#If anyone has anything else to add because there’s most definitely stuff that I missed
corioheinous · 2 months
just got into aliens stage because it was trending and does all the lore come from the youtube videos?? or is the story continued elsewhere?
Idk how qualified I am to answer this question since I’d only consider myself a casual fan of the series BUT as far as I know the MVs are gonna be the primary source of lore rn… The alnst Twitter account does post rlly cool official art for the series as well as the occasional mini comic (great source of insight into their relationship dynamics), though for those you’ll probably have to scan the replies for translations lol. Same goes for the community posts on VIVINOS’ Youtube channel! They also have a Patreon, somewhat recently they uploaded an interview with Ivan there I’m pretty sure(?) (not subscribed RIP). There’s also some articles and basic plot/character information on their creatorlink site which has been dubiously translated into EN. Though I think the full versions of those articles are exclusive to the Alien Stage magazine (probably also accessible via Patreon).
With all of this in mind, I still firmly believe the best way to experience alnst lore is through reading fan theories/speculation in YT comments, tumblr/reddit analyses, tweets, blog posts, etc. The alnst cinematic universe is still very elusive, but in my experience its fans are spectacular at analyzing every microscopic detail shown in an MV frame/official art/what have you to the point where a lot of my understanding of the “lore” has been informed by conjecture lmfao. It definitely keeps things interesting!
I hope you are enjoying the series so far + good luck on the lore hunt my friend :)
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Miles 42 headcannons pls?
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A/N: OK, I never usually write stuff like this so please correct me if I messed up on some stuff!
WARNING: I dont speak spanish so I will be using google translate, lol. However, if anyone is a translator and can help me out please do!
Earth 42 Miles is definitely a nonchalant person in general. After his dad was taken away from him he feels like he has nothing left to say to anyone about anything. He definitely struggles in relationships with this character trait.
I like to believe he keeps girlfriends but doesn't keep the title of a player. I feel like he dates a ton of girls to fill the void of that missing love he got from his father...you know?
I also believe that most of his relationships fall out because he doesn't just swoon after the girl because like I said before he has a nonchalant behavior.
If he was to get a long-term girlfriend. He would get attached really quickly and most definitely would not play about her.
The more and more deeper yall get into the relationship the more and more possessive he gets.
He's really possessive because he feels like you will slip away from him. Like his dad did.
Earth 42 Miles became the prowler because it is his way of acting out.
After his dad died, he slipped into a depressive episode that kept replaying, replaying & replaying. There's already enough stress on his mom with being a single parent, her job, and trying to keep the bills paid.
So him being a "bad" kid and getting into fights would not help her at all. So when Uncle Aaron introduced this job to him he was immediately in.
Killing these innocent people allows him to let out all his vexation on the city that brought his father to death.
He comes every night in bloody clothes, with purple bruises painting his brown complexion.
In all honesty, he's fucking miserable.
Miles 42 definitely has the habit of speaking Spanglish.
Since he converses communication from his Mother to Uncle Aaron.
He definitely has A+ in Spanish. (LMFAOOOO i just thought this was funny to add in here)
Spanish is the language he speaks when he's angry
Like, for example when he's beating someone to death senselessly (im sorry i don't know how else to put this..)
He speaks Spanish in anger.
¿Dónde está el dinero, hijo de puta?
¡Deja de gritar antes de que te alimente a las ratas de la calle!
....He speaks very out of character when hes killing
In all honesty if he had some free time on his hands he woud kill some actual bad people, like robbers,muggers, gangs...etc.
But in my opinion he's just a kid whos trying to fill a void from his dead father and he just needs love!!
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do you have any post adoption of spider headcanons? i live for your content about him and the rest of the sullies lol
Hi! I actually have been working on a longer post about this, but it is a tad bit of a bummer so I'll do a lighter one here!! Sorry if it takes me a couple days, which I have a feeling it will! You all know by now I'm a MASSIVE Spider Sully truther and I'm assuming this is in response to my recent post adoption Spider post, so here are my Spider Sully headcanons in that world (if you wanted a different au, Spider Sully at the Omaticaya growing up or Spider Sully in modern era or something else, please let me know):
-There are certain things about Na'vi life that Spider isn't actually used to, because he would go home to Hells Gate at night and was excluded. He is now forcefully included. Lo'ak, Spider, and Kiri play a game called 'Is this Spider or is this just weird?' where Spider has to guess if the thing he's unfamiliar with is a universal thing (the way they bathe, Spider has a shower in his bathroom at Hells Gate) or is this a weird Metkayina thing (the way Ao'nung chooses to climb up to the rock pools at the edge of the reef, definitely weird and definitely funny). It gets kind of cliquey when anything they do for weeks with the Metkayina kids devolves into the three of them whispering and giggling to each other. It almost ruins their entire relationship with Ao'nung, until Lo'ak caves and tells Tsireya what they're doing.
-Kiri, Lo'ak, and Spider are just weirdly cliquey in general. Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Rotxo hadn't noticed before with just Kiri and Lo'ak because they'd been missing the third musketeer, but now it's almost impossible to be around them. They have so many inside jokes and sometimes they all look at each other and have silent conversations with their eyebrows (Ao'nung never thought he'd be jealous of eyebrows) and facial expressions and then act like a decision has been made. It's just that the three of them didn't have many other close friends at home, not with a trust and a bond like the one they all have, so it's hard to adjust and add people. Tuk was natural because she grew into them, but going swimming with Rotxo it's almost hard to remember to include him. A distinct effort goes into the three of them unlearning their insular ways and letting new friends into the clique lol.
-All the Sully's are very protective of Spider for a long time. No one can even touch him for a couple months after he's back. Tsireya teaching him to breathe underwater still somehow ends in Kiri hissing at her when she goes to touch him. Kiri was always protective of Spider, but Lo'ak always treated him like anyone else. Most of his scars and injuries growing up came from dumb stuff Lo'ak suggested they do or accidentally caused when roughhousing. Now Lo'ak treats him like he's fragile, not letting anyone near him. It takes them a while to get back into their normal rhythm, or at least a new normal. Probably after some sort of dangerous thing Ao'nung convinced Spider to do goes wrong.
-Yeah, definitely the first time Spider is let out of any of the Sully's sight he's frat boy hazed by Ao'nung, who is NOT A FAN for the first month of so of his stay there. Ao'nung learned his lesson from the Three Brothers Rocks incident and was like leaving him right at the edge of the reef is good. Spider just attracts all danger though. Before he can be killed by anything, Jake's Lo'ak spidey sense goes off but Lo'ak is right in front of him so it can only mean one thing: now theres too of them. Neytiri finds Spider minutes after on her ikran.
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kanerallels · 2 months
So... what SW Legends stuff would you recommend? I've already started reading Heir to the Empire, if that helps?
Ooooh!! Okay Heir to the Empire is the PERFECT starting place, that's where I started too! (I think. I also vaguely remembering reading these Darth Bane books when I was younger, but I digress)
(edit: also, I am not an expert on Legends, so if anyone who knows it better would like to offer any other recs (in a respectful manner that doesn't involve talking about how much you hate the sequels) feel free to add to this post!)
Others that I would recommend would definitely depend on what era you're looking for, but most of the stuff I know is post Return of the Jedi. If it's not, I'll make sure you know! (I'm gonna put part of this under a cut, it got kinda long)
The Hand of Thrawn duology. It's set like ten years after Heir to the Empire, and wraps up the events of those books super well! Plus it has more Talon Karrde, who is my favorite background character ever. The first book is Specter of the Past, by Timothy Zahn!
If you're a Mace Windu fan, Shatterpoint by Matthew Stover was really good! It's set near the end of the Clone Wars, and is about a mission he went on to find his missing apprentice. It was fun to read from Mace's point of view, and see how he's actually a lot more caring than a lot of fans depict him. Also, he headbutts a shocking amount of people. Mace is not immune to the chaos gene that comes with being Force sensitive
Technically, these are kids books and I might only like them because nostaglia, but the Last of the Jedi series by Jude Watson is fun! It's set directly after Order 66, and follows a former Jedi who grew up with Anakin, and the escapades and hijinks he gets up to
The Rogue Squadron books by Michael A. Stackpole are pretty good, especially if you like fighter pilot shenanigans. Rogue Squadron is Wedge Antilles's elite squad of pilots, and the main character is Corran Horn, who is a former Corellian Security member (basically a cop) and gets into all KINDS of trouble. I've only technically read a couple of those books, and admittedly, I don't like them as much as their follow up series. But if you do enjoy these books, you should check out I, Jedi, by Michael A. Stackpole, which is about Corran in later life
The follow up series is the Wraith Squadron books by Aaron Allston. It's also about a squadron Wedge put together, but it's made up of washouts and rejects, and they end up as a black ops division. It's simultaneously really sad and some of the funniest Star Wars I've ever read, and there's a running joke about an Ewok lieutenant
I'm gonna recommend the Republic Commando series by Karen Traviss, but with a caveat. Karen Traviss, for some reason, seems to really, really hate the Jedi. And that is reflected in her writing, but it's almost worth it for the Mandalorians adopting clones and the TRAGEDY. This one is set during the end of the Clone War, through Order 66. It also does not end super satisfyingly, but it's weirdly good anyways. So it's really up to you whether or not you think you can handle the rampant loathing of Jedi
Uhhh let's see, what else. There are so so many Legends books. The Jedi Academy Trilogy by Kevin J Anderson isn't the best written, but it gives you a really good look at what Luke's new Jedi Order looks like as he's building (and also happens, timeline-wise, at the same time as I, Jedi)
I think those are the main ones I know well enough to recommend! In my experience, anything by Timothy Zahn or Aaron Allston is pretty good. Avoid Troy Denning at all cost-- he does not, in my experience, write stuff that is particularly admirable, and it can be kinda gross. If you end up with a particular character you like a lot who you're looking for more content of, there's a good chance there's more out there! Feel free to send me any other questions you have, and don't feel pressure to read all of it. No one can possibly be an expert on all of Star Wars, there's just. Way too much of it (of course that's not really gonna stop me from trying)
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Marauders cooking headcanons
James - FANTASTIC cook and baker. effie and monty taught him how to cook and bake at a young age so it’s a pretty nostalgic thing for him. one of the only things that can get him to be completely focused and block everything else out. Weirdly a control freak when cooking, no one can touch anything because they are doing it wrong. Loves cooking south asian dishes the most but can cook anything really
Sirius - hates cooking on his own. Finds it really boring to just be making something only out of hunger or because she has to eat. BUT really enjoys cooking or baking with people she cares about. They like making something in a social setting where it’s not necessarily about the food but about the experience and how he’s spending time with others. It also gives them a reason to make it taste good because it’s not just for her so she actually tries to be good at it. And sometimes their food tastes really good (emphasis on sometimes)
Remus - can make microwave porridge and ramen. That’s it. He lives off that stuff because he can’t cook for shit. He’s the type of person who would burn water (but he does make the best drinks).
Peter - pretty good at cooking but baking and sweet things is where he SHINES. Has professional equipment and likes to make really complex desserts like macarons (I tried to make them once, they are ridiculously hard). Loves to teach his friends how to bake things because it’s fun and it makes Peter feel helpful and good at something. He is the person who makes the birthday cakes for everyone and pride cakes whenever anyone comes out. Is so good he could actually pursue it as a career and be very successful.
Lily - a “must follow the recipe exactly” kind of cook. The food she makes is amazing and she usually likes to make A LOT of it. making and giving food to her friends is one of her love languages. But if she can’t find an ingredient for a meal, then she just won’t make it. There is no such thing as substitutions in her mind. and if something isn’t going right then she will start over. her perfectionism can be exhausting so sometimes if she’s not in the mood for making a perfect meal then she’ll just make toast. Either she will give her cooking her all or she just won’t try.
Mary - very talented cook and baker. her grandmother and mum taught her how to cook and now she can make the tastiest meals without even trying. It just comes naturally to her. *tastes something she’s making* “oh i know what it’s missing”. Thought that this is how everyone cooks until she made food with people outside of her family. doesn’t use a recipe but her food always comes out perfect. She could literally spend 30 minutes on something and it will be in the top 10 meals you’ve had in your life. Enjoys cooking with her friends so much, she loves sharing things that make her happy with the people she cares about (even if they kinda ruin her food). Loves to add a lot of chilli to her food but has to turn it down when she’s cooking for others because she has the highest spice tolerance of them all.
Marlene - also the type of person who would burn water. Has definitely sent people to the hospital from her cooking before. legally not allowed to enter a kitchen.
Regulus - Has like 10 recipes that he rotates between. He only cooks them but it’s fine because they’re really tasty. Mostly makes European dishes (especially French). absolutely despises when people try to cook with him. Cooking and the routine relaxes him so when people try to disturb him and then have the audacity to make his meal wrong, he will get frustrated. the type of person who makes his own bread and pasta. Bakes non sweet desserts, like croissants and herb ice cream yk
Pandora - thinks she can cook how she makes potions: by using her natural talent. This can create some incredible and unique dishes (that she cannot recreate) or it can lead to one of the most disgusting things you have ever eaten. There is no in between. Following a recipe? Not allowed in her kitchen. There’s a lot of experimentation in her cooking and baking and she really just follows her instincts.
Dorcas - amazing cook, terrible baker. loves to watch baking and cooking shows and imagines herself in their shoes and what dish she would cook. one of those chefs that can have NOTHING in their fridge but is still able to make something delicious. hosts dinners for their friends but doesn’t let anyone cook with her (yes. Another control freak when it comes to cooking). she loves to cook traditional food from zimbabwe (where i headcanon she’s from) for their friends because she loves to teach others about their culture. One of her biggest frustrations is how they can’t bake at all. It always turns out wrong even if she followed a recipe exactly.
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sam-loves-seb · 23 days
fic writer ask game
i am very late on this but i was tagged by @mmmichyyy and @iansw0rld !
🖤 rules: answer the questions then tag five fic writers ✍️
1. how did you get into writing fanfiction?
i was super into marvel movies in my teens and i read way too much clintasha and stevebucky fic on tumblr/ao3 until one day i finally cracked and decided to try writing my own. i wrote fic for a few years when i was a teenager, then went to college and fell out of fandom life because real life was super hectic and getting a degree in mechanical engineering is hard, and then when i was maybe 22? 23? i started writing fic again because i realized how much i missed fandom and community and writing in general. i orphaned all my old fic on ao3 when i came back, but i kinda wished i had at least written the titles down somewhere because i’d love to go back and see how much my writing style has grown since then. 
2. how many fandoms have you written in?
10, according to ao3. add in a couple more from my youth, and sprinkle in a handful of unfinished things in my docs from fandoms i had a passing interest in and never actually published anything for, and the real answer is probably more like 15.
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3. how many years have you been writing fanfiction?
a decade, give or take
4. do you read or write more fanfiction?
honestly depends on the day. i get in moods where i just want to write and i don’t want to read anything, and then it flips eventually and all i want to do is consume fics
5. what is one way you've improved as a writer?
i think my dialogue has improved so much since i started. it’s definitely one of my strengths right now, but it wasn’t always. 
6. what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
honestly i don’t know, my writing is very mundane. royal hierarchies maybe? and that’s not even weird. i just know i had to read a lot of shit about that for a wip i’ve since semi-abandoned.
7. what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
any comment at all is my favorite comment, but if i have to get specific: when people copy/paste their favorite lines into a comment and tell me they liked them, yeah that shit hits 
8. what's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
again, i write very boring stuff. i think the most fringe thing i write is crossovers to be totally honest. i love a well done crossover fic between multiple fandoms. i’m still very proud of my tww/newsroom crossover, and my tww/stranger things crossover is near and dear to my heart. right now i’ve been brainstorming a shameless/stranger things/911 crossover with @karenandthababes for the last like, six months. will i ever write it? who knows.
9. what is the hardest type of story for you to write?
10. what is the easiest type?
fluff or domestic fluff. give me the softness. give me them happy and enjoying life. i can crank out 5k of that in no time.
11. where do you do your writing? what platform? when?
in bed on my laptop, Word, and mostly at night, but sometimes during my lunch breaks
12. what is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
the rock star mickey au that lives in my brain rent free is probably top of my list, followed by the high school au that also lives in my brain rent free. both are ambitious projects, and i’ve been talking about them for months without actually writing anything down yet.
13. what made you choose your username?
i will refer you back to question one where i said i was very into marvel movies and stevebucky in my teens. i adore sebastian stan, always have always will, hence sam-loves-seb. yes i made this handle at 15, no i will not change it.
tagging: @jessbakescakes @mybrainismelted @gallawitchxx @suchagallabitch @thefinestmuffinswrites and anyone else who wants to play !
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mhathotfic · 2 years
I have work in an hour and I'm not even out if bed because the babies fell asleep on me and my husband has just fallen asleep after being at work till 2am but ye.
Sugar daddy Bakugou most definitely is soft for you but he loves to see you cry so he makes you cry happy tears.
You were talking about wanting another animal when you to bed that night the little fluffy ball laying right there. It makes you cry and he gets hard sliding into bed after you let the fluff ball down or out it in its cage he'll pull you close "Now don't you think something like that deserves a proper thank you"
Of course something Bakugou loves is the fact that even though he's your sugar daddy and you thank him in many ways you always hug him and say thank you but he can tell it's genuine it's not for show or to make you seem more grateful he loves it about you.
You two were walking down the street he was on the phone and he stopped talking quietly you were by his side holding his hand. When he hangs up he says "Sorry baby, let's go now yea" "Mhm" you smile "Don't worry about it" he says "How about since your nails are starting to chip you take this" he pulls out his wallet handing you his card "Treat yourself your hair your nails new outfits whatever you want then when you come home I can have a show because I should be done"
You ask if your best friend can tag along so your not alone and he nods kissing your head a car pulls up within 2 minutes and with in 5 you and your best friend are at your destination.
When you eventually get home he was sat in just a pair of sweats obviously just done with working out. He walk in wrapping your arms around him from behind kissing him softly "Stay right there i'll show you everything now"
Yea I need to go to work now so that's all maybe I'll add later xx
The first time I tried to answer this tumblr crashed then my own fur baby decided I wasn’t allowed to pay attention to anything but her and she’s very persuasive.
I’m sitting here thinking about how much secret research and setting up he did to find the perfect fluffy friend for his baby. The pride he feels when they start to ask if he actually got them a new pet and hugging and snuggling the precious little thing while thanking him and trying to keep from babbling and crying too much.
When they settle down and let get in bed he ends up pulling them onto his lap, because yes they’re genuine thank you and loving gaze is enough for him emotionally, by a certain part of him needs a little more than that.
Ok I’m gonna have to come back to this because my mom needs help with something and I don’t want to lose my train of thought
*EDIT* ok I’m back now let’s continue
I think that he’d actually be really gentle with them in these situations. Wanting nothing more then to give them a reason to be so appreciative and show just how attentive to them he is.
It’d be so easy for him to be selfish greedy lover and get all he can form them, but despite his general crude attitude he’s incredibly generous and affectionate with them. He swears he lives off making them happy
And when he sends them shopping alone he’s so frustrated he can’t go with because he likes the experience of watching them trying stuff out for him and getting to pick stuff out for them.
But having them come home done to the nines knowing he’ll be ruining that pretty face later and messed up their neatly done her later does things to him.
They’re tell him all about and how they had so much fun with their best friend but they missed him so much and can wait until he sees everything they picked out.
He’s absolutely enamored about and already mentally planning dates that would be good to wear them to when they come out in the last thing. Lingerie was his hero suit’s colors and if he hasn’t ruined them for anyone else yet he’s gonna now. They’re gonna walk around with a little limp and a goofy smile for days after.
No one’s told them to buy that set and they went and did it just because they wanted to? Somehow he’s never felt more appreciated and loved than now
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dizzblaine · 2 years
Saints Row Reboot thoughts under the cut on the off chance anyone cares about spoilers and etc.
Gonna preface this by saying that while I’m not horrifically mad about it like some weirdos are, I’m definitely not going to sugarcoat what I think of the final product at least in terms of its story, themes, and just overall tone.
Alrighty then, here we go.
Right off the bat I’m just gonna say that this didn’t work as an origin story whatsoever. I know there has been a lot of talk about the main four and how they act, and if any of it feels like pandering, yadda yadda yadda. I honestly don’t really mind it all that much. I think they’re perfectly fine (at least everyone but The Boss). But if this is to work as an origin story then I don’t want to come in to an already-established dynamic between the four because it straight up feels like getting invited into a group chat that’s been going on for like a year or two, and you’re just soooo incredibly lost with it all.
Not having them as tight knit as they are at the start would have greatly benefited the apparent story they were going for. And that’s something else I feel like I need to address immediately. By the end of the game (final three or so missions) you’re suddenly given all this stuff about The Boss being told (or even thinking themselves) how shitty of a friend they are. How they could have been more supportive. So on and so forth. And it weirded me the hell out because it honestly came out of nowhere. No buildup. No prior discussion or even moment to reflect on their standing within the group. It’s like we’re missing a bunch of scenes.
And that’s actually a big thing about the game; it feels like a bunch of scenes are missing to beef up the plot or really give us anything of substance. The entirety of it feels like a general outline of what they wanted to do with the story, but then wound up forgetting to add really much of anything. Honest to god I wouldn’t be surprised if something behind the scenes kept them from focusing on it all that much. But that’s just a guess on my part. I have no concrete evidence or much information to tell me in the first place. It’s just a general feeling.
The lack of substance also affects the rival gangs and the “main antagonist’ as well. Little time is spent learning anything of note with the Panteros, the Idols, and Marshall. We have moments here and there to see how they work, how their leaders are, and to get at least the most basic of basic understanding. It’s really sad because while I won’t say that the original series really dove in that deep with some of their antagonists, the screentime each of them received is LEAGUES better than the tiny scraps we’re given throughout the reboot’s story.
And the same goes for the Nahualli. To me he’s a character that they could have done soooo much more with instead of reducing him to a pseudo plot device because we needed someone to be the “final boss”. The potential to have a sort of mentor character come in and show these kids how to really start running a criminal empire and become gangsters, only to then betray their leader and have that be the catalyst in making them an absolutely ruthless force of nature would have been decently solid!
But unfortunately all we get are a few missions to show him off cause before you know it, you’re already at the grand finale of the game and he’s like weirdly obsessed in wanting to take your friends and make them his own. Sloppiest heel turn ever. It’s such a shame and I feel like it takes away from the impact he could have had on the story and characters.
I wish I could go in deeper talking about the overall plot, but like I genuinely have nothing to work with here. Any potential discussion about late stage capitalism and its effects on younger generations is completely absent aside from some nods towards it and a few jokes. If anything the entire thing about being a broke grunt who barely scrapes by and has student loans to pay feels so trivial in the grand scheme of things. Especially when by the end of the game it’s almost completely forgotten about.
And don’t get me wrong. When it comes to the first two games any and all commentary is very surface level at best. But here’s the thing, it’s still there! You can see it plain as day! The reboot has really nothing to offer or show other than reminding us all that we have bills to pay and are probably in debt.
Like if you wanted to make a point about how these people in positions of power take advantage of others and ultimately ruin any sense of financial stability or even the ability to live in the first place, then do it! Go for broke! It doesn’t have to be particularly insightful. But at the very least use these rival gangs to showcase the different kinds of structures that all work in similar but varying ways in order to fuck over the little guy.
But by all means, if you go down that route then please make the Saints look like absolute bastards in their pursuit of personal freedom and the like. It’s another issue I have with the depiction of the gang and the main four themselves. They never truly had that moment where they started acting more and more like pricks. You can have them be friendly with each other and their crew since they’re all working under one banner. But they gotta be assholes. Do some morally grey shit (the actual kind). I don’t care. I just don’t want this feeling like the whole basis of forming a gang in this game is to have an excuse for the violence and chaos. It’s far too clean in my eyes. Almost feels like Border/lands in a way to me. Which I know sounds weird, but the way violence and the sort is depicted in those games always felt more glossed up in my eyes.
One other thing I want to quickly mention is the incredibly sparse use of Spaghetti Western themes across the game. It was almost to be expected given the setting that they would use this genre in some way or another. Sadly that only seems to be the case at the very end of the game where after sooooo long of a wait, they finally set the scene and let The Boss have a duel.
It’s nothing special. It’s very basic. Not even memorable in the least bit outside of the fact that someone probably went “oh yeah, shit. we should probably do that”.
Honestly, I’ve been working on this for a few hours now and seem to find myself losing the motivation to talk more about it. Like the plot’s just barely there and kinda sucks. What more can I add? It’s just a shame because I truly felt like they could have turned things around and make something that was worth my time investing into like I did playing SR2 all those years ago. Sadly that wasn’t going to be the case, whether due to production issues, a lack of focus on polishing things up, or who knows what.
All I can say is that I hope by any chance—a miracle, really—that they can pick things up if they ever get the greenlight to do a sequel. If anything I can at least use this as inspiration for my own ideas regarding the series.
Anyway, sorry if this was too much of a mess. I really had no idea how I wanted to structure this at all, except to just let loose and ramble off about everything I felt. There’s still DLC coming up in the future, so expect me to talk about that at some point or another. Till then I just wanna say thank you to anyone who might have read the entirety of this thing. I really do care about this series a lot and want it to do well. I truly do. Just a real shame to see things play out this way.
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emetophobiahelp · 2 years
Not a movie/show question but I'm going to Florida hopefully by April next year and I'm taking a plane bc it's faster, I've NEVER been on a plane before and everyone who has this phobia knows there's NO escape on a plane... Can't run and hide, can't hide in the bathroom or anything... I'm wondering if anyone has experience with the phobia and flying especially for first timers? I love being on boats so is it any similar? How can I help prepare myself? I have headphones, mint gum, travel tabs and all the emetophobia healing stuff but I'm wondering if I'll need more? I've been told you can't be asleep before boarding a plane so if I take sleep meds I may be screwed but it would help calm me down fast since I don't trust any other drugs but those. Also it would be a 3 hour flight I'm told bc for every day is an hour in the sky my dad says so 3 hours isn't much but I'm so scared I'm ready to call it off... But I have to go bc my gf is proposing to me once I get there, we had everything planned out ahead of time bc we don't like surprises. My gfs understanding as hell but... I'm so scared and I'm so sick of this, what feels like disease taking over my life... I've missed out on SO many things bc of this stupid fear... Even my graduations.. I almost missed my aunts celebration of life too bc I was being forced into a car with my 6 year old nephew and I do NOT trust kids at ALL... Sorry for the rambling, I'd love some advice if possible please...
so I actually love flying lol I've done quite a bit of solo flying as an adult and flew a bit as a kid, both with family and on school trips. the best thing about being on a flight when it comes to emet is that you actually generally are in your own little world. with the pressurized air and such there's a good amount of white noise blocking out sounds, and add your headphones to that and you can't hear much.
as far as sleep meds, I definitely wouldn't take anything BEFORE boarding because you might miss the boarding announcements. but once you board and get seated and settled, you should be fine if you feel comfortable doing that. depending on what kind of sleeper you are and what time it is, you may not even need that. on flights at night and in the morning they turn the lights off so it's dark anyway.
I would also recommend trying for a window seat bc then you are even more "isolated" from what other people are doing. you can just stare out the window and focus on that. but if you think you would feel too trapped or think you would need the bathroom, aisles are alright too! 3 hours is a pretty short flight tbh so I think you'll do great!
in ALL of my flights over the years, I've only been aware of two times I was in "proximity" to people v*ing. the first was in middle school on a school trip and it happened MANY rows behind me and the only reason I found out is because middle schoolers love to gossip lmao. I never saw or heard anything! the second time was in college when I studied abroad in india, and one of my tripmates had taken an edible before the FIFTEEN hour flight and then slept the entire time without eating anything else. so that was definitely an exceptional situation lol. and I managed to see that she was starting to feel s* when she woke up so I swapped seats with someone in an aisle further away from her. it happened right at the end of the flight and even though I was very shaken by it, it's actually one of my proudest emet victories in my whole life. and again, I tell you those stories not to hike up your fear, but to show that they're RARE! most people have experience flying and know their bodies and how they handle things. even people without emet take necessary steps to avoid these things!
I hope that's helpful :)
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kimberly-spirits13 · 3 years
Batfam Reacting to S/O Turning into a Robin HC (Request)
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So this entire thing happens because you and Bruce were fighting Circe who just had to throw a spell at a civilian
You jump in front of the spell and catch it, taking the blow
This means that on site, you turn into a Robin
Bruce is big mad now since now he thinks that you could be a Robin for the rest of your life and that’s just not cool
The moment that the fight is over, he calls in everyone from the league
Z, Constantine, Dr. Fate, Zatara, Wonder Woman, the whole lot
Once they find out what happens there’s a worry but eventually they find that it’s going to be alright and you’ll change back within the next 72 hours or so
Bruce just simply cannot wait that long
he doesn’t know what to do with a bird like
They make sure to not try and feed you anything that’s too disgusting that you wouldn’t normally eat
No worms
That would be gross
Bruce does find it kind of funny that you turn into a Robin and not something else
So happy it wasn’t a bat
You’d get mixed and lost with the rest of them in the cave and that would be weird
Plus there’s a high chance that you’d just fall from the ceiling
Once you finally detransform from the entire debacle, Bruce is very happy to have you back
Gets special charms from Z and Constantine that repel bad magic back onto the user
Ensures that something like this doesn’t happen again
Dick Grayson:
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This man does not know what to do
It’s a run in with Witch Boy that causes this to happen
That’s the first person that he calls
Wally is really the one that takes you back to him since Dick wasn’t on this mission but you and Wally were leading it
You jumped in front of one of the newer recruits and that’s how that happened
Does this entire experience count as a souvenir?
Like maybe he just takes a feather that you drop or something and like SOUVENIR OF THAT ONE TIME THAT Y/N TURNED INTO A ROBIN
After the initial freak out mode, he just thinks that it’s kind of funny that it was a Robin
Z said that the spell was the wrong spell (thankfully) and you’d only turn into something that you loved for a little while
And that makes Dick a blushing mess
Once you finally do turn back, he teases you
Your most important question is did you eat anything gross
The answer was no but still
Trust issues
he does mention what the spell was and that lead to some blushing
Jason Todd:
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This was the last thing that he had planned
The absolute last thing
On a mission that involved some weird magic stuff, you just happened to get turned into a Robin
What the literal hell is happening now
The first instinct is to see that it’s really you
Once you understand that you’re a Robin, you’re just like, oh, so this is happening now
And that’s just how it is, you fly up onto his shoulder and just run with it
Just sitting there like it’s no one’s business cause it isn’t
If anyone asks why there’s a Robin following, it’s just what’s happening now
He is concerned that you don’t turn into a human again
So he does make sure to ask and this time, it needs a counter spell
Z is the one to do this since Jason isn’t keen on trusting Constantine
Doesn’t take super long to do this since Z is already very powerful
We Stan a powerful helpful queen
So Jason goes to one of her shows and sneaks back stage still in the Red Hood uniform and explains what happens
Z just goes ahead, sets you on the floor, and does the transformation
It was really easy, not to painful, but it was weird to just be laying on the floor and not able to fly
You’ll only miss that part
Jason doesn’t miss any of it and still jokes about the fact that you were a Robin
“Babe at least you didn’t blow up in your time being Robin.”
Tim Drake:
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So you turn into a Robin on a mission with the team
He was on this mission and watched the entire thing go down
The funny part was that you could still talk since the magic was somewhat incomplete
There’s just this small voice “WHAT THE HELL!”
And then Tim knows that it’s definitely you
Tim was going to take you to one of the magic users in the league
but since Diana was right there when you got back, you stormed up flew up to her and just mouthed off
Tim just died laughing
Cause it really was funny that you were just a little tiny Robin and mouthing off at the most powerful heroes in the world
Recorded it 100%
When Diana takes you to Themyscira in order to get one of the Amazon’s to help, Tim obviously couldn’t come
So it’s about a three day long trip and during that period, Timmy is a mess
He needs to know what’s happening at all times to ensure that you’re alright
When you do finally get home, he tackles you into a hug and checks you up and down to make sure that there’s nothing still wrong
Very happy when he concludes that there’s nothing wrong anymore and you’re back to the regular Y/N
Damian Wayne:
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His first instinct is to not let anyone touch you but him
He takes you everywhere and makes sure that you’re alright
You can’t talk but he’s helped birds before and has dated you for some time so he knows what no to do and what to do
That being said, he does want you back to normal ASAP
That means that he’ll call an emergency league meeting without Bruce’s approval
Although Bruce probably would have done the same thing since he really knows that Damian loves you and would make sure that you’re alright
That’s super important to him and the rest of the family since you are kind of family at this point
Damian insists that the magic users help turn you back very quickly
They call in Constantine since Z is off doing other things and he makes sure that he knows exactly what happens
Constantine has had some bad experiences with magic in the past and he wants to be sure that you’re not going to have anything really bad happen to you
Damian is the same way
Probably threatens John’s life if something goes wrong
Once you’re finally back, Damian also tackles you
Though Constantine has to hold him back at first since the shock of turning back and then having someone tackle you to the ground would be over whelming
But when he finally can, he does
Checks you over just like Tim and then doesn’t let you out of his sight for a week or so
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, just not anyone else
He makes it a point that you’re too important to lose
Cuddles everywhere
Once he does step back and think about it though, he finds it kind of endearing that there are thousands of other things that you could’ve turned into but it was a Robin
It was sweet but didn’t need to last longer than it had to
Duke and Luke:
I’m putting these guys together since in my mind they’re pretty alike
Luke is the classical version of Duke and Duke is the Lofi/ alternative hip hop version of Luke
For these reasons they both have very similar reactions
And that would be to freak out
they take you to Bruce and get advice cause what is going on
They don’t have as much of a connection with the Robin deal since they weren’t ever technically Robin for Batman
Duke is a bit more of an arguable case but still
They do find it both suspicious and a bit comedic that it was a Robin out of anything else though
I have to say that they’re the most chill out of any of the Batfam when it comes to something like this since this kind of thing just happens a lot
Not turning into Robin, just weird outta pocket experiences
Like this is just another thing to add to the list of oh here we go again
Duke does think that you’re still really a pretty Robin
In the most non- weird way possible you’re just a pretty Robin
Luke doesn’t really pay attention to that and instead wants to get to the bottom of what happened so that it doesn’t happen again
They’re both really smart so they’ll figure it out but at different paces since one is more urgent than the other
Doesn’t mean that either care less though
Once you’re back they do make sure that extra diagnostics are run to make sure that nothing was effected and you’ll be okay long and short term
Once they’re satisfied it’ll all go back to being pretty normal
Sry this took so long, exams are running wild
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mimicofmodes · 3 years
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“The Ladies Waldegrave” by Joshua Reynolds, 1780 (NGS NG2171)
I’ve complained before about two very big pet peeves of mine - corset stuff and Regency women being dressed in 1770s-1780s clothes - but one that may dwarf them because of how frequently it comes up in historical and fantasy fiction is the oppression of embroidery.
That’s probably putting it a bit too strongly. It’s more like ... the annoyance of embroidery. Every character worth reading about knows instinctively that sewing is a) boring, b) difficult, c) mindless, and d) pointless. The author doesn’t have to say anything more than “Belinda threw down her needlework and looked out the window, sighing,” to signal that this is an independent woman whose values align with the modern reader, who’s probably not really understood by her mother or mother figure, and who probably will find an extraordinary man to “match” her rather than settling for someone ordinary. To look at an example from fantasy, GRRM uses embroidery in the very beginning of A Game of Thrones to show that the Stark sister who dislikes it is sympathetic and interesting, while the Stark sister who is competent at it is boring and conventional and obviously not deserving of a PoV (until later books, when her attention gets turned to higher matters); further into the book, of course, the pro-needlework sister proves to be weak-willed and naïve.
Rozsika Parker, in the groundbreaking 1996 work The Subversive Stitch, noted that “embroidery has become indelibly associated with stereotypes of femininity,” which is the core of the issue. "Instead embroidery and a stereotype of femininity have become collapsed into one another, characterised as mindless, decorative and delicate; like the icing on the cake, good to look at, adding taste and status, but devoid of significant content.” 
Parker also points out that the stereotype isn’t just one that was invented in the present day by feminists who hated the idea of being forced to do a certain craft. “The association between women and embroidery, craft and femininity, has meant that writers concerned with the status of women have often turned their attention towards this tangled, puzzling relationship. Feminists who have scorned embroidery tend to blame it for whatever constraint on women's lives they are committed to combat. Thus, for example, eighteenth-century critical commentators held embroidery responsible for the ill health which was claimed as evidence of women's natural weakness and inferiority.”
There are two basic problems I have with the trope, beyond the issue of it being incredibly cliché:
First: needlework was not just busywork
A big part of what drives the stereotype is the impression that what women were embroidering was either a sampler:
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sampler embroidered by Jane Wilson, 14, in 1791 (MMA 2010.47)
or a picture:
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unfinished embroidery of David and Abigail, British, 1640s-50s (MMA 64.101.1325)
That is, something meant to hang on the wall for no real purpose.
These are forms of schoolwork, basically. Samplers were made by young girls up to their early teens, and needlework pictures were usually something done while at school or under a governess as a showpiece of what was being learned - not just the stitching itself, but also often watercolors (which could be worked into the design), artistic sensibility, and the literature, history, or art that might be alluded to. And many needlework pictures made in schools were also done as mourning pieces, sometimes blank, for future use, and sometimes to commemorate a recent death in the family. A lot of them are awkward, clearly just done to pass the class, but others are really artwork.
Many schools for middle- and upper-class girls taught the making of these objects (and other “ornamental” subjects) alongside a more rigorous curriculum - geography, Latin, chemistry, etc. At some, sewing was also always accompanied by serious reading and discussion. (And it would often be done while someone read aloud or made conversation later in life, too.)
Once done with their education, women generally didn’t bother with purely decorative work. Some things that fabric could be embroidered for included:
Bed coverings and bedcurtains
Collars and undersleeves 
Neck handkerchiefs and sleeve ruffles 
Purses, wallets, and reticules
Book covers
Plus other articles of clothing like waistcoats, caps, slippers, gown hems, chemises, etc. Women’s magazines of the nineteenth century often gave patterns and alphabets for personal use.
(Not to mention late nineteenth century female artists who worked in embroidery, but that’s something else.)
You could purchase all of these pre-embroidered, but many, many women chose to do it themselves. There are a number of reasons why: maybe they wanted something to do, maybe they felt like they should be doing needlework for moral/gender reasons, maybe they couldn’t afford to buy anything - and maybe they enjoyed it or wanted to give something they made to a person they loved. That firescreen above was embroidered by Marie Antoinette, someone who had any number of other activities to choose from. It’s no different than people today who like to knit their own hats and gloves or bake their own bread, except that it was way more mainstream.
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embroidery patterns from Ackermann’s Repository in 1827 - they could be used on dresses, collars, handkerchiefs, etc.
Second: needlework wasn’t the only “useless” thing women were expected to do
Ignoring the bulk of point one for now and the value of embroidery - I mentioned “ornamental subjects” above. As many people know, young women of the upper and middle classes were expected to be “accomplished” in order to be seen as marriageable. This could include skills like embroidery, drawing, painting, singing, playing the piano (as well as other instruments, like the harp or the mandolin), speaking French (if not also Italian and/or German), as well as broader knowledge and abilities like being well-versed in music, literature, and poetry, dancing and walking gracefully, writing good letters in an elegant hand, and being able to read out loud expressively and smoothly.
This wasn’t a checklist. As the famous discussion in Pride and Prejudice shows, individuals could have different views on what actually made a woman accomplished:
“How I long to see her again! I never met with anybody who delighted me so much. Such a countenance, such manners! And so extremely accomplished for her age! Her performance on the pianoforte is exquisite.”
“It is amazing to me,” said Bingley, “how young ladies can have patience to be so very accomplished as they all are.”
“All young ladies accomplished! My dear Charles, what do you mean?”
“Yes, all of them, I think. They all paint tables, cover screens, and net purses. I scarcely know anyone who cannot do all this, and I am sure I never heard a young lady spoken of for the first time, without being informed that she was very accomplished.”
“Your list of the common extent of accomplishments,” said Darcy, “has too much truth. The word is applied to many a woman who deserves it no otherwise than by netting a purse or covering a screen. But I am very far from agreeing with you in your estimation of ladies in general. I cannot boast of knowing more than half-a-dozen, in the whole range of my acquaintance, that are really accomplished.”
“Nor I, I am sure,” said Miss Bingley.
“Then,” observed Elizabeth, “you must comprehend a great deal in your idea of an accomplished woman.”
“Yes, I do comprehend a great deal in it.”
“Oh! certainly,” cried his faithful assistant, “no one can be really esteemed accomplished who does not greatly surpass what is usually met with. A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages, to deserve the word; and besides all this, she must possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her voice, her address and expressions, or the word will be but half-deserved.”
“All this she must possess,” added Darcy, “and to all this she must yet add something more substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading.”
Mr. Bingley feels that a woman is accomplished if she has the ability to do a number of different arts and crafts. Miss Bingley feels (or says she feels) that it goes beyond specific skills and into branches of artistic attainment, plus broader personal qualities that could be imparted by well-bred governesses or mothers. And Mr. Darcy, of course, agrees with that but adds an academic angle as well.
But what ties all of these accomplishments together is their lack of value on the labor market. A woman could earn a living with any one accomplishment, if she worked hard enough at it to become a professional, but young ladies weren’t supposed to be professional-level good because they by definition weren’t going to earn a living. All together, they trained a woman for the social and domestic role of a married woman of the upper middle or upper class, or, if she couldn’t get married, a governess or teacher who would share her accomplishments with the next generation.
(To be fair, almost none of the trappings of an upper-middle/upper class male education had anything to do with the kind of career training that college frequently is today, either. Men were educated to know the cultural touchpoints of their class and fit in with their peers.)
There are reasons that an individual person/character might specifically object to embroidery, but it was far from the only “useless” thing that an unconventional heroine would be required to do against her inclination by her conventional mother/grandmother/aunt/chaperone. Embroidery stands out to modern audiences because most of the other accomplishments are now valued as gender-neutral arts and skills.
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“The Embroidery Frame”, by Mathilde Weil, ca. 1900 (LOC 98501309)
So, some thoughts for writers of historical fiction (or fantasy that’s supposed to be just like the 19th/18th/17th/etc century):
- If your heroine doesn’t like embroidery, she probably doesn’t like a number of other things she’s expected to do. Don’t pull out embroidery as either more expected or more onerous than them. Does she hate to sit still? I’d imagine she also dislikes drawing and practicing the piano. Would she prefer to do academic subjects? She probably also resents learning French instead of Latin, and music and dancing. Does she hate enforced femininity? Then she’d most likely have a problem with all of the accomplishments.
- If your heroine just and specifically doesn’t like embroidery, try to show in the narrative that that’s not because it’s objectively bad, and only able to be liked by the boring. Have another sympathetic character do it while talking to the heroine. Note that the hero carries a flame-stitched wallet that’s his sister’s work. Emphasize the heroine’s emotional connection to her deceased or absent mother through her affection for clothing or upholstery that her mother embroidered - or through a mourning picture commemorating her. There are all kinds of things you can do to show that it’s a personal preference rather than a stupid craft that doesn’t take talent and skill!
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mourning picture for Daniel Goodman, probably embroidered by a Miss Goodman, 1803 (MMA 56.66)
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unfoundhoney · 3 years
toe the line ; part two ↠
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↠ slimecicle x fem!reader , platonic!jschlatt x fem!reader ; angst , fluff in future chapters
↠ masterlist
↠ part one ; part two ; part three ; part four
↠ @ochabby @nottheotheruser @d0vesatdawn @ashturnedtomist @bloopi @enderhoe @plaguenecromancer
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Your clothes are damp and heavy in your hands as you move them from washer to dryer. It’s quiet in the apartment. The silence has been amplified for the last few days, an effect that carries through to now, as you switch your laundry. You’re bent at the waist, feet nearly off the ground as you reach down into the the washer to get the few remaining socks at the bottom of the basin.
You see movement in the doorway and turn your head to check what it is. You find Charlie stood in the doorway to the laundry/storage room looking not unlike a deer in headlights as you lock eyes with him.
You’re quick to look away. “Hey.”
“Hi,” he returns slowly. “Um, sorry, didn’t know you were using the washer.”
“I’m not.”
You pull yourself out of the washer and toss your last few socks into the dryer.
“Anymore,” you add.
As you set and start the dryer, Charlie remains hovering in the doorway as far away from you as possible. He steps out of your way as you leave the room.
“All yours,” you say.
“Thanks,” he calls after you.
You return to your room.
This is how it’s been ever since “the incident” on Friday, four days ago. The fairly spacious apartment you used to love sharing with Charlie now suddenly feels tiny, pushing you into closer vicinity of Charlie than you want to be right now.
You know you should probably talk about what happened, what was revealed, but there’s a part of you that’s still mad at him. There’s another, much bigger part that’s scared that if you acknowledge it again, you’ll never be able to move on from it. That if you actually talk it out like adults, if you tell him any more about how you feel and have felt for him than he already knows, you’ll lose him forever.
But despite your ultimate fear right now being making another wrong move and losing your best friend, the apartment is still suffocating. You text a friend, pack a bag, and tell Charlie you’re spending the night somewhere else.
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You’re curled up in the corner of the couch, hugging an empty beer bottle. There are several other bottles in the same state as the one in your hands, a few others on various surfaces near where your drinking partner and host is sat on the ground. Schlatt looks over at you and your vacant expression, watching you for a moment as you stare blankly at the rug ahead of you.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
He’s asked you that multiple times since you arrived at his house a few days ago. You’ve only gone back to the apartment when you absolutely need to and if you’re able, you avoid Charlie entirely during said visits. It’s pitiful, really, the lengths you’re going to to avoid speaking to him.
“It’s weird how much you can miss someone who you haven’t even lost yet,” you answer.
“So, no.”
“Alright, well, have you considered the fact that you’re hiding from him and pushing him away?”
“He pushed me away first,” you counter. “It was insufferable trying to live in the same space after what he read. It’s worse than a rejected confession; those were my thoughts, translated and poetic on paper and never supposed to be seen by anyone else. That’s where all the embarrassing emotional stuff I’d never say out loud goes and now everyone has heard it.”
“If I’m not making fun of you for it, no one else will either,” Schlatt tells you. “Yes, it’s cheesy and grossly romantic but it’s not something your friends will make fun of you about.”
“I’m gonna be honest, I don’t really care what anyone else thinks,” you say.
“Okay, yeah, you’re right, I do care, but I care infinitely more about losing my best friend.”
“You haven’t lost him.”
“I’m in the process of losing him. Neither of us knows how to function after my involuntary confession. Like, you can’t just move past that, especially since I didn’t get the opportunity to ease into a gentle ‘I like you’ and just came right out the gate with ‘I long for him with every fiber of my being.’ Think about being in his shoes and hearing your platonic best friend say something like that about you; how do you respond to that?”
Schlatt takes a deep breath, “I don’t know.”
“It sucks,” you say. “It sucks so hard.”
You set your empty bottle on the end table beside the other two you’ve had.
“You want another?”
“No.” You lie down on the couch. “I’m already sad, getting more drunk will only make me more sad.”
“Has he tried to talk to you? Or is ignoring the massive fucking elephant in the room a mutual, silent agreement?”
“The second one.”
“Did he say anything about you staying here?”
“I avoid him most times I got back for anything.”
“And when you haven’t?”
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“Hey, you’re home,” Charlie said as you entered the apartment quietly.
Most days around this time, he’s in his office working. When you came, he was sat on the couch watching TV. Because it was Saturday, of course, stupid, stupid Y/N.
“Yeah,” you returned in what you hope was an unbothered tone. “Just gonna grab some clothes and stuff.”
“Oh okay.”
You think maybe just maybe there had been a dit of disappointment in his voice but that’s probably just hopeful thinking. You quickly stuffed your backpack with some things then went to head out again.
“Why have uh... why’ve you been gone so much?” Charlie asked.
You hesitated by the door. Why have you been gone? Why do you think, Charlie?
Instead, you say, “Because Schlatt’s an expensive bitch. His guest bed is better than my regular one.”
“... You’re staying at Schlatt’s?”
“Oh, cool. See you around, then.”
“See you.”
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“But that was a lie, obviously,” you say. “Your guest bed is nice but I just can’t handle how suffocating it is to be in the same space as him and not be able to have things the way they were. I just- I miss being able to joke and laugh with him and how we’d eat breakfast together and our movie nights."
"Ignoring him won't make your feelings go away."
"It might."
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder or whatever."
You pick apart the details in the ceiling fan above you. You know he's right. You've spent so long ignoring your problems. Sure, hiding it all from Charlie seemed like the right move, but maybe if you'd been able to confess on your own terms, drop subtle hints and work into a noncommittal "I like you" then maybe- maybe you'd be able to salvage your friendship. But now...
"I miss him," you murmur through tears.
You aren't even sure when you started crying. Mama always said to never cry over a boy. Yet here you are. You like to think Charlie is a bit more than "just a boy"; he's your best friend, one of the most important people in your life. Somehow, that doesn't soften the blow or make you seem less pitiful.
Schlatt definitely knows you're crying at this point. His non-acknowledgement of it is appreciated.
You know you'll have to face Charlie eventually, but for now you sniff and ask, "Do you have anything stronger than beer?"
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illegal-spiegel · 3 years
“Mr. Coffee-Shop-Hotshot”
Pairing: Hikaru Hitachiin x f!reader Genre: fluff, angst, smut Warnings: jealous and possessive Hikaru, unprotected sex (wrap it up), a dash of degradation, choking, and I think that’s it lmao Summary: You’ve been dating Hikaru since high school but that doesn’t stop him from getting jealous of your coworker at the coffee shop Word Count: 4.1k words  A/N: characters are aged up!! Prompt #72 from my 1k Followers Event: “You’re Mine.”
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You and Hikaru have been sweethearts since high school. The thing is, when you two first started dating, no one thought it was going to last, seeing as how you two were literally enemies until Hikaru kissed you to shut you up. After that kiss, you two avoided each other until Kaoru tried talking to you while pretending to be Hikaru. You weren’t blind though. You could tell it was Kaoru instead of his twin. You played along until the end though, only revealing you knew it was really him until he got his point across. His point was “I’m sorry for treating you so poorly. I’m just not very good with feelings and I didn’t know how to face you after the kiss without arguing with you.” You figured that Kaoru wouldn’t say something like that unless Hikaru felt that way himself. So, you grew a pair and talked to Hikaru after he was done with the Host Club. 
“It appears I’m going to be the man in this relationship.” was the first thing you said to him, to which he scoffed at because A. if anyone is going to be the man, it’s him and B. who says you two are in a relationship? 
You just kissed him and that easily proved your point. From then on, you two started dating, to everyone’s surprise. Just because you two were dating though doesn’t mean you two stopped fighting. While everyone else has their honeymoon phase, you two went right to the old married couple stage. They weren’t ever serious fights though. One time you two argued about who had better eyes. Hikaru couldn’t admit to you that it was definitely you and you couldn’t admit to him that it was actually him, so you both claimed that it was yourselves. 
After that phase ended though, you two went into the honeymoon phase, which just confused everyone, including you and Hikaru. Suddenly, him leaving his used cup on your bedside table didn’t bother you anymore. You’ll just bring it down with you when you go downstairs. Hikaru realized that he didn’t mind you having your clothes thrown out in every other direction in his room anymore. His maid will just clean it up anyway. No harm done. 
The honeymoon ‘phase’ was more annoying to everyone than the old married couple phase. Now, instead of you two arguing who wants the last piece of candy, you two are ‘arguing’ about who gets to kiss who last. It makes everyone gag. Honey senpai seems to think it’s really sweet though. 
That was four years ago and now, you two are just as bad now as you were back then. Everyone, luckily and unluckily, decided to go to the same university. It is way out of your price range but that wasn’t going to stop your boyfriend of four years from getting you to go there. “I’ll pay off all your bills, babe. Don’t worry,” he’ll always reassure you despite your worries and nagging. You refuse to let him pay for it all though, so you got a job. 
It was actually pretty easy to nail the job, seeing as how it’s at the coffee shop where you and the gang always went for energy boosters and to study. You were already friends with the manager from going in there so much, so when you asked if they were hiring, they practically hired you on the spot. 
Hikaru didn’t like you having a job though. 
“Why do you even work here? I can pay for everything, babe. You don’t have to worry about it. So why don’t you just quit? I miss hanging out with you,” he complains every time you leave for work, when he shows up to your work, and when you come back to your shared apartment. His argument, in your royal opinion, is stupid. If anything, you see him too much as it is. I mean, you already live with the guy and have half of your classes with him. What more does he want from you?
It took him a month to finally accept the fact that yes, you will pay for things yourself, and no, you are not quitting just because he wants you to. Once he realizes that you can secretly give him free coffee though, not that price ever mattered to him, he was happy. “Okay, but I also want a free muffin,” he finally agreed. 
It was like that for maybe half a year before new problems started to arise. Your boss hired a new guy who you don’t even know the name of yet but, oh, Hikaru hates him already. “I don’t like him. He smells like too much Axe body spray and he has a weird, purple piercing in his eyebrow. And! And, he has a tattoo. A tattoo! Who does he think he is,” Hikaru complains to you while you try to do homework. He had gotten your schedule mixed up and when he went to go see you on your day off, he ran into the new guy. You weren’t surprised that he could tell he’s new since Hikaru is practically there as much as you are. He knows everyone and, of course, everyone loves him. 
Not this guy though, apparently. 
“When he gave me my coffee, it tasted off! Then, I realized, he didn’t add sugar! I didn’t say anything about sugar!” he continues to rant, making you sigh and set your pencil down. You turn to face him now, placing your hand over his and soothingly rubbing your thumb over his smooth skin. 
“Baby, I’m sure it was an accident. He’s new, remember? I’m sure he just forgot to add it,” you reassure, giving his cheek a kiss once he takes a deep breath and lets it all go in one breath. 
“Fine. I guess you’re right. But if he messes up again, I won’t hesitate to say something next time!” You giggle at this and nod your head, giving him a proper kiss this time to relax him even more. 
“Okay, baby. You do that,” you tease before going back to your homework. This, of course, was just not okay. 
“Babe, we’ve been studying for hours. Let’s take a break,” he coos, moving closer to you and starting to place kisses along your neck. You try to ignore him and focus but your boyfriend knows you too well. Knows your body too well. 
“You mean I’ve been studying for hours. You’ve just been talking and playing on your phone,” you tease, a gasp ripping from you when he sucks and nibbles on your sweet spot. You feel him smirk against your skin, his hands coming to squeeze your thighs. 
“Fair point. Makeout with me a little and then, and only then, will I study,” he bargains, making you roll your eyes. 
“Fat chance,” you decline him as you playfully push him away, making him whine loudly. 
“But baby—”
“No. Study and then, and only then, will I makeout with you,” you bargain right back, a smirk of your own coming to your face. 
“You’re wicked,” he says with a dramatic gasp and a hand across his heart. When you don’t reply or even react, he groans before finally picking up his pencil. “Fine! You better take your shirt off too then,” he snaps before focusing on his work. Most of your study sessions go like this. 
The next day at work, the new guy, Ritsu, came in in the middle of your shift. Your boss introduced the two of you once he put his stuff away in his locker, the guy seeming nervous for his next shift today. You smile at him and shake his hand, reassuring him that you’ll help him out today. He seems to relax at this, thanking you before starting to get to work. Whenever he had a question or messed up, you were right there to help him. The day, overall, went pretty smoothly you think. 
At the end of your shifts, he grabs his things from his locker before walking to the front with you. “Do you need a ride home?” he asks as he walks over to his motorcycle. You smile at him but shake your head, taking your phone out of your pocket to check your messages. 
“No, that’s okay. My boyfriend is picking me up and taking me out to dinner. Thank you though!” you reply with a sweet smile, Ritsu flashing you a smile back as he climbs onto his motorcycle. 
“Okay, good. I didn’t want you walking home alone at night. I heard there was a robbery a couple of roads away from here,” he explains as he pulls his helmet on. 
“Oh yeah. It was at the corner gas station. That’s so sweet of you to think of me though. I’ll be sure to let you know if I ever need a ride!” you thank once more. He nods as he turns the vehicle on, bidding you farewell with a salute before pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road. 
You check the time and see that you have a few minutes until your boyfriend gets there. Luckily, he seemed to have left early because, within the next minute, he’s stopping right in front of you. “Well, hello there, good lookin’. Do you need a ride?” he playfully flirts. You hum and pretend to think about it as you walk over to his window. 
“Well, I don’t know. Are you going to show me a good time?” you playfully flirt right back. He hums as he happily lets his eyes trail over your body despite your hideous work clothes. He didn’t seem to mind them though. 
“Oh, you have no idea, baby. Don’t tell my girlfriend though.” You scoff as you burst into a fit of giggles, lightly hitting his arm before going to the passenger side. 
“Well, that depends. Am I prettier than her?” you reply, batting your eyelashes at him as you slide into the car and pull your seatbelt over your body. He hums and nods his head, putting the car in reverse as he replies. 
“Oh, most definitely. She’s like a fat cow,” he jokes, making you scoff and hit him again. 
“I don’t think your girlfriend would appreciate you saying such things about her. What if I decide to tell her what you said about her?” you argue, crossing your arms over your chest as if you’re mad at him. You know for a fact that he’d never cheat on you. You always tease him that he’s too obsessed with you. ‘I love you! I’m not obsessed with you! There’s a difference!’ he’d always argue to your joking jab. 
Before he can leave the parking spot, he stops the car to look at you with this new glint in his eyes. “What if I eat you out so good that you can’t even remember your own name, let alone mine?” he whispers right into your ear, his tongue licking around the shell of your ear. You let out a shaky breath, not expecting his sudden change in this little game you two were playing. 
“I doubt you’re any good,” you sass, it lacking the power that you want it to have. He pulls away from the side of your head to make eye contact with you again, his eyes shining with a newfound lust. 
“Well, I’ve only ever been with my girlfriend, so it’s possible. You should hear the way she screams my name though. She’ll cum three times from my mouth and fingers alone before I even give what she really wants inside of her,” he says lowly, your eyes moving to watch his lips as he talks. You press your legs together, already starting to feel arousal bubbling low in your gut. 
“Is she any good in bed?” you decide to ask, bringing the attention off of him. You wait for him to say something along the lines of ‘no, she’s horrible’ but it seems he decides to stop playing your little game all of a sudden. 
“She’s better than good. She sucks me off like I’m a popsicle and she just got out of the desert. She’s always so desperate to unravel me but I never do only because I know it works her up even more. She then starts acting like a brat, trying to get her way. We both know that’s just her way of annoying me to the point that I punish her. Mmhm, her screams sound so good when her face is shoved into our mattress,” he replies, his voice dropping an octave or two. You gulp at this, feeling your panties dampen with your slick. 
“No wonder she’s your girlfriend,” you whisper, your throat suddenly too dry for your liking. He only hums before continuing with his driving, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it once you two get on the road. 
“What do you want to eat? I’m kind of in the mood for Mexican,” he says to you as if he didn’t just make you so horny that the only thing you can think about is having him inside of your mouth instead of food. 
“That sounds fine,” you say softly, trying to think of anything but that. He smirks at the way you sound, which is slightly wrecked, and starts to head in the direction of a Mexican restaurant that you two like. That night ended, of course, with him deep inside of you and grunting out all sorts of deliciously dark things into your ear. 
Things continued on like normal for a while. You went to work but didn’t get to work with Ritsu again for a week, so Hikaru never ran into him again. The day you did work with him though, he seemed to be struggling more than usual. So, when there was a break in customers, you decide to ask him what was up. 
“Sorry. I got into this fight with my girlfriend, Mei, this morning,” he explains, a frown hanging heavy on his face. You nod your head, only too familiar with that feeling. You and Hikaru don’t have serious fights a lot but you, obviously, have them just like every other couple. 
“It’s okay. I understand. Do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can give you my opinion or some advice?” you offer, wanting to help him feel better. He thinks about your offer for a moment before sighing and giving in, starting to tell you everything that had happened that morning. You two occasionally pause to help a customer but always end up focusing back on his situation. As a woman yourself, you look at his story from her point of view and figure out what might be the cause of her frustrations. 
“Okay,” you say once he finishes his story, “I think I see what the problem is.” You then tell him what you think and what he should do to mend their relationship. After hearing your advice, he realized what he did wrong and gets so excited that he hugs you. 
“Thank you so much! It all makes sense now! No wonder she was so upset! You’re seriously a lifesaver! I owe you one!” He hugs you tightly, making you giggle and return the hug. 
“It’s no problem at all,” you reassure. You two pull away when you hear the bell ring, automatic smiles coming to your face to greet your new customer. Your eyes widened when you saw your boyfriend instead though. A very angry and brooding boyfriend at that. “Babe? What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t going to be here for another hour?” you ask confusedly, walking around the counter to give him your usual hug and kiss. 
His eyes are on Ritsu though. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Do you not want me here? Am I interrupting something?” he snaps, his eyes squinting at Ritsu as he says this. Your brows furrow at his words, stopping in front of him and dropping your arms since it’s obvious that he’s not going to give you a hug. 
“What? Well, I’m working but—”
“Oh, sorry to bother you then. I’ll let you get right back to it,” he snaps, turning his glare to you before leaving without another word. He doesn’t stop or turn around when you call after him either, making you sigh as a frown comes to your face. 
“What’s up with him?” you mumble, trying to think as to why he would be mad. That’s when it hit you. You hugging Ritsu? Did that upset him? But why? You hug guys all of the time. Well, not all of the time. And then again, they’re his friends too or your family. You snap out of your daze when the bell jingles again, signaling a new customer. You sigh and go back behind the counter, smiling and greeting the customer happily. Guess you’ll just have to talk to him about it later then. 
When you get off work and you get back home, you find that Hikaru isn’t home. You think back to what he was telling you yesterday, remembering him telling you his plans for today. You check the time on the microwave before looking at your fridge for any notes. He doesn't have any plans right now that you are aware of and he didn’t leave a note telling you where he was going or when he’ll be back. Maybe there was an emergency? That just makes you worry more though.
You let it go with a heavy exhale, trying not to read too much into it. You don’t have to know where he is every second of every day. 
You go to your bathroom to take a shower and get the smell of coffee off of you. You end up accidentally using his body wash though, the smell of cinnamon and ginger filling your nostrils. It’s not your favorite but it’s what he’s been using for years. He pulls off the smell really well though. 
You step out of the shower and wrap yourself up in a baby blue towel, leaning against the sink to look at your skin in the mirror. After applying some lotion to your body to make you feel extra nice, you leave the bathroom. You stop at the door though when you find Hikaru sitting on the bed, his feet still on the floor and his hands hanging between his knees. Now you’re even more concerned. Normally, he would’ve jumped at the opportunity to take a shower with you but now he won’t even look at you. 
“Hikaru,” you call out softly to him, seeming to bring him out of his daze. You walk over to him and come to stand in between his legs, making him sit up straighter. His eyes glaze over your bare collarbones and neck, something spurring to life in his eyes as water droplets cascade down your soft skin. 
“You’re mine,” he says suddenly, his eyes snapping to yours. Your eyes widen a bit at this random declaration, your brow raising curiously at him. 
“What?” is your brilliant reply to him. You gasp when he stands and switches your positions in a flash, the back of your knees hitting the bed before you fall back onto it. You gape up at him, your hands clinging to the front of your towel. 
“You heard me. You’re mine!” he growls, his hands snagging your towel away from you before you can even attempt to stop him. His eyes wander your body, a dark look in his eyes as he takes his sweet time admiring your naked body. 
“Hikaru,” you breathe his name, goosebumps crawling over your flesh. He hums in response, one of his knees coming to the bed so he can lean over you, his fingers starting to trace random lines and patterns into your skin. 
“That’s right. Say my name, baby,” he coos, his fingers coming to tweak your nipples. You moan his name in response, back arching up into his hands. He watches you with attentive eyes, not daring to look away from your lewd expressions or wet hole for even a second. He loves how quickly you react to his touch, your body always craving his as much as his craves yours. “Who do you belong to?” he asks as he crawls completely over you, staring into your eyes as he lets his hands crawl down your body. 
“You,” you whisper breathlessly. 
“Who?” he growls, suddenly shoving two of his fingers into your drooling heat. 
“You, Hikaru!” you cry, back arching when he slips a third finger in. He hums lowly as he pumps his fingers in and out of you, scraping the pads of his fingers against your g-spot to get you really moaning for him. 
“That’s right, baby. You’re all mine, now and forever,” he whispers before pulling his fingers out, making you whimper. He brings his dry hand up to your throat, squeezing it lightly as he stares into your eyes. “Shut up! Dirty whores like you don’t get to cum until I say so,” he hisses, not letting your neck go as he uses his other hand to remove his pants and boxers. “‘M gonna fill you up, remind you that you only belong to me,” he mumbles, his hand frantically trying to pull his member free. 
Your brows furrow at this as you bring your hands up to his chest. Before you can question him though, he starts to push into you. You both groan in sync as he slips inside, your eyes rolling back into your head for a moment. You forget about his words for now, your brain only thinking about the way he feels inside of you. 
He just barely bottoms out before he’s already pulling back to thrust back in, starting a frantic pace. You moan his name loudly, your nails lightly scratching his chest, causing him to hiss. He keeps up the frenzied pace, your breasts bouncing with each thrust. 
You both cum almost at the same time, Hikaru finally giving you permission to cum after denying you your orgasm over and over again. He keeps true to his word, pushing deep inside of you and coating your walls white. He stays inside of you for a while, his chest heaving as he tries to get air back. He slowly releases your throat, and instead brushes his fingers against your cheek. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, his eyes shining with regret. You’re confused for a moment, thinking that that’s some of the best sex you’ve ever had. Then you remember his words from before, how he kept saying you’re his and that no one is going to take you from him. 
“What’s going on, my love?” you whisper, still a little breathless. He looks away from you, starting to worry his lip between his teeth. 
“Don’t leave me for him,” he whispers, and if you weren’t just a couple of inches away from him, you wouldn’t have heard it. He pulls out of you then and moves to lay beside you, putting his back to you. 
“What? Hey. Hey, look at me,” you say worriedly, pushing yourself up onto your elbow as you use your free hand to gently trace random shapes into his back. It takes him a minute but he eventually turns onto his back, staring at the ceiling instead of you. “What’s all this ‘leaving me’ talk about? We’ve been dating for years, Hikaru. Why would I want to leave you for someone else?” you ask with furrowed brows, starting to run your hand through his hair to help soothe him. He leans into your touch, his eyes finally meeting yours. Despite your reassuring words, he looks scared, worried. 
“What about Mr. Coffee-Shop-Hotshot? You seemed to like him a lot,” he grumbles, his mouth turning into a scowl just at the thought of the man. You can’t help but smile at how jealous he is, your heart swelling with the amount of love you hold for the man before you. 
“You dope, he was asking me for advice about his girlfriend. That hug happened because he was thanking me for basically saving his relationship,” you inform, a smirk on your face as you watch the realization come over his face. 
“Oh,” he squeaks out, his face turning sheepish and red. You snort and move to lay your head down on his chest. 
“You’re such an idiot. You should know by now that you’re the one for me, idiot and all,” you tease, gently rubbing his chest and abdomen. He huffs and wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly to him. 
“Whatever. As if you wouldn’t get upset if I was hugging another girl,” he accuses. 
“You act as if another girl would even come near someone as ugly as you,” you tease, obviously joking. 
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hakasims · 4 years
The Most Important Review of Every Single Marwan Kenzari Film
If you’ve seen this one about Luca, you know the drill.
Now, Marwan’s brand is a little less defined than Luca’s but I managed to find similar tropes in a lot of his films. Also, rather than copy myself and give you a redundant Marwanmeter, I decided instead to recommend which Luca character best pairs with each Marwan character for your crossover pleasure. Let’s see if we ship the same things! Some of them are crack. You’re welcome.
(all gifs again by the awesomely amazing @weardes​ who did not ask to be my gif factory but life’s a bitch)
Het zusje van Katia (2008)
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Will you miss him if you blink? Kinda. They talk about him a lot but his actual screen time is like 43.7 seconds. Also can I just say... he’s supposed to be from Italy?? The boy says literally one (1) Italian word, and you’ll never guess what it is. (Obviously, it’s “bella” like there’s a chance he could’ve said anything else.)
Is he hot? Painfully hot.
Is he naked? There’s this one scene where he’s wearing the sluttiest pair of speedos I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
Does his hair look great? Actually, yes. Perfect hair, perfect beard, he looks amazing.
Does he fuck? Yes, a lot - off screen, including an M/M/F threesome he presumably, probably, most definitely initiated.
Best paired with? From what I’ve gathered, this hoe ain’t loyal, so the best course of action is to find him a Luca that would benefit from a one night stand with no strings attached and wouldn’t fall in love with him. The obvious choice here is Valerio from Slam - Tutto per una ragazza. They meet, they fuck, then Giac makes his 4-hour drive back to Pisa, and they don’t see each other again until the next time he’s in Rome. Everybody’s happy, especially the two sluts in question.
De laatste dagen van Emma Blank (2009)
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Will you miss him if you blink? Yes, absolutely.
Is he hot? Very.
Is he naked? Almost constantly.
Does his hair look great? He’s got those cute short curls, he looks so good.
Does he fuck? That’s literally why he’s there: to fuck and to die.
Best paired with? Man, I wish I had something to work with here. The only thing we know about him besides his sexual prowess is his affinity for white suits and toy helicopters. And as far as I know, those might be the exact things Fabrizio from Nina finds hot in guys. So like, why not?
Loft (2010)
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Will you miss him if you blink? He’s the fifth most important character.
Is he hot? Yeah, sure.
Is he naked? There’s a scene where he’s wearing underwear and a tank top but it somehow makes him look like a kindergartener.
Does his hair look great? It looks quite nice.
Does he fuck? Yes, though I wish he didn’t.
Best paired with? Tom is a very violent person and a drug addict. He does messed up stuff to his sexual partners I’d rather he didn’t do to any of Luca’s characters. Feel free to use him for your sadistic fantasies or as a villain or whatever.
Rabat (2011)
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Will you miss him if you blink? No, he’s one of the three leads.
Is he hot? Oh yes! And cute!
Is he naked? He’s at the beach wearing nothing but boxer shorts.
Does his hair look great? He’s got this extreme undercut thing that would look ridiculous on anyone less pretty, so like no, he doesn’t have great hair, but also like it’s Marwan, you know what I mean?
Does he fuck? Before he embarks on a road trip with his friends, he has an offscreen threesome with two girls he picked up at a wedding. Slut.
Best paired with? Gabriele from Waves. They’re both sweet guys who could meet in some Tunisian port and decide to sail the Mediterranean Sea together.
Black Out (2012)
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Will you miss him if you blink? Not unless your blinking is very deliberate.
Is he hot? Not really. He’s a dirty cop with a shitty moustache and oral fixation.
Is he naked? No, but I wish he was: his clothes are awful. Marwan is 29 in this movie and he looks 50!
Does his hair look great? Nope. They took Marwan’s usual short hair and made it not work somehow.
Does he fuck? No.
Best paired with? The one thing Luca’s characters all have in common is that none of them come off as bootlickers. All of them are either too soft for such a relationship or wouldn’t waste their spit on a cop.
Wolf (2013)
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Will you miss him if you blink? No, he’s the protagonist.
Is he hot? *gestures wildly at the gif*
Is he naked? He’s got quite a few shirtless scenes.
Does his hair look great? It’s nothing special but suits his character well.
Does he fuck? Oh yes.
Best paired with? Hear me out. I know that some people ship him with Fabio, but in my opinion that pair, while hot, doesn’t work. Here’s my pitch: Cesare from Non essere cattivo. The drug connection is still there, but in this case Majid’s problem-solving skills won’t fall on deaf ears. Cesare needs a daddy, ok? Majid can be a daddy when he needs to, especially when he has a soft boyfriend to care for. And Majid needs soft, not psycho.
Hartenstraat (2014)
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Will you miss him if you blink? No, he’s the protagonist once again.
Is he hot? Painfully.
Is he naked? There’s that iconic scene where he’s wearing nothing but black boxer briefs and boots while carrying a tray...
Does his hair look great? He’s got Joe-like curls and looks like what every male romantic lead should aspire to look like and then cry because they all fail.
Does he fuck? There’s one very unfortunate sex scene played for laughs. I’m pretty sure he’ll need therapy afterwards. I certainly do.
Best paired with? Paolo from Il padre d’Italia. Paolo deserves the best boyfriend, and who’s better than Daan, an extremely hot man who cooks? They both have daughters, so they can talk about that, I guess, and Paolo can finally have a family. Honestly, this is so wholesome I just made myself cry.
Lucia de B. (2014)
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Will you miss him if you blink? For sure.
Is he hot? He’s a cop. Again. But he looks good.
Is he naked? Fully dressed, but man are his clothes ugly. Is that a cop thing?
Does his hair look great? He has slightly longer curls, which is fine and the best thing about this character.
Does he fuck? ACAB. (I know this doesn’t answer the question, I just wanted to make it clear.)
Best paired with? See my bootlicker comment from earlier. While Detective *checks notes* Ron Leeflang isn’t explicitly corrupt, he’s obviously a dick, so the best I can do here is recommend any Luca character that has ever been in trouble with the law for any fics about power imbalance you want to write but aren’t comfortable with a nice Marwan playing the villain.
Bloedlink (2014)
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Will you miss him if you blink? Oh no, he’s there the entire time.
Is he hot? In a weird way, yes.
Is he naked? So, so, so naked. Like, leave nothing to the imagination naked.
Does his hair look great? I’d say that little rat tail is the exact opposite of great.
Does he fuck? Probably more than is good for him. I should also add that he’s canonically queer in this.
Best paired with? Rico is a pathetic loser in need of someone who’s got his life together and has a lot of experience dealing with fuckups. Enter Loris from Il mondo fino in fondo. He has a stable job and a savior complex, and with his little bro gaying it up in Chile and not needing him anymore, all he wants right now is someone to fix. I should be a fucking matchmaker in real life, for real.
Pak van mijn hart (2014)
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Will you miss him if you blink? Undoubtedly.
Is he hot? No. The whole point of his character is to be the lesser choice compared to a guy who looks like a completely ordinary bland white dude...
Is he naked? ...so of course he isn’t naked! What, are they gonna take this poor woman, show her Marwan Kenzari’s post-Wolf body and expect her to choose her deeply mediocre ex? Please! They’re gonna dress him in the dorkiest clothes possible...
Does his hair look great? ...and make him wear the most awful wig that was clearly run over by a truck.
Does he fuck? No. As you can observe, they tried really hard to make him unfuckable, but honestly, he seems like a perfectly nice guy.
Best paired with? You know what? Mattia from La solitudine dei numeri primi is in desperate need of some sweetness and normalcy. I’m sure Richard will treat him with kindness and respect.
Collide (2016)
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Will you miss him if you blink? He’s the fifth most important character. Out of five.
Is he hot? Very hot.
Is he naked? Not for a second! What’s up with American movies where people aren’t just casually walking around naked without any plot necessity???
Does his hair look great? His curls are so cute you guys! Look at them!
Does he fuck? Not explicitly.
Best paired with? Fabio from Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot. Again, the drug connection is there, but Matthias is soft enough not to butt heads with Fabio and, by the end of the movie, rich enough to satisfy his cravings for good living and fame. Also look at how good their color coordination is with those dark wine red clothes! Sometimes planets just align, okay?
Ben-Hur (2016)
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Will you miss him if you blink? Yes, especially if you aren’t watching the background.
Is he hot? Your usual Marwan hot.
Is he naked? No.
Does his hair look great? His typical short curls with a twist. I think the forehead area is supposed to invoke the Caesar cut? I don’t know. It looks fine when not hidden under that dumb helmet.
Does he fuck? No.
Best paired with? A better script and a much better director. (Seriously, what is this blocking?)
The Promise (2016)
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Will you miss him if you blink? He’s there a decent amount in the first half of the movie and then almost completely disappears in the second half.
Is he hot? Very much, yes.
Is he naked? Unfortunately, no.
Does his hair look great? He’s got short curls again, but this time they’re fashionably styled, it’s magnificent.
Does he fuck? Oh yeah! And there’s no way he isn’t bi or pan in this. No way.
Best paired with? Roberta from L’ultimo terrestre. Listen, Emre Ogan may be a slut but he’s a gentleman, okay? He’d treat Roberta right and he’s got daddy’s cash to spare on hundreds of gorgeous white dresses for her.
The Mummy (2017)
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Will you miss him if you blink? He’s there, but barely.
Is he hot? Dangerously hot.
Is he naked? Not once! Instead we get a naked Tom Cruise literally no one asked for.
Does his hair look great? It’s your basic professional short hairdo.
Does he fuck? No.
Best paired with? Malik is a member of an organization tracking and destroying various monsters and historical artefacts related to them. Guido from Tutti i santi giorni speaks four languages, including Latin, and is a literature and ancient history nerd which makes him a valuable asset. Malik can fight and protect; Guido is bumbling and in need of saving. Guys, this writes itself.
What Happened to Monday (2017)
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Will you miss him if you blink? No, especially not in the third act.
Is he hot? He’s okay.
Is he naked? Very naked.
Does his hair look great? They shouldn’t have greased his curls back. He looks like another victim of Fabio Cannizzaro’s stylist. Also I wish he’d either shaved or finished growing out that beard.
Does he fuck? He fucks and he fucks good. He’ll go down on you, he’ll deflower you slowly and gently, he’ll choke you if you want him to, he’ll spoon you all night, he’ll give you emotional support, he’ll murder people for you - he’s down for whatever.
Best paired with? There’s one Luca character who needs a lot of sex and even more emotional support. Alright, most of them do, but I’m thinking of Ettore from Lasciate andare. He needs it, okay? Good dicking, good spooning, a good ear, a fine piece of ass to cry into - you get the gist. Most importantly: someone who’d love him for who he is and with whom he could relax and be himself. (Also, I see you, people comparing him to Fabio. Shame on you for sleeping on this soft boy and judging him based on his appearance.)
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
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Will you miss him if you blink? He’s kinda always present, being very French.
Is he hot? Very hot.
Is he naked? No, but I’m willing to forgive that because he looks so good in his conductor uniform.
Does his hair look great? He never takes off his hat.
Does he fuck? No.
Best paired with? Mickey Miranda. They’re both murderers morally dubious characters who would look hot together. What else do you need? (Again, I see you, people who want Pierre for Roberta because he’s a “nice guy”, and I know for a fact you didn’t watch the movie. Spoilers, I guess.)
The Angel (2018)
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Will you miss him if you blink? No, he’s the protagonist.
Is he hot? Oh yes.
Is he naked? Not once, but you won’t regret it because he’s wearing excellently stylish 1970s clothes.
Does his hair look great? It looks fantastic. The sideburns (not yet seen here) are a good touch.
Does he fuck? He can definitely get it, but he’s loyal to his wife.
Best paired with? As the most aesthetically coherent and fashionably hot pair in this post, Ashraf and Primo are a no-brainer. Can you imagine Primo calling him “Angel” in different contexts? When he’s being intimidating, not realizing how palpable the sexual tension between them is, and later not even hiding his arousal? Sometimes things just work because they’re hot. That’s all, folks.
Aladdin (2019)
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Will you miss him if you blink? No, he’s the main villain.
Is he hot? It’s not like he went viral for being the “hot Jafar” or anything.
Is he naked? No! Fucking thanks a lot, Disney.
Does his hair look great? He has a buzz cut under that turban but he looks good in the turban, so that’s something.
Does he fuck? It’s a Disney movie, so he doesn’t fuck - explicitly or otherwise - but he still comes off as a thirsty bitch.
Best paired with? Jafar ends the movie as a genie who’s obligated to grant his master three wishes but is enough of a petty bitch to exploit the hell out of the “gray area” and screw them over Wishmaster style. My unconventional pair for him is Lui from Ricordi? So many scenarios with distorted memories and magic-induced mindfuck. So many possibilities for awesome and messed up crossover gifsets! Don’t say I never give you guys anything.
Instinct (2019)
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Will you miss him if you blink? No, he’s very prominent.
Is he hot? I hate myself for finding him hot but I do.
Is he naked? He’s playing basketball shirtless in one scene, shaking his sweaty boobs everywhere.
Does his hair look great? His weird mohawk-like thing is honestly terrible, but if anything can make it work, it’s Marwan’s bone structure.
Does he fuck? Um, I’m pleading the Fifth on this one for the sake of good taste.
Best paired with? Prison. A very lonely, Luca-less prison.
The Old Guard (2020)
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Will you miss him if you blink? No, unless blinking in your case means sleeping through the gloriousness that is the first ever canonically gay couple in an American action film.
Is he hot? Painfully.
Is he naked? Shirtless in one scene.
Does his hair look great? Soft curls courtesy of Luca Marinelli’s tireless lobbying.
Does he fuck? Not on screen, but you can just tell by the way he looks at his husband and reads impromptu poetry right to his face. And everybody knows nothing kindles the fires of passion quite like murdering homophobes together.
Best paired with? If you have to ask, you’re clearly reading this by mistake. In which case, kudos for finishing such a long and confusing post, now go watch The Old Guard and cry at the beauty that is The Immortal Marriage.
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ifmywishescametrue · 3 years
Frustrated kisses with stony pls ?👉🏽👈🏽
hi! I’m sorry this took so long, but I hope you like it!
Steve hates nights like this. He watches from the corner of the room while Tony flirts with some guy, a plastic cup clenched so tightly in his hand that it might break, and wonders why he even came to this party with him. He knows why, of course, because Tony asked if he wanted to and Steve never says no. Tony doesn’t even have to ask twice. One look is all it takes, and Steve would follow him anywhere. 
But this is always how it goes - with Tony flirting with someone else while Steve desperately wishes it was him. 
He also knows that he doesn’t have the right to be jealous. Friends shouldn’t care who their friends flirt with at terrible frat parties. Friends shouldn’t care that sometimes those friends go home with those other people, and they definitely shouldn’t spend the rest of the night staring at the ceiling and wondering exactly what it is they’re doing right now. If that other person is making them feel as good as Steve knows he could make them feel. 
“You gonna stand over here all night?” Bucky asks, and Steve isn’t quite sure when he joined him. “Cause I gotta tell you, man, you look kind of pathetic.”
“Shut up,” Steve grumbles, loosening his grip on the cup and taking a sip of the lukewarm beer. 
Bucky shakes his head with a sigh, and he follows Steve’s gaze over to where that guy now has his hand on Tony’s arm. “Don’t worry about that one. He’s in my psych class, and I’m sure Tony’s already figured out he’s a dumbass.”
“I’m not worried about it,” Steve lies. 
Bucky hums noncommittally. “Of course not. Why would you be?”
The hand on Tony’s arm moves to his hip, and Steve feels a twinge in his chest. He takes a bigger drink from his cup. “I think I’m gonna head out soon. Early class tomorrow.”
“It’s Saturday tomorrow.”
“Practice. Early practice,” Steve amends, even though they both know the football season ended already. Bucky gives him another pitiful look. “Don’t say it.”
“Not a word,” Bucky replies. He claps his hand on Steve’s shoulder before walking away. “See you tomorrow after practice, I guess.”
Steve stares for a moment longer at Tony and the other guy, wondering if he should walk over to say goodbye before he goes. But Tony’s head tilts back as he laughs, and Steve swallows hard and turns away. He ditches the half-empty cup on a table on his way out. 
On the sidewalk, the cold breeze makes him shiver, and he shoves his hands deep into his pockets. He should really stop doing this to himself. He should find some way to get some space and time, or find someone he might have a shot in hell with. Shouldn’t spend all his time on someone who doesn’t feel the same and continuously ending up with this sinking, aching feeling every time. 
But he knows that tomorrow when he wakes up the first thing he’ll want to do is text Tony. And later, when Tony shows up to their usual study session still sleep-rumpled, all Steve will want to do is run his hands through his messy hair. Tony will let him, too, leaning into his side in that easy way of his, but only Steve will know how much it means. Because Tony is free and open with physical affection, but Steve is careful with his own. 
Steve stops at a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change even with no traffic in the way. He can see his breath, and he’s watching it twist into the air before disappearing when he hears the pounding footsteps behind him. 
Tony is out of breath by the time he’s caught up to him, that one unruly curl flopping against his forehead while he runs. 
“What are you doing out here?” Steve asks.
“You left,” Tony says, as if that answers the question. There’s a hint of accusation in it when he adds, “You didn’t say goodbye.”
“Yeah, I, um, have to be up early tomorrow, and you looked like you were having a good time with that guy, so I didn’t want to interrupt anything.”
Tony laughs, and he slips his arm through Steve’s as the light changes colors. “That guy? Not really. Nice face, sure, but not much behind it, if you know what I mean.”
Steve smiles despite himself. “I do know what you mean.”
“Did you find anyone to talk to? I saw you were with Sharon for a while there.”
Steve shrugs, barely remembering the brief interaction near the beginning of the party. “For a minute, maybe.”
“Only a minute?”
“I think she was with Nat most of the time.”
“Oh, sorry,” Tony says, and Steve frowns.
“Why are you sorry?”
“Just, you know, you like her, and it didn’t work out or whatever.”
Steve stops walking abruptly, and Tony’s grip on his arm makes him lurch when he doesn’t see it coming. “What are you talking about?”
“You and Sharon,” Tony says, and Steve’s silence makes him sigh and continue, “It’s, like, a thing, right?”
“Why would you think that?”
Tony chews on his lower lip, eyes shifting away from Steve and out into the street next to them. “I mean, I’ve seen you look at her, and how she looks at you, and the flirting and stuff. I didn’t want to ask and pry, but it just seemed obvious.”
“How I look at her? How do I look at her?”
Tony tosses his hands in his air, gesturing broadly as if to encompass everything, “You look at her like, I don’t know. Like you’re interested.”
“I’m not interested.”
Tony rolls his eyes, folding his arms over his chest, and Steve misses the warmth of him the second it's gone. “There’s no reason to lie about it, Steve. You don’t have to spare my feelings or whatever this is.”
Steve’s frown deepens, “What does that mean? Why would I be sparing your feelings?”
“Can you stop answering everything with questions?”
“Can you start making more sense?” Steve counters. 
Tony huffs, and he runs his hand through his hair, still not looking directly at Steve. “Look, I know that you know how I feel about you, and I know that you don’t feel the same, but I’m fine with it. I’m fine with not talking about it, but you don’t have to pretend that you aren’t interested in someone else when I can see that you are. We’re still friends, and you’re supposed to be able to tell your friends about that kind of shit. I still want you to be happy, even if it’s not me that’s doing it.” 
Steve feels frozen in place suddenly, like the air has grown too thick to breathe in and it’s caught in his throat. The word comes out strangled when he asks, “What?”
“And this is why we don’t talk about it, because now it’s weird,” Tony says, sounding frustrated. His jaw is clenched when he finally turns his face back to Steve. “Just go back to ignoring it, okay?”
“Ignoring it? How can I ignore it when I didn’t even know it existed?”
Tony laughs hollowly, “You don’t have to pretend. I heard you with Bucky and Nat talking about it awhile back. You told them to shut up, but I still heard them make fun of how obvious I am about it.”
There’s about a hundred conversations Tony could be talking about, but one thing is true for all of them, “They weren’t talking about you.”
“Yeah?” Tony raises his eyebrows dubiously. “Who were they talking about then? Who else is so ridiculously into someone they can’t have around here?”
“Me,” Steve confesses. “They were talking about me.”
“And Sharon?”
Steve laughs, relieved and elated all at once as it starts to really sink in, “You know, for a genius, you’re kind of dumb sometimes.”
Tony looks offended, pushing at Steve’s shoulder when he takes a step closer, “You don’t have to be an ass -”
Steve doesn’t wait to hear the rest of the sentence. He’s been waiting far too long to learn the taste of Tony’s lips. 
Tony is still for a moment, paralyzed with surprise, but when he does react, it’s better than anything Steve could have possibly imagined. Steve threads his fingers into Tony’s hair, and his other hand finds Tony’s hip, tracing over the spot where the wrong guy held him earlier, like he can erase the touch. Tony’s hands, in contrast, are everywhere at once. Under his shirt, along his back, and down his sides as if he’s checking to make sure it’s real. Steve kisses him a little harder to tell him that it is. 
“Oh,” Tony whispers, and even in the pale moonlight, Steve can see clearly every emotion in the depths of his eyes. “They were talking about you.”
“Yeah,” Steve smiles softly. “They’ve been doing that a lot lately.”
“I’m kind of dumb sometimes,” Tony admits. 
“Apparently so am I.”
Tony grins, “We make a good set, then.”
Steve kisses him again, revelling in the fact that he can. “A perfect match.”
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tamakigf · 3 years
feeling things
pairing: streamer!armin x streamer!gn reader
warnings: caps, cursing, fluffy moments
a/n: im pretty nervous for this part d: i usually don’t write. feel free to critique my writing. (actual critiques not “this sucks” please)
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“are you ready?” he asked making eye contact with his camera to make sure you knew he was staring at you.
“ready as ever armin. go ahead and start your stream.”
“ok stay muted and unmute when i text you. i’ll just be reading donos and thanking people for subbing and stuff.”
“okay i’ll be waiting.”
he shared his stream with you on discord and you saw the ‘starting soon’ screen. after 5 minutes, he switched to face cam and began to speak.
“hey chat!! how is everyone? thank you for all the subs! we’re at a level 4 hype train. thanks so much for the support!! anyways most of you already know who’s joining me and what we’re doing today but if you don’t y/n is joining me soon for minecraft. we’re starting a server!! we’ll, also, invite our friends so expect new people to pop in on my stream. i’ll ring y/n in about 5 minutes, but for now i just want to talk and read donos. WHOA THANK YOU ‘random user’ FOR 100 GIFTED!”
just as he thanked the person for the gifted subscriptions, you saw a donation appear on screen.
“i’m glad you and y/n are finally friends. both of you are my comfort streamers.” armin read the dono. he paused for a second before continuing with, “oh wow thank you so much. y/n and i have been chatting off stream and they’re amazing. they’ve been nothing but kind to me since the incident. i mean i know it’s only been like 2 days but it’s like i’ve known them for a lifetime.” he froze realizing he started rambling about you. “oh my bad. i didn’t realize i was rambling.” he said with a light blush appearing on his cheeks. “anyways lets get started. i’m texting y/n to come on.”
you look at discord and see a message appear. reading ‘lets start <3’
you unmuted and began to speak, “hey armin!! hello chat!!”
“hi y/n! how are you today??”
“im alright. i could be better but something happened to me not too long ago.”
“wait what happened? are you alright?”
“oh yeah it’s just...” you paused trying to contain your laughter, “ i got whomegaluled.”
“oh ha ha. you’re so funny”, he rolled his eyes.
“what its true. it was this streamer. yeah his name is armin but he goes by arlert.” you laughed and began to see chat filling with the OMEGALULs and KEKWs.
“yeah yeah, whatever. let’s get started. do you have minecraft open and ready to start?”
“yeah have you whitelisted me?”
“of course you were the first person i whitelisted.”
“aw, how sweet. anyways this is our smp or whatever right?”
“yeah i’ve whitelisted your friends and my friends hopefully they don’t join. anyways for now let’s just prepare ourselves with supplies and leave them to suffer.” he said with a bright smile and then laughed.
“jeez, armin i didn’t realize you could be so cruel.”
“i was kidding. well kinda. i’ll get stuff for mikasa but leave eren to fend for himself.”
“wait does that mean i have to get stuff for my friends?”
“i mean if you want.”
“i’m sure they’ll be ok. anyways i’m joining.”
“ok, i’m at the near spawn i'm chopping some trees down.”
y/nlive joined the game
your character finally spawned in. you look around and see a crouching armin chopping wood. after he gets the last piece, he walks towards you and crouches.
“hi, y/n.”
“hi, armin.”
“i got you something. i got on the server yesterday and found it.”
“wow, you’re such a cheater. you wanted to get all the good supplies before i did.”
“noooo i swear this is all i got.”
“ok, sure.” you rolled your eyes and waited for him to drop what he got for you.
“hold on before i drop it let me switch to face cam so no one sees what i’m giving you. here!” just as he says that he drops a flower. your favorite minecraft flower.
crouching your character you say, “armin!! this is my favorite. how’d you know?”
“i asked jean.”
“aw, thank you so much armin. i know it’s small but it means a lot to me.”
you could only imagine what the chat was saying. you’re sure it’s exploding with questions.
“anyways i’m switching back to the game screen so hide my gift.”
“alright, let’s go explore.”
after 50 minutes of playing, you finally decided to start building your house.
“armin did you find a place to live?”
“oh, we’re not living together?”
“OH i didn’t know you wanted to but we can!”
“okay im on my way. what are your coordinates?”
you decided on building a little mushroom house. just as you and armin were getting ready to place your beds down you see something appear in the minecraft chat.
jaegerbomb joined the game
<jaegerbomb> add me to vc >:(
<jaegerbomb> ARMIN
jeanieboy joined the game
<jeanieboy> hi guys :) add me to the vc please
just as you saw that, you hear a laughing jean.
“hey, y/n! hi, armin.”
“hi, jean. why are you bothering eren.”
“let jean bother eren. he didn’t even say please.”
<jaegerbomb> ok bye
jaegerbomb left the game
<y/nlive> L
“hi, y/n im eren.”
after several minutes of hearing jean and eren go back and forth with each other left the vc and rang armin on your own.
“y/n why’d you leave?”
“they were giving me a headache.”
“hey you know you can leave whenever you want.”
“yeah, i know. im just gonna do something really quick and then i’m heading out.”
“okay good. i don’t want you to force yourself to stay. what’s the last thing you’re doing?”
“making an item frame. do you have leather?”
“i think so let me check my chest.”
<jeanieboy> y/n come back
jaegerbomb joined the game
<jaegerbomb> y/n i miss you come back :(
<jaegerbomb> please
“i only have 2 pieces of leather. is that enough?”
“yeah, i only need one.”
<y/nlive> i’m leaving >:)
armin dropped the leather and you finally crafted the item frame. you place the item frame above your and armin’s beds and put the flower armin gave you.
“alright im heading out now. bye, armin i’ll talk to you later. bye chat!!”
“bye, y/n.”
<y/nlive> bye jean and eren
<jeanieboy> bye y/n
<jaegerbomb> Y/N DONT LEAVE
y/nlive left the game
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fun facts!!
eren went dark on his y/n stan acc
armin really didn’t want anyone else to join vc but let jean join because he didn’t want chat to think anything bad
armin definitely wants to play genshin with y/n again!
taglist 🏷
@hugemommymilkers @simpeon101 @megumisenpai @starlightsemi @keiganie @etherealiwa @idontevenknow129 @erensslut @httpglxssy @saintreneschapel @rrroadkill @clean-soap @milfslvr @sugarpieck @lazalee @mika-kc @chwlogy @ascybous @tanakaslastbraincell @3rens-r3t @chemeinpain @stardusthyuck @erenismyhobo @lagrimasdeglitter
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