#I’m just explaining the situation
quotemenevervore · 2 years
Man I’m actually so tired and angry right now
Unbeknownst to you all, i cosplay. Or, used to, I guess. I just found most if not all of my props and costume pieces destroyed in my garage, because my uncle didn’t take the time to make sure they were put away correctly or stop his children from messing with them. I literally don’t have the money or time or supplies to remake any of those pieces. On top of that, I also had to bin a bunch of my wigs because of those children.
I’m just pretty upset rn, so the next fic may be more delayed than originally planned 😔
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metamatronic · 2 months
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yes i’m drawing 15-years-later ib AU comics 12 years post release date. what about it.
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verdantglow · 2 months
Imagine the Hermits learning ballroom dance.
Imagine Etho being assigned to lead because he’s tall & everyone assumes he would.
Imagine him constantly fucking up, stepping on his partner’s feet, missing beats, just a mess.
Imagine Bdubs getting upset from the sidelines.
Imagine him getting blustery about this disaster & stepping in, saying no, no, no, this is all wrong, shooing Etho’s partner away.
Imagine anxiety bubbling up in Etho’s stomach, at having to lead for Bdubs, as he walks over.
Imagine Etho trying to place his hands on Bdubs, mentally preparing for another disaster.
Imagine Bdubs tutting & moving Etho’s hands away, much to Etho’s confusion.
Imagine Bdubs then firmly placing his hand on Etho’s back & grabbing his other hand.
Imagine Bdubs confidently taking over the whole situation.
Imagine Etho’s amazement as Bdubs leads him, and suddenly Etho’s dancing is on beat, smooth, no stepped on feet.
Imagine them elegantly whirling across the floor, everyone else watching them in surprise.
Imagine Bdubs dipping Etho.
Imagine Etho looking at Bdubs face while this happens & feeling his stomach flip at the burn of assurance in Bdubs eyes.
Imagine the song then ending, & them just staying there for a moment, breathing a bit heavy from the exertion.
Imagine Bdubs pulling Etho back up & releasing him & pointed saying that that was how you did it.
Imagine Etho staring at Bdubs, feeling lost & unsure now that Bdubs isn’t there, hand on his back deftly leading him.
Just like. Imagine.
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kinokoshoujoart · 9 months
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the sos awl development team really looked at rock and said “even if we could fix him (we can’t) he would never agree to it, carry on king”
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
Talking more about Violet/Kit? Why yes, yes I am—there’s just more stuff that I want to talk about involving her.
She never really knew her father that well—when she was born, her parents were still together, but when she was about two (she’s ten in the present), the two of them got divorced.
Though, they were both still on friendly terms and everything, and the young Violet would still see him for a little longer. At least until she was about three.
Long story short, her father died from an illness. So she just doesn’t really remember him much—she has a few little memories here and there, but that’s it.
Then, also keeping it more short/simple, she went to the Pizzaplex, and met Glamrock Bonnie—who helped her out, and as time went on, became a father figure to her.
Violet is autistic.
Mentioned a few times prior already, but ‘Kit’ (which can be a baby bunny) is a nickname given to her by Glam. Bon, and she loves it.
She originally wanted to grow up and work as a vet, but ended up changing her mind—now wanting to work at the Pizzaplex whenever she finally can.
The mask that she has, Violet made it all by herself a year prior. It makes her feel a bit more comfortable and safe during certain times—and it’s just a rather nice thing, too.
She always carries it with her, whether actually wearing it over her face or not. You’d never really see her without it.
Of course, Violet would keep going to the Pizzaplex, but as you’d imagine... Glamrock Bonnie eventually disappeared, causing her distress.
A few times after that, Violet would keep going back to the Pizzaplex—hoping to potentially find where the rabbit went, but every single time, she didn’t have any luck.
Eventually, Violet, saddened by the disappearance and not finding anything, eventually stopped going to the Pizzaplex.
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Sandman: It’s just so hard not getting to see my little girl
Otto, who stole some of Spidey’s DNA to combine with his to make a kid to use against him, lex luthor style, but Spidey just kidnapped the kid immediately when he found out and got Matt to cover him legally: I know exactly how you feel, Spiderman won’t even let me have visitations with my kid :(
Sandman: That is not the same thing, our situations are not comparable at all, it’s important to me that you know that
#I like thinking of Otto for situations like that for several reasons#cause I usually think of him with red hair so with him and spidey combining dna you could get a kid with red hair#making may-day even in universes where he doesn’t get with MJ#and it’s a funny situation for me to think of him telling other spideys#‘oh me and MJ? that didn’t end up happening’#‘why do I have this red haired daughter? well funny story actually-‘#also I like to think that as the kid gets older they have to deal with Otto trying to persuade them to become evil#gifting them mechanical spider legs#which is a cool look#also Otto is my favorite villain to imagine as being the only one who knows Peter’s identity#especially in universes where they used to work together#so rather than sounding like an evil villain like he’s trying to be#he’s trying so hard to sound and be Spidey’s worst nightmare#he just ends up sounding like a bitter ex who misses his lab partner and whenever he explains his ‘evil plan’#instead of sounding like an actual supervillain using the hero’s fears of forever being alone after their last relative dies#by dangling blood relative in front of them and threatening it#he just accidentally makes it sound like the kid’s his last shot at getting the ex back#kind of a ‘you can’t leave me for another villain I’m pregnant and it’s yours’ type of thing#idk I just prefer Otto for this#otto octavius#flint marko#doc ock#sandman#Spiderman#spider man#spider-man#peter parker#made up dialogue by yours truly
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sailorsally · 2 months
#since I talked in the tags a lil before#i also need to say that the political situation in Georgia has been a big pile of shit lately#that’s mostly why I don’t have the energy to engage with anything atm#everything is so hopeless#I just try to play video games these days to take my mind off stuff#but to explain it a bit#there is this one law the parliament already tried to pass last year but then didn’t because thousands came out to rally against it#the law is about ‘foreign agents’ and it’s directly copied from kremlin’s law in Russia#where the govt basically uses it to just cleanse the country from anyone they don’t like#So now this law is back and they have voted a yes two times#and will vote a yes third time#which is absolutely devastated news for anyone here#because if this law is instituted#basically say bye to foreign scholarships#to ngos financed from foreign countries that work to protect queer and trans peeps#rehabilitate refugees domestic violence victims etc#there will be no new roads in removed highland villages that rely mostly on international financial aid#no education opportunities for poor kids etc#this law literally equals death#and it will be heavily used to just cleanse Georgia of people who don’t think like Kremlin#and I am so fucking scared rn#There have been protests for 3 days#tens of thousands of people on the streets#but parliaments just keeps ignoring people#Or using police brutality against them#they are beating people up#jailing them for peaceful protests etc#it’s absolute nightmare#I’m just so tired of Russia#why won’t they die with everyone who supports them I wanna cry
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Okay yeah uhm… I might need to tell a whole bunch of people not to mention something about me on a specific day. I think they’ll do that for me. They like me. I am a beloved member of their family. Ahahaha 😰
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thebest-medicine · 11 months
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flying-bi-son · 5 months
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awfullyaster · 1 year
okay but imagine aaron’s head getting hit by an exy ball during a match and as a result getting amnesia and therefore forgetting his rlshp with kevin and all the time they spent together and later on aaron meets katelyn and they connect and they start dating and kevin says nothing ab how much it hurts him bc aaron is happy and who is he to ruin aaron’s chances of happiness? that’s all he wanted for him in the end, anyway. and it hurts and angers kevin when he sees him through the car window kissing katelyn goodbye as they drive to practice and the foxes know what’s happening cuz kevin sees it in their eyes but they don’t say anything either bc they know it’s kevin’s choice whether to tell aaron or not about what they had and kevin might admonish aaron a little harsher than everyone else but tries not to cuz he knows it’s pointless and immature but can’t help to do every once in a while and he just suffers in silence and he clenched his jaw so tight it started cramping when he saw aaron immediately run towards katelyn to pick her up and kiss her after the bearcat game so he had to look away and pretend it didn’t affect him because it’s not supposed to matter and aaron is only supposed to be his teammate on the exy team and not the love of his life so he focused on exy even more so as not to even think about aaron in any way or form as much as possible ( even though it never worked because he’s always thinking about aaron but he’ll do it again ) and if he can’t be on the court distracting himself he’ll continuously damage his liver with alcohol and not give a damn cuz what’s the point of living if he can’t live with his soulmate by his side? so kevin’s heart just withers until it’s all dust and ash and is taken away by the wind and even then he’ll still love aaron. but aaron will never know the love and trust and care that they shared.
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teartime-with-rhys · 29 days
If you’re putting characters in an environment wildly different than what we’re used to you’d better be putting your back into it.
Like your telling me Bucky Barnes went to the water park? No he didn’t. Your lying. Sherlock is at the rainforest cafe? Fine, convince me. Hannibal and Will go to Disneyland? Fucking prove it. Write bitch.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
I think Jack Kline & Abigail Hobbs should be besties
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designernishiki · 1 year
as much as a i understand and respect ace kiryu truthers, i really feel like kiryu is the type to really take the idea to heart that sex is something vulnerable and meaningful and thus reserved for someone completely trusted and special to him– someone who feels right. after years and years he’s still never legitimately voluntarily slept with someone, always tries to turn women away or is at least apathetic when they try to get physical with him, never feels that deep and specific bond with a woman– nothing compared to some of his bonds with other men throughout his life. and maybe, hopefully, one day it’ll hit him that there’s a pretty big, glaring reason why no women have ever felt “right” to him.
#I’ve become a pretty devout gay kiryu trigger at this point#it just. makes the most narrative sense / is the most narratively interesting / explains So Much#kiryu#yakuza#kazuma kiryu#honest to god though it’s. the most realistic way of explaining why he jumps to the assumption that he must date or kiss a woman or whatever#as soon as possible with little to no room to actually fall for one#with yumi he’s literally in the classic comp het situation of ‘well someone told me I’m in love with her so I guess I’m in love with her’#no deeper thought no proof of falling for her etc#sayama’s more convincing and they start out actually building a dynamic that could end up being romantic maybe- but then they fucking jump#the gun and have kiryu randomly kiss her like something he saw in a movie instead of. you know. talking about things first. or anything.#partly because they’re in a life or death situation and are essentially pushed together via traumabonding#and that’s Extreme when it comes to the end of kiwami 2. honestly that makeout scene was just. really weird and uncomfortable. for multiple#reasons. I mean for one he says something like ‘I’m sure she (haruka)’ll understand’ in between the making out in reference to him not#even trying to get further from the bomb or anything#and just lowkey choosing to kill himself (disturbingly similarly to nishiki mind you) like uh kiryu did you forget that haruka. literally#lost her mother in an extremely similar situation. in front of her. and nearly lost you at the same time. kiryu’s personality is Not one to#just shrug off something like that- either he was purposefully choosing to kill himself because he felt like a failure and that haruka would#genuinely be better off without him Or the writing there was INSANELY out of character as to make him seem more focused on the supposed#Romeo and Juliet tragic romance situation than saving his daughter the grief of losing EVERYONE CLOSE TO HER and reliving the worst night of#her fucking Life#god if anything the ending of yk2 just screams ‘this relationship would not work out under normal circumstances and both of them are just#clinging onto whatever’s closest out of desperation and need for any kind of emotional catharsis available’#if you can compare a pairing to romeo and juliet . it’s probably not#a pairing that’s meant to be#sorry im going off on a huge tangent about how weird the ending of yk2 was to me uhhh anyway I could write a video essay on why kiryu being#gay is the most realistic and interesting interpretation of him possible . send tweet
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strawberrybyers · 1 year
yes of course i think it’s fun when the actors who play the characters support the ship and feed into the hype of it all, but truly, i truly cannot be more real when i say this: i do not care if finn ships byler or not
what he ships has nothing to do with what actually happens with the characters and storyline. he’s an actor in the show. he doesn’t write or direct anything. also, i think there can be a difference between shipping vs liking the arc of a character that includes a romantic relationship with another character. there are shows and movies i watch where i like/enjoy the arc of a character that includes a romantic relationship, but i wouldn’t say i’m a “shipper” of their relationship. whereas with byler i SHIP it. which in my mind shipping means: talking about them, finding proof, analyzing their relationship, and putting a lot of emphasis on their relationship in comparison to the overall sentiment of the show/movie.
irregardless, i categorize of what finn said today in the same section as when millie says she wants mike and eleven to get married. her want for her character doesn’t change anything that is actually going to happen in the show. it doesn’t matter to me if she says that. it doesn’t make me lose hope or anything. just like finn saying he doesn’t ship anybody in the show doesn’t make me stop being a byler shipper lmao (not to mention him saying this means he doesn’t ship mikeven either so now what ??)
like yeah, of course i’m going to hype up what the cast and/or crew say that has a positive energy toward a ship or the show in general even if it truly has no meaning to the show because IT’S FUN.
my ability to not care what finn says whilst also hyping up certain things he says, everything he says mean something and not mean anything in regards to the show, can all coexist because i’m here to have fun and season 5 isn’t out yet nor has it been filmed, so literally all of us know nothing so in theory everything we say, including finn, lingers in both realms of being right and/or wrong!!
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pixlokita · 1 year
Just wanna ask just to make sure
Are we allowed to share stuff about our own aus?
I rmemeber asking and you said no fur to bad experiences, so I’m asking again
And if so, would it be limited to just text stuff, or would we be allowed to share our art about said aus?
Hope this doesn’t come across as rude or annoying
Hmmmm tbh if I’ve stated it makes me uncomfortable before then I just appreciate avoiding it. I do follow other fnaf AUs and like learning about them but only if I’m the one finding them or asking about them or joining a server to learn more about them. Heck even checking my FYP let’s me genuinely find things I enjoy at my own pace ^^; but If my own blog keeps getting recommendations from other people’s AUs and info dumping without even asking before doing so then it feels like it’s not my own space :Tc it kinda sorta feels like it’s being used for self promoting their own stuff and I won’t even enjoy it because of that, it’s hard to explain it in English but honestly even if that’s not the intention it makes me uncomfortable nonetheless unfortunately.
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