#Mr. Tinley
thisnerdywriter · 2 years
I believe John Thornton of North and South (spoiler alert) is the most beautifully masculine character ever written in English literature.
Why? Here's why (caution: love ahead, may fall in)
As everyone expects him to be, he seems to be - at first- the hard, icy arrogant businessman indifferent to other's feelings and situations more importantly those below him.
Surprisingly he is damn soft hearty (like the paws of a kitten) who loves his hard tiring life of Milton (a dirty city) and *is* considerate of his workers. He meets Margaret Hale and instantly has a crush on her. He's like, 'shut up, I don't . I am NOT feeling anything like that.' But his mother knows better.
He sees her at the dinner (ahem, organize it for the sole purpose). And gawwdd, he has to stop staring at her, so he ignores her but knows where she is all the time. He flashes his rare smiles knowing she's watching him. Before anything, he is in love with her, despite knowing she's too proud to love him back.
He accepts his love for her when she throws herself in the face of danger to protect him (he's like girl!! you're badass!!) . Now there's no going back. He's grateful for her and truly appreciates her presence in his life.
Without beating around the bush, he goes and confesses (everything. Also the fact that he's never been in love and you made me). Of course she rejected, cuz she's a proud bitch. But you know what he says? This:
"Now I love and I will love. But do not be afraid of too much expression on my part."
He goes away and she catches hints of tears in his eyes. Of course he cried. He did, he went to mamma and when she asks what's up? He crys on her shoulder. A GROWN MAN WHO'S RICH SUCCESSFUL AND HANDSOME CRIES ON HIS MOTHER'S SHOULDER BECAUSE THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE REJECTED HIM!!!!!
He still loves her, he promised he always will. Looks after her family, saves her from humiliation, does her father's funeral and keep in touch with her godfather to know if she's well. He also goes to her hometown to feel how she might have grown up.
The last scenes they finally get together, he presents her a pressed flower from her hometown know she terribly misses going there. Omgggg!!!!!!!! How can anyone write such a beautiful character?????
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thepalerimitation · 2 months
Watching Jane Austen adaptations back to back makes me realize that making Knightley not very tall was a bold decision in Emma because for some reason every single director synced minds and agreed on making every single male lead just fucking super tall. (Plus Jane was into that shit so they’re really respecting her wishes)
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Ladies and gentlemen of the ton, if you crave Austenian adventure in your life and are ailing at the decided lack of interactive Regency era content, then might I suggest backing this kickstarter for the newest balm for our souls- Regency! A tabletop RPG that guides you and your players through the complex and emotionally fraught do and do-nots Regency England in a delightfully Austen story-like setting.
Always wanted your own Mr darcy, Colonel Brandon, or dear henry Tilney? Play your cards right and you just might get one. Want to break societal convention and slap your own version of Carolind Bingley upside the head? DONT WE ALL? I'm begging you as a fellow Regency lover, let's help make this one a reality.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
I think Mr. Henry Tinley is the perfect husband material! He has a big house of his own (the parish house has 5 bedrooms along with other rooms, it's hardly a small house), has a good job, he loves gardening, he KNOWS muslin! Is attentive to his caring sister, is just a tiny bit naughty, is not arrogant or stupid or vain, AND is able to stand up to his tyrannical father when need arose. Like, what else would a woman want? :D
I keep saying this to people and they keep thinking Darcy is the perfect man. No! Henry Tilney is the sexiest, most husband/father material, most excellent man to every grace the page of literature and I'm still waiting to be proven wrong.
And I don't mean in Jane Austen's works, I mean all the works.
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quotes-and-recs · 3 months
My ranking of Jane Austen's 6 novels before and after reading them
Pride and Prejudice I've read this many times, so I know I love it. And I think it's the general favorite among Jane Austen's readers (that, or maybe Emma) so I expect it to remain my favorite.
Sense and Sensibility Maybe it's just the title & the two main characters being sisters, but this one feels a lot like Pride and Prejudice to me, so I think I'll like it a lot.
Persuasion I really like the premise of the novel, and honestly, that's all I've got to say about that one.
Emma I think this one is the second most popular, so I expect to like it, but also I don't generally like characters like Emma (or characters that I presume Emma to be like) so we'll see.
Mansfield Park I'm actually most of the way through this one (whoops) so this is probably where it'll be after I've read them all, but we'll see. I like it, but it's not quite as dramatic or romantic as I imagined it would be.
Northanger Abbey Kind of like with Emma, I just don't expect to like Catherine Morland. I'm already shuddering with second hand embarrassment for her. I expect my opinion will change once I've actually read the book, though.
After under the cut
Pride and Prejudice I love all of the characters in this and I really love all of the settings, too. I feel the most transported when I read this one.
Persuasion This one felt the most gentle to me. The most anxiety I had was when Louisa had her accident. It was a smooth read and I really love Captain Wentworth and Anne. (I also love how the Musgroves love Anne more than Mary.)
Mansfield Park I liked Fanny more than I thought I would, I really liked Susan, and I enjoyed hating Mrs. Norris. When I finished this, I liked it, but I didn't really have any strong feelings about it. Now that I've let it marinate in my brain, though, I like it more and more every day
Northanger Abbey I adore Henry Tinley and Catherine. Henry is probably my favorite of Austen's heroes. I felt like I was in Bath with them. I really liked this as I was reading it, but almost immediately after I forgot what made me like it so much.
Emma I did not like Emma--not the story or the character. I can see why people like it and her (I didn't dislike her as much at the end), in the same way I can see why people like Sense and Sensibility. But it just wasn't my cup of tea.
Sense and Sensibility I was really surprised and kind of dismayed that I didn't like this one. I didn't have any strong feelings about the characters, settings, or events. It was incredibly boring to me.
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alexidoesart · 2 years
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I think the PBS Northanger Abbey is like a 7.5/10. Would love to see a newer version of this book. When I approached this cover I had certain casting choices in mind. 
Sebastian de Souza EMBODIED Mr. Tinley energy in his role as Leo in The Great. He’s so witty and charming, could totally pull him off.
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As for Catherine Morland,  Charithra Chandran could totally balance the doe-eyed naivete while maintaining Catherine’s inner strength. 
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3.3.2023. Finished my classics quota for the month!
Where the heart is really attached, I know very well how little one can be pleased with the attention of anybody else. Everything is so insipid, so uninteresting, that does not relate to the beloved object! I can perfectly comprehend your feelings." - Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen.
For all that it makes for a great gothic satire, this might be my least favourite of Jane Austen's works. It is also my least favourite romantic austenian leads/pairing.
Individually, Mr. Tinley makes for a great character, He is delightfully jaded and worldly, with his biting sarcasm and his ability to charm the socks out of anyone in the room. Catherine, though, is a dull caricature of a naive schoolgirl; the quintessential heroine of a gothic romance. She is extremely sheltered and innocent in a way that just comes off as daft sometimes. Their relationship is very much skewed in his favour. I can't really bring myself to ship them in light of their uneven dynamic.
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jaeausten · 2 months
Do you think you can do a gif set of Mr tinley’s outfits in northanger abbey 2007?
Here you go! x
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petrichoraline · 4 months
Northanger abbey!! I adore Cathrine, she's so fun and her intuition is on point, it's just that her imagination is a bit wild but then again she's young so she'd get better at placing her feelings eventually... My favorite thing about henry is his house lol from what I remember nice house surrounded by trees and dogs, away from everyone what's not to love, also he knows about fabrics and colors and novels so... He's funny so I can for give the obnoxiousness and he's responsible which is a trait austen loves in her leading men. I love how austen allows her heroines to be loud and wrong and still give them a happy ending, they have their flaws but they don't have to pay for them, they learn and correct and apologize. Sorry for ranting lol
the timing of this message couldn't be more perfect, i picked up my book and read for about an hour, got on here and i've been scrolling just thinking "gotta get back to it, gotta get back to ittt" 😂 so I'll be doing that once I answer (they're on their way to the abbey with catherine for the first time rn, exciting for both her and me lol)
I am so impressed with how smart she actually is because I was under the impression she might be too gullible. she, however, though a bit too good-natured and thinking the best of people at all times, knows what she likes and what she doesn't. she doesn't get swayed by the compliments of a guy she's decided sucks big time (unlike belle who turns her head in the direction of anyone willing to show her even a bit of attention)(im a bit more of an isabella than a catherine in that regard but we're working on it shh); catherine can be stubborn, she has a backbone, a strong moral compass (reminds me of fanny a bit) and she learns from her mistakes. follows her morals while still worrying about bringing pain upon her loved ones that she has to oppose - the thorpes and james trying to stop her from running and explaining herself to miss tinley after john lied without her permission?? oh I was boiling, the fact she stood her ground till the very end made me so happy and appreciative of her as a heroine and her worrying about their regard towards her afterwards made her that much more likeable, she's just so sweet and considerate even when met with the worst behaviour. sure, she can be too trusting and trying to resolve conflicts in an honest and direct way which is just not how things work in the world she's becoming a part of but she is a girl turning into a young woman. as far as I'm concerned, any mistakes she makes, I forgive.
"my favorite thing about henry is his house" what a valid take lmao i am yet to read a description of the abbey but henry so far is giving me mixed feelings, I checked the ages and they're 17 and 25? so I feel like I'm getting a bit of a condescending attitude from him? but I might be wrong. it would be natural, though, as catherine is a teenager and his brain is supposedly fully developed, that her more childish view of things would call for amused reactions on his side. I don't know, so far really my focus is on "where and how are things going to get messy" because in this book quite a lot of the time nothing is truly really..happening? hahah and I was promised drama from jane austen herself in the first chapters:
"It is now expedient to give some description of Mrs. Allen, that the reader may be able to judge, in what manner her actions will hereafter tend to promote the general distress of the work, and how she will, probably, contribute to reduce poor Catherine to all the desperate wretchedness of which a last volume is capable- whether by her imprudence, vulgarity, or jealousy - whether by intercepting her letters, ruining her character, or turning her out of doors."
I started this book quite a while ago but this has stuck with me and maybe I am misunderstanding and she is actually not going to do these things (I love all the sarcasm but sometimes I have trouble catching it cause, well, non-native english speaker) or I am supposed to be on the lookout the whole time lol but in any case I EXPECT ACTION. PLEASE. it's such a short novel, why are there boring parts 😔
responsible really seems to be the most desirable trait in an austen man but I get it and honestly it's a good thing to consider in dating nowadays as well 🤷‍♀️ as for Henry's other qualities, I forgot he understands fabrics!! thank you for reminding me. that guy has so much sensitivity about him so why must he be such a lil gremlin at times 😂
i agree with you completely <3 austen's heroines are just women being women and i love that though they share some noble qualities they're all easy to distinguish from each other (considering some plotlines are quite similar.) catherine might be, so far, the one most after my own heart out of all the girls.
I may update on how I feel about all of the characters and the story so I'll try to tag in case you're interested in my ranting 😊 would love to hear from you again, it's so exciting receiving a message about this, you have no idea, I usually only discuss shows so my liveblogging of reading the novel actually reaching someone and prompting an ask is such a delight, thank you so much for sending a message and a long one at that 🥰💓
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versatileer · 5 months
Featured Photo + Video: The 25 Days of Christmas – Day 24: Yuletide on Nottingham Drive, TInley Park with the Hirsch Christmas Lights
Today’s Featured Holidays Photos: Day   24   Featured photos presentation of Decorated Houses: Today’s location is on Nottingham Drive in Tinley Park, Illinois with the Hirsch Christmas Lights display. I am super glad to hear the story of the family pulling together this year to get the display intact. My prayers for the family and Mr. Hirsch. Featuring a low-powered broadcast on 89.9 FM. ☼ ☼ If…
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fandom-imagination-ss · 10 months
imagine requested
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Author note: First off! love that this is an old-school Show you’re requesting. I had no idea it had so many seasons/movies!  That being Said. your character i couldn't find any youtube videos of him. So I had to ring it. (I could Only find the first episode for free.) So that being Said. I had to Guess ALOT! Because I have No idea how fairies are hanging out with mermaids in the ocean lol I saw the evil three fairies. had some sort of magic around them to breathe. so im guessing that’s how the other did it too? if not. Sorry. ENJOY! this is Short, and Im sorry it took so long but I had incredibly hard time writing this one. Sorry
it's never good when Blossom, Flora, and Stella round you up. unexpectedly one morning to go on an "adventure" the last time they did that. you almost got suffocated by Fire. which. Is completely ironic since you a fire fairy and you have been able to control fire since you were four. but somehow your bestie Blossom screwed up and you swallowed a fireball. it was the first time you ever did that. and it gave you wicked heartburn for a week.
you were just glad that they were Plotting an adventure doing something fun. Vs what they have been trying to do for weeks. and that is to set you up with a guy.
you weren't against the idea of having a boyfriend. you loved seeing how all your friends were secretly madly in love. But you- you just Never met anyone in college that made your head turn twice. Or made your heart beat fast. The guys were great. but you prefer to focus on your studies and helping your friends and learning to be a guardian. Boys.. boys were just a great distraction that you didn't think about much.  Stella thought your standers were far too high because you read too many human books about Love. and that your ideal Match was Mr. Tinley from Northanger Abbey a Jane Austen charater. who was Best friend turned lover. which made the girls worried since you were friends with all thier boyfriends. but Flora mentioned how you thought Jace Lightwood was attractive. then she did research and realized.. another fictional charater and the girls realized your head was far to burried in the books of fiction and Romance to Notice or Care about Living breathing boys.
Which then Lead Flora to gather intell on your favorite fictional Crushes and compared them to real life people. a few were put on until Stella infromed her they were taken. out of 15. only one made stayed on the list after the girls did per interview trying to figure out if they were good enough for you.. Nereus . s a triton. He is the son of Neptune, the King of the Seas on Andros and of Ligea, Queen of mermaids. Which Only got him taken off the list due to pracitality but Flora said they should just try. and that lead to them. taken you to the ocean and using a magical Spell to Breath freely underwater.
Traveling to the mermaids kingdom was fun. You wanted to be a marine biologists your life you been obsessed with Whales. Which your mom always teases you about due to the fact you were terrified of things bigger then you. You were uneasy near horses. You loved elphants. But jn person they terrified you so you loving whales was funny.
That being said you never seen a large fish , the biggest fish you seen was a pike. You kept being side tracked on the journey by stopping every few feet to check out the sea life. Your friends kept having to swim back and drag you along. Flora was gleeful seeing your reaction to the underwater life. The happier you were the better you would be to Nereus.
It was all going to her masterful plan. Once arriving to the kingdom, your excitement was melting away. The formalities of visiting the kingdom was boring. You wanted to see a whale. And you can't see a whale in a kingdom.
Nereus wanted to do anything but greet the guests coming in. He had official business to do and greeting princesses were the last thing he wanted to do. Seeing the fairies swimming in he noticed you instantly. You were looking everywhere but at the castle or him. Nereus eyes lit up when your glance looked over at him. He felt as if you just pouched im in the gut, he never knew someone’s Y/E/C could sparkle so brightly as yours did. Flora introduced you to Nereus as you were polite and noticed the Handsome Mermaid Prince as you pulled on Stella’s arm after the greetings as you said you and Stella were going to find a whale. Nereus was left speechless as you Dragged Stella into the big open blue and waited. you weren’t sure if you would see a Whale. but you figured they are in the open blue vs the Castle. 
you swam a bit as Stella spoke, “Prince Nereus is handsome.” 
you nodded your head weakly, “Yea- he is. Oh, I wished I could of done research before we got here to see if Whales were even here this time of year.”
“I’m sure Nereus could have answered that.. if you didn’t drag me away!” 
you looked at Stella as you realized. He- or any of the mermaids you passed. You could have answered that question you’ve been pondering all day. “well, I got too excited about seeing a Whale, but I didn’t. I didn’t think.. should we go back?” 
Stella was about to suggest it till Flora and Nereus came swimming over as Flora asked how the Whale watching was going. 
“Are they even here during this time of year?” you asked Nereus whose entire body shot with electricity hearing your voice.  he never heard a more divine voice than yours. you looked at him curiously waiting for a response as Flora nudged him hard with her elbow as he spoke, ‘Yes.  yes, they are. I can take you to a spot?”  you smiled brightly nodding your head and saying sure as he swam over to you as he escorted you away. Stella and the girls stayed behind giving you one on one time. 
“you think she will like him?” 
“I dont know- she’s pretty dense- and I had no idea she had such a love for Whales.. could be 50 /50″ 
the girls sighed heavily at that.. only time will tell 
@rachelcarroll1819 I tried sorry
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edwardastormwrites · 1 year
Juice Wrld and Why do I always add #thelight to my posts
written by Edward Storm
My name is Eddie Storm and I'm a writer.  I'm a poet.  I've been writing since age 13 and this is about the age when I started to become totally obsessed with music. Over the years I found myself obsessed with the huge variety of genres of music and many different particular artists.  My first musical hero was Jim Morrison.  He died in his addiction many years before I was born.   I was 14 years old when Kurt Cobain died.  I was 15 when Jerry Garcia died. Over the years many many more unbelievably talented musicians have died young as the result of substance abuse.  One of the shining stars of the hip hop industry to recently pass away was the one and only Juice Wrld.
He was an amazing talent. I loved how multifaceted he was as a singer and how brave of a musician he was regarding the different genres he would blend together.  I have never seen anyone free style like him.  He wasn't afraid to collaborate with a wide range of musicians in the studio and on stage.  His music to most people would be considered rap or hip hop but it clearly transcended those two genres.  His lyrics were direct and to the point.  Burn, burn, burn.   He was a modern day soul singer and did not mind airing his darkest secrets and failures through his lyrics.  He was a poet.  He was also a kind hearted tolerant human being.  He was a force for good.  I get emotional thinking that the world lost such a great soul so young.
Bob Dylan is another poet.  It turns out that just like Mr. Higgins, Mr. Zimmerman is also a remarkable human being n a force for good.  I was a kid who started to appreciate his music at a very young age of 17.  I saw him live for the first time at the age of 17 in Tinley Park, Illinois . Between the age of 17 and 40 I saw him live in concert almost 100 times on his never ending tour. Mr. Dylan has challenged himself time and time again to incorporate different types of sound into his studio albums and into his live performances. When he was very young he was considered a folk musician then he moved on to loud electric rock then country rock then gospel then bluesy gritty rock and blues then swinging country music then serious minded Grammy winning albums like Time out of Mind that discussed very heavy things like the loss of health, love, dreams, and much more. Today at the age of 80 he recently released one of the best albums of his career and has been touring ever since playing some of the best shows of his career. 
When I listen to the music of Jarad Anthony Higgins  I can hear the same sense of joy and courage that to marked Dylan as a performer and songwriter.  Sadly we will never know what else the young man could have done with his career because of his problems with addiction. There are millions of us in America and around the world who suffer from the disease of addiction. Many of us never even have the chance to get any help or treatment.  I am one of those people who suffers from the disease of addiction.  Some of the most inspirational people in my life have also been some of the people who have had the most self-destructive habits. One of these was my mother, a person that I have spent 28 years of my life missing dearly. She seemed to handle situations with ease in life that would leave other people completely stumped and at a standstill. She did it with grace.  I found this hilarious!  Losing her a month before my sixteenth birthday was tough, but luckily she haf already instilled a pretty realistic “theory of everything” in me.  I understood that life was not fair and it never would be but that everything was still ok.  Accept it and get ahead of it as fast as possible.  Have as much fun as you can doing it, see, life is simple. . She was not an artist of any kind by this I mean she was not a painter nor a photographer nor a poet nor a professional comedian, I guess I would say that instead the world was canvas and she herself was the art.  She was the type of person that rarely shows up in photos but when they do they seem to be popping out of the photograph.  Do you know these type of people? The way she moved the way she talked the way she inspired it was masterful, one of God's many many masterpieces.  You are not perfect, and by a long shot my friend but I promise you are a masterpiece.  If you haven’t realized that you are a masterpiece well that is ok, you just have to hit the books a little harder You know what my mother’s job was? She taught kids with severe behavioral disorders.   The type of kids who will knife a teacher in the back at age 14.  No one knifed my mother.  She was their defender, the told them they had the right to be themselves and that those who didn’t want our attention were not worth it anyway.  This takes love.  She showed love, they gave it right back even harder.  Love wins.  Love can live forever but we do not live forever.
I am so sick of losing not only family but close friends to the disease of addiction. In 2022 I lost two friends both under the age of 30 to senseless overdoses. I can no longer count the number of people I have known over the past 10 years who have suffered a death in some way related to addiction. 
One of my favorite songs by juice wrld is THE LIGHT.  About a month ago I opened an Instagram account for the first time to start to promote my poems and flash fiction .  Every little thing I write is for all of you like Juice Wrld who struggle through each day with addiction.  Each day your memory keeps me brave and keeps me writing on.  The light is with me, the light is with you, the light is millions of souls bright and don't you ever forget that.  Keep the good fight for freedom burning through your sharing my people.  When it's dark outside you're always the light.
-Eddie Storm
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blindingdutchy · 3 years
lamentation | TWO
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{peter parker x fem!reader AU}
based on All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
word count: 3,495
warnings: depression, anxiety, mental illness! angst, fluff if you squint really hard
18+!!! minors stay away
Peter Parker was relentless, insufferable, and extremely annoying. It all started the morning after what you'd decided to call The Encounter, and it had been unending ever since. Nearly a week had passed since that fateful night, and you'd yet to see a day at school where Peter didn't try his hardest to get under your skin.
On Monday he sat next to you in Calculus, and no matter how blatantly you ignored him for the entire class, he continued to whisper facts about himself and stupid little jokes to you. You wished you could say you hadn't listened, but ever since that morning you'd been unable to forget that his favorite color was red, his Aunt packed him a lunch every day that he threw away because she couldn't cook, and his middle name was Benjamin. Why he thought you needed or even wanted to know such things you weren't sure, but even more befuddling was the fact that you couldn't un-learn them.
When Tuesday rolled around he stepped it up a notch, much to your dismay. He sat with you during Calculus and insisted on jogging with you during gym class, feigning that he was out of breath despite your slow pace and the fact that you were certain he could run for miles without getting winded. He told you more jokes then, too. One of which you begrudgingly found yourself exhaling a little harder over whenever it popped into your head; what did one stranger say to the other? Nothing. They didn't know each other.
Wednesday was the worst, because Peter made a scene. You came into calculus late and the teacher scolded you in front of the class, at which point you got flustered and tripped over your untied shoe laces. Your books spilled to the floor and you tumbled to your knees in front of everyone, and the whole class laughed. But Peter? Peter just had to be the hero, and your blood boiled at his actions.
He'd dramatically swept all his books off of his desk, feigning surprise at the loud clatter as if he hadn't done it intentionally. When the teacher scolded him, too, he just apologized and made a show of picking up each of his things one by one. "Why did you do that?" you'd hissed as you sat down, scowling at the brown-eyed boy who just blinked at you innocently.
"Do what?"
He'd ran with you in gym class again, and he'd even followed you to your locker afterwards. In all the years you'd known of Peter, you had never known him to be much of a talker. In fact, he seemed like a rather shy boy who didn't like to branch out much. With you, though, that was far from the case. Silence was a pipe dream with him around.
On Thursday he sat next to you in Calculus, ran with you in gym, walked you to your locker, and went so far as to sit with you at lunch. You'd put your earbuds in and blasted music as loud as you could without hurting yourself too much, but every time you looked up you could see he was still talking. Part of you wondered why he was being so relentless, but you didn't want to ask. If you asked he would think you cared, and you didn't. You didn't care at all, and the sooner he figured that out, the sooner he would leave you alone.
Or, at least you hoped so. As you walked into school on Friday morning, you groaned at the sight of Peter waiting patiently beside your locker. "What do you want, Parker?" you gritted out, glaring at him as you twisted the dial to enter your combination.
He grinned in spite of your glare, "I'm walking you to Calculus today, obviously. How was your night, (Y/N)? Do anything fun?"
"What part of I don't need friends did you not understand?" you demanded, giving him a stale look as you swung the metal door open with a clang. Peter blinked at you, clearly not used to you actually speaking back to him, and further uncomfortable with your hostility. What did he expect? Did he expect for you to suddenly be happy? To not be completely fucked up anymore just because he started talking to you?
He replaced his lazy smile and shrugged, retorting, "You know my secret and I know yours. That makes us friends."
You wanted to scream at him. You wanted to shout, yell, stomp your feet, and throw a tantrum fit for a child. Friends were not something you wanted or needed, and you certainly didn't want to be friends with Peter Parker. You didn't want to be friends with someone just because they were worried you'd spill their dirty little secret, or because they pitied the girl who wanted to die.
The black hole in your chest was worse than ever that day, and it sucked away all the fight you had in you. So, with a roll of your eyes, you stuffed your earbuds in your ears and tuned him out once more. Just like he had at lunch, Peter continued to ramble even though he knew you weren't listening, and you pretended you didn't see his lips moving at the speed of light.
For once, at the very least, he at least shut up in class. You were thankful for the break from his incessant chatter, the endless monologue you couldn't escape from when you were stuck in a desk while Mr. Tinley droned on and on. Calculus was far from interesting, but you found yourself beyond relieved to finally be able to pay any sort of attention to the lesson.
Friday was steadily continuing along the same path every other day had since The Encounter. Peter thankfully parted ways with you after Calculus, but quickly rejoined you two classes later in Gym. From Gym he was glued to your side through lunch until you escaped to your Spanish class, which you thankfully didn't share with him, but the solitude was short lived. Your last class of the day was one you also shared with Peter, and prior to that day he had remained seated with his friends.
That day, though, he plopped down in the seat beside you with a cheerful smile. "Ready for our new project?" he asked, skipping the greeting he knew you wouldn't return.
"Huh?" you asked, blinking at him in bewilderment. New project? Our? What was he talking about?
Peter beamed back at you, clearly pleased that you hadn't snapped at him for once. "Our new project! Didn't you see the list on the door? We're partners." he explained, and you stiffened.
It was too big of a coincidence to truly be happenstance. All week Peter had been pestering you, perpetually following you around and talking your ear off, and now he just happened to be assigned as your partner for the final Speech project? He did something. That was the only logical conclusion.
Your eyes narrowed as you stared at him with as much intensity as you could muster. "Peter, what did you do?" you growled.
Peter's eyes widened at your tone, and he shifted in his seat nervously with a sheepish smile. "What do you mean?" he questioned coyly, and you scowled at him fiercely. "I didn't do anything, (Y/N)."
"Bullshit." you snapped, "I find it hard to believe that we just happened to be assigned partners after how obsessively you've been harassing me all week."
He gaped at you, "Harassed? What?" he stammered, "(Y/N), let's calm down--I haven't... I haven't been harassing you. I just want you to know I really do want to be your friend."
You scoffed at his excuse, "Shut up, Peter. Just leave me alone! I don't want to be your friend, okay? My lips are sealed. I won't tell anyone your secret, just leave me alone!"
With one finally glare, you lurched out of your seat and stomped to one far away from the still aghast boy. As you settled into your new seat, ignoring the strange looks from your classmates who witnessed your outburst, you wrinkled your nose and picked at your nails angrily. As much as you were angry with Peter, you were also angry with yourself.
You were angry that he'd stopped you, and you'd let him. You were angry at the world for letting your sister die. You were angry at your sister for saving you when she should have saved herself. Most of all, though, you were angry with yourself for how you were acting. Even though she wasn't there, you could almost hear your sister scolding you for how you'd treated Peter.
She always was the levelheaded, rational sister. The good sister. The better sister. She would have been ashamed of how you'd been ignoring Peter, ranting to you, "He's just trying to be there for you, idiot. Stop being such a jerk and let him help you. You need to stop being so stubborn..."
You listened eagerly to Ms. Lovell's lesson and instruction for the new project. It wasn't because you were genuinely interested, because you weren't, but it was something to distract you. It was something to drown out the voice of your sister that was echoing through your skull, rattling you to your core as you tried to keep your emotions at bay.
This was the hardest part of losing your sister. She'd been so close to you, so important to you, it was impossible to not think of her in every moment of every day. It was impossible not to think of what she'd have done, instead of what you had done. It was impossible not to think of what she'd have thought of your actions, what she'd have said to you, of what she'd have wanted you to do.
She had been your voice of reason, your confidant, your role model. She'd always been so much better than you, someone you aspired to be like, and now that she was gone the comparisons were so much heavier on your head. Why couldn't it have been you instead of her? She would never have had such a hard time like you were.
For instance, she wouldn't have been so bitter. She wouldn't have been so filled with rage, hatred, or despair. She wouldn't have blamed anyone, not even herself, and she wouldn't have hated the people who had killed you. She always did love a good superhero, and even if you'd have died at the hands of the Avengers like she had, she would have found a reason to still have faith in them. She would have forgiven them.
This project was going to be a tough one, and not just because you were going to have to work with Peter Parker. "This is going to be a persuasive speech, guys, so you're able to pick your stance freely so long as it pertains to the Avengers. For example, you could persuade us that they're bad, if that's how you feel." Ms. Lovell explained, "Just be prepared to face debate from the class. Each group has to face five full minutes of argument from the class and be able to firmly debate their stance."
A project in which you'd have to argue your stance pertaining to the superheroes that had killed your sister, and you were working with Peter-Spiderman-Parker. Great, you thought to yourself, this was going to be a nightmare. There was no way the two of you would agree on what stance to persuade; you hated superheroes, and he was one, for God's sake.
You glanced over at Peter, only to catch him already staring at you. The pair of you quickly looked away from each other, but you noticed the way his cheeks flared red in embarrassment. How long had he been watching you? Was he dreading the project now as much as you were?
He probably didn't know how you felt about the Avengers. Not many people really cared enough to read about what had happened to your sister, and you weren't exactly in the right state of mind to be out protesting the many shortcomings of the superheroes. You wondered, though, how he would react when he found out.
Lying was an option, but there was no way you'd be able to debate in favor of the Avengers without breaking. Could you debate against them without losing it either, though? You weren't entirely sure. It was a sore subject and you were certainly not looking forward to having to dedicate your time to speaking about them.
Peter lingered by his seat after class was dismissed, staring at you awkwardly as he told his friends he would catch up with them later. You could see the strange, weary looks they shot you, but you chose to ignore them. Everyone looked at you a little funny ever since the incident, and you'd long ago grown accustomed to it. This time, though, you couldn't help but think they were looking at you strangely for a reason other than your sister.
You had two options. You could suck it up and talk to Peter right then, or you could continue to ignore him until you were forced to do the project. Catching his warm brown eyes as he timidly watched you, you sighed. It was now or never; maybe if you were nicer he'd back off a little with the obsessive tendencies.
"So," you drawled, approaching him shyly, "how are we gonna do this?"
This was what she would have wanted you to do; that's what you chanted in your head as you forced yourself to at least seem somewhat approachable. "Uh, we could--we could meet up tomorrow? You could come to my apartment." he stuttered, scratching his neck awkwardly and fiddling with his backpack.
He radiated nervous energy, and the black hole inside of you consumed it greedily. You twiddled your thumbs just as nervously as you replied, "Do you, um, do you mind coming to my house instead? My parents are--they're a little weird about me going out because of... yeah."
God, his stutter was rubbing off on you, and you cringed at the way you stumbled over your words like a fool. It had been such a long time since you'd invited anyone to your house, let alone talked to anyone besides your parents and your therapist, and it was stressing you out. The exhaustion of the day was wearing you down rapidly, and having to socialize was making it worse.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course!" he spluttered, "Uh, could I get your number? So I can, like, text you when I'm coming?"
You hoped he didn't notice how much your fingers were shaking as you took his phone, struggling to type in your number as you mistyped multiple times. Once you'd saved your contact into his phone, you sent yourself a text so that you'd have his number too. You didn't exactly answer unknown numbers anymore, though if you were honest, you often didn't answer people you knew either. That was what drove your friends away.
Peter shot you a shy smile as you handed his phone back, and he asked, "Do you want to get started tonight, maybe? I could call you."
Biting your cheek, you paled. Tonight? You were exhausted, and the thought of having to talk for any longer made you nauseous. "No offense, Peter, but I... I really just need a break. This week has been a lot." you mumbled, avoiding his eyes as you stared at your feet.
"Oh, yeah, totally." he acquiesced, "I'll, uh, I'll see you tomorrow."
You didn't reply, only giving him a tight lipped smile that probably looked more like a grimace as you quickly walked away. Once you were out of his sight, your entire body drooped and the numbness steadily washed over you. It had been the longest day, and you were once again grateful for the escape from the overwhelming emotions.
Ever since she died, it was as if all your emotions were on overdrive. There were the many constant ones, like the guilt, shame, and anguish over her death. Along with those were more fleeting ones, like anger, disgust, and fear. Peter, though, he brought about a whole slew of new and equally as intense feelings that drained you.
He made you feel things like anxiety, apprehension, and hope. There was anxiety both due to his wild behavior in regards to you, but also because you feared he might tell people what he'd seen. The apprehension was due to your suspicion he was only so interested because you knew his secret, and was just as fearful that you would tell. But the hope, the stupid anticipation, was the worst.
It was the worst because a stupid part of you hoped he was genuine. You wanted him to really want to be your friend with no ulterior motives because, no matter how much you denied it, you really did need a friend. You wanted a friend. You wanted to let someone in.
You weren't buying it, though, because you were certain you couldn't handle the heartbreak of being wrong about his intentions and discovering he really did only care about his secret. You weren't going to let him hurt you, and if you had to shut yourself off from the world and hurt yourself to prevent it, then so be it. It was easier that way.
Peter Parker: hey i know you said you didn't want to start tonight but that doesn't mean we can't get to know each other
Peter Parker: so if you want, lets play 20 questions! i'll start. what's your favorite movie?
The typing cursor blinked at you tauntingly as you laid on your bed, huddled under the blankets with your thumbs hovering over the keys. That stupid part of you that wanted to make your sister proud begged you to go along with it, to let him be a friend, but you were terrified. You were terrified of the way you actually opened the text and went to reply without hesitation, something you hadn't done since before the incident. You were terrified of the way you wanted to reply, but the only thing that gave you pause was the fact that you didn't have an answer.
Movies weren't something you'd given much thought to in awhile. You knew all of your sister's favorite movies by heart, but your favorite movie? It was as if your brain opened an empty drawer. You didn't know what your favorite movie was.
You: i don't know
Peter Parker: what do you mean you don't know
Peter Parker: do you not like movies?!
You: i just don't know okay
You: i can't remember the last time i watched a movie.
That was a lie. You very well could remember the last time you'd watched a movie, and that was because it was with her. The weekend before she'd died, your sister had dragged you to the theater to watch some cheesy romance film she'd been gushing about for weeks. It was awful, but it was so utterly her that you'd weirdly enjoyed it. You enjoyed it because it made her happy.
Peter Parker: that's crazy wow
Peter Parker: no offense sorry
Peter Parker: it's your turn to ask
You: what's your favorite movie
Peter Parker: star wars but you can't ask the same question!! try again
You: fine
You: what's your favorite food?
Was talking to boys always this hard? You couldn't remember the last time you'd had to get to know someone, but you didn't think it had ever been so nerve wracking. Was something wrong with you? Was everything destined to be this hard now that she was gone?
Peter Parker: anything from Delmar's
Peter Parker: best sandwiches in Queens
Peter Parker: since you got a double and you technically didn't answer my first question, i'm asking you the same but also what's your happiest memory
Everything was always going to be hard. Reading his response, your lungs deflated in your chest and the numbness gave way to the all too familiar sensation of despair. She'd always loved Delmar's, insisting on getting the same sandwich from there every single Friday after school, and it had been your thing.
Would there ever be anything that didn't remind you of her? Remind you of the hole punched in your life where she used to be? It was hard enough dealing with the empty space in your room where her bed used to be, the empty chair at the dinner table where she'd used to sit, all the empty spaces she'd used to fill up. But the little things--the little memories of things she'd used to love--those hurt so much more.
You: i have to go
You: i forgot i'm busy tomorrow so we can't start the project
You: i'm sorry
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warped-historian · 3 years
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Warped Tour, 2005
June 18: Columbus, OH
June 19: Milwaukee, WI
June 21: Maryland Heights, MO
June 22: Bonner Springs, KS
June 24: Dallas, TX
June 25: Houston, TX
June 26: Selma, TX
June 28: Las Cruces, NM
June 29: Phoenix, AZ
June 30: San Diego, CA
July 1: Long Beach, CA
July 2: San Francisco, CA
July 3: Ventura, CA
July 4: Fresno, CA
July 6: Pomona, CA
July 7: Wheatland, CA
July 8: Nampa, ID
July 9: George, WA
July 10: Saint Helens, OR
July 12: Vancouver, BC
July 14: Calgary, AB
July 15: Bozeman, MT
July 16: Salt Lake City, UT
July 17: Denver, CO
July 20: Noblesville, IN
July 21: Cleveland, OH
July 22: Cincinnati, OH
July 23: Tinley Park, IL
July 24: Minneapolis, MN
July 26: Corfu, NY
July 28: Quebec, QC
July 29: Montreal, QC
July 30: Barrie, ON
July 31: Pontiac, MI
August 1: Burgettstown, PA
August 3: Atlanta, GA
August 4: Jacksonville, FL
August 5: Tampa, FL
August 6: Pompano Beach, FL
August 7: Orlando, FL
August 8: Charlotte, NC
August 9: Virginia Beach, VA
August 10: Bristow, VA
August 11: Scranton, PA
August 12: Camden, NJ
August 13: New York City, NY
August 14: Englishtown, NJ
August 15: Northampton, MA
Alexisonfire (Played 7/12-7/14)
Billy Idol (Played 7/6-7/8, 7/10, 7/16, 7/20, 7/22, 7/23)
The Dillinger Escape Plan (Played 7/26-8/1)
Fall Out Boy
Good Charlotte (Played 7/28)
Hawthorne Heights
My Chemical Romance
Relient K (Played 7/6-8/15)
Senses Fail
Simple Plan (Played 7/15-7/17)
The Starting Line
Story Of The Year (Played 8/3-8/15)
The All-American Rejects (Played 6/18-7/10 and 7/15-7/26)
Avenged Sevenfold
Billy Talent (Played 7/12-7/14)
Dropkick Murphys
Gogol Bordello (Played 7/3-7/8 and 7/15-7/23)
Matchbook Romance
Mest (Played 7/4-8/15)
Millencolin (Played 7/28-8/14)
No Use For A Name (Played 6/18-7/23)
The Offspring (Played 6/18-7/12 and 7/15-8/14)
Strung Out
The Suicide Machines (Played 7/31)
The Bled
The Explosion (Played 6/18-7/17)
Funeral For A Friend (Played 7/20-8/15)
Horrorpops (Played 7/14)
Hot Rod Circuit (Played 8/3-8/15)
The Kinison (Played 7/20-8/15)
Mae (Played 7/20-8/15)
Motion City Soundtrack (Played 7/6-7/12 and 7/15-8/15)
Over It (Played 7/28-8/15)
Rufio (Played 7/2-7/12 and 7/15-7/17)
Reggie And The Full Effect (Played 7/7-8/15)
Saosin (Played 7/21-8/15)
Silverstein (Played 6/18-7/17)
Strike Anywhere (Played 6/18-7/2 and 7/14)
Tsunami Bomb (Played 6/18-7/1)
Underoath (Played 6/18-7/17 and 7/28-8/14)
The Unseen (Played 6/18-7/17)
The Academy Is... (Played 7/26-8/7)
The Actual (Played 6/18-6/30)
Amber Pacific (Played 7/20-8/1)
Another Damn Disappointment (Played 6/18-6/29 and 7/26-8/1)
ASG (Played 7/1-7/12, 7/15-7/17 and 8/3-8/15)
Bedouin Soundclash
Bleeding Through (Played 8/3-8/15)
The Briefs (Played 8/3-8/15)
The Dead 60s (Played 8/8-8/15)
Dorothy Sanchez (Played 7/20-8/1)
The Fight (Played 7/26-8/15)
From First To Last (Played 7/6-7/12 and 7/15-7/17)
Go Betty Go (Played 7/26-8/15)
Gratitude (Played 8/1-8/15)
Gym Class Heroes (Played 7/6-7/24)
Halifax (Played 7/6-7/24)
Hidden In Plain View (Played 6/18-7/17)
Horrorpops (Played 7/6-7/12 and 7/15-7/24)
Lost City Angels (Played 7/20-8/1)
The Matches (Played 6/18-7/17)
Near Miss (Played 7/24-7/31)
Opiate for the Masses (Played 7/14)
Plain White T's (Played 6/18-7/4)
The Riverboat Gamblers (Played 6/18-7/12, 7/15-7/24 and 8/3-8/15)
Rufio (Played 7/14)
Skindred (Played 7/20-7/24 and 8/8-8/15)
Stutterfly (Played 6/18-7/4)
Street Dogs (Played 8/3-8/15)
Throw Rag (Played 7/20-7/24, 8/1)
The Twenty Twos (Played 6/18-7/2)
Valient Thorr
A Change Of Pace (Played 7/16-7/30)
A Thorn For Every Heart (Played 8/1-8/15)
A Wilhelm Scream (Played 8/15)
Acceptance (Played 8/10-8/15)
Amber Pacific (Played 7/14)
Armor For Sleep (Played 6/18-7/17)
Before Today (Played 6/30)
Between Home And Serenity (Played 6/18-6/21)
Boys Night Out
Cartel (Played 7/31-8/1)
Darkest Hour (Played 8/13-8/15)
Day Two (Played 7/1-7/12 and 7/15-7/17)
From First To Last (Played 7/14)
The Fully Down (Played 7/14)
Gatsbys American Dream (Played 6/18-7/4)
Glory Of This (Played 8/7-8/9)
Greeley Estates
June (Played 7/23-7/26)
The Junior Varsity (Played 7/20-7/22)
Mewithoutyou (Played 8/1)
Roses Are Red (Played 7/4-7/10)
Scary Kids Scaring Kids (Played 6/24-6/29 and 7/28-8/9)
So They Say (Played 6/18-6/22)
The Spill Canvas (Played 7/20-7/24)
This Day And Age (Played 8/10-8/15)
This Providence (Played 7/8-7/10)
Waking Ashland (Played 6/30-7/4)
The Working Title (Played 8/3-8/6)
Yesterday's Rising
A Change of Pace (Played 6/29)
A Thorn for Every Heart (Played 6/29-7/7)
A Wilhelm Scream (Played 7/20-7/30)
Aiden (Played 7/9)
As Tall As Lions (Played 7/26 and 8/1)
Big D and the Kids Table
Bleed the Dream
Circa Survive (Played 8/8-8/15)
EchoValve (Played 8/3-8/6)
Ethos Music Camp Band (Played 6/30-7/2)
The Feds (Played 6/18-6/28)
Her Candane (Played 7/16)
Kane Hodder (Played 7/8-7/18)
The Malcontents (Played 7/20)
Monty's Fan Club (Played 7/8-8/1 and 8/10-8/15)
Mr. Brown (Played 8/3-8/7)
Much the Same (Played 7/23)
My American Heart
Nonpoint (Played 8/3-8/9)
Opiate for the Masses
Poopan (Played 6/29-7/7)
The Receiving End Of Sirens (Played 6/18-6/28 and 8/1-8/15)
Sargent (Played 8/14)
Scary Kids Scaring Kids (Played 6/18-6/22)
The Silence (Played 6/29-7/7)
Slavic Souls Party (Played 8/11-8/12 and 8/14)
Sophomore (Played 6/22)
Split Habit (Played 7/21-7/24 and 7/28-7/30)
The Swellers (Played 7/21, 7/24)
Thin Dark Line (Played 7/26)
5 Stars For Failure (Played 7/24)
15 Minutes Late (Played 6/19)
5606 (Played 7/2)
A Day in Africa (Played 6/22)
A Day to Remember (Played 8/5)
A Sense of Belonging (Played 8/12)
A Textbook Tragedy (Played 7/12)
Abacus (Played 7/28)
Abbington (Played 6/22)
Acitone (Played 7/24)
Ahimsa Sunrise (Played 8/11)
Alivia (Played 7/14)
Amber Sky CA (Played 7/6)
Amora Savant (Played 6/19)
Animal Suit Driveby (Played 8/15)
Antagen (Played 7/1)
Ashwin (Played 8/8)
avarice.to.lace (Played 7/14)
The Awkward Romance (Played 8/3)
Bad Larry (Played 8/15)
The Belmonte Academy (Played 7/10)
Bennington (Played 6/25)
Bensin (Played 7/26)
Blank Logic (Played 7/4)
TheBleedingAlarm (Played 7/12)
BlueTurnsWhite (Played 7/10)
Boldtype (Played 7/17)
Brookside (Played 8/13)
Burning Bright (Played 7/23)
Camera (Played 7/4)
Carter Beats the Devil (Played 8/6)
Casual Drama (Played 7/15)
Catherine (Played 7/7)
Ceremonial Snips (Played 7/29)
Chasing Victory (Played 8/4)
The Classic Crime (Played 7/9)
ClearviewPA (Played 8/1)
Crane (Played 7/28)
Crashing By Design (Played 7/24)
Crooked Edge (Played 8/5)
Cute is What We Aim For (Played 7/26)
Danny Wynn and the Earthlings (Played 6/28)
Dead Letter Diaries (Played 7/1)
Dear Whoever (Played 7/10)
December Lies (Played 8/12)
Deciding Tonight (Played 8/13)
DelsonDrive (Played 7/29)
Divide the Day (Played 7/1)
Divine Endings (Played 8/9)
Don't Let Go (Played 6/29)
Drama Summer (Played 7/21)
Drawback (Played 7/26)
Drive By Romance (Played 6/24)
Dystalis (Played 7/20)
Exhaustra (Played 8/4)
Fall of Transition (Played 8/9)
Falling Closer (Played 7/10)
The Famed (Played 6/22)
Farewell (Played 8/8)
Farewell To Twilight (Played 6/19)
FATE (Played 7/7)
The Felix Culpa (Played 7/23)
Femme Fatality (Played 6/21)
FIAD (Played 8/9)
Finish the Fight (Played 6/28)
Fire At Will (Played 8/7)
Five Style Fist (Played 7/17)
Flight 409 (Played 7/4)
Flip the Switch (Played 7/7)
The Flipside (Played 6/24)
Fly By Night (Played 7/3)
Forever Changed (Played 8/7)
Four Alarm Fire (Played 7/1)
The Fully Down (Played 7/29)
Gas Can Pickup (Played 7/23)
The Ghost Cried Murder (Played 7/14)
Girl in a Coma (Played 6/26)
Glass Intrepid (Played 6/25)
Glory Nights (Played 7/12)
Gone Baby Gone (Played 8/15)
Haffo (Played 6/29)
Heavy Heavy Low Low (Played 7/2)
Heist At Hand (Played 6/25)
High Flight Society (Played 8/3)
The Hint (Played 8/10)
His Red Letters (Played 7/16)
Hit the Lights (Played 6/18)
House Of Heroes (Played 6/18)
In Camera (Played 7/16)
Inept (Played 7/23)
InMemory (Played 7/3)
Isadora (Played 8/1)
Ismada (Played 8/13)
Ject (Played 8/6)
The Josephine Love Letter (Played 6/22)
Junior Revolution (Played 7/22)
Kandace Ferrel and HeartsAcrossAmerica (Played 7/6)
Karmellas Game (Played 8/10)
Kid Innocence (Played 7/2)
Kill What I Adore (Played 6/18)
Langley (Played 7/8)
Larger Than Life (Played 6/30)
Last Tuesday (Played 8/11)
Lenore (Played 7/17)
Love Equals Death (Played 7/2)
Lowercase (Played 6/21)
Lucky For Nothing (Played 7/9)
Mercury Bullet (Played 7/4)
The Mercy League (Played 8/6)
Midnight Aria (Played 8/7)
The Mile After (Played 8/8)
Mint 6 Ten (Played 7/22)
Minus My Thoughts (Played 7/15)
Monet Madrid Madagascar (Played 7/21)
Moraine (Played 8/12)
MOTH (Played 7/22)
Motionless in White (Played 8/11)
My Hostage (Played 8/4)
My Life Story (Played 7/3)
The NAOS Project (Played 6/26)
National Product (Played 6/30)
Nikki Hurst (Played 7/12)
Novella (Played 6/21)
Off Track (Played 6/30)
One Amazing Kid (Played 8/8)
One For Hope (Played 6/28)
Otenki (Played 6/25)
Out of Options (Played 7/30)
Panic Division (Played 6/26)
Pensativa (Played 7/3)
The Pinstripes (Played 7/22)
The Pirkqlaters (Played 7/8)
Point One (Played 7/9)
Post Break Tragedy (Played 8/14)
Potty Mouth Society (Played 7/9)
Queen City Knights (Played 7/26)
Race the Sun (Played 8/9)
Radio (Played 8/6)
Ready to Fall (The Hydra Melody) (Played 6/26)
Red Knife Lottery (Played 6/19)
Red Lipstick Letter (Played 8/4)
Red Wire Morning (Played 7/6)
Redfield (Played 6/29)
Rottin Youth (Played 7/8)
Royden (Played 8/13)
Rushmore Academy (Played 6/21)
The Sainte Catherines (Played 7/29)
Saravain (Played 8/10)
The Scene (Played 6/18)
Select Start (Played 8/5)
Shift D (Played 7/30)
Shining Through (Played 6/30)
Sick City (Played 7/14)
Side Dish Sydney (Played 7/30)
Sleeper Set Sail (Played 7/30)
Sloppy Meateaters (Played 8/3)
Someday Never (Played 8/14)
Steal The Air (Played 8/14)
Straight Line Stitch (Played 8/3)
The Superspecs (Played 8/14)
Synthetic Elements (Played 7/17)
Take The Fall (Played 7/16)
The Temptation of Saint Anthony (Played 7/8)
This Awkward Silence (Played 7/21)
Throw the Fight (Played 7/24)
Tooth Fuzz (Played 7/21)
TraceMyVeins (Played 7/15)
Trackfighter (Played 7/7)
Tripleshot (Played 6/24)
Truly Changed (Played 8/7)
The Two Bit Terribles (Played 7/20)
Upper Class Trash (Played 8/5)
Uptown Stomp (Played 8/10)
Urinal Mints (Played 7/20)
Useed (Played 7/28)
Valencia (Played 8/12)
Vera Lynn (Played 6/29)
The Victory Year (Played 8/1)
The Waiting Room (Played 6/24)
We Are Lions (Played 7/6)
W.E.T. (Played 7/15)
WhenManMeetsHisMaker (Played 8/11)
Wings of Azrael (Played 8/1)
Your Name in Lights (Played 6/28)
Zox (Played 8/15)
33 West (Played 8/9)
A Void (Played 7/17)
Abrasive Wheels (Played 6/18-6/22)
Action Action (Played 8/4-8/6)
Adair (Played 6/21-6/22)
Adelphi (Played 8/9-8/10)
Adrenokrome (Played 7/3-7/4)
The A.K.A.'s (Played 7/23-7/26, 7/31-8/5 and 8/15)
Alucard (Played 7/31)
Amateur Musician's Fund (Played 7/30)
A.N.I.M.A.L. (Played 6/24-6/28)
The Art of Safecracking (Played 6/30-7/2)
Backside Slappy (Played 8/9)
Baghead (Played 8/11)
Bedlight for Blue Eyes (Played 6/18-6/19)
Beerzone (Played 8/11-8/14)
Bella Morte (Played 8/9)
Blackbird (Played 6/29)
Blue Sky Goodbye (Played 7/20)
Bob's Kitchen (Played 7/21-7/22)
Boink (Played 7/31)
Bombs Over Providence (Played 7/12-7/14 and 7/28-7/29)
Brain Failure (Played 8/8-8/11)
Brat Attack (Played 7/12-7/14)
Bricks For Shoulders (Played 7/21-7/22)
Brigands (Played 6/28)
Brutally Frank (Played 6/21)
Bullets and Octane (Played 6/30-7/3)
Burning Bright (Played 7/23)
Burns Out Bright (Played 8/8)
Butane (Played 7/23)
Buttonhead (Played 7/20)
Cartel (Played 8/3-8/4)
Cofelon (Played 7/17)
The Chaos Theory (Played 7/24)
Charlize (Played 7/17)
Chasing August (Played 8/8)
Chasing Victory (Played 8/3)
Chesterwhite and His Orchestra (Played 7/21-7/22)
Cigarette (Played 7/15-7/16)
Close to Home (Played 7/15-7/17)
Co-Exist (Played 7/4 and 7/7-7/8)
Comfortable For You (Played 7/2)
The Commercials (Played 7/21-7/22 and 7/26)
Coppermine (Played 6/21-6/22)
Corey Versus Corey (Played 6/24)
Closed For Mondays (Played 6/19)
Cranked Up! (Played 8/12)
Crush Luther (Played 7/28-7/30)
The Culling Song (Played 6/18)
Custom Made Scare (Played 7/3)
Damien's Day Out (Played 8/10)
Darkbuster (Played 8/10-8/11 and 8/13)
Day of Contempt (Played 7/4-7/7)
Daze (Played 7/26)
Deadbeat Romeo (Played 7/12-7/14)
Dead Poetic (Played 6/18)
Defiance of Authority (Played 8/8)
Defining Moment (Played 8/6)
DEK (Played 7/9)
Delux (Played 6/26)
Denver Harbor (Played 7/3 and 7/6)
Destruction Made Simple (Played 7/2-7/3 and 7/6)
Dexter Danger (Played 6/26)
The Dog and Everything (Played 7/21-7/22)
Diffs (Played 7/1-7/2)
The Disease (Played 8/8)
Disorient Express (Played 6/28)
Divided They Fall (Played 6/29)
DKLIMB (Played 8/4-8/6)
Down to Earth (Played 8/8 and 8/10)
Downtown Brown (Played 7/31)
Downtown Singapore (Played 8/10)
Dr. Neptune (Played 7/16-7/17)
The Drapes (Played 7/8)
Dub Trio (Played 8/13)
Echo Screen (Played 8/14)
Echovalve (Played 8/7-8/9)
The Eight Bucks Experiment (Played 7/17)
El Centro (Played 7/6)
El Pollo Diablo (Played 7/15)
The Escaped (Played 7/10)
E.W.I. (Played 7/9)
The Fabulous Rudies (Played 6/24-6/26)
Fail to Follow (Played 7/16)
Fakeknife (Played 8/14)
Fear Nuttin' Band (Played 8/9-8/15)
The Fenwicks (Played 8/4-8/6)
Fight Paris (Played 8/3)
Fight the Locals (Played 7/31)
The Firebird Band (Played 7/20 and 7/22)
Firecracker 500 (Played 7/6)
First on Mars (Played 8/1)
Five Minutes to Freedom (Played 6/30)
Flight 409 (Played 7/9)
Forever Changed (Played 8/4)
Forgetting April (Played 6/24)
Fred Savage & the Unbeatables (Played 7/24)
From There for Tomorrow (Played 8/4)
Fu Manchu (Played 7/1)
Fully Loaded (Played 7/15-7/16)
The Gasrats (Played 6/19)
G.F.I. (Played 7/8)
Gone All Summer (Played 7/23)
Grand Buffet (Played 8/12)
Grave for the Fireflies (Played 7/10)
Grayson Manor (Played 8/3)
Griz (Played 7/23-7/24)
Guff (Played 8/3)
He Is Legend (Played 8/3)
Hellogoodbye (Played 8/5-8/7)
Hence Reverie (Played 8/12 and 8/14)
Hidden By Authority (Played 7/2-7/3)
High Deafinition (Played 7/28-7/30)
Hitchers (Played 8/12-8/14)
Honchie (Played 6/25)
Hopesick (Played 8/5)
Hot Like (A) Robot (Played 7/20-7/22)
Hurry Up Offense (Played 8/1 and 8/11)
The Huxtables (Played 7/7-7/8
I Am the Avalanche (Played 7/26 and 8/13-8/15)
I Voted for Kodos (Played 6/19 and 6/22)
Idiom (Played 7/3-7/4)
illScarlett (Played 7/28-7/30)
In Memory (Played 7/1)
Inspect Her Gadget (Played 7/2, 7/4 and 7/7)
Introspect (Played 7/16)
Irradio (Played 7/6)
Issue 10 (Played 7/8)
It Dies Today (Played 8/11-8/13)
J4 (Played 6/24-6/29)
Jenoah (Played 6/19-6/22)
Jupiter Sunrise (Played 7/15)
Kaddisfly (Played 7/3, 7/7, 7/9-7/10 and 7/15)
Kairos (Played 8/1)
The Keep Always (Played 7/24)
The Know How (Played 7/20 and 7/22)
Last Great Hope (Played 8/7)
Like Yesterday (Played 7/26 and 8/13-8/15)
The Lingua Franca (Played 7/31)
The Look (Played 7/9-7/10 and 7/15)
Lorene Drive (Played 8/3-8/7)
Los Creepers (Played 7/7)
Los Furios (Played 7/12-7/14)
Los Kung-Fu Monkeys (Played 6/28-6/30)
Loser's Luck (Played 6/21-6/22)
Losing Team (Played 7/4)
Love Equals Death (Played 7/10)
The Lucky Stiffs (Played 7/7-7/9)
Ludo (Played 6/21)
The Madd Agents (Played 8/7)
The Mansfields (Played 7/17)
Maryz Eyez (Played 7/31)
Max Cady (Played 6/25)
Mentally Ill (Played 7/15)
The Miasmics (Played 8/9)
Midnight Aria (Played 8/4)
Mike Got Spiked (Played 7/28-7/30)
Mike Watt & Peter DiStefano (Played 6/30-7/4)
Milton (Played 7/21-7/22)
The Minor League (Played 7/31)
Minority (Played 6/24-6/26)
Morning Call (Played 7/12-7/14)
Most Precious Blood (Played 6/21-6/22)
Mourning Maxwell (Played 6/25-6/29)
Murdocks (Played 6/25)
My Finest Hour (Played 6/18)
My Former Self (Played 7/6 and 7/9)
My So-Called Band (Played 8/8)
Name Taken (Played 6/29-6/30)
Narcoleptic Youth (Played 6/30 and 7/3-7/6)
National Product (Played 7/1 and 7/15)
Near Miss (Played 7/20-7/23)
Neglected Superhero (Played 8/7)
Never the Better (Played 7/20)
No Name Charlies (Played 7/21-7/22)
The New Transit Direction (Played 7/16)
No Comply (Played 7/28-7/30)
Noise Attack (Played 7/2)
Notwithstanding (Played 7/24)
Nuts and Bolts (Played 8/4)
O'Doyle Rules (Played 6/24)
Off Track (Played 7/10)
One Eyed Jacks (Played 7/12-7/14)
OneWorldSolution (Played 7/7-7/8)
Onset of Effect (Played 6/28-6/29 and 7/1)
Open Hand (Played 6/18-6/19)
Ordinary K (Played 8/13)
Oreon (Played 7/20-7/22)
Outlett (Played 7/4)
The Paperdolls (Played 7/8)
PBM (Played 7/31)
Peachcake (Played 6/29)
Playing With Matches (Played 6/21)
Pluto Gang (Played 8/11)
The Preps (Played 8/1)
Preston (Played 7/16)
Protest the Hero (Played 7/12-7/14 and 7/30)
The Randies (Played 7/4-7/6)
The Real Deal (Played 7/28-7/30)
Remedy for Ruin (Played 7/26 and 8/13)
Robby Roadsteamer (Played 8/11 and 8/13-8/14)
Roses Are Red (Played 6/18-6/19)
Roundabout (Played 7/9)
Roundeye (Played 7/23)
Royden (Played 8/14)
Sakura (Played 7/20)
Same Day Service (Played 6/22-6/26)
Saving Verona (Played 7/17)
Say They Exist (Played 8/7)
Select Start (Played 8/4)
Seventh Echo (Played 6/18)
Shoreline (Played 7/23-7/24)
Silent Army (Played 7/15)
Simple & Supreem (Played 8/1)
Single File (PLayed 7/16-7/17
Singled Out (Played 6/29)
Six Hung Sprung (Played 6/21)
Skint (Played 7/16)
The Skulls (Played 6/30)
Sledgeback (Played 7/9)
So Abused (Played 7/8)
Somerset (Played 7/24)
Sophomore (Played 7/30)
Southcott (Played 7/26)
Split Fifty (Played 8/9-8/10 and 8/12)
Still Not Sexy (Played 7/23)
Stolen Babies (Played 6/30-7/2)
Straight Outta Junior High (Played 6/22)
Strawmen (Played 8/10)
The Stranger's Six (Played 6/30)
Subseven (Played 6/22-6/24)
Summerhero (Played 7/28-7/30)
Sunday Driver (Played 8/5-8/7)
Switchblade Kittens (Played 6/28)
Tanya Janca (Played 6/28)
Ten Second Epic (Played 7/12-7/14)
Third Estate (Played 7/26)
Third to None (Played 7/26)
Thirty3 (Played 7/10)
The Thornbirds (Played 7/10)
Through You (Played 8/5)
Tied For Second (Played 6/24)
Time Again (Played 7/1 and 7/7)
The Timmys (Played 7/23-7/24)
Tommy Coma (Played 8/11)
Tomorrows Too Late (Played 6/26)
Toothless George & His One Man Band (Played 8/1 and 8/12)
The Track Record (Played 8/8-8/10)
Transit War (Played 7/3)
Ultimate Power Duo (Played 7/12-7/14)
The Uncertain 5 (Played 6/18)
The Underwater (Played 8/12)
Unit F (Played 6/30 and 7/4-7/7)
Uptown (Played 6/29)
The Valley Arena (Played 6/30-7/2)
The Valley Kids (Played 6/28)
Versus the World (Played 7/4)
Waiting for Darryl (Played 7/8 and 7/10)
Waking Ashland (Played 7/1 and 7/9-7/10)
Walls of Jericho (Played 7/31-8/3)
Waving at Strangers (Played 8/3)
The Weakend (Played 7/31)
The Western Front (Played 6/19)
Westbound Train (Played 8/8-8/10)
Westshore (Played 8/6)
Who Needs Shoes? (Played 7/28-7/30)
Whole Wheat Bread (Played 8/5-8/7)
Wicked Wisdom (Played 7/10)
Witroy (Played 7/20)
Words Now Heard (Played 8/6-8/9)
Your Best Regret (Played 8/12)
Youthinasia (Played 7/28-7/30)
Zach Lost (Played 8/14)
Zero Syndrome (Played 6/25)
2 Mex (Played 6/29-7/10)
360 Degrees (Played 7/31)
Arcane (Played 6/18-6/28, 6/30-7/9, 7/12-7/28, 7/30-8/5 and 8/8-8/15)
Astronautalis (Played 6/24-7/7, 7/15, 8/3-8/7 and 8/13-8/15)
Asylum7 (Played 7/31)
Awol One (Played 6/29-7/10)
Bad Feathers (Played 6/18-6/22)
Blestenation (Played 8/8-8/15)
Bomb Sqwad (Played 8/8-8/9)
Braille (Played 7/10)
Breathless (Played 6/18-6/26, 7/1-7/2, 7/8-7/10 and 7/15-7/17)
Chief (Played 7/31)
The Chicharones (Played 7/3-7/15 and 7/20-7/24)
The Crest (Played 6/19)
Dark Starz (Played 6/18, 7/21 and 8/4-8/7)
Ecleptic Blue (Played 7/31)
Educated Consumers (Played 8/10)
Eibol N Knobs (Played 7/26, 8/8-8/11 and 8/13-8/15)
Eternia (Played 6/18-7/1, 7/3-7/22, 7/24-8/4, 8/6-8/8, 8/11 and 8/13-8/14)
Eye2Eye (Played 7/28-7/30)
Generik (Played 6/30)
Glue (Played 6/18-6/22, 7/20-7/24 and 7/31-8/1)
Greans (Played 6/18-6/28, 7/2-7/3, 7/14-7/17, 7/26, 8/3, 8/5-8/6 and 8/11)
Green Tara (Played 7/12)
GreySkul (Played 7/9-7/10)
Hangar 18 (Played 6/18-7/12 and 7/15-8/15)
Howl (Played 7/28-7/30)
Ismalia (Played 7/15-7/17, 7/24-7/26 and 8/1-8/3)
Joe Bean (Played 8/3)
Keith Concept featuring The Ketchup Samurai (Played 7/26)
Krush Unit - Solid Ground Reggae Band (Played 8/1 and 8/12)
Longshot (Played 7/16-7/23)
Ltoka (Played 7/4-7/7 and 7/16-7/17)
Minamina Goodsong (Played 8/1-8/7)
Mr. Brady (Played 6/30)
Mr. Dibbs (Played 7/20, 7/22 and 7/29)
Natives of the New Dawn (Played 6/18-6/22, 7/20-7/26 and 7/31)
Now On (Played 7/31)
Omni (Played 6/24-6/28)
One Be Lo (Played 6/21-6/29, 7/9-7/10, 7/28-8/5 and 8/7-8/10)
Paws (Played 7/12)
Phil Harmonic (Played 8/8-8/15)
Pigeon John (Played 7/1-7/2)
P.O.S (Played 7/24)
Psalm One (Played 7/20-7/24)
Q Unique (Played 8/9-8/15)
Quese I MC (Played 6/28-7/8 and 7/12-7/14)
Rachel Flood (Played 7/12)
Radiax (Played 8/13-8/15)
Red Tide (Played 8/6-8/7)
Roosevelt Franklin (Played 8/8-8/15)
Science Non Fiction (Played 8/4-8/7)
Shankhini (Played 7/30)
Sign1 (Played 7/31)
Solila (Played 8/4-8/7)
Subliminal Orphans (Played 8/12)
Tabularasa (Played 6/24-6/29)
Tasheer (Played 7/31)
TNA - Jam One (Played 7/23)
Verbal Kent (Played 7/23)
Xtra Credit B Girls (Played 6/25 and 8/5)
Brother Reade
Lordz of Brooklyn
The Nillaz
8 Bit (Played 7/6)
Adrien and the Sickness (Played 6/26)
All or Nothing HC (Played 7/1-7/2, 7/7-7/8 and 7/16-7/17)
Allison Model One (Played 7/26, 8/11 and 8/15)
AlterBois (Played 8/12)
Anadies (Played 7/17)
Anti-Hero (Played 7/30)
The Applicators (Played 6/25-6/26)
Arden (Played 8/9)
Audio Dischordance (Played 8/8)
Beyond the Torchlight (Played 7/17)
Binky (Played 7/2)
Bogart (Played 7/14)
The Break Up (Played 7/4)
Candy From Strangers (Played 7/10)
Careworm (Played 7/12)
Centric (Played 6/19)
Chumley's Toy (Played 8/4 and 8/6)
Con Amore (Played 8/14)
Curse of the Highride (Played 7/7)
Daimon (Played 6/28-6/29 and 7/1)
The Dead X's (Played 7/9)
Del Cielo (Played 8/9-8/10)
The Dents (Played 7/29)
Dirty Mary (Played 7/15-7/17 and 7/21)
Dirty Pink (Played 7/16)
The Dollars (Played 7/23)
The Dollyrots (Played 8/4-8/6)
Dynamite 8 (Played 7/8)
Elsie Major (Played 8/10)
Fabulous Disaster (Played 7/2)
Fall River (Played 6/18)
Fallopian (Played 7/3)
The Ferals (Played 7/4)
The Feverfew (Played 8/14)
Five Star Affair (Played 7/14)
Flyleaf (Played 6/22)
Full Minute of Mercury (Played 8/8 and 8/10)
GDB (Played 7/16)
Gina Young
Girl in a Coma (Played 6/22-6/24)
GirlParts (Played 8/3 and 8/8)
The Green Lady Killers (Played 6/28-6/29)
Handcuffs and Heels (Played 7/31)
Hidden (Played 7/6)
Hydraulic Sandwich (Played 8/15)
Jaymie Gerard (Played 8/14)
Jen Urban and the Box (Played 8/13)
Jerra (Played 6/30, 7/3 and 7/8-7/10)
The Juliet Dagger (Played 7/26 and 8/1)
Jungii (Played 7/26)
Keen (Played 7/8)
Kievan Rus (Played 7/21 and 7/26)
Killbourne (Played 7/12-7/14)
Lady Unluck (Played 8/13 and 8/15)
Ladymilk (Played 7/30)
Last To Fall (Played 7/9)
Leaving The Scene (Played 7/10 and 7/15)
Lia Fail (Played 6/29-6/30 and 7/7)
The Lorrainas (Played 7/31-8/1)
Lourds (Played 8/13)
Mad Marge and The Stone Cutters (Played 7/3-7/4)
Midway (Played 7/6 and 7/23-7/24)
Miss Pie (Played 6/21 and 8/4-8/8)
The Misses (Played 6/21)
The Motorpsychos (Played 7/31-8/1)
Mr. Guy and a Few Good Men (Played 7/22)
Naked Aggression (Played 7/6)
New Years Day (Played 7/3)
One Way Letter (Played 8/3)
Ouija Radio (Played 7/24)
Overated (Played 6/18)
Paramore (Played 7/22-7/26, 8/3-8/7 and 8/9-8/10)
Pretty In Stereo (Played 7/1)
Princess Riot (Played 7/28)
Punk Bunny (Played 7/1)
The Rabits (Played 7/21)
Rachel Jacobs (Played 8/9)
Rachel Kann (Played 7/3)
Raging Hormones (Played 6/22)
Rags To Bitches (Played 7/29)
Ramona Quimby (Played 8/5 and 8/7)
The Red Flecks (Played 7/22)
Red Knife Lottery (Played 6/19 and 7/24)
Revenge of the Bad Apples (Played 6/24-6/25)
The Rumours (Played 7/12)
The Sadder Days (Played 7/4)
Secret Cervix (Played 8/11 and 8/14)
Shall We Dance (Played 6/21)
Sherry (Played 7/28)
The Shocker (Played 7/2 and 8/9-8/14)
Side Effects (Played 8/11-8/12)
So Unloved (Played 6/26-6/28)
Sputterdoll (Played 7/2)
Sugarpuss (Played 6/30-7/1)
Sunset Grey (Played 6/24-6/25)
The Swear (Played 8/3)
TamarKali (Played 7/28)
TAT (Played 8/12-8/15)
Traeh (Played 6/30)
Tuuli (Played 7/30)
Two Bit Terribles (Played 7/20)
Unsensored (Played 7/29)
Velvet Fury (Played 7/7)
What The Kids Want (Played 7/20)
All Too Much (Played 6/29)
The Dames (Played 6/29)
John Denvers Last Flight (Played 6/29)
Johnny Blood & The Transfusions (Played 6/29)
Line of Fire (Played 6/29)
The Revenge (Played 6/29)
Sigma (Played 6/29)
Swing Ding Amigos (Played 6/29)
33 West (Played 8/8 and 8/10)
A Wilhelm SCream (Played 8/9-8/14)
AKA (Played 8/6)
Body Part Trophy Case (Played 8/11)
Break the Silence (Played 8/4-8/7)
Crash and Burn (Played 8/11-8/14)
Deagle (Played 8/4)
Driving East (Played 8/9)
The Esoteric (Played 8/4-8/14)
Fall of Transition (Played 8/7 and 8/10)
Flat Stanley (Played 8/5)
High Speed Chase (Played 8/14)
It Starts Today (Played 8/4-8/7)
Just R Luck (Played 8/8)
Last Great Hope (Played 8/5)
Longspur (Played 8/4-8/14)
Mourningstar (Played 8/4)
New Crash Position (Played 8/4-8/7)
None More Black (Played 8/12)
The Ratchets (Played 8/12-8/14)
River City High (Played 8/8-8/11)
Rude Buddha (Played 8/9)
The Spacepimps (Played 8/11)
Split Fifty (Played 8/4-8/14)
Stradlatter (Played 8/13)
Time Tells All (Played 8/10)
53 notes · View notes
Mr Henry Tinley is the best character, an angel.
Thank you , bye
61 notes · View notes
austen-tatious · 3 years
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        Reading Pride and Prejudice I liked Elizabeth, but quite honestly I was not a fan of Darcy. I know, I know he’s the fan favorite, but I found him kind of boring. Seeing Elizabeth interact with him, I wanted someone who not only could meet her wit level (because I believe that Darcy can) but, who is eager to meet her wit level; the character I immediately thought of from the Austen-universe was Henry Tinley from Northanger Abbey.
         Henry Tinley and Elizabeth Bennett have the same Style (that is capital S style, Mr. Miller). They both are able to talk around the social conventions; they are above them, in the same way that Jane is above her novels. In the dancing scenes they dance literally and metaphorically around their partners. They satirize the social conventions that govern the practices of courting and marriage—by talking about what they are supposed to talk about, they are in turn not talking about it at all. While Elizabeth comments on the rituals of dance and how much they should talk, and Henry comments on the things they should talk about; they are acknowledging what the narrator of Northanger Abbey calls the “un-important importance” of style (Following Miller’s argument, style here is duplicated to mean both the clothing worn and the way the characters speak), “[style] is at all times a frivolous distinction” (Austen, 71).  Unlike characters such as Mrs. Allen or Robert Ferrars, Henry and Elizabeth transcend the trivial nature material style--be it clothing or social ritual-- and achieve absolute Style.
       Following this thought process, I wanted to create a moment where Henry Tinley and Elizabeth Bennett could dance. While I am not confident in my fiction writing abilities to craft an Austen-like imitation in the form of a fanfiction, I decided to tackle the project ransom-note style by taking dialogue from both characters and splicing it together with some necessary brackets to allow for comprehensibility. I think that this forms an interesting interaction, one where Austen’s worlds blend together, the covers of books blending and merging to create the same muddled image of the balls in the regency era (thinking of the painting of Bath). It is also noteworthy to see how the characters themselves are shifted, in other words, how they are changed in our eyes as the readers simply by delivering their lines with a different receptor. No longer is Henry talking satirical circles around the naive Catherine, but he is matched by the calculated and witty Elizabeth. Just as Lizzie is no longer mocking the grave and quiet Darcy, but instead challenged by the charismatic and sarcastic Tinley. 
I have been very engrossed lately, in the type of form that splices together multiple different things moving them out of one context and into another one (for example my Mad Lib from two weeks ago). I think that this is something done constantly in modern media to “put words in people’s mouths”, for example; the political commercials that splice together opposing candidates statements to make them seem worse than themselves, or Tik Toks that film people who are “Karens” or “over-reacting” in order to make fun of them, while excluding what happened before to get that person to that point. It is interesting to think about this idea in terms of our fanfiction unit, and how often these splices of one story become a totally new story on their own--such as Twilight and 50 shades of Grey. The recycling and rewriting of stories isn’t something new, but I do believe that this practiced has changed quite alot in our modern era, with access to technology and just as many bad writers as good ones. For example, I don’t think that Shakespeare’s Hamlet was a fanfiction of Thomas Kyd’s play by the same name, but rather a better version of it, like the many remakes of the Pride and Prejudice movies. 
EDIT: I realize one of my brackets has disappeared from this photo for some unknown fumble of technology. Line 11 should read “Perhaps you are not [dancing] in this room, perhaps I am not [dancing with you]...”
3 notes · View notes