#I guess inspiration really can hit you when you least expect it
cjthestoryteller · 2 years
My TMNT Addiction...
Just so everyone knows, my original plan was to retire from TMNT fanfiction after wrapping up 'Slash's Revenge,' but today, out of nowhere, I found myself writing the first thousand words of a sequel to a story I hold very near and dear to my heart. Maybe a few of you do, too...
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Click here to read ‘Lost in the Fight’…
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acourtofmarvels · 1 year
Surprise - Cassian
Warnings: none really, cute fluff. mentions of sex n stuff lol
Word count: 694
"Does it hurt?" I asked sheepishly. I felt so guilty. And a little bit proud of myself, but don't tell Cassian that.
He groaned in response. I could tell he was trying not to blow up on me. I hit him pretty hard.
"I'm sorry, baby." I sat beside him on the bed. I took the ice from his hand and held it onto his head myself. "At least you don't have a concussion."
"At least we know training is working. You got me good." He tried to smile at me but only winced in the process.
"You startled me! I wasn't expecting anyone to be at the house." And I smashed a bottle of wine over his head. It wasn't a small bottle either.
Rhys told me they were gonna be gone all day and most likely wouldn't get back tomorrow. Rhys always informs me when they are on their way home, then I can expect Cassian to come and see me.
"I expect a blowjob after this." Even in pain he's horny and inappropriate. I honestly shouldn't be surprised he said that.
Cassian was... unexpected for me. This thing between us happened one night and never stopped. At some point it was just a fling, then we said we were exclusive. Next thing I know we're all in and dating. 
Our relationship never should have happened. We had a one night stand on a drunken holiday. And the next morning we slept with each other again. Cassian never did relationships. He was a go with the flow kind of guy and always said he never had the time for it.
I was just wanting sex. No strings and the kind that made your legs weak afterwards. Cassian exceeded expectations. We've been friends for so long now and I've heard from other girls I know whom he's slept with, that he's great in bed. Don't tell him this cause it will just boost his massive ego, but he's the best I've ever had.
"I feel like I should get an award for my marvelously teaching. I think I taught you too well." He groaned and layed back on the bed, taking the ice with him. "Cauldron boil me, I can't believe you got the drop on me like that. You're lucky I love you, babe. If any other person had done this to me-"
"You love me?" I blurt out, my eyes wide.
Cassian halts mid-sentence. He looked genuinely confused as if he had no clue what I just questioned. But he said it. I heard it loud and clear. I think my heart nearly stopped beating when he said it. He said he loved me.
"You just said it." I was fighting the urge to smile. Cause what if he didn't mean it? What if the hit had really messed him up. Oh shit did I rattle his brain with that wine bottle?
"I..." He cleared his throat, slowly bringing the ice down from his head to look at me. "Well, damn. I guess I did."
My heart is racing. He didn't deny it, yet. 
"D-did you mean it?" I had to ask. I would give him the way out if he needed it. This was serious for us. I mean, we didn't even want to be in a relationship at first, let alone fall in love.
A small smile crept up on his face. When he nods I feel immediately relieved. I moved over beside him, running my fingers through his hair like I always did. "Say it again." The words nearly came out as a beg.
He moaned and ran a hand down his face. "Come on, sweetheart. Don't make me say it again. It's bad enough that I said it first. That's never happened before." His arrogant tone deserved a slap on the arm from me. But then I couldn't help but climb onto his lap and attack his face with kisses. His body shakes under mine from laughing. 
"On a scale from one to ten how badly does your head really hurt? Because I don't know if you know this about me but, emotional intimacy really turns me on. And you just told me you loved me, and I sure as hell am completely head over heels in love with you. And I think we should have sex right now."
His gaze on me darkens, his hands grip my hips firmly. "Suddenly I feel a whole lot better." 
inspired by The Score by Elle Kennedy
Acotar Masterlist
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nonbinarypirat · 5 months
Learning how to be selfish (another iruma focused deep dive. Spoilers for iruma kun manga)
I promise I won’t ONLY focus on iruma as a character. I plan to do a post on many characters and scenes, especially since I have been breezing through the story. As a hobbiest writer and actor, I love to go back and reflect on scenes, read them multiple times, and learn why a character did what they did. And I want to share these thoughts with y’all. It’s just that, I have hit Opera becoming a teacher and decided this is the perfect time to take a pause and reflect on this new side of iruma we are seeing poking through. (And YES I most definitely screamed when they became a teacher, my nonbinary icon.) so yeah, I plan to make a lot of posts, but it’s another iruma only one today. Take a shot every time I say selfish or greedy in this tho, I repeat it so often. No thesaurus is being used today.
Ok, im loving that Iruma is becoming more selfish. I especially loved Iruma telling Purson that he’s learned that it’s ok to do selfish acts and stick with what you want to do rather than doing what people want or expect of you. This is the first sign of Iruma breaking out of just saying yes to things. Saying no can be so difficult, especially if you have lived your entire live thinking that was the only option for you to do. He’s too kind, and trained, so he said yes to basically anything even at the risk of hurting or exhausting himself. I appreciated this moment because Purson similarly doesn’t feel like he has many choices. He loved his family and wants to support the family business, but feel dragged along with the whims of his father.
Though I guess it’s kind of a misnomer to say that the scene with Purson is the “first” time we have heard greedy being applied to Iruma. Amelie was the first person and at first I didn’t fully get what she meant. I think I kind of just dropped that part of the conversation as unimportant. But it’s actually super important for us as the audience to understand his character going forward. At the beginning, Iruma didn’t have a lot of motivations, merely being led by whatever happened in the Netherworld. He was in a manner of speaking, selfless to an unhealthy degree. It was only by learning to set a goal for himself that he started to feel (at least to me) as an active participant to the world at large. And Amelie was the one who inspired that in him in the first place. Amelie was the first one to call him selfish/greedy (to my recollection) which is fitting as the character who pushed him so far.
I also think I should clarify that I don’t use the term selfish in this case as a negative. In fact, I’m happy he is becoming a greedy character. Because Iruma won’t abuse this trait of his. Selfishness without kindness and care is dangerous. Without empathy and compassion, greed quickly turns into cruelty. Iruma has these traits though. He has the morals and love to utilize his selfishness to the fullest. Selfishness and kindness can go hand to hand. In fact, I think this is the best quality for one to have. The desire to strive towards your wants while understanding that you can’t treat the people and environment as expendable. And Iruma has the deadly combination of selfishness, caring, and determination.
Which leads us into the 13’s Dinner in which they talk about food bringing out who a demon really is. I loved this scene because it highlights what people could see on the surface when faced with Iruma’s gluttony (aka greed). Baal said “it’d terrifying to think of what he’d be like as a king” (paraphrasing) but that’s without understanding the core fundamentals of who Iruma is. We see him try to force this idea onto Sabro too, saying iruma is pushing his grandfather’s weight around to turn him against Iruma. That’s just widely untrue. Baal, and honestly so many of the Six Fingers from what we’ve seen so far, believe that people are just like them. That deep down, they are (or could be forced into) the rotten type of selfishness that their group takes pride in. True, people can be forced to do cruel things. That doesn’t mean thats who you are fundamentally however. Baal lacks the love that Iruma is overflowing with. And so he equates selfishness with cruelty. He thinks that if he experiences this certain flavor of the trait, that must mean everyone else experiences it the same way too.
Either way, Iruma is a character that is shaping up to be someone who has many desires. From zero to infinity, And what makes him so likable is that he’s willing to do anything to protect those desires. To protect the life he has built and the people he has come to cherish. He wants it all. His friends, soulmates (and yes you better believe I will post a screaming post about that at some point), Amelie, family, good food, fun, adventure, Balam, Kalego and so much more. He wants everything. And he’s also willing to do anything it takes to protect these desires. More than that, he’s always grateful to the life he has built here, to the people who have opened up their hearts to, and for the beautiful home he has created. And that’s the reason why I can’t wait to see Iruma grow into the wonderful selfish person he deserves to be.
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udretlnea · 1 year
An Idealized Image
Prompt: You die after getting hit by a truck and inspect your suddenly ideal appearance in the new world. Inspired by this post by @mists-reading-nook
A/N: Man, starting a story with disconnected parts is fun and difficult. First time using this literary device so be patient with me.
Words: 755
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You hadn’t expected getting hit by a truck to hurt so damn much. But you’d gladly do it again if it meant you’d protect a child from getting run over.
Although you were dying, you still could feel the barest sensations around you; vaguely there was muffled shouting and crying. Good, the kid was safe and the driver was getting yelled at. Not that that mattered to you anymore.
Oh well, at least it’s over now. 
The first world has been chosen. Initiating upload link.
You thought you heard someone, but that’s crazy. You were dead. The dead don’t hear voices. Maybe this was one of those post-death auditory hallucinations. Do…do the dead even have those? Actually, I guess nobody would know…except the dying. Ugh. What a morbid thought. I expected myself to have prettier final thoughts.
Link established. Uploading soul to the Samsara system now. Beginning samsara cycle #1…godspeed.
There it was again. You started thinking that maybe you weren’t dead, when suddenly you felt your soul being pulled down…down…down into the darkness. Rather than become panicked you felt a sense of peace. You allowed yourself to be carried until you felt a shift in the pressure around you.
Before you could realize what was happening, you blacked out.
He’s not waking up…should I do it manually?
Hang on, what are those kitsunes doing?
You feel something tap-tap-tapping against your side. Your eyes flutter open, barely registering the fact that there’s green all around you. Turning your head, you see several orange foxes nudging your body. The sleep leaves you immediately. You surge to your feet and back away from them
They didn’t make any moves toward you. The littlest one stared at you with its big eyes; after a moment it seemed to be satisfied. It turned to the others and made a sound. It wasn’t long before they ran away, leaving you by yourself. Come to think of it, where were you? 
Everywhere around, you can see plants, trees, and just general things you’d find in a forest-wait, forest!?
Oh no, where the hell did I end up? Is this some kind of spiritual afterlife? You run, not really going anywhere, just someplace to get your bearings. You find a small stream. Thinking quickly, you examine your reflection, fearful that you looked like a ghost. However, what greets you instead is your pristine face without any blemishes.
Huh? Is that…me? No, no it can’t be. I’m not that…I’m not this immaculate! This is a dream, this has to be a dream! You do anything you can to wake up; you smack, slap, and pinch yourself all in that order, but it’s no use. It seems you weren’t dreaming. 
Defeated, you decide to examine yourself. Amazingly, your skin was smooth, but you don’t recall it being like that. Furthermore, your eyes were completely different. Since when were your pupils a yellow pinprick, or your irises a brilliant shade of silver? Most concerning of all was your hair. It was white as snow. You pull at it, looking closely at the roots to check if it wasn’t dyed. You looked rather beautiful. Additionally, you finally noticed that your clothes were different. 
When you died, you were wearing a hoodie and regular pants and shoes. Now, you were wearing a simple white kimono; a closer inspection revealed that it looked like genuine silk. Confused yet satisfied with your examination, you looked at your surroundings. Everything was slightly dark as if it were nighttime.
Weird, but ultimately it doesn’t matter. What DOES matter is figuring out where the heck I am. You push yourself off the ground, shaking the dirt off of your clothes. You look around you, wondering which direction to walk towards when something catches your eye. Squinting, you could make out the silhouette of a city in the distance. It almost looked like Japan, but at the same time, it wasn’t. Well, there’s the path to civilization right there. Now all I need to do is get over there without trouble.
You notice a well-worn path. You take it, pleased that you took the first step in your journey. Hopefully, you’d find what you needed to know.
Elsewhere, a solitary figure was meditating alone in a different plane of existence. Here in this space, she would achieve eternity and resist erosion.
And then she felt it. A sudden wave of divine energy sent tingles throughout her incorporeal body. This was unprecedented…what could have caused it? She needed to know. She had to know.
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seek--rest · 3 months
Inspired by this because @missamyshay is a menace
MJ is exhausted.
She’s not sure what she expected about becoming the lead— the grueling rehearsals and back and forth and back again from fickle directors is something MJ’s been more than aware of ever since she started auditioning.
She’s worked her way up from the chorus to the secondary, never really getting the chance to be front and center until her last play Turtle Drive became a runaway hit— surprising everyone, least of all herself, with how well people responded to it.
Critics were divided, as to be expected from a biopic of a forgotten 90s singer but audiences were engrossed— the one bright spot consistently done in reviews being that of MJ’s performance as the stereotypically sassy Black best friend, having a song that felt on the nose in its satire despite how much MJ tried to sell it.
And sell it she did, with every ounce of her being— determined to prove that she had the chops to make it and move above the bit parts she’s always been relegated to.
Tuttle Drive’s success paved the way for her role now as Edith in Taking Flight, a monstrous beast of a thing that sought to combine all of Shakespeare’s works together in a fictional town out of New England.
Edith was a difficult character, an impossible amalgamation of Juliet, Ophelia, Katharina, and Beatrice that made MJ’s head spin. When she first read the script, she had thought it was daring and inventive— interesting and so very different.
Now, after weeks of rehearsal on a spinning turn table and going over numbers that felt less innovative and more confounding— MJ was beginning to wonder if she had made a mistake.
It’s what she’s thinking of, amongst other things like what she’ll finally get to eat today when she sees a shadow pass over her— glancing up and seeing a familiar rush of red and blue.
“How you doing tonight, ma’am?” Spider-Man asks, MJ smirking as she glances up and then keeps walking.
“Just fine, spidey,” she says, imagining the look on Peter’s face underneath the mask. He has a habit of doing this, finding her on his patrol in what the calls an attempt to make sure she’s okay.
What MJ isn’t so fond off are the Daily Bugle reports later, hating the idea that her new play might get even more press in all the wrong ways as she hears him snort.
“What’s the hold up, lady?” He says, his voice shifting until it’s that odd mix of a Transatlantic newscaster and old-school New Yorker. “You got somewhere to be?”
“I do actually,” she says, glancing up as he hops from one branch to another. “My husband’s waiting for me.”
“Is he now?” Peter asks, MJ seeing some tourists out of the corner of her eye. “Must not be a good one then.”
“Excuse me?” She asks, glancing up only for Peter to make his presence known in the weirdest way possible.
He knows that she loves him entirely but the more spidery parts of him were her least favorite.
Which is why Peter— hanging upside down right in front of her— was all but an act of war as she frowns.
“Pretty lady like you, walking the streets all by yourself?” He clicks his tongue in disapproval. “What kinda man is that?”
“Are you saying I can’t walk home by myself?” She asks teasingly, watching as he tilts his head.
“I think you can do anything you set your mind to Miz Watson,” he says, his tone still joking even if MJ can still hear the sincerity in it. He knows how much she’s been worried about the play and while he can’t say as much here and now— with a family of tourists staring at the two of them intently. “Why, you’re a famous Broadway star.”
“Not that famous.”
“Famous enough that it can be dangerous, walking here all by your lonesome,” he says, hearing the laugh in his voice.
MJ glares at him, the white eyes of the mask staring back at her.
“Well, miz Watson?” He asks, MJ holding back the urge to laugh from his dumb accent. “What do you say?”
“I guess,” she says with a laugh.
“Trust me, ma’am. No sirree, you won’t regret it,” he says, seeing the bystanders around them turn.
This will definitely end up trending somewhere, seeing the phone angled in her direction.
Never have, she thinks to herself as Spider-Man loops his arms with hers and leads them forward— trusting him to take her home.
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hermitscratch · 3 months
Cletho + 28
Send me a pairing + a number! || Accepting
28. A kiss for luck, Cleo/Etho, 901 words
When Etho got his task, he genuinely thought it would be easy. How often were people going to be looking at him when they had their own tasks to handle? All he had to worry about was remembering not to move when they did. He could do that! Surely he could do that, even if it meant stealthing his way through the session.
He didn't go the stealth route. Too obvious, ironically, and the nature of the task already made him vulnerable to yellows. The last thing he needed was to look like he had something to hide, so when Gem came along asking to buy his door, he went along with it, however clumsily. She left him three zombie eggs richer, and as soon as she was out of sight, he could have gone limp with relief.
Okay, so maybe not as easy as Etho thought. At least when it was Skizz and Tango with his enchanter, he'd had less to lose. They were green, he was safe from any errant guesses they might make, and with the track record this server had with enchanting tables, it made perfect sense that he'd guard it as they improved their gear. They didn't bat a lash at Etho's stillness, and Grian, mercifully, left with them after a glance that said he knew something was amiss. Etho wasn't surprised, his teammate was tack-sharp.
He was even less surprised when Cleo caught on, really, but he didn't expect her to take advantage of it.
She was already at the secret keeper, labeling a lineup of doors. He stepped closer, but she didn't let the distance close, looking back at him first out of curiosity, and then out of amusement as the realization dawned on her.
After an abrupt turn of her head made him stumble to freeze in place, she laughed. "Mhm, yep, that's some task you've got there."
Etho feigned nonchalance, even as he chuckled nervously, "I dunno what you're talking about."
"Yeah, no, of course," Cleo said, voice bouncing with mirth, "Is there a time limit to be mindful of, or-?"
The stupid task was the only thing keeping Etho from slouching in defeat. At least Etho could be sure Cleo wouldn't rat him out. "Nope. All session, or until I mess it up, I guess."
Cleo waved a hand, "Oh, you'll be fine. Here," She took Etho by the wrist and started leading the way, looking resolutely forward so he could follow, "I've got an idea."
It wasn't a far walk back to their base, Cleo's touch cool against his skin. She left him by the door and vanished inside to set up something Etho couldn't see, but he could hear the placement of trapdoors and the opening of a chest Then, a sigh of exertion, and the brushing of dust off of hands. "Okay! It's ready!" She called.
Etho peered in. Cleo had her back to him, but turned around once he was positioned in the doorway. Beside her was a hastily assembled table, holding a chest. "What is 'it', exactly?"
"Just a game," Cleo answered. She pat the chest, "You can have what's in here, you've just gotta reach it."
Etho looked between Cleo and the chest suspiciously. Supposedly, her task was done, but she hadn't yet hit the succeed button. What were the chances this was a ploy? "That's it? No catch?"
"Mm," Cleo tilted her head left, then right, like she was giving the idea proper consideration, "The catch is that I get to laugh at you."
Etho groaned, "You'd do that anyway!"
"So this works out phenomenally for you!" Cleo said cheerily, "Come on, I know you can't resist free stuff."
...She had his number there.
He played. Etho crept towards the chest, and made a game out of posing in the most ridiculous positions he could reasonably achieve every time she turned around. Every time, he would get a few extra steps in as she laughed and guessed what inspired the pose. It was lighthearted, and goofy, and Etho laughed with her right up until he reached his prize.
"Well, you did it," Cleo said, wiping her eyes where they'd welled and catching her breath. She turned her back to Etho a final time, "Don't say I never help you out, alright?"
Etho popped the lid of the chest. Three glass bottles sat in it, each filled with something clear and viscous. He lifted one to tilt it towards the light, catching its iridescence. Invisibility potions. "Ohh baby," He stowed the bottles, "These'll come in clutch. You're the best, Cleo."
"I know," She faced Etho as he stood straight, and held his chin gently. She tilted his head down and pressed a kiss to his forehead with an exaggerated mwah. "You can have that, too."
Etho must have looked as surprised as he felt, because Cleo snickered and patted his cheek as he asked, "What was that for?"
"For luck, obviously," She replied as if it truly was obvious. When Cleo headed for the front door, Etho didn't even think to follow her. "I want to hear a success story when you get home tonight."
Etho didn't move until long after Cleo was gone, probably off to do whatever remained of her task. He pulled out one of the potions, rolling the smooth glass in his hand.
Home. Yeah... he'd bring a success story home.
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robinsno1lesbian · 1 year
𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐫!𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝟐
(𝐫.𝐛. 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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neighbor!robin x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: some more older!neighbor!robin headcanons/thoughts.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1500
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ mature content! (MDNI), implied age gap (reader is 18+!!) , finger sucking, fingering, oral, strap ons, orgasm denial, overstimulation, thigh riding, semi-public sex, not proofread (let me know if i missed anything!)
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: since some of you wanted a part 2...here we are! (part 1) inspired by/for @lightvixxen because this concept is what gets me through my days <3
neighbor!robin definitely loves to watch you suck her fingers clean after she's fucked you.
she loves the way your tongue slides up and down her digits, cleaning her up.
"such a greedy little thing, taking my fingers like that"
and sometimes she will purposely push them down deeper, watching the way your face changes at that.
robin loves spoiling you;
she always leaves little things in your room while you're out so you end up finding them when you least expect them.
you're just cleaning up the mess under your bed when suddenly you find a little bag with the sweetest set of lacy lingerie.
but you know exactly what to do with it; putting it on underneath your clothes the next time robin comes around.
so that when she chooses to undress you, she will find the little gift she's given you.
"i see, someone found the little present? fuck i knew it would look good on baby"
and of course, she has to fuck you in your new underwear.
minutes after the reveal, you're already spread out on her bed, your legs wrapped around her hips while she's thrusting into you with her strap.
"that's right baby, taking me so well...you look so pretty like that"
she simply loves to fuck you while she can watch you.
like that, she can keep an eye on every little reaction you might have, all while she has her strap buried in your throbbing cunt.
you love to watch robin work in the garden but you love it even more when you run up to her and ask if she needs any help.
you know damn well that you're not helping at all (you don't even know that much about gardening) but watching her doing all the hard work...oh lord-
it's even better when she leans her body against your, her front against your back, puts her hands on top of yours and guides you.
"see? that's how it's supposed to be done. yeah just like that...good girl"
her words, richly layered with double meanings are enough to drive you crazy.
but guess what? that's not all robin has to offer.
because the further she leans against you, the more aware you become of the bulge hidden beneath her wide shorts, that's now pressing firmly against your clothed center.
and she knows by the way your breath hitches and your lashes flutter that you've felt it.
"if you keep doing such a good job i might reward you later, how does that sound?"
you don't even bother to hold in the sinful whimper that follows
she just loves to take you with it; hitting your g-spot so well, while you're turning into a babbling, drooling mess for her, moaning out curses and her name mindlessly.
she just knows how to push your buttons a little too well.
obviously, she uses that fact to her own advantage...
...whispering dirty things in your ear at those little neighborhood gatherings, touching your thighs at inconvenient times, walking past your while you're out with friends, her hand brushing past yours.
you love sleeping over at hers, feeling her hand moving down your body in the middle of the night or early in the morning.
that feeling is enough for you to spread your legs beneath the blankets, mumbling tired curses when her fingers reach your clit.
all while her other hand is covering your mouth.
"the window is open, you know that don't you? want the whole street to hear how good i can make you feel?"
all she really wants is to hear your desperate whimpers. attempts of keeping it quiet but failing miserably.
she loves it when you ride her thigh; showing her just how desperate you are by the way your bare center glides over her skin, coating her in your arousal.
sometimes she yanks you back by the hair because you're just sobbing against her shoulder and she can't see that pretty face of yours.
"look at me when you ride me like that pretty girl. keep your eyes on me, yeah?"
i just know neighbor!robin loves to edge you.
"you cum when i tell you to, understood?"
but, god, it's so hard when she has three fingers pounding into you all while she's talking to you like that.
she doesn't stop until you're practically begging to cum and when you do, she will definitely use that as an excuse to fuck you through multiple orgasms in a row.
"oh but you wanted this, didn't you? now you're gonna fucking take it"
she knows how much you love it when she gets like this.
"you're loving this so much. i can see the way you're dripping all over me. enjoying every second of me fucking you like this. such a dirty slut"
she definitely enjoys fucking you when your house is all empty, making memories in the most inconvenient of all places.
bending you over the dining table and pressing your head down whilst she's thrusting into you.
"can you hear that doll? am i making you feel this good? fuck you've made such a mess..."
sometimes she can't even believe it when she looks down to find your thighs covered in your own wetness.
going down on you in the shower, with one bare leg thrown over her shoulder for better access.
your hands in her hair, just for something to hold onto while she's fucking you into oblivion.
against your own front door, just minutes after your parents have left.
"i promised i would keep an eye on their daughter while they're gone. should probably get started right now don't you think?"
the two of you could literally fuck for hours and you most definitely will at every chance you can get.
and it is not often that you have the whole house to yourselves for the weekend, but when you do it's heaven on earth.
"i want to hear you, baby. talk to me. am i making you feel good...? yeah...?"
she loves it when you can be as loud as you please without anyone hearing.
but there are other ways to achieve that...
sometimes she drives out into the woods with you, only to fuck you in the back of her car and hear your moans for her.
"don't you cover that pretty mouth of yours. no one can hear us out here"
the two of you spend hours out there, you cumming over and over on the backseat of her car while you’re bouncing on her strap.
“kiss me, come on! wanna feel your pretty lips on mine while i make you cum”
robin knows exactly that you can’t. not when you’re completely fucked out like that.
although you try to do it anyway.
the kiss is all tongue and teeth, with your open mouth pressing against hers over and over again.
“poor thing…can’t even kiss me anymore that’s how good you feel. pathetic”
the obscene noises of your squelching pussy and skin meeting skin fills her entire car.
robin loves to take your panties away after she has made you cum.
she loves to see the way you squirm and change your posture to find a way to hide your situation.
how desperately you’re trying to hide the fact that you’re bare under that little skit.
other times, robin sits you down on her lap while you’re watching a movie together.
it starts out as an innocent gesture; she just wants to feel you closer to her.
not long, whatsoever, until you’re rubbing yourself against the length of her leg.
she will pretend not to notice, waiting to see how far you’re willing to go.
and you go far.
just a couple of minutes pass and you have one hand behind you on her stomach to hold you upright, you’re eyes have fallen shut and she’s bouncing her leg against your crotch.
another time, robin walks in on you riding one of her pillows.
she left you for less than 10 minutes to take a shower but apparently that was enough already.
you immediately shove the pillow away from you. you try to hide what you’ve been doing but it’s too late, she’s caught you already.
she’s got a towel wrapped around her lower abdomen, allowing you to see most parts of her body. her hair is still wet and she’s looking at you with a raised brow.
“i-it’s not what it looks like i was just- i was-“
before you can finish your sentence she steps in your space and grabs your chin.
“is that what we’re doing now? humping my pillows while i’m gone?”
humiliation is running through your veins by the way she’s glaring at you, your hips rolling over the pillow on their own accord.
she still has a hold of your chin when your eyes meet again.
“good girl. keep doing that. i wanna see how much of a mess you can make”
you might be robin’s pillow princess for the majority of the time but when you have the chance to give her pleasure it’s everything.
her soft moans and the way she holds onto your hair causes you to rub your thighs together in anticipation
“oh you’re doing such a good job y/n. yeah- yeah right there- fuck good girl”
you always know that she’s the one who is in charge tho.
the way she’s guiding you and grinds down on your tongue leaves not the shadow of a doubt.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
comments and reblogs are always appreciated 🫶
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limeade-l3sbian · 4 months
Sorry, this is probably a heavy thing to put on, feel free to delete if this is too much for you to handle, I promise it won't upset me. I'm really considering suicide. I have a lot going on in my personal life and now that my eyes have been opened to how much the world hates women I find it difficult to cope. I truly don't know how to navigate the world knowing half the population wants to cut me up, use my reproductive organs, rape me, kill me, slather me in makeup, mutilate me, beat me, degrade and humiliate me just for being female. I can't trust or make friends anymore. I feel hopeless. Idk what I expect you to say, I just need to get this out and know that at least one person sees it and understands.
I don't know how helpful this will be, but I hope you know that I've been feeling the same way as well. It's part of why I haven't really been super active lately. I've been going through it as well, so I at the very least, hope you don't think you're alone.
This is a very shitty world and we are in this strange limbo right now of things either staying shit or getting shittier. And it's important to me that I don't give you advice that wouldn't personally help me. I think the best advice I can give you is this:
You're not going crazy. This hopelessness you feel is happening in record numbers. And your feelings about all this are completely valid. I hate that they're valid. I wish I could tell you, "But why do you think that's what's happening?" I wish i could be indignant and suggest that perhaps you were just looking too deeply into nothing. But you're not, and that's the biggest curse in being aware of the world around you.
I don't have the perfect answer for you. I wish I could write three paragraphs worth of inspiration and you hit me up two minutes later and tell me that after reading all that, now you want to conquer the world and nothing was going to stand in your way. I don't even have the perfect answer for myself.
I guess the best answer I can give you is that if you left, the world would just be a little more shittier. It would have just a little less sparkle to it that it is already sparse on. Someone's life (including mine, now that I know you exist), will dim in its quality if you were to do it. That hope that everyone grabs onto will lose just a little more grip without you. The world itself would shift in a way that isn't perceivably to you or me.
And that's not to say that you would be selfish to do it. An argument that I absolutely hate. But life would just go from 480p to 360p.
You should stay because what you are contemplating is going to come anyway. I have a post somewhere on here where i talk about how if you are suicidal, the best way to go about doing it is to live. Go out and live more than you ever have. That's when most people die. When they are out living and something out of their control happens. I would rather you die while ziplining with friends than crying and alone in a bathroom.
This sounds harsh, but I would rather all of this than give you some bullshit, "Oh, it's okay, sweetie. Have you talked to anyone? What about therapy? Did you do breathing exercises?"
You should go out and live, anon. And that doesn't even mean spend money. A full life isn't inevitable, but death is.
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bloody-bee-tea · 6 months
24 Days of Satosugu 2023 Day 18 - Uncertainty
This fic was inspired by this wonderful headcanon from @get0suguru
“Trust fall!” Satoru yells, hurling himself at Shoko only to stop floating at the exact place where she stands. Or well, stood, because she neatly side-stepped him and then watches uncaringly how he falls on his ass.
It doesn’t hurt because Infinity stops him from really hitting the ground, but his ego does take a bruise.
“Ow, Shoko, how can you be so mean to me?” he whines out, getting up and dusting himself off as if he needs it, but Shoko only regards him with slight annoyance.
“Do you do that with everyone?” she wants to know and Satoru honestly hadn’t thought about it.
It’s just—he was bored just a moment ago and Shoko walked past, and it had seemed like a good idea. He needs to use his new floating abilities for something, right?
And it might actually be fun to see how everyone else will react, though he hopes no one is as mean to him as Shoko just was.
“Yes,” Satoru confidently says even though he has yet to jump at anyone else like that and Shoko narrows her eyes at him.
“I am not going to heal you, should anything happen, so don’t even think about coming to me,” she informs him and Satoru doesn’t doubt that for a second.
He also doesn’t remind her that he doesn’t need her healing anymore.
“And the others?”
“If you hurt any of the others with these stupid shenanigans of yours I expect you to beg.” There’s a pleased look to her face and Satoru presses his lips together.
“Fine,” he still agrees because what else is he supposed to do and Shoko smiles at him like she knows it, too.
But not even the threat of having to beg her for some healing is going to stop him now that she planted the idea in his head and he gives her a blinding smile.
“I’ll get you one day, too, just you wait,” Satoru confidently tells her and Shoko crosses her arms in front of her chest.
“Dream on, oh honoured one.” It’s said in a mocking voice and sometimes Satoru wishes he would have never mentioned this to her and Suguru, because the teasing has been endless.
Shoko simply walks off after saying that, leaving Satoru behind and for a brief moment he thinks about trying it again, even though he knows his chances are about the same for her catching him.
No, he’ll have to catch her off guard one day, and he vows that he will do it, too.
Things with Nanami go about as well as expected. He regards him just like Shoko had when Satoru falls to his ass after yelling “Trust fall” and dropping himself in reach of Nanami.
It’s about what Satoru had expected, if he’s being honest.
Nanami is not his biggest fan, and he keeps reminding Satoru at every possible moment that his Infinity is keeping him safe from everything. It makes Satoru wonder, sometimes, if Nanami would simply assume the same during a fight and Satoru has to admit that it makes something uneasy curl in his stomach.
He might have automated Infinity, but it’s not fool proof yet and one of these days he’s going to get his ass handed to him. The only question is if Nanami would simply watch it happen or not.
Satoru shakes his head at those thoughts, because of course Nanami wouldn’t simply let it happen, not once he notices what’s going on, but the thought is still hard to shake.
It makes Satoru refrain from immediately trying Haibara next, because Nanami huffing out an amused laugh as Satoru crashed to the ground was certainly a blow to the ego.
Still, Haibara has to suffer through the same eventually, and Haibara—bless his heart—actually attempts to catch him.
He stumbles over his own feet in the end, and he isn’t quite strong enough to take the entirety of Satoru’s weight, but at least an attempt was made.
“Hey, you okay?” Haibara wants to know once Satoru’s feet are safely back on the ground and Satoru grins at him.
“Trust fall,” he belatedly tells him because he might have forgotten to mention that, and Haibara’s concern warms his heart.
“Oh. Well, I guess I failed, right? Didn’t quite catch you there,” Haibara says with an embarrassed laugh and Satoru grins at him.
“Actually, you get full marks, on behalf of the others failing,” he informs him brightly but Haibara frowns at him.
“Geto let you fall? That doesn’t sound right,” Haibara mutters and now it’s Satoru’s turn to let out an embarrassed laugh.
“Haha, yeah, no, I haven’t gotten to him yet. But Shoko and Nanami let me fall, which is all kinds of rude, if you ask me.”
“Geto won’t,” Haibara says, clearly completely convinced and Satoru gives him his best bright grin.
“Yeah, he probably won’t,” he agrees, even though he’s not quite sure about that.
“Anyway, was there anything you need, or was this all?” Haibara asks and Satoru pats his shoulder.
“That’s all, thanks for trying,” Satoru honestly says, and he is grateful that Haibara did try.
Didn’t quite succeed but the intent clearly was there, which can’t be said for Shoko and Nanami.
“You’re welcome,” Haibara calls out and jogs off, leaving Satoru to his own thoughts.
He’s not insecure, not quite, but there are certain things that make him uncertain. And one uncertainty is if Suguru really would catch him.
Satoru thinks he might—hopes so, really—but he can’t be sure about that unless he tries and that’s what’s stopping him from trying.
If Suguru lets him fall flat on his ass—even though Infinity will protect him from getting hurt—Satoru is not sure if he’ll ever make it back to his feet.
Well, there’s no rush in trying it out with Suguru, Satoru muses, and if he just ends up never doing it with him, who will be able to tell, right?
“I heard you’ve been doing a trust fall exorcise with the others,” Suguru off-handedly mentions one day and Satoru freezes.
“Now who would have possibly said something like that?” he eventually laughs out, but he knows that it took him too long because Suguru looks strangely at him.
“Haibara mentioned it the other day and Shoko and Nanami weren’t shy to share their stories then. How come you haven’t tried it with me?”
“Ah, Suguru, come on, is there really a reason to? We’re the strongest,” Satoru tries, slinging his arm around Suguru’s neck and hanging off his side.
“So? What does that have to do with anything?”
Satoru opens his mouth but no words actually come out and he almost loses his balance when Suguru suddenly stops walking.
“Satoru, you know I’d catch you, right?” he wants to know and he seems so serious that there really is nothing else for Satoru to do but nod.
“Of course I know,” he quietly gives back but the frown won’t vanish from Suguru’s face.
“No matter what, I’d always catch you, Satoru,” Suguru tells him and it sounds like the truth.
“We’ll see about that,” Satoru says with a cheeky grin, because it’s a big promise to make and now he’s actually even more afraid of trying it out because if Suguru doesn’t catch him then he will have lied to Satoru.
And that is not something Satoru is sure he could stand.
After that talk it becomes clear that Suguru is just waiting for Satoru to do the trust fall exorcise with him as well and he seems to worry more with every day that passes that Satoru doesn’t do it.
Satoru knows he’ll have to do it eventually, but he still needs to hype himself up for it, tries to convince himself that it doesn’t matter if Suguru lets him fall flat on his ass, because it’s not as if that can hurt Satoru.
Well, Satoru’s body can’t be hurt like that. His heart is an entirely different matter.
Still, eventually he has to do it, and so he does.
He’s floating high up in the air when he spots Suguru walking along the path under him, clearly ready to return to his room and Satoru thinks it’s now or never.
“Trust fall,” he shouts, causing Suguru to snap his head up to him and Suguru is running before Satoru even really stopped floating.
He’s plummeting from a pretty significant height, so Satoru breaks the fall down himself until he’s about an arm length above Suguru and then he simply lets himself fall.
And Suguru catches him easily.
He doesn’t stumble and he doesn’t belatedly drop him to the floor, either; his arms are safe and secure around Satoru and he’s holding him tightly to his chest.
“Told you so,” Suguru tells him with a grin, slightly out of breath from the sprint he had to do to get to Satoru in time and Satoru finds himself beaming back at Suguru.
“That you did,” he agrees and mourns the loss of contact when Suguru sets him down on the ground.
“You good?” Suguru asks, clearly worried for a second anyway but Satoru nods.
“I’m perfect.”
And he is, knowing that Suguru keeps his promise.
It’s addicting. It’s addicting in a way Satoru wasn’t prepared for and he fully blames Suguru for it, because he does keep his promise.
He keeps catching Satoru no matter what.
Satoru has taken to let himself fall into Suguru’s arms multiple times a day, simply because he can and simply because Suguru is always ready and never seems to mind and it makes something bright and warm unfurl in Satoru’s chest.
One time, Suguru had been giving a report to Yaga, stacks of paper in his hands and they had gone flying everywhere when Suguru spotted Satoru in the air.
Yaga is still yelling at them for it, and Satoru would feel bad for getting Suguru into trouble with something stupid like that, but Suguru never seems to mind and he always tells Yaga that it was more important to catch Satoru at that moment. The papers could be picked up later, anyways.
That statement made Satoru’s heart beat like crazy and he might have gotten even more obnoxious since then.
“Trust fall!” Satoru laughs out, floating in the air a little ahead of Suguru and the moment he says it, Suguru starts running.
And it’s only then that Satoru sees that Suguru was holding his favourite mug in one hand, which is now flying through the air before it crashes to the ground and breaks just as Suguru brings his arms up to catch Satoru.
Just like he always does.
“Got you,” Suguru mutters, briefly pressing Satoru to his chest before he lets go of him again and Satoru feels horrible.
“I am so sorry,” he whispers, his eyes fixed on Suguru’s chest. “I didn’t mean to make you drop that.”
“Huh?” Suguru says and turns around to look at the destroyed mug. “Oh, that. Doesn’t matter, I still caught you.”
“I wouldn’t have gotten hurt,” Satoru says and takes a step back. “You know that, right? There’s actually no real reason for you to always catch me.”
“What? Of course there is,” Suguru immediately gives back and flicks Satoru’s forehead. “I told you I would, so I’m doing it.”
“But—that was your favourite mug, which is now broken. I wouldn’t have broken if you had let me fall this one time,” Satoru mutters, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“Wouldn’t you?” Suguru seriously asks and Satoru’s head snaps up to look at him. “I think something might have broken if I had let you fall, and I’m not about to take that chance. It’s just a mug, Satoru, you can buy me a new one.”
Suguru’s words make Satoru blush something fierce, because he might be right. If Suguru had let him fall, Satoru’s heart might have broken on impact.
“I won’t do it again. And I’ll pay for a new mug, of course,” he tells Suguru who flicks his forehead again. “Hey, ouch,” Satoru complaints and rubs the spot even as Suguru leans forward to better look at him.
“Satoru, don’t be stupid. You can do it as much as you want, I’ll always catch you, no matter what I have to drop to do so.”
He seems completely serious as he says it, as if it’s not even a question for him that he’ll continue to be right there whenever Satoru falls and it’s too much to take for the moment, so Satoru turns his attention to the mug again.
It was a stupid gag gift he got Suguru; the words I’m the sexiest mother around printed on the mug, which Satoru thought kind of fitting, because Suguru is somewhat the mother hen of their group. The fact that warm liquid turns the print into I’m the sexiest motherfucker around is even more fitting and had sent Satoru into a laughing fit before he immediately bought it for Suguru.
He is the sexiest person around, after all. Not that Satoru is ever going to tell him that.
“You’ll still have to pick a new mug,” Satoru mutters, not daring to address what Suguru just said and Suguru rolls his eyes.
“That was my favourite mug because you bought it for me,” he tells him with a sigh and Satoru gapes at him.
“That was a stupid gag gift!”
“A stupid gag gift I happen to like because it came from you,” Suguru immediately shoots back and looks expectantly at Satoru. “So you’ll have to buy me a new one. But something with a more fitting text this time, maybe.”
“Oh yeah, and what would be more fitting than what was on that one?” Satoru asks, wondering what Suguru is on about and he knows he ran right into whatever trap Suguru set up when he smiles brightly at him.
“Maybe something along the lines of Best boyfriend,” he easily says and Satoru’s mouth drops open.
“I—” he doesn’t actually know what to say to that, doesn’t know how to deal with this at all and he wishes instead of floating he could phase right through the ground.
“Can’t be too hard to find something like that, right?” Suguru whispers, leaning close and brushing his lips against Satoru’s cheek.
“And what do I get?” Satoru finally manages to get out, his voice just a tad too high and his knees wobble dangerously when Suguru smiles at him.
“The same? I mean, you’d be my boyfriend then, too, right?”
“I sure would be,” Satoru mutters under his breath and makes a stupidly embarrassing noise when Suguru steals a kiss for himself.
“You sure are,” Suguru corrects him. “And as your boyfriend it’s my duty to always catch you, no matter what.”
“Well, as your boyfriend it’s my duty to not make you drop things you like,” Satoru shoots back and his feelings turn a little gooey when Suguru takes his hand in his.
“I haven’t dropped you,” he seriously says and Satoru fears the blush on his face might be permanent at this point.
“You—” he gets out before he thinks that kissing Suguru again might be the better route to take here.
“And I don’t intent to,” Suguru mutters against his lips when they part and really, there is nothing Satoru can do but to accept it.
“Fine. I’m counting on you, then,” he agrees, making Suguru smile again.
“Always,” he promises and Satoru is inclined to believe him.
It certainly doesn’t help that he now gets extra kisses every time Suguru catches him, though Satoru is careful to not make him drop his boyfriend mug. They have to match, after all.
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tempestuous-tempest · 11 months
Again! Wrench Headcanons:
Guess this 28/41 year old is my hyperfixation for a while.[Age depends on which game he's in. WD2 has him at canonically 28 while Legion makes him canonically 41 years old.] This is about the length of my Deacon Rambles post...
Was a high school drop out at some point. Always getting in trouble for skipping classes, taking shit apart, having his hood/mask on, fighting because he didnt get along with people, etc etc. He hated school.
I see him as the type to have been a drummer in a band at one point. Eventually the band just fell apart but he has some of their songs on his phone still.
Loved the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. In his mind, it had a badass sound track. 7 Nation Army by The White Stripes and Black Sheep by Metric and Brie Larson were real bangers in his mind.
Reeks of beer and gasoline most of the time. Change my mind.
Deadpool is this man's icon. Some of his jokes are inspired by jokes from the comics or movies. Has posters, funkos, obviously the comics and movies, and even dressed up as his own punk version of deadpool loosely based on the funko mini. His personal favorite mini was the chicken costume.
Has a unicorn stuffed animal himself.
Also likes Spider-Punk.
Likes Motorcycles a little bit more than cars.
Detective films? Yes. Action Movies? Definitely. Sci-Fi? Hell Yeah! Horror? Maybe not so much.
People seem to be unable to decide whether Wrench is Bi or Pan. I personally think he'd be Pansexual.
Doesn't like cleaning as he states ingame. Will clean if the mess starts to bother him. Or if Sitara makes him.
High metabolism which is why he's so thin.
Throwns in tons of movie/game references when speaking expecting people to get them and then has to explain them when they dont. Definitely geeks out when someone does.
You know that one audio trend with the person singing CPR and someone else yelling "Language"? He'd be the singer and Sitara would be the one yelling at him to mind his language.
Sends the most odd videoes at the most random of times.
Also the kind of guy that might not respond until like and hour or 2 later.
Tries to be pretty quiet in the mornings, besides the music blasting in his earbuds/headphones.
The more I think about the more I start to believe that his "bad driving" is just a thing he makes people believe until you see his dumb ass in a race and this fucker blows you away with his skills. Then you start to really understand why he can do perfect drifts getting away from the police or gangs in a chace.
Due to his always racing thoughts, he sometims forgets some things. Like he gets sent out to take out the trash, goes to the kitchen, forgets why he went in there, does a few circles to try and remember, then gives up and goes back to his room or workspace. It'll hit him like 20 minutes later.
Favorite food is probably Tacos. Pizza close in like 2nd or 3rd place, maybe.
Decent at voice impressions, if you couldnt tell.
Oh, and for those who absolutely need them, have some romance headcanons too:
Didn't show his face to his S/O until like 6 months into the relationship at the least. He was so fucking nervous too.
Wouldn't even fully open up about his past until probably a year in at the least.
Prepare for cheesy love songs, matching key chains, corny pick up lines, bits of playful teasing, and a lot of small physical touches. (Mostly hand holding but would wrap his arms around his s/o's waist) His s/o also wrapping their arms around his waist drives him nuts.
Needs a lot of reassurance that his s/o loves him. I wouldnt say constantly but quite a few times in the relationship, especially at the beginning.
He isnt exactly scared of commitment as he had a husband at one point. Key word: "Had". Dont expect him to fully settle down though. He still plans to fight until he is sure this battle is really over.
Two Words: Super. Clingy.
Might forget an anniversary, dont hold it against him. He sometimes forgets what he had for breatfast 15 minutes ago.
As I've mentioned before, he does not like kids. Don't expect a family with him.
No planned dates unless his s/o is the one who plans them. He kinda just does things whenever if both have the free time.
Makes sure to dial down his weirdness just a little so his s/o is comfortable. He takes things slow if they want them to be.
Was definitely taking forever to actually ask his s/o out. Hoped they would do it first but then got impatient after a while and just blurted out everything.
This is getting too long. Im done for now.
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cjsarchive · 2 months
nothing specific, just would love some fluff from the boys :)
I ended up getting super indulgent when writing this:3. Hope you enjoy!
Another Day-Incubi x Reader
After eating breakfast with the incubi, I began simply walking around the house, trying to pass time as they all separated to their own endeavors. I stopped walking when I heard some music playing as I walked past one of the rooms. I peered inside to see Erik in his room that he shared with James. He was playing a portable piano. He had a furrowed brow as he continually hit one note over and over. I gently knocked on the door.
He looked up at me and smiled, “Oh! Hello, princess. Come in.”
“Hey, Erik,” I said as I walked towards him, “What are you working on?”
“Ah, I'm just working on a song I recently came up with. I am however having a bit of trouble unfortunately.”
“Oh? How so?”
“I’m struggling to continue the song.” He sighed looking back down at the keys.
I thought for a moment, “Well, I don’t know much about the piano, but maybe I could try to help a bit? If that’s okay with you.”
Erik let out a gentle smile, “As generous as always, Princess.” He scooted over to make some space for me on the chair he was sitting on and I sat down beside him.
“Can I hear what you have so far?”
Erik nodded and began to play his piece. It was very calming. My eyes slowly fell closed and I focused on the music. That was until he suddenly hit a sour note and the song ended. He groaned.
“I don’t know how to continue from that part. I can’t get inspiration for it.”
“Well what gave you inspiration for the rest of the song?”
Erik chuckled, “When we all watched the sunset together the other day. That truly was beautiful.” Erik thought for a moment, “Can you tell me about a time in your life you thought was beautiful?”
“Yeah, sure.” I proceeded to tell him about one of the most beautiful moments of my life. I tried to go into as much detail as possible, hoping that will truly help him get the feel of it. Erik took some time to really visualize my words before he tried playing again. The note that was once sour flowed seamlessly. Erik was able to come up with a few more notes for his song as I watched. It was amazing to see him in his element like this.
Once Erik was finished, he smiled brightly, “Thank you, Princess. What would I do without you?” He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my knuckles, “You truly are inspiring.”
I smiled, “You’re the artist, Erik. You’re the one that’s inspiring.”
I left Erik alone to finish his song in private. As I left his room, Matthew was walking past carrying a load of snacks.
“Oh, hey!” He smiled at me.
“Hey, Matthew. What are you about to do?”
“I was gonna go find something new to watch on tv. You wanna watch tv with me?”
“Awesome!” He smiled his goofy grin at me, “Come on.” I followed Matthew to his and Damien’s room. We settled down onto Matthew’s bed and he laid out the snacks before looking to me, “You can have whatever you want! I don’t mind.”
I giggled slightly, “Thank you,” I said before taking some snacks for myself. “So, what were you thinking about watching?”
“Hmm, I don’t know. Nothing too serious. Are there any shows you recommend?” Matthew handed me the tv remote.
“Hm, I don’t really know either.” We both chuckled before I turned on the tv and started scrolling through channels. I stopped scrolling when I came across a channel playing Family Feud, “Have you seen this show?”
“Nope. What is it?”
“It’s a game show. The host is super funny. Definitely makes the show a whole lot better.”
“Let’s watch it then!” He smiled. I smiled in return and clicked play on the tv. We didn’t expect to get so into the show so quickly. We watched for at least a couple hours laughing at the host, the contestants, and ourselves as we tried to guess some of the answers as well. We both weren’t particularly good at guessing, which made everything even funnier. We were eventually interrupted by a knock on the door. Matthew told them to come in and in came James,
“Hello,” He greeted, “Lunch is ready whenever you’re ready to eat.”
“Alright, thanks, James!” I said as he gave us a warm smile and left the room. I turned back to Matthew, “Should we continue this another time?”
“For sure! This was so fun! It’s always awesome hanging out with you!” He beamed a bright smile at me.
I couldn’t help the slight blush that appeared on my face, “Thank you! That makes me so happy to hear.” I smiled back at him.
“It’s the truth!” I giggled and thanked him again before we both went down to eat lunch.
After lunch, I entered the living room to see Sam playing a shooter game on the big screen. He seemed focused on his game, so I simply sat down beside him on the couch and watched.
“Whaddup, doofus,” He said simply, not taking his eyes off the screen.
“Hey,” I said in return. We went back to sitting in silence as he finished this round.
“Damnit!” He cursed as he lost.
“What’s the objective of this game?”
“Get chests and take out other players.”
“That’s it?”
“Yeah, pretty simple. You wanna join in?”
“Yeah. There’s a multiplayer mode.”
“Alright, I’ll play!” Sam passed me the second controller. I found the multiplayer mode and chose my weapon. Sam quickly gave me the rundown of the game and controls before we started our first match. I quickly realized it was not ‘pretty simple.’ I definitely was nowhere near as good as Sam was, it was almost embarrassing.
“Sam, where did you go?!” I exclaimed.
“I ran off already! Why didn’t you follow me?!”
“I got distracted, sorry!” He laughed at me as I quickly tried to catch up to him.
“Where are you?! I don’t know where I'm going! Ugh!” I shouted again as Sam guffawed at my frustration. I jokingly hit him on the shoulder.
“Alright, alright. Do you see that building in front of you?” He pointed at the screen, “I’m in there. Go there.”
“Okay, I’m going.” As I was headed towards the building, I was suddenly shot at and my character fell down and died. Sam didn’t even try to hold down his laughter.
“You got some terrible fucking spatial awareness, doofus!”
“Shut up,” I started to laugh as well. We continued playing for a while. Well, it was more of me dying repeatedly while Sam practically howled in laughter at me. I managed to kill myself with my own grenade at one point.
“Sam! Help! People are shooting at me!”
“Just shoot back, doofus!” But it was too late because I was already dead again. The round ended and I fell back on the couch in defeat.
“That was humiliating,” I joked. Sam fell back with me and reached over to ruffle my hair.
“Don’t worry about it. Hell, you’re way better at other things.” I smiled at his statement.
“Heh, no problem.” We simply just laid there for a while, enjoying being in each other’s presence.
“I did have fun, believe it or not,” I sighed contently.
“I did too,” Sam reached and playfully nipped at my cheek, “You’re really cool, doofus.”
“Heh, you’re cool too, Sam.”
Some time after playing video games with Sam, I went to get myself a snack from the kitchen. I found Damien in there, also fixing him something to eat.
“Hello,” He smiled as he greeted me.
“Hey, Damien. What are you making?”
“Just a sandwich,” He had the cheese, meat, and condiments out, “I just need the bread.” He went to the pantry and took a look around before slightly raising a brow, “I think we might be out of bread.”
“Already?” I had just bought some bread last week. Then I remembered that lately Matthew’s been obsessed with bread and butter. That would explain it. Damien chuckled.
“It’s fine. I’ll just make something else,” He said as he began putting the ingredients away..
“I can run and get some bread from the store real quick. You wanna come with?”
“Are you sure? Heh, I don’t need bread right this moment.”
“I know. I kinda wanna get out the house right now though. Besides, Matthew will probably be happy to have more bread as well.”
Damien giggled, “Very true. Alright, I’ll come with you.” We both quickly slipped on some sweaters and shoes and went out to my car. I drove us to the nearby corner store and we picked up some bread, along with some other stuff we needed while we were there. On our way back home, the sun was beginning to set, turning the sky beautiful shades of pink, orange and yellow. “Woah,” Damien looked out the window, “So beautiful. I’ll never get tired of sunsets.” I smiled at him. Seeing his amazement for something so seemingly minimal and common put a warm feeling in my heart. Damien blushed slightly and smiled back at me. I pulled into a park and parked the car.
“Come on, let’s get out and watch the sunset.”
Damien nodded to me before we both got out of the car and into the park. He found a bench facing the sunset and sat down, I guess I tend to forget how magical sunsets can be. They’re so common, It had gotten to the point I stopped really thinking about them. The boys definitely helped bring that magic back.
“Hey, can I see your phone for a moment?” Damien asked.
“Yeah sure,” I handed over my phone, not thinking about it too much, kinda lost in my thoughts at the sunset. I suddenly heard the sound of a picture being taken. I looked over at Damien to see he just took a photo of me.
“Sorry,” He gave a sheepish smile, “You just look so pretty in the glow of the sunset. See?” He showed me the photo he took. I was sure I was blushing right now. I chuckled, “Thanks for the compliment. And that’s a good picture of me, hehe.” I got the urge to take a photo of him as well. He smiled and handed me my phone back. I ended up taking quite a few photos.
“You’re so handsome,” I grinned.
He blushed, “Hehe, thank you!” We took some more photos, some together, as we continued to watch the sun set further into the sky. “Thanks for bringing me out with you. You are so amazing. We should do this more often!”
“Yeah, for sure!”
He chuckled, “We should probably head back. Dinner should be done soon.” Damien stood up off the bench and offered a hand to me to help me stand as well.
After dinner, I saw James going out to the garden. I followed him out, wondering what he could be doing out there at this time, “James?”
He turned to look at me, “Oh, hello, Miss.”
“Hey, whatcha doing?”
“Ah, I was about to start reading a novel I recently found.”
“Oh? What’s it about?”
James perked up a bit, noticeably excited to share his book with me, “It’s a mystery thriller. Someone was killed in a friend group of young adults, so they are trying to find the imposter in their group.”
“Ooh, that sounds interesting! Why read outside though?”
“I love the atmosphere of being in the garden. It’s very calming and, in my opinion, makes the perfect environment to read in.”
“That actually sounds really nice.”
“Indeed,” He chucked. James thought for a moment. “Miss, would you perhaps want to read this with me? I believe I saw another copy of this book in the library.”
“Yeah, why not?”
He smiled, “Wonderful.”
With our own copy of the book each, we sat down next to each other and began to read. Because of his ability, he was a fast reader. Especially fast in comparison to my slower pace. I noticed him catch himself and slow down, trying to accommodate me. I tried to quicken my pace.
“You don’t have to rush to catch up to me, Miss. I don’t mind rereading a few pages. I want you to enjoy the book to its fullest as well.”
I simply smiled, “As sweet as ever.” He merely chucked. We read about a quarter of the way into the book together, pointing out moments that stood out to us and annotating, hoping to solve the mystery in the book. I always loved having discussions with James. He always brought a great perspective to everything. Soon enough, I found myself yawning.
“I think this is a good place to wrap up,” James said softly, “You need your rest, Miss.”
“Can’t argue with that.” I took a moment to simply sit and wallow in the night breeze, “You’re right. Reading out here at night does make for a great atmosphere.”
“I’m glad you enjoy it as well, Miss. Though I must say, your presence made the experience much better.” I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. We both sat for a while, admiring the night sky.
After, we both headed back in the house and up the stairs.
“Goodnight, James.”
“Goodnight, Miss. Have sweet dreams,” He smiled before we both seperated to our rooms.
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Perfect (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Author's Note: Hey guys! Here's that Steve request as promised. Everyone thank @spideyboipete for giving me the inspiration to finish this request! Hope y'all enjoy this, I know I enjoyed writing it! Expect more Steve content in the future, and requests are open! I am always in the mood to write for Peter Parker, and currently for Steve as well, so get requesting! Thank you, guys!
Requested?: Yes! By anon- "ask and ye shall receive! here's a steve harrington request: basically, reader being protective over steve when a nosy customer keeps on hitting on him despite the fact that steve has numerously (and patiently) let them down. feel free to go wild with this request -🍇"
Summary: After seeing a girl shamelessly flirt with an uncomfortable Steve, you try to step in and defend him.
Steve Harrington x Reader
Word Count: 1,907
Warnings: none, just fluff this time!
“Hi, how can I help you today?” You smile brightly at the girl who has just walked into Family Video. 
“Oh, I was just looking for…” The girl trails off as her eyes skim over the long aisles of movies that cover the store.
“A movie?” Steve deadpans from behind you, walking up to the counter next to you. He leans over the counter, his forearms pressed into the glass to peer at the girl who has not stopped scanning the store.
“Any movie in particular?” You nudge Steve, trying to get him to play nice. He chuckles and looks over at you, a smirk on his face with a glint in his eye.
“No, nothing in particular besides maybe something,” she finally turns back to look at you and Steve, her eyes catching on the latter, “scary.”
“Oh, that section will be over there.” Steve points to the far right corner of the floor, not once recognizing the girl’s stare. Or, at least, not acknowledging it.
“Perfect… thanks. I’m Lisa, by the way.” She says, smiling coyly as she turns to go to the scary movie section.
Once Lisa is out of earshot, you turn to Steve.
“You might have your game back, Harrington.” You snort, even though you actually hate every second of this. Yes, you have a crush on your best friend. No, it’s not cliche, and no you’ll never tell him. He’s tried to hit on way too many girls that have come into this store, there is no way this will be any different and there is no way that he has any feelings for you. Not like that.
“You’re crazy. You think she was flirting with me?” He scoffs, turning around so that his back is against the counter, elbows leaning back on it.
“I don’t think so, I know so. Did you see the way she looked at you? Literally bedroom eyes personified.” You slap his arm, pushing away from the counter to go to the computer where the store’s inventory is listed. You scan through the scary movies to see which ones are in stock.
“Which one do you recommend?” You hear Lisa’s voice at the counter again, and you turn around to see her leaning up over the counter this time as Steve tries to talk to her. If Steve so much as glances down, he’ll see right down her shirt and you know she’s doing that on purpose.
“Well, um, I guess…” Steve puts a hand on his neck, nervously looking anywhere but at her. You decide to intervene. Maybe he’s just nervous and doesn’t want to come off as being a douchebag guy that uses women for their bodies, maybe he really likes this girl. Either way, though, she seems like nothing but trouble.
“I recommend Friday the 13th parts one through five,” you pipe up, walking over to meet them at the counter again, “part six is set to come out in August so you should watch the series to get caught up on it before the newest part premieres.” 
“That’s… really good advice, actually.” Steve smiles at you, a silent thank you for saving him in the situation.
“Yeah? Is there any…nudity in any of the films?” She bats her eyelashes, looking up at Steve through them.
“Well, I actually haven’t watched any of them, so I don’t know--” Steve starts, but he’s cut off by Lisa’s gasp.
“You haven’t watched any of them? They’re so good, you should totally see them. Say, do you have anything going on tonight?” Lisa grins at him, finally pushing off from practically laying on the counter.
“Oh, I’m actually…busy tonight, but thanks for the offer.” Steve looks at you, giving you a look. You catch his eye and read the expression he’s giving: I do not like this chick.
“Yeah, we’re both busy working all day and into the night. Long shifts, you know.” You joke with the girl, and Steve joins in to laugh awkwardly with you.
“What about this weekend?” Lisa hums, twirling a piece of blonde hair between her fingers as she stares Steve down.
“I’m…busy then, too.” Steve gulps, severely uncomfortable under her intense gaze. You swear you see a trickle of sweat fall down his forehead.
“Doing what?” Lisa lifts an eyebrow to stare at him, almost as if challenging him and his unknown plans.
“He’s going on a date.” You blurt out.
Steve turns to stare at you, and the girl even tears her gaze away from him to look at you as well.
“A date?” Lisa asks, narrowing her eyes at you.
“Y-Yeah! A date.” Steve agrees, turning back to look at her while giving you a thumbs up behind the counter where she can’t see.
“With who?” She frowns, her hand dropping from her hair to rest on her hip.
“With--” You try to respond, but Steve beats you to it.
“With her.” Steve points at you. Your eyes go wide and you try not to let your jaw drop at his casual lie.
“Really?” Lisa almost looks like she doesn’t buy it.
“Really.” As if to set the lie in stone, Steve sidles up next to you and grabs your hand in his. You feel the heat rise to your cheeks at his gesture and try not to let it show on your face.
Lisa’s eyes pause on you as she sizes you up and tries to decide if you’re an actual threat or not.
“He’s not interested in you, floozy. Get lost.” You glare at her, standing your ground for both you and Steve despite being so flustered at the same time. Her nostrils flare and her lips pucker into a grimace.
“Whatever.” She flips her hair and walks away for a moment to most likely grab a movie.
“What was that?” You whisper-yell at Steve.
“I don’t know! I just thought of it on the spot! It worked, didn’t it? Stop yelling at me!”
“I’m not yelling at you! I’m whispering!”
“You’re whisper yelling! That’s not fair!” 
“How is it not fair--”
“Excuse me?” Lisa’s back, an annoyed look on her face. If looks could kill, well, you wouldn’t be dead but you might be mildly beat up or something.
“Oh, sorry, we’ll ring that up for you.” Steve clears his throat and rings up her movies, taking her payment and sliding them across to her once he finishes.
“Between you and me, lover boy, if you want more of a…I don’t know, woman. Or at least some more fun, then you can call me anytime.” Lisa slides her landline number across the counter to Steve and smiles suggestively at him.
“No.” Steve frowns. Her smile drops into confusion.
“No?” She asks.
“No.” He repeats, leaving behind the counter to stand in front of her.
“You are not half the woman she is, and you could never hope to be. (Y/n) is the most incredible, selfless, funny, caring individual ever and you need to apologize to her.” Steve’s face has gone slightly red as he rants to Lisa.
“Steve this isn’t neces--”
“It is, (Y/n). Lisa, you cannot disrespect my girlfriend like that and expect me to stand by and not react. You might think you’re more fun because you’re the type of fun that most guys want so they can use you before discarding you, but that’s not me. That will never be me, not anymore. (Y/n) is the type of fun where I can stay up all night hearing her jokes and watching movies with her and never once want to go home or wish that I was somewhere else. She is the type of fun that I can be around twenty-four-seven, and I am so lucky to be with her and to be around her all the time. She is the type of fun that I want to spend the rest of my life with, not some one-night stand that I’ll forget about tomorrow. So, yeah. Once you grow up and realize what a real woman is, then maybe you’ll find a man who wants you and who will appreciate your worth fully. But that man is not me, and that time is not now. Goodbye.”
Lisa has tears in her eyes before he’s even finished, and as soon as he’s done talking, she runs out of the door.
“Steve…” You trail off, not really knowing what to say next. Did he seriously mean all of those things? The way that he said them, he had to have….
And did he call you his girlfriend?
“Sorry, I got carried away. You don’t think I was too harsh, do you?” He smiles sheepishly at you, coming back behind the counter again.
“Well, I don’t know…maybe the whole use and discarding bit was sort of uncalled for, but it wasn’t exactly wrong. I feel only a little bad,” you say truthfully. 
“Yeah…” Steve agrees, but you can tell that his mind is elsewhere.
“Steve?” You gather up the courage to get a little closer to him, standing next to him at the counter again.
“Yeah?” He snaps out of his trance, looking down at you.
“Did you mean all of that?” You almost whisper, not daring to look at him as you do so.
“Of course I do. You mean everything to me, (Y/n).” He responds.
“Like…in a romantic way?” You breathe out, heart hammering at your own accusation.
“Oh…I…” Steve swallows hard and averts his gaze. 
You knew it. How could you have been so stupid, to think he felt the same after all this time? It was just to get the girl to go away. He only likes you as a friend.
“Yeah. In a really romantic way.” Steve’s laugh is breathy and barely there as he turns to look at you again. Your head snaps to stare at him with wide, awe-struck eyes.
“Seriously? You- you like me?”
“A bit more than that (Y/n).” Steve chuckles, but you can see a tinge of red on his cheeks as he admits this.
“Like like me?” 
“Love, (Y/n). I love you.”
“You…” You trail off, the reality sinking in.
“Do you…?” Steve asks, not daring to actually finish the question.
“Y-Yes! I mean- yes. I love you, too, Harrington.” You giggle, not really comprehending the full situation but being elated nonetheless.
“Great. Awesome. I… that’s… perfect.” Steve nods, a big smile on his face as he stares off into space.
“Movie? Uh, this weekend? A date?” He asks, looking over at you with his wide smile and bright eyes.
“You mean the date we technically already have planned?” You laugh, looking up at him.
“Right. Yeah. That’s the one.” He chuckles, eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips.
“Sounds like a plan, Steve. I’d love to go on a date with you.” You lean in slightly, breath hitching in your throat as the two of you draw closer to each other.
“...Perfect.” He smiles, brushing your noses together before--
“Get back to work!” Your boss walks in and shrieks at the two of you, causing you to jump apart and skittishly start working on nothing in particular. You glance sideways at Steve, who is already looking at you. You both laugh and continue working, grins splitting your faces.
You’re just two lovestruck idiots trying to navigate a weird world with even weirder people in it, but honestly, what’s better than that?
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otakween · 9 months
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 29
This episode was all over the place! I kinda wish it would have narrowed its focus because they kept introducing new concepts and then immediately dropping them? The German expressionist world was aesthetic af though, not gonna lie.
The whole food conversation was weird and confusing. Guilmon and Terriermon eat some bitter chocolate that doesn't fit in with the background and has nothing to do with the plot (unless of course it becomes relevant later). Then Ryo says this line:
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I listened closely to the Japanese to see if it was just a bad translation, but nope, that's what he said. I think maybe what they're trying to convey is that you can eat a small amount and be satisfied? However, the way it came off was "in this world you eat when you're hungry" which is literally how the real world works lol (unless you eat when you're bored I guess).
The haunted castle with the beds was verrrry reminiscent of the Bakemon episode from Adventure. Almost to the point where it felt a little copy-paste. At least the beds were legit this time.
The scene where all the kids (besides Ryo) have insomnia was well done and so was the part where Takato finds his mom's letter. I had insomnia last night, so it kind of hit different haha.
A little late to be noticing, but are Takato's eyes pink or are they brown and just look pink in certain lighting? I kinda hope they're intentionally pink because that would be the bolder choice.
Apparently there's a scarecrow digimon that's literally just a scarecrow (barely sentient). I kinda like the design, but what's the point...?
In addition to the random scarecrow digimon they also introduced a dog-like digimon inspired by western animation (like Looney Tunes). I guess they were thinking of the Roadrunner cartoons because of the desert setting, but that scene felt suuuper random. (I did think it was kinda funny when he calls Culumon "cat" in a heavy Japanese accent though lol). Oh and also, why the heck was there an Otamamon and Gekomon in that scene. How are they not drying up?
The title of the episode mentions the haunted castle, but then they really did nothing with that. There was a Knightmon in the hallway and that's about it. Yet another thing they introduced and then dropped immediately.
I feel like the only reason Takato's mom hid her letter was for dramatic effect. She didn't really need to hide it?
Culumon insert song!! That was unexpected. Culumon continues to be a little idiot. Also at one point they said "kuru (coming) culu" which amused me.
Makuramon has a deeper voice and more serious personality than I would expect from a monkey character. Pretty cold of him to bail on his dragon friend. I guess he's not a strong fighter
I don't really get why they made such a huge deal of the king device card that Ryo used. We've seen digimon grow huge already with matrix evolution, so I wasn't that impressed by it. The only thing I was kinda taken aback by was how violent Cyberdramon's attack was.
Ryo leaving to "satisfy Cyberdramon's instinctive urges" seemed kind of like a weak excuse to split up the gang. I bet he'll return during some decisive battle or something.
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bitbybitwrites · 8 months
fic writer 20 questions - ask game
I was tagged by @kurtsascot - Thanks for thinking of me!💖
tagging the following to answer, only if they want to : @heartsmadeofbooks, @gleefulpoppet, @forabeatofadrum, @rockitmans, @hkvoyage @myheartalivewrites, @clottedcreamfudge @lady-divine-writes, @yadivagirl @kirakiwiwrites @scatter-the-stars @spaceorphan18, @1908jmd @little-escapist and anyone else who may be interested - jump on in!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. whats your ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Right now, just Glee. But I'm contemplating branching out (*cough RWRB cough*) 😉
4. top 5 fics by kudos
1.) If I Can Make Your Heart My Home 2.) Under The Cover of Darkness 3.) Trick of Treat 4.) Come Into My Parlor 5.) Klaine Drabbles and Shorts
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I do! Sometimes it takes me awhile respond, but I like to. I really appreciate when folks drop a comment. I know it's easy to hit kudos and move on, but when a reader adds just a little more, it's a nice thing to see. Like you've taken just a little extra time to let me know what you are thinking, if you are frustrated, if you're happy, if you all are getting the same feeling as readers as I do as a writer - it's nice to see and I like to acknowledge that the reader has done that.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ending? Well I seem to deposit my angst in the middle of fics - so if we are talking about endings that's a tough call. I'm not sure if it would be considered angsty . . but Come Into My Parlor doesn't really have a happy ending - so maybe that one?
7. whats the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ahhhh . . most of my fics have ended happily - I don't know what the happiest one is. Maybe Under The Cover of Darkness?
8. do you get hate on fics?
No . . I mean I've had some very passionate responses towards characters and what they've done in fics - but nothing that was a disparaging take on my writing style as a whole.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
*blushing* ok . . yes. No PWP written as of yet, but I've had some smut in my fics - though I'm on the fence as to how good I am at it. 😂. I'm getting better! (or at least trying!) I've written mature and explicit scenes in fics . . dabbled a little with some bondage and D/s . . not sure how to answer this "what kind" of smut part of this question 😂
10. do you write crossovers? whats the craziest one youve ever written?
So far, have only written one. It was and Adams Family/Glee fic inspired by a drawing by @justgleekout called Dancing In The Moonlight. Now was it the craziest? Well it certainly wasn't a crossover I would have ever expected to write- but it really kind of made sense once I saw the artwork and thought about it for a bit.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. If anyone sees anything, let me know!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Same answer to 11. Not to my knowedge.
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not at this time. More of a solo writer. I tend to take a long time to write and I think I'd frustrate the hell out of any poor person matched up to write a fic with me.
As an aside, when you talk about being paired up with another person for a challenge - like someone else provides the prompt/art and you need to fill in the rest - its both very exciting and nerve wracking for me at the same time. I've only done 2 of those so far (my current WIP - the Reverse Prompt challenge and a Secret Santa challenge.) There's always this part of me that's worried that I'm going to disappoint whoever I'm paired up with - will I live up to their expectations to what they are hoping the finished fic will turn out to be. Will my ideas go beyond what they wanted, if I have to tweak or changes to the original prompt, will they be open to it/ my interpretation of the prompt? I guess in my head if its something I'm writing on my own, I only have myself to disappoint if the finished product isn't quite right.
14. fave all time ship?
Right now I'm big into in my Klaine and Firstprince era 😂. I love those boys.
15. wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
Right now the WIP I all have I intend to finish - just gotta find the time.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Maybe dialogue. I think most of my dialogue feels very natural. I think I'm pretty good at editing. Brainstorming ideas?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Spelling. The use of an ellipsis 😂 Timing . . .I'm horrible with deadlines.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I don't mind doing it. I just make sure to add some sort of translation for it somewhere. Either along side ( like having the english translation in parenthesis next to the foreign language parts ) or in the end notes of a fic.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. fave fic youve written?
I really enjoying my current WIP - If I Can Make Your Heart My Home but aside from that since its not technically completed yet, I have to say I really enjoyed writing All Aboard. It probably is overstuffed with call backs to the show, which I love seeing in any fics (call backs to whatever the source material is) - and it was fun trying to craft the story without giving too much of it away at once so the ending (hopefully) will be a surprise?
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Call Me Crazy…
Rating: T
Word Count: 4.8k
Warning(s): None
Summary: When Y/N gets her hands on the newest Samsung phone, she thinks at most she’ll get a little clout with her friends and fewer dropped calls. A direct portal to BTS? Not so much.
Genre(s): Strangers to Friends to Lovers| Crack Treated Seriously| Fluff| Comedy| Romance| Magical Realism
Tags: bts x reader | ot7 x reader | poly| FM!POC!reader
Ch.1: In Which a New Phone is Long Overdue
A/N: This idea was inspired by this commercial, which I immediately thought would be a good fic idea the moment I first saw it! Just never assumed I’d be the one writing it, so I guess I played myself…anyway, this fic starts in 2019 and is not “canon compliant” (I think I’m using that right). I personally see this Y/N as a POC due to the girl in the commercial this AU is based off. I think she was really cute haha that being said, you don’t have to imagine the commercial actress ofc. Uh, and Y/N is not really an Army at first, sorry. Just thought it’d be more interesting that way. *PLEASE do not ask about the taglist in this story’s comments*
“I can make it better, I can hold you tighter…”
Y/N breezed right by the girls passionately singing along to the latest BTS hit in the hallway. Classes had just ended and caffeine was calling her name. That test prep was a doozy and really, she should definitely—fish the buzzing phone out of her jacket pocket, apparently. If she could even locate it. Why did she adore multiple pockets so much in her outerwear anyway?
Her fingers seized the small device just before it went to voicemail, and she barely glimpsed at the ID before accepting the call. “Hey, heeey,” Binna sang, her good mood evident, “That physiology test? Nailed it!” Y/N smiled, knowing how much her roommate had been stressing that exam, despite studying nonstop for weeks in advance.
Stopping, Y/N tucked herself into a corner of the corridor, out of the way of her fellow students. The tall arched windows provided an unobstructed view of the campus’ sprawling lawn, and the students congregating on it. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from my bestie’s big brain.”
“Try saying that three times fast,” Binna laughed. “How’d your business presentation thingy go?”
Y/N cleared her throat, trying to sound serious, but secretly endeared by Binna. “It’s a supply chain management project. I won’t know how I did until the end of the term, but it’s coming together really well so far.”
“Ohh then are some celebratory drinks at the cafe in order?!”
Y/N dramatically clutched her chest, probably looking like she belonged in the theatre program to the people passing by. “I thought you’d never as—”
“…N?” Binna’s voice began to crackle, fading in and out. “Hel..lo? Y…?”
Gasping indignantly, Y/N took the phone away from her ear to glare at it. “Oh, no you don’t.” Reflexively, she smacked the bottom a few times, momentarily forgetting that would do absolutely nothing for failing reception.
“I’m losing signal!” She hurried to explain, “Text you soon!”
The sound her friend made came across as agreement, more or less, so Y/N hung up with a sigh. Her fingers skimmed the tiny, worn keyboard, prepared to attempt a short confirmation to meet at the cafe.
“Still not ready to give up on that dinosaur?”
Y/N jumped, halfheartedly glaring at the owner of the voice, who didn’t look the least bit apologetic for startling her. Rather, Chung Chin-Mae arched a brow, face blank as he waited for her to respond. “When are you going to cut that out?” She hissed, smoothing a hand down her already wrinkle-free blazer.
“When are you going to give up on that phone?” He returned, taking a delicate sip of his vitamin water. Y/N’s glare became a little harder, lip jutting out in defiance. He knew she hated when someone answered a question with another question. But she let him have it…this time.
“Why would I?” Y/N briefly clutched her phone to her chest defensively, ignoring the way Chin-Mae just shook his head. Returning to trying to get her text through, she added, “There’s nothing wrong with it…”
Her friend looked ready to swing his messenger bag at her—and given that it was always full and on the heavy side, that was bound to leave a bruise. “How many other people do you know still using a flip phone that outdated? It’s not even a touchscreen!”
“But it does the same thing!” Y/N grumbled, mentally crossing her fingers that the text didn’t freeze and delete itself. ‘Please, not while Chin-Mae’s here.’
They stood in awkward silence for over a minute, and she lowered her head, knowing the expression he’d be wearing. “It just does it a little slower…” For all his love of being right, Chung Chin-Mae (affectionately Chinnie to his friends) could have made an excellent lawyer, but his heart belonged to the arts. His interesting taste in strangely patterned button-ups and the streak of deep red dyed in his short, black hair were the only real outward indicators.
“How many years?” he asked.
“Huh?” Y/N distractedly watched her text finally finish sending, a little grin of victory on her lips.
“How many years since you got a new phone?” He clarified.
“Oh, um…eight.”
“Eight? Y/N…girl…” Chin-Mae looked like he was struggling to find the words, absolutely aghast, and she rolled her eyes. Yes, there was that flair for the dramatic she’d expect from a performing arts major.
Checking her math, she nodded, “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
Leaning into her personal space so that she could smell the freshness of his gum, he whispered, “Repeat after me: I will get an upgrade!”
“Only if it becomes absolutely necessary.” she countered.
“It’s past necessary; you might as well be dragging an entire phone booth around with you.”
“Haha…” Y/N chortled drily. “Anyway, aren’t you a long way from the art studio. Did you come to meet me?”
Huffing, Chin-Mae squared his shoulders, looking thoroughly exasperated. Though his next words confirmed it wasn’t at her. “I came to drop off Yè’s report to him. He’d be flunking that class if it wasn’t for me,”
That made sense, considering how forgetful her upperclassmen could be. Brilliant, but oh so forgetful. “You realize you’re dating now. It’s okay to call him Min Su.”
“Old habits,” Chin-Mae dismissively flapped a hand at her, not sounding too concerned.
‘Poor Min Su.’ she thought. He had been smitten with Chin-Mae practically since their first meeting, when the clumsy transferee had bumped into her friend and caused him to drop a still wet painting while trying to search for the right building.
Needless to say, Chin-Mae had declared war on the guy. He had never been the most forgiving to begin with, and man could he hold a grudge. Y/N winced as she recalled the way he hadn’t spoken to his roommate for just over a month after he ate Chin’s pudding snack.
So the odds certainly were not in Min Su’s favor. Chin-Mae remained icy towards him even after he tried to make it right by lending a hand so he could redo the ruined painting in time to submit to his art showcase by the deadline. She and Binna had watched (and silently rooted for Min Su) from the sidelines for the better part of their freshman and sophomore years. Eventually his kindness and persistence won Chin-Mae over…not that he ever really wanted to say he had caught feelings somewhere along the line. And now, they were finally dating. But Chinnie was only really slightly less reserved with his affections. At least in public.
“Anyway. My boyfriend is hopeless. What else is new?” He asked rhetorically, breaking her from her reminiscence. “Do you need a ride to the cafe or what?”
Y/N thought over the benefits of catching a free ride while her friend was in a gracious mood, or waiting on the shuttle. “I guess I could—”
“If you have to think about it, you don’t know. So let me decide for you…” He pulled out his keys and pushed at her shoulder, ushering her out of the corner and through the lecture hall. “You’re coming with me.”
Well, Y/N shrugged, if Chin-Mae had spoken…
“Umm…” Y/N watched Binna bouncing in place, tongue poking out in concentration as she attempted to make up her mind. Luckily, the cafe worker looked more amused than irritated, but then her friend had that effect on people. Something about her quick smiles and the bright eyeshadow she typically wore made her youthful, energetic and approachable, along with the fun hairstyles she loved to wear when she wasn’t in a professional setting.
 She was pure warmth, and destined to become an amazing pediatrician, if Y/N had anything to say about it. “Should I get an iced americano?” She asked no one in particular, “Oh wait, but it’s been forever since I had any boba. That’d hit the spot right now too…”
Normally, the campus cafe was packed, people chugging coffee in anticipation of a long class, or stopping to have a quick bite because they couldn’t be bothered to leave campus or cook for themselves (though it was far from the only choice). It was a welcome surprise not to be standing knee-deep in a line nearly out the door, everyone inside already sitting and enjoying their orders.
That meant at least they wouldn’t get nasty stares for holding up the line. As Binna continued deliberating, Y/N began envisioning the moment she’d take the first blissful sip of her own caffeinated delight. 
Unlike her friends, who often switched up their orders, Y/N preferred what was tried and true: cafè au lait with skim milk and a half a teaspoon of sugar. A small fingertip poked her shoulder. “…do you think?” Y/N blinked, cocking her head as she tried to figure out what she was being asked.
Something about what drink Binna should have, right? “Uh…since you like mixing it up, what about something you’ve never had before?”
Her round eyes instantly brightened, turning to the barista with a confident grin. “Ohh, what’s on your limited edition menu right now?”
The barista shared a proud look with her coworker, who had finished rinsing out mugs and happened to overhear the question. “We’re doing our artist-inspired drinks. This month it’s BTS, since they just released a new album.”
The minute the words were out of the young woman’s mouth, Y/N began silently counting down, only reaching three before Binna let out a loud squeal. She always got that way when she got the opportunity to chat about her k-pop obsession. “Oh my gosh, that’s so cool!” Eagerly lifting the little mascot attached to her backpack by a keychain, Binna gushed, “You know, I’m actually Army.”
That she was. She had the poster on her side of their room to prove it, and lots of merchandise on her desk and bookshelf. It was practically the only reason Y/N knew anything about BTS (or any other popular groups) to begin with, and her knowledge was less than that of a casual fan.
She could view a photograph or billboard advertisement and recognize she was gazing at the group of superstars who had captivated Binna and half the world. But if asked to pick them out individually and correctly name them…well, hopefully it wouldn’t be a life or death situation, because Y/N didn’t like her odds.
The next few minutes were spent with Binna and the cafe employees talking about the new album, their favorite tracks, leaving Y/N totally lost. While she was glad to see her friend having so much fun, she could really use that caffeine pick-me-up right about now. Maybe tuning into that telepathic link they always joked about having, Binna gasped, her lipgloss even shinier under the cafe’s atmosphere lighting. “Wait, oh no, you haven’t even gotten to order yet, have you? I’m so sorry. I’m terrible, your drink’s on me!”
Y/N smiled gently as her friend began to ramble about how awful she had been to make her wait for the last fifteen minutes, rubbing her shoulder in reassurance. But she wasn’t exactly about to turn down a free drink. Chinnie, who had opted not to tag along seeing as how he had a class coming up soon, was going to be sorry he missed out on being treated.
“I’ll take a…”
Binna interrupted her with a giggle, her cute little nose twitching. “Should I just order for you? I mean, I know what you’re having because it’s always the same thing. Every time. She wants a cafè au lait, skim milk and a half a teaspoon of sugar please.”
Y/N knew her friend’s cheerful declaration wasn’t in any way mean-spirited. It just wasn’t in her nature to be. She honestly couldn’t explain why that rankled her. Was it that deep down, she feared she was overly predictable?
“That’s not true…” she muttered, aiming to prove it. “I can change it up too. I’ll also take something off the limited edition menu…” She had missed what Binna ordered, so she ended with a shrug. “You can surprise me.”
The barista, whose tag read, “Minjun”, nodded eagerly. “You got it. Coming right up!”
Assuming they would wait off to the side, Y/N shuffled down the counter, only to catch Binna staring at her, wide-eyed. Today her eyes were rimmed in a nude eyeshadow, applied with an expert hand as always. “Okay, just say it.”
“You…” Binna glanced around as she moved her hands, “You picked something besides your usual!”
“It’s not that big of a deal…”
“Yes it is. For you, it is. You’re all about schedules and routines and…and sameness.”
Y/N felt her cheeks puffing, and hurried to calm herself. “Look, everyone gets tired of things being the same sometimes. I’m not that dull.” If her voice came out just a little snappish, Binna didn’t remark on it. The speedy service was a small blessing, their drinks being slid down to them as Minjun called out their orders.
Y/N squinted as she read the side of her cup, more specifically the label. Jimin’s Jumping Jubilation.
Binna silently motioned to a table, her eyes nonverbally apologizing in case her comment had upset her, and Y/N took the lead, playfully brushing her on the way over so she knew all was well. “So,” she said after taking a careful sip. “Jimin tastes a whole lot like coconut milk and dehydrated pineapple bits.”
Binna made a funny face, having finished taking a long sip of her Suga n’ Spice. The delayed snort was well worth getting slightly sprayed. Nothing about her friend looking anxious or down suited her. “Y/N!” Binna squealed, slapping at her from across the table. “You can’t just say that in public. People’ll think you read those dirty BTS fanfics.”
“They…have those?” She was well and truly clueless, and maybe it was for the best if it stayed that way. “You know what? Never mind.” Neither of them really seemed to mind the change of conversation, settling into their seats comfortably and watching the world go by outside. “Are you still going to the rugby game this weekend? Min Su and Chin invited me, but I’d feel like a third wheel on their date if you didn’t come.”
Binna’s cute manicured nails rapidly tapped both sides of her cup. “Oooh you know I’ll be there to keep you from third-wheeling.” she winked. “Plus, it’s KU’s biggest rival, right? That means Yonsei University boys.” Y/N cracked a grin as she watched Binna fan herself, pretending to swoon. “I thought you swore off boys at least until after finals.”
“I did!” She nodded expressively. “But there’s no harm in looking.”
“I guess there’s tha—”
“Eek, a bee! How’d it get in here?!” Her friend’s screech turned several heads, Binna trying to hop up from her side of the table and flailing just a bit to keep the buzzing insect at bay simultaneously. Y/N watched her arm strike the side of her mostly filled cup, the liquid splashing in slow motion…right over the ancient flip phone lying innocently on the table.
Realizing what she’d done, Binna stared down in horror. “Oops! Y/N I am soooo sorry! I swear I’m too klutzy to live, and you know I’ll make this right and get you a new one. You can have any color, just—”
“Bin,” Y/N held up a palm. “Breathe.”
Perhaps recognizing she had withheld a breath or two in the middle of her rambling, her friend took a deep inhale.
“I know you didn’t do it on purpose.” Though Y/N had a sinking feeling it would do very little good, she still attempted to dry off the phone with some napkins, able to see her reflection in the dark screen. “It was just…its time to go, I guess.”
Slowly lowering herself back into her chair, Binna stared down at the deceased cellular device, an errant giggle escaping. “Well now that you have to get a new phone, at least Chinnie won’t have a reason to keep bugging you about it?” she offered, looking entirely too cute to be mad at.
Y/N cringed at her wet pant leg as she climbed from the passenger side of Chin-Mae’s car. If she’d known the day would end in rain, she would have worn rain boots, as much as they clashed with her business casual attire. It was a small miracle that she at least had an umbrella in her bag. Her friends huddled under and shared Binna’s, which featured a vaguely familiar pink bunny with a rather aggressively cocked eyebrow.
The bell above the door chimed as the trio shuffled into the phone store, which was nice and toasty to combat any would be draft from the rain. No one else was inside, only the quiet hum of the heat going filling the space. “Where do you think we should start looking?”
 There were so many shiny models on display in different spots on the shop floor it was hard to know where to focus. No sooner had Binna asked than a Samsung employee popped up from the back room, a few boxes carefully balanced in his arms. 
Glancing their way, the young man, who couldn’t be much older than them, gave a polite customer service smile. Y/N waited patiently as she set down the boxes on the counter near checkout then beelined straight to them, his name tag gleaming under the store lights.
“Uh-oh, someone needs a new phone, huh?” He sighed sympathetically.
“How’d you know?” Chin-Mae asked, hands tucked into his pockets. He was wearing Min Su’s favorite hoodie, which enveloped him quite well given the difference in their builds. Y/N found herself irrationally jealous, wishing briefly she had a boyfriend to steal warm, snuggly clothes from.
“I just thought it’s the most likely reason you’d come out in such nasty weather.” he explained. “This is the kind rainy evening that makes you want to get cozy somewhere.”
He wasn’t wrong, Y/N thought. What an intuitive salesman.
“It’s me,” she said, stepping forward and raising her hand. “I’m the one that needs the new phone.”
He hummed with a tilt of his head. “Ah, anything in mind?”
“Anything would be an improvement from that ugly old dinosaur she thought it was okay to keep for eight years.” Chin-Mae groaned. “It finally bit the dust today.”
“Actually, it was murdered.” Y/N corrected.
“I’m sorry!” Binna wailed, hiding her face guiltily.
“I certainly have to agree it was time for an upgrade.” The clerk whistled. “Eight years is quite a long time.” He began to walk, motioning for the group to follow as he looked over his shoulder. “I’m afraid I don’t have anything similar to what would’ve been on the market back then, even in our used phone selection, but I’ll do my best to find a suitable replacement for your baby.”
“Something simple that gets the job done.” Y/N piped up. “That’s all I need.”
“Please, tell her she doesn’t have to live like this!” Binna whined, clasping her hands together. “She can have style, high-tech features and efficiency.”
Exasperated, Y/N turned to glare at her friend. “Bin, I—”
“She’s right,” the salesman said, “I can get you all that. If you’re interested, of course.”
“She is.” Chin-Mae cut her off before she could so much as open her mouth. His grip on her shoulders was tight, almost like a warning…
Knowing that her friends weren’t about to relent, Y/N decided to cooperate and get it over with. She’d rip it off, like a bandage.
“I am.” She agreed, less than enthusiastically.
All three of them perked up, and Y/N had a feeling she was in for a long evening.
The clerk showed them various types of phones, rattling off their features with ease and even explaining how to navigate the touch screens. Y/N personally didn’t think she was that hopeless, but kept her mouth shut and let him finish each demonstration. Binna and Chin-Mae chimed in more than once, mentioning how impressed they were with this model or that and ushering her toward their personal picks.
Y/N wasn’t quite sure any of the ones they saw were right for her. ‘What happened to simple?’ she wondered. That concept had long since gone out the window it seemed.
“And this is the last one I have to show you.” The employee, who had told them to call him Suk-kyu, rounded yet another display. This one featured a line of phones in various colors, as sleek and fancy as all the rest. What caught Y/N’s attention was the flip design. Finally! An ode to the phones of yesteryear. “It’s the Galaxy Z!” Suk-kyu gushed, plucking one of the phones on the table from its resting place and carefully placing it in Y/N’s hands. “It’s got that old school design you like, but this baby is all new and cutting edge. Ask me what it does. It does it all!”
The man loved his job, that was for sure. It was either that or he got paid off commissions, because he was certainly making the hard sell. Suk-kyu let her see everything the phone could do. And true to his word, that was quite a lot. His eyes twinkled expectantly as Y/N deliberated over the seven colors it came in. “I think we have a winner!” he cheered, “Who’s your bias? That’s probably the best color to go with if you’re having trouble deciding.”
Y/N blinked, a pink phone in one hand and a purple phone in the other. “Who’s my…what?”
“Oh,” Binna chuckled, “There’s no need in bothering with that Suk-kyu. Y/N wouldn’t be interested in all that.”
“Interested in what?” Said girl asked quietly, beginning to feel like she was missing a vital piece of the conversation. The piece that made it make sense.
“Ah,” Suk-kyu rubbed his arm sheepishly. “I guess not everyone is. I just thought maybe you chose to get one of these phones because you’re a BTS fan. Most of the people who bought them have been. Actually we barely keep them in stock for long. This is the first time we’ve had all seven colors available since release day.”
“What’s with everyone and BTS today? What’s that got to do with the pho—”
Chin-Mae tapped her shoulder, pointing to direct her attention to one of the monitors mounted over their heads. Y/N gaped as she saw the famous boy band using the very same model of phone she was about to purchase in a commercial.
‘Of course,’ Y/N could have rolled her eyes. What product didn’t they endorse? ‘Okay, I guess it’s impressive from a business standpoint. I’ll give them that. It’s every company’s dream to find a brand ambassador with the golden touch that’ll keep the product flying off the shelves.’ As an aspiring businesswoman currently taking courses in product marketing and distribution, Y/N couldn’t deny they were something else.
“Uh…you know what? I think I’ll take this one after all.” She announced, ignoring Binna and Suk-kyu’s twin gasps of joy. “Just to try it out. If it’s good enough for BTS, I’m sure it’s good enough for a plain old business major like me.”
Seconds later, they watched the grown man skip to the back to retrieve the color she selected.
Rubbing a knuckle over her eye, Y/N yawned, staring blearily at the time displayed on her new phone. Huh, almost midnight. Didn’t feel like it was that late…but then it might explain the heaviness of her eyes.
Binna was already tucked into bed and snoring quietly on the other side of the room, leaving Y/N up by herself, toying with the cellphone she hadn’t expected to become so invested in.
Hoisting herself off her mattress, the tired university student stretched, hearing the satisfying pop in her back as she crept toward the bathroom, phone loosely clutched in hand. She’d brush her teeth and then go to bed. 
Tomorrow was a rare day off for her, so she had plenty of time to play with explore the phone’s features at her leisure. And, of course, get a leg up on her next assignment.
 Y/N had always treated school like she intended to treat the business world, and no one survived in business unless they could always stay five steps ahead of everyone else.
Y/N shuffled completely into the girls’ shared bathroom, shutting the door almost all the way before she flipped on the light, hoping the tiny sliver didn’t disturb Binna.
Thinking it over, she scoffed at the notion. Yeah right, that girl slept like the dead. Someone could scream about a fire in the building and she’d just roll over.
Taking her electric toothbrush from the charger, Y/N rummaged under the sink, locating the small bag that contained her toiletries and squirting a little toothpaste on the brush’s head. She put the setting on a slow pace, always wanting to be sure she got every nook and crevice. 
Running the brush everywhere inside her mouth, slow and methodical, Y/N hummed to a song she didn’t really remember. That helped her keep track of how long she needed to brush, even if the toothbrush had an automatic counter. 
She had used a manual one for so many years, to do her own mental counting was simply force of habit. And she was nothing if not a creature of habit, according to most people who knew her. But, was that really such a bad thing? She never used to think so, but recently it felt like another way to call her bland.
Leaning down into the sink, Y/N spit, turning on the tap and gargling away the rest of the minty foam in her mouth. Satisfied, she spit again, splashing the cool water on her face and setting her toothbrush down. Patting her skin dry with a small towel, the young woman took a small sigh, raising her face to the mirror and expecting to see her tired reflection staring back.
Except for the fact that the person in the mirror did not have the right features to be her reflection. Hell, they didn’t even have the right gender! 
Y/N’s eyes popped wide open, sleepiness dissolving in an instant at the equally shocked face of the man who was gazing back at her. His distractingly full lips were rimmed in white toothpaste, as if he had just finished brushing his own teeth. Light brown, almost tangerine-tinted hair hung messily into his dark eyes, which had enlarged to what had to be triple their normal size.
 And his skin… it probably wasn’t the best time to be noticing, what with her clearly hallucinating and all, but he had to have the tightest pores. They were nonexistent, really. His skin was smooth and blemish free. There wasn’t much more of him she could see, save for the black t-shirt that hung from his impossibly wide shoulders, filling the rest of the space in the mirror. 
It looked like he sucked in a breath at the same time she did, and Y/N finally stumbled back, unsure why she was seeing what she was. Blinking, she smacked both palms over her eyes and then opened them again, finding everything as it should be. The handsome man was gone, and she was alone with her reflection. All was right with the world.
Shaking her head, Y/N scurried from the bathroom and flipped off the light, trying not to drop her phone in the dark. Sleep. She needed sleep, and lots of it.
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djservo · 7 months
that time of the month again... how did your october reading go? i saw you hit your reading goal! are we increasing it to push or just enjoying the moment? what's on the winter horizon
IMO !! we both hit our goals right? I feel like I cheated bc half of these reads were lil bite-sized afternoon reads but whatevz, october was fun!
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High Risk: An Anthology of Forbidden Writings edited by Amy Scholder & Ira Silverberg
I found this buried in the back of a bookshop for like $5 & saw that old copies are selling for like $25+ online?? wild! I lucked out! I loved the variety featured here, poems and prose and short stories and essays, a lil bit of everything for everyone. I've shared this exact sentiment before I'm sure but I really do love these types of anthologies because it exposes me to so many new authors/artists I wouldn't have so easily come across otherwise, and this collection was particularly fruitful. my favorite bit was probably 'Dear Dennis' by Dodie Bellamy, which is from a collection of letters written from the point of view of Mina Harker from Dracula and it's just as fun and zany as it sounds. this particular letter is addressed to Dennis Cooper which makes it even more fun for me hehe here's a particular (NSFW) passage I was super charmed by and keep thinking about
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The Complete Eightball 1-18 by Daniel Clowes
ohhhh daniel... with a collection this big there are bound to be some misses + the cynical sarcastic gen X 'everyone's an idiot & society is stupid' voice/punchline got predictable and grating after awhile, but it's still a treat to see the progression of his art and storytelling. Ghost World + Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron were featured in here so it was really nice to reread them bc I already loved them both but this time I was able to appreciate the artistic details and stories even more. especially Ghost World which I read around high school and it left a more superficial "haha bitchy teenage girls me as hellll" impression whereas this time around I was surprised at how emotionally gut-punched I felt at the end. so beautiful and touching
A Season in Hell and the Drunken Boat by Arthur Rimbaud
I was craving some poetry + Dennis Cooper has referenced Rimbaud as an early inspiration so I thought i'd give a try, and I totally see the influence with this sorta meandering self-loathing nature mixed with this sensuous + bursting understanding of life. poetic stream-of-consciousness mumblecore. the beauty's kinda stained for me by racial slurs and general weird racial undertones but what else can I expect from a white french man from the 1800s i guess! the length is short enough (hardly 100 pages) to not have to commit to it very long at least
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
I am sooo shocked at how into this I was + I wonder if this would've been the case if I'd read it in high school under a teacher's direction bc while I've enjoyed books I've been assigned to read and analyze academically in the past, the vibe is so different when you're reading something on your own and processing/interpreting things by yourself, more limitless in a way. and I think because of that freedom to move around and stew in and envision things way I wanted to, I really had fun with this!! I think reading it at my age, so removed from school, also made it more shocking in the sense of realizing these are literal children.....??!?? so crazy silly funny scary to think about... these poor boys who desperately need therapy... also the copy I had included introductions by Lois Lowry and Stephen King which were basically nostalgic odes to literature and the stories that shape us as and the way we interpret the world as young readers and I really had a moment like...wow... books really are so powerful like truly....
The Wolf Plays by Brad Fraser
I cant lie, I picked this up bc I was so entranced by the photoshoot Keanu Reeves and Carl Morotte did for the live performance they starred in hehe. it feels redundant to be like 'this would've worked better on the stage.." when reading a play bc Obviously it was Meant for performance/the stage, but IDK I've read screenplays that were so layered and full of life from dialogue to stage directions that it felt as if I really were witnessing a production of it whereas here, the direction and characters were so sparsely written that it was hard to imagine it being any more fleshed out for the stage. to be fair, Fraser himself admitted in the introduction to Wolfboy (the first/main play out of he two featured in this collection) being rushed and rough around the edges so oh well, I'm just glad to have gotten this out of my system now or else it would've plagued me
Castle Faggot by Derek McCormack
so strange and bewitching. I love how it plays with form in a kinda taunting way. blank boxes where you imagine the picture that's being drawn out n stuff like that. I think I'll need to read it again to flesh out my thoughts but with it fresh on the mind, I'm tickled by its way of weaving anger with absurdity. in the afterword convo between Dennis Cooper + Zac Farley, Dennis recounts a story about Derek where they were hanging out at some mall and Derek spotted Nicholas Brandon (the guy who played Xander in Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and without a word Derek made a beeline to Xander and just stood closely right behind him on the escalator staring at him intensely and Dennis was equal parts humiliated and terrified bc he'd never seen this weird dark obsessive side of Derek before + that was basically how he felt about the book as well. thought that was neat and somewhat clarifying LOL
PHEW im pooped. NO i will NOT be increasing my reading goal for these last 2 months, lest I strive farther than my capabilities/motivation yet again!!! I tried a few Fil-Am/Filipino horror fictions in october but none of them really clicked for me and i didn't want to commit to something I felt lukewarm about so I'm planning to read some (non horror) Fil/Fil-Am books this month. I realized in October I read almost every form (poetry, fiction, graphic novel, play) except nonfiction wtf! my bread and butter! so I'll probably look for something stimulating buried in my pdfs somewhere
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