#Narnia Movies in Order to Watch
allmoviesinorder · 1 year
Complete Guide of Narnia Movies in Order to Watch
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Visit “All movies in order” and follow the guidance Narnia movies in order to watch and also a summary of this movie before watching. Get a succinct and accurate summary of the entire film, which was an action-packed fictional world called Narnia, ruled by a talking lion. Visit our website to learn more about the movie's plot before you see it. Kindly visit the link https://www.allmoviesinorder.com/chronicles-narnia-movies-in-order/
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maxwellatoms · 6 months
Do you think the new division of Cartoon Network Studios will end up exploiting and abusing AI to make new cartoons of their old properties?
I wouldn't put it past any studio to do this.
We're at the end of The Animation Industry As We Know It, so studios are going to do anything and everything they can to stay alive.
The way I see it is:
AI "art" isn't actually art. Art is created by humans to express ideas and emotions. Writing prompts allows a computer to interpret human ideas and emotions by taking other examples of those things and recombining them.
Just because something isn't art doesn't mean that humans can't understand it or find it beautiful. We passed a really fun prompt generation milestone about a year ago where everything looked like it was made by a Dadaist or someone on heavy psychedelics. Now we're at the Uncanny Valley stage. Soon, you won't be able to tell the difference.
It's not just drawings and paintings that are effected, but writing and film. It's every part of the entertainment industry. And the genie is out of the bottle. I've seen people saying that prompt-based image generators have "democratized" art. And I see where they're coming from. In ten years, I can easily see a future where anyone can sit down at their desk, have a short conversation with their computer, and have a ready-to-watch, custom movie with flawless special effects, passable story, and a solid three act structure. You want to replace Harrison Ford in Star Wars with your little brother and have Chewbacca make only fart sounds, and then they fly to Narnia and fistfight Batman? Done.
But, sadly, long before we reach that ten year mark, the bots will get hold of this stuff and absolutely lay waste to existing art industries. Sure, as a prompter I guess you can be proud of the hours or days you put into crafting your prompts, but you know what's better than a human at crafting prompts? Bots. Imagine bots cranking out hundreds of thousands of full-length feature films per minute. The noise level will squash almost any organic artist or AI prompter out of existence.
AI images trivialize real art. The whole point of a studio is to provide the money, labor, and space to create these big, complicated art projects. But if there are no big, complicated art projects, no creatives leading the charge, and no employees to pay... what the fuck do we need studios for? We won't, but their sheer wealth and power will leave them forcing themselves on us for the rest of our lives.
The near future will see studios clamp down on the tech in order to keep it in their own hands. Disney does tons of proprietary tech stuff, so I'm sure they're ahead of the game. Other studios will continue to seek mergers until they can merge with a content distribution platform. I've heard rumors of Comcast wanting to buy out either WB or Nick. That's the sort of thing I'm talking about. The only winners of this game will be the two or three super-huge distribution platforms who can filter out enough of the spam (which they themselves are likely perpetuating) to provide a reasonable entertainment experience.
400,000 channels and nothing's on.
I do think that money will eventually make the "you can't copyright AI stuff" thing go away. There's also the attrition of "Oh, whoops! We accidentally put an AI actor in there and no one noticed for five years, so now it's cool."
One way or another, it's gonna be a wild ride. As the canary in the coal mine, I hope we can all get some UBI before I'm forced to move into the sewers and go full C.H.U.D.
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paris-xoxo · 19 days
cold rain and music
edmund pevensie x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, caring edmund, unedited, mentions of war
a/n: this is my first fanfic on tumblr! i hope it's worth the read prompt: it's raining outside and you accidentally caught a cold, causing edmund to look after you You shiver in your wet clothes, watching the window while rain hammers against it.
The heavy downpour had lasted for nearly a week, and you had to run from Archenland, having been there for an important call. You sit by the fire, trying to warm your hands.
"You're crazy, you know that?"
You turn your head to see a handsome brunette running toward you, a towel in his arms. Edmund Pevensie, your husband. It was just your anniversary last month. He shakes his head at you and drapes the towel around you. "I know," you reply. "But I prefer it by the fire than my chambers."
"And I was worried," shoots back Edmund, taking your hand and laying his against your forehead. "You're warm. Why'd you go to Archenland anyway?"
"King Lune says everything's in order. We need to keep up the alliance," you say, then coughing. "Besides, they said you didn't have time to go."
"You and your courage," Edmund says, grabbing you by the shoulders and helping you up. He kisses you quickly before assisting you to your chambers.
Edmund covers you with warm quilted blankets, sewn by a squirrel. You drink tea at his insistence and lay back against the pillows in relief. A headache was starting to come on. He knows you wouldn't sleep. "Maybe you could leave me alone?" you ask, though it's a joke, knowing that Edmund is completely worried sick.
"You wouldn't like that," he says. His tone is teasing. Still a flirt even when you're sick. His eyes sparkle in the dim light, and you listen again to the pounding rain. It seems like the rainy season is starting.
The just king judges you while you watch the rain. "Have you ever watched a movie?" you ask abruptly.
"See, this is why people ask about your questions."
You punch him lightly and he grins. But he cocks his head at your question, like it's familiar. Like he had forgotten what movies were. You knew very well Edmund and his siblings, the high kings and queens of Narnia, came from your world, from Earth. They came from England. You came from Y/C/N. Then you'd fallen in love immediately with the raven-haired boy. "We hardly had any movies in England," he recalls, remembering the days before Professor Kirke's house. "Because of the war."
"I would lend you a DVD," you suggest. "Or whatever they call it here in Narnia."
"I doubt they have any here."
After that, the two of you branch into a long argument about whether movies or books were better. Edmund was on the movies side. You were on the books side. Then you ended up agreeing books are the ones that shape the movies, and he gave you a quick kiss.
"You'll get sick," you murmur.
"Good night, my darling."
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angeiisa · 6 months
Nico Robin Head canons
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Modern AU! I got ahead of myself its so long
My first time posting hcs please lmk what you think
With her love of history & culture I’m sure she’d learn many languages too.
Likes to tease her friends by bringing up gruesome facts on the regular in conversations. “Did you know brain matter was used in elixirs for immortality alchemists in the 1600s?” No robin they didn’t, but thank you for sharing.
Law & her like exchanging (often morbid) facts about the human body that they learn.
Movies she loves would be be “The craft” “Nightmare on Elm street” “Dead poet society”
Favourite books are “Frankenstein”, “Dr Jekyll & Hyde”, “The picture of Dorian Grey” & “The secret History”
Top music genres are Jazz, Metal, Emo and Melancholy. The musicians she listens to are Lana Del Rey, Sade, Florence + The Machines, Lady Gaga, Hole & Evanescence.
My caffeine queen. Drinks coffee & tea for the taste not to stay up which leads to consuming excessive amounts. Her regular coffee shop orders would be Espresso, black coffee or a spanish latte.
Has a subscription to all the NYT puzzles & never misses a day. Competes with Brook on wordle.
Definitely had Harry Potter, Narnia & Percy Jackson Phases when she was younger, spending all day & staying up late to read them. Speaking of, she got immersed into Greek mythology after Percy Jackson.
English > math
Prefers to learn about the history such as Ancient Egypt, Salem witch trials & The library of Alexandria over the curriculum. (i.e. Hitler & Tzar.)
Thought she was a Witch at 14 & practiced witchcraft. Would convince Usopp she could hex him. She also had a vampire phase & kept a necklace with vial of blood “in case of emergencies”. Usopp did not speak to her that year.
She used to babysit Luffy. Chopper is her younger cousin who she treats like her own kid. Probably plays Roblox with them & has no idea whats happening but still manages to win.
Loves slashers & sits through them with a smile. Chuckles when whoever she’s watching with jumps(often Franky or Nami).
She & Nami often have sleepovers & plan to share an apartment someday.
Should I do more?
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rainintheevening · 7 hours
Chronicles of Narnia 30 Day Challenge — Day 5
Favourite male character and why?
Lol, you all know the answer to this one!
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High King Peter the Magnificent, Wolfsbane, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Lion, Lord of Cair Paravel, Emperor of the Lone Islands, etc, etc.
Peter Pevensie, my beloved.
"Peter did not feel very brave; indeed, he felt he was going to be sick."
Eldest, protective, leader, dreamer boy who has to grow up and be practical, problem solver, likes to be able to get his hands on things, huggy and affectionate guy, big heart, fierce and passionate, accustomed to being in charge, wants to trust but wants control too, seems like a big reader, likes to know his people are safe.
I loved Peter in the books, he's so very noble, and a bit of a classic British boy-hero. But the movies take his humanity to another level. He is so masterfully played by William Moseley, his heart just bleeds all over the screen. He loves his siblings so much, he wants so much to be brave and trust Aslan, even if it's hard.
Watching him in the Prince Caspian movie was like looking in a mirror, his story just gripped my heart, it's still preaching me a sermon.
I love him and Edmund, they have such a beautiful development of their relationship.
Just Peter Pevensie man. I love him.
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cookiesandbiscuits · 1 year
Hello.If it's don't bothering you may i ask headcanons Kalego x Fem! Human! Assassin! Reader as Yor Forger from Spy x family.If you don't watch this one, then how you imagine yourselves relationship Kalego and Fem! Human! Assasin! Reader. I think it's kinda cute he is guardian dog and she is the soldier-protector of her country
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Hi!!! Thank you for asking! It's not a bother at all, really ^^
I enjoy writing stuff for other people to enjoy, hence why I created this blog aside for my hyperfixation ramblings.
I did watch the show until the 9th episode and read the manga until the 58th chapter (I got busy with school so I can't finish it yet :'D). Honestly, I understand how Yor got her fame in the fandom (I love seeing a badass female character that's also pretty soft on the inside)
It's been a while since I wrote a headcanon tho... Anyways, hope you enjoy this!
Happy reading!
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Soft but Deadly: A Dating Headcanon
Pairing: Kalego Naberius x Fem! Human Assassin! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: might be a bit OOC and out of order (I blanked out in some parts, oops 😬 damn my sleep-deprived brain); Narnia Naberius is such a jerk here (I'm still salty about what he did to Iruma in that chapter) not proofread
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Dating Kalego is a very interesting experience. Expect to have numerous discussions about your shared interests.
He is a very romantic person on the inside (lemme have my romantic Kalego okay?)
He'll be taking you out on a date whenever your schedules align. And he'll be gentlemanly about it. Dinner dates, a trip to an opera house, and the like are the typical setting for the dates that he planned. However, that doesn't mean that it's boring. He makes sure that you'll enjoy the dates to the fullest because you only deserve the best of the best.
In short, dates planned by him can get a bit fancy for your taste. That's why you make sure that he also get to experience new things in life.
Dates planned by you are simple yet enjoyable enough for the two of you. Picnics, travel dates, movie dates, and the like are the things on your list.
He enjoys the massages you offer to him when you know he's tired from work. You just know what points to focus on to make him loosen up (due to the nature of your job)
He does not bat an eye on your job as an assassin. But that doesn't stop him from worrying about your safety. He'll be the one who'll take care of the wounds you got from your latest mission. He'll be scolding you while dressing them though.
When you told him about the nature of your job, he first thought that you were pulling his leg. You were so gentle with others, how can you have such a profession as your job?
But after seeing the serious look on your face, he knew you weren't joking around. Well, it's okay. He can live with the fact that the love of his life lives a double life as an assassin.
Before the start of your relationship, Kalego used to be so cold, bordering on mean to you. But that didn't stop you from admiring the demon, even though it was evident that he did not return the same sentiments.
So you were surprised when he asked you out on a date one day. He had liked you for a while now, but he doesn't know how to tell you.
The only reason that he asked you out was that Balam was pressuring talked him out to confess to you.
And apparently, he got fed up with his friend's nagging that it gave him the courage to ask you out.
He can be subtly protective of you in public. But this becomes more prominent after you reveal to him that you were human.
He knows that you are capable of defending yourself from physical harm, but you can't use magic, so you won't be able to save yourself when your opponent used their magic on you.
He wonders how you got into the Netherworld in the first place, but he doesn't ask you about it. He knows that you'll tell him once you're ready.
But like all relationships, the two of you also experienced a lot of setbacks, mainly from his brother Narnia.
I saw it, you saw it. We all know how Narnia feels about humans from that chapter. So naturally, he's against his brother's relationship with you.
For some reason, Kalego's older brother discovered your secret and was very obvious about his prejudices. But your boyfriend defended you from him, claiming that it doesn't matter to him whatever your race is.
Kalego doesn't play around when he decided to enter into a relationship with you. He does not date around just for fun, no. He is serious about you and considers asking for your hand in marriage in the future.
Once he made it clear to his brother, Narnia decided to back off. He still does not like you but he also doesn't want his brother to resent him.
While Kalego was thankful when his brother got the message, you also knew his plans for the future now. Well, it doesn't matter. It's not like you'd refuse him when he finally asks the question, no?
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Five of your favourite movies? If you all have different answers, what are the five most popular choices between you all?
We don't watch that many movies but sometimes the workers watch movies sooooo
(NOT in order :3)
1. Curious George
2. Finding nemo
3. Human centipede
4. Lion king
5. The lion, the witch and the wardrobe (narnia)
And I guess that's it :333
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Prince Caspian Movie Thoughts (in no order)
- "That explains it then, you're mistaken" Wish I had Peter's audacity to tell the guy that lives in Narnia that he's mistaken about a crossing after not being there for a thousand years.
- I love Trufflehunter. I love Reepicheep too but I have a soft spot for badger characters in children's literature/film.
- Anytime magic uses blood, it's usually bad news, which everyone learned the hard way.
- Caspian: we need to annoy my uncle into single combat but who should do it?
Edmund and his middle child nonsense:
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- The fact the Telemarenes have their fear of the woods in the beginning of the movie validated is hilarious.
- The Water Spirit looks at the bridge like its a cheese plate.
- Peter: Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people.
Me: My brother in Aslan, you're the one who insisted on continuing after being discovered , you were both at fault here.
- The loss of the Centaurs sons and the other Narnians is so tragic and unnecessary, which is why Peter's above statement ticks me off so dang much.
- Why did they let a hag and werewolf in. I don't care how hard up for numbers I am, I would either not do that or watch them closely.
- I shipped Suspian before the movies even came out and I love the feeling of validation.
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oflightsbeam · 20 days
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10 Movies that You Would Watch 500 Times
what are your favorite movies? list them and tell us!
(in no particular order)
west side story (1961)
pride and prejudice (2001)
spirited away
star wars: the phantom menace
lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring
avatar (2009)
narnia: the voyage of the dawn trader
princess diaries
pirates of the Caribbean: the curse of the black pearl
Sissi (1955)
fun fact: i lost count but i'm pretty sure i already have watched these at least a hundred times
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TAGGED BY: @valorums (tyyy ❤️)
TAGGING: @gwiazdowe @alootus @sithdestined @aercnaut and uhhhh whoever wanna steal this thing
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dominustempori · 2 months
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire - my takes, thoughts and stuff I kinda got wrong
1) First off: things I definitely got wrong after thoroughly enjoying the teaser trailer…
James Acaster = NOT OSCAR BARRETT. Snarky scientist employed by Mr Zeddemore? Yes, absolutely. Anyone else get a slight Alan Tudyk vibe from his character?
Secret Society? Well, kind of? Not late 1890s but STILL Victorian era. And, why exactly would these “Adventurers” want to release a revenge-bent ancient deity? Because they can? For that matter, did they maybe kidnap Nadeem’s grandmother, or steal the orb from her? There’s so much more to her story (and presumably her family/predecessors in regard to keeping Garraka’s prison safe and hidden) we don’t know about…
On that note, Garakka wasn’t trying to escape the containment unit, he wanted to release all the ghosts within it (that the guys had caught AFTER 1984? after Peck originally turned it off? Gil, more details and context please!)
But I DID get Patton Oswalt’s character right! Li-freaking-brarian! And the whole “under-library?”Totally borrowed from the Video Game (Special Archives level!)
2) Couldn’t help these ideas, they just popped in there…and sort of in order of the movie’s chronology:
-How EXACTLY did Walter “Dickless” Peck go from the EPA to MAYOR OF NYC?!
-Darn that final edit! I liked the bit with “overruled! sustained!” from Paul and Finn.
-Couldn’t Winston have helped fix up the firehouse a LITTLE more over the last, what 2 years? I mean, it’s a business AND a single family home now!
-Also guessing they hauled as much of Egon’s equipment, tech and books as they could from Summerville to Manhattan, right?
-Love Janine being back and as sassy as ever…but mainly throwing in one-liners for the sake of exposition? Which I got a kick out of, don’t get me wrong, but they could’ve gone a little deeper with her character, possibly? Guess I’m still not happy with how much of Annie’s scenes got cut in “Afterlife…”
-Glad Callie’s embraced her Ghostbuster heritage. And look at her piloting that drone trap! Boom!
-OMG Phoebe. I have ALL the feels for her moreso than before. 15, frustrated, feeling isolated…and upping the acerbic sarcasm to 11…then doing something that very well could be read as, maybe more than purely experimental?, at least in my mind (look closely…when she gets into that extractor, her heart rate drops to 42 bpm). And what if something went wrong with the timer?
-And OMG when Melody double crossed her…was I the only one who thought they’d kiss, maybe? Anyone else think of that plot device from the newer DuckTales first season? Just me?
-Or did the orb and wax cylinder give anyone Venture Brothers season 3 vibes?
-Or how the “open rift over the firehouse to the spirit world” idea totally made me think of new Doctor Who, season 1?
-Oh yeah, Kumail is a fire MASTER, and NOT a Fire BENDER!
Damn, I need a part 2 after all these pop culture mentions. I’ll pick this up tomorrow.
Peace out, Ghostheads!
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lauriel816 · 9 months
Pairing/Shippy list!
I was tagged by @1337wtfomgbbq :) already hyped up I’m sensing there’s gonna be a lot of fun 🤩
Here's the rules:
List your top seven ships.
Put all of them in order of your love for them; 7 to 1, 1 being your favorite.
Name their fandom.
Supply photos for said people.
7) Peter Pevensie & Edmund Pevensie (Narnia)
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Geez. Is there even a proper tag for this?? Not many people ship these two I get it but I just, well, tend to drive down to an end off the beaten track. I really like their interaction in the first film and come to think of it, this was the first movie I’ve seen in movie theater so it kinda hits different.
6) Rogue/Shadowcat (Xmen: Evolution)
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They clearly had some issues at first but ended up getting along really well. Enemies to roommates to friends in combat and… let it hang in there for a bit bcs there could certainly be a lot of possibilities so who knows :D I really enjoy watching them bickering like an old married couple. Could do this all day
5) Hiccup/Astrid (httyd)
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Best anime couple ever! I love how their romantic relationship unfolds in rtte. A slow-burn, took a whole movie, plus three spin-off for it to blossom. Burns slowly but naturally and beautifully.
4) Logan/Scott (Xmen)
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When you talk about Scogan there's no way you can get around talking about that scene where Logan flipped Scott off and Scott just acted cool and cracked a smile. It's all you need to board this ship. Ugh it's shame the writer decided to kill off Scott in The Last Stand. But fortunately it was rectified in DoFP (Don't mention Logan (2017)) and Logan still got years to beef (and highkey flirt) with his frenemy :D
3) Magfam (Cherik + Speedyson) (Xmen)
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What I wouldn't kill to get more wholesome magfam content? For once can we forget about the angst and pain and just sit down and enjoy something of a rom-com, something light, a cute story of how a remarried family getting together. A remarried couple and their teenage son, who hasn't lived with his father for a single day before, try to work out together as a family. Isn't that what we all deserve?
2) Harry Osborn/Peter Parker (Spiderman(raimiverse))
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Quality angst. Their story has everything you need for a classic tragedy. Geez, I remember crying my heart out watching Harry die in Peter's arms as a kid. It left such a massive impact on me that I'm still not over it to this day. I really hate it that NWH did them dirty, Peter out of character, and implying that Harry, being someone vengeful, died of his tomfoolery, making him a cue for some meaningless joke. That's not how they should be. They deserve so, so much better.
1) Neuller (Men's Football RPF)
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My emotional support. My safehouse I could escape to. They are the reason why I'm here in the first place. Decade partners and soulmates on the pitch, two dorks who are always on the same wavelength and always seen together. For Thomas, Manu is the best goalkeeper in the world and the wall of steel behind him, always out there to defend so he could go full throttle forward without worrying; and for Manu, Thomas is his spokesperson on and off the field, leading the charge and helping him organize the defense. Together they grabbed almost all the titles they could. They complete each other, as quoted from Manu himself, Thomas is more than a teammate and he can't imagine a world without him.
Honorable nominees:
Silvercyclops (Xmen (movieverse)): It's a shame they never thought of exploring their friendship. What a waste of the chemistry between Evan and Tye.
Rogue/Gambit (Xmen (all media types excluding movieverse)
Lincoln/Alternate Lincoln (fringe)
Tagging: @manuelmueller @cincydrawing and whoever interested consider yourself tagged by me :D
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thegeminisage · 1 year
okay liz. i want to start reading cambionverse. where do i start?
HELLO AND OH MY GOD THANK YOU.......you've made this old woman's dream come true :') (i am only being a little dramatic)
i'm gonna give you a short answer and a long answer. you don't really need to read the long answer if it seems overwhelming. i get excited and overexplain things!!!
short answer:
the very first thing to read is the fic cambion. we wrote this fic first, which is why the verse is named after it. after you read cambion, you can reasonably jump in anywhere else on the series page and not be too confused, as long you don't jump to envesseled. cambion first, envesseled last. if you can just remember that, then any amount of shuffling the middle will be perfectly fine.
i have my own opinion for how to read the middle but i'm saving it for the end. please feel free to skip to it!
long answer:
this series is about jesse (half-demon kid from 5.06), ben (dean's maybe-kid from seasons 3 & 6), and claire (cas's temporary vessel in 4.20, and the daughter of his current vessel; she technically returned in s10, but "our" claire had already become her own totally different character by then), and their search for sam and dean, who have been missing for three years. cambion is jesse's fic, only human is ben's fic, and envesseled is claire's fic. but there are a lot of other fics that we wrote taking place in between them.
since we started writing this series while the end of s6 was airing, it will be helpful, but not necessary, to have passing knowledge of s6. we have plenty of exposition to fill in people who didn't watch but the added context is always nice.
ok, down to business! you know how the narnia books and star wars movies were published not chronologically? as in, stuff that happened later was published before stuff that happened earlier? @cambionverse is kinda like that. we have the jesse-ben-claire era and the sam-dean-cas era and even the ben-claire only era, and everyone will have their own preferences about which order to read it in. some options are as follows:
you can read it in the order we published it. pros: you can see things unfold in the same way we did as we went along, and the relationships will feel like they build more organically. cons: you will be going back and forth in time a lot, which may get confusing.
you can read it in chronological order. pros: you can go start to finish without skipping around too much in time. cons: it will take absolute ages to meet jesse, the star of this show. also, the first chronological fics have massive spoilers for cambion, so if you read them before you read cambion you're kind of ruining that fic for yourself, which is a huge bummer.
the published order and the chronological order are both on the series page. here is a screenshot:
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since both of these orders are flawed, i made my own idea, which is to read cambion, then go (mostly) chronologically. like this:
cambion - jesse's big pov fic, the ultimate verse-establisher
enter night - sam-dean-cas prequel. also meg is there <3
synchronicity - ben and claire's meetcute & budding partnership
antichrist problems - jesse, post-cambion, going thru it
only human - ben's big pov fic, an adventure w/ djinn & bisexuality
a house in nebraska - this one is about jesse's adoptive parents
oneshots collection - odds and ends
envesseled - claire's big pov fic, which we are currently publishing
i think this is the best of both worlds. you avoid most major spoilers, get to meet jesse early, and there's not so much going back and forth along the timeline that you get confused (you only really jump like twice).
thank you SOOOOO much for asking, i hope this post didn't put you off or anything and that if you decide to give it a try you enjoy it...it's definitely my pride and joy more than anything else i have ever put on ao3
edit also i forgot to add we have a blog specifically for the series if you wanna peruse it, it's @cambionverse
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mercyandme007 · 1 month
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would you reccomend it :O what is it about lol
yes its a great moive, however i did watch them out of order. The first moive is unbreakable. I have not seen it yet but it introduces a man (David) who gets super strength after a train accident. The second moive split is about a man who is DID (dissociative identity disorder). Do you know Mr.Tumnus from Narnia, Its the same actor. The plot is this man Kevin/Barry/Dennis/Patrica/Hedwig and his alters kidnap girls for the evil alter The Beast to eat. They get put in a basement and at the end of the moive only one of the three girls is still alive. Anyway the third movies ties the first two movies together. The man with DID was never caught and now has captured more girls. So David is a town justice fighter, but the cops want to catch him. Eventually they do catch him and another supervillain comes into play. His name is Elijah and he has a disorder where his bones break super easy so he stays in a wheelchair the whole time. He plots Kevin and his alters aginst David. In the end the girl who survived the last moive helps Kevin push back his alter personalites. All the three people die, Kevin, David, and Elijah. But not before releasing tape and footage of everything that went down at the mental hospital to the public. I think there is going to be a fourth moive but i have not does research.
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claireandacat · 9 months
Simping over middle aged actors who don’t know I exist. An essay.
Maybe it’s just a general lady thing, but I have a tendency to crush on actors 10+ years older than me. Am I a lonely 26 year old lady waiting for her happily ever after while my catholic match profile is crickets?
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You got me there.
But like seriously it is a general human thing to find someone attractive and to feel feels. It’s in everything, life, movies, music, ballet, art, history. Don’t get me started on my favorite Corinthians verse about love.
I’ve been thinking about writing this post for a while now. I was basically inspired by Brittney Broski, who simps all the time and people relate to that and listen to her ramblings. I’m sure one other person out there is interested in hearing my simp interests. 😅😂
I have a top 5 of middle aged hot guys I absolutely love. All of these are crushes that started when I started getting crushes and I still find them attractive today as a 26 year old lady. In order of discovering and falling for them they are…
Ben Barnes
Robert Pattinson
Cillian Murphy
Sebastian Stan
Daniel Brühl
1. Ben Barnes
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I was 11, snacks and dance class was life, the hormones were starting to kick in and the second Narnia movie had come out. I wasn’t much of a Narnia fan but I was forced to tag along with the after school program I was in to a showing of this movie as a last day of school celebration. Ben Barnes as Prince Caspian was FINE AF to my 11 year old eyes and heart. I fell for him like a ton of bricks and would get 11 year old girl fantasies of being Prince Caspian’s princess.
He is over 40 now and still fine as hell. His character in Shadow and Bone is amazing. He def plays dark personality characters very well. He has a singing career as well and his cover of River was in my top Spotify songs last year.
I love that he is in T-Mobile commercials now. He is perfect. He is THE ultimate hot British actor. I hope T-mobile paid him well because my man is talented and deserves to be more than just a face of T-Mobile. When I was stressed and on edge at my previous job at an urgent care, seeing his face on commercials always made my 12 hour shifts better.
I’m surprised he hasn’t been in some BBC new classic considering he is both British and adorable and would totally make a good heart throb protagonist?!
2. Robert Pattinson
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I was in 6th grade and the Twilight books and craze was big at my middle school. Every other girl including myself was wearing team Edward or Team Jacob shirts. The Twilight movies also had come out. RPatz was the heartthrob of every girl. Move over Prince Caspian, Claire is grown and edgy and likes edgy hot guys that match 😂.
A couple years ago I watched his video on GQ where he takes a look into his career and decided to dive into some of these movies myself. His young self is cute as a button in the 4th Harry Potter movie even though his charming character has an unfortunate fate. He makes the perfect Batman, just add in the Chris Nolan plot and music and we got a perfect match. He totally captured the darkness and loneliness in Bruce Wayne/Batman.
Of course I HAD to see his Chris Nolan debut. If you read my other posts, you know I am a superfan for Christopher Nolan movies.
He is fine and cute in that movie. His performance is great. His performance in The King was also great. He def nailed that French accent.
He can be the American heart throb AND the British heart throb at the same time
3. Cillian Murphy
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I’m 16. I’m into zombie movies and 28 days later is on BBC even though the plot and IMDb pictures are scary, I still ditch my chemistry homework to watch it. Totally fine with any nightmares I’ll probably get. Still my favorite zombie movie to this day and one of the few horror movies I’ll still watch since converting to Catholicism.
This is the first time I actually fell for an actor because of their performance and then I deep dived into other works he is casted in.
I love his intensity and dedication to roles as well as approach. Even during his small role in Dunkirk. I love the power and darkness he puts into Tommy Shelby. I mean have you seen the scenes where Tommy is in full blown rage? He goes from zero to rage effortlessly.
His performance in Oppenheimer deserves an Oscar and if he doesn’t get it I am rioting. He nailed the look. He nailed the sensory overload/overwhelmed looks. Just perfect.
I’d love to just have a Guinness with him and just discuss Irish culture and his career over.
4. Sebastian Stan
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What is funny about this one is that for a bit I was a Steve Rogers stan. Like from ages 16-21 Steve was my man. That was until his friend Bucky stumbled upon in my dream one night. Originally that is how I knew Sebastian but then i stumbled upon The Devil All The Time where he has a small part as a corrupt small town sheriff and became curious.
Last summer I had a random dream about Sebastian whist I was simping on RPatz. Somehow my curiosity got me and I became a Bucky stan. Still to this day I simp over him, even though there’s another guy I’m simping over even stronger (see below).
He is just so fine and such a sweet human being. I read a buzz feed article about people who have met nice and cool celebrities and my Sebbys was on it. In that video he did for GQ of him reviewing his career, he is so humble, so genuine and always has something nice to say about everyone he works with.
And now the current middle aged actor I’m simping on…
5. Daniel Brühl
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See my alienist blog post
Three words. Calm. Collected. German.
Well more like handsome, multilingual, and German 😂
Wes references aside, It all started with my curiosity with the movie Rush. I had only known Daniel as Zemo in the marvel movies so I thought let’s see his other filmography. I fell for Daniel like a pile of bricks. The eyes. The hair. The talent. It was really Dr. Laszlo Kreizler that did it for me. According to Niki Lauda himself (God Rest His Soul) Daniel is a “down to earth guy” like who doesn’t love that?! Plus being a wannabe #tradwife finds it so adorable that he has a wife and kids. I never want to cheat on those ever I’m not that lady. But there is something so cute to me about a man with a family. Then again that’s what all my fantasies are.
Like 🥹🥹🥹
He is a perf trad man vibes. Who doesn’t love that?! His character in Rush gives the same vibe too. I also love me a smart and sarcastic man like Dr. Kreizler. Then again I’ve been told Germans are just that way and being that I’m about 1/3 German I could just find that sexy in my blood 😂
In conclusion
I have one goal in common with these men. I want to see them each in a Chris Nolan movie AND a Wes Movie. Not one or the other. Both. Rpatz and Cillian are halfway there.
My top 5 of middle aged actors that I will forever simp on: honorable mentions
Matthew McConaughey - his performance in interstellar is so amazing I’m naming my son Joseph in honor of not only the OG St. Joseph himself but his character in Interstellar. Also is pro American and sometimes stars in comedies.
Adrian Brody- a Wes regular. And on Peaky Blinders. I love his variety. “I think it STINKS!!!”
Chris Evans- I was obsessed with him and Steve rogers during my late teens for a MINUTE. So he has to be included here.
Ryan Reynolds’s. He was pikachu and he is a family man and has a beautiful family with Blake Lively.
Honorable mentions but they’re actors I find hot but they’re my age (Oct 1996 or younger/older by 5 years)
Tom Holland. Fellow 1996 baby and I’m pretty sure he would’ve graduated in my class. Plus he is faithful, anti Hollywood actor, and a loveable dork. Also he does it all.
Timothee Chalamet- probs the Leo DiCaprio of my generation. Plus that jawline and hair. Hard to find a cutie with hair texture like mine.
Tony Ravilori. Also a fellow 1996 baby and Wes regular. Has a charming simplicity in his characters.
Freddie Highmore- I just love his performance in The Good Doctor.
If they’re my age I may have an expressed interest in their work because they’re my age. I’ll be seeing them in 40 years on tv looking as perfect as ever still and me with my greying hair will wonder where time went.
Harry Styles. I was a one Direction girl. Been following his solo work for a bit and he is a fellow 420 user 😂
Honorable mentions but they’re actors older than my parents
Wes Anderson. year older than my mom and he fine as hell on top of being my favorite director.
Jeff Goldblum -it’s Jeff Goldblum
I’m not too crazy about the honorable mentions but they’re still cool. I’d have a glass of wine or blunt with them. We all have our favorites on differentiating levels.
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livehorses · 2 months
Easter-Like classics that can never be missed in our Familiar Cinema Club
First, we have all the Hollywood-Sword and Sandal like classics that we watch between Lent, the Holy Week and Easter, being mainly and in a historically accurate chronological order:
Joseph King of Dreams
(Mandatory Prequel watching)
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The Ten Commandments (1956)
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Ben Hur (1959)
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The Robe (1953)
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Quo Vadis (1951)
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Then we watch some other movies that we kinda relate with the celebration, like:
The Fiddler On The Roof (1971)
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BBC's The Chronicles of Narnia series
(My mom doesn't like the Disney adaptation)
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The Secret Garden (1993)
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For a strange relation of ideas, because my oldest brother was transcribing in the middle of the Holy Week one year, the orchestration of the movie for a streaming with live orchestra,
Howl's Moving Castle
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We even have for a traditional Easter Sunday breakfast, Sophie's eggs with bacon.
And the main event of Holy Saturday, the most expected movie of the season...
The Prince of Egypt
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personality-corner · 3 months
could you type the pevensie family from the chronicles of narnia?
It’s actually on my list of books / movies to revisit!
It’s been so long since I watched it, and even longer since I read it, but here’s what I’d type them, given my limited memory:
Lucy: xNFP. I know she’s an Fi and Ne user, just don’t know the order.
Susan: ESFJ? I think?
Peter: ESxJ. Don’t know if he’s a Te or Fe user
Edmund: He’s a little harder. I know people type him as ISFP, but I could also see xNTJ. Probably INTJ, because I feel like both his Te and Fi would be higher than Se.
Now this could change once I revisit it (it probably will), but here’s what I would type based off of my memory.
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