew and grew until you yelled… “J-JAMES!!” and clamped around his fingers and head with your legs. James pulled out his fingers while making eye contact and licked all your cum up.
“Taste like my wife. That’s enough prep.. are you ready?” “Y-yes James.” After you came down from your high, James put you into the missionary position and lifted your legs over his shoulders. He grabs your hands and intertwines them with his while whispering “I love you.” “I love you too ja..”
You were interrupted by the commodore suddenly penetrating you. Every inch hurt slightly but when he filled you all the way up with his length, you felt so good. “God you’re so tight y/n. Time to loosen you up a bit.” As he thrusted his cock inside and out of you slowly he began to grunt and dirty talk some more.
He was going slowly to try to limit your pain but then you spoke up in the midst of moans and grunts. “James … go faster.. make me yours.” “My pleasure dear.” He pulled out almost all the way and then… SLAMMED his cock inside you and went faster and faster. He flipped you over and propped up your ass and placed your head in the pillows. “Ahhh” he groaned. “I’m gonna finish y/n” “where do you want it.”
“Give it to me james.” As he hit your g-spot one last time you both yell, “JAMES!” “Y/N!!” You clamped around his cock and milked him for every last drop of cum. “That was great mr commodore.” “I could say the same. I love you y/n. Oh. And just a thought… we should try more things next time.” “Yes sir.” “Let’s go get cleaned up in the bath and get to bed y/n.”
You fell asleep In each others arms the last words leaving your mouth of the night being “I love you.”
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itseivwhore · 1 year
♡ 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒍𝒆'𝒔 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 ♡
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Valentine special, day 11th : “Couple's dance”
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Pairing : Edward Kenway x fem Reader 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Summary : While patiently waiting for Edward to come back from some business affair around Great Inagua, from the balcony you were leaning into, you heard cheerful melodies coming from the dock. Unable to resist curiosity, you decided to walk near the tavern, quickly joining the collective amusement...thanks to Kenway, of course.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Author's note: I'm incredibly sorry if I'm one day late, also because I promised myself I wouldn't skip a day, but it was over the weekend and well here we are ;( BUT for you all to forgive me, I made this way longer than the last one shot I wrote + I even added some lyrics from one of the songs you can actually hear while standing near the taverns of pretty much all the cities/villages in AC Black Flag! I thought it was a cool idea, so if you want to give it a listen, here's the link!
Ps. I miss writing for Edward so much oh my gOD.
*˚ .♡⋆゚ˊˎ -
The gentle lapping of the waves as they slowly washed up on the beach, together with the gentle, rhythmic sound of the cicadas singing, lent a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere that reigned unperturbed over the island. From the vast and airy balcony of the manor house where you were currently standing, you had a wide view of the beach and the pier, paying no attention to the darkness that embraced everything; your eyes immediately adjusted to the few, warm and soft lights coming from both the small bonfires on the beach and the numerous candles in the tavern.
Everything around you was motionless and surrounded by shadows, were it not for numerous fireflies that seemed like quick flashes of light dancing, suspended in the air. Sitting on a large, comfortable chair you had managed to get outside, that sort of strange, rhythmic dance caught your attention for a while, distracting you.
After you had lost yourself in watching the pretty insects, you looked away and noticed that a sultry, warm breeze was shaking the tree branches, even causing the sails of the Jackdaw, anchored near the dock, to move slightly. You also noticed the sailors who, having finished their respective jobs on the ship, jumped off and made their way to the tavern... from which immediately arose light-hearted laughter, joyous singing - and even some light brawling, which the wind carried to your ears.
A bored sigh came out of your mouth, your patience running thin with each passing moment without Edward by your side. It was now an hour since Edward left you in the manor alone, saying he had to meet with one of the villagers down the beach to arrange a deal; he hadn't given you much information, leaving you only with a promise, saying he would be right back and you would spend the rest of the evening together, you in turn promising to stay there and wait for him...leaving a gentle kiss on your temple before disappearing into the darkness of the night, leaving you hopeful, waiting for him with such trepidation.
Trepidation that became anxiety, which faded into boredom and tiredness, thinking of the Captain's return while you were aimlessly watching the people far away from you in the distance.
Getting up from your chair, you turned your steps towards the balustrade and, leaning on it with your elbows, you began to look at the tavern and listen to the harmonious and cheerful sound of the songs that the sailors, together with the innkeepers, sang at the top of their voices. All that vitality, all that fun that was like an omniscient presence in the atmosphere of the island, only spurred you more and more to leave the manor and join in the commonl fun.
You looked over your shoulder, behind you, seeing the large chair you have been sitting on for almost a hour, pondering if to leave once for all and give in to your temptation, or if to keep on patiently waiting for Edward to come back, biting your lips at your indecision.
After all, you weren't going to be gone for long, you just wanted to relieve the boredom and waste some time, and you'd be back before he even returned. After all... if Edward hadn't returned until then, how could he ever return just when you weren't there? It really would have been a coincidence, wouldn't it?
And so, happily and firmly slapping the stone balaustra when you finally made up your mind, you swiftly jumped over the balcony, quickly walking down the cliff towards the dock, a satisfied little smile on your lips as the lights and the voices grew stronger and louder.
~ ~ ~
"We like to sneak out without keeping our promise, eh, sly fox?" countless emotions and thoughts overpowered your mind and body as soon as you heard that all too familiar voice and mocking grin; the need - the urge to flee, to run away or even to throw yourself into the water violently seized you as soon as you saw Edward walking towards you.
It had been a while since you had finally arrived at the tavern, taking a seat not far from the counter, silently enjoying yourself amidst the laughter of the sailors and the melodious voices of some young women, singing accompanied by violins; some couples were dancing merrily among the tavern tables, their quick steps on the wooden planks echoing in the air. You watched and savoured everything attentively, and the anxiety of having to return to the manor before Edward, was now long gone.
But as soon as your eyes caught sight of a tall, blond figure walking slowly towards your table, a slight panic took hold of you: not so much that you could do anything though. What could you possibly have done? He had obviously already seen you, you could feel his piercing blue eyes in the distance; there was no reason to run away after all. Edward could be very magnanimous when he wanted to be... plus his laid back expression and his quiet footsteps put you more at ease.
And here he was, standing tall and proud before you in his usual attire, hood down resting on his shoulders as he was looking down at you, who held his inquisitive gaze, without breaking eye contact. His rhetorical question, said in such a mocking tone and him leaning in more towards you, made you feel slightly in awe.
The captain received only silence in response: you did not know what to say or what excuse to make up. But you knew that Edward was as magnanimous as he was cunning, and it was useless to lie to him as he would immediately discover your lies. In short, it wasn't worth it, and the only thing to do was to keep looking at him with a straight face.
"I was just coming back, it was just a matter of seconds," he continued in an upset tone, raising his eyebrow and pointing with a vague gesture of his hand to the cliff in the distance.
You became lightly shocked in hearing his almost disappointed words, rising one of your eyebrows in a questioning look. Were you wrong, or was he trying to give you the fault, as to excuse himself for his own wrongs? But as you looked in his eyes, you noticed cheekiness twinkling in the blue of them, also finally seeing his usual smug smirk plastered on his lips. He was just genuinely teasing you– as always, and you know he enjoyed seeing you flustered just for the fun of it.
And so, hit by realisation, you decided to play his game, straightening your back as you leaned forward towards him, hands playing with the flame of the candle on the table.
"Seconds which became minutes...and minutes which became a hour. You didn't keep your promise" you replied defiantly, mimicking his grin, stressing each one of your words, reminding him of his own broken promise.
Edward seemed to be taken aback at your biting words, at which he let out an amused little chuckle, lowering his head and shaking it as he clicked with his tongue.
"I was looking for you, but I see someone is so impatient" he uttered with a low voice, murmuring this near your ear when he leaned in down to your face, placing a hand on the back of the chair, his stubble slightly brushing on your cheek.
"I apologize, Kenway" you breathed out with just a low voice, reaching out with a hand towards his cheek, caressing it, then sliding it down to his jaw and chin, touching his strong neck before playing with his necklace, smelling humidity and salt on his tanned skin.
"There should be a Captain in there somewhere" Edward whispered back in a suggestive tone, his nose nudging your sweet spot near your ear, making you shiver; drawing him closer and closer to you with both you mannerisms and voice, for then placing both of your hands on his chest, pushing him away from you, laughing in seeing his astonished expression.
Continuing to laugh you nodded to him to go get something to drink at the counter, and he obeyed as he gave you a wink; returning to your table with two glasses of rum, he sat down opposite you, saying nothing as you both watched the people dance in front of you.
"So how did the meeting go?" you asked loudly enough so that you could be heard, as the violins and voices only increased as you drank some of your rum.
"Everything's already sorted out, we just need to discuss where to build the brothel" he explained as he vaguely gestured over the houses; as he kept talking about his business in the small village, he somehow and sometime got distracted by glancing his sailors with their companions, who kept on quickly dancing around the tables, sometimes even stumbling over your own.
"This place changed a lot. I really like the tavern and the people, and how lively the atmosphere is" you expressed your thoughts loudly, gazing all over you and bittersweetly grimacing at remembering how lame and miserable the village was when you and Edward firstly arrived here; smiling fondly in seeing how much Great Inagua changed thanks to Edward's efforts...and money. You knew– and understood the need of Edward to find a new place to call home: to feel like home. And you always have supported him however you could.
You wondered why he was not giving you an answer, and when you turned in his direction, you saw him shift his gaze from the dancing couples to you, and vice versa. Your eyes met, and somehow you immediately understood what he had in mind when he chugged down all the rum, for then slamming the empty glass on the table, some droplets flying around.
"Dance with me" he said from all of sudden with a decisive voice and firm expression, not giving you the time to realize what was about to happen: the Captain was already standing before you, towering over you. In the heat of the moment you didn't had time to properly think about his sudden proposal: but his outstretched arm, him offering you his opened hand and his encouraging and trustworthy smile made you immediately accept, throwing away any doubts or insecurities. After all, you decided to go to the tavern because you were bored and you wanted to have some fun. So why denying? Why denying a dance to your lover, who was so willingly and happily giving you his hand?
And so, widely smiling, you grabbed his hand and squeezed it, letting him pull you up from the chair, grabbing your waist as you placed one hand on his broad shoulder, for then finally starting to dance.
It had been a while since you had danced with someone, in that carefree way, not particularly following the rhythm of the cheerful music, not feeling embarrassed when by accident and emotion both you and Edward stepped on each other's feet, laughing amused at your awkwardness. Stumbling and colliding with other couples, not stopping for a moment except to drink and kiss each other appassionately and hastily, tongue crashing, tasting the alcohol on each other's lips, keeping on dancing, breathless, body against body, feeling each other's fanning breaths on your sweaty necks.
Spinning around the tables and other people, dancing wildly and messily for all the night, the ashen light of the moon and the hundreds of stars which enchanted you when Edward knocked you backwards, only to pick you up again soon after; your neck exposed to him who, inches away from your chest and leaned down on you, left a searing kiss on it, feeling him smile against your skin.
Seeing your wheezes, your hearts beating wildly in your chests and your heads that were spinning both from the twirls and the alcohol, you both decided that it was enough for that night. All the sailors and the women were passed out, some on the damp wooden floors, some on the chairs and some even on the tables... and some vomiting as they looked out over the water.
You and your lover found shelter in a corner away from everyone, still near the tavern, not too far away not to hear a last tune that one of the few awaken sailors was singing alone. Edward was sitting on his chair, and you on his lap, head laying on his chest, smelling his natural perfume, delicately lulled both by his now calm heartbeat and by the crackling produced by the small waves who hit on the Jackdaw.
Just when you were about to fall asleep, eyes closed and snuggled so close to him, your hands clasped around the back of his neck, you heard him humming something under his breath:
"Here's a health to the dear lass that I love so well, for her style and her beauty, sure none can excel..." smiling fondly when you recognized that he was softly singing along the lyrics of the song of the sailor.
"...there's a smile on her countenance as she sits on my knee" your smile only grew wider, your heart skipping a beat and shivering as he started to murmur the melody closer to your ear, his hands securely holding you.
"There's no men in this wide world as happy as me" he stopped to sing, falling silent and you bet that you could still hear his soothing voice lingering on the air and on the breeze.
"I didn't know you could sing so well" you joked in a sleepy voice, giggling amused when you felt his body shake for his chuckle.
"I used to sing a lot to myself while doing commissions around Bristol for my parents, when I was a boy, sweetheart" Edward answered as he played with a lace of your clothes, hearing a nostalgic veil covering his words, you humming as you tried to imagine his youth.
Silence returned to take hold of you both as you relaxed in each other's embrace,you giving one last glance at the tavern, at the people, at the village and at least, at the manor on top of the cliff
"Do you think this can feel like your new home?" you softly asked, almost scared of the answer he might would have given you when he didn't immediately answered you; pondering his words before your felt him placing his cheek on top of your head.
"Yes, it can" he whispered, feeling him squeeze your waists "with the right people"
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socksracoon10 · 4 months
The Banter of Thieves
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Pairing: Jack Sparrow x F!Reader
Jack Sparrow was by no means your friend. He wasn't even an acquaintance. His mere presence irked you, caused you to vomit overboard and wipe the drool that dabbled your chin as you spat out the lovely painting your stomach decided to spew out. The entire Caribbean sea knew better than to mess with you; you were the jewel of the ocean, the only woman to have stood for so long on your feet without ever backing down. Once your crew was outnumbered by the British officers, but you bravely traversed the seas and implied that you had more guts than your opponents. Another instance was when you managed to have stolen an artifact aboard a merchant ship that costed you a good fortune. You were the talk of Tortuga for weeks on end - added to that were rounds of free rum with jealous ladies and ecstatic men surrounding your presence.
So it was of to no surprise that upon hearing your name being tossed around like a ball, Jack Sparrow would've felt a little bit of resentment. Well, not a little - it was a LOT. He was devastated, he was hurt. How could the people trample around singing your name when HE was the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow! THE Captain Jack Sparrow of THE Black Pearl! He couldn't handle it. He just couldn't sit there and watch you swinging your arms around with the other pirates, gleefully cheering on your success. Drink after drink, he noticed the amount of rum you were being passed. Some men forced a glass to you, and though you politely declined, he noticed the way you'd give in after the third persistent person chimed in with a 'please' and there the rum would go down. It would cascade down your neck, around your breasts and find itself sloshed on the ground; Jack hated it. He hated to see the sight of pure, good rum being wasted away like that. 
When you were passed out, slouched against a sturdy chair with the glass still in your hand, Jack had tip-toed to where you sat and stood over your sleeping form. You weren't a hideous creature; he'd seen much worse on his escapades. In his mind, he couldn't fathom to understand how a girl as beautiful and intelligent such as yourself could have the nerve to be a pirate and go against him? Him? Ugh, it made his blood curl at the thought. In any other circumstances, he would've tried to woo you or played some sort of game, but clearly those options were out the window. His eyes cast over to you once again, and he caught onto the tiny sliver of shimmering gold tucked away in your shirt against your bosom. Pursing his lips together, he grabbed a small dagger and carefully used the blade to hook onto the gold's chain; despite being a pirate, he still had SOME manners. Not all of them for a gentlemen, but at least enough so that he wouldn't have to be slapped by the rest of the women on Tortuga. Two was enough for him at the moment. Lifting the chain up into the air, his eyes flickered onto you for a brief moment; you stirred in your sleep, but not too much to indicate that you might be awake. He sighed in relief, holding the chain to the light as his eyes followed the path down to an intricately designed key. He narrowed his eyes at the design pattern, noticing a fresh emblem with the letters "C.D." inscribed. His eyes widened, bringing it closer to him. No, he couldn't believe it. How did she manage to find the key for The Cure of the Dead? Impossible! He pocketed the key, grabbing the glass of rum from her as she whined in her sleep. Chugging it down, he let out a hiss as the liquid flowed down his throat and marched out of the tavern with a new mission set on his mind.
"I'm going to cut off that dirty bastard's prying fingers," You growled, seated firmly in the cabin of your ship; when you had woken up after, you already knew what must've happened when the gold chain was missing and you cursed every God that existed in your mind to help you find Sparrow before he'd get his filthy, grubby hands on what you had desired. The Cure was no simple thing - no, it was not a simple little vial or a chest of wealth - it was much more. There was a certain ritual that was foretold in the legend; the one soul, after giving up four equal drops of blood, would be able to pursue the path of immortality and greatness. Your father had spent ages pillaging and tormenting anyone who proved to be an obstacle just to find the key. And now, under your possession - or well, was under your possession - you were extremely keen on protecting your father's legacy through the key, anxious to seek the glory in honor of your fearless father. At the present moment, that dream was starting to sink faster than a ship caught in a whirlpool thanks to the lovely Captain Jack Sparrow himself.
A few days had passed among the seas and your crew had slowly abandoned your ship, one by one. They knew it was going to be a very tiresome journey, but you should've known better that the slightest inconvenience would have them scuttling away back to their mummies. You cursed at them as they rowed away, swearing to enact your revenge one day if they ever dared to return to your captaincy. Your eyes shifted from them to the large island approaching your ship. You noticed another ship seated on the shore, some crewmen walking about the deck or on the sandy land. Assuming this was Jack's crew, you managed to park your vessel besides them and leaned over the deck to bellow,
"Oi! Is that Gibbs I see there?" 
The old man swiftly turned at the mention of his name, narrowing his eyes at you with a scowl.
"Aye it be, Captain (L/N)," He rolled his eyes, nudging Raggetti whose bulging eyes seemed to seep right through you. Grimacing at the sight of the skeleton-like man, you climbed down onto the beach shore and dug your hands in your pockets.
"Where is that scoundrel?" You snapped, marching forward as a hand rested on the hilt of your sword. Gibbs scoffed, 
"Bit of a strong word to use there, love," He paused for a moment, rubbing his nose before looking at you, "But if you must know, he went through the trees himself."
"Nobody else with him?" 
"Nobody else."
"Well, then, after I acquire what is rightfully man, you all will very much be welcome aboard my ship." You grinned, scanning Jack's crew.
"But we've already got ourself a captain," Raggetti scorned to which you quickly added,
"Not after I'm through with Jack, you won't."
You left the gaping faces behind as you marched into the leafy forest ahead of you. Stepping over a few roots, you noticed a distinct imprint on the mud just a few inches from where you stood; the fool must've slipped and fell on his own face. With a guttural groan, you pushed through and followed the signs among your surroundings, the very same that your father used to tell you. Remembering his tales comforted you immensely, and you wished he was here to see his little girl all grown up and ready to see the treasure he had wished for so long. He would be proud of her, he would've loved her. He would've... surely not expected to see Jack Sparrow stuck between the branches of a tree.
"Jack?" You cocked your head to the side, stepping around the tree to see his face. His features were all scrunched up as he tugged his body to the best of his ability against the branches.
"Those stupid roots!" He exclaimed in a muffled tone. He cried out in exasperation, continuing to tug himself as much as he could before shrieking, "Don't just stand there! Help me!"
You stepped forward, just about ready to push his face out but you caught yourself, hands still in the air as you raised an eyebrow, "Give me the key first, and then I shall help you."
Upon hearing your words, Jack huffed out in annoyance, "Darlin', I think there's something more important here than your stupid key. Help me, first."
"No," You hissed, "You give me the key, and then I'll help you." You extended your arm out, beckoning for him to hand over your prized possession. Jack glared at you, muttering some cursed under his breath; you could've sworn he had said "that insufferable wench" and you scowled at him.
"Listen, love... darling... sweetheart," He groaned between tugs, "If you help me, I swear I'll hand over the key to you."
"You swear? You swear on your ship?" You prodded, and unbeknownst to you, he crossed his fingers behind his back,
"Of course! Of course, my love! N-Now just g-get me out of this stupid mess!" He seethed. You rolled up your sleeves, and placed your palms against his face, beginning to apply pressure.
"Ow... ow, ow, ow, ow, that's my precious face! You're gonna mush my skull in!" Jack screamed, and your blood boiled at his ungratefulness, causing you to begin pushing harder. You tuned out his cries of pain, finally released him from the stockade-like tree, and watched him howl and roll around the dirt. You kicked the side of his body, extending your hand out again for the key. He groaned as he sat up, taking your hand to lift him off the ground.
"You idiot!" You hissed, swatting his hand away, "I want the key!"
Jack blinked a few times, biting the inside of his cheek, "And here I really thought you'd care for me."
Standing back up on his feet, he noticed the way your gaze never faltered on him. He gave a disgusted expression towards you, sauntering off towards the cave opening with a determined mission on his mind. He paused, looking back at you with your open hand for a brief moment, before instantly picking up his pace. Screaming in anger, you charged after him and hopped onto his back, tugging his locks of hair as he shrieked in pain.
"Ow! Ow! Off, off! Look, women aren't meant to pull on my hair unless we're laying in bed together!" Jack hollered.
"I'm a pirate, you oaf, I can do as I please!" You bellowed, tugging harder and steering him away from the cave opening's keyhole. He stumbled backward and stood still for a moment trying to process something in his head,
"You mean to tell me you're not a woman?" He asked in a genuine tone of voice, before gasping loudly, "You deceitful bastard! You mean to tell me you're a filthy bugger impersonating a female?"
"Are you stupid?" You snarled, completely flabbergasted by his words. Not only was he the most aggravating pirate you'd ever met, but currently while on his back, he was definitely the stupidest one you'd ever come across. Jack trudged forward, trying his best to ignore the sharp pain of his hair practically ripping off his scalp as he shoved the key into its designated home. You cried out in frustration, watching the cave slowly open to reveal the circular stage under the beam of light. Upon seeing the glory in front of you, your head poked around his hair and leaned forward, completely in awe of its beauty. 
"You know, you can get off me back now," Jack smirked, turning his head ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of you. You shut your gaping mouth and hopped off him, dusting yourself of any of his filth as you walked past him. It was almost a dance in the way you blocked his path towards the light, your back facing him as your foot extended outwards and your body swayed.
"Don't be a child," Jack mumbled, stepping back and forth as he tried to find a way around you.
"Shut up, you don't even understand the value of this discovery. My father had spent ages-" You began before being cut off,
"Oh, the same old wishy-washy, swishy-swashy story. We know the legend, we know the journey (Y/N)," Jack yawned, "Your father was a thief for stealing that from Davy Jones."
"Thief? He was a pirate, if anyone's a thief you're the thief! You stole it from me when I was asleep!" You roared. Jack chuckled at your answer when you turned to face him,
"Pirate," He gestured to himself, with his eyebrows raising in the process, "It's part of the job description. And now you're a thief for wanting to steal what's mine... especially after the hell you just put me through," He moaned, rubbing his scalp, gently.
"It's mine." You hissed.
"No, it's mine," Jack stated, pointing to the circular stage.
"Nope, still mine, darlin'."
"You buffoon! It's mine! I get to be immortal, not you!"
"Eh, I've escaped death more times than you have, it's definitely mine, love."
"Oi, don't raise your voice at me. My ears are a bit sensitive," Jack raised a finger, "Still mine, though."
"Now you're just actin' like a child, be a lady... if you even are one," He raised an eyebrow with a suspicious look on his face. That was it, you couldn't take this banter any longer. You lunged forward, tackling him onto the stage as his head scraped against the rocky material. He groaned in pain as he thrashed around, rolling over you. Your elbows brazed against the ground under you and you hissed in pain before grabbing onto Jack's neck and dragging him under you.
As the fighting ensued, you both were completely oblivious to the drops of blood that seeped into the cracks beneath you. You tossed a punch at his jaw as he pulled your hair roughly. The opening of the wall behind you two was overshadowed by the insults that were thrown around with the occasional scream tossed into the mix. It wasn't until the light above you shifted towards the treasure chest meters away did the both of you stopped fighting; you lay on top of him, your head snapping towards the direction of the light as he did the same.
"Is that supposed to happen?" Jack asked, frowning.
"I-I don't know. I never really thought I'd get this far." You replied, trying to make out the sudden shift of the light. In an instant, Jack shoved you off him and bolted towards the chest. His fingers wriggled excitedly as he had a playful smirk on his face. He wrapped his hands around the edges of the chest and brought it open, only to find a small sheet of paper with instructions. That was a whole lot of build-up to nothing.
Glancing over his shoulder, he noticed your unconscious form slouched against a stone. He winced at the sight, carefully walking over to you. He must've shoved you too hard against the rocky stone when he flew to the chest. He glanced back down to the instructions in his hand, before looking back up to you. He took a deep sigh, realizing what he had to do.
When you had woken up, you found your head bandaged firmly. You lay on a small hammock as Gibbs stood before you.
"Aye, you aren't too much of a bad shape. It's a lucky thing Jack managed to bring you in like that." Gibbs smiled, his fingers brushing against your head. You rolled your eyes,
"Let me guess. He must've taken the treasure and run off, didn't he? He must have immortality and the greatest glory to ever exist." You seethed, crossing your arms.
"What? No. Lassie, he left you a little note before venturing off on his own to Tortuga. He's entrusted you to be Captain of the ship for the time being." Gibbs exclaimed, holding a note for you to see, "There's more to this whole shenanigan than just immortality. Apparently both your bloods were combined at the cave... meaning you both are one soul. He's gone off to search for more clues. In the meantime he wants you to rest. He seemed rather worried when we were fixing you up, and kept asking questions as to if you'd be alright or not."
Your mouth slightly parted at Gibbs' words, completely in disbelief. "He was probably making sure I was alright to ensure he'd get his share of the treasure."
"Oh, it was more than that, love," Gibbs winked at you, "I'm sure of it. I've never seen Jack like that around any other woman. Now, enough with me rambling, get your rest. You'll be having lots of more adventures with Jack Sparrow soon."
And with that, he left you with the note and you couldn't help but somehow feel your mind slowly consider Jack Sparrow as more than a thief, more than an acquaintance... and certainly more than a friend.
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captain-camille · 3 months
_ 𝐀 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐧 _
‣ Jack Sparrow x f!reader
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‣ requested by anon ‣ 4,2k words
‣ After the ruthless pirate Captain Connor kidnapped you; a mermaid, your situation seems hopeless. Until another outlaw appears who has a score to settle with Connor and ends up freeing you along the way. Destiny or not - there is a connection quickly forming between you...
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ yn got kidnapped and treated badly, violence, mention of injuries/blood, language
Slowly, the distant gunshots faded to peaceful twitter and rustling of an insular rainforest. The Sinister Lady was lost to the firepower of another ship; a huge vessel with imposing black sails.
Captain Connor was cursing a pirate named Jack Sparrow when less and less of his prized possession was seen above the water surface.
The reason for the crew's obvious fear of this man, whoever he was, was beyond you. However, you overheard two men whispering about a chart Connor had stolen some months ago.
Much to your chagrin your abductor's new plan was to shake off Jack Sparrow in the uncharted part of this island. By foot.
The men who had been holding you hostage for over two months after your violent abduction in Whitecap Bay didn't care in the slightest that you were used to a tail, not legs.
A faint sigh of destiny told you that there was no use in running from the man who was coming for the crew of miscreants around you.
But could dying today really be worse than constantly awaiting death?
You raked your neck to get a last glimpse of the unfamiliar ship before the path would be peppered with bushes and Ramón trees.
“You! Sea whore!“ the first mate suddenly barked at you, yanking at the rough metal chain that was locked around your wrists.
Blood was smeared on your skin from how sharp the metal was. Your legs hurt from how far they had already made you walk.
Not daring to look him in the eye, you simply lowered your head. The consequences for misbehaving were ugly.
“Not tha' hard“ he muttered in a disgusting slur. “Ne'er slow down, or else I put a bullet in ye pre'y head“.
Resilience was weighing down on you like a barely comforting blanket. But you knew there was no use of resistance.
You had tried.
Another filthy pirate caught up with the first mate, exchanging glances of egotism with him.
“Ye know, I'll get meself a whole lotta wenches with all tha coins from sellin'er“ he growled, showing off his rotting, black teeth in the process.
A cold sensation of repulsion and woe cascaded down your spine, reminding you that your buyer could be even worse. Vertebra by vertebra.
Your skin began to burn with every minute you spent separated from the sea. Any water.
Oh, how you missed surging through the vast ocean.
But, frankly, you did not miss any of your sisters after they had left you behind with Connor. Most likely they thought you were dead by now.
That is if they were still thinking about you at all.
Every step was exhausting as you were still getting used to walking on your legs, let alone climbing. A painful hiss of surprise escaped your lips as a sharp stone pierced your right foot.
Immediately, the Captain stormed towards you, fury and annoyance written all over his wrinkly face.
“Wha' a sissy, you are. Pull in them hideous fangs and shut it!“ the man growled, spitting on the moist ground only a few inches from where you stood.
You were already tensing, awaiting a rough, painful pull on the chains but your legs were fast enough to keep up.
Coercion seemed to have been a potent teacher after all.
Finally, the seemingly endless topical forest around you broke apart and revealed a small glade with a lake. You could't help but allow a wistful sigh at the sight.
Your home.
“Now we hope Sparrow drops followin' us in 'ere and we can continue head south for Port Felice on tha morrow“ Captain Connor announced earning a collective “Aye“ from his crew.
“I shall spare you the trouble of hopin' then, eh?“ a foreign, male voice echoed from behind a tall bush.
Connor's men rapidly drew their pistols and swords, eyes frantically searching for the voice's source.
Must be Jack Sparrow, you concluded, unsure of what to expect before a strange yet handsome looking man emerged from the greens.
His dark eyes, underlined in black, were trained on Connor and his first mate. He overlooked you sitting on the mossy ground.
“Sparrow“ Captain Connor growled through gnashing teeth.
You were sure there was unease sparkling through his bitter gaze. After Sparrow just sunk his ship the default hostility of Connor's gaze wouldn't suffice.
“I'd tell yer men to stop threatenin' me, if I were you“ the man with brown dreadlocks and a tricorn hat suggested, leaning closer to Connor in a provocative way.
With so many weapons pointed at him, he did not seem to feel threatened in the slightest. Fearless, even.
If you were to die, maybe you would at least be able to watch this disgusting men around you bite the stranger pirate's bullet first.
Sparrow backed up again, now circling the two men in charge of the Sinister Lady's crew instead. “Luckily and conveniently, I happen to be me. Not you“ he added with a finger pointing at Connor then to himself, the perilous tone gone.
You fought the urge to giggle at the asynchrony of his words and gesture. After two months stripped of any joy, you felt an instant connection to the airy pirate.
“Lower yer weapons, damnit“. Connor finally gave the order, his honor clearly at stake.
A satisfied grin spread on Sparrow's handsome face when he clapped his hands together and rubbed them.
Weirdly, he was oozing pure dominance in the loose and relaxed way he composed himself. He was almost comfortable in this precarious situation.
Connor squinted his eyes at the man who had many colorful beads and silver charms woven within his braids.
“C'mon, what 'bout an accord? What do ye want?“.
You cocked your head slightly, confused by the way the usually so frigid and irreverent Captain acted in Sparrow's presence.
It pained you to know that he was somehow tamable and you had failed to do so all this time.
On the other hand, a shiver spread on your human thighs at the thought of what this Jack Sparrow must be capable of if a man like Connor obeyed him.
“The real question is; what do I not want? Right, Master Gibbs?“ Jack purred.
Another man, a little smaller with grey hair and chops, stepped out of the opaque ticket of the rainforest.
He scrutinized the crowd and eventually spotted you on the ground.
Your pupils widened at the unexpected eye contact before you tore them off him in a demure way - reluctant submissiveness that slaps, rusty chains and nights in the brig had taught you.
“Aye, cap'n“ the man, Master Gibbs, verbally agreed before you could feel his narrowed gaze on you once again.
“And wha' be it you don' want?“ Connor shot back, clearly growing impatient while his opponent seemed to revel in it even more.
“Me charts in the hands of another, you cowardly scallywag“ Jack finally dropped the playful façade again, his hand resting on the handle of his sword.
Connor swallowed behind a stone-like expression.
So all this was indeed about a chart... It must lead to some kind of fortune or riches, you thought, recalling the many treasures you were familiar with.
Only you would never tell a man about them. It was sister's law that a mermaid was to die rather than reveal the mysteries of the sea.
But were you still to obey their laws now that you were on your own?
“Tough! Went down with our ship ye sunk“ the first mate interfered, hatred dripping from his words like spit.
Jack just raised a brow, looking the man up and down like he was a bleating goat.
Once again you caught yourself at the brink of smiling.
“Who be you?“ he inquired, nodding in his direction with no urge to actually approach him.
Connor's head quickly turned to his first mate who was now overridden by his own boldness and approaching Jack with a bad idea.
“Tha one to tell ye bilge-sucking self that we don't have what ye want“ he began, a slur in his drunken voice “Send us to Davy Jones' locka or leave“.
Jack cocked his head, fingers twisting his mustache, as if considering what the man had just proposed.
“Meh... Am not leavin' just like that, says I-ahh“ the pirate Captain noted but his declaration ended in a huff when the first mate lunged at him.
You flinched, squeezing your eyes shut. Such kind of scenario wasn't new to you by now.
“Mother's love, Jack!“ Gibbs produced a pistol from his belt and didn't hesitate a second to shoot the wanton first mate.
Another shot rumbled through the rainforest, men were shouting and grunting.
At this point you were covering your ears with your hands, keeping your knees close to your chest. Chained and weakened outside your element, there was nothing you could do about the chaos anyway.
However, when the chains around your wrists began to rattle and draw blood again, you finally dared to look up.
Connor glared at you with painful defeat in his eyes. “Get up, beastie“ he snapped, his arm extending, ready to slap you across the face if you didn't obey fast enough.
But his arm got pulled down by Jack who appeared on Connor's side and was looking at you with what seemed like mesmerization.
And sorrow.
“I said release her not beat 'er“ Sparrow whispered in the Captain's ear, his deep tone an unmistakable threat. It set Connor's mouth in a hard line.
You stayed silent, not knowing if you were expected to say something while stunned by the prospect of the foreign pirate's words.
Did he mean it?
But why?
Mister Gibbs emerged from behind Jack, a rusty key ring in his rough hands.
“Human trafficking, the worst of sins it be“ he muttered when gently taking your wrists and sinking a big, black key in the lock of your chains.
Connor's face was twisted by many emotions, most of them shades of disarray and disgust. “She a monster. A whore of tha seas. No human“ he spat.
Gibbs frowned at the man's cruel words, their nature fueling his doing.
You couldn't suppress the beam of relief that spread on your face when the heavy chains slid from your hurt wrists for good.
“Ahhh“ Jack cooed, leaning down to catch your lowered gaze and giving you an equally gleeful smirk beneath raised brows “I tell ye what she is, mate“ he straightened his spine again, dragging your invested gaze up with him.
All the fear in your system evaporated.
“A gorgeous creature. And not deserving of yer wheelin' and dealin', savvy?“.
“Thank you, Mister Sparrow“ were the first cautious words you addressed to the mercurial yet friendly-looking pirate.
His smile became a crunched grimace, his pointer raised. “It's Captain, if you please“.
A silent 'oh' fled from your lips.
You didn't know what to do or say. But his gravelly chuckle at your confusion signaled that he had not taken any insult.
To your right Connor spread his arms, sighing.
“I did wha' ye asked. Now let us go“ he complained, his authority crumbling before the eyes of his crew.
Gibbs nudged Jack's side, his eyes mentioning to the trail where they initially came from.
“Actually, I don’t. And settin' her free was just what the high-up people call common courtesy“ Jack sauntered past Connor, his head high, savoring his honorable, non-piratey act.
But you didn't fail to see a hint of pain in his extravagant display.
Was he hurt? The smell of blood told you yes.
“You, missy“ he suddenly called out to you, his dark eyes crawling all over your human body, squinting at the many bruises “Remember this as the day that Captain Jack Sparrow saved a mermaid“.
The charming pirate winked before gesturing to the lake. An invitation to take your freedom back.
At first, your steps were hesitant as you weaved past the crew members that had treated you like shit for the past two months. Nevertheless, enthusiasm was quick to infiltrate your veins when the sparkling water surface came closer.
You looked back one last time, seeing how Jack Sparrow offered you a warm smile of farewell before resigning to deal with Connor.
“What'r ye waitin' for, lass? The lake leads to the ocean through tunnels beneath“ Gibbs ripped your attention from the man whose husky voice would linger in your mind.
“You have my eternal gratitude“.
And with a quick dive you were gone.
The water felt like heaven's sweetest redemption engulfing your dried out body. Replaced by your tail, the unfamiliar sensation of having legs vanished.
It wasn't that you disliked them, but the circumstance of learning to walk could have been more pleasant.
Eventually, you got yourself back; your essence and courage.
What Jack did to those men didn't bother you in the least. Whether he killed them or let them live to return to your furious buyer without a mermaid...
They were pure evil. So were your sisters but never you.
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Gibbs was right.
You ended up in a coral reef after swimming through narrow underwater tunnels that were carved in the islands volcanic landmass.
With your tail flailing and pushing your upper body above the surface, you looked around only to spot the ship with black sails half a mile away.
The sight of your bold rescuer and Master Gibbs in a dinghy made you smile. Him and his crew were returning to their ship.
You wondered where they would head next... what adventures this mysterious man had lived and was yet to have.
Curiosity got the better of you so you dived down, rapidly making your way to the longboat.
At least you would like to thank him one last time. It was more than in order after only hell knew what tribulations he had saved you from.
“Captain Sparrow?“ you gingerly called out for him, not wanting to startle the men to death.
“Aye?“ you heard his taken-aback question, seeing him turn and twist his upper body to find you; the source of this dulcet mermaid voice.
It made you laugh. Freely, now that no one would harm you again.
A member of his crew, missing one eye, poked Jack's arm and pointed out to where you floated in between gentle waves.
The pirate Captain's handsome face lit up with the same wide grin as it did after he had told Gibbs to unchain you.
“I see, haven't returned to yer sisters yet. Why's that?“ he queried, gold teeth reflecting the Caribbean sun's evening light.
“Have not“ you smiled, swimming closer and gripping the rim of the dinghy to keep yourself steady “I wanted to thank you again. Properly. For saving my life“.
The pirate gave a quick chuckle, waving off as if it was nothing.
To you it was everything.
Jack gently lifted your right hand from the wood, hoisting it to his lips and pressing a kiss to your wet skin. His lips were surprisingly soft and the beard tickled.
You giggled, enjoying his playful chivalry.
“Me, I'm a bad man, Missy. But a monster I'd be if I let an innocent, pretty woman suffer“.
Your giggle became a genuine beam. Fleeting was the worry what he might think of your fangs.
Master Gibbs cleared his throat, earning a slightly annoyed look of 'not now' by his Captain, whose gaze flickered back to you.
Another man, chubby with a few long, thin hair pushed Gibbs to the side as he spoke up “Don't let yerself be charmed by 'er, Cap'n. She's a mermaid!“.
The worried man's voice was filled with scepsis, still he awkwardly tried to shoot you a polite smile across the lines. It reminded you that no matter Jack's behavior, you were still to earn the crew's trust.
“Is there a way I could return the favor of saving me?“ you asked the Captain, your face twisted in guilt.
Jack disliked the way this emotion weighed heavy on your stunning face. But he couldn't think of something, so he remained silent.
A rare thing to happen for the witty Captain, as Gibbs realized.
Carefully, your tail began to flap and you pushed the dinghy towards the imposing, dark pirate vessel.
“Whoa! What's that?!“ it blurted out of one of the crewman, whose grip around the edges of the boat clawed.
It only spared them a bit of muscle power but it was the first 'helpful' thing your nervous mind came up with.
The Captain, who had his fingers playing with his braided beard, thinking, now pointed at the chubby man, calling him out.
“See?“ he began with a victorious shrug of his shoulders “Not vicious at all“.
Another quiet chuckle left your lips at his quirky nature.
Jack Sparrow seemed anything but a bad man.
As you arrived at the stern of the ship where the lines were cast for the crew to climb back up, Jack signaled them to go on.
“All hands, weigh anchor!! Get 'er ready to make way“ his commandeering tone sent an interesting ripple down your scales.
He turned his attention back to you, naturally making you smile again.
“Ye know, lass, there ain't no debt to be paid or anything. Mark me words“ he noted, his dark, mysterious eyes dwelling on your soft gaze.
Your mouth opened, but closed again as you reconsidered.
The Captain watched you intently, the corners of his eyes crinkled more and more with every second of looking at your face framed by wet, wavy hair.
“What about the chart you so desired?“ you ended up asking, the idea of you searching the wreck for him spreading in your keen mind.
But Jack shook his head, the charms and pearls in his dreadlocks jingling.
“Lassie, the ship exploded when we attacked. The chart's burnt to nothin' but ashes“.
The excitement of doing him a favor sunk at his words, dragging the corners of your mouth along.
Suddenly, you felt the back of Jack's hand grazing your cheek. Your eyes shot up. The memories of being mistreated were too fresh for your instincts not to be alerted.
However, the rough hand stilled, an unspoken ask for consent in the pirate Captain's underlined eyes.
You granted him a smile, weirdly relishing in the sensation of his touch. So different to what you were used to by now.
So... good.
“Believe you me, it be satisfaction enough to know that this rat Connor will be returnin' to Blackbeard empty-handed, savvy?“ he snickered, ignoring the stinging in his hand.
Not really listening to his words, you slowly found yourself the one who was enchanted.
But then there was this smell again...
Your nostrils flared as you realized it was his hand that had been cut by Connor's nasty first mate. Bastard. It reminded you of the times he had slapped or yanked you like a doll.
Without Sparrow you would have just given up any hope someday.
Just speaking what was on your mind at that moment, you softly took his hand in yours.
“It would mean the world to me if I could return the favor of saving me“ you explained, eyes trained on the deep, bleeding cut in Sparrow's palm.
“You've proven I can trust you with my live even though I am, -was, no one to you“.
The pirate let you examine his wound, not feeling the slightest urge to pull away.
On the surface of his mind it vexed him how vulnerable he allowed himself to be with you, given he barely knew anything about you other than what you were.
But deep down he felt a blooming connection; trust as you said.
“Aye? Ye think me trusty?".
Slowly, giving him time to adjust to the burn of salt water in an open wound, you guided his hand to dip into the ocean.
With brows furrowed, mouth agape, Jack watched what you did as if spellbound.
“Yes...“ you affirmed, joy dancing across your heart when Jack's eyes sparkled at the sight of his wound now gone. “I have nowhere to go anyway. My sisters have betrayed me so they surely won't miss me“.
As you set his hand free, the pirate's pupils quickly narrowed on his wet palm, twisted it in the rays of sunlight as if the wound could be hidden by an inconvenient shadow.
“Wha' ?“.
“It's truly gone, Jack“ you giggled, not realizing how you had impulsively addressed him.
But he did, guiding his attention back to you and wearing a flirty smirk.
Maybe it was the right thing to give in to your request, he thought, admiring the way the entire beauty of the ocean laid within your smile.
“Well...“ he began to propose, standing up on the somewhat rickety dinghy to offer you his healed hand “if yer so keen on squarin', bonny, what say you to joinin' me crew for a while?“.
Almost reflexively, you accepted his hand.
The allure of a new, fresh start spread in your system when the Captain intertwined your fingers with his.
“I owe you after all, Captain Sparrow“ you grinned.
He gave a light-hearted chuckle before throwing his head back and shouting for his crew to haul the lines.
You let out an unbridled cry of joy as Jack pulled you in his arms and the crew hauled the two of you on board in a swift, fast move.
When the absence of water began to take it's toll on your body, you panicked in realization of your impending state of undress.
“I got ye, wait“ the Captain murmured when he set you down and slid his brown jacket off, revealing a loose white shirt that complimented his tanned torso.
The jacket was long enough to cover you all the way to your knees and had golden buttons to close it with. So very unlike the mere rags Connor had given you.
“Thank you“.
“Anytime. We still need to fetch ye a dress or somethin'. Master Gibbs?“ he called out only to be startled by his first mate already lingering close.
A conflicted look settled on his face as he stared at you through squinted eyes.
Then, he leaned over to Jack, voice lowered “Cap'n, ye know it's frightful bad-“
“Nonsense!“ the Captain promptly cut him off, patting his back with vigor.
“It's only bad luck if ye believe in trifles such as luck, and see bad in the lass in question but, as things look, firstly, am not enough a fool to buy into luck and, secondly-“ he interrupted his wordy excuse and gestured to you with a wink “don't tell me yer eyesight has worsened 'cause she's just a darlin'.“
Although, his winding, quick speech prompted confusion, you couldn't stop your lips from smiling.
This man was unlike anyone you had ever encountered; witty, affectionate and yet erratic.
You were already enraptured by his nature.
Out of the blue, the Captain turned on his heels to face you anew, eyes narrowed. “Missy, do you have a name?“ he queried in a low tone to which you hesitantly shook your head.
Names were uncommon among your sisters.
However, before shame could overtake your expression, Jack's face lit up with an idea.
“Oi! You lousy landlubbers-“ he called out to his crew, the authority infusing his voice with a rasp “Welcome Bonny as she'll be sailin' with us for a while“.
“AYE“ the crew quickly echoed back.
Many pairs of excited eyes rested on you, heads nodding appreciatively what you returned with a shy but positive smile.
Absentmindedly stepping back, you felt Jack's warm hand ghosting the small of your back, the other one already tight on the wheel.
With a sigh of relief and the bright feeling of security, you leaned in, accepting his gentle grip on your waist. His protectiveness was incredibly pacifying.
Looking back it the extraordinary Captain, you saw his gold teeth flash in a proud grin before he spoke up again.
“And no one's touchin' her. She's mine, savvy?“.
Feeling hot blood rush into your cheeks, you instinctively let your weight shift backwards until your back rested against his chest.
“We shall see about that, Captain“ you snickered, already feeling the ocean breeze blow your hair as the Black Pearl gained speed.
Unbeknownst to you, a playful pout reigned over Jack's face before it got replaced with the pure thrill of anticipation.
Hunger for the yet-to-be-found and yet-to-be-done.
It was even more intense this time with you by his side; a wondrous, genuine soul who trusted him just so.
After all the bad and lawless he had done, he was still a good man.
After all the bad and dull you had endured, a spirit of adventure was still in you.
A spirit you never thought you carried but there you were, settling a debt with Captain Jack Sparrow.
You began to hope it would take you a lifetime.
The many charms in his hair chimed when he leant down to your level, his mouth a mere inch from your ear. “Ever heard of the Amulet of Ponce de Léon's wife?“ his husky voice asked, eyes shifting from the horizon to you.
Sliding him a knowing, lively glance, you curled your lips up before they parted and whispered “I have, Captain. What do you want to know?“.
“First, I wan' ye to know that for you, it's just Jack...“
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Off to stranger tides... Thank you for reading my hearties ❤︎
tags: @holdmytesseract @mochie85 @socksracoon10 @goldencherriess @chronicallybubbly @kcd15 @always-on-hiatus @groovyqueer
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𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐬/𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ warnings: general tomfoolery
↳ song: the rocky road to dublin—the dubliners
• Oh god there's two of you now
• That's what went through most people's heads upon meeting the both of you side by side
• Wil Turner especially. He can hardly deal with one Jack Sparrow, much less another one
• It falls on Elizabeth more times than not to keep the peace between all of you—but even she struggles with keeping the both of you in line
• "Remind me why we can't just throw them overboard Elizabeth?" Will all but pleaded at one point
• "Because it's their ship Will! Besides, they'd find us again anyways. They always do."
• "Got that right, lassie!" You'd hiccuped from somewhere above them, startling everyone as Will and Elizabeth looking up—only to be met with the sight of you clutching a bottle of gin in your hand and smiling drunkenly
• "Oh for fucks sake."
• They had to resort to using a mop to get you down from the mast in the end
• Apart from all of the other shenanigans the two of you get involved in on the regular, you and Jack have this little superstition
• It's not much—when one of you is having trouble thinking of any good ideas or a solution to something, they'll grab the other's hat and swap it with their own, wearing the stolen hat in its place
• It's almost as if the two of you believe bad energy gets stuck in the hat and that you have to get rid of it. It's stupid, but the superstition could be worse, that's for sure. Besides, you're the only one who gets the lay a finger on Jacks hat, so that's a bonus
• This should really go without saying, but expect some flirting from Captain Jack Sparrow
• He can hardly keep his hands to himself half the time, much less his wandering gaze, so you've been known to knock him on the head once or twice
• But all is well in the end, even if he does drown you in more nicknames than anyone else
• "Could you take the wheel for me real quick, love?"
• "Just call me by my name Jack. You've known me long enough by now to at least do that."
• "No thanks, darling. I much prefer this."
• Jack Sparrow is fucking insufferable, overly cocky, and a bit of an unorthodox pirate. But he's your unorthodox pirate—and vise versa
• Neither of you would give up the other for all the gold in the world
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cannibalcoyote · 1 year
Johnny Depp: Bodyguard Bestfriend
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Imagine being a long time bodyguard for the Depp family, and having to be a witness during the trial:
*Includes blood, violence and domestic violence, based off of real events but not completely accurate*
Well, this is not where I expected to be. The year is 2022, and I'm currently sitting in court, waiting to be called to the stand.
I can still remember the day I got fresh out of the army, I had a music major under my belt as well as 5 years active duty as a Calvary Scout.
I was so lost, I had no idea what I was doing, so I just started applying for security jobs - figuring my military time would come in handy, it did.
I got hired by a company that ran a security-for-hire gig, renting us out to anyone that needed us. I got a lot of shit at first due to my height, being only 5'6 isn't exactly scary, not to mention that women also aren't very intimidating usually. I did prove my worth in the end, I had a lot of training when it came to hand-to-hand combat, and I was also very adept at creating plans and schedules.
That's actually how I met Mr.Depp, or Johnny as he prefers... He had hired us for a gig out in LA; he had his family with him at one of the red carpet events, and wanted complete security for his wife and children. We hadn't talked at all, I was the head of my crew, making sure everyone was in position and ready in case some fan - or fanatic as I prefer - came jumping at them.
There were two people that had me on edge though, Johnny has two young children, and children tend to be unpredictable. This only became apparent after the night had already begun, Jack stayed close to his parents, but Lily seemed intrigued by me. Maybe it was because I was the only female security guard there, I really don't know.
It wasn't really annoying or anything, all that happened was she walked with me, wanting to hold my hand as we walked past the screaming fans. She got kind of scared of them, clinging onto my hand and sleeve, I knelt down and offered her my sunglasses, which she skeptically put on.
"Now those flashes won't hurt your eyes." I state with a smile that she immediately returns, flinging her arms around me in a hug. The screaming increases in intensity at this, making her friendly hug turn into a slightly scared embrace. I sigh quietly as I look to see the family quite a ways away, 'no way she'll do that alone' I think to myself.
I release another exasperated sigh before wrapping my arms around her delicately, picking her up.
"Don't drop my glasses kid." I say sarcastically, hearing her lightly giggle as I start walking back to Mr.Depp and his family.
Entering the awards was a breeze, there were fences, security guards were everywhere, everyone stuck together; it's the leaving that causes issues. Mr.Depp has a habit of wanting to leave early, meaning that it's just us against an ocean of people.
I already assumed he would want to leave early, so I had my crew create a tunnel through the crowd for the family that led them straight to the car. Everything had gone just as planned, although one issue did arise, Lily-Rose had disappeared. They were in the limo and Johnny was thunderous, exclaiming that they couldn't find Lily as he hurriedly attempted to exit the car.
My men looked to me, I took over, ordering some to stay with the car and for the rest to get searching. I looked over at Mr.Depp, who had one foot out of the car, with a sigh I walked over and gently shoved him back inside the car. He was obviously unhappy, even more so since I stopped him from exiting the vehicle.
"What are you doing! I have to find my daughter!" He yelled as he tried again, but I blocked his attempt.
"Mr.Depp, I have my men out looking for her, we won't leave without her." I reply calmly.
"That's not good enough!" He huffed angrily, glaring at me.
I was getting nowhere with him being polite, time to switch tactics.
"Take a look around sir! If you get out now, not only will your daughter be missing, but you will be too!" I exclaimed, glaring back at him as I waved my hand towards the frenzied crowd. He took a few seconds just looking around, I noticed his anger slowly slip off of his face, instead replaced by worry and fear.
"Sir please, if I know you'll stay in the car with your family, I can send more people to search for her." I explain, resting a reassuring hand on his stiff shoulder. He looks down to me, his face holding a calmer tone as he nods in understanding, sitting back in the car with a defeated sigh.
"Just find my daughter please." I nod my head, stationing 4 men on the car before sending the rest to search for Lily. I start searching as well, although I walk along the outskirts of the crowd to observe them.
The place is full of hustle and bustle, some of the fans seem to be looking for her as well, my crew are sweating bullets in fear of the repercussions for losing one of their clients. I simply shake my head, now is not the time to think of the repercussions, I need to keep my head in the game.
Turning around to glance back at the car, I notice something in the distance and take off running, two large figures are dragging away what looks to be a resistant juvenile. I call over my shoulder for some help, continuing my sprint when I hear some of my guys following me. When we get closer we can hear muffled cries and screams, it triggers an aggressiveness in myself that I'm surprised by.
We tackle the guys, quickly subduing them. I hand mine off to the other guy, worried I might do something rash. I quickly pull Lily away, not wanting her anywhere near those guys.
"Lily, what happened?" Her voice is uneven as she stutters out an answer. Explaining how she went looking for me before she was grabbed by them. I have to hold in my tears, she was looking for me? This is my fault, I should've kept a closer eye on her, especially after what happened earlier today!
I hug her tightly, making sure that knows she is safe now, that her daddy and mommy are waiting in the car. I kiss the top of her head, feeling her curl up against me in a comforting embrace. I heave a sigh before calling over two other guards, asking them to escort Lily back to the car.
She is reluctant, refusing to let go of me at first, but I made a promise to check in with her when I reach their hotel. That did the trick because she slowly released her hold.
I sternly instruct the guards to keep a firm hold of both her hands as they walk her to the car, not wanting her to slip away to look for me again.
I tiredly turn around to the two men on the ground, rolling my eyes as I call the police to have them taken in. This was an attempted kidnapping after all, can't let them roam the streets.
The cops arrive a few minutes after the limos leave, the situation takes about an hour overall, meaning the time is now around 11pm. I send the two remaining guards home before I begin driving over to the hotel. My stomach feels sick, I'm unsure of what will happen when I arrive.
Walking into the lobby, I'm immediately met by some of my men. They explain that Mr.Depp has demanded to see me as soon as I arrived, now I feel sick as a dog. The elevator ride was eerie, I've never felt so nervous, but then again, my client's daughter has never been kidnapped before either.
I still try to hurry, not allowing my worry to slow my actions. Although, my timid knocks may have given away your uneasiness.
A few seconds pass as the door unlocks and swings open, being met with the neutral look of Mr.Depp
"Mr. Depp I—" I got interrupted by a light tackle to your legs. Looking down, I notice it's Lily latched onto me, a contagious smile spreading across my face. My nervousness completely disappears as I kneel down to her level
"Shouldn't you be asleep right now?" I ask lightly as she pulls back from the hug. As she's about to respond, Johnny interrupts, saying it's past her bedtime, and that he had some business to discuss.
He had the whole penthouse floor to himself, so he simply walked to the outside patio on the opposite side for us to talk. I started getting nervous, he probably brought me over here so his family won't hear him yelling at me. He takes a breath, and I brace myself
"Thank you... for today." His voice is quiet but firm as he speaks.
To say I'm shocked is an understatement, his daughter nearly gets kidnapped, and he's thanking me? He turns around, being met with my astonished expression
"But sir, your daughter was kidnapped because I-" I attempt to say, but he halts my sentence.
"STOP... Stop it, I know you're blaming yourself." His tone is stern, almost fatherly, he is old enough to be my father.
"But sir, it was my negligence that led to thi-" I attempted to continue, but was cut off once again as he grabbed both my shoulders, forcing me to face him. His face is calm and serious as he speaks to me.
"No, no it wasn't, Lily told me what happened." He explained.
I stayed silent, wondering what she said, we looked at each other for a few solemn seconds before he let out a silent huff. His hand slips from my shoulders as he turns around and rests them on the railing, gazing at the city lights.
"She told me how she purposely went off looking for you even though she knew she wasn't allowed to do that." He continued.
"I'm also sorry... about yelling at you earlier, I was scared for my daughter, but that's not an excuse for my actions." He apologized, shoulders slumping as he spoke.
"It's alright-" I try to reply, I'm starting to understand where Lily gets her interrupting habit from.
"No it's not, stop trying to let me off the hook just like that, let me finish my piece." He stated in that stern fatherly tone again as he turned to face me. I sheepishly avoid eye contact, nodding my head for him to continue. A few seconds pass before he speaks again.
"Come to breakfast with my family tomorrow, we all would like to thank you, not to mention, I may have some business to discuss with you." With that he turns and walks off, leaving me standing there dumbfounded.
The next day we had a friendly breakfast, it made me think of when I was still close with my family.
Lily clung to my side the whole time, asking about my job, if it was fun, what I used to do, where I'm from. So many questions were asked within the span of 1 hour. Johnny had me stay behind, walking us over to a nearby cafe to discuss "business," whatever that means
"I want to hire you." He abruptly stated, stopping me from sipping my drink.
"You already hired me?" I reply with a confused tone, scrunching my eyebrows slightly.
"No, I mean, I want you to be part of the permanent security team. That means you'll travel with me and will always be near." It took me a few moments to realize the sincerity in his tone, he was being serious. He wanted to hire me after what happened yesterday?!
"What? why?" I exclaimed in confusion and shock, stuttering when I realized how rude that must've sounded.
My stuttering is cut off by his laughter, obviously finding my reaction amusing. He calms down quickly, but an endearing smile remains on his face
"I like you, you're surprisingly easy to talk to even though you are so quiet. My family seems to enjoy your company even though we've only known you for a day, my daughter has also taken to you surprisingly well."
"Okay, but don't you want my CV and everything?" I respond, still a little confused. He rubs the back of his neck, his grin turning into a sheepish smile
"I may have called your boss last night and requested your folder..." he trails off, looking at his drink.
"What... Are they even allowed to give you that?" I responded.
"Sorry about that, and no, I don't think they were allowed to do that." He replies, glancing back at me. I'm still shocked, my mouth hanging open slightly
"I know that's a bit intruding and inappropriate of me, but we're leaving soon and I-" He rambles, but now it's my turn to interrupt him.
"I accept." He's about to continue his explanation before an astonished look washed over him
"You do?" He asks, tone showing how surprised he is, perhaps he thought I would turn his offer down.
"Yes, now if you don't mind, I'd like to drink my coffee now."
For the rest of the day he had a big as smile on his face, which only grew as he told his family the news.
From that day on, I lived and traveled with them, scheduling the details and shifts, making sure everything was ready for his arrival, I even sometimes functioned as a tutor.
At first he had me as just a guard for the entire family, but as the kids got older he assigned me specifically as Lily's bodyguard. I didn't mind this, it just meant that we could go out shopping together more often. As she grew, we developed a very close bond. When she was younger she acted like I was a second mother, but when she became a teen I became her big sister.
Over the years, Mr. Depp became Johnny whenever it was just us or the family. He always scolded me for calling him Mr.Depp, saying it made him sound old. He really became a father figure for me, especially after he finally learned why I never mention or talk to my family. Mrs.Paradis, or Vanessa as she preferred, became friends with me, though we weren't as close as Lily and I. Jack also became closer with me, though I could tell he felt a little awkward around me, I think he has a slight crush, though I can't be certain.
They became my family, I loved them so much, I hoped it would never end. Of course, all good things eventually die.
I was on set with Johnny for the Rum Diaries, it wasn't unusual for him to bring me along, it felt more like bringing his daughter with him instead of a bodyguard.
It was all fun, the movie was going great, he seemed to be having fun. But something was different after he returned home, he seemed off, like something was eating away at him. I tried getting him to talk, he just brushed it off, saying it was nothing; but I could tell by his smile that he was trying to reassure himself as well.
That was the beginning of the end for my happy family, the separation was not something anyone was happy about. I knew it stung when Vanessa learned how much younger Amber Heard was, she confided in me that this was something she always feared deep down. His kids were okay, they weren't ecstatic, but they weren't angry either; I could tell they just wanted their father to be happy.
Amber was... something else. Johnny seemed happy, it was like a year long honeymoon phase, although she wasn't exactly the nicest person if you ask me. Jack and Lily quickly began to dislike her, as did I, we would actively avoid her at all costs.
I especially tried to avoid her, she would always glare at me if I was anywhere near Johnny, demanding that I call him Mr.Depp even when we were just at home. She set me on edge, and the wedding only made it worse.
Lily was vehemently against attending the wedding, meaning I wouldn't be going either since she wanted to go out instead. I pulled Johnny aside and explained the situation. He was unhappy, but accepted his daughter's decision.
Before we left for our trip I pulled Johnny aside, taking both his hands warmly in mine as I said my congratulations and wished him well.
I spot Amber in the distance, beginning to walk towards us, so I hurry myself. I un-clip the chain around my neck, taking Johnny's hand, allowing it to coil in his palm before closing it. I look at him, smiling at the shock on his face, clearly surprised by my actions.
"B-but, that's your fathers ring!" He stutters, conflicted by what I've done.
"And now it's yours." I reply
"Y/N, I can't take this!" He exclaims, trying to give it back, but I shove his hand into his chest.
"Johnny, you've been more of a father than he ever was... I want you to have it." I responded quietly, feeling embarrassed by what I said.
He smiles as he pulls me in for a warm hug, immediately making me feel at ease. As we part, he kisses my check gently before separating completely. He removes the ring from the necklace, sliding it onto his middle finger before re-clipping the chain around my neck.
I thank him, and he's about to speak when Amber steps into our conversation. I can tell by the hostile glare in her eyes that she isn't very happy with me, but Johnny doesn't seem to notice. She drags him away before he could speak, but I simply smile and wave as he sheepishly does the same.
I pivot on my heel and head off to find Lily.
If I thought she was bad before the wedding, I had no idea what was coming after the honeymoon.
Something was off with Johnny, he was a lot quieter, and that's saying something since he is already a reserved person. They also seemed to argue, I already knew about their arguments from before, but now they seemed to be happening in the open a lot more. Lily hated Amber, refusing to interact with her, always dragging me away to her room whenever Amber was near.
I don't object, Amber had taken to yelling at me too, so I enjoyed the moments Lily and I would scramble away and avoid talking to her. We survived like that for a few weeks, but then Johnny called us into the living room. Lily and I glanced at each other in confusion, wondering if either of us did something wrong.
"Y/N, Lily, I've called you here because there is going to be a slight change in Y/N's job." Lily and I both relaxed, assuming that it was going to be small and insignificant.
"From now on Y/N, you will be Amber's personal bodyguard." My eyes widened, I glanced over at Lily to see what I'm sure is the same reaction as me. Lily opens her mouth to argue, but Johnny holds up his hand to silence her.
"My decision is final." I looked away from Johnny to see Lily's eyes watering subtly. She looked between them both before running off back to her room; I went to run after her, but a firm grasp yanked me back.
Looking back to them, I noticed it was Amber who had pulled me back, a stern scowl on her face.
"Where do you think you're going?" She asks, her voice is definitely going to get on my nerves.
"To talk to Lily?" I state in confusion, wondering why she stopped me.
"She'll be fine, but I need you, I'm heading out with my sister to go shopping. Be ready in 10." She left no room for me to talk, simply turning and walking off. To say I was stunned is an understatement, so much is happening, it's hard to wrap my head around it.
I must've looked as lost as I felt because Johnny reached over and placed his hand delicately on my shoulder. I nervously look at him, being brought back to Earth by the warm, gentle look in his eyes.
"Are you alright, doll?" I smile slightly at the pet name, he's been calling me that since about a year after hiring me(I told him about how the guys in my unit jokingly called me"Doll").
"Yah, I'm just... Shocked. It never ran through my head that you might assign me to someone else, I guess it was unexpected for Lily too." I reply, looking down in thought.
"I never did plan on assigning you to someone else." Johnny stated, his voice holding a hint of annoyance, but it was well hidden.
"What do you mean?" I asked, now completely confused.
"Humph, I didn't want to reassign you, but Amber practically demanded that you be assigned as her personal bodyguard." He responds, looking away as he explains, it sounds like he wants to complain, but he is holding back.
I open my mouth to respond, but my voice is taken away as I gasp in surprise. Johnny looks at me, startled by my unexpected reaction. Now that he's looking at me, my eyes widen in worry.
"What? What is it?" He asks quickly, wanting to know what's made me like this.
I slowly reach my hand out towards his face, he lets me, it's not uncommon for me to poke him or fix his hair, but this is different. My hand gently caresses the skin under his left eye, how did I not notice the swelling?
When he realizes what I'm doing, he almost reels back within the blink of an eye, turning around so I'm facing his back.
"Johnny. What's going on?" It was meant to be a question, but it came out as a demand. His body deflates slightly, realizing I'm not letting him off the hook. He turns to speak, but is interrupted by Amber bustling down the stairs, speaking loudly on the phone.
"Y/N, hurry up and pull the car around already, we have to pick up my sister and you're making us late." Amber states in a grating tone.
"Alright alright, but give me a second, wanna take a selfie with Johnn-err Mr.Depp." I state, quickly correcting myself after noticing the look in Amber's eyes.
"Why do you want a picture with him, you see him everyday." She stated flatly.
"My family demands proof that I work for him." I reply effortlessly, she luckily has no idea that my family and I have had no communication for over 10 years. Johnny, however, immediately noticed my lie, thankfully only side-eying me.
I take out my phone, standing next to him, taking a few, telling Johnny to angle his head more to the right in a few. I smile after our 10 second photo-shoot, hugging him quickly before speed-walking out the door to grab the car.
He's probably flabbergasted right now, wondering why I lied about my family, and why I wanted to take some pictures with him. To be honest, I don't think that swelling got there due to something innocent, so I took a shit ton of pictures with him so that I can look at them.
I drive the car around to the front and wait for Amber. In my spare time, I open my phone and look at some of the photos. Not gonna lie, he's always prepared for a picture, even when he's caught completely off guard.
Analyzing the pictures, I note the swelling under his eye, as well as his cheek and a little bit on his nose. It's subtle, I'm surprised I caught it. He's also got a very light bruise that looks like it's in the last stage of healing. I go to look closer, but quickly shut my phone off as Amber enters the back of the car.
That wasn't the only time I had an impromptu photo-shoot with Johnny, there were quite a few to come, all of them capturing worse injuries than before. Halfway into their marriage I knew for sure what was happening, before that I had only heard the fights and been left to assume, but getting caught in their fight was wild.
Amber had been up in his face, pushing him, saying vulgar and cruel things as he tried to leave. The other security were looking at me, wondering what they should do. This wasn't the first time we removed Johnny for his safety, so I quickly sent a text for someone to pack him a bag, motioning one of the guards to grab the car and bring it around.
I was Amber's guard, I'm supposed to protect her, but I know deep down that my default is to always protect my true family, and that certainly isn't her. So when I walk over and see her pull her arm back to slap him, I don't hesitate to stop her.
I grab her arm, shoving her back so that I'm between them. I don't want to fight her, that would definitely get me fired, the only thing I can do right now is protect Johnny, and possibly myself. The anger in her expression magnifies as she looks back to me, Walking up and getting in my space, clearly wanting a reaction. I stand firm, not allowing her to get to Johnny, but not wanting to hurt her either.
"Get out of here Johnny." I say, not removing my eyes from the threat.
"And leave you here? No way." He states firmly.
"I'll be fine alright, I'll catch up with you okay? G/N(guards name)! Take Mr. Depp to the car and get him out of here!" I shout to the guard across the room. I can see him coming closer in my peripheral, leading Johnny away, though I can tell Johnny felt extremely conflicted.
All the while, I'm blocking Amber as they escape, not letting my guard down until I hear the elevators beep from down the hall. When she realizes they are gone, it's like she somehow got even angrier. She looks down the hallways, then fixes her glare on me. Before I have time to react, I find myself across the floor, my mind dazed, a stinging on the left side of my face.
I shake myself as I stand, taking a few seconds to realize I just got punched in the face. I touched my lip, it got caught on my tooth and is bleeding something terrible. I wiped the blood off with my sleeve, but know it's useless right now.
"Oh, don't tell me you've never bled before? What with your military time?" Her voice is so patronizing as she leers, she taunts me anytime she can and it's reaching a boiling point.
"ENOUGH!" I yell, but she simply smirks, enjoying my reaction.
"Too scared to fight me? Afraid you'll lose?" She continues her taunting, looking down at me with her annoying height.
"More like I'm afraid I'll kill you." I state grimly, my instincts telling me she's going to strike out and that I should attack her first, but I know if I hurt her, it'll get turned on me. I wait a second, taking in a deep breath before shaking my head and turning around.
"Stop running! You people can't keep RUNNING!" She screams as she shoves me back around, screaming in my face.
"You make us run! You're so fucking awful that the only thing we can do is leave!" I shout back, shoving her off of me.
"If you walk out that door, consider yourself fired." She states arrogantly as I walk to the front door. My hand hovers for a second as I think everything over.
"I consider that a blessing, but you're not my boss." I growl before turning the handle and walking down the hall, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I call G/N, asking them to send me the address as I start up my car.
Johnny was not happy when I got there, in fact, he looked ready to tear into me, but immediately stopped when he saw my face. About halfway through the drive I started crying, wondering how long she's been hurting him, how long she's been treating him like shit. He only takes a second to study me before rushing forward, pulling me into a comforting embrace as I cried into his shoulder
It's kind of funny looking back now, he was so focused on comforting me even though he was the one experiencing that mistreatment for years. He was always a gentle and caring man, but that moment made me realize just how selfless he is.
From that moment on, he allowed me to photograph his injuries without making me act as if I simply wanted selfies with him. He only agreed to it as long as I wouldn't let myself get hit for him, he hated seeing me get injured, and he didn't want his spouse to be the cause of it. I was scared when I agreed, scared that I could do nothing, but I quickly realized that getting him out of there would keep us both safe.
I kept all the photos on my computer, making sure to have duplicates, as well as keeping a hidden copy of prints. Johnny would also send me photos from when I got hurt, he wanted me to save them as well. She's only hurt me a few times, mainly when I try to get between her and Johnny, I usually would've broken her arm already, but I could never do anything to hurt Johnny.
I was brought forward as one of Johnny's witnesses, I didn't want to go up there, to explain what I had to witness and allowed to happen. I felt disgusted with myself that I let Johnny get treated that way for so long, but I know that he had to leave her by his own decision.
In all the recordings brought forward, I was usually in them, you could hear me in the background, or I might've been right in the middle of it. I knew that the defense was going to lay into me, try and tear me a new one, but I hope that I can take the publicity and stress of it all.
I somehow managed to stay basically anonymous throughout all my years of watching over the Depp's, only pictures and videos of my covered face being seen, but now I'd be in front of the world. My name out in the open, my face on every news channel, my family will know where I am - that's possibly the scariest thing about this.
I've been holding my breath during every video, every picture, and every statement. It's always hard when I hear something that includes me, I always feel like I was an enabler in his abuse because I didn't do more; but I know Johnny would get angry with himself if I told him. When he explains moments in a recording where I got between them, or where I would force him to leave, I always found myself tearing up.
I hear my name being called, I look around, seeing the nod of encouragement from his legal team. They've been so supportive and careful with me, they know about my military time yet still treat me like a delicate flower, it's nice. They've become friends to Johnny and me, I'm glad he found them.
I smile back as I step forward, feeling Johnny gently drape his hand against my arm as I walk by, a soft reassurance that he's there with me.
I swear in, keeping my voice steady as I look at the judge, allowing my eyes to glance around the room for a quick read, avoiding looking in Miss Heard's direction. Johnny and I promised that we wouldn't allow her even a second of our attention, we wouldn't look at her, we wouldn't talk to her, and outside this courtroom we wouldn't speak of her.
I seat myself carefully, eyeing the screen in front of me, glancing to the jury, Johnny's attorney, then finally landing on Johnny. I told him all of my worries, he knew of my fear of the limelight, as well as my worry that my family will recognize me and try to contact me.
Throughout all of this, he's somehow stayed strong, even though he suffered far more than I, he refused to let me feel alone, so I refuse to not play my part in this case; if anyone deserves something good in their life, it's Johnny Depp.
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𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨'𝕤 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟡
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19
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General POV.
Elizabeth stood on a dry piece of land in the cave looking at a few pieces of gold.
Jack however was throwing all kinds of treasure around looking for good pieces to bring.
Rose walked over to Elizabeth and gave her a tight hug.
'I'm so sorry for everything' Elizabeth said softly
'I'm the one giving you a death scare' Rose said smiling.
'I love you Elizabeth. you're my best friend. I would do it all over just for you' Rose said as she took Elizabeth in another tight hug.
'You know before we went off to the Black Pearl.
And you were already down in the dinghy. Your father came to the captain's quarters.
He sat in front of the door. Telling us how proud he is.
On me for trying to save you.
But he thought it was good of you to say yes to the proposal.'
'Of course he would say that' Elizabeth said softly smiling watching Will.
'But he also said that sometimes the most ideal decision, can be a really bad decision when made with bad reasons' Rose said softly while brushing a hair behind Elizabeth's ear.
'He loves you any how Lizzy..
Not only when you marry Norrington'
Rose wiped the tear of Elizabeth's face.
Rose saw Will coming.
'I'll leave you two alone.' Rose said softly and walked off towards Jack.
'Jack' Rose said as she walked up to him.
'Rose' Jack exclaimed having all kinds of gold around his neck. And walked over to her.
Rose gave him a slap in the face.
'Dying!? Really you gave me the biggest scare of my life!' Rose said tears in her eyes.
Jack snickerd.
'Love. I didn't enjoy seeing you die either' he smirked
Which made Rose smile back at him.
He brushed his fingers over her cheeks.
'I wouldn't mind tho. Being Immortal with you' Jack said a bit softer.
Rose smirked looking up to him. And before she knew it Jack had filled the gap between their lips again. His arm in this small of her back. He did stab her on accident with the gold chandelier he was holding. But that was soon forgotten.
Rose laid her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss with Jack.
'We should return to the Dauntless.' Elizabeth said softly towards Will.
'Your fiancé will be wanting to know you're safe. ' Will replied.
Elizabeth nodded softly and walked away towards the dinghy's
'Really Will!' Rose said behind him.
Her hands up.
'if you were waiting for the opportune moment' Jack said
'That was it' Rose and Jack said at the same time.
'Now, I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me off at my ship!' Jack said smiling at Rose.
Rose knew she couldn't go with Jack. But he told her to write to Tortuga and he would collect her letters.
When they were on the dinghy rowing towards the open sea.
The Black Pearl was nowhere to be found.
'I'm sorry Jack' Rose said softly laying a hand on his shoulder.
'They done what's right by them. Can't expect more than that.' Jack said laying his hand on mine.
When they were hovered above the Dauntless. Jack got cuffed and taken towards the brig.
'Do I really need to tell you that he is a new man now..' Rose said towards Norrington.
'He might be Rosemary.
But this time he already got wat he wanted and the only he now has in his future are the gallows. So he will try to escape.
And now I don't want to hear anything about it anymore okay?' Norrington said as he stormed off.
'Its okay love' Jack mouthed towards Rose. As they took him below deck.
Rosemary's POV
'And now you two' Norrington said towards me and Will
He looked over towards Will.
'I will be letting these charges go if. You will never ever will try to steal a ship from us again. And go off on your own. This is still Royal Navy duty. Not just the duty of an Black smith and a tailor.'
'Do we have an understanding' Norrington said towards us. With a small smile.
'Thankyou Commodore ' Will and I both said.
'Now out of my sight!' Norrington said and we went below deck.
I heard the guards planning the hanging of Jack right were Will and I both sat.
I looked at him with tears in my eyes. And he came closer to me and laid an arm around my shoulders.
'I think I have a plan' Will said softly
'Lets talk about it when we get back. Now go get some sleep and check on Elizabeth' Will said as she pushed me up.
'I'll check on Jack and thank him for everything. ' I nodded and smiled at Will.
I walked up to deck and walked over to the captain's quarters were Elizabeth sat on a dining chair.
'Oh Rose!
I'm so sorry.. I couldn't do anything for Jack.' I smiled at Elizabeth.
'You can't help it Liz.
But thank you ' I said genuine towards Elizabeth. and gave her a kiss on her cheek.
'Now please.. Lets do something about that hair. Cause It's a real mess.' I said giggling towards Elizabeth.
'I thought you'd never ask!' Elizabeth said
When back in Port Royal.
The normal life started again.
Will was busy making lots of new material cause lots had been damaged in the last fights.
And I was busy tailoring all the dresses for the hanging of Jack. It made my heart ache.
But I couldn't help it. I made a promise to Norrington.
For Elizabeth I made a new dress without a tight corset. But with an under burst corset. So That Elizabeth would be able to breath way more.
The dress I made for myself was way more handy.
It was an dark green color. It was a tight dress but the back was long and wavy. There was a ribbon on the back of it.
I made the fabric thinly sown together.
So that if I ripped at the bow hard enough it would rip the heavy skirt of the dress down leaving me with just the corset of the dress.
I made the dress a bit shorter then usual. Because I wouldn't be wearing heels but flat boots.
The hips of the dress were broad so I could actually hide my sword and gun in there around my waist.
I also made an outfit for Will. I made him an amazing hat with feathers. And a nice suit to wear to the hanging.
He thought it would be way to much. But It would be way easier to notice him in the scene of people and I could follow him towards Jack. 
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