#Because as much as I love the idea of cuddling with Saeran sometimes I just. cannot
password-door-lock · 2 months
Lately I can't stop thinking about sharing a bed with Saeran.
GE Saeran sleeps on his side (as evidenced by the CG where he’s sleeping on his side lol). If you also sleep on your side, then he probably wants to be the little spoon (unless you have a strong preference to the contrary, in which case the two of you can alternate) but if you sleep in the fetal position or something like that, then he's perfectly content being the big spoon, as well. If you sleep on your stomach or your back, then he'll curl up against you with an arm draped over you. The most important thing for him is being close to you, and he can be flexible as far as what that looks like. I do think that if you end up as the little spoon at night due to your sleeping position, you'll probably end up as the big spoon a lot more when the two of you cuddle during the day. Also, the shark plushie is going to be present while the two of you are resting— if he's holding you, Saeran probably won't be able to also hold onto the shark, but it'll still be in the same bed. Maybe you might even be the one to hold onto it some nights! Although physical touch is something he really enjoys, if you’re not feeling up to it for whatever reason, Saeran totally understands! He might elect to wear one of your sweatshirts to bed instead (and let you wear one of his if you’d like to) or cuddle with one of your plushies. Ultimately, what’s most important to him is that both of you feel safe and comfortable while you get the rest that you need. He likes having two or three really plush pillows and only minimal blankets, since he doesn’t get cold easily during the night— he probably won’t even notice it if you steal the covers from him in your sleep. Even though Saeran wakes up occasionally in the middle of the night, he doesn't worry about it too much. He knows that he's still getting rest as long as he's laying there, even if he isn't technically asleep, and of course, he cherishes the time with you.
Ray also sleeps on his side, but unlike GE Saeran, he's very, very nervous about accidentally upsetting you or unknowingly crossing your boundaries. He’s new to this, and he can’t imagine that you would actually want him that close to you. Even if you tell him it's okay, Ray probably wouldn't want to initiate any physical contact at first, though of course, he daydreams about holding you close. He'd probably stay securely on his own side of the bed, taking care not to bother you in any way as he falls asleep watching you rest— he’ll allow himself to turn to face you. To him, being able to look your way while he falls asleep is pure heaven. If you don’t want to be touched, Ray totally understands that— the last thing he wants is to cross your boundaries, and besides, he’s happy enough just seeing that you’re resting well. If, however, the two of you have been together longer and gotten more comfortable sharing a bed, then he'll be over the moon to cuddle up with you if you’d like. Ray really likes being held— if you sleep on your back, he'll rest his head on your chest. If you sleep on your stomach, he might try sleeping on his stomach, too, and you can drape your arm around him. If you sleep on your side, he wants to be the little spoon. If you sleep in the fetal position, he'll probably figure out some creative contortion that allows him to be held by you all night. But, of course, if you'd prefer to be held instead, then he'd be happy to do that sometimes, too! He doesn’t really like to be under the covers at all, and he’s not used to using a pillow, so he doesn’t have any very specific pillow preferences. Although his body won’t let him sleep for more than three hours straight (he has nightmares, and his circadian rhythms are skewed anyway), he’s worried about waking you up, so he’ll stay with you for as long as he’s able to justify putting off his work, even if he can’t fall back asleep. 
Suit sleeps on his back. It's the way that he feels the safest— he's able to look around the room and see everything as he's falling asleep and if he's woken up. If, for some reason, you find yourself falling asleep in the same bed as him before his apology (which is very unlikely), it will likely be your idea. First, he’ll laugh at you for even suggesting something like that, and then, if he decides to humor you, he'll probably just pose you on your side, curled up against him, with his arm around you possessively. It doesn't matter how you normally sleep— you're his toy, and he's already being very generous by letting you rest in the first place. He sees sleeping when one could be working as a sign of weakness, so he’ll probably do his best to stay up even if you fall asleep in this position, and he may even taunt you for being so clueless as to show him such a vulnerable side of yourself. In actuality, he has no idea what to do once you’re actually beside him, and he might end up getting frustrated and pushing you away. However, after his apology, he'd be even more nervous and awkward than Ray— but Suit, too, ultimately does like to be held. He'd let you curl up next to him with his arm around you, rest your head on his chest, or even lean against him, depending on how you’re the most comfortable. Even if he can’t understand why on Earth you would even want to cuddle up with somebody like him, he has no intention of causing you any more discomfort or pain. If you're a stomach sleeper, though, he might end up with his arm at an awkward angle all night to accommodate you, so be warned and adjust accordingly! That being said, if you’re not someone who enjoys physical touch, the last thing he wants to do is cross your boundaries again! As much as he likes being held, he'll be just as content to lay beside you without touching and listen to your calm breathing as you sleep. He likes firm pillows, and he feels much more secure laying on top of the covers in his suit than snuggling up under them in flimsy pajamas. He’s too hyper-vigilant at Magenta to fall asleep easily, but he’ll set an alarm for one hour just in case he does manage to drift off for a bit. Whether he’s taking a break from hacking the messenger or hiding from the believers, Suit does not have time to lay around with you forever. 
Unknown doesn't really like to sleep very much. Sometimes, he falls asleep at his desk— whether you happen to be sitting on his lap or not. He doesn’t care at all about his own comfort— the only reason he ever sleeps is because his body is forcing him to, and the way he sees it, a stiff neck is worth it if it gets him even a little bit closer to his revenge. The rest of the time, he uses the couch that's been brought into the intelligence room so that he doesn't have to waste time walking to his room and back during the night. On those nights, neither one of you has many options other than to sleep on your side— Unknown likes to have you facing him, with your head resting against his chest. Pressing you close to him like that gives him a weird sense of comfort that he can’t really explain. Besides, he doesn’t like the idea of you looking at his monitors while he’s asleep if you lay facing away from him, so he tells himself that it's not like he really has a choice. If the two of you actually end up in a bed, then that means he's too exhausted to argue that it's a waste of time— he might end up sprawled across the mattress however he falls on it, taking up most of the available space and leaving you to slide in wherever and however you'll fit. It’s been so long since he’s had a proper night’s sleep in a proper bed that he’s probably going to be a bit awkward about it. If he's awake enough, he'll pull you close and hold onto you for more of that strange comfort, but he might be too tired even for that. If you don’t want to be touched, there’s a really simple solution for that— you can just sleep at a different time from him, or in a different location, and he’ll give you work to do while his body is forcing him to rest. He doesn’t care where or how or if you sleep— he just cares that you’re getting your work done, or so he claims, at least. He doesn’t see any point in using pillows or blankets when he can sleep just fine without them, and he honestly thinks you’re kind of spoiled for wanting things like that. Because he regularly pushes his body to the limit, when he does allow himself to rest, he sleeps very heavily for a fairly long time. If you’re in his grip, then you’re not getting out of it anytime soon, and otherwise, you’d best leave him alone. 
SE Saeran also sleeps on his back, and his thoughts on sharing a bed are... complicated. He likes to be close to you, but he often has nightmares, and he knows that he kicks sometimes in his sleep. You’d have to be very, very close to him for Saeran to allow you to see him in such a vulnerable position, and even then, he’d still be nervous about inadvertently doing you harm. After all, he’s tried sleeping with plushies before, and he always wakes up to find that he’s thrown them onto the floor during the night. What if he pushes you off the bed or something? What if he lashes out, erroneously thinking that you’re one of the monsters from his past? The first couple of times you stay over, he doesn't sleep at all— he just lays beside you, feeling calmed by your peaceful breathing, even if he's anxious. Then, after that, he'll try out sleeping with you in the same bed but not touching him at all, and when he finds that he doesn't accidentally kick or elbow you in his sleep, he'll start to feel more comfortable with the idea of getting closer. Sometimes, he’s content to fall asleep in your embrace, whatever that might look like. Sometimes, he wants to cuddle with you for a while before separating to sleep on separate sides of the bed. Sometimes, though, he might decide that he doesn’t want to be touched at all, and the two of you might stay on opposite ends of the bed all night, or you’ll go home early and video call him from your own bed, instead. Naturally, on nights when you have similar issues, Saeran will be just as accommodating. He’s not picky about pillows, but he’s strongly opposed to having any kind of covers over him, and he often sleeps with a fan because he feels like the bunker is too hot. If you like having lots of blankets, he’ll keep them in his room for you, but the pair of you will have to work something out to ensure that he doesn’t get too hot during the night. Sometimes he gets up in the middle of the night, but he’s always sure to be extra careful when getting in and out of bed so that he doesn’t disturb your rest.
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Night-time/bedtime cuddles with GE Saeran! It's the stomach-sleeper anon back again!! (I LOVED your reply!!! Omg, thank you so much!!!) I just had another idea to ask how Saeran would react if I wanted to and/or did find myself sleeping on top of him? Like, actually on him, sprawled with my head burrowed all comfy under his chin or on his chest, and my limbs flailed on top of his XDDD
Would he like it? Would he find the weight and warmth comfortable? And squeezy, nuzzling cuddles easier? Or would he feel claustrophobic with the close pressing on his body?
GE Saeran with an MC who loves to sleep on top of him? Hm. I don't imagine he would feel super claustrophobic with someone sleeping on him like that. In fact, I think it might do him some good to have somebody weigh him down. There are benefits to using a weighted blanket, after all, and I have definitely noticed a difference since using one, and while a person isn't a weighted blanket, some old-fashioned pressure therapy can make a difference. 
Warm, cuddly, and that pressure would remind him that you're there with him and nothing will change that fact. I imagine he has horrible nightmares where he sees a world where you're not with him, or he wakes up to realize he's back in Mint Eye, and there’s nobody there but… him. That's his worst nightmare... to wake up and realize that loving you and escaping was just a dream.
If I'm being honest, I think his favorite position would be to be the little spoon, but that's just because he has nightmares that make him lash out sometimes, and he wouldn't want to terrify or hurt his partner. But, as far as cuddling goes, I know he would enjoy having somebody there to lay on top of him. I also think he would enjoy the inverse because listening to your heartbeat would bring such peace to his heart. 
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RFA+ V and Saeran with an MC who asks for more affection ;;;
 down and cuddle I hope you like this, anon!! <3
RFA (+ Saeran and V) when Reader asks them for more affection Headcanons (small references to nsfw)
Yoosung Kim
Yoosung’s a little bit like a puppy when it comes to affection, he’s always excited to see you and is super depressed when you leave. He was usually a bit clingy anyway so when he suddenly disappeared to spend even more time than usual on LOLOL, so it’s understandable that you felt a little bit ignored.
You told him that he had been kind of neglecting you recently because of LOLOL championships and he immediately felt super bad about it, he hadn’t meant to ignore you but he was just too into the gaming mindset, especially since he had gotten his new set up. 
He’d worry that he wasn’t a good boyfriend and would promise to make it better, he’d offer to make you an omurice and a coffee with extra love for lunch, ask if you wanted to go for a walk together around his campus or maybe even a trip to the cinema if you had time - his treat, for making it up to you.
Once you saw that he was making the effort, you’d probably let him go back to his championships after a while as long as he promised to come and cuddle with you in the evening. Of course, he will. 
  Zen/Hyun Ryu
Zen had gotten a really good part in a new production, and whilst you were very proud and excited for him, you absolutely hated the new hours he was working. The rehearsals were really tiring and lasted pretty much from 9am to 9pm, so by the tie Zen got home he usually didn’t even have time to properly relax before needing to go to bed. You tried to put him first since it was his career but after a while, it made you feel so ignored.
He usually called you on his lunch breaks since he liked to go for walks on them for some fresh air and you asked if you could spend the weekend together. Zen sighed and was about to say that you couldn’t since there were weekend  rehearsals coming up and you just couldn’t stop yourself: you cried and quickly hung up in hopes he didn’t hear. He did. He knew.
Zen was very aware of how difficult adjusting to his new hours had been for you and had he had been neglecting you as a result. You wouldn’t need to ask him for affection because he would already know that you needed it. He’d plead with the director to see if he could have the weekend off, claiming a ‘family emergency’ because, well, it technically didn’t feel like a lie to him. He’d send a quick text telling you that rehearsals were ‘cancelled’ for the weekend so he was free to do whatever his princess wanted.
When Zen got home that night, he’d turn up with flowers, a few cans of beer and something for dinner, He’d spend the night giving you all the affection you could ask for, and then even more on top of it. Zen wouldn’t even let you shower alone, he’s gotta make up for the lost time.
You’d definitely be getting all of the attention in bed that night too, and then again and again until he practically collapsed asleep on top of you. 
Jaehee Kang
Jumin had started a new cat project and it had meant so, so many late nights and early mornings for Jaehee. It hurt your heart, it felt like you never saw her. And then, when you did see her, she was always stressed and tired, and barely affectionate. You knew she couldn’t help it but it still hurt to have her feel so distant. 
You’d come up behind her whilst she was working once and ask for a little bit of attention and been almost immediately blown off. Jaehee’s tiredness had made her words clip just a little too harshly and she realised they had as soon as she felt your arms slink away from her as you silently got up and went to bed alone. She felt so guilty. 
Jaehee would wake up extra early the next day to make you breakfast in bed with all of your favourite foods. She’d made you a very fancy looking coffee and decorated a little heart and a smiley face onto it out of cocoa powder and foam.
She’d sit with you as you ate, leaning her head on your shoulder and apologising for not giving you enough affection recently and that she hadn’t meant to sound so cold. Please reassure her that it’s okay, Jaehee is always struggling to balance everything.
Jumin Han
Jumin wasn’t particularly great with overt affection, he tried his best but it just wasn’t at the forefront of his mind. When you asked him for more affection, he’d immediately apologise and tell you that he would try harder, but internally analyse where he had been going wrong. He’d been spending late hours at the office, and he’d had a few more business meetings than usual on his schedule, so he’d figured that it must have been it. 
He’d a little concerned that he had made you feel insecure by not giving you enough attention. He knows that romance and intimacy is not his strong point, but Jumin really didn’t want you to suffer as a result of his oversight on this.
If possible, he’d have Jaehee reschedule any appointments he had over the weekend so he could take you for a surprise weekend break in order to spend more time with you. Jumin also knows that you’re not won over by his wealth, and if it’s his love you’re asking for then it’s truly his love that you’re after.
If he didn’t have any more appointments that day, he’d work through his lunch break in order to get all of his paperwork done early and would inform Jaehee that he was leaving and to summon Driver Kim. Jaehee had barely shouted a ‘Mr Han!’ before he was already out of this office. 
On his way home, Jumin asks Driver Kim to stop by one of his favourite wineries so he could pick up a special bottle for the two of you to share that evening.
Jumin essentially spends the evening doing things that he thinks would make you happy. You sit, chat, enjoy a glass of wine on his roof top terrace, god- you even cooked together. It was was hilarious to see Mr CEO-in-line Jumin Han try to cook something edible for dinner, but you couldn’t tease him too much since you knew he was making this effort entirely for you.
Saeyoung Choi
Seven struggled to let anyone in. the only person who he had ever let in had been his twin brother, Saeran, which admittedly had not ended well for either of him. Seven had let you in despite trying to hard to push you away, and whilst he had loved you with his entire heart, sometimes he struggled with not holding you at arms length. He still got into his own head about it and isolated himself from time to time. For the most part, he wouldn’t even be aware that he was doing it. He’d just get into his own head too much and stress himself out. 
It wasn’t until he heard your little knock on his workroom door and saw your teary eyes, asking if he was mad at you, that he realised how neglectful he must have been. You asked him if he could spend some time with you, that you hadn’t seen him properly in days and how much you missed him. Seven swore, in that moment, that he audibly heard his heart crack. 
He opens his arms and pulls you to his chest, stuttering an apology out for being so absent. He’ll make it up to you, you can do anything you want. You can even wear his jacket if it would make you happy. Usually it would make you happy, but he had been sitting in it for days and it was ever so slightly stinky so the first thing you wanted him to do was to have a shower. 
He’ll spend the rest of the evening with you, bullying Yoosung over messenger. Seven just wants to make sure you spend the night smiling and laughing with him and knowing that he loves you very damn much, even if sometimes he gets into his own head about it. If you just want to watch a movie and cuddle on the sofa then he’s absolutely up for it, but he can’t guarantee that his hands won’t roam here for there. He might mean it innocently, or he might suddenly grab you and tickle you until you’re wheezing. His choice is between him and God.
Saeran Choi (GE Saeran because it wasn’t specified)
GE Saeran was already incredibly affectionate, to the extent that when you were alone he was a little bit shameless about it. He had spent far, far too long without any sort of affection in his life, so he’d be damned if he wasn’t laying his claim to it now. 
When you expressed to him that you wanted more affection, his initial thought was an anxiety that he had somehow been neglecting you without realising. after you assured him that that wasn’t the case, his very swift follow up thought was that he was so unbelievably happy that someone wanted his affection. You not only wanted his love to begin with but you somehow wanted even more of it. Surely, he wasn’t allowed to be this happy. 
Saeran’ll want to know if there’s anything specific that you want him to do so he can get to it right away, but if not, he’ll get to spend blissful hours in his greenhouse and study thinking of new ways to demonstrate his love for you. He keeps a little notebook of ideas for dates and gifts and little bouquets and their meanings that he wants to make for you.
To start with, he’ll get you your own little desk in his study where he dries and catalogues different plants incase you just wanted to spend more time with him when he was working. 
He loves the domesticity of his life with you and already showers you with his attention so he’ll have to try hard to think of new things. He still isn’t very good at large amounts of social interaction with people who aren’t you or his brother, but Saeran will do his best to branch out with different date ideas like restaurants or arcades for you to try something different (he saw a video of Saeyoung in one and thought it looked fun, but worries it might be a little overwhelming for him). 
Once he was able to go to the cinema, he really liked going there with you and then getting to go home and cuddle you, partially because you’re you and secondly because he likes that you smell of sweet popcorn.
V/Jihyun Kim
He’s a little surprised at first, he had hoped that he was always giving you the affection and love that you needed but he realised he had probably been spending more time in his studio than he had been meaning to. However, V has a lot of love to give and he’s utterly ready to devote himself if that’s what you need from him. 
V will also initially ask if there’s anything specific that you’re lacking from him so that he can work on it but if it’s just that you’re feeling distant from him, he’ll try to plan more activities for the two of you to do. 
He’ll try to be more physically affectionate, since he can regularly write verbal poetry without meaning to and since he’s physically been absent whilst working, he thought that perhaps the extra physicality might help to compensate. He fluctuates between very withholding and overly forthcoming depending on his emotional state so it really depends.
However, the best way he can give you affection is to bring you into his studio with him since he’s his most intimate space.
The way he’d show his affection to you best if by you letting him paint you onto a canvas. So, if you were willing to let him, he’d love to paint you. He’d also love to photograph and paint you naked for his personal collection, of course, but he genuinely feels as though it would bring the both of you closer and give him the opportunity to provide the affection you’re seeking from him.
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saeran-imagines · 3 years
Hi! I read some of your work and got totally mesmerized hahaha I'm so happy someone's still active and having request open. (Also sorry if it's not the right place to ask this but I'm bad at using tumblr). But I wondered if you could write something about a reader suffering from depression/hinting often at suicide for the smallest things, with Ray or Saeran GE . If it's a trigger it's fine you don't have to do it!
Awhh thank you so much!!  ❤ I’ll hopefully be a lot more active in the near future since I don’t have so much work to do, sorry about the wait! I hope you like them!
Edit: Didn’t say which Saeran I’m writing for OOPS! This is for GE Saeran :D If you want Ray too feel free to ask!
⚠️ Warning for depression and (very light) mentions of suicide ⚠️
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He’d be REALLY concerned at even the slightest hint of suicidal thoughts. You’re the most important person in his life, his love and sunshine, and he can’t lose you. The second your life is in danger he’d strongly encourage you to seek outside help. He’d move mountains and part the sea for you if he could, but he knows there’s only so much he can do on his own.
That said, he knows all too well how hard it is to ask for help. It’s a struggle for him to talk to anyone outside you and the RFA, and even that’s difficult at times. If it’s too scary to talk to a therapist he’d be happy to go with you, even if it’s just to silently hold your hand and make sure the therapist respects your boundaries.
Saeran may not have depression specifically, but he’s been through enough emotional turmoil that he’s built up a little toolbox of coping mechanisms over the years. He’ll try all of them out with you, and if none of them work out he’s always looking for more that might help. 
When he hears you talking bad about yourself he helps you spin it into something positive. “I don’t like this part of my body” turns into “this makes me unique,” and “I can’t do anything right” turns into “noticing my mistakes means I’m learning from them.” He can be a bit… well, very cheesy, but it’s hard to disagree with him when he flashes his signature sweet smile and softly strokes your cheek while he tells you everything he likes about you.
He’s happy to stay in bed and cuddle when you’re having a bad day, but if you’re feeling up to it he’ll want to do something fun with you. If moving is hard he’ll encourage you to get dressed and come out to the living room to watch a movie. He’ll help you out, of course! He’s always wanted to see if he’s strong enough to carry you. If you have some spare energy he’ll suggest baking or cooking something together, and if you’re feeling even more adventurous he’ll want to go outside with you. From his own experience he knows that a change in environment can break the cycle of thoughts that threaten to drag you down. Gardening is his own personal escape, he’ll work with you to find yours :)
If you DO just need comfort he’ll pull you into his arms, play with your hair, and massage circles into your back until you feel better. If you want a distraction he’ll ramble about whatever’s on his mind. He especially loves planning out your next trip and coming up with activities for when you’re there, he writes all of your ideas down in a little travel journal (complete with stickers, of course.) He’ll give you something to look forward to, even if it’s as small as trying the new flavor at your local bubble tea shop or going to the grocery store to pick out treats for your next movie night.
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Apple’s lil note under the cut (feel free to ignore this if you don’t want my little depression pep talk hehe)
I’ve had my own struggles with depression and I hope this helps you (and everyone else reading this who’s going through the same stuff!) Here’s your usual reminder to call the hotline if thoughts turn into plans or actions ❤ BUT it’s not always easy to call the hotline. They’re wonderful people and they want to help you but calling people is HARD!! I’ve always been too anxious for it, my escape has always been reading headcanons like these 😊 SO here’s my own little hot tips for horrible days-
Here’s a checklist to go through when you’re feeling bad, sometimes the mood booster I need is just getting a snack or putting some clothes on and this list is a good reminder!
If you’re feeling hopeless try and plan something to do in the next few days, something that might get you excited to wake up tomorrow. It can be something super small, I have a lot of beads so I might choose making bracelets.
On the bracelets note, making something is a good outlet because it can give you something to be a little proud of. It can even be something like building something in minecraft or cooking a meal :)
Anyways life is hard and I hope my writing can make it a little less hard! Remember that Saeran loves you and wants you to eat all your meals and take care of yourself 🥰
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otomefoxystar · 3 years
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: Saeyoung X MC
Warnings: talk about money and mental health
Genre: Comfort
For @space-kitten-606 Sorry it took so long to write this !😔 Life has been super busy, but I’m back at it now ❤️
She was trying to make it she really was, but her employer increased the cost of her insurance, and to cover her antidepressants and anxiety medications she had to pay out of pocket. Not to mention the doctor and physiatrist appointments. That with rent and regular household bills, it was impossible to keep up. She was broke.
After getting dressed she twisted her hair up into a tight knot on her head as she went to the pantry knowing the only thing she had other than boxed and canned food was ramen.
“ Breakfast of champions.”
As she sat down to eat there was a knock at the door. Saeyoung was standing on the other side of the door with a big smile on his face.
“ Hiii” She was surprised to see him, he hadn’t even called. It was completely out of the blue.
“ Hi! I wasn’t expecting you to come over.” He kissed her cheek.
“ You are always at work! I haven’t seen you in like foreeeevvvveeerrrr. I was starting to think you don’t love me anymore.” She rolled her eyes.
“ You are so dramatic.” He gave her a toothy grin.
“ I miss you _ _ _ I've been lonely without you.”
“ I miss you too, I’ve been busy is all.”
She was standing in the doorframe and he chuckled.
“ Are you gonna let me come in or are we going talk out here the whole time?”
“Oh! Yeah, come in.”
After he shut the door, he saw the steaming bowl of ramen on the table, and his eyebrows drew together.
“ _ _ _?” It wasn’t his usual cheerful tone, it was one of concern.
“ Yeah?” He crossed his arms and looked at her with a serious look on his face.
“ Are you eating ramen… For. Breakfast?!” Her cheeks turned a crimson color. She had been caught.
“ And you dare to lecture me about eating honey buddha chips and Dr. Pepper. Do you have any idea how much sodium is in ramen?” She looked down at the floor.
“ I know”
“ I’ll make you something.” He stated, and her eyes shot up.
“ Uhh, I don’t have much food.” He waved his hands, telling her not to worry.
“ I'm sure there’s something I can make you.” He said as he made his way to the fridge.
He opened the fridge to see it practically barren with only a half-gallon of milk and a container of leftover food, that appeared to be spaghettos. He raised his eyebrows then went to the pantry and there were a couple of boxed and canned meals, a loaf of bread that was almost gone, peanut butter and honey. What happened to his girlfriend who was always so diligent about eating healthy?
“ Why don’t you have any food?”
“ I’ve just been so busy, I haven’t had time to go to the store.” He gave her a hard look. Saeyoung didn’t often look at her like this and she knew she was in trouble. He walked over to her.
“ You’re here now, you could’ve gone shopping right?” She was trying to come up with any excuse she could think of. She didn’t want him to know how broke she was, he had money. Even with quitting the agency he probably never had to work again.
“ I uhh was gonna go, I just wanted to eat first.”
“ Okay, let’s go out to eat then I’ll take you to the store.”
She shook her head
“ No, it’s okay. I’ll go later.”
“ You are not eating ramen for breakfast.” He noticed she was having a breakout on her forehead, and her face looked a little sunken in with dark circles under her eyes. She looked awful.
“ No, c’mon let’s go.” She shook her head and stood her ground when he started dragging her to the door.
“ I can’t!” He turned and looked at her when her face twisted into an expression like she was getting ready to cry.
“ What’s going on _ _ _? What are you not telling me?”
She sat down on the kitchen chair and covered her face with her hands. Saeyoung sat down next to her, facing her completely flabbergasted. He brought her hands away from her face.
“ You can tell me. We need to be open and honest with each other.”
She looked up with tears brimming in her eyes.
“ It’s just-“ She sighed “ I can’t afford to go shopping. I’m broke…. Really, really broke.”
“ I can help y’know, you just have to ask.”
“ No, it’s not your problem.” That stung, he wanted to share everything with her even the bad things. He tightened his grip on her hands. At that moment she knew he wasn’t going to give up, she had to just tell him the truth.
“ It’s not like I went on a shopping spree and spent too much money. I don’t get to do that, I don’t even remember the last time I bought something for myself. It’s my job the cost of the medical insurance went up. I just can’t afford it. I’d have no money left over and to pay for the medication I need I have to pay for it myself. I have to pay for doctor’s visits I have to pay for everything and I just can’t keep up. I’m always late on my bills, I have to use credit cards and bounce checks. It’s been … Hard.” Tears finally spilled out of her eyes.
His heart dropped at hearing this. She was suffering this whole time and he never even knew.
“ How long did you think you could keep this from me?” He didn't say it angrily, it was more of a disappointed statement. He tilted his head and sighed.
“ Is this why you’ve been working so much overtime?”
“ I have to take my meds, I can’t go without them.” He brought her hand up and kissed the top of her hand.
“ This is probably not helping your depression and anxiety though kitten. You don’t look good. You are going to make yourself sick if you work yourself to death and eat like shit.”
“ The pot called the kettle black.” She said wiping her tears away. Saeyoung let out a little chuckle.
“ Seems like it. Seriously though you don’t have to keep things from me. Even if it is YOUR problem. I want it to be my problem too.” He paused, seemingly contemplating something when his eyes widened as if a light bulb had gone off.
“Move in with me, you wouldn’t have to pay rent, my house is paid off, there’s food. You wouldn’t have to worry anymore.” He gave her a toothy grin.
“ I don’t know Saeyoung. What about Saeran?”
“ He’ll be fiiiinnnee” He waved her off “Besides, I think he likes having you around.” She bit her lip.
“ I don't want to put you guys out. I should just get a second job. I can’t depend on you like that.”
“ No no no, you aren’t getting a second job, that’s crazy! You are already overworked enough. You are just so stubborn, it’s drives me crazy sometimes! I am offering you help and a way for you to make it because right now sweet pea you are just barely getting by. It’s not healthy to be more worried about paying bills than eating. Plus, I’ll have a human teddy bear to cuddle every night.” He leaned forward and gave her a big hug.
“ I’m not your teddy bear!” She shoved him, and he put his bottom lip out, pouting.
“ Aww c’mon. Please kitten” He tucked her hair behind her ear “ I love you and I am worried about you. Let me help you. If you keep going like this your mental health will just get worse.” She knew that of course, she knew that.
“ What’s stopping you? Why won’t you live with me?” She didn’t know, maybe she was afraid?
He smiled at her and cupped her cheek. Giving her that tender look that she so adores.
“ It kills me that the only way I can make is to get help from other people. I wanted to make it on my own, to prove to myself that I am worth something.”
“ You are worth something! It’s okay to need help. Most people do at some point in their lives. You don’t have to do this alone. I’m here and we can figure it out together because that’s what partners do. I’m not telling you to quit your job. I’m not saying that I’ll pay your bills. I just want you to move in with me.
“ You just feel bad for me.” He flicked her forehead and she glared at him as she rubbed her head.
“ That’s not it! I mean yes I do feel bad, but I want you to move in because I love you and want you around. It would’ve happened eventually, why not now?”
She looked at him hard and long as if the answer was on his face. Finally, the tension from her shoulders left and she squeezed his hand. She pressed her lips together as she looked at his pleading expression.
“ I’m not letting you say no.” She inhaled deeply through her nose.
“ Okay” He tilted his head to the side.
“ Okay? Okay, what? That I won’t let you say no? Or that you’ll move in with me?”
She sighed.
“ I’m sorry! You aren’t explaining!”
“ I know I’m just nervous.” She steeled herself and sat up straight, looking right into his eyes.
“ I’ll do it, I’ll move in with you Saeyoung.” A big grin spread across his face.
“ Yeah?” She nodded her head.
“ Yeah, just as long as you promise it’s not out of pity.” He shook his head vigorously.
“ Nope! it’ll just work better for both of us. I’ll get to see you more, and you’ll be able to pay your bills. It’s a win-win.” He was beaming.
“ I think I’m getting more out of this than you are, but if you’re happy then I’m happy too.” She said with a smile.
“ Finally a smile. I don’t like it when you're sad.” He stood up and held out his hand for her to take. She looked up at him, but then took his warm hand and he pulled her up. He kissed her lips softly then hugged her tight trying to convey his feelings.
“ Now that it’s decided, I am taking you out for breakfast. You aren’t eating that crap.” She smiled and slipped her shoes on letting him pull her out the door. He stopped just as they were about to get into his car. He looked into her bright eyes and stroked her cheek.
“ I really do love you _ _ _. I hope you never forget that. I will do everything in my power and beyond to take care of you like you deserve.” She placed her hand over his.
“ How about we take care of each other?” He gave her a tender smile.
“ I like the sound of that. No one’s taken care of me before.” She hugged him tight and gave him a light peck on the side of his neck.
“ There’s a first for everything!” She smiled and ran her fingers through his soft hair.
“Thank you Saeyoung. For being in my life, for loving me, for letting me love you.”
He pulled her close to press a fierce kiss to her lips, holding the back of her head as he deepened the kiss. When finally they parted he opened the door of the car for her ready to take on this new adventure in their lives.
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stargazer-balladeer · 3 years
December 1: Snow (Mystic Messenger)
Characters Included: 707, Yoosung, Zen, Jumin, Jaehee, Saeran & V
Notes: This prompt (or whatever you call this) is random, its meant to signify the start of December. So I apologize if people find that the prompt “snow” is not featured greatly here. Hope you’ll enjoy this!
Warning: Minor spoilers if you haven’t played MM and don’t know their backstories and real names.
December Fics | MAIN PAGE |
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Seven is the most excited person in the whole RFA, with eyes sparkling, grinning widely and stuff. He’s practically shining with how enthusiastic he is with the Christmas season.
You can be sure that Seven will drag you anywhere, everywhere. This might not be his first Christmas, but its his first Christmas with you and the RFA. A home, a family he always wished he had.
You can also bet that he’ll drag Saeran with him. Saeran just going along with it because he has no choice-
Seven will do ice-skating with you, wander around town and look at the Christmas decorations. Though the best part, in his opinion, is being cozy with you on the couch with a steaming hot chocolate drink.
Saeyoung sighed contentedly as he lets his head rest on yours, his golden-colored pair of eyes looking at the fire place (pretend you have one-). There’s a small, gentle smile on his face, rather than the usual excited, cheeky smile plastered. The silence around you two was comforting and calming, that it makes Saeyoung drowsy.
As much as Saeyoung love the Winter season, he isn’t a fan of cold much. So you two ended up in your house, tucked in a thick blanket and sipping on a steaming hot chocolate drink which you two prepared. Now this is home, Saeyoung blissfully thought. “Should we host a party at RFA, to celebrate the holidays?” His s/o asked, breaking the silence momentarily.
Saeyoung just hums as he snuggled closer to you. “I think it’s a great idea.” Saeyoung mumbled, luckily you caught it. You smiled peacefully. “Alright.. how about this years theme is cat holidays?”
Yoosung is the second most excited in RFA. He will literally drag you to town to watch the snow fall and the decorations hanging around. His childishness really show during this season.
Yoosung would make you into a literal blanket burrito, just to warm you up. He cares about you more than himself so if you’re shivering and cold. He’ll just wrap you in a blanket and snuggle you with it. If you two are outside though, he will give you his jacket or scarf (or maybe both)-
He loves making snowman with you, snowball fighting and teasing you with the coldness. So expect to feel ice going through your back.
“Yoosung!” You shriek while Yoosung just laughed out loud. You tried pulling out the ice that Yoosung put in your back, and failing miserably. You could feel the ice melting in your skin, leaving water to stain inside. You shiver as it made the coldness around you worse.
Yoosung noticed as his laughter died down. He gave you an apologetic smile as he removes his scarf and put it around your neck. “Sorry baby. You just look so adorable.” You only pout at him with a (adorable) glare in your face, which only made Yoosung snickered. You continued pouting as you stomp yourself away from your blonde boyfriend.
Yoosung only laughs as he chases your stomping figure. “Baby! I’m sorry!”
Zen is in-between excitement and calm. He might not be a fan of the cold much, but he loves the view of snowflakes falling from the sky. Besides, it’s Instagram worthy.
Zen is literally a human heater, like how? But you didn’t complain since now, you can cling to him with a “its too cold” excuse. Zen would only chuckle and let you snuggle with him. It also gives him an excuse to kiss your head, and he ain’t complaining about a free cuddle from you.
This is the only time where Zen can relax really, from all the model shoots his been doing and singing for musicals. He could finally let his body relax.
Zen would go window shopping with you, traversing through the thick chilling snow while looking through the windows. He’s very observant so when he sees that something caught your eye, he would definitely buy it for you.
“.. you know you didn’t have to buy it.” “But I want to, my love.” You sighed while shaking your head with a smile on your face. No matter how much you tried telling him that he doesn’t have to buy you anything, he just doesn’t listen to you. You don’t know whether to reprimand him or not.
“Besides, you deserve it. I put you a lot of suffering just by being with me..” Zen trailed off, getting sentimental again. It’s been almost a year now since that incident in the RFA. As much as you tell Zen that you forgive him, he just couldn’t let go. He believes you deserve someone better than him.
“Hey..” You cooed at him as you made Zen look at you. You smiled gently as you kiss his forehead, and did the eskimo kiss with your noses. “As cheesy as this might sound, I chose you because I love you. I love the way you are. That’s never going to change.” You softly mumbled. Zen heard it and smiled gratefully at you. “Thank, my love. I love you too.”
Jumin is probably one of the least excited for Christmas in the RFA. He would think of it as a normal day and carry on with his daily routine. His job as a CEO doesn’t allow him any free time, even on holidays. At first, he didn’t think much of it. But now that you’re with him, he’ll try his hardest to finish all of his work to spend time with you. Sometimes overworking himself to the point of exhaustion.
Jumin is actually neutral towards the cold. Similarly to Zen, he enjoys watching the snow fall from the snow. Though he doesn’t like playing around, he likes watching you build a snowman or play in the snow. He will only join you if you two are going for a walk.
Jumin is much more affectionate during these times. His body isn’t auto-heating and he’s craving your warmth— which results in him dragging you to the nearest bed or couch for a cuddle session. Even though you two have a heater, he’ll always think of an excuse just to cuddle with you. (Just let it slide-)
Jumin has loves watching the snow with you. So you two are often found watching the snow fall in the patio.
A faint gentle smile is present on the relaxed face of the CEO, replacing his usual stoic, cold-faced one. He tightens his hold around you as you two watch the snowflakes descend from the clouds. Even though no one was talking, it wasn’t uncomfortable.
“We should do this everyday.” You said in a teasing voice as you lean back on his chest. He hummed as his eyes flickers to your curled up figure in his lap. He sighs contentedly. “Maybe. Though, wouldn’t you prefer going out, darling?”
You hum in response as a smile curled up in your lips. “I much prefer being with you, love.” Jumin swears his heart accelerated when you said that. Even though you two are together for a while now, he still wasn’t used to your affections. He let his eyes drop. “You’ve been spending too much time with Zen.” You only laughed.
Jaehee might seem like collected and calm in the outside, but inside, she’s filled with excitement and giddiness. She couldn’t wait to go home to spend the rest of the day in your warm arms. She craves affections so much but is usually shy when expressing them. But now, with the snow falling, Jaehee now has an excuse with cuddle.
Jaehee is albeit childish for me, so I can see her sticking out her tongue so that a snowflake can land on it. But she won’t start a snowball fight with you, which is quite reassuring-
Instead, she prefers the basic walking around town hand-in-hand while basking in each other’s presence trope. She also likes pressing her body to you, with the excuse of wanting heat. Though you know that she just wants to be close to you-
Jaehee can do anything, but I don’t think she can skate. So if you know how to skate, drag her to a nearby ice rink and teach her there. She won’t refuse because she loves you very much— though if you also don’t know, you two will just stick with other activities.
Jaehee watches as you stick out your tongue to catch a snowflake. She giggled when you made a face. “Cold..” You muttered. “Well.. it is ice.” Jaehee jokingly sass as you laughed. “Right right.”
“C’mon. Let’s enter this café.” Jaehee said while pointing at a nearby café that looks so cozy. You gave her a look. “You sure? Don’t you own a café as well?” Jaehee chuckles as she gives your hand a squeeze. “Just because I own a café now doesn’t mean I don’t want to go to other café’s. Now c’mon before we freeze to death.”
You chuckled as you let her drag you to the café. “I wouldn’t mind being frozen in place with you-“ Jaehee can only sigh and smile at your puns.
Saeran is the most least excited for Christmas. Actually, he isn’t excited about anything other than you or ice cream. Like he has the most deadpanned stare as you exclaim its already December.
Actually, I think Saeran would despise Christmas. Because it reminds him of his past. How horrible their mother was to them, to the point that they couldn’t eat anymore. Christmas wasn’t anything special to them back then but now, it is. Whether he likes it or not.
Saeran prefers staying indoors than going out. Unlike his brother that loves snow, he isn’t a fan of them. He says this and yet he’s freezing when you touch him! Like he can still literally eat ice cream even though its already freezing! Prepare yourself when you’ll cuddle with Saeran-
Saeran actually loves cuddling with you around this time. Like I said, he’s freezing so he wants (craves) your warmth. So expect to find yourself cuddling with him.
“Saeran.. I need to cook.” “Just.. a bit longer.” You sighed, finally relaxing your body with his. You knew you weren’t getting up any time soon. Not when this big baby has you in his arms. Saeran nuzzle his face deeper in your neck and hair. You shiver when you felt his warm breath on your neck.
You smiled unconsciously while closing your eyes. Saeran wasn’t one for affectionate, it’s usually you who initiate this kind od things. But now, he’s the one initiating it first. It was kinda refreshing to see him opening up to you. Finally opening his heart to you. Usually when he cuddles, it’s usually for warmth but you knew that it wasn’t for that reason why he suddenly wants to cuddle..
“Did you lose again in that game?” ... “shut up” You laughed as pat his head while he pouts. He swears you knew him better than he knows himself-
V is neutral to the holidays. Though he likes the idea of giving (spoiling) you with gifts and affections. V loves spending time with you and taking picture of the winter wonderland. So, ofc, he prefers going outside with you.
When he lets you see the pictures he take with his camera, you would find yourself in almost every single one. When you ask about this, his only response is your his muse. V is also sneaky when taking pictures of you. Some of these you didn’t know you were unconsciously doing or noticing him taking pictures of you. (Their all beautiful, mind you-)
He loves the domestice life with you. He really spoils you with love and affections. Every morning, noon, afternoon and evening. Afterall, he wants to make it up to you. After all that has happened, with Rika and stuff. But he wouldn’t bring this topic up. He would rather let his past be in the past. He’s forever grateful to you (and also thankful that you managed to convince him to have eye surgery-)
V smiled as he sneakily takes a pic of you looking at the snow without you noticing. His smile stays even after taking the pic. He opens it and inspect it. Perfection. Of course, its perfect. It’s you afterall.
“V.. did you take a pic of me again?” V hums, not looking up as he press the next button. He could hear the playfulness in your voice, so he knew you weren’t mad about it. When he felt you in front of him, he immediately closes his camera.
You pout as you glared at him. “Heyy! I wanna see!” V only chuckled as he lets his camera fall, he doesn’t need to worry about it falling since its lace is around his neck. He proceeds to kiss the top of your forehead. “Sorry, starlight. If I show it to you then you’ll ask me to delete it.” You pout before bursting into fits of laughs. “I guess.”
“Can I atleast have a peek?” “Nope.” “C’mon! Just a glance!” “Nope.” “V~!” “Still no, love.” “No cuddles later then!” “... at home.” You cheered as he sighed in defeat before smiling at you being adorable again.
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joy1579 · 4 years
The RFA + Saeran spooning
I’M going back to work! YAY!! it literally helps my mental health so much to have something to do during the day so I’m so glad i get to go back! plus the paycheck wont hurt either. anyway that does mean i wont have as much time to write. i want to keep doing this though because i really enjoy getting my work out there. 
oh also master list 
-        he loves when you hold onto him but he’s not a fan of the little spoon position
-        if you hug onto him like that he absolutely spins to face you
-        he wants to hold you too after all he’s never been one to passively let things happen
-        he wants an active role in the cuddling
-        because of this most of the time you two don’t spoon at all but end up holding each other in mutual cuddles
-        so it is that your big spoon time is regulated to those rare occasions when he is sick and has no energy to put into cuddling you back
-        in these moment you revel in holding him close like that and he enjoys that you never leave his side
-        it helps that when he is sick he lets go of the need to be in control all the time and you really like that he trusts you enough to let you be the person in control during these moments
-        this boy will take all the cuddles he can get
-        big spoon little spoon he doesn’t care he’s just happy to be close to you
-        he will admit though he really likes when you nuzzle your face into his neck from behind
-        and when you run your hand up and down his chest absently while you get comfortable as the big spoon
-        the only problem is that your chest presses against his back and it can be difficult to ignore
-        there are upsides to him being the big spoon too though. It makes him feel very manly, like he’s protecting you
-        also he loves to bury his face in your hair. Its soft and smells so good especially after you’ve just washed it
-        but then he gets really nervous because what if you feel him against you
-        either he feels you against him or you feel him against you there is no escape for this poor embarrassed boy
-        it’s not that he dislikes being the little spoon per se it’s just the little spoon usually gets trapped under the big spoons arms and he is not a fan of feeling trapped
-        still it’s okay as long as you don’t have a death grip (like he does)
-        but he definitely prefers being the big spoon he likes holding you tight (and once he falls asleep his vice grip holds you there all night there is no way for you to escape)
-        also it’s the perfect position to tease you, a few nips to your neck some saucy whispering in the ear and you turn to putty in his hands
-        the main problem (if you can call it that) is the fact that you can also tease him with a simple grind of your hips.
-        Still many nights’ end with him as the big spoon you using his arm as a pillow while he keeps you locked against him with his other arm
-        Big spoon all the way no doubt. You aren’t sure if this is because he wants to “protect his princess” or because of one of his (sometimes warped) ideas about masculinity
-        Somehow it always turns into sex, did you grind on you or did you grind on him, the world may never know
-        The arm around you is in your shirt and on your breasts
-        He does it unconsciously if you two sleep like this, legit he isn’t even doing it on purpose and it drives you crazy
-        It just doesn’t work as a sleeping position for y’all okay there’s too much temptation for both of you
-        So what usually happens is you go to bed with every intention of sleeping. You start spooning and spend an inordinate amount of time NOT sleeping. Then you fall asleep with him on his back and your head against his chest instead.
-        She likes being the little spoon. She isn’t used to being held or taken care of so she really enjoys it when it happens
-        She absolutely holds your hand to her face in her sleep. You enjoy her soft even breath against your skin
-        She has a vice grip on your arm so if you want to leave you may have to consider amputation (Judo has this girl STRONG)
-        She won’t admit it but she enjoys the feel of your chest pressed against her back and your legs tangled with hers
-        When she grows out her hair she worries it’ll get in your face and bother you. She wonders aloud if she should cut it again and you rush to assure her its fine.
-        Honestly when you two are cuddled like this you sometimes wonder if you need such a big bed. You two are both pretty small and even sprawled out you have a little extra room but curled around each other like this you only occupy a quarter of the bed
-        HOLD 👏 THIS 👏 BOY 👏 Seriously hold him wrap him up in your arms he needs to much love.
-        he likes being the little spoon. But tell anyone and your dead.
-        He hides his face in pillows or blankets but you can see his ears turn pink and feel his pulse rise
-        He calls cuddling stupid but he never fights it and when you go to bed without cuddling him you always wake up to cuddles
-        It isn’t that he hates the big spoon position. He just, he hasn’t been held much in his life so he drinks it in like man parched in the desert.
-        It’s nice that he can wake up from nightmares and be instantly grounded by your arms around him
-        He counts your breath using it to calm him down and holds your hand like a talisman all the while you sleep undisturbed. A calm constant warmth pressed against him. You have no idea how many times you’ve saved him like this
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Ship: RFA + Minor Trio and GN!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5,431 words total; about 700 per person
Premise: A rewrite of an old request I wrote back in 2017 (link here).
Author’s Note: These are less headcanons and more fics outlines lmao but hope you like this rewrite. I do considering I can barely stand reading the original, my writing has thankfully improved, and I hope it will continue to do so. I haven’t written in 2nd person in literal years (3rd person ftw) so I hope it doesn’t come off too strange. 
Two notes. Firstly I’ve done my best to make the reader gender neutral. If you catch any gendered terms feel free to tell me so I can fix it. Secondly, I haven’t played Another Story yet, rip my broke ass, so if V and Saeran are a bit out of character, that’s definitely why. I’m working on it haha. In regards to V I simply know almost nothing about his route, and in regards to Saeran I’ve decided to ignore what I know about his route, mostly because this was hitting 4,000 words at that point and an in depth HC involving canonical thing would probably be about that length. Sorry this is so long and thus the final HCs a bit rushed. Thanks for putting up with me! Hope you enjoy!
Ao3 link in reblog
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Having a fear of thunderstorms was one of the most obnoxious fears on the planet sometimes. Especially when one is surround by 60 mph gusts of wind and the house one lives in feels like 80% glass.
This was the predicament you were left in when a series of storms passed through the first week you and Zen were officially dating. Oh joy.
Despite how in love you were with Zen, revealing one’s fears, especially when they seem vaguely irrational, is a difficult thing to do, so you teetered towards Option B
That being: Don’t tell anyone, keep calm, if you need to take a break go to the bathroom or say you forgot something in the bedroom. Okay? Okay.
However this flawless plan of attack lasted only about five minutes, and the first clap of thunder had you ready to bolt under the bed.
Zen, bless him, was utterly oblivious, listening to the backtrack of a song he was working on and occasionally making such benign comments as “that’s a lot of rain” or “wow that was loud”
Yeah. That was loud. Help me.
Eventually it got a bit… much, and you had to make your excuses about getting a book from the television/living room. Since it was in the “basement” part of the complex you’d figured that it’d be easier to hide out there. Just turn off all the lights, try to find earplugs, then count down the time until the storms were over.
Unfortunately the weather wasn’t adhering to this plan very well, how typical of it, as the storms were supposed to last until the early hours of the morning. And it wouldn’t exactly be unobtrusive to not eat.
So after ten minutes in the dark you went out to help Zen prepare dinner. At least no one needed to go to the grocery store. And today’s menu included Japchae, so always a treat! It was going to be okay, nothing was going to happen. It’s fine.
At least that’s what you told yourself until a particular bright flash of lightning streaked the sky and you promptly jumped and dropped the sweet potato noodles on the ground.
At this point Zen switched from oblivious to overly concerned. Say what you will about him but he was truly a sweetheart when he noticed something was wrong. As he helped you pick up the spilled noodles, assuring you that there was enough still in the package to use, he asked what was wrong
You explained that when you were little your grandparents had a house in a village in the countryside and one summer day lightning struck a powerline, causing it as well as two houses close to yours to burn down.
Zen responded with such concern. “Oh MC I’m so sorry to hear that! Was anyone hurt? No wonder you’re uncomfortable around storms now.”
“It was such a long time ago, and it’s so unlikely to happen again my lifetime… I don’t know why I’m still so afraid, it’s so stupid.”
“It’s not stupid to be afraid of something. You don’t have to hide your fears around me sweetheart. There’s no shame in it.”
Unfortunately words usually cannot make fears go away, but safe to say you were touched. Picking up the rest of the noodles and disposing them you and Zen shared a sweet series of hugs, and maybe you wouldn’t continued down that route if the water hadn’t begun to boil and dinner was once more brought back into stark focus.
Afterwards you guys ate in front of the tv, turning on a random crappy show and making fun of the announcer.
You could still hear the thunder every once in a while, but Zen made sure you felt safe and happy, cuddling you, doing something to draw your attention to him at the beginning of each clap of thunder, and keeping up a steady stream of conversation, even about the most mundane of things.
Your fear still wasn’t gone, and you still weren’t excited for the rest of the week, but at least you had someone with you who truly cared and was actively trying to make you feel better. You knew Zen would always be there for you, and that knowledge would carry you through the most anxious of times, to the other side.
You truly loved him so much.
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Sometimes you wished that you could disappear into something as easily as Yoosung did, both with his games and with his studying.
Yoosung was in his first year of veterinarian medical school and, having just passed the first series of exams, had invited you over to the apartment he was leasing, for an evening of games, television, and overall hanging out. It would’ve been more of a date, but the weather was impressively stormy and, much to your relief, it was decided that staying inside was the better option.
Yoosung was loading up a game on the tv and you were checking to see what remained in the fridge, when a bolt of lightning raced across the sky; suddenly you became aware of just how very high up apartment buildings tended to be, and, much like usual, the logical part of your brain repeating Googled information about lightning rods was replaced by a static of anxiety floating around in your brain.
Returning to the TV room you nervously picked up the controller, hoping that Yoosung wouldn’t notice. Not that you didn’t trust him to understand, indeed you’d hardly met anyone as understanding as Yoosung, but it was more that years of being told “it’s just rain” had kinda gotten to your system.
The first half an hour or so was alright, the quiet mental notes you were taking told you that the storm was still far enough away, although there was no doubt it was getting closer; something reinforced by your, hopefully, discreet checking of the weather app.
When the storm arrived, oh boy did it arrive.
The winds felt unbearable, screaming terribly, rattling the windowpanes with fast, stinging rain, so much so the outside looked less like the outside and more like the middle of a whirlpool. A whirlpool that occasionally set itself on fire, the lightning dispersed by the odd shadows of the rain.
At this point all pretense fell out the window.
“MC?” Yoosung looked over as you’d dropped the remote and drawn your legs up to your chest, burying your face in your knees, all thoughts blocked out. “MC.” Yoosung said a little louder, putting his own remote down on the coffee table and scooting over to where you were sitting on the couch. “Hey.” He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, something vaguely uncomfortable considering the position you both were sitting in, but still a welcome presence, a bit of comfort making its way past your wall of fear.
“Not a huge fan of thunderstorms I see.” He said when the storm had calmed down a bit. You let out a shaky sort of laugh. Understatement of the century, wouldn’t you think?
“I have an idea!” Yoosung ran out of the room, leaving you to curl yourself up again, until he came back, a pair of headphones in hand.
“These are the best noise cancelling headphones I own, and they cost a fortune so they’d better work.” He placed them over your ears, and immediately you noticed how muffled the sound became. Evidently it must’ve shown on your face, because Yoosung smiled even wider, nodding gently before picking up his remote again.
As the storm continued so did the gaming. At some point you guys ended up thrown about the couch, cuddling each other, and occasionally knocking elbows when the gaming got intense. When things were finally over you two lay there a little longer, although you’d taken the headphones off.
“Thank you.” You whispered, content.
“For what?” Yoosung smiled. “That’s what boyfriends are for.”
“Not all boyfriends.” You countered “You’re special. The best boyfriend one could ask for.”
And you meant it.
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I imagine both you and Jaehee not being huge fans of thunderstorms. They frightened you, and to Jaehee the volume gave her a headache, not to mention the fact you were both living in a cheap apartment on the ground floor while the coffee shop’s purchase was still new; and the whole structure had this obnoxious habit of vibrating with both the lightning and thunder, leaving everything a bit discombobulated and very unpleasant.
The coffee shop wasn’t much better really, open as it was, the whole front being 85% glass and only 15% brick.
So when you both checked your phones and saw that storms were on their way it was all about planning.
Since you couldn’t afford to close the shop for the week you instead put a large display in the windows, putting up cardboard trees, birds, and whatever else would block most of the view.
You went through the store, making sure everything unnecessary was unplugged.
Really it was probably a bit overkill, or at least Jumin and Seven certainly thought it was, but hey better safe than sorry.
The apartment was given the same treatment, blinds and shutters were closed, toasters and charging cords were unplugged, and Aspirin and earplugs were stocked up.
The week of the storms was really incredibly unpleasant, with you two sneaking in hugs and kisses whenever the line of customers was small, squeezing each other’s hands when a particularly bright streak of lightning flashed, or when the thunder seemed to become unbearable.
No dawdling home this week, much to the chagrin of both of you, who’d taking to park exploring and other such mundane things that both you and Jaehee had missed out on, her due to work and you due to being shut up in Rika’s apartment for eleven days.
Nevertheless neither of you were particularly keen to venture out in the middle of a storm, so instead you two headed home, a night’s worth of musicals and cuddling ahead of you.
Dinner was spent in front of the tv, although usually you two usually made a point to eat at the dining table it was in the most windowed room in the house and thus not meant to be.
Zen’s beautiful tenor might not have been enough to completely drown out the storms, but it was certainly a help, not to mention the large doses of cuddles you were giving one another.
But really the best part about it was just being able to talk freely about your fears, you both having the reference that those who don’t suffer with what’s widely considered an irrational fear in modern times don’t understand.
And that was really what kept it together for you two. You’ll always be there for one another, you’ll always understand one another.
Eventually the clock struck the hour and you both realized that not only would there be work tomorrow, but musicals can’t much be enjoyed when you’re only paying half attention.
You got ready for bed, both making a final sweep for plugged in appliances that might burn out if there should be an energy surge.
Right before you two drifted off to sleep you gave Jaehee a small kiss. “What was that for?” She whispered. Everything was so beautifully comfortable, so cozy and intimate, and your happiness in that moment overpowered all fear.
“I just love you, I love you so much.” You replied. Jaehee blushed, but returned the kiss.
“I love you too. Forever.”
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It’s not that you hid it from him because you were embarrassed, well at least that wasn’t the main reason. It was more Jumin’s habit of blowing everything out of proportion, to the point of hindrance. That was really what you were afraid of, you just needed calm, need comfort, not yoga or whatever was to be the cure. And not that Jumin couldn’t or wouldn’t give you comfort, but the likelihood of him giving you calm was maybe a bit more debatable.
So you tried to keep it hidden, mentioned nothing of it on your way out the door in the morning, avoiding the topic in the messenger, even when Seven started to go on and on about windspeed – did the bastard know something?
Things seemed to be going… okay? I mean they weren’t great, you were constantly pushing down the urge to hide in a closet or something, but hey Jumin wasn’t aware yet. Success?
The trip home was certainly unpleasant, and the text that your husband was working late again certainly didn’t seem promising, but hey there’d be Elizabeth, and the bedroom had amazing blackout curtains. So, yeah, it’d be fineeee.
At least it would be if the damn penthouse didn’t have windows for walls. Something that certainly wasn’t normal or part of the regular plan.
Nor was it really possible to take a nap with the thunder so loud and your thoughts running high, really it’d probably be better on the lower floors if you weren’t so sure of people being there.
At this point the plan became less of “don’t let Jumin know, play it cool” to “survive whatever the cost”, which yes perhaps was also an overreaction on your part, but you knew damn well that all rationality had long fled, and you weren’t about to go chasing after it, that wasn’t what you needed right now. Rationality was also what had you go into a google wormhole about terrifying lightning related accident. Need one say more?
So you picked up a perhaps a bit disgruntled Elizabeth the 3rd, and buried yourself under the covers, stroking her fur at regulated intervals, trying desperately to pay attention to the video you’d loaded on your phone, to less than perfect success.
You wouldn’t say that you were dozing when Jumin came home, it was more like you were so deep in your fears that you really didn’t have room to pay attention to anything else.
“MC?” Jumin was instantly alert when you didn’t run to greet him at the door, something that had really become tradition between the two of you. Him being also a bit of a worrier – and a bit being perhaps a gracious way of saying it, lovely though it can be – his first thoughts were that you’d hit your head and passed out somewhere, but the fact that Elizabeth had also not come to greet him clued him in that you two were most likely holed up somewhere, perhaps napping, as had happened a few times before.
His surprise then when you turned out to be in bed, distinctly not unconscious or asleep, holding onto Elizabeth like a vice, was really immense.
“Darling, is something wrong?” You knew he meant something rather more akin to “Something is definitely wrong and I’m very worried and hope you tell me, if not I might become a horrendous paranoiac and never stop bugging you but I also want to be polite about it.”
You folded quite quickly, deciding that it really wasn’t worth it, you were in such a state, and the anxiety was still in complete control of your brain, excuses weren’t about to be made.
In a moment Jumin had enveloped you in a hug, which you were glad to accept, discreetly kicking his phone away hoping that he’d not notice it and get it in his head to send for a meditative trainer or some such thing, since that wasn’t what you were looking for, at least not at the moment.
Thankfully though he seemed more focused on your wellbeing, asking you to talk through your anxiety, gently drawing circles on your back in an attempt to get rid of excess tension. It felt good to be able to release your stream of consciousness, even if it was a bit embarrassing. Every time you started feeling a bit overwhelming you’d insert an apology here and there but Jumin would simply shake his head and assure you it was fine
“After all, you were so patient and understanding when I went through a crisis of consciousness, when all my emotions were suddenly flooding my mind. You listened to me then, the least I can do is listen to you now.”
After you’d exhausted your thoughts and you two had laid there a bit, cuddled together, basking in each other’s presence, you two went to the kitchen, where Jumin insisted he’d make dinner himself.
You weren’t happy to be in the windowed room again, but one flick of a discreet switch and they were suddenly shuttered closed.
“You can do that?!”
“Of course?”
“Ugh, the idle rich.” You shook your head and Jumin feigned horror. This act went on throughout dinnertime, another thing to help soothe your nerves, as well as Elizabeth, who was being awfully nice, curled up in your lap.
Every clap of thunder and Jumin would hold your hand or give you a kiss or hug, again trying to distract you.
Afterwards it was watching trashy soap operas – really you couldn’t understand why Jumin adored these shows so much, he really did secretly have a flare for the dramatics – and more cuddling.
As the night got later and you got sleepier you realized that, though the anxiety wasn’t completely gone, you really were quite content.
“Ah, I wouldn’t mind this every time it stormed.”
Jumin chuckled at that. “Why not? Anything to make you comfortable and happy.”
“You’re going to spoil me terribly you know.”
“Again, why not? Comfort isn’t spoiling someone, and if it was I’d spoil you rotten. You deserve the universe, I’m just giving what I can.”
And really the comfort he gave you was worth five universes at that moment, but wasn’t he always worth that much?
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Saeyoung’s reaction to your fear would probably initially be teasing.
Not because he thought it was funny, more his brain still found sincerity a hard thing to grapple with, and he found his knee jerking reaction be to try and make fun, enough fun for you to forget about everything.
You knew this of course, had long ago learned his patterns, his mannerisms and habits, and initially you tried to play along with it, after all the only reason he knew you were afraid of thunderstorms was because he’d caught you running into the closet on the CCTV in Rika’s apartment. If it weren’t for that you would’ve been perfectly happy with him never finding out. Surely you could humor him a bit.
Well anxiety has a funny way of sharpening one’s nerves, and by the sixth joke you were ready to pull your hair out, both from Saeyoung and from the storm.
“Hey Saeyoung? I really do appreciate what you’re doing, don’t get me wrong, but I… I don’t think this is going to be the way to sort it out.”
“Oh… I see.” Saeyoung faltered. Saeran, who was also not a fan and was thus gaming, probably with the volume at unhealthy rates, still managed to snort out a “I could’ve told you that.” Saeyoung shook his head apologetically.
“I’m sorry MC… I, uhm. Yeah…” For a moment you both sat on his horrifically battered couch, the tension rising. Saeyoung screwed his face up in thought, before launching himself towards you, wrapping you up in a huge hug.
“I.. Saeyoung-?”
“Cuddles are a miracle cure.” He said, kissing you on the forehead. “They’ll chase away the storms, just you wait, and in the meantime, how about you teach me how to make something other than sandwiches.”
“I know you know how to cook.” You pointed out, at least happier with this approach, but Saeyoung shook his head.
“I forgot. I can now only make ham sandwiches, and that is truly a sad fate. Won’t you help me? Oh cook in shining armor.”
You rolled your eyes at that “Isn’t being the hero more of your route?” But agreed to make something with him.
Saeyoung really put everything into the “I forgot act”, and you soon found yourself distracted by his antics, peeling onions with a vegetable peeler, “accidentally” getting flour in your hair, tackling you with hugs and kisses the minute thunder or lightning even attempted an interruption. You found yourself either laughing or breathless from his attention, and when your anxiety was too difficult to ignore you allowed Seven to wrap you in a hug as you buried your head in his shoulder, his arms acting as a barrier for the sound.
Dinner took a horrendously long time to cook, something Saeran was sure to point out, but it really did help. As you two were cleaning up dishes Saeyoung paused for a moment.
“Being a hero really isn’t my thing you know.”
“Huh?” You’d sorta forgotten the earlier conversation amidst all the antics.
“You saved me MC, from myself, my own destruction. The least I could is chase away a few thunderstorms. I’d do anything to make you happy. So, I hope that you can be happy.
“What a silly thing to say.” You said, giving him a peck on the cheek. “I’m already so very happy, so incredibly glad to have you in my life. Indeed, if this isn’t happiness then there is no such thing.”
He really was your hero, your knight in peculiar armor. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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V/Jihyun Kim
V hated thunderstorms. Although he’d agreed to get his vision fixed, the date of the surgery was still some months off, and in the meantime every storm sent him in disarray, the sudden loudness of the thunder a disconcerting reminder of his own vulnerability, the fact that if even one thing in his life shifted he was likely to run right into it.
Being someone who had such a visceral hate, he was quick to become aware of your anxiety as well. It was something he just picked up on, before you had the chance to even think about hiding it from him.
“I see I’m not the only one who hates when it storms.”
You weren’t really surprised by his fear, he’d made it quite clear how he disliked to be reminded of the vulnerability that came from being blind, his eyes were already an ever present reminder of his past, a reminder of the feelings that had rotted inside him, which were so difficult to reconcile with.
So during the storms he ended up focusing most of his nervous energy on you, preferring that to morbid thoughts about the path his life had taken.
Coincidentally you tended to have the same reaction, and thus stormy days, though far from pleasant, became a semi-pleasant ritual, full of affection and comfort.
You pointed out the lightning and counted the miles out loud for him, something that helped him ground himself in the world, feel a little more in control of the situation, and in return he kept up a steady stream of conversation, telling you how your fears weren’t silly, how much it mattered to him that you were happy, and all the things you’d do together when the storms passed.
Sometimes you two turned on a podcast, or a video whose audio V had heard multiple times before, another exercise in familiarity that helped comfort you two. He also didn’t mind whether you kept the lights on or turned them off, only wishing to keep at least one window open, to keep track of the storm’s progress.
He also was in the habit of singing or humming at random intervals, his voice kept you in the moment, rather than in an endless loop of “what ifs”.
By the end of the storm you two were often exhausted, which is why they so often ended with you two tangled together, already half asleep.
One such time you were about to sleep, only barely awake to nod when V said the storm had passed.
“Jihyun,” you mumbled, hearing a hum in return. “I love you.”
V smiled, hearing that from you always felt like a moment of rejuvenation, of sudden clarity.
Kissing your forehead he hugged you a little tighter.
“I love you too.”
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Saeran loved storms. Loved the sheer, raw, uninhibited power they exuded, the proof of how natural ruled above all.
You knew that. You also knew that storms were, in fact, the bane of your existence, and that you’re rather die than sit up and watch them with him.
But you also didn’t want to disappoint him, didn’t want to be a source of unhappiness in his life, so when Saeran eagerly looked out the window and called out “MC! It’s thundering!” You reluctantly dragged yourself over to watch with him.
At first it was alright if you focused on him more than on the outside, the awe and glee he took in watching the rain was endearing, the happiness marked so clearly and without inhibition. It was something that almost took your breath away in how beautiful it was, the joy of somehow who’d had so little of it.
Then the first clap of thunder arrived and you’d nearly sprained your wrist, slipping on the counter and banging your arm.
Saeran’s attention was immediately turned away from the thunderstorm and he looked at you curiously.
“Are you alright MC?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, it’s just, I’m fine.” You didn’t want him to know. It made him so happy, how could you ever take away from that, holding you bruised elbow you excused yourself to the bathroom for a moment, saying you needed make sure nothing was serious.
Of course that excuses could only last for so long, but the bathroom seemed such a comfort compared to the windowed rooms, and you lost track of all sense of time or space, curled up in a ball, leaning against the cold wall, the linoleum tiling keeping you grounded.
Eventually however it came to an end, and there was a short knock before Saeran turned the doorknob and opened the door.
“Something wrong?” He asked, immediately realizing the answer to that question after looking at your position. Kneeling down to face you he cupped your cheek. “Thunderstorms?”
You nodded, despite yourself. You really didn’t want to take this from him. But he didn’t seem to have felt like anything was taken, instead kissing you on the forehead and opening his arms for you to envelope yourself in them, something you did gratefully.
He held you, rocking you slightly, whispering random bits of words, random pieces of song, anything to keep your anxiety lower. Nudging the door shut once more you two stayed there for a while, and you finally felt yourself calm down.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled.
“For what?” His tone was that of genuine confusion.
“For taking away watching thunderstorms from you. I don’t want to take anything away from you of course, I really don’t. I’m so sorry.”
“Oh MC…” Saeran peppered your face with kisses. “You haven’t taken anything away from me. I can still watch the thunderstorms, can still love them. Your fear isn’t something to be ashamed of, we all fear things in our lives, all have things we’d rather throw aside. I’m always here for you, always. It’s something I chose, and would choose over and over again. And that choice doesn’t mean I cannot chose to love thunderstorms, or watch them. It just means I have to make sure you’re comfortable as well. Besides, I wouldn’t want to do something that made you uncomfortable, not if I could do something about it. So don’t talk like that anymore, okay?”
You nodded, feeling reassured and slightly sheepish. He really was too good for words.
You two stayed in the bathroom until it became too uncomfortable, when you moved to the bed. It was a lovely evening, the storms having mellowed into a gentle rain.
Wrapped in Saeran’s arms you suddenly felt such a rush of emotions overcome you, contentment, bashfulness, love. Especially love.
You loved Saeran so much. And you always would.
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You’d really rather not tell Vanderwood.
You two were the cynics of the group, sarcastic, unfazed, or rather you hid your general emotions to the larger group in a swath of wit and humor. You really didn’t want to tell him that you were afraid of what was essentially a fear that had outlived its purpose.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Vanderwood with your true feelings, indeed sometimes you felt as if Vanderwood was the only person you could trust with your true feelings, a sentiment they had reciprocated multiple times.
It was moreso you already knew how much people saw your fear as overreacting. Didn’t need your partner to join the bandwagon of slight bafflement and bemusement, even if they couldn’t help themselves.
So there you were, sitting on the couch, storm on full display, trying not to dig your head into the side of the lazyboy as Vanderwood sat typing away on their computer.
Unfortunately the storm grew more and more violent, and you quickly grew more and more uncomfortable, your plans of nonchalance having really taken a critical hit.
Before you could think of a proper excuse to go into the bedroom closet and have a bit of a scream a huge clap of thunder shook the complex and the book you’d held in your hands plummeted to the ground.
Vanderwood immediately got up and shut the blinds. “I forgot you don’t like storms.” They said, closing the last of the blinds before turning around to your startled face.
“You know I don’t like thunderstorms?!”
“Was I not supposed to?” They looked vaguely confused, and not a bit amused.
“No.” You buried your hands in your palms.
“No I was or no I wasn’t?”
“You weren’t.” You groaned. “It’s embaraassing.”
“Why should it be embarrassing? Look, MC.” They walked over to you, taking your hands in theirs. “There are a lot of embarrassing things people are in life. Of which I’m at least half of them. I cannot say a lot of things with great confidence, but I can say this. You aren’t the least bit embarrassing for having an incredibly common and practical fear.”
“A fear that should’ve died out with the invention of bricks.” You muttered.
“Perhaps. But we both know that’s not how it works.” They replied. “So don’t feel the need to hide something like that. Okay?”
You nodded and Vanderwood smiled, before giving you a hug, something which you gladly reciprocated.
It was a quiet evening, one of easy cooking and laughing at miscellaneous videos, of making fun of spy shows and swapping stories.
In the end you probably shouldn’t’ve been so surprised.
Vanderwood was an amazing partner, caring, funny, observant, loving.
Perhaps it was okay to have such a fear around them. And if it was okay with Vanderwood than everyone else would have to suck it up, because really two people’s opinions mattered to you on the fact, yours and theirs. And in this instance you’d found yourselves completely in accord.
39 notes · View notes
elvendara · 3 years
March Madness 2021
AKA Yooran Month
March 7th
Something I wrote for the Werewolf Choi Twins AU that happens after the ending of “The Pack”.
Saeran watched the clock and wiped his hands on his pants again. He was nervous. More nervous than he had ever been. He shouldn’t be, but what if…no…he wouldn’t think about that. Yoosung would be home soon and he had to look busy. Normal. Nothing out of the ordinary! Grabbing a random book from the shelf he sat on the sofa and opened it up. It took a few minutes before he realized it was upside down. Stupid! The clock was agonizingly slow!
When he heard the key in the door he began to tremble. Closing his eyes he employed a breathing technique to calm himself. By the time Yoosung entered the apartment, he was once more calm.
“Hey!” Yoosung called out cheerily. Saeran turned and smiled at his boyfriend. He looked tired, as always, but Saeran loved that Yoosung’s face still lit up when he saw him. It made him feel special.
“Hey!” he echoed. Yoosung’s grin widened as he dropped his bag on the floor by the door and kicked off his shoes. Saeran’s eyebrow lifted at the sight and Yoosung, with a sigh, bent over and placed the shoes neatly against the door with an exaggerated eye roll. Saeran berated himself, the last thing he wanted to do was start an argument, especially about shoes and neatness. They were just not on the same wavelength when it came to orderliness. Saeran liked things neat and tidy while Yoosung seemed to be followed by chaos wherever he went. Really it wasn’t so bad, and Saeran didn’t mind being the tidy one. Honestly, Yoosung had changed many of his habits to try and compromise with Saeran. Now, most of the chaos was contained in Yoosung’s side of the bedroom and the kitchen, which, was still very much Yoosung’s domain.
“Better?” Yoosung asked but he didn’t sound surly, just amused. Saeran breathed a sigh of relief.
“Sorry, I know it’s stupid…”
“Don’t say that, it’s not a big deal to set my shoes neatly on the mat. I’ll get it.” Yoosung laughed and sat on Saeran’s lap, displacing the book in his hands. Saeran set the book down and wrapped his arms around Yoosung.
“Well, why don’t I reward you for being so diligent.” Saeran teased.
“Reward? What kind of reward?” Yoosung’s eyebrows wiggled and he set his forehead against Saeran’s.
“Not that kind, at least not right now.” Saeran smirked and Yoosung pouted, pulling away and looking into Saeran’s mint green eyes. “I was thinking that since you have a day off tomorrow, we could order in and play some LOLOL.”
“Really?” Yoosung’s tiredness seemed to flee as he became animated and excited.
“Yes, really, why don’t you go boot up the laptops while I place the order.”
“OK.” Yoosung jumped up, as he made his way into the bedroom huridly, Saeran slapped him on the butt. “Hey!” Yoosung tossed over his shoulder but didn’t slow down at all.
Saeran smiled as he watched his boyfriend eagerly run into the bedroom. This was it. He held his breath and stood. Too late to back out now, even if he wanted to. He pulled his phone from his back pocket and hit the saved number. They ordered regularly from the Thai place down the street. As soon as he said his name the person on the other end asked if it was the usual, Saeran chuckled and said yes, but added a desert.
“Ah, romantic dinner yes?”
“Something like that.” Saeran said.
“OK OK, twenty minutes.”
“Thank you.” Saeran hung up and grabbed some PhD Pepper’s from the fridge. As he walked into the bedroom he saw that Yoosung had indeed booted up both their laptops, set up side by side. It was a little tight in the bedroom, he much preferred his own room at Saeyoung’s, but when Yoosung was with him, it felt more like a cozy comfort.
It was hard living away from the pack, but it was temporary, until Yoosung finished his clinicals and was able to find a permanent job. This was just closer and easier on Yoosung. They had had some complaints about the noise they created when they had sex, but Saeran didn’t think there was anything they could do about that. It was what it was and things often got a little crazy between them.
“What is that smile for?” Yoosung asked, eyes narrowing.
“Nothing, just…remembering the last complaint we had about the noise.” He laughed.
Yoosung blushed but didn’t comment, taking the offered can and opening it. Saeran leaned over him and kissed his exposed neck. It was one of Saeran’s favorite places to nibble on his boyfriend, whether he was in wolf form or human form. He was just so tasty!
“Stop! Don’t start something you aren’t prepared to finish!” Yoosung chastised.
“You’re right, this is about having some fun and destressing.” He plopped down on his own chair and opened the game watching it load. Yoosung sighed loudly but Saeran ignored him. “Food should be here in twenty.” He said instead.
“Fine. Where did you order from?” Yoosung’s fingers flew over the keyboard as his character appeared on his screen, already checking his guild to see if there were any worthwhile raids they could join.
“Thai Orchadee, the usual.” Saeran said.
“Great! I love that place, did you get me some Thai tea?” Yoosung asked.
“Of course I did. Do I know my man or do I know my man?” he smirked.
“You do indeed!” Yoosung lunged at him and planted a sugary kiss on his lips. He was intoxicating, suddenly he could feel the animal part of him respond biologically, his cock getting hard, his mouth salivating, his nails growing into claws eager to leave their marks on Yoosung’s skin. He calmed himself, using the same breathing exercises. Thankfully Yoosung was back to staring at his screen.
When Saeran’s character loaded he checked his inventory, though nothing had changed from the last time they’d played, it was just something to keep his hands busy. He organized and reorganized his inventory, opening all his bags and checking the bags on his mount as well. He wanted to go into the house he and Yoosung had bought together, pooling their money to be able to afford it, but he couldn’t, not yet.
“Looks like there’s a couple of raids going on tonight, I think we should join the Apocalypse raid. It’ll take most of the night, but the gear is worth it. Plus, there’s a chance of getting a rare decoration for the house. What do you think?” Yoosung asked.
“Sounds good.” Saeran answered absently. “Uh, when does it start?” he was nervous it would start too soon, and he would have to wait until after it was over to do what he wanted to do.
“Not for another hour and a half looks like, but that’s not enough time to do anything else, maybe we can just do some dungeons until then?”
“Yeah, we can do that, but uh, let’s wait for the food first, I’m kinda hungry.”
“Kinda? You’re always ravenous!” Yoosung poked Saeran’s belly, though no matter how much he ate, it was still as hard as a rock. Yoosung sometimes pouted at how easy it was for Saeran to stay fit. He couldn’t help it, his werewolf metabolism always worked overdrive no matter how sedentary he happened to be. His stomach decided to growl just to prove the point.
Yoosung rolled his eyes and laughed. They spent the time waiting for their food trying on different outfits and changing their character’s hairstyles and colors.
“I like that one!” Yoosung said as Saeran played around with his eyes and hair colors. Sure enough Yoosung always preferred red hair and mint green eyes on his character, go figure. Saeran grinned but kept the colors. He’d tried changing, but Yoosung always frowned when he saw his character.
“I’ll get it.” Yoosung jumped out of his chair when the doorbell rang, he was back with their food in no time. Having set it down, he went back into the kitchen for more drinks, Saeran already had the plates out when he came back.
“Smells amazing.” He said.
“It sure does.” Yoosung agreed.
As they ate, Saeran asked Yoosung about his day. There was always something humerous that happened, and when he talked about the dogs Yoosung would go all starry eyed. Saeran had often thought about getting a dog, but he wasn’t sure how it would behave around werewolves, not to mention a werecat. He made a mental note to ask MC how she would feel with a dog in the house. Either way, Yoosung was too busy to really enjoy a dog at the moment, besides, he had him if he ever wanted a warm cuddle.
“You know, I forgot to tell you, I bought some new things for the house. Want to redecorate while we wait?” Saeran asked when they finished their dinner.
“Really? That’s great, oh, did you get that loft? I’d love to add another story to the house.”
“No, nothing that big, just some new decorations, mostly for the walls.”
“OK.” Yoosung took both their plates and tossed them into the garbage in the kitchen. When he returned they both teleported to the front of their house and entered. It was very cozy, they had bought a fireplace and had a deep red rug in front of it. The furniture was made out of wood and looked comfortable to sit on. There was of course bookcases lining most of the walls, Saeran’s idea, he liked how they looked.
“Why don’t you take down the items over the fireplace, I want to put the new ones on that wall.”
“Will do.” Yoosung obeyed immediately and Saern’s fingers hovered over his keys, this was it. “Uh, what are you waiting for?” Yoosung urged after several seconds.
“Right.” Saeran took a deep breath and began to toggle the items onto the wall in a semi-circle. It hadn’t been easy to get the items into the game and he’d had to ask Saeyoung for help. Only because he wanted it done fast.
Yoosung’s eager smile slipped from his face as he watched on his own screen what was popping into view as Saeran hung the décor. He blinked…his mouth fell open…then tears sprang to his eyes. The words took his breath away, from left to right, in a semi-circle above the fireplace Saeran had placed round wooden plaques, each with a single word on it. Will…You…Marry…Me…Yoosung. His heart trembled, his hands fluttering to his breast, covering his heart and the tears fell. He slowly turned towards Saeran, who was sliding off the chair and kneeling on the floor in front of him with an open ring box that held two titanium rings.
“I know you’ve already become my mate, with all that it entails. I hope you’ll say yes to becoming my husband and marrying me, making me happier than I have any right to be.”
“Say yes!” “Yeah!” “Woot woot!” a cacophony of whistles and hoots and encouragement sprang from Saeran’s headset and he grinned to see the astonished look on Yoosung’s face.
“I thought you’d want your friends and family share this moment.”
“F…family?” Yoosung stuttered.
“We’re here too Yoosung, me and your father.” His mother’s voice rang through the speakers as Saeran unplugged his headphones.
“Me too little brother! You’re crying right now, aren’t you?” His sister Yasmine laughed. More laughter rolled through the air as Yoosung gulped.
“Say yes already! I’m ready to pop the champaign!” Saeyoung chuckled, MC’s laughter ringing through the speakers as well.
“I…Oh my God! I…YES! Yes!” His emotions were thrumming through his body. He felt he might pass out with the intensity of it. It wasn’t that it was such a surprise, of course this is where their relationship was headed. It was how thoughtful and incredibly well Saeran had planned this to hit just the right note of sincerity and romance.
There was a jubilation streaming through the internet that didn’t even come close to matching what he was feeling inside. Saeran’s smile split his face and he looked happier than Yoosung had ever seen him before. He rose to his feet and pulled Yoosung up from his chair. Setting the ring box on the desk he pulled out one ring and caressed Yoosung’s arm, sliding his fingers down to his hand and placing the ring on his finger with such reverence it pierced Yoosung’s heart with such love it might explode.
“I love you.” He whispered.
A symphony of “Aww’s” and crying filtered through the internet, bathing them in soft comfort and familial warmth. Yoosung blushed but kept his mentality enough to place the other ring on Saeran’s finger, caressing his hand and feeling the importance of this moment.
“I love you too.” He gazed into his boyfriends…fiance’s…eyes, then moved slowly to press his lips against Saeran’s, sealing their promise.
“Hey, anyone else wondering about the whole “mate” thing?” someone from their guild asked.
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anonymousbaev · 3 years
i love ur writing style!! i was wondering if u could write how the rfa + v and saeran would react to mc coming out as bi? and like,,,shes kinda scared they might leave her or smth?
 RFA+V and Saeran reaction to mc coming out as bi
Thank you so much for the compliment, you boosted my confidence in writing it even got me inspired to write this for you! (〃^∇^)ノ Also this idea is amazing, I hope I wrote it similar to the way you wanted it! I started at 6 pm and just finished right now at 2:43 am yay! WOOHOO FIRST HEADCANON REQUEST COMPLETE! I also saw another request come in while working on this so I shall begin on that one sometime soon too! Please lmk if anything here is disrespectful in any way. ENOUGH TALKING, ENJOY!  ´ ▽ ` )ノ
                      !!PROFANITY AND TRIGGERING SCENES!!
☆ You and Yoosung have been dating for a month now, you both told each other everything. At first you were scared to come out to him as being bi, but coming further and further into your relationship, you felt an urge to tell him. Being bi was something you were proud of. Yet, you couldn’t help but feel a bit scared he would leave you. You know he’s supportive and understanding, he’s not someone who would judge you. However, having a trauma of your parents kicking you out from a young age for being bi… It left an empty hole in your heart that had yet to be mended. Why couldn’t they love you for who you were? You were still their kid they’ve always known…
☆However, your parents were old news now. If they couldn’t be parents that supported you no matter what. You simply didn’t need them either. You knew Yoosung weren’t like them. And so, you gathered up your courage to come out to him one day. He was fairly surprised when you’d told him you had something to talk about. So, the two of you went out to a café on a Saturday morning to chat.
☆ “Mc!” Yoosung waves to you at the table he had been waiting for you. You nervously wave back at him as you make your way to the table. You sit down with a awkward smile, “I hope you weren’t busy today. I know I kind of called you kind of out of the blue.” He rests his head on his hand on the table with a grin as he replies, “No worries! Besides, even if I were busy, I would always make time for you!” 
☆ As always, he was being so sweet.  “Oh right! What did you want to talk about? You seemed anxious, is everything okay, Cutie?” You gulp so loud he probably can hear it. You just want to get this over with. Being bi was normal. Why did you have to be scared to say it? “I’ll get straight to the point, I just wanted you to know that I’m bi. I don’t want to keep my mouth shut on this anymore...but please don’t leave me. I love you.”
☆ He sits up straight as he holds your hand over the table. “Babe of course I won’t leave you, I’d be a hypocrite if I did. Nothing between us will change, in fact with another part of you revealed to me, I feel even closer with you!” You start to cry out happy tears as it gets him flustered knocking down his cup of ice tea all over the table. ⋋_⋌
☕️ Jaehee ☕️
☕️ Jaehee and you opened the café just like any other day. When you took out the freshly baked sweets, it immediately spread throughout the café and out the  widely opened doors. The fragrance attracted in so many customers. The café soon became absolutely full. As you were helping a young lady and her daughter with their order, a small family catches everyone’s attention at the shop. The man who looks to be the father of a teen begins to lecture him. It causes a ruckus and with Jaehee too busy to notice making drinks at the back, you excuse yourself and head to the small family. “Excuse me, is everything okay here?” 
☕️ You try your best to be as nice as possible before he begins to shout at you too. “YES. EVERYTHING IS FINE HERE. WE’RE TRYING TO HAVE A PRIVATE CONVERSTATION HERE, IF YOU DON’T MIND I WOULD APPREACIATE IT IF YOU LET US BE.” You sigh trying to keep your cool, but you notice all the other customers rushing to hurriedly pay and get out. “I’m sorry sir, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” He bangs his fists down on the table startling both his wife and son, but it startles you the most. “HOW DARE A LOWLY WAITER LIKE YOU TELL ME TO LEAVE. WHERE’S YOUR BOSS, HUH? BRING HIM HERE.” He spits at your face, you start to get so uncomfortable.
☕️ “Hello, I’m in charge here and I’m a she not a he. Also I would appreciate it if you would stop throwing reckless insults at my girlfriend.” Jaehee appears from the back. She must’ve heard all the commotion and came out to help you. She pushes him away from you, pissed. BAEHEE I LOVE YOU!
☕️ “GIRLFRIEND? WHATEVER THIS PLACE IS UNBELIEVABLE. WOMEN SHOULD DATE MEN AND MEN SHOULD DATE WOMEN. This is why youngsters these days need more lecturing tsk.” The man rushes out obviously intimated by Jaehee as his wife and son follow him out with an apologetic look to both you and Jaehee. Jaehee doesn’t hesitate to follow after him and give him a proper lecture but stops when she hears a small whimper before crouching down to meet your eyes. You sob so upset at the man’s cruel and untrue words. You know everything he’d said is not true AT ALL but can’t help but remember his words are similar from the words of your mother, it brings you to the floor.
☕️ “What’s wrong Mc? I know his words were harsh but you know none of that is true. Don’t cry because of an insect like him. ” you nod agreeing with her before taking a moment to get your words out, “I know...I know but he reminds me so much of my unsupportive parents when I came out as bi to them.”
☕️ “Oh Mc, don’t cry it’s going to be okay. There’s always going to be so much negativity in the world. Whatever it may be, and that’s not gonna change. Yet, you have to know you have me. And I have you. That’s all that matters.” You hug her and the people that have stayed in the café clap as the both of you have chased the bad man out. You see Jaehee blush for being in the center of attention.┏(^0^)┛┗(^0^) ┓
🎤 Zen 🎤
🎤 You and Zen cuddle on your shared bed. You begin to feel your eyes close in Zen’s warmth, and you eventually fall asleep to his pleasing lullaby. Your phone begins to ring and when Zen thinks it’d be better to let it be and tell you when you’re awake, he sees it’s your dad. He doesn’t know what to do, you never talk about your family. But he doesn’t want to worry your dad from you not picking up, so...he picks it up. 
🎤 “Hello, sir!” He’s super nervous to be talking with your dad for the first time. Your dad is super confused and asks, “Who is this? I thought I was calling my daughter?” Zen carefully lays your sleeping body comfortably on bed out of his arms to sit up at the edge of the bed, he clears his throat. “Yes, you are. I’m her boyfriend she said she told you about me?” Your dad begins to laugh almost... wickedly? “Oh that girl never tells me anything after her mother and I kicked her out of the house.” Zen is so shocked he’s at a loss of words you never mentioned this...
🎤 Zen continued to quietly listen to your father a little...pissed? Maybe you have horrible parents like he did. He starts to really regret picking up your phone, he should’ve asked you first. Regardless, it’s too late to regret it now and your dad continues to chatter on, “I’m glad to know she’s all fixed now. She’s dating an actual man. I was so aggravated when she came out to her mother and I to be bi.” Zen quietly heads to the living room and quickly scratches his head in anger, did your dad just say fix? 
🎤 “Excuse me but, if anything it looks like you need more fixing than anyone else. Also, Mc has not been “fixed”. She’d been perfect and she still is perfect in the same way. Dare I say, please don’t call Mc or even show your face anywhere near her if these are the things you tell her.” He ends the call and sees your head down, sitting down near the bedroom door as if you’d collapsed. He rushes over to you and gently holds your shoulder. “Jagiya are you okay? I’m sorry I picked up your call without-”
🎤 “It’s okay...it’s okay as long as you won’t leave me.” you shake your head in fear as Zen raises an eyebrow with a questioning look. “And why would I leave you?”
🎤 “Because I’ve kept it from you! That I’m bi and that I have bad parents. You told me everything, but I told you nothing. You’re probably feeling betrayed...but I really do trust you I really do love you! I was just scared... I know you are nothing like my parents. Ever since I met you, all you have given me was love and support! But it hurts...my dads words...they come back to me everyday and it makes me feel like I should keep it a secret...” He sighs before helping you stand back up on your feet. He fixes your messy hair and wipes away your tears with a gentle swipe.
🎤 “Baby, it’s okay. I know you would’ve eventually told me everything. Don’t feel guilty for not telling me. These are things you tell me when you want to tell me. You just needed time to heal from your parents. Just...overall...please know I love you no matter what. I’ll help you get over their words. I’ll show you what your parents told you were just thorns on a rose. Nothing more than a tragic obstacle from your happiness. Don’t be afraid of something that makes you, you because of the words of someone unsupportive. I know how it feels to have bad parents.” He pulls you into a hug, he feels so warm. You grasp onto his shirt and sob into his abs. You’re once again reminded of how much you love this man. ●ᴥ●
♛ Jumin ♛
♛ You’re attending an fancy business party with Jumin at an fancy hotel. You’re more than happy to attend this party with him. After all, you’d helped him plan for this project with your great creative mind. Not to mention, he loved showing you off.
♛ You and Jumin arrive in a limousine as he held your waist ignoring all the reporters into the front door of the hotel. You both stop at the entrance, four bodyguards around you as he lifts your chin up, you smile so lovingly he gulps before placing a kiss on your lips. “Are you ready, my love?” You nod as you snuggle against him as he holds your waist. All the bodyguards are supposed to guard the entrance so you both enter the main hall alone. 
♛ After a few boring conversations of a few businessmen trying to kiss up on Jumin’s ass you excuse yourself to the snack bar much to Jumin’s dismay. Regardless, he nods and you walk away. All these delicious fancy food! You swear you are about to drool. While you’re wondering on what to eat first, someone calls your name and it’s not Jumin’s voice. You feel your heart drop as you clutch your chest before turning around to see your bully in the old days.
♛ Tiffany, she was the “perfect rich girl” at school. And this girl loved making fun of others. You’ve picked on by Tiffany and her followers all four years through high school. All for one reason, you were open about being bi. She and her friends would always call you the ‘gay commoner’. This bish doesn’t even know the meaning of “bi” 
♛ Your heart begins to pound as if old memories come back at you like a gun shot. “Wait, hah you’re Mc, right? Wow... this place stoops as low to allow someone like you to come in? A gold digging commoner bitch that married Han Jumin. Oh right, and you’re gay. Be honest, you’re with Jumin because of his money right? You probably have sex with girls behind his back-” Tears swell in your eyes as you throw a slice of cake on her face. It drips down to her dress ‘made out of gold’. “ARE YOU CRAZY? OH MY GOSH, THIS DRESS IS WORTH MORE THAN YOUR LIFE!” cliché shit I’m sorry. Your voice shakes, seeing her brings back your painful memories so vividly. “I can’t believe you’re still so uneducated after all these years! I’m bi not gay! And I see you’re still as immature as ever, haven’t changed that habit of picking on innocent people, huh? Also, you know nothing about my relationship with Jumin! I love him and I don’t care that you and other people point fingers at me. I have not once thought about being with him for money!” You feel a painful sting on your cheek as you look up to see that she’s slapped you.
♛ You bite your lips and she holds her hand up for another slap before she’s stopped with someone’s strong hand. Jumin holds her wrist as he looks at your painful mark, looking back at Tiffany in anger. Oh boy he’s pissed. He had rushed over as soon as he heard your faint yells across the room. “Jumin it’s okay, can you take me somewhere quiet...please?” He nods as he holds your waist to a balcony. The stars outside make you feel so much better as you smile bitterly. “Why was she hurting you, my love? I will make her pay for leaving such a painful wound. Please wait here my love I will call an ambulance right now.” You giggle a little before gently grabbing his hand. “I’ll be okay, please don’t, who calls an ambulance for a slap!” you continue to giggle before collapsing into his embrace. “I used to go to high school with her, and she’d always made fun of me. Because...I’m attracted to both males and females.”
♛ He furrows an eyebrow, “And...why is that something to make fun of?” You shrug, “I don’t know, but I think there’s more to her story. Still, that doesn’t make it okay for her to make fun of me.” 
♛ “Of course it’s not. I cannot personally relate to being attracted to both genders, however I do know that’s not something to make fun of.” You look up to meet him in the eyes, “That’s all you have to say? I just came out to you as being bi.” He smiles as he kisses you, “I love you.” You laugh, Jumin is not a man with many words in situations like this. However you do know that this ‘I love you’ is not just a simple confession of love. It’s his way of telling you that he supports you and nothing will change between the two of you. The next day you find a bucket of flowers with a 10,000 lettered apology essay from Tiffany. You later also find out Jumin has stopped partnering with her fathers company. They eventually go bankrupt. (¬‿¬)
👓 Saeyoung 👓 
👓 You shake as you look around you, you’re in a empty white void and suddenly, your ex appears in front of your eyes. “You’re bi? What so have you been going off with other girls behind my back?” He slaps you, pushing you down onto the floor. He wraps his hands around your neck so painfully. Your heart could jump out of your chest right then and there. You try to scream out, but your voices don’t leave your mouth. You shake your head denying him, until you’re finally able to open your eyes screaming, “NO!” You gasp for breath, you look around in your shared bedroom with Saeyoung. “MC?” Saeyoung sits up to see you. He scans your body to make sure you’re safe, “What’s wrong baby?” 
👓 You shake your head, “I... had a nightmare.” he smiles, “Haha, you’re so cute still getting nightmares. What was it about? Elizabeth the 3rd turning into a monste- ZzZzZz...” He falls asleep again holding onto your waist as his body slides back down to lay. You wrap your arms around his head with a bitter smile before beginning to break down, you gently sob unknowingly. Saeyoung wakes up again, both of your eyes squinting as he turns the lamp on. You take a glance at the clock, it’s 3 am. You feel horrible for waking Sae up.
👓 He sits next to you, gently wiping away your tears. “You’re okay. If it makes you feel better we can talk before going back to bed. What did you have a nightmare about?” At first you’re hesitant, but knowing Sae, the sweetest purest sometimes perverted cinnamon roll you ever know, you felt safe to tell him. Before a warning you blurt it out, “I’m bi.” he smiles as he caresses' your cheeks before he says anything, you continue to talk, “I had a nightmare about my ex...he would beat me up and be so unsupportive of me.” You continue to cry harder painful memories coming back to you, more vividly now that you say it. 
👓 He brings you into his arms, “Thank you. Thank you for telling me, you’re so so brave. Do you know that?” He smiles nuzzling his nose to yours. “You’re okay now. And I support you. I love you so much too. I, Saeyoung Defender of Justice will protect you no matter what.” You cringe at his last line, the both of you giggle as you both nuzzle each other back to sleep. 
👓 BONUS: Saeyoung never tells you but he hacks into old camera files and sends your ex into jail for emotional and physical abuse. ( ಠ◡ಠ )
🌚 Saeran 🌚
🌚 You are eating dinner with Saeran until you finally come out to him as being bi, it feels as though a heavy anchor on you had been lifted. He pauses for a second looking up at you nodding, he quietly continues to eat his dinner. You feel so upset, that was it? A single nod? You spent days thinking of the right day to tell him this. It took a lot courage to come out to someone. The single nod he gave you continues to replay in your head.
🌚 Clearly upset, you hurriedly shove down your food Saeran constantly telling you that you will get sick if you continue. It didn’t matter, you just wanted to get out of here. 
🌚 A while later...you’re in bed with Saeran, everything is so quiet. But Saeran notices how upset you’re after the incident. He mutters a “sorry” and you can tell he genuinely means it but you can’t help but still feel a bit sassy, “For what?”
🌚 “Sorry for being indifferent when you came out to me. Thank you for doing that. I appreciate your bravery. But I don’t know how to react- how you want me to react. Of course I’ll be supportive of you...but the wrong words would rather  be disrespectful...so...sorry...I don’t know the right words to tell you. I’m not good at this kind of stuff.” You kiss him as you pull him onto the bed. “Thank you. That means so much. I’m sorry too, I got sensitive.”
🌚 The two of you fall asleep so secure and loved in each others embrace.
♧ Jihyun ♧
♧ It’s been a week since you’ve came out to Jihyun about being bi, he was unconditionally supportive and loving. One day, You and Jihyun decide to go to the mall as you insisted in buying him new clothes. He was so bad at dressing himself. Without realizing it Jihyun brought his glasses and cane, even when he could see now with his eye surgery.
♧ He smiles wholeheartedly when you continue to be amused by all the cool stuff at the mall. Someone suddenly comes from behind putting a hand on your shoulder that was between you and Jihyun. Jihyun elbows them in surprise before calmly apologizing, “Ah, I’m sorry.” the man looked to be in pain but he tried to act fine as he said “It’s fine.” His friend in the back whispered “Wow look at his cane, he’s blind.” they all began to laugh. 
♧ You were about to shout at them but after seeing Jihyun simply just raising an eyebrow you just cross your arms at them before attempting to walk away. “Hey hey, I’m not done yet. Aren’t you Mc?” He roughly pulls your wrist, it makes you unwantedly unlink arms with Jihyun. “Hey, you are! Remember me? You tried to date my girlfriend.” You shiver as you realize him. Your old classmate. You had confessed your interest to his girlfriend during your senior years, however you had no idea she had a boyfriend. It wasn’t your fault, you’d even apologized to him and her afterwards. He’d never forgot you though when he sweared that the reason for him breaking up with his girlfriend was because of you. 
♧ Your stomach turned, heart dropping, as his glares came in to you like stinging daggers. Jihyun hides you behind him as he nicely tells them, “It would be better not to make a commotion here.” The men mockingly copy his words in a idiotic tone. Your anger boils, but Jihyun is calm as always. “Mc you’ve gotten greedier, eh? Women weren’t enough, now you want both men and women?” Your heart drops, as the anger in you all shred into tears. However, you hold them back. Where had it all gone wrong? After all those painful years, you almost forgot it all after getting into Rika’s apartment and helping everyone recover from their painful past. You forgot you had a painful past of your own, one you’d never recovered from. One that still lingers somewhere in your heart till this day. You shake yourself back to reality when you notice Jihyun holding onto your hand. 
♧  Jihyun shoves the man away like a feather with his cane when he attempts to approach the two of you. Eventually the security guards come and separate them from the both of you. Jihyun embraces you in his warmth as he reminds you, “You know all those foolish things those men said are not true, darling.” His words are rather short that what you’d imagined him to say. However his words are comforting regardless.
♧ Later you find out Jumin, Jihyun, and Saeyoung have been working on something but you don’t quite know what...you brush it off. They’ve been working on ruining the life of those two rude ass men at the mall. (⌒o⌒)
The quality of my writing started to drop from Saeyoung I’m so sorry. I might come back to them and fix them later on...∑(゜Д゜;)
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I would like to request, if possible, Saeran(Good/Normal Ending one) and 707 with MC that has a quite similar personality to 707 but she is not tsundere like him aka more straightforward about her feelings etc? Thank you! :3
he'd be absolutely done when hanging out with you and his brother
because you and Seven would probably become besties
tormenting poor Saeran with pranks on daily basics? absolutely
your jokes and stupid puns make his day, but he'll never admit it
you are the first person he comes to when he's sad or upset, because you always know how to cheer him up
Saeran has troubles with expressing his feelings, but he's working on it, so your straightforwardness is really helpful for him
he loves spending time with you and Seven, because you two are the most powerful clown duo like?? who could stay grumpy with you???
after some time Saeran would start cracking jokes with you and Saeyoung
with no one elso though, that's some exclusive content
we stan our baby Saeran getting out of his shell
it takes a lot of effort for him to learn how to be vulnerable, but he'll try his best
Saeran loves how he can talk to you about everything, because he knows you won't judge him
cinnamon roll? yes
needing cuddles? absolutely
Saeran claims to be a knife, but we all know he's a little spoon
if you wanna make his brain stop circulating try teasing him in public, even with a joking manner
poor bby doesn't know what to do
he gets more and more affectionate with time
please love him
pranking everyone
Yoosung is low-key scared of you sometimes, because you two are eccentric enough on your own, but when you're together---
if something gets on fire, then it's usually because of you and Seven
“hey, MC, wanna see what happens when we microwave that?”
Jaehee refuses to hang out with you and Seven if there's no fire extinguisher around
Jumin has to make sure Elizabeth 3rd is far away from both of you
Zen is annoyed, because you make Seven's obsession with cats even worse
and then there's Saeran who just watches shit go down
basically pure chaotic energy
also, Seven loves how you don't take his crap when he starts acting like a tsundere
being straightforward makes everything ten times easier, believe me
cosplaying together? yes please
PRANK WARS (unsafe for children, so keep Yoosung away from them)
using lots of inside jokes to confuse everyone? hell yeah
Seven feels like he found his soulmate
late night date idea: watching videos with cats when cuddling
Seven likes spooning and being spooned, it doesn't really make much difference for him
he would probably meow for no reason in your ear when you least expect it
meow back at him and he'll marry you
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Could i request MC making the RFA+V+Saeran/ray/unknown happy cry?
I love this! Absolutely! Sorry for being a bit inactive btw! I just haven’t been feeling so well emotionally ;;;;
MC making the RFA+V and Saeran (+alters) happy cry:
When Zen saw what you did for him, he knew you were the one
When he came home, he saw you with his brother
Yes, you heard that right
Apparently, one night when Zen got super drunk, he began looking through os albums and cried, telling you how bad he actually wanted to see his family again, to try and patch things up
Well, the next day, you coincidentally met Zen’s brother!
Honestly, you wanted to kick his butt for how he made Zen feel, but you thought that maybe that was not such a good idea, so you decided to try and talk things out with him, you know, like grown ups
It turned out, that, well. Zen’s brother actually... regretted everything.
The more years that passed, the more he realized how wrong he was. How wrong his parents were, I mean, he actually had recently had a child too, and when he imagined telling them what he said to Zen...he felt so guilty
So you invited him over!
Zen looked like he was ready to faint.
You left so they could talk for a bit, and when you came back they were both smiling and talking about embarassing stories of baby Zen lmao
When it was getting late, his brother stood up, and thanked you for reuniting them, he promised to call Zen again and to go out for coffee some other day
When he left...it was quiet
You looked over at Zen, and before you could open your mouth to ask him if he was alright, he hugged you tight whispering so many thank you’s
And then he started shaking....and he was crying
“ZEN?! I’m sorry, wait did I do something wrong?! Why are you crying?!”
“It’s alright babe. They’re happy tears....thank you....”
Yoosung was feeling a bit down
You didn’t know what was wrong, but he was pretty depressed
So you decided to cook for him his favorite food, and then you made a little fort so the two of you could watch his favorite movies
When he came home, you welcomed him and hugged him tight, and then you led him to the kitchen, were you had made tons of food and even some cookies!
For the first time in a while, you saw Yoosung smile. The two of you spent a great night, and while you were cuddling Yoosung held you tight and smiled
“Thank you, Y/N. I’m sorry I haven’t been myself latel.y...it’s just...sometimes I feel like I’m not enough for you.”
You shook your head and cupped his face in your hands. “Yoosung Kim, listen to me. You’re the most wonderful man I have ever met, and you always give me more than enough. Don’t think that.”
Yoosung slowly smiled and he started tearing up, and he kissed you. “I love you, Y/N.”
The both of you spent the night in each other’s arms, and you didn’t stop smiling the whole time.
Everything was perfect
Zen was about to come home with Jaehee. The two of them had been out to do some shopping and they didn’t come till late at night.
You paced around the room, feeling so freaking anxious.
Then, the door opened.
“Ah Zen! Why don’t you come in, we have plenty of food from yesterday, and we’d be more than happy to have you eat with us.”
Zen laughed and shook his head, looking around the room with a little smirk on his face. “No, no, don’t worry Jaehee! I think now you should spend time with Y/N, after all, I stole you for almost the whole day! Have fun, the two of you~”
Jaehee and Zen both said their goodbyes, and when he left, Jaehee looked around the room and called your name.
“Where are they?” She thought, and as she made her way through her room, she gasped as she saw the floor was filled with rose petals, all leading to the living room
When she got there, she smiled as she saw all around the room were little pictures of the two of you, mementos of your dates and the times you spent together scattered around the room.
Then, as she turned around, she saw you kneeling down on one knee, a ring on your hand.
Before you could even ask the question though, Jaehee squealed and hugged you, screaming yes and smiling happily.
When she pulled away to kiss you, you tears falling from her eyes, and you couldn’t help but cry too.
It was absolutely amazing, and you had never seen Jaehee so happy in her life!
It was your wedding.
The two of you were having your first dance, and you were swaying back and forth, leaning your forehead against his.
Jumin smiled as the two of you made your way along the dance room, and he would sometimes whisper in your ear sweet words.
That night was the happiest one of your life, and at one point the two of you left for a bit to take a walk in the garden that was in the venue.
There, Jumin held your hand and hugged you tight. And then he kissed you.
Then, Jumin started shaking and you pulled away a bit worried, but you saw him smile as some small tears made their way down his face.
“I’m so happy love....that I got to meet you...that I’m with you right now. You’re my everything, and I love you so much. Thank you, for giving me happiness and a reason to wake up every morning.”
The two of you hugged under the stars, and cried happy tears as you whispered words of love to each other.
Saeyoung yelped as he saw the lights in the living room turn on, and the whole RFA cheering while confetti was being thrown around everywhere.
“W-WHA?!” He screamed, and you laughed as you made your way to him, a party hat on your hand.
“Happy birthday Saeyoung!” You said as you put the hat on him.
“W-wait, Y/N, did...did you plan this!?” He asked.
“Mmm, sorta! Saeran was the one who gave me the idea, and then along with the RFA we all got together to throw you a surpir birthday party!”
Saeyoung smiled as he looked at all his friends and family. That afternoon the whole group had such an amazing time, and when everyone left and Saeran went to his room, Saeyoung gave you a big kiss.
“Thank you Y/N. This was the best birthday ever. But I mean...you shouldn’t have...I don’t know if I really deserve all of this...”
“Nonsense! Saeyoung, both you and your brother deserve the best of the best. And I want you to know that me and the RFA care about you so much, we all love you, and we want you to be happy.”
Saeyoung looked at you with a shocked expression on his face, and slowly smiled as tears formed on the corner of his eyes.
He hugged you and kissed your forehead, looking at you with adoration.
“I love you too, Y/N. Thank you for everything.”
You were both at home, laying on your bed and cuddling.
It had been about two years since the whole RFA fiasco, and the both of you were reminiscing about old memories.
Then, V turned around to face you, and cupped your face in his hands.
“Honestly Y/N....looking back now...I honestly don’t know where I would be if you hadn’t come to us back then...thank you.”
You smile and leaned in to V’s touch. “Jihyun. I love you so much. I’m so glad I met you. You’re the most wonderful person I have ever met, and I’m so happy everyday I get to spend time with you. I love you.”
V smiled and tears slowly formed on the corner of his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away and chuckled.
“Sorry, it’s just. Whenever you say things like that to me...I feel so happy. The happiest I’ve ever been. Thank you.”
He felt like a complete failure, and he didn’t want to talk to anyone, even you.
He was hiding in the gardens, and he hadn’t talked to you the whole day, so you decided to go and check on him
You found him sitting on a bench, and as soon as he saw you, he was ready to run away, but you grabbed his arm.
He quickly pulled away from you and looked guiltily to the ground. “You shouldn’t...Why are you even here? I’m not worth it, you should be in bed right now....you’re always so kind to me, and I don’t understand it! I’m useless, I’m nothing and you-”
“Ray. Please don’t say that.” You quickly hugged him tight, making Ray gasp. And when you pulled away you gently caressed his cheeks, smiling softly.
“Ray. I like you. I really do. And it always hurts me to see you in so much pain. You’re strong Ray, you have done so much for me and for everyone, you’re the one who works the hardest. Please, never ever say that you’re useless or worthless, because those are all lies. You’re nothing like that! You’re a kind and compassionate person, you’re just...so amazing. So please....”
Ray looked at you, speechless, and he slowly buried his face on the crook of your neck, softly crying.
“Y-Y/N...thank you...you’re so...so kind....thank you...and I...I’m happy that the person I like likes me back.”
He was sick
He didn’t want to admit it, of course
But you spent the whole day taking care of him, no matter how many times he may have yelled or ordered you to go away.
“I’ve already told you, I’m fine so let me go and work”
“No. You’re going to stay in bed, and try to recover. You’re only going to make it worse if you go try to work! I’ll do everything today, so please rest!”
Begrudgingly, he accepted, and you spent the whole day working your ass off. Unknown didn’t know how to feel...he hadn’t been taken care of for so long.
At one point he felt so dizzy. He didn’t know if he was dreaming or not, and sometimes he would get up and anxiously look around the room, and once he saw you there he would relax and go back to sleep.
At about midnight, you woke up to Unknown stirring around, and you slowly made your way towards the bed and sat on the corner.
“Hey...are you feeling better?”
“Come here.” He ordered, and you were taken by surprise.
“Hey. Come here, next to me.”
You cautiously laid beside Unknown, and you felt his arms wrap around you.
“Mmm, I want to stay like this for a while...” he grumbled.
And then you realized. Oh shit he’s half asleep, so he’s probably saying nonsense.
You tensed up as Unknown hugged you tighter, and made you turn around to look at him. “Hey. You know, today you were pretty good. I’m sorry for being a bother.”
You shook your head. “N-no, it’s alright! I’m actually kinda happy...you’ve never depended on me before and...well...I really liked taking care of you. And I am more than happy to do your job! You deserve some rest, and you’ve been working so hard, so please, take breaks sometimes! I don’t want anything bad to happen to you!”
Unknown’s eyes widened, and you swore you could see a tiny tear make its way down before he smiled and looked the other way.
“Yeah...thank you. I guess you’re a good assistant too.” He grumbled, and then he went back to bed, a little smirk tugging on his lips.
The next day when you woke up, he wasn’t there, but he did leave you a bit of food and a note that said ‘Thank you. You fucked up the coding yesterday though by the way.’
GE! Saeran:
It was your anniversary, and the two of you were sitting outside, in Saeran’s garden, looking up at the night sky.
At one point you stood up from your chair and sat on Saeran’s lap, making him blush and smile up at you.
You both kissed, and then Saeran leaned his forehead against yours.
“Y/N. I love you. Words can’t describe how much you mean to me. You’re the best thing in my life.”
You smiled. “You’re the best thing in my life too Saeran. I want to spent the rest of my days with you.”
“Good thing you say that because....” Saeran suddenly took out a little box out of his pocket and you gasped as you saw that inside was a beautiful ring. “Y/N.” He smiled, tears slowly forming. “I...I really love you. And I want to spend my whole life with you, I want us to always be together, I want to wake up everyday with you beside me and go to sleep with you in my arms. So...will you please marry me?”
You squealed a yes and kissed him, making him laugh as the two of you cried.
“Y/N, I just...I can’t explain how happy I am right now.” He hugged you tight and the two of you spent the night in each other’s embrace.
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Imagine sending Ray, Suit and GE wholesome memes (or just those absurd Hello Kitty plushie memes or something), and them being confused as hell because they never learned what memes are. How would they react?
Also I really like to imagine that as soon as GE learns what wholesome love memes are he'll be sending at least 15 of them to MC each day, so you better expect to receive memes with lots of hearts saying how much he loves you and wants to cuddle and hold your hand😌
Ray spent a lot of time trying to discern the best way to get someone to come to Magenta and help him with his mission. He scoured the web to find out things he thought would be enough to make someone want to help him. It took a while for him to land on a game interface but it made the most sense to him. There were plenty of lonely people that would be easily swayed by the idea of being able to date a cute character like that. 
He has no idea about popular culture or any kind of meme, he just spent his time researching the basics. So, this man has never seen or thought much of memes before. The minute you send him a silly meme is the second that he just starts scratching his head to figure out what you mean by that. Cue a man using the search bar to find out what the hell this means: 
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Suit Saeran really has no patience in his life for whatever memes are and he’s got better things to do than worry about what people are sharing with each other instead of working or doing what they need to do. To him, it’s a waste of time and it reminds him of that redhead. Why would he want to understand something that Seven does when it just peeves him from the moment that he breathes around the idea? He has a rough idea of what they are but he’s never really bothered beyond, “Those idiots use them and that’s all I need to know. It does nothing for my mission.” 
Now, if you use them against him, expect him to be angry and confused because a lot of them don’t make sense to him and it feels like you’re mocking him to get back at him for being here instead of your precious Ray. I do imagine that you’d have the power to stump him and leave him at a loss for words if you really get those memes that imply the things that he wants but is too terrified to allow his heart to be vulnerable. Either way, be prepared for this man to yell at you for confusing him. 
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GE Saeran is much more interested and amused by the idea that there is a form of memes that are used between couples to be affectionate with one another for no purpose whatsoever apart from being lovey-dovey. You’ve created a monster is what you’ve done. He’s the kind of person that would text you “<3″ a few times throughout the day just to let you know that he loves you, and he’s slowly getting to sending you selfies now and again because you do the same for him and that allows him to feel okay sharing his face like this. 
That’s another thing entirely but you should know he frets over every selfie he sends because he wants to see you laugh and smile. Just know that he’s always thinking of you through his day when you’re not together and even if it seems kind of silly, to be honest, he’s just happy to remind you that he’s here and wants to be with you. When it comes to memes, I tend to agree, if you share them with him then expect to get a lot from him. 
Sometimes he’s got no clue how to use them and other times he’s really on par with what he’s got. 
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Other times, it’s like. Saeran, are you okay? 
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sunshinejihyun · 4 years
Bookish - MC x Mystic Messenger
Here we are back again with a new set of headcanons, this time about a MC who loves to read!
Just a reminder, my requests are open so if you’d like to see more headcanons, just plop an idea into my inbox!! Here is a direct link!!
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He understands you like to read
But he also doesn’t get it
“Why is it something you do for fun? You should play LOLOL with me!”
Secretly loves to watch you though, especially when you’re really into a book
He thinks all your facial expressions are adorable
When your favorite book was made into a movie you can bet your ass that Yoosung made sure you saw it at midnight when it came out
He wouldn’t admit it but he secretly loved it
Will listen to you talk about your books because even if he has no clue what’s going on, he loves that you enjoy them
When you find a book you think he would like, you read him a chapter every night before you force him he goes to bed
Definitely helps with his LOLOL habits, even if he does miss the nights he stays up gaming
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Zen loves to read as well
Maybe not the same type of stuff, but he reads his scripts and likes to sit and read up on the characters he’s studying
After dinner you both curl up together on the couch, you with a book in your hand and him with his script
Will definitely read a book that you recommend since he wants to have another thing to talk to you about
In return you help him practice lines and study his characters
You both really got into this fantasy series and you went as the two main characters together for Halloween
No one knew who you were but it’s f i n e
Zen thinks your voice is so soothing so he will definitely fall asleep with his head in your lap if you read to him and play with his hair
Will save up to buy you a new series that you’ve been looking forward to (it definitely helps him cut down on his cigarette and beer purchases)
Honestly he loves sharing everything with you so no matter what you read, he will pay attention and even go so far as to google the plot (this helps a lot when there’s a character death, he’s smart he knows to plan ahead)
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She used to be an avid reader like you but ever since she became Jumin’s assistant, she hasn’t really had the time
Still keeps a book on her nightstand and always thinks about reading it
But she’s so tired when she gets the chance to crawl into bed that she can’t bring herself to open to the page she left off on
She will 100% recommend you so many books and just bring you some at random times
Jaehee stop I don’t have enough room
Let’s you blow up her phone with texts all about the current book you’re reading and when she gets around to seeing all of them, loves when you’re freaking out over a book she gave you
She likes to listen to audiobooks on her commute to work so that helps satisfy her need to read
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“Oh you like books? I can have a whole library put into the penthouse just for your personal use”
“Jumin no”
He will buy you random books at random times if he sees something he thinks you will enjoy
You have a little mini library in the penthouse filled with all the books he’s gifted
He tries to get into what you’re reading and tries to understand, but he just gets so bored
Still likes listening to you talk about it though, since he likes your voice and loves to see you so excited about something
It makes his heart flutter when he gets home late and he sees you curled up on the couch with a book in your hand, Elizabeth the 3rd resting on your stomach
It’s even cuter when you fall asleep like that
Will for sure arrange for you to meet the author of your favorite series and will take many blurry pictures as you freak out
He used to like reading but now can’t find the time since he only used to read before when he couldn’t sleep (now you force him to go to bed)
Honestly bless him though he just lives to see you happy and if books help, he will do all he can to make sure you have an unlimited supply
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Honestly he loves that you read
He likes that he can be in the same room as you and work and not have to worry about entertaining you
When he takes a break, he usually cuddles up to you and asks you about your latest book, falling asleep as you talk
You don’t mind though because he needs the rest
Will 100% unironically cosplay characters with you (bonus points if he can use his maid costume)
For your birthday he definitely went all out and made had Jaehee make a cake that was themed like your favorite book and served food that they’d eat in it
He’d also probably make you an app to play a game based on the book and then you two would play it together when he had the time
Programmed robot cat to recommend books to you when you couldn’t decide what to read next
Tries to build you a bookshelf to store all your books but he messes it up
Bless him for trying though he’s such a sweetie
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Absolutely loves to read
You two would have your own little book club
Sometimes if he finished a book that left him with strong enough feelings, he’d paint about it
You guys hung all those pictures up in your book room
Speaking of the book room
Best idea you both ever had
It’s so calming and just brings such serenity to both of you
There’s many comfy chairs and blankets and pillows
Your favorite way to end the day is snuggled up in his lap under a pile of blankets and listen to him read
His favorite thing was the same, except when you read out loud
When you guys adopted Lucy, you made sure to read to her every night until she was old enough to learn to start reading by herself
By the time she hit grade school, she was a reading machine and they had to give her harder books
The three of you took solace in sitting together in the book room, each of you reading your own book after dinner
Sweetest picture ever taken of your family was when neither you nor Jihyun were answering your phone so Zen went to check on you guys
He found all three of you curled up on a couch, each holding their own book and leaning on each other, everyone fast asleep
You love your little book nerd family
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He’s not so much of a reader as he is a writer
His life experiences thus far has left him with a lot to say
And from there, some amazing stories transpired
He’d be super shy to share them at first but once he learned you loved reading, he would start asking your opinions on various scenes
When he finished his first book you both cried and celebrated together
And then of course you stayed up all night and binge read it
After he learned you loved his writing, he would literally write little stories for you all the time
Or if you couldn’t sleep, he’d hold you close and tell you something he made up on the spot
After you read his writing, everything else was ruined for you
Everything he tried to express was conveyed perfectly even if it isn’t explicitly stated and that’s something that a lot of authors struggle with
When he finally had the courage to get his first book published, he dedicated it to you aw
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could you write the RFA helping MC who is a bit of a control freak and currently trying to cope with a situation in which she is powerless? for instance maybe she’s planned a yearly trip for a long time and always found ways to make it work but this years quarantine prevents it. she legitimately has no power and is not coping well.
RFA helping MC who's feeling powerless
Hey! This one is little special, I wrote 3 different situations with two characters for each one. (Zen/Yoosung, Jumin/Saeyoung and Jaehee/Jihyun). Those are not spoiler free!
TW : Loss of a family member
Like every year you planned a road trip across Europe. This was something you did for years, as you want to travel one day all around the world.
You had a few problems the past years, such as delayed flights or too expensive tickets, but you always found a solution.
But today you are powerless. Because of the pandemic, and of course the quarantine, you have to stay at home. 
And you aren’t too happy with this situation. You are having an hard time coping with it. 
But luckily you have Zen by your side. One of the sweetest guy ever, I swear. 
He buys you flowers every time he’s allowed to leave home. Because he is an actor, he teleworks.
Obviously it pains him to stay at home, but at least it allows him to be by your side. 
A lot of cuddle. He takes a lot of time to comfort you. Zen loves taking care of you, so be prepared for a SPA at home.
Masks, massages, body care… Okay he can be like your grandma sometimes. Kinda.
Quarantine is like a dream to him ! Staying at home, skipping classes and playing video games !
So at first our boy doesn’t really understand why you feel so bad. Yeah he gets that you are annoyed because of your road trip.
You have to explain him that you’re having an hard time when you aren’t in control.
Poor boy will probably quickly apologize if he made you feel bad.
Yoosung will 100% cook for you ! And if you want to, he would be so glad if you choose to help him. Cooking is undoubtedly his quarantine hobby.
Of course you can expect a lot of LOLOL. I mean he’s still a game addict student. 
By the way you will probably have to help him study. He has an hard time getting in gear so you’re going to be his motivation.
Yoosung will try to do as much as he can to distract you. He doesn’t want you to feel bad because you couldn’t leave. 
(He will secretly ask V for help. Borrowing him pictures of his travels, just for you.)
Today was to be an ordinary day. Well, that was what you thought. You visited your parent’s home earlier.
And they told you they were getting divorced. You didn’t say anything and just left. You hurried to be at Jumin’s side as soon as possible.
When you arrive, you start to cry. Jumin is puzzled and concerned about you, so he hold you tight. 
You love both of your parents, and you aren’t ready to see them apart. Of course you thought of trying to get them back together, but you can’t do anything about their choice.
Jumin can’t really relate to you, since he saw his dad getting divorced already a few times.
However he will reassure you the best he can. You can expect a lot of discussions. He will gently caress your hair and explain everything you may need to know.
He might also recommend you a good psychologist if he thinks you are feeling too down. He cares about you a lot, and he will do anything to make you feel better. 
Jumin will pick for you the best psychologist of the whole country. He only wants the best for you.
Saeyoung can’t really relate either, since he wasn’t “in good terms” with his parents.
(And it was for the better since the two of them were toxic as fuck).
However, he knows what it feels like to care for a family member. He parted ways with Saeran when he was a child, so he understands that you are scared.
Saeyoung never had proper control over his own life since his birth. He gets better than anyone else how much it is terrifying to be left powerless. 
He tries to convince you to talk to your parents. He wants you to explain them how helpless you feel. 
He sort of lost his brother because of their absence of communication, and he doesn’t want you to go through the same thing.Saeyoung knows how painful it is, and he wishes to protect you from sorrow the best he can.
He proposes to come with you if you are scared. (he will hold you hand tightly)
Saeyoung will help you coping with this lack of control as much as he can (expect a lot of sweet attentions-).
Your mother was recently hospitalized because of health problems. 
You knew it was serious, but you never expected to learn she would die soon because of a malignant tumor of the pancreas.
Needless to say, this news broke your heart. You found Jaehee as soon as you learned it. 
She knows what it felt like to lose your parents. She hug you without a word first. 
Jaehee let you cry in her arms as much as you want to. She is aware that you are inconsolable at first, when you learn such news. You can’t do anything about it, since doctors discovered the tumor too late.
She will be right besides you as you get through her death. She will be there as you grieve. 
Jaehee doesn't try to give you advice since she knows there are as many ways to grieve as there are people.
She just want you to know that you aren’t alone. You can’t do anything about her death, so Jaehee wants to make sure you don’t feel guilty or anything.
Our boy also lost his mother. Even if it wasn't because of a disease, he instantly knew how destroy you could have been feeling. 
One of the first things he tells you is to spend as much time with her as possible. Jihyun doesn’t want you to feel regrets like he did. 
He reads books about the different stages of grief. He wishes to know how to help you ; and like Jumin he’s gonna suggest you to see a psychologist. He knows how much those are helpful.
Jihyun being some kind of hippie, he will convince you to do meditation. He doesn’t want you to blame yourself as you are as powerless as possible. 
Jihyun will help you finding peace as soon as you are ready. He might suggest you pour your emotions into art; he would leave you a blank canvas and paint to free you from a burden.
He is always there if you need to talk, like literally anytime. Also available for cuddling.
If you are okay with it, he will offer you to paint your mother. He wishes to create beautiful memories of her for you.
Hey! I hope you liked it and you are okay with what I wrote. I had a lot of ideas so I try to make it as diversified as possible :)
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miioouu · 3 years
I would neeevvvvveeerrr be with someone else fishy love! I'm here with you! Right now! I can't leave your sight most of the time and now it's even worse after you saw that...uh… totally random dude with “me”.
Wait, so I have competition for my yandere 👀 this is need and I'm totally gonna lose because in that dream I was only supposed to spy on her to see which potions she was making, I was also a yandere hunter. Not a witch hunter!
Lets just say I will die if the witch confronts me.
F, we both can't find stories 😔
I can see boiboi living for it the most, that kinky bastard- fishy would love it the most like, after something bad happened, maybe a break down or after he saw “you” with boiboi, just to make sure you're real and you have a reflection like a normal person lmao
Man we should really expand on my god boi, we only have his looks but what abt personality, he seems pretty lax with sexual stuff and if it's not a real physical thing. He also doesn't understand shit about normal human things.
I'm cursed by two yanderes 😔 sad
You know, sometimes I do remember my dreams but they're so long I don't even bother trying to remember them so I end up forgetting, if it was juicy or interesting I will tell but if it's only mildly interesting I don't even bother, like I swear my dream today, people had enough time to move houses and there were like 5 plot points with different people at the same time, none was that interesting, there was one count that was most interesting but of course I forgot that part 😔
Rika, like, they went HARD with trying to redeem her. TOO hard. It was basically forced and it made me hate her more, just from the fact that Cheritz is trying this hard. It's stupid honestly and it shows how hard they try :/ it's so hard that I swear a wattpad story about baldi x reader had better redeeming qualities for baldi. Like bro. Stop.
I don't hate V as much because they don't try to redeem him as hard. It's like normal you know, you can choose whether you forgive him or not, it's not something like you have to forgive him or else some 5 year old guilt trip shit happens.
I also just like V more because he's actually nice. Like genuinely a nice person. He tries to help Rika, she refuses, they get into an argument, she go pokey pokey V’s eyes now brokey, he helped us escape (I vaguely know what happens in V’s route but I played Saeran’s route three times now, Jumin 4 (doing 5 rn), so I know what happens in saerans route a lot, and i also played his after ending twice.) but in saerans route he decided he can't live without Rika because of this soulmate shit they got going on and Rika in the end is like “i'm gonna turn my sun into ashes” or some shit like that. Emphasis on “my”.
I swear V’s after ending judge route. It's a mess. I could tell you if you want, you probably don't want to get that damn ending yourself anyway. It's worse than most wattpad guilt trip stories like skdbk please why???
Also i think yoosung just has a MAJOR hero worship for her, basically obsession where it can seem like he's in love, but he just looks up to her A LOT. Anyway Rika is adopted :0
Oh man, maybe he's like, a planner or something, like, that's where well get married, I'm thinking of names for our children, that's where we'll have a date-
You get the idea.
Our local horny and sometimes romantic loner boiboi.
Long hair can be smexy, I've only seen fictional characters and some select few (I've only seen markiplier and Keanu reeves, everyone else I've seen are kind of ugli, probably because most I've seen also have that ugly teenage moustache. Pls shave. I don't really see many celebrities, so yeah)
Anyway, the day Aizawa gets short hair is the day I gauge my eyes out, stab my eyeballs and eye sockets, pour bleach in the wounds and wait until I die of blood loss or the bleach.
Especially a nicely designed cape that fits the character somewhat and isn't just plastered on there because yes.
I actually wanted to get Zen’s route first but I got yoosung, didn't really flirt with Zen after that unless the other option was a mean one. Then ill flirt, though yoosung did become jealous at one point 👀
It seems common that people would get yoosung when going for Zen. You just can't be mean to yoosung, but you have to at least onceif you want Zen. It's too easy to get yoosung hearts.
Boiboi would totally jump on that.
-🐱nonny “you can decide if you want to take that literally or sexually”
Ok that's a beeg one! Let's start!!!
Fishy is just being stupid... If you think nommy is with someone else, maybe that's because you're not doing your job properly hmm?? Think about that 👀
Well... It's not really a competition. Ghost man wants to be with you, so you already know you're his. Though the witch, i feel like if he's been a ghost for waaaay too long, maybe she lost interest, lost hope. Mayne she could reverse the curse, but she's also sad and lonely... Maybe she'll curse you too👀
Your dreams are very complex and action filled. So yeah, remembering them must be so difficult. My dreams are very boring, so even if i tried to remember, it's basically just wasting my time.
I feel like that was chritz goal. They dont want us to like her, they want us to hate her. So they made her super duper annoying.
V is a nive person, a bit too nice to the point its annoying. He's naive. I understand that he tried helping her and all that. That's amazing. But after all the things she did to him, he still tried to help her?! Why bro! I understand you're in love, but that's obsession! Also, if i remember correctly, the way V talked, it didn't feel genuine. Like the "pick me guy". A bit too manipulative, yk? Like ooouh its ok if you dont forgive me, i understand uwu.... No shut up.
Yes! Yoosung was weird, a bit too baby like! It's not my fav type of characters (obv i love jumin, total opposites!) And same, i wanted to get zen but I got yoosung. And i also tried jaehee, but i got yoosung :(
Affection = sexy timez with boiboi sooo... Have fuuuun
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