#I’m still waiting… dressed up anxiously pacing as it gets later… I’m still waiting
mari-reads · 10 months
not to be dramatic but being a 24 yr old girl living through societal collapse is like totally unfair
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a/n: happy bones and all premiere!! i will not recover from this look anytime soon :))
summary: seeing timothee again at the Bones and All premiere after being away from him.
Your knee bounces against the floor anxiously, rustling the skirt of the dress you’re wearing. Honestly, this isn’t where you want to be right now. Getting ready for a promo isn’t exactly your idea of a romantic reunion with your boyfriend, especially because it’s been a month since you’ve seen him.
Of course, you’re proud of him, and you’ll support him wholeheartedly no matter where. You just hoped that seeing him again would require less publicity and cameras.
It doesn’t really matter, though. Not when you’re so close to being in his arms, hearing his voice not distorted by bad signals and time zone hours.
Time moves in bursts and fits, flying by without your consent then deciding to slow down to match the pace of your attempt at even breathing. Finally, after what seems like hours in the hair and makeup chair after hours on a plane, you get the green light.
You don’t make a big entrance like the cast of the movie does: you’re only here to support Timothee. So, it goes relatively unnoticed when you sneak into the red carpet area, trying to get closest to the back as you can.
Immediately, you search for Timothee. He’s standing in the middle with Taylor, laughing at something together. It warms your heart to see him such good friend with someone he’s worked so devoutly with.
Then he sees you.
The cameras don’t matter. The screaming fans, the people shouting his name don’t matter. Not when you’re running towards him, looking angelic in a creamy white dress, gold bands around your arms, mouthing his name. The rest of the world goes silent as you touch his arm and look into his eyes, a dull ringing filling your ears. All you knows how to do is breathe in time with him and crush him right against your chest.
The flashes and shutters that capture your reunion are background to the sound of his heartbeat, his voice saying your name like a prayer.
“I missed you so fucking much,” he murmurs into your cheek, hand cupping your waist gently. “I’m never letting you go to work again, I swear.” You laugh and hold him closer to you, the skin of his back warm and smooth, uncovered by the red fabric.
Reluctantly, you let him go and turn to the crowd, shrugging with a grin and clasping Timothee’s hand in yours. You work together easily, posing and smiling for pictures, his hand on your back, supporting you.
“I’m going to go stand to the side,” you tell him after the pictures are taken. This isn’t your moments, it’s his and all of the other people who worked so hard on the movie’s. “I’ve already taken enough of the spotlight.”
He frowns and keeps you near. “You’re not stealing anything. I want you. Here. By my side.”
“I can be by your side metaphorically,” you suggest. “From over there.”
“But-don’t you want to to be with me?” You heart breaks at the crushed sound of his voice.
“I do, baby, I promise I do. But this isn’t my day, it’s yours,” you say softly, smiling at him. “Nothing would make me happier than watching you do your thing.”
“Are you sure?” he asks uncertainly. “I know we haven’t seen each other in forever.”
“Of course.” It’s easy, putting yourself aside for him. “We can catch up later. I’ve waited a month to see you, I can wait a few more hours. I promise.”
He still doesn’t look convinced, but you try your best to smile at him reassuringly. “I’m not going to keep you to myself, as much as I want to. I get to see you all the time, some of these people will never have the chance to see you again. Let me do this for you, for you.”
Finally, finally, he smiles and brings your hand up to kiss your knuckles gently. “Thank you, baby. You never cease to amaze me.”
“I hope I never do,” you grin, taking a step back. Before walking away, you add, “You look good, baby.” His smile widens and he clasps his hands in front of him, looking pleased. “I like the red.”
“I had to do something to catch your eye,” he responds with a grin, adding a flourish and gesturing to himself. “Do you think it worked?”
“I do,” you laugh. “But you don’t have to dress up to make me notice you. You’re hot shit, no matter what you’re wearing.”
“You really know how to make a guy feel special,” he deadpans.
“I try my hardest.” With that, you turn and walk away, leaving him to greet his fans.
He can call you selfless all he wants, but you would never complain. Watching him with fans is one of your favorite things to do; it’s one of your favorite things about him too. He’s always so enthusiastic and genuinely excited to see them. It’s refreshing and enduring as shit.
Eventually, he’s whisked inside, where food and drinks are waiting. You follow along behind, taking a champagne glass between your fingers.
You’re looking around, trying to find Timothee, when strong arms wrap around you and words are whispered in your ear. “Hi, honey.” You melt into him, going lax again his back, letting him take your weight.
“Hi, baby. How’s your night going?” You lean your head backwards against his shoulder, his hair tickling your cheek.
“Good,” he breathes, turning you around in his arms to face him. “Yours?”
“Perfect,” you smile, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. It falls right back into his eyes, and you leave it as is. “Can’t wait to see the movie. I know you worked hard.”
He hums in agreement runs his hands along your arms, sharing them up and down. “I’m excited for you to see it. Then, afterwards, I’m all yours, whatever you want to do with me.”
“Promises, promises,” you joke. The silk of his shirt is cool and smooth underneath your fingertips as you drag your hands up his chest. “Don’t rush because of me. Take your time and do all that fancy movie talking you like to do. I’ll be there by your side to listen to you, but no promises on chiming in.”
“Right now all I want to do is curl up in our bed and watch old movies all night,” he admits softly. You know that your eyes are soft and adoring, focused only on him.
“As fucking amazing as that sounds, I think we should probably see this to the end. You know, because it’s your movie and all.” You can’t keep the fondness from creeping into your voice as you continue. “It looks like you’re having fun, Timmy. I’ll be here when you’re done. Old movies and cuddles can happen any night, this only happens once. Enjoy it.”
“Why do you have to make so much sense?” he sighs, pouting like a little kid.
“Because one of us has to,” you say, matter-of-fact. “And it’s not you.”
With a grin, he accepts his role and brightens. “I have something for you.” He produces the pair of black sunglasses he was wearing earlier and holds them out to you.
“Your sunglasses?” you ask skeptically, the edge of a smile on your face.
“Yep,” he says, popping the ‘p.’ He unfolds them and places them on your head, smiling widely and looking pleased with himself. “There.”
You can’t help the way you smile at him. You also can’t help how you gravitate towards him the rest of the night, staying as close as you can without hovering. Timothee would never complain about you being close to him, but you want to give him his space, his night.
You’ll be here when it’s over, waiting with open arms for him to be just yours. But right now, the world is waiting for him, wanting to see him, and you’re happy to step back. Everyone gets caught in his pull, his gravity, yourself included. That’s something you’ve come to accept, you’ve grown to work around. It’s taken years, it’s taken effort, but it’s worth it to see him smile. To see him succeed.
At the end of the day, you’re the one he comes home to. The one he slow dances with in the kitchen and curls up with under heavy blankets.
He’s your gravity and you’re his orbital, chasing him around, happy to be a part of his life.
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stray-kaz · 11 months
Unmasked : a Kaz Brekker x f!reader Magpie verse
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Summary: Kaz finds out just what the Magpie, his Magpie, has been hiding from him. A secret even Inej didn’t know. Who are you, really?
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Some time later
There was a crowd gathered outside the Temple of Ghezen, the steps packed from end to end with onlookers. Kaz moved steadily through it, audience members parting for him without stopping to look at him, dressed as he was as yet another temple guard. Twenty feet away from him, moving at the same pace, was Inej. He knew that somewhere to his right, Jesper would also be wading his way to the steps, deft fingers picking pockets as he went. They weren’t just trigger fingers, after all.
At the top of the steps was a blank podium, and standing behind it was one of Ketterdam’s wealthiest merchers, and an honorary member of the Stadwatch. If Kaz could get to him, he could lift that brilliant gold and diamond pocket watch that dangled from the man’s chest pocket. But then someone else caught his eye as movement flashed from behind the mercher and a young woman in a pale pink gown stepped into view, bodice fitted snugly to her chest and her hair pulled up high behind her head. She was beautiful. Kaz knew her.
Inej sensed the lack of movement and slid her gaze sideways to track Kaz in the crowd. He wasn’t moving at all, and from the angle of his stare, she could tell he was watching the podium. And from the dead eye mask his face had become, she knew something was very, very wrong. So instead of carrying on her job, she began to push through the crowd to get to him.
“Kaz!” she shouted, and pushed briefly at his shoulder.
He jumped the slightest bit and turned his head to stare at her, blue irises stretched wide around ink dark pupils. Inej stopped and blinked at him, suddenly dry mouthed and afraid. Kaz didn’t look like this when he was scared, other people did. 
“What is it?” she demanded, pulse bounding.
Kaz jerked his head abruptly towards the podium and Inej followed his line of sight to the girl in the pink dress standing primly beside the mercher, her father. There was something about her that felt familiar, the proud set to her shoulders and the angle of her jaw. 
The dainty ruby necklace wrapped around her neck and disappearing into her cleavage. 
“Didn’t Mags take that for you, but you gave it back?” Inej whispered, too stunned to speak up.
Kaz nodded stiffly, his neck feeling as if it might snap.
“Yes” he uttered, the single word clipped and short.
Inej inhaled quickly.
“Is that...?” she trailed off, eyeing Kaz.
“Yes. I would know her in the dark, but in the daylight she is unmistakable.”
Inej bit her lip, still staring at him. By then, Jesper had found them and was following their gazes to the gowned figure far away. He raised an eyebrow.
“Is that our little thief?” he asked, glancing at Kaz.
Inej shook her head warningly at him, but he missed it.
“Did you know she was a mercher’s kid?”
The question was directed at Kaz, but he only shook his head and turned to look back at Inej with raised eyebrows. She held up her hands and shook her head again.
“I’m sorry, Kaz, but I swear I didn’t know. You never told me to follow her, so I didn’t. I thought you trusted her.”
Kaz’s eyes went dark and a muscle flickered in his jaw.
“I did.”
Jesper glanced anxiously at Inej as Kaz turned his back and walked away, abandoning the con.
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You were leaving the meet, bored out of your mind and desperate to get out of the infernal dress, slipping into a familiar escape alley, when an all too familiar cane swung up and pinned you to the wall by your shoulders. You blinked, wide eyed, up at Kaz as he towered over you, eyes narrowed in a shark’s glare. You opened your mouth and the cane pressed harder; you shut it and waited.
“Who are you, really?” Kaz asked quietly, his voice dangerous and low.
Your eyes flicked over the uniform he wore and you sagged a little against the cold brick wall, understanding.
“You were there?”
“Along with Inej and Jesper. As were you, Magpie. Now, I’ll ask again. Who the hell are you?”
You stared up at him for a long silence, and eventually felt the cane’s pressure start to lift.
“I am Magpie, Brekker. That’s all that matters. I don’t keep the money I earn from stealing. I donate it to orphanages, here and abroad. I don’t need the money because I come from it, I already have access to enough. I am also the woman who loves you, gloves and all. I take you as you are, Kaz. You are the only one who has seen me with mask on and off, all the way.”
Kaz listened silently to your words, his eyes roving your face and settling on your lips as they stopped moving.
“You took off your armour” he said softly. “For me.”
You shrugged lightly, smiling a little.
“And for myself” you told him. “I needed someone to trust.”
He blinked, and his blue eyes softened a bit.
“You chose badly, Mags.”
You shook your head slowly and reached for his cane, pushing it down onto the ground, your own hands covering his on the ornate crow’s head.
“I disagree” you murmured. “I chose perfectly. And I don’t make mistakes.”
Kaz’s dark eyebrows rose quickly and his mouth opened to retort.
“You make mistakes all the time! Last night, you tripped over my rug!”
“Oh, would you shut up and kiss me?”
Barely hiding the smirk he wore, Kaz leaned harder on his cane as he dipped his head a little lower to touch his lips to yours, cold and chapped but you didn’t care.
A slow clap rolled toward you from the alley mouth and you opened your eyes to glimpse Jesper over Kaz’s shoulder, grinning broadly from ear to ear. Kaz sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Well, well, well, boss and little thief” Jesper mused, eyebrows arched high. “How long has this been going on for? Do we need to have ‘the talk’?”
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Tagging: @writingmysanity​
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vipier · 3 months
don't you know i'm no good for you ?
“ WILL YOU SHUT UP AND STOP FIDGETING SO I CAN FINISH THIS? YOU’RE IMPOSSIBLE. ” despite the twinge in his gut incited by cassian’s words, tristan barely looks up from his work as he speaks — namely, from tending to a particularly nasty blaster burn along @k4ssa’s ribcage that needs a bit more assistance than the others more superficial wounds he’d sustained on whatever his last mission had been. they still hadn’t discussed it, and tristan knows only the location of the trading outpost to which cass had been dispatched. as usual, despite running a smuggling job half a system away, he’d kept his comlink open in case the spymaster had need of his assistance, and as usual, had received no transmission from andor. the surprise was hearing from tinker, who explained that cassian would be on his way back to base soon before very concisely recommending that tris get there first if he could manage. even in his junker ship, it proved a quick trip, leaving him time to pace cass’s quarters anxiously in anticipation and catch a few restless moments of sleep on the cot while waiting. he’d woken to his lover, utterly silent and smelling vaguely of blood and smoke, crawling in beside him to slip his arms around him and hold him close with his face buried in tristan’s shoulder.
tris didn’t have to ask any questions to know it had been bad.
he’s not sure how long they lay there in silence, cassian clutched to him and breathing shakily against him in the dim, tristan wrapping a leg around his hips to pull him closer as he pressed slow kisses along the crown of his head. all tris knew was the distress that seemed to radiate from his lover, an uncommon anguish that alarmed him and sparked something shockingly protective in the depths of him. they probably would have stayed there far longer, had tris not brushed a hand down toward cass’s waist, prompting the other man to flinch and hiss. it took some coaxing — baby, he’d murmured against his rebel’s temple, gentle as anything, come on, baby, it’ll get infected, let me fix it up, I’ll just be a minute — but he finally convinced the captain to move into the chair beside the little desk in the corner and fetched the med kit. a minute turned out to be far too conservative an estimate, but he hadn’t anticipated that he would find some of the fabric of cass’s shirt fused to the burn, forcing him to be far more methodical about treating the wound than he imagined.
for his part, cassian seemed half dazed through most of the procedure, wincing occasionally but mostly simply staring at tristan with some sort of wonder, desperation, a vulnerability that even he sees only rarely, despite what they mean to each other. he’d continued to work under cass’s intense — almost yearning — gaze, even as he felt his cheeks heat beneath it, straddled over his lover’s thighs for the best angle to treat his wound. when the spy finally spoke, it was all tris could do not to stumble over his task, to keep his hands from twitching as he attempted to complete the finishing touches.
even now, moments later, after his initial good-natured and teasing retort, he finds himself distracted by the raw quality of cassian’s question, the pain stretched beneath its surface, the way his accent turned heavier like it always does around tris when he stops pretending. under different circumstances, he might offer a sharper response ; under the worst circumstances, he might agree with the sentiment outright just to see cass hurt. but he does neither this time — wouldn’t be able to even if he tried, with his lover watching him like that, defenses briefly stripped bare — and instead sighs as he spreads the antibacterial cooling gel over the burn and presses a wound dressing firmly down until the edges adhere to cass’s skin.
“ I’m no good for you, either. we’ve never let that stop us before. ” he’s still not sure what awful thing had happened on this mission, what prompted cassian’s aching honesty — or at least what cass clearly thought was honest. to tristan, it’s horseshit. for as twisted as it becomes between them at times, he’s never truly believed he’d be better off without his kassa. frowning, he tests the corner of the dressing, satisfied when it clings to cass’s ribcage despite his ministrations, then lifts his eyes to gaze into the other man’s as he cups a hand against the side of his neck. “ I don’t believe you. anyway, what would I do, hm? unlove you? I couldn’t do that any more than I could stop breathing. and I wouldn’t want to — I want you. you’re stuck with me, good for each other or not. ” from his place still straddling his lover’s lap, he squeezes cass’s thighs briefly with his own as he gazes at him, intent, unable to hide the note of concern. after a moment, he leans forward to kiss him, once, twice, a third time, firm and sweet and utterly yielding, to coax and comfort, to reassure — and simply to taste him, a reminder to tristan himself that he’s returned to him once more. another victory. another chance for them, even as he keeps fearing they’ll run out. when he finally speaks again, it’s in practically a whisper against cassian’s mouth, as though passing a secret between them. “ do you want to tell me about it? ”
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mrs-cameron · 3 years
the rafe box (oneshot)
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
word count: 2,1k
warnings: angst to somewhat fluff, swearing, mentions of drugs, jealousy
summary: After the break up, you give your ex Rafe Cameron heap of his clothes, including a hoodie that never belonged to him in the first place.
a/n: saw a tiktok about it and got inspired 😛
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Break ups are never easy. Everyone in the Outer Banks knew you and Rafe have been on the rocks for months, gossiping about your potential break up.
People talked; Rafe would laugh it off saying they didn’t know shit while you were resting quietly in his arms, your gut feeling telling you it would happen sooner rather than later. You kept holding onto Rafe though, hoping your worries were overblown by everyone poking their noses places they shouldn’t have.
Always trust your intuition, something you had to learn the hard way after delaying “the talk” for more than a couple of months. The fights would get louder and longer, happening so frequently it started to feel like a routine.
Neither you nor Rafe could pinpoint the bone of contention: your families, Rafe’s visits on the Cut for the drugs, wrong directions you told him while he was driving, snorting while sleeping - just about anything one could raise their voice about.
The last straw was him leaving you at the party to go get some from Barry, leaving you with no one to drive you back home.
On your front porch, you hesitantly put a half-empty box of the things that once warmed your heart and body. Mostly his clothes, but also textbooks, some of the shaving products, hair gel you laughed at him for, even a picture of him and his mom, one you kept away from all your other papers and photos, the thought of losing it in all the wastepaper you promised to look through made your blood run cold.
You looked at it one last time before leaving the porch, bumping in with your leg so it would be parallel to the line on the floor. Mentally patting yourself on the back, you walked back home, taking your phone into your hands.
you: drop by now
You stared into the space for a moment before going up to your bathroom as the window there would give you some of the road views, scolding yourself for even wanting to catch a glimpse of Rafe motherfucking Cameron.
As you scrolled through your phone for another 10 minutes, you finally heard the increasing sound of a car’s engine.
He stopped a bit further than when he used to when you were still dating, quickly taking the box from the front porch and pacing to his car just as rapidly.
Now even a moment of hesitation, you thought to yourself, furrowing your brows at his figure you could barely see now. Good thing you were in the bathroom as the feelings he evoke in you needed to be washed off you immediately.
You’d be surprised as to when you’d hear from him again. It was 2 am when the text popped up, you pausing the show you were watching in the complete dark to see who texted you.
rafe: you know what
You squinted at the message, waiting for the three typing dots to turn into words.
rafe: no the fuck i’m not letting this slide
Even more confused, you typed back.
you: are you drunk or something
rafe: i’m outside, let’s talk
You narrowed your eyes, throwing the blanket off yourself as you sat straight on the bed, clicking sound rang out in your room.
you: what the fuck, no
rafe: i’m signaling for the whole neighborhood to hear then in 5
Anxiously shaking your leg on the side of the bed, you threw yourself on it, staring at the ceiling apathetically. Another notification came through.
rafe: 4
Him being so damn hot-tempered annoyed you at first, turned on later. As of now, you felt almost threatened, having a peak from the window to see where he was parked.
you: fine
Not being bothered to dress for the questionable occasion, you tried to walk past the hallway as quietly as you possibly could, trying to avoid particular patches on the floor you knew would creak.
You paced towards his car as Rafe walked outside, holding something in his hand you couldn’t quite see in the dark.
“That’s so fucking classy of you,” he started. “You almost got me.”
“Rafe,” you said. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
He threw the hoodie at you, “Great catch. That’s not mine.”
You looked closely at the piece of clothing, examining it for a second. With a concerned look, you turned back to him.
“What do you want me to do about it?”
“It was,” he sighed, frustrated. “In the fucking box, Y/n. Box of my stuff. Who’s fucking hoodie is it?”
You recognized it almost right away. You could’ve ended the nonsense that minute, exposing the owner to Rafe. Instead, you’ve chosen to test his patience, knowing from the jump he never had any.
“Man,” you rolled your eyes. “It’s been a month, I don’t owe you an explanation. Thanks for returning it, though.”
“Been a month, stop with the bullshit,” Rafe grunted, pulling his hair back. “And tell me who the fuck this belongs to!”
“Why do I have to?”
“Why not?”
“We broke up.”
He puffed, running his fingers over his eyebrows. “Well fuck? Okay-y,” he burst out.
“Okay?” You said in a calm manner.
“And the hoodie is from some fucker from the past, what, a couple of weeks? Is this how fast you move on?” He questioned, the alarming feeling of rage growing in his chest.
Not towards you, though. Partially towards anyone potentially macking on you five minutes after the break up (chill, Rafe? Been a whole month), most of the anger toward himself for letting you go like that.
“Did you move on?” You talked, pursing your lips and gripping tighter onto the piece of clothing.
It was cold outside, making you fight the urge to put the hoodie on top of all your home clothes. You hesitated, though; that would be too risky at that point of the conversation.
He stayed silent, staring at you for a bit. “Ugh,” he finally made noise. “It’s only been a month, you know.”
“Of course I know, Rafe,” you replied.
“Thought it slipped your mind,” he hissed at you, pointing to the hoodie.
“I’m not fucking anyone!” You yelled, taking Rafe by a surprise. “Shit, why are you so concerned?”
“It matters to me.”
“I’m sorry,” you paused. “What exactly matters to you?”
“That you still think of me,” Rafe confessed. “Like i think of you. All the time. Not the other stupid fucks not worth the time. I don’t, like, forbid you to do anything.”
“It’s not like you can.”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “It threw me off, I just what to know what’s up with all this. Curiosity took over and shit.”
The curiosity had him scrolling through your following list, examining every dude’s page for that one damn hoodie he had in his hands. After failing the searches, he checked his own male friends just to be sure; all for nothing.
“You’re unhinged,” you commented. “A friend of mine was over. He came in the morning and it was cold. Left in a t-shirt during the day,” you told him.
“A friend. Do I know him?”
“Dude..” You frowned, finally putting the hoodie on. “What? It’s cold. Rafe, tell me why you came.”
“To figure shit out.”
“Let’s do just that. So tell me why you came,” you stared right in his eyes, for the first time since the break up.
“I care,” he admitted. “I don’t want anyone around you, Y/n. It’s not easy. Not like I want you to feel wrenched like I do. Really hard to heal when the thought of you with someone else is at the back of my mind all the damn time.”
You and Rafe maintained the eye contact as he made a couple of steps toward you.
“Oh heal,” you repeated. “Asking you to tell me what you feel, I even heard sentences this time. You’re on the roll. Thank you for telling me this.”
“Do you think..” He hesitated. “Do you think it’s possible you still care about me in the same way?”
Rafe wrapped his hands around your shoulders, embracing you. When he felt you reciprocated the hug, he tugged you closer, letting your head rest on his chest. Warm boy, just like you remembered.
“Like, a psychotic, jealous, coming to you at two in morning way of caring?” You said quietly.
“You’re never catching me falling like that,” you shook your head. “I can’t go back to where we finished, though. It hurts, Rafe.”
“I know.”
“You hurt me. I’m the one who has to heal,” you concluded.
“I know.”
You broke the hug, holding onto his arms. The instant goosebumps you got from either not being embraced by the tall boy anymore, or his gaze, making your stomach drop every time he blinked.
“I understand you. You better believe me when I say I do,” Rafe spoke. “I just feel like we’re not over yet. We shouldn’t make any quick choices, jumping into other flings and all,” he said.
“You didn’t… jump onto other flings and all?”
“Of course I didn’t,” he chucked. “The hoodie, though. I want you to never wear it.”
“Can’t tell me what to do.”
“Yeah,” Rafe put his hands over their head, you frowning at him, confused. “I’ll just give you a choice.”
He grabbed the fabric of his hoodie from the back of his neck, yanking it off over his head. With his hair disheveled, he patted on the piece of clothing in his hand.
“New shiny one,” he handed his topwear to you. “I just know you miss all my clothes.”
You half-smiled, hesitating to take it. “That’s unnecessary.”
“It’s really not. I’m just giving you more options.”
“You’re half-naked,” you raised your eyebrows.
“What’s new for you to see?”
You took the hoodie into your hands, folding it in two.
“Come on,” he asked. “Please.”
“Rafe,” you said strictly. “I’ll put it on when I feel like putting it on. Don’t you test me.”
He put his hands up, then running his fingers over his messy hair. “So, when you feel like it. Not if you feel like it. Okay. And I’m not identifying the owner of the shitty hoodie today, right?”
“Right on the money. It’s kind of late,” you said. “I have to get up early tomorrow.”
“Sure. As if you wouldn’t be watching some shows till four in the morning instead,” he smiled at you and you shrugged, knowing his suggestion was true. "I'll find out somehow."
“M-kay. Good night, Rafe,” you said, giving him a last look before turning away.
“Good night, Y/n. Hey,” he called you over as you swirled on the spot again. “Don’t put the Rafe box too far away.”
“I said to not tell me what to do,” you jokingly crossed your arms. “You can leave,” you threw your hand in the air.
Turning away from him again, your face blushed and you squinted at the way you almost gave in right away. As you walked inside the house, you leaned over the door to listen to the sound of Rafe’s car driving away.
Coming back to your room, you quickly took off the hoodie…
The hoodie belonged to your cousin, you laughed to yourself. One that came for a short amount of time two weeks ago.
The whole thing truly was a coincidence. You threw all the male clothes you could find in the room in one pile, eager to get rid of it, not even noticing the one hoodie you couldn’t recognize.
Rafe didn’t deserve to know the truth, you thought, not after the tantrum he threw without having the boyfriend rights to do so.
You squeezed the hoodie Rafe gave took off himself, smiling as your mind went back ten minutes ago. “Fucking idiot,” you whispered, taking off your clothes.
Rafe’s scent hit you right after you were in his hoodie once again. You hid your hands in the sleeves, missing the comforting feeling his gigantic shirts would give you. Or he would give you, really?
You fell onto your bed, putting the show you were watching back on but never actually focusing on it. Instead, you looked over one box of all the gifts, photos and other small items from the boy your heart fluttered from. The Rafe box, placed casually under your table.
You finally turned your laptop off in hopes to fall asleep fast instead of overthinking Rafe’s visit. Suddenly, your phone beeped again.
rafe: i just know you’re wearing mine now
a/n: since it’s my first time posting a fic that’s not part of in my business series, i don’t really have the taglist right now? If you want to be tagged in my next fics, please let me know in my inbox 🤎 that’s it i love you till the next time!!
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starsofmilos · 2 years
A new development (Adrian Chase x reader)
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Request: hey! can i request the reader being pregnant and being really nervous about how adrian will react to it
Yes you can!
Warnings: small amount of angst, cursing, mentions of violence, and mentions of sex
Adrian was worried. Well you both were, but he was on the verge of panicking. You were sick. You had been sick for the past two weeks. Every morning was spent with you heaving over the toilet. Spewing everything. 
“Please promise you’ll go to the doctor-” Your gagging interrupted him. He grimaced after you popped your head up. 
“Sorry..and no I’m pretty sure I just have a small stomach bug-” 
“No it’s been too long for it to just be a stomach bug. Now please listen to me and go to the doctor!” Adrian pleaded with you. You waved your hand. 
“No trust me if I felt really sick I’d go. How about I make a deal with you? If i continue vomiting for the rest of this week, I’ll make the appointment.” 
Adrian groaned. “Fine, but if you get worser I will force you to the doctor myself.” You smiled standing up to brush your teeth. 
“I have my thing today, but I can cancel-” 
“Absolutely not. The team needs you. You know that!” Adrian pouted as you lectured him. “I promise I’ll be fine! Besides you’ll be back in two days time!” You smiled giving him a small kiss.
“It’s a quick mission.” You nodded. 
“I know hun. I already helped you pack. You gotta get going actually already.” Adrian nodded grabbing his armor. 
“I’ll call when I can.” Adrian kissed you once more. “I know you will. Bye Adrian..” He smiled pulling you into one last kiss.
“You better go to the doctor if you get worse!” 
“I will!!” Adrian smiled taking one more glance at you before taking off. “Love you!” He yelled out. 
“I love you too..” You sighed once he left. Truth was you had a doctors appointment later on that day. You had a small inkling to what might be making you sick, but you didn’t want to tell Adrian until you were fully sure.
You were about eighty percent sure you were pregnant. It had shocked you at first, but it all made sense. The morning sickness and the weight you’d put on. Not to mention your period was late and you usually took pride in the fact that your period was never late.
You had bought pregnancy tests a while back, but were too scared to use them. Pregnancy test were not always accurate and you still would have your doctors appointment.
Sighing you rummaged through the cabinets under the restroom sink. Opening the box, you read the instructions. Ten minutes..shouldn’t be too hard.
Siting at the edge of the bed, you tapped your foot impatiently anxiously waiting for your alarm to go off. The stick mocked you as it sat on your dresser. You stood up pacing the floor immediately jumping for the stick the second your alarm went off.
Two lines meant positive. You shook your head. They weren’t always accurate. You grabbed the box deciding to take the other two test. No way they’d all be positive right?
All three of the test came out positive.
You stared down at all three positive sticks throwing them in a ziplock bag for now. You still had the doctors appointment. Grunting, you got dressed and headed out feeling on edge. Maybe the test weren’t right? The doctor would help deny any chance of you being pregnant.
“Congratulations Ms.L/N you are pregnant.” Your eyes widened in shock as you grabbed your stomach. The doctor began to explain how you needed to have an ultrasound as soon as possible.
“Doctor are you sure?” He nodded. 
“You’re about two months along. I’m gonna have the nurse come in to set an appointment for tomorrow morning. Let’s get you a picture. Congrats once again Ms. L/N.” 
You sat on your bedroom floor at home staring at the wall still in shock by today’s events.You rubbed your hand over your stomach. There was a tiny bean in there...
Were you ready to be a parent? Was Adrian ready to be a parent? Holy crap how would Adrian react?! Did he even want kids?! You both hadn’t talked about it before. Would he be angry? Would he leave? 
No he wouldn’t leave. Adrian wasn’t that type of person...right? Maybe he’d be just as excited as you were...What would you do if he left?..
Your eyes grew teary as you sat there pondering all the possibilities. Jumping a bit you looked down seeing your phone buzzing. “Hey nugget!!” You smiled wiping your tears away hearing Adrian’s voice. 
“Hi Adrian..” 
Adrian grinned hearing you. “What are you still doing awake Y/N? It’s two in the morning.” You chuckled. 
“I honestly hadn’t noticed..Are you coming home soon?” Adrian nodded. 
“Yeah I should be back by tomorrow night! How are you feeling by the way? Still sicky?” You breathlessly laughed a bit at his question. 
“Yeah don’t worry i have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow morning.” 
“Oh..I’m glad you made one. Let me know what they say okay?” 
“Yeah I’ll let you know..I’d love to talk to you, but I should get some sleep.” “You should Y/N. Okay I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow okay?”
“I love you too Adrian. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You hung up with a sigh.
The next morning, you got dressed and headed out for your ultrasound. Adrian had came back earlier than he thought he would, so he decided to surprise you. He had only been gone for a day, but he had missed you so much.
You sighed once you came home. The picture of your baby sat in your bag in an envelope. How were you going to tell Adrian?...
Groaning, you threw yourself on the couch. “Fuck....” You cursed gripping the pillow. “You okay?” You screamed falling off the couch throwing the closest thing to you. 
“Ow!...” Adrian groaned out holding his forehead. “Adrian?..” He nodded as you smiled sheepishly. 
“I decide to surprise you and you in return throw a remote control at me!” He pouted as you got up.
“I’m sorry love.” Adrian smiled kissing you. “You’re lucky I can’t stay mad at you.” You smiled. 
“I can make it up to you later tonight if you’re up for it.” Adrian smirked. “You know I always am.” He leaned down kissing you. You grabbed your bag deciding to head to your room for a shower. 
“Okay let me shower first and we could maybe watch a movie and cuddle after?” Adrian nodded. “And later I get sex-” You covered his mouth flustered. 
“Don’t.” He kissed your palm smiling. “Oh wait before you go!” You halted facing him. 
“What did the doctor say? Are you okay?” You nodded wanting to reassure him. 
“Yeah I was right just a small stomach bug he gave me some medicine for it.I have to pick it up tomorrow.”
Prenatal vitamins.
“Oh okay I’m glad it wasn’t too serious. Alright go shower sicky.” Adrian kissed your cheek once more before heading to the kitchen.
Walking into the restroom, you turned the water on sitting on the edge of the tub going over your options. Adrian had a right to know. He needed to know, but what would he do after he knew? How would he react? 
Would you be able to raise this baby without him?...
As you stood in the shower washing the day away, you began to tear up scared of Adrian leaving. Stupid hormones weren’t making it easier. You quietly sobbed feeling overwhelmed. 
Adrian smiled seeing his small set up for you. He brought out the blankets and got your favorite snacks for you. “She’s gonna love this.” Adrian hummed as he placed an order for a pizza. 
After he placed the order, he walked to the closet to get changed stopping once he heard a whimper. It was you. Were you crying? Why? Were you hurt?
He knocked the door calling out for you, “Y/N?” Your breath hitched hearing him. “You okay?” You wiped your hands over your face hoping he wouldn’t be able to hear the cracking in your voice.
“Yeah Adrian..I’m okay!” He looked at the door in confusion. Adrian knew you like the back of his hand. You were his favorite person in the whole world and universe. He made sure to take the time to study your mannerisms. He knew...
You were lying to him.
“Can I come in?” You shook your head quickly. 
“No I uh just need a minute.Plus I don’t look so good right now!” Adrian snorted. 
“I’ve literally been holding your hair back watching you vomit this entire week. Y/N I have seen you at your best and your worse. I could care less how you look. To me you’re still the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
You stood silent before getting out wrapping a towel around yourself. Adrian sighed seeing your red teary face after you opened the door. He pulled you into a tight hug letting you cry into his chest.
“What happened?” You hiccuped a bit rubbing your face in his chest. “I wanna tell you, but I’m scared you’re gonna be mad at me or hate me.” Adrian rubbed your back reassuringly. 
“Nothing you do will ever make me hate you. I am so fucking obsessed with you Y/N. I fucking adore you dude. I’m stuck with you for the long haul okay? I don’t think you understand that you have completely ruined me for anyone else. I can’t see myself with anyone but you.”
“Besides I’m pretty sure whatever you did isn’t as bad as you think.” Adrian kissed your forehead.You sighed pulling away getting changed before heading to your bag. 
“Here..” You handed him the ziplock bag with the three pregnancy sticks. Adrian looked at them in confusion. He opened the bag to grab one, but before he could you slapped his hand.
“Don’t touch those! I peed on them!” 
“Ew!! Why did you pee on three sticks?!” 
“They’re not sticks Adrian!! They’re pregnancy test!”
“What?...” He looked at you in shock as you nodded. You handed him the envelope with the picture of your ultrasound. 
“I’m pregnant. I found out yesterday and got the ultrasound today..Adrian they’re so beautiful..but I understand if you don’t want to do this. I am fully prepared to raise them alone-”
“Shut the fuck up.” Adrian stood up pulling you into a kiss. You made a small muffled noise against him as he cradled your face. 
“Holy shit..Holy shit!” He grinned widely kissing you again. “You’re pregnant!” You nodded as he bent down hugging your waist. “Our kid is inside of you! Our baby!!” Adrian stood up hugging you again. “Fuck I love you. I love you so much! Thank you...thank you..” 
You smiled in relief as he looked at the ultrasound again. “You’re right...They’re so pretty..” He laughed before looking at you. “Wait you thought I’d hate you for this.You really thought I’d leave you..I would never....” 
You nodded. “No I’d never do that to you. I’d never leave you..Y/N this is everything I’ve ever wanted. I never thought I’d get to have a family. Thank you. I’m actually a bit offended you thought I’d leave you. I could never leave you..”
“I’m sorry..I was just scared..” Adrian shook his head pulling you into another hug. 
You smiled tearfully as he kissed your face everywhere. “Holy shit we’re gonna be parents!!” You nodded. 
“We are..” Adrian pulled you to lay with him kissing your stomach. “I’m so happy..” He muttered to you while cuddling you close.
“I am too..I was scared because we never talked about having kids.” 
Adrian smiled, “I know we never talked about it..but I am so ready to raise this kid with you. This is a new development, but this is so fucking dope. I am so excited for them to come.” 
“I’m just wondering how this still happened Adrian-” 
He snorted. “Y/N we fucked how else would this happen?” You glared at him as he nuzzled into your neck. “I mean made love if you wanna be all sappy and shit.” 
“No we fucked Adrian..” He hummed. “Yup and now we got a baby on the way..” You both sighed. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with this Adrian?” He nodded. “Why wouldn’t I be? I want this so bad with you. You are never leaving me got it?” You nodded. 
“Got it.” Adrian kissed your cheek resting his hand over your stomach. “You are both the most important thing in this entire world to me...” 
“I love you...” 
Adrian smiled hearing you. He was so happy. So filled with excitement for your guys baby to arrive. As he stared down at you, he couldn’t help but feel so elated. 
“Our baby is gonna be so cool..” He muttered kissing your forehead. 
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How do you think each Otto would react to forgetting a inportant day due to being soooo caught up in their work? Like a holiday, or readers birthday? How would they make it up to them? I feel like if they see reader cry cause of it they will go full panic mode😂
Ottos accidentally forget a special day from their s/o
Man’s naturally busy, so he naturally forgets.
He’s building his reactor, endlessly. You are waiting for him to stop and do something.
Otto tells you to stay put as he is going to the store to get you something~
You agree and sit still, waiting for your lovely husband to arrive~
About 10 minutes later, he comes back, and you blush as he instructs you to close your eyes~
You do, giddily, and he tells you to open them.
Ta-da!!!! It’s…..
…..it’s his brand new certificate of B class welding and robotics….
He stops and stares at you.
“Honey, what’s wrong?”
“Y-you forgot! You forgot about our anniversary of being together!!! How could you betray me like this? All for some stupid certificate you already have plenty of!!! Waaaaahhh!!!”
He thinks, and then everything clicks. “Oh, honey! I didn’t know-I forgot! I-oh dear, this is terrible! How could I?”
He tries to calm you down by throwing his certificate away and you do stop crying so loudly.
“Oh, honey dear….come now…” He says as he scoops you up in his arms. “Let’s go out somewhere nice, okay? You can choose where we go for the rest of the day, okay?” He says.
You agree as he wipes your tears away from your eyes and lets you get dressed.
The rest of the day is lovely ❤️
Can’t blame him, he works for a horrendous man.
You were waiting for him to come home, and you had already excitedly waited for him.
6 o clock came and went, nothing.
You started to get worried. You paced around the house.
9’ o’clock came and went, nothing.
You started to cry, as the day came and went. You sat down on the couch and wept, begging for your husband to come home.
Suddenly, as your prayers were heard, you picked upon the noise of the front door opening.
“D-Dear? I’m home…”
You cried as you embraced him, crying into his shoulder.
“Honey? What is it?” He asked. “I’m only a little late…”
“No, I worried for you.” You said to him. “Y-You forgot…”
“About what?”
“It’s the day we first met…”
He realized.
“Oh…OH!!! Dear me, I’m so sorry….Oh no….I couldn’t arrive on time.” He said, and he pet your back. “There, there. I’m sorry, dearest- oh my- the day’s almost over as well!!” He said as he began to cry.
“*sniff* no…it’s okay, we can still celebrate…someway…”
Otto then had the excellent idea to do a campfire outside, where the two of you cuddled and rotted marshmallows, watching movies and having an overall, great time.
He was always busy, doing his cruel and complex experiments, and you were waiting for him.
You anxiously waited for him as you knew he had definently planned something special for you!
Later, your mad scientist bf came out from his lab room, probably because it was break time.
You hopped over to him, smiling. “Hey, Otto!” You said and he blew some hair out from his face. “What is it?” He said.
“Do you know what day it is?” You asked him sweetly. He shrugged. “I don’t know.” He said, and he opened up a TV dinner and began to eat, and you began to grow a little impatient.
He left to go back to his job as you angrily stared at his lab door, and then your face converted into one of sadness as you began to cry.
You began to loudly cry at the door of his lab as Otto heard and opened the door. “What is it now-oh dear….” He said, as he looked at you down, and then picked you up as you softly cried. “Honey?”
“Otto…how could you?”
“What is it?”
“You-You forgot my birthday!”
He picked you up, and immediately began to apologize. “Oh dear, oh sugar…uhm- uh- uhm-“ His ego was severely bruised now.
“(Y/n)? Calm down, it’s okay. I’ve got you. I swear, this’ll be the best birthday ever-“
He quickly retreated back to his lab to pause on his current project.
Otto then quickly went to make some “amends” with the mayor and law, so that you basically became the princess of New York for the Day.
It was a nice, probably not legal, fun day.
Oh no…
He found you crying at a cafe, as you waited for him there, but he was unfortunately busy having some girl as hostage.
You saw and thought the worst.
He immediately dropped her and ran to you.
“Go away! Not only did you betray my trust, you hurt my feelings!”
“No, honey! I swear…”
“Well, then, explain why did you forget me!!!”
He explained how he forgot and apologized profusely.
(Everyone in the cafe was confused as to why a tiny woman was talking down to a seriously lean supervillain.)
He then said he’ll take you out to a theme park nearby and make it up to you, he promises.
He did and you had a nice time!
You also let Spidey take him to jail (hehe, though, you knew he’ll be out of there by next week.)
You forgave him eventually.
You can’t really blame him either as he had been forgetting a lot of stuff as of recently.
So you do forgive him, naturally he’s way older than the others, and you move on.
Unfortunately, when he is more obsessed with his arms, it becomes harder for you to forgive him.
So when he eventually forgets your birthday, you can’t forgive him as easily.
You confront him angrily, yelling about having forgotten your special day, and he doesn’t understand until you begin to cry.
He realizes what he has done, and then he takes off his arms and embraces you, apologizing.
He takes you out to a nice dinner and even buys you a pretty expensive cake.
You forgive him.
And thus, this is the story of how he made a special chip to always remember you,
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 30}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Written with @tacmc.
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
A/N: Wow. The final chapter. Tara and I are so glad you've come along on this journey with us. We've absolutely loved writing this story for you all and we hope you've enjoyed it as well.
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Nesta looked around their home.
It was decorated to perfection - at least, that had been Nesta’s goal. The theme for Nyx’s second birthday was space cowboy, which had happened when Cassian wanted a cowboy theme while Nesta wanted an outer space theme.
It had been a challenge to perfect the space cowboy theme - especially when it came to a two-year-old’s birthday party.
There were aliens with cowboy hats and paper cows on UFO balloons. In the corner of the living room, there was a horse wearing an astronaut costume - a decoration that Cassian had created, and one he was quite proud of.
Nesta herself wore a “space-like” outfit that reminded her fondly of Zenon: Girl of the 21th Century. When Cassian came down the stairs, however, it looked like he had just walked out of the Wild West.
He wore chaps over his jeans, and Nesta found her mind wandering on those chaps alone.
She hoped he kept them.
They would be useful in the future.
He also wore a plaid button down and a cowboy hat.
She thought he should keep the cowboy hat, too.
Nyx, however, looked like the cutest little mess Nesta had ever seen. His onesie looked like a spacesuit, but on his head, instead of an astronaut helmet, he wore a teeny little cowboy hat. On his feet were genuine cowboy boots.
Nesta laughed as they reached the first floor landing, and Cassian’s grin widened.
“Now introducing our two-year-old space cowboy,” Cassian said, unable to control his laughter.
Nyx’s grin was wide as he clapped. “MAMA!”
Nesta laughed, taking Nyx into her arms. Yeah, he looked ridiculous, but he also looked oh so cute. “Happy birthday, sweet boy.”
Nyx took Nesta’s face in his hands and gave her a big, sloppy kiss.
With a chuckle, Nesta said, “Thank you, that was very sweet. Now, let’s go make sure everything’s ready, yeah? Our guests will be here soon.”
“Dada,” Nyx said, pointing to Cassian. “Hi-hi.”
Cassian laughed. “Hi, bud.” He went straight for the corner and adjusted his astronaut-horse.
Nesta just shook her head and brought Nyx into the kitchen.
It smelled delicious.
Nesta had spent the entire morning cooking.
At first, she had no idea what to make for a space cowboy party, but she really felt like she nailed it. She had a taco bar, which worked for every type of party, and baked and decorated a cake that looked like Cassian’s horse in a spacesuit.
It was ridiculous.
And absolutely perfect.
Nesta looked at the clock. “We have twenty minutes, Nyx. We have to make the homemade tortillas and get out the salsas.”
“What about the alcohol?” Cassian asked, sweeping into the kitchen.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “It’s our two-year-old’s birthday.”
Cassian blinked. “So, no whiskey, just wine?”
Nesta clicked her tongue. “Check the wine cabinet.”
“Yes ma’am,” Cassian winked, tipping his hat before he left the room.
Nesta snorted, even though she found it deeply charming and handsome as hell.
Yeah, she definitely hoped he’d keep that outfit.
Nesta took the dough out of the fridge that she had rolled earlier that morning and a rolling pin. When she had countless flat, doughy circles she dropped them in the oil-filled skillet one by one. Fifteen minutes later, she had a giant stack of flour tortillas and was carrying them, alongside a tray filled with different types of homemade salsas, to the table she had set up in the living room.
There was a quick knock on the door and it cracked open before Nesta could even turn towards the door.
“Oh, my.”
She laughed at Azriel’s reaction to the house, turning to see him carrying in a stack of presents, Elain’s camera bag and Persephone’s diaper bag. “Go big or go home, right?” She chuckled.
“You decided to go big at home,” he replied, shaking his head.
Nesta wasn’t surprised to see that Azriel hadn’t dressed up, wearing his traditional all-black attire instead, but a little space princess in cowboy boots ran in right after him and she couldn’t stop the grin as she looked at Seph.
Elain was a just a few steps behind, and as she came in, she dropped a black cowboy hat atop Azriel’s head. He rolled his eyes, but said nothing as he adjusted the hat, and was off in search of Cassian.
“Okay, you’ve outdone yourself,” Elain announced, beaming as she looked around the house. “This is awesome.”
Nesta shrugged. “He only turns two once, right?”
“I’ve got the wine!” Cassian announced, pushing through the kitchen door with two bottles of wine and a glass of whiskey.
Nesta chuckled. “I thought we said wine only?”
“We did,” Cassian said, setting the bottles on the table. “For the guests.”
“Am I a guest?” Azriel muttered.
Cassian snorted and motioned to follow him into the kitchen.
In the middle of the room, Nyx and Persephone were dancing to the techno space playlist Nesta had put on.
Elain laughed, quietly. “I need to get out my camera. Anything I can help with?”
Nesta shook her head. “You’re good. Take pictures and send them all to me.”
Elain promised she would, and Cassian and Azriel came back out with their full glasses of whiskey. Nesta looked around.
Elain was right.
They had done well.
Nesta hoped the rest of the guests thought so, too.
Before they knew it, the house was full, people were laughing and eating and drinking and Nesta couldn’t help but smile from where she stood to the side watching it all.
What a difference 365 days could make. Nesta couldn’t believe it as she watched Nyx and Persephone play with Viviane, who had also come dressed up, much to Nyx’s delight. He kept stealing her hat, and she let him, donning his tiny one instead, though it didn’t fit on her head.
She couldn’t help but think of the two people who were missing though. The two people who should have been here. Her eyes drifted to the cross Cassian had made, where it sat on the mantle, it’s permanent home.
A set of strong arms wrapped around her waist and she leaned back into Cassian’s embrace.
His chin was resting on her shoulder, and he said, “Nyx is happy. We’re happy. But… It doesn’t feel right without them here.”
As always, he knew exactly what she was thinking. She gripped his arms over her abdomen and held him there, letting him know she understood.
“They’re here, though,” Cassian whispered into her ear. “They’re here and they’re watching us, watching him. They wouldn’t miss today.”
Nesta nodded and held onto him tighter. If she would have tried to say a word, the tears would have come.
Sad tears because she missed her sister and brother-in-law.
Happy tears, though, because she loved Nyx, and she loved Cassian, and she couldn’t believe how far they had come in the last year.
Clearing her throat, and wiping a tear that had snuck out, she announced, “Let’s open gifts and have some cake!”
Cassian kissed her cheek before he was on the floor, Nyx climbing on top of him, and helping the two year old open his gifts.
It only took one or two gifts before he was completely distracted by trying to play and wasn’t even paying attention as Cassian opened his gifts one by one. But they made it through the pile and Nesta carried in the astronaut horse cake, which had Nyx on his feet and chanting, “Cakecakecakecakecake!”
With Cassian’s help, Nyx blew out the big “2” candle and narrowly avoided a smash cake for the second year in a row.
“Not this year, bud,” Cassian chuckled, carrying a confused Nyx to his booster seat in the kitchen. “We’re all going to eat this one. Not just you.”
His irritation disappeared as soon as Nesta sat a piece down in front of him, but he made nearly just as big of a mess as he had the year before.
“Nesta!” Elain called, and she turned from where she was cutting more pieces in the kitchen. “Come here, I want to get a picture of you guys.”
Her eyes found Cassian’s and they softened, thinking back to the picture they’d been forced to take a year before.
“Still think you’ll burst into flames if you brush arms with me?” He asked, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Maybe,” she said, and he chuckled as she wrapped an arm around him. “But I’m not as bothered by it as I used to be.”
Cassian grinned, and Elain took a picture of their little family.
It was the day after Nyx’s second birthday and all three of them anxiously waited in the living room. It wasn’t that they were scared about the visit, but after last time, there was a little bit of nervousness surrounding them all.
Well, everyone but Nyx.
He was giddy as he played with all of his birthday toys.
Nesta was pacing, while Cassian watched a hockey game around the path she was wearing into the carpet.
“Come sit down, Nes,” he said, reaching for her hand. “They told us it would be this afternoon, but that could be anytime.”
“I know, I know,” she said, biting her nail. It had been a horrible habit of hers when she was younger, but now it only appeared when she was nervous
He caught her other hand in his. “Sit,” he repeated, tugging her towards. “You know what the doctor said about stress. It’s not good for—.”
A knock on the front door had Nesta bolting for it, and Nyx asked, “Hello?”
Cassian couldn’t help but chuckle as he stood and walked to him, crouching down in front of him. He smoothed Nyx’s dark hair back from his face and said, “I need you to be good today, okay? Be a good boy and daddy will take you to get ice cream after dinner.”
He nodded and repeated, “Ice cream.” Or he tried, but he couldn’t quite pronounce it.
Cassian could only grin down at him.
“You’re taking too long,” Nesta chastised, hurrying toward the door.
Cassian rolled his eyes but said nothing more as Nesta reached the door, smoothed down her non-wrinkled dress, and opened it up.
Alis Birch stood on the threshold, a folder in her hand, and, surprisingly, almost wearing a smile. “Nesta, it’s a pleasure.”
Nesta nodded, hesitantly. “Yes, you too. Come in, please.”
Alis crossed the threshold and nodded at Cassian. “Good afternoon, Mr. Nazari.” She looked at Nyx. “And glad to see you wide awake for one of my visits.”
Nyx smiled as he waved, and said, “Hi-hi.”
“Ah, he’s talking,” Alis said, going into the living room and smiling at the toddler.
“Oh, he hardly ever stops,” Cassian snorted. “Picks a new word up every day, I swear.”
“Sit,” Nesta said, sitting in the chair. “Please.”
“Thank you,” Alis said, taking her place on the couch. “I hear someone just had a second birthday.”
“Yesterday,” Nesta said, nodding. “We had a party. He had fun.”
“Good, plenty of toys and excitement, I assume?” She asked, watching as he played with a chunky, wooden puzzle made of farm animals. As if it were a gift from the gods themselves, he slid the cow into the right hole, and grinned up at Cassian. “Mooooo!”
He chuckled as he sat on the arm of Nesta’s chair. “Good job, bubba. Cows do say moo.”
He kept on grinning but went back to his puzzle.
“So,” Nesta said, clearing her throat. “What sort of questions do you have this visit?”
Alis didn’t say much, just looked around at the living room and kitchen. Cassian’s astronaut horse was still set up in the corner, as he’d insisted it was a work of art and as such, deserved to be displayed for at least a few more days. “Honestly, I don’t have many today. You two have made it very clear that Nyx is your main focus, and I can tell that he’s very happy and is thriving under your care.”
Cassian doubted she knew it, but Nesta released a breath she’d been holding and nodded. “We love him, more than anything. We— We’ll always miss Feyre and Rhys, but it’s not just about doing right by them anymore. Nyx has…” She took Cassian’s hand and continued. “He’s become our son, and we’ve become a family. And we couldn’t imagine it any other way at this point.”
Alis nodded and jotted a few notes in her binder. Nesta could have sworn a hint of a smile was on her face. “And, as far as the relationship between the two of you goes, where do we stand? It’s been a few months since we last discussed it.”
Cassian was the one to answer. “We’re engaged. We have been since Christmas, and, since Nyx’s birthday just passed, the wedding planning will start soon. And actually, we’re also—.”
“We couldn’t be happier,” Nesta said, interrupting him, holding up her left hand and showing the sparkling diamond on her ring finger. She gently squeezed his hand, and he didn’t ask, but nodded. “We couldn’t be happier and neither could Nyx.”
Alis looked from Cassian to Nesta to Nyx, and nodded. “I’m glad to hear it. I’ll put in a good report, and you have nothing to worry about. Truly, I wish you all the best.”
Nesta smiled, and it was genuine. “Thank you, Mrs. Birch. Thank you.”
“I’ll leave you all be,” Alis said, standing. She closed her binder. “If you ever need anything, please reach out.”
“We will,” Cassian said. “Thank you.”
With one last smile, she said her goodbyes and was gone.
Nesta leaned against the closed doors and sighed a loud sigh of relief. “We did it. We’re done.”
Cassian pulled her into his arms and hugged her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I never had any doubts.”
She pulled back and looked up at him. “I sure as hell did. Who knew an old woman could be so terrifying?”
He chuckled but shook his head. “What now?”
“We wait for Tarquin to reach out to us. There’s some official paperwork that will have to be signed after she submits her report and findings, but…” She looked over at Nyx who was still engrossed in his puzzles. “We’re officially a family.”
Smiling, Cassian leaned down to kiss her. “And we didn’t tell her about this one because…?”
His hand brushed over her abdomen, over the life that was growing inside.
“I’d say we’re entitled to a few secrets of our own,” she replied, smiling. “Besides, they’re more focused on ensuring Nyx is taken care of. We’ve proven that time and time again.”
They’d found out Nesta was pregnant just a few weeks before. Not even ten weeks, and for that reason, they hadn’t told anyone, not even Elain and Azriel.
“Fair enough,” he muttered and kissed her, again.
Nyx had walked up to them and was tugging on Cassian’s pant leg, begging to be picked up, which is exactly what he did.
They hugged him tight, and felt an overwhelming amount of peace.
A year of ups and downs and chaos had passed, but they had made it.
They were a family.
All four of them.
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mountswhore · 3 years
hey! see u were taking requests so i wanted one with mason related to "london boy" by taylor swift? maybe reader is a singer or something like that?
one of the best taylor swift songs imo, so of course!
𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲 — mason mount
summary: mason shows you around london during your break, and now you don't think you can ever go back
notes: requests are open again! my asks are open.
Leaving your hometown in New York to visit the world was one of the hardest things you had to do. But you had your dream job, now it was time to follow it. Your recent album was a success, pouring your heart into it as you recovered from your breakup. Your fans had watched your relationship build, and then break apart. Hearing your side of things through 14 songs. Awards, interviews, and traction had come from it, earning you a world tour. It was a scary thing to do, considering it was your first international tour.
“I just want to come back to New York already, I’ve not been on this tour long.” You complained to your sister, curled up in a hotel bed in London. Your first destination was the UK, and there was nothing worse than being homesick.
“Quit being a baby, the UK is so nice.” Your sister replied, chuckling shortly afterwards. “Me and dad visited Manchester, I think? Very nice looking, at least where we stayed.” You sighed, knowing that didn’t make it any easier. You loved your cosy apartment in New York, you were even starting to miss the constant traffic sounds and arguing in the early hours of the morning.
“I guess, and I know London is nice, at least. I think I’m gonna interact with some fans,” you decided, pulling the duvet further up your body, “speak tomorrow at sound check.” You ended the call, liking some tweets and replying to a few things, eventually tweeting something of your own.
“Happy to see a lot of my UK fans tomorrow, can’t wait to scream my feelings out with you,” Declan read out, giving Mason a cheeky look. The pair of them were in Mason’s living room, enjoying their evening of FIFA. The boys had spoken about you plenty of times, in interviews too, Mason declaring you as his celebrity crush.
“Shut up already, she probably doesn’t even know who I am.” Mason stated, resting his arm over his eyes to conceal the blush on his face. Him, Declan and a few other boys were going to your concert tomorrow night, some of the WAGs suggested it as they loved your music.
“You think she’s not going to notice a blue tick in her dm’s? It’s worth a shot.” Declan encouraged his friend to shoot his shot, close to grabbing his phone and doing it himself, but instead he was watching Mason bashfully scroll through your twitter replies. “Do it, or I will.”
Mason sighed, clicking the reply button and typing out a reply, handing the phone to Declan to review. ‘Can’t wait, wanna see you.’
“Perfect,” Declan mumbled, pressing the reply button for him. He knew Mason never would, he just saved him 20 minutes of back and forth debate. Handing Mason his phone back, Declan smirked as he watched his friend's face change from fairly embarrassed, to shocked.
“There’s no fucking way you sent that.” Mason remarked, refreshing his phone to see his tweet attract likes. “You dick.”
Declan just laughed as Mason had turned completely red, watching the likes and replies collect under his tweet. Moments later, you’d appeared in his dm’s.
‘I recognise you.’
It was an ominous message from you, one that had you pacing and replaying the creepy message over and over again. But Mason smiled at the message, all ounces of worry leaving his body as he replied to you.
‘Oh yeah? From where?’
‘Actually, I think I recognise your teammate, Pulisic. He’s all my brother talks about sometimes. But all I know is that he plays for a soccer team.’
He laughed at your reply, Declan watching over in pure disbelief.
‘You have a lot to learn about the UK, and luckily I know all about it.’
‘I’ll hold you to that, come backstage after the show, bring whoever you’re with. I’m in London for the next few days before my next show, maybe you can show me around.’
“There’s no way you’re flirting with Y/N Y/L/N within two minutes of replying to her tweet.” Declan stated, Mason smirking at his best friend before sending another reply.
Your show was now over and you were anxiously waiting for the boys to be escorted back stage. You didn't know much about football, especially over here, but you knew the boys that were coming back stage were professionals. You'd learnt their names, Declan, Jack, and Mason. Jack and Declan brought their girlfriends along, but Mason was 'painfully single', as he put it.
Finally, as you sat down in your chair to relax, you heard a knock at the door. It was them. They had all filed in, the two girls in shock that they were meeting you. You'd given them all a hug, and gotten to Mason. He looked down at you as you pulled him in, squeezing you tightly before letting you go again.
"Did you guys enjoy it?" You asked, ushering them to the couch for them to sit down. You wanted them to feel as comfortable as possible, rushing over to your dressing room fridge and pulling out some drinks.
"It was amazing," Sasha gawked, still in awe over seeing you for the first time, "we saw you have one in Birmingham in a few weeks, so we're going to that one too." You blushed, returning to your seat opposite the couch.
"That's so sweet! I'm sure I can get you some good tickets, I'll dm you on Instagram or something." You suggested to her, Sasha eagerly nodding her head. You conversed with the group of five, Mason giving you a particular look that you had mirrored back to him. You planned on getting his number, and making sure he showed you around London.
Soon enough, the group was heading back to wherever they were staying, as it was beginning to get quite late. "Thank you guys for coming, and I'm so glad I met you."
Mason stayed behind, folding his arms and sharing a smirk with you as his friends voices trailed down the hallway. "So, about this bet."
"Yeah," you replied casually, grabbing your water bottle from the table and taking a sip, being in the presence of an attractive man again was giving you quite the nerves, "I'll take your number, because I'd love to get to know London." He nodded, grabbing his phone from his jacket pocket and handing it to you.
"Perfect. See you."
You and Mason had planned your first meeting in a pub. It wasn't the classiest of places, but your plan was to get to know the UK. Mason had ordered you both a drink, guessing what you like and nailing it when you went in for a second sip and shoved a thumb up.
"So," he began, fiddling with the coaster his beer sat on, "how long are you in London for?"
"Just until Thursday, Friday morning I'm heading to Manchester." You stated, realising you only had four days with Mason, including today.
"Well, we better make the days count then." Mason declared. The pair of you spoke about his career as well as yours, talking about how different school was for the pair of you. Mason had stood up, holding his hand out for you to take, and you'd accepted it without complaint. He led you out of the pub and through the town center, gazing at the stalls set up around you. The weather wasn't so different to New York, both constantly dreary, but you were liking London so far.
On your second day together, you'd taken a cab to another town, this time to just experience the busy streets. To Mason, this was normal. For you, it was only familiar. New York was one of the busiest cities in the world, but London was different, better in every other way. You'd finished your day together, stomachs full of pub food, and in the back of a cab, rain pattering on the windows. You'd shuffled closer to Mason, placing your hand on his and squeezing. He looked at you briefly, smiling his usual smile, before quickly looking out at the street in an effort to hide his tinged cheeks.
Day three, the weather was too bad to do anything. But Mason kept you company in your hotel room. He'd taught you a bunch of British slang, laughing as your accent completely butchered them all. You'd shown him a snippet of your new song before room service had arrived. And the night ended with the pair of you collapsed in your bed, tv playing in the back ground, but your eyes on each other. It was like pure magic, the long-awaited feeling of his lips on yours. You'd been thinking about it all day, missing every opportunity until now.
Your final day was the worst. You both knew it was coming, you wouldn't see him until you had a break, and he had one too. You both had stupidly busy schedules, as well as living in different countries. Maybe one day you could bring him to New York, show him your side of life. And maybe one day you'll branch out and move here.
Mason had helped you carry your things out of your hotel room, which was taking you to Manchester. Your manager had texted you to be in the car before 3, which meant you had just 10 minutes until you had to say goodbye to Mason for a while.
You were stood in the foyer of the hotel, waiting for the car to arrive. You'd secretly hoped it didn't, you wanted to stay with Mason for a while longer, but you couldn't. Duty called.
"Thank you for showing me around London," you spoke, looking up at Mason, who was hiding his deflated feelings, "I really enjoyed it, I might even prefer it to New York."
"That's a given. I'm here." He joked, in an obvious attempt to lighten the mood. These four days had been immense fun for him, different to how he usually spent his days. Different than night at home alone, different than a night on the town. Was it too soon to say he missed you?
Mason looked down at you as you clung to his side, hoping he felt the same way you did. And he did, you just didn’t know that. His fingers slid across your jaw slowly, pulling your chin up to look at him. It was an intense moment, so many different emotions. He’d leaned in and kissed you, it was his parting gift. To say that he’d see you soon enough.
“Enjoy Manchester, I’m sure I can fit another show in somehow.” Mason spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.” You spoke, the car pulling up outside. He’d dragged your suitcases out to the car, popping them in the boot for you. Finally, he stared at you through the window, which you quickly rolled down. “I fancy you, is that the right term?”
Mason laughed, head tipping back slightly. “Yeah, it is. And I fancy you too.”
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aries-writingblog · 3 years
Brave Enough
Summary: Bucky wonders if he’ll ever be brave enough to admit his feelings to you
Words Count: 1980- ish (I got a little carried away- sorry!!)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: language, characters engaging of age drinking
A/N: gif is not my own, credit to original creator. Happy reading!!
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“Bucky, lighten up, man.” Steve griped, flicking through the menu. The brunette didn’t respond, just slumping down lower in his chair and sulking even more. A deep frown etched onto his features. “It’s just a couple hours.”
“Whatever.” He snipped. Bucky could feel his teeth grit together, his jaw aching from pressure. Sam’s foot connected with his under the table, a teasing tilt to his eyebrows.
“He’s just mad that he has to be here instead of lurking ‘round in the shadows back home.” Sam nudged his foot again. Bucky kicked out, but Sam was too quick. Pulling his foot away just in time. “You ever catch him at like three in the morning, just standing around in a dark hallway?”
“Shut up.” Bucky hissed, snatching a spoon from his place setting. The utensil flew across the table, smacking Sam in the chest before falling to his lap. “And I’m not mad I have to be here.”
He truly wasn’t upset he had to be there. He was upset that one person in particular wouldn’t be in attendance. YN was still off on a mission, unfortunately missing Wanda’s birthday dinner. Without her, Bucky would just spend the whole night sulking, no one else treated him the way she did. No one else was her. Without her, his night was already marked as uneventful and boring.
“You are.” Steve corrected, glancing to his watch. “The girls should be here by now. What’s holding them?”
Bucky glanced around the restaurant, eyes scanning over Tony who was animatedly speaking with the owner. Bruce, retuning from the restroom, Peter following him with a million questions. The older man seemed to age further as the teen pestered him- asking questions ranging from science to personal. The kid could be slightly invasive at times.
The door opened- the other half of their party. The birthday girl. Wanda made her way across the room, Natasha behind her and…
“YN.” Bucky felt a weight lift from his chest- possibly his reluctance to be at the table. He watched as she gave him a small smile and wave before Wanda pulled her off to the bathroom.
“Save me a seat!” YN called, meeting Bucky’s eyes. His eyes followed her all the way, until he could no longer see her. Then he was brought back into reality by a cough.
Fuck- he did that in public. His eyes fell to Steve and Sam, their faces schooled into expressions of taunting delight.
“You gonna save her a seat or what?” Steve asked, lips twitching as they begged to smile. Bucky flicked his wrist, giving his friend a very classy middle finger as they snickered in response.
But Bucky did as she said. He unfolded the napkin at the place mat on his right, showing someone was going to sit there. Then he tucked his hands into his lap, waiting anxiously for her return. Sam pursed his lips, leaning his elbows on the table. Bucky groaned, regretting his decision to stay out when Sam sat across from him.
“Won’t you just tell her you’re in love? It would be a lot easier.” He advised, fingers laced under his jaw. Bucky scowled, his foot finally catching Sam off guard, foot connecting with his shin bone. The man cursed, jerking his chair back.
The bathroom door opened, the trio of women hustling toward the table. Natasha was shoving YN playfully, the woman responding with a laugh. Then she turned her eyes to him and he stopped breathing. Stopped living. Oxygen leaving his lungs at an exponential rate when she smiled. Teeth flashing.
“Got a seat for me, Barnes?” She asked- the sound of her voice snapping his consciousness back into the present. Bucky stumbled over himself clumsily, shoving his own chair back to pull hers out for her. “Thank you.” He pushed her back in before taking his own.
“I thought you were still in Arizona?” He kept a constant tab in his brain to focus. There had been several occasions when the pair were carrying a conversation and he noticed, too late, he had just been staring into her eyes. He didn’t mean to- it just happened.
“Just landed. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner I was back- Wanda begged me to come tonight so I had to rush to get dressed.” She explained, giving a half hearted gesture to her clothes. Bucky saw nothing wrong with them- she looked beautiful as always.
“No worries. You look beautiful anyways.” Bucky smiled. He could see in the corner of his eye- Sam and Steve sharing a look across the table. Bucky always experienced these mood swings around YN.
If he was distraught, she was there to soothe him. If he was annoyed or angry, just seeing her face would brighten his day. If he was happy, which wasn’t too often without her being a catalyst, she only intensified that feeling.
Bucky had met YN three months into his stay at the Tower. They shared a wall- his apartment was the one beside hers. He didn’t know she was his neighbor the night she came stumbling home from a mission- exhausted and dirty. Dried blood on her hairline and a red path dripping from her nose. She didn’t notice him that night as he sat in the quiet common area of floor 48. She brushed past him and dug into the fridge. He watched her shove six slices of cold pizza onto a plate and snatch three beers before disappearing into her apartment.
Needless to say, he was intrigued. But he never spoke to her. Not until two months later, in the middle of the night. She happened upon him sitting in the quiet, wide awake and writing in his journal. She commented that she also journaled- sprinting back to her bedroom to bring back a leather bound journal covered in stickers. She then offered him some of his own stickers, pressing them to the black journal in his hands.
Four months of midnight meetings passed and Bucky was infatuated. He found himself wanting to speak to her all the time- going out of his way to find her and talk. Thinking of her all the time, linking an activity with her. Asking himself ‘I wonder what YN would think of…’ Sitting with her at meals, hanging out when she was home. If he could, Bucky would have her attached to his hip at all times.
When they were together, Bucky would go to any lengths necessary to keep her there longer. To take more of her time. For once in his life, he wanted to be selfish. He wanted her complete and undivided attention. Most times, he received it. She happily gave into him, pouring affection onto the super soldier. And he swam in it- unabashedly. Unashamed to be so intoxicated around her.
“Hey, what are you ordering?” YN whispered, leaning toward his
Bucky snapped back, again, noticing that everyone had taken a seat and began to order their meals. Her eyes were trained on him expectantly. YN had seen him lose focus and attempted to reel him back in. He always seemed to fade away, she noticed. She didn’t know where his mind went when it happened but she was a pessimist- she assumed the worst.
“Me- ordering?” Bucky stuttered, his tongue barely catching up with his mind. He winced as she gave a soft smile- another snicker coming from across the table. He shot a glance over to Sam, the biting glare garnered a snarky reply.
“Smooth.” Sam muttered, propping his menu in front his face, shielding it from Bucky’s wrath.
“Sam.” Steve scolded lightly, voice low. Bucky bit back his embarrassment, clearing his throat before responding. It was gonna be a long night.
YN giggled again, swaying as Bucky latched an arm around her waist. Keeping her upright. It was a struggle- she was very touchy when she was tipsy. Bucky’s heart did jumping jacks, unsure if he should revel in the affection or be disappointed she was doing it while drunk.
“Oh- Bucky, what if we took Four Loko’s and, and… White Claws!” Her fingers wiggled as she spoke, eyes watery and wide. Bucky chuckled, his body unaccustomed to the motions.
“No more alcohol for you tonight, alright? You’re already gonna hate me in the morning for letting you drink so much.” He tugged her waist gently, allowing his fingers to rest on her hip. YN rested her head against his chest as the elevator slowed to a stop on their floor.
“I could never hate you, you know that, right?” She asked, eyes gazing up at him. Bucky heaved a gentle sigh, meeting her eyes. A soft smile on his lips.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
The pair slowly exited the elevator, YN trying her best to break away from his grip. Her attention span was that of a mouse- hands reaching for things in the hallways and in the common area. Finally, they reached the set of doors belonging to them. He released her very carefully to dig through his pockets. YN had given him her spare key months ago, he had it on his key ring. She had it printed in a bright blue- the loudest color on the ring when compared to the black key of his motorcycle and the silver key of his apartment.
He didn’t really need the color distinction. There were only three keys there but hers was the most important one. He had it memorized the day she gave it to him.
“Hey Friday, unlock Bucky’s main door.”
“What? She can do that?” Bucky whipped around, catching a fleeting glimpse of her wobbling, unsteady body as she stumbled into his apartment. “Fuck.”
Bucky abandoned his task in favor of the new, more important task. Getting YN out of his apartment. He followed her at a quick pace, hand outstretched to snatch her wrist but she made an abrupt turn down his hallway. Toward his bedroom.
“YN!” He hissed, reaching for her again. She shoved the door open and made her way into the room. “What are you doing?”
“I wanted to see your apartment- you never let me in here when we hang out.” She murmured, eyes locking in on the bookshelf in the corner. She made a beeline to it, fingers tracing over the spines of the books. She reached for a book on the second shelf. The second shelf was dedicated to his old journals.
“Okay, maybe…” he gingerly broke her grasp on the book before she could open it, sliding it back into place. Bucky rested his hands on her shoulders, steering her out of the room. “We can do a tour when you’re a little more sober.”
It wasn’t that he didn’t want her there- Bucky wanted to show her everything, give her everything. But some part of himself kept pushing it all back, keeping her in the light. He didn’t want her to see the bad parts, and there were plenty. He was terrified she wouldn’t want his broken pieces if she saw them.
YN hummed, breaking from his grasp again. He sighed in defeat, letting her go. She tossed her phone to the rug and flopped face first into the bed. A sigh of content rushed from her lips as she snuggled deeper into the blankets.
“Your bed is sooo comfy…” Her voice was muffled by the thick comforter. “This isn’t fair- my bed isn’t this comfy.”
No one’s slept in it since it was purchased- Bucky but back the comment, deciding it wasn’t a good topic to broach. Considering the circumstances. He stood, watching her for a moment. Allowing her to take control for the time being. The smile from earlier began to creep onto his face as she snuggled deeper into the sheets- fully clothed.
“Alright- enough of that, YN. Let’s get you home.” He murmured, tugging on her ankle. She didn’t budge. Bucky stopped, looking up to her face. She was sound asleep. “YN?”
Bucky sighed.
He reached for her ankle again, unclipping the heels from her feet, allowing them to fall to the floor. He swung her legs around, tugging the blankets down on the bed. Bucky pulled them back over her body, reaching into her hair to pull it out of the tight bun she had it in. The hair tie around his wrist as he tucked her in.
“Goodnight, YN.” He whispered softly. Bucky hesitated, lips close to her temple. He could hear a faint snore coming from her throat, dark lashes resting against her cheekbones.
He allowed himself to carefully lean forward, lips pressing to her temple gently. Then he backed away quietly, turning the lights off as he exited. He couldn’t help himself- stealing another glance at her sleeping figure before closing the door. He also couldn’t help the bittersweet smile that tugged at his lips.
One day… one day I’ll be brave enough for you.
Read Part 2: Courageous
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miyagihawk · 3 years
for hawk
lover of mine - 5sos
it's a selfship anthem, bby!
the lyrics make so much sense
i love 5sos!!!! ty for the request :)
lover of mine | eli “hawk” moskowitz x reader
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warnings: cursing, i think that’s it?
summary: based on lover of mine by 5sos <3
Lover of mine
Maybe we'll take some time
Kaleidoscope mind
Gets in the way
Your relationship with Hawk was more complicated than most.
You had to be patient with him. His mind was like a kaleidoscope; his thoughts were in intricate patterns that you could never comprehend. It amazed you, but it also frustrated you when you couldn’t understand him.
And when it seemed like you finally did understand, he would shift into new colors and you’d have to start all over again.
“I just- I don’t get you, Hawk! Why are you always lying to me?” you said loudly, already feeling exhausted from the argument.
“I’m not! You just never believe me!” he turned it on you. Like always.
You looked at him with a hard stare and crossed your arms. “Did you or did you not break Demetri’s arm?” you asked in a calmer, but still threatening tone.
You already knew the answer; everyone was talking about what happened in the laser tag room. But here Hawk was, denying it. You just couldn’t grasp why he hid so much from you.
When he stayed silent with his gaze not meeting yours, you sat on your bed with an exasperated sigh.“We should take a break,” you interrupted the quiet atmosphere, looking up at where your boyfriend stood in front of you.
“What?” Hawk finally met your eyes with a hurt expression.
You patted the spot on the bed next to you, and he sat reluctantly. “I’m just tired. We need a break Hawk.”
“We don’t need a break,” he protested quietly, and the subtle sadness in his voice was enough to make your heart pang with hurt.
Hope and I pray
Darling, that you will stay
Butterfly lies
Chase them away
He was scared. Even through all the countless arguments and lies, you never left. Now you were suggesting a break, and Hawk knows from seeing other relationships that they always just end in an actual break up.
In a weird way, you did want to scare him. Because he would never change if you didn’t. You hated the idea of a break, but maybe Hawk would finally stop lying to you if you showed him you were serious.
“It’s not a breakup,” you assured, because you knew what he was thinking. For once. “We just need time apart for a little bit. To think.”
“About what?” he asked defensively, starting to raise his voice again.
“You and I. We’re quite toxic, you know?” you contrasted his volume in a lighter tone, making his face relax and his lips turn up a bit.
His small smile dropped suddenly, replaced by an anxious expression. “Don’t leave me Y/N.”
Your heart dropped at his words, and you wanted to wrap your arms around him. To tell him you’d never leave and that it was all okay. But it wasn’t all okay.
You grabbed his hand instead, “You’re my best friend. I love you. But I need this, okay? We both do. Just some time to figure out how we can fix... us.”
“I can fix it now, we don’t need to take a break. Please. I’ll never lie to you again. I just- I hate disappointing you,” he pleaded, tightening his hand around yours, and you wanted to give in.
But you knew that letting this go on, this never ending cycle, would only end with the both of you in a huge crash and burn.
“You said that last time,” you gave him a sad smile. “Let’s just figure our shit out, and then come back better for each other. We need this Hawk.”
6 months later
Things didn’t end so well after your break with Hawk. After spending some time apart, you two were just never close again.
None of you planned for it to happen; you just drifted away from each other. And neither of you exactly established when the “break” would be over.
So for the next few months, you passed each other in the halls without any acknowledgment of the other’s existence. Of course you missed him, but not being with him just became the new normal. And you accepted it and pushed your feelings aside.
“So you’ll meet us there? You sure you don’t want the limo to pick you up?” your friend Cara asked from across the lunch table.
“Yeah don’t worry about me, Jesse’s picking me up,” you replied, making the rest of your friends wiggle their eyebrows teasingly.
“What happened to prom with the girls, Y/N? I thought we established no boyfriends during prom season,” Cara pouted playfully, and you elbowed her in the ribs.
“He’s not my boyfriend. He just asked me to prom and that’s it,” you corrected.
Your other friend jumped in, “And why not? Jesse is so cute.”
As she asked, your eyes trailed away from your friends and towards a certain someone with loud red hair, sitting across the room with his karate posse.
Your group noticed your lack of attention and turned to see what you were looking at. They sighed in unison, making you bring your focus back to them.
“He’s why, isn’t he?” Cara gave you an understanding smile and rubbed your shoulder comfortingly. “It’s okay. Just have fun tonight.”
You only nodded, giving your kind friends a soft smile of appreciation.
As much as you tried to convince yourself that you’ve moved on fully, the boy with a kaleidoscope mind would always have a place in your heart.
Where is he?
You paced around your living room anxiously, checking your phone for what seemed like the millionth time in the past hour.
You scrolled through the numerous texts you’ve sent, contemplating if you should send another one. Calling him wasn’t even an option; it went straight to voicemail everytime.
After an hour and a half, you gave up waiting and hoping that your prom date would show up. You flopped down onto the couch despairingly, replying to worried texts from your friends.
‘I’m not going to make it, just don’t worry about me. Have fun my loves.’ you typed, throwing your phone onto the floor right after.
You didn’t want to ask them to pick you up and ruin their night, and you were honestly too drained from being stood up to call an Uber.
So prom night ended up with you spread out on the couch with your outfit that you’ve planned out months ago, eating out of a carton of rocky road ice cream.
Honestly, it could’ve been worse. You could’ve been spending the night with an absolute jerk named Jesse. (a/n: so sorry if ur name is jesse lmao)
In the middle of your rom com movie marathon, an abrupt knock at the front door made you sit up from your pathetic, ice cream eating position on the sofa.
Immediately, you turned off the TV and tiptoed towards the door. You silently grabbed the baseball bat next to it, while squinting to see through the peephole.
Your stomach immediately dropped when you saw him.
Clad in a black suit, with a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
Shifting on his feet and chewing on his lip nervously, as he waited for you to open the door.
The boy you didn’t know you needed to see until now.
What is he doing here?
You covered your mouth in shock as you ran to the mirror to check if you had chocolate stains around your mouth. You smoothed down your hair and straightened out your dress in a frenzy, before unlocking the door with a deep breath in.
“Hawk?” you tried to act surprised, which wasn’t hard because your heart was racing.
He took a second to look at you in your wasted prom attire, and he was locked in a trance for a second before he snapped out of it. “Oh... uh, these are for you,” he held out the flowers to you and you took them with a smile.
“Wow, I love them. Thank you,” you brought them up to your nose for a whiff of your favorite floral scent. “So, what are you doing here?” you asked awkwardly.
“Oh crap, sorry, do you want to come in?” you said before he would answer, and you opened the door wider so he could step inside.
Hawk looked around the room where he’s been countless times, and he frowned at the sight of 13 Going On 30 paused on the screen with half melted ice cream on the coffee table. That movie plus the sweet dessert was your absolute comfort pairing, and it made him sad that you needed it.
“Cara texted me, and I was worried,” he finally spoke, answering your earlier question. You suddenly felt embarrassed as you placed the bouquet in a vase. You didn’t want to be pitied. Especially by your ex-boyfriend.
“I’m fine,” you said bluntly, busying yourself with the flowers so that you wouldn’t have to face him. You hadn’t talked to him since the night you suggested the break, and you already felt too exhausted from tonight’s events to even talk about it with him. “It’s better that I didn’t go to prom with that dick.”
Hawk chuckled at your remark, and you felt more at ease. The tension between you was thicker than an iceberg, and you didn’t know if you could handle it.
“So did you leave? Or are you just dressed up like that for me?” you smiled, sitting down on the couch where he followed.
He laughed again, lightening the mood even more. “I was there, but you know, Cara told me about what happened and... I just felt like I needed to come. It was lame though. The whole thing is just dancing. And I don’t dance,” Hawk explained, and you found yourself smiling at the thought of him caring about you. “But I know how excited you were about prom, so I thought I’d bring it to you. Some romantic shit like that.”
Your eyebrows raised at “romantic shit”, but you decided not to say anything about it. Although, it did make your cheeks heat up and you hoped he didn’t notice. “That’s really sweet Hawk. Thank you. Really,” you placed your hand on top of his, but you recoiled awkwardly because it felt too intimate, given the circumstances.
You cleared your throat, “So... since you’re bringing prom to me, does that mean I get a dance?” you got up and stood in front of him with your arms playfully crossed.
Hawk squinted his blue eyes at you, crossing his arms as well, “I don’t dance, remember?”
“For me you will, right? Or I could just, you know, dance by myself. It’s already been such a great night for me,” you teased, walking away from him towards a clear space in the living room.
He groaned from behind you and got up to follow, making you cheer happily. “For you I will,” he stated under his breath, releasing dozens of butterflies in your stomach.
Dance around the living room
Lose me in the sight of you
I've seen the red, I've seen the blue
Take all of me
You turned on your Dad’s old record player, where a slow, jazzy, 60s vinyl was spinning. You almost wanted to change it because it felt too romantic, but Hawk was already waiting behind you and you were scared he would change his mind.
The rush his presence gave you made you boldly put your hands on his shoulders, and he stiffly placed his own on the curve of your waist. Your hands were locked at the nape of his neck; his hold on you was light as if you were fragile china.
You forgot how intoxicating it felt to be this close to him, and you wondered how you went so long without that feeling.
The both of you swayed to the smooth melodies of Nina Simone with interlocked eyes, and with every second his hands on your hips became more relaxed. You rested your head on his chest, pulling him closer.
For a song or two, none of you said anything; there was just an unspoken appreciation of each other’s presence. After 6 months without him, you needed this.
I'll never give you away
'Cause I've already made that mistake
If my name never fell off your lips again
I know it'd be such a shame
When I take a look at my life
And all of my crimes
You're the only thing that I think I got I right
“I should’ve never let you go,” Hawk whispered close to your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“I was the one who wanted the break. It’s my fault,” you opposed, lifting your head up from his chest to look up at him.
He raised one of his hands to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, and it brought a warm smile to your face. “But I didn’t chase after you,” his lips turned down into a frown.
You put your hands on the sides of his face while you two continued to sway to the staticky vinyl. “Maybe it’s both of our faults,” you laughed lightly, touching his soft skin.
“It’s me Y/N. I’m the one who lied to you throughout the whole relationship. I’m so sorry,” Hawk looked down at you with glossy eyes. “I’ve done so much fucked up shit. But you’re the only thing I got right. I hate myself for ruining it too.”
Your felt yourself melt at his confession. “It’s not ruined,” you disputed. “You aren’t perfect and I’m not either. I shouldn’t have given up on us. I’m sorry.”
He closed his eyes in peace as your hands ran through his bright hair. It was down from its usual style, giving him a softer look.
“Maybe we both messed up. But I’m never giving you away again Y/N. I won’t make that mistake. I love you,” the boy you’ve missed for months admitted, saying everything you wanted to hear.
You kissed him in reply.
a/n: ah idk if i like this but i hope u do, i feel like my writings are getting repetitive im having bad writers block (as u can tell by how slow im doing requests)
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itsapeterthing · 3 years
My Hero || Peter Parker
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pairing: civilian!peter x avenger!reader
summary: when your boyfriend, peter, gets invited to the stark gala for his internship, you have to try to make it through the night without him finding out that you’re secretly an avenger
a/n: peter is in college here! finally another oneshot for our boy petey- reblogs and replies are super appreciated!
word count: 3.9k
warnings: reader has spidey’s enhanced senses, there’s a gun, fluff
masterlist || request || taglist
Pushing open the door of the building you had just had class in, your eyes immediately met those of your boyfriend sitting on the bench waiting for you outside. As soon as you saw him a smile reached across his face and he pushed himself out of his seat, making his way over to you.
“Hey, Pete-”
“- So I don’t know how I got one of these-” Peter started rambling, walking beside you. “They handed it to me and in my head I was like ‘this has to be a mistake’ you know? ‘Cause there’s no way I would get invited-”
“Woah, Peter, slow down!” You laughed, turning to your boyfriend. “What are you talking about?”
Realizing that he hadn’t even told you what he was going on about, Peter stopped and began shoving his hands through his pockets. When you stopped your pace in front of him, you watched as Peter pulled an envelope out of his pocket.
“What’s that for?” You asked.
A smile spread across his face once again as he pulled the invitation out of the envelope.
You swore you felt your heart drop to your stomach when you saw Stark Industry’s logo printed on the piece of paper.
“It’s for this party thing-”
“-Gala.” You corrected him.
“Yeah!” He said. “Gala! It’s for this gala that Mr. Stark is hosting and you know- at first I didn’t think I could be invited, but it has my name and everything.”
You began to tap your feet as he explained this all to you, feeling your anxiousness grow.
“So, are you going to go?” You asked, praying that he wouldn’t say the answer that you were sure he was going to give.
“Why wouldn’t I?” He asked.
You knew it was a rhetorical question. At least in Peter’s mind there wasn’t a logical reason as to why a 19 year-old intern for Stark Industries shouldn’t go to a Gala- it could open so many doors for him and it was a rare honor- but you knew things that Peter didn’t. To be more exact, he didn't know the things you were keeping a secret from him.
You had known about the Gala before Peter had even mentioned it because you had been invited yourself, not as a Stark intern, but as an Avenger. You had only found out you had abilities a few months ago when you had been bitten by a radioactive spider. Later you had been discovered by the group, but managed to have your identity remain a secret. 
It’s not that you didn’t trust Peter enough to tell him- you were going to tell him- just not yet. You needed more time.
This Gala invitation felt like Tony Stark was purposefully trying to ruin your life, despite the fact that you had never informed him- or any of the Avengers for that matter- that you and Peter Parker, his intern, were dating.
“Of course I’m gonna go!” He said. “Mr. Stark invited me. This is big for me, Y/n. And... guess what?”
“What?” You asked, not particularly enjoying where this conversation was headed.
“I have a plus one.” Peter said.
Of course he did.
“Oh that’s awesome, Pete!” You smiled, beginning to walk in the opposite direction once again. “I’m sure May would love to go!”
Jogging to catch up with you, Peter grabbed hold of your arm, pulling you back.
“May?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. “Why would I ask May? I want you to go with me.”
Looking at your boyfriend, you felt so guilty for lying to him. He was the sweetest person you had ever met and as he smiled at you, hopeful to have you on his arm at tonight’s event, you couldn’t find it in you to say no to him.
“I’d love to go, Peter.” You said. “Pick me up at seven?”
“Yeah- wait.” Peter said quirking his eyebrows again. “How did you know it was tonight?”
“Oh!” You chuckled. “I... I don’t know why I figured that. So... seven?”
Slowly nodding his head, your boyfriend nervously chuckled. “Yeah, seven.”
“Okay!” You exclaimed, leaning in to peck Peter’s cheek before pulling away. “I have to go meet my professor. See you later!”
And with that you took off in the other direction, your mind filled with worries about tonight’s event, planning ways in your head to keep your double life a secret from your boyfriend. As you did, Peter watched you walk away, still glued to his spot sensing that something just wasn’t right.
Clipping on your earrings, you heard the sound of Peter’s knuckles meeting your door, lightly knocking. Pulling the door open, your eyes met Peter’s and you smiled.
“What do you think?” You asked, gesturing at the dress you were wearing.
You watched as Peter’s jaw practically dropped and he reached out his hand for yours.
“W-woah.” He said in awe, a smiling reaching across his face as he pulled your hand, twirling you around. “You- you look so beautiful, Y/n.”
Despite the anxiety that you were feeling about the night ahead of you, you couldn't help but smile at his compliment. No matter how often he called you beautiful, you still became a smiling mess every time.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Mr. Parker.”
He didn't. Standing in front of you, you couldn’t help but notice how much your boyfriend had gone out for the Gala tonight- adorning a a black tuxedo, his hair slicked in a way that you were sure was his Aunt’s doing.
“Since when do you have a tux lying around?” You asked, tugging on the labels of his jacket.
“I rented it a few hours ago. May picked it out.” He told you, resting his hands on your waist. “D-does it look okay? I thought it might look better than the old suit at-”
Pulling on the lapels once more to bring his lips to yours, you kissed him, quickly shutting him up as he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. Smiling and  pulling away you straightened out his jacket.
“You look amazing, baby.” You whispered. “Now let’s get going shall we, Mr. Parker?”
“We shall.”
Stepping out of the cab and onto the sidewalk outside of the museum where the Gala was being held, the thoughts that you had been pushing aside for the last nine hours suddenly came to the surface as your heart began to race in your chest.
How were you going to keep everything a secret? You hadn’t even told the other members of your group that you would be attending with your boyfriend... your boyfriend who didn’t know that you had super-human abilities or that you were one of them.
As Peter laced his fingers with yours, squeezing tightly before guiding you towards the building, you gave him a soft smile while all you could do in your head was attempt to haphazardly form a plan.
Stepping inside the foyer of the museum, it was clear that no expense was spared for the night. The room was filled with people you didn’t recognize, waiters with flutes on trays weaving through the crowd. The sound of the orchestra playing mixed with the sounds of the hundreds of conversations around you.
It was times like these that you weren’t so glad to have your abilities, the light of the chandelier glowing brighter in your eyes as your enhanced hearing tuned in on ten conversations around you.
Unlacing your fingers from your boyfriend’s, you pulled him closer.
“I’m going to go find the bathroom, okay?” You told him. “I’ll be back.”
“Already?” He asked. “Do you want me to wait outside or-”
“No!” You exclaimed a bit too excitedly before lowering your voice. “I’ll find you.”
Before he could say anything else, you pushed through the crowd of people, leaving the foyer of the museum to find an empty hallway. When you finally pushed through your last person, reaching an empty exhibit within the museum, you slumped against the all.
Why did you think this was a good idea? Although Peter would have initially been upset with you declining his invitation and Tony Stark would no doubt find it suspicious that you cancelled so last minute on his end, at least you would be spared from the nervousness you were feeling now as your hands became clammy and the air felt as though it grew thicker by the second.
“Y/n?” You heard a familiar voice ask.
Pulling yourself away from the wall and glancing over your shoulder, you looked up to see Natasha Romanoff standing in the doorway of the exhibit.
“Sorry,” You said, playing with one of the bracelets adorning your wrist. “I can leave if I shouldn’t-”
“It’s okay, kid.” She said, smiling. “I didn’t see you come in.”
“Yeah,” You said, chuckling. “That’s because I came with my boyfriend.”
Tilting her head, she smiled.
“I didn’t know you were seeing anyone. So your boyfriend came with you?”
Although you knew what she meant, you shook her head.
“Nope,” You told her, popping the p. “I came with my boyfriend. He... he’s an intern for Stark. He thinks I’m here as his plus one.”
“... But you’re an Avenger?” She said.
“He uh.. he doesn’t know that.”
You felt guilty finally saying it out loud, confessing to your mentor that you had been lying to your boyfriend about not only having super-human abilities, but about being a part of the Avengers, risking your life to save others almost weekly.
Rather than lecturing you, she made her way over to you, leaning against the wall beside you.
“I can understand that.” Natasha said before sighing. “But... I also understand what it’s like to live a double life, Y/n. You can’t keep living like this. It’ll make you sick and at some point you’ll lose yourself in the two.”
“But how can I tell him?” You asked, turning to face her. “I’ve been lying to him for so long and he’s just so sweet, Nat. He’d be so worried about me if he knew.”
“You said he’s nice, right?” She asked, smiling as you nodded. “Then tell him. He’ll understand and if he doesn’t... at least you’ll feel better because right now you look like shit.”
Scoffing at her insult you elbowed her. “Thanks, Nat.”
Patting your back and shoving herself off of the wall, she laughed. “What am I if not honest?”
Before you could throw her another snarky comment, however, you watched as she strolled out of the exhibit, heading back into the Gala.
Letting her advice sit with you, you knew that she was right. You had never been as stressed as you were hiding your identity from your boyfriend. You were actually less anxious fighting bad guys than when he would go to grab a pencil from your drawer where you kept your web shooters when the two of you were studying.
You had to tell him- if not for your sake at least his own.
You were afraid to tell him, but Nat was right.
He deserved to know. He was your boyfriend and one of the most kind, honest and understanding men you had ever met- he deserved to know what his girlfriend was up to every night and even the danger he was putting himself in by choosing to be yours.
You decided then that you were going to tell him... except not tonight. Tonight was his night- the night where he finally felt like an appreciated member of Tony Stark’s staff- and he didn’t deserve your limelight ruining it.
Straightening the dress you were wearing, you made your way out of the exhibit and back into the expansive foyer of the museum. Tuning in your hearing, you looked for your boyfriend, but when you heard his voice muffled with Tony Stark’s... it was too late to turn around.
“Y/n!” You heard Peter call. “I’m over here!”
Taking a deep breath, you waved back to your boyfriend, forcing a wide smile onto your face. Striding over to Peter, your eyes met Tony’s whose quickly went wide as he pieced together the situation in front of him.
Before he could open his mouth, however, you extended your hand to him.
“Mr. Stark!” You exclaimed. “It’s so nice to meet you. Peter’s told me so much about you- I’m a huge fan- really.”
Slowly taking your hand and shaking it tightly, he quirked his eyebrows, staring at you for a moment before turning back to Peter.
“Parker,” Tony said, pulling his hand away. “if I knew you had a girlfriend like her, I would have promoted you sooner.”
You felt Peter’s hand wrap around your back to rest on your waist as he smiled brightly.
“W-well thank you, Mr-”
“You know,” Tony said, cutting him off. “I just can’t get over it. She looks exactly like this girl I know. What did you say your name was again?”
You should have figured that Tony was going to give you a hard time.
“Y/n.” You told him, through gritted teeth.
“Y/n...” He said your name again, before chuckling. “God I almost feel like I’m talking to her-”
Before he even had the chance to finish his sentence, however, you heard the overwhelming sound of the glass window that spanned the length of the room shattering behind Tony. Turning your attention to the area, you watched as a large robot-like creature climbed its way into the foyer, kicking it’s legs through the remaining wall. Behind you the crowd of people began to erupt into screams as they rushed out of the doors of the museum. 
“Holy shit!” You shouted, stunned by the android.
At your side you felt Peter’s hand grip yours and when you turned around to face him, you watched as he attempted to pull you in the other direction towards the door, tugging on your hand.
“Y/n, we have to get out of here!” He exclaimed.
You had hoped you had more time.
You had hoped you would be able to break it to him nicely.
But as you turned back around to see Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit forming around him and the robot stepping inside the building, you knew you were out of time.
Pulling your hand out of Peter’s, you watched as a look of betrayal washed over his face.
“I can’t Peter!” You shouted, reaching your hands behind your dress.
“What? What do you mean you can-”
“Are you in or are you out, Y/n?” You heard Tony ask.
Glancing between him and your boyfriend, the sound of the robot destroying tables echoing throughout the room, you nodded at Tony.
“I’m in.”
“What do you mean you’re in-”
Ignoring Peter, you undid the laces on the back of your dress, the fabric falling to your feet.
You were thanking yourself for choosing to wear your shorts underneath your dress right about now.
“Good.” Tony said. “Your suit’s coming in three.., two...”
Stretching your arms out, you felt as the high tech machinery of Tony Stark’s  “spidey suit” for you met your skin. The material stretched across your body, covering your skin until it finally reached around your face, forming your mask.
Turning to look at your boyfriend, you saw his eyes go wide, his mouth practically dropping to the floor.
“What... Y/n-” He stumbled over his words.
Picking your dress up off the floor, you shoved it into your boyfriend’s arms.
“Peter, you need to get out of here!” You shouted over the sound of destruction in the background.
“I- I-” He continued, still glued to his spot. “You’re Spider-Woman?”
“Hey!” You heard Tony shout. “Save the Soap Opera for after we stop this thing!”
Glancing back at Tony and then to Peter, you gently shoved Peter in the direction towards the door.
“We’ll talk about this later!” You shouted, jogging backwards. “Just get out of here!”
Without turning around again to look at Peter’s face, you shot a web towards the android, flinging yourself towards it. When your web met the android’s chest you landed a swift kick to its head before shooting another web, spinning yourself around the android’s body.
“Shit!” You shouted. “This thing’s strong! Can someone help me out?”
As soon as you asked, you watched as a familiar shield came straight for the android’s head, dodging out of the way at the last second, it collided with its face, stopping the animatronic from moving its arms long enough for you to swing yourself around them, webbing them down at its sides.
“Thank you!”
As Tony continued to blast at its face, trying to get a reading on what this creature was, you shot a web towards its waist, swinging yourself around its body once again.
“Taking out the legs, Y/n?” You heard Cap’s voice ask through the earpiece of your suit.
Huffing and Puffing, you replied. “That’s the plan!”
Pulling the webs that you had spun around the android’s knees tighter, you groaned, feeling the strain on your muscles. Just as you were about to lose your grip, the webs slipping from your fingers, both Steve’s shield and the rays from Tony’s palms hit the back of the android’s knees, knocking it onto the floor. Jumping off of the being at the last second, you landed on your knees.
Pushing yourself onto your feet, you heard the clicking sound of a door within the android’s torso opening. When you looked up, your eyes were met with a man who had a gun raised in his hand... pointed at you.
“Hey!” You called shakily, raising your hands. “We can talk this out.”
“Talk this out?” The man said. “I spent two years working on this-”
Before he could say another word, however, the loud clang of a platter meeting the back of the man's head rang throughout the room. When he fell to the ground, your eye’s met Peter’s who stood behind him, the silver tray in his hand.
“Peter?” You asked, tapping the side of your neck so your mask would retract from your face.
Dropping the tray to the floor, he doubled over, hands on his knees.
“That was...” He said huffing. “... so... cool!”
Rushing over to Peter’s side, stepping over the unconscious man’s body, you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s back, listening as he wheezed. Knowing his aunt well enough to know that she wouldn’t let Peter leave the house without his inhaler, you slipped your hands into his pant pocket, pulling out the device and placing it in his hands.
As he inhaled a quick two puffs, his breathing slowly evening out as his airways opened up, you and him looked up to find the attention of the rest of the team on the both of you.
“Well,” Nat said breaking the silence, staring at the unconscious man on the floor in front of you. “I guess love really does conquer all.”
Hearing a chuckle settle over the group surrounding you, the next person to speak was Steve, stepping in front of Peter and reaching his hand out for him to shake.
Glancing between Cap’s hand and face, Peter straightened up, clearing his throat.
“Oh, wow.” Peter said in awe, shaking his hand dramatically. “M- Mr. Captain America, sir, I’m a huge fan.”
Smiling, Steve laid his hand on his shoulder.
“I can say the same about you, kid.” He said. “You gotta stand up for your girl- no matter how strong and capable she may be... I would know.”
Without saying another word, leaving Peter starstruck in his spot beside you, Steve walked away towards Natasha. Tony was the last to come up to the two of you.
“Well, Parker,” He said, tapping his wrist so that his suit retracted from around his body. “I gotta say- I’m impressed. I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“T- thank you, Mr. Stark.” Peter said nervously, scratching the back of his neck.
“I guess we can consider making you a paid intern now.” Tony said. “You saved an Avenger and now you get paid minimum wage- sound fair?”
Nodding his head smiling, Peter took Tony’s hand in his, shaking it. “Yes! Thank you, sir. You won’t regret it!”
“I know I won’t.” He said, pulling his hand back and stepping away from him. “And Peter?”
“Be nice to her.” Tony said finally shooting you a wink before heading towards the rest of the group standing over the unconscious man.
Glancing down at your hands, fiddling with your fingers, you looked up at Peter.
“I’m so sorry for not telling you, Pete.” You said, taking a deep breath. “I was just so scared. At first I didn’t even know what was going on with me and then the Avengers found me and my life just got so crazy, but you always treated me like I was just me... I didn’t want that to change and I.... I didn’t want you to leave me once you found out.”
Taking your fidgeting hands in his, he squeezed tightly.
“You thought I would leave you?” Peter asked.
You nodded.
“Y/n, I- I would never leave you.” Peter said seriously. “Yeah, it’s super cool that my girlfriend’s Sider-Woman and you look... like... really hot... in that suit-”
“But I love you.” He told you finally. “Not Spider-Woman- you.”
You weren’t able to help the smile that reached across your face as you listened to your boyfriend. You should have known that Peter would never hate you- especially not for something as cool as having super human abilities- and you almost wanted to laugh at yourself for worrying so much over it. In the end all that mattered was that Peter now knew and he chose to be with you anyway.
Taking your hands out of his, you cupped his face in your hands and pressed a light kiss to his lips before pulling away.
“Thanks for being my hero tonight, Peter.” You whispered.
Smiling, gazing at his face you couldn’t help but notice the blush that began to rise to his cheeks as he nervously scratched the back of his neck.
“Oh that? That was nothing.” He chuckled.
“Hey! Love birds!” Tony shouted from across the room. “The press has gotta be here any minute- better head out unless you want your face on the front page.”
“You’ve got it, Mr. Stark!” Peter called back, waving his hand.
Waving goodbye to the members of your group one last time, you laced your fingers with Peter’s guiding him towards the door.
“Got my dress?” You asked.
Pulling your dress out from behind a nearby vase, he continued his pace handing you the bundled up gown.
“Couldn’t forget that!”
Smiling you slipped behind a wall near the entrance, pulling your gown on. Without asking you felt Peter come up behind you, lacing up the back of your dress as you tapped your wrist, your suit retracting with your touch beneath the dress.
“I don’t know about you,” Peter said, tying the laces. “But I’m-”
“Starving?” You asked, laughing.
Stepping back from tying up your gown, he laughed. “Yeah, want to go grab some post battle dinner?”
Taking his hand in yours, you couldn’t help the smile on your face. “How can I say no to that?”
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berkmansimagines · 3 years
Summary: Believing Barry’s life is in danger, you’re forced to go on a hit.
Pairing: Barry Berkman x hitman!wife reader
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“Diane, I already told you I’m not doing it. Find someone else.”
For the past week your handler, Diane, has been trying to convince you to do a job. The client is a very powerful man named Del. He works for a cartel and wants you to kill a man that helps them launder money. Del found out the man was skimming money and needed to eliminate the problem. He reached out to Diane and hired you to take care of it so it wouldn’t look cartel related.
Most of the time you keep your head down and get the job done. You don’t often push back about going on a hit, but this was different. The job is messy. The client who hired you is dangerous. And you’re not going to let yourself get caught up in it.
Despite your objections, Diane is still pushing you to carry out the hit. She even drove you to the target’s place under the guise that she was taking you out for coffee. You’re now parked right outside the target’s home.
“I can’t. Del personally requested you,” Diane explains.
“Why?” you raise your eyebrows.
“Because you’re the best!” your handler insists, “Come on, Y/N! We’re right here. You just have to go in and finish the job. It should be quick! I can take you out for coffee after if you want.”
You give Diane the stink eye.
You shrug and reach into your bag. You pull out your phone to check who’s calling. It’s Barry.
“Hey babe! Sorry, can I call you back?” you answer the call.
“I don’t think that would be very wise,” an unfamiliar voice tells you.
Your heart sinks. It feels like the wind is getting knocked out of you.
“Who are you? Where’s my husband?” you breathe.
“You’re smarter than that, Y/N. You already know who I am.”
You’re silent for a beat, and then-
“Very good,” he snickers, “I apologize for calling you like this. It was difficult getting your number from Diane. So I found the next best thing.”
Your eyes widen.
“Fuck you,” you say through gritted teeth.
“Well that’s not very polite. Y/N, if you’re not willing to cooperate and do your job you’ll never see your husband again. Is that what you want?” Del condescends.
“No! No, no, no. I’ll do it! I’ll do the hit... Just please don’t hurt him,” you try.
Del laughs. He’s enjoying this.
“I’ll send Diane an address for us to meet after you're done. Then you can see your husband.”
The line goes dead.
“MOTHERFUCKER!” you scream, tossing your phone down in frustration.
“Relax, relax. Okay…” Diane puts a supportive hand on your shoulder.
Your mind is racing. The cartel has Barry. How could this have happened? Barry knows how to defend himself. He wouldn’t have gone without a fight. You hope he isn’t hurt.
You rack your brain, trying to figure out how Del even knows about Barry or where to find him. Then you gasp…
You slowly turn your head and give Diane a cold look.
“Did you have anything to do with this?” you bluntly ask your handler.
Diane shakes her head, “I didn’t. I swear, Y/N! I knew nothing about this.”
You’re quiet for a moment, not sure if you fully believe Diane. But you don’t have time to focus on that now. You have a job to do. You reach into the glove compartment and pull out a gun. You make sure it’s loaded before getting out of the car and angrily slamming the door shut.
The hit doesn’t take too long. You’re in and out in ten minutes. The target accidentally left his backdoor unlocked. You quietly crept through the house and found your mark eating breakfast in the kitchen. The man was completely taken off guard. He begged for his life before you pulled the trigger.
“Is it done?” Diane asks when you get back into the car.
You nod. Without another word, Diane drives you to the designated meeting place at an old abandoned warehouse.
You and Diane are the first to arrive. You anxiously pace back and forth waiting for Del to show up with Barry.
About twenty minutes later, a man walks in alone. He’s very handsome and well dressed. This must be Del. You don’t see your husband anywhere in sight.
“Ah, Diane! Good to see you again. And, Y/N, so nice to finally meet you in person. I wish it was under better circumstances,” Del says smugly.
“Where is he? Where’s Barry?” you impatiently ask.
Del reaches into his coat pocket. You reflexively pull out your gun and point it at him, anticipating a weapon to be drawn. Instead, he pulls out a cellphone.
Your handler remains cool, calm and collected. She puts a protective arm out in front of you and signals you to lower your weapon. You reluctantly comply.
Del hands the phone to you. You recognize it instantly. This is Barry’s phone.
“I don’t want his phone. Where the hell is my husband?” you challenge Del.
“He’s at home,” Del tells you, “Lovely little apartment, by the way. But you should really get better locks. I swiped the phone while he was in the shower. Easier to steal the phone than the man.”
Your eyes widen in rage.
“You tricked me?”
Del snickers. You’re about to lunge at him and ring his neck out, when you feel an arm snake around your waist. It’s Diane holding you back. Del reaches over and cups your chin in his hand. You move your head away. You don’t want this creep touching you.
“Oh! Your girl is feisty, Diane. I like that,” Del taunts.
“Never reach out to me for contract work again,” Diane coldly warns him, “If you ever make another move against Y/N, I will fucking kill you.”
Del smirks, not taking Diane’s threat seriously.
“Until next time, ladies.”
And with that, Del leaves. Diane lets go of your waist and you pull away from her.
“Take me home now,” you demand.
Diane drives you home. The car ride is silent. You could cut the tension with a knife. As soon as you get out of the car, you rush to your apartment. You’re almost out of breath by the time you open the door.
“BARRY!” you call out your husband’s name.
You desperately look around and find Barry sitting on the couch in the living room. He’s reading a script for his acting class.
“Hey,” he casually greets you.
You run towards Barry and he rises to his feet. You jump into your husband’s arms, squeezing him extra tight, as if his life depended on it. Barry hugs you back. He senses something is wrong.
“Hey… oh hey. Are you alright?” Barry asks softly.
You shake your head, fighting back tears. Barry gently rubs your shoulders in an attempt to calm you down.
“It’s okay. You can talk to me,” Barry tries.
You take a deep breath and then tell him everything. Barry stays quiet as he attentively listens to your story. He looks concerned. His jaw clenches when you explain that someone from the cartel broke into your place. It unnerves him to find out that someone was wandering around the apartment without his knowledge.
Barry didn’t even realize that his phone was missing. After getting out of the shower, he spent the next few hours focused on his script for an upcoming acting class. He feels like such an idiot now.
“I was afraid he was going to kill you,” you stress.
“I’m alright,” your husband reassures you.
Barry takes your hand, interlocking his fingers with yours. You remain close.
“I was so mad after realizing Del tricked me… I almost attacked him.”
“You have more restraint than me,” Barry mumbles.
If this was the other way around and Barry thought that Del kidnapped you, he would’ve fucking snapped.
“I hate that Del used you to get to me,” you sigh, “It means he knows…”
“Knows what?” Barry asks.
“That you’re my weakness,” you answer.
Barry takes a deep breath. He understands. Your husband has killed people to save your life before. And he’d do it again, without question.
“Now we’ve both killed people to protect each other… Does it ever scare you, how far we’d go for one another?” you ask quietly.
Barry lightly nods his head.
“Yeah, sometimes. But the thought of losing you scares me more,” he admits, “You’re my weakness too...”
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fiveisnumber1 · 3 years
A Villain In The Making - A Timeless Side Piece
For most people today was just a normal Saturday afternoon. They walked about the city, they ran their errands, they just existed. You on the other hand, you sat around in your room anxiously waiting for your friends to return. The academy kids had left a few days ago to go fight some crazy scientist in France named Gustave Eiffel and Sir Reginald even took Vanya with them this time leaving you to yourself. You could recall the day they had left since it was only a few days ago. You were peacefully playing a game of chess with Five when the sound of an alarm started to blare.
“Ugh, another mission?” Five questioned annoyed
This would be the third one in a row that he and his siblings had in the last week. He was getting tired of having to up and leave all the time especially since he only got to see you once you were finished with school during the week. And even then he now had to split his time with you with his six other siblings. This was awful. You saw the disappointed and annoyed look on Five’s face and knew that he didn’t want to go.
“I'm sorry this keeps happening.” 
“This is the third time our chess game has been interrupted by some mission.” Five complained
“Maybe we should try playing checkers next time?” You jokingly suggested
You could see as a smirk start to form upon Five’s face as he replied,
“I don’t think chess is the cause for all these missions.”
“You never know!” You remarked
“There is a chance, however slim, that it might be the cause. That does not change the fact that I don’t want to go.” Five retorted
You opened your mouth about to try and comfort your friend but from down the hall you heard the loud shouts of Sir Reginald demanding his children’s presence. Both you and Five looked in the direction of his voice as he shouted,
“Do you not hear the alarm? Our mission is in Paris children, we must leave at once!”
You and Five looked back at each other, both with wide eyes as you processed what he had just said.
“You’re going all the way to Paris?” You stated aloud “I guess you’re going to be gone for a bit then, huh?”
Five felt his stomach drop. You were right, he was going to be gone for a bit. He didn’t want to leave you here though. He didn’t want to leave you at all. Without really thinking Five took your hands in his and suggested,
“You should come with me- with us.”
“Five as much as I would love to take a trip to Paris in the middle of the school year I cannot.” You explain
“Why not?” He asked
“I hate to be the person to remind you of this but my parents care for me and would think I’m kidnapped, Five.” You explain
“Shit, you’re right.” Five said as he pull his hands from you and began to pace back and forth
“Hey, if it will make you feel better maybe you can do something touristy for me while you’re there.”
“Like what?” he inquires, stopping his pacing
“I don’t know, look for people who you think are like us and then do whatever it looks like those other people are doing.” You elaborate 
“Children your lack of urgency is putting the world in danger!” Reginald shouts once more
You and Five look at each other once more realizing that he needed to go. It wasn’t fun but it was just something the both of you had to deal with given the differences in your upbringing. He was raised to be a “hero” and would have to leave to fight on behalf of the world and you were just some kid who lived across the street and still needed to finished her advanced algebra homework. Letting out sigh you quickly wrapped your friend in a tight hug which he reciprocated. As you held each other you could hear the sounds of his siblings starting to run downstairs and knew it was time for him to go. Parting ways you looked at your friend one more time and encouraged,
“Go kick some ass with your siblings. I’ll be waiting here for you when you get back.”
“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Five replies, giving you a smile
And with that you watched as he flashed away. You turned back towards the chessboard that you had been playing at with Five only moments ago and sat down in your chair. As you were about to start putting the pieces back in their original spots a voice called out from behind you and asked,
“May I finish this game with you?”
Turning to look at the voice you smiled and said,
“Sure Pogo.”
As Pogo took a seat across from you, he mentioned,
“Just because the children aren’t around does not mean you’re not welcome here Miss (Y/N). This might not be your home but I hope it’s a place where you feel like you can belong.”
“Thank you.”
As you came back into focus you heard the sounds of many people chattering. Looking outside your bedroom window you could see as a crowd started to gather behind barricades across the street at the academy with signs in hand. Dozens of fans of the Umbrella Academy were stood outside the manor to wait and watch for the arrival of their favorite super powered kids. You however were just waiting for you friends to get back so you all could hang out again. Wanting to get out of your room and curious as to what all the fuss looked like in person you decided on heading over to the academy as well.  Walking downstairs you called out to your parents,
“I’m going to go meet up with some friends!”
“Alright, sweetie but be back by 8:30 for dinner and remember the third rule!” Your mom called back
“Uh yeah...I will!” You replied as you quickly hurried out the door rushing over to the academy before you could get caught
Carefully you made your way through the crowd and towards the front of the barricade closest to the house. You looked around at all the people who knew nothing of the reality that your friends were going through. It was crazy what a different world they lived in. As you stood behind the barricade waiting like everyone else for the umbrella academy to show up you felt someone push around you. Looking to the right you saw a kid about your age placing a suitcase down on the ground. He looked around frantically as if trying to find something and you could see that he was dressed up in an academy uniform. Not a good one though. It looked like all the materials were constructed out of tape and paper. You attempted to look away from the weird kid before he noticed but it was too late, you had caught his gaze. Trying to not be weird you quickly commented,
“Hi! I’m Harold.” He says extending his hand
There was something off about this kid but you couldn’t place it.
“...(Y/N),” You replied slowly shaking it “Nice costume.”
“Oh thanks! I made it myself.” He exclaims
“I can see that.” You comment unimpressed
He must’ve noticed your tone because he followed up with,
“I’ll get a better one soon though!”
You were actually a bit impressed by that. The Umbrella Academy uniforms were custom made so to have an accurate replica created would cost a lot of money.
“Your parents must really love you to pay for a custom made uniform.” You say surprised
The kid looked off to the side for a bit after you had mentioned his parents but when he looked back he explained.
“Oh no, I’m going to get one when I join the academy!”
You blinked a few times in confusion. What did he mean when he joins the academy? It’s not like an after school program you could sign up for free to be a part of. For better or for worse the Umbrella Academy was hand picked. Sir Reginald specifically chose kids who fell under the very rare and odd circumstances such as your friends and yourself. Giving the kid an odd look you questioned,
“Join? Not to be rude kid, but what makes you think you can join?”
“Well I was born on October 1st.” He states
“Yeah so was I, but you don’t see me standing in one of those uniforms.” You retorted
“But you can be! We both probably have powers, Sir Hargreeves just needs to help us find them out!” Harold replied excitedly
God these people really had no clue what life was like behind those walls. They knew nothing of how dull and damaging academy life could be. Centering yourself you placed a hand on the kid next to you’s shoulder as you stated,
“Listen, Gerald right?”
“Harold.” He correct
“Whatever. Having powers has downsides, it is not all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes it can be painful or frustrating or caused unintended harm to yourself or others when they get out of control.” You continued
Instead of a look of contemplation you watched as his eyes lit up.
“So you do have powers?!” He exclaimed
“I never said that.” You replied trying to get him off that topic “I’m just saying this academy isn’t the gift you think it is. You shouldn’t delude yourself because you’re only going to end up hurt.”
“Well, if you don’t want to be in the Umbrella Academy and hang with the coolest people around then suit yourself but I’m going to be living it up with my to be discovered powers and new siblings.” Harold stated
“Uh huh. Sure you are.” You remarked
“Just wait and you’ll see.” He replied
The two of you then went silent as you stood and waited for the academy to appear at their house. The thing was the Umbrella Academy had just arrived. The car had pulled into the back of the house where I could not been seen by the public. Turning from the front seat to look back at the academy, Reginald narrowed his eyes on Vanya and Five.
“Number Seven go in the house and wait in the parlor. Number Five I want you to spatial jump to the front of the house while your siblings and I drive around the block to the front in the car.” Reginald stated
“Why?” Five questioned
It didn’t make sense for him to be here while everyone else arrived later.
“Panem et circenses. Bread and circuses. The more the people are entertained the less questions they ask. Now go.” Reginald commanded
“Fine.” Five replied
Annoyed, Five spatial jumped out of the car and to the front of the house like he was told to do. With a flash he appeared in the middle of the two barricades filled with people. The crowd looked on with awe and excitement as they saw him there. Forcing a smile for the public Five gave a small wave as he looked around. And then, he saw you and a genuine smile came to his face. Pulling something from his pocket he flashed over to you. You didn’t say anything, unsure of how to interact given in this context you looked like another fan in the crowd. Granted, you were a fan of him and the rest of the academy just not in the same way as everyone else. Making the move to speak first Five asked,
“Can I sign your comic?”
“Oh wow! Yeah!” Harold said as pushed you away
Frantically, he tried to pull a comic from his pocket and hand it to Five. This was one of the things he hated most about having fans, they only cared about what they wanted and would put anyone else in harms way to get that. It was disgusting behavior to begin with but even worse that this kid had pushed you. Unhappy with the fact that he had pushed you out of the way Five looked at the boy upset and curtly replied,
“Not you. I was talking to her.”
You knew he wanted to talk to you but the question he had asked didn’t make sense. You didn’t have a comic on you. Curious as to what he meant you asked,
“What comic?”
“The one in your jacket pocket. Right there.” Five points out
Looking down your saw a rolled up comic in your pocket. Pulling the comic out you unrolled it and noticed that it was completely in french. He had gotten this comic and placed it in your pocket just so he could talk to you. Clever.
“Now how did that get there?” You questioned, a playful smirk on your face
“No clue. So can I sign it?” Five replied
“Sure, you can sign my comic.” You remarked sarcastically
You handed the comic back to Five and watched as he made no attempts to find a pen or marker to actually sign the comic. Instead, he stood there on the other side of the barricade, ignoring the rest of the crowd, and just focusing on you.
“So what have you been up to while we’ve been gone?” Five asked
“School mostly.” You replied
“Anything new happen?” He followed
“The new guy who sits behind me keeps picking on me and pulling at my hair.” You stated
Five could feel an anger start to rise in him. He was only gone a few days and someone had the audacity to pick on his best friend. No. Absolutely not, not on his watch. 
“I can do something about it for you.” He firmly states
“Absolutely not.” You retorted
It was annoying that this kid shows up and thinks he can just bother you but it’s not something you couldn’t handle. You were in the process of going through the proper channels at school but if nothing got resolved you had no qualms about handling it yourself. You did not need Five handing it because you knew his handling was the equivalent of a death sentence even if he didn’t cause serious physical harm. The psychological damage from someone with super powers threatening them would be enough to make that kid regret his own birth. 
Harold looked at the conversation between you and Five, and although he felt there was something different about it, that’s not what mattered to him. You had just told a member of the umbrella academy you DIDN’T want their help.
“What he’s a hero, he can totally help with your bully.” Harold interjected
Five looked towards the kid who had pushed you earlier and who was now trying to tell you what he thought was best. Taking a step closer to the barricade he stared Harold down. Lowering his voice in a steady tone he questioned,
“Why are you talking to her?”
Harold couldn’t see Five’s eyes from behind his mask but he could feel his piercing gaze and the tone in which he spoke felt less like a question and more like a threat.
Seeing what was starting to build you tried to redirect Five’s attention back to you by saying,
“Number Five, he’s another fan just like me, remember?”
Five turned to look back at you, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“Number Five?” He asked, his voice slightly saddened “What did I do?”
“That’s. your. name.” You tried to remind without openly saying anything
It took a moment but Five was able to pick up on the message you were trying to get across and says,
“Oh-uh yeah...Number Five. Thats’s me.”
 “Anyway...” You continued “Did you do anything touristy in Paris?”
“Actually I did.” Five replies cheerfully “I saw a whole bunch of tourists placing these locks on bridges.”
“Interesting. Why?” You asked
“I don’t know but people kept writing them and their friends names on them so I did it too and wrote me and my best friend’s names.” Five explains “Alli- I mean Number Three kept giggling as I did so though which is odd since she did the same thing with Number One.”
“Weird. I’ll-” You catch yourself before finishing “I mean you’ll have to ask her about it then.” 
As Harold watched the two of you talk he felt a little frustrated. He knew that Number Five didn’t really want to talk to him but he needed to find his way into the academy. Trying to interject her said,
“Excuse me Number Five but I really need to talk to you-”
His words were ignored though as someone loudly shouted,
“They're coming! I think I see their car!”
You and Five look towards the street before you looked back to him. You knew that his father didn’t send him out here to talk to you and you worried how he would react if this is what he saw when he showed up. Taking on a more urgent tone you told Five,
“You need to move along, your father will be here any second.”
“I see them! I see the car!” Another person shouted from the crowd
Five stood frozen in place. He knew he needed to move but he also wanted you to come with him. But he couldn’t just drag you with him that would get both of you in trouble but he felt less anxious when you were actually by his side. You knew your best friend and sensing his internal conflict you said,
“Je te verrai à l'intérieur”
Finally looking back from the street, Five can feel his brain and body starting to catch up with each other and really process the situation. Looking at you he quickly replies,
“Á très bientôt”
You give him a small nod acknowledging his statement and Five takes that as his cue to walk away. He’s stopped though when Harold grabs at the sleeve of his jacket exclaiming,
“Wait no!”
With the crowd focused on the arrival of his siblings, Five didn’t want to make a scene. He could flash away but he was concerned the kid would hold on and come through the spatial jump with him. Attempting to just pull his arm away Five stated,
“Get off me kid,”
“No I just need to talk to you!” Harold replied
You were already tired of this kid to begin with but seeing him grab and pull on your friend when he should be keeping his hands to himself was the last straw for you. Placing your hand on top of his you firmly demanded,
“Let go of him. Now.”
Harold refused to let go though and so you were left with no choice. Rapidly, you heated up the molecules of your hand and burned the hand that held onto Five’s sleeve. The kid quickly let go as he saw the dark red burn now on the top of his hand. Looking towards Five you commanded,
And with that Five made his way closer to the entrance of his house. Staring out you with wide eyes, Harold looked between you and the mark on his hand.
“How did you do that?” He questioned shocked
“Do what?” You responded blankly
You had to have had powers. You were born on October 1st and you had just hurt him so he would let go of Five. Maybe you didn’t realize you had them but if you had powers that means he probably did too. Trying to get you to understand he explained
“You burned my hand.”
“No clue what you’re talking about.” You replied
This kid was not going to find out what you could do. Continuing to look at him blankly he saw as the rest of the academy member started to walk towards the house.
“Nevermind. Here come the rest of them, academy life here I come.” He said to himself as he jumped the barricade
You let out a sigh as you realized this wouldn’t end well, and yet you kept watching. He let Ben and Klaus pass him by before grabbing on to Allison’s arm the same way he did for Five.
“Excuse me. I'm your biggest fan.” He said
From behind him you could see Luther approach. And if his body language was any indicator you could tell how pissed he was that this kid was grabbing Allison. Grabbing Harold’s arm firmly, Luther pulls him of Allison and he angrily reprimands, “Hey, hey. You're not supposed to be in here.” “Get back behind the barricade!” Sir Reginald yells at him
You watch as Luther wraps an arm around Allison and walks her towards the house while the crowd’s focus shifts to the incident going on before them. With the crowd distracted, as Diego passes you he gestures for you to follow him. You take a cautionary glance at the crowd and with what seems like the confirmation of no one paying attention you phase through the barricade and quickly follow him towards the academy entrance. Although you thought no one noticed though, Harold did.
“What are you doing?” Reginald demanded
Harold look back from what he had just witnessed and up at Sir Reginald. “It's just...I was born on the same day as the Academy kids. I think I'm like them. I must be. I haven't quite figured out what my power is yet. But maybe with your help, we can find out.” He stuttered “You have no power. You never will have power. Now, go home.” Reginald stated “No, please. Just... I...You have to let me stay. I came all this way. Please don't make me go back.” Harold begged “A little word of advice, my boy. Not everyone in this world can be powerful. Chasing something unattainable is a recipe for a lifetime of disappointment and resentment.” Reginald stated
“No, no! I have to have powers because that girl, she has powers! I just saw it!” Harold exclaimed pointing in your direction
Hearing his words you quickly made yourself invisible before anyone could see you standing with the group. Reginald looked towards the house before looking back at Harold asking,
“What girl?”
The crowd started to laugh hysterically at the antics of the kid before them. He was ridiculous thinking he could join the umbrella academy. Trying to defend himself Harold exclaimed,
“She was just here! She-she disappeared!”
“People don’t just disappear, boy.” Reginald remarked “Now get off my property.”
Tears formed in Harold’s eyes. His heroes were now his worst enemies. They ruined his dreams and they ruined his life. From the stairs of the manor you and the rest of the academy kids watched as Harold grabbed his bag and started to run away. You felt bad for the kid but you also hoped you would never see him again.
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The Haunting of Thomas Sanders 
> Part 1 < Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Summary: Nico was beginning to think his new boyfriend was haunted by ghosts. He never planned to bring it up until the ghosts themselves came to him asking for help.
CW: food mention, alcohol mention, past breakup
Notes: Based off this text post I made. 
Nico had come to the mall for inspiration.
Anything to get out of his office would help him at this point, really. The meetings he had to go to were stifling any new ideas and the nosey, pompous co-workers were worse. The writer did not know what he was looking for, but what else brought people to malls? Maybe a new outfit would uncover confidence , maybe indulging in greasy food would be that final click he seemed to lack, maybe people-watching would offer the right story. Nico's bets were not on the last one.
The mall was not as busy as it once had been. When he was still a teen it was a lively place bustling with a constant traffic of people. Walking through shops offered hours of new stimulation and the hallways were towering, intricate skylights the crowning jewel. As time went on Nico got older and things changed. Online shopping is easier than anything and a fair few of the shops were closed down for good.
Nevertheless it was his favorite place to write if he had to choose. The buzz of energy helped him focus on work. Nico found peculiar security in being an irrelevant face in a crowd of hundreds, and knowing that each person had a life he could never even imagine opened floodgates of inspiration. The 'What if's?' and 'Why's?" he asked himself when people-watching could get the ball rolling.
Now there were less faces, less stories. Nico did not appreciate the way this shift reflected in his work. The difference was noticeable, and he struggled more with deadlines, but he worked with what he had.
He learned to pay attention to individuals more. However, currently what he had was waiting for his food, because at this point he might have more luck finding inspiration in eating then in others. There had only been a toddler throwing a tantrum, a teen scrolling on their phone, and a man who sat down across from him at the food court-
Oh hello, inspiration.
If Nico was staring, the only reason he got away with it was his laptop blocking his line of sight. He saw all he needed out of the corner of his eye. The floral shirt was extremely flattering, and if he wasn't mistaken he could see the outline of muscles. That brown hair looked fluffy, and what he would give to run his fingers through it while- Okay, Nico, you might be gay but that thought isn't for a stranger .
He could not even see his eye color. And the man in the floral shirt was eating, interrupting his meal would be rude. Maybe there was a way to make this still work? As his waitress got to his table and dropped off his food, he subtly turned his pinned-covered backpack in the direction of the stranger. If Mr. Handsome did not answer his silent plea then he would move on.
He tossed a fry into his mouth instead of letting himself think.
Maybe he had got his hopes up when the guy came in his direction, only to walk up to a Karrot King line. When the writer saw the man in the floral shirt inspect the plant, he wondered if he liked botany. Finally the same useless hope happened again when they made admittedly awkward eye contact for a few seconds. So he has brown eyes. The guy turned away rather fast so Nico dropped it. Maybe showing a pride pin made the guy uncomfortable and it was to good to be true.
Only when he heard a CRASH and saw somebody fall into a garbage can, did he finally get an idea about what to write. That was a metaphor he could spin into a story. Certainly it was not at all because he felt trashy for a missed opportunity. Nor was it due to that cute guy having disappeared, leaving his food uneaten.
Wait . You can still make this work, Flores.
He scarfed down the rest of his food and discarded the trash. Nico's fast pace to get to the table with the food turned a few heads, but he ignored it. Greasy bag in hand, he browsed the crowd for that familiar pattern. Every person wearing a floral shirt was either an older lady or a child. Nico swayed on the balls of his feet as he contemplated what to do next, but then he saw him coming out of the restroom.
None of what happened after went as planned. Serves him right for letting his overactive imagination create unrealistic expectations.
He should have known trying to do small talk with strangers would only backfire. After Nico had called out after him to return the food, he had tried to ask what made him leave in a rush to forget his food. Then the guy asked what was wrong with him and Nico dropped it. He gave the stranger his well-wishers and left afterwards. He would honestly rather head back to work then be here right now.  
No matter if he was admittedly cute, Nico Flores probably would have been mad at the man if he did not look like he was on the verge of a public anxiety attack. He was probably starving, too, if he had forgotten his lunch.
The man in the floral shirt hesitated behind him, running after Nico.
When they actually sat down to talk together, the man in the floral shirt - Mr. Sanders, Thomas - was quite charming. And funny. And intelligent. Oh, when he had called Thomas an inspiration earlier he had meant it. He just met a singer and an actor, is there a more perfect match to a writer and poet?
Leave it to his imagination to think of a man he just met reciting the poems and lovingly singing songs he writes.
The two had talked for over two hours without noticing. They had bounced ideas off of each other and Nico made an impressive amount of progress. He felt so giddy with just this one interaction! Nico was sad that they had to leave; Thomas seemed just as reluctant to part.
"Well you didn't get to eat much today at lunch right?"
Thomas fiddled with his fingers, "Yeah…"
Nico did not let himself second guess himself , he offered, "Then let me buy you dinner tonight!"
As a breath caught in Thomas' throat, Nico was self conscious that he might have said something wrong, but the heavy blush across the other man's face was not of offence or horror at all. Thomas was smiling at him again.
Finding ways to make Thomas go speechless was going to be his new favorite pastime… if Thomas would give him a chance, he decided. Just that alone lit a fire inside him, and later when he finished with writing for work, he would write some more. All he would be writing about would be this, a collection of poems to free these butterflies in his stomach. Thomas seemed to look around for approval from anybody else and nodded quickly
"I'd love to go with you, Nico! Maybe we can uh- get to know each other better?" Oh man, it was flattering to have somebody so cute get so nervous at him of all people.  
"Only if I could get to know the digits on your phone number better," he confirmed with a playful grin. It might have been cheesy, certainly. But he was also the person who told Thomas that they would not waste this opportunity. Pretending he was not corny now would be a lie.
Thomas taking his cliché advances in stride only made him more hopeful.
They both later met at a local bar and grill close to the beach. A salty sea breeze tousled his hair and the palm leaves. The hour was close to sunset, too hot for the mosquitoes to bug them but not too hot for the two of them to eat outside.
"I'm looking for a table for two? RSVP'd under the name 'Flores'?" He asked. The waitress nodded, sat him down with a menu. Thomas was not there, and a part of him wonders if he is getting stood up. Nico, not particularly interested in looking at food yet, fiddled with his laptop. He sighed because even If that was the case, Nico would try to make the most of the night.
The waitress brought Thomas to the table a few minutes later. The writer's heart soared before worry took root. Thomas was wearing that same expression from earlier that day on his face. He anxiously explained. "I'm so, so sorry for being late. And i totally get if you don't want me here and would prefer to just call this all off. I didn't mean to show up late, but then as I was about to leave my apartment I- my keys just-"
Nico grabbed one of Thomas' hands and smiled reassuringly. "Hey, I'm not angry you got here late."
Thomas really did look cute flustered, but he did not let go of the hand. Instead he ran his thumbs along his knuckles. "I'm happy you're here with me. Wanna order a drink and maybe share an appetizer with me?"
They both chatted about foods they disliked while waiting. Thomas hated carrots with a passion as it turned out, and he made a mental note to tease him about going to a Karrot King. Nico in turn talked about his dislike for most seafood and mushrooms because of the slimy texture. The waitress came and both agreed on a sampler platter to share.
"Mimosas at sunset?" He inquired.
Thomas smiled nervously. "I usually save them for brunches, with friends. All the other options I like are too much if I want to drive home tonight."
Nico nodded, understanding.
Just like in the food court, Talking with Thomas made time go past without him even noticing. They tried out food together, talked about music, and that led Nico into telling a story about a Highschool band. Thomas was red in the face and giggling uncontrollably by the time they paid for the check and had to leave.
They left the building together when Thomas stopped him. "There's a park around the corner. We can feed the ducks some leftovers."
If Nico noticed that Thomas was not ready to say bye just yet, he did not say it. The last of the sun was behind the horizon by the time they went through a breadstick. Watching Thomas interact with the ducks gave him the idea that this man loved animals. They were cute, he would admit, but nature found other ways to ruin his mood.
Nico laughed at himself, pulling his arms closer into his body. "I almost wish I dressed up a bit more. I didn't expect the mosquitoes to be this bad."
"I know it's warm out, but I can lend you a jacket?"
Nico did a double take at what Thomas was holding up. It was black with plaid sleeves, already oversized so it wouldn't have a problem fitting Nico. It honestly looked very comfortable, and it would keep him from being bit, but comfort wasn't what he was caught up on.
"Being warm beats being eaten alive."
When the fuck did Thomas have an extra jacket on him? Did he really not notice it?
He hesitated, and then asked a whole entirety different question. "Are you sure I can take this? I won't be able to return it to you tonight."
Thomas insisted, "Please, I don't mind- I don't need it. And you can keep it for tonight, or until we see each other again?"
Nico put the jacket on and it was soft. And it smelled like the cologne Thomas was wearing. Oh this was nice. "When will that be, Thomas?"
Thomas let his eyes linger on Nico in his jacket. "Saturday I'm free, I think. We could have brunch together, even."
He smiled. "Saturday sounds wonderful."
When they first had met, being infatuated was easy. It came to the pair more natural than breathing.
Nico originally did not know if his relationship with Thomas Sanders would go anywhere. But the first meeting had been so promising. And then they had a brunch date at Thomas' place, then a second and a third. Maybe… maybe Nico was moving too fast. Things kept going well nonetheless.
Four, five, six, seven. They kept on hanging out. Going out. They wanted to see more and more of each other. Quickly they were amassing a horde of good memories together. During nights away, they loved to text and call each other. They never put a label on what they did, which was starting to bother him. It felt more intimate than friendship. Were these dates?
According to his family, yes. They had noticed his change in mood and lack of free time quickly and demanded explanation. He kept it vague, but got advice anyways. Mama Flores said it was ridiculous that he had not brought Thomas by to meet the famila. Hid Papa was more doubtful. Even though it has been years since Nico's last major failed relationship, his father was still worried.
Papa Flores was a proud man, so it left a bad taste in his mouth when he requested Nico to take more time before giving his heart away. He had to oblige. Nico was over it, he healed, but some of his family was not. Nico's ex was like a second son to Papa, and everybody was hurt by him.
Call him cliché, but Thomas was different.
Even when Nico was past the stage of infatuation, Thomas took his breath away.
Could you be infatuated by somebody you have not actually kissed yet? It felt like it. Sure, when they had met at that food court, he had his breath taken away, and that feeling intensified when they saw each other more. He knew infatuation could feel like love, but these feelings passed the test of time and matured into something deeper. With more meaning. He did not like just the idea of Thomas and what their future might look like, he liked Thomas for his presence and as a person.
Suddenly his worries that they were moving too fast turned into frustrations they were moving too slow. They were more intimate than regular friends, but they never got far enough to be considered partners. It was frustrating to figure out. Nico was ready for a relationship, he was certain. The three months he spent getting to know Thomas were blissful, and calling their dates only "hangouts" had begun to feel forced.
So they talked about it.
Thomas said he was also ready but his actions seemed more… hesitant. He mentioned somebody from his past, who he moved on from but never could forget. Nico wanted to ask, to find out what happened to his heart for him to be so afraid. He knew what it felt like to have scars that still hurt, he wanted to be there for Thomas as he healed.
But that was not the time for the conversation. Not when Nico was nearly on Thomas' lap and his arms hung around his neck. Not when Thomas met his eyes and Nico stared at them for too long. It could have been him trying to figure out what emotions they held, maybe Thomas' eyes were that beautiful. His friend -- boyfriend? -- got so anxious and trapped in his head easily, but Thomas seemed in control of his more scary thoughts in that moment. It brought a smile to his face, unnoticed between the way they were slowly moving closer.
Still, cautious and vulnerable, eager and loving, Thomas had let Nico kiss him. Finally getting to show Thomas just how much he wanted to cherish him was amazing. And receiving that same passion in return was intoxicating.
Getting an answer never felt so good.
Nico's more-than-friendly feelings were not the only thing that was starting to add up in regards to Thomas either. There were strange happenings, though were so minuscule he had nothing tangible to go off of.
Thomas might be really good at sneaking things past Nico's eyes, common sense would say. Intuition told himself not to doubt what he saw. Thomas did not have that spare jacket on their first date originally. It literally had to of appeared from thin air. And when Thomas invited him for brunch, he noticed that two of the mimosas Thomas had prepared with brunch had vanished. Sometimes he experiences ghost touches when staying the night. The hands were gentle and comforting, calluses on the fingertips just like Thomas, but when he opened his eyes nobody was there.
That was the most noticeable of things. Though he could list off a dozen smaller happenings. He had no proof for them, as they could be explained, but Nico listened to his gut here.
And Nico has no idea what he would want to do with this information anyways. Thomas seemed to have some supernatural force that followed him around. What a fantastic conclusion to jump to! It would be weird to bring up, especially after Thomas had denied anything when Nico subtly brought it up. And the ghosts - for lack of better term - did nothing to harm Thomas.
The information that Thomas was haunted by ghosts was, for all intents and purposes, useless.
(Except it was not. It was fantastic material to write from. When he first called Thomas inspiration, his first impression never proved to be wrong.)
(And if Nico had started a personal project dedicated to a story based on it, nobody needed to know,)
The difference between Nico's feelings for Thomas and his feelings about his ghosts is that one actually got addressed.
He would be content to let Thomas have that secret to himself.
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lune-hime · 3 years
Garden of Tulips (Levi/Reader) Chapter 1
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~Click me for more chapters~
“What did it look like?”
“Hmm?” Levi looked up from his place next to your sleeping form. “The titan that tried to snack on my darling granddaughter.” “Ugly as fuck.” “Aren’t they all?”
Levi recounts memories of the reader and their shared life together while she recovers from a serious injury.
!!WARNINGS!! - Violence, gore, smut, wholesome content ;)
Tulipa Estella Rijnveld ~ A tulip whose soft white petals are stained with a crimson pigment.
The putrid sounds of screaming and bones cracking were gradually soaked up by the trees and replaced by the stillness of the evening. The newfound silence of the countryside left an eerie calm over the two scouts but only amplified the ringing in Levi’s ears. The thumping of the horse’s muddy hooves against the hardened spring ground made his head throb as they rode further and further away from the massacre. Any sound was better than nothing, though, otherwise the silence would make him hear their foul cries.
Your pained shrieks.
In his arms you laid limp, the only sign of life was your slight breaths that just barely caressed the bottom of his chin. Whenever it became uneven the ringing in his ears sharpened. He would squeeze your side instinctively, something he would usually do to wake you up when you slept in too late. Only this time instead of your hand in his it was your blood staining his palm. He applied constant pressure to your bleeding side with one hand while the other, white-knuckled and bruised, held the reins. His grip was the only thing that kept him from floating off that damned horse. He was grateful he had lost his horse in the chaos instead of you; you loved the animal too much for Levi’s liking and he knew how devastated you would be when you woke up and it wasn’t there.
Once we get there you better fucking wake up, Y/N.
Levi had somehow managed to stop your bleeding with the piece of his cloak tightly wrapped around your waist combined with the pressure of his hand. This gave him minor peace of mind as you galloped through forest after forest. Emerging from the thicket, the last obstacle blocking your path to safety materialized on the horizon. The towering structure of Wall Rose was baked pale in the waning rays of light, it's untouched bricks proudly protecting those who resided inside. Levi wasted no time in grabbing the guards’ attention the moment he reached the barred gate.
“LET ME IN.” He screamed, his voice scattering the crows that rested on the railing of the wooden lookout post. Though he was extremely winded, his command was firm. There were some muffled curses and the sound of glass shattering before one guard peaked his heads over the edge, making eye contact with Levi’s impatient form below. To say he was startled was an understatement.
“C-captain Levi?” He called out in disbelief. The guard looked from the captain to the limp body in his arms, eyes widening in shock when he saw the remnants of your profuse bleeding.
“Captain Levi is here?” Another voice slurred from behind the first guard. A second soldier appeared, rushing over to lean heavily on the railing and gawk in awe.
“Hey, Captain! What are you doing all the way here at Krolva? What an honor, do you have a minute? My niece is a big fan and if I could get your autograph I’m sure she would really appreci-” He rambled excitedly before being cut off by a brisk slap from his comrade. He stumbled from the railing with a groan, clutching the back of his head in pain.
“Are yer eyes still workin’? Can’t you see he’s a little busy for that.  He’s riding with a wounded soldier, idiot.” His more sober counter part scolded. They soon got into a drunken argument about how to address superior officers, especially ones with pressing issues. The more their pointless conversation droned on the more Levi’s anxiety level rose. If he was delayed any longer he felt like he was going to shatter like the soldiers’ discarded beer bottle.
“I don’t have time for your shit!” He exclaimed. Your horse had begun to sense Levi’s urgency and started pawing at the ground and pacing restlessly in front of the gate.
The guards immediately halted their chatter and turned their full attention to him once again, looking like scolded children. There was a brief silence, broken by a single hiccup.
“Just. Let. Me. In. The. Damned. Gate.” Levi seethed, voice dangerously low. The guards exchanged nervous glances before scrambling to make the call that would raise the iron bars. The second the gate creaked upward, your horse was ready and anxiously bouncing on its hooves. When the opening was just large enough to fit through, your horse bolted through.
When the soldiers stationed at the guard tower would later tell the story to their comrades, and eventually Commander Pixis, they would swear that they saw the devil himself within Levi’s eyes.
Time had no meaning anymore as he weaved between stalled carts and yelping pedestrians. His eyes were on the prominent steeple that jutted out like a sunflower among dandelions from the jagged edges of the residential buildings. After rounding corner after corner and navigating the winding side streets he applied pressure to the reins at the front of the aged church. The grim sight that befell him festered at his already bleeding heart.
Sickness hung so thickly in the air that Levi felt it seeping into the pores of his skin. Hoards of ill residents congregated outside of the newly deemed hospital. Ymir’s stoney outstretched arms beckoned them to be herded like sheep into the eglise by their shepherds donned in nurses uniforms. So slowly were they being admitted that Levi could ascertain that the establishment, as grand as it looked on the outside, would not be able to harbor all of them. The mob groaned, wretched, sputtered and seemed to move as one undulating blob of disease.
Levi’s face contorted as the stench of bile singed the inside of his nose. Every one of his brain cells was scolding him for even contemplating the idea of having you treated at a place with such levels of contamination, but by the fucking walls he had no other foreseeable option. He kicked your horse briskly in the gut, abruptly trotting away to confront one of the nurses.
“You have to let me in. She’s bleeding out and needs stitches now.” Levi ordered with the remaining level-headedness he had hanging by his pinkie. His sanity was flowing out of him at the same rate blood was leaving your body. But he would not let his emotion influence his body and mind. The nurse’s eyes widened to the size of eggs, obviously overwhelmed by the sheer ghastliness of the situation.
“Captain Levi?!” She exclaimed in disbelief, first at the sight of the infamous soldier and then to the limp body clutched in his arms. Levi was aware of his so-called “popularity” but he swore he was going to explode if one more person acknowledged his name before the critical state of the soldier in his embrace. The nurse’s eyes darted to Levi’s bloodstained palm and she let out a small gasp barely audible through the cloth. Her eyebrows furrowed and Levi could infer she was frowning deeply.
“Sir, I’m sorry but we are at full capacity.” Her smooth voice was muffled by her mask. “A recent outbreak in the eastern district has us overwhelmed.”
Her excuse passed through one of Levi’s ears and right out the other. Every minute he sat here idly was another precious minute of life drained from you.
“You absolutely don’t have anyone that could treat her? Or- just give me some goddamn stitches and I’ll do it myself!” Levi demanded, tone flaring at the latter half of his proposal. The nurse gulped and shook her head somberly.
“The capital has been limiting the export of medical supplies to selected districts, including Krolva. We are maxed out now due to the illness...I’m afraid we can’t offer you anything.”
Levi dug his hand into the reins and tugged at them in frustration, making your horse skitter sideways. The scouts prided him in being one of the most rational members of its legions, which was a gift he was honing into as his head spun so quickly with what little options he had left. Uncharacteristically irrational thoughts tempted him, however when a splash of floral color caught his eye just behind the nurse’s shoulder it clicked.
He was in Krolva.
Krolva was your hometown.
You had family here.
Family with a distinct profession.
He stared at the ornamental tulips in the church yard for a moment before whipping his head towards the nurse.
“Where is the tulip farm.” Levi’s simple inquiry held the esteem of a military order of the utmost importance. Anticipation bubbled up within him as the nurse sputtered at his seemingly random change of subject.
“Um-The Vogel Estate is located slightly out of the district. If you go through the gates of Wall Rose its about a half an hour off the main road. There are signs for it you can’t miss.” The nurse instructed, pointing in the direction of the gates. Levi nodded once and was about to turn your horse around when the nurse let out a sound of protest.
“Wait!” She said hurriedly. She looked around nervously before reaching into her dress pocket, pulling out an ivory handkerchief and a small vile. Her gloved hands reached out to you looking at Levi for permission to remove his crimson caked hand.
“This saline won’t do much, but it will minimize infection.” She instructed, carefully lifting Levi’s hand. Sticky blood attempted to reconnect his limb to your side, however the nurse blotted the most recent stream away with a steady hand. Her breath hitched at the severity of your wound as she began pouring the contents of the vile onto your torn skin. She then folded the handkerchief and placed it firmly onto your side, grasping Levi’s hand and placing it over the fabric.
“This should keep more dirt from getting into her wound and irritating it. Keep applying steady pressure; thankfully it looks like you have been doing that already.”
Levi looked from his hand to her eyes, grateful for the sympathy that they held despite his frustration.
“Thank you.” He said curtly. Then, tugged on your horse’s reins and with one swift kick was off towards Wall Rose. To his relief, the gates were wide open as merchants filed through them. He deftly rushed past their inventory checks, unsympathetic to the whines in protest when your horse’s side rammed into a cart resulting in the spilling of an expensive keg of whiskey.
The signs to the estate took him through a picturesque village that made him question if the both of you were even residing in the living world anymore. When the crisp clacking of hooves against the brick road manifested into drum beats on the hard earth Levi had a small sliver of hope he was finally nearing his destination.
He had no idea how long the two of you had been riding for as crop fields turned into whistling wheat fields; the euphoric rolling hills were laughable in comparison to the bloodbath you had fled from. Levi only had a vague idea of where he was headed; his mental map painted by fond childhood memories and other stories of your youth. Based on your descriptions the place you talked so much about couldn’t be hard to miss.
You had taken Levi to Krolva once, a little less than a year ago he reckoned, on a rare scouting legion day off. However, you were unable to stay at your family home due to a myriad of circumstances. He wouldn’t have admitted it but a sweet, syrupy nervousness would churn in his stomach whenever you would talk about introducing him to your family and the other intimate aspects of your childhood. He had, indeed, already met the closest members of your family. One a scout that Levi was quite familiar with and the other the owner of this estate. He could count on one hand the amount of times he had met her and could say with the utmost certainty that it perplexed him beyond hell how you two were related. The fact that this was the first time you two were going to be there together, well the irony was ludicrous.
As humble houses began to litter the landscape he regained some confidence in his surroundings. Levi began analyzing each structure as your horse sped past, hooves hitting the stone path with the intensity of gunshots. His frantic mind began convincing himself that he was in fact in the wrong location when he saw the subject of all your musings.
A vast ocean of tulips that extended so far they seemed like they could caress the horizon. Levi had never seen such a sight in his life. He was never able to fully comprehend the pristine scenery you always described but seeing it laid out in front of him had enlightened his mind. Across from the floral sea sat a grand house, its elaborate frame sticking out against the rural landscape. Levi urged your horse on with a firm kick, a pained whinny erupting from its belly.
Upon reaching the structure Levi yanked on reigns, causing your horse to slide to a stop along the dirt path of the front yard. The homestead was silent except for your horse’s labored panting. Not even the sparrows that nested along the siding of the ornate porch chirped or rustled about. Levi took advantage of the quietness to make his presence known.
“H-HELP!” He shouted, his voice faltering a bit from his sore throat. He was far too used to being on the receiving end of this plea and it made him sink even more into desperation that this time the roles were reversed. The stillness lingered but a moment before the grand door swung open with a force that sent it bombarding against the siding of the house.
“Y/N!” A figure cried from the porch, their bellow echoing over the high entryway. The woman hurried down the steps with a spryness that betrayed her age. As she neared, Levi was faced with the familiar features of your grandmother.
“What in all hell happened, Levi?” She exclaimed with viscous horror. Her face contorted into various morphs of worry and disdain with each new angle she viewed of your mangled body.
“Y/N...she-” Levi wheezed, but his throat was too dry to formulate a proper sentence. His voice was cracked and his shoulder was numbing to the point where he was beginning to lose feeling. Your grandmother exhaled and collected herself, a wave of determination fastening like a uniform onto her being.
“Shit. No time for my questions, we need to get her inside now.” She stated firmly, releasing the reins from Levi’s locked grip. He nodded and allowed his hands to rise to your shoulders to pass you off to the woman. To his delight instead of fresh blood a layer of dark liquid caked his palm. This meant you hadn’t bled a significant amount since the hospital. He let out a shaky breath as the woman gathered you into her arms. You fell limply into her embrace, her knees buckling a bit at your weight but she quickly regained her posture. You looked like a corpse, pale and utterly dead looking, which made Levi want to throw up.
He never threw up.
As the woman began carrying you inside, Levi lifted his leg to dismount your horse but winced in pain. He hadn’t noticed his own injuries due to your condition, but now that the adrenaline had started to wear down they were catching up to him. When he landed the dismount he was met with a sharp pain along his shoulder blade. The pain was just an annoyance though in the grand scheme of the situation. The one thing that mattered the most in his life had almost been torn to pieces. So his shoulder could wait.
He began to hobble towards the front door, leading your horse along with him. He let go of the reins just shy of the porch steps.
“Wait here.” He coughed. There was of course no way your horse would understand him, let alone obey him. Knowing that animal it most definitely wouldn’t stay in the same place Levi left it.
Making his way into the house he paused in the entryway, taking in his surroundings. The foyer ahead of him was spacious; a large staircase laid directly in front of him and tall archways to both his sides led further into the lodgings. The quarters screamed quaint luxury; from the high ceilings, the perfectly intact pearl colored walls, to the elaborately carved hand railings of the stairs. He knew your family wasn’t exactly poor, but he didn’t know they were this economically endowed.
“Up here, quickly.” The woman called from the second floor, consequently snapping him from his daze. Blinking a couple times he charged up the stairs, taking the polished wooden steps two at a time. Once at the top he saw an open door to his right, one of many along the hallway. Just like the rest of the house the room was big, wide windows letting in the evening sunlight and casting a warm glow across the chambers. You were splayed across the silk sheets, the smooth linen now dirtied by your blood and god knows who’s else's. Your shattered form contrasted with the affluence of the room and he felt like he had just walked into your funeral service. The woman was seated at your side next to the nightstand. She had a variety of medical supplies splayed across the small table; needles, thick thread, cotton, alcohol, steel scissors, gause.
“Help me adjust her.” She requested in a low tone. Levi nodded once before walking to the opposite side of the bed and gingerly grasping your shoulders. The woman had laid you haphazardly on your side, unable to properly lay you straight due to her old age. Levi was impressed nonetheless, however, that she had carried you all the way up those stairs from the front yard. He moved your body so you were laying on your back, arms against your sides. Not wanting to get in her way, Levi planted himself on the bed at your other side.
“I’m thankful that you brought her here.” She said as she cut away pieces of your shirt with the scissors. “But why in holy hell did you not bring her to a proper medical facility? Half of her got torn up by one of those fuckers.” She exclaimed, her voice quaked with emotion but her hands remained steady.
The woman really had a way with words.
“Apply pressure to her wound while I get the stitches.” She instructed, immediately padding about the room to gather her medical supplies. Levi did as he was told and cringed when your flesh squelched under his palm.
“The hospital at Krolva was full, they wouldn’t let us in because of the illness.” Levi explained in a voice uncharacteristically small. His gaze remained fixed on his hands. Damn, his fingers were twitching.
Your grandmother slammed a bottle of alcohol down on the nightstand in disgust. Her weathered arms shook slightly at the impact.
“That damned hospital, if you can even call it that, is never prepared to take on the ailments of this city.” She spat. Now having gathered all the necessary items she pulled the stool from the vanity and set it so she was level with your injury.
In the fray he hadn’t been able to get a proper look at your injury. The woman had bunched up your tattered shirt just under the swell of your chest. She examined your torso with seasoned eyes, yet Levi saw a tinge of worry laced in her gaze. The skin that was exposed looked like someone had taken a rake to it; indigo bruises framed a sea of tattered skin in the shape of a crescent moon. Your body bent in at an unnatural angle where the titan had bitten down on your side and Levi was just thankful that he couldn’t see any bone. Seeing you in this crippled state caused tears to sear the inside of his eyes but he refused to let the floodgates burst. This was not the time to be weak, especially with this woman here.
“Don’t go crying on me now, shorty. I know you aren’t the soft type.” Levi jumped at the familiarity in her tone. It put him on edge at first; he had arrived under dire circumstances now she was calling him names and was talking as if he was an old friend. But it was oddly comforting; the boldness and confidence in her voice eased away some of his jitteriness. He huffed in response before watching her work again.
Your grandmother used gentle fingers to assess the wound, gingerly prodding the areas where you should have had skin but you didn’t. She then reached for the cotton and alcohol and began to clean the wound as much as she could; the large teeth shaped holes in your side would be difficult for any trained physician to work with. But she handled the medical supplies with a grace Levi never considered possible. When she was finished cleaning your side she spoke up.
“She’s unconscious but she could still accidentally bite her tongue.” She stated, standing from the chair to rummage through the carven dresser. Out of the top drawer she pulled out a leather belt. She returned to the bedside and handed it to Levi.
“Place this in her mouth. I’m about to start stitching her wound.” She instructed, cutting a long piece of thread with the steel scissors. His fingertips brushed your jaw as he guided your mouth open. You were already slack jawed as little puffs of air were rising from your agape lips. He folded the belt in half two times and placed it between your teeth, careful to keep your tongue along the bottom of your mouth lest you started to choke.
Once he was done, Levi studied the woman’s hands as she prepared the needle. Her fingers were wrinkled, coarse, bent at the joints, and they looked like they had endured a lifetime of hard labor. Those aged fingers preformed with precision and finesse from the moment the needle entered your skin to the tying of the final thread.
Although not awake, you had in fact tried to bite down on the belt, letting out muffled groans each time skin met needle. Levi desperately wanted to look away each time but didn't out of fear you would bite through leather.
“Talk me through what happened.” Your grandmother said without a wavering of her concentration. Had she sensed his uneasiness? Levi swallowed hard, the action painful on his parched throat.
Levi’s whole body stung with exhaustion and pain as he prepared to explain. When he spoke again his voice was still hoarse but not as jagged as before.
“What was planned as a routine expedition turned into a recovery mission for Eren-”
“Mhmm, the boy who can shift into a titan.” Your grandmother interjected, mostly as clarification for herself. She attentively continued to thread you back together as if you were one of your chewed on stuffed animals that sat atop your dresser.
“Yeah. Y/N’s squad was set to clear out any incoming titans on the western edge. That’s when the abnormal appeared. I saw the flare and-” He explained, almost in a whisper. Damn did his throat hurt. Damn did everything hurt.
“You acted out of order.” Your grandmother stated simply. A knowingly somber smile upturning her wrinkled mouth. Her words and the soft manner in which they were said caused Levi’s mouth to hang agape mid sentence.
“Which I am grateful for. Otherwise she might have died alone out there.” She added. Her expression was as even as her handiwork but Levi could see that in her eyes concern was brewing like freshly charred coals.
“A ripe piece of shite it is that this is the longest conversation we’ve had isn’t it?” Your grandmother huffed a dry laugh. Levi could only nod in response as he watched your jaw clench when her needle deftly plunged into a heavily bruised area.
She was right. The other times he had interacted with the woman were brief and professional. Both were at military events that left little room for idle chatter, seeing as she was a highly praised veteran of the garrison. One interaction occurred before you two were committed and one...well that awkward experience could not have been far enough from the forefront of his mind.
It took thirty minutes for the woman to piece you back together but it felt like a fortnight for Levi.  When she was finished she exhaled loudly and wiped her hands on a now stained crocheted dish towel.
“All done.” She stood and placed her hands on her hips. Levi couldn't begin to thank her enough for all she had done in such a short amount of time.
“Thank you, for everything.” He coughed, thus sending a wave of pain down his shoulder blade.
A huff of laughter left her lips and she sent a wyry smile his way.
“Well, what kind of grandmother would I be if I left my granddaughter as the remains of titan fodder? Come on let’s get her in some clean clothes and wash some of this blood off.” Levi nodded once and proceeded to help your grandmother get you changed and cleaned up. When the two of them had finished you almost looked back to your normal self; your body tucked under the satin covers in an elegant ivory nightgown. Your features were soft, plush lips parted and breathing steady. You now fit in with the lavish ambiance of the space. He couldn't take his eyes off of you. That is until he felt a poke on his arm.
“It won’t do either of us any good if we just sit here staring at her. Come downstairs, i’ll make you some food and stitch you up too.” Your grandmother was looking up at him sternly. Levi shot her a confused glare and she met his gaze with another chuckle.
“You don’t hide your wounds very well, humanity’s strongest. Now come on, don’t make an old lady wait.”
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