#give mel some family love
rosedragonblast · 25 days
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This bitch makes me go from Asexual to Doubtsexual, so here is my take about how, imo, Melinoe and Zagreus can properly meet each other.
Hades sits upon his throne, finally feeling a bit of relief. His heart beating slowly, tension disappearing into the air. There is still a lot to be done, a lot of things to be put in place.
Some of the gods are still trapped, unable to break free of the chains which Chronos and his minions casted upon the realm. But, even so. With much arrogance, the Titan stated that his chains are not to be broken by any godly creature. Yet, Melinoe found a way. Her stubbornness, combined with wit, sharp mind and compassion promised to bring a beam of light into this dark world in it's worst times.
House of Hades stands strong still, among the demon spawn who try to brake in, desperate to free their master. In the dark depths of the Underworld itself, somewhere where only Chaos may reach, stands a prison, which now serves as a permanent place of rest for the Titan of Time himself. Chronos screams into the void, but only turning it to the music of victory for one young goddess.
She stares into the darkness. Not scared, joyous or sad. Tired, but satisfied. Her purpose, her life-long dream of vengeance. Finally coming true before her own eyes, by her own hand. A feeling, sweeter than anything nectar could provide, lingers on the tongue. It's not how Melinoe imagined it, but she can't complain. If the fates so decided, it's not her place to argue about the taste of her triumph.
The goddess stretches herself, rubbing her hand and turning around. Coming out of the pits of the Underworld, feeling a hard floor under her burning feet, Mel lets herself adjust again, before making a few steps forward.
Hades, already deep in his work, notices his daughter. He feels her more than sees her. Turning his head, the God of the Dead looks at her with a hint of soft expression.
— Are you feeling well, Melinoe?
— I'm quite well, father. Just...Tired, i suppose. There is still a lot of blood of the Surface running through those veins. I need to adjust, heal. But all will be fine, I know it. Nothing shall stop me from completing my quest.
— Don't rush, daughter, — Hades sighs, his face shifting into slight concern. — You shouldn't go at it alone. Now, that you have support of the House, of Hekate and your associates, you shall lean more into their help. I think they'll be happy to oblige.
— I think I shall choose my own path in regards to finishing off Chronos' forces. But, thank you for the concern, father. I really should let myself breathe out for a bit.
Hades puts his hands against the table. Melinoe adjusts her hair, going further into the House. Something always rings, sounds and bangs in here. Souls moving along, some of the workers getting head first into their work. Melinoe goes out of the way, going towards the river Stix.
A pair of green and red eyes look at her from the reflection. Mel leans into the railing, as if trying to ask something of the red water. She listens. And it answers.
Hearing a faint whisper, guiding her up the stream, Melinoe hesitates. Another one of Chronos' tricks? Doesn't seem like it. The titan shouldn't have such an influence on the realm to affect the waters of the Stix to such an extent. Thinking for just a bit, Mel braces herself, closes her eyes and lets her body fall into the water.
Hearing distant gasps, the princess looks around. If feels...Like home. The water doesn't reject. It embraces, with all the arms of the dead swimming through. Melinoe holds her breath, trying to hear the whisper again.
It catches up to her. Louring her away. Feeling like she has to catch a breath, the goddess sees something familiar. A figure frozen in time. It holds up a sword, as if it's trying to fight an unseen foe. Opening her eyes wider, Mel reaches out. Further and further in, the water becomes thicker. It almost stops, barely holding on. Melinoe makes a final effort to grab the silhouette, her fingers holding onto their clothes.
Suddenly feeling herself being pulled up, Melinoe swings the frozen body into her arms.
Stix spits them out in a flash, with goddess gasping for air and coughing out the red liquid. Catching her breath, Mel sits up, trying to fill her lungs with the much needed cold air of the Underworld. Turning around, taking in another breath, she opens her eyes even wider, flapping her wet eyelashes.
Zagreus, laying on his back, stares into the seeling, as if he's trying to understand if it's another part of his endless dream. Melinoe goes closer, leaning over the god of blood. Zag rubs his eyes open, seeing a mirrored pair of red and green. Mel gifts him with a very soft smile, knowing exactly who she's staring at.
— Who is this water-drenched goddess, if I may ask?
— Your little sister, I suppose.
— You seem a little too big to be a little sister.
Melinoe laughs. She smiles just like their mother does. Zag pauses for a second, seeing Mel's beautiful, relaxed face surrounded by lights, created by fire lamps.
— Silly.
Mel leans closer, leaving a gentle kiss on her older brother's forehead.
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
Hiiiii! So, a few days ago you were talking about the whole thing with Amy, Rory, and River. And when I saw those posts a thought arose in my head and I wish to share it with you.
Since River grew up with Amy and Rory as Mels. And Mels was Amy's best friend do you think that they ever talked about children? Since I know that it can come up when talking with friends, and like... do you think that Amy might've ever expressed whether or not she wanted children?
And if she didn't, that Mels would've had to listen to her mother say that she doesn't want children? The idea is so heartbreaking and sooo interesting.
What do you think about it?
no, no, see, you're so right and this drives me wild.
because, the way i see it, i don't think amy wanted children. she's somewhere on the 'hasn't thought about it' to 'vaguely negative feelings about it happening' range to me, which falls sharply into 'Not Happening Ever Again' post-s6. (specifically, in terms of having a kid herself, even if she could, i really don't think she would. i do love that she and rory end up adopting a kid later, because that does make sense, for amy pond who grew up alone in one universe with her family swallowed by cracks in time before the doctor helped her set it right again, for her to want to make sure another child won't be alone in the world like she was. getting off-track here.)
and that's so. because the first real memory river/mels has of amy is of amy shooting at her. and depending on how well the silence fucked up the rest of her memory, it might be one of the very first memories she has at all. that's how she met her mother, crying for help and getting a bullet instead. her mother tried to kill her, so of course, you have to think. she must have needed to hear that she was wanted, right? even if she was taken away, even if amy shot her, at some point, melody must have been wanted?
river is good at getting people to do what she wants, but she is very, very bad at subtlety. and mels is younger, has less practice, so when she wants to know this, she's just going to ask. blunt and quick, easy enough because amy's used to the way mels will open her mouth and you just have to be ready to roll with what comes out if you want to keep up. it's why they're such good friends (like mother, like daughter.)
they're nine, and mels asks if amy wants kids, and amy wrinkles up her nose and says she won't have time for children, obviously, once her raggedy doctor finally comes back. they're fifteen, and amy and rory dance will they-won't they in a way that makes mels twitchy to watch, and taunting amy about wanting to have rory's babies is a good way to get on her nerves. but amy calls her gross, tells her she's got more life planned than children would leave room for, and besides, imagine her, a mom? it'd be a disaster.
mels does. a lot. she looks at her mother and just sees her best friend instead. she's not even sure what she wishes was there, but. maybe amy's right. and besides. imagine her, a daughter, instead of the ticking time bomb she really is? it'd be a disaster.
they're sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and on. mels stands on the outside of a love story that births a universe. and her. how do you compete with that? not that she would know, not yet, she hasn't been there. but it doesn't make her feel any less alienated when amy and rory talk in whispers about a half-remembered world that's bled through to this life, about roman soldiers and boxes and the big bang of belief.
all these memories, they never mention children. on amy's wedding day, she's different, not like someone remembering a dream but someone who lived it. rory stands straighter, won't leave her side, and they're both so much older than they were yesterday. maybe now, right? a wedding's as good a time as any to decide you want kids.
mels not being at amy & rory's wedding is such an obvious lazy way of them trying to explain why they totally didn't just throw this plot twist together at the last minute that i'm not even going to acknowledge it. of course she was at their wedding. she's their best friend. there's too many people around the doctor, and she wasn't ready today of all days, so despite this horrible burning need under her skin to strike, she stays her hand. doesn't let him dance with her because she might just tear his throat out if he gets too close. stays with amy and rory as the maid of honor should. she must have been there for the awkward questions that always gets asked, 'so, any plans for a baby?' 'when am i getting grandkids?' 'oh, you two are going to have gorgeous children together.' standing a few feet from amy in her wedding dress and watching her mother tense and grit her teeth and brush off the questions. watching her look nervously at rory but never ask if he means it when his mom asks him if he'd prefer a son or a daughter, and rory answers 'either one, some day, not anytime soon.'
god i'm just going on and on, aren't i. but really, what's it like to know that amy never changed her mind. the next time she sees them, she's already been born and stolen. i don't like let's kill hitler for. so many reasons. but there is something compelling about how recklessly river lashes out at the world, at the doctor. even her sacrifice at the end is almost suicidal, throwing all her regenerations into this man without knowing if that will even work or if it might kill her to do it. but it makes more sense in the context of someone who has reached the end of a long, long wait for some kind of indication, any kind, that her mother wanted to have her. and finally been told, no. she didn't choose melody.
#like. to be clear also: i don't think the fact that amy didn't want kids and really didn't have a choice in giving birth to river#means that she wouldn't love river. i think it would make their relationship Complicated but i do think amy loves her. so much.#that's her daughter but it's also her best friend.#but like. god. to spend your whole childhood hoping you'll hear about some little glimmer of yourself.#a dream. a passing mention. a debate on baby names. anything. and to hear nothing.#and river is. like. she is really really bad at relationships right? we know this.#the person she's closest to is the doctor and she spends most of her life believing *he doesn't even love her*.#we're talking about someone whose base assumption about everyone is that they will try to hurt her at some point so she should always keep#one hand armed.#and her mother. didn't choose to have her. didn't have that choice. that has to fuck her up a little.#(and also serve as proof that river is. so so bad at knowing when she is loved. because maybe amy didn't choose to have her but she named#melody pond after mels her best friend. she has been choosing river every day for the past however many years since mels decided to come#here and be near her mom and dad even if only as kids. but river still can't see it.#and. given the nature of how the ponds disappear from her life. and we never get any closure about them and river.#you have to wonder if she ever did. river song do you know your mother loves you?#having the melody-as-river reveal be so close to the end of the season and then getting rid of amy & rory before they can actually do#anything with the three of them as a messed up little family unit is the show's biggest crime. because i don't know! i don't know if river#knew her parents loved her! i don't know if she *ever* came to terms with how she was born and how they didn't need to choose her then to#choose her now! i don't know if river ever really felt comfortable thinking of them as her parents rather than her friends?#according to the transcripts. river calls amy 'mother' twice. (and 'mummy' once jokingly.) she calls rory 'father' once. and 'dad' in angel#in manhattan. and it just. it drives insane right? it's almost weirdly formal. like the words aren't right but she knows she should say the#and. and. i don't think i'm ever going to get over river song.#i think that's the takeaway here.#ask#doctor who#river song#amy pond#rory williams
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morgana-larkin · 30 days
Okay hear me out. Ik this might be alot like another prompt from another author but i love it and wanna see ur spin on it. Pure fem! Reader and melissa just dying to corrupt her and have some fun.
Hi! I think I know the exact fic you’re referring too! I’m so happy that you want to see my spin on it. And here it is! So much longer than I expected but I don’t think anyone will complain. Due to me being stuck in bed with a twisted ankle, I’ll be able to write another fic! Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: Due to a bit of confusion about who I write for, I will add to my masterlist who I write for. Also, since I will be starting to write for other characters, I changed my taglist to a Melissa and Chessy taglist. If you want to be on my main taglist for when I write for Marilyn, Misty and Moiraine, then let me know!
Italian translations:
Dio mio - oh my god
Mia angelo - my angel
Bella - beautiful
Amo il tuo corpo e voglio rivendicarlo - I love your body and want to claim you
Il Suo Angelo (Her Angel)
Warnings: pure innocent reader, horny af Mel, smut, lots of teasing, fluffy Mel
Words: 8.6k (have fun! 😉)
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You walked in the break room and made a beeline for the coffee machine.
“Wow kid, if you went any faster I’d think you’re a speedster or something.” Melissa said and you looked at her and chuckled. And at that Ava walked in and walked to coffee machine but then stood by it and waited till you were done.
“Caffeine is my saviour lately, I’ve been so stressed lately.” You told her.
“Oh girl, what you need is to get you some. Then all the stress will disappear.” Ava piped up and you looked at her confused.
“Some what?” You asked her and Melissa glanced over at you.
“Some sex.” Ava said, blunt as ever and you blushed.
“Oh um, I don’t know. I want my first time to be special.” You told her.
“You’re a virgin?” Ava asked and you nodded. “Girl, look at you, how have you not had sex yet?” And you blushed and looked down at the ground.
“Um, I- I don’t know.” You said and took your coffee and sat down at a free table near Melissa and Barb.
“Hey kid.” Melissa says and you turn to look at her.
“Are you one of those people that waits until marriage?” Melissa asked and you blushed.
“Uh no. Just um never got a chance to and wasn’t really a big discussion or something that was talked about in my family.” You told her.
“Are you saying your parents never explained sex to you before?” She asked and you blushed and looked down at the ground. Melissa got up and walked over to you, you saw her heeled boots and leather pants and looked up at her face. “Are you uncomfortable with talking about it?”
“A little bit.” You admit and she smirked.
“You don’t have to be kid. Just don’t talk about it with the students as you’re not a sex Ed teacher. But we’re adults here, and it’s fun to do.” She tells you and your eyes widen at that.
“Melissa!” Barb says to stop her.
“What? It’s not like you’re a virgin.” Melissa says to Barb.
“Well I know but no need to traumatise the poor girl.” Barb scolds her and Melissa sighs then looks at you.
“How old are you?” She asks you.
“Um I’m 27.” You tell her and everyone looks at you with wide eyes. “What?” You ask everyone.
“You’re 27, you’re a virgin and uncomfortable with the discussion of sex.” Melissa tells you and your cheeks go red.
“It’s also a bit hard to find dates when you like women.” You say and she smirks.
“Alright I’ll give you that, but since you’re new to Philly, I’ll just tell you that it’s a little easier to find dates with women here.” Melissa tells you, leaning down towards you a bit and you unconsciously lick your lips and stare at her.
Melissa walks back to her seat and goes back to her phone like nothing happened, while you go back to your coffee.
On the outside, it seems like Melissa isn’t doing anything different, but on the inside, in her brain is another story. She saw how you reacted to her and she finds it very interesting that you seem so innocent. Maybe she can have some fun with you.
At the end of the day, Melissa passes by your classroom like always and sees you sitting in your chair, writing something. She goes over to your door and knocks.
“Hi Melissa.” You say when you look up.
“Hey kid. Whatcha working on?” She asks and you sigh.
“I’m a little behind on grading.” You say with a small pout. “The lessons are a bit difficult for them so I haven’t had a lot of time to grade since I’m answering questions most of the time.” And she nods, then an idea pops in her head.
“Maybe I could keep you company?” She offers and you freeze.
“Wh-what?” You ask her and she smiles.
“I could keep you company if you want.” She offers again.
“Oh that’s really sweet but I don’t want to inconvenience you or ruin your night.” You tell her and she smiles softly at you, you’re so sweet and innocent she thinks.
“It’s not a problem hon. I don’t have any plans tonight and it was just going to be a boring night at home by myself on the couch.” She tells you.
“Well I won’t force you to stay or go, but if you want to stay then I wouldn’t mind the company.” You say with a sweet smile.
She grins at you and then grabs one of the students chair and brings it your desk to sit right across from you. Let the teasing begin, she thinks to herself.
“So” she starts, after about 10 seconds of silence. “How come your family never discussed sex?” She asks and you whip your head at her and blush.
“Oh um. I don’t know, it just wasn’t.” You tell her.
“Sheltered life then?” She asks you.
“I guess a bit.” You say with a shrug and then get back to grading. Melissa leans forward and puts her chin on her hands and smirks.
“Have you ever had an orgasm?” She asks so casually. And you look up at her confused.
“Sorry, a what?” You ask and she tilts her head a bit.
“An orgasm hon.” She repeats and you look confused.
“What’s an orgasm?” You ask, and inside Melissa is beaming with mischief.
“An orgasm is a build up of pleasure when having sex.” She says and your face goes red. “And when it’s released, all the feel good hormones and emotions come with it.” She explains and you stare at her like a deer in the headlights. While she has your attention, she moves her arms down to be placed casually on the desk and leans forward. Her arms push her chest up a bit and with the shirt she’s wearing with a v-dip in the front, it gives you a nice view of her cleavage. Melissa pretends to be looking at the paper you’re grading, but she saw you glance down at her chest and lick your lips. “So you never touched yourself?” She asks and it takes a second for your brain to process that she spoke, and then another second to process what she said and you look at her confused again.
“What do you mean touch myself? Touch where?” You ask and Melissa is grinning.
“Touch yourself down there.” She says and points to in between your legs.
“Well I do when I go to the bathroom.” You say, confused to what she’s getting at.
“I meant, touch yourself… sexually.” She explains and your face goes redder than her hair.
“Wh-what? Why-why would I do that?” You say and sit up a bit straight.
“Because, it feels good.” She says with a shrug. “So you’ve never done that either?” She asks.
“No I haven’t.” You tell her and Melissa is beaming with excitement on the inside. Oh, all the ways she can corrupt you.
“So, your little innocent act isn’t an act at all. You’re actually a good girl.” She tells you and your eyes widen a little bit and Melissa notices the effect her words have on you. They say it’s the shy innocent ones you gotta look out for. And you are so innocent, it’s adorable, Melissa thinks.
Melissa stopped so that you wouldn’t be wondering why she’s suddenly curious about that part of your life…at least for today. She just carries on a normal conversation with you. Until the next day…
At the end of the day she stopped by your classroom again. “Still more grading?” She asks and you look up at her.
“M afraid so.” You say. “They’ve done 2 tests and a project in the past 2 weeks and I was starting to get behind but now I’m very behind.” You tell her and she walks in.
“Want some company again?” She asks and you glance up at her. You wanna say yes cause you are attracted to her but yesterday she asks a few questions and you’re wondering why it was on the topic that it was. But of course, your want for her to be close wins over.
“Sure, that’d be nice. Thank you.” You tell her with a smile. Instead of bringing a chair over, she sits on the desk closest to yours. You can’t help but stare as she sits with her legs slightly apart, a bit more than what is considered normal. And she’s also leaning back a bit with her hands on the desk.
“Have you been on dates? Been in relationships?” She asks and you let out a sigh of relief. Glad it’s not on the topic it was yesterday.
“Yes, I’ve been on a few dates. I’ve had one relationship but it didn’t last long. Like maybe 2-3 months.” You tell her.
“3 months and you didn’t have sex with her?” She asks and you groan very quietly.
“Why? Is that bad?”
“Well, not really. I mean it’s the people in the relationship that choose that. But typically people have sex within the first 3-8 weeks of a relationship.” She explains.
“She broke up with me because we didn’t have…you know. And because there was no discussion about it either.” You tell her. On the outside she was nodding in understanding, on the inside, she was smirking. You were so innocent you didn’t want to even say sex. God, she’s going to have a lot more fun with you. It helps that she’s attracted to you and you’re attracted to her.
Melissa got off the desk and leaned on your desk. “I’m not saying that you should have had sex with her, you know. It’s at your pace.” Even though she’s having fun with you, she wants to make sure that you don’t feel bad. You had a difficult time listening to what she was saying as her cleavage was right there. Melissa smirks as she catches on and she gets an idea. She goes to move her hands off the desk and straighten her posture but “accidentally” knocks a pen off your desk. “Oh sorry, I’ll get it.” She tells you and walks the 2 steps over and bends down. She makes sure to bend down so her ass was on display for you. When she bent down, she glanced very quickly at your reaction and you were staring right at her ass like she wanted. She stood back up and put the pen back on your desk. She wonders how else she can corrupt and tease you.
She does this for the next 2 days, just gives you little views of her cleavage, and ass if the opportunity presents itself.
On Friday is when she got a little more mischievous. She visits you in your classroom like normal as you're almost done grading all of the tests. She sits on a desk again and starts up a conversation with you. 20 minutes later and you finish grading with a smile.
“There! Finally finished.” You say and she claps.
“Congrats! Now they can stop pestering you.” She jokes and you laugh.
“Ya, first graders aren’t known for their patience.” You say and she giggles.
“Neither are second graders.” She jokes back with you and you laugh. You put the tests in a basket neatly to be handed back to them tomorrow and you stand up to get your things ready. Melissa gets off the desk and walks over to you without you hearing her.
Once all your things are in your bag, you sling it over your shoulder and turn around. You nearly bump into Melissa and you see her cleavage again. Melissa is smiling as she wore a push up bra and a shirt that makes her tits look amazing while still being appropriate for school. You tilt your head up and look at her. You then step to your left and try to psss by her but she stops you with an arm. She puts her hand on the board to stop you from leaving and she moves a bit so she’s in front of you with your back on the board. Your face goes red with the close proximity and you don’t know what to do.
“M-mel- Melissa? What are you doing?” You stutter out and she smiles.
“Nothing hon. Do I make you nervous?” She asks you and your cheeks turn pink.
“A little bit.” You admit nervously.
“Hmm, and why do I make you nervous?” And you don’t know how to respond to that.
“Um, well I - you… um. You just do.” You settle on that and she smirks at you. You then duck under her arm and speed walk out of there. Melissa isn’t at all disappointed that you found an escape, she’s finding it amusing that you basically bolted out of there while trying to be subtle.
During the weekend, you thought about how close Melissa was to you and then you for some reason felt a wetness between your thighs that only happened one other time before and you’re not sure what it meant. You googled it and most of them say it’s a result of getting turned on and you decide to ignore that fact and try to focus on other things. Try being the important word. Your thoughts keep shifting back to Melissa and her perfect cleavage, her perfect ass, the close proximity, her amazing smile and almost glowing hair that’s perfect for her. You rub your thighs together and then you freeze, why did you do that? And why are you wet again? All these thoughts keep your weekend busy. And then you wake up Monday morning and prepare for another week. Maybe now you won’t have thoughts of Melissa that makes you feel weird things. Oh were you wrong.
You went in the break room and there Melissa was, glasses on and she’s leaning slightly to the desk, writing something. Her perfect cleavage on display and she looks really pretty with glasses on. With or without glasses she looks pretty. You try not to stare at her and go to the coffee machine.
“Hello dear. How was your weekend?” Barb asks you and you turn to her. You go to answer and then you see Melissa smiling at you and your mouth stays slightly open for a couple seconds. And then you remember you were asked a question.
“It-it was good, just a relaxing weekend. Got all my grading done last week so I pretty much just enjoyed the weekend.” You tell her and she smiles at you. You then glance at Melissa and she winks at you, your cheeks turn pink a bit at that.
“That’s good to hear dear. You deserve a stress free weekend.” Barb tells you.
“Thank you. Ho-how was your weekend?” You ask her and she goes into explaining her day out with Gerald. She tried listening but you saw Melissa smiling at you, at some point she took off her glasses and put the tip of it in her mouth. And to top it off, she crosses her arms in a way that pushes her breast up and you lose all brain function. All of that happens in the space of 3 minutes but it feels like much longer. “What about you Melissa?” You ask her when Barb is done.
“It was good, hon. Like you I stayed home, and de-stressed.” She sends you another wink when Barb isn’t looking and you widen your eyes a bit.
After you go to your classroom and continue out the day. When all your students leave, you pack up your things and hear someone come in. Although you know who came in as you recognize the sound of her heels, Melissa.
“Hey hon.” She says and you turn around as she’s walking in.
“Hey Melissa. I don’t need any company today as all my grading is done.” You tell her, you were a littl disappointment, you were starting to like spending that time with her.
“Oh, that’s unfortunate. It was a nice little routine last week.” She tells you and you nod. She walks towards you a bit more until she’s 2 feet away from you. “Want to know more about my weekend?” She asks with a deeper voice and you shiver a little bit. You think she didn’t notice as she didn’t react or say anything but she did notice.
“Um sure.” You tell her with a slight stutter.
“Well as I said I stayed home and de-stressed.” She began and you nodded. “Well want to know how I de-stressed?” She said and she walked towards you and you walked back a bit until you ran into the chalkboard. She pressed her body against yours a bit, leaned towards your ear and whispered the answer. “I imagined you in my bed, underneath me. Then I put my hand between my legs, I fingered myself and rubbed my clit until I had an orgasm. And I said your name when I did.” She tells you and then pulls her head back and looks at your face.
Your mouth is slightly open in shock, your eyes wide, cheeks flushed, your breathing deepened, and you rubbed your thighs together. Melissa is smiling at your reaction.
“Hmm, you know you’re cute when you react like that.” She tells you as she tucks a lock of hair behind your ear. Your still frozen in shock and don’t respond to her. She gently strokes down your arm with two fingers. “Hmm, you’re so innocent, hon. Do you like it when I think about you like that?” She asks, and your cheeks turn red.
“I-um…I-you… uh, um, like…” you stutter and she smirks at you.
“Oh hon, did I make you speechless?” She asks with mock sympathy. She knows exactly what she’s doing to you and how she affects you and she’s enjoying it. “Why don’t I make it up to you hm. How about on Friday after school, you come over to my place and I’ll cook you dinner.” She says and you’re speechless again. “You can nod or shake your head as an answer.” She tells you, deciding to take a little bit of pity on you. You nod your head and she smiles. “Perfect.” She tells you. She grabs her phone and presses a couple things then looks at you. “What’s your number?” She asks and you look at her confused. “So I can text you my address.” She explains and you gulp. You then muster up enough courage to give her your number. She then sends a text and your phone vibrates in your pocket with a notification. She looks at you with a smirk. “Hope that’s not the only thing you have that vibrates.” She says and you look at her confused. She decides to not explain it and instead reaches for your phone, she slides her hand down you a bit, sticks her hand a bit in your pocket and wraps her hand around your phone and tugs it out. She then slides her hand up between you both and hands you your phone. “You can look up what I meant. Search what vibrators are for.” She tells you with a wink and then she walks out with a sway in her hips.
You stare at her ass as she walks out, completely mesmerized. At home you look up vibrators and your face goes red at what it says they’re for. She said a sexual innuendo and it went right over your head with your lack of knowledge on the subject.
The rest of the week goes by normally. Melissa doesn’t have an opportunity to drop by your classroom as she’s busy. She still sends winks your way when she can. And she bends over for you to see her cleavage when you’re looking, especially in the break room. And when she walks away from where you are, she sways her hips more so you can stare at her ass moving. On Friday she stops by your classroom briefly at the end of the day.
“Hey hon.”
“H-hi Melissa.”
“Just wanted to make sure you’re still coming over tonight.” She tells you.
“Of-of course. I’ve heard great things about your cooking and wouldn’t miss the opportunity.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Well good, you won’t be disappointed. A meal you won’t forgot.” She tells you with a slightly deeper voice and winks after. You feel your mouth dry and in between your legs get wet and you gulp.
“Do-” you squeak out then clear your throat as your mouth was dry. “Do you want me to bring anything?” You ask her and she walks closer to you and puts a finger under your chin.
“Hmm, just need to bring your pretty self.” She hums and you blush. You forgot how to English for a second and decide to nod in reply. She smiles at you and hums again. “Good.” She says and sways her hips as she walks out. She stops when she reaches the door, puts her hand on the doorframe and glances back at you. “Show up at 6, don’t be late.” She tells you and winks. She then continues walking to her car, leaving you in your classroom, stunned for a minute. Your body then remembers how to work and you walk to your car to get home to change.
You get home and strip out of your work clothes. You suddenly don’t know what to wear, she said it wasn’t a date but you want it to be a date, and want to impress her as you have a crush on her . You then decide to put a robe on and video chat your older sister.
“Hey you, what’s up?” She says when she picks up.
“Hey sis, I need your help. So I have a crush on a coworker. And she invited me over for dinner to her place. She never said it was a date but I still want to impress her.” You explain to her and she chuckles.
“So you need help choosing an outfit?” She asks and you nod. “Alright, show me what options you were thinking of and I’ll let you know if it’s a yes or no.” She says and you nod. You spend the next 20 minutes showing her your clothes as she said no to everything you were thinking of wearing. You then settled on an outfit you both agreed looks good. You then thank her and she makes you promise to tell her all about it tomorrow, and hangs up.
You then shower, blow dry your hair, and brush your teeth. You put on your outfit, which is a cute dark purple dress that stops mid thigh, with a small v-dip and black stockings, with small heels that are black, and a fancy black sweater to complete the look. You then quickly curl the bottom half of your hair then keep it all down. You then apply a bit of purple eyeshadow, some mascara and tinted lip balm. You realise it’s time to go and you grab your purse and head to her place.
You arrive at 5:57 and you take a minute to breath and calm your heart down and give yourself a small pep talk. “Ok remember y/n, she’s a coworker and friend. She may be your crush but try and keep all thoughts of kissing her out of your head.” You say, then let out another breath before getting out and walking to her door.
You knock on her door and she opens it with a smile. You should have added more to your pep talk then just thoughts of kissing her. As she’s wearing a low cut red shirt, that shows her cleavage more than the shirts she wears at school does. She also has on black leggings and her hair up in a ponytail with her bangs framing her face perfectly. You stare at her and forgot to say anything as your brain is busy processing the outfit.
“Wow, you look nice angelo.” She tells you, and if you paid any attention to her eyes you would have noticed her pupils are a bit blown as her eyes roam up and down your body.
“Th-thanks, so do you.” You say and she smiles.
“Thank you.”
“What did you call me?” You ask her
“Angelo, it means angel.” She says and you smile. “Come on in.” She tells you.
“Are you sure? Your mat says go away.” You say with a smile to show her that you’re joking and she giggles.
“That’s because I only let a few people come inside.” She tells you and you blush. You had no idea that you were one of the select few that she’s invited to her house. You nervously step inside her house and she closes the door behind you and you take your heels off.
“Wow, you have a lovely home. Not at all what I expected.” You tell her and she laughs.
“Oh ya? And what did you expect to see?” She asks you as she leads you to the kitchen.
“I don’t know to be honest. I haven’t figured you out yet. But I guess one that has a little less, homey feeling I suppose.” You tell her and she chuckles.
“If it makes you feel better about your expectation, I have about 5 bats hidden around the house.” She tells you and you smile.
“Now that does sound like you. I’m honestly less surprised you have bats hidden than I was about what your house looks like.” You joke and she giggles.
You enter her kitchen and you’re immediately surrounded with the smell of dinner and your stomach grumbles. “Now are you too innocent for wine or do you drink that?” She asks you with a slight smirk but she’s also curious.
“I do have a glass from time to time. Mostly at family gatherings. Which is about 4-5 times a year.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Well is it alright if I pour you a glass?” She says and shows you the bottle.
“That’s my favourite!” You tell her and she beams.
“Really? Mine too.” She tells you and pours some in a glass for you. “I knew you must have good taste.” She says and hands you a glass.
“Thank you.” You tell her and you both clink your glasses together and then take a sip. Then the oven dings and Melissa puts down her glass and walks over to it. She slips on an oven mitt, opens the oven and takes out the food. You see the food and you have no idea what it is but it looks good. “Wow, that looks amazing! What is it?” You ask her and she smiles at you.
“It’s skillet chicken cacciatore.” She tells you and you smile.
“It’s Italian?” You ask her and she nods. Wow, Italian accent is beautiful, you think.
“You think I’m beautiful when I speak Italian?” She asks you and you realise you said it out loud and you blush.
“Did I say that out loud?” You ask her and she nods with a smirk.
“Is there a translation for the last word?” You ask.
“For cacciatore?” She asks and you nod. “Yep, it means hunter.” She tells you and you look at her confused. “I don’t know the story behind the name. That’s just what it’s called and you don’t ask questions.” She tells you as she puts some on 2 plates and you laugh.
“Alright then. No questions, got it.” You tell her and she tells you to bring the wine and guides you to the dinner table.
You two sit down and then you take a bite and you let out a moan at how good it tastes. You look over to see Melissa holding her glass with a smirk.
“What?” You ask her.
“I knew I would like how you sound when you moan.” She tells you then takes a sip of the wine.
“Where else would I make that noise?” You ask her.
“In bed.” She says so casually as she cuts up a piece of the chicken. “When someone or yourself is giving you pleasure.” She tells you and she slides her foot up your leg. You choke on the food as you swallow, from her foot touching you like that or her comment, you’re not sure. She leans back in her chair and takes a bite of the food with a smile on her face.
You watch as a bit of sauce is at the corner of her lips and she licks it off with her tongue. You stare and she smirks when she sees you staring. You realise she’s looking at you staring and you sheepishly go and cut up a piece of food and look down.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed about staring at me. I know you find me attractive.” She tells you and you freeze. You were about to take a bite as your fork is right in front of your mouth and your mouth is open. The piece of chicken falls off your fork and lands in a spot with some sauce and some flies to your face.
“Ah.” You yelp as you were surprised and Melissa snorts.
“Here hon.” She says as she takes your chin and turns your head to face her. She uses her thumb to wipe off where it got you and it seems it got you a few times. She wipes off the spot underneath your eye, on your cheek and right under your bottom lip. Melissa freezes and keeps her thumb at your bottom lip and then she traces it. You have no idea what’s going on but you don’t stop her. You start breathing heavier and she pulls back and goes to continue eating. You don’t comment on it and just continue eating. Once you’re both done, you clear the table and give the plates a quick rinse as she puts the leftovers in containers and then puts them in the fridge. She closes the fridge door as you dry your hands.
“Thank you for dinner and the wine Melissa it was really go-” you’re cut off as you turn around and Melissa lips are on yours. You kiss her back after a second when your brain starts working again. She presses you into the counter and you gasp, Melissa takes the opportunity and slips her tongue in and tastes you. You put your hands in her hair and remember she has a ponytail and you whine. She pulls back and laughs.
“Are you upset I have my hair in a ponytail?” She asks and you nod with a pout. “Hmm, well you know, there’s an easy fix.” She tells you and she slowly slides the elastic down and then shakes her head a few times to put her hair in place. “There, better?” She asks you and nod. She smiles then goes back to kissing you. You immediately put your hands in her hair and she moans into the kiss and you pull back.
“Is that the kind of pleasure you were talking about for that sound?” You ask her and she chuckles.
“Oh hon, you have no idea the kind of pleasure I can give you that’ll have you moaning like crazy.” She purrs in your ear and you shiver. The wet feeling between your legs is back and you rub your thighs together and Melissa notices. “Are you turned on hon?” She asks and you widen your eyes. Oh so Google was right about what that means. You nod at her and she smiles. “If you want, I can help you with that.” She tells you.
“How would you do that?”
“Well it would require you to lose your virginity.” She tells you and you open your mouth in shock. “And before you ask, yes, that feeling between your thighs, your pussy is wet cause you’re turned on and it gets wet so it doesn’t hurt when something is sliding in there.” She tells you.
“Sliding in there? You mean like a tampon?” You ask and she giggles.
“You’re so adorable.” She says and boops your nose. “No, I mean like my fingers.” She tells you. “For straight sex, it would be that a dick slides in you.” She tells you and your eyes widen. “I’m not going to do anything you're not comfortable with. But my offer is still available if you want to take care of that feeling right here.” She says and taps on your pussy and you flinch and let out a small yelp. “Either me or your own fingers.” She tells you and you look at her eyes that are full blown. You cup her cheek and trace under her eye with your thumb.
“Where did the green in your eyes go?” You ask her and she smiles.
“My eyes are blown. It’s what happens when you get turned on and want to have sex.” She tells you and your breath hitches. “Your eyes are blown too.” She tells you and you blush. It takes you about 5 seconds to come to a decision about her offer. It took 4 seconds of being distracted by her face and then one second to come to a decision.
“I want you to help me with the feeling.” You said a little embarrassed and nervous.
“Oh hon, you’ll have to ask me properly.” She told you and you whined as she pressed herself against your body. “Come on, you can do it.” She told you as she gently bit your ear.
“I-I want to have…” and you paused. Melissa pulled back and looked at you.
“What is it hon? Why can’t you say the word?” She asked you.
“Because I grew up thinking that you shouldn’t think about it or say it.” You told her and she stroked her cheek.
“Oh hon, it’s not a bad thing to vocalise that you want sex.” She told you. “Come here.” She said and she lead you to her bedroom. “Go sit on the foot of the bed.” She says and you obeyed while she closed the door and then walked over to you. “Now I won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with, and I won’t touch you unless you want me too but I do want to show you what I look like under my clothes, ok?” She tells you, thinking maybe you’ll be more comfortable when you see another woman’s body naked. You nod at her and she smiles.
She pulls her top off slowly, exposing all the skin of her stomach and you stare at all the soft looking skin and can’t help but touch it. So you do. She lets out a yelp and you pull back thinking you shouldn’t have.
“No no, it’s ok baby. You just surprised me as my shirt was covering my eyes.” She tells you and puts your hand back on her stomach. You feel all over her and you want more so you stand up. You move your hand to the back and hover over her bra clip. “Go on baby. You can unclip it.” She tells you and you do and take her bra off. Then you pull back and look at her. And you’re surprised you don’t faint right there. She looked so, so…
“Sexy.” You slip out and she smiles.
“Thank you, baby.” She tells you and you don’t even care right now about your thoughts.
“Melissa.” You tell her and she looks into your eyes.
“Yes baby?” She asks.
“I want…” you start and she just looks at you, letting you take your time. “I want… I want to have sex with you.” You say and she smiles.
“Well ask and receive baby.” She tells you and she kisses you again.
She then travels down to your neck and starts sucking and you let out a moan. She then starts to slowly lift your dress up and then you pull back and put your arms up, allowing her to take it off. She then unclips your bra and takes it off and looks at you.
“You’re so beautiful, Bella.” She says, remembering you liked it when she spoke Italian. You let out a groan and rub your thighs together. “Hmm, is me speaking Italian a turn on for you?” She asks and you nod. She pushes you on the bed and straddles your lap. “Well then.” She says and smirks, then pushes you more on the bed. “Amo il tuo corpo e voglio rivendicarlo.” She says seductively while grinding on you and you whine. “It means, I love your body and want to claim it.” She says and you put your hands on her.
“I want you to claim me, Mel.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Mel hm, I like it.” She tells you and you blush. She attacks your neck again and you gasp. It feels incredible what she’s doing on your neck. She then trails down to your chest and leaves kisses all over it, worshipping your body as it should be. She then takes a nipple in her mouth and you see stars. She then remembers that you’ve never masturbated either, never touched yourself. So she thinks she should probably go easy on you so you don’t get too overstimulated. “If it becomes too much for you, then let me know, ok?” She says and you nod.
“Keep going please. It feels amazing.” You tell her and she smiles and goes back to your nipple. You continue to let out gasps and moans as she swirls her tongue around your nipples and sucking on them.
“I’m so honoured.” She says as she runs her hands all over your chest and stomach. “Not only will I be your first, but I’ll also be the first person to ever give you pleasure, and that includes yourself. I can’t believe you went this long without it.” She tells you and you buck your hips and whine. “Alright since you’ve never had it before, I won’t keep you waiting much longer. But just know, in the future, I will.” She adds and you look at her.
“So there’ll be more?” You ask her and she tilts her head and looks at you.
“I mean if you want.” She says cautiously.
“Of course, I’ve been attracted to you since I started.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“Good, cause I’m attracted to you as well.” She tells you. “I can take you on a date tomorrow if you want.” She offers and you nod. “Alright now, time to make you feel good.” She tells you and gets off the bed and takes your tights off. “You looked so innocent and adorable in that dress and tights. But I think you look better with them both off.” She then puts her fingers on your underwear and looks at you, you nod at her and she takes your underwear off. She then looks at you completely bare for her and she smiles warmly at you. “You look beautiful.” She says with a hum and you smile. “You look even more beautiful with a smile.” She adds and you blush.
She then gets on her knees, pulls your body closer to the edge of the bed, then does a big lick up your entire pussy. You gasp out and she moans at your taste.
“You taste amazing, mia angelo .” She says and licks your entrance while you gasp and moan at the amazing way her tongue is moving on you. You can’t help but grab her hair and run your fingers through her beautiful red locks. You keep bucking your hips so Melissa pins you down and then slides her tongue in your entrance and you let out a loud gasp and she smirks. She then goes to your clit after she slides her tongue in and out of you a few times. As soon as her tongue connects with your clit, you arch your back off the bed, causing her to use more strength to pin you down. You start grinding on her mouth and she doesn’t have the heart to stop you from doing that. She knows you haven’t felt anything like this before and knows it can be a lot the first time. Not that she remembers her first time as it was about 30 years ago, but considering how it feels everytime she has sex, she can imagine how it must feel the first time.
You start to feel a build up in your stomach and you don’t know why. “Mel, why do I have a strangle feeling in my stomach?” You ask and she smiles. She pulls her tongue away but replaces it with her finger and continues rubbing your clit.
“Remember me explaining the orgasm build up?” She says and you nod. “Well that’s the build up. When it’s at its capacity you’ll let go and cum.” She tells you with a breathy voice. She wants to make sure she doesn’t overstimulate you without skin contact so she goes on top of you and looks at you while slowing down the movement on your clit. “I’m gonna stick my finger in you, it’s going to hurt a bit but that’s because your body isn’t used to it. I’ll go slowly but if it hurts too much or if you want me to pause but don’t want me to pull out then let me know ok?” She tells you and you nod. She then gets you to lay further up on the bed with your head on a pillow and she leans down on top of you. “Alright, ready?” She asks and you nod.
She then lines her finger up with your entrance and kisses you. She slowly slides the tip of her finger in and you gasp in the kiss. She then trails down to your neck so you can focus on her kisses on your body rather than the pain. She slides in more and sucks on your neck, you whimper a little bit but you don’t say anything so she keeps going. She slides it in all the way and she looks up at you while still sucking your neck.
“Do you feel pain mia angelo?” She asks when she pulls back and you nod. “Ok let me know when it goes away.” She kisses your neck and nipples for a few seconds and then you call her name.
“Mel, it went away.” You tell her and she nods. She then slowly pulls out then she slides back in again slowly. You gasp at the pleasure and you push her body closer to yours. She smiles at that and then goes a bit faster. You buck your hips to her body but can’t go very far as her body is pushed on yours, by you.
You end bending a knee slightly and accidentally put it between her legs, right up against her core, and the seam of her leggings touches her clit. She ends up doing a hard thrust by accident along with a “fuck.” From the pleasure and then asks you if you’re ok from the thrust.
“Can you do it again actually?” You ask her and your voice is very breathy at this point. She does a hard thrust again and you moan out at the pleasure. She then speeds up and does hard thrusts and your leg stays where it is. She grinds your leg a bit unconsciously and you notice and you smirk.
“Not so innocent now mia angelo.” She teases you when she notices your smirk to what you’re doing to her. She then pulls out of you completely and she quickly takes her leggings and underwear off. You go to whine at the loss of her finger when you see her strip in front of you then stare open mouthed at the sight of her pussy. She then goes back on your leg and sticks her finger back in. You moan out at the feeling of her finger, and then you feel her wetness spreading on your leg and you feel good knowing the effect you have on her.
“You feel very wet.” You tell her between moans and gasps.
“Yes mia angelo, that’s how much you turn me on.” She tells you and you smile. She puts her thumb on your clit when she feels her build up starting and knows it won’t take long. You say a little “aa” from her rubbing your clit and then she adds another finger in you slowly and you wrap your arms around her. You unknowingly press her down more on your leg and she moans out. The build up starts to get stronger and stronger in you and your legs start shaking and you’re breathing faster. “Just let your body do its thing and leg go when you need to.” She tells you when she feels your legs shaking. She’s close as well but wants you to come first.
A few seconds later you come with a high pitched gasp and she comes at the sight of you coming. She then stops and slowly and carefully, removes her thumb from your clit and pulls her fingers out. She then rolls over and lays down beside you, breathing fast. She then holds you in her arms while you shake as your body is trying to slow down your heart rate.
When your breathing slows down, you notice you put your hand on her boob unconsciously, then you squeeze it and rub your finger on the nipple. She lets out a whine and bucks her hip at that. You do the same to the other one and get the same reaction. She looks at you and sees you genuinely curious and interested in her boobs. You then go and lick one of her nipples and she lets out a gasp, you repeat the action and she moans softly. You then put it in your mouth and start sucking and licking. She bucks her hips and gasps. You pull back after a bit and you go to the other one.
“Mia angelo, what are you doing?” She asks before you get to the other one. “If you keep going you’re gonna make me want more.” She tells you and you put the other nipple in your mouth. You do the same thing and she moans and bucks her hips. “Angelo, please. I don’t think you realise how much you affect me.” She pleads and you look at her.
“Oh I do know actually.” You tell her and she looks at you going down her body and she whines. “You see, I felt you on my leg and how wet I make you.” You tell her and rub up and down her legs and feel how soft they are and you hum. “I also realised how much you teased me last week.” You say and kiss her thighs. You get close to where she wants you before pulling away and kissing her thighs again.
“Mia angelo. Stop teasing me.” She says and you look at her.
“Do you know how much I thought of you last weekend? Thoughts of you pushed up against me, and how wet that made me.” You tell her and she groans. You then slide up her body and come face to face with her. “I think it’s only fair that I do that to you.” You tell her and she whines. Of course, she thinks, they weren’t wrong when they say to watch out for the shy and innocent ones.
You then kiss her neck and she brings her hand down to touch herself. You notice it and don’t stop her. You kiss and suck on the other side of her neck and she slides a finger in herself.
“Are you making yourself feel good?” You question and she nods. You then grab her wrist of the hand that’s currently fingering herself and you make her pull her fingers out of herself. You then put her fingers in your mouth and you moan at the taste.
“Dio mio.” She gasps out as your tongue runs all over her two fingers. She definitely corrupted you, that’s for sure. You decide to finally give in and you move back down and put your mouth on her entrance. She bucks her hips as you connect your mouth to where she needs it. You then slip your tongue in her entrance and she squeaks out a moan. She starts grinding on your tongue and you moan. The sound vibrates on her and she gasps. “Dio mio, mia angelo. Your tongue feels so good.” She says and you smile. You then move to her clit and you slide a finger in her entrance. You move your tongue and hopefully you’re making her feel as good as she made you. She lets go of the sheets she was grabbing and grabs your hair instead. You add another finger in her and she screams out. You slide your fingers in and out of her and you love the way she feels inside, her wetness and warmth wrapped around your fingers and keeping you inside. You then feel her clench around your fingers and her legs start shaking. She then screams out as she comes but you don’t stop, too distracted by how she feels around your fingers and her taste. She continues grinding on your fingers and tongue as her build up is already starting again. She comes again not too long later and she then pulls you away. You pull out of her and climb up to lay beside her.
“Sorry, did I hurt you?” You ask and she shakes her head.
“No no, that felt incredible.” She says, trying to catch her breath. You beam at her words and she smiles at you. “Wow, I can’t remember the last time I came 3 times during sex.” She says and you blush. She wraps her arm around you. “Come here mia angelo.” She says and you snuggle into her. The two of you spend most of the weekend in her bed.
On Monday morning you walk in the break room a little weirdly but no one mentions it. Well not until Ava comes in and sees a hickey that you couldn’t cover due to how dark it was.
“Damn girl, did you get laid on the weekend?” She asks impressed and everyone except Melissa looks at you shocked. Melissa just continues on her phone.
“Maybe, what’s it to you?” You challenge back and Melissa snorts. You then go and sit down with Melissa and Barb as Melissa told you that you could this morning. Barb looks over to Melissa and sees Melissa wink and smile at you. Barb then sees a hickey on Melissa and she shakes her head at the two of you.
Ava sees Melissa’s wink and smile as well and then sees her hickey. “Melissa, I didn’t know you were into the innocent ones.” She tells her and everyone looks confused.
“And?” Is all Melissa says and everyone grins. Melissa then pulls your chair right beside her and wraps an arm around your waist and you lean into her.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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pinkthrone445 · 3 months
-Abbott's house-
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fluff, funny, soft
Warnings:none(?) future smut
Summary:The district gives the school the idea of spending a month living together to strengthen bonds, you never thought that would change your relationship with some so much.
Hi! This is an interactive story, if some thinks about something funny that one of the people of Abbott would be like to do, and you would like me to introduce it in the second part of the fic, you can leave it on the comments. I hope you like this part!
Abbott's shenanigans
There are a lot of things that influence the relationship we have with people, spending a lot of time together, going on vacation together, going on dates, being with someone when they're sick and taking care of them, having a fight or a problem that requires assistance, living together, and so on. It could change the relationship for the worse or strengthen the existing friendship, or sometimes even make love grow.
You and your Abbott classmates commonly spent a lot of time together at work, so you never thought that living with them would make much of a difference, but you were wrong and didn't know how much until Ava walked into the teacher's room accompanied by Janine to make an important announcement.
-"Please, if I can get your attention... I have an important statement, as the vacations arrives, Abbott will begin to do a month of interaction together to reinforce the fellowship and friendship between us so we can work better together as a team an as a family, you can say that you do not want to go, but keep in mind that it will be an all-paying month in a shared house, the groups will be 8 people per house, which if everyone says yes, this group will be a house shared by Melissa, Barbara, Jacob, Gregory, Ava, (Y/N), Mr. Johnson and I"-Commented a very excited Janine seeing everyone-"The house has 5 rooms, so some will have to share a room and others won't, we will fix that later depending on who says yes... It also has 1 private bathroom per room and a large one downstairs, it has a fully equipped kitchen, a dining room and living room with television, a terrace, a patio and a heated pool... The only thing you would have to bring is the clothes you would use, personal towel and any hygiene items you prefer besides personal medicines... You will also have money to go shopping, there will be group activities and you will have 2 days completely free to do whatever you want or go visit your family. If you want to be part of this, talk to me or Ava and we'll write you down, I hope you take advantage of the time the district decide to give us something for free..."Janine muttered the last part before leaving the teacher's room, leaving you all a little surprised with the news.
Immediately the murmurs and questions began
-"Gregory let's go together and share a room!" - Jacob murmured excitedly, grabbing his friend's arm
-"I don't know... I have my day to day planned even to what I eat, it would be a big change" - he replied without much conviction
-"Please! If we do this I'll have one more month to find a new apartment... Besides this will help me with my breakup...You know how sad I've been"-Jacob was using the pity card and Gregory knew it, but he loved him too much to say no...
-"Fine, but you better keep the room clean" - Gregory muttered under his breath, and Jacob jumped and danced happily
-"Are you going Barbs?" - Mel asked her friend she shrugged her shoulders
-"I have to ask Gerald first, but if I go, I want a room to myself so I can use my breathing machine... You?" - Barbara asked
-"I think maybe...I'm very bored alone, it will be a good distraction... You?"-Mel asked you this time while you were eating
-"I want to... I mean, paid vacation? Count me in, besides I don't have anything else to do"-You smiled looking at the redhead.
Little by little, everyone else got on board with the idea of spending the vacation together, so before you could think about it much more, you were already driving to the house where you would spend the next month of your life.
You were one of the first to arrive, even though there were already two cars in the driveway. You carefully unloaded your bags and walked inside the house, suddenly finding Ava and Janine talking and arguing.
-"Hello girls..."-You whispered trying to go unnoticed and not interrupt or get involved in the discussion
-"(Y/N)! Welcome!" - Janine yelled, walking away from the principal and getting closer to you-"All the rooms are assigned already... Yours is the one to the right in the second floor, you can settle in and when everyone arrives, we will handle you sheets with the schedule for the month, Okey? Enjoy" -The petite woman barely let you say hello before going back to her chat with Ava. You carefully brought your bags up and noticed that you had a shared room, although you still didn't know with whom.
After settling everything in, you felt more people arrive at the house and before you knew it, your roommate had walked through the door
-"Hello roommate" - Mel muttered, leaving her bags on her bed and smiling at you
-"Oh, hi Mel... I thought you will be sharing a room with Barb... I mean, sorry, from everyone that I could got, I'm happy it's you..." - You muttered a little embarrassed
-"Yeah... Barbara wanted a room to herself, but Ava and Mr. Johnson asked for it first, so Barbara was assigned with Janine, Gregory, and Jacob together and you and me together..."-The redhead began to unpack her bag as you looked at her
-"Do you want me to swap rooms with Barbara so you are together? It's not a hassle at all" - You responded, helping her with her stuff
-"Don't bother, Ava did this because she wants us to strengthen our bonds with people that we don't get together as much, so we are stuck together... Also, Ava did this arrangements because she wanted a whole room for herself"-she muttered, arranging her clothes on one of the furnitures
-"Okey... Do you want to set some ground rules or something? I don't wanna bother you"-You asked sitting on your bed looking at her
-"Just by saying that, I already like you a thousand times more... I just don't want the light on after 12 if possible and dry the bathroom thoroughly after a shower. I think that's it. You?" - she commented, turning to look at you and you shrugged your shoulders
-"I don't think so..."-You muttered before you pulled out one of your books and started reading while she sorted out her things.
The week began to pass normally, each one received their activity sheet, which included movie nights (each one would choose one movie per night), you had physical activities together, walks, reading nights, month game night, each one was assigned a place in the house to clean and other chores together. Everyone would have to cook or go shopping from time to time. Take some classes for school, etc.
It would be a busy and interactive month.
Your coexistence with Mel was going well, more than well, the fact that you didn't make her angry so far said a lot.
When the first movie night rolled around, Jacob chose the movie "It", which you tried to avoid because you didn't like horror movies and because you hated clowns, but Ava said it was a must-do activity so you had to stay, although the truth was that she wanted to laugh at how scared you were.
Before the movie started, you made popcorn for everyone and sat next to the redhead who was the only empty spot on the couch. Mel smiled at you and covered your legs with the blanket she had, sharing it with you.
At first you avoided watching the movie by looking at your phone, but Ava told you to turn it off so you no longer had any distractions, nervously, you started playing with your fingers but Mel noticed your fidgeting, carefully she took one of your hands with hers and intertwined her fingers with yours smiling at you
-"It's okay, it's just a movie, I'm here with you..."-she whispered close to your ear, making you blush. You never thought that sharing just a couple of days together would make the redhead more fond of you and want to take care of you.
The rest of the movie you saw it without letting go of her hand and shaking a little when the damn clown appeared, witch was all the time.
At the end of the movie you were one of the first to go to your room, as soon as you entered you lay down on your bed and started watching cartoons on your cell phone trying to get the face of the damn clown out of your memory. Mel carefully entered the room and stared at you tenderly, you looked like a small sacred child
-"Are you watching Bluey?" - she whispered, trying not to alarm you
-"Yes... I hate clowns and now I'm scared and I won't be able to sleep if I'm like this... Don't laugh at me please"-You muttered in shame and she shook her head
-"Never... I'll go take a shower, you can leave the lights on tonight if you want..."-She responded taking off her clothes in front of you, seeing her in her underwear made you forget your fears for a moment, it wasn't until the redhead walked through the bathroom door that you came back to reality and back to your cartoons.
After a few minutes, the room filled with the scent of flowers when the redhead came out of the bathroom, you followed her with your eyes waiting for her to go to her bed, but instead she stood in front of you
-"Move a little, give me a little of room, I'll sleep with you so you don't get bad dreams"-Mel suggested and you gave her space a little confused, thinking maybe she was joking. She carefully climbed onto your bed with her pajamas on and gently hugged you making you snuggle on her chest, consciously or unconsciously, this was making you feel safe and calmer.
Your heart began to beat more slowly and your head stopped thinking, her hands gently scratched the back of your neck and the beating of her heart over your ear made you breathe more calmly and steady, even the darkness and silence of the room provided a calm atmosphere now that she was by your side.
When Mel began to feel like you were falling asleep, she kissed your forehead gently
-"Good night hon, I'll take care of you..."-She whispered before you fell asleep completely.
Unable to believe it, you slept through the night without any nightmares, and when you woke up Melissa was still by your side sleeping and cuddling you. Not wanting to wake her, you tried to gently snuggle closer to her. You couldn't believe how good she smelled and how beautiful she looked while she sleeps. When you were about to snuggle up on her chest, her voice startled you
-"I'm already awake hon... Good morning" -she commented in a thick voice making you blush
-"I'm sorry...I...it's just that you're so warm that I wanted to get closer to you... Besides you smell so nice..."-You began to stutter from nerves that you had been caught in your attempt to be close to her-"I didn't want to disturb you, just feel your warmth..."-The redhead snuggled you with her arms putting you close to her chest making you shut up by being almost between her breasts
-"I said good morning... And you didn't answer" - She commented in a raspy voice
-"I... I'm sorry, good morning Mel" - You replied and closed your eyes taking a big breath to etch her perfume into your memory
-"Did I help? Did you have any nightmares?" - She asked and you shook your head with your eyes still closed-"Good... Do you want to go cook breakfast together?" - She asked again and after a few seconds of thinking, you nodded. Although you'd like to stay in that bed for as long as possible, if you said something, you might make her feel uncomfortable. Gathering all the strength in the world, you sat up on the bed and stretched out your arms under the watchful eye of the redhead.
After the two got ready, you went to the kitchen with the redhead to make breakfast. No one was up yet, so that gave more peace and quiet to cook. You and the redhead worked together like a well-oiled machine, it seemed like you had been cooking together for years as you saw how you helped and understood each other. The redhead put on Italian music and was surprised when you started singing, seeing you with different eyes than she did a few days ago.
At the time you didn't know it, but that month would be one of the most intense and crazy where your life would take a 180-degree turn, changing everything, especially your relationship with your coworker and roomie.
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janeyseymour · 2 months
Love Thy Neighbor again because I can't get over it. Mel introduces reader and Ellie to her family, the reader is a nervous mess and Mels Grandma and Ellie become besties with Ellie proudly stating that she's an honorary schemmenti and making Mel start to think about making reader a official schemmenti 💜
I got you, but know that this has spawned a new little mini-series within this verse
Love Thy Neighbor, Two Families Become One- pt 1
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You honestly don’t really know how you’ve made it this far without meeting Melissa’s side of the family. She’s met your parents, and they absolutely adore her. You remember how that meeting went- Melissa was an absolute nervous wreck, and Ellie couldn’t understand why for the life of her.
“Mel,” your little girl had rolled her eyes playfully at the redhead as she twirled around in her dress. “You’re bein’ silly. It’s just Grandma and Grandpa.”
“Just nervous,” Melissa told your daughter. “I want them to like me.”
“They will,” Ellie promised your girlfriend. “Because Momma loves you, and I love you, and that’s all that care about.”
The redhead looked at your daughter with soft warm eyes. “Thanks, El. But I still have to do my best to impress.”
The three of you made your way across town to your parents house, and as you climbed out of the car, Ellie attached herself to Melissa.
“Up, please,” the little girl asked quietly as she raises her arms up.
Of course, the second grade teacher immediately obliged your daughter’s request before taking a deep breath and walking up with you to the front door.
“It’s okay,” Ellie squeezed Melissa just the slightest bit tighter and pressed a kiss to her cheek in hopes of calming the woman’s nerves.
The redhead just gave a tight, nervous smile before turning her attention to the door that had just whipped open to reveal both of your parents.
Your parents engulfed you in hugs, acting as if they hadn’t seen you in forever when it had really only been a few weeks.
“And this must be Melissa,” your father looked your girlfriend up and down with a stone face.
“I am,” the redhead smiled nervously. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Your dad stuck out his hand and shakes your girlfriend’s sternly.
“Pop, stop trying to scare Mel!” Ellie giggled. She whispered in Melissa’s ear conspiratorially, “Pop is like a teddy bear, he’s tryin’ really hard to be scary.”
That got your father to break out into a grin as he reached for your little girl’s belly to tickle. “Ellie! You can’t give me up that easily! The name’s Frank, and the ol’ lady next to me is-”
“Frank!” your mother batted at your father playfully before smiling to your girlfriend. “Rita,” your mother introduced herself. “Don’t listen to a word that man says. Ellie is right, he’s just a big teddy bear.”
“Play nice, Dad,” you rolled your eyes as you stepped into the house that you had grown up in. “Is dinner ready? I’m starving.”
“Some things never change with you, kid,” you father chuckled. “It’s on the table and ready.
Dinner with your family was pleasant. Ellie made sure to highlight just about every wonderful thing there was to say about Melissa and state just how much she adored your girlfriend.
“Pop! Did you know that Mel teaches with Momma? Did you know that Mel pushes me on the swings and takes videos of me when I go down the slide?! She’s just the best,” Ellie gushed.
  And by the end of the night, Melissa had gotten the stamp of approval from both of your parents. 
“See?” Ellie exasperates as Melissa buckles her into the carseat to head back to your apartment complex. “I told you there wasn’t anything to worry about.”
“I think you were a big help,” your girlfriend chuckled. “Thank you, little girl.”
“Gram and Pop would be…” she lowers her voice. “Stupid… if they didn’t like you.”
“Elizabeth,” you raise a brow as you turn in your seat to look at her.
Your daughter just shrugs. “I’m just bein’ honest, Momma.”
You chuckle. “Okay, little girl.”
But now that you were going to meet Melissa’s family, take those nerves that Melissa had felt previously, and multiply it by ten.
You’re in the middle of putting your face on in the bathroom when Melissa comes in.
“My love,” she sighs as she wraps her arms around your waist and kisses your cheek. “You don’t need to wear makeup.”
“I know, I know,” you mumble. “But I don’t want to show up looking like a slob.”
The redhead rolls her green eyes. “Babe, you’re beautiful no matter what, and my mom and Nonna are going to love you.”
“And what if they don’t?” you ask as you continue to apply your eyeshadow. 
Melissa looks at you like you just asked her the dumbest question on the planet. “There’s not a chance in hell they aren’t going to love you, and Nonna is going to absolutely adore El.”
“What about me?!” Ellie pops her head into the room. She then sees that you have your makeup out. “Ooh! Sparkles!”
“El, tell your momma she doesn’t need makeup to look beautiful.”
“Mom is right, Momma,” your daughter tells you seriously as she perches herself on the sink. “Why are you putting makeups on anyway? You only wear makeups when it’s a special occasion.”
“It is a special occasion,” you say softly. “We’re meeting Mel’s mom and grandma, and I want to make a good impression.”
Ellie’s lips into a little ‘O’. “Can I wear makeups to make a good impression too?”
That makes you pause, and you chuckle softly. “Pick one eyeshadow, and I’ll put it on for you.”
She squeals with delight as she looks at your palette. She ends up deciding on a very neutral but sparkly shade, and you gently put it on her eyelids. As soon as it’s on, your little girl is leaning in to look at herself in the mirror and giggling.
“Do I look good, Mom?”
“You look beautiful as always,” Melissa leans over and kisses Ellie’s cheek. She then pecks yours. “Just like you do.”
“What time do we have to be there?”
“We have to leave in thirty minutes,” your girlfriend tells you. “And I’ll make sure we have Ellie’s stuff in the car for her so you don’t have one more thing to worry about.”
“Thank you,” you sigh softly. “I should be ready within the next twenty minutes.”
“C’mon, El,” Melissa smiles down at the little girl. “Let’s let your Momma get ready while we get your stuff ready for the car.”
You manage to get yourself together before the promised twenty minutes, and you enter the living room the to sight of your girlfriend and your daughter lounging on the couch together.
“Hey,” you get their attention, and Melissa’s jaw drops just slightly. “What?”
Her eyes sparkle with love for you. “You look… stunning.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you laugh softly as you run a hand through your loosely curled hair. “I look like I do everyday we go to school.”
“And?” your girlfriend asks as she stands from her place on the couch. “You look gorgeous there too, and you should know it- I only tell you everyday.”
“You look really pretty, Momma,” Ellie smiles at you as she hands you your purse.
You look down at your little girl as you ruffle her hair. “How much did Mom pay you to say that?”
“Nothin’!” your little girl gives you a cheeky smile.
“Are you ready?” the redhead asks you softly. 
You take a deep breath. “As ready as I’m ever going to be,” you tell her.
The entire drive over to the Schemmenti household, Melissa’s hand rests gently on your thigh to provide warmth and comfort. She’s pulling in far too soon.
“We’re here,” she tells you gently. “But we’ll go in when you’re ready.”
You nod. “I’m ready.”
Melissa holds Ellie’s hand as the three of you make your way up to the front door, and you’re greeting with a woman that can only be Nonna.
“Nonna!” your girlfriend confirms as she embraces the shorter woman.
“There’s my Melissa Ann,” Nonna smiles. “Looking beautiful as ever.”
The redhead is nearly a spitting image of the woman in front of you, and when her mother comes to the door, it’s like there’s three generations of your girlfriend.
“Nonna, Mom,” Melissa smiles brightly. “This is my girlfriend, Y/N and her daughter, Ellie.”
You smile shyly and give a wave before tucking a hair behind your ear. “It’s a pleasure.”
“Hi!” your little girl squeaks with a smile. “I’m Ellie, and I’m seven.”
“Oh, aren’t you a cute little thing,” Melissa’s grandmother coos as she pinches your daughter’s cheek gently. “It’s nice to meet you, Ellie. You can call me Nonna.” She stands up straight to look at you. “The pleasure is all mine… Our Lissa has talked a lot about you- can’t believe it’s taken you this long to make it over for dinner!”
“We’re glad to be here,” you smile as you stick out a hand for her to shake. Then you face her mother. “Thank you for inviting us over.”
“We’ve been telling Lissa to bring you over for months now,” her mother chuckles. “Annette.”
“It’s very nice to meet you Annette,” you smile as you shake her hand too.
“Well, come in, come in,” both women say at once. 
“Dinner is almost ready, but there are some snacks out in the meantime, and can I get any of you anything to drink?” Annette asks.
“Wine for me and Y/N,” Melissa answers as she makes her way into the kitchen. “And El, what do you want?”
Your little girl looks up at your girlfriend and shrugs.
“We made sure we were stocked up for you,” Nonna chuckles. “Lemonade, apple juice, grape juice, orange juice, water… you name it, kiddo.”
“Can I have lemonade, Mom?” Ellie asks quietly. “Please?”
At the term your little girl uses, you stay quiet. 
“Sure thing, El,” Melissa smiles softly as she lifts Ellie to sit on the counter.
Nonna and Annette both raise eyebrows in shock, and it mirrors the same face that your girlfriend makes when she’s surprised.
“Mom?” Nonna asks gently. “Lissa, is there something you aren’t telling us?”
The redhead rolls her eyes playfully. “She started calling me Mom, and if she’s comfortable with it, I’m more than happy to be Mom.”
Ellie grins and leans over to kiss Melissa’s cheek while Annette pours a lemonade and Nonna pours the wine.
“Can I help with anything?” you offer.
“Oh, aren’t you sweet?” Annette smiles as she hands you your wine. “No, Nonna has it handled.”
“Can I help?” Ellie chirps from her place on the counter. “Mom and Momma let me help with dinner all the time, and I love it!”
Nonna grins. “Oh, I could definitely use the help from you, little one. The rest of you, out of my kitchen!”
Melissa chuckles as she presses a kiss to your daughter’s head and pulls you to the living room couch. “I knew her and Nonna would get along like two peas in a pod.”
“Yeah?” you ask softly.
“Nonna loves the little ones, and Ellie is the best little girl out there,” Melissa shrugs as she kisses your temple.
“So…” Annette looks at the two of you.
You and your girlfriend spend the time that dinner is being prepared chatting with Melissa’s mother about everything under the sun. Occasionally, you hear Ellie squeal with joy. It brings a happiness to your heart- knowing that your daughter is making a connection with one of your girlfriend’s favorite people. 
“Momma! Mom!” Ellie comes bouncing in with the biggest smile on her face. “Dinner’s ready!”
You, Melissa, and her mother all stand from your place on the couch and head for the dining room. There’s a beautiful display on the table.
“Nonna teached me how to set a table properly!” your little girl absolutely beams.
Nonna smiles a smile that matches Ellie’s energy.
Dinner is wonderful, and you absolutely insist on helping clean up and help to set out dessert with Melissa and Ellie while Annette and Nonna sit back and sip their wine.
“So, what do you think?” Nonna asks.
Annette smiles. “Lissa did good with this one. She’s better than Joe.”
“Her little girl is the cutest little thing,” Nonna notes softly. “If her manners and sweetness are anything to go by, Lissa may have found her person.”
“So?” Melissa asks you quietly.
“Your mom is so sweet,” you tell her genuinely.
Ellie grins. “Nonna is my most favorite person! She teached me to fold the napkins, and that the sharp side of the knife should always face the plate when you set the table.”
The smile that washes over your girlfriend’s face is gorgeous. You peck her lips gently as you finish washing the last of the dishes.
After dessert, you find yourself with another glass of wine while you lounge on the couch and chat with your girlfriend’s family. Ellie curls up in Melissa’s lap, happy to drink her lemonade and cuddle. You can tell though as the night goes on that your daughter is getting sleepy, and it’s clear that Melissa can too.
“Is Ellie girl gettin’ tired?” the redhead asks as she kisses Ellie’s head and takes the cup out of her hand.
Your little girl nods against Melissa’s chest as she rubs at her eyes. The two of you glance at the clock- it is getting to be the time where Ellie starts to wind down for the night.
“I guess we should probably start heading out for the night,” your girlfriend tells her family. “But we’ll have to get together again soon… maybe you can come over to our apartment for dinner one night.”
“That would be lovely,” Nonna smiles. “I’d love to get to see Ellie again- you know, she reminds me of you a little.”
“Full of life, eager to help,” the eldest woman smiles. “She’s a little honorary Schemmenti.”
Ellie gives a sleepy smile that quickly turns into a yawn as she plays with the chains around Melissa’s neck. “Ellie Schemmenti,” she mumbles against your girlfriend’s chest.
If the kiss that’s pressed to Ellie’s temple is anything to go by, you would say that Melissa is quite happy with that little statement.
“Alright, Ma,” your girlfriend stands with Ellie in her arms. “Nonna. It’s time we head out and get the little one to bed, but thank you for having us.”
“Seriously,” you chime in softly. “Thank you so much. Dinner was wonderful.”
“Anytime, sweetheart,” Nonna and Annette tell you at the same time.
As you hug Melissa’s grandmother, she whispers in your ear, “Seriously, anytime. You’re family now.”
Nonna was never the best whisperer though, so Melissa hears the sweet words that are said. Her smile doesn’t leave her face the entire walk out to the car.
Once you get on the road, Melissa takes your hand in her own and brings it up to her lips. “I told you, there wasn’t anything to worry about. They’re both a lot like me… tough on the outside, softies on the inside.”
“I guess you were right this time,” you chuckle softly.
“When are you going to realize I’m always right?” your girlfriend teases you. “What did you think though, for real?”
“I see where you get a lot of your personality,” you tell her. “And I love you, so I love your family.”
“And my Nonna’s comment about Ellie being an honorary Schemmenti?” the redhead presses just slightly.
“The cutest thing in the world,” you sigh in content.
When Melissa pulls into the driveway, she expertly lifts Ellie out of her carseat and into her arms without waking her before taking her into the house. The two of you tuck her in together, and she only wakes up slightly when you press kisses to her face.
“Goodnight, Momma. Goodnight Mom. I love you,” Ellie mumbles out, still half asleep.
“We love you too, love bug,” you whisper as you brush away a few of the stray hairs. Melissa repeats the sentiment before you head off to prepare for bed yourself.
She’s in bed before you are, and when you slide in, she seems to be deep in thought. You curl into her arms.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you,” she whispers as she kisses the nape of you neck.
“I think I’m the lucky one,” you sigh out softly, a bit breathily.
Your girlfriend shakes her head. “That would be me,” she tells you as she nips at you. “I don’t know how I managed to land a gorgeous and kind woman like you- the most amazing person I’ve ever met.”
You push away from her slightly. “I am loving these compliments, but honey, I’m too tired to have sex tonight.”
“That’s fine,” she tells you as she pulls you back into her arms and lets you lay your head on her chest. “Get some good sleep, hun.”
You fall asleep rather quickly, exhausted from the events of today, but Melissa lays awake as she replays her Nonna’s words in her head- that Ellie was an honorary Schemmenti, that you were part of the family now. And that gets her thinking… Should she forego the ‘honorary’ portion of your titles and officially make you Schemmentis? She falls asleep thinking about this.
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson
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schemmentigfs · 2 months
Okokok pretty please with a cherry on top could you write one where the reader is taking care of schemmenti that leads into smexy time? Or their wedding night orrrr my brain is malfunctioning I'm doing this on a whim lol but something between the two? (Also I love your writing!!! This is like asking a celebrity to autograph something!!)
two queens in a king size bed.
paring: melissa schemmenti x reader.
summary: you and your wife melissa share a lovely morning after the happiest night of your lives.
warnings: smut, but basically it's pure romance.
author notes: Aww thanks babee! 🩷 You are so sweet and kind. Hope you like this one, it was an honor to write your adorable request. I tried my best to write somethin’ between the two. And yes, I am one of those who loves the reader taking care of mel dynamic. Also this was my first time writing smut, let me know if I did good or horrible! (be kind pls)
title was inspired by two queens in a king size bed by girl in red. <3
english is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes. Work not revised!
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Melissa smiled as she watched your sleeping figure on the left side of the bed. Yesterday had been the happiest day of your lives, after five years together, she could now refer to you as her wife. The woman of her dreams was officially her beloved and sweet wife.
It was gratifying to see that one of her childhood dreams had finally come true.
The redhead closes her eyes, losing herself in the memories of the wedding night. Everything had been perfect. The way she always imagined and desired when she was just a little girl and heard everyone around her talking about marriage on the classic Schemmenti family reunions.
The topic of marriage has always been something delicate in her life, when she experienced it for the first time it was something traumatic and horrible, Joe was not a good husband. In fact, he was the opposite of that.
And after they divorced, the redhead was determined to not get engaged to anyone else again. The promise has been strengthened for several years, this until you appeared in her life. Melissa didn't believe in miracles, but you were practically a divine gift from heaven that belonged to her and only her.
The beginning of the relationship was difficult for both of you, since the older woman had her fears and insecurities — a consequence of the traumas of the past. But that wasn't a problem for you who helped her overcome all this and didn't give up on her at any time.
That's what surprised the redhead, you fought for her from the first moment making it clear that you loved her unconditionally. And it was so fucking worth it, because here you were. Ready to start a new chapter in your lives, together.
Melissa blinks and turns her head to look at you again. The small rays of sunshine escaped through the window reaching your figure, making you even more stunning. A true work of art.
She carefully approached and put her palm on your cheek lovingly. “Fuck. So beautiful,” she whispers running her fingers through your face. Wanting to memorize every detail of your gorgeous features.
The feeling of your wife's loving touch makes you hum in satisfaction and open your eyes slowly. And there she was, Melissa Schemmenti looking at you with all the love in the world. The scene brings an air of domesticity making your heart melt.
“Mornin’, babe,” you say with a smile kissing the tip of her nose. “Did you sleep well?”
“Buongiorno, amore della mia vita,” she snuggles into you, putting her arm around your waist protectively. “Yeah, I did.” Soft green eyes meet yours and no matter how much she was apparently content, some tears ran down her cheeks. Which didn't go unnoticed by you.
“Hey, what's wrong, Lissa?” you ask softly with a bit of concern.
“Nothing. I just love you so much,” she reveals and has something so genuinely sincere and truly in her words. The older woman was known for her tough way of acting and seeing her here by your side, allowing herself to be vulnerable without any fear of being judged or having to use her fight or fight response as a defense mechanism, made you think how lucky you were to have the redhead as your wife.
“I love you too, baby. More than anything,” you rest your foreheads together and lean over to capture her lips in a calm and tender kiss.
Her manicured hands grabbed your neck with a certain force, making you moan in her mouth.
As soon as you pull away, the emerald eyes are replaced by lust and hunger. She bites her lip and you know what that means. “Prove it then,” Melissa challenges with an arched eyebrow. “Show me how much you love me.”
“Is this a challenge, Schemmenti?” you questioned already knowing the answer.
“Maybe?” the redhead responds with a lovely pout. “C'mon, don't keep me waiting.”
You laugh, as she repositions herself in bed, putting her head back on the pillows. “Y/N,” she says looking impatient. “Come here now.” Her authoritarian tone sending chills all over your body.
Straddling her waist, you started to unbutton the buttons from her pajamas, exposing her naked torso. “You are so soft, so warm. So beautiful,” you comment between kisses, moving down to lightly nibble on your wife's neck. The act making her shiver when you bite a sensitive spot. “I’m the luckiest woman in the whole fucking world.”
She moans, struggling with the difficulty of forming a single sentence. “Baby…please, I need you. Just...”
“It looks like someone is quite needy,” you teased with a smirk continuing to explore her perfect body, placing a trail of love marks on the valley of the older woman's breasts.
As soon as your mouth covered one of her nipples, the redhead's back arched extracting a celestial sound from her lips. “Yeah,” she sighs, tangling her fingers in your hair, guiding your head where she needed it most.
Obeying her non-verbal commands, you went down to the middle of her legs grabbing her shorts, giving a wicked smile when you noticed the wet patch dripping through the fabric of her black panties.
Sliding your hands down her thighs, you spread her legs, Melissa understood the message and raised her hips, helping you get rid of her ruined underwear
“So pretty,” you murmur before tasting her, your lips soft and moist covering Melissa's pussy, your tongue exploring her folds and swollen bud. Your movements were slow, but still precise causing chills in the woman above you.
“Oh!” The redhead moaned loudly grabbing the sheets. “Fuck, more. Please more. JESUS-” she yells when you shove two fingers in her entrance and start pumping at a strong pace, without stopping sucking her.
The combination of your tongue and skillful fingers made Melissa reach the edge in seconds. “I'm gonna—” she stuttered between quick breaths.
“Be a good girl and cum for me,” you gave her a final trust, feeling her walls clenched around yours fingers and she came with a scream of your name. “I gotcha, my sweet angel,” you calm her down by placing soft kisses on her thighs and whispering sweet nothings during her high.
As soon as her panting breath stabilized again, Melissa pulled you back to lie on her chest. “That was perfect,” she speaks in a hoarse voice, completely exhausted from your activities.
“It was,” you chucked, drawing imaginary patterns on her naked skin.
She kisses your head and closes her eyes. “Ti amo infinitamente, dolcezza mia. Non hai idea di quanto sono grato di averti come moglie.”
You fell asleep again with your bodies intertwined, without worries. Just Melissa and you, enjoying each other's company. As it should be.
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thefanboyhub · 2 months
Random ass head cannons I have for SBG gang yuh let's go:
Note/Update: Disregard the eye color thing for Aiden cuz the author has confirmed that his eyes are contacts ✨
Tyler will call people he likes (platonic or romantic) princess regardless of gender, mostly uses it when he's teasing them or in like idk a passive aggressive way. Like "No shit, princess." Or "Okay princes, calm down." Always paired with an eye roll tho.
Taylor hates Taylor Swift because of the annoying jokes people do with her name.
Adding to the last one, Aiden found that out when he made a joke once and she looked like she was about to throw him out the window lol.
Logan has helped everyone get their zodiac charts and read them. He fucking memorized them too. Little nerdy boy <3
Ashlyn doesn't initiate physical touch(hugs, hand holding, cuddling, ect) with people often (cannon btw), but when she does it always makes whoever was chosen feel special.
Ben listens to literally everything. All music. He's polyjamours.
Tyler is actually pretty good at guitar and was something he's liked since a kid, he loves music with heavy guitar in it. He also named his guitar Mel, like Melody. Only people to touch it was Taylor and Ben.
I see some people say Tyler has Logan tutor him but like. No? Tyler is hella smart and doesn't need to be tutored? Like c'mon. BUT Logan does have Tyler help him work out (Logan's body before and after phantom realm goes crazy man) after the whole almost died to phantom thing.
Aiden use to experiment with hair dye before he fell in love with blond. Also his eyes are red, it's not contacts. It's just his eye color lightening s he aged or smt. Fight me.
Ashlyn hates sour food and loves the more bitter stuff. Aiden loves sour food and hates bitter stuff. They trade food sometimes so they don't have to suffer.
Ben and Aiden know ASL, Taylor is learning to talk to Ben better.
Logan can draw but he doesn't do it often but he loves to watch Ben draw. It makes him want to draw too.
Taylor draws on her friends arms, Tyler will pretend to hate it same with Ash but they always ask her to redraw things when they fade. Aiden once had Taylor do an detailed tattoo like design on his arm in class. It didn't wash of for almost three weeks.
Aiden actually has sensitive skin, the wrong fabric gives him rashes. No one but him knows what fabric won't, it's all based on touch.
Tyler can cook really well, and even enjoys it sometimes. Can't bake for shit though.
Aiden knows ballroom dancing. Rich families or old fashioned one tend to know how to ballroom dance (I use to know)
That's all for now
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schemmentis · 2 months
Somethin' Stupid - Pt. 2
Part 1
Summary: Yours and Melissa's senior year.
Warnings: strong language / mild/vague depiction of sexual assault.
WC: 4.7k
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Melissa doesn’t ace her midterm but she does do incredibly well. Just like you knew she would. Joey does eventually work up the balls to ask her out. You don’t even ask her what she said when she tells you he asked; you know it was yes. 
You feel like you blink and midterms turn into finals, which turns into the end of the year. You spend plenty of time with Melissa through it all. Though, it is a lessening amount of time. You hadn’t thought much of it until your mom is asking where Melissa is shortly into the summer. Then, when you do go to Mel’s her mom is hugging you tight and saying she’s missed you and that you’re not supposed to move out of her house. Even once Melissa and Kristen Marie do.
I know I stand in line
You still see Melissa throughout summer but when you do it tends to be with Joey, too. You’ve learned not to mind it but you do miss your solo Melissa time. Her attention always seems halved when you do see her. Not that you blame her, really. You’d be the same if you had just started dating someone. Which, you could be. You just don’t find much interest in pursuing that like Melissa and the other girls your age seem to. It’d be nice to have a partner, of course it would. You wouldn’t deny that but it isn’t your focus. You’re more worried about college applications and setting yourself up for what comes after next school year once you graduate.
Which isn’t to say Melissa isn’t also worried about the same things. She is. You’ve spoken with her about where she’s been applying and you know she’s heart set on going into education. She just also has Joey. You don’t really know how she had the time last year to worry about him and grades and you dread how much she’s going to juggle when the new school year starts. If anyone can manage it, you know it’s Melissa.
Until you think you have the time
You see your favorite redhead a little more often when senior year starts. Her arm slung over your shoulders on the first day back as you both walked in that morning. 
“You’re still gonna end up valedictorian.” Melissa teased you.
“I said that in like, fifth grade, Mel.” You rolled your eyes at her but smiled all the same. You hadn’t realized how much you missed her over the summer until that September.
It feels like the universe is righted once senior year starts. A few nights a week sees you sleeping at Melissa’s. Occasionally, Melissa will insist on a switch that week and stay at your house. Usually when Kristen Marie is on her very last nerve or the weeks of important tests. Your house is quieter, she claims. You think it’s her sly way of ensuring you’re there if she needs help. She still doesn’t outright ask for it. Instead, she’s asking you your opinion of things or how sentences she writes sound when she reads them aloud to you. It’s more rare for her to actually have you look over her work.
To spend an evening with me
Truthfully, you’re more surprised it’s never Joey having her insist on sleeping at yours instead of her house. You had expected by now some fight to have spawned between them. They are both hard headed and opinionated. You don’t love Joey, or consider him your friend, but you find yourself able to spend more time around him over senior year. He treats Melissa right and makes her smile that big genuine smile she has. You’ll give him credit for that much, and you suppose, as long as he’s treating her right and keeping that smile on her face he can’t be so bad.
You even share Melissa with him over the holidays. When it used to be a near full two weeks of just the two of you holed up in one of your houses. Emerging only for family dinners that included both your families. Your chosen spot this year is Melissa's house. Your parents are there nearly as much as you though they don't sleep over like you do. Joey isn't there the full two weeks like you are, though nearly every other day he is. He’s beginning to grate on your nerves like the brother you never had would. A flash of annoyance one moment and the next you're perfectly fine, sharing something even. You send a pointed look at Melissa when she jokes that you better not be stealing her man. For one, you'd never dream of stealing anything that made Mel happy. She knows that. For another, as you had informed Mel when she'd made the joke, “ew.”
You thought new years would be the one night of your break that Melissa would tell you was Joey’s. Even if it was still at her house with all your parents around. Most of the adults fought to stay awake until after the ball dropped if only to ensure the teenagers milling around the house were behaving. You expected she'd want to ring in the new year with him. Traditional new year kiss and all. Instead, she's snuggled at your side beneath the large comforter you've stolen from her bed as you stand on her house's back porch. Just like every other year.
Joey, and a few of your other mutual friends are somewhere in the house. Along with Kristen Marie and a few of her own, and the adults of course. Outside, it’s just you and Mel in the dark. The porch light kept off. You know when it hits midnight; the sky lights up with fireworks. 
“Happy New Year, Kid.” You hear Melissa beneath the cracks of fireworks. Her arms are wrapping around your middle beneath the comforter you're holding around the two of you. 
“Happy New Year, Mel.” You answer. Your arms lightly squeeze around her shoulders, your head leant against hers. The two of you, staring at the bursts of colors filling the midnight sky before they fade away until the next whistle of fireworks signals the next round.
The new year seems to go faster than the beginning of the school year. Almost like you hit senior year so now life has doubled its speed on you. Sometimes you really believe it has. It feels like last week you were meeting Melissa in second grade. Your graduation being in just a few months doesn’t sound right even to your own ears. Certainly not to your parents. Both yours and Mel’s keeps bringing up old memories and pictures of the two of you. No matter who’s house you’re at that week.
“Ya, we’ve seen those about ten times this month, Ma!” Melissa calls over her shoulder, pulling you past her mother beckoning you both for another memory lane walk. She doesn’t pause until she’s pulled the both of you into her room and shut the door. Dramatically she leans against it as if to keep her mother out. Though you both know she didn’t follow you upstairs.
“I swear, they’re getting worse everyday. Mine and yours.” She mutters before she finally pushes away from the wood. Her backpack is taken from her shoulder and tossed haphazardly onto her bed before claiming space on it herself.
“They just keep seeing us as second graders, Mel. It’s fine.”
“If I have to sit through one more flip through my baby book, I swear I’m movin’ out when I turn eighteen.”
“Sure ya are, Mel.” You tease, pointedly rolling your eyes as you flop into the space on her bed next to her.
“Let’s forget about the past, and the future of graduation.” She says, hands waving in front of her like she’s erasing both sides of time away. “More important is prom is only a couple weeks away, and you don’t have a date.”
You make a face. “Who cares if I have a date? I’m not going.”
Melissa bolts upright, looking at you with wide eyes. “What do ya mean you’re not goin’?”
“Exactly what I said, Mel.”
“You have to!” She all but yells. You scoff which only has her gripping your wrists like she’s pleading. “You skipped junior prom, you can’t skip senior prom, Y/N. Junior prom was so boring ‘cause you weren’t there. I left halfway through!”
“And snuck into my room through the window, I remember. You almost busted your ass.”
“You have to come this year.” Melissa barrels on, ignoring your recollection. “You can’t miss both proms. I didn’t kick up a fuss about last year because we still had this year. It’s senior year. You deserve to let loose and it’ll be actually fun if you come.”
You roll your eyes at Melissa’s attempts to convince you. “You know how much I hate crowds, even if it is just our class and the underclassmen. I’d have more fun pulling my hair out, Mel.”
“But you’ll be with me! You know I’ll make sure you have fun.” Melissa insists before she sing-songs the next sentence in slight tease. “Aaaand, I know a certain someone was thinkin’ ‘bout askin’ you to go with hiimm.”
You raise a very skeptical eyebrow. “Who?”
“I’m not ruining the surprise unless you promise me you’re coming!”
“That depends on who’s asking!”
Melissa looks at you for a long moment, considering if it’s worth it to spill the beans. “Okay, okay. It’s Mikey Castalucci.”
“Mikey Cast— Joey’s best friend Mikey Castalucci?” You repeat, pulling your wrists from Melissa’s grasp.
Melissa sheepishly shrugs one shoulder. “He was askin’ Joey if he thought you’d say yes if he asked ya.”
“Right, ‘cause Joey would know who I’d say yes to.” You mutter, rolling your eyes. You cross your arms before Melissa can grab your wrists again.
“Look, at least it’s not some junior, or worse, a freshie askin’ ya, right? Just come with us, please? You’ll have more fun with all of us, I know it. We don’t even have to get in the middle of everything; it can just be our little group. Please?”
You sigh heavily as Melissa begs next to you. You just know you’re going to regret it. Still, you find yourself sighing out your answer. “Fine. I’ll say yes to Mikey and we’ll all go together.”
Melissa makes a wordless, happy, noise before she’s sprawling herself across you to hug you tight. “We’re gonna have such a good time, you’ll see!”
And if we go some place to dance
Mikey does ask you to prom. Late that next week. The equivalent of last minute with all the confidence in the world as he leans against the locker next to yours. You would guess Melissa had told Joey to tell Mikey to ask because it was all but guaranteed.
You do your best to look more excited than the just grin and bear it you really feel. It isn’t that Mikey is awful, per se. He just isn’t somebody that has ever really interested you. Not that any of the boys in high school ever really did. You suppose you feel better about going with him than anyone else that may have asked. At least him being Joey’s best friend double ensures Melissa with you most of the night.
I know that there's a chance
You agree for everyone to meet at Melissa’s. It’s easier, in the end. Especially with Joey driving the four of you to school.
You do your best to keep Melissa from going overboard as the two of you get ready in her bedroom upstairs. She’s truthfully closer to freaking out about and over anything to do with you. Your dress, your hair. How Mikey is going to see you. When you point out that she could freak out over herself for maybe five seconds she scoffs. Joey has seen her before plenty. Like they’re an old married couple after only a year, if that, together.
You’re half a second away from smacking Melissa’s hands away from you when she finally steps away. Maybe because she can see you glaring a hole at her by now. Maybe because she does actually have to worry about getting ready a little bit in order to actually get ready.
Which she finishes just in time for her mom to be yelling up the stairs that the boys are there already. For as much as you have wanted to fight your best friend for the last hour as she picked over you, you’re gripping her hand tightly on the way down the staircase. You aren’t nervous, at least not about Mikey or how you look. You remind yourself of Melissa begging you to go so it would actually be fun this year. So that you won’t look back and regret not going. You still aren’t sure either points she’d tried to make would actually be true. Still, it’s enough to get you down the stairs to actually endure the next few minutes.
Your parents, actually both yours and Melissa’s snapping enough pictures to rival paparazzi through the next two minutes or so. Two minutes feels more like two hours. Mikey stabs you a couple times trying to pin the corsage onto your dress. You’re nearly poised to rip it from his hands to do it yourself when he finally gets it. His arm wrapped around you and held you tight to his side for the pictures your parents are still taking. Thankfully, Melissa has her usual tact in getting the four of you out of her house and away from two sets of parents. You’re blinking stars from your eyes once you climb into Joey’s truck from all the flash photography.
Your relief doesn’t last very long. You may have gotten away from both your parents but now you have the night ahead of you. The short ride to school in Joey’s truck doesn’t fill you with a lot of hope. Mikey not helping you out of the back seat of the cab doesn’t help you feel much better. 
You’re on edge from the moment you step into the gymnasium. It’s decorated nice enough, there’s music playing. There’s also a crowd of your entire class, most of whom you just tolerate, and the underclassmen, most of whom you don’t really know at all. Add to that, Melissa is already excitedly tugging Joey to the dancefloor and you’re definitely beginning to regret agreeing to tonight.
You won't be leaving with me
You do your best to make the most of it, anyway. If Melissa was right about one thing, it’s that you do deserve to let loose and have a fun night. This might not be your ideal form of it but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have a good time.
Mikey, it turns out, isn’t a bad dancer. It turns out, too, he’s more observant than you’d have thought and actually considerate. He mentions after a dance or two that you don’t like the crowd. The fact he’s paid enough attention to notice surprises you as much as him agreeing to dancing just on the edge of the dance floor to make you more comfortable.
You dance a few more songs with Mikey. Melissa catches your eye at one point long enough to send you a wink and a smile when she sees you. You hope she isn’t getting any big ideas about setting you up with Mikey for more than tonight. You might be getting along better than you thought but you aren’t about to date him. At least, though, you can tell she’s having a nice time with Joey. So, the night is worth it.
When you stop to take a break, Melissa and Joey are still going. You don’t mind. Mikey doesn’t force conversation but he also doesn’t sit in awkward silence. It’s surprisingly companionable, standing on the sidelines of prom with him. He even convinces you to do the little picture booth set up with him. 
After a while though, all you can focus on is the people. The overwhelming amount of sound in the gym between the music and the chatter of everyone. Your senses sort of short circuit as you sip at your plastic cup of punch, trying to look like you aren’t a moment or two away from snapping completely. Mikey gently taps your elbow for your attention.
“You wanna get some air?” He offers, over the bass of the song playing.
You nod before gladly following him back out the gymnasium doors. You breathe deeply the crisp night air as you lean lightly against the brick a few steps away from the door. “Thank you.” You mutter to Mikey, standing next to you. “I just need a minute or two.” You promise, trying not to be a wet blanket to the evening.
For his part, Mikey waves your assurances away. “Don’t worry ‘bout it. We can stay out here as long as you want. I don’t mind.”
Once you catch your breath, you’re surprised to find yourself and Mikey in decent conversation. A little more than the brief ones you had back inside. It’s definitely easier to hear each other out here. You don’t have much in common but you don’t mind hearing Mikey’s perspective on things all the same. He’s smarter than you thought he was. You knew he had decent enough grades to be on the varsity basketball team at least since last year but he makes some good points when you start debating with him about a few different topics.
You’re just about to say you should get back inside. It’s been more than a few minutes, and you’re feeling much better after talking with Mikey for a while. It’s then that he kisses you. You freeze for a brief moment before you think ‘fuck it’. It’s a night to let loose and have fun. Kissing Mikey doesn’t give you sparks or butterflies or whatever the hell else you’ve heard other girls talk about. Heard Melissa talk about Joey. You don’t hate it though. So, you gently tug him back in for another kiss.
He’s carefully pressing you back into the brick wall, allowing you to set the pace of the kisses between you. For a minute, at least. Suddenly, Mikey switches, kissing you a bit more roughly. His hands gripping your hips and moving down to your thighs as his body weight leans into you.
You manage to turn your head when he pulls back just a bit for breath. “What the hell are you doing?” You gasp, trying to catch your own.
“C’mon, Y/N,” Mikey says practically into your ear. His hands are on your thighs, his fingers skimming inward. “Let’s have a little fun, huh?”
You try to push him off of you but Mikey is quite a bit bigger than you. His weight has you pinned to the brick of the building. 
“Get off,” You grind out through your teeth. In the next moment you feel his fingers brush against you through your underwear as he tries again to convince you it’s just fun. “Get the fuck off me, Mikey!”
“Get your hands off her before I put your ass to the fuckin’ concrete, Castalucci!”
You hadn’t even heard the doors to the gym open with everything going on. You open your eyes that you don’t remember closing when Mikey is pulling away from you. The sight of him trapping you to the wall is quickly replaced by Melissa. Her hands softly on your shoulders as Joey leads Mikey back inside.
“Are ya okay, Y/N?” Melissa checks on you softly. 
Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
You can only manage to nod. She gently brushes the hair out of your face, guiding you to sit with her on the curb. “You’re sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah,” You manage, albeit a bit shakily. “I’m fine. You came out at the right time.”
“Joey and I were takin’ a break from dancin’ and I couldn’t find you, last I saw you’d been takin’ a break with Mikey. I checked the bathroom and when I didn’t find you in there and didn’t see you back in the gym I made Joey come check with me out here. I’m damn glad I came out when I did. I’m just sorry it wasn’t sooner. He’s got some fuckin’ nerve puttin’ hands on you like that when you’re sayin’ no. I’ll bust his knees with a baseball bat, I swear. I’ll—”
You stop Melissa threatening Mikey with a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. You got me, huh? It would have been worse if you didn’t come out here.”
Melissa’s eyes close. Almost like she’s envisioning that worse. You hope she isn’t. You’re already doing that enough for the both of you. “I’m fine, Mel.”
“I shoulda never told ya to come with Mikey fuckin’ Castalucci.” She mutters.
“Stop.” You say quickly. “You didn’t know what he was gonna do or I know you wouldn’t have.”
“You’re damn right I wouldn’t have.” She agrees.
And have a drink or two
You raise your hands to wipe your eyes. You’re not crying and you refuse to start just because you’re a little shaken. When you pull your hands away you blink at Melissa holding a flask out to you. You have no clue where she even pulled it out from. Let alone how she snuck it out of the house.
“What’s in it?”
“Vodka.” Mel says with a shrug.
You sigh, taking it from her hands to take a decent swig before you pass it back. The two of you spend the next few minutes quietly trading the flask. 
“You know your mom is so gonna know you took that from her liquor cabinet.” You finally say as Melissa puts an arm around you. The two of you huddling closer together against the chill wind of the night.
“Nah, Kristen Marie took some too. I saw it.”
You laugh. “You can’t just blame it on your sister, Mel.”
“And why not?”
“‘Cause your mom is used to both of you and is gonna know it was both of you takin’ her shit.”
“Maybe,” Melissa eventually agrees before she turns to you and whispers conspiratorially. “But I’m her favorite kid so I’ll be fine.”
You gasp dramatically. “Melissa Schemmenti! You tell lies! We all know I’m your mom’s favorite kid.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Y/N.” She answers half heartedly. 
And then I go and spoil it all
You grin, kissing her cheek in quiet apology. “Nah, you’re right. You’re her favorite. You can probably get away with it.”
“I can definitely get away with it. What’s she gonna do? Ground me from graduatin’?”
“She could ground you from Joey, y’know.”
Melissa scoffs, taking the last sip or so from the flask. “Like that would kill me. We’d be just fine. Hell, it’d probably make the asshole actually miss me.”
You shake your head. “You call him an asshole but you loooove him.” You tease Melissa, knowing you’re right whether she agrees with you or not.
Instead, she’s suddenly sobering as she looks at you. “I’m gonna tell him to kick Mikey’s ass to the curb. He’s got no business stayin’ friends with a fuck like Castalucci. Not after tonight.”
You sigh. “You don’t have to do that, Mel.”
“No one said I had to. I’m sayin’ I’m goin’ to. Nobody messes with you like that without payin’ for it. Not while I’m breathin’.”
By saying somethin' stupid like—
“I love you.” You breathe out after her tirade on your behalf. 
Her arm around you squeezes you to her side affectionately. “I love you too, kid.”
You feel a douse of cold shoot down your spine. It hits you suddenly. Melissa doesn’t mean it the way you mean it. You mean it how she would say it to Joey. You take a slow, deep breath as your ribs suddenly feel tight. 
“I think I’m just gonna go home. I don’t wanna go back in there.” You mutter.
“Oh, wait here,” Melissa is quickly getting to her feet. “I’ll get Joey to take us in the truck.”
By the time you stand up, she’s halfway back to the gym doors. “No, I think I could use the walk.”
She stops short, turning back around. She takes a few steps back to you. “Then I’ll walk with ya.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, you don’t wanna miss the rest of prom. You were looking forward to it.”
“You’re more important. Ya shouldn’t be alone right now. Ya don’t have to be, y’know?”
You shake your head. “I’ll be fine, Mel. Just go have a good time with Joey.” You insist. 
For good measure you take a few steps to meet her in the middle, your arms hugging her tightly. “Go have fun. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”
Wordlessly, Melissa nods. She must see how little you’re likely to change your mind. You back away, silently waving her back inside when she looks back one more time at the door. You turn around before she opens the doors to go back inside. Before she can decide to chase after you.
She doesn’t. Whether because she knows better to push you or because she just doesn’t know what to do, you don’t know. You walk home. By the time you get there, you’re freezing. You really should have worn a jacket but it would have ruined the entire look.
You quietly slip inside. The house is dark. It’s late enough that your parents are already asleep. You maneuver your way to your room without turning on the lights. You peel off your dress, and everything else you’re wearing. You take a quick shower and put on clothes Mikey hasn’t tainted forever with what he’d done.
You told Melissa you’re fine. You are, as much as you can be. Still, you have a moment of reliving the moment when you try to go to sleep. Instead, you lay awake in your bed, in the dark. Until you start to see the sunrise from your window. Until you can’t keep your eyes open anymore and slip to sleep.
You force a smile at breakfast. You tell your parents all the good parts of the night and pretend the end of it didn’t happen. You lie that you went with Melissa and Joey and Mikey for burgers late the night before to keep from eating. You feel too nauseous. You force yourself to eat the rest of the weekend to keep your mom from questioning you or getting suspicious.
Monday morning, you see a figure approaching you from the side as you’re grabbing your books from your locker. You had hoped it would be Melissa that would find you first. With the lack of shoes clacking against tile, you know it isn’t. You glance to your left, quickly turning back to your locker and what you’re doing when you see Joey.
“Hey. I just wanted to say I’m sorry. About Mikey. He shouldn’ta done that to ya.”
You take a breath as you grab the book you need. You just hear Melissa comin’ out of his mouth. Not anything just Joey. You look at him. You’re angry, you suddenly decide. Suddenly feel. 
“You’re still friends with him though, aren’t you?”
Joey briefly looks surprised at you snapping at him. He raises his hands in front of him in a sort of half shrug. “Yeah. I mean, c’mon Y/N, he’s my best friend.”
You scoff. “I guess that’s the difference between you and me.” You mutter, turning back to your locker.
“You’re sayin’, what, you’d drop Mel if it was her?”
You turn back, staring Joey in the eye. “If she touched you when you didn’t want it, especially like that? She wouldn’t be a quarter of the person I thought she was.” You turn away just enough to slam your locker shut. 
“Yeah. I’d drop her if she did that to you.” You make yourself crystal clear. You don’t bother stepping around Joey, letting your shoulder nudge him on your way past.
You storm past Melissa who had just been making her way to the two of you. She calls after you but you don’t stop. You already know she isn’t going to chase you. She’s going to turn to Joey. Still, you keep pace, slipping into your first class before either of them catch up to you for further conversation.
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golvio · 16 days
Some spoilers for Hades 2 early access regarding Chronos below the cut.
He did not look or sound at all like what I expected, but I now immediately understand why all of his adult children are Like That, as well as why they’d quickly drop their previous squabbles and band together to try to get rid of him when he tried to force himself back into their lives. I instantly recognized every single trick he tried to pull on Mel when he first met her to try to manipulate her or put her down to “put her in her place” from other people’s descriptions of their own shitty, appearance-obsessed control freak parents with untreated personality disorders. I think the more understated delivery really works for him, particularly with that underlying paternalistic edge of absolute certainty and treating his enemies like misbehaving children who need to be reminded who’s in charge, even if they’re grown-ass adults. I also feel absolutely terrible for Hades, given that dear ol’ dad is trying to reassert control over him by “taking away his toys” and trashing everything he’d worked so hard to build in order to force him back into his original position of childlike dependency. It’s been almost 20 years and he *really* hasn’t finished “renovations” and fixed up the throne room? He doesn’t give a shit about actually maintaining the realm, just punishing Hades for trying to emancipate himself and be an independent adult by asserting ownership over all of Hades’ stuff and forcing him to watch as Daddy Dearest destroys everything he loved. He pretends to be absolutely rational and objective, but he’s actually a pathetic, emotionally immature piece of shit who throws manipulative tantrums and breaks things to bully his own children into compliance, and I can’t believe Mel has to waste her life fighting this loser who’s got nothing better to do than bully his barely-adult granddaughter. Kudos to Supergiant for making one of the most skincrawling depictions of an abusive dad ever.
But, also, now it makes a bit more sense for Hecate to have raised Mel in isolation—it’s easier to blow off an abusive relative’s appeals to authority when they’re a complete stranger to you. However, it’s also interesting that her early meetings with Chronos are the first time polite, deferential Melinoë has just straight-up told an adult trying to pull rank to fuck off. But that might be because she’s got no memories of him or fondness for him, so there’s no sense of filial piety or family obligation that would otherwise make her blame or second-guess herself. She has a slightly harder time with her, uh, more assertive Olympian relatives who she has more of a personal connection to and are slightly more subtle and “nice” about trying to goad her in specific directions. However, I also think Mel meeting Artemis and Hermes first and them warning her in advance about how overbearing the rest of the family can be might’ve inoculated her somewhat, even if she’s more like her dad in that she lacks the more intuitive way with people Zagreus has and isn’t as certain how to use her own charisma as leverage.
Anyways, I hope Melinoë kicks her Peepaw’s ass, but, given the type of real-life personality he has, I’m not sure if that’s actually going to make him stop or change short of a White Diamond-level epiphany where he realizes what a piece of shit he’s been to his own children and willingly fucks off out of his grandkid’s life forever.
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gweninred · 4 months
OMFG HEAR ME OUT I've been thinking about this for a while now and I'm going insane.
Reader organizes a very romantic dinner (candlelight, ambient music and all that), making Melissa's favorite dish, getting her flowers..
. and THEN reader gets on Mel's lap and end up giving her lap dance and just makes Melissa feel good and fucking her silly till she's absolutely spent..
ok im gonna go hide now..
Taking care of
I love this request! I’m not comfortable writing smut, so I won’t be writing that part, I’m sorry. Just leave the last part to your imaginations 😭 I hope you like it anyway and thank you for requesting!
You placed the flowers you had bought for your favourite redhead in a vase. White tulips. You set them on the middle of the dining table, then starting to make dinner, gnocchi. Once again Melissa’s favourite. She had thought you how to made some of her famous Italian dishes. Following her family recipe you had saved in your notes app to make the dish. You noticed your girlfriend was quite stressed lately, ever since she had to teach two grades, she would come home extremely stressed and exhausted from her day at work. But the oh-so good girlfriend you are, will always be there for her to comfort her and help her relax.
By the time you had finished dinner you had placed it in the oven to keep it warm until the redhead will be coming home. You made sure to light up some scented candles, switch the big lights off and turn on some slow romantic music.
“Baby?” Melissa shouted after banging the front door close. You could hear her bag drop on the floor. “I’m upstairs!” Stroking your hands down your sides you looked at the dress through the mirror. A hum of approval came from the teacher as she peaked her head through the opening of the doorway. “Looks good on ya.” You smiled. “There you are, honey.” You wrapped her arms around her neck, pulling her close. Her arms found its way around your waist, kissing the side of your face. “I missed you.” She murmured against your neck.
“Come with me.” You pulled away to grab her hand, leading her downstairs. You made her sit down at the table.
“I called your mom to get the recipe. I know you’ve thought me how to make it but I kind of forgot.” You giggled, placing the redhead’s favourite dish in front of her.
“This is so thoughtful and sweet, honey.” Melissa grabbed your hand from across the table, she kissed your knuckles. “And you got me my favourite flowers.” Another kiss was placed on your hand.
“I hope it’s good, I don’t want you to break up with me for making the sauce wrong.” You joked, Melissa’s gaze softened.
“Of course not.” She was in a sweet mood, you cooking her favourite dish and getting her flowers clearly did something to her. “Well, I’m not sure nonna is going to let you marry me actually.”
“Oh, hush now, eat.” You popped open a bottle of red wine, pouring two glasses. “Barolo.” You took a sip, humming at the taste. You had bought the bottle of wine on your vacation in Italy, saving it for a special occasion to open the bottle. “And? Would Nonna approve?” Melissa chuckled, her mouth stuffed.
“I think she would, you nailed that.” Proud of yourself you take a bite, nodding in approval.
After dinner Melissa insisted to do the dishes, her filling the dishwasher while you cleaned the rest of the kitchen. “I made dessert for us too, but we can eat that later tonight, I’m full.” The redhead pinned you against the kitchen counter. “Me too.” Her voice was raspy, one hand resting on the side of your face her other hand leaning on the counter, keeping you trapped. Her hand moved in your hair, brushing it through her fingers. Your eyes lingered down to her lips. Closing the gap between you, the teacher kissing you. You caressed her curves.
“I missed the taste of your lips.” You murmured against her lips, kissing her again.
Then Melissa pulled away, to sit down again. “Hey! Get back here.” You whined. A chuckle was heard from your girlfriend. You followed the other woman, taking a seat on her lap. “I’m so lucky to have you, you’re so good to me, honey.” She placed her hands on your thighs kissing you. The kiss was heated and became sloppy.
“No, I’m so lucky to have you!” You pulled away to push your pointer finger against her chest, the redhead giggling. “Just let me make you feel good.” You whispered in her ear, then biting it slightly. Melissa had to drawn back a groan. You got up from her lap and went to stand behind her. Your hands placed on her shoulders, you glide your hands over her breast down to her waist. Melissa placed her hands over your guiding them over her body. Your head was next to hers, kissing her neck.
“You have no idea what you are doing to me.” She rasped out, leaning back into your touch. “What am I doing to you?” You walked around her, taking a seat on her lap again, Melissa’s hands immediately grasping your butt. “You are driving me wild.” She went to kiss you again.
“Have me just like this.”
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thoughts on Owen?
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Oh boy. Okay.
So, I was JUST talking to my friend about this.
Let me start by acknowledging that Abby’s relationship with Owen is a controversial topic, and I want to emphasize that my perspective is based on my personal experiences and how they influenced my perception of the game’s characters.  
If you feel differently than I do about him, that’s totally cool and I respect that.
In my opinion, Owen is undeniably selfish. It’s not just because he cheated on his pregnant partner either, which—gross. How horrific is that in and of itself?
We’re all queer here, right? We love our women, and we want them to feel safe and adored, yes? Can we all agree that betraying a partner in this way is beyond unacceptable?
Let’s analyze the other minor moments that said a lot about Owen as a person. These are just a few. I could go on about this forever.
Tragedy struck Abby mercilessly, tearing away her father, her family, her home, and everything she had cherished, leaving her traumatized. There’s no way she wasn’t. Now, I’m not saying that everyone else wasn’t grappling with their own sense of loss, because they were.
But hear me out.
During Abby's most difficult moments of trauma and grief, Owen abandons her. This is after—despite her paralyzing fear of heights—she climbed the Ferris wheel for him. And after, when he didn't emerge from the water, she jumped off without a second thought to come to his rescue.
He must know that her training program provides more than just the means to become a deadly weapon, offering her solace as she copes with trauma, and for someone dealing with such pain, having a routine is crucial. Building new connections and discovering a newfound family creates a sense of belonging and happiness. The gym has become a source of structure and security for her, as shown by her excitement in sharing her latest bench press PR with him.
Yet, he persistently pressures her for more attention, with no advantage to Abby. Then, when she says she wants to go back to the FOB to train for the millionth time, he lets her leave the aquarium on foot, completely alone, which we all know is inherently dangerous in this universe. So, fuck him for that.
You walk your girl home, period.
Owen proceeds to date Abby’s friend Mel, a girl who allegedly spent more time with Abby’s father than Abby herself. Can we address how painful that would be? Give me a break. While still harbouring feelings for Abby, Owen ends up getting Mel pregnant.
He fails to be there for the mother of his child in her time of need, and he sure as shit isn’t there for Abby.
Then, to everyone's surprise (read: nobody’s surprise whatsoever), we discover Owen had been secretly planning to repair his boat and sail away, leaving everyone, including Abby, behind. Remember, it's Abby who defied orders and ventured out into the city to find him, risking everything. Imagine she had arrived at the aquarium only to find the place deserted, and his boat gone with no explanation.
Do not get me started on the sex scene. That interaction lacked any trace of love, consent, or vulnerability. You know what Abby doesn’t need after a treacherous journey, including being tortured and hanged? A penis shoved into her DRY from behind. Scenes like these make me so grateful I’m a lesbian, seriously.
I believe the writers could have found a more effective way to capture an emotional moment between these two characters.
What man has rough sex with their ex, without consent, when they are clearly operating in fight-or-flight mode? A person I wouldn’t want my daughter romantically involved with, that’s for sure.
Abby says it best: “I fucking knew I couldn’t count on you.”   
She was right, from the very beginning. That statement didn’t come out of nowhere.
Is love complicated sometimes? Sure. But was this dynamic tainted with some level of toxicity? Definitely.
Owen's self-centered nature overshadowed any empathy I could have had for his character where Abby was concerned.
The unjust assignment of blame put solely on Abby for the demise of this relationship is wild.
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storiesbyrhi · 14 days
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence/some infrequent gore, swearing, animal death, no beta, death in childbirth (mentioned, not described), abusive parents, suicide, spiders/bugs, grief/mourning; light smut; warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: Seven witches and a vampire walk into a human Halloween party in Hawkins, Indiana. 3676 words.
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When the witches came to Hawkins, only the animals sensed a change. Squirrels and cottontail rabbits played in the fields. Foxes and deer lined the horizon. Bats swooped, each of them enamored with Eddie – a bat, from what they could tell, but different.
“They think I’m a God,” Eddie had told you once he realised the influence he had on them.
You’d laughed at him. “Well, I think they think you’re a fun toy.”
The flatlands that sprouted homes were surrounded by a fauna-filled welcoming party that would have given any mortal driving by a heart attack. Naturally, you’d been building wards and glamours to keep the coven safe.
When you felt your sisters close, you walked by each of their homes. Eddie had made good on his promise to give them something. Beside the front door to each of the houses was a potted plant that he had grown. The plants he chose were, to him, symbolic of the witch who would take over care of it.
Asphodel for Ev, carolina for Meg, globe thistle for Mel, bluebell for Ash, lycoris for Hailey, and though a little cheesy, a black bat plant for Kelsey.
The fall sun was out, so Eddie would see the witches’ arrival in his small and fluffy form. He settled on your shoulder as you stood and watched the cars go from pinpricks on the horizon to loud and finally, finally, here.
Meg came screaming out of her car. “Does he want pats?!” She bypassed you entirely, holding her hands out for Eddie. If he felt demeaned, he didn’t let on. Eddie let Meg scoop him up and cradle him in her hands. She wandered off with no further greetings.
“How’s he gonna feel about that?” Kelsey asked, pulling you into a hug immediately.
“He is very preoccupied with making a good impression. It’s sweet actually. So… he will probably let her baby him for hours.”
She laughed then looked at you seriously. “Hi,”
“I’ve missed you,”
“Stop, you’ll make me cry,” you said, holding in your feelings. “So, uh, where…” Turning around, you saw Meg and Mel’s empty cars. “Where are the others?”
“Uh… There’s Ev,” Kelsey pointed.
Ev was already on the edge of the woods, befriending the fox family you’d come to love. A little further in, Mel was taking photos of the old trees.
Suddenly, Hailey’s voice cut through the air. “Every room has bookshelves!”
As you and Kelsey walked to Hailey’s house, you noticed Ash, suspiciously whispering into her garden of dahlias, pointing to the bluebell Eddie left on her porch.
“Guess the fae boyfriend’s moving in too,”
“She told you?!” you screeched.
“And you told Eddie, guessing by that bluebell,”
“Oh, if you think that’s on the nose, wait till you see what he picked for you.”
By the last week of October, your coven was well on its way to establishment. Each witch had a list of things they felt were required to feel at home. Mostly, they worked on their houses and gardens. More wards were put in place not only around the valley but around all of Hawkins. The witches embedded themselves in the fabric of the town, starting the long process of helping it flourish again.
Your sisters were excited at the extended invitation to the Byers Halloween party by Dustin. Costumes were the topic of conversation over forest walks and shared dinners. Eddie continued to charm everyone with his mysteriousness when asked what he would be going as. Bets were being placed. He’d pick something cool or clever. He’d be beautiful.
You could not have been more different if you tried.
Eddie wore his hair in a low bun. The blue long-sleeved polo shirt and dark bootcut jeans were so normal it made you feel uncomfortable. As requested, you’d performed a simple illusion spell to make his black boots appear brown. It was only when he held the round, orange, plush toy cat did it make any sense.
“Jon Arbuckle,” he announced.
“No, yeah, I figured when you got the toy at Walmart… It’s just… You look…”
Eddie grinned. He saw how unsettled you were.
“I… Um. I think you need something else,” you told him. Reaching out for his ginger cat, he let you take it. Closing your eyes and expanding the illusion spell, you charmed the toy into looking like the actual Garfield. “Here… This helps.”
Eddie took the cat with a shrug. “And you?” He looked you up and down with a predatory gaze. It made your spine arch involuntarily. “I’m afraid I do not recognise this character.”
There was no magic in your costume – just good old fashion arts and crafts. You wore a very, very long yellow-blonde wig and a golden headpiece with a red jewel at its center. Your white dress was also adorned with golden armour. The knee-high boots were painted gold too. More painted plastic armour on your arms and a plastic sword held high.
“Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” you proclaimed. “Princess of Power!”
Eddie cackled.
“She’s from Masters of the Universe. She’s very, very cool,”
“I believe you,” Eddie replied. “You look every part the Princess of Power.”
 When you joined the coven by the cars, each looked more confused than the last. Kelsey was the first to break the silence.
“Uh… Nice costumes,” she said.
“This is Garfield,” Eddie replied, holding the cat out.
“It sure is, buddy. This isn’t going to weird the humans out at all.”
Kelsey and Mel sat in the back of your car as you drove.
“The makeup suits you,” Eddie told Mel.
“Yeah, I know this is a costume, but this look is like… It’s working for you,” you added.
Mel, in her Siouxie-best black just shrugged. “Stole a lot of the clothes from Ev.”
In Meg’s car, Ash was giving the other three witches a stern talking to about what she believed were ‘cop out’ costumes.
“Dude, I’m not in costume,” Meg argued. “These are just my clothes!”
“Every year you do this, Ash…”
“What’s the point in being a witch if you don’t do Halloween?” she frowned.
“What’s the point in going as Sandy if you don’t have someone going as Danny?” Hailey asked.
“Maybe she does,” Meg mumbled.
All the girls whispered out little ohhhhhhhhs at Ash’s expense. They wondered, pointedly and out loud, if fae do Halloween. What does a fairy dressed like Danny Zuko look like anyway?
“I left the Catskills for this?” Ash whined, secretly amused, and very much comforted by the fact the coven seemed to be accepting of her fae friend.
“You came!” Robin was very drunk, therefore unable to hide her true emotions, which were a combination of surprise, fear, excitement, and grief.
“I’m Jon and this is Garfield,” Eddie introduced before you could say anything.
Robin looked at him carefully. “I kinda thought you’d, you know, come as Dracula or something,”
“He’s aiming for soft and harmless,” you explained. “But if you want stereotypical vampire, Ev’s got you covered.”
Ev waved and bared her plastic fangs.
“Riiiight…” Robin said slowly.
“YOU CAME!” Dustin yelled, pushing Robin out of the way, and beaming with pure excitement. “Oh, hey, cool costume!” he complimented Eddie. “I like your Garfield. Nice touch,”
“Thank you,”
“So, do you have to be, like, invited in formally?” he asked, voice lowering, though the music was so loud nobody would be able to hear him anyway.
“Only because I’m house trained,” Eddie whispered back.
Dustin laughed, pointing to him. “Funny. I like a… funny… vampire, I guess… Come in!”
It was only a little before 10:00 pm but the party was already raging. The Byers’ house was filled with people, some of whom you knew, some not. Everybody needed an excuse to let loose and pretend to be okay for a little while, and you felt they were owed at least that.
The backyard was lit with party lights and whatever else could be hooked up to the power. The moon was waning, with barely 4% illumination. The night was dark and cool, and fires burned in emptied-out oil kegs.
It did not take long for your coven to splinter off and enjoy the night. You sipped at the purple coloured punch Robin offered you, surprised that it had much of an effect on you at all.
“Russian recipe,” Hopper grunted as his eyes followed Eddie around the party.
Eddie, who could not drink the punch, was designated driver one of two. Sobriety would not impede his fun though. As it were, nobody would let anything impede their fun.
Seven witches and a vampire walk into a human Halloween party in Hawkins, Indiana.
10:14 pm
Hailey introduced herself to Nancy in the kitchen. Nancy was distracting herself from all the things brewing in her unconscious by opening bags of chips and unnecessarily pouring them into bowls.
“Is Pride and Prejudice your favourite of Jane’s work?” Hailey asked.
Nancy looked at her. “Nobody’s recognised me.” The Elizabeth Bennet costume was accurate, albeit not exactly iconic.
Hailey smiled. “You look great.”
Nancy blushed, shook her head a little. “It’s hard to pick a favourite,”
“Tell me about it. Lizzy’s got to be one of her best characters though.” She left out the part about how she’d helped Jane Austen shape Lizzy into something more than what society expected of a woman, let alone a woman in story.
Nancy nodded. “You… Sorry, what are you?”
“I’m a witch.”
Nancy hesitated. “Oh… Yes, but… What are you dressed as?”
“I’m a witch,” Hailey repeated.
“You’re a real witch who dressed up as a-”
“A witch, yeah.”
Nancy still looked confused.
“See, I have a broom.”
10:28 pm
One was in a lab coat, the other in a red puffy vest. One held a huge remote made of cardboard and glue, the other a video camera.
“You really committed,” you praised them.
“We tried to get Jonathan to come as the DeLorean but he’s trying to look cool for Nancy,” Will explained.
“I think the DeLorean is very impressive,” El added. “It would be a cool costume.”
You nodded. “He could have made it a Transformer situation… So, what did he end up coming as? I couldn’t work it out,”
 “Joe Strummer,” Will replied.
“Ah, right.”
Honestly, Jonathan looked like he could have been Joe Strummer or James Dean or a young Lou Reed. Maybe one of the Beat Generation guys. All those white poet musician types ended up looking the same to you.
10:43 pm
Dustin followed Meg through the house, entirely unconvinced. “That’s gotta be a costume,”
“No, Dustin, these are just my clothes,”
“But you look like a pilgrim!”
Meg looked down at her floor length skirt. The billowing cotton. The soft corset cinching her waist. “I mean… I am hundreds of years old… and I take really good care of my clothes.”
Dustin’s mouth was agape. “But you’re magic! You have real magic and you don’t even use it to make a badass costume? And you’re a witch! Aren’t you contractually obliged to celebrate Halloween?”
“No,” Meg replied with a casual shrug. “Why are you interrogating me? There are much more worthy victims in this coven then me,”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, apparently your friend Steve Harrington is haunting Mel. And Ev is dating a werewolf, so…” And with that Meg walked away from Dustin, smirking at the chaos she’d caused.
11:02 pm
You sat in a plastic chair that was probably too close to the open flames in front of it. As you pulled it back and lined it next to Joyce, she smiled at you.
“How’s your night?” she asked politely.
“Uh… Interesting… Yours?”
She nodded and you knew what she meant. “You seem different,” she told you.
You sighed, nodded as she had. “I am. We all are, I think,”
“I think so too.”
Together you sat in comfortable silence and watched the happiness of the party.
“I was glad, you know, when I heard you were staying. Hawkins needs…”
“Help?” you guessed.
Joyce nodded. “And hope. You and your friends… It’s good.”
11:36 pm
“Why didn’t he come? It’s not like it’s a full moon,” Mike Wheeler asked Ev.
“He wasn’t invited,” she answered, looking over the top of him, searching for someone to save her from the teenage conversation.
“Ohhhhh, is it like… Like how vampires can only come in when invited? Did the stories get it wrong and that’s actually werewol-” Lucas Sinclair tried.
“No! Not like that,”
“Is it like when we all thought Dustin’s girlfriend wasn’t real because we never saw her,” Mike asked Lucas then.
“He’s real,” Ev assured them.
“Suzie’s real too,” Lucas began to explain. “They met at camp and-”
“Yeah, yeah. That’s great. Um, who told you about him? My boyfriend, I mean. Who told you?”
Mike and Lucas looked at each other, neither wanting to be the rat.
12:01 am
“You have somewhere to be?” Mel asked Eddie when she saw him watching the clock above the fireplace.
He smiled. “No. It’s… Midnight… Always feels like something is going to happen when the clock strikes twelve,”
“Sometimes it does,”
“Sometimes it does,” he agreed.
12:23 am
The juxtaposition of Erica’s soft face next to all the faux leather, duct tape, and corn syrup blood was both amusing and disconcerting.
“I thought Mad Max was Lucas’ girlfriend’s thing?” you asked her.
Erica was in the kitchen, mixing a feral concoction she was probably going to offer to her brother and all his friends. Not you though. You got a genuine Erica Sinclair smile.
“She’s still in the hospital,”
“What? Why’d nobody tell me? I’ll go and-”
“We don’t know where. Her mum took her. Wouldn’t tell Lucas anything.”
It would be easy for you to find Max. To find her and heal her. It felt a lot like meddling in human affairs though. But what were you now if not a witch that meddled? What was the worth of a rule if it prevented you from helping a teenage girl get out of pain sooner?
Erica saw it on your face. She knew scheming when she saw it. “Oh, you gonna go do some witchy stuff?”
“Maybe… So… the costume,”
“Lucas already gave me shit about it, okay?”
“Oh, no, I was gonna say it’s a cool thing to do. An ode to Max.”
Erica poured some Pabst into a red plastic cup. “To Max,”
“To Max,” you cheered. “Wait… How old are you? Gimme that.”
12.46 am 
Nancy and Jonathan danced together in a bubble of their own. It didn’t matter the tempo of the song or if anyone else was on the lounge room dancefloor. They danced.
1:14 am
“Are you kidding me?! Of course you should!”
“I think there are more than enough books and films to satisfy the human curiosity for the undead,”
“Yeah, but none written by an actual undead,” Dustin continued to argue. He’d been going at it for ten minutes straight. “If you won’t write your own story, Interview with the Vampire style, then you should write about all the others… About what they get right. What they get wrong,”
“And what point would that serve?” Eddie asked.
“Well, I would want to read a book by a real vampire,”
“It may not be in the best interests of anyone to discover that vampires were indeed real. Nor that witches are. Nor the horrors that have befallen your town, Dustin,”
“No! No, man. We gotta get the truth out there!”
1:32 am
Robin and Mel found a quiet patch of grass to lie back on.
“So… He just showed up?”
“And you’ve never met him?”
“And he doesn’t want anything?”
Mel shrugged. “I don’t know… I don’t think he really knows what he’s doing here. He could move on if he wanted.”
Robin thought about it. “What’s the afterlife like? For us, I mean?”
“For humans? We don’t know exactly. It’s almost like there is an infinite number of possibilities…”
“But Steve – Steve Harrington – has decided to haunt a witch he’s never met?”
Mel shrugged again. “I don’t think it says anything about you or the others that he’s not haunted you instead… I think he probably wants to let you all move on.”
Robin sighed deeply. “You got some sort of potion to help with that?”
“There’s no cure to grief, magical or otherwise…” Mel said softly.
“I was afraid you’d say that,” Robin replied, her fists twisting into the grass and pulling the blades free from the soil.
2:07 am
“I guess that’s what a fae Danny Zuko looks like,” Ev deadpanned.
She stood next to Kels, watching as Ash and the tiny winged creature danced around one of the drum fires. The fairy was dressed from head to toe in leather. He had glittering tanned skin and dirty blonde curls cut into a typical 80s mullet.
“She looks happy,” Kels said.
“Mmm,” Ev hummed. “Did you hear his name? Cyprian,”
“Yeah, you’re right, a fae named Cyprian is a lot better than a werewolf named Randy.”
Before Ev could respond, Lucas appeared next to the witches. “What is that?”
“That, my mortal friend, is a witch dancing with one of the fae,” Kelsey explained, wrapping an arm around Lucas’ shoulder.
“Why does it look like Billy Hargrove?”
“He, not it, and I don’t know who Billy Hargrove is, but if he’s half as hot as that fairy is, then cheers to Billy Hargrove.”
2:39 am
The night was burning away fast, you couldn’t slow it down. There was something so beautifully human about it that you wanted to keep safe. Wanted to hold it in your hands. Be in it forever.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Eddie’s voice whispered in your ear and his arms wrapped around your waist. He caught you leaning against the back door frame, watching the world go by. His head came to rest on your shoulder.
“It has all been worth it,” you told him. “Everything we did. For them. To get them here. Everything that happened had to happen, the exact way it did.”
They were not without their scars and their grief. They were changed and could never go back. But they were alive and hopeful and strong. Your strange little humans. You’d watch over them for generations to come.
3:13 am
“Magic begins when our bodies come right to the edge of their sensory and linguistic abilities and… something… keeps going anyway…”
The party had begun to wind down. Most of the witches were getting ready to leave, and the human population had thinned out to a handful of people.
Eddie was towards the back of the assembled crowd, watching you intently.
“And now, in the witching hour when the veil is so thin… The air is thick with witchcraft.”
You were using your most dramatic voice as you strutted around a drum of fire, the entire party’s attention on you. The humans were wide-eyed and hushed.
“In this place and in this hour, we may manifest what was not there into existence…”
Your sisters were trying not to laugh.
“Who will be brave and make their wish?” you posed to the crowd.
For a moment it was silent, only the crackling of the flames audible. Even the music had been turned off. Then, someone cleared their throat and stepped forward.
“Yeah, I wanna make a wish,” Erica declared, looking entirely unbothered by the mystique. If anything, she looked like this wish was her birthright.
You conjured a candle in your hand and held it out to her. “Courage, dear heart,” you told her.
3:52 am
“The first train out of town is leaving. Come on!” Meg yelled.
Mel, Ash, Ev, and Hailey said their goodbyes and followed Meg out of the Byers’ house.
“Family breakfast tomorrow?” Ash asked you as she hugged you goodnight.
“I’ll make pancakes. Better make it a brunch though,”
“Cool. Good luck with that one,” she laughed, nodding over to where Kels had Hopper cornered and ten points deep in an argument about whether hotdogs constitute sandwiches.
“Hot dogs are a sandwich. A sandwich consists of two pieces of a type of bread plus fillings contained within the two slices. A hotdog bun is a bun sliced in two, making it two slices of bread. The only difference being that one side of the two halves are still joined. It still however, is two halves that are obviously independent of each other with a filling separating them, therefore a sandwich. One might ask, ‘well in that case, is a calzone a sandwich?’ No. A calzone is enclosed entirely in bread. The two halves are entirely connected. This makes it fit into the pie category. Not the same as a sandwich, but parallel. One might also say, ‘well what if I don't have a bun, so I use a piece of bread as a substitute.’ Yes, using only one slice of bread no longer puts it into the sandwich category. This now aligns us into the toast category. Toast being a single slice of bread being used as a vehicle for a topping.”
4:20 am
“Five! Four! Three! Two! One!” Jonathan counted down.
The clock above the fireplace struck twenty minutes past four and the room of teenagers and young adults cheered.
4:37 am
The drive home was peaceful; you kept the radio low and listened to the first rumbles of a storm that was brewing way over beyond Indianapolis. It would arrive tomorrow afternoon. You could smell it in the air.
“They’re special,” Kelsey said from the passenger seat next to you. “Your humans,”
“Even if some of them think a hotdog is not a sandwich?”
“Even if some of them think a hotdog is not a sandwich.”
After seeing Kels into her house, you and Eddie finally retired to your home.
“Happy Halloween, my beautiful little witch,” Eddie cooed when you crawled into bed with him.
“Happy Halloween, my lovely, lovely, vampire.”
End Note: Sorry for going a little M.I.A. I had writers' block (still do) and have felt a weird sort of disconnect from my online world. I'm slowly getting back into it though.
Accurate: the moon phase for October 31, 1986. Not accurate: 420 being associated with weed in 1986, I think that happened sometime in the 90s.
Also, I took a quote from A Spell in the Wild by Alice Tarbuck and paraphrased it a bit ( “Witchcraft starts when our bodies come right up to the edge of their sensory and linguistic abilities and life keeps going anyway.”).
Finally, the hotdog/sandwich argument is a direct quote from the irl Kelso, my inspo for Kelsey.
Fic Taglist:  @paranoidmunson  @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch @spicysix @briasnow-blog @goth-cowgirl-03 @moviefreak1205 @pastel-pillows
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel @dashingdeb16 @cultish-corner
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jeridandridge · 11 months
Beach Day
Reader meets some of Melissa’s family during a trip to the beach.
My grasp of Italian is very limited as you’ll see 😅
“Are you sure you’re up for this, hon?”
You chuckle as you finish packing up the cooler for the day.
“Baby, if I didn’t feel like going I wouldn’t go. You’re more nervous than I am.”
Melissa huffs leaning against the truck, you two already in your bathing suits under your clothes for a day at the beach with her family. You’d met a cousin or two, but not almost the entire family. Even nonna was excited to spend a day in the sun.
You walk over to your girlfriend resting your hands on her hips. “It’s gonna be a great day, okay? I’m so excited to meet the people that raised such an amazing person.” You beam.
Melissa smiles cupping your cheeks with her hands bringing you in for a soft kiss.
“The last time I brought someone around it was Joe and they didn’t like him at all. I married him anyway and they ended up being right.” She explains.
You shake your head gently giving her hip a squeeze. “Parents love me. I’ll show you.”
An hour later you find yourself wheeling the cooler down the cement path to the sand, Schmmenti family in sight. You spot Melissa’s cousin Joey kicking a soccer ball around with his son and a bunch of other relatives seated on a picnic bench.
“Hey there they are!” A guy you recognize as Melissa’s uncle Tommy waves them over.
You smile when you see Melissa relax a bit, you two walk through the sand and grass getting to the table where she playfully shoves her cousin off when he goes to give her a hug.
“So you finally brought the woman you never shut up about!” Uncle Tommy teases her.
“Yeah yeah, don’t make it weird. This is y/n.” She smiles at you as you give a little wave.
“I already know this guy.” You playfully groan pointing at Joey getting everyone else to laugh. You look around the rest of the group nodding at each one naming off another aunt, cousin, niece, and finally, Melissa’s grandmother who’s happily lounging in a folding chair.
She has her dark hair piled up on her head much like Melissa wears hers and has kind brown eyes you’re shocked at how young she seems chalking it up to years of good food and company.
As the group disperses Melissa takes your hand walking you over to the older woman.
“nonna questa è la mia ragazza.” She smiles. You learned a little bit of Italian, and picked up a few words.
“Oh, Cara ragazza, she’s a pretty one.” The woman smiles standing up and kissing both of your cheeks.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Mel’s told me so much about you.” You beam keeping your fingers laced with your girlfriends.
“Ditto, y/n. Welcome.” She smiles reaching out to squeeze your upper arm.
Your smile only grows when nonna takes her seat again and Melissa looks at you with almost watery eyes.
“Why don’t you go show off and kick joeys ass.” She nods to the sand where the guys are playing soccer.
You smirk and lean in kissing her cheek before you leave your shirt and flip flops near the cooler taking off in your bikini top and Jean shorts.
Melissa smiles sitting next to her grandmother on the lawn chair. As you run around with the guys giving joeys son a high five when he scores a goal Melissa’s smile widens.
“I like her.” Nonna nods in your direction, laughing when you fake Uncle Tommy out with the ball.
“She’s amazing.” Melissa smiles dreamily in your direction as you jog back over with a breathless laugh.
“Baby, do you have the keys? I forgot Anthony’s body board in the back.” You explain as the young boy bolts towards you. She fishes the keys out of her bag handing them to the excited pre teen.
“You only use that thing when your dads around, capeesh? Y/N heard you like surfing and insisted on one of those for today.” She smiles.
Anthony nods eagerly buzzing as he runs towards the truck.
“You need more sunblock, Mel.” You hum seeing her shoulders already a light shade of pink.
Nonna shoots her granddaughter a knowing look as you get the sunscreen from the bag, a look that says you had her approval.
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pinkthrone445 · 5 months
hii, i was wondering if maybe we could get a prequel to “Since words are not enough to explain how much I love you, let me show you”. where maybe it’s another year down the line and mel & r have started their IVF journey on trying to get r pregnant.. and through it not working or working the abbott crew/ family have been there for mel & r the whole journey. maybe when the r finally does get pregnant they host a baby shower for them.. (maybe even throw in some very overprotective mel and a lot of fluff and cuddling, maybe even some hurt)
-Since words are not enough to explain how much I love you, let me show you- Part 2
Part 1
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fluff, soft
Warnings:none I think
Summary:Months after celebrating your wedding anniversary, Mel has a baby fever when she sees you holding a child in your arms.
I hope you enjoy it, I was thinking about writing a part with the baby shower here, but I didn't want to make it so long, so if this has good support, maybe I'll do a next part. Thank you for your love
Your children slept on the classroom carpet taking advantage of their nap time, you, taking advantage of the silence, decided to grade some papers listening to soft music with your headphones on. Your phone lit up showing a message notification from your wife
-🔥Jessica Rabbit🔥:"Hi love, how are you?"
-You:"I'm fine, enjoying the silence of the sleeping kids, you?"
-🔥Jessica Rabbit🔥:"Fine too, enjoying the silence of the kid's reading hour. I just wanted to let you know that tonight I have to see one of the parents after classes, their kid is having problems and I need to talk to them about that. I wanted to tell you, so you don't wait for me to go home"
-You:"Don't you want me to stay with you? We can order something to eat while we wait for the parents to arrive and then we can go home together. Would you like that?"
-🔥Jessica Rabbit🔥:"I love it, very good idea, thank you for not leaving me alone, I love you my bunny ❤️"
-You:"I love you my fiery redhead ❤️"
The next few hours went by faster than expected, and before you knew it, you were greeting your students and telling them to have a nice weekend. When they all left, you order food and went to your wife's classroom, who was sitting at her desk while her student, Gabriel, was painting sitting in another chair. You knocked softly on the door to let them know of your arrival, your wife and the little boy smiled at the sight of you
-"Good evening, the food has arrived"-You muttered leaving the food on the desk and kissing your wife's forehead, you carefully handed the little guy a happy meal and gave Mel rotolo filling with spinach and ricotta. The three of you ate together, enjoying how the little one played with the toy that came with his food, while you and Mel talked about how your day had gone. After a while, you felt a soft knock on the door that caught your attention, seeing that it was the parents with a baby in their arms, you lifted the empty food containers leaving them in the trash so that there was room on your wife's desk.
Carefully you went to the back of the room taking more projects from your bag to grade while they talked. Although the parents were trying their best to listen to the redhead, the little baby they had brought was very restless making communication a little difficult.
You cautiously approached them and raised your hand to get your wife's attention without having to interrupt her
-"Yes, my love"-She whispered looking at you and you smiled looking at the parents
-"I was thinking, if it's okay with you, I can take care of the baby for a little while so you can talk to Melissa quietly"-You told the parents with your best smile and they agreed to give it to you for a little while so they could pay more attention to your wife.
While they were talking, you went to the back of the room with the little baby in your arms, who was looking at you intently and babbling showing you his pink toothless gums. You played with him for a few minutes, and then, when you started singing to him quietly so you didn't disturb your wife, the little guy fell asleep curled up on your chest with his thumb in his mouth, you carefully took your coat and covered him to keep him warm. Taking advantage of how calm he was, you sat down on one of the desks and with your free hand continued to grade papers.
What you didn't know is that your wife was watching every move you made and every interaction you had with the little baby.
Melissa was used to seeing you smile, smiling for something she said or did, smiling for something you saw or read, smiling for your students, smiling for some animal, she knew all your ways of smiling, but this one was different, the way you held the baby and smiled when the little one babbled in his sleep was completely different. Your eyes shone differently, your voice was softer, and your hands more delicate, not to mention the way you held it while grading papers, as if you'd been doing this for years, it looked so natural on you that she couldn't help but stare at you surprised and dumbfounded.
When everyone finished talking, you handed the parents their baby again, which was still asleep, and then went to the car with your wife.
All the way home, Mel was thoughtful as she drove, which was weird because the redhead loved to tell you every detail of her day. Her gaze was fixed on the highway and her brow was slightly furrowed, though one of her hands was still on your thigh giving you small caressed without thinking much about it.
-"Mel... Are you okay?" - Your voice seemed to pull her out of her thoughts back to reality
-"Yeah yeah, why?"-She looked at you confused
-"'Because since we left school you haven't uttered a single word" - You whispered
-"I was thinking... You looked so pretty with that baby in your arms... Remember when we talked about having children? Don't you think it would be a good time to start trying?"- She whispered a little frightened by your answer, fearing that you wouldn't want to now
-"I would like, but are you sure you want this?..."-You whispered looking at her in surprise, some time ago when you got married, Mel didn't look very sure she wanted kids, she loved children but wasn't sure she wanted children if her own, that's why her decision about it confused you a little.
-"Yeah, I want a family with you and I want to be able to enjoy it to the fullest, it's not like I'm going to get any younger so..."-She commented while parking at home and you smiled looking at her tenderly
-"Let's do it then, let's have a baby Schemmenti"-You replied confidently and the redhead took advantage of the fact that the car was turned off to kiss you.
That same night, the two began researching treatments and clinics to do it, as well as side effects and some available donors. As soon as you could, you started treatment.
The studies were a bit awkward and tedious, but Mel was by your side throughout. Also when you had to inject the hormones, she always helped you and she always made sure you ate and stayed hydrated.
-"Miss Schemmenti? Can I talk with you for a second?"-Your wife caught your attention from your classroom door, she loved to use her last name on you when she called you at school
-"Of course, kids behave, I'll be back in a second"-You responded and went out with your wife, Mel kissed your cheek and slightly lifted your blouse, she caressed your abdomen with delicacy and love and injected you with the hormone that corresponded at that time of the day, while you made a face of discomfort because of the slight pain and discomfort that the needle generated when it went through your skin. Once injected, Mel removed the syringe and put it in a safe place in her bag until she could get home and dispose of it properly, then kissed your forehead and let you go back to your class, but not before checking that you were feeling okay.
After a couple of hours, you went to the teachers room as it was lunchtime, as soon as you sat down at the table, Mel took out a tupperware of food and put it in front of you with a big smile on her face
-"Thank you love, but I'm not hungry..."-You whispered while drinking water and your wife looked at you offended as if you had said a great rude thing to her
-"Why? It's your favorite, you gotta eat love..."-she looked at you worriedly and you sighed, the hormones were strong on your stomach, gave you cramps, urge to vomit and took away your hunger
-"I appreciate it very much, but I don't feel like eating, I want to vomit and my stomach hurts"-You whispered looking at her, you didn't want to speak loudly because not all the teachers knew you were trying the fertilization treatment, only Barbara knew.
-"But you know you have to eat well, a balanced and constant diet is part of the treatment. It's not going to work if we don't follow all the steps, please eat..." - Melissa insisted and you sighed, you knew she was doing it for a good reason and because she was really worried, but with so many hormones, everything bothered you big time, including her insistence
-"Mel I'm really not hungry, I'll eat later..."-You whispered and she insisted again
-"Please, even if it's just a bite I'll be happy..."-She whispered trying to convince you and you got up from your chair
-"I'm not hungry Melissa, I say I'll eat later" - You muttered under your breath leaving the staff room and went to look at the plants to calm down a bit. Barbara looked at her friend with a worried look on her face and the redhead only sighed seeing the tupperware you had left behind.
After spending some time alone, you calmed down and went to see Mel in her classroom before the kids arrived
-"Hi..."-You whispered from the doorway and the redhead looked up and smiled without saying anything, taking off her glasses and putting them on her head. Mel didn't hold a grudge against you for getting mad at her or not eating, because she knew it was hormones' fault, your mood normally wasn't like that -"I'm sorry about earlier... I really feel like throwing up and the hormones make me feel upset or sensitive all the time..."-You muttered, walking to her desk. Mel took your waist gently and made you sit on her lap on your side and hugged you against her body
-"I know, I'm sorry for insisting so much... I just don't want you to get hungry...You know that I appreciate everything you're putting up with and that I love you so much. I'm not mad at you" -The redhead kissed your forehead and you sighed hiding in her neck
-"My stomach hurts and it's full of bruises..."-You muttered faintly and Mel stroked your back
-"I'm sorry amore, can I help with anything? Do you want some painkillers?"-As she spoke to you, she gently scratched the back of your neck, which she knew calmed you down a lot. At her question, you shook your head
-"I just want to stay like this a little while longer" - You responded by closing your eyes, hormones could make you go from anger to need in just seconds, it was a roller coaster of emotions and even if you didn't like it, it was necessary if you wanted to start a family.
After a few seconds, you began to hear voices in the hallways indicating that the kids were coming, so you carefully got up from your wife's lap and gave her a brief kiss, but before you could leave, Mel smiled at you calling your name
-"Want sweets?"-she asked, and you nodded happily. Mel reached into her purse and pulled out a handful of your favorite candy and handed them to you-"If you feel unwell let me know and don't forget to drink water please, I love you"-Your wife pleaded seeing how you walked to the door, when you turned around you had at least 3 candies inside your mouth, making you look like a squirrel
-"Yes mom! Love you!"-You answered and went to your classroom.
Weeks later, all of your co-workers found out you were doing fertility treatment thanks to a close incident in the teacher's room.
Everyone was eating together at lunchtime, Mel had prepared you some delicious gnocchi, food that you were eating very happily since you were very hungry. Everyone was talking about the game that was going to be played that night and betting on who was going to win while you filled your mouth with big bites of food. From one moment to the next, the food you wanted to swallow no longer went down, a great nausea invaded you, and all the food came back up. Your skin turned very pale and you touched your wife's arm to warn her of how bad you felt, but you didn't even have time to explain it to her, you had to get up from the table to go to the bathroom, but just as you wanted to get out, Gregory was entering the teachers' room blocking the door and you didn't have time to hold it anymore. Your wife quickly grabbed your waist and turned you towards her and put a trash can in front of you just in time when you threw up everything you'd been eating, Mel gently stroked your back while with her other hand she held the bucket in front of you.
All the professors looked at you worried. Once you were done vomiting, Mel took you to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash the bucket. When the two returned to the teacher's room, you were attacked with questions
-"¿What happened? Are you okay? Need a ride home? Have you been to the doctor? Can we help? Once in Peru I learned a home remedy for nausea, do you want it?" - Everyone spoke at the same time, making it difficult to identify who the question was coming from. Mel slowed them down so they wouldn't overwhelm you and helped you sit on the couch, sitting next to you
-"To answer your questions, she's fine, she doesn't want to go home, we don't want home remedies and going to the doctor is the reason why she's like this" - Your wife replied as you rested your head on her shoulder. Jeannie walked over carefully and asked again
-"If you went to the doctor, why is she like this?" - She whispered worriedly, you sighed looking at your wife and she smiled at you, agreeing without a word, that it would be good to tell them
-"We started a fertilization treatment to become mothers, I'm not pregnant yet, it's a long treatment, but the side effects affect me more at some times than others... Hence the mood swings and nausea and vomiting...Sorry for almost throwing up on you Gregory"-You told them in a faint voice and they all looked surprised, no one expected that answer. After a few seconds of processing it, everyone hugged you excitedly and happy for you. From that moment on you understood that not only would you have Mel taking care of you and supporting you, but all your Abbott friends too, and you were very grateful for that.
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janeyseymour · 27 days
La Cosa Nostra- pt 15
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10. Part 11. Part 12. Part 13. Part 14.
cowritten with @schemmentis - we're gonna try to revive this story, and y'all better buckle up because it's gonna get so good
WC: 3.1k
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You manage to get the girls up and fed before Melissa stirs on the couch. It must be a groggy Schemmenti morning considering the girls haven’t swarmed her and woken her up themselves nor asked you why Mommy was sleeping on the couch all weekend. You gently shake at your wife’s shoulder once the girls have their shoes on, remembering how upset she’d been when you’d taken them to school without waking her. Plus, you don’t exactly feel generous and worried about making sure she gets enough rest after your fight. 
You roll your eyes at her groggy ‘what’ when she cracks her eyes open. “Your daughters want to say good morning and goodbye, is what.” You mutter, stepping aside and wave the twins the okay to hurry to Melissa.
You step back towards the front door as Melissa kisses them each multiple times. Tuning out the goodbyes and I love yous. You’d thought after not speaking aside from the essentials over the weeknd you might feel less upset; you don’t. It’s the same as before you went to sleep the night you fought. Mel’s decision over you, her standing by it, and worst of all her hitting you in all the worst places. You can’t let any of it go, not first, anyway.
You force a deep breath when you feel your little girls running back to your side, opening the front door. “Let’s go, littles, before you’re late.” You mutter as you usher them out.
“You didn’t kiss Mommy again,” Rosie states once you get into the car.
“We were running late,” is all your response is. 
Once you’ve seen them off to their class safely, you leave the girls’ school. Your eyes roll when you hear your cell phone ring for the third time in the short trip to drop them off. You know without looking it’s Tony just like it was the last two times, no doubt to ask again for the ledger which you still have no intention of giving him directly. You don’t trust Tony as far as you could throw him. Still, you know you’d better have it in hand soon for when he produces whoever he answers to. It wouldn’t be good for that to happen and you to not have it.
You sigh as you slip back into the car. Which means you probably have to break your silent streak with your wife and ask her to talk to Barbara to get it back. You really don’t want to do that though. Your pride and your stubbornness wants you to hold out for Melissa to at least admit she was being an asshole the other night. Even if she won’t admit she was wrong about the rest of it. 
You don’t have Barbara’s number but you do know where she’ll eventually turn up. You pull the car from the school lot, driving to the church. If Mel intends to be in early at the restaurant today; you don’t feel that bad about making her walk this time.
You slip in just after the morning service. Thankfully, you still spy Barbara’s head in the usual back pew. You genuflect at the side, crossing your chest before slipping into the seat next to the older woman- the one your wife would usually claim.
“Good morning, Y/N.” Barbara greets you quietly once her head raises from her prayer. “Another bit of prayer needed, hm?”
“A little bit.” You hedge. You’re not fully lying; you do think it might bring some relief after your fight with Melissa. Which, now that you’re sat next to her, you realize you may have overlooked your wife telling Barb all about. “I was also hoping to see you.” You add.
“Oh? Well, that’s sweet of you. You know I’m always glad to see you or Melissa and your girls in the Lord’s house.”
You flash a smile, one you’ve flashed the Feds and other Family members alike to be as charming as you can. “You know our whole family is always happy to see you. Especially the girls.”
“Oh, I can’t wait for next weekend. They were positively a joy at Sunday breakfast, yesterday. Though you and Melissa were rather quiet.”
“It was…a long week, last week.” You admit. “Mel and I haven’t exactly been seeing eye to eye lately.” You hadn’t meant to share that last part but you lean into letting it off your chest in some way, at least.
“I’m sure you two will sort it out. You always do.”
“I hope so.” You answer truthfully. You might still be angry, and definitely hurt, but you still love Melissa with all of you. You hope the fact she’s been dealing with being relegated to the couch for a few days is a sign she still feels the same, too. Since she hasn’t disappeared to her Ma’s or even Kristen Marie’s.
“Are things okay between the two of you? Would you like to chat about it, perhaps over brunch?” Barbara offers.
You take her up on that offer, and you find yourself bringing her back to your house- just in case the Feds are still watching you. You mill about the kitchen as you prepare a few things before settling at the table with her.
“So,” Barbara hums. “What’s got you turning up at church more often than usual lately- both you and your wife?”
“Could use a bit more prayer these days,” you sigh softly as you take a bite full of your breakfast.
“You didn’t pray today though,” the woman points out. You just shrug at that. “So what made you really come to the church?”
You throw around the options in your head. You could break your silent streak and speak with Melissa, or you could ask the woman herself for the ledger.
Deciding to bite the bullet, you say softly, “I was hoping I would run into you. I need the book that I know Melissa gave you.”
Barbara blinks once, twice. “What book, dear?”
“Barb, I know Mel gave you the book for my salon.”
The woman’s face flickers through quite a few emotions before settling on a neutral face once again. “Oh. I still don’t know what you’re speaking of? What your wife gave me was not a book.”
“Babs, I need the goddamn book,” you sigh.
“Do not take the lord’s name in vein,” Barbara tells you sternly.
“Barbara, I need the damned book. My life is on the line here,” you plead. You don’t mean for that last sentence to slip out, and you have to do everything you can to hide it on your face; the severity of the situation. For all she knows, you’re exaggerating and just using it as a hyperbole.
“And why would that be?” Barbara raises a brow. “It’s just the simple finances for the salon.”
“It is,” You hastily agree with her comment. “But I…” You take a breath, forcing out the familiar lie you gave Valentina when she first noticed Melissa’s extra stress, just modified a bit. “I’m trying to work out selling the salon so I need the book with all the finances in it to go through with a potential buyer.”
“Selling it?” Barbara repeats, a hand pressing to her chest. “Why on earth would you sell? You’ve worked hard for that place, Y/N!”
“I know but it hasn’t been profitable since…well, since I don’t even know when, Barb. I thought I could juggle it and put it back in proper working condition but the clients just aren’t coming in like they used to.”
Barbara suddenly drops the hand at her chest held in shock. “Y/N, surely you know I’m no fool.”
You blink. “Of course you’re not, Barbara. Why would I think you were—”
“The book I have is not for your salon.”
“Yes, it is.” You say, brow furrowing in confusion. Because it is for the salon, both books, and you don’t know what else Barb could think it belongs to.
The older woman sends you a long suffering look, the silence between you drawing out for a moment. “Not for the legal business of your salon though, is it?”
Your face drops. Like, actually drops- jaw open and everything. “What?”
“I’m well aware of what I possess,” the woman tells you in a monotone.
“What on Earth are the two of you thinking; getting mixed up in all of this- and with your two girls!” Barbara admonishes you sharply, and you feel like you’re being reprimanded by a principal.
You search for words, but none come.
“You two are so lucky I haven’t turned it in, and I nearly did!”
“Y-you didn’t?” you whisper out. 
“Of course I didn’t, and the only reason I didn’t is because of Cat and Rosie!” Barb states. “Otherwise, I would have!”
“I- thank you,” you say softly.
“The two of you better get yourselves out of this mess, before it destroys your lives,” the woman tells you lowly.
“The only way out of this mess is prison… or death,” you inform her. “And at this point, if either of us goes to prison, or something happens to Mel, I genuinely fear I won’t survive. When it comes down to everything, Melissa is the matriarchal figure in the family.”
“Neither of those things can happen,” Barbara tells you. “And that is not true- the both of you have the most equal partnership I think I’ve ever seen.”
“Listen, I really do need the ledger back,” you try again.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“Your wife entrusted me with it, and while I do not agree with what I hold onto in the slightest, I am not breaking my promise to Melissa.”
“I’m sure she told you not to open the book though, right?” you press. At her nod, you continue. ��You broke that promise. So, give. me. the. book.”
“I have to go,” Barbara states. “Thank you for a lovely breakfast.” She makes to head out, and you follow her.
She climbs into her car, and speeds off. 
You’re left standing on the porch of your townhouse, staring after Barbara’s car even after it’s definitely peeled its way out of your neighborhood. You honestly didn’t know she could drive that fast. Melissa loves to call her a grandma whenever she drives the lot of you anywhere. Barbara would throw back that it was only being safe and God forbid she get into a wreck because your wife wouldn’t stop back-seat driving. 
“Fuck.” You curse, briefly covering your face. “Fuck!” You repeat as you pull your hands away. You lean back into the doorway just enough to grab your keys from the hook by the door. You slam your front door shut, not even bothering to take the time to lock it. You won’t catch Barb at this rate, but you’re fairly certain you can catch your wife. 
You’re certain, at least relatively so, Barb won’t turn you both in. Not if she hasn’t already. But it sure sounded like she was just waiting for Melissa to ask for the book to confront her herself first. You just happened to ask before your wife. You know though Barb isn’t likely to be going to Twelve Tables to have that confrontation with Melissa. So, instead, you are.
You speed your way there, not really worried about the reds or stop lights or any possibility of getting pulled over. A ticket was nothing compared to what all hung in the balance now. You make your way into the restaurant as fast as your feet will carry you.
“Hey, Y/N, how’s—”
“Not now Val,” You interrupt your wife’s right hand. “Where’s Mel?”
“She’s in the back, but—”
You wave a hand at her, muttering a half hearted ‘thank you’ as you hurry through the kitchen toward the back office. You don’t even stop to worry about knocking at the closed office door. You’re throwing it open with practically all your weight behind it in your haste that has you stumbling into the room.
“Mel, we need to—”
“What the fuck?” Melissa grouses at the slamming open of the office door. Her mood doesn’t exactly improve when she looks up to see you, a glare from green eyes sent your way. “I’m in the middle of a meeting.” She says, the end of it coming through her clenched teeth with a nod to the man standing at the desk in the office with her.
“I really need to talk to you. Right now.” You rush out.
“Ya don’t talk to me all weekend, and now ya want to? Now? I told ya, I’m in a meeting. Get out.”
“Melissa Ann Caterina Schemmenti!” You nearly yell, stepping into the office and gripping her wrist and fighting to physically pull your wife from the office.
“God…damn it. Fine!” Melissa huffs, agreeing to go once she realizes you aren’t going to let her actually work until she does. “‘Scuse me a minute.” She says to the man before following you out of the office and shutting the door after her. “What the fuck is so damn important you have to try and literally pull me from work? One of the girls’ better be hurt or the world better be endin’, so help me God, or it’s gonna be you on the couch now, Y/N!”
“Our world might be ending,” you sigh quietly, eyes down. Then your eyes meet her own. “Barbara knows.”
The redhead has the same face that you wore when Barbara revealed that she knows what she possesses. “What?”
“Do you see why it’s so important now?” you ask her.
“Fuck. Fucking shit.” She runs a hand through her hair. “We’re fucked. We’re going down, and we’re taking all of-“
“She said she hasn’t turned us in because of the girls,” you whisper. “But we have to figure out what to do before something terrible happens to either us, or Barb and Gerald. They cannot get involved.”
“Fuck!” Melissa shouts.
“I know,” you sigh. “I know. I- I don’t know what to do.”
“How do you know she knows?” your wife implores.
“I was at the church earlier,” you tell her. And you recount the earlier events before, “and then she told me that the binder wasn’t for the legal side of the salon. She knows.”
“God dammit,” Melissa whispers. She runs a hand over her face. “Fuck. Okay, uhm… let me handle this meeting, and then I’ll meet you at home so we can figure out what to do.”
“I’ll be sitting in the back waiting for you,” you tell her. “And don’t forget that we do have to pick up the girls today.”
“I know,” she says. “I know. Okay. We’re gonna- we’re gonna be fine, and I- fuck.” You watch as red curls whip around and head back into the office.
With a sigh, you head for the back exit again. Valentina looks at you curiously, but you don’t acknowledge it. You just continue on your way. You pull your car closer to the back door, idling as you wait for your wife. She’s quickly slipping into the passenger seat in less than five minutes.
As you pull out of the lot of Twelve Tables and head towards your home once more, Melissa runs her hand through her hair as she glances at the clock. “Okay, we still have a few hours before we have to get the girls, so we can figure this out.”
“Figure this out?” You echo, glancing at Melissa. “Babe, we have what, four hours? We’re gonna figure this all out and fix everything in four hours?
“It’s just Babs.” She says, trying to convince the both of you. It’s clear she knows how much power her church friend holds at this moment, and it terrifies her. She takes a deep breath, rolling the passenger window down enough for wind from the drive to whip her red locks out of her face. “She didn’t turn us in because of the girls…we can, we can buy time.”
“How? How are we gonna buy any time?” you implore. “We got the Feds still digging into shit; who knows what part of the Family they’re eyeing right now? But it doesn’t matter. Any part of it goes, you know the rest is screwed.”
“That’s only if somebody flips. Nobody would flip.”
You take the risk of holding your eyes off the road a little longer than you should to give your wife a look. You both could likely think of ten people each from your respective sides that could, under the right circumstances, absolutely flip.”
“Fuck, I know!” She says, waving your glare away from her as she looks out the passenger side window. “Look, they ain’t got anywhere yet, huh? That means we still got time. We just need to make sure Barb really ain’t gonna do nothin’.”
“She wouldn’t talk to me past tellin’ me she promised you to only give it back to you and then that she knew.”
“Oh, sure, she can stick to that part of the damn promise.” Melissa grumbles as she gets out nearly before you can put the car in park in the driveway. She turns back just as you catch up to her on the front porch. “Ya didn’t even lock the door! Aduzipach!”
“We do not have time for another argument!” You toss back as you reach the top step, gently ushering her inside with you as you pull the door shut again. This time you do lock it behind you. “We have to be on the same page, okay? We really have to be or we’re definitely screwed. I’m still pissed, and hurt but whatever. It doesn’t matter right now. Right now what matters is you, and me, and the girls. That’s all that matters, which means we have to figure a way out of this bullshit.”
“Amore, you know there’s only two ways out of the life. Neither one lets us be there for the girls- at all.”
“And both I’d preferably like to avoid entirely.” You add, sighing as you slump into your couch. “So..w we have to literally do the impossible.”
“I don’t know how we’re going to do that,” Melissa groans as she leans into your figure.
Barbara Howard speeds off, and she doesn’t necessarily know where she’s going. But after a bit, she figures that you aren’t following her, and she stops at a local diner to pick up takeout for a lunch date with her husband, the senator.
TAGS: @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld
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emyluwinter · 2 months
Fem!Malleus is going to introduce Fem!Yuu to her parents. (suppose they are alive) Everything happens after college graduation.
Yuu is very worried about how her beloved's parents will react
-Mel…Maybe we should do it another time?
-My dear, you have gone through more than the history of STYX could afford in experiments, but are you afraid to meet my parents? Yuu catches flashbacks from Lilia's dream where Meleonor was almost Yuu incinerated by lightning a couple of times.
-I have good reasons for this…
Fem!Malleus introduces Fem!Yuu by hugging her tightly by the shoulder.
-Dear father, dear mother, this is Yuu my girlfriend and the fire of my heart.
Yuu is holding a large box of homemade food as a welcome gift.
-H-hello. Nice to meet you.
Levan is touched that his daughter is already quite big and has brought someone to meet her. And ah! They are polite +10 points and +10 they brought something from the food.
-Nice to meet you, I'm Levan.
Meleonor interrupted her husband. - A HUMAN?IN MY CASTLE?!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND??
Levan shouts at his wife who is ready to explode with flames and lightning
-Darling, please. You promised our daughter to accept those who are important to her. ***
after 10 minutes of two dragons cursing.
Somewhere very far away, Rollo feels a cold shiver down his spine and cringes.
Yuu drops the tray with a clatter on the floor, looking at his girlfriend in tears. Levan suggested setting the table while the two dragons with flames in character cool down a little and get hungry from the delicious smell of food.
-You…d-Do you want to break up with me?
Fem!Malleus turns pale and immediately goes to calm her down
-No!Of course not. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give you that thought. I was just angry…
Meleonor - Levan!Did you hear her??Abdicate the throne! From our family's beautiful horns, for the sake of some vile human!!
Levan - It was hard not to hear you two, my dear. Come on. Let's try to find out at least a little bit what kind of person stole our daughter's heart. Yuu, what are you interested in?
Yuu groans softly in Mel's tight embrace until she doesn't want to let go her.
-Oh, I can do a lot of things, photography, painting, craftsman, repairman, I can cook delicious food...
Levan - What a charm! Congratulations, Mel, you've picked up a very good match, it's not easy to find a person with skillful hands.
Malleus agrees with his father.
Meleonor is stubborn.
-She must have brought something to poison us both.. ***
Levan is chewing on Yuu's cooking, which she brought as a gift.
-Oh the stars! Our chef will definitely have a lot to learn from you. Such delicate pieces just melt.
Yuu nervously watches as Meleonor continues to swear at Malleus
-Thanks… um…Maybe we should step in? Levan is waving away - Don't worry, as you know, they have a pretty "fire" temperament. My wife is just worried about our only daughter. They'll fight a little and calm down…
Then he suddenly stops talking.
- Or they will burn down the castle and destroy the entire territory with lightning like last time. And then Her Highness will come and give them both an even bigger scolding…
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