#I keep saying I’m gonna write all of these verses but we all know that’s not happening even if I’ve planned everything out
letstrywritingmaybe · 7 months
3. Sports AU- Hockey edition
(Re part two of my list of fics ideas I’ll never get to)
As a massive Penguins fan, the influence they hold over this fic is so typical. It pains me because I love one man and he is the captain of my team, while I loathe Shinichi some days. But for the purposes of this fic I have to pretend he’s close to being as amazing as my man.
Have I lost you yet? Probably, let me try and bring it back cause this is an enemies to lovers fic, but also forbidden romance (I assume typical in hockey rpfs? Idk I’m not in that fandom). Because you see in this verse, he’s a hockey player and Shiho, my queen, is a referee (we’ll get to her background later and how she ends up here)
• Shinichi’s been in the league for a while and he’s the captain of the team, also the face of the franchise and is a really good player/teammate. Center man because of my own biases, and of course line mates would have to be Heiji and Kaito (the core/trio for like ever. This is my fic so they’re gonna be wingers, but can also play center I suppose. Point is forwards cause I don’t wanna completely copy my team plus I think they would be better as forwards well maybe Kaito… okay stop)
• being a star player and too good at his job, penalties are not always called… which may also be because refs are the worst (not my queen though but I’m biased)
• my girl has it rough cause listen major sports are still predominantly run by men, so of course every call she makes will be criticized (even if she’s right, and god forbid she misses something. It’s her fault and not her colleagues cause men suck)
• Shinichi doesn’t care that she’s a girl, but they get into it a few times when he thinks she hasn’t been calling things in favor of his team (he’s biased, she didn’t call them cause she saw what was going on and isn’t going to play into favoritism as he’s the golden child. Technically being that good just means he won’t get calls cause the league sucks anyway but still)
• anyways they start off on the wrong foot. After the game Shinichi realizes he may have been too harsh and tries to apologize, which Shiho does accept but it happens again cause there are games at stake here people!
• she isn’t assigned to all of his games of course, so they do get time to admire each other at their job when they have time off. Cause no way he isn’t watching hockey just cause he isn’t playing, and as for Shiho she used to play (we’ll get back to this later)
• during one of the games she refs with him playing, a goon on the other team is an asshole and Shinichi stands up for her. A fight occurs which leads to penalties on both sides, but she does thank him after for trying to diffuse the situation. Unfortunately some guys are assholes and shouldn’t be allowed to play in the league!!
• they slowly become more friendly with each other, and end up kinda cool with each other as time goes on. (This is meant to sorta be a slow burn, but we all know I suck at that which is why I say sorta)
• one night his team plays at home and she’s on a break after being on the job for so long. The last game she refs is that game he was in. She decides to chill and go to the bar where the boys all end up celebrating at. She doesn’t go up to them, choosing to unwind by herself while they’re all being fawned over and getting drunk. Cause they clinched play offs! Yay! He spots her anyway and offers to buy her a drink (he’s not drunk but he has been drinking), she turns him down cause it could cause trouble later on if people find out. He tells her it’s not that big of a deal, besides everyone is drunk and no one is paying attention. She still says no.
• he leaves her be, but two seconds later the bartender gives her a drink courtesy of an anonymous stranger. She naturally guesses it to be Shinichi, who winks at her but stays away for now. She decides to accept it since he’s staying away.
• he of course comes by and teases her about it, to which she rolls her eyes but she finds that he’s not terrible company.
• if it’s not obvious where this is going, then this bullet point says it all. They leave together for a drunken one night stand, in which she totally panics cause this is definitely not okay. Meanwhile he’s also like yeah this is bad but also… they can totally be professional about this.
• they are professionals about it. They don’t let what happened affect their jobs. Just one slight problem, they also can’t quite quit fooling around with each other. (Because guess what? He scores a hat trick after spending the night with her and hello superstition! So of course he’s like we gotta do it again and she’s like are you insane???)
• but they do and while he doesn’t score a hat trick again, he does still score a goal. Leading him to believe this should continue while she’s like absolutely not. It continues cause of course it does. Even though they get eliminated before making it to the cup, which gives her grounds to be like okay we can stop.
• doesn’t happen. They actually get closer during off season where they can just be them without worrying about the hockey world. Basically they fall in love for real.
• this lasts at least two seasons, hockey seasons meaning at least two years (could be longer but idk yet) Which means it’s no longer just hooking up cause they’ve both caught feelings. They even stayed together during off season in a different country where they could actually be a normal couple.
• it isn’t long until they’re basically in a secret relationship. Which is messy enough already, but wait! There’s more! To keep up with his image, Shinichi unofficially has a girlfriend. Unofficial because he’s very much not attached to anyone, but he does have a childhood best friend who thinks otherwise. Which is totally his fault for basically leading her on, cause he never flat out told her he’s not interested. Instead because he’s a softie, he tells her he’s not going to commit to anything because hockey is his life and that’s all he cares about. So she decides to wait for him, thinking when he retires then they can be together.
• now at this point Heiji and Kaito both definitely know something’s going on, but like the good bros they are, they don’t say shit. In fact they help cover it up, cause yeah their captain sleeping with a ref is not a good look when they’re trying to win another championship.
• shinshi become serious, because of course they’re in love (it’s my fic hello). He’s ready to lock it down, but he can’t cause of their jobs. Meanwhile Shiho still feels guilty and keeps thinking they should end it, but can’t get herself to actually end it.
• she basically lives at his place, her stuff is here and she spends most nights here. Ran (I swear I don’t hate her, but she fits the role better okay) notes how distant Shinichi has been, but thinking it’s normal especially during playoffs, just lets him be. But she gets a bad feeling and decides to check up on him, where she finds out about shinshi. She feels betrayed and heartbroken (as she should).
• Shinichi is surprised to see her at his home, an argument ensues. She threatens to expose his relationship unless… he chooses her instead then she will forgive him and pretend everything is fine. (To mirror my Pens, he’s nearing the end of his career and of course he would want to go out with a bang. Another cup with the boys!)
• basically choose hockey or Shiho. It’s a no brainer because I’m writing this fic, he chooses my queen. Which is so shitty for Ran, she leaves. Shiho was asleep already, but woke up when she heard their argument and she hears the ultimatum. She’s stunned when he chooses her, she decides she can’t let him ruin his career for her.
• she goes back to bed and pretends to be sleeping when he comes back in, he calls her out on faking and they have a talk. She tells him she’s not worth it, he says otherwise. Cue confession finally, and crying cause she’s happy they’re in love and it’s not just one sided on her part, but also she knows how much hockey means to him. This would ruin him. Just like how it ruined her.
• finally we get to my queen’s back story! She was a really good hockey player herself! Part of the Olympic team and won gold in the finals! For the next Olympics she was set to also compete, but a jealous team mate made up false accusations and tarnished her reputation. She was shunned by the community, until recently when it came out that she was the victim and never harmed anyone. Which is how she managed to kinda get back into the game and become a ref. Since it had been a while, no one really brought up her past or at least talked about it in depth especially since she was wronged.
• point is, she knows what it’s like to have her career ripped away from her when she wasn’t ready to let it go, so she can’t let the same thing happen to him. She leaves him and quits her job. During playoffs knowing he cannot follow her if the cup and his team are on the line. But she also secretly hopes he goes to her since the place she runs off to, is where they vacationed during the off season when their relationship first began. A small town where people knew who he was, but they let him be and they were away from cameras and stuff so they could be a normal couple.
• now this is not a norm for my fics, but I think realistically this could happen so why not. Guess what? To make things even more dramatic, she’s pregnant. When she finds out, she immediately wants to take everything back. She wants to be with him, but she pushed him away and there’s no way she can drop all this on him during the final series!
• back to the boys, Heiji and Kaito finally confront Shinichi and let him know that they knew all along. To which he’s like how?? And they’re like it was obvious plus we’re besties and also you guys suck at being secretive! You couldn’t wait to go home one time, and really? In the locker room??? But they support him cause they’ve never seen him this happy. Yes hockey is all of their lives, but they have the chance to start a family and share it with them while Shinichi has been all hockey focused. He’s finally met someone who he’s willing to break his rule of nothing serious until the end of his career.
• Shinichi apologizes cause he knows he should be focused on only the game right now, but he can’t stop thinking about her. Being on the ice is fine, but as soon as he’s away he’s thinking about her and how she left him. Then there’s also the drama with Ran
• speaking of, because she’s always known he doesn’t love her, she decides to keep his relationship with Shiho a secret. She won’t tell anyone. Which solves one problem.
• now back to quintessential lots of love things, which means there are only happily ever afters in my book (and clichés) So of course they rally and the team wins another cup! With the help of Heiji and Kaito, Shinichi is able to sneak away and get on the next flight to where he hopes/knows Shiho is.
• he was right, he finds her just as she was missing him and wondering if she should even tell him the news of her pregnancy. She’s stunned to see him, but so happy. They obviously get back together and everything turns out well. No one finds out about the inappropriateness of their relationship, since everyone in the league thinks it happened after Shiho quit.
• an epilogue of sorts. Shinshi is married and their baby boy is healthy. Shinichi is at home watching over their son, because Shiho is back on the ice again. It’s been a long time coming, but she’s finally able to make a comeback. If their son doesn’t end up playing hockey too it would be a shame given how it’s in both his parents’ blood.
The end. That’s my basic outline of this fic that I dreamed up immediately after realizing I could totally write this verse. I have the American football and baseball one sorta planned out too. But with it being hockey season, and this was the one I had a complete vision of, I decided to bullet point it out here first. Which hopefully means I won’t actually have to write the fic now that I’ve just rambled about it here.
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summer-blues-stuff · 8 months
A culture post for the girlie pops (and non-girlie pops) looking to write Pavitr Prabhakar accurately.
(P.s- I’m Indian and live in India and have been to Mumbai multiple times so shhh- )
(P.s.s- all i know about the spider verse comes from the movies so I’ll be focusing more on the Indian aspect. )
So in honour of atsv coming on Netflix-
FOOD- Pavitr live in Mumbai (mumbattan) so he probability of him eating “butter chicken or naan” (traditionally north Indian dishes) on a daily basis is almost nonexistent. (This is not to say he won’t have them occasionally but much of what people think is indian food comes from stereotypical North Indian food, pavitr lives in South Indian)
Popular food of Mumbai includes- vada pav(street food), panipuri(another street food), pav bhaji (not a street food), bhelpuri and sevpuri( you guessed it a street food) and for more every-day food- we have dal-roti or dal-chawal etc
(Edit: I forgot to mention this but, a lot of people are vegetarian either by choice or by religion and don’t eat meat (eating beef is HEAVILY and i mean heavily frowned upon.)
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SCHOOL- In india we don’t have middle school or high school, we have grades.
We also have public and private schools (and unlike the USA, private school is not for the uber rich, middle-class families typically send their kids to private school and government(or public) schools are basically free or really cheap). Thus, Pavitr probably studies at a private school.
Keeping that in mind, Students from grade 1-12 study in one building and students actually sit in the same class while the teachers move from class to class. There is also something called school boards but for all our sakes, he studies in a school that follows CBSE guidelines. Now according to google, he’s around 15-16 so he’s in 10th or 11th depending on the school he goes to.
We have these really important exams called the “board exams” ( we just call them ‘boards’) And they are given twice by the students once in the 10th grade and once in the 12th grade and these are like really really important, kinda think of them as psats or sats(lmk if anyone wants to know more about boards) and if he’s in 10th he’ll be giving the boards in May.
After which he’ll pick a stream (medical, non-medical, commerce or failure) that he’s gonna study in 11th. There is a lot of emphasis on studies in India ( if you get good marks in 10th it’s considered that you’re good or ‘set’ for life but thats kinda bs) and it’s really competitive, students often go to tuition (think of them as an after-school school) for hours after school. Maths and science tuitions are the most common.
Uniforms (a half-sleeve shirt with a tie and pants or knee length shorts for guys) are also mandatory and are strictly regulated along with hair and nails. (Two braid or plaits for girls with below the shoulder hair and typically short hair for guys that have to be oiled) so im assuming that he gets called out a lotttttt about his hair, and teachers are constantly on his ass about cutting it which I think is funny af. The school timings are typically from 8-3 and tuitions are typically from 4-7.
It would also be super-cute if his aunt massaged his hair with oil (it’s considered an act of service and something people do to show their love)
10th grade especially is really really stressful in india and if home-boy cries himself to sleep every night I wouldn’t be surprised. So make him supppeeerrrr strrreeeessssed.
Name- Pavitr “Prabhakar” is a Hindu( a religion of sorts) name.
It’s derived from the Sanskrit word “prabhākara” which means “light maker” (from prabhā 'light' + -kara 'causing'), an epithet of the sun. So to those saying he’s a sunshine boy, his surname means light maker (do with that what you will).
Now, for his first name “Pavitr” however there is no exact meaning as, the name is most probably derived from Pavit ; maybe Pavitra(a typical girl’s name) if you’re pushing it. The meaning of Pavit is Love or A lovely and pious individual.
Edit: apparently pavitr does have it’s own meaning and it means pure
So his name roughly translates to lovely (edit: pure) sunshine boy.
Transport- Now i know that he’s spider-man but when he’s not, the most common way to travel in Mumbai is by an automobile (also called auto or auto-riksha).
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One of these things ^^ and these ‘go by the meter’ (you basically pay for the distance you have covered and a meter calculates this.) these things are everywhere. You call for one of these by raising your hand and an auto stops in front of you and you ask if they will take you to the place you wanna go to (“bhaiya, _____ lekar chalo ge?”)
There can only be 3 people max on one auto (not including children) as per local government policies.
Another common way to travel is by the subway or local trains. ( and contrary to popular beliefs they are not filled to the brim with people). Cars are not that common as there is a lot of traffic. Like a lot.
Language- Most indians speak at least 2-3 languages- English, Hindi and a local language or two. Since they’re in Mumbai Pavitr probably speaks Marathi. Some people also know Sanskrit (but that’s not that common nowadays).
(Edit: People typically don’t speak in just one language, they typically use a mix of atleast two or three languages which change according to the region they are in. For example- English and hindi is the most common but some may mix in their regional language or dialect)
Also spider in hindi is makri (makdhi?) so i think it would be super funny if people called him makri (makdhi?) man.
People in India also curse a lot (not in English though) (though not in front of parents obviously) and the more people get angry the stronger accent the becomes.
Housing- housing in Mumbai is super expensive, and most people live in flats or apartments rather than houses, Mumbai is considered to be one of the most expensive places to own a home in the world just because of the sheer number of people there.
All flats in mumbai have air- conditioning units in them because it. is. so. humid and winter lasts for a month or two in comparison.
Culture- Mumbai is kind of regarded as one of the culture hubs of India, a lot of up and coming artists along with famous superstars live in Mumbai. There are a lot of exhibitions, shows and whatnot happening all the time.
Mumbai is also more progressive then the rest of India and pride parades do happen here but there is still a lot of stigma around it
(Edit: PDA in public is almost taboo, doesn’t matter who anyone is—kissing in public might actually land you in jail)
Teens typically wear jeans, shorts and graphic tees rather than kurtas or salwar-kamez (traditional clothing) .
Traditional clothing is typically worn on festivals such as holi( the festival of colour( some people wear white suits and kurtas)) or Mumbai’s most celebrated festival- “Ganesh Chaturti” (which is a religious festival religious festival to honour the Lord Ganesha.
Sports- cricket is the most watched sport in India a lot of kids play it on the streets or in parks and gardens, and its an India vs Pakistan match is an event in which everyone in the family (some even invite friends over) sit together and yell at the tv.
Mumbai is a city in which time stops for no one, and people are super busy. This doesn’t mean that people there are rude in fact they are some of kindest and helpful ppl you’ll ever meet(not including the obligatory rude af asshole that are in every community) especially in a city that never stops.
India is also not a country that lives in rags we used to be called sone ki chidiya (or bird made of gold) before the British Invasion so please for the love of god don’t depict everyone living in slums and poverty. The national currency is rupees and again i cannot stress this enough even though there is poverty in india, that doesn’t mean there isn’t prosperity. India is a developing country so keep that in mind while you write.
Religion and caste - This is a very touchy and sensitive subject in India and you should probably research a lot or stay clear of it in general ( especially the caste system its messed up and just stay clear of it) but Gayatri’s father is Sikh or at least punjabi so I’m assuming she is too. ( if she’s from Punjab or its surrounding area, then she probably speaks punjabi or her father most probably does).
(Edit: there are a lot of different religions in india —almost too many to count— and every single one has their own gods, prayers and rituals so please please please research before you write)
But something all Indian (boys) are taught to do is to touch their elders feet to show/ask for respect (and “ashirwad” I don’t know what this translate too directly in English but think of it as blessings)
Anyways here is a not very brief overview on mumbai and pavitr , let me know if you have any questions or if something isn’t really clear, English isn’t my first language so I apologise for the errors.
Please feel free to ask me anything ill do my best to answer back. : D
if you actually find this long ass post helpful and write a fic or something please tag me i would love to read it.
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igotanidea · 1 year
that damn gala: Jason todd x fem!reader
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the graphic is not mine, found it on Pinterest, all credit goes to the author.
Summary: credit for the idea goes to @p4inis: Can someone write a fanfic of “wear whatever u want, I know how to fight” Jason x fem reader???? Like they’re going to a gala and reader can’t choose which dress she should wear and Jay is her biggest hype man.
hope you'll like it: )
A/N: this is part of my Cheshire!reader!verse. You can find another story of it here in the post: Cheshire cat. And there will be more coming for sure since I'm having a lot of fun writing this verse.
Warning: cursing, a bit of sexual innuendo, but nothing explicit, Jason being a warning of himself :D
„Please, remind me why did I even agree to this?”
“Because you truly had no other option?”
“I hate you.”
“We both know you don’t.”
“Really? Do we?” Y/N smirked. Dick Grayson was her longtime friend and it gave her one privilege no one else had. She was resistant to him charm. So when he asked her to come over the annual Wayne gala it took a lot more than a pretty please and a nice smile to actually convince her to do so. Unlike many girls, she hated having to get all dressed up, putting on make-up and heels and acting like someone different than she really was only to win over some potential investors. Honestly, for a long time she couldn’t understand why was it her business. That lasted until Bruce offered her a job, an old RD position of her late father. Of course, the numbers were tempting but the thing was finally made her say yes was the opportunity to work with the latest technology and to put her ideas into work. And use them on patrols later on. So she gave in.
And soon one thing led to another, when she was forced to get involved into those stupid galas. Dick hated them equally as much, but at least he would be accompanied by Babs and they definitely would keep each other entertained. Unlike her friends, Y/N was going to be there by herself since for obvious reasons her beloved anti-hero boyfriend could not attend. So, she would either join Tim in deep conversation concerning Wayne Enterprises, sulk in the corner with Damian scaring people away with only look or spend the night getting drunk from all the expensive alcohol. One way or another it was going to be a loooong night.
“Yeah, we do. Come on Y/N, please, I’m gonna need your help you know it.”
“My help? Dick you are making zero sense. You will have your girl to dance with, Tim to take the duties and Damian for a security system. Why do you need me?”
“Because out of everyone you just mentioned, you are the only person that is actually fun.”
“Should I tell Babs about what you just said?” the girl laughed and heard Dick do the same on the other side of the phone.
“Please don’t” he turned deadly serious a second later “but you know what I mean. We both have known every guest for years now. We know their behavior, their bad traits and can predict who, when and how will make a fool of themselves. We have our inside jokes. Come on, please…..”
“Fine, stop whining, it’s out of character. I’ll come…..
“I knew you will give in at some point.”
“shut up, Grayson. I’m not giving in. Firstly because you will owe me and you know I’m not lenient when someone is in debt with me. Secondly, Jay will not like it, so good luck with having to deal with him. And lastly, I still got my cat claws on, so don’t expect me to be an egg-sucker.”
“As for the debts, that something we’ve been back and forth with for years now, so nothing new. I can deal with my brother, and Tim will deal with toadying, he’s used to it after all.”
“I hate you, Dick.”
“I know Y/n. See you at 9. You need me to pick you? Since you are coming alone?”
“No, I’ll be fine. Cheshire will swing by earlier and change in the manor if that’s fine.”
“I’ll leave the window open. See you, Y/n.”
“See you, Dick.”
She disconnected the phone and rubbed her forehead in frustration. She really though she would get away this year, but she’s been keeping this foolish hope for the last five years, always with no desired result. She always came and frankly it was never even half as bad as she expected, not that Y/N would ever say it out loud. But now, she had to choose a dress to go in and that was the hard part.
“Please, tell me you’re not preparing for the gala.” Jason stood in the door, only half-dressed In his gear, watching his girlfriend hurrying-scurrying in front of her wardrobe wearing only a sport bra and a pair of leggings.
“I am…” she groaned
“Was it Grayson? Did he force you? Do you want me to talk to him?” he took a few steps closer and grabbed her hands calming her down a bit.
“Nah. It’s fine. It’s always like this. He said I should come, I object, he uses his last-year arguments and I pretend to fall for them. It’s kind of tradition now. I would hate to break it.” She shrugged
“Maybe I can make knew tradition of making Dick attend the party with a bruise or…..”
“Stop it, Jay!” Y/N punched his shoulder and he grinned “if I really didn’t want to come, believe me I wouldn’t. But it really is entertaining making quiet jokes about all those bigwigs with excessive self-esteem and watching Tim trying his best to not speak his mind. The only thing that sucks about it is that I have to go alone” she moved her hands up his arms to his neck, pulling him in and he immediately grabbed her waist and leaned his forehead on hers, swaying from side to side.
“We can have our little party here. Or you can come with me to the patrol.” He whispered
“Mhm, don’t try to play me. That offer is a trap on your side, Red Hood only works alone. If you don’t count two teammates. And he does not want or need anyone else. Let alone little troublesome vigilante that also works with the bats.”
“That little vigilante cat knows her ways around words. She can play two sides, doesn’t she?”
“Jay, come on. You will never let me go with you and I will never ask. Too much of a risk and distraction. But I’m up for that party for two idea later on….”
“Do you have anything specific in mind?” he whispered seductively and leaned in to kiss her, but she quickly pulled away.
“Maybe. Maybe not. That depends if someone will take me home after the gala tonight. I mean, I have a couple dresses to choose from and I could use man’s advice on what to wear. Even if I absolutely hate the idea of playing the bait for man’s money. And I hate getting dolled up. I’ll be much more comfortable with tee and sweatpants or my suit. But I don’t have much opportunities to look nice, so…..” she pecked Jason lips quickly and moved towards the open wardrobe “what do you think, boyfriend?”
“Babe” every word she just said stung him. He knew she would never betray or cheat on him, but the thought of all those creeps staring at her and getting dirty ideas made him want to tie her to bed and keep her in the sheets with him, reminding her who’s the one to always keep her high and satisfied. But they all had duties to take care of. So he settled on embracing her from behind and kissing her neck softly “you know you can wear whatever you want. You will look hotter than hell. And I know how to fight if anyone would like to steal you away.”
“Babs is the resident beauty not me. If anything Dick should be scared. I’m only …. Addition.”
“Addition?” Jay kissed her neck again hitting her soft spot and making her gasp “you’re the crown jewel, babe. I wish I could go with you and watch everyone getting so jealous of me having you all to myself….” his lips on her skin was sending goosebumps all over her body.
“Jace….” She whispered closing her eyes
“Yes, sweetheart?” his grip was now tighter and she loved it and hate it at the same time.
“Let go of me. Now. Cause if you don’t neither me nor you will leave this apartment tonight.”
“Would it be so bad?” he muttered against her shoulder blade but reluctantly released her. “you should wear the black and red one. You will break necks in it.”
“Bet it has nothing to do with the fact some particular vigilante got those colors as a signature.”
“Vigilante? Who? I don’t really recall anyone choosing that palette.” He smirked with the boyish grin and she could not stop herself from kissing him again.
***  It was 8 when they both left the apartment, using different exits and wishing each other good luck. No hugs and kisses since that would only make them waver once again. Red Hood was on patrol while Cheshire made her way towards Wayne Manor making sure no one was following her. Being truthful to his words, Dick left the window open and without any trouble she found herself in his room, where much to her surprise she found Babs getting ready.
“Hey there, girl.” She smiled removing her domino mask and meeting with red-head wide and sincere smile “what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same question, kitten. Is my boyfriend cheating on me?”
“Oh, you caught me! I only came here to tell him our little affair was over since I cannot do this to my best friend.” Y/N put her hand on her heart “And arguably because my boyfriend was after him to hurt him, but that’s on the side.”
“It’s good to see you Y/N.” Barbara smiled again and came to hug the other girl “dick told me you were going to get ready here so I thought we might as well help each other in preparation.”
“Oh, thank god for your foresight. I have no idea how to drape this freaking dress to avoid putting my whole chest on display.
“I had my suspicions about that.”
“And I am absolutely hopeless with makeup and hairdo, so yes, please and thank you for any help you can give me.”
“Don’t worry, my friend. I will make you look perfect.”
Barbara really was a magician with women stuff. Only because of her skillful hands and endless ideas Y/N was now looking like a real lady, classy and gentle, even if most of the times she was just a girl next door. Her dress fit her perfectly and any risk of showing too much was eliminated by cleverly used veil, draped on girl’s shoulder. Her make-up was almost invisible since Y/N had pretty skin (luckily she got no bruises or cuts for the last week so there was no problem with that) and she refused using anything more than some concealer, liner and mascara sticking to the minimum. Unlike Babs she ditched the lipstick not wanting to look like Joker after having one drink and leaving stains on the glass and all over. But still, she felt odd, especially standing next to Babs with her perfect figure and proud posture. Cheshire was used to skin tight suit that was supposed to protect her and enable all the kicks and punches, but this? Evening gown that accented all her hated curves and imperfections  made her feel exposed, not protected. And this was another tradition that was happening every single year even though after all this time she should already be used to it.
“good evening, ladies.” Dick emerged from behind and offered an arm to Barbara “Babs, Y/N.”
“Richard.” Babs smiled at her boyfriend
“Hello Grayson” Y/N smirked only to cover for her insecurity. In a second she would be left all alone like a prey while Dick and Babs will make rounds together.
“You look nervous kitten” Dick pointed out and Y/N scoffed
“Nervous? Of course I am. I’m nervous for the safety of everyone here. You know I got…..”
“claws, I know. And that is exactly why I took care of things.”
“I’m sorry you did what?” she nearly choked because of his words.
“There’s this one guy, really big fish in IT industry. We are trying to get him to share some ideas with WE. And since you are in a warlike mood, you will talk to him. Besides, you are the only one here that actually knows enough about the technology to cover the subject so…..”
“Are you insane?!” she yelled-whispered “did you even hear a word I told you about attending this gala. I wanted out of the radar not being put on the spotlight! What happened to…..” she paused when an elderly couple passed through and smiled charmingly “what happened to the inside jokes and making fun of people?!”
“I’m sorry Y/N, but it’s like I said. You’re the only one knowledgeable enough to succeed. Just this one guy, please, and then you are off the hook.”
“Where is Tim when you need him?” she hissed and reached for the nearest glass of champagne “I don’t think I can do it sober.”
“I will owe you twice” Dick pleaded
“That is tempting…..”
The guy assigned to Y/N was hot. Tall, dark haired and well-build, with perfect nose, lips and all face. His eyes glistened when he saw her approaching and in a real gentleman manner he turned towards the girl.
“You must be miss Y/N Y/L/N?” of course his smile was perfect as well and Y/N was almost blinded by the whiteness of his teeth
“I am” she smiled through gritted teeth “I suppose you’re the tech genius Mr. Blake?”
“ Please, call me Desmond. It would be so much easier to cut the distance this way”
“I see you are very direct Desmond. Does that match in the workplace?” he might have been a predator but she was the one who hold power over words, not the other way round.
“We are not in workplace, are we?”
“But we are supposed to discuss some RD matters.”
“Who said we can’t have a little fun while at it? This is a party after all.”
“High-class party, Mr. Blake and as a CEO you surely understand that.”
“Of course, I had nothing wrong on my mind. Tell me, miss Y/N, do you dance?”
“Only when I’m forced to” she muttered making sure he couldn’t hear her while taking another discreet sip of champagne
“I’m sorry?”
“I said I do, although I am not very good at it.”
“Maybe you just haven’t met the right partner. Let me guide you” he offered his hand and lead Y/N onto the dancefloor.
This was going to be a looooong night, she thought while noticing Dick and Babs moving to the music on her left. Dick put his thumb up while Barbara only smiled. This was already a torture. Hopefully, things were going better for Jay.
Two hours and three drinks later Desmond seemed a bit nicer than at the beginning. Y/N was not drunk, she was used to keep her senses alerted all the time so she poured away all the alcohol Desmond so wholeheartedly kept on bringing. He did not and that’s why they were now sitting on the secluded couch, far from the crowd, the man babbling about how pretty she looked and how much of his type she was.
“I think you had enough Mr. Blake” she put a hand on his when he reached towards another glass. Apparently that was a mistake since he turned her gaze towards her, his eyes widening.
“Tell me Y/N, why is a girl like you alone at the party? I mean, you are hot.” Oh, fuck. She knew where he was going now. “and everyone here is just ogling you, me included.” Fuck square since he moved closer, almost grabbing her hip.
“ You’re drunk” she said standing up “I think you should sober up. Alone.”
“Don’t you dare turning your back on me, you little bitch. Who do you think you are?”
If only he knew…..
“A woman who knows better than to argue with you. You work for your own reputation Mr. Blake and let me tell you, you are only embarrassing yourself right now. Maybe you should stop before some reporter takes a picture of you stumbling.”
“You think you are so high and mighty, huh? A strong, independent woman, working for Wayne? Acting like a whore to get some attention and you can’t even get a boyfriend?”
“Careful with words, now” she warned slowly turning into Cheshire
“Or what? What exactly will you do, huh? Cause I don’t think you will do a thing…..” he lunged forward and before she could react had her pressed onto the wall, his lips on hers “you are only good for one night stand. And you ask for it, wearing that dress, you little bitch. You only deserved to be fucked and forgotten.’ He was using the fact no one could see them in this place
“Get the fuck off me!!!” she yelled all her instincts kicking in when she pushed the man away and he stumbled back. Unfortunately, while doing so, he stepped onto the hem of her dress tearing it apart and leaving Y/N legs almost completely exposed. “Damn it.” She muttered turning red while the man started laughing like crazy which finally caught some attention and Dick immediately came running for rescue.
“What is going on here?”
“Your little wanton friend is finally dressed the way she should be from the beginning.” Blake snorted
“Mr Blake, I think you should leave….” Tim rushed from the other side of the ballroom scared that either his brother or his friend would kick the man’s ass and made even more of a scene. This was going to be a PR nightmare.
“Leave? Oh, no, no, no. Not before I have a little fun with your little rag doll, here.”
“Let me though.” Another voice interrupted the discussion and Y/N, Dick and Tim turned their gazes towards the side where it came from.
“You’ve got to be kidding me….” Dick whined
“Oh, hell no!” Tim screamed
“What the…..?” y/N said in surprise
“What. The fuck. You think. You are doing?”
“Jason…..” dick tried to step between his brother and Blake before it came to fisticuffs. All of a sudden the latter became much more sober than a second before.
“Get out of my way, Dickhead. This scumbag just humiliated my girlfriend. I will not let him get away with it.”
“I’m sorry but…..”
“You are not sorry.”
“You’re right. I’m not sorry and I can’t let you through. We are trying our best to avoid bloodbath here.”
“I don’t fucking care! He asked for it.”
“Back off, replacement!”
Only now he stopped in his tracks. Because of her voice. Her soft, calm voice. All this time she was standing there silently watching the scene, her dress torn apart , hair messy due to the scuffle, being her calm, collected self. Fuck, she was so beautiful, somewhere deep inside he could not blame this man for wanting her. Who wouldn’t wish for this beauty to be in his arms. But she was his and only his. Only he was allowed to hold her and kiss her and love her. No one fucking else. And this one here, were not only trying to force himself on her, but also called her a bitch and a whore. And that was something Jason Todd could not let go easily.
“Jason, please, let’s just go home.” She said calmly “come on, baby. Nothing happened, all right? He’s not worth your anger. He’s just sad, pathetic man with a lot of problems, apparently. I’m safe.”
“Baby” Jason came closer to her sneaking his arms around her pulling her close “he needs to be punished. He offended you. Let me  take care of that…..”
“Nope. Not this time. Besides, as much as I appreciate your effort, I can take care of myself and this one is just beyond are level. So why bother when we can go home and have that little party for two you mentioned earlier?” she caressed his side softly looking straight into his eyes and he was slowly melting.
“See? I told she is a whore! You better watch out for her, she will cheat on you with the first man…..” Blake did not get to finish the sentence when Dick and Jason grabbed each of his arm and dragged him out the door.
“This will hit all the headlines tomorrow morning….” Tim stammered out, his face as white as a ghost
“You can just buyout all the press companies in Gotham” Y/N said, equally white, but not because of the press.
“Are you kidding me now Y/N?!”
“Come on, Tim. Not the first PR drama for WE. We can turn this around. If not as Y/N and Tim then as Cheshire and Red Robin. We’ve done this before, all right?”
“Fine.” He huffed “One problem at the time. Now, are you all right? He did not hurt you, did he?”
“He could never. I’m better and stronger than it seems in this dress, or rather half-dress now.”
“Good. Otherwise I would have to stand against my own rules and help dick and Jason beat the man.”
“Speaking of the devils, this is taking them too long. Do you think maybe we should check out what is going on?”
“Nothing is going on. The boys are making sure Blake would never come around again. And from what I can predict his company will go down soon.” Barbara chimed in
“If that’s coming from the Oracle, who are we to argue?”
“By the way, where is Damian? He was supposed to act like security. How the hell did Jason sneak in? Not that I’m complaining, but I’d rather dance with my boyfriend than see him fight again ….”
“I was not the security! I never wanted to be here in the first place! I was forced!”
“Who wasn’t?” Tim scoffed
“You’re good Y/N/N?” Damian asked turning towards the girl
“Yes! God! I’m fine, please stop asking me that. I’m just a bit ….. tired.”
“You can stay at the manor than. There is always a place for you.”
“Thanks Dami, but…..”
“She is not going to stay. I’m taking her home.” Jason came into the view again, his nose bleeding.
“What did you do Jace?”
"I told you I know how to fight for you."
“Where is Dick?” Barbara became alerted and both girls exchanged looks
“I’m here. I’m fine. It’s all taken care off.” The oldest Wayne was clutching his bleeding nose as well.
“Did you two have a fight? How unsurprising…..”
"Wait, you beat each other instead of that fucking Blake?" Damian frowned "Can I do it then? I need some action, this party is boring like hell."
"He's been taken care of as well. Probably won't come around ever again" Jason stated proudly.
"What did you do him? Can you descibe in details?" the youngest brother suddenly became much more energetic and interested.
“I’m out, I’m done” Tim turned around throwing his hands in the air “you are all on your own now. I;ve got to do some damage control. See you tomorrow, Y/N. Remember your promise.” He left and so did Damian leaving Jason, y/n, Babs and Dick alone.
“Why did you beat him Jace?”
“He was supposed to watch out for you!”
“I said I’m fine!”
“But who knows what could have happened?!”
“could have, would have, should have….. How about we stop with the possibilities that never came to life, hm? How about you calm down, Jace?”
“How can I calm down?! You could have been hurt!”
“Dick? Babs? I’m so terribly sorry for everything that just happened.” Y/N decided to stop paying attention to Jason for a while.
“As much as I hate to say it, it might have been a bit of my fault.” Dick admitted
“a bit?!”
“Shut up Jason. I’m not talking to you now!” Y/N hissed and he just stood there with open mouth but did not dare saying a word. “I think we should call it a night, do you agree, Babs. We can’t let boys kill each other, right? Someone has to be smart.”
“Yeah, that’s true. We can’t ever rely on them with life choices, can we?”
“Nope. But I guess that’s the Wayne charm. Talk to you tomorrow?”
“Sure y/n. I’ll let you know if dick’s coming after Jay to take revenge for the beating.”
“Ok. I’ll let you know if Jace is coming after Dick to avenge my honor” Y/N laughed and waved Babs and Dick goodbye before turning to Jason. “As for you….”
“Look, I did not mean to make a scene…..”
“I saw you in danger and acted without thinking…..”
“You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you…..”
“Oh for god’s sake!” she moved forward and cut his babbling with a passionate kiss taking him by surprise and leaving a few spare seconds for his brain to react and started kissing her back, his hands travelling up her sides. “I love you, you idiot. And I’m not mad at you, really. That was kind of…. Hot.”
“Only kind of?” he smirked
“Yes, because you still think I cannot take care of myself. You really don’t have to put  the guns out every time you think I’m in danger. Especially when I’m not.”
“but you still like me in my vigilante mode, don’t you?”
 “I never said it.” She scoffed
“Sometimes, words are not needed. I can settle on sounds.” He smirked and she smacked his head becoming red.
“Why are you even here? What about patrol? What about….red’s matters?”
“It’s a quiet night. I was patrolling nearby by accident….
“by accident?” she raised an eyebrow
“And thought I would swing by. And you know the rest.”
‘You are a child, Jason. A big child. And we definitely have a lot to work on in that area. Are you going back on patrol?”
“I wasn’t planning on, but…..”
“Good. Cause you know, I might be a bit turned on and need someone to take care of that. Are you up for the challenge?”
“Let’s go upstairs.” He picked her up and carried her the stairs to his old room, bridal style.
“Wait, here?!” she squealed when he threw her onto the bed and climbed up hovering over her body.
“Do you think I can wait? Honey, I need you right now.” He pressed his lips onto her, delighting in the way she melted into him and started letting out those sweets sounds. “now we can start our party” he smirked moving down her body, removing the straps of her dress and taking care of each square centimeter of her body.
“Jason….” she moaned arching her back “come on, don’t tease…..”
“I’m taking my time with you, babe. You will have to deal with it….”
@pinksirensong @somest1 - let me know if anyone wants a tag in any of my stories
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goddessofroyalty · 4 months
Fandom: One Piece 
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji 
Tags: omegaverse, discussed-future-mpreg 
Someone shared a bit of non-omegaverse art in the ZoSan server of Zoro showering affection on Sanji’s stomach and it inspired me to write them talking about their future child in a verse where they agreed no pups until after they and Luffy achieve their dreams.
Sanji lets out a huff as Zoro lays his head down against his stomach, one of the swordsman’s callused hands resting against what might one day become the peak of it as the other supports Sanji’s back as he enjoys his cigarette, blowing a puff of smoke out over the alpha’s head. The break in Sanji’s heat is nice even if they both know it will only last for a moment.  
“There isn’t anything in there moss,” Sanji says as Zoro’s thumb tickles against his skin. The necessary steps have been taken to ensure that for all their fucking no pup will result from this heat.  
“I know,” Zoro grunts, twisting his head and pressing a kiss against Sanji’s hip bone.  
“Once Luffy’s the Pirate King and I’m the world’s greatest swordsman and we’re living on your ocean,” Zoro continues, trailing kisses along Sanji’s hips as he recites the dreams they swore to achieve. “You’ll give me pups then right?”  
“I didn’t realise we agreed to pups plural?” Sanji jokes, more to try and keep himself from giving into the fantasy of it.  
“You know I could never be satisfied with just one. Not when it’s with you.” Zoro says, resting his forehead directly onto Sanji’s stomach, leaving him looking almost as if he’s praying over it. “You’ll even let some get my green hair right? And they’ll all get your eyebrows.” 
Sanji doesn’t know the last time he heard Zoro that excited. It reminds him of the headstrong alpha second in command on the pirate crew he decided to throw his lot into who had matured into his steadfast mate.  
“Maybe if you’re lucky.” Sanji hopes they do inherit the alpha’s hair. Oh he’ll bitch about it when it happens. Can’t let the mosshead’s ego get too large. But he now can’t think about his future children without at least one of them having coarse green hair and a stubborn attitude.  
Zoro grins up at him.  
“You will,” Zoro says, ducking his head back down to press a kiss against Sanji’s stomach, his hands grabbing at the omega’s hips. “You’re gonna’ look so fucking hot while you’re growing them as well.”  
Sanji does laugh at that.  
“I’m going to look like a waddling land-whale.” He doesn’t have the delicate curves of a lady which are only accentuated by pregnancy. Lacks their soft plump skin that glows with the life they are carrying.  
Zoro snorts at that.  
“You will not,” he says with a nip at Sanji’s hip. “You are going to look so good. So strong. Fuck I don’t know how I’m gonna’ keep my hands off you. All full with my pup. Hell I’ll fuck another one into you before you’re even finished growing the first.”  
“That’s-“ Impossible. And the idea of having pregnancies that overlap giving his body no time without one of Zoro’s children growing in him should be almost repulsive. Sanji is going to blame his heat for the fact he finds it weirdly insanely hot.  
“You’ll be great with them,” Zoro continues, uncaring of Sanji’s broken-off attempt at interruption. One of his hands coming up to grope at Sanji’s chest. “Gonna’ be feeding them from the moment they’re born. They won’t know shit food until they move out to take the world for themselves.”  
Of course they will. No matter what they decide their dream to be their children are bound to achieve it. Will have grown up learning from the best in so many fields. Never once doubting on their parents support for them.  
“Moss-“ Sanji says, running a hand through Zoro’s hair. He can feel his heat stir back to life under his skin and he’s pretty sure it’s affecting the alpha too. 
“Shit. I’m going to fuck you so good. Fill you with knot and my pups. Our strong healthy pups,” Zoro continues to babble.  
Strong pups that will be trained by the world’s greatest swordsman and fed on the abundance of fish in the All Blue. Who will never know real hunger and know that love and care is as important as training at being your best. Will learn to cook at Sanji’s side and take afternoon naps with Zoro.  
“Fuck – I need you to shut up now,” Sanji says, his grip on Zoro’s hair tugging the alpha up off him.  
Zoro gives a questioning hum like he isn’t aware of what he’s fucking doing.  
Sanji pulls him up by the hair for a kiss before he can open his stupid mouth again.  
“You need to shut the fuck up and fuck me,” Sanji orders. Because if the bastard keeps going Sanji might not be able to stay strong on their agreement that they weren’t going to have pups until all their dreams were achieved.  
Zoro grins at him like he knows but his hands grab at Sanji’s thighs as he does as he’s commanded.  
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bangchansgirlsblog · 8 months
Need a part 2 of the Hyunjin introducing his gf fic !!!
And for requests maybe skz chan and reader get into an argument and the other members side with him too cause of a misunderstanding and u feel wronged so u go off the grid like Mia without your phone and when they realise that it was just a misconception they call u but you're obvi not picking up ...and they show up to your apartment or sum but you ignore them?
I love your writing so much ASJSJFJDJSJA
“The fight”
Warning: Angst
Pairing: Chan x reader
Summary: the fight over who sings what and why you can’t sing a specific part
HELP- DHURHEHS to whoever requested this I’m so sorry 😭I’m gonna make an actual better one yeah? Just bear with me on this one. 🩷
I had such bad writers block and I couldn’t think of anything 😔
Being in a relationship with one of your band mates is hard. It's the hardest thing you'll do and you'll probably end up broken up and out the band.
That didn't happened to me (thank God) but the day they told us that we had a comeback soon and we also had tour coming soon we all knew this was fighting season.
The season where we all fought each-other and couldn't stand each-other because of all the hours in the studio rooms together.
The season we all stepped on each-other's toes or bumped into one another learning new choreography.
The season where we had to learn 10+ dances with 15+ different concepts. Makeup 24/7 to hide our eye bags and avoid fans with the same questions. "What's the new album about?" Or "do we have a Y/n and Chan collaboration??"
Comeback season was the season where anxiety was high and our coffeee intake was higher and I was slowly losing my patience.
I was a ticking time bomb.
"Chan I think that I.N's verse should go here," I tell my boyfriend who was sat on his rolling chair. We were all sitting in the studio and throwing ideas back and forth the whole straykids song. "See if I.N sings this part then I'll sing this part cause I can't sing that high note Chan. I really can't."
"Changing that will have to make us change everything again babe because I.N's voice can't go right after Seungmin's voice then back to your voice," He sighs while rubbing his tired eyes and yanking at his hair.
This song was getting to all of us. It was the last one after all so it had to be the best song in the album. The best one so stays could sing along.
"Chan's right because then me and Han will have to change verses again, which will mess up the whole song." Changbin adds on. He was laying on Hyunjin's lap while Hyunjin slowly scrolled through whatever it was he was on.
"I know but you guys gave me the hardest part and you know I'm singing all the high notes in almost all songs!" I exclaim and roll my eyes.
This wasn't our first argument today. It was obvious but we had to get everything done. Even if this was our 20th argument we had to get everything done. That's all that mattered.
"Y/n. You don't have to be so difficult. Just do it," Chan says while putting down his book and pen and letting out another frustrated sigh.
I frown at the fact that they refused to listen to me. Nothing would have to be difficult if they just listened.
"I'm not being difficult I'm just telling you guys my voice won't be able to handle-"
"Y/n you've complain this whole day, can you just please stop. My head is banging," Leeknow cuts me out. He was laying in the corner on the couch. Head down with a hat on. "Look I love you but just do it. It can't be that hard," He grumbles and closes his eyes.
The boys were all silent clearly not going to back me up and it hurt. I wasn't being annoying. I know I wasn't because my voice ached. My voice was strained and they didn't even care.
My vision goes blurry as I just sit back and keep quiet, not daring to speak because of the fear of my voice failing.
"Can you not cry right now please? You've cried the whole day too and I'm tired of it. You can't cry out of every situation," Chan, my boyfriend, MY boyfriend says y heart breaks into millions of pieces.
His eyes go wide as he realizes the damage his caused. His body quickly turning to my direction as he reaches out for my hand.
"Really Chan? Are you being Foreal right now?" I get up from the chair I was in. The hot tears starting to slowly fall down my cheek.
"No wait babe I didn't mean that-"
"Maybe if I'm such a cry baby I shouldn’t be in the fucking group." I spit at him with so my venom in my tone.
"No babe I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that, okay? Let's just chill out right now."
If they thought I was this horrible they should just kick me out of the team. They clearly won't listen to me. Why would Chan treat me like this?
"Why do you guys never listen to what I have to say about anything? Y'all always just do what you want!" I exclaim and get up from my chair causing Chan to stand up and the boys to pay attention.
"We do listen to you baby, sometimes is just that your ideas aren't the best and affect all of us."
"I'm trying to tell you that I can't hit that note and Seungmin can, why do you have to be so difficult about it?"
"I'm the difficult one? I'm the difficult one?" He exclaims and throws his hands up in the air.
"Y/n maybe let's not start an argument right now," Felix interrupts our conversation making me glare at him.
I glare at Felix as more anger fills me.
"Felix are you really taking his side right now?"
"I'm not in just saying we shouldn't be arguing like this, it's getting too much!"
"Okay then I'll leave-"
"Are you serious right now bro? We have things to do," Han says jumping into the argument.
"Then do them without me! I'm done with this." I start grabbing my stuff and furiously wiping my now flowing tears.
"Ugh!" Chan growls and throws something at the wall causing my to jump. I look up at him and watch him rubbing his temples and mumbling words.
I was clearly not going to be listen to and I was clearly being "difficult". I refuse to be around any of them. Atleast not right now.
Without hesitating I grab my stuff and walk out the door hearing a "No wait don't go!" Before I slam it.
But then the door automatically opens right after and I hear my name being called.
"Babe stop, come back. I'm sorry okay?" I hear Chan's footsteps getting closer to me. I don't even bother to look his way but his hand had already wrapped around mine and he turned me around.
"Leave me alone Chan. I'm tired of fighting you."
"I'm not fighting you baby, let's talk please? Let's figure it out." His hand quickly wraps around my waist as he pulls me to somewhere quiet.
I look at him eager for him to start the conversation and he can sense it.
"Tell me why you don't want to sing that part of the song when we both know you can,"
He softly says as his hands rub mine.
"Chan it's nothing.."
"It's something because something's wrong and you're not telling me."
"My voice.." I start before clearing my throat and looking into his eyes that we're searching for mine "My throat hurts everytime I sing now and I'm slowly losing it Chan,"
"What? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I didn't want to worry you-"
"Baby I am supposed to worry about you, I'm still your group leader and anything that happens to you will be braught back to me. Have you checked with the medical stuff?"
"Yeah I did, they said I should be put on vocal rest."
"That's really bad baby, you should have just told us and we could have figured out stuff, I'm sorry I tried to push you,"
"It's okay, I know I can be a handful sometimes,"
"No don't say that, your not a handful. We just have to listen to you and stop being jerks."
"Yeah I can agree with that." I let out a chuckle and he smiles.
"I love you," his hands wipe my tears and he kisses my forehead.
"I love you too baby."
"Let's go back in the studio and I'll explain everything to the boys yeah? I'm sure they'll be more lenient now." He softly says and intertwines our fingers.
Thank you for the request baby🩷
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ghostlythunderbird · 1 year
Can we get some more Omega-Verse HC with König and his mate?
maybe how they first met? Idk, I just really crave some more omega verse stuff with him.
love your work! <3
Omegaverse ~ König and how he met his mate
OMG wow my first ever ask! Ngl this has inspired me to write one for each of the boys, but Anon this one is for you! Hope you and everyone enjoy and once again a special thanks to @l-lend and @kelpiesummer for throwing ideas at me XD.
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Now both your and Konig’s first meeting is the farthest thing from perfect, and remember when I said you literally barged into his life? I was being serious.
Now I’m just gonna say that you're secretly an Omega, but in order to get higher paying and government related jobs (cause that’s where the money is at) you cannot be anything less than a Beta. To safeguard your identity you have both high end scent patches and pill suppressants.
And after making sure no one could tell what your true second gender was, you applied to become a part of a Rut Retrieval Team. Your assigned member? The Austrian Apex known as König. But what you didn’t know about this supposedly dangerous second gender, was that even the least sensitive apex could still pick up on what you were even with patches and suppressants.
Now your team are the only people who can handle him after he’s coming down after a rut, primarily because many think he would be extremely dangerous. So after being dispatched somewhere in Spain, your team finally finds him while he’s still both coming off his rut and the excessive amounts of adrenaline. He was showing signs that he didn’t really want the team there but made no moves to act.
But when someone reached for him, he grabbed the much smaller beta male and practically threw him before attempting to pummel the poor guy. And in order to protect your teammate, you barrel into the apex and attempt to wrap your arms around his neck to make him stop. One main way to calm down an apex would be with a heavily scented pad that had an omegas heat scent doused into it. But before you could apply it, he grabbed your wrist and pressed his nose to your covered scent gland instead before quickly letting go.
The scent that washed over him was much stronger than could have ever been on the cloth, but once he realized there was a scent patch there he dropped your wrist like it practically burned him. You both didn’t move after that but your gazes were locked almost like a trance.
Thankfully your team didn’t catch this interaction between the two of you, as they were more focused on the beta on the ground. But once they see how he’s decently calm, they begin moving him to evac to get him back to the KorTac base. Your team didn’t desire to be anywhere near him after his earlier display so you end up being voluntold to secure him while your team is on security outside the helicopter.
König hadn’t said anything during the duration of his retrieval, he was completely silent but all he did was just keep a watchful gaze as you strapped him in. His gaze wasn’t broken until you had brought that dreaded muzzle into his view, he zeroed in on it and without a single thought he had asked “Your an Omega aren’t you?”. To König it was more of a shot in the dark, and wasn't fully expecting you to answer him.
It wasn’t until he had looked up and froze, your eyes were wide from under your mask; the fear was evident. Your grip on the muzzle tightened and the instinctive urge to get away from him was starting to take over. But before you could fully take a step back he had moved, yanking the muzzle from your grasp and had tightened it before you could blink. He had practically shrunk in on himself and made no move to look at you, even though it had no change on his height or mass for someone of his massive size. The poor guy didn’t want to scare you, and make him seem like the monster so many make him out to be.
It was odd to say the least. You had been told that Apexes were demanding and took whatever they wanted whenever. But this odd apex has only become more interesting to you in just a short amount of time. It wasn’t until he had looked in your direction and muttered a “Don’t worry your secret's safe with me, Ich verspreche es dir~.” That you had decided to try and get to know this enigma of a man much better. And you definitely never looked back after that chance encounter.
Translation : “Ich verspreche es dir” - I promise you (sorry if this is wrong, I’m using google translate because I’m an uneducated American XD)
Taglist: @l-lend, @kelpiesummer, @fatedeniedhope, @grizzersmamma
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liyawritesss · 1 year
ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴀʟᴇꜱ [ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-ᴍᴀɴ] ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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Characters: Spider-Verse!Miles Morales [Spider-Man]
Type: headcanons
Synopsis: general thoughts and headcanons for everyone's favorite afro-latino spiderman!
Warnings: some cursing but overall no warnings. KEEP IT CUTE AND PG-16 CUZ THIS IS STILL NEPHEW WE TALKIN BOUT HERE!!!
A/N: went to see atsv and i’m absolutely floored by that movie…it’s definitely giving me new material to write abt and a new hyperfixation so buckle up yall cuz the next few posts are gonna be all spiderman related!!
Tags: @6-noir @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @jacuzziwaters @venusdraco @mbakuetshurisprincess @shuriszn @verachii @writingintheshadowsforever @cafehyunji @lulu-network @niyahwrites @pantherheart @marsfunzon22
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First off I wanna say this is my SON, and on everything i love i will throw hands over him, if anybody wanna try it prepare to be demolished cuz I will NOT spare you. This is a lil boy ion wanna see none of yall sniffin around him period. I will gladly held you find your mind if you wanna lose it today!!!
Okay, no that that spiel is over, we’ve got some headcanons to address about everyone's favorite afro-latino spiderman
He’s so precious. Idc if you know already I’m telling you again, he is the most precious thing in the world. He has a heart of gold and wears it on his sleeve, he’s always looking out for people and wants to see the best in everything and everyone. Which, while it is a good characteristic to have, can sometimes put him in tough situations, and sometimes it doesn’t end well.
He’s such a momma’s boy, but like the good momma’s boy where he adapts the things Rio teaches him and repays her by being a good filial son, even though he’s growing up and wanting to branch out. If he’s having emotional trouble, he’ll come to her to try and figure out how to express himself and understand how he’s feeling. On special occasions, or just when he notices her mood is off, Miles will conspire with his dad to do something small but special for his mom, like make breakfast or drop off flowers at her work. She’s always super appreciative of it too
Waking up for him is hell in the morning, because he is not a morning person at all. It’s worse if he went on patrol the night before (which, 9/10, he has) and he almost always sleeps through his alarm. He’s the type to have to have several alarms set to get up up, because otherwise he will sleep through the day
Similarly, Miles also finds it hard for him to sleep most nights. In the beginning of his career being Spiderman he would almost never go to sleep really. Even the trick of using nyquil or melatonin gummies didn’t work because his mind was always on one hundred, thinking about everything and nothing all at once. Though as he meets friends he can confide in and grows older he learns how to manage that kind of stress, which makes it easier to sleep. Though the insomnia never truly leaves him unfortunately, and its something he has to take with him for the rest of his life
Despite his introverted self, and the fact that he tends to want to keep to himself more often than not, Miles is actually very easy to talk to and if given the time and patience, great at making friends. He’s awkward at first because he wants to measure his interactions based on the vibe of the person he’s talking to, but you will find a hardcore loyal and caring friend in Miles.
So emotionally aware that it almost hurts. He’ll be upset and know why he’s upset, but sometimes wishes he didn’t know because in some situations he may not think his emotions are valid. And because he’s such an intentional person and a hyper empath, everything he feels is multiplied by ten. So if you fuck him over, he’s probably more upset about it than you’ll ever be if you were upset at fucking him over, if that makes sense?
He’s a cuddle-bug and nothing will change my mind about it! He had hella teddy bears as a little boy and would get upset if Rio took them to be washed because he was afraid he wouldn’t see them again. For no reason in particular he’s slowly dissipated his teddy bear collection and now uses a very fluffy body pillow to hold on to as he sleeps. Sometimes if he’s sick or just very down in the dumps and Rio notices, she’ll climb into bed with him for a while and comfort him
A decent cook actually as well! He was always in the kitchen when his mom and his tia’s came over to cook so he knows how to throw down in the kitchen a lil bit. His favorite thing to make is tamales because while the process may be tedious, it allows him to unwind and clear his mind while focusing on the preparation of them.
Miles’ is the type that when he goes into the store he will always, without fail, buy a new notebook/sketchpad. He may not even need it, he may already have like ten new ones he has yet to break in, but he always likes to stay prepared for when his current one runs out. He also likes to alternate between them or dedicate certain notebooks to certain muses or drawing preferences
Will squeak out of surprise and say something in spanish if he’s startled or scared. And I’m talking like a girlish squeak and it's so cute but he’d be so embarrassed, cuz why did you have to sneak up on him like that? He was doing perfectly fine til you wanted to give him a heart attack.
On the topic of spanish, he isn’t that confident in it so he doesn’t really like to speak it if its not with his family, because he just knows he’s gonna fuck it up. So if he feels like there's pressure in a conversation where he knows he’s going to have to speak it at some point, he’ll try to back out before that happens
Miles gets so fascinated with things all the time. It happens mostly when he’s either strolling through the neighborhood or he’s on patrol. Definitely checks himself out in the glass of skyscrapers…then promptly remembers that there are people behind said glass that can see him and hurriedly swings off. And if a new pair of Jordans have been teased? Best believe he’s doing all the chores and buttering up his parents so that he can get them as soon as they drop
Speaking of Jordans; this boy is such a sneakerhead it’s insane. His dorm room AND his room at home are full of shoe boxes he has yet to style with some clothes. Keeps telling his parents “I’ma wear ‘em, I’ma wear ‘em!” but he never has the time to cuz he’s too preoccupied with being a good student and Spiderman to prioritize style over comfort (even tho he do still be fresh n clean)
He’s also the best bestie to have. Texts you tiktoks, checks in on you at seemingly always the right time. If you go to school together then you know you’re hanging out after classes. And if you need help in the sciences, Miles is the best tutor ever. And his family loves you, so birthdays, christmas and other holidays, if you’re not already celebrating with your folks, if you don’t fuck with them like that, or if you don’t have a real family, he’s inviting you over his place all the time so that you never have to feel alone.
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yowyowyaoi · 10 months
Kisame’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Deidara
Me and Tobi found a big muddy hole full of earthworms, let’s go fishing! 😁
We finished it last night, sorry 
I was just teasing him!
Exploding or boring?
Not a tea person but thanks anyway 
LMAOOO he probably pissed himself 🤣
Pls tell Itachi I’m not gonna hurt her I just want to pet her for a while!
Leader said he’ll kill us if we do it again so no probably not 😓
You gotta use the conditioner too or else it won’t be effective 
I’ll ask him but he don’t really like places like that. Says they’re too happy 🙄
From Hidan
If you have two does that mean one sleeps while the other fucks or ?
No offense but it’s literally so boring I can’t sit still that long 
I would say he’s giving you blue balls but.
Can’t imagine giving a shit but 🤷‍♂️
Tried that once. Got the mask halfway off and suddenly felt like I was drowning. Never again.
Old bastard said no 😑
You need to watch him he takes like two bites and pushes the plate away 
How? Half of us are gay half are insane and some are both 🤣
One dick, two dicks, your dicks, BLUE dicks! Lol get it??
From Sasori
Thanks but water erodes my “skin”.
I’m done reading it, you can borrow if you like.
Please make sure he puts on sunscreen he’s too stubborn to listen to me.
Don’t really remember all that well but I believe it was ice cream.
He has to *want* treatment and so far he’s turned down every offer Kakuzu or myself has made.
They make for more appealing puppets if they have some unique physical characteristic while they’re still living.
I’ll probably marry him some day but first he has to work on not blowing himself to bits.
Oh of course. You know you don’t need to ask.
From Kakuzu
Hey I almost beat you and I’m 60+ years your senior.
Just this once … no charge. Worth it to see him freak out like that.
I’m not very well-versed in animal anatomy but I can take a look and try my best.
EVERYBODY pays. Itachi too.
Fits nice. My thanks.
This place is falling apart, if it’s not one thing it’s another.
It’s annoying but I don’t see any serious long-term effects.
From Konan
That’s so sweet, thank you ☺️ 
Write down the exact kind for me, I’ll pick it up the next time I go to the market.
He’s a sweetheart isn’t he? 🥰
I’ll take your word for it, but ducks are so cute I don’t think I could eat one.
Come to my room I have some eye drops that’ll help him.
If I let that happen no work would ever be done and they’d likely kill each other.
So many miles, with these heels it’s hard on my feet.
If you want it that rare then there’s really no point to me cooking it at all 😒
At this point the yelling has become background music.
Me on one shoulder and Itachi on the other. You big show-off 😁
From Tobi/Obito
You only beat me because Deidara distracted me!
Forty cookies isn’t even that many. Plus Itachi ate two more.
Kakuzu said to earn the money myself so I stole one of his bounties 🤷🏻‍♂️
Itches. A LOT.
Can’t stand tea but if you have any hot chocolate, yeah.
You should hang out with Zetsu more often then. Like one never-ending picnic.
He really wants to go but I don’t have a pole. You have a spare?
Yeah but he might let us get a fish-tank if YOU said you needed it, like for health or something 
Sushi? Isn’t that cannibalism?!
Fuck him AND his perfect ass. Literally and figuratively.
Don’t give me that “kid” shit, we’re like the same age!
From Zetsu
You want to split that guy’s leg with me? He was very fat, lots of good meat 😋
He’s a good man but doesn’t his dubious emotional state concern you?
It’s a lot like hearing two voices at once. Constantly. 
It’s no fun if they don’t scream a bit first. You know this.
I did the scouting; that lake about five miles up the road is both deep and fairly clean.
Let’s hide under his bed and scare him. I bet money we can get him to soil himself while crying for that damn Jashin 🤣
From Nagato
I thank you for the tea. It helped me to sleep.
Well, keep an eye on him.
The pain is worse when I stand but Sasori is working on prosthetics for me that may solve the problem.
As long as you return in time for your next mission.
Get that looked at as soon as possible. We can’t afford to have you out of commission.
I do, but she deserves so much better than myself.
I’ll speak to Kakuzu about getting you a new one.
If you two are going to do that, please keep it away from our hideouts. It disturbs Konan to hear the screaming.
From Itachi
I ate this morning. Promise.
That wasn’t Hidan’s fault, I’d forgotten to take my pill so my reflexes were slow.
Just consider it. Uchiha Kisame. Say it out loud. It’s beautiful 😌
Can you check if I left that shirt in your room?
Dei and I went there last night. The manager banned us for life because Dei set off a C3 in the men’s room. 😑
Fine. You buy the skirt I’ll “model” it for you.
Sad. Come stay with me please.
You worry too much.
That picture is for YOUR EYES ONLY. 
Aww what do you mean? Kitty loves you she’s not trying to eat you!
It’s one that Konan gave me. It’s really good you’d probably like it too.
I didn’t *fall* in, he *pushed* me. Big difference.
Mom taught me when I was younger. I can teach you too if you want.
You’re mine too. Always ❤️
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dyke-will-graham · 5 months
My list of songs so Hannigram coded it’s insane and the lyrics that make them so:
Salt in the Wound- Boygenius
‘You put salt in the wound, and a kiss on my cheek. You butter me up and you sit down to eat’
‘Neck full of mockingbirds all calling your name…I’m gnashing my teeth like a child of Cain’
I’m Your Man- Mitski
‘You’re an Angel, I’m a dog. Or you’re a dog and I’m you’re man. You believe me like a God, I destroy you like I am.’
‘I’m sorry I’m the one you love, no one will ever love me like you again so when you leave me I should die. I deserve it don’t I?’
Famous Last Words (an Ode to Eaters) - Ethel Cain
‘Look at me baby, dead in my eyes. It’s the end of our holiday, but it isn’t goodbye. Carry me with you all of the time.’
‘Eat of me baby, skin to the bone. Body on body until I’m all gone. But I’m with you inside.’
It Will Come Back- Hozier
All I’m gonna say is first verse is Hannibal POV, second is Will POV talking to eachother I could write a damn essay on this song and Hannigram
Shrike- Hozier
‘The words hung above, but never would form. Like a cry at the final breathe that is drawn. Remember me love, when I am reborn as the Shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn.’
‘Had no idea on the ground i was founded, oh that goodness is gone with you now. Then I met you, my virtues uncounted. My goodness is goin with you now.’
‘Back to the hedgerow where the bodies are mounted’
Abbey- Mitski
‘I am hungry, I have been hungry, I was born hungry, what do I need?’
Butchered Tongue- Hozier
This one I think is Will when he married Molly and settling into his new life but still looking for Hannibal in everything.
Talk- Hozier
Once again getting into the Greek mythology themes and Hannigram parallels. Orpheus and Eurydice as Will and Hannibal haunts me.
‘I’d be the immediate in Eurydice, imagine being loved by me.”
Paralleled with the scenes of Hannibal and Wills seperate “I forgive you”.
Me and My Husband - Mitski
‘At least in this lifetime we’re sticking together.’
This is a little cracky, but this song reminds me of the way Hannibal and Will are chasing potentials and scenarios where they can stay together. Teacups and all that and yes the world is on fire but Hannibal and Will are together so it’s okay.
Breezeblocks- alt-j
Enough said.
NFWMB - Hozier
‘Give your heart and soul to charity. Because the rest of you, the best of you Honey belongs to me.’
The possessiveness of Hannibal and Will over eachother is insane, we know this. And I think people forget that Will is just as bad as Hannibal about it. (Just see any interaction between Bedelia and Will for evidence)
Salvatore- Lana Del Rey
“The summers wild and I’ve been waiting for you all this time. I adore you can’t you see you were meant for me?”
“Catch me if you can…dying at the hand of a foreign man, happily.”
Once More to See You- Mitski
“But with everybody watching us, our every move. We do have reputations, we keep it secret, won’t let them have it.”
“If you would let me give you pinky promise kisses then I wouldn’t have to scream your name.”
Televangelism- Ethel Cain
No lyrics in this one, just piano and the sound of me crying softly. This song is EVERYTHING the Primavera scene was in Dolce. Please listen. The slow build, the melodic flutter of a heartbeat the rise and ascension when they see each other and smile at one another, the acceptance of fate, the knowledge of love. “You and I have begun to blur.”
anything - Adrienne Lenker
“I don’t wanna be the owner of your fantasy I just wanna be a part of your family.”
Savior Complex- Phoebe Bridgers
“Drift off on the floor, I drag you to the shore. Sweating through the sheets you’re gonna drown in your sleep for sure. Wake up and start a fire in our one room apartment but I’m too tired to have a pissing contest, all the bad dreams that you hide show me yours I’ll show you mine.”
“Baby you’re a Vampire, you want blood and I promised I’m a good liar with a savior complex.”
Pre-Mizumono to Post-Fall Hannigram can be found everywhere in this song.
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l0ve-bug-m1les · 11 months
Spider-Band With a S/o Who Hyperfixates on Things Hard
Miles Morales, Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, and Pavitr Prabhakar (separate) x Gn!Reader
Warnings: None! (Except my attempt at British talking—)
Summary: Really what the title says—
A/n: This is actually an idea i had when i first fell into the spider verse fandom but didn’t have anyone to talk to about it. Glad ya’ll picked this one! Enjoy!! Also lmk if any of ya’ll wanna be on a tag list!! I know i don’t write all that much but still—
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Miles Morales 🌻🎧🌻
Bby is here for it
Always listening to what you have to say and never complaining
I have a feeling he’d be just as excited as you even if he’s got no clue what you’re talking about
He’d try to get into your interests with you no matter how outlandish they may seem
(I mean he’s basically a spider what’s so weird about fnaf lore—)
Definitely draws you things based off of the subject
“You said they were your favorite, right?”
Is always sending you memes and funny videos about your interest
Asks you for updates on your interest if it’s a series
Holds you when something bad happens and you’re sad
“Shh, shh…Hey, at least they existed, right?—Oh, no that made it worse—“
Going back to rambles, he’s always listening but maybe not always looking at you
But trust me
That boy could recite what you say perfectly
He just likes to listen while he works or draws
Has definitely made a mural of you and him in the world together (used it as a date spot. It’s true, he told me)
20/10 boyfriend
(I mean they all are but like—)
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Hobie Brown 🎸⚡️🎸
Will spend hours learning songs related to your interest
But then he’s like
“What? Oh, i been knowin’ this song, luv. What’re ya on about?”
Say for instance, you dive deep into an artist or band
Obviously, Hobie’s gonna ask you about them
But would never ask you for your favorite songs because he’s “Too busy writing his own”
So he just pays really close attention to the songs you talk the most about
(As i previously stated, he learns them all and plays it off)
When you figure it out he’s just like:
“Took ya long enough, luv”
He also listens to your rants about whatever it is (much like Miles and everyone else here but shhh)
But here’s why he stands out
This man can keep up
He can and will remember all about it, and basically know about much as you do
Steals things from stores that are from the series or whatever it is
“Hobie, how’d you get this?” “It was on display and i knew you’d love it.” “Wow! I thought you didn’t buy things from brands..” “…” “You stole it…”
You’re too busy loving whatever it is to stay mad
(But we all knew you weren’t mad)
If you think your interest is cringey then you’re WRONG
“But it’s for kids—“ “And? So what?” “Well…uhm….hm.” “Yeah. Thought so. Now keep goin’, I’m invested.”
(But also in general, bby. Love what you love and come to me if anyone says it “weird” or “cringey”. I’ll beat them up bestie<33)
All in all, a king<33
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Gwen Stacy 🩰🥁🩰
I’m gonna be honest
She is lost
Even if you go over things twenty times she still won’t get it
And that’s okay!
She takes notes and tries to keep up
Definitely proud of herself when she gets a detail right
“And then—“ “Wait, wait. Let me guess…He…he burned the pizzeria down, right” “Uhm—yeah, actually!” “*insert proud face*”
(Woah look at the trans flag colors^^^)
Definitely binge watches or reads your interest and learns as much as she can
She keeps a notebook full of her notes that she refers back to whenever you two are on call
She played it off as writing down some notes for school
But one day, she asked you to grab her suit from inside her drum set, and you found the notebook
It caught your eye because it had the name of your interest on it and you were like:
“Hey, Gwen? What’s this?” You showed her the notebook
I wish you could see my vision
When i tell you Gwen stood there for a good minute
I mean she stood there for several
She just admitted to it and was all red and fidgety
Since this is her world, she was cast in mostly pink and red hues and the space around her fluttered yellow
You end up going through it with her, and talk about your favorite bits
Overall? She deserves several gold stars and cookies
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Pavitr Prabhakar 🍵☀️🍵
Bby is here for it
Whenever you get excited he’s excited
When you’re on the verge of tears he’s already crying
He is your favorite character’s number one supporter
He’s always going on and on with you about your interests
Because unlike the others, he manages to actually get into whatever it is you’re talking about and not just keep up
It’s honestly a skill of his
I feel like Pav also has special interests that he dives deep into
Deep deep
Same as you so you two get along well :D
He’s always looking for the newest content and sending it to you always
“Hey! They said the next episode would be released next Tuesday!! :DDD” “There’s a new theory for the last volume!”
It’d be cute if that’s how you met and became friends
You spend sleepovers diving into your shared and separate interests with eachother
You know what’d be funny?
If he also info dumps onto the villains he fights
Hear me out
Pav tying up a villain who tried to rob a place and just going
“Yeah, so me and my partner have a theory for why—“
And the villain is just like
But they’d never say that because it’s Spider-Man
All in all, your number one hype man and best friend :]
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lights will guide you home (p.m.m.)
a/n: this is the if i stay!au i never intended to actually write, but it feels like a long time coming. this is not same mistakes-verse canon but an AU that takes place inside the same mistakes universe? does that make sense? anyways, there’s a playlist for this fic and um i think i’m gonna go sob now
summary: “If you want to go, I need you to know that it’s going to be okay.” 
Or: Maverick says goodbye. 
title comes from coldplay’s “fix you”
main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist | same mistakes-verse 
warnings: hurt/no comfort, heavy angst, major character death, car accidents, hospitals, ventilators, mentions of giving birth, rebel as a baby, blood, do not drive while under the influence, hit and run, medical inaccuracies, mentions of the afterlife, mentions of canon deaths, mentions of an afterlife, i think i broke the angst meter, 
word count: 6.1k
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tears stream down your face/when you lose something you can not replace
It’s quiet in the room. Barely lit. The only sound comes from the machine in the corner, from the ventilator keeping his daughter alive, the steady beeping of the machine measuring her heart rate.
He sighs, letting go of her hand and bringing his arm to rest on his knees. His head hangs down, his hands coming up in the gesture of a prayer.
He knows in his heart what he needs to do.
So he steels himself, searching for the strength to be brave just one last time, and be the father she needs him to be.
He takes a deep breath, taking her hand again as he shifts up to brush some of her hair away from her face. He allows his fingers to trail over her face, trying to memorize the way it feels under his calloused fingertips.
He squeezes her hand, hanging his head once more.
“If-” His voice gets caught in his throat and he has to cough to clear it.
Be brave, one more time.
He swallows, nodding to himself.
“If you want to go, I need you to know that it’s going to be okay.”
He remembers the first time he held her so clearly.
Maybe now more than ever.
He remembers how quiet it had been in the nursery. It was late at night and he shouldn’t have been there. But Natalie’s birth had been so stressful and chaotic that the nurse must have taken pity on him, letting him in to hold his daughter.
He remember reaching out for her little hand, so small and tiny and fragile.
He remembers the fear that had struck him cold.
He wasn’t ready for this. He wasn’t ready to be a father. He barely knew how to keep himself alive, why Goose and Carole trusted him Bradley was beyond him.
Deep down, he knew that wasn’t true. He’d go to the ends of the earth for the littlest Bradshaw. His buddy.
Even in her sleep, she’d wrapped her fingers around his own, nuzzling closer to his touch. His heart clenched at the movement, feeling an overwhelming sense of love come over him, quickly replacing the fear.
He reached down, gingerly picking her up. He was afraid he’d wake her but all she did was hum as he gently pulled her to his chest. He held her over his heartbeat, slowly rubbing his hand up and down her back.
She was so small.
“Hi baby.” He whispers. “It’s your Daddy. It’s late right now, so we can officially be introduced in the morning, but I just wanted to come say hi.”
She yawns, nuzzling closer to him.
If it’s possible, love blooms even brighter in his chest, a sense of pride swelling in him.
This was his child.
He bows his head, tucking his chin on top of her head, hiding the tears at the fact that Carole and Goose had been right, that all he needed was to see her, and it would all click.
This was his daughter.
Looking down at the little child in his arms, he places a soft kiss to her head before gently putting her back down. He reaches out, tracing his fingertips over the few tufts of hair on her head.
He swears, in that moment, that he would do whatever it took to protect his daughter from harm.
He couldn’t protect her.
It’s all he can think of as Penny drives him to the hospital.
He should’ve been there to protect her.
The night is rainy, thundering against the rooftop of the car as he struggles to keep himself upright and breathing, mind racing with the worst possibilities. Out of the corner of his eye, he recognizes the movement of Penny glancing at him before reaching out to squeeze his thigh.
“She’ll be okay.” Penny whispers. “Your daughter is nothing if not a fighter.”
He knows that, rationally, he knows that.
But for as much of a fighter as his daughter is, he knows that the universe is just as much of a cruel temptress, who cares little about matters of life and death, of love and loss, of the people who are still needed on this earth.
Bradley needed her. Javy too. Amelia and yes, even Jake.
Many loved his daughter, even if she didn't always see it. Many needed her in their lives.
He still needed his daughter.
Getting the call, the worst call, had been like a bucket of ice down his spine.
The hospital hadn’t told him anything over the phone, which only stood to heighten his fears. They’d just asked him to come to the hospital as soon as he possibly could, which only made his worry grow.
The rest of the drive is a blur.
He remembers his breath getting caught in his throat as he stepped through the door, brain flashing back to the night Carole had checked into the hospital for the last time.
Penny squeezes his shoulder, bringing him back to the present. She nods at him, the smallest signs of encouragement, moving her hand down his arm to intertwine her fingers with his own.
You can do this.
He walks to the front desk, the nurse in green and pink scrubs with frogs looking up at him. “How may I help you?”
“My- my daughter.” Penny squeezes his hand as he forces himself to take a shaky breath. “I’m Pete Mitchell, I received a call that my daughter was in a car crash and was brought here?”
The nurse behind the one sitting, wearing all blue scrubs, looks up at him from a chart she’s looking over. “You’re Pete Mitchell?”
He nods, afraid of the look the flashes through her eyes at the sight of him, at the way she softens as she steps closer like he’s a wounded animal who might run.
“Your daughter is still in surgery. When she’s out of surgery, she’ll be moved to the ICU and at that time, you may see her. I’m afraid I can’t give you any more information at this time.”
“How- how did this happen?”
Someone clears their throat, prompting them to turn. An older man is standing next them. He’s wearing a police uniform, holding his cap in his hands.
There’s lines under his eyes, sign of years of laughter and love.
What won’t be for the first time that night, he’s struck with the realization that his daughter may never see those days.
“Mr. Mitchell, I’m Officer John Matthews. I was the responding officer at the scene. I rode with your daughter in the ambulance here and I’d be happy to fill you on what happened. I’d like to wait with you, if that’s alright.”
He realizes too late that there’s still blood on this man’s uniform.
His daughter’s blood.
“We’d love to know anything you can tell us.” Penny says from beside him.
His breathing is coming out in shorts bursts now as he zeroes in on the crimson stain against the Navy blue on this man’s uniform. It feels like he’s underwater as this man guides them to a set of chairs to sit.
A thought strikes him, breaking him out of the panic.
“I’ve- I’ve gotta call Brad. Do you think he knows? He needs to be here, he-” He stands up, staggering as he fumbles for his phone, patting his pockets.
“Mav!” A voice calls out from across the waiting room, sprinting towards him from the door.
His head swings up, barely catching sight of his son before his body barrels into him. Instinctively, he wraps his arms around him, trying to soothe his shaking body.
“They called, they wouldn’t tell me anything, oh God, please tell me she’s going to be okay-”
Bradley pulls away, wiping at his eyes furiously.
“Kiddo, I-” He shakes his head. “I don’t know. She’s still in surgery.”
“Why don’t you have a seat? Officer Matthews was just about to explain what happened, he was the responding officer on the scene.” Penny says softly from behind them. Bradley nods, moving to one of the chairs, pulling Maverick with him. “This is Bradley, her fiancé.”
Matthews gives Brad a small smile. “Hi son. Nice to meet you.”
Bradley gives a jerky nod in return.
Matthews sighs, running his hands over his pants. “Your daughter was hit by a driver who was driving while under the influence. Her car was t-boned on the driver side in the middle of the intersection. The driver had the red but sped through the intersection anyways, hitting her at 80 miles per hour. He took off after the accident, but because he was highly intoxicated and injured and on foot, he only made it a few blocks before officers caught up with him. He’s currently in custody and sustained minor injuries. We have traffic cam footage of the accident as well, so he will be facing charges.”
Matthews sounds like he’s rattling off a report he wrote, telling them the pure facts and nothing more.
“I was the responding officer at the scene. Because of the rain and the force of the impact, your daughter’s car slid on the asphalt and-” Matthews cuts himself off, taking a shaky breath before shutting his eyes. He doesn’t need the officer to continue to guess what happened next. “Mr. Mitchell, I am so sorry. We did everything we could at the scene to give her proper medical attention before EMTs got there. I am so sorry.”
Next to him, Bradley whimpers. “She was just supposed to be picking Harvard up. She was just supposed to pick him up and take him back to his house and come home. I offered to go with her, but she told me to stay in bed, that I looked too cozy with Buddy. I should’ve been there. It should’ve been me.”
Shoes squeak on the floor, causing them all to look up.
Javy is standing there, looking paler and shaky than he’s ever been, even after the time he went into g-loc the first time this group had all been together. He seems frozen in place, fear etched into every inch of his face.
Jake’s next to him, barely keeping Javy from tumbling to the floor.
Behind him, he can see Natasha’s shorter figure.
Bob towers over them, with Mickey leveling out the group.
The shoes they heard are attached to that of Reuben, who’s holding a coffee carrier. His wife Celia is next to him, holding two more.
No one seems sure what to say, all just looking at one another.
“If Rebel was here, she’d say we all look like the Spiderman meme.” Mickey breathes out, a ghost of a smile appearing on his face.
It’s Jake who laughs first, breaking the tension. “Garcia, could you read the room please?” He says through choked chuckles, head swinging back to the shorter man.
Mickey shrugs. “She would’ve thought it was funny.”
“I hate that you’re right and I can not wait to see the look on Rebel’s face when you tell her that.” Reuben says. “Now come on you lot, sit. We’re going to be here a while.” Reuben nods his head to chairs as they follow his direction, gathering around him and Bradley. “I brought coffee for everyone. The smallest of comfort right now, you know?”
The group is silent as they sit, taking their coffee from Reuben and Celia. When Reuben gets to Maverick, he wordlessly holds out the drink before sitting down next to him. Penny has since moved, talking with Celia and checking in with the aviators. He shifts the cardboard sleeve on the cup as Reuben sighs, leaning back in the chair.
“I’m really sorry Mav.” He says, shaking his head. “I’m- I’m a Dad and I can’t even imagine what you’re going through right now.”
“That explain the coffee?” He asks, holding the cup up.
Reuben chuckles. “That’s Celia’s idea. She’s holding it together for me, I think. Penny called me and Celia’s first instinct was to figure out how to make it better for everyone else. We fell in love with saints of women.”
He frowns, nodding.
Penny really had been great and things really hadn’t even begun to unfold.
He had no idea what would happen over the next 24 hours.
So yeah, maybe he could kind of understand the appeal of coffee, a small gift of something he didn’t have to worry about while he focused in on the one thing that did matter: his kid.
He isn’t sure how much longer he sits there, tearing at the edges of the cardboard sleeve. The waiting room is quiet, a nervous tension buzzing in the air. 
His pilots are quiet, maybe for the first time in their lives. 
Callie has appeared along with Billy and Neil. Her head is leaned on Billy’s shoulder, legs propped up on Billy’s lap. 
Mickey’s leaned back in his chair, Reuben’s arm thrown over his WSO. Celia is on the opposite side of Mickey, rubbing her arm up and down the man’s shoulders. 
Natasha is next to Brad, her hand on his knee. Bob’s next to them, arm slung over Nat’s shoulder as she leans into his chest. 
Javy won’t let Jake touch him, it seems. Javy’s head is in his hands all while Jake watches his boyfriend closely. 
“Pete Mitchell?” 
He looks up towards the voice. It’s the nurse from earlier, the one with the pink scrubs with frogs. 
“Your daughter is out of surgery. Dr. Hansley was wondering if he could have a word?” 
He nods, standing up from his chair with aching limbs as he walks towards the nurse and down a hallway with her, feeling almost like he’s walking towards hearing his daughter’s death sentence. 
The doctor meets them outside of the ICU, a younger man with glasses atop his nose. He almost looks like Bob. 
“Mr. Mitchell, it’s good to meet you. I’m Dr. Carlos Hansley, I was the chief surgeon who operated on your daughter.” 
“Is she going to be okay?” He asks abruptly, unable to bring himself to do the niceties. 
The doctor sighs. “Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee that. Your daughter had many mild contusions and lacerations along the left side of her body. In addition, she also had what is called a hemothorax, which is internal bleeding in the lungs. This was due to the impact of the collision and the subsequent rolling of the car. We had to sedate her and put her on a ventilator to allow for a chest tube to be inserted so as to drain the blood. We also suspect that she may have some brain swelling due to the collision, but our main priority was to drain the blood from her lungs.” 
He swallows, nodding. “So, what’s best case scenario we’re looking at here?” 
“Best case scenario? We are able to ween the sedation and take her off the ventilator at some point over the next few days, where she will be able to breath on her own.” The doctor pauses, biting his lip. 
“But there is no telling just how much her quality of life will be diminished, just that it will most likely be severe. As of right now, we are unable to tell the long-term consequences of the collision. Your daughter is physically stable right now. But it’s up to her to keep fighting and I want you to be fully aware that it may not be worth it to her.” Dr. Hansley sighs. “This is never easy to tell a parent but you should prepare yourself for the possibility that your daughter may not wake up.” 
His ears begin to ring at the words, suddenly feeling underwater once more. 
“Can I see her?” 
Dr. Hansley nods. “This is your daughter’s nurse, Jessica. Should you need anything while you’re with her, Jessica can help you and will be attending to your daughter. She will explain all the visitation rules while she is in the ICU.” 
He nods as the doctor excuses himself, walking down the hallway. 
“You mentioned something about a fiancé?” 
He nods, looking back down the hallway where he came from. “Yes, Bradley. He’s her fiancé.” 
She nods, gesturing back towards the hallway. “We usually limit visitors in the ICU to that of family, and although not legally married, I trust that he will want to be here. However, it seems that there are many people here who might wish to say goodbye to her, so I just ask that you all behave and limit yourselves to three in the room at a time.” 
“Do you think she’ll make it?” He hears himself asking before he can even register that the words have left his mouth. 
It almost feels like he’s floating. 
Jessica sighs. “It’s tough to say, Mr. Mitchell. I think that your daughter is going to be one hell of a fighter. Why don’t you stay with your daughter if it’s alright I inform her fiancé of her state?” 
He nods, starting towards the bed he can see his daughter laying on through the glass window on the door before stopping again. “We’re Navy.” He admits sheepishly. “They’re my pilots, they fly with my daughter. They’re family.” 
She gives him a soft smile. “Well then I’ll make sure they all know they’re welcome to come by. I’ll send Bradley down here as well.” 
“Thank you.” He whispers. 
“Of course, Mr. Mitchell.” 
“Pete. Please call me Pete.”
She nods. “Of course, Pete. Now go look after your daughter.” 
It’s the waiting that kills him from the inside out, unable to do anything more for his daughter than just wait. 
It’s not for another two days before the doctor informs them that they should probably start thinking about taking his daughter off the ventilator and letting her pass peacefully. 
Bradley rages. 
The next morning, everyone prepares to say their goodbyes. 
Despite the open offer to go with them, he keeps himself in the waiting room, Penny’s hand in his. 
Callie and Billy go first. Callie only makes it a few minutes before she re-appears, sobbing so hard he isn’t sure she’s breathing. 
Reuben and Celia go next, Celia bringing a little teddy bear Reuben’s boys, Elijah and Adrian, had picked out for her to bring her comfort in her last moments. 
When Celia leaves, Mickey joins Reuben. The two are in there for almost an hour and a half and he wonders what stories Mickey is telling her before he never gets the chance to. He briefly thinks he might be catching her up on the latest Marvel film she hadn't seen yet, although he couldn’t tell you what it was. 
Natasha and Bob go together, although Bob leaves before Natasha does, the girl spending another 45 minutes with his daughter. He wonders what kinds of promises she’s making about Bradley. 
“Do you know what you’re going to do yet?” 
He shakes his head slowly, unable to meet his girlfriend’s eyes. She sigh, shifting gently in the chair next to him as Amelia disappears down the hallway with Jake to go say goodbye. 
“I’ll support you no matter what choice you make Pete.” She says, taking his head and settling her chin into his shoulder. 
“I want to be selfish.” He says, his voice cracking. “I want to be selfish and tell her to stay. I want her to fight and I want her to make it. I want to be selfish and keep my daughter with me.” He shakes his head, swallowing as he finally turns to look Penny in the eye. “But she could live the rest of her life in pain. We have no idea what life would be life for her physically if she woke up, to say nothing of her mental state. And I would never forgive myself if my daughter spent another ten years on this Earth in pain all because I was selfish.” 
“We make sacrifices for the ones we love.” She whispers. 
“I just wish it didn’t have to be me.” 
“She loved you Pete.” Penny whispers, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade. “I know that doesn’t make it better or bring your daughter back but she loved you. She knows the sacrifice you’re making for her. You did right by your kid Pete.” 
“She deserved more time.” 
“I know but you’ve got to be brave enough to let her go. You’re strong enough to let her go and I’m right there with you.” 
“I love you, you know that?” 
She gives him a watery smile, pushing back some of his hair. He sits there a minute more, allowing himself to feel her love before he stands up. 
“Pete, wait.” 
He turns as Penny stands up, wrapping him in a hug. “Tell her I loved her too.” 
“She loved you Penny.” 
“My favorite thing about her. How much love she had to give to everyone.” She squeezes him before stepping back. “I’ll be right here.” 
He nods before sighing, turning away to walk towards his daughter’s room. He passes Amelia in the hallway and she stops, giving him a hug. He holds the girl to his chest, noting the way she’s grown up before his very eyes. 
“I’m sorry Maverick.” She whispers. 
“It’s okay A. She’ll be somewhere better, you know that.” She nods, wiping at her eyes once more before disappearing down the hallway towards her Mom. 
He finally reaches her room, pausing outside the cracked door, as he catches the sound of Jake’s voice. 
“-you didn’t even like me, you know?” The blonde sniffs and he suspects Jake might be barely suppressing tears. “You didn't even like me and yet you tried so hard for Javy.” Another sniff. “I think maybe that’s what I’ll miss most: your heart. You loved people so deeply, and you tried to see the best in everyone even when they’re just awful to you.” 
He pushes the door open a little wider, leaning against the doorframe as he takes in the pilot seated next to her bed. He’s holding one of her hands, head bent over her body. 
“You know, I- I would always argue with you just because I thought it was fucking funny. Javy always begged me to stop, told me that one day I was gonna get smacked and he wouldn’t feel sorry for me. But- But I loved that about us, you know? We argued and bickered and got in each other’s faces but you still would’ve picked the phone up at 3 am if I had called.” 
Jake sniffs again and as Maverick creeps closer into the room, he can see the fresh tear tracks on Jake’s face. 
“Getting to know you has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life. You were a light, Rebel, and the world will surely be darker without you. I’m- I’m sorry it had to end this way and those words feel hollow but I am. I’m sorry for all the things you’ll never get to see. I um- I bought that ring I was showing you.” Jake sniffs agains as Pete’s heart clenches. 
His daughter had been helping Jake plan to propose to Javy, he realizes. 
“It’s a shame you won’t be here to see it, because he’d want you to be here. He loved you with his whole heart, you know. You two truly were platonic soulmates and I loved y’alls friendship maybe more than you loved it. Because I knew that if something ever happened to me, you’d be there to look after him. So here’s my promise to you: I’ll look after them. I’ll look after Javy, I’ll look after Bradley, and I’ll even be sure to look after Pops. I don’t want you to worry that they’ll be alone because they won’t.” 
Jake rubs his hands over his face as he pulls away from her, standing up from his chair. 
“There’s some place better.” 
Jake jumps, turning to face him. 
“Mav, I-” 
“She really cared about you.” 
The pilot nods, glancing back at her. “She was a good friend. I’m really gonna miss her.” 
“There’s some place better.” He whispers, throat closing up as he looks back to his daughter. 
He knew what he needed to do. 
Jake pats him on the shoulder as he walks past. He stands there for a minute, just watching her before moving closer to her bed, sitting down in the chair Jake had abandoned as he picks up her hand. 
He squeezes it, looking over his daughter. He spies the little teddy bear tucked up on the bed, right next to her cheek. It almost makes it seem like she’s just fallen asleep. 
There was an ache settling in his chest, one he was never sure he’d fill, the same ache that had settled in his chest when Goose, Carole, Ice, left him. 
“If you want to go, I want you to know that it’s going to be okay.” He whispers, looking at her face. He rubs his thumbs over the bruised knuckles, wondering how they ended up here. 
She wasn’t supposed to beat him back to them. 
She was supposed to live a long, healthy life with Bradley and their dog and everything she had ever wanted. 
He decides in that moment that losing his child is more painful than anything he’s ever experienced as his breathing becomes ragged, eyes wet. 
“I want- I want to be selfish. I want to be selfish and tell you to stay, to fight, to be here with us. But I know that- that fighting may not be worth what you know will wait for you if you wake up. And I guess- I guess it’s kind of my choice here too, and that maybe I’m taking it away from you. But from the moment you were born, I-” 
He chokes on his breath, shuddering as he bows his head. “I promised to keep you safe. I promised I would protect you. And I’ve done a really shit job of it, haven’t I? I’ve failed you, every time, I’ve failed. And I won’t- I won’t fail you this time kiddo. I promise.” His voice cracks on the last word, body overcome with sobs. 
He isn’t sure how long he sits there, crying over her body, but the sky outside has darkened by the time he finally pulls himself together, the answer becoming clearer as he looks at her. 
Finally, he stands up, ready to face his decision. 
He sighs, closing the door behind him as he faces Javy and Bradley. They’re the only two left, minus Jake who’s lingering. He’d sent the rest of them home hours ago, wanting them to get some rest. They both watch him carefully as he pulls up a chair in front of them.
He swallows, the tears refusing to leave even as he tried to steady himself. “I have made the decision to pull her off the ventilator.” 
The words are quiet but Bradley’s next are not. 
“Mav, you can’t.” His eyes are wide and he can’t bring himself to meet them for too long, knowing he’s got the same betrayed look in his eye the day he found out he had pulled his papers. “Why are you just- why are you just giving up on her? She still has so much fight in her.” 
“Bradley, listen to me.” He says, doing his best to keep his voice measured. “We have no idea what it would be like for her if she survived. She would probably never fly again, she could spend the rest of her life in pain. I’m not taking that risk, not when she can go peacefully.” 
“No, she- she wouldn’t want you doing this.” 
“Bradley, you have to let her go.” He whispers. The pilot stands up abruptly, chair clattering to the floor from the force of the movement. 
“No!” He nearly shouts. “No, and I can’t believe I’m the only one fighting for her. I can’t believe you’re giving up on her like this! She’d be so disappointed in you, Mav.” Maverick winces, looking away from his son. 
“Brad, I’m sorry but this is what’s for the best for her.” 
“No, you’re wrong. I- I can’t be here.” 
Bradley turns, stalking down the hallway as he lets out a sigh, rubbing a hand over his face. 
“You’re doing the right thing.” Javy says quietly, even as he looks torn apart from the inside out. 
“You’re welcome to stay when they take the ventilator out until she passes.” 
Javy sniffs, shaking his head. “I can’t. I’m afraid- I’m afraid that if I stay, that’s going to be the only way I remember her. And I- I want to remember her the way I’ve always known my best friend. I want to remember her as the girl with the witty comments and who loved so fiercely. I want to remember her as full of life and not- not laying in a hospital bed.” 
He nods, reaching over to grasp Javy in a hug. The man returns it, tucking his head into his shoulder. “You were her best friend. No one can take that from you and it'll always be that way.” 
Javy nods, gripping him tighter. 
“I’m gonna go- I’m gonna go say goodbye to her.” 
He nods as Javy clings to him for a minute more before letting him go, moving to walk into the room. 
“Mav?” He turns, catching sight of Javy hesitating at her door. “Would- would you go with me? I’m- I’m scared.” 
He follows Javy into the room, shutting the door behind them. He stands, back resting against the wall, as Javy takes her hand. It’s all he does for a while, just looking at her. 
“I- I don’t even know where to start.” Javy whispers. “You were—are—my best friend. I don’t want to say goodbye because goodbye means that I have to move on with life without you in it and God, there’s never been a moment we’ve been friends where I thought of that as a possibility. I’m always- I’m always gonna remember you as the girl with the witty comebacks and insane flying skills and some of the best hugs.” Javy takes a shaky breath. “God, I always took for granted the time we had. I thought we’d have forever to get up to stupid shit and annoy our partners and I-” 
It’s then that Javy breaks down and he’s known his pilot long enough to know when he needs space. It’s hard on him too, watching all these people who had loved her have to say goodbye to her. 
It kills him to think that there might've been a point in her life where she had thought she wasn’t loved so strongly, so immensely. 
He walks blindly down the hallways to the nurses station where Jessica sits, typing something on the computer. She catches sight of him, offering him a soft smile. “Yes, Pete? What can I do for you?” 
He sighs, leaning against the counter. “I’ve decided I want to take her off the ventilator.” 
She sighs and nods. “I think you’re making the right choice here, Pete.” She says, standing up from the desk. 
“I hope so.” 
They walk down the hallway as she softly explains the procedure to him, how they’ll sedate her so she’ll feel no pain as she goes. She explains that they can be there the whole time so that she doesn’t have to be alone when she goes. 
As the reach the room, Javy’s still in there, Jake hugging his boyfriend as he cries. Javy pulls back when he spots them, Jake understanding in a moment what’s about to happen. 
Javy leaves the room, Jake offering him a final hug as he exits. He takes a deep breath, sitting down in a chair, as Jessica begins the process of taking her off the ventilator. He forces himself to watch, to hold his daughter’s hand as he tries to soothe her. 
Finally, as Jessica leaves, she rests a hand on his shoulder and whispers, “Let me know if you need anything.” He nods numbly, unable to look away from his daughter. She leaves, the sound of the door shutting behind her sounding through the room. 
He glances at the monitor, realizing her numbers aren’t going down like they should be. 
“Why is she fighting?” He whispers, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. “It’s okay sweetheart. I’m here, please don’t fight it, please just let go. It’s okay, I’m telling you it’s okay to go.” 
He nervously watches the numbers on the machine next to her, wondering if she’s in pain, desperately hoping she’s not panicking and thinking they abandoned her. 
“It’s okay, honey. Let go. I’m right here honey, it’s okay.” 
The door opens, revealing Bradley, who looks beyond distraught. His hair is tugged in wildly different directions, eyes red as his face is covered in tear tracks. He shuts the door quietly behind him, walking to sit down next to her. 
“How’s she doing?” He whispers, taking her other hand. 
“Fighting it.” 
Bradley grimaces, leaning forward to run his fingers over her forehead and down her cheek. “It’s okay baby. Your Dad and I, we’re right here. Let go. It’s okay to go, please don’t fight it.” 
He watches as his daughter’s numbers settle to how Jessica told him they should, almost like she’s breathing a sigh of relief as Bradley tells her it’s okay. 
“I love you, baby. It’s okay to go. Go to Mom and Dad, they’ll take care of you. I’ll be okay, I promise. I know you’ll wait for me. Just let go, let them take care of you.” 
His throat closes as he watches Bradley say goodbye, intertwining his fingers with her own. 
He forces himself to not watch the numbers on the machine that signal her getting closer to passing but instead focuses in on her face, the last few moments he has with his daughter. 
“I love you sweetheart. It’s okay, you don’t have to be scared. Ice is waiting for you.” He whispers, squeezing your hand. “He’ll take good care of you, sweetheart.”
In what is probably a matter of seconds, but feel more like a lifetime, she slips away. 
The machine gives a steady beep, signaling the end of her life. 
Bradley squeezes her hand ever so tighter, his head falling to rest on her arm as a sob overtakes his body. His shoulders are shaking with the weight of everything. 
Maverick can’t make himself move. He should go over there, comfort his son, tell him it will be okay, but he can’t bring himself to look away from the sight of his daughter. 
She looked so peaceful. 
Go to Mom and Dad, they’ll take care of you. I’ll be okay, I promise...
You feel warm, the sound of Bradley’s voice appearing. It’s comforting, hearing him tell you that it’s okay. You want to give him a hug, to run your fingers through his hair, and give him one last kiss. To tell him that you’re sorry it had to end this way, that the two of you hadn’t had more time. 
You want to curl up in your Dad’s arms, like all those times you’d done when you were scared when you were little. To tell him you were sorry you had become one more person he had lost. 
You hoped they stayed close to each other for the time they had left, that they wouldn’t make it their mission to come join you too soon. 
It’s okay, you don’t have to be scared. Ice is waiting for you...
Something lights up inside of you at the thought of your godfather again. As their voices become fuzzy and distant, the warmth envelopes you, almost like a hug as you’re drifting off to sleep. 
The next thing you feel is someone strong wrapping their arms around you, a hug from someone who smells like honey and ocean water. Like Carole had. 
The warm white clears, revealing a man who looks to be like your fiancé did, if only 40 years before. A man you recognize from pictures and hazy memories. He offers you a kind smile, if albeit a bit sad. 
Th person hugging you strokes your hair, whispering words that don’t register as your throat closes up, catching sight of another figure. 
He turns, giving you a watery smile. 
“Hi kiddo.” 
The person hugging you pulls back every so slightly, giving you a chance to catch the unmistakable blonde hair of Carole Bradshaw. She gives you a warm smile, still not letting go of you. 
“You’re safe now. We’ve got you.” 
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iheartgod175 · 8 months
Some Thoughts!
Man, I haven’t done a post like this in a while! But I figured I might as well before I work on one of my numerous WIPs XD
—So, I’ve been back on a Zula Patrol kick like you wouldn’t believe. Though that should be obvious with all the memes I’ve been making, haha! I promise this won’t become a Zula Patrol only blog, haha!
—I’ll be working on building my graphic design/editing skills so I can properly redesign my blogs ^^ You can expect a few graphics throughout the month! :)
—Chapter 4 of The Zula Patrol: Dreamscape Crusade Remastered is also coming along pretty nicely. I’ve been enjoying adding the layers of mystery and horror to the world that Multo ends up in. Oh, and a couple of new characters are making their appearance, too. And that’s all I’m going to say about the subject!
—I’ve also been steadily working on Love Language for the last couple of months. I thought FOR SURE that I’d be posting its first chapter by the end of the month, but life happened—not to mention that I keep coming up with MORE headcanons for Multo and Zeeter that I just have to write down and put in the story. XD Also, the story’s grown to the point where I had to break it up into FIVE chapters, now, with the fifth being the actual conclusion. This story’s been so fun to work on, and I hope you’ll all enjoy it when I finally publish it.
—That being said, I did have a few insecurities regarding the writing of Love Language. I wondered if anybody would actually read this story since 1. ZP isn’t a very well-known cartoon, and 2. Even for rarepair standards, Multo/Zeeter sure seems like it came out of left field. And for about a few weeks, I did leave it alone, out of worry that nobody would read it. But then I came across posts in my feed that said that it’s important to write the stories that you’d like to read, even if they don’t get any readership, because telling your story is what matters. I’ve dealt with this a lot since writing all of my stories, namely my Zula Patrol series. And while I struggle with it occasionally, I’m not going to let that whole “nobody will probably read this” mentality stop me from writing about these goofy aliens, and my favorite opposites-attract ship, of which I’m the sole captain.
—While I’ve been working on Blazin’ Trails content off and on, I’m having a deuce of a time trying to work on the final chapter of the original BT. I’ll literally sit down and open the document, looking for something to leap out at me and inspire me to work…but nothing’s working. And I really want to get things started with Blazin’ Trails Redux as well…*sigh*
—As for Super Why stuff, I’m looking forward to seeing the new shorts that are debuting next month! I got to see the first short, and it’s adorable. And I also can’t wait to see more of Power Paige in action! I just really hope that Woofster and Alpha Pig aren’t written out of the show :(
—Speaking of PBS Kids stuff…I kinda sorta got back into both WordGirl and Arthur. GOD, I feel old! And now, I’m half-tempted to have WG guest star in SRBA like Santiago will. The SRBA ‘verse? More like Into the Reader-verse, LOL XD
—Sodor Magic Crusaders MAY be getting an update in the near future. I thought about working on it for the first time in months, and I remembered that I only have a few episodes left until I can get to write the second season.
—Slowly but surely getting back into Honkai Impact 3rd. I still haven’t gotten a chance to watch the part 2 trailer, but it looks like it’s gonna be interesting!
—One thing’s for sure. Power Paige will definitely appear in the SRBA ‘verse. I just have to figure out what her backstory would be as well as her powers and what kind of fighting style she’d have. I know for sure it won’t be a sword—we already have four sword fighters in SRBA thus far (Super Why, Presto, Muse and Jackson).
—In Super Why news, I HAVE been working on the fifth chapter bit by bit, and I’d like to say that it’s about 65% finished. I don’t think it’ll be quite as long as the last update, but I don’t want to speak too soon ^^;
—I haven’t drawn anime in ages, not since I first started uploading on DeviantArt. And I admit, the pic that I’m going to post of Usagi isn’t the best..but you know what? Screw it! The only way I can improve is to practice, even if it’s wonky or incorrect! ^^
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 months
kats initial ttpd thoughts
stand out lines: i took the miracle move on drug, the effects were temporary
i like this one. i don’t think it’s my favorite (or i hope it won’t be) but i think the production does do it for me. i was honestly hoping that “i love you it’s ruining my life” would have been in a… better (?) song. this will undoubtedly grow on me but not a great start.
standout lyric: “i’ve seen this episode and still loved the show”
okay “who uses typewriters anyways” is objectively a really funny line. “i’ve seen this episode and still loved the show” im screaming crying and throwing up how dare you put that lyric in a song i have to listen to.
on a different note who tf are dylan thomas and patti smith? am i meant to know these people?
oh my god. the way charlie puth is about to have his career explode. this poor man. i hope he was warned.
oh i like this bridge. also lucy as in lucy dacus?
i’m trying not to be a hater but taylor “now you hang from my lips like the gardens of babylon” couldn’t have come up with a more poetic way to say you put my ring on the finger where people put wedding rings? fr? is this about marty healy? i hope to god it’s not.
stand out lyrics: “once i fix me he’s gonna miss me” and “there was forever in the heat of my touch, he say forever so he smashed it up”
i was ready to not like this one but im kinda into it. the line “i’ll tell you that he runs because he loves me” is… not something i am ready to unpack. this is a really good song and i will probs have it on repeat for a while but i stg if i don’t hear a song about joe soon im gonna be pissed
down bad:
standout lyric: jury’s still out
this song was not written by a 33 year old. jesus christ. taylor please. STAND UP. THIS IS BAD FOR THE BRAND!! however as a 19 year old: real af.
you loved his indecent exposures? interesting.
this is once again giving situationship. which is insane because JOE WAS HERE FOR 6 YEARS?!? WE DONT GET TO HEAR ABOUT THAT?!? i mean like she is entitled to her privacy but never in my life did i want to hear this much about marty healy
so long london:
stand out lyric: “i didn’t opt in to be your odd man out. i founded the club she’s heard great things about” “you sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days”
not the production i was expecting from a track 5 but ill keep and open mind.
fairy lights mentioned!! ttpd bingo moment
i like this bridge tbh. it kinda fucks. “you swore that you loved me but where were the clues” taylor wtf?
two graves one gun?!? oh wow! very melodramatic and i love it
this song is good. very sad so great job! killed it! i’m not crying yet tho
but daddy i love him:
stand out lyrics: Growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all
this is so champagne problems vibes
“im having his baby! no im not but you should see your face” BAHHAHA taylor wtf
i was hoping for more religious trauma energy than what i got. i had high hopes with that first verse
okay this song is now just funny to me. deeply i would’ve kept this one in the vault but it’ll grow on me
fresh out the slammer:
stand out lyric: n/a
we are starting with the lowest of standards for the record. i do not have a good vibe from this song
its fine. liek it’s not revolutionary to me. like its okay but… why does this beat change like that and did the long prison metaphor help? i think not.
however yeah bring up that he didn’t propose again. love that for you
stand out lyric: well me and my ghost we had a hell of a time
!! what!! “they said i was a cheat so i guess i must be” ARENT YOU THE ONE WHO WRITE IVY AND HIGH INFEDELITY?!? WHAT?!? i am giggling so hard. taylor what are you saying?!?
this song reminded how much i love florence! i mean that woman can really sing
nbnc reference! that was not on my bingo card!
texas mentioned!! slay!!
i love this song. like i fr really like this one. the drums are a bit much but i love how their voices work together! delicious
guilty as sin?
standout lyric: “there no such thing as bad thoughts. only your actions talk” “i keep recalling things we never did”
i like how this one sounds
this song is really good! and bestie i get it! yikes!
this song is really for the girlies who make up fake scenarios to hurt their own feelings and i feel seen
false god references(?)
well terrible job everyone that was a bit too relatable! thanks! i’m going to throw up! or scream! or cry!
who’s afraid of little old me?
standout lyric: “you don’t get to tell me about sad” “is it a wonder i broke let’s hear one more joke” “you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me”
yay!! she’s doing witchcraft again!! thank god!! levitate queen!!
you should be afraid of little old me was not what i was expecting from this song! but i like it! also i am enjoying this production
“so tell me everything isnt about me but what if it is?” HAHAHH TAYLOR WHAT IS THIS?!?
no taylro they say that you’ll sue them they prublish public information about your plane! so close tho!
jokes aside i like this! this one’s gonna be in my tops i think! it reminds me of tlgad which is one love
i can fix him (no really i can)
standout lyric: “he had a halo of the highest grade, he just hasn’t met me yet”
texas mentioned again!! a win is a win
another song about matty healy?!? must we?!? are we sure? this is proof that any relationship pain is overshadowed by a 3 month situationship
loml: “better safe than starry eyed”
mmm im liking this one!
damn marriage is brought up a lot in the album for someone who wrote lavendar haze
i like that there is the love of my life to loss of my life switch! i was worried she abrievated that for no reason
still alive, killing time at the cemetery is a great line!!
!!! oh!! i wish i could unrecall how we almost had it all! i didn’t think i would like that lyric!! i in fact do.
standout lyric: “babe you gotta fake it till you make it and you did”
okay now this is my shit. i like how she’s taking about her success and shit
i cry a lot but i am so productive it’s an art is so real
“try and come for my job” yikes.
the smallest man who every lived
standout lyric: “i would’ve died for your sins but i died inside”
this one isn’t doing it for me so far. i’m sure it’ll grow on me but idk it’s not killing it for me.
DID SHE JUST CALL HIS DICK SMALL?!? HELLO?!? good lord i hope that’s what that meant
“you kicked out the stage lights but your still preforming?!?” GOOD LORD TAYLOR! it’s so jover
The alchemy:
standout lyric: “he jokes that it’s heroin but this time with an E”
i had to listen to this song twice cause i could just not lay attention
AYO ITS TRAVIS!! god the next album is gonna have so many football metaphors that i will not understand
this is really cute! i’m on team trayvis
clara bow:
standout lyric: promise to be dazzling
cool! now i’m sad!
as a girl who tries to be something exciting but feels like she never gets there this is very yikes! greta job gang
the black dog:
standout lyric:
i am scared!
oh shit! who cheated on taylor?!?
oh wait. maybe that’s not true
i love old habits die screaming! tahts a funky line. i know we already had it but im a fan
!! hoax reference!!
!!daylight reference!!
oh joe. that poor man. they’re gonna kill him.
this is putting a sad spin on some of my fav songs so that’s cool
standout lyric: “pick your poison babe, i’m poison either way”
did we need to do this in one word
now i personally would’ve rewritten this one or picked a different song but this is a choice
this is a worse versions of get him back! imo
eras fading to gray is a crazy line!
the albatross:
standout lyric: “the devil you know now looks more like and angel”
this is kinda giving cowboy like me vibes but with more unnecessary vocal effects but that does in fact mean that i like it
peace reference?!
idk im into this one i think
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus:
standout lyric: all of them <3
my god this is a long title
oh my god. did she just out joe alywn? what? that can’t be what just happened
“you needed me but you needed drugs more” IM THROWING UP HOW DARE YOU
nobody touch me
“if you want to break my cold cold heart, just say i loved you. the way that you were” okay so now i am crying! hey! tahts cool! in other news put me on watch
this is one of my tops
you can tell cause i’m depressed now
maroon reference!!
okay so i will never recover congrats everyone!
how did it end?
standout lyric: “we learned the right steps to different dances”
i feel invasive listening to this. i didn’t want to hear about matty anymore but this is a lot.
this song is good but sweet lord. this is really sad. which i should’ve guessed but this is not what i was expecting
“D-Y-I-N-G” that was not how i thought that line was gonna end
so high school:
standout lyric: idk man they’re all cute
is this another one about travis?!? yay!!
awww she want to marry him! that’s so exciting!! and also maybe kill him but we do what we can
this is really cute
i’m glad she got this back! cause this is giving very fearless vibes which is perfect! i love that! i love that she’s having the sweet love again! and i’m so glad im not listening about matty! cause that man if the gift that won’t stop giving. no matter what i do. he just won’t.
i hate it here:
standout lyric: “No mid-sized city hopes and small-town fears” “when they found a better planet only the gentle survive”
second time bringing up being a precocious child! not something i thought we would get twice!
this song feels like it’s right off folklore
GIRL WHAT!?! “I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists and getting married off for the highest bid” this is why no one wanted to play with you as a little kid
oh yikes now i’m relating
“i get lost on purpose. this place made me feel worthless” crying in the club once again
she really had to fight not to call him a finance bro
thank you aimee
stand out lyric: “Everyone knows that my mother is a saintly woman but she used to say she wished that you were dead”
go to jail just for the capitalization
i feel like im missing something
is amiee real? is she a metaphor? is it someone from the rep era? i’m lost
if this is 15 year old beef that is amazing.
“there wouldn’t be this if there hadn’t been you” oh lol that’s so funny.
thank god taylor changed the name! cause otherwise they would kill her!
“and one day your kid comes home singing a song that only us two is gonna know so about you” oh that’s so good. you see i like taylor better when she’s being petty over decade old shit. it makes her more relatable
i look in peoples windows
stand out lyric: “i’m afflicted by the not knowing” “im addicted to the if only”
i love this.
is this the new shortest song in her discography? it’s gotta be. it’s like 2 minutes long
anyways. relatable. killin it
the prophecy:
stand out lyric: “Don't want money just someone who wants my company”
finally a song i can relate to! you know cause im psychic?
“I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope a greater woman wouldn't beg” yikes
oh no. i’m gonna cry. you see now im reminded of why i feel like im never enough. so cool 🤙
witchcraft again!! yay!!
what is gray-ge? gray/beige? was that already a word?
standout lyric: “what does kill you makes you aware. what happens if it becomes who you are”
bffr taylor does not patch cracks in her house
sorry i know tahts a metaphor, allow me to start by being less of a hater
oh i love a call back to the 2016 era. yikes
“when its burn the bitch they’re shrieking, when the truth comes out they’re quiet” lol relatable
standout lyric: “we both did the best we could do underneath the name moon in different galaxies”
who is peter? very excting!
oh it’s peter pan! that’s cute!
is this about joe? i’m confused? i have no idea who this is about
i liek the piano! i like this more stripped back version
great bridge!
“cause love's never lost when perspective is earned” HEY BRO WHAT
the bolter: “she was leaving it felt like breathing”
standout lyric:
omg hey she wrote a song about me! jk it just started idk what this is
oh no
i cant do this right now
okay so no comment but yeah very relatable! cool! (except i’m not really a bolter now that i think about it. i just think i am. i’m actually not a quitter. im a stick with it person even when maybe i should bolt.)
stand out lyric: “you have no room in your head for regrets”
i like these a lot better than the first part of this album. i actually can’t tell if it’s a double release or not but i just like these more emotional songs more.
is she singing to her child self?!? is that what happening?!?
crying again.
the manuscript:
stand out lyric: looking backward might be the only way to move forward
my god this is a lot of songs! not complaining but i’m tired
okay i like the piano
“He said that if the sex was half as good as the conversation was soon they’d be pushing strollers” FUCKING HELLo?!? well now i’m in pain slay
this was not what i was expecting at all but let it be known i am crying and im not okay
this song really fucked me up guys
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ygodmyy20 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @toastytoaster22 (finally getting to this I started this and then life happened haha)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
8 (i just got back into writing in July 2023!)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 66,608 (it will probably double as I am deep into a long fic right now)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I used to write Puzzleshipping YGO but I’m all in on Mob psycho 100 now.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Just Breathe
Black Sweatshirt (yeaaaaah rising!)
Emotional explosion (surprised this one I thought got the least amount of reads this was my very first mp100 fic)
Float (I love how much this resonated with people)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! It’s something I take very seriously. No judgement if someone doesn’t respond to my comment on fics! But for me it’s important to respond.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ah. Hm. Blackhole I guess? The ending isn’t angst though it’s just a more intense fic.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think Float is very happy. It makes me smile every time I read it. Also the ending of Cobalt makes me so good. I want to rewrite Cobalt though its missing something. I posted it too soon.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Back in my YGO days I got some but I just ignored it. Usually they were just about me not finishing a fic so….yeah I get it heh
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep. I’m an adult. I can write and enjoy smut.
But in all seriousness I do and I encourage anyone who is hesitant to write about sex, to just do it for yourself if you ever want to. You never have to post it, you can just write what you want and delete it, or keep it for yourself. Or never write about sex at all. I'll just say, getting back into this part of myself after not writing it for years has been so beneficial for my mental health. It helps me process and work through things. And writing gives me the opportunity to do that.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Well not right now, but I do know a lot about a certain mp100xOPM AU by @sodasexual and may or may not write something in that verse one day. Already drawing fanart for it so.... fanfics are likely gonna happen one day!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Uhhhh not that I….know of? (gosh I hope none have...)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sorta co-wrote something recently that was just for fun. Also @emeraldoodles and I def co-wrote a dragonshipping fic I think when we were in high school? Dunno if I ever posted it tho I can't remember
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Hm. Puzzleshipping is my origin story. But something about Terumob really hits me in a place that I can’t describe. I just adore them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hmmm I have a couple one-shots I wanna write and I may not write them all.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I love writing POV descriptions of emotions. And I like to hope I’m good at it. Blackhole is this. It’s a mess of words and descriptions that I can just chew on and I love writing it. I think my recent Terumob oneshots kinda get into that space too. I like to hope that is a strength. But yeah it seems to resonate with people so I think it’s a strength?
I also think dialogue has always come easy to me. I feel like it’s the easiest thing for me to write and I hope it is realistic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ah.... I am terrible with consistency. I forget things and sometimes run off down paths. I also repeat myself a lot and like to describe every movement a character makes which can bog down scenes.
I have so written myself into a corner and had to weasel my way out of it hahaha This is why I am trying to talk about my stories more to friends so I DON'T do that again.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I did this a bit but I don’t anymore. It’s just too much mental work for me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I think Black Sweatshirt, my current ageswap fic, will be my fav. It’s the most expansive writing I have done probably ever in my life. There are multiple plot lines, scenes that have already made me cry, and an ending that I just cannot wait to share with the world. I hope others enjoy it as much as I do, and I can deliver on this story.
The other one is a series called Safe Space which is a series of one-off stories touching on different emotions Shigeo has to process post-canon. Exploring the gray areas of forgiveness, confessions, grudges, anger, and love. I think I will be writing that on the side as I do other things but I love it to pieces. It means a lot to me and i hope to one day share it.
I'm always nervous to tag others so if you see this, feel free to do it!!
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goddessofroyalty · 3 months
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Verse: Cloud is the Remnant’s carrier
Tags: omegaverse, past-mpreg, some mention of force-pregnancy
I’m far enough into the Rebirth to start writing this thing again.
Promise this isn’t just going to become a series of different characters learning about the Remnant triplets existence, just halfway through writing this I had a moment of “wait does Red XIII even know about any of the kids?” so had to include that.
“What’s wrong?”
Spike looks actively pained to be asking the question so Barret really must be looking pathetic in his feeling sorry for himself now they’re all settled into the hotel for the night. Their merc may be a ‘mega but he was no damn good at warm and fuzzy stuff like most would expect of his designation.
“It’s nothing,” Barret says. Not wanting to drag the mood down on their first night on the road after escaping Midgar and Shinra.
“Just thinking ‘bout Marlene is all,” Barret says, just as Cloud sits on the other bed probably satisfied that he’d at least asked. They say stress shared is stress halved. And if anyone would understand what Barret was going through it’d be their resident former-SOLDIER. “It’d be about her bedtime now. And I ain’t there to read her her story.”
It was damned unfair that he had to leave his baby girl behind so he could go save the planet from what Shinra had done. Marlene deserves her daddy being there to say goodnight and instead he’s out hunting down Sephiroth.
“Elmyra will make sure she gets one,” Cloud says, laying back down on his bed for the night.
“Yeah, but will she do all the voices right? And will she make sure to explain exactly how the hero rallies the people against the evil dictator?” Marlene was particular about these things after all. It’d even taken Tifa a bit to get it right back when she first started babysitting when Barret had to go out on Avalanche business.
Spike just shrugs.
“You have a child?” Red asks before Barret has a chance to have a go at the merc for his lack of carrying about something so important.
“Huh? Yeah. We both do.” Had they not mentioned that before?
Barret digs out the photo of his baby girl he takes with him everywhere for whenever he needs to be reminded of why he’s doing this again to show their newest party member his princess.
“That’s Marlene. She’s my baby girl. The brightest kid you ever could meet.” Barret doesn’t try and keep the pride from his voice. Why should he? Marlene deserves his love for her shouted from the rooftops. “And Cloud’s are- uh-“
“Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo,” Cloud rattles off before Barret accidently messes up their weird ass names. “They’re- uh-“
Spike’s brow furrows in pained confusion and maybe Barret shouldn’t have brought the kids up. It’s easy for him to talk about his baby girl without including the shit Shinra put them through but the mega’ merc can’t. No real way to explain his babies without talking ‘bout their monster sire.
“They’re triplets,” Barret offers because he’s not an asshole that gonna’ force the ‘mega to say anything he don’t wanna’. What matters is that they’re Spike’s. “And you telling me you’re not thinking about how you’re not there to tuck them in and sing them to sleep?”
“I- don’t,” Cloud says, looking a bit better than he had moments ago. His expression is still confused but it doesn’t take much for that Barret’s figured out.
“You don’t sing to them?” Barret doesn’t imagine the merc has the most beautiful singing voice around but that’s not what it’s about. He used to sing to Marlene despite barely being able to hold a tune. Still does when she asks, although when it comes to singing its Tifa and Jesse she begs for it from and Barret can’t even be mad about it – they’ve got the best voices in Avalanche. “You read them bedtime stories then!?”
“No,” Cloud says with a shake of his head.
“Seriously!?” He knew the poor bugger was in over his head with three babies on his hands but he didn’t realize it was that bad.
“I – they’re babies,” Cloud says, sitting up on the bed with the befuddled confused expression that makes people underestimate him even with him still wearing his SOLDIER uniform. “They wouldn’t understand them anyway.”
“It’s not about them understanding! It’s about them hearing your voice!” It’s not doing shit like that that gets you people like Sephiroth. Which, shit, they probably gotta’ be extra careful with those three to counteract whatever psychotic genes they got from that bastard.
He can’t even be that mad at Spike about it either. The poor bastard had been dealt a shit hand with the three of them and seemed to be struggling enough just keeping them and himself alive. Tifa had warned Barret the ‘mega suffered from nightmares when it was decided they and Red would room together and the three babies are young enough they likely don’t sleep through he night either. Hard to think about lullaby’s and bedtime stories when you’re barely getting any rest yourself.
Marlene would be making sure Elymira gave them all bedtime stories for the time being. But the kids weren’t staying with Aerith’s mum forever.
“Right. When we get back from saving the planet we’re gonna’ make sure they keep getting stories every night as well.” Marlene’ll no doubt be used to living with the three as well by the time they get back – no point trying to separate them again.
“You don’t have to,” Spike says because he’s allergic to asking for help.
“It’s nothing. And I can’t leave it up to you to try and tell a story – you’d miss half the facts.” Might take him a while to train the merc up to being any good at it but Barret’s one of the best bed-time story tellers around so if anyone can do it it’ll be him.
“I-“ Spike goes to protest.
“I know some tales as well,” Red chimes in, looking actually excited at the idea. “It will be good to pass them down to the next generation.”
“Hell yeah!” Barret says more to keep the energy going and prevent Spike from trying and squashing the idea. “I’m sure the girls have some too. We’ll have to build a roster. Though I’m always going to be my baby girl’s favorite.”
“We’ll see about that,” Red says, sounding mighty confident considering he had been a lab experiment until a couple hours back. Barret’s not giving up his title as the best storyteller without a fight, he’ll be sure to win Cloud’s three over as well.
It’s better than Cloud shouldering the burden of what Shinra did to him alone.
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i’m waiting for the review 🫡🤭
omg I loved it!! Like overall it was so beautifully done and u can really see it was done with care and thoughtfulness! it follows the timeline chronologically pretty well although it kind of goes 2010 to 2016 and then skips to 2019 to 23 so that gap kind of stays unknown but it is said that those were very difficult years for louis.
it starts with the 1d stuff and it goes pretty deep in how louis lived the beginning and the end of it! like we hear the story of how he didn't sing at all in wmyb and how he had worked with the producer for the 2nd single and they worked hard to get his verse right and then in the final cut he found out that they had given it to harry (😑) and how at that moment he felt like no matter what he did it wasn't gonna be good enough :( but that's also how he started writing bc all he ever wanted was to feel like he had a place in the band :( and then it cuts to 2015 and their last performance and there's a very telling video of him after the performance and he was so fucking sad (also I wonder what that footage was for ? bc it looked like they were making something then too) and in the voice-over he says that he was feeling angry and lost bc he felt like he finally had his place and he didn't want it to end (!!!) and then OLI MY BEST FRIEND!! says how only certain band members wanted it to end but louis didn't (we been knew but I'm glad oli is well aware and not scared to say it) and then we even hear lottie and his grandparents talk about the huge loss that losing 1d was for him.
I actually found it interesting that they had that first segment about 1d then right after his mom and then felicitè and they talked about all of those as the most important losses of louis' life so u really can see how big of a loss the breakup was for him :/ it was truly a part of him
then there's the part about his mum with his grandparents talking and I legitimately cried when his grandpa was talking bc it was all so sad and touching but also u can really feel how much they LOVE and admire louis and in general in all the family clips and interviews u really see how he is the core of his whole family and how much he loves them all. it's so beautiful
I loved the bits with his sisters too! the twins talked about how much he looks after them and how sometimes he's a bit too much but it's only bc he cares so much :(( and lottie said "he was made to be a big brother for many sisters " and I was like SO TRUE !!!! he literally is ! and helene called him GENTLE AND KIND !! which is also SO TRUE 😭😭 I love him sm
also I was surprised that they talked more about felicite bc he never said anything but God :( lottie talked about how louis and her tried to help her and how guilty she felt bc she couldn't and how louis must have felt it even more 😔😔
and in the middle of all of the parts there's oli interviews which are the best bc he truly gives such an insight on louis and like u can totally see why they're so close !! he understands louis a lot ! and he even says his job is to try to keep louis' life together lmao 😭😭
I loved the part about the beginning of the walls era bc u see how difficult that was for him and many aspects of it was stuff that we didn't know about! like there are clips from some of the earlier promo performance where Louis says that he hated it and hated performing and u can really see how much he beat himself up for his mistakes and that only starts changing with the ccme performance and then only at the Scala gig he's like I actually loved that!! I was really surprised about that like I had guessed from his stage presence and in general by everything that he wasn't really comfortable but he literally says taht at one point he couldn't wait to get out :(( and helene is like that's what u need to work on bc u actually love singing!! and u can see how it all changes with tour and how much she was right bc his voice keeps getting better as he gets happier mentally <3 the body truly does keep the score of our trauma!
I also loved the band bits and u can see how significant it is for the guys that louis sleeps in the same bus as them and involves them in day off activities and how tight and loving the atmosphere is on tour
also the fans interviews were lovely!! I especially liked a segment they did on how fans formed friendships and lived great experiences through the fandom and louis! u can really see how much louis loves that and it's beautiful bc it just reinforces one of louis' core messages which is how important people and love are <33
the entire Freddie segment was BEAUTIFUL it is the part that my non louie friend was most impressed by bc u can really tell how much louis loves him and vice versa, also how important Freddie is for him! and he's such A GOOD DAD!! so loving and affectionate, he is always telling him that he loves him and asking for kisses and it was so 😭 that kid will be such a wonderful person. and louis even showed him that he was crying after the la show bc he saw him in the crowd ! :(( truly beautiful (and great parenting especially for a boy!)
there wasn't a lot about his career difficulties (as I expected) but it's still hinted at that he had more than one issue with the labels and all that side of things :/ also found it interesting that helene mentioned that people in management etc in 1d didn't like him bc they thought he was arrogant and wanted to be the front man when all he was arguing for was just Equal and fair opportunities and even his grandparents talk about how it wasn't fair how he was treated in the band and that even if louis didn't talk about it they could see it hurt him... sigh
I'm sure I'll remember more as soon as I post it but for now I think that's enough skdk it's beautiful! it's telling and it's real ! go watch it and enjoy louis in all his wonderful aspects!
also there are the parts about liam at ccme and niall in Mexico and they talk about when louis went to see him etc and it was interesting how niall seemed awkward in front of the camera talking about it lol? meanwhile it was sad when louis watched liam the first night and then louis was in his room and he asked if he'd stay to watch him but liam had to fly to LA :/// kind of explains how all of them have treated louis for all these years tbh, maybe that's what triggered that apology from liam and tbh louis definitely deserves one from all of them .
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