#I’m on my period to
Guess who forgot to backup they’re mods folder before uninstalling the sims 4 and didn’t notice until they reinstalled the game for the new mobility aids update
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sewercentipede · 3 months
everybody’s horny or on their period or microdosing mushrooms or having their birthday soon… march really has arrived
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mangozic · 2 months
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archivist be upon ye
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handmadecrybaby · 5 months
if i don’t get snuggled and smooched and babied and groped and seduced soon im going to fucking lose it 🥲
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abandoneddinosaur · 1 month
Do you ever think of how, to Arthur, Merlin is a clumsy, idiot of a servant with no care for tradition, but he makes Arthur laugh and gives the best advice and somehow, without Arthur even noticing, has become his best friend in the entire world, the person he wants to face every battle with, not only so he can protect Merlin but also so he can have Merlin’s support and approval
And then it turns out that Merlin doesn’t need protecting, and he’s the most powerful sorcerer to exist, he has magic, and has actually been the one protecting Arthur this entire time
And Arthur has to face their entire relationship being turned upside down, because okay you have magic, he’s had his suspicions about magic not being evil for a while now and of course Merlin isn’t evil, but it’s more how dare you not tell me, after I’ve came to you for everything and I thought you did too, I thought I noticed when things were wrong and put a smile on your face but this whole time you’ve not trusted me
And in a matter of hours he has to relearn their entire friendship and try to understand why Merlin has done this and why he keeps doing this and make sure that everything else about our friendship is true please say the rest was true
And by the end, because he is dying and the end is so very near, it doesn’t matter anymore because he is Arthur and he is Merlin and it doesn’t matter that they’re also the Once and Future King of Camelot and Emrys the Most Powerful Sorcerer Ever to Live
No, they’re just Merlin and Arthur in their last few minutes together and they both know it and this is his last chance so it’s not you betrayed me and I need time and how could you do this to us, instead it’s it’s okay and hold me and thank you because if this is his last chance to protect Merlin then of course he is going to take it, that’s always been his job and neither death nor magic is going to change that
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aheavenofhell · 9 months
Aziraphale raising his wing for Crowley hits so different with the S2 context. I feel like we all looked at it as, here’s this sweet little principality, he’s kind and naive so he’ll shelter even a demon—but it wasn’t really that, was it? It wasn’t just some random act of kindness.
It was a message.
When Crowley slithered up that wall, Aziraphale was nervous. Because he gave his sword to the humans, sure—but also perhaps because he was seeing this angel again for the first time since he had fallen. He learns Crawly’s new name (Crowley never asks him for his name, he knows it already) and they have a brief exchange that was probably a lot like the ones they used to have.
Then when the thunder starts, it’s Crowley who’s first to move to him, to shuffle hopefully to his side.
I think when Aziraphale lifted his wing up, it was almost a way to say I remember who you are, I remember the kindness you gave me. I’m still here.
He wasn’t just playing umbrella. He was letting Crowley know he hadn’t been rejected by all of Heaven.
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chasingthewesternsun · 9 months
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Mad we didn’t see thrawn in ep 3 but happy i got to finish my dumb comic (҂◡_◡) ᕤ
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seventh-district · 1 month
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 1 - Ratiorine Messages Edition
[Pt. 2] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5] [Pt. 6]
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clownsuu · 4 months
weren't you the person who created 'gotta sweeps' human design
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Ah yes, the mandatory yearly sweep ask—
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I have to draw him again, when he’s less in destress
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doctorsiren · 8 days
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I drew Mob Psycho 100 characters as Ace Attorney ones in my last post , so here’s the reverse of that! (The explanation can be found on that linked post ^^)
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chrollohearttags · 4 months
feeling shitty about myself tonight, but at least I’m not nicki minaj. so it could always be worse.
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foursaints · 15 days
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i haven’t been able to draw at all lately due to technology issues (forgive me marauders nation). but here is a really quick hungover barty as i get back into things
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softsimulation · 5 months
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latte da
a little coffee house for your caffeine-fiend sims! i don’t build community lots often but i was in desperate need of a coffee shop for newcrest & here we are. enjoy!
welcome to another embraced addition of the new newcrest scheme. newcrest as we know it is dead, and latte da is proof! part of mayor alto's plan to encourage deep-pocketed san myshuno residents to invest in our humble town, the llama lagoon strip has been slowly undergoing an extensive (and expensive) modernisation! don’t ask yourself “who’s paying for this?” that’s not important, ask yourself “do i believe in the future?” the answer is: you do! and there is nothing more promising than yet another coffee chain opening it’s doors in a small town to sell overpriced coffee to sims who don’t want it. come down to latte da and taste the bitter future!
moderate cc (included)
uses most packs (sorry!!)
this spot was placed on the 30x20 lot in the llama lagoon neighbourhood of newcrest and was inspired by & designed to be placed with @softerhaze’s newcrest youth center & @cowboycid’s kitt community theater, so go grab em!
tou: do what you want just don’t reupload to paywall sites :)
download <3
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duckdodger · 4 months
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btw I did these mm klunk & mikey doodles . The cure to all my problems .
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fate221 · 4 months
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Warriors of freedom
My old illustration from 2021
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