#I've got like two more nieces and a nephew now
jmflowers · 3 months
prompt party returns (maybe? I'm trying)
shout out to my niece for hitting us with a gem like this for the inspiration... little minds are a trip
more of this universe (expanded) can be found on AO3 here or check out all the tumblr versions here
prompt #23: you found a way to stay next to me, in my blood and in my bones (Everywhere I Go by Wild Rivers)
May 2025
It starts with a gasp, sheets clinging to sweat-covered skin as she sputters awake in the dark of their bedroom. She crawls to the edge of the bed like she's drowning, swimming desperately for a shore just beyond her reach.
“Carina,” Maya calls in the distance, warm hands reaching out to soothe.
But her body remembers, the things that her mind shuts away. Her body shies away from the touch, curling into itself as she drops to the bedroom floor.
It always remembers.
            “Do you want to talk about it?” Maya asks over breakfast, cutting up pancakes for their toddler. He huffs impatiently as he watches her, little fingers grasping the edges of his highchair in anticipation.
Carina shrugs, placing his sippy cup of water in front of him as a distraction. “It was just a bad dream, Maya,” she placates.
“It’s a recurring bad dream,” her wife argues.
“Dream,” their son echoes, clapping his hands as the plate of pancakes finally arrives on his highchair tray.
They don’t mention the date on the calendar, that it’s always this week of the year. That it’s still grief, after all these years, making it hard to sleep.
            His picture is on the shelves in the living room, looking down over the space where their son plays with his toys in the stretching rays of afternoon light. Cars and dinosaurs and piles of books, enjoyed and discarded haphazardly across the carpet.
Carina sits beside him on the floor, watching as he navigates the placement of puzzle pieces, no longer needing assistance. For once, her mind doesn’t drift to how to challenge their son further. Instead, her eyes wander to a familiar frame.
To a familiar smile.
“Do you know who this is?” she asks, reaching for the picture.
Their son is smart – perhaps exceptionally so – and his growing vocabulary lends well to learning names. Amidst the numbers and letters and colours, he’s started identifying the people that he loves in the photos hung around their home.
He looks up when Carina places the frame in front of him, looking carefully at the curly hair and light eyes he shares with his namesake. “Yeah,” he murmurs, offering up his little palm, “Hold me hand.”
Instinctively, Carina reaches out to fill the request, ready to slip her fingers into his own. But their son pulls away.
“No,” their Andrea says, shaking his head, “He do.”
“Oh,” Carina breathes, swallowing around the lump forming in her throat. “He can’t, piccolino,” she whispers, looking down at the smiling image of her younger brother. She touches the cleft in his chin, feels the tears welling in her eyes.
“When me scared,” Andrea declares, crawling into her lap. He taps the photo, too, looking up at his mother expectantly. “He hold me hand.”  
            The dream is different that night. She doesn’t wake with a gasp, covered in sweat. She doesn’t hear her own screams or feel the blood.
Instead, she sees her brother.
Holding hands with her son.
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pixiesfz · 3 months
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baby fever j.r
plot: It's about two years into your relationship and you claim you've never had the baby fever....until now
warnings: fluff, short
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When you were younger you hated the idea of pregnancy which lead you to the idea that you didn't want children.
But you would always wave to the little kids in the crowd and sign their T-shirts with a smile on your face.
But you still knew that you would never give birth.
The horror stories you had heard or even just thinking about a human growing inside of you made you pale.
You had never had the 'baby fever' that your friends have had.
Until now.
Your older brother had come into town with his wife and little baby boy Thomas.
You always found him cute but he didn't make you weak at the knee's wanting to have children....but this was a certain sight.
You were huddled with Mary and Lauren when you saw the sight, they were still talking about a tackle you had faced in the middle of the game, not noticing your absence in the conversation.
Your head was swiveled towards your girlfriend as she held your nephew, her smile wide on her face as she lifted him up and down, his giggles loud.
"Aw that's so cute" Esme cooed at the sight and you slowly nodded, engaged at the sight.
Jill, your girlfriend or soon-to-be fiancé (your ring for her is still in your sock draw)
Jill your girlfriend with a baby
Jill your smiling girlfriend with a smiling baby.
Your knee's finally felt weak and it was not from the game.
Maybe you did want a baby.
"I'm not sure of what I'm feeling right now" you admitted to the younger girl who smiled "Baby fever" she breathed out "but I've never wanted to give birth" you whispered
Jill was now running around the field with Thomas, catching him when he almost dropped to the floor.
"You don't have to give birth to have a child, there's always adoption," Esme said, her hand on your shoulder before leaving to go have a shower.
You were thinking too much about her words, you didn't see the young boy before he latched onto your leg, "Auntie Y/n!" he cheered "hey Tommy" you smiled, picking him up and settling him into his lap.
"He's fast" Jill smiled, slightly out of breath as he cheered out of satisfaction of out running the girl.
"yeah he is" you spoke "got it from his Auntie" you smirked and he nodded, latching himself more onto you.
You saw Jill's eyes change in emotion and you creased your eyebrows "you okay?" you asked and the girl looked at you "pardon?" she asked "I asked if you were okay?" you said and she nodded "yeah".
"You're really good with kids," she told you as Thomas started to slowly fall asleep on your shoulder "You are too, got him all tired, and now he won't annoy his parents on the way home" you complimented the Dutch girl and you both smiled at each other, almost as if there was an understanding between you both.
"Smile!" A camera man yelled out and you both turned around, Jill wrapping her arm around you, as you made sure Thomas's head was turned around.
"Do I look like I've just played 90 minutes of football?" you asked and Jill laughed "You look pretty" she said and kissed your forehead, from afar you would've looked like a family.
The drive home was quiet but comfortable, your efforts in the game catching up as you grew tired, resting your head on your own shoulder as Jill smiled, looking back at you every now and then.
Jill knew about your hatred of pregnancy and the fear you had of it.
Which is why she was so scared to bring up the thought of children, scared that you would shut her down. She knew she couldn't just let this go, she knew she wanted to raise a child and she couldn't fall in love with you anymore if you didn't
When you checked your phone you smiled, video's of you and Jill with your niece were growing popular as fans commented of how cute it was and you agreed.
You didn't want to give birth but you did want children.
You wanted children with Jill.
The conversation came up after an ad of a little kid playing with toys came up and you had finally cracked, picking up the remote and playing pause on your TV show it was love island btw.
"Have you ever thought about having children with me?" you asked, ripping the band-aid off.
Jill was shocked, dropping her fork into her bowl and swallowing her soup quickly "Uhm" she started and you shrunk back into your seat, immediately regretting your questions.
"Yes I have" she admitted and you let out a breath of air "thank god" you muttered and Jill sat up "I thought you didn't want children?" she asked softly and you crossed your head "I thought so too but when I saw you with Thomas yesterday Esme opened her smart stupid mouth and then I got all smushy and I haven't stopped thinking about it ever since" you admitted and Jill smirked
"Is this why you cried when that little girl came up to you and gave you a hug at the cafe yesterday?"
"shut up" you told her and moved closer to her body "I don't want to give birth" you whispered, scared of her reaction "and I don't expect you too" you said, reassuring her of any thought she had.
"but adoption, adopting a child and giving them a good life, a life they deserve" you listed on, missing the way Jill's eyes glossed over.
"I know some people don't believe in adoption but I want to have children, especially with you" you finished, looking up to see Jill who was smiling and nodding "yeah?" you asked "yes" she said and you brought your hands to her face, wiped away her tears and delicately brought your lips to hers.
Jill moved away "wait this first" she said and ran to your shared room, coming back with her hands behind her back.
"I wanted to do this in a more romantic area but I can't imagine being with you as just your girlfriend for another minute"
Your hands lifted up to your mouth as she revealed the velvet box and lowered down onto one knee.
"Y/n" she started and you nodded your head repeatedly "You couldn' just let me do the romantic speech," she asked you with a laugh,tears now streaming now down both of your faces.
"I have your ring in my sock drawer" you admitted as you leant your foreheads together.
"I guess I got there first".
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pixelnrd · 2 months
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In the early autumn, Heather and Jenny visited San Sequoia to meet the newest additions to Dustin and Kelly's family - their new infant twins, Kyle and Kayla.
Jenny absolutely doted on the little twins, desperate for cuddles and snuggles. But while Heather was excited to meet her brothers little brood, she found herself a bit overwhelmed by the absolute chaos. Nevertheness, when she sat down with Jenny to hold her niece, she felt herself warm to their sweetness.
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Jenny couldn't help but notice how great Heather was with the kids. When little Cody ran after her, jealous of the attention the twins were getting, she swooped him up in a cuddle and made him smile. She loved her brothers kids. She thought that perhaps she could pretend they were her own, knowing that she probably wouldn't get to have any herself.
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That night, as they readied themselves for bed, Jenny decided to bring up the topic of children. It had been slowly growing in her mind for some time, and after seeing Heather with her nephews and niece that day she felt like she had finally seen a sign that this was in their future.
'You know... I've always wanted to have kids,' she began. 'And I don't think that us being well... not a man and a woman, should stop us from being able to have kids. I mean, there have amazing treatments available now for people like us.'
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Heather paused and listened. She could sense the excitement Jenny was barely keeping at bay. She had in all honestly never considered children any further than acknowledging that if she never had sex with a man then it wouldn't happen - and so far, she had avoided that.
Being with Jenny was all that she had wanted, and now they were living the life she had always dreamed of. She hadn't dared to dream of anything more than that - what was the point of dreaming of something that didn't seem like a potential reality for them?
Besides, things were going really well for her now - the food stall was her business baby, and she wanted to keep taking it further.
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'You know, if you don't want to get pregnant that's ok, because we've got two uteruses,' laughed Jenny nervously. She felt like Heather wasn't on board. 'I'll do it for the both of us.'
'It's not that...' began Heather. 'I just wonder... is it the right time? It's expensive, and the food stall is taking off.'
Jenny sat upright and looked at Heather seriously. 'We're in our mid-30s, Heather. It's kind of now or never, isn't it? And I'll do the pregnancy part. You can run the business. I'll be the stay home Mom and do diapers and stuff... please?'
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Heather could see her point. She was right. And Heather loved Jenny and wanted her to be happy. This could be their very own family together, made out of their love.
'Okay,' she smiled, pulling her into an embrace.
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
Carmy as Your Baby Daddy | Social Media AU & Headcanon Series | part one
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masterlist | part two now that i've finished my top gun: maverick series, it's me i'm back and gearing up for season two. after a bout of food poisoning, i finally cracked and am writing this pregnancy headcanon that i said i wouldn't bc my ovaries would explode (looking at you @allthefandomstogether). anyways, a huge thank you to @carmensberzattos who pinged many an ideas back and forth about carmy as your baby daddy and screamed into the abyss about this on a friday night. i'm writing this with my main character from the make your heart surrender-verse, but can absolutely read as a standalone piece. posting now because i'm so damn excited but i may go back and add some more things later.
oh and this a headcanon series now so. that part.
carmy as your baby daddy:
sometime after the wedding, you and carmy decide that you're ready to start a family. you're not trying but you're not not trying, meaning you've gone off of birth control but you're not carefully monitoring your ovulation cycle either. you both figure that it'll happen when it happens and if it doesn't, there are many other ways to make a family.
carmy never really thought about having kids until the two of you got together. after adopting your kitty together, carmy got to see a your more nurturing side and taking care of something together as a team made him think about how much he wants a family with you. after sugar has her baby it really ups the ante. seeing carmy become an uncle is what starts the conversation about seriously starting a family, and every time carmy sees you holding the baby, it's 'when our kids this, and when our kids that' for days after.
you swear it's food poisoning. after a somewhat questionable late night meal, you spend half the night vomiting while carmy works a later night at the restaurant. you text him to bring ginger ale and tums home. of course he comes through because are you kidding this man is a caretaker?!
you insist that you're fine and much better, even though you're absolutely exhausted. things are so busy at work for you (and have i mentioned the pregnancy fatigue) that you don't think much of it when a few nights later, you find yourself kneeling on the bathroom floor once again.
there are always little kids running around at the extended family gatherings and which led to your realization (when you first met everyone) that carmy is surprisingly good with kids.
it's not till a week or two later (after your little bout of 'food poisoning') that you're at cicero's place for a family birthday party that it hits you. one of carmy's cousins (not richie kind of cousin teehee) has just had a new baby with his wife. you've been catching up with ava, richie's daughter because you've become an auntie of sorts to her. you find some time to steal away for a some girl-time but when you return, carmy is holding his new niece/nephew in his arms.
the sight of him holding the baby not only takes your goddamn breath away as he stares long and hard your way, his blue eyes piercing right through your heart, but it's then that you realize that you're a few weeks late. it's like time stops as you look at him, seeing him coo at the baby with the softest look on his face. the realization hits you, clear as day.
"holy shit." is all you say, earning a few funny looks from the berzatto extended family and friends. "carm, can i borrow you for a second?" you and carmy find a quiet place to talk inside. "you okay, babe?" "carmy i think i'm-. what if i-. i'm late." "what do you-? like.. late late?" "now that i think about it, a few weeks late, honey." "yeah?" he asks you, totally in shock and eyes wide. "yeah."
the two of you make an excuse to leave the party as soon as possible, and hurry to the nearest drugstore to pick up a pregnancy test. you wait till you're home to take it. "do you want me to come in, sweetheart?" "no, carmy! i don't want you to watch me pee, you weirdo!" you answer, even though you know he's just excited.
the two of you are pacing back and forth, practically making dents in the floor with your footsteps for what feels like the longest two minutes of your lives. when your timer goes off, you're both simultaneously freaking out about the fact that you're lives are about to change forever, while also really, really hoping for a positive result. and as the fates would have it, the test is positive.
"holy shit. holy fucking shit. we're- you're-, we're gonna-!" carmy is ecstatic as searches for words. "we're having a baby, baby!" you squeal jumping into his arms." "god, i love you so much," he says, grinning at you as wrap your legs around his waist. "i love you too, carm. so, so much."
you literally get the biggest kick out of calling him your baby daddy: to friends and family, coworkers, random strangers, in restaurants, at the gas station. you'll take photos of him at the farmers market and post on your ig story referring to him as your baby daddy because you find it hilarious. carmy doesn't find it as funny (even though he secretly loves it) and he's cherry-tomato red when you tell the checkout clerk at the bodega across the street from your place that your baby daddy is going to pick up the tab.
everyone at the restaurant is so excited for you! even richie cries a little when you tell him the news. you hadn't really gotten close to richie until ava grew super attached to you, which opened up a whole new avenue and understanding for your friendship with richie.
ever since you found out you were pregnant, carmy always has bread and ginger ale on hand for your morning sickness. he started making you your favorite soft scrambled eggs with toast, but the chives have been way too strong of a flavor for a sensitive tummy. it's slowly become eggs & toast and then just... toast, which you promptly apologize for stripping away any kind of artistic freedom he may have previously had.
you get near compulsive cravings for certain foods, and carmy is always ready to throw on a jacket and run across the street when you get midnight cravings.
carmy hates seeing how tumultuous pregnancy has been during your first trimester. he's always ready with a hair tie or a glass of water for when you're done throwing up. okay hear me out: but carmy starting to wear hair ties because he wants to always have one ready for you. he'll even take off a morning with you or call your workplace if you need a sick day just so that he can take care of you. even if you don't need care, he just wants to spend time with you and be there for you while you go through it.
we already know that carmy is an acts of service king. he is the tenderest, most gentle partner and wants to be as helpful as possible. if you're sick, he wants to make you feel better. if the pregnancy hormones are raging against the machine, he's more than happy to let you be upset, or get you off by any means if the hormones go that way too. he'll sit on the bathroom floor with you and rub your back until you need to vomit again. he'll give you the best morning head of your life. he'll run a bath for you when you need one. he checks in every hour on the hour in your first trimester, which you appreciate, but eventually have to ask him to chill the fuck out.
speaking of physical changes, the pregnancy boobs are ELITE. carmy is always there to make you feel beautiful despite your rapidly changing body, esp when your clothes start fitting differently.
the first time your bump starts showing and you point it out to him, carmy cries. or maybe he notices it first and he's just like... weeping and you're like: babe r u ok? and then you realize that you're showing and carmy is kneeling and admiring your baby bump and now you're crying. sorry, but i don't make the rules it's just a fact that this is how it would go down.
carmy is so emotional about this because he realizes that he finally gets to build the family he didn't have and he gets to build it with you.
well this just hijacked my writing plans oops. part two will be more 'you & carmy pregnancy things' and part three will be birth & post-birth.
tagging my carmy taglist in the comments below!
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cherryxcadbury · 1 year
Mbappe loving the relationship his girlfriend has with his family. His mom loves her, his brother coming to her for girl advice, his niece and nephew always wanting come over by Aunty Y/N
this is so so so cuteee
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y/n: your name 
"I've been dying to see them again." You spoke to your boyfriend, Kylian on your way to his parents house.
"All those two ever talk about is seeing Auntie Y/N." Kylian chuckled, referring to his niece and nephew. 
“Now that I think about it, I think they like you more than me.” Kylian pondered.
You chuckled, “Can you blame them? You’re not exactly the most likable person in the world.” 
“Cherie everyone loves me.” Kylian scoffed, turning onto his parents’ street.
You mused at his response. 
“God the paparazzi again. Keep your head down Cherie.” Kylian advised you, as you both became blinded by the camera flashes. 
“What are they doing all the way out here in Bondy.” You muttered.
“They found out where my parents house was at the beginning of January. Been here ever since.” Kylian explained.
The flashes continued to blind the both of you. Kylian rested a hand on your thigh as a meaning of comfort. 
“Ease off the gas pedal slowly Kiks. Their driveway’s coming up.” You directed him as you both managed to pull into the gated home unscathed.
“I feel like one of these days you’re going to eventually go blind.” You sighed.
“That would be a true tragedy. Wouldn’t be able to see your beautiful face anymore.” Kylian winked at you, to which you just rolled your eyes despite a blush forming on your cheeks. 
Before you could respond, noise outside the car caught both of your attention. At the doorstep was Kylian’s mother, waiting with her grandkids, Kylian’s older brother’s children. 
The two were frantically jumping up and down, awaiting your arrival. 
You turned to share a knowing look with Kylian but he was already outside opening your door for you. 
“You go greet them while I get the bags from the back.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You smiled gratefully, walking to the door where the two little ones ran into your arms, covering you in hugs and kisses.
“Auntie Y/N! Bonjour!” They squealed.
The two of them were only fluent in French, but were rapidly learning English as they started school. You yourself didn’t speak French but you knew enough to communicate with them. 
“Bonjour [insert French word for children]! Are you being good for Mama and Papa?” You asked them, bright smiles on their faces.
They enthusiastically nodded, “Oui Oui! Of course!” 
“So you do love Auntie Y/N more than me!” Kylian feigned hurt. 
“You two best go show Uncle Kiks some love else he’ll start crying.” You whispered to them, to which they quickly complied, running to his arms.
“Y/N!” Kylian’s mom welcomed you with a warm hug.
She also did not speak much English and you didn’t speak French but you always found someway to communicate. 
“Comment allez-vous?” You asked, hoping your accent wasn’t too horrible.
You saw her eyes gleam with pride.
“Speaking French just for me! How sweet!” She exclaimed.
“Now come, come! They all want to see you!” His mom beckoned you into the house.
“Uh Mama!” Kylian complained, trying to make his mom remember he too was there.
His mom rolled her eyes muttering something sarcastically in French before hugging and kissing him on the cheeks. He was a huge Mama’s boy. They always jokingly fought with each other. 
You all went to the sitting room where the two little ones had magically teleported from Kylian’s arms back to their parents laps. 
Kylian’s father was the first to stand. He hugged Kylian first, who was physically closer to him before coming over to you.
“Y/N, cherie! Come over here!” He beamed with delight.
You and Wilfried Mbappe got along splendidly. He spoke a bit more English than the rest of his family and was someone you enjoyed talking with. You both loved facing each other in a game of cards and discussing your latest reads with each other. You’d even managed to get him to read cheesy rom coms, your guilty pleasures.
“Did you read the latest book I sent you?” He questioned, hugging you.
You nodded, “I did! It was a very quick read.”
“It was really good! The historical setting was enthralling. But you and I both know you preferred reading The Cheat Sheet.” You replied knowingly, resulting in a laugh from Wilfried.
“Okay okay enough! I want, no need to talk to Y/N now!” Ethan plowed his dad out of the way. 
Ethan smiled at you cheekily before bring you to the kitchen.
“Someone seems excited.” You mused at Kylian’s younger brother.
He was only a few years younger than you, so you got on quite well.
“Do you remember the girl I was telling you about?” 
You furrowed your brows in remembrance. Of course you remembered. Ethan would not stop talking about her.
“Oui, oui. Her!” Ethan exclaimed, sharing the same bright smile Kylian did. 
“Her family supports Marseille.” He grimaced. 
“Yuck. That makes a messy Le Classique.” You responded. 
“Exactly! And we’re playing Marseille’s youth team next week and she’s going to be there because her brother plays for them. So what do I do on the pitch?” 
“Ethan, you do know not everything can be settled with football right?” You glanced at him with amusement.
“But if it had to be…” He tried to steer you in the direction he was headed in.
You rolled your eyes, “The maybe score and dedicate the goal to her. Or look at her during a celebration.” 
Ethan stroked his non existent beard. 
“That’s good! I like it! Maybe I’ll do one of Kylian’s celebrations. Because she’s in love with Kylian! Honestly I think she might even be into him.” Ethan rambled.
You laughed at his lovestruck expression, “How old is she again?” 
“19.” Ethan responded simply.
Your eyes bulged out. She was somewhat similar in age to you. Not at all suitable for 16 year old Ethan. 
You playfully nudged him.
“Do not try and get with her.” You warned.
“Dummy! She’s 19 and you’re 16! So gross on so many levels. Also illegal. Also, not many 19 year olds are into 16 year olds. And if they are, they need to get their heads checked.” You explained.
“You have a point. She seemed kind of bossy anyways, not how I roll. Pretend this never happened!” Ethan exclaimed. 
“I promise.” You smiled, pinky swearing with him.
“Do you wanna know a secret?” He asked. 
“I heard Mama and Kylian talking earlier. She was giving him a family ring she’d saved when she thought he’d found the one.” He whispered before running off. 
What? There was no way. 
You walked back into the sitting room only to see Kylian bent down on one knee, rose petals scattered everywhere, with a book bouquet behind him. 
It didn’t take you more than a second to say yes and find yourself wrapped in his arms. 
Kylian had always known that when he believed he’d found the one, his family would adore her too, unconditionally. And for him, you were exactly that. 
For Kylian, you were the sun, the moon, the stars, and the sky. You were his whole world. He couldn’t imagine living life without you. And luckily for him, you felt the exact same way. 
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I will put this gif on every single post because I cannot with this man 🤩
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leclerc-s · 7 months
track 001. logical
─── ❝ said i was too young, i was too soft. can't take a joke, can't get you off. oh, why do i do this? ❞ ───
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masterlist // next
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, isabellaperez, and others
zoyatorres a while back i heard a beautiful piano piece composed by charles_leclerc. i adored the way he was able to compose such emotional pieces. i asked a friend to reach out to him and ask if he wanted to be apart of my next album. he agreed and he composed a couple pieces on my new album, GUTS, which is yours september 8th. for now, enjoy logical, an emotional song which captures exactly what i was feeling in that moment thanks to charles. and to isabellaperez, the only other person to understand my emotions, thank you for inspiring me to write this one. once again, grazie charles! gracias isabella! (ps enjoy these bts picture of me and charles as logical was being written) (pps isabella helped inspire a few of the songs on this album)
tagged: charles_leclerc, isabellaperez
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landonorris um…what the fuck? charles? isabella? why wasn’t i informed of this?
baileywinters you’re welcome people! i did this! i got this masterpiece out into the world!
↳ landonorris et tú, brute?
↳ baileywinters sorry babe but i was sworn to secrecy!
user01 is this not some sort of betrayal to mae? after everything that went down between the two.
↳ maejones not really considering zoya and i are on good terms. i also have a boyfriend, i've moved on, everyone else should too.
↳ charles_leclerc i spoke to mae before i said yes to this opportunity. if she said she was uncomfortable with me doing this i would've said no.
↳ zoyatorres as mae said, everyone involved in that situation has moved on, please do us all a favor and move on.
user02 i just know this song is going to break my heart in two and i haven't even heard it
charles_leclerc it was a pleasure working with you zoya! we should do it again sometime.
↳ zoyatorres get me a pass to the next grand prix and we’ll see
↳ charles_leclerc done! see you in miami!
↳ zoyatorres pleasure doing business with you mr. leclerc
isabellaperez thanks for letting me vent to you!
↳ zoyatorres those vents became beautiful songs isabella! so thank you to you and your wonderful brain!
user03 now this is a crossover i wasn't expecting
nataliaruiz oh thank god, i was going to lose it if i had to keep this a secret any longer.
maejones well that was emotional…i’m gonna go drown myself with a toaster
↳ maxverstappen1 no, you won’t. actually please don’t.
↳ rowantodd no one wants to deal with a grumpy max, please don't ever joke about that again. your sister is also pouting at her phone, please, don't make those jokes again.
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nataliaruiz posted a new story
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seen by charles_leclerc, zoyatorres, logansargeant and others
some more bts of the making of logical. zoya’s my favorite third wheel, she’s basically charles and i’s child now. freyavettel you have a sister now.
zoyatorres mom? nataliaruiz yes my child?
charles_leclerc she is not our child nataliaruiz too late the adoption papers have been filed with seb, maman leclerc approved it too and she practically lives with us chérie
pierregasly another one? isn't the one on the way enough? isn’t freya enough? nataliaruiz shut up, you tripod
arthur_leclerc another niece? you can't give me a nephew? nataliaruiz the universe has decided that charles is meant to be a girl dad. it told me so when it gave us freya as a first child and zoya as a second and our baby as the third arthur_leclerc freya and zoya aren't actually your children nat nataliaruiz and lando isn't carlos and penny's kid but they treat him like he is. we all have emotional support children, don't question me. arthur_leclerc alright fine.
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natalia ruiz added one person
natalia ruiz meet my child zoya!
zoya torres is that fernando alonso in the picture?
freya vettel blackmail material from lance, so yes it’s nando
bailey winters lando’s been screaming logical for the past 20 minutes. make it stop please
lando norris i can’t believe you guys wouldn’t tell us about this! isa and i played sour on repeat for days!
daphne jones-ricciardo trust us, we remember
zoya torres holy shit. excuse me while i go scream in a pillow.
daniel jones-ricciardo she’s just like me. daph! she’s our child! natalia ruiz back the fuck up aussie, that is my second child with charles! pierre gasly you have an actual child together and she's met daphne before hasn't she? zoya torres i don't actually have her number. let me have this. god, the french ruin everything oscar piastri she's going to fit right in with us
logan sargeant on a completely different topic, who hurt zoya and charles? that is the saddest song i’ve heard all year and speak now (daphne’s version) was released a few days ago. i don’t need to ask about isa, we all know the answer to that.
george russell can’t believe i’m agreeing with an american but who hurt you two?
logan sargeant at least our queen is still alive mae jones we don’t have a queen? we are a democracy. florida has failed us once again. logan sargeant i was talking about your sister… rowan todd he’s got you there mae, all rise for our national anthem, death by a thousand cuts penelope trevino HALF OF YOU DIPSHITS LIVE IN MONACO! zoya torres can't believe i just met a bunch of tax evaders
natalia ruiz you literally just moved to monaco zoya. you are a tax evader now.
zoya torres it’s to be closer to my favorite leclerc, baby leclerc. arthur’s been bumped down to last arthur leclerc well fuck you, as if i wasn’t already. you’re my least favorite singer in this group.
esteban ocon everytime i open this groupchat up i worry for each and every single one of you
mick schumacher i agree with the french
logan sargeant history has proven that it has never happened. so this is a first lando norris enough with the history jokes dulce perez just because you can’t understand them doesn’t mean we have to stop
zoya torres to answer logan's question, my ex-boyfriend hurt me.
natalia ruiz we don't talk about that asshole alex albon just to clarify, we're not talking about joshua are we? zoya torres no, that's passed, we're friends now. i think?
max verstappen why the fuck is lando running around the hotel screaming?
max verstappen never mind i see now. hello zoya.
zoya torres hi max! charles leclerc YOU TWO KNOW EACH OTHER? zoya torres i had breakfast with mae and max once
lewis hamilton it’s a great song guys!
zoya torres what if i passed out right now? what if this was my 13th reason? all i ever needed was to make sir lewis hamilton proud. oscar piastri oh god, she’s just like logan dulce perez i worry for you people, i truly do.
dulce perez with an ex like austin how could you not? isabella perez do you maybe, want to shut the fuck up?
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liked by charles_leclerc, nataliaruiz, maejones
zoyatorres mom said we had to come support dad in miami! peep my three different outfits (it was very hot for two of them, yes i did steal a helmet for a picture) don’t mom and baby leclerc look so cute? (i took that picture while we were waiting for mick and freya)
tagged: nataliaruiz, charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari
user1 love how she opted to post a cute picture of natalia while embarrassing charles
↳ zoyatorres mom should never be embarrassed. dad on the other hand…
charles_leclerc i invited you to a grand prix and this is the payment i receive? (send me that picture of natti please?)
↳ zoyatorres will do father 🫡
scuderiaferrari it was an honor to have you in our garage (free concert tickets soon?)
↳ zoyatorres anything for my favorite admin
maejones did you enjoy your first ever grand prix?
↳ zoyatorres you bet i did! who knew watching cars go really fast in odd circles could be fun! baby leclerc made it more fun!
user2 i love that she’s been adopted into this family of weirdos so quickly.
↳ nataliaruiz she's one of us now, we're never letting her go.
↳ zoyatorres no other people i'd rather be friends with
↳ landonorris friends? who said anything about friends? we're family now
↳ dulceperez calm down dominic torretto. let the girl get used to our company before forcing her into this weird little family.
↳ zoyatorres i practically live with them...maman leclerc loves me…baby leclerc loves me
↳ user3 now this is something i wasn't expecting. baby leclerc has two big sisters, freya and zoya are the best big sisters, no doubt about it.
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zoya was lost. it was that simple. she hadn't meant to wander off, but she had really needed to use the bathroom and freya had abandoned her. zoya would never get used to the paddock life, it was too chaotic for her. zoya preferred touring and tour buses, at least there it was a controlled chaos. she hoped she could find someone she was familiar with like mae or max, maybe they would help her out. or maybe she would die of embarrassment before she ever made her way to the ferrari garage.
too preoccupied with finding her way to the ferrari garage she failed to notice the 6ft wall in the shape of a human. she crashed into him and if it weren’t have been for his quick reflexes she would’ve fallen over. the wall grabbed her arm and pulled her close before she could touch the ground. it was then that she realized the wall wasn’t a wall and instead a human body. she pushed herself away from him, not that she wasn't thankful for his rescue, but he was a stranger, and zoya was not okay with random people touching her. maybe that was the downside of being a celebrity, people always thought they had a right to touch you or take pictures with you as if they knew you.
not that she wasn't grateful for her fans, she was, they were the reason she had the fame she did. it was the strangers who didn't even know her, and just saw a mob of people surrounding her, and decided it was okay with touching her. maybe she should bring that up with her therapist at their next meeting.
“you okay?” the human wall questioned. zoya nodded, letting go of his hand, “yeah, i got lost on my way back from the bathroom and freya ditched me so i have no clue where i’m going. i’ve been wandering this place for like 10 minutes and i still can’t find the ferrari garage.”
the human wall laughed, "considering that you're at the williams garage i'd say you're pretty far off."
"oh shit," zoya muttered, "i knew i was going in the wrong direction. this place should come with a map or something."
"i can take you to the ferrari garage?" the human wall offered. zoya glanced at him, noticing the fireproofs he was wearing, "and you are?"
"logan sargeant," he answered.
“well, logan sargeant, i’m zoya torres,” she introduced, “and i would very much like help getting back to the ferrari garage.”
logan laughed again, “pleasure zoya. it’s nice to properly meet you.”
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liked by charles_leclerc, nataliaruiz, freyavettel and others
zoyatorres the leclerc family takes on miami! not pictured is arthur pouting over a fallen piece of cake and lorenzo laughing at him. pictured is freya staring lovingly at mick while he causes baby leclerc to giggle.
tagged: charles_leclerc, nataliaruiz, freyavettel, arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl, mickschumacher
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user1 i guess charles really did steal seb's daughter
arthur_leclerc wow no picture of me or enzo? guess who isn't my favorite niece
↳ zoyatorres you literally told me to not take any pictures of you cause you looked like shit? and the one i did take, as mentioned in the caption, you didn’t want me posting.
freyavettel out of all the pictures you took of me, you picked that one?
↳ zoyatorres it's the one where you look most in love with mick
↳ user2 she's literally one of us. she's a mastermind who wormed her way into natalia's heart and now they're never going to let her go
↳ user3 but does mick have mom and dad’s approval?
↳ zoyatorres he has mine! i love mick, he’s a sweetheart. he’s also my sweets provider
↳ charles_leclerc jury’s still out
logansargeant it was nice to meet you zoya! pleasure getting to know the girl behind the music landonorris and isabellaperez are always screeching
↳ zoyatorres pleasure meeting the american rookie! thanks for helping me find my way to the ferrari garage
↳ charles_leclerc back off american 🤺
↳ zoyatorres you're not my dad!
↳ user4 and we know who wouldn’t have dad’s approval.
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¡leclerc-s speaks! american rookie it’s your time to shine baby! although you haven’t had the best season, we still love you. double update today baby!! manifesting a win or podium for charles this weekend
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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101 notes · View notes
backtothefanfiction · 5 months
One Last Date For Christmas | PART ONE: An Arrangement At The Christmas Party
Summary: Another year, The same Christmas party and holiday hook up... or is it?
Warnings: 18+ Only, Smut (oral M & F receiving, p in v, mild dirty talk with Christmas references), Mentions of Cancer/Death, Fake Dating, Fuck Buddies to Lovers, this is basically Hallmark/Netflix Christmas movie vibes
Word Count: 5.9K+
A/N: Okay, so I've been feeling crumby lately and really need a boost, so although we took a poll and it was decided this whole story would go up as one piece at the same time, I need the motivation and have had a crumby week mentally and need a boost. So here is part 1. If you do enjoy PLEASE LEAVE ME FEEDBACK!!! I am like Tinkerbell, if I don't get attention I will die haha. But seriously my mental health needs the kind words for energy so please take a moment to share some if you like this part and not just like it. Anyway... ENJOY!!!
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Another year, another fancy corporate business party Peter was obliged to attend due to his job. It had become such a regular routine over these last 7 years J. Jonah Jameson didn’t even bother asking if he was available to come anymore, just automatically emailed over the details so he could attend. 
Peter couldn’t completely complain. He got free drinks and fancy food for the night. I mean in reality he got to act just like any other guest, despite the camera he had around his neck for the night. And instead of paying to be there, he was instead getting paid to be there. Sure it was only an extra couple hundred bucks, but at this time of year it really did make all the difference.
Being a freelance photographer only made him so much a year, especially when the rest of his time was spent moonlighting as the local superhero which didn’t pay a thing. Not that he couldn’t have made some money as a public figure. A couple grand here to endorse a few products. A donation of thanks or two from business owners or generous members of the community there. All of which had been options that he had turned down. That wasn’t who Spider-Man was and definitely not who he wanted Spider-Man to be. And so at almost 40 years old, this was Peter’s life.
No wife. No kids. Not even a pet, because he couldn’t commit to spending enough time at home in his tiny run down box of a studio apartment, to look after it. He sometimes brought girls home, he did have needs after all, but no matter how interested they had been in him, he’d never let himself get attached. After Gwen he would never get attached again.
The only one to ever even come close was you. He had met you 5 years ago now at this very event. Just like him, you always felt like a fish out of water at these parties, despite always being on the guest list. Your Father was one of the big business benefactors of the party and ever since the divorce you had become his regular plus one. 
Just like Peter you were a chronic singleton, always too busy traveling for work to be able to sustain an actual relationship, despite your Mother trying her best every time you were home to set you up with some poor soul. She just didn’t get it. You didn’t believe in marriage anymore as most of them ended in divorce, your parents marriage and even two of your Uncle’s marriages prime examples alone; and as for children? You had decided at the age of 13 you wouldn’t have kids and no matter how many times your Mother, Grandmother or Aunt Sarah told you, you would change your mind, you hadn’t. If anything the birth of your brother’s kids had only cemented things more. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t like your niece and nephew, you were just always glad you could pass them back off to your brother and his wife after a few hours of their shrieking play and demands for cookies and ice cream, while fighting over what to watch on the telly. No, you had never wanted kids and you never would. You had however always wanted to get a cat, but until you changed jobs or just simply didn’t have to travel for work anymore, that would just remain a lovely little dream for the future.
Peter always arrived to the party early. After all, he was getting paid by the hour, so the longer he was there taking photos, the more money he could claim from the Daily Bugle finance department on Monday. He aimlessly wandered around taking photos of the venue and the table settings and the odd entering guest as people arrived. He helped himself to horderves off of shiny platters and the odd glass of champagne as he worked, seamlessly floating through the crowd, formally stopping people every now and again for more posed group shots, other times just taking candid photos of people mingling. He took the occasional booming order from J. Jonah Jameson, “Hey Parker! Make sure you get a shot of me with the Mayor. Parker! Come here and take a photo of me and Mrs Perez! Parker! Take a picture of me and my wife!”
“Yes, sir.” Peter would respond with a smile. Usually you were here by now to laugh at the way he followed the head of the Daily Bugle around like his lap dog, but as of yet you still hadn’t arrived. Then a horrible thought crossed Peter’s mind, ‘what if you weren’t coming this year.’ He had seen your Father walking about, had even taken a couple of photos of him with various business partners and city officials, but as of yet there had been no sign of you.
Peter checked his watch again hoping you were just running late, but the closer it got to 8.30pm and the start of the meal portion of the night, he started to give up hope. He knew you were busy, always flying between Tokyo, Milan, London and Paris for work; but you were always usually back home for the holidays. He was just about to check his watch again when you came through the door like a whirlwind in red.
He watched you like a Spider sizing up his prey as you made a beeline for your Father. You gave him a rushed greeting and an apologetic kiss to the cheek, before you followed him and the rest of his group to their table, placed closer to the small makeshift stage that had been erected at one end of the long window lined room. He kept his focus on you as you took your seat, your father pushing your chair in for you as you turned to greet one of the other women at the table a couple seats away from you. That was, until J. Jonah Jameson’s booming voice called him away again.
“Parker! You’re over here with us!” He barked as he ushered Peter over to a table on the other side of the room. He was just able to lock eyes with you and give you a friendly smile before he took his seat. “I’ve sat you on this side so you can get the wife’s good side.” Jameson continued to say.
There was a couple of speeches and awards before the food was served. Peter was pleased to find that he was in fact in a good vantage point in which he could take pictures of the stage this year without having to move. He also had a clear sightline to you too, his lens unconsciously moving in your direction every few shots then back again.
Peter had chosen the steak and hasselback potatoes for his dinner with a rich chocolate pudding for dessert. When he finished his meal, he dismissed himself from the table, as he traditionally did, to go around the tables and take a few more candid shots of people before taking a break at the bar. 
“I’ll take an old fashioned, please.” Your familiar voice suddenly came from beside him. “I’m sorry I was late.” you said as you leaned into him as if conspiratorially. “My flight got delayed.”
“Where were you coming from this time?” Peter asked as he took a sip from his own drink.
“Boston.” You said with a sigh. It definitely hadn’t been the answer he was expecting and his quizzical look at you said as much. “I was visiting my Mother. Her and her new partner Brad moved there a few months back to be closer to his grandchildren.” You explained.
“I’m guessing that means you got away with not being set up on a blind date this visit.” Peter fished, knowing your Mother’s habits and routines well after these last 5 years of annual hookups.
“You’d think so.” You said as you took a sip of your stiff drink, just to emphasize the drama of it all. “Turns out Maggie’s teacher is single and available.” you say with mock enthusiasm.
“Maggie?” Peter questions.
“One of Brad’s grandchildren.” you fill in with another sigh and eyebrow raise. “I wish she’d just give it a rest, you know?” You pause as you take another sip of your drink before you tell him, “I’m thinking of coming up with a fake boyfriend just to get her off my back. But then I know she’ll be all like ‘when do I get to meet him?’” you say doing an exaggerated impersonation of your Mother’s voice.
“Yeah, I think about doing the same thing with Aunt May sometimes, but I’d hate lying to her.” Peter confided.
“How is your Aunt?” you ask. The one blessing of only seeing each other once a year meant there were always things for you both to talk about and catch up on.
You watch as his face falls, his eyes turning sad as he looks into his drink. “Umm, they’re not good actually. We found out this year she has stage 4 breast cancer. The doctor said this is probably gonna be her last Christmas.” He struggles to look at you.
“Peter, I’m so sorry.” you say, mustering up as much empathy as you can as your hand instinctively comes to rub at his back. “Is there nothing they can do?”
“They said they could try a few different treatments but it wasn’t guaranteed to work and May ultimately decided that… Well she said that she’s lived to a good age and if this is how she is meant to go, this is how she is meant to go.” He paused, blinking hard as he continued to stare at the liquid in his glass. “She said I was a grown man and didn’t need her anymore.” He let out a small unsatisfied chuckle that wreaked of denial, before he finally looked at you again. “I just… I just feel guilty, you know?”
“What for?” You asked him.
“It’s just. I know she was always holding onto this hope that I’d meet someone. That I’d end up finding someone and settling down. Live a life like her and Ben did.”
“But that’s not what you want from your life?” you question him now unsure, as you finally sit yourself on the bar stool next to him. “I mean, if you wanted that, isn’t that what you would have done? Gone out, met a girl. Settled down. You can’t be someone you’re not just to please others.”
“But it was what I wanted.” he suddenly confides. “And that’s why I feel guilty because she knows that. When I first introduced her to Gwen, I said, ‘that’s the girl I’m going to marry Aunt May.’” he says with gusto, like he’s saying it exactly how he had said it to her, before his body deflates again.
“But things change. People change. We’re allowed to change Peter.”
“I know, but… she just, I know she never gave up hope.”
“You know what they say about hope?” You say.
“It breeds eternal misery,” he bristles.
“No.” You chastise. “It’s like the sun, if you only believe in it when you can see it, you’ll never make it through the night.”
Peter’s brow furrows as his head turns back to you. “Did you just quote Star Wars to me?”
“Princess Leia.” you smile.
“God I love you.” he says casually with a smile.
“I know.” you continue to beam back before you raise your glass towards him. “For Aunt May?”
“For Aunt May.” he agrees before clinking your glass with his own.
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You both creep away a little before midnight, catching a cab back to your apartment. You always went back to your apartment. Peter said it was because he wanted you to be comfortable and said it was more homelier than his place, but the truth was, Peter was ashamed to take you back to his own apartment. It looked like a dingy run down squat or some really dodgy student housing in comparison to your place. 
He didn’t want to kid himself, he knew he was definitely punching above his weight a little when it came to you, not because he necessarily thought he was ugly, but more simply because you had more money than him. You’d never made him feel inferior for it. In fact you’d always wanted to help him by offering to put him in contact with some galleries so he could get more of his work out there. Maybe make some extra cash by selling some of his photos as art for the rich and wealthy, not just to a local paper, but Peter had never had the guts to take you up on the offer. It would make him feel indebted to you and throw the balance of your relationship off even more than it somewhat already was.
“Did you choose red because it’s my favourite color or just for the festivities?” He nibbled on your ear as his fingers ran across the velvet skirt of the dress, dragging it up to your thigh as he pressed himself against your back.
You hadn’t bothered turning on any other lights than the Christmas tree, before you stopped to take a moment to look out your window at the city. Christmas in New York was your favorite time of year. Every year to mark the occasion, you would go down to Rockefeller Plaza, grab a hot chocolate and watch as they turned on the lights. As kids you would go ice skating there. Less so now you were adults, your brother and his own kids had their own tradition of skating in Central Park on Christmas Eve, but some years you would still partake.
“I chose it for the season.” You sighed, your body relaxing back into him, head resting on his shoulder as he kissed his way down your neck.
“My festive little elf.” He teased as his fingers continued to work up the hem of your dress until they could reach your panties, which you had in fact bought new and chosen with Peter in mind.
“I even brought presents.” You plaid along teasingly.
Your breathing hitched slightly as the pads of his fingers dragged over your lace covered clit.
“Really? For me?” You could feel him smiling into the exposed skin of your collarbone.
“Mhmm.” You hum. “Maybe, you should unwrap me.” You tease back.
“Mmm.” He hums back deeply in delight as he turns you around to face him. The hand that was just ghosting at your centre, now wraps firmly around the back of your neck, as he smashes your rouge stained lips into his. 
His other hand begins pawing at the velvety fabric of your dress again before he’s pulling his face away from you, his grin growing too big and you can’t help but give a satisfying smile back as you notice how your lipstick has transferred from your lips to his, marking him as yours for the evening. Your hand reaches for his and you begin taking steps backwards, pulling him in the direction of your bedroom and awaiting bed.
Your room is a slight mess from your hasty packing before you left for Boston and your equally hasty unpacking upon your return. You’d just had enough time to get home and get changed, rushing your make up and hair, before you left to go to the party. Your suitcase lay open on the floor, some of the contents lay spilling out from where you had hunted around for your makeup bag. The little pink bag from Victoria Secret sat upside down on the floor beside it. Peter spies it the moment he enters the room.
He feigns shock, “Did you buy this for me?” He teases as he picks up the bag.
“Don’t get too excited Parker, they were having a sale.”
“I don’t care.” He says with a boyish grin, despite his 39 years of age. “Come here and let me see.”
You smile at him as you begin to step closer to him before calling out into the room, “Alexa, turn on mood lighting.”
His eyebrows raise as a lamp in the corner of the room turns on, illuminating your bedroom in a magenta hue. “Mood lighting huh?”
“Do you wanna be able to see your Christmas gift or not?” You sass back with a hand on your hip.
“I mean, I’ve always thought of you as my Christmas present, regardless of what you wear.” He says as his fingers begin to grab for you again and pull you into him.
“Next year I won’t bother then.”
“Oh no, you’ve made it a thing now. I’m gonna expect this, every- single- year- from now on.” He says between kisses across your cheek and down your neck and upper chest. You begin to giggle and shriek in delight as his lips gently nibble at your skin. “Mmm.  Come on then. Let’s see what you got for me.” He says ripping himself away from you so you have the space to reach behind you for the zipper to your dress. 
The dress begins to relax its hold on your body, slowly exposing the black strapless lace bra to Peter before you slide the dress down the rest of your body to show off the matching lacey bikini briefs. You carefully step out of the puddle that now is the red velvet dress on your floor, your ankles only wobbling slightly as you still stand in your heels for him to take in the full sight.
He pauses for a moment silently taking you in before he gives a small nod. “Yes. Yes, this will do. Excuse me a moment while I go and write my thank you letter to San-“
“Peter.” You whine.
“Oh come on, don’t be bratty with me now.” He says jokingly as he steps closer and wraps you in his arms again.
“I thought you liked it when I was bratty.” You joke back as your arms wrap around his neck.
“Nope. You become completely intolerable and insufferable and…” You roll your eyes as he continues to list words, but nonetheless, begin to snake your arms from around his neck, trailing them down his chest as you begin to get down on your knees before him.
You begin to work open the button of his jeans, freeing his semi hard cock from its confines. He only stops his fake monologue about you acting like a brat when you take his length into your mouth and his hand involuntarily reaches out for the side of your head as he sighs. 
The only sounds that fill the room now are his small gasps and moans and your saliva slick lips around his cock. One of your hands braces itself on his thigh, whilst the other works the rest of his shaft your mouth won’t reach.
You pull off him with a sloppy pop of your lips and Peter groans before you begin to circle the tip of his cock with your tongue and he jumps away from you with sensitivity, suddenly worried he’d blow his load too soon if you continue like that. It makes you giggle.
His fingers reach around the flesh of your bicep and he pulls you up off the floor before pulling you into him, his head nuzzling into your neck, lips and teeth nibbling and teasing at your skin and driving you crazy. He’d worked out that you liked that on the second Christmas you had slept together. He loved the way it made you sigh but also giggle and shriek when the sensation grew too much.
“Ahhh Peter.” you cried out with a high pitched moan. 
He reluctantly broke himself away from you and the intoxicating smell of your favorite perfume so you could latch your mouth onto his, a satisfied smile struggling to be contained on your lips. He can’t help but smile back.
“Peter!” you shriek and giggle as he reaches around to pick you up and drop you back onto the covers of your bed.
Your hands get lost in his hair as he begins kissing his way down your chest. Your stomach involuntarily twitches as his lips move across it and the way his hands reach for your hips to forcefully hold you in place sends you reeling, a wave of arousal soaking your panties. His lips skip over your underwear, instead kissing at the inside of your thigh as his hands begin to relax on your hips, his fingers curling under the waistband of your underwear, ready to pull them down.
As he removes you of your underwear, he also takes the opportunity to rid himself of the flattering black long sleeved top he’d been wearing all evening. The removal of his shirt reveals a silver necklace that had been hiding beneath the shirt and the way the chain hangs off his neck has you biting your lip. It is so rare to see a man wear jewelry so you never realized the effect the sight had on you before, but there's something about the connotations and hidden meaning to it, his choice and confidence to wear it, makes you want to rub your thighs together in want. 
His fingers are suddenly teasing at your entrance though and its almost enough to take the edge off, or it would be if his finger hadn’t stopped at the first knuckle of his middle finger. You realize he’s only done it so he can spread the arousal that was already leaking out of your cunt around between your folds and across your clit so he can then go in and lick it all off. Your head falls back into the pillows of your bed as you sigh out his name in relief.
You can feel the focus he has radiating off of him without even looking as he begins to expertly lick up from your entrance, swirl his tongue around your clit and then back down again as he draws moans, ever increasing in volume, from your lips. You found out very early on in your yearly dalliances that he was an expert with that tongue, making you cum not once, not twice, but three times just from his tongue alone, when you told him no one had ever actually gotten you off that way before.
You could feel your first climax of the night building low within you, your muscles growing tight, clit growing extra sensitive as your fingers tangled themselves into his hair, encouraging him and guiding him and not allowing him to pull away until you finished. The pressure of his tongue grew firmer and you ground your clit down against it until that tight thread within you snapped, your hips stuttering as pleasure rippled through you. He held tightly onto you, lapping up everything you gave him and helping you ride it out until you were actively pushing him away from you. He gave your bare thighs a small satisfactory slap as he gave you his smug tight lipped  smile that seemed to say ‘another happy customer’ and you couldn’t help but let out a little giggle before turning your head and trying to hide the ear to ear smile that was on your face.
You were able to compose yourself as he shifted from the bed to shuck himself fully off the rest of his clothes, his jeans joining your red dress in a puddle on the floor, before he carefully lifted the necklace off over his head and placed it on your bedside table. You shifted yourself over on the bed as he came down to rest beside you, his hand reaching out to pull your face to him as he gave you a kiss before he encouraged you to climb up on top of him.  Your lips didn’t part from his as you straddled his waist, your cunt involuntarily rubbing itself along his hard length as your tongues intermingled with one another.
His fingers reached round to grab a hold of your ass cheeks, squeezing the flesh as he encouraged you to grind down harder. You moaned and gasped against his lips at the drag of your clit across his skin. Your open mouth before him allowed him to reach out for your lower lip, sucking it into his mouth making you moan louder, before he began to trail kisses down your chin and neck. You closed your eyes, getting lost in the feeling and the sounds of your own voice. It sent a new flood of arousal between your legs and you could feel Peter grinning against your skin as you worked your slick over his length.
You paused only long enough to reach over to your chest of drawers, pulling a box of condoms out of the second drawer. The position allowed Peter to attach his mouth over your breasts, his teeth biting at them over the lace bra. You reached behind you to unclasp it and take it off as you sat upright, Peter’s hands resting patiently on the tops of your thighs as he waited for you to then open the condom. You held out the torn open packet for him to take the condom and start rolling it down onto his length as you reached back over the side of the bed to drop the wrapper in the bin. 
You shifted your legs back slightly as you recentred yourself, one hand balancing on the bed, the other on his bare chest as he lined himself up with your entrance. He glided the tip of his cock against your folds, covering the tip of his cock with your slick before he began to encourage you back onto it. The slow fill of his cock inside you had you letting out a long sigh of satisfaction, your eyes falling closed, head tilting back as you savored the feeling.
It had been a slow year. Despite a brief hook up with a guy over the summer after a night out with friends and a quick tinder hookup in your hotel in Rome (where the guy spoke barely a lick of English), your only companion had been your old reliable rabbit toy. You’d be lying if you hadn’t been counting down the days to tonight the whole time you had been visiting your Mother. When your flight had been delayed, it was the thought of missing out on your one good and guaranteed fuck of the year that had stressed you out. Now it all seemed worth it.
Peter started slowly, his hips pushing up into you at an agonizing pace as he guided you down and your hips back with every thrust, the contours of his cock dragging agonizingly slowly across every sensitive spot inside you, working you up gradually to another earth shattering climax. Your body bowed over him as you let out small gasps of praise into his forehead, your fingers gripping tightly into the sheets either side of his head. You felt one of his hands run soothingly up your back and it sent shivers down your spine that only added to the sensation building in between your legs.
“Peter.” you sighed against him, as you pressed your forehead into his, your eyes closed in concentration as you chased that feeling inside you.
“What is it? What do you need?” his voice gently calls to you as he moves the hand that was caressing your back round behind your neck, pulling your lips down to his for a kiss.
“More. I need more.” you say equally as gently back into his lips. 
You feel his head give a small nod in acknowledgment before he seals the deal with a kiss, as his thrusts begin to grow quicker and firmer in pace. It makes him hit something deep inside you that has you crying out. Your eyes fly open, desperate to lock onto his. He looks up at you with such beauty and gratitude. It makes you want to kiss him again and you do, your tongue licking deeply and slowly into his mouth in rhythm with his thrusts.
Your thighs shudder slightly as the sensation between your legs changes and you know your cumming again but the feeling of his cock moving between your legs doesn’t stop. It works you through the high and he still doesn’t stop. Instead his thrusts grow fast as he searches for his own release. You brace yourself, holding yourself over him as he just takes what he wants. If he holds out long enough you think you can get out one more orgasm of your own.
You balance yourself on one arm as your other hand reaches between your legs, swirling rapidly at your clit as you push yourself against his length, feeling every sensation of his rapid thrust. Peter grunts in response at the sensation of your fluttering cunt and it forces him to find one final push, his hips sputtering only slightly before he increases his angle and speed one last time, then he’s embracing you.
His arms wrap tightly around you as your final climax soaks his cock. Your head is buried into his neck as you try to shut out the overstimulation for just a few more strokes of his cock before he stills, his length pulsating as he finishes, only adding to the sensitivity between your legs making you squirm. He’s quick to push you off him as you do, his own sensitivity unable to take the feeling.
You both pause breathing deeply as you come down before he gives you a small tap and you flop onto your side on the bed. He quickly gets up, kicking his legs out to disperse the blood around them as his cock softens. You close your eyes to revel in the last dregs of your orgasm as he goes to your adjoining ensuite to sort himself out.
He takes a little longer than usual and you begin to frown, but then you hear the flush of the toilet and the door opening and you settle. You quickly get up, flashing him a smile as you hobble to your bathroom with legs like a newborn calf. Usual he’d let out a proud little chuffing laugh but this year he doesn’t.
When you return to see him sat on the side of the bed in his underwear, his fingers reaching to fix the necklace he had taken off back over his head and around his neck, you realize he looks distracted. “What is it? What’s wrong?” you ask him as you climb over the bed to your rightful side and slip between the covers.
His head turns, eyebrows raising as if he’s only just noticed you’re back in the room. “Huh?” he says. “Oh, nothing.”
“Really?” you say as he shuffles himself round to face you, put he doesn’t get under the covers. Peter doesn’t sleep over. He stays for a debrief and a chat for maybe another hour, some years two, but always leaves to return to his own apartment and bed.
“It’s just,” he says as he places an arm under his head as he gets himself comfortable, “I was just thinking about what you said earlier.”
“What did I say earlier?” you reply as you shift into a similar position to his, facing him. You look like two kids at a slumber party who have moved so close to each other so you can whisper really quietly and not disturb the others who are sleeping.
“About pretending to have a boyfriend to get your Mom off your case.”
You frown at him, “Yeah, but it’d never work because she’d want to meet him.”
“Okay, yeah.” he says, but his tone isn’t one of defeat, it instead says ‘wait, hear me out’. “But what if you had someone to take home and pretend to be said boyfriend?”
You’re still confused. “What are you trying to get at here Parker?” You suddenly sit up, placing distance between the two of you as a realization hits you. “Wait, this isn’t you asking me out or trying to be my boyfriend is it? You know I don’t really do the whole dating thing. We have our arrangement and that's-”
“No. NO. Would you just hear me out.” he speaks over you and cuts you off as he too sits up defensively. “Look, I just thought we could come to some sort of arrangement.” You’re silent as he pauses and takes a deep breath and you wait for him to continue. “Okay.” he says, his hands folding in his lap, “This is probably gonna be my Aunt May’s last Christmas.” he says and the implication of his words make you bristle. He struggles to look at you, but your eyes remain fixed on him so he know that you are listening and paying attention, even if his words are starting to make you uncomfortable. “I don’t want her to die thinking I’m gonna spend the rest of my life alone, you know? I mean,” he sighs, collecting his thoughts before he continues, “I don’t want her to die without hope.”
“Okay.” you acknowledge quietly as you follow his words.
“So I was thinking, what if- just for this christmas,” he emphasizes, “what if we pretend to you know, actually date. Come the New Year we go our separate ways as normal, no strings attached, but you know, just to get our families off our backs so we can live our chosenly single lives.” He screws up his face a little at the word chosenly, which he’s all but sure he’s made up but figures he’s gotten his point across.
“So, we pretend to date for the holidays to get our parents off our backs?” you frown, checking you’ve got his proposal right.
“Yeah. You’d come for Christmas Eve dinner with my Aunt and I’ll…” his voice trails off as he wracks his brain for an equal solution for you.
“You’ll come to Boston with me for my Mother’s New Years party.” You fill in for him.
He hesitates a second realizing he’d actually need to travel and stay with you and your family to make things even on your side of things, but the thought of letting May die thinking he’s going to be lonely forever, has his stomach turning more so he hastily agrees. “Fine, but-” he interjects, knowing a single day with his Aunt for a supposedly 2-3 day trip with your family isn’t a fair exchange, “if my Aunt is still with us in February, you have to stop by on Valentines day.”
“I thought you just said we go our separate ways come January.” You respond.
“Yes, but one meal with my Aunt in comparison to a multi day trip to Boston is hardly an equal-”
“Fine. Fine.” You concede with your hands raised.
He relaxes slightly as you come to an agreement. “You wanna shake hands on it or something?” he offers. You roll your eyes, your fingers reaching for the pillow you’d pulled into your lap to nervously fiddle with instead, picking it up and throwing it at him. “Hey.” he jokingly exclaims as he holds his hands up to catch the pillow before it hits him in the face. “Is that any way to treat your new boyfriend?” he deadpans.
“Uuuhhgg.” you scoff back with another eye roll but you can’t help the tiny smirk that creeps into the corner of your mouth.
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I'm going to upload the other parts of this mini series on the dates that match up with the story (Christmas Eve, New Years Eve), if you want to be added to the list below, please put it in writing. All current tags have been taken from likes, reblogs or comments from other posts about this series, if you wish to be removed, just let me know. (I had a few more names who liked posts but it wouldn't let me tag you, apologies, I'm not sure how to fix that but I hope this finds you anyway.) Once again if you did like this, please don't just like it, respond with some words of your own to give me a boost.
@sincericida @tarzinnia @raindropsandteaandtears @xenasolos @dil3mma @ms-wild-card-56 @shivani1902
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scoops404 · 3 months
Writing a Scoops Fic
With Scoops. Featuring: Scoops.
This will get long, so it's under the cut. And it will contain spoilers for the fic, which kinda seem obvious, but alas.
Lol okay, when an initial idea hits me, I usually send it out into the universe to see if it's a good idea (sometimes in private DMs and sometimes I'll tweet it). This idea struck me yesterday when I was watching my niece and nephew and my dad off-handedly mentioned the show "I didn't know I was pregnant" (i'm staying with my parents while my apartment is being renovated and I'm slowly dying)
Here's the idea:
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I tweeted this idea out to my private twitter at 5:22pm yesterday and then all my friends slowly exploded. The more I think about it, the more i think Mario anon might have done something similar (they've covered pretty much all the mpreg tropes but are usually sfw and established relationship). So, to make this idea my own, it'll be nsfw (hi, hello, it's me. And that's like the super fun part about writing this idea) and not established relationship - friends with benefits immediately makes this situation even more complicated. I'm in.
There's no time or energy to write last night so I stewed on the idea and when I got to work this morning I made myself focus on my novel writing (that should be the priority but im currently stuck). And wrote some then. But for on my lunch break, I thought, why not? Let's see what comes out. I talked with my friends at work for like thirty minutes and then wrote 828 words. I'm going to share all of those words with you at the end. This is very vulnerable for me because I'm purposefully not going to clean them up or edit, just show you what I've raw dogged. ((to be fair, though, i think the opening line is like banging))
Then, on my drive home, I thought about it more and more and most of the plot materialized in my head. As of now, I can picture two scenes really clearly, and that's enough to build a long fic or even a long one shot out of. (I also did this with There's Hope Out the Window)
The first scene is the one you're about to read. The second scene is George waking up in the hospital with Dream next to him, calmly explaining he had to have emergency surgery, and their baby is too little and might not make it. Lots of Drama. The idea of one of those fireplace blowy things that looks like an accordion came to me and George feeling like someone used one of those and blew love into him until he was sick with it -- that's how much he immediately loves his baby. It's a boy. He has to stay in NICU for weeks and the drama will unfold from there.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The White Dragon (18)
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18. Second sons
Summary: The heir to the Driftwood throne and the one-eye prince perspective on things
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, someone getting unceremoniously beheaded, use of the word bastard, Aemond’s thoughts on things, talks about underage marriage and customs, insults, canon level violence. AEMOND BEING JEALOUS AND A LITTLE PETTY (A warning on itself, and a little OOC) MIght miss some.
Wordcount: 4.1k
Notes: After the last chapter where we saw the new dynamic between the two families, now we crash it with Rhaenyra’s, more Targaryens more drama I’d believe 
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You and a great part of the court waited for your sister and her family in the courtyard. You had made sure to make it grand, she was the heir to the throne. Banners were being lifted, and with your own father’s blessing, a tourney was being organized. Your father is so happy to have Rhaenyra back.
He had regained his spirits, he had risen from his bed, ready to receive her. 
So when her carriage arrived, you, and Aemma were ready to receive them alongside other members of the court. And beyond that, you were to escort them to see the King in his private chambers
“It’s been a while”, you mock, as she walk up the stairs 
“It has”, and you took the liberty to hug her against your chest.
“Welcome cousins”, Aemma greeted Jacaerys and Lucerys, “it’s been a long time since we have seen each other”
“Since you visited Dragonstone and took a dragon”, said Jacaerys and Aemma couldn’t figure out if he was bitter about that or that is just what he looked like regularly.
“You have grown!”, said Lucerys, who was just one year older
“And you as well cousin”, she giggled. And then she looked upon Bhaela and Raena, and greeted them as well
“Uncle!”, you hugged Daemon too
“Dear niece”, he greeted, and as you greeted your cousins and nephews, “it’s good to be home”
“Is good to have you, I hope this is a lengthy visit”, you whispered back.
You let all of your children disperse into the Red Keep, as you led Daemon and Rhaenyra towards your fathers chambers. 
“I must warn you, father is not the same he has been six years ago”, you whispered, “he is very sick, he does not even attend small council meetings”, the sickness has taken half of his face
“I see”, Rhaenyra nodded at you as the guards announced you and you entered the King’s privy chambers 
“My daughter!”, your father was seated by the fire, he couldn’t stand up but Rhaenyra hastily trotted to his side, “it's so good to see you and have you here, my daughter!”, he repeated 
“Father”, she answered with a shy smile. 
My daughter, that kind of burned inside of you, as you shared strange looks with Daemon
“It's so good to have you here, my heir, I've missed you”. It was RHaenyra who had expelled herself from court and left in your father’s hour of greatest need, but as soon as she is here all is forgotten.  
You shook your head
You couldn’t think like that, she is your sister, all of this you are doing is for her
Well, exactly, you are doing it, you are the one doing the work
You excuse yourself from the reunion and leave your father’s chambers. They need to catch up, the three of them, together. 
When you found your children, they were gathering in the courtyard. You entered by the terrace, from where your father used to watch the boys practice 
Rhaegar was training with Steffon, Aemond with Arryk, and then… your eyes drifted to the corner of the courtyard, where Jacaerys and Lucerys stood, watching with wide mouths at the two young men’s skill. 
Harwin, who was supposed to be in shift with the City Watch walked inside the courtyard, dismissing Rhaegar, who had begged him to watch him in his latest training since he had managed to best Ser Steffon, and yet he had never showed up. Harwin kept walking until he greeted Jacaerys, hugging him tightly. 
Rhaegar got distracted and Steffon managed to scratch his arm, making him whine. But not even then Harwin looked at him, instead keeping his undivided attention in his first son. 
Rhaegar was fine, but after he was distracted, he lost his temple and strength, so bad Steffon made him stop.
Meanwhile Harwin had encouraged Jacaerys and Lucerys to grab their own blades to spar, their abilities truly lacking, while Aemond and Rhaegar were managing to fight alongside members of the Kingsguard. 
You shook your head again, not wanting to compare. Trying to make the dark thoughts flee your head. 
But Jacaerys was the heir to the throne
You saw from the gallery how Aemond grabbed Rhaegar’s shoulder, and walked with him to a corner, they seemed to talk, the older Prince seemed to speak words of comfort as Rhaegar only nodded. agreeing on whatever he was seeing. And then, they both walked with purpose back to their teachers, ready to spar again. And what you saw in your son’s eye was determination. And then both boys started some sort of deadly dance. Rhaegar was moving with a fluency that amazed you. Like a dancer, moving the swords in each of his hands with a skill you had never seen before. Steffon was trying hard to keep up, wielding the same two blades as his young opponent. 
With a loud sound he managed to disarm one of Steffon’s blades, the sound making everyone look at them, even Harwin, and then, Rhaegar kept going at him, making him lose ground, making him fall back, until he blocked a desperate blow with one sword and threatened Steffon’s neck with the other, making him yield and declare him a victor. 
A huge emotion flooded you, making you clap your hands desperately, wanting to communicate how proud you were of him. And then you saw it, Rhaegar heard you, looking up at you and smiling
“You saw that mama?”, he asked, making everyone laugh, including you. He was still a child in a deadly young man’s body. 
The hearing was held after noon. The air became tense when Vaemond entered the courtyard surrounded by Velaryon’s soldiers and banners. Interrupting your son’s practice, they decided to get immediately to the hearing.
He was a petulant little man. Blinded by greed
And you were all made to stand there as he laid claim to a seat he had no chance of getting. It was bitter, it was true, but Lord Corlys has his wife, Princess Rhaenys, still alive, and grandsons and granddaughters.
Your father listened intently, more bored than everything else.
Your father had risen from his dying bed to be here today for Rhaenyra, the Greens plans were stumped as they barely hatched. 
“I don’t understand Lord Vaemond, the only person in this room that could say, openly, what are the true desires of Lord Corlys regarding his succession, is Princess Rhaenys”. The Queen who never was, stood forward. You had always had deep admiration from her, sadly your own lives would keep you apart.
“He had express deeply that Lucerys, his oldest grandson, is to be the heir to the driftwood throne, and it pleases me to announce, that Rhaenyra has express her desire to wed Lucerys to my granddaughter Rhaena, and Jacaerys to Baela, and I agree”
“Is settled, then”, your father sentenced, “once again”
But Vaemond wouldn’t take it, and as the most incapable person you ever met to read a room, he stood in front of the entire court and royal family dn questioned your father
“That is not true Velaryon!”, he screamed, pointing at the pale skin of Lucerys, “her children are bastards!”, you opened your eyes widely, and wondered if this was all a plot with the greens. And you guessed it truly was. “And she is a whore!” he sentenced, and you saw it happened, Daemon looked at Rhaenyra and she nodded slightly, and then he sneaked in behind Vaemond and…
“I’ll have your tongue for this!”
His head rolled
“He can keep his tongue”
It was so fast you guessed he barely felt it, one second he was screaming profanities and the next his body was in one palace and the upper part of his head was in another. 
You stared at the body in the ground… a pond of blood growing around it.
As Otto Hightower demanded your uncle to be surrounded and disarmed and the court fell into chaos… You just stared at that body. And when you looked up you found Rhaenys staring back at you, and you didn’t know why. 
You looked at your own family, Rhaegar had hugged Aemma to hide her face in his chest, Maekar was solemnly standing, looking away. And when you looked at the other side of the hall was Aemond, in a clear defensive position, Alicent was guarding Helaena, and Aegon even seemed amused by the scene unfolding in front of him. 
Harwin, by your side, chuckled darkly
“That is what you get to mess with the true line of succession”, he whispered. And you found his words truly surprising. He seemed pleased.
Your eyes found Vaemond’s Velaryons body again .
This is what happens when you fuck with the true line of succession.
Your father didn’t even seemed fazed, looking at the scene unfold in front of him
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He didn’t understand
He didn’t understand why he had to break bread with his half-sister’s family. With Rhaenyra’s family.
He was conflicted about what he was feeling at the moment. His eye trailed all the members of his family that were attending the feast. There was Helaena, Aegon, Maekar, Rhaegar, Aemma, Jacaerys, Baela, Rhaena, Lucerys at his other end, Harwin Strong, his uncle Daemon and then his half sisters, and then the King, Queen, his grandfather. and then him again. And bitter as sweet thoughts roamed his mind depending on who he was looking at. He felt good, he felt appreciated, and he even felt loved when he looked at the Strongs, but when he looked at the false Velaryons he felt bitter, he felt angry. He didn’t want them there. 
He was accustomed to living with the family of the Princess, he enjoyed it too. They had become his family, they had a dynamic, a routine, they fit perfectly in it. They helped him grow, he believed he himself had helped them grow in turn.
When she arrived six years ago she insisted they ate together every night.
Before this, his mother would feed them in their own chambers, only in the company of his siblings and then each went their separate ways. But when you arrived you made sure you dined together at least four times a week. Rhaenyra had left the Keep, so it was only your family and his… And it was better because of it, no tension, no angry looks or resentment. And he would rather be caught dead than to admit how much he enjoyed those nights.
Rhaegar, of course, was always the center of attention, because he was such a good narrator, he would talk about his day in such detail and gravitas that caught everyone's attention, and even though if he had been there himself, he would always enjoy the tales of the youngest twin. And he would include him in his tales as well, always with great praise especially in their training sessions
Viserys seemed to enjoy those tales, even his grandfather Otto seemed to chuckle and toast to the young man. He even made his mother giggle.
Maekar was a little more quiet, but seeing both twins interact with each other was even more entertaining. He was more the reader, like he, they would often entertain each other with questions and discussions about philosophy and history, their favorite subjects. 
Ser Harwin always had a nice remark to make about his sons, and even about Aemond, praises about their training. 
His beautiful Aemma would giggle, always at his sister's side. Oh, his sister, she seemed so happy with her niece, even if Helaena was six years older than her, they were always seen together, talking, or even not talking at all but keeping each other's company. In their dinners they would always sit together and chat and giggle between them. Helaena would often reject any touching from a person, even her mother, but Aemma would often hug her and lay her head in her shoulder or vice versa and she would be content 
Aegon was drunk most of those dinners, he had stopped attending training lessons on pathetic excuses and he was neglecting his studies. You tried to keep him close, he tried, Maekar tried, but nothing ever worked. He was harming Helaena, the two children they had, and himself. At least he had the decency to appear to the dinners, even if shortly after he disappeared from the Keep and let himself get lost in the streets of King’s Landing.
He enjoys their training with Rhaegar, he enjoyed learning with Maekar, he enjoyed having Aemma by his side and hear her sweet voice and teach her High Valyrian and discuss history and geography with her. He enjoyed reading tales in High Valyrian out loud while his sister and betrothed sewed in the same room, and Vaegor, Jaehaerys and Jahaera played, all of them enjoying the sound of his voice, and asking him how to pronounce certain words. He enjoyed meeting with his half-sister to talk about politics, play chess while you both discussed matters of war and supposed sceneries 
Yes, Aemond enjoyed his life with his extended family. 
His mother, Alicent, absolutely loaded Ser Harwin Strong years ago, and when he was young, he understood why, he had fathered Jacaerys and then he married the other princess and gave her sons too. He had horrible morals and he was compensated, endangering Rhaenyra, and her sons. He mocked Jacaerys and also Lucerys because of this, they were bastards and everyone should know, even though the youngest didn’t look like the strongest knight in the seven Kingdoms. 
But six years ago, when Harwin and the Princess’ family came to live here, he started seeing things differently. He saw the man almost every day, Harwin started training him, and of course alongside his sons, and he was a good person, a decent man, and an even more amazing Knight, and above all, he was a great father and husband. 
He watched with envy the interactions between him and his sons, and he wished he had a similar bond with his own father.
But Viserys was old and sickly
So he started to take what he could. He started to relate more to his nephews, to the husband of his half-sister, and even, Ser Steffon, his mentor and trainer. 
So he sat in the corner of the table, brooding, when he had to share the table and break bed with the Velaryon bastards and their horrid mother. Who came for the first time in six years and thought they owned the place
They had taken his eye, they had mistreated him, mocked him, all of his youth for not having a dragon, and Aegon helped too. He looked at Aemma at the other side of the table. They would have mocked her too if it weren’t for her being raised in Harrenhal and then because of her brothers that always defended her so fiercely. 
His eye trailed her face to find that white line in the top of her upper lip. Her lips had recovered beautifully, but the white line was still there, taunting him. She found him staring and gave him a warm smile like she used to
She never resented him for hurting her, it was an accident, and either way, she had made a full recovery, unlike him. His eye were never coming back.
And it was because of Jacaerys 
And now he was there, laughing and chatting with Rhaegar. Well he did believe that the Strong could even strike a conversation with one of the silent sisters if given the chance 
His nephew, his friend, someone that he considered and held more dear to him than his own brother.
Perhaps what he was feeling that night was jealousy 
Especially since Jacaerys was leaning over his Aemma to talk to Rhaegar, making the girl blush by his closeness. He growled, unpleased, capturing the attention of his brother Aegon, who following his angry gaze found exactly the source of his brother’s bitterness and chuckled darkly 
“Seems Jacaerys won’t ever tire of taking things from you brother”, he mocked 
“He will never have Aemma”, he said back 
“Yes I might train with two swords but Aemond is the real star”, he heard the dark haired young man said, and both looked in his direction, “he could totally beat my ass”, he chuckled
“I would like to spar with you, uncle” muttered Jace, with both of you
“Oh we don’t fight each other”, said Rhaegar, “is Ser Steffon’s rule, he never pins us against each other, we are always together against him, Ser Arryk or Cole or anyone else” 
Oh but he wouldn’t mind spar against Jacaerys and teach him a thing or two, after all, he wasn’t his training partner, he was nothing to him… Perhaps maybe he could truly injure him and pretend it was an accident, those do happen, after all. 
“But we can make an exception with you nephew”, he said darkly 
His mother said his life could be forfeit when Rhaenyra took the throne. So he looked at his half-sister and he imagined bending the knee to her instead of Rhaenyra. She was somebody he could trust. She would never hurt him or Helaena. She was Strong enough to stake her claim with other contenders for the throne. Nobody would blink an eye, nobody would even look at Aegon with her on the throne. 
He would marry his sweet Aemma and live a life here at his family’s side, perhaps Aegon could fuck off to the other side of the Narrow sea, but Helaena would stay here, he would make sure of it, and the children. Aegon didn’t deserve them. 
A life in the Keep at Aemma and Helaena’s side seemed heavenly, something out of his best dreams. Perhaps one day, the princess now queen would name him hand of the Queen, since they both enjoyed their chats about politics all to much
But his fleeting hopes were drowned out by the toasts of Rhaenyra, in honor of his mother, and the toast of his own mother, regarding Rhaenyra. His mother was bowing her head towards the Black Princess. And he found himself growing more angry. Aegon was not fit to be King, but Rhaenyra wasn’t either.
Yes she was firm, and joust, but… he looked right in front where her bastards were dining and drinking. Pathetic.
“To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond, we have not seen each other in years but I have fond memories of our shared youth, so as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies, to you and your families’ good health, uncles!”, greeted Jacaerys
“The only fond memories I have of our shared youth are the ones where my dear Aemma is in”, he said, hiding his mouth in his cup of wine
“You too”, answered Aegon to Jacaerys. 
You sat there, in the middle of Harwin and Rhaenyra, who were talking over you like you weren't there. He had praised Jacaerys’ swordsmanship, he had complimented Lucerys in his new position to inherit the Driftwood throne, and he had praised her and how beautiful she had  become in the last years. And how eloquently she had defended Lucerys today in the hearing
Even your father had talk highly of his eldest daughter and heir
And you wondered
Why? For what? What have you been doing the last six years?
Putting your life on hold to keep the place warm for your sister. Sacrificing yours and your children's safety in her service. Who had attended all the small council meetings and lost sleep thinking of ways to passively fight those who would oppose your sister’s reign? Who had abandoned the peacefulness and safety of her home to lock herself in the Red Keep?
Not even a word of praise
Not even a fucking thank you 
Second place is all you were going to get. 
You wanted to cry.
You wanted to tell Harwin to shut up
You didn’t do it for the praise, you did it because you wanted to, to keep your family together and not in the hands of the High Towers. But you were tired, you weren’t cut for it, or perhaps, you were cut too perfectly for a job that was never going to be truly yours.
You wanted to take your children and go back to White Hall, with your tree and your tower and the growing library, dragon rides and Valyrian lessons. No septas and schemes, and vile tongues and plots, no political neusenses. Where your children could be free, and your dragons could be free. 
“Another tribute”, Aemond demanded, as he rose from his seat catching everyone’s attention., raising his cup, “To my dear half sister…”, and just when you thought he was looking at Rhaenyra, he turned to you, “sitting by my mother’s side, helping to rule this kingdom, the true unifier of our family”, he continued, “You give our family an stellar training partner, a insatiable scholar, and most importantly, you gave us sweet Aemma… to you and your family’s health, good sister”. And to your surprise, many shared the sentiment. And you smiled warmly.  
“To our family, together and united”, you chanted, and again they all followed, “thank you for your kind words dear brother”. You looked at Aemma that was smiling warmly at Aemond, but Jacaerys whispered something near her ear that made her turn to him, looking at him surprised
“I’m perfectly happy with this arrangement”, you heard her whispered, so close to Jacaerys that was almost improper
“They make a handsome couple”, Viserys whispered to you, and you looked with emergency when you realized he was referring to Jacaerys and Aemma 
“They are both already betrothed father”, you whispered back over Rhaenyra
“But they are still so young, and nothing is set in stone, look at them”. In some dark corner of his fragile mind, he wanted Aemma ruling alongside Rhaenyra’s successor. That would be the ultimate match. Rhaenyra’s blood and his sweet Aemma incarnated 
“Jacaerys can marry Aemma, and Bhaela can marry Aemond, that is what will truly unite our houses”, he sentenced
“But father”, you argued, the table silent in one second. Harwin grabbed your hand and squeezed. And you looked at him with urgency. Your father stood up, with Alicent’s help, and guards led him out of the table and the chamber. He had beginning coughing and needed to rest, and let the family in an unsavory discussion 
“It should have been done from the beginning”, he said, “Our daughter and Jacaerys in the Iron Throne”, and you couldn’t believe his words. His two children in the Iron Throne more like it. 
Was he also blinded by greed like Vaemond? Was this his plan all along? You looked into your husband’s eyes and decided that no, he hadn't planned this from the beginning, he wasn’t like that. But the chance was right there, perhaps something had made him think Jacaerys was more suited to marry Aemma than the one-eyed Prince. But you didn't think so.
“We gave our word”, you whispered back
“Is what the King wants”, he said
“Is not what I want”, you fought 
“You are refusing the heir to the Iron Throne?”, your sister asked out loud. Your eyes found your daughter’s and she looked at you worried, and then she looked at Aemond. 
“Daemon say something”, you demanded, “I’m sure you feel offended, Baela should marry Jacaerys as agreed upon”
“Yes, I’m with you”, he said, drowning his worry in the cup of wine in his hand. 
Aemond, who had clearly heard the conversation, stood up violently, catching the attention of everyone at the table. What you missed is that Lucerys had been giggling at his expense too. He stormed out of the room 
You followed discreetly, when all the conversations resumed. You found him in the Godswood, looking at the heart tree. You got close to him, letting your presence be known, but slowly like he was a wild animal. 
“Did the news of the new betrothal upset you?”, you asked
“You are a second son, just like me…”, he continued, “you should know what it feels like to have things taken away from you to be given to those born naturally before you, even if they don’t deserve it”, you kept quiet 
“It’s a difficult place, the one we occupy”, you agreed, “why are you so intent on marrying Aemma?”, you asked then. And he seemed to ponder, but didn’t say anything, “You better have a good reason. Because I’m not marrying Aemma to Jacaerys”, you told him, he looked over at you with his eye, sharply, “and that is the hill I’m willing to die on”
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More notes: just second sons…. the princess, Aemond, Daemon, Veamond. I decided to give the family a couple more years for their dramas before everything goes to crap again 😂
You have no idea how I deleted and wrote again some parts... we still have some family events ahead of us before the dance starts... and next chapter, we have a special guest joining the game... because I'm a pleaser and it also makes sense... we have a tournament with a very special northener guest 😂😂
taglist! ❤️@tearsarcane @integra1127 @aestmilky @thanyatargaryen @tythaitie @lostinworldofdarkness @voodoogoul @wildmindedbeauty32 @lil-pudd @alicattx @electric-bloo @astaaan-lol @stargaryenx @kaitieskidmore1 @bregarc @lilpnd @jcpenneyyy @janelei @fexibau @ladyoakenshield157 @danielle-leah1997 @lady-ragnvindr @cecilyjmorgenstern @omgsuperstarg @bugheadskid @batprincess1013 @her-fandom-sanctum @holb32 @blue1006 @stargaryenx @grippleback-galaxy
309 notes · View notes
𝐻𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑌𝑜𝑢 | Morpheus( Dream) x Goddess!Reader
A/N: Holy smokes guys! I never expected this story to get so much likes and positive feedback, thank you so much! I hot carried away with his chapter but didn't want to make things longer since the real action will start in the next chapter! Thank you so much for your comments and love, and have a good reading!
And in case someone wonders the meaning of the triplets,
Alora means "dream" or "my beautiful dream"
Aksel means "Father of peace"
Amund means "respectful protector"
Series Masterlist
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Heimdall had always been a mindful watcher, that was a fact. He had served Odin and Thor and now, he was serving you, never ever leaving his place and always watching.
For a threat, for someone to appear.
There was no need to say who that mysterious person was, the Heart of Asgard and the Queen of 9 Realms has been missing for over a century now.
Now, Heimdall never described himself as an emotional man. He was a warrior, he was the right-hand man of the Queen and he trained the next generation of soldiers but... He was also a simple man, who grew up with his two bestfriends. The friends who got themselves in trouble more than he can count, the friends who were always on the crack-head side, and the only friend he had left...
For a century now, he had watched every universe, listened every mortal for a news from her. Anything to let him know that she was alive. Her people were miserable without her, though there was a Heart of Asgard apart from you, your youngest and only daughter, she was barely able to stay alive without her mother.
Remembering the triplets that were such joys to be around, he smiled softly at what they done earlier that day. The kids, surely taking after their mother, had barged in his tower with many handmade gifts, mostly flowers and put them all around, saying that they were making everything seem more beautiful.
He wouldn't admit having favorites, since he adored three of his nephews and niece, but the youngest one, Alora, the newest Goddess of Dreams and Hope, was the apple of his eyes.
In many ways, she looked like her father, the unfortunate man who has been captured but now were freed, like her two older brothers. Black hair, a pale skin rivaling the whitest marble and the universe for eyes. As soon as she was born, after hours of labour, he knew then and there that she would have people wrapped around her finger with the cute, dimpled smile she gave around herself even when she was just born.
And the sight of three newborns clutching on their mother thightly had made everyone in the room coo with tears in their eyes.
What he never understood was, the reason behind you not wanting him to reach out to Morpheus and tell him about his children. He never understood why you hadn't told him anything before he left, or even later but you only gave a sad smile, not saying anything. Instead, you made him promise something as if you knew what would happen to you.
"Heimdall, you're the only family I've left. When something happens to me, I want you to look after my kids... Could you do this?"
Shaking his head at the memories flooding inside, he could already feel that a certain someone was coming. The thing is, he didn't want to explain everything that happened and possibly anger an Endless who was already angry as it is...
And how could he just casually tell him that he had three kids?
"Hey, you know what? Your wife was pregnant when you had gone to that mission, gave birth a few years later and then disappeared?"
"Uncle Heimdall! Uncle Heimdall! You won't believe what happened!"
Yeah, another thing was, while their sister aged very slowly, the boys Aksel and Amund didn't, looking almost like a 6 year-old. They barged in with toy swords and a flush to their cheeks, a proof of running from the palace to here as the energetic boys they were.
"What did you two do again, hmm? Causing troubles again?"
"Nooo! Why would we ever do that?"
"Yes, uncle! It seemed like you were judging us though..."
Argh, why did you have to give birth to literal copies of Thor and Loki, Y/N?
Whining at Heimdall, who was shaking his head at their cute, yet wrinkly face which was covered with mud, he had taken out a napkin and cleaned their faces while listening their training with one of the soldiers at the palace.
Though it was hard to decipher what they were saying since they were talking so fast, another thing they must have gotten from you, he liked listening to their normal child life while he was stuck here most of the times. And besides, kids always had an ear to hear what was going around.
"And the warriors were so cool! When we grow up, we will be just like them!"
"Yeah, and we will defend our home! Just like mama did!"
Chuckling at their widened eyes with passion, he raised a brow teasingly at them. "And who's going to rule over Asgard? Don't you want to be like your mother?"
Blinking their eyes silently for a few seconds, they immediately gathered together to talk in hushed whispers, not knowing that he can actually hear them.
When they were done, they nodded their heads seriously at each other, as if to show that they agreed on something very important and turned to him with a look that was similar to yours, one that you would always use on him whenever you judged him for not seeing the obvious.
" Of course Alora will be! She is way smarter and calmer than us!"
"Besides, doesn't she always say that she wants to be the Queen after our mama?"
Nodding his head absentmindedly, he sensed someone entering the kingdom through waters, knowing full well who it was. "Aksel, Amund, go to the palace immediately."
Looking confused at the sudden change of mood, two of the triplets wanted to ask what was wrong but seeing the wide and cautious eyes of their uncle, they nodded their heads and ran away hand in hand.
Watching their little backs disappear over the horizon, Heimdall took his sword away and ran outside. While running on the bridge that lead him and whoever came to the grand city, he stopped at where the bridge met with the soil and landed his sword into the ground harshly, creating a gush of wind at the border while a black figure erupted and stood before him over the water.
Look as cold as the weather in Jotunheim, coat flapping around as if it had his own mind, stance stiff and posture tired yet strong and with a screaming heart for one thing, Morpheus stood there and looked down at the friend of his wife, who was possibly the only one who would be able to give him answers.
"Heimdall, Watcher of All... It's been a while..."
"It sure has, Lord Morpheus, King of Dreams and Nightmares...
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"Heimdall, what's the meaning of this? I do not have time to waste when my wife needs me."
Not hearing him and what he had to say, Heimdall led him to where the palace was while people were looking up and down at Morpheus, knowing exactly who he was and what he had caused. Not that they knew it was out of his control.
Morpheus always adored your kingdom as much as he loved his, not that he would verbally say it. Many trees and the streets were all eye-catching even from a distance away with their tall and high structures and the high towers that greeted ones that entered and your sculpture that were shown alongside your father and the other kings, while you were the only queen, and he couldn't help but be proud of how far you've come.
Bit whenever he would try to say it, you would give him a thight smile and thank him and he would catch the uncertainty that would twist your beautiful face that he adored looking at.
He knew how hard it was for you to accept affection easily, without any condition, and being helped through hardships when you needed. All as a result of your father constantly pushing you further from your limits and expecting a lot from you.
He frowned when a particular memory had resurfaced, as it seemed it was the only thing it was doing recently, a memory of you two strolling in the gardens in the Dreaming, one that was surrounded with roses, tulips and everything you loved.
It was one memory of you, after recreating your kingdom and how... fragile you looked, one that he didn't want to see ever again.
Not that he was able to.
"Stop spiraling into despair, Lord Morpheus. But everything will be told in due time... First, let me take you to the pala-"
"Heimdall, I asked a question... Where is my wife?" Putting emphasis on "my wife", Morpheus was aware that his patience was running thinner every second that was passing with him not getting to know anything about you. He missed you, more than words would ever be able ro describe. He missed having you between his arms, your arms snaking around his waist and hugging him as strong as he was holding you, calling you with all the affectionate words...
He even missed your habit of putting your cold feet and hands on his chest because you were cold and apparently he was hot for some reasons.
Stopping in his tracks, Heimdall took a deep breath and turned to Dream swiftly with a look that was almost similar to the one he wore, a look of utter despair and pain.
"My Queen Y/N is not here..."
The words did nothing to ease his mind, fear running through his mind and his eyes showing it clearly. For the first time like ever, he felt raw fear, his heart started to beat harder, his coat suddenly being a weight that was suffocating him. With shaky hands, he linked them together behind his back and tried to give a somewhat noncholant answer as if his whole existencd wasn't at the verge of breaking completely.
"What... is that supposed to mean? She will be back though, right?" He couldn't help but let his voice became a whisper at the end, showcasing his true feelings to the man he was so ready to destroy just a few moments ago.
"Do you think Asgard would be like this had she come back?" said Heimdall and showed around themselves, with every living creature slowly loosing their colors and vibrant vibes and how everything seemed... silent, dead even.
Had you fell in the clutches of despair so much that your own kingdom, the apple of your eyes, had became a living grave?
Seeing the glossy look he was giving around, and as much as he was shocked to see that side, Heimdall cleared his throat, knowing full well that this topic needed to be talked so that maybe... There would be a chance of making everything as they were.
"This place, our home... is nothing but a void now. Without her, the Heart of Asgard doesn't shine as brightly as it used to. The only reason people are still hopefull is because of the princess and princes that we adore with all of our hearts."
Kids? When did you have them, but the most important one was with who? Was it that Egyptian Moon God? Or maybe Apollo? Or someone from your nation? And here he thought, expecting for you to wait on him... If it was the old him, he would've destroyed the place until he found who dared to touch what was his but now, he wouldn't blame you, he didn't keep his promise even though it was out of his control. He didn't come back as he promised, but there, in that glass, a day didn't pass without him dreaming of you.
"What princes and princess are you talking about? Had she really have that little love for me that she conceived them after-"
"With all respect, don't talk about her so lowly... But I assume Lucienne had forgot about telling you... Shall we continue with our walk, Your Majesty? So that I can tell you the whole story."
Showing the path to the palace, he really didn't know how fast they've been walking, whether from the stares or the gut feeling of it was something bad, Morpheus nodded his head even though he was starting to get more irritated than ever.
Fortunately seeing this, Heimdall just looked at the palace and thought about the time when it all started... with him gone.
"After you were imprisoned, she chose to stay in the Dreaming, trying to stop it from spiralling into chaos. While there, people started to talk. They implied that you had forsaken her out of selfishness, that you were married with her because you wanted the power she held and wanted to use her title... Said how you'd return back to one of your ex-lovers..."
Hearing all of these, Morpheus was shocked at how your subjects were so disrespectful behind your back. To the one who ensured a safe life for them, and his anger showed in the way of the Asgard shaking slightly.
"How dare they? Do they have no respect to our love, our marriage? How could they tell all of these to her?"
Humming as if he was agreeing him, not caring about the shake, Heimdall looked at him from the corner of his eyes, only to see a dark aura surrounding him with thight jaw and a click of irritation but continued, knowing that things were about to get super bad.
The best way to get to that point was asking him about "the surprise".
" Have you ever wondered what she meant by surprise 100 years ago, my lord? In that glass? I assume you did, since it has-"
"There weren't a day that I hadn't dreamt of my beautiful Queen's smile, her gentle eyes boring into mine..."
Raising a brow questioningly at the way his voice spoke the words so tenderly with a dark yet smooth voice, Heimdall chuckled and Morpheus turned to him harshly which elicited a deep laugh from the man in golden armor.
"Forgive me if I used the wrong words, it's just a rare miracle to see ever the cold and unbothered King of the Dreams so... soft and in love... Anways, even though she didn't show how those words effected her deeply, she was in a fragile state therefore couldn't help but get emotional which shook the palace in more times than I can count. But, me and her servants were with her throughout all of it and in the end, it was worth it... The three miracles were born soon after she returned here after providing balance to the Dreaming."
Morpheus, for the better of his judgement, stomped over the man and pinned him to pillar nearby while holding onto his collar with a grip so strong that it could have breaked the pillar. He was sick of all those secret words, tired of people not telling him everything he needed to know. Every second passing by with him not having you right next to him, meant that he was loosing you more and more.
"Watcher of All, I have a very thin patience, especially after years of staying in the glass. My resistence of revenge thinner, and my want for the woman of my life, even more... All of the universe is lucky enough that I only want my wife back... Before I storm off this place, you'll tell me what happened to her and who those 'so-called miracles' are..."
Wheezing and trying to breathe while tugging him off of himself, Heimdall knew he was telling the truth by how his eyes showed vulnerablity, something so rare yet significant to see on people who are ready to sacrifice everything they had for those they cared about. But the shine inside them was the proof that if he didn't do something about it, he would keep his promise of destroying here...
Yet, for one last time, he looked into the dark lord's eyes, to see any lies within, but saw none. He still had his doubts, he saw how cold and dismissive he was to you. He always tried to warn you, tell you that a husband wouldn't do half of the things he does yet, you always defended him, saying that he was no cruel man and never hurt you physically in which he responded with a " What about emotional?" and your only answer would be the silence which deafened all the things you wanted to say.
Yes, he wasn't cruel but he wasn't loving either and most of the times... You were stuck with stone cold walls and a book open over your lap.
That was the reason he didn't want to talk about the kids, your little ones, for fear that he would destroy their lovely smiles and bubbling joy. It was the reason why he begged Lucienne to not tell him anything but in the end, his obstinacy won the war and he came to look for you.
While you always spent your time, dwelling in sadness that your husband wouldn't come and look for you, because he didn't care, neither would he realize your absence.
Why did he not show the tenderness that was coating his eyes now, to you?
" For someone so unbothered, you seem to care about her? Too bad, you didn't show it to her..." Heimdall couldn't help but utter in disgust, shaking him off of himself while Morpheus stood there shocked, yet angry at how the man talked back to him with disgust. As if he had the power to stand against him.
" Before you talk to me like that ever again, consider our positions... I'm Dream of the Endless, King of Dreams and Nightmare-"
"And above all, you were a husband! A husband that didn't provide love and safety she was supposed to have... Tell me, Morpheus, why would I care what happens to me when I have no one left except-"
And in the midst of their verbal fight, they failed to realize that a little girl with jet black hair, ocean-blue eyes and a scared look on her little face who was holding a book thightly between little arms turned over the corner and saw them nose to nose.
"Uncle Heimdall... Who is this? Why are you yelling?"
And with just 3 seconds, 3 seconds that was enough to hate, fall in love, loose everything and get his whole world together... Morpheus stood in front of the little girl with a shocked face, tears strimming down in silver lines at finally understanding what had happened to you and could no longer stand up, finally kneeling on the ground while holding his chest thightly.
Ever since he was free, he sensed- no, knew- that there was someone who needed him. Someone who was weak yet strong enough to fight. And he always thought it was his love, calling out to him, begging him, her sould molding into his...
He knew even before asking Hecate that he had to come here since something was calling him. It was feeling like no other, one that drove men mad, caused the wars between humans and even deities. A feeling where he felt the strongest, and would do anything to get them safety...
Now, he understood. He understood the amount of passionate feelings he had ever since he stepped foot in the waters of Asgard. A silent, unconditional love that coursed through him and engulfed everything he had and even more.
For the little girl that resembled the woman he loved more than anything was standing there with wide, blue eyes... A little girl who was able to bring the Endless to his knees with every little piece she had of him and her mother.
"Alora, stay away from him. Please go to the palace, back to your brothers..."
Squeezing her little yet sharp eyes at the man in black, she tugged at her book closely to her chest and huffed out in irritation with a twitch of her nose. Just like you, my love... Just as brave and straightworward...
"Why are you yelling at him? Had no one teach you it's bad?"
Just as fierce and beautiful...
"Princess Alora, please.... That man is-"
My beautiful dream, the one who painted my darkest nightmaeres into beautiful dreams...
"I know he's my father, uncle Heimdall... I heard his voice countles of times when I was still in my momma."
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Sitting on a lone park, with nothing except the silence of the night around, you were sitting down with your hands clasped together. The chilly air, alongside the scents the flowers emitted, you were peaceful- at least, as much as you could-.
With no one around, no one consisted of Corinthian, Ethel and John, you were finally able to be alone with your thoughts to come with a plan about what you needed to do. In order to get rid of Dream, and well potentially shake the balance of all the universe for a few seconds, the one inside your body had already make enough sacrifices...
Such as capturing you, and ensuring that you wouldn't get out easily by giving your consciousness to none other than John.
With most of the other Gods, their power was linked with their bodies and not their soul, conscious. It was easy to take them, or control them however you wanted to but when you were born, it wasn't the case. The healers told your parents, Odin and Frigga, that you were more powerful than any gods combined, that your soul was the source of your powers. They rejoiced in the beginning, only to be given the bad omens...
" What Heraclitus said was true for you, sister. And it was what brought you to your doom... The world exists a coherent system in which a change in one direction is ultimately balanced by a corresponding change in another... If only you weren't weak, maybe then you would have defeated me..."
It wasn't that Hod, your brother that was currently possessing you, didn't know that you would have even destroyed him completely, erased him out of existence. He was aware the immense power you held, and how those powers evolved into something more inside your children. They were of an Endless and an Asgardian God after all, and one might think that he would go after them too but he couldn't, wouldn't do that.
He didn't even want to cast you away from your body, but he had to so that you'd have a chance at living.
"Forgive me sister... I was once weak, and I won't be again. And I will not loose you either..."
Wiping a stray tear that escaped from his eyes, he gulped down and held his head up. Guilt was eating him alive, for what he had to do but he wasn't going to let anything stop him...
Not even that irritating crow that was standing in front of him.
"The fuck are you staring at? Shoo, come on, go away!"
Kicking it and even shooing it away with his hands, the crow was persistent. Lucienne had sent him to find Morpheus but upon travelling all around the Waking World, Matthew wasn't able to find who he was looking for.
Instead, he found the one thing everyone has been searching for.
"Your Majesty, my Lady Y/N! You're alive!"
"Stop calling me with that name, stupid bird! I'm not her-and did you just fucking talk?!"
"What do you mean, you are exactly her! And my lady, you know that the ravens of Morpheus can talk and communicate!"
Oh shit, does that mean he's somewhere here? But I haven't finished my plans yet!
Hastily getting up, you dugged your hands deeper into the coat you were wearing, not caring about the crow that was cawing at you. You couldn't let anyone recognize you and ruin your plans so, with a wave of hand, you disappeared without much of a track.
But not without Corinthian reaching out to you with that voice you wanted to rip out so badly.
I have found them, my lady...
But what you didn't realize was your plans were already ruined, by a 280 year old woman who was calling to the only person she knew who could help.
The successor of the only man being able to stand against you...
Johanna Constantine.
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Meanwhile in the mighty Asgardian Garden, a certain male was having a breakdown in front of the man who he was ready to have a fight and a little girl, who shook his heart to the core with her big and full of life eyes.
Yet, her eyes were full of knowledge for someone who was 100 at most. The sharp and careful eyes she was giving him reminded of a cautious little pup, waiting for the opposite side to attack...
Which hurted more than he could imagine.
Even though he never said it, there were times he imagined he had a child with you. A daughter, that looked like him but was more like you personality wise. A little funny and energetic kid, running through his kingdom or your gardens while you and him were holding hands just a few meters behind her, sharing loving looks and nuzzling to each other, you putting your face at the crook of his neck...
But now, seeing the cold look, he knew that all of those pastel dreams are far, far away from his reach.
"How... When... When did she-"
"Get pregnant? I thought you would be smarter, my lord. The surprise she wanted to make was this... She wanted to give you the news of her pregnancy..."
With that, Morpheus looked at Heimdall who were looking down at the father-daughter duo with a solemn look and that was enough to make the Dream Lord choke on his sobs and grip his chest thighter, with tears running down his face gradually. He was grief-striken, his heart and soul was in deep agony at the fact that he left you all alone while you were pregnant, in need of care and help. If only he had looked a bit more deeply in your eyes, maybe he would have been able to see the truth there. So that you wouldn't have to face all the hardships alone, while he sat there doing nothing because of his pride...
But now, he understood everything better... What was the point of that much pride while you gave him everything he could ever ask for? Unconditional love, loyalty and children he was proud to have.
How many nights had you spent crying because of the pain your body was going through? Or how many times you had to heal your own heart so that you could have your children between your arms?
Alora, on the other hand, was wary of him. Her brothers may not have remember much, but she did. She knew her mother cried because of him a lot, muttered how she didn't worth anything in his eyes... But she also felt the love they both shared, even for a little girl, emotions were complicated.
But she didn't want to be so cold to him. She could sense whether someone was lying or not and seeing him with red eyes and tears on his cheeks, how his eyes showed every single regret and despair he had in his soul proved that he was way different than from her mother's memory. She expected someone cold, someone evil but seeing a very tall man cry in front of her, something her nanny said was the sign of sincere love, she realized that she shouldn't be so harsh and that whatever happened, he was still her father...
Besides he was so sad, and her momma always said that a little gift would make someone's day beyond our expectations.
At first, when he tried to take a step to her, she took one back which was like a stab straight to Morpheus' heart. He finally had a chance again with his kids but seeing the one he imagined to have be scared of him...
No father should feel that pain.
Feeling bad for what she had done, she took the book to her other arm and toddled up to him. Holding the damp cheek of her father with her much smaller hands, while her blue dress which was a different choice than the rest of the people who only wore golden and white,was making her seem even tinier, Morpheus smiled sadly and held hers between his hands thightly, but not enough to hurt her and two oceans met with each other.
One with the innocence and wonder of childhood, one with the despair and regrets of an eternal life.
Even if she looks cold, she is soft... Much like us...
"I'm sorry for the way I acted... Do you forgive me?"
Her little voice said shyly at him, with a cute flush to her plump cheeks and he couldn't help but choke on his chuckle with a smile at the way she changed her behaviour towards him, becoming like a little kitten trying to win their owner's heart.
"There is nothing to forgive, my beautiful dream... You deserve to feel like that to me-"
"No! Momma said we shouldn't judge people easily! Though I'm angry for you not coming earlier and make us cry, 's fine now!" She said with a beaming smile, which made Morpheus widen his eyes at how easy it was for her to be so bubbly and forgiving with someone she had just met, even if it was her father.
Heimdall was shocked yet pleased as well, seeing how they already started to bond over things they liked. Apparently, a bond between fathers and daughters were stronger than he thought.
Morpheus was, on the other hand overjoyed at the fact that Alora had come to him willingly and was now slowly warming up at the possibility of seeing him more. Her giggles were healing his cold and unmerciful heart surely and slowly and the only thing missing was meeting with his boys, who Alora adored and talked so fondly, and lastly... You.
Before he could have turned to Heimdall who were watching them, who also thought that maybe allowing the Dream Lord in Asgard was actually a good idea since the place had become shinier, Matthew suddenly burst in Asgard, without Heimdall even knowing and perched himself over Morpheus' shoulder who was holding the girl, who shrieked when she saw the bird suddenly, with a supporting hand behind her little back.
And what he had said made him almost drop his daughter in shock, which also was a sign for him to quicken his pace.
"Boss, my lady Y/N is alive but... She isn't herself anymore!"
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"Excuse me for questioning you but... What are you exactly going to do with them? I thought you hated humans?"
"Oh I do, but... These are not just normal humans, Corinthian~"
Looking at you with fear and shock, the man with long hair struggled against his biddings and got his mouth out of the cloth that was stuck in his mouth. To be honest, seeing the woman who was his best friend after all those years trying to kill him wasn't what he thought their meeting would be like.
"Y/N? What... What are you doing? Why did you kidnap us- She's literally a kid!"
"I'm not her... And we both now you two aren't normal. Now be a good boy, and shut up~" you said with a sultry voice while playing with Hob's hair while looking at the girl beside him with a wolfish grin.
"They are no ordinary humans... For one is immortal and the other is the salvation of my sister, the one human she was tasked with protecting..."
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Taglist: @buckys-pillow @diksy1112 @slut4fictionalcharacters28 @daydreamin1220 @justmasblack @mata0-0mata @poemfreak306 @lyria-skyfall @jesllianaquilesrolon @bucky-thorin-winchester @rosewine-5 @zemotr4sh @munsonmunster @mxacegrey @elraeeee @itshamleth @sailorbananabee14 @lu123sworld @jupiterclipse @intothesoul @lovesickollie @winxchesters @auroraravenclaw1927 @iwantagoodstorytoread
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pastel-omegas-blog · 1 year
oh my god! PUPS!!!!😭😭😭
Can we have a cute scenario of mc and Cassius with their pups?
-Darling anon
Pups are the absolute best in omegaverse so no problem. Look at Cassius already gaining a following.
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Cassius spending time with his husband and pups.
I have so many cute moments for this cute family.
The first one would be when the triplets were born.
His in the room throughout the labour doing everything he can to help, from letting out his scent, to whispering sweet loving words and praises. Telling M/N that he's doing such a good job, telling him he's strong, peppering kisses on the omega's forehead not caring about the sweat , only wanting to comfort his mate
After 18 hour long process of pain and heart wrenching cries his little bundles of joys were finally around.
This man. This man who has a reputation for being a stone cold blood thirsty and ruthless warrior weeps at the sound of his pups crying for the very first time.
His thorn between leaving m/n on the bed who's recovering or going to follow the nurses as they clean his little songbirds ( came up with the nicknames on the spot because of how high their voices sounded ) up. Is this what it means to be a father now ? Not wanting your pups out of sight in case they get hurt. He ultimately stays with his husband, pumping out happy pheromones to calm down the reasonably exhausted man.
When the pups are back and properly cleaned up wrapped in the fluffiest and softest blankets the alpha feels his heart just melt all over the place. The doctors and nurses congratulate the new parents but neither pay attention, one to exhausted while the other focused on carrying his new pups from the nurse gently handing them over to him.
Strong big arms made it easier to care all his little darlings. They moved around and made little whines that just made them all the more adorable. His sons and daughter. The perfect addition to his little family.
They had his hair colour and cute little pointed ears, their eyes were closed, but it was obvious they matched his. But that was all they got from him. Their skin colour and cute cherub faces all came from their papa.
With his pups in his arms Cassius gently moved to sit beside his husband on the bed, lowering his arms so the h/c man could see the masterpieces he had created. And M/N couldn't hold back his own tears when he saw his little butterflies.
In that moment everything seemed so peaceful and warm. Cassius swore deep down he would make sure things would stay this way.
The second one would be when his older sister and Aria would come visit to see their adorable nephews and niece.
Jealous daddy Cassy who doesn't like his pups and husband's attention being taken away from him.
Navy blue eyes stared at the two women who had stolen the attention of his mate and pups and Cassius couldn't stop the pout that dragged his lips down.
His pout only deepened when he heard his daughter giggle loudly at aunty Aria's silly faces. He could make better silly faces than her!
His eyes turned to look over at his sons and husband staring in awe at his older sister using a månå spell to create illusions. He could make better.
" Honey leave your sulking corner and come join us or your going to miss out on the memories we'll make together. " M/N's scolding tone is what snaps the alpha out of his little pity party.
Begrudgingly the man moves from his spot, sticking his tongue out to his older sister when she sends him a smug smirk and the h/c omega shakes his head at his husband's childishness while Aria laughs at the sight.
As jealous we he is Cassius will admit that the moment is fun and it shows his pups just exactly how many people love them.
I've got loads more but enjoy this for now
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invisiblequeen · 6 months
n0body's Family Holiday Challenge!
Tis the season for everyone to gather under one roof and try to get along. So here's what you need to do.
Make a family.
2. Have more than one generation involved.
3. Give each sim a description that includes how they act during these holiday get-togethers.
That's it.
Here's an example: The Angel Family
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Donna And Maximo Angel are the ones who hold the family dinners at their long-standing home in Newcrest. Both being old-fashioned and big on self-presentation, they each keep their suits/dresses well pressed and their hair slicked back. When their two daughters first came around after leaving for college, the first thing they'd ask was, "What is this outfit?"
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This especially resonated with Monica, who married into wealth and suave with Ellison Chaloux, and whose two children (Ramin and Kerry) never hear the end of, "what you wear is what you are to the world!" While Kerry cares much less about it than her mother would like, Ramin cares too much, but in the most contrarian of ways. So at the get-togethers, he will proudly wear his cap INDOORS, to his mother's chargin and his father's amusement. "This is who I am to the world, ma. ;)" Kerry belly laughs every time, not realizing that her brother actually means it.
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And then there's Nadiya. Rejecting the perfectly slicked back looks and perfectly pressed fabrics, rejecting the white picket fence and homemaker lifestyle. She went out into the world looking for adventure in all the strangest places, and came back a Rich Auntie wannabe with fangs. Her niece and nephew are in awe of her carefree demeanor. Her sister rolls her eyes at her antics. Her mother clutches her chest. And her father just shrugs because, "we got them out the house and healthy. anything after that is none of our business--now child, what are you wearing?"
I've got more relatives I'll be adding over time. But this is a good start, no? So share your own families, in CAS or in-game, and tag me, as well as tagging the post #n0bodyfamchallenge in case I don't get notified by this wonderful website. lmao
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flashbic · 2 months
So, as someone who does not have any French or Canadian heritage, what exactly is Cartouche? I haven't heard of it before, but it seems like there's a show and books and stuff, is it fairly popular among french-speaking communities? You've made me curious lol
Ngl i went "nyehehehehehe" out loud when i found out i was being given an excuse to ramble about the thing :D
The short answer is it's a french cartoon from the early 2000s! One season-long, with 26 episodes! And yeah in 2010 they eventually made little books that are based on some eps, and they are very cute! They all have unique artwork because instead of using screenshots from the show they hired an artist to illustrate everything.
Most of the show is sort-of lost media, by which i mean that there are only 5 episodes still available in the original french audio… BUT an arabic dub exists, so I've been going through that with a translation app for funsies in my free time! So to answer your question, no, it's not a well-known show, but to me it's a nostalgic one asfdkg
More rambling about the thing under the cut!
What it's about:
Think Robin Hood in the early 1700s, but in Paris! Specifically, it takes place 2-3 years after Louis XIV's death : the future king is a tiny 7yo kid, and since he can't reign yet, the old king's nephew, Philippe II d'Orléans, is regent. In real life, the regency lasted 8 years, and Philippe d'Orléans is generally now considered by historians to have been An Okay Guy Who Did His Best, but every show needs a villain, so here he's the Prince John to Cartouche's Robin Hood! So the bulk of the show is Cartouche and his lil group of buddies helping out poor people and fighting for justice.
I was always fond of the show, but ngl part of the fun in recent months has been reading up on the time period; it's a unique but very short transition era between two very long reigns, and a lot of stuff actually happened during it! The show has a fun amount of references to real people and events here and there. Makes reading all those History books feel like the Pepe Silvia meme, really
Who are these characters:
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Our main character is this dude! Cartouche is your brave hero archetype, but also a bit of a smartass with a penchant for shenanigans. And he's named after a real-life criminal! The actual Cartouche was notably Not Nice, but a lot of people at the time did cheer him on because, well, he stole from and attacked rich people. There are actual books and movies about him that did generally keep the bandit-with-a-heart-of-gold legend alive! Cartoon!Cartouche is even designed after one of the movie versions, where he was played by actor Jean-Paul Belmondo. He's got the same outfit and everything, it's cute :D
Real!Cartouche had his own group of allies called the Cartouchiens, and some of the characters from the show are named after them! The main ones are…
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Louis du Châtelet, aka le Lorrain, he's a noble who decided to join the good guys! He's a fancy dude, and notably he used to be a massive jerk, but he got better!
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Fleur d'Épine and Galichon! Galichon was sentenced to the galleys and escaped! He's the team dad… and is also Fleur d'Épine's actual adoptive dad. Fleur d'Épine is the youngest of the group and has a whole backstory the show takes time to uncover: she was found by Galichon when she was just a baby! She gets a bunch of episodes about her mysterious family situation...
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Freluquet, who is, let's be real, the token kid they added for the show. But he's generally a fun little dude, and very importantly he often relays messages from...
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Isabelle d'Entraigues, Philippe d'Orléans's niece! She's not named after a real person, but after a character in the Belmondo Cartouche movie. She's a fave, she's got a temper! She's a spy from the good guys.
And then we have our main villains!
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Philippe d'Orléans, the Regent. He's cruel and power-hungry and not above trying to get rid of the young king.But of course, he's not going to get his hands dirty. (The real guy is super interesting! I've been reading up on him a lot!) He has two people doing work for him:
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Demachault, the police lieutenant, who is named after a real guy and is doing his best but honestly just sucks at this job, poor guy.
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Nero Falconi, who is the Regent's right-hand man. He's the competent one here, but unlike our other villains he's not a noble!! His sad backstory ties with le Lorrain's, but instead of acting angsty about it, he's just seething with rage at all times. I Just Think He's Neat <3 He's the one main character who isn't named after a real person or a movie character!
There are other characters, but these are the main ones! It's a cute show! The references and links to real events are fun to spot, the setting is neat :D
Also Falconi's sad backstory lives in my brain rent-free, despite the flashback being only 60 seconds long. I can't justify that one, it's not that deep, it's just been occupying space in my brain for almost 20 years for some reason
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
Hi can I request Scarlett and reader for the Advent fics? Christmas proposal from Scarlett or date at a winter light show? Fluffy and cuddly?
Thank u I love you
☃️ Christmas Dream ☃️
Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Reader
Summary: Scarlett makes a dream come true. 
Fluff | 0.8K | No Warnings | 
AC: Lowkey need Scarlett in a rom-com Christmas film.
Day 12 | Advent Calendar Masterlist 🎄
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Laughs filled the room as your family along with Scarlett sat at the dinner table enjoying the amazing Christmas dinner you put on. Scarlett sitting beside you with her hand gently stroking the back of your neck. "This is such a lovely dinner, Y/n" your mother smiles from the other end of the day, "You have to give me the recipe for the pie!" she adds. "The pie was all Scar" you smiled as you turned slightly to look at her, "I can write it down for you before you go" Scarlett spoke with a smile. 
After dinner it was gift giving time, mostly because all the young cousins, nieces and nephews were getting impatient while the gifts with their names on them sat teasingly under the tree. You sat comfortably on Scarlett's lap while everybody gathered around the tree while Christmas hits played ever so softly in the background. Wrapping paper soon covered the living room floor, children's faces grinning from ear to ear as they showed off their new gifts to one another. 
"Can we get out of here for a moment? Just out back, I have something for you" Scarlett whispered before you felt her leave a kiss on your cheek, "Out back?" you turned to her with a confused look, "it's cold out" you added. "Trust me, you won't care about the cold" she smirked before nudging you to hop off her lap, "lead the way darling" you stood up. 
Scarlett took your hand gently as the two of you slipped away from the crowded living room, Scarlett making sure to grab both of your winter coats before helping you put yours on. "What have you got planned huh?" you looked into her eyes which only made you admire her rather than search for clues. "A secret" she replied in a whisper as she opened the front door, "you said out back" you cocked a brow. Scarlett chuckled, "just come with me will you" she reached for your hand. 
It was only a short walk around to the back of the house. Where you lived with Scarlett was out of the city of New York, but you had a breath-taking view of the city given the house was built on a hill away from the likes of the public. With the snow covering the city and the city lights mixed with the bright colors of Christmas, Scarlett knew this was the perfect spot for her to spend a few moments with you. 
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Scarlett turned to you once you both came to a stop by the back fence, still giving you a magical view. "It is" you smiled, "Darling, why are we out here?" you asked as you pulled your coat over you more, trying to keep as snug as possible. "I have something for you" she reminded you as she wrapped her arms around you from behind, enjoying the view and soaking up her world in her arms. For a moment you forgot how cold it was with Scarlett behind you with her head gently resting on your shoulder while the world moved slowly, forgetting the joint family sharing laughs in the living room. 
"I love you" Scarlett whispered, her tone low and raspy causing an instant smile to tug at your lips, "I love you too" you replied, your hands now resting on top of hers. "Baby, look at me" Scarlett spoke, gently spinning you around to face her. You knew the moment you looked at her what was coming, "Scar?" Still, you questioned. 
"I was hoping it wasn't going to be this cold" she slightly shook her head with a chuckle as she slowly got on one knee, pulling out a small box from her coat's right-side pocket. "I was going to save this for new year's but seeing how happy you were at dinner and the view from here, I couldn't wait" she adds, "I love you more than I've loved anything or anybody in my life before, you're everything I have ever wished for. I honestly cannot bare to think of a day without you by my side or a night where I don't come home to see your beautiful smile"
Tears filled your eyes as Scarlett's words touched your heart, not wanting her to be on the cold ground for too long you gently pulled her up to you as she continued to speak. "Will you marry me?" she asked, your tears breaking free as you smiled widely, "nothing would make me happier than being your wife" you replied before smashing your lips onto hers. She smiled against your lips, "I love you so much" she whispered against your lips as she slipped the ring onto your freezing cold finger, the cold never phasing you again that night.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff  | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | 
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theriverpointace · 3 months
personally i am fascinated by paris as a specifically foreign figure
i read two articles about it and i think it's gonna be stuck in my head as a narrative concept now
especially the first article! it argues that paris is the original trojan hero, replaced by hector as a creation of homer because of paris' moral failings. it's really interesting to me that paris is almost the only trojan in troy. he isn't really one of them. ofc i am always thinking about paris the musical, and this becomes even more interesting in this light! because paris is meant to represent troy! over and over again, he is meant to represent troy. but he can't. and if you follow this interpretation, it's because paris as a trojan is inherently different and separate from the rest of troy as a city.
and i mean, even mythologically this is interesting to me, because of paris' distance from his family. like, he wasn't raised in the palace! he was a shepherd for a serious part of his life. like, to my mind (not that i've done much research in this area), paris has to be in his late teens at least when he returns to troy. by that point, his older siblings have grown up not knowing him. the oldest might remember his birth and his abandonment, depending on when paris was born in comparison to the others. the youngest of his older siblings would have been toddlers when paris was born. and then he's got younger siblings too! i mean, depending on the timeline, he could even have nieces or nephews upon his return. this whole big family that forgot his name for years. like, to them he was alexandros at best, and he suddenly shows up at the gate saying "hey i'm your long-lost son paris." idk but the distance. and how he's never going to be one of them, right? like, he can't ever be one of them. he was raised differently, he's had such radically different experiences. the whole thing with the goddesses.
you know??
the articles:
Scott, J. A. (1913). Paris and Hector in Tradition and in Homer. Classical Philology, 8(2), 160–171. http://www.jstor.org/stable/262449
de Jong, I. J. F. (1987). Paris/Alexandros in the “Iliad.” Mnemosyne, 40(1/2), 124–128. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4431600
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blackjack-15 · 5 months
ep 2 we're watching time pass let's do this!! 12 weeks to open my gosh they're insane
talking about syd's familyyyyy (mom's birthday dinner? there's the mom again, why haven't we heard about her other than these tiny mentions? we hear so much more about her dad) they're over here being domestic! i've said it before but these two are Very intimate for people who've known each other for what, 3 months at most?
real vote of confidence in the career there carmy. God bless you and keep you sir. he is 100% not staying being a chef for his whole life
"i'll call him back" the bear is a comedy
also about carmy not finding himself funny -- carmy is funny, he's just got a very, very dry sense of humor. syd does too, but carmy's is the driest i've seen on tv in a while. carmy has, in fact, a lot of the qualities he prized in Mikey and that he prizes in others, he's just completely unable to see them. i know that's the stuff of character arcs, he'll grow more confident etc etc, but the older sister in me is coming out again and wants to slap him upside the head and make him see it
"if it makes you feel any better, my sister doesn't think i'm a genius" "it doesn't hurt" i love them. can i just say again that i love them and their banter is adorable
natalie is momming this restaurant and i love it. also i'm positive she's pregnant now, and she's gonna be a great mom and pete is gonna cry like a monster when they find out/when she gives birth. i need to see carmy with his little niece/nephew too, i doubt he's encountered many babies, and i think it'd be super cute
from the very little we've heard about mrs berzatto, i think i want her far away from the little baby
EBRA'S GOING TO CULINARY SCHOOL I DID NOT CALL THAT!!! i knew tina would have to in order to sous properly but!!! that's wonderful!! they're taking care to build a restaurant that can function without carmy being actively in the kitchen, and that's a very good thing
the fridge thing looks like it's gonna be a reoccuring thing too. the fridge, the fire stuff, the hole in the wall...anything i'm missing? i'm sure there will be more later, we've got 8 1/2 more episodes for things to go Wrong
blue sweater = mikey hanging over the episode. noting that now in case it comes back. it also looks really nice with his eyes, coloring, and the gold chain, so maybe can we get more blue sweaters that aren't the Trauma Blue Sweater?
"that was really fun!" that is the first time i think we've heard carmy call something fun. that is incredibly sad and this scene is really well acted and giving richie the hat is the right call and
and he turned right to syd and is leaving with her. holy eff.
yeah this is text at this point. gets mikey's letter, texts syd. finds mikey's hat, leaves with syd. syd's what distracts him from pain, syd's what helps him smile when he's in pain. whether you view this romantically or not (and the show does, look at the camera angles, the audio choices, etc), that's not debatable
also "the apartment"?? not "my apartment"??? kids how often do you work there this is Text
marcus looking for her attention away from carmy, that's what i figured -- boy has a crush but he's not Bad about it or anything, refreshing
"i'm not an asshole!" yeah you are syd XD everyone in this show is it's just everyone's more than just an asshole as well
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