#I'm honestly not posting this as a call for action against anyone
moviesstoriesandbooks · 10 months
To people who don't know what happened :
Basically another chat got leaked between what seems to be Build and someone else , where he's seen asking for money multiple times , and cursing people who exposed his old problematic tweets on twitter , being homophobic (as a joke 🙁) and other things among many.
As any sane person would think , i also had doubts about the authenticity of the texts and all , but then everyone basically unfollowed him on Instagram and build also tweeted an apology.
Apology confirms that those are genuine right??
He genuinely badmouthed his costars who were there working their asses off for a show that got cancelled once and had to begin production again.
Like , he does not seem like a good coworker , all things considered. And he's so much trouble to the company as a whole , which has pretty ungrateful fans following it's artists.
(idk some tweets just make me go , it's a tough industry . They're atleast still getting work from a show that's been done airing for a year and with no hope of season 2 . They can't create work , but they're still doing very well for a smallass company)
I initially read his fans' responses which were along the lines of "if your texts with your bestie leaks then will you be safe?"
And although that's a very .... Erm ... creative way to view things , I don't think that's barely enough here.
He was badmouthing basically apo , jeff and barcode, and nodt and mile(?) I'm unclear on the details. I get that you may be angry at your coworkers , there may be squabbles but that's not what this was about?? Jeffbarcode were accused of being boc's favourites (??????) and had more pictures taken than everyone else(??????????????) They had like 15 mins of screentime. What is this man on about?
I just straight up don't trust this man anymore.
I don't care about his story. He's so much trouble than he's worth and every day there's something up with him.
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lesbiansforboromir · 2 months
Why you don't like Galadriel?
WELL. I mean this would need a complex answer, for one thing because you could say I don't actually dislike Galadriel as a character really. She's interesting, she has layers, her position in the story creates intriguing mysteries and insights into elven realities and her actions are always percieved in multiple different ways by different characters. She is both an object of world building and a lense to view it through, she had only contempt for Feanor but is the character MOST like him in the end, there's lots going on!
So as usual what I'd say I dislike is more fandom's perception of Galadriel than Galadriel herself, although don't get me wrong in terms of sympathy for her I have none to spare. But to the fandom she's like... well she's whatever anyone wants her to be, so long as that's pretty much perfect and always more right than anyone else around her. Idk if this question came because of my RoP Galadriel tirade post of a week ago, but the fact that people seem to believe Galadriel's right to the 'good guy' role is so irrefutible that it makes any negative portrayal of her 'bad' and 'tolkien's rolling in his grave' etc etc- it's just flabbergasting to me and is a symptom of this problem.
Like Galadriel's entire motive for coming to middle earth, declared and narrated, is to rule over people. She wants to be a Queen of a land that she controls with people inside it whom she has power over. That's it. Now, far be it from me to be on the Valar's side, lord knows I don't support their right to unquestioned rule either and the Eldar's urge to rule themselves is completely valid and Galadriel's no worse than any of her male counterparts who were also looking for the same thing. (In fact, given this is something she is apparently required to 'overcome' when none of those male elves must do the same, I'm inclined to believe this is another of those 'eowyn must reject violence for peace because war is bad except when men do it and for sure the men do continue to do it that's fine' misogynist tolkien moments.)
BUT STILL.. that's not like... a GOOD motive is it? It's neutral at best, right? And Galadriel never actually does anything that could be called more than polite for the rest of the time we know her. She never risks anything for the good of middle earth, she never solves any problems, she goes from place to place to avoid any conflict that threatens her until she and her husband finally decide to usurp a Silvan kingdom and magically isolate it from the rest of the world. They change Lindórinand's name to Lothlorien, thereby overwriting the language of it's native population and Galadriel then uses the power of her ring (that was given to her she didn't make it heself) to EMBALM (tolkien's words) the forest in time just so that she could make it appear as much like Valinor (her home, not the silvan's) as possible. Like!! This is not some paragon of virtue character!
Honestly RoP's portrayal of Galadriel is actually vastly more sympathetic than her actual character. PTSD, survivor's guilt and the maladaptive cope of needing to hunt down evil fanatically for all eternity is, to my mind, 100% more understandable than just... staying in Middle-Earth because she still wanted to rule over people and never believed she did anything wrong in the first place. Which is the canonical reason she's still in middle-earth post the first age, technically a sin by the Valar's standards! Galadriel is rebelling against the will of the west in doing this, but apparently SHE gets all the grace and chances to 'reform' in the world, unlike some other characters I could name >:|
... Maybe she aggravates me a little, but she does so IN COMPARISON to the criticisms other characters must bear as 'the reason they had to die to redeem themselves'. Like if Boromir wanted to take the ring once in order to save his people, is death really the only way to atone for that when Galadriel has been power hungry for 7000 goddamn years nonstop, acquired and used her own ring of power to satisfy that power hunger and then managed to 'overcome it' at the very last minute JUST before middle-earth became 'less elven' (and therefore her position there would be less prestigeous) to demurely sail off home to a gilded cage paradise where literally all her family are alive and waiting for her. Like is 'power hunger' really the sin Boromir comitted here that he needs to die for. Is Tolkien really criticising the desire for power. Is the narrative of lotr really so cohesive and consistent as to allow you to put all the characters into good and bad little boxes and declare those categorisations infallible?
Am I making sense, is this coherent. Does it make more sense if I say like... I do not dislike Galadriel as a character, I dislike what her fandom-reputation reveals about the way the story is engaged with by and large? When I am getting heated about this or that misconception or aspect of her character, it is not because I hate she has that aspect, I like a lot of morally questionable characters, what I am railing against is the double standard that her having that trait reveals. (And I'm not even really angry about it I'm more just very activated by what it reveals about the story, like it makes me feral) The narrative loves Galadriel, Tolkien loves Galadriel, characters regularly threaten violence in order to defend Galadriel from even mild verbal criticism and no one appears to see this as a kind of ominous aspect of her when she's done very little to deserve it. Other than, of course, be ontologically 'pure' and 'divine' due entirely to the circumstances of her birth. I'm a bit manic right now so I hope literally any of that made sense.
Actually addendum example just to further affirm my point. So catholic tolkien scholars will tell you that Denethor's use of the Palantir was a sin, apparently even using a tool you have 'the right' to use to observe reality as it actually exists and then extrapolating that observation into a prediction of the future (ie seeing frodo is captured and the ring gone and extrapolating that the enemy has it and you're all doomed) is a sin. Because only god is allowed to see into the future. And this is somewhat backed up by the way characters treat Denethor's use of the Palantir, it was apparently foolhardy and bad and reckless and nebulously wrong etc. Remember, the Palantir is not a mystical artifact, it is like a satallite imaging tool + a one way video only skype.
Galadriel's mirror literally sees the future 😂LIKE? WHY DOES SHE HAVE IT? WHY IS SHE ALLOWED TO USE IT? WHY CAN SHE JUST SHOW IT TO OTHER PEOPLE? It's because she's holy!! But that doesn't mean anything about her actual character, it's just an attribute she inherited from her family and her place of birth that actively changes what her existence means entirely by it's own virtue. Imagine living in this world for a second, imagine if it was ontologically true that you (an unblessed child of eru) would never be as right or as good as Galadriel, no matter what the reality of both your actions were. LIKE. !! WOULD YOU LIKE GALADRIEL?
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This is why you can't have a discussion nowadays. People's narrative being "My opinion is the only opinion, Idc what you say you are wrong."
Bitch Honey, if you can't deal with someone else's opinion, maybe don't post shit in the internet for everyone to see.
You can't put up with morally dark characters who are actually morally dark and not trying to justify their actions.
Besides, the worst thing we actively see Eris do in all of the books is saying that Morrigan dresses like a slut and calling Cassian some slurs. Plus we know that he left Morrigan at the border without touching her (what was he supposed to do, take her to Beron? Srsly, use your brains people. Please.)
None of these things were nice.
But how does this in any way compare to slaughtering a whole village of people for revenge (Cassian)?
Or better yet, to leave a head on a spike in the garden of someone else for shits and giggles, be a ruler for centuries and yet not manage to stop women in your territory from being mutiliated, even though you call yourself the "most powerful High Lord to ever rule" or some shit. Or SA your apparent future wife, also just for fun because he could have left Feyre in the cell in acotar and no one would have given two shits except for Tamlin and Lucien who would have been worried for her. Stealing millenia old artifacts. Threatening to kill everyone who doesn't share your opinion, constantly and therefore jeopardizing an alliance against the main enemy. Keeping mass destruction weapons in your posession without telling anyone outside of your "family" about it. Misusing your wife and mate as a breeder and not even informing her about the fact that she will likely die in childbirth, instead leaving your sister in law to sacrifice the brunt of her own magic to safe her sister. Belittling a man dealing with heavy depression and PTSD for really no apparent reason other than your own petiness, telling him he should kill himself when he's at his lowest AFTER he saved your mates life, your life and essentially turned the tide in a war. And I could go on.
How are the narrative and part of the fandom able to find excuses for Rhysand's fucked up behaviour over and over and paint him the misunderstood hero, but Eris is evil incarnate because he did what again? Left Morrigan at the border, most likely knowing she would be found and taken care of (at the ripe age of...very much younger than her, too, mathematics say) and called Cassian a brute.
"Good to know that after five hundred years, you still dress like a slut." -Eris in acowar to Morrigan. This is him saying she dresses like a slut. Not calling her one.
I'm not trying to make excuses for Eris here. He's an asshole, I'm aware of it, and the absolute majority of his stans are aware of it. But that's about it. So if you make some post about "abusive men", and include Tamlin and Eris, then reflect on what fucked up shit your favs did. Because if saying someone dresses like a slut and leaving her lying around injured but untouched by you (when you have no responsibility for her state at all) is horrible and abusive, I'd like to know what you would call all the shit Rhysand pulled.
On the other hand, I'd like to say something about Neris shippers being racist, because I don't see how? I could honestly care less for how Cassian looks or his ethnicity, this is about him having literally no backbone and treating Nesta like shit throughout acosf when she was clearly not in a good place, mentally. If y'all wanna be degraded for having ugly trauma I can't help you. I liked Nessian in acowar, they had potential. But acosf? Nah.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 5 months
Im real nervous main tagging this because ive said my main peace and i dont wanna clog the tag up, but i will say after some context given i have a couple more thoughts?
tw// SA, r//pe mention, etc.
This will be a controversial statement. Me personally, i dont really honestly care? About what he said? It was eight years ago and he hasnt repeated the actions so i dont honestly and truly care what he did eight years ago, he was 19 then hes like 26 now theres honestly and truly a BIG maturity distance between 19 and 26, but also it was. Eight years ago? Thats all i have to say on that?
I Also dont really care for how it was brought to light, from what ive heard from pt speakers the expose was done by someone whos publicly anti towards the Brazilian CCs and ive heard they've dug up some dumb things about pac that werent "hot" enough to get trending i guess and definitely werent condemnable enough to get him cancelled, so it's honestly and truly in my heart something i see as being done in bad faith.
Alongside this, ive seen translation screenshots from one of the "victims" (not sure her stance on being called this so its in quotes) stating she does NOT want to be aligned with these allegations and has changed her username and profile picture because she honestly doesnt wanna be involved and doesnt want it being spread around, this is something else i view as bad faith and if anyone was affected by this then its the best thing to do as they wish, this not only affects the person being called out but also their victim negatively, especially if the victims profile is easily attached to their real life and especially when the victim is a female victim of assault or rape or anything like that, i hate to say it but as an afab person ive seen it firsthand that thats honestly the culture surrounding assault victims, and most people dont want that being brought up or put out in the public. Im a victim myself - people view you differently, it affects platonic and romantic relationships, it affects jobs, you are actively hurting the victim by spreading this if they dont want you to do so and arent prepared for that to be spread around.
From what ive seen, some people are condemning Forever for getting a lawyer - i dont view this as him being automatically guilty. I view this as him getting a lawyer because this person on twitter has been actively harassing not just him but all the brazilian CCs on the QSMP. This is harassment, the case against them will hold up in court and Forever has said he will speak about this more when everything is said and done
Alongside this, i will say im unhappy with Forever specifically for his statement on the situation. It wasnt handled the way we wouldve liked it, but it also wasnt handled via ukelele, it wasnt handled the worst way it could've been. Ive heard pt speakers say it was kind of formal, there was some slang in there but overall i've read the translated statement and to me it sounds more like a legal statement than anything - he mentioned having a lawyer, chances are the lawyer helped him write it. To me it doesnt sound like anything he'd fully say which is why i was so put off by it at first but this makes more sense to me honestly, i dont know if anyone would agree with this.
All in all, i think its a shitty situation but nothing to condemn Forever over. I ask people be thoughtful regarding the girl affected, and dont spread shit around with her name or profile attached to it unless she states otherwise. It was handled badly on Forever's end and blew up WAY too fast on twitter.
I've generally seen people be well behaved on here, ive seen some strong statements but otherwise i like to think we're better than twitter.
This probably wont be my last post on this as we get more on the situation over the next couple days, but this is my main thoughts right now. I'm still choosing to remain neutral, but more mixed than anything.
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sisterofsomeone · 7 months
Self Destruction
Summary: Lee Seokmin. No words could describe your love for him, how your heart raced when he was near. But you two were growing apart, his eyes and hands wandering away from yours. Now you harboured a growing hatred for the man you once loved so dearly, and as much as you wanted it to stop growing, he just kept adding fuel to the fire.
Warnings: toxic!Seokmin x toxic!fem!reader, slight Wonwoo x reader, established relationship, lovers to enemies to ???, ANGST!!!, swearing, cheating, smut MDNI 18+, unprotected sex, pet names (baby girl, pretty girl), oral sex (male receiving)
Word count: 2.4K
Author's note: Hello again! I have been on hiatus for over a year now, and have needed it honestly. But I'm back for a little while at least, and forcing myself out of hiatus by posting my first ever Seventeen fic. Honestly, it hasn't been proof read and I cannot promise it's any good, but here it is! Self Destruction is loosely inspired by a Shinso fic I wrote in 2021 called Just Kill Me (I've deleted my old masterlist but it's still rolling around on my blog if anyone wants to read it) and a line from Fight Club, "Self Improvement is masturbation, but self destruction..." and mainly fuelled by my current need for angst. Anyway, I won't hold you any longer, please enjoy my Seokmin fic Self Destruction!
This is a work of fiction and in no way is meant to represent the actions, ideals, or attitude of the idol Lee Seokmin.
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Your footsteps were almost silent against the hardwood floors, soft patters competing against the roaring rain hurling into the windows. The sky was grey, covered over with heavy swollen clouds just unleashing their pain onto the world. Lighting your cigarette and taking a long, painful drag right into your lungs, you realised you could relate.
Seokmin was bent over the sink, the remnants of last night's attempt at a civilised dinner left abandoned by you both in the heat of the moment. He was attempting to patch things up again. Your arms snaked their way around his waist, fingers dancing across his stomach as you pushed your chest against his back. He stiffened, fingers halting in their quest to find the missing piece of smashed china and came to intertwine with yours.
"Did she taste as good as I do?" You punctuated the sentence with a kiss between his shoulder blades. He punctuated each word with an almost imperceptible tightening of his grip on your fingers.
"I don't know what you're talking about baby." He turned in your arms, the smile on his face not reaching his eyes. Your own smile faded, eyes scanning his features. Your chest ached. It was as if deep vines were carving and creeping their way through your lungs, forcing the oxygen out. "Who have I apparently been tasting?" He brought your hands in front of your face, his fingers still interlaced with yours. He kissed each one of your purple knuckles softly, eyes watching for any sign of discomfort.
"Seokmin, don't lie to me. I can't take it anymore. Seungcheol saw you. He caught you fucking her in the practise room." Your eyes dipped to his lips still pressed against the knuckle of your recently decorated ring finger. His own flickered up to meet yours, a brown hue you used to feel safe in, now you only wanted him to keep that brown far away from you.
"You're disgusting, you know that?" You pulled your hands away, stepping backwards. He only followed, his larger hands reaching for yours again.
"Do not baby me." Turning on your heel, you left him alone again. Like you always did, before he could do the same to you.
The next morning Seokmin left you in that large, cold bed without so much as a word of goodbye. But you wouldn’t be alone for long.
Your breath escaped you as Wonwoo bullied his cock into you again and again. The grip he held on the back of your thighs as he folded you into a mating press was bruising. The sickening sound of skin hitting skin as he pounded your body further into your and Seokmin’s shared bed echoing through the room. You captured his lips with yours, carving red claw marks down his back as his hand left your thigh and slipped between your bodies to rub circles into your clit.
“I’m not going to last much longer.” He said between kisses.
“Then fuck me harder and make me cum quicker.”
“Watch that dirty mouth of yours or I won’t let you cum at all.” His tongue was back in your mouth, fighting for dominance against your own as he sped up his fingers against your throbbing clit and angled his hips to hit that spot inside of you that had you seeing stars. The air was hot, you could barely breathe, and Wonwoo pulled his mouth from yours in favour of burrowing his face in the space between your neck and your shoulder. Your end came before his, your walls fluttering and tightening around his cock, trying to milk him dry. He followed soon after, pulling out and painting your stomach. It was always in this moment that you wished you could end things with Wonwoo. Wished that you could trust Seokmin to never cheat on you again, to be with him like this and only him. But until he learned to keep it in his trousers, you wouldn’t keep it in yours. And Wonwoo was always more than willing to indulge you. He stood from the bed, grabbing a tissue box from your ensuite and throwing it at you. This moment also always passed in silence. You didn’t need words of comfort from Wonwoo or aftercare, you got what you wanted and so did he. All that was left to do now was hide the evidence.
Seokmin came home early from practise that evening, saying something about Seungcheol not wanting him to be there until this was sorted out. You laughed at that, a short harsh sound pushing it way out of your lungs. You pushed the plate of food towards him, and he thanked you quietly. Dinners used to be filled with laughter, talking about your future together. Now they mainly passed in silence, with the occasional screaming match thrown in.
“Wonwoo was late to practise again today.”
“Yeah, covered in fresh scratch marks from his new secret girlfriend. Chan was making fun of him all while I was there.” You nodded along, pushing the food around on your plate. He stood, taking his plate and placing it into the sink. The accusation was clear but left unspoken.
Seokmin spent the evening draining your liquor cabinet as you watched and occasionally joined him. He was quiet, usually a tall ask for the man, but tonight he couldn’t muster up the courage to say the words he wanted to say. I hate the thought of you and him. Him and you. You belong to me. You whore. You harlot, you liar. I wish I had never met you. I wish I could leave you. I wish –
Your own thoughts were swirling around your head like dark clouds. Painful, heavy things that took all your willpower to ignore. You wanted to confront him again, but just a glance at the hole you’d left in the wall last time and your slowly healing knuckles halted that idea. You wanted so desperately to be able to fall into his arms again, but it wasn’t meant to be. The very idea brought tears to your eyes, a common occurrence after you’d indulged your more painful thoughts. Seokmin noticed this, he always did, but unlike all those other times he moved to you. He pulled you onto the sofa with him, wrapping his strong arms around you and pulling you close. His thoughts stopped at this exact moment, all hatred he harboured for you falling from him like the tears from your eyes. He shushed you, pressing soft kisses across your face.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for betraying you like that again my pretty girl.”
“I’m sorry too. I don’t know what came over me.” He kissed you deeper this time, with more passion than he has done for the past few months. You pulled him closer by his collar, silently begging for more. He pulled away, scanning for any sign of hesitation before taking you in his arms and carrying you to the bedroom.
The sheets were clean from the day. The tissue box was back in the ensuite.
He threw you onto the bed before climbing on top of you and pressing kisses across your collarbones. Your hands found the straps of your shirt and pulled them down, allowing him more access to your burning skin. His kisses were sloppy, full of a fire that you never wanted to extinguish. His hands caressed your body, tracing lines from your thighs to your hips, then climbing to cup your breasts through your shirt. You moaned softly, encouraging him to dip his fingers beneath the material of your shirt and unclasp your bra. His mouth found yours again as you undressed underneath him, allowing his hands to have free roam over your breasts, to play with you and draw out those noises he so loved.
Noises that Wonwoo got to pull from you as well.
He pushed the thought to the back of his mind and focused on pulling more of those noises from you. He would fuck you – no, make love to you – better than Wonwoo ever did. You were Seokmin’s after all. His fingers dropped from your chest as his mouth left yours. “You’re such a needy girl baby.” You nodded, chasing his lips with your own. A laugh left him and his fingers slipped beneath the waistband of your skirt and traced the top of your panties. You nodded, giving permission for him to use you as he so desired. And he did.
His fingers were one of the things you loved most about Seokmin. His long, slender fingers dipped into your panties and found your clit. He began to draw lazy circles as you keened under him. “That’s it baby girl, am I making you feel good?” Your moans answered him and gave flight to his ego once more. “Yes Minnie, oh god yes. Don’t stop.” You pulled his face back to yours, forcing him to kiss you once more. His fingers sped up as he swallowed more of your moans. Your hands dipped to his belt, untying it and moving his zipper. You could feel his bulge through his jeans before slipping your hand into them and caressing him through his boxers. Now it was his turn to moan into your open mouth, fingers moving from your clit to circle your hole. You were clenching around nothing, just a mess waiting for Seokmin to stretch you out again. He pulled away, his warmth leaving you.
“Undress for me baby. Please.” It took only a moment for you to shimmy out of your skirt and panties while Seokmin undressed at the end of the bed. You couldn’t hold back the moan that bubbled from your chest as his cock sprung free from his boxers, precum already leaking from the tip.
“Can I taste you? Please Seokmin?” You raised yourself up to your knees, a pout playing on your lips as Seokmin groaned.
“Fuck yes my pretty little thing.” His hands reached for your face to bring you closer. You placed one hand around the base of him before placing a soft, delicate kiss to his tip. Wrapping your lips around the head of his cock you glanced up at Seokmin. His face was flushed, eyes trained on your every movement. His mouth was dropped open, moans leaving him as you moved your head back and forth, working your tongue along him as you hollowed your cheeks. His hands tangled in your hair, a makeshift ponytail the only thing grounding him while you worked him, wrapped your tongue around his cock and played him like a fiddle.
“Fuck, just like that baby. God you’re so much better than her.” You pulled off him, hands scrambling to push him away from you.
“What the fuck Seokmin? What did you just say?” The panic was evident on his face. He didn’t mean for it to slip out. Oh god maybe he did, maybe he wanted to hurt you in that moment while all he could think about was your mouth around Wonwoo.
“Baby, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean it, I don’t know what came over me.” He reached out for you, but you swatted his hand away, pushing yourself back up the bed and away from him. You scrambled to cover yourself with your discarded shirt. He stood still.
“What the fuck do you mean you didn’t mean it?” Your words were dripping in venom, face contorted in disgust and pain. You could feel your eyes welling with tears.
“I mean…” He paused. “Fuck, look, I don’t know why I said it. I thought in the moment-“
“In the moment? What, while your cock was in my mouth you thought I wanted to hear your detailed thoughts about who’s better at sucking your dick, your fiancé or another one of your backup dancers?”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.” You threw a pillow at him, but he just caught it and held it across himself. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” The room went silent, just the sound of your breathing to be heard.
“Well, you did. You fucking did. You’re disgusting.”
“Oh, fuck off!” He was shouting now. “Fuck off with your self-pity bullshit. Like you weren’t lying there thinking of him this whole time.” He threw the pillow back at you, his face and chest flushed again, but this time out of anger. “I can’t fucking stand you anymore, I can’t sit there and watch you spread your legs for my best fucking friend and then turn around and belittle me.”
“Because at least I only fuck the same guy behind your back! I don’t parade myself around and fuck the first girl I see that day who takes my fancy. I don’t sit there and let makeup artists or hair stylists or journalists suck my cock or leave lipstick marks on my shirts!” You were crying again now. Dragging yourself up from the bed, you started pulling clothes from your wardrobe.
“What the hell are you doing now?” You threw on underwear and the first shirt you could get your hands on before throwing some clothes at Seokmin.
“I can’t. I just can’t do this anymore. I can’t pretend like this isn’t killing me, like this is healthy anymore.” He was dressing with you as you packed up a bag.
“What? Wait, no you can’t-“
You stretched out your hand to Seokmin, the ring placed in the middle of your palm. Seokmin just stood there staring at it, eyes unblinking, unmoving. You took his hand and placed the ring in his palm, stepping backwards, away from him for good.
“You can’t be serious. Please.” His voice wavered. It never did that before. In all the time you’ve known him, loved him, he’d never once shown any sadness during a fight, never once been so obviously afraid. “I can’t do this without you. I need you, please.” He reached for you again and you stepped back. The repetition of all of this was infuriating. Maddening. You couldn’t bring yourself to do it anymore.
This was when the storm started. That dark, heavy storm that battered the house and rattled the windows. The pair of you stood there in silence, tears falling from the both of you. But as much as your heart was breaking, you couldn’t find it in yourself to go to him. You had reached the point of no return.
“I want you gone by the morning. Please.” And with that, you turned and walked away, leaving Seokmin alone in that bedroom that was now too big and too cold.
Your footsteps were almost silent against the hardwood floors, soft patters competing against the roaring rain hurling into the windows. The sky was grey, covered over with heavy swollen clouds just unleashing their pain onto the world. Lighting your cigarette and taking a long, painful drag right into your lungs, you realised that the two of you could never come back from any of this.
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lives4lovesworld · 15 days
Truly wish dany/targaryens stans would stop bothering. The amount of daily posts that aim to "counter" or even pander to nonsensical anti bs is excessive and after years quite honestly boring and tedious.
Quite frankly I fail to understand what we gain from this, adhering to a holier-than-thou moral code, especially since no one else is compelled to even pretend to do so? Is the goal here for them be completely distorted to the point they resemble other characters? antis supposed favorites? As uninteresting to us as they subconsciously are to their stans? Which is the real problem here and the reason why they are the way they are (hypocritical stealing clowns and nuisances?) But perhaps I have a completely different less-morality-bound approach to consuming media in my free time than the rest of my fellow stans.
No downplaying/refuting Valyrian blood purity, empathizing non-Valyrian marriages, pointing out the origin of slavery are found in Old Ghis and not the Freehold, no opting for the most gracious interpretation of members of House Targaryen will ever stop antis from painting and hypocritically single out everything Targaryen/Valyrian related as kkk- or "imperialistic" coded or whatever woke buzzword of the day. They live to pretend-clutch their pearls and hold only them to modern standards of a fantastical utopia, while every other feudal character can be as archaic as expected from their pseudomedvial upbringing with their houses being wardlords
Speaking for me, I STAN their blood purity and incest. For me, IT IS a defining characteristic of House Targaryen that makes them unique, no matter how "problematic" it may be. I STAN it because GRRM fabricated scandalous, passionate love stories that I chose to interpret as consensual and politically advantageous, that brought forward incredible, magical gorgeous characters able to ride dragons that inspire love and envy alike. Who shine all the brighter when one contrasts them with literally any other characters and unions that are and breed doomed mediocrity and are born out of stale duty. I perhaps have a bais for pure blooded Targaryens that look the part than any prefect bastards or half breeds, or targ x targ to any other couple.
I also stan cruel Maegor, particularly for showing Oldtown its place and declawing the Militant Faith because I enjoy reading about the presumptuous Christian Vatican equivalent getting its ass handed to them. I stan Rhaenyra and she still can be a pampered proud princess-turned-queen. The same way I prefer canon Daemon as a rogue, an ambitious prince who seduced his brother's heir with perhaps also political hopes in mind and because he wanted his gorgeous niece as a bride instead of his cold barren wife. A legend that slay the pathetic cunt that was his nephew.
And while I'm at it: I also refuse to care about every "likeable"/pitiful character simply because it would be the "morally right" thing to do, nor will I root for the characters I like to do it. I don't care for Helaena and her children, nor the strong boys or any half-considered-"poc" Targaryen, nor will I even pretend to see "reason" in the greens actions, nor do I even want to see Dany "overcome her hatred"/bais against the usurper's dogs and any descendants of them. Or for her to be that altruistic to turn away from the throne to save humanity.
No amount of "call-out-posts" what a misogynist, racist, cultist, classist or elistist I am will change that because why OH WHY should I give a fuck about what anyone online thinks of me. Why should I allow anyone to bully me into streamline my enjoyment?
Especially by the people that do not even have the decorum of pretend to have any sort of decency. So they can use the most misogynistic, classist language and expect submission to their attempts to rule fandom spaces with iron fists and delusions, and canonize their favorites' sainthood and entitlement to feudal supremacy often only because they ✨️suffered prettily✨️ and fit some anesthetics while I must tolerate them trying to scold me into caring so greatly about fictional grey faceless mass of common people that would die were my favorites to pursue their ambitions. Meanwhile the same people would have any would-be-subjects die of famine and cold as long as their favorites get their crowns GRRM would never grant them in canon anyway. Give me a break. And let's not even start on how dragons and incest are suddenly the solutions as long as they don't belong and is not practiced by Targaryens.
To make this clear: this post is NOT a not-so-subtle incognito-anti post of ✨️i lOve all mY wAr CrimInaL eUqally!;' LeT tHeM bE mAd AnD unHinGed uwu,"! love all mY mOderAte chAsTe hoPes Of the fUtUres and mAd imPeriAlistS. 🥰✨️
I simply wanted to say; perhaps we should NOT GIVE A FUCK, "own" the """""bad""""" and be "problematic" and "irrational" in our selective love for characters and houses like EVERYBODY FUCKING ELSE.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
I'm Stepping Away For A While...
Over the past week, and then some, I have been called a multitude of names in an effort to make fun of me and rude names including wh*re, p**sy, bitch, a liar, a fake, etc. I've been told I'm a fake/bad ARMY, a fake jikooker, etc. Ive had people call my friends deragatory names and misgender them. And I've also had someone in my DMs try to gaslight me into believing that this was not harassment or Bullying, but that I should apologize to my followers for threatening to block people and that people were just expressing strongly worded commentary over how my actions hurt them. And that I needed to take responsibility for creating the drama at all. And none of that is okay, and honestly it's been a lot. And the way people just brushed over the name calling and harassment regardless of if they disagreed with me or liked me, that was a lot too.
Blocking people to curate my space is not harassment or bullying or disrespectful. Its simply protecting myself and trying to curate a safe space for me personally. Nor have I ever started a hate campaign to try and drive another blogger off the platform. And if a post of mine encouraged people to send messages or hurtful asks to someone else, and I KNEW about it, I would've said something and asked them to stop. Sharing an opinion or disagreeing with someone is not me sending anyone hate. Nor would I ever want that for anyone regardless of any disagreements we had over whatever topic.
I've lost quite a few followers over the past week, people believing things that are being said and that's fine, i was never here for the numbers anyway. Id rather you unfollow or block me peacefully if you dont like me or my posts. Some of the people engaging with this hate against me were honestly surprising. But it is what it is. But I don't feel safe in this space anymore. I honestly haven't for a while. Blogging isn't as fun anymore. I don't want to post while it feels like a chore. And that's not because of anyone or anything in particular. I opened this blog because it brought me joy and it was fun. And it's really sad that something that brought me happiness is no longer doing that for me. It's not just all this drama either. It's probably been awhile coming, making my timeline posts for longer posts felt more like something I had to do for you all instead of something I wanted to do for me. And that's not what I want for this space.
So I'll be stepping away for awhile. When or if I come back will depend on if I can get that joy back for doing this and I feel like this can be a fun corner of the internet for all of us together again. And also for if I feel like I can do this without it being so mentally draining and just not good for my mental health like it has been lately.
I'll leave my blog here and my masterlist because I know that a lot of people enjoy the archive of some past content I have cataloged there. I don't want to take that away from anyone for that reason alone since I want people to be able to access that content if they can't otherwise find it. I also want the option to be able to come back to this blog again at some point. So I don't want to delete it or say I'm stepping away permanently, nor do I want people wondering what happened to me or anything. I just need a break. I do apologize for all the post series I have started that are remaining unfinished now for a little while.
If you want to unfollow me knowing that I'll be absent from here for awhile or for any other reason, that's totally fine. Honest. No hard feelings. I wish you well and hope everyone will continue to do well and enjoy the next few months of music, content and love from the members. Maybe I'll try to be back in time for JJK1 whenever that happens.
Again, this is just something I need. I'm okay, I'm not hurt or upset. I just need a break. I appreciate you all understanding. I'll still be in this fandom and be ARMY for life. I'll still be around for the next day or so. Thank you for understanding. I do love you guys and hope to back as soon as I'm able to.
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will-you-pick-me · 1 month
So. I hate that this even has to be stated, because it should be a GIVEN, but.
This project and all people involved in the process of making it DO NOT, under any circumstances, tolerate:
- Racism
- Ableism
- Transphobia
- Homophobia
Or any other kind of bigotry, hate speech, harassment, or general shitty behavior. We are appalled at the things we are seeing being sent to other creators askboxes, even fans askboxes, and are severely disappointed in the community for behaving in this manner.
We know this is a small-but-loud minority of hateful members, but still. It's not acceptable. In no world should someone be called a "monkey" (HELLO??? DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF???) or sent transphobic messages in their askboxes.
Frankly, it's a bit terrifying. Where will the line be drawn for these harassers? How far is too far for them? What will they do next? Do I need to worry about my friends or fans in this community being sent death threats, next?
I'm appalled, but moreover I'm genuinely concerned about this community. We came here to share stories, be creative together, and have fun with a wider community who love the themes and tropes we love. Now, it feels almost as though the community is being turned against eachother from the inside out. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if maybe some TERFs/SWERFs or other bigoted people are capitalizing on the drama to stir shit and have a smokescreen under which to send their hate - it's unfortunately a tactic I've seen happen too often in too many communities.
While I have no proof that this is what's genuinely happening, I would like to encourage fans and creators alike to keep an eye out, block hateful anons where you see them, and if you feel safe and mentally well enough, check blogs that show up in your block lists to verify this suspicion.
I do not want anyone to retaliate to these blogs, as that would be lowering yourselves to their level and involving yourselves in drama that would be stressful on your mental, emotional, and possibly even physical health. I do, however, think it may be a POTENTIAL STRATEGY (note I say potential, here) to share these blog names PRIVATELY, and ONLY for the purpose of blocking and blacklisting - nothing else.
Again, do not retaliate to these blogs if you do happen to find out who they are. I strongly discourage that action and am not advising it in any way.
Retaliating against them would do several things:
- Give them an "excuse" to continue sending hate.
- Involve you in potentially dangerous drama.
- Expose you and your friends to hate campaigns and all associated hate messages.
- Continue a cycle of drama that nobody needs.
- Generally making the community even less safe.
So please, IF YOU DO find out who these people are, share PRIVATELY and SOLELY TO BLOCK/BLACKLIST.
In general, let's make this community safe, not only for races of all kinds, but also for every disability that we possibly can (we understand that some accommodations contradict eachother, which is a symptom of how varied the disability spectrum is, but that's deserving of a whole post of it's own), every sexuality under the sun, every gender expression and lack thereof.
We stand with the queer, disabled, and POC members of the yansim community, who quite frankly have made this community POSSIBLE. There's no denying they are a large percentage of this community and as such deserve respect for building the foundations of this place.
To my fellow creators, stay strong, turn off anons if you feel the need to, and don't let the hate drown out the work you're putting into this world.
To fans, please show eachother and creators your support, keep making fanart and blurbs and fanfics and headcanons, and in general keep putting good out into the community to keep it alive and drown out this hate and drama.
We CAN make it through this, we CAN keep going, and we CAN continue creating wonderful stories - together.
Stay safe, hydrate, eat, take meds/breaks from binders and gaffs/sleep if you need to, and we love you.
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Anon because reasons. I've been a transman for over ten years. I never thought I would reach out to a TERF but I'm seeing things in my community that scare me and I literally don't know what to do. The transwomen I follow suddenly started reblogging and making posts about protecting transwomen from rape/pedo allegations but I'm conflicted because I was raped by my uncles when I was little. I feel like I'm going crazy idk why I'm asking you I just feel so dysregulated and distressed. Please don't hurt me or expose me, idk what they would do if they realized I was talking to terfs.
I have no wish or intent to hurt or expose you, so have no fear of that. To be upfront: I am a feminist. I do see sexual assault primarily as a hate crime men commit against women and girls (rape). Women and girls being female humans and men being male ones. But you already knew that. For the purposes of this response, however, I will use gender neutral language where possible.
Honestly, ten years ago I had no idea I'd be where I'm at now. I was considering identifying as agender and was only just starting to become uncomfortable with trans activists. The biggest reason was, even back then, protecting predatory behaviour. Unfortunately, as the years have gone by it's only gotten worse. Maybe it's not something you've come across until now, so I imagine this must be a shock, or maybe the people around you doing it used a lot of weasel words and it hasn't become apparent until now.
Either way it's a terrible thing to realize the people you consider your community just don't think sexual assault is that big a deal, especially when they've said it is, but their actions are showing otherwise.
It's a betrayal to those of us who have been sexually assaulted and don't want that to happen to anyone else ever again. Especially if the person who sexually assaulted you was someone you trusted. What your uncle did to you was already a horrific betrayal. To know someone you respect would say he should be protected from your allegations if x reason (in this case if he identified as trans, but this can happen in other ways; someone I greatly respected called Julian Assange a friend after he raped two women; that sucked and I stopped keeping up with him after that) is a betrayal on top of that.
I was molested by my stepfather and some fucked up shit happened when my biological father showed me off to his friends when I was a toddler. I know that pain well. "Valid" is a word that's certainly been over-used and misused, but right now I'm going to use in the way it was used at the Sexual Assault Crisis Centre I attended: your feelings on this are valid.
Sexual assault is one of the worst things a person can do to someone. Saying that people who do those things should be protected for any reason, that alleged victims should be doubted, that alleged perpetrators should be given the benefit of the doubt is fucked up. You are not in the wrong for feeling uncomfortable and worse about it. That just shows you have your humanity.
Now, I'm not going to tell you what else you should think, but what I will say is: I'm not afraid of the women here knowing I talk to men. Or trans people for that matter. Even if I was reaching out to vent. At most they might question why I chose a man and not a woman, but ultimately it just wouldn't be an issue. It's not that there are no assholes here--there are quite a few--but most of them are easily ignored and those that aren't typically get pushback for being assholes and eventually end up leaving or ostracized.
Do you think that it's healthy, as a literal trans-identified person yourself, for people in a community to be so afraid of one another that they can't let anyone know if they talk to certain people? Now, I'm sure it's not as simple as just dropping people who act this way. I've known people with shitty friend groups. It's hard. It's hard when all of your peers seem to support certain behaviour. I get it. I am in no way expecting that you're suddenly going to drop your community.
But I'm not talking to them. I'm talking to you, the person who reached out to me. From one survivor of familial sexual assault to another: you don't deserve to be treated this way. You don't deserve to have your pain trivialized, even indirectly, for a cause. So even if you can't talk to any of your peers about it (and maybe you can! maybe there are people you know who feel the exact same way), I want you to know in your heart that this is wrong and you're right to feel that it's wrong.
And when you're ready, whatever that looks like, I hope you can get out of this and find a community where you would never be punished for raising concerns about something like this. You would be upheld and loudly supported because that shit just wouldn't fly.
Take care of yourself, anon. I hope you have a good day/evening. I hope your uncle rots and I hope the transwoman you're following becomes a better person. Or falls down a well. Whichever comes first.
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hetalia-club · 2 months
How do you deal with the toxicity in the fandom? It's getting hard to be here.
Yeah a lot of people suck. I just don't visit tags at all anymore. I'm going to be honest I haven't since some time last year. I follow people that I like and I know are not drama whores and I get my reblog content from them ethically. I block anyone I see making call out posts or stupid call to actions against people. Or shoving current SERIOUS real life politics into Hetalia (a major peeve of mine. and emphasis on serious because of course jokes on funny current events are fine but it's the serious stuff that really sets a fire in me. Like the current wars for example.) You just gotta do what you gotta do to keep your mental health good tbh. I've noticed some people leaving lately due to people not minding their own business and harassing others, people that I actually liked and that's really annoying. I just don't understand why some people in this fandom have to be so vindictive and insufferable it's sad honestly. Do they not get tired? They have to because listening to some of these people is EXAUSTING! So many people on the outside hate the Hetalia fandom for what some weirdos did 10ish years ago. I don't know why some people feel the need to start drama and fights for NOTHING. That being said if you're a Hetalia blog that is chill and does not start drama reblog this post and I'll consider following you because I need more content to reblog. & or if you are a chill person and like other chill people who enjoy Hetalia & music join my discord maybe? I share my AI covers there and people talk when a conversation comes up but it's not just non stop text walls like some other servers where it's hard to get a word in edge wise. It's pretty small and relaxed. You can share your art, or own AI covers & or au's or fic ideas. No drama is allowed. My discord if anyone is interested in it:
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autistichalsin · 3 months
I'm really fucking tired.
All I wanted was a space to obsess over a fictional man, who brought me a ton of healing, in peace.
This group has made it their mission to chase not only me away, but anyone associated with me. They called me a rape fetishizer for writing CNC fic. They called me a pedophile for making an omega Halsin headcanon. They called me a self-hating lesbian/lesbophobic for saying it's TERFy to demonize queer male sexuality. They mocked my abuse by my mom, and when called on it, laughed that I deserved it for saying how Mint's actions remind me of her sometimes. They accused me of retraumatizing myself because of the fic I wrote, when THEY were the ones who retraumatized me by causing me to have a flashback to my mom abusing me. They accused me of absolutely vile things, and today they questioned if I even was "really" abused because of the fic I wrote. They repeatedly mocked my special interests and then got offended and played victim when I said this was ableist. They've sent suicide bait to me and my friends.
They've harassed others: they harassed a bi SH fan for asking them to stop saying it was icky to ship her with men until she left the fandom, they harassed someone who made a mod to turn Scratch into Astarion so they could see the animations (even calling this person as bad as Cazador), they harassed someone for making a headcanon about Astarion dancing with Tav, they harassed a lesbian who herself headcanons Karlach as a lesbian and doesn't like Karlach/Dammon but explained why others do, they harassed my friend Mish for saying she was okay with me writing CNC, they sent suicide bait to another friend of mine and said she deserved to get raped so she would sympathize with Mint, causing her to have a mental breakdown and have to go to the hospital for 24 hours, and every time someone pushes back against them, this group weaponizes their identity by saying that person is bigoted against their identity- while ignoring (at best) the marginalized identities that person has, or at worst, furthering oppression against them (I.E. their repeated ableist comments, including one of them snarling at another user about "enjoying your grippy sock vacation")
And despite all these vile things this group of people have done, people are still believing them and sending more harassment to myself and my friends in their defense.
I'm fucking tired.
I'm tired of defending myself. I'm tired of losing people I considered friends to their lies. I'm tired of having my inbox invaded by these vile people.
They are wearing at my mental health and this already made me relapse on one of my addictive behaviors and I am fighting really hard not to do the other one. I'm tired. I loved this fandom and I loved contributing my ideas. I get so many messages from people saying I made them feel seen or made them connect to Halsin's character, and getting a message from a survivor that my posts gave them the words they were lacking for what happened to them and they were able to work through it in counseling was honestly one of the best things to ever happen to me. I really don't want to lose that. Ever. But I can't keep doing this.
I'm not bigoted to my own identity. I don't hurt people. I don't fetishize rape. I'm tired of being a broken record and not being believed because that group is so good at fragilizing themselves. I can't do it anymore.
I just wanted to share my thoughts about a fictional bear man because it made me happy and so many parts of him gave me courage. I wanted to give up cynicism like he did. I wanted to find his strength to take care of people.
But I am honestly very close to regretting ever joining this fandom. I have gained so much from it, it helped my mental health immensely, but this shit has put me in an even WORSE place mentally than i was before I joined.
I don't know what to do. I'm just tired of the way, no matter how much I epitomize "living your best life" I get treatment from these people that I honestly wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
I have a lot of painful feelings right now and I don't know what to do anymore. It just hurts and I think everyone would be better off if I'd never made this blog to begin with.
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opinated-user · 7 months
Sort of a nuanced take so bear with me here-- I honestly think its a little weird that you obsessively post about every trans woman that happens to be poorly behaved. Not saying that Lily Orchard, Sophie Labelle, whoever this Poppy person is aren't doing bad things. It's just I don't know kind of strange that you have a blog all about documenting trans woman misbehavior as a non-binary person. Speaking as a trans woman you come off as transmisogynistic some times. I'm sorry it is. The only people who's bad behavior you post about are trans women. That's weird.
this blog started off talking about LO because i have seen evidence of her abusive/predatory actions to the point i felt worth talking about. she's the main focus.
P&Z came to the picture because they talked and responded to LO's lies about them. turns out they were abusive, as i have seen evidence myself and believed on their victims, and that felt worth talking about. especially since thanks to their videos on LO, the people who watched those and supported them deserve to know the kind of people who made them.
sophie labelle is a big name in trans/progressive spaces. massive even. i was a fan of her work and supported it fully until everything to do with using a irl toddler for lewd furry diaper art came out. i have only ever brought her up on that post in months to make an example of LO having a bigger issue with queer acceptance and usage than with pictures of irl babies being used for porn, so it was relevant.
EssenceOfThought made videos following on LO and then was unabled to continue doing them out of her own circunstances, so that clearly was relevant for this blog. she apologized to both Brittany and me in private for not telling us about that earlier and i have absolutely no ill will towards her or Levi. i'll probably not going to talk about her again in this blog except to say just that.
regarding all of them, i have never, ever, encouraged or supported any kind of harrassment, misgendering or transphobia against them. if anyone has any issue with any of them they can quietly unfollow or unsub. on my pinned post i put link to sites where you can download videos from youtube without giving anyone views if so people want it, encouraging, once again, to not go after any of these people for any reason.
i'm sorry that existing on the internet as a trans woman means being constantly demonized for merely existing. being used constantly as an example of a predator when you haven't done anything to deserve it it's incredibly tought and demorilizing. nobody deserves that. i don't blame you one bit for having a negative reaction when seeing transfemme being called out precisely for that, because so many bad people are going to use that as fuel to keep believing all transfemmes are the same and i hate that, i wish i could change it. for every transfemme that i discuss here i also met so many transfemme who were the sweetest, most considerate, smartest and kindest people that anyone can be.
but keeping quiet about these people is not an option either. it just isn't. they're bad people, dangerous people, who happen to have platforms where they have influence and power over vulnerable people, traumatized people, marginalized people who are desperate to feel safe somewhere. they're bad people because they chose to take advantage of the trust put on them, because they manipulated, lied and abused, not because they're trans women, and if i ever implied that then i'll dennounce it because that couldn't be further from the truth.
these people should never be used as any kind of example of how trans women are. they just happen to be trans. anyone using my blog or anything on it to further that narrative is no ally of mine and i'll block them whenever possible. if there's anything else you think i could do, please let me know.
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diamondcitydarlin · 12 days
man the replies on that last post I reblogged are just evidence pieces of how the term 'p*dophilia' has just become a dogwhistle/buzzword some people like to use on anyone either 1) not also joining into/endorsing their violent hivemind cult of bullying people on the internet 2) anyone telling them to stop. I don't think they realize this is a play right out of the conservative playbook (that has often been used against queer people no less): call anyone disagreeing with your fascist policies a predator or p*do to immediately shut down them and their arguments.
Literally, that post said: "Stop bullying people for fictional situations they may create or enjoy"
Like...what?? That post said nothing about specific fictional situations with minors!! Why are y'all always jumping to that conclusion?? Does that not seem a bit WEIRDER to you, that you're ALWAYS thinking about that?? That you're ALWAYS assuming this is what people are talking about??? I don't wanna say 'PROJECTION' so I won't, but honestly it makes them look all the more suspicious to me if I'm honest, esp as someone who was a victim of that as a child. Just saying.
It gets even more hilarious/weird when you've seen these people in action in fandom and know by 'p*dophilia' they usually mean either a) a fictional age gap relationship with two consenting adults or b) a ship that involves two adult characters, one of whom they ship with someone else and want to invalidate the pairing or sometimes c) a character that is an adult that they've hc'd as 'minor coded' whatever the fuck that means, so now everyone has to share that view and behave accordingly.
But idk man, it's just so fucking weird when people on here say, 'Leave people alone to enjoy their own fictional situations' and then these kinda people immediately jump to assuming they're talking about fictional p*dophilic situations, which I'd say 99.9% of the time is not even what they're talking about. They're PROBABLY talking about the thousands of other ships and situations that are not remotely the p-word but have been characterized as such to invalidate the pairing bc of ship wars or whatever.
It's just weird. It's so fucking weird and annoying, and at the end of the day it's only a justification for harassing and bullying and gatekeeping people out of places and it has been used time and time again by hateful people (again: queer used to be considered synonymous with the p-word when homophobia was even more rampant than it is today, and even TODAY gay people are still being accused of it just for existing)
Like i dOnT whO nEEds 2 HeAr ThiS but bullying people on the internet for fandom stuff is not going to save the children of the world from being preyed upon. If that is really one's goal, to HELP children, there are so many things offline in the real goddamn world that one can involved with to help. But sure, you just keep going on bullying, harassing and doxxing and watering down an important distinction on the internet. I'm sure that's gonna save so many children.
Fucking ridiculous.
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thatdebaterguy · 3 months
I am Isrseli. About a month after the 7th, I think I began using a tag "Free Palestine Movement is a Death Cult".
Very early on I think I pinpointed a few very concerning characteristics of the movement: be is indoctrination, "do and don't do", the listingings upon listingings of "acts" that will brand touch as good and deserving". Came across one aimed specifically at minors that has elements of "authority/parents/teachers at school are not on your side". A very hard element of "saviors", absolute "baddy" vs absolute "goodie".
Who to dismiss and brand as guilty of hindering achievement of "the cause".
There is a very strong element of charity for a cause. And ao many other lines of cult like behavior that I am not sure I manage to pinpoint right now, but it's there.
But the most striking element, that really cements this, is that this is an unachievable cause by design. You can't "Free" Palestine. It has no strategy, no boundaries. It's not a goal. Not an achievable goal. It is such by design, for people to throw themselves at, to beat themselves about, to despair about, to throw away emotional labor, and money at, and to never achieve a thing.
It is deliberately tied to each and every possible so called humanitarian cause on the globe, derailing them. It is designed to cultivate a bedrock for recruitment, be it intentional or not.
It sicks in people, as far as I can see, that have a sense of purpose they have nowhere to ahhh go about. How do I even put it into words. Apart from the obvious bullies, I cab say for sure: people tgat are looking for a sense of purpose. That are lacking such on their lives, they are fractured in identity and belonging.
Wr have seen this before. We, Israeli, saw this before. The suicidal trajectory of the intifadas and the Jihad, they are cultivated atop ideologically infused mysery and despair. The more miserable the better. It works just tge same as any other cult.
And if in 2 years time tops, an acne riddles girl with pink hair blows herself up on a subway screaming "For Palestine" I would not be surprised.
This is genuinely a depressing reality with the way media works in the modern age, and it's a whole new way of pushing agenda and propaganda, and I'm sure in the future the methods used on social media will be studied because it's far different from any wars going on at this moment, or in history. One technique I've noticed is one that's taken straight from the playground, and it's like "if you don't like this, you can't play with us" and I've seen this predominantly in the LGBT community or certain fanbases, with posts like "You aren't queer if you don't support Palestine" and just immense social pressure to pick one side or the other, as if being neutral is social suicide. And I honestly have yet to see a post saying "You're anti-Semitic if you don't support Israel". I'm sure it exists somewhere honestly, but it's far more prominent for Palestine. Another thing that really pushes this idea is the complete lack of attention for various other wars going on or issues globally. Currently in Afghanistan, years of attempts to push some level of equality for women are being reversed in months, but I haven't heard anyone crying out for equality in Afghanistan. I've also seen no Palestine supporters in the west protesting against Egypt's blockades of aid to Gaza, and their refusal to accept any refugees, despite the fact Gazans were legally Egyptian until the 80s, making it seem like a complete u-turn from embracing Gazans as brothers and sisters, to ignoring their calls for action entirely.
As for your last comment, that's a scary thought. I somewhat doubt that'll happen unless Israel wins the war overwhelmingly and people stop talking about Palestine, cause while I know many of the supporters for Palestine, especially on tumblr, have some obsession with pushing Palestinian agenda constantly and making it part of their identity somehow, it's very similar to the people in America going "I hate America" but refusing to try make any actual good changes, refusing to even consider leaving the country, I feel like these Palestine supporters will hop on another trend when the war in Palestine grinds to a halt.
What's curious is how 99.9% of them have only joined in after this most recent war, despite the fact there were skirmishes just a few years ago so it isn't an age thing, people weren't too young to know what was going on when that previous conflict occurred, and I think it's generally because once again Hamas instigated it, hurling a few dozen rockets at apartment buildings in Tel Aviv, but when Hamas targets civilians and Israel doesn't retaliate strongly, no one seems to bat an eye. It's like once a movement starts spreading the way this one did, with a mob mentality and where 99% of the people in the movement have done little to no historical research on the conflict, it becomes a dangerous thing having so many people believing in something so much simply because of how many people they feel like they can relate to, have also supported this cause, rather than supporting it due to logic or reasoning.
The person I responded to before this is a prime example of the 1% who actually do research and are willing to hear out the other side in a civil discussion because they use logic rather than just believing mass media and being almost bullied into supporting Palestine. The sad thing is, the people who did research that support Palestine are very unlikely to call out the mass indoctrination of beliefs and agenda-pushing that's been done, because it benefits their cause, so they won't call out how immoral and disingenuous it is.
But yeah some people follow this thing like a cult, intermixing it with their personal lives. To me it's always been clear to have an obvious line between personal and political unless you're a politician, where you can use your personal life to benefit your political standing if used well, hence why I limit my posts about hobbies to very rarely, since tumblr is a social media after all. But the amount of obsessing over this conflict really seems to indicate a lack of previous meaning or purpose, lack of motivation, and desperation to feel included in something, from a psychological point of view, rather than forming opinions based on information. There is a few people who support Israel cause they don't wanna appear anti-Semitic, but from what I've analysed, it's much more in the minority when compared to Palestine supporters. As for the ones who actually do their research, thank you for not being brainwashed into a cause, and being logical. Even if we're on different sides, at least we can both say we used our brains rather than be bullied into believing something.
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pottedplant53 · 1 year
Silly Little Theory About Heartslabyul (Contains Mild Spoilers!)
Hello again :3
So I had this thought the other day after writing my theory about Cater (which you can read here if you're interested) about who the Heartslabyul characters are based on.
So all of the Heartslabyul kids (with the exception of Riddle) at first glance seem to be the card soldiers and nothing else – but I think most (if not all of them) have secondary inspirations on top of that, which is what I’ll be speculating on. It seems kind of unlikely that they would base an entire dorm, the largest and first one in the story no less, around what was essentially one ‘villain’. Because let’s be real, no one can name their favourite card soldier.
So in summary, this post is just Heartslabyul brainrot and some observations I've made - Note that I'm pretty far from a Disney expert, and this is all just speculation. Take it with a pinch of salt and enjoy :)
Trey Clover - King of Hearts
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The reason that the King of Hearts comes to mind is because of the sort of mediator role both he and Trey play. In Alice in Wonderland, the King is very timid against the Queen and tries his best to calm her down without ever fully standing up to her. It’s clear he cares about her a lot, but is unwilling to call her out on her behaviour, only ever managing to barely fan the flames and clean up her messes (i.e. convincing her to hold a trial for Alice instead of outright beheading her).
This reflects most of Trey’s interactions with Riddle in chapter 1; He cares about him a lot (whether that be platonically or romantically, whatever floats your boat), but is too afraid to confront him about his actions. He tries his best to keep the dorm running smoothly under the oppression, always baking Riddle tarts and trying to talk him out of unnecessarily punishing students who break absurd rules. Don’t quote me on this because I can’t really remember, but I think he also tried to convince Riddle not to behead Ace at one point too???
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Ace Trappola - Alice
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A lot of people seem to agree that Ace draws some inspiration from Alice. From their names sounding similar, to their shared disregard for things and people they find annoying or unfair, it isn’t difficult to see why so many have come to this conclusion.
What’s more is that they both stood up to their rulers (The Queen and Riddle) and both have a penchant for sneaking off and getting into trouble. I’m referring to Ace’s ceremonial vignette, in which he grabs Epel and sneaks out of orientation in case that wasn’t clear. It’s also mentioned repeatedly that Ace has an older brother who teaches him a lot of things, much like Alice’s older sister does. They both do whatever they can to get out of things they don’t want to do – Alice snuck away from her lesson and Ace refused to clean windows. There’s probably a lot more, but that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.
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Cater Diamond - Cinderella
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Most people have already heard of this one before, so I’ll keep it brief. Cater shares some major parallels with Cinderella that aren't too hard to spot. Like I mentioned before, I wrote a small theory about Caterella which I linked earlier for anyone who wants to read it :D
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Deuce Spade - I honestly have no idea
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I’ve thought about it for ages and aside from his card soldier counterpart, I can’t think of anything that makes sense (T⌓T). If you have any theories or even any nonsensical, unorganized thoughts about who Deuce might be based on, please let me know :3
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. I've finally found a medium to share my brainrot (tumblr) on and I'm never stopping so prepare yourself for an onslaught of shitty TWST theories with minimal organisation-
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andreafmn · 1 year
12 Days of Ficmas - Day 8
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Prompt (by @12-days-of-ficmas): my family is coming for christmas but i didn’t want to tell you bc i thought they’d cancel and yeah they don’t know we live together
Word Count: 719
Story Description: (Y/N)'s family is flaky at best, and expecting them to visit for Christmas was not something they were looking forward to. Until they confirmed they would be visiting them. Only problem, (Y/N)'s boyfriend Derek doesn't know them and they don't know they're living together.
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek Hale x NonBinary!Reader
A/N: i was gonna post yesterday on time but I was too tired and went to bed rather than finish the story so once again I'm off schedule (but at least I'm posting😬) I will try to get the other one out, but it's my birthday so I don't know when I'll have a chance.
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Just Family Things
One thing Derek Hale was adept at was not talking about his family. Which is why he never pushed the topic. Even entering a whole year with (Y/N). He was simply grateful they were by his side.
Though, there were times he felt like they were ashamed of him and that was the reason they had never introduced him to their family. Still, he didn’t feel it was his place to bring it up. They were happy enough together and he didn’t want to ruin it.
As the Christmas season started to make itself known, Derek noticed (Y/N) growing restless. They were hyper-fixated on cleaning their home, overstocking their food, and setting up their Christmas decorations perfectly. It was an obsessive behavior he had never seen before in them.
Even when hunting and fighting supernatural creatures, (Y/N) was always level headed, astute, and they never let their guard down. But as they ran from side to side, fixing things no one else would have thought were wrong, he couldn’t help but wonder what was going on behind their actions.
They were stress cleaning the bathroom with a toothbrush one morning, kneeling on the floor, sweat forming on their forehead.
“(Y/N), what are you doing?” Derek asked leaning against the doorframe. “You’ve been stressed out these past few weeks and I know it’s not because of the pack coming over on Christmas.”
“It’s nothing, babe. I just need to clean up. Make sure everything is perfect. “
“Why though?” he chuckled. “It’s not like they would honestly care.”
“Ugh!” (Y/N) yelled out. “Okay, look. My family is coming over for Christmas.”
“Yeah. They were gonna come on the first week of December, but I knew they were gonna flake, so I didn’t tell you.” They finally confessed. It felt like a weight had lifted from their shoulders. And now that they had started, they continued. “And they did cancel, so I just let it be. But they called me and told me they were going to be here for Christmas week. Now I gotta make sure this place is rid of anything they can criticize because they honestly will judge even the tiniest speck of dust.”
Derek was shocked. It was the first time (Y/N) had spoken about their family freely. Normally, they would avoid the topic, focusing on anything but that.
“So, I’m finally gonna meet the family,” he grinned. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
“Honestly, neither did I. They don't even know we live together.”
“Did you, um… did you not want them to meet me?” he finally said, his true feeling sprouting out.
“Oh, god no,” (Y/N) was quick to respond. “I didn’t want you to meet them.”
“Why not?”
“Look, I love my family. I do,” they continued. “And though I know they mean well, they are a very – how do I put this – a quite rowdy bunch that can offend just about anyone. They can get on your nerves very quickly, and I didn’t want you to look at me differently because of them.”
With a smile on his face, he extended his arm and propped them onto their feet. He wrapped his arms around them, engulfing them tightly. He placed a kiss atop their head and chucked slightly.
“I could never judge you for who your family is. I’ve had my fair share of embarrassing family members,” he spoke against their hair. “If I had any say, you would have never met Peter. But our families don’t define us, babe. And I’ll do the best I can to help you through this week.”
“Why couldn’t they have come on thanksgiving?” (Y/N) whined against his chest, letting out a deep sigh. They were frustrated, tired, and nervous. Feelings that always arose when speaking to and about their family. “Maybe we should just say we have no space here. You think they’ll cancel again?”
“I promise I won’t let them bother you,” Derek told them before giving them a comforting kiss. “We’ll get through this Christmas together, babe. I’ll help you with your family, and you’ll help me get through a whole night with the pack here.”
“Thank you, Der. I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Maybe, just maybe that would be their best Christmas yet.
Taglist: @bellabadacadabra @winter-soldier-101 @zheezs14 @cevans-winchester @andreiaafaria @bluetreecloud20 @sunshine2894 @sunsetcurvej @sapnapsbandana @mushroomelephant @she--walks--in--moonlight 2 @Gracelynn318 @swidkid @skyesthebomb @esposadomd @blueshoelacess @then-worship-at-my-altar @six-call @Yuki254 @beckiej0073-blog @baebeepeach @cecehensonn @catgirlpwr @magimtz23 @perle-noir22 @adaydreamaway08 @hufflepuffobsessedwithmarvel @thatgirljayy @sugasthreedollarkookie @laylaskywalker @fandomonetwo @fruitylilfuck
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