#Love story of the century
chewytongue · 1 year
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The handsome newlyweds ❤️‍🔥
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herdestinydream · 1 year
Recent Events means things related with Jikook
I have seen a lot of people has been out of their shell and pointing fingers at Jikook's relationship when before they didn't even agree Jikook are a thing. Before you people were Jikook are brothers now you are saying they broke up. Hello??? Take a stand guys. Stick with one point. I have also seen Jikookers( some ) getting insecure about Jikooks current status as we very well know that when there was group activities they were attached to the hips 24/7. So like I always wondered what will happen when this group content stops what will happen in their solo era??? Now that time has come and we see less group activities so less Jikook. Since Jikookers never faced drought it has become difficult for people without new content because we were spoiled bad and are now facing withdrawal symptoms (is this how those *coughs* eyes meet in awards show ships feel like their whole lifetime 🤣). So lack of moments tend to make some jikookers uneasy now as it is new for us as well to have a drought.
We now know Jungkook is spending his time at home and he occasionally goes to company for work too. But Jimin is spending his time day in and out at the studio. He is working his ass off for his Album and for many things he prepared for us.He is very very busy and doesn't have time for anything.
My opinion: It's a very new phase for Jikook as well to spend time apart from each other to not meet each other at companies too .It's not for us to assume they might meet in private. But we know that they are unable to spent their times like before now. Like instead of assuming Jimin doesn't want Jk anymore or Jm solos saying that finally Jm got rid of that man which is good for him or Jk is depressed or Jm not meeting Jk is the end of their relationship, Focus on how it will unfold because even I am curious of what will happen to them when all the cheers will end one day will they be attached to hip like before? It's one of the most precious love story of all time. It definitely is one in a million love story. So I believe in their Love and even if they decide to go with someone else then also it is fine but whatever they did together is done. No one can change that or take away. I will wait to see how their relationship unfolds and will cheer from afar. Just it's a time of test for their bond because there is Military coming up and my babies should be away for 18 months. All this is new but thats how it is. And provided they will have to go through it twice if Jk and Jm enlists in different time periods. When Jk will get ready for his album this will repeat. So in the next 5 years imo will be a test for their love and we know how strong it is. I believe (my opinion) that their love will thrive and flourish. And if they pass this test of time and still decides that to continue their amazing love then my dears they are in for it for a lifetime. They will show the world how to be in love and write the most beautiful Love story in the world.
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procrastiel · 1 month
Saw this on twitter and had to redo it
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amariram · 16 days
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its-not-a-pen · 1 year
[餘知傳] The 2nd Century Warlord (Part 1)
based on the story by @romanceyourdemons
art by @its-not-a-pen
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first day as a second century warlord i have my men tie branches to their horses’ tails to stir up dust and make it look like there’s a lot of us but i forget it just rained so there isn’t any dust and the enemy can clearly see there’s like twenty of us all spread out in a line
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second day as a second century warlord i bribe a bunch of kids to start singing a nursery rhyme i carefully crafted to spread misinformation and further my strategic ends but they change the lyrics to be about poop and the enemy isn’t misdirected at all
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third day as a second century warlord i lure my enemy into a narrow valley and send a team of archers to shoot them from the high ground but there was a feral hog napping on the trail up to the overlook and they couldn’t decide whether to try and shoot it or just go around and by the time the hog woke up and left on its own the enemy had already passed safely below
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fourth day as a second century warlord we attempt to join a battle on the side of the guy we want to ally with but he and the guy he’s fighting have really similar names and it’s finally dusty and i misread the standards and attack the wrong guy. so now we’re stuck with this total loser of a liege lord, because how the fuck do you explain that after a battle?
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fifth day as a second century warlord and some sort of wizard wanders into camp, my loser liege lord wants to execute him for being a wizard but i convince him to let the wizard stay, because i want to do more weather-based strategies and i’m pretty sure having a camp wizard can help with that. after the welcome to the team banquet the wizard steals half the treasury and my liege lord’s wife and leaves
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sixth day as a second century warlord my loser liege lord sends me to reinforce a city he’s taken, but in the confusion of leaving i forgot to take the token that would have gotten us into the city, so my men have to wait outside the city walls for like eight hours while i ride back to get it
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seventh day as a second century warlord and my loser liege lord finally joins me in the city, it turns out he’s actually a pretty cool guy, and he isn’t even that mad at me for letting the wizard steal his wife. i decide to shoot my shot but i’m really nervous and keep on stalling because what if i mess up our relationship and by extension jeopardize the security of my men, and eventually he just says goodnight and goes back to his room, where an assassin is in the process of setting up to kill him
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eighth day as a second century warlord and my loser liege lord tells me to fake defect to his rival warlord, the one i originally wanted to ally with, to find out if he was the one who sent the assassin and why. but my whole way over to the rival warlord i’m worried that this has something to do with the wizard thing or how awkward i made it last night
End of Part 1
This comic was made independently from the creator, I'm just a fan and these are my own interpretations.
Notes under the cut:
the title 餘知傳 [the Story of Yu Zhi], is the styled name of the Second Century Warlord. I translated 餘知 as [plentiful knowledge] since he's defined by a surplus of knowledge but a deficit in luck. It's also great for fish-based puns since it's a homophone. As a nice parallel, Loser Liege Lord's banner is a carp ;))). the art style was inspired by vintage Chinese comics.
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The story is set during the Three Kingdoms period, (220 to 280 AD) natural disasters, infighting and civil unrest had dissolved the previous Han Dynasty, leading to a violent free-for-all. I based the clothes on the previous Eastern Han styles, mainly because there just weren't a lot of contemporary references from the 3K period (and it only lasted like, 60 years). I always strive for historical accuracy, however, the Han Dynasty was over 400 years long and some sources don't do a great job separating out the different fashions, so I apologise for any mistakes that occur.
2. there aren't a ton of drawings on what Han children looked like, but in general ancient kids hairstyles are pretty consistent. 9-15 yo boys had shaved heads with two little top knots, girls had natural hair in braids/buns.
3. the crossbow (back left) makes a cameo, it was associated with Zhuge Liang, famous real-life strategist from the 3K era.
4. the LLL and his wife thank the Warlord, (a noblewoman on a battlefield??? scandalous!). it shows the LLL enjoys the unconventional and the wife is not as timid as she appears. I thought it would be funny to make them look as Background Character (tm) as possible.
5. I based the wizard's design on sages from mythology. (Hey, he's not a total fraud, he invented gunpowder 800 years before the Tang dynasty!) Nice little character moment for the LLL who is shielding his wife.
6. What do soldiers do while they're waiting for 8 hours? (<-from the right) playing knucklebones with pebbles, whittling a little horse, feeding sparrows, gossiping with neighbour, drinking from his gourd, napping. A minor warlord can't afford to keep a professional army so they're most likely conscripted farmers who've had to buy their own weapons and armour, hence why they look so unimpressive.
7. LLL offers the Warlord a bitten peach. Inspired by the legend of Mizi Xia who bit into a delicious peach and gave it to the Emperor so he could taste it was well. "Bitten peach" was a byword for homosexuality in ancient China. I thought it would be SO funny if the LLL was actually smooth af and the Warlord was a like a teenaged girl crushing for the first time. He's desperate to taste that peach but is too timid to reach out >;))) man has zero game. negative game, even. truely the PS4 of homosexuals. RIP to the assassin in the back corner who was forced to watch the most awkward, cringe-fail attempt at flirting in the history of china play out.
8. this is what zero peach does to a mf. UnU
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verademialove · 23 days
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“He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights (1847)
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zingaplanet · 1 year
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Ok but are you talking about complicated relationship or are you talking about John Lennon and Paul McCartney meeting when they were just 15 & 17, who decided then and there that they will change the whole world forever, who fell in love with music and skipped school to write songs eyeball to eyeball every day, who wanted to be credited as Lennon/McCartney because all their craft should always be remembered as one, who changed history and wrote music that still inspired generations for the next 5 decades together, who've lived together and saw each other almost every day for more than 10 years, who were each other's biggest rivals driving each other mad trying to outwrite history's greatest hits, who were each other's greatest inspiration and source of jealousy, who had a bond so intense their wives said they never looked at anyone else like they looked at each other,
who ended their musical partnership and friendship through an article in the press, who didn't properly speak again for almost 8 years and only communicated through veiled insults in each other's solo records and media, whose breakup of friendship drove each other to substance and drug abuse for over a decade, who lost a battle to time as the other was gunned down just when they started properly connecting again, who said the night he was murdered that the other was family, and family always forgave each other,
and McCartney who never showed up to induction ceremonies but cried as he said, "John Lennon, you made it, tonight you're in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" because they always promised they'd conquer the world together, who still showed up to gun laws march in Central Park 40 years after Lennon was murdered across the street, who spent every single interview he got telling people to tell their loved ones "i love you" before it's too late, because he never forgave himself for never being brave enough to say it.
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deiaiko · 5 months
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#18.1 Rak
Rak let out a huff and sat down next to Agni. Agni peeked over at Rak, who was looking far ahead, as if his past were replaying right before him.
TW: Self harm and suicide…in a way? (Sorry if it gets too dark. I put the TLDR on the tags)
☕ Buy me coffee ☕
"I met him back when I was young, about a hundred years ago," Rak started.
Agni was taken aback at how long the gap between their time travel was. He wondered how much his Rak had changed.
"It was getting cold, which meant it was hunting season. I got bored and picked a fight with the toughest and biggest prey I could find."
Agni hummed when Rak paused for a moment too long, "Let me guess. You underestimated it and you lost?"
"The river was slippery!" Rak crossed his arms defensively. "And I didn't lose!"
"Sure," Agni rolled his eyes, one corner of his lips upturned. "How come?"
"I didn't lose, but I didn’t win either." Rak looked away, probably in embarrassment. "Another spear pierced its head before mine. That's when I met him."
From the way Rak's expression turned fiery, Agni had a suspicion that that exact moment had affected Rak more than what he spilled out. It didn't surprise him however, since he knew Rak’s ego.
"He was around for a while, acting like he cared about me." Rak huffed again, more fondly this time, eyes closed and arms still crossed. "He taught me a few fancy tricks with rocks and how to hunt better. He talked a lot about turtle this and turtle that. There were so many, I don't remember. But Black and Blue turtles were the ones he talked about the most, saying something like 'no one else will be more worthy prey than them.'"
Agni felt his chest tighten. To think that their Rak had acknowledged them and even bragged about it…it filled him with a sense of pride and longing.
"I didn't believe him then, since turtles are boring and no way they could do what he said they could." Rak paused and untangled his arms, eyes focusing and turning predatory, "But when he said that these turtles were unlike what we had there, I have been wanting to meet those turtles he told me about and hunt them."
Rak's story was intriguing. But even if it flattered him, Agni was more curious about his Rak's whereabouts. "What happened to him then? Wasn't he…badly injured?"
Rak frowned and went silent. But when he found his voice, it lacked its previous vigor. "He was. It looked fresh and so impossible to walk with, but he did. I asked if it was painful, but he said he didn’t feel a thing."
Third-degree burn. Agni thought to himself. But there was no way it spread evenly. Some areas must've been painful.
"He definitely lied," Rak voiced Agni's thought. "He was just acting to look tough."
The edge of Agni's lips twitched in an attempt to suppress his smile. That's him alright. And of course Rak could figure his own self easily. 
"One day he challenged me in an all out duel," Rak's gaze turned dark. "His wounds had weakened him over the months, and it was obvious who would be the winner."
Agni frowned at the implication.
Wordlessly, Rak called out his arms inventory which held a familiar looking spear that shouldn't have been in his possession at this point in time. Agni would recognize that design anywhere, "...Mad shocker."
"He said he wanted to test me, and he gave me this." Rak glared at the spear as if it was responsible for his misfortune. "And later told me that I should be proud, for only a true hunter was allowed to defeat him."
Agni felt his throat going dry, and gulped. "He died, didn't he?"
Rak's eyes sharpened. Whether it was in regret or anger, Agni couldn't tell. "I killed him." 
Agni didn't know what to feel about that. On one hand, he could empathize with how much pain Rak must've felt from the injury, especially with the lack of proper treatment that could cure or even just lessen the pain. But on the other hand, it meant that his Rak was truly gone, in such a way, and he still couldn't wrap his head around it.
Rak put his pipe back to invisible mode, like looking at it had brought him so much grief. "I've never used that spear since."
The silence stretched, with only the loud noises coming from the training ground to fill it. Agni wasn't sure how to reply to that without being overly friendly nor physical, and he definitely wouldn't do that to Rak, who only met him today.
Sitting beside Rak like this reminded him of their chat before the workshop battle, on the balcony. It was when Rak truly let him see his buried feelings, his desire to climb the tower together with him and Grace. And with that, the grief finally started to dawn on him. The scar on his face felt itchy and his hand was already clawing at his mask before he registered the motion. He sighed and put his hand back on his knee, pushing the tangled feeling to the back of his mind to be dealt with later. And since the silence had stretched out for too long, he asked; "What was he to you?"
"A rival," Rak looked thoughtful before adding, "and family."
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
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This is Holmes cupping his hands around Watson’s face and saying “there you are” fondly. Btw. If you even care.
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hecatesbroom · 3 months
Thinking about 19th century vampire literature on this fine evening
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procrastiel · 1 month
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katabay · 7 months
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Omar El Akkad's forward to the Annotated Arabian Nights: Tales from 1001 Nights (trans. Yasmine Seale)
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chaos-lioness · 1 year
Thinking about the beach year tonight. So much of stolen century is beautiful and intense and the stated point of the beach year is to get a break but. It’s still in the middle of the century you know? The players and the characters and the audience are ALL still feeling the weight of everything around it the whole time, and because of that it becomes so much more than a fun break. Like there’s goofiness and joy for sure but it’s still so steeped in the intensity and sadness and we end up with this stunningly realistic experience of the moment of calm in the midst of a terrible storm. At the end of it there’s going to be another year, right? And they know that and we know that. 
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akhillaous · 7 days
TikTok TSOA fans are so funny because they’ll swear up and down that they despise Achilles and “only read it for Patroclus who was sweet and innocent and did nothing wrong 🥹🥹” like ijbol u people are not serious. Hate Achilles all you want, he did do bad things, me personally I hate him for sacking certain Trojan cities and refusing the embassy, no one’s denying that he was wrong and that he was a bad person at times, but loving a character does not equal justifying their actions for one thing and to act like any character from the illiad was a paragon of perfect morality is fucking insane. ( Yes, even Hector, everyone’s favorite “🥺he was such a perfect husband🥺” man of the month ) It’s literally so crazy to say that Achilles was the only one of the two of them to actively commit bad deeds and war crimes during the WAR they were in. Just close the damn book I’m sorry but obviously a book with morally ambiguous and dark topics are not for you at this point. Like I get your point, what Achilles did was bad, it’s not like majority of people DONT agree with that point.
But characters are not supposed to be FLAT. They are not supposed to be all good or all bad. Your insistence that Patroclus was only a good person does not make him a good character. It actually makes him really fucking boring. I’m getting way too passionate about this but like I’m so over everyone acting like
1) Achilles was the worst person to exist in Greek mythology history when he’s not even the worst fucking person in the illiad itself 😭 ( that honor goes to Paris, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Agamemnon <3 )
2) A character can only be liked or appreciated or even just talked about if they fit modern ethical standards
Like every conversation I see about TSOA, any video on TikTok, there’s always a comment that has to bring it up like “I only liked Patroclus and he was an unreliable narrator so Achilles was actually much worse” Like okay we get it, God, fuck off please!
Also the whole thing between him and Apollo. PLEASE. Those two are two sides of the same exact coin. I think Apollo was justified in killing him but yall act like Apollo has not done the same if not worse than what he killed Achilles for. And that’s. FINE. I still love Apollo! For all the good and the bad that he does I think he’s the most interesting Greek God on the Pantheon and in the Illiad he’s actually one of my favorite characters to hear from. And I don’t expect the Greek god to act with good moral intentions. I expect him to act like a Greek god. I expect Achilles to act like a Greek demigod. Which is, exactly the way he acts. Maybe yall expected something different. If you wanted a short sweet story that happened to be queer with two perfectly acceptable, 100% goody two shoes main protagonists, please drop the classics inspired books and watch heartstopper.
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ae1ther · 1 year
i can already feel it. i can already feel noah and finn giving us the most tear-jerking, gorgeous, outstanding, adorable, wonderful, magnificent, amazing, spectacular, jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of socket, heart beats out of chest, slams fist on the table, whistles loudly, showstopping, standing ovation-worthy, academy award-worthy performance of byler confession scene
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