stevetonyweekly · 9 months
SteveTony Weekly - August 27th
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Hey all! I’m feeling under the weather this week so even though you’re owed a long list this week--it’s not. I’m sorry. I’ll do better soon. 
Memory Lane by itsallAvengers
Suddenly, he's soaking - someone just threw a fucking water bomb or something, and it's not a big deal, it shouldn't be a big deal-
But for some reason, it is.
Toasted Buns by copperbadge, scifigrl47
After seeing Tony naked and tanned -- all over -- in a decontamination shower, Steve realizes he may be in trouble. Tony, meanwhile, is definitely in trouble over those tabloid pictures of him sunbathing nude. The solution is clearly a tropical island getaway.
Tenth Time Lucky by itsallAvengers
Steve just wants to propose to Tony.
If only he didn't keep getting fucking interrupted-
I Am One With What I Am by Kiyaar 
After the mess in Washington, Steve and Tony try to carve out a little life for themselves, a place to heal, out of the spotlight.
If only the original Tony’s shadow wasn't permanently between them.
Throw a Little Hot Rod Red in There by FestiveFerret, SirSapling
Tony Stark was pretty sure that the absolute worst time to get asked out by an incredibly talented, good-looking artist, who likes to paint - and defend - Iron Man, is when he's dying of palladium poisoning.
Vice Versa by AvocadoLove
During an alien invasion, Tony is transported to an alternate universe where Steve is Iron Man and he is Captain America.
Also, Captain Stark and CEO Steve Rogers are together on the sly. Awkward.
I Wanted It To Be You by complicationstoo 
After Civil War, Tony and Steve are both a bit of a mess. Guilt and loneliness threaten to break them both, but each find comfort in the emails of strangers they meet online. Tony writes to Sal, and Steve writes to Thomas, and neither of them have a clue who's actually on the other side.
Antoshka by LokasennaHiddleston
Tony does not know what to make of the Winter Soldier's story. For Steve's sake, he's trying to help. For Steve's sake, he's trying to find Bucky Barnes and bring him back. But when an Avengers raid on a Hydra base leads to an unexpected discovery, Tony will find that Bucky Barnes may just be more than just his lover's best friend.
Mental note: Scrap all footage of him hitting on Natasha. That's just awkward.
Through A Lens by itsallAvengers
"Okay- so this is the first option- I've got to go to this huge family meal in a few weeks, and so I'm looking for a shirt that just screams 'I am the family disappointment', you know? Does the bright pink work, do you think?"
Steve shrugged. "Uhh, well, I'd say pink probably would? It's hard to say, I mean, I'm colour-blind, maybe you need Natasha's input. Hell, Clint's always good with 'family disappointment' fashion, shall I grab him-"
"Wait," Tony cut him off, face completely blank and shirt half way off his body. "You're... you're fucking with me, right?"
"Huh? I mean, Clint's family is fucked up on a normal day, so it's not really-"
"No, not that, the other thing. The colour-blind thing," Tony said, stepping out of the changing room with his shirt still hanging around his neck in order to grab Steve's arms. "Please, please God tell me that I haven't spent the last two years of my life assuming you could see colour. Please."
If you like Piña Coladas... by itsallAvengers 
After being essentially blackmailed onto a first-class cruise by Bucky under the guise of 'taking a vacation' and 'getting some well-earned rest' or whatever stupid bullshit it was that his dumb best friend told him, Steve Rogers ends up alone, on a boat heading to the Caribbean. He gets on expecting to hate it.
He does.
There is one good thing about the trip, though.
patchwork people by itsallAvengers
It was a pretty well-known fact that Tony Stark had control issues.
It was far less well-known why, though.
Our rain-washed histories (don't need to be told) by sirona
Dumped by SHIELD into the real world of the 21st Century, Steve must learn how to live a normal life again, and rediscover the things that make it worth embracing.
Science and Progress (do not speak as loud as my heart) by sirona
Steve's body is not the only thing affected by the Super Soldier Serum.
I wanna hold your hand by sirona
No one understands what it's like growing up rich and yet more alone than anyone should be able to stand - except for people who grew up just like you, that is. In which Tony Stark goes to Oxford University and meets people and makes enemies and makes friends and changes people's minds and falls in love - amongst other tales of mishap and adventure.
you can call me babe for the weekend by complicationstoo 
Tony left his small town for Los Angeles after high school, leaving behind everything to pursue his dream. Ten years later, he comes back for the first time and finds that some things are impossible to let go of.
Brave New World by valdomarx for enkiduu
Captain Hydra, the Avengers' long-time foe, and Iron Man, the mysterious masked Avenger, find themselves transported to a strange alien planet. The place is beautiful, but it's also apparently sentient and has taken a perverse interest in them.
Steve agrees to a truce with Iron Man for now, at least until he finds his time to strike.
That is, if the trees don't get them first.
Good For You by youcancallmearrow 
Steve doesn't understand why Tony dates people who treat him poorly. Tony doesn't understand why Steve cares.
The rest is bad choices, good choices, rehab, milkshakes, paintball, YouTube videos, couples therapy and learning to put the past in the past.
Or: How Tony finds his happy ending.
but come ye back by Red (S_Hylor)
When the night is cold and the sky is open, Tony goes to talk to the past Sheriff of Timely.
your ivy grows by complicationstoo 
Tony has been trapped in an arranged marriage for years, isolated and withering under Ty's heavy hand. Until one night at a bar in Brooklyn changes everything.
It Had To Be You (Wonderful You) by tinystark616
During a party in Avengers Tower, Steve confesses to Tony that he's never slept with anyone.
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geasszine · 11 months
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The moment you've been waiting for! We're happy to introduce our amazing #GeassFragmentsZine contributors!
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A Friend for A Week by LokasennaHiddleston
Unfinished :ʼ(
A week before Thor's coronation, a drunk and depressed Loki decides he wants a genuine friend of his own. Of course, he turns to magic to solve his dilemma.
There are only two problems. First, he is very aware that his current form isn't very lovable or trustworthy. Second, he actually needs a person to befriend.
This is how Loki ends up in Tony Stark's living room, minutes after his disastrous birthday party, and in the shape of a cat. What will our favorite genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist make of the mysteriously appearing feline, and how will it all affect their lives, and those of the people around them?
It start kind of hilarious. Loki is an amazing cat. Basically based on the idea that Loki would have been better with a friend to talk to. Their relationship is kinda out of nowhere but still cute. Work unfinished, last updated on 2018 so I think is never going to be finished.
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kayura-sanada · 5 years
Heres another suzaku and lelouch fic I think you'd enjoy: Men of Miracles by LokasennaHiddleston.
Added to the list!!! Thank you!! 💖
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cyborgrhodey · 7 years
lokasennahiddleston replied to your post “On Tony Stark Negative Bias  Part 2: The Case of War Machine”
And no, I don't hate black men. He could be pink for all I care. It's always the character I judge, not the skin color or the gender. I may not always be unbiased, but one thing I'm not is racist.
I admit I never thought about trust issues in the armor on Rhodey's part. It does make me wonder what came after - if he was in any way shaken in his loyalties by the fact that he essentially took the armor to the army, and they ended up handing it to the villain. He didn't seem influenced by Tony's xp in Afghanistan in that respect (the stolen weapons)... Would this have been different?
That's all I want - somebody to acknowledge that yeah, maybe that was hurtful. These characters don't have to be perfect - they're people. But that's all I frikkin want - one acknowledgment and apology. Because it's never there. And Rhodey did wrong Tony. The fact that Tony doesn't see it is irrelevant. Tony doesn't see a lot of things, including the fact that he doesn't deserve half the bullcrap he gets.
(replies shown in reverse order bc idk how xkit works?)
Um, the reply about Black men was probably not directed at me, because I never mentioned anything about it. While were at it though, it might be worthwhile to examine why you can stan Loki and at the same time vilify Rhodey. Not saying its anything youre doing consciously, but there might be a subconscious racial bias there (although Ill admit that Im only saying this based on your url and blog description. I dont know in what context you enjoy Loki, so if Im wrong here, Im sorry). 
And OH MAN do I ever want the MCU to address Rhodeys relationship with the military. So much. We already have lowkey distaste from Iron Man 3 and his reaction to the Iron Patriot rebranding. Rhodey as a military hero is so recent and goddamn if I dont want them to explore that more in depth. We need a War Machine movie.
Also, Ill refer you to my last published ask for that third (chronologically first) point. Rhodey does not owe an apology here. Tony would certainly not hear any of it.  (Edit: And this scene has happened.)
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24. Favorite fic you've read this year
That's a really hard one, I would say either the "Letters in UC" series by beambayonet or "Black and Red" by alexilulu
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iceglade · 5 years
reading the fic that holds the highly coveted #1 ao3 spot on the code geass tag..  this fic is pretty good but its based on two weird au choices: 
1. that lelouch is bi, and not just straight up gay or ace because theres -100 attraction to women in mr vi brittania's boney ass in canon* 2. that brittania "imperialist pro-racism not all men are created equal white supremacy elite" isnt unbelievably homophobic
these change very little about the plot tho and actually it just makes things easier cause the fic just goes "fuck romance drama" and im actually very here for it... i like it a LOT actually because ive had enough wth dumb drama cause this shows got enough of it as it is
*lelouch being constantly surrounded by beautiful sexually attractive women who throw themselves at him in canon and hes like "i dont have time for this, i have a revolution to plan!! @ suzaku hey!!!!!!!!!!" is so unbelievably hilarious sometimes.. not to mention watching code geass with the Queer Lens™ absolutely makes everything suddenly make sense when otherwise some stuff would be a "???"
plus without the relationship drama and just letting the main ot3 Be is SO much more interesting because we get them being a badass-op trio instead of having to go "ugh. come on why cant they be friends" constantly.. we had enough of that "please >:/.." in canon , we have Earned this
world of c -> zero requiem was SO INTENSELY GRATIFYING almost from the MOMENT they teamed up 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Got into Crimson Peak because of your gif sets so thank you for this, in addition to Loki, I have a new fixation. Have you read the novel version of the movie? The scenes that differ from the movie got me so excited haha.
Do you have any fic recommendations? I’m kinda in love with this narrative.
Yesssss! So glad you watched it! It's so good. More gif sets and meta can be found in my Crimson Peak tag. It's truly one of the finest films I've ever seen. Just incredible acting, filming, writing, cinematography, storytelling, etc etc. I haven't read the novelization but I'd be super interested to hear about it. I loved reading the character bios Guillermo del Toro wrote (and by loved I mean brb I'm gonna be crying forever). I did a rec list not that long ago but I've read a few more fics since then so I'll just make a new list here. Enjoy!
A Fiction Carefully Wrought by Yahtzee (words: 10,502 | rating: M | Edith/Thomas | Canon typical past incest, abuse etc)
The ghost is no longer a metaphor.
Thomas Sharpe takes drastic steps to change his life with Edith, and for the better–but his past can’t be left behind so easily. The narrative has changed, but what kind of shape will their story take from now? It’s up to Edith to determine their genre by choosing which ending their tortured histories most deserve…
let your colors bleed and blend with mine by 100indecisions (Words: 1,515 | rating: T | Thomas/Edith | canon typical references to incest, abuse etc)
Thomas should say no—but he doesn't want to. Not to Edith, and not to a night with her, because he wants this, and Lucille—will understand. Of course she will understand. He loves her, will always love her, but Edith is his wife, and he wants this, needs something separate from that damned house or he’s going to suffocate.
Thomas and Edith, that one night at the depot.
Triumph by LokasennaHiddleston (words: 1,921 | rating: T | Thomas/Edith | canon typical references to incest, abuse etc)
The evening Edith finds out of the truth about her husband and his sister, Thomas makes a different turn in the corridors of the house. Instead of inexplicably ending up on the other side of the hall, he intervenes in the argument between Lucille and Edith. One decision - and it changes everything. The ghosts of Crimson Peak might still be appeased, and the curse of Crimson Peak might still be lifted
The Wound and The Dagger by gaslightgallows (hearts_blood) (words: 2,248 | rating: T | Thomas/Edith | canon typical incest, abuse etc references)
Thomas is alive, to his shame.
Do you Know? by FaithWordBound (orphan_account) (words: 3,113 | rating: M | Thomas/Edith | references to canon typical incest, abuse etc)
For all his determination to get his machine to work Edith sees that Thomas has no confidence in himself, Edith aims to show him what she sees.
Lullaby Love by EssayOfThoughts (words: 1,247 | rating: G | Canonical character death, canon typical abuse, incest, dark themes etc.)
The lullaby was love. Love given voice, singing through the air, singing to him. Love was what the Lord gave to all his creatures (except Mother, Lucille said). Love was what Mother and Father were supposed to have for each other, what Lucille had for him, and he had for she.
The lullaby meant he was loved. That she loved him, and that he was safe.
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juuls · 5 years
WinterIron Long Fic Recs
Recently I felt the desire for long(er) fics. Ones I hadn’t read yet. And were complete. And included some lesser known fics, since apparently I haven’t read as many as I thought I had! Winifred asked for the same, and I threw a veritable boatload of links at her (here’s the Stuckony one). So, hey, I did the hard work for you. ;) Here are my recs! :D Please enjoy!
(P.S. This list is not exhaustive. They’re mostly ones I hadn’t read until recently, or re-read and wanted to include.)
Safe and (the) Sound | tisfan, 27dragons @tisfan @27dragons | 84,000 words
Buy Your Pretty Heart | TheVagabondBoy | 34,000 words
Burn Your Biographies, Rewrite Your Histories | phlintandsteel @phlintandsteel-ao3 | 147,000 words
Norns Save Us (From Ourselves) | phlintandsteel @phlintandsteel-ao3 | 37,000 words
дезинформация (series) | Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar) | Total: 162,000 words
Helping Hands | tisfan @tisfan | 69,000 words
Last Toast | Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar) | 68,000 words
Mirror | usedupshiver @usedupshiver | 46,000 words
Forever Home | tisfan, 27dragons @tisfan @27dragons | 73,000 words
5 Time Supervillains Unwillingly Shipped WinterIron and 1 Time They Said it Outright | LokasennaHiddleston | 36,000 words
Forms of Love | bear_bell | 33,000 words
Empathic Responses | waterbird13 @waterbird13 | 138,000 words
Winter is Coming (AKA Fifty First Avengers Dates) | tisfan, 27 dragons @tisfan @27dragons | 110,000 words
Seize Yesterday | DannieU | 87,000 words
Barnes Family Motors, Inc. | phlintandsteel @phlintandsteel-ao3 | 69,000 words
Murderers and Thieves | tisfan, 27 dragons @tisfan @27dragons | 37,000 words
my light (smell) will guide you home | winterbitch (WinterLadyy) @wintersoldierland | 31,000 words
Indispensable | tisfan, 27dragons @tisfan @27dragons | 73,000 words
Brideprice | 27dragons @27dragons | 32,000 words
The Road to Knowhere | tisfan, 27dragons @tisfan @27dragons | 70,000 words
love has teeth which bite | whatshouldntbe | 121,000 words
The Secrets Between Us | Hippiebuckyharrington | 45,000 words
The Laird and the Lad | tisfan, 27dragons @tisfan @27dragons | 71,000 words
In Search of Something | tisfan @tisfan | 46,000 words
Still Alive | araydre, Menatiera, Neutralchaos, yeppers @araydre @menatiera | 62,000 words
tell me no | halfwheeze | 54,000 words
Autonomy | Amethystina @amethystinawrites | 114,000 words
Such Sweet Revenge | ali_aliska @ali-aliska | 168,000 words
The Guiding of Death | RayShippouUchiha @rayshippouuchiha | 41,000 words
The Evidence | StrivingArtist @striving-artist | 17,000 words
Hindsight | Amethystina @amethystinawrites | 32,000 words
механик | StarkTony1 | 48,000 words
What’s Good For the Goose | Taste_is_Sweet @taste-is-sweet | 36,000 words
From That Moment On | Shi_Toyu @shi-toyu | 80,000 words
Fractures (Filled With Liquid Gold) | itsallAvengers @itsallavengers | 63,000 words
Hate Me | Iron_Eirlyssa (Eirlyssa) @eirlyssa | 46,000 words
Soulmates Aren’t Just Lovers | celtic7irish @celtic7irish | 39,000 words
Operation HTWYH (series) | lantia4ever | 164,000 words
The Courage or the Fall (series) | Enmuse (Scifiroots) | 33,000 words
I am also on AO3 as Juulna, with a variety of Marvel ships.
Don’t forget to leave the authors some love. =D
Please consider sharing this post to signal boost the authors and their hard work, since Tumblr won’t allow outside links in the tags anymore! Thank you! <3
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ashethehedgehog · 4 years
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Spent all week reading this REALLY GOOD fic I had to draw for!!!! And I’m a sucker for Suzaku angst so 👀👀👀 Rise of the Unholy Trinity by LokasennaHiddleston
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silver-twilight · 7 years
So, has anyone heard from@lokasennahiddleston? Cause I just saw a post and realized I haven't been getting notifications from them.
Went to search and re-follow, cause sometimes Tumblr randomly un-follows me from people and got some BS "Top Eleven Cheats" page? The page only had one post too, no Marvel stuff, so I'm wondering if they got hacked or something?
Maybe I'll try to message them through AO3....
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izazov · 7 years
lokasennahiddleston replied to your post: What is worse, having the time to write and no...
Having both time and ideas, but sitting in front of the PC screen and staring and not getting the words to come. That is the worst.
Yeah, that’s the actual hell. One I know quite well, considering I’ve been there for over a year. I guess I should be happy I’m writing now, even if ideas are proving to be elusive. Or very plotty.  
chrisshemsworth replied to your post: What is worse, having the time to write and no...
Having time, but no ideas. Story of my life.
It’s frustrating, I cannot say I envy you, but I do understand you. I do have two ideas but they are both for multichapter fics with *plot*, and I’d like to write something short, something I can finish in a couple of days. I miss writing thorki and having the opportunity to ask people here for prompts. Being a newbie in a big fandom is very lonely. 
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winterironfics · 5 years
Through Your Touch / LokasennaHiddleston
status: complete
word count: 5453
In a world where soulmates know each other when they first touch, Tony Stark meets his when the man in question is brainwashed, on a rampage and trying to kill him. Historically, not awesome - but perhaps not all that surprising. Meanwhile, Bucky Barnes doesn't remember meeting his soulmate at all. He just knows it's wrong to let Tony Stark get hurt. They meet somewhere in the middle - and it changes everything.
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tonystarkficrecs · 5 years
hey could you rec some fics where Tony is paired with someone other than Pepper but he and Pepper are still friends? I love her and I hate reading fics where she's vilified. Thanks! :)
I’m not a fan of villified!Pepper, either! I adore her. I feel like they’d remain friends even if they ended up breaking up, such as in these fics (and it’s a long list of them, too, so hopefully there’s some new stuff in there for you). I’m sure I missed some, so at some point I might add more to the list! The extent that their friendship is portrayed varies from fic to fic, but none of them should have any negativity towards her.
My Son, My Sun by Wordsplat
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 70,151
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark; Tony Stark & Peter Parker
Completed: Yes
Just before the events of Iron Man, a baby is left on Tony’s doorstep. He wants nothing to do with it at first, but his time in Afghanistan changes his mind and Tony vows to become a better man for his son’s sake.
Anew. by IViv
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 130,567
Pairing: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Completed: Yes
In death, there was no glory, no redemption, no salvation.
Only darkness and ice—or that’s what Tony thought. He closed his eyes in a Siberian bunker and opened them again on his 41st birthday, with War Machine flying into the distance.
Still Alive by araydre, Menatiera, Neutralchaos, and yeppers
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 62,088
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Completed: Yes
The Winter Soldier escaped from Hydra, and on the run, It needs a Mechanic to maintain the very efficient weapon attached to its body. It decides the best person for the work is the world’s best weapon expert: Tony Stark.Abducting him goes unexpectedly well. Then, complications come.
Paved With Good Intentions (I’m on the road to hell) by itsallAvengers
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 121,126
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Completed: No
When the mysterious group of vigilante assassins known only as ‘The Avengers’ are tipped off about the dirty secrets that lie within Stark Industries, Steve Rogers has his heart set on taking out Tony Stark for good in order to protect the rest of the world from his evil. He’s seen the footage, after all- Stark is a man who fights only for himself. And of course, when a job arises as chief bodyguard for Stark, to protect him from the growing threat of an ominously infatuated stalker, the opportunity is way too good for him to miss out on. It’s the perfect placement, and the perfect way to find out whether or not their tipoff is genuine.
But as Steve falls into rank as the new bodyguard for Mr. Stark and he spends time getting to know and protect him, his initial hatred begins to falter and merge into something different, something far more terrifying than the prospect of killing the face of Stark Industries.
Steve Rogers may just be falling in love with him instead.
Illuminate Me by Half_SubmergedinPurgatory
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 130,041
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Completed: Yes
Tony isn’t a healthy man. He’s fine with that, really. It makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, he has a job to do that kind of has his health as a major requirement. So he unmakes himself, remakes the Accords, protects every single child super that enters his field of view, and hopes ferociously that the Avengers never come back to the US. He doesn’t spend any time at all rebuilding Bucky Barnes’ life. Not a single second. Anything he does that contributes to him is simply an accident.
Bucky is a patient man. It’s ok if Tony wants to ignore him for now. He won’t be able to forever.
(Somewhere in the world, a sense of dread crawls up the back of Tony’s spine)
Dig No Graves by miss-aphelion
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 142,844
Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark
Completed: No
“I’m here to kill you, Terminator,” Tony said slowly, “does that compute?”
The soldier looked up at him with wide blue eyes and no expression. “Okay.”
Tony froze. “Okay,” he echoed. “I tell you I came here to kill you and your response is ‘okay’?”
“I am being decommissioned,” the soldier said, and for one horrible moment Tony thought he actually seemed relieved. “I understand. I will comply.”
(Or; Tony learns the Winter Soldier killed his parents and goes on a search for revenge, but ends up learning how to heal instead)
Saving the World (Is Totally a Date) by Wordsplat
★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 64,465
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Completed: Yes
Tony discovers Stane’s betrayal while he’s still being held captive. When he escapes, he sets out to ruin Stane as completely and ruthlessly as he can, playing up his PTSD and quitting his job to destroy Stane quietly from the outside. He also picks up a teaching job-all Pepper’s fault-and oh, right, becomes a supervillain. Okay, that one was Tony’s fault, but it was totally an accident.
In the meantime, a certain Capsicle is defrosted a year early, and is assigned the task of capturing the notorious Iron Man. It’s not going particularly well, if the embarrassingly high number of times he’s been kidnapped in the past six months is any indication. When SHIELD decides to help him “adjust” by getting him a teaching job, Steve is skeptical; but then there’s Tony, and Steve finds he doesn’t mind the 21st century so much after all.
The Accidental Husband by panda_shi
★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 97,716
Pairing: Tony Stark/T’Challa
Completed: No
Tony Stark discovers, that during his lowest point when he had been almost-twenty-one, he had married the King of Wakanda. Except he doesn’t remember how. Now, trying to get a divorce is going to be one challenging thing – how is this his life, even? It’s almost unfair!
It’s Not Cosmetic by withasideofangst
★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 32,997
Pairing: Gen (pre Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
Completed: Yes
After Afghanistan and Iron Man, SHIELD gave Tony a choice. He could out himself as Iron Man, or claim it was a bodyguard, and hide his face from the world.
Agent Agent never said anything, but Tony had hacked SHIELD’s servers and knew they wanted him to go the bodyguard route. Yes to Iron Man and no to Tony Stark, and all that.
That, as well as keeping Pepper safe, made him go with the bodyguard cover, and flimsy as he thought it was, no one questioned it.
Of course, why would they? Tony Stark was no superhero.
Although, it’s less easy to keep a secret identity with a bunch of superheroes and spies living in your house.
Journey To The Past by melonbutterfly
★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 67,329
Pairing: Loki/Tony Stark
Completed: Yes
Loki doesn’t know why he feels the urge to go to Midgard, but it’s strong enough that he, when a stranger offers him free passage in exchange for his pretending to be lost Prince Loki of Asgard, doesn’t hesitate for long.He really has no idea how much his life is going to change.
A Friend for A Week by LokasennaHiddleston
★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 159,969
Pairing: Loki/Tony Stark
Completed: No
A week before Thor’s coronation, a drunk and depressed Loki decides he wants a genuine friend of his own. Of course, he turns to magic to solve his dilemma.There are only two problems. First, he is very aware that his current form isn’t very lovable or trustworthy. Second, he actually needs a person to befriend.This is how Loki ends up in Tony Stark’s living room, minutes after his disastrous birthday party, and in the shape of a cat. What will our favorite genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist make of the mysteriously appearing feline, and how will it all affect their lives, and those of the people around them?
Case 623 by DannieU
★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 146,441
Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark
Completed: No
Tony was pretty sure that the small human left on his doorstep was just a (really fucking frightening) attempt at extortion, and mostly just wanted child protective services to show up yesterday. Then an extended trip to Afghanistan puts life, the universe and everything into perspective, and somehow, miraculously, Tony might be closer to happy than he’s been in his life. He’s even willing to accept the enormous pieces of the puzzle he’s obviously missing. He should’ve learnt long ago that what you don’t know will always come back to bite you in the ass.
Even the Light is an Illusion by Mizzy
★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 102,373
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Completed: Yes
Death threats are an unfortunate side-effect of being Tony Stark, so he’s learned to ignore them. The problem is, when someone really wants you dead, hiding your head in the sand just kinda exposes your ass.
But it’s not just Tony’s behind on the line. Whoever wants him dead wants him to suffer first, and they’re willing to do anything to make that happen. Tony knows there’s only one way out. To save Steve, the Avengers, and the general public, Tony has to die. Of course, death isn’t always the end, and Tony does what any other self-disrespecting scientist would do: he finds a way to fake his death and avenge his own murder.
The trouble is, terrible decisions usually have a terrible price, and this one is no different. Tony has a chance to save the day, but the cost may be more than Tony was ever expecting to pay…
Forged With Blood, Forged With Fire by agentsimmons
★ ★ ★
Words: 91,279
Pairing: Bruce Banner/Tony Stark
Completed: Yes
When Bruce looks over Tony’s blood work he notices an anomaly that sets them both on a search for answers and shows them just how much they mean to one another in the process. But when the truth finally becomes clear, it’s only the start of more obstacles and changes to come as they each find themselves facing new enemies and old.
And When It Does I’m Already Gone by qwanderer and roseapprentice
★ ★ ★
Words: 75,111
Pairing: Loki/Tony Stark
Completed: Yes
Eighteen years ago, Tony fell in love with a mysterious woman, all green eyes and wit. Now he’s given up all hope of finding her again, but with curiosity and a well-placed spider, fate has different ideas.
Loki lies and loves and loses and leaves things unfinished. But the people who love Loki back aren’t about to let the past go so easily. And Tony and Peter can dig up their share of secrets when they put their heads together. Biological Smartass Family.
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kyogre-blue · 6 years
Time Travel fics on AO3
For reasons, I went through the Time Travel tag on AO3, sorted by kudos. I got to about page 35.... Here are my findings. 
Fics I bookmarked: 
Study of Flight, Black Robe, and I was born for this by esama (Assassin’s Creed) -- I have not played a single AC game ever. I did know the names of the characters and the basic premise, but I didn’t realize there was like... an overarching plot with the precursors and all that? These fics are great, very easy to follow and satisfying (to me, at least), and what got me started on this time travel kick. 
Empires Gleam by alacrity (Merlin (BBC)) --  I went on a whole side tangent of Merlin fics, so it’s good. 
Palingenesis by osprey_in_the_laurels (Naruto) -- Madara/Hashimara, which is much rarer than I would have expected?? Why does Madara get shipped so much more with Tobirama...? Anyway, I enjoyed this, though I admit I skipped the several chapters they later spend in that weird alternate world. You also have to be ready for the interpretation of Madara’s character into, um, a woobie tbh. I lolled a lot while reading it tho, so totally worth it. 
Sparrow Spell by blackkat (Naruto) -- More like a one-shot proof of concept, but such a great character combination? Utakata, Zabuza and Haku? Rin?? Amazing. 
backslide by blackkat (Naruto) -- I have to re-read this, I just wanted to bookmark this on AO3. It was good when I read it on FFN a long while back. 
Two of a kind by WindsOfTime (FF7) -- I also read this on FFN back when it was being first published. Good, even though I can’t really remember how it ended, hahaha. 
The Fifth Act by Sinnatious (FF7) -- Now I have this bookmarked on AO3 as well!! The ultimate time travel fic!!!
Rise of the Unholy Trinity by LokasennaHiddleston (Code Geass) -- I’m genuinely surprised at how much plot with actual obstacles there manages to be despite the theoretically OP combo of Lelouch using his Geass very freely and Suzaku being unstoppable. I admit I did skip through Lelouch’s meeting with the Supervisor late in the story tho, I didn’t like the twist there. 
Nukume Dori by Leareth (X/1999, going back to Tokyo Babylon) -- I generally don’t get into Clamp, but this was one hell of a trainwreck ride. 
I read a ton more, to the point that I don’t remember them all, but these are the ones I bothered bookmarking for various reasons. (I’ve also got a bunch of KHR marked for later, hahaha.) 
Other things: 
The Time Travel tag is a horrible mix of actual time travel fix fic, time loops, characters being sent forward in time to see how their future selves live, and actual canon time travel events (like apparently 2014 Flash series?). At least time loops are generally tagged separately, so I can exclude them. 
So much YoI time travel. This is a show with 0 supernatural elements. It is as mundane as possible. You guys give me so much courage to say “time travel for all fandoms, plausibility is irrelevant.” 
Author’s note: [STOP ASKING OTHER AUTHORS TO ASK ME TO UPDATE MY FIC] -- who does that?! 
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frostironficrecs · 6 years
College AUs
for you person-whose-ask-i-accidentally-deleted <3 <3 <3 (just the recs no commentary bc,, there are a lot)
But My Smile Stays On- Meddalarksen & victoriousscarf, T, No Warnings It's pretty well assumed by people that you shouldn't chase after the people that try to shove you off a table when you kiss them. Except, Tony Stark has never been most people, and he's hardly used to being rejected, even by someone as quiet or gorgeous as fashion design student Loki Laufeyson.
Being the Short Account of Tony Getting His First (Real) Boyfriend at MIT- FelicityGS, T, No Warnings Tony is stuck under an awning waiting for the rain to stop when he's joined by one of the other students. With no end to the rain in sight, he decides to order them a pizza. Or try, at any rate.
Coffee, tea, or me?- Tis_ti, G, No Warnings Before he could even realize, how long had he been awake for?, he was standing at the front of the line “Good fellas” he muttered at the guy behind the cash register. Or the coffee shop Loki works at puts up movie quotes quiz every day au
Nuisance Next Door (series)- MissLightBright, T, Chose No Warnigns/Graphic Violence Starts out as a high school au, morphs into a college au. i,, dont hav much else and theres no official description for the series, but the description for the first fic also doesnt fit exactly lksdjhf
Tony & Loki: Friends & Lovers (series)- LaLopez, E, Chose No Warnings/No Warnings Best friends forever, right?
You’ll Be the Death of Me- STARSdidathing, T, No Warnings  Tony was the cute cashier that Loki had the biggest crush on and got tongue-tied just looking at. But was the compelling force of a dare going to be enough to make the situation better, or that much worse? Loki already had an idea, and he was betting on worse.  (look they're college-aged, it counts, right? Right?!)
What does the Univers have against getting laid?- Graceful_Storyteller, M, No Warnings Tony’s housemates walk in on him. This is not the first time it's happened.
Aftermath of the Party- Graceful_Storyteller, M, No Warnings There are some things Tony can’t say.
Iterations- percieved_nobility, M, No Archive Warnings Apply (Warnings for: suicide attempt (not graphic), suicidal ideation, suicidal thoughts, alcoholism, emotional/psychological abuse)  it·er·a·tionˌ itəˈrāSHən/ noun the repetition of a process or utterance. repetition of a mathematical or computational procedure applied to the result of a previous application, typically as a means of obtaining successively closer approximations to the solution of a problem. In the end, people either die alone or find some way to keep living, together.
All That Matters- LightningLaveau, E, No Warnings Brief college AU PwithminimalP. (comfort sex)
Promises- Elvarya85, G, No Warnings Tony and Loki meet at a party in college. It's the start of something amazing.
Picture Perfect (series)- LaLopez1981, E, Chose No Warnings, No Warnings Apply/Rape/Non-Con/Graphic Violence (None of the bad stuff happens between Loki/Tony) Starts out as a college au, but segues into a lifelong story of two people who love each other death. (also! a tie in porn fic for the first fic in the series alksf)
We Might as Well Be Strangers- ElegantFeatherDuster, E, Chose No Warnings (No Warnings) Modern semi-college AU where Loki is a pizza delivery boy for Thor's Pizza, Tony is getting yet another degree and none of that matters because this fic is 100% porn.
This Won't Mean A Thing- something_poison, E, No Warnings After a long day, all Loki wants is to take a hot bath and relax.
A Weekend Under the Influence-  Dont_touch_the_phlebotinum, E, No Warnings Waking up naked and hungover in Tony Stark's bed probably isn't the best way to kick off the day, as half the students on campus would most likely attest, though for Loki, it might just turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
Always Read The Fine Print- thejammys (WIP, Abandoned), E, Rape/Non-Con (Non-con does not occur between Loki/Tony) Tony and Loki are paired together on a research project that requires them to spend ridiculous amounts of time together. Loki dislikes Tony immediately and Tony is too smitten with Loki to care. (Note: Im Still Dead And Its Been Weeks Since I Read This Fic, Lots Of Angst Lots Of Tears.) (Note 2: The non-con stuff is kinda graphic, so this fic might not be for some of you) (Note 3: this fic was abandoned literally right before the epilogue was posted and it ends in the worst way Dont Read If Thats Gonna Kill You Bc Its Killing Me)
It's Not That Kind of Fairytale- onyxfyrefly, M, Chose No Warnings (Warnins for: depression/anxiety, cutting, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt) "For the past six weeks the neighbor directly above him had insisted on throwing a party every Sunday. Not Friday not Saturday but Sunday." (HEY LOOK ITS ONYX AND THEYRE BACK AT MURDERING ME AGAIN. HAVE BEEN SINCE THEY STARTED WRITING THIS FIC.)
Nothing Ventured- iswyn, E, Chose No Warnings Everyone at school wants Professor Stark, but he just doesn’t seem interested. When Loki goes all in for his own play, he learns that all is not quite what it seems with the object of his desires. The professor has a secret that could ruin his reputation. Can Loki handle it? (warning for student/teacher relationship. also bdsm) (also not so much a college au but loki is in college? and tony is a prof? so im counting it aksjdhf)
I'll Think About It- irishavalon, T, No Warnings Five times Loki almost admitted their love for Tony Stark, and one time they actually did. (GENDERFLUID LOKI GENDERFLUID LOKI GENDERFLUID LOKI GENDE-)
Abyss- plumadesatada, M, Chose No Warnings A monster lives in Tony's shadow and sleeps under his bed.
Dollars to Donuts flailingmuse, T, No Warnings University AU. Tony texts Loki offering money for Loki to be his personal takeout guy. It’s weird, but so is Tony, and Loki is strapped for cash. The arrangement becomes something more when Tony changes the script and asks him for something else – a favour. (ACE CHARACTESR AHOY BLESS THIS)
Avengers Academy Shorts- LokasennaHiddleston, E, No Warnings 1) pretty much  what it says on the tin and 2) i count this as college au bc avengers academy is Basically A College Ok (dont really need any prior knowledge of the game, have fun bbs)
Sure- usedupshiver, No Warnings When Loki finds the hung over remains of the party animal that is his brother's best friend sleeping on his couch, he's sure it will upset all his plans to spend the day studying. Tony isn't really sure how he got there in the first place, but it turns out he isn't in any hurry to leave.
Coffee For Two- wylf_storm, E, No Warnings Loki Laufeyson is a regular barista - bar his nose piercing, motorcycle and winding snake earring. He attends college, and when he doesn't have classes or isn't racing his motorbike out on old abandoned tracks for cash or fun, he works in Café Black, a little coffeeshop in the middle of town. He's content there, if not a little lonely, but when the man who looks like he belongs in a rock band comes in and changes his routine, Loki's life gets a lot less lonely and a lot more interesting. (Loki Is In College It Counts)
Deliver It To My Heart (What Looks So Strong So Delicate)- lary, E, No Warnings Tony develops an interest in the new arts student. Interest. Curiosity. Obsession. Whatever.  (:3333)
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