#I wanted to include headcanons for an MC who doesn't want to be touched too
password-door-lock · 2 months
Lately I can't stop thinking about sharing a bed with Saeran.
GE Saeran sleeps on his side (as evidenced by the CG where he’s sleeping on his side lol). If you also sleep on your side, then he probably wants to be the little spoon (unless you have a strong preference to the contrary, in which case the two of you can alternate) but if you sleep in the fetal position or something like that, then he's perfectly content being the big spoon, as well. If you sleep on your stomach or your back, then he'll curl up against you with an arm draped over you. The most important thing for him is being close to you, and he can be flexible as far as what that looks like. I do think that if you end up as the little spoon at night due to your sleeping position, you'll probably end up as the big spoon a lot more when the two of you cuddle during the day. Also, the shark plushie is going to be present while the two of you are resting— if he's holding you, Saeran probably won't be able to also hold onto the shark, but it'll still be in the same bed. Maybe you might even be the one to hold onto it some nights! Although physical touch is something he really enjoys, if you’re not feeling up to it for whatever reason, Saeran totally understands! He might elect to wear one of your sweatshirts to bed instead (and let you wear one of his if you’d like to) or cuddle with one of your plushies. Ultimately, what’s most important to him is that both of you feel safe and comfortable while you get the rest that you need. He likes having two or three really plush pillows and only minimal blankets, since he doesn’t get cold easily during the night— he probably won’t even notice it if you steal the covers from him in your sleep. Even though Saeran wakes up occasionally in the middle of the night, he doesn't worry about it too much. He knows that he's still getting rest as long as he's laying there, even if he isn't technically asleep, and of course, he cherishes the time with you.
Ray also sleeps on his side, but unlike GE Saeran, he's very, very nervous about accidentally upsetting you or unknowingly crossing your boundaries. He’s new to this, and he can’t imagine that you would actually want him that close to you. Even if you tell him it's okay, Ray probably wouldn't want to initiate any physical contact at first, though of course, he daydreams about holding you close. He'd probably stay securely on his own side of the bed, taking care not to bother you in any way as he falls asleep watching you rest— he’ll allow himself to turn to face you. To him, being able to look your way while he falls asleep is pure heaven. If you don’t want to be touched, Ray totally understands that— the last thing he wants is to cross your boundaries, and besides, he’s happy enough just seeing that you’re resting well. If, however, the two of you have been together longer and gotten more comfortable sharing a bed, then he'll be over the moon to cuddle up with you if you’d like. Ray really likes being held— if you sleep on your back, he'll rest his head on your chest. If you sleep on your stomach, he might try sleeping on his stomach, too, and you can drape your arm around him. If you sleep on your side, he wants to be the little spoon. If you sleep in the fetal position, he'll probably figure out some creative contortion that allows him to be held by you all night. But, of course, if you'd prefer to be held instead, then he'd be happy to do that sometimes, too! He doesn’t really like to be under the covers at all, and he’s not used to using a pillow, so he doesn’t have any very specific pillow preferences. Although his body won’t let him sleep for more than three hours straight (he has nightmares, and his circadian rhythms are skewed anyway), he’s worried about waking you up, so he’ll stay with you for as long as he’s able to justify putting off his work, even if he can’t fall back asleep. 
Suit sleeps on his back. It's the way that he feels the safest— he's able to look around the room and see everything as he's falling asleep and if he's woken up. If, for some reason, you find yourself falling asleep in the same bed as him before his apology (which is very unlikely), it will likely be your idea. First, he’ll laugh at you for even suggesting something like that, and then, if he decides to humor you, he'll probably just pose you on your side, curled up against him, with his arm around you possessively. It doesn't matter how you normally sleep— you're his toy, and he's already being very generous by letting you rest in the first place. He sees sleeping when one could be working as a sign of weakness, so he’ll probably do his best to stay up even if you fall asleep in this position, and he may even taunt you for being so clueless as to show him such a vulnerable side of yourself. In actuality, he has no idea what to do once you’re actually beside him, and he might end up getting frustrated and pushing you away. However, after his apology, he'd be even more nervous and awkward than Ray— but Suit, too, ultimately does like to be held. He'd let you curl up next to him with his arm around you, rest your head on his chest, or even lean against him, depending on how you’re the most comfortable. Even if he can’t understand why on Earth you would even want to cuddle up with somebody like him, he has no intention of causing you any more discomfort or pain. If you're a stomach sleeper, though, he might end up with his arm at an awkward angle all night to accommodate you, so be warned and adjust accordingly! That being said, if you’re not someone who enjoys physical touch, the last thing he wants to do is cross your boundaries again! As much as he likes being held, he'll be just as content to lay beside you without touching and listen to your calm breathing as you sleep. He likes firm pillows, and he feels much more secure laying on top of the covers in his suit than snuggling up under them in flimsy pajamas. He’s too hyper-vigilant at Magenta to fall asleep easily, but he’ll set an alarm for one hour just in case he does manage to drift off for a bit. Whether he’s taking a break from hacking the messenger or hiding from the believers, Suit does not have time to lay around with you forever. 
Unknown doesn't really like to sleep very much. Sometimes, he falls asleep at his desk— whether you happen to be sitting on his lap or not. He doesn’t care at all about his own comfort— the only reason he ever sleeps is because his body is forcing him to, and the way he sees it, a stiff neck is worth it if it gets him even a little bit closer to his revenge. The rest of the time, he uses the couch that's been brought into the intelligence room so that he doesn't have to waste time walking to his room and back during the night. On those nights, neither one of you has many options other than to sleep on your side— Unknown likes to have you facing him, with your head resting against his chest. Pressing you close to him like that gives him a weird sense of comfort that he can’t really explain. Besides, he doesn’t like the idea of you looking at his monitors while he’s asleep if you lay facing away from him, so he tells himself that it's not like he really has a choice. If the two of you actually end up in a bed, then that means he's too exhausted to argue that it's a waste of time— he might end up sprawled across the mattress however he falls on it, taking up most of the available space and leaving you to slide in wherever and however you'll fit. It’s been so long since he’s had a proper night’s sleep in a proper bed that he’s probably going to be a bit awkward about it. If he's awake enough, he'll pull you close and hold onto you for more of that strange comfort, but he might be too tired even for that. If you don’t want to be touched, there’s a really simple solution for that— you can just sleep at a different time from him, or in a different location, and he’ll give you work to do while his body is forcing him to rest. He doesn’t care where or how or if you sleep— he just cares that you’re getting your work done, or so he claims, at least. He doesn’t see any point in using pillows or blankets when he can sleep just fine without them, and he honestly thinks you’re kind of spoiled for wanting things like that. Because he regularly pushes his body to the limit, when he does allow himself to rest, he sleeps very heavily for a fairly long time. If you’re in his grip, then you’re not getting out of it anytime soon, and otherwise, you’d best leave him alone. 
SE Saeran also sleeps on his back, and his thoughts on sharing a bed are... complicated. He likes to be close to you, but he often has nightmares, and he knows that he kicks sometimes in his sleep. You’d have to be very, very close to him for Saeran to allow you to see him in such a vulnerable position, and even then, he’d still be nervous about inadvertently doing you harm. After all, he’s tried sleeping with plushies before, and he always wakes up to find that he’s thrown them onto the floor during the night. What if he pushes you off the bed or something? What if he lashes out, erroneously thinking that you’re one of the monsters from his past? The first couple of times you stay over, he doesn't sleep at all— he just lays beside you, feeling calmed by your peaceful breathing, even if he's anxious. Then, after that, he'll try out sleeping with you in the same bed but not touching him at all, and when he finds that he doesn't accidentally kick or elbow you in his sleep, he'll start to feel more comfortable with the idea of getting closer. Sometimes, he’s content to fall asleep in your embrace, whatever that might look like. Sometimes, he wants to cuddle with you for a while before separating to sleep on separate sides of the bed. Sometimes, though, he might decide that he doesn’t want to be touched at all, and the two of you might stay on opposite ends of the bed all night, or you’ll go home early and video call him from your own bed, instead. Naturally, on nights when you have similar issues, Saeran will be just as accommodating. He’s not picky about pillows, but he’s strongly opposed to having any kind of covers over him, and he often sleeps with a fan because he feels like the bunker is too hot. If you like having lots of blankets, he’ll keep them in his room for you, but the pair of you will have to work something out to ensure that he doesn’t get too hot during the night. Sometimes he gets up in the middle of the night, but he’s always sure to be extra careful when getting in and out of bed so that he doesn’t disturb your rest.
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devildom-moss · 5 months
hello !! happy anniversary to ur blog and so sorry again for not reading ur rules for the flash requests post 💔
may i request sfw + 12 w solomon. just him pining for reader. like doesn't even have to include dialogue w/mc, i just wanna see him being so horrendously down bad for them hehe thank you 🫶🏻
Thank you, and no worries! I hope you don't mind headcanons with this one. Now, did I get too invested in this request? I think so. It's almost double the intended length. Do I regret that? Not in the slightest. I hope you enjoy it!!
1 year anniversary flash request event - SFW
(Solomon x gn!MC)
Prompt 12 – Your choice: Pining
Pining!Solomon, whose hands tremble when you hug him as he slowly brings his arms up to try to hug you back. For his entire life, he had never needed to be held by anyone – not in the way that he needs you. When he’s in your arms, he almost can’t believe it. It feels too good to be true, like some cruel setup designed to bring him a moment of pure joy before ripping you from his grasp. So, his hands tremble with uncertainty and love and hope that he can never speak of. Solomon will snap himself out of his fear, and when he does, his hands will grip your back and pull you in. He never knows when to let go – or rather, he never wants to. If only he could keep you in his arms for a second longer. If only he could hold you every day. If only your warmth would linger on his skin forever.
Pining!Solomon, who will never give up sitting with his legs spread apart now that he knows the feeling of your warmth pressed against him when he refused to give you the space. He knows it’s rude, but he would do anything to keep that prolonged contact. He needs it. Politeness be damned. What does politeness know of the comfort he gets from the physical proof that you are right by his side?
Pining!Solomon, who traces the spines of his books, mapping your name through the topography of every curve or scratch as he waits for you to arrive for your study sessions with him. When you’re running late, your name exists on the spine of every book on his desk. You’ll live on them forever. Now, he can scarcely scan through his personal library without feeling your presence.
Pining!Solomon, who reviews your last sent message when he hasn’t seen you all day. His fingers hover over the screen as he contemplates reaching out. But is one day too soon? He scans his mind for any believable excuse to contact you.
Pining!Solomon, whose mouth is a reflection of his mind, always wandering in your direction. Whether he’s chatting with the demons or angels or in a conference with the Sorcerers’ Society. He can’t resist asking about your well-being or your daily life (the parts of it that he isn’t involved in). He brags about his adorable, talented apprentice to the Sorcerers’ Society and even random demons and witches he’s acquainted with. However, he’s always careful not to brag too much – less someone try to harm you or steal you right from under his watchful eye. If anyone so much as considered it, Solomon would see red until his anger was soothed by disproportionate aggression or the comfort of your voice and touch.
Pining!Solomon, whose body follows after you whenever you pull away. When you break off a kiss, he leans into you, chasing the feeling of your lips on him again. When you let go of his hand, he reaches forward, ever so slightly, trying to recapture your touch. When you let go during a hug, he inches just a bit closer. When you walk ahead of him, he picks up his pace to catch you. When your bonds strengthen with the others, his heart aches, trying to crawl its way back to you.
Pining!Solomon, who doesn’t know how to be alone anymore. His mind has your face and voice memorized. When you aren’t around, sometimes he imagines you calling him from the other room – that if he sat up and walked in there right now, he’d see your precious face, smiling at him. He’ll use technology and magic to preserve these memories with routine frequency – in case the worst should ever happen.
Pining!Solomon, who has never known fear like this. His entire life could collapse in on itself, making him an emotional black hole, from a simple shift in your existence. That is the magnetic strength of his love for you. No change in your presence goes unnoticed. If you got hurt. . . if you died. . . he would pull all realms into his pain.
But, also, Pining!Solomon, who has never known peace like this. If anything could wash over the wreckage of a garden that Solomon has cultivated himself – sick with rot and death that poisons instead of fertilizing, that smells of chemicals and rust, where only the toxic and wretched could bloom – and make it divine, it would be your presence. It would be your laugh when Asmo has pranked Solomon, and the witty sorcerer was none the wiser. It would be the way you danced along to music with Solomon in the kitchen as you prepared dinner – if for no other reason than pointless joy, then to distract him from his desire to help with the cooking. It would be the way you rolled your eyes when Solomon caused you trouble, because your annoyance couldn’t overcome your affection for him. It would be your warmth and the gentle sound of your breathing as you slumped against Solomon’s shoulder – when he longed to trace his fingers along your beloved form, but the fear of waking you stilled his hands. It would be the trusting, understanding smile on your face, when Solomon couldn’t express his feelings in anything more than a whispered “I love you” – even when you needed his praise shouted to the sky for all to understand.
A/N: this will be the last request for the 1 year event - SFW request day. I still have 3 more SFW requests in my inbox though.
Requests are now closed. I will be working on the NSFW requests tomorrow. Don't worry, if you got your flash request in (or if you're waiting on requests from the previous round of general requests), I'll still be working on those. This was a lot of fun so far, so thank you all for participating with me.
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selenemoonlite · 4 months
omg paralive blog >^< I would like to request for twc how they would react/date with a mc who is a lingerie model something like in victoria secret (well I know the brand changed but I mean how it used to be before with the shows, angels, etc. ) it doesn't have to be spicy, just in general?) :0, if there are several you can exclude ryuu maybe, thanks!
┈➤ hello, hello! Thank you for requesting, I can do that. But instead of Ryuu, I'll exclude Shiki cause I think he isn't the type to react to such things. Hope that settles your request! Disclaimer this headcanon has suggestive contents in it!
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┈➤ Saimon Naokira
Open-minded about what work you're into he isn't the one to project things when this is your job. He understands the benefits and how it would help your career.
Boundaries lie within you and of course, he respects that. Naokira has his ways of protecting you when someone crosses the border
Would definitely slide topics with unnecessary and insensitive questions of why he dated you where your body is barely in every lingerie billboard throughout the sales
Lowkey Naokira would fantasize you'd wear those in front of him only for his eyes. A man himself also feels urges and desires so he knows what he wants.
Certainly, you'd drag him to your given lingerie store, he can't help but collect his composure sometimes that he is the only man inside the store. He notices some lovers/boyfriends wouldn't dare to step foot inside, but as he is open to this matter he couldn't care less.
You show off some lingerie in private with him and helps out to pick which suits you, but ends up you're the one who picks the most to yourself
Rarely blushes at sights where he sees your exposed parts. He can turn away or politely leave you to have some time changing as well
Saimon covers your exposed parts cause it reserved for him only and stands himself not to take his temptations in because he loves you
┈➤ Yohei Kanbayashi
At first glance and date when he discovers it. He couldn't help to question if he was dating an executive's prostitute (rude to think but he doesn't wanna offend you in any way he was just clueless about this).
He is used to seeing your poses on every billboard every glimpse of at any mall. Just blatantly ignoring them at all costs. But if some guy fantasizes about you, he dares to break someone's neck.
The "touch her or I'll kill you" and "Wear whatever you want, I can fight" type of guy
Yohei despite his bad boy appearance knows how to worship your body and style. He even goes to the lingerie store alone to buy you a new pair of underwear without shame nor doesn't care at all. He supports you
He makes sure he remembers the right cup size since you told him about it. He easily gets flustered when he goes to the cashier if they have the right exact size that you told him about
Death stares at the people who recognized you as one of those models, cause he is protective of you. Will shy them away if they ever touch you.
Only the lingerie on he is turned on, when in private of course he wants to keep you all by himself.
┈➤ Ryū Natsume
He is either peculiar, clueless, dumb, or all of the above. But rest assured even if he doesn't know of this certain career you have he supports it
Will touch some of your lingerie belongings and wear them like some hats or even anything (like picturing some dummy doing that while he goes inspecting lots of undergarments). Leaving your room in a mess oftentimes.
Ryū's behavior shifts when he sees you pose for him, especially when you ask him if they're good lingerie that suits your style he will pick the ones that are the odd or colorful styles. Mix and match kinda combo.
There are times he flexes out loud just how gorgeous you are, which is embarrassing for you. And even point at the billboards that sometimes you're included too
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armin-supremacy · 2 years
Hey so I saw your Bunny MC headcanon thing and really liked it! So I wanted to send a idea if it’s not too much trouble that is.
Here’s the idea, The MC in the game is a little kid and so when the demon brothers go to MC’s house for the first time they meet reader (a.k.a, Y/n) And they grow a humongous crush on Y/n. MC knowing them for year year notices their crush and decides to help the brothers (+ maybe the datables if you want that is) Thank you for reading this! Have a good day / night :) ❤️
sjydjajd I'm so sorry for the wait, thank you for being so patient 🥺❤️ pls note that i did age mc to an adult seeing as i dont feel itd make sense for a kid to be in the Devildom bestie, i hope you dont mind ~
pov : operation wingman
pairings: brothers (separate) x gn!reader
format: headcannon
genre: fluff, maybe a wee lil bit of crack
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"I'll get it!"
You made your way to the door, yelling to the unexpected visitors that you were coming. You swung the door open with a smile, greeted by seven surprised faces.
"Can I help you?" Your tone was kind. You titlted your head to the side as you waited for an answer.
"We're friends of mc. This is the right home, correct?"
You nodded, turning your head back to call your sibling. Moving to the side, you gestured them into your home. "Come on in, make yourself comfortable."
He couldn't stop staring. He was absolutely smitten.
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v subtle looks
plays it off as if hes admiring the décor of the home
little does he know
mc knows a crush blooming when they see one
"luci, you alright? you look a little thirsty there?" smirky smirk mc
"now that you mention, i would love a glass of water'
plan b
mc leaves small hints and openings for lucifer to get close you
mc makes sure your feeling luci tho first
defiantly told asmo
cue cupid duo
its a slow burn love but EVENTUALLY
luci and reader sitting in a tree
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def sneaks over any chance he can
gets in deep shit but
home boy dont care
mc immediately starts teasing him about his lil crush
"oh shit you serious?"
wingman mode activated
sometimes gets you a lil gift when he comes over
"oh i just thought these flowers would look nice in the living room"
mc made sure he got your favorite flowers
"they got my order wrong and gave me an extra, you want it?"
mc made sure he got your favorite
it doesn't take long for YOU to catch on tho
,,,,,especially since mc cant keep their mouth shut long
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denies denies denies
at first
but mc to the rescue
mc told him to let them take care of everything
dear god
it started off easy
they would invite you to play games with them whenever he came to visit
but this one time was different
"oh! i forgot our snacks. i'll be right back!"
sneaky lil mc
levi is freaking out on the inside once mc leaves the room
the two of you were alone. ALONE
you were the one to initiate the talking
and once you managed to get levi talking, it was nice.
itll take time, but it was def on the right track
+1 point for wingman mc
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mc will find a reason to give him an opening to spend time with you
satan is def a man who needs to get to know someone before considering moving forward past a friendship
for example
mc will come home late from something on 'accident' when he comes over to hang out
mc will find an excuse to run a quick errand or something
anything to get you two alone for a bit
satan caught on quick to mc's antics
but he's silently thankful
just don't mention it to his brothers.
pls. thx
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immediately tells mc about his lil crush
tho mc is a bit hesitant about asmo and their sibling, it doesn't take long for them to warm up to the idea
offers to be wingman after making asmo swear to treat you goody good
and now to the fun stuff
tho asmodeus wears his heart on his sleeve, he still need a bit of encouragement
always includes you in spa times he has with mc when he visits
uses a face mask to take advantage of being close to you
just to see how you react to his touch or gaze
gets your favorite scents mc was kind enough to fill him in on when searching for new products to try with you
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mc caught on before Beel did tbh
not saying Beel is slow, more like he kinda shrugged the feeling off until it became a bigger crush
mc shows beel how to make your favorite snack/meal
but plays it off a coincidence
"it was beel's idea, said he's never made it before"
"oh right, it is your favorite! isnt that silly?"
though messes up slightly on one ingriednet
"why don't you show us how to make it right? so we know where we messed up."
mc slips away while you're in cooking mode
beel is such a perfect lil helper actually 10/10 makes you swoon
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this man takes the easiest route
surprised mc would be the one to come up with it
mans forgot he can just whip up into dreams
so, after a few visits, it begins
while he makes short appearances in your dreams
out of respect and privacy and not wanting to fuck up his shot
he doesn't stay long and doesn't do anything drastic
for example
he'll just play through a day you've spent with him and mc
though mc isnt present
mc is conveniently there for you to tell these dreams to
and your growing feelings
when you confess in your dreams and he's sure the feeling are reciprocated
he'll come forward a few days later in person
i wont lie, i had a bit of trouble with this one. but i love the challenge! thank you so much for your patience and requesting! i hope it was to your expations~
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
I'm disabled and took a nasty fall today and feel pretty bad about it. could I ask for a headcanon about how the Obey Me characters would react to a disabled MC taking a nasty tumble and hurting themself?
Brothers Reactions to a Disabled!Mc Falling & Hurting Themself
Fandom: Obey Me
Genre: Comfort, Headcanons
Written for a GN!Mc (they/them pronouns used)
CW: mentions of non-specified disability, unpolished
Scenario: Mc had just been coming down for dinner when their legs gave out from under them and they fell, smacking their head on the table on the way down. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for them to fall so suddenly, but one that the brother in question had yet to experience. He tries to tend to them the best he can. 
He would probably laugh at first like the jerk he is, but after seeing Mc was actually hurt he would do what he could to make sure they were okay. 
He’d help them up into the dining chair, probably scooting his chair super close to the point where their legs touch under the table
He just wants to make sure they don’t fall again. 
He would probably ask or bribe his brothers to get them what they need if they’re injured in favor of clinging to them like a koala. 
From now on he would walk with them everywhere, and wouldn’t hesitate to hold their hand everywhere they go.
He is immediately concerned, rushing to Mc’s side and checking to see if they’re okay. 
He would definitely know the signs of a concussion given the sports he’s involved in, so he would absolutely check to ensure there aren’t any signs of that. 
He would probably carry them to their room and give them dinner in bed, even helping feed them if they wanted.
After this, he is much more in-tune to their body and what their symptoms of their disability looks like. 
He wants to prepare for another incident, being there to catch them this time instead of witnessing them collapse. 
He would probably be the most freaked out. Like, I imagine him screaming and making a scene because he thinks Mc is dead, lol. 
He would also probably cry, for sure. 
He is at their side immediately, cradling them in his arms and it will probably take another brother’s intervention to pry him off and help them up. 
He would be the best at caring for them if they had an injury, and he also has all of the knowledge on massages and relaxation products to help ease any aches and pains as a result of the fall. 
He’s another that would be glued to their hip afterwards to try to prevent them from falling again, probably guiding Mc by the hip everywhere they go.
As a reasonable demon, he would probably be confused as to what happened and ask about it rather than make assumptions on things. 
He would still come to Mc’s aid though, and would for sure check them over for injuries. 
He would help them up, but be very cautious and treat them like they’re made of glass.
He would ask a bunch of questions about Mc’s disability and what help they may need as a result to ensure they don’t fall again.
From now on he definitely is around to escort them anywhere they need to go, but would also find ways to allow them to be more independent in Devildom if they wanted to be (e.g. finding or creating mobility aids, for instance)
Another demon who would hard-core panic after seeing Mc fall so suddenly. 
He would probably freeze though, and sit back while the rest of his brothers helped Mc up. 
Not that he doesn’t want to, he’s just too afraid to help right now. 
After dinner he would ask to hang out, and then get more information on their disability and their needs moving forward. 
He will try to prepare himself as best as he can for the next fall so that way he can be the one who comes to their rescue, like the heros in his video games.
Plus, he doesn't want to see MC get hurt, so he tries his best to keep them out of harms way (which usually includes having them hide out in his room with him).
He would be at their side the quickest, considering he was probably walking down to dinner with them. 
He would probably have tried to catch them, but either wasn’t coordinated enough to catch them, or he would fall with them because he wasn’t prepared to catch them like that and lost his own balance.
He would make sure they're okay, and help tend to their wounds as best he can.
The minute they're all patched up, he would absolutely tease them for it, but if he notices that it makes them feel bad, he'll stop.
If they try to explain the disability to him it'll go over his head, more than likely. But he will try to think of ways he can be helpful and keep them from falling again in the future
Which will probably include following them around closely and intensely...though he already does that so not much has changed lol
Outwardly, he sighs and shakes his head before moving to see if they're okay, but really he's just hiding his panic.
He hates seeing Mc hurt after everything thats happened.
After helping them up, He would probably take them to their room and watch over them the rest of the night, tending to their wounds
He may give them a light scolding about being more careful, but if they explain to him their disability he will stop lecturing.
He would also apologize for just assuming they're clumsy instead of asking them how it happened in the first place
He would work with them to get accommodations met if they need a day to rest, or if there are things that can help with their mobility around Devildom.
He would also modify the house if needed with railings, hall benches, and ramps or get them mobility aids if needed
Mc may also notice his eyes following them more diligently as they walk around, and he seems to show up at just the right time when they begin to feel dizzy or feel their limbs weakening.
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leviathans-watching · 3 years
MC coming home after drinking with Asmo, they’re tipsy.
Brothers are in the living room and MC goes in, rests their head in Beels (or brother of choice but I lean more toward Beel/Lucifer) lap/chest and as they drift off they mumble “I love you Beelie” and they haven’t said that to any of the brothers yet.
Imagine the jealousy! If you can write a fic or headcanons?
tipsy!reader telling beel you love him
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includes: beel x/& gn!reader, you & the brothers (they/them pronouns used)
wc: .4k | rated g | m.list
warnings: mentions of drinking, you being lightly intoxicated, alcohol mentions/references
a/n: this was really fun to write, and i hope you like it! thanks for requesting!! my inbox is open to chat, leave feedback, or req so come say hello!
please reblog mwah mwah
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beel looks up as the door opens, attention drawn by the noise. it’s you and asmo, the latter looking way more put together.
“it’s quite late-” lucifer starts, but he’s cut off by you, stumbling towards him with intent.
“shhh,” you direct, and beel watches lucifer raise his brows. “no scolding. none- none of that.” clumsily, you press a kiss to the top of lucifer’s head, startling everyone.
“how drunk are you?” satan asks, amused by the blush on luicfer’s face.
“not drunk,” you insist, and all eyes turn to asmo.
“they’re not that drunk,” he corrects, shrugging. “and apparently they’re an affectionate drink. who knew?”
“mammon!” you say, grinning, making grabby hands at him. “c’m here.”
looking all-too-happy to oblige, mammon hops up, heeding your demand. “what’s up?”
“your collar’s uneven,” you whisper shout in his ear. “can i fix it?”
“sure,” mammon allows, watching your unsteady hands approach his neck.
you make your way around the room, and beel watches in amusement. you’re funny, and adorable, and thankfully, still mostly coherent.
“beel!” you chirp, popping down on his lap without warning. “how are you?”
“i’m good,” he says- or tries to say. you entertain yourself by squeezing his cheeks, making the words a little warped. “how are you?”
“fan~tastic!” you stretch the word out, moving your hands from his cheeks to his hair, gently combing through it. beel tries not to too obviously lean into the touch.
you seem to calm down a little as you sit there, relaxing into him. it doesn't take too long for you to start to drift, eyelashes fluttering slowly.
“you want to go to bed?” beel asks you softly.
“no. ‘m not tired,” you reply, and beel’s chest shakes as he tries not to laugh.
“if you say so.”
“i do say so.” you look at him best you can from your position, small smile on your lips. “and i have something to tell you.”
“what is it?” beel indulges you.
“i love you, beelie!” lifting your hand, you boop his nose, giggling. after your giggles die out you actually do end up falling asleep, leaving beel sitting there, stunned.
“no fair!” mamon hisses quietly. “how come they said it to ya first? we all know i’m their favorite!”
“you?” levi shoots back. “it should be me! i am so jealous!”
the rest of them continue to squabble, but beel tunes them out, admiring your sleeping face. of course you’d tell him that while tipsy.
well, he decides, i’ll just have to make you say it again sober.
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leviathans-watching’s work - please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own
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unwilling-souls-if · 2 years
Hi!! I've only seen the premise and description of the ROs yet, so please forgive me if it was answered already, but does MC have wings? 🥺 If they are, what would the ROs think/do about MC who adoringly wrapped the wings around them for cuddles, hugs and even during some danger (like protective gesture)?
Hi! Don't worry, I haven't explicitly mentioned it yet :)
But yes, MC has wings hehe.
They're made of feathers and can range from pure ivory to off-white or cream (depending on your headcanons). MC's aren't the largest of the cast because they haven't been a H.E.L.L.'s worker for too long yet. I haven't decided on a specific wingspan yet— and I don't know if I will, so this is up to you! :)
Now for the second part of the ask, I'm assuming in relationship <3 Under the cut to not clog anyone's feed!
Xander: Xander would find it odd at first. His own wings used to be like MC's, but they became leathered and burnt, the feathers are gone. They're just another scar on his body, and he'd feel self-conscious if MC used their own beautiful wings in a way he couldn't. Slowly, he'd get used to it and appreciate it. He'd never let MC use them as a shield because he doesn't want them to end up like his. He would hate that sort of pain for them.
Charlotte: She would relish in the touch, the soft feathers quickly becoming something she associates with safety and comfort. She'd seek the contact herself half of the time too; her lover has wings, and that's amazing. Ready yourself for cuddling sessions with feathers and limbs tangled in a big mess of love <3
Dione: She relies on her wings a lot, including to convey body language. MC using their wings to communicate their affection or protectiveness for her would melt her heart. Dione would reciprocate, and her wings are the second largest of the ROs, so MC is in it for a good smothering. Plus, soft touches are new for her, and while she'd never outright tell MC, she'd crave each time they wrap their wings around her. Once again, MC feels like an addiction to Dione.
Perceval: They're the ones with the largest wings out of the ROs, and even before being romanced, they'd graze MC's shoulders with them as reassurance or encouragement. Much like Charlotte, an MC who cuddles him with their wings would be a dream come true. Soon, it'd be second nature to maintain a form of contact through each other's soft feathers or to cradle the other's body when the nights are cold.
Crescent: Now, Crescent has wings too, but they're... not functional. People offered to amputate them before, but Crescent always refused. If MC wanted to wrap their wings around Crescent, their wings would inevitably touch, and that's what Crescent considers a deep form of intimacy— a scary one. It wouldn't happen until deep into the relationship, even as they desperately crave the contact and the warmth. When it happens, Crescent's heart feels like it's erupting in butterflies, and they're light-headed, but MC is there, and they're touching them, and it's all good.
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sorry-sorry-sorry · 4 years
Alright, to start off let me explain how I want you to play this. All I expect of you is to just to either copy the questions or the numbers of the questions and answer them, and once you are done, I guess just re-blog it so others can play this too. I will include my answers under each question to inspire those who aren’t sure what to write or what they would do, and for those who want to get to know me more.
I actually made this because I want to see how everyone actually would react to specific situations so I can, when it comes to writing stories for you all, make them more relatable and not something where you would read the story and think “Umm I/My MC would never do something like this.... “ alright let me stop wasting time now
1. Is this going to be about you or your OC/MC?
this is going to be about me, I think it will be about the things I would do realistically
2. What were you wearing when you first arrived? (Casual, smart, PJs, etc. Describe your outfit) 
Realistically speaking, I imagine myself arriving to devildom wearing my favourite BNHA hoodie and some black joggers/sweatpants
3. What we're you doing before you got teleported into devildom?
I actually like to headcanon/imagine that MC originally signed up to study abroad and as they go to the airport and sit on the plane, 2 hours into the flight as they are staring out of the window, they suddenly notice how the light suddenly went off around them and everything went quiet, so when they look away from the window to see what's going on they see that actually somehow everyone feel asleep around them, even the stewards and stewardess. When MC looks back out of the window they suddenly see everything is actually upside down, the plane is flying normally but the city/ land that they saw is suddenly now in the sky and the clouds are at the bottom, and suddenly the airplane starts lowering itself into the clouds which start looking more orange and grey. That is when they suddenly hear Belphagore's voice calling for them as they slowly drift to sleep and then end up waking up in devildom.
4. First reaction when you get there 
Once again Realistically speaking, I'd think this was all either A) a dream (based on Q3), B) A big joke or C) A game show or like a Darren brown kinda thing.
I would probably just be laughing at the whole situation out of nervousness and be like " ya guys are joking right? Hahaha very funny.... ok how do I wake up now?"
5. Reaction to finding out their names
The amount of times I'm going to repeat the word 'Realistically' in this post is uncountable, but realistically speaking I would start bursting out laughing when Satan and Lucifer would introduce themselves. I can imagine myself making fun of it and be like "SATAN AND LUCIFER??!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA IF YOU GUYS ARE SATAN AND LUCIFER, I'M BEYONCE! BWWAAAAHAHAHAHA"
I can clearly imagine them getting pissed at me due to this, because imagine someone laughs at you after you tell them your name, quite rude isn't it ? Lolol
6. Reaction to them actually dancing (dance battles )
In the beginning I'd start laughing but then also die out of second hand embarassment. I don't know why but seeing people dance makes me uncomfortable.
7. If you were to stand next to the characters where does your MC/ OC / Do you imagine yourself to reach up to?
(Going from tallest to smallest )
Beelzebub/Lucifer/Diavolo - around the chest area, Def not reaching up to their shoulders.
Simeon / Solomon / Satan / Barbatos - up to their necks
Leviathan / Mammon - up to their chins
Asmodeus / Belphagore - their ears
Luke my cute little sweet baby that I'm ready to kill for - he would reach up to my shoulders lmao
8. Would you miss anyone? When would you start missing them ?
My family? Lolol no, I wouldn't miss them.
I would only miss my friends and my cats probably after satan would talk about cats. I can imagine me missing them after the first week or the second week
9. Who would you be closest to ?
I can imagine myself being close to the following : Leviathan, Asmodeus and Satan. I think I'd be really good friends with levi or asmo though since they are both invested into things that I'm also really into. Ah! I forgot to mention, I'd try to be friends with Mammon if I saw the brothers getting rude to him.
I'd try to get close to Lucifer but be a bit intimidated by him though and Mammon's tsundere act would kinda hurt me, but after I would realize that he's a tsundere I would be be friends with him.
10. Realistically speaking would you go up the stairs when Lucifer tells you not to? 
Honestly, I would respect Lucifer's wishes and not go up the stairs but if Belphagore doesn't shut the fuck up and keeps telling me to come to him, I'd probably go.
11. How would you react after Belphie kills you? What would you say to him ? 
After the whole killing thing and me seeing my dead body, I would be shocked and probably start swearing worse than s sailor and then lunge at him and beat him up out of anger. Honestly If I ever got the chance to make one of my wishes come true, it would be to get in a fist fight with Belphagore, where I would beat the living hell out of him.
12. How would you react after finding out you left the original timeline?
I would honestly be sad about it, yes I get it that in this timeline we still have the same characters but honestly I would struggle accepting the new ones, and end up missing the original ones.
I think it would also result to me constantly thinking, if this Satan likes me, would the original Satan also like me? What would he have done in this situation, etc.
13. Reaction to finding out about being Liliths descendent? 
One word : shit
I would think it would be cool at first but then when I'd realize that the brothers are technically like my great-great¹⁰⁰⁰ granduncle ( ik that it says that human Lilith is not related to the brothers by blood ) I'd be a bit .... disturbed. I'd definitely crack a lot of grandpa jokes with them and joking call them "grandpapi" randomly.
Honestly though it would also make me feel bad about myself because I'd start thinking that they would start treating me as Lilith's replacement or that they are actually trying to find Lilith in me. But I guess after some time I'd get over it.
14. Reaction to the demon brothers being in their demon form ?
It's simple, if they are angry while being in their form, I'd be wary of them for a while, but if they are calm while being in it, I'd be amazed and ask a lot of questions, resulting to me jumping around excitedly and trying to touch them.
15. On the last day, realistically what would you do? Would you hug the brothers ? If you were to leave devildom who would you stay in contact with?
Honestly I'd kiss the character that I'd fall for the night before I leave. I can imagine that it's either Satan, Mammon, Lucifer, Leviathan or Solomon. It's either go big or go home!
I'd take one of those typical Victorian family pictures with everyone in it, meaning diavolo and barbs, the demon brothers, the angels and Solomon, and I'd make a copy for everyone to keep. I'd also maybe make something that they call all remember me by such as personalized keychains or bracelets.
I can definitely imagine myself staying in contact with Leviathan because... You know... Anime lolol and Solomon since he is the only human who I could talk to about devildom and everything that happened there. I'd love to stay in contact with the others but I feel like I won't be able to entertain them much via texting. I'd also love to stay in contact with the angels but I think we all know that won't be possible. Sad sigh
Would I cry? ... Yes, I would get ready eyed and hug them
16. Lastly, What would you tell your family and friends when you return, what will you tell them when they ask you about where you disappeared off to?
Honestly, I would tell my family about everything that happened, I'd tell them about devildom and everything I experienced since I know they would believe me because our family already has some history with demons and spiritual stuff.
However, I'd definitely lie to my friends saying something such as me breaking my phone when I went to study abroad causing me to lose contact as I was gone.
To be honest, this was really fun to make and answer, it really got me thinking about myself and my personality. I really hope you guys also end up doing this, and enjoy yourself. If you guys want I can also make part 2 which will contain scenes from season 2.
Once again I hope you enjoy yourself, and don't forget to re-blog this with your answers so I can see your responses and so others can play this too.
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randomminer · 5 years
Some More Hogwarts Mystery Asks: MC & Jacob
1) How did you come up with you MC’s name?
-Heard the first name in the background of a video game some years ago. I thought it sounded cool and remembered it when I had to name my MC.
-Then I tried to decide what muggle last name Svari would be drawn to. Sally Ride kept popping into my head, probably because it sounded so similar to Svari. After doing some research, I found out that Sally Ride did actually go into space the year before our MC went to Hogwarts. So naturally, Svari would have recently heard of her and maybe even started to idolize her. To the point she chose Ride as her last name.
-Svari's middle name was the first name of her paternal grandmother, Isobel McGonagall.
2) How did you come up with your MC and Jacob’s backstory (family, where they’re from, their relationship with each other, etc.)?
-I'd been playing around with Potter head cannon for as long as I've read the books. But when JK Rowling started giving very detailed backgrounds of her characters, I really liked McGonagall's story. Her mother leaving the wizarding world for love, her father loving his wife and accepting her background even though he was some sort of priest, excelling in Hogwarts, sadly breaking a muggle man's heart so she could stay in the wizarding world, getting a career in law enforcement and then teaching, eventually marrying but keeping her maiden name, loosing her husband, and just being an icon.
Anyway, I knew I wanted my MC to be connected to McGonagall somehow. And while McGonagall's story was very detailed, there wasn't much on her two brothers' lives other than they both had at least one child and the youngest of the two was killed by Death Eaters. I adjusted Svari's story to fit into all that.
Jacob was just a surprise 😂. I didn't know we'd be having an older sibling thrown into this. I had already thought up Svari's twin cousins, Mary and Garrett, and didn't want to get rid of them, so Malcolm McGonagall got an unexpected third child.
3) How did you come up with your version of Jacob?
-I've had to build Jacob's story off of what I'm learning about him in the game. He would be older than Svari, they were close, and she was obviously hurt when he disappeared. For the most part, I've just built Jacob based on the kind of cousin Svari would love to be around.
4) How does your MC cope with everything they’ve endured with Jacob, R, and the Vaults?
-Svari has had to deal with a lot of stuff in her short life. Her father is dead, her mother and cousin have disappeared, she's been sent away from her original family (the peri flock), she is constantly bullied for her non-human features, she has to be mindful of herself so she doesn't accidentally transform, and to top it all off, the freaking vaults!
It's enough stress to make anyone develop anxiety and want to live in solitude. But I think Svari takes her weaknesses and uses them for strength.
For example, a person may be to anxious to make a face to face order from a McDonald's cashier for themselves. But if a friend of theirs admitted they were also too scared to order, you can bet your ass that person will suddenly have the courage to step up and order McDonald's for themselves AND their friend.
Something about not wanting your loved ones to experience the same bad feelings you do makes people brave enough to do what needs to be done.
In Svari's case, she meets and befriends other magical outcasts like her. People who are half human, who have been turned, who are seen as lowly because of their differences. Wanting to spare them from the same feelings of inadequatacy, hopelessness, and shame gives Svari the will to get up and endure another day.
In turn, her human friends at Hogwarts, who see Svari for who she is and love her anyway, help her to see humanity isn't a heartless race. But rather is made up of individuals, some for good, some for I'll, and some who don't fit a category.
6) How does your Jacob cope with Duncan’s death?
-I haven't really developed Jacob's character much. I worry about making it match with the future plans of the game. But I imagine Jacob changed after Duncan's death. Probably started to withdraw from others, including Svari. He may have had a guilty outburst at some of them just before disappearing. I've tried to think of the possible outcomes JamCity could have in mind for Jacob. If he is in hiding or being held prisoner, I imagine he feels on some level he deserves the misery. Or if he is in a state of suspended animation, he probably doesn't feel anything. I don't know.
7) Describe your MC in 5 words or less &/or using 5 or less gifs
8) Does your MC have any sentimental items?
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-Svari has three items she would hate to loose:
- the woven leather bracelet her mother gave her before she left for Hogsmead
- the fang necklace her Uncle made for fun and gave to her before his death
- her leather jacket, the first item she bought for herself
9) Describe your Jacob in 5 words or less &/or 5 or less gifs
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10) Does your Jacob have any sentimental items?
-Jacob's mom, Teresa McGonagall, is a muggle born originally from a ranch in Texas, USA. Every Christmas and birthday, Garrett, Mary, and Jacob could always expect Texas themed gifts from Pop Pop and Nana (by muggle mail). Nana would go all out and send belt buckles, pecan candy, crosses made out of horse shoes, the Texas state flag printed on coffee mugs, spicy and BBQ flavored everything. But Pop Pop preferred to make the grandkids gifts, usually a little somethingthing made out of carved wood or knotted rope. The year after the twins would start Hogwarts, Pop Pop passed away from a sudden heart attack. While everyone was devastated, Jacob had been closest to his grandfather. That Christmas, Nana sent her usual gifts, but for Jacob, she also sent his grandfather's old bolo tie. Jacob never wore it himself, but it always had a place of honor hanging on the living room wall under Pop Pop's smiling portrait (the unmoving muggle kind). From the day he got it until the day he disappeared, Jacob would always give the bolo a quick touch as he was heading out the door.
11) What is your MC’s favourite store to shop at?
-Svari isn't one for retail therapy, but she loves window shopping in old book stores and antique shops. I think she may have also enjoyed visits to Honeydukes, Zonkos, and Weasleys with her friends.
12) What is your Jacob’s favourite store to shop at?
-I think of Jacob as interested in the secrets of the magical world. So he probably would have liked book stores or connections like Jae and Dung.
13) What is your MC’s favourite thing from Honeydukes?
-Svari likes the prank and sour candies
14) What is your Jacob’s favourite thing from Honeydukes?
-Jacob loves Chocolate Frogs and has quite the card collection.
15) Which Marauder is your MC most like?
-Svari would probably be most like James post Hogwarts. She looks out for the weak, is brave, smart, willing to give her life for others, and keeps her emotions in check. Something Sirius wouldn't do.
16) Which Marauder is your Jacob most like?
-Jacob is most like Remus, but not as sickly or submissive. He is very intelligent, has seen some shit, keeps to himself, but is kind.
17) Something your MC and Jacob like to tease each other about and use to embarrass each other?
-Svari and Jacob each have one parent from outside of the UK. Teresa McGonagall is from Texas and Roxanna is from the Middle East. The cousins both some times accidentally slip into that parent's accent. When they catch each other doing so, it causes roars of laughter between them.
18) A headcanon about your MC?
- loves muggle sci-fi tv (very much a Trekie)
- doesn't like wearing dresses or the color white (makes her afraid to move because she's worried she'll get it dirty)
- can brew potions in Acceptable to Outstanding grade levels, but can't cook to save her life
19) A headcanon about your Jacob?
- his patronus is an armadillo
- can play guitar, banjo, piano, and harmonica
- allergic to bee stings
20) A song for your MC and Jacob?
- probably something by Journey
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yandereshit · 7 years
You are amazing :) That's what I wanted to tell you! But I saw headcanons were open so I was wondering if you could do the RFA+Minor trio (or just the Choi twins if you don't want to do all of them) with an MC who relapses with their eating disorder and doesn't eat for several days causing them to faint and end up in the hospital. It's okay if you don't want to though cuz it's a sensitive topic not many will touch on but if it's okay.... then plz.
There’s not many things I’m uncomfortable with to be honest, so it’s okay~ ^^ I’m actually more afraid of making some people feel bad with my work…;;;
I apologize everyone who feels offended by the way the characters reacted, but I don’t think they’d always react ‘properly’, mainly because they also wouldn’t know what to do, so like… It’s only realistic, no matter how poor this excuse may sound;; Various people may think they’d react a different way, this is only MY view on this.
Thank you for your words! I didn’t do everyone, only a few, including the Chois as you asked (it was just a… quite lot to do;;). Also, sorry for taking so long with this… ^^;
Warning! Sensitive themes!
◄ Yoosung ►
He tried to be strong for you, to grow up. He even thought he managed.
And yet when he saw the ambulance taking you away, he felt so useless, like a kid who doesn’t know what to do when the whole world just falls onto him.
At first, he thought it was only some small sickness, that you just needed to rest.
But the moment he noticed how bad you looked, how fragile, he realized he needs to call for help, that he won’t manage to help you on his own.
All these events raced through his head as he waited for you to wake up, sitting next to your bed. The sight of IV stuck into your arm was breaking his heart.
He failed you…
“MC… Wake up…” his weak voice echoed in the room as he held your hand.
And the moment he noticed your eyes flutter open, he almost jumped up, wrapping arms around you and hugging you close.
He promised himself he wouldn’t cry, but he did. His tears stained your shirt as you just stared at him, still too stunned to respond. You didn’t remember what exactly happened, but the calming scent of his body made you feel at ease and you returned his hug, gently stroking his hair.
“Heyy, Yoosungie, are you okay…?
“I should be the one asking this…” he said in a quiet voice, making you chuckle softly. “MC… Why did you do this to yourself…?”
The memories flooded back into your head in an instant and your smile dropped.
“Just… why…?”
“It’s… Yoosung, it’s… stronger than me…” you whispered in a trembling voice. “It’s not a matter of just… leaving it…”
Your boyfriend’s face softened.
“Then why won’t you let me help you…? You know that I’m here for you… I don’t want you to be alone with this, so please, MC…”
He sounded so hurt that you immediately started to feel guilty.
“I’m… sorry…” you mumbled, and his eyes widened as he stared at you, suddenly terrified.
“N-no, no, no, don’t apologize, i-it’s not your fault, I just- M-MC, I… I don’t want you to be hurt like this… Please, let me help you, we’ll get through this together, okay…?”
You didn’t know what else to do. So you agreed.
◄ Zen ►
He didn’t even notice.
He’s been busy past few days, and even though he tried to message you as often as he could to make sure you’re okay, he’d never expect anything of this sort happen to you, especially at this time. He was thinking about so many things all at once, he’d never think that… you’d…
While sitting in the corridor as the doctors examined you, he couldn’t help but beat himself over it.
It was his fault, wasn’t it? He didn’t even try to find out if something was really bothering you.
And you didn’t tell him. Did you not trust him enough…?
Of course you didn’t, how could you trust someone who abandoned you in the moments when you clearly seemed to need it…
The moment the door open, he’s already next to it, asking the doctor about your state.
“They’re under our supervision for now and I belive they’ll be fine if only their eating pattern returns to normal. But… I’d like to ask you to make sure they stay under a professional’s care. Things of this sort… definitely require a proper treatment.”
“I understand…”
His voice almost breaks. He doesn’t know what to think about it.
You didn’t tell him all along. You were struggling with this all alone! Why…?
He literally bargs into the room…
…only to see you sleeping peacefully, your face pale and an IV in your wrist. He didn’t even notice before you became so skinny in comparision to what he remembered.
So fragile. 
“I’ll never leave you, MC… I promise, I will never let you struggle with this alone…”
◄ Seven ►
He was stupid.
He thought he could deal with it on his own. 
He’s seen very well what you struggle with, but he thought he’d be able to help you himself. 
He kept making you food, giving you sandwiches, sweets, water. Every time you were going out, he’d make sure you have some food by yourself.
But he never realized you’d rather give it to someone else or throw out than eat, even if that hurt you so much, but you couldn’t just force yourself to eat it… And the further it went, the less you ate, to the point when you didn’t even try anymore.
He could have done it better, he should have done it better.
He should have made sure you ate, even if he’d have to force you to. 
Even if you got mad at him for being so strict, he wouldn’t regret this. Not how he regrets not doing it now.
He stared in silence at your fragile form, laying in the bed next to him. You were so pale and, while curled up like this, you seemed even smaller than usually.
It terrified him. As if any moment you could disappear completely.
He grasped your hand in panic and noticed you move slightly. It took you a few seconds to open your eyes and look at him, feeling guilty all of sudden.
“Please, don’t leave me…” he choked out, trying hard to fight the tears. All the thoughts just hit him when he saw you trying to smile weakly.
“Wha- Seven, I wouldn’t leave you…”
“Then why are you doing this to yourself…?” His voice was quiet, filled with overwhelming saddness.
“I-I’m sorry…”
“Just… Just don’t do this ever again. I beg  you. Let me help you. We’ll figure something out. But… Please, don’t leave me.”
You hesitated a bit, but nodded.
“I will… I will try.”
◄ Saeran ►
(Warning! Minor V’s route spoilers)
He couldn’t take you to a hospital, but he was aware that he should. Professionals should take care of you and he wasn’t one. Luckily, some of the Mint Eye believers knew more than him about medical care, so he hoped you’d get better soon
Yet for the whole time he waited for you to wake up, he was so nervous. He couldn’t stop biting on his nails and his legs trembled because of how difficult it was for him to stay in one place.
He was scared. It was his fault for letting this happen. He didn’t make sure you ate the meals he gave you and he supposed you were feeling exhausted because of having to stay at this place all the time. You were still new, you needed more time to accommodate. He didn’t think it’d be so hard for you…
Don’t hate me, please… I will never leave you, I will make sure you get better, so please, please, don’t hate me…
The moment your eyes opened, he was already by your side.
You shook your head dizzily, trying to come back to reality.
“Ray, it’s you… Did I… f-fall asleep…?”
He breathed out shakily.
“Y-you fainted… You weren’t eating, and your body… I-I didn’t realize you were so sad that you’d stop to eat… F-from now on, I won’t look away from you even for a second, I promise… I-I will…”
You smiled faintly. feeling nice warm in your heart. No matter how sick you felt now, it was just nice to know how worried he was about you.
“I will… f-feed you, okay…? I will give you… a medicine, so you… won’t feel sick ever again…”
Oh Ray well whops
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my-mystic-messenger · 7 years
Hey how about a headcanon with the RFA++ and how would they react to an MC that doesn't want to have sex until marriage? Please don't write a reason about her decision.
Okay so…let me preface this by makingsomething abundantly clear: the importance of virginity andmarriage are social constructs. I had an entire rant about thiswritten, but I didn’t want to upset anyone so I won’t be adding it tothis request. However, I will say this; Not giving a reason formaking such a grave decision, a decision that concerns both partiesand is basically taken from your partners hand, is extremelyselfish. I say this as a warning. Not everyone will agree and playalong with such demands and that includes certain members of the RFA…
♬ he wouldn’t understandat first
♬ he’d denied himselfsex for five years and it hadn’t been fun at all
♬ still, he’d attempt tounderstand, even though you gave no reason
♬ after all you’d beenblindly supportive of everything he’d done so far
♬ however, no matter howhard he tried there was no suppressing his needs
♬ for five year’s hehadn’t allowed himself a girlfriend because of his career
♬ now he finally hadsomeone he loved and connected with, but still no sex
♬ he would have beenfine marrying you, but due to his contract he couldn’t
♬ God only knew how longhe’d have to wait to be allowed to go public
♬ with a heavy heart,he’d broken up with you
♬ he loved you, butliving with you around was like a constant temptation
♬ Zen knew that he couldnot control himself forever
♬ but he also respectedyou too much to push for anything
♬ staying together wouldhave been hell for at least one of you
♬ so he decided to callit quits before a good relationship turned bad
★ he’s mostly alrightwith it
★ don’t get me wrong,there is still a part of him that wants it
★ but he’s too shy andsweet to push for anything, really
★ after all you canstill kiss and hold hands and stuff
★ plus, at least hefinally has someone he can call his girlfriend
★ (he’s also an extremepush-over and would do anything for you, really)
★ so you spend yourdates doing mostly innocent stuff
★ sometimes you make outbut that’s about it
★ other than that thereis really very little opportunity
★ you’re both busy withschool, especially Yoosung
★ he wants toprove himself as the M A N™
★after school he’s finally ready toopen his clinic
★ finally a man hedoesn’t hesitate to propose
★ you’ve been dating foryears at that point, so he’s fine
★ after that sex doesn’tpose a problem anymore
♨ Jaehee doesn’t quiteunderstand it
♨ but she doesn’t dareto judge you for such things
♨ as long as you don’tjudge her for having had it
♨ she is interested asto why you feel that way
♨ but when you don’twant to give a reason she doesn’t push
♨ frankly, both of youhave other things to worry about
♨ for one it’s the firsttime she’s with a woman
♨ meaning she wouldn’tbe that confident in having sex either
♨ she would have to do alot of research first
♨ due to your wish shehad a lot of time to do so
♨ not to mentioned howtime consuming the café was
♨ while the work wasn’tas draining, it was still a lot
♨ Jaehee just hoped thatyou didn’t take ‘until marriage’ too literal
♨ (since homosexualmarriage isn’t legal and a promise ring would have to do)
♨ because it had been along time and she could use blowing off some steam
♛ he completely agreedwith you!
♛ sex should be a sacredact between husband and wife
♛ or so he thought untilhe met you
♛ suddenly all hisbelief seemed to be shaken by lust
♛ at first it was justthe need to be close to you
♛ hold you, touch you,kiss you
♛ but Jumin could sensehimself becoming greedier
♛ he needed more and itwas harder holding back
♛ still, no matter what,he had his morals and he stood by them
♛ (more so for your sakethan his, honestly)
♛ luckily he didn’t have to wait and suffer for long
♛ his need to marry you grew exponentially, so he did
♛ it might have been quick but Jumin didn’t care aslong as you were his
♛ not just your heartand soul, but your body as well
♛ he’d never imaginedhow hard it would be
♛ now you were all histhough, and he claimed your body many a nights
☼ he really tries
☼ he tries to beunderstanding and he tries not to push
☼ but Saeyoung is acomplicated person
☼ his mind had beenbroken and his heart shattered
☼ so when you again andagain deny him…
☼ well let’s say that hestarts feeling isolated
☼ why did you not wantto share such sacred thing with him?
☼ why did your love haveto have a condition?
☼ he asked you so manytimes but you never gave a reason
☼ your denial caused acrippling doubt to bloom within him
☼ he wanted you and oneday he pushed it too far
☼ suddenly the two ofyou were fighting, screaming and accusing
☼ before you knew itthings were being said, harsh things
☼ in an angry fit hebroken up with you, unwilling to wait
☼ you’d thought he’dtake it back eventually, but he didn’t
☀ hewas fine with it for a very long time
☀ before meeting you hehadn’t even considered sex
☀ it was too primal andprimitive to him
☀ he’d never give in tosuch pathetic urges
☀ after meeting you hehadn’t had the right mindset
☀ thinks were dark andhe had too many (trust issues)
☀ some more time passedand he slowly began to trust you
☀ but the idea of beingtouched…it was still too much
☀ then suddenly itwasn’t and things changed
☀ he craved every kindof intimacy, especially sex
☀ he felt abandoned andpushed away when you denied him
☀ then got mad when yougave him no reason as to why
☀ like why should hemarry you? why were you cornering him like that?
☀ eventually he feltmore lonely around you than without
☀ so Saeran did what hehad to do for him own sanity and broke things off
📷 he’s neitherhappy about it nor sad
📷 if that isreally what you want, he’ll accept it
📷 he figures thatafter what he put you through…
📷 well, it’s theleast he can do to make it up
📷 V also doesn’task questions…for obvious reasons
📷 not to mentionthat he needs time to recover himself
📷 it’s not likebeing blinded by your first lover doesn’t leave certain scars
📷 V is also thetype of person who likes to take it slow anyway
📷 you two havebeen through the worst together
📷 now you can taketime to enjoy the good
📷 the sex bangives you time to get to know one another
📷 V is able toslowly learn to trust someone again
📷 and by the timesex becomes an issue, he’s ready to propose anyway
📷 this time heactually makes it to the wedding
📷 and whenyou two finally have sex, you know you are safe with one another
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