#Leo is also not used to people laughing about his jokes.
cosmicpancakes · 2 days
valgrace hcs GO
AHAHA IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! thank you for the request 🤞 I have thoughts about them that need to be OUT
Without further ado,
☆⋆。 My Valgrace headcanons!
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First off. Jason is alive. The burning maze? What is that? I've never heard of it.
They go on dates SO FREQUENTLY it's actually insane like atleast one per week???
Both of them are horrible flirts they cannot flirt with eachother at all
Once they start laughing at something they will NOT STOP. It starts with an inside joke and 2 minutes later theyre doubled over wheezing
Jason looks like the straightest, most homophobic man ever so when he kisses Leo people go crazy?!?!?
They are also the most affectionate people ever. You will never catch them not holding hands.
MOVIE NIGHTS!!! Leo helps Jason catch up on all the movies he's missed while in camp jupiter!!
And their favourite movies to rewatch are FOR SURE itsv/atsv
Pet names do not exist. They refer to eachother either by name or weird ass nicknames
Leo always steals his shirts, but they're way too big for him so it's so obvious 😭
Leo is also the clumsiest person ever so they're always in the infirmary (jason like never leaves his side its insane)
They send eachother silly ass photos and caption it "us" and they think it's the funniest thing ever but it's so stupid
That's it for now! Sorry it took so long 💔
F.Y.I: My requests are still open :) feel free to send them in!
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turtleinsoup · 7 months
Hiiii I hope youre having a wonderful day :D
Can we ask where the hell Leo got his funds in Lemonade Leak to become a mafia boss? (did he steal from big mama?)
Hehe xD
Leo took staff from Big Mama. Her strongest Battle Nexus Campions (Usagi, Drako) and Medical Staff (Emergency-trained Nurses, Doctors).
He pays them way WAY more than Big Mama did (+ benefits e.g. freedom & protection from Big Mama, the guaranteed support & protection of their families, paid leave & breaks, free travel (lol), full health insurance etc.) The Otter Nurse who checked on Draxum has a wage of $1900/h. That woman legally made $76.000 in the WEEK she worked for Leo.
(But that's not the only reason qitting is not an option. They're more terrified of the blue terrapin than of Big Mama. ^^)
Leo isn't familiar with most Yokai currencies and doesn't have Donnie to convert/explain it to him on short notice, so he mostly pays Yokai in gold & diamonds.
Leo is stealing from billionairs (Yokai and Humans) all over the globe. Never from banks directly, cause he's paranoid about marked money.
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iamred-iamyellow · 8 days
Aussie Athletes
♥ pairing: oscar piastri x fem!sargeant!ballerina!reader
♥ smau 
♥ fluff
♥ notes: I said I'd write some ballet fics so here's one lol. I'm going to write some ship fic ballet au's (drivers as ballet dancers) after I finish my folklore and Romeo and Juliet series'. Also! I'm performing a don quixote variation this weekend so wish me luck lol :) (none of the pictures are mine)
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liked by logansargeant and 32,406 more
First Day @ ausballet
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logansargeant congrats sis
yourusername <3
user14 she's in Australia now 🫢
user3 PLEASE let that mean she'll be at more races now
yourusername 👀
user5 💗💗💗
oscarpiastri welcome to Australia
landonorris trying to get a date on main?
logansargeant don't even think about it piastri
oscarpiastri ???
2023 British GP
You walked into the paddock bright and early to find your brother before he was busy with qualifying. You ended up running into a different, yet familiar face instead. 
“Oh, hey Oscar,” you smiled 
“Didn’t expect you to be here with your new Australian ballet career,” he smirked and took a sip of the water he had in his hand. “You don’t have a busy schedule? 
“I do, but the season wrapped last month. I figured I’d come down here and support Logan, you know? I’ve got a lot of training to do when I get back, though.” you laughed softly. 
Oscar hummed in an understanding response. 
“How’s it been there?” 
“Good,” you paused. “Tough, too.” 
“I’m sure it is. It’s an art and a sport.” 
“People don't really consider what I do “a sport”.”
“They say the same about racing.” 
“I guess we have something to bond over.”  you smiled.
You both heard Lando call Oscar's name, gesturing for him to go to their garage. Oscar gave an awkward, blush-filled goodbye and ran towards the Brit on the other side of the pit lane.
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 340,967 more
he says I'm so american
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lilymhe top golf double date
yourusername we are so there
user7 WHO IS HE
user9 y/n x oscar crumbs
user2 crying and writing fics
logansargeant 😐
yourusername ...
user6 @ landonorris please tell us she's with oscar
user8 why would lando know?
landonorris 🤐
user8 @ user6 I'm sorry I wasn't familiar with your game, clearly Lando does know
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 305,678 more
opening night 🧡
logansargeant you did amazing 💐
user2 the orange heart...
user5 NOT a coincidence
user8 AND it's f1's winter break meaning Oscar is back home in Australia where it just so happens y/n dances at
user4 the pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together
ausballet our sugar plum fairy
yourusername <3
Time Skip - 2024
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liked by charlesleclerc, oscarpiastri, and 670,895 more
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charlesleclerc welcome to the piastri-leclerc family
yourusername I'm honored, thank you charles
oscarpiastri so when should she meet my brother leo?
user10 someone go get Nicole
user4 y/n l/n-piastri-leclerc
logansargeant don't break her heart
oscarpiastri I won't I swear
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safiredreams · 6 months
the signs when they start falling in love (men edition)
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aries: they start chasing like crazy, they give knight in shining armor vibes, can be a bit too forceful and pushy sometimes, there is a lot of playful fighting and they love to tease but are crazy protective, get bashful and blush a lot too
taurus: they really just start spending all of their energy on their person, buying them gifts, taking them out for dinner/cooking for them, they get really touchy and generally start dressing really well around their special someone
gemini: they call and text you a lot, tell you all about how their day went and they will want you to share your thoughts and feelings too, they will put effort into taking you to all the cool bars and cafes in town, short trips around the country, lots of jokes 
cancer: they do what makes you or them feel safe, there is a softness to these people, they will nurture you by asking you how you feel all the time, they will get you your favorite snacks and take you out to nice romantic dates, will look at you with these innocent eyes and charming smiles
leo: they show off, they will garner all the attention in the room but their eyes will always land on you, they compliment you directly but they also make sure that others know how amazing you are too, classic romance tropes of a guy lending his jacket or picking you up when you’re crossing a puddle
virgo: they want to be useful and helpful to you, always being the one that makes your life just that bit more easy, they will always make sure you’re okay, that you ate, that you arent too tired, acts of service is important to them and as you get closer they will do small things like brush your hair, wash your clothes, pick you up from work
libra: they are great at flirting and making you feel beautiful and seen, they compliment you and make sure you know just how special you are to them, they will hold the door open for you, take you out on a romantic candlelight dinner and they will always make time for you and be on your side of any issues you may have
scorpio: they will do anything for you, things they would never do for anyone else, they will remember everything you ever told them, they will look at you as if nobody else exists in the world, they will protect you and always take care of you, their focus is only on you
sagittarius: they will always be happy around you, crack jokes and try and keep you happy, get clumsy around you, laugh really loud when you are in the room, ask for your opinion and really listen to it, they will be great listeners and will give you lots of advice and will expect the same from you, they will want to travel with you and they are very giving and caring of you
capricorn: they will tell you that they want you, they will be generous and kind to you more than anyone else they know, they will treat you well and with a lot of respect, will always pay for everything, they are warm around you but so much colder around others, hand around your shoulder while you walk down the street vibes
aquarius: they will want to know everything about you, they will be very helpful and will give you lots of tips even when you didn’t ask for them, spend the most time with you, always give you the time of day, will cancel plans with others just to have a chance to see you
pisces: they will turn into anything and everything that you wish them to be, they will be gentle and kind, very romantic and soft, they will touch you with how much they understand you, buy you flowers and bring you to your favorite places, they will seem to know things about you without you telling them and they will always text of call at the right time just when you need them
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blueeofsl · 10 months
Page 17. We see that Donnie is just laughing at the joke now. It might be because it’s right after Leo sobbing for a while and then he just pulls that joke out of nowhere, or the fact that Donnie is exhausted. Or maybe, Donnie just really missed his stupid jokes
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But it relaxes Donnie out of whatever caffeine or adrenaline high he’s been in for so long, and he passes out on Leo. Literally laughs himself to sleep.
However for Leo, this was probably really worrying. Because Donnie was active and talking to him and suddenly he’s passed out. (Also is it just me or does it look like Leo’s stump is sorta holding Donnie’s head up?)
In Page 18, Leo gently lays Donnie down on the bed he had woken up from. Staring at Donnie the whole way through with a sort of attentiveness to any sort of discomfort/pain.
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He’d probably noticed the eyebags under Donnies eyes too.
In the second panel, Leo’s worry shows through again and seems to need to take a breath before checking Donnie’s pulse in panel three.
The fact that Donnie lets this happen so willingly (even when passed out. I would guess that over the years in the apocalypse, the turtles have learned a way to protect themselves even in their sleep.) shows that he is fully out and probably wont wake up for a while.
In page 19, notice how there wasn’t just one panel being used to show Leo focusing on Donnie’s pulse, but two. We can tell by Leo’s facial expression that he’s still having doubts of seeing Donnie alive again.
Still doubting that things are real in the third panel as he goes to check his own pulse. His own pulse being much quicker than Donnies. This could be because of the fact that Donnie’s asleep while Leo is awake. Or it could be the fact that Leo is very alert now that he’s alone.
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In the last panel, Leo finally lets himself say what he’s thinking at the moment “what the fuck”. I don’t think ive ever read those words with so much emotion behind them because yes. Leo is just… so confused on how he got here. He has no clue that they’re in the present timeline, where Donnie can resurrect people. He has no idea if there are other people out there other than him and Donnie. He doesn’t even know that the sky is now free of krang and is blue instead of the apocalyptic red.
The last panel also shows us that Leo is also finally starting to take note of his surroundings, past just trying to reach for Donnie.
Some other theories/notes; I’m guessing that Leo is going to need a lot of guidance/reassurance of the fact that things are real and that he can relax. Like Casey, he probably wont be a fan of the big crowds in NYC and would rather stay hidden.
I’m also guessing that the family will have some sort of “talk” about what has happened overall. The war, the people they’ve lost, everything. Maybe Cass wont add this in, but I think Mikey will try to have everyone at least address the fact that not only are they survivors, but they are also veterans from a long, long war.
Phew… that was a lot of writing! Loved checking through all 59 panels and finding the little details/ focusing on the emotion Cass was trying to portray there.
Would like to thank @somerandomdudelmao for the comics and also @tapakah0 and @ryanthel0ser for being wonderful motivators hehe
PART 3 (here)
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Hiiiii, let me just say I love you writing!!!!! <3
Anyway my request is headcanons of Percy with a child of Erebus s/o. Erebus is the primordial god of darkness.
Like as a child of a primordial they’re extremely powerful and have like shadow powers. They also have really good night vision. They’re like super powerful at night because of all the darkness and a possible blessing of their step-mom Nyx.
Anyway have a good day/night :))))
⋆⭒˚.⋆ percy jackson x child of erebus! reader hcs
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content: percy jackson x child of erebus! reader hcs warning: none!! author's note: i know the pics are very feminine, but i tried my best to make this gn bc i noticed the 'child' instead of daughter!! i think i did it???? if you guys see any gendered terms, lemme know so i can fix it!! i know this is basically the daughter of nyx one i did but i like nightime escapades okay???? (im actually terrified of the dark and sleep with a nightlight at my grown ass age)
"and what do you think youre doing?" a voice questioned from behind percy, causing him to slip and fall from the brick wall he was just beginning to climb
"ow," he whined, resting a hand against his surely bruised ribs and attempting to look through the darkness at whoever scared him
"sorry! sometimes i forget other people can't see so well in the dark," you laughed lightly, holding your hand out to pull him back to his feet
percy took it, giving you a slightly grateful smile as he was back on his feet
"you must be y/n, then? erebus' kid?" percy questioned, dusking his sweatpants off, suddenly wishing he'd changed into better clothes like he vaguely thought to do
what kind of impression does blue food dye stained sweatpants give???
a bad one, surely.
"yup! the one and only, spooky master of the dark," you mocked all, dramatically, waving your hands around, which percy could just barely make out in the darkness
"great title. i personally go by lord of the seafoam but that's what my enemies call me," percy joked, enjoying your chuckles more than he thought he would
"and what do your friends call you?" you questioned with a tilt of your head.
"oh, also lord of the seafoam. or percy," he winked with a beaming smile that you didn't need night vision to see.
"well, lord of the seafoam, you never answered my question."
"hmm? OH! right, well, you see, my step dad mentioned something about a meteor shower tonight and i was trying to get to bunker nine to sit on the roof to watch it," percy explained with a shrug
"no way! me too! well, i was gonna use the half blood hill, but still!" you replied, bouncing on the balls of your feet in excitement
"actually, could i come with you? you know how leo is, probably still working in there and once he starts yapping, he never stops. i'd probably miss the whole thing," percy lied.
he knew leo was dead asleep and he gave percy a key to bunker nine just so he could watch the meteor shower
but was he really gonna pass up the opportunity to watch it with someone so dashing?? he's stupid, but not that stupid
"yeah, course! c'mon, i got snacks too!" you nodded, instantly, reaching forwards and grasping his wrist and dragging him towards half blood hill
percy was grateful you were leading the way for two reasons: one, he couldn't see for shit in this darkness, and two, it allowed him to hide his blush behind your back.
you'd already set up a place by what used to be thalia's tree, a blanket splayed out and snacks splattered on top
it was a perfect view over camp and of the sky, percy sure it would be difficult to miss the shower now
but, while you guys waited, you and percy couldn't seem to stop talking
the randomest and stupidest stuff
"aliens. yes or no?"
"obvi. hard yes."
"is cereal a soup?"
"technically yes, but i'd like to live in delusion that's it not."
"who do you think-" percy started but got cut off by your hands shooting out and wrapping around his arm
"look, look! it's starting!" you explained, pointing up at some streaking lights through the dark sky
you guys watched in silent awe for a while before percy leaned over to you, which wasn't much of a distance as you still clung to his arm
"why does a shooting star taste better than a comet?" he whispered, his eyes still on the sky
you squinted at him suspiciously but hummed in question
"It's a little meteor."
silence and then the cutest giggles percy's ever heard
"that's so chessy!" you managed to get out between your laughs, basically curled into percy's side
and his smile was beginning to hurt his cheeks
then a comfortable silence settled over the two once more, their eyes drawn back to the fireballs shooting through the sky
well, your eyes were
percy's eyes stayed on you, his blood rushing in his ears and his heart beating like a drum
then you caught him, out of the corner of your eye, biting your lip to keep your smile at bay
you were sure he didn't know you knew, your excellent night vision being the only reason you could see his eyes on you so clearly
then the final meteor flew by and percy started praying for just one more, not wanting the night to end
"this was fun...lord of the seafoam," you mocked, bumping your shoulder with his
percy laughed at the call back, but his heart wasn't in it
he knew this night would end and you guys would just be acquaintances, someone you just wave at as you pass on the way to your cabin, but never another conversation to be had
or that's what percy thought.
"of course, master of the darkness," he tried to joke, trying to hide his disappointment at the ending night, "any time-"
before he could get another mopey word out, you were shooting forwards, a kiss pressed firmly to his cheek
the words died on his tongue
"you know, i think the full moon is tomorrow. do you wanna-"
"yes. totally. let's do it," percy instantly cut in, shaking off your nearly paralyzing touch, the need to see you again enough to break him of any spell or prison.
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apollosfavkiddo · 2 months
jason grace general headcannons
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content: jason grace hcs
warnings: nothing!!
a/n: i’m back from the dead!!!! i know, i know that i just write for my boy, but trust im writing one of these for all of my boys. i just don’t know when im gonna post it. byeee
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He’s always losing his glasses, like 24/7. They just sleep in the nightstand and in the morning they’re not there anymore.
His love languages are acts of service and quality time, but he LOOOOVES physical touch.
He’s really good in english, but he has a little bit of trouble with maths (roman numbers and all)
He doesn’t understand gen-Z jokes
He has no clue on how to use a cellphone/computer/tv/anything technological
He loves to play football
He’s completely clueless about the people that have a crush on him. Like, he never ever notices.
He’s super romantic, but he’ll never ever admit it
He’s an ass guy. Prove me wrong.
He absolutely loves when you want to make cute hairstyles in his hair.
He’ll give you all of his hoodies
He smells like roses and sandalwood.
He wakes up at 4 am every day. The only days when he wakes up later is when he’s sleeping with his s/o
He’s a cuddler, and obviously the big spoon.
He’s not one to get into fights, but if someone says anything about his friends, he’ll kill that person.
He’s extremely loyal to his friends and family.
He’s super powerful, and, if he explores more of his powers, he’d discover that he can control the air in people’s lungs and he’d be terrifying.
He used to be very insecure with himself when he was younger, and that made him work out till he got all buff and hot and tall.
He loves laughing with Percy and Leo and just chilling together with his mates
He spends a lot of time with Frank helping him with all this praetor thing.
He and Reyna were never back to being close friends, and he got constantly sad over this.
He got constant anxiety crisis and panicked attacks
Sometimes he doesn’t realize how tall he is compared to other people like Nico, so it’s super fun to watch him smirking when he doesn’t want Nico to get something and he just puts it in a higher spot.
He’s the biggest Solangelo shipper in the whole damn camp.
He’s the president of the ‘Protect Nico Di-Angelo’ club.
He loves loves LOVES kids, and he’d be the best dad ever.
He loves when Percy calls him to go to Sally’s house, cause he can play with Estelle.
He hates when any of his friends get mistreated.
He doesn’t have much personal stuff in the Zeus cabin, but he does have a plushie, and it’s a little eagle that he named Sparkles.
He’s not much of a crier now, but he did cry a lot when he was a kid.
He loves sleepovers.
He’s a great cook, since Leo taught him.
He loves baking cakes for his friends and family
His favorite dessert is brownies, especially when it has that crunchy part in it.
He’s absolutely terrified of dentists.
He’s also a little claustrophobic.
He loves having an arm around you whenever you’re talking.
He’s not super jealous, but he’s a little insecure with some stuff or people.
He’s the softest boy of all. Literally the cutest ever.
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tannieastrology · 5 months
Synastry/Composite Observations 🌠
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(These are just some of my experiences and I really just wanna share what I learned with yall)💕
💙✨ Saturn square Venus can really just throw off the timing of a relationship. Well its less the timing and more of the fact of that the two people cant ever make their minds up and mature up for one another. And there are for sure alot of barriers that come withing this aspect one of them being that other people can set these two apart. In the couple that i saw this in the guy was Saturn and the woman was Venus. Venus was led on for almost 2 years while Saturn chased a different woman in that time. Until in may 2023 they started talking but their communication was off so Saturn broke it off. Now in december everyone finds out Saturn wants her back but Venus has moved on. So in their case it was a lack of maturity and indecisiveness.
💙✨ Venus conjunct Pluto makes the Venus person SO obsessive ESP if the Venus person has scorpio in their natal chart. Remember the Saturn guy from the first bullet point? He was the guy ive had a crush on for the past 3 years and in my scenario with him, hes the pluto in this case. Sadly it was unrequited but man this guy had me in a chokehold which was weird because I never wouldve thought id be attracted to someone like him. Its like no matter how far I go I cant ever forget about him its so frustrating. My Venus was conjunct his Pluto in Capricorn in my 3rd house so the way we talked to each other was very agressively but strangely we find comfort in it? Talking to him was easy too but lemme tell you when we argued WE ARGUED like it was HEATED. Our friend group always felt so uncomfortable whenever we went back and forth with each other. So yeah i would say really look at what house this conjunction happens in because for me it affected my house of mind, communication, and friends but if it falls in a deeper house like the 8th house the affects would be like 10x more magnified. Alot of people say its a sexual aspect but I really just think it depends on where it lands. I fell hard because im a plutonian person in general i have a Scorpio Moon and Lilith conjunct in the second house and my Venus in the 8th degree.
💙✨ Venus conjunct Moon brings alot of understanding and patience in a friendship/relationship. So ironically the Pluto guy also had his Capricorn Moon conjunct my Venus nd while we did argue alot and made me cry often I always had a soft spot for him. I felt like I understood him and we had many times where we joked around and laughed often. However Venus conjunct Moon can sometimes amplify your emotions to each other if theres other planets in contact with it. In a case like mine BOTH his Pluto and Moon conjuncted my Venus so most of the times our interactions stirred up obesessive and deeper emotions in me. Sometimes he triggered my trauma and i felt judged by him often but as me and him are getting older and are maturing more we stopped attacking each other and started being more honest with how we feel about things. I tell him about my personal struggles and he helps by giving me logical advice. Because of the fact that our aspect was in Capricorn it took us almost 4 years to have proper communication and be able to share our traumas with each other. I trust him alot even though we bicker often and even if he might not like me back hes still such a understanding friend and was there for me when i needed him and that itself is something to appreciate.
💙✨ If one persons Venus doesnt have alot of contact with your planets in your synastry but the other persons Venus has many aspects it may be unrequited. In my instance with the Pluto guy my Venus conjuncted his Moon, Pluto, and Jupiter and trined his Virgo Mars and Saturn while the only aspects his Leo Venus made to my planets was Venus opposition Sun and sextile Vertex. From the guy I really do believe he should have atleast some type of contact with your big six in order for him to feel something.
💙✨ So going back to the Venus and Saturn couple they also had Venus conjunct Lilith in Saggitarius and she was the one who got away. So like i said she was obsessed with him and everybody knew it too. I mean when she found out I also liked him she started hating me even though i never acted on my feelings and tried to supress it. He was the Lilith in this case and you can really see that hes attracted to her but theyre lowkey toxic sometimes. He blew hot and cold to her multiple times and everytime she got a boyfriend he wants her back like what?? She wouldve done anything for him but nah he sold. Theyre never gonna forget about each other and this aspect in my opinion has a very “the one that got away” type feel to it.
💙✨ Even if your planets dont make an aspect you can still feel it sometimes. I have a Gemini Mars and Pluto guy had a Virgo Mars and lemme tell you our arguements were BAD even though they didnt make an aspect. He always knew how to retaliate to whatever i said and always had a slick comment to throw in and my fucked up Gemini Mars self found that interesting which looking back at im hella concerned. I also cant forget that his Mars conjuncted my Saturn and my Mars squared his Saturn so the intensity came from all ends not just the signs.
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Onto Composite!
(Just a Disclaimer all of these observations are made off of me and the Pluto guy)
💙✨ Having a Taurus Sun in composite can mean that both people are stubborn. Im just gonna use my experience to explain this but having Taurus in the position of Sun can be either bad or good. Me and Pluto are young we’re both still in highschool so i know this wont be how we are gonna act forever but our relation to each other was a very slow process. It took YEARS for us to get out of the arguing with each other/ insulting each other phase since the 6th grade but damn sometimes i really feel like he doesnt ever get what im trying to say. We move so SLOW when it comes to our friendship and also communication because our Mercury is Conjunct the Sun in Taurus too. I read on a blog named awda on here that Taurus Sun couples never expect to catch feelings and its so true. To start with I never really liked him when i saw him back in middle school but in 8th grade i caught feelings bad nd since then i havent been able to forget about it. And weirdly alot of people ship us too. Ive read online that this placement means comfort with each other and while yes i have felt it sometimes, i feel that the comfort aspect of Taurus Sun in composite only applies if the chart is filled with trines and sextiles. Our composite is just squares and oppositions everywhere so we feel the stubborness and uncompromising aspect of the Taurus energy more than anything else. Ive done everything I possibly can to try to move on but im honestly stuck with him for a while now. Thats how Taurus Sun feels in my opinion. Its long lasting and not something you can run away from. People will ship you as a couple and yall might be like nooooo i would never but then boom one day you actually catch feelings. And who knows maybe one day he will I mean thats what my our older mutual friend tells me. I have no clue how he ever feels and I know its because of his natal Capricorn Moon but ive always held a soft spot for him deep down. Ive always wanted to look after him and wanted him to put his trust into me but it was never like that i guess. Maybe one day it will progress into something more who knows?
💙✨ Venus square Mars was another aspect that we held in alot of our midpoint charts like the progressed composite, the regular composite, and the davison chart. When i tell you how potent the energy of this aspect was to us even though we had Venus trine Mars in synastry. Ive always asked him why do you like arguing with me? Why do you like bothering me? But hes never really been able to give an answer. And i think thats just how this energy is. You start to find comfort in the disagreements and in a way it kept us stimulated. It was a way for me and him to connect and become friends. Dont get me wrong there were times where we genuinely got on each other nerves but with time we got more mature and learn how to talk things out and respect each others boundries. We still bicker obviously i really feel like thats never gonna go away lmao but its wayyyy more toned down now. Im not even trying to be delusional but i sometimes feel like hes always fixated on me the most in social situations and many people have pointed it out to me. Even if it might not be romantic it can still make the two people infatuated with each other. You know the saying “theres a fine line between love and hate” this is literally that aspect in a nutshell. You just have to figure out how to express your feelings for one another in a healthy way otherwise you can start to find the other person to be annoying and irritating. This aspect had me all over the place man liking someone and hating them at the same time was crazyyy.
💙✨Make sure you check your progressed composite too. Obviously relationships change and i think the progressed version of the chart is more realistic in how things are in the present time. In our regular chart we have Venus in Libra which i was like eh that doesnt really match us that well. But when i saw the progressed chart it showed that we have Venus in Scorpio conjunct Mercury in the 10th degree and it makes muchhhh more sense. The twisted way we talk to each other and the deep conversations feel more fitting to Scorpio than Libra. We recently started to open up to each other more and this progression happened in 2023 compared to in 2019 when we first met Mercury was conjunct the Sun in Taurus. So we went from stubborn arguements to being more comprehensive but snarky nonetheless. Also it explains me not losing feelings too lmao. Im only really speaking from my side ive had no clue how he felt but I know that he was just as clueless as me. In our original composite we had Sun square Mars and Mercury opposition Venus and we were like cats and dogs back then. Now, in 2024 we have Mercury conjunct Venus and Sun sextile moon along with Moon trine Venus and Mercury. The Sun square Mars aspect went away and were on the same wavelength alot more now. Its really interesting to see how it changed you should definitely check it out if you get the chance to.
💙✨Just something that I observed but all the girls he liked they had an aspect of venus trine moon and some type of positive aspect from venus and mars. All of them were weirdly unrequited though and i still dont know how to figure out how people get stuck in the friendzone using composite but i think it depends on the house and peoples natal charts. I dont have their birth time so i couldnt figure the house things out but look to see where the big six fall and what sign the ascendant is in.
I know I dont post on here anymore but I really hope yall enjoyed this!! See yall next time💕
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hotgirlmuseboardxo · 7 months
:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.:⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.:⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
hi <3 we got terminated on hotgirlmuseboard [rip my baby] at like 8k for being too salacious. now i'm being bipolar and sexy over here :)
insta / spotify / pinterest / paypal
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fun factz about me:
aquarius sun + scorpio moon + leo rising
u can dm me if u want to $$ xxx 😇
went to fashion school in vancouver. now i manage a music/pop culture website + read tarot cards & birth charts for the baddies
i'm bipolar and have adhd, i take lithium and vyvanse and they have changed my life!!! i love talking mental health + helping people understand neurodivergent brains
from the middle of nowhere yeehawville canada [sick joke played by god methinks]. still kind of here (for now 🤨...) but at least a city gorl lollll
mother of two perfect kitty bbs
i'm kind of good at everything creative HA. i'm also v spiritual [was baptized catholic but honestly now 2 me god is like... listening to my fav song watching the sunset smoking a blunt crying laughing loving loving loving !!!] also love talking about this :)
will be two years sober from alcohol in march and i luvvvvvvv that 4 me. i still smoke weed every day tho hehe
i have multiple ppl impersonating me on instagram. my only account is @hayleyhynes. if you come across any others pls report them tysm!!!
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frequently used tags:
love language
astra / apollo
mother earth
vision board
me and who
fav looks
ok that's all LOVE YOU !!!
:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.:⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.:⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
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bomber-grl · 6 months
Leo Valdez relationship hc♡
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₊˚⊹Pairing(s): Leo Valdez x Gn!reader (no pronouns/no specific godly parent)
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₊˚⊹Warning(s): Some cringe things so proceed with caution 😭
If you thought he was annoying he gets 100x worse
Like you know that one friend that gets a lil too comfortable around you?
Yea well that’s him except he’s your boyfriend
Now, I kinda sorta imagine diff sides of him as ur bf
So the most obvious way is him acting annoyingly clingy and such
He’s always cuddling up to you, calling you cringe nicknames/pet names, and just being so clingy and affectionate
Not that you hate it
He’s so sweet too, like he knows he’s annoying and stuff but for the most part it’s just to tease or mess with you
And when it comes to the more emotional part of the relationship, he’s there
You can only guess it’s because of how he always tries to hide his true feelings behind jokes and humor
Due to your relationship you two began getting closer and thus conversations of his true feelings and thoughts were revealed along the way.
So it just makes you sad that not enough people realize how sad and miserable he can be sometimes.
The reality of this slaps you in the face when you accidentally stumbled into him bawling his eyes out and very obviously going through something serious, then starts laughing and throwing out jokes at his own expense
Like why??
All you could think of doing was hugging him. Really settled in stone that y’all are 4lifers
Continuing from that, he really does like you
Like all his life he was literally “the other woman” in the sense that no one ever wanted him back.
So once you return his feelings he’s bamboozled
He genuinely takes a step back and tells you to stop joking around.
That’s how bad it was
Well, because of how taken back he was he not only made jokes but eventually realized there was no reason to use them as a cover anymore and just hugged and thanked you.
Yea, thanked you for liking him
Most times you enjoy each-others company in either your cabin, if not in bunker 9
While you’re just chilling in there practicing or doing whatever and him just working on a project he asks what makes him so attractive to you
Of course he drops jokes like “ofc I’m super sexy” or “how could u resist me?”
But when you ultimately tell him what you liked about him and how cute you found him-
He flusters
How easy it is to fluster him is one thing you absolutely love about him
He’s always getting overly cocky and flirting with you like there’s no tomorrow while dropping the most down right horrendous pet names known to man
(Ex: pookie wookie bear, sugar booger, etc)
Most times when Leo would flirt with girls in the past they’d ignore him and basically look down on him. ( which we all know)
Well when your lovely ass comes around he does the same routine
But unlike before, you actually reciprocate this flirting
And he combusts on the spot
*leo exe has stopped working*
Quite literally
He’s so unused to his affections being returned it’s literally whiplash the second it is
Gets to the point where he’s so embarrassed from your constant harassing teasing and flirting that he covers his face and basically whines out, begging for you to stop.
What a simp
(This statement is quite literally acknowledged by everyone else too LMAOO)
aside from that, he’s super hot
Concerningly so, especially during the summer
And it’s the absolute worse
Not only do you have to worry over him potentially over heating and passing out -
But also worry about yourself passing out CUZ THIS MAN DOES NOT KNOW PERSONAL SPACE!!!😭😭😭
He’s always clinging onto you and it could be 100 degrees outside and he truly does not give a flying fuck
It gets to the point where you have to peel him off of you, or at least beg someone else to do so in your place
And then he pouts and acts upset like??
Would he rather you die of over heating??😭
Like sorry we all ain’t fire resistant 🙄
Your personality takes a whole 180 during winter
Sure, they have the weather controller dome at camp but during missions that’s when you cling to him.
He always just lets you because of how touch starved the poor guy is.
(You probably are too if we’re being real here)
In the case that the weather controller isn’t working and it starts snowing then you most definitely sneak him in your cabin or bunker 9-
(I firmly believe he would build beds or sum shit for y’all to hang there and eat snacks)
And y’all would cuddle. You’d be warmly tucked under the sheets away from the harsh winds and hearing nothing else but each others breath.
Going back to physical affection in your relationship- home dude would be stressingggg
He’s be so nervous and his heartbeat would speed up anytime you’d hug and hold his hand.
Again, he gets way clingier and once y’all kiss there ain’t no going back.
He’s stuck to you forever.
If you ever want to cuddle or sleep in the same bed as him for a “sleepover”-ish thing then best believe dudes gonna be the worst sleepover- partner??
Just imagine this-
Leo, you ,both laying side by side under warm sheets on a dark winter night.
No light besides that of the moon and y’all have been pretty intimate and emotional. Just getting to know each-other on another level
Finally you’re falling asleep, your lids are drooping and you breath calms down after Leo shed a few tears.
Then all you hear is-
“Bro imagine if-“
Literal slap to the face
Like you can’t tell me he doesn’t say the most random shit and stops yall from actually sleeping. Literally has y’all giggling and shit all night.
If you’re in your cabin and you have siblings- they literally tell you to shut the fuck up and be grateful they let ur lil boyfriend sleep there without snitching.
Like goddamn
Never have y’all once slept in Leo’s cabin because how how fucking weird his siblings are-
Anyway 🙃
Bro is always showing you off
He has you on his arm and always saying shit about how he pulled a baddie
Like, sir, you’re the baddie
Best believe home dude spoils you
Like sure, sometimes he’s a lil broke but he’s always making and buying you little things
Which is honestly so sweet 😭😭
Especially when you react by cuddling him and just peppering his face in kisses
He’s glad to have you as his significant other
I mean in his own words
“All da ladies love Leo”
(Ofc replaced w a Gn term cuz I’m sure everyone loves Leo lmao)
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sulfies · 17 days
Mermay Fic pt1
Ezio always felt bad about the small number of humble gondoliers he sent into the canale for a swim, he really did. He did try to apologize the first couple of times but honestly, he just did not have the time for it anymore. He usually did just toss them coins if anybody did walk up to him all angry the next day at the square.
And it truly was not that big of a deal, It's just water… 
“Oh did you hear-”
Ezio picked up his freshly repaired boots from the apprentice of the cobbler when trained ears picked up on the two ladies gossiping about the latest in Venice.
“No wait he did not! The assassin?!”
Who? Did what? What did he get up to this time? Ezio nodded at the shop as he slowly walked closer getting into the earshot more to get the full story on his new supposed doings…
“Yes Yes! Elena saw it too! He was docked as he always is around those times, you know that man likes a schedule” The other woman nodded agreeing and Ezio held a sigh.
Stalling aren't we… get to the juicy bits woman. His foot tapped on the stone ground
“and suddenly the brute jumps down on him and throws him into the canale, doesn't even yell sorry or look back, just takes off with the gondola!”
The other woman did an offended gasp as Ezio finally also clocked what they were talking about
“And I normally like the assassin guy too! So I was shocked ofcourse, everyone was-”
He tilted his head remembering yesterday's run-ins, Yes maybe he did throw another one into the Canales torrents as he was on a chase but what was the big deal this time, if he got legs he can swim, it's not like the gondolier was-
“I mean what kind of a sane man throws a paralyzed man into the water and steals his boat!”
The gondolier was Paralyzed...
Nothing is True everything is allowed so might as well toss a disabled towner into the water Ezio!
“Well was he all right? Is he injured?” 
Yes was he? Ezio wanted to rush out to the woman and shake her asking if his victim was okay, what was his address and would he accept a sorry in payments.
“Thankfully no, but he refused to let us help him out…” The woman's tone took a curious tune. “It was weird but he was probably embarrassed and didn't want people to see… you know…” The hand gesture around the legs told what she meant and it only drew another stake at Ezios heart so Ezio took it as his cue to leave and look for the man.
Well… He fucked around too much and now has to beg this old dude for forgiveness…. 
He looked at the new boots in his hand… can't even give him these, great fuckup Ezio. Leo will laugh his ass off about this.
It took him two days to track the man down, turns out when half the city is traversable via water everyone tries being a gondolier at least once, but this one has made a name for himself, which did not help Ezios conscience because all everyone said was;
“Oh, that man? yes, you can find him around here when the sun is up midday, very sweet and strange that one, always jokes with the others, nice to talk to.”
”Oh you mean him? Such a nice fella always chats to me about my day…”
”Paralyzed Gondolier…. ah you mean the nice one that hangs around here all day?”
So needless to say Ezio was sweating a bit but he was here to make things right!
His purse was heavier than usual today with an apology gift added into it, he walked the middle district scanning over any water he could see as he passed the bridges, he came to an opening of a small courtyard where people were sitting under the tree on benches and some street kids were playing around. It was one of those areas that had access to the water via stairs and docks. It was one of the busier yards since it had few shops around it too.
Ezio realized this was, in fact, the route he took 3 days ago, hopefully finding him will be easy, there can't be that many disabled gondola rowers. His eyes moved over the body of water,  there were 5 gondoliers docked near just hanging about, 2 of them sitting on a dock near their boats. He tried to look for an old weak man but the one he did notice did not show up on his eagle vision at all. 
When the same man also got up to stretch Ezio erased him off of possible victims.
Then he caught a flicker of gold light and his eyes zeroed into a golden bright figure on the left,
He blinked turning the vision on and off a couple of times...
”Ah cazzo, just my luck”
He didn't almost drown an old man who couldn't walk, he almost drowned one of the most handsome gondoliers in Venice.
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Around late 2018 a book called ROTTMNT: Ninja Power was released & it was basically a handful of Rise episodes in book form
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The book had four episodes each told from the perspective of different characters: ‘Mystic Mayhem’ was told from April’s point of view, ‘Donnie’s Gifts’ was told from Leo’s, ‘Repo Mantis’ was told from Mikey’s & the episode ‘The Fast and the Furriest’ was told from Raph’s.
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Even though each episode was told from a different character’s perspective the narration was basically an overview of what happened in each episode though there are still a couple of fun little extra character moments & bits or pieces of info sprinkled in with the different narrators.
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According to April’s narration, April met the Turtle’s five years before the series started meaning that April met the Turtles when she was 11 (meaning Raph would have been 10, Donnie & Leo would have been 9 & Mikey would have been 8). This lines up with various tweets from Russ Carney who also said that April met the Turtles when she was around 11.  
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April also mentions that there’s a basketball court on the roof of her apartment building, we’ve seen the Turtles play basketball at night before in the episode ‘Air Turtle’ but apparently they’ve been playing basketball together since they were kids. They’ve also been going out into the surface since they were at least around the ages of 10, 9 & 8.
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April apparently finds Leo really funny & she also apparently laughs at his jokes all the time which fits with how throughout the show we’ve seen that Leo & April actually have a similar sense of humour
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Leo: Looks like these fish are, wait for it you’re gonna love this, all washed up!
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April: Sorry Kendra looks like your computers, wait for it, wait for it, crashed!
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In the book April hears Draxum note that the Oozesquitoes have enough ooze/ mutagen in them to each mutate at least two different people.
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The weapon that April uses in the first episode is called a shillelagh.
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Leo: And who doesn’t love my one liners? They fire up the team! Right, guys?
Mikey & Raph: ...
Leo: Anyway!
When Raph & Mikey don’t respond when Leo asks about his jokes, he pretends that they didn’t hear him.
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According to Mikey Repo’s junkyard/ the junkyard that he & Donnie go to in the episode Repo Mantis is apparently located in Queens
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Mikey: The Jupiter Jim Moon Buggy!
Donnie: Featured in not one! Not two! But sixty sequels of Jupiter Jim’s Last Trip to the Moon! 
The Jupiter Jim Moon Buggy apparently has its own song & Donnie & Mikey were singing it on the way to Repo’s junkyard after they managed to get the RV from Todd.
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rallentando1011 · 4 months
Hello! I hope your doing okay❤️❤️
I’d like to request a Reader with a accent ( I’m native and I kinda realized how differently I sound compared to other people). How would the Rottmnt boys react? Like maybe sometimes they don’t know what the reader is saying??? Or have a hard time understanding?? Or maybe the reader says things differently? It’s fine if you don’t wanna do it, just thought I’d request. Thank you and have a nice day!! ❤️❤️❤️👽
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ROTTMNT Boys W/ a Reader With an Accent
Thank you very much for this super sweet request! I may have projected on some parts of this, but don’t we all? Anyway, hope you’re having a great day, take care of yourselves, and enjoy!
(Also, I promise I am working through my requests and appreciate every one! Request guidelines are HERE)
Word Count: 855
Donnie loves ranting to you and listening to you in return, no matter what topic you guys talk about
Sometimes as you’re speaking you’ll use a word or phrase and see him have a genuine physical reaction to it
Head askew, eyebrow lifted, lips pressed together
When he feels confused, his expression says it more quickly than his words
Any time you mispronounce a word, he genuinely needs to butt in and correct you
Call it semantics or pedantics or whatever you want, he can not and will not let it go
If you’re fumbling over words or can’t think of the specific one you want to say, he’ll try to help by throwing out suggestions
Most of the time, he’s right on the money, almost impossibly so
You’ve jokingly accused him of using his tech to read your mind, but he hasn’t… probably
He’s just an intuitive fellow who loves his context clues
Hand gestures while you’re talking help him figure out what you mean
You two could go back and forth in a conversation of mostly hand gesticulations
He keeps a list of any regional or culturally specific words you use, partially so he has them for future reference, partially because he finds them endearing
If you ever find it, though, he will insist that it is strictly for the former
Nope, no sentimental value to it at all
Mikey is a highly empathetic person, so whenever he doesn’t know what you’re saying or you don’t know what you’re trying to say, he’s understanding about it
He sits patiently and calmly as you work through your words
Likewise, he waits until after you finish speaking your sentiments to ask for clarification
Now, Mikey may be a compassionate little guy, but he can also be a menace (still to be determined if he is intentionally or incidentally that way)
Instead of specifying what he doesn’t get, he endlessly repeats
“Huh?... Huh?”
He does this until you physically shake him back to reality
In general, he is extravagantly generous with his compliments
Whether it be about appearance or personality traits, he absolutely loves showering people in praise
The same goes for you and your voice
Even when your accent occasionally confuses your conversation, he still loves your pronunciation of the words
And you can trust that he’s vocal about it
He might ask you to repeat a word just so he can hear you say it again
He just loves y̶o̶u̶ your voice that much
Leo is a giggler
No matter the situation, serious or silly, he’s always quick to crack a joke or pun or just laugh
When Leo doesn’t understand something you said, you’ll know
You can always tell by the purely mischievous grin that commandeers his features
You’ll be talking normally when all of a sudden you have to pause because that man will not stop smirking
When you ask him what the issue is, he slowly repeats whatever you mispronounced, hints of lighthearted condescension hiding in his tone
Somehow he asks you to repeat yourself in the most puzzling ways possible
“Run that back real quick?”
“Run what back?”
Leo may lightly tease you for saying something wrong, but he usually knows how far he can push and still be lighthearted
Although, if he ever oversteps with his teasing, he will apologize profusely, insisting that he finds it sweet
If you ever feel insecure about your accent or the unorthodox words you use, he picks up on it, immediately drops his teasing, and talks with you about how awesome you and your characteristics are
Even though he chuckles at any odd words you say, it’s never out of malice
He just finds it endearing
Out of all of the brothers, Raph has the most experience interacting with people who come from all kinds of backgrounds with all kinds of voices
He’s always the one to go on patrols
Or talk with business owners when him and his brothers are at a restaurant
Or sneak into Times Square disguised in a hippopotamus costume to buy his father a robe
Either way, he’s been exposed to a multitude of accents
He even has one himself
With all that being said, it is abundantly clear that he is highly understanding of your odd pronunciations, even when he can’t understand you
He always waits until you finish your sentence or thought before incredibly bashfully correcting your pronunciation or asking for you to repeat yourself
Just to repeat it for emphasis, he is extremely shy while doing this
Shuffling his feet, clearing his throat, twiddling his thumbs
He just doesn’t want to frustrate you
However, he knows that he would want to be corrected if he made an error, so he finds it only decent to extend that same liberty to you
Raph occasionally giggles when your accent muddles your meaning
He doesn’t mean to, and does try to conceal his laughter, but sometimes he can’t help himself
It’s adorable- er, he means hilarious
He always specifies afterward that he was laughing at the situation, never at you and your wonderful traits
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #11
• No because Scorpio suns with Capricorn moons are hilarious, very knowledgeable and very honest people!🤝
• Sagittarius suns with Pisces moons and Scorpio mercury/Sag venus are hilarious people! Always trying to make their peers laugh by telling funny jokes, hilariously imitating people or trying to tickle somebody and they come up with the funniest ideas! Also very sweet, emotionally intuitive and tend to be spoiled!!
• They can also be selfish and petty when underdeveloped and they were the “My way or the high way.” type kids.
• Pisces suns with Sagittarius risings are just so sexy?😩 Like not just personality wise but physically! And their facial bone structure? The noticeable high cheekbones with the slightly hollowed cheeks and very gorgeous smiles?? Yea that’s hot asf!!!🥵
• Libra suns with Capricorn moons and Taurus mars are such foodies, who cook so well and can eat a lot but don’t gain weight easily! Also very playful but are no bullshit type people as they grow older. And what’s with the silence treatment thing?😭
• Aries placements are hot, ambitious and have an innocent glow to them when they lighten up about the things they’re very passionate about!!❤️‍🔥
• Taurus risings are so freaking beautiful!!🥺 Literally mesmerizing without trying. ✋🏽
• Leo suns with Aquarius moons and Virgo risings are so playful and very down to earth yet also give crackhead vibes!!😂💞
• Water risings look so much like their mothers!! Especially Cancer and Scorpio! I’ve notice their rising tends to be their mother’s sun sign or in their mother’s big 6! E.g. Prince was a Scorpio rising and his mother was a Scorpio sun and he looks just like her!! And those babydoll/Bambi eyes they tend to have are such a weakness!😩💜
• Sun-Pluto people especially the ones with harsh aspects, are you still having an internal never ending conflict between emotions and ego? Do people always ask you why you look mad/sad yet you’re not? Have you learned to express your emotions outwardly more better?🤠
• Gemini suns with Virgo moons and Cancer mercuries are so friendly and analytical! Literally the types to check up on you often and tell you about their days and the situations they’re in. Also if they think that you think they’re mad at you they’ll literally explain how they weren’t mad at you. Like everything they say is broken down or simplified because they think others might not understand and that’s honestly a very thoughtful thing to do!💜
• They also tend to come up with sweet nicknames for those closest to them!😩💖
• The down side however is they’re prone to depression and being pessimistic but they’re so sweet and caring! My heart goes out to these people<3
• People with the same sun and mercury as you might irk you especially if they have other placements that are opposite or very different from yours!
• Taurus sun Libra moon kids are so shy and tend to go along with everything you suggest!!☺️
• If you’re the eldest sibling and you have an Air moon then your mom is most likely an Earth moon. And if you’re the eldest sibling and you’re an Earth moon then she’s likely an Air moon!
• Air moon eldest sibling-Earth moon middle sibling bonds be the best. 🥳
• Fire mercuries/Water venuses people tend to get along well with Water mercuries/Fire venuses people.😋
• Aquarius risings are soo artistic and equally artistically gifted!!🤍
• Leo sun Leo mercury Aqua risings and Pisces sun Aries mercury Gemini risings duos will be that chatty bold duo who are always laughing at mean comments they make about people they don’t like and random people too! Like “What the fuck are you looking at ugly ass bitch, you should be plucking that long unibrow instead of looking at me. Why is she staring at us? Take a picture it lasts longer.” Is something the Leo sun Leo mercury Aqua rising would sassily joke to the Pisces sun Aries mercury Gemini rising person about, about somebody who randomly glanced at them for more than 5 seconds lmfaooo.😭😂
• Fire suns with a Water venus and a Water/Earth mars are so cute and possessive!!😩
• Also, Air suns don’t tend to get along with their dads that much and might not have them in their lives or their dads might just be immature?
• Gemini risings got some sexy legs!😝
• Aries sun/Mars dominant women are so fierce and sexy!❤️‍🔥
• Sagittarius suns with Earth/Water placements tend to be so caring and are literally cool asf!!!
• Scorpio suns with Aries moons might get cursed at or threatened by their moms on the daily and occasionally can get into fights with her.
• Leo risings are so bold and fun!! You guys are literally inspiring!🤎
• Pisces risings have a childlike lightheartedness to them and it’s literally the cutest thing ever!💞 They also tend to grin/smile in embarrassment when being put on the spot.
• Aquarius suns with Taurus moons and Capricorn risings are so graceful, kind and nurturing!✨
• Capricorn risings are literally the embodiment of classy & humble elegance.🤎
• Underdeveloped Gemini suns with Cancer risings and 12H mercuries can just project on others for not acting mature enough? Specifically if the other person has Air in their big 3 too. And they like to appear well organized/mature when they themselves aren’t. Especially if they have a fire moon.
• Leo suns with Scorpio moons and Leo mercuries tend to have loud mothers!! And very bold and hilarious fathers!!!
• One thing Taurus moons will make sure of is that their homes are not only cosy but everything is right where it’s supposed to be! Almost aesthetic like vibes! They’re the people who still have the plastic cover on their expensive leather sofas for over 10 years.
• When they buy things to decorate their homes they choose only the finest. Even if it’s second hand, if it looks good they’re buying it. Very much quality over quantity type people!
• Virgo moon moms will take one good look at you then just start criticizing everything about you then when you tell them to stop they’ll say “I wasn’t criticizing you.” Then what were you doing ma’am?💀
• Cancer sun Scorpio moon moms literally do EVERYTHING around their household even the unnecessary stuff. They’re always doing SOMETHING. Very much 1950s housewife vibes.
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thesmpisonfire · 10 months
Okay so, I wanna talk about my sonboy Richas, my guy Felps, their relationship, and everything about yesterday as well
So, lets go :D
First thing, Felps actually really don't like taking care of Richas when he's without his armor
Felps has the terrible memory of being the one (together with Cellbit) to watch Richas first death. The three were at a cave and Felps and Cellbit were taken down first and had to watch Richas getting swarmed and die far from their grasp
The death was reverted, but still, when Felps logged in next time, Richas had JUST died to the bull again, so he already had 1 life. It was the very same day, just a couple hours after. Felps always reinforced about the armor, to the point he didn't let Richas take it off even when safe at Foolishs place when he could see Leo didn't wear it
Felps fucking loves that kid, he's just the quieter dad. He won't scream that much, when he panics, he shuts down and focus on the problem. He's the best dad to talk about feelings and often is the one who talks Richas out of his spiraling self deprecating thoughts, while other dads don't have the same touch
Felps has the patience to talk with Richas and hear Richas points. He always is the one talking him into a shower even if it takes a whole trip beforehand so Richas can have fun before it. He sings a lil song to get him through a shower. Ever since he came back from the lab, he trusts Richas a lot with his own strength, he knows Richas can defend himself even better than Felps can defend himself
It means a lot that Felps is the only dad Richas will listen to more easily, even if sometimes it takes a lot of talk and bargain to do so. Richas is a difficult kid, he channels all his sadness and pain into being silly and overly courageous, which means he will be a disobedient kid, he will put himself in danger, he won't listen to his dads if he can make a joke about it and it has been getting worse lately
Richas is Not doing okay, he's constantly scared of losing the ones he love, he feels easily replaceable which makes him panic and act out in 'jealousy'. He has said before he fears his siblings don't really like him and it's why he always wants to have family around, he knows he's a problem and has even apologized to Bad about it once. He thinks he can't express his love through words when he has written so many beautiful things, he paints bc its how he thinks he can better translate his care
Yesterday, after Bad took him and Felps to the graveyard and out of it, Richas went back with Felps and put some flowers around their graves. A small talk started when Felps wondered if the dead eggs were looking down at them, but also couldn't really believe it because they'd be too far up there to actually see anything. Richas then said how people used to tell him Bobby was up in between the stars, but they stopped telling him that 'story'. Then, this talk happened
"Do you think they'd [Dead eggs Richas never met] like me?"
"Ofc they would! Everyone loves you! They'd love you, Richas"
"If I had died today, would I meet them?"
Felps goes quiet for a couple seconds here, then goes back to talking
"Maybe, maybe not. We can never be sure, Richas. What if you died and it's just nothing after, huh? It's a big bet. You can't keep thinking like that and then go throw yourself in front of a zombie horse to find out if they're at the other side"
"Yeah, I wouldn't be able to annoy all the dads, it wouldn't be worth it... I'd miss you all so much" (He used the word saudade)
"Awwn... But you would be dead, Richas. We would be the ones missing you, we would be the ones staying behind"
And to me this is a very telling moment. Because Richas didn't realize people would miss him as well, he just thought about how he'd miss being with the others. He also says how he'd be in hell, missing his family but also laughing at tragedy. When Felps asks why hell, Richas goes "You really think I'd end up in heaven? With the way I am?"
Felps spends the rest of the stream hyping Richas up, telling him how much he's loved and how much everyone cares for him. Felps manages to get through Richas after a while, and they have a nice moment together. Richas already arrived to the square without armor, after having recently argued with Forever about it, and Felps didn't mind bc that area was all lightened up so less mobs were spawning, plus the aforementioned trusts he has on Richas
No one expected the horse because it came from outside the square, right out the border, and literally fell on top of them. Felps was quick to go after it, and Richas was caught out of surprise and got height damage as well, eating through 2 totems (and also having to switch out the other ones from his hand due to the rule)
Felps was smart about the horse, he always hit up high so there wouldn't be any risk of a misclick, he hit crit after crit pushing the horse away so he could better kill it without risking Richas, and he did it! I understand BBHs scare but everything was already solved and Richas was halfway being revived already
If anything, the trip to the cemetery scared Felps more than it did Richas. Richas is well used to the threat of death, he plays with it by jumping into mines and purposefully walking without armor around Forever. But Felps isn't. He wants his kid safe, he wants him alive. Felps was willing to never come back if it meant Richas could have an extra life, he would die over and over for that kid
After everything, he talked with Richas, and the kid didn't rlly need to be convinced to wear his armor now that he knew how the square can be tricky. Felps didn't need to yell, or compare Richas to anyone, or play lil games. Just a talk, and Felps' trust that Richa would now do his part, and he did!
Each mob they encountered next, Richas and Felps stayed side by side. Felps let Richas kill them first bc he knows Richas likes it, but always helping and telling him how he was doing it well. When they were rowing around later in the boat, music playing, Felps went on about how it was all that mattered
Richas was alive, Felps was alive, they got a scare but they were okay now. And it was all worth it for these calm, happy moments. These were the ones that should be remembered, the ones that made it all worth it
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i would just like to thank you for your service of providing us with pjo/hoo fics daily. i’m pretty sure i’ve read every single jason fic (he’s so underrated and no one really writes for him) put there and im so happy to be able to read new ones. i also love reading your percy and leo fics. percy and leo were my first loves but jason has my heart now that im older.
would you consider doing something with jason x hades reader. where reader feels ostracized at both camps and with her family bc she just has creepy vibes seems mean but she’s really just shy and insecure because people treat her badly and leave her out of everything (including her siblings) and he notices and tries to get closer to her to make her feel more welcome. and ends up getting the hots for her.
also would you consider ever doing a jason or percy smut down the road? i loved the leo smut you just posted. i don’t have any prompts.
thank you in advance!! have a great day :)
⋆⭒˚.⋆ jason grace x daughter of hades! reader hcs
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content: jason grace x daughter of hades! reader hcs warning: language author's note: i used the word 'stupid' so many times im not even sure if im spelling it correctly anymore- THIS ONE WAS FUN BLOW THIS ONE UP YALL I BEG also, id be willing to do some small smut in the future but i think the ideas have to be my own bc i get a little uncomfy when its requested, ya know??? but idk, that's subject to change
you tried to connect with people, truly you did
you were funny and kind and confident and had the natural ability of just the right amount of sass at all times
but, simply because you were a daughter of hades, people tended to steer clear
even in camp jupiter, which you snuck into with nico to see your sister, hazel
and your siblings tried their best, but they each had their own friends and boyfriends
so, you refused to let them see they got to you
you developed thick skin, beginning to push people away before they could do it to you
until the stupid son of jupiter showed up, just wrecking through all your walls
you had been training by yourself, no one interested in a fight with the daughter of hades, when he popped into the arena, that stupidly bright smile on his stupidly perfect lips
"hey! y/n, right?"
"yup," you replied, dryly and halfheartedly swinging at the dummy
"cool...wanna spar?" he offered, his stupid smile somehow getting brighter
"pass, sparky," you huffed, instantly putting the sword away and going to leave the arena but he caught your arm, causing you to look up at his stupidly handsome face while he looked down at you
"okay, do you want go visit the naiads then?"
"no?" you replied, with a raised brow and frown
"hmmm. okay, how about the strawberry field?"
"...did nico put you up to this?" you asked, dryly
you'd yet to tug your arm free, you realized
you also didn't want to, which was the second thing you realized
"nope. free will is a beautiful thing, huh?" jason joked, his scar twitching with his smile.
"hazel?" you offered and jason laughed, shaking his head
he readjusted his hold on your arm so that now, your guys arms were linked together and he started walking (really, dragging you)
"still no. is it that hard to believe that i just want to hang out with you?" he questioned, his smile slipping slightly as you darted your eyes away
"yes," you bit out, ripping your arm loose before stomping away from the stupid, stupid, son of jupiter
you figured that would be the end of his endeavors
that you finally scared him off like everyone else
but no
he was insistent and persistent
...but he was growing on you
like mold, is what you told yourself to make it feel better
where ever you went, he seemed to follow like a bright shadow
though, there was one place you got some small reprieve from the stupidly smiley boy
(though, as time went on, you started wanting him around too)
your father's place, which you visited whenever nico did
and, ever the intuitive one, he could tell something was off with you
while nico doted on and climbed your step-mother's pomegranate trees, you were half-heartedly sipping at your pomegranate lemonade, curled up in some iron garden chair
"is something wrong, principessa?" hades asked, "you've barely drank any and i know it's your favorite."
"wh-what?? no, no, i'm- i'm okay, dad. no, no, i'm great, yeah," you sputtered out, rapidly taking a large drink to prove a point
"she has a crush!" nico called as he hung from the pomegranate tree, smirking upside down at the girl
you jumped up, grabbing a nearby skull and hurling it at the boy, which send him slamming into the ground with calls of indignation
"that's nothing to be ashamed of, my dear daughter! do tell, you know i love to know everything," your father laughed, leaning forwards and resting his head against his hands in intrigue
"you're not gonna like it," you murmured, shrinking in on yourself
"as long as it's not zeus' blasted blonde boy, i'm sure-..." hades halted as saw the way you shrunk in even more at his words before sighing
"great. more blondes," he huffed and nico and you shared a look, before erupting into laughter
with your father's (sort of) permission, you came back to camp with a new determination
jason found you easily, jumping up from his seat and rapidly approaching you, asking about your visit with your father
"dandy as always," you mused with a soft smile, causing jason to beam down at you
"you're in a good mood," he pointed out, gently
"well, you've got that effect on me, i guess," you flirted, looking up at him through your lashes and tilting your head slightly
jason flushed, instantly, coughing slightly
"wh-what? y/n-"
"let's go to the woods, jase. c'mon," you quickly redirected, grabbing his wrist and dragging him towards the forest
you were giving jason whiplash and he couldn't find it in him to want you to stop
you dragged him behind you, slowing to a stop as you glanced around, ensuring no peeping toms before turning back to jason, who was looking only at you
something he did often whenever you were around, like his eyes were unable to pull from you
"you've ruined my life, you know," you started, shoving a finger into his chest.
jason laughed, tilting his head at you in question as he could tell you were joking from the twitch of your face
"deepest apologies," jason replied, "how, exactly, have i ruined your life?"
"by being so stupidly you, jason grace. your stupid smile, your stupid jokes, your stupidly handsome face, your stupid lips-"
before you could get another word out, the boy was kissing you
and you were kissing him
and it was stupid, all the time you wasted not kissing his stupid lips with your stupid lips
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