#I should probably try to calm down a bit before I make a habit out of it
theswedishpajas · 10 months
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judasgot-it · 4 months
Kaldo x Reader - Can I kiss you?
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word count - 1.5 k
It first started when you were paired up for potions class, paired up with the mysterious boy from the powerful Ghenna family.
You heard a lot about him, how he was excellent with fire magic - how he was guranteed the position of the Fire Cane, just like his mother before him had. Everyone had known this about him though, he wasn't exactly hard to spot, with his rather noteable hairstyle and weird hobby of carrying a giant sword with him.
“So, is it true that you put honey on your sushi?”
His face stayed concentrated, trying to remain hard at the task at hand - his hand expertly waving his wand as if he had done this spell thousands of times before. He probably had, considering his lineage and all. You didn't even bother to participate, seeing as he had rather handled it all himself.
“Where did you hear that?” His voice was deep for you would have thought, rather smoothe and thick than what his stature gave the impression of. Kind of like honey. Ironic.
“I heard it from your roommate. But do you?“ You had taken your nails and started to draw simple patterns on the desk, making little animals made of light that danced along the wood. They entertained you in the lieu of the awkward silence.
”So what if I do? It's not weird.“
He had mumbled the last word, his closed eyelids twitching as he somehow watched your 'group project' bubble over into a perfect reaction. It was an easy A, wasn't it.
“No, it's not. I think it's kind of cute how sweet you like everything, actually.”
You had gone back to watching your little light animals dance around each other, too distracted too see how Kaldo's face flushed. That had been the first time he had heard himself be called 'cute' let alone his 'weird' eating habits.
It was something about being called that, in his mind, would never be replacable.
After that project, what you had once known as the rather intimidating 'kid from the Ghenna family' had become some weird shadow that wouldn't leave your side no matter what you did.
Even when he became the Fire Cane, or when you had both graduated - he hadn't ever left your side, running back to you every moment he could.
He was still cute, drenching his sushi in honey every chance he got. Although now he was half a foot taller and had a new outfit, it still made you giggle watching him eat with honey smeared all over his face.
“Kaldo, you kind of look like a cute bear.” Reaching over, you wiped the honey off of his face with your thumb, giving it a taste yourself. It was strangly salty as well, although that was probably blamed by the mixed-in soy sauce.
”Wh' d' m'een k'nd 'f?“ Whatever Kaldo had said, you didn't understand a word of it. Simply nodding, you went and took a sip of your water, watching as he had no trouble swallowing the swathes of honey and bits of fish in his mouth.
“You know, Y/n - you've always called me cute.“
He was serious, facing his entire body towards you. His posture was relaxed, although you've known him long enough to see how his eyebrows crinkled in a sort of nervous tension.
“Do you ever…mean, anything by that?“
The pearl haired man swallowed nervously after saying this, trying to stay calm as his eyes watched for your reaction. You simply blinked back, taking all of him in at the moment.
The Fire Cane, one of the most powerful magic users in the continent, was torn to shreds by flirting. His face said it all to you.
”Kaldo, what do you think I mean by it.“
He looked down to his plate as if it was the most interesting thing in the world - as if the well dead fish had miraculously could answer for him.
“Um. I don't know, it's why I asked. I've been wondering, it just seems, you know…“
”You know? What?“ A smirk pulled across your face as Kaldo struggled to say the word out loud. Romantic. Like a child who just learned a naughty word and was too scared to hear it out loud.
Maybe you should go easy on him, though. Afterall, you did like him. Even if he was taken down so easily by mere words, it seemed. And had more than strange tastes.
”I'm flirting with you. I've been doing it since highschool, actually. Did you just notice?”
The great Fire Cane himself had curled into himself, his tall figure trying to hide into bar seat as best as he could. It didn't work, but seeing a peak of his bright red face and mock of white hair was more than entertaining for you.
It took him a while to bring his composure back, his face still flushed and his posture still taught as he looked down at you. Hard to believe he could be embarrassed so easily.
”So does that mean you like me?“
”I thought it was obvious. Do let anyone else lick honey off of your face?“
”No, but you aren't just anyone.“
Kaldo tried to keep his face serious despite how his embarrassment was still very evident on his face.
”And what do you mean by that?“
You leaned over, your nose almost touching his as you enjoyed watching him fall apart at the realization. He only leaned away slightly, not enough to have your shoulders no longer touch his chest though.
His body was warm, even through his layers of clothes. It made you press up closer against him, continueing your teasing tirade. You had never gone this far before, and you could feel your own blush creep along your cheeks as you felt his hand brush along the back of your neck, pulling you closer-
”Are you going to pay for that, sir?“
The both of you jumped, staring at the disgruntled chef who was glaring at Kaldo's honey covered sushi. His eye's were dark and cold as he watched the two of you awkwardly unentangle from one-another - you even having to scoot back into your chair, after having almost sitting in Kaldo's lap for that near kiss.
You were now the one embarassed, trying to hide your face by staring at the table and hoping no one would notice as Kaldo smoothely paid for both of your orders, as if it made what happened between the two of you any better.
It did not, as the chef's eyes were still felt even as you walked far out of his line of sight.
”You know, we should do this again sometime.“
The two of you were walking the same as you always had, side by side - Kaldo slowing his steps to match yours, while you stayed just close to his shoulder, letting his mere status clear your path.
“That chef was so mad at us, though!” You were still freaked out about the look in his eyes - how you had almost kissed Kaldo, had it not been for that guy. You could still imagine the warmth of his gloved hand along your neck, and it made you feel even colder as the wind blew against your face.
Kaldo just laughed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer to his side. His confidence had returned, the embarrassment from earlier only seen by the small blush still visible in his cheeks.
”No, I mean, this. I think we should go out again. Like this.“ He shook your shoulders for emphasis, groaning as if to shake sense in your head.
”We do go out like this.“ You were fighting a blush on your cheeks, as well as trying to keep your walking even with his as he pressed his weight on top of yours. He was heavier than it seemed.
”No, but not in this way. Telling each other things, and when before the chef came over. It's nice.“
”Do you just want to kiss me?“
Kaldo blinked his eyes open, staring right at you. His face had turned into the same color as the ribbons in his hair, although you were not one to talk - saying that sentence had made you so weak in the knees you had started to rest your weight against Kaldo's chest, greatful he worked out.
His arm pulled you in closer by the shoulders, forcing you to stop in your tracks. His eyes nearly glowed in the dim streetlights, scanning your every feature.
“I can't help it. You look kissable.”
“Well, I was going to kiss you before, wasn't I? So do it now.“
He didn't need to be told twice, his gloved hand taking your face and pressing it against his. It was messy, your noses mashed against one another and his teeth gnashing against your lips.
You took your hand to card through his ivory hair, thumbing over the red ribbon holding it all together. You gave yourselves room to breathe, and moved against his frozen face as you tried to salvage the awkward kiss.
Kaldo pulled away first, heaving a large breath and eyes wide and blown out. He looked as if he had ran a marathon in that moment.
You tried to catch your breath as well, gaining your footing again as you still felt his warm body pressing against yours. It was either that or the kiss, that had started to make you sweat.
”That was great.“ Kaldo looked insane, coming down from a high that had essentially left breathless. His hair was messy, and his face was broken into one of the widest smiles you had seen in a while.
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Sorry y'all, not my best but I think there's some demon that's taken over me and it made me write for Kaldo. Also sorry to the Mashle community.
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heartpiratedrabbles · 4 months
Misunderstandings Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2 ~
Crocodile X Fem Reader
“This isn’t our room,” You mutter as you sit on the bed of a suite Crocodile had led you too. It was much less charming than the penthouse you have lived in for the past year or so.
Crocodile shrugs off his fur coat while blowing smoke in your direction, “That’s because they’re probably raiding our place right now.” His words were tired at the thought of having the clean up a mess but your heart pounded when you heard him use the word our. “Now Princess. Do you want to explain to me why you caused a scene today?” His voice changed to that of amusement and annoyance.
You flop onto the bed, turning your face to bury it into the comforter, “You wanna explain who that hussy is?” You knew back-talking him wasn’t the smartest idea but your frustration and anger were still alive and well even if your body had become tired. “I thought you were replacing me.” The pout came out with a small whimper as you kick off your shoes before curling your legs onto the bed.
You felt the bed dip on either side of you, and see his good arm support himself next to your head. “You think I’d want someone who doesn’t even know how to dress herself properly?” The accusatory tone came out with a huff of disbelief and you can’t help but smile a bit as you turn to face him. His hook was loosening his tie as he looks down at you, “Who do you think I am? I’d never replace a precious jewel,” He mutters placing a kiss on your temple.
Still pouting you decide to push him a little more, “You didn’t call this entire time.” He looks down at you and you feel some tears brim your eyes that you try to blink away. He switches arms, letting his hand brush your cheek and a thumb wipe a tear away as he kisses your other temple.
“I was on a mission Princess… Any contact with you could’ve put you in danger.” The sweet words run through your ears and you had to admit the more he said the happier you felt, you nuzzle your face into his hand. And despite your high emotions you couldn’t help but to lick his hand daring him to go further. Seeing you calm down, and feeling the mischievous invitation, he leans in closer to your ear, “Don’t think I’ve forgotten how you acted on the floor you Brat.” Your ears tingle at his sharp tone as you bare your neck to him out of habit, “Don’t pretend to be a good girl now.” He nips at your neck, trailing down until he’s at your dress line.
Crocodile sits up and you smirk up at him, “I plead my innocence. I was a single lady when I did such things.”
His brow furrows at you, “Oh? Then perhaps I should train you rather than punish you.” His words make your heart skip a beat. You know the difference well enough when it comes to Crocodile, it’s the difference between pain and release or hours of begging and pleading.
He stands up, shrugging off his vest, and you watch as he delicately puts it to the side, only sparing you a small glance, “W-wait. I’m sorry.” Crocodile doesn’t say anything as he sits down in a chair across the room, “Sir, I didn’t mean it,” You stand up and saunter over to Crocodile, trying to choose the lesser of the two punishments.
He hums, taking a long drag of his cigar while staring at you, “So you know what you did was wrong?” You kneel down between his legs, nodding your head before resting it on his knee, looking up with pleading eyes. He runs his hand through your hair before gripping it, pulling you up. You quickly place your hands on his knees to support yourself as the dull ache of your scalp brings your attention fully to crocodile. “Take off your dress and bend over my knee Princess.” His words blowing smoke into your face before he releases your hair.
You barely catch yourself before standing back up, your back turned to Crocodile as you slide each strap off your shoulders. You glance behind you, slowly turning to face him before peeling the dress off, your breasts bouncing slightly as they’re released from the tight fabric. You bend down, further pushing the dress off before stepping out of it entirely, his eyes taking in every inch of you. You take a step towards him before you stop, “Do you want me naked sir?” You timidly ask, slowly moving your hands to the edge of your panties.
Crocodile seems to consider your question for a second before patting his leg. You nod your head before bending over his knees, adjusting your boobs underneath you before bracing your hands on his thigh. You feel the tip of his hook caress your back before dipping below you neck, sweeping all your hair to one side. His hand rubbing gentle circles on your ass. “Now Princess, what are you sorry for?” His voice is accompanied by a harsh grasp,
“I’m sorry for causing a scene in front of your guests,” Your hands grip his thigh, waiting for an impact, but instead you feel a hook under your chin, tilting your head up to make eye contact.
“What else?” He hooks a finger under your waistband, slowly pulling it up. You gasp at the feeling, lifting your ass to relieve the pressure.
“S-saying I was single,” He hums, releasing your panties with a snap. You let out a small squeal before feeling a hard slap against your ass, “O-One. Thank you Sir.”
“Good girl, I see you haven’t forgotten your manners” He gently kneads your ass to comfort the rough sting, and just as the pain went away another loud slap came. You yelp out, counting as you do. Another comes swiftly after, harder than the last two that makes tears comes to your eyes. You quickly let out the number three along with a thank you.
Another 4 spanks have you crying outright. But it’s the 8th slap that causes you to lose your grip, falling forward, hair a mess as you let out a sob. “Have you learned your lesson, Princess?” Crocodile muses above you, trailing his fingers up and down your spine in a comforting motion.
The throbbing pain only adding to your pleasure as you nod your head begging him to forgive you. He gently places his hand on the red skin, kneading circles to help with blood flow, as he watches your body shake. “Lay on the bed,” His sultry deep voice had you standing up on unsteady legs before doing as your told.
You look up from your position and watch as Crocodile slowly undresses, folding his clothes and placing them on the chair as he goes. He glances over at you, “Prepare yourself Princess.” You reach down to take your panties off, noticing how wet you had become in the movement as you spread your legs and reach down.
Sliding a finger around your own clit before sliding it over your entrance. You bite your lip to hold back any needy noise you could make as you slide two fingers in right away, raising your hips slightly to try and reach deeper inside yourself. Your other hand fondling and gripping your breast. Curling your fingers to try and hit the perfect spot, letting out a small whine at how empty you still feel.
Your let your eyes wander over your lovers’ body, noticing his standing erection as he watches you. You meet his gaze and feel yourself throb around your fingers at the darkened eyes turned towards you. “C-crocodile Please. I want something bigger,” his eyes flashes over your body with a smirk playing on his lips before he kneels on the bed.
“Not even asking properly Princess? That’s not how I taught you,” He tugs at your wrist between your thighs, your fingers leaving the warm space with a string of slick still connected to the entrance. He brings your coated fingers up to his lips, licking you clean as you moan at the sight. It’s only when he’s fully tasted you that he glances up at your eyes, “Well? If you ask politely, I may reward you.”
You brush you hand against his shoulder, your fingers tips ghosting over his chest, “Please Sir, I want to be filled by you ‘till I can’t think anymore.” He grunts in approval, positioning him self at your throbbing entrance, you try to inch closer to the pressure you love.
“Impatient, I see,” Gripping your thigh as he pushes into you at a torturously slow rate. You moan at the feeling of being filled but slowly your breath hitches, “Did you forget how big I was Princess?” Crocodiles teasing laugh rings through your ears as you stretch wider, “Didn’t you touch yourself while I was away?”
Your hands grasp at his shoulder, pulling his chest closer to you as you take his length. “It never feels good without you,” You whimper, burying you face into the crook of his neck. You whimper quickly changes to a full-blown cry as Crocodile thrusts his hips to be flush against you. You wrap your arms around his neck as your body shakes into his body.
His hooked hand snakes behind your back, pulling you closer to him as his fingers brush through your hair, sitting up while shushing you with sweet words of encouragement and praise for taking all of him. It isn’t until Crocodile makes sure your ready that he starts to rock in and out of you.
You eventually gain the courage to meet his thrusts, bouncing on your knees slowly while Crocodile places gentle kisses along your neck, praising every moan that escapes your lips. The stretch of your pussy taking all of Crocodile being an addicting burning pain that you try to burn into your mind as you roll your hips to feel him as different angles.
It's when you started to feel the pressure building that you heard the Den-den Mushi ring. You whimper slightly, knowing Crocodile won’t let up his pace as he reaches over to answer the call. You can hear talk of a hostage situation gone wrong and business partners willing to agree to anything, but frustration grows in you as Crocodile stops stroking your back with his hook, instead leaning onto the bed while continuing the call, still maintaining his pace in you without a though.
Shame leaving your clouded mind, you start to moan loudly and without restraint, picking up your own movements as you feel his chests and stomach, his dry scarred skin sending tingles through your fingertips. Crocodile flashes you a warning glare that you decide to ignore when you lean down and lick at his adams apple, nipping slightly at the sensitive skin of his throat.
You hear the click of the den-den mushi before your head is ripped away from him neck, the sting of the hair pull only making your mind go crazy, “Did you forget your manners here too? That was an important call Princess.” His gruff tone was music to your ears before he shoved his tone down your throat, his hooked arm keeping you in place as he pounds into you at an insane pace.
The pressure building and the lack of air making you crazy, you feel yourself tighten around his dick before he rips you off his lap entirely, pushing you to the ground. You whimper at the lack of an orgasm as you reposition yourself between his legs, relaxing your jaw as much as possible before he shoves your head around his throbbing member.
“Only good girls get to cum darling,” Your tongue flattened as much as possible as you feel him hitting the back of your throat, spit overflowing your mouth with each movement. You hum as a weak apology around him while you grip his thighs to try and stay steady.
There is no warning while he slams your head down, not letting you come up as his warm cum hits your throat. You try to relax as much as possible before he pulls out, pumping a couple more spurts onto your extended tongue before you close your mouth, pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth before swallowing, savoring the salty flavor before showing him you’ve swallowed everything.
His hook under your chin as some spit from before if still dripping and tears staining your face while he looks pleased at the sight in front of him. “Is this what you wanted? It’s not much of a punishment if you wanted it princess.”
“I’ve missed you so much, I couldn’t help myself,” You whine out, hoping he won’t actually punish you.
“I guess I have neglected my pet recently…” He hums in agreeance as his thumb cleans your face slightly, “Why don’t we wait until you’ve fully calmed down before continuing?” His almost gentle voice brings you back, to your slightly dizzy tired state, “Miss. All-Sunday didn’t cut you off and you haven’t a single tolerance to allow you to drink that much.” His hushed tones now slightly scolding you as he pulls you onto the bed.
“Only cause I saw you next to that girl,” You pout slightly, “Get rid of me before finding someone else, it’s too painful to watch.”
“Didn’t you hear me earlier? I could never replace you, Princess.” You let a small smile fall on your lips at hearing the words escape him, but still stay silent. His sighs next to you, “I can’t promise I won’t do something similar in the future. But I’ll at least let you know before hand alright?” You let out a dissatisfied hum while he rubs your back.
“Only if you let me choose the girl next time. This one was too haughty to be by your side,” He sighs at your demand but agrees.
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masuchu · 2 years
pairing. dazai x reader, chuuya x reader, kunikida x reader
warnings. none, fluff
a/n. wrote this at like 2am , hence how small it is aha,, i like it anyways tho :b
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dazai —
dazai loves being in bed with you, not even in a sexual way, (though, he loves that too.) mornings with dazai are soft, warm and lazy. you’ll wake up (nine times out of ten, before him) with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, his chest pressed against your back, getting as close to you as possible. it’s nice to just bask in the feeling of each other for while, in a tired state of half awake/half asleep, putting your hands over his and pulling him closer (if that’s even possible). you’ll know when he wakes up, because he’ll shuffle around a bit and begin to press small kisses to your neck, chuckling softly when you whine and tell him it tickles. if you try and make a start to your day, getting up to make you both breakfast, he’ll pout and pull you back down to him, complaining about how he rarely gets days off and how you should both sleep all day. and to be honest, you do like the sound of that. maybe you’ll get up in an hour or so, but for now, some more sleep won’t hurt you..
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chuuya —
mornings with chuuya are calm, lively and loving. he usually wakes up before you, it’s out of habit, he’s used to early mornings and lates nights at the base. he really savours his time with you when he can, he’ll run his hand softly over your cheek, laughing lightly when you press into him in your sleep. if your fast asleep, he’ll slowly inch of bed and make his way to the kitchen, making breakfast for the both of you (but always making your favourite things, even if he doesn’t like them.) maybe the sizzling of the pan will wake you up, a little disappointed at the lack of your lover, but mouth watering at the smell of warm pancakes and newly cooked food. laughing at the sight of him in your pink frilly apron, you’ll hug him from behind and tell him to come back to bed. he’ll smile softly, turning around to hug you back, stroking your hair and saying ‘i’ll come back with food in a few minutes, how about you go and wait for me, hm?’ you can’t say that doesn’t sound good, so you’ll wait for him, curled up in blankets. he’ll chuckle as he walks in, sitting down next to you and telling you to open up, say ahh. the rest of your morning will be spent feeding each other, wiping honey of your faces and sharing strawberry filled kisses <3
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kunikida —
kunikida takes pride in his carefully thought out routines and life guides, his mornings always included waking up early, working and writing. that was, until he met you. mornings with him are teasing, lively and filled with guilty pleasures. he’d still wake up early, maybe 6 am, it’s natural for him now. he’d try and get up, but with your arms clinging onto him and your chin hooked over his shoulder, it makes it quite hard. so he’ll sit there, debating wether to wake you up, move you or indulge in a few more hours sleep (something so unfamiliar to him that he’s overthinking it already.) he’ll settle for just waiting for you to wake up, which he’ll find out, was probably a bad idea. when you finally wake up, he’ll cup your cheek and say please let me up, love. you’ll pout and whine, telling him a few more minutes won’t hurt, pleaaaase? and he just can’t say no when you give him that face, as much as his brain is telling him too. those few minutes turn into an hour and he’s given up on work, in fact, he’s completely forgotten about it. all he focusing on is you, how you laugh at his grumpy face and kiss his nose when he looks away, the way your face lights up when he agrees to take the day off.. he’s really changed because of you. for the better? he’ll never tell, but if it’s for you, then he’d like to say it’s for a good cause (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
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ultralightpoe · 2 years
Nightmares - Aemond Targaryen
Authors Note: a SMALL aemond blurb that i wrote. Finding a gif that fit should not be that hard man 
Word Count:885
Warnings:none  Description: THIS WAS A REQUEST 
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Aemond Targaryen had a bad habit of dreaming absolute terrors. 
It wasn’t a habit he bragged about, in fact he kept this to himself most of the time since his mother and brother would probably take it as a sign of weakness. But it was definitely a problem. 
Most nights he didn’t sleep and any night he managed to close his eyes and slip into the world beyond he was drawn back panting and screaming. Tonight was one of those nights. 
He had stayed with you throughout the day and had been so calm from your presence he thought he could slip into his chambers and fall between his sheets without a panicky night. He had been wrong. It was the exact opposite, a dream so brutal he woke in a cold sweat.
He was walking with you through the gardens, just as he did every morning, your hand on his elbow as he smiles down at you. It had never been a secret amongst the court on just how pretty Aemond thought you were. He had even announced such matters on the day of your tourney where he won your hand. 
Ever since he had taken to escorting you anywhere you wished to go, desperate to spend time with you as your wedding was planned by his mother. A walk in the gardens would be considered normal, but something about the day seemed to cling to his skin. 
The clouds were covering the sun, so the flowers seemed to wilt under the harsh shade and the smell of rain just before it hit began to fill his senses. But he persisted on walking with you, claiming that if it would rain that you both would find shelter. 
You said something about how beautiful the roses were, turning away from him to move and pluck one from the stem, Aemond taking this chance to look to another row of flowers before you would find your way back to him. 
But after a moment of no sound he turned to check on where you were, only to find you huddled to the stone ground beneath and sobbing. He is lunging for you in a moment, voice gently asking what had happened as he pried your hands away from his face.
Just as your hands fall you release a violent scream like none he has heard before and show the blood pouring from your eye, an eye that was missing. 
He shouts out for help as his hands come up to cover the wound but you scream and tear away from him, crying as you scream at him over and over. “HOW COULD YOU?!”
Before he knows it he is launching up from his pillow, ragged breaths filling the air as he tried to catch up to his lungs, salt from tears leaking down his cheeks. He has one hand clutched to his chest while the other grips a pillow as he finally catches his breath, shaking a bit as the memory of the dream surfaces.
Before he can truly process what he is doing, Aemond struggles from the bed, grabbing the candle on the nightstand and lighting it before making his way to the secret alcove. Pressing it softly to enter the tunnels within the castle as he follows the chalk path he made along the walls to your room. 
When he finds the hidden entrance he debates for a moment whether this was a good idea, but he needed to see you otherwise he would go mad, so he takes a breath in and presses the door gently as to not make sound. 
He steps in softly, looking around in the dark before he finds your figure laying in the bed, breathing evenly. His entire body relaxes, releasing a sigh of relief as he sees you, moving closer to tuck the hair out of your face. 
He watches you for a moment, loving the peaceful sight of you, before he would move to make his exit as to not wake you. But before he could take two steps away you are moaning as your eyes squint to the dark, a groggy lilt to your voice as your hand reaches out to catch his. “Prince Aemond?”
“Yes my love?” He whispers, heart beating rapidly at having been caught. “I am sorry to wake you, I just had to make sure you were okay.”
You sniffle, wiping your eye as you try desperately to wake up. He kneels down and runs his thumb across your bottom lip, smiling as you kiss it softly before tugging his arm. “What’s wrong?”
You don’t answer, instead you lean to place the candle on your nightstand before tugging him until he is on the bed with you, pulling him into you and wrapping around him. “Then I demand you sleep here.”
“It would be improper.” He argues, though he gets comfortable as he drags you closer, breathing you in as his entire body relaxes into you. 
“You will just have to leave through the secret door you thought I did not know was there.” You smile sleepily, kissing his chest before letting sleep claim you once more. 
Aemond falls asleep with a small smile, and though it was a late start it was still the best sleep he had ever had.
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
Life on the farm pt 4 copy cat
It takes QUITE a bit of explaining for about how exactly Danny is apparently dead for Clark to be even mildly okay with it. Up until Pa tells him how he save his life at which point Clark was close to tears. Lois had to pull him off Danny before he was crushed to death. All in all they had a very interesting Christmas.
Fast forward a month and Clark mentions to Bruce how he has a new little brother and how apparently his parents have a habit of attracting the paranormal. This tips Bruce off and he suggests that Clark bring Danny by mount justice to see what he can do. Danny is pretty iffy about it and intends to say no when Ma tells him he should go. It might be nice for him to meet kids his age that he doesn’t have to worry about scaring. So Danny reluctantly agrees.
When they arrive via zeta tube Danny immediately takes off in search of a trash can before he vomits all over the entrance, cujo not far behind him. He ends up getting lost in the halls and walking into a training session with black canary. Danny watches, fairly impressed with the teen sparring with the blond, he had a bit of a temper but he wasn’t doing too bad. When she slammed him on the ground Danny gave a sympathetic groan, the teen twisted around glaring at him “Who the hell are you?!?” He stood up revealing the Superman symbol on his chest.
Danny immediately held his hands up to show he meant no harm. Canary tells him to calm down before addressing Danny “you must be the young meta Superman told us was coming. I’m black Canary, it’s nice to meet you.” The other boy scowled, much to Danny’s confusion.
“I wouldn’t say I’m a meta but sure, I’m here with Superman” he turns to address the teen. “you were doing real great in that fight. I’m impressed, but y’know…”
“I need to reign in my temper. I know!” Danny looks at him surprised, “actually I was gonna say that if you went in for a jab before she flipped you it would have thrown off her balance. Sometimes the most efficient attacks are the ones that don’t hit.” He looked at Danny confused, and a little bit relieved. Danny grinned “you didn’t lose the spar because of your temper, you lost because she’s more experienced. I used to get my ass kicked all the time. It just takes practice.”
“You fight? Would you care to try your luck?” Canary asked. Danny hesitated “uhm I’m not sure about that, I don’t usually fight the living…” canary looked at him confused “what do you mean..” before canary finishes her question they are interrupted by wolf charging into the room chased by… a small green dog?
Danny shouts “Cujo!” The dog stops and races to Danny, wolf hides behind Conner.
“What’s wrong buddy, he’s just a little guy?”
Danny laughs and says “I wouldn’t go that far, but he’s probably more concerned by the fact that hes a ghost. Animals tend to get pretty antsy near ghosts, working on a farm was an… interesting experience to say the least.” Danny laughs “we should probably go find Supes” the three make they’re way toward the living area where they find Superman with the rest of the team. He surveys the team guessing who’s who. He’s not sure about the magician, Obviously the red head works with the speedster, he’s not sure who the kid in the cape works with, Danny’s not sure if there are any archers in the league so he’s a little confused by the blond girl. The cute teen with gills probably works with aquaman. The moment he sees M’gann though, Danny stares with undisguised confusion. Conner notices the look and immediately gets defensive “you got a problem with martians?!” Danny swiftly turns to Conner “She’s from MARS!?!??” Danny is no longer next to Conner.
The whole team gets whiplash from the change as Danny bombards their resident Martian with questions about Mars and space. Superman laughs, “how come you weren’t this enthusiastic when you found out I was kryptonian” Danny gives Clark an unimpressed look. “You were raised on earth by Ma and Pa, she was raised on MARS you are not the same.” The whole team freezes, not that Danny notices much as he continues to ask M’gann about space.
Conner breaks out of his surprise “you’re related to Superman?” Clark goes to interrupt but Danny answers before he can.
“Yep, Ma and Pa took me in so now I’ve got a kryptonian big brother.” Conner clenches his jaw as Danny continues “but don’t worry I won’t be stealing your mentor, I’m pretty strictly a solo act, closest thing I had to a mentor was… an old friend.” Danny may be obsessed with space but he’s not a complete idiot so it’s pretty obvious at this point that Conner is trying to reign in his temper. “Is there something wrong?”
“He’s not my mentor!” Danny looks between the two “sorry my mistake the shirt threw me off. Just a fan then.” They all start to look at him weird before Clark jumps in
“He’s uhh, well he’s my clone” Danny freezes with a gasp he covers his mouth in shock and places a hand over his chest. “I can’t believe this. To think… I’ve finally assessed to the rank of middle child!!!” Danny throws his hands in the air in triumph. With a laugh he turns back to Clark “Why didn’t you tell me I had a little brother?! This is awesome!” Conner looks at Danny confused
Clark interrupted Danny’s excitement “he’s, well you don’t, he’s not my brother he’s my clone.” Danny brushes him off
“So what! He’s perfect little brother material. I’m assuming Ma and Pa don’t know, they’re gonna be so excited.”
“Danny! Calm down, no I haven’t told Ma and Pa, I didn’t want to worry them.”
Danny is confused “worry them, why would this make them worried?” Clark sighs
“Conner was made by lex Luthor, my arch enemy, with the intent to replace me.” Danny takes a step back, Conner looks away dejected even as his friends gather close around him.
The room goes cold
“Dude I think you need to chill” Danny says with an sharp grin. “I mean a clone I understand out of your control? A clone made by your arch enemy to replace you? I mean seriously, has he even tried to shoot you in the back yet?”
“He didn’t ask to be made, so stop treating him like it’s HIS fault.” Danny’s eyes have started to glow as the room seems to close in on them before all at once everything goes back to normal. Superman takes a gasp of air. Danny laughs “gonna be honest though, it kinda feels like you’re copying me at this point.” He says moving over to Conner, throwing an arm over his shoulder. “But let’s make one thing straight, and I mean absolutely no offense, but my clone is clearly superior.” Conner and Clark look at Danny shocked. “Your WHAT?!?” Danny laughs
“Yeah man, when I was 14 my arch nemesis cloned me in a attempt to replace me, didn’t work, only one was stable and she wants nothing to do with him at this point.” Clark looks at Danny pleadingly “that…that doesnt explain anything, why did you have an arch enemy.”
“Well I mean, originally he asked me to join him, but I’m wasn’t really a fan of him killing my dad and marrying my mom. He was obsessed with making me his son, major fruitloop man he’s crazy.” Danny shrugs.” Kid flash laughs
“I’m calling bullshit there’s no way.”
Danny laughs “think what you like but don’t come crying to me when Ellie haunts your nightmares”
Danny claps his hands “So what exactly are we doing today?”
Meanwhile in the arctic in another dimension
a small girl is chasing after a group of penguins when a portal appears in front of her and she crashes face first into the large blue bearded figure that exits.
“CLOCKWORK!!” She laughs “wanna chase penguins with me?” The elderly ghost grins
“Perhaps another time, for now how would you like to visit your cousin for a little while. There’s some people that are DYING to meet you.”
The girl gives him an impossibly wide Sharp grin before letting out maniacal laugh
“Lead the way clocks!���
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auty-ren · 1 year
Never the Right Time
Joel Miller - The Last Of Us
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Pairings: Joel Miller x Reader (Reader is afab, no pronouns/use of y/n) 
Rating: Explicit 
Word count:  3k
Warnings: Smut ( oral sex(fem receiving). vaginal sex. rough sex. oral fixation. dirty talk/bedroom talk. unprotected sex.), Repressed feelings, Joel being a stubborn old man. Some implied drinking (no alcohol is named, just ‘drinks’).
A/n:  I absolutely fell in love with The Last Of Us series and I had so many feelings for Joel I just had to get them out! I might do a few more fics for him but this is a standalone...for now. Enjoy babes💕 (gif by @pedrohub)
Summary: “Hey,” you shrug and look down at your drink. “I was just trying to be nice.” 
You take a sip of your own drink, keeping your eyes on him through your lashes. He stares right back, almost like he wanted you to say something so he could react. You lower your cup, almost batting your eyes as you blink at him. You swear you can see a little bit of a blush creep up his neck.
“Is that what you do?”
 My Masterlist
“Ellie bet I couldn’t get you to dance.”
You wanted to be smug. Calm, cool, collected. But you’re sure you probably looked like an idiot; cheeky grin, trying to play it cool as you lean against the porch railing.
There was just enough lighting that you could make out his profile, soft glowing bulbs hung on strings to illuminate the party and it made him look soft. His normally sharp features looked rounded and comfortable.
 “Did she?”
He smiles and it reaches all the way to his eyes. It surprises you a little, how easily he opens up when before he’d been so different. You hadn’t had many conversations before this, at least they never got past the small talk stage before one of you got shy. Maybe it was the party or the feeling of a new beginning with the coming spring, but something was a little different, especially in the way he carried himself, his shoulders were strong and light, much different than before.
“Well, I figured you just had two left feet, Miller.” 
His eyes were almost sparkling, almost mischievous in nature. Joel was a lot of things but mischievous wasn’t the way you’d describe him, and yet it almost felt childlike. It looked like little stars were speckled in his irises, shining and reflecting in the low light of a setting sun.
“Thought maybe you’d want a teacher.”
He lets out a sound like a scoff, but you don’t miss how the corner of his mouth perks up, pulling his face into a grin. You could tell it made him just a tad nervous, your presence. His face was mostly calm but he picked at his hands, scraping the skin around his nails from nervous habit.
You follow his gaze as he looks out onto the landscape, it was just barely turning spring, everything was green and budding with new life and the air felt warm and fresh. It felt good. The winters were rough in Jackson and you’d started to lose yourself a little, but the breeze felt good. Everything felt good at this very moment. You looked back to find Joel staring at you.
He was wearing a simple shirt, worn, with a few stray threads hanging from the seams. It obviously had its fair share of owners, but it was clean and still looked good on him. 
“Can you at least take the drink?” 
You hold it out to him, waiting as he looks between you and the cup. He finally takes it from you, your fingers just barely brushing as you pass it to him. He swirls the liquid around a little before he takes a sip
Right now feels like the part where you should be walking away. The ice had been broken but you’d pretty much hit a wall. He wasn’t giving any indications of what he wanted from you. 
If there was anything he wanted from you.
“You really got nothing else better to do?”
You’d almost think he was bothered if it wasn’t for the stupid-looking smirk on his face. It was his turn to be suave, or at least try. He leaned against the railing on the porch, mirroring your position from earlier.
“Hey,” you shrug and look down at your drink. “I was just trying to be nice.” 
You take a sip of your drink, keeping your eyes on him through your lashes. He stares right back, almost like he wanted you to say something so he could react. You lower your cup, almost batting your eyes as you blink at him. You swear you can see a little bit of a blush creep up his neck.
“Is that what you do?”
He tilts his head, almost like he’s challenging you; the low timber of his voice settling nicely in your bones. You practically turn to mush from the stupid look on his face; cocky, but bearable.
It’s infatuating, in fact. You’re barely able to focus now, everything about him overwhelms you. 
He feels safe. Not awkward or unpleasant like times you’d spoken before, it’s like whatever veil that shrouded him was slowly lifting and you peeked underneath to see the genuine parts of him. The parts he’d spent over two decades hiding away.
You naturally lean in closer, drawn into his side where your bodies kinda fit naturally together. It feels perfect.
He nearly spits out the word, like it’s dirty and foul.
The proverbial record comes to a screeching halt. You tense a little, taken aback by his sudden change in tone.
But then again look who you’re talking to. 
“Liking you is charity?”
It comes out before you can really think it through. The look on his face is enough to make your stomach turn. It wasn’t anger or discomfort, something that you had expected from him, it almost felt like disappointment etched across his face. 
“That’s how most people put it.”
Quit while you’re ahead.
Your fingers barely touch his, even though he’s pulled away he doesn’t flinch away from this touch. His knuckles feel rough in comparison to yours, your pinkie just barely trailing along his skin, like you just wanted to become familiar.
“Maybe I’m not most people, Miller.”
His hand moves just a bit, not away from you, he’s inching closer. You feel your breath catch in your throat as his pinkie catches yours, just barely hooking yours to intertwine with him.
“Did you ever think about that?”
Your chest almost puffs out a little, and you’re proud of the way he looks at you. He’s almost curious like he’s studying you, lying in wait while every little movement goes under his scrutiny. Normally feelings like this would be enough to send you running, but you almost wanted this from him. Just the barest hint of attention made your heart seize up in anticipation.
It felt like a movie. Those old romantic black and white movies they’d play on movie nights, the ones where the girl and the guy dance around each other until the tension just breaks. It was probably silly to dream bout being the leading lady, and having a man like him chase after you. But it felt nice to dream.
Right now the dream felt so real.
He reaches up and almost touches your face, just barely brushing a piece of your hair out of your eyes. You had been staring so hard you hadn’t noticed it had fallen.
Was this it? The moment when you get your kiss?
Did you imagine he was leaning closer? That he was looking at you like you were the only girl on the face of the planet.
You wanted a kiss. You wanted this to be a picture-perfect moment for the two of you, something out of a cheesy old romance novel with a tacky picture on the front. He, the strong hero sweeping you off your feet.
He looks at you like he’s pleading, like he’s afraid of something but he just needs your permission first. You take his hand into yours and give it a gentle squeeze. He turns it over so yours is held delicately in his grip, his thumb rubbing little circles into your skin.
You close your eyes, anticipating him to move closer, to take you in his arms and hold you like you were his lifeline.
The touch never comes. The kiss never comes. Nothing happens as it does in your head.
He just walks away.
He says nothing, and the silence alone feels heavy enough to ground. It’s different from the other times, this is thick and heavy, and you can practically reach out and grab the tension brewing between you. 
It’s practically freezing this late at night, the cold nipping at your cheeks as you watch him. More like waiting for him. To do what? You’re not exactly sure, but he looks like there’s something he needs. Something he wants to say. He opens his mouth and nothing comes out, he just closes it and grinds his jaw, like he’s kicking himself for not doing it right.
You didn’t know what he wanted, but he didn’t seem the type to just waltz onto people’s porches in the middle of the night.
You only move out of the way as he crosses the threshold, bumping into you as the signal to move inside. He removes the door from your hands and slams it shut, blocking the exit. The sound echoes through the house and all that’s left are the little puffs of your breath as his eyes scan your face. He’s dark and intense, almost challenging you to say something that would stop him.
His touch is rough, calloused hands that grab and pull you closer, his arms wrapping around your waist to keep you grounded to him. You let yourself get swept up in his arms, in his gaze that felt like fire washing over you. His eyes were like smoldering coals, black with remaining hints of warmth just flickering in the light.
He kisses you and it feels just like you had dreamed, warm and glowing with just a little bit of roughness around the edges. He devours any sound you make, he’s eager and almost aggressive in his movements.
His hands are ripping and pulling at your body, moving you to the nearest surface in your living room so he can get more of you. You both stumble and barely make it to the couch without hitting the floor. He pushes you down and the old furniture creaks loudly, almost echoing through the house as he climbs on it with you.
Even in the dark, he notices. He stops dead in his tracks at the grip you hold on the cushions and the hint of uncertainty that flashes across your face.
“It’s okay, sweetheart.”
The words rumble deep inside his chest, bubbling up in his throat with a soft, gentle tone. It’s almost loving how he caresses your face.
He wanted to reassure you. He slows to a near stop, looking at you as he reaches for the hem of your shirt, just barely pushing it up. He checks in with you, flickering glances to confirm you still wanted him, that you wanted his touch. You can’t help how you squirm when his fingers press into your cunt, even through your underwear just that little pressure was enough to have you melting.
He just watches you through it all. You don’t even notice at first that he’s staring; you make eye contact and feel the heat spread all the way down your neck out of embarrassment.
“It’s okay.” He whispers, just barely audible even in the quiet of your empty home.
“Relax. I’ve got you.”
You lift your hips to help him remove your underwear. His touch leaves you only for a fraction of a second before he’s back on you. Warm, calloused hands spread your thighs wider with delicate precision. The gentleness was so unlike him, but the passion was still there, the eagerness set behind a low brow as he memorized your every detail.
He mumbles against your thigh, burying his nose against your skin and inhaling. He leaves a little trail of kisses, his facial hair leaving tiny little scratches while his mouth moves softly down to your pussy. He stops at the juncture of your thigh and looks up at you, almost pouting as his arms snake under your thighs and pulls you closer. 
His mouth just hovers over your cunt, and your clit throbs as he gently blows on your slit. You whimper, unable to keep eye contact any longer as you close your eyes, just barely arching your hips closer to him.
His mouth feels like fire when he finally touches you, spit dripping from his tongue onto your cunt that burned and had you squirming with need. You run your fingers through the length of his hair, playing with the curls between your fingertips as you moan his name.
He fumbles a little, his movement doesn’t have the expert precision he was probably used to. Still, he made you sing. Every sigh, every whimper, every curse that fell from your lips was just fueling his need. He squeezes your hips to keep you still, just a little warning for you as his eyes pin you down with a look.
Your body is scorching, almost overwhelmed as you feel the coil in your belly turn impossibly tighter. You shake from the effort of trying to hold on, to keep this moment suspended for eternity just so you can keep him like this.
Somewhere between the haze, he climbed on top of you, just barely letting his weight press into you. It was a comforting pressure, welcomed as you slip and let your legs wrap around his hips. He’s still fully clothed, the rough material of his jeans rubbing against you, sending you into overdrive. You play with the buttons of his shirt, slowly opening them more and more until he gets the message, pulling away enough to slip the shirt off his shoulders.
He goes to take off his belt and for a moment he looks nervous, scared even. You can tell by how he avoids your eye when a moment before he looked like he’d eat you alive, and now he’s so timid.
He’s surprised by your touch, and how careful you are when you gently place your hand over his, urging him to let you take over. He relents, there’s almost a hint of relief on his face, with just a hint of something else.
Did he crave your touch?
You wonder if he had imagined this moment before, imagined the little noises you’d make, the feel of you beneath him, and how warm you’d be when he fucked your cunt. You’re ashamed to admit it but, he’s been the topic of more than a few daydreams. It felt a little embarrassing, to the point you almost didn’t talk to him earlier at the party but all of those doubts melted away when he finally slipped his cock inside you.
A pathetic noise came out of your mouth. You were more than ready for him but everything felt so heightened. You clung to his shoulders as he rocked his hips, his face buried in the crook of your neck. 
He was definitely holding his breath, you could feel his back muscles tensing almost to the point of pain. You rub little circles into his skin, trying to be comforting so he’ll relax, just barely dragging your nails down his skin.
He sits up a little, looking you over before his eye settles on your face. His hand comes up and just tips your chin, his thumb rubbing against your jaw.
For a moment, it’s just the two of you. 
You didn’t think this sort of thing happened outside of a movie, or those old cheesy romance books some of the girls sneak around the library. But the world does sort of get foggy, blurred around the edges so you can only see him.
You wonder if he’s feeling the same.
If he feels this sort of ache that sometimes you can’t describe.
You sort of get an answer from him because he kisses you.
He kisses you and it feels like your whole world is set aflame, blazing and roaring in your ears as he steals the literal breath from your lungs.
You brace yourself as he grabs your lower half, one hand gripping your thigh while the other pins your hips down. He doesn’t stop kissing you and if it weren’t for his weight pressing into you, you swear you would’ve floated away by now. He gets a little harsh, almost desperate and you don’t mind. Every time his cock brushes against your cervix you whimper pathetically into his mouth.
But it only seems to spur him on.
“Shit.” He grits through his teeth, his grip on your body nearly painful as he slams his hips against yours.
He pants, almost whimpering in your ear as he cums.
You don’t say anything, just gently nuzzling his shoulder as he comes down from his high.
He’s gentle again, almost remorseful in his movement now. He pulls away and you feel the mess between your legs, he mumbles something under his breath but you can’t make it out. You feel too tired to try and make the effort of conversation anyway, so you just let him clean you, reaching out and putting your hand on his.
You just wanted the comfort.
You didn’t even want to begin to think about what you’d say when the afterglow wore off. Your bodies would probably become stiff and uncomfortable, emotions heightened and awkward just like before. Would he even want to speak to you again? Was this just…release?
You scold yourself for already overthinking.
It didn’t matter what would come in the next few hours, because for now, you had this.
This little, tiny shining moment when you get to hold him. Playing with his hair while he hums, practically asleep on your chest. Maybe it wasn’t much but, you’d take it. Just a hint of intimacy, real intimacy - not just sex but the kind of thing that you feel deep in your bones. The warm, sticky, addictive kind of intimacy that you had craved for too long.
Nothing was for certain, and you remind yourself not to think too much about it. But from your angle, as you strained to look down as he rested on your chest…It looked like he was smiling.
Taglist: (mark through means I couldn’t tag you)
@on-the-razor-crest @readsalot73 @roxypeanut @talesfromtheguild @vintage-silk @ben-is-a-hoe @dartheldur @b0n-chann @dindisneydjarin @tangledlove27 @blueplaidhood @lackofhonor @holamor @ajediherowitchrunner @mandhoelorian @random-fandom-lady @aeryntheofficial @stubbychaos @promiscuoussatan @lark-cale @lilkermit14 @leather-mommy @zombiexbody @absurdthirst @nerd-without-a-cause @xjaywritesx @sappy-stars @drownedbytears @mrsparknuts @gallowsjoker @animechan6616354 @paintballkid711 @pedroepascal @dadolorian @roxu-radio @lv7867 @theocatkov @nelba @persephonehemingway @justanotherblonde23 @emzd34 @stardust-galaxies @misofirebird @roguereds @dee-rosemary @keithseabrook27 @badassbaker @rosiefridayrogersunday @engie115 @satans-tongues @tulipsun-flower @idiotonastar @hayley-the-comet @awhiskeywithawinchester @anewrule @chattychell @withasideofmeg @imasimpforanyoneisee26 @whatismylife007 @mertwintinyhouserealtor @millenniumsfalcon @theamuz @jade-jax @katie-the-breathless @mermaidbrina @damn-djarin @altarsw @anu-simps @buttercup--bee @thatonedindjarinfan @luxurybeskar @gallowsjoker @shiny-mando @wondergal2001 @emesispo @purplepascal042 @weirdowithnobeardo​ @ironbabey @tenderclio @deathwatchnightowl @kat-r-in @lara0902blog @secretsidereblog @sarhabee @thethunderstormsgirl @ladyjenny19 @prideandpascal @pascals-cat @pedrostories @i-wanna-be-your-muse
Pedro Characters
@computeringturtle @beefcakebarnes @silverwolf319 @neverlandlibrarian @spideysimpossiblegirl @mirjahaals @coldlilheart
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concreteburialplot · 8 months
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10 - Maybe Both, Maybe Neither
pairing: nicholas ruffilo x fem!oc [vallie]
masterlist/intro: here | crossposted: ao3 | word count: 5.8k
summary: after waking up next to each other vallie & nicholas go their separate ways. vallie goes to visit an old friend who may be more than friendly. nicholas goes to sober up noah but doesn’t expect him to pull the curtain back on his resentment.
warnings: mentions about alcoholism/AA meetings/cheating, arguing, noah being annoying but what's new, tea is spilled !!, vallie is vulnerable for once in her life, lots of dialogue, alternating POVs sorry 🥲
A/N: Sorry it's been like 2 months since I’ve updated, it literally did not feel like it 🥲 school & life are kicking my ass lol + this chapter ended up being so complicated / difficult
Also! This chapter introduces a very mild crossover with Christian 'Kras' Anthony from the band Chase Atlantic - he's being used as a fun little temporary reoccurring side character. Don't worry, knowing who he is isn't necessary to understand his character lol i just think he's cute🥰
don't like it don't read it. don’t be mean for no reason & let others enjoy things thnx :)
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A jarring buzzing jolts me awake. I sit up a bit with scrunched eyes trying to follow the noise with a wandering patting hand. The noise leads to Vallie’s phone rattling on my bedside table next to her. I grab it and sleepily ignore the call out of habit.
In my still half-sleep state, I don’t want to be anywhere else besides where my body was curled up against her. I return to my spot with my arm around the brunette, tugging her closer. Her scent fills my nostrils when I nuzzle into her neck. The smell of her hair is peppermint-y and the scent on her skin reminds me of marshmallows and… matcha?
Whatever it is, it’s warm, cozy, and smells so yummy it makes me want to eat her again.
Before I have the pleasure of manifesting that thought into reality, her phone goes off vibrating again, this time making me significantly more aggravated.
I snatch the phone looking at her caller ID – the name plastered across the screen:
with some emojis I’m far too sleepy to decipher.
I decide not to ignore her phone call from an evidently urgent caller.
“Hey, Hey.” I gently nudge her shoulder. “Your phone has been going off.”
She lets out a sleepy groan that is probably the cutest noise I’ve ever heard.
She takes one look at the ID and immediately ignores it and shoves it under the pillow.  
She yawns and rubs her eye, “What time is it?”
“I’m not sure.” I try to look at the edges of my window covered with blackout curtains trying to gauge even the time of day. “You have your phone, check it?”
Her fingers tap against the mattress. “It’s not that important.”
“Who’s Christian?” I blurt out without thinking.
From the angle I’m at, I can see her eyes widen a bit at the question.
She clears her throat. “What?”
“The person who kept calling you. It was someone named Christian?”
“Oh um,” She bites down on my lip, seemingly contemplating her answer. “He’s a friend.”
I’m filled with a feeling I’m not sure I enjoy nor one I should be feeling.
“A friend?” I ask, unconvinced.
It’s none of my business. It doesn’t matter who he is.
“Yeah, a friend.” She scrunches her brows at the wall. “Why do you care who’s calling me?”
“I-I don’t.” I reply but I know I’m a shit liar and I probably don’t sound very convinced. “I was just wondering.”
“Right.” She yawns then gets up in a panic like she just realized where she is. “Oh my god we fell asleep.”
“Yeah…I figured you gathered that by now.” I said falling down flat beside her.
“Fuck Nick, how am I gonna get out of here?” She scrambles for her phone beneath the pillow to finally check the time. “Fuck, fuck, I have to leave.”
“Okay, okay, calm down. Let me just check out the house, I can take you to get your car.” I pull myself out of bed and let myself stretch out my arms above my head.
“Fuck.” She mutters, readjusting her entire torso in her tight top. “Remind me to never sleep in a corset ever again. I need to get out of this, can I borrow something?”
Her attention lands on me and at first, her forest greens are inquisitive and calm but when she actually looks at me, they widen. Her eyes slowly trail down my body and land where my shirt hangs above the exposed skin of my hips.
Watching her tongue slide between her lips makes my heart thump in my ear drums so loud I can barely hear what she’s saying.
 “Also, can you um,” She clears her throat and looks back up at me, “Help me get this off?”
“Sure.” I nod and drop my arms back down.
She shifts in the bed so the zipper in the back of the faux-corset faces me. My fingers delicately gather her dark chocolate locks and drape them over her shoulder to get them out of my way. Her tan skin curves so beautifully from her neck to her shoulder that I feel as though if I don’t kiss her there it would somehow be insulting.
The need to kiss her there feels as necessary as air, so lean down and press a hesitant kiss to the crook of her neck as I begin unzipping her top.
She doesn’t stop me, which I was sure she would stop me now in the daylight.
Another kiss up, I linger more there.
Then another in the same spot, then another, and another, and another – until I am fully peppering her skin with open mouth kisses and my hands roam her curves.
She lets out little noises the closer I get to her ear that remind me of the ones she gave me when my tongue was inside her.
It’s not until I’m nipping and sucking at her skin that she speaks.
“Nick…” She whines in a tone that says ‘you know better’.
I tug down the rest of her zipper.
My lips still lazily drag up her neck.
I hum against her and let my hands wander down her sides to her hips. “Let me make you feel good.”
She lets out a shuddered whine but not a red or green light.
My hands round her hips giving them a gentle back and forth rub, “I need to taste you again.” I press another kiss against the sensitive skin below her ear and I can feel goosebumps erupt all over her skin.
My fingers burn everywhere they meet her skin and beg to be everywhere  they shouldn’t be.
She closes her eyes and lets herself breathe for a second.
“Nicholas.” She repeats, more sternly this time. “I have to leave before anyone sees me.”
“I know.” I say simply and pull away, strategically resting both hands over my semi.
I know I shouldn’t press more. I know shouldn’t try to convince more. But god do I want to. All I’m thinking about is fucking her senseless.
She keeps a hand on the front of the corset to keep it flush on her skin. “Could I please borrow something?” She reminds me of her original request.
“Oh yeah sure, sorry.” I quickly scan the room for the closest item.
I spot a barely worn Deftones shirt and hand it to her.
 She just sort of stares at me then makes a ‘turn-around’ motion with her hand.
“Oh, sorry.” I shift away from her. “It’s not like it’s anything I haven’t seen before.”
“Shut up.”
I hear her let out a sigh of relief, probably from finally being freed from the constricting top.
“Okay you can turn around now.”
I turn back to her and find what I expected: her in my shirt.
What I didn’t expect was to somehow find her even more attractive in my shirt than even a lace corset.
As much as I’d like for her to stay, I fear that if I don’t get her out now, I’ll devour her whole.
“I’ll just… go scope out the area.” I thumb over my shoulder towards the door.
“Good idea.” She nods.
I very quietly sneak out of my room into the empty hallway, gently closing the bedroom door behind me.
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After tiptoeing around the house, I find everyone asleep as it seems still quite early, at least for them.  
The drive back to the bar is quiet and somewhat awkward. I’m not sure if it’s because of what we did or if I crossed some sort of invisible line and made her upset.
Or maybe both,
Maybe neither.
Maybe I’m over thinking it.
We haven’t talked about anything, no rules, no boundaries. I don’t know how I would bring that up to begin with. What the hell are we doing? And how do I feel about it. How do I want to feel about it? 
We say goodbye and it’s stiff and odd. I’m not sure if I should kiss her? Or treat her like my colleague?
Maybe both,
Maybe neither.
That one feels more like a maybe neither.
The way she acted this morning makes me think that whatever… this is, is over.
I know it should be done, but there is a part of me that doesn’t want to stop. At least not yet. Maybe if I got one more fix.
Regardless how I feel about it, it was a mistake. I knew that the first time, I knew it last night and I know it now.
Why did I let this happen. How did I let this happen?
I tap my fingers anxiously against the steering wheel once I’ve parked at home.
I know Folio wouldn’t really care but if Noah or Jolly found out about this?
Oh my god.
I don’t even want to think about what would happen.
All I know is two things.
One, I can’t keep fucking thinking about this – I can’t keep thinking about her.
Two, I unfortunately know what I need to do when I walk back through our front door.
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As soon as my car door shuts behind me, I let out a long sigh that I wasn’t aware I was holding.
I fold my arms around my steering wheel and rest my forehead against it.
The entire ride home there was this nausea festering in the pit of my stomach.
I like being with Nicholas.
I like being with Nicholas too much.
And this stupid fucking Deftones shirt is too comfortable and smells too much like him – and I like it more than I should. And I need to get home as soon as possible to get it off me.
This is absolutely the last thing I needed – catching feelings or whatever the fuck is filling my chest with butterflies from someone I’m representing.
This is the band that I shouldn’t have even taken on in the first place, and now I’m here on the verge of vomiting because I miss the way his bed feels. This was not the plan.
I shake my head from the the thoughts as I walk through my front door. It’s just the dickmatization talking. That’s it. I like his dick and that’s all.
His huge fucking…
And god his fucking tongue...
This absolutely cannot be happening.
I won’t let this happen.
I need to nip this in the bud before it goes any further.
I chuck my phone and keys on my dresser and use my palms to lean against the edge.
An abrupt buzzing of my iPhone against the hard wood shocks me from my dissociation.
…could be exactly what I need.
I slide the answer bar across the screen and bring the phone to my ear.
“Hey Kras.” I smile, using his nickname.
“Val!” He chimes cheerfully on the other line. “I’ve been trying to get ya all day!”
“I’m busy Kras, you know that.” I roll my eyes playfully. “What’s up, what do you want so badly?”
“Tour ended last week and I’m staying in LA for a bit for some band stuff before I head back home to Sydney.” He pauses. “I wanna see you. I need to talk to you about something.”
I press my lips together and take a deep breath, suddenly stressed about what exactly that meant.
“Okay. When and where do you wanna meet up?”
“Today? My place?”
“Okay, see you then.”
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After a much-needed shower I’m finally at the door of his temporary apartment. I smooth out my outfit, which wasn’t much really, just some sweats with a cropped tank. With as long as I’ve known Kras, it didn’t really matter what I looked like, but I still wanted to look cute. I use my hand to flatten my tied up hair to make sure there’s no ridges before I knock on his door. It doesn’t take long for him to answer it.
“Val.” He greets with his signature big goofy smile.
The tall, long-haired blonde envelopes me into giant hug and I embrace it. His scent fills my nose with memories; it’s soft, comforting, and most of all, fun.
Christian and I have always been close, he’s the closest thing I have to a best friend. Our friendship has always been…interesting to say the least. I think most people would consider our dynamic complicated, but to us it’s quite simple.
I give him a good, hard squeeze around his midsection. “Augh, Kras I’ve missed you.”
He reciprocates the squeeze and places a kiss atop my head. “I missed you too.”
I pull away with a smile and smack his arm, “You don’t text me enough! I didn’t even know your tour ended.”
“Me? The phone works both ways Miss ‘You know I’m busy’” He mocks me jokingly.
“God, I forget how strong your Aussie accent is in person.” I chuckle, diverting the conversation.
I shiver at the ice-cold chill I get from his AC and rub my arms for warmth.
“Fuck it’s cold as shit in here.” It’s so frigid even my teeth chatter.
“Yeah, sorry I like it freezing. You want a jacket or something?” He offers then crosses the room when I nod.
He picks through some clothes in an open suitcase and hands me a multicolored flannel. I pull the flannel over my arms letting the material engulf my body.
After a brief catching up about tour and life, I lean against the wall and cross my arms.
“So, what is it you wanted to talk about.” I cut straight to it.
He bites down on his lip, and I can’t tell if he’s excited or nervous.
Maybe both, maybe neither.
“We need a manager.” He blurts out.
“Oh? I thought you were working with-”
“We want you Val.”
I laugh, because surely, he can’t be serious. I don’t belong to an agency and work my two clients freelance, all on my own. There’s no way I could take on another band, especially one as successful as Chase on top of the other two.
“What? No, no, I absolutely couldn’t manage you guys…”
He steps towards me and trails his fingers down my arms and hooks onto my hands. “Sure you can. You used to, remember?”
I shake my head, “Oh, you know that doesn’t count Christian. We were nobodies – you were nobodies. Of course I could manage your measly little 10,000 Instagram followers.”
He squeezes my hands and tugs on my arms. “C’mon Val. It’ll be like the good old days. It’ll be fun!”
“I don’t know about you, but living in a tiny LA apartment with three men struggling to afford food wasn’t really that good or fun.”
He rolls his eyes and tugs on my arms again. “For old times’ sake?”
I shake my head, “No, no, I already have enough on my plate. I just took on another band not that long ago.”
“Please Val, for us?” His brows curve up, and he gives me the biggest hazel puppy dog eyes that he knows I can’t say no to. “For me?”
I groan and rest my head back against the wall. “I’ll think about it, okay?”
His hands leave mine and find their way to my hips, slipping under the flannel so his hands are holding onto bare skin between my tank and my sweats. His forehead presses against mine.
“Is there anything I can do to help change that answer?” He asks between the small space separating us while his finger traces my jaw line tilting my chin up a bit.
I tug at my lip – this is partially why I came here right? To nip my Nick problem in the bud, to break the dickmatization spell.
“I don’t know, maybe.” I tease up at him with round eyes.
“Hm.” He hums and leans in, pressing a kiss to my lips and I freeze.
Even though we’ve done this a million times before, it just feels wrong now. Nicholas and I aren’t even… anything, we’re just fucking, right? But it still feels odd.
I know this feeling.
And I know what it means.
I pull away and give a little head shake.
“Plum?” He asks using our code word for when we’re interested in or dating someone else.
I groan loudly, shuffle past him to his bed in the studio apartment and dramatically fall flat, face down onto it. Then let out an even louder, longer groan.
He walks over and gently sits criss-cross on the bed next to me.
“Must be a pretty good Plum to have you like this.”
Our friendship was simple. We’re the rare example that a friends-with-benefits can be truly, purely platonic and casual. Kras is a generally affectionate guy, even with his bandmates. And he is one of the only people I feel comfortable being affectionate with, so I let myself be affectionate with him.
We are platonically affectionate best friends who fuck when we’re single. It sounds impossible but it’s who we are and who we have been for almost 10 years. 
It’s nice, cozy, and convenient. Easy.
He’s safe, familiar, and reliable.
Which is more than I can say for any friendship or relationship I’ve ever had.
I turn my head towards him still flat against the bed.
“It’s bad Kras.”
“How bad?”
I chew on my bottom lip. “I work with him.”
His eyes widen. “Oh no.”
“Oh yes.”
“…In the band you were talking about?”
I turn back to hide my face in his duvet. “Oh yeah.”
“Val noooo.”
I chuckle at how his ‘no’s sound like ‘naaauur’s.
“I knooow.” I whine into the sheets.
I shake my head against the duvet.
“Bassist.” I reply muffled in bedding.
A laugh escapes me at his reaction. I pop my head up at him, “Stop, I know.”
I pull myself up and cross the bed to sit next to him and lay my head on his shoulder.
“Maybe I just really like his dick.” I state confidently staring out the large window across the room. I blankly watch the daytime city lights flicker across the highrise-littered skyline.
“You think so?” He asks looking down at me a little. “I’ve never seen you get like this over just good dick. You’re pretty cut and dry about like…emotions. You’re good at separating sex from feelings.” He laughs and nudges me. “That’s why we work so well.”
I groan and hide my face in his shoulder because I know he’s right. He’s always right when it comes to shit like this.
“He sang to me Kras.”
“Oh god…was he any good?”
I feel my cheeks heat up and I nod against his arm, “It was so pretty.”
He laughs and tickles my side, “Look at you! You’re smitten! I never thought I’d see the day.”
I grab the nearest pillow and smack him with it, “Shut up!” then fall back flat and cover my face with it.
There’s a silence between us for a bit, a million things running through my mind, but Kras speaks for me.
“You know you can’t love him, right?” He says gently.
My brows furrow immediately, I slam the pillow down and shoot straight up.
“WHOA, whoa whoa.” I cut through the air with my hand. “Nobody ever said anything about…the L word. I do not…love him.” I can barely get the word out as if it’s something forbidden. “I barely fucking know him. I just like his dick.”
“Okay, okay.” He raises his hands in defense. “You can’t like him. You know that right?”
“I don’t even know if I like him. We’re just fucking. That’s all.”
He glares at me with a face that screams, ‘yeah right’. “Well, fine, you know you can’t keep fucking him.”
I let out a long sigh.
“Yeah, I know. I thought coming here to fuck you would help.”
He laughs then tapers off in thought.
“Maybe we don’t actually have to fuck in order to help.” He suggests.
I raise a brow at him, “What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean… guys normally don’t just sing to girls they’re casually hooking up with.”
“Okay…?” I motion for him to keep going.
“So, if it comes up or anything, you could just lie.” He shrugs.
“Lie about what?”                             
“About like, fucking someone else. If he likes you enough to sing to you, he probably won’t be happy if you tell him you’re fucking someone else. So, he’ll stop trying to fuck you.”
I chew on my thumbnail in thought, he’s right. Like always.
“Maybe. I don’t really know if he’d even care. We never really talking about anything… I thought we just had a silent agreement about just fucking, he never said anything about-”
“He sang to you Val.”
I anxiously twirl the ends of my ponytail and chew on my bottom lip. “I don’t want to hurt him.”
He gives me the most ‘are you for real’ glare.
“Okay, okay.” I deflate. “IF it comes up, I’ll mention something.”
“Just don’t say who I am. I don’t know him, he could beat my ass." He laughs. "Plus, it would be pretty awkward for him to find out that you’re fucking a hot guitarist from your other band.” He smirks cheekily.
“Shut up.” I elbow his side playfully, “I never said yes.”
“But you will.”
I chew on my lip thinking it over.
On one hand, I’m already insanely busy and overworked with the two artists I’m already managing.
On the other hand, as odd as they are, they are old and close friends of mine. It wouldn’t be like managing strangers or learning a whole new fanbase, I helped build the foundation of the one they have now back in 2014.
And it would be a good distraction.
If this plan works out with Nick, maybe I could move on from Plum status and I can actually focus on my job.
“Fine. I’ll do it. BUT,” I hold a finger pointed towards him menacingly, “ONLY temporarily.”
“Ah yes! I knew you would!” He exclaims, wrapping his arms around me and tackling me to the bed, pressing various ‘thank you’ kisses to my cheek.
“Okay, okay enough.” I chuckle trying to escape his grasp.
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I let a long sigh at the bottom of the stairs, shifting my weight between both feet. I tap my fingers on the wooden railing anxiously. I probably shouldn’t be this rattled over something I’ve done a million times before. But it doesn’t get any easier.
I push myself up the stairs in one driving force knowing that it has to be me. It’s always me.
Never Folio. Never Jolly.
It’s always been my job.
There’s no response when I knock on Noah’s bedroom door.
I knock again, no answer.
I knock again, no answer.
So, I let myself in.
As expected, Noah’s passed out with a fresh bottle of whiskey half drank on his nightstand. His room still in as much filth as it’s been for a while. For as long as I’ve known him, I’ve only ever seen his room even remotely messy a handful of times, and this is the worst I’ve ever seen it. In the past I’ve known the reasons behind the mess or the drinking – usually over a breakup or some depression spell – but this time he kept me in the dark. I have no fucking clue what's going on with him.
If I wasn’t so aggravated with him already, the mess of the room would worry me even more than I already am.
I cross the threshold of garbage between the door and his bed and pat his cheek awake.
Sleepy snores tumble from his mouth and while one might find them endearing, right now, they’re pissing me the fuck off.
“Noah.” I say more sternly, nudging him more. No luck.
I try various other ways, and nothing works. He’s out cold.
So, I try a tried-and-true classic.
I climb on top of him and straddle his waist over the duvet, one knee at each side of his hips. His boney exposed shoulders offer a great anchor so I grab them, shaking him awake.
He comes-to slowly, droopy heavy lids struggling to open. His fist goes to rub his tired eye but winces when he’s reminded of the swollen black and blue that surrounds it.  
“The fuck are you doing?” He groans, stealing a pillow from beside him to cover his face. “Get off of me.”
I snatch the pillow from his grasp and toss it across the room. “No. You’re going to get up. You’re going to shower. And I’m taking you to a meeting.”
He shields his eyes with his arm. “I’m-I’m fine Nick, don’t need a meeting.” His words slurring together.
“You’re a fucking idiot.” I correct.
“I don’t need a meeting.” He hiccups and I can smell the alcohol radiating off him, seeping through his skin. “I’m not going. I'm just gonna sleep.”
I grab his wrists, pin them to the bed and get low to his face. “Oh you’re going. We’re gonna sober you up, starting with a shower.” I pull off him and stand beside the bed.
“Let’s go. C’mon.”
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either way has the same result. Let’s go.”
I sigh, even though I knew it would end up like this. “Fine. Hard way it is.”
I yank the sheets off him and use two arms to scoop up his body by his midsection and throw him over my shoulder. He’s thin enough to where even I can lift and carry him easily – or maybe I’ve just gotten used to the weight of him in my arms.
“Nick let me fucking go.” He whines but doesn’t try to wiggle out of my grasp, probably too hungover to move that much.
With every bit of my strength, I carry his thin body to his guest bathroom.
I all but toss him into the shower, start the water, and fling the curtain closed.
“Hey! What the fuck!” He yells and shuts off the water immediately.
He slings the curtain open and snatches a towel off the nearest rack, wrapping it around his shirtless torso.
“What the fuck is your problem, Nicholas!” His hands frantically wipe the water from his face. 
I let out a frustrated groan and turn to leave. "Stop being a baby." 
He steps out of the tub and calls after me, “Hey, I’m not fucking done talking to you!”
The shower shock did exactly what I needed it to do, sober him up, but now I regret even waking him up.
“My problem is that you’re a fucking drunk Noah.” I snap turning back to him.
“I’m not a fucking drunk, I have it under control. You’re just fucking paranoid!” He steps into the hallway dripping water all over the carpet.
“I’m not fucking paranoid, Noah. I’m not letting you drink yourself to oblivion.”
His brows lift in offense, “Let me? What the fuck are you, my fucking keeper?”
“Sometimes it sure fucking feels like I am!” The words escape me before I can stop them.
He chuckles in disbelief, “Well, nobody fucking asked you to be.”
“It doesn’t matter if anyone asked me to, I have to because who the fuck else is gonna pick your sorry, bruised ass off a bar floor in the middle of the fucking day?” My hand helps exaggerate each word.
“Jolly or Folio would’ve.” He sasses, crossing his arms.
“Oh yeah? And how long you think they’d put up with that?” I step closer to him. “Not for as long as I have, that’s for fucking sure.”
His eyes scrunch together like he’s hurt or offended.
Maybe both,
Maybe neither.
“I won’t let you push out everyone in our lives Noah.”
His eyes land on me and he cocks his head to the right a bit like a dog processing a foreign noise.
“‘Push out everyone in our lives’ is that what this is actually about? Alice?”
My gaze locks on him and my hands curl into tight fists at my sides. There are many words I want to say but none seem able to leave my tongue.
“Oh my god. You can’t be serious.” He steps back and points defensively at me. "I didn't push her out, you did!" 
My blood boils and burns as it courses through my veins. My eyes narrow at him.
“I know you fucked her Noah.” I shove my finger so hard into his chest that it nearly knocks him back.
“I didn’t even like her Nick! Why the fuck would I fuck her?” He immediately denies.
“Because you always have to have everything you want, including the things that aren’t yours.”
“‘Things’” He scoffs. “Funny how you’re so upset about someone you only see as a thing.”
My teeth grind so hard it makes my jaw clench, “You know she was never a thing to me until you fucked her.”
“Oh, give it a break Nicholas! Stop blaming me for her leaving.” His hands exaggerate his words then points straight at me. “You are the reason your relationship failed. You are the reason she left.”
My eyes narrow as I step closer to his soaked body. “I would really watch what you fucking say if I were you.”
“Or what?” He asks but I have no answer. “When are you going to stop punishing me for something I never fucking did?”
I watch his eyes: dark brown, heavy, bloodshot, and one lined with a dark bruise from the bar fight. His words sound genuine, but I know his eyes, I know them like the back of my hand.
I know when he’s lying, and he’s lying to me right now. I can’t prove it, I haven’t been able to, but I know he’s been lying to me for the past year.
“For the love of god Noah, can you just stop fucking lying?” I snap. "You don't even have enough respect for me to tell me the truth?"
“Wow.” He presses his lips together for a moment. “You must think so low of me to really believe that I would do something like that.”
“I don’t have to think low of you to believe the truth.” I hiss, stepping towards him. “But you’re going to keep denying it so it’s irrelevant what I believe did or didn’t happen. What I do know, is that you have a fucking problem, and you need help.”
He steps towards me with low brows and narrow beady eyes, “I didn’t fuck Alice and I don’t need a fucking alcohol anonymous meeting just because I still like to get drunk sometimes. I am a fucking adult, and I don’t need you to ‘save me’.” He scoffs and runs his tongue across his teeth. “You know? Maybe that’s what actually drove Alice away, you and your fucking high-and-mighty, savior complex bullshit.”
Every inch of skin on my body feels like its burning and my heart races so loud I can barely even think clearly. I tighten my fists so tight that my nails dig into my palms painfully. I know that if I do anything, it will make me look like the villain.
“I can’t fucking hit you because if I do, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.” I growl lowly. “Get sober or don’t, I don’t fucking care anymore – but we have a chance, a real chance at making it now and if you ruin this for us Noah, I will never fucking forgive you. Do you understand me? I will fucking destroy you if you fuck this up for us.”
His brows curve up and he looks at me like I’m insane for insinuating that he would. “I won’t.” He replies through gritted teeth.
I glance over the railing when I hear the house beginning to stir with Jolly and Folio starting to wake up, which is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I don’t need them getting involved.
“Just,” I lower my voice between us. “Make it to rehearsals, meetings, shows – the rest I don’t give a fuck. Just make it to work. Sober.”
“Fine.” He says quickly, "If that will keep you out of my fucking business and leave me the fuck alone."
"Fine." He repeats, because of course he has to have the last word, before storming off to his room and slamming the door behind him.
I mirror him, making it to my room and slamming the door.
Once alone, the feeling that courses through my body is nauseating, painful and overwhelming. It is a visceral ache, I feel it twisting in my chest first, in my ribs, then flows and pools in the pit of my stomach.
I thought I moved on from the Alice situation. I tried to force myself to believe him, I tried to forget and push it so far down that it wouldn’t hurt. Tried to rationalize, maybe he didn’t sleep with her. Maybe he didn’t betray me. Maybe it really is just me projecting the weaknesses of our relationship onto him. But no matter how hard I push it down, it always bubbles back up.
And in my gut, I know he did it. Everything adds up, the timelines, the behavior, all of it.
I was just never prepared for a girlfriend to cheat on me with my best friend. I was never prepared to have him sleep with my girlfriend. Not after everything we’ve been through.
I was never prepared to have my heart broken by the two people I trusted and loved more than anything in my life.
In retrospect, I guess, I should’ve expected it. For as long as I can remember Noah always had girls fawning all over him. He always had that lead singer charm even though he never planned on being a frontman. Girls were never an issue for him, he seemed to get anyone he ever wanted.
Is it really that far-fetched that the one I had wanted him too?
Is that all that this is going to be from now on? Any girl the rest of us want, would just want Noah first?
I never pictured that this would be our future.
I never pictured my best friend of over a decade fucking my girlfriend then lying about it to my face.
I never pictured having to drag said lying, alcoholic best friend out of bed trying to get him to an AA meeting just so he could be sober enough for rehearsals.
I never imagined that out of the four of us, it would be me having to hold it all together. I never signed up for that. I signed up to play an instrument, to sign CDs, sleep in busses and sit in interviews. I never signed up to play manager, I never signed up to secretly scrape Noah off bar floors, be his personal caretaker and tentative AA sponsor. Doing all of that just to have it thrown in my face, to stand next to him – every day in rehearsals, in photoshoots, on stage, across the fucking dining table – knowing what he did and pretending that I’m okay with it.
I never thought I’d feel stuck in this band, this thing Noah and I have worked on and dreamed about since we were 15. I’ve poured so much of my life into this fucking band.
I can’t just up and leave. I’d have nothing left. I’d be nothing without them and I can’t be the bomb to blow us up. Especially not now when everything is just starting to take off. All this work would’ve been for nothing.
It’s not just my livelihood and dream, but theirs as well. I can’t do that to them.
And as much as I want to, as much as I’ve tried, I can’t leave Noah. We both know I’m right whether he wants to admit it or not. Nobody else would do what I do, nobody knows what I do, and nobody knows how to take care of him the way I do. He’s stubborn and stupid and won’t let anyone else in the way he’s let me in.
I don’t know why I’m the only one who has gotten the curse of his trust, but I have it and I can’t hand it off or set it down – no matter how heavy or suffocating it is.
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Next Chapter -> 11 - Peak Fashion
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tag list; @ladyveronikawrites @kingdomof-omens @persuasivus @strawberryruffilo @thebadchic @the-hell-i-overcame @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @cncohshit @dominuslunae [comment if you'd like to be tagged?]
A/N: The love for this story has honestly been so overwhelming (in a good way obv) and I couldn't be more grateful. I really thought this would flop lol so, thank you so much for every like, reblog, ask, or comment. It means the world to me truly. Thank you.
i love hearing your thoughts so feel free to share! (i'm really bad at responding to comments/asks but i still love them 🥺)
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66 notes · View notes
cousmemes · 5 months
dialogue starters from DOCTOR WHO SEASON 8. feel free to edit for context / continues under the cut.
"I'll wager you've not seen anything like this before."
"Listen to me. You need to calm down."
"I'm not flirting, by the way."
"What have I done wrong?"
"Are you judging me?"
"Just because my pretty face has turned your head, do not assume that I am so easily distracted."
"Whatever it takes, I will keep you safe. You will be at home again."
"I'm cold. There's no point in us both being cold. Give me your coat."
"Are you cross with me?"
"You were talking about me?"
"What is happening right now to you and me is more important than your egomania."
"Nothing is more important than my egomania."
"You've redecorated. I don't like it."
"You can't see me, can you? You look at me, and you can't see me. Have you any idea what that's like?"
"I was being funny. I just do that."
"How long have you been there?"
"Are you going to look that terrified when you take me out for a drink?"
"You were smiling at nothing. I'd almost say you were in love."
"I need you."
"An anti-climax once in a while is good for my heart."
"We cannot waste this chance. It won't come again."
"Isn't the universe beautiful?"
"I think you're probably nice. Underneath it all, I think you're kind and you're definitely brave. I just wish you hadn't been a soldier."
"I don't know if you're a good man. But I think you try to be and I think that's probably the point."
"Old-fashioned heroes only exist in old-fashioned storybooks."
"Do people ever punch you in the face when you do that?"
"Well then, draw your sword and prove your words."
"People are so much better at sharing information if they think the other person has already got it."
"Right, you do that again and you'll regret that."
"We can't just let them kill him!"
"She should not have told you any of that."
"Perhaps others will be heroes in our name. Perhaps we will both be stories. And may those stories never end."
"I wasn't making assumptions about you."
"You just have to squeeze through."
"How did you get in?"
"You know, you should have more than one chair. What do you do when people come round?"
"The deep and lovely dark. We'd never see the stars without it."
"I mouth off when I'm nervous and I've got a mouth on me. Seriously, it's got a mind of its own."
"Tell me the truth - because I know when people are lying to me."
"I am not going to leave you in danger!"
"Sorry, who put you in charge?"
"However this goes, whatever happens, don't let me end up like that."
"They have no power over you now. You can do exactly what you want to do now. Exactly what you've always wanted to do."
"Go and enjoy yourself. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
"There's no way out of this. We're going to die here."
"Why are you being nice?"
"Every time I see you, it's like you're in a rush."
"The next few days are all about you. I promise."
"Human beings have incredibly short life spans. Frankly, you should all be in a permanent state of panic."
"How can you think that I'm her dad when we both look exactly the same age?"
"He's my boyfriend. I thought you'd figured this out."
"Why wouldn't I be okay? I was fine till you blundered in."
"It's funny, you only really know what someone thinks of you when you know what lies they've told you."
"Please, tell me how I fix this."
"I'm bored. Let's go somewhere fun. What do you say?"
"I know men like him. I've served under them. They push you and make you stronger, till you're doing things you never thought you could."
"Is there some sort of fancy dress thing on this evening?"
"I am so sorry. I've had a wobble. It's a big wobble, but it's fine. Forget about it."
"Where are you and are you in trouble?"
"Lying is a vital survival skill. And a terrible habit."
"Do you want the good news or the bad news?"
"We're in the bad news! I'm living the bad news!"
"Why can't you just say it? Why can't you just say I did good?"
"You are enjoying this just a little bit too much."
"Don't make me say it."
"I don't want to be the last of my kind."
"I don't want to see more things. I want to see the things in front of me more clearly."
"I just want to know the truth. I don't care what it is. I just want to know it."
"Shut up, shut up, shut up. I need to talk to you."
"Oh, everything is better when you're here."
"Please speak to me. This is - this is killing me.
"I love you. And you are the last person who's ever going to hear me say that."
"By now, I'm sure you've heard the rumours, and it is with great sadness that I must confirm them to be true."
"He was alive, and then he was dead and it was nothing."
"Don't. Be very, very careful with that."
"I know what you're doing. You're trying to take control."
"I am in control. Do as you are told."
"I was curious about how far you would go."
"You betrayed me. Betrayed my trust, you betrayed our friendship, you betrayed everything that I've ever stood for."
"Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?"
"Speak for me again, I'll detach something from you."
"This isn't possible. The dead don't come back."
"Be strong, even if it breaks your heart."
"Say something only you could say. Tell me something only you would know."
"Whatever it takes, I will be with you again, I swear."
"So you know who I am, right?"
"Look, are you going to help me? Because I can't do this alone."
"And didn't all of those beautiful speeches just disappear in the face of a tactical advantage?"
"I wasn't very good at it, but I did love you."
"There's something that I have to tell you and, er, it's not good news so just - just listen, okay?"
"Never trust a hug. It's just a way to hide your face."
"Thank you for making me feel special."
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BUBBLES!!! okay first um are you okay babes???? I'm kinda worried about you so please keep me updated and tell me how you're feeling!
I promised a headcanon today so here I am!! and I'm gonna talk a bit about Ellie (because she's baby <3)
So you're welcome to expand as much as you want but basically, in my mind, Reader/you and Ellie are very close. There is this very nurturing and motherly bond between the two of you even if you're close in age and you're not her mom. Just like Joel, you feel the need to protect her and make sure she's okay but you actually are open about it. Joel adores her but he's quite clumsy with his feelings and their relationship is just based on the both of them 'acting tough' With you, it's different and when you arrive in Jackson, your caring nature becomes even more indispensable than before. You may ask why as you're all safe, you have a house, food, etc...but because you're not surviving anymore you have to find a new rhythm, discover what 'living' means and for a kid like Ellie who only knew the cruel, harsh world within the QZ, it is particularly difficult. She can't form a bond with children her age and she's also deeply traumatized from the different tragedies in her young life. And she relies on you a lot. I'm going to use the word 'clingy' but really, not as a negative remark. It's just that her development is a bit...backwards? Her early childhood until her teenage years were spent in force independence when she needed love and stability the most. So now that she has this 'stability' she finds herself completely lost and she doesn't know what to do, all she can hold on to is you. Of course, you allow her and encourage that behavior because it's important for her to feel safe and to finally have this 'normalcy' you've known from your early years. Anyway, you have a very close relationship with Ellie and it quickly became a habit that she slept with you while you were camping. Nights were often very cold and it was easy to get scared in the middle of the forest so naturally, you started bringing your sleeping bags together. That habit certainly didn't stop once you arrived in Jackson. Every night, you would take some time after dinner, etc...to tuck Ellie in, make sure she knows she can tell you anything she needs to talk about, remind her you and Joel are right down the hall and kiss her goodnight. Ellie will probably never admit it out loud but the attention and the love you give her make her feel all sorts of ways, it's so pure she almost wants to cry when you treat her with a gentleness she's never been accustomed to before. There are some nights though where Ellie feels worse than others. Sometimes she wakes up screaming from a nightmare and you and Joel found yourself rushing to her bedroom, holding her until she calms down. Sometimes, she wakes up randomly in the middle of the night and she just can't sleep. Sometimes she just needs you. Like tonight.
Aaaaand that's it for tonight!! what do we think?
I really really really hope you're already feeling better when you find this or at least that it could bring you some comfort and yeah, take care of yourself my little bubble ily <3
Anh let's break it down.
She's seen way too much for a 14 year old. Done things that no kid should do at age like that as well. Of course it had scared her. Being an orphan, loosing people she loves, never having anyone to lean on had left her broken. So the fact that you, someone who had shown her emotions aka love, care, affection and so on. You are her main source of comfort. Cause now after 14 years of trying to survive on her own she actually has someone who cares.
It scares Ellie though. Probably even more than Joel but since she's a child she very naturally leans to the nurturing mother role that you hold. Because everything in her body is telling her that that's safety, that that's where she wouldn't have to be afraid. For that fact alone I think that the whole adaptation period in Jackson where everyone is like pufff there's nothing to be scared of here would be extremely hard for her. Because big walls, lots man with guns might read safe for most but it ain't for Ellie. So she requires your nurturing even more. She gets worried more easily, her brain still searches for bad things, for a way that she could lose this all.
I think you would be sleeping with her for the first week or so. The room feels strange, the hallway to your room is way too long and way too dark. She's not used to staying in a house. The sheets fell weird. Everything is way too comfy. I feel like you would find her on the floor the first couple of nights. And no matter how much you'll try to convince her to sleep in the bed, she just wouldn't do it. So you have little sleepovers on the floor instead.
You and Joel encourage Ellie to speak about the fears in head. Both sharing your own worries and how communicating them to someone you trust is a great way to let it go and to see a different perspective. But there's never any pushing in it. It she just wants to sit in silence that's what you three will do. Joel is big on taking her out to the farm so she could be around animals. Sticks around to watch her pet them and feed them. Challenging her to a pun war once in a while.
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sweetestlittledarling · 4 months
Clothing Thief
Rating: PG
Pairing: GalexFinley (Halflingbardtav)
Part of @fluffbruary
Day 2 Prompt: Scent (I rolled these out with Dnd dice so this should be fun lol)
Summary: Finley has a habit of stealing Gale's shirts...
(Inspired by this image by @ghostly-kal who is an awesome human being)
“Darling, have you seen my- “Gale’s words faltered as he stepped out into the living room half-dressed and saw his partner Finley sitting on the couch in front of the fire, sipping tea, and wearing his shirt. Gale leaned against the doorframe, a look of good humor crossing his face. This wasn’t the first time he had come upon this scene of his halfling wearing his shirt which often was big enough to be a dressing gown then a shirt. Actually, since they had officially both started living in the tower Finley was often robbing him of his shirts which was both alluring and a little bit troublesome, especially when he had no shirts to wear. He was pretty sure he was lucky his partner couldn’t fit into any of his pants because he might have been out of clothing all together.
              As if feeling his eyes upon them, Finley looked up with what anyone else would call a look of innocence, though Gale knew better. “Oh, hey Gale,” they said, raising the cup to their lips once again, “did you need somethin’?”
              “Yes darling, I was looking for my night shirt, have you seen it?”
              “Hmmm, no, did you check hamper? Maybe it’s in the wash.”
              Gale rolled his eyes as he pulled himself from the doorway and walked into the room. He stood before Finley, crossing his arms. “Finley Dekarios, we have already talked about this.”
              “I have no idea what you are talking about darlin’.”
              “You know very well that is my shirt.”
              Finley glanced down at the shirt as if just realizing it. “Oh, this shirt! This is yours?”
              “Again, you know very well that it is, now can I please have it back?”
              Finley looked thoughtful, before setting the tea down on a nearby table, and saying: “No.”
              Gale sighed as he sat down next to them. He considered trying to remove the shirt, but he had tried that before and found that his partner was not only clever but fast and as the tower was temperature controlled (by himself) it wasn’t like he was too terribly cold. Plus, Finley did look rather comfortable in it and Gale was nothing if not an accommodating spouse. “May I ask why you find my shirts so particularly comfortable?” he asked.
              “Well for one you got good tastes in shirts and for another it smells like you.”
              “Yes, like a library, I have been told before.”
              Finley looked up at him and smiled. “I mean yeah, there is that old books smell, but there is also the smell of incense, burning candles, and musk.”
              “Musk?” Gale asked raising an eyebrow.
              “Yeah, it’s kind of hard to explain. I’ve never smelled it anyone else but you.” Finley paused, taking in a big sniff. “It makes me feel calm and safe, the same way I feel whenever I am with you.”
              Gale felt a warm feeling building within his chest as he smiled adoringly at the halfling bard who had taken his heart so completely. He gathered them close, allowing them to sit in his lap with their heads resting on his chest. “So, I’m guessing getting your own shirts is probably out of the question,” he mused, playing with a little bit of the tuft that made their hair.
              “I mean only if you wear them first,” Finley chuckled playfully, “which I think you’ll find is probably tricky unless you enchant them.”
              Gale laughed. “I suppose I’m going to have to start locking my drawers and closets from you my daring clothing thief. Though I could imagine if you stole my teaching robes, I might get away with calling out more often.” Gale paused a moment and looked as if he was actually thinking about it. “It also might be an interesting idea for the bedroom. You could be the naughty school librarian come to punish the naughty wizard.”
              “Gale!” Finley laughed, turning their glittery emerald eyes up towards him. “Do you really think that we need THAT in the bedroom?”
              “No,” Gale admitted, as he leaned in, “you are all I want and will ever need, I love you.”
              “I love you too.”
              As their lips met in a kiss, Gale knew that he probably wouldn’t be locking up his shirts too soon. Especially as later on as he slipped on his shirt again and took a moment to take in the scent there. It was indeed, as Finley said, old books, incense, burning candles, and now there was another smell not of the library. It was something warm and just a little bit spicy, like Finley, which made Gale smile.
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
Just out of Reach, but Never out of sight
Here it is!!! The long awaited follow up to chapter 1!!!! After a mini writers block on it and a small rewrite we have the finished product. So without further a do, enjoy Jornos Ch 2!!!!
Chapter 2
Chapter 1, Chapter 3
cw: general fear, panic and anxiety, fear of death, child abandonment, pretty fluffy chapter. word count: 3723
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
When Wilbur had received a text from Phil saying he’d found what he thinks is an abandoned child and brought them home on their way back from work, well Wilbur was confused as F***! What did he mean he’d found an abandoned child? Yes he knew Phil had a bit of a soft spot for kids and a bad habit of ‘adopting them’ figuratively speaking (that’s if Tubbo and Ranboo had anything to say about it), but he said he’d brought a kid home. 
Had Phil kidnapped a child? His brother Techno was equally as confused from the text in their family group chat, and had texted Wilbur to ask if Phil was being legit about this or not. Techno wasn’t going to be arriving home until late that night, as he had a group assignment he was working on with his classmates. Being an English major he had so much school work that came with it and it was just another one he had to knock out of the park. But it sucked heavily for him since Techno wasn’t much of a ‘people person’ to begin with and preferred doing things solo. So maybe it wasn’t a bad thing he wasn’t going to be home just yet. Wilbur knew how some people reacted to seeing Techno…
Wilbur walked up to the front door of the house and opened it up with his set of keys. “Hey Dad! I’m home!” He called as he made his way inside after relocking the front door. “Dad? You here? Where’s this kid you were talking about-” He was about to make his way into Phil’s office when he noticed a figure seated in the kitchen. Sat in a daze was a scrawny and young looking teenager in tattered clothing. They were definitely underfed and probably hadn’t had a good bath in years if not ever; if the look of their mud stained rags clothes said anything from their appearance. “Hi, you must be the kid Phil was talking about,” Wilbur said with a smile as he approached them. The kid shrunk in on themselves at being addressed, but gave a slight nod avoiding eye contact.
“It’s nice to meet you.” They didn’t respond. Instead the kid in question ducked his head down and began to fidget with their hands, shoulders tensed. Right. Phil said they were abandoned right? Probably very on edge right now being in a stranger's home. “So you got suckered into coming home with Phil huh? How’d he pick you up?” He joked trying to ease the tension.
The kid still didn’t respond which just added to the awkward atmosphere in the room. 
Wilbur was about to go find Phil when they quietly responded. “I uh, got lost and um. Ran into a ‘ste-reet lamp’.” The kid said, almost as if they were testing out the word. “I just want to go home to the w- uh nevermind...” The younger said before cutting themself off.
Clearly they were hiding where they lived, but Phil had said to be calm with them. From the dried tear stains down their cheek and slight redness in their eyes, he could tell this kid had been through alot as it was, so better not to push them. “Well I bet that hurt. Did you at least damage the street lamp? They’re all pretty useless at night anyways.” Wilbur said, trying to lighten the mood as he took a seat at the counter. “I’d like to see one of them busted up.” “I didn’t bring it down, but I left a good dent in it.” The kid responded, cautiously eyeing him up and down, before continuing on a little more confidently. “I could have brought it down if I had wanted to. Nothing can stop me! I’m a big man!”
Wilbur couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him.
“A big man huh?  The rest of those street lamps better watch out then in case you go crashing into more of them.”
“Hey it’s not my fault it got in the way!” The blonde snapped back in retaliation, their face scrunched up in annoyance. Wilbur just laughed more at the kid's antics, but they seemed to realize their small outburst, and shrunk back in on themselves. Their hands returning to rest in their lap. 
Well that wasn’t a good sign. “So uh what’s your name?” Wilbur asked, realizing he had yet to ask after a moment's awkward silence. The kid studied him for a moment before answering.
“It’s Tommy. It’s um, nice to meet you, Wilbur.”
Huh? He didn’t remember introducing his name? Or did he? Oh Phil probably told him. That would make sense.
“Ah Wilbur! I see you’ve met Tommy.” Think of the devil and they appear, as Phil walked into the kitchen to stand next to him by the counter. 
“Sorry about that Tommy. I had a call from my co-worker about one of the files I’d given them today.”
Tommy remained still, keeping his eyes trained down avoiding both his and Phil’s gazes. They exchanged concerned looks before Phil motioned for Wilbur to follow him out of the room. 
“We’ll be back in a minute Tommy. Just gotta talk to Wil about some family stuff.” Tommy flinched minutely, but kept his head down and gave a slight nod before Phil and Wilbur exited the room.
“Where in Prime did he come from Dad?” Wilbur demanded when they were both out of ear shot. 
“I have no idea Wil. Kid barely uttered a word on the way here and kept stopping to stare at the strangest things.” “What do you mean?” “He stopped and stared at a bicycle, letter box, phone booth, a trampoline, another letter box, a tree and then at his own hands several times on the way here. Honestly Wil, you’d think Tommy’s never seen any of these things before just based on how long he stared at each object.” “Oh Prime, are you serious?” Wilbur uttered in disbelief.
“Maybe they’ve got a concussion? Tommy did say he ran into a street lamp right? Maybe that’s a side effect?” “I don’t think so.” Phil replied, crossing his arms, a frown forming on his lips. “I don’t think he hit the street lamp all that hard. I heard him running and turned too late to stop him before he ran into it. Then when I checked to see if he was okay, he had a full on panic attack!” “Phil, that's awful.” Wilbur gasped.
“The Kid already looks like s*** and acts like one wrong move and he’s done for.”
“I know! I don’t get it either.” Phil responded as he peered around the side of the office door frame to look at Tommy. The blonde was staring up at the clock, almost as still as a statue.
“You should have seen him when he was coming here Wil. I don’t know what happened to him, but it’s as if he’s at war with himself.”
“Well it can’t have been good.” The brunette huffed in annoyance. “What is he? 14, 15? He looks like he’s been dragged through hell in those clothes and hasn’t eaten in what? Days? Prime, has he eaten anything ever?!?” 
Phil walked over to where Wilbur was seated at his desk, and rested his hand on his shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“I don’t know Wil, but I’m hoping we’ll find out soon. He just needs some time to settle. When Techno gets back, then we can figure out how to help him.” 
“I know. You’re probably right.” Wilbur said as he reached up and squeezed his father’s hand. “I hope we can.” 
              ฅ/ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ฅ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tommy stared blankly at the clock on the wall. He’d been stuck Human Bean size for roughly what he felt was 2 hours as he’d watched the long stick thingy in the clock complete 2 full rotations, the smaller stick thingy moving two numbers over. It was the only thing he could do without the fear of wrecking something at this new size. 
When he first grew, he thought he was imagining it from how hard his head had been throbbing. But when he had heard Phil’s voice and looked up locking eyes with the Bean, he’d been terrified which had resulted in a panic attack. He has no idea how Phil had calmed him down but he knew that no matter what, he couldn’t shrink down now. Because despite this entire fiasco, it seemed Phil didn’t know he was in fact not a Bean and was instead a Borrower. 
But could he even call himself that anymore? 
Borrowers can’t change their size at will?! What even was he? 
He didn’t know how he’d grown in the first place, let alone know how to shrink back down! Prime! He didn’t even know if he could?! Tommy hadn’t had very long to dwell on those thoughts though. Not when Phil had offered to bring him home, unknowingly saving him from his inner turmoil.
However, even with his new size it was difficult for Tommy to focus on his current situation. The Borrowers at the colony had always said he got easily distracted and that’s what would get a Borrower killed. They’d punished him very harshly every time he had so it was very difficult to focus on following Phil back to the house when everything was just so different. So many new things he’d never seen before or at such a different size. It was alienating in a way, yet he was curious and wanted to know about it all!
So he didn’t understand why when he’d first slipped up, staring at what’s apparently called a Bye-see-call, he hadn’t died by the human’s hand there and then. He’d gotten distracted and needed to be punished, so surely the punishment from them would be 100x worse than what any Borrower could do? But Phil had just simply looked at him oddly before asking if he was alright, asking him why he was staring at the strange contraption with a confused crooked smile. It didn’t make sense! Even after he continued to slip up staring at something else, the man was patient and unknowingly provided answers for what objects were with a smile. 
Don’t get him wrong, he was beyond excited he was learning more about his surroundings, but surely if Phil knew what he really was, this whole situation would be completely different? Yeah that had to be it. If Phil didn’t know he was a Borrower, then he had no reason to harm him. As long as he was big, he was safe. 
But how long could that last? He didn’t know how to become small again and even if he did, he couldn’t with the Bean around. He was trapped in the very place he had tried to get home to and now Wilbur was back. He’d already mucked up, getting ahead of himself responding brashly to Wilbur’s comment about the street lamps. He couldn’t afford to lose focus. He eventually let his eyes wander from the clock to around the kitchen. It was so strange looking at everything at his new size. So familiar yet, so wrong. His eyes soon came to rest upon the bag Phil had taken to work. He’d emptied it of the papers and files when they had first arrived and left the bag sitting on the counter; the cow keychain poking out of it ever so slightly. His eyebrows furrowed as he sat and stared at it in disgust. If he had just left it alone. He didn’t even like its stupid adorable little face anyways. It probably felt really itchy and scratchy to the touch anyways. Tommy hadn’t actually gotten a chance to feel it properly when he tried to unhook it from the keychain. He was too focused on it to take notice of its texture. Besides, it wouldn’t fill the burning desire to fill the hollow feeling in his chest. It was just a dumb cow. Why the hell would he want something as stupid that for all those dumb reasons? He was snapped out of his thoughts as the sound of footsteps made their way back towards the kitchen. ‘Wilbur’ his mind supplied judging by the clinking of the quick, long strides the Bean made whilst walking across the wooden floors. 
As predicted, the Bean walked back around the counter taking a seat back in front of him, leaning forward perched on their elbows. “So Tommy, you hungry?” “Not really.” Tommy lied. He was in fact absolutely starving and exhausted from all the adrenaline he’d been riding the past few hours. He hadn’t eaten anything since last night when he’d gone out on his supply run, but he didn’t want to be a nuisance to the Crafts, but he also didn’t know what he was supposed to do while they were around. “Well, we were thinking we’d get pizza for dinner. Anything in particular you’d like?” Wilbur asked, oblivious to Tommy’s inner turmoil.
“Um, what's Pe-sa?” Testing the strange word out on his tongue, a questioning look on his face. Clearly that was not the right response because Wilbur just stared at him with a furrowed brow puzzled.
“You-you don’t know what Pizza is?” He asked incredulously. “Ha! Just kidding! Of course I know what Pee-za is!” Tommy laughed nervously, trying to play the interaction off as a joke.
“Just get whatever you’d like haha...”
“Uh okay then…” Wilbur stood, giving him a weird look before taking out his phone thingy, pressing buttons on it, making a call to order the pizza. That was a close one.
He sat and waited some more while Wilbur and Phil got things set up for dinner, Tommy returning to stare at various objects before the sound of a doorbell brought him out of his thoughts and the pizza was placed on the counter.
“Eat as much as you like Tommy.”
He gave a timid smile before looking to the box as it was opened and his mouth dropped open. A large circular flat piece of bread covered with red sauce stared Tommy back in the face. It was layered in different kinds of meats and topped with melted cheese, the glorious smell of it wafting through the air filling his nose with a heavenly aroma. So this is Pitza. The thing he’d watched many Beans eating during their movie nights or football finals was sitting before him. He’d smelled it many times wafting through the vents and had tried before to get his hands on a slice. But his only success were the few cold pieces of the crust that some smaller Beans didn’t want. This Peaza though was whole, hot and for him. He picked up a slice and bit into it. 
It was an explosion of flavour and even better than he’d ever imagined. It was like a party in his mouth. No, it was like, TEN parties in his mouth and all at the same time! It was so good in fact, Tommy began to stuff the slice into his mouth. He couldn’t get enough! It was the best damn thing he’d ever eaten!!! “Slow down mate! Don’t want you to choke.” Tommy immediately froze. 
Right. He wasn’t alone in the walls. 
He was in the Crafts kitchen, eating with Phil and Wilbur. Slowly Tommy lowered the rest of the slice he was eating, swallowing the last mouthful with a heavy gulp. How could he forget? He’s eating with Beans. He can’t afford to get over excited and eat as much as he wants. They’d get mad with him for eating too much of their food and then they’d hurt him for being greedy! Slowly he finished the rest of the slice before returning his hands to his lap. “Hey it's alright if you’d like another slice Tommy.” Phil said to him, Tommy glancing up slightly from the remaining pizza. “Just wanted you to slow down is all.” Tommy stared at the pizza, the gloss of the melted cheese tempting him to take another slice tauntingly close. He wanted more. “Uh no thanks.” He lied, closing the lid of the pizza box. “I’m good.” “If you’re sure. We can always heat it up later if you change your mind.” Ignoring the alluring urge for another slice, Tommy allowed his eyes to wander around the room again. He looked at the shelves and to the clock, but found his eyes trailing back down to the cow keychain once more. This time however, Wilbur took notice. “You like that keychain huh?” They mused as Tommy looked away, his face flushed.
“Would be better if it didn’t have that chain bit attached to it.” Tommy murmured as he glanced at the small trinket. “Ruins the softness of the cow.” “If you like, I can remove it from the chain.” He didn’t wait for an answer, as Wilbur carefully began to remove the chain from the plushies stitching. Tommy watched silently as the Bean worked, before he finished and deposited the now chainless plush in front of him. “There we go. What do we think?” He didn’t reply, instead continuing to stare at the small plush. He didn’t- he didn’t think that Wilbur would actually take it off the chain. He really wanted to pick it up. Wanted to take it back into the walls with him. Wanted- “Alright boys, I think we should get Tommy here to bed.” Phil spoke up, interrupting Tommy’s train of thoughts. “You’ve had a pretty big day and I think it would be best if we got you settled and spoke more about things in the morning.” Tommy gave a little nod before standing to follow Phil, eyes trailing down to look at the cow plush one last time before leaving to follow. They walked through the house, Phil leading Tommy into the guest bedroom as he recalled, Wilbur trailing from behind. “You can sleep in here for the night Tommy.” Phil led him into the little room. 
Tommy had been in here many times before. The Beans often used it for storage due to Phil’s ‘Dad hoarding’ habits, as the twins called it, so there was always something easy to borrow. The walls were a plain white and the room itself had a tall bookshelf, a nice desk and single bed with light green bedding. It was quaint despite the array of misfit clutter.
“If you wanted to wash up before bed, I’m sure we could find you something to wear.” Wilbur said as he followed in after Phil and Tommy. “You also don’t have to if you’re not comfortable Tommy.” Phil chimed in. “There’s no pressure.” “Thank you.” he responded quietly before moving towards the bed. Tommy didn’t want to be any more of a bother than what he already had been. The room was enough and the thought of a bath right now while nice also worried him. Water was treated like gold in the old colony and wasting too much of it to bathe in was massively frowned upon. The phantom pain of the scars on his back throbbed slightly at the thought of the last time he’d had a proper bath. He had used the cold streams to wash up many times since the ‘bathing incident’. “Well alright then.” Phil sighed softly as he moved for the door. “The bathroom is down at the end of the hall and to the right if you need it.” Tommy gave a little nod as he watched Phil and Wilbur begin to exit the room. “If you need anything, just let us know. Wilbur’s next door to you and I’m across the hall. If you hear the doors open later tonight, don’t be alarmed. It's just Techno coming home from study.” ‘I know, but thanks’ Tommy thought to himself as Phil left the room, turning his attention now to how Wilbur was wavering by the door frame silently, debating something before nodding and making his way back into the room. “I thought you might like this.” He said as he placed a small brown and white object on the nightstand. The cow plush. “You can have it if you want. I don’t think anyone would mind.” 
Tommy simply stared at the small toy mouth slightly agape, not noticing the way Wilbur smiled softly at him.
“Hope you sleep well Tommy.” Wilbur said as he left the room, swiftly closing the door behind him.
Tommy glared at the cow plush in disgust. It was all the stupid things fault he was in this mess in the first place! If he hadn’t wanted it so badly and just left it alone, stuck to staying within the walls, none of this would have happened! He wouldn’t have gotten stuck in Phil’s bag. He wouldn’t have fallen out of it. He wouldn’t have nearly gotten lost. He certainly NEVER would have grown to be Bean size and gotten stuck at it too! The realization that he was still stuck at this size hit him full force in that moment.
He had no idea how to become small or if this shift was permanent. He didn’t know how long he could pretend to be a Human Bean before the Crafts got suspicious or kicked him out. Trying to be quiet and submissive may have worked in the old colony, but even they got rid of him as soon as they could. He just wanted to be his normal 3 inch tall self again. Curl up, tucked in small, safe and sound in his little home in the walls. He wanted to be small. He wanted to go home.
Tommy looked over to the small plush again, the once big toy to him now not even half the size of one of his index fingers. Despite all the grief it had caused him, he still wanted it. Still wanted to hold it close and make all the worry wash away. Wanted to feel like he would be loved okay.
He leaned over and gingerly picked up the cow plush and laid down, curling tightly into a ball on the bed as silent tears began to trail down his face.
It was the softest thing he had ever touched.
AND THERE WE GO! WOOOO YOU MADE IT TO THE BOTTOM! Thank you for reading and thank you to @a-xyz-s for proof reading again!!!
For my gt peeps I know there wasn’t a whole lot of gt this chapter but next chapter I will be back with some tiny Tommy times so stay tuned!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tag list: @brick-a-doodle-do @munchkin1156 I'm not sure who else to add to this. If the tumblr fam wants to be tagged in future let me know or if you want be removed ping me ^v^
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randomfanner · 6 months
Wyll + the Bitchest Bitch to ever Bitch out of the Bitch Plane of Existence SFW Headcanons
So I kept thinking Wyll was crashing my game whenever I talked to him after I rejected him at his dance cutscene. Turns out I just needed to power click x until whatever cutscene was supposed to play was skipped. Now I have Wyll back!
I probably would have done this sooner had it not been for that. He is the Sweetest Prince Charming
Also fuck Mizora. I hate Mizora. I really wish she would get the fuck out of my camp.
Wyll really likes to spar and just practice with wooden rapiers. No stakes, no life or death, just dueling with someone who he is closed to. He loves to teach the kids because it reminds him of that and when they are a bit older then the tiefling children were, he does like to duel the same way.
When he does spar with kids under less horrible circumstances he will play the roll of a big bad villain rather then the Mighty Blade of Frontiers. Of course let them skewer him in the end. Letting them learn and get the feeling of victory.
It feels like passing down lessons the way his father did to him. Wyll truly misses his father and spending time with him more than anything in the world.
If you offered to spar with him he would jump to his feet and he is so excited. He has an extra bit of showmanship, playing the role of a villain who wishes to steal a kiss. He may beat you, just so he may plunder his nefarious rewards.... if he may.
He likes to buy things for the party. His love language is gift and he gifts a lot when you all get back to Baldur's Gate. The shopping trip with Karlach and Astarion happens with Wyll and you if it happens because Wyll wants to buy everyone stuff.
It's a shame the money is pooled/managed by you but please let him take the lead it will make him so happy for this. When he does get money that is solely his he does spend it on everyone else(and fancy wines for himself but shush)
When things have fully calmed down, things have started to be rebuilt and Wyll is allowed to ask for a favor from his father. That favor being gold so he can treat you like the prince(ss) you are.
He will buy you anything you ask. Literally anything. He may also buy something nice for himself.
Before he could buy you things, he liked to bring you small trinkets and flowers he found. He would also buy some of the wines from the kids at Last Light to both encourage their business skills(especially with Rolan being an asshole) and to share with you for later.
He really likes to share his wine with you. It is one of his favorite things to bond with you once you get closer.
Wyll would love to carry you bridal style but unfortunately for our 8 strength friend that is not a realistic possibility on it's own. However Wyll is no strange to using extra forces to cover blind spots, and so he will drink a potion of giant strength to be able to whisk you away.
Now well Wyll is the sweetest man in the world he sometimes does have to deal with the fact he is a devil now. Well he himself has not changes, he may have some new habits he isn't expecting.
it is never anything bad of course. He gets things like wanting to rub his scent on you much like a cat, brushing his nose into your shoulder and giving you a small kiss. Bringing you a fresh blood, cute things he wouldn't have done before.
Also some slightly more territorial things than he would ever do normally... such as pulling you just a tiny bit closer to him. He doesn't even realize he doing it because he isn't a super jealous guy.
Oh he may also have other side effects of being a devil but that is for the NSFW headcanons.
Mizora constantly loves to try and give Wyll horrible, horrible relationship advice. When she is bothering you at camp she will just go to Wyll and tell him he should do things that count as devil courting rituals but to most humans are just attempts at murder.
Wyll of course ignores her and tries to get her to leave him alone, doesn't happen of course it is fucking Mizora. Out of spite he starts going over to court you in the most gentlemanly way possible, not listening to her advice at all.
Mizora also tries to give you unsolicited on what Wyll likes... and of course tries to sew any doubts she can about your relationship. Of course it is best to ignore her and if you can, give Wyll all the positive attention you can.
Mizora will also pop in or have some fiendish force pop up just fuck with any date Wyll may take you on. Perhaps a waiter spills soup in your lap because something tripped him, or maybe the waitress gets a bit bold and flirts with Wyll.
Mizora makes herself such a nuisance at every chance she gets.
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
I 10000% need some fluff and smut for Ryan Dunn!!!
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okok more ryan dunn content bc lord im so whipped for him its not funny anymore, i also think there NEEDS more content of him on here i’ve scrolled to the bottom of the ryan dunn tags and im in need of content tbh, so might as well make my own for other ryan lover like me out there !
WARNINGS: nsfw elements towards the end
oh this man is crazy for u
we’ve seen and heard of stories of ryans past relationships
we all know he would literally bend over backwards for u
i feel like hes not to big on romantic things though
like fancy flashy type romantic stuff
date wise he would probably take u either somewhere public like the movies or an icecream shop or like somewhere u genuinely really wanna go
in public though he always had one arm wrapped around u
either around ur waist or ur shoulder or even just holding ur hand
he wants everyone in that mf to know ur his
keep a little photo of u in his wallet
“yah my girlfriend is super hot.”
the guys totally dog on him for it though
everyones just praying ur not like his past relationships
he just has a habit of letting people step over him bc he care abt them too much
but ur not like le that, ur different (hopefully LMAO)
when he started growing his hair out he definitely let u brush it and style it when u could
that man barely knows how to shower on a regular basis hes definitely not brushing his own hair regularly
oh lord jesus christ ur gonna have to make him shower
hes gonna be smelling like a whole can of bounce that ass sometimes
u will probably have to make a deal with him to shower
or just lock his ass up in there and tell him hes not coming out untill he does shower
but honestly if u just ask him politely and nicely he will start trying to smell better and shower more often
anything for u
he loves to kiss u
like all the time, no matter where
in public, in front of the guys, in front of a old persons home, u name it and he’s probably gonna kiss u there
also he loves kissing ur nose, forehead, cheek and ofc ur lips
he also doesnt mind kisses back (lord please kiss his nose he secretly loves it when u do that)
any joke u make will make him do his little goofy laugh
oh and he will do anything to see u laugh or smile
he adore ur smile
he could just admire it for hours on end
i feel like his mom would love u too
ur just his perfect match !
hmm where should i start
i feel like hes a switch but hes more on the dom side
but not like rough and mean
he’s definitely a soft dom
he loves to take it slow, gentle and calm
he wants to enjoy every minute you guys spend together
slow pace but just right yk?
but he also loves it when ur dominant
seeing u above him and seeing u have all the power when it comes to the bedroom just does something for him
he don’t discriminate
LOVESSS when u give him hickeys
he will also give them to you yes ofc but only if hes feeling a bit jealous
he does not like sharing his sex life with anyone
maybe bam but thats a bog MAYBE
ik hes stated before he likes to keep things private
so no risky public sex or threesomes
oh he loves to give u head
and hes damn well good at it
he wont stop till u at least have came twice
SPEAKING OF CUM (hehe cum)
his favorite place for him to cum is either on ur thighs or in ur mouth
probably one of the only ways u can get him to shower
he likes using handcuffs on u though
thats on super rare occurrences
kink wise i think hes not into a lot
maybe hair pulling, spanking but not much else
hes always down to try some stuff though if u really wanted too
just nothing that involves him hurting u or u hurting him
i also feel like hes not one to joke during the deed
unless u both are in a silly mood then maybe theres some giggling and jokes
but otherwise he wants it to be more intimate and loving
“ah yes ur doing so good for me baby.” “u look so good with my cock inside u darling”
i feel like hes into being called a title
like sir or master (maybe)
i feel like he would be icked out by daddy though
his after care is amazing though
you want him to run u a bath? get u food, drinks? a magically gay unicorn? hes getting it for u no matter how tired he is
he thinks its so cute when u fall asleep in his arms first
he just loves u so much and wants to see u happy
if ur happy and satisfied hes happy and satisfied
hope u enjoyed!! i kinda just did a bunch of cute and spicy headcanons for this bc i just wrote another ryan fic abt a similar topic sooooo yea!
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Could you do a Andrealphus x Reader where they go out on a date at a fancy restaurant?
I had a feeling the new episode would bring a few new x reader requests, so I guess it's time to write Ice Birdy. If he had an S/O he cared about he'd certainly treat them like this so sure!
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Andrealphus and his S/O going out on a date to a fancy restraunt.
Andrealphus to me personally feels like the kind to love spending his wealth, so this is probably how most dates with him are like, but he still tries to make it enjoyable for the both of you.
He makes sure to get a nice table, with a nice view out the window and such to make it the best possible.
Even if it's a fancy restraunt he's still gonna be way overdressed, not that you mind though, loving his eccentric nature when it's like this. He also tries to get you to dress fancy, loving you all dressed up, whether or not you agree he'll still compliment how you look.
Lowkey you have to stop him from making a fuss over every little thing, the foods taking a bit too long, the napkins aren't folded properly, the water isn't cold enough etc. He's a massive snob but for better or worse he's yours.
He has a habit of trying to feed your food to you, cutting it up and serving it with a fork, liking the feeling of you kinda eating out of his hand, it flusters you every time and public or not he'll do it, before you reclaim your plate and silverware, wanting to kiss that smug smirk right off his beak.
He'll also constantly reach over the table to hold your hand gently, his hands are naturally very cold so it's a shiver and a surprise every time. Even if he likes to keep up appearances as he believes a royal should, he'll still love to make you blush in the middle of public, he's a massive hypocrite but he hardly cares.
If it's one of those kinds of fancy restraunts, where the food is stupidly small and pratically in a language of it's own, he'll pratically serve as a translator for you if you need one, suggesting dishes and sides he'll think you'll like.
For his own meal, he's incredibly specific on what he wants, and satan forbid the staff even get it a little wrong or else he'd start a mini ice age if it wasn't for you, not only cause you help calm him down, but also cause he doesn't want to hurt you.
One mostly romantic thing he does though is he mutes his phone, no one is interrupting his time with you, Stella especilly isn't going to ruin your date night with the seventh tantrum this week. Your his one and only concern that night.
He of course splurges for dessert, he'll likely get something cold, a sundae and the like, while you can get anything on his kinda budget, though he may get a milkshake to share, not only for that romantic trope but to mess with it on your end with his magic, refusing to admit he does so, causes he's like that and all.
He doesn't tip, but if you do, he'll teasingly chastise your generosity before you walk out, taking a walk or going back to his limo depending on how you got there, you two slinging arms around eachother if your walking, and maybe cuddling and kissing a little as you two get driven back, if your wearing makeup he'll love to mess it up, and that's just in the car, just wait till he get's you home and in bed~
Okay, hope that was good enough, honestly not the biggest fan of Andrealphus personally, but hey that never stopped me with Crimson XP Hope you enjoyed it!
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nhasablogg · 1 year
I dont wanna monopolize all your prompts but maybe a short one where Spencer won't/cant go to sleep/is drinking too much coffee to stay awake so someone tickles him to tire him out? Or just to convince him to get some actual rest?
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters: Hotch, Reid
A/N: This is probably ooc, but I don't CARE I wanted to write about Hotch and Reid. Also tweaked the prompt a little, hope that's okay!
Words: 1.3k
Hotch didn’t make it a habit to profile his profilers. It didn’t seem ethical, especially not if it didn’t affect their abilities to work. Which was exactly why it took him slightly too long to realize that Reid was sleep deprived.
“How many hours of sleep per night does a person need to function normally?” he asked him that afternoon.
Reid looked up from his paperwork, one hand gripping his fifth cup of coffee. “Between seven and eight depending on age.”
“I see. And how many do you get on a nightly basis?”
Reid straightened, his lips pursing. “I sense I made a mistake.”
“How many, Reid?”
“Maybe two?”
“Not every single night of my life!” Reid scrambled to add. “But. Recently.”
Hotch rubbed at his temples. “Jesus. For how long?”
“A couple of weeks.”
“Reid. You need to lay off the coffee.”
“It’s not because of that,” Reid said, holding up his hands. “It’s the only way I can focus during the day. It doesn’t matter how tired I am at night. I just can’t seem to sleep.”
“Nightmares?” Hotch remembered when Morgan had approached him about it a few years ago, when Reid’s nightmares had started.
Reid shrugged. “Partly. I’ve been able to handle them before, though.”
“We experience new things all the time. It’s nothing to be ashamed of if you find it harder now.”
“I’m not ashamed.” But he wouldn’t meet Hotch’s eyes now, turning back to his pile of papers.
Hotch huffed, wondering how to approach this. It wasn’t as if he could physically make sure Reid was sleeping.
“I want you to take a nap right now.”
Reid turned back to him. “Sorry?”
“We have a couch and a quiet room for a reason. This job’s demanding. I order you to go to sleep.”
Reid held up his cup. “But I’m five coffees down,” he said weakly.
“Then starting tomorrow you’re not allowed to have any more coffee past noon and will take a nap after lunch.”
“Sir, with all due respect-”
“No arguing.”
Reid’s mouth snapped shut, but Hotch caught him mumbling something along the lines of “Morgan will tease me to death” as he left him.
And Morgan did, stopping only when Hotch shot him a look the next day. “I think I should enforce this rule on everyone if I’m being honest. I doubt you’re taking care of yourselves as you should.” Everyone squirmed, refusing to look at him. “Hm. Reid, come on, the room is ready for you.”
“Do I have to?”
“Yes. You look exhausted as it is.”
“I’m fine, Hotch, I promise.”
“Didn’t I say no arguing?”
Reid sighed, following Hotch into the room. It was nothing special really, but it had a couch by the wall, a table and a chair for when you needed complete privacy while working or eating, and a small window with the blinds closed, just in case you needed daylight. Hotch rarely was in here, and he had no doubts his agents barely knew of its existence.
“There’s blankets and extra pillows,” he said, pointing to a basket. “You get an hour.”
“What if I can’t fall asleep?” Reid asked quietly, arms crossed. Holding himself rather than displaying defiance, Hotch noted.
“Just resting is also good for you.” Hotch softened, taking in the young agent. How much he’d seen much too young. “Please try, Reid. Please.”
Hotch left him before he could reply.
Reid found him 27 minutes later, hair somewhat unruly and his eyes containing something that nearly scared Hotch a bit. “I can’t. Hotch, I can’t.”
“Reid, Reid, calm down. What is it?”
“I can’t sleep.”
“I just can’t, I-” He ran a hand over his face. “It’s not that I don’t want to.”
He saw the frustration in the kid now. How he probably spent weeks trying and failing to get the rest he needed. How that was slowly etching itself into his bones and spilling over.
Hotch sighed, wondering if he was crossing a line. “Come with me.”
They went back to the room and Hotch had him sit down next to him on the couch.
“Relax,” he told him. “It’s okay. I want to try something.”
“I do this to Jack when he can’t sleep. I know you’re not a child,” he added when Reid opened his mouth. “But I think this could help as long as you’re not uncomfortable with me touching you.”
“Or we can get someone else to do it. Maybe Morgan.”
“What exactly do you have in mind?”
“Jack relaxes when I stroke his back,” he explained, finding himself smiling softly. “I figured sometimes you just need to know that someone is there. It also helps you relax.”
Reid exhaled. “Is that- something you want to do for me?”
“Of course.” Hotch said it with no hesitation, although still wondering if it was appropriate. But their job literally involved them sleeping and eating and crying around each other. He saw no reason why this would be different. “If you want me to.”
“I guess it can’t hurt,” Reid mumbled, suddenly blushing and turning away from him. “I, uh, should I lie down?”
Hotch hadn’t thought of the details. “Yes, I’ll- I’ll sit on the chair.”
It was awkward, as they shuffled to get in position. Hotch wheeled the chair over, realizing it was probably much too high for him to comfortably touch Reid, but it would have to do. Reid was facing the back of the couch, visibly tense and waiting for Hotch to approach.
“Just tell me if you want me to stop, okay?”
“Are you gonna keep doing it until I fall asleep? Because that will probably take hours.”
Hotch really hadn’t thought this through. “I’ll do it for a bit just to help you relax, okay?”
“I’m gonna touch you now, okay?”
It was strange, to be petting your co-worker, but to be fair it wasn’t the strangest thing he’d done for this job. Reid lay completely still as Hotch let his fingertips run over his back, over his spine and shoulder blades and the nape of his neck. He shivered slightly, which made Hotch smile. Despite everything Reid hadn’t lost his humanity.
“How’s that?”
“Feels good,” Reid mumbled. Hotch could imagine him blushing, eyes closing and mouth slightly agape.
“And a little weird?”
Reid breathed out a laugh. “And a little weird,” he agreed.
Hotch laughed too, running his fingers down Reid’s spine toward his lower back. “Well, hopefully you’ll relax anyway- oh.”
Reid had twitched away from him with a yelp, glancing back at him briefly enough for Hotch to catch his panicked expression. “Uh.”
“Did I cross a line?” Hotch asked, equally as panicked.
“No, no, I just- Ugh.” He turned back around, pressing his face to the couch. “I think I’m good now, sir, thank you, you can leave now.”
“Reid, what-”
“I’ll fall asleep in no time.”
“Reid.” Hotch grabbed his arm. “What happened?”
Reid sighed. “It’s stupid.”
“If I overstepped-”
“You did nothing wrong, it just tickled.”
“I didn’t know you were ticklish.”
“How could you have known?”
“I’ll be more careful. Is it just your lower back?”
Reid didn’t reply instantly. “My sides. Back ribs. Shoulder blades if you’re being very gentle.”
“I see.”
“Neck too.”
“So I have about one fourth of your back that’s safe to touch,” he joked and Reid groaned, clearly embarrassed. “Sorry. I’ll be careful. Although it would have been fun to hear you giggle.”
“I don’t giggle.”
“I’m sure that’s a lie.” In a moment of rare playfulness, Hotch gave Reid’s side a poke, earning something akin to a shriek. “Sorry.”
“You did that on purpose.”
“I think I know what to do now next time you refuse to sleep.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would. Now be still and let me continue. I promise not to tickle you.”
Reid did. Hotch deserved a medal for keeping his word.
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