#Phoenix Wright is a force of nature and I love him so much
treasure-mimic · 11 months
Felt like messing around in photoshop today, so, what started as a want to create some franchise icons for Smash turned into full character mockups, so I put together my 10 most wanted characters for Smash Bros., whatever the next game looks like, and I’d like to post them and talk about them a bit.
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Quote is I think my most wanted newcomer to Smash, I really like and appreciate everything Cave Story has done, and I think if you’re talking about indie games, Cave Story has probably had the most influence on the industry. Kids today probably don’t know much of anything about this game, but trust me when I say there’d be no Hollow Knight, no Ori, no Celeste, without Quote.
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This one might be a little obvious nowadays, but I am fully behind the Waluigi train. Just one point of contention, I think people undersell his potential by just having him reference different sports games and spin-offs. I think the real play is to come up with a wholly original kit based around being a dirty cheater and trickster with a penchant for explosives.
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I’d much rather have Paper Mario than Dr. Mario if I’m being entirely honest with you.
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This one’s a bit weird, because I don’t have a huge fondness for Excitebike the game or Excitebiker the character, I’m just enamored with this concept of a fighting game character who fights entirely from the back of a motorcycle. I just think that’s wicked as hell. I’ll take it in whatever form I can.
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Metroid Dread is in strong contention for my favorite Metroid game ever, and it did finally give us a character with a body plan and toolkit that lends itself to Smash, outside of Sylux and the Hunters, whom I’m not the biggest fans of. I’ve had some contentious history with the way Smash fans talk about Metroid, so I guess I’ll put it out now that I think if, at this point, you’re not vouching for Raven Beak, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
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Love me some DS VNs, Professor Layton I think at this point has the strongest ties to Nintendo and, since Phoenix Wright got to play in Marvel 3, it should be his time to shine, though I wouldn’t be opposed to any of them.
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Honestly, every generation of Pokemon there’s a couple of new mons that I think would make sick Smash characters, and will inevitably get passed up for a lame starter. Nihilego deserves a spot, dammit, she’s more plot important than any number of fire/fighting muscleheads. But if we’re shilling for the most recent gen, you can’t go wrong with a giant hammer.
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The Heavy is commonly in talks around Smash Bros. wishlists, especially here in the West, but the obvious problem rears its head pretty quickly. He’s a giant, lumbering, immobile mass whose main weapon takes several seconds to start up and then chews through anything it hits. This is my counterproposal, I think the Scout is just as iconic as the Heavy, comes with a lot of fun weapons and abilities, and actually has some mobility. Imagine using a downward Force-A-Nature shot to recover while spiking someone into the blast zone!
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This is for sure a weird one, but once the idea came to me I started getting really attached to it. The number of Enderman variants from Minecraft Dungeons gives the Enderman a surprising amount of variance to pull from, and the Ender Dragon could be its Final Smash.
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For the final suggestion, this is for sure a “there’s no chance in hell” but also “it would be really funny”. Scorpion, I think, best represents the aesthetics of Mortal Kombat, a ninja with fire, bladed weapons, and the ability to teleport, which centers him more than Sub-Zero who uses ice, Raiden who uses lightning, and Liu Kang who’s just a martial artist. Leaning heavy on the fire aspect is also a good way to nerf MK’s hypergore for a Rated E10+ game, though that really is the central appeal of Scorpion, trying to shove this edgelord into a kiddy cartoon beat-em-up.
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salt-water-sable · 2 years
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When life gets you down remember the very small magician and her disaster dad. Have I finished playing AA1? No. Have I watched a full play though of AA4? Yes. I don’t know why either
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rrrrinmaru · 3 years
artem halloween celebration headcanons
Artem’s Costume: Lawyer
artem has never really seen the appeal of halloween. he never celebrated it as a child, and he doesn’t quite see why people like dressing up so much. it just seems like a lot of effort.
celestine, however, LOVES halloween. every year, she hosts a halloween party in the firm, and there are even prizes to win for the Best Dressed and Runner Ups! obviously, artem has never put in effort to dressing up, so celestine usually puts him on photographer duty at the photo booth.
this year, however, he’s feeling regretful when he doesn’t dress up. because you dressed up. you’re dressed as cinderella to match with kiki, who’s dressed as snow white. two d*sney princesses falling over each other in laughter at the photo booth as you hold up the crown and magic wand props.
“hi mr wing!” you say brightly, a little dizzy from laughing so hard. “what are you dressed up as?”
artem feels ashamed to say he didn’t dress up. it’s quite clear he didn’t, because he’s still in his suit, but he doesn’t want to admit it. 
he clears his throat. “have you heard of uh, that law video game?”
you freeze. you’re staring at him in shock, and you don’t respond for a good while until kiki elbows you sharply in the side. “he’s waiting for a response!” she hisses.
you cough, coming to your senses. “uhm, ace attorney? is that the one?”
a faint flush crosses his face. “yes. i dressed up as... a lawyer.”
“your suit color is wrong.” you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. “phoenix wright wears a navy blue.”
artem stands there, looking appropriately chastised. kiki looks like she would be anywhere else rather than here, so she hides her smile and runs off to get punch.
you’re fortunate there isn’t a queue for the photo booth. maybe, despite all the bonding the office did at the nature retreat, people are still wary of artem. at least this means you two have some time to talk, though this silence is not looking optimistic.
you look down at yourself, the big puffy blue dress that you got for cheap off taobao, and then look back up at artem. “you could be robert,” you say suddenly. 
artem blinks. “i... who is robert?” 
you shift uneasily. you don’t know why you said that. now you feel embarrassed, but the words just keep flowing out of your mouth and you can’t stop it. “he’s a widowed divorce lawyer.”
he develops a complicated look. you know this isn’t sounding good, but you’re not sure if the next few words will sound good either. “he’s from enchanted. the 2007 movie. do you know it?”
“i haven’t watched it,” artem replies slowly. “i’ll make sure to put it on my watch list.”
“oh,” you say. “okay. because i was going to be giselle, and you can be robert. then we would—” the word gets lodged in your throat.
“then we would match,” you force out in a strangled voice. “because giselle is the princess and robert is—well, he’s not her prince, but he’s the one who succeeds in waking her with true love’s kiss.”
artem pauses. you can see the way the cogs in his head are turning. you’re even certain you see smoke coming out of his ears.
“he’s also dressed exactly like you,” you continue to babble. “suit and tie. sleek black. i’ll find you a picture, hold on—”
“can we take a picture together?” artem asks abruptly. when you look up sharply, his gaze is trained firmly on you, but his cheeks are slightly red. “since we... since we match. matching costumes.”
“i—yeah. yeah, let’s take a picture together to commemorate the day!” you stammer nervously, smoothing out the creases in your skirt. kiki must have been eavesdropping in the corner because she appears right at this moment, declaring she’ll take the picture for the two of you.
“happy halloween,” you murmur under your breath, doing your best not to look at artem as he takes his place next to you. it’s so strange, the way you can physically feel his presence, his closeness to you. you wonder if you’ve ever been this close to him. you wonder if you can somehow inch closer.
artem glances at you, and the smile on his lips is so gentle. “happy halloween.”
you hurriedly turn back to the camera, preparing to pose, but kiki smirks at you. the polaroid is already developed. it’s the two of you looking at each other, robert and giselle, the widowed divorce lawyer and the princess who fell out of a fairytale. 
“by chance,” artem whispers quietly. “are you free tonight? after the party, i was thinking of watching that movie you mentioned.”
you’ve never been freer in your life.
© rrrrinmaru 2021 | no unauthorised publication or reproduction allowed
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
hi! ohh could i request for some yandere miles headcanons
Of course you can anon! One set of Yandere Miles Headcanons coming right up for you! I hope that you enjoy them, I know I sure will and I’m the one writing them! 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Also feel free to ID yourself and give your preferred pronouns if you want to and I’ll add you to my anon list :)
I do apologise that these are a bit all over the place, I really just talk about things as and when they come to mind so I hope that these aren’t too confusing.
Spoilers: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, ‘The Dark Age of the Law’
TW: Obsessive and Possessive Behaviours, Controlling Behaviours, Abuse of Power
♟Miles Edgeworth♟
♟ Just like what I said in my normal Miles Edgeworth headcanons, Miles Edgeworth is absolutely inexperienced when it comes to romance and would probably find it very hard to deal with these sudden and very intense feelings that are caused by being around S/O for long periods of time.
♟ It would be very much within Miles’ nature to try and avoid S/O as much as he can, keeping them at arm’s length in order to try and limit these feelings so that they do not further develop. He already feels deeply ashamed of himself for feeling so intensely about one person and after spending the entirety of his adolescence and a good amount of his adult life wanting to impress his mentor, he isn’t the best equipped to try and work on these feelings.
♟ His feelings would probably be made more intense if S/O refuses to take his distance as a hint that he wants to stay away from them. S/O might see their persistence as necessary to get Miles to open up to new people, but these good intentions will only cause him to fall more and more in love with them over a period of several months,
♟ Miles is definitely the type of person to try and interfere in his S/O’s life as unobtrusively as possible. It wouldn’t be his intention to completely smother S/O, although he would see it as his duty to make sure that they are looked after and protected from any form of threat. If S/O was in a position where they were financially insecure, he’d send them money anonymously and offer them a job at the Prosecutor’s office to stay afloat.
♟ As S/O becomes a lot closer to him, he might start pushing the boundaries a bit in terms of his involvement in their personal life. Performing his own background checks on their friends and family and secretly interfering in their romantic pursuits if their choice in partners doesn’t meet his very high standards. S/O wouldn’t be surprised to see an order for them to work some overtime on the night that they are going on a date.
♟ If S/O were to ever confront Miles about his strange behaviours and actions in the last few months, he’d be quick to shut them down. It’s his job to argue his point in court and he’d be very quick to dismiss their ‘evidence’ of his meddling as ridiculous. He would rationalise his actions as necessary in keeping those that are considered close to him safe.
♕ “There are people out there who are looking for any excuse to get to me by using those that I closely associate with, I am only looking to keep those people away from you.”
♟ Miles would only ever kidnap S/O as the last resort. He knows that he would be causing more damage than anything by forcing S/O to stay trapped within his home. He would be more likely to kidnap his S/O during the Dark Age of the Law, as he would be in the front seats as California’s Legal system seemed to break down before his own eyes and that’s only because he wouldn’t want anything to happen to them, lest some corrupt defence attorney or prosecutor get involved with their case.
♟ If anyone were to actually threaten S/O or someone made an attempt on their life, Miles would absolutely strike down on them with the full force of the law. His desire to get a guilty verdict above anything else would absolutely make a return. He would use every weapon in his arsenal to ensure that the person who tried to put his S/O at risk would be sent down for a very long time.
♟ Once the criminal got the guilty verdict that they deserved, he’d do something very uncharacteristic of himself and swoop S/O into a tight hold. His fear of losing them for good disperses slightly as he feels them wrapped in his arms.
♟ If Miles did end up kidnapping S/O, he’d be fully aware that they’d probably be less than agreeable at first, thankfully he’s a very tough nut to crack so S/O hurling insults at him probably wouldn’t get them very far, or at least, he wouldn’t show S/O if their words were affecting him.
♕ “You are acting irrationally, my dear. I’m doing this for your own safety and I understand that it’ll take you a while to realise this but please don’t think that I am doing this out of any kind of spite.”
♟ Of course, Miles would be very hurt if S/O never truly accepted his love for them, it would only go to prove that his mentor had been right about the fact that love was a weakness. He would do everything within his power to try and gain their favour over time to avoid this happening, he’d try to provide S/O with as much normality as he can.
♕ Walking out in his garden with the dog would be a big thing for him, he doesn’t want S/O to go stir crazy by just staying inside all of the time, plus the exercise is beneficial.
♟ In terms of punishments, he would never lay a hand on S/O. People who love each other don’t do that and despite Miles’ lack of love experience he at least knows that much. He’d probably be delusional enough to think that S/O was acting unreasonably and would just keep them in their room until they had calmed down enough to have a proper conversation.
♟ If S/O came to eventually accept and reciprocate Miles’ feelings, he’d absolutely be over the moon! S/O would still be the one to initiate a lot of the more outward displays of affection, however, Miles would be a lot quicker to reciprocate and initiate his own affections onto S/O, so expect him to pull S/O into his arms after a long day of work just to feel their presence by him.
♟ Once he sees that S/O is happy with him and willing to stay, he would definitely slack on some of his rules about them leaving the house. He would absolutely still monitor their every move but as long as they don’t try to escape, he would allow them to readjust back into society and start going out more.
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4ragon · 3 years
oh! how abt phoenix and apollo? or apollo and trucy? i just love this family okay
Sure thing! I think I've talked about both previously, Apollo and Phoenix here and Apollo and Trucy here, but I'm always down to ramble about them a little more.
I do love this strange little family unit that makes up the Wright Anything Agency. While I do have my complaints about how the aa4 cast treats Apollo at times (particularly Beanix), there is no doubt in my mind that these three characters are all so incredibly ride or die for each other. Like, I’ve mentioned that Beanix frustrates me a lot at times with how he treats Apollo, but I do think there’s real care and concern between them, even if Phoenix has a hard time expressing it in the midst of what seems to be a really bad stretch of depression.
And of course, Trucy is the glue that brings them all together. Trucy created the WAA after all. She saved Phoenix after his life came crumbling down, and she broke down the walls Apollo built for himself so quickly. Both Phoenix and Apollo are so invested in Trucy’s wellbeing, neither would ever be able to say no to her. God, in particular, every piece of art with Apollo as Trucy’s assistant gives me so much life. He hems and he haws, he’s prickly and negative and sarcastic, and yet Apollo is such a pushover, especially when it comes to that force of nature that is Trucy Wright. Again, that dynamic is just. Mwah. Perfcetion.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the sibling reveal recently. And I know this is starting to drift a little bit from the original topic, but I think it’s really interesting to try to understand Phoenix’s motivation in keeping this information close to his chest.
I do think a good chunk of it is Thalassa. He wants her to be the one to reveal it. Part of that, of course, is that it’s not exactly his secret to reveal. But I think in part he wants to pass off the responsibility. It’s such a complicated thing to reveal, after all, and I think he’s hoping that she can be the one to drop the news so that their family can reunite all at once, rather than dropping those big reveals one at a time.
HOWEVER this does not account for the fact that, as far as I’m aware, Phoenix knew about this before he knew Thalassa’s whereabouts. In fact, according to the MASON section, he found out about Apollo the day Shadi Enigmar died. (Or technically the day before, I thiiiiink Shadi Enigmar died after midnight?) Shadi was the one who told Phoenix about Apollo. And I don’t think Valant brought up the possibility of Thalassa’s survival until much later. So why didn’t Phoenix tell them earlier?
While this is an incredibly reasonable question, I think it’s important to remember, this happens hours before Phoenix is arrested for murder. And once Phoenix has been arrested, getting Apollo to defend him instead of Kristoph is suddenly Phoenix’s best chance at survival. Can you imagine dropping a bombshell like that right then? People already accuse Phoenix of using and manipulating Apollo in that first trial. What sort of person would Phoenix be if he brought his own daughter into that? That’d be cruel. That’d be horrible. That’d be far more manipulative than anything Phoenix does in Turnabout Trump, imo.
And then the trial ends, and Apollo punches Phoenix in the face. Could Phoenix have told him then? Could Phoenix have revealed the truth at that moment? I think part of him was worried he’d irrevocably destroyed the chance for Apollo and Trucy to connect. They’d won, Kristoph had been put behind bars, but Apollo loathed him. And on the flip side, how could he tell Trucy at that moment? How could he tell Trucy about this family she could still have and reveal that he despised her father, maybe would want nothing to do with them?
I truly think that is why Phoenix brought Apollo back, why he tricked Apollo into coming back. Yes, the way he did it wasn’t great, but he wasn’t just trying to use or manipulate Apollo. He wanted to try to give Trucy the family she’d lost, help bridge that connection.
This, of course, leads to the gap between Turnabout Corner and Turnabout Serenade. If Phoenix knew they were siblings, and Apollo was connecting with Trucy, why didn’t he say something before he passed the buck to Thalassa?
There are a couple of possible reasons. Maybe he wasn’t sure how to bring it up to Apollo after Apollo made it clear he didn’t like him very much. Or maybe he was worried that Apollo would break Trucy’s heart. After all, he didn’t know Apollo very well. Perhaps he wasn’t sure he could trust Apollo. Or maybe there was a part of him that worried that Trucy would choose Apollo over him. Or Apollo would want to take Trucy away from him, given that Apollo didn’t trust Phoenix. Maybe he was worried that that blood relationship would win out over the bond that he and Trucy had forged through those seven years. I personally like to think it’s some combination of those. And that’s why, when he finds Lamiroir, he realizes he could take that decision out of his own hands.
(Of course before I could write any of this in a fic, this fic did it better than I would, so might as well rec it.)
Whoops! Sorry, this is maybe not quite what you asked for, but it’s what you’re going to get now. Um. Tah dah?
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rivalsforlife · 3 years
Do you have anything you wished was different from Ace Attorney canon?
Hello I'm finally slowly starting to get around to answering some of these! Sorry for the wait.
Uh this ask got super long so a basic summary of it: narumitsu being canon in a well-written way would be nice even though I don't think it would ever happen, I stand by not bringing back Phoenix as a main protagonist in DD, and I'd also want to rewrite all of SOJ so that Apollo goes to Khura'in in place of Phoenix, to have more interesting character stuff going on.
So the longer answer is this:
Aside from some of the actually problematic stuff that I don't feel qualified to talk about, story-wise, I answered a sort of similar question about a year ago here. I have changed my opinions a little bit since then, particularly with regards to the canonicity of narumitsu... because while I do love narumitsu I feel like I don't trust Ace Attorney to actually do it properly. After all if this past November has taught us anything "making a ship canon" could actually be quite undesirable and I have no desire to see Phoenix and/or Edgeworth sent to superhell. (I literally know nothing else about supernatural sorry about that.)
If capcom were somehow able to make narumitsu canon but in an unobtrusive way and as a natural progression of the storyline, like oh hey, the court record profile for Miles Edgeworth's Obligatory Last-Case Appearance has Phoenix mention they're dating, and maybe there's a few lines suggesting they live with each other, but it's not like... taking the entire story to force them together and otherwise does not change the way they interact with each other and butcher one or both of their characterizations in the process? I'd definitely be happy about that. Not gonna lie even if they made narumitsu canon in the most terrible way possible I'd have a "holy shit I can't believe they did that it's the best day of my life" kind of moment before I could think about it critically. But I honestly see no chance of them ever actually making narumitsu canon, so that's quite unrealistic to hope for anyways.
Aside from that in that other ask I talked about basically the premise of an Apollo trilogy and not bringing back Phoenix as the main protagonist in DD, and I still stand by that, buuut in my other ask I did touch on making SOJ a different game where Apollo goes to Khura'in instead of Phoenix - and you know what I'm going to take some time to actually talk about my dream version of SOJ because there were a lot of little things about the one we got that I didn't like. And it's going to be very long. So it's under a cut.
SO yeah I talked about it a bit in the other ask. I think that Phoenix going to Khura'in is a rather weak idea both externally and in-universe. In one of the interviews, too lazy to find which one, Phoenix basically goes to Khura'in because the writers couldn't figure out how to challenge him anymore. ... And then they don't actually challenge him at all. Because oh well now we're going to this new country where they KILL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS WHO LOSE and then it's supposed to be *shocking* that Phoenix would risk his life for a kid or his best friend. you know the guy who ran across a burning bridge to save his best friend. you know the guy who got punched in the face, nearly killed by the mafia, and tazed trying to save his clients. This doesn't tell me anything new about Phoenix's character. His whole travel in Khura'in doesn't tell me anything new about Phoenix's character. Basically the only reason he's there is to see Maya - Maya who theoretically would be returning home in about two weeks. Maya who was still in her training for two more weeks when Phoenix visited so he wouldn't be able to see her anyways. ... And in the meantime Trucy had the biggest show of her life that was going to be on TV and Phoenix wasn't there for it. And of course Phoenix didn't return home after Trucy was accused of murder (yes he couldn't be there for the trial, but he definitely could have for the emotional support afterwards) and instead just sits for two weeks in Khura'in doing literally nothing after Ahlbi's trial.
(And yes I know about the anime prologue that has Phoenix think Maya's in danger... but that's not strictly canon since it's never mentioned in game, isn't technically a part of the game, and even still, why wouldn't he go home after knowing that Maya's safe and that Trucy had been ACCUSED OF MURDER. Honestly that's what makes me angriest about this whole thing is that it makes Phoenix out to be a terrible dad. We really don't need any more takes like that, especially not from canon.)
And what about Apollo, you may ask? Well, given case 5 of SOJ, Apollo actually has a personal link to Khura'in and ends up staying there afterwards... after being there for like a day or two. I should note here that it has been a while since I went through SOJ in its entirety so I am fuzzy on many of the details. But both through what I remember and some conversations with people who actually played the game recently, the motivation for Apollo to actually stay in Khura'in isn't that great. It mainly seemed like guilt about his dead dad who he hadn't been in contact with for years and had completely written off until a few days ago but oh he died and then went to go visit him so... better take up the law office!
If Apollo had gone to Khura'in in place of Phoenix and spent more time there, reconnecting with his childhood home and actually getting passionate seeing how corrupt the legal system is there (even though we have a corrupt legal system at home) and being driven to fix it, that would make for a stronger story, I think. The Khura'in plot is more personally focused around Apollo than it is Phoenix. Phoenix's connection to Khura'in is through Maya, but Maya doesn't really have much of a connection to it aside from "it's where spirit channeling is from and she trains there". But Apollo, I guess, grew up there. So it's so strange to me that they force all of Apollo's connection to Khura'in in the last case while Phoenix is running around doing who-knows-what for the rest of the game. Phoenix spends more time getting to know the state of Khura'in and the Defiant Dragons and case 3's whole thing but he isn't the one who in the end decides to sit down and fix it; that's all on Apollo. It almost feels like they forced one of the two plots in to everything. And it was probably conceived as a Phoenix story that they needed to fit Apollo into last minute because oops he's supposed to be a protagonist too.
Some other strengths to Apollo going to Khura'in include that it would shake up the character dynamics a bit. Instead of Phoenix defending Maya, it's Apollo defending Maya, and that's a particularly interesting thing to look at in the context of Khura'in's "we kill defense attorneys" system. Of course, Phoenix would risk his life to save Maya, 100%, every time. But what about Apollo, who hasn't met Maya, who only knows her as "Mr. Wright's former assistant" - would he risk his life for her? And I feel like Maya would argue more against him defending her because of that. "We're strangers, you don't know me, you don't have to risk your life defending me." (Sidenote that I was always upset that Maya didn't protest much when Phoenix offered to defend her, knowing his life was at risk - sure she knows him better and knows he's always been able to get her out of these situations, but at the same time, the fact that there was no "what about your daughter?" conversation sucks. I really wish SOJ wouldn't have like. completely forgotten about the phoenix-trucy father-daughterisms.)
Let's say Apollo goes to Khura'in. Phoenix stays at home. Phoenix gets a call from Apollo that's basically "uhh hi Mr. Wright you know your friend Maya, she's been arrested for murder, if I defend her and I lose we're both dead," then you can tie in to that moment in 6-2 where Phoenix (who can't make it in time for the trial!) believes in Apollo and his skills as an attorney, not just to save Maya's life, but also his own. It ties in a bit more to the overall challenge of defending someone at the risk of your own life. Again, Phoenix would have very few hesitations, if any, risking his life to defend Maya. Apollo may have more defending a stranger at the risk of his own life.
Then if you can actually have Apollo and Maya talk together that would be neat - Maya can tell him embarrassing stories about Phoenix's rookie days, for instance. Their dynamic would be quite a bit different from Phoenix and Maya's, and that would be an interesting thing to see, unlike what we have in SOJ where all of Maya's substantial interactions are with characters she already knows or brand new characters.
(It would also be pretty neat to know more spirit channeling politics and dive in more to Maya's perspective on Khura'in and also her role as upcoming Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique and where she plans to lead the village in the future and also reconcile with her family's bloody legacy, but I'm not quite sure how to fit that in right now.)
And how about Phoenix, back home in Japanifornia? Evidently he'd end up being in charge of defending Trucy. Now, I did love the siblingsisms in canon 6-2, but I feel like there is still potential for Phoenix defending Trucy. All of Apollo Justice has a bunch of good moments between Apollo and Trucy, and she's co-counsel on all his trials, but we've never had any substantial Phoenix and Trucy investigation or co-counsel moments. I feel like AU 6-2 would be a great opportunity to dive more into Phoenix and Trucy's relationship and how it may have changed after Phoenix got his badge back. Plus, Phoenix being "the only one who knows how she really feels on the inside", he'd have unique insider knowledge into some of the Gramarye stuff that comes up in the case and Trucy's personal connection to the Gramaryes, which Apollo knows a bit of, but Phoenix knows more of. ... Or at least, should know more of, given that he raised Trucy for nine years at this point and they're very close, and Phoenix knows her better than anyone else does, even if capcom has forgotten this.
... Of course having Athena defend the case would also be great because more Athena spotlight is never a bad thing, but it's hard to come up with a reason why Phoenix wouldn't be there to defend her. And doing more switcheroos in terms of role in the plot is a bit beyond the scope of what I have in mind right now. Sorry Athena.
Aside from that, Athena still gets Storyteller, Apollo still heads Turnabout Revolution, and Phoenix still gets the DLC case. Apollo stays in Khura'in in the end with a bit more to his motivations. Rather than it just being about carrying on Dhurke's legacy, it's also something Apollo is passionate about after all he witnessed here. While we're at it I'd still rework a lot of Turnabout Revolution to make it so that Phoenix genuinely believes in Atishon because that makes for sooo much more interesting of a plot and actual character development on Phoenix's part than "Maya was kidnapped again and Phoenix is only wrong when he has no other choice", but that'd require some more detail and this post is long enough already.
And in terms of other details that need to be sorted out, there's the question of why Apollo would need to go to Khura'in in the first place. I'd probably say something to do with Dhurke. Maybe he comes back a bit earlier - actually alive, maybe, though crossing borders would be a bit of a challenge, or he reaches out to Apollo remotely somehow and Apollo goes to yell in his face about abandoning him (or at least that's what he thinks he wants.) Then we could have some more Dhurke and Apollo bonding time, potentially? Idk, if you switch up Phoenix and Apollo you're pretty much writing a whole new game and obviously I have not worked out all the details, but I think if Capcom had tried to go with this route from the outset they'd have a stronger game. At least stronger character motivations.
So... yeah. Those are my opinions. If you read through this whole thing I'm very impressed because it got very long!
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turnaboutyandere · 4 years
How am I not following you xD Phoenix Wright is so yandere its silly and I've been saying this for ages, thenk you for your service.
I'd love to hear literally any headcanons you wanna share about the main cast!
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Spoilers for: AA3
TW: Abuse of authority, controlling behavior, kidnapping, paranoia, possessive behavior.
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[Phoenix Wright]
⚖️ After the whole Dahlia fiasco, Phoenix swore to never fall in love again. Being betrayed by someone he thought he'd spend the rest of his life with left him heartbroken and afraid of trusting others. He just couldn’t risk the same thing happening again...
⚖️ But when he meets you, someone who’s all the good things he wished Dahlia had been, he starts questioning his choice to avoid relationships. Every moment spent with you only helps to further break the protective locks he’d placed over his heart.
⚖️ Your relationship starts out normally at first, but it quickly becomes apparent that he is far too overprotective. He’s had more than his fair share of incidents that put his loved ones in danger, and he isn’t willing to risk the same things happening to you.
⚖️ That’s why he outright refuses to let you leave the house unless he’s able to come with you. What if someone harasses you? What if you get attacked, or kidnapped? What if you get murdered? There’s too many things he worries about when he’s not around to keep you safe.
⚖️ When he’s at work or unable to be with you for whatever reason, he’ll be calling you nearly every hour if his schedule allows it. You can always hear the worried tone in his voice disappear when he hears your voice over the phone.
⚖️ He’s much more clingy than you’d expect, a fact he has a hard time keeping to himself. In public, he’ll always have a hand on you in some way, mostly to reassure him that you’re still here. And in private, don’t expect to leave his sight (or his arms, for that matter).
⚖️ He often “borrows” little belongings of yours to keep with him when you’re not around. Flipping through the pages of your favorite book or smelling a perfume you always wear, for example, help to ease his mind a bit when his paranoia gets the best of him.
⚖️ He’s not violent by nature and doesn’t like getting his hands dirty, so he’s not the type to go out of his way to kill for you. That being said, he is the type to frame someone if he feels they’re a threat. He’s shocked by this behavior initially, but assures himself that it’s all for your protection.
⚖️ He isn’t overly jealous or possessive, so he won’t keep you from your friends or family unless he thinks they have bad intentions. However, people such as exes, old crushes, and just about anyone you dislike are at high risk of being thrown in prison for a crime they didn’t commit.
⚖️ But even if everyone he feared would hurt you is locked away, his paranoia will still run rampant. Though it’s toned-down significantly, it’s always there, eating away at him until he’s on the verge of a mental breakdown. That’s why, even if your relationship is going well, Phoenix will kidnap you.
⚖️ No matter how much you fight against him, he won’t let up. He’ll never, ever lay a harmful hand on you, but he won’t let you go either. He can only have peace of mind if you’re at home, safe and sound, away from other people. And if he has to lock you away to achieve that, then so be it.
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[Miles Edgeworth]
♟ Miles is someone who never saw himself falling in love. Sure, he’d had the odd crush here and there, but never anything serious. He was made to focus on his work for most of his life, so any thoughts of romance were pushed aside in favor of advancing his career.
♟ As a result, he has no idea what to do with himself when his obsession begins. He’s never felt so strongly about someone before and doesn’t know how to act around you. He frequently switches from being overly formal and curt to red-faced and stuttering.
♟ He maintains the idea that being in a relationship with him is your choice, and that he won’t force you to be with him. But of course, that doesn’t stop him from chasing away anyone that shows even the slightest hint of romantic interest in you.
♟ That guy you were seeing? He’s just been arrested under suspicion of being involved in a recent murder. That girl that was flirting with you at work? She’s now avoiding you like the plague, and refusing to even look at you.
♟ He sees nothing wrong with his actions, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t aware of how they might affect you. Therefore, he’s completely emotionally closed-off from you, even when you’re in a relationship with him. He worries his “protectiveness” might scare you off.
♟ But that’s not to say he doesn’t have his moments of doubt. In fact, he frequently has to reassure himself about his actions. He’s not obsessed with you, he’s just deeply in love. And he’s not “getting rid” of his competition; no, he’s simply protecting you from cruel people that will only hurt you in the long run.
♟ He’s very conflicted in general. You’re an adult and you can handle yourself; your independence is your birthright. But that doesn’t stop him from wanting to lock you away in a place only he knows, where he can care for you and cherish you for the rest of your days.
♟ Things such as “privacy” and “personal boundaries” are thrown out the window when it comes to you. He doesn’t mean to be controlling, but he can’t help himself. He has a strong need to protect you, which often translates into him getting involved in situations where his presence is inappropriate.
♟ He prefers to make you dependent on him, rather than force you to stay. He’ll support you any way he can, and assure you that he’s the only person you’ll ever need in life. He’ll give you everything you want and more, so long as you don’t leave him. All he asks for in return is for you to love him. Only him.
♟ He’ll only kidnap you as a last resort, if he can’t persuade you to stay with him. He feels incredibly guilty about it in the beginning, but he slowly comes to accept it over time. And being forced to watch the law gradually sink into corruption before his own eyes only reaffirms his belief that he did the right thing.
♟ No amount of tears or begging will ever get him to change his mind. You’ll be kept under lock and key with no means of escape. And like a broken record, Miles will constantly tell you that what he did was for your own good. He’ll break any law if it means keeping you safe.
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viridiave · 3 years
*Wrote all this some time last month so I might be off- really really off- also full disclosure I too am a Narumitsu shipper- this is just me giving myself a bad time doing the impossible and having fun XD
-I am going to fail sooner or later. Looking at you, Bridge to the Turnabout.
FIRST GAME >Turnabout Samurai -Yep. We're jumping right in with 'unnecessary feelings'. I'm going to be put on a stake for this. -This is going to become the main argument with any and all homoerotic subtext present in the first game- that it was unintentional. They didn't actively start making it gay until the second game, and even before then the producer for the games had to warn the development team not to try and insert these themes for fear of getting it wrong and lose the fanbase they'd accidentally caught the eye of. I can still create arguments for why this specific, hilariously meme-able line could be read romantically of course- but as far as the game development team at the time was concerned this interaction was never meant to be read as romantic. -Unease and uncertainty are... very valid feelings for Edgeworth to feel at this very moment and as much as I'd like to joke that he was feeling uncertain about his sexuality after seeing his childhood friend as an adult, this line was really just likely meant to lead up to the conclusion of Turnabout Goodbyes and Edgeworth's character arc for this game. His perfect win streak had just been shattered in a case prior. In this case, he was meant to persecute the lead actor of his favorite show- and in some ways his helping the defense can be taken as his biases getting the better of him. His sense of justice and his entire worldview is about to be overhauled, and I can see how he would regard this budding doubt in himself as an unnecessary (heh) distraction from what he believes is his true purpose in life.
>Turnabout Goodbyes -Edgeworth wanting to keep him away from DL-6 has its own section mostly because of how stubborn he becomes when it comes to Phoenix's insistence in particular. It's clear that this stubbornness is a front, I will concede with that- but there are merits to his initial reluctance in accepting Phoenix's defense. It's evident that Phoenix himself has grown over the course of the game so far, but in both of the times that he faced off against Edgeworth in court, his victories were... a tad bit contrived. For instance in Turnabout Sisters, Phoenix really only wins because Mia was being channeled and blackmailed White as he was about to leave the stand. Turnabout Samurai is a little better- but had him rely on quite a lot of coincidences (proven later to be substantiated) that surfaced during the trial. This is nothing to say of the deeper reason Edgeworth has over dissuading Phoenix from taking his case ("You in particular I cannot ask to do this.")- where I can make an argument for his pride and/or concern over Phoenix's career as an attorney. The stakes are relatively high here as well- if Phoenix fails, Edgeworth is incarcerated, Manfred von Karma goes free, DL-6 goes cold once again with no hope of getting re-opened, and everything that Phoenix has been working towards as an attorney would have been in vain. DL-6 is a case that has ruined many lives- it'd make sense if Edgeworth himself felt as though it would be a waste of time and effort to take this case because of how convinced he was of murdering his own father prior to Gourd Lake. He'd grown up for the past 15 years with a nightmare and a death sentence over his head- I wouldn't be surprised if he simply gave up and accepted that he was going to die at the hands of his prosecuting mentor. Even if he were acquitted for the murder of Robert Hammond, his perceived involvement in DL-6 would have thrown a wrench in his freedom- any lesser attorney would have given up on that. And this is unloaded BEFORE Phoenix tells him about the true reason as to why he became an attorney. -Phoenix's insistence to defend Edgeworth in this case can easily just be read as platonic- his complete, unfettered faith in Edgeworth's innocence is heavily influenced by that class trial, for better or for worse. While I'm perfectly happy to imagine that Phoenix's attachment to his idealized version of Edgeworth grew into something deeper sometime in the fifteen years that he hasn't seen him, I do believe that Phoenix in particular really is just that much of a sentimental person. This is to say nothing of his nature as a defense attorney- and what little time he's managed to spend with Mia has taught him that unbridled trust in his client is what gets him through the day, and he's putting it to practice here. Edgeworth was what he has been working towards the moment he decided he would practice law- as Phoenix at this point in time still believes that he could do no wrong despite seeing what Edgeworth is truly like in court. -Cutting into the meat of Phoenix and Edgeworth's shared past, I made a point earlier to say that Phoenix's perception of Edgeworth as a person is idealized. Every memory that Phoenix has had of Edgeworth prior to the events of the first game were from their childhood- and they had 4-8 months (plus one year if we're generous with the retconning some of the official art gave us) MAX to develop a friendship so strong that Phoenix makes major life decisions just to meet with this man. The fact that this time spent together was ENOUGH for Phoenix in the first place is... really hard to skirt around. To quote Dan from GameGrumps "this is something that you would only do for someone you're trying to marry" and if one of them was a woman I guarantee this ship would be canon already. But then again- since this is Phoenix Wright in particular somehow I can believe that he really is just that sentimental- and that isn't always a bad thing. He'd managed to save Edgeworth twice with this conviction after all. When Phoenix sees Edgeworth, he doesn't see a demon prosecutor, he sees his childhood friend who aimed to become a shining example of justice following in his father's footsteps. They address how shaky his foundations for becoming an attorney were in the Phoenix Wright Files once actually- going through a mini-existential crisis because he'd become an attorney with the main goal of saving Edgeworth from what he'd become, and now that he's accomplished that he's just kind of... lost. Edgeworth himself manages to pull him out of this, though. -man that hurts my case a lot actually but to be fair I was banking on failing -I just didn't expect it to happen so early even with the first game -in fact ESPECIALLY with the first game -though I cannot for the life of me wonder how I can come up with a heterosexual explanation for why the buildup towards Edgeworth telling Phoenix and Maya about his nightmares reads so much like a stunted love confession. I'm serious- just read any high school shojo manga ever. You'll find that it hits a lot of the same beats.
>Rise From The Ashes -It's in this case that we observe some of the consequences that the intial upheaval of Edgeworth's worldview in Turnabout Goodbyes causes him; distrust in the enforcement of the law. Not exactly the time for him to be dabbling in another, meme-able brand of unnecessary feelings. Several things like the Prosecutor's Office's relationship with the Police Department starts to waver with the murder of Bruce Goodman, and this becomes the final nail in the coffin for Edgeworth's worldviews and values as a prosecutor. His and Phoenix's teamwork in this trial becomes prevalent- the story behind the King of Prosecutors award represents this best despite it's currently incomplete state. The backstory behind this award paints an ideal of justice in the courtroom wherein the truth comes out as a result of the efforts of contradictory forces. A broken halberd that can cut through any shield (the prosecution) and a broken, unbreakable shield (the defense). Read as representation the text becomes something of a metaphor for the ideal justice that manifests itself in the best parts of Edgeworth and Phoenix respectively- the duality of their opposing professions rather than something that is limited to their relationship. -The same argument that I've used for Phoenix's unwavering belief in Edgeworth's innocence in Turnabout Goodbyes can be used for this case as well. -Though Edgeworth still goes M.I.A for a year after this case, it does grant his disappearance a bit more context as to why exactly it is that he left- and I'll be taking a tiny liberty with this and apply the interpretation that the Miles Edgeworth Files grants us, and that he left in order to better himself and grow as a person, a prosecutor, and as a friend to Phoenix Wright. It's... difficult for me to want to read this as anything but romantically-charged because the narrative beats are NOT lost on me (the dialogue makes this especially hard. send help.)- there's a possibility that Edgeworth at this point in time realizes the value in having a better, more functional dynamic with the one defense attorney who he considers a true equal in court. This dynamic will allow for less chances to encounter missteps and errors in any verdicts handed down in court, and if Edgeworth is to pursue his ideal of justice- Phoenix Wright is undoubtedly essential to this endeavor. The aftermath of Rise From The Ashes is indicative of this newfound goal of his- the symbolism behind the old King of Prosecutors award and the two halves of the evidence list certainly helps this case. -<"It seems all you do is worry about me." -Miles Edgeworth, Rise From The Ashes> For good fucking reason Edgeworth. You were accused of murder and have implicated yourself on the stand for DL-6 just a few months ago- and if the Investigations games are anything to go by, you're more of a danger magnet than PHOENIX is. I had to say it. The first Investigations game takes place over the course of 2-3 days and the sheer amount of shit that Edgeworth had to deal with in between that interval truly makes me wonder how Phoenix Wright ended up with the title of danger magnet. And THIS time- Edgeworth's car becomes a crime scene because his corrupt superiors needed a convenient way of transporting a corpse. There's VERY good reasons to worry about the livelihood of Miles Edgeworth. -Okay I... can't believe I forgot about the chessboard. Here's the kicker- the one we see from his office isn't even the only one he owns. I... legitimately cannot give you ANY purely heterosexual, platonic explanation for why Miles Edgeworth has THREE (THREE. I CANNOT OVERSTATE THIS. HE HAS T H R E E OF THESE FUCKING THINGS. GOOD GOD. HE CAN'T BE ANY MORE EXTRA.)(there exists a similar, portable set in the Investigations games- and he has a new set by the time of Dual Destinies) sets of custom-made chessboards with personalized, highly-specific red and blue designs made purely to depict his rivalry with Phoenix Wright. I fold. I give up. I forgot about the chessboards I wAS NOT EXPECTING TO FAIL THIS E A R LY- -You know what the real kicker is with Rise From the Ashes? The main argument that I have introduced back in Turnabout Samurai does not apply here. Rise From the Ashes was made as a DS-exclusive case and did not exist in the original GameBoy version of the Trilogy. Which means if there is homoerotic tension written in for this case (and there happens to be a lot. the chessboard is proof enough.), then we can safely assume that the writers at this point were well-aware. So yeah- maybe don't feel TOO bad about the unnecessary feelings line- because ever since then the writers have been playing off of that and it SHOWS. -Is there really a point to this I'm just- everything is stacked against me tryna interpret this platonically -Like I know I make a point to say that a romantic relationship isn't the end-all of all relationships because this franchise LOVES pushing the Found Family dynamic and I'm an absolute sucker for that -good god by the time Dual Destinies rolls around I'll probably just give up and happily say they're happily married -that's literally what they act like don't even pretend
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smolfoxbab · 3 years
okay here’s the Narumitsu angst (with a happy ending)
its my blog and i get to choose the hyperfixation to post about
((1,830 words //tw for injury + blood// hope u enjoy!))
Phoenix Wright wasn’t the type of person to make enemies. At least, not on his own. His selfless nature and optimistic personality made him a likable man to be around, even if he was often clumsy and oblivious at times. However, being a defense attorney was a different circumstance, one that brought a certain set of unspoken dangers with it. In proving his client’s innocence, the guilty verdict was placed onto another. While most of these people posed no threat behind the bars of their sentences, there was no guarantee a grudge wouldn’t push them to seek vengeance.
Miles Edgeworth had plenty of experience with this concept already. He was a prosecutor-- The Demon Prosecutor. Among the death threats and various other attempts on his life, he was all too aware of the risks that came with his job. But he had learned to shoulder them, right alongside the other burdens he carried. He also knew that Phoenix didn’t consider these things, didn’t consider his own safety as much as he considered others. Concussed, tazed, nearly drowned and beaten to a pulp in an infamously deadly river... none of it seemed to phase him. He never slowed in his pursuit for protecting others, and that... that concerned Miles more than anything.
“You need to be more careful, Wright,” he had said once in passing after a trial where a guilty offender nearly wrung Phoenix by the neck, the defense attorney standing just a little too close when the verdict was handed down.
“One of these days something... serious, might happen to you, and you won’t be able to just laugh it off.”
Phoenix only flashed him that dopey grin and said, “I’ll be fine, Edgeworth. For an unlucky guy, I’m pretty lucky.”
Miles wanted to believe that, truly. The man seemed to get off easy in dire situations more often than not, so perhaps he had a point behind his foolish reasoning. Even so, his worry lingered. Luck always tended to run out at some point.
Then one afternoon, his phone rang. He had already been driving towards Phoenix’s office, having been called over earlier on the premise of having an “important discussion.” He’d left as quickly as he could, but the traffic seemed to determined to keep him from reaching his destination. It was slow, and he seemed to be hitting every red light possible. It was at one of these prolonged red lights, as he sat impatiently tapping the steering wheel, that a familiar tune sounded off in his pocket. Sighing, he slipped his phone out and checked the screen, not too surprised to see Phoenix was the one calling. Forgot to tell him something in the first call, most likely. He hit “answer” and brought the device up to his ear.
“What is it, Wright.”
There was a raspy breath on the other end before Phoenix spoke, his voice just as hoarse.
“M-Miles, I... I-I uh...”
Miles’ brow furrowed, and he found himself straightening in his seat, grip tightening on the phone.
“Wright? Is something wrong?”
There was another breath, followed by a rather nasty sounding cough. There was then a sound that could have been a laugh, if it wasn’t so strained.
“Ah... s-something like that... I w-was trying to call... hhhah... I guess it d-doesn’t mmmatter... a-are you almost... here?”
The light turned green, and Miles pressed on the gas. Harder than he should have, perhaps, but he was uneasy now.
“Yes, I am. What is it, Wright? What happened?”
There was a grunting sound, and the rustle of paper. 
“W-well... fffunny story, ah... there was s-ssomeone at the door and it t-turns out it wasn’t... w-wasn’t you and ahm... shit-”
The hiss was sharp and pained. Miles turned a corner a bit too hastily, nearly catching a street sign as he swung around it. Before he could say anything, Phoenix continued.
“I’m not... I’m nnnot doing too hot, Miles... It’s getting... k-kind of hard to... focus...”
Miles clenched his jaw, trying to hold his composure. He was on the final stretch of road, he just had to get there.
“Stay with me, Wright. Stay on the phone. Do you hear me?”
“Yeah...” came the reply, but the strength in it was fading, “yeah... Miles...?”
“I’m here, Wright.”
He turned into the office parking lot as he said that, haphazardly parking and exiting the car in record time.
“.....what I w-wanted to... tell you... I... I love... you.”
Miles’ breath hitched as he ascended the steps. He would’ve have stopped completely if not for the adrenaline fueling his movement. A lump formed in his throat, which he heavily swallowed as he pressed on. Damn it, why now did he- Damn that man. 
“J-Just hold on, Wright. I’m coming up on the door now. Wright? Wright?”
Silence filled the other end of the line as he approached the door, which sat unlocked and ajar. A red smear stained the door handle, while more splashes led across the floor and deeper inside. Miles only hesitated a moment before flinging the door open, rapidly searching the room for the other man. It didn’t take long.
The defense attorney was slumped against a bookshelf near his desk, various papers and books scattered around him, along with his still lit up phone. He wasn’t moving. Miles sucked in a breath as he practically slid to Phoenix’s side, one hand clasping his shoulder while the other went to check his pulse. Thankfully, he could still feel it, though it was weakening.
“Wright? ...Phoenix, can you hear me?”
He tried to get some kind of response, lightly shaking his shoulder, but got nothing. He shifted his gaze downward, where he couldn’t help but spot the dark stain soaking underneath his jacket. He lifted the blue fabric slightly, trying to get some assessment of the damage. It looked too wide a tear to be a gun wound. A stabbing seemed more likely.
“Damn it. Damn you,” Miles cursed under his breath, shucking his jacket off and moving to put pressure on the wound. He set to call the authorities at the same time, his now-shaking hand nearly dropping the phone entirely. He stared at the unconscious man before him as the phone rang, mumbling to himself before the responder picked up,
“If you die, you fool, I’ll... I’ll bring you back and kill you again myself.”
Emergency services responded quickly, and an ambulance was sent with haste. The police force arrived as well, with the ever-diligent Gumshoe heading the charge. Ever-diligent, and ever-emotional, as the detective seemed to blast through one emotion after the next while Phoenix was being prepped for the drive to the hospital. Miles was given the assurance as he boarded the ambulance himself that, no matter what, the culprit wouldn’t get away with it. In the tense silence of the ride that followed, Miles let that statement repeat in his head- let it hold him together. They wouldn’t get away with this. He would see to it personally... Once he was assured that Phoenix was going to make it out of this alive.
Several hours of absolutely nerve-wracking waiting in the hospital lobby followed after, but all well worth it when he was informed that Phoenix was in stable condition. That didn’t stop him from nearly throwing the recovery room door off its hinges upon arrival, however. He needed to see it for himself, confirm with his own eyes that the other was alive. 
A tired smile greeted him from the bed.
“Hey Edgeworth...”
Miles stood in the doorway for a moment, silent and stiff. Then, slowly, he drew in a breath, let his shoulders relax, and stepped inside with the door closing behind him.
Phoenix winced at the tone of Miles’ voice, like a child about to be lectured by his parent.
“Look, before you get m-”
“You are an absolute moron, Phoenix Wright. I mean really of all the idiotic- Not only do you call me as you’re bleeding out, rather than contact the authorities-”
Phoenix attempted to interject.
“To be fair I was actually trying to call the-”
But Miles didn’t let him finish.
“But then you have the gall to go and declare- to tell me that you- in such a dire circumstance you decide to claim-”
“Not seconds before I walk in on what could have well been a murder scene- And what would I have done then? Knowing you had said such a thing before I could even have a chance to process it let alone-”
“Miles if... if you don’t feel the same I-”
Both of them fell silent then. Phoenix, slack-jawed and staring straight at Miles while the prosecutor locked his gaze to the floor, feeling the heat begin to burn in his cheeks. Phoenix blinked rapidly, beginning to flush a bit himself despite his currently paler complexion.
“Y-y-you mean you-”
Edgeworth huffed and turned towards him, closing the distance between himself and the bed before closing the distance between the two of them. It was an impulsive kiss, and not the one either of them imagined would be their first, but it was real. Phoenix was real, and still here, returning the kiss like it was the most natural thing in the world. A wince and a hiss broke the moment though, Phoenix pulling back to sink into the mattress he’d started to push off of. Miles pulled back hastily, rubbing at his arm with an awkward clearing of his throat.
“A-apologies, I didn’t mean to-”
“No, no- my fault, really. And look I... I’m sorry for worrying you and... how I said that really wasn’t how I meant to go about it-”
Miles cut him off again before he could start losing himself in his rambling.
“I... I know, Wright. I would be far more concerned if your plan had been to confess to me by having a near death experience.”
Phoenix chuckled nervously and looked elsewhere, giving Miles the chance to take up the seat next to his bedside.
“Yeah that’s... a little far out there... even for me. But Miles, you really...?”
Phoenix looked back with a start as Miles took his hand, his grip cautious but protective. Miles attempted to play it off as if he was exasperated, rather than jumbled mess of feelings he was grappling with. The mess of feelings he had been grappling with for some time.
“Honestly, I would have thought just now made it clear enough, but. If I must say it to convince you. Yes, Phoenix. I... I love you, too.”
There was a pause, far too long yet far too short, before Phoenix smiled. Still tired at the edges, but warm and genuine. 
“Okay then. I’m... I’m really glad to hear it isn’t just... I’m glad.”
Miles couldn’t help but smile faintly himself, gently squeezing the hand in his.
“...As am I. Now... why don’t you tell me how you got into this mess?”
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lunawritesaa · 4 years
Could I request Blackquill, Nahyuta, Pheonix and Kristoph with s/o who goes nonverbal a lot? Especially after getting stressed out or a long day of social interaction (Ps love your writings but please remeber to take a break sometimes, love ya💖💖)
characters: simon blackquill, nahyuta sahdmadhi, phoenix wright, kristoph gavin
a/n: gn pronouns
comments: tysm!! i hope this was good and all and what you wanted! sorry if any of this is like “wrong” or my information is wrong..? i did a bit of research about going nonverbal bc i dont wish to offend!
genre: fluff
[requests are closed, rules are pinned]
{simon blackquill}
Simon is very inquisitive so do expect him to prod you a little in order to fully grasp what sets off you being nonverbal.
Just so that way he can be prepared for such situations that cause you to stop communicating and react accordingly.
He is very understanding and thoughtful. In no way, shape or form will he force you to talk during times where you don’t wish to.
And hey, sometimes he just doesn’t feel like talking either so it doesn’t bother him when you go nonverbal.
When you do go nonverbal, he won’t press you to talk to him. He’ll just silently nod and go about doing other things, giving you some time to yourself if you want it.
And he’ll wait as long as you need to recharge, don’t ever feel like he’s upset that you aren’t talking to him.
He knows that social situations can be exhausting so he will give you all the time that you need to recuperate.
If you still want to be around him, he’ll pick out a book that the both of you like and read to help relieve some of your stress.
Or, he’ll talk about his day and recount some old trials that he’s been through. Just little stories to make you smile or capture your interest.
One of his specialties is being able to read a situation and immediately know why or how it is effecting you in such a way. If he knows something makes you go nonverbal, he does his best to deal with that situation accordingly. 
{nahyuta sahdmadhi}
Nahyuta is a very calm individual. So naturally, he handles you being nonverbal in a very collected way.
Starts by asking you what he should do when you’re in a nonverbal state. He has an amazing memory so he will remember everything you say.
He commits them to memory and swears to never forget them. And he won’t.
He’ll never raise his voice at you or get upset with you because you won’t speak to him. 
He’s naturally very soft when speaking to you, but his voice somehow gets softer when he’s speaking to you when you’re nonverbal. Somehow the already soft Nahyuta gets even softer.
The absolute last thing he’d like to do is further overwhelm you by speaking too loudly or by barraging you with questions.
His first thought when you’re nonverbal is to just make sure that you’re okay, so the only thing that he’ll really directly ask you is that. And if you can’t nod your head yes or no, he’ll get paper and pen. 
Has no problem leaving a certain situation if it’s too much for you.
Or, on top of that, he can speak in your stead if you would like him to.
You’re quite literally never a bother to him, so please don’t be afraid to come to him whenever you need his assistance. He would rather you come to him that suffer alone.  
{phoenix wright}
Phoenix is very understanding and sympathetic towards your tendencies to go nonverbal.
He gets it, he really does!
His lawyer instincts kick in and he tries to get as much information out of you as possible so he can know the best possible way to react when you go nonverbal.
It may get annoying, with all of the questioning he does, but he just wants to make sure he knows everything about you!
He wants to know how being nonverbal affects you so that he knows the best ways to help during those times.
He does do some outside research as well just to get a more general idea of what going nonverbal means.
But he’ll talk with you directly to know how to act with you particularly. He’s not going to do something he read on the Internet and assume it’ll work for you.
If you come home nonverbal after a particularly stressful day at work, Phoenix will simply ask if you’re nonverbal right now. And when you say yes, he won’t say anything else.
Making sure you recharge after the day should be your priority, you can talk to him later if you wish.
He has no problem speaking for you either. If you’re out in public he will absolutely speak for you.
{kristoph gavin}
Kristoph has read a million different books in his life so it’d be very rare that he wouldn’t already have some knowledge of going nonverbal.
Though he’s never met someone nonverbal in his life, he still knows at least a little bit about it and what it is.
He does appreciate you telling him beforehand because dealing with you when you’re nonverbal without knowing what to do would be a massive pain in his eyes.
Listens to anything that you think he should know about how being nonverbal affects you.
He always stays cool and doesn’t outwardly react in any way. If you being nonverbal was bothering him you’d never know.
But in all reality it doesn’t bother him in the slightest.
You can come home and he can most likely already tell if you’re nonverbal or not. How he knows, I couldn’t tell you.
He’s very... perceptive. He’ll watch you like a hawk from the shadows and learn little tidbits about you. Especially how you act when you’re nonverbal.
He picks up on a bunch of little things and how you react to certain situations when nonverbal and remembers them very clearly. It helps him react better in the future.
So surprisingly, he deals with you being nonverbal very well.
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snezfics-n-shit · 4 years
Whumptober Day 7: Break
Fandom: Ace Attorney 
Characters: Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Trucy Wright
Notes: Sort of a continuation of “Autumn,” allergic!Phoenix drives Miles up the wall, Miles just wants his boyfriend to come inside and take better care of himself, things go badly, I thought there was gonna be no feels today but oops
      Not this again. Miles pinched the bridge of his nose with a disappointed sigh. Phoenix was raking those damn leaves again and, to make things worse, completely unmedicated. Miles knew his boyfriend needed to feel somehow productive after being disbarred, but he preferred if it was something that didn’t involve Miles having to watch the man have an allergy attack through the window and then come in as if nothing happened. He was hopeless.
Phoenix had been out there for at least a half hour now and hardly made any progress with his first leaf pile. Every time Miles attempted to shoot him a glare that said ‘get inside, now’ Phoenix was too busy violently sneezing to even see what was going on behind the glass door.
“Oh, for f-” No, No. Trucy was in the kitchen, doing her homework. Profanity was not permitted here. “For heaven’s sake!” Miles settled on before tugging the door open with a huff. That was better. “Phoenix! This has gone on long enough. Get inside.”
“I just barely started!” Phoenix wiped his nose with a gloved hand. “How ca’d adyode jubp id this? It’s pitiful!” He gestured at the tiny pile of leaves that was almost indistinguishable from the scattered leaves that fell into a natural position.
“Do you even hear yourself? If anything’s pitiful here, it’s you.” Miles could have been more patient and tactful, yes, but someone needed to shape Phoenix back up after hitting rock bottom. God help him if Phoenix’s fondness for grape juice was placed somewhere far less harmless. “I cannot allow such self destructive behavior to continue in my home.”
“Aa’SCHUuh! H’T’TCHUUH!! T’SHCHUUH!! It’s yard work! A’ashhchHUUUH!! What’s self destructive about that?”
“You’re really asking me that.” Miles shook his head. "I know you've been looking forward to making leaf piles for Trucy, but please just come inside."
“I’b fi-hhh… Fi… Hh’SSHTCHUUUH! Fide. I’ve lasted years of this.”
“Those ‘years’ were spent living in an apartment without a yard to rake in. That hardly counts.”
“I just wadt to do this ode thihg.” Phoenix started to cough, startling Miles. It wasn’t long before the coughing turned into wheezing, prompting Miles to pull him closer into a frantic embrace.
“You’re coming inside. Now.” Miles hid his panic behind the firm command. Phoenix was difficult to drag to the door by himself, but at least he was in no shape to verbally object. “We’re getting you cleaned up and in fresh clothes.”
“I guess,” another wheeze, “I could use a break.”
“This isn’t a break, love. You’re stopping this.” Miles escorted Phoenix inside. “If you’re still having trouble breathing after you’re cleaned up, I’m taking you to a doctor.”
“Papa Miles?” Trucy peeked out the kitchen doorway. “Is Daddy okay?”
“Yeah, I-” 
“Not right now, he isn't.” Miles interrupted before Phoenix could blatantly lie to his daughter. “We’ll have to see after your father gets cleaned up.” Miles pretended he didn’t see Phoenix scowl at him as he ushered him to the bathroom. 
The coughing thankfully subsided just as Miles ran a washcloth under the sink faucet running warm water. If it kept going at full force, he could never do a good enough job cleaning up his boyfriend’s face.
“... Sorry.” Phoenix came to his senses at last, deciding he could prove his point by finally blowing his nose into a tissue from the bathroom’s supply. “I just thought it would be something fun for Trucy to do.” He explained between Miles’s swiping the damp washcloth along his face. “She said it was something she did with her, y’know, real dad. They’d rake up a big pile of leaves and jump in them until it was dark.”
“So you wanted to keep that tradition going?” Maybe Miles should have asked him why he was doing this at the start, but now it was too late and the guilt sank in his stomach.
“Yeah. She’d be pretty disappointed if I didn’t.”
“Who said that?”
“Uh,” Phoenix lowered his head, “no one, really. I just… thought she would.”
“Didn’t you notice when we came in?” Miles set down the washcloth and prepared a disposable cup of water. “She didn’t ask anything about the leaves, did she?” He grabbed the bottle of antihistamines from the medicine cabinet and gently shook out a pill. “She asked if you were okay.” 
“She did, didn’t she?” Phoenix was hesitant to comply with what was probably going to turn into a routine for the rest of the Fall. He never cared much for swallowing something so large whole. “I feel pretty bad.”
“Are you having trouble breathing again?” Miles straightened his posture, ready to take a trip to the emergency room if he had to.
“No. I mean, I probably scared her. She’s been through so much already.”
“Oh thank god.” Miles whispered. Not like he was happy to see Phoenix feeling guilty, even though he was horribly careless, but it was better than needing to take him to the hospital. “I feel a bit bad about this myself. I shouldn’t have been so short with you.”
“You were right to be, Miles. I was being stupid.”
“No, not ‘stupid.’ Careless, yes, but you had good intentions.” Miles assured him with a kiss on the cheek. “I think we all just need a breather, in more ways than one. A break of sorts, from anything dangerous.”
“You say that like I’m always doing something dangerous.” Phoenix backed down after Miles shot him a look implying yes, he really was always getting into dangerous situations. “Okay, okay. I see what you mean.”
“Glad you do.” Miles finally relaxed his shoulders. “Can you start the shower yourself? I’m going to run your clothes in the drier so they’re ready once you’re done.”
“Yeah, I can. The steam should be good, too, right?” 
“It usually is. I’ll have hot chocolate ready when you’re out, too.”
All this trouble Miles went through just for him. It was flattering but such a new phenomenon it was almost embarrassing. Countless times Phoenix sent him through the ringer with worry and assuming the worst, and just as many times Miles stepped up and pulled him out from rock bottom. Phoenix was sure most people would have just given up after the first four incidents, but Miles was different.
What did Phoenix do to deserve this man?
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askaceattorney · 4 years
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Dear askrikkaiandhyotei,
The...entire cast!?
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Well, Turnabout Time Traveler happens to be favorite case anyway, so why not?
Our first guest is the crooked head servant, Mr. Dumas Gloomsbury.  (Might as well get him out of the way first.)
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Of course he isn’t.  He’s just a disgruntled servant of the Sprocket family who secretly hates them all for what they’ve done to his reputation, even to the point of being willing to murder someone who would become the newest addition to the family, as well as destroying a prized possession designed by her groom-to-be.
So..........yeah.  Very likable guy.  Thankfully, he’s only on the scene for a brief moment before the titular “time travel” occurs.
That brings us to our next guest, Ms. Ellen Wyatt, soon to be Mrs. Ellen Sprocket, except for the fact that she’s been accused of murder.  Like most defendants, she doesn’t seem like the type to kill someone -- she’s calm, mild-mannered, and well put together.  Well...usually.
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You didn’t expect 100% normalcy in a new character, did you?  Heck, we’re lucky to get 50% in this series.  Thankfully, the emotional Ms. Wyatt knows how to pull herself together in an instant.
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Quite the enviable skill to have, isn’t it?
This beautiful bride-to-be wants nothing more than to be proven innocent so that she can be married to the one and only Sorin Sprocket of Sprocket Aviation.  Instead of seeking help from the Wright Anything Agency on her own, however, she’s brought to them by someone else.
That brings us to an unexpected guest from yesteryear (and an uninvited one):
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Before getting to know Ellen, we’re abruptly introduced to a brand new Larry Butz with a brand new look!  ...And the same old smell, unfortunately.
He introduces “Elly” as his brand new fiance, much to Phoenix’s surprise (and everyone in the known universe’s), but it turns out to be another one of his usual romantic escapades.  What is true is that he helped his beloved Elly escape the room she was confined in, and even shook off the police for her.  Some might call this heroic...if they don’t know the Butz.  As someone who does know him, Phoenix delivers a line from his former mentor:
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On the plus side, Larry’s been doing more than chasing women since we last saw him -- he held onto the name he borrowed from his late mentor and became a picture book author.
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Not exactly what I’d expect someone in that field to look like, but progress is progress, I guess.
Moving back to “Elly,” she claims to be as clean and pure as her pure-white dress, as well as something else -- something that’s a bit harder to believe.
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Like I said, normalcy doesn’t seem to come naturally to new Ace Attorney characters, but her explanation of how she was almost killed, traveled back in time, and saw history rewritten takes the abnormal cake, especially coming from someone as sound-minded as Ellen.  Or is she really as sound-minded as she looks?
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We can only hope.
I love how she keeps everything she needs for housekeeping in one place, by the way, almost Mary Poppins-style.
Fast forwarding (no pun intended) through some re-introductions to Maya as our co-council and Edgeworth as the case’s prosecutor (something us long-time Ace Attorney fans can’t help but love), we’re eventually introduced to the master himself, Mr. Sorin Sprocket, who has his own personality quirks...or rather, a severe lack of personality.
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Like many genius inventors, he isn’t very social (his preferred method of communication being the paper airplane message), and always seems to be lost in his thoughts until someone pulls him back into reality.  Even stranger than that, he doesn’t seem the least bit worried about his fiance’s trial.  In Phoenix’s his words, he isn’t the easiest guy to wrap your head around.
On top of that, he has his own thing to say about time travel:
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He and Ellen apparently both believe in time travel, but apart from that, they don’t seem to have much in common.  In fact, having met the two of them, one might think they’re polar opposites of each other, and...well, they’d be right, but as we learn later on, there’s more to Sorin’s silence than just an obsession with his work.
And speaking of obsession...
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Our next guest, while also quite abnormal, is a bit more level-headed than the previous new characters.  He’s well-mannered, detail-oriented, shrewd, and takes the utmost care of Sorin.  Not to mention he's tech-savvy enough to fix a broken radio in a matter of seconds.
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I’m surprised Phoenix and Maya didn’t consider the possibility of him being a machine himself, like they did with Lisa Basil.
He happens to have one of my favorite pun names, by the way.  Besides being clever and describing him perfectly, it almost sounds like it could be a real person’s name.
While Mr. Nichody does a good job of being the least interesting character thus far, it turns out that he and his “expensive good luck charm” play one of the most important roles in this case.  Not to mention he gives the biggest piece of foreshadowing in the episode:
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Funny he should say that when there’s a spirit medium right in front of him, but I guess he doesn’t have time for unimportant details like that.
As the story goes on and the revelations start pouring in, we learn about Sorin’s older sister Selena, who was originally going to be the next president of Sprocket Aviation.  This, unfortunately, was not to be...
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The sudden loss of his sister provides an explanation for his closed-off attitude and interest in time machines, but the mysteries surrounding that tragic day are only beginning.
We also learn that Mr. Nichody believes Ellen is guilty of her alleged crime, and for that reason, he’s strongly opposed to letting her marry Sorin.  Could he be right in doubting her, or is there something else behind is disapproval?  Ellen doesn’t seem that bad, after all.  Just a little...what’s the term?
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There you go.
Then comes one of the bigger twists -- it turns out Sorin and his in-laws were responsible for Ellen’s supposed trip through time, which turned out to be an elaborate scheme to make her believe her near-death experience with Gloomsbury was only a dream.  Or so says Nichody, at least.
But once again, this is only the beginning.
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Even with the possibility of time travel ruled out, Ellen’s guilt hasn’t been disproved just yet.  The only hope Phoenix has is the person she claims she saw attacking Gloombury before losing consciousness.  Unfortunately, the only suspect he can come up with so far is her fiance, thus introducing the possibility of him having to take her place in prison.
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Considering every case up until now has had some form of happy ending, it’d be quite the unusual turn of events for this happy couple to have to be separated whether we win or lose the case...but is it impossible?
As tragic as that possibility might be, it sets up a scene that happens to be one of my favorite kinds -- one where someone is compelled to give up something, even if it’s his or her own life, purely out of love for someone else.
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Her words are touching, but soon after saying them, she’s forced to prove just how steadfast her love is for Sorin, even in a cruel twist of fate -- namely, his pointing the blame for Gloomsbury’s death in her direction.
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That face alone is enough to break anyone’s heart, but thankfully, that’s where the plot twists just begin.  The first one reveals that Sorin went to rescue his bride-to-be in the most bizarre way possible.
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Then it turns out he really didn’t, or so he says.  Then it turns out he was attacked by Gloomsbury along with Ellen.  Then comes one that turns everything he’s said so far upside-down:
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It turns out time travel is possible, but not in the way everyone was hoping, or in a way anyone would want -- due to his anterograde amnesia, Sorin “goes back in time” whenever he goes to sleep.  This revelation sheds a lot of light on his personality, his compulsive note-taking, and his feelings toward Ellen.  Not to mention, it turns out (sheesh, I keep saying that) he was responsible for the car crash that took his sister’s life.  But luckily, that's not all his condition reveals.
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Someone decided to take advantage of Sorin’s memory being dependent on what he writes in his notebook in order to paint him as Gloomsbury’s murder.  Who might that someone be?  Well, for anyone who’s read the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (or enough murder mysteries involving rich families), it should be pretty obvious -- the butler did it!
But what motive could a close friend and servant have for manipulating Sorin’s memories?  Well, like many an Ace Attorney culprit, he’s not as level-headed as he appears to be.
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The rogue butler in this case turns out to be the once-fiance of Sorin’s sister, as well as the one who operated on her after the car accident occurred...or, rather, who almost did.
After some impromptu x-rays and the testimony that wasn’t there, we finally learn the whole truth about Nichody, Gloomsbury, and the plot to exact their revenge on Sorin and his bride.  It turns out Sorin wasn’t the only one stuck in the past.
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In a beautiful yet tragic symbolism, Selena’s pocket watch stopped ticking on the same day her heart stopped beating, which, for Nichody, was the day time stopped.
This brings us to our final guest, one who could only be here in spirit -- Ms. Selena Sprocket.  In Ellen’s words, Selena would’ve said, “Leave this ill will behind.  Your time is yours to live.”  To an inconsolable time traveler, these words hold no meaning, but just then...
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Whether it’s a coincidence or a message from Selena from beyond (which might actually be believable in the Ace Attorney universe), Pierce is reminded that, sooner or later, time moves on.
And on that note, Ellen and Sorin are finally able to move on from this rough patch in their lives and experience their “First Startup of Love.”
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Speaking of the happy couple, the one thing that stuck with me about this episode more than Nichody’s epiphany is how devoted Ellen is to Sorin from beginning to end.
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With the knowledge that he might forget everything about her, himself, their wedding, and any other experiences they might share together, her devotion to him is ultimately proven to be the real deal.  His willingness to risk his life for her also proves that this devotion goes both ways.  In the end, there’s nothing, past, present, or future, that can keep them apart.  Why, you ask?
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And hey, even Larry found it in himself to move on!  How about that?
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Thus ends a beautiful story, a beautiful reunion of the original characters, and a beautiful finale(?) to the Ace Attorney series.  Sure, there was tragedy along the way, but after an ending like that, I’d like to see each of these characters, new and old, take a bow.
Just...don’t throw them any flowers.
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-The Co-Mod
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Hello all! I’m running a Mini-Bang! It’s multi-fandom. Summaries below the cut.
Submission 0:  List the fandom and ships here (if applicable): Original fiction Word count: 216 Short description: An introspective piece about the process of creating, and how it corresponds to living
Submission 1:   List the fandom and ships here (if applicable): The Magnus Archives, JonMartin Word count: 2076 Short description: A season 1 AU in which Jon accidentally overhears Martin discussing his crush on him, and it doesn’t take him two and a half seasons to decide to care about other people. Pretty much pure fluff, and when during season one is entirely ambiguous. There’s a lot of blushing. Also Tim Stoker is a menace.
Submission 2:   List the fandom and ships here (if applicable): Yugioh 5ds, Yugioh GX, Kindredshipping Word count: 3142 Short description: Ghost Hunting AU anyone? Judai and Johan are sensitives and realize that Yusei is partially sensitive when he momentarily spots their familiar spirits Yubel and Ruby. However, Yusei doesn’t believe in them and thinks that the two of them are out of their minds. Can looking for non-existent beings lead to something else? (No Duel Monsters in this AU. Yubel and Ruby are both human spirits that died generations ago.)
Submission 3: List the fandom and ships here (if applicable): Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, mostly gen with established Jotaro/Kakyoin, focus relationship is familial Kakyoin & Giorno Word count: 7300 Short description: Post-Eyes of Heaven, post-Part 6. Speedwagon Operative Kakyoin picks up a confused Giorno from the Florida Airport after the battle against Pucci. The part 6 gang, Giorno, Mista, and Polnareff celebrate defeating Pucci by going to Disney World. Kakyoin learns the truth of the events of Eyes of Heaven from Jotaro and also slowly accepts Giorno into the family.
Submission 4:  List the fandom and ships here (if applicable): Original work/Dungeons and Dragons Word count: 1785 Short description: Fire Genasi researcher Pyre is on the verge of a breakthrough and (almost) everyone else in the lab is cheering for them. They can't shake their nerves, however, and soon find out that not all portals lead somewhere nice.
Submission 5:   List the fandom and ships here (if applicable): The Vampire Diaries/Teen Wolf, Ship: Katherine Pierce/Kira Yukimura Word count: 331 Short description: Kira knows every step of the plan to rescue Derek from the Mexican hunters by heart. Now if only her heart was set on the mission and not on the lips on her neck.
Submission 6:   List the fandom and ships here (if applicable): Foyle’s War, Rex Talbot/Andrew Foyle Word count: 241 Short description: Andrew keeps seeing Rex wherever he goes after the war.  But Rex is dead.
Submission 7:   List the fandom and ships here (if applicable): Original Word count: 15985 Short description: What makes a perfect theft? Everyone carries out their roles as scripted, everything goes according to plan, and not a soul knows you’re coming. But what if you just met your fellow actress, she just tried to kill you, nobody read the script, and the target was expecting you the whole time? Iris and Amber find themselves grappling with all manner of unfortunate questions as they attempt to acquire a rare text from a ruthless noble on behalf of a force far more dangerous than any problem that could arise during this all or nothing heist!
Submission 8:   List the fandom and ships here (if applicable): Metal Fight Beyblade Word count: 2700 Short description: Stranded. Hungry. Kyoya Tategami is notorious for willing to do anything it takes to win a battle, but that was against physical opponents. Now, he must battle against the elements and mother nature herself in order to prove that he's strong enough to bare "the fangs of the heart," not only to the Dark Nebula, but to himself and restore his pride, even if his mind cracks and crumbles away in the process. No matter how many times, no matter how many times he fails, he will come out victorious.
Submission 9:  List the fandom and ships here (if applicable): Avatar: The Last Airbender, Sokka genfic Word count: 919 Short description: "“His father said something else, but Sokka couldn’t hear over the rush of blood in his ears. Him, in an arranged marriage to the princess of the Fire Nation—it must have been a sad excuse for a joke.” In a universe where the Hundred Year War didn’t happen, Sokka struggles to deal with the news that he’s being forced into a political marriage with someone he doesn’t know or love. In which Sokka fights with his family, reconciles with Katara in his super secret igloo fort, and has a heart-to-heart with Hakoda on the way to the Fire Nation."
Submission 10:   List the fandom and ships here (if applicable): original, gen Word count: 3845 Short description: "It's been raining a lot where Kora lives, and she hasn't left her apartment, and every day is about the same. Basically, this is a weird atmospheric horror thing about being isolated in your single apartment, and also a time loop."
Submission 11: List the fandom and ships here (if applicable): Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth (Narumitsu/Wrightworth), implied/background Klavier/Apollo Word count: 12134 Short description: "This is the first chapter of an Ace Attorney fic I outlined a couple of years ago but never finished! It assumes a lot of background knowledge of AA1-AA5. Taking place three days after the end of AA5, Athena is hanging around in the Prosecutor's Office waiting for Simon when she runs into Miles Edgeworth. He unexpectedly reveals that they have something in common — they were both led to believe that they killed one of their own parents. But as they're talking about it, and as Edgeworth talks about Phoenix Wright, something seems off. Athena senses discord in his voice. And once she realizes that Edgeworth has some misgivings about being ""just friends"" with Wright, she does the only logical thing — enlist all their co-workers in a plot to set them up. (Also Apollo talks to Wright about Edgeworth/DL-6, this is all right before Christmas so Phoenix visits Edgeworth and they analyze his childhood trauma through the lens of tort law and nearly kiss (?), Phoenix and Edgeworth are very much in love but in denial about it, lots of scenes and moments to choose from! Hopefully I'll finish this one day.)"
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mariekiki50 · 4 years
Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney
– Turnabout Starters –
 December 29, 2001 – 08:41 AM
Wedio General Hospital – Patient Room
 December 28, 2001 was the date Miles’ life changed drastically.
For the worse, that is.
He just did not know it yet.
The sun creeping in what was awoke him, and his eyes slowly fluttered open; he sat up in his bed. The first thing that struck him was that everything was white around him. So white that it could not be natural, and this was when Miles thought something was off.
He did not what, though. His memories were still fuzzy and confused, and he could not remember for the life of him what had happened for him to be here. Because, he was quite sure now he was in a hospital.
Before he could reflect further on this, however, somebody knocked at the door and came in before Miles even allowed him too. It was a nurse, who had probably been working in this hospital for years, given her age. She was dressed in white, her grey hair tied back into a strict bun; she eyed Miles sternly before she told another person to come in. So, I have some visit, Miles thought, puzzled. He was even more surprised when he recognized who the person was.
She was in her thirties and had short curly black hair with piercing blue eyes. Her clothes were nothing extravagant, she had kept things simple by wearing a thick pullover with trousers and boots and had an anorak in her arms.  It was winter, after all, so her outfit fitted the season. Except a wedding ring, she did not have any jewels or accessories on her, neither had she a scarf or gloves, but she removed her wooly hat when she stepped into the room. Her complexion was olive, but her smile was as bright as Miles remembered.
Mrs. Wright.
Miles had met her quite recently, actually, but his father had known her for much longer. It had all started when one of Edgeworth’s classmates had been accused of stealing his lunch money. If Miles had not known better, the poor boy would have been punished while he had not done anything. Funny how it had turned out that said boy’s parents were friends of Miles’ father. So it was only natural Miles had befriended Phoenix Wright, the child falsely accused of theft, and a certain Larry Butz, who, for a strange and unknown reason, had believed in Phoenix’s innocence too when the whole class had accused the latter.
Miles did not live with the Wrights, but he was quite sure Mrs. Wright was a very good mother. She was a widow, having lost her husband from cancer one year ago or so, just like Miles had lost his own mother in a car accident some years ago too. The mirroring of their situations was quite tragic. Despite that, Mrs. Wright had welcomed the Edgeworths with open arms, especially when she had known Miles had helped her son during a class trial. It had not surprised her that much, in truth: Gregory had been their lawyer during a tough case, and it was no surprise the son would grow up to be just like his father, one day.
Seeing a familiar face calmed down Miles a little, but even with Phoenix’s mother, he could tell something was definitely wrong. Was it in the way she behaved or in the joyful expression which was a bit too forced, the nine-year-old did not know. Maybe it was all that at once.
Mrs. Wright put her belongings on the chair in the corner of the room, and came to Miles’ side with the concerned look mothers have when they are worrying about their children. She put a hand on the boy’s forehead, while the nurse was silently staring at them.
“How are you feeling, Miles, dear?” Mrs. Wright asked, removing her hand. “Are you okay?”
“I… I think I’m fine,” the child replied, making the woman sigh in relief. “I can’t remember why I’m here though.”
“Oh, darling, there’s no need to hurry. We can take things one at a time. You should rest for now.”
Although Miles appreciated her concern, he did not feel like sleeping. He was fully awake, now, and was feeling quite well. What he wanted now was some answers about how he had ended up here.
“Phoenix isn’t here?”
“The hospital didn’t allow me to bring him here. My neighbor’s watching over him. We’ll both come to see you as soon as we can, okay?”
The boy nodded his head. He was glad to have Phoenix as his friend, and he could not wait for him to come and see him. They would talk about the brand new episodes of the Signal Samurai that were currently broadcasted on TV. Miles could not believe he had come to love this series that much. It was all because of Phoenix. And Larry too. Anyway, he was glad his friend was fine, but he still had some questions in his mind.
“What happened? Why am I at the hospital?”
Mrs. Wright bit her lips and looked at the nurse, who just shrugged. Miles was not sure what all that meant.
“So, you don’t remember anything…?”
He shook his head, and the mother sighed deeply before she answered. “You and your father were at the courthouse. Your father had a client to defend, and he took you with him because you wanted to see the trial.”
Miles’ memories slowly came back. That was right; his father had recently promised him he would let him attend one of his trials. The young boy still remembered how excited he was when he had woken up, yesterday morning. This was the first time his father had accepted him to come and watch one of his trials. As usual, Gregory’s performance had been quite impressive, and his son could not have been prouder of his father. Still, in the end…
“My father… I recall he lost the case… He told me he planned to appeal.”
“That’s right. After that, you both took the elevator.”
Ah, that was something Miles remembered too. He could even say there had been a third man in this elevator, with them, a black-haired man in his forties. He had introduced himself as Yanni Yogi, a bailiff. Apparently, he had a fiancée by the name of Polly, and they were apparently planning to get married soon; that was what Mr. Yogi had said anyway. He had pressed the button to go down, and indeed the elevator had gone down, until…
Miles’ eyes went wide with fear and he shivered.
… Until a violent earthquake struck.
Everything became clear from here for the young boy. He recalled the lights had flickered and gone out because of that earthquake, and if not for the emergency light, Mr. Yogi and the Edgeworths would have completely been in the dark.
Once the fear had passed, the only choice left had been to wait for the emergency services. Miles had sat with his back against the wall and had wrapped his arms around his knees. Gregory and the bailiff had sat in front of him, with their backs against the wall too. And then… the three of them had had to wait for what had been an eternity. One hour… Two hours… Three hours… Four hours… Five hours… And finally… There had been that moment. That moment when Mr. Yogi had started getting crazy because of the lack of oxygen.
“S–Stop breathing my air!”
He had grabbed Gregory by the collar, right in front of Miles, who had started to panic. He had felt something under his hand, something that was probably dangerous… but he had not realized what it was exactly. He had been so frightened to see the bailiff lash out at his father that he had thrown the object without even really thinking about it. He just wanted the fight between the two men to stop.
“Get away from my father!”
Only when he had heard the gunshot had he realized the thing he had thrown at the bailiff was a weapon. Probably some sort of pistol, even maybe Yogi’s. It did not matter in the end: the result was the same. There had been a gunshot. After that, Miles had heard a long, terrible and awful scream of pain and…
… it was a blackout after that. He did not remember anything else.
His heart started pounding faster inside his chest and his hands gripped the blanket tighter. Where is Father, now? What happened to him? And what happened to the bailiff? He looked up at Mrs. Wright with worry in his eyes.
“I… I’d like to see my father, please…”
The woman gasped and turned her head, unable to meet his eyes. Miles was surprised, because for the time he had known her, she had never looked away like that. She had never looked away at all.
“I’m afraid it won’t be possible, Miles.”
“Why? What happened? Where’s Father?!”
“He’s dead.”
It was not Phoenix’s mother who had spoken, but the nurse. Miles had nearly forgotten about her existence. She who had been so cold at first was now looking at him with some sort of pity in her eyes Miles had a hard time accepting. He could not just believe what he had heard. There was no way Gregory could be dead! He had said… He had said to his son and to Mr. Yogi everything would be fine! He had to be okay, he had to, because, without him…
… Miles had nothing left.
He was all alone.
He looked at Mrs. Wright with eyes full of hope, a foolish hope that she would deny the lie that nurse had just told him. He needed to be told all this was just a joke – and a pretty bad joke, at that – but when he heard her sadly muttering the world ‘sorry’, this was when he knew for sure all that had been said to him was the truth, nothing else.
To say his world crumbled was an understatement. Tears came to his eyes and rolled down his cheeks as he hiccupped violently, unable to speak because of the lump on his throat. Instead, he just sobbed in Phoenix’s mother’s arms, without stopping, and he even lost track of time. The only thing he could feel was the woman gently stroking his hair and whispering soft words to him.
He just cried, again and again.
 Manfred von Karma was no man to wait.
When he wanted something, he did everything in his power to get it as soon as possible, just in the same way he did everything in his power to get a guilty verdict in court. He had been prosecuting for decades, and not a single defense attorney had been able to stand up against him. Well, not a single defense attorney still alive, that is. Of course, there had been that Gregory Edgeworth… but he had still lost in the end. And above all, he had been… dealt with, to say the least.
And now that he was dead, von Karma had one only obsession: to take Gregory Edgeworth’s son with him and to turn him against everything his foolish father had once believed in. He would make this boy become a perfect prosecutor under his control, and then… he would find a way to get rid of him. This child would be a puppet who would obey his orders, and he would get guilty verdicts just like Manfred. Von Karma would make him and his damn father pay for what they had done to him. The boy was so fragile and innocent… That was the perfect moment to mold him just like the prosecutor wanted. He wanted Miles, and he would have him.
This was why he was a bit upset to find there was already somebody in Miles’ room. He had hoped to be alone with that boy – the fewer people there was, the better – but he did not say anything and just glared at the woman. Edgeworth was stupidly crying in her arms. Manfred did not like how that woman was interfering, but it did not matter in the end; he was already taking care of the papers for the adoption, and soon, Miles would be his adoptive son.
“I would like the boy to be ready to go as soon as possible,” he informed the nurse.
“Very well. Given his good condition, he had no need to stay here any longer. I’m going to check when he’ll be allowed to leave.”
She never met the old prosecutor’s eyes and exited the room at the very moment when Mrs. Wright exclaimed: “Miles? Leave? But he’s mourning his father! He still need time to recover! And who are you anyway? You’re not a relative! You’re not even part of his family!”
Manfred glared at the woman with deep contempt and folded his arms. “I don’t care. I’m currently about to adopt him, and when the paperwork is done, he’ll come with me.”
Miles stopped crying and looked at the man with big fearful eyes. Mrs. Wright saw all the terror and the shock the poor little boy was going through right now, and she took him in her arms once again, embracing him protectively while he was shaking. Her eyes then met von Karma’s, and she gritted her teeth. This man did not mean any good for the now orphaned child, and she did not know what his plans were, but… by any means, she would not let the child go with a man who probably still held a grudge against said child’s father. Von Karma had a reputation, and Bonnie Wright had been told about the penalty he had been given due to Gregory exposing his unorthodox methods during the trial. To say he falsified evidence just to secure a guilty verdict… That was disgusting. How could anyone let Miles go with such a jerk just like that?!
On top of that, Gregory Edgeworth’s death was highly suspicious, to say the least. Miles and that bailiff, Yanni Yogi, were both unconscious when they had been found, after five hours, by the emergency services. There was no doubt Gregory had been shot right in the heart, and although the police was investigating, they apparently considered Yogi to be the culprit. Unlike Miles, he was not awake yet, but the both of them would be heard by the police anyway.
Still… Until then, Miles needed comfort. And Mrs. Wright did not intend to let that prosecutor take him away without doing anything to stop it. She took a deep breath and looked fiercely at the man. If he thought he could have anything just by demanding, then he was for a surprise.
“You have no right to do so! Gregory entrusted me with the custody of his son should anything happen to him!”
If Manfred was puzzled by the woman’s words, he did not show it. He had not expected that damn Edgeworth to leave the upbringing of his child to someone, but that was barely a hindrance. He would deal with this soon enough. All he wanted was the child, to turn him into somebody who would fight against everything his brat of a father had always believed in. He was determined.
“You have no say in that, woman. I will take the child, no matter what.”
“Over my dead body,” Mrs. Wright spitted out, glaring daggers at the old man, embracing the child even more tightly. “As for now, Miles is under my care, as Gregory wished. I will prove it at the courthouse, and when everything will be in order, Miles will come to live with us and you will never see nor touch the child again!”
Von Karma was now full of fury and rage, and he started rushing to that woman and the child threateningly, but he finally thought better. He could not lose his temper like this. The woman had probably her doubts on Edgeworth’s death, and if she started investigating and discovered the truth behind that case… his perfect career would be over, and that was something he could not afford. No, there was only one way to have the custody of the kid, it was to go to the courthouse and fight Mrs. Wright. With that, he was sure there would not be any problems.
He smugly wagged his finger in front of him and smirked viciously. “You’re right, Mrs. Wright. Let’s take care of this kind of things like the grown-ups we are, shall we? Everything will be settle in court soon enough.”
Miles was still looking at the old prosecutor in awe, and the latter glared back at him with huge contempt. To say he was doing all this for revenge… But he wanted this revenge. He despised the Edgeworths above all, and dealing with the child of the man he had killed was such a sweet revenge! He would have given everything just to see the face of the man as his son would be raised to be everything his dear father had been fighting against…
And on that thought, von Karma left the room.
Bonnie Wright sighed, and stroke Miles’ hair gently.
“Will I have to live with that man?” he asked, looking at her with eyes full of terror, sadness and uncertainty.
“No you won’t. I’m the one who will be in charge of you. I have paperwork to do, but once it’s done, you’ll move in with me and Phoenix. No harm will be done to you. I swear. Everything will be alright.”
Miles nodded, reassured. He was so glad he did not have to go with that prosecutor. He had never wanted to. He clearly preferred to grow up with his best friend Phoenix. And Bonnie had told him that everything would be fine, so he could finally rest, now.
They could not have been more wrong.
On January 4, 2002, the judge officially entrusted Miles Edgeworth’s custody to Bonnie Wright, much to von Karma’s furor. On that same day, while the day was coming to an end, Mrs. Wright was murdered in strange conditions. The identity of the killer remained unknown.
Phoenix became an orphan too, and Miles never got the chance to live with the Wrights.
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forffax · 4 years
give me the aced attorneyed takes friendo
THANK U FRIENDO,,, aced tourney on the brain
favorite female character
HM.... man there’s so many!!! maya obvs is so fuckin good watching her open up and her good natured bullying of nick and her lesbianism,,, love her so much! all of the family shit she goes though... she rlly only has nick and pearl as far as family even if mia is watching over her and despite that she is so damn strong!! love maya 
ALSO TRUCY,,, everything abt her from her design to her and nick taking care of each other to her still maintaining a childlike innocence through a (understandably) v rough childhood? she’s so good Ultimate Daughter and i would kill and die for her 
special mentions to franziska, kay, pearl, and ema!!!! they’re all v good as well :)
favorite male character
mr. miles edgeworth i love you more than most fictional characters from any media i’d die and kill for you sir. his character arc being the driving force behind the first game and his gradual growth throughout the rest of the series, especially the culmination in aai2.... fucking superb i am close to tears thinking abt it!! emotionally stunted but extremely fatherly law men make me :cryingcat:
i love phoenix but for a long time i just kinda ignored his characterization in aj but after reconciling the two as The Same Phoenix i guess i have a better appreciation for his character? he’s a good dad and just a bit stupid i love him
apollo justice makes me lose it but also i kinda ignore all the plot that happened in aa5-aa6 just bc i Don’t Like Those Games Much so rlly my opinion is based on aa:aj! his biting sarcasm and general goofyness really make him seem WAY younger than aa1 phoenix which i like! also he’s gay and trans 
favorite book/season/etc
u know before u streamed aai 2 i would’ve said that my favorite game was apollo justice but now? ace attorney investigations 2 is honestly a game that any aa fan needs to at least watch through at least once that game actually changed me as a person
favorite episode (if its a tv show)
oh him this is a hard one too!! as far as the original trilogy it’s probably either farewell, my turnabout (2-4) or bridge to the turnabout (3-5)! bridge to the turnabout especially is such a good conclusion to the trilogy, not to mention Edgeworth Defense Attorney makes me lose it (he wore the badge!!! he wore the fucking badge!!!!)
conversely farewell my turnabout,,, adrian deserved better and even though we got her cleared of suspicion in the end the fact that we had to accuse her and bring all that to light anyways always made me feel awful which! is how you’re supposed to feel abt it!! it’s such a good case in how it rlly makes u (as nick) question your ideals! and then the duality between phoenix struggling to find his answer and deal with a lose-lose situation and miles being resolute in his new core beliefs,,,, it’s fucking tastey 
- but the miracle.... never happen 
- censored penis lobster
cannot discount turnabout goodbyes either! basically last cases of aa games are generally so so good!!
favorite ship
DOES IT NEED TO BE SAID..... phoenix wright and miles edgeworth are married and in love!! also a big fan of klapollo, franmaya, and junithena! 
character I’d die defending
klavier deserves to work through his awful awful trauma and is a genuinely fantastic character i wish capcom loved him as much as i do instead of reducing him to a one-case-per-game cameo character!! he just deserves resolution at the very least please!!! same with apollo that man cannot be okay after All That 
also ron delite did nothing wrong he’s one of my fav defendants
character I just can’t sympathize with
GODOT MISOGYNIST PRIDE i hate him i really do 
kristoph is also The Worst i’d kill him myself if i could 
COMPLETELY ERASED THEM FROM MY BRAIN BUT LIKE 90% OF THE BIG BERRY CIRCUS IS AWFUL THEY’RE SO BAD moe and regina can stay though they’re cool. man what is it with aa and clowns 
character I grew to love
oh i hated franziska when i started jfa but by the end i loved her!!! she’s the best
ALSO. seb and justine from aai2..... amazing how like a few lines can re-contextualize how u think and feel abt characters but i love them both so dearly!!! bring them all back i would like to see them 
anti otp
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ao3feed-wrightworth · 4 years
So Heavy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Uto6Gn
by KrisseyCrystal (IceCreAMS)
Wright has always been something of a force of nature in the courtroom. Today, his behavior is even stranger than normal and for the life of him, Edgeworth cannot figure out why.
Words: 1061, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 22 of Bad Things Happen Bingo
Fandoms: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, The Judge (Gyakuten Saiban), Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey
Relationships: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright
Additional Tags: maya's there at the v end anyway, Case 2-4: Farewell My Turnabout Spoilers, Case 2-4: Farewell My Turnabout, I did it again guys, basically summarized this case from edgeworth's pov, i love this case so much, Angst, Kidnapping, Bad Things Happen Bingo, Restraining Bolt, Kinda, Trust
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Uto6Gn
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