#Mad scientist Jack and Maddie
moonlight-stalker · 11 months
The feral star
Danny's parents were very mean they left him alone all the time and are always down in the lab
Danny spend most of the time with the animals they had some that would disappear into the lab and never come back While others would come back up but different they were a little bit more scary than before but he still love them because they were his friend and family all the animals that had come back had some kind of collar on he had one to. Sometimes Danny would go down in the lab and they would do something it would always hurt but he always was able to come back up and spend time with his friends and family some times instead of the lab the orange and blue humans will take them into a bigger cage and make them do things if they don't do what the humans want they get shocked
Danny has mix black and white hair one eye was glowing toxic green the other a vibrant blue he had Claws the tip of his hands feet and ear are a pretty blue his skin has some patches of blue in the Center of his chest is green lightning that spreads out he has sharp teeth his ears are pointy he has freckles that changes depending on what stars are in the sky that night he can go invisible but and a collar that he could not make dissappear he was vary fast and fought good he can also mimic the animal sounds and once in a while human sounds they don't like when he mimics their sounds
when Danny was eight humans in white came in and went to talking to the humans in Orange and blue he could not understand what they were saying so he went back to played with mama ( mama was a wolf dog and the oldest animal that was there she had dirty orange fur and turquoise eyes she has been with him as long as he can remember she says her name is jazz she named him danny ) orange and blue came in with the other humans in white and started showing the humans in white the animals and started to pick them up and looking at them mama started to growl and hiss at them they did not like that they kicked mama away from him and graped her danny jumped up and was able to bite one of the humans in White the orange and blue grabbed him and put a muzzle on so he could no longer bite ( he hates the mullzzel it was allways so hard to eat with it on ) the people in white grabbed him to look at they poke and prodded at him and he did not like it at all he was able to scratch one of them he got punished for it ( he really hates electricity ) he was finally put back with mama they left the room mama started to comfort him and tell him how brave he was next thing he knew more people in white came in and started grabbing animals and sticking them with something one of them came up and grabbed him and mama to sticked them he stared to get realy sleepy it started to fade to Black
When he woke up he had felt mama with him he was still vary sleepy he got up and looked around he was in a cage they were in a dark room that was moving ( he knew this is not the lab the lab smells vary different than this ) he saw some of the other animals that are also in cages he touch the cage to try and lift him self up to see more the room but got shock he started to whine Mama woke up and tried to comfort him Danny doesn't know how long they sat there but the room finally stopped moving people in strange suits opened a wall and started moving the cages and other boxs out they moved them into a bigger room and they put blankets over them he is very scared he hid underneath mama as the humans came up and brought them into the room and through a blanket over them mama told him to rest that she would protect him he closed his eyes and whent back to sleep
He woke up to Sounds going on outside mama was up and seems to be look at something he tried to look as well but could not see through the blanket all sudden there were loud pops and yelling mama pushed him back underneath of her and try to shield him he was shaking so much he is so scared and then everything started to go quiet he waited a bit before he shuffling out from underneath mama he tried to reach his hand through to see if he can lift up the blanket to see what was going on but the blank was pull off he squeaks standing above them was what looked like a giant bat and was staring at them they stared back until danny heard some thing the big bat lifted up his hand to his head and said something they couldn't understand suddenly he feels a prick on his neck mama growls and hisses at something beside them but he was too sleepy he held on to Mama before it went to Black again.
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satoshy12 · 5 months
As it is most often Danny who is mistaken for Damian and kidnapped, here is the reverse.
Jack, out of mistake, kidnapped Damian, as he thought it was Danny. Danny was sleeping in the Fenton Family GAV, so only in 70% on the way home. He woke up and saw his father kidnapping a boy with them.
In Amity Park
Maddie was first angry that Jack kidnapped this poor boy!
Maddie:" Jack, Danny's eyes are blue."
Jack:" But Danny's eyes turn green sometimes!"
Maddie:" True. Welcome to the family!"
Damian to himself:" So this is how my siblings ended up with my father."
Damian kind of liked it here with the mad scientists; they are fun. And Jazz seems to be trying to help him with his problems? And already accepted him as new baby brother.
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little-pondhead · 1 year
Inspired by this post.
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tanglepelt · 1 month
Danny reveals phantom to his parents. They immediately jump ships to support Danny. That is their baby. Why would they think he was lying? Clearly they let confirmation bias cloud their heads. They have non bias research to conduct!
Unfortunately for them. The GIW does not like this change. Clearly the fentons have gone crazy. They must be mad scientist! The GIW of course reports them mainly to get them out of the way. Can’t have people spreading propaganda that ghost Ms are sentient. They can’t have that.
Maddie and Jack don’t come in easily. Instead they flee. Not letting thier kids get hurt. Of course they locked down the portal before they left. All they needed to do was get set up in a new city. Keep the kids safe after all.
Gotham was to obvious. Why wouldn’t they flee to ecto rich environment. Danny would be to obsessed with hunting down Superman in metropolis. Ever since the reveal Danny had been letting his ghostly instincts out more and more. The whole alien thing would cause to much obsession.
Besides. Technically they were wanted by the government. Couldn’t draw attention with Danny stalking the supers. Which whatever. Maddie and Jack would fight them if it came down to it.
They ultimately decided on central city.
There is enough that happens there to keep eyes off them. They absolutely totally could stay low to the ground. They couldn’t hide out with any relatives. Plus if it came to it. They were certain they could at least talk to the flash before anything violent occurred.
Maybe he would even listen.
For now. They would just prioritize Danny’s and jazzs safety.
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radiance1 · 5 months
Vlad: Would you like to form an alliance... with me?
Ghost writer: Absolutely. Absolutely, I do.
Now, Vlad should know better than to ally himself with someone who broke the Christmas truce, buuuut. The call for DnD is so tempting that he just had to do it.
He then dragged Daniel and his friends into it as well. Daniel dragged his sister along and then the Fenton parents found out and, well.
It suddenly became a thing.
Oh well, both Vlad and Ghost Writer sculpt up some lore from each of their character sheets, weave a world from words and then drag a random number of people to act as their 'players.'
It was supposed to be people from Amity Park, but there was a miscalculation on that part, and honestly you can't even blame them because they've been weaving nonstop and Vlad ignored quite a bit of sleep to try and make this perfect as he could.
So instead of civilians they dragged in a few members of the Justice League and, well.
As long as they play by the rules nothing would hopefully go wrong...?
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ladyredmoon13 · 3 months
So I've seen quite a few fanfics where Jack and Maddie Fenton basically qualified as mad scientists and a thought came to me. If they count as mad scientists, and they basically have Jazz and Danny doing/working for them. Does that mean that Jazz and Danny can apply for benefits from the Goonion union?
Just a thought, correct me if I'm wrong.
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laxxarian · 4 months
Some silly thoughts that I randomly got while my eyes are growing heavy....
Bruce had not (or probably forgot to) announce that he had a new kid, which is Danny Fenton so now, Danny has three secret identities.
Also, Bruce doesn't know about Fenton being Phantom.
And also, Danny got adopted solely because right after he fought Skulker and Desiree, he ended up being in Gotham. With his powers being short circuited a few times during the fight, he looked like a homeless beggar, beaten up and everything in his human form. Even at the end of the battle, his powers had not let up just yet, fortunately he was able to soup both of the ghosts with his thermos.
So while walking down the streets, it was night time, some thug came and tried to mug the boy only to be rescued by Batman since he was on patrol.
And Danny being Danny, lies elegantly. Now, Batman and his best friend Paranoia, advised and guided Danny to a manor and there, history begins.
All because Danny lied about having no parents when in truth, Maddie and Jack were all waiting for him to come back for dinner. (they knew of his ghostly powers)
Danny doesn't know Bruce being Batman, and Batman doesn't know Danny being Phantom.
Danny Fenton
Danny Wayne
Danny Phantom
Danny kept persuading Bruce to let him go to Amity Park since he always wanted to stay there (also cuz he can't stay out of his Haunt for too long) and Bruce let's him.... Without forgetting to give him allowance.
Sooner or later, Danny gets a call from Bruce, the man usually calls or Danny calling him cuz their family now and all that and they would talk casually and stuff cuz for some reason, Bruce can't get past a firewall that's protecting Amity Park and all of its residents are there getting their online acc being protected as well.
And Danny expected Bruce to ask him how it was going on his side but then was taken aback cuz the man invited him to the manor for a family night.
With much consideration, Danny agreed. Only to be surprised that Danny wasn't the only kid cuz there are other look-alikes sprawling around the manor.
So the guilt he has inside his heart dissipated cuz a part of the reason why he signed the adoption papers was that he thought Bruce was a lonely man and he had a different vibe than Vlad and on the plus side, he could show off the adoption papers at Vlad.
The Batkids stared at the new kid, glaring at Bruce as to who is he while the man himself was confused as well, did he not tell them? He thought. And no, no he did not.
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
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Jazz gets a panicked call from her brothers friends one day out of the blue, saying that they were worried because danny hadnt come to school in a few days and he wouldn’t answer his phone and when they went over to see if he was just sick Maddie opened the door looking like she hadn’t slept in days saying that Danny was fine. Jazz comes home to find the house an utter mess and when she goes down to the lab she finds her baby brother strapped down to a metal table with stitches in his chest. She goes to untie him but is stopped her mother Maddie telling her to get away from the ghost. Jazz yells at her and Maddie gets a sad look in her eyes and says, “I guess it got to you like it did your father.” And she attacks Jazz. Jazz throws her off and in the scuffle knocks over all sorts of equipment, chemicals and even opens the portal, Jazz pushes Maddie into the Ghost Zone and closes the hatch doors behind her. When she finally unties her brother he latches onto her and hugs her for dear life, unfortunately the touching moment doesn’t last long because something in the lab started to mix and sizzle. In his last bit of consciousness Danny strains his powers to turn both him and Jazz intangible and fly them both out of there up to the street just as the lab exploded which brought the house with it, burning down their childhood home!
This is for ANOTHER fic idea I wanna write where basically Maddie went insane at the idea that her son had died and was “doing him a favor” and she becomes a batman villain! (Or if your not into DC x DP fics you can just ignore that part!)
And if it wasn’t clear Maddie killed Jack because he was also trying to untie Danny because he is a big dumb sweetheart and Maddie thought that Danny was controlling him.
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carolofthebell · 1 year
There are so many great ways to bring Danny onto the Bat’s radar. One angle I haven’t seen explored at all yet is having Jack and/or Maddie declared Criminally Insane and committed to Arkham for treatment.
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The college trio portraits (DP)
i might have blacked out and went crazy with coloring, anyway i had so much fun drawing the og ghost hunting trio and now i feel wayy more comfortable drawing these characters bc of it.
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majorcharacterundeath · 9 months
tbh i think jack fenton knows exactly who vlad masters is and is unironically into it. now if vlad could just admit to himself that hes very into jack's whole deal. well actually that would be very bad for like all life on planet earth but. my point is that vlad is rly into jack and his obsession with maddie has been jealousy and frankly im embarassed for him
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pricklenettle · 1 month
Only Half Ghosts, Full Fentons
AO3 link
Phic Phight prompt for ghostanimal. All of the Fentons are half-ghost. But they don’t know that their family members are also half ghost.
How did they all meet their grisly ends?
word count: 12266
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satoshy12 · 5 months
Polycule Talia, Jack and Maddie
It all started when Damian chose Bruce over her, and Talia, while never admitting it, was massively depressed about it. Imagine her surprise as this tiny astronaut-dressed child tried to cheer her up, and that was how she met the rest of the Fenton's later.
Don't ask how.
But somehow that led to Talia joining a polycule with Jack and Maddie.
It had been a Maddie's idea, and that was how Danny and Jasmine got a new mother.
Jack was like how her EX-BELOVED always was before public; but he really was a loving Himbo.
Even Ra likes Jack much more than Bruce; this husband of his daughter didn't even once try to change her views.
Ra liked Maddie, Danny, and Jasmine too.
Maddie tried to kill him the moment she saw him the first moment, that alone shows she can protect each other and family.
Danny liked his sword mom, and Jazz liked to talk with her too.
For. Talia: This was life; she had a good relationship, and they let her help her father, not like Bruce was against it.
So she was having a second home stay in Amity Park with her Mad Scientist husband and wife and step children.
She was teaching Danny how to read the stars and Jazz how to use a sword.
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nonbinaryphantom · 1 year
youre allowed to mischaracterize any character as long as its funny in my eyes
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tanglepelt · 11 months
Dc x dp idea 84
Jack and Maddie are legit crazy mad scientist.
They moved to amity before jazz was born. Prior to the justice league. Those who didn’t comply when the moved were swiftly taken care of.
All outside new sources come from them amity has only seen what the fentons want.
The Giw were hired by the Fentons. Both are bad. But who would the town rather deal with the shoot first supposed government. Or the wacky Fenton parents.
And how many parents can exactly actively stake out a school. How many times had they been inside the school during the school day.
That is until mr lancer comes into play. Somehow he managed to slip by and entered the town this year. Earning a position of vice principal right under their noses.
He actively promotes Danny doing better. Actually forcing him to do his work and learn.
He takes notes of Danny’s declining health. Falling asleep in class, the bruises and reports the fentons. Only for nothing to happen.
Lancer then takes notes of the eccentric actions of the fentons. The screaming of tearing the ghosts apart. He knows about the truth of the outside world. He knows this would go against the meta human protection acts. So he makes a mental note to contact the proper services of the need arises.
After the events of the town being yoinked into the infinite realms. He finally acts. Sending out an email and call to the justice league hotline. Unbeknownst to him both being stopped by the Fenton parents.
Obviously they plan to deal with him when the time is right.
The only reason he stays is because no other adult seems to care about the kids. He was the only one who event attempted to check in on them during the ghost flu.
He can’t stand by any longer when he sees the two Fenton parents hunting phantom. See them getting skilled shots in. Actively forcing phantom into Danny. But they don’t stop. Still shooting at Danny.
Mr. Lancer watches as Jazz, Sam and Tucker manage to get them away. He ushers them to his car the five hardly manages to make it out. Danny seriously injured.
It’s only then does the phone connect to the justice league helpline.
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nerdpoe · 3 months
Clark needs to get into the alien spaceship that's attacking Metropolis. Kara, Jon, and Kon are all busy helping civilians. There's a force field around the ship that's stopping him. Then an RV launches itself off of the building next to him and straight into the spaceship.
Jack and Maddie had been heading through Metropolis to Gotham to attend a tech expo. Danny and Jazz were left home, and they were getting daily updates from Jazz.
Then aliens started attacking Metropolis.
And, well, clearly none of these people know defensive driving. The GAV is more than equipped to punch a hole through that forcefield, they can tell from the readings they're getting.
So...why not lend a helping hand?
Anyways that's how the Drs Fenton ended up on the Justice League roster as resident Mad Scientists.
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