#Max Brinly x y/n
⛑ - Some tender first-aid || Max Brinly ||
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“You need to be more careful Max.”
Of course his response was nothing but a sheepish laugh as he adverted his gaze away from the wound you were bandaging. “Haha I’m fine….I mean it’s not too bad…and you do know what you’re doing so.”
Your touch was gentle, you were always gentle when it came to taking care of himself, well until he said something stupid.You narrowed your eyes tightening the bandage as he let out a yelp. “I’m going to nursing school. I’m not.” Sighing you shook your head just happy that his hand was patched up.
“God that’s hot.”
Biting your lip, you then crossed your arms over your chest. “‘ going to regret this but what is hot?”
“You being a nurse, you think you can wear one of those sexy little uniforms for me?” Max waggled his eye brows.
Blinking for a moment, you let out snort. Your hand quickly covering your mouth to hide your laughter, your hand patting his cheek. “God Max. Really, this isn’t some poring you know. I would be wearing scrubs.” You teased pinching his cheek.
Grinning he quickly wrapped his arms around your waist. “Ya but you can still make it look sexy babe.”
“While I’m flattered.”you rolled your eyes slipping out of your boyfriends arms as you gave him a teasing grin. “We need to go, we’re gonna be late.”
Rubbing his neck he nodded his head. “This is gonna be a fun summer.”
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Ever Heard of Knocking?!
Max Brinly x Reader (AFAB Non-binary, They/Them pronouns used) [The Quarry]
Warnings: Mentioned (not described) nudity, Swearing
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Summary: Max’s omission of the basic etiquette of entering rooms lands him and Y/N in a curious predicament.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request, hope I captured what you wanted! Love, Vy ❤
As someone with a strong respect for your wardrobe, you’ll begrudgingly admit the slim pickings you’ve gotten stuck with when it comes to outfits. There’s only so many risks you’re willing to take with your clothes and getting a beloved article dirty during a hike is not one of them. One might wonder why you even brought something so sacred to a damn summer camp but you wouldn’t be able to answer. You’re asking yourself the same question. Hell, you have at least three shirts you wouldn’t let anyone even breathe on let alone wear them out in the wilderness. You’d never sentence your clothes to death like that, you’re no monster.
You let out a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose as you weigh your losses. Considering your typical outfits of choice for outdoorsy activities are in the laundry room still, you have no other option than to send someone after them.
A moment’s thought offers you a solution: Abi. She was sitting on the stairs outside the cabin when you made the short dash from the showers back to your cabin. If there’s anyone you can rely on with your clothes, it’s her.
However, just as you turn on your heel with the intention of peeking your head out the door to call out to Abi, it’s flung open, causing you to jump back, the towel wrapped around you slipping ever so slightly before your hands instinctively catch it, saving too much from being shown. 
Before you stands a now paled but still crimson-cheeked Max whose brain just so decides to pick this very moment to betray him and malfunction, levaing him frozen and slack-jawed.
At least until you screech: “Do you mind?!”
You can just about see the gears turning in that head of his as he processes what you’re insinuating, “Oh! Oh, r-right!” He barely maintains his balance with the speed at which he whirls around to face the outdoors. That’s when he also draws the conclusion to close the door so no wandering campers can stumble upon the scene and make it worse than it already is.
You mutter curses to yourself as you grab the first pair of pants and the first shirt that finds itself under your palm, “Ever heard of knocking, damn it?!”
“I wanted to scare you!“ Max, bless his heart, sounds distressed and guilty to the point you’re surprised he hasn’t taken off running yet.
“Oh, well isn’t that great! Weak defense, Max!“ You bite back, masking your bright burning embarrassment with faux anger.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I really am!“ He cries out. Peeking over at him from your task of getting dressed, you can see that the tips of his ears and the back of his neck are a fiery red, probably the same color as his cheeks right now. You can’t help the smile that threatens to creep up onto your face at how cute and endearing you find it even though you yourself are drowning in the need to turn into a turtle and crawl back into your shell and sleep for a long time.
“You can turn around now.“ You sigh, adjusting your freshly applied clothing as he waddles around to face you like an awkward penguin, “And although your apology has been accepted, I will exploit your remorse and ask you for a favor. Is that cool?“
He nods frantically, “Yes, of course, anything....”
“Great, ok.“ Two birds, one stone, you think to yourself, “Would you be a dear and make a dash to the laundry room and pick up my clothes. Basket number ten.“ Although you make sure to emphasize the number, a part of you can imagine that in this frenzy, poor Max has a grand chance of forgetting and grabbing the first basket he comes across. The thought nearly makes you laugh.
“Of course. On it.“ He replies without a second to spare, his mouth dry with embarrassment still as he quickly struts out of the cabin. However, just when you think he’s gone, he pops his head back in, “That’s a great shirt, don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear it.”
Instinctively, you look down at your band tee, “Oh, thanks. You like them too?”
“Sure do!” He replies with his signature warm and charming Max smile, “Though it would probably help if you didn’t wear it on backwards.“
Yeah, the shirt is very backwards. How you didn’t notice the tag sticking out front is a mystery. Wait, no, it’s not. It’s not that outlandish considering your crush almost saw you naked.
“Shut up, Brinly!“ You can keep the smile off your face only for so long, it’s always like that with Max.
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infin1ty-garden · 2 months
So I just finished the quarry and fell in love max brinly 😅 do you think you can do a max brinly x reader? Weather they were already in a relationship or met at camp, but max makes it to camp and is there the whole summer. Something happens to where the reader get attacked/bit that night and he does whatever he can to save her? Preferably a happy ending together, but your discretion! Thank you for whatever you can do!!
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༊*·˚ summary: [ in request ] ༊*·˚ pairing: max brinly x fem! reader ༊*·˚ warnings: werewolf attack? injury, guns, blood & curse words ༊*·˚ word count: 1180 ༊*·˚ author note: it's been a while since i played the quarry. canon divergent
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"A werewolf? Great! What's next? Dracula?" It was the last day of summer camp. They were suppose to be on the road already but their car didn't start. Instead of eating junk food and belting songs, they were stuck here. At best until tomorrow morning.
And now, apparently a wolf or werewolf attacked Nick and Abby. Max didn't doubt Abby or Nick's words but a werewolf is something harder to believe in. An escaped science experiment would have been more believable.
No matter how believable it is or not. One thing was for certain, something was out there to get them. Dylan and Ryan try to get help via the radio shack as the others stay back in the lodge, including Max and you. But while there you hear something on the roof.
Sounding way too heavy to be a bird. Then Abby and Nick's statement proves to be right as a werewolf crashes through the roof. It starts chasing each of you, trying to see which one will catch it first. Right as you think you managed to find a good place to hide.
It charges at your hiding place. It's claws sinking into your shoulder. Max rips the gun out of Kaitlyn's arms and aims it for the creature. Shoot it in the arm then stomach. It turns its attention away from you and to Max as shots it in the head. It backs off running into the woods.
"How did you know how to do that?" Max hands the gun back to Kaitlyn and rushes over to you. "It's a gun. It's not that difficult," he assesses the wound. It's deep and without some treatment you could bleed out. He refuses to show any panic. Knowing it'll only make the situation worse.
Max knows there's some medical stuff in the lodge 'just in case something happens'. This is something. He tells Kaitlyn to keep you awake as he goes to find the supplies. He's not a medical student or anything but he will try his best.
"Don't let her die," is all Max could think about and when he gets back he makes quick work of the wound with the help of Kaitlyn. He has you bite on a cloth as they sow up the wound and wrap a lot of gauze around it. It's not perfect but it's the best they could do.
By the time they are done. Ryan and Dylan are back. They bombard them with questions on what happened. You look pale and Max, the worried boyfriend that he is, keeps sending you concerned looks. The first time you try to take a step, you almost faceplant.
But you need to leave the lodge as there is now a hole in the roof. The group decided to go to the pool house and hunker down there. Max helps you walk all the way there. Once you arrive, Nick starts acting really weird. Max and you separate from the group.
He lets you rest but does everything so you don't close your eyes. He goes back to check on the others. The next thing you hear is a lot of yelling and the sound of a gunshot. Max comes rushing back. He's in a state of shock. That much is obvious.
Quickly picks you up bridal style and runs out of the pool house. On your way out you notice the room was drenched in blood. You're left in the dark as to what happened. What you do notice is Laura, one of Max's friends and a counsellor that went missing, showed up.
She explains where she'd been this whole time. The group makes the ultimate decision to split up again. Laura and Ryan go to the Heckett's house, Emma and Abby to the basement of the lodge and Dylan, Kaitlyn, Max and you try to find a spare part to fix the car.
Even Laura suggested that Max go with her but he declined. Refusing to leave your side. Cute, considering you'll turn into one of those creatures before the night is over. At the junkyard, Dylan and Kaitlyn are working on the crane.
Dylan starts rapidly honking the horn. "There's something coming!" Max and you find a hiding place hoping that the creature doesn't find you. That hope is squashed as it's now only a few feet away from you. You feel anger bubbling up in you.
You've been through shit this whole night. Two of your friends could be dead and Max's missing ex girlfriend is now back. Is he going to dump you and get back together with her? Were you just a summer fling to him? You feel as if your insides are being ripped out.
Were you dying? Max jumps from the hiding place and shoots the creature. He aims to take another shot but the gun's empty. It runs to your hiding place. You feel as if something is trying to burst out of your chest. Excruciating pain as your bones break than a burst of blood.
You can't control your movements anymore. Attack the werewolf charging at you, killing it. Max can't believe what he's seeing. He knew it was a matter of time before you turned but this is terrifying. If he is to die by your hand so be it but to his surprise you run away.
Leaving the junkyard to go to God knows where. He goes to find Kaitlyn and Dylan, tells them what had happened. All three of them go back to the lodge with the part in hand to meet up with the other counsellors. Laura and Ryan return with Travis Hackett.
"It's over. We killed Silas," the first thought in Max's head is 'Who?' and the second how the hell is he going to find you. Laura offers to go with him and this time he obliges. If there's a possibility they find your dead body, he needs someone he trust there when he breaks down.
Instead of finding a dead body, they find you walking. Probably trying to find a way back to the lodge. Max is overwhelmed with relife and envelopes you in a bone crushing hug. "You're okay. Thank God! You're okay." He peppers your face with kisses.
"Never do that again," he rests his head on your shoulder. "What do you mean? I turn into a werewolf on a regular basis," he laughs but soon tears start falling from his eyes. Laura interrupts the moment.
"We should get back. I don't wanna spend another second in this forest," she starts walking. "Laura's back. So, when's your date planned?" Max's back straightens and his eyes look as if they'll fall out of his sockets. "What?"
"With Laura. I would assume you guys will pick up where you left off." He aggressively shakes his head. "No! I mean we didn't break up but the night before she left we realised we're just not working. To me you're like a breath of fresh air. Okay that's a cheesy metaphor but I love you and nothing will change that."
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Thanks for reading!
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Ryan Erzahler (1/6)
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Word count ; 4.0k
I leaned against Ryan’s shoulder, zoning out completely. We were in the main lodge, sitting by the doorway, sharing earbuds. I wasn’t surprised when the first thing he wanted to do, upon the ‘official’ return of our phones, was listen to Bizarre Yet Bonafide in the open. I knew he was eager to finally listen to the podcast about Hackett’s Quarry itself - even if it was just the retelling of a silly campfire story. I was a fan of the podcast, but I always thought Ryan was the better storyteller. 
Ryan was not a very open individual, but I could tell I’d made his summer a lot easier by being his roommate. Again.
Ryan was humming along, and my eyes flitted up to his expression. He was relaxed. Eyes shut, head back, lips slightly parted. I was an extroverted person, so I liked it when Ryan was happy. That was when it was either when we were together hanging out privately, or he was alone.
Ryan had his legs extended, and mine were pulled to my chest, my arms hugging them. In one hand, he held his phone, and the other was drumming on my knee softly to an invisible tune. We made momentary eye contact, his dark orbs swirling with fondness, before they flustered shut again. However, now that his mouth had shut, a smile tugged at his generally stoic face.
I was about to shut my eyes again, tuning back into the podcast. I loved horror, but I preferred other true-crime podcasts. The two speaker’s voices just… rubbed me the wrong way. It was too high-pitched and annoying. However, Ryan adored them, so I couldn’t help but not voice my opinion. If anything, Bizarre Yet Bonafide was to thank for our friendship at all.
It was funny. The memory of when we first met was fuzzy. However, whenever I asked Ryan, he always recited the same story, as though he knew it like the back of his hand: I walked up to him in the campus cafeteria, where he was sitting alone. I sat next to him and stole an earbud. From there, we bonded over our shared love of mystery, crime, and horror. He was more than excited to introduce me to the podcast.
I suddenly became alert at the sound of distant chatter. Ryan tensed immediately, looking at me with a quirked brow. A grin slowly pulled across my features. I nudged his shoulder, and with half-lidded eyes, he quirked a brow.
“I think it’s time to go! Everyone else sounds like they’re out front,” I exclaimed. 
Ryan knew better than no-one that, as much as I loved nature and kids, I missed my family and the privacy of my own bedroom. Ryan probably did too, even though he had a close connection with the Hackett family. We were roommates back in our college town, but I was sure he looked forward to having his own room. Apparently, I snored.
Ryan exhaled quietly and collected his things. We rose to our feet and, out of habit, I entangled my arm with his. He tucked the phone into his pocket and we grabbed our suitcases. As I caught wind of the conversation, though, I tugged on Ryan to make him stop. I’d heard his name. We hovered in the doorway, just out of view from the campers below.
“…Oh, yeah. He’s probably off being all brooding and mysterious and alluring somewhere while Y/n tags along,” Dylan spoke up from below.
I nudged Ryan again, muttering to him, "Hear that? You’re mysterious and alluring. The camp bad boy.”
Ryan only scoffed playfully, and we listened some more.
“Alluring is right,” Kaitlyn seconded. “The girls and I all agreed, Y/n included, mind you, that Ryan was the hottest councilor. Followed by Chris, then you, Dylan, yotta yotta…”
“And where am I on that list?” Jacob piped up.
“The bottom,” Emma snickered, although I already knew the poor guy would take that comment to heart.
“So, you think I’m the hottest?” Ryan mumbled, sending me an amused glance.
I sent a stern look up, since Ryan was incredibly tall. I quipped in return, "No comment.”
“God, where are those two? Making out in a bush?” Kaitlyn complained. Which was enough for me to kick myself out of the doorway and drag Ryan with me.
“Here!” I called from the porch. Everyone’s eyes were glued to us, and I felt Ryan shrink in discomfort. He’d confided in me about his social anxiety before, so it was more of a reason to pull him closer. We arrived at the base of the stairs, and Dylan snickered.
“What were you guys doing up there? Having a party?”
Ryan shrugged, his graphic tee-shirt wrinkling as his arms bobbed. “Uh.. we were listening to a podcast, actually.”
“Oh! A podcast, nice. That’s cool,” Dylan hummed, nodding in a friendly manner. I sent him a smile, which he returned whole-heartedly. Other than Ryan - obviously - I really got along with the boy. Everyone thought he was a braindead himbo, but we’d shared many conversations about biochemistry during our time at camp. We were both total science geeks.
“What’s it about?”
“Yeah, what’s it about? Is it about lo-o-ove?”
The entire summer, the other councilors got a kick out of shipping us together. Ryan always got tense and embarrassed, but I always shrugged it off. I would’ve found it funny if it didn’t make Ryan so embarrassed. His eyes shifted to me, so I could tell he was done talking. 
“As if. What would that even be about?” I chortled. “It’s actually a paranormal podcast. The episode we were listening to was about this place, actually. The… Hag of Hackett’s Quarry.”
“The who of the whatsit where now?” Kaitlyn inquired further, quirking a brow. “What’s the Hag of Hackett’s Quarry?”
“You don’t know about the Hag of Hackett’s Quarry?” Dylan sarcastically added. “Tell her about the Hag of Hackett’s Quarry, why don’t you?”
Ryan chuckled, and I was glad Dylan’s positivity was infectious. I continued, "It’s just this campfire story for the kids. It’s, um… the one Ryan told at some point. There’s supposedly an old lady who died in a fire a few years ago. She haunts the woods looking for her lost son. Pretty basic horror stuff. Ryan’s definitely the better story teller.”
“Yeah, uh,” Ryan started, "There are, like, reports of whispers, or whatever, and this figure that floats around. You know, textbook ghost stuff. Some people say that if she catches you alone, she’ll try to turn you into her son. Or, kill you, or something. I don’t know. It’s never really been clear. Anyways, Hag of Hackett’s Quarry.”
I unlinked my arms and did some ecstatic jazz hands when he finished. Ryan chuckled, although he made sure to wrap his arm around my shoulders loosely.
“Y - you made that up,” Kaitlyn stuttered, somewhat rattled from the explanation. Again, Ryan was a great story teller.
“It’s right here in the podcast, man,” Ryan retorted, pulling his phone out momentarily. 
“Cool story, bro,” Jacob chided. 
“Seriously, though, Y/n’sright. You should’ve seen the first time he told the story at the campfire. They were scarred for life.”
A laugh bubbled in my throat, and Ryan quickly defended, "I mean, not for life…”
“What’s the hold up, Hacketteers?”
Our conversation was cut shot as our attention was drawn up to Chris Hackett, who was leaning on the rails above us. He still adorned his camp uniform and his keychain was strung around his neck. He had a friendly smile on his face, hands clasped together.
“Hey, yeah, uh - we’re nearly done, Mr. H!” Jacob called back, waving enthusiastically.
“Nearly done, huh? Get those butts in gear!” Chris playfully remarked.
“Sorry, Mr. H, we had to liberate some luggage,” Emma agreed.
“Shut up!” Abby hissed in embarrassment.
“Maybe if somebody didn’t spend so much time trying to impress his lady with his ghost story…” Kaitlyn chuckled.
“You asked!” Ryan shot back defensively, and pulling me closer. I had to hop and readjust my footing, not commenting on his tenseness. I knew that, even when spending time with the group all summer, he was still not too familiar with them. Minus Dylan, since he tried really hard to break the barrier.
“Ghost stories?”
“The Hag of Hackett’s Quarry.”
Chris exhaled sharply, rubbing his forehead. “Ugh.”
“Hey, do you still have the van key, Mr. H?” Kaitlyn asked.
“Why, yes I do!” He stood straight and shuffled through his pockets. He sighed, though. “You know, I’d lose my head if it wasn’t stuck on. Back to the office I go. Give me a hand, wouldn’t you, Ryan?”
Ryan and Chris finally returned, and Ryan had the keys in hand. I stood up straight, crossing my arms in anticipation. As nice as a nature retreat was, I was eager to be in the modern world again. Oh, and to be away from all of the petty camp drama. And, no, I do not mean the kids. I meant the councilors, who had acted like middle schoolers all summer.
“Oh, okay,” Ryan agreed, reluctantly separating from me. He sent me one last glance as he went on his merry way. I watched in amusement as Dylan tried and failed to get his phone charged before we left. While I waited, I hoisted my suitcases into the trunk of the van and leaned against the car. I took note of how my fellow councilors were with each other. Nick and Abby would send fleeting, abashed glances at one another, Jacob looked miserable, Emma was… Emma, and Dylan was talking to Jacob about something silly.
“Wait, how did you get our phone back before the rest of us —" Dylan started.
“Because I never turned it in,” Ryan smugly interrupted.
“You should’ve turned it off before you handed it in, Dylan,” Chris stated. “Them’s the rules, you noob.”
I had a hard time resisting laughter from Chris’s attempted use of modern slang. I figured he got it from the kids. Chris handed Jacob the keys as he walked past. Ryan was quick to saddle up next to me, crossing his arms. Although he was comfortable with Mr. Hackett, it rubbed off now that he’d returned to the group.
“I try not to dwell on the past, man.”
“Good, because it’s time to dwell on the minivan and get on with our respective lives!” Jacob hopped into the front seat and I opened the side door, preparing to hop in. “Move it, let’s go!”
However, the van started making odd noises, and I took a step back with furrowed brows. It kept churning and the engine didn’t start at all. I tilted my head as Chris vocalized everyone’s thoughts.
“What’s the problem?”
“Ugh… dude, I don’t know. I - I think there’s something wrong with the engine, Mr. H,” Jacob answered, waving his arms expectantly.
“Yeah, I can see that.”
“Yeah, dude, it’s just like… kaput!”
Ryan frowned, walking up to the the window immediately. “Alright, let me try.”
“What? Dude, I’m telling you, alright, it’s busted!”
“‘Well, maybe you’re doing it wrong.”
“Duh, 'well maybe you’re doing it wrong’!” Jacob mocked, and Ryan froze in place.
“The fuck, dude?”
“Enough! Enough, both of you,” Chris intervened. “Shit. Come on, let’s go.”
“Alright, dude, chill!”
Chris and Jacob changed places, although it only yielded the same results. I walked over to Ryan, peering into the window with him. I rubbed his back, and his shoulders drooped just enough to satisfy me. However, another problem had clearly arisen as Chris’s expression morphed into stress.
“Damn it! I thought I told you kids to check everything!” he scolded angrily. 
“We did! It should be working…” Kaitlyn squeaked.
“Yeah, well, could and should doesn’t mean it is, does it?” He kept trying the engine, cursing even louder. He finally stepped out of the car, his hands trembling furiously. “Okay. Okay.”
“Well, what’s the big deal?” Jacob mentioned. “We’ll just have to spend another night here. It’s no biggie.”
“No. No!” he boomed. “Just stop. Let me think.”
His Adam’s apple bobbed in disscontempt. He paused, and we all watched and waited expectantly. I already knew Ryan wasn’t happy about the prospect. Also, in the back of my mind, I suspected Jacob had something to do with the engine in a frivolous attempt to chase love.
Chris finally halted his pacing. “Okay, okay. You’re right. Yeah, you're right.” He suddenly tossed the keys our way, and Ryan caught them with ease. Confusion was plastered over all of our expressions at his outburst. “Hey, Ryan. Come here for a second.”
As he fled to his jeep, he beckoned the man over. Ryan followed, leaving me and Jacob in awe at the change of plans. I couldn’t hear much of what Chris had said, but as the jeep started up, I assumed Ryan would relay the information. Ryan was uneasy as the jeep sped away.
“Lock the doors!” Chris shouted. “And for god’s sake, keep the noise down!”
“So… what was that all about?” I inquired, and everyone’s attention went to Ryan.
“He, uh… said to stay inside. That we’re not leaving until the morning,” Ryan answered, scratching the side of his head in bewilderment.
“Are. You. Kidding. Me?” Emma sighed in irritation. 
“Em-m-m,” Jacob flirtatiously cooed.
“Are you kidding me? What are we supposed to do?” Emma boomed suddenly.
“Well, we should go inside. Like he said,” Ryan insisted.
“We could go inside until morning,” Dylan agreed. “Or… Or we could do something else.”
“What… are you talking about?”
“No Mr. Hackett. No screaming kids. Just a bunch of grown-ass adults ready to cut loose and get down with their animal side.”
“Oh-h-h, hell yeah!” Jacob cheered, catching on immediately.
“P-A-R-T-Y. Why the fuck not? It seems like the stars have aligned for us, no?”
Ryan was shaking his head insistently. I distanced myself from the van, joining the circle. His jaw was clenched and I could tell he was not on board. However, I clapped my hands in excitement, earning a glare from the boy.
“I’m totally down!” I agreed instantly. 
“Okay, okay, okay…”
“One last epic bonfire blowout for all time,” Dylan continued. 
“Jesus Christ,” Jacob grumbled.
He allowed us to collect our thoughts. Nobody was disagreeing, much to my joy. However, that was cut short by Ryan. “I don’t think he was just trying to freak us out, Jacob. I think he was really freaked out by something.”
“Chris seemed really serious about this, guys.”
Dylan shook his head. “Y/n, you’re in, obviously. Come on, Ryan. Just say you’re in. One last night won’t hurt any of us. He won’t even know.”
“Yeah, but I promised —"
“No, no, dude. It’s all good. Alright, we get it, you know,” Jacob taunted. “You, uh, don’t want to disappoint ‘daddy’.”
“Someone’s got to give a shit, dude —" Ryan aggressively continued, but I cut him off.
“He’s in, guys.” Ryan sent me a glare as I placed a hand on his shoulder. I sent him a reassuring smile. “Ryan, it’ll be fine. What do we have to worry about, bears?”
“Alright, alight, alright, Hacketteers! Party planning committee. Let’d do this! Um, okay,” Jacob began. “First things first. Nick and Abby, you go get some firewood. Um, Emma and I will go to the store for some supplies. And, uh, Dylan and Y/n, you just… I don’t know, figure out how to charge the phones or something. Alright, let’s do this!”
I was completely hyped for the party, a grin spreading on my face. Ryan still had a firm frown, but Dylan and I exchanged glances. We knew exactly what to do.
As the group dispersed, I grabbed both Ryan and Dylan’s arms, pulling us together. Ryan tug for freedom, suspicion laced in his eyes. I didn’t give him the chance to be a negative Nancy, though. “Ryan, you have the keys to Mr. Hackett’s lodge. Care to escort us?”
Ryan scoffed. “We’re already breaking enough rules as it is, Y/n —"
“Rules were meant to be broken, my friend,” Dylan chimed in, tugging us in the general direction of the office. 
Ryan sighed, caving, and we were off. Dylan was bursting with excitement, vocalizing his hopes that Jacob and Emma stumbled across some alcohol. Ryan was silent the whole walk. We finally arrived at the office and he pulled out the keys, unlocking the door. It swung open.
Dylan hopped into the room, leaving me and Ryan to linger in the doorway. “Alright… the inner sanctum!”
“It’s just an office.”
“This is where the magic happens,” he insisted, holding up his phone. 
“Yeah. Let’s just make this quick.” Ryan ushered me in, closing the door behind us. 
I wandered over to the desk curiously. I couldn’t help but pick up a family portrait of Chris and his kids. Ryan talked about them often, since he had a close, personal connection, but I’d only met them a few times. They seemed sweet, though.
“So… podcasts?” 
I set the frame back down, turning and leaning on the desk as I watched them engage in conversation. I appreciated how Dylan was trying to break down Ryan’s walls. He was going down the right path, too, since it was the same podcast that did it for our friendship.
Ryan nodded, straining a smile. “Yeah.”
“Alright.” He paused, trying to find a way to continue the conversation. “Uh, what’s it called? The one you’re listening to right now?”
“Uh, Bizarre Yet Bonafide.”
“So, like, ghosts and stuff?”
Ryan scratched his neck. “It’s like… the weird and wonderful.” Dylan had opened the dam, much to my joy. “Digging up weird mysteries and discussing if they’re, well, bonafide.”
“‘Boner’ fide. Get it? Boner? Heh.”
“God, you’re such a child,” I giggled, embarrassed by how much he’d secretly made me laugh. Ryan glanced at me, while Dylan sent me finger guns. 
“Your wit knows no bounds.”
“So… should we check out what Mr. H keeps in his private den of sin?”
“Ah, I don’t know, man. I feel weird going through his stuff.”
“Okay, well, I don’t. I mean, come on, what kind of dirty secrets does the owner of a summer camp have anyways?”
Ryan scoffed, his eyes sending me a plea. “You’ve got my back, don’t you, Y/n? It’s a little mean to snoop around.”
Both of their eyes remained on me. I bit my lip and shrugged. “I always have your back, Ryan. Except now. Because I have a hunch that Mr. Hackett has a secret stash of beer in this room as we speak.”
“Hell yeah, he does. Or maybe a sex dungeon!”
Ryan sighed, leaning against the wall. The keys were dangling in his hand. Dylan walked around the desk, inspecting the contents. I went over and plopping in the wheeled chair, laying back to relax. I for one would leave the exploration up to Dylan and his beautiful brain. And I would leave the brooding to Ryan, because at this point, he was pretty darn good at it.
I giggled as I spun in the chair, which made Ryan join me by the desk. “I could get used to this chair, baby-y-y.”
Ryan snickered, gazing at me fondly. “You better hope Mr. H doesn’t catch you taking his baby out for a joyride.”
Dylan went over to the bedroom door, but to his chagrin, it was locked. He tried the handle again with a pout. Ryan’s attention was brought back to the man, all fondness from his eyes fading. It wasn’t hard to tell he wasn’t having a good time.
“Yo, my guy, toss me the keys.”
“Uh, so you can poke around in Chris’s private area?”
“I’m sorry, is that something that only you’re allowed to do?”
Ryan scowled.
“Come on, what’s the harm in looking? You’re not a little bit curious? I’m not going to touch anything.”
“Sure you will, Dylan,” I chuckled fro the sidelines.
“…Fine. Don’t let me regret it.”
Ryan tossed him the keys, which Dylan caught with ease. He unlocked the door before tossing them back. I leaned my head against the chair and shut my eyes. Ryan walked off, but ruffled my hair before doing so. I wasn’t surprised that he was accompanying Dylan. 
I was convinced that if Ryan was a little more openminded, he and Ryan would have great chemistry.
“Woah, hey…!”
“Hey, hey! Maybe we shouldn’t…”
I listened from the sidelines as they explored the other room. The conversation quickly died off. I still heard it from a distance, but it seemed they were exploring some sort of bathroom. I let them explore. I was planning on saving a nap for the ride home, but now that that wasn’t happening anytime soon…
“Hey, we’re all done here.”
I gasped, startled at the close proximity Ryan was at. He was right beside the chair, while Dylan was cheekily standing with his phone in hand. Ryan laughed at my reaction, but I was quick to hop to my feet. 
“It’s not that cool —"
“God, Y/n, you won’t believe what we found —"
“Mr. H has a secret room in his closet! All sorts of security cameras are set up around the camp. Plus, he has all sorts of blueprints. Isn’t that weird as hell?”
“Damn, really? I want to see —"
“No, nope,” Ryan interjected again, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “We should be off then. For someone who’s looking to party, though, you can’t seem to stay awake.”
I pouted, sending the man a playful glare. “You guys were taking forever. And Dylan, you can’t tell me there wasn’t even one bottle of beer around?”
“Nope. Notta. Except for his deep dark secrets, Mr. H is incredibly dull.”
I groaned, allowing the pair and I to leave. I was still little tired out, but once we joined the group again, I knew my energy would be up. There was a pep in my step, although Ryan always made sure to calm me down regardless. We sauntered up to the campfire, where Kaitlyn had just finished taking a photo.
“Hey Kaitlyn, guess what! Mr. H is a voyeuristic creep,” Dylan declared, separating from us. Ryan immediately sighed, but I giggled, indicating that the man had been doing. “He has hidden cameras everywhere, and a secret room.”
“No, that’s not —"
“Back up. What?”
“His eyes are everywhere. He’s always watching us.”
“Well, actually, he just watches the trails,” I spoke up. “He’s probably keeping an eye out for stray campers and bears.”
“Exactly, Y/n. Thank you.”
“Oh.” Kaitlyn backed down, no longer caring about the new information.
“So, uh… what’s going on here? Everything ready?” Ryan inquired awkwardly.
“I did see a weird light in the treehouse across the lake,” Kaitlyn admitted. “It was pretty spooky. Maybe it’s that Hag you’re so obsessed with.” Ryan laughed haughtily, but Kaitlyn continued, "You know, I just realized we may never see each other again after tonight. I mean, other than you two, since you literally live with each other, but…”
“You’re just realizing that?” Dylan chuckled.
“I’m just trying to set the mood!”
Dylan plopped down on some wood, fetching a playlist on his phone. Ryan pulled me over to sit too, and I leaned against his shoulder as we waited. It was just in time, too, because Nick and Abby rejoined the group. And right after, with a goddamn wheelbarrow, Jacob and Emma appeared.
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alisblackgf · 2 years
no thoughts, head empty, just being best friends with emma who is on a mission to get you to be with your crush through any means necessary
(i’m leaving the crush up to you since im bi and super indecisive-)
since emma’s the theater coach i can imagine her somehow roping up the entire camp into putting on a play and forcing campers and counselors to audition under the claim that it’ll be easier to get the kids to join and be excited if their favorite counselor auditions. emma ends up casting you & your crush as the love interests in the play and shenanigans ensue-
omg you are a genius. i am also bi and indecisive, therefore i'll be doing ALL of the counselors!! how will this work? you'll see!
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pairing(s): abigail blyg x reader; nick furcillo x reader; emma mountebank x reader; jacob custos x reader; ryan erzahler x reader; dylan lenivy x reader; kaitlyn ka x reader; max brinly x reader; laura kearney x reader (separate)
trigger warnings: none <3 you guessed it! PURE FLUFF ONLY!
summary: emma mountebank, your best friend, is so sick of seeing you admire your crush from the sidelines and not doing anything. so, she comes up with a plan and gets everyone to help out to make a play, casting you and your crush as the main characters, who just so happen to be in love with each other.
taglist: @hardcore0simp @evaavaughn @sweet-daisies @tywrites @walkingus @boggoswife @bennzzo @yawagucci @fallingwings26 @rainbows-dreams @dylanlenievy @aspendvd @bloodverz @sugxrbxbyqueen
(to apply, click here!)
if you applied to be tagged but don’t see yours there, it means your @ wasn’t working, and i apologize sincerely for that. BUT!! hopefully you still have the chance of seeing this lol
also emma adds a kiss scene at the end of the play for all of them so if you read that part over and over again and get tired of it I AM SORRy
i also lied about me stopping with the confessions. IT WILL NEVER END
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it was officially free-time for the counselors, and you had to spend it with emma—obviously—and why wouldn’t you? she was your best friend; you loved her energy and how she could just be so positive and sunny. she confided in you one day that her confident, unafraid persona was just a front, and you two became almost impossibly close.
your first thought was to look in the theater, since she was assigned to it. you opened the doors and there she was, instructing people who were holding props and carrying them in their respective areas; even some of the kids were helping.
you walked up to emma, and tapped her on her shoulder. she looked over at you, and smiled.
“aah, (y/n)! you weren’t supposed to see this until it was finished! buuuuut since you’re already here, i suppose i could fill you in on what’s going on,” she exclaims.
“oh, yes, please do. that would be marvelous,” you responded while watching everyone set some of the stuff up.
“it’s a play! i figured since i’m the theater coach, it’s only fair to do so!” she twirled excitedly, which made your lips curl up into an amused smile as you glanced at her from the corner of your eye. “also, you’re the lead role!”
“i’m not necessarily opposed.” you slowly turned your head towards her beaming face. she was so pretty when she was excited.
“good! you better not be, i spent an entire month writing the script!”
you laughed and asked, “alright, alright, now what part am i playing?”
she explained your role and gave you the deadline to memorize your lines. she also explained that she and the other eight counselors all had parts in the play, and some of the kids did too. she didn’t allow you to know anyone’s part, though, because she wanted to keep it a surprise. what she did let you know was that she told the other counselors that it was for the kids, which made them oblige.
the night of the play...
“can you please tell me who my love interest is gonna be? i got my parts completely memorized, everything’s set up properly, i did everything you asked; i even wore this stupid costume!” you spoke, frustrated but laughing at the same time.
“hey, watch it. i made that costume, in case you forgot. plus, it looks good on you. you’re welcome.”
emma was also in a costume, and it suited her well. 
“oookay, places everyone! the show’s about to start!” she quickly ran off to get into her position.
everyone was seated in the chairs of the auditorium, ready to watch, and your scene was the very first one. the scene included you calling in your love interest to the stage. after all of the waiting, you were excited to see who it was going to be.
you walked onto the stage when given the cue, and called out for the “love of your life.” when they came, it was quite literally the love of your life.
which was...
it took a lot of convincing from emma to get abi to be your love interest for the play
she kept overthinking what you would say, she thought you’d judge her
but she couldn’t deny emma’s puppy dog eyes, and she most definitely didn’t want to miss out on an opportunity to be with you
she was very very shy at first, so you secretly exchanged some encouraging words which made her smile and boosted her confidence
when the scene was over, you told her how great she did and she could not stop beaming
she repeatedly tells you how hard and fast her heart is beating
you let her know she did great, and she had to resist the urge to kiss you (she would never initiate it because she’s too scared of being rejected)
so of course, emma being the little sneaky devil she is, added a kiss scene as the ending scene of the play
poor abi’s face was red when it was time
you both went through with it
the kiss was soft and sweet
and the audience clapped
when you two pulled away, abi was so so soooo shy
she took your hand and led you off-stage, where you two would confess to each other and become official
now how emma got nick to be your love interest was a set-up.
she made a bet with him, saying that if you slept in today, he’d have to be in her play (she told you to sleep in the night before)
so now he’s here
she didn’t tell him you were gonna be his love interest, so when he sees you he almost explodes
he stutters on his words a little bit, and you nod to let him know he’s doing great
soon enough, he becomes bold and confident
he flirts with you his character flirts with yours with ease as he’s no longer afraid
you take this as your chance to be bold as well, which flusters him
of course emma makes you kiss at the end, so when it’s time he stares at you
it’s only when you nod and let him know it’s okay to kiss you that he actually does
the kiss was sweet and gentle, as if he was scared to hurt you
and everyone clapped
after the play was over, nick visited your cabin and then confessed to you, and you reciprocated the action
nick smiled to himself while going to bed that night
oh goodness
all emma had to do for him was tell him you’d be the love interest and he signed up immediately (its not like he had a choice)
when he came on stage, he was so dramatic but you gave him the most adoring look and when he saw your face he literally melted
after seeing how sweet you looked when he was being silly, he kept doing so, and the audience loved him!
he was so ready for the kiss scene that he almost rushed his parts so the scene could hurry up and arrive
he made sure to practice his parts a lot because he didn’t wanna embarrass you
emma shook her head watching him, but smiled when she saw the way he looked at you and how you looked at him
he arrives with full blown confidence, so you don’t need to boost his ego
when the kiss scene arrives, he whispers “finally”
jacob was prepared for this moment but hesitated because he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable so you just kissed him
the kiss was energetic and you both couldn’t stop smiling
when the audience was clapping is when he confessed
you confessed too
and you left the auditorium holding hands
now you were definitely not expecting this
ryan saw your stunned face and gave you a look that said “i know, i’m shocked too”
emma asked him to join and he said “only if (y/n)’s in it” as a joke
emma took it seriously.
and here he is now
you couldn’t help but laugh, and he almost thought you were laughing at him
that was until you winked at him and motioned him to come closer
he tried to be expressive, but failed
he wasn’t good at acting. like at all.
but that’s okay, because the audience loved him anyway
you smiled at him the entire time, and he couldn’t help but smile back
ryan’s a little anxious because he’s never done this before, so you should boost his ego (he deserves it)
when the kiss scene arrives, he kinda freezes
you had to kiss him because he was beginning to chicken out
the kiss was soft and impassioned
the audience clapped
he only confessed when you two were alone
you confessed as well
and listened to his podcast whilst sitting next to each other, your head resting on his shoulder
another drama queen
emma let dylan know of every role and smiled to himself when he heard he’d be your love interest
she told him not to spoil it
he’d always flirt with you jokingly, so he figured he’d just do it here as well
he got really into his role and surprisingly was a great actor
you almost laughed at how serious he looked
you flirted with him jokingly too, and even did some improv
and it was just teasing all around
emma shook her head in faux disappointment as she watched you two be super extra on stage
he’s an anxious mess but doesn’t show it, he fronts as if he’s confident (if you try and boost his ego he’ll just go like ‘i know i’m awesome’ but really appreciates it)
when the kiss scene arrives, he smirks at you
you roll your eyes playfully
the kiss was neat but obnoxious (because dylan’s a goof), and you couldn’t stop laughing after it was over
when the play was done, dylan went for it
“hey, you wanna redo that kiss?”
you both confess right after and listen to some music together
she quite literally has to be pushed onstage by emma
she thinks you look stunning and that she looks ridiculous and swears like a sailor under her breath
she comes off as aggressive when she’s anxious, so please let her know she’s doing amazing
she hesitated to say her lines but ultimately warmed up and let loose a little
you subtly encouraged her to step out of her comfort zone with each line you delivered
she wasn’t a terrible actor, but she wasn’t all that great either
you did improv with her to get her to loosen up some more, as she’s still a little tense
emma watches you help kaitlyn ease into her role and almost squeals at how cute you two are
she can’t help but smile whenever you’re saying your lines and almost forgets to say hers because she’s too busy looking at you
she would be so confident in her abilities if she wasn’t with you, she’s so scared that she’ll embarrass herself in front of you so she falters (BOOST HER EGO NOW.)
when the kiss scene arrives, she’s ecstatic but nervous
when you kiss her, she melts
the kiss is soft and just a teensy bit rough
after the play is over, she asks if you like her
which leads to you both confessing
and accidentally falling asleep on each other while watching a movie
he’s awkward. very awkward.
honestly there was nothing emma could do for him so she made the kids force him to be in the play
he looks to you for comfort almost immediately
you try and let him know he’ll do amazing through your given lines
says “uh” and “um” a lot when delivering 
thank god emma gave him an awkward character to play because the audience didn’t even notice he was actually this bad
he’s a terrible actor. i’m sorry he just is
stutters a whole lot
his ego needs to be boosted like immediately. this man has 0 confidence whatsoever
he’s glad you’re there because he’s positive if it were anyone else, they would’ve made fun of him
when the kiss scene arrives, he’s very nervous
the kiss is awkward but sweet
the audience loves him. some random girl even called him cute after the play
when the play is over he confesses and apologizes for being so awkward
you accept his apology and confess to him too
it’s still awkward.
im sorry it just is
but he does offer you his hand to hold
she is absolutely unamused
until she saw you, that is
she almost ran up to you and gave you a hug but remembered she had a show to put on
so she does just that
she’s not as dramatic as the certified drama queens, but the drama’s there
she literally killed her role the audience looooooved her
they clapped every time she arrived on stage which gave her the confidence she needed (if you still encourage her it’ll mean a lot more than some clapping from randos)
her line delivery isn’t perfect but it’s still impressive
winks at you to flirt subtly because she knows the audience can’t see something as small as that
emma is shocked as laura’s performance and is definitely going to ask her to audition in future plays
when the kiss scene arrives, she doesn’t hesitate but does wait until you’re ready so she doesn’t disrespect your boundaries
the kiss is soft but a little rough (slightly rougher than kaitlyn’s)
when the play is over, she drags you off-stage to tell you how well you did and how much she loves you
accidental confessions at their finest
you admit you like her too and off you two went to find all the snacks you could and rant to each other
you were not expecting emma to be your love interest, but you were glad she was
when she came up on stage, she gave you the softest smile ever
her acting was beautiful, your jaw threatening to drop
she’s the ultimate drama queen, everyone cheered when she came onstage
people clapped whenever you had scenes together
if anything, she’s the one boosting your ego, letting you know how great you’re doing
she has you infatuated, smiling at her every move and word
her movements were so fluid, the acting was on point
she was like a goddess
tell her how great she’s doing, even if she knows it (it means so much to her omg)
when the kiss scene arrives, she kisses you so passionately and gently
everyone clapped because you two are so cute
when they play was over, she admitted to you that she thought you had a crush on nick and tried to set you two up but nick told her that you liked her and therefore she should be the love interest
this led to her confessing that she loved you and would’ve gotten really jealous if you did like nick but would’ve wanted you to be happy
you guys held hands, kissed, shared snacks, listened to music, talked, ranted, whatever you could think of
you two were so happy
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delopsia · 2 years
Eyes On Me | Max Brinly X Reader
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Word Count: 11,00 Warnings: Swearing, a bit of angst, unprotected sex, oral (reader receiving), mild size kink, overuse of "honey" (sorry), occasional blood that involves a bear trap and your foot (not sorry), not beta read.  Cross Posted Here On AO3
There's something so menacing about Hackett's Quarry. You can't quite put your finger on what, but something haunts the forests once the sun has fallen, lurking, watching. A stark contrast to the charming, rustic nature of the camp during the day. If parents had to spend one night before sending their children for the summer, the camp would be closed and defunct within a year. 
It's in the unnervingly chilly breeze that finds you on the warmest of nights, in the way the wind whispers your name in your ear and tries to draw you further into the unknown. 
A horrified yelp leaves your lips, your body recoiling from the noise so fast that you stumble. 
"Hey, hey!" Hands grasp your shoulders — firm, grounding you. "It's just me. You're okay." 
You're too shocked to speak, staring blankly at the man before you. Max. It was just Max. Not something lurking in the woods. Frowning, Max draws you in, and you're powerless to do anything but fall into his embrace. He's nothing but warm, warding off the breeze nipping at your exposed skin like he's your knight in shining armor. 
"I've got you," he murmurs, directly into your ear. "Why're you so freaked out? Did something happen?"
"No," you breathe, "this place is just spooky at night." 
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Max chuckles— it's the sweetest sound you've ever heard. "Is this why you always wait for me, hm?" That's partially the reason, but it's not like you're going to outright admit it. Unfortunately, your silence must speak louder than words, because Max laughs again, hugging you a little tighter. "Well, you're safe with me, honey."
Heat blossoms in your chest, wrapping around your heart with an unfamiliar gentleness that makes it ache. You can't see his face, but you know he's grinning. Your thoughts are proven true when he draws away, big hands lingering on your waist as he gazes into your eyes, searching for any hint of fear or worry. 
"Let's just get this over with," you'd much rather stay here and hug Max for the rest of the morning, but duty calls. You've been tasked with getting all of the take-home goodies put together for the campers. Leave it to Mr. H to miraculously forget to mention it until the night before the campers leave. 
The walk to the main building isn't very long, but the poorly lit trail makes it feel like you have to walk for hours. Next to you, Max doesn't even appear bothered, eyes trained on the path ahead. Whether it's dumb confidence or he's just not awake enough to care about what lurks in the dark, you're not sure. 
"You'd think Mr. Dont-Call-Me-Hackett would at least leave the light on for us," he gripes, pointing up to the lamppost. Strange, it had been on last night when you walked the kids back to the cabins. 
It's not just dark on the path, you learn. The entire camp is dark, even the main building doesn't have a singular light coming from it. Hackett's Quarry looks absolutely deserted. If you weren't an employee, you would almost think the place was abandoned. 
"You don't find this spooky at all?" You whisper, afraid to raise your voice any higher. 
Max's shoulder is bumping into yours, accidental but comforting, in a way. "No, this place is creepy as shit."
Powered by five and a half hours of sleep and fear itself, you forge ahead. Every step towards the building feels heavier. If it weren't for Max ambling along next to you, you would have turned back and not returned until the sun was up. Even now, as your foot meets the first step, you're considering it.
The door to the cafeteria is unlocked, much to your dismay. The idea of going back to bed really sounds good right now. Opening the door reveals...nothing but more darkness. You can't see a damn thing.
"You wouldn't happen to know where the light switch is, would you?" Max sighs, with a frown. You've got nothing. Feeling up the wall until you find a switch it is. 
Max goes left and you go right, hands running up and down the wall in search of the magic switch that will illuminate the cafeteria. You think you find it, once, but it ends up being the switch that controls the fans instead. 
"Found it!" By the time you've processed Max's announcement, blinding white light is burning straight into your retinas. 
At least Mr. H was decent enough to leave the supplies out on a table. Candy, ink stamps, bubblegum, animal-shaped erasers, and pencils. All things the kids couldn't be trusted with over the course of the past two months. Exciting. 
"That poor bus driver," Max is already settling down, popping a lemon-flavored candy into his mouth. 
"This is what we got up so early for?" You're not sure what you were expecting, but it wasn't...this. 
Max hums, "Mr. H made it sound a lot more important than bags of candy." 
Understatement of the century. 
As much as you want to sit down while you work, the boxes are tall, and you cant see what's inside of them unless you stand. Your hand continuously bumps into Max's as you reach for supplies, and you swear you're not doing it on purpose. It doesn't help that Max laughs every time, doesn't make it any easier when he playfully nudges you with the sweetest grin on his face. 
"Hold on," rather unceremoniously, Max takes it upon himself to dump the boxes out on the table, rearranging them into easily reachable piles. 
Why hadn't you thought of that?
An unforeseen side effect of sitting down — it's much easier to get tired. It doesn't help that the cafeteria is so chilly and that Max is practically a furnace next to you. Your movements are gradually slowing, a shadow of the pace you used to be working at. How is one supposed to focus on goodie bags when it's this early?
"Did you sleep at all last night?" Max's voice is enough to temporarily shatter the sleepy silence you've been wallowing in. 
"Not much," you say through a yawn, "Emma snores." 
"I don't know how you put up with it," he plucks the finished bag from your hands, tying it shut in a neat little bow. 
You're yawning again, just the thought of it is triggering them. "She's not that bad." Lie. She is that bad.
"Are you kidding?" Max scoffs. "Emma could guide ships through the fog."
Nobody believed you when you said Emma snored, until the night of the slumber party in the lodge. The memory of a half-awake Jacob carrying her into an empty room and shutting the door is something that you will never forget.
Max's shoulder bumps against yours as he works. Vaguely, you wonder if he would be a good cuddle buddy or not. If his hugs are anything to go by, he definitely is.
The back of his hand settles against your forehead, testing your temperature. "Are you sure you're okay? You look a little..." you're not sure what to think of the look he gives you, "pale."
You can't help but frown when his hand draws away from you, leaving your skin even colder than it was before he touched you. "Just tired, is all." Working on their own, your hands reach for another bag and a handful of candy. 
"You can go back to bed if you're that sleepy," he offers, tossing another complete bag into the box, "we only have a few left." 
The offer is tempting, but the thought of leaving him to finish this by himself makes you feel guilty. It's not like you'd get much sleep with your sleep paralysis demon Emma above you. With another yawn, you fold your arms on the table and rest your head on them, blearily watching Max work. He's quick, even though he doesn't look all that awake himself. 
"Can't take your eyes off me, huh?"
The chuckle is expected, but you definitely don't expect him to reach over and wipe a mark from your cheek. The little voice in your head tells you to mess it up a second time just so he'll touch you again. Your eyes close, just for a second, you tell yourself. Yet when they reopen, Max isn't working anymore.
No, he's mirroring your position, head nestled in his arms, blue eyes gazing over at you—like you're the prettiest thing he's ever seen. He smiles when he realizes that you're looking at him, nudging you with his elbow. You feel like a giddy little kid, shyly flirting with their crush in the cafeteria. 
"It might be more comfortable if we took a nap on the library bean bags and not the table," he suggests, winking. You know he probably means nothing by it, but you wish he did. 
"I don't want to move," you grumble, to which he rolls his eyes. 
"Do you want me to carry you?" You can't tell if he's being serious or not. Like always, though, your silence must speak louder than words, because he's already standing up, cracking his neck as he does so. You have to raise your legs a little bit, but he scoops you up with unsurprising ease.
It would have been more surprising had you not caught multiple glimpses of him shirtless, working out with Jacob over the summer. 
"Gosh dang you are cold," he whispers, eyes meeting with yours for a fleeting second. His lip quivers, fighting back what appears to be a smile. You have to look away to hide your own sheepish grin. 
The problem with the bean bags is that despite their comically large size, they're always moving around. Kaitlyn and Abigail are always thwarting attempts to smuggle the bags into other rooms, but the kids are sneaky. 
"They really couldn't leave two?" Max groans at the sight of the singular beanbag. At least the campers were decent enough to leave you the largest one out of the five. Max isn't that big of a guy, both of you could fit there just fine.
"We could share?" It shoots directly from your mouth, your sleep-clouded mind unable to register what you're saying until you've already said it.  He hums like he's thinking about it, and it's too late to take back your words. 
A painstaking moment crawls by. Then, you realize he's moving again. One, two, three, four strides until he reaches the beanbag, and then he's settling down into it with you cradled in his lap. Your head finds home against his chest, the pitter-patter of his heartbeat loud in your ear. 
"This okay?" He asks; his head is so close to yours that you can smell the peppermint of his toothpaste lingering on his breath.
"Yeah," it's more than okay.
Your words must serve as encouragement because his arms secure themselves around you, his head coming down to rest against yours. He's so warm — the frigid air rippling through the lodge feels like just a memory now. You tilt your head up, bleary eyes landing on his freckled face. 
He's looking back at you. "Hi."
He smiles at that; his thumb begins to rub back and forth across your spine. You're not sure if he's even aware that he's doing it. His head draws forward to lean against your own, the tip of his nose brushing against yours. 
This. The simplicity of it all, being cradled in his lap whilst his pretty blue eyes gaze into yours. The scent of his woodsy body wash and minty toothpaste intertwining in such a way that it makes your head spin. You could get lost in this forever. 
"You have such pretty eyes," he says it so quietly that you almost don't hear it. 
But you do, and God, your cheeks are so hot they could start a forest fire. You're too shy to speak. Words? Don't know her. All you can do is duck your head down and hide your face in his chest. 
He doesn't say anything more, but you can feel his eyes lingering on your frame. It's strangely comforting — like nothing can harm you as long as he's around to protect you. Listening to his heartbeat is like listening to a lullaby. Every blink is becoming a challenge. Another yawn wracks through your body, and then you're gone. 
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"Rise and shine, love bugs!"
You're yelping, all but jumping out of Max's arms and quite nearly cracking your head on the wooden bookshelf. Laura stands before you, smiling, but the expression worn in her eyes makes you want to shrink into nothingness. Hot breath fans out against your neck, and suddenly you're very aware of the fact that you're still sitting in Max's lap. 
"Laura, wait, this isn't," Max pleads, "this isn't what you think it is."
That statement shouldn't sting as much as it does. Technically, you and Max are just friends — all you've done this summer is flirt and get a little cuddly. Yet, you can't help but feel like a home wrecker that just got caught with the husband.
Your feet hit the ground with a small thud, carrying your half-awake body past Laura and out of the library in a wordless hurry. You don't know why you're leaving or where you're going, but you'll take anywhere but here. 
The sun is up now, painting the sky in rich hues of red and orange, and you can hear the kids chattering outside. Nick is already whirring away in the kitchen, flipping pancakes in a comically large skillet that you've never noticed before.
"Goodmorning!" He smiles, waving with his spatula. If he notices that you're here much earlier than you should be, he doesn't mention it. "Pancakes are ready if you want to grab one." 
He's made three types today — banana, blueberry, and plain. Chocolate chip pancakes used to be the main attraction until deliveries suddenly stopped two weeks ago. You make your choice and stand outside on the balcony to eat, as far away from the library as you can possibly get. The kids are already beginning to funnel into the cafeteria, but you never see Max and Laura come out. 
Whatever, it's hard to think about Max when you've got Nick's pancakes in front of you. Biting into them is like biting into a big, fluffy cloud. You'd volunteer to work at Hacketts Quarry next summer if it meant Nick was head chef again. 
If only you'd caught feelings for him and not Max, the guy who probably has feelings for Laura. 
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The buses show up in the blink of an eye. 
One minute you and Ryan are helping the kids shove their belongings into their suitcases; the next, you're herding them down the beaten path to the lodge for the final time. Max is among the counselors that are helping you, and for every step he makes towards you, you take two back. 
"Kids, Counselors Max, and Y/N made Goodbye Goodie Bags!" Mr. H's voice echoes throughout the camp as he holds up the completed box of goodies. Max looks at you; you avoid his eye.
The kids are absolutely thrilled. One thank-you hug becomes two, then three, and the next thing you know, you're swarmed. You don't know where one kid ends, and another begins, and all you can see are their smiling faces and brightly colored camp shirts. 
An arm sneaks over your shoulders, much bigger than the children's — woodsy body wash kisses your nose. Somehow, Max has gotten wrapped up in this little group hug too, and he's mostly hugging you. 
"Hackett's Quarry forever!" You can distantly hear Emma cheering, joining in on the hug more enthusiastically than all of the children combined. It's hard to focus on her when Max pulls you closer, drawing you in until you're safely tucked under his arm and snuggled up to his side. You melt into it like butter in the hot sun, powerless to fight his affections. 
The kids are all cheering and chanting with their counselors, an incredible noise that has your ears ringing and yet the world is impossibly quiet. Nothing compares to the sweet laughter that falls from Max's plush lips; you can't hear anything except him. 
"Hackett's Quarry forever!"
And then they're gone. Tumbling towards the buses with their bags stuffed to the brim with goodies, crafts, and camp gear. A few bags had to be duct taped shut, other kids are improvising with plastic bags and anything else they could concoct. One boy is wearing three shirts on top of each other because they wouldn't fit. 
You're still cheering, even as the buses leave, waving goodbye until the final bus has crawled out of sight. 
Only then do you realize that a toned arm has fallen from your shoulders and instead curled around your waist. Only now are you aware of how close Max is holding you and the look Laura is giving you from the corner of your eye. 
As much as you don't want to, you step away. The fiery look in Laura's eye and the hot sun combined cannot even begin to melt the iciness that's settling into your now empty side. 
"Y/N?" It's hard to ignore Max's voice. The sound alone has your gears slowing. 
Jacob, your lord, and savior, comes bumbling over to you, effectively ending any of Max's advances. "He isn't bothering you, is he?" His tone makes him sound like a protective older brother. 
You shake your head, frowning. "No, I'm just a little upset, is all." 
When he cocks his head to the side, you explain the morning's events. There's an unintentional emphasis on how you woke up, on the looks Laura has been giving you since the end of July, and the singular comment that set you off. You feel lighter, being able to talk about it with someone. 
"So he's made you feel like a side piece," he observes, and suddenly the pieces click into place. A reason for why you feel this way. 
"That's exactly it." 
Jacob hums in thought, rubbing his chin. An idea must strike him because his face lights up so brightly that you swear you see a lightbulb appear above his head. "I have an idea." 
"Oh boy."
You don't even have a chance to ask what he could possibly be up to. He's already bounding off towards Kaitlyn with a wicked grin sprawled across his face. 
Whatever he's up to, it can't be too much, considering you leave for home in an hour. Your heart pangs in your chest — this is probably the last time you'll ever see Max. You begin the long haul to the cabins to fetch your bag with your feet filled with lead. So much for a summer fling.
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The van is on fire. 
You leave for twenty damn minutes and return to heavy smoke and the van ablaze. Mr. H raises his voice with a tone you've never heard before. He's walking in your direction, wrapped in such a rage that he's shaking. You're scrambling to get out of his way, but his shoulder still slams into yours. Your ass hits the ground with a thump. 
In the corner of your eye, you can see your bag roll away after Mr. H's foot connects with it. 
Max is there. Kneeling by your side, hand curling around your cheek so gently that you can barely even feel him do it. "Are you okay?" You hate how concerned he sounds. You hate hearing such an endearing tone come from someone that doesn't share your feelings. Your eyes are watering, but not a single tear is related to your fall. 
"I'm okay," blinking the tears back. 
There's a calloused thumb swiping under your eye, catching a singular tear. If he doesn't quit looking at you like you're the most precious thing he's ever seen — if he doesn't stop touching you like you're made of glass, your tears will turn into a waterfall. 
"You don't look okay," he whispers. 
Getting up is the only way to stop the waterworks from turning on full blast. Max makes room for you, hands hovering around you as if you may fall again. Jacob hands over your bag once you're on your feet.
Mr. H leaves. Stranding your rag-tag crew at Hackett's Quarry for one more night. 
"P.A.R.T... Why the fuck not?" You tune into Dylan saying, a mischievous tone in his voice. "Alright, it seems the stars have aligned for us. No?" There's no getting out of a party, and you're really not surprised that it's already being suggested as soon as Mr. H has left. What really surprises you is when Jacob decides that you and Max should find supplies. It's not like you can walk off and avoid Max now. Not without ditching him with all of the work. At least Jacob reunites you with your phone after delivering that order. "So a lighter, a bucket, and blankets," Max recites, raising a finger for every item he lists. "Where the hell are we going to find a bucket?" "That's what you're worried about?" This is a camp; there have to be buckets somewhere. "How do you plan to find blankets that don't belong on a bed?" Max is quiet, eyebrows furrowing. "I have no idea."
Your phones both kick on at the same time, buzzing to life for the first time in months. It feels strange to look at the screen again; you haven't seen one all summer. 
"We have the same phone," he's sidling up next to you, holding his phone next to yours. Identical models. The only difference is the cases. 
"What a coincidence," his lock screen flashes on, and your cheeks warm in an instant. It's a picture of Max, shirtless and on a hiking trail. God, does he have—
"Don't mind that," he's shoving his phone into his pocket, looking anywhere but at you. "So about those supplies."
Right. You need to be focusing on supplies. Not Max and his abs. 
Not Max.
You're so focused on not focusing on Max that you don't realize your feet are moving. Carrying you right back down the path to the lodges. Max strolls along next to you, his hand bumping against yours with every few strides. Each time, your heart practically leaps up your throat. 
"I know I should have asked this before," he says, breaking the silence. Oh god, what is he about to ask? "But where are we going?"
"Art Lodge," you croak, nearly jumping out of your skin when his fingers brush with yours again. "Abi always lights a candle during her classes; there should be a lighter in there." 
Max hums, and for a brief second, you meet eyes. He's smiling down at you, the corners of his eyes wrinkling with it. Jokingly, you bump your shoulder into his, just a little tap that has the both of you laughing. 
Then you feel it.
Timid fingers slip between your own, slotting together at an agonizingly slow pace. You have to remind yourself to keep walking, have to fight the urge to immediately take his hand and squeeze it as tightly as you can. It's so, so slow like he's afraid you'll bolt if he moves too quickly.
Just like that, he's holding your hand. Curling your fingers around his feels as natural as breathing. 
The lodges come into view, standing proud as ever in front of the cliffs. Even as you cross the miniature bridge, Max holds your hand, thumb swiping back and forth against your skin. You hope he never let's go.
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"Any luck?"
"No, but I found fruit snacks that expired in 2015."
You have a feeling that the fruit snacks may be the cause of Max's prior hacking fit. 
You've found everything but blankets. There were none left behind; not a singular beach towel could be located in the pool storage bins, and the laundry had everything except blankets. Now it's beginning to seem that you're going to be coming up short on your end of the deal. 
"You would think that Mr. H would have at least one decent blanket," Max's voice echoes across the dark attic. 
"I'm beginning to think that he doesn't believe in them," you deadpan. The boxes up here are just filled with old craft supplies and a few family photobooks. Nothing less, nothing more.
Something heavy falls over where Max is.
"What was that?" 
"I fell." 
One peek over your shoulder reveals that he has indeed fallen, and he doesn't look like he's about to get up anytime soon. Toeing through the various boxes, you make your way over to him. 
"Seems we're sticking it out without blankets tonight," you step over him, careful not to trip yourself. 
Max reaches up, his hand circling around your ankle, holding it there. "What's worse is, I have blankets in my car," his other hand comes up to brush away some dust that's gathered on your sock. 
"If only your car weren't a mile away," you hold a hand out for him to grab, intending to pull him up. You don't expect him just to reach up and hold it. "Are you getting up, or are you staying on the floor?"
"Oh." He blinks dumbly. Now he gets up, back cracking as he does so. 
Climbing back down the ladder is the worst part. Max goes down first, seemingly insistent that he catch you if the rickety old thing miraculously breaks on your way down. It doesn't, but that doesn't stop him from placing his hands on your waist when you're within reach. 
"This place needs a serious overhaul," he observes aloud, once you're on solid ground. 
To his credit, he's not wrong. The chimney is crumbling on the inside, and more than half of the buildings on the property are beginning to come apart. Lodge 5 lost a whole stair last month, and a few weeks before that, Lodge 2 woke up without a balcony railing after a particularly windy night. 
The stairs creak under your feet as you head out of the lodge, testing your anxiety with every step. You're just waiting for the day someone's foot goes through one of these thin old boards. 
Two lighters and a bucket await you at the bottom of the stairs, your proud, hard-earned treasures. With one hand, you pick up the bucket; with the other, you tentatively reach for Max's hand. 
"What are you doing?" Laura's voice has you jolting, hand slipping back from Max's. You blink, bewildered by her sudden appearance. Words aren't coming to you. 
"Heading down to the campfire?" Max sounds just as confused as you feel. Wasn't she paired up with Kaitlyn? 
"I was talking to Y/N, but that works too," she clarifies with such a pleasant tone that barely feels genuine. You choose not to reply, remaining quiet to avoid raising any conflict. It's no secret that you two don't exactly get along; you'd rather not add to the list of reasons why. 
To your dismay, she walks to the campfire with you, walking right between you and Max the entire way. She and Max are chattering about some movie you've never heard of; you can't bring yourself to listen. That feeling from earlier nags at your heart, Jacob's words echoing in your head. Does he like you, or did Jacob have a point back there?
At the campfire, the rest of the group has already gathered around the campfire; they're just waiting on you three. 
"We couldn't find blankets," you supply, handing the bucket off to Kaitlyn's awaiting hands. 
"Don't sweat it," she winks, "at least you found the lighter. Dylan has been hitting two rocks together for ten minutes, and it's getting old." 
Max sits on the log next to Nick, blue eyes meeting yours as he pats the space next to him. At least, you thought he was looking at you. But before you can even comprehend what's happening, Laura is trotting over and plants herself in the space next to him, recharging their conversation from before. 
"Y/N, over here!" Jacob waves, garnering your attention. Guess you're sitting next to Jacob, then. 
With heavy feet, you wander up and sit next to him, trying not to look too dejected. It's really not that big of a deal. Who cares if Laura sits next to Max? Who cares if Max completely forgets your presence when she's around?
Not like you care at all.
"I'm sorry," Jacob says, handing you a wine cooler, "we tried but we couldn't talk her out of going to find you guys." 
You've forgotten how hard it is to get these damn caps off. The skin on your fingers burn as you try and fail to twist it open. 
"Need help?" Jacob cuts Max off, from whatever he was about to say. Nodding, you hand it back over. 
It's unfair how easily he pops it off, adding it to his already decently sized collection of bottle caps. The alcohol is overwhelmingly sweet on your tongue, artificial strawberry overpowering the alcohol until it's just barely there. If only there were enough of these to go around; you reckon you could drink the memories of today away.
On your left, Dylan makes a face at his own drink, something bright orange. "Is strawberry any good? This one's not liking me too much." 
You're not one to drink after people, but right now you'll take all the distractions you can get. "Only one way to find out," holding out your drink for an exchange. 
Dylan's drink is much more tropical, a pleasant mixture of orange and pineapple that hits your taste buds much easier than the strawberry. This is the kind of thing you could drink all day and not get tired of. 
"You're telling me that you don't like this?" You can't wrap your head around it, this is so much better than strawberry.
Dylan shrugs, seemingly much happier with your drink. "I hate pineapple." 
That settles your trade quite nicely. 
Like a broken record, your thoughts jump back to Max. All too coincidentally, he's looking at you, with this unreadable expression that you've never seen on him before. You wonder what that's about.
The campfire finally awakens and roars to life, flickers of red and orange lick the air, spitting up tiny particles of ash in its wake. You hate how the burning timber reminds you of Max's body wash. Why does everything have to remind you of him and his stupidly pretty face?
Truth or dare kicks up when you're just beginning to finish your second drink, some grape flavored thing, when your body has loosened and your head is spinning ever so slightly. Lack of drinking over the summer has obliterated your alcohol tolerance, and you're glad that nobody offers you a third, because any more may lead you to losing your filter and some questionable decisions.
"Y/N!" Oh god, why is Dylan saying your name. 
"Since you so graciously traded drinks with me, twice, might I add. You get to go first," he grins, eyes shimmering from the fire, "truth, or dare?"
What do you have to lose? "Truth."
He grins, a big toothy smile, and you're suddenly concerned about what you've gotten yourself into. "Who has the nicest body at this camp?" 
God, you should have picked dare. 
"Max," you croak, voice suddenly too heavy for your tongue, "sorry Jacob."
Jacob pouts like a kicked puppy, Max just turns red in the cheeks.
Everything devolves into a blur, thanks to the alcohol that's coursing through your veins like a wildfire. You dare Emma to exchange clothing with Kaitlyn, Ryan kisses Dylan, Nick's shoes wind up on the wrong feet, Jacob nearly jumps through the fire naked, Abi's hair is tied up in six different places. A storm is beginning to roll in, you can hear the thunder rolling in the distance, but you've still got time before the game has to wrap up.
Even without the storm distracting you and the alcohol clouding your thoughts, its hard to focus on the game. Not when Max keeps flicker his eyes between the fire and you, expression as unreadable as ever. Laura's saying something to him, but his eyes remain locked on your frame.
"Laura," Emma's voice shakes you from your trance. How long have you and Max had your eyes locked? "Truth or dare?"
Laura fiddles with the brim of her hat, thinking about her reply. "Dare."
"I dare you to kiss," she pauses, analyzing her audience like you're a bunch of adoring fans, "Nick, or...Max."
Your heart drops.
"Seriously, Em?" For the first time all night, Jacob sounds irritated, his formerly drunken, goofy tone long forgotten. 
"I choose..." Laura stands, and for a split second, you wonder if she's going to kiss Nick instead. But then she's turning, planting her palms on Max's shoulders. "Max."
God, you can't sit here and watch this. 
Your feet are hitting the ground before Laura can make her move. No amount of alcohol will make you sit through this. Someone's calling your name, but it falls upon deaf ears. Your body is moving much faster than your intoxicated brain can keep up with, but all you care about is getting as far away from the campfire as you can.
Footsteps follow after you, that voice is still calling your name. 
"I'm not dealing with this," you mutter. 
Against better judgement, you step off the beaten path and run into the forest as fast as your legs will carry you. Concern of what lurks in the forest is long forgotten, all you can think about is disappearing off the face of this Earth. 
Max will never have feelings for you. Not when Laura, pretty, bold, hardheaded Laura, stands there in the spotlight. Fuck Laura, fuck Max, and fuck truth or dare.
You stumble upon a clearing, with a conveniently placed ranger box that you've never seen before. Surely you've gone far enough.
"What the fuck," you say to yourself, sitting on the metal box, "what the fuck?"
It's cold out here, and now you wish you'd worn a jacket. The fire was warm, yes, but has it always been this cold at night? You don't recall it being cold this morning, but then again...
Max's stupid face manifests at the forefront of your thoughts. Him and his stupid freckles and his stupid brown hair that has no right to be as soft as it is. You can't believe you thought you had a chance with that cute, airheaded bastard. So what if he was so excited to introduce himself to you at orientation that he spilled his juice on your white shoes. 
There are plenty of fish in the sea, you're sure there's another guy out there who gives the sweetest hugs and calls you 'Honey' like it's going out of style. Who are you kidding? 
The only fish you want is named Max.
Water hits your cheek. Are you crying?
It happens again, cold, running down the side of your face, then again, and again. Great. You're not crying, its raining. 
"Wonderful," suddenly, you feel very, very sober as you take in your surroundings. It's so dark, who knows what's out here with you? 
You're walking, but you have no memory of which direction you came in from. Where even are you? You've never seen this area before, never the less walked through it. Nothing looks familiar, and to make matters worse, a downpour starts. 
"Can anybody here me?" You cry out, but you can barely hear your own voice over the rain. 
The ground is slick under your feet, no doubt your shoes are going to be caked with mud by the time you find your way back to the lodge. Something crashes behind you, scratching the back of your neck. Yelping, you bolt, mind jumping to a million places. What was that? A tree? A bear? 
Blood runs down your neck, hot and sticky, not at all like the frigid rain that's pelting your body. Water splashes under your feet, you're sure that it hasn't been raining very long but massive puddles have already formed; mud tugs at your shoes like a giant suction cup.
Pain blossoms in your right ankle. 
You hit the ground with a heavy thud, crying out as excruciating pain bites its way down your foot. 
"Fuck!" Your voice echoes the forest as you twist and turn in a frenzied horror, crying once more when the pain worsens. There's something tight latched around your ankle, teeth dug deep into your flesh. You're trying to pull your injured ankle away, but something holds tight; it feels like you're on a leash.
In the darkness, you catch a glimpse of shimmering silver. A bear trap.
Your foot is in a fucking bear trap. 
"What the fuck?" Your voice cracks. There's a chain on the end of the trap, wrapped around a thin tree. Your trembling hands pry at the jaws of the trap, but your efforts are futile. Prying the trap open feels like the equivalent of prying open the jaws of a bear, you're far too weak to even make it budge. 
The sharp, jagged teeth only dig into your flesh even more, boiling hot blood gushes from your wound like a waterfall, pooling in your shoe. Tears prick at your eyes, God this fucking hurts.
Light passes over you, impossibly bright, forces you to close your eyes in order to save your retinas from burning right out of your skull. A voice calls out. The light passes again, darts back to your pitiful frame in an instant. The voice raises again. 
Dear Lord, why did you have to send Max?
One minute the world is cold and lonely, the next, Max is there, warm arms wrapping around you, drawing you into an even warmer chest. No amount of trying can hide your sniffling, the pained wail that escapes your lips is almost pathetic. 
"Fuck, what the fuck?" His voice is high and pitchy, hands are cradling your cheeks. "Hold on, hold on."
He's letting you go, maneuvering down to get his fingers in between the jaws of the bear trap. Just his touch alone makes it all worse. 
You don't want to let go of him, but you're powerless to stop him as he maneuvers around you. His foot catches the chain, disturbing the trap, and somehow it clamps down even harder.
"Ow!" You yank your foot away from him, yelping when the trap bites yet again. Fuck the man who designed this, and fuck whoever decided to put this damn trap out here.
Max is saying something, but you're not registering it. How are you supposed to listen when a bear trap is trying its damn best to tear your foot right off your body. 
"Hey," he says again, "just keep your eyes on me, okay? I'm going to get you out of here." His hands slide down your leg as he speaks; you're too distracted by his voice to realize that he's placing your foot in his lap. "Just keep your eyes on me, honey."
You don't know why you comply. Maybe it's the pet name; maybe it's because your foot is in a bear trap. But you do, whining, you force your eyes to meet his. For the first time in your life, you struggle to lose yourself in his eyes, in him, his presence. He's stroking the sensitive skin at the bend of your knee, gently, slowly, coaxing your leg out from under you. You don't even remember when you'd yanked it away again. 
Slow, his fingers hook into the gaps of the teeth, biceps bulging under his jacket as he pries the trap open. The teeth slowly ease from your injured flesh, agonizingly slow, blood gushing from the wound. Finally, finally, it's open just enough for you to pull your foot out, and then it's snapping shut again with a noise that has your heart-stopping.
With your foot free from its confines, you stumble up to your feet, using a tree as leverage. What you don't expect is for your ankle to hurt even worse than it did when it was in the bear trap. It catches you so off guard that by the time you bite your tongue, you've already made a noise, and Max is reacting to it. 
"Hey, hey, hey, hold on," he's crowding you, wrapping an arm around you when you stumble. 
"I can walk on my own," you lie through your teeth; had he not sidled up next to you when he did, you would be on the ground again. 
"No, you can't," his voice gets that pitchiness again, "do you know how far away from camp we are? I've been looking for you for a half hour!"
It's only now that you realize how hard he's breathing. There's mud caked to his boots and the legs of his jeans, his hair so wet that he looks like he's walked right out of a shower, cheeks red. 
"Why even come after me?" You grumble under your breath. "Shouldn't you be making out with Laura by the campfire right about now?"
Max stiffens. "That's not...no, that's-"
"-that's not, what? Max?" The words drip from your lips like venom. Your injured foot its the ground again; trying your hardest to walk away, but it only throws your balance off even more. All it does for you is push you closer to Max, your shoulder bumping against his ridiculously firm chest. 
"I didn't kiss her." His words are so quiet, yet your ears burn as if he'd yelled them through a megaphone. 
"I didn't spend an entire summer trying to work up the courage to ask you out, just to watch you walk away because of some stupid campfire game," whispered so quietly into your ear that it tickles, nose bumping against your cold cheek. 
A wrongly placed step leads you to crash into him, minimizing the gap between you until there's almost nothing left. His nose bumps into yours, arms wrapping around your waist as he gathers you up against him. 
"Fuck you," you're wrapping your arms around his neck, "you couldn't have told me this sooner?"
And then you're kissing him. Lips clashing together, wet and messy. His lips are so soft against yours, moving slowly, molding against your own so easily, so naturally. Your head spins; if his large hands weren't gripping your waist, you fear you may float up into the clouds and never come back down.
Lightning flashes and thunder cracks, reminding you of your surroundings, of where you are. You've almost forgotten about the throbbing in your ankle, just a dull pain that can't even begin to take your mind off of Max. 
Then you're putting weight on it, and okay, maybe the pain is enough to take your mind off of him. "Ow, — shit."
Max is bending down, and in one motion, he scoops you off the ground. It's unfair how easily he does it. "Let's get you taken care of, honey," the goofy grin on his face is so big that it can be heard in his tone. 
He makes it look easy, carrying you out of the forest like it's the simplest thing he's ever done. You rest your head on his shoulder, shivering from the cold rain that doesn't want to let up. Thunder cackles and lightning crashes, lighting up the forest around you. You jump every time, clinging to Max just a little bit more. 
Forever passes before Max steps out into a clearing, the lodge standing tall before you, not a light on in sight. It's hard to tell if it's just abandoned or the power has gone out. Usually, the lamp post would be able to tell you, but the bulb burnt out weeks ago. Mr. H never wants to replace the damn lights. 
"Did you find them?" Abi's head pops out the door; breathes a sigh of relief when she catches glimpse of Max carrying you up the steps. 
It's much warmer inside; everyone's gathered by the fireplace, curled up in bean bags and whatever else they could have found. Dylan's even drug in Mr. H's spinning chair.
With the campfire's light, you can finally see just how messed up you really are. You're absolutely caked with mud, so much so that you can't even tell how badly your ankle has been injured. 
"Is there any reason why Mr. H would have bear traps in the woods?" This is the most serious tone you've ever come out of Max. 
"I'm sorry, bear traps?" Ryan's head pops up from behind Dylan. Weakly, you raise your bloody foot. It seems to be enough of an answer because everyone's face changes. 
Kaitlyn practically tears your shoe off, revealing your formerly white, now crimson red, sock. "This needs to be cleaned before it gets infected," she observes, gingerly touching the swollen skin around your injury, "you should go upstairs and get properly washed up."
Max doesn't need much convincing, already making for the single stairwell that's been cleared. There's a nice bathroom hidden upstairs; you've never seen the inside of it because Mr. H won't let anyone use it unless it's an emergency. 
It's worth the wait, though. The bathroom is ridiculously nice compared to the ones scattered around camp. Complete with a marble countertop, two sinks, and miniature stairs that lead to a comically large bathtub. It looks right out of a magazine. 
"So this must be where Mr. H takes his hot dates," Max comments, sitting you down on the edge of the counter. It feels strange to see the lights flick on, illuminating the room in a gentle, golden glow.
"You're a mess," you giggle, reaching out to pluck a leaf from Max's hair. He looks worse than you do, somehow. 
"It's been a hell of a night," he rolls his eyes when you tussle his wet hair, batting your offending hand away. He presses a chaste kiss to your lips, soft and sweet. "I'm gonna go see if I can find you some clean clothes, 'kay?" 
You nod, stealing a second kiss just because you can now. When he's gone, you slide off the counter, balancing your weight on your good foot. Might as well start a bath. 
To your surprise, Mr. H has several bottles of bath bubbles stored in a cabinet, right next to some big, fluffy white towels. You hope he doesn't mind too much that you borrow some of the vanilla-scented bubbles and help yourself to more towels than you actually need. Surely he'll understand when he sees your injury. 
The hot water kicks on immediately, a stark contrast to the barely functioning showers downstairs. It takes at least forty-five seconds for the water to be tolerably warm and even longer for it to get hot. With the bubbles added, you begin to peel off your clothes, grimacing at how they stick to your skin. 
It all becomes worth it when you slide down into the tub, aching muscles relaxing the moment you've settled. Even the dull stinging in your ankle cannot take away from how nice the water feels around you. 
"Sorry, I couldn't find your bag, so I'm giving you some of my clothes instead — holy shit!" Max yelps, turning his back to you. "I am so sorry; oh my God, I should have knocked."
You can't help but laugh, unbothered by the intrusion. "If I cared about you walking in, I would have locked the door," you giggle, "you can turn around, silly."
Truthfully, you hadn't even thought about locking the door. As long as it's him and not someone else, you can't bring yourself to care about the intrusion. He's pretty much seen you at your worst already. 
His movements are slow, cheeks flaming red as he sets his bag of clothes on the counter. He doesn't look at you, refuses to tear his eyes from his feet. 
"You have so much mud on you," you remark, tracing your eyes up his frozen frame. 
Blue eyes dart to you, then back to the floor. "I'll wash it off once you're taken care of."
"I mean," you can't believe you're suggesting this, "this bath is big enough for the two of us."
You swear he jumps. 
"I-" he rubs the back of his neck, gaze fixated on the bottom of the tub, "are you serious?"
Shrug. "Serious as a bear trap." 
Leaning your head back, you close your eyes. Only after a night of drinking and bear traps would you ever consider suggesting sharing a bath with Max. He's shuffling around, shoes hitting the floor with a small thump. You peek an eye open. Immediately you're met with an eye full as Max lifts his shirt from his body, back muscles rippling with the motion. He must see you in the mirror because he freezes, shirt still above his head. 
"Don't mind me," closing your eyes again. 
It's another minute or two before you feel the bath water disturb. You want to open your eyes, but you save it for when you feel him settling in across from you, legs bumping into your own. He looks like a deer in headlights, but he's there, toned chest, messy hair, and all. 
Teasing, you bump your knee against his. "You look terrified." 
"You're just really pretty," he says like he's in a trance, only breaking from it when your eyes widen. "I mean, I...did I say that out loud? I'm sorry, that probably sounded really weird. I didn't-"
You don't know what possesses you to do it, but you find yourself turning and scooting over to his side of the tub, water sloshing as you curl yourself into his side. His jaw snaps shut the moment your head comes to rest against his shoulder. 
"Oh." It's clear in his tone that he's more than surprised, but he raises no objections, even relaxes against you. His head leans on top of yours, arm shifting to wrap around your shoulders and draw you even closer. 
His heart is beating away in his chest; you can hear it from where your ear rests against his collarbone. "I'm sorry that I made you feel like I didn't have feelings for you," he presses his lips to your temple, "I really should have confessed weeks ago." 
"Weeks ago?" 
He hums; the vibration tickles. "I was going to, back when we had that slumber party."
Ah, the slumber party. Simultaneously one of the best and longest nights of your stay at Hacketts Quarry. If only Emma didn't have a foghorn in her family lineage. 
"What stopped you?" 
"Emma's snoring kept interrupting me."
You can't help the giggle that falls from your lips. It certainly explains his strange behavior from that night, from the endless stuttering to the way he would stare off into space. 
"What are you laughing at, hm?" His arm around you tightens, breath tickling your skin. "Are you laughing at me?" 
It only makes you laugh more, trying and failing to push his head away. "No, I'm not!" You squeal, squirming away from the fingers tickling your waist. Your legs kick, unintentionally sloshing water out of the tub and onto the flooring below; the tickles stop immediately after, but they're replaced by something more. 
Tiny ones, all up and down the side of your face, neck, and any open skin Max can reach. Laughter erupts after every peck; this night genuinely doesn't feel real. He works his way over to your lips once he's covered every inch of you in kisses. It turns out he's saved the best for last. 
The angle is awkward; you have to crane your neck to the side to meet his lips properly, but it's worth the struggle. Just a simple caress at first, feather-light and barely there, then it deepens, head spinning, lips interlocked in the sloppiest of ways. His free hand is finding yours, guiding it up until your fingers intertwine in his hair; he sighs as that, smiling into the kiss. 
Your neck is starting to hurt, but the idea of breaking your kiss for even a second hurts more. In one swift motion, you turn, throwing your leg over and straddling his hips, properly settled into his lap. 
"Fuck," he gasps against your lips, "honey." 
You can feel him pressed up against you between your legs; a shiver wracks down your spine. You'd almost forgotten that you were naked, but God, you could really get used to this. Large hands settle on your thighs, fingertips tracing from the back of your knees to the base of your neck; one settles there, the other finds its way around your waist, gathering you into his chest. 
Teeth nip at your bottom lip, hot tongue soothing over the area, and who are you to deny him? You meet him halfway, heat blossoms in your belly, tongues sloppily tangling before retreating. This time, you don't mean to move, but your knee slides under you, unintentionally grinding down into his lap. That heat rages into a fire, thighs twitching around his hips. Shit, that shouldn't have felt as nice as it did. 
Max is breaking away from you, toned chest panting, pupils blown wide. Not a word falls from his lips, but his eyes, the hand resting on the swell of your ass, say it all. All you can do is nod. Whatever this is, you want it. 
His lips find your exposed neck in an instant, kissing at a spot below your ear that has a noise falling from your kiss-swollen lips. The hand you had tangled in his hair comes up to cover your mouth, muffling the next sound that ripples out of your throat when Max's tongue traces down the side of your neck. 
He pauses, reaching up to remove the hand from your mouth, "wanna hear you." His voice is husky, a far cry from his usual tone. 
Arms wrap tightly around you, and then he's moving, lifting you up and out of the water. The room is surprisingly cold compared to the lukewarm water, and you barely have time to hook your legs around his hips before he's stepping out of the bath. He sets you up on the counter, pecking your lips as he does so.
All you see is white. 
The towel on your head moves back, settling around your wet shoulders instead, "sorry," Max chuckles, and then he's kissing you again.
It's chaotic, torn between teasing tongues and lingering lips, teeth clacking together as you try to dry yourselves the best that you can. The bathroom counter is low enough for Max's hips to comfortably slot between your legs, and you can feel the head of his cock nudging between your legs, but it's still too high. Not if you want him in you.  
Squirming to the edge of the counter isn't enough, but Max is smart, catches on to what you're trying to do so quickly that you're suspicious as to whether or not he can read minds. 
"Do you want this, honey?" He whispers against your lips, tone sickly sweet. 
"Do you really need an answer to that?" This man is going to give you cavities. 
Fingers brush up the inside of your thighs, wandering up, up, up; sparks fire their way up your spine. His lips find yours again, briefly, because you can't help the gasp that escapes you when his thumb teases your entrance. 
"Fuck, Max." He has no right to smile that cutely at a time like this. 
Especially not when he sinks to his knees guides your legs over his shoulders and begins kissing and licking the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, leaving behind patches of red that will surely bruise in the morning. His breath is hot, fanning out against your most sensitive areas. Pause. Then, his tongue is on you, with slow, languid strokes that have your head falling back against the mirror with a loud gasp.
You're bringing your hand up, trying to catch the whine that leaves you, but Max is prying it away before it can even get there. Blue eyes shimmer up at you, guiding your hand to the back of his head. 
"Fu-fuck, Max!" You mewl, tangling your hand in his hair. 
 He draws away from you, just long enough to wet two of his fingers with his tongue, and then he's back. Fingertips teasing at your entrance, tongue flicking against you. You squirm, panting, hand tugging at his hair, God, why is he so fucking good at this?
There's a pressure, a long, calloused finger sliding into you, in and out, moving in perfect tune with his tongue. Sucking harshly, chuckling when you jolt, then there's a second finger, stretching you so, so nicely. His tongue wanders between his fingers, momentarily dips inside of you, travels back up, down, back in again. 
"Max~!" You cant help the profanities that fall from your lips when his fingers curl, rubbing against a sensitive spot that you didn't know was there. You're tightening around his fingers, squirming; you don't know if you want more or if you want to get away from it. 
A third finger eases into your trembling body, then a fourth, working into a rhythm that's driving you towards the edge. No, no, no, it's too early for you to cum already. 
Words fail you; you don't even know what you're trying to say. All you can do is tug at his hair, kicking your good foot against his back. 
"Is something wrong?" His lips and chin are shiny, wet with saliva, and you.
"Close," is all you can say. What in the world did he expect? 
Max chuckles at that, pressing one last kiss to your thigh before coming back up. He's reaching into the cabinet behind you, and your eyes don't miss how wet his hand has become. "You don't reckon Mr. H has any condoms lying around here, do you?" 
The eye roll that leaves you is almost instantaneous. "Don't need one."
That's enough for him. He's gathering you up again, guiding your legs over his hips, and then he's lifting you, and your back is hitting the wall. 
That's why he used four fingers.
"Good lord," is all you can say, eyes fixated on his cock, resting between your legs. It's not the length that you're worried about; it's how absolutely thick he is. How the hell does he plan to fit that in you? 
He has no right to turn so red, bashfully avoiding your eye, but he spits into his hand and works his saliva over himself so confidently that your head spins. You'd always known there were two sides to Max, but come to find out, there are actually three.
"Tell me if it hurts, honey," he murmurs, leaning in to peck your lips, "'kay?" 
"What, think I can't take it?" You tease, but you don't even know if you can take that. Only one way to find out. 
Now it's his turn to roll his eyes, shifting to line himself up with your entrance. There's a pressure bigger than the one his fingers brought, and then he's pushing inside. Your body flutters open, slow; your legs twitch at the stretch. There's a strange popping sensation as the head finally eases all the way in. 
"There you go," Max's eyes are fixated between your legs, mesmerized by how his cock stretches you open, disappearing inside inch by agonizingly slow inch. 
Your head is spinning; you have to remind yourself to breathe, mewling at just how deliciously wide he spreads you. You don't know where your body is finding the space, but your insides are clenching around him greedily, taking it and taking it until finally, finally, his hips are flush against yours.
"Fuck," Max breathes, "how are you feeling?"
"Full." More than full. Full to the point that it's hard to breathe. Your legs are trembling; if it wasn't for him pressing you into the wall, you're sure you would have fallen by now. 
His hips rock, drawing out just a little bit, then sinking back in, once, twice, driving the breath from your lungs with every shallow thrust. Quicker now, he draws out, drives his hips back up; the whimper that leaves you is loud, echoes throughout the bathroom. 
“You like that, honey?” And when you clench down around him, he groans, repeats that motion again. Your head knocks back against the wall. 
With his lips settling on your neck, Max sets his pace, long, slow thrusts, twitching his hips in different angles as he fucks you open until he hits a spot that has you jolting in his arms. One of your hands are tangled in his brown hair; the other is around his neck, nails biting into and raking down his pale shoulder with every dizzying thrust. 
"Max!" His name falls from your lips like a mantra, like it's the only word you know. "T-there!"
"Yeah?" He breathes, picking up his pace but the head of his cock never once loses that spot. Hits it over and over until you feel tears burning behind your eyelids. 
"Eyes on me, honey," his lips ghost the shell of your ear, cock driving into you harder now, sudden, shattering the agonizing pace he'd built up. You don't even know when you closed your eyes, but when you pry them open, the sight you find is enough to make your eyes roll back again. 
Max, sweet, sweet Max, pink-cheeked, irises blown wide, muscles rippling every time he drives himself back into you. Even as he's panting for breath, he has the audacity to grin at you, chuckles when you whimper. 
He's shuffling, pushing you higher up the wall just by his hips, driving out the space between you. This angle is so, so different; he's hitting that sweet spot inside you with every thrust, harder, just a little bit faster than before. Lips lock with yours, tongues tangling with such ease that you feel yourself become lightheaded. 
There's a heat roaring in your belly, grows hotter every time his hips meet yours, body squirming, powerless to do anything but take it. You're whining, both hands on his shoulders now, gasping for breath against his plush lips. 
"Honey," he groans, punctuates it with a particularly hard thrust that has you seeing stars, "are you close?"
All you can do is nod, whimpering his name. Max is losing his rhythm, torn between long and short strokes into your aching hole, and God, you're so fucking close that your whole body is shaking. You can't even clench around him anymore; body so worked open by his dick that you've lost all control over it.  
"Inside," you choke out, burying your head in his neck, "cum in me." 
He doesn't need to be told twice, picking up the pace. You can't think, can't even contain your noises, and thank God the bathroom is on the farthest side of the lodge, where nobody can hear you cry out his name one last time. 
Your vision goes white; nails dig into Max’s back as you cum around him. His hips stutter to a halt, cums in your trembling body with a strangled noise that sounds like your name. For a few moments, you're weightless, floating up into the clouds as your body spasms with what energy it has left. 
There's a wetness on your shoulder.
All of a sudden, you're back on Earth, lungs working double time. One of your legs have fallen, only held up by Max's hips and the hand that's rubbing circles into your lower back. You clench around him; he jumps. 
"Are you crying?" 
Red, puffy eyes meet yours. "Happy tears," he promises, rubbing your noses together. 
It takes a minute for him to pull out of you, cum spilling out and running down your thighs. Your legs are shaking so badly that you can't stand, and you're very aware of your injury again. Max wastes no time in scooping you up again and placing you on the counter, takes his time cleaning you up. 
The bathroom is much warmer than it was when you first walked in, but it's still considerably cold. While Max busies himself with a warm cloth between your thighs, you reach into his bag in search of warm, dry clothes, and by God do you find them.
"Well, that's just not fair," he pouts, "why do you look better in my clothes than I do?" You blush at that, fiddling with the end of his sweater. 
With a properly cleaned and wrapped ankle, you climb onto Max's back, comfortably resting there as he carries you downstairs. Much to your relief, they've put a movie on the projector, barely even noticing your arrival.
"Took you long enough," Emma sing-songs. "We figured you'd drowned up there."
"Sorry, got caught up in a battle with the house ghosts," you struggle to hide your wince when you sit down. Something tells you that you'll not be able to walk in the morning, or the next day, for that matter. 
You thought you'd hid it pretty well until Max winks at you. 
Smug bastard.
And if anybody notices the way you waddle to the truck the next morning, they don't say anything. Not even when Mr. H drops you off where the cars are parked and you clamber into Max's passenger seat rather than hopping on the bus with Emma. 
"So," Max grins, tapping the steering wheel, "what adventure are we going on next?" 
This world isn't ready for the hell the two of you are about to raise.
After you can walk again, of course. 
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totalslvt · 1 year
Alone Together
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Max Brinly x Fem reader
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Warning(s): Smut, Fluff, Max being fucking adorable
Summary: When a game of truth or dare goes a little too far and you’re forced to come clean about your feelings for Max, you can only hope he’ll either forget or reciprocate
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The fire in front of you kept you warm in contrast to the brisk air of the summer night. Your friends were gathered around the flames beers in their hands and smiles plastered on their faces. On either side of you were your closest friends, Max and Emma. The two of them were quite the opposites, Max was quite kind and a tad shy while Emma was loud confident, and playful. If you were being quite honest you had feelings for Max, it was hard not to when he was adorable. You’ve known Max since you were both fifteen and now in your early twenties. Somewhere along the lines, you had developed a crush on the boy; However, you never had the guts to tell him for fear of ruining years of friendship. 
You were shaken out of your thoughts by a hand on your shoulder turning to the direction of the contact only to be met with Emma’s impatient expression glaring back at you. “Were you even listening to like, anything I was saying?” she questioned impatiently. “Oh no sorry, got lost in my thoughts I guess.” You answered her sheepishly, she could be rather intimidating at times. Emma sighed bringing her hand to her head and whipping it down her face “We’re gonna play truth or dare, are you in or not?” she inquired to which you nodded eagerly. With that Emma began “Well since I came up with this idea, I’ll go first!” she stated in a sing-song voice.
“Laura, truth or dare.” She said her voice dropping a few octaves at the word dare trying to scare Laura off, but knowing Laura she wouldn’t back down. Laura smirked “Dare of course.” she challenged falling directly into Emma’s trap. The brunette smiled mischievously “Show the most embarrassing photo on your phone.” Everyone around the campfire was immediately engaged, the blonde only giggled pulling her phone from her pocket, and scrolled until she found the victim of the dare. Turning her phone towards the crowd of young adults sitting around he. Her screen showed a photo of Laura presumably very drunk laying on the floor in what you recognized as the bar Max Laura and you frequent. 
Everyone burst out in laughs at what they’ve witnessed, you even caught Ryan who was usually stoic holding back a laugh. Moving on Laura turned to the next victim “Dylan, truth or dare.” Dylan's face lit up with excitement “Uh, dare duh!” He exclaimed far too optimistic for someone who was leaving their fate in the hands of Laura. “Sit on Ryan’s lap for the next turn.” with that Dylan’s once smiling face dropped into one of fear, and he looked to Ryan for approval that he clearly assumed would be one of disapproval. But Ryan was just as emotionless as ever, but you swore you saw his lip quirk upwards momentarily. 
Dylan stood and made his way over to Ryan, a blush covering his ears. He sat down carefully on his lap, surprisingly Ryan’s hand wrapped around Dylan’s stomach. Emma whistled at the display only egging on everyone else's applause. Dylan looked towards you visibly flustered and began “Y/n truth or dare.” You audibly sighed “Truth” earning a sound of disappointment from Max who sat beside you. “If you were to have sex with anybody here, who would it be?” The world seemed to stop as you went through all the possible escapes and excuses you could you to save yourself from the embarrassment. 
Truthfully you could lie, but you knew that wouldn’t slide if Emma was here. She knew all about your infatuation with Max and you knew her well enough to know she would catch your fib and out you to everyone. Deciding it was better to just say it outright you took a long swig of your beer in hopes of gaining some courage “Max, I mean I’ve known him the longest and I’m not super comfortable having sex with a bunch of losers like you” You stated as confidently as you could considering the situation you’ve been put in. Praying you had played it off well enough you turned to Max and shrugged. His blue orbs peered back into your own, you saw a red blush tinting his freckled face. Jacob cheered “Hell yeah man!” raising his hand to Max for a high-five which he accepted apprehensively. 
The night dragged on from there, and quite honestly you didn’t pay attention much as you were dragged back into your thoughts. Soon enough the fire began to die and everyone slowly headed in for bed until it was just Max and you. An awkward silence settled between you two as the last person left. The night air chilled your body as you began to shiver lightly, Max clearly took notice because he finally spoke up. “Are you cold?” He questioned, his voice noticeably quieter than earlier. You shook your head no, but Max knew how stubborn you were. He peeled off his jean jacket laying it over your shoulder like a blanket and wrapped his arm around your much smaller frame. 
“Hey about what I said earlier, during truth or dare? I didn’t mean it in a weird way, it’s just a stupid game,” you assured him trying your best to do some damage control but Max only giggled beside you. “Really? I was hoping that was your way of confessing your love for me.” Your jaw slacked at his statement and now it was your turn to blush. You looked towards him, an adoring smile plastered on his face, the same smile he has always given you. And then it clicked in your brain, he held the same feeling you did for him. “What does that mean?” You asked rather dumbly, expecting maybe it was some sort of joke or even a miscommunication. But Max felt otherwise “It means I like you, no. I love you and have loved you for some time now.” His voice cracked slightly, he was clearly nervous. 
You weren’t sure where the confidence came from but you leaned forward capturing his lips with your own. His lips were warm and they contrasted greatly with your cold temperature, the kiss was soft and slow at first but quickly became more passionate. Your bodies clung to each other, and the taste faint taste of alcohol was present on his lips. His breath tickled your face, he was so warm you almost felt you were going to melt right into him. His cologne was musky with a hint of smoke from the fire, and you could feel his touch roaming your body for the first time. 
Then he pulled away, he was panting awestruck by the passionate kiss you just shared. You blurted “I love you too Max, I have since we were kids.”  Max drew forward towards you again tilting his head to the side slightly allowing for your lips to meet again this time more heated than previous. Your jaw slacked a little allowing his tongue to make contact with your own. You grabbed for his hair, pulling gently enough so as to not hurt him. He hummed into your mouth, and you felt his hands grasp at your hips pulling you flushed against his lap. 
You could feel his heart hammering against his chest, the closeness between you made you dizzy in the best way. The heat emanating from the red coals of the fire warmed you even further and an ache began forming in between your legs that were planted on either side of him. You felt the need to pull away, you knew that if this was taken any further you could never go back. But you couldn’t you needed this, you needed him. And after beating around the bush for so many years you felt it was only fate that this happened. Your lips parted a string of spit connecting the both of you, his breath was uneven and it fanned over your face. His pupils were blown and he was red as a tomato. 
“Max, do you want to take this any further?” you queried gently rubbing your thumb up and down his cheek comfortingly. Max smiled sweetly “If you’re willing to have me.” He responded with raw emotion emanating from his words. You grinned “I’m more than happy to.” you giggled meekly, and he nodded slowly picking you up in his arms bridal style. Lowering you on a blanket that had been laid on the dirt prior, he hovered over you for a little bit just admiring you. Max lowered his body holding himself up with one hand as he made work of kissing and nipping at your neck. You whimpered the sensation, after every hickey he sucked into your neck he left a loving kiss on top of it. 
His firm erection pressed against your own heat through the fabric of your pants making your stomach drop. You let your legs wrap around his torso in order to get some much-needed friction, grinding into him he let out a groan. “Shit hun, eager aren’t we?” he chuckled against your neck, and you hummed in response. Testingly rubbing against him again, you could feel his cock pulsate making your mouth water. He pulled away from your neck, placing his hands on your thighs drawing circles with his thumbs. “As much as I want to take my time with you darling you’re not making it easy.’ he spoke voice wavering. “We should make it quick, anybody could walk out here and see us,” you suggested warmly, Max nodded making quick work of your pants. 
Slipping his hands under your panties and pulling them aside, he stared in wonder making you squirm partially out of nervousness and anticipation. He quickly snapped out of it drawing his finger towards your leaking hole, not yet making contact. Max looked to you for approval one last time before he dipped a finger into your tight slit drawing a moan from you. His finger pushed in and out slowly before adding another finger. His fingers curled hitting the spongy spot inside of you eliciting a yelp, you felt sweat forming over your body. “That good honey?” he cooed to which you jerked your head up and down vigorously. You were practically putty in his hands and you wished you would be given the opportunity to do the same to him. 
Fingers pumping in and out of you had a familiar bubble in you forming, you didn’t want to cum yet. You wanted more than anything to reach your climax around his dick, so you grabbed his forearm making his movements halt. “You okay sweetie? I didn’t hurt you did I?” His tone was laced with worry “No I just, I need you inside me.” His face flushed as he nodded gently removing his fingers before he could begin to unbutton the pants you leaned forward opting to unbutton them for him. 
You could feel him staring down as you slipped his pants down his legs leaving him in his boxers. You heard shuffling from above you, glancing toward him as he pulled his shirt off revealing his toned body, you knew Max worked out but you didn’t expect him to be so built. You must’ve looked surprised because he smirked down at you, “Like what you see?” he bragged but his cocky smirk was knocked right off his face when your hand cupped the bulge in his boxers making his knees buckle before regaining his composure. He kneeled back down to your level parting your legs with his own.
The two of you just stayed there for a while, admiring each other. Then you felt his warm hands slip under your shirt assisting you in taking off the article, now you two were both practically naked only wearing your underwear. His arms stretched behind your back to remove your bra, he struggled a little and you snickered much to his dismay but he got it off regardless. You were surprisingly comfortable to the point you had trouble believing this was your first time with him. Max immediately leaned forward to take your breast into his mouth but you stopped him “Max, as much as I would love to have you suck my tits, I think I’ll die if you don’t fuck me already.” He giggled and pulled his boxers down revealing his cock, precum dripping down his shaft. 
You immediately felt apprehensive, sure you’d had sex plenty of times before and he certainly wasn’t the longest you’d encountered but his dick had sizable girth compared to most guys. Max observed your facial expression “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want. I’m happy to eat you out instead?” he whispered but you declined “No, I want this! I’m just not sure how you’re gonna make that fit.” He smiled leaning closer and pressing his forehead to yours “Just relax honey, I got you.” He cooed and you followed his instructions. You felt the tip of his cock against your entrance making you shudder in delight, he pushed in slowly. Thank god you were as wet as you were because you knew the stretch would’ve been excruciating if not. 
He slid in you impossibly deeper until you felt his hips make contact with yours, you were already sweating and from the looks of it, he was as well. Max stayed inside you for a while waiting for permission to move, having his cock buried inside you unmoving was so intimate it made your heart flutter. After a while, you ground your hips into him letting your pussy tighten around his shaft. He moaned taking it as a sign to move, he began a slow passionate pace. Max obviously knew what he was doing, he didn’t just fuck you he made love to you. You let your legs wrap around him assisting him in getting deeper with each drive of his hips.
His sounds were angelic to you, deep groans mixing with your whimpers sounded so exotic you found yourself even more turned on than previously. Max fucked you with passion, kissing your neck and groping every inch of flesh he could get his hands on. “Fuck hun, you feel so good around my cock.” his words explicit only heightened your experience. He brought his thumb to your clit rubbing slow but meaningful circles into your sensitive bud, your body jerked at the sensation and you felt yourself tighten around him.
 “Shit Max, it’s so good!” You cried a little too loud and his lips crashed into yours effectively shutting you up. His pace quickened leaving the both of you a sweaty mess. Pants and squelching sounds could be heard accompanied by the sound of skin slapping. He pulled away from the kiss bringing both of his hands to your hips and pushing you down onto his dick making you see stars. “Right there! Oh, shit shit shit!” You mumbled cock drunk by this point, his head leaned back and he let out a guttural growl. “You like that? Fuck baby me too you feel so good, so so good.” He moaned out as he continued to hit that spot inside you making you light-headed. You felt your orgasm building and at this pace, it was going to happen fast. His lips crashed into yours once again, heated and you had to part every few minutes gasping for air. 
Your arms clung around his neck, nails racking through his brownish-red locks. He pounded into you at an impossible pace, you could tell he was also reaching his climax. “I love you so much, you’re perfect.” He practically whined, and at the praise, your eyes rolled back. “Max, I’m gonna cum!” You shrieked to which he replied “Fuck, me too honey. Cum for me.” That pushed you over the edge and you felt the waves of your orgasm crash over you Max leaned down holding you tightly. He fucked you through your orgasm and his thrusts became uneven letting you know he was also about to orgasm. “Where do you want it?” He asked “My stomach.” He abided and pulled out quickly.
Thick ropes of his hot cum shot out onto your stomach and he collapsed on top of you. You were both covered in sweat and your bodies stuck together, heaving for air. Your body was tired and weak and you were positive you’d have trouble walking tomorrow. His hands played with your hair as he covered your body in kisses over the red marks that would soon develop into hickeys. Your breathing stabilized and you spoke, “I love you so much.” Max pushed himself up to make eye contact with you, his eyes peering into yours with great affection, and his hair stuck to his forehead. “I love you too Y/n” 
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msdi0r · 1 month
Hello! Could you write a max brinly fic about him being interested in reader but he’s nervous? Thanks!! <3
Yes, this is so cute!! We need more Max love he’s so cute <3
Max Brinly x Fem! Reader
requested? yes/no
summary: your best friend has something he needs to get off his chest but he’s too nervous to act on it
warnings: fluff - swearing - use of y/n - Max and y/n have been friends for a few years before this - kissing 🙈 (nothing spicy) - not proofread but used Grammarly 😭
a/n: might be a little out of character at some points but it's finee - AU where Max and Laura made it to the quarry and aren't dating.
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it was the hottest day of the summer and you and Emma were trying to hide from the kids and the rest of the counselors, mainly Mr H but whatever.
Emma groaned, “hand me the water bottle.” You grabbed the bottle and groaned, “It's warm.” Emma dramatically pretended to cry while fanning her face.
“Ah look, damsels in distress!” You heard Jacob walking towards you both. You and Emma rolled your eyes and looked over at Jacob who was walking towards you both with Dylan and Max.
Max held up 2 cold water bottles making you get up quickly and grab the bottles, you tossed one to Emma who caught it enthusiastically then you hugged Max tightly, “Thank you so much.” Max laughed nervously but hugged you back, “Yeah no problem.”
You pulled away and sat down next to Emma. “Have fun while you can ladies, I heard Mr H is looking for you two,” Dylan said smiling. “Shhh you can leave now!” Emma said waving them off while I laughed and waved to Max. He waved back and the other boys rolled their eyes and walked off mocking Emma.
“Is it just me or was there a little something in that hug?” Jacob asked when they got far enough away from the girls. “W-What? No.” Max tried to defend himself but stumbled over his words. “Yeah, my point exactly,” Jacob said laughing with Dylan.
“She’s my best friend that’s it! There’s nothing else going on.” Max said, he fidgeted with his hands and leaned against the cabin they walked to. “But you like her,” Dylan said crossing his arms. Max went to protest but Jacob cut him off, “It's okay, we’ll help you.”
They had a plan, it wasn’t great but it was better than Max’s original plan. He was just gonna never tell you and hope you found out.
All the kids had gone to bed and you were hanging out with a couple of others by the bonfire now. “Hey Em can you uh help me with putting the canoes away?” Jacob asked Emma. Emma nodded, “Sure, yeah. Kaitlyn come with us.” Kaitlyn followed them both. Dylan looked at them and then over at Ryan next to him. He nudged his shoulder, “Wanna go.. Uh. Walk?” Ryan looked at him and laughed, “Yeah okay.”
Abi, Laura, and Nick weren't there to leave with the others so now it was officially just you and Max alone. It wasn't a big deal though because you guys would normally hang out alone anyway. “I feel like something's going on,” you say suspiciously looking at him. He gave you a weird confused look trying to hide something but it was too obvious.
You rolled your eyes and walked over to the log he was sitting at and sat next to him, “I’ve known you for too long you can’t hide anything from me.” He ran his fingers through his hair and laughed softly, “Yeah I guess I can’t.”
He sighed, “There’s something I need to tell you that I’ve wanted to tell you for a while.” I turned my body towards him with a confused look on my face.
“I like you,” he said not making eye contact with you. You felt yourself slowly start to smile as he kept talking, “You don’t have to like me back- of course. That would be dumb if I was like ya know forcing you.” he was rambling now.
“Max.” You said smiling. He didn't hear you through his rant and you held his hand to get him to look at you and shut up, he did exactly that.
“I like you too,” you said softly and still smiling. His eyes widened and he started smiling, “really?” you nodded and he hugged you. You hugged him back tightly and when you pulled away he looked at you with a small smile, “Can I kiss you?” you smiled, “Absolutely.”
He gently grabbed your chin and pulled you into a kiss, as soon as you kissed you heard a twig snap and you both turned your head quickly. “Dude seriously?” you heard Kaitlyn whisper-yell. “It’s not my fault! Dylan pushed me!” Jacob argues back, also whisper-yelling. “I did not push you!” Dylan joined in.
You and Max got up and walked over to the bushes. “Oh my god can you both shut the fuck up? You’re going to blow our cover.” You heard Ryan lecturing the others. “Already did,” Max said. They all looked up at you and Max with fake innocent smiles on their faces.
You rolled your eyes and they all stood up awkwardly. Except for Jacob who was smiling in both of our faces, “My plan worked! I’m amazing guys.” “oh please,” Kaitlyn said pushing him out of her way. “Now that you two are finally together can we get back to the cabin? The bugs are eating me alive.” “Yes please!” Emma agreed.
As you walked back to the cabin, holding hands with Max, Emma nudged you gently and smiled widely at you. She knew since the beginning, apparently everyone did.
“Look who finally came to their senses.” Mr Hackett joked the next morning seeing you both holding hands. Yeah, everyone knew.
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m0chaminx · 2 years
Kinktober Day Five | "Make Me Feel Good|
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*•.¸♡Kinktober Prompt : Blindfolded
*•.¸♡Prompt : None
*•.¸♡𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 : porn with no plot, blindfold, bondage, sub!Max, unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy)
*•.¸♡Paring : Max Brinly x GN!reader
*•.¸♡𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : Max + Blindfold.
I hate write summary's
*•.¸♡words : 199
Max breathed through his nose, trying to focus on you. You had covered his eyes and tied his hands to the bed. He could feel your hands drag down his chest, your lips against his neck, your hips grinding against his cock.
"Y/N," Max breathed trying to thrust his hips deeper inside you. "Go faster- please!" You chuckled softly as your hips sped up. Max threw his head up, the pleasure starting to become too much to handle. "Deeper-"
"Tch," Your lips pressed to his collarbone before your fingers dragged up to the blindfold. "Do you feel everything angel?". You emphases your words and your fingertip dragged across his bottom lip.
You sped up your hips as your high washed over. You hummed in pleasure as Max's body tensed, the little white pellets emerging from his body. "That's it," You moaned softly. "Make me feel you." You panted softly as your body trembled in the aftermath of pleasure.
"Yes! Ahhh, yeah!" Max tugged at the binds around his writs as his hips stuttered, trying to keep up with your hips. "Y/N, 'm gonna cum!" Max panted, his voice squeaking slightly. Max groaned loudly as he came inside of you.
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*•.¸♡ Kinktober Masterlist ♡¸.•*
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dreamqueenkala · 2 years
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WARNINGS: Oral(Male Receiving); Face-Fucking; Biting/Marking; Wall-Fucking; Mentions of Blood; Dominant!Max; Dirtytalk/Degradation; Unprotected Sex; Angst
Female Reader x Max Brinly
A twig cracked nearby, startling me from my stupor. My head shot up, my brain on autopilot as I forced my legs to push me backwards til my spine pressed against the cool surface of a boulder. A blurry figure came into view, a mix of fair skin, brown hair and pink and black fabric. I blinked, reaching up to rub at my strained eyes, and whimpered once more. The ringing in my ears id been numb to before was now loud, and I shook my head to rid myself of it.
"(Y....Y/N)! (Y/N), hey!" With a yelp, I jolted back at the large hands that grasped my shoulders, nearly slamming my skull into the boulder I cornered myself against. Shivering, my (e/c) gaze settled on a pair of familiar green eyes and my lower lip quivered.
"M-Max...?" My voice was hoarse and cracked as I spoke, though it did nothing to falter the grin that spread across the boys freckled face. His fingers caressed my bare arms in an attempt to warm me, my body unintentionally leaning closer.
"Hey, hey! It's okay, (Y/N), I'm right here." He murmured, sighing with relief as he drew me into a tight embrace, his body heat rolling off him in waves. "Thank God, you're okay. We're okay." He mumbled against my shoulder, hands caressing my spine.
"W-What...what happened? I-I can't..." My breathing picked up its pace as I attempted to wrack my brain for answers, beginning to panic at the loss of time and memory befalling me. Max pulled me closer, shushing me quietly as his fingers kneaded the skin of my hips.
"Hey, h-hey, it's okay! It's all over now, I promise." Pulling back, he smiled down at me, reaching up to caress my cheek with his dominant hand. I leaned into his palm, sighing softly at the familiar contact I hadn't realized I'd craved so desperately. "We're safe now. Let's get you cleaned up, dressed and warm, yeah?"
I nodded, bloodied hands grasping his forearms as he guided me onto my feet. I stumbled slightly but carried on, leaning into his side for support. Max led me up the stairs and across the tree-bridge to the island treehouse, shutting the door behind us. Reassuring me he'd be back in a moment, the brunette left my side to dig through a set of three bags.
It was then I took the time to examine him and giggled. It was odd seeing him dressed in Laura's clothes, especially her jogger top, which was too tight around his broad chest. My hand reached up to cover my mouth as my soft giggles slowly grew louder in volume, drawing his attention. Max stood, a set of clothes and a small handtowel in his hands, quirking a brow up as he turned to acknowledge me.
"What?" He tilted his head like a lost puppy, his grin growing awkwardly confused. "What's funny?" I snorted and gestured to his outfit, encouraging him to glance over himself.
"Oh, this? Yeah, just...threw something together. Pink's kinda hot, huh?" I burst out laughing, leaning against the wall as he flexed as best he could in that outfit. His grin widened and his green eyes gazed over my bloody, bruised and still cold semi-naked form, shaking his head. "C'mere." Despite the short giggles I still experienced, I stumbled my way forward and immediately dove into his outstretched arms, nuzzling my face into his warm chest with a content sigh.
"I'm gonna wash you down as best I can, okay?" I nodded, tensing slightly as the cold damp fabric of the towel pressed against my back. With a shiver, I pushed myself as close to the brunette as I could, my hips flush to his and my hands on his chest. I could feel his heart beating under my palms, could feel the change in its tempo as it skipped a beat and increased slightly in speed. My brows furrowed and my fingers dug into the shirt, thankful the blood on my body was dry enough not to stain his borrowed clothes.
Max's caress was gentle and kind, soothing me with small patterns drawn into my skin as he cleaned what he could. He pulled apart from the embrace for a moment, sliding the towelette around my midriff and over my belly. I tensed up with a sharp inhale, squeezing my eyes shut as my cheeks flushed. Granted, my hands and legs were still trembling so bad from my transformation that I couldn't do this myself, but it was still an awkward yet intimate feeling having his hands caress me in such modest areas.
I guess my senses were still adjusting to the broken curse because I could hear him swallow. His breathes were shorter and slightly erratic, coming through his nose. His gaze was heavy on my face despite the fact his hands were busy cleaning my thighs now. Just the sensation alone made my (s/c) cheeks warm with a cherry hue and my upper canines dig lightly into my lower lip.
The towel hit the floor abruptly and I had no time to react as his warm fingers met my cold skin, digging into the supple flesh of my thighs. My eyes shot open and I gazed up at him with surprise and confusion, though that quickly transitioned to submission when I met his gaze. His once emerald green eyes were darkened, a deep sage color encompassing the blown pupils as his own cheeks flushed. His left hand met my jaw and caressed my cheek lightly, encouraging me to keen and nuzzle his palm.
"Fuck." His voice was deep, hoarse, as if he was struggling to contain what he really wanted to say or do. His right hand dug his fingers harder into my thigh eliciting a short whimper from my lips that had him gritting his teeth. "Don't tell Laura."
"W-What?" I stammered, hands grasping at the top he wore lightly. His green eyes darkened further and he leaned forward, his nose brushing the skin beneath my ear.
"Don't tell Laura. I've liked you for months, (Y/N)." I tensed, wondering if perhaps he was still experiencing side effects to his wolf-infection. His erratic heart rate and the way he drew me closer, however, didn't match that theory. "Please. Be mine, just for tonight." The desperation in his voice made me crack, my head turning slightly so I could press a gentle kiss to his neck.
"Okay, Max. Use me. I'm yours, just for tonight." He groaned and suddenly, his hands were in my hair, his mouth on mine, his teeth tugging at my lower lip desperately. I moaned and dug my fingers into his shoulders, holding him as close as I could. His fingers threaded in my (h/c) hair and pulled it taut, yanking my head back. A sharp yelp of pain left my lips that quickly became an erotic pornographic mewl as his teeth dug into my throat.
Stumbling backward, my spine pressed to the wall and my hips pressed flush against his own. The leggings he wore did nothing to hide the thick, throbbing appendage buried beneath them as it pressed flush to my thigh. I trembled as my pulse skyrocketed and my body warmed at his touch, his lips now suckling at the skin above my breasts.
My fingers slid down his torso, palming at and outlining his cock through his borrowed leggings. His groan of pleasure fueled me, and I soon found myself on my knees in front of him, one of his hands on the wall, the other grasping my (h/c) locks as he gazed into my lust-blown (e/c) eyes with absolute savage desire. His lips were parted and his cheeks were red, a thin sheen of sweat lining his brow.
My thin fingers kneaded at his crotch, an excited grin on my lips at the grunts and groans I received in response, his hips bucking lightly into my palms. Leaning forward, I traced the head beneath the fabric with my tongue, giggling softly at the stammered moan that left Max.
"F-Fuck, you little slut." My body shuddered and I gasped softly, mouthing at the outline of his cock as he gazed down at me. A sinister grin split across his face, his chest heaving slightly as he tugged at my hair. "You like that, huh? Being called a slut?" A sharp mewl left my lips as he yanked my head back, his other hand tugging the leggings down enough to free his cock. My eyes widened at the sheer girth, my thighs rubbing together beneath me as I watched the precum dribble from his tip.
"I bet you know exactly what to do, don't you? Huh, bitch?" I moaned and licked at the trail dripping from his slit, opening my mouth wide as he rolled his hips forward and experimentally dragged the bulbous head across my tongue. "Yeah you do. My stupid little cockslut." I gagged as his hips bucked forward, his cock battering the back of my throat right off the bat. Tears brimmed in my eyes and I whimpered, hollowing my cheeks as much as I could. Max pistoned his hips in and out at a rapid, aggressive pace, one hand on the wall again and the other keeping my head in place.
The deep groans and grunts Max let slip made my panties damp, despite the tears painting my face. I couldn't help but keen for the dominance the brunette held over me, reaching down to slip a hand into my panties. Whether he noticed or not, Max didn't express, eyes screwed shut as he focused on face-fucking me into the wall. I could feel his cock pulse every time my tongue traced the bottom of the head, his balls swelling slightly the closer he drew to release.
"F-Fuck, gonna cream your m-mouth, ah..." He growled out, both hands now on my head as he shifted his feet. His hips battered at my mouth harshly for a long moment til he stilled, cock buried down my throat. I could feel the warmth slip down my throat as I swallowed, pooling in my stomach and making me lightheaded. As he pulled away I coughed and gasped, leaning forward to breath as the remainder of his cum dribbled off my tongue.
"Get up." He grunted after allowing me a moment to breath. I stumbled upright, eying him desperately as his cock rested in his hand, the brunette now fisting himself. "Against the wall, back to me." I complied without question, pressing my torso to the wall and extending my ass to him, hands against the wood as I rested my cheek against my forearms. His hands caressed my ass, thumbs tugging my panties down slightly, just enough so that they rested around my knees. He pressed a light kiss to my shoulder as his cock jutted between my thighs, red and swollen tip prodding at my clit.
"Is this okay?" Max murmured, voice much softer than before. I smiled slightly at the care in his tone and nodded, feeling his hands circle around my hips. "Just for tonight. Our little secret, yeah?" I bit my lip at those words and hid my face in my arms, an attempt to hide the tears once again pricking at my eyes.
"Fuck me, Max." Burying his face in my neck, he panted slightly and thrust his hips forward. Suddenly feeling so full when he bottomed out, I moaned and curled my bare toes. Max squeezed my hips lightly and started to roll his hips, slowly, carefully, a kind gesture to show his affections. I couldn't handle that, not with the feelings I'd attempted to bury a long time ago suddenly bubbling to the surface. Gritting my teeth I reached back and yanked at his hair, earning a sharp cry from the male.
"Max, please! I said fuck me!" His fingers kneaded harshly into my hipbones, likely to leave bruises, and I screamed as his teeth sank into my shoulder, somewhere I could thankfully hide it. His hips rocked forward aggressively, battering my own into the wall, my bra-clad breasts rubbing against the wood. I could feel the warm liquid trickling from the skin he'd pierced with his still moderately sharp canines, I could hear the rush of lust-driven adrenaline in my ears, I could feel his cock swelling and throbbing inside me.
"F-Fuck, so tight, ugh! M-Milking my cock, you dirty bitch." I shuddered and bit my lip, tears melting against the skin of my arms as he fucked me. "S-So good. So fucking good." Even if it was me he was talking about, I couldn't help but imagine Laura.
Blonde, outgoing, intelligent Laura in my place. Max's girlfriend, the love of his life. I envied her. I had for years as she'd grown closer and closer to the boy I'd pined after since junior high. She had what I'd always wanted—high intelligence, athleticism, charisma, a bubbly personality, beautiful eyes and dimples and hair. She was perfect. And I envied her because she had Max. Max Brinly, the boy I'd been in love with long before we'd left high school.
Even now, even while being so selfish, I envied her. Max was hers and Laura was his, and I could never have that. No matter how much he liked me, he'd always love her.
I mewled out as his Max's cock brought me back to reality, the head battering that one sweet bundle of nerves inside me as he shifted to a different angle. Hearing my pleasured cry, the brunette aimed for that spot, groaning against my skin as I clamped down around him. Slick dribbled down my thighs and over his cock as he pistoned in and out of my freshly wet pussy, his thighs trembling just as much as mine. I babbled incoherently as the overstimulation grew, and then, suddenly, I was slumped on the floor, hot sticky fluid spraying over my rear and lower back as Max pulled out.
It was a blur for a moment, as we both calmed down from our highs. As the world came to me, once again, I found myself cradled in Max's lap, his green eyes scanning over my shaking form and brushing the tears from my eyes. He'd already cleaned me and helped me dress, wrapping the wound he'd left on my shoulder as he held my sleeve down. I didn't correct him when he believed the tears were from overstimulation. I didn't bother to speak. Burying my face in his chest as he cradled me, I squeezed my eyes shut and held back a sob. Max and Laura would soon reunite. I'd be alone again, watching from the sidelines as my two best friends grew closer and closer together, acting as if nothing had happened.
I was alone, and this was my punishment. Our little secret.
Part 2
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kimhargreeves · 2 years
American Nightmare part 2-Travis Hackett x Reader
Summary: You find yourself being trapped at a jail cell with your friends. This gives you plenty of time to think about your decisions in life.
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"Fuck my head hurts." It was the first thing I said as soon as I woke up. My eyes adjusted to my surroundings once I had sat up. "Is this a jail cell?" Suddenly I remembered Max and Laura. I raced to the front bars almost tripping as I began to call their names.
"Jesus can you be any louder?" I laughed to myself when I heard Max's voice.
"Y-You're alright?! Where's Laura?" I shouted and heard a groan coming from him.
He probably just woke up too. "I'm right here." Laura called her voice all groggy, she also just woke up.
"Does anyone know where we are?!" Laura asked either of us.
I looked around and there wasn't much in this cell, there doesn't seem to be any sort of exit either. Maybe breaking the top window and trying my best to get out of it.
"Fuck did I punch a cop again?" I ask myself and try my best to remember what happened before I blacked out.
"Do any of you remember how we got here? What happened to me?" We heard Max asking either of us to answer. What happened?
I winced in pain and held the side of my head since it still hurts, "I-I have to remember..(Y/N)?" Laura asked this time.
My eyes looked around my cell and the outside. I don't know which cell Max or Laura are held at, clearly they don't want us to see each other or do any funny business.
"I think I remember.." I muttered furrowing my eyebrows together.
The last thing I remember was crashing onto someone..a sharp pain of a needle on my neck and something attacking Max!
"Max.." I chose my words wisely once I began to remember, "Do you remember something happening below the cabin?"
"I remember something attacking me, yes, b-but I don't have any wounds a-and I'm covered in blood."
"You aren't the only one." I whispered still grabbing onto the bars.
Just when I said that a door was opened, we remained silent and I noticed the cop from earlier walk past me to examine the rest before he stopped in the middle of the room and slowly his footsteps would be heard again walking to where I was.
"Why did you lock us up?" I glare up at the man who doesn't seem to show any sort of expression other than pissed off.
"Ma'am, place your hands right here." I followed his hand and saw a small entrance below my hands. Where prisoners would receive their food.
I huffed annoyed when I knew I wouldn't be getting any answers. I did as told when he placed the handcuffs on me, I heard a bang on a cell further down.
"I swear if you hurt her you're going to regret it." Laura threatened.
I forced a smile on my face and reassured her I would be alright. The cop opened the cell and I quickly stepped out and was being taken outside of this room, the cop standing close from behind. My eyes shifted over at my surroundings, maybe a sort of weapon I can grab for later.
The place seemed to be empty the more we continued to walk. We stopped at a room and I was placed down on a chair. I rolled my eyes when he took a seta in front of me, i still had my handcuffs on.
I raised my wrists and laughed sarcastically at him thinking I'm a danger. "You into some kinky shit or what?"
He wasn't pleased at all as usual. "Shut up. This is an interrogation. I ask, you answer."
I hung my head low and muttered a few curses under my breath. "Ask away." I scoffed which only made him glare harder at me.
I've already angered him enough so I know that won't get me no where. If I want to get out of here, I need to gain his trust, so I'll do my best to not be my sassy and sarcastic self.
"(Y/N) (L/N)."
"Who are your traveling with and was is your relationship with them."
"Max Brinly, Laura Kearney. Both are my childhood friends."
"Where were you headed last night?"
I fight the urge to roll my eyes again. "Yours keys know this." I hissed before finishing up, "Hackket's Quarry summer camp. What have you done to us?"
"No. I ask, you answer. That's how it works-" I grew annoyed again and I kicked the table under him.
We glared at each other before I deeply sighed and fell back onto my seat. "The three of us are counselors."
"Bullshit, counselors aren't due until today."
"The three of us told you everything when you stopped us last night."
"And why didn't you go to the motel like I told you."
"Because we were closer to camp! We needed this job."
I looked down and saw his sheriff's badge. "Hackett? Like Chris Hackett?"
"You have no idea what you got yourself into. You just stepped in some Grade A, Double Prime, Go Ahead and Kill Yourself, Cosmic Type shit, young lady." He began to scold me and continued.
"Your only option is to buckle the fuck up and do what I say. You understand?"
My heart began to beat faster growing anxious. I absolutely despise fighting and arguments but if given the chance I have to defend myself. When I was little I used to keep everything to myself whenever people would say nasty things to me, I it's still hard for me sometimes to say what I feel.
I could feel my lips tremble ad I began to move my leg up and down to calm myself down. "A-And what exactly have we done, huh?!" I shouted and felt miserable for letting a couple of years escape from me
"Stop trying to intimidate me, and tell me what the fuck is going on." I hung my head low again to try and hide my face.
I heard this officer Hackett beginning to walk over to me, I squeezed my eyes shut but all I felt was him making me stand up. Slowly I did and was taken back to my cell.
"Hey asshole! You did something to her?!" Max shouted concerned. Laura was too but I told her what the sheriff had asked me.
The three of us remained a silent until we heard the sheriff leave. "Hey guys you won't believe it but uhh, I took a look at the sheriff's name badge and-" i closed my mouth shut again when the door opened.
Laura and I had the same idea and we began to list to what the sheriff would saying, gaining his trust won't be easy at all.
God knows how long we've been stuck here, it's been a day but it feels like weeks. Laura and Max began to talk about random things until it was my turn, knowing that I was quiet and keeping to myself.
"(Y/N), what were you going to tell this earlier?" Max questioned.
I rested my head against the wall connecting the dots and it must be obvious that the sheriff is related to Chris. "Well, I took a look at his name badge and it's Sheriff Hackett. You think he's related to Chris Hackett?"
"Oh my God, like 'the' Chris Hackett?"
"Who's 'the' Chris Hackett?" His obliviousness made me want to shoot myself.
"As in camp leader Mr. Hackett of Hackett's Quarry. Remember?" Laura spoke so he'd get it..
"Does that mean we were set up?"
Max and Laura continued to exchange conversations while I listened. This is all too weird. That creature we swerved started all of this. And here I thought we were all going to college this Fall to study together.
Suddenly both of them began to recollect on what happened to us at the camp.
"All of this mess started as soon as we arrived. We smelled something like wet dog fur, and I remember (Y/N) telling us ghost stories and urban legends. I believe she's right."
I heard Max tell Laura. "Meaning?"
"Full Moon. What do people joke about when there's a full moon?"
Laura chuckled believing this is fake. She knows how much of a fan I am at the sort of things so she won't believe in it.
Max quickly joining my side, "Maybe there's a slight chance it was a werewolf."
"Are you both out of your damn minds?" Laura questioned and we heard her sigh in defeat.
Arguing over this will make us blow out as each other so I better change the subject. I sat down on the floor sitting by the bars again.
"I guess I never told you both the reason why I had despise cops, huh?" I smile sadly and stared down at my lap. "When I was a kid I witnessed my father getting shot by one, the goddamn idiot cop said it was an accident when it wasn't. He was defending my mom when he got into an argument, the other man threatened to hurt my dad with a knife, the cops showed up and thought it was the other way around and didn't hesitate to shoot him."
"Justice wasn't served until later on when they found the cop guilty. Last month I heard the news he had gone and released but a few days later he was killed by a mysterious person, he deserved it though.."
I wiped my tears and did my best to not continue crying. "I swore to myself then I would also be a cop but a good one, to protect those far more innocent than need help."
Max let out a string of curses while Laura sighed. "We're so sorry you had to go through that."
I scoffed at myself and smirked afterwards. "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.." I remembered the camps motto as I rolled my eyes.
The next couple of weeks were long. The sheriff kept us fed and let us take showers, but aside from that we barely saw him. Max, Laura and I would spend our days talking a lot. As much as we could about what happened that night.
We talked about the cop, the camp, the accident, the woods, and that thing in the basement they attacked Max.
Everyday was the same and we were getting tired.
It was July 12, late at night when I exited the bathroom shower and quickly changed myself to not step outside without clothes. I held my head up high and walked past the sheriff since he had gotten tired and threatened to come inside the showers to drag me out due to how long I was taking.
"Quit acting so angry everyday." I well that's blunt as ever but kept my calm. I had the wet towel in my hands and i shoved it to him.
"It'll take you a lot more to drag me out dressed. Take things slow, maybe a date?" I smirked st myself since now i enjoyed teasing the serious Sheriff.
"And what gives you the right to talk to a Sheriff like that?"
"Look, I've been patient and obedient, I have done nothing to piss you off. A late night shower shouldn't mean much."
Sheriff Hackett tossed the wet towel aside and resumed to escort me back to my cell. I was compliant and didn't argue whenever he'd placed the handcuffs on me.
I turned around to face him in the cell. "Hands out." I did as told he felt the cuffs being released, as soon as he took them off I reached out and grabbed his uniform.
Taking one look up at him i smiled and tilted my head. "Ma'am, I suggest you hands to yourself before things get out of hand." He warned in whisper.
I quickly did so which made him step back before he quickly left. I felt another deep blush rising up to my face. I hate to admit it but I think I'm falling for Sheriff Hackett.
I smirked to myself and quickly got into the crappy bed and under the covers. But before I could peacefully go to sleep I began to hear Laura and Max discuss again.
"We need to get out of here."
"All right but we don't even know what's really going on. What if I transform into a werewolf and bite test you to pieces." Max took a deep breath before continuing.
"Well it seems to me that we have a few options. We can play nice and try to get this guy on our side or we can try to catch him off guard and make our escape or…"
"Or what?"
Max better have something interesting, "(Y/N) can distract him."
"What the fuck?!" I finally spoke loudly.
"Why are you even surprised?! Out of three of us here you're the one he seems to have a soft spot."
"Umm what are you getting at Max?" Laura continued to be confused.
"Isn't it obvious? Our (Y/N) has a thing for men in uniform."
Fuck me. I angrily glared at the wall behind me. "I don't think so." Laura quickly said and sighed right after. "We can try to get him on our side, and if it doesn't work you try to escape."
The door opened again and this time I remained silent when I noticed officer Hackett walk over to Laura's cell.
"Hey hey T-Money! Can I call you that?"
"Why? You call me officer Hackett." He definitely hates Max.
I quietly heard Laura move up to the bars. "Like as in Hackket's Quarry?"
"What's it to you?"
"Just interested is all. Feel like we hardly know you."
"Well let's keep it that way, okay?"
"Ah come on T- money, lighten up man. No reason we can't be buds, right?"
"I can't think of 7." I furrowed my eyebrows wanting to know what he meant.
"Really? 7?"
"Failure to comply, trespassing, dangerous driving, breaking and entering, resisting arrest, endangering a local wildlife and you keep calling me names."
Holy crap that's a lot. I turned around in bed to look at the other side.
"Look, there's no reason why we can't change things. Why does it all have to be so ugly all the time?"
"Oh, I see what you're doing."
Fuck! Of course he knows he's not stupid.
Officer Hackett continued with his talking, "You think we're going to be besties and I'm going to let you walk right out of here? Not going to happen."
"Asshole!" Max shouted from the other side of the room.
"We knows Max is a werewolf!" Laura said before Officer Hackett could leave. "Full moons in a few days right? What then?"
"You don't know half of it." Officer Hackett said quickly walking past my cell and leaving.
Looks like he have no choice. I'll be the decoy, the one to lie and get us out of here. We need our questions answered quick since no one will tell us.
I relaxed on the stiff thin mattress and stared up the the chipped ceiling.
Oh, I'm going to regret this decision I'm about to make. Though out of all people I'm surprised at myself for falling for an asshole such as a cop. I don't know if I should be more scared of the werewolf or him.
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alessandreau · 3 years
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 (𝐘/𝐍), 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝.  
𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬/𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰. 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭.
𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 (𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕝𝕪):
  ♡ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 (𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬)
  ♡ 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐬 (𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐞)
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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣:
  ♡ 𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐥𝐲
  ♡ 𝐃𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐲
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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣:
  ♡ 𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫
  ♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐕𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Ryan Erzahler (6/6)
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Word count ; 3.0k
Ryan blinked, still taking everything. “Is… everyone else… alive?”
“I don’t know… How are you feeling?” I suddenly asked, pressing my hand to his forehead.
He almost flinched, as though afraid of himself. However, he felt fine, much to my glee. He still had a firm frown on his face, dark, chocolate orbs swarming with discontent. He leaned into my hand though, and feeling less on edge, brought it down to his cheek.
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
We stared at each other for a while, taking comfort in both of us being alive. I heard distant gunshots, but that didn’t matter right now. Hell, as long as Ryan was safe, all the death and destruction was worth it to me. I withdrew my hand, eyes scanning his chest as the embarrassing realization dawned on me once more.
“So… about those showers…”
About a half an hour later, I was wrapped up in several towels and Ryan had done the same. We were sitting next to each other on the shower room bench, completely traumatized from the things I had experienced and he hadn’t. It was quiet, and silence had fallen over the entire camp. I couldn’t help but wonder if we should go back to the lodge, despite our questionable appearances.
We were both leaning, our upper bodies perched on our elbows. I was worried the towel could fallout any moment. I wondered if Dylan or Nick or Abby or… Kaitlyn had the car keys. Regardless, though, when Ryan’s hand shyly drifted onto my lap, I placed mine on top of his.
It was on my exposed knee. He wasn’t burning up like before, and yet, his skin was still warm and comforting. I missed when his fingers were long, spindly, and dry. It was nice to for things to have a semblance of normality. If you forgot about everything that happened and instead thought about the moment —
No, you’d think we fucked in the shower stalls. That’s still not normal. Never mind.
I laughed to myself quietly, which made Ryan glance at me questioningly. “What?”
“Oh, nothing. I’m just thinking about… how we really look like Jacob and Emma right now. The amount of times I walked in on them both finishing up a shower ‘at the same time’ can’t be counted on two hands.”
Ryan chuckled, a smile lighting up his face. There was a certain dark glow to his cheeks as he got lost in thought, squeezing my hand even tighter. I scooted closer and leaned my head on his shoulder. He welcomed it eagerly, leaning his head against mine. It was a cold night, but just his presence enough warmed me.
“It’s almost, uh, funny,” I mused,” that at the start of the night, all I had to worry about was me pissing you off.”
I heard his lips pop, which made me grin. He hummed, nodding sarcastically. “That, uh… must’ve been the, um, werewolf talking.”
I giggled, slapping his bare chest playfully. “I’m sure it was. That explains why you kissed me, and why people have always teased you, and…”
“I… I’m sorry. About the way I acted. I remember I was in the lodge in a bed. I don’t remember much, but… I know I said some, uh, fucked up things.”
“Again, Ryan, it was just the infection —“
“But what if it wasn’t?” he begrudgingly admitted.
“I… I mean, I was still pissed about truth or dare, and you didn’t even tell me you liked me back, a - and… I just hope Dylan’s, uh, still kicking. He deserves an apology… I shouldn’t have been so jealous. I was just… angry, and sick, and scared, and… I, uh, didn’t mean…”
“That’s not important anymore, Ry,” I comforted, lifting my head to nuzzle my nose against his neck. I leaned in further, placed a long-held kiss on his cheek before pulling away. “I’m just glad to have you back.”
He squeezed my hand and gulped. He furrowed his brows, and his eyes became watery. I sighed quietly and pulled. My hand out of his. He naturally chased it, but instead, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and sat up just enough so I could pull him into me. He leaned into it eagerly, and I wrapped my other hand around the front. I held him there, quietly shushing and whispering soft words to him as I pet his frizzy, curly hair.
His shoulders trembled with silent sobs, and he immediately went to pull me closer, an arm wrapping around my torso. We held each other close. His tears dripped onto my exposed shoulders. Despite everything that happened, I was happy. I felt tender. If only to have Ryan safe and alive, I would do anything. And here he was, my best friend, safe and alive.
We stayed like that for a while. At some point, I might have gotten a small nap. I was so spaced out it was hard to tell. But, eventually, when Ryan was calm and dazed, having buried his head in the crook of my neck, I knew e’d have to rejoin the group or at least try to get some clothes. I was cold. And I had no doubt Ryan was, too.
“Ryan?” I whispered quietly, patting his shoulder.
He groaned, breath fanning over my shoulder. He barely moved, his hands grasping my towel-covered torso tighter.
“We… need to regroup. We have to get into the van or something… You’ll catch a cold at this rate, Ry.”
He sighed and finally sat up. A frown stretched across his lips. “But… what if it isn’t safe?”
“We haven’t heard gunshots in… hours, I think. There’s been no disturbances or anything. At the bare minimum, we should make sure our friends are alive.”
“Yeah. That sounds, uh, cool.”
As I stood, I clutched the towel. I went to wrap another one as a skirt for extra protection. My shoes were already fucked, so I didn’t care about them. Ryan just waited for me, lingering by the shower room doorway. I finally walked over to him, shivers rolling down my spine. The moment we stepped outside, it was an immediate and abrupt change in temperature. It was far colder than it had been earlier. 
However, Ryan grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I was grateful for the affection as we walked along the grass. Sometime there were sharp rocks, but the path was generally clear. The full moon was still high in the sky. The campground was silent, though, and that is what mattered.
The moon was starting to set. The sky wasn’t as pitch black as before. We arrived at the lodge. It was dark and silent inside. We walked up the stairs hand in hand and walked up to the open door. 
A quiet gasp of joy escaped when I saw that, sitting at one of the cafeteria tables, was our friends. The three hopped to their feet. Nick went for the gun right away, cocking and pointing. Dylan shouted right away, and everything peaceful about the scene turned to fright.
Ryan pushed me behind him, scowling deeply. “The fuck, dude?”
“Hey, Nick, put the gun down —“
Abby was quivering behind Nick as he died it at Ryan. “How do we know you’re really Ryan? I - I mean, you were freaking out and - and… why are you both naked?”
I gulped, not letting Ryan bite back. He was clearly frightened and on edge and offended.  I raised my arms in surrender. “Nick. I… met up with Laura Kearney. She’s been held captive by the Hacketts, who are the real werewolves.” I realized I’d left that part of the story out for Ryan’s sake, and he looked hurt. “When she killed Chris or the werewolf that bit him, h - he… became normal again.”
“And, uh, to quote Y/n - my clothes ‘exploded off me’ when I turned. I don’t even remember what happened. I swear.”
Nick lowered the gun, since Dylan forced it down. He was still missing a hand and looked incredibly nervous. “Uh, you’re sure it’s all, like, good now? And seriously, why are you naked, Y/n?”
I tilted my head, glaring at my himbo friend. “You literally have my shirt wrapped around your arm, dude. And I’ve been attacked the whole night. I prefer a nice, fluffy towel to blood-soaked underwear.”
He grinned. “Oh, right.”
Nick cleared his throat, setting the gun down with a clatter. Abby was still taken aback by the turn of events. “…H - how do we know that you don’t remember anything? You’re close with the Hacketts. W - who’s to say you’re not in on it?”
Ryan frowned, throwing a steady glare her way. “You think I wanted to kill people? To… turn into whatever the fuck I did? Chris never told me anything okay —?”
“How do we know?” Nick backed up, wrapping an arm around the petite girl. “I mean, who’s to say you weren’t conscious? You were quick to tear poor Kaitlyn and that stranger to shoes, but somehow, Y/n’s alive, even though you’ve been chasing her the past two hours!”
“What the hell are you getting at, Nick?” I retorted as Ryan protectively pulled me to his side. They were spewing absolute blasphemy. Ryan was as clueless about the situation as the rest of us. Shouldn’t they be glad that he’s alive to begin with? I eagerly wrapped my arms around his bare torso.
“I’m saying he’s in on it. Abby’s right,” Nick insisted, grabbing the gun again. “Don’t pretend you don’t know how he feels about you, Y/n —“
“Enough, enough!” Dylan shouted. “God, can we stop acting like children He’s obviously fine now. Just be happy he’s normal and that Y/n’s alive. It’s obvious that when he was a fucking werewolf, he wasn’t himself. We shouldn’t, like, be turning on each other. Ryan’s a good guy.”
“Fuck this,” Ryan grumbled. “I just wanted to, uh, get the van open so we could, you know, put on clothes, but apparently that’s too much to ask for —“
“You want the van keys? Here, take them,” Nick aggressively agreed, fishing through his pockets and tossing the keys our way.
“Guys, guys, can we just relax —“
“How can you be all relaxed? He’s literally tried to kill you! Before he even turned, mind you —!”
“He was in the middle of turning, dumbass!” I shouted, snatching up the car keys. “You know what, fuck this. We’re out.”
Ryan had no objections. Dylan was still scolding our friends for being so paranoid. I understood. Nothing made sense. But I knew dan well it wasn’t Ryan that killed Kaitlyn. That wanted to kill Dylan or anyone else. And I wanted to chill out. Dylan was right; this was no time to be turning on each other.
Ryan was still cussing anxiously under his breath. He didn’t have to say anything for me to know he was worried about Nick or Abby following after us with a gun. They wouldn’t, but that kind’t mean he wasn’t scared shitless. We opened up the bag and dug through Emma’s dozens of backpacks and suitcases. We finally found ours, somehow buried at the bottom.
I had to readjust the towel may times because they didn’t really work as sustainable clothes. I pulled out some underwear and clothes. Ryan had already disappeared into the wilderness. Apparently we both only had one pair of shoes and they were gone, so socks had to do for the meantime.
We finally emerged. The moon had almost disappeared from view and the sky was a lighter color. Ryan was calmer, at least, and if he was calm, I was too. It may have been a traumatizing night that I’d already repressed, but we’d both emerged victorious and unscathed.
“So… what now?”
I opened and then closed my mouth. I repeated the process as Ryan’s eyes bore into me expectantly. I had no idea what happened to his phone, but…
I reached into the back seat of the van. It fell out of my pocket yesterday afternoon. Lucky me, because otherwise it would’ve been demolished or lost or both. I pulled it out and waved it. I wasn’t quite as obsessed with Bizarre Yet Bonafide, but I had a few of his favorite recordings just in case his phone died.
I never thought it’d come in handy, and yet here we were.
“What? I, uh, didn’t realize you were as much as a nerd as I was,” Ryan chuckled, standing beside me eagerly.
“I’m not, but you sure as hell are!” I chirped eagerly. “I don’t have any earbuds, but… I’m pretty sure we don’t need them anyways.”
Ryan nodded, swinging an arm around my shoulder. We walked toward the lodge, but instead of entering, we sat at one of the base steps. The sun was rising. We were safe now. Shelter wasn’t necessary.
I leaned on hi shoulder as the podcast started. It was the episode of the Hag of Hackett’s Quarry. I would’ve skipped to where we left off, but I knew it’d be a long morning. Besides, Ryan already knew it like the back of his hand. I could tell from his humored chuckles.
He held me close against him, placing his head on top of mine. The recording echoed across the open space. It was… almost peaceful to watch the sunrise while knowing we’d escaped almost imminent death. We were both smiling, and I knew that his heart was pounding just as fast as mine.
Things would be okay.
Sometimes, I heard talking from inside the lodge, but it was muffled and angry and depressed and everything bad. But we were alive and that was enough for us. It truly did take a life-or-death situation to make me realize how special my friendship - and potentially more - with Ryan truly meant.
“Hey, Ryan?” I spoke up, even though my eyes were slowly fluttering shut.
He grunted in acknowledgement, just as exhausted.
“I love you. No matter what happens today… Just remember that.”
“I love you too. But, uh, you already know that…”
I laughed, feeling him tense up in embarrassment.I reached over and grabbed his hand, intertwining our finger. I gave it a reassuring squeeze.
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Ryan Erzahler (2/6)
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Word count ; 4.2k
Ryan and I watched from the sidelines as everyone else conversed. Nick and Jacob were fighting over 'Peanut Butter Butterpops', a brand that rang a bell. Emma had brought a gun back with her for bear-protection, so the pair decided on a good ol’ shoot-out to decide the owners. I was still groggy, so I leaned against Ryan’s shoulder again. He didn’t have any complaints, since he was scrolling on his phone aimlessly.
Generic pop music began emitting from Dylan’s phone. Nick and Abby finished setting up the campfire. And, lo and behold, the other three returned. Except Kaitlyn won the bag somehow. Go her. Both boys were incredibly dejected.
The sun had set, and the full moon was high in the sky, illuminating us more than the fire itself. I finally at up properly when Dylan suddenly clapped his hands together. Everyone had beers except me, so I just occasionally stole Ryan’s. All of the conversations dispersed and we focused on the man.
“Okay! New idea. Party game!” Some groans echoed, nobody seconding the idea at first. “Come on, people, we might never see each other again after tonight! Let’s make some memories!”
“Well, what do you have in mind?” Kaitlyn inquired.
“How about the ultimate game of secrets and lies,” Dylan pitched. “Truth or Dare, but Dylan style. Okay, so house rules are, someone asks you a truth or dare. Then you choose, and then you pick the next person. There’s no ifs, ands, or buts.”
“So, like, normal truth or dare?” I quipped, causing some of my friends to snicker.
Dylan’s face flushed. “Uh, yes.”
“So,” I could tell from Kaitlyn’s expression she had something devious up her sleeve, "we can, like, make people kiss.”
“If they choose dare, yeah. If everyone’s down for that, obviously.”
“Cool beans!”
“I mean, keep it in your pants until it’s your turn, but…”
“So, who’s going first?”
Dylan glanced around the fire place. “Hm. How about you, Kaitlyn, since you’re so eager to make everyone smooch?”
Kaitlyn shrugged. “Sure, I’m down. Truth.”
“Bo-o-oring,” Jacob complained, but Dylan hushed him. 
“It doesn’t have to be.” Dylan scanned her face, and the woman waited patiently with a coy smirk. “…Alright. Kaitlyn. Which of the councilors do you want to have sex with?”
The woman’s smile dropped, and everyone around the fire place cackled. Kaitlyn huffed. “You know that’ an unfair question, right? Everyone’s all coupled up.”
“Actually,” Dylan retorted, "none of us are. That includes you, Jake. Sorry to break it to you, bud.”
Kaitlyn sighed, rubbing her forehead. “Geez… So, I’ll give you all my reasoning behind the choice. Nick and Abby might as well be married by now. Jake’s too obsessed with Emma and Emma’s too obsessed with herself. Ryan and Y/n obviously have a thing going. Maybe friends with benefits, I don’t know. So that leaves you, Dylan. I’d have to choose you.”
Ryan was tense, like always. I nudged him playfully. I was the only one, other than Dylan, who was satisfied with the answer. Actually, Dylan wasn’t even satisfied.
“It’s not about what the right answer is. It’s about what your answer is. Come on, give us something juicier than that.”
“Yeah, Kaitlyn. You don’t have to be shy. The ladies love me,” Jacob jokingly bragged.
Kaitlyn shook her head. “Fine. You want a real answer? Y/n, probably. Ryan’s the lovesick puppy out of the two. And, uh, you’re super nice.”
“I’m not a lovesick puppy —"
“I’m flattered, Kaitlyn!” I grinned, cupping my cheeks. “I never knew you swung that way.”
Kaitlyn scoffed. “Okay, okay, moving on. Ryan. Truth or dare.”
Ryan seemed a bit peeved at the ‘insults’ thrown his way, and he shrugged. I placed my hands on the log and watched him expectantly. He sent a glance my way, having made his decision. “Uh, dare. Let me have it.”
Kaitlyn clasped her hands together in excitement. I noticed that everyone else, minus Nick and and Abby, had mischievous expressions. “Per-r-rfect. Just what I was hoping for. Ryan, I dare you to choose who to kiss out of Y/n and…” Her eyes flitted around the circle. She knew damn well it didn’t matter who else chose. “Emma.”
Ryan paused momentarily, and his complexion darkened. He still appeared as stoic, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he harbored a secret crush for Emma from the way he seized up. I stared at him expectantly. 
“Um, uh…”
“Tick tock, Ryan. We don’t have all day,” Jacob said in a sing-song tone.
Ryan sighed. “Yeah, uh, Y/n. If that’s okay.”
I was still turned to him, but I’m pretty sure my brain short-circuited. Ryan turned to me, intensity swirling inches dark orbs. Everyone was staring intently and my heart was thumping loudly in my chest. His Adam’s apple bobbed. His hand came up to my cheek, stroking gently. I craned my neck up toward him, gulping just as much.
His gaze flitted to my lips one last time before he close to distance. I could tell how nervous he was as his lips pressed against mine. Our noses brushed against one another, and I expected it to be a short and simple one, but he didn’t pull away.
I was only vaguely aware of our surroundings. Dylan and Kaitlyn were having a field day, their cheers overpowering the music. I was about to pull away, but the moment our lips parted, he came back for more. Instinctually, I reciprocated, still shocked by his decision. I was in a total daze when I realized Ryan pulled away, the warmth of his hands and lips leaving me.
My mouth went dry and I stared at him, completely abashed. I was sure my entire face was darkened with a blush, and Ryan didn’t seem as embarrassed or uncomfortable as I thought he’d be. The intensity in his eyes… maybe I was overthinking and assuming, but it was almost like he wanted to kiss me, and not just because of a dare.
“Damn, Ryan, that was hot!” Jacob hollered. “So, who next?”
Ryan gulped, and I scooted away, but only an inch. His eyes flitted back to me, and there was something accusatory behind it. I noticed his hand was also residing on the log. “Um, Abby. Truth or Dare.”
Abby, jumping, became incredibly nervous. Her answer was almost instant. “Truth.”
Ryan hummed and nodded. “Well… since there’s clearly a theme… uh, have you, like, had sex?”
Abby seized up, flushing. Kaitlyn was quick to hop to her defense about how intrusive it was, but Dylan and Jacob both agreed it was a fine question to ask. However, Ryan quickly reworded the question to ‘had sex at this camp.’ Abby quickly declined that, and I noticed that Abby sent glances to check if Nick approved that. It wouldn’t have mattered if she was a virgin or not, in my opinion.
“Um… ah…”
A minute later, Abby still hadn’t chosen someone. “Oh my god, just pick someone!” Jacob exclaimed irritably.
“Okay, okay! Um… I don’t know,” she conceded, clearly too anxious from the former question.
“Ugh. Too late. Ding ding ding!” Emma interrupted. “My turn! Y/n. Truth or Dare?”
I was caught off guard, officially zoning back into the conversation. I was still so caught off guard from the kiss I shared with Ryan, since I’d never even considered him as more than a friend. He was the same, though, right? If he had a crush on me, it would be obvious. Right?
“U - uh, dare,” I stuttered.
Emma giggled knowingly. “Great! See, Abby? The game isn’t too hard. Y/n, I dare you to kiss either Ryan… or Dylan.”
I was terrified she’d stop at Ryan. Ryan was watching me expectantly, and I sent him a smile. Jacob made a sarcastic comment about how great Emma was at playing matchmaker, but I brushed it off. I gulped again, staring at Ryan. However, all my anxiety washed away as my gaze landed on Dylan. He was grinning like the genius himbo he was.
“Uh, Dylan.” 
Ryan’s mouth twitched, but I couldn’t tell if it was a positive or negative reaction. I rose to my feet, and I heard Kaitlyn gasp quietly. I rose to my feet and walked over to the boy. He seemed to not care in the slightest as I leaned down, only momentarily pressing my lips to his.
I separated and went back to my seat. I distanced myself from Ryan, too worried to meet his gaze. Should I have just chosen him? But I didn’t want to give him the wrong idea. He’d just chosen to kiss me out of convenience. I was probably mentally blowing this out of proportion way too much.
“I did not see that coming, honestly,” Dylan commented.
Silence fell over the camp counsilors, and I was about to choose, but I realized they were all looking at Ryan intensely. I glanced at him, realizing he had a firm frown planted on his face and his brow were furrowed. My heart was beating disproportionately, and instead of calling attention to the sudden awkwardness, I continued.
“Emma, you haven’t yet. Truth or Dare?”
Emma let out a surprised ‘oh!’, tapping her chin thoughtfully. “Well, I don’t see why not dare.”
Jacob was staring at me intently, and I picked up what he was putting down with ease. “Well, I dare you to kiss either Jacob or…” My eyes glazed over the group. “Nick, I guess?”
Nick paled. “Uh-h-h, I don’t know if that’s a good idea —"
Jacob laughed haughtily. “Uh, sorry Nick, this is not even a dare. Obviously, I got this —"
Emma grinned coyly. “I choose Nick.”
Silence fell over the campers. I could tell Abby was fuming. Or about to cry. And Jacob was the same. The atmosphere completely changed, and everyone, minus Dylan and Kaitlyn, were unhappy. Emma sauntered over the Australian man, pulling him up by the collar and kissing him.
We all expected it to be short. However, Emma turned it into a full-blown make-out. Jacob called out for them to stop. However, he suddenly burst.
“Guys. Guys!”
Emma finally pulled away, and Nick didn’t seem pleased. She even planted one extra on him, and that was enough to unleash the dam. Nick couldn’t even meet Abby’s eyes. Emma, as she plopped down on the log, made a snide comment to Abby. Jacob was now pacing around hopelessly.
Abby rose to her feet and stalked off. Emma was somehow surprised. “You like kissing my girlfriend, asshole —?”
“It was just a game —“
“The fuck it was. The fuck it was, man!” Jacob raged, but he turned away. He also left. My jaw dropped, and I reached beside me for the sake of receiving Ryan’s comfort, but he violently tore himself away. As things unravelled around us, my attention returned to my best friend.
He was glaring at me. I couldn’t recall a single time I’d ever seen him so angry. He stood abruptly, and his pacing was fast. The game had obviously ended, and I couldn’t help but chase after the man. Each person had gone in a completely different direction, and the group was separated. I didn’t care, though, because Ryan was clearly upset about something.
I lost complete sight of him, because Ryan had longer legs and had broken out into a run at some point. My heart bounded in my chest out of fear, because he’d completely strayed from the path. We were in the middle of woods, and I could only rely on the distant crunching of leaves.
The forest finally fell silent, and shivers rolled down my spine. I stopped, trying to hear anything. The crickets were deafening, almost, but then I heard a distant curse and something cracked. I once again took off in that direction, although I made sure to keep quiet.
I finally emerged into a small, woodland clearing. Ryan was in the center, sitting on a broken stump. He was hunched over, away from me. His foot was thumping up and down on the grass while he was muttering furiously and incoherently. In his hand, he had some damp bark. He kept cracking it over and over until portions were but dust.
He dropped the bark altogether, reaching into his pocket. This was when I finally emerged, my shoes squeaking against the tall grass. He peered at me in the darkness, his handsome features illuminated in the moonlight. I’d seen him annoyed. I’d seem him depressed. I’d seen a wide range of negative emotions, but never had I seen him so pissed. I gulped and kept walking toward him, worried he’d storm away if I didn't reach him.
Luckily, he didn’t move. And he didn’t say anything, either. He just watched as I approached, a frown firmly planted on his face. I stopped in front of him, gazing down at him. I pulled at my shirt anxiously.
“Uh, Ryan… what’s wrong?”
He rolled his eyes and stopped looking at me. “What’s wrong, she asks. Isn’t that the question of the fucking day.” I frowned, moving to place my hand on his shoulder. However, he pulled away. “Don’t touch me.”
“I… don’t get it. Were you uncomfortable by the dare? You didn’t have to kiss me. You could’ve kissed Emma —"
“Of course that’s what you think this is about,” he muttered. “God, I’m stupid for thinking you’d understand.”
“Just stop.” He rose to his feet, suddenly towering over me. I didn’t take a step back, though, instead grabbing onto the front of his shirt to keep him from escaping. He grabbed at my hands tightly, but made no attempt to pull himself free. “Stop pretending you like me more than him. You’ve made it loud and clear.”
“Ryan, you’re my best friend,” I soothed desperately. “You can tell me what’s bothering you —"
“Bull shit. You like him, Y/n. You’ve been hanging out with him all, uh, goddamn summer. You have a crush on him and it’s obvious —"
I scoffed, tugging him closer by his shirt. “You mean Dylan? You can’t be serious, Ryan. I just chose to kiss him so I didn’t make you uncomfortable —"
“What are you talking about, Ryan? We work together. Of course we’ve talked before. He’s my friend. Besides, what does it matter? I don’t have a crush on him, but why would you care? Just tell me what’s wrong —"
Ryan grabbed my shoulders, glaring angrily at me. I was caught off guard completely as he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine again. Except this time, it wasn’t for a dare. My breath caught in my throat as I stood there, letting him kiss me. My grip on his shirt loosened.
Ryan pulled away, and as frustrated as he still looked, there was something else in his eyes. I blinked at him in confusion, too taken aback to truly digest what had just happened. I opened my mouth, placing my hands on his chest. 
“Don’t you get it, Y/n? I like you, dumbass,” Ryan huffed. “But clearly, you, uh, don’t feel the same way.”
“I - I’m sorry, Ryan, I didn’t know —"
“Of course you didn’t.”
Ryan suddenly pulled away, and I was left with no choice to follow him. He seemed to know the way back to the campground. I was still frightened of the woods, so despite the revelation, I attached myself to his arm in hopes of feeling safer.
“Ryan,” I suddenly spoke, and I felt his eyes watch me carefully. “Maybe when we get home, we can just… go on a test dater something. I - I’ve just never thought about you that way before. Not in the rude way, because you’re my best friend and I love you, but —"
Ryan’s sigh interrupted me, and I gulped nervously. “Y/n it’s fine. Maybe I overreacted… Just, uh… think about it. Please?”
I nodded and sent him a sweet smile. He seemed calm and complacent again, his shoulders lowering. He walked closer to me. It was a nice moment since, at least now, I din’t have to worry about romance with Ryan. We were just normal. We were just… walking through the woods… at night… all alone…
I wanted to freeze and question what I’d just heard, but Ryan pulled me along. There was something slightly more urgent in his pace. However, I heard more nature noises as we progressed further through the woods. And then, we heard it. A deep, low growl that almost sounded human.
Ryan tensed, and we both froze, peering around the pitch black wilderness. The campfire couldn’t be too far away, and yet, whatever animal was in pursuit was hot on our trail. Ryan grabbed my arm and pulled me closer, taking up a protective stance. His frown returned. No words were exchanged, because we both realized a bear must’ve been close, although I’ve never seen one in person.
Suddenly, a growl sounded from right next to us. 
“Run!” Ryan boomed.
He pushed me forward just in the knick of time, because something leapt at us from the trees. A scream bubbled in my throat as I turned and stumbled away, only to see a maroon, fleshy beast tackle Ryan to the ground. My throat burned from how harshly I cried. It was like my like flashed before my eyes as the monster tore a large chunk from Ryan’s shoulder.
The moment the monster was done chomping on my best friend, I dashed up to him. It had hopped away, taking large chunks of his flesh with him. The monster was boney and yet seemed to have the strength of a thousand men. It almost seemed as though it was a human being stripped of all its skin, as its muscles flexed. And yet, its fangs glistened in the moonlight as it stared at me predatorily. Its hand and feet were that of a beast’s; long, sharp, and capable of tearing me to shreds.
I grabbed Ryan’s arm and tried dragging him away. The beast was watching in mock amusement. My blood ran cold and yet adrenaline coursed through my veins. Ryan was heavy, especially when he was unconscious, and yet I tried to pull him in the direction of camp the best I could.
I was suddenly tackled, a large weight forcing me to abandon Ryan. The monster rolled over me, and I realized the only thing I could do was run. Otherwise, we’d both die. I panted furiously, scrambling to my feet. The beast also recovered, jumping at me. I stumbled back, and it went skyrocketing past, giving me the chance to make a run for it. 
A gunshot suddenly rang out. I screamed again, and I saw the monster had been shot by a stranger. Probably a hunter, from his attire. I knew I needed to run, though. I had  to get back to camp. We had to call an ambulance.
I made a mad dash through the woods. I screamed again, but I still had to steady my breathing. I hopped over a branch. I kept running, tasting a mixture of tears and sweat dribble down my nose. I passed a late boulder. 
I tripped suddenly, having forgotten about the small cliff I’d passed on the way here. Dirt coated my entire bodice, and I heard the monster jump down. A scream bubbled in my throat as I rolled just in the knick of time. It came crashing down beside me, letting out an oddly humane yelp. I pushed myself to my feet and kept running. I didn’t have enough time to escape up a tree. I’d just get grabbed.
The monster groaned, and I suddenly stopped. I passed another large rock and I snuck unto it. I pressed my back to it and slid to the ground, as to minimize my size. My heart was thudding in my chest, and I was terrified the beast had the ability to hear it. 
The monster had clearly fixed itself right up. I heard it standing on the rock above me, panting and growling furiously. I made the mistake of looking up.
I was so terrified that I had become paralyzed. Peering out over the rock above me, standing on its own two feet, was the monster. It was watching the forest. Waiting for me to reveal myself. Its mouth was wide open as it huffed. It sneezed loudly, spit and blood flying from its fleshy form. It was covered head to toe in sticky blood.
I flinched when a large droplet fell from its cheek, landing directly on my cheek. I almost flinched. My lips were quivering. My eyes were shut. Oh, god, I was going to die, wasn’t I —
The monster suddenly leapt from the rock, bounding into the wilderness at top speed. I finally felt like I could breathe. The only problem was that it had ran in the direction of camp, at least where I thought it was. I had to return to Ryan. That hunter… he surely could protect us.
I shakily rose to my feet. My entire body was covered in dirt and sprayed blood. I climbed over the hill and went back the direction I came in. A sob threatened to release, but instead, I hiccuped quietly. I was so very out of stamina, though. My legs were shaking. I placed my hand against a tree to stabilize myself. 
I suddenly heard the loud pounding of footsteps. I was about to scream, but when I peered over my shoulder, Dylan emerged from the darkness.
“Dylan…!” I cried, going for him immediately. The gun was slung over this back, so he easily welcomed a hug with open arms. As he stroked my hair, concern laced in his features, I stuttered further, "Ryan…! He was attacked by some monster! And - and there was a hunter - and…”
“Y/n, Y/n, breathe,” Dylan said. “You’re safe now. But if Ryan’s in danger we have to go find him.”
“Yes, yes! Let’s go!” I agreed eagerly, pulling away. I was a little light-headed and stumbled, but Dylan grabbed my arm. 
“Wait, it’s dangerous. You should go back to the camp —"
“No, Dylan, I can’t. I have to make sure Ryan’s okay —"
“Okay, okay! Just stay, uh, alert,” Dylan caved instantly. “Let’s go.”
I urgently tugged on his arm in the direction I came from. It was crazy to me, that not even ten minutes ago, Ryan had confessed. And now was bleeding out because some supernatural… thing had attacked him. He could be dead right now, and could have no idea.
We trotted through the wilderness. We paused simultaneously, though, as up ahead we heard something dragging through the shrubbery. Dylan quietly pulled the gun out, and as we entered the clearing, I gasped.
Dylan held the gun up threateningly. The hunter from before was dragging Ryan’s struggling and conscious body. “Hey! Get the fuck off of him! Yeah, you heard me!” Dylan threatened.
“Stop! Drop him or h - he’ll shoot!” I shrieked.
The hunter looked up. However, he continued dragging Ryan. Who was fighting the hunter, and when his eyes landed on me, that even fueled him further. Tears sprouted in my eyes once more and I cowered behind Dylan, clutching his waist.
Dylan gulped, repositioning the gun. He brought his eye up to the aim, and only then did I realize the hunter was coated head to toe in blood. All I could hope was that it wasn’t Ryan’s.
Ryan pushed at the man, suddenly full of energy, when he realized Dylan wasn’t planning on shooting. I squealed when he suddenly bit the man’s hand. He screamed at the top of his lungs. None of us could’ve predicted that he would shoot off his own finger.
He dropped Ryan entirely and made a run for it. I finally felt safe enough to emerge from Dylan, running and collapsing next to Ryan. He propped himself on one elbow, his sweat glistening in the moonlight. He was panting profusely, terror prevalent in his gaze.
His free arm grabbed me and pulled me closer. I bit my lip as I pulled Ryan to sit up against me, and once I did so, I ran my fingers through his hair. Dylan ran up to us, gun still. Poised for any other predators. “Ryan, oh god… I’m sorry I had to leave, b - but it was going to kill me —"
“Y/n, it’s fine,” he grunted. “Are you hurt?”
I chuckled dryly. “You’re the one with a missing shoulder, and yet you ask me if I’m hurt?”
Dylan tapped his foot anxiously. “Guys. I hate to break this up, but, like, there’s something out there and dudes covered in blood. We have to head back.”
“Oh, thank god,” I groaned. I tucked an arm underneath Ryan’s arm pit. The one that was uninjured, of course. Dylan was still on guard, but he offered Ryan a hand. We were able to get him on his two feet and, slowly but surely, headed back to the campfire.
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Ryan Erzahler (3/6)
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Word count ; 4.3k
We finally returned to the group. Everyone was worried. Kaitlyn took extra care in the situation of Ryan and I were on a log.  Even while sitting, he clung to me, and I felt terrible for the man. My best friend could be safe and with me if only I hadn’t been dense as fuck and had kissed him instead of Dylan. Guilt swirled in my bosom as Ryan’s labored pants echoed in my ears.
He was leaning against me, burying his face in my neck. I hushed him, tears finally sliding down my cheeks. He occasionally released pain grunts, holding onto the back of my shirt tightly. My mouth was dry. Kaitlyn crouched in front of us. Nick and Abby had returned, huddling against a log in fear. 
“What happened? We heard gunshots!” Kaitlyn exclaimed fearfully.
“Monster…” Ryan grunted, but only I could hear.
“Y - yeah, it was a monster. It came out of nowhere and, like, attacked us! It didn’t even look like an animal. It was, like, a human being but without any skin, but also with animal claws and teeth! I barely escaped. I’m just happy Ryan’s alive. It destroyed his shoulder.”
Ryan’s dry chuckle reverberated, but he grunted painfully. Kaitlyn shook her head in dismay. “That… sounds crazy.”
Dylan piped up, "They’re not lying. And when we got there, there was this hunter guy dragging him away. But, like, he was literally covered in blood. And Ryan was trying to get away and bit him, and he literally shot his own finger off and ran away!”
Kaitlyn was clearly shocked, at a loss for words. Nick stated, "We have to get back to the lodge. It’s not safe out here. A - and Ryan needs a bandage or something.”
Ryan sat up, slightly. “I’m sure a bandage could easily replace my shoulder,” he grumbled sarcastically.
“Hey, instead of complaining, let’s get back to the lodge,” Dylan insisted. “We - yeah! We can use the wheelbarrow to get Ryan back up. He shouldn’t be walking right now.”
Ryan tightly grasped my hand, coughing. It was a silent, unanimous agreement as we got Ryan into the transportation vehicle and headed up the hill. The walk was silent, except for Kaitlyn’s occasional grills. Everyone was stunned at what we described. I knew that if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe it. 
In the distance, there was a howl.
We arrived at the lodge. I felt relieved the moment we entered. Nick and Dylan helped Ryan. When he was sat down, he fished through his pockets and threw Nick the keys for the nurse’s office. It went without explanation who’d be pairing up. Kaitlyn and Dylan would go to Mr. H’s office for the second gun, while Nick and Abby when to the nurse’s office. I would stay with Ryan for the sake of keeping the poor man company.
The group dispersed leaving me with Ryan. He was leaning against the wooden bench, he is head on my shoulder. He was cradling his arm and I worried for him. His face was covered in blood and I at least wanted to clean the both of us up.
“Ryan?” I said in a hushed tone.
He grunted in response, fingers intertwined with mine tightly.
I squeezed it reassuringly. “I should get some water and clothes. We’re filthy and we don’t want any infections to get in with how beat up you are.”
Ryan huffed, muttering an ‘okay.’ I sent him a reassuring smile as I slid off the seat, readjusting him. Ryan reluctantly released my hand and I was off the the nearby bathroom. The inside was cold and empty, much to my glee. 
I cleaned myself up first. At least, the parts that were exposed and injured. My face felt better now that I knew I’d washed the monster drool off. Next, I collected some paper towels and wetted some. I left others dry, bringing an entire roll.
I exited the bathroom and met Ryan back in the cafeteria room. However, just as I approached his dozing form, the lights flickered. 
And just like that, we were shrouded in darkness. 
“Y/n!” Ryan called out in alarm.
“Right here!” I replied, waiting for my eyes to readjust.
Ryan exhaled sharply. I sat next to him again, the wet paper towels dripping with water. I stroked his cheek gently and turned him to me.
“Close your eyes.”
I washed off the blood and dirt from his face before drying it off. He flinched when my fingers slid down to his shirt. I wasn’t sure what was taking Nick and Abby so long, but I couldn’t risk infection any sooner. Ryan's weary eyes glinted in the moonlight. They looked lighter than usual.
“Hey, Ryan?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“I’m going to take off your shirt, if that’s okay,” I explained quietly. “I don’t want the infection to spread.”
His Adam’s apple bobbed and he said nothing, raising his arms slightly. I sent him a reassuring smile, gripping the rim of his graphic “tee-shirt”. It was, in reality, a long sleeved shirt faking as two shirts. I was careful as I slid the fabric up his stomach. Ryan seemed oddly more lively, more awake, and less in pain. The blood had dried up, so it was good to discard the shirt since I was a bit of a neat freak.
When I reached his upper chest, he lifted his arms with surprising ease, only grunting momentarily. I finally pulled the shirt off and tossed it to the side. Ryan sighed and lowered again. 
I took a moment to examine him. Dried blood coated his right side. He wasn’t the most fit man, but he was thin. I always told him that he had the form of a model, but he always laughed it off. His arms were thin and defined, just like the rest of his upper body. His collar bone gleamed with blood.
But, when I knocked myself out of my stupor, I realized that the wound had almost vanished. I’d seen his entire shoulder ripped out, and yet, there was barely any torn skin left, and only that of a bite mark remained on his upper arm.
“What the hell…”
Ryan looked, too, and furrowed his brows. “What the fuck… It definitely did a lot more damage than, uh, that.”
I realized I was boggling a bit too much, and Ryan’s… golden… eyes were boring into me. I cleared my throat and brought the cloth the wound. He hissed a bit due to the temperature, and he placed his uninjured and on my shoulder, squeezing.
I gulped, continuing. The paper towels were dyed red, and I finally pulled away. After that, I dabbed it dry. Ryan thanked me from under his breath, and just as I was finishing up, Nick and Abby emerged from the nurse’s office. They practically had nothing but a few bottles of painkillers and some tiny band-aids.
“We couldn’t find much,” Nick sighed. “But, hey, we can raid the kitchen later. And I think we should take Ryan up to a guest room.”
I hummed in agreement, blinking in surprise when I pulled the paper towel away. Nick and Abby were seeing the same exact thing, hovering around us.
“I - I thought his entire shoulder was torn out,” Abby exclaimed. “I - I mean, there was so much blood —"
Ryan looked down with wide eyes, feeling at his skin. The wound had almost entirely dispersed, except for some bruises, torn flesh, and the bite mark. I gulped, poking at it. Ryan frowned, but didn’t seem to feel any pain. It just didn't make any sense. First monsters, and now regenerating abilities?
“I, uh, thought I was going to die,” Ryan admitted. “My entire shoulder was torn out. There was so much… blood…”
“You’re not crazy, Ryan. We all saw it. I was surprised your arm didn’t fall off,” I agreed.
Nick handed him a glass of water and some Advil. Ryan downed it, some of the water sloshing out of the glass. He finished it and as he pulled it away, it suddenly sustained cracks. Everyone stared curiously. However, there was no time to question his strong grasp when the front door open and in came Dylan and Kaitlyn, wielding not one, but two shotguns now.
“We tried to call, but the power was shut off,” Kaitlyn stated.
“Yeah. It was probably, like, that creep in the woods,” Dylan mused. “Uh, hey, how’s the wound?”
Ryan stood abruptly, and everyone was surprised by his spryness. Dylan waved and everyone was concerned, waiting for him to topple over. He quirked a brow and shrugged, though. “What? I’m, uh, fine now.”
I frowned. It was just so weird. That monster was clearly trying to kill us. It wouldn’t make biological sense to just… magically heal its victims. Ryan frowned when Dylan pushed his way through the crowd, very worried. He reached for his shoulder, barely grazing it, but Ryan suddenly pulled away, glaring venomously.
“Dude, what the hell! You’re burning up like crazy.”
I instantly went on my tippy toes, pressing my hand to his forehead. Ryan almost seemed hostile when I touched him, but he just ended up being confused. I instantly pulled away, gasping. 
“Ryan…! It’s like you're actually on fire. You must’ve caught a fever, or rabies, or - oh, you need to lay down. We should all stay together until morning. Maybe a guest room?”
“But I… feel fine,” Ryan muttered.
Kaitlyn came up beside me, frowning. “No, you need to rest. Abby, can you get a cold paper towel for his forehead? Meet us upstairs.”
I grabbed Ryan’s arm, pulling him along. Even his arm was almost scalding hot. However, his head was somewhat drooping, which was the only other physical indicator everything was not what it seemed to be. Of course the stupid flesh monster gave him rabies or something. Ryan was lightheaded and hot and magically cured from being ripped to shreds and… it scared me.
I pulled the covers off and let Ryan lay down. He snickered as I fussed and tucked him in just right. I almost wanted to search the room for a shirt, but I’d rather not draw attention to it. Besides, the wound could appear at any moment. I sat on the edge of his bed and Ryan was seemingly out like a light. He was unresponsive, except for his gentle breaths and his death grip on my hand, keeping it against his fiery chest.
Apparently, the others, minus Dylan, decided to wait in the hallway outside. A few minutes later, Abby came in with a freezing paper towel. I sent her a kind smile and she tried to be quiet, since Ryan was snoring softly. She leaned over and placed the cloth on his head.
Abby suddenly shrieked when his free hand shot up and grabbed her wrist in a death grip. His eyes were bright golden, seemingly glowing in the dark. He was glaring so furiously at her. Her scream alerted everyone else to come into the room.
“Ryan, it’s okay…!” I exclaimed, trying to withdraw my own hand out of shock. “Ryan…?”
His eyes suddenly flitted over to me and he blinked, releasing Abby. Nick pulled her to the side. Everyone else was muttering to themselves and asking questions, but I focused on Ryan. He frowned, announcing loudly, "Uh, sorry… I don’t know what happened.”
I gulped. My mind was running through all the worst outcomes. He was sick. Very sick. A part of me feared that if we didn’t get him help soon, he’d be a goner. But on the contrary, if we left the house, we could get shot or mauled to death. Either outcome was stressful to think about.
I sighed. “Just… try to get some sleep. We’ll be right here if you need anything, okay…?”
I followed his blank stare, peering over his shoulder. Nick and Abby were sitting by the window, the moon gazing at them intensely. Kaitlyn was sitting on the floor nearby with her two shotguns. But Ryan’s attention was glued to Dylan.
“Uh, Ryan, buddy, you don’t look like you’re doing so hot,” Dylan tittered anxiously, taking a step away from the bed.
I let out a quiet gasp when, instead of coherent words, a low, guttural growl emitted from him. “Shut up.”
“Ryan —"
My mouth clammed shut when his glare landed on me. He suddenly jerked on my hand, causing me to fall onto the bed on top of him uncomfortably. My head plopped onto the pillow, our chests pressing against one another. His grip on my wrist tightened, and I yelped. I felt his other hand grip my waist, and I noticed how harshly he was breathing, nose buried in my hair.
“Ryan, let her the fuck go. Now,” Kaitlyn growled. I heard a gun cock, and I seized up fearfully.
He was sniffing furiously. “Fuck. Off.”
I tried patting his cheek, which he accepted gratefully. Clearly the attack had done something. I feared that, in fact, he would turn into the monster from infection. The thought terrified me, but his grip relaxed just enough so I could sit up. Kaitlyn was right beside me, shotgun trained on him. His eyes had shut, but I noticed something glint from his twitching mouth. Something sharp.
“Ryan,” I voiced, "you’re sick. Whatever attacked you… I think you’re turning into it. We - they need to leave for their safety.”
His tone was almost pained when he replied. His voice was deeper, scratchier than normal. Everyone in the room was terrified, and it was easy to see. “Just… stay here.”
I turned to my friends. “Kaitlyn and friends, you guys should wait outside. He’s dangerous —"
“What about you?” Kaitlyn exclaimed, only to earn her a glare from Ryan.
“I’ll scream if I need anything,” I tittered, drawing Ryan’s attention back to me. 
Everyone filed out and the door shut. I could tell, though, that Dylan and Kaitlyn were right outside waiting for the signal. Ryan was still gripping my hand tightly, and his nose was twitching disdainfully until he brought it to his cheek.
“Y/n…” he muttered, his voice almost normal.
“Yes, Ryan?”
There was suddenly anger in his grip, and I bit my lip from how harsh his hold became. I tried wiggling my hand for a comfortable position, but he just held tighter. 
“Why don’t you love me?”
“You know I love you, Ryan —"
“You know that’s not what I’m talking about,” he interrupted in a low gargle.
When his glare made contact with me, his eyes were a glowing yellow. Fangs were poking from his puffed lips, and he was sweating profusely. He was panting harshly. As angry as he was, there was pain present in his lucent orbs.
“Ryan, I think you’re about to change,” I squealed, fear consuming me. I tried to pull away, tears sprouting to my eyes. “Let go, please —"
“I’m not letting you fucking go!” he shouted suddenly, a crack resounding from my hand. “Don’t fucking leave! I’ll kill him —"
The door swung open, and Dylan, terror lacing his expression, hopped into the room. Ryan was clearly taken aback, and his temper turned to the boy in question. Dylan cocked the gun, finger remaining over the trigger. However, Kaitlyn grabbed me and I was released, stumbling back to her.
Ryan suddenly released the most inhumane growl. He had a fever, and yet, the blankets flung off of him and he pounced. His elongated nails reached out and swung at Kaitlyn, who shielded me behind her. His fangs were fully visible and he got but a scratch on her face before she hit him with the barrel, knocking him to the ground.
Abby screamed shrilly, and I made my way to Dylan. Kaitlyn backed up as well, and we hovered by the wardrobe. Ryan scrambled to his feet, and his back was arched. He was feral, foaming at the mouth. His skin was crawling and bubbling.
He roared, all of his fury directed at Dylan.
Dylan took the prerogative to shoot. I hid behind him in terror, the bullet piercing Ryan as he pounced at the man. The bullet caused his body to ricochet into the wall, letting out more monstrous squabbles. 
“Ryan, bro! Calm down!” Dylan cried, shaking in his boots like the rest of us.
“Fuck, Dylan, you shot him!” Kaitlyn shouted. “He’s just —"
Ryan stumbled to his feet. His skin was bubbling. His breaths were uneven and sweat was sweat was spewing from his forehead. He kept squeezing his hands together. He was frozen in place, clearly disoriented. His bare chest had no noticeable wound, despite having been shot.
All of a sudden, his skin burst. A scream tore at my throat. Ryan… had turned into the monster we had been attacked by. His flesh was exposed and blood spewed from every pore. His clothes had been discarded completely, but more so, he was but muscles and bone. He was sticky and slimy.
He wasn’t Ryan.
“What the fuck, man?” Dylan boomed, raising the gun to shoot.
Ryan suddenly howled. The volume of it made tremors in the floorboards and walls appear. I was too paralyzed to turn away, and his skin and blood covered half of my face. Dylan and Kaitlyn had gotten caught in the line fire, dripping with pierced flesh.
Dylan pulled the trigger, just as Ryan - or what used to be him - finished howling and was about to direct its violent tendencies toward the group. As the bullet pierced his flesh, he flinched. The monster scanned over us one last time, but after letting out a vicious roar, made a mad dash for the window and crashed through, disappearing into the night.
We all waited, completely in shock. Slowly but surely, though, we shook off our experience. Dylan’s brain was lagging, and Nick was the first to speak up.
“Uh, guys? I’m pretty sure it’s not safe here.”
“Well, what are we supposed to do?” Kaitlyn spoke up. “Our party members are dropping like flies. For all we know, Emma and Jake could be dead right now.”
“We need t - to contact the police!” Abby chimed. “Maybe… there’s a signal somewhere?”
“Or… there’s a signal right here,” Dylan chirped, a metaphorical lightbulb turning on above his head. “I, uh, used to man the camp radio station for morning announcements. It’s old and isn’t used anymore, but maybe we’ll be able to get a message out somewhere.”
I nodded along. “I can go with you for that. But the rest of you should make sure to hide. Maybe the shower room nearby?”
“Are you… sure? Like, I can go alone as long as I have the gun.”
“No, she’s right,” Kaitlyn agreed. “We shouldn’t be going anywhere alone. Plus… I really need to take a shower. I am disgusted.”
I clapped my hands together, trying to bring the energy up just a little, even though I was extremely traumatized and on the verge of a mental breakdown. “Uh… cool. Let’s head out before our boy Ryan comes back.”
“This place has seen better days,” I commented as we finally made it into the radio shack. Perhaps it had been because of a looming threat, but the entire time as we walked in silence, I felt like we were being watched. Stalked. And at every ruffle of leaves, I swerved to check behind us. However, I was always relieved when the coast was clear.
“Okay, when I was a camper here it was barely working,” Dylan agreed. “It hadn’t been used for years, and it took me a really long time, like, to get this place cleaned up and looking the way it is, so…”
“My apologies, sir,” I jokingly defended. “I’m sure your work has paid off.”
“And it has. The radio actually functions… kind of… Just let me get this set up.”
I had the gun now. It was strapped over my shoulder and I was guarding the door. I watched as Dylan walked over to the machinery. Silence fell between us once more. I saw that the group had finished migrating into the shower rooms by the pool. I let out a sigh of relief, but I stepped away from the window, noticing that the hedges across the camp had ruffled.
“So, good news and bad news. Good news, it works. Bad news, I think the range is about… a mile.”
I clicked my tongue, crossing my arms. Shivers rolled down my spine, a sudden chill crossing over me. “That’s not great.”
“It’s still worth a try. This thing’s going to need a bit of a power up, um, but that’s where this comes in.” He lifted some dusty satellite off of a shelf. I nodded in agreement, wanting nothing more than to let him take care of everything. “It’s a signal booster. It’s kind of janky looking, but it’s worth giving a shot.”
He propped it up, suddenly asking for help. He was recording a message, his voice loud and urgent. I cringed fro the volume, and I could only hope any nearby flesh monsters couldn’t hear. There was no reply, but he seemingly put the message on loop.
I turned back to the window, brows furrowing. Dylan was still messing with the radio, but my attention was on the shifting blob outside. A quiet gasp escaped when I recognized the glowing yellow orbs of a monster. I immediately reached for the gun.
“Check it!” Dylan suddenly exclaimed.
I hushed him instantly returning my attention to the window. I inhaled sharply and squinted. I saw nothing. But I knew what I saw. I distanced myself from the window, gun poised.
There was distinct chatter from the radio, but from the sound of it, it was coming from the enemy. Dylan watched me fearfully, his grin fading.
“There was… it outside. It was definitely looking at me,” I explained shakily. “It disappeared, but —"
Suddenly, a thud sounded above us. We fell silent, staring at the ceiling. I held my gun up, aiming at where I heard the noise. For all I knew, it could be Ryan, or the former Ryan. However, I wasn’t about to hesitate to shoot that… thing. 
A low grown echoed above us. Quiet footsteps padded on the roof, and I sucked in my breath. It was hard to articulate where exactly it was, but I didn’t plan to shoot until it was in my plain of sight. The roof creaked. The flashlight trailed along the wooden boards. It was wishful thinking the monster would just leave when it knew we were in here.
“W - wait, I have an idea,” Dylan stuttered. “Maybe if we put on an, uh, high-pitched frequency… since it’s, like, a werewolf or something…”
“Uh, yeah, fucking do it,” I agreed instantly.
The monster was still lurking above us somewhere. Dylan rushed over to the desk, however, the wood splintered and he backed away for a moment. “Oh, fuck that…!”
“Just do it! I’ve got the gun trained on the spot,” I  demanded, my focus fully on the portion of the roof above him.
“Okay, okay, uh…” He messed around with the various panels. “Fuck, there’s something missing. What’s missing?”
The monster shifted, hopping onto another potion of the roof. My gun immediately followed, brows furrowed as I waited for it to get in somehow. 
“Oh, crap. It pulled the wire.”
“What? It’s some sort of animal! How could it know to do that?” I exclaimed in annoyance, although it wasn’t aimed toward Dylan.
“I don’t know —"
I heard the monster pounce elsewhere. “Uh, fix it, now!”
Dylan ascended a ladder, reaching desperately for the box. My gun was trained to the roof above. Suddenly, the wood splintered and Dylan’s arm was grabbed. I screamed loudly, not sure where the fuck to shoot. The monster pulled Dylan off the ladder completely and had his hand in his mouth. I finally articulated a shot right above the hole, and he was dropped.
Dylan was screaming in pain and I dropped beside him, grabbing his shoulders. “Fuck! Ow! Help me! Oh my - oh my god! Wait, wait, just - oh shit!” He collapsed on the ground. His entire hand was bloody and barely intact. My face paled, and I knew what to do.
I discarded the gun and grabbed the chainsaw. “Dylan, stop moving! I have to - I have to cut off your hand!”
“Fuck! Y - you’re right! Oh god, make it stop, make it stop!”
I gulped and kneeled beside him. Dylan was writhing on the ground in agony, but he held still. Tears sprouted to my eyes as I pulled to start up the chainsaw. I flinched from how loud it was, and the walls vibrated, not only from its purring, but from the beast above. 
“Just fucking do it!” he groaned, his face scrunched up in pain.
My heart was pounding in my chest as I leaned down, placing a foot to hold down his arm. I tried to focus, and yet I was so incredibly panicked. I lowered the saw right above the arm, absolutely mortified at the prospect. I squinted and finally lowered it on his arm. Dylan shrieked and hollered in pain, but I didn’t let him escape. The saw struggled at the bone. However, I forced it through.
I finally pulled the chainsaw away. A sob escaped as I realized blood had spewed across the floor and his hand was completely detached. “Oh, fuck!” I exclaimed.
Dylan screamed in terror while I paced around in pure panic. I just fucking decapitated someone. Oh fuck, oh my god. But I had to, right? The infection would’ve spread —
“Your shirt!” Dylan cried out, having pulled his knees to his chest.
“My shirt? Why not your shirt —“
“It’s fucking covered in blood —“
“Fuck, fine! Just…”
I fumbled and grabbed the hem. I pulled it off, much to my embarrassment, and tossed it to him. Dylan shakily tied it around his wound. Not even a minute later, it was dyed with his blood. He finally rose to his feet, and we avoided eye contact. I was half naked and he… was limbless. Thanks, flesh monster.
I grabbed the gun and returned my attention. I hadn’t heard any sounds from the roof, but perhaps it had left after getting a taste. We both stood in silence, watching and waiting. Slowly, I walked over to the window, peering out.
Just then, a thud sounded at the front door. I gasped and backed away. Dylan, terrified, grabbed a hammer from a toolbox. He cowered - understandably - in the corner. I moved to be a few paces from the door, as to ensure that I wouldn’t miss.
Another thud sounded. The monster was clearly smart enough to pull a wire, and thus, was smart enough to recognize a door. Shivers ran down my spine at how long it was taking for the beast to pounce again. The front door was splintered and bending. Even one more would —
Suddenly, the door shattered.
Dylan and I screamed, and I shot. Somehow, it knowingly dodged to the side. All of the wood and metal flew at me, and I stumbled back against the table. I screeched in terror as the creature pounced at me but a few inches away. With all my strength, I pulled on the barrel to prepare it for another shot —
Almost playfully, it swiped at my ankle, tugging in a tight grip. The gun flew fro my hands as I fell to the ground, hitting my head on the desk rim. Everything rang and my vision went dark for a split second. I became vaguely aware that I was being dragged across the wooden floor. I flailed and kicked in its grasp. I was thankful the beast didn’t maul me then and there.
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Ryan Erzahler (4/6)
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Word count ; 4.2k
A gunshot sounded, sending the monster flying back. I heard something skid across the ground, and I scrambled to my knees. Dylan had somehow shot the gun one-handed and hit. The monster was even more pissed and clearly wasn’t injured enough. However, I reloaded and swung the gun back to the entrance.
As I was being dragged out the doorway, I reached out and clutched onto it for my life. My nails dug into the splintered wood for dear life. The monster let out a growl, yanking on my leg further. I let out a seething screech, praying to god Dylan would —
It had been lurking right behind me, and the barrel walked it in the face, sending it into the rim of the door. I scooted back just enough, and as the monster glared at me with glowing lucent eyes, I shot. 
This time, when the monster was sent flying back, instead of returning for a round two, it dashed off into the wilderness. I was panting furiously, and I noticed how. My ankle was dripping with the sticky, fleshy substance. I also had blood sprayed across my exposed torso, and I flinched.
“Fuck…” Dylan mumbled from behind, coming up to me. “We need to rejoin the group. Clearly those hunters or whatever heard where we were…”
I gulped, and when he offered me a hand to help me to my feet, I gratefully took it. My heart was still pounding and my veins still shot with adrenaline. I kept the gun poised for anything as we descended the steps into camp, both of us with a prominent limp. I could tell from his occasional pained grunts that the adrenaline wasn’t completely working as a pain reliever.
We skulked over to the shower room. We knocked on the door and tried to open, but it was seemingly locked. “Guys, it’s - it’s us,” I called shakily. It was the end of summer, and out here, the night air nipped at my skin.
I heard some muffled chatter, and a moment later, the door opened halfway. We both slid inside, and the moment we came face to face with the rest of the group, we noticed the terror on their expressions.
“Guys, what the hell happened?” Kaitlyn exclaimed.
Dylan, bringing some comedy to the tense atmosphere, went to scratch his neck with his handless arm. “I needed a bit of a hand when the monster attacked me.”
Everyone scoffed, including me, who was still incredibly shaken up. I elaborated, "That… thing attacked. We didn’t want him to get infected like Ryan, so we had to. It almost dragged me off to feast on me, but we somehow scared it off with our… pitiful attempts at hurting it.”
Kaitlyn sighed. Nick and Abby were huddled together in a corner. Maybe something nice would come from this, at least. The two could bond over their trauma, or whatever people always thought.
“You guys… really need to get a shower.”
I nodded in agreement, and wordlessly, we both stalked over to the showers. I stripped of my clothes once the curtain was closed. I was able to navigate the knobs thanks to the tiny, high-up window that allowed the moonlight to seep in.
One I was finished, I was very relieved to dry off via a warm and fluffy towel. I changed into what clothes I had left and decided to keep the towel as a makeshift shirt. I didn’t want to survive the night and end up with fucking hypothermia, after all.
I’d kept the group waiting, it seemed, as Dylan was huddled next to Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn was poised and focused, though, ready to shoot at any moment. I was about to inquire about a game plan. However, I was interrupted by a booming shot that came from right next door.
We heard violent splashing in the pool. My blood ran cold as I realized the hunters or whoever they were must’ve been near. That didn’t bode well for us, though. We’d told them where we were. And seeing as they were probably shooting that fucking beast, they knew we couldn’t have gotten far without pursuit.
Silence. Except for Dylan’s agonized whimpers. I bit my lip and listened further, but it all seemed to fall silent.
“Guys,” Kaitlyn hissed quietly,” we have to go back to the lodge. Dylan needs literally any medical attention he can get. There’s still Advil and tiny bandages —“
“Yes,” Dylan agreed. “I told them n the radio that we were somewhere in this area. They’re probably searching as we speak. We have to, like, go, ASAP.”
“Fuck, that’s right,” I groaned. “It’s settled then, I guess.”
The walk back to the lodge was almost silent. Oftentimes, Abby was whimpering in fear, and Nick had to hush her. I empathized with the poor girl. If I wasn’t so numb and pumped with adrenaline, I’d be just as scared. It left me wondering how Kaitlyn was able to be so stoic and calm.
She and I were handling the guns. Both of us were ready to shoot at any moment. And yet, it was the calm before the storm. We were accompanied by nothing but the rustling of leaves. I was grateful to have a damp yet warm blanket to keep me warm, because as the night progressed, the temperature dropped. Clouds were also forming in the sky, indicating that it would rain soon.
I could only hope that Jacob and Emma were alive.
We arrived at the lodge, making sure to close the door behind us. I made sure to close the curtains as we examined the place. It was deadly silent. We brought Dylan upstairs, but to a different guest bedroom. The other was tarnished and covered in Ryan’s blood. We situated ourselves. Dylan was tucked under the covers, minus his arm. Kaitlyn had accompanied Nick and Abby to get some water for all of us, plus left over medication. That left me and Dylan to ourselves, me sitting on the edge of the bed, watching and waiting.
“It’s been one, uh, fucked up night, huh?” Dylan chuckled dryly.
“You said it, buddy.”
Now that I was sat down and didn’t have the threat of looming danger, my thoughts went to Ryan. If my body wasn’t dry and tired from crying, I would’ve been bawling my eyes out. I wished it was me instead of him. Ryan didn’t deserve what happened. He was smart and funny and cute and…absolutely perfect, in my eyes. 
I sat the gun on the bed next to me, leaning over and hiding my face in my hands. I still felt terrible for Emma and Jacob, of course, but they could be alive. And sure, Ryan was too, but it wasn’t Ryan anymore.
I raised my head just enough to glance at Dylan, who had a strained smile on his usually goofy face. I tilted my head at him in question.
“I’m telling you, it’s fucking… werewolves, man. A full moon. Transformations. Howling… Ryan will be okay.”
I smiled, warmth fluttering over my chest. “You know, we’re supposed to be home right now. In our apartments, dead fucking tired but happy. We’d probably pass out on the couch together while listening to his favorite shitty podcast.” I paused, my voice quivering. “But this… isn’t right. This isn’t how it was supposed to go.”
“You’re telling me,” Dylan quipped, raising his decapitated arm.
I laughed, and for a minute, I was carefree. “I guess I am.”
Nick and Abby suddenly swung open the door urgently, water sloshing over the styrofoam edges. Panic was apparent in their expressions. I immediately grabbed the gun as they rushed the water and meds over to us. 
“What…?” Dylan asked, his smile having faded.
“There’s people in the house,” Abby squeaked. 
“Kaitlyn’s trapped downstairs trying to hide. Drink, quick. We have to hide!” Nick seconded.
I downed the water quickly and slammed it on the bedside table. Dylan was slow when he sat up, but we managed to get him off. While I fixed the bed sheets to look somewhat undisturbed, the three got into the large wardrobe, the hangers clacking in dismay. 
My breath was caught in my throat, and I wanted - no, needed to wait for Kaitlyn. I had the gun ready to shoot as I heard pounding footsteps. The door swung open and I almost shot, but Kaitlyn was the one to open the door. I noticed, though, that she was gunless. She was panicked for seemingly the first time all night. She pressed the door shut, her back to it. 
“How many?” I asked, motioning for her to get under the bed.
“Just one,” she panted , getting on her hands and knees. “But… he was asking for back-up. More are on their way.”
She hid under the bed, and I planned on sliding underneath, too. I wanted to avoid wasting bullets as much as possible. I was about to slide under when the bedroom door suddenly swung open, and in came a man aiming his gun.
I screamed as he stomped on the gun. “Off the ground, now! Hands behind your back.”
Tearfully, I got back on my hands and knees. I was shaking from head to toe. I reached my arm onto the top of the bed for support, about to pull myself up. My shotgun was now out of reach, much to my chagrin. The stranger had three and many bullets, so I didn’t doubt he could kill me at any moment —
Something tackled him suddenly, seeing all of the guns out of reach. I gasped quietly when I saw it was the monster. It had caught the man off guard. The man screamed at the top of his lungs, trying to fight it. I took the chance to scramble back underneath the bed. I wanted so dearly to reach for the gun, but I didn’t want a repeat of last time. It was far too late to save the stranger’s life.
I could watch the entire scene from under the bed. The monster had lunged and was mauling the man to death. His organs and bones were ripped from his back, spewing across the floor. It was growling and devouring the man ravenously. It made me grateful that I was even alive right now.
It finally stopped, and the man’s cries were no more. The monster, dripping from the blood of its victim, finally stepped off. I watched as its animalistic, wolfish feet stepped closer to the door. I clamped my hand over my mouth as I heard its loud sniffs.
It raised its foot, about to enter the hallway. It was hovering the doorway, and it left maroon footprints in his wake. Kaitlyn was trembling beside me.
But then, it halted, stepping back into the room.
A low growl emitted, and it terrified me to even breathe through my nose. I thought it heard me, and yet, it took a step toward the wardrobe.
Oh, fuck.
And then another.
Fuck, fuck, fuck —
And then, it was right in front. It was pausing, waiting for somebody to reveal themselves.
And it ended up being me. I extended my arm and slid out slightly from under the bed. My fingers barely grasped the gun, but as I tried to aim it, the monster turned, its yellow orbs landing on me. A small screech bubbled in my throat as I manhandled the gun with one hand. I pulled the trigger out of panic when it hopped closer to the bed, eyes trained on me.
It missed barely, shooting past its foot and lodging itself into the base of the wardrobe. The monster roared viciously and took its chance to grab me. It loomed over me, even when it grabbed me by my collar and tore me off the floor. The beast had incredible strength and it held me up so I was staring right into its ugly face. I tried kicking and punching at the animal’s makeshift body, but that only swung me around in the air. My feet couldn’t even reach the ground.
It snorted in disdain as I pawed and pushed at its grim, sticky face. As I stared into its eyes fearfully, I couldn’t help but think it was Ryan. That Ryan, my best friend, was about to kill me.
Something skidded across the floor, catching the monster off guard. It didn’t get the chance to look, though, because another gunshot rang out. It tossed me into the wall as its ankle gave out, blood spurting from the wound. The gun cocked again, but even from its position, it suddenly leapt into the air and onto the bed. 
I tried to get back onto my feet, using the beside table for support. My legs were shaking and I barely had the strength to stand from being thrown around. I finally stood up and slid against the wall, nearer to the door. 
The monster hovered over the bed, and I could only pray that Kaitlyn wouldn’t meet her demise. Its sharp claws dug into the blanket, tearing at the wool and cotton. The blood-stained mattress was flying everywhere, and I waved it from my face. I inched closer to the door, not wanting to meet the beast’s wrath.
A solid hole had formed. Just as it raised its arm to punch through the wooden base, the gun slid out from under the bed, and so did Kaitlyn.
The monster reached into it, but when Kaitlyn hopped to her feet, she kicked it and sent it into the wall. She grunted and went for the gun. Relief washed over me for a minute, thinking it would know to retreat like last time. However, when Kaitlyn’s back had turned, it pounced.
I screamed in terror as he tackled the poor woman against the wall. Her head collided and she shrieked. I reached for the gun, but almost as though it knew what I was about to do, it stomped on the gun and racked it in half.
I raced over to one of the others, but as I wielded the weapon, it was too late. The monster tore out Kaitlyn’s face, leaving nothing but a sticky, red skull. Her jaw racked as the monster grabbed her corpse and threw it at the wardrobe. I raised the gun shakily and shot.
The monster roared, shrieking at an ungodly volume. I was standing alone and I knew I had to bring its attention away from my other friends. Kaitlyn was a goner. That much was plain to see. But I wasn’t about to let the rest die because I didn’t try hard enough.
As it clutched the wall and palmed at its chest, I dashed out the room. It shrieked again and pounced at the doorway, but I dodged. I peered down both sides of the hallway.v I went right, knowing I had to get it the fuck out. My feet were slipping and sliding, but I refused to trip. I made it to the main area, crashing against the second floor banisters. 
I was panting furiously, hearing galloping from behind. I turned, and it was just in the knick of time, as the monster crashed into it next to me. Its claw slashed out, reaching for me. Its nails dug into my skin and I cried in pain. It almost pulled me back, but I slammed my gun backwards into its stomach.
It released me, and I took the chance to run. I rounded the corner, and was about to run past the chimney adorning a portrait, but I heard an unpleasant howl sound from it.
I took a step back as the portrait burst at the seams, another monster pouncing from it and almost making it over the railing. I raised my gun and shot, the bullet causing it to ricochet into the cafeteria below. I was almost relieved for a moment, but I was tackled to the ground. The gun skidded away from me, hitting the banister. 
My head rang from the impact, and I knew I was about to be torn to shreds. Tears slipped from my eyes and a wave of sleepiness washed over me. Drool landed right beside my head, and I could feel its iron breath fan across the shell of my ear. 
“Ryan…” I whispered, barely audible.
I was suddenly lifted and thrown onto my back. I was seeing stars as I came face to face with the beast. I was so very confused. It hadn’t taken so long to maul the others. What was preventing it from tearing me to shreds?
I maintained lazy eye contact with the monster. It was staring at me so adamantly. Its yellow orbs flitted over my features. My fear dissipated in that moment. Maybe there was still a piece of Ryan buried in there, preventing the monster from tearing me to shreds.
It growled lowly. I exhaled slowly, on the verge of passing out right then and there.
And then the beast got tackled against the wall by the other. Both let out howls of pain and anger. I shrieked and scrambled for the gun as they tussled. Both were scratching at one another, blood spraying against the walls. I suddenly connected the dots; there were definite differences between the monsters. The one that used to be Ryan was taller, lankier. The other was shorter, fatter. 
As I grabbed and aimed my gun, taking a few steps away, the smaller one sent Ryan flying. The banisters cracked and he broke through them, falling into the cafeteria below.
The monster directed its attention back toward me. I shot, sending it flying back into the wall. I cocked the gun and shot again. The monster let out mewls of agony, thrashing against the wall.
Ryan’s claw extended, and its entire body lifted onto the second story. Its yellow eyes flashed in my direction, and I was worried he would attack me. However, he instead blocked the other’s path, standing on its hind legs with its back arched.
I took the chance to run.
I raced down the steps, leaving the monsters to wrestle with each other. My shoe, covered in icky blood, slipped, and I ended up bouncing on my ass the whole way down. I bit my lip in order to prevent drawing attention back to my fleeing form, but I already knew it would bruise.
Once I was at the bottom and the exit was right in front of me, I dashed out. I slammed the door in order to draw attention, just in case the two or the reigning winner decided to skulk about. I clambered down the stairs. The van was still sitting out front, but now I was out in the open. My heart thudded anxiously within my rib cage.
I heard clattering from where the monsters were battling it out. As badly as I wanted to save my friends, I needed to get the fuck out. I started running away from the lodge, figuring that I would take shelter in a cabin and wait for morning.
I was all alone and completely in the open. I bit my lip, reducing my pace to a walk. I knew most of the cabins were locked up and I didn’t want to make any noise by breaking in. I could always return to the radio shack or the shower rooms. But I didn’t want to be too far away from the main lodge.
I jumped and raised my gun as something emerged from the woods. I heard the cock of a gun, and instead of coign face to face with one of the hunters covered in blood, it was… 
A woman. She adorned an eye patch, and a scar traced across her cheek. She had a firm frown and was wearing loose, tattered clothing. Blood was smeared across her neck and shirt. When she saw me, I could tell she was just as surprised as I was. However, she didn’t raise her gun, instead halting.
“Who are you?” she demanded.
I lowered my gun, sensing security and safety from her. “I - I’m Y/n L/n. I’m a councilor at the camp. I need your help. My f - friends —“
“Are either dead or werwolves, right?”
She lowered her gun. 
“I’m… Laura. Laura Kearney. I was supposed to be a councilor too, but we got here a night early on the full moon and me and my boyfriend were kidnapped. He’s a werewolf.”
We closed the distance between each other. “Oh… my god. Your boyfriend is Max, right? You two were the ones that never showed up!”
She nodded. She was still frowning firmly. “Have you been bitten?”
“Um, no. Is… is there something we can do —“
“Yes,” she interrupted quickly. “It’s what I’m trying to do. Do you know Chris Hackett?”
“We need to kill him. According to the legend, if we kill the head werewolf, anyone who’s been bitten will turn back to normal.”
“If… if you don’t mind me asking… how do you know so much about this?”
Laura sighed, glancing around the area. “While we were being held captive, this police officer was keeping us updated. We managed to escape just this morning from our cells. Max is out there, somewhere, as we speak. It’s a long story, though, and I’ve told you what’s important.”
“So… where is Chris Hackett?”
“I accidentally shot his daughter, who’s also a werewolf. I suspect that he’s somewhere in hiding, locked up. They always do that with the werewolves for the family’s safety,” she explained. “Do you happen to know where the Hackett household is?”
I frowned. “If all the werewolves are locked up, then how is there two back in the lodge as we speak?”
“Yeah. One is Ryan. I know that for sure because he didn’t tear me shreds at the many opportunities he’s given me —“
“Ryan would kill you regardless of your connection while human,” she corrected. “Max didn’t give two fucks if I was his girlfriend while he was turned.”
“No, no, it’s true!” I exclaimed. “The first time is when we were in the radio shack. Instead of mauling me like the rest, he tried to drag me away. And just now, he did it again. He… killed Kaitlyn and this hunter guy right in front of me.”
Laura’s frown deepened. “That… doesn’t matter right now. You say that there’s a second one in the lodge. Have any other of your friends turned? How many of you are there?”
“Three others that are alive as of now. Kaitlyn is dead and Jacob and Emma left the group before all this shit started happening. One can only hope they’re not dead but maybe they’re turned.”
She scowled, cursing under her breath. “I guess we know where we’re going, then. The lodge is that way, right?” She motioned correctly from the way I’d come from.
“Yeah,” I answered quickly. “Just… don’t shoot Ryan.”
“It’s impossible to differentiate them.”
“No, it isn’t.”
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