#My favorite romantic and queerplatonic ships on the show (respectively)
thelostgirl21 · 9 months
One of my favorite parts of the Radskier romance?
The emotional maturity and healthy relationship expectations of Prince King Radovid when it comes to Jaskier.
Romantic infatuation needs to be nurtured to be given a chance to grow to turn into actual romantic love.
And when someone has developed an emotionally intimate (and potentially queerplatonic) relationship with another person for over 20 years; and built themselves a family also involving that closest friend's romantic partner (Yennefer) and his Child of Suprise (Ciri), you should expect that romantic interest of yours to make that family their #1 priority.
You should find their ability to deeply commit to the ones they already love, and not suddenly lose interest in them as soon as they find someone shiny and new, as a very good sign.
Because it's extremely likely that - should the romantic infatuation you now experience evolve into genuine love - they won't grow tired of you, and/or lose interest in your relationship easily.
You'll become a part of their found family, too.
Sincerely, when I met the man I've now been with for 17 years, if he'd dropped his weekly D&D game nights with the friends he'd had since he was a kid to freaking date me, I'm pretty sure I would have broken things up with him right on the spot!
Actually, one of the first things we did, when we started dating, was meet each other's closest friends, to see if we'd be a good fit in each other's lives.
You often learn so much more about a romantic interest by watching how caring and devoted they are to those they've already emotionally bonded with, than by interacting with them all on your own.
Yes, you also need to take the time to build some intimacy; but your life together as a couple, if you ever reach that stage, is going to be filled with people sharing both your hearts and your time!
There's a difference between that romantic crush of yours making the effort to integrate you into their own lives, and making time for you so you can get to truly know each other and build a connection; and them suddenly neglecting their platonic and/or alterous relationships and no longer making them a priority in their lives because "Hey, look! I've got a romantic interest now!"
If they are neglecting the people they love because you suddenly showed up, I'd consider it deeply, deeply worrying.
17 years later, my partner still plays D&D once a week (and the boys are awesome friends to us both), I have my own personal tribe (my dance troupe) that I'm deeply close to, and one of the girls came to live with us for 2 weeks Sunday night, because she broke up with her boyfriend recently, needs a place to stay, I freaking love her to death, and we're family.
When I asked my partner if he was fine with her staying over and sharing our home, there was no hesitation on his part in saying "Yes".
We care for and support our family, regardless of who our friends are the closest to.
Because, obviously, there is no need for a romantic partner to grow as emotionally close and intimate to some of your best friends as you are. Ex: They don't need to know all of their secrets, listen to them for hours, and hold them in their arms to provide emotional support when they are going through a hard time the same way you would.
But there needs to be respect and support of those relationships. They need to allow you space and time for you to listen to them for hours, and hold them in your arms to provide emotional support when they are going through a tough time.
And vice versa.
When you are helping someone you love through a tough time, the last thing you need is to be worried about your romantic partner being jealous and resentful over the time you are giving others.
And sometimes, you find yourself connecting more strongly with some of their own friends on certain matters, and suddenly becoming their confidante, too. For example, my romantic partner is a monoamorous heteroromantic heterosexual, and I'm an ambiamorous panromantic demisexual pansexual.
When one of his best friends started questioning if he might be polyamorous, and needed someone to talk with to help him figure out his feelings and how best to approach the subject with his romantic partner, my partner immediately went "It's not that I don't want to support you or listen to you, it's just that I've a feeling you should be talking to my girlfriend about this. She'll be more likely to have some intimate understanding of what you're going through, and she's been professionally trained in counseling."
He's got great respect and acceptance of queer identities (wouldn't be in a romantic relationship with me if he didn't), but he gets utterly lost in them and all the definitions and concepts.
I, however, love discussing and exploring them. So, that best friend and I got to learn a lot about each other during our talks, discovered a lot of shared interests, and grew very close.
Actually, we realized that we were extremely alike in many ways, and that Frédérick (my partner) just might have a "type" of person he's more likely to build an emotional connection with, platonically or otherwise.
I'm also aunt and godmother to wonderful children I've got absolutely no blood relations to.
Found families matter at the very least as much, if not sometimes even more, than romantic partners.
And I believe that the way Jaskier is speaking about the people he loves, the lengths and the risks he is willing to go to in order to protect them, is deeply appealing to Radovid.
In Radovid's world, relationships are commodities to be used to gain influence or power.
You "love" what serves you and makes you more politically relevant and influential, and you can potentially drop them as soon as you find something (i.e. someone) that can bring you more influence or be more useful.
He's been forced to live in a toxic, dangerous, and downright deadly environment, filled with relationships based on lies and deceit, where he had no purpose, and was deeply unhappy.
And I think that he wants to have a chance to build a family of his own based on genuine emotional connections, and/or would be delighted to be given a chance to become part of Jaskier's own found family.
He asked "does the Witcher know how lucky he is to have you?" with a sense of wonder for what it must be like to have someone love you the way Jaskier loves, and to be free to love that person back.
Besides his affection for his brother, perhaps, there was nothing holding Radovid back from leaving the castle and the only life he'd ever known behind.
And truth is, I can't even say how healthy his relationship with his brother truly was.
Most of the time, Radovid was pretty much cheering Vizimir from the sidelines and feeding into his narcissism... But, at least, his brother being King gave him an illusion of safety, I think, until the "Hedwig incident" drove home that no one - not even the freaking Queen herself - was safe with Dijkstra and Philippa around.
In terms of his own emotional, psychological, and even physical well-being, Radovid had everything to gain by getting out of there and following Jaskier.
He could thus afford to "leave everything behind" to follow someone he'd met like 5 times in total in his life. In this context, Radovid truly was choosing himself as much as he was choosing Jaskier.
But Jaskier? He's got a family having made a permanent home in his heart, people that he loves, people that rely on him, and emotional connections that he'd give everything to protect.
And so, Radovid chose to help Jaskier keep his own heart safe, by offering to go help him find and protect his family. He wants to be there with and for him.
Radovid very much seems to understand that Jaskier's family means everything to him. He gets it. That's likely one of the reasons why he finds him so special and attractive in the first place.
Jaskier having a family to go to, and having built bonds of love and loyalty, is what makes it worth it for Radovid to leave everything behind for a potential partner that is healthy enough not to.
Jaskier's a freaking keeper, and that prince is smart enough to know one when he finds one!
And, by showing his full respect and support of Jaskier's other close relationships, Radovid is demonstrating that he'd likely be a good romantic partner to him as well.
Someone that would love all of him, including the parts of Jaskier that Radovid would have to share with others.
Perhaps that's why if it weren't for the writers themselves being a potential threat to their relationship, I could definitely see it work.
Of all the people in his life, Jaskier approached that relationship essentially telling Radovid: "This is who I am an what matters to me... The idea of fully settling down at court gives me urticaria; but I'd be willing to do it, at least for a time, if that kept my little niece and her adoptive parents - the people I love more than anything in the word - safe from threats. I'm not always in the mood for songs, or especially "entertaining" to have around. I've been broken hearted and hurt before, and have developed certain trust issues when it comes to relationships... I'm deeply loyal and devoted to those that have gained my trust and have grown very emotionally intimate with... I might lash out to protect my heart, but reassess in light of new evidence that the other person was hurting, too, and trying to keep their own head above water (or downright on their shoulders). I can forgive mistakes and still love regardless... Oh, and from that whole scene you witnessed with Vespula when we first met, I'm assuming that you've already deduced I sort of have a strong, adventurous approach to my sexuality, and am not exactly the monoamorous kind. Should we ever form a romantic couple, I can't guarantee I won't also have other sexual encounters with some of my dearest friends, but also potentially strangers."
And Radovid's like "Yup! That's the man for me, and I'd love to follow you out there in the world if you'll have me!"
So, it's hard for me not to feel at least a bit optimistic.
And, while Radovid obviously can no longer do that (follow him into the world, that is... At least, for now...), I think he might have a realistic enough approach to life and relationships that, should Jaskier try to offer him creative solutions to make it work as best they can in a world filled with uncertainties, he might be able to listen to his ideas, offer solutions of his own, and adapt.
They're two brilliantly empathetic queer boys in love... They've got it!
If they aim for anything conventional or traditional, they're screwed (and not in the fun way)!
If they make their own rules, and design the relationship to fit the way they love rather than how others would want them to love (i.e. pay no heed to what others say to sing, by going with their own needs instead) there's a world of possibilities for them to explore together.
They could have enough together, and be enough for each other.
And, from the way Radovid's been listening to everything Jaskier's been saying (and singing) since they met, and showing a concern for his own safety, well-being and happiness, given the opportunity, he just might be the one to surprise Jaskier and show some very creative thinking of his own.
Because when Radovid decided that what suited him in life was to help Jaskier protect his family, he immediately went into problem solving mode, was very effective, and showed resourcefulness (forget about baths! I need you to take my cloak and everything I have with fur to turn them into money that might help us on our journey).
He's like Jaskier's own Jaskier, in a sense.
"Look, I'm growing very attached to that guy, and if keeping his family safe is such a huge part of who he is, then I'm going with him to look after him!"
Can you imagine if Radovid had successfully gotten out of that castle, though?
You have Geralt ready to declare war on anyone that stands between him and his daughter.
Jaskier coming along to help rescue Ciri and look after Geralt.
And Radovid coming along to help rescue Ciri and look after Jaskier.
Geralt: This is Jaskier, my emotional support bard... and Radovid, my emotional support bard's emotional support Prince.
This is like Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster's intern, having her own intern.
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Next thing you know...
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Seriously though, each part of the season had such different vibes...
Season 3, part 1: Finally! Jaskier's been adopted into a forever home, and he's got people looking after him and openly appreciating him now! Was about time!
Season 3, part 2: JFC! Not again! *Heavy sigh* Can someone please, please adopt that ridiculous puppy of a Prince?! He needs a forever home and people to look after him, too!
So really, when it comes to how Radovid appears to be handling relationships, that freaking sense of entitlement and self-importance that would have him become a villain absolutely isn't there.
Book Radovid was a 13-year-old boy that was deeply upset that no one noticed him and his mother, and showed them the respect he believed they were owed!
He couldn't wait to show the world what he could do!
He was portrayed as an immature entitled brat to begin with!
This version of Radovid is the exact opposite.
He's like "Look, I'm just useless to the crown and terrible at politics, spying and being a prince... I just want to follow my heart and get out of here!"
He doesn't want the world to see or notice him, he's constantly hiding himself in window alcoves, corners, and trying to make himself as small as he can, for frak's sake!
He even introduced himself to Jaskier going "Ah, Radovid... Comma Prince", putting his Royal identity last.
At first, I thought it was done for humorous purposes, but it's quite telling, actually.
Being "Prince" is like some ball and chain he's been dragging behind him, weighting him down, rather than a source of pride and personal worth.
Having him magically turning into a villain would make absolutely no sense...
I'm not saying they won't do it. But the character's psychological foundations are miles away from the infamous "dark triad".
Will he allow Philippa and Dijkstra to do terrible things in his name? Perhaps. Stockholm syndrome might kick in, and he might find himself emotionally bonding with them to survive and make sense of a world that would otherwise drive him mad.
As someone that's been trauma bonded to a malignant narcissistic mother for almost 3 decades, I know how powerful Stockholm syndrome can be as a psychological protective mechanism.
But I can't fathom Radovid being inherently cruel or tyrannical.
Convincing himself that Dijkstra and Philippa really "like him" and are looking out for him and the Kingdom's best interests because of being unable to face how hopelessly fucked he is? Sure!
Now that he's been violently thrown into the spotlight and deprived of his usual safety mechanisms, Dijkstra and Philippa might capitalize on this by brainwashing him into perceiving them as "misunderstood", and the only people that have ever truly cared about him and/or respected him.
Survival instincts can be a bitch to fight at times and totally cloud your mind. The absence of cruelty becomes read as "kindness", and your ability to comply with their expectations becomes perceived as a way to "control" what happens to you. And thus, you wind up feeling like you have power over the actions of your abusers (the real threat) through your ability to constantly pacify them.
So yeah, if you want to use Stockholm syndrome to make him go against his very nature, and fall prey to the mind controlling skills of two very dangerous people, with very high sociopathic tendencies?
Yeah, that could realistically happen. And Jaskier would become the most dangerous adversary they would ever be facing in the whole freaking Continent.
Every platonic, alterous, or romantic friend or love interest of mine, that my mother didn't approve of and couldn't fully seduce and control, too, she would make sure to drive away.
My mother only ever tolerated the friends and lovers that fed her own ego and reinforced the level of influence she had on my environment and myself.
And it usually worked. I would be adopting her P.O.V. on my relationships, and breaking up with significant others to avoid risking to lose her approval.
Until I met someone that made me feel so unconditionally loved, respected, and emotionally safe - someone that was capable of loving me the way I was, resolve conflicts without seeking to dominate or control me, and always strove for "win-win" scenarios and balance between my needs and his - that her attempts to play the victim and "expose him as the true threat" to my happiness and well-being utterly failed.
Stockholm syndrome / trauma bonding can be broken by someone showing you that you'll have people that love you, support you, will believe you, and will be there to fight by your side should you be brave enough to oppose your aggressor(s) and attempt to break free from their control.
Your mind will start noticing their violence, and let you realise you've never been safe with them when you stop subconsciously believing that you have no way of ever truly escaping their influence, and the situation is hopeless.
So yeah, if Radovid believes everyone in the castle is under Dijkstra and Philippa's control, and there's no one he can trust to follow any order that would go against their will, he might comply, do what they want, and instinctively create a narrative in his mind that would give them the role of allies and protectors.
But Jaskier's one of the most influencial voices of the Continent. "Blood Origin" (that I absolutely loved, by the way... Don't know what so many people seemed to have against it...), was all about showing the power of stories, and the way they could be used to bring Empires down.
Jaskier could likely break their hold on Radovid, and put the power back in his hands, if it ever came down to it.
So, having Radovid become "dangerous" to others, by adopting Dijkstra and Philippa's P. O. V. without being psychologically able to fight their influence on his own until someone makes him snap out of it, and offers him better alternatives?
It's believable.
But him inherently being a genocidal maniac at his core? That would make zero sense. He's way too empathetic and caring about the emotional well-being of others for that.
Jaskier: "I need to find my family."
Radovid: "Here, let me give up my claim to the throne, sell my valuables, and come help you rescue those you love because you need my help, and I want to be there with you."
Yes... That's... That's what sociopaths do... And they weep over their dead guards' bodies while hiding in corners, especially when they're alone and have no one to put a show for.
That's how people start burning witches at the stake. Makes sense...
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Hanleia, Wrightworth and Klavipollo for the ship ask!!
I love these two. The Legends canon is my preferred Han/Leia, but original trilogy Han/Leia is a close second. Sequel trilogy Han/Leia is my least favorite and I haven't really seen any of the new Extended Universe versions of them, but... since their endpoint is now the sequel trilogy I imagine I wouldn't be super thrilled by them.
Why do I ship it?: So I was first exposed to Star Wars at a very young age as part my dad's successful scheme to turn me into a sci-fi nerd. Which means Han/Leia might be my very first belligerent UST ships. While I do find Han's behavior on the Falcon during The Empire Strikes Back a bit questionable, ultimately in Return of the Jedi he was willing to back off when he thought he'd misread Leia's interest in him and that she was actually in love with Luke. I think that's ultimately why I like them as a ship so much - they bicker and it's fun to listen to; yet while they may push each others buttons, Han respects Leia's boundaries and agency when it counts.
What are your favorite things about the ship?: So, as I mentioned, I like them best in the Legends EU best, especially once they get married. Han is always supportive of Leia, Leia loves Han for who he is and not who she thinks she can 'fix' him to be, and they are such good parents once the twins and then Anakin show up. They still bicker and tease each other, but they've learned to communicate extremely well.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?: I don't know that I do. I don't like that they're broken up in the sequels. While I get that love might not be enough to keep them together after their son decided to become a white supremacist... er... Sith wannabe, they just aren't really the characters I grew up with. But as I'm not the only person who feels that way, it's hardly an unpopular opinion.
Why do I ship it?: I think the moment I learned they were childhood friends and the Phoenix had become a lawyer in order to see Miles again, I was hooked. And once Miles learns the truth about his past, the way he relaxes around Phoenix is just delightful. The two of them care about each other and are soft for each other and I adore that so much.
What are your favorite things about the ship?: Their unwavering faith in each other. Phoenix never once believes that Miles is a murderer. And when Phoenix is disbarred, Miles never really believed that Phoenix would fake evidence. And when they need each other? They show up. When Miles wouldn't protect himself, Phoenix insisted on protecting him over Miles' protests. And when Phoenix was in over his head when Maya was kidnapped, Miles jumped at the opportunity to come back to help.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?: Probably not for this either? I do see both of them being arospec, so me interpreting their relationship as being queerplatonic instead of romantic would probably be an unpopular headcanon amongst the arophobic, but who cares what arophobes think anyway?
Why do I ship it?: They're adorkable. Klavier is a cheerful menace and Apollo is a bit of a nervous wreck and I really enjoy the way their dynamics play off each other.
What are your favorite things about the ship?: Klavier has very understandable reasons to dislike Apollo and instead he still adores his precious Herr Forehead. Apollo was involved in unveiling that beneath their smiling facades both Klavier's brother and best friend were calculating murderers. And yet Klavier clearly continues to enjoy Apollo's company. Apollo is clearly confused by Klavier's attention, but that's just part of the fun of their interactions.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?: Not really.
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sunsetcarnation264 · 2 years
Within the series there are couples that have a more romantic/platonic development than others, according to your perspective, what would those couples be?
Inch resting question, anon Obviously Spova has a lot of romantic development, so that out of most ships. Gibotto would be right behind it in my opinion, due to Gibson gaining more respect for Otto and thinks more of him (AS HE SHOULD) as the show goes on. Chinmay shares Gibotto's place for, well, obvious reasons lol. It would share first spot with Spova, but *cries* I wanted more episodes with these two being the most wholesome couple ever damn it. Ottova would be third, mainly because of the Savage Lands episodes lol and Gibarx shares this place With every other ship... Unfortunately, they're behind those few ships since we don't get a lot of focus on Gibson and Nova's and Antauri and Sprx's dynamics, which I'm really fuckin sad about because I love these two interacting and also I still CRAVE THE QUEERPLATONIC SHIPS, FEED ME DISNEY- If polyships are involved, Poly monkeys, imo, is just a combination of all characters in individual ships having interactions with each other so obviously best ship here /j and it would trump everything else and be first. Then we have SlingChinmay, which... Doesn't have a lot, since Slingshot/Prometheus 5 only had one episode. I'm upset, we should've had more eps with him in them and him meeting Jinmay And that's just with the ships I like lol, I'm definitely missing some but if I included every ship ever in the show I'll be here forever
EDIT: I FUCKING FORGOT CHISPRX. HOW DO I FORGET MY SECOND FAVORITE SHIP IN THIS SHOW. With Chiro and Sprx, at least in the platonic area, they’re high up there. Good amount of interaction, tho I dunno about there being more development. Good grief I’m ashamed of myself lmao how do I forget to add this in XD
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
💕 - BNHA?
Blessed with anons today let's talk My Hero ships.
Over on my main I have this shipping chart that I made last year that goes over a lot of the main cast's dynamics in my mind. It's a little out dated though so I'm excited to talk about it again
Also this one too got a little long so under the cut it goes
I am once again showing my entire ass here as when a fandom has a lot of characters I tend to pick my favorite and ship them with everyone, and said favorite for MHA is my wonderful son Neito Monoma
Right off the bat my absolute favorite is Monoma/Ojiro/Shinso. I'm fully obsessed with them, the ABC of polycules I adore
I was super attached to Monoma/Aoyama for a while there as well, just for the French Fan vibes of it
Monoma/Izuku is solid, cute, possibility for fluff
Momona/Bakugo is better, rougher, harsher, cannot stop being mean to eachother for a second
My boyfriend has shown me the light that is Monoma/Kirishima and I refuse to elaborate but it's god tier
I saw Monoma/Iida exactly once and I've never recovered they do not mesh well but I think it'd be funny
Monoma/Sero is just a one sided crush I thought about for a while when Monoma was speaking in my headspace at all times
Monoma/Honenuki is very good, the no energy and too much energy
Never minded Monoma/Kendo, especially as queerplatonics
Monoma/Tetsutetsu, smartass and his enabler himbo
Monoma/Mirio is funny to me because Mirio is so so SO mean to Monoma for no reason and I think Monoma really looks up to Mirio
Monoma/Mei queerplatonics in a very Aro way
Monoma/Kuroiro feels very age regresser and carer to me and I'm never letting it go, little baby Kuroiro
Ah ha. I'm biased. Now to literally everyone else.
The age old Izuku/Bakugo is strong in my heart I will not lie. They were dating in elementary in my head.
Also basic but Bakugo/Kirishima is just as up there if not more so I am not immune to bro but romantic
Iida/Mei but Mei is aromantic and Iida did not consent to being her boyfriend but he is
Iida/Ochaco was my first My Hero Ship believe it or not he’s got the money she wants and also respects her so much and also the Bi/Pan energy of the two of them. Solid.
Same vein quickly fell for Ochaco/Bakugo?? He respects her, sees her as an equal, and she honestly almost has him. I think she could kick his ass and he is really in to that.
Uraraka/Toga is *Chefs kiss* obsessive girlfriend, unhinged, cat like relationship. Babe what's in your MOUTH
Kirishima and Mina dated in middle school
Todoroki/Inasa is something I post about often I adore them so much the height different the Very Much that is Inasa and chill that is Shoto
But also Shoto/Inasa/Tenya is very very very solid two wide chest loud autistics and their scrawny quiet boyfriend and they all kiss
Alone in this one but I think Koda/Shoji is really really cute they both give the best hugs in the class and should hug more often
Tokoyami/Aoyama is 10/10 raven and love for shiny things cute. Include Dark Shadow as her own person and make it a polycule
Kuroiro/Tokoyami darkness on darkness edgy teens role playing a darker tale in the darkness. I love them. Kuroiro very certainly has a crush on Tokoyami
Even better tho Kuroiro/Komori?? He has such a crush on her he is so quiet she has been talking about mushrooms for 43 minutes and he has heard every word and loves her. "Excuse me. He asked for no pickles"
Kendo/Tetsu is very "THAT'S MY WIFE!!!!!" energy and that's my favorite kind of male energy. What a himbo
Tamaki/Mirio/Nejire/Yuyu 3rd year polycule is everything to me. Tamaki can and will swear but only when Nejire is pissing him off on purpose
I am not immune to Aizawa/Hizashi friends to lovers to old married couple propaganda.
Same vein is Vlad/Houndog tho as they are the exact same situation same age same time period just class B flavored
One more then would be the wlw flavored version which is Midnight/Ms. Joke. Love them.
While we're talking about UA Alumni; Tensei and Koichi had like. A thing. He flirted mega hard core with him in Vigilantes and I think they made out real hard
Toshinori/David as well had something going on in collage and certainly still have feelings for one another and I love that for them
All Might/Sir Nighteye as well. Had a thing, broke up, was still in love with him till the very end
Every once in a while I get a glimpse at the glory that is All Might/Fatgum and I simply must admire it. Just sweet yellow heroes being sweet. Self ship polycule possibilities
Fatgum/Rappa is FANtastic and should be around more honestly. The obsession. The roughness. The big boyfriend possibilities. More self ship polycule thoughts all the time
Toga/Twice isn't one I talk about often but the vibes are so there. He loves her so much he can barely stand it
Gentle/LaBrava was so very much my gender I'm so incredibly in love with them I hope they get married by the end of the series
Compress/Gentle queerplatonics
Compress/Magne queerplatonics as well
Kurogiri/Compress has grown on me in fandom only
Twice/Compress is ideal mostly because self ship polycule reasons
Tomura/Suichi is the peak of Shigiraki ships for me. They are gamer boyfriends. They are a boss and his right hand. They are against the world together.
Shigiraki/Dabi/Hawks was something I was following for a while and it's faded in and out sense Twice's death
Hawks/Endeavor is the same kind of thing, a friend got me into it with his self ship dynamic but sense he's stopped talking about it I've been back and forth on it. Homewrecker slut Hawks is funny tho
Tomura/Izuku is very very good in my opinion especially villain Izuku raised by OFA along side Tomura like brothers?? Lovely. Canon's good too don't get me wrong. I just love them as bros raised to replace AFO's brother. Parallels
Speaking off All For One/Yoichi is my brainrot. Love a brother who's so obsessed with his brother he'd do anything to bring him back over and over and over again. He's off his rocker. I love it
Any combination of AFO/All Might, AFO/Izuku, or AFO/Tomura all hit the above for me perfectly and I adore it to no end
Exact opposite energy is Toshinori/Izuku which I think is sweet and cute at times
Toshinori/Bakugo tho is PEAK. Bakugo AGGRESSIVELY taking care of All Might because the old fool won’t take care of himself. Serious Tsundere action. “Young Bakugo”. I think they’re sweet and love a chance to housewife Katsuki Bakugo
I could be convinced to get on the Rody/Izuku train, purely by my nephew who saw the movie with me and was concerned Izuku was going to cheat on Bakugo with Rody.
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artellip · 4 years
Representation Matters?
I'm kinda tired now, but hear me out.
Growing up, I've always been surrounded by books. Movies. Narratives. Stories. And while they took me to far-off worlds and show me unrealistic but kind of cute relationships between characters, I've known, or felt, that there was always something missing even though I didn't know what it was. I had only realized it when I watched a sports anime back in high school and started wondering about how intricate and deep these two characters' relationship were and imagined what if there was something more? Of course this started the shipping phase, seeing the potential of relationships going a level deeper, more complicated. At first platonically, and then romantically. Because both were delicate and very much valid. But this was different, because I was wondering about two boys, rather than a girl and a boy, which I very much grew up with.
And then I started reading fanfiction, ones that had two canonically platonic, even queerplatonic, same sex characters getting together or realizing how much they meant to each other that they couldn't really stay as friends, because they were in love . Those kind. I started reading BL and GL Manga because they had that kind of dynamic I was starting to look for. But almost all of them were romance focused, there was always sex, and had all that love story shenanigans, even the problematic ones. At this point I was getting tired of romance centered plotlines, but I devoured them because I was searching for that one thing I never knew I needed: queer stories. Why?
At first, I thought it was because by then I had already talked to queer people, heard their stories; their struggles. By the time I entered college, I started fighting for them, with them. I wanted queer stories for the LGBTQ+ community because they deserved to be represented and heard. It was my only reason for some time, until it just wasn't.
I searched for queer stories because I was in the closet.
I was in the midst of an identity crisis, and I guess, subconsciously, I was looking for comfort, perhaps solace, a pat on the back, some words of encouragement.. not just for them, but for me.
But I realized there was not much to see especially in TV series and books. I realized I'd have to spend my time searching for queer stories that weren't so sexualized, mocked or even made fun of. And in the midst of all that, I realized those stories weren't so much told because they were considered taboo and abnormal in the real world. And it hurt. It hurt because I realized I was queer, and our existence didn't matter so much that it wouldn't warrant any good representation, and even if there were, there were only scraps of it, buried deep into ink blotted papers of forgotten books or even passing dialogues in television series and movies. And there were so little I was even already happy with mere passing comments of actors and directors and authors confirming queer coded characters and plot lines.
And then, I came to know queerbaiting. It was different from shipping characters together, at least for me. It gave me false hopes, and then it made me feel bad about it because I tried to see past the platonic due to the subtext. Don't get me wrong. I love platonic and queerplatonic relationships, even moreso between a girl and a boy (more on that matter some time) but I always feel robbed despite it because I've always been surrounded by that kind of relationship especially between two girls or two boys. Merlin and Arthur? John and Sherlock? Spock and Kirk? Hell, animes are full of them. Naruto and Sasuke, most sports anime (really, all those tension? You expect me not to ship them as more than friends?). They were lovely platonic and queerplatonic ships that I cared so much about. But was it too much to ask for some romantic queer relationships that were built on trust and friendship? I guess it was.
(I'd always wanted to point out that romantic ships between two men or women don't invalidate platonic and even queerplatonic ships, especially canon ones, and hoping a romantic one over a platonic one doesn't necessarily mean one is inferior over the other, and I know that it applies vice versa as well.)
Then Yuri On Ice came, and I thought it was just another queerbaited sports anime, but it proved me wrong. I remember crying in the bathroom after one scene that confirmed queerness and a queer romantic relationship which wasn't even sexualized or mocked. It felt like as if my heart would burst because after all those years, i felt so validated. I felt so alive. I realized how ashamed I was for who I am, and someone, something, telling me in the most profound way that I existed, that I mattered enough to be represented, that I matter , was a defining moment of my growth: I am queer and I am here.
Books with queer characters made its way to my local bookstore (Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda, the Proxy series, The Red Queen Series, The Song of Achilles, there were so many I was moved when I saw them in the stands, not hidden, but there for the world to see). It became clear to me just how much I was deprived. More and more TV series came forward with their own queer characters and stories . Person of Interest's, Root and Shaw was one of my favorites. Connor and Oliver from How to Get Away with Murder, Grey's Anatomy handling of queer characters, Korra and Asami from Legend of Korra, even Steven Universe and games like Stardew Valley where we can make our own narrative. I even watch Thai BL now. There were so much content now that my younger self would have loved and accepted, and I know, from my soul, they would have felt like they belonged.
For the first time in a long time, I am a bit hopeful, even just a little bit.
There's still prejudice, homophobia and fear lurking in the storytelling industry - whether that be books, games, movies, comics, or series. I doubt that would even go away. Hell, I still see some people invalidate romantic ships when it's canonically platonic. I still see queerbaiting. I still feel hopeless in terms of representation. Sometimes I still even invalidate myself. It's hard, to be frank. It's a heavy thing to carry. Wanting to feel alive, wanting to be reminded that I am valid despite my own queerness and in spite of it, wanting for at least a little comfort, for a little representation.
I'm into Supernatural now. And while the meta writers have spent years trying to predict or at least understand the text and subtext between Cas and Dean, and then seeing that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance it might be different this time, that perhaps they can be endgame after all, I'm 99% sure that probably won't happen. Perhaps platonically it will soar, and it will be added to the long list of deep platonic relationships with genius subtext. And while I'll be glad with it, I'll even probably devour it, I know a part of me will be disappointed, a sinking feeling rising in my gut as my lips move and Ill say, "Oh. It was an almost".
I'm used to being deprived, and the worst part of it? It isn't fine, but I have to suck up and be okay with it.
But perhaps, one day I'll stop apologizing for wanting a bit more good representation and respect.
Perhaps one day I'll stop apologizing for who I am.
And maybe, just maybe, one day, we wouldn't have to debate whether we should exist or not
- in creative spaces, narratives and other alternate worlds that stemmed from our ability to recreate stories and mirror human life.
Maybe one day we'll even be able to exist without question.
Maybe one day.
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lostgirlrewatch · 4 years
Lost Girl as I see it
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Lost Girl first aired on September 12, 2010 on the Canadian network Showcase. It was created by Michelle Lovretta, who was also showrunner for the first season (along with Peter Mohan apparently) and wrote several episodes, including the pilot and season one finale. It was really popular in Canada, and it was pretty groundbreaking in the way it portrayed sexuality. In today’s world, we are blessed with many gay characters and ships on TV, flawed and incredibly flawed as they are. But in 2010, this was not so. Lost Girl was pretty unique. And not just because of the gayness, but because of its unapologetic approach toward sex in general.
But the show is groundbreaking to me personally for another reason entirely. Lost Girl is, at its heart, a love story between its two main characters, Bo and Kenzi. A platonic love story, but one that is just as powerful if not more so than any romantic one they possibly could have told. If the concept of soul mates existed, Bo and Kenzi would be it. Any other interpretation of the show, like the idea of it being a love story between Bo and Lauren, for instance, just does not jive with me. Doesn’t ring remotely true, though you can have that interpretation if you’d like.
Lost Girl is often hit or miss. It has low budget special effects, oftentimes corny dialogue and subpar acting, and is just generally full of camp. It never tries to disguise Buffy’s influence. It tries to mimic the supernatural campy found family vibe that that show made a genre out of, and oftentimes falls well short of it. Is it a Buffy knockoff? Like with most Buffy knockoffs, the answer is yes and no. But in spite of its obvious roots, it sets itself apart in a couple of crucial ways, like its approach to sexuality, and manages to find its own unique voice. It has a lot of duds, like, a lot. There’s a lot of shit to slog through, hence my clever icon where Kenzi is covered in dirt. But in the midst of that shit are some fucking gems of episodes, and I shit you not, some fantastic fucking writing.
Yes, it can be cringey. But I cannot stress this enough. In terms of Bo and Kenzi’s relationship alone, no other show even attempts what (I feel) Lost Girl manages to achieve. I have legitimately never seen another show sell a central platonic female friendship this hard. In any other show, Bo and Kenzi’s relationship would slowly but surely fall by the wayside and they would become less important to each other, less present in each other’s lives, as they each grew closer to their respective love interests. That’s just how it works with fiction, usually. The romantic relationships would gradually become the more significant ones in each character’s life. 
But this show never does that, in its entire 2010-2013 run. Bo and Kenzi each have a series of love interests, even endgame love interests (though we will never know for sure because of how the show ended after Season 3), and those relationships are incredibly important for both of them. But the story is not about those relationships. The story is about them. Bo and Kenzi are consistently each other’s call to action, their inspiration, and most importantly of all, their home and family. They choose each other again and again. The story begins with them choosing each other. Theirs is an active love. They are each other’s heart. It’s a love story. It’s not about romance or destiny, but about family, about choosing to care about someone. And you know what? Still totally platonic.
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No other show does this, or at the very least no other show manages to pull this off quite this successfully. In other shows, if the platonic relationship isn’t diminished in importance, it’s made romantic. Even my favorite show of all time, Revolutionary Girl Utena, kinda does this. (And for the record, I LOVE that show for doing exactly that! But my point still stands. They gay.)
Bo and Kenzi’s friendship was so important to me in high school, but now as an adult having come to realize I am an aromantic/asexual person (or at least very much on that spectrum), it is even more important to me. It’s not a queerplatonic relationship, not exactly--like I said, they each still have legit love interests. It’s--well, it’s family, I guess. It’s better than family, because it’s chosen family. It’s soul mates.
As much as I wish I could have said something more profound about the show, something it deserves, I’m not actually very good with words when it really counts. Before I dive in to my episode thought dumps, I will leave it with this. Make fun of Lost Girl all you like for its cheesy shit and oftentimes subpar writing, but consider this. The show is truly unique, a phenomenon if you will, in that it somehow manages to boast both the greatest written character in all of television, and the worst written character in all of television. In the same show. Pretty crazy, right?
Tfw it’s a gay show and the best character is straight. F (In my gay show? It’s more likely than you think.)
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dork-empress · 4 years
Ship ask: Rayllum (TDP) or Steli (ToA)
porque no los dos?
when or if I started shipping it.
Romantically I think it took practically until they had their first kiss, but I think platonically it was when Rayla first went to fetch the cube from the winter home.  • my thoughts:
I think they are excellent foils of one another, both unsure of themselves and their place in the world, both forced into a conflict they dont want to be in and trying to recover from it, both finding their own way, separate from the path that had been set out for them.  • What makes me happy about them:
They! are! so! supportive! of! each! other! and also like. they have their own character stories and arcs separate from each other? OH and also the show didn’t stick us in an endless loop of will they wont they. any conflict between them doesn’t seem contrived.  • What makes me sad about them:
I guess the only thing about them being together and an official couple is that we don’t get cool queerplatonic pals, but I can get over that.  • things done in art/fic that annoys me:
I haven’t seen much, but i think anything that puts a love triangle with claudia (not a poly thing, but those annoying love triangles) would be annoying.  • things I look for in art/fic:
Them just being sweet. also the scene where Callum saves her is cool.  • Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Hm, I suppose Claudia’s a good choice for either of them, once she goes through some redemption. And then flying girl from the latest season would be cool for Rayla as an enemies to friends to lovers sitchiation. • My happily ever after for them:
Honestly, I don’t want to know if they grow up and get married or have kids or any of that happily ever after stuff. Its fine in fanfic, but for the show, I just want to see these kids comfort each other and be happy together for NOW, not forever.  • what is their favorite non-sexual activity?
I think just hanging out together doing their own thing would be nice. Callum drawing, Rayla....I dunno, practicing with knives? something laid back. 
when or if I started shipping it.
During the first Creepslayerz ep, Duh!! • my thoughts:
I know bully tropes can be harmful, but I think these two balance each other out really well once they work through their own personal garbage (Eli’s self confidence and Steve’s anger tendencies) • What makes me happy about them:
Steve gaining respect for the Cute Nerd • What makes me sad about them:
The bully trope. also the whole other romances thing.  • things done in art/fic that annoys me:
Infantalizing or feminizing Eli. I mean, yeah, more guys who can show their feminine side, but a lot of the time it feels like making him the ““““girl”“““ • things I look for in art/fic:
MUTUAL SUPPORT!!! Also fascination and interest in the other’s hobbies.  • Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
I don’t MIND Staja. I just...like Steli more....and Kreli can be cute too I could see it.  • My happily ever after for them:
I think they come back together when they’re older and have worked out some of their childhood issues, and then fall back together.  • what is their favorite non-sexual activity?
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arofili · 4 years
Innumerable Stars 2020 Letter :)
Hello lovely creator, thanks for writing for me in Innumerable Stars 2020! I’m very excited and grateful for whatever you create for me <3
This letter will restate my DNWs, list my likes, give you a brief rundown of my canon preferences, and then dive into specific prompts for each of my requests. I’ll warn you upfront that I tend to ramble, so feel free to skip prompts that don’t interest you and/or use ctrl+F to search for whatever it is you want to write for. I’ve named each of my requests based on the basic idea within it, so hopefully that will be helpful for you!
Unrequested dub-con
Abusive/Neglectful parenting (especially wrt Fëanor)
Sibling incest, parent-child incest (cousin pairings are fine)
Unhappy/Unhopeful endings (unless otherwise specified)
Character or ship bashing
Hanahaki/any scenario where unrequited love is physically damaging
Soulmates, especially soulmate AUs (soul bonds are OK, if there is choice involved)
Porn without plot (Porn with plot is fine!) - the exceptions to this are Russingon and Finrod ships
Food involved in sex
Unrequested Modern AU
Non-trans mpreg
If you’re writing a slash ship where the characters are/were married to/involved with someone outside the ship, please don’t have the character(s) hate their spouse or not have been actually in love with them (the one exception is, again, Finrod; I’m fine with him and Amarië not having been actually in love, but please don’t do this for anyone else, especially not Fëanor)
Hobbit/LOTR-specific DNWs:
The concept of a dwarven “One”
Any Fíli pairing
Legolas or Gimli paired with anyone other than each other
no smut for these fandoms, please
Silm-specific DNWs:
Evil/irredeemable/incel Maeglin
Elwing bashing
Fëanorian bashing
Over the top Fëanorian apologism (they did bad stuff; it was at least partially their fault. you don’t have to address that, necessarily, but don’t rewrite the story to claim they were blameless)
Fingon with a wife
Fingon or Maedhros ships that don’t take Russingon into account (polyamory, an open relationship, Mae with someone after Finno dies or vice versa for an AU, them with other people while they’re separated on the Ice/in Angband - all of these scenarios are fine, but in the end I need them to be with each other first and foremost)
Elvish re-embodiment after death being an actual, literal rebirth that requires the characters to have a second childhood; I much prefer them being granted a new hröa in their prime (feel free to explore what “in their prime” means, though, especially wrt scarred and disabled elves)
Gen fic
Found family
Family dynamics
Loving families, even when things get complicated
Friendship, intense/important platonic relationships
Relationships that defy categorization
Queerplatonic relationships
Queer headcanons (especially aromantic-spectrum headcanons)
Trans/nonbinary headcanons (genderbending is also fine, but I prefer trans/nb hcs)
Angst with a happy ending
Gray morality
Explorations of magic
Most tropes
Fanon and fandom tropes
Deconstruction/Inversion of fanon and fandom tropes
Interspecies relationships
Secret relationships
Secret relationships coming to light
Secret kids (especially secret peredhil!)
Giving ships OC kids
OCs interacting with canon characters (please no OCs without any canon characters around)
Confessions of love
First times
Redemption, forgiveness, mercy
Ironic foreshadowing
Canon divergence AUs/X Lives AUs
Fairy tale AUs
Politics and scheming
Resolving conflicting canonical details
Historical/Narrative bias affecting what is and isn’t “canon” (to an extent; changing motivations, consequences, etc is great, but please don’t ignore canon entirely)
Elrond & Elros having complicated relationships with both their bio and adoptive parents
Names fitting the time period (Quenya names in Valinor, please; if this is difficult for you, that’s okay, no pressure, but I do strongly prefer it)
Names having a lot of thought put behind them (does the character go back to their original Quenya name upon rebirth? or do they keep their Sindarin name? or come up with something else entirely? do they hate their new Sindarin name and resent having to use it, or do they embrace it? As long as you put some thought into it, I’m sure I’ll like whatever you decide!)
Author’s notes where you explain your thought process, if you want; I love hearing how the story took shape!
Preferences re: Canon:
LaCE compliance is always completely optional. If you do want to include it, that’s great, but if you just want the characters to fuck without having that be an issue, go for it. I love explorations of LaCE that take into account the exceptions, boundaries, definitions, etc; I also love takes that emphasize that they are Laws and Customs, not biological imperatives.
I’m not picky about my Amrod deaths. He can die at either Losgar or Sirion (or, hell, some other time/place if you make it interesting enough!), whatever works best for the story. I do like Lightly Toasted Amrod, aka he almost burns to death at Losgar but survives/gets rescued at the last minute.
Gil-galad theories are all very fun. Please don’t make him the son of Fingon and a wife; if he’s Fingon’s son, I want Maedhros to be involved at least a little bit (adoption or trans mpreg are both fine in this scenario). Otherwise, I don’t have a particular preference, though if it’s not really relevant I usually default to the son of Orodreth (who is in turn the son of Angrod).
Honestly, when it comes to theories and headcanons, my rule of thumb is “convince me”! I’m down for whatever, for the most part, as long as you can justify it :)
“The Russingon Request”
For all of the characters and relationships in this request, I would really love to have Russingon involved in some way, though it doesn’t necessarily have to be the focus.
Fingon/Maedhros: I just love them a lot!! They’re probably my favorite pairing, and I adore both plot-heavy explorations of their characters and relationship and more slice-of-life fluff/angst/porn stuff without any particular story behind it. If I need comfort fic this pairing is my go-to, and I’d love to have more of that to come back to. This is a ship where PWP would be welcome; plot is also excellent and I’m sure to enjoy that too. I’m always a sucker for falling in love / confessions of love / first times, but ESPECIALLY for Russingon; the beginning of their love story is something I’ll never get tired of. Established relationship, reunions (after the Ice/Angband or after time spent apart in Hithlum/Himring or after leaving the Halls or another scenario) are also amazing. The secret relationship aspect of this ship is very fun, both keeping things secret and having their secret come to light. If you wanted to invert that trope, though, I would definitely enjoy that; I wrote a fake dating AU for them that was SO fun, and things like that or an arranged marriage AU or something are very very fun ideas! I like scenarios where they’re married, and I like scenarios where they’re not married, whichever floats your boat will be excellent. Honestly, I’m likely to enjoy almost any Russingon content you write; I just... *clenches fist* love them... If you wanted to explore a queerplatonic interpretation of them that would be really cool, but I do love love love romantic/sexual Russingon and would be overjoyed to have any content about them!
Fingon: I adore Fingon on his own - he’s brave and valiant and good-hearted and deserved better ;-; If you wanted to write a Fingon-focused story that touches on his time as a prince or a king or adjusting to re-embodied life in Valinor or his relationships with people other than Maedhros, I am sure to love that.
Maedhros: Maedhros is probably my favorite character in the Silm. I love his character arc, the fire symbolism, his trauma and recovery, his relationship with his brothers and his cousins, his time helping Maglor care for Elrond and Elros - really all of his story. For this exchange I’d rather not receive a fic focused on his time in Angband or his death; I can enjoy fics about that, but I’m looking for something a bit happier here. Art of Maedhros in those situations would be okay.
Fëanor & Maedhros, Fingon & Fingolfin: Stories about these two with their fathers would be lovely. I’d prefer something that shows them as both part of loving families, even when things get difficult; this could be Fingon struggling with wanting to tell his father about his boyfriend, or Maedhros trying to talk some sense into his dad after his latest outburst, but I need there to be genuine love and respect all around even if the situation remains unresolved. Put another way: angst is fine as long as there’s a happy/hopeful ending!
Fingolfin & Maedhros: There’s a lot of fic about Maedhros and Fingolfin during his recovery period and the decision to cede the crown, but I’d love to see them in some other context! Fingolfin helping his nephew adjust to Finwë’s court? Fëanor grudgingly approving of the kind way Fingolfin deals with a young Maedhros? Maedhros trying to intercede with Fingolfin on his father’s behalf? Or in Beleriand: a meeting at the Mereth Aderthad, or some other reunion? Fighting together on the battlefield? Fingolfin coming to Maedhros for advice, or vice versa? Fingolfin cornering Maedhros about his relationship with Fingon? Epistolary fic where they’re talking about politics? I think they had a lot of respect for each other, even if the relationship wasn’t always very friendly or easy, and I’d love to see that explored.
Fingon & Turgon: Turgon is my problematic fav! I see him as having a very complicated relationship with Fingon, especially if/when he finds out about Russingon. My headcanon is that Turgon loves and admires his older brother, but they’re very different people, and he absolutely disapproves of his boyfriend, especially after the Ice where he blames the Fëanorians for Elenwë’s death. Some angst between these two on those subjects (on the Ice, in Beleriand before/after the Rescue, shortly before Turgon leaves for Gondolin, their last reunion at the Nírnaeth, a reunion in or after the Halls) would be amazing - though again, I’d like a happy/hopeful resolution.
Maedhros/Turgon: Speaking of Turgon... Okay, this is a weird one, I’m aware, but stay with me. In my mind, Turgon hates the Fëanorians and blames them for his wife’s death and all the awful things that have happened to him and his family, and since Fëanor himself is dead he shifts all that blame onto Maedhros (and there’s the added resentment that Maedhros is fucking Turgon’s brother). Of course he also blames himself but he doesn’t want to admit that. Maedhros on the other hand (which he only has one of) doesn’t like Turgon but he also blames himself for a lot of the bad things that have happened and basically this all comes to a head after Fingon’s death where they’re both grieving and angry with each other and themselves. This ship would probably require some sort of canon divergence that lets Turgon leave Gondolin for at least a bit, or it could take place immediately after Fingon’s death, before he’s returned to his hidden city. It’s really all about the hatefucking! Fealty - Mae already had a fealty kink from Fingon’s time as king, and now he’s swearing loyalty to Turgon as the new High King... Maybe this is the immediate aftermath of the Nírnaeth and everything is super raw, or maybe it’s some sort of AU where Turgon gets off his ass and tries to unite the Noldor against Morgoth when Ulmo warns him about Gondolin’s fall and he has to confront his least favorite half-cousin. Comparisons between Fingon and Turgon’s physical appearances would be great, Maedhros almost letting himself forget that Fingon is dead for maximum angst, but then Fingon was short and Turgon is almost as tall as Mae is so the illusion is shattered and also Turgon just REALLY hates that Maedhros was genuinely in love with his brother because it would be easier to despise Mae if that was all manipulation. Mae not taking care of himself and purposefully pissing Turgon off and letting himself be manhandled. Turgon who hates how much this is all turning him on. Just a lot of resentment and angst!! For this specific ship, angst all the way through / no happy ending is fine; I can’t really imagine a happy resolution here, lmao.
Fingon/Finrod/Maedhros: This is combining my two exceptions to the “no PWP” rule; a non-smutty fic with them is also welcome but most of my ideas are decidedly smutty, lmao. Look, Maedhros and Fingon are ridiculously in love, and Finrod is a bit of a hoe, and I can’t believe there wasn’t at least one time they had a threesome. Finrod getting fucked by both of them at once would be excellent. Finrod is canonically friendly with the Fëanorians in Beleriand and goes hunting with Maglor and Maedhros, maybe this is a time where it’s Fingon instead of Maglor and they fuck in the woods, or Maedhros and Fingon visit Nargothrond, or Maedhros and Finrod visit Barad Eithel, or Fingon and Finrod visit Himring. Is this a planned encounter? Something spontaneous? Is Finrod seducing them both, or are they inviting him in? Did Maedhros and Finrod have a fling in Valinor, or did Finrod and Fingon find comfort together on the Ice, or both? I’d love to see where you take this!
Worldbuilding tags: These are of course completely optional, but if you wanted to explore these topics in your Russingon fic I would be very happy! Post-reembodiment fic where Mae and Finno get to be happy and soft are a balm to my troubled soul, especially if there’s some kind of leftover angst and desperation around worrying they’ll wake up alone; really lean into the hurt/comfort here! I mentioned the fealty kink thing earlier, but that’s an incredibly juicy aspect of their relationship in Beleriand that I’d love to see explored. If you decide to have them married, exploring marriage bonds/soul sex/telepathic communication would be really cool; in my DNW I mentioned that I don’t like the concept of soulmates (for Aro Reasons) so please steer clear of that, but having Mae and Finno choose each other over and over again and that affecting their soul bond/mental connection might just bring me to tears ;-; I’m also interested in explorations of the Halls of Mandos: for example, a reunion there helping Maedhros heal, or them being kept apart and finally getting to reunite after their rebirth, or how that healing process affects the forgiveness and redemption required for Fingon to come to terms with what Maedhros did after he died. 
The bottom line for Russingon is that I Love Them and they love each other, and for this request I’d love PWP, fluff, hurt/comfort, falling in love, getting together, reunion, established relationship - really almost anything with them would absolutely make my day!
“The Turgoldo Request”
Turgon: Like I said before, Turgon is my problematic fav. I’m fascinated by his anger, bitterness, and hypocrisy; it breaks my heart how he loses everyone close to him but Idril; I don’t really approve of his isolationist politics but I’m interested in exploring what shaped him to get there. To me Turgon is “lawful neutral,” though in his mind he’s “lawful good” - he has a strict moral code that doesn’t always take into account all of his personal failings or other people’s differing life experiences. He is staunchly resentful of the Fëanorians, especially Maedhros and Fëanor himself; he blames them for the majority of his problems. He’s got anxiety, he’s traumatized by the Helcaraxë, he’s an overprotective father, he doesn’t have a lot of communication skills. I could go on - but here’s a link to a post where I talk about my headcanons for Turgon and his relationships. So: Turgon-focused fic that emphasizes his angst, loneliness, stiff-necked morality, etc would be great. Feel free to lean into the melancholy aspect; a fic about him doesn’t necessarily have to have a happy ending, though I’d prefer something not outright tragic.
Maeglin & Turgon: The miscommunication here is just...painful and so very very fun. I really do think Turgon loved his nephew, but he’s SO bad at expressing it, and Maeglin has trouble believing any affection he receives is genuine. But some happy moments between them would be great; maybe post-reembodiment reconciliation where Turgon assures Maeglin that he doesn’t hate him? Or an AU where Maeglin confesses to Turgon what happened to him when he was captured? Going along with my Turgoldo request, maybe some extremely awkward conversation about being in love with your cheerful blond cousin...? There’s lots of opportunity for angst and hurt/comfort, and I’d love to see some of that here, though again please make sure to have a happy/hopeful ending, at least of whatever snippet you end up writing.
Finrod/Turgon: This is my rarepair to end all rarepairs tbh. I honestly don’t know why these two are not shipped more! I am desperate for any and all content with them, I am not picky at all, I just love them.
Fun times in Aman before things get dark and serious would be lovely, I think in that context their relationship would be more casual (or at least they’re trying to make it casual and that leads to hurt feelings). I’d rather not focus on their relationships with their canon love interests, mostly because I’m not a fan of stories about jealousy (also because I see both Finrod and Amarië as gay and together mostly for convenience’s sake), but I do ship Elenwë/Amarië so those two having some sort of arrangement with Finrod and Turgon could be fun. But feel free to just ignore any of that and depict Finrod and Turgon together without their respective ladies!
If you go into Beleriand times, I like: Turgon grieving Elenwë and finding solace with Finrod; whatever went down that night by the river they never wanted to talk about again; helping each other build their hidden kingdoms; Finrod sneaking into Gondolin maybe??; repressed Turgon being angsty about discovering his bisexuality and Finrod either helping him or making things more complicated; Finrod missing Turgon and trying to distract himself in Nargothrond (maybe in combination with another Finrod ship? honestly I ship Finrod with any dude that moves, feel free to put your own spin on his relationships, though I would prefer a focus on Turgon/Finrod for this request).
Post-reembodiment scenarios would also be great. I think that whatever the situation between Amarië and Finrod was, she’s moved on from him by the time he’s reborn; maybe she’s with Elenwë now, which would make Turgon’s life a bit easier. Or maybe Turgon can make room for both Elenwë and Finrod.
Or maybe you want to do an AU with them! Supernatural creatures? Some other fantasy setting? A space opera? Honestly the only AU I wouldn’t be interested in is a modern AU, I’m very picky with my Silm Modern AUs. Honestly like I said earlier, I would love ANY content with Finrod and Turgon, you’d make me very happy if you depicted them together!! Feel free to ignore any of the stuff I said if you’ve got a better idea!!
Glorfindel/Ecthelion: Okay this one isn’t really that related to the other ships and characters in this request, but I do really love this ship and if you wanted to write something about them I would absolutely enjoy it. I don’t have a ton of ideas about them (maybe they’re husbands? a comedy of errors that ends with them getting together? mutual pining for an absurdly long time, maybe even that they’re aware of but don’t act on for years?) but they’re very sweet and I love them. If you wanted to include them in the background of a Gondolin-era fic, that would be great; or maybe some sort of compare/contrast fic with Finrod and Turgon, another blond/dark haired ship :P Or just write some fluff centered on them, that would be welcome too!!!
Worldbuilding tags: Military strategy and tactics around the Hidden Kingdoms seems like a good topic to build a fic around for Turgon and Finrod, especially considering their strategies are so different from those of Fingolfin and Maedhros, who did more to fight the Enemy but whose realms fell long before Nargothrond and Gondolin. Or you could explore what it’s like to live in isolated, insular Gondolin, and the mixed Sindar and Noldor cultures there, what prejudices might be found among high society, etc...go crazy with headcanons and worldbuilding!
“The Túrin Request”
I didn’t put down ships here that include Túrin/Beleg, but I do take that as basically canon, so some angst about Beleg’s death and Túrin’s love for him would probably come up in any of these situations. Or feel free to keep Beleg alive and throw him into the mix if you feel like it!
Finduilas/Gwindor/Túrin: I JUST THINK THEY COULD HAVE MADE IT WORK, YOU KNOW? There’s some juicy Túrin/Gwindor lines in COH, Túrin has a thing for blonds so I can see him developing feelings for Finduilas even if he didn’t necessarily have them in canon, Gwindor and Finduilas’ doomed romance just breaks me and I want to FIX it!! If they had been better at communicating, maybe…idk, this could be a fix it or not, but they’re all drama queens and they’re all in love with each other and what if Túrin had managed to save Gwindor and Finduilas and they all went to Brethil together, or something?? Who knows I just need them all together! The Finduilas is Gil-galad worldbuilding tag would be a great option here for a fix-it :)
Maeglin/Túrin: I feel like I’m the only person sailing this ship but I will go down with it. So WHAT that they never met in canon?? They have MATCHING SWORDS and they’re both doomed by family curses and I think it would be incredibly sexy of Túrin to go to Gondolin. Or maybe Maeglin and Aredhel escaped to Nargothrond (perhaps with Celegorm and Curufin?) and that’s where they meet? What if their curses cancel each other out and they help each other avoid their dooms! What if Maeglin tries to duel Túrin for the right to wield Anglachel! What if Túrin also has a thing for Idril (again…he’s got a thing for blonds, especially blond elves) and they bond over being jealous of Tuor and then fall in love! What if they refuse to acknowledge the insane amount of sexual tension between them until some incredibly inopportune moment like Idril and Tuor’s wedding! So many possibilities and I just adore the concept of this ship!!
Celebrimbor/Maeglin/Túrin: I like to call this ship “Doomed Disaster Boyfriends.” I think this works best in that Maeglin in Nargothrond AU; Celegorm and Curufin have been exiled but Celebrimbor and Maeglin and Aredhel stayed behind in Nargothrond when they left, or maybe Aredhel went with them but Maeglin didn’t, or maybe Aredhel fought in the Nírnaeth and didn’t make it through the battle or something. Although if you wanted to take the Gondolin route instead, where Tyelpë makes his way to Gondolin after the Nírnaeth and Túrin joins up with Tuor instead of heading to Brethil, that would be neat too. Or if you want to go a super dark route: Tyelpë was taken captive to Angband after the Nírnaeth, and Beleg didn’t manage to rescue Túrin so he’s in Angband too, and Maeglin gets kidnapped himself, so they all try and break out together…
Anyway: whatever the situation, they’re all horribly doomed, they all have family curses, Tyelpë and Maeglin is a great ship because they’re both smiths and everyone hates their dads, Maeglin and Túrin is a great ship because they have matching swords and they’re both super dramatically emo, Túrin and Celebrimbor is a great ship because honestly of course it was Tyelpë who reforged Anglachel into Gurthang and they were both kind of outsiders in Nargothrond - anyway just. Throw them all together into one screaming angsty mess that probably ends up even worse than in canon, I would LOVE that. And Tyelpë outlives both his boyfriends and eventually falls for Annatar who unbeknownst to him had a hand in both their awful demises... Though again I’d prefer a happy ending for a fic here.
“The Kidnap Dads Request”
Elrond & Gil-galad: I have two scenarios in mind for this - either Gil-galad is taking Elrond (& Elros?) under his wing during the War of Wrath and having to reassess his feelings about Maedhros and Maglor, OR Gil-galad is the son of Fingon and Maedhros and therefore considers E(&E) his brothers because they’re also the son(s) of Maedhros.
Maedhros & Maglor & Elrond & Elros: Kidnap Dads!!! I love Kidnap Dads!!! Please make sure to include Maedhros in this - his dynamic with the twins can be different than Maglor’s, but I want him to be involved in their care and upbringing too. Anything from fluff to hurt/comfort would be amazing; you can write E&E learning to trust M&M, or after they’ve come to love each other, or some time in the future where Elrond and/or Elros looks back fondly on their foster parents. Please, please no bashing Elwing and Eärendil. However - their bio parents interacting with their foster parents in awkward/humorous situations would be great. I think the twins have a very complicated relationship with all their parents, and diving into that would be really interesting - or you can just lean into the fluffy found family, which I would also love.
Some possible scenarios: an official adoption ceremony, cultural differences, M&M giving E&E some more names / teaching them Quenya, Maglor showing up to Elrond and/or Elros’ wedding(s), Maglor in Rivendell, sharing traditions, Maedhros teaching the twins some skill (cooking? swordfighting? embroidery?), the twins being Weird (either because they’re part human or part Maia) and M&M learning to deal with that, Elrond reuniting with Maedhros in Valinor, Elrond getting adopted by M&M’s spouses (Maglor’s wife and/or Fingon), AU where Maedhros lives and is around for E&E’s later lives, Maglor teaching Elrond magical/musical healing
Worldbuilding tags: How did being raised with M&M affect E&E’s decisions when it came to their Choices of kindred? Were there any Men in the remnants of the Fëanorian host, and did that affect their Choices? Where did Elrond’s skill as a healer come from; is it connected at all to the Music, and if so, did Maglor teach him that? How do E&E reflect on their time among Kinslayers, and what is it that helps them come to love their captors/foster parents? Do M&M redeem themselves through raising E&E? As the First Age rolls over into the Second and M&M leave the picture while E&E come to the forefront, what lessons do they take from their foster parents? How do people, especially the other leaders of Elves and Men, react to the obvious Fëanorian influence on E&E? What happens to the remnant of the Fëanorian host after M&M are gone? How do E&E feel about their cousin Celebrimbor and vice versa? These are all just things to think about - feel free to ignore or cherry-pick as you see fit!
“The Círwen Request”
Círdan/Lalwen: This is a completely unsupported rare pair that I nonetheless really love. In my mind, Lalwen is a political diplomat to the Falas in the early First Age, representing her brother to the Sindar. What happens next is up to you! Círdan and Lalwen as forbidden lovers? Círdan and Lalwen as an arranged marriage? Círdan and Lalwen as the parents of Gil-galad? Círdan and Lalwen in a queerplatonic relationship rather than a romantic one? Any of these would be great to read about! Bonus points if Lalwen gets a sword!
Lalwen & Fingolfin: Why did Lalwen follow Fingolfin to Beleriand when Findis did not, and Arafinwë turned back? If we’re going with my Lalwen the diplomat headcanon, why did Fingolfin choose her as his representative? How does he feel about her relationship with Círdan? Or you can focus on some other aspect of their relationship, maybe mirroring the Turgon & Aredhel relationship or the Fingon & Aredhel relationship.
Gelmir: This tag doesn’t specify which Gelmir we’re talking about, but I’d like to request something with Gelmir who was Círdan’s messenger, who went with Arminas to Nargothrond and warned Orodreth about taking down the bridge. He could be a supporting character and a friend of Círdan, or you could have him missing his original lands (Dorthonion) and lord (Angrod). My headcanon is that he and Arminas are in a queerplatonic relationship; if you’re going with qp!Círwen, maybe they could serve as a model for Círdan and Lalwen as they’re figuring out their relationship.
“The Halenthir Request”
Haleth/Caranthir: This ship dynamic is fascinating to me. Why did Haleth refuse Caranthir’s offer of aid? Was it the result of a falling out between them, or did he have to pursue her all the way to Brethil to explain his feelings? I absolutely love stories that give Haleth and Caranthir a peredhel child or two, especially when that’s a surprise to Caranthir. Maybe Haleth doesn’t even tell Caranthir they have a kid right away, or at all... If we’re exploring LaCE, does Caranthir consider himself married to Haleth because they’ve had sex, even though that’s not part of Mannish culture? How do the Haladin take their Chieftain’s relationship with this weird elf guy? Do Caranthir’s brothers know about his mortal girlfriend? This is another ship where a queerplatonic take would be excellent; I see both Haleth and Caranthir as being on the aromantic-spectrum, and exploring that weird gray space of their relationship would be wonderful. I also love interspecies relationships in general, so digging into the cultural differences and issues that come along with an elf and a mortal being together would be great (also. height differences!!) Additionally: Caranthir is kind of depicted as the grumpy rich bitch of Beleriand, so exploring trade as an excuse for him to visit Haleth and/or historical and narrative biases that depict him and Haleth at odds with each other when they “actually weren’t” are two interesting ways to take this.
Aegnor/Andreth: So, this request is called “The Halenthir Request,” but I also love Aegnor and Andreth. If you could give them some sort of happy ending, or at least a happy middle, I would love that. What really got me to put them here alongside Halenthir is the concept of Aegnor and Andreth having a child that interacts with a child of Haleth and Caranthir! Go crazy with OCs; they can be romantically involved or good friends or bitter rivals or whatever scenario you can dream up :)
“The Finwëan Drama Request”
So for this request I’m really down for any and all Finwëan relationships! But here are a couple from the tagset that caught my eye :)
Aredhel & Galadriel & Amras & Amrod: The babies of the family! (not counting Arakáno, or you could replace Aredhel with him, or have him be a much later bonus baby, or just have him not exist in this verse) I can imagine all sorts of shenanigans they got up to as kids :)
Amrod & Amras: Would love an exploration of a “twin bond” between these two, similarish to the marriage bond concept.
Celebrimbor & Orodreth: They were both fourth-gen Finwëans, if we go with the Orodreth son of Angrod version; did they grow up as friends? Did they not really know each other until Beleriand? Orodreth was reluctant to follow his family to Beleriand, and Celebrimbor could easily have been dragged along without having much say; maybe they bond over wishing they were still in Valinor? Why did Celebrimbor decide to stay in Nargothrond when his father and uncle left, and why did Orodreth welcome him there?
Celebrimbor/Maeglin: As my friend May said, “maeglin/celebrimbor is really just the inherent eroticism of the man who gave up information under torture loving the man who did not.” I don’t personally subscribe to the Celebrimbor in Gondolin version of events, so I imagine any relationship between them would be post-reembodiment.
Curufin & Celebrimbor: I’m especially interested in post-reembodiment scenarios between them, too. Do they try and reconnect? Does Celebrimbor forgive his father? I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for Curufin to watch Tyelpë’s demise in Vairë’s tapestries in the Halls; how does that affect their father-son relationship?
Curufin & Maeglin: Curufin (& Celegorm) were friends with Maeglin’s mother; does he feel protective of Maeglin? If Celebrimbor is now involved with Maeglin, is this Curufin trying to get to know his son’s boyfriend?
Celegorm/Aredhel: I see Aredhel as aromantic, and I sometimes see Celegorm that way too; a queerplatonic interpretation or a friends with benefits situation would both be something I’d enjoy reading, at any point in their timelines.
Curufin & Aredhel: I imagine that in a Celegorm/Aredhel situation Curufin would be third wheeling them a lot; or maybe not! Maybe they spend time together on their own, or they gang up to prank Tyelko, or something.
Curufin & Finrod & Celegorm: Were they friends before C&C came to Nargothrond? How did that friendship turn toxic and manipulative? Can they become friends again after they’re reembodied? I’d also be down for a threesome situation with them, though this is a gen relationship tag and I’d love that too.
Eärwen & Anairë, Eärwen/Anairë: These two were canonically dear friends, and I love exploring how that came to be - did they know each other before they met their husbands? Do they meet and fall in love after they’re already married and have mixed feelings about that? What is their life together like after the Darkening and the Kinslaying? This is a ship I really love queerplatonic interpretations of, though purely platonic and romantic/sexual takes on them are both excellent, too.
Fëanor & Findis & Fingolfin & Lalwen & Finarfin: Fëanor and his half-siblings...so much potential for drama! Was there a time where Fëanor didn’t resent them so much? If so, how did that anger grow? Was his feud specifically with Fingolfin, or with all the children of Indis? What were family reunions like, especially once they start having kids who befriend one another? After the Flight of the Noldor, how do Findis and Finarfin deal with the loss of their siblings - especially when those siblings start to die in far-off Beleriand?
Fëanor & Fingolfin: I would LOVE a fic that shows some extremely grudging affectionate moments between these two :) Fëanor being like “no, I’M the only one who gets to pick on my half-brother!” or Fingolfin idolizing his older brother or a Fëanor Lives AU where they they get to have the fistfight they sorely needed to have and then settle into a more subdued rivalry or a reunion/apology in the Halls - or literally anything that shows some amount of hope for their brotherly relationship.
Nerdanel & Eärwen & Anairë & Findis & Lalwen: Give it up for the Finwëan Ladies! Four out of the five of them remained in Aman; how do they grieve Lalwen’s departure? Are they all friends, or are there some rivalries in their midst? My headcanon is that Findis is Glorfindel’s mother, but Lalwen didn’t have kids (until Beleriand?) - does Lalwen feel left out among all these mothers? How do these women pick up the pieces of the mess left by their husbands and brothers in the wake of the Flight of the Noldor? I would love depictions of them as politicians trying to mend bridges with the Teleri and the Valar.
Fëanor/Nerdanel: You cannot tell me that this extremely fiery, passionate man who had SEVEN CHILDREN with his wife did not absolutely adore her! Give me some early-relationship or early-marriage spiciness, or them as new parents (for the first time...or not), or them making things for each other - really, anything that shows how much they love each other, before (or even after) it all went wrong.
Sons of Fëanor: Look I just love the Fëanorians. I’m especially a sucker for Big Brother Maedhros, so having him interact with his younger siblings would be amazing, but really any sibling dynamics between Fëanor’s kids is something I’m bound to enjoy, as long as you show their love for one another even when they’re fighting amongst themselves.
Elemmírë/Findis: Vanyarin lesbians!! I see Elemmírë as a woman (specifically a trans woman, though if you don’t want to get into the details of her gender that’s fine), and a major reason in why Findis stuck around in Aman instead of leaving with her siblings. I like the theory that Glorfindel is Findis’ son, which would make Elemmírë his other mother. But if you’d rather depict them as not together at the time of the Darkening, that would be fine too; maybe Elemmírë is upset at the thought of Findis leaving but Findis stays because she’s realized she’s in love with Elemmírë, or something like that. Elemmírë wrote a song about the Darkening, so I think focusing on that time of fear and uncertainty and having them find comfort in one another would be very interesting.
I’ve kind of sprinkled references to the worldbuilding tags throughout these prompts, but I’d also love to see the “queer elves and their communities” tag explored with the Finwëans. I have lots of queer headcanons (feel free to ask me about specific hcs; I have anon messages on!) but I’d also love to see your takes on these characters’ identities! Do homophobia and amatonormativity exist in your version of Aman and Beleriand? How does that affect the queer community; is it underground and secretive or just another sort of community someone can interact with? If there’s not a focus on queerness being “wrong,” what does that mean for queer folks who want to find other people like them? Do things change in Beleriand - are the Sindar more or less accepting; do the Noldorin realms establish themselves differently than Tirion or Valmar did? I’m very curious to see your take on this!
“The Gigolas Request”
Gimli/Legolas: All Gigolas is good Gigolas, and you can quote me on that - but I do have a soft spot for queerplatonic Gigolas, and I might die of happiness if you wrote me some :) I love elf/dwarf relationships, and cultural differences leading to miscommunication is one of my favorite tropes for this ship.
Legolas/Gimli & ...: I put a bunch of these for this request. For “& Thranduil” and “& Glóin” I’d love to see some “telling the family” scenarios, with Thranduil and Glóin coming to terms with their sons’ relationship. For “& Aragorn” and “& Boromir” I was imagining a Three (or Four!) Hunters situation with Aragorn third wheeling them, and/or a Boromir Lives AU where he and Aragorn commiserate how stupid their friends are about their feelings.
Fourth Age Ithilien Elves: Legolas’ new home in Ithilien is really interesting to me (as is Gimli’s new home in Aglarond, but that group did not get nominated) and I’d love to see an outside POV of Gigolas, what their friends and subordinates think of this odd couple. Or you could dive into what the founding of Ithilien was like, and Legolas’ relationship with Faramir and Éowyn.
Worldbuilding tags: I also love Fourth Age Valinor fics! What was it like for Legolas to give into sea-longing and sail West, and how did he and Gimli come to the decision to bring Gimli along too? What is everyone’s reaction to the dwarf in Valinor? (LOOK I just think people like Finrod, Celebrimbor, Curufin, Maeglin, Aulë, etc would LOVE Gimli!) Or we can backtrack to the late Third Age and look at the trade relationship between Erebor and Rivendell, and between Rivendell and Mirkwood, and how that affects Gimli’s initial perception of Legolas / Legolas’ expectations upon joining the Fellowship.
“The Durins Request”
For my Hobbit requests, assume I want an Everyone Survives BOTFA AU unless I specify otherwise.
Fíli: I just REALLY love my boy!! (as you can probably see from my url, lol) Any fic that’s Fíli-centric would make me happy, focusing on his familial relationships, political expectations, learning to fight, friends from Ered Luin, reuniting with them after reclaiming Erebor...all that would be great. Please do not write me any Fíli pairings; as you can also see from my url, I headcanon Fíli as aromantic, and this is not a headcanon I am flexible with. Write me a story about Fíli that shows how rich and fulfilling and challenging his life is without any romantic aspect! 
Dís & Frerin & Thorin: I’d love to see something about these siblings; maybe Dís reminiscing on her childhood and comparing Fíli and Kíli to Frerin and Thorin?
Dís/Spouse: I do love that this is not “Dís/Husband” - so take that as permission to give Dís a wife and/or a trans/nonbinary spouse! I headcanon that Dís’ spouse is not a Longbeard dwarf, which leads me to...
Dwarves of Ered Luin: How do the Broadbeams and Firebeards of the Blue Mountains feel about the arrival of the Longbeard exiles? What do they think about the Longbeard princess marrying one of their people?
Fíli & Kíli & Gimli: What if Gimli came on the Quest, or Fíli and Kíli stayed behind? Or, how did Gimli feel about being left out? Was he excited to reunite with his cousins, or still jealous and a bit resentful? Or if we go the canon route, did he feel horrible that he parted with them on not the best terms and never got to see them again? I’d also love some compare/contrast Kiliel and Gigolas parallels :)
Ravens of Erebor: I just think the ravens are REALLY COOL. When did they settle there, and how did their relationship with the Line of Durin come to be? What are raven politics like??
Worldbuilding tags: These seem pretty self-explanatory for the most part, but I’d love to see some post-BOTFA politics both internally within the Longbeard dwarves as they return to Erebor and externally with Mirkwood and Dale. The Smaug’s corpse tag could be some source of contention there; maybe some men want to re-establish Laketown amidst his remains, or they want to relocate him so they can resettle Esgaroth, or the the dwarves want to harvest his corpse for resources (he’s probably got gold and jewels stuck in his scales, and dragon-skin/scales is probably a good raw material for crafting things).
“The Tauriel Request”
Kíli/Tauriel: As you can probably see from my AO3 profile pic and username (derived from the “she walks in starlight” quote in DOS), I LOVE Tauriel! I don’t so much anymore, but I used to write a lot of Kiliel fic, and I am still very soft for them <3 I’d love almost any sort of AU for them (even a modern AU would be fine!) or a canon-verse everyone lives AU where they get to be happy and domestic :)
Tauriel & Legolas: I love platonic or sibling-esque relationships for these two! I would especially enjoy them growing up together, or Legolas taking Tauriel under his wing when she joins the Guard, or Legolas teasing Tauriel for her crush on a dwarf only for the tables to be turned when he falls for Gimli :D
Tauriel & Thranduil: This is a really complicated relationship - I don’t think Thranduil sees her as a daughter, necessarily, but he definitely feels protective of her and is frustrated when she doesn’t listen to him. I’d love to see the origins of that dynamic, and Tauriel’s side of things as she goes from being fond of her friend’s dad to distancing herself from her king whose politics she disagrees with, or Tauriel returning to Mirkwood after the battle (in an everyone lives AU where she’s just visiting, or in canon where she wanders for a bit but eventually comes home) and them reconciling.
Sigrid/Tauriel: Let’s give it up for our non-canon gals! Okay, I love Tauriel and this ship is so cute. If you’d like to include Kíli/Tauriel in the background (Kíli supporting Tauriel's relationship with Sigrid, for example) that would be great, but a story based in canon where Kíli dies would also be fine; however I'd like it if you acknowledged Tauriel’s feelings for Kíli in some way. Sigrid being all blushy and embarrassed around the hot elf girl who’s hanging around Dale helping to rebuild is kind of what I have in mind, but feel free to take this in any direction you'd like!
Tauriel/Mirkwood Guard OFC: A fling from Tauriel’s youth? A girlfriend she feels torn about leaving for Kíli? A friend she’s always crushed on but never said anything about? Any of these situations would be fun! Like with Sigriel, I’d like it if you acknowledged her feelings for Kíli (if the story takes place in that time period) but otherwise go crazy with this prompt!
Worldbuilding tags: Again, I think these are mostly self-explanatory and they could all definitely relate to Tauriel. How does she become Captain of the Guard - is it because she comes up with some new innovative strategy to fight the spiders? Is Mirkwood very patriarchal, and is that appointment something she faced opposition or competition for? Her healing of Kíli in DOS isn’t ever really explained, so maybe exploring the magic and/or medicine involved there and how she came to learn that. (In my own headcanons, her foster family are healers, which is how she learned those skills even though she’s primarily a warrior - but feel free to take it in whatever direction you’d like!)
Alright, that’s the end of my prompts/requests! Thanks for reading this far, and whatever you end up writing for me I am super excited to read it!! And if you have questions or ideas or something, my askbox is open and I have anon messages on, I’d love to talk! Thank you again for creating for me, you are the best! <3
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bookcub · 7 years
Ships ask: spell your name or URL or both, please!
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
(there are a lot of these tbh) Harry and Hermione, as a romantic ship. I just never thoguht they had chemistry and love them with their respective partners. 
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
(I have so many) (you have no idea) Well, relatively new ones for me are Betty and Veronica (romantically) from Riverdale, Jane and Petra (literally in any form) on Jane the Virgin, lately queerplatonic relationship between Mola and Auri (I headcanon them both as aro), Zutara (Zuko and Katara from Avatar) (my list could be endless, so I’m stopping here. 
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Wil and Sim in The Kingkiller Chronicle (but I love all the friendships in these books) 
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Oliver/Diggle/Felicty aka OTA in Arrow
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Well, the revival of Gilmore Girls made me less into the show not tumblr, but 
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Well, on this blog, it’s probably my Hamilton songs as Kingkiller scenes but I created this blog, and that’s mostly all funny quotes, so yeah!
Send me ship/fandom asks!!
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