#Naked 100 Salt
spaceyprincely · 2 months
Boothill observations and theorys(?):
⚠️‼️Cw// leaks + possible 2.1 spoilers‼️⚠️
Hello tumblr I thought I’d share some observations I’ve made about boothill, an upcoming 5 star character. Particularly his name and how it relates to his cowboy aesthetic as well as his possible backstory. I also want to theorize his situation with Acheron as well. Well I’m not exactly an expert on theory’s so I doubt mine counts but I’ll share what interests me on boothill!
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Boot Hill, Name origin:
First off, what is a “boothill”?
“Boothill” or “Boot Hill” are a type of cemetery most commonly referred to in western parts of the United States and America. What makes this cemetery unique is its association with cowboys, specifically ones that died in violent non natural fashion like shooting or hanging, “died with their boots on”.
How does this relate to Honkai star rail boothill.
- boothill is based of the typical western American cowboy , with the outfit, his accent , usage of guns, etc. so we have that connection .
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- The HSR wiki says that he’s specifically a cyberborg. Cyborgs are typically depicted as robot human hybrid characters. Some cyborg characters like robocop and cyborg (dc comics) have backstories of becoming a cyborg by having had either died and came back to life through technology or damaged their human body greatly to the point they replace with artificial robot tech.
- Boothill in leaked eilodons shows his naked body. However you can quickly noticed his body is human. Not robotic like what we’ve been officially shown.
- Contrast this with his lightcone art, boothill has only part of his robot body. It looks like he’s being operated on.
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- So how does this his name relate to his possible backstory
- As previously iterated, boothill is a name for cemetery of cowboys that died in violent ways. Pair this with how the leaked content having a human body which insinuates that he was at some point a human.
- So what I theorize: Most likely case is that boothill died/ got heavily injured, most likely due to a fight, so much that his only chance to survive was to make him a cyborg. The name boothill fits because he probably died in his boots (I’ll assume for now it happened on the job, maybe his job was the same before and after?).
- Interestingly There’s a leaked description of his lightcones. I’m not 100% sure about how true it is so I’ll have to take it with a grain of salt. However it details on him coming back to life after almost embracing death.
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- - If boothill died, who killed him?
There isnt much to hint at who is to blame for cause of him becoming cyborg so far, given he’s a new character with little information.
At this moment, my best guess is the ipc which characters including topaz and aventurine are in. Boothill is revealed to not like the IPC as revealed in his introduction post. However there’s an interesting thing we need to observe.
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- Notice how it states “the target of his revenge”, meaning the ipc most likely wronged him in some. I wonder if the ipc is the ones responsible for his death and transformation to being a cyberborg. But it’s likely it could be another reason for his distaste.
About Acheron
Cw/ this part gets into partial spoilers for 2.1 trailblazer main story quest
black swan receives a call from boothill. The call is immediately clear he is threatening Acheron with death.
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- his tension with her seems very extreme to the point where hell even go after people affiliated with her when he threatened black swan under the impression she’s was working with her. And saying she shouldn’t exist.
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do I think she was behind his death?
Unlike with the ipc one, I’m not really sure. I personally think that this possibility has less weight to it and there might be another reason for his dislike towards her. But it wouldn’t be surprising considering aventurine claims she brings death and finality.
- like aventurine, Boothill knows that Acheron isn’t an actual galaxy ranger however boothill himself is a galaxy ranger. Since Acheron is falsely claiming she’s a galaxy ranger, could this possibly cause tension with the actual galaxy rangers and her to be a target for them? I don’t really have much to theorize much more but would like to hear what others think
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deandoesthingstome · 7 months
Sand Trap
Pairing: Dog Trainer!Sy x Reader
Word Count: 901
A/N: I had a burst of inspiration and the main character surprised me considering where my loyalties have been lately. There are literally no references to Aika or Ginger in this little fever dream, but it definitely belongs to my Dog Trainer!Sy universe.
Warnings: This is Sy, so I feel like I have to warn for NO f oral; oral m receiving, fingering, anal. Please let me know if I missed anything for you.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Captain Syverson or Sand Castle, but I do own these words, so please do not copy or repost as your own. Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are amazing.
"What's the smile for?"
"I was just imagining the most amazing vacation. A secluded beach bungalow complete with an outdoor shower and 100% privacy so that after a swim in the ocean I can peel off my swimsuit as I walk to rinse off.
The warm rays of the sun shine down on my upturned face and I close my eyes and tilt my head back into the water to wash my hair free of the salt for a short time.
When I open my eyes, you're there. Naked and gazing with lust, lazily stroking your cock while you watch me get clean. Again, for a short time.
You flash a wicked grin and wait for me to start begging with my eyes and bit lip and deep breaths and when you nod I turn off the water and step forward, falling to my knees in the soft sand. I absolutely cannot wait to put my mouth around you and you are so kind to let me do so.
It feels like hours that we spend under that palm tree while I lick and suck and stroke and squeeze you to climax and when I'm done swallowing you down you lift me up. We step back in the shower to rinse off together one more time before you carry me inside, legs wrapped around your waist and mouths locked in passion.
I hate when you drop me to the cool, crisp white sheets because your hands are no longer attached to my ass, fingers molded around my cheeks like that's the only thing they were made for. But then you show me what else your fingers were made for and when I'm screaming your name while I come all over them you just grin down at me and call me darlin' and tell me what a good girl I am.
And I melt for that, you fuckin' know I do. And it's a little bit sneaky 'cause you're gonna use it to your advantage. 'Cause you know as soon as I'm your good girl I can't say no to anything and that anything is your wet, slippery fingers dragging down and smearing my own slick all around my puckered hole, that is now just pulsing for you, jealous of all the attention my pussy just got.
You don't even kiss my mouth when you slide a finger in because you wanna watch it drop open bit by bit and see my pupils dilate and catch the slow rise of my chest as my breathing gets shallower while I relax into it and when you gather the saliva in your mouth and drip it with precision right onto the space where your finger slips in and out so you can use it to lubricate the way for another finger to join I absolutely cannot stop myself from grabbing the backs of my thighs so I can spread myself wider for you.
It's only when I actually beg, with my words, that you withdraw your fingers and find the real lube and kneel onto the bed between my legs so you can feed first the tip, then the head, and finally your whole fucking cock right into my ass.
You start slow and easy, in and out, working me open, making sure to add a little more lube as you go. And you don't even care that I can't hold myself up to watch, that I'm completely reclined while you loosen me up because you know once you get going for good I'll be holding onto your shoulders for dear life and seeking out your mouth to kiss and capture your lips between mine because it's the only thing I can do to keep from screaming, crying out your name and begging for you to make me come."
"Hmmm... kinda like this?" Sy asks, as he wraps a hand around the back of your neck to help hold your head up so he can lick into the space and swallow your pants, your huffs, your squeals of delight.
"Exactly like that, fuck Sy, so good," you somehow have the energy to gasp out.
His movements are precise up until the point they no longer are and you can feel he's close, feel he's ready to let go and you beg, beg for his touch. He obliges, easing your head back to the mattress so he can unwrap his hand and shift those fingers to your clit. How he has the coordination to flick and rub and tap that exact spot while he's still pumping away and about to release you'll never know, but you're also never gonna complain about the way it feels like the stars are exploding behind your eyes and in your cunt while he shoots his load deep in your ass. Every inch of you is left clenching for him as he eases out.
"Fuck, Sugar. You can tell me about that fantasy again anytime you want me to fuck your ass," he drawls while he runs a warm, wet cloth between your cheeks, his lips smoothing along your collarbone and still heaving chest.
"But I gotta tell ya," he smirks as he tosses the towel to the laundry basket in the corner of the room, "you really don't wanna be kneeling in that sand naked. Trust me when I say it gets everywhere you don't want it to be."
Everything HC Taglist: (as always, let me know if you want on or off)
@sillyrabbit81 @mayloma @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel @fvckinghenrycavill @kebabgirl67 @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetdreamsofgelato @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @alexakeyloveloki @marantha @aireraume @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @enchantedbytomandhenry @omgkatinka @littlefreya @avengersfan25 @just-chirpin @thesaucynomad @valacirca @henryownsme @summersong69 @foxyjwls007 @peyton-warren @irishavengersassemble @brattymum96
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fandom-go-round · 11 months
Sea Salt Like Glitter: Part One
Summary: You’re a forest ranger. Trees and mammals are your specialty. Mermaids in the ocean? Way outside your area of expertise. Good News: They like you. Bad News: They like you a lot
Mer! Sun x  Plus Sized! Reader x Mer! Moon
Part One (Here!), Part Two ,Part Three
Enjoy the first of the wedding month stories! I’m guessing this is going to be around 3-4 parts. I’m a sucker for Sun and Moon and couldn’t leave the Mer AU alone. I hope everyone enjoys!
Warnings: Trapped in Rocks, Blood, Dehydration, Different Species, Threats of Bodily Harm
           The best time to go to your beach is around twilight. It’s not technically your beach but your house is the closest one to the water for miles. And technically it’s a ranger station, not a house, but it feels like home after a year of working. You enjoy the calmness of the ocean, gulls screaming and diving overhead. The air smells like salt but you appreciate the burn now. Part of the job is that you have to patrol the waterfront at least once a week and you do that at twilight.
           Fredrick Fitzgerald Beach and Forest. One of the most treasured pieces of nature in the country. Nicknamed ‘Pizza Beach’ after the restaurant chain started under the same family, the protected land is looked over by a special kind of warden. A cross between forest ranger, ocean rescue and PR personality, they have the job of living on site full time and making sure people leave the animals alone. And right now, that’s you.
           There are other people of course, tour guides and rangers that help at the nature center. You wave at the groups on the hiking trails and listen to the animal facts that you’ve heard 100 times. What you do is different, more secluded. You’re on the other side of the ‘Do Not Cross’ sign and you take your job seriously.
           The last few days have been quiet and you’re hoping that the weekend stays that way. Thunderstorms are going to start later in the evening and you’re hoping to be done by then. You had chased some kids off earlier, teenagers looking for ‘a cool place to hang’ and the weather would hopefully deter anyone else from sneaking in.
           The water is starting to darken, deep blue going navy. You take a deep breathe, scanning the sand for any trash or people. There isn’t anything as far as the eye can see and you relax, smiling to yourself. Some people think that it’s lonely, being out here for weeks and sometimes months at a time. You enjoy it; you’d rather be with nature than people any day.
            You start to hum, watching as the sun finally slips below the horizon. Now your favorite part of the night starts. There are a few moments of darkness before lights begin to flicker under the water. The underwater bioluminescence becomes visible to the naked eye; even after all this time it’s hard to believe that it’s real. The water is much, much deeper than it looks and there’s something in the water that promotes the creatures to glow. Scientists come to study sometimes and you stay out of their way, you’re more of a forest person.
           Everything in the water looks normal and you watch the fish dart around, smiling as you stroll part of the beach. You jump as thunder rolls overhead and speed up, calves burning with trying to move quickly through sand. You don’t want to get poured on, walking up the path towards your cabin. The climb is steep and you’re panting by the end of it. The cliffs gives a great view of the water, large rocks creating an outcropping off shore. They jut high out of the water, the largest shaped like an arch. Lazy glowing turns into streaks, fish scattering; must be something bigger under there.
           Another clap of thunder bellows and you take off, rain falling in waves. You swear to yourself; your boots had finally just dried out. It’s a struggle to get the cabin door open and you’re glad you know your way around; it’s hard to see anything with the rain and wind. You watch the trees sway for a bit before going to get changed. There’s nothing to do now but wait out the storm.
           It’s a couple days before you head back to the beach. Lightening hit one of the larger trees and you’ve spent the last couple days making sure none of the forest caught fire. It’s not ideal but the job can change quickly. After making sure the nature center was alright, you finally head down to the beach. It’s mid-day, much earlier than you would normally go but you’re tired and want to head back early.
           The beach is a mess. Seaweed and branches still cover the sand, the waves calm as if nothing had happened. These are some dead smaller fish but nothing too large and you’re thankful for that. Without thinking you begin to clean things up, gathering the sticks closest to you. You half watch a diving gull, seeing it swoop low and then fly off towards the large rock outcrop.
           The air leaves your lungs as a gasp, wood falling to the ground at your feet. You can feel your heart starting to pound faster, brain trying to catch up to your eyes. It’s hard to see from the beach but there’s something in the rocks. You curse at yourself for not having your binoculars on you and turn to the stairs, taking a deep breath. It’ll be easier to see up from the cliffs and you’ll be able to tell what it is. Hopefully.
           You curse the stairs once you’re at the top, knees aching. You love your job but it’s not made for fat people, even if you’re damn good at it. The sun is hot on your skin and you place your hand over your eyes, squinting at the rocks. It’s a better angle but farther away and you think you see something in the rock arch. It looks like another rock? Or maybe a log? It’s gray and part of you wonders if it’s some kind of ship that’s gotten stuck. The thought quickly leaves as something dark rises out of the water and slams hard against the surface. The gulls scatter with loud screaming and you feel like your eyes are going to pop out of your head.
           Some sort of animal is stuck. Maybe a sea lion? A baby whale? Or a dolphin? You go over the possibilities as you rush back to the cabin. There’s a small boat you take out sometimes, mostly to chase fishing boats off. It’s nothing huge but the engine works and it should get you to the rocks.
           At least you hope so. Being on the water makes you nervous; you can swim just fine but the boat rocking makes you sick. You don’t think about any of this as you take it to the water, putting it into the back of your truck. There isn’t a direct ride down to the beach but it’s better than nothing.
           It takes an hour before you’re in the water heading to the rocks. You made sure to bring as many tools as you could, along with a camera, an emergency phone and gloves. You have no idea what kind of animal that you’re dealing with but if this creature has been stuck since the storm, it’s going to be in rough shape.
           The rocks loom high overhead, casting dark shadows on the water. The sun is just starting to sink, even if it’ll take a few more hours. You have a water bottle and resist the urge to drink; you want to see what you’re dealing with first. You turn the boat off about 20 feet away and try to come to terms with what you’re seeing.
           The hole in the rocks is about as big as a basketball hoop backboard, the edges not completely smooth but close enough. It’s about two feet above water and something is stuck. Scales so navy they look black are scrapped against the stone, bits of blood smeared as well. It doesn’t move as you get closer, swinging yourself around to get a better look.
           You think that you’re looking at its back half. This side of the rocks is shaded by higher formations and it’s a bit difficult to see clearly under the water. Something that you guess must be a tail is slumped into the water but you can’t make out the shape. You grab an oar and paddle closer, letting the waves move you mostly.
           Something hits the bottom of the boat and you jump; it was a brush more than anything and of course there are fish out here. The next hit is harder and the boat sways. You place your oar in the water to try to turn and something yanks. You yell as the oar is ripped from your hand and disappears into the water.
           A loud rumble fills the air and you watch, horrified and full of awe, as the creature in the rocks moves. The tail rises and you realize that it’s not a tail, it’s webbing. Tentacles shoot out, some grabbing onto the rocks and others into the water. You quickly grab the other oar and move backwards, barely missing the flailing tentacles. Gulls on the rocks take to the sky and the creature begins to shift again.
           It doesn’t take long to realize that it’s not doing well, whatever it is. It only struggles for a moment before sagging once more, the tentacles barely holding on. They push against the rocks but it’s weak and the longer you look, the worse it gets. The scales that are out of the water look dull and are starting to crack; it really has been stuck here since the storm.
           You know that this isn’t a normal fish. First off, it looks like either a squid or an octopus but both of those would be able to get out of a hole. Also, the hissing and growling coming from the other side of the rock is ominous. You’ve never heard anything like it. You want to head back but you can’t ignore the suffering in front of you. Taking a deep breath, you count to five before paddling to the other side. You ignore the way your hands shake and hope that whatever it is won’t kill you.
           Immediately the hissing turns into snarling and you meet blood red eyes. You flinch, holding the oar across your chest like it’ll help you defend yourself. Sharp teeth snap at your and you can feel the waves from the tentacles behind the rock. You’re not in the line of fire and you take a moment to understand what you’re looking at.
           A furious face is set on a head coverd in fins, gills fluttering around the neck. The strong torso is covered in navy scales and two arms are digging into the rockface. You look the creature over once and then twice, your eyes always going back up to its face. It looks pissed and like it wants to break you in half. Blood red eyes stare out from a gunmetal gray face and keeps you in it sights.
           “Holy shit.” Your voice makes the snarling quiet down, almost like it’s waiting for you to say something. “You’re a mermaid?” You phrase it as a question and the creature, honest to fuck, rolls its mother fucking eyes at you.
           At the same time you take it in, the creature looks you over. You’re not much to look at, between your sad little boat and ranger uniform. It eyes you for a little longer between settling back down and looking exhausted. It’s hands, covered in long claws, detangle from the rock and lay against the surface. That’s when you realize it’s pinned.
           There’s a log wedged between the rocks, washed up from the storm. The creature is half wrapped around it, the log pushing hard against it’s chest and forcing it’s torso out of the water. One of it’s arms can touch the water but the other is pinned too high up, it’s shoulders pushed far back. It looks painful and you wince in sympathy. You get a snarl for your look, the creature sending you a glare.
           It’s eyes close with what you guess is exhaustion, not deeming you a threat. You want to argue but don’t; no need to push your luck. It looks worse from the front, scales dull and patches missing. The rockface has be gauged deeply in the mers struggle to be free.
           It’s beautiful. Navy fins on its head and arms lay low, curled up and dull. It’s torso is lighter, the color of sand in moonlight. It’s clearly built for hunting; it might be lean but it’s covered in muscles. Darker scales cover the torso like stars and you know that you can’t leave it here, even if it wants to kill you.
           “Hey.” Your voice has the creature opening it’s eyes again but only halfway. It takes you a second to get that they’re squinting at you; the sun must be bothering them. You lick your lips, knowing that it’s crazy to be talking to something this big. “Do you uh, want me to help you?” You wince at how uncertain you sound and the creature looks even more unimpressed than before. You hear something hit the water and assume it’s a tentacle.
           You hold up a length of rope and then gesture ot the log. Eyes flicker between rope, your face and log. Some sort of spark comes into its face and it’s claws curl into the rocks slowly. You put the rope down and grab the oar, slowly moving closer.
           It’s hard to get a good judge of size because of how it’s stuck but you guess that it’s at least eight feet long, maybe closer to nine. It doesn’t move as you get closer, eyes locked on you. The log is wedged in two places, one part under the water and the other above. When you look down, the bottom half seems to be covered in rocks, probably from the struggling. The only real option is to loop the rope of the top and yank.
           “I’m going to go for the top.” You talk and gesture as you move closer, trying to be transparent in your movements. “The bottom half looks too stuck.” You would be concerned by the lack of response if it wasn’t for the red pinned on your face. It takes a little bit to get the boat maneuvered just right and the scrapping of its claws gets louder. You do your best to ignore the impatience; you don’t want to end up in the water today. Not now that you know things like this exist.
           There’s a splash in the other direction and you flinch hard, almost falling from where you’re standing. The creature snarls, sharp teeth flashing in the sun and you look over the water. Nothing breaches the surface again and you shake your arms, trying to get rid of the tension. As long as there isn’t another predator you should be alright.
           You have to throw the rope a few times before it’s looped just right and you can feel the waves of judgment coming out of the mermaid. Mer creature? You’re not stupid enough to pretend this isn’t some sort of intelligent creature; you’ve been pinching yourself too much for it to be a dream. That doesn’t mean that you want it commenting on your physical abilities and ignore how embarrassed you’re getting. Finally, you get the rope secured and you tug it to make sure. You can sense the growing impatience behind you and vow silently to go faster. It’s already in rough shape and you don’t want it to suffer.
           Sending one last silent plea inside your mind, you start the boat engine back up. The creature flinches inside the rock and the gentle rumblings turn more into a hiss. You glance over and it flashes it’s teeth with a ‘get on with it’ feeling. You don’t hesitate, afraid that you’re going to lose your nerve. You throw the engine into reserve and gun it back, the boat taking off as fast as it can.
           The rope is pulled taught quickly and you jerk, almost going into the water. Creaky rumbles come from the creature and you want to swear when you realize it’s laughing at you. You ease the boat back forward before going in reverse again, your eyes locked on the log. The first time it didn’t move but the second it seemed to slip. Gritting your teeth you repeat the actions, the log slowly becoming free.
           The creature must feel it moving because it begins to push, well as much as it can with it’s chest. It looks painful with the open wounds but it doesn’t care, eyes getting brighter as the log shifts. You give it one last tug and the log comes free, the creature letting out an ear-piercing shriek.
           A few things happen at once. Your boat, tugging with all it’s might, flies back once the resistance is gone and you scramble to not turn over. The creature slides backwards into the hole, sliding into the shadow covered water. Lastly, bright red fins crest the water in front of you, darting behind the rock.
           Your boat spins for an embarrassingly long time; your arms ache and it takes everything in you to prevent it from flipping. The bottom of the boat has a good couple inches of water but you’re upright. A miracle. The clicking and hissing sounds are all gone now and it’s just you and the gulls. You watch the water once your heart calms down, eyes darting around to see if you can spot the creature in the water.
           You wait for ten minutes before slapping your cheeks and turning the boat back towards shore. Your mission was officially done and you need to lay down, maybe have a drink, maybe get high. There was a lot you have to think about and you don’t want to do it in the open water. Two pairs of eyes, one red and one blue, watch as you make your way back to shore and share a silent look. The water barely ripples as they sink below the waves, determined to pay you back in some way.
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sca-nerd · 8 months
I need to make some garb for my two lads joining me at War who have nothing, because this is their first event. I am making each of them one Nice Tunic as a gift to keep as their own so if they decide they want to continue to play, they aren't naked. The other three (total six) tunics will be Good Tunics because I am not investing a lot of money into an unknown, but this way I have additional loaner garb or something to give to my nephew as he is currently going through the predictable growth spurts.
"But SCA Mom!" I hear you cry, "How are you going to make SIX tunics cheaply, but not let them LOOK cheap?"
SCA on a budget, my friends.
I went to the thrift store (okay, I went to three - but I made a day of it with some friends) and found a set of 100% heavy cotton panel curtains. These bad boys are wide AND long enough to make two tunics for these guys without any hemming. I'll just need to turn out the collar with some scrap fabric I have and sew up the sides.
Now, they ARE white. And everyone knows that a white outer garment is a no-go, so I picked up a couple of bottles of Rit Dye, set the colors myself with vinegar and salt, and now have a lovely apple green and a (what should be) navy blue but turned out a nice gray-blue instead.
Two tunics. 100% natural fibers so I don't worry about them spontaneously combusting near the fire, but will also be comfortable during the day, and my total investment is $10.
I'm not going to trim these tunics out, because I don't have time to trim them out (I have more to make and not a lot of free time to make them at this point), but also because I want to show that you can make good garb inexpensively. You can make NICE garb inexpensively. You can do this. I believe in you.
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
I've got soooo many prompt in my Black Widow/Sugar Daddy AU!
Prompt 3 -- [Fishbowl Rescue] Burgess unhappily thwarted from getting Dream for himself, kidnaps him from Hob's protection.
Someone on Hob's staff, made a few terminal mistakes: (1) being on the take for Burgess, (2) thinking regardless of what their relationship might seem like to outsiders, that Hob wouldn't care if Dream was taken; and (3) that there was any situation where anyone, ANYONE, could take from HOB! Let alone take Hob's Dream.
Hob salts the EARTH with all that is, or was, Burgess - there are raging - actual - fires burning all over the world as Hob searches of Dream.
Dream was right, Hob is not a nice man, and Dream is his.
It's a given that Hob is going to kill everyone who touched his Dream, but if there is a mark on him that Hob didn't give him - the person who put it there is loosing whichever body part caused the injury, before Hob kills them.
Dream is pretty sure Hob will come for him (he hopes) if for no other reason than Dream knows Hob views him, at the very least, as his. He hold on to that hope, as Burgess leers at him, naked in this soundproof room surround by cameras; when Burgess puts his hands on him and threatens him with worse; as no one helps him. Dreams wishes(/hopes) for Hob.
Then Hob walks in the door, soot covered, bloody and so achingly beautiful, saying 'Hello, duck.'
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Here's the first part of your lovely black widow/sugar daddy au. And now we have more!! So wonderful!!
I ABSOLUTELY adore this version of Hob. To Dream he's the sweetest, most angelic man. He would do anything for Dream, would walk over hot coals for him and spend any amount of money to make him happy. He makes Dream laughs, makes him cum, and is generally the most darling man in the world.
To everyone else? Hob is not so nice. Particularly not to people who hurt his Dream. Generally Hob is happy to outsource his dirty dealings to his employees, but when it comes to Dream it's personal: he personally tortures his ex-staff member for information. He personally hands over money to contacts he's got across the world. He personally sets up the lines of explosives outside of Burgess's hideout.
When he finds Dream in that basement, he has to fight hard to contain his rage. Dream doesn't need to see that, he just needs Hob to get him out. It doesn't matter that Burgess gets away - it will give Hob greater pleasure to hunt him, in fact. The main thing is to get Dream out.
He immediately has the cameras in the room scrubbed and destroyed. And he has multiple staff members scouring all levels of the web in case the footage ever leaks. The basement and the entire place where Dream was kept are totally razed from the earth. Its like they were never there.
Dream is something of a mess, of course. But all he keeps saying is "I knew you would come." Hob has to hide his face and cry while Dream is sleeping because he's just so relieved that his most beloved is alive and reasonably well. Hob is absolutely 100% feral during Dream’s recovery and Dream loves it. He loves the way Hob kneels at his feet and kisses his ankles, worshipping him like a god, promising him in the world. For the first time ever, Dream actually believes. He believes that Hob loves him.
Dream spends a lot of time in the recovery period trying to reassert himself and regain his confidence, and Hob is so supportive. He lets Dream dominate and fuck him, lets him scream and shout. And they also just spend time touching each other under piles of soft blankets, safe and shielded from the world.
Maybe it's (literally) overkill to have Burgess's half-dead body prostated at Dream’s feet when Hob proposes, but Dream seems to like the gesture. Hob presents him with a ruby studded handgun, which Dream happily uses to finish Burgess off.
And he says yes, of course. Not for the money (although that is a bonus), not because he's going to get in the will and immediately dispose of his husband. But because no one can love him as Hob does. And Dream can't quite imagine living without him.
He still keeps the gun.
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ambassadorarlert · 9 months
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totally self-ship coded. but anyone can enjoy. an overdue continuation of this. it feels weird to write referring to myself. i feel naked. nsfw mention so 18+ MDNI
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- armin is such a skeptic he’s so annoying
- likes to debate things to a.) push my buttons b.) make me think harder about my beliefs and sometimes “things just happen”
- he doesn’t know what i know.
- armin doesn’t even know i’ve sewn sigils into his clothes and on the bottoms of his shoes, added moon water to everything he consumes, put crystals and herbs in his pillowcase to help him sleep.
- even tho armin is a skeptic he’s still respectful and supportive. L
- he doesn’t touch things without asking or if there’s something he’s absolutely not supposed to touch he doesn’t even look at it.
- pretends to not see the random jars full of mysterious and suspicious liquids stored in dark places.
“why is it, like, black and molded?? shouldn’t you throw it out??”
- no.
- makes an effort to understand herbs, crystals, divination tools and what they’re used for.
- i’m using a pendulum and he comes up behind me like
“you do know that there’s only a 50% chance of you being right, right?”
- shut up.
- reads and flips through my books while i’m working on stuff.
- lo and behold armin actually learns something new.
- he picks things out that seem the most interesting and does his own private research
- doesn’t understand astrology at all.
“_______ isn’t supported by science.”
- will try to help during rituals and things.
“what does this do? what is this for? what does that mean?”
- i convinced armin to let me read his tarot cards and I was so spot on he cried and released a lot of emotional tension he didn’t know he had
- that’s when he stopped questioning everything so hard lmao
- armin especially likes all my crystals. he like holds them up in the light and examines them carefully.
- likes to rub palm stones on his face and say
“is it working? think it’s working”
- is also tempted to put the small tumbled ones in his mouth or bite into larger ones.
“this looks like soap.”
- picks up rocks, feathers, leaves, sticks, any bones he finds, and brings them to me.
“you can use this for your craft/for your altar”
- also is 100% down to let me use his hair for “hexes and spells”
- he doesn’t even understand what that means.
- armin gifted me a vial necklace and put a few drops of his own cologne in it, and another with his blood in it.
- he won’t tell me how he put the blood in there but he insists that it’s totally his.
- asks about sex magick.
“if we’re setting our intentions and lighting candles, doesn’t that make this a ritual?”
- side eyes all my warding and protective measures but still wants to help bc it’s his house too.
- i let him sprinkle black salt in the windows, selenite and black tourmaline above every door.
- we blow cinnamon through the front door together <3
- he can’t even deny that our house feels different from everyone else’s. it’s homier, cozier, safer.
- low key loves when i have all the windows open, incense burning, music playing, cleansing the house. usually on a Saturday or Sunday.
- we smell like lavender and dragons blood. and a little bit of weed.
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2023. do not copy or repost any work by arlertwitch on any other platform. violators will be prosecuted.
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 8 months
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|| Jason x Aubree Marin || PLL Rewrite || TAGLIST ||  • AUBSON🎶 • SHIPS OF TGWP •
Season One
Chapter 1 - I'm Still Here
Chapter 2 - The Jenna Thing
Chapter 3 - To Kill a Mocking Girl
Chapter 4 - Can You Hear Me Now?
Chapter 5 - Reality Bites Me
Chapter 6 - There's No Place Like Homecoming
Chapter 7 - The Homecoming Hangover
Chapter 8 - Please, Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone
Chapter 9 - The Perfect Storm
Chapter 10 - Keep Your Friends Close
Chapter 11 - Moments Later
Chapter 12 - Salt Meets Wound
Chapter 13 - Know Your Frenemies
Chapter 14 - Careful What U Wish 4
Chapter 15 - If at First You Don't, Succeed, Lie, Lie Again
Chapter 16 - Je Suis Une Amie
Chapter 17 - The New Normal
Chapter 18 - The Badass Seed
Chapter 19 - A Person of Interest
Chapter 20 - Someone to Watch Over Me
Chapter 21 - Monsters in the End
Chapter 22 - For Whom the Bell Tolls
Season Two
Chapter 23 - It's Alive
Chapter 24 - The Goodbye Look
Chapter 25 - My Name Is Trouble
Chapter 26 - Blind Dates
Chapter 27 - The Devil You Know
Chapter 28 - Never Letting Go
Chapter 29 - Surface Tension
Chapter 30 - Save the Date
Chapter 31 - Surface Tension
Chapter 32 - Save the Date
Chapter 33 - Picture This
Chapter 34 - Touched by an 'A'-ngel
Chapter 35 - I Must Confess
Chapter 36 - Over My Dead Body
Chapter 37 - The First Secret
Chapter 38 - Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares
Chapter 39 - A Hot Piece of A
Chapter 40 - Let the Water Hold Me Down
Chapter 41 - Blond Leading the Blind
Chapter 42 - A Kiss Before Lying
Chapter 43 - The Naked Truth
Chapter 44 - CTRL:A
Chapter 45 - Breaking the Code
Chapter 46 - Father Knows Best
Chapter 47 - Eye of the Beholder
Chapter 48 - If These Dolls Could Talk
Chapter 49 - unmAsked
Season Three
Chapter 50 - It Happened 'That Night'
Chapter 51 - Blood Is the New Black
Chapter 52 - Kingdom of the Blind
Chapter 53 - Birds of a Feather
Chapter 54 - That Girl Is Poison
Chapter 55 - The Remains of the 'A'
Chapter 56 - Crazy
Chapter 57 - Stolen Kisses
Chapter 58 - The Kahn Game
Chapter 59 - What Lies Beneath
Chapter 60 - Single Fright Female
Chapter 61 - The Lady Killer
Chapter 62 - This Is a Dark Ride
Chapter 63 - She's Better Now
Chapter 64 - Mona-Mania
Chapter 65 - Misery Loves Company
Chapter 66 - Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno
Chapter 67 - Dead to Me
Chapter 68 - What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted
Chapter 69 - Hot Water
Chapter 70 - Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Chapter 71 - Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
Chapter 72 - I'm Your Puppet
Chapter 73 - A Dangerous gAme
Season Four
Chapter 74 - A Is for A-l-i-v-e
Chapter 75 - Turn of the Shoe
Chapter 76 - Cat's Cradle
Chapter 77 - Face Time
Chapter 78 - Gamma Zeta Die!
Chapter 79 - Under the Gun
Chapter 80 - Crash and Burn, Girl!
Chapter 81 - The Guilty Girl's Handbook
Chapter 82 - Into the Deep
Chapter 83 - The Mirror Has Three Faces
Chapter 84 - Bring Down the Hoe
Chapter 85 - Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Chapter 86 - Grave New World
Chapter 87 - Who's in the Box?
Chapter 88 - Love ShAck, Baby
Chapter 89 - Close Encounters
Chapter 90 - Bite Your Tongue
Chapter 91 - Hot for Teacher
Chapter 92 - Shadow Play
Chapter 93 - Free Fall
Chapter 94 - She's Come Undone
Chapter 95 - Cover for Me
Chapter 96 - Unbridled
Chapter 97 - 'A' Is for Answers
Season Five
Chapter 98 - EscApe from New York
Chapter 99 - Whirly Girly
Chapter 100 - Surfing the Aftershocks
Chapter 101 - Thrown from the Ride
Chapter 102 - Miss Me x100
Chapter 103 - Run, Ali, Run
Chapter 104 - The Silence of E. Lamb
Chapter 105 - Scream for Me
Chapter 106 - March of Crimes
Chapter 107 - A Dark Ali
Chapter 108 - No One Here Can Love or Understand Me
Chapter 109 - Taking This One to the Grave
Chapter 110 - How the 'A' Stole Christmas
Chapter 111 - Through a Glass, Darkly
Chapter 112 - Fresh Meat
Chapter 113 - Over a Barrel
Chapter 114 - The Bin of Sin
Chapter 115 - Oh What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me
Chapter 116 - Out Damned Spot
Chapter 117 - Pretty Isn't the Point
Chapter 118 - Bloody Hell
Chapter 119 - To Plea or Not to Plea
Chapter 120 - The Melody Lingers On
Chapter 121 - I'm a Good Girl, I Am
Chapter 122 - Welcome to the Dollhouse
Season Six
Chapter 123 - Game On, Charles
Chapter 124 - Songs of Innocence
Chapter 125 - Songs of Experience
Chapter 126 - Don't Look Now
Chapter 127 - She's No Angel
Chapter 128 - No Stone Unturned
Chapter 129 - O Brother, Where Art Thou
Chapter 130 - FrAmed
Chapter 131 - Last Dance
Chapter 132 - Game Over, Charles
Chapter 133 - Of Late I Think of Rosewood
Chapter 134 - Charlotte's Web
Chapter 135 - The Gloves Are On
Chapter 136 - New Guys, New Lies
Chapter 137 - Do Not Disturb
Chapter 138 - Where Somebody Waits for Me
Chapter 139 - We've All Got Baggage
Chapter 140 - Burn This
Chapter 141 - Did You Miss Me?
Chapter 142 - Hush, Hush, Sweet Liars
Season Seven
Chapter 143 - Tick-Tock, Bitches
Chapter 144 - Bedlam
Chapter 145 - The Talented Mr. Rollins
Chapter 146 - Hit and Run, Run, Run
Chapter 147 - Along Comes Mary
Chapter 148 - Wanted: Dead or Alive
Chapter 149 - Original G'A'ngsters
Chapter 150 - Exes and OMGs
Chapter 151 - The Wrath of Kahn
Chapter 152 - The DArkest Knight
Chapter 153 - Playtime
Chapter 154 - These Boots Were Made for Stalking
Chapter 155 - Hold Your Piece
Chapter 156 - Power Play
Chapter 157 - In the Eye Abides the Heart
Chapter 158 - The Gloves That Rocks the Cradle
Chapter 159 - Driving Miss Crazy
Chapter 160 - Choose or Lose
Chapter 161 - Farewell, My Lovely
Chapter 162 - Till DeAth Do Us Part
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love-love-evol · 1 day
songs i see redacted characters as 👍
read more cause this is a long post
Real men don't need other people / And real men suck it in / Real men don't flinch or bleed in public / Oh, I think I'm a real man
Though honestly sir, all I wanna do/ Is get naked in front of you / So you can look me up and down / And tell me, "Well done girl, you're looking good"
Real men keep cool in the face of a fire / Go down with the ship / And real men don't eat, 'cause they're above that, damn it / Oh, I'm gonna be a real man
Though honestly sir, all I wanna do / Is get naked in front of you / So you can look me up and down / And give me your love for being so good
(real men by mitski)
And say I wear my sorrow like a crown / And throw your arms around my head, and see it there in gold and red and brown
As heavy as a history book can be / I will carry it with me, oh Lord / And maybe when the bitterness has gone / There'll be sweetness on our tongues once more
We'll soon forget our parents' names / Like dogs will drive the wolves away / And weep with fingertips opposed / Like a church where nobody congregates
But sweetness sings in the pasture / We throw ourselves on the mercy of the earth / If sand and salt have the answer / Then the act itself will be louder than the word
And I'll be on your side
(history book by dry the river)
Both Sam and Darlin:
And I haven't left the house in 100 years / And you haven't left yours in 100 hours / And we can't keep our hands out of our own mouths / See the horrible habits we acquire
And how my stomach burns, but only at night/ When the moon is bright / And I have dreams about bears / With the reddest mouths / But your arms are warm / And your legs are wrapped around / And the sound of your heart
The unsteady sound, I will slow it down
(nervous rex by laura stevenson)
Sun, we have not been friends / We have not spoke in months / Or even made amends
Time, you can have your way / And if you take my nights / Would you leave me my days /
If I, I can't see myself / As the lights go down / I won't see no one else
Sun, oh, you do me no good / None of my plans work out / The way I thought they would
If I, I can't be myself / And if the lights won't shine / I'll become someone else
So none of my dreams come true / So now I miss you
(neon lights by dancing years)
Mirror mirror on the wall / What's the meaning of it all?
Wasted all the time / Nothing lasts forever / Maybe I should give up the good fight / Change my image overnight
One thing that I know is that / You don't know a thing about me / I am the young, dumb, chosen one / Losing in the loveliest way / Kids these days
(kids these days by shakey graves)
Wake me up / Remind me brother, / of who I am / I'm made up, / If I am in pieces we'd be together again
Let's go / To where you remember, hand in hand
I am nothing / I was a hitch / in your program / I was waitin', / watchin', / You held in your hands
(hand in hand by makeup and vanity set)
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stiricidewrites · 3 months
The Damage You Do: ch 20, pt 8
CW: spit
wwx giggled and lwj moaned, outright moaned, and wwx did it again. Then his own moan changed to a whine, because lwj had pulled him back—so far that his dom’s glorious, huge cock fell out of his mouth—and was tipping his head up.
“What is so funny?”
wwx smiled. It was wobbly and fucked out, he could feel it—uneven and strained with use and amusement. “I was thinking, I’ll get used to this one day,” he said, voice scratchy with use. Salt slid over his taste buds and him shuddered and whimpered for more.
lwj blinked down at him, that slow blink that made his stomach swirl. “Yes, wy,” the man said, his voice a promise that wwx was pretty sure would have had most people shuddering, running for the door. How many people had lwj promised to kill with that voice? It sure as hell didn’t sound like a voice you used on your sex workers. “You will ‘get used to this.’ Do you like that?” he asked, something like satisfaction sliding over his demeanour when wwx nodded enthusiastically.
lwj’s fingers pressed at his jaw, pushing it open—not that wwx was fighting him anymore. Fuck, he’d been fighting, hadn’t he? Hadn’t that been the whole damn point of all this? Fight and piss lwj off? Play with lwj, not just be a toy for him to play with. Where had all his fire and spark gone!? He didn’t just want to be a toy, he wanted to fight and tease and drive lwj to the edge—wanted to see him crack.
His dom wasn’t expecting it, for him to pull away. His eyes widened fractionally, surprised and interested in what wwx was going to do. Which—
wwx… couldn’t exactly decide if he regretted it, spitting on his dom. He hadn’t really thought it through, but the moment he spit, the moment his saliva landed across the other man’s chest—and thank fuck it hadn’t hit him in the face, wwx was pretty sure he would have definitely, 100% regretted that—he started to wonder if he had fucked up.
lwj blinked at wwx, the hand in his hair loosening, just enough that—if he hadn’t been so shocked at his own actions—he could have run. Made a break for it. He’d look pretty stupid, running through the apartment naked and limping. His dom definitely would have caught him, punished him who knew how—maybe even fired him. Was he going to get fired for this? Oh, fuck—
His dom’s hand tightened in his hair, harder than before, pain searing through wwx’s scalp and making him suck in a harsh breath. lwj’s other hand drew up to his chest, a thumb wiping through the spit that was slowly sliding down his pecs. “Disrespectful,” he said coldly, golden-brown eyes like icy flames when they looked back to wwx’s. “It seems as though wy needs to learn some manners. I should warn you,” he added, thumb scooping up the spit and bringing it back to wwx’s mouth, dragging the wetness over his lips when he refused to open his mouth to accept it back inside, “I am a harsh teacher.”
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genericpuff · 1 year
Hi! So first things first happy belated new year!(sorry it's my first time interacting with your blog and I thought I'd start off on a positive note) second things second I wanted you to know I am ~besotted~ with your lore rekindled content , I love the art and how it resembles rachel's old style but most importantly I love the way you depicted persephone , she seems much more feisty and spunky ,she also possesses the agency many fans of the original LO claimed the OG persephone did (but never cared to show why that was the case whenever I asked them) as it is clearly shown, a good example of this is her " "meet cute" with hades at the party where SHE'S the one who approaches HIM, in the OG webtoon it was the opposite and the way hades gawked at her physical attractiveness while she was depicted as alone and vulnerable felt extremely predatory and not at all romantic (the "actual" first time they met with 18 year old or possibly younger persephone being naked on top of a drunk hades wasn't any better sadly:( ) also I'd like to ask a question if it doesn't bother you, (I don't know if you've been asked this before or not)Is persephone still going to be 19 years old in your comic? Or is she closer in age to hades ?I'd be grateful if you answered ! Have a good one❤👋🏻
Awww this was such a nice message to wake up to! Happy belated New Year! But now I wonder what your version of starting off your interactions on my blog with a negative note would have been like? 😈 Bring me allll your salt! (if there is any, I'm also just being a dick LMAO)
Thanks so much for your kind words, I'm glad you're enjoying Rekindled! It's wild to me how people are already loving it this much when like... I've barely put anything out? I think I've mentioned this before but I'm used to putting out like, 40-60 panels worth of stuff on a weekly basis (as Rekindled isn't my main comic project) so the fact y'all have been so sweet to the handfuls of panels I've put out for Rekindled already is like... absolutely wild to me. It blows me away :' 0
As for your question, I'm definitely gonna be age'ing up Persephone, not just because of the questionable age gap but also because her being 19 in LO serves absolutely no narrative purpose. The issue with the 19 year old age gap thing isn't just the fact that the age gap exists, that alone would be fine on its own because there would still be an age gap even if she were 100 or 200 or 500 or whatever have you. The issue is that 1.) 19 is a very specific age to use that has a lot of real world equivalencies to "barely legal" and "robbing the cradle" culture, there are FAR too many real life examples of rich 40 year old men exclusively dating 19 year old girls (Leo DiCaprio, hello?) and taking advantage of them in worst case scenarios and it makes it hard not to draw those parallels with LO when Hades is literally coded as a 40 year old man and Persephone is such a 'mortal' age like 19; and 2.) Persephone is very often framed as being some innocent virgin "valley girl" archetype which is, again, very common when it comes to the May December romance. A lot of gross older man will often specifically target younger women because they can play out their fantasies of "deflowering" a young woman or whatnot.
It's hard not to take issue with the Persephone/Hades age gap when they're constantly being drawn like this:
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"Art experts" will argue that it's Rachel trying to make Persephone look "small" to convey the mood but if that's the case, she's failing miserably at it, she doesn't just look 'small', she looks like a literal infant. It also always seems to be happening in real time and outside Persephone's head which makes it come across more as other people seeing her that way, not herself.
Compare it to (and I hate that I'm about to use this as a comparison because I also can't stand this webtoon for how infantalizing it is) Let's Play which does a MUCH better job showing characters' inner emotions through the literal personification of their emotions.
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Point is, you can convey how a character might feel compared to those around them WITHOUT making them look ridiculous in the story's own setting and universe.
And that's not even getting to how Persephone is treated by both the people around her and the way the comic frames her, there's a LOT of exaggeration put on how "young and innocent" she is and the fact that the comic will take any opportunity it can to draw Persephone in some Vogue magazine like pose even when the scene doesn't call for it is... creepy and distracting, to say the least.
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(this is not the look of a person who is 'lonely', at least not the way she's describing it LMAO)
Anyways. This got off topic. It's taken me like, 3 hours to formulate a response to this because I've had my brain split between like 4 different things today LMAO but yes, Rekindled will be ageing up Persephone, at least just to get her away from the real life touchiness of her being a literal 19 year old girl in a relationship with a 40-coded man. I don't mind or think there's much wrong with reasonable age gaps in relationships, but it's a whole other thing when you make your immortal god character an incredibly relatable age like 19 and then also proceed to overly sexualize them/objectify them/infantalize them every chance you get.
And ultimately, they're gods. Their ages really shouldn't matter as 'age' is a concept that shouldn't apply to immortal beings, Rachel's mistake was making it matter with Hecate/Hera calling out Hades for being into a 19 year old girl. If we're not supposed to raise an eyebrow at it, don't have your in-universe characters call it out either, y'know? That just establishes the rule in the story that age gaps are something even the gods would get upset over LMAO It's just not gonna be a focus in Rekindled because it serves no narrative purpose besides pushing Rachel's gross pro-shipping/DDLG fetish.
And, y'know... I kinda don't wanna encourage any more of this shit:
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soleilandpeaches · 1 year
Hawks Astrology Headcanons II
featuring: Hawks/Keigo Takami warning: this is purely entertainment purposes. You may have a different opinion but this is mine, thank you. Each placements description might not also be 100% accurate so take everything I say with a grain of salt lol. Rated: 16+ (brief mentions of sex and relationships although not explicit) A/N: Hopefully you will notice and appreciate how organized this one is compared to the previous lol. pt. I | pt. III
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Mercury in Sagittarius:
Sagittarius-ruled by Mercury people constantly learn new things in life. They are interested in life's meaning and think there must be more to it than what the naked eye can perceive. Keigo has a strong desire to travel because there is so much to learn and experience. Like no one else, he is greatly inspired by adventures, both physical and cerebral.
Mercury is thought to be vivacious, energetic, inquisitive, and intellectual in this aspect. He is warm and energetic, which frequently accounts for his popularity.
Aries Degree: keen intellect, quick-witted, inventive, acute, ironic, sarcastic, observant, intelligent, alert, argumentative, rash, afflictive, restless, exaggerated
Venus in Scorpio:
Scorpio is a particularly intense sign for Venus. This Venus sign desires love and union with the person they are dating. They are extremely devoted and loving, but they have trouble dealing with loss. They could be too possessive for their spouse to manage depending on their level of maturity.
Keigo is skilled at determining the genuine intentions of others since he has strong emotional intelligence and a wide range of emotions. Keigo is a person who is difficult to fool and cannot be easily outsmarted.
He is highly selective about who he confides in because it is difficult to win his trust. Given his upbringing, it is understandable that he struggles with trust and has a deep-seated fear of betrayal. He seeks emotional and romantic self-control. To decide whether someone is a deserving of member of his inner circle, he thoroughly evaluates them.
Taurus Degree: steadfast, romantic, attached, kind, pleasant, faithful, good manners and etiquette, respectful, jealous, possessive, spendthrift, sometimes lazy, generous, protective
Mars in Aquarius:
Those with Mars in Aquarius are intellectual individuals who value independence above anything else. Since they have an original and creative way of thinking, Mars Aquarians can come to the rescue when others are at a loss for ideas.
Keigo is unpredictable and flexible. He actually believes that there is always space for improvement and that nothing lasts forever. Because he is the most successful, he places a high value on the people in his life.
Being with others who share his viewpoints gives him more influence and self-confidence. He is happier and more content when his ideas are accepted and put into action. Keigo finds it challenging to relate to people who don't live their lives in the same way that he does.
Aries Degree: energetic, willpower, courageous, dauntless, positive, enthusiastic, non-conformist, restless, impatient, choleric, violent, adventurous, imprudent
Mercury in Scorpio:
People born with Mercury in Scorpio are surrounded by mystery. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, full of emotions, passion and ambition. I believe Keigo is very mysterious by nature. We see he can play his role as a spy and detective extrodinarily well. He has a curious, inquisitive mind that questions everything around him.
Mercury in Scorpio gives personality and rhetoric that can sometimes seem harsh, honest and aggressive. But Mercury also gives Keigo logical thinking, and while Moon in Scorpio gives unbridled passion, Mercury in Scorpio gives reason and rationality, allowing Keigo’s decisions to be driven by logic rather than by emotion. However, he can oftentimes act impulsively, which he later regrets. Keigo has a burning desire to discover the hidden truths and mysteries of life. Everything he says or writes has a deeper meaning and is often insightful. He tends to use sharp language to express his thoughts. He is very determined when it comes to making intellectual connections and he has a high opinion of himself.
29th Degree: talks too much yet too little, workaholic, strains over every little decision
Venus in Scorpio:
The fixed water sign of Scorpio is ruled by Mars and has a neutral relationship with Venus. Scorpio is a sign of passion and sensuality, and Venus, the planet of love, rules this sign. Venus increases the inhabitants' desire for sex, romance, sensuality, and love when she is in Scorpio. Mars also exhibits violence in romantic relationships, and Keigo is sure he can get what he wants. He is capable of enduring love and loyalty, but when insulted, he stings like a scorpion and feels no remorse for those who betrayed him.
Keigo is typically seen as being very direct and decisive. He has a good sense of what he wants from life. Yet, he tends to be very private about his feelings for the people he loves. He is amorous, yet he can also be very possessive and jealous at times. He is not someone to play around with; he demands genuine commitment from his partners. He has a tendency to be overly domineering and demanding. He can occasionally come out as argumentative.
Aries Degree: warm, sympathetic, exaggerated, extreme, impulsive, hasty, passionate, prodigal, whimsical, adventurous, romantic, striking zeal for romance, romantically energetic and impatient, upfront, honest, enthusiastic, sensual, excessive sexual feelings and attraction, attractive
Mars in Capricorn:
Mars is exalted in Capricorn, a sign that Mars opposes and that is ruled by Saturn. Mars has unrestrained vitality, and Saturn creates challenges. Therefore, those who have Mars in Capricorn struggle to focus their energies in the right directions. Keigo has a sturdy, passive, and hostile personality. He typically maintains a public façade and is reticent, especially in public.
His intellect and physical strength is pretty impressive, yet he lacks the emotions necessary to create relationships and spark life. His perseverance and tenacity won't yield results right now. Despite his difficulties with emotional connection and expression, he excels in his professional life. He is frequently motivated by those in authority above him and prefers to assist others over starting his own companies. Unfortunately, the crucial virtue of emotional satisfaction is completely denied by this placement.
29th Degree: worries too much over possible plans of action and alternative paths to take. Then proceeds to take spontaneous actions against those decisions.
Planets in The Houses
Mercury in First House:
Mercury in the First House brings a person's communication skills into the world, enhancing them artistically, elevating their philosophy, and allowing them to think on a higher level. It inspires others to get out and try new things.
Mercury endows Keigo with an artistic spirit, making him a philosopher and oriented towards a higher level of thinking. Mercury can help anyone understand themselves better. However, despite his intelligence, he can become restless and jump from one thing to another. He can sometimes struggle to focus on one goal at a time.
Venus in Twelfth House:
The Twelfth House is the house of the subconscious mind, dreams, intuition, instinct, expenditure, and secrets. Venus in the twelfth house gives the native boundless creative ability and also makes them very frivolous. Venus in this house enacts charisma, great desires and the control to make those desires come true and live a life of luxury.
Venus within the Twelfth House gives Keigo great artistic energy, which he uses to gain his popularity within the art of heroism. He has tremendous wants and aspirations that push him past the limits. This position will moreover grant him to fantasize of his sexuality; he has a vivid picture of what he wants in a partner and will have endless desires. However, his reality doesn't always match his fantasy, so he may struggle to find fulfillment in a relationship. He can be neglectful and questionable in matters of love and companionship.
On the other hand, Venus gifts Keigo with a tender and compassionate heart. Venus in the Twelfth House gives the greatest pleasure and satisfaction in bed through intimacy and sex. His partner will be kindhearted and supportive, which will bring him jubilation and good fortune.
However extroverted, Keigo relishes in his alone time and solitary work. Through putting in the hard work and taking risks, this position will grant him with many advantages during adulthood. He enjoys fine wine and women, and appreciates fun parties, travel, lavish spending, and a royalty life.
Venus in the Twelfth House is also the most ideal position for accumulating wealth because he will maintain a balance between expenses and income. Keigo's diligence and wisdom will enable him to defend his rights and repel his enemies. The Twelfth House, where Venus' natural and vicariously rules, is where she is most content and happiest. His success in his profession and business increases dramatically as a result of this placement.
Mars in Third House:
Mars in the third house makes natives aggressive, gives a ton of energy to study a variety of topics and multitask, compel a person to engage in romantic relationships, and requires them to spend a lot of time and energy engaging in sexual activities. These indviduals enjoy travel and adventure because of the positive Mars in their third house.
The ability to work hard and earn money is given to Keigo by his attitudes, but communication allows him to express himself in a sharp and startling way that is beneficial to any cause or vocation.
The third house is concerned with a person's unconscious thought patterns, mind, ability to learn and plan, short journeys, writing, and study. Mars encourages inner vulnerability and wildness when it is in this house, which leads to internal turbulence and disruption of his thoughts and happiness. Because Mars is a fast-moving planet, it can cause rash decisions that can cause issues.
It is also the home of sexual desire, and having Mars in this house can make Keigo act in ways that are not considered acceptable by society. Despite his occupation, he would spend a lot of time and effort engaging in sexual activity and developing romatic relationships. He doesn't mind violating the rules and going above and beyond to fulfill his ambitions because the Third House infuses his belief system with a high level of drive.
Because Mars is strong, Keigo is lucky, strong, and attractive. Mars will have mechanical knowledge and courage, help him vanquish his adversaries, and make him an expert in any field if it aligns with the Sun and the Moon. However, it can also leave him feeling ashamed and guilty.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Day two: Morning and Evening Routines for Homra and Saru?
Of course! Thank you so much for the request and I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
Mikoto…Mikoto sleeps when he wants to sleep, gets up when he wants to get up. Routines are pretty antithetical to how Mikoto lives his life. The only constant is he always wakes up with a slight headache, an extremely full bladder, and really thirsty.
I think Totsuka was a late-night kind of guy and I do see him as someone who slept in until later in the morning. He’s a lazy morning kind of guy, who doesn’t rush to get out of bed unless he needs to pee really badly. He enjoys just kind of laying there, thinking about whatever needs to be done that day or scrolling through the internet. He takes his time really waking up, drinking strong tea or, when he is in his coffee phase, grinding the beans and going through all the steps of making just the perfect cup of coffee or a latte. He takes long showers, takes his time shaving and applying aftershave, doing his hair, changing out earrings as he feels like it. He’s not super picky about his clothes but he does put some consideration into it. All that being said, because a lot of the members of HOMRA kept late nights, including Totsuka, he doesn’t really have a nighttime routine.
Izumo does have a pretty steady routine he does follow. Because he owns and runs a bar, he can sleep a bit later, but he does aim to be up by nine to nine-thirty at the latest. He makes tea before anything else, reads or watches the news, does some paperwork he always seems to need, and then starts getting ready. He showers in the mornings, blow-dries his hair, shaves, puts on deodorant and cologne, tosses his towel in the dirty laundry basket, and then, because he does have a bit of a nudist streak in him, he does walk to his bedroom stark ass naked, where he is quite picky about deciding what to wear. After he’s ready, he normally heads out to do whatever errands or information gathering he needs to do before heading to the bar. After he gets home late into the nighttime hours, he does have a bit of a routine. He likes hot baths at night, after work, and he takes long ones. He doesn’t care if Yata once called it girly, he does like bath salts and oils too, just to make his baths extra nice. He does make sure to wash his face and brush his teeth before bed and changes into comfortable clothes to sit and watch some television before heading to bed, just unwinding.
Anna only has a strict routine because she’s made to, really. It’s mostly her age. She wakes up early and I do see her as more of a morning person than anyone else. She likes to shower and bathe in the morning, and she takes a lot of care with her hair. She really does buy into that ‘brush each section of hair 100 times for smoother, glossier hair’ and she carefully counts each brush stroke until all 100 strokes are done on each part of her hair. She does enjoy doing up her ribbons and picking pretty clothes for the day and, because she is becoming a young lady, she’s always very careful to remember deodorant and she has a body spray that Totsuka gave her that she uses religiously, because she wanted perfume, but nobody thought she was old enough to have that yet. She either eats out for breakfast or eats something premade, brushes her teeth, and finds something to occupy her time until Mikoto wakes up or Izumo or Totsuka show up. She doesn’t have a set bedtime but does tend to fall asleep earlier than anyone else in HOMRA. She normally ends up curling up and falling asleep with Mikoto or with all kinds of noise and hustle and bustle, so she doesn’t really have as strict an evening routine.
Yata is not a morning person. Not at all. His mind just doesn’t work right that early in the day and even if his body is moving, his mind just isn’t so, even if he tries to have some sort of morning routine (which he really doesn’t even try to), he’s terribly guilty of forgetting to brush his hair or his teeth or takes forever to find matching socks. His evening routine is a little bit more organized, just because he’s more awake, and I see him playing video games after coming home, just to relax, with an herbal tea mixture. He showers after that, washes his face, shaves (even though he really, really doesn’t have much need of it and it’s mostly wishful thinking), brushes his teeth, grabs a glass of water and heads into bed. He’s one of those people who fall asleep shortly after their head hits the pillow too.
Kamamoto works for his family’s liquor store and he’s up at the crack of dawn most of the time because that’s when the deliveries show up. He gets up, takes a piss, puts on deodorant, and gets dressed. He drinks a lot of coffee, because he’s running on very little sleep, and goes to work. After work, he catches a quick nap and it’s after his nap that he really puts in the work of getting ready for the day, taking his shower and all that then. He stays out late with HOMRA and he gets home really late. He doesn’t go right to bed because he needs some time to wind down and I do see him having some sort of hobby he does late at night, something kind of physical or at least with his hands.
Akagi has a part-time job that he does in between enjoying a really active social life and being a part of HOMRA. While he keeps himself clean, does work-out (normally right before bed or shortly after he wakes up), and does put care into his appearance, his hours are all over the place and he doesn’t actually have a set schedule at all for when he does any of those things, as he keeps odd hours that are constantly changing, depending on his shifts, what he has planned, etc.
Bandou hates waking up early. It’s lost him a couple part-time jobs because he just stopped showing up to early shifts. His morning routine is a very late morning routine if he has his way. He does shower in the mornings, and he shaves in the mornings, and normally remembers to brush his teeth then but other than that, he kind of just does whatever he feels like doing that particular morning. His evening routine is a lot more routine. He does keep late hours and when he gets home, he enjoys browsing the net, working on stuff on his computer, upgrading his tech skills by learning something new, or playing online games. He can easily do that for hours, so he goes to bed really early in the mornings most of the time. He does always remember to wash his face before bed, to brush his teeth, and I also think he keeps up on his manscaping late at night too because Bandou actually isn’t a big fan of his body hair (it’s kind of patchy but thick and it bothers him).
Chitose’s evening routine…well, for a lot of his time in HOMRA, it’s kind of ‘get drunk at HOMRA or find a hook-up for the night and get drunk with them’. Let’s be honest, that really is what it is. His part-time job is a late morning thing, so I do see him as someone who sleeps in a little, probably oversleeps his alarm by at least five to ten minutes, so he grabs a quick shower in the morning, throws on whatever smells clean and isn’t stained and that he thinks makes him look good, and then rushes out to his part-time job. He really ‘gets ready for the day’ only after coming home from his job, because that’s when he actually gets ready to head out.
Dewa actually has the most routine out of all the HOMRA members. He gets up in plenty of time to get ready before the part-time job I do see him having. He showers in the mornings, no matter what, because he’s never really fully awake until he showers. He brushes his teeth in the shower, despite the fact that he’ll eat or drink after doing so. While he has a very unique sense of fashion, he does really care about what he wears and what he looks like, so I see him as having a skincare routine he does in the morning and a separate one he does at night, and I do see him as someone who puts in the time into picking his clothes and accessories, shaving and doing his hair, and putting on cologne before he leaves the house for the day. He probably has a favourite coffee place (and I can totally see him being kind of a snob about it being not a chain coffee place) that he hits to grab a strong coffee and something to eat before he heads to work. In the evenings, he’s usually coming home from hanging out with friends or hanging out at HOMRA, so it’s probably late. However, he still washes his face, does his skincare routine, changes into gray sweatpants that he sleeps in, and then crashes on his couch for a little bit. I do see him as a reader, so I do think he relaxes and reads for a little bit, kind of heading to bed when he finds himself nodding off over his book.
Eric never really learned how to have a morning or evening routine. It was never something that he really had an opportunity to have, living the childhood and teenage years he did and it’s not something that comes naturally to him as an adult or that I think he’ll ever really come around to having. He really just does whatever he feels like when he feels like doing it.
Fujishima wakes up when he wakes up. It changes by the day because, much like the rest of HOMRA, he doesn’t really have a set sleep schedule. He’s the type of guy who likes to fall back to sleep, even if it’s only for another ten or fifteen minutes, after he wakes up and takes a while to crawl out of bed. He gets up, uses the bathroom, splashes some water on his face, and then heads back to his room to get dressed. I don’t think he puts a crazy amount of thought into what he wears that day. It’s whatever is clean and that he feels like wearing that day, though I do think he checks the weather on his phone before getting dressed. He is a breakfast kind of person, even if breakfast is eaten really late, so he doesn’t brush his teeth until after that. Depending on what he has planned for that day, he either leaves the house after that or hangs around the house, doing whatever work is set out for him around there. I do think he keeps pretty late hours, so bedtime is more of a ‘come in and try not to wake anyone up’ sort of deal and he mostly just uses the washroom and shaves before bed and then lays in bed, watching cute animal videos or browsing the internet.
I do think, because Fushimi is currently in Scepter 4, that he now has a much more structured approach to his life. Before, back in high school and during his time with HOMRA, I don’t think he had too stringent a morning and evening routine, but Scepter 4 is all about routine, orderliness, and structure and that’s kind of changed how he lives a little. I do think he has to wake up at a certain time (much earlier than he’d like and he’s even grumpier than normal for the first hour or so that he’s awake). He normally hits snooze at least once, then gets up and dressed before he ever leaves his room. He uses the bathroom, brushes his teeth, washes his face, combs his hair, shaves, and makes coffee or tea, depending on his mood that day. After that, he goes to work. In the evenings, I think he’s the type to work late, just to occupy his time. He has set bath times, alongside the others in Scepter 4, so he takes his bath then and either works for a little bit longer or retreats to somewhere solitary and reads. He always has a bottle of water by his bed when he goes to sleep.
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garrulousgarbage · 8 months
"And the days move on and the names of the months change and the four seasons bury one another and it is spring again and yet again and the small streams that run over the rough sides of Gormenghast Mountain are big with rain while the days lengthen and summer sprawls across the countryside, sprawls in all the swathes of its green, with its gold and sticky head, with its slumber and the drone of doves and with its butterflies and its lizards and its sunflowers, over and over again, its doves, its butterflies, its lizards, its sunflowers, each one an echo-child while the fruit ripens and the grotesque boles of the ancient apple trees are dappled in the low rays of the sun and the air smells of such rotten sweetness as brings a hunger to the breast, and makes of the heart a sea-bed, and a tear, the fruit of salt and water, ripens, fed by a summer sorrow, ripens and falls … falls gradually along the cheekbones, wanders over the wastelands listlessly, the loveliest emblem of the heart’s condition.
And the days move on and the names of the months change and the four seasons bury one another and the field-mice draw upon their granaries. The air is murky, and the sun is like a raw wound in the grimy flesh of a beggar, and the rags of the clouds are clotted. The sky has been stabbed and has been left to die above the world, filthy, vast and bloody. And then the great winds come and the sky is blown naked, and a wild bird screams across the glittering land. And the Countess stands at the window of her room with the white cats at her feet and stares at the frozen landscape spread below her, and a year later she is standing there again but the cats are abroad in the valleys and a raven sits upon her heavy shoulder."
Peake, Mervyn. The Illustrated Gormenghast Trilogy: 100 Unseen Illustrations (pp. 619-620). ABRAMS, Inc.
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loveh20 · 1 year
That salt water kiss
Moving the thermometer
From 90 to 100
Sun drenched,
We were young
And thin,
Nights of drinking,
Nights of sun,
On Sunday,
You and I said amen,
We ran into the sea,
Jaws the movie,
Was a memory,
There was love,
Young love,
That developed into
An understanding,
A slow dance of life,
A friend,
In the end,
Stands by each other,
Through thick
And thin,
On Sunday,
We said amen,
How many times have we held
Each other,
Watching the sun go down,
Listening to that silent sound,
Are the reason,
I exist,
You held on,
When I wanted to step
Off into the Abyss,
The wave swept over me,
And love was,
Just you and me,
Saturday we were full of sin,
Sunday we said amen,
As lovers,
As friends,
We begin again.
You said,
Each night before we went to sleep,
A promise to keep,
We’d kiss,
Salt water on our lips,
A daughter,
A son,
We saw our daughter leave for the UK,
A free spirit,
We saw our son marry a saint,
And climb a mountain of hope,
We saw the sun rise,
Every chance I get,
I look into your eyes,
Through every different lens,
Saturday we are full of sin,
Sunday we are saying amen,
We begin again,
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crystalbrain7 · 2 years
biography of crystalbrain
crystalbrain is a foolish idiot brain. they are composed only of the finest sugar, salt, and perhaps more illegal things, perhaps not…crystalbrain tries to maek a thought, but a thought owns them they think. they think to theirself "why do i exist" but then smells their armpits. crystalbrain sometimes says he, sometimes they, but 100% of the time is an idiot god brain. crystalbrain refuses to belieeve that the romans didnt pay their soldier dudes in salt, becuz crystalbrain doesn't want to admit they're wrong. crystalbrain rules over the entire universe and this is why the universe is so fucked. crystalbrain never got very far in parasite eve but thinks he's a "respect mah authority" on this game. crystalbrain has more video games than books in their brain. crystalbrain won't shut the fuck up and thinks stupidity is still stupid because he's stupid or maybe smart in that respect.
crystalbrain heard that if u took a piece of shit and threw them into space they would eventually turn into a crystal due to entropy, or maybe this is wrong. crystalbrain spent their youth doing speed enemas in their brainus. crystalbrain has never had a husband, a wife, or any kids that grew up to be little crystalbrains. crystalbrain has no electricity in their neurons but just really cool lightning shit that is the domain of enlightenened stupidity.
in the beginning…
…there was a tv. this tv got fucked in the ass and decided to give birth to a brain. this brain was in the fetal state inside the tv tube. after growing on disney, the maligignant semen created by priests who jack off in confessionals created quanantum shifts in reality that caused tv to explode, and one of these broken tv shards was crystalbrain. he was lodged in teh brain of an infant but no one ever knew, and having caused brain damage to this infant created a negative feedback loop of complete stupididity. the child didn't know it, but his subconscious did, that he would have to rise up and get revenenge on the priest who jacked off in the confessional and created the abominatation that is himself. this was a life-long task and there were all kinds of hurdles to complete, includuding not getting molested by anyone, learning how to avoid doing basic arithmetic, making sure that he grew up with proper non-heterosexual orientation, programming dick pics in QBASIC, and smoking copious quanitities of marijuana, crack cocaine, and meth.
part 2:
crystalbrain read the book naked lunch by william s. burroughs but he was 2 stoopid 2 understand it, even though it was written on drugs. he had hallucinations from the movie blade runner and modern society seemed to open up to him and make him a king in his own mind. the only problem was that he was aktually in rehab for going psychotic from doing lots of drugs. this was an unfortunate side effekt of being the kind of guy who smokes crack all the time, and he found taht the best course of action would be 2 make noise music. so he did this and set up a set of speakers 2 blast merzbow in front of the archdiocecese of some city or another. this caused priests 2 roll on the floor in agony clutching a knife and cutting off their pedophile genitals, but only a few boys were saved from being completely groomed and molested by catholic priest guys.
the nuns did not approve, but fortunately crystalbrain had artificial intelligence training on how to deal with nuns with machine guns. was it he that had the machine guns, or the nuns who had the machine guns in taht last sententence? it may have been both because the nuns advanced on him with machine guns and virginity on their minds but he totally wiped out like a squadron of nuns and they were black and white and red all over. this was a monumenental acheivment and he went on 2 become the king of the church for 2 minutes until the national guard arrived, but using telepathetic mind control powers he was able 2 maek the national guard become on his side, so they went rampaging through the cities leik a bunch of methed up guys with machine guns, which they aktually were since he gave them all glass pipes and huge chunks of crystal meth to smoke. anyways they were going 2 taek over whatever city but they ended up having homosexual intercourse instaed. this was expected because dudes with guns aktually want 2 fuck guys in the ass but they're too dumb 2 realize this so they shoot ppl i guess.
crystalbrain wandered the streets liek a manic preacher, telling people the gospel of drugs, but he really had kind of ruined his life because now everyone wanted him dead. so he sort of shifted down into an alternate dimension on the darkweb where there was a metaverse where dudes were selling acid and he met a dude with a bunch of cryptocurrency and they had lots of drugs. so now crystalbrain went into the school playground near the place he grew up and started telling ppl that taking LSD is fun becuz he felt bad about the idea of selling meth to kids so he just sold them acid so they would hallucinate lots of gaping maws of infininity swallowing their minds and sanity in a psychedelic void.
to be continued…
part 3:
doing hard drugs took its toll on crystalbrain but he had magical powers 2 heal his body and mind he got from a ghost in a graveyard. he had stayed up for 4 days and realized that reality was bullshit and that he had the power 2 heal his wounds liek a greek god or something. then he went 2 try 2 stop a train with his bare hands but no matter how much crack he smoked the train always knocked him out of the way. he decided 2 taek a bunch of thermite and melt the railroad tracks on a train in russia and this indeed caused a crash but it wasn't as satisisfying as making it crash by standing in front of it and punching it. he had a vision, a goal in his mind taht he would one day punch a train and it would fly into the sun and burn up. this was a dream he held on to for dear life.
one day he discovered pcp and this was indeed the cure for his ailment of not being abel to punch a train into the sun. he smoked some marijuana that was laced with pcp and suddenly he was the most powerful being in all of eternity and it felt really great. he found a train and punched it so hard that when it hit the sun it caused a solar flair that heated the earth by 10 degrees fairenheight for a couple minutes. if u ever felt hot maybe u were in his reality where this happened (in some other realities he did not succeed in stopping the train and got hit by it and died i guess but this is the good reality we're talking about where crystalbrain punched a train into the sun and maeks NFTs still).
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