#Medical Simulation Courses
dmiherwardha · 5 days
How Healthcare Simulation Programs are Improving Patient Safety
Patient safety is a cornerstone of healthcare; improving it is a priority for every medical institution. One of the most revolutionary advancements in healthcare education have definitely been the surge of healthcare simulation programs. These programs provide healthcare students with realistic training scenarios, helping them to hone their skills and respond better in real medical situations. 
Here’s a closer look at how these simulations make healthcare safer.
Building Confidence and Competence
Healthcare simulation programs are designed to mirror real-life medical emergencies and routine procedures. Medical personnel can practice and refine their skills in a controlled, safe environment by participating in these simulations. This hands-on experience is crucial. It builds their confidence and competence, which is vital when facing medical tasks. Confidence in their abilities allows them to perform procedures more efficiently and reduces the likelihood of errors, directly improving patient safety.
Enhancing Team Coordination
Medical outcomes often depend on the efficiency of teamwork in high-pressure situations. Medical simulation courses provide team-based training scenarios that require healthcare professionals to work together, just as they would in a real hospital or clinic setting. These simulations help teams practice communication and collaborative problem-solving, essential for safe and effective patient care.
Allowing Repetition and Practice
Mastery of medical procedures comes with repetition. Healthcare simulation programs allow medical staff to practice complex procedures repeatedly until they achieve proficiency. This repetitive practice helps minimize mistakes in real-life operations and treatments, significantly enhancing patient safety.
Introducing New Equipment and Techniques
Medical technology evolves rapidly, and staying up-to-date with the latest equipment and surgical techniques is crucial for patient safety. Healthcare simulation programs provide a platform for medical professionals to learn about and practice new technologies before they use them on real patients. This aspect of simulation training is crucial for minimizing errors related to using new medical devices or procedures.
Reducing the Impact of Human Error
Human error is inevitable, but healthcare simulation programs help reduce these errors by allowing medical staff to experience and learn from their mistakes without risking patient safety. By understanding the consequences of errors in a simulated environment, healthcare workers are better prepared to avoid similar mistakes in real clinical settings.
Standardizing Procedures
Healthcare simulations are excellent tools for standardizing medical procedures across a healthcare system. They ensure that all medical staff follow the best and safest practices. This standardization is crucial for maintaining high safety standards and ensuring every patient receives the best care possible.
Expanding Accessibility to Training
Finally, the advancement in simulation technology has made these valuable training tools more accessible to healthcare providers everywhere. Whether a large hospital in a metropolitan area or a small clinic in a rural setting, healthcare simulations can be implemented to train staff, ensuring patient safety is a priority everywhere.
Healthcare simulation courses are transforming the landscape of medical training and significantly improving patient safety. By providing realistic, hands-on experiences, these programs prepare healthcare professionals for the complexities of real-world patient care. The medical simulation courses and healthcare simulation programs are proving to be an invaluable asset in the quest to achieve healthcare educational milestones! 
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lipstickontheglass1985 · 11 months
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^ the screencap i was talking abt btw
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villainessbian · 1 year
Concept: most aliens can get anxious, can get scared, can get fight-or-flight. What most aliens do not get, however, is stress. Stress is a weird thing even by human standards. It can build up over time or be something tied to a very limited situation. It can be caused by a lot of things, and it comes in a lot of different ways. But it's a core human reaction, when a situation is wrong, it causes stress until it is righted. And it even affects different people differently!
Cue Human Cassandra, on a ship with her friend and co-worker Human Pauline. The ship is crewed with a mix of species. It's a cargo ship - load up in a space port, unload in another, get news and supplies during their stops, and live as an ever-shifting family as some of the two dozen crew members, give or take, get replaced. Some leave come payday, and new ones come looking for the thrill of low-level adventure, experiencing warp drives across the safer roads of the known universe.
But getting the supplies you need, or want, in stops is never so easy. Humans are new to the galactic community, and their needs misunderstood. Most broad-edibility food is bland for them, but that's okay. A big enough bag of their condiments can last them years. But ADHD meds... now that's less easy to get, the further from Earth you are. And a contract too big for their captain to pass on came up, much farther than the two humans expected.
Cassandra's mood deteriorated, her work priorities out of order, her sleep schedule in disarray. Little by little, she grew restless, shifting moods and gears unpredictably. A few weeks in and she was a mess, barely able to keep up with the minimum her job doing maintenance and running safety diagnostics for the route charting team required of her. While Pauline could help with the mechanical aspects of keeping the ship running, picking up the "slack", the safety had to be double-checked by the charting and pilot teams. When the curves of asteroid probability reached beyond a certain level, several hundred simulations had to be run, time-consuming processes had to be used, to avoid any collision at speeds beyond speed c. Some truly exotic things happened to ships that experienced those, but none of them contained the words "surviving crew." A safe route avoided any probability of collision over .1% and when going faster than light, any choice of course required thinking in 3 dimensions plus relative time to navigate dangerous probability fields in one piece, finding time-specific corridors and accounting for a dozen variables at once.
After she had a breakdown over a path she would normally have been able to find in under a minute, Pauline spoke to a concerned pilot team member:
"You have to understand her, this is a stressful situation and she's doing her best..."
"What do you mean by 'stressful'?" Gabalt asked. The furry little creature stood on two arched legs, and barely reached up to Pauline's shoulder, opening three wide eyes with curiosity and concern in equal parts.
"Things are... getting difficult for her, and keep getting more difficult because she does not have medication to help her brain be efficient. It makes her tired, and inefficient, and as it goes on, she's less and less able to cope with the situation. The longer this goes on, the worse it gets, and that is stress. Getting more tired because it takes more energy to deal with the situation, and less efficient because she's more tired, and things get harder because she's less efficient, on and on until something can solve the problem and the stress goes away."
"That sounds... hard. Do all humans have to deal with this?"
"Well, everyone has sources of stress, but she's got a disability. Without her meds, she gets stressed all the time. Not a lot all at once, but it always adds up."
"Oh no! So she'll be stuck like that until we get closer to Earth?"
"Most likely, yes."
But the most momentous thing to happen this day was not her breakdown. Not an hour later, alarms blared up. The simulation holograms all displayed blinking red masses - the less-travelled "safe route" was not as well protected! An asteroid range had been detected cutting through the border field, and it was in their way!
Pauline froze up, not knowing what to do. Gabalt was too surprised to act fast. All the courses from the ship's library of regular manoeuvres suggested a crash chance of over 60%, and mere seconds to act before entering the field!
Before anyone could react, Cassandra came in running from her corner to the front of the bridge, slamming the warp drive shutdown button. Most holograms stuttered and collapsed, the exit from FTL essentially dividing one or several of their dimensions by zero.
Looking quickly at the few remaining ones and gazing at the screens showing the current outside situation like a large window would have - plus a few critical extra points of data - she adjusted the angles manually while everyone still shuddered from the gravitational and temporal whiplash of suddenly coming back into normal time. Unblinkingly, she spotted the asteroids on the route while the ship was still going, if not at relativistic speeds, still fast enough for a single pebble they met to vaporise the Whipple shields, the outer hull, the inner hull, the crew members, and the hull again coming out if they but grazed it. Confirming the angles visually, she played with the reaction wheels, the thrusters, the gravity drives, to divert the ship's course just enough to miss a collision while not risking any grave injury on board. There was no time to react - if anything showed up straight ahead on the "unaugmented" outside view screens, it was too late to not get splatted. After half the crew had had the time to get thrown to the side or on the ground due to the rough handling, she'd managed to avoid any crash.
Gabalt was reeling. While it was surely not impossible, these was the kind of moves experienced veterans would never wish to attempt, and the margins for error were ridiculously low! She'd saved the ship and everyone on it, whereas she'd been unable to do a simple safety run so soon before?
Pauline was white as a sheet, but this was nothing compared to Cassandra, shaking violently and breathing unevenly.
"Pauline? What is she doing?"
"That's... probably the adrenaline."
"What's it for?"
"It's from stress. When it comes it overcharges the body. It's like the traditional, 'fight or flight' instinct from survival in prey-predator paradigms, it lets you move fast but paralyses thought... it feels pretty bad after a lot of it is released though. Now she's crashing down, must be harrowing."
"How did she do that? And you said her thoughts were paralysed for precision manoeuvres?"
Cassandra's voice came, nearly a mutter: "I just... had to. do it."
Gabalt needed to understand what happened.
"What do you mean you had to? Someone had to do it, but why you?"
"It- it was very stressful, I saw you freeze, and so."
"But... but HOW did you do all that? That was extremely complicated, few pilots -whose main craft is directly piloting- would want to even try doing that when given a choice!?"
"I had to. do it, so I did. I couldn't. couldn't make a mistake."
"This makes absolutely no sense."
Pauline interrupted. "She just works like that. Lots of stress and when people freeze up, humans with her condition... sometimes, surprisingly, function better in the moment than others can."
"Ah. So it's a human thing. of course, it's a human thing. NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE WITH YOUR ACCURSED SPECIES" the diminutive pilot pouted.
And so one more story of the humans doing the impossible spread around. Humans of a subtype, more easily harmed, sometimes unstable and needing help for the simplest things... accomplishing odd, unthinkable, borderline heroic feats under duress none could be expected to withstand - but only then. Cursed, blessed? No story-teller seemed too certain. But the "magical" species never stopped surprising all others. And a new proverb developed: "it's not over until the human says it is".
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cutielando · 2 months
period ~ charles leclerc
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Summary: You’re having very bad period cramps but not to worry, Charles is here to save the day!
Words: 1.1k+
Other works: my masterlist
a/n: thank you so much @rayaharper for requesting this !!❤️
You hated being a woman.
Well, that wasn’t technically true.
You hated specific parts of being a woman. Like periods, for starters.
The pain that always enveloped you every month was the most barbaric thing you had ever felt in your entire life.
From headaches, backaches, all the way to your tummy cramping up and simulating what it would feel like to get stabbed in the gut hundreds of times over and over again. That’s how you would describe the cramps.
Charles, of course, tried to help as much as possible. He knew the signs that your period was approaching a week before that. 
You would be crankier and more emotional than normal, you’d complain about the fact that your breasts were sore, you’d be bloated and would raid the cupboard you had with chocolate and all kinds of junk food.
He knew you already. 
And when your period would finally come, it would be like a switch was turned on in his head.
He’d turn into the most attentive boyfriend and human being you had ever met. Asking you if you needed anything, if he could bring you anything to eat or drink, encouraging you to take some pain medication to help ease your suffering, offering to just lay with you and hope his presence brings you some comfort. 
He had even mastered the art of heating up your water bottle to perfection. 
You really couldn’t have asked for someone better to handle you when you were on your period.
And just like every month, you were now bound to your shared bed, snuggled under 3 blankets with your head buried into your soft pillow, small groans and whines coming from you every once in a while.
Your period had just started a half an hour before, but it was already swinging in with fresh forces.
Charles has been on the simulator for the past hour, so he didn’t know that you were currently dying of pain in his bed. You figured there was no reason to bother him, it happened every month and you were already used to it.
But you regretted it as soon as your body hit the bed. You wanted the warmth of your boyfriend, his arms around you in a hug that only he could give you, have his undivided attention and just lounge in bed with him.
And yet you couldn’t even find the energy to get out of bed and go to him. You couldn’t even find the energy to take your phone and maybe send him a message.
You would just have to wait for him to finish his game and come looking for you. He shouldn’t be that much longer, right?
God seemingly took pity on you, because not even 5 minutes later the bedroom door opened and Charles stuck his head in to see what you were doing.
“Amour?” his voice was soft, thinking you would be asleep and not wanting to wake you up.
You only grumbled from under the covers, which immediately alarmed your boyfriend.
“What’s wrong, mon amour?” he now fully opened the door and hurried to your side of the bed, slowly caressing your cheek and brushing your hair back from your face.
“Cramps” you mumbled out, almost sighing in relief once his hand made contact with your skin.
He immediately knew what you meant, mentally kicking himself that he had not come to check on you sooner.
“I’ll go get you some medicine and prepare your heating pad. Do you want anything else? Something to eat, maybe?” he said, smiling when you opened your eyes to look at him.
“Maybe some chocolate?” you smiled cutely, making him smile and nod.
He leaned down to kiss your forehead before he hurried out of the room and towards the kitchen.
Immediately getting to work, he put some water to heat up and got your medicine, also finding the chocolate that you always craved when you were on your period.
As soon as the water was heated, he poured it into the heating pad he had got you and hurried up the stairs, not wanting you to be in any more pain.
“There we go, amour. Drink this” he said as he sat next to you and handed you the pills and a glass of water.
You slowly sat up and swallowed the pills, taking the pad out of his arms and putting it on your belly.
“Did you bring the chocolate?” you asked, searching for the sweet relief.
He nodded and handed you the bar from behind him, smiling when he saw how your eyes lit up when you saw the chocolate in your line of vision.
“Do you need anything else?” he asked, caressing the side of your leg.
“Cuddles?” you asked, making grabby hands at him and patting the empty spot next to you.
He smiled and immediately got rid of his clothes until he was only in his underwear, knowing that you loved the warmth of his body when he had nothing on.
The moment he laid down next to you, you latched onto him like a koala, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face in the crook of his neck to inhale his scent.
You guys stayed like this for half an hour, having turned on the tv in the meantime to pass the time quicker. 
Charles tried to be as still as possible, thinking that you had fallen asleep.
“Thank you, Charlie” you mumbled, making Charles surprised that you hadn’t already fallen asleep.
“For what?” he was confused, he hadn’t done anything that would require something like that.
You lifted your head from his chest, his eyes softening when he saw the adoration in your eyes as you looked at him.
“For taking such good care of me. I know I get cranky and irritated and all, I appreciate you being patient with me” you explained, settling your head on his chest again and starting to play with the string hanging from his hoodie.
“You don’t have to thank me for that. Being on your period is normal and I know how bad your cramps can get. I just want to make you feel better in any way that I can” he said, wrapping his arms more tightly around your frame and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I love you” you whispered, eyes closing and sleep finally coming to you.
“I love you too”
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
No fun allowed.
Based on this idea from anon: Can you feel that? A heat wave is washing over the 141 base. Who wants to do training at 35 degrees and counting? No one but Ghost of course... Maybe it's time for some fun summer activities instead? How about some beach volleyball in the sandpit where they blow up explosives? Fruit salad from a helmet anyone? Can our stoic lieutenant be convinced to enjoy this sunny day with the team?
You were all melting in the heat today, but the lieutenant insisted on continuing the training.
Even the medics stepped in. They tried to emphasise the dangers of heat stroke, but Ghost dismissed their credibility and accused them of slacking off, claiming that he’s been through worse.
That’s right—he has been through worse. So why should you have to go through the same?
Without anyone else to turn to, you collectively decided to snitch on him and inform Price, hoping he’d be the most sensible of the two.
Being the man he is, the captain came up with a solution to please both parties—Yes, you would continue your training, but with water guns instead. This way, you could cool off from the heat while following Ghost’s training routine.
And so it happened—water guns, balloons, sprinklers, and inflatable pools were brought to the base and set up around the training grounds to simulate a field exercise.
The lieutenant wasn’t happy, but then again, when was he ever?
“This is bloody orange, and these look like fucking Skittles,” he moaned, looking at the water blasters and pointing at the balloons, “how are we going to blend in with these?”
You tried to reason with him, explaining that the bright colours would add to the difficulty since you would all have to work harder to camouflage yourselves. And, although he didn’t accept the idea in the way most people tend to change their minds, he stopped complaining.
Everyone changed in their summer attire except for the lieutenant, of course, who didn’t remove anything from his body. Not even his gloves. You asked him why he was still clinging to all that gear and pointed at a flare in his tactical vest, claiming it was unnecessary. He clarified that it wasn’t a flare but an Evian water facial spray. His response made you laugh, and in return, he made you drop and give him fifty push-ups.
And so the “training” began, and it was nothing like your lieutenant had hoped for. You were all deliberately blasting water guns at each other while staying within the sprinkler’s range to keep cool. Ghost soon lost his patience—if he had any—and chased around whoever dared to laugh or show any hint of joy, yelling things like, “Stop laughing, ya focken muppets,” and “This is serious; why can’t you take it the way is intended to be?”
And this went on and on until the water fight turned into a game of cops and robbers. Or, more like, one cop and many robbers, with Ghost chasing soldiers around and you treating him as the enemy.
And he loved it. Finally, he did.
Look at him now; so happy and running around, trying to catch you. He corners you inside a mock house, and you can see traces of his smile through the damp cloth covering his face. You desperately try to escape his grasp, but you’re too slippery. He lifts you up and tosses you over his shoulder. You scream and laugh simultaneously, and he responds with a menacing chuckle. He carries you to the centre of the training grounds and throws you in one of the inflatable pools—his “prison cells,” as he now calls them.
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gamergirl-niffler · 7 months
I have an emergency request to make. Today, I'm grappling with intense abdominal pain due to ongoing gynecological issues related to my CLL. It's not only causing physical pain but also triggering significant anxiety. Could I please request some comforting scenarios involving Dabi, Shigaraki, Bakugo, and Kaminari?
Oh, my sweetheart!!! I am so sorry to hear that! I hope soon you will feel better, and for now! Have your lovely boys showering you with comfort!
MHA boys x S/O with abdominal pain due to ongoing gynecological issues
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🔥 Dabi 🔥
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- Well, he is worried about you.
- You are unlucky enough to have someone like him following you around.
- There is not much he can do, he is not a doctor, but he can cuddle you on the couch
- Of course he is using his hands on your abdomen, warming it up a little to bring you a bit more comfort in the pain.
- Do you need a painkiller? He will go full on ‘marvel disguise’ and go to the pharmacy to get you whatever you requested.
- Your anxiety is acting up? You get wrapped in a blanket, together with some snacks and cuddles. “Yeah, I know it hurts but don't worry. I am here and I am going to help as much as I can.”
- He will actually go as far as finding you an actual doctor so you can have professional help.
- Overall, he will keep his eye on you until you get better. He won't let you suffer and will try whatever possible to stop the pain at least for a bit.
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🎮 Shigaraki 🎮
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- Does he look like a doctor? Nope. The only medical experience he ever had was in Surgeon Simulator… and it never ended well.
- Kurogiri is immediately sent to get you some meds. Just say what you want, and you shall receive.
- You need distraction from pain, so… he wraps the two of you in blankets with you comfortably sitting between his legs, Switches in hands.
- He prefers to kick your ass in Mario Kart but since it's all about you and distracting you from pain he lets you pick Untitled Goose Game so you can get completely distracted by villainous goos, running around and causing troubles.
- When you two get bored with playing, he is up to watching some anime with you. Of course, you pick, he’ll watch whatever you choose. Even if he hates it.
- When Kurogiri is back, he is immediately sent away to contact that old Kyudai for some medical help when it comes to you.
- The two of you just snuggle and eat snacks.
- To your own surprise, as simple as those methods are, they are indeed useful and really successful in distracting you from both pain and anxiety.
- When you eventually fall asleep in his arms, he uses this time googling everything he can about your ailments and how he can help you.
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💥 Bakugo 💥
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- Bakugo is worried. Of course, he is! He is not a heartless monster! 
- He gives you all the cuddles you request from him, warming up your lower belly as much as he can.
- Comfort food is something you need so right after taking your meds, you're sat in the kitchen, so Katsuki can keep an eye on you while cooking. 
- It doesn't matter what your comfort food is. You like it? He makes it. Simple as that.
- After the meal, there is more cuddling for you, with an even bigger amount of kisses than usual.
- You can pick something to watch. It doesn't matter if it's a movie or a cartoon. He is watching it without complaining.
- When you drift into sleep, Bakugo picks you up and moves you to bed. He loves you, but he is not going to mess up his back by sleeping on the couch 
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⚡ Kaminari ⚡
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- There is no other way to describe it. PANIC. Are you dying?! Are you going to leave him all alone!? He is not ready to lose you! He is too young… YOU ARE TOO YOUNG.
- Denki calms down after googling everything and talking to you about what's happening.
- Calm Kaminari is much more effective. 
- First, he makes sure you take your meds, then he brings you all snacks. 
- Denki starts watching TV with you, but there's a twist. He keeps talking to you, and since there’s nothing fascinating on the TV, you listen to him.
- He tells you a lot of his school stories, fun ones like the School Festival, and little scary ones like the attack on USJ. 
- Of course Kaminari being himself also tells you jokes! All sorts of jokes, together with funny faces and weird voices.
- Seeing you smile, without an ounce of anxiety, is the most beautiful thing in the whole wide world.
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missvelvetsstuff · 4 days
No Benefits
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader and Bucky are best friends until a drunken hook up. Bucky wants a friends with benefits situation because he doesn't feel ready for a relationship but reader knows that will lead to a broken heart.
Then Sharon Carter comes to work with them.
Notes: Steve and Tony are around but retired, everything else is mostly canon
Chapter 8
Warnings: swearing, angst, references to sex
The compound was tense the week after Cookie left. Tony was still pissed that she was gone and he couldn't get his favorite cookies. On top of that, fixing the Avengers gym was a major undertaking thanks to the holographic projectors that were used for team training simulations. Tony stood and watched as Bucky did most of the clean up before the tech team went in to replace everything he had destroyed.
Everyone was walking on eggshells as they waited for Nick Fury to return from off world. Of course he already knew what happened but was looking forward to bitching out the people who pushed her to leave. He was due sometime this week.
Sharon tried to get close to Bucky but he wanted to wallow by himself. He also shunned Nat who tried to distract him with her Widow seduction techniques. Anytime they were in the same room with Bucky, they were trying to get his attention. They would flirt, wear sexy and revealing outfits, act helpless so they could turn to him to open a jar or reach a higher shelf or something equally dumb. Bucky didn't really see through their efforts like the rest of the team did, he just didn't care what either of them said or did.
One morning Nat slid up to Bucky and started rubbing his arm as he drank his coffee. He looked at the hand on his arm then picked it up and pushed it away from him like it was diseased. Sharon stepped in and tried to get between him and Nat but he rebuffed her as well. It ended in a fight in the common room, both women ended up in medical, Sharon had a broken nose while Nat had cracked ribs and both had various scratches and bruises.
Bucky had just turned away from them and leaned on the counter to finish his coffee, seemingly oblivious to the women fighting right behind him.
Tony had enough and had Friday lock both women in their own rooms until Fury returned and decided what to do with them. He snapped at Bucky "I'm getting really sick of your little harem with their attempts to seduce you and fighting with each other. You need to find a way to convince them you aren't interested."
Bucky shrugged "I don't know what you want me to do, Stark. I don't speak to either of them, except to tell them to leave me alone and I don't do anything to encourage them. I don't want either of them and I keep telling them but they won't stop." He sighed "I just want Cookie."
The morning after Cookie went to the Harlan Thrombey book launch, Bucky was sitting next to Steve, both eating the omelettes Sam made for them, when Nat entered the room "Gee Barnes, looks like your precious Cookie has moved on already."
Bucky sighed and shook his head but didn't say anything.
Nat took that as a sign to keep going "She ended up in the gossip pages, seen leaving a book release party with Boston's most eligible, and notorious, bachelor." She smirked when she heard Bucky's breath catch "Ransom Drysdale has a different debutante, model or actress on his arm every week but this new woman is a mystery." She quoted the article she was reading on her phone. "There's a bunch of pictures of him with other women. Cookie was definitely a step down for this guy."
She snapped at Bucky "Why are you pining for some dumpy little analyst when I'm right here?"
Bucky could feel his control waning he turned and snarled at her "I don't fucking want you! Leave me alone. What the fuck are you doing out of your room?"
Nat shrugged "I have my ways"
Tony skidded to a stop, out of breath "There you are, Romanoff. Do I need to put you in a holding cell? The big guys room? Stop trying to stir up more trouble and leave Barnes alone!"
Nat scoffed "Fine, I'll go." She rubbed her shoulder against Bucky and purred "You know where to find me."
Bucky pulled away from her, then looked over at Tony in shock, he never imagined Tony would stand up for him. He softly spoke "Thank you, Tony."
Tony nodded "I think we need to have Romanoff and Carter checked by medical again."
He looked at Bucky and smirked "You're not hideous but they have a level of obsession with you that doesn't seem natural. I want to be sure they are both completely clear of that serums influence before we even consider putting them back out in the field."
Bucky nodded, thinking "It's interesting that I'm fine and we haven't had any problems with Yelena, maybe she'll know something more about that serum and the 'cure'."
Tony hummed "Well, you have the super soldier juice and they mentioned having to dose you repeatedly but yeah, maybe Yelena can shed some light. Friday, where is Miss Belova?"
"She's in her quarters, boss. She hasn't left since returning from kidnapping Cookie."
Tony nodded at Bucky "I'll let you know if I find anything. If Romanoff bothers you, tell Friday and we'll put her in a holding cell until Fury returns."
After talking to Yelena and consulting with Bruce and Dr Cho, And a trip to Antonia's holding cell, Tony discovered that Antonia had used an updated version of the serum after Yelena released all of the widows. The cure worked but only partially, and it seemed that the orders that Sharon and Natasha had been given were still floating around in their heads, making them act out. Yelena had voluntarily locked herself in her room after all the drama with Antonia, as she took being controlled again very hard and didn't trust herself.
Tony called the team to move Nat and Sharon to holding cells since Nat had escaped her room once but when they went to find the women Sharon was still in her room but Natasha was nowhere to be found.
That same morning, outside of Boston...Cookie woke up, closing her eyes as quickly as she opened them. Too bright, the room was all windows. She groaned as she became more aware, she felt some new aches in her body, most noticeably between her legs. She also felt an arm around her waist and that she had no clothing on.
A warm body behind her moaned "Relax. It's early and Sunday." Pulling her closer.
Cookie turned to look at him, in the early morning light and with his messy bedhead, she realized the man looked a lot like Steve Rogers. The thought made her giggle, until he turned her so she was facing him and pulled her close until she felt his morning erection pressed up against her "I know you're not laughing at me, sweetheart." He started kissing down her neck and grinding up against her until they were caught up in each other again.
A few hours later Cookie felt her stomach grumble "Ransom" she whispered with no response "Ransom."
She pushed on his shoulder and he groaned "nooo"
She started tracing down his side until he choked back a laugh and grabbed her hands "What is it, Cookie? I'm tryna sleep here."
"Ransom! I'm hungry so you need to feed me or I need to go home and get some food."
Ransom started pushing up against her "I've got something to feed you, right-"
Cookie elbowed him in the ribs "Really Ransom? What are you, 12? I need some food." She sat up "I should get home, I've got chores to do"
Ransom scoffed "Chores? That's what maids are for."
Cookie got up and found her clothes "Yeah, well not all of us have trust funds so we can afford to hire help."
He sat up and watched as she dressed.
Once she was somewhat respectable looking, for a walk of shame, Cookie turned to Ransom, who had started playing with his phone once she was dressed. After leaning down to give him a kiss she stood to leave "Thanks, Ran, I needed that. It was fun. Maybe I'll see you around."
Ransom looked up "Do you need a ride or something?"
Cookie smiled "No, my uber is almost here, I'm good."
He leered at her "I don't do relationships, baby, but you have my number if you wanna do it again."
She giggled "Yeah, sure. I'm going to wait out front for my car, so I'll see you."
When Cookie arrived home she took a long hot shower and went over her memories of the last 24 hours. She certainly never expected to meet Ransom Drysdale and spend the night with him. His reputation was justified, the man had a wicked tongue and impressive stamina for someone with no enhancements. He definitely satisfied but wasn't someone to get caught up with, as his reputation also warned. She wasn't in Boston to find a new man anyhow, she was getting over one. He didn't compare to Bucky but she tried not to think about him, everything was too confusing and messy.
Cookie sighed, she missed him and the friendship they had before Sharon showed up to ruin everything. Even though she knew it wasn't really Sharon's fault, Cookie couldn't help the anger that tried to bubble up. She pushed it back down as she dried her hair and went downstairs to find something to eat.
Cookie didn't feel up for cooking so settled for a bowl of cereal, sat at the dining room table and picked her phone up only to be hit with dozens of notifications. She felt her stomach drop, apparently Ransom was big gossip and the new unknown woman he left the book launch with was Boston's biggest mystery. Some of her coworkers were asking if it was her while Annie just tagged her with a winky emoji. Maria Hill texted a question mark and 'call me'.
Cookie's head fell into her hands, she knew she wasn't in any trouble but hadn't expected her little fling to get so much outside attention. This was a potential complication that she didn't need. At least she knew Ransom was on the same page and didn't expect anything more from her.
She jumped when her phone rang but was relieved to see it was Sam.
"Hey babygirl, sounds like you're having some fun in Boston. Don't forget us little people while you're hanging with the world famous writer and his family."
Cookie laughed "Please, it was one party. I'm still the nerdy intel analyst you know and love."
"Well I hope so. You didn't hear it from me but Robocop is turning green."
Cookie scoffed "Right, he has them to keep him occupied."
"Yeah, they are fighting over him and he's ignoring them. It's almost entertaining, at least until I had to help pull them apart. I got scratched in the face, those ladies are ruthless."
Cookie laughed "Poor, poor, Sammy. Beat up by those mean ol girls. I'm sorry I'm not there to stitch you up."
"Pffft, wasn't all that. Just annoying." Sam whined "I miss you, when are you coming home?"
Cookie sighed "This is my home for now. I miss you too Sammy but the compound was just too much. You should come here, there's lots of history."
They ended the call with Sam promising to visit when he could get away after Cookie told him she would make his favorite cookies.
After they hung up, Cookie started going through her mail. A plain white envelope with the compound as the return address caught her eye. The simple block writing made her heart race as she realized it was Bucky's writing. It was the first time he'd tried to reach out to her since the night they spent together and she was afraid he was finally rejecting her friendship outright instead of just ignoring her. Being ignored had hurt but there had been some hope, however foolish it might have been, especially after learning that he had been drugged, but if he told her he didn't want her in this letter that would really be it.
Cookie's mind came up with all sorts of awful things he could say and what his words could do to her and she felt a panic attack crawling up her spine. She dropped the letter like it was on fire and backed away without opening it. She wasn't ready to read what Bucky had to say yet and left it on the table as she started her laundry and straightened up her townhouse.
Every time she walked past the table she could see it out of the corner of her eye. It seemed to grow and catch her attention no matter where she went in the house but she just couldn't bring herself to open it yet.
@erelierraceala @capswife @ozwriterchick @cjand10 @wintrsoldrluvr @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @browneyedgrli @greatenthusiasttidalwave @hhiggs @dontworryboutitsweetheart-blog @behindmygreyeyes @pattiemac1 @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @calwitch @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @ordelixx @blackhawkfanatic @casey1-2007 @scott-loki-barnes @selella @hiireadstuff @winterschildren8
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thatsrightice · 10 months
So as you may or may not know, I am writing a fanfic. Unfortunately for me, I can never do things half way, and because aviation is my passion I must do hours of research on a particular subject that I probably won't even use or reference in said fanfic. Here is a guide for how our favorite characters (probably) became fighter pilots. If there are inaccuracies let me know, I want to know :)
United States Naval Academy
The USNA is an undergraduate college that is a combination of academics and military development programs. Students who want to go into Flight School could qualify with one of a variety of different majors, but there are particular majors that obviously may provide a bit of an advantage to aspiring pilots. The USNA currently offers a variety of different majors and minors, though there are fewer than you might expect from a typical university, and overall the degrees are more tailored towards the Navy. They encourage participation in athletics in the form of a Varsity or club/intramural sport(1). 
NOTE: Maverick likely attended a regular college and was a part of the Naval ROTC program at that school. He would have gotten his degree in a field relevant to aviation, likely Mechanical Engineering given his mechanical aptitude seen in Top Gun Maverick, and then attended the 13-week program called Officer Candidate School. To be honest, Maverick’s path within the Navy is a mess and impossible to follow but in the most straightforward scenario, he would go to flight school following Officer Candidate School.
Flight School 
Flight School is an approximately 2-year-long program that is required for Naval Aviators to earn their wings. Primarily located at the “Cradle of Naval Aviation” aka Pensacola, FL, flight school consists of many different phases that will divide students into different specializations. 
1. Naval Introductory Flight Evaluation (NIFE)
Divided into four phases, NIFE is a program that evaluates students’ aeronautical aptitude as well as screens them to ensure they’re capable of becoming aviators. Students may earn a “pink sheet” for any score below 80% or a failure of a task, requiring them to stand before a panel of instructors to explain why they failed and how they plan to improve. Too many pink sheets result in removal from the program(2).
1a. Water Survival Training Following medical clearance, students are taught and tested on their ability to swim while wearing flight gear as well as formerly instructed on various survival techniques and CPR(2).
1b. Academics  A 3-week phase where students take classes and exams in five subjects. It is condensed to test a student’s ability to retain information, learn new information in a high-stress environment, and challenge their self-discipline in regard to time management and other areas(2).
1c. Introductory Flight Screening (IFS) Students are entered into a 2-week-long modified civilian flight training program where one week is dedicated to ground school courses before they must conduct a series of flights in a Cessna using Navy flight procedures during the second week. Students had to memorize and prioritize information to complete the flights, specifically in regard to conducting pre-flight briefings and emergency procedures. Overall, they’ll conduct seven flights in which they are required to complete a set of standardized maneuvers(2). 
1d. Aviation Physiology A week-long training course that consists of emergency-specific training evolutions such as the hypoxia chamber, emergency first aid, and the “helo dunker.” The “helo dunker” (from what I understand) is a particular training device that consists of strapping a pilot into a cockpit-like or helicopter contraption within a pool and submerging the entire structure under the water, simulating an environment in which their aircraft has landed in the water and they need to escape from the seat(3). An image of this can be seen below(2).
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The Top Gun cast had to undergo a similar training course in order to be allowed to fly in military airplanes for filming. A video of some of their training can be viewed below.
2b. Aviation Pre-Flight Indoctrination
A 6-week long program that marks the beginning of the aviation pipeline. Located in Pensacola, FL, students attend classes covering the basics of aerodynamics, weather in relation to aviation, air navigation, flight rules and regulations, and aircraft engines and systems (3). 
Prior to API, those interested in becoming Radar Intercept Officers (RIO) will have expressed their interest and requested a designation as a Naval Flight Officer (NFO). 
2c. Primary Flight Training
A 6-month-long program that teaches the students the basics of flying. There are two locations for Primary, one at Training Air Wing 5 at Naval Air Station Whiting Field in Pensacola, FL, or Training Air Wing 4 at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi in Corpus Christi, TX. Both Naval Air Stations (NAS) are taught the same curriculum and fly the same aircraft, the T-6 Texan II. The students learn about the instruments, flight basics, radio instrument navigation, formation flying, and aerobatics, and also conduct several solo flights. At the end of Primary, students choose which pipeline they would like. This is conducted depending on the needs of the Navy and how many spots are available(3). 
Obviously, Iceman, Slider, Goose, Cougar, and everyone else got Jets, though they may not have gone through flight school at the same time. 
2d. Intermediate Flight Training
Intermediate Flight Training is a 27-week program. Split into five platforms; Jet, E2/C2, Helicopter, Maritime, and E-6 TACAMO. The jet platform flight training focuses more on navigation, air traffic control, individual skills, and cooperative skills of flying jets. The intermediate flight training program for jets is located at Meridian, MS (Training Air Wing One) at either VT-7 or VT-9, and Kingsville, TX (Training Air Wing Two) at either VT-21 or VT-22, both of which teach the same curriculum. Students in the jet platform will complete 58 graded flights in the T-45C Goshawk jet trainer aircraft(3). 
2e. Advanced Flight Training
Similar to Intermediate Flight Training, the program is split into five platforms but lasts 23 weeks. The students will probably have stayed with the same training squadron throughout the intermediate and advanced flight training. This stage includes learning skills specific to the chosen platform. The Advanced Flight Training program for jets is what’s called the Strike Syllabus. The Strike Syllabus includes an additional 67 graded flights in the T-45 covering air combat maneuvers, low-level navigation, tactical formation flying, and aircraft carrier qualifications. Students will then graduate from Advanced Flight Training with the Wings of Gold(3). 
3. Squadron Selection 
The final selection process assigns naval aviators to a particular squadron based on the needs of the service. Naval Aviators are assigned to a fleet replacement squadron or other similar training assignments for further training on their specific aircraft type. Here, RIOs and pilots must become qualified by gaining the required flight hours and meeting the proficiency standards necessary.
NOTE: It’s kind of hard to figure out when exactly the RIO training occurs. I know it takes place over the course of all the primary through advanced training occurs as well but I’m not sure if they have to attend seperate courses for it. 
From there, pilots and RIOs may have been moved to their first official squadron for deployment. They would have been in their first squadron for approximately one and a half years, deploying with them. Their squadron would come back from a deployment and during the stand-down time before their next deployment, their commanding officer would select them to go to TOPGUN.
(1) https://www.usna.edu/homepage.php
(2) https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/News-Stories/Article/2944668/nife-lays-foundation-for-naval-aviation-training/
(3) https://www.cnatra.navy.mil/tw4/flight-school.asp
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sigmaleph · 1 year
It is The Future.
(not the future I think is going to happen. just one story we could tell about The Future)
The overwhelming majority of humanity spends their life inside virtual reality pods, that cater to every need of their body while their mind experiences a simulated world of their choice.
Not isolated worlds, of course. You can meet other real people inside VR, become friends, fall in love, start a family, even (your child will be assigned a pod of their own, when they are born). You can do whatever you want, inside the simulated reality; learn how to craft simulated worlds of your own, or anything else you want to learn. All the knowledge of humanity is freely at your disposal.
You don't have to stay in the pod. You can get a real apartment in a real city, eat real food, meet real people in the flesh... if you can afford to. Your pod, the medical care it provides you, its connection to the hypernet and the computational power to run your simulation, they are all cheap. Your basic income, your fair share of the resources of humanity due to you simply for being human, covers for it with a little bit left over. But reality is scarce.
If you are lucky, perhaps you have some incredibly valuable skill that people are willing to pay for. But most aren't that lucky. Most labour has been automated. There's still stuff to do, for a human, but odds it's not going to be emotionally fulfilling and you're going to work long hours to be able to afford a life outside of a pod.
Maybe you can save up, for a while, living a cheap pod life and doing the occasional odd job and you might be able to spend a week out of the year in some real-world location; many people do just that. But whatever you experienced outside in the world, you could have had something experientially identical from inside VR. The only difference would be knowing that it's fake.
Some people choose to forget; you can do that. Take the right drugs and you'll forget you're a human in a pod and believe you were always the chosen princess that saved the fantasy kingdom from the dark lord, or the grizzled noir detective uncovering corruption in the government, or whatever other life you care.
Humanity has been like this for a millennium; this future is stable. There are no wars, no existential risks, nobody starving or dying of preventable diseases, no tragedies that need addressing except to the extent you think this whole world is a tragedy. Do you?
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justjams2003 · 5 months
Fast Pace- 9
Summary: You're a hard-working Chef in Paris and after a freak accident run-in with Carlos Sainz, your life makes a 180. Let's just say with a certain agreement, you get your bills paid and in return stand in as Carlos' girlfriend for the press. But will you be able to handle the pressure and ensure the lines don't blur?
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Carlos Sainz x Sugar Baby!Reader
Warnings: I've aged up Carlos, he is 33 in this fic. Smoking, smut, sexual themes, age difference, manipulation, control, slight obsession, the word 'daddy', tell me if I missed any
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics and @s-silk
Taglist: @httpjeonlicious, @f1lov3r, @messersandmesses, @hollie911, @oriconde08 @thehufflepuffavenger1 @fanboyluvr @thatgirlmj @whyamireadingthis @oriconde08 @depressedriches @roseseraj @skepvids @sain55wifey @distinguishedvoidlady @amatswimming @sachaa-ff @lightdragonrayne @lazybot @dark-night-sky-99 @formula1mount @fangirl-dot-com @saintslewis @carlossainzwho @lordpercevalcharles @topguncultleader @kitixie @serp3ns0rtiae
Word count: 3,1k
Part 8~Part 10
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“How was your day?” She asks from the bathroom. I shrug only to realise she can’t see me. “The usual,” I can hear her zip something up. “What is the usual?” I too am getting dressed in something more comfortable. It’s already 5 and we had dinner called up. For me, however, getting dressed is much quicker.  
“Well, especially now that we are in the home of Ferrari, Charles and I spend a lot of time on the racing simulator. With that we have the chance to speak to the factory workers, thank them for their hard work and really speak with the engineers. Then after that I spend a lot of time in the gym.” Yet these days, I spend a lot of the time there thinking about her.  
However, before I can say much else, she finally exits the bathroom in the first outfit. It’s a tweed white set. Oh, how I do love her in white. It gives me a sneak peak of the day she becomes mine. She looks so professional, ready to boss around whoever denies her anything. Too, at the same time, so elegant in the way her hair falls to the way her eyes shine.  
“And how was your day?” I ask, allowing her to change outfits, she had just shown me ravishing white bikini that has me needing to think of something else. “Oh, Carlos, I had so much fun. I just love the car so so much, people were taking pictures of it and me all day. Don’t you think it would look beautiful in like, a light pink?”  
I can’t help but laugh. “What? Would it be considered some sort of car treachery?” This does make me laugh even more. She is so cute. Holding the smallest things with such high honour but still always staying true to her heart. “There are some men out there who would call it...a betrayal to the craftsmanship. But those men are the ones who can’t afford the car and haven’t felt a woman’s touch since they were born.”  
Her laugh explodes from the bathroom. It warms my heart and brings a wide smile to my face. How I wish I could bottle that sound and carry it with me, for the days when everything becomes too much. That laugh of hers takes me to another dimension, one when it’s only me and her and not a single thing on this earth could come between us.  
The moment she steps out of the bathroom, my heart stops. She is just so gorgeous. She should be locked up in my house forever. How no one has stolen her heart yet is beyond me. She gives so easily her heart. There is so little I have to give and so much that she gives me. “Carlos, you haven’t said anything. Do you not like it?”  
How long have I been staring at her? How could I ever stop looking at her? “Would you prefer I bend the knee, or bow down fully?” Her laugh is like music to my ears. “What are you talking about?” Her eyebrows furrow, but I can’t look past just how much healthier she looks. The withdrawals seem to have gone for the most part.  
I’d been giving her medication to help, of course after consulting the best expert I could find. That crease in her forehead is gone and her eyes don’t seem as foggy anymore. “You are a goddess. This has to be the only conclusion. And I am your loyal follower, sent to worship you.” She coos, a pink hue becomes her. 
“Wait until you find out the name of the dress.” I motion my hand for her to continue. “Mon Amour.” Of course, because the universe knows. She must have seen me smile so bright because she says more. “When I told the shopping clerk, that it is one of your many names for me, he immediately called the designer over.”  
I do love listening to her talk. I could to it until the end of time and still not get tired. “I didn’t even know the designer was in house. I mean, it’s Channel, you’d expect that from a small boutique not a big house like them. Anyways, when he saw me in the dress, he was, as he said, ‘overwhelmed with my beauty.’” 
This causes my jaw to tick. Yes, I had sent the Channel store a generous sum of money, telling them about the very important client that would be visiting their store. I knew she’d go there; Chanel is her most visited page on Instagram. Besides mine, these days. She doesn’t need to know how I know that.   
What I didn’t know is that they’d send a designer in. Or the fact that this designer would be a he. “He said what?” Her words make my jaw tick. “He said something along the lines of ‘the way your body simply is, is inspiring.’ His words really made me blush.” The urge to show her just exactly who she belongs to is strong.  
Not only that, but I’d love to find this ‘designer’ and beat him to a pulp. Yes, his words are correct, but the fact that his attitude made her blush? That should have him sent to prison. “He then started styling me, oh I can’t wait to show you.” She then runs off only to return in a tight denim dress.  
One that hugs her curves like the red dress but shows just a bit less skin. Yet still, the thought him evaluating her body, watching her as I do now, is infuriating. What the fuck was he thinking? And why would she allow him to do any of this? She does a turn before going back, only to come out with a black skirt and pink top.  
I don’t say anything, I mostly spend the time plotting the man’s murder. The next is a green set, one that highlights just how heavenly she is. A fairy roaming in the gardens. A mermaid walking for the first time. An angel who has just gotten their wings. “After I finished paying for all this, he gave me his business card. Said to call him when I start getting serious about modeling.”  
I hold out my hand and she places the card in my hand. Without hesitation I tear it up. This man will never contact her ever again. In fact, no one should. I don’t want people from the outside filling her heads with all sorts of stories. They could drive a wall between us. And if that happens, my plans for her will have to take a drastic jump.  
“Carlos! Why would you do that?” Her lip pushes out and her arms cross over her chest. “I don’t want him contacting you. If he wants to speak to you, he’ll have to talk to me first.” She rolls her eyes at me and then sighs. “You have to be joking.” I raise my brow at her. This is incredibly serious. “In fact, I don’t want anyone outside our inner circles contacting you.” She gasps and her mouth hangs open.  
“This is taking it too far, Carlos.” Her eyes are usually big, doe and sparkling, but now I see a fury and an anger. “That’s what assistants are for. So that you don’t have to spend your time worrying about schedules or weeding out the people who will further your future and those who just want to use you.”  
I can show her far. Someday it will only be me and her and the Sainz family. There will be no interruptions from people. She will not be tainted by the words and opinions of others. They will not take her from me. Nothing will. “Oh,” her mouth snaps shut and that fire in her eyes dim. “What, do you think I’d shut you out from the world? I’m not that jealous.”  
A little lie here and there won’t hurt her. After all, once she is in my hands, it will have happened so slowly she won’t even realise that she has been taken home. I am her home. No one else. Not her parents, not her friends, not her co-workers. Not even the other drivers on the grid. She will be untouchable, unreachable by everyone but me. The goddess and her dress and her disciple.   
There is a knock at the door, I glance at the balcony and see it’s already dark out. After the outfits, she had also shown me the jewels she bought along with a purse and some shoes. It was quite fun actually, seeing her eyes shine like the gems she had bought. Her smile so wide, I just want to eat her up. I settle for a kiss on the forehead. “Go get in your pj’s, I’ll get the food.” 
“What movie are we watching?” I ask, turning off the big light after we ate. She’s already snuggled in bed, like a kid on Christmas. “Pretty Woman, duh. I’m going to point out every time I felt like Julia Roberts.” I can’t help but laugh at her shenanigans. And still give her a kiss on the head and climb in the bed next to her.  
But I can see the way she eyes me, with a longing glance and those big doe eyes. “Come here, mi amor. Snuggle in close.” Her eyes beam again and without hesitation I pull her close into my arms. She cuddles in close, almost rubbing her face into my chest. She curls herself into a small ball and I make sure she isn’t uncomfortable for a single moment.  
Yet, still, she’s fidgety. “Sit still, o te pondré en una posición en la que no tendrás más remedio que quedarte quieto.” I squeeze her legs tight, to really drive it home. Her squirming has caused an effect on my body that I’m sure she’s not ready to handle yet. She whines, “I’m sorry, can I show you something?”  
“Of course,” I make small circles on her delicate skin, encouraging her to tell me more. She pulls out her phone and then goes to the videos. She then continues to show me a video in the Instagram reel format of her enjoying her day shopping. “Do you think it’s cringe?” She asks, biting her lip and this time it’s me that squirms.  
“No, of course not, I’m glad that you’re finally pursuing your dreams. Even if it’s a small start. Not to mention, it’s really well done.” A blush coats her cheeks, she so up and down. One moment she’s the hottest girl I’ve ever met and the next she’s as cute as can be and I want to hold her like this, all bundled in my arms, forever.  
I haven’t seen this video on her Instagram yet. “Why haven’t you posted it yet?” She bites her lip and avoids my gaze. “No seas tímido conmigo,” she gasps when I nip at her ear and it forces a deep chuckle from me. “I’m scared of what they’ll say about me. I’m scared that they’ll piece together our agreement.” I scoff at her, and shake my head. “So what if they do?”  
She whines and rolls her eyes. “If my modelling career starts, I don’t people to think it’s because I whored myself out.”  Whored herself out? How dare she even think something like that? If anyone ever even dare to talk even slightly bad about her, I’ll have them castrated. I have a tough security and they do anything I ask.  
Money does a lot for a person and for her... I, myself don’t even know how far I’d go. “If you ever say that again, I’ll fuck the word right from your mouth.” I just love the way her eyes go big and she begins to stutter when I say something even slightly seductive. It turns me on, just how much power I hold over her.  
“Dios, eres tan lindo. Here, give me your phone.” She does it without hesitation, still flustered by my words. I open the camera and the moment she sees the selfie side, she ducks behind my arms. I take a picture, it’s as cute as can be. I go to set it as her wallpaper but see that the photo she took on the first day is already the wallpaper.  
I raise my brow at her and she just shrugs. I look and see her lock screen is her and her other two friends that I hear so much about. “I always keep the most important things in my life as my wallpaper.” I feel so warm at her words. How much more perfect can she be? I take my phone and do the same as she has. And proceed to post it on my story.  
“Post the video. Let them talk, that just makes it more fun to prove them wrong.” She just gazes up at me with such love in her eyes. Then her eyes flicker back to the TV and she gasps, “Look, look. Look at how awful these fancy ladies are to her. She’s just this big bundle of energy and childlike joy and they’re just so cruel.”  
I stay listening with extreme intent. It’s almost funny, the way she describes this girl, because it sounds just like my Y/N. “It happened in the store, just today. Before I went to Chanel, I walked into Gucci. I had parked a bit away, for safety. A bit of a habit, I guess. They didn’t see the car, but they gave one look and went ‘we have nothing in your size.’”  
My grip grows tighter than I want it to be. I don’t want her to know the effect she has on me, I’m certain that she’d use it against me. If she truly wanted, she could have me like putty in her hands. Wrapped around her finger, she could have me on my knees with one look. She doesn’t notice it, but there are tears that pool in her eyes.  
“I’m a size ten! That’s very average. Shouldn’t they make clothes for an average person like me.” She pouts, pushing out her bottom lip. Subconsciously, she wraps my arms tighter around her. I’m her protection, she doesn’t realise it, but I am her safety blanket. I scoff at her words. “Please, you are the least average person I have ever met. I’ll have the store bankrupt by next week.”  
She gasps and gives me a slight hit on the arm. “You will do no such thing.” I laugh, kissing her neck. “And why not?” I whisper, pulling her closer into my arms. “Because, you are just race car driver, you will not bankrupt a store that has been standing there for decades with a fashion rich history. I will not have some nepo-baby with too much money on his has destroy it over some girl he met two weeks ago.”  
Her words would be harsh coming from anyone else. But when she says it, it only makes me laugh. “Is that really what you think of me?” She blushes, “I’m sorry I said that. I don’t know much about cars, but I can see you have a real passion for it and a real talent for it. You know, outside of your father’s influence.” She makes me feel like a superhero. In her eyes I can do no wrong. It feels like everybody has been criticizing me all my life, but she? No, she just loves, open and free and can’t find anything wrong with it.  
“And I’ll support you. Always, like you do me.” How I wish now I could kiss her. Just to make the words stop, because if she says one more thing, I might just cry. “Speaking of fathers... Next week is an off weekend and I still owe you a visit to your family.” She sighs, a loud, heavy drawn out one, she leans against my arm and pretends to go back to the movie.  
On instinct I just know, and once again open her phone and find her messages with her mom. She doesn’t stop me, actually she encourages it by giving her password. I can see almost each time her mother has messaged her, she either replied with a dry answer or just didn’t reply at all. “I don’t know what to tell her.”  
“You haven’t told your family about us yet?” Her shy eyes avoid my gaze and I know she feels guilty. “I don’t know what to say. Oh, yes, I’m in the arms of a man I’ve only known two weeks, because, you know, he paid off my student debt and is also so hot it’s unfair to any other guy that has ever lived.” Yes, her words are true but we both know we’re forever. And if she doesn’t realise it, I’ll just have to convince her.  
A low hum escapes my throat, “They do not watch the race? They haven’t seen you there?” She laughs and shakes her head, “They wouldn’t dream of it. They both are kickers for the good old days and when they do watch TV, it’s just those old soaps. In fact, I got my first job when I was 16 and with my first paycheck I bought a shitty phone. After school I’d walk to the nearest café, use their Wi-Fi and watch every fashion movie I could find. Illegally, of course.”  
I love hearing everything about her. It feels as though I could never know everything about her and that breaks my heart. “Well, I suppose we have to have a story for them and the media too. Let’s say this, we keep the story the same, we just move the timeline back about a year. So, instead of 13th of August, let’s make it...the 1st of February.”  
“And why wouldn’t I tell my own mother, about a guy I’m dating, for six months.” That’s a good point. “Well, let’s say that we wanted to keep it private until we’re sure of us.” She shrugs, “That makes sense, ooh, can I buy them presents tomorrow?” I chuckle, always so thoughtful. “Of course.”  
I have to buy them over somehow. If they don’t aprove of me... I’d hate to break my girl’s heart. Having a bit fall out with your own parents can be very traumatic. But I won’t hesistate. I’m sure mother would love her just as much as I do. And father, he would understand why I do, what I need to do.  
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beansricejc · 10 months
John Wick x F!Reader - I Know We Can’t
a/n: I wrote this blurb in like 10 minutes in the crumbl cookies parking lot, it’s based off of an interaction I had with my own bf last night so hope you enjoy
warnings: swearing, mentions of medical issues, blood, dry humping , 585 words (shortest one so far lol)
The way John misses you is like no other. No other previous partner has given you anything comparable to what John gives you.
You’ve been having girly issues as of lately. And one of the stipulations of your issues, per your OBGYN, was no sexual intercourse, until further notice. Of course John’s been struggling a bit with this but is always the most supportive and living partner anyone could dream of having.
But one night he gets home from a job, it’s a job that has taken four days, and has stressed him out beyond belief.
You’re in the bedroom folding laundry when you hear his heavy footsteps trudge through the door.
“Oh, hey-“
John’s blood stained hands snatch you by the waist, which is covered only by your small tank top and underwear that you’re currently wearing. You don’t get to finish your sentence since his lips have already smashed into yours, his tongue violating the inside of your mouth before he shoves you onto your king sized bed.
The way he saw your backside for a few seconds when he walked down the hallway was enough to make him explode. The curves of your body are something he’s always held dear to his heart, and you don’t even have to try to be sexy, you just naturally are.
Your back crashed into the mattress below, as his palms pressed into your hip bones. Of course he’s hard, you don’t even have to ask. You feel his shaft twitch and press against his pants, and he’s digging it into your clothed core, which is getting a bit wet with arousal.
“I know we can’t. I know,” John hisses after he detaches his lips, his slick forehead laying against your own. The mere size of him when he’s on top of you, you’re about a foot shorter than him, and it shows. He’s obsessed with how petite you are compared to him.
“But fuck, you wouldn’t believe how bad I want to. To just fuck the everlasting shit out of you.” John finishes his sentence, he’s still grinding his hips, his covered erection still rubbing against your cunt. The friction alone might send him over the edge, along with the stifled little mews that are pouring from your mouth.
“I’m sorry, I-“
“Don’t be.”
He digs his nails into your hips, as he does a thrusting motion again, simulating the act as if you actually were. You gasp at the sudden action, biting your tongue to remind yourself that you can’t, doctors orders.
John stops for a moment, letting out a soft grunt at the sight of you.
You. Sprawled out under him on top of your shared comforter. Tank top lifted a bit on your soft torso, your boy shorts hugging your ass and hips and giving him the perfect amount of visual tease that he’s looking for.
John’s hands still have blood on them. You don’t ask, you know it’s not smart to. Especially not at the moment.
They wander, touching every curve, crevice, and beauty mark that makes you, well, you.
“You know how much I crave you? You know how fucking ecstatic I am that you’re mine?” John asks in a grumbly tone, the words sending a chill down your spine.
You don’t even care about the crimson smearing on your bare skin, no, you just care about him at the moment.
“Just be ready, Princess, because when I’m inside you next, you won’t be able to sit right for days.”
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dmiherwardha · 2 months
How Medical Simulation is Revolutionizing Healthcare Education
Medical simulation has emerged as a game-changer in healthcare education in recent years. It's a tool that uses advanced technology to create realistic clinical scenarios, offering a hands-on learning experience for students and professionals. This innovative approach not only transforms how knowledge is imparted but also enhances the skills of healthcare providers. 
Let’s delve into how medical simulation courses are reshaping the landscape of medical education.
What Is Medical Simulation
Medical simulation mimics real-life medical emergencies and routine procedures, allowing healthcare professionals and students to practice and hone their skills in a safe, controlled environment. This training method can cover many scenarios, from basic tasks like drawing blood to complex surgical procedures. 
By engaging in simulation training, healthcare professionals can improve their decision-making abilities, technical skills, and bedside manner without the risk of harm to real patients.
Advantages of Medical Simulation
Enhanced Learning Experience: Medical simulation offers an immersive learning experience. Participants can interact with lifelike mannequins and utilize actual medical instruments under simulated conditions. This hands-on approach helps them retain information better than traditional lecture-based learning.
Safe Environment for Practice: One of the most significant benefits of simulation training is the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them in a risk-free environment. Healthcare professionals can practice procedures repeatedly until they gain confidence and proficiency, which can significantly reduce the likelihood of errors in real-life medical situations.
Interprofessional Education: Medical simulation allows for training healthcare teams, fostering better communication and teamwork among different healthcare disciplines. This team-based approach is crucial in real-world healthcare settings, where effective collaboration can be the difference between life and death.
Feedback and Evaluation: Simulation training for healthcare professionals often includes debriefing sessions, during which participants can receive immediate feedback on their performance. This feedback is vital for self-assessment and improvement, providing a clear path for professional development.
Implementation of Medical Simulation Courses
Medical simulation courses are now a staple in many healthcare education programs. These courses complement traditional learning by offering practical experience focusing on patient safety, ethical considerations, and effective communication. 
Educational institutions and healthcare facilities invest in state-of-the-art simulation labs with the latest technology to provide realistic scenarios ranging from emergency room settings to operating theaters.
The Future of Healthcare Education
The use of medical simulation in healthcare education is expected to grow exponentially. Advancements in technology, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), are opening new avenues for even more immersive simulation experiences. 
These technologies can simulate complex surgical procedures and rare medical conditions, providing invaluable learning opportunities that were previously impossible or highly impractical.
Challenges and Considerations
While the benefits of medical simulation are clear, there are challenges to its widespread adoption. The initial setup cost for simulation centers can be high, requiring significant investment in technology, equipment, and educator training. Developing realistic and comprehensive simulation scenarios that cover the vast spectrum of medical conditions and emergencies is an ongoing challenge.
However, the return on investment in improved patient outcomes, reduced medical errors, and enhanced teamwork and communication skills among healthcare professionals is immeasurable. As such, integrating medical simulation into healthcare education programs continues to be a priority for institutions worldwide.
Medical simulation represents a significant leap forward in healthcare education. Through simulation training for healthcare professionals, learners are equipped with the skills and confidence needed to excel in their field. Medical simulation is revolutionizing healthcare education and paving the way for safer, more effective patient care by providing a safe, realistic platform for practice. 
As technology advances, we can expect medical simulation to become even more integral to healthcare training, further enhancing the quality of care provided to patients around the globe.
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carolinelikesdinner · 5 months
Fablehaven dash board simulator
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🧚🏻 fairy-fire Follow
Ughhh does anyone else just not want to do the jack-o-lanterns this midsommors eve?? Like we do it EVERY year give us a breakkk 😭😭
#im too pretty for this #like atp just let them break in
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🥀 Dark-unicornDeactivated27465 Follow
Unicorns be like "you can't darken your unicorn horns you're soiling its purity" and then give away theirs 💀
#of course mr light makes right i'll be sure to take your advice after you got stuck in prison for hundreds of years
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🌻 flowerpetalwings Follow
Please stop scrolling!
Please sign this petition against fairy broking. I know multiple fairies who haven't seen their families since they were sold to a preserve. Please share if you can, people need to know about this
#petition #awareness
5,989 notes
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🐐 newel69 Follow
If anyone has any spare batteries please DM me or @doren-deez-nuts420 ASAP
🎾 doren-deez-nuts420 Follow
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🪨 hugo28838 Follow
jdjddhuueu8383)$;smjs€]ism shdiidixl,c
589,103 notes
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🧏🏻‍♀️ naiadDeactivated477465 Follow
Heyyy 😉😏 if you're looking for a good time, why don't you hop in the fairy queens pond? Hundreds of girls ready for you to dive in head first 🥰💕😳🥰🤫
7 notes
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🌫️ bubda5 Follow
bubda eat yahtzee dice
#bubda need medical treatment #bubda in icu
3 notes
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🎆 Humbuggle-offical Follow
Next round of The Titan Games on the 28th at 9:30 AM Magic Standard Time! I'll see you there!
♑️ virgil87 Follow
So excited!!!
#cant wait!! #need to bring my notebook this time lol #i forgot it the other day
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kme-2020 · 21 days
I walked down the dimly lit hallway, my footsteps quiet but quick. I glanced over my shoulder, not wanting to be caught, even though it was after hours at the clinic. I swept my eyes from right to left as I opened the door to one of the conference rooms and slid inside. I glanced at my phone and re-read your text “meet me in 15, usual spot”. That was 12 minutes ago. I had three minutes to get ready. I glanced out the window and watched as the last of my colleague’s cars drove away. I sighed and looked down at my navy blue scrubs. I removed my badge and set it down on the table, my portrait smiling back up at me with “Stephanie, RN” written underneath in block letters. I paced back and forth, waiting. I loved our secret meetings- a perk to working at the same clinic at your fiancé.
The door clicked behind me and I spun around as you slipped into the room, eyes darting up and down the hallway like mine did. I smiled to myself, admiring your dark hair and tall, muscular body. Our eyes met and you smiled. “Hey” I whispered as I walked over, stretching up on the tips of my toes. You leaned down to kiss my lips and circled your arms around my waist, pulling me close. “Hey babe”, your deep voice breaking the silence in the room. I leaned back and smiled, searching your face. “Is everyone gone?” I asked. “Just about” you replied. I nodded and moved my hands to gently squeeze your biceps visible under your maroon scrubs. My eyes landed on your stethoscope, still hanging around your neck. I kissed my lips to the stethoscope’s bell and said “are you going to need this?”. A coy look crossed your face. “Maybe…” you replied. You removed your badge and placed it beside mine, the words “Dr. Jacob Dundee, MD” written below your portrait. You gestured towards the conference table with a mischievous look in your eyes. I hopped up and leaned back on my elbows. I smirked at the irony of the situation. A nurse and a physician meeting at a CPR/First Aid course four years ago, which we had to attend regularly to retain our licenses. At the time we were both working in emergency medicine at the local hospital. We had been paired together as partners during that training- such basic training for medical professionals working in emergency medicine…we spent the day simulating and reviewing skills on each other. It had been impossible to not notice how hard his cock became as it was pressed into my back while he practiced the Heimlich Maneuver on me, and it was even more impossible to ignore the heady rush I got when he pulled his hands into my stomach, by back pressed against his front. That was four years ago. As we got to know each other through work we began dating, and discovered we both enjoyed resus play. Since then, we’ve enjoyed the occasional rendezvous-vous at work, the thrill of keeping those meetings secret.
Jacob walked foward slowly, appraising my body propped up on the table, a mischievous look in his eyes. He placed his one hand on my chest and the other on my shoulder, his eyes tracing my lips, over my chin and down to my chest. My breath caught in my throat at his touch and he smirked at this. “Oh Steph…take a deep breath for me…in and out, just like that, good...” I inhaled, your hand rising and falling with my chest. I closed my eyes as your hand moved to hold my left breast, squeezing it. I leaned my head back, enjoying your touch as your lips pressed to my collarbone. I sighed. “Deep breaths, Steph…come on, you know that” you taunted me. I opened my eyes and watched as your put your stethoscope in your ears, raising its bell to my chest. I gasped at the cold touch as you leaned forward, pressing the stethoscope firmly against the delicate skin of my chest. I felt my heartbeat quicken and knew you heard it too when you said, with satisfaction “I don’t know Steph, I’m having a hard time hearing your heart”. Your smouldering gaze met my eyes as your free hand crept its way down my stomach, untucking my top and slipping it into the waistband of my scrub pants. I inhaled deeply, the faint remnants of your morning cologne dancing in my nose.
“Ahh, that’s a bit better” you said as kept one hand in my pants, tracing your fingers along my panties, and the other hand moved the stethoscope around my chest. Your brow furrowed as you listened to my heart race, clearly enjoying the sensual power you had over my body at the moment. You slowly raised my arms above my head, removing your stethoscope from my chest momentarily. You lifted my scrub top to expose my abdomen and pressed your lips just above my navel. I gasped as your lips moved up my rib cage, pausing momentarily as you slipped my top off over my head, leaving me exposed with only my black bra on top. You leaned back over me, pressing your ear to my heaving chest. You glanced up at me and pushed a stray curl from my face. “Steph, your heart is beating so fast, you need to calm down” you whispered to me, knowing your words had the exact opposite effect on me. I took a deep breath as your stethoscope once again found my chest.
“Hmm…Steph, do you need CPR?” you asked me. Our eyes met and I nodded my head, unable to speak, my face flushed. You stood up and swung your leg up to meet me on the table, straddling my thighs. You placed both hands on my hips and slowly traced my rib cage, making your way up to my sternum. I breathed heavily in anticipation, a buzzing feeling filling my body. I swooned as you nestled your hands between my breasts and rocked your body into position, locking your elbows. You maintained eye contact as you gently compressed my chest, my lungs exhaling any breath left. You remained in this position and slowly released, my breastbone expanding. You did this again and raised your eyebrows. I nodded, letting you know it felt good, inviting you to compress deeper. I bit my lip and stifled a moan as your weight slowly pressed into my chest and released, synchronized with my breathing, over and over again.
We carried on like this, thrilled by the fact we had to be quick but wanting to savour the moment before going home after work. Your cock was hard; I could feel it grinding against my body through our pants. You paused to press your stethoscope once again to my chest, listening intently to my heart pounding. You grinned, pleased with what you heard. You reached for my stethoscope, putting the earpieces in my ears and pressing the bell into my chest. My heart was racing, pounding out a loud and steady beat as we listened together. I heard the blood rushing in my head as you returned to your chest compressions, once again synchronizing with my rapid breath. I closed my eyes and arched my back, trying unsuccessfully to hold back a moan. Your lips found mine as we kissed, my hands tangling in your hair.
Your hands moved from my chest to cradle my face as you pulled away. “I’m going to breathe for you” I nodded in agreement, ready. You sealed your lips over mine and exhaled, filling my lungs with your warm breath. Our lips parted and I felt the air rush out. Quickly, you sealed your lips over mine again and exhaled, my cheeks puffing out. You rocked back and returned to compressing my chest, this time with a stronger, steady pace- similar to CPR but not as intense. I felt my ribs cave and recoil under your weight, my abdomen bouncing against your thigh with each compression, my head gently bobbing side to side. I spread my arms out and gripped the edges of the conference table we are on. I felt warmth building between my legs, desperate and hungry. A heady rush engulfed me, delight and pleasure connecting our bodies with each chest compression and breathe you rewarded me with.
You stopped your compressions and once again made sure my stethoscope was in my ears and placed the bell on my chest, grabbing my hand to hold it in place so I could hear. My heartbeat filled my ears and I watched as you put your stethoscope in your ears and pressed the bell to my chest. We listened as my heart pounded and danced under our touch. Excited and satisfied, my body relaxed and I sighed a deep breath. We lay still for a few moments, savouring the sound of my heart as my breathing slowed.
You got off the table and pulled me into a sitting position, my legs dangling off the edge but not quite reaching the ground. I was still only wearing my navy blue scrub pants and black bra. You grinned at me as you stepped back and pulled off your maroon scrub top. “Okay, my turn” you said as I hopped down. “I need nurse Steph to check me over”. I smiled with anticipation as my eyes traced Jacob’s strong body, my eyes lingering on his chest. It was craving my touch.
I grabbed my stethoscope and pushed you onto your back and straddled your legs. “Nurse Stephanie is here” I said. “Try and breath normally, Jacob” I teased as I pressed my stethoscope’s bell to your chest “I’m going to listen to your heart, you look a little stressed…”
The perks of working with your fiancé.
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wisteriaiswriting · 5 months
Can you do Male Reader being a widowmakers son and also a overwatch member and widowmaker trying to kill him but can't no matter how hard she tries because of something like widowmaker's want to kill vs Amelie's want to protect her son
𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕣𝕪
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Words: 697
Talon had in many ways changed her life, mainly for the worst. Her life seemed perfect before they intervened, while it was far off it still felt right. Her family just had a new edition, that being her son, you.
As you grew they both learned how to raise a child, making mistakes but nothing went wrong. You met the founding overwatch agents whenever he had to bring you along, quickly becoming a major part in their hearts.
While your mother, Amélie brought you up with her own passion. That being dancing, ballet specifically. Letting you attend her shows and even trying to teach you some dances, trying being the key words.
As a child you didn’t have the same… perception of the world. Your father experienced the brunt of it for your family, until the incident. For a few months Amélie had gone missing, leaving you alone in your fathers care.
Instead of him caring the responsibility was left to other overwatch members, he was trying to find her. But in turn accidentally ignoring you, luckily a certain mother helped. As her own Fareeha was grown, it was time to care for another.
That lasted until your mother showed back up, but not for long. As something felt… wrong. But your father didn’t notice, just happy she returned seemingly safe and sound. That was until she turned on him.
By a stroke of luck you didn’t seem to be next, as she was taken away. Leaving you alone in the giant house. Only found the next morning by staff, who alerted the Overwatch agents. Who took you under their wing again.
Due to the situation they were quick to train you in many areas. Medical, soon able to keep yourself alive in a battlefield. (Simulated of course.) And physically, hand to hand and from range, using a sniper.
As Ana taught you she specialized in a sniper rifle. Firstly she protested due to her past and the connections but eventually relented. Realizing it wasn’t a mistake as you took to it immediately.
Maybe you’re more similar to your mother than you realize.
It’s been years since she’s seen you last, only aware of your growth due to a certain hacker. This helped her realize the lies she’s been fed, she couldn’t care about the ones about Overwatch or Talon.
Only the ones about you. Moira claimed she had contact with you and you’re current carers, recently learning the opposite. The fact you’re with Overwatch, out of everywhere you could’ve been, why there.
Now it’s come back as karma, in the form of a mission.
You weren’t meant to be here. But unluckily the selected few got injured on a previous mission, and some agreed you had enough training. Meaning Ana, Mercy, Torb, you, Reinhardt and Winston were sent.
None of you were meant to engage unless necessary, which happened a lot quicker than you’d think.
Talon had sent Widowmaker on this mission, with other agents to scout around. Except they were given opposite rules, if anyone was seen, engage. Can’t have any witnesses now, could they?
She was searching the streets through her scope. During so she’s been unable to locate anyone as it seems they’ve improved, except one. You.
No one had realized at that moment you’ve stepped away, and into the view of Widowmaker. But instead of shooting you down she paused, something about you seemed so… familiar. As if she’s seen you before. Not one agent dared to question her staring, well, not any agent on the mission.
“So the feared Widowmaker found her pequeña araña huh?” Amélie tried to ignore her but she couldn't, the jab at her family didn’t sit right.
“Concentrez-vous sur votre travail Sombra.” Seeing you interacting happily with the Overwatch members had her at her limits.
She could easily have you back in her arms with Talon, take down the others before swooping in to take you. But no, Moira would only use you against her even more if she had her hands on you. She wasn’t going to let that happen, ending the mission right there to leave.
Maybe one day her little spider would return home.
pequeña araña - little spider
Concentrez-vous sur votre travail Sombra - Focus on your work Sombra
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soraviie · 1 year
you don't trust androids.txt
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━ type: BTS (hyung line) x f! reader
━ about: android! au, heavy angst, slight fluff, nothing majorly fun 
━ pictures taken from Pinterest  ━ navigation
━ c/w: implied smut, mentions of suicide attempt, mention of near-death experience, mention of losing a limb, a portrayal of poor mental health, undercurrent of dystopian themes, mention of losing bodily autonomy, mention of hating one’s body, mention of depression and anxiety, discrimination against androids
━ wanted to keep this one in the drafts but here it is T-T
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NAMJOON: “There’s a ç in Jean Lurçat,” he points out helpfully. His programming suggests it is friendly but the way your teeth grind suggests otherwise. Perhaps…cavities? Humans were prone to them and Namjoon was no medical unit to know any better, he was after all an informational unit. But you don’t seem to be appreciative of that either. 
“Have I done something wrong?” he asks. 
“Contrary what your chip states, being an obnoxious know-it-all is not helpful!” you snap, red rimmed eyes meeting his. “I mean, who do you think you are?”
He blinks. You’ve met dozens of times already, surely you knew who he was. 
“My name is Namjoon,” he points at the tag on his chest. “I am an informational android unit. Here to help.”
“Well, you’re not! Not by nitpicking every single sentence I write!” you hissed and despite it not being expected, he experienced an operational error. If a sudden simulated pang of sadness could be called that. 
He rarely gets to talk to anyone in the museum and over the course of these weeks with you coming in and out of the building, he’d assumed, naively, that he’d made a friend for the first time in his life. Or existence rather, he corrects. Androids were not alive hence they could have no, well, life. 
“I apologize,” he bows curtly and leaves, shoulders slumped. You watch after him feeling like the grandest asshole in the world. 
“That’s because you are,” you chide yourself before slamming the multi-kilogram art book closed shut. 
A week passes and despite it not being a part of his programming, Namjoon is sulking. You’re nowhere to be seen. Maybe you avoided him due to it being awkward. Or maybe you just flat out hated him. The operational error occurs again - it makes his stomach feel like a gaping hole in spite of him knowing it was full of wires and memory cards. Perhaps he should be checked for bugs. 
“Excuse me,” a thin voice appears behind him and he finds you shifting from one foot to another, a gift in hand. 
“Hello!” he greets you pleasantly, face contorting in a dimpled smile before recalling last week and lets it deflate quite fast. 
“Are you in need of assistance?”
“No, I came here to say “thank you” and apologize. It was rude of me to insult you. I’m just…” you exhaled, shivering faintly to yourself with nerves. “I moved here only recently and I’m not used to androids. Not that it is any excuse for my behaviour. It was cruel, I apologize.”
“Accepted,” Namjoon graciously nods along, the weird bug in his stomach evaporating into thin air. He glances down at the anxiously clutched gift bag. 
“Is that from your family? Was your thesis accepted?”
You glimpse at it almost self-consciously. 
“It did. You caught onto all the mistakes so there were no objections from the superiors hence…thank you. You were not being an irritating know it all but…helpful,” you offer him a small smile and he encounters a different sort of bug, this one gnaws on his chest. “It’s for you.”
Astounded, he gently accepts the bag and peers inside. No one has ever given him anything. Inside there sits a folded shirt. The quality of the cloth is to his liking and on the tag he spots the name of the company specializing in android wear. It must have cost a small fortune. 
“I thought at first to give you a book but you probably already know everything and then I remembered you wear the same clothes every day but I didn’t know which colour-”
“It is perfect,” Namjoon interrupts, his wires suggesting that the limit of his smile has reached the maximum capacity. “Thank you, ________.”
You squirm but then frown. 
“Why is your face so red?”
“Uh…an operational error,” he lies. trying to appear sincere. “Will I be seeing you here?” 
“Would you like to?” demurely,  you question and he eagerly nods. 
“Very much.”
YOONGI: “So at which point you thought to inform me?!” you shrieked though it came out more like a hysteric squeak. But who wouldn’t be upset when their boyfriend, previously assumed as human, factory reset himself whilst being balls deep into your guts. 
“Baby, I can explain,” he begins, cautiously inching himself across the bed but you throw yourself against the headboard, clutching the sheets to your chest. Not that there was anything left to hide anymore.
“You better!” you yelled. “You knew from the very first meeting! I don’t trust androids!”
He licks his lips guiltily. He looks human. Acts like one too yet even so you can’t help but feel like an utter dimwit for being fooled like this.
“I know, I know,” he mutters guiltily, running long fingers through the orange hair. He said he dyed it. Bud did he? Did it matter? What else did he lie about?
“And I’m sorry for that! I meant to tell you. I did! But you wouldn’t have me if you knew early on and I liked you so much. I…love you so much.”
His gaze lands to sit dead onto your eyes, a feat for Yoongi indeed and despite expecting to see some blue lights, cogs and wires stretched beneath the artificial material there’s nothing but the familiar brown staring back.
“No fair,” you grumble. “Busting out the L-word.”
He chuckles fondly - a sound you adore even after this mindfuck.
“Can’t risk you running away from me.”
Gingerly, he touches your knee and you flinch.
“It may be a synthetic skin but it’s real,” he whispers moving to softly cup your cheek. “I’m the same Yoongi you’ve always known.”
Unwillingly, your body relaxes as he does his magic, fingers grazing through your hair in a monotone, calming motion. His ultra-effective weapon to having you be soft.
“But how can you…feel?” incredulous yet truthful, you ponder out loud. “You run on…programming…?”
“I’ve been a free android for twenty years,” he insists. “All my "programming” has rusted so much it’s running independent like a human brain would. No exterior orders.“
"So what was that?” you abruptly plank attempting to demonstrate his sudden seizure. “What was that all about?”
“Oh,” he laughs timidly, the gummy smile on show and ears flushing pink. You wonder if there’s wiring there as well but then simply let the matter rest. “I realized I love you, want to spend my life together with you and I…I freaked.”
“Good or a bad freakout?”
He leans in to peck your lips.
“Good,” he mutters in between kisses. “Very, very good.”
JIN: “Want to hear a joke about pizza?”
“Good, it’s too cheesy.”
You could physically feel your eyes roll 360 degrees around your skull. The recovery and betterment android unit, J-I-N-100, levels you down with a thoroughly displeased scowl.
“Why aren’t you laughing?” he frowns. “I specifically requested it.”
“Fault in the program,” you slighted, moving to adjust the IV drip.
“Ah! A derogatory reference to my existence. How very original.”
His face and tone is neutral, for all intents and purposes he could have just recounted the level of precipitation outside. That’s what’s wrong with them, you think to yourself, how quickly they can go back to being robotic. And frankly, it’s not all androids you can’t stand to be around, it’s this specific unit that’s been making your life a miserable hell, even further than it was.
Losing a limb, a leg, in this case, was hard. It still continues to be hard. The bitterness that seeps from the court decision - the overruling of a criminal penalty for the drunk driver who’d mowed you over was a bottomless well. On top of that, churning away at a hospital, trying to regain the simple ability to walk using a prosthetic leg made you claw at the walls frequently enough and then this thing came.
The jokes you could tolerate, barely but still, but you couldn’t, couldn’t handle to watch him get his palm crushed one day and then without a care in the world church it away, grab a new one like a brochure at a religious congregation, given away like candy, and stuck it onto himself. No recovery period, no shock, no trauma. Brush it off, move on. How could you not hate him when he joked to you all day long as you fell out of bed or fell walking due to the simple fact that you were human.
Pain was the basis of all life and he felt none. To be in the presence of something that was not alive yet acted as though it was…unnerving. Deeply unnerving yet humanity had already moved past being the only humanoids, moved past the notion of disgust for artificial intelligence, leaving you to choke alone on the bouts of spontaneous rage.
All you heard whenever he opened his mouth was “tiny, pathetic human, wriggling around like a worm”.
“You bent your leg the wrong way,” he points out and your head twitches upwards, removing the crayon-coloured painting of yours from your vision. It’s now brimming with his face, one he said is of course mechanically engineered as it was perfect. He was perfect. A thing he often remarked on.
“Your leg,” he repeats slowly as though talking to a child. “It’s made of a similar structure as my legs, if you bend the knee in that position, it’ll wear out the joint wiring.”
You hadn’t even thought about that. This leg…this leg doesn’t belong to you. It’s like him. An alien object lodged onto you. A parasite.
“Here, lemme fix that,” he reaches and on the brink of hurling, you kick yourself away, falling onto the floor. Android unit J-I-N appears almost startled.
“Don’t touch me! Do not touch me! Get out!”
“I can’t!” he objects weakly. “I’m your personal betterment unit if you reject me, I’ll be -”
For an android, purposefully wired being not meant to experience fear, he looks terrified. And that expression haunts you.
Waking up in the midst of a deep night is nothing new. Doctors said the traumatic event of nearly dying and then losing a limb will give you hours upon hours of unslept nights. Walking was still difficult, especially in the dark of the hospital where everything was quiet and creepy. Usually, J-I-N-100 would help you, asked or not, guide you to the bathroom, or fetch you a glass of water but after kicking him out he hadn’t shown for the entirety of the day.
You wander the halls blindly and then the knee jerks on its own and you find yourself on the floor.
“Fucking shit.”
Trying to push yourself off the linoleum, you faintly hear a peculiar noise. A strangled noise of crying. At first, you dismiss it. It was a hospital people cried day and night, every hour of the week but the sound is so terrified, so broken you couldn’t bear to continue the asshole routine.
Following it, you stumble upon the escape stairs, grey and empty and in the middle of them sits unit J-I-N-100. Crying. An android crying. A sight you never assumed was possible.
“Uh…are you okay?” you dumbly ask.
He hides his face away, shoulders shaking before a venomous hiss flies your way.
“Why do you care? I’m a machine.”
You stand awkwardly.
“If this is about what I said, just ask for them to transfer you to a different patient-”
He abruptly laughs loudly and dryly, a laugh of no amusement.
“You don’t understand do you, human? There are no transfers for androids. If we don’t satisfy our patient, there are no do-overs! I’ll be sent to the HQ and be,” his voice drops into a hush. “Be disassembled.”
For an android that was death. You didn’t like him but for him to die due to your displeasure was tyrannical.
“I’m sorry,” you gasp. “I-I didn’t know.”
“You don’t know anything,” he accuses heatedly and you couldn’t blame him.
“No, I don’t.”
There’s a beat of stilted silence.
“You hate that leg of yours because it’s like me. It’s strange. An alien organism. You hate for having these parts but they are not mine. Every part of me belongs to someone else. My eyes, my ears, my legs have been replaced thousand times over. This body is not my own and yet I’m forced to reside in it. Do you have any idea what that feels like?”
Abruptly, all his magnanimous tirades about having the most perfect body make sense in another kind of way. He must have been trying to convince himself of liking it when the truth couldn’t be any further away. Your words now feel sickening and a surge of want, to protect, to shield this android, makes you almost dizzy.
But he doesn’t care for it. Not anymore.
“Please, leave,” he asks. The sound of his voice is broken, worn to its absolute limit. “If I’m around you it is my programming to smile and I don’t want to smile anymore.”
You oblige and close the door to the staircase quietly behind yourself.
To be home again was to experience bliss. Your small, overcluttered apartment had never appeared like the gate of heaven itself. The smell, even the crowded look into the smog-ridden city below is pure ecstasy. Putting the crotches down you sink into the sofa, nearly crying at the comfort of unity. But then that grading, awful sound interrupts your ecstasy. A fucking neighbour. Grabbing the crutch, you’re already prepared to beat these annoying motherfucking neighbours into the next planet only to find J-I-N standing on the other side.
His expression is murderous.
“Why did you do that?”
Timidly, you shift in the doorway.
“I was trying to help.”
“You lied!” he cries out. “You chased down the board members of the android unit assignment, harassed them for hours and then lied to their faces that I’m the most adequate, most perfect unit in the facility!”
“Did it work?”
He calms down, hands coming to stand still by his thighs.
“It did. No unit has ever reached such a score.”
You nod.
“But you hated me…” he breathes, even without any visible cogs, you can see how the logic of your action is not computing in his brain. “You literally hated me all this time.”
“I don’t wish you death. I would never want that!” frustrated you trying to run a hand through your hair only to remember it is supposed to hold a crotch now. “It’s just my fragile human psyche. I’m sorry for it and I’m sorry you have to go through everything. It’s horrible.”
He seems to be beaten into a state of stupor only to shrug.
“It…It is what it is.”
“It shouldn’t have to be.”
For a while, there is only the muted sound of either of you trying to make some sort of conversation.
“Because of what you did, they’re reassigning me. Private health field, I’m a home care unit now.”
“That’s…great,” you weakly surmise. You don’t actually know if it’s great or not. There’s a lot you don’t know. Maybe it was high time to fix that.
“Wait does this mean you’ll be reassembled?!”
“No,” J-I-N shakes his head. “No, reassembling or disassembling. Home care units change very little. Just a little update and I’ll be sparkly new.”
“Perfected the perfection,” you try to joke and he chuckles weakly almost sounding surprised that someone might amuse him and not the other way around.
“Do you…” he shakes with nerves and you grow ever more astounded. He was so alive. A very peculiar android, one who couldn’t give it credit for his programming. Whatever happened that made J-I-N, he was different. Perhaps he made himself different.
“Do you need a home care android? Your recovery period is almost a year.”
“They sent me a catalogue but I haven’t gone through it yet,” you throw your head at the inside of your apartment.
“May…I apply for the job?”
You blink at his demureness.
“But I’m awful.”
“You were,” he agrees. “But you’ve got an update and besides I’m in need of employment.”
“I…” you think it over. In spite of not getting along, you still had grown at least accustomed to him. And J-I-N was far more gracious than you would have been in his situation.
“I’m okay with that. Are you?”
“Yeah,” he squeezes a small smile. “You’re not the worst human on the planet anymore.”
“Thanks,” you snort.
“Also fair warning, this update will contain nearly 68GB of various puns and jokes for the sake of breaking the ice with the patient.”
You feel a part of yourself shrivel and die with that information, still, you force out a polite -
“Looking forward to it.”
HOSEOK: “But…but what am I supposed to do with him?!” as quietly as possible, you hiss into the phone where a woman sighs at your incessant questions.
“He is a mental health android unit, treat him like an app or something.”
“He’s not an app!” you argue with some heat. “He is an android! A being! One you sent to my home without my consent.”
“Well, you shouldn’t have tried to slit your wrists open at a workplace,” she snides and drops the phone, leaving you open-mouthed at the sheer audacity before slamming the phone down into the kitchen counter.
“Your levels of adrenaline and anger are out of the norm. Should I help you to relax?” the android’s voice pops up unexpected right beside you and you scream.
The last thing you wanted after being discharged from a mental institute is to be observed. Like a zoo animal. What will it do if one does this? What will it do if one pokes it in this spot?
“No, please, it is not necessary,” you trail off, fear gripping you whole. This thing will live you. For three months, there will be a stranger, designed to hover over you like a Damocles sword. You couldn’t even feel safe in your own home when it was anxiety in the first place that wore you down so much you wanted to escape it in any way you could.
The mental health unit leans its head to the side. He looks very human, it must be the absolute prime model and somehow it’s even more disturbing. It’s a humanoid that was not human and that knowledge activates some primal terror gifted by your ancestors. You’re choking on your tongue.
“I’ll just use the bathroom,” you force out and make a run for it.
It takes hours for you to exit, shaking on the tile floor was time-consuming and finding the android unit freely moving through your space doesn’t put you at any ease.
“What are you doing?” you rasp.
He turns around, beaming wide and you shudder.
“Making dinner,” he replies cheerfully. “Your file suggested it will be one of my duties.”
In his hands, there sits a cup. It’s your favourite cup. It wasn’t passed from generations, it wasn’t a gift and it wasn’t really that expensive. It had a chip in the side and you bought it essentially from a flea market but it still is your favourite cup. One he has usurped like your peace in your own home.
“Please, don’t..don’t touch my stuff.”
The smile falls from his face and noticing your intent, scared gaze at the cup he places it down.
“But I…I have to make you dinner.”
“You don’t. I’ll do it on my own.”
He blinks, struggling to understand. It goes against his programming, while the emotional core of his does state he should instantaneously assume greater distance. He was creating unease, something he was not engineered to do and the two clashing commands were rapidly wearing down his operational core.
“I can…run you a bath. Baths are beneficiary for human beings.”
The thought of undressing in front of him, of being that vulnerable, nearly makes you gag.
“No, please, just do nothing.”
“If I do nothing, my dispatchers will think you don’t want me.”
“I don’t want you. I’m scared of you.”
His mouth despite it being an impossibility runs dry.
“You’re scared of me?” he echoes weakly.
“You’re a stranger invited into my house without my consent. Of course, I’m scared of you!”
“Right,” he buffers. “I-I…I’ll log myself off in the hallway. Will that make you feel better?”
It’s probably cruel, nevertheless, you nod. You couldn’t be around anyone and despite the opinion of general denizens, androids did count as someone.
Shoulders slumped, he dragged himself away before plopping to sit by the door and proceeding not to move. It was creepy.
At night, you hear him moving around and shivering underneath the blanket from the rampaging onslaught of paranoia, you could not relax for a single second.
Weeks pass and the mental health unit keeps an intrepid vigil to keep out of your way. You don’t even know where he is at times as he occupies no room and makes no noise but at times you almost forget he is there. He still performs some menial tasks when you’re away either being tested or taking a prescribed walk and exercise class. Your floors are too clean and when you fail to make food for yourself it magically appears, though you note that they’re not served in your dishes and neither your pots nor pans were ever used again.
Coming home late one night, you step over the threshold and find it empty and dark, abandoned almost but on the counter there sits a cupcake with a simple note attached.
“I’m very proud of you, ______________.”
Heat rushes to your eyes and your throat tightens. You can’t even recall when was the last time anyone said they’re proud of you.
“Umm…mental health android?” you call out. He didn’t even have a name you realize. He wore no badge and there was nothing in his introductory form. “Mental health android?”
No response. Perhaps, he left. You gave him no order, maybe it somehow messed with his programming so bad he left. You rifle through the apartment high and low, in the end, finding him crouched in the broom closet. It’s an awfully minuscule space, not suitable for anyone, be it an android, human or a cat but it is the only space in the entirety of your home, you did not look into. Just how long had he slept here for your convenience.
You lean down and shake him but he does not wake.
“Sir? Sir?” you shake him harder but you might as well be handling a ragdoll. “Sir? Please, wake up.”
At that, his eyes pop open and you screech from the abruptness of the motion, falling on your backside. He rushes to help you up but pulls his hand away at the last second, conflictedly squirming in the place.
“Are you okay? Are you in distress?” he questions nervously and you gather yourself off the floor.
“No, I’m just…” you sigh. “You shouldn’t sleep in the broom closet. It’s too small.”
“It was the only hiding place. I would not scare you there. You would not see me.”
Something in the innocent explanation, so purely kind-hearted, mellows your own.
“Please, use the living room.”
He nods stiffly.
“Also uhm…” unwillingly, tears pool in your eyes. “Thank you for the cupcake. Did you…make it?”
He shakes his head sadly and solemnly.
“You did not give me permission to use your things, so I bought it.”
“With what money?” as far as you knew androids couldn’t pride themselves on the biggest income.
“I work odd jobs at times,” he shyly confesses. “If I earn enough money, I can apply for citizenship and become a self-sustained android.”
“You used that money to…” you choke. “To buy me a cupcake.”
“To buy you all food and the flowers by your bedside table.”
He shrugs it off with such ease like it’s not by far one of the kindest things you’ve seen a humanoid do.
“Oh, no, don’t cry!”
Too late you’re absolute sobbing your heart out. About everything. When you were little you thought it will be such a dream. It wasn’t. It wasn’t a dream at all.
He once again reaches to hug you, probably due to his programming but holds himself back, to be respectful, however, you hug him first, not caring anymore that his skin is synthetic and his brain is made of chops. You just need someone to connect with. Any connection, any at all would be bliss and this android has shown you unbridled kindness no humans in your life would.
When you’ve cried out half the hurt, not all but a decent chunk, a steaming cup of chamomile tea, served in your favourite mug sits in front of you as the rain taps against the window. It’s easier to breathe. The android sits unsure at the edge of the sofa, uncertain what his next action should be.
“Do you have a name?” you ask, twiddling with the edge of the blanket.
“I’m a mental health care android unit 9876Q36x/3.”
“Right. Have you considered choosing a name?”
If he wanted to be a self-governed android, the idea of freedom must be constant in his mind.
“I did,” he slowly says as though it’s a secret. “Hoseok.”
“It’s a lovely name.”
He offers a gentle smile and you feel for once a bit better.
“Thank you, _______________. I like your name as well.”
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 © soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
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