#I try not to bring that negativity to my blog (this is a safe space for people who liked acosf)
the-lonelybarricade · 2 years
Hiiii! I was wondering what is your opinion on how Rhys was written in ACOSF? I would love to hear your thoughts :)))
I pretend acosf Rhys does not exist 😌
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fairycosmos · 4 months
i’m going to kill myself tonight but i wanted to say i’ve always loved your blog and your my favourite tumblr person :)
hey, not sure if anything i can say can change your mind but please please consider calling a hotline or reaching out to a friend/family member if that's an option. i won't pretend i know the type of pain you're in, or much about the situation you're in, and i hope this doesn't come across as me saying it's easy to keep going because it's absolutely not. whether you're feeling numb, whether your thoughts are totally chaotic. it's a type of hell either way. i know things are unbearably painful so much of the time. you deserve so much better and i just don't think doing this is going to give you that. i'm not trained in all the right and wrong things to say to someone who's going through this and i know that when i'm in this place myself, there's very little anyone can do or say to get me out of it. but i do come out of it. even if i'm not happy, the pressing urge to harm myself is so strong that by its own nature it's unsustainable. it's the hardest thing in the world to bear it and i'm so sorry you're going through it. it's so fucking exhausting. and at the same time it always somewhat dies down and there is always another day to try again.
please, please get yourself to a physically safe space. if you need to cry, break down, sleep for 72 hours, take a shower, eat something, put your face in cold water, rip up a million pieces of paper to get the rage out - it's okay. whatever you need is okay. you don't have to think about what you're going to do tomorrow or next week or next month or in the next 5 years. you just have to focus on getting through today, minute by minute. if that feels like too much, second by second. and you can keep breaking it down like that until it stops feeling like some insurmountable mountain. i know words are not enough to change anything about how much despair and hopelessness you're feeling in this moment. i just want you to attempt to treat yourself the way you'd treat a friend going through something like this. even just for the next 30 minutes. i'm going to leave some resources linked below that have helped me when i've been in a similar spot. they're not solutions and they're not cures. they're just going to allow you to see other perspectives beyond your suicidality. you are so, so worth that. please reach out to a loved one, the authorities or a hotline if you can. it is not going to be as scary as your mind is building it up to be. i would seriously hate to think of you doing something to harm yourself. you have a right to feel how you feel, but you don’t have to give these thoughts the power to actually dictate your reality. i'm really, really glad you're alive and i genuinely hope you're able to get to the point where you are too. you're the one who can really bring yourself back from the edge. what happens next is all in your hands, not in the grip of your negative thoughts, urges, or feelings. please, please do what you know is right for your safety and wellbeing. even if it's the hardest choice in the world to make. please, please stick around for today at the very least. just focus on getting through the now, no matter how unbearable. that's more than good enough, and it's all anyone can ask of you. i'm sending you so, so much love.
international suicide hotlines / guidance for creating a safety plan / coping with suicidal thoughts pdf / download a how to cope factsheet / coping with suicidal thoughts right now / 10+ coping skills worksheets for adults / the coping skills toolbox / how do you stop suicidal thoughts?
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musette22 · 6 months
Hi friends, just a quick message about the Seb in The Apprentice situation. I've (understandably) been getting quite a few messages about it, most of them wondering why on earth Seb had to take this role, and also expressing concerns and hurt about the whole thing. I absolutely hear all of you, and really feel for those of you who are worried and upset. I am too, to some extent, but I know it's far worse for some of you who have been directly affected by this despicable man's actions and influence. I'm so sorry this is bringing back awful memories and emotions, and that it's tainting what should be your safe space and/or escape. That genuinely sucks, to put it mildly 😔
While I always try to make sure that this blog remains a positive and safe space as much as possible, this is something that I couldn't help but express my own concerns about as well. However, I have done that now, and I feel like for the moment, that's all the attention I want to devote to it. The more we talk about it, the more negativity it seems to garner, and that's doesn't feel beneficial to anything. So for the moment, I won't be replying to any more asks about this situation, at least not until we have more substantial information about the direction this movie is taking and what its goal is. I hope that's okay. Thank you for understanding, and I'm sending lots of love and hugs to everyone who needs it ❤️
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coimbrabertone · 1 month
I Guess We Gotta Talk About Andretti...
So, I've been rather negative when it comes to modern F1 on this blog, and unfortunately, we gotta go there again this week.
So, this week, at Indycar's Long Beach Grand Prix - which turned into a pretty good race at the end - Mario Andretti was interviewed when it comes to his son, Michael's, bid to bring Andretti to Formula One as an eleventh team.
Mario, the 1978 Formula One World Champion, said that he's offended and finds it ridiculous that F1 has rejected the application, that Andretti has worked hard to create a deal with GM, has promised to support drivers in F2 and F3, and that value is added to Formula One by having an eleventh team. Basically, Andretti has met every hurdle that FOM has put ahead of them, and what have the FOM and the teams done in turn?
The teams are trying to get a ten-team limit put into the new Concorde Agreement.
Do I think that Andretti would instantly fix all my problems with modern F1? No.
Do I think F1 would be more interesting with another team? Yes.
Why? Because first of all, so many drivers have been stuck on the outside because there's too few seats in F1. Felipe Drugovich is doing fuck all this season because he couldn't get an F1 drive as a runaway F2 champion. Theo Pourchaire, the next F2 champion, is about to do his second Indycar race this weekend with Arrow McLaren. Mick Schumacher, Callum Ilott, and Robert Shwartzman are all in sports cars after super promising F3 and F2 careers. Marcus Armstrong is in Indycar, Louis Deletraz in IMSA, etc, etc.
Even Oscar Piastri, who has one of the most successful junior careers of recent memory, had to take a year off and ended up debuting with McLaren instead of Alpine.
All of these guys who could have F1 seats are instead doing amazing things in other series. Meanwhile, Lance Stroll has an Aston seat because his dad owns the team, Yuki Tsunoda has an Alpha Tauri seat because Honda wants a Japanese driver, and Daniel Ricciardo is his teammate for reasons that even Red Bull seems puzzled about at this point.
Adding two seats in F1 could improve that situation.
At least one of those seats would likely go to an American, and maybe Logan Sargeant has soured some people's tastes towards that, but hey, if you're going to have three races in the US, you're gonna need American talent to help support that interest.
Haas sure as hell isn't doing a good job of being an American team. Hell, Haas isn't doing a good job of much of anything. They have no ambition, they have two safe, boring, older drivers who will score a few points every once in awhile and let the team collect its prize money check at the end of the season. There's nothing exciting about that, Haas isn't going to have some young charger to breathe life into the back of the grid, Haas isn't going to master the 2026 regulations and give some amazing Brawn storyline, they don't even make their own cars - they have Dallara do it.
Andretti is going to have more ambition than that, I can guarantee that if nothing else. Andretti has three full time cars in Indycar, a bunch of cars in Indy Lights, two cars in IMSA in association with Wayne Taylor Racing, and is potentially laying the groundwork for a move into NASCAR as well.
Marco Andretti is in Trucks while Gainbridge, a major investor in Andretti, has been popping up on the Spire cars, along with rumors that Gainbridge and Andretti wanting to buy into the team.
All of this along with a share in an Australian Supercars team, a Formula E team, and Extreme E. They're a global team that isn't afraid to spend money. They're trying to win championships in series across the world.
F1 doesn't think all of that is good enough.
Why? Because that would mean the teams have to split money eleven ways instead of ten. That's it. That's the entire reason.
Paddock space? Space for twenty-six cars is written into the rules.
Value added? Look at all that stuff above, Andretti isn't coming to F1 to fuck around, and even if it was, half the grid is doing the same thing.
It's all about the money.
As much as I fully believe Andretti is overqualified for F1, I almost want them to say fuck it and abandon F1, put the money into the rest of your series. Marcus Ericsson, Kyle Kirkwood, and Colton Herta are competitive each and every week in an Indycar series where being a few tenths off could put you at the back of the field. The #10 and #40 WTR Andretti cars in IMSA are major championship threats. Plus, if Andretti can get that Spire deal and get into NASCAR, that's a sport that's experiencing its own resurgence in popularity.
I know NASCAR is very much focused in the US but having 4.3 million viewers for Talladega this last weekend is four times the ratings that F1 pulls, and everyone's talking about how big F1 is becoming in the US. F1 is getting all these American sponsors and American races, but whenever it comes to letting more Americans into the sport, there's always this hostility.
Motorsports is more than just F1, and the more F1 turns up its nose at the rest of motorsports, the more it alienates fans like me.
Which is a damn shame, because F1 was my first love in motorsports.
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twilightmalachite · 7 months
Shu Itsuki - The Beauty of Distance
Author: Umeda Chitose
Characters: Shu, Kuro
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Non! You mustn’t use such expressions in a public space! Watch your language!"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Summer
Location: Café COCHI
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Shu: (A cup of tea after returning to the country truly is good for the body.)
(The storefront doesn’t appear to be busy either, so I can stay here for some time… Hm?)
(How come a shadow’s suddenly fallen on my table—)
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Shu: !? Ryu~ku… I mean, Kiryu! What are you doing outside the window?
You’re pointing over at my seat… Do you want to come in and sit at the same table as me?
Ah, goodness, trying to converse through the glass will only bring attention. How about you just come on in?
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Time passes…
Kuro: …Yo.
Shu: Quite the greeting you have there. You should be telling me what had you appearing outside the window out of nowhere.
Kuro: What’s the rush for? It’d be rude if I took a seat without orderin’ anythin’, wouldn’t it?
Shu: Hmph. Then hurry up and order yourself something to drink.
Kuro: I told you I’m choosin’ one now. Well, I suppose orderin’ ice tea would be a safe bet.
Shu: —Goodness. I was planning to take it easy for a bit, but to think you would show up.
Kuro: Take it easy and don’t mind me, then. Well, I’m the one who imposed himself onto ya, so guess I’m not one to speak.
Shu: …So, what do you need from me?
Kuro: Just spotted ya and thought to say hi since you’ve returned to Japan.
But well, there’s somethin’ I wanted from ya too. Or well, somethin I wanted to ask ya.
Shu: What do you want to ask?
Kuro: It’s about when I went to France with ya to film for a travel show. There was that incident involvin’ ya, remember? Y’know, the one with the erotic stuff appearin’.[1]
Shu: Non! You mustn’t use such expressions in a public space! Watch your language!
Kuro: …My bad. Didn’t know how else to describe it.
Anyways. Just was wonderin’ about that, if the incident was resolved, y’know. Since we sorta had to leave at a critical point.
Shu: …Sigh. I don’t believe you have the right to know, given you left me for dead at a crucial moment.
But it’s not like I’ve heard anything about the rest of your trip either. Did you get to finish filming?
Kuro: I heard the feature itself is still bein’ edited, but we should’ve gotten some good footage?
Shu: ? That’s quite the vague answer.
Kuro: …To be honest, what left the biggest impression on me was how the flight home was also really tough.
Shu: Good grief. Why don’t you just ask not to be given anything that requires you to be overseas, given you’re so poor with vehicles?
Kuro: ‘Cause we rookie idols ain’t in any position to selfish demands like that.
Shu: Don’t care, give your opinion regardless. You don’t want things like that to negatively affect your health.
Kuro: …Haha, how come your responses to me are always so snappy, Itsuki?
I felt we were able to speak rather peacefully all the way over there. Was it somethin’ about the foreign atmosphere?
Shu: Was it peaceful? Morisawa and Tsukinaga were there, I just have the strong impression that it was quite noisy. What did you and I even get to talk about…?
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Shu & Kuro: ……
—By the way… (That reminds me…)
Shu: What is it?
Kuro: Oh no, it’s not a big deal, what were you sayin’?
Shu: Neither is what I had to say… I’ve got a favor for you since you’re here, but it’s nothing important.
Kuro: A favor?
Sounds good, lemme know what ya got for me…♪
Shu: Why are you so pleased? I’ve just figured to ask if you could carry my luggage.
I’m currently here at COCHI after leaving my luggage back at ES.
But my luggage contains my personal tools and such, so I’d like to bring them back to Starmony Dorms myself. However, with the luggage quantity, I don’t believe I can make it in one trip.
So I thought perhaps you could help me out, so I wouldn't have to go back and forth.
Kuro: That's all? No sweat!
Shu: Are there any concerns?
Kuro: It’s ‘bout our room. I haven’t heard anythin’ ‘bout Sena returnin’ to the country, so I’m assumin’ it’s more or less available, but…
Isara and I have been real busy, so we haven’t been able to give the place a good clean lately. Had I known you were comin’ in advance, I would’a gotten it clean.
Shu: Hm… That being said, you guys aren’t all too messy, right?
Kuro: Yeah. But if I knew ya were comin’, I could’ve taken the chance to hang and fluff up your beddin’ while cleanin’ up, y’know?
I’ll at least use the dryer to freshen it up for tonight. ♪
Shu: …As usual, you act as if you’re my mother.
Kuro: Hey, what’re you takin’ my bill for?
Shu: We’ve each finished our drinks, so it’s about time we leave. Though, I haven’t heard what you were going to say yet.
Kuro: I’m ready to tell ya ‘bout that anytime, but ya didn’t answer my question.
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Shu: …As thanks for carrying my luggage. I’m going to go pay our for our bills, so you can wait outside.
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Kuro: …And off he goes. He really doesn’t need to thank me for that…
Location: In Front of ES Building
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Kuro: …That is a lot of luggage. Definitely not somethin’ you could’ve done in a single trip.
Shu: I’ll take the trunks, and you can take the suitcases… But isn’t it about time I hear about what you had wanted to say, Kiryu?
Kuro: Jumpin’ right to it, arentcha… Let’s start headin’ towards the dorms if you’re ready. …But it really ain’t that big a deal.
Shu: Still, it’s something you wanted to tell me. It wouldn’t be fair if you only had heard me out, wouldn’t it?
Kuro: ……
…A new shop opened on Time Street recently. It’s small, but they have a pretty impressive selection of stuff.
They carry those rare fabrics and threads you always seem to be orderin’ and buyin’, too.
So, I thought ya would like the place too, Icchan. I thought I’d let ya know, since I doubt ya hear ‘bout this stuff bein’ overseas and all.
Shu: ……
…Kagehira and others fill me in on things from time to time, you know… But this is the first I’ve heard about a shop like this.
Kuro: Really? Even I just found the place only the day before last.
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Shu: I’ll head there right away once we drop off the luggage. This shop’s selection that you’re praising so much has piqued my curiosity.
Kuro: Jumpin’ right to it, arentcha… Wait, didn’t I just say that?
But well, ya don’t know how to get there, don’t ya? I don’t got anythin’ goin’ on after this, so I’ll show ya the way.
Shu: …I’m sure I can just figure out the way from others. But if you’d like to show me the way, then you’re welcome to.
Kuro: Alright. And ya can tell me ‘bout how that incident went while we’re at it!
Shu: Kiryu… Is that all you wanted to hear about in the end?
In that case, you can tell me everything you can remember about your trip, then.
We can try talking about what we’ve been up to in a normal way, can’t we? …It didn’t feel right hearing that we can’t interact peacefully in this country.
[ ☆ ]
story directory
Referring to the incident from Astraea’s Atelier. For context, uncensored paintings and statues began to mysteriously appear in Shu’s atelier from time to time, causing him a lot of stress. Shu, Chiaki, Kuro, and Leo theorized it was one of Shu’s artist fans and beneficiaries leaving their art throughout Shu’s atelier in hopes of having their art recognized by him instead after having been dismissed as “vulgar” by him.
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thefallennightmare · 5 months
As a fan of Bad Omens, I’m really confused. Are we as a collective hating on the band now and wishing ill of them? Because that is how the latest posts are reading in response to the new website content from the band. There is very little that comes across as positive toward them and if anything, it is uncomfortable to read as a fan of the band, trying to fit in with a group when you can’t share those interests with real life friends. Why have a fan community at all for something that people appear to so actively dislike? You can find that level of mean girl behavior in any other fandom and media without trying and it’s exhausting as a fan to navigate where is the safe space, if it exists, where you won’t get trashed for liking something and the posts won’t have a negative vibe to them.
While I agree that some comments on their teaser post with Poppy have generated a lot of negativity, I'm not hating on Bad Omens at all. I'm a fucking fan through and through no matter what. Even though I'm not a fan of Poppy, I'm excited to see what is to come of this teaser.
Just because I don't like her music, doesn't mean I'm going to say negative shit about her or Bad Omens. I don't understand how you can be a fan of someone but yet complain that you're not happy with what they're doing or where the direction of the band is going.
The negativity has been around since they canceled VIP and I'm afraid it will never stop. Part of me believes that Bad Omens knew people weren't going to be happy but they said fuck it, because they're excited as hell for this new era. We should be happy as well!
Anon, here is always a safe space. My blog is always a safe space. As long as people don't bring negative energy about Noah, Jolly, both Nicks, or anyone in the crew, anyone is welcome here.
I won't tolerate ANY negative bullshit. People will be deleted, blocked, or called out depending on my mood.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Hello everyone!
So I need to bring some attention to something that has happened to me and some others in the community recently. I didn’t want to. In fact, myself and the others involved tried really hard to handle this quietly, but there is an individual who has become problematic and has negatively impacted some of our experience within the (Oscar Isaac) fandom. I’m literally just trying to escape from reality and write fanfic about a man I’ll never have, but I felt like this had to be done.
Drama trigger warning below the cut:
I’m only going to tell my side of this story, because that’s all I can do. It’s not my place to tell the stories of the others who have been affected by this individual. I’m not going to bring the names of my friends into this and if they would like to share their side then they can.
I just want to remind everyone that my page is meant to stay drama free, and that will still be my goal going forward, but this individual has made herself impossible to ignore at this point in time. I hope you all can see based on my post history that it is unusual for me to post something like this and give me some grace while I draw attention to someone who has been an outright bully in our wonderful community.
This community has always been a happy place for me. It’s been a safe space and I feel like this person has been hurting others that I care about and making it a less than pleasant place in the meantime.
The individual in question is @lonely-dark-moon - Anna
This issue started months ago with a friend of mine who I’ll call Friend-A. Friend-A and Anna had been getting along well, and everything was fine. I made it a point to follow Anna’s previous blog, annautumnsoul, which has since been deactivated, to show support and care for Friend-A. I wanted to show Anna that she was welcome with Friend-A’s other friends and I wanted her to feel welcome.
Something happened between them, and if Friend-A would like to openly speak about it they can, but I won’t speak on that at this time. All I knew was that Friend-A was telling me about someone else in the community (Anna) that was making them extremely uncomfortable, and making them feel like they couldn’t interact normally in the community without Anna making Friend-A feel bad or without Anna acting irrationally toward them.
I was told by Friend-A that this person (whose name at the time I still didn’t know was Anna) had commented privately on the fact that Friend-A would interact with me or ask me to look over Friend-A’s work. She (Anna) had told Friend-A that, in short, it made her feel bad that Friend-A would do things with another friend (me), thus making Friend-A feel like they needed to step back from the community to avoid further argument. Eventually, Friend-A asked politely for Anna to leave her alone, to which Anna took great offense.
Friend-A would not tell me who was making her feel this way. I put 2 and 2 together when I saw that Anna had deactivated her account. Friend-A still wouldn’t tell me who it was in the community, but it was easy to decipher. When Anna made her new account, @lonely-dark-moon, I promptly blocked it so as to avoid the drama. As I said, I don’t like to get into this kind of stuff, and I had my suspicions that this was her doing.
Friend-A seemed to feel better after this, starting to get involved in the community again, and that’s when the anonymous inboxes and DMs started. Again, I won’t get into details about those, it’s not my place, but Friend-A was advised by myself and others to block this person that we still didn’t know was Anna (Friend-A only shared the contents of the messages, not who they were from). Every time Friend-A would block her, a new account would surface, and that account would send more messages. I believe there were 7-8 fake accounts made in an attempt to reach Friend-A.
How many times do you need to block someone before they get the hint? I would think only once, but Anna is nothing if not persistent. She continued, making several accounts to harass Friend-A with, and for a long time I continued to tell her to block and ignore. This has been going on for MONTHS (if that tells you how badly I didn’t want to put this girl on blast, I could’ve done this months ago). I really didn’t want it to come to this, I was hoping that we could all just sweep it under the rug and that Anna would move on and leave us all alone.
Friend-A continued to feel unsafe (and still wouldn’t tell me who it was doing this to her), and as her friend, I was being respectful and biting my tongue despite my suspicions that it was Anna. I didn’t want Anna to think that Friend-A was running her name through the mud, because she wasn’t. Friend-A was simply confiding in a friend (me) about someone who made her feel extremely upset.
So…why am I doing this now? Well, because of this:
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She made it personal, and she gave me the opportunity to step in and stop watching my friend get harassed and being unable to do anything about it. Now let me be clear. The only personal interaction I had with Anna, other than today, was positive. She was always kind to me and I was always kind to her, so why she said this about me now, I don’t know.
Everyone in my friend circle here in the community, and followers I’ve had for a long time, know that I’m not a bad person. To say “at first you don’t notice it” ok then when do you notice it? Please enlighten me because some people have been waiting since December (when I first joined the fandom) to see the “bad side” of Melody (because there isn’t one. I’m chill and I’m just here to write my silly fics and have a good time). “Some people are afraid of them”, who? Please tell me that too? Because if I’ve done anything to make anyone feel afraid or unsafe then I’d like to know, but I doubt that’s the case. I think the only person who’s afraid of me is the person who called me out on their post and then conveniently deleted it…good thing I took screenshots when I did.
So this leads me to the interaction I had with Anna today.
After seeing this post she made this morning, I put together a well thought out message to her that I sent to her privately. The long and short of it was this:
I know you’ve been harassing Friend-A for a long time. I know you made a post about me today. Are we going to have a problem or are you going to chill out?
She responded by telling me that she doesn’t care about me, that she doesn’t know who was saying that I’m “afraid of me”, and that she doesn’t know why people are afraid of me as long as I leave her alone she doesn’t care.
My problem with her response is this, I tried to leave her alone. I really did. In fact, I haven’t had a day off from work in weeks and you think I wanted to spend my entire day doing THIS? I have so many fics I could be working on right now and you think that this is something I wanted to do? Hell no. I wouldn’t have done this if it wasn’t extremely important to me that her behavior come to a stop.
I genuinely really did want to leave her alone, and so did Friend-A. I mean that with all of my heart. The problem is, that she can’t seem to leave my friend alone (the most recent harassing message only being sent a few days ago), and the spite fic she wrote? Cute. And now she’s bringing me into it by dragging my name through the mud. Enough is enough.
With any luck, you’ll never see another drama related post from me again. I hate that I had to do this but I didn’t know what else to do. How do you stop an internet bully? You let everyone else know what they’re doing. If we continue to keep what she’s doing a secret, it’s just going to allow her to continue thinking it’s ok and hurting other people.
I’m not going to ask anyone to block her, do what you want. I’m also not going to talk about this further unless anyone wants to come talk to me about it privately. If you don’t believe me, and you think I’m evil then by all means, feel free to block me or unfollow me, that’s fine. I really hope you all understand that this wasn’t how I envisioned spending my Wednesday, and it took a lot for me to get to this point because this is fucking not how I want my blog to be, but I couldn’t take this anymore.
Lots of love and thank you,
Melody <3
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thetriumphantpanda · 2 months
hi charlie! 
to say the vibes have been off lately would be an understatement, wouldn’t it? because there has been a lot of negativity, too much for a place that is supposed to be about finding an outlet for your creativity and people to share your interests.
i know it has been difficult, draining to be around here and face all the discourse cankering the fandom. 
because of all this negativity, i believe it is important to try and balance it out with some kindness. so here i am, doing a little check-up on you <3
so first, how are you, really?
everything you feel regarding what is happening is valid and you deserve to feel happy and safe around here. so please, make sure you take the time you need from posting, from sharing fics, even just from being on the platform. i want you to know it’s okay and i support whatever you decide, for whatever reason.
i also want you to know that you have your place here, as much as the rest of us. you’re loved and wanted and i can assure you the fandom is a far better place with you in it.
i hope you’re taking care of yourself outside of tumblr as well. please remember to stay hydrated and to eat something 🫶🏼
now i would like you to sit back and enjoy the perfect, quiet night in with joel <3
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do not hesitate to reach out if you need to talk, i’m here for you! sending you all my love and so many hugs 🫂
anna 💗
Ahhh Anna, this is so sweet of you - thank you for taking the time to try and combat so much of the negativity on here by spreading some love - it's so important!
I have had so many thoughts about what's been going on lately, some of which I'll share here, but I'll put under a read-more so if you're not wanting to read discourse, you don't have to!
I'm going to go and enjoy my quiet night in with Joel, because that would absolutely fix me right now and thank you for sharing that with me. He's making me a cup of tea right now and is going to bring it to me, we'll watch TV and I will continue crocheting a blanket for us to snuggle up under!
Take care of yourself Anna, and thank you for always being kind and wonderful on here!
If you've been around here a while, you'll know that I rarely, if ever, get involved and wade into the discourse that floats around often. It's not because I don't care, it's because this blog has, and always will be, my way to escape the pressure of my real life. I have enough personal drama to contend with outside of the internet, and I very rarely want to allow it to bleed into the one space I have where I can escape for some peace.
That being said, it has become harder and harder for me to ignore the absolute storm of shit that has been swirling these past weeks. My friends and mutuals having their works blatantly stolen and then receiving hate when calling this out. People I look up to and whose writing I enjoy being attacked for presenting certain kinks. The insane rise in anon hate being spouted not just here, but across other sites as well. It's all too much and it all has to stop.
The people on this site create fic because they enjoy it. They graciously and selflessly write thousands of words for your enjoyment, for free might I add, without asking for very much in return. They write often around full-time jobs, school work and through personal and health issues. They agonise over making sure their work is as good as they can make it. They don't owe you anything, we don't owe you anything. We do this because we enjoy it, but the current climate on this absolute hellsite is making the enjoyment really fucking hard to find these days.
Be kind to each other. Stop hiding behind the cloak of anonymity to spew hate and be mean. Stop stealing other people's work. If you come across a fic that has warnings or themes that aren't your cup of tea, stop reading and walk away. Take a step back and think about what will happen if writers are continuously driven off this site.
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malixxxmizer · 3 months
Meet Malixxx!
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✧༺ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆༻∞
☆ Welcome to my blog! My name is malixxx and I’m 18 years old, I’m a proud mexican, I go by she/her, and I’m your typical metal head!
☆ I play guitar, I love v-kei and j-rock/j-metal, I like metal (power metal, groove metal, thrash metal, gothic metal, etc.), hard rock, and I dabble in k-pop, and other genres!
☆ I’m a college student so it might take me a while to respond to asks, or messages but I always try to be as quick as I can with things like that. I’m just looking to make more friends and write as a distraction from my busy life!
☆ some bands I like are pantera (I LOVE DIMEBAG), metallica, iron maiden, bad omens, lorna shore, malice mizer, jiluka, my dead girlfriend, bring me the horizon, slayer, steve vai, kublai khan tx, slipknot, opeth, ghost, type of negative, strawberry switchblade, my chemical romance, death, jinjer, slaughter to prevail, motionless in white, and more!
☆ feel free to message me for asks or requests, or even to talk about music! My account is a safe space for 2slgbtqia+ individuals, the girlies, metalheads, poc, and for anyone else who wants a place to belong!!!!! Any hate targeted towards any of these groups will not be tolerated! Thanks <333
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fanstuffrantings · 6 months
"It's become so popular to cyberbully people in this fandom, especially if they hold any opinion outside the extremely limited and strictly enforced one-way-only 'acceptable' opinion."
This. Fucking this. I haven't experienced anon hate ir any sort of harrassment, but hearing the hate people can get boogles my mind.
You like Adam or dislike how things ended for him? You feel uncomfortable how fndm treats him? You're an abuse apologist. (because the only villains you're allowed to like are the ones WE decide you can like.)
You like Ironwood or dislike how things ended for him? You dislike how his villain arc got writen? You feel uncomfortable how fndm treats his paranoia and prosthetics? You're a terrible person who supports facism, because you dared to do some critical thinking and don't agree with the group by daring to have different opinions (how ironic)
You ship Blacksun instead of Bumbleby? You're a hompohobe, 'cause Yang and Sun are totally the same people so you should be shipping BB too. (Lets ignore how I water down Yang and Sun to 1 surface level trait and that both have different plotlines with Blake)
And now shipping FB is bad? I thought this fandom cared about f/f ships? Guess, not and only care about keeping everyone in line. For god's sake, you're telling me people got shitted on for theorizing that Qrow is Ruby's dad?? Sheez, with this pathern of behavior I can safely assume I would get accused of being a military bootlicker who supports bombing cities because I like Harriet.
For my time in this fandom I learned the only way I can enjoy RWBY, without mentally blocking out the toxic part of Fndm or getting mentally tired in the Rwde side and without getting frustrated by the canon...is to stay in my corner. No matter how friendly Rwby positive blog looks like - I'm staying in my corner. Quick look at their posts about Rwde, Ironwood etc. and I'm taking a distance.
And what sucks more, I do want to talk about RWBY with people. I want to talk without bringing up it's flaws. Once I brought up RWBY to a mutual of mine and they hadn't heard of it before, but said they would check it out.
I was happy because I would have someone to talk about RWBY, but then later I remembered about how Fndm can be, about the war with criticism they have. I would get worried them getting harrassed if they talk about the flaws. What if Fndms toxicity influences them? Maybe, I did the bad thing for mentioning RWBY to them??
I get, Fndm not wanting constant critcism in their dash. Trying to enjoy a show with many pointing out the cracks can be draining. But all this? All these rules of what to think, like and ship? This isn't ok.
I agree that RWBY haters can drive off new fans of the show. but there are times where fandoms are too responsible for this. Congrats Fndm, I'm tired.
Largely since my re-entry into the fandom I've been incredibly careful about separating positive posts from critical ones. I'll tag things as rwde/rwby critical liberally because I don't want to chance a post I make finding someone who thinks it's too negative. I tend to be more critical this days or think a lot about alterations I'd make to canon to enjoy myself more and I'm having fun doing that in my corner of the internet.
I think mainly the part that threw me was to see a harmless post get someone upset, and then a request for people to manage their internet space only caused this to worsen. Last time I posted freezerburn content (2016 I believe) it was treated as normal and not subject to controversy. It felt a bit like getting a bucket of ice water dumped on me because I wasn't ready for a completely angry response to positivity.
The fandoms response to my recent posts about this situation has been overall more positive in all honesty with a lot of support and mutual aggrevation (like this) at how many rwby fans can often live in an echo chamber where canon is law and anyone who ignores said law is out to destroy RWBY regardless of how much they might enjoy the show.
This defensive nature might stem from fans getting incredibly protective of the series because there was a point when it would get a lot of unnecessary hate in the early days for dumb things (animation and episode length when budget was clearly an issue). But even so they now begin to lump everyone enjoying the show differently together and assume the worst which is what isolates so may people.
I do appreciate all of you for being supportive though and it's unfortunate that the fandom got into a state like this, I feel like it's one of the worst versions of this type of thing in fandom that I've seen. But when we get the fans who accept people are going to have differences of opinions and handle their online space to make sure they're having fun it makes enjoying the fandom easier!
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multifandomslxt · 11 months
Read before you follow
Make sure you are 18+
Minors DO NOT interact
I try to block underage accounts. Or accounts that do not have an age in the bio but obviously I can’t do them all. This is a WARNING ⚠️ Do not interact if you are a minor.
No bots up in this bxxch
Y’all please reblog, comment or like something so I can know that y’all ain’t a bot
No Racism, homophobia, body shaming or any negativity
Don’t bring that shit here🧍🏿‍♀️this is a SAFE SPACE.
I want my blog to be a positive one. That’s all imma say on that.
I won’t be writing all requests I get.
If I deem them inappropriate then I ain’t writing that shxt😊
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felizusnavidad · 5 months
hi. thank you for being here.
(aka i am so grateful for blogs like you existing, because after i see a negative post about lmm (happens way too often to my liking), i can come to your blog, scroll through your posts, and it's going to bring a smile to my face and my day will be better again. i don't know if that makes sense i'm writing this at 3:30 am.)
thank you.
whaaaat, that's so sweet of you! 🥺
getting messages like this always makes me feel like i'm actually doing something good for this fandom, even if it's not that much, it's still SOMETHING. so whoever you are, i just need you to know you brought the biggest smile to my face!
with that being said, this is a safe space for all lmm fans, feel free to visit and scroll, drop something in my ask box, send a request, literally anything you want. i am trying my best to bring more positivity into this fandom (especially now after all this pjo hate) & it makes me the happiest to know that it's not going to waste!
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hi!! i hope you’re having a great day!! i was curious how the obey me ! boyfies (hcs) would react if their s/o who is selectively clingy w certain people kinda back off suddenly because they just feel.. embarrassed?? like when they were a kid people reacted negatively to their clinginess and would ignore them for it. and they just feel so dumb to show emotion & showing their clinginess? and they feel like they’re being a bother and being annoying too... & suddenly just feel like closing off from the world lol? & like they can just feel really out of place and get negative thoughts that they don’t belong there, X person or a group of ppl in the convo don’t wanna talk to them etc and feel like they don’t belong in the conversation if that makes sense (i get those thoughts especially when i’m in a group i feel like i get overlooked a lot lol and i’ve never really felt included + like i can just feel so overwhelmed sometimes about the amount pf people / crowds or feeling like i’m being judged bc i’m beating myself up mentally abt my insecurities and i just end up most likely having a panic attack and just like tearing up, either crying on the spot or trying to hold it in till i get home). i’ve been feeling like this recently and i’d love to see what they’d do if that’s possible please!! thank you so much!!
I love such requests and I want to remind everyone that my blog is a very safe space where we can imagine whatever we want for our MC and be proud of it. Happy to write it!
He is stunned at first. Like, things were going great and suddenly, you are backing off?...
He looks you deep in the eyes, lifting your chin up, and asks softly "Is everything okay or do you need to share something?"
Is incredibly patient while you are trying to explain what's going on in your head.
Also, will not let you go unless you share everything to him about how you feel and why.
"I love you deeply and I hope my loyalty and love will soon help you realize what a wonderful creature worth of admiration you are".
Okay, he'll be judging himself immediately as soon as you back off because well, he is in a constant state of low self-confidence and always feels like he is guilty for everything that happens.
"Did I do something wrong? I'll understand if yes, I ruin everything"
Oh, it has NOTHING to do with him. Huh. A relief. But another worry then - what caused you to act this way?
After you explain the reasoning behind your behavior, he slightly relaxes but is still worried.
"Can I help somehow? Like, you want some time alone or something? Just tell me,okay?"
Will hug you and whisper "I love you" in your ear till it tickles and you laugh.
Oh no, what did he do? Why did you back off?
Is it because he is too much of an otaku? HE KNEW IT
It’s not him? Huh? It’s a relief, probably. Though he is still upset about your reaction because he can’t understand it and starts to worry too.
“M-m-maybe you can explain it to me? I’m sure I can understand. I’ve been living in the shadow of my brothers, I know about such things”
Ah, he sees it now. 
He will smile brightly and hug you. “It’s okay to feel like this but I hope, together we can create a safe space for us both”.
Is slightly suprirsed, confused and a tiny bit offended.
Because well, everything was great and then... this thing happened. Did he do anything wrong? 
Because he must know so not to repeat it in the future.
He sees you are hesitant to explain but surprisingly, Satan is really patient and will not just let it go.
“Kitten, I’ve never in my life been happier than when I am with you. It’s okay sometimes we need our space but trust me, you never bore or upset me”.
Will make you some mint tea and will bring you sugar cookies while reading a book to you.
To be honest, he is slightly hurt because no one ever backed off from him before.
Will become very emotional but also determined to find out the reason behind your behavior.
“Darling, but would you please come in my arms? I’d love to calm you down”.
Will stroke your hair and give you kisses on the head until you are able to explain what happened.
Is super sensitive and supportive (which is one of his greatest strengths)
“My dear, even I feel overlooked at times... Just don’t tell anyone, okay?”
He has a bit of a hard time understanding such things so he will honestly have no idea what to do at first.
Like, do you wanna be alone or do you need him? Do you wanna cry or are you angry at him?
It’s really complex for Beel and he often wishes he was better at understanding both demons and humans.
He will directly ask you and will apologize for not understanding your emotions.
While he can’t fully comprehend the concept of you being selectively clingy, he will do his best to understand it in the future.
“Just share how you feel with me, okay? Like, always”
He won’t show it but it hurt him when you backed off.
“Maybe you can write me a note next time you decide you don’t like me anymore?”
*yeah, sarcasm is his weapon of choice when he is confused*
Will hate himself for saying that so will be double-confused since he is akward with apologies.
“Baby, I didn’t mean to... Damn! Listen, I’m sorry, I just got a bit scared and I don’t know what’s happening. Mind explaining, please?”
*yes, he is super akward with that*
Will be surprisingly patient and caring while waiting for your explanation because a) he needs to know and b) he slightly screwed up so...
“I see. We’ll work it out so no worries again, deal?”
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
I’ve managed to move out (staying with my extended family rn) and even though I made it out of that environment, I still have so much wrong with me. Anxiety, depression, ocd, ed’s. Anxiety being my worst issue. Just started college online this month and I still feel like I’m far from functioning normally again. I don’t want to use what I went through as an excuse though. It’s been about a year and I just want to be normal and socialize and not obsess over problems that aren’t even there. The idea of relying on anyone scares me and I’m trying to be as independent as when I was younger but how can I do that when everything sends me into a spiral. I quit my first job four days in even though everything was perfect. I couldn’t eat or sleep or think straight. Still have to retake my permit test. It’s been the definition of crippling but I know I could do better. And I’m trying. How can I just move on? I’m so sick of trauma being my entire identity. Does therapy really work? But I’m scared of taking meds because of my ed. I’m beyond lost.
P.s. Your blog has been incredibly helpful throughout all of this. One of the only times I’ve felt understood. Thank you <3
Unfortunately, it's the worst of trauma that we deal with after moving away. It's not an excuse, and you can't force yourself to be okay after just one year. What is happening with you is a proof that you've been put thru severe trauma and that it's not something you can quickly heal. I understand it's endlessly frustrating, devastating, and feels hopeless that you can't act normal, can't be completely independent and you feel awful relying on others - that does feel horrible.
I believe that what you need is more time, and more support. Even if right now you can't handle having a job, it doesn't mean it will be this way forever. Even if right now everything feels wrong, it won't stay that way forever. Recovery happens slowly and you have to accept it's own terms, and not push yourself so hard it brings you hopelessness when it doesn't work out. I think you need a space where you only do things you feel comfortable and safe doing, and then when you're able to relax, you can expand that space so that more things are comfortable and safe. When you're coming from that kind of space, you can gain stability and feel more confident, and also make a better risk assessment in what is currently okay for you to try, without falling into despair if it doesn't work out.
Also people quit jobs, mess up tests, have to retake permits, struggle with taking meds, even without severe trauma, and it's fairly common. You're only feeling such strong guilt and shame over it because the trauma amplifies your every negative experience into a disaster. It doesn't mean you're a failure, and it doesn't mean it will always be this way. Don't lose hope, give yourself more time and patience, with time you will manage to do everything right.
Also, give yourself lots of credit for escaping abusive environment! That is a big step that a lot of people struggle for a long time to take, and it's something you did, that is pretty incredible! You already are doing everything right, you're only human, and you can do only as much as a human being in your situation can. You're doing the best you can.
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luvlloyd · 2 months
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 @luvlloyd ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
˗ˏˋ〘 ✎ 𝐀𝐁𝐓 𝐌𝐄!! 〙ˎˊ˗
— hiya! you can call me PJ or yours ;) i occasionally write but that depends on motivation, uhh im currently studying to be a patent attorney which is cool (as you can tell I cannot talk for the life of me), currently in my ninjago phase so here we are!! some of my free-time hobbies including writing & reading, procrastinating, playing video games, tennis and listening to the weekend whip and lana del rey religiously. If it interests you im alsoi’m an istp, a scorpio and a desi kudi here <3 if you have any criticisms, concerns or comments please feel free to message me any time!
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˗ˏˋ〘 ✎ 𝐃𝐍𝐈 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 〙ˎˊ˗
i welcome anyone of any age to my blog but just be keep in mind of what i reblog (read below for more) and please read the warnings of my posts :) if by any means i make you uncomfortable please feel free to block me anytime! i understand and i hope you have a good one!
— I write SFW works ONLY as i simply cannot write NSFW, suggestive writing is fine though!!
— It’s also worth mentioning that i do have old reblogs with NSFW works, so if you’re searching through my blog and see it and you’re uncomfortable I’m sorry 😭 I will no longer be reblogging NSFW pieces on here.
— a x reader blog, so no OCS but sometimes I may do matchups for yall if you guys are interested in that
— i’m fine with writing about violence , gore and abuse (when i mean abuse i mean like past abusive relationships with others), insecurities, or etc. again, just trying to make this a safe place for yall!
— im fine with writing platonically and or romantically (as long as the person is in a similar age range as the reader)
— i currently write only for Ninjago and School Bus Graveyard any fandom suggestions will be considered tho!!
— any one who brings hate and negativity in other people’s lives will be not tolerated on this blog (zionists, homophobics, etc.) just seriously keep things that dont need to be said to yourself this blog is meant to be a comfort space for anyone
— DNI: nya x jay shippers (JKJK I LOVE JAYA LMAO, but genuinely I respect ur opinions pookies no matter what)
Thank you and I hope you consider staying :)
⠀ ⤷⠀⠀˖⠀ 𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐒: ⠀⁺
• 𝐌𝐀𝐃 𝐀𝐓 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐘: various
• 𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒: cole, jay, kai, lloyd
🍏 | #luvs talking! : chit chat / shit posts
🥝 | #luvs reblogging : any thing I reblog/recommend
˗ˏˋ〘 ✎ 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 〙ˎˊ˗
none :)
anyone interested in being an anon let me know! i’d love for you to become one ^^ 💚
˗ˏˋ〘 ✎ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 〙ˎˊ˗
all: none :)
specific characters taglist: none
if you have a specific character you want me to mention you in when I post about them please let me know via asks or replies!
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please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate my work anywhere without my consent.
also known as @/PR0D13Y on WATTPAD and @/PRODIGIES on QUOTEV :)
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vampire-the-askerade · 8 months
Look I know that this is coming sort of out of no where, and maybe a little bit of airing dirty laundry more than anything actually productive. But, I feel like I need to take some accountability for stuff, mostly to try to right somethings and also for the peace for my own person.
So, without divulging too much personal stuff, for a decent many years, most of the ones I have been running this page, I was not in a good place with my mental health. And, admittedly, it was at least partially, if not fully my own fault for not taking the steps I needed to better my state of mind.
The reason that I bring that up is while I might not be totally aware of the extent of everything I did in relation to this neglect, I do know that there are plenty of times where I have handle subjects and more importantly interactions with people very poorly.
There are a few cases in particular that were very bad, to the point where I doubt they will even seen this as they rightfully left this blog and interactions with me with a bad taste in their mouths.
To them if they ever see this I am truly and deeply sorry. I fucked up and to try and put it more flowery would be pandering and disingenuous to you.
On a more general note, though it is related to the section above, I had a very blurry and quite frankly delusional view of the boundaries of parasocial relationships between the people who interact with my things and myself. If this in any way has affected you negatively in any way, I am also sorry to you.
To not take things farther than that, to keep it short, to the point, and genuine as I possibly can, I just wanted to say that I am taking important things more seriously now, keeping myself accountable for past mistakes, and doing my best to mitigate the possibility of future ones. As always, if there is ever something that I say or do that is offensive in anyway, please tell me and I will do my best to address and correct where needed.
To everyone who has supported this page and it’s contents, thank you. I hope to go forward from here and hopefully make more content, as well as a more welcoming and safe space for vampire fans.
-REO (that one weird askerade person)
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