#I mean this pollen certainly seems to agree
thebigbiwolf · 8 months
Spittle Part 2/2 (Coming Soon) - Astarion/F!reader
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Summary: The chocolate seems innocent enough - if you look past the Infernal writing on the wrapper, and with so few pleasures in the wilderness, you all but jump at the chance to sneak yourself a small treat.
Unbeknownst to you, the bar is infused with succubus spittle. Just one square is rumored to contain enough potency to send a mortal into the throws of ecstasy.
This is what happens when you eat half the bar.
Fic Tags: Sex Pollen (kinda), aphrodisiacs, a bit of dom!Astarion, unprotected piv, overstimulation, he talks you through it (iykyk), more tags will be added once the fic is fully posted.
Fic Warnings: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Language, No use of Y/N, magical influence Read Part 1: Here
The elf scoots closer. “We’re running out of time. If you want my help, it's best to ask now, because as much as I love the idea of you begging me to bed you, I won’t be comfortable doing this unless you agree to it while you’ve still got your wits about you.” Tears sting the corners of your eyes, blurring your vision at the edges. He’s right. You don’t think you can do this alone, and as much as you fucking hate to admit it, the damned succubus magic - that thing - is right.  You do desire him. You’ve wanted him since the moment you met beside the nautiloid. Now here he is, offering to ease your suffering.  There’s just one part of this you can’t seem to make peace with. “I didn’t let you drink from me because I was hoping you’d repay me.” Your voice warbles. As you blink, several beads of liquid drip down the side of your face. “I can’t have sex with you if it’ll just be part of some ridiculous transaction. Not with anyone, and certainly not with you.” His expression softens as your words sink in. It’s a confession, of sorts. The kind he’s wholly unfamiliar with. It stuns him almost to the point of speechlessness.  “My apologies. Believe me, it was more of an excuse than anything. I didn’t mean to suggest…” His words trail off as he shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter. I want to do this. Let me help you.” The sincerity in his voice sends a shiver up your spine. He means it. He means every word. “Okay.”
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soupandtissues · 6 months
Pretty late for fall prompts but if you’re feeling it, G/ood O/mens? 🤧🍁🤐
late again, but the husbands enjoy the fall weather or at least one of them does.
A Yellow Wood
“Well I like spooky.  Big spooky fan me.”
That wasn’t a lie Crowley did enjoy the whole spooky season as it were.  The atmosphere, the ghost stories, the whole slant towards wicked deeds, but not in a destructive way usually.   He took credit for the pumpkin spice craze and as a mid-level annoyance to off-set rounding up every cat he could find for safety during the plague times.  And if he was still doing that with a shelter back behind the garden shed well Aziraphale pretended not to know about it.  It really was a wonderful season they’d come up with.
He just didn’t, you know, like being outside for any of it.
Ironic that when everything was mostly dying off or bedding down for winter it bothered his nose so much more than when everything was popping up fresh in spring.  Not to mention it was embarrassing whoever heard of a demon allergic to fall for Satan’s sake!  Now at their cottage thankfully there was little cause for concern.  Not one stray leaf, or speck of pollen, or spot of mold dared to enter his garden.
The local craft market however not so much.
Aziraphale insisted on attending, going on about getting along with their neighbours and window shopping.   Crowley was coming too obviously, what was he going to do not spend the afternoon with his angel?  Of course not.
So having popped a few meds in the vain hope they would help and discreetly tucked several tissues into his pockets they set off, crunching through the fallen leaves on the ground. The sound alone seemed to bother his nose and he rubbed at it, stepping back a half step so Aziraphale wouldn’t notice.
Thankfully his angel was easily distracted taking time to admire every stall and talk to those running them.  Less thankful was Aziraphale grabbing a potent candle shoving it directly under his nose.
“I think this will be just lovely in the lounge, don’t you agree, Crowley?”
A sharp snap of his fingers was all that kept the sudden burning urge to sneeze at bay.
“Uh, yeah it’s-it’s great, Angel.”
Aziraphale turned to pay for three of them and Crowley managed to slink off and duck behind the nearest tree, though that certainly didn’t help matters, as he fumbled for the tissues and pressed them to his face to stifle the fit.
“hh’NXXtch! heh’GNITChh! Huh-huh…Hh’itSHHhh!”
Another snap of his fingers managed to clear his sinuses for the moment.  Crowley adjusted his sunglasses so they weren’t pressing so tightly against the now tender areas.  While still keeping his eyes covered, and forced himself not to rub them.  Then he went back to his angel, purchasing a snack he didn’t even like so at least he would stop offering for him to smell everything.
When the afternoon was finally over Aziraphale went about setting up the all new items he’d purchased humming pleasantly.   Meanwhile Crowley dragged himself off to the bedroom, dumped his glasses on the nearest surface and sat down on the bed with a congested sigh.  Rubbing at his eyes trying to relieve the pressure that had built up as the day wore on.  The constant use of miracles had left him drained and tired, and keeping all the congestion back had now turned it in to firm cement which was only exacerbating his headache.
“Is something wrong?”
He shook his head as Aziraphale sat down beside him.
“Well it’s just that you seem rather…distance.”
“Don’t mean to be, Angel, it’s just my a-heh-allergies,” he confessed too tired to bother hiding it anymore.
Aziraphale’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, to what?”
Crowley just gestured vaguely to the window as a few stray leaves passed by in the wind.
“But why wouldn’t you say something?”
Crowley shrugged. “You wanted to go out today and I like watching you like things.”
He curled his fist under his nose as it began to twitch.
“Heh-heh-snf! Just overdid it a bit trying to keep myself under control and-huh-huh…uhhh…ugh, sorry.”
There was a warm hand on his shoulder. “Crowley, you don’t have to do that.”
“Can’t do much else I-ihhh…hehh…”he huffed out another sigh at losing the sneeze once more.  He was just so stuffed up.
“Oh, do let me help.”
Aziraphale moved them fully on the bed and began moving his thumbs between his eyes in a gentle massage.  Working to slowly dislodge the congestion and as it worked he covered Crowley’s nose with a conjured soft beige handkerchief.  
As his fingers stroked up and down his nose Crowley couldn’t help but notice through his watery eyes that his angel seemed rather flushed.
“You know I think snf! You’re getting more enjoy-heh-enjoyment out of this than I am, Angel,” he said, his breathes coming in softer pants as the teasing of his nose continued.
“Do let me concentrate, my dear,” he answered, as he moved his finger pointedly down again.
Crowley jerked back reflectively as he hit a sensitive spot and the tickle flared up hard.
“A-Angel I…huh-I’m gonna-ahh…really sn-snehhh…sneeze this time.”
Aziraphale nodded and pulled him close again.
“Let them come, Crowley, I assure you I don’t mind.”
“Ehhh-ehh’ESHHhh! ASUHHHh! ISHHUu! I think that’s all-ahh’EASHHhh! huhh’ESUUHHhhu!...snf! Thag you.”
Aziraphale kept the handkerchief firmly in place and allowed Crowley to clear himself out.
When the demon at last pulled away from him Aziraphale spent far too long admiring his pink nose and then glanced down sheepishly.  “You were right, Crowley I do enjoy it, but was I too forward?”
Crowley smirked. “Like I said, Angel, I like watching you like things.”
The End
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wannabe-fic-writer · 3 years
Avengers Ladies x Reader : What’re the Chances
Summary: The biggest accident turns into a night of unspeakable actions.
Warning: 18+ Implied Smut, Nudity, Language, Suggested Polyamory 
Request: Yes / No 
Word Count: 2,124
* * * * * * 
It’s dead silent.
Not a single sound comes from anywhere, even as you move about in the kitchen. You’re trying your best not to make a sound so that you don’t wake up the women asleep in your living room.
This very moment offers you time to fight your headache with coffee and process what the hell happened yesterday.
Steve and Tony had returned to the compound with a canister filled with some weird looking substance. The instant you saw the purple mist with spores floating through it you were intrigued. The scientist in you begged to test, study, and analyze it to find out exactly what it was.
It actually didn’t take much for them to turn it over to you, it is your job as the team’s scientist to deal with these things. So, while you locked yourself up in your lab, the guys of the team went out in search of the HYDRA scientist that created the substance.
Things had started off fine, you were well on your way to uncovering what the weird mist was and its effects. However, as you were releasing it into a larger containment unit, Carol, Natasha, and Wanda had taken it upon themselves to barge into your lab.
Carol and Wanda were bickering, Natasha chastising them, and all their loud voices had startled you when they came into the lab without warning.
Only you had caught your slip up. You literally slipped up, the canister detaching from the seal and allowing some of the mist to spill into the atmosphere before you could reattach it. 
Wide eyed, you watched each woman, as well as yourself, breathe in the seemingly harmless air, When asked why you looked so worried you brushed it off and got back to researching. 
In a way you were curious to see how the air affected you all, analyzing all of your behavior might give some clues as to what the substance does. And boy did you figure it out quickly.
Aside from the substance itself, the atmosphere shifted.
Their bickering stopped moments after they entered the lab, replaced by incredibly flirty words and sultry gazes. That was all it was in the beginning, until Carol ran a hand across Wanda’s shoulders and the back of her neck.
The blonde’s touches fanned the sparks into flames.
In the blink of an eye they were kissing, hands roaming to places that you were sure they hadn’t been before. Both women had been caught up in each other and you were worriedly intrigued, so lost in thought that you hadn’t noticed the redhead who snuck up behind you. 
Suggestive words slipped from her mouth like silk into your ear, accompanied by her hands wrapping around your waist and resting low on your belly, mere inches from slipping into the waist of your pants.
While you had been able to not react to the substance in your body, her gentle touch and whispered words seemed to bring the effects to the surface. A shiver raked up your spine, manifesting itself into a feeling that shot to your belly.
It was an incredibly familiar feeling that, due to the substance, you freely fell into.
Everything from that moment on was sexually charged. Hands roamed skin, moans and sighs filled the air, orgasms cursed through your bodies like lightning striking through the sky.
Clothes had been scattered about the lab but you all ended up in the living room of your private floor in the building.
You all fell asleep in each other’s arms, bodies covered in marks, completely blissed out arguably overly blissed.
When you woke up, your hand was cupping the breast of an all too familiar redhead, and the thigh of an equally familiar blonde was pressed up against your core that seemed to throb whenever she moved.
Last night sprung into your mind and you shot up, hand ripping away from Natasha’s body like she was fire. Apparently they were wiped out, admittedly you weren’t sure how you were awake either but that was the least of your worries.
After having scurried off to your room to shower and pull on clothes, you brought out a change of clothes for each of them and went straight to the lab. It didn’t take long, applying what you know, to confirm your suspicions. 
One hour testing it, told you what you needed to know and from the lab you went to the kitchen, where you still are.
Your coffee is gone, headache slowly subsiding, and based off the sounds in the living room, the girls are awake.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly make your way into the room. The confused looks on their faces turn to realization as they look at one another, and then all three sets of eyes are on you.
“Um,” you swallowed, clearing your throat,“ morning, I-I made coffee.” You stumbled over your words, not liking the feel of their eyes on you like that and trying not to look at them too long.
The image of their bodies will forever be ingrained in your mind. How you would manage to shake the feeling of their hands and mouths on you, you aren’t sure.
“Thank you.” Wanda mutters softly and all you can do is nod.
“I brought you all something to wear, what with your clothes being in the lab.” You suggest, glancing up only to catch Natasha’s blanket slipping from her upper body.
E/c eyes widen at the sight of her perky breasts and pert nipples, the memory of your hands on them playing in your head. A glance up shows her green eyes trailing your body and heat spreads over every part of you.
“I’ll give you a moment to change, feel free to use the bathrooms or my room or whatever.” With a nod to yourself more than them, you nearly scurry back into the kitchen.
Part of you, the cautiously curious scientist part, can’t believe you managed to infect yourself and your friends with sex pollen. While another part of you, the madly attracted to each of those beautiful women part, is beyond pleased with last night's events. 
The instant you know they can’t see you anymore, your face is buried in your hands.“ I have to tell them.” A groan falls from your lips, muffled by your hands.“ They’re gonna kill me.”
Using the last moments of your life, you fix them each a cup of coffee to their liking, maybe that’ll soften the blows. 
“We all had sex last night.”
You damn near spill every drop of coffee in your hands at the words bluntly spoken by Carol when you step back into the living room.
It’s clear, when Natasha and Wanda don’t react how you did, that this conversation was already in progress when you came in. So you try not to lose it, instead taking a deep breath, and walking over to hand them their coffee. 
The blankets are folded and sitting by the hallway entrance, all of them completely dressed now. You ignore the slight disappointed feeling you get and sit on the far end of the couch Wanda is on. When they all start to try and make sense of this you figure it’s time to say something.
“It was my fault, I did it.” You blurt out, eyes squeezed shut which makes you miss the soft smiles on each of their faces.
Natasha sighs,“ Y/n we can agree that you’re charming but if I recall correctly, we all did it.” She says, making you open your eyes.
“Yeah L/n, I most certainly did not go down on myself like that.” Carol smirks.
Wanda’s eyes widen along with yours.“ Don’t be so crude Carol.”
Shaking your head, you run a hand down your face,“ okay that’s not what meant, to clarify, I mean,” you push off to stand in front of all of them,“ the substance I was testing is a sex pollen. When you all came into the lab it scared me and some may have gotten in the air and infected us.”
“What?!” They each exclaim. 
Carol pushes herself up off the couch and glares at you. Wanda stares at you in shock. And Natasha raises a further curious eyebrow. 
The glaring blonde steps closer,“ what did you make us do?”
Your eyes widen, hands held up as if to calm her,“ I didn’t make us do anything. Sex pollen is complicated. This particular one enhanced the libido and lowered our inhibitions. But nothing was forced.”
“I don’t completely follow.” Wanda says.
Breathing in deeply, you exhale slowly,“ um, some sex pollens cause the infected to act without a single thought, cause their focus to only be on their sex drive, which could lead to them doing things they wished they hadn’t. This one though, as mentioned, just lowers the inhibition. Our brain's way of restraining us from doing certain things, sometimes things we want to do.”
“We did what we wanted to do, without second guessing it as we might have in the past.” Natasha says, eyes looking dead into yours. 
Hearing the words spoken makes a million and one thoughts surge through your mind and for that moment you recall last night, not the way their skin felt under your fingertips or how they tasted on your tongue, you recall the thoughts you were having.
There was this feeling of, finally, that coursed through you. Finally, you were able to kiss them. Finally you were able to hold them. Finally you could act on the thoughts you’d forced yourself to ignore. 
In Natasha’s eyes, you swear you see that same thing. 
Looking away, you say,“ I know none of us were expecting last night to happen and had I been more careful it wouldn’t have but we can’t exactly change it. A-and I mean, it helped me figure out what that stuff was.” You try to see the brighter side. 
“So, do we pretend this never happened?” Wanda asks. All of your eyes move to look at her at the faint sound of disappointment. 
Did she not want to? 
Carol quirks a brow,“ don’t sound so down sunshine.” She sends a wink to the younger woman, then crossing her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts up in the tank top you’d given her.“ I can’t say I’m inclined to pretend.” The look she gives you let’s you know she caught you staring at her chest.
“Admittedly I had fun last night for a multitude of reasons and I’m not anxious to forget about it.” Natasha says, sharing a look with Carol before they both glance at you and Wanda.
Wanda opens her mouth to speak, only to bite her lip in thought. Those soft light green eyes look into yours, seemingly searching for an answer.
You shrug,“ I’m a terrible actress so pretending is out for me and if there’s a chance for a repeat of last night, maybe after a date or two, I’d be cool with that.” 
“Asking us out already L/n.” Carol teases and you chuckle. 
“What’re people going to say? What’ll the team say?” 
Wanda’s concerned questions grab all of your attention and you sit yourself down beside her this time. 
For the first time since last night you touch her. This time not it’s not driven by lust, instead by what could become love. Your palm lays on her knee, fingers on the side of it. 
“Nothing needs to be said about anything. We don’t even know what this is or what it could be-” you start and Natasha finishes for you,“ so there’s no reason to worry ourselves over this.”
Carol sits on Wanda’s other side and copies your action of placing her hand on the brunette’s knee.“ We’ll handle whatever anyone has to say when the time comes.”
The youngest of you looks around into each of your eyes, softening with each glance. You pull a small smile and that makes a bright one burst across her face. 
Your moment, that started last night, is interrupted. 
“Great you’re up, get anything on that substance?” Steve comes in, halting in his steps to take in each of you.“ Am I interrupting something.”
One look at Carol let’s you know that she was about to say yes but refrains from doing so. 
Chuckling, you squeeze Wanda’s knee and stand,“ yeah I got all the results in my lab Cap.” You wave for him to follow you, not missing Natasha’s last words.
“You wouldn’t believe what it took to get them.” 
With a smirk you glance back at her and she winks. 
You never thought you’d ever say it but, thank the gods for sex pollen.
* * * * * *
Taglist: @owloftheshadows
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
I wanted to ask you about radical feminism (TERF-ism & TIRF-ism). Radical feminism never seemed to be *necessarily* some of the really bad things that people on this blog say it is. For instance, everything roach-works says it is in an earlier post. There are at least some people I've read who are part of the movement of radical feminism (whether or not they would self-identify as that) and who really don't espouse any of the views in roach-works comments. (1/2) Thinking of the list of points
From nothorses - the people I’ve read (e.g. Iris Marion Young) *do* espouse many of these, but not so in a way that has to lead to these more extreme views that roach-works mentioned. One may not agree with them but they don’t seem so bad to me? Are they? Am I a terrible person? It disturbs me to hear something with the word 'feminism' in it denigrated so harshly, and it always seems to me like the views get mixed up with the worst half of the people who believe in them. (2/2)
(Appendix...) I feel there's a lot of truth in SOME of the views that nothorses correctly ascribes (i. m. o.) to radical feminists, in particular: "Women are all miserable with their bodies, cursed with the pressure to reproduce and have sex with men. ... miserable with their genders, forced as they are to ensure the overwhelming and constant suffering that is patriarchy." Is it just that the "all" makes the views too strong? Or is there, for critics, a more fundamental problem I'm missing?
I've seen some much nicer, saner people self-describe as radical feminists and object strenuously to how I see radfems... However, all of them still kept talking about porn in terms that only make sense if you're talking about the evils of the mainstream industry, and moreso the mainstream industry of the 1970s (which is when a lot of this rhetoric comes from). And yet this attitude gets over-applied to porn in general, regardless of medium, working conditions, or level of economic necessity involved in its creation.
The attitudes I think are pretty much universal in this ideology, and universally shitty, come out when they're confronted with fsub content by and for women.
Yeah, yeah, "mommy porn". I'm not saying Fifty Shades of Grey is well written or not kind of embarrassing, but when people start bleating about how confused womenfolk will get bad ideas from it, you should be suspicious, whether they're radfems or fundies.
"The hot billionaire falls in love with me for no reason and does all the work to make sex hot while I lie there like a dead fish" is a common fantasy. It really doesn't say anything about the woman in question, nor does it make the patriarchy stronger.
The big one to look for from nothorses list is #5:
Sex, in particular, is more often exploitative than not. Only some kinds of sex are not exploitative. Many kinds of sex that we think are consensual, or that people say are consensual, are either rape or proto-rape.
This is saying "BDSM is rape", which is something that most radfems do think once you scratch the surface. Rape roleplay is also rape and furthering the patriarchy.
Even if they make some small allowance for informed adults doing BDSM in some strict environment with specific rules, show them 50SoG and women's right to choose goes out the window. Sure, the relationship in the book looks pretty unhealthy, at least at the beginning, but the thing being criticized is readers' right to choose.
Even the radfems who support butchness and don't think butch women are gender traitors will usually be assholes over trashy wank material like 50SoG.
And once you open the door to "your libido is political", you've started down a very dark road that leads to a bunch of naturally kinky tumblr teens sitting in their bedrooms, staring at their computer screens, and wondering if they're a future rapist because they like a/b/o or sex pollen or something.
I get where you're coming from. Maybe you're in a context where most women are pretty miserable. But I'm not. I was raised by a mother who thought diets were stupid and telling your daughter what you think of her body is active child abuse.
Being a victim of abuse, including "you're too fat" type abuse, is neither inherent nor unique to women. Sure, women tend to be under the microscope, but so are lots of people.
As an upper middle class anglo white woman in the US and moreover as a woman who looks fairly conventionally femme even with my very hairy legs (much to my annoyance), I honestly don't experience that much policing. I already, through no fault and certainly no merit of my own, conform reasonably well to the "neutral" standard of white womanhood. My male equivalent would be the most unmarked in the US, but I'm only a little marked.
What this gender-obsessed analysis misses is that it's not about womanhood: it's about failing to be the "neutral" default. Poor people fail. Black people fail. Asian people fail. Disabled people fail. At least in the US. In Japan, third generation Korean-Japanese fail. Burakumin fail despite being ethnically Japanese due to having been a separate caste for centuries.
"Intersectionality" on social media tends to get used as miserypoker: the speaker with the most listed oppressions wins the argument and you should signal boost them or you're a bad person.
In actuality, what intersectionality means is recognizing that gender and sex may sometimes just not be very important in a given person's life if they experience enough privilege or if, conversely, they have such a profound lack of privilege elsewhere that this other identity overshadows gender in terms of their lived experience.
Radfem ideology says I must prioritize Woman out of my many identities. But, in reality, I feel more kinship with bisexual men than with lesbian women. I feel more kinship with kinky straight people than with bisexuals who want AO3 and pride parades to be nothing but g-rated hand holding.
I get that it's upsetting for people to be railing against something called "feminism", but that's like saying that disliking the Jews for Jesus makes you antisemitic. The whole point is that a lot of people feel that radical feminism is pretty anti-woman in many of its core values.
I don't think you're a bad person. I do think that some of the underpinnings of radfem ideology lead directly to sensitive people who are concerned about such things wondering if they are.
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thestarkerisobvious · 3 years
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inspired by the incredible artwork of
“White.  So white.  I’ve never seen anyone that shines so white.”
Tony only trusted her because everyone trusted her, including Fury.  Well… that wasn’t entirely true.  Nat trusted her, and while Tony Stark never thought he would give a second glance to anyone claiming to “see auras,” still Nat’s word carried a lot with him.
Round and soft and cheery and freckled and grey, she didn’t seem like a witch (although supposedly she had been lean and ravenhaired and darkeyed in her day.  Or so she claimed.  But then she got older “and wiser” and gave it all up as too much effort.)  In any case her ability to see into the future was invaluable in bringing in that last souped-up badguy with the ridiculous name, and so Tony had invited her to the New Year’s Eve party along with the rest of the team.  And if he sidled up to her at said party and tried to subtly get some relationship advice, well, no one had to know.
And if that entire party was just an excuse to get Peter in his arms on New Year’s Eve? 
Well, no one needed to know that either.
And there was the boy now, standing by a window surrounded by the best scientific minds at the Avengers compound, laughing and joking and looking entirely edible.  That crystal glass wasn’t even holding alcohol… even though the kid was well within drinking age.  But when Tony finally got the witch to realize who he was trying to describe (he couldn’t exactly describe him as “the most delectable piece over by the window”) she said the exact opposite of what he wanted to hear.
“Oh, oh.  So white, Tony.  I’ve never seen anyone that shines so white.  It’s like clouds… like flowers… like stars…”
…but then she only got distracted describing the gentleman on Peter’s left who was responsible for adapting some nanotechnology but was apparently having marital troubles.  It wasn’t easy, keeping the witch on topic.  But Tony poured her another glass of Champaign and did his level best.
“And what does it mean… a white aura… exactly?”
“White means purity and virginity, and peace.  Red auras are usually determination and passion… that’s you darling.  That’s you through and through.  The pink is friendship and unconditional love.   The green aura is often the peacemaker, or else someone at harmony with themselves, but more often that not one who can help others harmonize with each other.  Not the purple aura, of course that is one who is far too independent…”
And that was it for the rest of the evening.
He didn’t make his move. Even though he had been planning his move since the moment he realized the boy wanted him to make it.  Even though he had been planning this entire party ever since that moment.  Even though the point of the party was to have Peter there on New Years Eve when the countdown came. 
Even though Peter Parker cornered him when the countdown started.  Even though, at midnight, he suddenly had an armful of Peter and a New Year’s Kiss right on the corner of his mouth.  Even though Peter had held himself there for a moment, just waiting for Tony to move his head a fraction of an inch and close the distance.  Tony could feel the boy waiting.
Could feel the boy’s disappointment when it never came.
He didn’t make his move. Even though Peter must have laid awake all night in the guest-room waiting for him.  Peter had been invited to stay the night on the premise that, after the party, he wouldn’t be safe to drive.  Peter hadn’t had a drop to drink that night, but played along with the premise.
But he played along alone.
Tony wasn’t going to make a move.
How could he, when the witch had laid it out for him so plainly?
Peter was white. Peter was pure.  Peter was virginal.  Peter was unsullied.  
How could Tony possibly be responsible for corrupting that?
                                                     * * *
And so Tony resigned to live in utter misery.  Resigned to never accept that beautiful gift that Peter was making it clear that he was willing to give – a gift that Tony was entirely unworthy to receive.
For years he lived with that misery (okay he was being a drama-queen.  It was six months.)
By day Ironman and Spider-Man still worked together with perfect precision, taking down badguys with a witty quip or clever badinage or  a droll rejoinder, until villain and minion alike raised a flag in surrender.  At night they worked side-by-side or back-to-back in the lab, finishing each other’s thoughts with eerie precision and perfecting technology at lightning speed. Late-night lab sessions often ended with Peter sleeping in the ‘guest room’ rather than webslinging his way home in the early hours of the day.  
Tony still steadfastly called it the ‘guest room’ even though it was very quickly becoming ‘Peter’s room.’  Steadfastly called it the ‘guest room’ even though Peter once joked that more of his clothes were there than in his dorm.  Tony steadfastly referred to it as the “guest room” for the same reason he steadfastly refused to visit the “guest room” no matter how many times Peter slept there.  No matter how many Avengers joked that they were practically living together… no matter how many suspected that they were already a couple.  Tony was steadfast.  Because Peter was too pure for him.  The witch had said so.
He even asked her… once… when she was brought in to consult on a terrorist-cell case that they were considering.  She guessed his name wrong twice, then asked him delicately why he wasn’t with “that beautiful boy” she had met at the party.  “I thought that was your night… he certainly thought it was.”
“Did you see us together? See our auras?”  Tony asked cautiously, daring, for a moment, to hope.
“That lovely, angelic-white aura?  Oh yes sir.  Well, I saw many futures for him, so very very many.  He has such a storied future, that boy.  But I saw the two of you together… oh just for a fleeting moment I caught a glimpse…”
“And it changed, didn’t it,” Tony said, his voice dropping.  His head dropping.  His hopes dropping.  Why did he bother to ask?  He already knew the answer.  Had reminded himself of it night after night after lonely night.
“Oh yes, certainly. You’re very red, Mr. Stark. Very red.  Painfully red.  I knew it the instant I saw it… when I saw you together… together you had become so pink… not subtly pink... vibrantly pink...”
                                                         * * *
In times of weakness, Tony reminded himself of that conversation.  Of a witch who, when she looked at Peter in a roomful of people, saw a white aura so blinding that it took her breath away.  Virgin.  Pure. Unsullied.  And if Tony came anywhere near it he would taint it, like blood on white silk.  
He started trying to avoid the boy, he honestly did.  Stopped scheduling time together in the lab.  Stopped laying awake longing for the boy in the ‘guest room.’  But crime refused to acknowledge Tony’s resolution, and criminals kept throwing them together in the most ridiculous situations.  Alien sex pollen made things so awkward as to be almost unbearable.    Pretending that Peter was his sex-slave when they went undercover to get info on the Mob Boss?  Tony Stark suddenly had the patience of a monk.  When they traveled to Sokovia to investigate the arms deal?  There might only be one bed, but Tony had plenty of floor to sleep on. And when his head injury left Peter with amnesia?  Well the less said about that the better.
Whenever Tony even considered giving into temptation, not for his own sake but for Peter’s (the boy who was making his desires crystal-clear) Tony remembered.  The witch’s words.  White.  Pure.  Tony could only sully him.  Like blood on white silk.
                                                            * * *
Peter graduated early, because of course he did, and Tony gladly accepted the boy’s invitation to his combo-graduation-party-dash-housewarming-soiree in his brand new small apartment that he had rented across the street from Stark Tower.  Was he surprised, when he arrived with wine and a dozen roses, to find he was the only one invited?  Maybe he was. Or maybe he realized it was too late.
Too late to tell the boy “no” when he melted into Peter’s kiss.  When he gave in to those powerful arms and let Peter mold their bodies together. When he obediently let Peter lead him to the couch and sat, pushing the cream cushions aside so Peter could climb into his lap.
“But you have to tell me the truth,” he whispered between kisses.  Whispered as best he could.  “I know you’re a virgin…”  He didn’t whisper how he knew.  How he had been on the phone with a certain woman with a crystal ball the day before he bought the white roses…
“Um, sorry?” Peter said, pulling up, blinking.  Then he grinned. “Tony… no.  Nope.  You missed that boat a while ago.  Sorry.”
He giggled a little at Tony’s expression, then kissed the slack mouth with a chuckle low in his throat.  “Dude… you worry way too much.”
Underneath Peter’s gentle hands, Tony couldn’t deny that it was true.  His worries melted like snow under Peter’s warmth.  Under Peter’s knowing kiss.  They moved together in each other’s arms just as confidently as they fought in the clouds, Tony moving underneath Peter in sure, knowing strokes.  Peter peeled off his shirt and pressed his pale skin to Tony’s mouth, moaning his name.  Holding each other close they moved like moonlight on the water, breathing sighs as soft as feathers as they came in each other’s arms.
And that freezing fear? That chilling panic that always came when the sex was over, that always made Tony cover himself up and pretend to hibernate, all to avoid looking his partner in the face?  That fear melted just like snow in white sunlight.   Tony opened his eyes and looked up into Peter’s own, shining like stars.
“I should have known you would make it easy,” Tony breathed.  He wasn’t sure if his words made any sense, but Peter seemed to understand.  He stroked Tony’s cheek and smiled a knowing smile.
“I told you, you worry too much.”
“Agreed,” Tony chuckled drunkenly (even though that hadn’t touched the chardonnay) and nuzzled his nose into Peter’s hair.  Honey curls tickled his nose, and he was oddly reminded of dandelion fluff, the kind he used to blow away as a child when he made a wish.  He blew now.  He wished now.
“I love you Tony Stark,” Peter whispered, holding him close.  “I wanted to tell you at Christmas.  I wanted to tell you New Year’s Eve.”
“Oh I know, angel,” he said, and when he felt Peter relax in his arms he had no doubt.  
“I’ve always known it,” he murmured as he moved them off the sofa and down to the floor.  “I’ve always known,” he whispered, laying Peter’s back to the floor and bowing his head to lick up the milky-white droplets still clinging to Peter’s stomach.  “Mio angelo, il mio paradiso. I’ve always known.”  He pressed a kiss to the pale skin in the center of Peter’s chest.  What he was thinking should have alarmed him then, but it seemed so simple now.  An hour ago he had been reminding himself of the words of the silver-haired woman, now all he could think about were young men and diamond rings.  
“I love you Peter Parker,” he whispered.  It came so easily…
…and only then did he realize.  Only then did he understand.
“Pure, and virginal.” the witch had told him that night.  “White means purity, and virginity…
                                                 “…and peace.”
                                                      * * *
“Why are you calling me you ridiculous man?” she scolded when Peter was snug in bed in Tony’s bed, even as the white light of dawn lit up the penthouse.  “Listen to your lover.  You worry too much.”
“So you know,” Tony said, even as he struggled to explain why he had dialed her number in the first place.  She was supposed to be advising the Avengers on criminal activity, not relationship advice.
“I’m going to burn white sage over every inch of your domicile.  I’m going to strap a quartz crystal to your forehead,” she groused.  “I’m going to stop toasting to WORLD-peace and start toasting to TONY-peace.”
“But you told me, that night, you told me that when you saw us together you saw stained-white…”
“No, I told you I saw vibrant pink.  Who in heaven’s name thinks of pink as stained-white?  You’re absurd.”
“But you… you never told me what pink meant.”
“Oh for gods’ sake man… pink means friendship.”  She spoke more patiently, as if explaining it to a child.  “That’s why I thought you were so lovely together, that’s why I always thought it.  Because you had been friends for so long…”
“But you said something else that night, I just didn’t remember…”
“…I said several things that night silly man.  I told you I had seen so many futures for him, and one of them was with you.  And that was rose-colored loveliness, if that’s what you wanted to know.  
“And rose is friendship. Friendship.  And unconditional love.”
Mio angelo, il mio paradiso = “My angel, my heaven.”  
with many thanks to @mrstarksbaby​
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catte-bard · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 #13: Oneirophrenia
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Urianger in his few months of knowing the pixies felt there were two very important facts about them. They were rather friendly, little creatures. And they were mischievous little devils. Fond of mayhem they were always trying to find little tricks to play on visitors to Il Mheg.
And Urianger was their favourite playmate. The mysterious elf who spoke with a funny voice and who had taken up residence in one the old mortal dwellings. He absolutely delighted them. Mortals never stayed in Il Mheg; they feared the fey and usually tried to pass through quickly when traveling its roads.
Today he had been making notes of the different kinds of flora that bloomed the land. Making quick sketches—though his hand wasn’t as talented as young Master Alphinaud’s—as well as jotting notes down about them.
Fascinating, it was all incredibly fascinating. He had theorized that Il Mheg must be somewhere geographically where Ishgard is on the Source. And yet it  possessed a completely different clime. 
He had been studying the plant life, curious to see if there were any similarities to those on his home shard. However, much of the flora seemed to have evolved in its own way separate from those on the Source. Which he supposed would make sense. The First’s history had been carved out in a different path from the Source. It had experienced its own eras, its own disasters, tragedies, and other impactful events. And so the flora and fauna and even the landscape itself would’ve adapted differently. 
“Urianger!” A chipper voice suddenly popped into existence. 
“Good morning to thee, Kenn Beq.” Urianger hummed as he scribbled something down in his journal about the tree he was resting under.
“What are you doing this time?” Kenn Beq asked, flitting close to look over his shoulder. “Oh what pretty pictures! Uri likes flowers! Lemme see! Lemme see! Don’t be shy now!”
And with a flick of their wrist, Urianger’s journal was suddenly lifted out of his hands and into the air. The Archon let out a noise of protest. It seemed the pixies were in a mischievous mood today.
 “Kenn Beq.” Urianger fiercely said as if reprimanding a child. “Return that at once.”
They merely giggled at him and leafed through the pages. “Oh calm yourself. I only want to look. Oooh, Uri seems to be a scholar as well. Kenn Sul, come look!” They then called and another pixie popped forth.
Kenn Sul and Kenn Beq were perhaps the equivalent of twins in the world of mortals. The other pixies explained that the pair had been “born” together. And thus the two of them together were the source of much mayhem.
In truth, Urianger always found them rather endearing. Perhaps, reminded of another set of twins he knew well; and thus tolerated their presence. However, today he was in no mood to entertain these two.
“Oooh, how pretty!” Kenn Sul fawned. “You should have told us you liked flowers, Uri.”
He sighed. “Aye, I wish to learn more about thou’s land. And I’ve found the best way to learn about one’s surroundings is to observe the plant life. Now if you would be so kind.” And he stretched out his hand, waiting for his book to be returned to him.
The twins shared a look. And he did not like the smirks on their faces. The pixies were like children, he’d decided—very naughty children. Always scheming something wicked.
“Oh fine.” Kenn Beq agreed and sent the book floating back down to him. 
“Uri, if you like flowers we can lead you to some very special ones!” Kenn Sul then said. “Ones that aren’t in your pretty book yet!”
Kenn Beq clapped their hands together in excitement. “Yes, yes! Oh I love those! I would love to see them in your book!”
Urianger eyed them warily. Wisely wondering if the two were up to any tricks. One had to be careful when trusting a pixie. Sometimes they were honest creatures and sometimes they would lead you straight into the jaws of a hungry draco. 
And these two were no exception. Nay they were much worse!
“I am too busy for games, my friends.” He shook his head. “Mayhaps another time.”
And Kenn Sul made a stomping motion in the air, crossing their arms. “But it is no game. We mean it!”
“Yes!” Kenn Beq added. “There is a flower patch on the far end of Il Mheg that we know you want to...to sturdy? No that’s not the right word for it? Um Kenn Sul, what was it scholars like Uri did again?”
“I believe it was study.” Their twin offered. “Oh you were quite close!”
Kenn Beq did a twirl in the air at the praise before turning their attention back to Urianger. “Come, come! We’ll show you. And if it’s a rotten trick of ours then you’re free to cuff Kenn Sul across the head a few times as punishment.”
And with that Kenn Beq flitted off.
“H-hey!” Their sibling called after them as they followed. “Why do I have to take the brunt of the blame?!”
Urianger sighed; he could just stay here and return to his studies. Perhaps even return to the Bookman’s Shelves for a lunch. But he felt the twins would take offense to that. They would come pester him until he agreed to come with them on their little adventure. And if not that, they certainly would find a cruel trick to play on him.
And so against his better judgement, he tucked his journal under his arm and followed the tittering fey.
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“See Uri!” Kenn Sul proudly announced when they had arrived at their destination. 
The pixies flew excited circles around him, pointing at a cluster of shrubs with bright purple flowers blooming on them. Indeed he had never seen these flowers on his travels before. And drew closer out of curiosity. Upon closer inspection he found the flowers’ petals were also speckled with yellow like little freckles. And the flowers themselves were about the size of his entire hand.
“How fascinating.” The Archon hummed and opened his journal to take notes. “And what are these called?”
Kenn Beq came flitting up to rest upon his shoulder. “The mortals that lived here long ago had a name for them—I don’t remember what it was though. We pixies however call them Dreaming-While-Awakes.”
An odd name. He’d have to poor through the tomes at his home to see if he could discover its proper one.
“Are they poisonous? Or dangerous at all?” Urianger tilted his head. He knew many flowers were deceptively beautiful and here and the land of fey one could never be too careful. Just the other day a pixie had warned him to stay away from a cotton-like plant that was said to sting like nettles despite its soft appearance. 
“No.” Kenn Beq said, casually swaying their legs. “We’ve never seen it harm mortals before.”
He nodded and assuming Kenn Beq’s knowledge could be trusted, he made note of the observation in his journal. And out of curiosity reach out to touch one of the soft looking petals. 
The moment his finger brushed against the petal the flower shuddered and sprayed out a cloud of what he assumed to be some kind of mist or pollen. And then it closed up at once, curling itself into a tight little bud.
Urianger startled, coughing and hacking on the strange concoction it had assaulted him with. The smell was absolutely horrendous, it burned his throat and made his eyes water.
Faintly he could hear the twins laughing at him. Accursed little imps! He should have known better! However, before he could berate them for their trickery, they quickly flew off.
Whatever ailed him seemed to finally dissipate after a few agonizing minutes, though Urianger still suffered from its effects. Do not rub your eyes. It could spread the irritant and damage sight. His studies reminded him. And so he kept his hands away from his face.
It took a moment, but the burning seemed to abate to a more tolerable level. He paused for a moment, doing a mental well-being check. He didn’t seem ill or in any pain—the only thing plaguing him were eyes and a slight headache. But otherwise he didn’t seem to be in any danger.
It seemed Kenn Beq had not lied in that regard. The spray probably was some sort of defense mechanism for the plant. To keep itself from being eaten. He made a note of this within his journal before turning to head home.  
During the walk back he did not encounter Kenn Beq or Kenn Sul again. The pair of them smartly staying away from him while his anger was still hot. On the morrow they’d probably come bearing gifts of apology, usually polished stones from the river that they thought were pretty. 
And so his walk had gone undisturbed. However, about halfway he had to pause. The throbbing in his head had grown steadily worse. Going from a dull ache to a full on piercing pain. A side effect from the flower?
He groaned, clutching at his head with a hand. He winced at the sun beating down on him. was it always so bright? It made him feel nauseated under its beating warmth. Had that flower been poisonous? 
Gods, above he felt so dizzy—the world was spinning and— 
“You alright love?”
 A voice snapped him from whatever was ailing him. 
“You’re not looking too good. What tried to drink Thancred under the table? Though I have to say that’s not a very hard feat to accomplish.”
That voice…
His head still ached and he had to squint through the bright sunlight at the figure before him. It couldn’t be and yet...it sounded like her. It...it looked like her.
He could feel himself trembling as his lips parted to form her name. It couldn’t be. It was impossible.
Yet there she stood grinning at him, hands propped on her hips. “Come on then, up you go.” She insisted. “We need to get back home;?don’t want to be out here in the dark, do you?”
Finally. Finally he had the strength to form her name on his tongue. “Moenbryda?” He whispered incredulously.
She cocked her head. “Were you expecting someone else?” 
Once again he was left speechless. How? How was this possible? This had to be a trick! Some cruel, cruel trick done by the pixies. He felt angry. He felt sorrow he thought he buried welling up within him again.
Abruptly, Moenbyrda’s smile fell and was replaced by an expression of concern. “Are you alright, love?” She asked moving forward to cup his face between her hands. And Urianger was surprised to find her touch warm. So real.
“How…” Urianger managed to find his voice. And he could feel tears misting in his eyes. “How are you here?”
Moenbryda seemed surprised and even offended at that. “Urianger...I’ve always been with you. Don’t you remember?” A frown furrowed her brow as she placed the back of her hand against his forehead. “Hmph, that flower must’ve done a number on you, eh? You’re positively burning up. Come on, let’s go back home and prep some tea. That always makes you feel better.”
“But…” Urianger began to protest. 
“Hush my dear.” Moenbryda told him and patted him on the cheek. “It’s all going to be okay. You just need to rest.”
Something in her words seemed to soothe him. The emotions rattling within him stilled. And suddenly he felt so tired.
“Right...right.” He murmured, feeling dazed and let her lead him back home. 
This felt strange. Like it shouldn’t be happening. And yet...her hands had felt so real against his cheeks. Her fingers felt so real as they entwined with his. And her voice, her sweet voice—he could never mistake it. It was her.
And yet it couldn’t be. Back and forth his mind warred like that. Illogical and logical fighting to dominate his mind which right now felt as if a fog had settled over it. 
 It didn’t feel right but Moen had promised all was well. And well...he trusted her.
They had made it to the Rising Stones.
 Wait...that’s not right. Is it?
He couldn’t ponder on it much longer before Moenbryda dragged him inside. She had settled down at a table and quickly shooed him away, insisting that he start a kettle for them.
“And why am I making the tea when it was thee whom suggested it?” Urianger had asked.
And Moenbryda grinned that wonderful smile of hers. Wry and filled with mischief. “Because you need something to occupy your mind, silly thing. You’ve walked the whole way here with a blank look on your face like your head was suddenly empty.” She teased. “You need something to do to get that brain of yours working again.”
He merely shook his head and wandered over to the stove to prepare the tea. Cheeky. She was always so cheeky. And that was one of the things he loved most about her.
The thought tugged at something at the back of his mind. And the dizzy spell that had ailed him earlier had suddenly returned. The elezen had to lean against the nearby wall for a moment to get his bearings. Why was he feeling so nauseous all of a sudden?
“Is everything alright, Urianger?” he heard Moenbryda call out to him. “You haven’t been acting well since that incident with that flower. Funny thing must be messing with your head.”
“Yes...the flower.” He murmured and clutched at his head. Something about that was making his head throb again. What had Kenn Beq called it? Something wasn’t right.  “The Rising Stones. How...did we get here? We were just in Il Mheg.”
“We walked here, obviously. Are you feeling okay?”
No. Not at all. Something...something wasn’t right.
“I am fine.” Urianger reassured, shaking his head to clear it. And with trembling hands he turned his attention back to his task. Right...he needed to put the kettle on to warm the water— 
Two cups of tea sat before him. Warm and with steam rising up from them. How? Had he already brewed it and just wasn’t paying attention?
“Uri!” Moenbryda called impatiently. “Are you going to hog it all for yourself?”
He pushed down the nauseated feeling rising within him and turned to carry the cups to his waiting companion. This was nice. How long had it been since the two of them enjoyed a nice tea and chat together? 
Again the tugging at his mind came. The flower. Il Mheg. Sitting here in the Rising Stones didn’t seem to fit with it. His sluggish mind swept it away. Focus on tea with Moen not that.
The two of them chatted pleasantly. Reminiscing  in old memories and recounting stories of their time after graduating the Studium. It was a pleasant time and Urianger felt he had not had genuine laughter in so long. 
He couldn’t help but to feel he was forgetting something though. Something that kept nagging at the back of his mind. It had been tugging on him ever since meeting Moenbryda again.
There was something about her. Something about this day. This very moment. And every time he tried to focus on it he was left feeling dizzy.
“Mm you always made the finest tea, Urianger.” Moenbryda praised as she took a long sip. Knocking it back as if it were a tankard of ale. “Always could taste the care you put into it.”
“Preparing tea is an art.” Urianger replied as he took his own sip. Puzzlement welled up within him. His tasted so plain. Had he put enough herbs in it? “Master Loiusoix taught me that important lesson. “
Moenbryda hummed. “You were always his favourite.”
He set his foul tea aside, no longer having the taste for it. “Do not pretend that he never had a fondness for thee.”
She merely shrugged at that and crossed one leg over the other. “Do you miss him?”
The question seemed out of nowhere and surprised Urianger. He scowled and looked down at his lap. “Aye.” He admitted. “Every day, I long for his wisdom and his guidance. For there are some days where I oft wonder if I am taking the right steps. And if I am taking them down the right path.”
Moenbryda hummed thoughtfully. “And me? Do you miss me?”
That question was odd that it made him jerk his head up to see...her fading. 
“Moen?” He whispered in worry.
She was fading. Fading away again.
Something...something was wrong. He felt hot all over and that piercing pain in his head from earlier had returned.
“Moen…” Urianger reached out to grasp her hands. “Moenbryda, what is wrong?!” Desperation made his voice hoarse.
And his dear friend  stared at him sadly. And yet she smiled. “Ah told you that silly flower was messing with your head.”
The flower? Yes...yes he remembered now. The fog was slowly lifting and his head was clearer.
Kenn Beq had called something peculiar…Dreaming-While-Awake.
“This isn’t real.” He admitted to himself.
“No.” Moenbryda beamed. “But at least it was nice while it lasted.”
He stared at her sadly and when to grab her hand this time his fingers brushed through it. He closed his eyes with a grimace. Of course, he should’ve known better. Known that such a perfect moment could only exist within the confines of his mind.
“Oh don’t be sad, dear.” Moenbryda consoled. “I told you before, I’ve always been with you.”
“Yes…” He agreed, closing his hand into a fist and looking down at the table. “But only within mine dreams.”
“And within your heart.” She told him. 
“And within mine heart.” He repeated solemnly. “I suppose it does answer thine question though. ” He murmured, looking up at the empty air where she’d once been. “I do miss thee terribly.”
When he came out of the strange vision, Urianger found himself lying in a field. Likely somewhere in between where the flowers had been and the Bookman’s Shelves. He hadn’t seemed to travel far in his stupor.
He groaned, wincing at the piercing pain in his skull. Now seeming a thousand times worse with him being awake. He awoke feeling sweaty and hot. And when  he tried to stand he instantly regretted it, forced back to his knees as he retched up the contents of his stomach. 
Twelve, allow me strength to make it back home.
This would be the last time he trusted the fey on botanistic excursions.
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Journal Entry No. 63
Dreamer’s Neem (the the pixies seem to dub it Dreaming-While-Awake)
A beautiful looking flower that grows to about the size of a grown Elezen male’s hand. A light shade of purple and dappled with yellow freckles it seems to grow on shrubs in isolated patches around Il Mheg. 
As a defense mechanism against creatures that would try to prey upon it, the plant sprays the aggressor with an agitating powder before closing in on itself. It should be noted that this powder contains a very potent hallucinogenic agent that causes truly powerful visions that seem to affect all the senses.
The former human inhabitants seemed to have used the flower for recreational purposes. Similar to the use of milkweed on the Source. It should be noted however, that while the plant may not be deadly it is best to avoid it. The effects of its defensive powder could prove to be overwhelming to individuals not familiar with the plant.
It should also be well noted that an individual exposed should be given cool water and broth for the rest of the day. The after effects of the hallucinations may leave them weak of stomach. And solid foods could agitate their condition.
Have care for thee whom wouldst seek out this plant. For the vision it offers may not always be pleasant. Speaking from mine own experience it was rather tame. Though other accounts I hath read indicate more nightmarish experiences. How lucky I was in mine own…
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budzdorovanatasha · 3 years
Half and Half: CH 2
This chapter is 2k words, which is long for me, so just thought I’d make that little disclaimer. Let me know what you think of the series. 
CH 1
The beautiful spring morning had been nothing if not hectic. While you’d packed most of your bags last night, Nat and you were very good at getting distracted, especially when you didn’t want to be doing a task, and neither one of you were fond of packing.
Meaning that this morning consisted of finishing packing- and getting distracted once more. And since then it had been a flurry of activity.
“You got the bags, babe?” you called as you walked back and forth in the kitchen, grabbing things in drawers to make coffee for you and tea for Natasha.
“Got them,” she called back. “H’tschoo!” You heard her distant sneeze from the hallway, prompting you to call out a ‘bless you.’
“Thank you!”
The front door open and closed, your clue that the bags were being loaded into the car, meaning that the drinks were the only things left. Being an Avenger had its perks, meaning that you were flying on a private plane to London. Which meant you couldn’t really be late, which was good, considering Natasha and you had gotten more than a bit sidetracked this morning.
You had just finished gathering all of the ingredients for your latte when your girlfriend’s arms snaked around your waist.
“Hi,” you murmured, feeling nothing other than pure joy.
“Your tea is there,” you replied, nodding towards the cup to the left of you.
“Thank you,” she whispered, kissing your cheek. You hummed before making your latte and then putting the milk and sugar away.
“Car’s all packed?”
She nodded, sipping her tea.
“Do you think we forgot anything?” you asked, nervousness suddenly taking over you.
“No,” Natasha shook her head, coming to cup your cheek. “We have everything we could possibly need. Mission gear, weapons, fancy dresses, casual wear, shoes, cosmetics, everything.”
You let out a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding.
“Okay, let’s go.” You couldn’t help but smile, excited for your first trip together. Nat felt the same, leaning in to kiss you passionately before taking your hand and leading you towards the door. She stopped on the way, sniffling and removing her hand from yours as her breath hitched.
“Heh...hetshooo!” It was a soft sneeze, but it was desperate and itchy nonetheless.
“Bless you,” you murmured, a bit confused. Natasha rarely sneezed, as in once every few days type of rare. You’d never seen her sneeze twice in a day, let alone less than ten minutes apart. Sensing your concern, your girlfriend turned to you, sniffling.
“I think the flowers are messing with me.”
“I didn’t think you were allergic to anything,” you responded honestly, narrowing your eyes just a tad.
“I didn’t used to be, but it feels like allergies. My eyes are watery and my nose is itching constantly.” As if to prove her point, she scrunched her nose up adorably and you resisted the urge to kiss it.
“Let’s hope London has less pollen. Should we bring antihistamines?”
“I took one a few minutes ago, and I packed them,” Natasha admitted. You furrowed your brow. How long had she been dealing with this, and you didn’t know?
“How long have you been feeling like this, babe?” you asked softly. Realizing you were worried, she smiled gently and kissed you softly.
“A few days, if that, and today is the worst it’s been, and it’s not even that bad, Y/N. It wasn’t enough to mention anything until now.”
“Okay,” you agreed, gently pushing her towards the door.
By the time you were on the jet, you’d forgotten all about Nat’s allergies. She seemed to be fine, her normal self, and you were both still in disbelief over the fact that you were actually going on vacation. You even spent time looking out the windows of the plane and taking pictures.
Natasha, however, had something else on her mind. On top of watery eyes and an itchy nose, a tickle had begun to form in the back of her throat, and it took a small bit of effort on her part to stop from clearing her throat every two seconds. She was starting to get annoyed with her symptoms, even more so with the fact that she had even started developing allergies in the first place. It was allergies, right? She certainly didn’t feel like she normally did when coming down with something.
Shaking her head as if to clear it, she decided she’d take another dose of medicine once you made it to the hotel. The last thing Nat wanted to do was worry you, and it seemed she already had.
“Baby, look,” you breathed. The plane’s descent had started, and Europe was starting to come into view.
“It’s beautiful,” Natasha murmured, “But not as beautiful as you.”
You laughed lightly, turning to press your lips to hers. “And I’m not as beautiful as you.”
She just hummed in response, pulling you into her arms. You kissed her again, sweetly, before going back again with a hint of passion. Happiness and excitement seemed to radiate from you, enough so that Nat found herself smiling into the kisses, prompting you to pull back.
“You are exuding happiness,” Natasha answered, smiling.
“Good, because I feel happy,” you answered. “Are you?”
“I always am with you.”
You bit your lower lip, eyes sparkling with joy as you kissed her again. Nat kissed you back fervently, though she pulled away suddenly with a sneeze that snuck up on her.
“H’tsch!” She stifled it perfectly against her shoulder.
“Bless, babe,” you chuckled.
“Thank you,” she whispered as she pecked your lips. You were ready to continue with your little makeout session, but were interrupted by the pilot announcing your near arrival.
“We will continue that later,” Nat murmured before sitting up straight in her seat and buckling her seatbelt. You did the same and waited with bated breath for the plane to land.
After a half hour drive into the city, you were settling into the hotel room, hanging up your clothes and putting things away. Nat had disappeared sniffling into the bathroom, and you assumed she was taking more pills. After catching a glimpse of the plants that seemed to be in bloom in the city, you weren’t optimistic about her symptoms disappearing. She seemed to be okay as long as she took the medication, so you weren’t as worried anymore.
Your thoughts shifted to your plans for the evening, excitement and a sense of adventure lighting up in you. You couldn’t wait to see the city. Sure, you’d been there for missions, but that was nothing compared to being able to explore it without a task or goal.
You moved to the balcony, staring out at the city before you, breathing in the London air, making sure to close the door behind you for Nat’s sake. A few minutes later, you heard it open. You turned to see Natasha, in different clothes for the evening. She looked gorgeous in her outfit and you told her so. She hummed, wrapping her arms around you, her chin resting on your shoulder.
“Are you going to change so we can explore or would you prefer to see the city from a distance?” she teased. You chuckled, before attempting to go inside. Her arms stopped you.
“You actually have to let me go in order for me to chance, Nat.”
After kissing your cheek, your girlfriend finally did let you go, and you hurriedly changed, fixing your hair before joining Nat and heading out for the evening. The plan was to go out to dinner and then walk around for a bit, before heading for cocktails at a bar. Depending on how tired you each were, and how you were feeling in general, you could either go back to the hotel or go out to a club.
As soon as dinner had finished, you wandered around with Natasha, looking at store fronts and walking near the water. You’d even stumbled upon a beautifully lit park as the sun was setting. As you walked through it, you became more aware of Nat’s sniffling. Had she been sniffling this whole time? Were the meds wearing off? You should’ve thought to bring tissues.
“You alright?” you asked, squeezing her hand. She nodded, lashes fluttering closed as her breath caught.
“H’tndxh! H’tshhooo!”
“Bless you. Maybe we should get out of the park,” you mused, watching as Natasha pushed roughly against her nose, trying to stop her sniffles from turning into another sneeze. Once she got it under control, she sighed, clearing her throat.
“We’re almost through it. I’ll be fine,” she replied, squeezing your hand reassuredly. You nodded, picking up the pace a little bit.
You made it through the rest of the park without any problems, and the two of you seemed to be talking about anything and everything under the sun. The happiness and excitement you’d felt upon arrival hadn’t dissipated, and Natasha seemed just as happy, though she was beginning to sound a bit tired.
“Drinks and then back to the hotel?” you suggested as you walked down a lively street.
“Perfect. I think a good cocktail sounds refreshing right now.”
“I was thinking the same thing,” you smiled. Nat cleared her throat, before giving into the tickle and coughing into her arm. You felt a frown tugging at your lips. Was coughing part of allergies? You’d never seen her deal with them, so you couldn’t know for certain, but maybe she was coming down with something? Wouldn’t she have told you though? And she certainly would know that, right?
“Babe,” Natasha’s voice filled your ear. You looked up, before realizing she was holding the door open for you.
“Oh, thank you,” you said, entering the cute, upscale bar. The two of you were seated, ordering your drinks fairly quickly. With the romantic feel of the city, the bar, and the evening hour, you cuddled into her, your hand falling to her thigh in the circular booth.
“I’m glad we decided to go on vacation,” you hummed, starting to feel exhausted from the travel and excitement of the day. Nat’s thumb rubbed your side soothingly, feeling just as tired as you, if not more.
“Me too,” she agreed, clearing her throat softly. You were brought your drinks, and you each tried them and then each other’s.
“Why are these so much better than American drinks?” you laughed, taking another sip of yours.
“This might be one of the best cocktails I’ve ever had,” Natasha agreed.
“Has the team decided whether or not they’re going to watch remotely or come to London?”
“Not that I know of,” she shook her head, her gentle red curls becoming more of beachy waves after a long day.
“They better figure it out fast,” you muttered, drinking your drink much faster than you thought you were.
“Slow down, baby,” your girlfriend laughed. You pushed your glass away, laughing and continuing the conversation.
An hour later, you were on your way back to the hotel, ready to collapse into bed. Natasha was starting to sound congested, her voice growing a tad hoarse. You hoped that a good nights sleep and some more medicine would fix those two things, along with her frequent- well, frequent for her- sneezes.
“I’m sorry you don’t feel well,” you murmured as soon as you’d entered the quiet of your own room.
“I’m okay, babe.”
“Yeah, I know, but you just sound... itchy and annoyed,” you explained.
“Annoyed just with my own body, not with you,” Nat clarified.
“I know,” you smiled gently.
The two of you washed up for bed quickly, both eager to get to bed. As soon as you’d fallen into bed, you pulled her close, finding comfort in steady heartbeat.
“Tomorrow we’ll explore and be touristy,” Natasha murmured, eyes already closed.
“I can’t wait.”
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leapyearkisses · 3 years
On the Lupine Lawn - (m/m) Eliseo/Padgett
3 AM POST P0RN (like it matters to me what time it is lol)
NSFW, MESS, Outdoor sex, inducing - Eliseo and Padgett have a picnic.
Eliseo glanced over again at his lover and bit his tongue. He didn't want to say anything. He didn't want to say anything in case he was wrong. His being wrong was a very real possibility. And, if he was wrong, then it was pretty likely that Padgett would make fun of him. After all, even though they'd been together now for a year, Padgett knew himself best, and Eliseo didn't want to jump at shadows and ruin the moment.
It was almost July. The weather had been perfect so far this week, although they were coming off a stretch of rain. To celebrate the arrival of picnic weather, Padgett had suggested they actually go on one. Eliseo had been more than amenable to leaving his accounting for an afternoon, so he'd agreed, and now the two of them were sitting on a blanket in a shady corner of the Lupine Lawn at the Jorvalds' manor house, called Bellecourt. The lupines had started blooming a few days prior and were now a waving sea of blue and purple blossoms with a few cobble-lined paths going through.
The air was just a touch humid and filled with the scent of flowers and growing things.  The green aroma of cut grass wafted down from the front of the house.  The heat was punctuated by the sound of ice cubes shifting in their glasses and insects droning in the field.
Surely, Eliseo thought again, as he poured himself more lemonade from the crystal pitcher, Padgett would not have suggested a picnic if he were susceptible to summer rose-cold.
Padgett rubbed his nose and looked over to Eliseo with a smile.  "You've gone quiet," he said fondly. "I hope you're not thinking about work. Haven't you been busy enough this week?" The only one among his siblings with a head for numbers, Eliseo had been roped into managing the Jorvalds' several properties and their land interests. He was quite good at the work, but Padgett lamented how it kept Eliseo inside more often than not.  He thought that Eliseo, bright and blond, could use some sun; otherwise he tended to look a bit faded.
"Oh no," Eliseo replied. "I'm sorry if I seemed far away." He leaned over across the plaid blanket to steal a kiss, something Padgett was more than willing to allow. "Just enjoying the view. How are you finding it?"
Padgett chuckled. "Are you talking about me or the lupines?" He took Eliseo's hand on the blanket. "I'm enjoying it very much. As soon as I heard the manor had such a display, I was intrigued. I'm honestly surprised we're alone today. No society ladies wanted a tour?"
"I sent them to the back gardens. They'll be diverted by the Bernini fountain and the topiary."  The manor was the site of very frequent visitations from the elite families in the area and even some of the townspeople as well.  Usually Eliseo ignored them completely, but today he'd been motivated to provide himself some privacy.
"Ah, of course." Padgett rubbed his nose again. "How many acres did you say you had?" 
"Well, Bellecourt is 650," Eliseo replied. "Or did you mean in total?"
"All that and you don't keep anything but carriage horses," Padgett sighed. "What a shih- shame." He pinched the bridge of his nose.
Eliseo blinked, distracted. "What? Oh. The horses again." He tried to pull his gaze from Padgett's fingers. "You're single-minded. I did tell you that none of the family really likes to ride for pleasure."  He'd barely passed his physical exams on horseback with Padgett's help back at the Academy and had steered clear of them ever since.  But Padgett had a fondness for all creatures, up to and including irascible mares.  "Perhaps if you become a more permanent resident, I will order the building of a stable." 
Padgett leaned over to him, grinning. "Permanent as in you'll hire me, my Lord, or did you just float the possibility of marriage?"  His eyes sparkled with an opalescent gleam.
"Don't think I'll be down there cavorting with you," Eliseo soldiered on, feeling hot under the collar. "You know the hay makes me..." Padgett had become very close. In fact, he was almost climbing over Eliseo's lap.  "Makes me-"
"Sneeze," Padgett finished for him, looking coy.  "I remember."  He leaned more forward still and drew Eliseo into a lingering kiss. His lips were soft and insistent, and he opened Eliseo's mouth with his tongue.  The kiss tasted of lemonade.  Before Eliseo could protest - as if he would - Padgett had placed a hand at the back of his head and taken him down to the blanket so he was laying back in the sunshine with the shade of Padgett over him.  Their bodies were flush in a most interesting way.
Eliseo could feel himself blushing now, and he was breathless. "Yes," he finally managed, voice soft.  "That's right."
"You know," said Padgett, sniffling, wrinkling his nose, "I think something out here might be setting me off."
"Hadn't noticed," Eliseo lied, obviously, and Padgett laughed.  He bit his lip and reached up to touch Padgett's cheek.  "You're awful.  You should have told me if you were going to have a reaction.  It's not the lupines, is it?"
"It’s not," said Padgett, leaning into his touch.  "It's probably ragweed.  Did you know the pollen can travel long distances on the wind?"  He kissed Eliseo again, then nuzzled their noses together.  It didn't escape his notice that Eliseo's hips rocked upward at the same time.  "It bothers me much more in the autumn.  Right now, I'm just..."  He trailed off, eyes narrowing, but the moment passed.  He sniffled again.  "I'm just a little affected."
Eliseo sighed lightly in frustration.  His fingers found Padgett's buttons and he started to undo them.  "Maybe a more prolonged exposure will have an effect," he said, reaching the end of Padgett's shirt and pulling it open.  "Take some deep breaths.  They're calming."
Padgett laughed loudly and nipped Eliseo's jaw.  "You're delightful," he said.  "And a bit scary."  He helped Eliseo with his suspenders and belt, sitting back for a moment to slip off the trappings and put them to the side.  He kicked his shoes off.
"I trust you to know your own limits," Eliseo replied primly.  "And-" Even knowing they were alone in the field, and separated from the house by almost a mile of grass besides, he lowered his voice.  "I just know what I like."
"Oh, and will you tell me again?" Padgett asked, tugging Eliseo's belt and trousers off.  He pulled the pant legs carefully over Eliseo's black leather boots, ornately stitched and high-heeled.  He wanted the boots left on.  "I love it whih- hh when you say it."  He kissed Eliseo's thigh and then looked at him through his ebony bangs.
Eliseo was still blushing.  He might never get over it.  But he didn't hesitate this time.  He reached out to tug Padgett close again, murmuring against his lover's cheek.  "Honey, I want you to sneeze for me."  His pale blue eyes were half-lidded with desire.
Padgett brought their mouths together again.  "I'll see what I can do."
The picnic hadn't been a pretense - they'd had a very nice lunch - but Eliseo wasn't surprised when Padgett took a pair of towels and a bottle of oil from the picnic basket.  He made himself comfortable with a makeshift pillow and a towel under his hips, and then Padgett slid into him, one of Eliseo's legs over his shoulder, boot commandingly in the air.  They were still limber from the morning, and Eliseo moaned sweetly but didn't tense when Padgett was fully encompassed inside him.  "I love you," he sighed.  "Talk to me?"
"How much air do you think I have?" Padgett grumbled, but he knew Eliseo liked to listen to his breath catch and stumble.  He took a moment to massage his nostrils as he let Eliseo get used to the stretch.  "You look so good like this."  Eliseo's hair was falling from its twist already and fanning over the blanket like a halo.  His skin was rosy with his desire.  Padgett groaned and shifted.  "If I could paint, I would paint you just like this."
"Flattery," Eliseo murmured, pleased as punch.  He touched Padgett's sides, rubbed encouragingly.  "I'm okay.  I'm ready."
Padgett hummed in acknowledgement and started to move his hips.  He knew by now the angle that could make Eliseo crazy, and he teased up to it with steady thrusts.  All the while, he spoke sweet nothings or tried to rile Eliseo into blushing even more.  There was an extra edge to their excitement being outside, the sun gilding their skin with buttery light.  Their cries mingled with the the birds', and when Eliseo came, he didn't bother to try and muffle his voice.  No one would hear them here.  Padgett followed him over the edge with his own shout, and they both laughed breathlessly when it startled a pigeon into flight.  Padgett eased himself down onto Eliseo, careful not to drop too quickly, and started to kiss him passionately as they both relaxed through their orgasm and the tender moments afterward.
After a few minutes, Padgett felt Eliseo's fingers on his cheek.  He drew back.  Eliseo was looking up at him, eyebrows raised, looking half wry and all spoiled. "You didn't sneeze," he said.
Padgett blinked.  "I didn't?"  He sniffed.  There was a slight prickle in the back of his sinuses, but he certainly didn't feel as he did in the autumn when the ragweed was in full swing.  "I didn't even notice, my love.  I'm sorry."  He nuzzled Eliseo's nose with his own again.  "It looks like I might have overestimated the pollen's effect.  What do you want to do?"
Eliseo reached to the side of them, off the blanket, and plucked a long-stemmed blade of grass.  He twirled it between his fingers.
"Let me sit up."  Padgett rose and settled himself with his legs outstretched on the blanket, sticking his hands out behind him to brace himself up.  "It's going to be messy, my love," he warned.  "Did you bring a handkerchief?"
"I always have one in my vest," Eliseo replied, settling himself on Padgett's thighs.  "But you can have it after.  Is that okay?"  He reached back to take down his hair completely and it uncurled to hang heavy around his shoulders.  He spun the grass again.  Eliseo's cock had softened somewhat after his orgasm, but Padgett was sure he would come again from this.
"Yes, Eli."  Padgett sniffled a little to work him up.  "Whenever you're ready." 
Eliseo touched Padgett’s chin with his left hand and lifted the grass with his other, settling the point just inside Padgett’s left nostril so that it pricked the inside. Padgett settled his hand around Eliseo’s lower back. They’d done this before in the bedroom.  Padgett was always quite keen to indulge Eliseo if he felt well - and if he didn’t, then he was probably sneezing already and Eliseo could find pleasure while taking care of him.
Eliseo traced the edges of Padgett’s nose, eliciting a gasp, and then pressed the grass carefully further inside to touch the sensitive membrane at the back.  Padgett’s nostrils flared and his breath started to catch.  The low-level burn of the pollen in the air had been joined by a much more prominent itch from the grass.  Moisture began to gather as his body tried to fight the irritation.
Eliseo moaned very softly under his breath and pressed his cock against Padgett’s.  As Padgett has expected, Eliseo was quite hard again, his cock hot.
“Ih- it’s wh- working,” Padgett managed, letting his eyes close, sniffling. He took a deeper breath, hitched.  “I’m hh gonna snih-” He tightened his hold on Eliseo’s waist and ducked forward.  “Huhkscht!”  His nose had started to run, and he wasn’t done yet.  “Hh- huhptksch!”  That one produced more mess, and Padgett lifted a hand to wipe some of it away from his chin.
“Bless you,” crooned Eliseo, flushed again, embarrassed but unable to deny how very turned on he was.  He drew out the grass, sodden now, and kissed Padgett gently.  “Again, honey.  Please?  I’m close.”
Padgett plucked a new blade of grass himself and leaned in to nuzzle Eliseo’s shoulder.  “As you wish, my love.”  He kissed the tender skin there, then started to tease himself, a little more aggressively, looking for the angle that would produce the best results.  His nostrils were twitching as he worked, and he gasped, moaned a little himself in frustration or pleasure. He brushed the tip of the grass just at the back of his nose and-
“Hrushktcht!”  There it was.  He pressed his nose to Eliseo’s shoulder, letting the mess pool against his neck.  “Ahkttscht!  Kschtt!  Hh- huh- Huhkttschiu!”
Eliseo keened and clutched Padgett’s arm as he came again in a heady rush, painting Padgett’s belly with his release.  Padgett pressed another sneeze against him and Eliseo closed his eyes, letting the orgasm take him.
In the aftermath, Padgett let Eliseo kiss his face clean as he used the towel to dry them off and make them presentable again.  They dressed again, and none too soon, for it seemed that the society women had grown bored with the Bernini and wanted to make their own visit to the Lupine Lawn.  Well, the summer was early yet.  Padgett and Eliseo left to return to the house, picnic things packed up. 
They were already planning another.
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
Daisies and Distress
Summary: Hazel loves flowers and plants but poor Frank is allergic. What happens when these two get into an arguement about Hazel's precious plants?
Read on AO3
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If there was one thing that Frank had to say he didn’t like about Hazel, he would say nothing.
But if there was one thing that Hazel owned that Frank hated, it would be the magnitudes of flowers and plants that she owned. Frank could tolerate the plants- after all, they weren’t harming him but when it came to the flowers and in particular, the daisies, he drew the line. Daisies had pollen. A lot of pollen and with one gentle breeze of air, that pollen could be up his nose and the next thing he nose, he’s sent into sneezing fits.
Hazel told him to simply stay out of her cabin. If he didn’t come in, he wouldn’t have to deal with the flowers. However, Frank seemed to object to the idea on the basis that it would mean they couldn’t have their secret kissing sessions. It wasn’t that everyone didn’t know they were dating, for it was almost as obvious as Percy and Annabeth's relationship, it was simply Hazel was raised in a very traditional time. She couldn’t feel comfortable if she knew everyone was watching them together- at most, she could tolerate them holding hands in public or a peck on the cheek.
So here the dilemma settled- either Frank would stop visiting Hazel (something that would never happen in his eyes) or Hazel would get rid of the flowers (something that would never happen in her eyes). Hazel loved her plants. To her, they were a source of beauty that she could create that wouldn’t curse everyone around her- unlike her precious metals.
“I am not getting rid of any of my plants nor flowers for you Frank!” Hazel called out.
“How about just half of the flowers? The really pollen-y ones? Like…” He turned around and pointed at the vast collection of daisies. “All of these?”
“But those are my favourite ones!”
“You could always replace them with another yellow plant right?”
“Daisies are white,” Hazel deadpanned, turning around to face her boyfriend with her hands on her hips. To anyone else, this encounter may seem quite humorous- considering the height difference, a very much petit Hazel whom Frank was almost towering over. That said, Frank did not underestimate her might due to her height- he knew that if she wanted, he could be flat on his back, with her spartha under his throat.
“But they’re yellow in the middle,” He argued.
“The petals of the flower itself are white.”
“But I’m allergic to pollen Hazel! I start sneezing like crazy and my eyes go all red and itchy!”
She shrugged her shoulders and hummed. “So don’t come to my cabin. Simple.”
Hazel smiled wickedly, her innocence disappearing for a second. “ But what?”
Frank grumbled something unintelligible and Hazel knew she had checkmated him- fair and square. Frank felt hopeless- why was Hazel so relentless on this! As a couple, they spent most of their time in Hazel’s cabin, doing coupley things. Was she trying to tell him something? Frank swore he remembered someone telling him that in a relationship, the other partner always hints what they want. Was this what Hazel was doing now? And if so, what exactly was she trying to say?
Was she trying to tell him that she didn’t want to see him anymore? Was that why she refused to get rid of daisies? Just as Frank was about to raise the question, he looked back up and saw that Hazel was nowhere to be found.
Hazel thought the daisies were starting to look weedy. She did not want to just get rid of them because they had started out gorgeous and beautiful and she loved that they’d close up at night and open in the day but by now, they looked quite… un-aesthetically pleasing.
“What are you doing?” A blonde figure by the door asked. Jason stood there, his eyebrows creasing and his forehead sparkled with perspiration.
“Just trying to get rid of these daisies. I picked them a while ago but now they’re just getting weedy.”
Jason sighed happily. “ Oh thank goodness. I was going crazy from how much Frank ranted about those flowers. I’m sure he’ll be happy to know tha-”
“-Don’t tell Frank anything… for now of course. I don’t plan on letting them be gone for long,” She smiled.
Jason frowned. “ Hazel, what exactly are you on about?”
Hazel gave a heavy sigh, as if she were slightly irritated by the lack of intelligence around her. “Just because I'm getting rid of these flowers does not mean I’m not going to replace them.”
Jason’s mouth opened and then closed and then opened and then closed.
“You look like a goldfish.”
“I don’t like you,” Jason huffed, slightly offended. He happened to think he looked quite handsome. Hazel gave him a sugar like smile before ushering him out of her cabin and letting the soft candle light combined with the setting sun give light to her place.
Hazel had managed to find new daisies, fresh ones that wouldn’t weed up for at least a week or two- if she put fertiliser pellets in their water (she was running low on those). The sun was rising and Frank had not come by her cabin the previous night- which Hazel would have dictated as strange had the recent argument not occurred.
“Can I come in?” A voice echoed along with a gentle knock on the door. Hazel, ready to win, opened the door swiftly; only for the figure to not be Frank. She frowned, confused as to why Leo was even at Camp Jupiter- After all, he wasn’t very welcome considering his first impression on them.
“Uh.. sure?”
Leo, messy as usual, walked in. His hair was in its regular curly state (although Hazel could have sworn that she saw some ends that had clearly been set on fire) and his smile was bright. But Hazel knew Leo and she knew Sammy- when they had that certain innocence to their smile, nothing good could come out of it.
“You look...suspicious,” She started, her hands resting on her hips and her eyes never leaving Leo.
“What?” Leo shrugged. “Just because I’m being nice, you're assuming I have an ulterior motive?”
“I never said you were nice. Nice try though.”
“Offended. Anyway, I’m here because my baby Festus needed to stretch their legs so we went for a ride. Thought I’d say hello before we hopped back to Long Island.”
Hazel frowned. “You came all the way here from Long Island? That’s quite far, isn’t it?”
Leo stayed silent, his back to Hazel; the only sounds being his fingers stretching and his knuckles cracking.
“You said hello to Jason? I know he’d be mad if he knew you came without giving him a heads up.”
“Oh thanks for the reminder.” He paused and turned around. “ How long have you had those flowers? They certainly don’t look like they’ve been here for ages.”
She raised an eyebrow and her arms went to cross over her chest. Something was up. She knew Leo was smart, genius even. Despite that, when it came to plants and flowers, he was as clueless as it gets.
She had seen Calypso’s attempts to teach him nature care but it was clear that Leo was not very good at plants. As a child of Hephaestus, they just didn’t speak to him well, unlike Festus.
“That’s because they haven’t been here for ages. Freshly picked as of yesterday evening,” She informed him.
“How’s Frank?”
“What’s with all the topic hopping?”
Hazel’s eyes shot to Leo fingers fiddling. Yes, it was normal for Leo to fidget, in fact, it would be considered strange if he didn’t but the way he was fiddling now was odd. Hazel knew that Leo would make small contraptions- like pistons or mini electromagnets. But he wasn’t making anything, he was just folding his fingers back and forth anxiously.
“Which one of them sent you?”
“Who! People? Send me? Why would anyone send me here? I came here all on my own accord because they- I mean I, uh, I wanted to say hi!” Leo blurted. She narrowed her eyes. Just as she was to give a response, the door opened.
There was no knock. No warning. It just opened. No one asked for permission. That's what told Hazel that it was Frank. She remembered how she had told him that for him, her door was always open. From that day, Frank had simply walked into Hazel’s cabin as no knock was required.
“What is he doing here?” Frank asked immediately. They both seemed quite startled in his eyes. Leo couldn’t have looked more suspicious with his nervous, fiddling hands and Hazel, well Frank couldn’t even read Hazel if he tried at this point.
“Leo came t-”
“Why is he in your cabin so early in the morning? Did he stay the night? Is that why you kept the flowers? What, to ward me off like I’m some miasma?”
Frustratedly, Hazel facepalmed. “What are you on about?”
“This!” Frank exploded, his hands and arms flying everywhere. He felt like shit, in fact, he hated feeling like this. It made him feel dark- useless and pathetic. Here he was accusing his girlfriend of going behind his back with a guy whom he could trust with all his life because of what? Jealousy? Anger?
“I kept the flowers because I wanted them. Leo visited because the others made him and no! He didn’t stay the night and besides, I was out picking flowers in the evening- you can even ask Jason!”
“I..I…” But Frank had no words. He couldn’t believe he had acted so stupidly all over a couple of flowers but he wasn’t prepared to set aside his ego and accept all the blame- after all, shouldn’t Hazel’s boyfriend mean more to her than a couple of flowers?
Awkwardly, Leo shuffled from foot to foot. “ Ah.. so it seems my job here is done.”
“So they did send you!” Hazel whipped her head towards Leo. He quickly wiggled his way between her and Frank.
Folding her arms, Hazel snorted, slightly amused. “He really thinks he can get away- doesn’t he.”
“He was always a little more clueless than us all. It’s why Calypso is good for him,” Frank agreed.
“Don’t think you’ve been let off so easily, mister!” Hazel turned on Frank. “ What was that back then? Are you really getting so worked up over some flowers?”
Frank mumbled something inaudible.
He took a deep breath. “ I said, I don’t wanna have to stop seeing you at night but those flowers are the work of Pluto.”
“Proserpina actually, but close enough.”
“Really? She always seemed so nice,” Frank mused. Hazel cringed.
“You clearly haven’t been to one of our family reunions.”
“It can’t be that bad?” Frank offered. Hazel shook her head.
“Nico has spent more time in the underworld as a dandelion than he has spent as a demigod.”
“Well,” Frank sighed, slightly alarmed. “Now I know to always decline an invite from Proserpina, thanks.”
“Frank, come on! They’re just flowers!” Hazel tried to reason. What if he actually didn’t mind the flowers? What if this was his way of telling her that he didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore? Is that what he was doing? Using the flowers as an excuse?
“Okay. Do you want to break up?” Frank asked bluntly. Hazel could feel her heart drop. Her mouth felt dry.
“Why? Do you?”
Frank could feel his chest spike in pain. Why wasn’t she answering the question? “ No.Of course not! But with the way you’re being so stubborn, I assumed that you wanted to end things and I-”
“-Well I assumed that you wanted to end things with how you’ve been avoiding me like the plague,” Hazel mumbled. Her heart felt so fluttery that she could have sworn that in that moment it became a butterfly and she had to do everything in her power to prevent it from flying away.
“No!” Frank cried, walking towards Hazel. His arms slipped around her and he rested his chin on the crown of her head. He could smell her shampoo and he closed his eyes, relishing in the moment. He could feel his heart but it was no longer racing but instead steady. He felt at peace.
Hazel’s arms wrapped around Frank's waist as she nuzzled her head into his chest. She rested her head there, listening to his frantic heartbeat calm down. She broke the hug reluctantly and looked up at Frank, her eyes wide- innocent like a puppy.
“You’re warm,” She smiled. Frank stared at her lips as they parted into a smile, her entire face brightening. He wanted to melt at the very sight. He leant down and gently pressed his lips against hers. She let out a small squeak of surprise before melting into the kiss against him. Her hands were firmly planted against his chest as his hand brushed against her cheek. She could feel the small calluses on his fingertips from wielding his bow and arrows.
“Does this mean you’ll get rid of the flowers?” Frank whispered.
“No way.” Hazel winked.
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kyouxa · 4 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Shu Sakamaki (Story 13)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too!
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A true state of emergency has come over us. Both families, Violet and Orange, aimed for us at the same time.
However, the battle between us has temporarily stopped because of Violet and Orange’s members suddenly being put to sleep by Shu-san’s unexpected entry.
Although Ayato-kun and everyone else still don’t have their memories back, once they wake up they might try to attack us again.
Luckily Shu-san tied them all up, and then continued to roll them down to leave them in the living room for the time being.
Place: Scarlet mansion — Living room
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Ayato: …..
Yui: (Ayato-kun, even in his current state he’s able to sleep soundly…)
Reiji: Even if they would be to wake up, they would not be able to cause trouble.
Yui: T-That‘s right.
(Even though they came here for a household search, it was quite easy to tie them up and make them unable to do anything once waking up again…)
By the way, what about Yuma-kun?
Shu: I carried him to my room. He’s probably still comfortably sleeping in my bed as we speak.
The others might just end up being confused with him being here anyway. With this, there’s no need to wake him up yet.
Yui: ...But to be honest, I’m confused myself. Reiji-san seemed as if he knew Shu-san would come back at some sort of point.
To me, it came out like the both of you were having some sort of advanced meeting to set a timing for him to come back...
Shu: It was hard to stay silent about that. But as you already said, everything that happened has been arranged beforehand.
Yui: It was arranged?
Shu: Do you remember it? It was when Ruki attacked us and tried capturing you, the day I remembered everything.
That was also when I decided to get help by taking the opportunity to talk to Reiji.
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Yui: Just the two of you? ...Ah.
So that’s why Reiji-san preached me not to stay in your room,  you didn’t want me to be able to listen to your plan—
That’s the only time I was taken out of your room, right?
Shu: Yes. On that day we—
*flashback starts*
Reiji: Well then? What is it that you wanted to talk alone about? Has your mind finally decided to be at least a little obedient now?
Shu: I want to ask you something before answering that. Do you somehow remember the name “Sakamaki”?
Reiji: Pardon? I have never heard of this before.
Shu: So it’s as I thought...
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I wanted to get back Reiji’s memories, which is why I tried revealing the truth to him.
The Sakamaki mansion. Ayato, Kanato, Laito and Subaru being our younger brothers and all about that.
However, Reiji didn’t even bother trying to listen properly to me once I started talking about it.
Place: Scarlet mansion — Shu‘s bedroom
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Reiji: I was already wondering what you wanted to talk about, but for you to tell me such a joke instead...
Shu: This is not a lie or whatever. It’s the truth that you’re my younger brother. You’re the second eldest son of the Sakamaki family.
Reiji: It is impossible for me to believe you talking about such a foolish thing. Good grief, how ridiculous.
Shu: (I already expected it to be complicated… but it seems as if she really had a hard time trying to get me to remember, as well as I do right now)
(I thought there may be a way to regain someone‘s memories without them experiencing an intense shock…)
(I really didn‘t want to use the truth against him… but I have no other choice)
Say, Reiji… do you remember someone named Edgar?
Reiji: ...Edgar… ?
Shu: This used to be a human’s name. I knew him from olden days, and you’ve met him as well.
*weird sound*
Reiji: Kch… Nn… why… my vision, ngh…
Shu: That guy was very close and dear to me. But one day, the village he lived in was burned down.
And he himself jumped into the flames—
Say, Reiji. You can‘t have forgotten about that, isn’t that right?
The one who burned down Edgars village… that was you.
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Reiji: ….. !
Shu: You’ve been jealous of me, the eldest son of the Sakamaki family… and because of that jealousy, you’ve burned down Edgar’s innocent village.
Reiji: That is wrong! I am… the eldest son of this mansion… Nn.
Shu: Remember them… the sins you’ve committed.
You’ve gone made because of pure jealousy, and that’s why you burned him down, Reiji…!
Reiji: Kch… Ngh… Ahhh.
*weird sound*
Reiji: Haa… Haa...
Shu: And? Did you remember everything now?
Reiji: Yes… I have remembered… good grief… what a drastic measure of treatment...
Shu: ...I honestly couldn’t think of another way to phrase it.
I had no other choice, but in order to have you regain your memories, I needed to talk about this.
Reiji: It is fine with me… owing to your actions, all of my memories have successfully turned back.
Shu: I have no intention of continuing this absurd fighting we’re supposed to participate in anymore. But I’ll need you to help me with that, Reiji.
I need you to cooperate with me, in order to return everyone back to normal—
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*flashback ends*
Yui: That means, Reiji-san’s memories returned back to him ever since that day happened!?
Reiji: Exactly. I must excuse myself from saying nothing about it until now.
Besides, I must have been a bother ever since I lost sight of myself in this space. To you… and to Shu.
Yui: Not at all… I’m just really happy Reiji-san finally returned back to normal. I’m really, really happy about this… !
Reiji: It appears as if you are not holding onto the difficulties, I must have cause with acting delighted. Despite that, I will inquire to make up for my actions.
Yui: You don’t need to repay us with anything. All of this happened to us because of someone confusing our memories, so you haven’t done anything wrong.
Reiji: ...I see. Well then, I truly am charmed by your kind words and will certainly do as you wish. I will do so for the sake of keeping focus on finding a resolution to this situation.
Yui: Ah… and here I believed the both of you really had a huge fight going on.
Shu: That was part of Reiji’s strategy. We did so to ascertain deeper into our investment.
The part of me leaving and the fight the both of us had, it was all included in our play.
Yui: I think I understand now...
I’ve never felt so relieved till now… I truly believed the relationship between you would always have its discrepancy.
Shu: It’s not as if we’re going to treat each other nicely because of that now.
Reiji: I at least can only agree on that relating point.
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Yui: A-Ah...
(Nevertheless, they still decided to cooperate with each other to come to a conclusion)
(Thinking about that, it looks as if the entire Sakamaki family is completely gathered in this mansion now. Is that also because of Shu-san?)
Ayato: Nn… Hmm...
Yui: By the way, what kind of a bomb did you throw at Ayato-kun back then in the hallway?
You said something like if you start inhaling the pollen, you’ll be put into a sudden sleep...
Shu: I was told this is a simplicity bomb that contains a hypnotism effect. Reiji has made this one with materials from the provision.
Yui: (A-As it expected from Reiji-san…)
Shu: I received it from him right after pretending to leave the mansion. Just shortly afterwards I’ve been hiding myself nearby the mansion.
Yui: Thereupon you must’ve known Ayato-kun and the others were about to show up to attack the mansion...
1) I wanted you to tell me about it (black)
2) That was an amazing strategy (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— I wanted you to tell me about it
Yui: I wanted you to tell me about your plan though. Did you know how awfully worried I was about you?
Shu: Sorry about that. But you wouldn‘t have stayed silent if I told you about it, would you? Just looking at your expressions would reveal it all.
Yui: Uhh… it might’ve been the right choice not to inform me about anything of the plan after all…
Shu: Thought so. Your selfish facial expressions are always the most unusual ones.
Yui: Please stop looking at me like that.
(If he continues to intriguingly stare at my face as he has done until now, I’ll seriously start to feel awkward…)
— That was an amazing strategy ♡
Yui: That was an amazing strategy. You must’ve put a lot of time and consultation in thinking about it.
Shu: This has been Reiji’s strategy too. His abilities have been the reason why I wanted to be able to pull him into my plan.
Yui: Seems as if you put a lot of trust into Reiji-san.
Shu: Don’t start joking around. There was no other way but to put at least some faith into him.
Yui: (I-I guess I’ll have to wait until he completely admits it)
(But I shouldn’t tell him yet. I still want him to continue believing in Reiji-san, at least a little)
*Shu comes closer*
Shu: After all, you’re the number one person I’d always put my trust into first… Nn…
*Shu kisses Yui*
Yui: Nn… !?
W-Why did you just kiss me!?
Shu: All you talked about was Reiji and more Reiji, so I shut you up.
Yui: Please don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by jealousy again… !
end Choices
Ayato: Nn...
Yui: Ah!
Reiji: It seems like you have finally woken up.
Ayato: Ah!? What’s this!?
Kanato: Why have my hands been tied together? I can’t move like this.
Subaru: Shit… untie me right now!
*Subaru struggles*
Yui: Everyone calm down, please! The circumstances we’re in right now...
Laito: Looks as if we’re done for now. Maybe this was a plan to catch all of us from the very beginning?
Ayato: Are you serious? Does that mean the letter we all got was strange after all?
Laito: Well, it might’ve been so.
Ayato: Fuck, then it must’ve been those assholes who sent the letter! What a cowardice move!
Reiji: No, we have not taking part in writing this letter.
Yui: Eh? But I genuinely thought you send it for the sake of getting Ayato-kun and everyone together too...
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Shu: That’s not it. Having Ayato and everyone else come here to start a raid was as unexpected for us as it was for you.
I instead started to pretend leaving, in order to set a trap to discover what kind of a person the one planing this secession is.
Yui: W-What do you mean by that?
Shu: Didn’t I talk to you about it? The mastermind behind this entire messing up our memories situation must be lurking around somewhere in this place.
I already expected them to start moving once I disappeared. But I’ve now caught this certain someone out — it‘s that guy.
Yui: Eh… ?
*footsteps approach*
Kino: Ah, I thought you‘d show me an even more showy sort of fight. Is this already the end of this?
Yui: Kino-kun!? So you’ve been doing fine until now too—
Reiji: Do not approach this man.
Yui: Huh?
Shu: When you noticed how everything you came up with went conversely, you must’ve finally decided to come out.
You are the one who instigated these guys to come here, right? Kino.
Kino: Fufu, I can’t help hiding it anymore then. Well, I was slowly losing interest within this, so I kinda just wanted to get rid of unnecessary ballast.
But there was no way I would’ve thought this argument you had was all a simple fake. That’s an unexpected result for me too.
The fact that you’ve ruined my entire work… that’s what annoys me the most though. What’s your reason for that?
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Yui: Kino-kun… what do you mean?
Kino: You’re seriously a child with bad judgment, huh. The one who sent the letter to Ayato and the others, that was me.
When Reiji and Shu had their little fight, I thought this would’ve been the ideal time to have them attack and let me get Eve.
Ayato: Damn, this bastard tricked us!
Kino: Fufu, I even was ridiculously successful with that plan too.
Every last one of you must seriously have a low intelligence to fall for that crap.
Subaru: Shut up! I’ll beat that disgusting smile outta your face when I’m free!
Yui: Why did you do all of this… ?
Kino: I obviously did this to have the Sakamaki family crush each other once they’d meet each other.
Yui: Crush the Sakamaki family… ? No way, Kino-kun, you...
Are you the mastermind then? Did you gather all of us in a place like this, removed our memories and then set each other up to kill?
Kino: If so, what would you do?
Yui: ...Nn!
Shu: Just what kind of a person are you?
Kino: Ah, come to think of it, I’ve never properly introduced myself to any of you.
As formerly said, I’m Kino. Karlheinz’ illegitimate child.
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Yui: Karlheinz-sama’s...
Shu: ...Illegitimate child?
Ayato: Karl… heinz… ?
Ngh… what’s this…
Yui: (Ayato-kun?)
Reiji: No way, our father would never have an illegitimate child...
Shu: It’s not impossible if you remember that the person we’re talking about here is our father.
In other words, you’re saying you and we are siblings, right?
Kino: That’s right. I’ve already observed a bunch of information of you guys, before everyone started losing their memories.
Yes, I’m even willing to share interesting informations with you. Remember how we talked about Carla supposingly visiting Ruki’s mansion?
That was because he secretly wanted to see his true younger brother again. He doesn’t even seem to remember yet, but he still considered it important.
Now comparing those two to you guys. It’s already shameful how you snarled at each other. Pretty funny how my own brothers acted like this.
Reiji: Kch...
Yui: Why… Why are you laughing about this? Aren’t they your brothers, Kino-kun?
And despite being brothers, you still let them fight against each other… why would you enjoy such a thing!?
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Kino: I’ve always enjoyed it so far. These guys existences are only a huge hindrance for me and my plan anyway.
Yui: ….. !
Kino: The one inheriting our fathers power at the end of this will be his zeroth son, me.
Therefore, would those hindrancing siblings of mine continue to comfortably kill each now?
Yui: That’s… so cruel…
Kino: The one obtaining the power reignings everything. The one obtaining them will become stronger than anyone else. That‘s the life this world is about.
Shu: You did all this to aim for our old man’s powers? And you even ordered us to fight against each other now, only to be the successor to his power...
Even if you may be able to obtain what you wish for, you’ll never experience satisfaction. Besides, there’s no way you’ll be able to handle them.
Kino: Hah? As if you’re in the position to discern my body’s strength. Who do you even think you’re facing and talking to right now?
Shu: This is simply a fact. You’ve withdrawn yourself from everything until now. And now in order to obtain those powers, you even wrote this letter.
Kino: So you’re still looking down on me? For real… everyone of you has always screwed with me...
*Kino activates powers*
Yui: (Ngh, the atmosphere around Kino-kun changed itself!?)
Kino: I thought it would be nice to see my siblings come together and massacre each other, but my plans changed.
Shall we decide who will become the king now?
Shu: What do you mean?
Kino: Becoming the king, or in other words, becoming Adam. With Eve’s approval, the chosen one obtains great powers.
I for now and forever, want to settle who the appropriate one among us is.
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Yui: The supreme ruler… will become Adam? Eve should approve him...
(That means, this battle about becoming the king is nothing other than choosing who’ll become Adam…)
(Then the chosen one becomes Karlheinz-sama’s successor and inherits all his powers… !?)
Shu: I wasn’t interested in my old man’s powers to begin with. To make it clear, I don’t care about them.
But… Yui is different. I won’t lend her to anyone.
Yui: Shu-san...
Shu: We’ll take on that match you challenged us to then. With doing so, we’ll represent the six siblings of us.
Reiji, I’ll leave this matter in your hands.
Reiji: Understood.
Shu: About Ayato and the others, I’ll keep them tied up in order to prevent them from interrupting.
Subaru: Hah? If so, get your ass up and do something!
Kanato: How dare you to continue your incomprehensible talk while totally ignoring me like an idiot… are you making fun of me or what!?
Reiji: Be quiet!
Subaru: ….. !
Yui: (Reiji-san’s loud rebuke seems effective!)
Reiji: ...Please leave them to me. You will have to deal with him.
Shu: Yes, please do.
Yui: Shu-san...
Shu: You have to trust me once more, just like you’ve always done so far.
Yui: (To believe in him… that’s right. I won’t hesitate to keep doing so)
Understood. I’ll continue to believe in you, Shu-san.
Shu: Yes.
Yui: (I’m sure Shu-san will safely guide us through this situation—)
Shu: Let‘s end this quickly then.
Kino: ‘Kay, but this definitely will be my victory. Now, let‘s have a last deciding match—
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132 notes · View notes
vespertineflora · 4 years
3zun Combo Fics
we're alone in the dark E, During Canon, Classroom Sex, 4.6k It's the first time Jin Guangyao has had the chance to use the jade token Lan Xichen had given him for free passage in and out of the Cloud Recesses, and it's during this first late evening visit that Jin Guangyao discovers that Lan Xichen has been having fantasies about him for far longer than he ever could have guessed--and that Lan Xichen is very eager to act on one such fantasy.
your love is all i can think about E, During Canon/AU, Love Letters/Sneaking Around, 10.4k After Lan Xichen finally goes all the way with Jin Guangyao in the aftermath of the Sunshot Campaign, responsibility forces the two apart for far longer than either of them care for. When they finally get to see each other again after three long months, having to sit through hours of a discussion conference when the love of his life is just across the room is more than the poor, sexually pent up Lan Xichen can bear, especially as Jin Guangyao seems to realize he likes the effect he's having on him.
in your warmth i forget how cold it can be E, During Canon, Cold Weather Coziness, 3.3k After a long day of traveling in unexpectedly heavy snowfall, Jin Guangyao arrives in the Cloud Recesses and needs Lan Xichen to warm him up.
rest with me a while E, During Canon, Fluff/Smut, 3.8k The day of the Phoenix Mountain Hunt is a stressful one for Jin Guangyao; Lan Xichen can see how tense he is from just a glance. His offer to help Jin Guangyao with his preparations has been turned down more than once, so Lan Xichen isn't sure what he can possibly do to help him... until he realizes there might be one way he might be able to add a bright spot to Jin Guangyao's day. no angels could beckon me back M, During Canon, Post-Coital Cuddling/Confessions, 1.6k What he had with Lan Xichen should have been enough; Jin Guangyao hadn't intended to confess his feelings, and he certainly hadn't meant for them to be confessed like this.
bare your heart to me E, During Canon, Smut and Hurt/Comfort, 9.5k It's impossible for Lan Xichen to say when he first takes notice of it, but a strange exchange one night makes him realize something rather concerning: he hasn't seen Jin Guangyao's naked body in nearly a year. The realization leads to Lan Xichen chasing after the answer to this mystery, ultimately uncovering a painful truth about the daily horrors of Jin Guangyao's life in Carp Tower.
Daylight Can Be So Violent (series) (in progress, but all pieces are functional one shots) if i told you what i’ve become E, During Canon, Confessions/First Times, 13.7k (pt 1) It's Lan Xichen's first visit to Lanling since Jin Guangyao's ascent to the position of Chief Cultivator the previous month, and with everything he's been through recently, he's perhaps tenser than he otherwise would be, spending a peaceful evening with his dearest friend. Luckily, Jin Guangyao has some ideas about the best ways to relieve stress.
heaven help me (i need to make this right) E, During Canon, Light Bondage, 8k (pt 2) The last few months have been... more than Lan Xichen could have ever hoped for. The reconstruction of the Cloud Recesses is complete, which means his uncle is in a good mood. His brother is healed, moving around and spending time with A-Yuan. And his relationship with Jin Guangyao... well, to put it simply, Lan Xichen couldn't be much happier--though Jin Guangyao has no shortage of ideas for them. It's during one of his regular visits to Lanling that Jin Guangyao suggests they... try doing things a different way.
and i'd do anything E, During Canon, Candle Wax/Praise Kink, 4.7k (pt 3) "Do you trust me?" It was that question, and Lan Xichen's resounding yes, that had landed him here, his wrists tied to the bed posts above his head, silk scarf wrapped lovingly around his eyes, his chest heaving with every hard breath, his cock dripping precum in a sticky pool against his stomach, and drips of wax in various stages of hardness scattered all across his skin.
if there was nowhere to land (i wouldn’t be scared at all) T, During Canon, 5+1fic/angst, 10.7k Meng Yao hasn't lead an easy life. He's been pushed around, beaten, and taken advantage of for nearly as long as he can remember... Falling down stairs is one of the worst things he's been through, and he's fallen more times than anyone should have to. OR Five times someone makes Meng Yao fall down a staircase, and one time someone saves him from falling.
they call me underneath M, Post-Canon, Grief/Mourning, 4.2k Lan Xichen never intended to visit the cemetery where his sworn brothers were interred together, but now that he's here, he can't make himself leave without at least trying.
a fine time to regret T, During Canon, Grief/Comfort, 2.3k As it turned out, even knowing Jin Rusong was going to die didn't give Jin Guangyao the chance to prepare himself for it.
hold on to what we are T, During Canon, Fluff, 1.9k Meng Yao is dedicated to working harder than ever as the Sunshot Campaign is ramping up, but Nie Mingjue wants him to come to bed.
if you need it, then i need it (and only we'll know) E, During Canon, Sex Pollen, 13.1k Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue are on what they assume to be a normal scouting mission into Wen territory--but the day is turned on its head when they get a bit too close to some strange looking plants that release a thick cloud of pollen as they approach. By the time they make it back to camp, they're both already feeling the effects, and the camp's doctor has some mixed news to share. The bad news? The pollen will lead to a deadly qi deviation if left untreated. The good news? They know how to treat it! Now it's just up to Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue to act on it (and on the feelings they've been secretly harboring for one another for months).
when it comes time to rest my head E, Canon Divergent, Hurt/Comfort, 20.8k When Nie Mingjue spots the freshly bloodied handkerchief Jin Guangyao accidentally drops, his first sickening conclusion is that he's just caught him in the middle of some nefarious deed--but Nie Mingjue investigates further, and instead uncovers a series of injuries across Jin Guangyao's body that tell a much more heart-wrenching tale than the one Nie Mingjue first suspected. Can Nie Mingjue earn back enough of Jin Guangyao's trust to get him to accept the help he so clearly needs? Can he convince Jin Guangyao... to come back to Qinghe with him? i need your broken promises E, Canon Divergent, Werecat!JGY, 11.7k The night Meng Yao is promoted to be Nie Mingjue's deputy, he makes two requests: to be left alone on the night of the full moon, and to not be asked why he needs to be left alone. Nie Mingjue is extremely curious about this odd appeal, but he honors it regardless. Years later, when Nie Mingjue proposes, Meng Yao repeats his requests as the only stipulations for their marriage, and Nie Mingjue once again promises to let Meng Yao keep his secret... until he realizes that perhaps the secret isn't as well kept as he once thought, and he confronts Meng Yao to learn the truth.
the day bleeds into nightfall T, During Canon, Angst and Romance, 2.5k When Wen Chao attacks the Unclean Realm, Meng Yao rushes to release Xue Yang, and Nie Mingjue catches him stabbing his general. Nie Mingjue might have thought he was doing Meng Yao a mercy when he banished him... but Meng Yao isn't sure he agrees.
love me hard oh, love me right E, Modern AU, Rule 63 PWP, 2k Sometimes Meng Yao just needs to be gently dommed by her girlfriend until she cries, and you know what? That's valid.
the love held in her hands E, Modern Fantasy AU, Rule 63/Fairy!MY, 3k When Nie Mingjue's tiny fairy girlfriend asks to be fingered, Nie Mingjue immediately considers it to be a bad idea... but when her search for something more appropriately-sized drags on too long, she decides to give in to Meng Yao's impatient demands.
the common tongue of your loving me E, Modern AU, 69ing, 3.7k Lan Huan and Nie Mingjue have been dating for almost two years now, but Nie Mingjue is always coming up with ways for him and his beau to have some new sort of fun in the bedroom. (Submission for NieLan Month 2020, Day 22 Desperation/Beauty/Awe. This is also the 69th fic I've uploaded to my AO3 account haha)
home is where my love waits E, Modern AU, Sexted Pics & DP, 5.1k Meng Yao is out of town on business for the weekend and Lan Huan and Nie Mingjue have the brilliant idea to send their absent boyfriend some spicy material to keep him warm while he's away (and definitely not because teasing him is very fun). When Meng Yao gets back to his hotel room at night to discover the proverbial feast, he's both very turned on and very frustrated to be so far away--but luckily for Meng Yao, they have more than adequate plans to make up for their teasing once he gets home.
i’ve had no love like your love E, Modern AU, happy birthday jgy!3some, 9.2k It's Meng Yao's birthday, and after working all day, he travels to Nie Mingjue's place in a swiftly escalating winter storm, where a night of warm wine and even warmer company awaits... Nie Mingjue and a tipsy Lan Huan have a delightful plan in place on just how they can warm him up.
how could i ask for more E, Modern Genderbend AU, CNC Roleplay, 14.3k When Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue ask Lan Huan what she wants for her birthday, they strongly imply it can be a sexual favor. Lan Huan asks for so little in the bedroom; she always seems content to just join in whatever activities her girlfriends partake in and never makes specific requests for herself. Of course, when Lan Huan actually indulges their suggestion, the last thing they expect from her is a detailed, written fantasy that she hands to them with an entirely red face... But if such a thing is what Lan Huan wants, Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue will make sure to give her exactly what she's asking for. Written for Whumptober 2020, Theme No 6. PLEASE… (“Get it Out” | No More | “Stop, please”).
there’s a hole in my soul (can you fill it?) E, Modern AU, Hurt/Comfort & Panic Attacks, 6.2k Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue were exes... until Lan Xichen fell in love with both of them and they decided to set aside their differences for his sake. When they're all together, life is bliss--but Meng Yao's relationship with Nie Mingjue is strained at best, and he notices early on in this reconciliation that the only time Nie Mingjue seems willing to hold him or be affectionate with him is after they have sex. Meng Yao has learned that, on the rare nights and weekends when Lan Xichen is away and he needs affection, that having sex with Nie Mingjue is the quickest and easiest way to get it. Lan Xichen just so happens to be out of town after Meng Yao has a particularly bad day at work. He needs the comfort more than ever, but when he tries to get it from Nie Mingjue the only way he knows how, it doesn't go the way he plans.
in my arms you’re safe and sound T, Vampire AU, Hurt/Comfort & Feeding, 2.9k Jin Guangyao is a dhampir who is fully turned when his father accepts him into the family--but Jin Guangshan treats him terribly, and when Nie Mingjue begins to realize how far this mistreatment goes, he drags Jin Guangyao off for a conversation which quickly escalates into an emotional shouting match that results in Nie Mingjue deciding that Jin Guangyao needs to be removed from Carp Tower immediately. Lan Xichen finds them just in time for the three sworn brothers to head together back to Qinghe, where Lan Xichen personally discovers one of the many awful things Jin Guangshan has done to hurt Jin Guangyao.
how were we to know E, Canon Divergent, MAJOR HURT/comfort, 12.9k (check AO3 for warnings on this one!) After the Sunshot Campaign, Meng Yao took Lan Xichen's offer to come live with him in the Cloud Recesses, sparking the beginning of their romantic relationship--which in turn uncovered their individual romantic histories with Nie Mingjue, and led to a shared romantic present with him. In the years since, the three have been in love and quite happy with their shared arrangement. However, eventual grief lingered at the back of their thoughts; they all knew the effect the saber spirit was gradually having on Nie Mingjue's mind and on his temperament, causing more frequent and more violent outbursts... Though none of them could have guessed the particular sort of violence it would lead Nie Mingjue to commit one night alone with Meng Yao.
when you are lost and i am gone M, Canon Divergent, Character Death, 2k When Lan Xichen had received the letter from Meng Yao, he'd left the camp at once to meet him in the forest outside of Nightless City, but even still, he arrives a second too late to do anything but watch as one of his friends cuts down the other. a light on the other side M, Modern AU, JGY-centric, 2.6k As a child, Meng Yao had only ever met his father in passing, as he had a family of his own and wanted little to do with the child that resulted from his affair with Meng Yao's mother. But when Meng Shi passed away tragically, 13 year old Meng Yao was sent to live with his father, spending the rest of his teen years in a living hell until he was able to escape... A few years later, another affair and another tragedy brought infant Mo Xuanyu into the Jin household and Meng Yao returned to keep him safe from the fate he'd suffered himself. Life there is awful, though not nearly as bad as it was before, as Meng Yao spends most of his time alone caring for Mo Xuanyu. However, a few months into his return, Meng Yao is presented with a unique opportunity when, late one night, he finds Jin Guangshan collapsed on the floor of his office.
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manymanycupsoftea · 3 years
On a Porch Swing ch 2
I aM BACK BITCheS with the next installment of this fic!  It was written a while ago but I forgot to post it on here :|
    Sophie slipped inside the mansion of Havenfield by the back door, hoping to avoid her parents. Sandor had gone inside to give her some privacy, and her other bodyguards were around here somewhere, but distanced enough to let her cry in peace. She walked quickly but quietly through the hallways, but fortunately it seemed Grady and Edaline were outside working with the animals. Climbing the stairs to her huge room, she opened the door, walked inside, and fell face-first onto her bed, feeling the tears start to come again.
A few teardrops ran onto her comforter, but she pushed herself up sharply, wiping her eyes. “No. I’ve got to stop crying.”
Determined to be calm enough to see Keefe, Sophie walked briskly into her bathroom and rinsed her face with cold water a few times. She wet a washcloth with some facial toner and pressed it to her swollen face until the redness receded and the swelling started to go down. She studied her reflection critically, then pulled a brush through her hair, swiped on some lip gloss, and, after contemplation, put on the gold-flecked eyeliner her friends thought was so pretty on her. (She told herself it was just to hide the fact that she had been crying.)
Walking purposefully into her room, she squinted at her clothes, frowning. Dirty, covered in bits of grass and Panakes pollen, they certainly needed to be changed. She shucked off her tunic and pants, tossing them into her laundry bin, then walked into her closet to see what was available. She pulled out a purple fitted tunic and put it on, stepping into her favorite pair of pants, a high-waisted royal blue pair that were reminiscent of her favorite pair of human jeans. She added a pair of boots and grabbed a cloak, as it was cold in the evenings during this time of year.
She decided to hail Keefe and see if he was free. She hoped he was. If he wasn’t, she would change right back into some sweatpants and a cozy tunic and curl up under some blankets with some mallowmelt for the rest of the evening. But she didn't much want to wallow in her sorrows right now. Keefe picked up on the second ring. “Hey Foster! What’s up? Did you miss my awesome hair so much you had to call me?” “Hey, Keefe.” “What, nothing about the hair? I’m embarrassed for you, Foster. You should be missing me. Actually, you should be asking right now if you can come over, because then I can say yes and avoid doing this boring Elvish History homework.” Ro butted in. “Please get me out of this! Lord Funkyhair here won’t stop sniveling about how boring it is! Not that it isn’t extremely boring listening to a bunch of puny elves boast about how awesome and sparkly they are, but I don’t have to do the homework, so I don’t want to hear about it.” “Well, actually, I was in fact calling to see if you wanted to hang out,” Sophie said, once she could get a word in edgewise. “YES! Foster wants to hang out with me!! Score one for team Foster-Keefe! Wanna leap over now? We can eat mallowmelt and annoy Ro with our awesomeness!” Sophie laughed. “Sure, Keefe! I’ll be there in a couple minutes.” She hung up and pumped her fist at the thought of seeing her friend. Grabbing her Imparter and stuffing it in a bag with a few other things, she called to Vertina. “Vertina! How do I look?”
Her mirror came to life with a smirk. “Whoa, you all of a sudden care? Who are you seeing? Is it that Fitz of yours?” His name hit her hard, and Sophie winced. "I might as well get used to telling people we’re over", she thought. “No. We broke up today.” Vertina paused for a minute, looking embarrassed for once. She said softly, “I’m sorry.” Sophie was surprised at the usually cocky and smart-alecky mirror’s compassion, but she appreciated it. She also didn’t know what to say in answer to that, so she just went with a simple “Thanks” and a half smile.
She continued, “It was for the best, I think. It hurts like hell, but I’ll be alright eventually. I just hope Fitz is okay.” Vertina looked annoyed, saying, “Girl, you need to stop thinking about him. Wondering how he’s doing won’t help you get over him. Focus on yourself and getting over him. Why’d you break up, anyway?”
“We’re hurting too much,” Sophie explained. “Fitz and I are both struggling emotionally and we aren’t--I mean weren’t--helping each other heal. We have to become more happy and emotionally stable before we put emotional energy into a relationship, and I started to realize that recently. When I talked to Fitz about it today, I didn’t know if I wanted to break up, but he said he’d been thinking about it too, and thought it would be the smartest thing for us both to separate. We talked it over, and I agree with him. So that’s the end of us. We’re both sad about it, but I hope this means we can grow and heal more.”
Vertina whistled. “Wow. Well, I’m sorry you ended things, but it sounds like it was a smart thing to do. Anyway, you asked me how you look. I think you look great, but I’d suggest a hair clip to pull your hair out of your face.” “Thanks, Vertina, but I’ll pass this time,” Sophie said with a shrug. “I don’t really want to have my full face exposed to the world today.” “Okay, I get it. Have fun wherever you’re going!” Vertina said, clicking off.
Sophie grabbed her bag, quickly wrote a note to Grady and Edaline explaining where she would be, leaving it in the kitchen for them to see when they came inside. “Sandor! I’m going to Keefe’s! Coming?” Sandor walked in from the living room, where he had been reading on the couch. “This is random,” he said in his squeaky voice. “Any particular reason you’re going to Keefe’s after breaking up with Fitz?” He sounded a bit suspicious. Sophie raised her eyebrows at him. “No, not really, just wanted a friend right now.”
“Okayyy,” Sandor said, still seemingly unconvinced. “Let’s go, then.” They headed to the LeapMaster and disappeared into a ray of light.
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signs-of-the-moon · 3 years
Moon Rise: Epilogue
Three moons had passed. The long cold season of Leafbare melted away with the snow, blossoming into Newleaf fresh flowers on the meadowy hills. Bloom's Day was here again, and Grassclan was as busy as ever. None were so busy as Swiftcloud was that day.
She was in the medicine den, flanked by Mistyleaf. The pale silver she-cat was placing tiny pink and blue flowers all over Swiftcloud's pelt, decorating her traditionally for a deputy. Nearby, Goldensong was weaving together her flower crown.
"Almost done," Mistyleaf mewed as she placed one last flower onto her mate's chest fur. "There! You look lovely, Swift."
"Thank you," Swiftcloud purred, licking her lover's cheek. Mistyleaf trilled, leaning against her.
"You'd better run along now. Tulippaw and her sisters must be getting antsy waiting for their warrior's assessments to begin," she reminded Swiftcloud.
"You're right," Swiftcloud agreed, rising to her paws. "I'd better go and fetch their mentors, then."
With a parting nod to the medicine cats, Swiftcloud turned and padded out into the clearing. A beautiful sight greeted her eyes as she walked around, gathering her fellow mentors for today's assessment. The camp was perfectly decorated for the day's celebration; flowers and feathers dotting the dens, berries placed ever so delicately along thresholds. Even Tall Stone had gotten a makeover in honor of the holiday. The youngest apprentices, with the help of the clan's kits, painted a lovely picture across the front of the ancient boulder with berry juice. Swiftcloud couldn't tell exactly what was being depicted, but she admired the young cats' creativity nonetheless.
"Swiftcloud," Quailbelly called as she padded up to the deputy and the mentors. "Rabbitstorm and I are ready to help."
"Excellent," Swiftcloud purred. Cinderpaw and Bunnypaw were out gathering flowers, leaving their respective mentors, Quailbelly and Rabbitstorm, with nothing to do. Both cats had been eager to receive an apprentice. Bunnypaw was Rabbitstorm's first. And Quailbelly was doing her best to train young Cinderpaw. After losing her first apprentice, Thistlepaw, Whitestar and Swiftcloud agreed it was only fair to give Quailbelly another chance at mentoring. And she was happy. But the relief on her face made it obvious that she was glad for a break today. Rabbitstorm seemed even more happy to get away from his energetic little brother.
"What do you need us to do?" He asked, standing beside Quailbelly. At this time, Tulippaw, Nectarpaw, Pansypaw, Pollenpaw and Tabitha had come to Tall Stone to pair up with their mentors.
Swiftcloud flicked an ear towards them as she spoke. "I need each of you to take out one of my apprentices for me, while I assess everyone's progress from the sidelines."
"I'll take Tulippaw," Quailbelly offered.
"Guess that'll leave me with Tabitha," Rabbitstorm snorted.
Though he may sound annoyed, Swiftcloud couldn't miss the excited little smirk he gave. She knew the pair were growing close. But she also knew Rabbitstorm was not the sort of warrior to mess around when given an assignment. "I'll make sure she stays focused," he swore, as if he could read the deputy's mind. He dipped his head to her respectfully, Quailbelly copying his motion.
For the short time she had been deputy, Swiftcloud had already managed to gain the respect of her clanmates. At first it was jarring--having cats bow their heads, as if she were such an important figure--but soon enough, she adjusted to the change. Cats listened when she gave orders, and were comfortable with coming to her to report news. Maybe Whitestar had made a good choice when choosing Swiftcloud. Three moons in, and she already felt so accustomed to her new role. It gave her purpose; a new reason to wake up in the morning.
"Right. Let's head out," Swiftcloud ordered. Each pair began to make their way out into the meadow, already prepared to take their apprentices to predetermined destinations.
Before Swiftcloud followed through the bramble tunnel, she couldn't help but spare a glance back at the nursery. The honeysuckles were in bloom, alive with a comforting fragrance. Swiftcloud had grown quite used to it by now, finding herself almost regretful about not staying behind to lounge beneath it with the queens.
"We'll be alright, go have fun! And make sure you tell me all about the assessments when you all return!" Cricketsong called out as she emerged from the den. Her single half-moon old kit poked his head out from between her front legs, observing the world outside curiously. Swiftcloud let out a purr of amusement, smiling.
"I will!" She promised, ducking out of the clearing at last.
A canvas of green greeted the cats as they made their way over the hills, a rainbow of flowers speckled across the meadow like pollen. A strong breezed gusted past, flattening the foliage around them like thin fur. As it calmed, the flowers sprung up once again, reaching up for the warm Newleaf sun. Swiftcloud cherished this time of year, reveling in the nostolgia and comfort of it all. It was just over a year ago that she had come to join the cats of the meadow; to learn what it meant to be wild and free. Her dreams had become a reality, and Swiftcloud couldn't be happier if she tried.
As the cats reached the heart of the meadow, partners broke off to spread out in different directions. This ensured each apprentice had enough space to demonstrate their abilities without running the risk of interrupting denmates. Swiftcloud watched them all walk off, waiting around for a while before stalking after a randomly chosen pair. She decided to check out how Pansypaw was doing first. She was the youngest of this graduating class, too young to technically be ready for warriorship. But Pansypaw had proven herself to be a fast learner, leading Whitestar to approve of her testing out of apprenticeship early. Swiftcloud had to observe her extra carefully to ensure Pansypaw was ready to be moved up in the ranks. Frostfeather certainly seemed to think so, but as deputy, Swiftcloud needed to observe for herself.
So as quickly but as silently as she could, she stalked through the overgrown grass, following the scent trail of the cats she was set to watch.
Or maybe would, if her rambunctious apprentice could follow the rules for a change.
"Tulippaw!" Swiftcloud called back, meeting the brown and white molly. How had she managed to track Swiftcloud down?
Tulippaw had grown quite tall in the fourteen moons she had been alive, standing even taller than her own mentor. She was a perfect example of a Grassclan warrior. Lithe, with large ears and long legs. Yet muscles rippled beneath her short pelt, built up over moons from vigorous battles and training. Training which Swiftcloud had been more than happy to give her.
"Are you going to watch me hunt?" Tulippaw asked.
"Yes, that's part of the assessment," Swiftcloud responded. "But you aren't supposed to pay attention to me being here. I'm observing from the sidelines today. Quailbelly is who you're presenting to. Where is she anyways?"
"Flirting with Frostfeather." Tulippaw rolled her eyes. "She can't help herself. She's so proud of her mate for mentoring the youngest soon-to-be warrior of the clan."
Swiftcloud resisted the urge to groan. Originally, she'd been worried about a cat like Tabitha getting distracted during the assessment. She hadn't taken into account that Quailbelly might act up instead. "Thanks for letting me know. I'll go and have a chat with her. You get back to hunting ok? And don't worry about wherever I might be hiding next time."
"Yes, Swiftcloud," Tulippaw agreed, nodding her head before turning around and padding back out into the grass.
Swiftcloud continued on in the direction she was heading, parting her jaws slightly to taste the air for Quailbelly. She caught onto her trail quickly, scenting the molly only a couple of tree-lengths off.
"Quailbelly!" She called, summoning the warrior to her. The tone she used was stern, alerting the warrior that she was not at all pleased with her behavior.
"S..sorry, Swiftcloud!" Quailbelly dipped her head as she ran up to the deputy. "I didn't mean to get distracted..."
Swiftcloud twitched her whiskers. "Its alright, Quailbelly. Let's leave Frostfeather and Pansypaw be now. Go and see how Tulippaw is faring for me?"
"Of course, right away!" Quailbelly agreed, racing off to watch her niece hunt. She made it to her just in time to watch the apprentice put Swiftcloud's bird hunting technique to work.
Tulippaw crouched to the ground a fox-length upwind from a clueless wood pigeon. The ignorant bird was busy picking at seeds, while Tulippaw stalked ever closer, wiggling her haunches. With only a heartbeat more of hesitation, she shot out from her hiding place, scaring the pigeon into taking flight. Tulippaw leaped gracefully in the air after it, grabbing her prey by its wings, plucking it out of the sky. As the apprentice fell back to the earth she pulled the wood pigeon closer to herself; grabbing its neck and snapping it just as her paws touched the ground below.
"Great catch!" Quailbelly praised, prancing up to meet with the brown and white molly. Swiftcloud purred in her place approvingly, turning tail once more to hunt down her original target.
Sunhigh was reaching it's end by the time the assessments had concluded. When the cats had returned home, Swiftcloud was pleased to report that all five apprentices had passed their tests with little disruption. Whitestar approved of Swiftcloud's observations, calling forth the other mentors to talk with them before it was finally decided the leader would hold a warrior's ceremony today.
Earning your warrior name on Bloom's Day, what an honor, Swiftcloud thought as she headed out of the leader's den with her head held high. She hadn't thought it would happen today. She was sure with everything else going on, Whitestar would have waited to hold the ceremony until tomorrow. But the apprentices got lucky.
"Let all cats old enough to run across the meadow, gather here beneath the Tall Stone for a clan meeting." Whitestar called together all of those who had returned home to camp. A majority of Grassclan was here already, with the exception of a border patrol or two. Most had been hanging by the medicine den, waiting to receive their flower crowns and collars for the holiday. Others had been sharing tongues, careful not to destroy any blossoms that were placed on their fur.
A buzz of excitement swept through the atmosphere as the clan gathered. The excitement of new warriors, and the joy of the holiday made everyone's spirits light. But Swiftcloud knew no one could be as thrilled right now as apprentices were. They were already waiting by the front of Tall Stone, grooming each other's fur down in a last ditch effort to make themselves look perfect.
Whitestar gazed down at this season's graduating class fondly, tail raised high to greet them. The leader's focus shifted briefly to rest upon their mentors, in order to complete the first part of the naming ceremony. Swiftcloud shuffled to her place by Tall Stone's base just as Whitestar began to speak.
"This Bloom's Day, we have a lot to celebrate. The arrival of Newleaf and good hunting; the promise of flowers and new life. And today, I get to perform my favorite duty as Grassclan's leader," she began, then cleared her throat. "The young cats you see before us have completed their training met all the goals set for them, and have learned the Warrior Code. Snailear, Ladybugbite, Swiftcloud, Frostfeather; do you believe your apprentices are ready to become warriors?"
"I do," agreed all four mentors in unison.
Whitestar nodded, acknowledging their decision. "In that case; Nectarpaw, Pollenpaw, Tulippaw, Pansypaw, and Tabitha, please step forward."
The five mollies did as they were commanded, the brightest of expressions showing on their faces. Nectarpaw and Pollenpaw glanced at each other excitedly. Tulippaw and Tabitha shook tails. And Pansypaw cleaned her chest fur, straightening her posture.
Whitestar turned her muzzle towards the sky briefly. "I, Whitestar, leader of Grassclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have worked hard to learn the ways of your nobel Code, and I commend them, to you, as warriors in their turn. Nectarpaw, Pollenpaw, Tulippaw, Pansypaw, Tabitha, do you promise to uphold the warrior code; to protest and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?
"I do," the apprentices chimed at once, heads held high.
"Then by the power of Starclan, I give you your warrior names." Whitestar lowered her head to look at the first of the apprentices. "Nectarpaw, from this day forward you shall be known as Nectarbite. Starclan honors your tenacity and skill, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Grassclan."
The siamese she-cat jumped down from Tall Stone, approaching the newly named warrior. Swiftcloud rose to meet her, passing on a flower which the leader then placed behind Nectarbite's ear. Nectarbite took a step forward to lick Whitestar's shoulder out of respect, while the leader placed her chin on top of her niece's head, following tradition. After another heartbeat, Whitestar stepped back to continue the ceremony.
"Pollenpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Pollenstep. Starclan honors your attentiveness and tracking skills, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Grassclan."
Again, Whitestar placed a flower onto the new warrior before resting her muzzle against her head, Pollenstep gratefully licking her shoulder before moving back to smile. Next, Whitestar gave her attention to the last of her young kin. Swiftcloud felt a flare of pride in her chest as she watched her first apprentice be named.
"Tulippaw, from this day forward, you will be known as Tulipnose. Starclan honors your curiosity and tracking skills, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Grassclan."
A daffodil was placed behind Tulipnose's ear. A fitting flower, Swiftcloud agreed as she watched Whitestar rest her chin on the warrior's forehead. Tulipnose licked her shoulder, then glanced past the leader, beaming at Swiftcloud as if to say "look I did it I'm a warrior now!". Swiftcloud purred, nodding her approval.
"Pansypaw. From this day forward you shall be known as Pansyfrost. Starclan honors your quick thinking and intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Grassclan." Whitestar continued. Pansyfrost looked as if she were going to cry once the traditional forehead touch/shoulder lick was finished. Swiftcloud wondered if she was tearing up with happiness. Or maybe she was wishing that her kin were alive to witness this great accomplishment.
Whitestar then turned to address the last apprentice waiting to receive their name.
"And finally, Tabitha. You have worked very hard in the short time that you've lived within the Land's Star. Though your training is not yet complete, I do believe you've earned your right to obtain a clan name. So, from this day forward, you shall be known as Mothlight. And upon your request, the clan will continue to honor you as Tabitha, within our borders. Starclan honors your cheer and positivity, and we welcome you as full warrior of Grassclan."
"Nectarbite! Pollenstep! Tulipnose! Pansyfrost! Mothlight!" The clan broke out into an excited chant for the new warriors, calming slightly when Whitestar swayed her tail.
"Nectarbite has chosen the duties of a Guard and Fighting warrior. Pollenstep has requested to be a Guard and Den Keeper. These two shall henceforth be partners. Tulipnose will be a Hunting warrior, and Pansyfrost has chosen Collection and Hunting for her duties. These two shall also be paired. Finally, Tabitha has decided to remain a permanent nursery queen, as well as a Collector. She will be paired at a later time, when someone becomes available," the siamese she-cat announced. "But for now, these warriors shall rest. And tonight, they shall sit a silent vigil, guarding the camp while the rest of us sleep, to show they are true warriors of this clan."
As the ceremony concluded the clan broke away from their seated positions surging forward to surround and congratulate the new warriors. Swiftcloud padded into the crowd to join them, finding Tulipnose wrapped up in the embrace of her father, Cowpatch. At the sight of her mentor, Tulipnose lit up, excusing herself from her kin so they could speak. But before she could say a word, a yowl broke out, silencing the whole clan.
Thornpaw and Lightpaw called as they ran into camp, disrupting the celebration. Shadowfang and Beetlepatch came rushing behind them.
"What's going on?" Whitestar asked, turning to meet her kits. She licked Thornpaw on his cheek then groomed Lightpaw between the ears in an attempt to calm her litter down. Swiftcloud came to stand beside the leader, eager to hear about the urgent matter that had brought the patrol home early.
"We have important news to report," Beetlepatch informed with a slight pant.
"Swiftcloud," Shadowfang meowed, as if the news were meant for her. "Snow is dead."
"What...?" She asked breathlessly. She felt her pelt begin to bristle at the mention of the exiled medicine cat's name.
"That's right," Thornpaw confirmed. "We met a Treeclan patrol who'd crossed the Thunder Path."
"They were heading this way to report their discovery to Grassclan when our patrols met. Blackberry said a hunting party found Snow's body on their territory, mangled. They wanted to find out if we wanted her brought back so she could be put in our burial grounds," Shadowfang explained.
"What did you tell them?" Whitestar questioned, tail twitching slightly.
"Obviously we told them no!" Thornpaw scoffed. "Scum like Snow doesn't deserve to have the honor of being buried among warriors!"
"Strong words from such a young cat," Swiftcloud remarked, cuffing the tom playfully around the ear. "I hope you didn't say that to Treeclan."
Lightpaw shook her head. "Of course not! I'd never let this mouse-brain have the chance to yowl out something so blunt. Beetlepatch told them that Snow should be treated as a rouge, and that Treeclan can deal with her remains however they sees fit. Was that alright...?"
"Yes. I think that situation was handled as it should. Thank you, Beetlepatch, Shadowfang. And you too, my loves." Whitestar them turned towards the clan. "Grassclan can finally rest easy. The evil that had once lingered within our ranks has been vanquished for good!"
At this, the clan broke out into another uproar of cheers. They seemed elated, having yet another thing to celebrate this day. Swiftcloud found herself to be as happy as the rest. Though she could feel her body growing weak from the work that had been done today. She needed a break from all the hype and noise from the clan. So, she retreated to the nursery.
The space beneath the honeysuckle bush was cool, the faintest bit of light dappling the wool lined ground underpaw. Swiftcloud sighed with relief as she entered. The nursery walls muffled most of the commotion going just outside, allowing all residents within some peace. Swiftcloud found herself to be alone in here, with the exception of the clan's youngest residents. Cricketsong's son was dozing in their nest, his body hanging halfway out of the bracken as he napped.
"Hi Swif'!" Greeted Tabitha's single kit, bouncing up in front of the deputy. "The kits are good. They're asleep," he informed her as he followed her gaze to the nest at the further end of the den.
"Thank you, Bramblekit," Swiftcloud purred, padding over to the extra fluffy pile of wool. She stuck out a paw, peeling some of it back to expand the nest enough to allow her to fit inside. Laying beneath the pulled back fluff were three dozing balls of fur.
Swiftcloud purred softly as she tiptoed around them, turning to tamp down the wool some more before laying down besides them.
The kittens stirred slightly at her presence, turning onto their bellies to wiggle closer to her.
"Hi, my loves," Swiftcloud whispered, guiding the little ones to settle into her side. She repositioned herself, allowing the kittens the chance to feed if they so chose. They had only been born three days ago, and though they were no bigger than a shrew, they were healthy and full of life. It had barely been a surprise when Swiftcloud found out she was expecting. Shadowfang and Mistyleaf both were over the moon learning the news. The announcement of kits was welcomed after all the hardship and death they'd faced the moon before. And now, having them here felt like a dream come true. Swiftcloud was smitten with her litter. Every time she was with them, she couldn't help but gaze upon them with fondness.
The oldest of the bunch was a black tomkit with a snow white underbelly and legs to match. His tail was long and skinny just like Shadowfang's, which made him stand out from his littermates. His brother was an almost perfect copy of Swiftcloud; his pelt was white with black patches and he had an adorable bunny tail perched upon his rear. But his ears were as large as a typical Grassclan kit's, which Mistyleaf had pointed out to be adorable. Swiftcloud's lastborn was a beautiful shade of black. He had just the slightest bit of stock in his build, and a nubby tail just like his mother. They were the most beautiful kittens Swiftcloud had ever seen.
Swiftcloud began to groom her brood as they settled down for another nap, allowing her mind to wander while she focused on her task. She found her thoughts drifting back to almost a season ago, when war had plagued the clan of the meadow, and an unknown threat lurked within their borders. She thought of Snowfrost, and how the treacherous medicine cat had almost ruined her chance to experience the life she lived now. What would have happened, had she succeed in murdering Swiftcloud? Would the war have continued? Would Snow have gotten what she was after, allowing Grassclan to be destroyed? Swiftcloud shook her head, attempting to rid it of such theoretical questions. She bowed her head and buried her nose into her kits' fur, allowing their tiny purrs to wash away any of fears that had started building up inside of her.
For a little while, a calmness settled upon Swiftcloud, one like she hasn't felt in moons. Snow was gone for good, and nobody had to worry anymore. But as she felt sure in her bubble of peace, an eeriness slowly pierced its way through once more. It creeped upon Swiftcloud like a shadow in the night, causing her fur to stand involuntarily. The same sensation she had felt whenever Snow was around had returned. But why? There's nothing to worry about, Swiftcloud assured herself, smoothing down the fur on her three sleeping kittens. But then why did she still feel like there was something wrong?
End of Book One.
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angelofthequeers · 4 years
Not a Good Look: Chapter 6
@thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @lady-charinette @elmokingkong tagged as requested :)
Chapter 5 | Chapter 7 | AO3 link
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
I thought I slipped a line in the last chapter but I apparently totally flaked, so to clarify: Alya was in fact recording invisibly.
“Okay, remember the plan,” Ladybug says, pacing her room in front of Alya and Nino. “Alya, you need to get video proof of Hawkmoth. Do that and you’ll have everything you need for the Ladyblog. Nino, you have to get the Peacock – and you can’t let Nathalie get to it first, or we’ll have a sentimonster to deal with! The goal is to get in and out, understood? No drawn-out battles!”
She’s keenly aware that this is the nth time she’s rehashed the plan for Alya and Nino but considering the ladybugs that are jittering around in her stomach and getting clogged in her throat, she’s sure she could be forgiven. Alya and Nino nod, clad in the Tiger’s magenta and the Dragon’s red, black, and gold respectively.
“Understood, Ladybug,” Alya says gravely.
“And you need temporary names,” Ladybug says. “I know that you don’t want to grow attached to your new transformations, but I can’t call you Alya and Nino when we’re in there.”
“Just go with Tigresse and Redfang then, dude,” says Nino – Redfang – after a moment of silent conversation with his girlfriend. “Quick and simple. Trixx and Longg are cool but I can’t wait to be Carapace again. No offence, dude.”
Trixx just shrugs from where he’s perched on Ladybug’s shoulder, next to the fox necklace around Ladybug’s neck. “It’s okay. I miss my kit. Orange suits her way better than magenta.”
“Yeah,” Tigresse says. “Roaar’s cool but she’s no Trixx.”
“Tigresse and Redfang. Right.” Ladybug swipes open her yo-yo and dials the Horse, and she’s greeted with Kagami’s brown-masked face after only two rings. “We’re ready. Are you sure you can open a portal remotely, or do you need to come here?”
“I’m sure,” Kagami says. “I’d rather not leave in case my mother comes to check in on me. But I’ll have my phone with me, so you can call me even when I transform back. Give me a moment.” She places her horseshoe down on her bed, giving Ladybug a fuzzy view of her ceiling, and slides to her feet. After a few seconds, there’s a faint, “Voyage!” and a crackling blue portal opens in front of Ladybug, showing Adrien leaping out of his bed and calling on his Chat Noir transformation as soon as it appears.
“Right.” Ladybug squares her shoulders, ignores her fluttering stomach, and walks straight through the portal, followed by Tigresse and Redfang. Chat Noir envelops her in a quick hug as soon as her spotted feet land on his shiny wooden floor, and she takes a moment to bury her face in the crook of his neck and inhale the scent of sweat and musky earth, just like whenever she’s hugged Adrien; thank god for Miraculous identity magic, because otherwise she’d feel like the world’s biggest dumdum for not figuring out that her crush was her superhero partner, considering how…intense her feelings for him have gotten in the past.
“Thanks for letting me be the one to sting him,” Chat Noir says with a twisted little grin once Ladybug’s stepped back and handed him the Bee comb. Pollen appears in a flash of golden light and bows to Chat Noir as he slides the comb into his messy hair.
“At your service, my king,” Pollen says.
“Still as stuffy as always, honeybun,” Trixx teases. Pollen shoots him a glare that’s somehow regal and dignified despite its venom.
“I’m not your king,” Chat Noir says. “This is a one-off. Actually, I don’t even know who your new holder’ll be. Kagami, maybe, if she’s not too attached to Longg?”
“She would make a good Bee,” Ladybug agrees. “But we don’t have time for that. Where is everyone else in the house?”
“My bodyguard’s in his room,” Chat Noir says immediately. “I took a risk and, um…told him who I am. He agreed he wouldn’t get in our way, so he won’t come running no matter how much sound we make, but that means he also won’t be able to help us. Considering that he’s got, like, ten figurines of me, I’d hope he’d be on our side,” he adds under his breath. Ladybug snorts.
“Yeah, okay, I doubt he’ll betray us,” she says. She wants to be annoyed that Chat Noir had just up and told someone his identity, but he’s her partner and if he says he can trust someone enough to keep the secret, well, she has to trust him enough to let him handle it. “And the others?”
“Nathalie’s in her office and Fa – Hawkmoth’s retired for the night. I hoped Nathalie would go home but, well…she’s been spending more and more time here since Heroes’ Day. Now I know it’s because she’s Mayura and she and Hawkmoth have this weird thing going on.”
“Ugh, gross.” Tigresse wrinkles her nose, which only makes her look adorable considering that it’s underneath the black feline nose of her magenta mask. Chat Noir, meanwhile, looks like he’s trying to fight back a gag. Had he seen something during one of his Aspik cycles? “I don’t even want to know what supervillains get up to. You ready, babe?”
“Of course.” Redfang gives her a quick kiss and then crosses over to Adrien’s light switch and hisses, “Thunder Dragon!” Once he’s turned into a bolt of electricity, he zips into the light switch and the crackling that accompanies his elemental transformation fades with him.
“Let’s do this, kitty cat.” Ladybug clasps her hands. “Tikki, Trixx, unify!”
“Plagg, Pollen, unify!” Chat Noir echoes. His new merged outfit is pretty much identical to his Chat Noir outfit, only with a black-striped yellow belly, gloves, and boots, a yellow and black tail that now looks a lot like a long stinger, black strands in his golden hair, and a trompo around his waist rather than a lyre. Ladyfox’s suit, on the other hand, has turned as orange as the Fox, while a white patch has formed on her belly, her arms and legs are black up to her elbows and knees, she has a wide fox tail around her waist under her yo-yo, and her black spots remain.
“Well, kitty, you look pawsitively bee-autiful,” Ladyfox purrs. Abeille Noir’s cheeks flush red.
“You’re one to talk, foxy bug,” he shoots back. Tigresse clears her throat.
“Can we get on with this before I throw up?” she says. “Because now that I know that you two are my best friends, I don’t know whether to cheer you on or force you to stop.”
“Fine, fine,” Abeille Noir grumbles. “I’ll remember this next time you’re making out with Nino. Let’s go.”
Thankfully, unlike Multimouse and Aspik’s failed adventure, there’s no one out in the halls this time; considering that it’s pretty much midnight, Ladyfox hadn’t really been expecting anyone, but overconfidence has never served anybody well, so it’s better to be wary in cases like this. Tigresse summons her invisibility with a whisper before they set off through the dark maze of hallways, deep into a wing of the mansion where Ladyfox has never gone before. Abeille Noir probably hasn’t been here too often either, if the growing apprehension on his face as they plunge deeper into the depths of the mansion is any indication.
“Hey.” Ladyfox grabs his yellow-gloved hand. “It’ll be okay. You’ve got me and Tigresse right here with you.”
Abeille Noir swallows and shoots her a small grin before pausing in front of a door and closing his eyes. With a deep breath, he opens them and reaches out to grasp the doorknob, then turns it and pushes the door open ever so slowly, pausing frequently to avoid any squeaking. Ladyfox probably has about ten panic attacks in the time it takes for Abeille Noir to get the door fully open, but there’s thankfully no sound of alarm from within the room, so they seem to be undetected…for now.
Also, thankfully, Gabriel Agreste is wearing clothes. He doesn’t seem the type to sleep in the nude or at least shirtless but, well, considering that he’s ninety-nine percent certainly Hawkmoth and he’s definitely been plotting to get her akumatised and sell Adrien off to Lila, there’s a lot that Ladyfox doesn’t know about him. And sure enough, once they’re close enough that they can touch him – not that they would if they could help it – there’s a small oval brooch on his nightshirt, gleaming in the sliver of moonlight streaming through the closed curtains. Abeille Noir sucks in a deep breath that thankfully doesn’t wake Gabriel. Now they just have to get the brooch off and then they’ll be home free; they can only hope that Gabriel doesn’t expect anyone to come into his room at midnight and steal his magic jewellery, especially not a team of superheroes.
But when Gabriel suddenly awakens and clamps his hand around Ladyfox’s wrist right as she’s got a grip on the brooch, she can’t help but let out a small squeal and almost crash backwards into Tigresse and Abeille Noir, who also give twin shrieks. Ladyfox tries to back away, but Gabriel has all the leverage once he’s straightened up and grabbed her by the throat, and he forces her down onto the dishevelled blankets with wild eyes.
“You really thought I wouldn’t order my kwami to wake me at the first sign of danger?” Gabriel growls. “Nooroo, dark wings rise!” Now it’s Hawkmoth who’s got her pinned to the bed, grasping furiously for her earrings…but then he suddenly freezes and turns into nothing but dead weight that Ladyfox quickly kicks off her.
“Are you okay, milady?” Abeille Noir says frantically as a trembling Ladyfox snatches the brooch off Hawkmoth’s shirt. He turns back into Gabriel Agreste in a flash of purple light, accompanied by a purple kwami with butterfly wings who lets out a gasp and shoots for Abeille Noir, burying themselves in his shoulder. “I’m sorry, I should’ve Venomed him sooner instead of panicking –”
“It’s okay, kitty. Really.” Ladyfox lets him tug her in for a tight hug. “We all panicked. I hadn’t even expected that he’d get Nooroo to warn him if someone tried to take the brooch. Tigresse, you can stop filming.”
“Oh, thank you, Master Adrien!” Nooroo cries into Abeille Noir’s suit. Abeille Noir’s hands instinctively rise to cover the tiny butterfly kwami. “I’m so sorry – I never wanted to do any of what I’ve done, and I didn’t want to warn him, but he ordered me to do so, and now I’ve scared Ladybug –”
“Nooroo, it’s fine. Really,” Ladyfox says soothingly. “It was just a fright. And you couldn’t help doing what you were told.”
“Wait, how do you know who I am?” Abeille Noir pulls Nooroo away and cups him gently. “You’ve known all this time?”
“Of course,” Nooroo says. “I was ordered to hide my presence from everyone except for Master Gabriel and Nathalie but Plagg wasn’t under any such instructions. It wasn’t hard for me to detect him, even if I was forbidden from giving him any sign that I was there.”
“And you didn’t tell Hawkmoth?” Abeille Noir says. “I didn’t think you could disobey him.”
“I didn’t disobey him,” Nooroo says with a shaky little shrug. “But he never directly asked if I knew you were Chat Noir. He’s asked for my thoughts and he even said that he suspected you of being Chat Noir but so long as he didn’t give me a direct order, I didn’t have to tell him.”
“Okay, as sweet as this all is,” says Tigresse, “I’m gonna time out soon and that Venom won’t last forever.”
“Right. Right.” Ladyfox tucks the Butterfly Miraculous into her yo-yo and Nooroo vanishes with it. “Let’s just hope that Redfang got the Peacock.”
They fall into the post-adrenaline trap of taking much less care on their way back to Adrien’s room, not bothering to keep the sounds of their footsteps and breathing down, so it’s no wonder that around the corner from Adrien’s room, they’re forced to skid to a halt and hold their breaths to avoid being detected by Nathalie, whose heels clack against the expensive floor as she makes her way down the hall.
“Adrien? I thought I heard something.” She raps on Adrien’s door and frowns when there’s no answer. “Adrien?”
“Do something, milady!” Abeille Noir hisses in Ladyfox’s ear. She immediately unslings her flute and frowns, waiting for Nathalie to knock on the door again so that she can play her flute and summon her Mirage without being heard. A moment later, there’s a massive crash somewhere else in the mansion, and Nathalie takes off running immediately in the opposite direction. Huh. She may be evil but Ladyfox can’t help but envy her ability to run in heels like that.
“Nice thinking, Ladybug!” Tigresse says as they dart for Adrien’s room and shove the door shut behind them. Nino’s on his feet next to the white couch, his eyes wide, with Longg hovering next to him.
“You’re okay!” he says. “I heard the crash and I thought – shit, I thought you guys got caught –”
“It’d take more than an old, crusty white man to take us down, babe,” Tigresse grins and lets her transformation fade before kissing Nino. “You got the Peacock?”
In response, Nino holds out a pin that’s shaped like a peacock tail. “You gotta make her shut up!” he says. “I can’t take any more of it!”
“Any more of what?” Abeille Noir says. “Pollen, divide. Claws in.”
In response, a small blue thing comes whizzing from Adrien’s bathroom and careens around the room, squealing. “Woohoo!” it cries. “A midnight heist! Oh, the drama! The betrayal of father and son!”
“For the last time, Duusu, shut the hell up!” Nino hisses. “You’re gonna get us caught!”
Duusu just giggles and zooms over to bop Plagg on the nose. “Plagg! It’s been so long! You’re it!” she trills and darts away. Plagg facepalms.
“Don’t worry, she’s always been like that,” he says. “Tikki reckons I’m an angel compared to her.”
“Yeah, I can see why,” Adrien says, his eyes glued on Duusu and her mad flight. Ladyfox just sighs.
“Trixx, divide. Spots off. You’ll be okay, Adrien?”
Adrien nods. “I’ll just pretend that I heard a crashing sound that woke me up and my bodyguard told me to stay in my room. He’ll back me up. But you guys should go before we push our luck. And I…” He runs a hand through his messy golden hair. “I need to process the fact that I really am living in the same house as Hawkmoth.”
Marinette grimaces. “I promise we’ll all meet up tomorrow and sort through this together,” she says. “We’ll skip school if we have to. Now that Hawkmoth’s defeated, I think I’ll be okay telling my parents who I am if it means I can be there to have your back.”
“Same here, dude,” Nino says. “No way we’re gonna let you deal with it alone. I just texted Kagami, so she should have the portal ready right –” A crackling blue portal opens right in front of them. “– now.”
Adrien gives Marinette a quick hug and then steps back with a twisted mouth. “See you tomorrow, bugaboo,” he says, sliding the Bee comb out of his hand and handing it to her. “You too, Alya and Nino. And…thanks. For everything. For having my back. For not turning on me because I’m related to Hawkmoth. I’ll text Kagami and thank her too.”
“Of course,” Alya says with a small smile. “You’re our best friend. See you tomorrow, sunshine boy.”
With one last smile and wave, Marinette ducks through the portal and lands back into her room, followed by Alya and Nino. While Alya calls Kagami to fill her in on the mission, Marinette fetches the Miracle Box and opens it up so that she can deposit the Fox, Bee, Peacock and Butterfly where they belong, followed by the Dragon and Tiger when Nino passes them to her. Is the Peacock still broken? It hadn’t malfunctioned at all when they’d touched it, but she’s not sure what knowledge Hawkmoth had wrangled out of Master Fu during that dreadful day, or even if it malfunctions in its disguised form. Maybe he’d fixed it. Maybe it’s still broken. She’ll just have to wait and ask Nooroo and Duusu after a good night’s sleep.
“Well, we’d better get going,” Alya says once she’s hung up, hugging Marinette. “We’ll spin some tale to Lila about losing track of time and making out and stuff. She’ll eat it up, especially after the interview she gave us today. And we’ll tell our parents that we were on some secret mission for Ladybug, so they don’t get mad at us for ditching the kids and being out so late. They don’t need the details, at least till I’ve posted on the Ladyblog.”
“Thanks for everything, Alya,” Marinette says into Alya’s hair. “You too, Nino.”
Nino joins the hug and slaps Marinette on the back. “What are best friends for, dude?” he says. “No one fucks with my bro and gets away with it.”
Once Alya and Nino are gone, Marinette climbs up the ladder to her bed and faceplants onto her pillow, not even bothering to change into her pyjamas. Then she proceeds to scream for the next half hour, reassured with the knowledge that it’s muffled and won’t be heard by her parents, so that she’s not an emotional mess when she transforms and heads to the police station. No way is she leaving her kitty in that house for longer than necessary, nor is she giving Gabriel and Nathalie the chance to weasel out of being caught and punished for everything they’ve done to Paris, even if it means that she has to sacrifice her sleep for that night. But with Hawkmoth and Mayura defeated, hopefully it’s the last time she’ll have to lose sleep.
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drkoestersmithrpg · 3 years
“White.  So white.  I’ve never seen anyone that shines so white.”
 Tony only trusted her because everyone trusted her, including Fury.  Well… that’s not entirely true.  Nat trusted her, and while Tony Stark never thought he would give a second glance to anyone claiming to “see auras,” still Nat’s word carried a lot with him.
 Round and soft and cheery and freckled and grey, she didn’t seem like a witch (although supposedly she had been lean and ravenhaired and darkeyed in her day.  Or so she claimed.  But then she got older “and wiser” and gave it all up as too much effort.)  In any case her ability to see into the future was invaluable in bringing in that last souped-up badguy with the ridiculous name, and so Tony had invited her to the New Year’s Eve party along with the rest of the team.  And if he sidled up to her at said party and tried to subtly get some relationship advice out of her, well, no one had to know.
 And if that entire party was just an excuse to get Peter in his arms on New Year’s Eve? Well, no one needed to know that either.
 And there was the boy now, standing by a window surrounded by the best scientific minds at the Avengers compound, laughing and joking and looking entirely edible.  That crystal glass wasn’t even holding alcohol… even though the kid was well within drinking age.  But when Tony finally got the witch to realize who he was trying to describe (he couldn’t exactly describe him as “the most delectable piece over by the window”) she said the exact opposite of what he wanted to hear.
 “Oh, oh.  So white, Tony.  I’ve never seen anyone that shines so white.  It’s like clouds… like flowers… like stars…”
…but then she only got distracted describing the gentleman on Peter’s left who was responsible for adapting some nanotechnology but was apparently having marital troubles.  It wasn’t easy, keeping the witch on topic.  But Tony poured her another glass of Champaign and did his level best.
“And what does it mean… a white aura… exactly?”
“White means pure and virgin, and peace.  Red auras are usually determination and passion… that’s you darling.  That’s you through and through.  The pink is friendship and unconditional love.   The green aura is often the peacemaker, or else someone at harmony with themselves, but more often that not one who can help others harmonize with each other.  Not the purple aura, of course that is one who is far too independent…”
And that was it for the rest of the evening.
He didn’t make his move. Even though he had been planning his move since the moment he realized the boy wanted him to make it.  Even though he had been planning this entire party ever since that moment.  Even though the point of the party was to have Peter there on New Years Eve when the countdown came.  Even though Peter Parker cornered him when the countdown started.  Even though at midnight he suddenly had an armful of Peter and a New Year’s Kiss right on the corner of his mouth.  Even though Peter had held himself there for a moment, just waiting for Tony to move his head a fraction of an inch and close the distance.  Tony could feel the boy waiting.
Could feel the boy’s disappointment when it never came.
He didn’t make his move. Even though Peter must have laid awake all night in the guest-room waiting for him.  Peter had been invited to stay the night on the premise that, after the party, he wouldn’t be safe to drive.  Peter hadn’t had a drop to drink that night, but played along with the premise.
But he played along alone.
Tony wasn’t going to make a move.
How could he, when the witch had laid it out for him so plainly?
Peter was white. Peter was pure.  Peter was virginal.  Peter was unsullied.  
How could Tony possibly be responsible for corrupting that?
 * * *
  And so Tony resigned to live in misery.  Resigned to never accept that beautiful gift that Peter was making it clear that he was willing to give – a gift that Tony was entirely unworthy to receive.
For years he lived with that misery (okay he was being a drama-queen.  It was six months.)
By day Ironman and Spider-Man still worked together with perfect precision, taking down badguys with a witty quip or clever badinage or  a droll rejoinder, until villain and minion alike raised a flag in surrender.  At night they worked side-by-side or back-to-back in the lab, finishing each other’s thoughts with eerie precision and perfecting technology at lightning speed. Late-night lab sessions often ended with Peter sleeping in the ‘guest room’ rather than webslinging his way home in the early hours of the day.  
Tony still steadfastly called it the ‘guest room’ even though it was very quickly becoming ‘Peter’s room.’  Steadfastly called it the ‘guest room’ even though Peter once joked that more of his clothes were there than in his dorm.  Tony steadfastly referred to it as the “guest room” for the same reason he steadfastly refused to visit the “guest room” no matter how many times Peter slept there.  No matter how many Avengers joked that they were practically living together… no matter how many suspected that they were already a couple.  Tony was steadfast.  Because Peter was too pure for him.  The witch had said so.
He even asked her… once… when she was brought in to consult on a terrorist-cell case that they were considering infiltrating.  She guessed his name wrong twice, then asked him delicately why he wasn’t with “that beautiful boy” she had met at the party.  “I thought that was your night… he certainly thought it was.”
“Did you see us together? See our auras?”  Tony asked cautiously, daring, for a moment, to hope.
“That lovely, angelic-white aura?  Oh yes sir.  Well, I saw many futures for him, so very very many.  He has such a storied future, that boy.  But I saw the two of you together… just for a fleeting moment I caught a glimpse…”
“And it changed, didn’t it,” Tony said, his voice dropping.  His head dropping.  His hopes dropping.  Why did he bother to ask?  He already knew the answer.  Had reminded himself of it night after night after lonely night.
“Oh yes, certainly. You’re very red, Mr. Stark. Very red.  Painfully red.  I knew it the instant I saw it… when I saw you together… together you had become so pink…”
* * *
 In times of weakness, Tony reminded himself of that conversation.  Of a witch who, when she looked at Peter in a roomful of people, saw a white aura so blinding that it took her breath away.  Virgin.  Pure. Unsullied.  And if Tony came anywhere near it he would taint it, like blood on white silk.  
He tried to avoid the boy, he honestly did.  But crime refused to acknowledge Tony’s resolution, and criminals kept throwing them together in the most ridiculous situations.  Alien sex pollen made things so awkward as to be almost unbearable.    Pretending that Peter was his sex-slave when they went undercover to get info on the Mob Boss?  Tony Stark suddenly had the patience of a monk.  When they traveled to Sokovia to investigate the arms deal?  There might only be one bed, but Tony had plenty of floor to sleep on. And when his head injury left Peter with amnesia?  Well the less said about that the better.
Whenever Tony even considered giving into temptation, not for his own sake but for Peter’s (the boy who was making his desires crystal-clear) Tony remembered.  The witch’s words.  White.  Pure.  Tony could only sully him.  Like blood on white silk.
 * * *
Peter graduated early, because of course he did, and Tony gladly accepted the boy’s invitation to his combo-graduation-party-dash-housewarming-soiree in his brand new small apartment that he had rented across the street from Stark Tower.  Was he surprised, when he arrived with chardonnay and a dozen roses, to find he was the only one invited?  Maybe he was. Or maybe he realized it was too late.
Too late to tell the boy “no” when he melted into Peter’s kiss.  When he gave in to those powerful arms and let Peter mold their bodies together. When he obediently let Peter lead him to the couch and sat, pushing the cream cushions aside so Peter could climb into his lap.
“But you have to tell me the truth,” he whispered between kisses.  Whispered as best he could.  “I know you’re a virgin…”  He didn’t whisper how he knew.  How he had been on the phone with a certain woman with a crystal ball the day before he bought the white roses…
“Um, sorry?” Peter said, pulling up, blinking.  Then he grinned. “Tony… no.  Nope.  You missed that boat a while ago.  Sorry.”
He giggled a little at Tony’s expression, then kissed the slack mouth with a chuckle that was low in his throat.  “Dude… you worry way too much.”
Underneath Peter’s gentle hands, Tony couldn’t deny that it was true.  His worries melted like snow under Peter’s warmth.  Under Peter’s knowing kiss.  They moved together in each other’s arms just as confidently as they fought in the clouds, Tony moving underneath Peter in sure, knowing strokes.  Peter peeled off his shirt and pressed his pale skin to Tony’s mouth, moaning his name.  Holding each other close they moved like moonlight on the water, breathing sighs as soft as feathers as they came in each other’s arms.
And that freezing fear? That chilling panic that always came when the sex was over, that always made Tony cover himself up and pretend to hibernate, all to avoid looking his partner in the face?  That fear melted just like snow in white sunlight.   Tony opened his eyes and looked up into Peter’s eyes, shining like stars.
“I should have known you would make it easy,” Tony breathed.  He wasn’t sure if his words made any sense, but Peter seemed to understand.  He stroked Tony’s cheek and smiled a knowing smile.
“I told you, you worry too much.”
“Agreed,” Tony chuckled drunkenly (even though that hadn’t touched the chardonnay) and nuzzled his nose into Peter’s hair.  Honey curls tickled his nose, and he was oddly reminded of dandelion fluff, the kind he used to blow away as a child when he made a wish.  He blew now.  He wished now.
“I love you Tony Stark,” Peter whispered, holding him close.  “I wanted to tell you at Christmas.  I wanted to tell you New Year’s Eve.”
“Oh I know, angel,” he said, and when he felt Peter relax in his arms he had no doubt.  
“I’ve always known it,” he murmured as he moved them off the sofa and down to the floor.  “I’ve always known,” he whispered, laying Peter’s back to the floor and licking up the milky-white droplets still clinging to Peter’s stomach.  “Mio angelo, il mio paradiso. I’ve always known.”  He pressed a kiss to the pale skin in the center of Peter’s chest.  What he was thinking should have alarmed him then, but it seemed so simple now.  An hour ago he had been reminding himself of the words of the silver-haired woman, now all he could think about were young men and diamond rings.  
“I love you Peter Parker,” he whispered.  It came so easily…
…and only then did he realize.  Only then did he understand.
“Pure, and virginal.” the witch had told him that night.  “White means pure, and virgin…
                                                  “…and peace.”
 * * *
 “Why are you calling me you ridiculous man?” she scolded when Peter was snug in bed in Tony’s bed, even as the white light of dawn lit up the penthouse.  “Listen to your lover.  You worry too much.”
“So you know,” Tony said, even as he struggled to explain why he had dialed her number in the first place.  She was supposed to be advising the Avengers on criminal activity, not relationship advice.
“I’m going to burn white sage over every inch of your domicile.  I’m going to strap a quartz crystal to your forehead,” she groused.  “I’m going to stop toasting to WORLD-peace and start toasting to Tony-peace.”
“But you told me, that night, you told me that when you saw us together you saw stained-white…”
“No, I told you I saw pink.  Who in heaven’s name thinks of pink as stained-white?  You’re absurd.”
“But you… you never told me what pink meant.”
“Oh for gods’ sake man… pink means friendship.”  She spoke more patiently, as if explaining it to a child.  “That’s why I thought you were so lovely together, that’s why I always thought it.  Because you had been friends for so long…”
“But you said something else that night, I just didn’t remember…”
“…I said several things that night silly man.  I told you I had seen so many futures for him, and one of them was with you.  And that was rose-colored loveliness, if that’s what you wanted to know.  
“And rose is friendship. Friendship.  And unconditional love.”
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kasienda · 4 years
Restorative Justice - Chapter 3 - Circle Checkin
Summary: Chloé has never been a fan of Ms. Bustier’s community building activities. In fact, she detests them. She doesn’t want to learn about the drab boring lives of her peers. And she absolutely can’t stand it when their confessions make her feel things. Feelings that she doesn’t even have names for. But when Adrien unknowingly shares his struggles with his double life, Chloé vows she will do anything to get Ladybug set things right. Even if it means pissing off the heroine. Chloé was already mad at her anyway.
Chapter 1 - Community Circle
Chapter 2 - Preparation
Chapter 3 - Circle Checkin
Chloé’s sat cross legged with her right foot swinging back and forth rapidly. So fast, the white flat fell off her foot into the empty space in the circle of the six chairs Ms. Bustier had set up for their restorative circle. She hadn’t made a centerpiece this time, and Chloé found herself missing the visual anchor point the collection of knick knacks usually provided, and the posters ordaining the back wall from their last research progress was not cutting it. And Chloé was desperate for any distraction as her gut felt like a ship trapped at sea during a monsoon. She was trying to ignore the sensation, as she instead glared at the four remaining empty seats anxiously waiting for the others to show up. Ms. Bustier put a hand on her shoulder from the seat to her right. “It’s okay to be nervous, Chloé,” she said gently. “This is a big step you’re taking. However it goes, I’m proud of you for trying.” Chloé scoffed. She would never admit that the words calmed her if only a smidge. Surely, even if Marinette never forgave her, never let Chloé see Pollen again, this would still help the heroine, and by extension, Adrien. And maybe all of Paris. But Chloé could care less about that. As if summoned by her thoughts, her childhood friend walked in at that moment. He was a solid ten minutes early, and the knot in her stomach loosened slightly. This was going to happen. She was going to do this. “Good afternoon, Adrien,” Ms. Bustier greeted warmly. ��Thank you for coming today. Feel free to take a seat anywhere in the circle.” “Good afternoon, Ms. Bustier. You asked me to come, so I came,” he said with a polite smile. Then he turned to Chloé and his face softened. “Hey Chlo. I told Nathalie to give your butler a call to set something up for us.” He was smiling at her genuinely. And it wasn’t a fake model smile! And that made warmth burst in her chest. He wasn’t mad at her the way he was mad at the others. “That’s great, Adri-kins! I can’t wait!” Of course, he wasn’t mad at her. She never kept secrets from him. He moved to take the seat next to her until she threw her arms across the wooden seat to block him. “No!” she objected. “You can’t sit here!” Adrien took a startled step back. “I can’t?” he asked, completely perplexed. Even Ms. Bustier raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Césaire needs to sit here,” Chloé announced haughtily, as if her arrogance alone would make her desires a reality. It always seemed to work for her mother. “Alya?” Ms. Bustier repeated. “Why?” “Our circle will go better if Alya sits next to me,” the blonde declared and snapped her lips closed without a word of explanation. Her teacher sighed, but didn’t comment, her attention on a purple clipboard in her lap. “Umm… okay?” Adrien agreed, but his brows were furrowed together in complete confusion. “What’s our circle about?” he asked. “Betrayal,” Chloé told him. He laughed. She didn’t. Neither did Ms. Bustier.
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“Oh, you’re serious,” he quickly concluded, his face turning serious. He rubbed the back of his neck like he always did when he felt awkward. “I… I’m uh… I’m ready to listen?” “Thank you, Adrien,” the teacher said. “That’s all we can ask.” He plodded over to the seat on the other side of the teacher. “So, is it okay if I sit over here?” “Certainly!” Chloé beamed, the choppy storm in her stomach calming a bit. Marinette entered that at that moment. Or rather, she tripped over the threshold and fell face first onto the classroom floor. She managed to mostly catch herself, but at the cost of dropping her back which hit the ground with a loud thud before sending her notes and pencils scattering across the room. Chloé rolled her eyes at the scene. Marinette was so clumsy. To think, this was the defender of Paris. The part time hero just laid there for a second. Adrien was already across the room at her side. “Marinette!” Ms Bustier called. “Are you alright? “Yeah,” she groaned. “I’m fine. Nothing I haven’t experienced ten times before,” she said, her voice flat even as Adrien hauled her to her feet. “Uh! Th-thank you!” she stammered, pink blooming across her cheeks as Adrien hauled her to her feet. “Think nothing of it,” he told her, his voice calm and polite. But he still wasn’t looking at her. Chloé couldn’t help the burst of sadistic satisfaction that burst in her chest that Adrien was mad at his friends and not at her. Nino showed up before Marinette had finished collecting her things off the floor. Marinette sat next to Adrien without prompting. Nino tried to sit next to Chloé, no doubt to allow his girlfriend to sit next to her best friend. Chloé was about to say something, but Ms. Bustier beat her to it. “Nino, would you please sit next to Marinette? That is apparently Alya’s seat.” And Chloé was inordinately pleased that Ms. Bustier was just going along with her plan. “Oh…” Nino said, dropping his bag onto the seat, and tugging with one arm on his own shoulder. “Umm… I’m not sure she’s coming,” he shared, settling into his seat and adjusting the brim of his red hat. “What?” Chloé bit out. Nino threw a startled glance in her direction. “Yeah, she said something came up with the twins?” “But she has to be here! This won’t work without her!” Chloé objected, storming to her feet with her hands thrown to either side in balled fists. Marinette frowned at her. Ms. Bustier put a hand on Chloé’s shoulder to gently urge her to sit back down, which she did. But it didn’t help her calm down. Ms. Bustier turned her head towards the opposite side of the circle. “Nino, Marinette, can you both please text Alya and tell her that this is really important? And that we would be honored if she was willing to participate?” They both whipped out their phones. Chloé did too. Please!!!!!! I know we’re not friends, but this won’t work without you. I need your help!!! The moments ticked by. “Did she respond?” Ms Bustier asked. The others shook their heads. Chloé gripped the side of her chair. She was going to kill Césaire. She should have known the other girl wouldn’t trust her. She should have come up with a contingency plan. Then her phone buzzed. She glanced at it. I don’t want to betray her. You’ll be helping her! I might not ever play the flute again. Chloé bit her lip in aggravation. Of all the stupid selfish way-to-miss-the-point objections. But… insulting Alya wouldn’t get her to show up. The girl who gave you your flute is here. There was no response. Her phone said that the message had been delivered. The doorway remained empty. Ms Bustier cleared her throat. “Chloé, would you like to continue with just the four of us? Or would you like us to reschedule for a day all five of you can attend?” Chloé held up one finger. “Give me just a minute. She’ll be here. I swear!” “Is Alya texting you back?” Marinette demanded, her furious blue eyes glaring holes into Chloé’s blouse. Chloé ignored her in favor of tapping out her text. She doesn’t know it, but she needs you. Alya’s form filled up the doorway a few seconds later. She had to have been standing outside the whole time. She didn’t step in. Just stood in the open door, her eyes flitting to each person in the circle in turn before landing on Chloé with a dark glare. “Alya!” Ms. Bustier greeted. “I’m so glad you could make it after all. Would you please close the door and take a seat?” The brunette hesitated for another instant, but then stalked to her seat. “What about the twins?” Nino asked her, as she dropped her bag unceremoniously to the floor. Only then did her hazel eyes leave Chloé’s form. She smiled brightly at her boyfriend. “Nora said she could make it after all. Sorry to have kept you all waiting.” “That’s okay,” Ms. Bustier smiled warmly. “We’ll begin now. Chloé has asked you all here today because she wants to make amends with all of you.” Marinette’s bright blue eyes whipped to Chloé and her jaw fell open in shock. “Chloé?” she echoed as if the words could not compute. “Wants to make amends?” Marinette’s eyebrows rose into her hairline in shock. Nino just shrugged, and Adrien nodded to her with a small smile. He believed that she could do this. Chloé’s cheeks warmed, and she had to look back down into her lap. “She could start by dropping the lies,” Alya bit out sarcastically, slumping backwards into her chair. Chloé winced. Alya hadn’t figured it out. Some reporter, Chloé thought scathingly. “Which brings us to our usual agreements,” Ms. Bustier cut in before the back and forth could take over. She held up the usual list. “I know tensions may get high in this room before this circle is over. That only makes these norms more important. I want to remind you all specifically to speak and listen with respect. Do you think you can manage that, Alya?” The brunette hung her head. “Yes, Ms. Bustier.” “I encourage you all to also pay special attention to the “Speak your truth” norm. It is difficult to come to a place of healing if you don’t get everything off your chest first. Are there any questions about that?” They all looked at each other as if to see if anyone else would speak. No one did. “And last, a reminder that every single one of you needs to respect the talking piece. It will always make a full circle so that after every revelation each of you will have a chance to share your thoughts and feelings. It can make things a bit awkward to wait for the piece to come to you to respond, and we may need a bit of practice if emotions get high. But try to remember to use it and to respect it. Can you all agree to these norms?” Chloé was the first to throw her thumb up, but all the others quickly followed suit. “So, to begin…” “Actually, Ms. Bustier,” Chloé interjected. She could barely hear the words leave her mouth over the roaring in her own ears. Her heart was threatening to stain her black and white striped shirt with red with it’s valiant effort to leap out of her chest. “I was hoping we could start with a circle check-in? I prepared one myself.” The others stared at her in disbelief. Chloé never said anything during circles. Not ever. Even Nino had raised an eyebrow at her. Chloé felt the heat rise to her cheeks. She glanced away and her gaze landed on Adrien who was smiling at her in gentle encouragement. She lifted her chin proudly to look at Ms. Bustier straight on. “Of course, Chloé. This is our talking piece for the day.” She held up a little stuffed grey tabby kitten. It had black marbles for eyes and a little pink button for a nose. It was rather adorable. “It was a gift from a student last year. She specifically said she wanted it to be as a talking piece because she said it always made her calm. I call her Dottie.” Adrien chuckled. Marinette shook her head in disapproval of the silly joke. Chloé shaking with too many nerves to think about silly names. She instead clutched the soft striped kitten to her thudding chest. “My prompt is simple. Your name and other…  nicknames or alter egos you go by!” Chloé faced Alya’s glare head on. “I’ll go first.” “My name is Chloé, but others know me as Queen Bee.” Adrien laughed again. Marinette rolled her eyes. Nino was still a wall that Chloé had never learned to interpret. Alya bit her lip. Chloé held out the fake kitten to Alya, but she didn’t let go even when the other girl accepted it into her hand. “I didn’t lie,” Chloé told her. “What?” “You said I needed to drop the lies. I didn’t lie,” Chloé said one more time, and let go of the fuzzy talking piece. Alya’s dark eyebrows furrowed together as she considered Chloé’s words. She pet the fake kitten as her hazel eyes turned back to the group, and it only took a second when her eyes blew open as wide as the Seine. She turned back to Chloé in shock. Chloé nodded. She had won this battle. But that fact did nothing to assuage her nerves. This was actually happening. And her stomach continued to churn. Chloé ignored it. “Alya?” Bustier prompted. “Are you alright?” “Uh... yes... I’m fine. I just...” she took a deep breath. “My name is Alya. And some people call me… Rena Rouge.” Chloé wanted croon victoriously, but that would have ruined the dead silence that followed that pronouncement. Adrien’s face went blank - white as a ghost. Marinette turned pink, her fists clenched and shaking on her knees, and her eyes flashed, hot with anger. How many times had Chloé seen that look on Marinette’s face? How many times had Chloé been the one to cause it? Alya passed the piece to Nino. He held it dumbly for a second, his dark eyes searching his girlfriend’s intently. “You sure?” Nino asked her softly. It was good he didn’t look at Marinette who was shaking her head in agitation. Alya nodded once. Nino turned back to the group with a megawatt smile. Chloé could almost see what Adrien saw in him at that moment. He was so trusting. That’s all it took for him. No arguments. No reasons. Alya’s word was all he needed. What would it be like to have a friend like that? “My name is Nino. I’m also Carapace.” He passed the piece to Marinette who was now shaking with the violence of an active volcano. But for once, Chloé was not on the receiving end of the do-gooder’s rage. Marinette was shooting metaphorical daggers at her best friend. “You planned this?” Marinette screeched. Her hands shook so hard it was amazing she hadn’t dropped the talking piece. “With Chloé?!” “Marinette, I-” Alya started. “She didn’t-” Chloé said simultaneously. “Ladies,” Ms Bustier interrupted smoothly. “Marinette has the talking piece. You will have a chance to share your piece, but now it’s your turn to listen.” Chloé had to hand it to her. Ms. Bustier was taking the revelations in stride. She sat with one leg crossed over the other, her hands carefully placed on her knee, and all her attention was on Marinette. Her posture gave off only calm. “Marinette, you do not have to share. You’re always allowed to pass the piece,” Ms. Bustier told her. Chloé held her breath, praying and hoping with every muscle in her body that Marinette wouldn’t derail this whole thing before it even began. Marinette said nothing. Her eyes frantically shifted from one corner of the group even as she strangled the stuffed animal in her lap, causing it’s black marble eyes to protrude out. “Marinette?” Adrien prompted, turning to her in concern. “Are you okay?” Her panicked blue eyes seized on his even as she gulped for air. She opened her mouth but no words came out. “Guys, I think she’s having a panic attack!” Adrien exclaimed, jerking his chair back. He kneeled down next to Marinette, but she didn’t look at him. She didn’t seem to be looking at anything. Her eyes bugged out, seemingly sightless at the group around her, her face was ghostly pale, and her mouth worked soundlessly like it was searching for air when there was none to be found.   Chloé’s chest constricted painfully at the sight, her hands tightened around her chair. She had heard the phrase, ‘’panic attack” so many times in her life, but she hadn’t ever thought it would be like this. Not so physically awful. She had never been so frightened. Not when her parents fought, often throwing things at one another in the heat of their arguments - things that broke and shattered. Not when she had been taken hostage by akumas, or had to face Hawkmoth as Queen Bee. Because this was Ladybug. Reduced to this helpless state through words. Chloé’s words. Chloé had done this to her. To the heroine of Paris. Ms. Bustier stood up and kneeled down in front of Marinette. “Marinette, listen to me. Take my hand.” Marinette seized on it. “Tell me one thing that you can see.” “Y-your earrings,” she stuttered out, her blue eyes still overblown and wild. “That’s good. What color are they?” Ms. Bustier asked calmly. Chloé had no idea why Ms. Bustier was asking these pointless questions, but she was calm, and Chloé took comfort from that. “W-w-w…” Marinetted couldn’t get the word out. “Shhh…” Ms. Bustier soothed. “It’s okay. Take a deep breath. Try again.” “White!” she said fiercely. And Chloé breathed more easily. That determination. That was what Chloé expected from Ladybug. And at that point, Chloé risked a glance at the others in the room. Adrien was biting his own knuckle, his eyes glued to Marinette. Alya and Nino had their hands clasped firmly together, but they were also watching Marinette, their eyes glistening in concern. Ms. Bustier kept asking stupid questions about the room and about what Marinette could feel, and gradually, her eyes cleared and she started breathing normally. “There you are,” Ms. Bustier said calmly with a gentle smile. “Are you okay, now?” Marinette clutched the stuffed animal into her chest, her eyes still misty, and slowly nodded. “Sorry, I…” “None of that,” Ms. Bustier interrupted. “You have nothing to apologize for, Marinette. I think I’m the one that owes you an apology.” Startled blue eyes flew upwards. “What for?” “When Chloé requested this meeting, she asked me not to interview you beforehand for your side of the story. She said that you would never attend if you knew what it was about.” Marinette’s gaze fell to her feet once again. “She’s not wrong,” Marinette admitted in a whisper. Ms. Bustier nodded. “Be that as it may, it was still wrong of me to blindside you. I knew better. My training even emphasized to never enter into a restorative circle without talking to each of the affected parties first. So, I definitely knew better, and I allowed myself to be convinced otherwise. That was wrong of me.” “Th-thank you,” Marinette stuttered, her gaze glancing downwards. “For saying that. I don’t think a teacher has ever apologized to me before.” “I also want you to know that you’re safe. No one here is going to hurt you. No one here is going to make you share anything you don’t want to share.” Marinette sighed before glancing up at the teacher who was still kneeling in front of her. “But you already know,” she accused. Ms. Bustier nodded in understanding. “I think I do have a guess at this point, yes. But I don’t know anything. Not for sure. Not until you tell me, and only if you want to. Do you understand?” Marinette nodded. “I think we should adjourn,” Ms. Bustier announced as she rose to her feet. “And reconvene if you all want to on another day... after we’ve all had some sleep, when you feel more prepared to talk about things? Or we don’t have to meet again if you don’t want to. Your participation here is one hundred percent voluntary.” Chloé wanted to object. They were so close. But she knew Marinette. Anything Chloé said was likely to make her less willing to talk. Marinette hesitated and looked around. “I… actually think we should continue if… if you have time?” “Are you sure, Marinette?” Ms. Bustier asked. “I just… I can’t go to my next class right now. And if I go home, I’m going to just obsess over this. And I’m going to panic. And I don’t want to be akumatized,” and she broke off into sobs. Every muscle in Chloé’s body was tight as the weight of Marinette’s words registered. It had never occurred to the blonde when she orchestrated this that Marinette could be akumatized. Angry beyond comprehension? Absolutely! But scared? Ladybug was never scared! And akumatized? Certainly, Ladybug couldn’t be akumatized! Chloé had assumed that her miraculous protected her somehow. Sure, the Bee Miraculous didn’t seem to protect her, but… Ladybug was special. Wasn’t she? But turns out, Marinette was just a normal girl. A girl with feelings and fears and incredibly difficult struggles. Nino and Adrien both had reassuring hands on either side of her shoulders, but neither said anything. Marinette’s cries slowly ebbed. “If you want us to continue, why don’t you start by telling us how you’re feeling right now?” Ms. Bustier suggested kindly, backing away and moving to her seat within the small circle. “Again, only if you want to.” Marinette wiped her eyes, took a breath, and stared at the ceiling for a moment. “I feel... betrayed,” she finally said, turning toward Alya. “You’re supposed to be my best friend. I can’t believe you would conspire with Chloé! The person you know has bullied me for years.” Chloé flicked a piece of lint off her shoulder, careful to not to look at Marinette and not to let anything show on her face. “I mean, it was bad enough when you didn’t believe me about Lila…” Alya sucked in a breath at the mention of Lila Rossi, her chin trembling, and her hazel eyes flooding with tears. Marinette continued. “But you knew about Chloé and how she’s treated me. And now you’re working with her to corner me?” Chloé shook her head in agitation. Marinette was getting it all wrong. Alya hadn’t wanted anything to do with her. “Calm down, Dupain-Cheng,” she interjected impatiently. “It wasn’t like that. Trust me, you’ll-” “Chloé, please respect the talking piece,” Ms. Bustier cut in harshly. The blonde pressed her lips together. And when Marinette’s icy blue gaze swung to her and pinned her in place, Chloé realized she really shouldn’t have spoken yet. “You want me to trust you?” Marinette started, her voice was cold and her eyes flashed, all trace of her shakiness from panic attack had evaporated. Even the redness in her eyes from crying seemed to have vanished. This was Ladybug’s game face when she was ready to squash an akuma. And her gaze was locked onto Chloé. “When have you ever deserved my trust?” Marinette demanded. “When you bullied me for years after I tried so hard to be your friend? When you stole a miraculous? When you put an entire train of people in jeopardy so that you could pretend to be a hero?” Chloé squared her shoulders. This was no different than all the other times Marinette had laid into her. Wasn’t it though? This time, Chloé was trying to help. “And when you were akumatized because Ladybug didn’t bring you back into the team, I felt frustrated that you felt betrayed. Ladybug has to consider the whole well-being of Paris! Not just the feelings of one person. It makes me feel like you can’t see beyond yourself to the greater need. It makes me feel like you don’t understand the responsibility of wielding a miraculous.” And now, Chloé could not even pretend to herself that this wasn’t different than every other time Marinette had called her out or challenged her. But Chloé held herself calm and stoic. If there was one thing she had endless practice at, it was taking a verbal beating. “And you pulling us into a circle and pressuring miraculous holders to reveal themselves? I again, don’t feel like I can trust you!” The rest of it Chloé knew she deserved, but this?! This pissed her off. “May I have the talking piece?” Chloé requested, her voice too high and threatening to break beneath her.   For a second, Marinette hesitated, but then she passed the piece to Adrien. Chloé watched carefully as the striped kitten exchanged hands from Adrien to Ms. Bustier to Chloé. “For the record,” Chloé ground out the second Dottie was in her hand. “I hate circles. This was not my idea. I tried to get you to talk to me just you and me. I tried for weeks! I tried here at school, and I left you private messages and public messages.” Or bee signals. Whatever. Marinette would know what she was talking about. “You chose to ignore me.” “Typical Chloé,” Marinette bit out scathingly. “You don’t get your way, and you throw a tantrum.” “Marinette,” Bustier interceded. “Speak with respect and respect the talking piece.” The girl sighed. “May I have the talking piece?” Chloé hesitated. She wasn’t done, but she let it go, passing it to Alya again. The second Marinette’s hands were around it, words poured from her. “I just don’t understand why you’re doing this? Are you just trying to torture me? All of this is hard enough without you making it harder!” Chloé’s squirmed in her seat, her whole body shook with the effort of having to restrain the words that wanted to burst from her mouth. But she had to hold herself back. It was one of the hardest things Chloé had ever done. “And not just now! You’ve singled me out over and over, to the point where no one wanted to be my friend, not because of anything to do with me, but because they didn’t want to be targeted by you!” Marinette raged, her hands literally shaking in front of her. Her eyes were ice, and would have drilled holes through Chloé’s chest had they been able. “You’ve mocked me, you’ve dismissed my voice, and you’ve bullied me for years until I doubted myself and my value. Until I didn’t believe that I had anything worthwhile to say or that anyone should like me. To the point where I dreaded coming to school. And I never understood why! I mean, what did I ever do to you?!" "You wouldn't stop bringing me macarons!" Chloé exploded. And everyone was so startled by this admission. All eyes turned to her. Ms. Bustier didn’t even remind her to respect the talking piece. "What?" Marinette screeched back in cold disbelief. "You bullied me because I brought you cookies?!" Chloé’s whole form quivered in agitation. "I needed you to stop,” she admitted. “And you wouldn't! So I had to get you to hate me." "Why did you need me to stop?" Marinette asked, her voice quiet and her dark eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. Chloé hunched her shoulders wishing she could hide in a corner. "My own mother doesn't love me. Why would anyone else?" she whispered, her gaze locked on her own pearl white flats. To her horror, her throat closed off and her eyes burned. Before she could cut it off, she was crying. She wiped at the tears angrily. She hated crying. It ruined her makeup. "E-everyone leaves eventually. My mom left. Adele left…” Chloé glanced up across the circle. “Adrien left,” she added softly. A hiss of displeasure erupted from the blond boy two seats away. “No one ever stays,” Chloé continued. “I'm not worth it. It’s better if I never let myself hope that they will." Shocked silence flooded the room, only broken by Chloé’s sniffs. Some small part of Chloé felt free with the admission. These were words she had never before said out loud. The larger part of her felt embarrassed that she had let Marinette, of all people, goad her into admitting any vulnerability. And then another part that hated that she was crying in front of anyone. Tears were a weakness. If they saw her tears, they would know they could destroy her. Ms. Bustier cleared her throat before speaking. "That was very brave of you to share, Chloé." Chloé cried harder. Adrien broke the circle at that point, leaping across the circle. His arms wrapped around her like a warm blanket. “I’m so sorry, Chlo,” he whispered into her hair. “I didn’t understand.” “It’s fine, Adri-kins,” she mumbled into his shoulder. “I didn’t understand it either.” Then, she pulled away and stubbornly wiped the tears from her face. “We haven’t even started yet. Go sit back down.” He didn’t move immediately, instead staring at her in concern. “Please?” He nodded, and moved back to his seat.   Chloé turned her attention back to the circle, back to Marinette. They stared at each other for a second before Marinette handed the kitten once again to Adrien, nodding toward Chloé as she did so. And Chloé couldn’t fight the warmth she felt at the gesture. Marinette wanted to hear what she had to say. Ladybug wanted to hear what she had to say. When Ms. Bustier handed her the stuffed animal, Chloé didn’t immediately speak. She instead fiddled with the soft toy in her hands, hoping the kitten would give her some inspiration. But at the end of the day, only Chloé could tell her own story. “Maybe I didn’t handle a miraculous falling into my lap very well,” Chloé admitted, “but it was the first time in my whole life I realized that I could be something more. Something meaningful. And yeah, I was an idiot. Too impatient for an opportunity to prove myself, I created one. Not my finest moment. “As for not being disappointed that Ladybug benched me? I’m sorry. I don’t know how to make myself not feel that way. I feel like Ladybug dangled a way forward for me and then she took it away.” Marinette inhaled sharply, but Chloé couldn’t look at her. She stared at her own feet. “And I know it’s not her responsibility to save my soul or whatever,” Chloé continued rapidly, “but I looked up to her. And the idea that she might see some small speck of potential in me, that she let me fight beside her as her partner when Chat Noir was incapacitated, that she trusted me with a miraculous even after I had already proven I did not deserve it… it meant a lot.” And honestly, it meant even more when Chloé had realized who Ladybug was. Because Marinette had more reasons than most anyone to hate her. “As for bringing you all here and pressuring you to come clean?” Chloé looked up then and stared at Marinette unflinchingly. “I do not apologize for that. When I figured you all out, I wasn’t going to say anything. My family was targeted! I was manipulated so easily. I understand the importance of keeping identities secret in a way that I absolutely didn’t in the beginning of all this.” They were all staring at her in rapt attention, but Chloé found herself unfazed. She had momentum now. It would be harder to stop than it would be to just keep going. “But two weeks ago, in our circle you were whining about breaking under too much responsibility. That you felt alone. That you were scared someone else would pay the price if you slipped. Since then, you have fallen asleep during class multiple times and you’ve woken up screaming. Separately, you have broken down in class several times. You are drowning. You need support.” Then Chloé pointed dramatically at her childhood friend, but her blue gaze never left the Marinette’s face. “Adrien is also drowning.” “I’m fine,” Adrien interjected with a frown. Chloé’s blue eyes flashed to him. “Shut up, Adri-kins. You are not fine. I’ve watched you withdraw. I’ve watched you paste on that stupid model smile. I’ve watched you absorb hurt after hurt when your friends don’t trust you, or don’t see you.” Nino’s head snapped up at this. “W-what?” he gasped. Even Marinette threw a startled look in his direction. He shrank under Chloé’s impatient glare before turning to the rest of the group with a shrug. “She’s kinda right,” he admitted with a hand to his neck. “You’re withdrawing from… us?” Nino asked with a slight tremor, gesturing to himself, Alya and Marinette. Adrien grimaced. “Sorry,” he offered. Chloé rolled her eyes. Of course, Adrien would feel guilty for hurting his friends by admitting they were hurting him. “There’s clearly a lot for us all to talk about here,” Ms. Bustier interjected. “Let’s focus on one thing at a time, and we’ll come back to this, okay Nino?” Nino adjusted his hat, and then nodded. Ms. Bustier turned back to her. “Chloé, you were saying?” ”Umm… right,” Chloé slipped a blonde strand of hair behind her ear, and looked up again at the girl across the circle. At the girl she had been terrified to befriend, at the girl she had tortured for years instead, and at the girl who had made Chloé believe that maybe… just maybe, Chloé could do something good. “Marinette, when I tried to talk to you over and over this last week, I was trying to help. And I’m clearly rubbish at helping, but Ms. Bustier suggested that maybe I was the one that needed help. “I know that you don’t trust me,” Chloé said, surprised at the pressure building in her throat at the admission. She waved dramatically to the rest of the circle. “But everyone here besides me is someone you trust and have trusted. I already know and I haven’t said anything! I didn’t even tell Alya when I asked her to do this. She didn’t want to. She said she would never betray Ladybug. I think she changed her mind when she figured it out only a few minutes ago. I’m forcing your hand, yes. But whether you believe me or not, I’m trying to help you.” Blue eyes from the other side of the circle pierced through her. Marinette looked like she was going to cry again, but maybe it was a different kind of cry than the one before. “I’m asking you to be brave, Dupain-Cheng. Like you are like all of the fucking time. So that you, and all of us can support each other through the crazy things we have experienced.” She passed the piece to Alya again. And now that Chloé wasn’t talking, she could feel how badly she was shaking. Ms. Bustier put a hand on her knee and squeezed. Chloé looked up into the eyes of her teacher who was smiling at her. And was she crying, too? Why was she crying? “M-Marinette,” Alya interrupted her thoughts. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to corner you. I just wanted you to know you’re not alone. That I always want to have your back. I’m sorry that I have clearly already failed in that in more than one way. And I hope you can forgive me.” Alya’s voice cracked on the final word, and she immediately shoved the talking piece into Nino’s hands. He rubbed his girlfriend’s back even as he passed the stuffed kitten to Marinette with a gentle smile and a wink. Marinette flipped the piece in her hands over and over again. “Alya, you’re already forgiven on both counts. Our friendship is stronger than all that,” she said with a bright smile. Then she turned towards Chloé. “Chloé, I didn’t realize how much I was hurting. I didn’t think anyone had noticed. I feel so invisible so much of the time. I… am surprised that you were the one to see through me. I feel like there’s so much more I should say to you after everything you shared, but I guess I should start with the one thing you want me to say.” She turned to everyone at the group and smiled nervously. “I suspect like all of you already know, but my name is Marinette, but most of Paris knows me as Ladybug.” She held the piece to Adrien, but he didn’t take it. His green eyes had blown as wide as the Seine, staring at her like he’d just been hit by a bus. “I... What?!” he spluttered. “I thought you were Multimouse!" Marinette frowned at him. "Umm... how would you know that? Only one person knows that." He looked sheepish, and plucked the still offered talking piece from her hands. "My name is Adrien, but I’m also... Chat Noir.” Chloé rolled her eyes. Had they seriously not realized where this was going before Marinette had freaked out?! Sheesh! Marinette shook her head furiously. “No, no, no, no! You’re Aspik,” she told him. Adrien rubbed the back of his neck even as he smiled sadly at her. “Yeah, that didn’t work out so well, did it?” Marinette’s blue eyes flooded with tears once again and she immediately threw her arms around his shoulders. “Chaton! I’m so sorry!” she cried. His arms wrapped around her narrow waist. “What for?” he asked softly. “You were trapped in that loop for months because of me!” He clutched her to him harder. “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t have all the information. I was the idiot that accepted the miraculous. I should have said no immediately. I… I just wanted a chance to impress you. As me.” She jerked back and looked up into his face. “I was already impressed. With both of you!” “Were you?” he asked, the pain clear in his voice.
She threw herself at him again. “Yes!” she insisted into his neck. “I’m so sorry you ever felt otherwise. I’ll make it up to you.” He smiled and let his head fall onto hers. “I can’t believe you’ve been right in front of me this whole time,” he admitted, grinning like an idiot. Chloé wouldn’t say it out loud. Not for a long time anyway, but they were rather cute all blushing and smiling in each other’s arms. But they were also getting distracted. Because this stupid fucking circle wasn’t finished yet. There was still so much more to talk about. She cleared her throat dramatically. Marinette shot out of Adrien’s arms, her flushed cheeks turning as red as her alterego’s suit. “Chloé!” Alya hissed, her phone out filming the exchange. “You’re ruining it!” Chloé harrumphed. She had ruined nothing! She should get all the credit for this.
Chapter 4: Acknowledging Harm
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