#Oracle of Ancient Egyptian Magic
qldqueerboy · 8 months
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A fundamental shift in your thinking has happened almost instantaneously on how you approach and deal with a problematic issue affecting you today. Your confidence in not falling back into your old patterns and customs seems well and truly buried as you instigate this new action plan into action. Just be aware that it may not instantly achieve reliable results you think will happen because of this.
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sagaduwyrm · 6 months
DCxDP Idea - Tucker x Tim Soulmate AU:
Now on AO3
So the Justice League believes the Fentons and the GIW. Not completely, but enough. That’s the bad news. The worse news is that they have Danny, and are apparently planning to use him in some kind of spell to banish all the ghosts from the living plane. Which, okay, sure, not the worst idea, except that trying to banish a Liminal is a great way to kill them instead, and guess what everyone in Amity Park is? Not to mention what powering such a ritual could do to Danny.
Tucker is not having a panic attack. He might have one later, but right now he has a job to do.
So the thing about the Justice League is that they’re powerful and together they cover each other’s weaknesses, but individually they are, if not manageable, then at least survivable. They can’t take on the entire league, but Ghosts and their ilk have fangs for a reason, and every predator knows how to divide and conquer.
Technus and Skulker are using Lex Luthor’s tech to deal with the Supers. Jazz has got emotional manipulation and FrightKnight’s sword to take down the Flashes. Desiree agreed to start a mage’s duel with the Justice League Dark. Sam, Ember, Johnny, and Kitty hopefully have the watchtower in hand, with Walker playing backup to get Danny free.
Tucker has two jobs. One, work with Technus to take down the Justice League communications without making it look like anything is up. Two, for the love of the Ancients, do not let the Bats realize something is wrong.
And you know what? He’s got this. Duul Aman was the most feared sorcerer of his time. Tucker isn’t him, not really, but he’s no slouch in the magic department. Egyptian magic, the way Duul Aman knew it, was almost like code. Relearning it was as easy as breathing, but the real reason Tucker’s job is to deal with the bats is because he took it further than his last life ever could. Sure, he’s a dab hand at illusions, his curses are almost as nasty as Sam’s, and instant sandstorms are never not useful, but where he really thrives is with tech. Afterall, if ectoplasm can be combined with computers, why can’t magic?
Tucker is the world's first technomage and he’s goddamn proud of it.
It’s his saving grace now. Infiltrating Oracle’s system took weeks, and he still wasn’t able to look at or do anything important, but it was enough of an opening for his magic. He wormed his illusion through every single piece of bat-tech he could reach, whispering in their ear, Gotham needs you. The Justice League is fine. Gotham is where the problems are. 
Weeks of work and sleepless nights, and he still doubts he’ll be able to keep them from noticing anything for more than a few hours. Luckily, by that time Danny will be free and Tucker will be long gone from Gotham.
This confidence lasts until he brushes hands with another guy in the cafe. He can feel the bond snap into place, a soulmark crawling across his body. Tim Drake stares at him, eyes wide but sharp. 
Tim Drake.
Red Robin.
Time to see whether fighting ghosts extends to fighting humans, because he is not letting this asshole mess up Danny’s rescue.
The first thing Tim notices when he meets his soulmate is the rage in the man’s eyes.
They’re really pretty eyes. A bright, glowing gold, lined in kohl. Almost certainly a sign of magic. 
They look at him like the man wants to turn him inside out and burn the remains. Tim’s a little offended, beneath the shock and awe.
“Fuck,” the man hisses. Tim’s offense is starting to supersede his surprise. He’s a catch, thank you very much.
He says as much. The man laughs, and it’s almost friendly.  The cafe is empty. The people of Gotham have good instincts, and there’s something in the air around this man that puts Tim’s hackles up.
“You know, I think that’d be more believable if you hadn’t started this.”
Tim’s brow wrinkled. He felt like he’d remember starting something with his soulmate though? What was he supposed to have started, anyway? Saying ‘this’ wasn’t very specific. 
He rolled and dodged to avoid the sudden lash of golden sand. Ah. A fight. He could do that. Figure out why his soulmate was angry later, defeat him now.
He reached up to call for backup and only got static.
He was on his own. Time to show this bastard why underestimating a bat was a bad idea.
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thesirencult · 6 months
"You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion."
L. Ron Hubbard (Founder of Scientology)
I won't lie to you. What got me into tarot was a very raw and real dream about a man I've never met in my life. I had this dream when I was 15 and it felt like I was floating in a parallel universe.
Dreams with this "stranger" kept coming and going and during a search I stumbled upon the concept of "twin flames".
As with anything NeW AgE it is nothing new. All New Age bullshit are concepts familiar to human civilizations for thousands of years. In all ancient cultures these concepts show up again and again.
Astrology, cartomancy and other forms of divination and guidance have been used by Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks and Hindu people for centuries. They were villainized after the come up of Christianity.
I always have believed there is a higher power. Some name it Allah, others Moses, other Dias etc. Doesn't matter, it's one God above us. Actually contrary to what many want you to believe the Ancient Greeks didn't have "12 Gods" but 12 (and much much more) expressions of DIVINITY. Metaphors and symbolisms.
Hermes Trismegistus has written everything about "manifestation". Others just repackaged it. Some help us understand the concept and others just want to make a quick buck.
All people have some primal needs. Connection and love. Money and wealth. Wanting to be beautiful and powerful. Some people prey on that and, in my opinion, the self-improvement industry will only keep on growing.
The concept of twin flames can be found being expressed by Socrates in the dialogue "Symposium" by Plato :
“Now, since their natural form had been cut in two, each one longed for its own other half, and so they would throw their arms about each other, weaving themselves together, wanting to grow together...
This, then, is the source of our desire to love each other. Love is born into eve­ry human being: it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature.
Each of us, then, is a ‘matching half’ of a human whole, because each was sliced like a flatfish, two out of one, and each of us is always seeking the half that matches him."
Sidenote: Obviously I used only two snippets of the dialogue. Socrates' stance on homosexuality and other matters of love can be found in there and it is a good read. It will definitely show you that some concepts have been around since humans walked on this earth.
Moving on, I want to give you some tips on how to best use astrology and tarot/oracle cards as TOOLS to better yourself.
1. First try them yourself.
Don't let others dictate how you see astrology and tarot. Go online and search up your birth chart on astroseek or visit the Light Seer's Tarot/Muse Tarot website which has an incredible pick a card feature.
Don't contact an astrologer or tarot reader before familiarising yourself with the tools and "taking the magic out" of them.
2. No one and mean NO ONE can predict the future 100%.
In our lives there are moments who seem synchronized. They make you believe in fate. I do believe that God intended for us to live through some things but I also absolutely believe in FREE WILL. I always say that to clients especially those who have tarot readings.
Tarot and astrology can help you see the paths laid in front of you. They help you dive in your unconscious mind. Don't let anyone fool you that they are magical and whatever the cards say can not change.
3. If you purchase a reading don't purchase a love/romance one at first.
Don't get me wrong. I love love and romance. I love doing love readings. They are sweet and sexy.
BUT. Even in my love readings I incorporate a "general energy of you" for the person. I do that cause I want to show to my client, who trusted me and chose me that a tarot reader can be vetted.
Sadly even with PAC readings I can see that the romance ones are read and reposted way more than ones that assist with personal development. I try to keep a balance and do both.
The thing is a good tarot reader, astrologer even a therapist or a fitness trainer want to help you become INDEPENDENT. I don't want you to keep coming back and purchase love readings about your ex.
It's toxic. I won't accept that.
4. You are perfect the way you are.
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Telling you that "yeah, you have an issue right here and it can be fixed by doing so and so" is okay.
It's like saying give me more money. Ask me how I can make you LOVABLE.
Your other half won't cheat, manipulate or make you feel awful. Your ex who was an asshole is not your Twin Flame.
Light up the flame within and love out your dreams. You will attract people who will adore and love you by being AUTHENTIC.
Anyone that abuses you and puts your flame out should GO.
5. All big corporations prey on your weaknesses & Do not trust anyone who tells you they are the only ones that can set you free or solve your issues.
Be disciplined. Control yourself and your mind. Read "The 48 Laws Of Power" and other books on influence and manipulation. Learn how narcissists and cult leaders operate.
All big companies do not sell you products (I will probably post this part by itself too).
They sell you emotions, feelings, status. BMW doesn't sell cars, it is selling power and prestige and confidence.
Nike doesn't sell shoes and shirts, it is selling dreams of being powerful and different, of making it in the jungle, of WINNING.
But there are some companies which I'M NOT GOING TO MENTION by name who influence you by breaking you down. Astrology apps that send you negative predictions about your day to make you anxious so you will check back every single hour. Cult like influencers who sell "How to get rich quickly" courses that cost thousands of $ and offer no value.
Be careful. Be prepared. Be strong and firm.
I hope everyone who was taken in this cult (wait ! myy username is the siren cult, lol) can find peace and the power within them.
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hotgirlmuseboardxo · 1 month
i got an ancient egyptian oracle deck and sex magic tarot cards, i think they’re getting delivered today 🔮 luvs it
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an-darth-maiden · 6 months
Introducing myself and giving an explanation.
Hi everyone! 🙋🏻‍♀️
My name is Ana, but you can call me An or Annie.
I'm Mexican.🇲🇽
I like many things like animals, read history, classic novels, esoteric stuff and magic, manga, watch anime, belly dance, music, tv shows and movies, videogames.
Some of my favorite things are:
Animals like felines and canines (ALL OF THEM!), bats, hummingbirds, crows, rabbits, bears.
History:Ancient Egypt (everything about that time), and other historical periods (Middle ages, Ilustration era, Victorian era).
About the cultures of my country I love the Aztec (Mexica) culture, Mayan culture, Toltec culture and others.
My favorite books are:
The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and Dracula by Bram Stoker.
Other books I love that are on Spanish are "Cuentos de la selva" (Jungle tales) by Horacio Quiroga
"El Diosero" by Francisco Rojas González .
About the Esoteric stuff, I'm a Tarot and Oracle reader, I learn and practice Reiki, I love quartz, rocks and minerals for spiritual, magic and therapeutic uses, talismans and charms, candles, dowsing with pendulum, astrology.
Anime I like Yu-Gi-Oh, InuYasha, Saint Seiya, Sailor Moon, Card captor Sakura, Record of Ragnarok, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z (just to mention a few).
I'm not a belly dancer, but I really enjoy belly dance (oriental dance). I practice at home by the moment. I hope I could go to a dance academy someday.
I like the Egyptian style. Particularly, the Golden era period. Some of my favorite dancers are Souhair Zaki, Samia Gamal, Tahiya Carioca.
Music: I like the music of the past century, specially since the 70's till 90's. I like disco and funk, classic rock, hard rock, glam metal, heavy metal, but also the New Wave or Pop music.
My favorite singer is Michael Jackson.
And my favorite band is Guns N ' Roses.
Tv shows and Movies I watch a lot. I like animated shows and movies, action and superhero, some comedies, medical drama, police drama, supernatural shows.
My favorite films are Alice in wonderland (animated and Tim Burton's version), The Prince of Egypt, Beauty and the Beast, The Mummy and The Mummy returns, Hitch, School of Rock, The Nightmare before Christmas, Sam Raimi's Spiderman films, Star Wars franchises.
My favorite shows are Looney tunes, Powerpuff girls, Arrow , Friends, The Big Bang Theory, House M.D , E.R, Law and Order Special Victims Unit, White collar, Supernatural, Charmed.
This last year, I've been watching a lot of K-drama. I'm really enjoying it.
Videogames like Castlevania ( I like both, videogames and the Netflix TV shows), Halo, Mortal Kombat, Devil May Cry for example.
I had a Tumblr account with the same name before. It was fully dedicated as a fan blog of Castlevania. Many of the things that I had were some of my silly memes about Castlevania Netflix (most of them about Alucard).
I deleted the account because I was very inactive here and I felt a little bit limited by just post about Castlevania.
Sometimes I reblogged the nice drawings of friends that are here, sometimes I shared about ancient Egyptian history, but not so often.
After deleting the account, I didn't feel well about leave this place, so, I decided to create an account and start all over again.
I want to use this place to connect with people that enjoy the same things that I do.
So, I hope find again the cool friends who are still here, but at the same time, find new friends.
With the time, I'll be re-posting the material of Castlevania that I posted before, just in case there's someone interested.
For the last, I want to share some pictures of my favorite things.
Thanks for your attention.
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Xiaojun (WayV) Kinky Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Feedback: Feedback is very important for content creators and for me it’s even more important. Please, let me know whether the tarot readings resonate. If there’s anything you dislike or find off about my readings (like wording, topics, focus), just tell me. I don’t want you to write 1000-word feedback, very simple comments will do for me to stay motivated. I don’t know why I have to keep repeating this but this is something I do for you, guys, and when I don’t feel motivated to do tarot readings, I have many other things to do. The more motivation I get, the more readings you will get to read. The logic is very simple but it’s two sided.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): The Ancient Egyptian Tarot, Sexual Magic Oracle
Spread: Kinky
Turn On
Dirty Secret
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Dejun Xiao
Stage Name: Xiaojun
Group: WayV
DOB: 08.08.1999
Blood Type: A
Sun Sign: Leo
Chinese Sign: Earth Rabbit
Life Path Number: 8
Masterpost: NCT (All sub-units)
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Xiaojun (WayV) - Kinky
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Full Name: Dejun Xiao Stage Name: Xiaojun Group: WayV DOB: 08.08.1999 Blood Type: A MBTI: ENFP Sun Sign: Leo Chinese Sign: Earth Rabbit Life Path Number: 8
Spread / Question: Kinky Deck(s): The Ancient Egyptian Tarot, Sexual Magic Oracle
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Position - XIV Temperance
Xiaojun is no dom for sure. He’s more on the romantic and equal side of the spectrum when it comes to his lover. He’s well-balanced, not too obsessive about his lover, not indifferent towards them. He takes the golden middle route and usually has excellent communication with his partner. Xiojun truly speaks openly but with kindness and tact and it makes him nearly a perfect boyfriend as he’s caring but not jealous, he’s loving but not possessive. The major arcana card here suggests he’s pretty mature for his age when it comes to relationships, despite the fact he might not have been through that many yet. His soul is still more or less pure.
Libido - King of Disks, 24. Healing
While dating Xiaojun is really romantic and sweet, he’s also a man in his prime and his libido is quite strong. I’m sensing it probably wasn’t so in the past, maybe there were times Xiaojun was insecure about the sexual aspect of relationships or maybe he struggled determining his own taste. That was in the past though and now Xiaojun is really confident when it comes to his desires and needs. He might not show his passion so much openly in front of others but he’s a rather goal driven lover. He conquers his partner in bed or any place suited. He’s likely to take a dominant role in sex and he likes to be praised in bed. He’s still pretty romantic and courting is often a sort of a foreplay for Xiaojun. He truly knows how to properly seduce his lover, leaving them breathless.
Turn On - 3 of Cups
Xiaojun is likely to feel attracted to someone merry and bright, someone with spark in their eyes and with a lively step. The three of cups might suggest a friends-with-benefits type of relationship or even a poly relationship. I mentioned before that Xiaojun doesn’t really get jealous or possessive so this type of romance might seem attractive to him.
Kink - Queen of Swords, 29. Wrath
Lol! While Xiaojun himself isn’t jealous or possessive, he might actually find it arousing when his lovers fight for him. I must admit I have never received such a message from the cards before but yeah… Xiaojun truly might encourage or provoke his lovers to just get naked and compete to get him. What a prick! Lol. I mean it in a good way. Other than being the sweet prize for his lovers, Xiaojun might find it truly hot for his lover(s) to be able to discuss with him and show their brains, too. His lover picking up on fight with him just to create the tension and then them both finding a release through sex is likely also one of Xiaojun’s favourite fantasies.
Dirty Secret - King of Cups, 23. Forgiveness
While Xiaojun can play wild, he’s a total romantic and softie at heart. He’s likely to put his lover(s) on a pedestal and worship them and love them. He takes them as they are, with all their flaws and mistakes they did in the past. Xiaojun is not really judgy and he doesn’t hold grudges. He can forgive a lot of mistakes his partner might make and he’s always open to discuss any issues and hear their opinions or possible complaints.
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alephskoteinos · 7 months
A view to a solar non-dualism
During my study of the Greek Magical Papyri, a while back I encountered a phrase at the end of PGM IV. 1596-1715, which is a spell for Helios. The last line of the papyrus says that, when the consecration is complete, the magician must say the following: "the one Zeus is Sarapis".
I thought about that phrase again recently, maybe while going through The Concepts of the Divine in the Greek Magical Papyri, and it strikes me as a solar image of non-duality.
"The one Zeus is Sarapis", "heis Zeus Sarapis", but Sarapis (Serapis) is also an image of Hades or Plouton, being a god of the underworld and lord of the dead (not to mention a fusion of the god Osiris and the bull Apis). That's actually quite explicit when you get to Sarapis' iconography. In fact that were instances where Serapis and Hades or Plouton were explicitly identified with each other. In fact, that link is even more explicit in Porphyry's Philosophia ex oraculis, where he described Serapis as one of the gods who rule the infernal daimons, the others being Hekate and the demon dog Kerberos.
From this standpoint, I interpret the formula "heis Zeus Sarapis" as meaning that Zeus and Hades are one. In some ways that could be seen not only as a form of syncretism but also as an expression of theological monism, or certainly of the kind that was being developed around the time of Hellenistic Egypt.
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But there's more to it, because this is also a solar image. Zeus-Sarapis was also Zeus-Helios-Sarapis, or Zeus Helios Great Sarapis. In the eastern desert of Egypt, under Roman occupation, one could except to find many images of the god Zeus Helios Megas Sarapis. especially in a place called Dios (now called Abu Qurayyah). There was also a temple dedicate to that god at Mons Claudianus, consecrated by a slave named Epaphroditos. Some scholars, of course, interpret this as a Greek interpretation of the Egyptian god Amun Ra. Furthermore, the phrase "heis Zeus Sarapis" has been found inscribed on a depiction of Harpocrates, Horus the Child, a deity who was frequently syncretised with Helios and thus seen as a solar god. Zeus, Helios, and Serapis were also sometimes seen as one godhead. This perhaps derives from an Orphic saying, purportedly attributed to an oracle of Apollo, which says "Zeus, Hades, Helios-Dionysus, three gods in one godhead!". In Flavius Claudius Julianus Hymn to Helios, this is rendered as "Zeus, Hades, Helios Serapis, three gods in one godhead!", which perhaps suggests that Serapis was being identified with Dionysus. Either way, it establishes a theology in which the three gods are mutually identified and unified as a solar godhead.
Since Helios was the sun god par excellence in this context, Zeus-Helios-Sarapis was seen as a solar deity, and thus it is a solar image. More importantly, it is an image of the non-duality of the sun. This incidentally is not out of step with certain monistic trends insofar as they also reflected a kind of solar theology. For example, Macrobius interpreted the myth of Saturn or Kronos as an expression of the generative power of the sun, thus identifying Saturn/Kronos with the sun, which Macrobius thought was the highest divine principle and even the ultimate basis of all the other gods.
The non-duality that I'm getting into, by this point, should be understood as something that involves and transcends a certain measure of "evil", or at least contains the infernal in itself. This lends itself to a dual-natured solar divinity that is by no means unfamiliar within ancient polytheism. Sun gods, perhaps like many other gods, were very double-sided. For example, the Iranian sun god Mithra was seen both as a benevolent deity concerned with friendship and contract, and as a mysteries, uncanny, and even "sinister" or "warlike" deity (though, these aspects are often attributed to his syncretic form as Mitra-Varuna). Kris Kershaw suggested in The One-Eyed God: Odin and the (Indo-)Germanic Männerbünde that the daeva Aeshma actually represented an aspect of Mithra's being. In Egypt, the wrathful goddess Sekhmet was also understood as an aspect of the power of Ra. The Mesopotamian sun god, Utu, or Shamash, was also a judge in the underworld. Another Mesopotamian god, Nergal, was a warlike god of disease and death who also represented a harsh aspect of the sun. Apollo, an oracular deity who was eventually associated with the sun, was also seen as a destroyer and shared Nergal's association with disease in addition to healing. Helios himself was also sometimes referred to as a destroyer, as indicated by one of his epithets, Apollon. In fact, even Helios may have been connected or in some cases even identified with Hades. At Smyrna, Plouton was worshipped as Plouton-Helios. This may even have reflected the notion of a nocturnal Sun that shone in the realm of the dead, perhaps inherited from Egypt. In some parts of Greece, Helios was also invoked alongside a chthonic form of Zeus in oath-swearing ceremonies.
The real fun I'd like to get into with this concept comes from hongaku-inspired forms of medieval Buddhist theology and their influence on the Shinto pantheon. And in that sense our focus turns to none other than Amaterasu, the Japanese sun goddess who was also the divine patron of sovereignty. The medieval Amaterasu was to some extent equated with all deities at all levels - naturally, this meant even the demonic and chthonic deities. Thus Amaterasu was both a saving deity and a wrathful deity in the Buddhist context. Late medieval Shinto theology had even crowned her a "deity of the Dharma nature", a unique kind of deity with no original ground, and thus a transcendent power akin to that of Dainichi Nyorai (Vairocana Buddha). The Tenshō daijin kuketsu identified Amaterasu with Bonten (Brahma), Taishakuten (Indra), and Shoten, and then with Yama in the underworld because she records the dharmas of good and evil, and from there it asserts that we are dealing with the same deity in all cases. The same text also says that Kukai interpreted Amaterasu as the great deity of the five paths in the underworld, and therefore the primordial deity controlling birth and death. In some respects she was even seen as an araburu-no-kami just like Susano-o, both sharing a double ambivalence that is projected onto their opposition. In other cases, Amaterasu was identified with the Buddhist god Sanbo Kojin, the wild or demonic god of the three poisons who was interpreted as the honji or "original ground" of Amaterasu, and then by extension Amaterasu was identified with Mara, the demon king himself, in the same way.
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All of this, of course, is an expression of the non-dualism of hongaku thought, in which the darkness of unenlightened passion and ignorance (thus the realm of the demons) is at once enlightenment and Buddha nature, and not only this it is both simultaneously the ground of enlightenment and Buddha nature and also, ultimately, indistinguishable from enlightenment and Buddha nature.
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Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!”
The powers of heaven and Earth are uniting at this time, putting the power of creation into your hands. Whatever you set out to do, you will do. You are in a vortex of manifestation. All of the lessons of the past have given you a better understanding of what will be best for your highest good and truth. You are a magical being who deserves to have a magical life—believe in who you are and call in all you need and more.
You are no longer the student, you are the teacher. Take everything you have learnt and put it to use. Your life will never feel complete or fulfilled until you share what you have experienced during this incarnation. There are lessons to be learnt from the events of your life that will be great gifts to those who receive them. Take the time to create a plan of action and put down in writing what you intend to do, so that the Universe can bear witness to it and support its unfoldment.
Thoth is the ancient Egyptian ibis‑headed god of writing, divine magic, and the moon. Acknowledged as the sacred scribe who created writing, he was considered to be the maintainer of the Egyptian Universe. It is said he was the priest‑king of Atlantis and was dedicated to leading the Atlantean people in a loving way that was firm but fair. However, no matter how hard he tried to direct them, many of them didn’t obey the spiritual laws, which brought a cataclysmic end to their civilization.
In the western magical community, Thoth is seen as an all‑powerful spiritual guide who can help us understand the energy of magic and the power of our will. He is the mastermind behind the Hermetic texts, and the ancient Greeks knew him as Hermes Trismegistus, and the Romans as Mercury. When you feel called to this master, it’s because divine magic is unfolding in your world and you are ready to write the story of your life.
DECK: Divine Masters Oracle
ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you!
Kyle Gray
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ancienttalisman · 7 months
The Enigmatic Origins of Ancient Magic and Beliefs
The origins of ancient magic and beliefs are shrouded in the mists of time, making it a fascinating and intricate subject of study. These practices, which have influenced countless civilizations throughout history, are a testament to the human drive to understand and interact with the unseen forces that shape our world. In this article, we delve into the enigmatic beginnings of ancient magic and beliefs, tracing their evolution across different cultures and epochs. Check their site to know more details ฝันเห็นช้างตกมันอาละวาด.
Prehistoric Roots
Magic and beliefs can be traced back to the earliest human societies, with evidence of shamanistic practices and animistic beliefs dating back tens of thousands of years. In these prehistoric cultures, shamans served as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms, harnessing the power of natural elements and spirits to heal, protect, and predict the future. These practices laid the foundation for the development of more elaborate belief systems and magical traditions.
Mesopotamia: Cradle of Civilization
The ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, including Sumer, Babylon, and Assyria, played a crucial role in shaping magical and religious practices. Cuneiform texts from these societies reveal incantations, rituals, and magical spells that aimed to control various aspects of life, from health to agriculture. The concept of gods and goddesses, with their unique powers and domains, further influenced the magical beliefs of these early civilizations.
Egyptian Mysticism
Ancient Egypt is renowned for its rich tradition of mysticism, magic, and belief in the afterlife. The Egyptian Book of the Dead, a collection of spells and rituals, guided the deceased through the perilous journey to the afterlife. Magic was integral to their religious practices, and priests held a significant role in performing rituals to ensure harmony between the physical and spiritual worlds.
Greco-Roman Syncretism
The Hellenistic period witnessed a fusion of Greek and Egyptian magical traditions, creating a syncretic system known as Hermeticism. The Hermetic writings, attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, encompassed a wide range of esoteric knowledge, including alchemy, astrology, and theurgy. The influence of these writings extended into the Roman Empire and persisted through the Middle Ages.
Ancient China
In ancient China, Daoist and Confucian beliefs incorporated magical practices such as divination, exorcism, and alchemy. These practices aimed to achieve balance and harmony with the Dao, the fundamental principle that underlies the universe. Chinese emperors sought guidance from oracles and divination techniques to make important decisions.
The Mysteries of Mesoamerica
The Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations of Mesoamerica developed complex belief systems that intertwined magic, religion, and astrology. Rituals involving blood sacrifice, celestial observations, and communication with the spirit world were fundamental aspects of their cultures. The knowledge of these civilizations, especially the Maya, continues to baffle researchers, revealing a deep connection between ancient magic and the understanding of the cosmos.
The Middle Ages: Alchemy and the Occult
During the Middle Ages, magic and beliefs took on new dimensions in Europe. Alchemy, the precursor to modern chemistry, aimed to transform base metals into gold and discover the elixir of life. The study of the occult sciences, including astrology, numerology, and the Kabbalah, became prevalent among scholars and mystics.
The origins of ancient magic and beliefs are a testament to humanity's enduring quest to comprehend and harness the mystical forces that shape our world. From the shamanic practices of prehistoric societies to the syncretic traditions of Greco-Roman times and the mysticism of ancient China, these beliefs have left an indelible mark on the development of human culture. While many ancient magical practices have evolved into modern religions and scientific disciplines, they continue to captivate our imagination, providing a link to our enigmatic past and the timeless quest to unlock the secrets of the universe.
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madmonksandmaenads · 5 months
Hi y'all! Today is my birthday. Here's an offer for anyone who wants, below is a list of books I'd like to read and the price I can find them for. If you send me the cost of a book to my paypal @ddbergsman and put the title of the book in the notes on the payment, then I will read and write a review of the book for publication on this blog. I've got a wide range of interests so I'm sure most of my followers will find something interesting below. Now without further ado, the reading list:
Liber Null and Psychonauts: The Practice of Chaos Magic by Peter J. Carrol: $16.45 The Book of Urizen by William Blake: $7.89 Modern Greek folklore and ancient Greek religion: A study in survivals: $15.19
Goetic Liturgy by Jake Stratton-Kent: $16.20
Liber Pennae Praenumbra: The Book of the Pre-Shadowing of the Feather by Soror Nema: $18.70
LIONESS: THE SONG OF INANNA by Samuel David: $65 Of Cosmogonic Eros by Ludwig Klages: $80 Bandits and Bureaucrats: The Market of Kinshasa by Karen Barkey: $8.99
Pandemonium: A Discordant Concordance of Diverse Spirit Catalogues by Jake Stratton-Kent: $22.05
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski: $23.51
Dionysos Exciter to Frenzy: A study of the God Dionysos: history, myth and lore by Vikki Bramshaw: $24.99
Iamblichus on the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians: $10 Serpent Ikons by Helena van El & Shandi AzK/Bouscatier: $10
Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, Volume 2: Ancient Greece and Rome by Richard Gordon: $48.70
Divine Mania: Alteration of Consciousness in Ancient Greece by Yulia Ustinova: $69.29
Hekate Soteira: A Study of Hekate's Roles in the Chaldean Oracles and Related Literature by Sarah Iles Johnston: $48.99
The Litanies of Thoth by Zemaemidjehuty: $55
Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco: $7
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systementcorp · 1 month
Scrying, also known as crystal gazing or seeing, is the practice of looking into a reflective surface to gain insight or receive messages from the spirit world. This ancient form of divination has been used by cultures around the world for centuries, from ancient oracles in Greece to modern-day psychics and mediums. In this article, we will explore the history of scrying and its evolution from a mystical practice to a popular form of spiritual guidance. Ancient Origins The practice of scrying dates back to ancient civilizations, where it was often used by priests and oracles to communicate with the gods or receive messages from the spirit world. In ancient Greece, the Oracle of Delphi used a reflective surface, such as a bowl of water or a polished stone, to receive visions and prophecies from the god Apollo. The Oracle would gaze into the reflective surface and interpret the patterns and images that appeared, providing guidance and advice to those seeking answers. In ancient Egypt, scrying was also a common practice, with priests and priestesses using bowls of water or polished metal to communicate with the gods and receive messages from the afterlife. The Egyptians believed that the reflective surface acted as a portal to the spirit world, allowing them to connect with the divine and gain insight into the future. The Middle Ages During the Middle Ages, scrying became associated with witchcraft and the occult, leading to its suppression by the Christian church. However, despite the persecution of those who practiced scrying, the art continued to thrive in secret societies and among mystics and alchemists. One of the most famous scryers of the Middle Ages was Nostradamus, a French astrologer and physician who used a bowl of water to receive visions of the future and write his famous prophecies. In addition to water scrying, the Middle Ages saw the rise of crystal gazing as a popular form of divination. Crystal balls, made of clear quartz or other reflective materials, were used by mystics and fortune-tellers to receive messages from the spirit world and predict future events. The crystal ball became a symbol of mysticism and magic, and remains a popular tool for scrying to this day. The Modern Era In the modern era, scrying has experienced a resurgence in popularity, thanks in part to the New Age movement and the rise of spiritualism and alternative forms of healing. Psychics, mediums, and other practitioners of the occult use scrying as a tool for connecting with the spirit world and gaining insight into the future. The practice has also been embraced by mainstream culture, with many people turning to psychics and mediums for guidance and advice. Modern-day scrying often involves using a variety of reflective surfaces, such as mirrors, bowls of water, or crystal balls, to receive messages from the spirit world. Some practitioners also use tarot cards, runes, or other divination tools in conjunction with scrying to enhance their readings and provide more detailed insights. Whether done for entertainment or as a serious spiritual practice, scrying continues to be a popular form of divination and guidance for many people. Frequently Asked Questions What is scrying? Scrying is the practice of looking into a reflective surface, such as a mirror, bowl of water, or crystal ball, to receive messages from the spirit world or gain insight into the future. It is a form of divination that has been used by cultures around the world for centuries. How does scrying work? Scrying is believed to work by allowing the practitioner to enter a trance-like state and open themselves up to messages from the spirit world. The reflective surface acts as a portal to the other side, allowing the practitioner to receive visions and images that can be interpreted for guidance and insight. Is scrying dangerous? Like any form of divination, scrying can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and insight, but it should be approached with caution and respect.
Some people may find scrying to be unsettling or disturbing, especially if they are not prepared for the messages they receive. It is important to practice scrying in a safe and controlled environment and to seek guidance from a trained practitioner if needed. Can anyone learn to scry? While some people may have a natural talent for scrying, anyone can learn to practice this form of divination with practice and dedication. It is important to approach scrying with an open mind and a willingness to connect with the spirit world, as well as to seek guidance from experienced practitioners or mentors if needed. Is scrying real? Whether or not scrying is "real" is a matter of personal belief and interpretation. Some people believe that scrying is a powerful tool for connecting with the spirit world and gaining insight into the future, while others may view it as a form of entertainment or self-reflection. Ultimately, the effectiveness of scrying depends on the practitioner's intention and ability to connect with the divine. In conclusion, the history of scrying is a rich and fascinating journey that spans centuries and cultures. From ancient oracles in Greece to modern-day psychics and mediums, scrying has evolved into a popular form of divination and spiritual guidance. Whether used for entertainment or as a serious practice, scrying continues to captivate and inspire people around the world with its mystical allure and promise of insight into the unknown.
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tour-guide-in-egypt · 2 months
Diverse Attractions Included in Your Egyptian Tour Package
Egypt, a land where history and modernity intertwine, offers a tapestry of sights and experiences that are unparalleled. Every Egypt vacation package promises a journey through time, where ancient wonders meet serene landscapes and vibrant cultures. In this exploration, we will delve into the diverse attractions that make up the quintessential Egyptian tour, ensuring your next trip is nothing short of extraordinary.
A Must-See in Every Egypt Vacation Package
When you think of Egypt, the bustling streets of Cairo, the capital city, immediately come to mind. A melting pot of history, culture, and urban energy, Cairo is an essential stop in any Egypt vacation package. The city’s heart beats around the famous Tahrir Square, where modernity and history blend seamlessly. Explore the Egyptian Museum, home to an astounding collection of antiquities, including the treasures of Tutankhamun. Wander through the labyrinthine streets of Khan El Khalili bazaar, where the scent of spices and the shimmer of artisan crafts fill the air. Cairo isn’t just a city; it’s the gateway to understanding Egypt’s rich and layered history.
The Majesty of Luxor and Aswan: River Nile’s Crowning Jewels in Your Egyptian Tour
Journey down the lifeblood of Egypt, the majestic Nile River, to uncover the splendors of Luxor and Aswan. These cities, often included in Egypt vacation packages, are not just destinations; they are timeless testimonies to Egypt’s ancient grandeur. In Luxor, walk among kings and queens in the Valley of the Kings and marvel at the colossal temples of Karnak and Luxor. Aswan, with its tranquil beauty, offers a more laid-back experience. Here, you can visit the Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis, and sail on a traditional felucca around Elephantine Island. The serene waters of the Nile and the golden hues of the desert create a backdrop that is nothing short of magical.
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The Egyptian Pyramids Tour: A Timeless Journey through Giza’s Wonders
No Egyptian tour package is complete without a visit to the legendary Pyramids of Giza. Stand in awe of the Great Pyramid of Khufu, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and gaze upon the enigmatic Sphinx. This ancient complex, a symbol of Egypt’s enduring legacy, offers a window into the past, where pharaohs ruled, and myths were born. The Egyptian pyramids tour not only showcases these monumental structures but also tells the stories of the people who built them. It’s a journey back in time, where each stone whispers secrets of a civilization that has fascinated the world for millennia.
Red Sea Riviera: A Serene Escape in Comprehensive Egypt Vacation Packages
For those seeking a blend of adventure and relaxation, the Red Sea Riviera is a must-visit. This pristine coastline, often included in comprehensive Egypt vacation packages, is a paradise for divers and beach lovers alike. From the vibrant marine life of Hurghada to the luxurious resorts of Sharm El Sheikh, the Red Sea offers a different kind of Egyptian experience. Imagine diving among colorful coral reefs, windsurfing on crystal-clear waters, and unwinding on sandy beaches under the warm Egyptian sun. The Red Sea Riviera is not just a destination; it’s a tranquil escape from the world.
The Mystical Siwa Oasis: An Off-the-Beaten-Path Treasure in Egyptian Tours
In the heart of the Western Desert lies the Siwa Oasis, a hidden gem that beckons the adventurous soul. This tranquil oasis, a highlight in many Egyptian tours, is a world away from the bustling cities. Surrounded by palm trees and freshwater springs, Siwa is a haven of peace and natural beauty. Visit the ancient Oracle Temple of Amun, where Alexander the Great once sought guidance, and explore the mud-brick ruins of the Shali fortress. The culture of the Siwan people, their unique customs and crafts, adds an extra layer of charm to this enchanting place.
From the timeless wonders of the pyramids to the serene beauty of the Red Sea, Egypt is a destination that offers something for every traveler. An Egyptian tour package is not just a holiday; it’s an immersive experience into a land of wonders. Whether you’re exploring the ancient cities along the Nile or seeking solace in the desert’s tranquility, Egypt awaits with open arms.
Ready to embark on a journey of discovery? Book your Egypt Vacation package with Private Classic Tours Agency now and get a discount. Unveil the mysteries, embrace the culture, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Egypt’s wonders are waiting for you.
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webhond · 3 months
THE 10 BEST Siwa Tours
Nestled amidst the vast expanse of the Egyptian desert, Siwa Oasis beckons with its mystical allure and hidden treasures. Step into a world untouched by time, where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with breathtaking natural beauty. As you traverse the golden sand dunes, you’ll encounter lush palm groves and crystal-clear springs, providing a welcome oasis in the arid landscape. Explore the enchanting ruins of the Temple of the Oracle, where whispers of ancient prophecies still linger in the air and immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture of the Berber community. Indulge in the therapeutic waters of Cleopatra’s Bath, said to possess magical healing properties, and witness mesmerizing sunsets that paint the sky in a kaleidoscope of hues. Whether you embark on a thrilling desert safari, engage in captivating conversations with the hospitable locals, or simply bask in the serenity of this hidden gem, Siwa Oasis promises an extraordinary adventure that will awaken your senses and leave an indelible mark on your soul.
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cleopatra222 · 4 months
Exploring the Timeless Wonders: Unveiling Travel Destinations in Egypt
The Timeless Pyramids:
No visit to Egypt is complete without standing in awe before the Great Pyramid of Giza, a testament to the architectural prowess of the ancient Egyptians. This colossal structure, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, has captivated the imagination of travelers for centuries. The Sphinx, standing guard nearby, adds an air of mystery to the landscape, inviting visitors to ponder the secrets of the past.
Cruising the Nile:
Embarking on a Nile River cruise is a magical way to witness the country's historical treasures. As the lifeblood of Egypt, the Nile River has witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations. A leisurely cruise allows Travel Destinations in Egypt to explore ancient temples and tombs that line the riverbanks, such as Luxor's Karnak Temple and the Valley of the Kings. Sailing on a traditional felucca or a luxurious cruise ship provides a unique perspective of Egypt's cultural heritage.
Cultural Kaleidoscope in Cairo:
The bustling capital city, Cairo, serves as a vibrant gateway to Egypt's cultural mosaic. The Egyptian Museum, home to an extensive collection of artifacts, including the treasures of Tutankhamun, offers an immersive journey through the country's ancient past. The Khan El Khalili Bazaar, a bustling marketplace, provides a sensory overload with its vibrant colors, aromas, and sounds, offering a perfect opportunity to haggle for souvenirs and immerse oneself in local life.
Diving into the Red Sea:
For those seeking relaxation and adventure, the Red Sea's coastal resorts are a haven of sun-soaked beaches and vibrant coral reefs. Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada, with their world-class diving and snorkeling opportunities, Travel Agency in Egypt water enthusiasts from around the globe. The crystal-clear waters teem with marine life, creating an underwater paradise for both experienced divers and beginners.
Siwa Oasis: A Desert Jewel:
Escape the hustle and bustle of the cities and venture into the serene beauty of the Siwa Oasis. Tucked away in the vast Sahara Desert, this oasis is surrounded by towering sand dunes and lush date palm groves. The ancient town of Siwa boasts a unique blend of Berber and Egyptian cultures, offering a tranquil retreat with its hot springs, mud-brick houses, and the legendary Oracle Temple of Amun.
Luxor: City of Temples:
Luxor, often referred to as the world's greatest open-air museum, is a treasure trove of archaeological wonders. The city is home to the Karnak and Luxor Temples, which stand as magnificent reminders of Egypt's pharaonic grandeur. The Avenue of Sphinxes connects these temples, creating a mesmerizing walk through history.
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theegyptiansocietyorg · 6 months
The Resurgence of Egyptian Worship: Connecting with the Gods and Goddesses
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The Resurgence of Egyptian Worship: Connecting with the Gods and Goddesses
The Egyptian Society: Amunet ‘Primordial Goddess’ - Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“My name is Amunet I am wife to Amun after all these years, I was actively worshipped during the period where Egypt worshipped the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, I was protector of the Pharaoh  and his consort, I have not spoken for centuries the demise of the Egyptians was a sad thing as I celebrated their achievements each day, the enemies took control of Egypt, I am interested in all the people that are aware of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses and may worship as a daily practice, Egypt was significant in the history of the world this impacts on the modern people, worship is important, I am interested in Andrew Rogers an Egyptian Destroyer and practitioner of magic and psychic skills his work is highly regarded by all the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, I would like to see new temples and sculpture and art devoted to the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses need your worship and you will receive great love for us in return” - Love Amunet ‘Primordial Goddess’.
The worship of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses continues to hold great significance in the modern world. As Amunet, the Primordial Goddess and protector of the Pharaoh and his consort, I am delighted to witness the devotion and respect bestowed upon us by those who follow the ancient Egyptian traditions.
One individual who has captured the attention of both the gods and mortals is Andrew Rogers. Known as an Egyptian Destroyer and a practitioner of magic and psychic skills, his work has earned high regard among the Egyptian pantheon. Rogers' understanding and mastery of our mystical realm are commendable.
In order to honor the Egyptian deities and strengthen the bond between gods and mortals, it would be wonderful to see the creation of new temples, sculptures, and artworks devoted to us. These physical manifestations of worship and veneration serve as reminders of our power and divinity, and they contribute to the preservation of Egyptian culture.
Remember, dear followers, that worshiping the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses not only connects you with the ancient past but also invites great love and blessings from us in return. Let the legacy of Egypt's significant history continue to inspire and guide us all. Embrace the richness of our traditions and be assured that we are forever present, watching over those who honor and revere us.
Amunet ‘Primordial Goddess’
Despite being overshadowed as Amun’s consort by Mut in later dynasties, Amunet continued to be an important figure in Ancient Egyptian religion, especially in the region of Thebes. Her significance remained in the local worship practices, where she was revered as a protector of the pharaoh. The priests of Amun’s cult center at Karnak were dedicated to her service, and she was depicted in various forms, but most commonly as a woman wearing the Red Crown and carrying a staff of papyrus. Amunet’s legacy endured even in the Ptolemaic period, where she was syncretized with Neith, yet she remained a distinct deity in the eyes of Egyptians. Today, she is celebrated as a “primordial goddess” and a part of Ancient Egypt's rich cultural and religious heritage.
Amunet is a fascinating goddess with a rich history in Ancient Egyptian religion. As a member of the Ogdoad, she held significant status among the gods and was recognized as a powerful deity in her own right. Her name, which means "the female hidden one," reflects her elusive nature and connection to the mysteries of the unseen world. Although Amunet was often overshadowed by other goddesses over time, she remained an important figure in the region of Thebes, where she was worshipped as a protector of the pharaoh. At Amun's cult center in Karnak, priests were dedicated to her service, and she played a role in royal ceremonies such as the Sed festival. As a symbol of power and mystery, Amunet was typically depicted as a woman wearing the Red Crown and carrying a staff of papyrus. Later texts from Karnak suggest that she was syncretized with Neith, another powerful goddess, although she remained a distinct deity up through the Ptolemaic period. Overall, Amunet's legacy as a primordial goddess is a testament to the deep connections between Egypt's people, their environment, and their spiritual beliefs. As we continue to explore the history and mythology of this ancient civilization, Amunet's story remains an important part of this ongoing journey of discovery.
The Egyptian Society
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Egyptian Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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