#Let alone getting into House of Hades
"percy jackson vs-" it doesn't matter who the second person is. it will always be hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby. have u read the house of hades?
Nico di Angelo
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perce · 8 months
i need the new pjo book im gonna explode
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happyf1 · 1 year
Why are you everywhere?
My music, my drives, my shopping trips. 
My safe place and my escape.
Physically you sit across the room in my safe place and you are physically on the paper of my books which help me hide from reality. 
Books was the one place you weren’t and now here you are staring back at me. 
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ hellooo !! i absolutely in love with your works !! may i request percy with the song “i want it” all by lana del rey, specially this part of the lyrics:“do you think you'll kill for me one day?" / “yes of course I will, my darling” ? perhaps a mention of dark percy ? 😋 ❞ — 🦇
in which percy would kill for you one day
pairing slightly dark!percy jackson x reader
warnings house of hades spoilers? that’s when this is set, violence (percy bloodbends)
on the radio . . . i want it all (lana del rey)
After experiencing Tartarus together, you couldn’t help but notice how Percy changed. He used to always be able to crack a joke, even at the worst of situations, lightening the mood and raising your spirits. However, now he’s more… serious. Tartarus seemed to harden him up - his eyes, once a bright aquamarine colour, were now of a dark blue-green hue, like the depths of the ocean that even Poseidon wouldn’t venture
You still loved him with all of your heart. He was your precious boyfriend, after all. And besides, you probably changed a lot too after that. Anyone would if they were forced to hallucinate their boyfriend abandoning them like you did. The image the Arai had planted in your head that day, a curse sent your way by a girl you didn’t even know, haunted you. You never wanted to feel that alone and isolated again
Percy knew this. It was part of the reason why he became more protective, more territorial. Watching you wander Tartarus aimlessly, your voice cracking as you begged for his touch and being able to do nothing about it shattered his heart. After that experience, he vowed to never let you out of his sight 
The other members of the Argo II could tell that something had changed between you, too. However, they kept a safe distance, not wanting to interfere in case they made it worse, unable to even fathom what you must’ve gone through in Tartarus
For the most part, though, your relationship was good. Other than the nightmares and protectiveness, the two of you stayed the same iconic couple you are, and as time progressed, Percy felt himself becoming more relaxed, no longer needing to be by your side every second of every day
That was until the ship got attacked. You’d been having a couple days of pretty safe travel ever since you got out of Tartarus, and while you did enjoy simply being able to catch up with all your friends on a boat in the ocean, you should’ve known that something would come along to ruin this for you
It was early in the morning, and you were on watch duty along with Leo, who was manning the ship whilst adding some updates to Festus. The salty air made you think of Percy, and you found yourself suddenly longing for his touch, knowing how much he’d enjoy watching the sun rise over the horizon
“You can go get Percy if you want, Y/N, I’ll be fine here,” Leo mumbled. For someone who claims he’s better at understanding machines than people, he sure was good at reading your mind. Recently, you noticed he’d also been acting differently. According to Hazel, he found a girl he loved (NOT calypso guys don’t worry 🩷) while he’d gone missing, but for some reason he couldn’t bring her with him
You thanked him and were about to make your way to your boyfriend’s room when you suddenly heard a voice yell, “I will take revenge on you, wretched son of Poseidon!” You turned, finding yourself face-to-face with none other than the bane of Poseidon, Polybotes
“You think you can just leave Tartarus as you please? I, Polybotes, will make you pay!” The giant continued. Your feet seemed to be cemented to the ground as you stared at the giant, mouth open in a mix of shock and fear. He was supposed to be in Tartarus, how could he possibly get here? Of course you couldn’t have a moment of peace. Why were you stupid enough to think that maybe, just maybe, you could relax until actually having to fight Gaia herself? 
“Y/N, look out!” Leo yelled, pulling you out of your trance. But it was too late. The giant picked you up, his nails digging into your back, forming crescent shaped gashes. Your nose scrunched at the smell of him as he took a good look at you before laughing (his breath smelled even worse. You had to fight the urge to vomit all over him)
Tears welled up in your eyes. You were completely helpless, with no weapon on you and your limbs still aching from your time in Tartarus. This was it. This is how you’d die. The giant was squeezing you so tight you could barely breathe, black spots beginning to obscure your vision. You sent a quick prayer to your godly parent, asking them to keep your friends safe on the rest of this quest, before you succumbed to the darkness
The last thing you remember seeing is a flash of bright blue - the ocean
“Thank Gods you’re awake! We’re all so worried about you!” Hazel exclaimed as soon as your eyes were open. Looking around, you noticed you were in the makeshift infirmary section of the ship, bruises littering your body
You turned to face Hazel, your eyebrows furrowed, “what… happened?” You asked, trying to push your memories of the incident with Polybotes to the front of your mind, but ending up with nothing, “I remember I was captured by that giant, then I saw the water move, then… nothing.”
Hazel was suddenly incapable of holding eye contact with you, unsure if she should tell you what happened or not. In the end, she decided on the former, knowing you’d pull it out of Percy eventually if you had to
“The water moving was Percy’s doing. We all showed up after hearing the commotion and when he saw you in Polybotes’ clutches he went… kind of crazy. I’d never seen him like this before, Y/N, it was a little scary. He willed the water to move him up to Polybotes’ height and demanded he let you go. When he didn’t…” Hazel stopped for a second, shuddering. What did Percy do? After seeing the way he handled Akhlys in Tartarus, you knew there was a side of him that he kept buried deep inside. Did it come out again?
You placed a gentle hand on Hazel’s, giving her a kind smile which willed her to continue, “he started controlling Polybotes’ blood… he made him choke on his own blood, Y/N, we’ve been spending the past five hours cleaning that up.”
At the sound of voices coming out of the infirmary, Percy barged in, nodding at Hazel before holding you tightly in his arms. You hugged back, glad to see that he was okay. Smiling at both of you, Hazel waved goodbye and left, knowing you two needed a moment alone
“Hazel told me what happened,” you said once Percy pulled away, still keeping your hand in his. At this, he looked at the ground in shame, remembering how much his treatment of Akhlys had scared you in Tartarus
Rubbing circles into your hand, he said, “I’m sorry, Y/N, my fear and anger got the better of me. I don’t ever want to lose you, you’re literally my soulmate. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Your heart fluttered at his words. Feeling your face become warmer as a bright smile made its way onto your lips, you said, “it’s alright, Percy. Thank you for saving me. I genuinely thought I was going to die then.” At this, Percy’s brows furrowed and the grip he had on your hand tightened
An aura of power exuded from your boyfriend, and when he said, “you wouldn’t die, not with me here. I’d kill for you, baby, you understand that, right?” You knew he meant it. If giants didn’t have to be defeated by both Gods and demigods working together, Polybotes would definitely be a mere pile of dust in Tartarus right now
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meggannn · 2 months
hades 2 conversation dialogue my sister and i found interesting
SPOILERS obviously. my sister has been failing her runs on purpose to get more dialogue out of people. this post discusses dialogue that was not in the developer stream.
on hermes (mel and hecate are speaking about hermes and artemis at the start):
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on melinoë, artemis, and the olympians:
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on why mel is the only one who can kill chronos:
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on hecate & mel's relationship:
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on a secret order that mel is apart of:
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on mel's job at the crossroads:
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tension and secrets in the crossroads!!!!
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when you give hypnos nectar:
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(i wasn't fast enough to get his reply. hypnos says something like "zzzz... welcome to the.... zzzz"), then mel says:
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other things i didnt screengrab:
hypnos: mel can remark to charon that hypnos is still asleep, charon says "arrghhh," and mel says "wait, he's of more use this way...?" possibly implying hypnos's sleep is not what it seems
nemesis: is uhhh kind of really mean!!!! she says something to mel along the lines of "you're upset you lost a family you don't remember? i KNEW my mom, all you did was be born"
moros: you can invite moros to the crossroads and he stands near the fated list far from everyone because nobody wants to talk to doom incarnate (odysseus in particular makes a point to say he'll stay away). iirc he introduces himself as "the bearer of bad news" which i find kind of clever but also a bit sad. if you give him nectar iirc he says nobody has given him a gift/offering before. aphrodite also notes that moros has made mel's acquaintance and calls him good-looking.
hephaestus: he criticizes your weapon's workmanship when you first meet him, then later takes it back and compliments it as very good, and says "just don't go spreading it around" to the olympians.
hermes is "missing" but he's on a mission for the war to find out what chronos is scheming
artemis (and hermes) didn't tell the olympians hecate has been raising a titan-killer (mel) and the olympians don't really believe she can do it but send her boons anyway, presumably figuring why not
only mel can enter the house of hades to challenge chronos, so that's why she needs to make this journey alone
hecate is rather sweet and mentorly with mel, but she gets exhausted and irritated when mel doubts herself. i didn't grab it but there's a bit where mel says if hecate had not held back, she knows she would've lost, and hecate snaps "you know?" asking mel why she puts limits on herself
mel, hecate, selene, and artemis are part of a secret order called the silver sisters that hermes also supports. olympus does not know about it. all these gods (save hermes) also have moon iconography in their designs
pretty sure moros will be romanceable. i think his and mel's interactions are very sweet, and aphrodite notes he's arrived and calls him good-looking, which reminded me of how she commented on thanatos to zag. no idea who might be a female romance option yet (i'm assuming there is one)
hephaestus boons are a lot of fun, per my sister
the big one: HECATE AND NEMESIS KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T??? hecate maybe knew an attack was coming and didn't do anything?? nyx is also confirmed to basically be not around though we don't know where she is. and hecate is something called a handmaiden??? is she meant to serve nyx? it now seems like the children of nyx are meant to serve hecate, and eris isn't doing that, but nemesis is playing guard duty begrudgingly. so maybe nemesis thinks hecate let the house be captured/destroyed for her own ends, possibly also to get nyx out of the picture, so nyx's children would serve her(?). maye nyx is also a silver sister and hecate is now in command at the crossroads/on earth, second only to selene?
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mioakem · 3 months
Sometimes I remember that nico lost his mother and then was put in a hotel for seventy years and finally get let out and then found out that his dad was a Greek god and he was so excited but then his sister decided to join the hunters of Artemis and he’s happy for her but also scared once he finds out that she’s going on a quest so he makes the cute guy who saved him earlier promise to keep her safe only for him to return after the quest and tell him that his sister had died and then everyone hated him because of who his father was and he realized he was in love with the guy who he blames for his sisters death and hates himself for it and then he goes on a side quest with Percy and brings him to his fathers palace under the impression that hades just wanted to talk with Percy because he said that it he brought Percy to him then he would tell him more about his family but then hades tricks the both of them and imprisons Percy and Nico goes to save him but Percy doesn’t trust him anymore and then he single handedly brought three gods to help with the battle of manhattan only to still not feel welcomed and then he learned that there might be a way to bring back his dead sister only to find out that she had chosen rebirth and then found his other sister and brought her back from the fields of asphodel and then found another camp and started to actually heal and then Percy shows up with no memory and he lies to him and promptly dips and ends up completely alone in Tartarus only to get kidnapped by two giants and get stuffed in a jar with only a limited supply of pomegranates and then when the seven finally come to save him he finds out that most of them didn’t even want to save him and thought it would just be better to leave him in the jar to die and then he had to watch the guy who he’s not rlly in love with anymore fall into Tartarus but not before making him promise to lead a group of people that hate him to the house of hades and he agrees to it and then everyone except for his sister stay away from him because they think he’s creepy and weird until he has to go on a side quest with Jason to retrieve something from Cupid and he is forced to admit that he was gay and in love with Percy to a guy he barely knows let alone trusts and then realizes that no one would hate him because of that and he makes his first actual friend and then he volunteers himself to go on a deadly quest to take a ginormous statue back to camp via shadow travel and he nearly dies from it but he also developed a strong friendship with Reyna along the way and after the war he finally allows himself to be loved by his friends and tells Percy how he used to feel about him and meets Will and is finally happy for the first time in a while and then his boyfriends dad shows up as a mortal but he doesn’t think much of it until one day he feels the same feeling he felt when Bianca died and realized that Jason had died and goes into a deep depression and then Reyna also joined the hunters and everything just sucks again but at least he has Will and people at camp don’t really hate him anymore but then he starts getting plagued with nightmares and it gets so bad to the point where he finally gives in and goes down into Tartarus again but with Will this time and is forced to face his demons but ends up embracing them and freeing his friend and everything is now kind of okay again and he starts kinda developing a friendship with Piper and he’s actually happy but who knows how long that’s gonna last cause he’s been happy before and look where that got him
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audreyscribes · 4 months
💀 HADES: God of the Dead and Riches 💎
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
You’re not claimed in a way like the others. Instead you come across a pale faced boy with black hair, dark bags under his eyes, and a leather jacket. The ensemble he wore screamed something to you and he introduced himself to you as Nico, child of Hades. And you’re one of his half-siblings. 
Whether you’re like him, a child of Hades displaced out of time before the Oath was made after WW2, or a child born after the oath was rescinded, Nico has been finding any Hades’ demigods he could find. If you didn’t know better, you would think it was his life mission.
When you arrive at Camp, whether Camp Half Blood or Camp Jupiter, people already know who your godly parent or blood is when Nico is with you, but the claim over your head is just icing on the cake. It is the sign of the cusp of fall and winter together, the silence that presides over it. 
People give you a wide berth of respect, awe and fear. Not surprising given how powerful Hades is. 
Regardless, Nico sticks by your side and helps guide you. He teaches you how to handle the dead and the more peskier ghosts, but ultimately, he doesn’t let you feel alone. You tell your story to him and he tells his.  
You’re also introduced to Hazel who seems the complete opposite of Nico but you realise that while children of Hades both stick together but are very independent. Solitary but not isolated. 
While it may be bothersome and sometimes unsettling seeing ghosts and spirits, there are perks; you can reanimate and see dead and loved animals. You always tell the doggos they are good boys. That or the hellhounds. 
“Hello Darkness, my old friend”- ‘The Sound of Silence’ by Simon and Gafunkel.
Regardless if you’re Greek or Roman, when people diss and don’t believe that the planetary Pluto is not a planet, you will get bad and they will know to never diss Pluto. 
Dried flowers, fungi, antiques, faded memories, abandoned buildings. Once filled with life and encompassed with what could be death. Many do not appreciate them but they open themselves to you, and you and your siblings remember them. You carry old, past clothes on your backs, you gently touch the dried petals of flowers with their faint smell still cling to you. You see the hands that touched the antiques, touches of human life. You see the abandoned buildings and know that they were built and housed life in them with their shelter. 
While you may be part of Death’s domain, you greatly cherish life; the people in your life and that help shape you. When you love someone, you love them to a beyond that transcends death. 
You know about shadow traveling as Nico helped you go through it. At the minimum, you can fold yourself into the shadows and be unseen like Hades, but at the most, you can travel to any place where shadows preside over. You find its easier to travel to places wherever Hades’ domain presides over; you can travel more easily to places of death (i.e. cemetery, battlezones, altars) and riches (i.e. mines, the world trade centre, places of great bounty, banks). A rare power of a child of Hades may call things forth from the shadows, whether its things you place into the shadows or using the shadows to your will. You can grab an objects’ shadow to your advantage or use your hands to create shadow shapes to ‘life’. It is rumoured that once, a child of Hades that possessed that skill was able to freeze a person with their shadow pinned by them, and was able to kill them by simply cutting off a person’s shadow. 
Like Hades, you may seem aloof and stern in matters, but on the other hand, this can be seen as fair and honourable. 
When the children of Hades gather in one place, you all give off an Addams' family vibe. The aesthetics, the attitude toward things. Hades is Gomez and Persephone is Morticia, you can guess where it goes from there.
You looked at Nico, who introduced himself as your half-brother. You tried to find the similarities you two shared and while it isn’t entirely physical, there is an air around him that draws you in. A solace if you will.  It’s been more than 70 years since your original time and now here you are, in the 21st century. You thought you had died and now you were here, breathing.  You could feel the anticipation turning into dread when you would eventually realize the math of your birth era and now.
It was a stark change from your time, yet in some sort of attempt to grasp your sanity, you started to find similarities, things that seemed to be the same from your time and this time. It calmed you down but also at the same time, you were a bit overwhelmed where your half brother had taken you. 
McDonalds, he said. You looked at the meal he had bought and inspected it. It was different yet strangely good? The soda-pop however, was entirely bizarre but still delicious (sickeningly sweet you thought).
You both ate your meal as Nico gave you a rundown of the situation. The existential weight of being children of Hades and Pluto was, especially after the creation of the Big Three Oath after the world war, and how it was absolved not too long ago in this time by a son of Poseidon. Then came the eventual appearances of deceased children of Hades and Pluto, which you found out were either killed in the wars, or were deliberately hunted down by Zeus and Poseidon; much like Nico and his sister Bianca. 
Nico tried to give you a rundown of what times are like now and their delicate situation, but even then, Nico wasn’t too knowledgeable given everything. 
Silence fell between the two of you, as you tried to process literally everything. You tried to speak but the knot in your stomach and the weight in your throat was getting heavier. It was becoming awkward and you looked at Nico, realising he too was out of his depth. You found some amusement that he really must be your brother if the two of you were both socially inept. 
You saw Nico open the two red box with the golden arches, before he took out the two toys. You looked at them, wondering really how the meals costed. Toys weren’t very cheap back in the day, and while you had a feeling manufacturing must’ve improved, to have a toy come with a meal must be costly…but you were sure of how much Nico paid as you watched him to get a handle on today’s currency. 
“So uh….which of the kids meals toys do you want?” he stammered. 
You stared at him with wider eyes as you saw him slowly shift in his seat in awkwardness. Everything came to a head as the hilarity of the situation dawned upon you. You started laughing as Nico looked at you like you had grown a second head. 
“I’ll take this one” you chuckled, taking the toy before wiping away the tears, “Thank you Nico.”
“I mean…I eat here pretty frequently-”
“I mean finding us” you said,  as Nico blinked at you owlishly. You placed a hand on top of his in a reassuring gesture. “You went through a lot and you’re just as young as us, yet here you are, finding the rest of us who may be wandering limbo and offering us toys.”
“Well…it’s not fair” he tried to play off. 
“None of it is fair,” you noted, “But this is.”
Nico stared at you before nodding. “We have to go to Camp to get you settled in,” he started. 
You hummed as you helped clean up, “Perhaps yeah…then where next?”
You smirked at Nico, “If you want to go alone, you can but if you’re going to find the rest of us, count me in.” 
“Are you sure? There’s a lot to digest.”
“Probably, but we’re demigods, I doubt things are going to be normal for a long time.”
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sketchy-owl · 1 year
Episode 13
(Notes: Female reader cause...come on Dadam would be a hyper protective dad if he had a daughter.
Deities involved: Hades,Loki,Shiva, Poseidon and Thor.)
~When Y/N brings her male buddies at home.~
Y/N:*happy aura* I'm so happy that Dad let you come with me!!
Loki:I'm surprised too.
Shiva:Yeah "I mean he's called the lover boys killer"
Hades: I hope he can enjoy the apple cider I brought here.
Y/N:Of course he will!*smiles and opens the door* Dad! We're here!
Adam:Welcome back home sweetheart*Pat's Y/N's head*
Y/N:*giggles* Are mom and big brothers home?
Adam:Yes, they are in garden right now. Why don't you go give them a hug? They missed you a lot.
Y/N: *nods* Okay! My friends can help you preparing dinner!! *turns to the boys* It won't take too long!*runs in the garden*
The gods:.....*they all look at Adam*
Adam:*keeps smiling while looking at Y/N*
Poseidon/Thor:....*clearly have a bad feeling*
Shiva: She always looks so innocent."I bet she's a naughty girl under the sheets" *pervert smirk*
Loki:Yeah....so innocent..."I really want to corrupt that innocence "* psycho smirk*
Adam:....*the smile drops*
Poseidon/Thor: "Idiots he can tell what you're thinking "
Hades:*coughs cause he knows that he has to make a good impression * It's an honor to meet you Adam, I'm Hades,a close 'friend' of your daughter. As a gift for your hospitality I brought you some Apple cider...
Adam:I have five rules. Memorize them.
Hades:Umh...of course I mean it's your house...
Adam: Rule number ONE: Don't bother sucking up. I HATE you. That's not gonna change.
Hades: I...I beg your pardon?
Adam: You'll give me your phone numbers and social media when I call you, you WILL answer. That's rule number TWO. You're not welcome here you're insects, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the food chain. You WILL obey to me without complaining.*menacing aura*
Loki:*starts shaking*
Adam: When you go out with her or come here to do anything, you will ALWAYS keep some distance from her. Which brings me to rule number THREE, don't try be a Romeo or a Don Giovanni when you're alone with her. If I don't see doesn't mean I won't know if you did something.
Adam: Rule number FOUR:... If she calls me....telling me that you hurt her or tried doing SOMETHING to her don't bother call me to give me explanations.Not only you will have lost your chances with her but you definitely asked for death.
Shiva:*raises his hand while shaking*
Shiva: You said five rules. That was only four.
Hades:...."He did not...just ask him that..."*mentally facepalming*
Adam: *evil smirk* Rule number FIVE: You must refer to me as SIR. If you want to live. Do not call me Adam, man, bud, buddy,pops or "dad". You won't EVER get the privilege and the honor to do that.
Shiva:....of...of course sir....
Y/N: I'm back!! Guys,are you okay? You look pale.*clueless *
Adam:They are fine sweetheart, they must be tired,I heard that coming from Valhalla can be exhausting for a god. Right?*smiles*
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Poseidon:....it's true...
Y/N: Is that so....well you can rest now! Mom and I will prepare lunch!!
Adam: Sweetheart you should rest too, Cain and Abel can help your mother. Why don't WE give them a tour of the house?
Y/N:*smiles* That's a wonderful idea dad!!
Adam: Well then, it's decided.*keeps smiling*
Poseidon: "We knew...what kind of man was Adam"
Hades:"....The rumours were clear..."
Thor: ".....But we ignored them ...and still came here..."
Loki:"....We literally threw ourselves in the lion's den..."
Shiva:"...Sure we may be gods...but now..."
The gods: "We're really fucked."
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genericpuff · 9 months
I can't remember exactly what chapter but early on when Persephone went to talk to Hades during the "one day of the year the citizens get to see their king and file complaints" and side lines it (and the citizens time) to talk about Tori and Alex and his missing eye and they eat lunch... didn't Hades just conjure food instead of making them lunch or am I misremembering?
so this ask sent me on a bit of a ride because i went to go find the scene you were talking about, i knew exactly where it was but i had actually completely FORGOTTEN about the whole lunch bit that came with it
and oh, my fucking god-
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and yes, he does basically magic it out of nowhere because he casts an 'illusion' to change her outfit and they're basically in a secret room right now. So he definitely didn't prepare this by hand or ahead of time (unless he lied about the whole 'illusion' thing and he really did knock her out and change her clothes against her will, oh god no-) And yet despite this being the "woman of his dreams", he STILL feeds her like a squirrel.
This is more proof as to why Persephone was never plus-sized rep and is written purely through the male gaze. For some reason Rachel is DEAD SET AGAINST feeding this poor girl or letting her chew food onscreen, and that's just the BARE MINIMUM of like, healthy fucking behavior.
Seriously, stop reading this post RIGHT NOW and ask yourself, "When has Persephone actually eaten a meal onscreen?"
Go ahead, I'll wait.
The CLOSEST we've ever gotten to her eating a meal was that time she ordered takeout (fucking Chinese takeout???) and we never actually see her eating it. She's stirring it around in one panel and then by the end of the conversation, the food is gone.
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Even in scenes where you'd think she'd be eating, like in the scene where she stays at Hera's for dinner, they come up with some random excuse as to why she can't have a full meal.
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(I just noticed writing this up btw that they're all eating the same thing she is so why are they so apologetic as if they're all feasting on meat and she's just eating lettuce and cheese??? But it looks like all they're eating is greens and toast, what the fuck is happening-)
It's astounding to me at all that a Greek family wouldn't have anything more in the house for a vegetarian to eat than lettuce and halloumi. Need I remind you that Greek food is Mediterranean, it is primarily vegetarian. Beans, veggies, fruit, breads, and cheeses make up much of the foundation of Greek food so why don't they have anything else in the house; and why in the world is Zeus being all judgmental over her being vegetarian when most of what he eats - AND WHAT HE'S LITERALLY GOT ON HIS PLATE RIGHT NOW - is vegetarian???
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And when she DOES eat, it's always the tiniest morsels, like she's a squirrel or a delicate little baby who's never seen food before and whose teeth haven't grown in yet. She'll be holding utensils, she'll have a plate in front of her, but will she eat the food? Will there even be food on the plate?
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Anything we see her legitimately consume is juice. Happy little baby needs her juice, her sippy sip.
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This is honestly so indicative of how Americanized LO is. From the lack of actual Greek food to vegetarianism being treated like an inferior diet to the main female character not being allowed to even CHEW food onscreen let alone eat, like... what year is it ??? Being a vegetarian isn't a radical idea anymore, and for fuck's sakes, Greek food is readily available even in North America so it shouldn't be this hard to get right! Can we please throw out this 1950's misogyny bullshit of the man stuffing his face with steak while the woman eats nothing but grapefruit skins, hard boiled eggs, and wine??
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“You need to leave.”
The glare the physician levels at him is slower than usual. He takes a moment to process the stiff words Nico directs at him, blinking several times — his normally clear blue eyes look almost cloudy — before huffing and rolling his eyes.
“This is not your House, Your Highness. And further it is not your infirmary. The only one with authority to order someone out would be me.”
Now Nico is the one glaring. That is a lie, and a bold one. He could name at least a dozen people who could order Will out of the infirmary, and he says as much, thankful he wore his heeled boots today so he has an extra inch of height on Will today with which he can stare down his nose disdainfully.
“Feel free to call them, then, Your Highness,” says Will irritably, “but in the meantime, get out.”
The doctor is swaying on his feet. There are bags under his bloodshot eyes, and his hands shake. His normally full, glossy hair is limp and lifeless. He’s as grey as the stone floors. It takes him four full seconds — Nico counts — to react to the retching of one of the dozens of bedridden, green-faced patients, and another four seconds to will himself to move towards them. He doesn’t even bother looking back at Nico before he turns, let alone bowing or even ordering him out one last time. On his fourth step, he stumbles, barely managing to catch himself before sprawling on the ground. His feet drag with every step.
Nico turns around and walks out.
“My Lord — a word?”
Immediately after asking, Nico begins to spiral. He is not sure, still, what his place is in House Apollo. He has asked for asylum — Lord Apollo has granted it. Graciously, even, perhaps also fielding tensions from his father. He has provided for Nico suites for high ranks, preserving his title despite his asylum, and seems, on the whole, to be a rather laidback man.
But Nico has read his history books, and has studied politics his whole life. He knows the danger that can rest behind the King’s eyes, know to what extent he is capable. Knows how his pride drives him and offense makes him deadly.
To Nico’s great relief and in credit to the gods, the King only smiles brightly.
“My Prince!” he greets, clapping Nico’s shoulder enthusiastically (so much so that Nico would be sent sprawling, if he had not begun to accustom himself to the…enthusiasm, of House Apollo as a whole). “Please, come sit with me, no need for excessive formality.”
Nico inclines his head, taking the chair to Apollo’s left — he would never dare the right, aware enough to be wary of the implications. As soon as he sits, though, the carefully-practiced script he planned vanishes from his mind, and the minutes stretch, silent and uncomfortable.
“Your physician overworks himself.”
He blurts it just as Apollo opens his mouth, and then immediately wants to crawl under the table. He is thankful, not for the first time, for the length of his hair, knowing it hides his flaming ears.
What a foolish thing to say! Apollo must think he has no decorum.
Luckily, Apollo only laughs; a great, loud sound, one Nico can only describe as merry.
“Who, William? You needn’t worry yourself, dear boy. He’s been married to his work since he was a child, long before he was old enough to stitch a suture. I’ve not seen him outside of the East wing in months, and still it will be a few more before I catch even a glimpse. He is more reclusive than he realizes.” Apollo frowns. “Why have you brought him up, son of Hades? Has he offended you?”
Yes. He is always offending me. I believe ‘offensive’ may very well be the most natural setting for him — how, again, is he a doctor?
Nico swallows the thoughts down, and instead assures, “No, no, of course not.” His hands twitch. It takes another long silence for him to admit, “I only mean that I saw him this morning, and he appeared — well, frankly, he looks ill, My Lord. Sickly.”
Apollo hums, glancing down at a stack of letters in front of him. He must have been working before Nico interrupted him.
“I confess that I haven’t spoken with the doctor in some time, but I trust his judgement, my boy. He knows his craft. If he is unwell, he will handle himself. It is sickness’ season, after all. He’s likely only tired.”
Nico bites back a response. Clearly, the King does not understand the gravity of the situation. Does he not realize how dire things may be for him if his head physician falls deeply, truly ill? Nico is loathe to admit it, but Will is among the most talented men Nico has ever met. Whatever skill Nico knows in his swordfighting, Will knows tenfold in his sciences. The kind of healing he provided for Nico should not be possible. He’s beginning to understand that Will does not care what is and isn’t possible.
Including, he thinks, what is within his own limits.
“Very well, My Lord,” he says, bowing his head. “Thank you for your time.”
Apollo waves him off good-naturedly, returning to his letters. Nico leaves with a deeper frown on his face than when he came in.
The next time he braves the infirmary, it’s significantly less crowded.
It’s been a couple days. (Not that he’d intended. He’d walked by the infirmary doors no less than twenty-two times after speaking with King Apollo, at a complete loss for what to say, genuinely considering writing to his friend at House Athena to get her strategic input. In the end he’d refrained.)
By now, most of the beds are once again empty. A few ill people rest, either sleeping or entertaining themselves quietly. The general air of panic and chaos seems to have finally ceased as the sick season approaches its end.
Will, tending to an older patient — one of the senior maids, if Nico is not mistaken, who frowns at him in worry — sways on his feet.
“William,” he calls, all trepidation immediately fleeing his mind. Alarm bells ring in his head. When Will spares him a glance, he looks ghastly.
“Doctor William,” he corrects belatedly. There’s none of the usual annoyance in his voice, absolutely no bite. He doesn’t even roll his eyes.
Nico’s throat goes dry.
“Will,” murmurs the patient, placing a wrinkled hand on his arm. “Darling, you look unwell. Perhaps you should rest.”
Will hesitates, and for a moment Nico’s heart swells with hope. He won’t listen to Nico, but this woman acts familiar with him. Maybe she can convince him to sit, to breathe, to sleep.
(In the back of his mind, a voice screams at Nico to turn around and walk away. What is he doing? Will is the closest thing Nico has ever had to an enemy. He is stubborn, he thinks he knows everything, he kind of does know everything, he has horrible manners, he smiles at everyone, all the time, except Nico, whom he huffs at and rolls his eyes and yet touches very gently, even when Nico wrenches himself away. He is confusing and odd and yes, reclusive, even moreso than Nico. He constantly addresses Nico with the kind of sarcasm and disregard for status that would get him killed in stricter Houses — stricter houses like the one from which Nico hails. He is the pinnacle of impertinence.)
(And, yet.)
“Will.” It is genuinely worrying how slowly the physician responds. Nico’s heart begins to pound, and when Will lurches suddenly forward Nico darts out to steady him. The maid watches them with wide eyes. “Will, when was the last time you rested?”
Will doesn’t respond. His grip on Nico’s arm is worryingly loose, and for someone his height, he rests lightly against Nico’s frame. His eyes are glassy and far away.
“Will? William, answer me.”
“‘M — fine,” Will slurs, and then his eyes roll back into his head, and he slumps into Nico’s arms.
Thankfully, some of the colour comes back to Will’s face as he sleeps.
Nico had ended up putting him down on one of the infirmary cots. He hadn’t know what else to do — he has no idea where Will resides, whether it’s inside the palace or out, or whether King Apollo was being serious and he really does live somewhere in the infirmary. He had no idea whom even he could ask. As it was, he was barely able to lay Will down in a cot with the maid’s help, weakened with illness as she was — Will was limp as a ragdoll. For a moment, even, Nico was terrified he was dead. He certainly looked it.
In the thirty some hours (not that Nico has been counting), some colour has returned to his cheeks. His breathing is less laborious, quick, tiny puffing snores making his curly hair flick up and down with every breath. Sometimes he mutters in his sleep, to mumbled and quiet for Nico to make out.
He has stayed, for the most part, in a rickety wooden chair by Will’s side. He’s not sure why. His backside aches. There are nurses on duty, far more qualified and competent than he, who can monitor him easily. One nurse, even, with strangely coloured hair, walks into the infirmary five hours after Will passes out and immediately notices him on the cot, sighing loudly.
(“You need to take better care of yourself,” she’d whispered, running her fingers through his hair. Nico squashed down the sudden onslaught of bitterness that drowned his heart for no reason, nodding as she looked up and flashed him a small smile. “Thank you, Your Highness.”
There was no sarcasm in her use of the title. It startled him, which was disturbing. When had he come to expect it? And worse still, when did he come to accept it, Will’s mouthiness?)
When Will finally wakes, it is slowly. It matches the rise of the sun, Nico notices, in the languid way he stretches his limbs, the lethargic blinking of his long eyelashes. His brow furrowed when those blue eyes finally make contact, tilting his head as if he’s not sure he’s truly awake.
“…Your Highness?”
The sudden surge of rage is as frightening as it is comforting. He doesn’t know where it comes from. It’s familiar.
“You,” he seethes, “have endless nerve.”
He’d meant it as an insult, evidenced by his scathing tone. But Will preens.
“Thank you, Your Highness.”
“That was not a compliment! You collapsed in my arms, William! You were — greyer than stone! You slept for thirty hours!”
“Oh, good.”
Nico falters. (Which is unfortunate, because he had a good lecture rolling, something his tutors would have been proud of.)
“It was forty-two, last time.” He has the gall to look offended, huffing in Nico’s direction. “I wish you would leave well enough alone, Your Highness. I’m certain I would have persevered through the end of the season’s peak.”
“Through the end of the — you were dying!”
To his great distress, Nico finds himself choked up at the idea. He allows himself, fleetingly and privately, to acknowledge the fact that he does not want Will to die. In fact, he never wants to see Will close to that unwell ever again. He much prefers it when the doctor is rolling his eyes at him, turning away before Nico can see his smile, or pacing the infirmary floors as he rants about sanitary practices and organisms too small to see. He prefers Will when he is intense, in anger or in passion or in that bright, beaming smile of his, not…whatever he was. Dull. Worn down.
And then he takes those thoughts and stuffs them far into the recesses of his mind.
“I was not dying,” Will insists, but he has the grace to appear at least a little chagrined. “Good gods, Your Highness, I’ve been studying medicine since I could read. I know my limits.”
“Do you.” Nico’s voice is bitter, and he glares at Will until he looks away. “Because I could have sworn that you lost consciousness mid-sentence. I barely caught you.”
Will coughs. The tips of his ears turn red. Nico ignores it.
“William,” he says instead.
“Doctor William.”
Despite his anger, Nico’s lips twitch up into a smile. There he is.
He refuses to correct himself, if only to deepen the lovely (oh, no) scowl on Will’s face. “William, I don’t believe you’re to be trusted alone in your infirmary. I shall be staying to supervise you.”
Several emotions flit across Will’s face at once.
First is annoyance. Clear, plain, and simple, it’s almost an old friend to Nico at this point. Will was annoyed with him the first day they met. He was annoyed the second time, seething, really, dragging Nico back to the sterile surgical suite to fix his torn stitches. He was annoyed when Nico first shouted at him, bewilderment at this random physician treating him like he was another resident of the palace, not the only son of Hades. He was annoyed, notably, the one time Nico came to the infirmary after spraining his wrist in sword fighting and, in Will’s words, “breathed too loudly.” The annoyance he expected.
The next is fear. This, he takes much less pleasure in. There’s something disturbing about the look, not just because Will seems, to him, fearless, but because it seems so out of place. What about this situation does Will have to fear?
The third emotion is puzzling, and Nico can’t quite determine what exactly it is. His first thought is trepidation, but that’s not exactly true. It’s gone quick enough that he doesn’t care to linger.
The final emotion — and this one he has no trouble identifying — is pure, incandescent rage.
“You will do no such thing,” Will says, voice clipped. “I believe I have already informed you about the mechanics of this infirmary, Your Highness. I will not be intimidated.”
Nico rests his foot on his knee, leaning back into the chair. He adopts his favourite expression he often uses to enrage his father — eyebrow raised, smirk quirking the corner of his mouth, smugness practically dripping from him.
“I’m surprised you even remember that, as dead as you were.”
“I remember just fine,” says Will coolly, “and I especially remember removing you from the premises, so frankly I am unsure why you’re here again, Your Highness. Not unlike a wart one has already had removed.”
Nico refuses to laugh.
“I’m here because you collapsed into my arms. Like a damsel.”
Finally — third time is the charm — Will’s face erupts in a fiery blush. His freckles practically glow, and satisfaction ripples through Nico from head to toe. He looks murderous. Nico wishes to freeze him in time long enough to commission a portrait, perhaps to hang right over the physician’s desk. To remind him of his idiocy.
“I am no damsel —”
“Regardless,” Nico interrupts, standing. He reaches out when Will attempts to stand after him, pressing his palm flat to his chest and pushing him back against the cot. A strange sound escapes Will’s throat, and he doesn’t attempt to move again. “I will be taking my leave. I’ll be back before dinner to make sure you’ve not left your bed until you’re cleared by your nurse.” He glances over at the nurse who’d walked in earlier, finding her already watching with a wide smirk. “And then I’ll be back again tomorrow, to supervise.”
“I hope you choke on your dinner,” Will spits. He looks positively venomous, moreso when Nico laughs at him. “I mean that, Your Highness.”
Nico leaves without a response. When he returns as promised, hours later, Will attempts to lob roasted zucchini into his hair. In House Hades, he would be arrested for his behaviour. In fact, should King Apollo witness the total disdain in which Will regards Nico’s authority, he might still be arrested. It is appalling. No one has ever gotten away with so much insubordination in Nico’s life.
And yet, strangely, he’s not sure that he minds.
more in this au
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levmada · 1 year
I saw your post for Zagreus and would like to request a fluff one shot of Zagreus x reader where he just collapses into his s/o’s arms after failing to escape the underworld yet again and they just comfort him? Thank you!
yesyesyesyes yes thank u!!!!!!! i was looking for an excuse to write him hehe
//blood, gn!reader
You must look odd, Thanatos and you both, side-by-side watching the bloody River Styx lap lazily at the entrance to the House. Like a welcoming committee. It’s always bothered you, the set of several steps that souls must ascend when they arrive. The recently dead.
"I don't want him to succeed or fail necessarily," Thanatos relents in a quiet tone. The goody two shoes as always. "I want him to quit this foolish quest. There is no escape."
You scoff. "Zagreus isn't exactly known for his obedience to Hades, Brother, let alone anyone else. That includes Death." You smile at the irony. "In more ways than one."
"I'm aware," he says dryly. His bright yellowish eyes flicker to you. "Yet I... I can’t help but aid him. You have more faith in him than I.”
“I know.”
“Then I'll leave you to it, Coma.”
Always so impersonal. You roll your eyes. "Death."
You don't know how likely it is, this time versus all the others. Zagreus always exudes the same determined sheen in his eyes on his way out, after a kiss goodbye. You never quit wishing him luck. All the times you can get away it, you meet him in Erebus for a trial to his strength, then a reward... But you couldn't fine the time, this time.
At last, the thick, bloody waters ripple and undulate at the arrival of a powerful soul. That fluffy tuft of dark hair, dark as night, appears first, before the rest of him wades out of the shallow Styx.
You sigh tightly at the dreadful sight of him. “Zagreus.”
“It's you,” he murmurs. He seems even paler than usual—and the blood that clings to certain wounds doesn't help.
To your surprise, he stumbles at the top step. You shoot out to brace his fall when he collapses to his knees, right into your arms.
"Agh," he grunts softly. "As... if I need one more injury. Damn... Damn Theseus."
"Oh, Zag." You throw a glance over your shoulder at the wide hall laid out behind you. Hypnos is sleeping on his seat as usual. No one is looking, much less the shivering, pathetic shades in their cloaks.
He slurs his next words severely, muffled by your neck and its nightly collar adorning it. "I’m used to it. It's... Having someone waiting on me isn’t a bad deal.”
Your heart trembles for Zagreus in his current state. You simply kneel and hold him, stroking underneath his sash, his toned back. The weakness lasts only a little while. Dying is disorienting, normally. Not that he even shows that measure of weakness.
Time passes. Too much time for your comfort.
"I shall help you," you murmur. "It's the least I could do."
Both his arms wearily rise and touch your waist, surprising you with how quick he is to allow help. In a whispered flutter, the faint shift in space, you appear on the wrinkled rug before the foot of his bed and the massive, overstuffed trunk that sits there. As before, you’re embracing on the floor.
"...That's enough shifting time and space for one day, I think," he sighs, already sounding like the usual headstrong, dry-humored Zagreus again. He leans back, and braces himself on one knee to rise back to his feet.
Although wary, you let him be. He drops to a heavy sit on the side of his bed.
"There are other ways to aid you, love," you say warmly. "Speak to me."
He gives you a lazy stare. "Theseus."
You chuckle bitterly.
"Blast…" He touches his regal sash. "It ripped. Again. That’s what I get for—”
“For not wearing armor like not only Achilles, but I advised?”
With a huff, he nudges the frayed silken cloth off his shoulder, until the blood-red sash entirely drops to his lap. He’s left more or less shirtless. What’s left holding the rest of his garb together is the skulls, fashioned into a belt above his waist.
You stare, a little longingly. Across his chest, a heavy gash you hadn’t seen before is now out in the open. “You’re too fashionable, Zag.”
“Something like that… Maybe if I dressed like a shade I could sneak my way past Theseus and his companion, you think?”
With fresh linens in your arms, you approach, and wipe away the blood dutifully. Zagreus is no simple man—no simple shade, either—but that doesn’t mean he has to bleed all over his bed. “I’m sorry. I hear he’s insufferable.”
Not one for conversation anymore, he grunts, and delicately places his crown aside. It’s hues like autumn, shared between himself and Hades. And once upon a time, his mother Persephone. It’s extraordinary to you that he continues to wear it despite him. But then again, if Zagreus cared not for family, he wouldn’t pursue his mother. Again and again and again and…
Less care is taken to sliding down the two golden rings on his arm. When he leans, he wavers precariously for a moment, as if he’s moments from falling on his knees to the floor, but he—and you, your arm slung across his chest—catch him just in time.
His one crimson eye never shines so brilliantly as the green. Both are dull now. The most lively thing about his appearance now is the dull flames seething under his feet, which doesn’t say much at all.
“Sit still,” you say firmly. You should’ve added, and that is final.
You kneel down in front of him, and click free his skeletal belt, followed shortly by the rest of his royal garb. Obediently, he raises his bottom up so you can collect the ruined clothes. Dusa will have them mended in no time.
“I suppose if there’s anyone in this world—or under it…—I’d be willing to obey, it’s you.”
You huff fondly. "The highest of compliments, coming from you."
You ease him onto his back, bundling up the thick duvet and silken sheets around him like a sort of cocoon. You're tempted to tie the ends in a sort of knot, if it meant he'd rest for once. He watches you tend to him through lidded eyes until you toss his moppy black hair off his forehead, and they finally close. He's not even at liberty to complain that you should stay, he was so exhausted.
You lean down and kiss his forehead. Luckily for him, you already planned on it.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
All the ror family members leave for some occasion trusting reader by herself, she invites her boyfriend since nobody is home. Some family members, (Poseidon, Adam, Loki, etc) return home unexpectedly and reader ushers her boyfriend to hide. They see readers appearance slightly messed up and get suspicious (nothing sexual, kisses at most)
-You couldn’t help but smile brightly, texting your boyfriend that you were all alone in your home and asked if he wanted to come over to smoochy kiss.
-You laughed as he sent you a GIF of a cartoon in roller skates and a rocket strapped to his back, he was always so goofy, but that’s why you adored him so much.
-Your family was going out to dinner at an adult only restaurant, something you did comically pout and tease them over, folding your arms childishly, “I didn’t want to go anyway!” which did make many of them laugh, but you cheered when Adam told you he would bring home a dessert for you.
-Your boyfriend texted when he arrived, going to the backdoor and you let him in and he instantly pecked your forehead, “I’m here for my smoochy kisses!” which made you grin before taking his hand and you went up to your bedroom.
-After putting a movie on, for some background noise, the two of you cuddled before he tilted your chin up, bringing your mouth to his own and you smiled, humming quietly into the first kiss.
-You didn’t do anything other than kissing and cuddling, as you both agreed you weren’t ready for the next step just yet.
-What the two of you hadn’t been expecting was the front door opening and you heard Adam, Hades, and Leonidas enter, “Y/N we’re back!!” you panicked, they were only gone for about a half an hour!!
-You quickly helped your boyfriend scramble into your closet, both of you praying that you would be able to sneak him back out!
-Leonidas called up to you as you quickly scrambled out of your room, trying to play it cool, “Hey what are you guys doing home so early?” Adam held up the bag with a wrapped cake slice for you, which made you smile, before Hades spoke, “Despite us making a reservation for our large party, they couldn’t accommodate all of us, so we drew straws and the three of us came home- you’re out of breath Y/N, are you all right?”
-You answered a little too quickly, “Oh yeah I’m fine, just watching a scary movie and when you guys came in you scared me!” Adam’s papa senses were quickly tingling, something wasn’t right.
-Leonidas went back outside, forgetting his lighter in the car as you returned to your room, to turn the movie off (and sneak your boyfriend out), before you could join them for cake.
-He was able to scale down the side of the house safely, landing in the grass before he blew you a kiss, making you smile warmly, and you cleaned up your slightly messy hair.
-When you arrived downstairs and entered the kitchen, you immediately froze, seeing B/N there, Leonidas grinning at you, “A scary movie huh?”
-You immediately hung your head, sitting next to B/N as the three scolded you for not only lying but for inviting B/N over when nobody else was in the house. You both got a steaming lump on your head from Adam.
-Surprisingly, that is all you both got, the lump and the scolding, as they realized that you were both teenagers, you were growing up and they couldn’t expect to be around all the time. Hades ruffled the both of tops of your heads, “Just don’t do it again- I think you’re both old enough to not need a babysitter.”
-You both apologized, embarrassed that you had been caught, but you both couldn’t help but share a grin, finding it a bit amusing, before you shared your cake slice with B/N.
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rewritingcanon · 4 months
next gen fav games:
albus: there’s two sides of him— dead by daylight (he forces scorpius to play just so he can bully the shit out of him and hear him scream on his mic when he gets jumpscared) or omori (someone check up on him maybe…)
scorpius: minecraft (he likes to be the housewife making his house look pretty whilst albus goes out and mines for their family of mushroom cows) and little misfortune (yeah he also needs a check up)
rose: sims 4 (how she deals with her god complex)
james: silent hill (says it’s because the protag is named after him but he’s actually very mentally ill and resonates with the manifestation of self-punishment)
lily: mortal kombat 11 (for the fatality, but mostly for mileena)
hugo: fortnite (bro is a toddler and likes to attend the concerts) and my singing monsters (bro was feeling… musical)
teddy: hades (local pansexual genderfluid sillyman lets himself get slain by the hot villains again) and baldurs gate 3 (for literally the same reasons except add character customisation)
victoire: cooking dash (she likes to feel stressed) and the witcher 3 (shes never played another witcher game)
lorcan: fnaf (he always thinks hes done with it and then a new game or dlc comes out) and it takes two (he forces lysander to play with him obvi)
lysander: little nightmares 2 (only game that had him shook)
fred: detroit: become human (loves story-based games and choose your own adventure) and batman: the telltale series (same reasons)
roxanne: telltale’s the walking dead (simply cant move on from any of the games except the third one)
dominique: the last of us (she’s an elitist and will yap about this game at any given chance)
louis: played doki doki literature club when he was 12 and that was it for bro (….core memories were made)
molly: resident evil 3 (she likes them all but is obsessed with jill) but also life is strange (she’s probably gay)
lucy: when asked will tell you its pathologic (which she still loves a lot and is an elitist about) but it’s secretly danganronpa (she likes feeling smart when she connects clues leave her alone)
yann: final fantasy 7 (hes obsessed with the world and its the only game he can play)
polly: amanda the adventurer (to no one’s surprise)
karl: roblox (he’s been banned on so many different servers for bullying little children and is one of the most infamous hated users in his continent)
craig: league of legends (he’s a bit of a loser) and injustice: gods among us (he needs to win the challenges and unlock the characters)
sophia: stardew valley (she wants to live in a world without conflict (she will get stressed over it anyway))
delphi: couldn’t play video games (she would’ve loved fran bow though)
alice: episode (she spends an embarrassing amount on gems)
frank: arkham knight (he’s literally batman guys) and what remains of edith finch (he has range guys)
auggie: project sekai (they need to go take a shower)
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pojofi96 · 3 months
Subscorp Fic Rec List
Please mind that all of these, unless stated otherwise, are rated Explicit. Also these are just works that I've read! In no particular order:
Pretty much anything by FreakensteinXIII is guaranteed to be a certified banger. Right now, they currently have an ongoing fic titled "Simple Pleasures" that's meant to be a sequel to their first MK1 Kuai/MK11 Hanzo fic, "Always You" (Both rated Explicit). Highly recommend! "War of Hearts" has the typical MK11 old man yaoi pairing that we all know and love. In this, Hanzo deals with his internalized homophobia and strong denial as he and Kuai start a "friends with benefits" relationship that turns into something more. It's explicit though so again, please mind the tags if you read. Runningfromthefeels is another great author, especially when it comes to their angsty works. "This High Love You Give To Me (Dripping Down My Hands Like Honey)" I particularly like for touching on a tense moment between Kuai and Hanzo in the MKX comics that never gets addressed between them again in canon (and also because there's a humorous setting in the fic too.) Went Looking For A Creation Myth (Ended Up With a Pair Of Cracked Lips) is an excellent and touching time loop story with a happy ending where Kuai Liang has to find a way to save not only Hanzo, but also all of Earthrealm.
In the shadow (of a broken house) by McBethins takes place in the MK Legends universe. It goes into depth dealing with Hanzo and Kuai's emotional states as they try to move on from their grief while trying not to let their past drag them behind. I have not gotten a chance to read their other Subscorp works yet but it seems like they have quite a few that I'll definitely look more into. SeventhStrife has some great tasty fics that they made for Subscorp week a few years back. Bunny Night is a modern AU where Hanzo works at the library by day and as a sex worker by night. He meets Kuai Liang by chance one night at his second job and things escalate from there. Vital places the two in a "fuck or die" situation. Also Hanzo bottoms so that's a plus just for that alone lol.
Summertrap's works are especially excellent when it comes to writing the pair in different AUs and they have loads and loads of them. Your Ransom Has Been Paid With Seven Pomegranate Seeds is a Greek Mythology AU that bases the two off of Hades and Persephone. (Not explicit, SFW!) For Anyone But Me, Your Private Eye is an AU where Hanzo is a Private Eye, investigating his family's unsolved murder while being forced to team up with his biggest suspect's brother.
If anybody has any more reccomendations, feel free to share!
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sepublic · 2 years
            We got ANOTHER promo y’all!!! It’s technically a trailer but it’s thankfully very brief, given the runtime it’s hyping up is only two episodes, compared to usual TOH trailers that are advertising at least nine episodes! This is an official release and NOT a leak!
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         First off, Luz’s laptop!!! She’s doing this 11:09 pm at just 20%, she’s got references to Stardew Valley and Hollow Knight on her desktop, and I think that one Hades game? The one with Zagreus? Anyhow the Hollow Knight references are REAL, coupled with the S1 intro, makes you wonder if it influenced stuff like Hollow Mind…!
         Luz also has a Good Witch Azura fanfic file! And she’s recently made art since her return to the human world; You can’t see all of it, but it appears to the Owl House’s roof, in a parallel to how the intro usually ends with Luz, Eda, and King on the roof when she ignites a light spell and pushes it into the sky! Augghhhh she’s coping…! And her username is @FriendofOwlsandTitans… Oh my GAWD! She accepts King as a TITAN she’s a friend to TITANS!!! Original art do not steal, just like her GF!
         “All I ever wanted was to be good at something”… Good lord, if that doesn’t summize SO much about Luz. Her feelings of inadequacy. Her initial dreams of being a chosen one. Her desire to help others and be of service to them. Her need to JUSTIFY her own existence, to quote her girlfriend… That hit hard. Like I know but OW.
         She’s making video diaries again as we guessed, but this time to HERSELF; Girl needs a place to vent, good for her! She probably stayed up and snuck to the kitchen to let herself indulge in her dark feelings and thoughts alone. Did Luz make a video for Eda and King and eventually give up, being forced to confront herself inward without any distractions? She says she knows what she has to do now, is… Is Luz about to do something rash? Something involving Belos? Babey don’t hurt yourself, or maybe she just means the general principle of making thing right!
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         Then skipping past stuff we DO know, we see Luz and Hunter dressed up for Halloween! Hunter has a HOOTY mask, likely meant to invoke his Golden Guard persona, and Luz is honoring King OH MY GAWD WAAAIIIIII!!!!! She’s MOURNING her Titan brother, just like she mourned Eda! They’re in a dilapidated house, the shack where the Portal opens? They’re armed… Probably investigating paranormal activity, AKA Belos. This fits with another shot of them entering a basement with the same coloring as the house, atop the stairs!
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         We get a proper look at Amity and Gus’ new designs in the show’s own art style! They look AMAZING… They painted Hooty’s face on the door, pffft, but also ouch. The longing. Treating this place as an earthly version of the Owl House because it kind of is with its role and even coloration! If they miss Hooty you KNOW it’s been a while. Willow must’ve grown flowery vines outside to spruce up the place, it seems to have been converted into a fulltime hideout! If this was the old Wittebane home, I’m sure Caleb would appreciate it… Philip on the other hand.
         The door seems to have just… Opened on its own as Amity looks back. Or did somebody, probably Luz and/or Hunter (seeing a glimpse of Gooplos?) quietly leave, and Amity only notices when she hears the door swinging behind them?
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         We have a hand, either Amity, Willow, or Hunter’s, reaching out to some glow-in-the-dark night decorations; Including a symbol of the moon and sun. This is likely one of the characters mourning and being reminded of the Collector, rather than in-universe connection.
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         We see our cast, sans Luz, looking at some sort of box with styling reminiscent of the Portal! Not only does it suggest it was actually Caleb and his wife who made it (and Philip plagiarized), but also! Caleb must’ve left it behind in the human world. When Flapjack was pecking at the floorboards, was it to find this? It must be a clue, perhaps on how to make a portal, a Titan’s blood rift, etc.! Is this distraction what got Luz to sneak out earlier?
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         There’s some sort of book page we see next, presumably the contents of the box the kids found given their hands! I’m not sure the significance of the symbols, but the bottom one reminds me of the curse… Or is it just a reference to Clawthornes loving birds, AKA his wife? Is that some sort of teardrop? Maybe it’s Titan’s Blood and that’s meant to be a FURRY arm of a Titan! And what even IS that thing to the right?!
         Hunter says “Did you know that HE was here?!” In a distressed voice. Is this him potentially confronting one of our protagonists for keeping information about Gooplos’ potential survival, regardless if they actually knew and were hiding? Or him talking about Philip and Caleb to perhaps Luz, with the realization that either was a town founder, and inquring as to how Luz didn’t notice!
         Then we get Gus and Hunter THE BROS dressed up for Halloween, Hunter doesn’t want to hear spoilers because Gus is likely talking about a recent human hyperfixation of theirs! Brothers.
         And then, finally… Luz and Hunter aren’t here, it’s just the other kids, maybe those two are at some other part of the zoo more personal like the aviary…
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         WE GET THE LONG-AWAITED ANSWER TO THE GIRAFFES!!! AFTER TWO YEARS, ARGUABLY THREE IF YOU CONSIDER WHEN THE FIRST TEASER THAT MENTIONED GIRAFFES WAS RELEASED!!! Since the very beginning, we have been haunted by this question and whether they’d answer it, but now… NOW…! It all comes to light.
        The kids are obviously scared and locking arms in preparation, that’s so cute, venturing into ancient territory that hasn’t been traversed for generations. WILLOW HAS HER HAIRCLIP FROM WING IT LIKE WITCHES!!! Was it a gift from Amity, I MISSED IT SO MUCH! She takes a picture and a Giraffe, recognizing natives from its home realm, FREAKS… 
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       We get one idea of why Giraffes were banned and it makes sense. God the kids’ reactions are so funny. Of course Willow the Bravest is bold enough to step ahead and take pictures for the rest! This is such adorable levity and I appreciate the closure, this is their one chance so of course they’d take it after two months of debating if they should risk it! Mayhaps they regret that risk now.
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rosedragonblast · 29 days
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This bitch makes me go from Asexual to Doubtsexual, so here is my take about how, imo, Melinoe and Zagreus can properly meet each other.
Hades sits upon his throne, finally feeling a bit of relief. His heart beating slowly, tension disappearing into the air. There is still a lot to be done, a lot of things to be put in place.
Some of the gods are still trapped, unable to break free of the chains which Chronos and his minions casted upon the realm. But, even so. With much arrogance, the Titan stated that his chains are not to be broken by any godly creature. Yet, Melinoe found a way. Her stubbornness, combined with wit, sharp mind and compassion promised to bring a beam of light into this dark world in it's worst times.
House of Hades stands strong still, among the demon spawn who try to brake in, desperate to free their master. In the dark depths of the Underworld itself, somewhere where only Chaos may reach, stands a prison, which now serves as a permanent place of rest for the Titan of Time himself. Chronos screams into the void, but only turning it to the music of victory for one young goddess.
She stares into the darkness. Not scared, joyous or sad. Tired, but satisfied. Her purpose, her life-long dream of vengeance. Finally coming true before her own eyes, by her own hand. A feeling, sweeter than anything nectar could provide, lingers on the tongue. It's not how Melinoe imagined it, but she can't complain. If the fates so decided, it's not her place to argue about the taste of her triumph.
The goddess stretches herself, rubbing her hand and turning around. Coming out of the pits of the Underworld, feeling a hard floor under her burning feet, Mel lets herself adjust again, before making a few steps forward.
Hades, already deep in his work, notices his daughter. He feels her more than sees her. Turning his head, the God of the Dead looks at her with a hint of soft expression.
— Are you feeling well, Melinoe?
— I'm quite well, father. Just...Tired, i suppose. There is still a lot of blood of the Surface running through those veins. I need to adjust, heal. But all will be fine, I know it. Nothing shall stop me from completing my quest.
— Don't rush, daughter, — Hades sighs, his face shifting into slight concern. — You shouldn't go at it alone. Now, that you have support of the House, of Hekate and your associates, you shall lean more into their help. I think they'll be happy to oblige.
— I think I shall choose my own path in regards to finishing off Chronos' forces. But, thank you for the concern, father. I really should let myself breathe out for a bit.
Hades puts his hands against the table. Melinoe adjusts her hair, going further into the House. Something always rings, sounds and bangs in here. Souls moving along, some of the workers getting head first into their work. Melinoe goes out of the way, going towards the river Stix.
A pair of green and red eyes look at her from the reflection. Mel leans into the railing, as if trying to ask something of the red water. She listens. And it answers.
Hearing a faint whisper, guiding her up the stream, Melinoe hesitates. Another one of Chronos' tricks? Doesn't seem like it. The titan shouldn't have such an influence on the realm to affect the waters of the Stix to such an extent. Thinking for just a bit, Mel braces herself, closes her eyes and lets her body fall into the water.
Hearing distant gasps, the princess looks around. If feels...Like home. The water doesn't reject. It embraces, with all the arms of the dead swimming through. Melinoe holds her breath, trying to hear the whisper again.
It catches up to her. Louring her away. Feeling like she has to catch a breath, the goddess sees something familiar. A figure frozen in time. It holds up a sword, as if it's trying to fight an unseen foe. Opening her eyes wider, Mel reaches out. Further and further in, the water becomes thicker. It almost stops, barely holding on. Melinoe makes a final effort to grab the silhouette, her fingers holding onto their clothes.
Suddenly feeling herself being pulled up, Melinoe swings the frozen body into her arms.
Stix spits them out in a flash, with goddess gasping for air and coughing out the red liquid. Catching her breath, Mel sits up, trying to fill her lungs with the much needed cold air of the Underworld. Turning around, taking in another breath, she opens her eyes even wider, flapping her wet eyelashes.
Zagreus, laying on his back, stares into the seeling, as if he's trying to understand if it's another part of his endless dream. Melinoe goes closer, leaning over the god of blood. Zag rubs his eyes open, seeing a mirrored pair of red and green. Mel gifts him with a very soft smile, knowing exactly who she's staring at.
— Who is this water-drenched goddess, if I may ask?
— Your little sister, I suppose.
— You seem a little too big to be a little sister.
Melinoe laughs. She smiles just like their mother does. Zag pauses for a second, seeing Mel's beautiful, relaxed face surrounded by lights, created by fire lamps.
— Silly.
Mel leans closer, leaving a gentle kiss on her older brother's forehead.
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