#Komaeda is just some guy
teamfortresstwo · 2 years
sexymen range from genuinely hot just some guy and actively repulsive
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ultfan · 16 days
sigh. was watching a let’s player go through komaeda’s FTEs and they said he was using his diagnosis as an excuse for his actions. “oh, i’m dying and insane so everything i do is justified” like — agH stfu!!! i’ll never claim komaeda’s actions to be good, and yeah i joke about his “insane”ness a lot, but at the end of the day you genuinely can’t hold him accountable. he is not in control of his facilities — FTD specifically targets your personality/behaviors — he is not in a right state of mind and is completely unaware he is in the wrong. he CANNOT COMPREHEND that. he’s just genuinely unable to!!! i’ll never claim he isn’t a bad person, or that he isn’t an antagonist, but at the end of the day he is someone who needs not help necessarily, but to be taken care of/looked after. he doesn’t belong in a prison, he belongs in a mental facility. where he can have trained professionals who can keep watch over him and actually work with him and keep him in check. — in any canon related verse he’ll never actually get that, esp given the state of the world, but it’s true that’s what he needs more than anything else.
and people really do tend to overlook just how much bvFTD truly fits komaeda as a diagnosis. especially in ways that aren’t touched upon by the vaaaaast majority of people. a while back i read a research paper about hyper-religiousity in patients with FTD; which could very easily be applied to the way he views hope. first clinging to it as a coping mechanism and that being exaggerated through the deterioration to become a blind faith that he is obsessed over which leads every action he takes.
anyway i just think it’s ridiculous to call a disease like FTD an “excuse.” there are people who use their mental illness as excuses for their actions to justify themselves, yes. but this isn’t a mental illness — it’s a degenerative brain disease. it’s an entirely different category. this isn’t a case of an illness making it difficult to control his actions and act reasonably, it’s a case of a disease making it IMPOSSIBLE to control his actions and act reasonably. it just really upsets me to see people brush that off because that is one of the main things that makes komaeda actually sympathetic.
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nitroish · 8 months
i made purple guy last night in baldurs gate three
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thatstroubling · 1 year
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went back and revised my favorite characters but this time I'm throwing numerical ratings out of the window
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 9 months
Vriska, angry as hell: TELL THAT 8ITCH KOMAEDA HE OWES ME!!!!!!!!
Trollmaeda: Vrisk4, You're going to h4ve to be more specific. there's a ton of maedas here!!!!
Vriska, angrily pointing to marriedmaeda (the one who married sans after sexyrematch): THAT FUCKER!!!!!!!! RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!
oh yeah btw the reason why trollmaeda talks like that is because the number 4 to him is the number 8 to vriska since 4 is both good and bad
There’s so much to unpack here. Like first I didn’t know that’s why Vriska threw in 8s I just thought she was emulating txt talk ykno but its kinda cool that nagito komaedified it to fit himself with the 4. But also what did MarriedMaeda do? What was his sin? Did he steal Tavros’ ring too? Imagine your boyfriend losing your engagement ring twice and the second time it gets used for someone else’s marriage. Savage.
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nessiesnebula · 1 year
something very odd about me is that i played danganronpa in late 2019 and i had such a terrible reaction to nagito komaeda. there were times where i cried once he appeared on screen, would scream if i saw him in the distance, having to pause the game upon his arrival. i don’t know why i had such a visceral reaction to him, but as soon as he said his name and ultimate i knew i wasn’t gonna like him. perhaps it was the demons etc
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donaviolet · 11 months
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I love Royale High cosplays
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celamoon · 1 year
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
Plot twist
Kokichi was an oven baby made by hopes peak
They wanted to see what kind of talent the artificial ultimate hope would instill in their offspring.
That's why not even Kamakura knew who kokichi's other parent is.
Tengan was the last member of the Kamakura project so, when he died, all knowledge of kokichi's other parent was lost with him
It's also why Shu was ultimately made
Because tengan knew the remnants had a child of an ultimate hope
He decided FF needed one aswell
Very funny! I kinda like non-oven baby Kokichi a bit more in this au tho. I just find the thought of Only Kamukura knowing who Kokichi Mom is to be really funny, and it gives greater reason for the FF to want to get their hands on Kokichi (They want to see just what he inherited from his dad y'know) Also Kamukura going on an unannounced maternity leave in the middle of the tragedy is really funny to me.
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momomaizono · 2 years
I can’t look at those Evangelion mfs without thinking of Komahina. It’s the hair. It’s the freaking hair
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one-way-dream · 2 years
Paradise By The Creek - Ch. 1
Rating: General
Words: 4950+
Media: Danganronpa, Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Pairing: Hajime Hinata/Nagito Komaeda
Tags: Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Alternate Universe - No Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), Post-Hope's Peak Academy (Dangan Ronpa), Fluff, Light Angst, Domestic Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, Developing Relationship, Single Parent Hinata Hajime, Babysitting, nagito and rumiko are friends due to mysterious forces bonding them together (autism), Slow-ish Burn, Time Skips (Full tags listed on AO3)
Warnings: None
Chapter: 1/?
Link to the original work
AO3 Summary/Excerpt:
Nagito Komaeda finds that adjusting to a new city might be difficult, but not quite impossible.
When he runs into a lost young girl at a local park and helps her find her way back, making a new but unlikely friend comes surprisingly easily to him – and it makes it even easier to have a lucky encounter with an old one.
On the other end, Hajime Hinata is a single father committing himself to the balancing act of keeping himself in one piece for the sake of his daughter; but with a long-lost friend turning up to offer a helping hand, he thinks that maybe things won’t end up so bad after all.
Next Chapter
For Nagito, Sundays were always a day for relaxation and catching up on the week.
Unwinding and ‘taking things easy’ didn’t come as naturally to him as other people, but over the years he’d learned the hard way that it may as well be considered a survival skill. Especially when, despite his mostly stable and improved health, he was unfortunately prone to fainting from stress. Stress that came very easily nowadays, ever since he was forced to relocate on short notice due to his job.
Still, he’d worked out something of a routine along the lines of waking up, taking longer showers, treating himself to a heartier breakfast, and reading more often – everything else in the day could be improvised based on his needs, but he’d promised himself to fit in at least one long walk a day.
And so that led him to a strangely nice park smack in the middle of Central Osaka.
Under the recommendations of local shopkeepers, particularly the nice old lady that sold lunch to him earlier that day, he was told to try roaming around the plot of land across the street; that it’d help him get acquainted with locals and let him get a feel for the city itself. It wasn’t quite far away from his new home, but if he hadn’t taken the train and then walked to this part of the city, he never would’ve discovered it.
Well-kept. Colourful. Beautiful.
The park wasn’t barren of people by any means, but the crowd was pleasantly light considering that it was a weekend – only a handful of elementary school children chasing each other around the playground, and both young and old couples slowly walking hand in hand, admiring the flowerbeds full of late spring bloomers. A sweet aroma wafts in the afternoon air, only punctuated by the occasional whiff of savoury street food from the bright yellow okonomiyaki truck parked nearby.
Nagito wasn’t familiar with any of the people in this district besides a few shopkeepers, only having fallen into this new routine a few weeks ago – and having moved to the city in even lesser time. That unfamiliarity gnawed at him, and while the feeling of being the odd one out wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for him, he’d always preferred to be an observer; to know about every detail he could pick up about the world around him. His luck somehow wasn’t all that fearful or life-destroying anymore, but he still couldn’t help but strive to be ahead of the curve – whether it was force of habit or precautionary, he couldn’t really tell. 
But the circumstances were such that he just had to adjust. Moving and settling in a new city in less than three days had him running through a whirlwind of headache inducing events and last-minute adjustments – still, he couldn’t say that he wasn’t at least a little bit pleased with how well he’s managed to organize everything. Now all that was really left was to familiarize himself, and lapse into a new normal like breaking in new shoes.
He takes in the city of Osaka with open arms and a hopeful attitude. It’s positively brimming with not only talented people, but average but earnest ones as well. And despite how stubbornly he clung to his ideals as a teenager, he finds that there’s nothing less than a newfound respect for even a typical salaryman.
Nagito breathes deeply and takes in the scent of freshly cut grass, letting his eyes settle on the horizon line right along the treetops at the bottom of the hill. He smiles to himself, musing about how and when his entire outlook changed on even the most ordinary people.
He smiles to himself, even though he knows exactly who changed it.
The thought fizzled out faster than he would’ve liked, but it’s not like he should expect anything different. Ever since graduating Hope’s Peak Academy, Nagito hadn’t quite kept in touch with any of his classmates besides exchanging email addresses with Chiaki; although not even that worked out for him considering that, in a fit of bad luck, he’d permanently locked himself out of his email account forever. Somehow. And although he was rather good at hiding it, disappointment reared its ugly head every now and then whenever he remembered that the few others he’d wanted to stay in contact with never did.
But it didn’t matter anymore, did it? Dwelling on the past never helped matters to begin with.
Even so, he would somehow occasionally run into familiar-looking faces from the Reserve Course that he’d never actually met – but getting lucky enough to see his Main Course classmates, in person at least, had never been an easy feat. Although, it wasn’t like he was clueless as to how they were doing, considering that their faces were plastered over television screens, tabloids, bus windows, and even the giant screens in Shibuya whenever he’d stop in Tokyo for work. He wouldn’t be surprised if they’d made their names known overseas as well.
It made sense that they were busy cultivating their talents. He could only feel grateful that his own talent, or rather his curse, had dwindled down over the years.
Yet… he could never quite shake the spine-tingling feeling that his bad luck had given him one last hard shove.
Nagito shakes the thought out of his head, and instead tucks his hands into his white cardigan. His legs carry him back onto the winding path that led down to the creek. Even from a distance, he could see the gentle flowing stream, passing under the many stone bridges that connected one side of the park to the forest hiking trail. Sunlight bounced off the surface of the water shimmering like glitter, and Nagito couldn’t deny that it only added to the splendor of this place.
His eyes met with an elderly man walking parallel to him, carefully trudging back up the hill with a steady grip on his cane. Almost instantly, the stranger flashes a pleasant smile at him; sweet and full of mirth, even though he was surely out of breath. Nagito smiled right back, hoping to convey even a fraction of that joy, carrying that feeling with him all the way to the bottom of the hill where the creek water lapped at bare and weathered maple tree roots.  
The air smelled a bit different closer to the water, making Nagito scrunch up his nose subconsciously. It wasn’t all too different from his hometown, but it was easy enough to catch the difference – especially now that he was away from the fragrance of the flowerbeds at the top of the hill. He pauses by one of the trees right by the bank and closes his eyes, letting the sounds of the rushing water surround him.
Between the sounds of the rushing water and the songbirds, he heard… sniffling?
Nagito’s eyes shot open, worry overwhelming him as he quickly scanned back and forth between the trees for the source of the noise. Whether it was his luck kicking in or something else, he suddenly noticed the edges of a silhouette trembling along a tree’s shadow.
Carefully, the man paced forward as quietly as he could – frowning and cursing himself for not being quiet enough once he’d realized that the sniffling had suddenly stopped entirely, likely so that they wouldn’t draw attention. Still, he just couldn’t bring himself to leave them alone.
He turns the corner of the aged maple tree, only to find a girl far too young to be alone, her entire body quivering uncontrollably while she had her eyes squeezed shut. Nagito’s eyebrows furrowed, feeling something pinch at his chest as he watched the child try and make herself look smaller, as if she didn’t want to take up precious space.
Carefully, he crouched all the way to the floor, ignoring the fact that his knees would be covered it grass stains – right now nothing mattered more than helping her.
“Hey…” Nagito starts gently, keeping his voice low, “Are you alright?”
The girl didn’t respond, but he caught the way she flinched at being addressed. Her short and wavy light-brown hair covered parts of her face, but Nagito didn’t need to see all of it to know that her eyes were puffy from crying.
“Are you lost, perhaps?”
And at last, the girl’s trembling subsided as she slowly opened her eyes to look at him. Nagito was caught off guard by just how similar their eyes were – even from a slight distance, he could see that they were a similar shade of grey-green. The girl stared at him for a moment almost contemplative, her tiny fists curled into the bottom of her flower-print denim jumpsuit before she nodded slowly.
Nagito smiled, letting his expression relax a bit as he slowly inched forward on his knees a little, making sure not to scare the other off. “Would you be fine with telling me your name?”
At that, the girl quickly shook her head, her fists gripping the fabric even tighter. Nagito waited for a few moments, hoping that she would give something that would nudge them in the right direction. Before a sigh could leave him, a small and timid voice spoke up.
“…Papa told me not to give my name to strangers…”
He hummed in thought, bringing a hand to his chin, “That’s alright, then. You don’t have to tell me anything that makes you uncomfortable.” His eyes went back to the child in front of him, who had thankfully visibly relaxed at his words, much to his own relief, “Would you mind telling me a little bit of what happened? Where did you get separated?”
“I, um…” She started, although Nagito could tell her eyes were getting misty. Her breaths came out short and stilted, shoulders hunched together again, her left hand anxiously picking and fiddling with the flower-shaped buttons on her outfit. The fear of loneliness and guilt of causing trouble for not only her own father, but also a complete stranger, pricked at her chest.
The man quickly noticed her distress, leaning back a bit to fully sit on his legs – they were completely eye-level now, as the girl looked at the other and noticed how they had similar looking eyes, feeling a strange sense of companionship.
“Hey, hey, deep breaths – it’s alright, you’re not in any rush,” Nagito relaxed his shoulders, and took a few steady and rhythmic breaths, “Just follow my breathing, okay?”
The girl nodded once, and then twice for good measure, starting to even out her breaths to the strange man’s pace as he gestured the rhythm with his hands.
After a few moments, she tried again, sniffling quietly and keeping her eyes glued to the grass beneath their feet, “Papa and I were food shopping, and… he got busy with work stuff on the phone but I… I don’t—I was looking for something I wanted, but there were too many people and then I was outside and…” she trailed off, waterworks starting up again although she desperately tried to rub them away with her palms. Nagito found himself with smiling a bit at the tiny streak of dirt she left behind on her cheek.
“And then you ended up here, separated from your papa.”
She nodded again, wiping her eyes dry and trying to practice the breathing trick he’d taught her moments earlier. He noticed her staring at his chest, and slowed down his breathing again so she could follow along. Nagito sighed, crossing his arms and letting his eyes drift to the creek again as he pondered. Situations like this were clearly why he struggled in new settings – he’d been told by coworkers and even people in passing that his observation skills were excellent, and maybe he wanted to believe a fraction of truth on that statement. If only he were more familiar with the area then—
He suddenly realized, or rather, remembered…
If nothing else, he could always rely on his luck.
“By any chance,” Nagito starts slowly, trying to rack his memory, “Did you and your father visit a grocery store nearby with an elderly lady at the counter? I… believe her name is Kiriya-san.”
The girl’s head perked up, eyes widened with recognition like they were bright and full of hope.
He laughs at the quick reaction, as if she suddenly sprung to life in an instant. Likewise, relief flooded his chest, “I’ll take that as a yes?” He asked, already rising to his feet and dusting off his pants. No amount of dusting would get the mud and stains off, but it’s nothing he’ll lose sleep over.
The child immediately followed, pushing off the maple tree and closing the distance by a few more steps. Nagito offers a hand to her, “Then let’s get going, yeah?”
She stared curiously between his hand and face, uncertain about whether she should take it or not.
“Do you… not want to hold hands?”
A shake of her head, and Nagito nods in response, “That’s fine. Then, do you want to hold onto this instead?” He said, lifting up the bottom end of his cardigan. The girl wordlessly reached out her small hand, and clung onto the soft white fabric.
Nagito’s eyes skimmed over the grass, making sure that they hadn’t left anything behind – he always made sure to carry his wallet, keys, and utility tool with him at all times, but the child didn’t seem to have anything on her besides the clothes on her back.
Getting lost alone was frightening enough, but to have nothing on your person while bumbling around and waiting for someone to find you was an entirely different kind of struggle. The world was far too vast for a child, far too overwhelming and frightful. As a child, Nagito never wandered far once he’d gotten a mild taste of his own luck meddling with his life.  
The two of them pushed forward up the hill walking in tandem, silence settling between them and letting the sound of birds fill in the spaces.
Nagito thought back to those days; one of his earliest memories of bad luck as a child was when he’d wanted to play a harmless prank on his busy parents. His busy parents that believed their young child to be self-sufficient enough because they had provided everything to lead a fruitful life. A successful life. But not quite a happy one.
And perhaps they’d already presumed that it’d never be a happy one. Perhaps they’d already had a glimpse into Nagito’s curse before even he was aware of it – or even worse, maybe they’d been struck by it before he even developed a working memory, and that was why they always kept their distance. But nothing could foretell the way they’d outright forget about him.
The forest was far too big, and the shadows stretched way too far; they didn’t bother to find him for more than half a day.
A gentle tug brings him back to the present, looking down at the young girl frowning up at him. He resisted the urge to grin at the ridiculous angle she’d tilted her head at just to glare at him.
“What is it? Do you need something?”
“…No, you just… looked weird, ojisan.” She mumbled, kicking a stray pebble out of the way as they reached the top of the hill, “You were making a strange face.”
Nagito’s breathing slowly evened out again after recovering from the incline, looking back out to the park with even fewer people than before. He hummed something that sounded like an agreement, and immediately felt curious green eyes on him yet again.
“…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare or worry you.” Nagito sheepishly mumbled, “Speaking of looking weird, what does your papa look like, anyway? We’ll need to find him so—”
“Papa looks cool!” was the immediate answer with a starry-eyed gaze, though not quite the one he was looking for. Still, he admired her enthusiasm with a small but amused laugh, “Mm, not quite what I meant. I mean hair colour, height, the clothes he wore…?”
The girl furrowed her eyebrows together in deep thought, the both of them lapsing into silence again. Her hands clasped the sides of her head in frustration, huffing out a grumble that sounded more like a whine, “I… don’t remember his clothes but. But I know papa has brown hair and he’s sorta tall like you!”
Nagito almost tripped over his own feet.
By that painfully average description alone, they’d be scouring all over the city for days, weeks even. He pushed down the sigh that nearly left his lips in favour of a half-hearted grin.
“Well. I don’t fault you for not remembering – after all, you didn’t plan on getting lost.”
The grip on his cardigan tightened a little more, in spite of her shoulders drooping, “But I… didn’t listen… I was stupid and got scared and lost…” “No, I…” His expression darkened for a fraction of a second, old memories flooding his mind again before he continued, “I think your papa should’ve been more careful, actually…”
“N-no!” She suddenly cried, startling some of the smaller birds from the bushes, “It’s not papa’s fault at all! It’s all Rumi’s fault!”
The girl’s eyes widened, comically slapping a hand over her mouth as if she could take back her slip-up. A guilty look plagued her, even as Nagito let out a breezy laugh, looking back down at the girl waddling by his hip, “It’s alright, I won’t tell. My name is Nagito Komaeda – it’s a pleasure to meet you, Rumi-chan.”
“It’s… My name is actually Rumiko.”
“Then, Rumiko-chan it is.” He beamed at her, feeling his body get lighter with every step, “Now that I think about it, I think you’re my first friend in this city!”
Rumiko stared up at him with wide eyes, before focusing her gaze ahead. The park, which had once been nothing but a teary blur as she ran past it this morning, felt so much more lively and familiar. Levity seeps in like its second nature, as she finally breaks into a small and sweet smile, “Ojisan… I think you’re really weird, actually…”
A beat of silence passed, before the two of them dissolved into laughter.
For Hajime, Sundays were always the most hellish, tiring, and errand-heavy day of the week.
What generally starts out as a quiet morning quickly devolves into chaos; the only day of the week he has to run errands is Sunday, and that day just happens to be right before the new week. Lo and behold, the grocery store rush hour line – stretching from the checkout counter right up to the very first aisle of the store.
And here he was, fighting down a migraine in the middle of the pastry aisle while his friend yammered his ear off through the phone. Right as he’d gotten off the phone with his boss, another call immediately popped up. Any other time, he would’ve ignored it, considering that they talked more than enough. But with every passing week, the reunion date gets closer, and the incessant calls become more frequent. And unfortunately longer.
A hand lazily combed through messy hair, before he took a deep breath, willing himself to stay calm so that he wouldn’t rip their other’s neck off through the phone line.
“…Souda, look,” He hissed through grit teeth, irritably picking at the plastic wrapping of some mini cornets, “I already told you I can’t make it this week. I have scheduled overtime at work, I have to clean, I have way too much to do, and I want to spend time with—”
He froze.
Hajime’s heart leaped into his throat as his head whipped from one end of the aisle to the other, but there was not a single other person in sight.  
Kazuichi’s voice cautiously filtered in through the other end again, “Hey, I’m sorry it’s just—” A small pause, “Hello…? Uh. You okay, man?”
“Souda, I’ll… I’ll call you later.” Hajime cut the call, not knowing if Kazuichi said anything in response and frankly, he didn’t give a damn.
His feet moved before his brain could catch up, the only thing looped on his mind like a prayer was finding Rumiko.
He practically flew into the snacks aisle calling out her name, eyes searching both low and high for a glimpse of brown hair and a blue dress, before storming into every single aisle of the store. If people were staring at him for shoving past them, he didn’t care – it didn’t matter anyway if he couldn’t hear anything but his own heartbeat raging in his ears.
Between the call from work and Kazuichi’s stupid rambling, he had no idea how much time had passed. Before this, he’d never let Rumiko out of his sight – not unless he was certain she could handle herself, and even then, he was stubborn; there was only so much a five-year old could do, after all. At most she should’ve been in the snack aisle picking out what she wanted for the week, even though he’d warned her not to wander off because he promised they would do it together.
But it was one aisle over, just one aisle over.
So where the hell could she have gone?
Hajime cut through the line, earning nothing more than a few harmless glares that were hard to see through his misty eyes. Desperation clawed at him as he reached the counter, out of breath and unsure if he could meet the old woman’s kind eyes without breaking down, “Kiriya-san, h-have you seen Rumi? I can’t see her anywhere in the store and we… we walked in a little over an hour ago.”
He leaned his body against the wooden counter, acutely aware of the woman being tended to by the owner giving him a look of pity out of the corner of his eye. He wouldn’t acknowledge it, but he was grateful that she wasn’t screaming at him for cutting in line at the very least.
“Oh, Hinata-san…” She frowns, concern lacing her features as she tries to recollect the past few hours. After a moment, she shakes her head, and Hajime’s heart sinks lower than he’s ever felt it in a long time. “I’m so sorry, I don’t believe I’ve seen her… at least, not from the counter…”
Hajime stands up straight, willing himself to stay calm despite his racing heart, “I see… th—”
“Ah, but…”
He immediately perked up again, “But…?”
“I think I could check the security footage going over the past few hours,” She softly smiled at him, an offer of encouragement, “Would that be of any help?”
His heart felt like it could burst. As soon as the offer left her, he’d ducked his head in a quick bow, “Please– please do. Thank you so much, Kiriya-san,” Hajime raised his head again to meet her eyes, “I’m going to check outside, and I’ll let you know if anything changes.”
Before he could hear all of her response, he darted through the front door of the store, the chime just barely reaching his ears. The afternoon sunlight is harsh off the white pavement, but he knew that he could spot Rumiko from miles away if he had to.
It’s been too long, far too long since he’d last seen her – there’s no way she’d still be wandering around near the front of the shop. He doesn’t know where he wants to even start looking, whether she’s all alone and afraid or acting brave as she usually does. He doesn’t know a goddamn thing and it makes his chest ache unbearably.
Frustration threatened his tears to spill, but it was not the time to wallow in his own misery; not when Rumiko was missing. But if each and every option was just futile, then…
He’d just have to hope for a lucky break.
A voice cries out behind him, and he knows even before he’s fully turned around and on his knees that it’s Rumiko – it’s Rumi’s voice, it’s the patter of Rumi’s feet against the pavement, and it’s Rumi’s small arms thrown around his shoulders.
His own arms wrap around her small frame as he brings her impossibly close to his chest, rabbiting heartbeat against his own, pressing a firm kiss to her shoulder and another the side of her head. Hajime’s hands were rough but warm as he soothingly stroked her head and let out a deep breath of relief, a million and a half thoughts running through his mind, but nothing rang as distinctly as the relief of seeing his daughter safe.
Rumiko was the first to pull away from her father, misty grey eyes looking anywhere but in front of her and bottom lip quivering as she prepared for the inevitable scolding. Even though he was never the sort to get needlessly angry, Rumiko had gotten her fair share of scoldings whenever she would misbehave badly; but her father was kind and he was especially patient, always making sure that she understood why she got reprimanded.
Still, the thought of letting him down and the relief of finding him again fought tirelessly within her chest, and it made her heart ache.
She'd waited. And waited. All the while the courage to look up again slowly trickled back into her system, but his lecture never came.
“Hey, Rumi... are you okay?”
The dropped hand that was once in her hair moved to cup her cheek, gently lifting her chin so her gaze would meet his – worried sick but full of affection. As if he couldn't possibly have a fibre of anger within his body.
All at once, her feelings overwhelmed her to the point of tears, choking her up until they almost immediately subsided at his soothing words. Hajime smiled at her warmly, waiting until her sniffling dwindled down and wiping away stray tears with his thumbs.
“I won’t scold you. I promise.”
Rumiko looked up and nodded hesitantly. He chuckled lightly, ruffling her messy hair, “So in exchange, can you give me a big smile?”  
She paused for a moment, creasing her eyebrows in concentration until she broke out into a bright and wide but wobbly grin, stretching from cheek to cheek – one that became less shaky with every passing second, beginning to believe in the feeling as if she was never upset in the first place. Being around her beloved father, her favourite person, she could never feel upset for all too long anyway.
“Atta’ girl!” Hajime praised, squeezing her small hands and giving her a peck on the forehead, “Can you tell me something, though?”
“Did someone help you get here?”
At that question, Rumiko’s eyes lit up as she suddenly remembered the strange but nice man that helped her. Another wide grin played on her face, but it was far more genuine this time, nodding frantically at Hajime who only stared back with a perplexed but amused expression.
Rumiko immediately whipped her head around to check, pointing a finger behind her in their direction, “Yeah! That funny man helped me!”
Hajime frowned at her words, “Rumi…” He warned with a sigh, lifting his head so he could thank and apologize to the man, “That’s not very poli—”
His line of sight followed where she pointed, and…
And… he wasn’t sure if he was dreaming or not.
Right there, ten feet away from them, Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student, stood stunned and completely motionless.
His eyes were wide in shock, mouth was slightly agape as his breathing came in seemingly laboured and frankly, Hajime couldn’t say that he wasn’t the exact same. They simply stared at each other for what felt like hours, as if time itself came to a crawl – but only for the two of them.
He can’t move. He can’t think straight. He can’t process it at all. The only thing he’s even acutely aware of is his heart pounding in his ears, and the fact that his friend is finally right in front of his eyes after nearly ten long years.
Eventually, the world comes back to him – his senses stabilize, even if just slightly. Hajime swallows hard, though his mouth is completely dry, and he looks between an eager but confused Rumiko and a shell-shocked Nagito with a near unreadable expression. But he’d always been a hard one to pin down anyway.
Hajime wets his lips, still unable to tear his eyes away as he rises to his feet and scoops up Rumiko into his arms to carry her with his left, her arms instinctively looping around his neck as they’d done many times before. The sun beats down on him and his legs feel like jelly, but he forces himself to calm himself close the distance just a little. Even the way the sunlight bounces off of the pavement, off of him dressed in nearly all white, makes him look ethereal.
Just one steady foot after another until his face fully came into view.
And then, with a deep breath, he had to break the spell.
“…Nagito Komaeda, huh?” Hajime smiles from the depths of his heart, outstretching a hand to meet him halfway.
The other doesn’t hesitate this time; he beams right back at him with something genuine, warmth and fondness shifting into his eyes as he firmly takes his friend’s hand. It sends a jolt through Nagito’s spine and straight to his heart when he realizes that Hajime’s grip was just as strong and affirmative as the first time.
“It’s… really been a long time, Hinata-kun…”
And just like the first time, they hold onto the moment for a little longer.
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lxvenderdreamy · 1 year
💜The SDR2 Boys with an S/O who is drop dead GORGEOUS💜
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Basically the sdr2 boys with an S/o who is just..perfect. Just absolutely beautiful, stunning, gorgeous.
🍊Hajime Hinata🍊
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Oh. My. Fucking. God.
He is absolutely losing it.
He has never seen someone so beautiful like what the actual hell-
Hajime would be SO nervous to even go up and talk to you. Like he feels as if he isn’t good enough to even walk up to you.
When he finally gets his head out of his ass and talks to you, he’s a blushing mess and he’s stuttering while your just there like:ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
He cant even look you in the eye.
Your beauty is too damn bright what the hell
When y’all start dating, he kinda has more control over how he gets around you since now he’s gonna be seeing you everyday!!
Sometimes he wonders why you would even care to date a plain guy like him while your just a walking model everywhere you go
He ain’t complaining though
on y’all’s first ever date he is anxious, like he’s sweating bullets.
what can y’all do on a island during a damn killing game
Like he did NOT know what to do or how to plan a date with you. He just did not know because he was everything to be absolutely perfect.
He was so relieved when you said that you didn’t care where y’all’s date was, just as long as your with your boyfriend then that’s all that matters
In conclusion, Hajime loves you deeply. He was kinda anxious and nervous when he first talked to you but now since you two are dating he’s more open to you. He doesn’t just love you for how beautiful you are, but he loves you for your personality. He loves you inside and out and that’s all that matters to him.
🍀Nagito Komaeda🍀
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…he’s more open to you when you first talk. But MANNNNN…he is cutting himself UP.
Like he feels like he doesn’t even deserve to be talking, breathing, looking, eating, or ANYTHING near you cause like your just…DAMN.
“Of course, a lowly person like me shouldn’t be talking to someone as gorgeous to you.”-SHHHH
He just can’t take it with you. Your just so MWAH.
Despite all the harsh things he says about himself, he actually is in love with you but is to scared to ask you out because…yeah.
So your gonna have to make the first move-but dont even worry about it girl. He’s not would, or is…he WILL say YES. Don’t even stress about it cause your gonna get that Y-E-S.
When y’all are dating, he treats you like a princess🩷
He loves you sm, despite being on a killer island he still tries to make it very loving and fun with you
Lots of hugs and kisses and compliments from him while degrading himself
You remind him so many times to the point where you lose count that he’s not trash and that he deserves all this love from you
He cant help it, at all
The date is at the beach. y’all play in the ocean and splash each other
In conclusion, he tries. He tries to make sure that you have fun and your always have a good day with him. Yes, he may be a handful with his comments about himself and..a little crazy in general but you don’t let that get in the way of your relationship. You love him, he loves you, you both love each other.
🐹Gundham Tanaka🐹
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Definitely calls you a Queen of some sort.
Easily gets flustered around you and when talking to you.
Occasionally, compliments you and addresses you by calling you (whatever) Queen when mentioning you.
He allows you to pet his Four Dark Devas, the Dark Devas loves you sm
When he’s ready to confess, he would make it romantically dramatic but it’s also so cute. Of course you accept his confession and you guys are now a sweet couple.
He is so blessed to have you
On y’all’s first date is romantically special, it’s filled with you guys spending time together for the whole day holding hands and enjoying each others presence.
You guys sometimes sleep with one another. The dark devas would sleep on different places on you. Such as your head, waist, in the crook of your neck and even sometimes on your face. it’s really funny when you wake up with a sleeping soft hamster on your face, making you smile and laugh.
He loves your smile, your laugh, everything. Everything about you brings him love and joy
He tells you about his Ultimate, you happily listen to him as the dark devas lay on your head.
In conclusion, you two are very close. There’s funny times, happy times, and even awkward times with the two of you but even so, it’s great. It’s filled with so many things, things are new everyday with each other.
🔧Souda Kazuichi🔧
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Where do I start…
Oh lord, OHHH LORD.
* chef kisses* He loves you. He is acting like how he was acting with Sonia.
He was kinda stuck on Sonia for a bit but he fell into your hands. He is an actual simp for you it’s not even funny at this point.
Compliments on the daily, ON THE DAILY.
Even when you look tired, all messy from bed hair he is still complimenting you regardless.
He treats you like a queen, he helps you so much, he is just blushing everytime you guys make eye contact or chat.
It doesn’t matter who confesses but…it would be you. Souda is very open to his crush on you, VERY open. He tells the others about you, talks about you constantly, thinks about you-
When you confess it’s a dream come true.
He hugs you so tight as he rambles on about how he also has a crush on you and tells you all of his feelings, which you weren’t listening to because you knew from the very start.
The date is fun ngl.
Y’all go to the beach, he buys you things from the store, you eat together (involves Souda yelling at TeruTeru for flirting with you)
Everything is just exciting.
You allow him to play with your hair when your bored or just for fun.
You guys laugh A LOT.
He gives the BIGGEST and BEST hugs and kisses. Like with kisses, he just kisses you all over. With hugs, it’s the most coziest, tight, hug you ever receive and it will be forever. It’s just amazing.
In conclusion, Y’all’s relationship is beautiful in its very own way. He’s a great boyfriend and is actually really happy that you have the same feelings for him as he does with you. It makes him happy that you would choose him over any guy whose probably better than him. Their not, in your eyes and heart he is the one for you.
💛Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu💛
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Like always, he is a bitch on the outside..always and forever will be:.
But he is absolutely CRUSHING on you on the inside.
He tries to stay FAR away from you as possible, dragging Peko along with him.
Of course, Peko notices this and figures it out pretty easily that her master is crushing on you. She asks Fuyuhiko about it and of course he denies it completely but eventually gives up and admits that he is head over heels over you.
When you two finally talk (Peko was encouraging Fuyuhiko too be the one to talk to you due to him just running away) he is very bashful and stammering over his words as he curses at himself in his head.
You find this cute but you don’t want to get him all pissy cause this is the first time you guys talked and you noticed how he scrambled away when you try to talk to him.
After you guys talk a little more, a little more turns into more. He starts getting even more stressed about his insane crush on you.
Peko has to help him out with this and helps him confess his feelings for you.
He’s tsundere how you accepted his feelings for you and told him about yours but really, he is relieved that you accept his feelings and is losing his shit on the inside.
Peko helps him set up a small date at the cabin and tells everyone just to not bug y’all. God bless her.
You guys are food and chat happily, laughing and teasing one another in a playful manner. The date was a successful, funny, and playful time for the both of you and you guys enjoyed every single second, minute, and hour.
You guys hang out together most of the time.
Peko joins along and you two got closer of course, becoming the best of friends.
When Peko sadly passes away, you comforted Fuyuhiko and hold him close as you cried too. Despite this inconvenience, you two manage to stay close and be there for one another. Even when he had slit his own stomach. You were worried for him and stuck by his side in til he was better.
in conclusion, your love for one another is beautiful. It’s strong and lovable. You make sure that both of you are okay with all that’s happened and hold each others hand throughout it all, not losing or drifting away from one another. It’s a blessing, a hope, a wish. Something that’s beautiful.
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conelluwrites · 10 months
Sleeping Together (Literally) Headcanons
Just some general fluff and sweet headcanons for Byakuya, Nagito, and Kokichi.
I had to get these out of my brain so I could work on kinktober fics
Posted on my AO3 as well
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He has a nighttime routine so please don’t interrupt him, he has extremely little patience if you try.
Not one for cuddles (lies).
He will fall asleep as far away from you as possible.
He will wake up touching you in some way- an arm over your waist, your head on his chest, or even just legs touching
Don’t try to sleep in, that doesn’t fly with him.
No morning kisses, don’t even try.
Doesn’t snore, but does occasionally grunt or groan.
Blanket hog and will admit to it, this isn’t a battle you’ll win.
Will accept you guys sleeping with separate blankets to prevent this but it doesn’t prevent him waking up being close to you.
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Spending the night (or even just napping) with Nagito takes a while to work up to.
Be patient with him!  I promise he wants to sleep with you just as bad but he fears everything going wrong.
He will be stiff and nervous when you first get in bed next to him, he’s not uncomfortable he just… doesn’t know why you’re wanting to be in bed with him, surely you have other people you could be near.
You have to bring up cuddling him.
His body is cold, please use blankets and warm him up.
Has nightmares about his illness, he’ll tell you it’s fine and to not stay up with him but at least sit up with him for a few minutes.
Snores and knows it, please don’t bring it up.
You are free to get up when you want, but why would you want to?
He prefers to have you wrap an arm over him, put a leg over him, hold his hand, just do ANYTHING to remind him that he’s alive, that he’s with you.
Will eventually get more and more comfortable with you being in bed with him and will tease you over wanting to be so close to someone like him.  It’s all jokes, don’t take it too seriously.
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No naptime cuddles, he gets too hot and uncomfortable.
His body is like a heater, blankets aren’t required unless it’s just a comfort thing for either of you.
He has to have the TV on, a song playing on his phone, SOMETHING- he will fall asleep with just a fan on but that takes a very long time.  Silence is a big no.
He will cuddle you, he prefers to be the big spoon regardless of your size.
That’s not to say he doesn’t like to be held while sleeping, but he’s got a reputation to maintain y’know
Will hold you as close and as tight as possible, good luck if you have to get up in the middle of the night.
This fucker snores and talks and due to his closeness, you will wake up.  This is unavoidable, please understand.
You aren’t sleeping in, the second he’s awake you have to be awake.
He’ll try to be good sometimes and let you sleep in, but he just doesn’t have the patience for you to sleep too long.  He’s not doing this to be a bastard, he just doesn’t comprehend how much time has passed.
If you wake up before him, you aren’t gonna be able to wake him up until he’s ready to.
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idyllcy · 4 months
milestone event: oops... I got married
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You get married as a joke.
Yes, there are limits to how much you can drink. Yes, there are limits to how insane you can get while drunk— but apparently getting married is not within that limit. You get married to some random guy— NOT SOME RANDOM GUY. SOMEONE YOU KNOW. WELL. KIND OF. You wake up to a legally signed marriage document and them in your kitchen, and you blink at the red booklet in your hands and then at your new lover at the door.
"You're going to be late for class."
"Oh. My. God."
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Who did you just get married to?! || LINKED MASTERLIST
Your college professor - Ye Xuan / Cael Anselm
Your class TA - Maomao
Your roommate - Steph Brown
The cute dude you sit next to in class - Kamukura Izuru
Some random stranger at the bar - Casper
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Character List:
apothecary diaries (Jinshi, Maomao)
danganronpa (Komaeda, Hinata, Kamukura, Togami)
dc (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Steph, Cass, Jaime Reyes)
a date with death (Grimmy)
lovebrush chronicles (Alkaid, Ayn, Lars, Clarence)
love and deepspace (Zayne, Xavier, Rafayel)
saiki k (Kusuo)
solo leveling (Jinwoo)
tears of themis (Vyn, Marius, Luke, Artem)
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Quick Rules:
Once a character has been selected for a role, they can not be requested anymore!
Once a fandom has been selected, the fandom's characters will be off the priority list for other roles! (bold means priority)
Only five slots are open! First come first serve other than rules :3
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Sample ask template to request:
Hey!!! (Character) would be such a good fit for (number/role) (and then any thoughts you have lol)
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What will you get in response?
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bubblyqueer000 · 1 year
Hello helloooo. I see you’ve opened up your v3 requests 👀 can we get some Kiibo, Kokichi and/or Nagito with an s/o (she or they pronouns) who’s really intimidating and scary at first but a total softie and super flustered when they’re complimented or flirted with?
Kokichi, Kiibo, and Nagito x Intimidating!Soft!Reader
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My first V3 request! I haven't totally gotten through everyone's free time events and I'm not that great at writing Kokichi or Kiibo yet so please bare with me. Love you guys and thanks again for 100 followers!
Commission me on Ko-Fi! Link in pinned post!
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Kokichi Ouma 
♡ Was never all that intimidated by you honestly. Or maybe he was and he was just lying about it. Who knows. Point is, he never let it show. He is the supreme leader of evil, after all. Who would scare him?
♡ That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t pretend to be afraid though. Kokichi would always cry and act like you were bullying him when you told him to stop with his stupid antics.
♡ When he did this you would try to get him to stop crying, making you seem soft and sensitive to him. Then he would probably start teasing you even more. 
♡ “So you weren’t really as intimidating as you pretended. I hate liars!” 
♡ “I wasn’t lying, you annoying little-”
♡ “Huh? Hey, wait!” You shouted at him. 
♡ I guess your ‘friendship’ - if you could even call it that - started from there. It was mostly just Kokichi teasing you and you trying not to beat the shit out of him. 
♡ When you finally got together, the teasing definitely didn’t stop. It even kind of intensified when he saw how flustered you got when he flirted with you. 
♡ He’ll try to come up with the cringiest, gushiest things he can make you feel embarrassed. 
♡ He’ll make everyone think that it’s because he likes embarrassing you but deep down, you’re pretty sure that it’s just because he thinks your blushing face is the cutest thing ever! Who knows though. You can never get a straight answer from him (¬、¬)
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♡ You two are in the same boat. 
♡ To some he might be intimidating, being a robot, but on the inside, he’s a total softie so he gets it!
♡ Even if you were never scared of him, he was always kind of scared of you. He hadn’t been used to such an intimidating human, and somehow the fact that you were around his age made you even scarier to him. 
♡ He wasn’t really used to the feeling so it made you intriguing to him. 
♡ Hehehe I got the thought that he wouldn’t know how to respond to the feeling and since he found it negative he would think you’re somehow being robophobic to him.
♡ But like I was saying, he was intrigued by you! Kiibo would definitely be the one to confess his feelings because of that, finally letting him see your true nature as a major softie. 
♡ Kiibo wants to try and do all the human couple things. It always really embarrassing to you when he asks to do things like that though. 
♡ “Y/N… I um…” Kiibo would begin, trying to stop his stutters.
♡ “What is it, babe?” You told him, in your regular scary tone.
♡ “Would you want to try cuddling… Like… With me?” He asked. Your head shot up, red flashing to your cheeks.
♡ “Um well.. I- Uh…!” You respond incoherently, trying to figure out what to say. 
♡ The two of you tried cuddling, which as you might imagine, wasn’t the most comfortable thing considering your partner’s metal body, but that wasn’t as bad as the butterflies in your stomach. Nothing had ever made you as nervous as that. Kiibo didn’t seem to mind or notice though so everything was good. :D 
♡ He always tries his best to do all of the things a human couple would so he loves holding your hand, kissing you, and basically any other form of physical affection as long as you don’t mind. 
♡ And his mind doesn’t even seem to process how nervous you obviously are so it’s even better!! We all love you, Kiibo buddy!! 
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Nagito Komaeda
♡ Sees your intimidating demeanor as confident and due to that, he finds you inspiring! 
♡ Nagito isn’t the type to show how he’s truly feeling. He doesn’t seem to think that he deserves to show others how he really feels so he never makes it too clear that he’s spooked by you. 
♡ You’d start showing him your true colors when he compliments you. 
♡ “Wow, Y/N! I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who matches you in intensity. People like you make trash like me all the more boring.” 
♡ “I- Um… Well… You shouldn’t… Talk about yourself like that.” You told him, trying to pull yourself together. 
♡ You’d probably have to be the one to tell him your feelings because he wouldn’t really feel he deserves to tell you how he feels. Poor baby, we love you. 
♡ When you two get together though, he worships you, making you super blushy all the time!!
♡ His favorite time to fluster you is when you’re scolding him for the stupid junk that he pulls.
♡ “I can’t believe you did that, you jackass! Do you want everyone here to die? Do you want us all to kill eachother?!” You screamed in his face after a particularly tedious class trial. Nagito just stared at you, with a blank expression, red in the face. 
♡ “You’re very pretty, my hope.” He told you, catching you off guard and turning you into a blubbering mess. 
♡ Nagito is frustrating but… We love him anyways. ┐(´ー`)┌
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koki-hai · 8 months
i’ve been missing nagito lately so can i request a nsfw nagito x fem reader fic with a pervy nagito and a little noncon🤭 any scenario is fine i’m desperate
You ask and I shall answer!
Now keep in mind I don't do much cc x reader only because I'm kinda bad at it but it's Nagito and I can't pass up that now can I (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Content Warning: non-con
Summary: You go into the beach house to dry your hair when you run into a horny Nagito.
Pervy Nagito Komaeda x Reader Smut
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You were playing with your friends, Chiaki, Mahiru, Ibuki and Peko in the water. You guys were slashing each other and laughing. You felt nice under the kiss of the sun and the light breeze feathering your exposed skin. You trip on the shallow water while horseplaying with Ibuki and both drop to the floor. After a bit of a laughing fit, you groan a bit, feeling your damp hair sit on your shoulders. A blood curdling scream erupted from Ibuki.
"Oh my my! Ibuki is so sorry! Please y/n! Throw me into a volcano and watch me burn!" Ibuki apologizes profusely to you while her hands are together, praying for an apology.
"Hey Ibuki it's okay don't worry! It's okay! It's just a little water" you try to calm her down as you get up, "It's no biggie! Trust me!"
"But y/n wanted to leave your hair dry! I'm truly sorry!" She insisted as she shakes your shoulders. You smile at her irrational self but try to reassure her. You grab her wrists and pull them down and look at her straight in the eyes.
"It's okay I promise! I mean I started it so it was coming! I'll just go dry my hair in the beach house and hang it up! Don't worry! I'll come back for round 2!" You say to Ibuki, comforting her. She gives you a nod and she tugs at your hair, wringing most of the water out to help you some. You smile and walk away from the group of girls and head to the beach house.
You walk inside the beach house and notice Nagito in there.
"Oh hello there y/n.." he says waving at you, "what are you doing in here? Already leaving?" He asks innocently as he was applying white sun lotion on his even paler white skin, applying it unevenly.
Weird.. you didn't see Nagito around before coming. And he somehow knew you guys just got here 10 minutes ago? You brush this aside these thoughts and just try to focus on drying your hair. "Just here to dry my hair.." you answer curtly.
You take out a towel from the towel rack to wring out your hair some more... Only that there wasn't any towels there. You could've sworn there was. None of you brought towels because you just assumed there would be towels here. No biggie. It is an island after all, not a huge deal seeing people dripping and in swim suits.
You look around and think to yourself for a moment. You see Nagito, his back facing you, applying sun lotion on his legs rather sloppily..
"Hey Nagito.. you know where the towels are..? You were here before me, right?" You ask awkwardly, playing with your damp hair.
After a few seconds of silence just watching his stange behavior, he turns a little bit in your direction, and see he had a small grinnon his face on his side profile.
"H-hey.. um.. is that a yes?" You ask "Y-you were here before me right?" You ask again, feeling way more uncomfortable than when you first arrived.
"Of course I was in here before you girls, y/n! I don't knew where the towels are but it would be a shame if there was however! It's a beach.. you're supposed to get wet right? It's no biggie.. it's an island!"
He says casually as he closes his bottle of sun lotion. His words scare you a bit. Almost as if he read your mind the moment you opened the door. "Right.. well I want to keep m-"
"Oh of course! I think there's a small hand towel in the bathroom you can use.. hopefully that'll be enough!" He says happily. Shivers crawl down your spine. Has he been listening to your guys' conversation?
By this point you were getting creeped out so you walk in to the bathroom after thanking him. Not to mention the guy had a very noticeable tent under his swim trunks. Which was probably why he was turned away from you.
As soon as you walk in you notice it was oddly darker than usual. The only hint of light being from the small window at the upper top of the room. Naturally, you try to look for a light switch. You opened the door more, letting the natural light from the main bath house in so you could look for the switch.
Once you get the light open Nagito suddenly appears, looking at you with an innocent smile. "Do you need help y/n?" He asks, "I can help you with your hair!" Nagito declares.
"Oh um.. sure.." you say, too scared to object. He snatches the small hand towel and begins to dry your hair roughly with it. "Don't go.. um too hard.." you say feeling a bit uncomfortable. He nods and rubs the towel a bit gently.
After a while it actually starts to feel nice, but you were still uncomfortable by the entire thing overall. He was being a little forceful admittedly. When you were lost in thought, you felt a hand touch your exposed right side slowly. He rubbed your side, as if you were a pet. You start to feel worse and tried to shift to the left but he grabs your waist tightly, restricted your movement. You can feel his breathe, heavy and steamy. He moves his hand down to your lower stomach. His fingers start to tease right at your bikini line. His fingers swiping up and down at the area.
You felt like such a mess. You got yourself into this. You thought you could trust nagito. Of course not. If only you weren't stubborn to just let your damn hair not get wet. You tried to move again when you feel him get close to your crotch. He drops the hand towel and uses his left hand to grab your shoulder tightly. You nearly jumped out your skin when you feel someone wet and smiley on your tongue. He started to kitten lick it and then started nibbling at it.
That's when you felt it.
His sharp teeth on your neck. You could feel everything. His heavy breath, his tongue, everything. Both his hands grab at your hips, keeping you still and lowering your posture. He begins to dry hump you.
"Ahh~... ahhh.. y-y/n... ahhh.. you feel so fresh~.. so nice~.." Nagito moans in your ear.
You tried to make one more attempt to leave when you felt the repeating motion on your backside. You make a run forward to the door. Nagito growls in anger and he runs over and pushes you down to the floor. You catch yourself on your heads and land on your knees painfully. He gets on top of you, doggy style and dry jumps you repeatedly while holding onto your hips tightly.
"D-dont fucking try to leave.. you'll only make things.. ahh.. w-worse for yourself y/n~.." he whimpers as he humps you at a faster pace, "it makes you all the more desirable.."
You feel his heavy and strong body on you. You were almost surprised by his strength despite his skinny figure. You gave up all your attempts to escape because you didn't want this to escalate any further.
"O-Oh my god! You're so soft! You're so fu-fucking soft~!" He humps you faster and faster like an animal in heat. He was going insane and you couldn't do a thing about it.
"Nagito! Please stop! Please! I've had enough!" You beg, not knowing what to do at this point. You knew your begging wouldn't do anything. You were in denial about it all. But it wasn't like you could leave.
"Yes! Y-yes~! Please beg! Please!" Nagito moans in his sick, raspy voice, "More! You sound so desperate~!"
After a few more grueling minutes of this unwanted treatment, he stops for a minute, staying still, and then twitch his whole body. He pushes your body down flat onto the ground. Your face hits the cold hard floor and feel Nagito's weight on top of you, his body going limp on yours.. He pants in your ear excessively. He was holding onto your waist with the little strength he had left.
"y-y/n.. you were so g-good~"
You feel tears stream your cheeks. You bite your lip harshly until you could've sworn it'd bleed. All you could think of was why? Why you? Why did he have to stalk all of you? Was he planning this? Was he going to do this with any other girl?
As you were lost in thought again, he hear him start to snore softly. His sweaty hair all over the side of your face. You were too afraid to move and just lie down there with him. You were scared he'd try to do something even if he were asleep. You're eyes close slowly as you try to imagine what you could've been doing right now if it weren't for Nagito.
(Hopefully you guys liked it. I'm trying to work on my writing skills and I accept all constructive criticism! :))
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