#Jacob custos imagine
ruedavis · 2 years
𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑢𝑠.
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pairing: jacob custos x fem!reader
warnings: strong language
song inspiriation: im not the only one by sam smith
word count: 602
back to hackett’s quarry for another summer of fun.
i had my headphones in the whole car journey there but could still all of the loud voices beside me. kaitlyn and dylan argued about something stupid had knocked into my side.
my eyes skimmed over the trees we drove past - feeling a bit motion sick i looked back into the packed car to lock eyes with the last person i wanted to see.
jacob. surprisingly we used to be the best of friends but that soon flipped around when i realised he fucked me over so he could screw emma.
as i had thought back to all the times we had hung out together it really didn’t surprise me now, the subtle but obvious touches, him always being by her side, him making excuse after an excuse as we had made plans together.
yes, yes i know what you’re gonna say. y/n why didn’t you see that? that’s so obvious! blah. blah. blah.
it’s kind of hard to see someone’s a walking red flag when i’m wearing rose tinted glasses isn’t it?
i was deeply falling for that boy and i thought he had felt the same about me since we had spent every waking minute together, i obviously found that out a little too late.
we had finally arrived back at the camp really early in the day so we had more than enough time to set up. i went off to one of the cabins near the radio shack, setting my stuff and a few of the necessities as i heard the door slam shut.
turning around to be face to face with jacob.
“we need to talk.” 
i scoffed at his empty words and carried on with my tasks at hand. he stood in the same spot as when he had walked in, just watching me do things before trying to speak again.
“we really need to put this behind us dude, like i miss you, don’t you miss me? miss us?”
my back was facing away from him. stopping fluffing the campers’ pillows. “you have some fucking nerve walking in here talking about some what? comfort? empathy? something to make you sleep better at night since emma didn’t want your sorry ass?”, jacob looked at his feet in response.
“no c’mon jacob. wanna fuck around with me a bit more, huh?” 
“y-you know it wasn’t like that y/n!” i went to walk around him to the exit of the cabin, done with his obvious bullshit. that’s when he grabbed my arm, him with the upper hand with his clear strength advantage. it was no use.
tears filled my eyes as i struggled, “i can’t believe you! i can’t believe you’d come back and do this to me again.” i stopped flailing my arm and started to push at his chest.
“i hate you.” my strong jabs soon turned weak as my sobbing became stronger - i fell and bawled into his chest and he just stood and took it, soon catching my fragile figure.
after a couple of minutes of standing in that position the brunette spoke, “im so sorry. i really am, i never meant to hurt you.” with that said realisation kicked in and i pushed myself away from him, taking a small glance in his direction.
“i loved you.”
he was looking back at me with a pained expression, i honestly couldn’t careless on how he felt in that moment of time.
i gathered myself before walking out the door to the others, he did not think to stop me again, but when he did turn around to do so the door had slammed in his face.
i know i’m not the only one...
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dearsnow · 2 years
Hello! I love you’re writing for the boys! Especially Dylan! I wish there were more writings about him x reader but I’m finding them slowly! And I found your blog that writes for him and I love you’re writing!
I was wondering if I could get headcanons for nick, Dylan, and Jake when their s/o is on their period? Or sick for a gn reader! Whatever you’re most comfortable with! I love tooth rotting fluff! If you’re not comfortable writing that, totally ok! Thank you! ❤️
[PT. 1] Dylan
- headcanons for how they act when their s/o is on their period (gn reader, fluff, find dylan’s part linked below the title, 1 dirty joke in jacob’s part)
- thank you!! mwah <3 it’s such a coincidence that this request came in right after i wrote the period fic for dylan though 💕 the prompt is a bit different but it’s the same idea and i didn’t want to redo it lol. requests are still open!!
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- will literally bring you everything you could ever ask for, even things you don’t need
- total sweetheart and is always concerned about how you’re feeling
- he may be a little overbearing, but that’s just how he shows his love
- always makes you a hot drink and smothers you in blankets before putting on a movie and cuddling you to death. Be warned, though, he’s a talker. He’ll annoy you with constant commentary when you’re watching
- he’s a practicing health nut and will definitely google what foods and drinks ease period cramps or lighten your flow
- he will always, and I mean always, put you first. Unless you’re playing a competitive game with him. He’ll crush you and won’t feel bad about it. After that, though, he’ll hold your hand and give you the first bite of everything he eats
- “does that mean we can’t fuck?”
- for real though, the minute you tell him all the aches and pains that come from periods, he is horrified and vows to be on his best behavior when you’re dealing with it
- is totally up for bringing you stuff when you don’t want to get out of bed, just be aware of flying cans and bags of chips because he just can’t bring himself to walk a few extra steps like a normal person
- he’s a huge cuddle monster and his body heat will warm you up in no time, so it’s especially helpful when you’re cramping
- he will try to do your chores for you. Keyword try. He might leave a few spots on the dishes and accidentally rip the trash bag, but he’s doing what he can
- he might be a himbo but he isn’t completely stupid, meaning he’s actually a really good cook. He’ll make you anything your heart desires, as long as you let him take a bite as well
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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montysstuffs · 2 years
Breeding kink request pt 1
Continuation bc I thought about them while I was at work. Also, it wasn’t showing up in the tags, so I guess I’ll have to fix it!
Jacob: Has never really thought of having kids, but when he had you face down, ass up, he can’t help but wonder. You were notorious for beautiful, comforting voice. Whether it be crying out in pleasure, or talking to any kids in the vicinity, he could always pick it out in a crowd. So of course, even with your face buried into the pillow, and your hands fisting the sheets, your begging was getting to him. He had always stressed being careful, but when you lull at him to fill you full, he doesn’t have a choice. Your voice wrapped around and rattled in his skull. He fills you to the brim with one hand on your hip and the other on the nape of your neck. His hips rutting into you. An absolute himbo and will get along great with your kids. It’s almost like you have an extra child.
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Dylan: tbh you both probably already have kids together. One of your parents pick up the kids so you both have a date night. He wines and dines you for a small portion of the night before coming home. You’re both frantically kissing each other. Clumsily taking off shoes and shirts while you’re at it. Not even making it to the bedroom before he’s got you on your back. One of your legs over his shoulder to get deeper. He chants, “just one more,” as his thrusts become sloppier. After filling you with cum, he places a pillow under your hips. Tilting them up as to not waste a single drop. After all, it’s worked before.
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The Counselors and what they would look for in a partner GN!Reader
A/N: she’s back with another hc list that no one asked for. I’ll admit these kind of got away from me a little bit and got into general hc area but most of them are pretty on track. I don’t have any requests bc I’m an idiot and I’m not even sure if my request box is open I’m 20 years old and idk how to use tumblr. Anyways please enjoy!
TW: I mention fem and masc presenting people in Dylan’s section
~ From what we see in the game Ryan likes people who balance him out
~ Kaitlyn and Dylan both have very strong personalities compared to how quiet Ryan is
~ Someone who is not afraid to communicate and say what they want from him and from a relationship with him
~ He’s very sarcastic, so he’d also want someone who can keep up with him in terms of wit
~ Liking podcasts obviously wouldn’t hurt. He would love to share his interests with you once you get close and to hear about yours in return
~ He’s not someone who enjoys going out often, so if you’re someone who likes to go out and do things for dates you might get bored easily
~ Staying in the house and enjoying each other’s company is enough for him
~ Another who wants someone who can keep up with his jokes and sarcasm. But also being able to help him calm down sometimes
~ If you’re sensitive he’ll dial it back a bit, but you’re missing out on what makes Dylan Dylan
~ Probably big on PDA. Nothing too crazy, but if you refuse any type of PDA he’ll start to think you’re ashamed of him :(
~ I’m writing reader as gn, but I do think he’s attracted to masculine presenting people, but fem presenting can catch his attention as well
~ in terms of dates, I can see him staying in and going out. It just depends on what he’s feeling and what you want to do
~ I also hc he’s horrible at keeping secrets and not spoiling surprises. He’s the type to tell you what he got you for your birthday right after he gets it bc he’s so excited for you to see it
~ She needs someone with thick skin bc she will absolutely make fun of you
~ Her love language is bullying
~ If you get upset at every little thing she says she’ll get annoyed
~ But she does go a bit to far sometimes with the teasing, so someone needs to reign her back in
~ She’s big on communication. She’s not a mind reader
~ If you want affection or for her to do something for you then you’ll have to ask her outright bc she won’t play mind games
~ Dates with her can be confusing; she considers going to the grocery store and running errands with you a date
~ She’s a no nonsense kind of person, so she wouldn’t connect well with someone who’s super laidback and comedic
~ She knows what she wants in a relationship and isn’t afraid to shut down a relationship she thinks won’t work
~ You know the meme that says “he asked for no pickles”
~ That’s who Jacob needs
~ Also big on PDA. Even if you express discomfort he occasionally does it on accident anyways without thinking about it he just loves you so much!
~ He is someone who does not have thick skin, but we love that about him. He needs someone who won’t rub salt in the wound when Kaitlyn teases him. Someone to sit with him and comfort him when he needs it
~ I feel like he loves Disney Movies and definitely cried in Inside Out when Bing Bong was forgotten
~ Don’t make fun of him for his interest, he’s very macho on the outside but on the inside he’s sensitive okay
~ Loves old school dates. The type to take you to get milkshakes then go to a drive in movie after
~ He once showed up at your house to serenade you but when he was throwing rocks at your window to get your attention he broke it. Don’t talk about it.
~ She has a very confident persona, so if you’re someone with very low self esteem she might not understand how you feel
~ Will want to do things like go to the beach and post you on her social media so you’ll want to be comfortable doing things like that if you’re with Emma
~ But she also needs someone who understands that the persona she uses online isn’t who she really is, and they she can be a little bit insecure at times
~ She wants someone who has goals and ambition, if you’re someone who cruises through life with no destination in mind, she’ll get a little bored
~ Definitely one who wants to go out on dates but nothing to cliche
~ is fine with dinner and a movie, but take her out to the roller rink every once in a while to keep her guessing
~ Afterwords you’ll need to comfort her when she falls on her butt but seeing her smile when you told her where you were going made it all worth it
~ Our soft girl needs a soft person
~ That doesn’t necessarily mean another introvert (spreading my Emma/Abi agenda) but you would have more in common with her if you were
~ She wants someone with an appreciation for the arts. You don’t have to be in as deep as she is but someone who understands how much effort she puts into her craft
~ I think she’s a big art history nerd too. Google some Renaissance artists before talking to her to impress her
~ Communication is important. She can be a little shy tho so you might want to try and pick up on some of her non verbal cues when getting to know her
~ Ideal relationship is someone she was friends with before moving into dating. She doesn’t want to feel like she has to hide anything from you
~ Obviously would prefer to stay in, but can be convinced to go out and would enjoy
~ I feel like she’d like bowling and be really good at it
~ My boy ily
~ In the game he compares himself to Jacob a lot he’s having a bit of a personality crisis so he needs someone who loves him for who he is
~ You should abstain from teasing him until he gets comfortable, bc he will take it personally at first
~ Tell him you’re proud of him every once in a while. It inflates his ego but he needs that sometimes.
~ He’s an animal lover and ik he has so many dogs so if you’re afraid of dogs it’s not going to work sorry
~ Likes PDA but is shy about it at the same time?? I weirdo djdjdjxk
~ He’s the camp Kitchen Supervisor so he’d have to be pretty good at cooking. Baking would be a fun way to spend time with her
~ Can go in our out for dates doesn’t care either way
~ The insecure part of him wants to stay in to avoid embarrassing himself but he’ll do whatever you want to do
~ “They asked for no pickles” but she’s the one saying it
~ She’s a malewife lover what can I say.
~ Any gender can be a malewife it’s a lifestyle
~ Idk why it’s so hard to come up with stuff for her she’s just a girlboss djejdjs
~ Likes to feel like the strong one in the relationship
~ She can kill the bugs for you I need a Laura in my life
~ She’s an outdoorsy person so be ready to go on camping trips and spend a lot of time in nature
~ Can make jokes and have fun, but there’s a time and place for it and needs you to be serious sometimes
~ Definitely wants to go out for dates. Being in the house for too long makes her antsy
~ Max you’re always at the bottom of my list when I’m writing so I’m burnt out when I get to you baby I’m so sorry
~ He’s a mellow person so someone super high energy is going to tire him out
~ Not as much of a himbo as Jacob is but the energy is still there
~ He’s a redhead so he burns like a mfer don’t take him to the beach with you💀
~ Attracted to confident, goal driven people
~ Max can think of himself badly from time to time, he’s feels like he’s a pretty average guy that doesn’t have much to offer, so you’ll have to reassure him on occasion
~ Probably likes to go out for dates, it gives him and excuse to get all handsome for you ❤️
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mo0nfairy · 2 years
𖥔 ࣪ ㅤ۪ 🪷 🪺 ⸺   𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐬    !
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♫ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭 — 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞
˚ ✩ 📓 。 ˚ ✧ * 。 🥬
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( 📦 ) . . .  𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗲𝘁.
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( 📦 ) . . .  𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗲𝘁.
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( 📦 ) . . .  𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗲𝘁.
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𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜. 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐬
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( 📦 ) . . .  𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗲𝘁.
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ecliptiz · 3 months
SUMMARY - “ New Characters that have been added to my master-list are from The Quarry “
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l. AS USUAL I will not be writing anything NSFW for any characters, and I’m willing to write for each of the characters on the Master - list, if they are not on there I’m not 100% sure I’ll write for them.
ll. THOUGH you can still ask for them, it’s just not a character I’m mainly writing for. Yk?
lll. REQUESTS ARE open for these and any other characters now.
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homebyeleven · 2 years
me reading every the quarry imagine to ever exist before i sleep
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ruewrote · 1 month
𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦.
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PAIRING: jacob custos x fem!reader WARNINGS: jacob's bear trap injury, strong language GENRE: angst / fluff SONG INSPIRATION: start a riot by BANNERS WORD COUNT: 1010
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out of all the horror movies that you'd watch about vampires, zombies and werewolves you never thought you'd ever be in one of your own.
especially not in the summer camp that you'd grown to love over the years.
now desperately trying to find your fellow work friends, hoping that they'd gotten to safety. you silently prayed that you would too as you made your way through the thick forest to the main lodge.
the emergency fire axe felt heavy in your hand, your skin covered in dried mud and blooming bruises. fuck this night, fuck everything.
every little sound terrifying you, not realizing how loud everything used to be until now. whether that be the crunch of twigs underneath your boots or the whoosh of the wind.
"ah fuck! ah shit!" someone whimpered in pain, moving closer as you readied the axe, moving through the trees to find jacob and an old guy with a sniper rifle with his back to you.
"look if you could just--" jacob begged, but soon stopped when you knocked the hunter out with the back of your axe.
"holy shit!" your breath staggered as you dropped to your knees, inspecting the bear trap that had clamped itself around jacobs ankle, surprised that he was even conscious. oh right , adrenaline.
"oh my god, am i happy to see you right now!" he shouts, but is quickly cut off with your hand tightly covering his mouth.
"you've got to be quiet. something is out here with us, i’m not quite sure what, but i've also got to try and pry this open. whatever you do, you've got to be silent. we can't attract more attention to ourselves, okay?" you whisper, earning a timid nod from him.
removing your hand you get to work, glad to have accidentally watched that documentary a while back you were able to press the two spring levers, making it fall open.
you were quick to grab him before he lost his balance, helping him stand, wrapping his arm around your shoulders for support and yours firmly wrapped around his waist. making a slight mental note to ask why he was practically naked later.
helping him back to the lodge for some sort of first aid. the two of you walking in tandem, your grip on him tightening as he wobbled trying to hold back his groans. you reached up for his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. jacob giving you a tight but appreciative smile in return.
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your legs ache when you finally reach the building, carefully sitting jacob down on the bench in the kitchen, grabbing the first aid kit out of the cupboard, a fresh glass of water and the paper towels off of the rack.
"i’m not even going to sugarcoat this, this is gonna hurt like a bitch. but i promise i'm gonna try to be as careful as i can, okay?" you uttered and he nodded.
you began to unbuckle your belt, unlooping it before holding it out to him, jacob grabbed a hold of it confused, "to bite down on, worst case,"
not caring if it was dirty or not he bit down on it, letting out a sigh you picked up the glass of water, pouring it around the wound, using a piece of the tissue to swipe away the dirt. briefly looking up to see his hands squeeze the wood underneath him.
wincing for him, you opened a disinfectant wipe wasting no time to swipe it around his injury, making him let out a whine. stopping for a second to place your hand over his.
causing him to look down at you with tears in his eyes, your heart breaking for him. "i know, i'm so sorry. all i gotta do is wrap it up. it shouldn't hurt too bad,"
and so you did, your belt now back to holding up your shorts as you looked through the pantry for any sort of food. making sure that jacob stayed sat down even though he wanted to help.
"a-ha!" you announced, grabbing the unopened box of cereal bars, returning to jacob. "how long do you think they've been in there?" he joked.
"after tonight i think the last thing we have to worry about is expiration dates, but of course i checked and they're okay, actually relatively new so we're good."
handing him one then another for yourself, shoving the rest in your backpack. retrieving the oversized hoodie offering it to him.
"quick question, where are your clothes?"
"me and emma went swimming in the lake for old times sake, until we heard abi scream. well at least i did, emma kinda disappeared after that." his words coming out huffed as he pulled the clothing over his head.
you looked down and started playing with your hands, trying to hide the hurt on your face. of course he was with her! what were you expecting? the whole summer you had been crushing on him, having to stay quiet about it because of her.
"oh. well i'm sure she's okay, she's...strong ya know?" you offered him a small smile.
"thank you by the way," he started, your eyebrows furrowed. "with saving me back there and you patching me up. i swear i was about to die!"
he playfully knocked his shoulder into yours, looking at him concerned, "don't joke like that. i-i don't think i could handle that... losing you i mean." a frown now replaced your smile from just thinking about it.
"hey, hey. i'm not going anywhere, well not if i have a say in it anyways." he leans into you, making you look back up at him.
the way his eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips, made your breath hitch as he leaned closer, lips almost touching when you heard a girl's scream.
"emma?" jacob jumps up and limps out of the lodge, leaving you sitting there alone feeling your heartache and the tears sting in your eyes.
who were you kidding yourself? he'd always pick her.
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© ruewrote.
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stressedanime · 2 years
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toastybugguy · 2 years
I think we can all agree that watching the cast of The Quarry getting grilled by the cops Until Dawn style would’ve been INFINITELY more interesting than that hellish podcast (then again, that’s a low bar 👁👁).
Until Dawn had PLENTY of flaws don’t get me wrong, but the credit sequence was fucking genius. You’re just sat listening to all these poor kids recapping the most horrifying experience anyone can go through, and you can see exactly how much they’ve changed since the beginning. Just imagine the interactions we would’ve gotten out of it! WAY more closure story-wise, and it could’ve been used to drive home the consequences of your actions through different dialogue options based on player choice.
I liked how it was used before and I think it could’ve given us further insight into our characters, the newspaper clippings could’ve been used in conjunction to communicate the outcome they faced after the interrogation and how the evidence collecting mechanic effects the ending.
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ruedavis · 2 years
𝑚𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑒 𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑎 𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑠𝑒.
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pairing: jacob custos x fem!reader
warnings: strong language
song inspiration: only by RY X
word count: 836
jacob walks off angrily after cussing out nick for kissing emma. she looks pretty smug with herself, what an ass.
“that was such a dick thing to do! you know how he feels about you,” she opens her mouth to retaliate. the others sitting - watching you both in awkward silence. 
“and i swear to god if hear ‘summer fling’ come out of your mouth again next time it will be your teeth,” with that said you make your way to search for jacob.
you would say that you can’t imagine how he feels but in a way you can. you have been feeling that way since you started out as a councillor this summer, ever since you got here you fell hard for someone who barely even acknowledges your existence.
not because he was rude - no! it was quite the opposite actually.
you’d seen him follow her around like he was damn lost puppy whenever your eyes were to drift over to him.
you have mixed emotions though. as much as you see him with her, you’d also catch him looking at you occasionally. it’s always down to coincidence though.
as you were singing camp songs with the kids and you would see him in the near distance watching over you, smiling. you’d bring your attention back to the children, an embarrassed blush spreading across your cheeks.
your two groups would accidentally bump into each other’s sometimes as you took them out to teach them about the wilderness, the small people would giggle and whisper amongst themselves as they’d watch you try and very badly fail to not make a fool of yourself in front of him.
before they left, a girl with pigtails and a cheeky smile gave you a note, they all got on the bus and left, after they did you opened up the piece of paper - it was a list, they made it based on all of the councillors who they’d put together and they put yours and jacob’s initials together.
you laughed it off thinking nothing of it, folding it up then putting it into your jacket pocket.
cut back to now. you had finally found jacob sat at the end of the wooden bridge just above the lake water. you quietly walk over and sat down beside him. looking over in his direction to see tears running down his cheeks.
“i know you probably don’t wanna talk about it, but i just want to say what emma did back there was out of order,” your eyes skimmed over the water - you could feel his eyes on you, still you stayed as you were.
glancing over to him with a soft smile, “you deserve better than that.” he smiles back then wipes away his tears and sniffles. 
“it’s so dumb, i agreed that it was just a fling, i agreed on this, but why does this have to hurt so much?” your eyes scanned over him - that felt a little too close to home.
“we accept the love we think we deserve, and you definitely deserve everything but this!” he laughs whilst playfully nudges you with his shoulder.
“oh also, if it’s any constellation look at what one of the kids gave me before they left,” you reached into your pocket and pulled out the list.
you waited for his reaction, it wasn’t what you expected, you were expecting some sort of ‘ha-ha yeah right!’ or like he’d fall over laughing from how ridiculous it sounds.
except that never came. the comfortable silence laid thick between the two of you.
“i think they’re kinda right, ya know?” you nearly got whiplash from how fast you turned towards him, your words came out stuttered, your mouth went dry too. it couldn’t be right?
“w-what do y-you mean?”
“you and me? i think we’d be smoking hot.” jacob’s words echoed in your head. that’s when you finally realise, he was looking at your lips and started to lean into you.
your eyes widen, pressing your index finger to his lips “slow your role, loverboy.” his expression turned back to hurt as he looked away from you obviously embarrassed and started apologising profusely.
realising your accidental fuck up, “nonono! i completely agree, dude i’ve literally been crushing on you the whole of summer! i’m just not gonna be a rebound, okay?” he nods in agreement.
to break the awkward silence, you abruptly stood up and stole the brunette’s fitted cap and put it in on yourself instead, then started to fake model with it, he soon realises what you’re doing and pretends to snap pictures of you.
“miss, miss! over here! can you tell me what you’re wearing?” 
you both continue to joke around before you get up and start making your back to the others. there’s nothing but banter between the pair of you and the air has definitely been cleared for now.
“it’s kinda disappointing that you look so good in my hat what the fuck bro.”
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dearsnow · 2 years
hey i’m new to your account and i saw your requests were open so, if you can, could you please write some boyfriend headcanons for jacob from the quarry :)
- how he is as a boyfriend :) jacob custos x gn!reader, requests are still open!!
a/n - ah yes, the himbo
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- he is so incredibly clingy. You get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night? He’s right behind you and waits next to the door until you’re done. You really need to do something alone, like a job interview or a family reunion? He’s crestfallen and will send you the broken heart emoji when you leave
- he’s definitely a physical touch kinda guy; his hand is on your back guiding you when you’re walking through unfamiliar streets, he envelops you in tight bear hugs constantly, and he loves kissing you
- literally the definition of puppy princess by hot freaks. It’s one of the many songs he listens to when thinking about you. He physically kicks his legs and sighs like a little girl when something reminds him of you
- he’s a pretty jealous guy, especially when Nick is cracking jokes. He won’t hesitate to put an arm around your shoulder or do something weird to get your attention off the other boy
- he wears his heart on his sleeve, but despite that, he finds talking about his feelings awkward. Be patient with him and he’ll open up quickly
- he secretly really likes romcoms and is a bit of a hopeless romantic, though he’ll never admit it. He makes fun of cheesy scenes while holding back tears
- most dates with him consist of eating snacks and watching movies, but he also likes going outside for some fresh air once and a while
- if you ever watch a horror movie with him, be prepared. He will scream and cling onto you the minute he gets even a little scared. Before the movie, he acts all macho and says he’ll protect you, but eventually you end up comforting him
- he can keep a conversation going even when the original subject has died, so you find yourself talking to him for hours and hours
- he absolutely loves when you wear his old sports jerseys or just his clothing in general. Seeing you in something he owns makes his pride swell an enormous amount
- he often throws things to you, so be ready for flying shampoo bottles and chip bags
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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montysstuffs · 2 years
🌸The boys and their aftercare🌸
AN: I KINDA WROTE SOME FLUFF~ I know I pretty much only write smut, but this has been in my drafts for a bit and I’m clearing it out. So here it is! I also remembered Max this time! I hope you enjoy💕 I tried to be as Gender neutral as possible!
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Giving: Ryan will run you a nice hot bath. He sits on the edge he of the tub and throws in a bath bomb. Chuckling silently to himself at how excited you get at the fizzing ball. Once the water is at a desired temperature, he slips into the bath with you. He squeezes your favorite shampoo into his hand, warming it up before lathering your hair in it. All while talking to you about how your day has been. He loves to listen to your sweet voice. But if you’re not one to talk, that’s okay too! He’s more than happy to do the talking for you. Or just sit in a comfortable silence as he bathes you. Receiving: He absolutely loves when you take care of the scratches on his back. Sometimes you dig enough to break skin. Leaving splotches of red across his back. He hisses as you take a warm towel to his back. After you wipe off the blood, you follow it up with dabs of alcohol to the cuts. “Ouch!” He pouts as he slouches forward, not at all enjoying the cleaning process. You move to the front of his chest now. Doing the same process all over again. “Ow-“ you close his mouth before he can finish his word, “I haven’t even touched you yet.” His cheeks heat up a bit in embarrassment, “oh, sorry.”
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Giving: He will tell you to keep lying down and not to move and inch. You wince are the cold lotion being applied to your back. “Sorry, should’ve warmed it up in my hand before.” He massages the lotion into your aching and sore muscles. Making sure to pay extra attention to every single mark he left, and kiss it. Letting you know that you’re all his, and he loves you. He’ll massage every inch of your body, from the tips of your fingers, to the pads of your toes. He wants to give as much relaxation as possible. Receiving: Loves the showers afterwards with you. You are lathering up his chest in soap. He grips your wrist, staring down at you with a different sparkle in his brown eyes. He leans down and places a soft kiss to your lips. Not at all the same type of kiss that you had shared an hour ago, but one still full of love and admiration.
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Giving: he’ll get you your favorite ice cream and throw up a movie while in bed. He’s happy to have your head on his broad chest as you slowly drift off into sleep. He is definitely the type to run his fingers through your hair. Even give you a little scalp massage while he’s at it. He’ll brush your hair, tie it up, style it for the night, anything you want. Receiving: Likes communication. He wants to know what you liked or didn’t like. He also really likes to be told how valued he is. He can get insecure sometimes, so when you tell him how much he means to you, he almost cries. And that’s okay! Crying is healthy. He beats himself up too much and would love for you to be his anchor. He absolutely loves to talk and loves that he can be his most vulnerable self.
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Giving: He sometimes struggles to go through the entire night time routine, but he does what he remembers. He will start with a quick shower, still holding you close under the warm water. Peppering kisses all over your face until you are pruny and beg him to stop. Next is your cleanser and face masks. He just wants you to sit there and be pretty. Just talk him through it and he’ll get the hang of it! Once that’s done he’ll sit you up in front of him and brush your hair. Making sure to detangle it as gently as possible. Receiving: Loves to hear you sing. Will ask you to serenade him whether you can sing or not. He’ll even make a playlist for you both to cuddle up and listen to together. And by listen to, I mean he’ll listen to you sing every single word off key and fall in love with you even more every time.
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Giving: He makes/brings you your favorite snack as well as share a water bottle with you. He wants you to stay hydrated at all times. “Hydrate or diedrate,” he always says. He has a stash of your favorite snacks under the bed so Laura won’t eat them all from you. Or if you’d like, he’ll ask you to join him in cooking dinner. Of course you don’t have to do anything, he just likes your company. Receiving: He isn’t a very complex man. He loves to just lie in bed and cuddle afterwards. He loves the savor the moments where your legs are overlapping his and your face buried into his neck. Give him little kisses every now and then and he’ll be over the moon.
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bloatedandalone04 · 2 years
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Warnings: mentions of smut, fluff, kinks, the quarry related topics
☁︎Okay, you guys are the most chaotic couple to ever exist
☁︎Seriously, y’all are wild af
☁︎You met in high school, Jacob being the jock he is, and you being a cheerleader
☁︎You began dating when Jacob was a Senior and you were a Junior
☁︎It was destined to be, tbh
☁︎Jacob is crazy in love with you
☁︎This man worships the ground you walk on
☁︎He’s constantly second guessing himself, wondering why in the world you picked him
☁︎He is insanely jealous
☁︎Like, all the time
☁︎You guys definitely broke up once before getting back and staying together
☁︎The breakup was extremely messy and it left you both with shattered hearts
☁︎It had something to do with Jacob constantly pushing you away when he let his controlling thoughts take over
☁︎And you felt useless, so the breakup was sudden and heartbreaking
☁︎You get back together two months later with Jacob promising you that he wouldn’t push you away again
☁︎Buddy is whipped for you
☁︎You move in together shortly after getting back together
☁︎Fights aren’t often, but they do happen
☁︎They’re either really brutal or nothing at all
☁︎Nothing you can’t move on from, though
☁︎Now about your sex life
☁︎Jacob has a killer body, we all know this 
☁︎It only makes sense that he is packing, big 
☁︎Jacob has a massive praise kink
☁︎He always wants to know if you’re feeling as good as he is or if he needs to step his game up
☁︎Will go down on you for the sole purpose of having your hands tug his hair
☁︎He will initiate sex just before you leave to go literally anywhere, out to dinner, to hang out with Kaitlyn, and especially when you go to the library to meet up with Nick for a group project, just so you know who you belong to
☁︎Yes, Jacob is pretty possessive
☁︎Jacob will often cuddle into your back with his arms wrapped around you when he is feeling extremely upset or insecure
☁︎He is the little spoon, 100%
☁︎It’s not often you sleep with your arms around him, though
☁︎You usually fall asleep with his arm wrapped around your waist or with his head laying on your stomach
☁︎You guys probably get engaged late into your 20′s and then later get married in your early 30′s
☁︎Why rush when you both know you’ll be with one another for the rest of your lives? 
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Love Languages for the Counselors
A/N: Sorry Max’s is so short my brain wasn’t cooperating. Also I pulled these out of my ass when I was supposed to be sleeping enjoy <3
~ I’m going to say quality time
~ he does that introvert thing where he just *exists* in the same room as the people he loves and it’s more than enough for him
~ that’s not to say he would never talk to you he wants to get to know you he’s just a little awkward about it
~ please help him he’s struggling
~ will eventually let you listen to his podcasts with him just don’t ask so many questions mid episode
~ he will happily clear things up for you afterwards❤️
~ words of affirmation with a little bit of physical affection thrown in
~ ik he loves goofy pet names and probably tires to embarrass you with them while just sitting with you
~ “My cinnamon sugar apple. My honeybun sugar plum. My sweet peace of ass”
“Dylan wtf”
“Okay sorry. Can you hand me that pen over there”
~ does the traditional babe/baby too
~ also not shy to voice his love for you. Not a day goes by where he doesn’t tell you
~ likes to top off his sugary words with a peck on the cheek to leave you wanting more of him
~ Acts of service
~ In cannon she has trouble expressing herself and I think that shows in her relationships too
~ She can’t always get the words out or let herself be vulnerable but she will hold the door for you and save you a seat wherever you go
~ thank her and she’ll scoff
~ I can imagine her helping you style your hair and if it’s long she’ll chastise you and say that if you can’t handle it you should cut it short like hers
~ you never have to ask her for anything, she’ll always do whatever she can for you but she might call you stupid in the mean time
~ “here I brought you some water”
“Oh thank you that’s so sweet of you :)”
“Yeah well someone has to keep you from getting dehydrated. Now shut up and drink”
~ do I really even have to say it
~ physical👏🏻affection👏🏻
~ once you give him the go ahead for PDA (if you are okay with it) prepare to be picked up and squeezed at any given moment
~ doesn’t matter how big you are he’s stronk
~loves kissing u. Will do it until your lips are swollen if you don’t stop him.
~I can also see him as an ass slap man if you consent to it before hand
~ if he’s wearing jeans pls put your hand in his back pocket while walking around. He’s beaming the whole time it’s so gross
~overall just a big teddy bear who will smoosh you with his man boobs if you ask
~ another words of affirmation counselor
~ she’s a little different in her approach than Dylan
~ she will use pet names if you like them but also just loves to compliment you
~ “Did you change your hair? I love it!” “You always look beautiful/handsome/attractive but you looks especially good today.” “That color looks so good on you!” That kind of stuff
~ will not be at all embarrassed to post you on her social media. Brags about you all the time actually
~ “This is my S/O! I love them and if you’re mean I’m blocking you”
~ includes you in her videos if you want to be in them
~ she’s my blorbo
~ gift giving but not in the way you might think
~ @bloodverz wrote a post about the counselors bringing you back little trinkets from hikes and stuff and I think that fits her character very well
~ “this rock made me think of you :)” you will end up with a rock collection whether you like it or not
~ I hc that she has a garden at home and she grows flowers and food for you
~ this might be more on the side of acts of service but I also see her doodling on your arms and legs if you let her. It’s a little gift to remember her by later
~ bonus points if you get something she drew on you as a tattoo she’ll be so flustered so give her some kisses
~ Another snuggly boy but less obvious that Jacob
~ pretty shy about pda
~ he’ll hold your hand, give you hugs, and give chaste kisses but that’s about it unless you want him to turn red and forget how to move and talk
~ in private he won’t let go of you
~ pulls you in his lap to get the kisses he was too shy to ask for in public
~ a hand kisser too he’ll grab your hand and kiss all your fingers wait let me stop before I need to lie down 😮‍💨
~ he runs pretty hot which can get annoying in the summer but during the winter you can latch onto him like a Koala and he won’t stop you
~ Rub your nose on his and make him blush. Do it.
~ mmmmm I’m going to go with acts of service
~ we get to see her interact with Max in the game but they’re in a dire situation most of the time
~ however idk if every relationship is strong enough that you will literally kill your camp director for but Laura did
~ she would do anything for you and she tells you that often
~ on top of that she’ll do little things for you like making your breakfast in bed once in a while
~ takes such good care of you when you’re sick she’s not leaving until you’re better
~ words of affirmation
~ he loves you and he’s not afraid to shout it from the rooftops either
~ constantly reminding you how much you mean to him he’s so soft 🥹
~ I can also see him being very touchy but putting physical touch again feels like a cop out djejaodih
~ expect a good morning and good night text every day
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m0chaminx · 2 years
Kinktober Day Six | "Please"
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*•.¸♡Kinktober Prompt : Dom!reader
*•.¸♡Prompt : None
*•.¸♡𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 : porn with no plot, maybe Jacob out of character, light bondage
*•.¸♡Paring : Jacob Custos x GN!reader
*•.¸♡𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : Jacob decides you being in charge would be fun. He was right
*•.¸♡words : 164
Jacob's head pressed into the pillows below his head as you sped up your hips. Your hips slammed harder against his, the tip of his cock brushing against your sweet spot. "Does that feel good baby?" You asked, pausing to grind your hips together.
"Yeah! Yes-Yes!" Jacob squeaked, tugging at the binds that kept his hands to the bedpost. "I'm so close!" You picked up the pace again, riding his dick in quick hard strokes. He twitched, whimpering at the incredible feeling before you began to moan lowly with pleasure. "Oh, God! I'm gonna cum! Please!" He pleaded, yanking on the restraints.
You leant over his body, circling your hips with his. Your teeth are attached to his collarbone, marking his chest with dark purple marks.
"Cum for me then," You ordered, lifting yourself back up and slamming his dick inside you one last time. His balls contracted as he let out a low moan, calling your name before shuddering and releasing his load.
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*•.¸♡ Kinktober Masterlist ♡¸.•*
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